The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 29, 1854, Image 2

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    MUSH= DT WM . = OD
and Aarl-Nebrada Mate Ticket.
!lir OS SbIT1101(11NELAXO11-0013ITS.
01 oximaamorr comm.
or Iroaroolizor comm.
;e 4 Pat7
,D*M a r s " - urre di nrarr-,„•:<_
'oomorrePleratr r kgi"r'
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"- ligYPersoN'/='!°B-°l'"'
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Jcntit(tra m kat liven
. . •
temity%""Dl3. ni
ALLor err co ,
JAf[EEAGLEINN, Upper St.Clide
I X. Ild.N .170 t; llttaberrgh.
iiigS miu M l LY.
RR I'~Ad~eritiera = N6llsc
Ins zooms
•••1, priattignmaliamadoreespaar Creattfesareoptaa
on Notekr. — Arrizinimmbodsdr. thstibetkup to wpm
t t ,1, :!, -, attlifirsper as Monday morning:arta Nesashamd them In.
, • _
13AlttobitiviCiViekir Giszeita.-TWortoooloo
of cogr 11111114 Cools offset to oat loulnostaiim*
dontrobla moo= of author thoh• budooss known
' .•l l) =Mr i outValliigiraggit
Advance Paynienta.--Hereafter .nie cab
. inetottoo,wWl betaken the NWT of Weal/ Owatte.
*ea' , *rant niade mulles. 'Whence"? th lteteti
up to which the nnbeeitptkni II pJo. . tbe Mew
• 'ea iwierWWW' stopped. - =lmo the sotrerlgion I. re
towed br Mennen yoinnent: teenetset edverthinr.
c-er *ear derniptlon, bi readied to be ;WM in 'M
inoan 'The olds encentknu mill he where spedal atona
l/ wevarty ceramic en sande. weitiaw
"etraultag Miner en each page of Ole Paper .
Til thistle . Woad-The fall of the Freeport
ftuWishes another practical iltnstration
1 -the • fatality attending the management of '
the Stara IForlut in the bap:hi:of politicians.
yeeni•igor,the . Aqueduct at Fret Mort was ,
*strays brim...and the Canal Commisalohirs
• stilted it by the -structure Which fell on Tues..
The 'old iron which was saved froil the
ruins of the burned bridge was disposed of to
-,-s politloal favorites at a lose to the State, and con
reacts fer thane, bridge wersipmwded to other
fittaites at egueeS much above what a prodent
7 . f.-.01M411110 -crindividnal would have siren for the
same work; and •now,7 after having cost the
!..r.Stalarcach more: than a subetantial and , enda
.tirig' Otruetareuhonld hate' cost; if becomes a 1
wreak when but three or - four years old. It
seems to hate. been a weak and flimsy shell, in tended to answer but a temporary - purpose, yet
built * at . an expense to the State sufficient to
hareesiiiired a permanent structure.
""':.But the lees to the State does not stop here.
Transportation must cease on nearly the ;entire
western diviSien of the Canal, and the revenue
_ of the public works WM consequently be serious
ly curtailed. The tax-pSyers of the State will
• -
accordingly be called on to maie good the dal
jusi Gesernor Bigler' will have time to
-amend that porti o n of hie Address . which boasts
iboitt the flattering condi6en of our State Anew-
,- No one believes that this remit would hare
...,...:kairpened hail the State- Warier! beta under any
other than Politiesl control.. kirricate comps
• my aroiticr have Seen to It that. a work requlti m t
• -- lie:Mauna:nay and strength...was constructedln a
mariner ratitable to its purpose„ and 'would not
imltieated the extensive trosineris of. such a
••• line of transportation to an interrupt* -both
araroyiag.and fatal, • • -
• . _ The measure Most imperatively requiring the
Maly attention of the State Gorermitent le the
'salt of tha Public' Works. The commercial in ,
- :. , ....ierests of. the State demand that these -Works'
Ithill-bri.iikeit from the incompetent handi'which
lure =red them no loit, - enlbeillolx,ed of Mj
the beet attainatie price to those who are wil
ling.bni. and competent to manage them.—
The people cannot afford folic+ taxed to Meet the
deficiencies caused by a. suspension of nariga-
Von an aline- line of Mural.. at an solicit season
of the year; and the bminesi men of the State',
• are not able "to endure =oh Interrnptiout upon
the public:thorough:Wes. • -
- • , The only remedy is to turn out the present nn
;worthy occupants of the gove7ment, and be,
; haw ikspon thine who are wining to . iffraree the
from Heat s allmuMection with the public works.
, . . • .
Ta Ocritse os's Annassa..The
, 4 4,orik", which it was so jmpriftent 'to te
nts/MA here. '•ar whatever oost,r does not pub-
Ash Gar. Bleer's addrek, but contents' Itself
~ ,erlth • wove extreot • thereftWm. The old
'Aar publiawe it to craw. The Union, we sup
poe% from Its superior solve:soot laow•dte, re.
-11** 13 4 1 . 1 r Ss P3liticsny dead, lad not itorthy
-.of lusting apses upon; while as Post, in the
glee - of Its ignorant% labors on the aline u if
Slglet's election were will& the himude of pos-
'S6►, V'skia says that Mr. Watt ban made
patina denlat of DianMagian Id%
;,Aiioza-asscatathas as the lEnciiiNotldies, We
Awn no atagt nneedtonal dude. The Ea,
;hwesbt Bk. Mott to ?dr. Itsabstet hsterseptosy;
-Wikai&what aallndsd foi.wair anytidne tan
*a moils not, to 'et the
:„.,,,Withat ! 'testof ready, *Ceti warnamt; to eve
staglainnewner : Ur. Mott la known to, bas
now Nothing the Democratic leadain; and
z , tnthenttempt to .deny it ia both. icked and icon,
• - The Art - tlechtr:lts that the Demooraht wit for
lkeleetion news, in order to be Mire of get
ting it .right; and si n. remit of - .ibis :patient
?irattliglt ismotmees that "fa Vermont, it Is be
- Weed; thisDenteeratsholviontedi troneranatos."
Jtoieitioniisper has the news r and we - fanny that;
foithe sake of 'absolute' romeetners, the Pool
afraid have - afforded to " welt a little longer." I
„. .
'The PAiladelpilio Ledger, which professes to be
neutral paper, devotes its money 'column to
:eleotieneering articles in favor of Goy Bigler.-
, The hags of its effort is the claim set upthat the
;thrtiner paid off 'neatly ti pt the
Stain Debt. We shall show is to•morrow's
qpie •thiat the Btata`Debt, itudead of .being
enured, hat, beem inetwancd under` the present
State lidnihdairstion,mangre all the pretenoesof
ta. :wiggled fruote in the Ledger.
"E.L•sicrr....litrad the of Get Big
ler, nieleintiour neighbor ofthiP - ost; 4, itspeskn
Alutcriently On an subjects it tone/ten" Bolt does;
bet o! about those rahleete it &el ?
Iteit Feliraika one of «the ham involve] in the
• ausr p i d g et And does not the Governor tguirre
it sltogeth . at? • • _
. . •
Keane Pawn.—We have received the speci
men number of new anti-Away paper about to
; be' apish - id tot .ICatiesi, Itie celled the Herald
tor Pre(dota.7 sad willbe publiehid at Waliarusa,
*eau, by G: W. Br o wn & Co., at $2 pie r yesx.
. . • . • •
- • • .
The steamship city of Afanchaster arrived on
Tuesday, -and-trill sail ,on on Satirinlay, 80th lash
1. Them win no atearnsr Bail on the 7th Of Oilitober.'
Thelfkigesisaidsts pontlaues his tawell;l3ot
,:::..iiieustsms,dmig siobi* 'or his competitor.-
Y O tt IS c"dida" bond - to eV*
ep Ida libors becsim Ilt.Oppoileatiii sick?
. • 1101._ said now and
•ifirts'clOthlng will soon be roqutron. Mr.
cotoir Synnitt, one . at tfin oldest 4 .,0f our
Wood street Clothing bodies, info= our read.
card brawler many: that he bsi
toads #econdrogni;aridoe of, oyattlaifewidoli
eiri iwiiletar•l'And hiTtrig l imcaiid Ultsrvices
of 314 . ..fitaign • kmor fork tact
°ail& Oa ttell:l4 140411. ahlein:natiAr
tbeinoss fetid iu ra thCntgionnd apt of Ids
Tins Gauss or Cnotraa.—An intelligent are
thoughtful correspondent has furnished us with
Um suggestions below fin reference to the mid
. dain nlbtetr t of thopestilawne
came el fo.Waty Prow
tlik real oria;,' and the *Westion„daseirts the si
oecexamination • of . a- Boni* ordiealtii "ant
ottr city authorities. To this chief mute other
itiellisinddaCineh u 'ilellietirtseriiiiige;filthj
.ifvfeihrigs, courts and alleys, the ai,Cumc*itoit
gerbage and other 'fah in the etree t.,,ugtithe
lortibielnillittee the caniiVpiefig the her
ein', Al. ?Pt lifer to eintol oases have ocetuttei:
dem ofwitich 10 AV time. thit some efficient
ind Teitakmi to mita eleanlinese
t ntLont which rtfeisst hr . ! a burden
ereryand, death b Inrkieg in
. .
The abatement of/ the cholera, and the ahnost ,
entire absence of elarm amongst our citizens,
ur jo ,
will make it not an proper thing at tho present
moment to • liistitn . a few enquiries into the
(wise of the sco' e that has carried desolation
into. IKI many fami ies in our hitherto healthy
city. Let others t eorlze nbout-the a:marmite-
CUD of the elements of the titmeiPhere, the die
az romormentsof the electric currents, the , groUth
from* ebigle pointof winged anamalcalio.,' as small
as. the ;roman that float cinthe breeze from the
tipasstree; I - prefer le look for causes' which •
stair the common sensesense of every thinking 'Per:
~.. -- . . .
so lathe communit y . _ The cause of the presort
:rhdintion of the pestilonce.l believe to be is our
/vire* Warr. Tie long drought reduced our
noble Allegheny 'to a feeble stream, and dried
up its, email tributaries All the neighborhood of
Our City., The : Nobly:rain a fertnlght ago , poured
the mom &um, from the pools-of thetoreeks in
to -the river, and ilea the sediment of- the filthy
pitten iof - the Filth and Ninth Wards i L all of
which Wa...pumix4 op WO our reservoirs to
spread death among our inhabitents. Butcher's
Ran on the'Allegheny side of the river, but below
Co dl ggAmy Water Works, poured out its slimy
current of putiefaction onto the river,' even Into
'Ma mentkof Our water pipes. , : In'additioa to all
.114,.1. am credibly informed that for four moles
aLoorlo the city- the rirer is full of dead horses,
w'ointi NV prevented by the lowness of the stream
ft om - brlng 'carried off: Iris an 'outrage upon
our city that cairion:is permitted to bo thrown
into the river, but In the absence of any law to
pi event the nuisance it will not likely be abated.-
The water which we had last week was very im
plore; and. of coarse very Unwholesome. Our
el tissue , who could riot afford to miz th 6. water
they nsed with ioe . .Were the greatest imfferen.
