The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 20, 1854, Image 4

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yw.:%4,4 i'.' 3 ,,l• , e'4'
.;.. ".,';t1c...;.,:7,,,..;:.,:,.
AFRESH ;Irriyal of-NUNNS
CLAM, Celebrated PlANNiltaaltri
.aard broths ealicitter.• Tiny. atas -
tantazasde sal iscarolly satiated erairralT
pr ibis market:end eat casalderad unatate/I==
sem sad Darer sta..* T h. r ":43: altar over
mat at tea seam* brig, be
rnmfra to ataad
. "4 "41 4 ,ta. dcTe tb ir e teatt .
1. 1 t A nnre ttial .
A t i r w r fu . r s
e ta m, at t latita i t . ael..
trap. tae , female tililtAtd
aft,,ATON AADNURY. N. Y. All tae above
trrelr rad at Ibutern Yactorl t irlcei, altbold
dant* I " l2b " .k g et' it KLEMM,
- Bole Agra NatrostAaV ard e=
tarn Elan of the (told", Harp.
svArrtral of Obiekerlng's Pianos.,
- IN 11, BIELLO3, No. Eiliffill
r. Wo od street. via , bare °Pen loging
( 7) the, 'Mowing nen Pago roam ,
- bat CM anslasted mantifactot7 of Cuing-
Flinn * Win, Barton. lig
Two dizmlblo .mt orve t d , 7 °dawn Ploto* — .'
rour plain 7 elo •. • dn
do . - do ~.. 1114,- do , . (dot
plain '• . do '6 4 4 do dm
(Plow do do 6do- • ' dco ' •
• Throe Walnut • It do - tin
All the stove Instrannatto botalnen gobbed daring the
but tooed6 amt are of lb* latent Wine 67 7 . 761 1 67 .•
.- sarbsiarliibly et Baotou prices. and emery Piano wus
rintai - . • (nror. ii..itzumkst wad etre.e.
Jell ', 7
•• Agent Per Oblekmng Allow,. 'Barton.
I(kgtW , Boo KS.Art Journal for July -
Mr Jasper Carew Sid ght; 94 supply;
' Blackwood for Jalt , Yankee Ballow for Aogoatt
Peteroon'a Mainline forAuguak
7 71 . = La4T's Book do. 24 swAO , II
• • Beat trot or farolly Pride. do: '
earTroot Oxman. be Leitch Bitchle. 31 rapPIT:
• )tyrterielotaomarent; •
to. ar r ant Books, toprether with all the leattloa
=Tewe, de.jOat reed' , Express , and for Fowlhe
eti eßieto Book MU... , ri B. ballaTEß. ki et
-_ im curdne.v.orjh.2ll _ _
• • • Th. Tent and the Altar;
'.; . . Vetoes of tberwadd.
I.eetoeaa no- Roman •
" • •arch Habra he Matt
" • %mediation. or t Um Blamed I.!tte
poll ca. Julia; Th e Parisi...Side. •
Dapotlem in ,' otiose T. Hoppa;
t 'or &lank Llama%
Tba Msateena
of !dreterions I:arrange and luvir to
lareebet. MM. All the new Publlgationp
& &&&&E'T'"°& n.°ll'llBl'l.. Foe eateD
4.7= . • •
li ao m "ittiV i slitgrztrlst • l. Mood A Front et.
rilauby 3 VLSMING BROS.
ROOKLYR SYRUP-40 Ibis. for solo by
Jos VID1; DELW OR= it co.-
IIkArACKEREL-10 .bbls. No. 4 in store and
iviite oak by B. ILAILBADOII k CO.
FINABLE SALT--600 snake fine Table Salt
- 1. ant hand and farm,. b7' JOIN WATT k 00. .
Ibr ate at loge _ram A. R7481N• k CO.
LSlf-1(T&ble. large new No. 3 Mackere
26bbla, medium' do da
g da
. .
21 do Trout mud White nth, In store and
jrl.3 Jso. WATT .4
nAGKEBEL.--50 bble. now'No. 3 (large)
Vlsekeyaq 30 btu. mt..* Boning, to alive by .3. B.
sod by Jo2l • JOI.L.N WATT t
OOL BERAGES--Over 100 pes. plain
• • Wool Bangui. ofewry daveriptionjust tved.
stul2 A. MAS'UN d CO.. 23. 6th et.
FAN • .
