The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 19, 1855, Image 3

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sionay -moEmNcTnawit i 9 185
The"-TownshipElections. .
The =anal elections of the various townships
of Allegheny county were held oitFridey last--
The content wan not : a 'very exciting one, and
the vote potted lee note large one. The Know
N o things appear to have elected their nominees
in most °JAI') townships:
We are ottobtod to lay ore our readers full
return from sevesal of the townships, and par
tial reportaliontottiers. No returns have yet
been received from the more distant parts of
the country: They will, however, come .in da
, ring the meek and be opened by the proper offi- -
sera on kronday next In our reports, we have
ofthe' candidates ei known
to us. . • 1
We are indebted to • m-Correspondent for the
following' retinas of the eleetion of Friday in
••• • Wlllvreoar.
Justicieftke Peate.—Joapph Wimple; Fallon,
-76; J. W. - Blackburn, K. IL; 7 8 -
Assessor.—.llngh Rowland, 76 ; Morris
• Roberts, K. N., .71.
Canstedde.—Wm. Souto, IndePandent, 9; J.
Edmoniclii;fial„22 ; A. McHenry, Ind., 46; - 3
'Dougherty, Ind., 3; 'wee L. Cook, K. N., 81,
&hoot Direeter—Thonlas Penney, P., 70;
• John,BlcHeiiry: P.„•70; I.ewis Soles, F., 63; Wm.
Monck, K. R. 84; Gem Miller,lC.K. 84; J. W.
Blaakbura„ N. 76. • •
Assidant AlltalOri. ;B. Sinclair, . P., 64 ;
" Curry, g., 67 ; Mclntosh,\John K. N., 83;
Hugh Brady, K. N. 83. ,
Judge of . P, 69 , Jo
lamb M. Barrett, -IL' N., 89.
luspeotor.—,Wm. H. Hill,! F., 88; David Hen
,: dricklum,_F.,Bl „, ..ThelL• N. tickein for Inspect
or had two names on, and were all thrown out.
Our correspondent states theta good many
lion voters were down - the river. He considers
the vote on Justice-alba Pease the teat vote.
..EsMient-r n =Mono.
Justieeof the Pessee.—BennetLike, N., 73;
• John P . Diehards:F.; 43. - •
1 1 Judge 4,/, - - igection. , —Willaai ßobinson, K. N.,
78 1 James Dickey, F., 46. ' •• - 1
Auditora—Beujamin Wilion, K. N., 42 ; John
✓ Walker, ,Jr., K. N., 42 ; E. A:Davis, K.IIL, 44;
Thomas Form', F., - 4 ; Peter William, 1 t John
E. Shafer, 1 ; Joseph Wilson, 1. • • - -
CotufaMa TT Eohert Means, IL N., 68 ; Alex.
• Stewart, 26; Sam: R. Black, 19.
Assessor.—G. IL Tower X. N. 71: C. F. SII.
gart, F., 42. •
Assistant Assemors.-11411 Purges, 44 - ; Mi
tt china Ventres, 44-; Finley Johnson, 66 ; J. W.
Laughlin, 66. -
lizspector.--George — Cunningham,. K. N.. 70 ;
IL C. Stephens, 46.
Justices of than` Pecree.--.lames Wallace, and
li Thomas Varner, K. N.'o, were elected. • Thereat
of the ticket ht K. H. -
l"l. Salrtcrnat "Fs.
la ' .fustiees of the Peook-George H. Starr and
'1 David Anderson, 3G. H.'s, elected. Mast , of the
... ticket elected. ia K. 'N. _ 1 •
1 21211EINGUAM Bono.
Jrutiees of the Peace. -John McKee, K. N.,
el =; Wm. Siam, F., 202; Lea= Banks 193; Jas.
-- .f.; Salisbury 183; Michael 'rapt., 384-Solomon Sala,
, . 1 11; Nathaniel Patterson, 1; 1 J. Weitbricht, 1.-
'-I The FusioniMs bate elected one Judge of Elec.
~ , C... tions, one Inspector a n d about half their ticket. '
14 Dcanr.saz Bozo-
1 .. Burgen.--WHlttan C. Miller, 66; John Buhoup;
•"0, - eorater7.-Thomas H. Stewart, 88; Smonel
91furphy, 95; David. Acheson, 98; Andrew Jack
'''son, 55; Thomas Bartby, 60; Stephen . Fisher,
4 3 13,5; James Dom, GO; Ernst . Agana, 57.
...: 1 Assessor.-Stephen Jockson, 88; David Crow,
1 ; 1 4 67.
411 . 7 :1 Anistam dueszoix.--Ttuta. Bartley, 67; Hen
_ - I,lry Suttie, 67; A. M. T. Johnston, B7; John Ba
,houp, 87.
; Judge of Eketion.-Jutaes Bell, 87; Matthias
4 , 1 ,
9Voegbtly, 66.
it School. Directore.-Iboutas Nesmith, 3 years,
92; Andrew Jackson, 3 years, 93; David Ache
`_'son, 1 year, 92; Wm. C. Miller, 3 years, 61;
uis Fieldbach, 8 years, Cl; Andrew Emstley, 1
ear, 57.
r of Eketima.Wm, Thompson. 47;
243. George
I.:,iirus. Oakley, 43; Hobart McConnell,
. '„Illoul. 25.
'I Justice of tee Peace.-li. N. F. Johnston 90.
.... .il Constable. -Jonas Moon, 89; Alex. Balza, 62;
1: 1 _ 4"; Michael. O'Neal, 1.
Warr Etrrseuzurr.
7:- .O A Burgers -Nathaniellf. Smith. 71.
- "..1..4 Counca.--John Rummy, 77; John Caren,
-s- • 1 4 93; -Joseph W. McElroy, 76; Andrew Myers. 63;
' l , l l Henry M. Mahey, 76; J. W. Williams, 15; W.
i.. 7., I TAble, 14; Bbirplem Bead, 3; John E. Small, 1.
"'". .-14 10 Justiees of the Peau.--Hugh Walkenshaur, 71;
.' 11 z. batt B. Stout, 70; Thomas Soma, 1. -
/ Constable.-Jobn 19-Culliff, 75; Weo- Able,
....:,2; Jaz:lei - Pat 1. - -
` • it Judge of .leeches.-Albert Evans, 50; John
... iii,0,,,•11, 25,
'... tj Inspector of Eloetiose.-JahetW . Willisms, 54;
tjohn E. Small, 4; John Auth, 10; Edw ard
:. : 1 2lpring, 1.
1 . 3. i 4 School Direetore.--Jscob 'Rinehart, g -
0; Bobt.
.."11"441Poalmaa, 52; B. B. Stout, 9; John E. Small, 6. -
~. Assessor .- Jacob-Rinehart, 61; Samuel Bur
• ... I weer, 18. ,-.
Auiststt.AssezzLielling ar K. 13 3 azdhes.., 4 56;
,-,---::,,,, 01,11:clitor.---George Atkins, 60; Samuelll. Cook,
. 7 .: 41 30; scattering, 12 •
-'...:-. 11 0.5 11 Cress Sr. Cketz
:: . .. l i.' Asseasor.--Itobert Brigham, 38;Joseph M.
-:•:,." 'f.,31,,g, 33. ..
:. I. '' .• '' Considas.-Saniud Won, 51; Samuel Con
-'.'" . 8. ._
'4 t, -. i...? r iupervisor.-Swrel Wibson, 63; Samuel COn
.r t ' ll 4 . ,A'sor, 63. (Tie vote.) - t
:, ....' inspretor.-Thonsaa Blacktuctre, 8; John Gil
",4:llass, 44:
.•...5 .
-' Aucluor.-.David R i gby , R i gby , sl; Amos Holland.
4 ,.... - •;.eor two years, 51.
....:'A9I Assistant Anneort.--Itobt. Fife, _29;W a lter
rourneldp C7er.l.--Johnaton A. Connor, 41.
N" , - - 4.1 Judge of Slediotte.-Jecate Connor, 53.
''; ' •• Justice of the,E'eate.-James Espy, f. 4.
' '' 1 : 4: •.,,,1• Rim/ Distaffs-431w Glitilian, 53; Samuel
~;...•, 'Tonna . Jr. 60; Wm. Nixon . two years, 62,
. - 1 1 .- 4 1 p :a rk r Eehm, 18; WIU. Faxon. three years, 6;
E„,i: 1 net Conner, two years, 6.
• a.
'.. k :
.0 14zucuts.
1 1'.1.' • Justice of the et!ettee.-JiLmes ll'Cleary, 111 ;
li:: •
x: ` Justice
Fleming. 2. , .
' a damaor..--11L W. Iforbstab, 73; John Perch
r : t• 1 13 t 50. ..
,'•:•• ~;-a A, .., ant Artes,
:' • ! 1 .. lt?erchment, 73; Henry Ellalten, t. 51 ; John John
' run, 64. ..1,
;' ' . .:' • ti faspecosra--1. A. Ramsay, 67 ; Charles D a ffy .
t . ... - : • ,4; John W. Home, 8. 1 dr
'''' • .
Judge or does .- George ' Mclansey, 53 ,
)arid Little. 73.
1 . .-:-• • - S
School Directore.--- Duncan Mam - dton, 12.5;
".• 1 ' : : -- 2
d Duff, 49 14 Z. Itsteltall, (Ind. Whig,)
• '• ~ : tl- - ',imlitor.-Jemes Kelly,..Tr., 112.
s . &rms.-John Hannah, 47; John Snyder,
+,1 . ;13 . E li jah MOWlliiants, 72; Inched Lusehart,
' ' Cau
=John hfitabell, 119.
..1 1 -,.k r B t Tosas kip Clerk--Jacob Eicher, 74; Duncan
..'. l ' Ilaniltou, 45: .
A..- Brackenridge, 112 ; R. Head,
1 -14-
Asulilor•-19 11 tm Hefrott , Sr., 64; E. D.
•41t1rrk.11. Brackenridge,66; John 8. Hiddy,
1 .4 9 „ge . kcol Dirretors.-11. W. Wilso . i 5,116
_; w. C ,
rses r l et al, 63 , Wm. Eichtssnln. 68. Da. iel M
I l. ‘ 2 ° ,,,,,, w itan ' e r„Lliftlians Wylie, 65; Jas Hunter, :
' ll;ws ' Clark .
* • "41 u rrsisor.--Reollift . GO; Jas Tustin,
...: •
t*I.J. ..
n, 59; Wm. Herron,
. ' a A.,..r.-Jaiut Ilsrriso"
. 1'
e r :slms' Mat Amsa fil _a
sor.-11. °Hereon, 107; Wm.
•;. _FL Hereon, 4 4; Wm. Bwober,_72.
I; J u dge.-P. Connelly, 6 3 ; 711_11.
1: 1 r ss---B , Palma', 61; Jas. Tustin. 4 6 .
Constable.-S. Barton, 110.
~ .
-... . avid.FreWs
1.. j„,itacs.-AwittrirMeerlrtnoYr 94 r -
-, . _ " Moans Caw , 84; Henry lograrn.
• .t" .. Jaa.or•-
L ? ' r.
I Q ' „ ji g.. l :,l ' ohn Brown, 125; JIM MCGan
- ---`
1 e ar . g -
o_osle, 9 3 ; Stmue b __o, nahm,l?... Hoyle
s'elmol .Direefor 9o;
.-''.'• elt L ii maen, 87; P . , Stevenson , 69; C. Sc n -
1 t
1 3 ; *': 1 ' 5. '
f ,... r .: 1 11. 1.0 , 52 ' /1 _Tr,. '1..6, 126 -
- °rFretsi D.Hobinson, 84; IL Ch uff ,
Autaan ' 49 8
.11; &emu, . • Duff
ii, ' / . .,,,,,,t,ime Thomits Forgusort, 94 -
' ---0 Bir H. lopww, 44.