Tbs. recent rise of a , foot in the Allegheny has
given us purer water, barstool ' it is not what it
Isis - been., 'The Proper remedies ought to be
tippIIMI,,IM once ,by, oar cilif,euthoritlea, The
.supply_pipe to our Water Woris shoidd be ex
tended up theatre= to Herr's blond. All oar
riati should be removed forthwith and - buried, or
floated dein the river while the pumpe are not
working... Hierything 'Shoal be done to save life
and bring back the purity of:the-water and the
RA labrityot the atmosphere, which were recently
the pride and boast of itery Pittsburgher.
SLIM/CM dcammrs.—The close of the suni-
Mlistes:s ionlif this excellent institution for bop.
, ,
was celebrated yesterday :I an e xh ibition, which
_lris attended by *crowd assembly of delight
ed spectators, composed of the parents of chil
dren, and the inhabitants of the neighborhood.=
The young gentlemen mostly acquitted themselves
with pest credit, and all behaved with the at
most decorum and propriety. The exercises con
sisted of the reading of original compositions,
speeches, dialagaes performed in characteri, and,
mushy vocal mad budinmenbil. All passed rein
•the most kappe =mei, We have had the op
portunity •of observing this boarding imam
chats for boys; for the last year, and can say idth
the utmost eineerity, that as a parent we should
feel perfectly safe in intruoting a child to Its die.
cipithe and training, whether as-regards his'
luidth„ . edritration, manneis or mends. We leer
nPon . it as a most ateellent school, affording to
pCrente whti . -wish to send their &Wien: from
home a place free from all Celesta of 'parental
anxiety. We are glad to know that the institu
tion is in a most nourishing condition: . Bev. Jo
neph•Trsvelll is the Principal.
-Nave Yotut.—The Anti-Nehru ka State Coe
'Cation of New York, which assembled at An
, letrnan Tuesday, adopted the Whig State ticket
lately muninated.. A portion of the Convention
acceded, - and after holding &conference with the
Free Soil Convention, nominated `Myron EL
Clark; the Whig Candidate for Gevernor, - but se
lected new candidates for. the other offices—
Seadford lt. Wood for.Lientenast Governor, IL
A. Wheaton for anal and P. . FL .
Macomber . for Prismanspector
'Tat Courre Tiezrz.—The Union chuckles
ogee ihe fact 'thit's pardon of Its county ticket
et has - been adopted by the Encin
Therti were• whispers afloat yesterday to the
- t1 ect. that the Know Nothings, in general assent- .
hty znet,'ltad. nominated their ; county ticket, Or,
rather, deohled which of thertanies .on thetiekets
of the other parties should receive their support.
Ii was else statedohat three of the Democratic
candidates for theloigielsture had been selected
so the favorites of the new organ:duo:ion. Much
as w detest tbe secret 4 smotation, and Buis as
we think a man tatitiedto the name of Mowers
who will court their influence, wears rejoiced to
ire the Whig party, even now, in this county,
trembling in its shoes for the danger of the eosin.
, - -
.. Of mune the DeMocratic hada= sae rejoiced
et-any douses of sleeting itpareofthiir ticket,
eve:Ethel:qt' the help shoukt Wrosefrom the Kirov
things whom tier coatinially • curse-They _
lut4orth longaddreesie egsinst the order, abuts
_theukin their "ape», daam them . an the`streM
cornirs, , and pass rawdmiens against them
County Cosine:don; and wind , trp by nominating
th* Snow Nothings out of 'ATI' for AMeoubly q
tun. '4mfor coMAY•udious;.as the ontj• chinos
•of foisting-their 11101:04/6011 into . And this
is matter of rejoicing with the Union. Una u
it ..ektats" the secret siseeletkoOt ie who*
ecriptureil to thick that the detested . order is
gLAng to rote for three Kook Nathinge on the
DomourptiwAssemidi ticket. . •
' The liarifibtiso Patriot, the 'eigati , of Elov.
Weer' thus Araks of the Kea* N things". •
Artily, tree Atiericani will;lenouice Abair
principles from the.houstatope; u, Uncharitable,
illibend, :unchristian,. Ofats!"tio INFAMOU B
sad COWARDLY- :.:Flury I .patilotio heart will
stigmatise. the Snow Natidegleaden, and the
propagatoe of their :doctrines, es Ii:NAVEII
au TRAITORS the Obun , that feeds them;
as well is to the_Cadiwbo made them,!!` ,
This is a plautant paragraph to a part Of the
democratic ticket of this county.. Three Three of the
nominees on the deinomatic Assembly ticket, the
Prim . infOn6 us, have - been adopted hy the
iinewpiotidops; and as hody seleeti Orly iti
own . coemberry, the admission of the. Vivien is
importaut, halhe' ray-'of information: Other
. .
portions of the - detocieratio Acket; ruiner - says,
have been Adoptedijy the'eame erder'f and we
commend to them : the proclamation of the Ocre
ernerAnd his organ above given, which, itigent
flied thins.) as "infamous" and cowardle
" Itnaves'aml traitors." Will the 'Union oblige
us with its opinion in. the : matter? ' etre, the de
mi:ratio nominees who hilre.heinsdoittukly the
Eno,' , NOththipt.".thittunotui". oowityr
1 , knaves and Inatome; as the Pail*:1 . 111 - or
ins the Gormsor's mouthldevie been v . .zbe
too fhiln ileburtathm of its allies 7
Ovivmodfttac.,e• Of the N. Y. sttsew..
712ToLoyiox—Ikl ow"! 0* 1 . MUT OF
"":17ACArItC_Os X.400.Pall111110i; kat. 7,
I tra4,-41ero. a bove; iiernon, the held of
2, - pooSixims, entered, the cifi of tibia on the 4th the entered, the
on the &,1. Airarea.liptuddng forward fOrChil-.
I;nneinko,,where,he will ;arrive , in . a:,font days
without any oppntithie - is all the 'aiovernment
troops lriCre teen witiviiewn Trani- the 'State .of
Guerrero foe the capital, exoept a forever 1600
left , at 'l9 nht, to retard, it pia* ',Mil onward movemetita, which cannot be ths case, inammeh
nn;Aleares b in finehealthead leading a body of
-men whnito a 'man weniddle for thatrehleftain.
'l3y accurier; whteh arthed.tble , eranint, of
dotal binfput...ipli bit bodoeCreeetred - -1021 Mara
Cruz him pronounced for Ahemit; Wm} from all
'fo'dlcationS Xery ilnikr..helleredlhat Banta
Anna 'Myer: loon. abdicate:
. ,
Pinte..—The most notable eiretuastaneals the
reported capture of Pitaktent Eehhdque 47 the
rendetlePerY. WAY. ~The •P l ll l 4lemt of the
Coueetter 13014 4 10 -reeet4 I hem* tteldadted
;elitism* or ottme subject to, tpiJayr#,q, the
%maxi, ( 1 ): 0 f1e0 4 9 1 / 3 4 Totten of ft, te
spoir.,!rtitri , o4ters, ,tu.P*ll . Piite, arias
z 7,
Ccrraffirautous tbeTrAl7 Attabanh Ehmi
WASMINTOX etre, See; ' 7I- .4 11e P). 14
Millis a fear ofisfilicti.- --- '",. hB _ " "c°wsP.
andlha s t e iho in iiiix.:4 of Providence-1s yet
-edlito Wad, id'' many part s of our Country.
,raid I,....asolatentho South and cholera hat
eu, with a sort of capricious and spasmodic
violence, some of the healthiest districts of the
North. -The sympathies' of the entire- country
are with, your afflicted community as with many
others that hate been is unexpectedly attacked.,
and, have suffered more severely. There la no
Instance in the history of American epidemics
of a more aweepinicalaniity than the ravages of
feeer at Savannah; 'according to Southern , papers.
The white population of that place is said to be
reduced to 8,600 `whits the interments of a sin
gle week are reported at the number of 210. It
is said that the fever does not assail the colored
inhabitants. - At this rate of prbgress four or
five months of the epidemic would sweep away
-every white inhabitant in the place. The disease
seems to be almost as fatal at Charleston and
New Orleans. The cholera at Martinsburg and
and Columbia, where it appeared so suddenly
and prevailed with boob fearful mairguity, pro-
Aimed no such terrible mortality as this. The
fatality of the disease at Pittsburgh during the
first week after its appearance was about equal
to a mortality of 2,800 in a week in Now York,
a proof of the dreadful .severity of the plague.:
I sincerely hope that the . die appearance of the
destroyerntill be as sudden as its visitation.
There is peat reason to fear that the Cholera
i leas become naturalised tai our climate, and that
it will recur with each return of the =teal by
season of the year. It is certainly true that the
Northern and Western States have not been en
tirely exempt from it since 1849, though.bappily
it has not since prevailed to anything like the
' tame extent as in that awful year. During the
present thason'lt has Made no regular progress
as in former years, but its visitations have been
sporadic as to place, time, and the character -of
the symptoms attending it. In -1832 and again
in 1849 it followed water Courses and advanced
from given points in determined direction:o—
on the fleet occasion it appeared at Quebec
and New York simultaneously, by laving been
brought from Liverpool and ilambur.
,It as•
cended the - St Lawrence to the lakes, and tray
elk westward from Newyork by the usual course
of communication with surprising regularity of
peptise. In 1849 it appeared at the extreme
South and North during the middle of May, 9tl
the opposite currents of disease and death met
In the centre of the Union in the course of July,
and raged with terrific fury until September.
, This year none of these incidents have been
'observed.- Its phenomena have been inexplica
ble. It preialled alarmingly at New York and
considerably at Philadelphia, but was not trans
mitted to any of the places In most intimate con
nection with those cities. It decimated the un
fortunate wretches in the .Alms House at Buf
falo, but did no textend to the town, nor to any of
the neighboring places. Martinsburg, Va., and
Pittsburgh are certainly among the bealtbleat
cities% the world, yet, passing over great cities,
it swept down upon them like a whirlwind, and
snatched its victims, as if 50015 new and myste
rious kind of prey had descended upon them.—
Apin, the disease has this year =state/M(1 symp
toms of a local ccrntagion, distinct, perhaps, from
the infection which results :from personal con
tact. This feature is altogether new, and is one
of the alarming, characteristics of - the nurbuly.
Henceforward the danger of disseminating the
&seise by mere contiguity with the affected
will aggravate its horrors. .
Although on the continent the scourge of
Cholera has 'produced a wider desolation at the
North than at the Bulb, its mortality in the is
land) of the West Indies, within or adjacent to
the tropics , has been Infinitely greater than In
any' part of the United States. In Jamaica,
Barbados), and all the British eolcodes, in Dom
inique and St. Thomas, this pestilence threatens
in a few years to-depopulate the islands. It has
raged with far greater severity . this year than
ever before, and has been getting , worse every
year since 1819.
It is not for us to lift the veil which bides from
us ;the judgments of the. Almighty, but it has
pleased him- to admonish ns that our tutexam.
I pled prosperity as a nation affords no exemp
tion from those great and general calamities
which contribute to make ' up the sum cf hump
misery in the other parts of the earth, and it
will become4B to remember thstin the moment 1
of your proudest successes then is a power ho-
Tering over and around us which may confound I
our wisest councils, and tarn to naught oarbigh.
est enterprise.
c..: 1
The Ninth pf certain crop) tow Irk I hare
before 'adverted has noir become firma, It
is very silly erattenept to smother rational en- I
<phi into the - extent of the scarcity by-the cry ,
thm speculators are 'reeking to excite a panic,
in order to raise the price of stooks of grain an
.der their. .control: The facts are plain. The
drought tibia has prevailed over at least - two- I
thirds of that portion of the United States chiefly
rolled Upon for the production of food ' crops, ,
commenced between the =Wilt and the end of '
durre,..and continued whiling mitigation until the I
10th of September. The consequence of this '' ,
, drought has been that In some districts, Indian
corn wee Mit - off entirely and in others the crop - ;
was reduced one third or two thirds In &Mould.