.100 bbls. small white BeAns
oste'bf '• 'J.2 J. D. CANFIELD.
ISRUSES on hand an
Jim /144 br r. Jam. R. E. SELLERS .t Co.
JUJUBE PASTE-500 lbs. for stile by
=Yr .
41.01trt-100 the ear for sale by
TLJ 443 ' vow norirtuoasr a mual.ur
RACON2S,OOO lba. Bacon Shanbiers;
z.OOO Ike. mar Z.OOO 16e. Mee, receiving
tintokeboase and Car ale or T. LITTLE /r.
tern L • - No.llYßeeoud et -
rOk.SALE-WO scree of prime ' Land, on
the Iffnakterate Hirer. one toile below McCann:lde
le.hle. 11 is • eplendld arm end offered very low.—
Enquire of je2).lm THOS. ROODS.:ith et.
LIME -=100 bbls. for Nato bb
Life°• ' 11Y..NItY ACOLLEIN :
sATLI Ea lbe prime for sale by
•Inr big/ •el 7 =Near reed br W. A.
ATEIV 111.ACKEREL 7 -;.20 Milo. No. 3 Bins&
tnatontbnn 'A) half bbla. 3 lamellas+. Inmoction,
to arrive end lbr sale by W. LISUTTON.
corner Woad and Front eta..
S UGAR --6 6148. N. 0. in annfi e n& Correj.)nel
and eitildrale weal, :Ted by
WANTED--A Young Man who can come v.r zwommanded, and - who understand, ate Gro
an? Basineaa • L.• U. GRAITroor..24 and non sq.
RODUCE- - -krbbls. small white Beani;
.MO btu. Dried reached; 30 Ime. Dried Apples.
• Dl.:: 1012... A-ROBISON i CO.
I HADES It HAIR OILS—A large assort
ealebosted Parini. 'wed thi. day b
• • • • JOB. - FLEXING, car. Died and Market at.
PEARLS—I 3 cake. just reo'd'ruul for sale
br aa9 . =CRY 11. COLLINS.
30 tax noe,d for sale by =MY 11. COLLINS.
mu, *tisk by tam bbL,ion or bottlx. by.
J 722 W. 11.80TT01% N 0.1.2 Wood st.
ou geed City Parer baring from MI days to (tmontbs
to ran. Apply to inn • B. S.IcLALI.
Ifiln On ?presidia Aboard of. Man.of-{Tae, bt
74 .l
AND, 101 vol., 12ma, KAY a ale by
W.. I 5 Wood et.
LINSEED.OIL-50 bbls. in store and for
fIORN-300 bag; for sale by
mr2s VON DONNUORST 13117111.1.1 Y
Ebhle. fresh, this dny rec d for sale
. _
D RYFRUIT.--4;ii — tuisvry A.pples.
,1 do eaches.
lac mak by . , 811 0 111 - YRB, DILWOIII3I AOO
SALE,44Stesm Boilers, 32 inches in
• ationette,a tt long, ern Fire Fran; Befetr..Valee.
lerbaßerplT rim; all ea good am nen and.will be
sold ist • Puma. T. WIGIITMAN, .
irVINARY CAGES - 7 6 doz. Fancy Bir
I:2IRD AND GREASE--25 bblo. No 1
bat Z tbb. (hesse,.ln .tnro and Drr b_y
. ' /WAS DIC Y CO.
a! J ET—A - Large Room, suitable for o%
s 4 tir._..eN- raTtntr.TONP."'m
ettFuslußY;4-liate on hand a large and
. smOtimeaiof Perfnmemoinnalstlng ornate CUL,
Colognes, Floe Extracts; Beam &c. Those wlsb.
Ina any of the above articles would davreLl and ex
am'. mr doer beloreipurcbludneelsawbere.
. amid JOS. YLE.MIN(I, cor.-Dia'd and Market st.
uNDRIES-25 bus. Dry Apples; •
Xi boa Dry. Pbeaos: 241' ) Sur mn•iAr T l""S"C"."4"' i t A l et b Taut CitrrLWITI
by I" 8E1A9784-L%t.
salty isle UT R. E. BELLEW &C 0..--
CASKS - SAL SODA in more and for
OL by au24 7L X. HELLERB a CO.