~Au- ; d - - - Robinson.---- H. ID ED7 38 ;
•IP - :4 / Mcßride.tors--41/5.d 60; gre
y). 110b 8111 °I 4 n F r 2 !,... htm, '88 ; J. Walkinshaw, 4*
.- 4 . , , 1 tn Ckrk sou - t c pit - is - 1 ) 111%k the ..Crittron'W
• Vsker le
.Rested -'lb bat two a:captious.
e Sa w s; Birmingham, there is a Fusion major
-. .4 ty!. In Robinson Tp. the K. N. hare down,
and Peebles "Sam ig
-, '!m jorit.f. b' Collins „ citi ,,,,, Ti c k.
'ahead. In Bestrigloy Bore, the
' - et" is elected. , .
1 4., _ --- - 7- ..... -- -- -_--
- 51 — Tam )4M - it -.lEismia-Cass.--In •the Court of
Quarter Batnrday hist, Judge Shan
stMl on iota , the Court td decide upon s•pollit of
I,liBerenee bet.= the tanniieskotere and telt,
nesson in the -late lareaty cue. :The . witnesses
I demand doable mileage and fees end the 'Coil.
=Wieners refused VP
,pey it. The Court took
•,4,the matter under owdderation. • . . --
~. • ,
MARK or. Ente.,..On Saturday tught, a little ,
before twelve o'cloolr, the whole barna were
. L Illuminated as by a lire. The firemen were oat,
"...,', but did not traced in dhmorering any ire with
' i.....: in the city .hdatr." -- .77" ~...•
... •
it is unpposett thine Irma. a ire stoat four
' ..-.. 'ad.* end Ike four* itistrav& i• • -
4 - - • 0 Is: .........,;.:,
Important Legal Dashing. -
_looms MoCttraw ow xxios Locates QUESTION—,I
A Dzrnsurs---Taw :Errata- 'l3inemen - Qom:reline ;
DarosanOr.—lti theCourt:of Common Pleas,;;
ari Saturday last; Judge McClure delivered an?
important opinion with regard to the long vexed
question of- the licensing of dials ' backs, Sic.,
by the different' COrpormions-in this vicinity. -
The anta before the Court was that of Suffern
vs. The Borough of South Pittsburgh, and is an
action to recover a penalty of $5 inflicted for the
violation of an ordinance of the _borough, re-
cdring all owners of drays, &a, to registertheir I
names and take "out licenses.
Mr. Buffam is engaged in the manufacture of
pop, Porter and Mineral Water, and has a wagon
running through the different cities and boroughs
in this vicinity for-the purpose of delivering
those beverages to his customers. Haying no
'license from South Pittsburgh; he was brought
before Esq. Bausman and lined $5. He-subse
quently took out a Certiorari, and the case came
before Judge McClure.. Judge libeler, attorney
for Bufforn (plaintiff in error,) not having filed
exceptions to the judgment and the proceedings
of the Justice, as be was required to do by a
rule of Court, the Court affirmed the judgment
of the Justice.
A week ago last Saturday, Judge Shaler took
a 'show cause why the judgment ebould
not be opened awl he allowed to file a bill of ex
ceptions none me lune. This , rule was granted
by the Conrt. An argument was then hod—T.
B. %mitten, Esq., for the Borough, and Judge
Shaler fur Suffern. The Court decided that the
rule should be made obsolete. .
On Saturday last, without any further argu
ment, the Court decided that the bill of excep
tions of defendant in error be filed and not only
the previous 'judgment of the Court but . the
judgment of tbepastiee, reversed, on the ground
that the Supreme Court had decided in an ana
logous we, that the ordinance did not apply to
plaintiff in error.
- From the decision of the Supreme Court we
quote the following: We do not understand the
act 'on - which this ordinanceis _founded, as enti
tling the-borough to tax any vehicle, except Mom
of her own eiticw, and those of persona carrying
on some branch of business or occupation with
in the townly means of them. ,
The we of the County Commissioners, plain
tiffs in error vs. Ralph Frost;defendant in error,
also -came before the Court on Saturday. This
was en action for compensatien for cervices ren
dered as a special constable at the execution bf
%vfaJewelL fin was employe4by the Sheriff.
Frost obtained a judgment from an Alderman
against the Commissioners. They took out a
certiorari. The Court decided that theaction of
the Sheriff could not bind the Commissioners, and
that the proceedings -- of the Alderman be re
—On Friday night but between the hours of II
and I o'clock, a very bold and successful rob
bery wasperyetrated op board the steamboat
Americus, " lying at the Monongahela wharf.—
The rascalsorhile all the passengers were asleep,
entered a nnmber of the state rooms, rifling the
pockets of their occupants of all the valuables
which they contained. After gathering a num
ber of pocket-books, and port monnaies , they
went into an; unoccupied state room, sd al,
stracted what moneythey contained, leaving the
pocket books, &c., upon the floor.
When the passengers awoke in the morning,
'the • robbery was discovered. A gentleman
named David Marshall, on his way to Illinois,
lost $460 in gold and Rank of Pittsburgh notes.
Other persons lost various rams, ranging from
$lO to $6O. The whole amount stolen amount
ed to about $6OO.
At an early hour on Saturday morning, infor
mation was made at the Mayor's Office. Officers
proceeded to the boat and arrested Jacob Rush,
Jacob Rush, Jr:, John Rush, Charles Rose, and
George Wood on suspicion. They were brought
before the Mayor for a bearing and discharged,
there being no evidence to connect them with the
robbery. Wood was the watchman of the boat.
These steamboat rcbteries are becoming fria:
quent, and they should be an admonition to the
officers of boats to have a more vigilant night
watch upon their decks.
Seatous Oorasot.,.-We are indebted to the
Alyea for the fojloiting account of an outrage
-committed on the Bt. Clair at. Bridge:—About
half-past ten o'clock on Thursday night a gentle
man and lady who were coming to this city by
the St. Clair at. Bridge, were overtaken when
about half way over, by sixteen, all Intoxicated.
The party immediately attacked the gentleman
and beat him in a very severe manner, and final
ly one or two of the party seised the female and
, dragged her hack to the Allegheny end of the
Bridge. There the night watchman interfered,
and by strenuous efforts succeeded in securing
the woman, and _detained her until her escort
came back. He was,badly injured, and, he sta
ted, bad been robbed of his pocket-book. He
annecomed hie determination to -institutecault
against the Bridge Comptuiy, for not having
force sufficient there to prevent such outrageous
attacks. The injured party did not leave his
slams, nor are any of the attacking party known.
The women was unhurt, egeept by being dragged
tack to the Cud of the bridge.
An aged German named Lawrence Trish died in
hie Cell in the County Jail on Saturday morning
last,- at .three o'clock, of inflammation of the
In tire absence of Coroner Lowry, an inquest
.wee held by Aid. Major and a verdict related
in accordance with the facts. The deceased was
convicted at the last term .of the Quarter See
ding, of the larceny of a coat from a clothing
store on Liberty street; end was sentenced to two
menthe imprisonment. Poor old man! his is a
sad hiatory. He had - ever borne an Irreproacha
ble character for integrity, but the chill frosts
and hitter winds of winter compelled him to de
part from the .paths of virtue. lie was very
poor, and in en evil moment of temptation he
dole that coat to preserve himself from freezing.
He was detected, imprisoned end in jail he bid
adieu to poverty, sorrow, life.
One readers will remember an account we
glue some time slice, of a watchcintring game
played by • couple of =goes upon a gentleman
named 'Eckert, by which lie was duped to the
tune of $3B and received in exchange a germ
iced watch. A few days agoi Eckert took pall
etise on a steamboat for Crammed. He saw two
men get on board it Btenbenville, whom he re
cognised as the identical sharpers who played
the tele), upon him. He Ltad.them arrested and
subsequently agreed to' drop' suit MCI they
would refund the money, 'hid! wan accordingly
done and the rogues were set at liberty. .
Drums or Eon Dugs TOWNSlLlP.—Anappli
cation has Win made to the Court of Qaarter
SMaions for the division of East Deer to ims hi p.
AU the citizens of the township, we understand,
desire the change; :and the Court will no doubt
grant their prayer. The lower part of the town
ship will continue to bear the present title
What name Is proposed for the other part, Is not
Omura or zuz Ceruz.—Themater was let
into the Serumlrani* Canal on Thursday morn
ing, rind on Friday night it had reached this
city. The Simla in good order-throoghont and
we may look for en uninterrupted season of nav
igation. .
number of boats, fall freighted, passed over
Acquednet on Saturday.
Poestrt.Ptcwan.--On Friday afternoon last, a
man mulled Reny Fleischman, had a valuable
gold watch and chain taken from 'lds poCket,
while he was attendlig as auction at Chapman's
eigsrineri, on Market street near Third. The
-pollee vete unable to diseorer the thief.
/MOM= Aprilonlolt.--James 11. Ilophina,
Esq., made a second application in the Court of
(Water Sessions on Saturday last, for the graat
ing of a wharter to the Iron City Commercial
College. The application was signed by a nnm•
ber of prominent citizen&
BAMSD.--Th masa and James Kennedy. two
boys Committed to jail some dap ageby Mayor
Adams on a charge of stealing a box off' figs from
Mre: Yoder, wore brought before Judge McClure
on Wordily, and ralmisell on ban ih the sum of
$200.. t.
Anctrotwintel Tait, of New Brighton,
had hie 'nolo broken on. Theredsy evening, at
the ABegheap outer depot. The driving wheel
of s,locomotive. which lie woe working at,fell on
his leg and caused the heeture:
n ,
oun wanting rery fine wines, Lbinors, &c.,
should sttend the male by P. M. Dar* Auction
eer, this morning at 10 o'clock, at the Wboleattle
Forel& Liquor Store corner of Market and Front
.- - -
ten week there were about thirteen kundred
lirrivaLs at our different betels. Daring 'eke suet
periej, aizty-eti steamboats arrived:it the-vbtrf
and fifty seven departed.:
Avivinvorsivr.--Wiliaia Wilson, of the First
Ward, Allegheny, has received the , appointment.
of All to the Governor. ' ' •
. ,
iliarator Coosa—Batoro 'Judge Williams.
Bolden va.-Allagtany City (baton rnportral.
Verdict for plaintiff for $250•
Tams' are counterfeit two dollar and a half'
11. S. gold - pianos in -'oirculation. Look out. for
• Valuable Farm for Sale. •
'subscriber offers far sale his Farm ' ill resnkiiaftredlio todsnalatquasong comity. 1.•., mown.
011•11••dro sad • Aaresoaoce or Loy 150 .
olithieti s •sta a I, "l sa°l4 bal g i r un
arlotod • tirtE aim mbacrliewed Loar aaraa Ilati o.• naMlN Sad thaw
Dm Bun.
CO 6,31 ea.
act amadas. • (Maud of crafted Inds Tens.
/ bhuirdavionidit seversa mtom ulas at 4=solinp o
or $l4. la Uwe asumad wrimgs l . AMPII.V.
at ary
1401.013% ,
Loutsyitti;lly., Mar&l7 -. .-A. 'tremendous
hail etotio occurred lost night The hail atones
Were two inches;in circumference and fell 'frith.
vent force, demolishing skylights and breaking
in roofs, besides doing other (Limoges.
It is reported that some dissatisfaction exists .
with regard to the nominees of the State Con
CINCINNATI. March 17.—Flour lower; sales
500 bble. at 88,150.8,25. Whiskey 24€041.•
Provisions fifm. Mess Pork advanced to 813,-
25. Sales 700 hbls Lard at Bi€CBi. Sugar fftm .
at 6€+s.f. Molasses 254(En2G. Linseed Oil fins
at 85. Nothing new is mosey matters.
The river has risen 4 feet. Weather cool and
Lebanon Nursery.
IitOCKSTOG? Sr, AMMON write the at
tacticl or tho aphlla th4r larva stock of Fruit
Ornamental TREKS and SHRUBS. All orders left at
V. Dravo's Mort. N 0.., 10 the Dlanaotal, ttaburah ,
or. addravod Cireett T7oa Poet M 8.% trillvaantlf
sttearlad to, mea-atal3
°TICE TO GARDENtins—Our stock
afresh Seeds for the bod.d. guldens Is am-
DD 4mb...dug every Inaowu rtltable sort lo,eultlva don.
