The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 22, 1855, Image 3

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THURSDAY MORNTN - 6, NOV. z 2, 1866
Hymn fOr Thankrgiving.-
r • MUMS.
Low warblingi—hirkl--and solitary harps
,_Are heard among the cherish', touched and tuned
As to thanksgiving Itynut, preluding soft
• Ti cherub velem Lender as they swell
Deep strings strike in and hearsci instruments,
Mired with clear slayer sounds, Lill concords rise
Pail as the harmony of winds to heaves:
'Tie sweet ma Nature's spring tide melodies
' To some worn pilgrim, first, with glistening *Yak
Greeting his native valley, whence the sounds
Of viral gladness Eike, and bleating 'floats,
The chirp of bid., blithe Tolosa, lowing kine,
The dash of waters,i reed, or "Al°
Blent with tho dulcet, dlshuirmellowed bell,
Come, like the eeke Olds early joys.
In every pease, from all that organed ehoir,
Responsively are kolden adols heard. " •
And r h i we n treymphony steal, faintly down ;
'Tie biaa's and Natnre's Hy= of Thanks':
God of the earth's extended plain!
Th e dirk, dank fields contented lie: -
The mountains rise like holy towers,
Where we may commune with the sky:
The tall era challenges the storm
That lowan upon he rale below,
Where shaded fountains send their streams
With joyous maga in their flow.
- . God of the foresee solemn shade !
- The griideni of the lonely tree
' That whistles with the wintry breeze,
- .Lille up admiring eyes to thee; -
• , Hilt snore !majestic far they stand,
When, side by side, their ranks they form
4nd wave on high their plumes of green
_ .
,4 ~Mid give thee thanks amid the storm.
,diod of the lieit., and viewless air ! - -
Where ennaMer brems a weitly flow,
' * Or; gatharing In their angry might,
il l
. . The ffeme and intrylempiest blow-
All—from'the eiTe ha g ' s plaintive sigh,
...That hardly_li the droopier flower,
... To the wild whlrleriad'a midnight cry— -
~. _ Breathe
_forth thaa language otthy power,
Goa of the fair and i open shy :-
_ How gloriously above ue springs
The tented dome, of heavenlyllne,
-.' Suspended an the rainbow's tinge!
-- Eseh brilliant star that sparkles through;
•. push gilded cloud thatwanders frae,
'lt eienhig's purple radierne,7glves - .
- The beinty of its praise to Thee:
• God of the rolling orbasbove
• Thy name is written clearly bright
In the warm day's unmrylng blare,
On evening's golden shotrerof- light.
Far:every fire that fronte the emu,
•And every spark that walks alone
Azormd the utmost vergeof heaven,
Were kindled at thy burning throne.
God of the world! the hour must come,
And Nature's self to duet return;
Her ortunbltog altars must decay;
• liar Monne lire& shall oiaeo to burn;
But while her glory shall remain,
Thanksgivings loud to thee shall-flow;
for hearts grow holier as they trace -
The beauty of the world below.
God of our hearts! yet not , nione
For 1101,0111 sad sky Arei thank thy . name;
Touched by the living fire of faith
Our bosoms 'law with heavenly flame;
And 'mid the trentblings of our harps:: -
Breathes' the low, tenant edits of prayer;
0! - may our praise told prayer reobsnd
flAnnedent In mid heaven's -
'.'• 1;1'
. .•:, Raw env Tarmaists Invnerriox.—, Theleditor
vat the Brownsville Clipper was in town thd other
- . •
~ , ; . day, and, after examining, heir what he says of
Kendall's - Shingle Ilachine„. on exhibiton at
••• - . ityas's Balldbig, Fifth street • '
_Thera la now_ exhibiting at Ryan's Cabinet
cld Ware nenar giu'lle4 kab mi I r e irth not s o ixte nly t' f a or rema rts I. sizo kAb p i l e icry;
. .
% • . .'. ingenuity, and originality, hut for the wonderful
r- ". • '''' : , t, rapidity and accuracy with which it operetta.—
..- , (Wes alludeto “Rendall's"Dobble Acting Riving
; ''• and'ilhaving Shingle' Machine." one of the most
. curious, as well as the'most valuable ittventions.
4... , ., ' of this Inventing age,. Jaat think of tfirowing a
... ''' ,' .E . • •
block of rough wood into a sort o hopper,-and .
......!.' X , =before you can count ten, seeing it - come - out,
• •- ' - ' aplit With the grain of the wood; telyjoint
„___,: . _ -•• - ed and smoothly pleated into shingles, with a
TIKI" ) .• - - ptechealeal precision and exactness impossible
'-',. 'lO be obtained by the judgment of the eye and
the labor of the hands;.to _sernothlog of the
ased - difference betweerre quantity turned out
, -.•-•-• - „- by ate-. extriardia' sry - madanloal contrivances I
• '..- r' "--•.., had the handlebar ogeratioi; the former couple-.
' ':-.!•*. I ting 8000 per hour, cm 80,000 during the ordina
''''• '-...P. . probably, the twentieth part 'of the setae titian
: xity. Nor does this machine require pine or
soft wood, but will work any sort of bard wood
-• ,''' fa .with the same eau, facility and
: exactness. In
short, lila one of the greatest inventions of the
••••• - ', -
_,. day, wfiiesergreat value and utility are equalled
7•ii '''''`' i''' vai k by its extreme sunghoty and thehve and
--. 41; , . life like process by which it accompl ishes the
design *be ingenious and original inventor.
0. K. Chamberlain, well known in this tido
: Ity, is the:agent for selling the machine, or die
-- .:, paring of the right of territory-4nd we advise
• ..• , '' . t ' all who either desire to avail themselves of the
''. . use if this great invention for their own pen
- , ,st ' - poses, or to enter upon the business of right
-.'. ..1 sealing, which cannot fail to be a safe and prof
- ' f. ' Stable speculation, to call. at Ryan's buildings
. and witnese a practiced process, which will ba
share to convince them',-unit heti us of the int
.r'• - mense value and utility' of one of the greatest
~ • and most labor-saving inventions of the present
. . .
,::j.,: MAXIM/14QQ Day.--Baligions BeiTiORS will
, be held in all the churches this, morning at half
1::: •
past ten o'clock. , .
•.• . 1 This afternmai at half pas t two o'clock, a
Union Evangelic al Prayiir Meeting will be held.
Doctors Herron, Baird, Swift, Flamer and
Reverends Paxton, Pershing, Dickerson, Knuth
•• 4: -; :'\? and others will participate. . -
.i„ At *sonic 11.11, the Panorama of New York
r:.". will be exhibited at 10,i, 8, and If o'clock.
At the City Ball, the Panorama of the Rae
;:.,,,,,.-.. • , , sian 'Wax will be exhibited in the afternoon and.
ievening. -
~..11 \ The - Theatre will be open in the afternoon
F/ and evening. „Dacia Tome Cabin In- the after
-ci '.
2 The Duquesne Grays piride at one o'clock.
\ The Washington Infantry haw, a street drill
i . ler,the evening. .
.1 _ Tbe Thanksgiving Festival 'for the bertelit of
‘:• the-Math Ward Mission Church take" places
at La\ Fayette Hall in the evening.
Maim= Contr.- , -.Before Chief /mike Levi,,
eallndit'l,owri_e, Woodward, Black and Knox.
la the case of-infers at at vs. Pennsyleania
Railroad Cerdpany, the paper books of Mr. Wil
liam' and Mr. Stokes were suppressed. Opinion
of Lewis, Ch. 'l.; filed. • , . •
OMITS of S. B. Susquehanna TS. ring et at.
Argued by Loomis :for defendants in error and by
Williams for plaintiffs in error. ' , - :
Kennedy vsn itichardson's adminiltrator. ' Ar
gued by Sterrett for \ plaintiff in error
and by
Belden for defendant in error. ' •
. Sample vs. Walter. Submitted.
/Belton vs. Hart. Argued by 'Arthtire for
idalntiff in error and by Berton for defendant in
.Leech's estate—Appeal by "Sinith and er'ii.—
Argued by-filinlitser . for "eppelless and by. Knox
for appellants. \ : ----,
Court adjourned until Friday morning at' * nine
o'cloek. 1 • j ' \
. ' ' ."7 --- -• .. 4 1 - fT: = \ I--‘ -
Tammearnso in time Youx.—We, dant 07
our readers all know what a Pittsburgh Thenha
giving Day te. But to 'pond the day in the great
Metropolis' of the Union would be a novelty,and
yet it SD very easily done. •
Go to Masonic Hall to-day either at 101, kor
7,1. sweet, and by a little stretch of licisginatga,
yon may readily, believe yourself promeniding
the thronged pads of Broadway :or or thrieding
your way through the' intricacies of the docks
and views of the North river. The panorama is
in point of accuracy and elaboratioo,' far ahead
of anything ever before painted.:-Even the let
tering upon the signs is exactly counterfeited.
The color of the houses it given ac they retir
art, and *Sea the objects are placed up
on the'osseass. -
We do not know a more pleasant way of spend
ing a pcirtlon of this day than by cooing this
Panonima, and we have no doubt thoneands will
Me' it it.. Friday and Saturday evenings and Sat
. nrdaf afternoon, closes its exhibitions here. .
jiADUIVILL LIMIT rilearros.—This is • the name
of anew military organisation fanned about, COO
‘ , l 66l.lCeincie by a number of the Argot respects-
Ade a dored men of cruelty. They number fifty.
ydr, A,li„ John has been elected Captaln,Samual
Amide"! Fun Lieutenant, John Butler Second
Llenteoant,' and John Massey Jr. Third Lieut.
Th e c om p u iy impost to paradepti the 22nd of
-Feb Wary, when, no dopbt, they will make
creditable, appearturee. In the. Men time the y
hold drills on. Monday, Wednesday and friday
evenings of each week, at their armory over the
Eagle Engine Hamarwhim those wishing to
MD the oompanysre!bstited to attend.
Two wom named -Ma 31111 lio - and Pelmet
RocygliuWweie mated by too Moor'. Police,
7eitirds7. On a- charge of gaoling three pal/ of
piosAsiond. :4 *cable San nst from Moe'
-elwthhis: *tom on Libotty'AV. Part of
g t 516 1 7 651 ,1 41 :.•
~.. _. ..
'X~W.R~ iJ"~Ci r ~f'rs.s;as~ t, .~c,..:~ r.~—~"7:~/ N~i~. - ~.s~
_ ~',.
Anarraz. of Conota.—The Propeller Manhat
tan, Capt. SpinhEng, at Cleveland on<Bato r d a y
lag from Lake Superior with 122 tons — Or Cop
per on board; as followr. 79 Ws ore, 61 do
stamps, 63 masses, from the Cliff mine; 154,208
bbls. to Hossey.& Sinclair, 10 bble and n mu
m from North Western, 14,992 bbls. to to the
same, five ands half tons. Eagle River, 12 tone
Co pper Fails, 11 1,2 Isle Royal, 81-2 Quincy,
to Hann*, Garretwin & Co. She also brought
dont' to Detroit 22tonsfrom the North Ameri
can, Central, Northweet and Portage mines.
