BUSINESS 411 RECTORY. . OrrrE tt icur . . a cit.; Afavisisa ABENCY Art X. N. Ma' drwl.: 8u:on. . . P. • Co'. are • Agents kr the mast 'sawn:Mal And lergvat awl Abe detatlatlag atatusereL.l Papers both fat the I :oitel3L•tey Omdaa TORS • MAT RTlStht ENTS , • —• zulhihrihk, tintetiltnSmeeFh•Lei are amnnd S.i 1.42 and man renable In the cal of 4•l•Nuen.- AC 6OII OEON.STRIN6II, VtIS SENBORN & CO., (late C. fleanad Importen y WholesaJeDoalers Geraut h h reach awl lLsllsit ylankhrhents stol Strings. h I ilkidrek Li,., .irl2.4ye • -r -ikLFRED BIUNACE S CO., Ei . tensivo tutauclothin,, Eitsblisbcoault, 411 :uiohti..r. io er • Ernta.pumket. OLINourro..IL 14.1.34. st`OLYS Standard Cotton Sail-Duck: 0. 0. HE &en & CO.; No. 71 Pine street, Noir York. eaO gents. Ck4too Carless from wend other milk th •ISIAHUISW/3 Print etches ind - CeSper iio4cri, frc c.. and Nathortt Printorh • - DRY' 600—Ds. .4 ? L IVEN, reerlrlaa i Lt10;!).1E1.1 & CO. In:Torten- of selmeilroater.licok,tl2. d fllnaectrar. COTTENEfic CO., Imp4rterm Crf Fench 1 1 ....• • sad otbetEuremen 9e•4, ?a4° Broad etree. _ V:ll2l2eLter.t., car.Trinitf Nara. ot r 2, &oleo. Ink to. ,el 2 otir ___ _ _ _ WAXES OWEN; 15 groadlm porter of I:rosT rhatola t • atm. and Triego. l,lll, Ora .ti lau mute: and 011 k Gonda 4•••117 . . iI.ENNEQULN & CO, Importers of s-ZaIMI U ,3 ' in rSU t'' "' M ' NAIPAZNi ; ; g ROBINSON & CO., No 187.11:ethray,=4&e ~ n Goode, Alttoaa, ryOk4 af1.1.11. ORN,. SCILLIEPERHAARAUS, Im nalerint ALP A eyeetitoata. Enehenoe freenst and Es4fno. Breent Clotbe, Lo n No 60 1053 i A N KIifiRSTA3I3I, finporter of SITIr s. Shawls. Liners . arra Ileabrelderlee and Taituito • 12eLLIL ft broodway. TA T ERiilkULLEg,lmperrterOrFien e h roes.; sag 63 nine Dry Goode . &floe. Ve/eete Hers 0.4 en RLIWW,WODIetyI, to 4 No. .= • Ntood genet New Noel olNly jiOIIJSA BROS., 4 0tter- Im . Donee e of tam .a s. John se MEM TRIMMINGS.SerIIo;t2noI. wepitinalleh.yottone. &art Lame. Le. yalt•tin IIkArEEIC.ERit M..4LDROFF, Manufacturers 4Yi of reshfonable Deena Lek Onakteirnaminge. Fri ones. 25 Tnas.o4. Bretton .4e, No. 24 Der street. J. 134 ye - 9Tifilliam street,. stadcin 00 . Tenntern of Gentlemen? Yecentsiono Geode. and of Shirts. Semitic_ jOLIN AL .oAvu &s, JONESCO, Im to' warn ntaanUemara' Parniablna Gonoia. and Mann ren nt sena.. Shirt.. Vac taz, Wairan . CO., No. _69 Broadway Impttstpc .. !_ara and ALIILInat7 Uocata, I.Sia be . FROLICH k LIAUSEN, tpt 42 and 94 Llbert7 t —lmporter, noseb. S.W. aal German Silks, RIR... Vein... Vest. bus SatinSQCf44. {{'coley otami . T - sr, theltexican 'Mustang Liniment in ummay.e.Tnnt.i., Bar.. ems.% Cut.. Plies Sue an effutaial curs far all azterniti =plaints al sun sr uds.J. R. Wetbrook, nii.inai or c Linater and MOSUL.. 301 trcadirsT. N. Y. .1 FUG UKRILEOTYPES. r~" • ' • . GITRNEY, No 349 Broadway, the oldest ON • and oscat.istes.dre islaNl,3sent_in g e; ❑ 3. y ; Elted , Bute. la . RR, O— he N !i reet. • gner and Thlik Engrave larnoin r on _ un. .t nnf . ent. kw bawd Sint.. • • rsparza , , E s". .SB.ANTIE)RD Turcigu Gooklsand Pneksztv %arta of tto world.tsn i t T ia 1""'" vaNcTooyns Ani 3[ 3tElty 4 NGELNLAINIti ,S; CO strftt, pont., Dutt o n. Colon wsd Woden cell huyn... only seven per one. on wet oh t 4„ Lm• I.lins Fos tour own benefitrw and se. an2l-1, _ . - PEESCEE JLVD GEIMAY FANCY DASEXTS. . •-- ' - ‘IIIARLES ZINN 52 Maiden Lane, lonacolor, or Pmeria .4 german rater scolTrorel lox sei matenotnevro of Cl.ll. sod roloml loe Fornitme ood jenny LIDO Warkrt.acolo. ke. • - „ORATES AND • JACKSON, (foimorly W. & iWr • Sm.) Gra. and ")taker. 89) Broachranma &ambers 13t.b. tier Vntk. eitlfir HARDWARE, i 1 77.' CORNELL, - 13,5 and 143 - .(autkostme.: Plata sad OrnameritiE Iron Work. . _ TROMPSON'.!E ROESLER, No. 14 Maiden baparters Maanfactint. cf' nue olcsale Deal Itel Hats, Etrur dc. 4.01 r 110 T, Bpt7I.IISACES;te. I l LCOLyEß,(lnrentor d v i niPateritea) tn Retr7l'Z'tilaLrrs.'lG. IciBBER - - ICE:NStaI EWARK LYDIA RUBBER CO., 53 den Lana. 3. Y., lisanfaciarenvana Wholenle In Gmlyrat4 Patent Indb. Rubber Boots. 86.5. 91 allat6tblog. Rath. T*n. to.. ka. 66171. . . lIENIT'DAVENPORT, 86 • J.,hrr• street, 31annAntaxer ond Den.ler evory• dlocnlntlan o so./ T snatlantant• itnbben l'abrim Tangy itabltro Good. on ZTNION.INDIA RUBBER CO., 41,John g_.l 0..: tut • all Icioaz at Itabber Catlin . Cantl.s..llrop ITAtIIIXERY AND 3Y111111a1; TOCL.9,---- ~. • .• CIEENCIK'S 31ACTILVERY DEPOT 62 nourtand 5t...t.. lhaloct7 gad X4e.h.ltle TL,Is. _...-.....- ifII2IICAL INSTRIZIELTIV. ARGILL 4 CO:, 47 Maiden Lane, Guitar*, 4,= ,. ..te1terg.14.6, Brag I.trnmernts, arid !men., EPERDINA_ND' ZOGBAIIS.I & CO., No. 97 Wald. Low. Importoro ofClotho% Grators, Acerrao. Ana, arks Instrument. Ja.. ball-froo PLAN-IZIMb 4ArdNED WERE. CLILEORGE 17101)GtrTS, No: 158 I9illiam st.