Wholeado sod retail at the Seed and ruplemeut Wars.
house, Gbh (41...1tur JAMES WARIWIOP..• •
lOOKS ON GARDENlNG.—llowning
111 Eurry.Thernas and the American Broke en FMK;
Bulat's Kitchen Garden. and Mover Garden Directory, -
Young Gerdes:tees ;mutant,. and other standard storks
o n
the minus Horticultural purznits.fer sale by
fedi-4MT. • • • JAR. WAIIDROP.
GARDEN TOOLS-Pruning knives, Silk
Ohleele, le. in Crest variety', ac
manta and achinery of the most approved and desirable
sort; erholesah, and retail. felt-IterT JAB. WitltDROP
PR. J. It SPEER., in addition to the
practice of the ging branches of hle proassalon, de•
i weeial attention to DILOUSES OP TR! XV$ and
all operations terrearr for their
Thls notice la deemed neemeary to correct an enonsou.
Impression pr.valpng moons motions of U. country, that
Ds has rellntnalshed his wroaimbm.
N. NI TSFeetr abeet. Pltteberreh
ew Stock of Dry floods for the Spring
of 1855.
YRE & LANDELL, S. W.-eon:Tr of 4th
and Le& sta.. Pidladolph_ll.itro
-;fully preti to
Febuyers,wlmlemale utd etali.. with goods adapted to
their wants and ott holoweot
Noveltiet in Lemon, MEETINGS. Q. At. .
N. 11.—Bargains daily ron't from tho Auctions, of Now
York and Philaielphis
P. Boiled Black nat.arranted not to rut In
wowing. Atom-keepers ouppllcil w with them gond.
. [sir 41morTW
LfXECUTOR'S NOTICE--All Persons in-,
ra debt ed to the estate of Liman T. Owen. late of the
Cityof Allegheny. deed. are hereby duly notified to nuke
Immediate payment. and all persons having delms
Kama said estate are requested to present them. dui/
- ithentleeted, Pre settlement, without delay.
JANE. ANN COVELL, Execute's-
baring_laims agatast the Estate tate of June. Olver,
L orSowiekl c ay tonnehlg, Allegheny county. deed, ene
requested to preeent them, duly anthentleated. for mettle.
meat, and all pentane Indebted to eald tote make
P.TII.IIt Without delay. MAItY Egettiz,
EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Notice te hereby
given that Letters of Admlnistratkm hare ' hew
granted to the undersigned on the grate of Wm. Fergu
son. late of Allegheny county, deterh all rem. knowing
lbw:metres indebted tumid estate aro requested to mate
Immediate payment. and thews lumina nhand , sitelnst said
estate will present them. preperly_autbentieshel. for set
tlement. othfeetweT W. IL DUET. Executor,
Administrator's Notice. - •
NOTICE is hereby given thit Letters of Ad-.
min/strati= have bon exacted to the sohicriber on
the Enna of John N. StewarL Iste of fairvine. Guerney
oxonty. Ohio deceased.An peen= knooins the=
seine Indebted to Nid 'estate are replanted to =aloe
louxuallste payment. end all those =due nab= to Ote
not the =am property authenticated, for settlement. •
sahlbateeT JOHN M. EDMI.INDSON. Alter.
Dissolution. of Partzu:rithip. • •
%THE Co-Partnership heretofore existing
_b e•
L n the wadersitiwod, to rfotaletors and PublLth •
art of.D.T. Pittsburgh flosotto. le this day DosolTwl by the
WHITE. .ho
of SAMUEL HAIGHT'S lutowoot. by U. N.
WHITE. who lo full and oolely authorised to oath; the
boAlueto of the luta tom, and pay off All Its dcbto, and who
wlll:herealtar conduct thmOssetto sa sole Proprietor.
Pittsburgh. feiedi no; rut —isnrotemer..
A Musical Tournal for the Milton.
contains anianalliover One Hundred Mora of Noe
usie. buddre a vast amount of criticel. iwtractive and
eatertaining readingr shim • egret (published In chapters)
by Lowe Mn,aw ®bobbing the practical mega as ap
Plied to practicat torching, of Ws experience...during a long
and indutrious career, ware wallow and teacher amnia
And yet the Musical Ureic o Is only one dollar • year. or
six copies for fire dollare—leflexibly radraece. Anybody
c. 0.5.. Interest In the manse of made, is invited to get
op clubs. and foment subscriptions. Published flartrileht•
ly. Prod:ova coulee sent ol . r= of Ore seats, or too
rootage gimp. AMrem,
st Aims intarnEns,
L.ll.lalitallan , Park Raw. Nest York.
a Illerar, Allegheny and Washington Counties
tea 1:44.101431 Flow& mode culThitrim Wheaq
Cll21 - ii. attention is invited to the exanuna
. Um of important Improvements In the plus
es. of - Moue ter hulling and dienoing hunk
wheat, mid err ensuring and cleaning Wheat and
Writ and aime ha the drug of millsnonee. The.. 1..
pitiumenta aro clump and vonnottdeaL Themew
andmemb but little mover to &ire IL Buitk be s t
Flour oars b& made by them aei white m the bunt What
mitirely fnue hra mind and dirt. Tbe enter*
ban do net agek you to enter pat ray summtelnor 0004.0
t=eblieneiroferperinient. - Tbe improvement* haul...,
gbly tested. eau be neadily undentood.
put' In operation and kept In order. and urn tame
nd labor: and In Miming them Colon. Cr. suboulbere do
so vittithe guarantem that 11„ ou it fair trial of the
promeminta. rove cannot make better flour than you hare
emir madoor peen made by aurotber proem, they will
,Large nothing and remove the Meehinnat their own Co.
e, .ere In operatlvn in J C.
S ave. l ' l ' Xiquaro t ma r :o,ilfortir Co., and Wert thirearrlile:
aterrier County.
bumph* of Flour and Hulled Runk wheat may be men at
Miner. Logan, & (lard ware Ftme, i tbdirt rg b.
For further reirthmlara addrare th e either-ellen, at Wolf
Creek. MerreeCo., Fa.. elm are prepared to .ell right. for
Ifille or Turriebila to Um above Corinth.
JAtilkg. C. SHAW.
jelZoserl 110 TIT. P. DRAT.
(Wsehlngton Reporter espy I Month.)
The Celebrated American Horse Powder
6 1=
non of &ante. dc. de.
THE Proprietor of the above Powder take
Rest pleasure In railing your attention to an article
eLerlis i art . yt o... tting , of the land ever offered for Pohl/.
It tun stood the test of Ensur Yeene =leo...b e t
no Widths. tormhon got op a. atomoy sche
an article substantially and falthNilY Proternloamtleoal
calmly a such reint as tare been lona by practical
r t r b l , me to be valuable fbr the outgo( the dhow+ In
It ahonkl to In fle halide of army Warmer farrier and.
Delman. No owner of Mean should be without It. It
will rave. Wallet properly and to time. the Ilves of meet
valuable salmis.
We set yon bet to try It Confident of Its
tioeee ability
dram It es, n butsy enter Into nor wFb, ~t
it. virtues,
neva:Maly sawn It for toe patronage - co
a &Wendt= public. Alm—
. The Celeksted , Amerlean Cow POWs?:
Newspet roluarde Mowery, 111serancett to Mrs Hoff*
Horn end Mine Inserucestandent to hrows.taatu.
- Notwittotsolltenctbe omnerous compounds whkh •
daiyoaeted ander the name of specifica, yet there healoos
been wanted a preparat ion that would ensure a safe and
- oftectual core of the tunny diseases to which every horned
aahnal Le =hied. The carnes of the prewmt otot. contalo
lx.lnerMlente of the moat nimble deecriptlo=l
all those who mar
sffileted wh
obtain a Medieins unsorpeaml il
by .7 othey. is sear offered.
It notoposition Is entirely different from the Worm Powder
twine adeptedexpresely to bonnet animal. and they r din
. It le unnaturstand inconsistent to administer the sam,•
al •to both melee Ow the core of entirely dillereut
- disease.' Whst may to valuable as noreeir In ore lo
ritt:aeo. Z " , i l=l:cl 4 re l dTso l lal ' el h lll=torea. WO
which warrsat to eradicate " the diseenee Po which they
are reccononnadol.
beihte thiat
It. ankle ono.. and e. to NY youwlll not
withou after. . •
It hat been tritelby Many Intellegent ihrmagt Wont,
cat the united Stow, ...a..h.var Itlretalt• Mahe. ,
4.4710 f JOLIN B. ll VVlZ .' Whenale Druggist
ReattvWeit comer offth and nee eta.. Philadelphia. -
113.1hwanntableAtorficaperi rand Deninrirte wanted to
act mte:wits. - total-lewT
ldlogheny Uoutity Normal School.
aEundereigned, County Superintendent,
ing consulted . number of Tesebers and Direct.
ore upon the propriety of establishing • Teachers' Instl.
tate, •1•11 ha•lntrrototred their heart, approval, and be - .
tlnitotalao that ne cannot In any other war more ea
actually aid In carrying out the provisionsof Me new
MIO4I L•ir, dttortnlood to ntsblbh 0 Normal &boor,
for which be has secured the services of R. CURRY, A. IL,
PriV t
of the tasititon will be ts strand teachers
and an ars whiting to become taarhses, such facilltlee
as will enable them to obtelo a liberal. thorough and
,Inactleal education.
WThe first wool= will man on TUESDAY, April ad,
105$. It Is desirable that all persons whiling to enter
should be present at the opening of the Bowdon.
I For Irifotmatlem es to terms, Ac.: see &calve or ad
% H. KERR.
I MlSl.2.3blrliwi County. auterintendent.
Notice Relative to the next Mate Agricultural
• Exhibition.
of the Executive Committee
of the Pennsylvania State Alaimohuts' Soclety. held
at gh on the 17th of January ult. the Inflow - Mg
reeolution was adopted:—"Resolerd, net the next
exhibition of this Surety ahall be held on Tuesday. Wed•
midday. Thursday sod Friday, th e 25th. 3010. 22tb and
25th days of September mut, sod that the e.e.d.ri be
appointed to Welts proposoil and mate report to the 'Ex
ecutive Committee at the quarterly meeting In April
Tbe undersigned baying been appointed to Voratialme
of the above resolution, wia receive propoeltiona =tit the
let day of April next trom the ethane of towns and cities
In the State. relative to tee location paha aextoExhibltion
of the Painsylvanta State Agricultural SoctetY.' Oommu•
1' I " sly nl I
P I t gAh ra d
in i rIaItELUIM.
Land for Bile
WILL sell 250 acres, being the" principal
part or what mile ea the °Woolsey Yam^ Maeda
In the forked Yth. Bodnar to whip, Westmoreland
ecanety, Illy one from the tro:abloattror arer end
Connellattle Railroa d Are miles from the Wotan ew
beht. About onet_btren acme the well Umbend and the
restarodar dared and well adapted to either arrthatural
or thaslanpurpmes. /am Mammal dollen of them:attar
ascoansust be meld Inthendthe restuaalermaylesalln ten
sn Interest, Wreathed, Rama:ear A, W.I.IILIZR,.
littatearsh, ar the .n war the prennleee.—
Indlntasw. etattatra - DaVIDWRIIIft. •
LASTS. :-.HUM:Hifi US 'A HAY, have
g.sis 1.2.. 1 = assorttosst of LASTS. 8001
Wiz, le. rmssothgly, snlidt tha sttios
etni s a i r =mom st IN& stow cause of Miasma sad
- -
. mogioaebta to ill* Fatale of Daniel W.: lata co
arentom. Allegheny trotatr.Stard, are reminded ta was
inirsteet to the tutoorlber, and ` all baybalt claim sabot
sn id .tat. Sean. JOHN peneaeta Lo_proper tarot.
adl•Gtand aIIoOONNELL. Adair:
Elecutor's. Notice.