- 10
otiliMinCIIVITES.OlvelrdedDyer:m.410ln, by Oa°
L. N. A. A new edlt/ou rellawl And Corrected by
Mt stator. iris rob, lb, sale by
or= IL It MOBWORTIf & O. 62 Mukalla.
monut—ls......purehaaing ALL .1.1 Maui Money
Moot ttt. EArtusoltost sod Porn Boob) at 215 Docent for
(roux ou. EROTHIULA CO.. N 0.15 Wood .t.,
atitikllrd '1 door !tom Ist .t.. Rankers t Er. Broken. '
LOOK:AT TlllS—AnTperaon mny secure
Der binuelfs beautiful Doom tint, adiubelug Allu
g, 24 acres orlan d, with rpleridld
'nickname fbr tbe mall &mounter Ow Hundred eat
Montt rDeliers. Full particulars can be bed by calikurat
toe offlol .1D R SULAM , : s SON.
irtaß2ALle.-4, Allegheny County Coupon
- Bout% urslooo eaoh. totem,. payable eorol•annnatly
is td and Neared h, , the ()entre! Rant . ..deo.
Aar w StEEST—S46OO In (Mr Warrant,.
.11pme.Paper b at from .14 to 133 data tom. Lamar
foam 111100 to $.2000. V Land Warrants. forv . r h 1 rh
the h.Welprice win te_also a n. apply at the n.i1.a..t0.
OE4 Law mom of . B. MoLAIr4 flON. 21. eth et.
FRIISI:N.A House.ancllzTi6l4oo6,eit
idel caidaitottat",tllegbeny City. The- lot Is 20
Mott by 100 &op, to Jaren= at. Term' of payment
mall • Ikea rotate Amato, 140, 3 .t.
ARED REACHES---4 bbls. in store fo
- eau br . 474 J. A CA20161.1).
ILA Our Diatom. for Ws by ULM 11. COLLIN&
CHROME GREEN-10 can* and 5 kegs
strudel.). J. SefIOONUAIM. A 00.
J. alma '
EP I M SALTS for sale by
- .7. SUWON MILKER t 00.
g6BAGS PURE BARLEY in store an
texas by aulfi BELL 1. mxtrry.
rIXLOAN-$15,000 on notes, secured by
ty Onintr Don& as eollsteril . 11Certlity. V.
at, 1:01.34111% ' THOS. WOODS. 75. 41. h at. .
FOR' 'SALE-7 ;s arcs North American
at - ;u D. JUNO.
Colo. Stock and rx. Broker.
yAIO7-200), cuts p y 4. it
.rmtpflatt whit&
Mutilate len. grey and white.
receiving .1 00 nAgn .
Ilar a ir .1, W. MeYARLAND, 283 Liberty at:
OORNSTAIIOII--5 bxs. just
NJEAWW.VIwd M153 , 1113) .____ 1143 W. A. WeCIATRO.
MEW POPE.-65 bbl s. for sole
; )•19 B.IOIIBON t CO.
• ORM &PA- STOCK --20 sham fur
it. No. 71. lAA d.. A. WILL - Me A CO.
• .
' , it e ere
dos. ses'4,by ." -JOE:
coiner Diamond and M.SC. st:
tram Need ' • JOY. ?LEMING,
1 4'es A I ones nn. , t, in egtreny
at 7 Calve -B.tryznntru'r.tzolc.
GUM Itß4l3lo' 6
bind 'tit f l r L s i ajfi r ; IfLEAVG BROS.
WASILBILKS, kaow Pmes.,-,ltie
bias eta iteij i tt a t. ti t llt t illtk , rp t ck b l:l
tsgrgatprtoeilaW Gowatinyrio.
. _
. From. the ..l'heladelphia Naito! College.
A lirpr ERA IN . TITH/17STORT OF YED/C1A.7.1
Popular Medicine for the first time sanctioned by the
'trouser atrreottrrr to nu morgestoal
TIIE endereigned have the pleasure of in •
forming the public that they hare made arrange
melts with the eminent Proleanor JANES McCLLNTOCE
it. D., of Philadelphia, known for more than a quarter of
rentm7 twet , as moot the greatest Pmetitioners.dTueb•
ere of 310.11cirie land Surgery in this ommtry or In Europe.
kr the purehaem of his Lrecipes, and the preparation of
series of 7d3IILY MEDICINES therefrom, which will be.