„ Nor York, Who risk 3 / a ntakribrar irul Import rr or T and Coffee Cats, Rork Dabs.. Waren Ikkelern CoPlub. and Iron Goods. ge- W.. women thy Fra Preenlum at theeNo • York Crribal Palma. istri-e PAPS WlMdifollsl9; (mugs w.' Clitt'strt4t, NJ/14.1m and Ighohada Damlves Azneefeanyee.k as 4 ELPKEacI sro7 d.../Ptk. of ' , EMUS 4t, BARTOW, No. 161 etreet.—derreat Variety of PAPER. fbr Book s. ere, Stationers. PrieteM gc,ekblveimv. PAINT CULOIL 3lANllrattruKKllf. . AMMONS' COLOR WORKS; T. L. NICH OLS. ArLACJAAA it., Nee Yoe= Paris zadChrosix Le t a, at. At3EFLINCE iI,I....MANDER SAFES, 16111 e. Daum. ticks C, Ban. • ROBERT IL CH. 3tannfacixirer. Ruf TOTS 4ND - ELNOT Gomm ,- - • JAHLBORN CO., 54 Maiden Lane, VacTiacift ' , b., import.. otTOTS • Tic .ma moms 410) ; L. COATES YOULE, No. 279 Purl stroata. Garold:* Ctillastry ,IW,YDOW PACSI7, to L ' POLLLON- &• 'CO., Importers of J. Tomah Coach shad ate. Oloso—ho. Harclal ipHOPKINS. Imparteniof .Feexh WlDdow Ob.. No. 61 lityday .beet, New • _._, _, . VAIRDANWe . 'PLATFORM. SCALES. Fr 1, 0 ,4 ' known—Svrrelny 1.4 ,. ...x1-Alyarr 4 i!,:otio g , - J right- trackrdoC,tind .i fonts,ThEladelphls. GEC , W. COOLY. .-I . ~ ;0. Harketn .t. ', •i . :"" r IAiIIIf.C.S ' ICY , k CO, co. .9 Wat..l 4 - 1. 1 if 4 FORGE 'C. SMALL& Y, ti egottnhor . llnsineu Notes. fiords, Mortgmite., and ot 'her' inal- street. New Yart: (kamuucleas.losts L. mall ~i!l metre prwript stteutli. Itznacten.—Maa,Thiltr.-Lrq., "%lam It Lan, Effi SSW Yoe,: Ilerxm. tarn L ima Itankere. frt.. Lallt. "SO. ULL LENGTII CRYING & LAUGHING ,DAB:mkub •desat restoty or locus Rubber Don ISM lof Ithich ars Pite uzege beautiful tit. Urea °Pother clatertallbabd a . hunetted times more dune I,bi, "Oak, by the Fade,. Melees threaterut tb• coda top. Sisels only, by 11. be*Tork Rubber C 0.43 Malden Line. N. Y. eit stale. euNidtia ,Great Excitement- in new York. PLIA'OS AND 41ELOLEON:i Ton . CAZ7I.. n" ORACE WATERS, the great Music "and N. Mae Forte Dealer. US Breeideep, 'Saw Tort. Pen fereidd to shale • Wee ntoeent with his enstouteni, to than Pas le the Sharpen Ateret. tedlablt event In euette Lau tusieue ttatipetsnt tight boas, loyea.ete ressorttuent et elegant sad v., ease lltrettooes at it Lose - p e w s fee:. itases Pttres..Yor nue Mt .6 , 1414 , :tt co -pews Mut. Irmo the.. of the fargstt enaor. el./at-tm' do , ..en Nee. ufeterlse. lso. those Of several allot Legit Nes . York .Ise kers. Including tbe lestalful aed muter tdotlted Maus Wera . Pumas foga bietown Vetturesid Sfrktrbornr, of the Lest Needs. f•es ihted. Nee York and enesto nub alforell=opteettualty f.•selaeltous not tube had elte rboue. budearsent tiocuid band Phinoe at sestet tesiddne—relnt true so to sm. suodo end Musks! Instecurionte 4 4,41kt:u1t..? Owe.. yteebers end Mods of Rebook supplied on the teN....tmoss. Mask sent dosedp.s. oal I. ,/ lensed All I del.e.t.C•talooete of Ilse Muddle of Yaetta7 robse—of Plabot.tlelnisme end 1 Plusleallnstroments Ltessoltit eity •dansi. 11.. of FAST COL'll recd 2000 ast tad Ciatzwee. all at which will baaald aa par Td- usual price itif, • . , A. A,' 31A8ON AM; • 01133E54500 bu prima W. R. - Cheem reed and far al* bt .- T. LITTLE 409.; ret,24 eL 4 IPU/1.---100 bbbL 'cites family Flourjust Mood Ibt gala - urns A I'm!. Tl 2 04... 2ObbU.lfl • . i lit EMI THE:,„ DAILY BUSINESS "CARDS ATTORNEYS. OSEPIi S. & A. P. MORRISON, Atter- i n e tt trat 2 , 1 b.'re° _ ••• • - 1 W. HALL, Attorney at Law, " Bakel . moat rtrueOutiounursurtti tnutuona Mier. y'r • OltEllt E. PHILLIPS, ArtornOy at_Law, JLII, St. . . r 4; • Ift?OREILT I.'O6LOCK, ' Attorney ut Law— t Gemr 64' F ifth aad Onat .trears.6pposits the COWS ~“.6 item, kittallynh, mr.24-yS3 - AB}, J. KAHN, Attorney at Law, office CI Fourth =vet, new tinat.PinettErzb._ • fi ll tANU/Se. FL A.NEGIN, Attorney at 50. Ito Puttrth ntrbet... Pittsburgh - ZSPEICE. • liRAIC, Attorney at Law, re No. so Fifth stroet,PitUhurab.. _ - - • BANKERS AND BROKERS. TIEBN. , LN .t CO, Bankers and Exchange Bk.nrs,:No. 95 Wood street;corner. Diamond rO Pa. ar/lny andse/I Lank Notesand Coln. Dincuunt Than tha E smnone..d=Wary Nottr. male Collretlon• in nil ptindnal n iln er the Colo, ReceiveDellooli.l on eel wino. loterten, ni.tbeir PlOmnt ntlnotwou toil! oth er niatters syyertnlnlng tan Muter. twine. 