110 4 1 . 1)TICE‘ 4, hereby given that Letters of
...administrative lure too gifilted to Use oubectiber ,
on t isii: . .aw. Mew% Sz.: MU of Davin Tof Al
toill4my t .4•61:. Ail poroials knowing thimsillos
mcm4 foists us beriby notated to auks lams
moot. sift an those basins slalom to. Prioint,
a.m.. du* mqtmu~ , lbrnekgr&
le .. - ; '.
;. ' Mir.* ii r. Adal'is.
MlLthWtrittor'i roam
TiOTICEiii it '''' given, that Letters of
* Asodnoorato Arm Lees mined to ttni r tuboeribor
on estat4 at trunserarerld"ista a North Fayette 11*.
Allottbol am. &l. All tomtit kr.mtlai Memoir so to.
&Dial W aid gelato in batty notleact to woke limo*
p ` roMrit= i s ' A l t i or"
~i i,l7l ll 4t i tri. t iFtiV r
- W1...0n t• - - ' o l otttuA I. 1111.11 DB. A u gt ..
. .. . . ..
AdpunistotoFs Notice. ..:-
INDT,WE, lif ltereby.given that Letter' of
- admlgtistnitiou hit Mem msatmilotbe robot:am
at be Estate et A , Woof lUesbmir MIT.
demiwk slip non tlummeins Isaftbmd Maid
astatcotromktia to make immes&Z i t
Oriel tam Tat proper
V i iISS4OII ''' '''.-" : IntO:ttlUndokirst.
g, Burs, V.T.—FU. !W U. JoeYCL HEW,
Jso. BicDmrz. Jso. &on.
rirrsnutan 'uamErs
Orrick Plrv9io=o o (nvent.)l
Member Mortdrof !duel; 19, MC f
FLOUR—the market appears dull and thiso G not nits&
dbporalon to operate ; 'tales at coUl of anthrflce lu lota at
1 . 9,00.5iad from throe of auperfloo ertra 5t19,714,/¢4,97
_A vale of ai blob. Oath Maid from dare at /4.91.
13114"N'—'°46."..111111, Prerailithi the Grain roar
krt . : Wes of .8,000 boa. Oats to arrive, at CiL sod 1.000 boi.
Corecdltto. at AO, both deliverable on theOtharf ; alias on
the mbar( of . .X.O 1. os. gar Coro at S. GOO 4, 01 SO and 3110
do. Shelled at SO; from atom 110 do. at 115; '
. . .
sI ALT & 1101`.3—salas of 3,000 tam Malt at bream at
$1,3509.450 and 10 Woe Hops aing3o, track Ise &cline
BACON—sales 0(.1,400 Da Meat Bound. at and
caeh : 5 eke. [holders and Sidon at GM and N. attr
dada: and Rd pea. c untry cot Shoulders and Mama at
en and 0, sixty day.
OlL—a sae a 'X Ltda. Lanl 03, No. 1 at 73, cash.
(11tHABrc—a ants of,lll [Lis. Interior at SN.
, .
BUTTER WEOlid—sa/es of 4 bbla Packed Butt. at . 12 . ..4;
4 do. prima Rollhl 4n, and 6 bldg. Eggs at 16 V. dar., hai
log drained under a Bette supply.
FRUIT—a ids on the wharf of 100 Uhl. Orem Apples at.
V.. 00, god 12 SIX do. from store at ; Drlsd Apple., 00 hog
at a 1,60.
'BF.AN'i , —s sale of IS Ms. Email Mate at $2,76. rash.
Thebreather on Saturday was elver, with blab wind. pre
vailing. The rain on Friday night was vary heavy and
WWI ell night. The Monongahela sommeneedthling rap.
Idly In the morning, and had attained • Mitre of over 14
feet In the °mans. Thel rain, ea du. Oa MI an learn, Wel
very general.
The bees all got out, we believe. The total
ehipment ofemal, on thin and tbe-Yuemdln/t
4,000.000 bushels lool* 11 that In hug.. The ehipment
in December was .1,001 E. 600000 bmhels.
The Prairie city left St. Leda for thin Mt) on the nth.—
its port Ihr this place, Chicago and theta Tirt. .
The the, buslusaa is quite. astir; at' Clurinuati. The
South amesims, Podia Clesel, end Paul - Janes arrived on
Thursdey from Ml+ place, nod the Mcmongshels. (henna
'State, South America and Persia umaor tort. below. The
Cowman, mud &eratitue State lett for Pittsburgh. the for.
mer with 400 tons freight, ft:minding 1000 bble. Flaur.The
Fremont, Paul Joaes...l. S. Pringle .1 Arne
son vete Whose, on Friday.
On T h .day night, the steamers Exchange and queen
City came In collision between Cincinnati and Louisville.—
The Exchange was main at the bow.
The p e wee. doing in the OfOMl7 market Is very heavy,
and . active demand ellitts In Su car, Coffee end Motu.
and priors continue to ,ditto. Coffee now will.
at 1241214 e. being an admoce of fully two tents"f lb with
in the lest thirty days. Sloluess le 0130 out higher, with
...the demand.
Th e m e w mutat:presents nothing new. Currency
anitlunes Name, and negotiatione are made wit h Some dlr.
Ilculty--outslde the Banta ratter range froln I to Inc for
tiretulars parer, but parer which has any don attached
to It Is hard to be disposed of at .y rate.
news of Kuban. on the Eut are higher. and wo now
DOD/ !tigf l ,4 pnm
On NewLama= rates a»the same.
In Provisions .thlng of consequence erne don teLdey,
but In prices no change had taken place. eke; le dull
and prima tending downwards.
Chreenreed eery dull. sod lot, lies. on
gm market
would not being eve ry dull.
and eun et Ws misrules would
he made with dlMeulty.—itnn. Com. Pride):
Tim Iltrisn—The 'Users small! reported °nth., rise. at
renting the Moon rt. and there were no arrivals from that
quarteryederde y. The ellartaliPPl et thle point roan
about eighteen Inches In the tvrenty.foor home endleg .t
• °Work last weenier. and to still Ming—not go rapidly.
however, rye on Monday. The total rim at4r ohm nee
lwen near etc feet. Eight or doe fee tls to Cairo.
The Minot s Is ovelllowing the hanks at Ila. and •
depth of Odd feet Is reported at the month. The Upper
Walden ern. rhdng. with One feet on the bars to Keokuk.
Louie Repub. 141. h.
Corset —The bark Ristlna from fin arrived . lha mart,
hest and the 'Tame^ which hat been below foe scene day
hu also roma up. These semi, bring ems 10.000 bag
of Gaffe, samples of which hare been exhibited to-d.r. w
note sale* nf about WO tsars out of the <ergo of the Justin
.t IV., The mod .old .as of grad fair quality. Off.
for eesand large parcels hare bean made. hut no We oth
than the one noted store las translated. Holden
very bun at 11 i.e We good fair lota—Melt Amer.
cu. Ann Maar..ta linuaolt4-2ears bun. I de
sheep. 1 do lattle,:n) ca... ovum 8 tuna metal. Ntmlek
nitt b. cunt, * W Rea; 972 do,. 839 Ira meut. 6 bble
Nana English a Itithardeoutbay, W e Carr en;
550 bus Data J Crab:3s3i do, Bruen nun; LO do, 01 , I161r;
Idle paper, W EPCutetiann; 253 buneinveneetLlirout.
/1 Kirkpatrick; 63 On wool, 6 kw* I.d. 6 bolo butter. I eke
fruit- east; 4.10,4 niute butter." Painter t an 3 du 1 , 3 tar
lard. 10 tut eandlel t wan. Aulter f to,
CINCINNATI, hy Ranzylvaol2,-00 0140 22 Al* hey,
26 ea. baron, Leech erg 117 do, 101 tee do. 91 bba 11.
Jonesl Dennyl7 as baron. V Seloo.l co; 10 „10, II
1101 mark Br n; 170 bbls lard. Nbalek k de: 2 do ow.
REMELT - Nil, by Vocnt Ctly-75 sat emrq L C. <lna 4
bay clortmocd. Doll J LISIMM: IS do molt, U WVoalt/r, f I
bbbt Broom t Kirkpatrick; GT bay barley, al
Broom :T.O bib paper. It 4 1J laat
cornet; 16 bly wool. Floyd it co.
WIIXELING, 1,/ /7121t0.-80 kg. lard. 7 Ws Q. east 107
lags *best. Wllmartk k ns 5 ko bates, J Dark. t em
1 sks bosom 8 bss do, 1 Ws sstgs. Ben t LI gssott.
BY iIitAJW NSTILLE BOAT.—JO by fitlos• Bennet.
Glydo nr, 74 do, Lorena • co: 4: AAA 61n do. A
Berri L rot i) inns paw. A Culbretual; 20 apploW
LLNIVA EDDY. try CoropLonter-43 tee Irole. Brow
Ploy.l eo.
ARRlVED—Jefferson, Bromor011e; Lwow, do Col.
Bayard, talsabetts : -Clamor. [.Emile: Mb.. Steams'
elite; forest en, Wheeling Wheeng ; DlurnaL do; Consigns:lto ,
Cotten Inlettlgan No 2. Wellerillo Kersooto Etat.. Cluf
.DEPAPTr.l.—Jefferma, 8rolror• ; I 4.: C4l.
fa 0.. llblabetla • CaWr.r. W. 4 bi'L
14 - o.llng Pen t =isnl."l4o4.44lrtAmpai. :4 41.;
Iltra--On Sataaday ivenlns UNTO gsr•l4 fed imams
in U.,thannel nnd r4InR. r •
For St. Anthony Palls, Min. Ter., direct,
And all Landing" on the Upper ilitsistip i.
44 The new and mobstantinY
eg elln .
IVIV ILL leave I'itisbar,l:l the above and
.11 Interatedlate lendirwr. on the eerily opening of
navigation of the Upper Miesteelppl FUr Insight or pam
age apply on bur.' or to John flask or Livingston, Pitts.
burgh; K. Cutter nr P. P. lleineeWellsville. 0.; W. Kiser
. art, Knelt Wand. Ilh fleorge . R. Wert A Po, Delbwitle.
nn; K. P. Upton, Z. K. 11. Nash. D. C. Moulton, Cl. Maw.
F•ii. Mrs: E. Murphy, John /schism hilnuenolkg
Durban. C Co, 81 Paul.
The PALLS CITY le an entirely new and sperdr lewd:
powerfninuthinery built bytlebree, of very lightdraught;
excellent seesengudations; will be Ohne/Mir Itleniehed
end finished; built expressly for the Pt. Anthony. Yells
fitsernhoet Catupstsy. Min.,under th e Immediate super.
of of It-Cutter, bland
and will run es . regular
Peeked from Rock blond or Lhatam• to the Palls ni fit.
Anthony, through the weisPn. end to manned by amend
and reliable allows and Men.
J. 13.UILBSP.T. Genand Agent 600 a.
Office St. Charles Hotel, Plttsburels,
lihnouri Manse.
end C.L. CU ABO A W.. Mumma:
feaStApin St. Anthony
u r b p ,
And all Diseases arising from a Disordered
Liver or Stomach,
Pll•u k tullans a mood to the Itra i t, 4 Arillti4 the
or Welght the aust, &mob. not i g ) r b t=tltnt o , gutiug or
"%timing at the Alt of Out Atautsah, StritrunLeg of lb*
Mond. flurried and DlAlanlt BrestkLeg, Ifluttoring
Chollair or Aufbratlng Fonatttong whoa In Ot t, ng
nouturn, Intoner Vision, Dote or Wobo brlbrolA
Ams sad gull Palls in thy DelSelanwT of Pona
tton, Yellotrmon of tholtidu tad Errs, Pala In Oho e.
Back, Mart Limbo, go, Sudden Manna of first. 'Aura
lzut to Mullah. Congtant, latuglutrAP of Nun. ang Great
Dogma= of antra&
. .
