MUSH= DT WM . = OD PITTSBURGH: FRIDAY MEWING, SEPTB3II3ER 29,18 p and Aarl-Nebrada Mate Ticket. FOR PLLOCIC• !lir OS SbIT1101(11NELAXO11-0013ITS. FOR - CAUL OOMICINIONEB, GEORGE' DARSIE; 01 oximaamorr comm. OFOR JVDOE OF 813PREME cotraT; • ' DANIEL M. SINTSERI or Iroaroolizor comm. ;e 4 Pat7 ,D*M a r s " - urre di nrarr-,„•:<_ 'oomorrePleratr r kgi"r' .; . 71AroiN,riturir.. "- ligYPersoN'/='!°B-°l'"' t t • Jcntit(tra m kat liven . . • temity%""Dl3. ni 00tuborigh ALLor err co , m JEELLANDO R. JAf[EEAGLEINN, Upper St.Clide I X. Ild.N .170 t; llttaberrgh. .7 iiigS miu M l LY. . ILTBRUWN Roes. • RR I'~Ad~eritiera = N6llsc Ins zooms •••1, priattignmaliamadoreespaar Creattfesareoptaa on Notekr. — Arrizinimmbodsdr. thstibetkup to wpm t t ,1, :!, -, attlifirsper as Monday morning:arta Nesashamd them In. , • _ 13AlttobitiviCiViekir Giszeita.-TWortoooloo of cogr 11111114 Cools offset to oat loulnostaiim* dontrobla moo= of author thoh• budooss known ' .•l l) =Mr i outValliigiraggit Advance Paynienta.--Hereafter .nie cab . inetottoo,wWl betaken the NWT of Weal/ Owatte. *ea' , *rant niade mulles. 'Whence"? th lteteti up to which the nnbeeitptkni II pJo. . tbe Mew • 'ea iwierWWW' stopped. - =lmo the sotrerlgion I. re towed br Mennen yoinnent: teenetset edverthinr. c-er *ear derniptlon, bi readied to be ;WM in 'M inoan 'The olds encentknu mill he where spedal atona l/ wevarty ceramic en sande. weitiaw "etraultag Miner en each page of Ole Paper . Til thistle . Woad-The fall of the Freeport ftuWishes another practical iltnstration 1 -the • fatality attending the management of ' the Stara IForlut in the bap:hi:of politicians. yeeni•igor,the . Aqueduct at Fret Mort was , *strays brim...and the Canal Commisalohirs • stilted it by the -structure Which fell on Tues.. The 'old iron which was saved froil the ruins of the burned bridge was disposed of to -,-s politloal favorites at a lose to the State, and con reacts fer thane, bridge wersipmwded to other fittaites at egueeS much above what a prodent 7 . f.-.01M411110 -crindividnal would have siren for the same work; and •now,7 after having cost the !..r.Stalarcach more: than a subetantial and , enda .tirig' Otruetareuhonld hate' cost; if becomes a 1 wreak when but three or - four years old. It seems to hate. been a weak and flimsy shell, in tended to answer but a temporary - purpose, yet built * at . an expense to the State sufficient to hareesiiiired a permanent structure. ""':.But the lees to the State does not stop here. Transportation must cease on nearly the ;entire western diviSien of the Canal, and the revenue _ of the public works WM consequently be serious ly curtailed. The tax-pSyers of the State will • - accordingly be called on to maie good the dal jusi Gesernor Bigler' will have time to -amend that porti o n of hie Address . which boasts iboitt the flattering condi6en of our State Anew- ,- No one believes that this remit would hare ...,...:kairpened hail the State- Warier! beta under any other than Politiesl control.. kirricate comps • my aroiticr have Seen to It that. a work requlti m t • -- lie:Mauna:nay and strength...was constructedln a mariner ratitable to its purpose„ and 'would not imltieated the extensive trosineris of. such a ••• line of transportation to an interrupt* -both • araroyiag.and fatal, • • - • . _ The measure Most imperatively requiring the Maly attention of the State Gorermitent le the 'salt of tha Public' Works. The commercial in , - :. , ....ierests of. the State demand that these -Works' Ithill-bri.iikeit from the incompetent handi'which lure =red them no loit, - enlbeillolx,ed of Mj the beet attainatie price to those who are wil ling.bni. and competent to manage them.