The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 20, 1854, Image 1

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OrrrE tt icur . . a cit.; Afavisisa ABENCY
Art X. N. Ma' drwl.: 8u:on.
. .
P. • Co'. are •
Agents kr the mast 'sawn:Mal And lergvat
awl Abe
detatlatlag atatusereL.l Papers both fat the I :oitel3L•tey
, • —•
zulhihrihk, tintetiltnSmeeFh•Lei are amnnd S.i 1.42
and man renable In the cal of 4•l•Nuen.-
VtIS SENBORN & CO., (late C.
fleanad Importen y WholesaJeDoalers Geraut h
reach awl lLsllsit ylankhrhents stol Strings. h
I ilkidrek Li,., .irl2.4ye
• -r
-ikLFRED BIUNACE S CO., Ei . tensivo
tutauclothin,, Eitsblisbcoault, 411 :uiohti..r. io
er • Ernta.pumket.
OLINourro..IL 14.1.34.
st`OLYS Standard Cotton Sail-Duck:
0. 0. HE &en & CO.; No. 71 Pine street, Noir York.
eaO gents. Ck4too Carless from wend other milk th
•ISIAHUISW/3 Print etches ind - CeSper iio4cri, frc c..
and Nathortt Printorh • -
DRY' 600—Ds.
.4 ? L IVEN,
reerlrlaa i Lt10;!).1E1.1 & CO. In:Torten- of
selmeilroater.licok,tl2. d
COTTENEfic CO., Imp4rterm Crf Fench
1 1 ....• • sad otbetEuremen 9e•4, ?a4° Broad etree.
_ V:ll2l2eLter.t., car.Trinitf Nara. ot
r 2, &oleo. Ink to. ,el 2 otir
___ _ _ _
WAXES OWEN; 15 groadlm porter of
I:rosT rhatola t • atm. and Triego. l,lll, Ora .ti
lau mute: and 011 k Gonda 4•••117 . .
iI.ENNEQULN & CO, Importers of
s-ZaIMI U ,3 ' in rSU t'' "' M ' NAIPAZNi ;
; g
ROBINSON & CO., No 187.11:ethray,=4&e ~ n Goode, Alttoaa,
freenst and Es4fno. Breent Clotbe,
Lo n No 60
1053 i A N KIifiRSTA3I3I, finporter of
SITIr s. Shawls. Liners . arra Ileabrelderlee and Taituito
• 12eLLIL ft broodway.
TA T ERiilkULLEg,lmperrterOrFien e h
roes.; sag 63 nine Dry Goode . &floe. Ve/eete Hers
en RLIWW,WODIetyI, to 4 No. .= • Ntood genet New Noel
jiOIIJSA BROS., 4 0tter- Im
. Donee e of tam .a
s. John se MEM TRIMMINGS.SerIIo;t2noI.
wepitinalleh.yottone. &art Lame. Le. yalt•tin
IIkArEEIC.ERit M..4LDROFF, Manufacturers
4Yi of reshfonable Deena Lek Onakteirnaminge. Fri ones.
25 Tnas.o4. Bretton .4e, No. 24 Der street. J. 134 ye
- 9Tifilliam street,.
stadcin 00 . Tenntern of Gentlemen? Yecentsiono Geode. and
of Shirts. Semitic_
jOLIN AL .oAvu &s, JONESCO, Im
to' warn ntaanUemara' Parniablna Gonoia. and Mann
ren nt sena.. Shirt.. Vac taz, Wairan
. CO., No. _69 Broadway
Impttstpc .. !_ara and ALIILInat7 Uocata, I.Sia be
k LIAUSEN, tpt 42 and 94 Llbert7 t —lmporter,
noseb. S.W. aal German Silks, RIR... Vein... Vest.
bus SatinSQCf44. {{'coley otami
T - sr, theltexican 'Mustang Liniment in
ummay.e.Tnnt.i., Bar.. ems.% Cut.. Plies
Sue an effutaial curs far all azterniti =plaints al
sun sr uds.J. R. Wetbrook, nii.inai or c Linater and
MOSUL.. 301 trcadirsT. N. Y.
r~" • '
• .
GITRNEY, No 349 Broadway, the oldest
ON • and oscat.istes.dre islaNl,3sent_in g e; ❑
3. y ; Elted ,
. RR, O—
he N !i reet. •
gner and
Thlik Engrave
r on
_ un.
nnf . ent. kw bawd Sint..
• • rsparza , , E s".
.SB.ANTIE)RD Turcigu
Gooklsand Pneksztv
%arta of tto world.tsn i t T ia
vaNcTooyns Ani 3[ 3tElty
4 NGELNLAINIti ,S; CO strftt,
pont., Dutt o n. Colon wsd Woden
cell huyn... only seven per one. on wet oh t 4„ Lm•
I.lins Fos tour own benefitrw and se. an2l-1,
. •-- ' -
‘IIIARLES ZINN 52 Maiden Lane,
lonacolor, or Pmeria .4 german rater scolTrorel
lox sei matenotnevro of Cl.ll. sod roloml
loe Fornitme ood jenny LIDO Warkrt.acolo. ke.
JACKSON, (foimorly W. &
• Sm.) Gra. and ")taker. 89)
Broachranma &ambers 13t.b. tier Vntk. eitlfir
i 1 77.' CORNELL, - 13,5 and 143
- .(autkostme.: Plata sad OrnameritiE Iron Work.
. _
baparters Maanfactint. cf' nue
olcsale Deal Itel Hats, Etrur dc. 4.01 r
110 T, Bpt7I.IISACES;te.
I l LCOLyEß,(lnrentor d v i niPateritea)
tn Retr7l'Z'tilaLrrs.'lG.
- -
den Lana. 3. Y., lisanfaciarenvana Wholenle
In Gmlyrat4 Patent Indb. Rubber Boots. 86.5.
91 allat6tblog. Rath. T*n. to.. ka. 66171.
. .
lIENIT'DAVENPORT, 86 • J.,hrr• street,
31annAntaxer ond Den.ler evory• dlocnlntlan o
so./ T
snatlantant• itnbben l'abrim Tangy itabltro Good.
g_.l 0..: tut • all Icioaz at Itabber Catlin . Cantl.s..llrop
ITAtIIIXERY AND 3Y111111a1; TOCL.9,----
~. • .•
nourtand 5t...t.. lhaloct7 gad X4e.h.ltle TL,Is.
ARGILL 4 CO:, 47 Maiden Lane, Guitar*,
4,= ,. ..te1terg.14.6, Brag I.trnmernts, arid !men.,
Wald. Low. Importoro ofClotho% Grators, Acerrao.
Ana, arks Instrument. Ja.. ball-froo
CLILEORGE 17101)GtrTS, No: 158 I9illiam
st.„ Nor York, Who risk 3 / a ntakribrar irul Import
rr or T and Coffee Cats, Rork Dabs.. Waren Ikkelern
CoPlub. and Iron Goods. ge- W.. women thy
Fra Preenlum at theeNo • York Crribal Palma. istri-e
PAPS WlMdifollsl9;
(mugs w.' Clitt'strt4t,
NJ/14.1m and Ighohada Damlves Azneefeanyee.k
as 4 ELPKEacI sro7 d.../Ptk. of
' , EMUS 4t, BARTOW, No. 161
etreet.—derreat Variety of PAPER. fbr Book
s. ere, Stationers. PrieteM gc,ekblveimv.
PAINT CULOIL 3lANllrattruKKllf.
OLS. ArLACJAAA it., Nee Yoe= Paris zadChrosix
Le t a, at.
16111 e. Daum. ticks C, Ban. • ROBERT IL
CH. 3tannfacixirer. Ruf
TOTS 4ND - ELNOT Gomm ,-
- •
JAHLBORN CO., 54 Maiden Lane,
VacTiacift ' , b., import.. otTOTS
• Tic .ma moms 410)
Purl stroata. Garold:* Ctillastry
L '
POLLLON- &• 'CO., Importers of
J. Tomah Coach shad ate. Oloso—ho. Harclal
ipHOPKINS. Imparteniof
.Feexh WlDdow Ob.. No. 61 lityday .beet, New
• _._,
Fr 1, 0 ,4 ' known—Svrrelny 1.4 ,. ...x1-Alyarr
4 i!,:otio
g , - J right- trackrdoC,tind
.i fonts,ThEladelphls. GEC , W. COOLY.
.-I . ~ ;0. Harketn .t.
•i . :"" r IAiIIIf.C.S ' ICY , k CO,
co. .9 Wat..l 4 - 1. 1
if 4 FORGE 'C. SMALL& Y, ti egottnhor
. llnsineu Notes. fiords, Mortgmite., and ot 'her'
inal- street. New Yart: (kamuucleas.losts L.
mall ~i!l metre prwript stteutli.
Itznacten.—Maa,Thiltr.-Lrq., "%lam It Lan, Effi
SSW Yoe,: Ilerxm. tarn L ima Itankere. frt.. Lallt. "SO.
,DAB:mkub •desat restoty or locus Rubber Don ISM lof Ithich ars Pite uzege beautiful tit.
Urea °Pother clatertallbabd a . hunetted times more dune
I,bi, "Oak, by the Fade,. Melees threaterut tb• coda
top. Sisels only, by 11. be*Tork Rubber C 0.43 Malden
Line. N. Y. eit stale. euNidtia
,Great Excitement- in new York.
n" ORACE WATERS, the great Music "and
N. Mae Forte Dealer. US Breeideep, 'Saw Tort. Pen
fereidd to shale • Wee ntoeent with his enstouteni,
to than Pas le the Sharpen Ateret.
tedlablt event In euette Lau tusieue ttatipetsnt tight
boas, loyea.ete ressorttuent et elegant sad v.,
lltrettooes at it Lose
- p e w s fee:.
itases Pttres..Yor nue Mt .6 , 1414 , :tt co -pews Mut.
Irmo the.. of the fargstt enaor. el./at-tm' do , ..en Nee.
ufeterlse. lso. those Of several allot Legit Nes . York .Ise
kers. Including tbe lestalful aed muter tdotlted Maus
Wera . Pumas foga bietown Vetturesid Sfrktrbornr,
the Lest Needs. f•es ihted. Nee York and enesto nub
alforell=opteettualty f.•selaeltous not tube had elte
rboue. budearsent tiocuid band Phinoe
at sestet tesiddne—relnt true so to sm. suodo end
Musks! Instecurionte 4 4,41kt:u1t..? Owe.. yteebers end
Mods of Rebook supplied on the teN....tmoss. Mask sent
dosedp.s. oal I. ,/ lensed All I del.e.t.C•talooete of Ilse
Muddle of Yaetta7 robse—of Plabot.tlelnisme end 1
Plusleallnstroments Ltessoltit eity •dansi. 11.. of
FAST COL'll recd 2000
ast tad Ciatzwee. all at which will baaald aa
par Td- usual price itif,
• . , A. A,' 31A8ON AM; •
01133E54500 bu prima W. R. - Cheem
reed and far al* bt .- T. LITTLE 409.; ret,24 eL
4 IPU/1.---100 bbbL 'cites family Flourjust
Mood Ibt gala - urns A I'm!. Tl 2 04...
2ObbU.lfl • . i lit
OSEPIi S. & A. P. MORRISON, Atter- i
n e tt trat 2 , 1 b.'re°
_ ••• •
- 1
W. HALL, Attorney at Law, " Bakel
. moat rtrueOutiounursurtti
tnutuona Mier. y'r •
OltEllt E. PHILLIPS, ArtornOy at_Law,
. . r 4;
Ift?OREILT I.'O6LOCK, ' Attorney ut Law—
t Gemr 64' F ifth aad Onat .trears.6pposits the COWS
~“.6 item, kittallynh,
AB}, J. KAHN, Attorney at Law, office
CI Fourth =vet, new tinat.PinettErzb._
• fi ll tANU/Se. FL A.NEGIN, Attorney at
50. Ito Puttrth ntrbet... Pittsburgh
- ZSPEICE. • liRAIC, Attorney at Law,
re No. so Fifth stroet,PitUhurab..
_ - -
TIEBN. , LN .t CO, Bankers and Exchange
Bk.nrs,:No. 95 Wood street;corner. Diamond rO
ar/lny andse/I Lank Notesand Coln. Dincuunt Than
tha E smnone..d=Wary Nottr. male Collretlon• in nil
ptindnal n iln er the Colo, ReceiveDellooli.l on eel
wino. loterten, ni.tbeir PlOmnt ntlnotwou toil! oth
er niatters syyertnlnlng tan Muter. twine.
1113..Cennern Exetranno asrttantly. Ka. male, m 1.1.1 y
111.07.,C [Yam..
RARER RACAL Bankers and Ex
char a Ihr.kern. MIT and 14.12 Gold .14 Saar and
lect Notre, ne,,yollate loans on Real Ilatsto or Stock [su
m Pcnallnaryy Not, .4.1 Tin. Dille on Ead
Ad lb.. Nay nod nen .take on Commis/don Oellec
ti.yos made an all ,inta in the Union. On, men,
Third and Wood str,ts. directly opp...elle the 61.1:Insoles
D. KING, Coin, Stock and Eme-flange
e Feurtb street—Ba gs and sells Steele.
Exchan g e ien Easter citlea supplied at cur.
rent rates : Cellestionsinade th:Wast at low mic a . Wee.
Urn Bank :cotes Beri g ht and midst,
nem_ .... a. sum
)3ALMER, HANNA d. Co. Successors to
Iluser , y, Rums t Co. Hanker, Er;inin s e Ereizersand
niers% 1 errl g h and Thieneatic ExOnange, Certificati e of
?gin; laree''qi.* : =V5llt el . ...air fg2l - 1..1411
Ciueks sale, eat selleeldinis suds no acar , z r mild-
haLgultits of the United titales.
ao ße bl g bra inentin= hat& ter gemisin and Arcininin
Adorderea made AA CC ,) ==ent• of Pr , AIWA
4c on nodal term.
u. 11. WILL ms & Bah and
V V Exultance Ilrokors, N•rtli Dot hornet. I; u.l and
Itlrd strewn , . fittehtugh.
• All transaellons =ade.on Medal term., Arri colleetton r
promptly attended to. pdoly
WILKINS c CO., Exchange Br kern,
11. • No. 75 Fourth ,hootte the Hank of Idtta.
h. All trontaottonn at moat Ilhwral rot.. jyto
1%7 : LARI\IF.R, Jr., Banker and Bn
P i ttohurug.