1113..Cennern Exetranno asrttantly. Ka. male, m 1.1.1 y 111.07.,C [Yam.. RARER RACAL Bankers and Ex char a Ihr.kern. MIT and 14.12 Gold .14 Saar and lect Notre, ne,,yollate loans on Real Ilatsto or Stock [su m Pcnallnaryy Not, .4.1 Tin. Dille on Ead Ad lb.. Nay nod nen .take on Commis/don Oellec ti.yos made an all ,inta in the Union. On, men, of Third and Wood str,ts. directly opp...elle the 61.1:Insoles D. KING, Coin, Stock and Eme-flange e Feurtb street—Ba gs and sells Steele. Exchan g e ien Easter citlea supplied at cur. rent rates : Cellestionsinade th:Wast at low mic a . Wee. Urn Bank :cotes Beri g ht and midst, nem_ .... a. sum )3ALMER, HANNA d. Co. Successors to Iluser , y, Rums t Co. Hanker, Er;inin s e Ereizersand niers% 1 errl g h and Thieneatic ExOnange, Certificati e of ?gin; laree''qi.* : =V5llt el . ...air fg2l - 1..1411 Ciueks sale, eat selleeldinis suds no acar , z r mild- haLgultits of the United titales. ao ße bl g bra inentin= hat& ter gemisin and Arcininin Adorderea made AA CC ,) ==ent• of Pr , AIWA 4c on nodal term. u. 11. WILL ms & Bah and V V Exultance Ilrokors, N•rtli Dot hornet. I; u.l and Itlrd strewn , . fittehtugh. • All transaellons =ade.on Medal term., Arri colleetton r promptly attended to. pdoly WILKINS c CO., Exchange Br kern, 11. • No. 75 Fourth ,hootte the Hank of Idtta. h. All trontaottonn at moat Ilhwral rot.. jyto 1%7 : LARI\IF.R, Jr., Banker and Bn P i ttohurug. 1101.31kS d SON , Pea lcr. in Foreign k.t .creek Mite gh. 44 - I.7ollodtlotta mad... a/l tha wino:lml dile* • h_Punhout the Unltod Slat!. BOOKSELLERI3 • J-- --------- L. READ, Bookseller and StaLioner. No. . 78 Fourth ttnact. Apollo. Building. JOIIN S. DAVISON, Bookseßer ard S timer, rdoeumhr to amino° a Ague.. Nu r aluukd Uradotuur Fourth. Pht tddh. p h eAE Nitt S . 130SWORTII, Bookseller and DederhTStatimert, de, N a 8 .: Marks: xtreet, near homed. Pittaborgh. Fu. _ . . k l i ,t l ,:r T d; CO., Booksellers and Stationere. No. S 5 Wood etreet. mut dad to the corner ol Third. e, V gb, Pa. e.abool wad tau Looks oosumudZy on hand . COMMISSION &C. J. W. BUTLER' dc CO tiIORAVARDING COMMISSION MER A irll ANTS and Draltrs in sal kinds of Pittsburgh Ns.. rW Artists, Lewd P ipe ::d Sheet Lend. S. 97. First r st. Pittsburgh. - ans-IpPf.4 .WIE Silloll. finporur data Detth7 is ?OAF:MN:WM - ES. Brandies ool d ngsbo ls Ara Analogy. Ng. Panne-Fast gstio enrner sese.4Arout sr, sttberruk. Press. notsl A &Commixsion and For. ix. -warding Mentlignts. sisals" in Wnt , l Prrstnee ssurrulls: stno. Pittsburgh Manstrnetsgry. No. 114: Fseernd sifts's. Pitishargh. vs'.l)-33 _ . . _ . . • ROBISON & CO., Wh.slesale Gnieens, t r 7 .4 ex ; t a tv,a , n . d h cazoltaloil Sl~mLanO , , Yu sr..z.rn reieern Q FRINGED El ARDA UGH & CO., L(Suceee cy MVS ta S. Wartatt,) Cotionirdru eall:Tootttdind ii..ete e t e peeeee to Wool ant Prodaei fin ` ot. Not , 147 i Flee. end 116 Preetd streetolltialeirati. Pa. ei , r4r y ,Fc W. DEA, - Flour 'Factors. Commi..ion . endlorwerling Veretiente .4 Nolen Pri.lees ortewarle. Otdere tor Pittston -A itainifsettsree orooiritr Attends:he. tiet. 71 Water .4,90 Teen Pitteleirrit. Nao sylgr. 1 Inc r. rttete ARDt ottetored toots. • td Parents. rittodurah lian : 1 1,ERCER k ASTELO, Goneial Commie- LT . sloe Merchants, Phite.l.lohle !Abend admirer o n ottidonments of Produce everrelly. Anti , - I p .... 1.11.10 m. jO p, HN' WATT & CO. Wliolosale Grovero. • eutturderion Wnobedte. nod Defier. to Prottore and PIM - burgh !Unitise:erst o. e N :eel tilerPiltsbirrah T B. CANFIELD, late of Werrea, Ohio, Cositoltsiortand Poreerdlne Olentiterd,utd Whole. tale Zeiler Werwro Reetrve °beeps, Natter. Pot end neat See. and W arn otorrap. Water Meet, het:eyed 604506.14 end Wand. PitOdetritii. (Lau of fit; NatilZT.Thtlei a tin) 11 LITTLE , & CO., Wiplemde Grocers, vlor , Iltd_tepe stul Castit*tion 3terettstits, sod Dosixtv in 31n- - nrsztntes. No. 11.4 6 , - -, ...d street. Pitts bare, . - • ' tali:Pl3 CTIEESE WAREHOUSE.-HENRY H. COLLIN& ionrardlencand Cenenniaelon Merebant,and Dealer In Cho.. Butner, Lake flan and Pe annlnall/ d 3 Rend sneer!, ahem° Waded. Pllnaburah p r at Uh Egs - 14 - aioßsT & :s.EURPILY, Whole ! nue ronewand Pa Worn Merchant.. and Nolan horst, Pa. In P:ttshornh Manschtinona No Water stmt. Pitt. • rrIIONIAS PALMER taaporizr and Dealer la French and Aniertuut I.a/1 Pper, Nu dts Market meet-between lllel atel [ c o mb Mo a t, Pittsburgh. tritaYs3 tir NIe()EINTOCK; Importer trod Whole cmcsorritafaii= e t =etaz io r e =l Res. gad Tructsolos..s.ll2 Markel afrort. tall rronlk. cm the 2ut.on Edo of aba Diamond, • iiRY" GOODS. PRANK VAN CORDER, Denier in Trim 'A: M and Olosea Lacs °nods. Ertansldarisa Da p s Dann- FnenfshinaGoods and Fans, aanicfsac a fall as a - nent of *lnch can *frays be had aa No. corner of et strast and ttsr Dlttatrusaa. Pa. anll-1, 5.. - nassa a ss , ssraasnaon...c. sanissa cv., VAS. 4et.A. MASON CO., Wholesale nud Retail Dealsrs In Vane 7 and Manta Dr, Ganda 7.Z. fif th a Plttabacrak. URPILY BURCIIFIE M'holesale Let.l.ll Dry °cods Ilerebnnts, corner Fourth lout *Ant street. Pletaboroh. GROCERS BOONE, ICARBAUGH & BOONE. rNiENERALCOXMISSION3LEIMIrANTS Defirra Wcol. now., Mutual .o 4 Pmr 41111 Water street. Madlphla. HARBAUGH& BOONES, Trh Irna oy A lt D !NG COMMISSION MFR . CIUNTIL Moder,l uut Protium of *II kinds 21.1.116,14 . street. l'lttaimre4 Pti mk,'::./.1 .1011,FLOrb.. 