nspminwrr. PITTSBURGr.T3::- sionay -moEmNcTnawit i 9 185 The"-TownshipElections. . The =anal elections of the various townships of Allegheny county were held oitFridey last-- The content wan not : a 'very exciting one, and the vote potted lee note large one. The Know N o things appear to have elected their nominees in most °JAI') townships: We are ottobtod to lay ore our readers full return from sevesal of the townships, and par tial reportaliontottiers. No returns have yet been received from the more distant parts of the country: They will, however, come .in da , ring the meek and be opened by the proper offi- - sera on kronday next In our reports, we have ofthe' candidates ei known to us. . • 1 We are indebted to • m-Correspondent for the following' retinas of the eleetion of Friday in ••• • Wlllvreoar. Justicieftke Peate.—Joapph Wimple; Fallon, -76; J. W. - Blackburn, K. IL; 7 8 - Assessor.—.llngh Rowland, 76 ; Morris • Roberts, K. N., .71. Canstedde.—Wm. Souto, IndePandent, 9; J. Edmoniclii;fial„22 ; A. McHenry, Ind., 46; - 3 'Dougherty, Ind., 3; 'wee L. Cook, K. N., 81, &hoot Direeter—Thonlas Penney, P., 70; • John,BlcHeiiry: P.„•70; I.ewis Soles, F., 63; Wm. Monck, K. R. 84; Gem Miller,lC.K. 84; J. W. Blaakbura„ N. 76. • • Assidant AlltalOri. ;B. Sinclair, . P., 64 ; " Curry, g., 67 ; Mclntosh,\John K. N., 83; Hugh Brady, K. N. 83. , Judge of . P, 69 , Jo lamb M. Barrett, -IL' N., 89. luspeotor.—,Wm. H. Hill,! F., 88; David Hen ,: dricklum,_F.,Bl „, ..ThelL• N. tickein for Inspect or had two names on, and were all thrown out. Our correspondent states theta good many lion voters were down - the river. He considers the vote on Justice-alba Pease the teat vote. ..EsMient-r n =Mono. Justieeof the Pessee.—BennetLike, N., 73; • John P . Diehards:F.; 43. - • 1 1 Judge 4,/, - - igection. , —Willaai ßobinson, K. N., 78 1 James Dickey, F., 46. ' •• - 1 Auditora—Beujamin Wilion, K. N., 42 ; John ✓ Walker, ,Jr., K. N., 42 ; E. A:Davis, K.IIL, 44; Thomas Form', F., - 4 ; Peter William, 1 t John E. Shafer, 1 ; Joseph Wilson, 1. • • - - CotufaMa TT Eohert Means, IL N., 68 ; Alex. • Stewart, 26; Sam: R. Black, 19. Assessor.—G. IL Tower X. N. 71: C. F. SII. gart, F., 42. • Assistant Assemors.-11411 Purges, 44 - ; Mi tt china Ventres, 44-; Finley Johnson, 66 ; J. W. Laughlin, 66. - lizspector.--George — Cunningham,. K. N.. 70 ; IL C. Stephens, 46. BeLours, Justices of than` Pecree.--.lames Wallace, and li Thomas Varner, K. N.'o, were elected. • Thereat of the ticket ht K. H. - l"l. Salrtcrnat "Fs. la ' .fustiees of the Peook-George H. Starr and '1 David Anderson, 3G. H.'s, elected. Mast , of the ... ticket elected. ia K. 'N. _ 1 • 1 21211EINGUAM Bono. Jrutiees of the Peace. -John McKee, K. N., el =; Wm. Siam, F., 202; Lea= Banks 193; Jas. -- .f.; Salisbury 183; Michael 'rapt., 384-Solomon Sala, , . 1 11; Nathaniel Patterson, 1; 1 J. Weitbricht, 1.- '-I The FusioniMs bate elected one Judge of Elec. ~ , C... tions, one Inspector a n d about half their ticket. ' 14 Dcanr.saz Bozo- 1 .. Burgen.--WHlttan C. Miller, 66; John Buhoup; •"0, - eorater7.-Thomas H. Stewart, 88; Smonel 91furphy, 95; David. Acheson, 98; Andrew Jack '''son, 55; Thomas Bartby, 60; Stephen . Fisher, 4 3 13,5; James Dom, GO; Ernst . Agana, 57. ...: 1 Assessor.-Stephen Jockson, 88; David Crow, 1 ; 1 4 67. 411 . 7 :1 Anistam dueszoix.--Ttuta. Bartley, 67; Hen _ - I,lry Suttie, 67; A. M. T. Johnston, B7; John Ba ,houp, 87. ; Judge of Eketion.-Jutaes Bell, 87; Matthias 4 , 1 , 9Voegbtly, 66. it School. Directore.-Iboutas Nesmith, 3 years, 92; Andrew Jackson, 3 years, 93; David Ache `_'son, 1 year, 92; Wm. C. Miller, 3 years, 61; uis Fieldbach, 8 years, Cl; Andrew Emstley, 1 ear, 57. hy7e"Election.-Wm. r of Eketima.Wm, Thompson. 47; 243. George I.:,iirus. Oakley, 43; Hobart McConnell, . '„Illoul. 25. 'I Justice of tee Peace.-li. N. F. Johnston 90. .... .il Constable. -Jonas Moon, 89; Alex. Balza, 62; 1: 1 _ 4"; Michael. O'Neal, 1. Warr Etrrseuzurr. 7:- .O A Burgers -Nathaniellf. Smith. 71. - "..1..4 Counca.--John Rummy, 77; John Caren, -s- • 1 4 93; -Joseph W. McElroy, 76; Andrew Myers. 63; ' l , l l Henry M. Mahey, 76; J. W. Williams, 15; W. i.. 7., I TAble, 14; Bbirplem Bead, 3; John E. Small, 1. "'". .-14 10 Justiees of the Peau.--Hugh Walkenshaur, 71; .' 11 z. batt B. Stout, 70; Thomas Soma, 1. - / Constable.-Jobn 19-Culliff, 75; Weo- Able, ....:,2; Jaz:lei - Pat 1. - - ` • it Judge of .leeches.-Albert Evans, 50; John ... iii,0,,,•11, 25, '... tj Inspector of Eloetiose.