1101.31kS d SON , Pea lcr. in Foreign
k.t .creek Mite gh. 44 - I.7ollodtlotta mad... a/l tha wino:lml dile*
• h_Punhout the Unltod Slat!.
J-- ---------
L. READ, Bookseller and StaLioner. No.
. 78 Fourth ttnact. Apollo. Building.
JOIIN S. DAVISON, Bookseßer ard S
timer, rdoeumhr to amino° a Ague.. Nu r aluukd
Uradotuur Fourth. Pht tddh. p h
eAE Nitt S . 130SWORTII, Bookseller and
DederhTStatimert, de, N a 8 .: Marks: xtreet, near
homed. Pittaborgh. Fu.
_ . .
k l i ,t l ,:r T d; CO., Booksellers and Stationere.
No. S 5 Wood etreet. mut dad to the corner ol Third.
e, V gb, Pa. e.abool wad tau Looks oosumudZy on hand
A irll ANTS and Draltrs in sal kinds of Pittsburgh Ns..
rW Artists, Lewd P ipe ::d Sheet Lend. S. 97. First
r st. Pittsburgh. - ans-IpPf.4
.WIE Silloll.
finporur data Detth7 is
?OAF:MN:WM - ES. Brandies ool d
ngsbo ls Ara Analogy. Ng. Panne-Fast
gstio enrner
sese.4Arout sr, sttberruk. Press. notsl
A &Commixsion and For.
ix. -warding Mentlignts. sisals" in Wnt , l Prrstnee
ssurrulls: stno. Pittsburgh Manstrnetsgry. No. 114: Fseernd
sifts's. Pitishargh. vs'.l)-33
_ . .
_ . .
• ROBISON & CO., Wh.slesale Gnieens,
t r 7 .4 ex ; t a tv,a , n . d h cazoltaloil Sl~mLanO , , Yu
sr..z.rn reieern
cy MVS ta S. Wartatt,) Cotionirdru eall:Tootttdind
ii..ete e t e peeeee to Wool ant Prodaei fin ` ot. Not ,
147 i Flee. end 116 Preetd streetolltialeirati. Pa. ei , r4r
y ,Fc W. DEA, - Flour 'Factors. Commi..ion
. endlorwerling Veretiente .4 Nolen Pri.lees
ortewarle. Otdere tor Pittston -A itainifsettsree orooiritr
Attends:he. tiet. 71 Water .4,90 Teen Pitteleirrit.
Nao sylgr.
1 Inc r. rttete
ottetored toots.
• td Parents.
rittodurah lian
: 1 1,ERCER k ASTELO, Goneial Commie-
LT . sloe Merchants, Phite.l.lohle !Abend admirer
n ottidonments of Produce everrelly. Anti ,
- I
p .... 1.11.10 m.
jO p,
HN' WATT & CO. Wliolosale Grovero.
• eutturderion Wnobedte. nod Defier. to Prottore and
PIM - burgh !Unitise:erst o. e N :eel tilerPiltsbirrah
T B. CANFIELD, late of Werrea, Ohio,
Cositoltsiortand Poreerdlne Olentiterd,utd Whole.
tale Zeiler Werwro Reetrve °beeps, Natter. Pot end
neat See. and W arn otorrap. Water Meet,
het:eyed 604506.14 end Wand. PitOdetritii.
(Lau of fit; NatilZT.Thtlei a tin)
11 LITTLE , & CO., Wiplemde Grocers,
vlor , Iltd_tepe stul Castit*tion 3terettstits, sod Dosixtv in
31n- - nrsztntes. No. 11.4 6 , - -, ...d street. Pitts
bare, . -
• ' tali:Pl3
COLLIN& ionrardlencand Cenenniaelon Merebant,and
Dealer In Cho.. Butner, Lake flan and Pe annlnall/
d 3 Rend sneer!, ahem° Waded. Pllnaburah p r at
Uh Egs - 14 - aioßsT & :s.EURPILY, Whole
! nue ronewand Pa
Worn Merchant.. and Nolan
horst, Pa.
In P:ttshornh Manschtinona No Water stmt. Pitt.
rrIIONIAS PALMER taaporizr and Dealer
la French and Aniertuut I.a/1 Pper, Nu dts Market
meet-between lllel atel [ c o mb Mo a t, Pittsburgh.
tir NIe()EINTOCK; Importer trod Whole
cmcsorritafaii= e t =etaz io r e =l
Res. gad Tructsolos..s.ll2 Markel afrort.
tall rronlk. cm the 2ut.on Edo of aba Diamond,
• iiRY" GOODS.
PRANK VAN CORDER, Denier in Trim
'A: M and Olosea Lacs °nods. Ertansldarisa
Da p s
Dann- FnenfshinaGoods and Fans, aanicfsac a fall as
a - nent of *lnch can *frays be had aa No. corner of
et strast and ttsr Dlttatrusaa. Pa. anll-1,
5.. - nassa a ss , ssraasnaon...c. sanissa cv., VAS.
4et.A. MASON CO., Wholesale nud Retail
Dealsrs In Vane 7 and Manta Dr, Ganda 7.Z. fif th
a Plttabacrak.
Let.l.ll Dry °cods Ilerebnnts, corner Fourth lout
*Ant street. Pletaboroh.
Defirra Wcol. now., Mutual .o 4 Pmr
41111 Water street. Madlphla.
Trh Irna oy A lt D !NG COMMISSION MFR .
CIUNTIL Moder,l uut Protium of *II kinds
21.1.116,14 . street. l'lttaimre4 Pti mk,'::./.1
.1011,FLOrb.. 11 . ..LLU1 our..
folll , l . .fiZil"D & CO., Wholeanla Or.cers
ity end Coto reimtnet Moreciunts. No.= Word std lUL
rty rtr,rt, Pittabanda. F.! r;
OBERT MOOR}, Whtilemla Grocer. lice
21V1V1.117dDiflin"del'' f tnre.7ll:;
Liq Ara, ILS Liberty Attret. On Auld my ANA
ock of AupArior old 3lngtoeurabAls Illtlokryortaela
utirsa auctztv.x..
BLACKBURN ctt'O. Wholimile
on+, 14,144 Farniallers i .d 1:41e4. !ltd.:, sad
4t44.r0h 4144.1444411.4nw, Oh4 t Mak and thecula 11.1.70
on ha 4,4 at their 14.4.b0rae.141 Iratew 5cn.t.1414.,cr4h.
rpi .
• .
-- eseems mese.
SAIAII DICKEY CO. Wholesale Oro.
tem Commieslca Sterettants. an dDesist.* In Traduce,
Jt..” Water street. east 107 Brost «'.. t. Pittssausrll.
s•ate Yaw, -rants tasesets..—.-..R11.1•13. C. 1..
11L,$ 'GILLS do ROE, Wholesale Groeors and
Cam ila/as ttsrebaspa ttal94 Marts street Fitt.
4 - Witt • • '• '
C 01101411;
'!„... ILAGu.:II,E sad =Y4L- CO., notesitlzGro-
AATILLIA3I k hi'CLO.RO, °ewer and .
T Vs - Desks, comer of W... 0.1 sad gitzth strmits. has
Ala - ass on - Land • tame assurtment of - stioksi.Lirooniss and
nue Traa—Yoreign Fruits and guts, holosala sad Entsiii.
Linalets supplied on the Marest terms.
n &
and Pittsburgh M•nutarturee. No, 253 Lliori.r• strut
Pittshisruh. ' : t
. . .. _ .......... armartca -1
WICK & - 31 - adANI) . LESS, saemsara to
T Id - Wick. Whaleride Gramm Fur/lading maul
qmwmiwloy Melrtiutts, Nal , . to in. Naar. Obi& OA
• uA and fittotiarTh ManuSctrim wmors.llT: comae of
W and Water. ativetT. IlLtsthorr.h.
A^ ItTSON, lirlialeiak'Ciroctr and
VstaTz Prosa. ind Pitta
arm\ ytklag„ /uS Liberty stmt. 'U a.
Jo. norm
& R; FLOYD. tb — olcnalc Groceng, Cum
, Entrdna ntrekants.and Dealers Pralati—aoriod
unit Wilding% traottag cot LlbetiN W00d...a 'U.'''.
r/ 7 "3
7r" 'En ' 4,4,4 0,--1-rtit..1.4.4,40
1r eCiINDLES3 !IIEAt+S ;b CO:, tikk Tra,„ cees•
I.44)wei la In
xc1au.m...t.t4t0.4 Akc
Ilantersetam gmenaly. earmot of ;nod sod WstaraT
YEW TORE ADVE RTISEMENTS. PI TTSBUIZGII (;..A.ZEl'l'L'. •,. ' , ... ,- - .",,, 1 .,' , ' .''' - d : Th'
w "."
l ‘
an 4 fright had oo worth us ant that wet ;vest al.
__ .
item VIS,II Pit A ...11i.l.L'm .i ,ral eldrertl.l,
~,,,,,,,... N., ~ 1, . 0t. ,„ . l e. „.1 1 ,h, v . ,..., ~,,c, ! .2 . 1, 1. !lc .17. •• Ihn itmfated ship New Era; n „,,,, 4 ~,,n ;d3
Mao, 3.• ...4,- .3 or , ral va t P..-c- Yiaa. ante Pio. ao
tv of gra ,: t . it. ..iteneit in diotitlation eoh, Le form- urr . , ',l re ''. Jerley r nivi, hive pablishrsd the --- °Pr ' . in't i
.of any Yerther, ern te oor
a 0mma5,.....-.-. .. .. .. ........... .o ... (1 1 7,11.117
~,,..., ,
' ' 1 . 11 Ili :MORNING. Nor 2,', 1::;I.
: fate.
' „ rd, wan, ot z duo tied tedious investigation - t.foll ming s:atee....rtt t '. '
About 7 this i Ykesils ) Morning I hatted,a'a 7
1i , 1,..Q. Firms m tAe e-Tly 4.(' .V., Jar k
-Prom the Anion, Erri-in.: 3,.0r,rn1. Titit it i 4 he, that 1 laree .ioantity of fool i 3 f 9TaT6Mrr TOr corer. ritoelea J. nearer. .
l'i EN ERA L COSI3IISSION .Irri:N'fs - .:, for
-.. .
VIII N:• awl-nut porch-Ler:if Itaai lianato, C.. 0.• • . i .
Eirterldi:'; Tables. ''''' " " ""e. r ° , r „,...' b .,V,, ' ";.". h ", h t re t '',!.' e t . t a ` It " lillaf. , [Tins .live t 7 •II: an IL., legal:nate porpoee, ood 'We ailed' ft •..0 Boma:a 'amain, 28th Of Sop- !' l. "n 0 , , , b° 7 ! ,.... I ' , .. r t ` i t
tt, d .. . d . .'f it: ,% „. l r r tt''' d. ratazi
I I - I. 'fah av.•- • . • ore.- fa' •• r , :;•.'-'.• C..overted ;it:. p 1-,..1 ili r ,•l or ootyrilhmt, a: j umber- booing laid to .1,. a
a , ~‘" eie" the cre 'n ft ep all) vo that I\ould Intik upon the eh rst.'
ttarrt:zrt It_ Nit. orzh.aa.
vi• fame, end itorata t , .., Nen A ...... Mailu'uta , .. icod tote.eirtoi.• il r:.:,' •II 10 1 ego, •1 (•• 11.1' (11 .' r''''."' I. r ° nice 'lr* r'' i '''' "r e h"' ''''''''‘ ll N I i'' ''' ' 4. Ch° roam' ''''''''-"''.° ' ' 't"n g e t '' -t 'To my gre g at ioy i „saw the Joao' d-s.ts sae%
Michigan GeneralComnaissiOn and Colloe. , , ...:,..‘ , .. , .,-,:i...,. . ~.,.i. ~,„ ft, 1,,,,,, , ..., 1 ,,,„ 4 „,,, , , , t , ,0 , ft.„
rite ,thne.thth„,
tide s„„a_ •,•, 0 „ ‘ „,,,„ 4 „, r.,,„ 1. „„, 1 ~,,, , ,„„l y j r „,,,, t h e , , ~,,,,a ~,•1 8,,, ,o,in 1.1••••Vh21:1\,
bon Agency Office. ..,, ~,a, .tt , ad.- ~. • .
' 1 `,., , ,' rr „, , .
al,I, I !,.:..' r),., kr, ~it ..,.....i,, li;,' P"\ l ''''Y '" ' .". '' '''" " r ' '"""*. ' I, - ''' ( '''''''' l '"''''''' '''''' '''. ' l ' N ' ' ' )3°?°°°'". :o " rhL° Isl':dethor° h'ireum,Ptenif in ivb g r of e th ho eori T ift e Ll l ' ' Tr he ak Cweet . \
VOR the collection ul Ilumo..and F0re1,, , ,a 1 ti 1 Ot:!'l f, ,i; 1.0., Wtodevt , :cle Print c
nrt - . ioit ,,, ii.t . t ..,
n ,..
po , ,i,roed
~ ohir,, , \,,i,,, ti
.“ t ,„.
„ i ,,,.? i „,,,..,,„„„,
. 4 - iif, „,., • ,
i fro ~ Roatteit merehnala... During the whole • o . oinnnisnin.,.t.d . d„
_, ini. _ ~..f0r. . __.... ..,
I: U "'"' tn° t„,, , . d .11 . .. L '' . M r '7ll' 7. • t in , ‘ . . ' N ' t'' '' '.7.,', I trart4:',l...''re'ra'ls.r,i,.!,',-. 1 / 2 , 4.7,1,., 1 .t.rtn1i,..„.,,..1,'. .. few ramkr tithe 3.1! That nt• ante hod limoic igii of •,, I ''''t•-.V. r, To., lof the pkr•age, we Itrol heavy gttlek, from the` " r.' ''''' ~, "". 1° e r e eeeueu, P.ue
\ and :wrorn out with fatigue, dropped • ftionn the
L 'l•at !re n t' Vat. ca h gartra ' no ' ..ctie j et ' lsn' . 7 t r.'v r at '' ...too
, N . ,: t a h. l t o e,,, rv ie
. Gr o ta n h e z - m ,,,,, ,.......c ie ttt „, i n . litariL,zihme It e u r e r , ;- ,, r d.. . t . , :il itt nitr. ed . t•t 1.. two-en thii por . ervnient ~T \
~... "'-""• ' :tn- ii tir..7 l , .. ii"'l nb .° . 'n . 'he ' 10 ' 1 ! °r
~c )c. .'"i er w'''", "yardn'ad rigging, and Mao grid to
. ge sifaly
Stock. and lirsuranre 4,eenta. . .
