PITTSBURGH=: THURSDAY MORNTN - 6, NOV. z 2, 1866 Hymn fOr Thankrgiving.- r • MUMS. Low warblingi—hirkl--and solitary harps ,_Are heard among the cherish', touched and tuned As to thanksgiving Itynut, preluding soft • Ti cherub velem Lender as they swell Deep strings strike in and hearsci instruments, Mired with clear slayer sounds, Lill concords rise Pail as the harmony of winds to heaves: 'Tie sweet ma Nature's spring tide melodies ' To some worn pilgrim, first, with glistening *Yak Greeting his native valley, whence the sounds Of viral gladness Eike, and bleating 'floats, The chirp of bid., blithe Tolosa, lowing kine, The dash of waters,i reed, or "Al° Blent with tho dulcet, dlshuirmellowed bell, Come, like the eeke Olds early joys. In every pease, from all that organed ehoir, Responsively are kolden adols heard. " • And r h i we n treymphony steal, faintly down ; 'Tie biaa's and Natnre's Hy= of Thanks': God of the earth's extended plain! Th e dirk, dank fields contented lie: - The mountains rise like holy towers, Where we may commune with the sky: The tall era challenges the storm That lowan upon he rale below, Where shaded fountains send their streams With joyous maga in their flow. - . God of the foresee solemn shade ! - The griideni of the lonely tree ' That whistles with the wintry breeze, - .Lille up admiring eyes to thee; - • , Hilt snore !majestic far they stand, When, side by side, their ranks they form • 4nd wave on high their plumes of green _ . ,4 ~Mid give thee thanks amid the storm. ,diod of the lieit., and viewless air ! - - Where ennaMer brems a weitly flow, ' * Or; gatharing In their angry might, il l . . The ffeme and intrylempiest blow- All—from'the eiTe ha g ' s plaintive sigh, ...That hardly_li the droopier flower, ... To the wild whlrleriad'a midnight cry— - ~. _ Breathe _forth thaa language otthy power, Goa of the fair and i open shy :- _ How gloriously above ue springs The tented dome, of heavenlyllne, -.' Suspended an the rainbow's tinge! -- Eseh brilliant star that sparkles through; •. push gilded cloud thatwanders frae, 'lt eienhig's purple radierne,7glves - . - The beinty of its praise to Thee: • God of the rolling orbasbove • Thy name is written clearly bright In the warm day's unmrylng blare, On evening's golden shotrerof- light. Far:every fire that fronte the emu, •And every spark that walks alone Azormd the utmost vergeof heaven, Were kindled at thy burning throne. ' God of the world! the hour must come, And Nature's self to duet return; Her ortunbltog altars must decay; • liar Monne lire& shall oiaeo to burn; But while her glory shall remain, Thanksgivings loud to thee shall-flow; for hearts grow holier as they trace - The beauty of the world below. • _ God of our hearts! yet not , nione For 1101,0111 sad sky Arei thank thy . name; Touched by the living fire of faith Our bosoms 'law with heavenly flame; And 'mid the trentblings of our harps:: - Breathes' the low, tenant edits of prayer; 0! - may our praise told prayer reobsnd flAnnedent In mid heaven's - ,•,- '.'• 1;1' S . .•:, Raw env Tarmaists Invnerriox.—, Theleditor vat the Brownsville Clipper was in town thd other - . • ~ , ; . day, and, after examining, heir what he says of Kendall's - Shingle Ilachine„. on exhibiton at ••• - . ityas's Balldbig, Fifth street • ' _Thera la now_ exhibiting at Ryan's Cabinet cld Ware nenar giu'lle4 kab mi I r e irth not s o ixte nly t' f a or rema rts I. sizo kAb p i l e icry; . . % • . .'. ingenuity, and originality, hut for the wonderful r- ". • '''' : , t, rapidity and accuracy with which it operetta.— ..- , (Wes alludeto “Rendall's"Dobble Acting Riving ; ''• and'ilhaving Shingle' Machine." one of the most . curious, as well as the'most valuable ittventions. 4... , ., ' of this Inventing age,. Jaat think of tfirowing a ... ''' ,' .E . • • block of rough wood into a sort o hopper,-and . ......!.' X , =before you can count ten, seeing it - come - out, • •- ' - ' aplit With the grain of the wood; telyjoint ..i „___,: . _ -•• - ed and smoothly pleated into shingles, with a TIKI" ) .• - - ptechealeal precision and exactness impossible '-',. 'lO be obtained by the judgment of the eye and the labor of the hands;.to _sernothlog of the -e ...-,-.. ased - difference betweerre quantity turned out , -.•-•-• - „- by ate-. extriardia' sry - madanloal contrivances I • '..- r' "--•.., had the handlebar ogeratioi; the former couple-. ' ':-.!•*. I ting 8000 per hour, cm 80,000 during the ordina ry ''''• '-...P. . probably, the twentieth part 'of the setae titian : xity. Nor does this machine require pine or soft wood, but will work any sort of bard wood ) -• ,''' fa .with the same eau, facility and : exactness. In short, lila one of the greatest inventions of the ••••• - ', - _,. day, wfiiesergreat value and utility are equalled 7•ii '''''`' i''' vai k by its extreme sunghoty and thehve and --. 