Dr. C. Ms Ja cte o n,
No. 120 Arab Street, Phlbutelphlt.
power ovirr the share Mamma 1..00 excellcuL
1~. by arty Mime plesorstke In Um_ ted Mmes.
tli t iaarve . „. Weld. In many MOM lan PhYtichine
CheeeTatere are worthy the attention - of tonne:
Postmen/ great virtue la the rectification Of diem& of
the Lime and Moser Waldo, exerchdar Ow mat mach
Ins powers is weakoess and affectimm of the ithrestiro or
mine, they are, withal. safe..mtain add plessant
2. D. MI.. Leeerville, Pw. aptil 6.1654. .
alttl eta
ge i rrictulty tris Fm. pod ="Aird;•lpurchsaingeorea
out this week. aye that it le by forth. beet itedletne sit;
ow knew. 4000 her and bee MutaditcT math
935. ts e iraok, ilentsrd's Story, Emmet Co , The e
16. 1063, me . 1 am much attached to Imo uerradit hito
teri bevies mod two bottles of it, which I roomed from
e. Kurtz. rout ogant st kamermet. and ftmod greet mei(
ffom It In dream of the Liver. 1 and It lass Abet
on my 10054stremilbeniag and invioors ,them.
+NW I sumnt=er,iss Cr i t E r War n.
hare used myself belt 6 &len iott In of your CiMuddsl3lll.
too Mr Liver compednt and dliesees of a nervous chase,
renaltisul nom the abase of u.eromy. 1 'oda eakeeed
sod afflicted wilt. ipms strong
the nee of the latter.
els. The Germ. Bitters fa the ern article/T. width
cd.r=nYeZilheligit..elersPeanytui. Ve t° 12 , X
mmaayy ' irmeo t*t . Yri.,..VlCarn " rPa.,. thiatit
.1 mu allikted 'nth ueblutr.
shd Coetivansee, for which I need mar 011terent.
remedies renef. lat loot need row floollmidie
h oes, = Dittoes I took slew bottles 111.31111ng to • • •
h acid wee completely cared. I bore mot beak so
healthy for ten nun se have been since took Tau Mt.
tserr i e=shmt T=i
trtievie et always strop
4stem and DIM wortrailsg t.
Cold by dealers m medidse and storekeepers rec -
o (liatt l yg r llMoOd i rstttsi a .tdr l Matiregt '
it&31 , 11 . 6%and by dealers beni ral ly
IOUNTY LANDS, for the Soldiers. Oltxt)
10...Tesemeters, and Yonßomeo engaged i'any of
e t" Uutted &Mee Wm% through helm or erldows,nre, by
s late low. entitled to • banner. The., who , rumba. me
bole them promptly attended to. Lo.for
O& W
" 1::26 1"n fon% Lida and Ponsa l fotb...l6.lth
horny given that. Lefton of AMMittiebentket hog
* MOW to the it:Mee:Ober un the oda/Aar hisegniot
Young, late of the city of Pittabargh• An Val= LOOM ,
lug themseiret Indebted ito seLl estata eft Moored to
luta tt.1041.t. P.T.N.A. , W 4 th , " b " 1 " d ' ims
Prerstebeee, properly uuthentleated, eettimuent. •
mblbeitwil • GEO. itICUAROSOff.-AMWE' '
Fon BALR—Youngstarrn UMW MW. Rdurt wy
isetory, Yeungstome, AliamitileAGnuity. Ohio Ws
property la mat eligibly bested, air MO of the Pere
mid and Rinser Canal, sixty Ave from Clafelind.—.
Tbs. waste me of the macs armed romixis t ro. imerlY
ri °l ittred e ilt r air7or T i k el f7 ti l" Milee E th an I ma hse w V l"
Drier Coal Melte. mkt • rillmed from mien ta tha
mill. The quality at the Coal le considered the beet In the
Amid for smeltiog limn it yomasm &NADA
m o r fug
it him In addi to
ti Wlo
on miey seiese - a ialy sup.
ens in point of bellithie for the We of hen it is
notz=lt.telhg the metre of a rich mid popeds.
VP' bid, end ixesseemline the .hob Liu
ud, Yer ftbm labimetion. apply to Judge GAN.
Mini of Younfixtore or to
at Alisibenr .Clf Plitebursii.Telitle
VEATIIERS-3 000 lbs. in store and
• ~,yr . . I+7 . 11541AUDICKEY
.th1.„7315-112-1., 11104ASS:f!or_ju,slio.aysvinit:
; BBLS. fresh Roll Butter,
b " r r" ib 4 l but" 4. si4.lj.t v
BBLS. LINSEED OIL for sale by • .
ely • . s.a.cArtvaai.
ORRHART HAIR - OIL-12 dos, of this
tm /La Oa teed by., JOS. ftsl4lpik,
OISAUT774-50 bblo.ooioe Ohio for
osis is. 13 mum DILWORTH-
Pittsburgh' Hedge Farm - Nursery,
ITUATED on Wain.% Avenue,
t § shout one quarter of a lien [ the emond
/eon the Fanners' andmice' Flank
r extension of ammth ictreet, and about li g
and •nuarter roans Plttalmsix.
They on; Jar este or .. t R"'"'
treat snd plants meltable nar transplanting thle no and
amino stet&
The Notary now foyers some 30 scree Of ground sod
ermtai ver2oo,ooo tnvs, shroln and end ei one
'MOOD fruit Mena and 0:400o avergreemi and thrubK an
of Ono Aloe for remora! to am-herds and Pleastft
Plante carefully packed and sent according to directions
to any part of the United Etats.
We bo lean to call the attention of the loran Of shrub
be and renders In the trade to our =rivaled milectian
for the goring of IBs3,embracing nearly all the Nverrints
Donny, Indigenous and Exotic, that Is worthy framers]
cultivation In thin nation or country. Plants en be oro
tund of many thiugs quite large to give immediate
Plio6ll moderate as From Mamma ash or sat]►
ertory reamoce to the city of Pittsburgh required at all
llrders uldremed to u. through Within Post MM...
Pittsburgh, Pa., or let at our stand on auntie. days. In
th • Diamond ?Mutat, rill be promptly attended to.
111/USIC AND 11E/41/ BTORR—No. 115 Wood Argot.
burgh, Pg—g. It. 6 lIAN ISLAND (late Shand, litio
Milieu A C 0..) Idaunictinnr and Dealer In Agricultural and
Ifortlenitingl implements. of all kinds. Wbolfisalo and B.
Lag Iflcid, Garden and Flower need, Inrergreen. Volt Lod
Shade Trigg Gunn, Poudretto Chenciod nalo, mod .11
othar artiolooonnnactod .116 Aiiriculturc.
Fait Trees, Evergreens, ace.
TIE subscriber would most respect-
Mir call the attention aids friends and the
Pu to hie eery largo dock of Fruit Trees, Ever
s, Shrubbery. Roses. atmoimum Flout., Sc.
Of Apple, the stook le large and fins. Of . Pest. we are
some 6044 Dwarf and Standard of our own raising, ot
epode* varieties. Peach, revers) thousand fine, with Cher.
. Plu.
fine, from
usr iNsrsmsois, from Ito 6 feet, of which we Wee Luny
i5. ,,,ct„..
tboulands, Om. Person. emotion large Quantities will
be liberally' t with. Call and am our Wet HI eh
mow &resat . Orders left at the Pittsbureb P. 0.,
lir. lh ULi
ral berty rt.. the Oakland Noreen , . t.i miles
on Penna. drams", or the Pittsburgh Nursery, 1 lii miles
tom Oakland, will be promply attended to.
N. 13.—Plantlag dohs neatir to order.
oelndterS JOUN 51QUIXICII. .7s.
Bai Wood Flowers.
.ARRANGEmENTS have been made with
lite Vl:Teeters of eta Wood Floral Gardeastor aeon.
t eupply of Bonnetter and out flower, during Winter
and Rammer. Ladle. and Realismen can be tarnished at
dent notice any or the tolloeing Freech fora.
al (rn tarietcpase cn
... 3114li)
En Nekiscre.
aquae Rosettes,
nears pour la qhenesre.
Orders Liu flowering piano 113_ Dots , also received at
H. z.SITANEI. Eked Werehouse,
4.31 210 Wood street.
' The enteciber offer. for sele, • choke evade
odd of strong.vtgoros MAU TAS, bothdereds
add standards, eat. of n hoodoo Am. New Amer
esehaaPlnshaChenidAprioots,Goosehenies. Uchida
Respberries toad other Peeks. EVIIIIMbriI, Hyacinths, To
-11 pa and Crocus Rooter R.
tdoomiLp winter end moinr
Implements kr the Perm end of mast
onsurtruetkos. foam the Seed and mpestornt 000
dheeted oe to sell 12 Badding Lots, each 24 ft. boot
by 30 deep, fronting_ on nCO ft it.. and hack to a 34 foot
alley, situate near the Onter Depot. Allegheny City.—
Prim, Two 'tundra:l Dollar. each, in cash. Thie is • ray
low prim, and nothing but the wantof money induces
them to offer Pb. lota at tbto prim. Call mon If yon wieh
to prorates bergala S. UT
It SON. 140, ad it.
WANTED -520,000, for which will bo
owe Rarels and Mortrages oo R. Leta. worth
Ors times Mu At., less ...tat to exchange for
• rssiety of well seenresi Moreau. TllOO WOODS. 75 4th et
the ...lois of to set'. Modern ssuo are erred for
an in • sate twirlers. 'Enquire of
au7.11-tt MS. WOODS, 75, 4th K.
.fatan 'biome In e e
dee= rat. lb: iebleb rube
•or reelect:Ma will be gn. E nquire ot
omit T UOMAa WOODS. 7a lth t.
Pioneer Line of Australia Packets from
New York to Melbourne,
mUE beautiful and favorite Clipper Barque
NIMROD, 'nineteenth ship of this lion will b. du
on her wreond Tom. to Mdbonerna on the Uth
!tn. Parenger speuomooatioru. %sunup...pd. nat.-
$2OO, First Cobbn, MO. Seepld (Palo, $12.4. Tha
Nimral will be named by the celebrated OPP. Shia
Windward Apply on board at pier., hest Meer, or to
cola IL. W. CAMERON. lid Wall Meet New York.
New Learner Store
G. MOWRY, late of the firm of R.Martl,
el .: No, =4 Liberty street. opponits the bead of Wood
■t, wholesale and retell afer In L leat
and OIL. hoe lost returned de
from the Sant. and le .o ne
airing n lame assortment of Leather. condetlair of—Red
Polo, With:nor* Lestber. Philadelphia and lerm Calf.
arw. Moron:nand hf all of all Ilindloo and
Lining Nklor. and • =lntl aeon: mat of Itnollng.,
Inq Vir b , ho L stork for nal4 IrlinTs"fr and
adl auir we my stork Were purchasing elseb:re. nn
Rahn J. O. MOWRY
Pioneer Line of Siontlity Packets. •
The Salon Dan Shlubave
Braevrat L.,XI tom, Jolly Rover. 1,570 torta. July
1654. 1583.
ponadeendmr.l.4ootormAng Lady Pronlitmlloo tormAnE
1856. 1859.
Ocean Eapk.l,4/10 ton.. Sent &lune. 1.4J0 hum Chtit'S
185 . 1 Owen .52.1,..1.6241a0na, nor.
Otseco, IMO tom Oct.. 1852 15.59.
Aron" L 450 toes, Dee, 1892 CLcrthrty.4l74l 7 lona, Dercabsr,
Ateineurr, 4853 tons, Jan.. A 1553.
• • 36.59, • - alheerelA)Bs4.
AppArer4l,6oo tdes, March 7744MAtte. 1,086 Lou,. tier
armee. 1,000 tons, Much Gafrede, LOCO t 0,.. July
155.2. /854
• r rut, 5.03 teas. Ar 4 ll. '53
The ships duds Line are fitted with Emerson's Patent
PsoUlators and awry Ptanole . Metal). Llfellosts.
The naw eunl matrolhnent clime? Shin E1.T0 7 0 SCUD,
L 713 Tons lisateter, W. U. Hasa; Muter, wlll slimed the
"Gertnide an Eighteenth Ship orthis Line, and .111 mall
InUeltautros, Austral.,
On the 2tlth of September.