11 . ..LLU1 our.. folll , l . .fiZil"D & CO., Wholeanla Or.cers ity end Coto reimtnet Moreciunts. No.= Word std lUL rty rtr,rt, Pittabanda. F.! r; OBERT MOOR}, Whtilemla Grocer. lice 21V1V1.117dDiflin"del'' f tnre.7ll:; Liq Ara, ILS Liberty Attret. On Auld my ANA ock of AupArior old 3lngtoeurabAls Illtlokryortaela utirsa auctztv.x.. BLACKBURN ctt'O. Wholimile on+, 14,144 Farniallers i .d 1:41e4. !ltd.:, sad 4t44.r0h 4144.1444411.4nw, Oh4 t Mak and thecula 11.1.70 on ha 4,4 at their 14.4.b0rae.141 Iratew 5cn.t.1414.,cr4h. • rpi . • . -- eseems mese. SAIAII DICKEY CO. Wholesale Oro. tem Commieslca Sterettants. an dDesist.* In Traduce, Jt..” Water street. east 107 Brost «'.. t. Pittssausrll. s•ate Yaw, -rants tasesets..—.-..R11.1•13. C. 1.. 11L,$ 'GILLS do ROE, Wholesale Groeors and Cam ila/as ttsrebaspa ttal94 Marts street Fitt. 4 - Witt • • '• ' EMMIM C 01101411; /MUM. .• '!„... ILAGu.:II,E sad =Y4L- CO., notesitlzGro- AATILLIA3I k hi'CLO.RO, °ewer and . T Vs - Desks, comer of W... 0.1 sad gitzth strmits. has Ala - ass on - Land • tame assurtment of - stioksi.Lirooniss and nue Traa—Yoreign Fruits and guts, holosala sad Entsiii. Linalets supplied on the Marest terms. nOBERT DALZV n & and Pittsburgh M•nutarturee. No, 253 Lliori.r• strut Pittshisruh. ' : t . . .. _ .......... armartca -1 WICK & - 31 - adANI) . LESS, saemsara to T Id - Wick. Whaleride Gramm Fur/lading maul qmwmiwloy Melrtiutts, Nal , . to in. Naar. Obi& OA • uA and fittotiarTh ManuSctrim wmors.llT: comae of W and Water. ativetT. IlLtsthorr.h. A^ ItTSON, lirlialeiak'Ciroctr and VstaTz Prosa. ind Pitta arm\ ytklag„ /uS Liberty stmt. 'U a. Jo. norm & R; FLOYD. tb — olcnalc Groceng, Cum , Entrdna ntrekants.and Dealers Pralati—aoriod unit Wilding% traottag cot LlbetiN W00d...a 'U.'''. r/ 7 "3 n AnALKY, WOODWARD %Me« 7r" 'En ' 4,4,4 0,--1-rtit..1.4.4,40 1r eCiINDLES3 !IIEAt+S ;b CO:, tikk Tra,„ cees• I.44)wei la In xc1au.m...t.t4t0.4 Akc arnicand Ilantersetam gmenaly. earmot of ;nod sod WstaraT --__--h \ YEW TORE ADVE RTISEMENTS. PI TTSBUIZGII (;..A.ZEl'l'L'. •,. ' , ... ,- - .",,, 1 .,' , ' .''' - d : Th' w "." h. hr 'h"h4. Nh' l ‘ an 4 fright had oo worth us ant that wet ;vest al. __ . item VIS,II Pit A ...11i.l.L'm .i ,ral eldrertl.l, ._ ~,,,,,,,... N., ~ 1, . 0t. ,„ . l e. „.1 1 ,h, v . ,..., ~,,c, ! .2 . 1, 1. !lc .17. •• Ihn itmfated ship New Era; n „,,,, 4 ~,,n ;d3 Mao, 3.• ...4,- .3 or , ral va t P..-c- Yiaa. ante Pio. ao tv of gra ,: t . it. ..iteneit in diotitlation eoh, Le form- urr . , ',l re ''. Jerley r nivi, hive pablishrsd the --- °Pr ' . in't i .of any Yerther, ern te oor a 0mma5,.....-.-. .. .. .. ........... .o ... (1 1 7,11.117 ~.....0 ~,,..., , ' ' 1 . 11 Ili :MORNING. Nor 2,', 1::;I. : fate. S. CIITHI3EIII & SO3, ' „ rd, wan, ot z duo tied tedious investigation - t.foll ming s:atee....rtt t '. ' About 7 this i Ykesils ) Morning I hatted,a'a 7 1i , 1,..Q. Firms m tAe e-Tly 4.(' .V., Jar k -Prom the Anion, Erri-in.: 3,.0r,rn1. Titit it i 4 he, that 1 laree .ioantity of fool i 3 f 9TaT6Mrr TOr corer. ritoelea J. nearer. . l'i EN ERA L COSI3IISSION .Irri:N'fs - .:, for -.. . VIII N:• awl-nut porch-Ler:if Itaai lianato, C.. 0.• • . i . Eirterldi:'; Tables. ''''' " " ""e. r ° , r „,...' b .,V,, ' ";.". h ", h t re t '',!.' e t . t a ` It " lillaf. , [Tins .live t 7 •II: an IL., legal:nate porpoee, ood 'We ailed' ft •..0 Boma:a 'amain, 28th Of Sop- !' l. "n 0 , , , b° 7 ! ,.... I ' , .. r t ` i t tt, d .. . d . .'f it: ,% „. l r r tt''' d. ratazi in I I - I. 'fah av.•- • . • ore.- fa' •• r , :;•.'-'.• C..overted ;it:. p 1-,..1 ili r ,•l or ootyrilhmt, a: j umber- booing laid to .1,. a a , ~‘" eie" the cre 'n ft ep all) vo that I\ould Intik upon the eh rst.' ttarrt:zrt It_ Nit. orzh.aa. vi• fame, end itorata t , .., Nen A ...... Mailu'uta , .. icod tote.eirtoi.• il r:.:,' •II 10 1 ego, •1 (•• 11.1' (11 .' r''''."' I. r ° nice 'lr* r'' i '''' "r e h"' ''''''''‘ ll N I i'' ''' ' 4. Ch° roam' ''''''''-"''.° ' ' 't"n g e t '' -t 'To my gre g at ioy i „saw the Joao' d-s.ts sae% Michigan GeneralComnaissiOn and Colloe. , , ...:,..‘ , .. , .,-,:i...,. . ~.,.i. ~,„ ft, 1,,,,,, , ..., 1 ,,,„ 4 „,,, , , , t , ,0 , ft.