Ws would call the attention of our readers to
thit fast that S. M. Ogden SL D., surgeon, and
Physician for diseases of the throat and lungs
now stopping at the Psrry Hotel, will remain in
our city only until theifirst of December, and
therm:mese which Is attending the treatment of
diseases of these organs by medieltect Inhalation
. ,
warrants us in recommending all those afflicted
with affections of these Organs to call upon him
at an early day.
, hlas Daowaxn.—A young man named David
Smith wee drowned in the Kiekiminitie river, at
the mouth of Pine Run, above Leachburg, on
Sattirday the 17th. Hie friends have been
searching ever since, and hie body bee not yet
been recovered. He, wee about twenty-two
years of age; about five and s half feet high, and
of a fair complexion. He hid on a drab over
coat at the time ho was drowned. Should any
person find the body, the information would be
thankfalltreeelved by his mother, hire. Smith,
residing near Freeport, Westmoreland county.
T/71 Born qtrAlloll.—Oar friends of the Du
quesne Greys will be glad to learn that the Cin
cinnati Rover Guards will eoon pay a visit to
their military friends In Louisville. Kentucky
hospitality will not, thrown away on the Ko
ran. They can appreciate a warm reception,
and are_eveaready to reciprocate to thifull.
We have heard it rumored that the Greys
would form a party to thisyleit. Is the report
'No PAPER To-ltleasow.—ln older to give
them connected with The Gazette office an op
portunity to "kiep" Thankegiving Tray, no paper
will be bunted from this Mice to-morrow. Thanks
to the Governor for a-chance to get a breathing
spell in the ceaseless routine of a daily news
o'clock this afternoon there will be, a grand ex
hibition of Heaingtoten. Dioramis - Panorama of
the Russian War et the City Hall. The even;
Mg exhibition will open at seven' and a half
o'olook. To seems a good seat we would ad
vise an early visit. •
IL BIIDLAS & Co., mandsoturen or soap on.
Third etretit, between Wood and Market,—yes
terday, received an order from the United States
Government for nine thousand boxes of theirvet7
superior soap. This is s heavy order, but IL
Seidler Co. are prepared to MI it promptly,
and we hope they may get more snob:
A Saste flame on an alley-leading to Seventh
street above the Canal, caught fire on Tuesday
evening about 9 o'clock. The fire was soon pot
oat. The ocennsit, an old man named O'Brien,
was got out with difficulty. He was very near
smothering to death.
Elstor.--On WOclneeday morning, William
Fleming while out shooting in Reserve township,
was shot in the breast and face by the acoideo
tal discharge of his - gun. Ile is dangeronely
Tine being Tbsoltsgiring Day, the Morning Her
aid will not appear to-morrow; tior,fort.hat mat
ter, on any other day.
Tin guests of the St Clair gotel.;are to be
treated to a splendid thanksgivingdinner to-day.
The bill of fare presents a rare attraction to the
Lam fifty dollars were stolen from the draw
ler-of Mr. Kimberlin's butcher stall.' In the
Mamma Market, yesterdsy.
PA' Bs:smart, the Poet, is to lecture in
this City some time during the first weak in De
A Yoram man stabbed another in the eye,
on Tuesday in the Fifth Ward. The eye was
• Pittsburg* Female College.
Intim will open an Monday the let er . October. under
I tt d hhth m . of Proluninr, S. f.. YOUKTEIS. A.M. Prod
.llll. yeerVirb I"4ll%"trta:'=",;f tiantrtercH
weeks each. The nellovins Ibparlseente nlll be amend
far the
ne retentkrte of Pupils, Tln • Prfrnary. Academia and
neTne Or 7MU! PSI 111,401--ruzurf InZAZIZI37„
&aka 25.00
ntetcrnldiatgulre wad amen. extra.
Ical eltnalar, Aug genre tertleular
be lamed next meek.
. - .
atlieetion adralmion , end Sro further pertleulart.
!Mould b• truhd• mrly to the underohused.
ItHT, BISHOP 11111750,1.
Will be openedcmie October I MI *ln the
itas B •
Chestnut Soot, aboacSseenth, l lade tPh:4 by
TORN MARSH, the Sole Agent for Board
* rasa, Grey k oo..aCelebested Ik.lea Carrigan& Atuch •
- merit Plano Porten, sun a W. net 4 Co.l Premiums Melo.
dem. Afro, Plano Fortes and Malodleon• of other Mello
award =alma J. M. her obtained a Ices. for referral
years he the Wier. toanallkent and well If.oollll Mum*
Betiding, where he Interide
_Gering the largest Rock and
aceortntent erne.. /nese. cocoos, nale
Inerroakente of every description. oi l of w h ichare
carefully Mooted by Mane_ and warmer. to-Etre w
reck latieraetion la inlay tmnanoe. (CU .04
4:lltn.NG MUSLIMS-4 ebaye just ree'd
COM of eery soperfor /flirting Muslim which we are
ar,1231; ete Dtr yard.
Also. Amen /Amnia warranted yore Wien and at low
We =Attie reenlred Doubts Warp English Long Cloth s
.Ibr LOIN veter; and e very eanerior article of Boast.
.oatiton Flannel.
. . ..
Oar essortmeat er reds le arrer •er7 templets le *tort
denattinsat and 'relatifs MI not lak kende a any kind
knot:rta as a aall. ', • • IttIAPHY a HOIVEIIIKLD.
- ,_ at nbetbsast 01:41.7 etki it Market eta
DRESS T IMMINUS—We hay° junt re
salved our Winter supply of Drew and Moak TM.
nuns; etabseekan all the levet styles to be Wand la the
Suteru Market, &MOO; whit* ere
Bethel Plueh Trimmings Batt Gornto's TrhanOnsy:
Fiala t Studied Vetere 4o Peary -lk Plain Plush • .14
Ellsct.A CleknetAtotr• An- Deal and Haile 4.n
VIZI ellnhdhSr. _. _ • 'Ay etasse Benin drC
an elegreut nen of It= Oteen - Tsweleol, 'shek
el& and retell, by JOS HOBAN, .6 00., 77 Menet et
..... _..... _........
puLvicemn HERBS, in 1-4 lb, cans:
for rig b 7 # /wo vo2o man.
• W. A.mzctimn
BUCKWHEAT--b 1 raaq for ludo by •
ne2ll ILOCILLINri.
FIRIED REACITES-80 , Jana rec'd and -for
.JLIf mt. br no2o 11.Cialt IL COLLINS
lITTER-2 bbla freoh roll for sakby
no2o 1111:11.1t H. COLLINS
ITRATP OF SODA-90 a acks'in store
Ilbr 1,7 =OD ISMAIL DICKEY. C 43.
MII4OED MEAT—A superior article
ieel=r a ith '" a t m a t '
V 0. SIMAII.4O Mids. in store for sale by
..03 • MIMI DICKEY .11 CO.
rIPENN. OROUND NUTS-800 sacks in .
Stare 1 8 / 8 .18 E 1067.12 a CO.
TlO bblo instore for sale
A WM-75 for sale by
/1 sialiD B. rADNMOCIE *CO.
1 lINSEEDOI4-4000 guns for sob by
lIM 13HELLAC-11casee for:sale - 6 3 7 -
woo B. 1.11.101131200 K 4X).
trIRHY :A_ BURCHFIELD , bave inn
ommammd millrims their Uhl supPIT cl_aood.
%Ids , morels Math Collnette. Liam t•Wk...
12.tta. aunt 80.1wr e a g fa 'napes. Isiuk
banns and dud" uid Ludt& Cape, to 1A
found ninon in 11.PHY Imannal n.
nal9 Zionkaasat corm fourth and Markin
BILKB--A. A. Mason & Co; have
tun alma toothier say choice lot of _Emu Bilks,
soorraffoo r rbt stars'and rLi d rl=l sag=
Plas agora Elsa WELL nol9
x „~ -~~ ~.
~.1._ ~ !~
lARO OIL-15 bblo No 1 now landing
/from steam It Y Semi frc ale to
VENDERS—Fancy Metal, one and three
V= 6 ll 4 .. l rneTtei n " 11
IN l l. 2 ge= d t :141:
mien naldts4
and for We lon' It tlur Iron MY ((to,.
13n Wanborn• of noII T. J. CHM° C CO.
COAL . , SOUTTLES—Brao, Extra - : Unary
/I " ( " 1. " 1 " , tha.P. and Imitable for liakiart
sad Commas Iran Coal Matter. • full aspoll WO/ llnith•
ad and offend at lowan raieea, at Owl toe Stott /Lad
Tin Om . of T. L CO- •
• dussasres to .I.l3anadollas. ls{ Wood at.
CANARY SEED-5 bblejues reed and for
i .e. by \ von /1.1C141110
fix)B . extra and superfine .Floar• '
.thi.„l. noon 600 WO. 11 , .. arif
ma or 331. by WAI.LiCe it GARDNR, "
aol2 . 23 Mott,. K. ,
aum TRAGA ANK II -Icaukteach,.Whtte
Air ere relic kt sat•,tir natl. ILL 6/MUMS 2 CO.
ROSTON BISCUIT, Sponge do, fresh, re•
on i in d - • vas Ir. ...mama
4MANDINEAn \ excellent article for
chapped Muds; lt dog.= ban J sad Ikti!* by
0 OS. /Limit( u.
CAPE ALOEI3-1 meter sale by
Dols 12.11.11M.U5 t CO.
SOAP .POWDER-25 boiss Babbitt's, fo
so. by nal° - B. E. asrzsas t Oct:
ROt3X PINK, ENGLIBH-2,easks far sale
n F ' mad B. IL EItLLSREI &CO.
LIVE for Wei
- •
Orole • ILL pAIXItS &CO
Balu . mkun-A.a for
ounTED SKlETBoo.loired. m ....ard White, I
7 1 4 111. ' • " P:Millbs47
Limon. retomEuitori l
z The atearashlpNorth Stararrined this morning
it 8 o'olook. She left Ewe on the 81 inst. the
seine day that the Pacific left riverpOoL The
NorthViltar came TM. Cowes, leaning there at
dentist& on the morning of the 4th, enabling
her to the 2d edition of the London Times
of Saturday. The North Star passed, on the
night of the 4th, off Stark Point, a steamship
supposed to be the Union, and on Nov. 12th in
lat. 80, long. 40:15, she passed s steamship sup
posed to be the Hermann. _
The North Star haa 117 pasiengers, among
whom are CoLVarr, of the 11. S Army, and Mrs.
General Scott.
There is no additional political news of impor
tance in Europe, no war news from the Crimea.