PELT/Elt &AN LiNittiON. Detrn I. ••Ilrhican. . oct:.liner
_ the 1„1„nol. on the ono lothd. altil Mr. Gr. gg, '''. ' """ ' N " to "' ii. " ',:' It ' • "" -An "." ''-' '''''`. '''''.." " ve l'' T r Y unu g ' .' re ". into the first boat Lothers'iseriLtsken ire the Batt-
R;Prf Kra in littabuavl blown. le ra, a l' II m. It at ..
tho .line At ent, , tt th„o„. rt t h n t „„ the Siztlean`trareling in fitocin. w ;ten to lite Lou- 'La. , . ve -err , I''Sit r," 1 - "."'" the ee , eeen - , en d , am 4 se , le„,th [some , ii io „, , ,, m the t h , -
erw White A Co, Gazette °View area. torwar a ~., Cioaks, Mantillas and. Talro as ---.
gent cooking rouge. Inll.laeveral of the paqsen. , ii ~._ .
~ ". '"'-'"":
Thev ,r •orenne from PublitOanas, durtni,the
. soLyNEux BELL, N.,. 18 Cattal..dreet. ' 0,0 ' 4, t li , fog 1. • fected. an antotity was to 6e faillcyourilid, from St. Peteohurg, to. follo t e a ,
l'e , eter - Tv. n•rnd. nn ''''` nl ... r " ''' 'l7::'l:' ; ', i l` ,V ii v... :tort.. nonorter•d , •:...0.,-te.- ...f Lad.. p; id l , the tro t al I amil.r and the inocßog made,: • " t•'''ri:litt,,7lyeet,hrr,a;:::::.llli,netliTnr,o,,o,,f.C.,o,u,,o„t
.5:::.."11:::::::rir:."71.: :: . ::: e r , lin s e k ' ll ' l lea d !
r'vrii'vvvi , C.. ..eve „ . '.., a, Re,. tab,. nod Tatrla..ll . weer titmice:4 dwert, ~,,,I ,I, ,: ~,,,.„ :,,,,, ~-4,,, re, t he 1 .., 1 „,,,,,._ „„.,, h ' 1 , ;1„.4 .., , 0
t. .• , . • ' •. „. Injured several of the ere , . It +.l: 0 0.01.01 e \
~ .
- -x- • , ~,.., ; Lb., would ..xo tt.• ft , t001.......1 pw.rchent. IWs exten•
paq fi t year exceeds the ettormpun euni.o(
z OARD,--ilnving been oppo t tntea ..t ,
~..., ..,, .L. , ...,.,,,....,...., ..,....., tor e a a malt trt,z,t, -.r ~,- I.'n, . etol itai-iv i es, mid only ern:mom:4y to
; i,, er 0 1
~i• reipf,Aff t a rn a gmaie nno wh o h a I
0 ., ~ i , t
~ ,
~,,,,,, n .
,-,, ' tt . -,* at .
~ 'ewett Inßlinnimf dollars--excemßng , 4. - ii,a
~,,, .-11:;,..4.7.;-,:zs\.=7,retzb,h,-ini,v,T...-.., i.'7,,,,,--T.,:.:17,...:',it-::-.-:TJt.: 7,/ i yarzx, i --. 1 .r , .", .4 i•• Cu' heir itPl'iii r eitff.t out a crV \ le mitre brow, mod who told ate he a•, oar to
~ :i ,` ' ''' ,' 7''-' \ from the r\atne ;Mures during the 14 4 0 d pro eti . ‘_.
ring a \le.., and by tne tune we "
I:futurel hy li JEWELL &So o r nertford, eaninrcticta., '''Lamey rule,W ne Vas 'l l/..4.ratt.harmillo Anwries.lalu a fort' of hi. intlnelliate twiewchtte•. and a portil t 0,, with , 1, 0 ., ~,,,,,,,, a e: , , ~,.. ~,,,,I e „,„,„,.
~,. ,
hy fire Millions of della .X..." :
tho r... ...." " i 'of the fhlropenn forreltailtv um! , elideuts of th i', 0 . ,',0,. 7.4 ,I, La. of „,,,„' ) „,„i,,1, 1 , „4,1,,, 1 I . ." i. "'! the 4. ' 4 ' 6 ". ‘c!!`"-"t• she leaked e ' ,. !gt. " ng. fi 'c'll \ e4r'' ,-- \ , - offer for eat. • !ace aaartruent of ati width , ',owned afr • days ~• , a ,
mannfarts..l. at are manufaturehe price. hie article every unwell, an rth•rs appear:ni t twfuni their i.e.
Mee& aupetior to as Leather /kiting 'vet. tett., lend :e c la t .,
to keep ear pump g,ing all of the time. The Asstne.--- , The ceop_of appils in NOW Etisgballd
In this market. Also. a Fame stock of all widths , d Indio
.ev 'e "''' "• / Ile :,P e .P.'e'l '" Ih n'" l "ce ute last otmervatio4 which I. took w..., on Fridav lent th s year, tve ft has been in every esen.ioaeginoe . •
Rubber Halting tonstantly_ on hand. and for sal.. the Pianos! Pia - Os!! Pianos!!! Thir "l l P o dtion threnttited t. defeat ilt. Pre - ' to the Eloper r, offered me a letter or istroda •.., • ' ' [be hi • .1- nlr' 4 •
when I wa4. in no; lon , I
i fAl ; lat. Since that e a ., wp ii e: i pte on" . g n enee. eo Li.'n our,
. 1 .6: : :._ L,
achine Mating 1 , ..0nt." Fo. Ile Market street.
jert. T.,,, hiht.T was implaeable-rh e real, but lion .to the It -e In c . timumilder of MI scrrov of
ne ao
_l. J. a 11. PHILLIPS Arr ENTION of purchasera is i Jl - ,,..„ . d
, ..,R . rentectietty .liied to a new and al 'ire' - fi...V3 , ~,,,..1. ~,,.., or his 1 0 ,,,,i 1i , v 4„, ing b it .,,,i 35,0;xt
tinifiLitiii.t.tid if f ii.ii ,
mil. time lwas t pre t r i erir b G f k rom t‘, lc . ng an observatin u r g e : Ir.
,i, telroan.rt,...nnet.
.."..• i
In thiancloll7. -
A ti,sjj,N,, , l. :. oomis. , goal E z ,p,te ft. A e n, r ,, ,:,,,,,,,„, t ,,,,,,, xivt!. ., , ,, ,r, ,, ,, , :; , , , ,v , zu , r, j0n , , , , I D. ri f i op , th e i, e , th.„, While ~,,,,,th, i n th in eon, 0•07 ~totoe wi e, that I ;night to-day iiti;
s tu ., a u c r c u o y ta
Rd or thn t e nd a , te t l o rLtif n w 7 e tr ath :i e o r ii
kr ::: do p g
aLl ' - n at I *741 GO per bum), 'red
north strectohois Rg',.',.. - 1, 111....,"„r.!;:i.i, - .d...;..,4 Miro Cwannlallriplo etrhared iiia:.:o Th. on tenity./ Icy • fea jenro .' f , t.,,• LI! when •di Ward of a ' enntpaq t!e Rape oto n'heview or 'to.olo rotn. 40= oc/1„ . i ) . I. -- r \
00 ',., . 1 1 `, • 4 n , „7 ,i,rr;lrs,'liiZZL',,?,isir°t 35'41 to deP 4 ° 0 t9 ee t o l*l ts "4 1.. - ; :i
„s„o, a„.e,,.d..1 pi „ .... , , , ...,.. a, its rapacity rrw ,, .....• pas. .NW 1r a anti flu- t•.. • trait/1141d I, .it WU) OW per- H o ~0., 0 0,.,0.1 (0 hi wa r :', a• t •i 1. 4,, , ,i,,,5,d1y -
V, Al. lUEL L MARSIIELL, Secretary Citi- M: ' ,..,, R 4 ' ,,
t t
rat ' ,',.rn ' Trr' .."
l' '"'"''' t " " k " "", "€ ' 4 • • ... Pi . " ' t t il' . . , ~ ,' .4; regarde.l7,o :i • a ji. „r gr‘, „,r1„, , , s, ~,•!! un s • -'.
Y " 'g h ' we "` ' '''"g w i nd rrn '
• ,\`,,'.. rt
I 7 en's inertrance C 00,00.1,. OA Water atrewt. - The rn.wt erdloar, pwrairowir in.nnt.l.d hy the aid of tido of /,.• r,ito- : Tho ~lii, ~...4 ,0. 0 ,..• ! w h o p, toed 1 , o f ere “, , h ad! , ni;. „.. ,
\ the e.,tanr/l. witml, chang e d t0‘,..,th. e ,,, t , x -..he1. ) - . . 'ft , ' burypart \ Ihralit
• .A, \ \ g
--- - - Inionnentrot to Or'. ',..3. eta,. In ...toe. L+farinir lb , th,„ j,,,h,,,j 0 „. , ll r•..iil l . 1 ' " , y , f'. . \
~ 'if. , " "°' l "ign'e 'i-inf In".1a.Ido 1 I'oo to blow n" linen pref. kt .. rnor I:it Vf1411,1,t.-Wo learyt , '
Om rd.. to 1 ./ 1 be . v .l.Y. "T' . ..' fend teas thre.. frotn the Alexandria Gaitote that on Safur,lay v \‘, •
...aid wmfiin. • l'l ita:,•ra ,:r • Lintz. t to, of its older e,• ] ' r , ,, - r• ~, .tt e• t tam. i "or ~,,, tan 0: PitO, :at !, .I, lett 1.,110110/ 3 s urt,6o
- m . GoRDON , Secretary Wester I l ona- rellenrir• I. It. , apant : - t. 1.. ue...1 at •11l as •o • 1P..., ti. O. rentent bran, a ould c.n , illlt. th. chief ••,., entertai tt c.l i., h 11 , t,...1,,, a. - ..u1, '
' ' ''''' ''''' . .V 1. . r, .. 1 i ''.l',""`"/ 'he ' hi p 1 ° be ett the last at Gordonille Va , \IP - Thema S. RAM 'k t
I' • raven re.. ref tr.. area. Piet... ta......,,in t „unlit: of tone. and IN 1.0.1 Y ,lign. tt i t ,„ a „ n .,, „r .„, , , ,„, i t „Tinge .
elieniwd . L. : t i ll. u..... , •• • a onnuann t.. 1.1 tu...3 t 01 1 ,114001 1 .1 0. 6
~ _.l _ 0
i; ) ,. : .
1 . . ii
‘„ Y rn ; .i •l ii , - ii. l t i o: e t ii :
. 1 , , , u i1 w i n‘ o i :
n o . ;
0 1.7r, 1 1 .
r e h a . n e i:h w e o r n e ,h lp ,. ..l:: ,! Mt i, i , l s!,n, t r. t he r 7,7o,i,noesi.ti
: , , , f, „„L:,,i;• .. . 1, 07 4 1,, , 1 , , ,, ,,,: ,,r ; I
, e ,i, ., e,r,e f .
~ , , i t c ; , , ., i i, ,e no eny i srilx• . • 4 ,
oxe . c
on' the t i tio * .f • tn. o c togo
nnt i . vii ..
D ARDYNER(`OFFIN;AgentIdr Franklin , ' ,"';',!l"-r7::,,, L'r e . i .,. „, ' ;.,M Tr.T.; ' ,. " .-t; r ' Po r w= 1 e
ge . 1 . 0,- torn-m eet ewmpany. math-sat ewrow wf ‘Poet ..yd„,;. ey : ~..-„,,,',. yee„,... • till. fo r ...wen,. punt). neri . nt in I 1 ...1111L. Tiana .a. nit ytill rankles in ; thoroughly convinced that i 0.,11 prednict it - ' • ' 4 , -
. ~ , , ..z . ,". . .b !, .,,,,,,,,,.,-r wh „-, tirtiine. tit, rhelawoo• itt• oimpall
h th , r4b , r h e o at
i e ,, f ,,,,, t th e
n l:l:i i t:‘ ,. ..e. i i
. 1 . 1;: ,, ‘ , . 1 , , , 1 l i;r d to. e ., fr i r to ! AII th e , )ee he ,
„ tht . h E A, d h., te ,
.. Alexandria mulrmid, had a difficulty at a game
:,.1 Third werwto
'Lip moronic. on •00.....0 tt , oo k f•„end that we of cords with Mr. ) I \ r:tuna°, or s Orange. and en-
r Other citizen of tha county mined Gibson in '"O• . ' . ' I v were in It oto thirteen n, arisen fathoms of water.
p A. MADEIRA, Agent t rio D e le,w,re 51u- 1...0 T 0 , •: ', . 1 0 . 7 . 1 , :i t t:: ii ,.....`ii: i
i .1 0. 7 0 .!..i n ' tn . r,1; i
. I . 'Fi.b.L.;',i.: . , P ic, - ...., -,, ,1.. ,
s i ~ ,, ,, , ,1 _, ..2
arch , : ,,,, c ,, ,, ,
h., ..,, into !h'.
~ , ,,,i , r , rnm : ,, ,.. w 1 , 1 ,: 0 .i n; - ,1 t2. ,i .17,..d
i , , l n k i, : , , ;;::;:, ,,, i , t, f i e h lli:. ,.‘,, T , i ;: A :\ ".e rr\ i v [ r n i . , r . , ; :r t. : , 17 , p ,. ..
~.. .., i00,., i,:..., ..
:tr0.,...1iki0. ii. .. ii:.a . 5, 4 ,, , t3 .... ttti0:,, , ;nnd
a. • teal Inman:new Cnmranr. 42 Water sorer
twee., PiLY a Mr`ilit:::.:t2l pr0.e.,,,,p, e ., y ou , la could hope to retain his ao., 1041 dinitic,. net, and hi., pg o re ' no d r,... 0 ,\,13, 0 td,„, ;,
"'''''''''.' 4... '"'"'''' . '"`"'""'• `''''''''''''''''.l.ll'.. "/''''' h' " l • ° ."" '" "id '" grey ace '''''' e t" '''"'' :t u t ottodeti - ' \ \ ' ..'t.rutielt.'•' wtr;inCerect7aY,:nUTabbonft4rgenint,,hireot:PeZt, ;',o,,";keu.Tudg';,,lr eldpUa7,;nd,',l:l7;":/::;:it¢inntig:n'tgl'
_..._ .