-JahetW . Willisms, 54; '... tjohn E. Small, 4; John Auth, 10; Edw ard :. : 1 2lpring, 1. 1 . 3. i 4 School Direetore.--Jscob 'Rinehart, g - 0; Bobt. .."11"441Poalmaa, 52; B. B. Stout, 9; John E. Small, 6. - ~. Assessor .- Jacob-Rinehart, 61; Samuel Bur ls • ... I weer, 18. ,-. Auiststt.AssezzLielling ar K. 13 3 azdhes.., 4 56; I ,-,---::,,,, 01,11:clitor.---George Atkins, 60; Samuelll. Cook, . 7 .: 41 30; scattering, 12 • -'...:-. 11 0.5 11 Cress Sr. Cketz :: . .. l i.' Asseasor.--Itobert Brigham, 38;Joseph M. -:•:,." 'f.,31,,g, 33. .. :. I. '' .• '' Considas.-Saniud Won, 51; Samuel Con -'.'" . 8. ._ '4 t, -. i...? r iupervisor.-Swrel Wibson, 63; Samuel COn .r t ' ll 4 . ,A'sor, 63. (Tie vote.) - t :, ....' inspretor.-Thonsaa Blacktuctre, 8; John Gil ",4:llass, 44: .•...5 . -' Aucluor.-.David R i gby , R i gby , sl; Amos Holland. 4 ,.... - •;.eor two years, 51. 1. ....:'A9I Assistant Anneort.--Itobt. Fife, _29;W a lter rourneldp C7er.l.--Johnaton A. Connor, 41. N" , - - 4.1 Judge of Slediotte.-Jecate Connor, 53. ''; ' •• Justice of the,E'eate.-James Espy, f. 4. ' '' 1 : 4: •.,,,1• Rim/ Distaffs-431w Glitilian, 53; Samuel ~;...•, 'Tonna . Jr. 60; Wm. Nixon . two years, 62, . - 1 1 .- 4 1 p :a rk r Eehm, 18; WIU. Faxon. three years, 6; E„,i: 1 net Conner, two years, 6. • a. '.. k : .0 14zucuts. 1 1'.1.' • Justice of the et!ettee.-JiLmes ll'Cleary, 111 ; _ li:: • x: ` Justice Fleming. 2. , . ' a damaor..--11L W. Iforbstab, 73; John Perch r : t• 1 13 t 50. .. .. 1 ' ,'•:•• ~;-a A, .., ant Artes, :' • ! 1 .. lt?erchment, 73; Henry Ellalten, t. 51 ; John John ' run, 64. ..1, ;' ' . .:' • ti faspecosra--1. A. Ramsay, 67 ; Charles D a ffy . t . ... - : • ,4; John W. Home, 8. 1 dr '''' • . Judge or does .- George ' Mclansey, 53 , )arid Little. 73. 1 . .-:-• • - S School Directore.--- Duncan Mam - dton, 12.5; ".• 1 ' : : -- 2 1 d Duff, 49 14 Z. Itsteltall, (Ind. Whig,) • '• ~ : tl- - ',imlitor.-Jemes Kelly,..Tr., 112. s . &rms.-John Hannah, 47; John Snyder, +,1 . ;13 . E li jah MOWlliiants, 72; Inched Lusehart, _ ' ' Cau teak' =John hfitabell, 119. ..1 1 -,.k r B t Tosas kip Clerk--Jacob Eicher, 74; Duncan ..'. l ' Ilaniltou, 45: . , A..- Brackenridge, 112 ; R. Head, 1 -14- Asulilor•-19 11 tm Hefrott , Sr., 64; E. D. •41t1rrk.11. Brackenridge,66; John 8. Hiddy, 1 .4 9 „ge . kcol Dirretors.-11. W. Wilso . i 5,116 _; w. C , rses r l et al, 63 , Wm. Eichtssnln. 68. Da. iel M I l. ‘ 2 ° ,,,,,, w itan ' e r„Lliftlians Wylie, 65; Jas Hunter, : S ' ll;ws ' Clark . -. * • "41 u rrsisor.--Reollift . GO; Jas Tustin, ...: • , t*I.J. .. n, 59; Wm. Herron, . ' a A.,..r.-Jaiut Ilsrriso" . 1' e r :slms' Mat Amsa fil _a sor.-11. °Hereon, 107; Wm. •;. _FL Hereon, 4 4; Wm. Bwober,_72. Eiebbium, 65. I; J u dge.-P. Connelly, 6 3 ; 711_11. 1: 1 r ss---B , Palma', 61; Jas. Tustin. 4 6 . Constable.-S. Barton, 110. ~ . D -... . avid.FreWs 1.. j„,itacs.-AwittrirMeerlrtnoYr 94 r - -, . _ :-.lb " Moans Caw , 84; Henry lograrn. • .t" .. Jaa.or•- L ? ' r. I Q ' „ ji g.. l :,l ' ohn Brown, 125; JIM MCGan - ---` Tors' 1 e ar . g - o_osle, 9 3 ; Stmue b __o, nahm,l?... Hoyle s'elmol .Direefor 9o; iil. .-''.'• elt L ii maen, 87; P . , Stevenson , 69; C. Sc n - 1 t 1 3 ; *': 1 ' 5. ' f ,... r .: 1 11. 1.0 , 52 ' /1 _Tr,. '1..6, 126 - - °rFretsi D.Hobinson, 84; IL Ch uff , Autaan ' 49 8 t:B4. .11; &emu, . • Duff ii, ' / . .,,,,,,t,ime Thomits Forgusort, 94 - ' ---0 Bir H. lopww, 44. ~Au- ; d - - - Robinson.---- H. ID ED7 38 ; •IP - :4 / Mcßride.tors--41/5.d 60; gre 1 y). 110b 8111 °I 4 n F r 2 !,... htm, '88 ; J. Walkinshaw, 4* .- 4 . , , 1 tn Ckrk sou - t c pit - is - 1 ) 111%k the ..Crittron'W • Vsker le .Rested -'lb bat two a:captious. e Sa w s; Birmingham, there is a Fusion major -. .4 ty!. In Robinson Tp. the K. N. hare down, and Peebles "Sam ig -, '!m jorit.f. b' Collins „ citi ,,,,, Ti c k. 'ahead. In Bestrigloy Bore, the ' - et" is elected. , . t: 1 4., _ --- - 7- ..... -- -- -_-- - 51 — Tam )4M - it -.lEismia-Cass.--In •the Court of Quarter SeallOoa.an Batnrday hist, Judge Shan stMl on iota , the Court td decide upon s•pollit of I,liBerenee bet.= the tanniieskotere and telt, nesson in the -late lareaty cue. :The . witnesses I demand doable mileage and fees end the 'Coil. =Wieners refused VP ,pey it. The Court took •,4,the matter under owdderation. • . . -- ~. • , MARK or. Ente.,..On Saturday tught, a little , before twelve o'cloolr, the whole barna were . L Illuminated as by a lire. The firemen were oat, "...,', but did not traced in dhmorering any ire with ' i.....: in the city .hdatr." -- .77" ~...