— The people cannot afford folic+ taxed to Meet the deficiencies caused by a. suspension of nariga- Von an aline- line of Mural.. at an solicit season of the year; and the bminesi men of the State', • are not able "to endure =oh Interrnptiout upon the public:thorough:Wes. • - - • , The only remedy is to turn out the present nn ;worthy occupants of the gove7ment, and be, ; haw ikspon thine who are wining to . iffraree the from Heat s allmuMection with the public works. , . . • . Ta Ocritse os's Annassa..The , 4 4,orik", which it was so jmpriftent 'to te nts/MA here. '•ar whatever oost,r does not pub- Ash Gar. Bleer's addrek, but contents' Itself ~ ,erlth • wove extreot • thereftWm. The old 'Aar publiawe it to craw. The Union, we sup poe% from Its superior solve:soot laow•dte, re. -11** 13 4 1 . 1 r Ss P3liticsny dead, lad not itorthy -.of lusting apses upon; while as Post, in the glee - of Its ignorant% labors on the aline u if Slglet's election were will& the himude of pos- 'S6►, V'skia says that Mr. Watt ban made patina denlat of DianMagian Id% ;,Aiioza-asscatathas as the lEnciiiNotldies, We Awn no atagt nneedtonal dude. The Ea, ;hwesbt Bk. Mott to ?dr. Itsabstet hsterseptosy; -Wikai&what aallndsd foi.wair anytidne tan *a moils not, to 'et the :„.,,,Withat ! 'testof ready, *Ceti warnamt; to eve staglainnewner : Ur. Mott la known to, bas now Nothing the Democratic leadain; and z , tnthenttempt to .deny it ia both. icked and icon, • - The Art - tlechtr:lts that the Demooraht wit for lkeleetion news, in order to be Mire of get ting it .right; and si n. remit of - .ibis :patient ?irattliglt ismotmees that "fa Vermont, it Is be - Weed; thisDenteeratsholviontedi troneranatos." Jtoieitioniisper has the news r and we - fanny that; foithe sake of 'absolute' romeetners, the Pool afraid have - afforded to " welt a little longer." I „. . 'The PAiladelpilio Ledger, which professes to be neutral paper, devotes its money 'column to :eleotieneering articles in favor of Goy Bigler.- , The hags of its effort is the claim set upthat the ;thrtiner paid off 'neatly ti pt the Stain Debt. We shall show is to•morrow's qpie •thiat the Btata`Debt, itudead of .being enured, hat, beem inetwancd under` the present State lidnihdairstion,mangre all the pretenoesof ta. :wiggled fruote in the Ledger. "E.L•sicrr....litrad the of Get Big ler, nieleintiour neighbor ofthiP - ost; 4, itspeskn Alutcriently On an subjects it tone/ten" Bolt does; bet o! about those rahleete it &el ? Iteit Feliraika one of «the ham involve] in the • ausr p i d g et And does not the Governor tguirre it sltogeth . at? • • _ . . • Keane Pawn.—We have received the speci men number of new anti-Away paper about to ; be' apish - id tot .ICatiesi, Itie celled the Herald tor Pre(dota.7 sad willbe publiehid at Waliarusa, *eau, by G: W. Br o wn & Co., at $2 pie r yesx. . . • . • • - • • . The steamship city of Afanchaster arrived on Tuesday, -and-trill sail ,on on Satirinlay, 80th lash 1. Them win no atearnsr Bail on the 7th Of Oilitober.' Thelfkigesisaidsts pontlaues his tawell;l3ot ,:::..iiieustsms,dmig siobi* 'or his competitor.- Y O tt IS c"dida" bond - to eV* ep Ida libors becsim Ilt.Oppoileatiii sick? . • 1101._ said now and •ifirts'clOthlng will soon be roqutron. Mr. cotoir Synnitt, one . at tfin oldest 4 .,0f our Wood street Clothing bodies, info= our read. card brawler many: that he bsi toads #econdrogni;aridoe of, oyattlaifewidoli eiri iwiiletar•l'And hiTtrig l imcaiid Ultsrvices of 314 . ..fitaign • kmor fork tact °ail& Oa ttell:l4 140411. ahlein:natiAr tbeinoss fetid iu ra thCntgionnd apt of Ids Pr- =WM - ^ Tins Gauss or Cnotraa.—An intelligent are thoughtful correspondent has furnished us with Um suggestions below fin reference to the mid . dain nlbtetr t of thopestilawne came el fo.Waty Prow tlik real oria;,' and the *Westion„daseirts the si oecexamination • of . a- Boni* ordiealtii "ant ottr city authorities. To this chief mute other itiellisinddaCineh u 'ilellietirtseriiiiige;filthj .ifvfeihrigs, courts and alleys, the ai,Cumc*itoit gerbage and other 'fah in the etree t.,,ugtithe lortibielnillittee the caniiVpiefig the her ein', Al. ?Pt lifer to eintol oases have ocetuttei: dem ofwitich 10 AV time. thit some efficient ind Teitakmi to mita eleanlinese t ntLont