„ rite ,thne.thth„, ~,. tide s„„a_ •,•, 0 „ ‘ „,,,„ 4 „, r.,,„ 1. „„, 1 ~,,, , ,„„l y j r „,,,, t h e , , ~,,,,a ~,•1 8,,, ,o,in 1.1••••Vh21:1\, bon Agency Office. ..,, ~,a, .tt , ad.- ~. • . ' 1 `,., , ,' rr „, , . al,I, I !,.:..' r),., kr, ~it ..,.....i,, li;,' P"\ l ''''Y '" ' .". '' '''" " r ' '"""*. ' I, - ''' ( '''''''' l '"''''''' '''''' '''. ' l ' N ' ' ' )3°?°°°'". :o " rhL° Isl':dethor° h'ireum,Ptenif in ivb g r of e th ho eori T ift e Ll l ' ' Tr he ak Cweet . \ VOR the collection ul Ilumo..and F0re1,, , ,a 1 ti 1 Ot:!'l f, ,i; 1.0., Wtodevt , :cle Print c nrt - . ioit ,,, ii.t . t .., niiitch n ,.. po , ,i,roed ~,,, tia, ~ ohir,, , \,,i,,, ti .“ t ,„. „ i ,,,.? i „,,,..,,„„„, . 4 - iif, „,., • , i fro ~ Roatteit merehnala... During the whole • o . oinnnisnin.,.t.d . d„ _, ini. _ ~..f0r. . __.... .., .. _, I: U "'"' tn° t„,, , . d .11 . .. L '' . M r '7ll' 7. • t in , ‘ . . ' N ' t'' '' '.7.,', I trart4:',l...''re'ra'ls.r,i,.!,',-. 1 / 2 , 4.7,1,., 1 .t.rtn1i,..„.,,..1,'. .. few ramkr tithe 3.1! That nt• ante hod limoic igii of •,, I ''''t•-.V. r, To., lof the pkr•age, we Itrol heavy gttlek, from the` " r.' ''''' ~, "". 1° e r e eeeueu, P.ue to \ and :wrorn out with fatigue, dropped • ftionn the L 'l•at !re n t' Vat. ca h gartra ' no ' ..ctie j et ' lsn' . 7 t r.'v r at '' ...too , N . ,: t a h. l t o e,,, rv ie . Gr o ta n h e z - m ,,,,, ,.......c ie ttt „, i n . litariL,zihme It e u r e r , ;- ,, r d.. . t . , :il itt nitr. ed . t•t 1.. two-en thii por . ervnient ~T \ ~... "'-""• ' :tn- ii tir..7 l , .. ii"'l nb .° . 'n . 'he ' 10 ' 1 ! °r ~c )c. .'"i er w'''", "yardn'ad rigging, and Mao grid to . ge sifaly Stock. and lirsuranre 4,eenta. . . PELT/Elt &AN LiNittiON. Detrn I. ••Ilrhican. . oct:.liner _ the 1„1„nol. on the ono lothd. altil Mr. Gr. gg, '''. ' """ ' N " to "' ii. " ',:' It ' • "" -An "." ''-' '''''`. '''''.." " ve l'' T r Y unu g ' .' re ". into the first boat Lothers'iseriLtsken ire the Batt- R;Prf Kra in littabuavl blown. le ra, a l' II m. It at .. tho .line At ent, , tt th„o„. rt t h n t „„ the Siztlean`trareling in fitocin. w ;ten to lite Lou- 'La. , . ve -err , I''Sit r," 1 - "."'" the ee , eeen - , en d , am 4 se , le„,th [some , ii io „, , ,, m the t h , - erw White A Co, Gazette °View area. torwar a ~., Cioaks, Mantillas and. Talro as ---. gent cooking rouge. Inll.laeveral of the paqsen. , ii ~._ . ~ ". '"'-'"": Thev ,r •orenne from PublitOanas, durtni,the Merchant. . soLyNEux BELL, N.,. 18 Cattal..dreet. ' 0,0 ' 4, t li , fog 1. • fected. an antotity was to 6e faillcyourilid, from St. Peteohurg, to. follo t e a , l'e , eter - Tv. n•rnd. nn ''''` nl ... r " ''' 'l7::'l:' ; ', i l` ,V ii v... :tort.. nonorter•d , •:...0.,-te.- ...f Lad.. p; id l , the tro t al I amil.r and the inocßog made,: • " t•'''ri:litt,,7lyeet,hrr,a;:::::.llli,netliTnr,o,,o,,f.C.,o,u,,o„t .5:::.."11:::::::rir:."71.: :: . ::: e r , lin s e k ' ll ' l lea d ! r'vrii'vvvi , C.. ..eve „ . '.., a, Re,. tab,. nod Tatrla..ll . weer titmice:4 dwert, ~,,,I ,I, ,: ~,,,.„ :,,,,, ~-4,,, re, t he 1 .., 1 „,,,,,._ „„.,, h ' 1 , ;1„.4 .., , 0 t. .• , . • ' •. „. Injured several of the ere , . It +.l: 0 0.01.01 e \ ~ . - -x- • , ~,.., ; Lb., would ..xo tt.• ft , t001.......1 pw.rchent. IWs exten• .. paq fi t year exceeds the ettormpun euni.o( z OARD,--ilnving been oppo t tntea ..t , ~..., ..,, .L. , ...,.,,,....,...., ..,....., tor e a a malt trt,z,t, -.r ~,- I.'n, . etol itai-iv i es, mid only ern:mom:4y to ; i,, er 0 1 ~i• reipf,Aff t a rn a gmaie nno wh o h a I 0 ., ~ i , t ~ , ~,,,,,, n . ,-,, ' tt . -,* at . ~ 'ewett Inßlinnimf dollars--excemßng , 4. - ii,a ~,,, .-11:;,..4.7.;-,:zs\.=7,retzb,h,-ini,v,T...-.., i.'7,,,,,--T.,:.:17,...:',it-::-.-:TJt.: 7,/ i yarzx, i --. 1 .r , .", .4 i•• Cu' heir itPl'iii r eitff.t out a crV \ le mitre brow, mod who told ate he a•, oar to ~ :i ,` ' ''' ,' 7''-' \ from the r\atne ;Mures during the 14 4 0 d pro eti . ‘_. ring a \le.., and by tne tune we " I:futurel hy li JEWELL &So o r nertford, eaninrcticta., '''Lamey rule,W ne Vas 'l l/..4.ratt.harmillo Anwries.lalu a fort' of hi. intlnelliate twiewchtte•. and a portil t 0,, with , 1, 0 ., ~,,,,,,,, a e: , , ~,.. ~,,,,I e „,„,„,. ~ ~,. , hy fire Millions of della .X..." : tho r... ...." " i 'of the fhlropenn forreltailtv um! , elideuts of th i', 0 . ,',0,. 7.4 ,I, La. of „,,,„' ) „,„i,,1, 1 , „4,1,,, 1 I . ." i. "'! the 4. ' 4 ' 6 ". ‘c!!`"-"t• she leaked e ' ,. !gt. " ng. fi 'c'll \ e4r'' ,-- \ , - offer for eat. • !ace aaartruent of ati width , ',owned afr • days ~• , a , mannfarts..l. at are manufaturehe price. hie article every unwell, an rth•rs appear:ni t twfuni their i.e. Mee& aupetior to as Leather /kiting 'vet. tett., lend :e c la t ., Hand, ._. to keep ear pump g,ing all of the time. The Asstne.