The London Times contains letters from China
received by the overland mail from India: A
large, heavily armed piratical fleet had been
destroyed in the North of Shanghai by the Brit
ish brig of war Bellern; 19 vessels were 'des
troyed. •
Affairs at Canton were-quiet, imparts were
improving and holders of goods were expecting
higher prides.
The U. 8. steamer P'owhattan and sloop of
war Vandalic were at Kong Kong and' the
Macedonia at Shanghht.
WATER/RYON CITY, Nor. 21.—Mr. Btiohanan
in his dispatches to Government states tEot the
professions of friendship towards the United
States were never more strongly expressed by
the British Cabinet than now.
The Government having six years ago institu
ted a emit against Wm. B. Scott, formerly Navy
Agent at Washington, to recover an alleged bal
ance on settlement of his szoonnts, the this
afternoon in the Circuit Court rendered a verdict
of nearly $lB,OOO for the Government.
Borrow, Noy. 21.—The Bank Commissioners
held a meeting to-day for the purpose of eXam
ining into the condition of the Grocers Bank of
the oily, which was reported to have suspended.
They found the difficulties only temporary and
the other Banks have extended assistance that
trill place that institution In a sound condition.
Sr. Louts, Mo., Nov. 21.—The eel° of the °hie
ST. Mississippi Railroad which was advertised to
take place yeateasy, has been deferred ,2.9 days
with a view of giving parties interested addi
tional time to make arrangement to save their
The jury in the ewe of MoOblezte rendered a
verdict of goilty - of murder in the first degree.
He was sentencel to ten years imprisonment in
the penitentiary, ands motion was made by his
counsel for a new trial, and the admission of
defendant to bail, but it was laid over by Judge
Hamilton. Should the motion for anew trial
prevail, the case-will probably be taken by ap
peal, to the Supreme Court, exceptions having
been taken for that purpose. .
New Taxa, Nov. 21.—The jury in the ease of
Judge Stuart on the charge of bribery and cor
ruption hare rendered a verdict of "not guilty."
The jury subsequently submitted a paper to the
Court, expressing their unanimous opinion that
the defendant had been guilty of irregularities,
and recommending him to nest' his office.
HAMA; NOT. 21.,Miesthar,clerz and cold.
No signs of - the steamship Canada, due hare
with one week's later dates from Europe.
Bonita. Hoy. 21.—The eneamibip Asia sailed
at ten o'clock for • liiverpool la Halifax. She
carries out no specie.
BALTIMORE; Nov. 21.--Yeetereday evening
two Germans named Rronenberger and John
Grasslim, were deliberately fired upon, on the
Bellealr Road, • few miles •frorpe Baltimore, by
a man named John Patterson. — Ontsslein was
instantly killed. The deed was entirely unpro
voked. Patterson hue been arrested .
Pnitanstantis, Nov. 21.—Peter Mattocks
to , day convicted of the murder of Elisabeth
Gilbert obrostitted ifs, months since; both col
To-morrow will be generally observed in this
pity and all businass will be suspended.
Mademoiselle nickel is ill and will not ap
pear again this week.
GALINA, ILL. NOT. 21.—Beturos from several
additionaLcormties in Wisconsin Indicate that
Bashford, Fusion; is unquestionably. sleeted
Governor, Douglas and. Laporte Counties only
main tolls heard from.
PUILAZZLPHIA, Nov. more buoyant
.to-day, end prices were 'steadily maintsioad;
sales 1000 bbls Ohio, after the dose of our re
port yesterday, at $9,26; arid 3000 to-day at
the same figure; a fair demand for harm non
sumption at from $9,25 to $10,75, for common
and fancy brands awarding to quality. The
supply of -wheat continues vary small and It is
mush wanted; ales 3000 bush prime Southern
and Penna. red at $2,06e52,06/ a small lot of
fair quality sold at $2,01; sales 1100 bush prime
Penna. white at $2,20; sales 1600 bush good
Southern at $2,16 and 1000 bush grown at
52,08. Corn in fair demand; further sales of
8000 to 9000 bush made at 97 for old yellow
80 for old end .new adted; end 70 for new; sales
600 bush white at 88. Whiskey; the demand is
limited; small salts in bbla at 40®t1 for Eaton
and Prison and 39 in bhds. •
Ncw TOM, Nov. 21 .-:-Stockt lower; j'enna.
Cad Co. 08-i; Cumberland 24k; Erie 521; Oalens
and Chicago 120; Reading 94; . /dichigag. Cen
tral 963. Sterling Exchange dull. Cotton quiet;
sales 400 bales. Flour firearmles 22,000 bbla.
Wheat firm; sales 12,000 bushels. Corn firm;
sales 12,000 bush. at $1,02 far Wisteria mixed;
$1,07 for White and $1,02 for Fellow. Pork
firmer; sales 2600 bbla. Die _Untold; sales(
200 bids. Lard firm; sales 400 bbls. Whiskey
firm; sales 600 bbla. Coffee gold; sales 800
bap Rio. Linseed OR and Lard Oil _quiet
Sugar and Molasses quiet Iron languid; To
bacco arm. Freights heavy.
CAZTLI MAIREIT—Beeves haVe advaneed; tales
4000 head at $8,500511. Sales 16,000 Sheep;
the market is very attire. Sales 8600 Hogs at
'ME - subscriber respectfully .calls the M
x teen= able friends sad thrterblie moral r u ,Lo en
sanntostion of his ettetnire stock., of Boots and
tan nontsed bun t6.-New lead liocarfecttaini, lis
obicb vill be brand MU kindo shaterirnefe nod
Ildrees Boots. ()alters .4 noon sande oat of the best
materiel. nortmenstrin nog drum West style.
In order to snit countryelesbon and than nbo srlib to
set peel custom nude watk. be moo Western and keeps
noostantly on bind • nolopisne stock of Nees 'erred
foots nod Brom; Bete end trom; L elia
Boots end Banish end Misses Boole.
erbleh be Iwo sou.
I o reference to the prkos be need Mr h'. B
nothins room
then that be is salon to soil as cheap se say other like en
tobilsbnent in the ostr. .
'Thankful *a tb• Übresl teslr4ilonge hereto*. rocelend he
enticito hymn: end. from Lis long exporten
besnem tur feels Shot be le able lo glee
eitirbotisnrr _ ./.11k/0
sad 19 Varlet st. Navies Market boner b riftla rte
Iron COT College.
Ladies and Gentlemen's Apartments &prate.
aARITIIMICTILI and its applications to bus.
loam. (a maw atitoo,) tbottor. latatt be
tad to Latium than la to to foun p d it. any anti
tomt ti
Moult. otalood with gnat facility by at. rale' tam e d
. Arithatetleal IltatiaC Atlttaaetio Dor math 1440 -
2,1 1" d
- omj". "b. C V. l' ir
4 islizttaa. Pfltssse.
French Language..
AtADAME DE HAM respectfully informs
the pobliriyf Plttaboalrh M ill it she w glee lemon.
11. trench Jahmtnew elittwx to tingle str: or in
amen. at her own dwelling mat the reel in of the
t ee = bolern
ii re v4t. rr w ere = otteinve m d tri ndrone rt o th logli ;
hatnV,..lltuto Uwe. onllith .L,lar tams entlper
Second Arrival of Winter floods.
TOSEPII BORNE dc.Co. havp jtot ilsoeived
Li/ tkomes won& mind, arimw 0009 P forth
Vr t atli a" llkVert nuld r i ur U lt "f 6s aVrk i. jrnta&• "2ll4
13.coah. ratbraidertra,• talarataaarr LITZ% aalla
itoriary, tiknaa, Cknatitta, floods. • Com rad Under
Gramoutar Judo vatt array arrant" artialar. eithat state •
ar retail, at 77 Ilartat at.- • nol .
" - 1:1; 1-'ll°
LAKELY RICHEY hero for Bale the
following Will s laded Wooten Lands:
o. 1. 110 isros sithisSallin of tho eat 7 H. T.
s-60 • " ~"
*" 3 40 "
40 o
6 80
6 60 , , •=I
" .7160 ." " ,"
'lO 120 " " atfilwiter. e k T.
n J
sods/With so s2vess• moee 12:11
the llnsealln• Dsvonogni R. 11... now
No. lg. 230 sons in sant cosmt7. I , ll= 12 Milos of
t ysnr4l4oll2 countyo .Ws from
. Bags!
nUGHWICATBAGS-25 sad 50 lbw. wick ,
o* bud sad for Ws by 1111110elt 110810180 N
costa do the arm Mite Stighicon 60 0 to ilto
Stoves, Fenders and Fire Irons. •
ISt Wooketreet. no Um IMMO hll4 ardent which
la an Into use Lb* above avand ante*, • .vre would toy
vita fae attevalen olthore median anything la oar line
loan esaannation of eat Amt. IMO la now fall otalinan
plate. W. an &Unsaved to WI aa low in a.
the eines. ltea . :anatar las plaA No. 134 lama. met. In
an • '1'.,1 CRAIG •a..
Varner of wood arid ' streets.
o, w* d-tbmt. amain Sea (Ur the
) Las a.......r0agu0 MAUI mum
ot* iv. s. ircesrso.
as .11171
OVERTNITE! White !3 . mar et ,10 yenta
/Du: le; Min lila 0.110. at iax pints
no 9
rai Tea-Blare,
.11r0.421 n sr.
fitzpanvis-A 011219qprdreli. Grog'
d 1 1 1, 0 ere I I rt
11.14*. - '
yo~~.~.'„z . S:i:j;~. Ri._~.:~,.z. _u..~Jc,•~..~? y.~,.=~:.;rte.' . ~.a __._s ~ .
_=. e 5...«
O. W. Can, V. P.—Wit. Pattas, D. M.Oteroutis, Isl. A.
Wawa% RIM .7: nom.,
Pirmodisaa Otzrrre Ornict
Thursday Idandot. 20.5550 r 2 4. 1255 J
71.01211—vort llttL telotor. Woo our the wharf of 24
bt4s extra st 22.24 and 67 domottno from Imo° at 37.tx4
trout afore, 60 bids motto* at 85.1 k St do dateast $4,20
and 25 do fotddy extra at
GRAM-6ider osi wharf or 200 and 905 boa Onto at 33;
160 - bus B6rlay K 61.0% 60 boa Blsit 80. awl odo !tom
doss •t 00.
WIIISKET-eales of 34 bbls raw sod WO do ractillitd
..13CtiAlt-eales a 4 bids fair Postar of E. oaob.
DittißD FRUIT-w sale o(-10 els Pearls at dim.
POTATOES-s oalo:of Z. Ohio Iteobaimoelor aftEkrvt bbl.
1140021-a tali of WEECI Its Ehooldais ee 11)i, club.
01L-aalts of, 10 btu ilo. I Lard . at AT. aal 1.0 do at Bt.
LARD-s Woof 12 hp now lard at 14. opal*, apt,
72.111)--a Bala on wharf of Iro.lDe fdidditnia at Ed pet
1000. E .
LEAD—. 2110 of 160 pig. at 73E: tour labs.