which rtfeisst hr . ! a burden ereryand, death b Inrkieg in biws . . . The abatement of/ the cholera, and the ahnost , entire absence of elarm amongst our citizens, ur jo , will make it not an proper thing at tho present moment to • liistitn . a few enquiries into the (wise of the sco' e that has carried desolation into. IKI many fami ies in our hitherto healthy city. Let others t eorlze nbout-the a:marmite- CUD of the elements of the titmeiPhere, the die az romormentsof the electric currents, the , groUth from* ebigle pointof winged anamalcalio.,' as small as. the ;roman that float cinthe breeze from the tipasstree; I - prefer le look for causes' which • stair the common sensesense of every thinking 'Per: ~.. -- . . . so lathe communit y . _ The cause of the presort :rhdintion of the pestilonce.l believe to be is our /vire* Warr. Tie long drought reduced our noble Allegheny 'to a feeble stream, and dried up its, email tributaries All the neighborhood of Our City., The : Nobly:rain a fertnlght ago , poured the mom &um, from the pools-of thetoreeks in to -the river, and ilea the sediment of- the filthy pitten iof - the Filth and Ninth Wards i L all of which Wa...pumix4 op WO our reservoirs to spread death among our inhabitents. Butcher's Ran on the'Allegheny side of the river, but below Co dl ggAmy Water Works, poured out its slimy current of putiefaction onto the river,' even Into 'Ma mentkof Our water pipes. , : In'additioa to all , .114,.1. am credibly informed that for four moles aLoorlo the city- the rirer is full of dead horses, w'ointi NV prevented by the lowness of the stream ft om - brlng 'carried off: Iris an 'outrage upon our city that cairion:is permitted to bo thrown into the river, but In the absence of any law to pi event the nuisance it will not likely be abated.- The water which we had last week was very im plore; and. of coarse very Unwholesome. Our el tissue , who could riot afford to miz th 6. water they nsed with ioe . .Were the greatest imfferen. Tbs. recent rise of a , foot in the Allegheny has given us purer water, barstool ' it is not what it Isis - been., 'The Proper remedies ought to be tippIIMI,,IM once ,by, oar cilif,euthoritlea, The .supply_pipe to our Water Woris shoidd be ex tended up theatre= to Herr's blond. All oar riati should be removed forthwith and - buried, or floated dein the river while the pumpe are not working... Hierything 'Shoal be done to save life and bring back the purity of:the-water and the RA labrityot the atmosphere, which were recently the pride and boast of itery Pittsburgher. SLIM/CM dcammrs.—The close of the suni- Mlistes:s ionlif this excellent institution for bop. , , was celebrated yesterday :I an e xh ibition, which • _lris attended by *crowd assembly of delight ed spectators, composed of the parents of chil dren, and the inhabitants of the neighborhood.= The young gentlemen mostly acquitted themselves with pest credit, and all behaved with the at most decorum and propriety. The exercises con sisted of the reading of original compositions, speeches, dialagaes performed in characteri, and, mushy vocal mad budinmenbil. All passed rein •the most kappe =mei, We have had the op portunity •of observing this boarding imam chats for boys; for the last year, and can say idth the utmost eineerity, that as a parent we should feel perfectly safe in intruoting a child to Its die. cipithe and training, whether as-regards his' luidth„ . edritration, manneis or mends. We leer nPon . it as a most ateellent school, affording to pCrente whti . -wish to send their &Wien: from home a place free from all Celesta of 'parental anxiety. We are glad to know that the institu tion is in a most nourishing condition: . Bev. Jo neph•Trsvelll is the Principal. -Nave Yotut.