put up In a cheap and popular trim, adapted for genera/
ued, and suited to the most prevalent amazes. These
remedies embrace some of the most valuable dissurveries
end combination. erer Pampa for the cure 01 a.m. They
an the fruits of the most profound Investigation, the will
tat research, and the almost unequaled experience of 0/10 0
the tint physicians of the aga.• /Inch remedy Is especiall
adapted to mme purtkukribret &sm.. In accordance
with th e mom principtu qf modern ',mike/'science. Saab
of these remedies have hien tried, improved. and fluall
perfected. in the course of a long, active and highly one.
reedyl n racties, not only.ln Philadelphia, but throughout
many distant sections of the country to which his great
reputation has called him. Their nature and effect are
k n own and approved of by hundreds of regular phyalchum
the bare Leon hie students and seen their beneficial re
mite In Dr. 'lleCilatock.'s own hand.; while they were .stn
under his tuition. In the Colleges of ftflodobld.. Cutle
loo;PIttoteld, end elsewhere.
man 2111 rottownra eratincarr.
.Thia is to certify that
Co. have yawed in the hands o
Mast, A. Cushman & . Now York, the mime of my
“Pamlly Medicine.. with my loft authority to prepare and
offer them for popular use They aro such as I have been
In the habit of recommending . and prescribing fur many
year& and their annposition le well known to hundreds of
regular physiciares,,,who have been toy and who
are many of them now practising with disUnguished rue.
cent In all parte of tMa reentry. My inducemente for this
stop are ritunerome one of the moat urgents, that the de•
mend for of medies has become m large through pri
vate-reportheir succm.e. OA to make their preparatiou
too neat a draft, upon my time. another Is, the repeated
.taidtatione of my friends and patients , in the belief that
the general Introduction of to y remedies oeonldbo in many
respeets• public benefit: in securing them.
operation of Mr. Aleamider Cushman who is a thoroughly
educated Chemist andpractietl A • of many year"
experionos. whereby I am enab ed o annoy the pnblie
that they will ho prepared in the ant, starer and moat
perfect form,'regsrdiew of expense.
.lAtiff3 MeCLINTOCK. M. D. Late Profewer of
Anatomy and Surgery in the Philadelphia College of Med
icine nod Acting Profeseor of Mideiferr, one of the Con
n:anon Physichma of the Phibobalphla Hospital, Block.
ley; late member' of the National Medical Aseorietine;
member of the Philadelphia 3learcal Society; member of
the waseacrigrurgiml College of Philadelphia; formed/
President and ProLotsor of AuatoluT and 1/Merl In Om-
Union Medina] College, Vermont and aim, late Pro fewmi•
of Anatomy arid Pbelology to Rork:hire Medical hells
Pittalleld. alum_ kr. he.. ko. - 1
We needimareely remind the Intelligent public of the
peal seaway which exist. for-the introduction of a class
elated and raiable Minder wratirfner which may he coon
batty adopted Into family use and &pouted on at al
fats In the absence oft phyalciao,. Ming am b;liiiinusts
I...eduction. of Sacurv,RudyandErperiaton Noargument
PI needed to prove the trenumso euperiority clench mime
of remedies over the Mangano. compounds that are daffy
puffed into notice by Ignorant and recklem Mop, foleif fee
the purpose of enriching themselves at the especulo of the
noes and health o. their fellow beluga We trust coon
dently In the good moot the rommonitv to npportus In
this effort to oathp to the great potato Aril of Quackery
by giving a careful perusal to the following Us& which em
Mime the first twelve remedies of the ettries, , aud which
Won prises some of the meet valuable ;mouldn ever discover
el for the several oomplalnts enumerated. If you Or an 7
of your Mends are sufferer& me no thee in prorating the
aid of thejind medkal authority of the day. by MUMMA
and giving a trial to Poch ot IL., medicinal on ore Adapt
ad to the mee. itie all espechil attention to the flint o
the het moot generally demanded, at this mason
namely, the
Nun invaluable Syrop, which i. entirely Tegnahle he its
oompaoltlori. hoe been employed with wonderful success for
many years in chi, cure er diseases of the Amsr. P.l/417121 , 00,
trout the moot COMMOU diseases of these organs me.