Potatoes of the May and Jo/replanting, the balk
of the erop,have been generally: destrayad is iota, -'
as is this latitude, where not so tench lathe used
Will be gathered. — For' the same reason there
will bri tiiirdly ktly iIIIIIipI‘ in. tile region. there
'Ube hone, nor mod than third of • crop of
- buckwheat on the land sown, and very little was
thin. Aare Was no second growth . elms%
called altering' and between the lint of Aga ; ,
gustand the rang wit6ll.fetl in the
first sod second week of September, there was
no summer Pasturage. - Soterribitindeed were
the effects of thie drought upon cattle ihridnurn.*
of them Perished in the fields for want of food
sad ;water . Toe pricesof beef, and of butter
and sheens must be rumpthardentedly Itlgh,bethuse
those articles mina- be Impreaidentedly scams. 1
The Minn of the later crops of theyear.will 61 * j
Peri triturated and commuted by a fall ever-
age yield of -wheat, rye, oats, buley anti hay,-,'
which will serve notonly to arert famine, but to
empire in moderate comfort the half ?alien of '
additional consumers which the enormous imml
potion ,of the' Present year has thrown In upon
as: It is not a difficult, though.. somewhat la
borious task to frame - lables, which'vwilt show
with tvelose approximation to certainty , the en
tire food production of the year. I hare flowed
a general estimate which satisfies me that the do-
Galway is very largennd that the necessity of •
careful econoretyin the inept what welters, wes'
never so great as sow
'Your 'ficarilleation of 'Mr. ;front by the simple
exposure, of his of:Calm on the Nebnu)ks bill,
Ought to .ilivoso of , hie claims, upon the respect
and cm:laden°, of i;le constituents, end I presume
It will be. I have been endeavoring to get a
copy of the Congress lanai Globe; In order to show
by the :reerfrd of '2 emu* motioni, and:vote",
-Willie. Trani ind /6.,Dnuis were ea thorough
and alferdire partisans 4. the Nebraska , outrage
as Dawson, Clancy, Jotiee,\ 'McNair 'or' Streets
on sri bealstens :whirs thelXietis
1U ihstllichardieit and beagles permifi !
„fed Trout,and. Drain io vole in the *spike on
urreral of the islosirar divisions, for the very ex
(*Rent tannin iliat they .4 no longer needed their
assistfuide.::'*at arid Drum hiving pat Pie bill
Icainitial Ulla, it Oouhirsetio deteite4 be:
cause :;he hands:of its -oplatenhkesue . tied,
trees Patriotkili and D. were permitted to vote
for tbetPrortititrients: .Bat htd their ;coleus been
*ri/44 Winiaio l . 6 a4: meals 120 ams Olik
dpubie that,thiy,,ioild have' oecii
obtained ter the asking Jaxml.
'riga m14:0044" •
Our lifrisibiton CclfiegPc9i"t
6/1 " 8 "
sti d tondo'
Wuatamioi.,ti pt. 26.
=lt is State/ athatt
°, /bat cur Miaiet a bia bees dArfamaattai
b 7 attairba,,ahv '6,11 Beradid.
&tit 241 :ritfite PaPer"
ComttioaAM aged auk .I*Am:tor
Aor 17 *l O O Ilt 'WU-14741W Tod-,
»~vrrr_r,Jaw:.... .. tee . ,~'.~ -,
~. ..
I We think-Wo_,Bre-iliStifladt
-61611.066, Lha• AIM. ism
,wl,l o aoreetnidlr, the mutation ochinnioienti*Dr.
litlanesql.budatt Liver 1.13 k Asia epunitian tur
vAleurnoved the klknrlng-nortnln* sandy red&
gig In OW Oirtl diT• •
Era YOU. 3i11111117 23, 1332.
320 is to oath!, thar, r turn Lod the Ryer ortoplakit
Tetra. and never could eat IMT/Itectiiine to help Me metal
alma eksed rasa. Dr.
,31Taiiir's "celebratid Liver Pin.. I
elm namitar t 9 the public; thatthey have I,o2lpletely cared
ma sad I do hmaby recommend them to masons atakteit
'kith kdboased Mier. 'n.i4 will sere. Vey than.
MARIA EVANS., No. 23 Louie et.
ImMisames .will to careful to sek for DR. ?PLANE'
OkLEDRATED LIVER PILLS. .. take roue elm. Them
me other ITlsomrparthig to be Liver Me, saw helve
the public also, ht. Debt:crated V. cum tan lambs had
et .11 temmembi a Druz Stanek. . • United Stang elm,
ler sale by the sole bromietors, EIMIG DROTHERS..
setradkmE Summon to ..Kidd k Co.. 60 Wood et.
Beal the Siok.—Me of liberal education
at the present de), devote. their talents to dimoyer the
means whereby they may swim* those painful =ladle.
which wall the human n There is no nobler set
than that of healing the sick, usidering the numberless
diseases to which man le nab! . and which may . caw him
to drag out • protractedallb of trese. or suddenly mit him
of in the blowel his existen and weft:awn We should
• gratefully Wee win every us of counteracting their
dreadfuleffecte, or wising • oval of t 0.., clog. to hap
Phswis. In those ewe whets the Liver or the Stomach
le the MO" We would highly rcoommend Dr. lloodand•s
Berman Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. IL Jackson. Nome&
Dine at thistime Wade higher than these Bitter., and to
th e . who are euffering Doti the hem=s; of Indigestion,
we ny they are the antidote. ,
piteaboyett, .by FLEMING BEM, Deogglett
ID Wood et. LW. foe We by GEO. IL lERYBEEO4O Wood
I have the pleasure to =menace to-those
who have tdtherto obithedme with their favors, and tools
Mande endHo knutthlig, that. haring &theft time
ego ret the But with • huge and very
to grimly ail orders on better term than
thrtnerly. In oansuthenue of the itonseomeingem of Goods,
whloh, tar the past he Months has burdened the Eastern
market, sada the distrust reposed In the credit entree,
very Important adventesis were 'reared to meth Mayan
and hence' have been enabled to pureham my Good, at •
lame discount on their natant value.
miection of pith% Cloths and
.Caselmeree embracer
rem mole, than, the comer and more mthetantg I kind
adapted to the wants o' laboring men, to the doer qua.
ta...ohenie tor gentlemen of wax., Meng yehleh are
Incapable of being Surpassed
to the durum,. of tbe material and siehma of Its eolith
My Olney Clothe somprhe every diversity of cohe—
ir..., mho solem, Invlalble peen. dark and hitt b00t..,
olive brown, wino color, and various shades of Mac My
Olney Pastrami number fmtY cneevu rattma.
Vesansol an of PUY, Woolen, Valnt, nub and en.
broldmed Cloth, onoptildni the dlffertmt styles nos In
thahlon. My assortment of Cravats le unnthally. Was
and various, all lately Imputed.
My department of HOTS' CLOTIIMMI mumlesi much
more estenelvemleetlon than wog. in mosemantoe of the
lams varle . ty of malarial theta have with width tont.
ydy it-
M. GEORGE -Amid% erholoide a distingsistked rant
In We prdendOn, and needs no teeonemendation to the
Atorot Pittabireqben, will rapartntend Abe Cutting Dee
Met...t. Me numerous trktai wlll Pew remember
Ltda. •
Is Pus, I flatter in yudr ,that I shall be able In furnish
ltarroauta sldtahla ror all slaws. fitted up La nab a man
Des, and ou sash tams sa shall dam. all compeUtloo.
and I would thank» solicit • call (porn all nhe ars not
weddsd to any Particular house.
miklradltb POLOPIOE /RON ER. No.Bo Wadi st.
Cbiisoa Furnaces, Wro't Iron Tubing
AND ?T TING Offifltaitt.T.
For Warning and Vantuation of Buildirkga
& W. will wane Mr Warming and Tad/Wine by
Beam or Hot Water. PIP* oe Clillson'Oluroaco. Churobor
&b.*, noopitat, Notate& Orono llama. Nutt 110. a
alai nova or IhraUlom. No. St ?dirket A. Pittobmiti
lore Proof fa favor of Nyflei hoot Wort or
Rork Ron.
lb the Rock Rem thentatein—
Mlthillts.-41;! - Medicine under the name of
Myer, Zri rt te qthrock Rom, ha. recently found Its veer
tab this oolotin. and from Om ornarrepar amount Me it
coothronadattooß was induced to soaks a trial of It. heal
Ins properties to the case of toy wife. who had N yearn'
hews Intoning nape .• Osman town by the moo of
&toroth. Its prominent tyneetoom wen coma ulcers be
the throat, eadart•Symortld glandr, dimmed condltlao
the moms rornabronee of the boad and to that &teat
man). Um& arm could not baratb• moot when the mouth
TY opus. thaw Wag so ham& throw& the ended),.
wita muss Other palonslsytoptoma that otter attend this
'mime alma& hamptamo and Ham. I belle& It Is th.
Wad= of the remllool houlty mmeraar, that this disarm
I. 1M Ithordotion shoo& *eery case of , Oconnartion
that foil destroyer, that &Mee to the greys ashoilly its
tens of thousands. My with boo tales throe bottle.. a&
it has &Mond bar to sera& boolthheallow all the &caw
sedoctog Amoy sled to Its orielool We, asd mooring
horn the lona • &emit netdratkor.or breathdlor,olatth,
at umd, wa. foriofol.. th toy oalsdoa. - It Is duo to the
heard& mad the thetrolara. to la.f. at had io Berthala
there le uo &with that one &col rt. loan, with "tee&
in - 14401 non, sum. * rh Moho.
'Noribin. R. Lawmen Co. N.Y. Yoh 17. 1051 L. •
atzr ;untie, OR tin YBR
Thle 4 to certify. thatrafter Met& math )(yore 0n...
wood Retro& ea Noel Roar far Monate Rhona with welt
saes manwar.l would oloorrely thatomarun 11 . tw the ben
dortkl• to asa, to all who on teacart with theists um.
Y b4 th
Sodom. March Vass:. I"
w""ni .
A. A L. Mberw—Mear Plr—E bath saflll the • loon
Were bwro Drareoete. end II rhea the wroth alosenth to
tonna you that, &tor "using coo bottleor your Compacod
Reload of Rect ROM. I 111014'114 ma* bench that f
too &awfully reamostood It to any 0.1 mot Gnaw., to
&tag • &loathe media& sod Me out 1 roor weed,-
Yocum truly, ELIAS PIIRPDXY,
eon& of firs& sad other eine&
lib twin* that coved/ 'err dada tters has &en no
jects4 b yorfole of kelfroduebe sod Vontahts **lmo
yese sow. of tbi attacks veer 'my erferly awl wen
almon sum to follow eal.-a .tot & Heaths at tho
tonelldal the"Rockltoste upon *then gnat*
annetoth 1 worth:too& to yardarm • &Mk: Thee the
ootonmennont se Medea it. (rural vents ahreM) the
by balm frt. from this ithrtneehrit ethaidth4fit.lthar
real heal th hoe Imported mad bow fed, and wo&lath
rate We dookrabie molt to the thotarties Imparral by •
elf rrofidrome to II& salwebleprooknotkm.