—The Anti-Nehru ka State Coe 'Cation of New York, which assembled at An , letrnan Tuesday, adopted the Whig State ticket lately muninated.. A portion of the Convention acceded, - and after holding &conference with the Free Soil Convention, nominated `Myron EL Clark; the Whig Candidate for Gevernor, - but se lected new candidates for. the other offices— Seadford lt. Wood for.Lientenast Governor, IL A. Wheaton for anal and P. . FL . Macomber . for Prismanspector 'Tat Courre Tiezrz.—The Union chuckles ogee ihe fact 'thit's pardon of Its county ticket et has - been adopted by the Encin Therti were• whispers afloat yesterday to the - t1 ect. that the Know Nothings, in general assent- . hty znet,'ltad. nominated their ; county ticket, Or, rather, deohled which of thertanies .on thetiekets of the other parties should receive their support. Ii was else statedohat three of the Democratic candidates for theloigielsture had been selected so the favorites of the new organ:duo:ion. Much as w detest tbe secret 4 smotation, and Buis as we think a man tatitiedto the name of Mowers who will court their influence, wears rejoiced to ire the Whig party, even now, in this county, trembling in its shoes for the danger of the eosin. , - - .. Of mune the DeMocratic hada= sae rejoiced et-any douses of sleeting itpareofthiir ticket, eve:Ethel:qt' the help shoukt Wrosefrom the Kirov things whom tier coatinially • curse-They _ lut4orth longaddreesie egsinst the order, abuts _theukin their "ape», daam them . an the`streM cornirs, , and pass rawdmiens against them County Cosine:don; and wind , trp by nominating th* Snow Nothings out of 'ATI' for AMeoubly q tun. '4mfor coMAY•udious;.as the ontj• chinos •of foisting-their 11101:04/6011 into . And this is matter of rejoicing with the Union. Una u it ..ektats" the secret siseeletkoOt ie who* ecriptureil to thick that the detested . order is gLAng to rote for three Kook Nathinge on the DomourptiwAssemidi ticket. . • ' The liarifibtiso Patriot, the 'eigati , of Elov. Weer' thus Araks of the Kea* N things". • Artily, tree Atiericani will;lenouice Abair principles from the.houstatope; u, Uncharitable, illibend, :unchristian,. Ofats!"tio INFAMOU B sad COWARDLY- :.:Flury I .patilotio heart will stigmatise. the Snow Natidegleaden, and the propagatoe of their :doctrines, es Ii:NAVEII au TRAITORS the Obun , that feeds them; as well is to the_Cadiwbo made them,!!` , This is a plautant paragraph to a part Of the democratic ticket of this county.. Three Three of the nominees on the deinomatic Assembly ticket, the Prim . infOn6 us, have - been adopted hy the iinewpiotidops; and as hody seleeti Orly iti own . coemberry, the admission of the. Vivien is importaut, halhe' ray-'of information: Other . . portions of the - detocieratio Acket; ruiner - says, have been Adoptedijy the'eame erder'f and we commend to them : the proclamation of the Ocre ernerAnd his organ above given, which, itigent flied thins.) as "infamous" and cowardle " Itnaves'aml traitors." Will the 'Union oblige us with its opinion in. the : matter? ' etre, the de mi:ratio nominees who hilre.heinsdoittukly the Eno,' , NOththipt.".thittunotui". oowityr 1 , knaves and Inatome; as the Pail*:1 . 111 - or ins the Gormsor's mouthldevie been v . .zbe too fhiln ileburtathm of its allies 7 Ovivmodfttac.,e• Of the N. Y. sttsew.. , 712ToLoyiox—Ikl ow"! 0* 1 . MUT OF "":17ACArItC_Os X.400.Pall111110i; kat. 7, I tra4,-41ero. a bove; iiernon, the held of 2, - pooSixims, entered, the cifi of tibia on the 4th the entered, the haßmieraitated on the &,1. Airarea.liptuddng forward fOrChil-. I;nneinko,,where,he will ;arrive , in . a:,font days without any oppntithie - is all the 'aiovernment troops lriCre teen witiviiewn Trani- the 'State .of Guerrero foe the capital, exoept a forever 1600 left , at 'l9 nht, to retard, it pia* ',Mil onward movemetita, which cannot be ths case, inammeh nn;Aleares b in finehealthead leading a body of -men whnito a 'man weniddle for thatrehleftain. 'l3y accurier; whteh arthed.tble , eranint, of dotal binfput...ipli bit bodoeCreeetred - -1021 Mara Cruz him pronounced for Ahemit; Wm} from all 'fo'dlcationS Xery ilnikr..helleredlhat Banta Anna 'Myer: loon. abdicate: . , Pinte..