.. _
iny,elf, when aii at out, I heard hint ask the? ~.1-,,, 10 hi m Co ~c on : of the ~,,, ji•,,,n •n , bd. i
Brodie's Cloaks and Mantillal. I 11 .• . ""encr Whoclt ennctotodt •". ❑lfie Uttitecl 1
Stott, Could -rem, h., him. Thi . oho. I. well 1 .1 rupture with France on sec.:unto \ the ra
g I 80. BRODIE, 51 -Canal. and G 3 Lir:pe
lt! n•rd sts. stir Ynri„ . . r t e i . „, r „..„.. ::„„,,,, , ,, , ,,,, r . nd un rood, hit hrat,2ll it has nnt, 1 robubly, been I elusion of 31r. Soule from F) i e , itoti •oil e thing n t fr- ti l ' for f Z to. 77 , l ,..
‘ . ) % o Vh b u n t sri o .:4 waj niii tit . at . le m eked .
lc. el . t . j:r a tl i n ed .• tt i a ,L t a e , " l ly ,, , and
, t i tt u e en ol t
l 'h y 'e-r'tn.
died.e ls: - Et as . :
k - s - e e r - fe d ro;
a :
1. 1
, , edtately
1,1 t''''•`:r'rj,ri'ith.,e.a,`"=tgtoV/...xlrisini °ffi t r .' ° ' / .' l' r ''' ° " / g° l ". I That manor be The •
act. w rati4 ii\leril.: heapedg .
no ,leek, and then. for the first time, nos, attempt to ese. ye, nod wa immediately .air- '',
attconcrit of le, era to ntsta ' sensi ' veatnek i ter,. sultiatle: ••veti , bane teeentlr trot, t.... 1 A, 11111. , a:er , explained or not in not n raatt/, ',Hi Eyi , {ll.l its
'', , b''' . " '''''',,.. thr rtrlroirwt thr tw,, rw'^"dtct . yett which will ,0,,,,,,. iht- whole r,. went ..f. th:. 1 wore ' t nape.. 4, it is vu infringetnent . of rigOt."•but heart ti '''''' ...3- oat "6 "' ke " I'' 1.1. once or toted. Brannan leav e neave a wife aid children ,
'lewd the wheel up nod In the s:tme momenttlte I
ta t ,, h . l; ' ' ''''''''''''' '''''''... ''''''''""l ' '' '' '' .7oVS.:% - ri• .--- Prince's thoughts, and ,wore hi, powerful ••up- I :49.1 • of email): and a violatiod ‘ of met , , e , hoht,
. „
l oos ott uck- lat once canned the yards - to he i
Musical Instrument:if port for the very treaty whi.M b - tote Gale far i ie net ) errohntl for war. Wo cArtnnel . ) ,w,iit.l4l,
cinch, to get her colf bat we mile thump- : Anoirizen Ixotai Massacrar.-A letter in the s
‘trrnoo,, , lr orr,a, , rd *Durum tl. , , ark part of , reraco,,Ath e do,ttfo e of the F. tal.l\ • Tone., tiNt' ''',',.'` d .,' " ' ‘,•, . •' ,
;,- • r St. Louis Republican stater that on he bth ulti- ri
;.,,, r i ll lf r f " ;,.. i u i l i :: , , iii„ oi ir l i x i •r i , : , :_t i r i r in t i t n . i a. , - , l n i , r i c iilnont : ict..n l tt n , 1/ 0 13e n r i s eld .. tn.; :: dit. Etiglidt t2;ttii..l
„, iii;. • ; ird.
re 1
00. ‘‘.;
i, , ,tint
„ tr., i
. f ..... 100.1iiih
,ea limiter on. xue went ors, on. MU. two Or ,
aan... ., 00
inik .„ ,
atana „ , Fart Kaari „ party
.. ~
r. tend., .i. el.,,isi •Inwrotti . rnts an I Merchant/Ws. exited n drspatch frion !, .7, il' ritt,...l", .11,...ct,wz f , h ie •t i i d ,:tt n. x har t n, re . I'LL ~ c ;itit -on 1.1•‘ I...tiri'fbouit77;l',Zil
t r '' ,,, og ' ; ,'Z i u t n ,l, '77'd' dv ., t d o : of 8 Califoruia emigrants woreettacked iv 18 Ifi- '
~.,,,L.,.,.,.,,,,,..,, )2 ,, ..!7,, ,,,,..,.. u ., ,, ,. , v .,,.., ,
~,,,,,, • b„. to info rm th c lito g that, ..i II • v...t,1...; any , tivi ost ,‘ g.,vt lot.. la ah emt ,!,,,,,,,,, a jrn hi nt i tm N,, ,....„,, , .
note e, , ,, 'Z r.,.e ' ed toi.eLal.."lo"o." aground . diuns. Ade yerate fight wifit Ire area...ed.
„,, , ,.• .x:., ~,,,,,,,:,,,i, i., , i f iz...n.4 , 0nii1 ,,.., 4 ,i,,..„,,ivi,:‘,.0. ,1,,,tu r t,,,,,. • 0 , 0„, 1.4. ‘ „ 1,. I„. 0
~hi ,„,,,,i,, ~„ „0,6 0 1,,,,,, i , ,„ th e „ o , o , 0 i,„,„„ o \o ~„, h e ) . iii. . i .
1. %
tt u ti;
„ hi.; ; ' O. 4 . d over 1 .,. Several Indiana foil, and the rest fled, but unfor- . 4
rir-,-,....4 Pa.t. - 1,d , ... dr. ' nol fn. nt 11, Englitcli g , xcrom•dd. who.' enedc I pt.-. vln rt•iard to thio N. ::. 1 , 0 ,1 t . eel. I '... 1, 'Le. ..^ P' r. /-. tp , !L, • , ‘ Inately. of the emigrants, Henry Law o New ;.
our errauarnwint. with tit. tari_i-•t awl gown erelehrated rei•ww-er- tr Pre requ;rl I fhy lb, 1.1,,ect loot of . 1., gent .:., • ."•01t ..nit,,
a 1. a' ... d) , e: •.1
t ,„, k. ', , ,, , t `tr I '''''''';'"T n i t' ,‘,-t n' I," - brz",- , :cr )och e }fir.. Woodruff .d Stlas Nodwav ere
1it:',V,N11„;,,,1.':,...'".ri:1.;',!:.,;„`"1-„,7;;,"31,4,.',.`g. t r ZIZI I .! thr d,, with Bu.-1a Th.: ~,, , i,0,r1. find uric t nal. r Ga. I:rntrel\a l of the law or 3,:.,i,,,1.:T '" --'"'" '•"-- • '''''' m '''''''''' ' " va ' ''' '' killed.. and lidolph Wolfe, of New P . ork wo - 'l . .ne eel.
Itarefre, in order to get.a line ashore. \ We got .
'„.1,' ;; ' ;;;;; , 44';' ,,, . ' ,'” ' 7,:.1;; : ,.,',7,:" ‘ V,;,',17, 4 , 0 ";1',::: 1. "'" ' - ' .. .. , .. , dtmded to lite Ring ite l'Oe a • the :km pa senZe tilreillgti, th , I' . oo 'ntii , 4 ', t r ' l h e hde Iwo the hunt, nod the crew. fir,* male • Sam: Or A Cos - n.r SUAITI..-The great C -
-‘,.. a Mt. 111 li. t• • •It. inad, tovreert oivirl am ! '," rif "II ''. S q . " ni ''' ir ' ll'- ' '' l C i' " i ii I ' ' •I i ' i '''' i nnd friendl y l iourr . \ f lnk "VP': l ''' l'''''' ln. M .i. 1 1... k. Atfili..ii nt.ift ruweol i..11 , ,re hot In ac t in,' tat lane Phawl---the hoes , needle vtork shawl evert '
.2.7; i t i : i .g. , :z, , ..41::, , .:-.. atfdo or.vrtootti.o, it , ho r 4 cl•triox.: the yeerqd:t.g I,o' "ii
!. N o ~ 'tot. I .3 . 0.11, .0 gotta: to owl ;toot. og t, u: the goven •, " t a , i, ; , 3 ti
.- ~.., . ii ' i d
~,`dt ~', d . „„ •„ On ior i,,_ o l' n '„, „,, o 7 00 0 , c 0n ,,t. 00 _3 ,
A.,,,,,e.„/0. 0 . 1 , • ,, ~,, N...„0,,,,,..„.1. 1 ,,,• p i ,,,,, t n 1.0., hie Cot it •.0 , 14 3 , 0t/id In. 001100 ino Le 1, ;11, lit , ' 0 , 1 ,1 te, clod, h e I. .l i .li cate d ' '' A' e t it m a cat, r", t "' ‘i `..:, '`) ‘"
,: t e ' , ", ""'4,, - ' .?" ` tin f ; -, - . ` t t ` - i ~
iewa•• VELILON A', n ~,,,,,', Ii ~..' te ,,,,, :r5: ' war beim,. I IL:! .t wou'.ll bare ai, unpurtant tn. tied low that a go, ert,itiv lot r ',nfulir mkt,. \ "",'' "°., '',' ,-,--- 7 .-- ; -. • - -..“ r ',", '',- t --/' ' ' . an' , ' ;''' ' ,. " "r!' " exPr r,' 3. ''''' ! nlib • ir- •\ '''.
. - ' . 11 ,, In t ,[tore II right, out the Sea ran too ht •b don at tue i., : nres d a atr, was 30,0 at 013,1100. 10
the 01111 I ..f the fatt, :tor eran, , ntne•dirtn, A ~,, ~ n,3,.., , ,,,t0r 111 II 3
\en ork, od Wednesday, for one thousand and \
ril..k.'.*:_„`"':.:l:47l.l"l'llT'd• Nhlia.f.'L'el'"iltllii..'teie.o.;:.l:,l" ‘ l: 3r ? " f 1. but
'1" . • [rent
" I t he
: i':;- ' " 'L''' .I .' . '" -I .." li rd "''''''' t d rrtrii•itt . . vit.... , ariurd•Sif 'ie. , aei ' ''', cause fur r ',thin I h ot ' Veh rn la n u; ' t i cfler the first hoot had \ twenty -fire doll•ms. The pnrehaser's
f o r w war • \
CELEBRATE!. l',o TEN INI ELORLON t . t. I ''',, m. ,' ,'"' 6 ''''''".. u r n ': '''' ' '''". ' ' 4. the . wat , no el ~f e•ott , e to'Y "'Nei' the . ''' re e.r. ‘ e ler, th e remaialta of the crew with one or two ; pv,u a Mu. Do Wolfe. Another sold s6oo. -
re :
~,,,„,,,.. u .• noel, , e , ~,,,e ,„,,. ,„, , valtro*u ,:.• or tn lb.. sen d , •:• no t 0.,. tto, t , 1 , . rtni: a 1,31,11.1, 1 ' ter. pi,- 'throng:lt Its tetrito
um*. non+, to•oze,l'Ole Other It; o boon and de '
!-•41,17,-:. 1 .,.,.. iy,!• 0 , 417...,, , , , n r c, , r,-,; - • yi.,..,.,, ,,,,. ... 1 ~,,,,,,' 6, . ,•• ..q. ,, c. .1. the .....: Cul a- rd.s Ottdh.t.lii•nl. how, .. r,leould be nu set of 1 r _
them t f . to ft .. ,- - -•-- - - . -- - i.ool.xer'riria.:::-.Ev.r; le;:tr,,,,: nt . tC••ri s i:i.l.4 "'"."
' l ''' ""' n' 'nr° r inni . • •' ,l ' ,l 1 ,,, ' , ...'n' it ' •I.,vt, etc, cairnlit L. , / to eiA. an ..r , ',L'llj. wr ''' '''''• . _ 7; ' • C ? ? .F a ''' IILEGANT WILTON CAIIPETS-Jost
.:'...., /Ain.< t' , l <e" • ' .0. and po:nt.i. ry k 0 , ,,,,, h... he aou .1 he oder.- ; ... , , ,, ,,th0d.,,,1 nocht me!. he ii`iloar.,l br li de- li i n-••••ni i ew tite r the (00, iota deserted Me. ' la \ reo•ct at tho Cararbouixt. n. 112 nark. wt, of
ii.a,rterr ra , 1 owl al nenaw.u.s. I , ,
,le pen, e i . a the ,h: re uttePMptetl In lantielt a nro . ad rich demi :e n.. Da t a, IT, Verieglegr,,krinaili.),..
anl2-ncar '' aiO , taid , ti Lao.. ae< Venk ' '''"'Y the infrOtilwne"
na,,.i fm explitnatief,.. '‘ ,tt-I 'tots thh: fOrth
mirfilroat o pet. to Ottr nested:UK, Then they "" , t ; ,
i , , --,-,-.--:,
- It Lail. however pi »Incr.! a marked :1 Ince 0 lb. ,:eare,.. tetths. ,iii,i . \
Dagnerreotpe Materials. . I ._ ir , ,
r .
„,„, r 0 • • ~.
. i ti ,
I W. TB( /MPS. IS A. I'o ..1I 't llncidway. ~‘"
I 4 r.,,f trxri”,..crou,!. Beth. rompro.i. matter hot t,
; r ~. ~ w , .„,. ~ . t•cr,,,„„ and ~, , I„ r
..1, .
iii. ,... ,
Fit.; n
t.i‘jii tir o [
.... r1 i ::, , , , i;‘ , : i t, ,i ,, ,, 11%r t !s ur rr . , 4 l %t i llf T y , n , , ,i t o r g iar L t i E l... l ,l a . tte T ta i r i, : .) TIM M Ol..1•S OF ILIL 1 Iir,ILLIA.aI
. I, ..n.totoreiprewnted •G, the Annwiran pub Ur. Ins rola.
WI • Neer ern eta u' and le...ner•••n na.ron-r-i '' n nin'i w''''• 1 /.." 11/' Vrinen l , ' i ~ 1 P. no "0 ,• n .ty tr, du, T' 'n j', tr.‘, 11. 1,1.. N.:. tuaeh „, , „R„, ~,,,\„,.,'' e r i..