Th p e 11. 7 11510 SCUD la built on the mud approved tud•
ples and Is consldered be nu tlet nanial
Marina Architecture. Those who Madre gulch run 1 1
O. Of alb 611.111.11.1 tuteatallMer Shire ene DallL.hould
ware withouttielay. u only • limited number of
lat.nd And CwID pageenuus wlll be taken.
/or freight or moue: apply on board. at Pier 10 Out
Over into K. W. CA stgam
anl 116 Wall street. New York
Carpetulm : Oil Cloth and Nattangs.
"iitirrtelii & CO.,
Arm nizerr, arrosiric TIM THEA7RX
LIAV E now on hand, and to which they are
daily addlnikn large and choke aportment of the
• gnoda,teorn the lowest to the highest grade, width
VIII be sold at eastern prima. Also — Rag., Nate , Window
Shades, geoltlan 011udaPInno end table eorere, MAT Hol
land, limn oil cloth, and all other goods =nag In
aroet holm., to which the attention of pnrohasers le lu
Mind. —....,-.4
Iron City Commercial College.
Build 9 owner Wood owl /berth Streets.
na.undatlon as Ennio the name It bear. The great
In ammonia offered to young oxen thls Institution are
gnat, as are rarely met .Ith In other Colkeein such .0 sr
ray ig talent has never before been _employed In say Com-
March' College In Pittsburgh-Able le se established sod
imdenlable het. The Penult/ or this Coilsae or cbmtsend
of sentlemen whore names and rave qualifications UV I,
ilunillar to the public as ”bouvehold words.'`
itulmt• REC. Principe.le and Prolamine of Plain and
Ornament.] Pannansi v r
.1 . J. urratoocx, author of Ilitcheock'e system of
Dcok-Inerldna.) Mod of the Boat asZta .a Dwiartntent.
sad Lecturer no all important hominess
JOUN ari.wiamumutbor of ibsudoies new mad inblroca
ed system ott Boolt-teepluo wl/1 dodised neeldl lantana I
on we admen no Acoolo.
JAidltS COPE'S& member of the Phial:bah Car.
beinrer on Commercial lew.-
Young man who ars &Wong of becoming' extent .
eoantants, acanopllshed book-keepers, and rapid business
penmen, mayon basica arm sathanotlon imam.
isedln Cam. Thaw who feel Interested wilt please all
sold witness the Wandsrfal ;Mogen, mann In the minus
doartmente by the students..' this Collat.
Ilialhe /acuity of Ibis Institution do not claim to he
the lest In the United Raton," nor do they mean to gull
= the be
the Iran twiraot..ctittatris
to any OommercislCollege In the we its
stern country.
The Colleen is man from 8 o'clock. A. 31.. lo P. M.
Terms flip.Ho ants charge for Alithmetbs.—
Civility instils mid
- -
Spring of 1855.
arm tommenoe opening,
On Monday, March sth,
Their early supply of SPRING GOODS. nib*
00. 23 IN
HEII3A—TIALPII Al Mon stmt. New York.
014 Ita. aotrit
mlnUmstlon of U. A. Yahngstork'e Qamlf bJ has
always hem charsatartsed wlth mews, glassy* prWassbas
lb the finitude s markedehinga Zs the better. Anyone who
trim It ean manly b y
ton It. and the most delicate Inapt
mutat be Mimed by Its se. Adults. Mo. mg nualsmegtlY
subject mamma In the rest= and gaud Waltham. uns=
always (meats the health.
Amer" N. Y.Tune 44.1.814.
Ann. B. A. Pahneg.ek
tlessauSion-1 have sued tee bottles of H. A. Is mem'
hattooleigstrt=gismieblinehudl horn y u i d ur siumtk It
s a totem o
..CM/ rummy vles.: another unrest*
It to my ehlbh It had the same effect, nu swaymest
numbers at Ms. I thsretoro re.= It to Matra
Us sit it mem temedy for norms. _y,rresx
• emend see Wally B. A. ItAueL • 00.
Jahldts enrsgr • l stauf Wsedats
- .
A Country Seat for Sale.
Fr anbeoribet offers for sole the valuarta
IL ble pamotety en whirl be new redder, eontelli-W
lag Moot twenty aster of bottom coned, on which le
erected a larva and handsaws PAU* ralliat Mass. and
the atnerery linatiolidloga There la • floe eprhis of
:water at the doonand t the around le well set La all de.
rec'itrult:g Pratt
T p e rolier ' t . te b =errilt:
Allegheny rtrer t llll4l the Allee-Nmv at
Batton Yen% 12 tame from 12ttsbursh drat water
tation on
the bi on the slam 1 the yorshaser
)desires, forty. eerie will bs sold toitetban Cr dry We tots
be sold.
! • Also, the Tesoro Stand and
e th e O.V Mterty.ot the canal and fle—
W= um " ,l4° ° 4 ' lidi P ° ' lla
l'eme—One-talf cash, sad Latina on tient ilnoutre of
W3l. TAIT, on ith pt., basemen ram. and Meal'. CT ei
the solierilbsr. ameba preralsea
I - The subeatiter take $3, 000 end • metteige on the
Iremtweit••=ll; JORAiIIAti;UTATOYt..
_Bale of Timber Lazuli.
TirEsabiaiiber will positively rell at. a
bizga.. eteut 000 armee Timber. truldorbi elm
rirrUtealtustr , in toardy,Fse nay The upe efsbe
eon sad Frio Railroad. • •
They smut and mill be mold and upon marl terse test
mbesere =pot all af Peed IMmerde pr:dt Thee
'Thee or the beld Fab= In VerThreishurd emir, beer
Freeport, contalalug Wee' ler sale ebesp—s rue
Good . bundled's -with
lerAs u vAi l t ?:terlost=2,
...1.1n . ...14 . 11 tbe l prearlet
1 &17 rxita t trauo l nat — AZ:ree—itni,"Flerdrlrb
.MN plots and drafts cattle Wes eau beams sod title
=szerednelL W r are tt eset e bodykermost
BT6IHBHIP With at. towssiona
now.smirittssionsi twos..
.ettx,4e. &tee/foxtrot .1(170 g•te'r Oa* CRY
Route, ened 'araidise flur law** NW awl too
aagoweet 01.117W03.
ilitaila U 4 LI:WAN= GY TO I AMILh•
The Actesory Transit Co. (of Nicaragua)
proppnneNOßTlMß LIGHT, STAR Or
Tag WPM. Vtnrft,
the .11
anftirolf M..eonneerfoir by tha
Mani TlSt;l4t Bouliy.0.0121:142111I,xtr,
ahMAPWOIot PA(111710. gr , L irrk i rr h .=
etea_pf_erklet, .n ili ntimettoorbettl "Po r eithbtore
elaylohrt ,
10 Bea'
Proxishoo, AlMr.niae" ROM= ll rewire
Wjj ' a '• to eerL
c .
gth2/ OfAtat IMdmito
pa slaw Tall flub dimwit to Meet!' szAra c ti l reti
New York and Philadetplikt 'Advertisements.
VII.OII CRAM: & 'Rath . .14 PlaidalOds.
salllo2 Nusao-ttseat,Nevlcatk. • •
Removal - of Millinery Establialunent.
MRS. BURKE informs' her friends and
trans that .he hes mragrred her Millinery add
eking Establishment from WE to MM Chestnut et.,
tandoori above Eleventh icrothidda Shiladelpilia Them
arramgements are made Ssr the More extensive carrying
nn of MI Inaorbse. and convenisnre of enetomers, by ag
wno:miming the Store and tOthe Millinery, •nd
ind dory to lima and Mantillaaking. Every attem
Mon paid to Wedding tel Mourning orders. felalime
18th and Chestnut eta. Philadelphia,
ANUFACTORY of every desersption of
Eiz lt rrn_Zl, ti grl;ll l =i 1 P!o g teAreZatig " 2 4. ;....
Nor umlaut, modelled with we and occuract draw n..
All otdang frocn Ma country punctually attended to eau
marinated to cact7 WWI, falnautda
Armitage's Monsenale Anvils.
fiT havingeome toile knowledge of M. & H.
AllhiltAGEd CO. that many spurious 1mi!allow of
Mouasholelmvil .are sold throughout the outman',
and represented as alumina, tttl. to to. notify purchasers
tha thereat illonselsole Anvil Dears the assimp
MI. It. • R.
to imitate which is batons a1t1111402
MOUSEROIX Yollol4rmar nflornELD. 0005.
IA4-2mo POLL
THE subscriber continuos to manufacture
his um:leaned Patent Eire sad Burglar Proof
warranted equal to =rand superior to some, of the guar
which hare been tested, se published and radioed by the
Press throughout the world, for the Milt 16 yes= and Is
so • Proprietor of /Lire Patens Powder Proof Lock, both
boring received separate medals et the World'. lfair.forr,
don, 11151, and New York, 1853—I: also the patentee (b
purthase) of roues' celebrated Patent Oambinatbm and
oftaUma Bank Lock, $lOOO in gold war pissed in the
hibited at the World's Yell'. London, marred by
nail's and Jones' Lock, and offered as sannird to and one
who would pick the lockthe open the .of
sofa within eb dere,
and although operated on by several skilled in the art of
loelppLeking. no one mr-eded In opening the ses (no
Change ar alter. lon of the lath or teye haring born
made during thutline.) but the money remained in It.
safe depraltory, and du rentonel to the proprietor , and a
medal awarded for the champion =ln of the world.
Carnes—None genuine ethept those baring the sub.
am Ilry's name On Ure metal plate.
Green Block . , corner Pine and Water eta. New Yark.
N. B.—The above &fee end Locke can be had (adding
freirrltt) at manufeetmer'• prices.of hie authorised emu,
In ell the principal titles of the 'United states and then.
des. ferlthro
~..,... • Phrenological Cabuiet7 —
•,ela t ' FOWLERS WELLS & CO .,
: I WO!! Mawloghtta sad Pub Umbers, '231. Axe
110 rllVrll i g= l l . 47, rbi ltleXty r =
:f.L.mtgattta7grgrkY : x h at -
Mond examinations. with charts. and full y . mitten deaniption• of character.
,daz and
erantoz. Cabinet fre. m.r.c.lro
foro kr:N.—From the First of April next;
the outimodious brick buildings, elevate In the POO-
Ward of the city of Pittsburgh, between Breckenridge
stieetand the Monongahela River. lately occupied bp
Menem Bakelivii, Pons *Co.. es • glue ounuftetory and
This property eligibly situated. & to the W.
tiongabela wharf, for any business connected with A.m.
boating or river trade, or On tranufliettaing purposes.
Several small buildings and • capacious radars attach
ed. W. BARNRS,
ji g i lid t e o rit Pittsbungh' d Connelsville R. D. Co.
sabl3-tf Neville 12 ear. 4th and Liberia' W.
1 1 0 RENT—A Store Room with At Dwell
ing attached, situated on bib 5t.... InduedlatelyoPPie
id the Omnibus Depot. An excellent stand for busineta.
and law wet. Apply to B. bPWINA SON .
IV OR RENT—A very desirable Dwelling
1' House on Penn Pt The house Is In fast rate order.
having Owen reasmtly fitted no,Soapered. painted and ar
nished. lino:Amor JOIIN WILSON, 115 Liberty . i.
0 LET—A three' story Dwelling, No. 82
Second et, near Market. now °coupled by !ties Meer-
PONIVIAO , I cnren on I.e April next. Vor pullet:elan
enquire of fe2;4l,_ D. W. lIERSTIN It, 93 Front et,
11'0 LET—A Dwelling llouso on Third et.,
near our ofiles. N. CUTIIRRRTA RON. 140, ad ot.
V-LET.—A small well-finished and fur
um.l STlntD,.,rlthlugarshom window, next door
e Garza' of 31 add Market rte. Poosoonion ergo fm
toodlotalr. re-n U. D. OA2ZAIL.