—The most notable eiretuastaneals the reported capture of Pitaktent Eehhdque 47 the rendetlePerY. WAY. ~The •P l ll l 4lemt of the Coueetter 13014 4 10 -reeet4 I hem* tteldadted ;elitism* or ottme subject to, tpiJayr#,q, the %maxi, ( 1 ): 0 f1e0 4 9 1 / 3 4 Totten of ft, te spoir.,!rtitri , o4ters, ,tu.P*ll . Piite, arias z 7, r‘l MEE YkO]l WAISUIINGTON.' Ccrraffirautous tbeTrAl7 Attabanh Ehmi WASMINTOX etre, See; ' 7I- .4 11e P). 14 Millis a fear ofisfilicti.- --- '",. hB _ " "c°wsP. andlha s t e iho in iiiix.:4 of Providence-1s yet -edlito Wad, id'' many part s of our Country. ,raid I,....asolatentho South and cholera hat eu, with a sort of capricious and spasmodic violence, some of the healthiest districts of the North. -The sympathies' of the entire- country are with, your afflicted community as with many others that hate been is unexpectedly attacked., and, have suffered more severely. There la no Instance in the history of American epidemics of a more aweepinicalaniity than the ravages of feeer at Savannah; 'according to Southern , papers. The white population of that place is said to be reduced to 8,600 `whits the interments of a sin gle week are reported at the number of 210. It is said that the fever does not assail the colored inhabitants. - At this rate of prbgress four or five months of the epidemic would sweep away -every white inhabitant in the place. The disease seems to be almost as fatal at Charleston and New Orleans. The cholera at Martinsburg and and Columbia, where it appeared so suddenly and prevailed with boob fearful mairguity, pro- Aimed no such terrible mortality as this. The fatality of the disease at Pittsburgh during the first week after its appearance was about equal to a mortality of 2,800 in a week in Now York, a proof of the dreadful .severity of the plague.: I sincerely hope that the . die appearance of the destroyerntill be as sudden as its visitation. There is peat reason to fear that the Cholera i leas become naturalised tai our climate, and that it will recur with each return of the =teal by season of the year. It is certainly true that the Northern and Western States have not been en tirely exempt from it since 1849, though.bappily it has not since prevailed to anything like the ' tame extent as in that awful year. During the present thason'lt has Made no regular progress as in former years, but its visitations have been sporadic as to place, time, and the character -of the symptoms attending it. In -1832 and again in 1849 it followed water Courses and advanced from given points in determined direction:o— on the fleet occasion it appeared at Quebec and New York simultaneously, by laving been brought from Liverpool and ilambur. ,It as• cended the - St Lawrence to the lakes, and tray elk westward from Newyork by the usual course of communication with surprising regularity of peptise. In 1849 it appeared at the extreme South and North during the middle of May, 9tl the opposite currents of disease and death met In the centre of the Union in the course of July, and raged with terrific fury until September. , This year none of these incidents have been 'observed.- Its phenomena have been inexplica ble. It preialled alarmingly at New York and considerably at Philadelphia, but was not trans mitted to any of the places In most intimate con nection with those cities. It decimated the un fortunate wretches in the .Alms House at Buf falo, but did no textend to the town, nor to any of the neighboring places. Martinsburg, Va., and Pittsburgh are certainly among the bealtbleat cities% the world, yet, passing over great cities, it swept down upon them like a whirlwind, and snatched its victims, as if 50015 new and myste rious kind of prey had descended upon them.