New floremolas. 2, 11152. IOB NM( MURTON,
JERI w0.r.41.44.
Mho TIM oak* that Iltaml are ymes enthrod with the
net °What* Rellthelarl. width. It unmet b mr , 1.14 es
log would con. I wee ilmenT bthwerd ter MYbthade
attend lb. Medlo4 Ottoloom of New fem. Dr. Kolght
arewellsol the Syne Mikan Mob, which prime IN rod
ate rated 154 oossd moof a Moor Mu width I. no..
modal tdMinovem.' J. 0010.
lIIIWIIIIIOIIII/ 0011111.1 NC. 101.
sold wboasial• Mad &tell at the Deviattin of Won B
geriew,No.llo. owner Wood it. stay Thita a il lSr.
aortas, of tbs. qaidat lemur. . . inctl 014
Prepared e.rpreasly tortheir Wes fur Medico.
.inti us.. J. C.& A Cio.horlaw oloolorodl so met ot tat
Itotaidis to owpoilowiwil w
.womittlbototo of thitr OM so
Moe Qs potato that It la ptapatid with Ow twistoot ous
-- now twit huh Asti bwilthy Wren
41J1011041 with their Whiwthtfo Loaf to to of
winiroal Ise awallty, amid otatewitolood litho moot
/010 exur ouPlO7OO taabspairsis sad 110R014
101101k0. 004 thmenetheitimlbs of Istslkla, u
narllloolo Vilusbis tbaa'sai..l l 4 011000 11...411‘ 035
sompilou or pepaoftuy
. JOrnt C. Luna a co..
Ito. 100 Kw* NU; Plllloll.lpkia.
TetrA6x 411 the pdpdp.l Demi:ebb. MT. 4&.2T
' CUAIIIIIILID . APIUT, 20. 'lllo....4:tuans ParifOu.
OAPITAL-:425_ 0,000.
__._ _
_: - -
Oita A 6 amour./ Mos sit 11 , -IrwirmtiOnsess, rawasapmet
01111.1211.2 OP TUX 1101411 BOILED AT I , IIIIIIDELPIIIA
ot.obols R. Crsylbed:' Saul 12.2,14m1..
84 "; 241143 : 11 P 1, 0 0 .,' I.= So=a,
• tatz Lifttd '• : w=r6lCL"' • . .
.. .
alotkal Exesfw—lngr ex 'au* It:. Wlllana. li. D.' 1
AtlKl•rar luny, It. 11 9_107. 1!.. D. .
' miblr -
V UURILD ' A g ut. burgb
mitt strosi. Us
FAMILY FLOM—Bett bratide 'f39 --- nstante
17 . osk lisadolixd fa Ws Wboloislo awl Rata by .
1•12-2m41.1 'P. W. untsrn I 00..48 iiad 14 treat
Lifo, Pire & Intim Inmumuie Company;
MICE 56 - nrriz srfigsr,
. A.
Om skins MOON,
This Compday makes twiny kuttustme ap•
M a rton freli a rol l g
a tio d
Abode.* rime end bibs so 4 I"
And spinet Leas or Damage . " Fire,
ilofasiihst the Perils etthe Pia sad Wahl Reeks**
ranur• •
lowsee rate egiateteei with iam
: Lima Phillip._ anpr ,
kp,hr. P..
43. 24 .4
beeVettift4.4 VetUl.ante;;Ltiantag,
it 4. a r e
• et, ,I ;e ez u ni g
re .
Enlarged, Yarioose 'irenii,'• Weak
JagyrkAlp Wlll 41113410e4 1 , 011/4 lIMIPICUIatr
Mite the ettmitka of physkitthe; ead Ike Dahlia pacNl7-
tomsMaiortmeatof Elk I:WU° • lkoeklask roes 004
Asalthlaeks ea& beadesai ea relfetead eareeffest
ear arlltibrepal Vey Weak Ankles. Week Zama Jams
writhe ‘lll4OOB atalnaaer and lathe eeg.atemm ep,
iaktogeatarerireppera.. '
41 0. 106 9 Ww7
annertm,fhavildeTletarm,iai ta_ hot all. kinds of as
lepplisami wed tithe Iwo ; ; -
• -01.0-e:-Mrpoingskfahzerzen;
..16661166 Ito. 16) eee.W red 6..^ ara Airtio
. .
4 AWAY 0140411111 e—We
MiNglos slims& illataothany*iktbilid
inaitbolowd.pß S,Ol AMUR vegkot this. Tamar
'lltedfoliweltests'of - every , kind Tod sale
vie thou olakfimin, ss minim me
Steer;UlVlrottstrils. ,, • •
50 oss. 41Inisefor .up-ii; KEYSER'S
440 Woodster
-; 154111:1
Dr. Morse's Imiroraung Elixir or
CORDIAL.—tro le inquired now thbr great restorative is
et t7
amompliatdog such. cores. we can only rept/
• • 'in the Arai. hirl, r hermits isplinal ingredimit
haee bosh ihrildeil br thanitiiitentAihrsician. • Urger
anrovera ..5 maw of oiknori .omportoo, than
be; heretofore be in to exist hi ehundred different
sickles of the Plierniscomela. Aeb inedicino shoat of
remedies. so to speak, morns to have been combined hrtils
herb; and in the ELIXIR or CORDIAL wa bars their con
centrated cams. It 4th, effect, however. not - thicause
withwhkh we have to deal In the practical application 0.
'thee incellicidet The sletlmi or dio no pa. am cured, th ;
uervontare Mimed, the half maimed resume their astir
Ity. the sufhwene croon bewiliche are.tarroanted ho more
the weak become "%Torii., the tint of istuldlos learn the
soropketiao of the bilious, the depressed in spirits broom
buoyant, the sick in almost In every condition of dim.
derive immediate benefit lion the new of Dr. Idansis In
vigurating Elixir or Cordial. These Ikea, supported by
mehagabis proof. are PreMlted to the attention Of lona
Ms, who pan-verlfy them by • single bottle of the midi
'ohm Thioordial la put up highlrooncentrated. in pint hot
ties. Mos three dolls Spar bottle, two for Are dollars, six
. twelve damn O. IL RIM. Proprietor,
192 BroadwaY, N. Y.
th. liold bf irw tnwiiiistathroughout Cow United Stat. Cans
et phew':
Gemmel Agents hi Pittsburgh-4'4;mi. Bros, comer
Wood and north streets.• and Geo. EL Krim.
Wood street end Virgin eller. AMA, by J. Y. il ,
=log mower .
Attache. Clie w-
..... ial2.lw
Indigestion and and Liter Complaint Cured
BY ILLNR'B PETROLEUM., —teed the Wicrelnw letter front
Mee. 0. Diekereen, a Iftederup7le (ago.
Ma. 8. M. Rum—Dear Mr—Myself and wifehaving leen
Eretlro'uletft tted d
me ii&of tw mac of'ir Petroleum
am th y e Cotu;regatlonel 311121 ' sale Mils plo;, n , and several
of my people ore affected with lndlweetien and &Alumnae'
of the Ilvar, the earns of .Tself and wife, before matte
year PETROLi:IIII, OR ROM OIL. • We took several bet:.
Mee—two or three each—about a year and s half Lou, *wd
we have Dever enjoyed so wood health fey years es we have
alnee that time. I had not taboo a. id re n t, , fiottle before
that fellness of the domach whlehao sees the dye.
eptic, wee petered, and I have feltlnoth qor It slime tint
Mme. My wifeless aim relieved reran a ehronle 41sesse of
the liver, which bad ham eevevalleare seehal.g. by the
. •
6 73X1E8 Pet" . M. I IiIER. • md.:DEO. a. KEY "it'
W et end DmilWl end Medicine Dealers every,
where. [Paten &demi tur Petroleum eopr.l nen
Palpitation of the
emea. Lim Oomplate, •
and Piles, an all relieved a
Mate of time, by Cartre, B
le and parlder of the • • • •
Iderom7,, Opium or ammo
lesa, and hat cured more I
W. an onlYratii the • er to the certificates, a fair of
übkh may b. found In am • colomn. and •11 at which'
an detailed around • • battle. It to the - greatest
otall Sprlniand Fall /dog= and nommen an Indu
ctee over thd blood truly able.
See advertleement.
COMMISNI 4 11i '
ta :: ' ,E A I .,I M ERC HANT,
And Produce
Nd. i 26 Wood s Pittaburgh.
Riding Hata and Gloves,
Corner 'Wend and SUth Streets. matan
Empty packing .136xes.—A large lok of
Mad kieltlxii Boxes for sele emir et
self • • EB7BXlrB. 140 Wood 4.
aos~te iqi
Shheya - ,71
meet, none the Boaread, PitZedelpities
NGAOED for many years exclusively in
the themethettent of L 0001077 Vllft,late recently .
rd '""tskit Itrol=br""martiaVgirtLA
t. 4 0!. td
.... t .dth it. de•P• 4 l4 ' deenipUen of
Nab itoci tt a st ronarrs RIX=
OVCCIZIMMLI to,. 1131.2._4 co)
pi Dr. Ill4owlitOrk4nted Tomb' Lim.
, •
Beg to eat the attention of Buyers to their
nte.f•.gteet et
townlaWas• mot IWO/to WorWenti la -tti.
Minna" DT teccerr PACIIItS MX : Kl7Wer,
sad *bleb MIT offer obi the mad fiVißgai ten ~ Mbr
Wane Wag EW Yid Imt -OW #llO - not proonsibd b
buying Shatz ILLIDWARN .t '
• - Pik& lid lirbed 'orriblabwrirlb
mobb *bora wet. • Ws Ham) Ibl4rdkels
Cltiziugs Insurance ompq of ittuburgh
u. D. KING Prokinse.
EAMIIkI. 4 114/121111:11. Sees.
_ _
.. .
• ft. MDR,* • num -AN CAROD - RI MS ON TUE
Sp - Amu !pa.% 'IA. * Danger!" Arc ALSO
Ategasteme pm* al Ow RSA JVLANDN4I7I7.4ITioji
..4 ritia4posze vox. . • ' •
m• U. D.. 114,. • . • Wm. wham. 34:
, • vv. •
Amorl LT! . ( JahnD'hutitaaA,:,
None* Danlap,Jr, Jahn . • .
R. lisidautb. howls *Was;
TAW. 111. VessivelL ' J. Bcmunker,
Wslier *mat. Wm lo
IL Hay;
'fIITIZENS AND STRANGERS who wish 1,) to obtain so liwartrorte sod lik-Ilka
VaTa=vinana bottAVL b tagi " troteToit i
coaranthal, ar aa =we. inoa ankle
rr pt n
largo* Asa boater..44u ao4 Pkyllshatmer ecm•
inupg•ao.itb ioatruaats , aril* aunt
4r.rfulthso. and baela bow.... tra of akf.
' 4%4 !Gp Y P l . itt.!..F Panne Wiwi? to% . 461 to
:Moja t op. a
ja=t at
z Art er .
inn a hu sayta - of
a .w. o-olonlr.
kdaiwwort TO -
seencrecensum ; or
Timber, Mill, Tobeoco d- Cotton &rine",
stedrey «j ldhetfle .11061104. 7 ,
Car sed Bridge Bolts,'mltlk named and Noe
PA „..