LET.—Tho STORE c an Market street
t door to the conc. of 34 et. occupied by Mr. 11.
an excellent end wellAnoiro stand forthee2othlun
For Belt
IWO fine and well-lighted ROOMS in the new building on iitth street adjoining the
instant IlethodistOtiureh. n......... suitable for
• Bookbinder. Littiograidiari au/Ms.. de. The building
has brit teased for • term orream by the inthlbturrs of
the Pittsburgh Gazette, and the rooms +mild ;nit well for
e6:4lentio Iblloning • kindred purralt. Enquire at.
rtr THIS Min.
LET—A. Three Story Brick Dwelling
altusts 4.12 Water st. above Grant. Possession Oval
the Ist of AWL Enquire of
rLET—A-Brick House on 6th st., with
isme yvd. • Stand In 131radnf ham. A 2
Hoare, with &lama yard. on Carpenter* &Sal'. •
House add hall.warret, de.. on stn
at.. near Urnut.
A Home on t/rant et.. near the Public •licttonl Bonen. •
Imo 3 stnt7 House on Rom rt., at the head of sth. A
large Lail on Itti et. Flee Qlllkna In Splattes Bonding on
601. rt. A large Stan, Rooth on ath at. Apply to.
fe7 CUTIIHItItT it 6015.140.5 d A.
For Rent.
•HAT splendid New Hotel, known
Ifitgern's Kanhange.7 mitostell2 in/WM=
of Pittsburgh. a the i unction of the lirsenebumalke
aod • Pinik WWI trim Pittsburgh, containing
.04 built in the meet modern etyle. with ell the moven-
lepers ota trot clam Hotel, cockle Ice audit/sole House,
Stablinsefor SO to lOU Urns, aileg tine Bum. The house I
is at le emit fondsted ekth tbsAsssalioratsssonsoo
ere asyne gabkh will bosom to. the knee or removal le
siedmaL • Soo Darien attached to the Ileum and from
0 1 f . :4,13,17.1,11 ' b0 u g:4, 1 yi a 1,g 6W al 1 7 . 2 e =if : J=l ' s
Creek. There is eme of tlie tenst2 Ra ilroad stations on
the farm, within one hundred yards from the UW--
Persons can so and copse hem Pittsburgh twice • dal , —
The /louse bus good eustran es a mummer report tot 1n...
loam mane Wallies. The paremary arrangements for
Rotel are alm Sir sale, Omnibus, Horses, /Menem Cows
and farming literalist There are aim • Stole, Seminary
and Post Ogles ckee to Ohs Itota4. Tn. now .nit agent
Memnon will be based with or without the Farm and
The above Facto, together with other hind adlacent,
consisting lo all of .1S) sores, will be geld entire or in may
smaller number of acres. toeult borchimere. toe 011 ootrf
Seabee tor springing purnossa.• • •
Persons deriring Wieser the Hotel or TAM or to pm
thaw the rornitum, thrinlbus. ll A ririzet t e r will ad.
dress the undersigned.
mltiluid Turtle P. 0, Allegheny Oa, Pr
:Dille Union met swo t and damp tissetteg.l
For Bale or !lent
AWELL finished Brick Dwelling, adjoin
ing Which:loam. and near the ItaWald litaCloa—
, House contain. 13 roman. or/ the lot, on which there
ins amnion and toad dahlias. froutsso feet on the Turn
pike and ettende ala feet In depth to a Arty foot street.
This desirable property wilt ho mid lon and on yen' cur
term, or will he rented for WO per =num.
iahrt E. D. GI AZZAII
Lai for Bale or Lease
ankddook, Commorou and Brady dd.. Sr
Ana. Thins Lots aro allglift sitostad Sr Dandling or
bunkum tam .% goad nal be sold lon on awry tatma
egad for ten team or Du ao may snit Mon *no want.
than ..For partkulua.otandra of R. D. CIAZZAW
myt74.f Idarlrot I, tanson ad and 414..
jj ARBI FOILRENT, situated in Economy
township, Beaver amity, 1 U. Fast of Freedom;
aaa 110 of which to river batom. thobahosoe la heavy
timber. ITN losprovmenta area two Mary Hams Dwelling,
Orr-hard and Hard. Tee Ohio and Peon. Railroad runs
through mid farm. Apply to B. aIeGAIN t SON.,
FORRENTLa good llouse
R RitNT—The 2d, 3d. and 4th story
rooms oter a. Wllien St Bony FlstAsoro, and liftman
Itutklog Howe , coma of WooN .t and Diamond
alloy, foodxsudo off Wood MX Tba acts wombs aro mob
40 foot ?foot try 50 foot doe% and vett lighted. Sty terms.
wont, of de..94f 3: WILSON a SON. St Wood of.
0-LET.—Ono of t_ho• kegs STORES' on 3d.
sR just bellow 'dm • •linies' Writing Dom of Der 'O.
tebß RENT—A well ligh ted and furnished
A: Dam:moat Blom corner of rd nal parka at.—
',U=rt 4 ILLM
"GE Building occupied for more than ten
an bytbe PatiblinAGarette, and whirl( la central
t F r~per
tad on laird na•r narks', la now 1/011 RENT.
affording • wood Opportnnlay to Editors or Prieto:nod aw
main • wall known stand fox their business. Thki o i sz
any dlo=to t a i ltt n tly sotaregain e low i t u N n. _
• OdUdild,
or term. Owl w
Market O. bataraan dd and 40-
LEASE OR SELL-The proierty knownT 7 o...
blewJuniata. Bolling altos Ice - AllegAwny
w the Old Bridge. at the jrnu ti-n Onset
and Allegheny cirir. Thor. Sr. on lb. premises 2 lam
wort oftpoone et width is rued as an routine' Imam. at ,
inched to which tea lie. preheating with drams, and ex
tending the whole length of the banding. The other ram
tabula blacksmith foram ith Rymatue fAt blowihir
same by There I. alp oa.me_Frehlieet on. nog*
building with shafting.. drurtmcdc. Tao lama of Oa test
locations West of the mountains for • Machina • and. )10.
as Shop M r
Oar Factory. rim whole sill hammiest!!!
termer Team or the Wen buildinns MadAl
be mid at a Arcot bargain..II...WLAIN it son. utMV;
-1 i t
Store Room, 83 Fourth et.
- Napalm lathe place. , lltdor Oas=tl . llor; well
Onmfor ran be obtAined by ran
ennoble prim
For Bent.. - • • - ' ' .
ADESIRABLE Conn* Residence in Pitt
township, • with Two Acres of partrand, Xralt Treat,.
hbery, tM-kaases, ka. will be rented cheep, and Pft
a term of rgars to a goW tenant. I-Aoblr ta. Oeo. - A Swats
et the oilloo or .I.trtt ' PitiLlC H t wsism). :
Brick Dwelling eltnated on 0 h it. near linatt. WO'
melon given on the Ist of ADM angulre of _
R RENT—A email two spry Brick
orHoiiii =Canter Manna a atlnersville Rm'l enquire
132110 JOIIWIL3ON,ZI3 Marti it.
-TWO STORY BRICK •110 USE, of -aim.
- ^wwt. with • trod cell., Dlowl_T•rdattu/ hydrant, ,
tbr sale. Prim in hand.
lig 23 and 4 years. The above ;awe., It
and atiar•d o very etply Wm.
LE —2 Dwelling. Houses .on 3d at.,
Nan, ..ono Hum vacs at. • 2 Amy Man
dato nom on 38 A. A don loam on 4 01 ot. A
Modify, Musson With nt. &MURK= • 80N.
.111IRROTED by alkard of Vision appoint ,
° la:. 84 " i '="aXgrrwatlcrit
e dieu N get= elera by au able Seculty.
ulatally,teaubt la Abu bait
Ca r l b l eee=traralthUtaere estrmaed mum and
1.1C41.77CA LIVOINIUMLIVO:sIio. nen& stab%
Elcolc4Lseyaka and Bab, torso; and !was— watt.
g ibe itzemth etnakoma orlon opens on the eeemat
Moddarin February. (Lab lea,:11 En
$lO2 per belt yearly maim, parable to 5b.)
autulaueure chug.
Addle. , (beea
uIT4AarT utuadua th . ridilltaa7
""r• VvErLsr=t tai
• . ..., ~ _ ~
Ar,DRUG STirRE in a flourishing :own.
' inter sullen Irma filtsluirgb, As to Lc 'no only
SW* In Ins county, &young man of tunct oaths
nod small eapitat Would and Ws a Is% and prontstuo ID
rwli,ilßnt. , Tmus via be tary iA t vg .f 10_
Hats and Caps.
gi v rE•would the atteaticiti of .our
• frtuala and the am%
beautiful suuk OM& HAYS. at Pima is. mb lati
ealizestrtemp amdSbaa ared Ito asativeur ani m biros i g i sten h ;
u%ipleutlideil smeace. triabFilapo at toe.
mbli , • - • .1. WIL3OII BON. 91 Woad it.
. •
-ALISIEETING or • the : Staekholders of thec
Penna. Set Illannts,-tottna Cadd Allegheny_ ro=d y,
10. 3 will ttidd tag ales ot SADIUSL• V. FlBlldlit, No.
Trf t W e apa . inlets. e n fie
rD j t =dic k Alt.
cat Stott to the ran at Oat and "trir Thaw
sod 1 Ilan, tbr tn. ataannietntitut of Sala: •
" I VAlt. — T m s LA' A,. 01'
• ski ll , r, } dine Waif a
pli=`tAlY.l—{34, , I worth .feertilieateas
TilO 0081476,4tb5t,
. _.
121 SS Oftll 0 N—The , Co-nartuerehip ._
her...toilre existing under Chagrin of EATON, SUEA.
. f. Ude der - age:deed brniuttua tirAtent.
JOHN 811E4,
, - GYM. 8. IIAYB, ', •
Feb. albs 1858._ i JOSILPIL 1108.Nig. •
, ... .
0-PARTNERSHIP. The undersigned ,
W 1.../ liars WU day tbroial a eo-partriership for thepui•
Pow of soutinnlng the manufactuvicf Borkete and Tubs, i
tthe Lawrence Bucket Factory. Under the flea of TON.,EA
DAILY £co by whom the listinestilptoti, nes '
it 00. will be eattled. i -i ' iff A c i al,. I:i t d,-.. '
Di B. HA111.. ,
listing disposed of our interest 10:tbe Lawrenbaltiehet
and Tub biaotory,t Eaton. Daisy a C., . e theeEtullY
recommend the ne w to the Patirolygnorsl.B,l"
our Mends
and the pubila
mialikled I,i
KO 8 HAYS, ' ,
NO l 3'loE—the late firth of Wick k, bl'enn
ems haling been dissolved by the death ot Jahn D.
L...„, r a......h.L. the businees of laid Aro: will be '.
iii. t ,,,, .1.. ".ed i ril i tiattal , r a tillee.corityy.Wotal and
cslvlngr".ll.l-. .. . : .
. . -
nek Cif '
the late firm o[Wlck A .Weamitees-bas tole day
sled with him %VILA/LW lI 6 ANB and HARRISON A
001 , 11 , 18 for the purpose of continuing the Wholesale Or.
wry and Conunixion troslueiw, at thwold stand. num. oi
Wood and Water %Pittsburgh. under the and
style of M'CANDLY &MANS Alb). Th e
tits • routinuance of e patronage 7, . 12Z
toth•lste Inn. .
May 24. 155.1.-cot= . _
Dissolution of Do-Partnership.
2rflE co-Partnership heretofpre existing
bawaa. the .basejWsk In theOroisarybosinees;No
i3l/216 of John Watt tCo L tide day Nen dleaderej
by mutual consent.
The business of the bite Grin will be Settled ty Jobs
Wilson. at the obi etand on Liberty street, and for tha.
=pow he is hereby authorised to MI6 the mune of the
;;anal, Eth, 185 b.
to retiring from the business, I cheerfully recommend
my late partner, John Wllson, to the patronage of oUr
Swam customer. JOHN wATr.