— Apin, the disease has this year =state/M(1 symp toms of a local ccrntagion, distinct, perhaps, from the infection which results :from personal con tact. This feature is altogether new, and is one of the alarming, characteristics of - the nurbuly. Henceforward the danger of disseminating the &seise by mere contiguity with the affected will aggravate its horrors. . Although on the continent the scourge of Cholera has 'produced a wider desolation at the North than at the Bulb, its mortality in the is land) of the West Indies, within or adjacent to the tropics , has been Infinitely greater than In any' part of the United States. In Jamaica, Barbados), and all the British eolcodes, in Dom inique and St. Thomas, this pestilence threatens in a few years to-depopulate the islands. It has raged with far greater severity . this year than ever before, and has been getting , worse every year since 1819. It is not for us to lift the veil which bides from us ;the judgments of the. Almighty, but it has pleased him- to admonish ns that our tutexam. I pled prosperity as a nation affords no exemp tion from those great and general calamities which contribute to make ' up the sum cf hump misery in the other parts of the earth, and it will become4B to remember thstin the moment 1 of your proudest successes then is a power ho- Tering over and around us which may confound I our wisest councils, and tarn to naught oarbigh. est enterprise. c..: 1 The Ninth pf certain crop) tow Irk I hare before 'adverted has noir become firma, It is very silly erattenept to smother rational en- I r 0,,T00r Roved the Led, tie 0.111 Hastlery- d. U; re. °mantis, or the Middle , , - or armband:marts or European O. vUleall .: b alalributeley,la A 4 Inflames, artier Evrl ' eseliaa by ta author or ...A Trtto Web Sin, Beaose,^lllustramzlor trre. 4.: Amolot.or ulna -b .& v. by Hera. ' el fi l L ot t i o. a. A i li kv i . i . t,.. d r Mr Harold. or tbe , mtaltibilry Tales or 'bop Ifeederhlaa to the lberoeltbs IA Illoatrallonr. ha rim lied Dragosa or the. blaster Hoy to Poi.. by Az thsaktGarlE4,s>morty a prima of . Ilarres tA Fa. ' Le !..ds XrEW BOOKS —Eltbekton's Sermons: for IA tbe . People.lll4o-101teet to , wpoleiale potet tar talter Aintet. orPotrreat Wier athahwocoa.Makalries easteas. 3 1 ola . ave.: Egyjd, And , tta. bloomtett et A i aw amts. 1 vela 8 rw Aeons LW'S of Etelneat ng Christlse Le r; alleerllanp.Rtaterioal "241seellanr. E•bleaate of t r Loden' by lhateent Moisten - &altered at the Vol 4.1 1 0 , :. 4,4 8•04 Itabre.ang. Tway. rhatt Saflor's Plea of bal. _ ~- , . •.: • Motet ea.lhe.Peata doe= a Mirada,. . test vatka an thatelleteeat Huth ea the Voice. air I t. work ,11==waet?liggialbe,DrErlietTay=Mih Treaworr. by - Semple. aa nee sett boOr. nesse ' oars Lap or ' curut; loso; tad quarto. ' cloth - , embe/atbett_ _luta tatan Fraseat'atte_oettittow thereat' Orettea sad Uaklawala. AL larsa 'took or vleadla tables. Poraet Ileo Saul etuttche . la ,14f i g= 1 .4=1;711r44. 3. =!:1t MO. Mattel and &boot Books, a tattooerr. *a . . se= . .•,^ ~, • .• - : .4,4 REASl.7katti at. - in 00. 1 vitmt OAP w tyxi vBi) ila. igglisto a be Web/ %Mg B. RARIAVas *co. m a.,27 YONIONNUORT & MIIRPIIT. ~~ t: .= - ......**; 4 ,ll lfift Ur aeca ..., /4 47 ;b3W., twattor•C7F4pn. filigmed.o.. I akt:als . 1. b.74: = , tZtriFkosts, aZ,,, Eum offarmlukoWnsils,',lutielt i. .- , , . . 1.'".4'" ....._.___ ....L ..... ge 1\Yibi1r* . " .14 Weigh, nen, It hay aft • igiamat,ll • .T. 1.01111, 'LNEER'S. ;lINSTRITS AND 30H2 'AS::11 fl ti tAt.-A ktteitows hnis Tuesionntor az, attach. lowe's lenotiosdi. aw - 1.2 raw; Robetwel Conk , lam. *row. ant Ilmactliqw•cbwiew Ind mos orarlia \on 4:17.141M".`t UP OR . HOUSEIRO 4 .I.) 1,..7 AT Ut7101 ‘ . 