• ... • it is unpposett thine Irma. a ire stoat four ' ..-.. 'ad.* end Ike four* itistrav& i• • - 4 - - • 0 Is: .........,;.:, Important Legal Dashing. - _looms MoCttraw ow xxios Locates QUESTION—,I A Dzrnsurs---Taw :Errata- 'l3inemen - Qom:reline ; DarosanOr.—lti theCourt:of Common Pleas,;; ari Saturday last; Judge McClure delivered an? important opinion with regard to the long vexed question of- the licensing of dials ' backs, Sic., by the different' COrpormions-in this vicinity. - The anta before the Court was that of Suffern vs. The Borough of South Pittsburgh, and is an action to recover a penalty of $5 inflicted for the violation of an ordinance of the _borough, re- cdring all owners of drays, &a, to registertheir I names and take "out licenses. Mr. Buffam is engaged in the manufacture of pop, Porter and Mineral Water, and has a wagon running through the different cities and boroughs in this vicinity for-the purpose of delivering those beverages to his customers. Haying no 'license from South Pittsburgh; he was brought before Esq. Bausman and lined $5. He-subse quently took out a Certiorari, and the case came before Judge McClure.. Judge libeler, attorney for Bufforn (plaintiff in error,) not having filed exceptions to the judgment and the proceedings of the Justice, as be was required to do by a rule of Court, the Court affirmed the judgment of the Justice. A week ago last Saturday, Judge Shaler took a rule.to 'show cause why the judgment ebould not be opened awl he allowed to file a bill of ex ceptions none me lune. This , rule was granted by the Conrt. An argument was then hod—T. B. %mitten, Esq., for the Borough, and Judge Shaler fur Suffern. The Court decided that the rule should be made obsolete. . On Saturday last, without any further argu ment, the Court decided that the bill of excep tions of defendant in error be filed and not only the previous 'judgment of the Court but . the judgment of tbepastiee, reversed, on the ground that the Supreme Court had decided in an ana logous we, that the ordinance did not apply to plaintiff in error. - From the decision of the Supreme Court we quote the following: We do not understand the act 'on - which this ordinanceis _founded, as enti tling the-borough to tax any vehicle, except Mom of her own eiticw, and those of persona carrying on some branch of business or occupation with in the townly means of them. , The we of the County Commissioners, plain tiffs in error vs. Ralph Frost;defendant in error, also -came before the Court on Saturday. This was en action for compensatien for cervices ren dered as a special constable at the execution bf %vfaJewelL fin was employe4by the Sheriff. Frost obtained a judgment from an Alderman against the Commissioners. They took out a certiorari. The Court decided that theaction of the Sheriff could not bind the Commissioners, and that the proceedings -- of the Alderman be re versed. ANOTHIS STEAMBOAT ROB BERT. —$GOO STOLEN. —On Friday night but between the hours of II and I o'clock, a very bold and successful rob bery wasperyetrated op board the steamboat Americus, " lying at the Monongahela wharf.— The rascalsorhile all the passengers were asleep, entered a nnmber of the state rooms, rifling the pockets of their occupants of all the valuables which they contained. After gathering a num ber of pocket-books, and port monnaies , they went into an; unoccupied state room, sd al, stracted what moneythey contained, leaving the pocket books, &c., upon the floor. When the passengers awoke in the morning, 'the • robbery was discovered. A gentleman named David Marshall, on his way to Illinois, lost $460 in gold and Rank of Pittsburgh notes. Other persons lost various rams, ranging from $lO to $6O. The whole amount stolen amount ed to about $6OO. At an early hour on Saturday morning, infor mation was made at the Mayor's Office. Officers proceeded to the boat and arrested Jacob Rush, Jacob Rush, Jr:, John Rush, Charles Rose, and George Wood on suspicion. They were brought before the Mayor for a bearing and discharged, there being no evidence to connect them with the robbery. Wood was the watchman of the boat. These steamboat rcbteries are becoming fria: quent, and they should be an admonition to the officers of boats to have a more vigilant night watch upon their decks. Seatous Oorasot.,.