. ~,
trauma. No. $1 Woos re, scnrus rime Alm beam,
larAA work ninsatod. . alsriif
Families bo suppliedwith oo ivioul
:111 / 1 74M=Vi l iga. wi r r o o Lfb q ~ . l :
ttitill to lOW* lam/OW onto. ditto.
" asti"" )iltrApr. rmrsor•• a on.
D. GRAM (sueoestoor to J. S. Di
=tl=l.lo licoool u strod. tatir i tea rk. f.
auktlts. opal WWI. bellimui..*fafrt r rum. 'AI
Pqnt Powder.—Everr variety Rifle
/Doing intieltlnothat rowan. In alt deo Donato/ slant'
on band end Por 'sok from Knparino. In lota to pott pat
tan tat, on Marsala knot. Alpo Pollapituo.
. 07.41 , D. W. O. DlDWfa r tuttpapaame AO,
t Moot. Illtabarata.
60 gross Lireir Pills and Venni
fr mal• low at ARY3EII'It
.liruttore;l4o Wpoxl e.
:7 15 141rzwygliiimana at . Initial' nal ,
LETT, so Mr Duda 0. 'ast Carottouit. flotsam, await A
• itastt mooltha sot 24 4.i..' ' •
On Thunder atoning. at halt mot eight eakek.idra.
ANN IRWIN, SmoAttlymis, rillat of ihe late John Irwin.
no fining W 11l Ws plate 2Stur, eta m'clook, horn ber,
late midges, N 5.1244 Neittlaaht !--21ta rrianda`mt tbA
riattla ors Synod to attend althouttlatitor Dotki •
k.giv bil/E3IOK
.• .., ril s ItALELU.7.4I7'S:,
is :, , ,'olr EXAO,r. r 1 '
led is the teat uteselew eildlWee et Id .. •wi
ynbllrheu 7. '
- TUNEWOF 123,31ETE E - ' • ~,
-IA ir•u
.." ' ~.-;-, :, , • - ~-„,:•• ' .
Yore Mut: 'iltl'Antheali, •-•-
end abet Set Instep, beeldseineaeretluelts. , I ~,.
TILE 30101:30 30ECH31. D E AILTHE
Which le =ft etteallre arid emitylehe thee my. - .
.340 Exercises, Rowids,,Gleas; ao .- •
: .
dedee entity.] / llew hetet*, entltleC , - •
~.- Insicat Notation
,m a lin .01 •
: Yin& be anima most raluita• sr &oft
- in , em?pritloa With IWO7 ea the tunes , : -. ..
. ~ ., ztazichax,r,f ..
eft printed, iod, le lose, ewaah seeceensebeeptle .'out.
?lie nude of the EIAZZGatAff tergmbimithallth, ~
- , cAII3IIIVA SACRA i 1 :: . •'- , '
1n its desire ehadectetlitles, ow being • . , c priletiew
Woad durable. - ' ;;
, 1-
A lane Mel/ et lie ilwee weld, med SW eele b 7
:aoiniii. ipt.zox 14 i i cod strait.,
_LOA MOUS strunruaz-w *Ad on
oototof fib, of 0 o'okok„ u tailors of
. Ittlmttgrt gionr ) Swath
WIT haira d it i o r run i a% to:
L 14:,
l ir of by ben v itiz
. 7 tat pow
Ong" tcnsecla.tteiy. tILITy. stair igt 4 fujr=l . .
to= tog:. tWit,
,ficta &Mt. trosolutteWTHh r sfatstre tot: "4. raw
sty, as vat sa_ Cl/141,4414 60 . 1 " hur .... 1 a r V
Alai, trauma tg snit Ws,
drafting andAn "rub daub. to t n i t4oft%t — ;
iti n etta a L i *Ltr a zta , 1 1= 0 0 . 3 1
, TOMS 1011411 baron cm th• dry dub,
• W. IL aura
A LONIL-THE STOI - 1 - 74 , W1
oyopS~ *ll to, pt . lb. V. • twit
at rod dombrftt
4 ; 5
~_ -w~ ;:~::::;
Fall And , Winter giitogys, \\
.: , .., . ,
g EDIEONIT*II.I74. , , \ '
. ..
..ICE a:VILA:NT ' TA I Ll:g.R;Xii
-' - - 10 - Miiiiiir l #ar-A - Z_A\ \ 1 ', ..1 . y.HAVE'nig* On liand'teUrie s tock boro ,
• onal Winter Ottodo, oracoatintoofouttrelylt
nob Woothum of Um mast bootatitol*tteroft .
English CSSII mem, of every Etylk mut shade In MIA
ket, all or vblett 1.111, make to-order % ho most rozoo .'
able tams. auttloarr.itod to suit. .:k - - II
. 14 OOKS JUST ITECD - Knig is - Pict4.llll)
s . ShakeTwaro. and tither eleganevabirt edltlone; lit)
larrn and ffq4l.l rOlor, -
Nth. Sedgavrick'v Tares.
' P PY 4 irik*...l2 P.d°o!
exiles{ lii
rhiloeoPoy NtrWra..'llatofiton.teas owt,-
Cbilde ilaroJ&ldegant 'plates. Lotelno.
lioltoreeßridoorofClatebtholin Ruler.° rr
FVZ: Ma in eta via em,tlT illastrattone,' , I
J;Fie 7 Ratithl **Lines r Theologi.
WAngel rtat l
h , eromad \ the Crons resommen ,
datioh John Jmes. , • • \ • ,
flawed Rhetoric; eotoDoeitaok an d deli , t.cointt.".
RI le oaltdr=corit.t.l,4ll.
Itlatoey of Doa; miltloZllstortral sad O hook
ite Ellecorery to thy preset% time. Sallow ie., at,. for map,
by selp J: DAWPON, eptarket st hoer ithA
A' , , , SPLENDIp 'ROM FOPS . SALEI—Sit:;,,
A - I.**t.d cm the, trablaltbesir rwer A mil e riqm if.- i
i mk g.
ea. _ and 23 from the el nee aereCin tn./tate etenl
tin , Optima hottemland.balaneOeho ketlmberond
ereJl. Ira_ A Ortistorr brleVaxl/hok home, • lure
frame and other ha proreo no; /gide and lomat or
chant. ke., or pine and tannin , Inqulrest the Beal I.
bi1.9±11 ,4 ") . _ sea ti.\ CLIIIIkEktT k tt7.7.140„ ad "1 \
\ TgekVreditiri*latois Nieey
K.E. rellitested to moet.sit \llia - 0 ism of-A.
\wokoo...e,Co. this evening at TWaloeh, lkll thou.
.• ii 1.L.U.. 6 * . L a) Please be In \a ‘ ttenoan•e. Irenot.
Airi'leiDttf+ MAOIIIIITE, CipIPAtIV,
.1•..111Wk/IT trtitlDEN. CT., bare on bond and are am-
VlTilitiTnnalbpAir"". r.ll.l"karrrilt.4lll3lA
PAßHAM Pate tlito u prorwa l =mole Acting . 10n,n 1
PUMPS, et oU el4ertre. allot% liketortea, railroad valor
stations. et•'., 'eta.. city tulriPUtkutiult. maYthe had an
•Plnleatlalt, ,-. \ - \ ..r.Sq." t
CrE.Fr 4.33
Heart, Nervous
Divvsmis. co.uv.ovss;
• cured In an Incredible share
anlede Mature, Mel:rest taxi.,
It eantalnp not a particle of
nos drueu In perfectly harm-.
;. • Ave, hundred cased of did-
v v. '&hr4l7airattrtirsks4v?/1..76...1.'",
aniallerino k itopo, d ew ~ o
,WoleT.M, \. oe'4
DQMBAZINES—juat 'd and. . 1 n hand,
Verlotteiresdrel Blkllomhaalties. Weinel4 the Wee.
otes 14,1tere to mlr apfemeeperter sasnetmesit of
thls e of Otpads. IMO _,A. A. IIASOV 74 CO.
esal•luadt w'S
AIMED pUTTER=2O keglirprime i!ack
,e4.ll:4 134 k t IWAIrt b
irtifight 3° 1 V:11)1'20g.
I, , ADDERS,IVANTED Tl 4 highest ea4h
urt. Mi/16or trod Bee Bladder. br \
c 1.19 \ corner of Wood and , icirstiep
- - -
--20 bbis, fresh ground Corq Meal lost reed 14,d form& bir BELLt LIGOETr•
I TOdisT--From the en beeribee, 'from
la *MI Porn OD SMII4I
. 11 A/Z l2r egml a r:l4tb. , a tam. wide,. hes, dar y
or btOwn bark, \ 9 rim old—mot We hind Ems rralleu,
and caw tore MOOR, soother toarkamoitnened..Takszt
at. tha \ mor Um, two asta.of barn m. (Bide dray. and,
\ r .. . 4 $ .,G . , W 1 / 1 Psldlb.
or, l Vl o f , l \ ha tt mlui d d4l:lg. ,(4.
theme Irma lam traz Dom stolen ham fayLth.Thmara,
" a rZ a M * ...ll6l 4 ' TUL
STRAT.--' ^wile to . the iisidOnce .
thuor the intheq. thee. in SnorrdadV.Tp. , .bout!,-"‘
4 of BADtaVbar. • small red and whits Ooar " -
and CatZ einut avears old/. The Peer haa kat dart of • •
tall and Lae an. Alencrop ddr her right sem. The_onner
td.queeted to en roreard." , llole. jonPiner‘ Inte ennriret
end take her avar.or she auepoged or according to
tau. \ riAMITEL 190118.
nonden Tr... Allegheny ItilttaanratS
• ' Notice:
LETTERS of Adpiliiistration en the Estate
otriA3ll.l% R. J_ OMNSTIIN.. late of the el!: of Pitte ,
burgh. derld. harlot be -.granted to the nodrrelgnedi all
r=haring t or nld &rate. are goonested
nt them tor lettkaient. and all indebted to inane..
to make immediate to
ti't,./01INSTON. Adadr.. •
aurner of Warhol and As.
to this city. mot eoweeoueut &bur l
\t o:rents. haecourpe ll •
thaumiMt to here thewitr, au moue raddenewe warns
Otos where they ota Kee ;without . Flea ail hard
earnings to lawdlorda. To such we tun Welt teconowerad
the Pleeitidale Building Lau ec la every wer.worthyof
thelrpirttoularnotke. TN lowan beeutilklirlonatid In
polo. a Stel a t= bn iteVgot e t B . 4a l i '''d sO ' . '''' 42. l l,l ll l - 4
Ire 29 G. K lON. 410th o
logredleuta..lth which th• &Arch Is propiroa. van
dal ,wholl t urnieorriorg„the me of Ztarah Ptllsh order
aget. NI i produces a . Wel, IllthOut gumming up or.
hu nits at. ta il tuP la Pouud Pkg....lth
full dlmalor.i Pap pow. for pas by Om bozo, rotatt h r
•••-•••-- - - ---- -- -
VV II t 6 • small nair. who untlentands Om English
Iwtnnuage. andis a narking •mall gam. near
Pittsburgh , To one nho ran nom. WA] teeemenended,••
sawit plows and fair Ina. will I. given; no other red
apply. %
.2(./61.43E0,near Mrs, Hartman's...* Woods rt.
ETTERS of Administration on the Estate'
aJobo 110, lea of AU•shoor couatL . deed. Imo
o d0rm...R.5 to the aod. n lNM• hotioAr
dalitat ant toetoested to proortet tbo • . sod !kn.. tod.b!..d.
to po• Ibrthaitb. to • ROHERT Loostm.