41; , . life like process by which it accompl ishes the .. design *be ingenious and original inventor. 0. K. Chamberlain, well known in this tido : Ity, is the:agent for selling the machine, or die -- .:, paring of the right of territory-4nd we advise • ..• , '' . t ' all who either desire to avail themselves of the ''. . use if this great invention for their own pen : - , ,st ' - poses, or to enter upon the business of right -.'. ..1 sealing, which cannot fail to be a safe and prof - ' f. ' Stable speculation, to call. at Ryan's buildings . and witnese a practiced process, which will ba share to convince them',-unit heti us of the int .r'• - mense value and utility' of one of the greatest ~ • and most labor-saving inventions of the present . . . ... ,::j.,: MAXIM/14QQ Day.--Baligions BeiTiORS will , be held in all the churches this, morning at half 1::: • past ten o'clock. , . •.• . 1 This afternmai at half pas t two o'clock, a Union Evangelic al Prayiir Meeting will be held. Doctors Herron, Baird, Swift, Flamer and Reverends Paxton, Pershing, Dickerson, Knuth •• 4: -; :'\? and others will participate. . - .i„ At *sonic 11.11, the Panorama of New York r:.". will be exhibited at 10,i, 8, and If o'clock. At the City Ball, the Panorama of the Rae ;:.,,,,,.-.. • , , sian 'Wax will be exhibited in the afternoon and. ievening. - ~..11 \ The - Theatre will be open in the afternoon F/ and evening. „Dacia Tome Cabin In- the after -ci '. 2 The Duquesne Grays piride at one o'clock. \ The Washington Infantry haw, a street drill i . ler,the evening. . .1 _ Tbe Thanksgiving Festival 'for the bertelit of ‘:• the-Math Ward Mission Church take" places at La\ Fayette Hall in the evening. ... Maim= Contr.- , -.Before Chief /mike Levi,, eallndit'l,owri_e, Woodward, Black and Knox. W/DXZSDAY, NOV. 21. la the case of-infers at at vs. Pennsyleania Railroad Cerdpany, the paper books of Mr. Wil liam' and Mr. Stokes were suppressed. Opinion of Lewis, Ch. 'l.; filed. • , . • OMITS of S. B. Susquehanna TS. ring et at. Argued by Loomis :for defendants in error and by Williams for plaintiffs in error. ' , - : Kennedy vsn itichardson's adminiltrator. ' Ar gued by Sterrett for \ plaintiff in error and by Belden for defendant in error. ' • . Sample vs. Walter. Submitted. /Belton vs. Hart. Argued by 'Arthtire for idalntiff in error and by Berton for defendant in .Leech's estate—Appeal by "Sinith and er'ii.— Argued by-filinlitser . for "eppelless and by. Knox for appellants. \ : ----, Court adjourned until Friday morning at' * nine o'cloek. 1 • j ' \ . ' ' ."7 --- -• .. 4 1 - fT: = \ I--‘ - Tammearnso in time Youx.—We, dant 07 our readers all know what a Pittsburgh Thenha giving Day te. But to 'pond the day in the great Metropolis' of the Union would be a novelty,and yet it SD very easily done. • Go to Masonic Hall to-day either at 101, kor 7,1. sweet, and by a little stretch of licisginatga, yon may readily, believe yourself promeniding the thronged pads of Broadway :or or thrieding your way through the' intricacies of the docks and views of the North river. The panorama is in point of accuracy and elaboratioo,' far ahead of anything ever before painted.:-Even the let tering upon the signs is exactly counterfeited. The color of the houses it given ac they retir art, and *Sea the objects are placed up on the'osseass. - We do not know a more pleasant way of spend ing a pcirtlon of this day than by cooing this Panonima, and we have no doubt thoneands will Me' it it.. Friday and Saturday evenings and Sat . nrdaf afternoon, closes its exhibitions here. . jiADUIVILL LIMIT rilearros.—This is • the name of anew military organisation fanned about, COO ‘ , l 66l.lCeincie by a number of the Argot respects- Ade a dored men of cruelty. They number fifty. ydr, A,li„ John has been elected Captaln,Samual Amide"! Fun Lieutenant, John Butler Second Llenteoant,' and John Massey Jr. Third Lieut. Th e c om p u iy impost to paradepti the 22nd of -Feb Wary, when, no dopbt, they will make creditable, appearturee. In the. Men time the y hold drills on. Monday, Wednesday and friday evenings of each week, at their armory over the Eagle Engine Hamarwhim those wishing to MD the oompanysre!bstited to attend. Two wom named -Ma 31111 lio - and Pelmet RocygliuWweie mated by too Moor'. Police, 7eitirds7. On a- charge of gaoling three pal/ of piosAsiond. :4 *cable San nst from Moe' -elwthhis: *tom on Libotty'AV. Part of g t 516 1 7 651 ,1 41 :.• ~.. _. .. 'X~W.R~ iJ"~Ci r ~f'rs.s;as~ t, .~c,..:~ r.~—~"7:~/ N~i~. - ~.s~ _ ~',. Anarraz. of Conota.—The Propeller Manhat tan, Capt. SpinhEng, at Cleveland on