--- , The ceop_of appils in NOW Etisgballd In this market. Also. a Fame stock of all widths , d Indio .ev 'e "''' "• / Ile :,P e .P.'e'l '" Ih n'" l "ce ute last otmervatio4 which I. took w..., on Fridav lent th s year, tve ft has been in every esen.ioaeginoe . • Rubber Halting tonstantly_ on hand. and for sal.. the Pianos! Pia - Os!! Pianos!!! Thir "l l P o dtion threnttited t. defeat ilt. Pre - ' to the Eloper r, offered me a letter or istroda •.., • ' ' [be hi • .1- nlr' 4 • when I wa4. in no; lon , I i fAl ; lat. Since that e a ., wp ii e: i pte on" . g n enee. eo Li.'n our, . 1 .6: : :._ L, achine Mating 1 , ..0nt." Fo. Ile Market street. jert. T.,,, hiht.T was implaeable-rh e real, but lion .to the It -e In c . timumilder of MI scrrov of ne ao _l. J. a 11. PHILLIPS Arr ENTION of purchasera is i Jl - ,,..„ . d , ..,R . rentectietty .liied to a new and al 'ire' - fi...V3 , ~,,,..1. ~,,.., or his 1 0 ,,,,i 1i , v 4„, ing b it .,,,i 35,0;xt tot.ii tit tinifiLitiii.t.tid if f ii.ii , mil. time lwas t pre t r i erir b G f k rom t‘, lc . ng an observatin u r g e : Ir. ..h ,i, telroan.rt,...nnet. dull price this .."..• i In thiancloll7. - A ti,sjj,N,, , l. :. oomis. , goal E z ,p,te ft. A e n, r ,, ,:,,,,,,,„, t ,,,,,,, xivt!. ., , ,, ,r, ,, ,, , :; , , , ,v , zu , r, j0n , , , , I D. ri f i op , th e i, e , th.„, While ~,,,,,th, i n th in eon, 0•07 ~totoe wi e, that I ;night to-day iiti; s tu ., a u c r c u o y ta 00,fi Rd or thn t e nd a , te t l o rLtif n w 7 e tr ath :i e o r ii kr ::: do p g aLl ' - n at I *741 GO per bum), 'red north strectohois Rg',.',.. - 1, 111....,"„r.!;:i.i, - .d...;..,4 Miro Cwannlallriplo etrhared iiia:.:o Th. on tenity./ Icy • fea jenro .' f , t.,,• LI! when •di Ward of a ' enntpaq t!e Rape oto n'heview or 'to.olo rotn. 40= oc/1„ . i ) . I. -- r \ 00 ',., . 1 1 `, • 4 n , „7 ,i,rr;lrs,'liiZZL',,?,isir°t 35'41 to deP 4 ° 0 t9 ee t o l*l ts "4 1.. - ; :i ~. „s„o, a„.e,,.d..1 pi „ .... , , , ...,.. a, its rapacity rrw ,, .....• pas. .NW 1r a anti flu- t•.. • trait/1141d I, .it WU) OW per- H o ~0., 0 0,.,0.1 (0 hi wa r :', a• t •i 1. 4,, , ,i,,,5,d1y - V, Al. lUEL L MARSIIELL, Secretary Citi- M: ' ,..,, R 4 ' ,, t t rat ' ,',.rn ' Trr' .." '''''''''''" khr.r`" l' '"'"''' t " " k " "", "€ ' 4 • • ... Pi . " ' t t il' . . , ~ ,' .4; regarde.l7,o :i • a ji. „r gr‘, „,r1„, , , s, ~,•!! un s • -'. Y " 'g h ' we "` ' '''"g w i nd rrn ' • ,\`,,'.. rt I 7 en's inertrance C 00,00.1,. OA Water atrewt. - The rn.wt erdloar, pwrairowir in.nnt.l.d hy the aid of tido of /,.• r,ito- : Tho ~lii, ~...4 ,0. 0 ,..• ! w h o p, toed 1 , o f ere “, , h ad! , ni;. „.. , \ the e.,tanr/l. witml, chang e d t0‘,..,th. e ,,, t , x -..he1. ) - . . 'ft , ' burypart \ Ihralit • .A, \ \ g --- - - Inionnentrot to Or'. ',..3. eta,. In ...toe. L+farinir lb , th,„ j,,,h,,,j 0 „. , ll r•..iil l . 1 ' " , y , f'. . \ ~ 'if. , " "°' l "ign'e 'i-inf In".1a.Ido 1 I'oo to blow n" linen pref. kt .. rnor I:it Vf1411,1,t.-Wo learyt , ' Om rd.. to 1 ./ 1 be . v .l.Y. "T' . ..' fend teas thre.. frotn the Alexandria Gaitote that on Safur,lay v \‘, • ...aid wmfiin. • l'l ita:,•ra ,:r • Lintz. t to, of its older e,• ] ' r , ,, - r• ~, .tt e• t tam. i "or ~,,, tan 0: PitO, :at !, .I, lett 1.,110110/ 3 s urt,6o - m . GoRDON , Secretary Wester I l ona- rellenrir• I. It. , apant : - t. 1.. ue...1 at •11l as •o • 1P..., ti. O. rentent bran, a ould c.n , illlt. th. chief ••,., entertai tt c.l i., h 11 , t,...1,,, a. - ..u1, ' ' ' ''''' ''''' . .V 1. . r, .. 1 i ''.l',""`"/ 'he ' hi p 1 ° be ett the last at Gordonille Va , \IP - Thema S. RAM 'k t I' • raven re.. ref tr.. area. Piet... ta......,,in t „unlit: of tone. and IN 1.0.1 Y ,lign. tt i t ,„ a „ n .,, „r .„, , , ,„, i t „Tinge . elieniwd . L. : t i ll. u..... , •• • a onnuann t.. 1.1 tu...3 t 01 1 ,114001 1 .1 0. 6 ~ _.l _ 0 i; ) ,. : . 1 . . ii ‘„ Y rn ; .i •l ii , - ii. l t i o: e t ii : . 1 , , , u i1 w i n‘ o i : n o . ; 0 1.7r, 1 1 . el r e h a . n e i:h w e o r n e ,h lp ,. ..l:: ,! Mt i, i , l s!,n, t r. t he r 7,7o,i,noesi.ti : , , , f, „„L:,,i;• .. . 1, 07 4 1,, , 1 , , ,, ,,,: ,,r ; I , e ,i, ., e,r,e f . ~ , , i t c ; , , ., i i, ,e no eny i srilx• . • 4 , nn oxe . c on' the t i tio * .f • tn. o c togo nnt i . vii .. D ARDYNER(`OFFIN;AgentIdr Franklin , ' ,"';',!l"-r7::,,, L'r e . i .,. „, ' ;.,M Tr.T.; ' ,. " .-t; r ' Po r w= 1 e .urcaer ge . 1 . 0,- torn-m eet ewmpany. math-sat ewrow wf ‘Poet ..yd„,;. ey : ~..