No. 6➢ Woo.l ttrtlL
i!t.T..2 1 1 DROPS—.I .bare received, • this day,
'ft so; at assimuti Qum Drops: of tbelbllawlair flavarc
Rralrbetly. Runway: rianaw • • -
V"V eft r gaun,
rave wtellaga arra chola, maid* or voalsetioaary. artil
Gad all they want la tla Gum Drava -• •
alai JOS. YLEILI1(0. ear. , Dlamoad sad Market it.
ore wnisi KlO at • A. 'A.' MAIM COAL
Out lord Cams. an or yid& wel WA st. ac
CIREEN GINGER=Ydr pio'kliogor prever
by W. /SAM:MORS.
UJIIBE PASTE—A very fine ' articloi--
II lea D. reed err -ar:A Jos. name.
41 " 4 761 4 3M0, 1 ;0". 11.==fig e 1
LET.-Two front Offices on Water at.,
g Xerket. sultablf for losurfuef or ll.nm.e
oodie ca' _
frlkawd GEOROS A. DEBUT.TO Water ff.
PREESE-400 tam. prime W. R. Cutting ,
for ore* b 7 HENRYOLLYNS.
TOBACCO—.I l'obaccoi — rior e
by - molar H. coma&
AHED PEACHES-2 MAL in'prime br
b 7 A. DAzArt.t 00, Llberti
.ITEESE-=-50 Du. peimei just reit'd and
A* ma r by DAtaitu. a ct,
APLEADSIDES-4 cly4 clear Bacon U. ter eas br
.as . CO.
WINDOW OLASS—AII - 1103- 4-the
CODLIVER OIL-1 Baker's Gen.
utmood ottorse's stsomo.:
QTRt...YED.—Strayed from' UM 14
series:. Tp., tbp4inibeize
'•rgoTVAratir hirdb. B 74% tirZe ' D r x
ovrf ktimk. wt4 a es.boata ar delinenz i l Ur.
Hoed I. tUsiZei ‘ b=lll txkll e gitr . e:lntted.
o NE t T a s . ' O wi
t s t. paw*an
7 lralaseci ti ihou = 4. AA * L mot. "=Ma davrtodV.4.otg. lreb
aniqultoes, nes, Pima Isnee Ver.
alA .r t ti stmi iner7. other
. ..011 or
vtrvkietitt turista eauttet.
I i to nriZre, r ?a ' ' es k rVarg moot
3:l7:4ll.744."4"644 ; bTr a llt ili tti " Mit il / 4 .. .
~.14. ! 4. 1.111. octd entiftli a al.
PAM. lIONITETSA. A. fiiiiaan .& Co.
I hal. Just rpm a larderwriedi of hdriityldi afar.
Odd diddi seid thilwaied, Idea twit& Mew. ' ' -
i• .irnid nip 7 l ... ,
kl ili' diliwu nd il'ON/dW; -7. -, n ' . . -. " i„ ...... _ . '
Roll /Idthisit, n n :- :-.'' ' -
n: 7 . 7 "
,Tho ntientkak orMlllitiora is rIT Whited: - ied2'
Z 59 1 41; 1 ' AM— tali
Forliteri4 Dwer
lizara? tirili4W.44lO44.97rariA'Lmpitoi.-
40QLOTR FOR SALE—TiElerOuktolp,
irdnutni•hilk PfttabniSba
onlEtrar r riiir - .a d WO
.. ght 10 ... 141 ...!1itua1601 knnr 4.77: polz irs4t
m003 144 1. 61° EX1m ot 6hisD
110•":411 Cot 1361t0i rioieloing Dutrol.t.,
P• • : Aniao
no d' joAr—ripeekur ar,
the *bp* p.A., I..snd : qtgral eirq nod
- noun 6 7- . t. - .11. Sy ?1,- . a. • aid al.
jaIN-4302inappe, :DiZBvfaniltivetial
vl Pnar....aspSr , ol ViSs 'ill and 64 a* 67
UNS:--17111thaiell, 41114
111 England Hama lbagsle by abaci* at bottle br:
st 4 . /L surrox;xo4l2 Wcad gal
UrINES=Port, She'rryeni lareir
raVi t h rn i zTa rr ors a i l irs: Virg 144 el ' " a'
quanti so to suit, by W. H . N, r... u Ir a gr •
GCOTCIi small lot: V,
, it7t7 , lprime *for gal as e
rims 00
u s pr W ' 41" Cheese
••• ee Just
d•. noted audit* tali a c 0 .112 . 421 it.
p a kurt *odd mad foals by tho %Woo* g 1100,4.
W H. BUTTON. No. 12 IV add It.
Parable, arablis;
" MrS num, M word% or
1114 Life IMlQ B l f , , ,reapo enCe •:o
{'Jo e 414,1 67 I. rah uotleoa or MI,
unERL-17' firkins fresh '
)airy.' ticked
el44sr brit•AMEV'ja, N s..
xJ. JIENRY, At or at - iOS
• r entset orlautaaa art•aotituist• laim. L •f4:
(maim t•pi totheezialf et Ittheeisdeill;metlWelte4
1 . DIA: - ROBBER . 1109E-4*Ol 34 to 8
lteeh eallbeellhr Illes koacenatinit imNl7 4l. teleott.
MMlZlA34eZtn i zzif r the Duna
. ; malt , sgestalbe tielkossi co,,
' '-. r ',"; . . '' s , .",'' '- ' ••;,'-' '-•-• , . ':
', - WHIM . ore ePSOPZETY-Tan ham* foutoon.
ere room stew&
,on_lroatag et, the
pa - tile Z.}?an
and' . B " 7 o lT elYclock P!rl:r t
1 health, locatJon beautiful try .... n o rmt 4
.Ihanses ar. b =7.ll: Mt.= by 70 edryx • II:Twill be
sold Impair it plant* to mit
...Ma Wm , or Ask •Pe2s . 1 - ln'T". .7.-.lTN"rBQ...._utde
=BA; OHOLERITtto attention of
lb& bgittla Li oilioltor iiWialkey'y gabbro.
and Diaerboa AM.This tool:bob" b.
Zbaun rabrogg c lilit gr w t ouna Of
W. 417%171..2..vg4 ItSlll244luraltal ted ls rAfV " ters- a t it
bard° agtx it* assa. Cr gone of the Ir..
wit. .4 Da byneadat affects .4 havalliVieartlii,
gatailbeyertingie. Neer re gra im i p l ir m Dm bob. ,
tly)-Johil t O. DOTOOT: at. D, T . , IL . D. W.
n s el e da. .- ; aw as h by' -, - JOU. H AFT ‘. , -
A 0.%:... ..1,.: ,- " . -. No. 1.71.1if00g anat. .
• TORSALS—A ensolbitabDwylltng 11,...v nit 1
1.1....qi dthauki OA ALM A)VIA, quo na I
boor. galtabla Da 4 tem.. with
Lui ,, ffniTsrot.,.....,..*.nag vm _te g i t. l ll
. th. :.„441 ,
wan Tag guityriaraina ILNT4t fronton theta..
alt. n' ta r. ~300 A.... 0. baying a day view of tby
g l .7.4 l limtioa k ri ia LL:,.......,
banilVirrioogiliMig mil L. 7
Feb. rein.= to i nindaoll.Lbgbabuilio..._Agoin a _ _
043 • :B. ~u 'r a wcrodo. met.
•ATARD BRANDY- 3 nsrtee,iota a rho
'IILOII/I,—WO- ~ b bta.- Superfine-. and Extra'
71cairjoat arrhlitz sad Ihr ist5AQ::
O P rP °s4B will be !we'd
Cos:unit:a. of th.
eorent., Iskibeigr Vitugo‘ ao fir•
turn; •
- • a!4
thou sad
-Raman_ esiToun
trr lkinwer. dc., Rural Zwsoci
*woof Ammes; • db. u n d..,,
Aft/admit, fttisletkr.; , f 1.2.1005 OATLEyri
ICRNING 000Da—murpnykBtuvii.
" i ! l r k fal l !' h s
:.‘,- -"'".dngdsunx
t CAW /IWO, IldrPOrt,
F i s tlis mired and for
mai - - W. R: 8 7. N 0.12 Wr
WEET 14.111:4WW/Nz--
ain,d44l brim* '.
beipa. tritmlul
ENGLAND.MO/1/--,16 -Gbh direct
bats the I:444llgb ir
FQR assorted
• notaartas. Algr
. 4 AUginaassea.liloOlfm - -
. • a., Erdiew..
•- 400 ON& titootlra 160,
6 1M171003•F rows inn rwarieg sod lbr
0 bblo. fresh for solo by
/eV mut! If.courser.
00118, .1100.K.S4journey le Central Ai
ItykrksK. eineyarewapeseis 4 Lamsloo4
Eafie ta.4744 l l 4
TV LET—Firo'..tlo - or of a ped:Dwelling
. Quin sea* Ilatcb m
a wzarar T.! P'n rouTaerets soN. uo.tri -
st.itte i = ft. l as twa scurtth .
7'.."! .A ., oda - maraic soMtate
: I §ONETHING NEW " ' Flood, and Fie
• hair of Battler on Line and tet,lm, 0. 4:14, A. .
of .Irartut4 br,_.4 a Amer. raft , +Arms 4th•
inmptri ektar4V:
7717 L UtUenentri
. N - •• Q•;a : isces e ,
orsztiAtoom r
catty ,
boom of Ude
" P r_ "' " • " 4 -0 7 •
ol •
• jrlailttA COGNAC'BRAML
afinOta:Vitiror eelabmkd teltft,
COY eiw 0 et,f i ri ,iituintqe
' ;;w~_~:v~~
ilLTllii, LOTS Aii 'BLOCKS 1 \ \ itt ,,,,...._ ,_
a wir, a
R. Et lAA:LeI:IL , .. , —.,-A----___, -*_ _
ithandlOth..lBs4. \ . ! ~ I , M. DA VI N Ai6tioneer..
10 1 , 4 - iltlell,:lo to : Ithhest i Gb "" 4 ,7_, i i P* l 14 ...4, Hbod 'end FV , th
Vi/r4U 'Auld On* the I ---1-V=7:Z. - - --- -- ‘..- -),
•=4 itmeklwd Am."' I MIkELLAIT----RMT An . -'
nn ., 3, :nil". i r ii—tu . ,:o r „,, „ ,--- eii s oN ß . ,-,Ks,' , I' CALV,
.0m..,...",,,_%.2, 1 1..„„,,,...., . aOth,oo' o'cick. C at the GlAtto n g.l%; Hatt s ,
tlang.icon orraVn•W'un. Wrong.% l i ,Watc.4l2r d m b... Ylfi b . " . .. 1 ,,,, ,1 „ .. ke told:At Ism col.
atlt htteuts. hlti".„ l hefolood , of 43.041-71-Ene,T&T,..:T.....,_,,in
testa with lemma at a par mot. 1. pletol . vols: F p t .* B r
rVijiMlireAVU W. 1"1"1" 4 - ' ,— i"&i.Fiumef b ".VM34,t,, itldi
. ~,,, ..
, ~,, th , 4 &stand..
......_llsory. 400 yaglivis Datiatarf
zt igtilasul=tr . on t ,. 114.1. 4. =toast".