10014 11/ .1- I/3' first ohol. went , Nen air • an to by ~,2„ KA yA, cki .14 woad rt.
k, ..rter• ,t 1 I'Lau.• Ch. m, a:.. /an, [owner. won Caßea. ant , „...,„,., 03 , t ,,,,..„,...„ .,
5i ,,,.„ .,. ... ,y
.„ ~,,,,a ,
a.. „,,,,. ,
a, ,
~, ,
r, ~.. 1 „head. ..3, • tiro , l e tw. e t. I_ .g .., t.,6 wtre ne......• ,,,
~. , ,
p oh ~ ,....(4110-A r arm of 32 acres of ,Litta
Voistfand, A 3. iin i r r ItarrNina 1,1 an iittwir hsd Lerii pre , it 0..•:. . t ., t.o. I to t ~,. 1,. , , „ad 1 . y .,, „,.
~,, , „.. „,
~,„. .„ ~, . , r , I \,„, ,oc,- :e--i.
.thi: ,ire 'ccrieettne the hue to the 141'.1 ,
' rituataa on Wollrun. In Beaver munty, 0 Inliest.
1 rr.rtrai. Cen,...r.r. , - .....,t1y wn nova.., th. Shouter- . 0 ,
~...,„. ~... . _
.. .
~ , . ~..„.
,y .• • • •• . „ - lowa knig :. La:- a a tie war. thrown over fa i.o'r kkavar„ . lo aczenot whirlt are eacrea. al e x i a the..
t.- .. trs Lo w .: rr,.... and warrant... 3 twelww. •olo , M.
,a . a, a
„..„ '
t . ,, ' ''' , ;-:,;,. .':'
I ; , L i .' , '•''.` ;-"i F . 7 , • , 1,3 , ,,..„ .4 1 -.. gr. ,Jr " the i n c h • ) , .(racy „,,,1 ,ill, th„ ~,,:. t. o ,e, /:,` tbs f , a,9ettger2 IA e i;ei,:tr,..4<o te : ili i t g a nn. " •••i "Vipiiiij r a m brtg Eft
Fire and Burglar Proof Safe Depot. ' ! t . I, .::. , , „ '..- 1 .... ' i ..., , ...
~; ,-" ;" g " .!. , . , '.v ~ •p•-•. ,,, t. if a voveret,ro ha. r.••••. tor It a er..'aer hati on board! Fly this IneaUS ,R. a; raw . ccwii,..:g„th. with 2 ru t '. oi • Leeds t/itni a , Ste a •
'e 1•:' - o e" ', 'd r j apprehend the! he will Maio' ~ i , +1, ,,, T0r ,-,:„^ -,. , ~,• ,,.....,.1,,,.
. WM. M .F . .V.LAND k cO.. . •,,,,. • - of the len er...10 Fag ',. ..
ope i h.: when smut meet., buckwheat hullers Intl nilamt acram. twee
art of blt; anti evorOt ht.: main art-A.14.d tor r•nreldenee.
ti e I I..wte ttrantol birn of naerorc hi.. 1, .ti'., 4, „Wilt / . ,
... Al 11h/ ~' 1 ..t. , 1.: sane FOB, .
1 itt eyed tn. 1,, - &,,,l.a. w ebo itei d. with gannet -.nd buitemin... elliand • •
I 1." '" ''''''''" ' "' I ''' ''''' "' '"•"" 1 '''• r . • • •:t n .1-0,1. '4 f.x..: - t wl•dr A 1 ' '''''
N' •''' ' 7 . '
IV.: - .1.,11.e IC, Pratt ...t., lialtiner.,, )id. 0 , 1 ,,,,,,,, . Ti. „ „ N . 1 .. 0. ,
'1re 1 , , ,,,. , •'l""'ge'" • " '' ' ,- . J .: •I , , ..., ~ not. , I ,' r p ,?"' n g''' • `.:.r.r.,':=lf.', - g.'' 1'i,7,',Vr15,,,V. - it.: - , , i;':.7.„ . ,,V.i
ID .% ... K.-% .1,....i..". :,,, ! c , ..oriaz ii,,,,, „ ~,,,„ , I. ~„,„
~„,: „..,,.;,,
~ ~ ,„„, r „„,,,„ i -I '' ' '', '0" I r . •‘'‘' r , "':,','",," !'" °''. '''' '', 0 " ''';').
, : n o ,". ° `" ' •-' •v, ' r t." '' e .r. s . toe .trie 011: a tinter... e h I, It. paainiv ~ watt it and :::.e. - 11,r.
In Ban! her Tryst.. one Fourth In Band, halann In there anon& '
). , . nor er,.,! . .....3!""'" '1 ' '''
h" I e " 4. " "., 1.• .vcrca, 0 , ,..1 .-ari. t 1 I , •• 1:1 to-0,, 1,1 he Late '
„:„:::: i.i„. :, ', l : ' ~..':.'„; „j,,,,,„. 1 ,.
~,r , , ,4 3 4,.. - , . -...• - , i --- !'rd \
U. liel.,llP. I„,
ad Vc, got the . - -- ---- - -3 1 0--
Yr133...1,11 (q t . 1.0.4. , tool Ineott r. f 11.1111/•• ..0 1 1,, . J,,a, tinier. t: ,
.. ~,
~. ia
.. „ ..h
ir "; ; ,F, , ! ••.' '.••"' l •' , ''"l'•
Si.w.rti aii in•rteme ...waiter:, -It 603.'10, pl. t
werdott. The -. 4 i1.1.110A1 , X FOIL ,II A INTUFAC,TUR.ERSX :
.. ee .ifi ee ti,- , . - lk -.offered In Adsinstwir'w rt psi:: N,.1. ens then* '
t„ to ~,t t • t ...or .. to-wee... 4 ta r /Ledo. awl •• -, cr• •has.. I r.. t : a 4,, ...., 11,.'• , , . , i ,,,, i ... „; ~,,..t , nit „ ; ii . i .„.. 0 „,..„ 7 ~,,,,,, 1 i' , ' , i , 7 l '
~.. ..r, ' lS, : :', l "; .,,, li , ' , l . :ii , :i
,fatp..., •,t . ort-el O the an 000 0 , -, , .. '" .I.ol' ''..T7 4 1 01, . , .1,01,3 t now •It • 'Po 10 .'. 1.0. Moot. , .
c 10. wai river. camelli a , of laWberesFed t.. rower and \
t0L„,.... m..: ~..xlww ...waist.. a l, er..l Aniwaat it - , . „ire i•i•ernii i • htr I", "t• L • " ,1, , 11,,,,' , • .
a 3,01400.10 ,hip and rho , :. lot. the 'ant, ,i,ertr te 013,3 , 0 .101 e Icahn Lt.. collate,:
v.... 4...- • thr, wet out te ..1.• u. tot.. w. heat. its e... tin , ^ -'• I"' •" - i" f' "'n ' ' ...... "I n , i, "I n a. ... Ii• ..: t. tL, ti It., reetvittiwj iii te I t tc . h er ~,,to res , ft atrj the li 0, aro r. 11,13-1 At a . ,..,, , rt har , ,Vr a t
... 1;11 . 2 . 1 , n . : of ':.
e•-, aw t anbreisnwi Th. • eta., •at Inds ew wattle,. ~..„. c .,, ~ 0 ,,,, „., 11 ,. ,„, ~ ~, ~ „:„ th e I . ,
." ; . ".,,
„..- . "nor , dark , . . 1. •'.O
3,11 1 1J.1.31t. lootrOT ft, no t,er tr,a, r,- 7 ....,r,,t;, row.. .• • , , ,
1. - , •1.4, -- •i ao t. .• ••e en a 1...., \e I. tei /wt. iv . l i l. 0 , 0 7 . 0,,h g,
240,1 The , ''' • ,
.. '''''A e- . ‘T'•' ..- " .. ±._.-!"_.. I\
t r 3 e
,Mr 61,24. mm Hugoolt in-ten . .ei . In. 0. ':, ~„„,i, ~0 . ,....1. e . ~ ~, . • -
~,,,, i,, ,....• r
~ I
~„ , \
lee 1
e ; ,g '7 l ` l , I ' t Z_ I c) . O , fl i • j r ( , ) : 4 1;. i 1,. .) '-\
L1N4 i ;(3 ,. :4 ,1 : ::1MV.T. 1 ''
FEVER AND AGUE ~.. 41:. 't• - xtto, 3r; la ...1, .citeetho'. .•e ' i t ,1,... ~. „ .:, ..... a . e . ~,,,,,,,,ii , „ a a.t wpirit. If not i 1. 0 .. I, 1 , a ,„„.,, ~. I L, ~,,i . ~,„ '), „ re , ,_4 ('ASES PRENCII CALF LP "SRINS (au-
tor: Ali. r • Pleb a .7 , 11.. lan:lts:Wl .0 in . : I e
„.,,,,... ,
1.,,,,,,„„ Is „
~.„,, „.., „.„,,,,, ~,,,,,,,, CO ' .
.. " - ', ''' -i ' - e •',.. - swan[,.
.I,L ~, c0,.,,,i4, 1,, robe Jo do `, do Wpm)" •
STA NEPE I):NI I X 'UT Tli Is:. ' t, , ,,,,,. , / ~,,- sr , . 4 , , , ,,e,... It, urge . - 1”.. r. .c -I • t „ .„ . . ... ,„" .. ~... . . th. , ,„ It ; I, A' •-'' 'a!' ' '.'• ''• L ''' - ". ' l. ' -' ' . ‘" l "V r ,' " r ' , +...... 1 .. r ~,, be '
__,J. 44 .. ,,, r MOW."Y. . .:,
r. , i: Ow f re, taxut al:trete ri•• la . \ ULU 00 re- , . -- , -
l '''''''"' '''''''' ""' '''' . 'i u " , " F "' - '• j. """'"" '''''' . ' annexation, xrt the It,
tin, it the. ire... I 1 r ''"
' ' '•
" ''''
..'-' ff " ''.. " .."
,X E.,
i 1.111 n I , i thr. uith .n, night, a. Co\ earthly assixt- ; 20 I t •K ) Z- COUYTRY CA....rk RlCi t Nß.,,in 1 , ..
falai: Prolorietor•ot tine :11.1hariri will state, n'"''''' "'",oi . i- 1 i'' n . it' ti-il , 'l'd• 'h.q. ,- sine Ine, •,' •
„..., _
einti•l Iw Offered In the, froth the alert,- ..':" 'ii:' " a r " T '''''' i " ~....? up '`T '''' Wn. "' 1,7
I we t h,„ : tweeltaeb ew -, w h w y. nr ... , .o-rtiro., th. thi . p ,,, ..t 0 ,,. .i•- , 0 ,,,, ,f • , . -”,,,,,. , n , ,
,I, ~,,i „„ r „, 11,., e , : , • ,4,, ~, , :, ',,, , :-.1 .I.7''
.cent , „ Lonna .„,. „„.. ,• . -.,„` 4,..., , ,r,,, i i SSIONEE'S NOTICE.-Whercat Jo,eph 1,,,
-, ..Przz at‘ - rt zr ',... ' - ' , •-t r'' ,- t"'''''.• '''h . •• d '..' toz !h. pro,r.l,- ~- rrr,t..i,-..,, ...„ ~. i.w..r• , ' , , I, : ''' l- ,. --' ..4. : ~-,- -,,, 7 -, -, 'W. Elliott, lry .le.d date.. 4 Oct. 24. MI. barnacle ali '-
.„, I..tre.tuant then ar., r traidp-ww In nw f., ~r , , .
..,. 1.0, 0 ,, ,,,.. 0 ..t. ~, ' 01,' .....1 tt .. ' -... , 1 la heaven i may ne
..,:r oto it , „ nae i . Lan, e oo , rt to the coaderfaiett, for toe bet:ea:oats re*. •41
•....• ,1ii..03.,.. 11. • 113-1.... has ardtbar Arw.... n..r at , .....t th I-0 nu try. la, . •
a.m.'5..., is , i. i m I „ ,
\ ' iii.n , :Vile. IP hereby mren tx. all p-twone Indebted tornlt: ,
, I-i I . i • i.te,• I A -am.
';'.,V.:4'l,'',:•V;;;-••!!::;!.::l.'o'.iVt."ehllZ'r'riLt'al.7:.T:. . ''''''''''.'''''' r ''' I'''t -e " r l''' ''''secl.... par i • ii o n ••:_r• , :-re . t:: .1 . ; :,,, : l i‘ ' i 1 . .. ,,,i
so , , 'Tx, „,„ht wa. tk.rttt a„.l liedx , „.t, amPthc I !:inaistWAlnt'lttltl.-11,',`"':triv,',1: T.1,!7,8=11"4 'F "
;;:;,:,.!'',lhT: ‘;',..:::.! .. ..q ~ 1 : - 7.:, - ;,....v.'-,::;:l.‘ r'l . ',', ! 6 ",'' , 7';". 6 ' .. '' .r. .
7. 1'" , r '' . l . '“ , 'l' . ' .•:• ;,7;7. 4 !.' ILtiv •e -i .• • ..T ......e..... I• 1, t:aert- In 0...1 , , 1 1001 ' : f,. '.. 0 1.00.34--11.... wind iatTing OnhEiNd :rd . ...N..171,A. ,
. i ; F. n. metxgrSirt.L., -.
. 4 sttaaJr•it.o6....lft, 1.....4.-....dilset •114siavat r ,..„
tali:palm extox.e..., taan when to thwatnaltwattha I. 7"'" ', i^,' 'n ' ^ , h• ~ ' i .
......, r
~,, , , •
of tt...1 . 11 , to the treve.couttl-rre.e."- vine La 0 rout 0 - OUN '
.....r. 0 , ' 0.0. a , .. , .7 vb..nape Arakc....,notth. uoold t„,. .•d. Lat,, ah, Gal I, v r .„ , .. .
.0 will de ..11 to wdoet Ltd. „,, r dielhe other! t• .. • . • , ,
, w.II 1 t...5..1i,e.s lh -,n g h •1.1,`.,,,.., ,14.0,,„ \ ` i lIIEES.B-6 doz. prima Goshen Chienttelhirt: ,::'
~.teliiiewl 4' ,a , r a wl.h. unite,,: t .t and they L.A . . ,i' r id ""i' ,chair - ^nil .4 ' .. " 1.1 . i wail
.1 gya• ' tit t'ev• crew. nit Vern:attired except the ste‘ and l , Li re f . d Cci e lfw- sa2e• by J. IV. IIeIGGILAND: ,
.....ant0fa........., vh. Prat Arun rwalttletrwtnew I vrifl n.. 1, 1.:. 1.., I :j. Le -.!..i5e.1 L., Initt fern wait
ht Is•aa.te .r 0.rt.01. ate', frao , tlww.•lthi. twah•st r. , „..-I, r .,. „,,,„ ~,„1. . ~,,...., ~ ~..„.; „ . ~.,. „....,.„, „
rez , re Gr. .C., brew ,of lt,,te, who itai.l by in on i I:EMIR RA BLE CETREI . Itereby CCIS-,
WM, hu t r5,,,....,.,1, la. the el.k -.1. „ha Letti. a:. I , ' I , . e .