-We are indebted to the Alyea for the fojloiting account of an outrage -committed on the Bt. Clair at. Bridge:—About half-past ten o'clock on Thursday night a gentle man and lady who were coming to this city by the St. Clair at. Bridge, were overtaken when about half way over, by sixteen, all Intoxicated. The party immediately attacked the gentleman and beat him in a very severe manner, and final ly one or two of the party seised the female and , dragged her hack to the Allegheny end of the Bridge. There the night watchman interfered, and by strenuous efforts succeeded in securing the woman, and _detained her until her escort came back. He was,badly injured, and, he sta ted, bad been robbed of his pocket-book. He annecomed hie determination to -institutecault against the Bridge Comptuiy, for not having force sufficient there to prevent such outrageous attacks. The injured party did not leave his slams, nor are any of the attacking party known. The women was unhurt, egeept by being dragged tack to the Cud of the bridge. -.DEATH OF A PBlso=l , ow TIM COUNTY JAM.— An aged German named Lawrence Trish died in hie Cell in the County Jail on Saturday morning last,- at .three o'clock, of inflammation of the stomach. In tire absence of Coroner Lowry, an inquest .wee held by Aid. Major and a verdict related in accordance with the facts. The deceased was convicted at the last term .of the Quarter See ding, of the larceny of a coat from a clothing store on Liberty street; end was sentenced to two menthe imprisonment. Poor old man! his is a sad hiatory. He had - ever borne an Irreproacha ble character for integrity, but the chill frosts and hitter winds of winter compelled him to de part from the .paths of virtue. lie was very poor, and in en evil moment of temptation he dole that coat to preserve himself from freezing. He was detected, imprisoned end in jail he bid adieu to poverty, sorrow, life. One readers will remember an account we glue some time slice, of a watchcintring game played by • couple of =goes upon a gentleman named 'Eckert, by which lie was duped to the tune of $3B and received in exchange a germ iced watch. A few days agoi Eckert took pall etise on a steamboat for Crammed. He saw two men get on board it Btenbenville, whom he re cognised as the identical sharpers who played the tele), upon him. He Ltad.them arrested and subsequently agreed to' drop' suit MCI they would refund the money, 'hid! wan accordingly done and the rogues were set at liberty. . Drums or Eon Dugs TOWNSlLlP.—Anappli cation has Win made to the Court of Qaarter SMaions for the division of East Deer to ims hi p. AU the citizens of the township, we understand, desire the change; :and the Court will no doubt grant their prayer. The lower part of the town ship will continue to bear the present title What name Is proposed for the other part, Is not yet:agree:Lupo& Omura or zuz Ceruz.—Themater was let into the Serumlrani* Canal on Thursday morn ing, rind on Friday night it had reached this city. The Simla in good order-throoghont and we may look for en uninterrupted season of nav igation. . - number of boats, fall freighted, passed over Acquednet on Saturday. Poestrt.Ptcwan.--On Friday afternoon last, a man mulled Reny Fleischman, had a valuable gold watch and chain taken from 'lds poCket, while he was attendlig as auction at Chapman's eigsrineri, on Market street near Third. The -pollee vete unable to diseorer the thief. /MOM= Aprilonlolt.--James 11. Ilophina, Esq., made a second application in the Court of (Water Sessions on Saturday last, for the graat ing of a wharter to the Iron City Commercial College. The application was signed by a nnm• ber of prominent citizen& BAMSD.--Th masa and James Kennedy. two boys Committed to jail some dap ageby Mayor Adams on a charge of stealing a box off' figs from Mre: Yoder, wore brought before Judge McClure on Wordily, and ralmisell on ban ih the sum of $200.. t. Anctrotwintel Tait, of New Brighton, had hie 'nolo broken on. Theredsy evening, at the ABegheap outer depot. The driving wheel of s,locomotive. which lie woe working at,fell on his leg and caused the heeture: • n , oun wanting rery fine wines, Lbinors, &c., should sttend the male by P. M. Dar* Auction eer, this morning at 10 o'clock, at the Wboleattle Forel& Liquor Store corner of Market and Front .- - - ten week there were about thirteen kundred lirrivaLs at our different betels. Daring 'eke suet periej, aizty-eti steamboats arrived:it the-vbtrf and fifty seven departed.: Avivinvorsivr.