BALT—aikido( 100 birli2i9.l PAL
Come—The Coffee nutter Is -grin Weit a .. :p • Ito,
day or /.300 Inge Unwed Biotin twinge hat
donned tribe at abotielOX ate. gr • 9W* o ...l
azily at 11@llii ate: good do ILVeidll ate ant 160101{
ern Moen on hand of all lundesoontBONo9 agge—Belg,
The Many market Is working' dune eas i y. Call begs
are 1 It taut. and Deter of druelass Is sonar end rather
assist to pan.; NaTolits sigpastUresiroU Mad W emit raid
lint-class as /06012 gl cent The Washes' arre,ted their
contraction arndo • largo pert of their ailerings. In the
street stock an, ere elder to errands than Pars hog
Lima—lc Y Tribune, I •
• Tag Orion Cnor—A number n the ',New Orients
grin Durant nays*-On notarlngtbe neelpt of the nest
hognsed of new erdp, teaay a morn& sines, we teen
don to remark, alaitragh the wind wee wlttdat tic dots
or the Ant arrival
lahat y dlosen yet • • did not suppose it g wee to be taken a• en tlori isf the general grwantnes. or
the crop, ea the anoint& !loin the country, nu. conettnte
Dr•VIDO.B. &ad reprenented the crop en bring my
ward, and much nee promising; than last yea and that
the grinding wee nit likely to MOW ireacrafiLlSZUSame
three Week. IV= then lasi yeer. atin snarled,
hewn., net the Weather tar nine tenders Arrannts hen
been of every resonate character reetnting Mama*, and
that anent planters wen nporlikkeo 'hen Catuallned
rindlng. homelier the fesorable weather referral to..
ellonn7, in‘h • anon Mein id ad+l. sad oven
MAL, on Um 2ottl October, end dues ' tlSen showers Agin.
will an Iluaaus.lll warm temperature. • I:tweeter of
wean. understood. to no unrenratda Ear Hager main..
tern as regards yield and qualltbanwerdeass of
the crop would rem to be demons by the banner&
nen of the contra.. The crop of Lo linger. for 1855
IS Nahanni at :76,000 bins agelnst ainglablidle rut year.
if this estimate Is conver, Wan prim wilt prang, unless
Range oonntries beintsh erg. ingthen •
• .. •
Hump nominal at 5140 td $l4l tor pr Unt addrosird, and
slim w 5:510 for hunted, vita no' Uartiantiona-tooscco.
unchanged, cella light tacara‘-ropo 5 andau country and
any -had Oi-dl7l,ol.litte 11011 t $4 10 5 7 , 1 5343'artra SO
to 510a14i opuutrtsllloorono 51.70 t. Piestra KM $ll
- /.30 10 176 c, interior red lo , prima whit.. an 610
trauma the balki of nrial" ortatatan lto dad law
men 70 to 1604 nib-eats 37% to 300-rta 90.70 1000, butt,
dityr ona-4,10177 notrOally 'Mt t0.1860-bran 66:-.•10.41.erl
Bic-rogar 7-to 734-cnotaran 30-uttor 11 to 115C-0.A.:
Bali 51,00 to 51,76-lUnt hider 1414--bay . l3s to 90,potatoot
60 to 56e-onlons Pi to 66 0 . -
• •
lieuipts, ere more than equal to tholes ot.buit week, of
tidiest dour, and many ether snide. , The weather WC ;
ham est...Lir tutPlumek—whlch doubles. prevented
.hiptrumta to a xtent. Bruidese, however, atio*
bitty active, and at tbe does the price 'hewed an evident.
improvement In. demand bee hour kw .presunt sup
Mune delivery, and the elven requirement for wheat
keep tutees steady—Ur Ude task attar* the Light Inane ,
Irons resettled en.lrely from ruelphe and the condition of
the weather. timely any me doubt. the stability of
present Wee, the letnnatione of careen". terelan demand
Improving as Um season savancen Monetary affairs are
tangy weer.
Huey rains dining the wesk will in all probahllity-nn.
Prove neentance. uthonah lat 1.1 Um fiver at tie. sa Paley
recede.' elowly. Tut ht. own the btlantypi is
falling. with 4.1. fre r t o on tbi Paul
Lower d, Rapid.. Linens at a
stead. with 4 oat scant io the ebutnel to hustle. No
Improvement In the blimendi—etaire tow--St. lout. Rota
Tea Fuxin ter Tim Waheeh °pettier the
15t0 111. t., soya that the •Wstaah Volley VW 'felted on
mamba loot by one of the heasket rains. that witty hot tee
thaL swam. When the rim beam to me It ulnae.' et
the not, of two feet it hour, sad on blooday otonolng tF
was oat of he beaks and alltr w the kquose.
The bank etetesteat tree f4 , 3414.4m5. ThO
Lambe* It the now... reserve le hot etfite op to the es
Palma 07 the Atomic. boo 4141011 try thatuasket loUn
of whet we 1001taLkue. TN/ bathe hale. ANAlably today
twelve Wiliam In their Tenths. - The eontreottou Memo la
tbe loan aeons* Le WWI sad the beaka today an rapt*.
bit tome portended thea.they wore len Otooday. Le view
of the M=ntehed, tmanssi wf the demons boo" eadipilL
red with Wt week. thaw is 10 feet, a .mul themes of de
bodtt thawed of the deerewee a. whowo by the Charm
ausweehlm with but week
Loans h b e e
eeds b .eOnkbo
hor.lo mut $086420 *Su e s w iV
eosn Depothe
Nov. 17 inx:sow 11,=.917 7.941,1179 "to=,.-og
$.124.370 RCM/ $l..
417X1 1439.0 e
Tior N. Y. kiln. r—Wook—Onr market has beth air
dada for the put two nada, owing to the meths take af
the 16 th in New Yeti. tamed Whith the &Langan of the
trade gawre/ir had bees ceU6sL That YI. wae bad 0.
notinea wee nal Ittenned, sat the sank adtatinsa aid;
the pares ainapearlaitae wear witii our quotathas
Ow neetenther and traitor. In the lowa gnaw ot • Saes
wort. Vila was weir hatained comma with the Say
wades they tatisant,.tat ale ahnot banal of the lota
of fuser week owing, utaiwewhewd, to imperfect pada/.
the meaner of Wawa and the ithrbir wastoreha light in
welch it wee inhitlfll.
There haspeobehly ban no paiod in th e Let Meath
ran when tar of and in the producer's kande Ma
ban tea Mb
LLINC mesa of the ear W neat lan
my in brie e oatsravotalm :rile behead from "afoot eta
Waal 1,4110117•11 Walla /Wowing lima ~ prawnseter
mush the warn aothad Ithenstio ropia on theatrics:
New York Ott 4)
rextand Fro • taalee.“ " • - e 444" '
" 7,530000 N
Tv= Mae kiss mad tae./wawa Lustaxmastui nui
daunt,- In opstirma,r.b• tountoptioo" or Um nano dip
duzUmt tbs prmeet ma*, esa Intior sostror Oi
speautatL2a.—Tro7 Wldg.
lioil-51aim.111011100.23.- bog Marta. IMOtala
M. imiltay or Wilma. faimer..l
mownw timilmbaglim mob item
quart. ma IJ .
frato tb• UW. yril at la.
tr.=rloa el arktu....• Mams.4.l.
omalag La. 01.1 tar mal
so. laMillai MO Urn. HMI • 01w.,, ii/K SWIM, We
Cast.j. bqt will to. nta miry Oxtail: trom..t.
Urf_l9o the
Z.M.lawur al urtoom yo. am. amet•
at, M.... til• banag
or mmr• tow. ilamtwood Wily Mt. meril.
ribs." sod "yam Lot an titer to
Saco laic omorm. S am. t,..maso 7, ao
Isasa pan. - taatr ail . tre•
Illara tato lart.-LoaMnritio cow. •
/low to doll today. • lot of Bullat,-lont!lty Mao an.
puling van tea:colon abaci. at F.:a t bbd (Wino ado do.
anneal without tost.ona
Wboat—Uund ovum. probably bolt dem o of ming
but nu otirtad at Int . board. bat ars bow al no Wr
atue 1.40.1 burl orlibe In awn.
Coro—nuttmally adatatalat on Wald.
Itralinta—Tho totoonat Oleander and maw tabu yawl
kodod on Unit actutat. Tottb, eato.-Corn and Wawa.
W. boat al no charter and !added due ttothlaa nom
oanaluly nitit vol. to 'Mat urn*: If inuol pan
to odor to tato 'abut to Santo at. intatt It mall sot
eat It, tor Um. au remand mons rousts booted at to
Ironbound; than Mato la vain to than to onyntl
Il„kan—Tba curial doll, /Oa .-
about all that loot:Nu& • low utooolud bad had btu
pureed to Itia otty, and mama are bully teanuind Ibr
*Wu bunkum Mantuan of aunty guidon may ununt
0.7 Wan tntottleado
C1N0110471. by CiadatattS-10 Mu Oll.lll3tatiottek 4
a; WO do dour_ , 312 do port. 6/3 do willokm, %I tba. b..
coo. 146 Ps boot. atd; bad 010 itboar,l6 , do PM Vt. a
etc 60 vs tallow. OM. 4 co; 16 Nu lip,
Male! Wanted 23 t Itla port. 60 do wbi a t/VM do 011. 2
PAO boom, wasdry roadgewoo.
ISTIMILVITILLZ. t!T tastur•—ger boa •teigeßrnin
414 do: 93 do 27% thoont, oN_ balm vow, J
M t .21 DIAN dom. b W rCally O G II O .ka /23
do. as do ky.. 70 slr.• votatow sundry mudipme.
• UNION 1,1111.-15 ets Dols, 3 B 04a5id4 45 tons Now
ora, emu.' ac 9lPtn Wr.►rt. Ik simmk.
oisßTsat WM
s , by ind idrool-60 bags cotton, 1222
Maar at 21S do. &•
.44 am Moms
/2 Odle Abs. aasU Mo ska oats,
Spostousaa t ex 13 bbla thwor.. t maim.
zisssyrus_ by m.o. aybabm—ti pkairibto,
btdo.Bour t Wt. 161130r10t00t.76 do ma. Bryan it eccly
W rte, aCU do 2.0. 2.0.66 Ws amass, 220 00rn060m03..
sks alo, 15 MB mdse. 41 AV bottor,23 W W now,
16 do eberonts, 5 AU 60 t. 1404 , 25 Dos as.2l W Ise, 6 eel.
58 sts con, 105 do Wins. ovum= 53 sir vhost,
WTI. A 20 do dOid Os% 5 clo doom& Wan•• wo.
scos.9o Obis sotiorst,,73dOlsb A aktordwalid, Kis Sass,
26 as no, ASO do shim, Wiliasseh Aes Oa* W HAW
142 Mrs ems. /bloom 26 do, lAdatil Aas m. do,
A on ST balls p00. , 47 1 Ow own, Tio ds onions • do sooloil.