01IN WILSON, Grocer anti Commisaion
lej Merchant, N 0.266 Liberty street, Pittsburgh.
will continuo the Wholesale Urontm Pro
duce and COlll3llBll/011 business, at the old , stand ofJobn
Watt d OP, No. 2.60 Liberty street. JOILN WILSON.
Lao-PARTNERSIIIP I -We have. this day
uoelated aureole'. In thr Carpet Inudoenr, •at No,
uke t et, the nattnetalab to wale from this drat day
gUannary Ise, and the boalnw to be conducted tand.r
the name and arm of W.hleClhatoekt "Brothel% •
Pitt...l:web, May lat,ltibt.—m7lB
dershated !meta& dAy ertmad a en:a:tumble arc
the transaction of uo. Wbotee•le era Retail Dry. titexi•
Bneinesa under the Om or ttaOAN a AIM, et No*.
Market end 8 Union etreete.
man! .
INNOTICE—I Imre sold my interest in the
sermon orizaw. Miller CO. T.O B. A. WhO.
Jeo. Philllp. .111 centrum at the out W e t. We
Front et. I cor ~IWT reeornmend the nee' 0 *pet.
.a. of air riends. 11. 14n.
Pittsburgh. July 2:Jt11.11154.
till and Brass Foul),
den and Gas Fitters. Invite sttentlon to their stock
o=degas, Brackets, Pendent. and other natures.—
We e t up bourn With Mom and gie, maks brw tasting*
of all kind. Words', tarnish Railroad immto and tank tit
tinge, and keep anti.ttrltlon metal constantly on ham!,
OTICE—The interest of Mr. John At•
in our budness,_ceaseg from thisdate, by agree
Nmeat Our busters., as Wholesale Urocers,...lll he con
tinned by the remaining partners, under the firm of '
Nos. IS and 20 Wood str, Pittsburgh.
No. Li Market et.„ - Philsdelphis.
~Pittaburzh.Doe.lo. 1831:3021 Wll. BAOALRY &
IOTICE.—The late firm of JONES gi -
QUICIO having been dissolved by the death ofJohn
.Yniggom the 27th inst.. the business of eald arm viii
be settled by the undersigned. at their Mike, corner of
Rote and First streets.
Sept. 24, 11114.—0 el ISAAC JONES, musing partner
rur .L. I.AC JONES, Manufacturer of Spring
and Mister Steel. Plough dish Steel; Ste 4 Plana
Coach and tie Springg Dram Nat Tapers, Ralf
Patent Penne Mail and hammered Iron Azieh—Corner ot
Rose and first streets, Pittsburgh.
MA0.... ... B. UMW.
ill B. ROGERS — & CO., Manufacturers of
I • Roger's Patent Improved Steel Coltivator.—otlice
corner Of Item mod Pint Knots. Pittebunch. 012.1 y ,
AKROOTICE.—In consequence of having sold
our Porn.. to the Caminda Iron Company. the
amide hereto*. eatither_undertheennof P.b111021 , 1:.
ICK s CO. at Mill Creek forme., and then the pert
nerahlp existing
umber the firm of KIM) I SIIOF2IDER •
(IKK. at Cambr ia Pomace, are both dissolved. The Wei: .
nem will be wettled up by the managers at the Porn... ,
and Gouge S. King, who are authorized to um the name.
of the impactive Snot In mottling ofbthe
oxonor. S. ILlit,
t 1
and rf t iZardln h it 31_ ,, ts, and Dealer. generally
L 9 et natl, ana other Manufac
tures, ger koa. 93= 95, Front street, Pittsburgh.
The undersigned having formed aco-partner
dap. under the style of D. W. mamma 3ea.,
tranraetion of a General agency, Conalesion. Forwarding
and Produebnamma, at Roan, and 96 Prowl street, arorirr
pared to give orpwsial attention to Ming ordera, recede - Lug •
and forwarding produce and uterettandb• and torboax , -
eclat= of all bru b n.. that may be entrust ed to Unarm,
}UM To—Clarks Thaw; WDDun bander a Co. w.
wtftai r a co., V. Sellers d Co.; liar a Lazar LC minor i.
Ratan; Lienry Graff, no.; Willisratkhtmon P. R. Johnson,
Fau; T. Bakoweltlfanu °WIT. Lealls, Fa :Solomon Stoltdr,"
ZOE. Attrl...
°TICE: Joseph Fle m ing hit •
... g t t
.. iso
wti .., .Ith him Joseph Abel, the bualnera
be conducted under then TI.ofJOSEII ABNL a 00. .t
the old stAnd. owner of &Alt/Meld andl , Poweth Street, 4 . . .
(10,PARTN RPM The undersigned
heretbis day entered lute endnerteerstilq ander the
marteaudetyleorJ. A. 11117C11190N A CO.. for the P.C.. , •
eftretteattlec at.k.tualudontudarcaritauletees.
_ . I A9 . A. 1111TC111.90N.,
Pittabarah.Tob. ..64.-4•6 A.U. IVALLINGPMID.
VOTARTNERSIIIP—Iiavaig associated
V) E. 8. Ward with me to the Drug buzlnees. the beld
am will la ranted ea from Mb date. ander the Wt. et
January 24. 1854. +al
P. S. 1111.710.„B. WASP.
SELLERS ,k CO., Wholesale„ and
MAU Doslers In Dross, Paints. Oils. Voreded.....,
No. 47 Wood street •
Notles la hereby wiren that. the. Partheratilp bar,
exhrtlas ander the firm and at7la of KISSER a
KILMER ban bean dissolved. The martufarture ot WATCH
CRYSTALS will l esmiad ma - as anal bT tha ramattang
puma. All order. pmemptit attended tn.
pgrca RIRRXR, No. 667 Nan ft., •
relo Baurarclatown. Plttatorgii.
Ibrths Cierropfetteipr, mid all Samoa: and
rERSONS - who are lalmirin g--under this dia
tawioa maws ,au al the rIiTMTABLE 'EPP . • "
4-27 c plua to, bq the only nromdr . atm! dieeorered tDr-^.
S'ri ThYseVIII I""- poess' 'ra =l l %ion on .
tarot sod. almough they are prepared i:elly far
of mien Mtkthey will be kmood of impeofal te • • •
.00 MI persons, Mid...ft! with weak or
. ho .o
"Zra=er b *°. Perh.rtro eutwdpiltlat Chattered
=randtzuh a er:loduced =ix., they aro er.
Priren3 teia."or tiro Worm AM itke r PerleMe 0,4
eth it t kakelosiogs remit= erillitir for ;
BETH B. HrifO t ß. N ' 0 ' ..1. 3 4 Banta= street Baltimore
Md., to whom orderipido MI parte at the Union moat be
For sele Matimih.. try i'1.74 . 1111e0 0808..
Wood st. . ocal-deertriaT
LASS STAINERS; No. 135 Third - street,
Pittsburgh. yesperbibilly Invite the late:dim:tor the'.
ppnnand &Architects. Buildereand gentlemen or Tyne •
tees alma to lelibl_pcieste madmen err churches, to tha r
mechnens hThRIRD (ILLS% at their esiatilbement. for
which Meer -Medals w-r• amanita by the Pennsylvania
Slats /Mr in 18133. lot W"tlis Allegtomy County Fair for '
1.864. They are prepared to execute bitald Clued of every
style and deciliter, churchwpricate dwellings. or
steamboat', %to ragmen nod endmwt to-the 01021 t
andcostlaincinding amearentionorannehos
with Lit.-Like genres. ecriptoral and *theories! mamas.
end every ether .deeeciption of Ornamental Windowmeleo. -
Ornamental Doom. Bide Lights. sky
banxiciring Landsman .oma, and In'erT
ty arson work. Snamelled 0 claw and handsome
reds'marretar7= gotup t nd liatry W ou=ntlyientlijr •
notice. They can point to work'. already *merited in Gil.
city and other place.. for charellea.stearrameis and naval
dwellinm a is midaneer of May minicity and skill
Coughs: =hall Couple!!
• BELL EP p7rE ;in vrEsi
CreO-.11. 1 :CA1414 DROPS
PEW DROPS wbernei , to have been"
Introduced. bays weedily Mereeele4 ey o
ber Con-
Item. Losinc., l talbra tc z theyelkd or Cee t rgr e.
111= L terlority =ll tlietr Eth attl=
pence aridly Iniutione dreg In their nempoeltlon; sad
their prompt action ettbent Interhebeg vith diet or bust
.nem, or teradating the astern more- eueeedade
Tney ere I,he most eultabi* MrCIIII,DIIII.i.' and very bet*
elided to , PUBLIC 131 1 13dIERS arid SINGEL:Br they ree•
Mar* all butltlnme fro She throat, and dm and era
lona to the *Mee. , • Fria ands cents. box. • •
Bold vbeleesde and re byFLEMING B/1.1)FL., (late
i i .Sidi A C0.) . N0. GO Wood It., and most .Drust and.lbtudy
Female Seminiuy..
Rem S. 11..dt No ; P. P. BHEI'LEY, Pnncipart. '
HE next emonon will commence May 7th,
and continue weeks. • The enthe.suerrotes of the
odpas aod aids thoroughly *hooted Teachers aro dr.
Toted to Its gul'ealutaut sod the various departments ors
l yrr"lto l t=arll d an x , W =f=artreiff d at .
ample oroomuusletlons Ihr To boullog• idsobus. too In •
EXpettle (aseltsalre of lf tA O r sooloo:.
Medium eg t ra tt e . hr i ges Ibratitrosocratai Husk. rlrou r l , Qa
D m ulln i anuutuahl or Laths r aTo 2(°"" ro r oVI
az*. Wooltrell. urgh ti 'W A
Adams, • Rev .13. 11. 1311EP1.P.4.
114:621r0P i Malrartlle. Indiana Co.. Pa.
To§EPil lintrrE now carriing onbti i`
nes In brirmarione premises. (now liatery enlemoeL).
betneenteAttabargh and Lawrenceville,' nee r
res_pertfolly Invitee lb, nubile to lennwt bin -
stock of OARnIAOI3, BLIUGLEIL A, And b rim ienlar
ineeren parcaoscrs, that one caky
Iturteen rears 031M651101110 the bush:was& etables
blot to nbor before bit paMnetbe lame choler collection •-•:e. •
of Weave, erbkh moan/ rear, part It he,. been hie • :
Started from the tesions end mat • •
Witilt r EaVeV m.2 l Manufacttare. • The enema of his n • •
engem Is complete, the acanolne of Ms smannements 4111
r ws nrhthe beet and wet failikmable Matinfeleinve et
nonmunnwto bT Mien bfaiireipeoll.l, ; hi& the
mama rpr decors/dug Iloosee orbusloom him hawed anon
the price °Moods. (onlnif W twee refit..) Joseph White
"imam mediine:my ouly,ariturlnlva tbah toro 4
11. , 7arretin retairnrin Ike hat nionner•seerh 413 -
_ .
' St. Chit Hotel -
(brner Penn and arir sti, Pi artagh.
rE 'undersigned, - formerly of `,Broweei
flosev having tot= andomignodious Eta,
• alai laving r ts 4 It let anent style. cowl ra
Fwitllnvite lam tbe traveling image to
o t i • call.. Meared. WO, the nonvsniente of that
e and his long •apeetenne Inane Inaleame •
! mean - Wye
satire eatlefortion• and bla *Up, nereae•
GrecerieS at Cost.
TIIE undersigned wishing td 'decline. hue.;
- 1 dram Ws wan dont at
saniertsortoteal of SEW/ Onutunta. -- ,xp,"
of aDDro..d notes , sod .11 tporttlyaly dose oat itts emit'
gains to the drat at dtnik as Maisano will wants, at that
data. TM attattUtst tha. Inds and tag
tnotas goads at tar priaNylls re 'tjoaattally aniteitsd. - •
.3. u. Lttattr
*ribs Vat - area tit Ida tames atand; - 127Wad at, tel.;
anaalt Or& cotinter.ot Duman and Ithalsig- t o
tt o lt i zz m iz gr 0 m
h t h t P4l=l etS std
M iza rcuo. cat coopeni.m!otp tualv B4 l, a