--Wiliaia Wilson, of the First Ward, Allegheny, has received the , appointment. of All to the Governor. ' ' • . , iliarator Coosa—Batoro 'Judge Williams. Bolden va.-Allagtany City (baton rnportral. Verdict for plaintiff for $250• Tams' are counterfeit two dollar and a half' 11. S. gold - pianos in -'oirculation. Look out. for • Valuable Farm for Sale. • t•• 'subscriber offers far sale his Farm ' ill resnkiiaftredlio todsnalatquasong comity. 1.•., mown. 011•11••dro sad • Aaresoaoce or Loy 150 . olithieti s •sta a I, "l sa°l4 bal g i r un arlotod • tirtE aim mbacrliewed Loar aaraa Ilati o.• naMlN Sad thaw Dm Bun. CO 6,31 ea. act amadas. • (Maud of crafted Inds Tens. inn, / bhuirdavionidit seversa mtom ulas at 4=solinp o or $l4. la Uwe asumad wrimgs l . AMPII.V. at ary 1401.013% , r11111"131g BY TELEGRAPH Loutsyitti;lly., Mar&l7 -. .-A. 'tremendous hail etotio occurred lost night The hail atones Were two inches;in circumference and fell 'frith. vent force, demolishing skylights and breaking in roofs, besides doing other (Limoges. It is reported that some dissatisfaction exists . with regard to the nominees of the State Con vention. CINCINNATI. March 17.—Flour lower; sales 500 bble. at 88,150.8,25. Whiskey 24€041.• Provisions fifm. Mess Pork advanced to 813,- 25. Sales 700 hbls Lard at Bi€CBi. Sugar fftm . at 6€+s.f. Molasses 254(En2G. Linseed Oil fins at 85. Nothing new is mosey matters. The river has risen 4 feet. Weather cool and cloudy. Lebanon Nursery. IitOCKSTOG? Sr, AMMON write the at tacticl or tho aphlla th4r larva stock of Fruit Ornamental TREKS and SHRUBS. All orders left at V. Dravo's Mort. N 0.., 10 the Dlanaotal, ttaburah , or. addravod Cireett T7oa Poet M 8.% trillvaantlf sttearlad to, mea-atal3 °TICE TO GARDENtins—Our stock afresh Seeds for the bod.d. ...id guldens Is am- DD 4mb...dug every Inaowu rtltable sort lo,eultlva don. Wholeado sod retail at the Seed and ruplemeut Wars. house, Gbh (41...1tur JAMES WARIWIOP..• • lOOKS ON GARDENlNG.—llowning 111 Eurry.Thernas and the American Broke en FMK; Bulat's Kitchen Garden. and Mover Garden Directory, - Young Gerdes:tees ;mutant,. and other standard storks o n the minus Horticultural purznits.fer sale by fedi-4MT. • • • JAR. WAIIDROP. GARDEN TOOLS-Pruning knives, Silk Ohleele, le. in Crest variety', ac viitakta M manta and achinery of the most approved and desirable sort; erholesah, and retail. felt-IterT JAB. WitltDROP OPTIIALMIC DISEASES: PR. J. It SPEER., in addition to the practice of the ging branches of hle proassalon, de• i weeial attention to DILOUSES OP TR! XV$ and all operations terrearr for their Thls notice la deemed neemeary to correct an enonsou. Impression pr.valpng moons motions of U. country, that Ds has rellntnalshed his wroaimbm. N. NI TSFeetr abeet. Pltteberreh ew Stock of Dry floods for the Spring of 1855. • YRE & LANDELL, S. W.-eon:Tr of 4th and Le& sta.. Pidladolph_ll.itro -;fully preti to Febuyers,wlmlemale utd etali.. with goods adapted to their wants and ott holoweot NETT CA.PIi PRICKS . . . . BLACK SILKS, , LtRITISII PRINTS. FANCY do. PLAID:GLNGIIAMS. . NEW DRESC GOODS. DOOD LINENS SEIV.SPRLNGAItst WL. TADLELINENS, Noveltiet in Lemon, MEETINGS. Q. At. . N. 11.—Bargains daily ron't from tho Auctions, of Now York and Philaielphis P. Boiled Black nat.arranted not to rut In wowing. Atom-keepers ouppllcil w with them gond. . [sir 41morTW LfXECUTOR'S NOTICE--All Persons in-, ra debt ed to the estate of Liman T. Owen. late of the Cityof Allegheny. deed. are hereby duly notified to nuke Immediate payment. and all persons having delms Kama said estate are requested to present them. dui/ - ithentleeted, Pre settlement, without delay. JANE. ANN COVELL, Execute's- NATILANIEL WEST. Executer. XECUTRIX'S NOTICE.—AII perzotis baring_laims agatast the Estate tate of June. Olver, L orSowiekl c ay tonnehlg, Allegheny county. deed, ene requested to preeent them, duly anthentleated. for mettle. meat, and all pentane Indebted to eald tote make P.TII.IIt Without delay. MAItY Egettiz, Ml.7.6tvr • EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Notice te hereby given that Letters of Admlnistratkm hare ' hew granted to the undersigned on the grate of Wm. Fergu son. late of Allegheny county, deterh all rem. knowing lbw:metres indebted tumid estate aro requested to mate Immediate payment. and thews lumina nhand , sitelnst said estate will present them. preperly_autbentieshel. for set tlement. othfeetweT W. IL DUET. Executor, Administrator's Notice. - • NOTICE is hereby given thit Letters of Ad-. min/strati= have