II do turnips, A thriberion; 416 o•.p rpo. 137 el. s ow .
ilenntoe • at 65 donYA WWII 44 8 53 MAW,
25 Plum, wade) oossWoosi.
WICLELIIIO BOATS—MS bids isplasy 206 do tkar. 14 Os
dried trnit,oak II 6616 vim., • A murtn au ag
11/011 2 I d ng: elk t Ilmarr &Ilse b i g Otto. AAA..
A O:. mon 111 .1: 1 1 1 4.ati 4 4.. l I I L 6 b"fr
A Us, At, = Wismar, 64 sks, AMA 10 a. tadm
46 do solissOos, 32 .ITS A /2 661 S parr, 120 do solos, 6 do
trattee, ondry aesslimo
87 - Lalllll, 07 Antle-100 btd. Q(8701 11bibs= 10 aks
no. 1124 do whoa, Brysel ocg Ws door, 00 Qo 001,11
Woo cotton, 10 du, fosthqrs, lust 1 do, 115,083 fr o* 13 sks
1 1, 1 y0= . ,.41 0 11mura t t k o . 1 . 0
wool, 08 do fruit, /8 !ma susail.amagaurs.
T. LOWS, by Grand Turk-011 its 'boat. Brim
322 do, 12,22, ista do, 20 62.1.,. 1911 Ms Sony, ellat.;
do. Wallace Gardiner; 40 do, if notibm 212 do, 12
./ 4212 2, Sundry,conal22•22.
ALizomery BOATS-79 WI. lem,_l4lT boa eie.
eke II W door, J No74110:5 100 do, fun116.114611,9-Uuntre;
4 tio, 49 eke rye. W ll'Colcheo6 lea; 34 de,_.lL W 14
do wheat, 19110412, • ox 1.13 ski res. 11 do 1169994,‘ 39
pkgs butto.saodry wsaola
LOIIINTILLE. by Nay Clty—T Mob 66019 12A toe de, 6
We seed TO eta lisghers, ibis flow, :a a% Nal.
Iwo Oszliner, 800 do, D Hereeo 11 2 - Wleese, Wll.
meth co; 466 do, 44 do IT* /074 A 0 . ; /00 able Dow.
tide Lebow°, eoadry oorialanele.
CINCINNATI, br Pldladelolde-3 bib boaalo3.. W •
WI% eta W Batton 1.00 vb.'. brisa a
me 606 60 Ws now, Cohan A err, 00 degt e tebaso •
Themes d.o, 42 do oil, 44 azeolode. UT 4o .9 ban
books, esse, 14 able eharco4l,ll9 do wblakay. haw.
ny, eundry toosladsoa.
disICAND A Petlatnatult It-310 66eieleir, so kw
btter, 438 On ft germ:4 II MI6 me lute 6
ViretAZoN, id) Ntio, 4. 1 1 mum:pal
Plus buttes. 93 elis 0at.10=4:7
Onso'S reonnmeonu_ Er. n—lco as ciao;l2 II YAM.
A Oulbortaoso 118 do. IV lleCeueboon • oo; 83 bbl. flonr.
11, do cote. .231rge button 604 btu Irboat,_l.l letße Mon
b i t etelWo 2 aB k re rro r a t i a4 but i t", Bataley
e t c t eggs, IS 061.30144 apploe. Atleau,
293 tots wheat. Myatt °Alba 4o oats, 43 pkge who, 11.
Wm floor. do butts; RN do a 4
-sits 83 bus rp, bale
eggs, 1 air boss: 21 btat Z - sits W Stow. 10 ate
corm, 282 We b0r70y.7 bbla eent ner. slon4r7 eemagnoes.
, ARRlVED—Jeftereep, Mtrolineeittei br ielease. the Col .
Bayard. Kasseeth ; Madsen N. elerGieo Fol Gat Newt= Geo. Lecleue. Beam: areal. Wheellef
Verdure. Otesiemyillr,Ger 03373 begovillG Otoeloomk,.
Cloduostl; PRdladelpele, dovGs
DEPARTED—J.fterem Otoseithe Losirse, .cler ON.
Bayard, IllisabeGo r WONG. eG Newton Gen. Werner.
Ilesven !diadem No 2. Were; Manua.
Tonne. StaabenTthe 042.0 Gabel* lame Genee, A
7.aamerir Men GeT.2l Lou* Allegheny Be
lirsolONO A4GG. Cat .
'-.Fitts—On yestorday Mating Awn watt hot *babel
10th. ohannethitel
A.,.wANTy... to - ~._. g. in the sale of
Dim ernalsza• sad reoectabllltr mi lum 41Wrkoto
azdout Ibiza. Terme Sr.
and Um works Wheal
amonly M sels' DT Amt. Az lonstal*L
Mama O. T. ZIA" Vs ORM' 1 1 cll.i. Now Tort; a,
O. B. SO)/LTAN. 19 Zan. Youth wee, Qz=nalt,
.0114 1 wwITT 1.:
W. 11711112
- Lands, Land Warrants and Brame,'
Fort DodgePsnster ALLOo
laiAlol3loo.wrw IN ., PARIS OF
the Bede iuso entias Lima. .IVir . : tokLito, „
4 6 _7 ?illa ku l k" Mm h xd i tsar= Int* tl2 . _llb . r:',
" a lltyn l =12% it=
t m,r y
:lage il itoliaigteS i tvi
"21" ag ir thr u itL s tim aiwo; to giv• !st•
aims ViOODWELk .
SOL 02 Ann fle Tinto
W. r his frisacts
Anaitems, ohiris deciledly the and . bet - ever ttL .
Wand for soh/ /opt& city. An he le ed to UPWAA
Ide Wont, withopeoned toateria/s, and
omit unt front the • exteneol his orders and
wonughlturnnt. h• bambini to produce war
ITUPAITITILA at the lomat prima • -
tone ahran, on handing greaten wieldy
deecti~ pra ption et factitious, from the and
mca r . end catty. that • many
ottler u'da"cl . The :Irene ' sillier t =
nu Jolt ' rtraent, ',Molt Syr rioNuses of style 194 funan.
Ran i be thrpassed In any of the Madam -ss.
ouis teteektete Sol*
100 Sodas to Pima and Wale Clot=
100 dawn Mahogany Chafer
. 40 do Walnut do
10011.shopsny Booking Maks
6021alnot do do
100 Plattrltany Mrs= •
300J1arble Thp Oonirs Utah . '
be do Dreellng Bunanr. •
SO do - War:Wanda
40 Inol.ed do
. tOO (kimonodo .
SO Plain Pineal - harsaun
• 40 Mahogany
Co Walnut do'
ttage • do
ass abwrs sus !tow asuman
20 telaheentw Wardraber.
10 Walnut do
10 ) =lurk same
i l n ll Be creteAT Ming and and mean ItnakthetTablet
• Book
20 Dos= Cum Seat Mark •
91 Cans Beat Rot:kick chalnc
l 2 WSW Wratui DMus
- 11 .1,= 1".1 d"4's
Mr= Tabl er
• Ccamireatlon Mahn Pemlooke do,
Wneabethenllacrotlo Ilan and Pies do
n do. . UAW
Pew/ Inlaid dcs _ -Retention Dhslun d ltalom
Gothic and Ils.hhetri C"":4
- In4
• Alaha n wentmentof Menton Furnlturr end teln&
ter Chai
h t oaLand
i b eTW vita =ltch. In ihels Una
ftriablied at t notio
All ardms croraptly attended to. the shortesth2o n
Direct fromthe Staffardabire Potteries.
• NO. L2S Wood Bt I'lstanawa, . 12 .• •
8 assortment embraces some NEW aria r i lllOlOß STYLES of whits Breakfast, Dining and
Me of brilliant whiteness, ftom Coe of the nrst
mannhatarms In England. Alm titalned bine sad whoa
Iron Mose Nate for hotels, and • very general and maw:
!tor misty oral! articles Cl not Illess, and other
adapted to the Wants or ePy and country trade.. all of
width will be dimmed of at low prima '
.108ErIC WHITE'S gleifk
drOSEPIUWIIITEcarrying on bolsi
terra ne4 blarkes nemlose, (how Linn .enhos t 9
Mlle Itan, Pi reVeali o .ll,l L tle the t=e to th. hie
sto ats
lAieG to l n ttyllßMl, &e And hne
ietnotoirte's,lytebrongent , Unt ,O
ne4s. r,ffinzten t nue •=Oll In the wawale2l4 NA us
, hila to before We pe the non choke collo:Go
.Websmany gen t lest It has nee tal
M l et.d l ll= ' &ll g t t ro: Wt nt ' nn "`"er e lle=
mu. toteVete t the mono_ we/ hls aneneemeeti Bil 1,
modeFebe y the beet ent most hishehle lianufachges Lot
prise • •
Unannuabenel , thoes heavy expense, which, the
aunt Ibr tneoretitet Beene of bonne berbeasod
Atte htfeeof Gm* towns to Len renta.) Joseph
. 1 11 narhe near =en =az. at =nab use thee the osn.
el d i
NB.-41rnions repedest Was hut essame. :ctn.
pan. sehs:l
. Garden Seeds and Flower Ba t e r f:2 7 4
nnubseriber, liming recently
od ?' fmn fk.foPo. ofitE • largo sooortmont of
u zi wou l d Ific,mat a o s/1 Mod
d arm panel lof [lowa
to Amami', an7r 1.1111„.. th
_II •
nem* I. in too . Whom 11.1111 Amutuolfalt ,or Nu
189 Wator ot., now the told" nog Old J. ZIEGLER.
111 L E. SELLERS & CO., Wholesale Drug.
, It a. ll.e . t . t A b al e resschw . : R v iZeLa r and comm ndloa
oor old OardOrtena and all dealers la Drags, retts. Var'
Wawa &a: win ma a
warm and wall selected stoek. •
Prim low. °orals nted. ooS
• • itam
Cl • IHMSEN oval,
Is e
v r it BornEs..d itr o Low74
_ Al , e , qlniat Ohmic 4rmy lk44l". °s e "
sad IEI3 and 136 Ant 174
LB %ANDER GORDON, Oomthission
end Torruillnffisrahant, 'oso onownot to Nb. 121
Intlnum woad and thalltbSokL
W. HERSTINE .t 00. ,
bar! ! relio•-ed
DWire. ye Wateretreetoorner et COmaesevale•• •
CUTHBERT & BON, hAve reictorod
• ttatr IWO rwrtat• sad Ciateasl Agway 01Bio W ?lc
• nad
(SLUR DICKEY & CO. have reamed to
`Ka so Water sad 61 haat Ea. worthouje Ibrawrii
.wale br Bala), •Msrat a Os_
The Western .University.'