~,h.„ ..:,,,,: ,„„ 1 ‘,..,.. O r , : ,.,,,1 j a tu, c a b., r e . 11_ thy that I w ar einitt e i with th e thierCtraep altitatid"
Imer. thy fr..1.1•,,0f Is r•orw.if INN ~,,,,. . -u ,, . eh , . 4 •
the li.,ati I. .. the t .1 ' , Ol
IL . 1t13 3 ot.e f , r a lope tune, Lein,: more Man sera. •ernitar.,
I. on for I. t 11.3 to- .a5t.,1,.. rh e•ath.
:Ir.' 6 el" a orM.. of ::!. men. 4:4 Pi' paxxouger coort,; th ...fa phreician. that the dlway• in \mita be ti:i
tn , 03111(.01; 1001 ti watt my- t raf . ".l27 oul. itporett h, the mtllelan t el it kept inatrda*?.. i ltettif . ta•
1.16-tn. ha• iwy..l •• hen .11:when her. rote[
Y , r1.1. / ...,•,5e a ..1 •. ~the, hini..‘„, taw:ital.. Owe. ,
ti'.• '. The two •eintt [...Vit.,' who' tame azliort.\ 7 •O•te.. ;""" ' l 7-' .ttat ' . ' lr e !l T 17 ' 4l n ettas; wa,al f elta
a • ~..te 11,1 - i. rt- marare.
go ; a, i etre •••1 ell, a ere 1....0,04 Wto. Van lialuti- 1 ,risre ,,,, t twte ,,, ri enien ,. ra-ni.d to te , iy Seth:re' 41,,,i'11i5. /',
It he s al teen.o.aii wit a th• h.-at a.. 1 , ..tre•,,,....,....
y thwww of the lite, bn<
wiere1,..........f r te_. ! curnetlei. an, a ~.t ti•• th.w. o , -
, ! Int r nod Ran \lreehoey. or Reading, Pa. C. i ,X,"!, ..yr.„1,017,•10ir5.`aj:74":14.,„..,„.„
a,t• te, • 1a1.t , •,10,, F. 2,
e I of them vra3 wvad to the first hont, mad the • lethal!, War.ith.ll3*. iR 1 , 11. tri.oll,D, Pl..
ie.:. t• telt of tin. ilw,lirtoos ..rt • , ft. r, has the twilro.: i : ,
11. t, f' , 461.c-Th..eri mma l,o4 fru, undo/muster bac!
it Prw. il .a. Ie etie
: I paha:. to the se .11/1. The other two cabin pus- Inase.o.varro/O v /Coif. Awiries,nd Awx his waif i
k r -el. e.: nr, tat. In an , arts.: th. 1 e01...1 'tat.. i."l.
' ...,,tirs Cer, /0.4. t. whila - ,wile of Wet. Von t i•ftjf v e z;: , ,,vatieiefeiracit .. hor m ta signature. entire
/I Da t a err counter/ex, ow BASE TM 1
',',1 VM. , .. ~,.... ... ~ ah 1....., to NI I'M 1 I i ' : '
1 1/..anteencr died sonn after lioung Bretaen. One : irrlc i rx."' - ' 0 ., :.i.:l t FR, .1. 0) nrocriekra.:
.PEK EP. ea. I n ,:itet r, oe [t.:deer. ',..• Twit._ ; ,
at do in tr.i. the T \ysaiiatt "I the ship, whose , - • -
itr.rirta- Ileh,tn„ n r ,.., .it I al,. et ..-1. Ai . . I. N. it a..
1..0.1 On, 11 F...-• itteel,„,,,, .......,,,. i *
Pi.ttie l enhont icoocirm, mid finother a yunt,g 1 1/ 1 -lit'
I,i .[..
iady nrinte.l le , retta.`„ ‘ ew .1., was called.)
,'peer wan
horly of the pavan Mel,
'." 1 ” , "
v • a"
I •A. HUTCHISON & CO., Cornmi.ion
Mer , ..b.nte endst. Loe en.... 14 ,
err. I... Lien in Pig and Par 6.1. Iletnrl..
thiktau. 7 . 1 nr.Punt....,.. Pe.
OLIN 11. KLLOR, Dealer in Piano Ferte,
Pio Nitude and .Vncrlal Irotrumonta. &h.-,l 11,k,
Matiottarr. a g ent For Clockering, Plano tor
IVesteru Prnarylvania—Nr. yl a,.a.trtrt.
lEN it IC
_Dealer in Musk, u-
J. In‘rruto.nta, and Import., of Indlan r•trloar.
advnt klr Nana. 4 Ca.rlCr crawl and
•Ith Culaaratia .}:dean Atratiumrnt. r.r Onnbaru ,
1 OIIN !IA FT, Jr., ; roccgst.r t., .la., 31• G ui.
!1: 4 14",.7 g;T.: "11. .. 1 i1iV.1. ' :it.. ° 'i..T!!2;tV,: i
rirrin A 1!.,. Pittstql:gh. Lyritonttia.r Ay,ent f.r li,
WILCOX & 1 . '0., Drucziat, and :lpoth-
L. .eariza rorner ,larkot Ftreecamltl.o.l,lazomi.keck
, Pnotontly .” hand • fell and norapl,la. anrortno•nt ot
Drne.s.sltdle7mPerf umery.andirtlelrsperta!¢lngl a ti t ..i r
Phrsirlana es.roftthe ,, MPOTllOind 113 1 , /5'
TOIIN P. SCOTT, Wholesale , Dealer ie
• ter0,.... how:, Oil.. Varnlqvc. sad 1 , ,. Stuff, .Nn.'.'
1.11.. rt, *arced. llttod.rrL.
All order. sill rva-olve , ,400ntd attentien
lir Arent r,r Loudon A ed. "dual:, (soon, r- , .+1.1m ,
mar 7..4-ly
A F . krl ' 4‘ , loi* •sit I
and raanutature, WWI,- Lre..1.P..•
Lithsr/.., ..ruer
RAUN i s REITF.R, Why le,tle Re.
. R ;I I
mrzer r-t Liberty ar..l
SCHOONMAK t co o , wh o i,
14 • 7 1 mgmi.t•. No 24. IV.ry gulf, arch.
to/ & mrn.r Market ..t•ltti an 4
Rzatitty . hu:st • Ind , r , tplet......rtrt ,t or Lau,.
rottllrte.m. Mealcin. Ch•-•ta. Verfum.r, .n.. an erth' , ..
pvtalnittav , M. 1, 1•111-...
bwn.cs.reNa;:r tt afl
1L EP...neer, wrr u. Yll3 P 1 1 1 i
11 1 .1.:La ;1747;0 rd.f.'.7.r.:717:
-" •
117 M. VARIAN. M. D.. Oil, Pith ”tree
.• • triosl/n.rrse .
CiIk:STER, 3ierrlmni Tailor and CI.
DIGB Y. 3f erlthant
.sty per•nd Dealer In Raluir MM. eloOz, in NI Li
14 1 WATTS Z . : CO., 31erctant
Lihnt • .tree
t.--,1 arn nra. r...;11za,
•Pnna irt.nrk of O . Gontl....Vit e.
tan.e.. Lod V.erlin irs.f n.l.t .131 P. nn . .11 ,- ,..5qua114
,Ivltgiond. and eastrlner• n, a call,
- _ _
W. AvooDwELL, Whoie.tio and Retail
Manurmiurer sod Einglrr In Gahm. Ws, \0.113 t tlrd trtmet.
1011. N WETIIEItELL, Mantsfacturer of
fa PATENT 1101 rlcr.: • rcperi., YOWL PEC.
wad BRAZED Lai.% mr Audort.on and I, 1-
l wan.; nu. th. Baud A..
ardirity City .
TlLLAY—ligterial• ingykni BA. nit.l
by 310.8. L. S. Wild:llN.
Jett. !in. :Ai'. Peru Band.
Bolivar Fire Brick and Creeible Clay Ilan-
tr, meet Lbe Inemmitod demand BR thelgiltrick. t ßrizelij:no
Building Clay. Union crimptly atd.nd...l to by
it46I t KIER At JONEY, Caugl Euin.
avh. Boyden:it,' 21.
Boots and Shoes!!
A3IF,S ROllll. No. 89 Market .tree[, 3d
• dour from the Market Hosp..wuuld Itanwn the pub
lie that
b. bas Gem • were full lama of every thing In the
hoot and:Awe trade, eneh Gait•ra half Gaiter,
n 11.,tV
•fragtenand /am, tinobt andrlppan, In all their vetrietinc
sleek tin. tlera Patent Calf Hunt, Freud:
Call Boots. Gin gma Lialters and Shear. vw,, rnre and_
Yenthe'Boota.Zne Ereuch Calf.
Please gin. as • rail as we wiah to l/ suet. ow ankle
to all who faro, as with their euPOwn GO .111 wieeratlelae
tin. hamornber the pia, street trly2t,
ilfColtll & CO.
Pittsbuigh, Pa. exec ankluser, cubty suerotiMuf 111
.114 311411., llns, 014 T. and Fur /Sonnt..
Coach and Carriage Factory.
111 of
Belmont and iltolvera /amen, Allodherly would
ream -Mills inftdm their reit•lak, and the tathlir generally,
that they ar• manufacturing tat - rhea - ea. ilaraurh, Rock
![.a Huard., Neigh. pad Charlet,. In all their earinne
etylea of dolah and nrldeuttoti.
AU °Mtn, will beexecuted with abirt t . egardi 4nra.
10117 and htlauty of Ilnlah. a,. A. /handed
Lova the mud reaannahlo terma Unlni In all their work
the bat Emden. :limn, Mica and Wheel Staff, they reel
NnlSLlent that. all he tarot - them with their patron;/
will to perftrtlyntieded on trial of their wed*.
ataxPa ot
ia. reetr
rchieere orea, requeeted to give them a oil heron, par
_ •
New Coach Factory—Allekheny.
WITITE h. CO., amild r
i t eL h ul
Ltreeta Th., an ooa Fualanc nnd am p.p.,d to
ilarqucheit. ituz,..lea l'ha.tona ar., whin, fr, us thnit.
lomr. nalulte,., In tn.. toann.eture tba ur k..4
Lhe (=MO, Slut ha ,., het nor/filen!. time rnslA
ed t••• 4n work on the meet nma,To.l. tem. /Lc,.
vantinu LT1.11.. In their line
Paying part:et:lLT attentl , o tho .lertion cf at:lamas.
aod b••ing not, hut nuni•-t^t,l 'portant, 'tin,. ;IR:. no
hoPitatlon in warranting lA, IT work, '5., titerefun. atit
tba attention of &Ise ;abbe tr. thin matter.
N. FL — BeDLITInfr dLat. lo I be ~ .25 manna.:, andnn
rant Tert..nat , la terms
I •
1.111..11,..... 4f•411J. J. I. 11(1,..".
Livingston, Roggen & Co.
TRACK and Depot 1111},
'U , and Urdu d 144 Ilatf•rtni and Count.: h.: M.,.
lake of MI risen, Spring. lIT4p and Mond, La/r1.0.1.1%,C.
"f railnas PRIN. Mille. appr..v.4l ,attedac
Bolt. and Fastening', Managed. Iron
linty' In fa= and !Inlets_ dtf
.91P, Int Pad =1 1.11.14 - arr.!. nmarde Prullel , l end,
41 . °NU:It:NTS, T 0 ,11 1 ,0. Bravo St01:1011,
/ I Fondly.. TOI. 31.5nt , 10, Impaling 41, al
vay hand. arot r oe to orato. ab•
Throe buloirs.l arol ao!ort.l de.
We ',Zoe for Nouton.rota..ten Diwk blab Mar.
foratyhril to U... Trada a, UOI orleva. orthoo
WWI orith do,ytatell et MI lAbotrly
Sr. W. IT-NtI.A,T.
Hew Goods !lad FaAinns for CiOntlerotna'
Clothing for Spring 0f.1854.
IVATTS - &. C0..1?e4; leave rewpectfullv
PJ• ttlnltlflual their =aureola. etutti.m.r, I. e. the put,
I eI to Mr c•Zhp.;'/...tetP7.
I,l enatly.laffirr4.-avdthnt t lz ' er an. r.ra.ry tr^eiTe or. &aloe %tau no In thlnnutool 'tenet. eqle.
- The tatlefaeth.n en grueralh. hf the,, out.
men hlth,ett, Initt their hatlible athlete to plc eltran
Isla them to Ihrth axe:tame In the mune .llr on. Walklo
z,—Stimagers are Inform e 4 thle 41 front It It 175
Llherty Ejr.LNallh Ado. SL
• • (urnum A.)
A Mites shear e Oa bend a' full amortatent, No. .T./7
rib etfeet:Plltetntegh..r. pap.l,l
dintlenuins' Firsttlass Goods. • '
_ -
111rElsobscriWs bog Iwo tolnforni: stiff
. -.reale Ilitt. Ilny Mrs ned - thoir Humber Stock. MS.
ti . th• unrcst . awl ertnst . Aidn . Ts Fab
DrS gnaw Wu
' Mirmatin Tfamid.
15 Malty *net .
~ ~..
orDl L....4r. la
itaeo ...nstAntty a hand . ' rill u• -tent nt Bar, 1,..1
• 4. 80,. Ilona Alp, ABA nth, ILa IN,
STEEL l IF .I LL K ns .
Berrhanta Tn.:. •••••• t:,• •, 11, •-• nntrra, lava"! A•
o• sopa Ursa "Hem I. LW Au, ing.