bon exacted to the sohicriber on the Enna of John N. StewarL Iste of fairvine. Guerney oxonty. Ohio deceased.An peen= knooins the= seine Indebted to Nid 'estate are replanted to =aloe louxuallste payment. end all those =due nab= to Ote not the =am property authenticated, for settlement. • sahlbateeT JOHN M. EDMI.INDSON. Alter. Dissolution. of Partzu:rithip. • • %THE Co-Partnership heretofore existing _b e• L n the wadersitiwod, to rfotaletors and PublLth • art of.D.T. Pittsburgh flosotto. le this day DosolTwl by the WHITE. .ho of SAMUEL HAIGHT'S lutowoot. by U. N. WHITE. who lo full and oolely authorised to oath; the boAlueto of the luta tom, and pay off All Its dcbto, and who wlll:herealtar conduct thmOssetto sa sole Proprietor. D. N. WHITE, 'SAMUEL MAItIIIT. Pittsburgh. feiedi no; rut —isnrotemer.. A Musical Tournal for the Milton. YHE NEW YORK METRICAL REVIEW contains anianalliover One Hundred Mora of Noe usie. buddre a vast amount of criticel. iwtractive and eatertaining readingr shim • egret (published In chapters) by Lowe Mn,aw ®bobbing the practical mega as ap Plied to practicat torching, of Ws experience...during a long and indutrious career, ware wallow and teacher amnia And yet the Musical Ureic o Is only one dollar • year. or six copies for fire dollare—leflexibly radraece. Anybody c. 0.5.. Interest In the manse of made, is invited to get op clubs. and foment subscriptions. Published flartrileht• ly. Prod:ova coulee sent ol . r= of Ore seats, or too rootage gimp. AMrem, st Aims intarnEns, L.ll.lalitallan , Park Raw. Nest York. pos3iirmTcriptililk"!=73 a Illerar, Allegheny and Washington Counties tea 1:44.101431 Flow& mode culThitrim Wheaq Cll21 - ii. attention is invited to the exanuna . Um of important Improvements In the plus es. of - Moue ter hulling and dienoing hunk wheat, mid err ensuring and cleaning Wheat and Writ and aime ha the drug of millsnonee. The.. 1.. pitiumenta aro clump and vonnottdeaL Themew andmemb but little mover to &ire IL Buitk be s t Flour oars b& made by them aei white m the bunt What mitirely fnue hra mind and dirt. Tbe enter* ban do net agek you to enter pat ray summtelnor 0004.0 t=eblieneiroferperinient. - Tbe improvement* haul..., gbly tested. eau be neadily undentood. put' In operation and kept In order. and urn tame nd labor: and In Miming them Colon. Cr. suboulbere do so vittithe guarantem that 11„ ou it fair trial of the promeminta. rove cannot make better flour than you hare emir madoor peen made by aurotber proem, they will ,Large nothing and remove the Meehinnat their own Co. Thesevertu. e, .ere In operatlvn in J C. S ave. l ' l ' Xiquaro t ma r :o,ilfortir Co., and Wert thirearrlile: aterrier County. bumph* of Flour and Hulled Runk wheat may be men at Miner. Logan, & (lard ware Ftme, i tbdirt rg b. For further reirthmlara addrare th e either-ellen, at Wolf Creek. MerreeCo., Fa.. elm are prepared to .ell right. for Ifille or Turriebila to Um above Corinth. JAtilkg. C. SHAW. jelZoserl 110 TIT. P. DRAT. (Wsehlngton Reporter espy I Month.) The Celebrated American Horse Powder 6 1= non of &ante. dc. de. THE Proprietor of the above Powder take Rest pleasure In railing your attention to an article eLerlis i art . yt o... tting , of the land ever offered for Pohl/. It tun stood the test of Ensur Yeene =leo...b e t no Widths. tormhon got op a. atomoy sche an article substantially and falthNilY Proternloamtleoal calmly a such reint as tare been lona by practical r t r b l , me to be valuable fbr the outgo( the dhow+ In It ahonkl to In fle halide of army Warmer farrier and. Delman. No owner of Mean should be without It. It will rave. Wallet properly and to time. the Ilves of meet valuable salmis. We set yon bet to try It Confident of Its tioeee ability F dram It es, n butsy enter Into nor wFb, ~t it. virtues, neva:Maly sawn It for toe patronage - co a &Wendt= public. Alm— . The Celeksted , Amerlean Cow POWs?: Newspet roluarde Mowery, 111serancett to Mrs Hoff* Horn end Mine Inserucestandent to hrows.taatu. - Notwittotsolltenctbe omnerous compounds whkh • daiyoaeted ander the name of specifica, yet there healoos been wanted a preparat ion that would ensure a safe and - oftectual core of the tunny diseases to which every horned aahnal Le =hied. The carnes of the prewmt otot. contalo lx.lnerMlente of the moat nimble deecriptlo=l all those who mar by sffileted wh obtain a Medieins unsorpeaml il by .7 othey. is sear offered. It notoposition Is entirely different from the Worm Powder