-„,,,',. yee„,... • till. fo r ...wen,. punt). neri . nt in I 1 ...1111L. Tiana .a. nit ytill rankles in ; thoroughly convinced that i 0.,11 prednict it - ' • ' 4 , - . ~ , , ..z . ,". . .b !, .,,,,,,,,,.,-r wh „-, tirtiine. tit, rhelawoo• itt• oimpall h th , r4b , r h e o at i e ,, f ,,,,, t th e n l:l:i i t:‘ ,. ..e. i i . 1 . 1;: ,, ‘ , . 1 , , , 1 l i;r d to. e ., fr i r to ! AII th e , )ee he , „ tht . h E A, d h., te , .. Alexandria mulrmid, had a difficulty at a game :,.1 Third werwto 'Lip moronic. on •00.....0 tt , oo k f•„end that we of cords with Mr. ) I \ r:tuna°, or s Orange. and en- r Other citizen of tha county mined Gibson in '"O• . ' . ' I v were in It oto thirteen n, arisen fathoms of water. p A. MADEIRA, Agent t rio D e le,w,re 51u- 1...0 T 0 , •: ', . 1 0 . 7 . 1 , :i t t:: ii ,.....`ii: i i .1 0. 7 0 .!..i n ' tn . r,1; i . I . 'Fi.b.L.;',i.: . , P ic, - ...., -,, ,1.. , s i ~ ,, ,, , ,1 _, ..2 ..„,,,, arch , : ,,,, c ,, ,, , h., ..,, into !h'. ~ , ,,,i , r , rnm : ,, ,.. w 1 , 1 ,: 0 .i n; - ,1 t2. ,i .17,..d i , , l n k i, : , , ;;::;:, ,,, i , t, f i e h lli:. ,.‘,, T , i ;: A :\ ".e rr\ i v [ r n i . , r . , ; :r t. : , 17 , p ,. .. ,Aht....ti ~.. .., i00,., i,:..., .. :tr0.,...1iki0. ii. .. ii:.a . 5, 4 ,, , t3 .... ttti0:,, , ;nnd ,tint....,nann: b.,,fiann, h.krint,ltcnr.rkniri,7,,B,y4l7.,,,plry,,,n,inmant,a,.. a. • teal Inman:new Cnmranr. 42 Water sorer fi twee., PiLY a Mr`ilit:::.:t2l pr0.e.,,,,p, e ., y ou , la could hope to retain his ao., 1041 dinitic,. net, and hi., pg o re ' no d r,... 0 ,\,13, 0 td,„, ;, "'''''''''.' 4... '"'"'''' . '"`"'""'• `''''''''''''''''.l.ll'.. "/''''' h' " l • ° ."" '" "id '" grey ace '''''' e t" '''"'' :t u t ottodeti - ' \ \ ' ..'t.rutielt.'•' wtr;inCerect7aY,:nUTabbonft4rgenint,,hireot:PeZt, ;',o,,";keu.Tudg';,,lr eldpUa7,;nd,',l:l7;":/::;:it¢inntig:n'tgl' _..._ . .. _ iny,elf, when aii at out, I heard hint ask the? ~.1-,,, 10 hi m Co ~c on : of the ~,,, ji•,,,n •n , bd. i Brodie's Cloaks and Mantillal. I 11 .• . ""encr Whoclt ennctotodt •". ❑lfie Uttitecl 1 Stott, Could -rem, h., him. Thi . oho. I. well 1 .1 rupture with France on sec.:unto \ the ra g I 80. BRODIE, 51 -Canal. and G 3 Lir:pe lt! n•rd sts. stir Ynri„ . . r t e i . „, r „..„.. ::„„,,,, , ,, , ,,,, r . nd un rood, hit hrat,2ll it has nnt, 1 robubly, been I elusion of 31r. Soule from F) i e , itoti •oil e thing n t fr- ti l ' for f Z to. 77 , l ,.. ‘ . ) % o Vh b u n t sri o .:4 waj niii tit . at . le m eked . lc. el . t . j:r a tl i n ed .• tt i a ,L t a e , " l ly ,, , and , t i tt u e en ol t l 'h y 'e-r'tn. died.e ls: - Et as . : k - s - e e r - fe d ro; a : 1. 1 , , edtately 1,1 t''''•`:r'rj,ri'ith.,e.a,`"=tgtoV/...xlrisini °ffi t r .' ° ' / .' l' r ''' ° " / g° l ". I That manor be The • act. w rati4 ii\leril.: heapedg . no ,leek, and then. for the first time, nos, attempt to ese. ye, nod wa immediately .air- '', attconcrit of le, era to ntsta ' sensi ' veatnek i ter,. sultiatle: ••veti , bane teeentlr trot, t.... 1 A, 11111. , a:er , explained or not in not n raatt/, ',Hi Eyi , {ll.l its '', , b''' . " '''''',,.. thr rtrlroirwt thr tw,, rw'^"dtct . yett which will ,0,,,,,,. iht- whole r,. went ..f. th:. 1 wore ' t nape.. 4, it is vu infringetnent . of rigOt."•but heart ti '''''' ...3- oat "6 "' ke " I'' 1.1. once or toted. Brannan leav e neave a wife aid children , 'lewd the wheel up nod In the s:tme momenttlte I g ta t ,, h . l; ' ' ''''''''''''' '''''''... ''''''''""l ' '' '' '' .7oVS.:% - ri• .--- Prince's thoughts, and ,wore hi, powerful ••up- I :49.1 • of email): and a violatiod ‘ of met , , e , hoht, . „ l oos ott uck- lat once canned the yards - to he i k Musical Instrument:if port for the very treaty whi.M b - tote Gale far i ie net ) errohntl for war. Wo cArtnnel . ) ,w,iit.l4l, I cinch, to get her colf bat we mile thump- : Anoirizen Ixotai Massacrar.-A letter in the s ‘trrnoo,, , lr orr,a, , rd *Durum tl. , , ark part of , reraco,,Ath e do,ttfo e of the F. tal.l\ • Tone., tiNt' ''',',.'` d .,' " ' ‘,•, . •' , ;,- • r St. Louis Republican stater that on he bth ulti- ri ;.,,, r i ll lf r f " ;,.. i u i l i :: , , iii„ oi ir l i x i •r i , : , :_t i r i r in t i t n . i a. , - , l n i , r i c iilnont : ict..n l tt n , 1/ 0 13e n r i s eld .. tn.; :: dit. Etiglidt t2;ttii..l „, iii;. • ; ird. re 1 ~Air. 00. ‘‘.; „in i, , ,tint .0 „ tr., i ti . f ..... 100.1iiih ,ea limiter on. xue went ors, on. MU. two Or , mo. aan... ., 00 inik .„ , atana „ , Fart Kaari „ party .. ~ r. tend., .i. el.,,isi •Inwrotti . rnts an I Merchant/Ws. exited n drspatch frion !, .7, il' ritt,...l", .11,...ct,wz f , h ie •t i i d ,:tt n. x har t n, re . I'LL ~ c ;itit -on 1.1•‘ I...tiri'fbouit77;l',Zil t r '' ,,, og ' ; ,'Z i u t n ,l, '77'd' dv ., t d o : of 8 Califoruia emigrants woreettacked iv 18 Ifi- ' .1 ~.,,,L.,.,.,.,,,,,..,, )2 ,, ..!7,, ,,,,..,.. u ., ,, ,. , v .,,.., , ~,,,,,, • b„. to info rm th c lito g that, ..i II • v...t,1...; any , tivi ost ,‘ g.,vt lot.. la ah emt ,!,,,,,,,,, a jrn hi nt i tm N,, ,....