6 --Git Fddin tobrialtot Tint it t r t lo o'4 Posin'a Aaron. ir no oplit into» ot • pritata dinning. inilnebno Win o Thunin In oft, ma , wall Minn an. Or. ClClnraLiu mut wo. toilitoodoodo tnrisa i - initionna, do pans dun, mallablen , wunntont. bua and kniportgbary bedsteads, trunk noi tamilllon, Alatitiktim m.Rruattil at ,r2.12441.24L0. c and tier . ,e'ejlael &latter. Attu .IFQ p o t Morn Mon Manic an mailloin cooking note aid Tap, min klicion ware, r. oupet,o lot of Tabun/0 Timpani*, !mita md to Moan. Donn . nindor A tto A3I,PETEI, OIL 'TOTES, • I McOLIBTOCK BROS. nro , now ininotar l 7-nowlylike th Fall Stock of (Am& i n hit At] !gat in;',A.4l.4.,zuzltr.that; arLog imported and inflected our stack In the a and with inichatinZ stmk CougAtt , \ and tawnityita, *MI 'at all Intactd •to bold dm great hid to to oar mouini ' (nor "'TkrndOk in PT or ikk &amt. • Tarn. Sinnatla \ /* tmn. ' I 'M*" ittrinlEhrte 11".' \ W but.oll• tatting o! Bowes, .1 'but F Aesre. \ Aine—Onneh Tier, - Deuneuitteltlan. ramiaa ian man, and Mtn Tanitnarpet4 4111, 2,4, 44 na4.2.4 nnikK Kat Un dliM ttlVties 2-4 4 , a n i4l; 44 and 244 irkin Soot OR Oloin heno 12 to 24 fader! , often nun Opm4 WSW. *bleb no WI nut 46 any dupe OT Bile. 1 • • Tithed 10 3 2' Onww- 1 4. ntini Xs* Maclellan, &lewd: Alleo&•_•luto *ad Ono .3141 L V • • lentAl=.l OretritoerllZhbre"..Z°l244T/ndPilt.\ an NAV Ono; - Spanintettina. • nr, Woollen - Moor oral] "WM" and . !tree 4Onin atm Wren Htnn mars.' on Tr ittruirn . Sbi4N, 4 /./ a I,..nter 711.111 don =O, 1:4117.4. AWING. ..11 . 'nepe Wth iatorn. sak- r~ and g i net er •strit i fon t r " u ' n. osk L. petatlon of Teirat. Braises and Ingrain r elejA r tto,_ whlet otinireiorrat.2 and Al ktraypriCa Z 4 11•11 nue, -fin.-fte,44, W.rumu". ..• - 1.; . .‘ . ' .. :. '.'• AGENT •.. Poilielling and Baying Patent Rights. .sabscribeiclisfing learned front his 1 T i l l eetwww•whkrPrdeVsaw2 with perms who were 4eldrosui to eell Patent' to' mr 'Clam, Chanties. '4,teit fe.i as welt no lath . o ere who oleh to Intntheme M Adria; that ad a* to filmset that Rind Zr bud hoe, tttle thhoh hi. bath hes Berthflettueet wh o a his hole and Itliabuittee to the se r rile, ee, may de. "'em tilllnt i t i liht ia t a Mft 11 1 , 1irani tO .41blatta• ... the atm. he ttmeloiten by retertioß t plane to theft. IPSteythotatial of a hw,of the elthreue at Pitts. _ , Mtrhreciati, ANltitt 17th, lash The .it bemoan Ilittir - long twoolottuhttett irttl. Hr. h .'rtlYittPter:ierratriVtrtgrhgtrtti=" u ...,,,, a otideohted toterrlty• en hulatethrable.lo4 . In - die exertion. eresznll-ttlee nail* Ded . .....,. , I le7the .8., Crehtt . :, ~ 731 f. =bloom, Jr„. L . \ In Lattioctaz., ....: • John. Grehuo. . ..,.„. ri......ts , . , ~,, ,- - . -. l i t.:Chilla S.r.c. -:•:' • Y: . " hood , —', ',. :1 • IC.Atirithes: , . • -.., -.-- , 21 5 * PEAUS' - MILLS, i, FOR" .These MPANT. theta . ' %) and tesTASOPides:7IOISBING 311LT43 end ..111.LI. ittached. ens now lb? nut km, an the peewit ra lista t h ivdiettbosithi'dbiAmthintnisines t , ; These II hews _mar _, tett_ if eel •POW.cint jit ths.cogots_ll, .tieing ropinie• .100 ast./.6; PPM(' suer einiznds td Wares Cana ..s.sse 4,*'• mileisikests shin'. os ont.let. Loch scribe Cenel,, 441 the: hind Mt.. had ransom& These I. Itt content and has been - *creased) and will)* bollt b 7 milaraid Pam Derlionton to the tiros, which wilt make esomannilottion to tide MILL I VIII4I I OItX Is ar l eVAOitsahlik Inat' o - ibisiellinn — -- hae • ifitr offnuFout, dolnst • ' ist l ioa gab tinerneel, of stout .p.r.iuntuv...' d asthind to *Wit* " •maMs ti Donne* wale* re Calif.,to eel/ enure Pr. "" r """‘ " . " 4 " .40Cmi /bribe mem* teenttoned &bore. , -..'• •, •• ' Viglir ohlo. .. '.: ..... iie•es I Tl)Thncoiturihiesie ~.., - .Poetaffloo Wee. litaltil'o Fassy * Beenis Co l reolve, or " ...56:13 - , .Volosk .•Plttahnrhe. &Chao* to Hake Soni7; .- -.- DI:IMITABLE- AND 110NORAis.41,1M t,:- Plat6l'MYyt-Thei 'oiltioictiber,h3 dell ...16m orbselog rtilAorgitns7:bl%ViT V l liW , ..fttitiZt like an Mtrient....artr. 0601,9 1. .J 1 99996. 9,10.99 Mr dar-lindeed iamb o the ,tstmoi mu aft ...1.. g toim that mot. Emmy to totmatiort Ibe Men by ad &mitt& (roa,tage'ralt) -,* WM. JLi I H,Ea,.. ,_____ t_ N --, - mi. &Hi nittattel Pc010t666 ''----.--7. .Thilft.talzege ~ • ,•.:, :• • [ CLADSIOAL, mid Artalk e mio ' \.l) l) , lr t. 'l* ebtby lb. balt.eNm In . mont. • Hammitt' Terott i m- testbd? ',o,(l9o:cimks. dmilhiaittlattm *A , htsttteit,.. 3. 9 rltto 11 t0t...13 . 