twine adeptedexpresely to bonnet animal. and they r din seas . It le unnaturstand inconsistent to administer the sam,• al •to both melee Ow the core of entirely dillereut - disease.' Whst may to valuable as noreeir In ore lo ritt:aeo. Z " , i l=l:cl 4 re l dTso l lal ' el h lll=torea. WO which warrsat to eradicate " the diseenee Po which they are reccononnadol. beihte thiat It. ankle ono.. and e. to NY youwlll not withou after. . • It hat been tritelby Many Intellegent ihrmagt Wont, cat the united Stow, ...a..h.var Itlretalt• Mahe. , 4.4710 f JOLIN B. ll VVlZ .' Whenale Druggist ReattvWeit comer offth and nee eta.. Philadelphia. - 113.1hwanntableAtorficaperi rand Deninrirte wanted to act mte:wits. - total-lewT ldlogheny Uoutity Normal School. MANSFIELD, NEAR PITTSBUEGII. aEundereigned, County Superintendent, ing consulted . number of Tesebers and Direct. ore upon the propriety of establishing • Teachers' Instl. tate, •1•11 ha•lntrrototred their heart, approval, and be - . tlnitotalao that ne cannot In any other war more ea actually aid In carrying out the provisionsof Me new MIO4I L•ir, dttortnlood to ntsblbh 0 Normal &boor, for which be has secured the services of R. CURRY, A. IL, The PriV t of the tasititon will be ts strand teachers and an ars whiting to become taarhses, such facilltlee as will enable them to obtelo a liberal. thorough and ,Inactleal education. WThe first wool= will man on TUESDAY, April ad, 105$. It Is desirable that all persons whiling to enter should be present at the opening of the Bowdon. I For Irifotmatlem es to terms, Ac.: see &calve or ad % H. KERR. I MlSl.2.3blrliwi County. auterintendent. Notice Relative to the next Mate Agricultural • Exhibition. of the Executive Committee of the Pennsylvania State Alaimohuts' Soclety. held at gh on the 17th of January ult. the Inflow - Mg reeolution was adopted:—"Resolerd, net the next exhibition of this Surety ahall be held on Tuesday. Wed• midday. Thursday sod Friday, th e 25th. 3010. 22tb and 25th days of September mut, sod that the e.e.d.ri be appointed to Welts proposoil and mate report to the 'Ex ecutive Committee at the quarterly meeting In April next" Tbe undersigned baying been appointed to Voratialme of the above resolution, wia receive propoeltiona =tit the let day of April next trom the ethane of towns and cities In the State. relative to tee location paha aextoExhibltion of the Painsylvanta State Agricultural SoctetY.' Oommu• 1' I " sly nl I P I t gAh ra d in i rIaItELUIM. Land for Bile WILL sell 250 acres, being the" principal part or what mile ea the °Woolsey Yam^ Maeda In the forked Yth. Bodnar to whip, Westmoreland ecanety, Illy one from the tro:abloattror arer end Connellattle Railroa d Are miles from the Wotan ew beht. About onet_btren acme the well Umbend and the restarodar dared and well adapted to either arrthatural or thaslanpurpmes. /am Mammal dollen of them:attar ascoansust be meld Inthendthe restuaalermaylesalln ten sn Interest, Wreathed, Rama:ear A, W.I.IILIZR,. littatearsh, ar the .n war the prennleee.— Indlntasw. etattatra - DaVIDWRIIIft. • LASTS. :-.HUM:Hifi US 'A HAY, have g.sis 1.2.. 1 = assorttosst of LASTS. 8001 Wiz, le. rmssothgly, snlidt tha sttios etni s a i r =mom st IN& stow cause of Miasma sad - - ADIHNISTRATOR'S NOTICE—AII pit . mogioaebta to ill* Fatale of Daniel W.: lata co arentom. Allegheny trotatr.Stard, are reminded ta was inirsteet to the tutoorlber, and ` all baybalt claim sabot sn id .tat. Sean. JOHN peneaeta Lo_proper tarot. adl•Gtand aIIoOONNELL. Adair: —. Elecutor's. Notice. 110 4 1 . 1)TICE‘ 4, hereby given that Letters of ...administrative lure too gifilted to Use oubectiber , on t isii: . .aw. Mew% Sz.: MU of Davin Tof Al toill4my t .4•61:. Ail poroials knowing thimsillos mcm4 foists us beriby notated to auks lams moot. sift an those basins slalom to. Prioint, a.m.. du* mqtmu~ , lbrnekgr& le .. - ; '. ;. ' Mir.* ii r. Adal'is. MlLthWtrittor'i roam TiOTICEiii it '''' given, that Letters of * Asodnoorato Arm Lees mined to ttni r tuboeribor on estat4 at trunserarerld"ista a North Fayette 11*. Allottbol am. &l. All tomtit kr.mtlai Memoir so to. &Dial W aid gelato in batty notleact to woke limo* p ` roMrit= i s ' A l t i or" ~i i,l7l ll 4t i tri. t iFtiV r - W1...0n t• - - ' o l otttuA I. 1111.11 DB. A u gt .. . .. . . .. AdpunistotoFs Notice. ..:- INDT,WE, lif ltereby.given that Letter' of - admlgtistnitiou hit Mem msatmilotbe robot:am at be Estate et A , Woof lUesbmir MIT. demiwk slip non tlummeins Isaftbmd Maid astatcotromktia to make immes&Z i t Oriel tam Tat proper V i iISS4OII ''' '''.