...,...Av ma t 4.,11„, 22.11 ,
pg ..duying....nrie; or !mud. A : s_nitp,iis - EartiUg.... 1 .1 ) ... 41 .- - V L.
tug onattalan otilletatem tee es. f ' - --am* ,
..._of ,-- -- -.-- ' , .."
i d iar t ;Ut. In ,tattlas down. ant
„nd . to
and pastas
, lards' Ida hm am alto, 0. the Imate
....titriLyaatall tart . ants, hloatstw m nil
i'sg•JWir and aD, the aboLvita, one half adl It'd ht
mataas the week 'vrogresses. naashans half lota
g ' 4 4 a a t4ali bc d=to i a " eliaL.Tka!""" U". 11
.Plataand Mania tlkeTrtasit ~ sad anomPtiosa Or i ha 1
.....ndineamtattrs to.. Ithir he hada' aWleathasto 1
mly• *ribs admiring named Faetors:, at Metr moot , , 1
t!ve naddanottrOr idl of ttaxasa`ss abeam below. .., 1
Surveyk.nlano. &wings sad Opeattleaticaus with refer{
to tabor. matartaht. lts. to, reArd sralare, Will b.\
ashlblte I atlhe ei ake of the cost RotAuenrr. gator
theist darottatolso. , \ \ ,-, ,
~ In addition:to lb.. matemothllto F
, Inoty. Fonadm, its
ehtne Shots Steam Isille. t , new In a
.. IS ta....
e=lo.ansetteteenta are sea \ atr um
ofhalf • dozen other snamehot as ihotlibilth
manta to be &lien bp,steaut.. Also, \ aa Ban
,In D 4 lte ;az) att A l e h m u tt a t
a. 4
4 41. , ' , Fl t attol i olt i th•
t t uke
' TialaptoSetneatt th the - contstntdatedaarlr ono.
'piston She Glarelan a radiant ahhle
am:es thoOmoutloof Iteant tato _ , the no. 1
maw: deka and station at/4El3min a I. Who Mara and -
eatenotte beaaresemeaeaor the publlattoldlnas
br the tor maned, atst the I on, at anni t dsn t , 1
°lam Cr m extetodesoW 'node. for emi Ir. J
the Ohio: kerma • =Manama olt y time at oeh- - ,
ester, and 7.2.41, anltamentaanktanst of bar tams* . to
niset.ettUt he ttzia4tgamt. rielonoriih
- Many of odor wends a nd ,ttatn , CAV., Will .
he present stAtiphartudtt ( 4 0 . It
JOll5l tOId IT Pi(iN Wakefield , L, C' ' .
' , JOHN wawittn,b pm tut.f
te ALBRIPq r. IS„ :, F., , ,
‘; . grzia irmittu....l..N.y.
PrrrSaMag ..T- FANCY STORE , Cliitirt --- \. 7
I: - ;6! IFVOZI\ )I(FREtT, \. \
,- NB Im and 'taw open tc fall swift
ntri wera,..d En lab 'Gift and n........... Wh1te Ohm. %It
!Ind Itsand Col abut; aro 'ha f 0 1 , 0111.01illid& , 6-1 m : - 11 - 7ABISTIN.
\ - ' Er
401241ARRET and 6 : gni* sts., door
fnina .
ri =ll4. , talo. asellitsbur=ovadthisitlat,
taw just ne'd VarOltoek ortaxli t ard aboerg alrtbelt
earketla. Mork* on. of lb. larva'
itrdalptVa r r: , ==.7lV a tre=t7.ol
611 Wale., lirssroee bas bend , glyea In, saleetiall
the shelved goods. all oja2hfeb erarraa
Ile alto oontlaurs toaa_tarfretnre, at barstoftee, do•
serlatloas of Beata and ftom, .4. ram his laailasaati
20 y ear s In bylines. la tide tan is. bs trusts,
• snitcles4 artaotee that Wass , adman' blia with their
rat rooasa.Naillbe fahrly deaitaltb. • • • *Bl6
• • Fall MET Goo . :•,_ Pul
rh l Stock:• .-
; IN : YRE &JARRELL, •Reartb. and Arch eta.,
, p, ,
will be vary full.\ and bargains Am tthe tow Tort. nod
Phila . dsiabia• anctioni,* daily • rignisell . .. roll asansiment
oll p F i ristal \ , , pw ,..a . . ......,-..;,,:;•,_:\ \
, • 142 E cil i tti,;,;. . 11.11 '•-• -,- ---.N- `\
\ o.ix?r, — 0 it...ii.;.; . br.,=....\thia•i.i;\ deli,
lal.meloirara.g.i.ea.--- Audio. , 1 . . \
.. &.,,:
.„, . ,
~. 7. a
iiriiiintii,lfet°lol no'" if \
..18 7 pLifrus:--At.Tiviaoo,. 05, Market
ia ik Vgte!:"._ C t t *°,,
.: for 4'lll'-
1 t
Abyoder— 11.75.
ce.meau.. e.• the =Lined go* of Ow. 6 r'Dr, W. '
.N?Mali and tbl'hf &riLil . 46 ' ‘ 'custagla, &drinks
ala r rine tairtn_se, r. et. \ , • •..• ' .••: - \
i i iriare,... w .r - ....githnui.''''"°4- .:. •-• . "il
. • _ m4f....A.Ludairtbe BessrlogiebsitTb.
', - T;277W .-P l!t7 -Uk...°7 1..k9.-{.lro".
Thalami ali*Si*lrc 'hinogosid nd literary likotr.h
- Book of the Brlllah empire. 2 1 . 91a,.Latd0n.: : 1 - • .:
Vligt.Z.lo4lfrriabilsign.Taiiiw:bi2tr.,4.4: .
. Pasoan, Persons an Pr , ..7.1.fft beck.. N.... - .
47(1417411r:' L 4li t kil bert \ ‘ l- '-
\ : :
, T4(017,117=0, . tadail, she rekke.mear; Wield ‘ n t.
. 1 1413aika opening re.a.e'r tJ lr \ st . whOletsieiiad 4'•
. _
JL —S. Sadler, Vedore_d et, it Ilegboir lavitee attention
to • hal sinortment of eteld andetandard religions
.worte, Oollere tett books.liat
-Carina on Past n] Thoolosh ty a. D.
'lrtabea We Chianti, jilidam uts and ad role. '
DieitinPii Theo_ Nae- • da; sad 2rn
Frisian's's tioninalaana. Atetintone 4serelo •
"Erkteneen ot CbrististiltS. t Walt el •
.Isties Atebeadogr. Pool's Annotation& •
Alexander on Pretme and Smith; antenna on Sioillaelsi:
' Barnes on Job. Psalms. bedsit and Nan Testament
Foots. Henry and anenrehenvies Coartnentsm •
Heinen end Greek Clainies.•• moat's Homiletic. a
Carter' , tbadeideid 'Works . Index Henan.
Sermon Paper. on hand or rtlied to order. ....
(heves anode* works. 111 vas Makatea dealllttoe'l
• choke of Staidly and Poets" atbiesi red
.N . EWROOKS for Fail - zaiiplyL it if t , . reed at
- B 7 Wood et, maws which ate the
Travels or ;>r 0,,T00r Roved the Led, tie
0.111 Hastlery- d. U; re. °mantis, or the Middle , ,
- or armband:marts or European O. vUleall .: b
alalributeley,la A 4 Inflames, artier Evrl ' eseliaa by ta
author or ...A Trtto Web Sin, Beaose,^lllustramzlor
trre. 4.: Amolot.or ulna -b .& v. by Hera. ' el
fi l L ot t i o. a. A i li kv i . i . t,.. d r Mr Harold. or tbe
, mtaltibilry Tales or
'bop Ifeederhlaa to the lberoeltbs IA Illoatrallonr. ha
rim lied Dragosa or the. blaster Hoy to Poi.. by Az
thsaktGarlE4,s>morty a prima of . Ilarres tA Fa. '
Le !..ds
XrEW BOOKS —Eltbekton's Sermons: for
IA tbe . People.lll4o-101teet to , wpoleiale potet tar
talter Aintet. orPotrreat Wier athahwocoa.Makalries
easteas. 3 1 ola . ave.: Egyjd, And , tta. bloomtett et A i aw
amts. 1 vela 8 rw Aeons LW'S of Etelneat ng
Christlse Le r; alleerllanp.Rtaterioal "241seellanr.
E•bleaate of t r Loden' by lhateent Moisten -
&altered at the Vol 4.1 1 0 , :. 4,4 8•04 Itabre.ang. Tway.
rhatt Saflor's Plea of bal. _ ~- , . •.:
• Motet ea.lhe.Peata doe= a Mirada,. .
test vatka
an thatelleteeat Huth ea the Voice. air I t. work
Treaworr. by - Semple. aa nee sett boOr. nesse ' oars Lap or
' curut; loso; tad quarto. ' cloth - , embe/atbett_
_luta tatan
Fraseat'atte_oettittow thereat' Orettea sad Uaklawala. AL
larsa 'took or vleadla tables. Poraet Ileo Saul etuttche . la
,14f i g= 1 .4=1;711r44. 3. =!:1t MO.
Mattel and &boot Books, a tattooerr. *a . .
se= . .•,^ ~, •
.• - : .4,4 REASl.7katti at. -
00. 1
OAP w tyxi vBi) ila. igglisto
a be Web/ %Mg B. RARIAVas *co.
t: .=
......**; 4 ,ll lfift Ur aeca ..., /4 47 ;b3W.,
twattor•C7F4pn. filigmed.o.. I akt:als .
b.74: = , tZtriFkosts, aZ,,,
offarmlukoWnsils,',lutielt i. .- , , . .
1.'".4'" ....._.___ ....L ..... ge 1\Yibi1r* . "
hay aft
• igiamat,ll
• .T. 1.01111,
30H2 'AS::11 fl ti tAt.-A ktteitows
hnis Tuesionntor az, attach.
lowe's lenotiosdi.
aw - 1.2 raw; Robetwel Conk , lam.
*row. ant Ilmactliqw•cbwiew Ind
mos orarlia \on
1,..7 AT Ut7101 ‘ . 6 --Git Fddin tobrialtot Tint it t r t
lo o'4 Posin'a Aaron. ir no oplit
into» ot • pritata dinning. inilnebno Win o
Thunin In oft, ma , wall Minn an. Or. ClClnraLiu mut wo.
toilitoodoodo tnrisa i - initionna, do pans
dun, mallablen , wunntont. bua and kniportgbary
bedsteads, trunk noi tamilllon, Alatitiktim
,r2.12441.24L0. c and tier . ,e'ejlael
&latter. Attu
.IFQ p o t
Morn Mon Manic an mailloin cooking note aid Tap,
min klicion ware, r. oupet,o lot of Tabun/0 Timpani*,
!mita md to Moan. Donn . nindor A tto
I McOLIBTOCK BROS. nro , now
ininotar l 7-nowlylike th Fall Stock of (Am&
i n hit At] !gat in;',A.4l.4.,zuzltr.that;
arLog imported and inflected our stack In
a and with inichatinZ stmk CougAtt , \
and tawnityita, *MI 'at all Intactd
•to bold dm great hid to to oar mouini
' (nor "'TkrndOk in PT or ikk &amt. •
Tarn. Sinnatla \
/* tmn. ' I 'M*"
ittrinlEhrte 11".' \
tatting o!