Second Quarter of .this Institution
ii ii u t z t r t oa t :red. al:: tratirt . slty •41.6e*, corm,
Tlu hizeipst sad I.l•l4•••or•A 7 dT P •ethsly •!•..d I
reopesttr• ma. The males •mbrats • a
prepar•tor . and eptei COscrle, an roll co all Um ordl.
Rory Essemb••
Time-412X per Quarter.
•- • 3OUN - 9, - ,7. , LAR11f. PrlscipaL
• ' Two Don Lost.
A. BLACK POINTER PUP, .8 months old;
otrA2th of
and follow:
um ork the noel and breaat and U . rot, Situ Oriel
Upend otth ol* bed no bleak leather collar
woo. wOO% wiosoo.a Laver Oolored ponim
2 , 011.2 antra *Lk wan* largo spots of hew color and
wllltean the Wee. k 4414. sad wag bad on a blaokl.edher
miler, • pnresa of ire pollen erlil pat to one - lelr.
5111 ..tqn ,, either et the dont.
soledtdand N 0.112 Wood at. ktttatnnett
. .
estate for Silo.
j Offer for sale tho two three • story. brick
buildiage at Mt South east corner of Perin and, nand
onsets. nee. 271 sod =Xi eau.trert. The Ids are each
t. ri) Peet on Penn street by aU feet depth. The
bullet: no are enbetentlal and hays stone tionta.
1 Wen alien tbe roar three story brisk dwelling berries
mune eastnide Ilona street. Noe. 33. 37. Mn. and 41.
Nab bblia• bring about 15 feet 0 inches In frost try about
80 ket In
St...l=m will be sol - d eeparatels. or bretethen and
at low prkwa. • mall cash peyinent will be »antral and
a rensetabie tints given by pa i ren th e Wean.
OW to
reStatY U. W [MCI hi At at I ay.
gourth street._
St. Clair Street Pro for Sale.
Authorized to sell on ery 1177180tUle
bit toms. any one or at or time axe Orgy
boom* on
weey skie of ht. Cleft
Malt, Win. Mama Sec 24. WY It. y e
a.. betnern
Pram Area and biota •Ileaturny bridge. There bourn
*re sellable Err Were and dwelling. and ate altnated In
*zed locality. the lots are'wech: Ig. kot •Iscatt by 110
Stet in delta to an .ley ben Sot •ida
A =dome seen tonrentt yin be required.
nag allowed to remain thr • remennebbr timWitted
7 " L." "4 m"rir Artan."%trVaPtit:'
ocatlt bo. 137 Yourth a:4R • -
Fruit Cans. . •
;1714 immense Palo of T. J. • Craig & Co.'s
sorassthusirsse °Wass misspelled %Ls to Isennees
eannfeetnriaand me atm enabled to fill .11... On... Pt.
... 1 ., mould Invite alladvahare . not l yetmen the Cap to
shave& miliet2telaMo to tb:elt l y, &Atli d elr
elleslinkprjom Ow qua% VAG per doesmaliest..p4
" ma rn t alt i"-- cIll: -
X=llsilav of Sla,SkinpaLand Il T heretest laritsid
assltt '' ii '..."114.1" 1/14 . WOOl/ 141tiatr"
No. 79 Third Street,
-141 - inTTSEUTR6I. PA
101311 twos cooVL so a
t =zEod moat
moot or Womb sad Ilotlan 8 Oak Woll.
Medusa or Dram Booklign Oodon Iknris. arm, Dry
iltomoreo, Zang sad Mom WO& Bowls. sad oil other
lamb of Imo in Ws Ilso, •
Also-60 posts bs. sod 100 doom Itueltslo.
Wanroony S Ta &moglion. Pittit Moot. Pittaborg4 hi.
wintry •
VVP. NAMPA-EL at 00., Importers
. and Nolen Co. Priem& awl 'Azoorkest• Pam
anzisits, ST Wood Emo.A.ll4ooarsk.
Sanford O. ItUri,Pittetruwl AhnanaoL
ALMANAC lan. 27, for
Patalabal ana now malty for aam by the quantity, by
tereoe j a , T,lliLl=l:l,l= ea 4
ataray CRY. • 1
VUESTOARPSTS, at the old eatabliehed
11 Carpet Wslabanve,No.ll2 Market Rauh,
Kodlintook Bros,
Maytag lad camMatad mar canon Ihr Um 11LM Sri&
barn now on bark . _d anel arriving tally our yaw ;
01.1 trat xk lado7a= Arleb b anr tun.
wgna/nd facillhea to purr-Makin on, goods at Um very
lornra Maas, sat dary all ti pM.tanas Ma m a . 'Mt. ang
ol2a. to oar COSLOMIT 0 t Induce.
manta thso bond Any Tit arinnartbar
Maglish Vilna and Topiary Carpet& 0.11 at the Mar.
hat stra it ,arnet atom Ihr bargninn
auras WS Am. alatereet.
a irarame.......:. - —.—. L. =sum
L CilffildißT ilk 110111,__ -
th.rm34 yaratismrof Rd Lots* Collation or
Borrowing sag Waging Almon' ron do lord .
totiV a g . rir e Z ki = " a
lionleo t iiiri An ' w.
°Bor. Maas.liogliotatrart. •
'• i MAIM mum OB TO BE LET.
4. FißS l4o isittgaollNDßY BUILDING;
ProoslAtArToola.ita, -- itl3l be sold 'or lot Ste •
“sur. gyzo4.oogrohoto..,l4rph:i.‘ita ... A t. ...,
ostsot as • porton= a moots?. Maim Box 374.,
Post Moo . ~ . o: t - MA,
Amami- er BURCIEFTIU : - -
Silts and Ladits' Dress 0004 KenranDY.
• CLOAKS , 7: ' d onAWLS,
7" Fyr Fang) , llse.
An insonlfy 4 . ol a rtro Ojos tto all of Um shoot
departmontsjost nos sod oolllog at lotion SM... lfirNmth h illrl east Sonar 4t
U. C. 110161111011.
and liamdkitateriotallde CesLags.
01150., ,Na }lsalat street Infirm,* lint and !Woad
Corner. Year( ltd. IF Streets,
W.o. P ciarrs lß lLlN l 4" •
an44reb1.01541 • -
Rectifying Diltillor and .Wino , and Liquor
mROC/ Vberto Shred, Pasburim. 4,64
ClntA-R.B.VRABB---Alood , Browa Eia=
etior. rata; Lcererthies Donby
0110.41wd ra 1,4 4.4 Susan. 11 obi. Dow K.
a NA:BTOER. thl. - 118 Pit* /tr. L-
Amainistitor's Notice,
NOTICE is hereby : given that letters of
administration has* hem granted to the Mbocriber
me estate or DaviAgitothortil, dedd. Min Alt
twoog thou.( M. nog mum nUI piWO aIINY rake
.mummm using china ill poians:unw popret ta i r
thentleatioi ins matloina M. • -
Xetehues sower with ßaper 14. kit
most perfect meautp'in eceewsuse
- 'tiostoootreoce to 14.1iyoenio ' gm' amii . im,
ous g at
Mare va imabllA• _ 4 #7', T y lrl , 11 , 1 !
et %All .IWillil .
Awn - A. 11111)ftellati
irmos, the speCtator over el/ Ittiles"dhio.
JL. the Amt. itt Now 'York City. %niftily ihowing the
lirla76oll2===l t i t 1 :4-
1110173AnD OF 113 P3OPLIC
Prontokom bLett.7 heloPssist. Band. .S Steen Stati-
Maur. Stanurbolte. an -
At suet Sanitation anFai=eataii vie be gl•r•
en by lir DOSIa one oaths or A Lan= Nina
SON ea S. SLFPAULDISG, irate meth labiabla binane
.1 mit innicortainn to • eteancer and or ilmend taxi ire
amain infarmatkin to mad,TPlazweit at
MASONIC riL rirTßuites.
Evart mown, to and Innt taldny. hortntber
w a d inah Wednesday,Thuradey I Saturday arteanealt•
daring that time. at 3 o'clock. On Tboarday. Noaanber
the evening.
daaannianni Dar. the Panonnes RBI he canned
mum torni—lide *Jerk in tile form:on. 3 in the .tech
and in
Tb• evening Exhibitions conninatun at 7)f °dock.
SirAdiniaalon cantle Chiblren canna Perth' of
5 PAM= Si • • =la 41t2k1 WT.
[lvry HALL.
Will open on 'Thanksgiving Day
Dioramic Panorama
• OP • •• • - •
mum Tur collith:Ncaltirr TO THE L
-1111 E ENTIRE PANORAMA cavers- , nri
area Onwards of 60,000 ma Of OANTABB,belng
me totally smarted be the onion of theroortelaborete and
Wriest. marthineti• with
Extraordinary ClunnicalMas! -
Path:our polithring the tieing n.m.. In thethaning
(T 0... • Bastameou, thenthnt Moonlight Sams.
Twinttling_lSters and Meet, Reneetions thw Water.—
see 80 different semen Maar of the nom are life.
else, the whole terminatiew with the
Sterrethig of Sebastopol and MO of the Malakall.
Antl_atim *Wealth thslogloile of the Muse, reins ate.
Mthretrr. and thorniest of cannon, together with •tbe
huld glue of the BOHIMrO CITY. thothreing to..ct -
Ones Seen framer.r• U. Ifergetten I.
N.B.—Them win be so ATIEHNOON 2.IfIRNMON tnt
And on UMW/a at: threw e'tteek, 00.thandethon 03,
MILK children In the afternoon 10 tents.
Or I. the evening ammo,. at o)&wommenoes Ili
o'mott. alrAthntesionthl errata ..Kren halt sem:
Grand Thanksgiving Nig
•• 1111! •
Thursday . Evening, Nov. 22,
UPPER - hails:from 6to 10 o'clock. Be
tween the tables the aivileteee 418 addreseed, by
ahoy liimowm. Bee. A. Cookteso, Propeelfcrim.,NFlL
Yeartiwouid other oevolor •
Ar , owitements made Pr Tiff or - Lob
tea oxinected with the FeetiteL _
Thema it. To be 'bad of the ven ue or at mei of
the Bookstore. or Hotels.
i •
Maim Parraa77. . Maim Manua,
Sem and Pansuatta-80 ant:
...d vata Boma (larm).:.kati
anon Tla.- --MS an do. do. (sman)—
BosnalbtoordienonsY2sol. rata U. aztra.•
Doon mad di T Palm:lmm to dam al IA
Yrliwawies Ditoteamsai At 2 o'clock with • -..
Cabint—Thiel•Tm. ar.° SWAT; Gimp
Harr* U. Dimwit Loma, lit Iwia,r, Pieta= P.. 0.
Oatuilzurhatai_Crio. AL IV', Young; Aulit
o; =wit SI ts. V. uto.4 Toiwatals
STUMM. AT Ti: MAC& ' •
The nitertabsdent will bode with ' • • ,
Waters RurnaDeep—John 1 11 , 43
to; Capt. Hsu kosbn ltilettidp.Potter. P. t.trut•
ham Mrs. ktittlautp,- Atm V. " Onitalaglata; Yeq.