„,, , . note e, , ,, 'Z r.,.e ' ed toi.eLal.."lo"o." aground . diuns. Ade yerate fight wifit Ire area...ed. „,, , ,.• .x:., ~,,,,,,,:,,,i, i., , i f iz...n.4 , 0nii1 ,,.., 4 ,i,,..„,,ivi,:‘,.0. ,1,,,tu r t,,,,,. • 0 , 0„, 1.4. ‘ „ 1,. I„. 0 ~hi ,„,,,,i,, ~„ „0,6 0 1,,,,,, i , ,„ th e „ o , o , 0 i,„,„„ o \o ~„, h e ) . iii. . i . 1. % tt u ti; „ hi.; ; ' O. 4 . d over 1 .,. Several Indiana foil, and the rest fled, but unfor- . 4 rir-,-,....4 Pa.t. - 1,d , ... dr. ' nol fn. nt 11, Englitcli g , xcrom•dd. who.' enedc I pt.-. vln rt•iard to thio N. ::. 1 , 0 ,1 t . eel. I '... 1, 'Le. ..^ P' r. /-. tp , !L, • , ‘ Inately. of the emigrants, Henry Law o New ;. our errauarnwint. with tit. tari_i-•t awl gown erelehrated rei•ww-er- tr Pre requ;rl I fhy lb, 1.1,,ect loot of . 1., gent .:., • ."•01t ..nit,, a 1. a' ... d) , e: •.1 t ,„, k. ', , ,, , t `tr I '''''''';'"T n i t' ,‘,-t n' I," - brz",- , :cr )och e }fir.. Woodruff .d Stlas Nodwav ere 1it:',V,N11„;,,,1.':,...'".ri:1.;',!:.,;„`"1-„,7;;,"31,4,.',.`g. t r ZIZI I .! thr d,, with Bu.-1a Th.: ~,, , i,0,r1. find uric t nal. r Ga. I:rntrel\a l of the law or 3,:.,i,,,1.:T '" --'"'" '•"-- • '''''' m '''''''''' ' " va ' ''' '' killed.. and lidolph Wolfe, of New P . ork wo - 'l . .ne eel. Itarefre, in order to get.a line ashore. \ We got . '„.1,' ;; ' ;;;;; , 44';' ,,, . ' ,'” ' 7,:.1;; : ,.,',7,:" ‘ V,;,',17, 4 , 0 ";1',::: 1. "'" ' - ' .. .. , .. , dtmded to lite Ring ite l'Oe a • the :km pa senZe tilreillgti, th , I' . oo 'ntii , 4 ', t r ' l h e hde Iwo the hunt, nod the crew. fir,* male • Sam: Or A Cos - n.r SUAITI..-The great C - -‘,.. a Mt. 111 li. t• • •It. inad, tovreert oivirl am ! '," rif "II ''. S q . " ni ''' ir ' ll'- ' '' l C i' " i ii I ' ' •I i ' i '''' i nnd friendl y l iourr . \ f lnk "VP': l ''' l'''''' ln. M .i. 1 1... k. Atfili..ii nt.ift ruweol i..11 , ,re hot In ac t in,' tat lane Phawl---the hoes , needle vtork shawl evert ' .2.7; i t i : i .g. , :z, , ..41::, , .:-.. atfdo or.vrtootti.o, it , ho r 4 cl•triox.: the yeerqd:t.g I,o' "ii !. N o ~ 'tot. I .3 . 0.11, .0 gotta: to owl ;toot. og t, u: the goven •, " t a , i, ; , 3 ti .- ~.., . ii ' i d ~,`dt ~', d . „„ •„ On ior i,,_ o l' n '„, „,, o 7 00 0 , c 0n ,,t. 00 _3 , A.,,,,,e.„/0. 0 . 1 , • ,, ~,, N...„0,,,,,..„.1. 1 ,,,• p i ,,,,, t n 1.0., hie Cot it •.0 , 14 3 , 0t/id In. 001100 ino Le 1, ;11, lit , ' 0 , 1 ,1 te, clod, h e I. .l i .li cate d ' '' A' e t it m a cat, r", t "' ‘i `..:, '`) ‘" ,: t e ' , ", ""'4,, - ' .?" ` tin f ; -, - . ` t t ` - i ~ iewa•• VELILON A', n ~,,,,,', Ii ~..' te ,,,,, :r5: ' war beim,. I IL:! .t wou'.ll bare ai, unpurtant tn. tied low that a go, ert,itiv lot r ',nfulir mkt,. \ "",'' "°., '',' ,-,--- 7 .-- ; -. • - -..“ r ',", '',- t --/' ' ' . an' , ' ;''' ' ,. " "r!' " exPr r,' 3. ''''' ! nlib • ir- •\ '''. sotxx,• . - ' . 11 ,, In t ,[tore II right, out the Sea ran too ht •b don at tue i., : nres d a atr, was 30,0 at 013,1100. 10 the 01111 I ..f the fatt, :tor eran, , ntne•dirtn, A ~,, ~ n,3,.., , ,,,t0r 111 II 3 \en ork, od Wednesday, for one thousand and \ ril..k.'.*:_„`"':.:l:47l.l"l'llT'd• Nhlia.f.'L'el'"iltllii..'teie.o.;:.l:,l" ‘ l: 3r ? " f 1. but '1" . • [rent " I t he : i':;- ' " 'L''' .I .' . '" -I .." li rd "''''''' t d rrtrii•itt . . vit.... , ariurd•Sif 'ie. , aei ' ''', cause fur r ',thin I h ot ' Veh rn la n u; ' t i cfler the first hoot had \ twenty -fire doll•ms. The pnrehaser's f o r w war • \ CELEBRATE!. l',o TEN INI ELORLON t . t. I ''',, m. ,' ,'"' 6 ''''''".. u r n ': '''' ' '''". ' ' 4. the . wat , no el ~f e•ott , e to'Y "'Nei' the . ''' re e.r. ‘ e ler, th e remaialta of the crew with one or two ; pv,u a Mu. Do Wolfe. Another sold s6oo. - re : ~,,,„,,,.. u .• noel, , e , ~,,,e ,„,,. ,„, , valtro*u ,:.• or tn lb.. sen d , •:• no t 0.,. tto, t , 1 , . rtni: a 1,31,11.1, 1 ' ter. pi,- 'throng:lt Its tetrito um*. non+, to•oze,l'Ole Other It; o boon and de ' !-•41,17,-:. 1 .,.,.. iy,!• 0 , 417...,, , , , n r c, , r,-,; - • yi.,..,.,, ,,,,. ... 1 ~,,,,,,' 6, . ,•• ..q. ,, c. .1. the .....: Cul a- rd.s Ottdh.t.lii•nl. how, .. r,leould be nu set of 1 r _ inking them t f . to ft .. ,- - -•-- - - . -- - i.ool.xer'riria.:::-.Ev.r; le;:tr,,,,: nt . tC••ri s i:i.l.4 "'"." ' l ''' ""' n' 'nr° r inni . • •' ,l ' ,l 1 ,,, ' , ...'n' it ' •I.,vt, etc, cairnlit L. , / to eiA. an ..r , ',L'llj. wr ''' '''''• . _ 7; ' • C ? ? .F a ''' IILEGANT WILTON CAIIPETS-Jost .:'...., /Ain.< t' , l