Bowes, .1
'but F
Aine—Onneh Tier, - Deuneuitteltlan. ramiaa ian man,
and Mtn Tanitnarpet4 4111, 2,4, 44 na4.2.4 nnikK Kat
Un dliM ttlVties 2-4 4 , a n i4l; 44 and 244 irkin Soot
OR Oloin heno 12 to 24 fader! , often nun Opm4 WSW.
*bleb no WI nut 46 any dupe OT Bile. 1 • •
Tithed 10 3 2' Onww- 1 4. ntini Xs*
Maclellan, &lewd: Alleo&•_•luto *ad Ono .3141 L V • •
lentAl=.l OretritoerllZhbre"..Z°l244T/ndPilt.\
an NAV Ono; - Spanintettina. • nr, Woollen
- Moor oral] "WM" and . !tree 4Onin atm Wren Htnn
mars.' on Tr ittruirn . Sbi4N, 4 /./ a
I,..nter 711.111 don =O, 1:4117.4. AWING.
..11 . 'nepe Wth iatorn. sak- r~ and g i net er •strit i fon t r " u ' n.
osk L.
petatlon of Teirat. Braises and Ingrain r elejA r tto,_ whlet
otinireiorrat.2 and Al ktraypriCa Z 4 11•11 nue,
-fin.-fte,44, W.rumu".
..• -
1.; . .‘ . ' .. :. '.'• AGENT •..
Poilielling and Baying Patent Rights.
.sabscribeiclisfing learned front his
1 T i l l eetwww•whkrPrdeVsaw2 with perms who
were 4eldrosui to eell Patent' to' mr 'Clam, Chanties.
'4,teit fe.i as welt no lath . o ere who oleh to Intntheme
M Adria; that ad a* to filmset that Rind Zr bud
hoe, tttle thhoh hi. bath hes Berthflettueet wh o a his
hole and Itliabuittee to the se r rile, ee, may de.
"'em tilllnt i t i liht ia t a Mft 11 1 , 1irani tO .41blatta• ...
atm. he ttmeloiten by retertioß t plane to
theft. IPSteythotatial of a hw,of the elthreue at Pitts.
_ , Mtrhreciati, ANltitt 17th, lash
The .it bemoan Ilittir - long twoolottuhttett irttl. Hr.
h .'rtlYittPter:ierratriVtrtgrhgtrtti="
u ...,,,, a otideohted toterrlty• en hulatethrable.lo4 .
In - die exertion. eresznll-ttlee nail* Ded . .....,. ,
le7the .8., Crehtt . :,
~ 731 f. =bloom, Jr„.
L . \
In Lattioctaz., ....: • John. Grehuo. .
..,.„. ri......ts , . ,
~,, ,- - . -. l i t.:Chilla S.r.c. -:•:'
Y: . " hood , —', ',. :1
• IC.Atirithes:
, . • -.., -.--
, 21 5 * PEAUS' - MILLS, i, FOR" .These MPANT.
. ' %) and tesTASOPides:7IOISBING 311LT43 end
..111.LI. ittached. ens now lb? nut km, an the peewit
ra lista t h ivdiettbosithi'dbiAmthintnisines t , ; These
II hews _mar _, tett_ if eel •POW.cint jit ths.cogots_ll,
.tieing ropinie• .100 ast./.6; PPM(' suer einiznds td
Wares Cana
..s.sse 4,*'• mileisikests shin'. os
ont.let. Loch scribe Cenel,, 441 the: hind Mt..
had ransom& These I. Itt content and has been
- *creased) and will)* bollt b 7 milaraid Pam Derlionton to
the tiros, which wilt make esomannilottion to tide MILL
I VIII4I I OItX Is ar l eVAOitsahlik Inat' o - ibisiellinn — --
hae • ifitr offnuFout, dolnst • ' ist l ioa gab tinerneel, of
.p.r.iuntuv...' d asthind to *Wit* "
•maMs ti Donne* wale* re Calif.,to eel/ enure Pr.
"" r """‘ " . " 4 " .40Cmi /bribe mem*
teenttoned &bore. , -..'• •, •• ' Viglir ohlo.
.. '.: ..... iie•es I Tl)Thncoiturihiesie ~..,
- .Poetaffloo Wee. litaltil'o Fassy * Beenis Co l reolve, or
" ...56:13 - ,
.Volosk .•Plttahnrhe.
&Chao* to Hake Soni7; .- -.-
t,:- Plat6l'MYyt-Thei 'oiltioictiber,h3 dell ...16m orbselog
rtilAorgitns7:bl%ViT V l liW , ..fttitiZt
like an Mtrient....artr. 0601,9 1.
.J 1 99996. 9,10.99 Mr
dar-lindeed iamb o the ,tstmoi mu aft ...1.. g
toim that mot. Emmy to totmatiort Ibe Men by ad
&mitt& (roa,tage'ralt) -,* WM. JLi I H,Ea,..
,_____ t_
N --, - mi. &Hi nittattel Pc010t666
''----.--7. .Thilft.talzege ~ • ,•.:, :• •
[ CLADSIOAL, mid Artalk e mio ' \.l) l) , lr t.
'l* ebtby lb. balt.eNm In . mont. • Hammitt' Terott i m- testbd? ',o,(l9o:cimks.
dmilhiaittlattm *A
, htsttteit,.. 3. 9
rltto 11 t0t...13 . 2 JO 4-946.14%.....tht ~,n,mr2th.
11:4..1'rethip.x., roati.=Ziatt:
Matto, *to 6 r.. st„ wit 11.6 tr. MO.
No helm or tiltevlllbo o rted tAtiu.l., t tds/hpart
:4l°,l4l lb .
'-'D.1" 1 1 1. 7 . linreagklL• thitil.
TN•r. ,1 ( :), , ,),bb i ßirsB- . N. , •Atal ll Asseft,,
- mbhda.:NA_B4ant, Ili*Holthyte.liiThig.r_
70 b r i t bilri '24WI iit Mc le 1 1 : '.r i
a a: -.; 0 4 Wait ..
otrf do S the .•54...r. ' 4
lb .do D,...d Twirt dc; 61 30ttl , Ai3.• Im. jet
6do Noma . lom , :, Me 1g t .,..4,, 4. 4.......".;
igtVgii:7' • ,14x n , d. . i* '
im Immo% 6 dte Ca d , 60 - itef 31 ~- . .V....,..; .
31. doMor ', r ',..4t5. , i 3 r , 4rit,, . ‘;,.. i., , •; -
,11 :=V - ,:,......,.,.: .. 1 4 44. cor,mill.b a --,
io 4. (MUM dtg_ .._
.... _ Ht . d'm
30 do- Ahmed 6 Meet Sato 10 l‘ t - . o;
i tlt do Ohm& Tramporat Mll
..da i,
10 do 31111tm Ohavinq ..IH; / I.oli e.,...ii.'
't3l7 - L,..JVAM• , t-,t aT _,'-' -
r ,...
iltr . ,r.n.,,ip lu " ke llia";:.4,"" --1- E , ~, ..4- , .
ti mmatmimin't....: ltat; 4 ... ,
20 ELM' R . iniar:,
no Iwo ;, 4 r4 41 1134. &Its
100 do etootteit 11696 '.i ' ; :Mean "Battlagi :Cob
7 . , . ..
... . ,,,,,,, 6
For soltii, . 7 . - .t....7..D. wmumia 422 , wow o.;rd.
trisk a - Patf/I 1r to til i aan *sit
ER fraecting d \pree 'ientlui,the deo,
4""ttl "a law tr..!xlittir
-..The aamlatons an minionitainika Oa
Mate vim andeatalon and Ohm to. . 11,3
........,._....,,,,.... *Mtn at cc, LO W
at. anast Emu ..m7i_aftnat Stalk ml
ma tto Water Wadtti:=o,, , , . ii:u. ,
Also—W mato: an Mkt . aird bald atom t
motor . Vault Xins Motto% WI
lom Sall ink
.*,....,aata n l4 .atinirlmann* G aad ,
1 1 11 1407114 Mad
"MlOrtatao PAW b/71=ori aiiiitt "
yOTICE---Ats fillititßirx , ikratii - ' 1444 1 / 4 1 o['
Mamma Otto 1110,ban_i oaantritaniftruulaso-:
or; am molved UM un mats pooposedS Ii cm
mom aria. pronlote of MUM a. Mt o f ad the
.2604 -Witbont2lll6 days ottleafkaaa, -
. m tau Um& Clona....atnnyarlnnzate u.
in 7t13171,,=40---rksattan.i.
r it RENT unao62o Voltdatiitu, a
dedglkre g gtWanioT.WMa
coma fiawshinzunntsimo=
c o ..—
MAXIT..brt 441ineiver.
atili le"
/121, SHAWL—MtkIaOII T ibet
4..Shr docr...trtleatuLor
Cashowes -
.626 ' ,
A) in irmei fat 149 to thietaik
Aetna or au alsoctut rellatlkElNlM *tag.
at the India
t Rabbit.
tdrool.' 4 .11 • • :li t • A ,
.45 Attltata 10, Ms tid taar /In 0o
br &boagortiansprixtiv.aaaltut
G ettim.,ft of costal.o4.
.Itistla. t 314112.41 " .I ** Bwra. , 4 , - ~"
y wdovnu a andada...*Voltidditoald do
rale. upelastoTeilai r imartierrlMlx.;'
r 411 i at.
- CUNDRLEs-"so .111141..N.V.5aig:,,,,,
3 .
1.,J SOO bb.4.1110 . lit gli., ar:ZlWlL_laci.c4
and a~tidMi
Li tf L tituc,„, • .„.., as bi:wiloo.,onstmirw.:
so bkh...Wrionf ran .60 au. Frip46l.• •
26 tum.anix.o% P•r; 60-4.-04 4111Mt' \
. t2'`'''ltln*
a itatztimali.-1 , 1--- .
T. LI ' iTLB
DNLY $4O per:'M for jl--------;:—T-4-----3 b e Faxith \ : s"
t4tiorot. h. Diruarmri--Bmvertiaioa At :
sf tdrEnon 1314 . ...t!e2q.t1te 0. 'Pa. Itgr,2o , ais tor :. \
1,,,,,VU*41=412141,2 Mtliallttr. . A '
to thi i:':. \
work•d• , ?helm , " Is 'MUGS' Din ain 11.0001thatati—'
nap is a beautiful ustursi +atom CM ra' A te r ' -
otr % l
ioatig ß o o,Wa,
4- 4°3"",4 iu m obo l ti thmt,orgood. , !
~ ii.,..
uuyy '-hulti-L a ' -:' t mop'twk. '-'\ .
. . mtmiZitt
Belti '' ItioiON-40/,
ite/110 I:o•MOrr64 Sid lot al ittek
BOOkAlid Cia
Book and Comm. andt. \
OW*. II ft.Olamorsoid=ow. Con
mid Immo
RIM E 8--A A. lift
co.-usa m om
.resina apeti in um Stharnb
r!sjotidaelittit agar =l72 •
Der ow-fro %bp at \
nitWm tiOreeli
Gr ll4 teisitenow 1‘
:40 0
heroM jitr awake salettoulas aing
--77-7: •
mi rMp Inaglami n Wat at 1230 per
• 100
*co for Ash b b
Toitt and; Crintied
;•:.8. - DA.T.11113. Co.~ •
, fla.avatvidalasiorort
k •
t 2 • } S 1 'I r2 , 2if
. drigUlall a 0.