Rarabold. lulls M. gook.. •
Mho wbolito conclude with •
TYe lenleible Prinee—Dan Isandery Julie M. Cooke
Yuri he; A: W. roues, Abeteotens, Mtn. 7oet•rt
Primes. Mn. A. W. Young.
nu:DAT AVANING, Novexun 234158 N
Will be anted the new Drams, .titled ' •• • •
Ben Bele—Ben Pole. O. loe; lengua..;Atehtste,
A. W. Volum HO. V. Olnithem; Mat:/.
Julie M. Bake. •
, .
- _ To colootodo with
lit•b Rey.-Rob 11".,Mr."0. later 7341 C. Ctitg .
oarmrolbraf4„. W.mtnetz=
r LET—That /new and well „thu's ilea
i l° Ster• amen mid 0•11. t Attested =Smithfield st.
" LT% o Mae Boom. to tn. oa.ecm 0
gm - es the Tel NWT% oa 0103114.
Met. le
2 T20 H. a SON. No. a ink d.
LET—The 1101111110(110117 Dwelling and
row Rama No. 71Ith Moot. moolto MM&
soh - - P. ill DAUB,
LET—fitieo story Brick &bre,nkA No. 163
' _Roc Damt.,
•¢l4 taw Wood Radii.= streeta.
I l• '
"z-• - •
I . nil •
Eur. SUBSCRIBKR, ara respectfully in
bent It friends and Elmo natal Pleat be has poretger
faunae or Ida late partner, and Is acne mob peep*
Want this gnat _ •
Chair Manufacturing EstablishineaL •
The utatt exteneire and complete of the kind In the
Kith • stock Of over ONE ill. , lON Patel otestio Lyon ,
bre. weft snel • strobe Sarre of .. d rote medal,-
kg, be will
to pperattons t days. *ben be
ea! to ready to attend to tea order" of Ids nninerotui
frt.& and enstepsera
• - 1111110, Introduced sad mold .t /on Rive.
Peitleolu attention vitt be elms to WO assanteetnrlnir
of Itorultorol4nltable leltoonsboots and trotela.
ertdah will be sold on accomlnatallag Wens, and at prior
that win dere etenprttion. . •
Mad* at tins esta meat. so tor-durabll.;
I , y - and of - cter will to told atjho - pednold
Mice aro. to per set. ..
MirSCau tha and TUniatiO at an kW, done
barns with Stein Power to Relit.:
ku rjtr dt.z vsolows .ri chth.x t aal Umbhid
gad laths teas at•
• ail !Anil% "I prbsik b.
oal9-IrdkirS - ND. 31 PM 06d.
• • • lipdle OLD SLIP, lIIW PORK,
Wi4B for Thar. Grain, Bait, Eodrirheat,,
Ham; 411:0.
Would oho colt the Mt/intik' of Cconitry Ilariaskto to
Mott onototatont of • I
AND 07
Designed wad printed to order, expressly for
- thoir we.
Onricilltlot an Mull that Immo. ositt4y Gram
10,000 to 20,000 bags per day.
Alict botortoto and. Maser la
'Ace klarb orDiread sad Title% both lamb 004
OcUab of which vs at* toottvlag edntintua tubblilL
tORPEOPLE who want to tonomfontable
awins.e.. wow r moon and tree bon bid cold%
..t"..n d u p =or ta . fr n n til o oo le d lallisLatield Mar
ta twisted tda omrof azoliodOl f tnater & r ods, us I 4 . 4 1 .
lidtAtn MLitt gun will barna to_ purchase. aa tbirpool•
lay of Wool ing o. t:L i 61
tat rAri
'. l =VlLlTlPtratt h lVVAttiLl=
natnr - aL M "Im.
(11 . rl r:li a Vial% W.
ma, Crnakt,attbs eraryttdm " saltab Ibt
b° XVe d nonl / 2 411 Trig WII " Cat Er gol=t3;
S CON ARRIVAL or new et* Sh Shawls; lV aro. Salim wid Cloak & from PA Tied; ..fol •
oefillot Okfak O
log ahe, all colors. from I,6onowards.
=a the Not somata:sent of Caadfosree aool3lotha tor
rr' Wear Ampr , rlf. Drawers and yodefohlrof, both
Uoggrel l oof e l i fi f 947107•11175tIll,V01=tidte.
fIOIINTRI BLANKETS--linving.iite'd a
as Wm lot of Clonntry.and Bath 'Hackett, 1 mg not
=aom Dam. oho may favor ma. br, • call
meta, I Writ. Um public , in semtal to my coon
try. Mankato, which *moth* ord g genuine ortlala made.—
Warranted from no t cotton 'lin an article every porton -
should ham, wh moody or oot. call and bo anre
and mt thought number of atore.• It 1. 104 Mar y
kat akionond docr from 6th at. MAW&
104 Market .<—Any Mcd/on itlattinn tOMaa •
new Bilk Ikea Wilt end it to Med 4 odvantagalo cal r
main oar WM of Dm de Eldon: No t. . =Moue and
BIM or oildeocrlationn alas rved our :new klamaptoa co.
allmdado Quilt; collars; likoarea, cbemitattao end 8011 0. Or new Bmbtoldarios argot the Medan celaction. •
N. Bc-Particadar attention pald ta kitarifing Mood& at
noI4, _ • - PAUL It MUM 104 Marked et.
- -
Cider and Vinegar.
expressly for family ula
sad no sal In man than am• bar o the a s tall
arom. Paukarshand dila/bran wan ?Woo aid
ra daub% ayWanhoun tat had besbasieg la It pa
Inas Thaw nada ham Otai Galva, dead titth. brt
Id Older illsepr t at '
wW bar rabbaletii pins balread
' 447 =tiltfigirCaud s .b.baki. 4 .;
max o,etkadia. dlrytteet told, is.-
Cider that will keep siakt neopatl.
Tbeave bo rigors andOld.r wansatol as b. so nrl.4
mud Wad A. ta , Ll.ol:4.l4BWaa • ids la a
Q2B and sII kinds Patron and Plato. hum, Alto,
andvWan Inalors In Impand An4Dottrollo.Fancr Goods
/ I "lngivitt Mod n toll anortoorn a ordain In eor
On in tont; ake otdookto inn both thy lad
fOnnoy Or o stodr. *M Mr atioD eOlaktilln we 0 1 W tar nay
nnoonnot in to _ ntd__lxnoo Veda.
:taw - • • - d • W ozone of Youth,.
TY YOU -want to •get thio worth of your
tr ,,,,-s.pie.ot Ward steak ~ w here mina bw
', antra/Mir ofILIDS Can 14 pnr fter amirt.
------ , - Western Dots: ---
111LIMELY a mom offer fg. tale in
if lmo. wn jsr_!e_.weji:Ko__ ne l eL.lsod 1111
I *
=F M I a redlikll6=llglik
W IT # .3 . 116 .
..: Mai scsesserlaismi s-,
Dissolution of Co-Par. tner s hip.
HE 'Partnership 'heretofore exiitingUe
470 ext thirnrakt. i. ulltr i ttle • E.i.4 .. .:5tyl
rat Et io.d. uirross truaroeM VaZrgr:C4,
dp, at thAr old stud. No. 275 . Lib=l7.l4
Th• bumiass vlll be, anOmed forawly' by ?pria. " - SPRING= ITARBUGa.'
Dilsolation of Fartnerimp.
'ls this .22y 411•01204 by ten/tuif smuseit." The . bad
!truism be wittled by Wsablpiton Ile(Abnock,l2bo
TAU continuo tbm Carpi !whom at No.: 112 Marta mt.
10 ,
PittatAnibt 804
. . Co-Partnership.' - -
hTgundersigned him- Ormed a Co-Part •
"v 2. , 1b.5.,„1.DT4.21=114,...4j.1e.:024.:
tat,..„ — T1.„,6
~07,,,j 7.wii_Lwx,, n iiiny.... .•
- . P L ' Rini aek pi n g Dzy Goods.
pii3 , 00.. - .COOPER- have now; open, st
No. re Makin shoot Ohs room health' ohs!Phlt Af
S. Y. Van.. sae ont f - &or sr . Saoros A; t 5...) • a hog
gut to r renea=l 7 , . L Akrt i rrb d i
sr Veer Tech attoothe to Mho too beessessi"
of to r ho ouhisioa or r Gosdis. Qom Moir --
taro too oleo Indosessissts not r t. hoot to stone
Issatof___ .... __ . _
_ .. tbolisoall ossloty dni :;ii n . at..... ... 11
arhells fa I=O; . t . ': : wad to 4n 7 dabh4 "4
- Diuolntio
n of Co7Patttership._
NOTICE is hereby given tbiCtfinee t - Part.:
nerabip beretoknre rodeffitg coder the hennaed styli
/MHZ it WlGllTikterf s Gl ees althefactoran, hi the
dry of Pittsburgh. Is this day dbisdred b the distb. of
Frederick Isorths. Ber-skorlx. the theltatlott sontaNde
lo the articles of
P.m.& members o ' f=d Ist 41. Il auttripect to
settle the hostores s et their dem No. OS Water • etreet.
Pittabt. • THOS. WIGUTMAN.
Pittsberiksalkildtath MN. P.
. .
. . L.
rayicadexer:ga6d wilt continue the :mann
memmewiodm, ohm, Emu's. rmu. mut In mom
o Gleesoare, on sometuor to Lorene a W.ltht—
maliAS old stand,No. 63 Sister - dna. :, • 1
Prom hie erpecience In the bo.i nese end having ebilsa
td the best of mettoten. he hopes Webb* attontiou to
molt I toutinuante of Mot ',mosso eotlbeitair.
•Itaken Ur entire stock of- dm old Er= and
ttenooltB Y Molted the omcsllfsetoriee ao4 snow May
portant Improves-eats, he Otis &italnt he can Ell ate.
dent promptly and eathoodorny, -1 . N. H. WWI&
... • .
j. ir li retiring:ft-ma theGIMM bmisinees• I tske'
Immure' In 1. 1 001.11101.3112 g my outrestoe. Ile,-1.: B.
RAZ, to the Mends and oroustner6 of the Old a r ts se
beingl.466te4 to no:We 6.4 estimactlon In the execu
tion of tbelr orders ant one In whom !bort ao.plase MM.
ildenoe. ••• lel- , TLIOL wII3II7MA.N. •
- • Thisolutied. of -Partnership.
len•B ';Partnerthiii: .imictofore • existing le..
• mewls the mind mat, Das WE diy. been 41ettareft
ley maw eousent. -Methane., of the bra vitt te rot.
.uee =Othe of tau Ira. at 0,11 eta:dal Al ic 4.Bee.