.ara mai; L note' nr•-•ar t•A 111.4 at the
na Sr
t Murat., rates , tABTIN. SPRIAII A CO_
, GrAnowl,h tMI.. S
. _
/Arse rs , sled."/ N,J ITO 11114.rns A te ...,, s 4 fir•rn,ssr,
I 3II' OIIIINC, the learlibif, I.lrltto Iran their
orto 0.1 o. I.'o, In turn,-., and EA.% ludiss, :tn./
Essnsik ars! Eng , /sh Chstursala. Tts,(l2,
%.1 aril Hsi, !truth, lials Moser sn,l Pnrl. nr.4
Triests , r•rks. S , r4t4. 4, rhsr f rs , •'''
th• ”...Ir..nrstnlbls IrsErrs Artier In ssrs.n.,..r
rhs•lr str• , 1 2 1,,
N.; A-1111E1. L. C A 1'1•;1:1,1', Deal
i 7-r I, I•alnts.l Evils and Tvll,s, It sus! WII.
Low Wars. 1i....;..15r Ins Match
eA, tr.. Oft Or.enrclf I, 5•....\'.: ED'S. S.
lir IN DOW S Coruicc.i, Table
Y Shrwrftiorirssrasnd
bnlasoral. bps:es, No.lo CattEut n 5t.5.1.41 611Esthars
ttruars. N..
AND SALE c ..,r
r A _7l,y,
Co., Diamond ere., mid CAerfy Ally,
Axcii sTnEia. ALor ::EVRNTII
I'UI L A Uli I. I'II I
If. A. llt NAn S , ' PuoPtiirnot
$l4O .00
Hat Z, 1h.54--tvd
Clata,lap. tiakteSt.Ch•rlaak I , nr. 'total.,
SOUR. r 'ITS I/TEL, (late Brown ej curucr of
Fleld .4 Third Arden, I . ltls4unth. I
•tPrr , ,prionta,
fivrThl. inv.! econdu. nous hawk,. node,
goo, thorondF ntronlanl odtr'nntlmnortt.
tlnd:onlosut. l• ,da.n for arthe trdvolldy.
AN- Igo, x.rit
. 0 01IN :• 1 01 - 111, ('o,cli 1:114 - ..r, earner of
Qio 5..1. ''..110... and /. tpiorpl Pt.. •!I lloghrny Cll..
L. P. lo.optonplop.l tnanato. no,. 0.0. 11pa0L11.114.0 L.:
v Li... LI., ot Ur 1 0.truatort IL 101 , 1 t):01.-PI .4r400.0,
iio ~. alto 0petn. 1 .01.4 lloal In 11,. SI t barira
p0n. , .,.. on looPon .1•Ixer0 Wp001.1.. prbr, he Lao at pri.
~.1 •ory Saar oLort of nook, la 1111,0,0; .1111100...1 tO
O.!-I ..': . h;nl.llVot;i7 tlapn'it;%.l:;rl.lltd•o7st,l're'rlo:t4l'l=o'.';'.:
Isn , a• •, ',Mtn ut., 11. material awl vortmen entol, eq.
;ay htn Lott!, 0101 s •Lrk-- In Ponliont I. entormtrot 111011 10
tha Etp. r Cu. r.24.1na .fiiitS . I ITH.
VV . \ 1.11:11. I'. 31A RSIIA LL. Impater and W 7 Loan, ln Plan, FL:000t) am! lOnor.rotl, lo• t.or 11.0,,,..
Inv. ll p PO L polllotrrot. l'lllononaL
0.11. A oL.nt of the oolelLate.l man taarturo, %cows. IMIL
noun a- I'o, 4 Paolo.
. . .
11 , R IC , VASI.O.IONS.FOIi !..Pliti ES'ilit ESS
ES. -Tn. Parton lanitlon• 00 4 UN L..llitet nor atparner
I 1,0 00 .1.10 on Olin lot yrnoinio I, '
if NI/L.±.. L.!LEON,
' , I, :Is I V Penn. a 1.,. nan.l ,tact.
9•.%,,ii. ctn..
ktrx. 111,1 , [1.
. 31V.IICILA-NTN Can . l.l lusin, Pavonth etrnt, P.
drab. P.
Lnr , l. Gut! 1.1111, S.C. !Tam...KIWI. x
tra a•ni No .1 t 4 a;t.Anthra...ll, and S" , tela rtC fro, Bony..
a,..1 Clay. Anthracite 143.1•111
- -
ro As a No. ;?,:i
I:at latarrau any) Thlttl ttamtr, Ile Or.ta hatastter, err othrl tuna • ph to 01,4, tersh , ,ah•artsoaat tle,rlhtku of
-.1a,A1• h. ,a.olem,'• aver, inclualha •:1 the
atalae and 1., Jr praparrit to make op to
..r.1 , 1 the nun t aqttonahla ottylre rod In thy taat math Nay!, had tatae attpetlema In hLs Walhalla, he ( robaolidael or al•ltha rotlro ralloritatlatt Joultaa ht.
trtrrtd• .0.117 , 1 avant:lna en/741'
hiSZULLii lON or PM TNERSiiiP-, The firm of LATELY lc PAXTON la tulle day Oho
ao ved hy mutual conratt . t i , W.khaae_tlle . praad or ;myth.
T 1; FRvrr A t it l etttr ge:ttl ' nte I tt l e Mr. tne ' sf.! Ila
loatatY ealhotitecl In collect all OkerOlLtstld. to at awl to
squ. all clahns thralnat ut, JOON LATELY.
_,James-W. , -
WituLESAI.E & RE M TAIL DE cFarland ALEß fli ,
. ,
Tem: Fruits, Sgkek FroserTes,
Doriewie flume Furn :464 Cools,
Liberty Streit, PittebilrYlL,
The \t 1.. r-r
t.n t
o , rlgl, 11013.
". M r Wy:!l,.. ; 7 , 0 ,1 n•n inttn”!•
ml lb. \I rater of n
tr.• t‘Laot Ft %Ill.:311W
r.teti..n. A ltnruY.l..rtner!: n e!er
n rn zit c. ........ with the
N ,in their deeira rob re - r the taTairsile Atairle.l
— prwroitl the nrltntinn of
n. rn, 41 , •!' loc“: I.l4Wtitt.ough 11,
t f • ,t. • turible f' flint the
rn..stiven t3r en , ctl,ining Olean ciAltliching
err t alleperhui• i/ieinfervattal 114.1er.1,
it .• that Ur, gregg w,, he net 7 i
14•ttb the nppaitrtmrntnf lloyernor .112.
the If -ranttal Juter ha: while one or the tab
erof the are bate their-rye
n n he natoe other, whir:!: they believe attain,,
I.le If the people me per:nate...l 4r ele.-t. Th,e.
Gowns,. are mere CuLir , ll.ltes, but they ire not
-it *ll ,inprul.alkie.
lot to whatever ilvier'e fm periodtal niipini ,
t a lons of there who have I voice in the preliniine
41 't4 , 11itnir.Di 4.1 this line -lion nay incline. them,
iiiirmenen i- deemed i •itiv e d Port ' Thin line linen •liiiiiroonell t/POO by rhr people. rind they
I will accompluli their ornii, •ilienevably if they
een --foreihn if they :rout," miless sem. oilier
t! poorer Odin tie Hawaiian Government sloll in•
tervin.ii to t re•eht whet lert. ardently ilesieol
lint no rine suppose. iliac ci. will lei nece e n tr y to
! rm.! to forer. Ihr the chief, know •ery well
I that 1 rint.cli, elrou'A he mantel by'a revo
lution, they would lone not only their promised
1 iinnuitice, lint their Sari funded posnevole ns . now
werthlimv, brit which. in thu went of annexation
would become to then!: minest,t wealth.
Just pre, hom to nut' hod nOvices, the Briticli
rimy.] had seroncill nit motience with the }Clog,
and n mereenger two. forthwith ilimputclicil for
Prihre Al. culler. by hie cyder, for the !tomcat
on return of the kern: e, and every one in the
secret. of the covernwentere einifiilent thrit
!Id. trim!) w.m w
bl Le e;•,ted in very CUR illy,
-after him return: and, a: lie depended Upon the
atsistance of that government to riverl 31111(.1,1-
n on t o th e United Stan, he will, it hi believed, 1
on seeing te futility .4 that hope, no longer I
combat isde tiny." Onr render, luny, therefore,
expert to tic-coll.ct up.n to hull the ROCCESiOn Of
01,1.1...1 State to the Atucricon Repuldie.
Are 00000 IN rItANCII —or it the pincey in
Ike world, resoce, n great benndy and winedmo
ducteg country, is 'me of the last whence
r. decided Moine Liquor Imw might h i t lo o k e d
for Of all men in Europe, (except the bibulous
Ring of l'ruttsia, who Mimi. his head, when he is
amp/lc, against the trey. iu hi, garden,' Loin. ,
Nalmleon, who printed his soldient with chart,
vigile mut tato dr r,e before and during the coup
,Error M beeember MI, in Me nut who might
he. 1,, ',noon prohiltit..rp tion.ifesto
agiimt %Monet:it Dittlllitition. Vet be has done
It. Fl'N'lhly, tom god ie n serious, burineas=like
which i.te few, tend thus Thu
hnrrert hu. to 0 as alon dent in lorroce as iu
England, lost tie Mice of grain ie tolt.•h higher
i n butte conotries than could re:lions lily he on.
tiripated, ;11 foot,it was a year
ego, when but for the sopplie. if .•Trent pro,lll,
f t urn A tnerica, the French nod Engii,ll would
h,,ne experienced that great evil, n scarcity of
roo.i. It, Francs, afro, fa OW hot yoze, ddicion
cy in the produce of grain, the distillation of to.
elll.l wan limited. Now, with plenty of grain in
the mark et. a vent impetus hes been given to ilia
tillatien, at..l the Alini:ter for Agricultore re
ports n large increase in the number of distil',
he, end the capital empl.yed!in this purpose.
He adds that this is one reason why, despite
a good harvest, grain!, dear.
He recommends therefore, Hint the ilrhern
mew don't' probibittfouporarilv the
then of grain, and has hero hcettaiitat in doing
so, "because the facility of exporting grain in
the form of alcohol is In evident contradiction
to Froneh legislation, which at the prenent
tarot forbids the exportation of cereal produce;'
and, heddes, It Is not a wire lion or hopper.,
'clog a branch of industry, but only to interdict
ir, in the great interest in the supply of food to
the pubtit, from employing an article to which
other substitutes may he fennel." An Imperial
decree hos been issued directing that, ,until it
be otherwise (*demi, the dimillation of cereals
ant allother farinaceous subtionces .serving in
the process is prohibited. Tho mischief is that
;thin avowedly is only a temporary moraine. lbw'
Minister of Agriculture declaring that he 4 .should.'
. heriden to request its revocation nn 1100f1 as ever ' .
tlje cieeptional circomatatMea Flitch intinoo it
obeli bare 'ttacad'tofandef it necessary." .
•Cmthicrin the manifold oat created by epic-
intone liquors, erns the immense quantity of
giftin diverted , .
from' being
legitlteately ( sedan - foot, it la boboped:tbct
. &Cuomo ,not tilatant period; 'a CbriatiattaistiUn
may; Mice the lead, en. some higher principle
then mere temporary erpedienoy, , and prohibit
the production of alcohol—except for purposes"
ER• 20,, 1854
•• sisti r
dur 1 , 11
est on:y Ire hros d —.•isso s d.t
ndy s.
• hot a ir i s ins 0, pasuridt a gi
d.du. edit, suiiitent d hot ' , drat,. If. ,
• Mississippi the ••Nss t..rh rireitedu:s
iza,ailtalle.' and outer- ths hips
rqaplinient of :cupric. trout teii on:, htsioiou r ...
ihntior, and 'Ore is tis , o we., eared fur
afoot:lA.o, thc bus boon
To:ion-LI he it.s iiutsii . ,isdi„e n I ai.ocat ood:tia
ii-rust Whirli 41 , 1,4 yhd I to tho- • di: I.:itrope. rilb
nt rile eirel6ll, of their nernoceinerits or the
Inagrrill.L.;e of their i.toseittions. tin thinks that
lisidirs every adiautago haring been dented
Ir , 1”1 Cretin artids • Il,crc are a ra•t ninuunt of
me:tidies from sourer. purely Amsritwo
radioing the doers of lousy Li::: were ahsolutr.
ly by hundred- of psio,de, nod when th e y
were opined the Jrd Icrot otooti.•
mutely terrific, Female :cretins were henril ou
every side. the house was euiropietely ti 11..?
feir \ minotes. and inn short time. the wfoile pr.i
menrole. asid even lb , refreshment ' , dons tothinth,
wore sa crowded thou locomotion was impossilde.
It was probably the greatest multitude crer seen
in n theatre in London,
LArta ram; 51 , 11., —ltaewyre• Choirs,—
Adster. have Lech received from Palermo to the
17th of September.' At Meseina the cholerewn s
rook Wig frightful havoc, taking, off from MO • to
1.0011 perks. tt a the I nth the report Wa. ti. , “
tie-half the popnlatinn tool he, carried
••ff. The dioeaxe extended even to oninutls—
moles, cats and dogs dropping dyads. the streets.
All the physician 4 who had not fallen viatints had
fled the city.
The Government had is,ae,l proclanm the
ealting for medical VtriMitre, from the neighbor
ing eitira, gnome payment 1., them. Then ,
wet o ten who had got, f r.•tu P. 1.1 :he
pub, Lnoti voldier, tai,::, Int.: loam .ant
from Polonno to Nlnttlino: to olcanne the ,trct•ts
and bury the dead.
At S.iplein A twit.
the deaths an - wonting to about 340 per day and
out the 2.411, the deaths daily had •Iverelse ‘ i to 20
or 2:1. At Pulermo, 2tlth, about miriu per day
iramm :he nunlike, Time whole number of deaths
at Palermo waiiestitnnted and at m,,
mina, 1.i,1)0(1,
torn PitottuttotATlott —Ao exchange
teq, that Sebastop o l in prokiwttiC , ti with the
lieWettt on the penult, halo?, awning . ..a, to Iton
stwnlinopte, .I.lritutople, etc.
Ono of thy revultv of the election in llassaciut
mut-, will he the return Or a Kneen Nothing U. E.
Senator, to Inky the plaea vacute.l by Eilicurd
Everett, and new occupied by Juju+ Itockwel)
by (laternor's nt men I.
litlf;AUSTUrrs icon CALIVOLNIA.--A letter to
the Now York Jonrhol. of Commerce. tlnto.l San
Oct. lA, says:
An ellurt in now being nude pith the I iree
wheat grow of our State to chniter a clipper
•hip nod toad her with riti,(loo hni,l i el a wh ea t nod
latrley for year City. Ann) farineia hove al
deady eione into the o rrangtnetit, nod agreed
i,prr cent of their clopi. - - . thy freight of
which per 'maim! will ho about :Ai,. or say 'one
cent per lb., which, at pre:lent New I . 4r:i 1,9
is in thought will leave 11 SILk.I niargio for piali t,
and the !now time help 00- ono 1.