-" : IntO:ttlUndokirst. , COMMEACI: . COSUILTrts aD ARIELTBATIDN. DOB -if RCM.— g, Burs, V.T.—FU. !W U. JoeYCL HEW, Jso. BicDmrz. Jso. &on. rirrsnutan 'uamErs Orrick Plrv9io=o o (nvent.)l Member Mortdrof !duel; 19, MC f FLOUR—the market appears dull and thiso G not nits& dbporalon to operate ; 'tales at coUl of anthrflce lu lota at 1 . 9,00.5iad from throe of auperfloo ertra 5t19,714,/¢4,97 _A vale of ai blob. Oath Maid from dare at /4.91. 13114"N'—'°46."..111111, Prerailithi the Grain roar krt . : Wes of .8,000 boa. Oats to arrive, at CiL sod 1.000 boi. Corecdltto. at AO, both deliverable on theOtharf ; alias on the mbar( of . .X.O 1. os. gar Coro at S. GOO 4, 01 SO and 3110 do. Shelled at SO; from atom 110 do. at 115; ' . . . sI ALT & 1101`.3—salas of 3,000 tam Malt at bream at $1,3509.450 and 10 Woe Hops aing3o, track Ise &cline BACON—sales 0(.1,400 Da Meat Bound. at and caeh : 5 eke. [holders and Sidon at GM and N. attr dada: and Rd pea. c untry cot Shoulders and Mama at en and 0, sixty day. OlL—a sae a 'X Ltda. Lanl 03, No. 1 at 73, cash. (11tHABrc—a ants of,lll [Lis. Interior at SN. , . BUTTER WEOlid—sa/es of 4 bbla Packed Butt. at . 12 . ..4; 4 do. prima Rollhl 4n, and 6 bldg. Eggs at 16 V. dar., hai log drained under a Bette supply. FRUIT—a ids on the wharf of 100 Uhl. Orem Apples at. V.. 00, god 12 SIX do. from store at ; Drlsd Apple., 00 hog at a 1,60. 'BF.AN'i , —s sale of IS Ms. Email Mate at $2,76. rash. • MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL. Thebreather on Saturday was elver, with blab wind. pre vailing. The rain on Friday night was vary heavy and WWI ell night. The Monongahela sommeneedthling rap. Idly In the morning, and had attained • Mitre of over 14 feet In the °mans. Thel rain, ea du. Oa MI an learn, Wel very general. The temi.boats bees all got out, we believe. The total ehipment ofemal, on thin and tbe-Yuemdln/t 4,000.000 bushels lool* 11 that In hug.. The ehipment in December was .1,001 E. 600000 bmhels. The Prairie city left St. Leda for thin Mt) on the nth.— its port Ihr this place, Chicago and theta Tirt. . The the, buslusaa is quite. astir; at' Clurinuati. The South amesims, Podia Clesel, end Paul - Janes arrived on Thursdey from Ml+ place, nod the Mcmongshels. (henna 'State, South America and Persia umaor tort. below. The Cowman, mud &eratitue State lett for Pittsburgh. the for. mer with 400 tons freight, ft:minding 1000 bble. Flaur.The Fremont, Paul Joaes...l. S. Pringle .1 Arne son vete Whose, on Friday. On T h .day night, the steamers Exchange and queen City came In collision between Cincinnati and Louisville.— The Exchange was main at the bow. The p e wee. doing in the OfOMl7 market Is very heavy, and . active demand ellitts In Su car, Coffee end Motu. and priors continue to ,ditto. Coffee now will. at 1241214 e. being an admoce of fully two tents"f lb with in the lest thirty days. Sloluess le 0130 out higher, with ...the demand. Th e m e w mutat:presents nothing new. Currency anitlunes Name, and negotiatione are made wit h Some dlr. Ilculty--outslde the Banta ratter range froln I to Inc for tiretulars parer, but parer which has any don attached to It Is hard to be disposed of at .y rate. news of Kuban. on the Eut are higher. and wo now DOD/ !tigf l ,4 pnm On NewLama= rates a»the same. In Provisions .thlng of consequence erne don teLdey, but In prices no change had taken place. eke; le dull and prima tending downwards. Chreenreed eery dull. sod lot, lies. on gm market would not being eve ry dull. and eun et Ws misrules would he made with dlMeulty.—itnn. Com. Pride): Tim Iltrisn—The 'Users small! reported °nth., rise. at renting the Moon rt. and there were no arrivals from that quarteryederde y. The ellartaliPPl et thle point roan about eighteen Inches In the tvrenty.foor home endleg .t • °Work last weenier. and to still Ming—not go rapidly. however, rye on Monday. The total rim at4r ohm nee lwen near etc feet. Eight or doe fee tls to Cairo. The Minot s Is ovelllowing the hanks at Ila. and • depth of Odd feet Is reported at the month. The Upper Walden ern. rhdng. with One feet on the bars to Keokuk. Louie Repub. 141. h. Corset —The bark Ristlna from fin arrived . lha mart, hest and the 'Tame^ which hat been below foe scene day hu also roma up. These semi, bring ems 10.000 bag of Gaffe, samples of which hare been exhibited to-d.r. w note sale* nf about WO tsars out of the