-Putstwo. Jab' Both . /SAL • ARGUS IdellhAL
pi Collestarsiti. • -
LHAVE associated. B. •Ahjer with me
lis the Torwardltr,Ornateledoo and7rodoee ineatiai
will continue hereafter totier.tha stilt fiWW
011ANTS,_Deskr• - Prdad.
ilamerally. ut &NAM 'treat. 17 ttplttnataa..., sa2o
NOT4oE—Alaving thiliday:tjuly 2:4)1695,
Qs pair muss upon me. All pima. olting
thittosahlo lodebtod to me sult muffled oo eon tudotttle •
war° gatir=clty.jjkliitaatil=a
1 1 .11t8taie btusineas and Mit, Alitlitett. t
Inemitiros ware maalifmtorr krill It* iandus,
det be cestinuall at the Old.- etas. 1134 Wood Mut •
natisould Kris atTa:Orslat .‘ • "
119 ,s rpii . , *hip for:tcbz ir durim,tir
.0111 - 41 ,4 0rt5, loader L Ne gUand stews( 20/JO3, Oita
ii r EM rf=rdiamolmt. ZALME663.-
• • rinolution.- -
ERizn.of*. & R. MoOtrroaßoN is
~ ass dloolvai by lltnitatlo. tetber
hhylni.aawelatact partmaship with Ma/elf - IL 1,." NOB&
Ttel,•tho' Ihosuw, PV041.011 Mad Oammlidow hullnew
ifll lwhonllnwhl at tits mew or Ilhaty aatil Utile Ws..
vzsderithwitil. of suis IIoCIUTORDON k 00. who will at
- • • ••
kiiiK7.....wiff , ..._err.,:=1707,
I. ' add .TUlNl.dhlig Mora:Rik. agolDoesro kfriako7
ma flitomorgh., ... .4*, mut otkarlatm km
Woo; -,7' N°.7 23 . 4 96 . I .Wt "WS , P I 4O. 6 WaL
likb, audit tko Ayla of D. - W.ll 8.1D1N. - lt CO. kr the
transmako: of. Eihmoral Ammon Ooroalimioa, yoomaromg
eadProdobbiatomit, at Noe. O 3 arid Front stmt.; an: pi n
amed lo giro opals! attasike to , ordres, recelvlaa
sad kemakflki Malmo and . mad to the ex -
Mak! Cillal billinsapiailalls , be ontiMl N o liak tat •
Una 00--Clark• i nay-, Wornsos DIV ,I .Lk OH W
WWW1.,.....Y.G . ,..D:L: • T .. ..Gam k Oa: gm: : .11 • Ember a
G Goo 4 William wouta: EL •DGwark
W. : R., . — DOk - jorth, - - Fop.; ammo Lodtik, Day; Bekaa= Rotor
_ .
1441- OTWE.--:The fide - Sr*. of, JONES -it ••..;
QG Isivklog Dm dlsiOlivd bTtbolleathix/Jobp •--:"- ~.
Qui= ant/1692th Lest, the ' tradnerrof nut= In' a •
s t
bi =Wad the mulersigsd. at. taste - ofte.'eatior of .
ans. im4.—.4 usiio lam* Enna*
ru :L . JONEO., Illanniaaturer of ' ElOrink -,- • .
• solgaztle. P . lrgir alib ß : „... l3teeat i se . l Moro , • I
.= ° :..Mt" -.r pt' ... '"k I ' m 4 /41 1 4 ) k .'"0t '' • -
iliAo itecip..:--... - • ' ' '...:... - ....:; . 1.! . ','! ,:•
71': 8,.- ROGERS & . 00;',Mainthictureire of -
LP , • Roe-' B i . = saw ' enfant . or.-calos
P_lpartaership. litnixtafora
tie= tbs nmdwdzend hi. bean Ws day. dismayed
by smatmil=nummt. Thaw I:bd hare Sal= against btu •
-late erna of Gl= IC= mill i =nt than
thAil4 n:frOm
Damraxtraptg. would addthdly ymmotame= to ths.;^ •,4l- zy. i timga ti g i rliay i llr Indm
Pitt===. I.IW DANDIL D. Mgt,
_ .....
. .
Coaddadari Maelunatisad Dram In Pnothse• sod
Z. I.
&E. SELLERS . k CO., Wholesale and
zaaso Dealers Dnigr. Rathis; OW'farrastm
, •
. • • CaPartnership- •
ALTER .P. AURELIA LL - afirsociated
ta, s W
With hi= ma taiga dayofica b. JOIL BFillXlll.lls
E.' W 1 Pam lastula, abo of
.' • W. P. L tOx
MICE: Joseph flear` """.
dab,' With eta 5eat trat,...,....--anD4=-
bi onatected Middle-the ' orJoau t
• • . •antatt.
• ' Blakely it Blakey, •
11)11FkL • ESCATE B.ROKERA"aornisr or
th and Patithbild 'Marta, Ilttabutah A.
AnlZtiroasea Lo nressomiao., ond •old
antandadon. Land, Warrant; BUJ& Bottifaaund notes
natothatal• LaaatiaL attantical OM to ,msbundug 4
sarnesaa dbpotlaitor hata.—tattal
• To . /ron Manniaoturers.*
N tho Mining, Msgasins fur Nov. is oak
wawa the re publication of Isuron on Iron
eaufacturn Thoonelleallr and Prank:4r ootuidered."
with all the plates of rumen and Me' I ldnery fulmar
non. The num bee nicestir appeared In.. neaeraa nod Is
tb . 4:141
b trestlas an the =Wear mope al a% Oriental. •
I 4 ed wars w stays:eon. Ats ewtenfr.tmoraoa
vs &tallied we 4,04 , 60a15•Ful fliuriv i ump=
etb ioo ra l erjadinit ginner. 414:4 ° end aZteen;
Um Vatic, oniteene in nonce inatitliles of roarerlan
Mod . of Urn amount uf power • coneurned-In
PUP.. k.• ao 'lt o f
nitrated with tirenty.tbne •
tbe_prepii ration otirbleti hes tan enorsi hundred
dollen.- • The con of the work le nearly triple the ennui
entoortotioe nine lee.) of Lbw Moths Ideauloe. •it triil
be toniptofed lo stout twelve winatiert or the llevi.fte.—
Zany implication is nenesenry to mann the eerie., es only
the naliebot or Ihrilludreor mulled itre .rnbecrlbere aid be
wwww. ssase TnINZIET ,
sae iedrw "
• • , Penrylin
A TM azsortraent theierabla aan beautiful Imported MANTLES TIE bePetted Its d'
seection for tb. Ante Mow In Ude thy at Fair ego pule;
Alter the dome( the etaldbitiouMry_yriti Is nuts at
Kmi. Noos. of . it• ALLEN, .
rxd4: tamer oniecond awl Mallet sta. • - '
Private.. Or Winter. .
TES undereigned thankful for the .favore
Jy t c , f m thza tom to remind Nair Wands and than lo
want Abat they bars nos , atom mad ara ron
min s adoltos sapplks to Oak stook of motor, random
and ltr• Inossottlur re all of *Skit artil to sold aa u
at ant impoomblo oompottog home In tither:eltl. W .
Lams Fenders from AO up to 1110.00 .try. tnoluns.p
las sad Bra ant Stover from SSA no SSO mar oaf
fire Irons Own Snap to VS nor sett. .rfoaroporrmak t Lni
a (Mal Vasa. Intended to take t h e plass Mtn.
Senttts *bleb Is onstalf chaster, rsqulrsa o e irtior to
r t zlt d oll i s:444 u la an =sat. to rtlituruptfor,
O. L . Dot
adlot lWm. ostook of matobslglarcoh==r. 4;
tr. hones. Bomnones the Awn /zoo Sits &Mrs and
Waryboons N 0.154 Wood Moot • • •
T. J. 0 1 11X'9tak,
0015' • .state Jorsollawroisla.
B: virtue of a precept under the' handle of
Wm.u.ekolum,Pruddant of •tba Court_ m Comma
la WM Da the bth Jodie:Wl tthrtriet, haulm boob.
sad milted the Wort a( tbar am rammer. md_ mo.
al .1411Dallrery to and lbr aid Dlattictouid Minima '•
Moto and Gabbs' Agenciage.4n4ines ot•tha
sum M* Maud tor the county of allettlatb, datrel tee .
olthbLor borember lo_khe
_mar om Lora me thotam ,
" di hum ill 4 *ad mrhttl.• amt. tosondlremed. tor
hokllaz a Wort of lbor aad Panalster -sod timeral Jab'
DeUrar y rouria hlo at threlgye Court boom La thr the
_At illenelnhel. cel . "
notlotlaaareor alma to ati anethee of Me Iwo,.
Oolimar awl lbmotaltke oft he roonty ot Allegheny, gga
ta.y taut sue here. 10 thell'Plpr l
111,11.V1L to bleb ream:A .
about la their Wan atweas to te ttom—and abo rata
that will prp.tmfa Mot prtamarattutt now era. or may m
M the JaU m gam AlbB= L to Man sad
there to Motbo tto
.U lna...*.:= "tititr
- year Maar •rd, toe maturate Mahe
kmo.6Maatitttirans. male the ' amacatrealt h tL. loth
- • . HOLY AIX Rau& 81min—
. .
: Ifteeltior C. .: - /actoryi.
amINSTON •BRO • • - - b.-01,41;14i..
00l Math bunkers. earner *Mbar& and Itsbnont ott.
A r (44.1 y, haw= band and moo toaradacturbib
Par.o a zusailte mottakeat oil OuTlager..“Ceillillam,bliiisles,
C... /ley toads boob Moor varirouk eye .rib
ewe to durabill7 mad beauty trtbalaby :• t o
our worktbo boot Junloto fronotua lout.. .
bapolntaztaida to on the mart ronoonuuy ---.,,. Tb.,
too/ OOntlitkot. that Uo ' , bozos, tabontlient with asib• Mb
wnaltlrega ra r nir•ookiatrool.: 'l:warZo'
tory mum • =notes during tho - .410 ‘ : .. , . , oar, '
ITJA AIR 11 . 1 TOREL2'itEr., Jr.; Beeti.
v masu.diaciFor
• ; -I-
t sa
hr. 11, do 1248-1217 -
' •-•-••• •
. 9 tioorto4 Brandia toz b),613-6144 -•
2 do:
18 do Wir'="l4r-44 416114:11•,:.20. -
do 40
1-1143370 K 1 * .17'..04014000•;14.0".
BAUBF 4 ro 4 iWeraPtl:
• inatabliiibt frids.briloggiewieirjµ.ls,,
.~mta - m. ,II WwkEY.I6/1,411
.Z.8.1V. 4 4 1 7iM 110 4:
jaL.Wrippla_44 Idaile arata - iikii
— 4 . 094 1 14 ,4 Ntl* llllol ' - 'o' •
~~' ti
... i •.
~i+t x -YJhZL d~y.~ V ii' sfi 2~dx~jk':