$ poring the late viqtation of the Cholera in
(tenon, nearly. every shay' 04.,0 lc I not a
soul was to hr been- in the streets. Popillur
prejudice war tdrouply excited, and the druggiAs
tiht•ps were censtrantly guarded by gendarmes,
lent they should he laid waste ns the 10.1..1h:irks
of roitoni. Physiciam were threntetA an poi,
Doerr, while in the performance of their dutieq,
and tune of them wa= to maltreat,l that he died
of cholera produced by fear.
lowing cerium, advertl,nreut appears in a West
ern paper "Wherenr, at particular times 1
may importune my frip,.r.l. nnd otliers, to let me
have liquor, which is hurtful to me, and detri
mental to soclety,--dhi3 i:. therefore, to forbid
any venom. 'telling me liquor or letting too have
any no try nceonor or.pretenee; for if they do
1 will pn4iti,ly pro.umute them, ooto-ithstamliog
any promise t May make to the contrary at the
thud they may let'me.ilato it,"
Dcenrase rpett Plan san EltiOnATIoN.--At
the Isla :deltic:dist Conference in England, n de
crease in the membership we, reported to the
Went of 6J87. The war has occasiOned 'a de
crease in nmun quarters, as In the Kent-and Ports
mouth districts. also ono of the
caunea the foiling off.
The Democratic, Nebraska, .Picree and Doug-
Is ta uglidding girl of :llas act) use tte have elect
ed the whole of one repretetitaliso tii the ,egie
lature. In rime, of this Important foot, the Boa
t" P° 4 says t'Tho unspeakable-.importance
oc..'one veto' Will he illustrated nest winter by
our member So the House. 'We' en : dietitian! 'he
will tuba to the List extremity all overtures.-for
coalition or fusion with the one
11424 halt a dolan of the other.' "
. ~....
..,en re , ittehrling dense lost, ! can elirads t,
as I her. already de.4ertbsel, died during, tire' ere
g NOW \
pas...lir—ow e s k. f therri ‘s t f cholera, this disets ••.! . 01i . ,,„„..„,A
ear a„ heoltott oot befort\ we quitted Bremen, . ao, ••
one 1 , 1-. realer dyitt g •;1 i iudeed, before 'oe -- ----\
g „, o ut ...f the rad-. • I._, I eCORD . ra
t • —MI hx, ,i
NTA T 1 161 R or A riNIA a\ \\ nta. 6,3E12. ' ------
J,,ii,g an 3 tleillutirieb, of the I"„t,..,,enger,i, jj.,key 1 k...; PANISH
J tollowiug slrtereenti \
I . - 7
I t") coda and half d ,In. o. t• is var.i- ed.:wrier Spanish
, : axed a n d Iroloi . Pe. to he TLe Pretaller R. 1,1 alto tat an fine \a.. any . we Lad • ' /1,1 11 IL tUrrOl.l. So. U. Rawl sL • ... '.,
experienced iu the couree tif ILA Lunge. ott d '
Smithy la-t. All ave.: B,ungly ab . leep in The_; ‘, fEDICAL 110 01C.5.-7 , lilleett Prinelp'es .
Bert!:. neer ino, when, we wer.\ ond.denly awoke ..L, V, 0 , ..j,' ° ,' 2 l”,i , 2 ,vq,'-',', n ;:rg: r ,"„ 4 ,..g t ,7„ r2 ...„,„,.. ' l th 4..2 ' . . n ;
- - I, etweon flee and \Lie o'e,ock tie .Nlonday'. t f it ,. ;;;tili . .ii'ls47. 7. te.. - .t;: it ' Voi:i - .. n e - to,:eritti. -- o al -
morning—by feeltng Unit the slnt. was thump- ' „;
tug lontriiy •n. the groutol. We linrriedly dreal- •
low reed and rorule\hr. FL.EttiNtl Iteo, ..
511(1 LBS. C;L'.ll 34.ELCA - C, ranve;•
e.l our..ello o . but rt. - it:lined tinietly\below., wbiic i
?MP"' ~ r !lie 1131,11 na. :a on aeck to eioluira .what . ; Vi OX 'TOBACCO-11. l\f:h's, 11. S. An- ..
woo toe matter. When the'' Come it.sek, \ in or- 1 ~..„,..'1 = ',;, , ,P ; L„.'",,, ' L i ` k . It',,th' ''' WVir r. tee'" V jar a . • '.
der to pilot ear learn, I r.uppoae, the'y waltiNthat i '''
---- 7 ---- '7.? --. . \ ... W. - ''' . ,
nothing ..1 any cm/no:y.oe.. had intrpehed. '•ltut i Alf ANCHESTER GINGII: , 31S-- - Fost eol'd -
it Woe hot lung before the water ru:',Sie.l im .a.V 1 ant tinaNwer.ll Wedwlllng at IV, at
A. A.. AEON t 00.'d , ...i
-which at once created a genera! alarm.. Sao `7 - • .1.
the enter C.,. in in ,ant that RIOS wore iteown:.: O IL-1t) lahls:qachinory 011 it4tore and Rig ,:,,..
•wale n - het ntAIAII.DILILET it CO.
ed . they hey in their Lent, before theYeoulti \ . ' '
Rather toitlirient presence of mind to ilee..' c)0 I)S'
.4, -7 4 - , 5, 0 and 8-.l \ ilwer Oil -
There oli, noM conselittontly, a gtineral rd:h 9.. , , 4h 4.",;,,`,,fra frcif or r r e t.7o_' " 4 ftrt'" ' t
for the dock. Arrived there, we hrl.l on on A 111 \ Win
tt , \ J 4 11. rrtlT•
we could, and took ,heitrr dome in 'the after,
,i'' s
cabin and Sonic iu the fore...tie: I went in they !"
loner. Thu men generally climbed out on the 0 .
yurd4 and LoW,prit, While cosy' now and then I
one nort,-,1 wail went tip
o to licence for aid in
oar .liAtre...,
For from two to three hours we managed to i
protect ourselves ;Tahiti the fury of the raging
Wirre.. wet to the thin, however, and almost
reek ie., through despair. During this time the
bulwarks AM a part of thit forecastle were
waslw.l nr
sy. /It !sine u'clock in the
morning, the forecastle, where 1 had taken
shelter, with some twenty others, begun M
breath up, when I left it with my poor mother. \ I
The wine, repeatedly washed over us, and ill 1\
spite of all I could do, my dear mother was two or three times as we endea
vored to make our way to the rigging, where we
thwttgh • we might find come shelter. At lost,
however. exhausted with fright., fatigue, and the
c.wtinued thrilling of the wares over her, the fell
down onittin deck, and: before I hint time to ren
der hot nay brittonce, a large wove carried her
ova the side. I never PAW her again.
At length, wlth much difficulty, I succeeded
the shrouds, whore I was protected
tmatewbot fickt the force of the w ores. I hod
now partial recovered fron toy lest fright,itrol
looking round I cow my brother, his wife and lit.
Ile child, crowded a ith the °there in the place
where the coals had been stowed away. Seizing
n favorable lull between two largo troves, I jain
edmy o , ther, tel , 1,,.1 repeatedly called, see,
and 0 h , ,,IP„e, myself hail our mother drowd
ed. one outs, heaver caught no and threw
me d sten. How I was saved I VIIMOt. ten.—
When I recovqed myself I found that the wave
hod turn all the clothes off toy hack except my I
chemise. .1 eat for hears near my brother with
the water continually dashing - over us. Every
moment we expected would ha our last. Some
hour; alter tuid-day my,brollier's child was torn
n,,ty by a succession of large waves, from the
ettfeehlod grasp of his wife. It was rapidly swept
out of eight_
8.., after dila occurred, I uotlood that two
men hod been drowned - claso to us, although they
seemed to tee well sheltered from the fierce
hut the repeated dashing of the water over us
hod nt la,t drowned theta. The traces eventu
ally carried them array too. I coati see men,
strong mon; springing Cram the rigging during
the intervals between the waves, in vain at
tempts to rescue wife or child, crying ixintinu
"My, ;vital my child:} in tones that, dis
treessed as I already was by my , own losses, pee
etrated to my heart. As we sat we could see
the bodies of many of our fellow - patesengers
tossed about on the raging waters; tot en ranch;
ha single 01411 as in messes,. as if when Brat
hiunched the wares they had grappled one
with snot& and'eo drolthed.
We could not a ep Mho any comfort
ing, as others have done; the eiortlonif:Y•liiit7;
were being made by the noble people" on the
to aid,!wsince we; were so placed an not to be.
able, to ace the beach; and we thirst nal* hilt
we 'Shiro - die genie foto as those whose
stiffened bodie's were flatting before as-Through
out the Wight we pied to our God for help., and
with' the morning ti,fisistanee Came; but fatigue
i' I . t ) 1)-1•1\1.1_
LIQUORS--1 In,e constantly • - car,
n large annurtuent ~ I yarn Winesaud branding'
, ug an evulinut ankle Mr nunliclas, tuultomoi ~
ron It at JUS. FLIKMN(PIi I \
—...—.- ,
tr. ou Natural Loaf hues Nothing To,
- rtle....f, nab, by ScW U. IL SUTI' NI.
c..l:".tr ntl. h. UENI:I' ii. (MUNE,
MOK ING 1:011ACC07-10-,
1r OUNG 'll.l AN - with a small eaptmlzrant- - \---
11. 3a, to rumbas * a Luel , cless. stack gm.l, wiltaliA AA... ,
'\•', ':71:; ' ,./ 1 4" ' X' n "' I. IZ z.virgigleiziline ....'
L \
i f 10101110 E--2 ea. ,, , , . 9Valabria for halo lir
E.. K. SELLERS 11. CO •, -
11U .0.3 S'1tc1 RD-30 km. .1•1 3 11311 for rule lir ',
-L- R. N. shLsna ,Oa \ ••'
B 111 5 11 ) .?? QUININE far Ntle by . ..., ),....
' 6 l IL E .61.kL1.1t6 A CO.
,-:1 . , ,
.TON . -17(1 Ito. far Eale 1 .).Y :, ..... '
mn E K SKL , L.y..CA A M. -
1 . 1 1 L.l I'OIt4I,XTRAC I.*S—Lt: ' ' ',Nf
i. Emilia. \ Vraood.
~ 11.4. , , • , , , , , A..
: tan, 00. Ze..&e. ' '':seg t'y . Cr, S FrIM (XL . .\
,Nr...w 0 } A , i i.!„.,,, i t.,
1 1 , I...N:',lTat G9O
re , 11 I . l i s-
. ...T;;:';,==..l4. itl.-Par',=-. tt,..a.."1':1
**°\ ~.
of*'44,:utr . EMI,. .lerise. ~ . ;..
slAce llode, iyhl e Gods. .3. f
liosierf awl Eine .CI ke
Ta105...1 6ha ri ...It a Large Aseottatent ,: 7
Iloosokeer3, thsods
. 3 '' ' t i
V EV; \ MACK ERE 21)1, l iz. l. l lsia. 3 \'‘,.' V
.11 I n.rrertioit; 'X half 13./a. A 3 lar f . 3fots. InspeeoM, • • \ -
,to mire mad for soh. ty V. 11.61 'ON. NoAZ s e• V
,•••32, Wean AnJ FroatmA L ..• '':. •
3(x) y AIMS .14 Opaqa 'lr• u o . ''' ---
T reed for eels at 0... 116: st
TAR -25 bbl:. N. O. Tar , ;
t4 4 AST COLD ObiGll4l3
.re esElna . .1100.1 A.. .
A tRIENTAL T0RA.1.11.10,
Ay Ease E./e.t.a Os, Cholefna
aaa Mt saLs hr WS/. 11. bIITT.r
.i . 'OTIFISII —l4 drums now
.L b,. ce29 1011
11INSEt.:00 - 11-.20 bbl
4 .tons and for sale br P. If
I.7O.ODUCE--21 (AK enr:
• ti ttnes unstt ti,
hi e'O.. Va'r r t l A r ilittlar.n6 rt rretiron
and to onla by na9 JtAlln: liT4 a c0.., , , , ,A ,
YINABLE LINEN:A •largo , stoolt , ire etatC.....
x and II Fah. at rodueqprlbes. We laTlne 4com. : , : if.
~ arab I lino k..pern VI
, 71 - 1 eie"lte .77.-1. atora.—;,.. -
n,,,,mtar o f plane, hoobcapean,at W0nbnar1:244.,..
Market ot.' noll . Ib, bIYCVSSOCn (11E)9.. 7 . 3 ,
1i LI,ING -I IOLNES , - 2 , l7l73lFTliTiii;V, '-...
/ 1 1
.t .E G+l34.l...ttetat e an ' .:blarla aNathise: . lia.'344PC:
Inxlib; enntanba Groan. an lly. Sha falla;106;\ , - bin
14 1 , 4 4;n41 34 173 It deep, end lily nier.V.T r I I.TtVIr . 7:, V 4 .1
r.z:.:l,u Firth . L Th . 4:4i,-.:51...; J ll 4 1, * ,,, '"
flnlonorl to anraftenotyle.cmialao' I tam.. gas . nab
. 11 -, .f
earl bells Ito ikil thy rooms, a cellar Tr/bb ro_*onta.l:lll'4ly, ,!,
bab..l , labal sbnoraT bath: flab, Tont, AY, .110....nnbayol ~.;
an . r ol aa,..,i,d,, , aaa in yard .nraOxya tworanary Trbab.. " A
' bonne, with hub and odd n nbar.M.rry. , ;. , :M;/. - a... l'arbb`i.. 4.
•..... .a.- I ,b Irb. - .;:: ....,._ •.
____.• Rea ETaital!..a I ab,...,...1,-,i,
APPLEg—t;S' taw.. urueu 1114)11 . „
R. kw Pio tx2 • HEYkI LL . CAILLVI3. ,
Tray -3o ite:d to-WW,Ar
r.eo snrcenorm. VIIRMIVitt4MstA,2*-
INSEF4 I(II / 1 4313NP. thiti i - WaTb!
ehexp Sat
VOCOA: it4TriiG,:ibr
10..61iad ISAr 40. 04'
Aux.4—r.twisr. 6hroe.6
, , ,
' \