2 JO 4-946.14%.....tht ~,n,mr2th. 11:4..1'rethip.x., roati.=Ziatt: Matto, *to 6 r.. st„ wit 11.6 tr. MO. No helm or tiltevlllbo o rted tAtiu.l., t tds/hpart :4l°,l4l lb . '-'D.1" 1 1 1. 7 . linreagklL• thitil. TN•r. ,1 ( :), , ,),bb i ßirsB- . N. , •Atal ll Asseft,, - mbhda.:NA_B4ant, Ili*Holthyte.liiThig.r_ 70 b r i t bilri '24WI iit Mc le 1 1 : '.r i a a: -.; 0 4 Wait .. otrf do S the .•54...r. ' 4 .;_,; lb .do D,...d Twirt dc; 61 30ttl , Ai3.• Im. jet * 6do Noma . lom , :, Me 1g t .,..4,, 4. 4.......".; igtVgii:7' • ,14x n , d. . i* ' im Immo% 6 dte Ca d , 60 - itef 31 ~- . .V....,..; . 31. doMor ', r ',..4t5. , i 3 r , 4rit,, . ‘;,.. i., , •; - ,11 :=V - ,:,......,.,.: .. 1 4 44. cor,mill.b a --, io 4. (MUM dtg_ .._ .... _ Ht . d'm 30 do- Ahmed 6 Meet Sato 10 l‘ t - . o; i tlt do Ohm& Tramporat Mll ..da i, 10 do 31111tm Ohavinq ..IH; / I.oli e.,...ii.' 't3l7 - L,..JVAM• , t-,t aT _,'-' - r ,... iltr . ,r.n.,,ip lu " ke llia";:.4,"" --1- E , ~, ..4- , . ti mmatmimin't....: ltat; 4 ... , 20 ELM' R . iniar:, no Iwo ;, 4 r4 41 1134. &Its 100 do etootteit 11696 '.i ' ; :Mean "Battlagi :Cob 7 . , . .. ... . ,,,,,,, 6 For soltii, . 7 . - .t....7..D. wmumia 422 , wow o.;rd. trisk a - Patf/I 1r to til i aan *sit ER fraecting d \pree 'ientlui,the deo, 4""ttl "a law tr..!xlittir -..The aamlatons an minionitainika Oa Mate vim andeatalon and Ohm to. . 11,3 ........,._....,,,,.... *Mtn at cc, LO W at. anast Emu ..m7i_aftnat Stalk ml ma tto Water Wadtti:=o,, , , . ii:u. , Also—W mato: an Mkt . aird bald atom t motor . Vault Xins Motto% WI lom Sall ink .*,....,aata n l4 .atinirlmann* G aad , 1 1 11 1407114 Mad "MlOrtatao PAW b/71=ori aiiiitt " yOTICE---Ats fillititßirx , ikratii - ' 1444 1 / 4 1 o[' Mamma Otto 1110,ban_i oaantritaniftruulaso-: or; am molved UM un mats pooposedS Ii cm mom aria. pronlote of MUM a. Mt o f ad the ,WW .2604 -Witbont2lll6 days ottleafkaaa, - . m tau Um& Clona....atnnyarlnnzate u. in 7t13171,,=40---rksattan.i. ANTON;.Zwkak.*l;*jduilii., r it RENT unao62o Voltdatiitu, a dedglkre g gtWanioT.WMa coma fiawshinzunntsimo= lierummAptarto&AUT Vf! c o ..— MAXIT..brt 441ineiver. atili le" in..eatbraitt"r77 lIEE /121, SHAWL—MtkIaOII T ibet 4..Shr docr...trtleatuLor Cashowes - .626 ' , 1 NIMS, ittiBBERKING.__ A) in irmei fat 149 to thietaik Aetna or au alsoctut rellatlkElNlM *tag. at the India flo t Rabbit. tdrool.' 4 .11 • • :li t • A , .45 Attltata 10, Ms tid taar /In 0o A 7 VALLIABLK A EIPLENDIOIE-,:a br &boagortiansprixtiv.aaaltut ut,'\, G ettim.,ft of costal.o4. .Itistla. t 314112.41 " .I ** Bwra. , 4 , - ~" y wdovnu a andada...*Voltidditoald do rale. upelastoTeilai r imartierrlMlx.;' r 411 i at. - CUNDRLEs-"so .111141..N.V.5aig:,,,,, 3 . 1.,J SOO bb.4.1110 . lit gli., ar:ZlWlL_laci.c4 and a~tidMi Li tf L tituc,„, • .„.., as bi:wiloo.,onstmirw.: so bkh...Wrionf ran .60 au. Frip46l.• • 26 tum.anix.o% P•r; 60-4.-04 4111Mt' \ . t2'`'''ltln* a itatztimali.-1 , 1--- . T. LI ' iTLB DNLY $4O per:'M for jl--------;:—T-4-----3 b e Faxith \ : s" t4tiorot. h. Diruarmri--Bmvertiaioa At : sf tdrEnon 1314 . ...t!e2q.t1te 0. 'Pa. Itgr,2o , ais tor :. \ 1,,,,,VU*41=412141,2 Mtliallttr. . A ' to thi i:':. \ work•d• , ?helm , " Is 'MUGS' Din ain 11.0001thatati—' nap is a beautiful ustursi +atom CM ra' A te r ' - otr % l ioatig ß o o,Wa, 4- 4°3"",4 iu m obo l ti thmt,orgood. , ! ~ ii.,.. uuyy '-hulti-L a ' -:' t mop'twk. '-'\ . . . mtmiZitt .„ —. Belti '' ItioiON-40/, ite/110 I:o•MOrr64 Sid lot al ittek BOOkAlid Cia Book and Comm. andt. \ OW*. II ft.Olamorsoid=ow. Con Ifloomeroto, mid Immo RIM E 8--A A. lift co.-usa m om .resina apeti in um Stharnb grtcalt r!sjotidaelittit agar =l72 • ftrecoPtermt.7 Der ow-fro %bp at \ thomus7lltom- nitWm tiOreeli ..atnrmcd,!iaba!rorimkilD. Gr ll4 teisitenow 1‘ :40 0 heroM jitr awake salettoulas aing --77-7: • mi rMp Inaglami n Wat at 1230 per • 100 *co for Ash b b Toitt and; Crintied ;•:.8. - DA.T.11113. Co.~ • ADWAY EINOITATiNG RESOI , fla.avatvidalasiorort k • t 2 • } S 1 'I r2 , 2if . drigUlall a 0. OM