Irritation and Jaffee, ontion of the Menem 31embracte
which lines the air tubesot the threat.windPiln and Wank
For any of these forma . of climate, whether ehowlnyt them
selves as Chegh, Ticklang of The Throat, Enne of Tiehhons
in the Throat :Onlienci I ll onek'Difh-eletty Rnaihtep,
&oarsmen or Inn 4 ioin, muff Mein dy
e r, its use will be
attended with the happlestresults. tls ecummended as
ono of the best and nfost medicines 1e ell torment Bros.
aniseed Ornsweinna
.Two laudanum or preptrettion ef=n nt aily adapt, In
Mos &nip. Plucks tin Pint Bottles I.
Poe recent concha colds and • Imitation of the throat or
lungs. It especially valuable Poe children: no family, in
mtecbaugnable ellmatm should be without thls
remedy, which. If taken. en. the Alen encipterni of cold,
would prevent many an attack of 13ronchlthi. and a fatal
issue in - anomption.
/Co Lendanunt peeparofier. qf Opium, in atilt shalt. to
CAM Ninon. PIUCE. perbottle. 3 cent..
Thine terribly discerning diseases are eellenal to an tup
paralleled degree by. this Duni yvegetable medielde, which
has been btousbt t o ! perfection elevate the' nurse of
114"..t. :m n pl= fi
PRICE. pee Bottle, 60 mins.
MUM cure Dr Diarrhas; and. if sued In trine., for Dyir
eatery, Cholera Moth. and silslaticChelers. This Psesmile
thin use ass. rumen locum Illarrleiwa; end In Dysentery
It is equally successful. lo the early stages of Asiatic
L awler* It will be found Invaluable. Per Colic of Inftilts
Wild Cholera infautum It la • sorereign remedy. 'roll .11.
factions for use accompany each bottle. PRICE. per Bottle.
61. and 50 cents
Du the ewe, 1. Of Cutaneous or Skin Disutaes. clw Totter
Scurry, Salt Itheum..lteh. Ringworm. Sc. '2. Of Nero/ulna
Diseases _Scrofula oriling's Loll Whits Swelli=s
or Swelled Neck. Tumors, Blow Ulm., Se.
Direst.: Chronic Rheumatism. Oust. Sc. D Mercurial or
tZulitsc Piteous droll classes. Primary Secondary 'arras
. Th em diseases all arise from a faint In the system
mulling en alteration of the Escretlons and a Feuer.' pu-
. . . .
frfarana. or disewdered digentiou. may be eullt;4__,t-lt
National Disease of America. ite srtuPtdor ant
Udine= =moaning, low shrine dimutme of risioeLe Ina
dumotet, or specks before the cycle Iteldnu of the undrilte
deal:tem of hearing and ringing in the earn
Linde in the month; tonstrictiou or weight boot thoehmd;
dlMmdty of breathing; sense of truffocation .121 iring d own
Drill emending 'taint-pair teeth:m.or uncaufeelluif a bout
the beard Irregular or deficient apintilo seam or oinking
at the stomach; acidity; heartburn:pain or fulness of the
abdomen: and coetirenana Some of thole sympheute nit
war. apsnar in Dyitylapele; and eometimen the same patient
has many of them at the same time, or at different time.
Per attackin these Protean symptclue In their. mat and
amen., rescin dsnged condition of the Ural. fAXISCUO.•
D ELD2111.(.111.41361 all the valuable irtwmetients
which the Vegetable Kingdom , affords Takeo in commo
lion with the Vs-rialto Purgative. Pills in mows where
the. L. moth meld teems. or th th Anti-BUIL= Pill&
where the 15:melte. of the liver ZS., geguleriy discharged,
it will Le foe.' most effectruil remedy. PRIOR. lln Pit
bottles] SL
A purely vegetable combination for tue cure of Rheum.
Um, Gout. and all Neuralgic and Rheumatic Disetwee.—
this remedy be otfered with the utmost equfamce. It has
b.. weed tenet extensively and Is as nest a Ermine for
Rheumatic Diseases as .the world has ever seen. PRICE.
per bottle. 60 mute.
outward applicotion for the railer of all rhea
motto or neuralgic reins, prreariA • CUB neat.
elifinsa Mille joints, pan la the shoulders, back or Una.
Ica/ROMs immediate relief from colic. and Pales In the
stomach azot abdomen. ex ternal counicv irrttant.U. to invalu.
obla In all come whore an stimulant I. hoodatt.--'
PRIOR, per Bottle, L 0 cents. .-
'....-eigDYNX MITURX.
A meat eon.iil LX ent and v O almble rein X ed); Eo bo used both
internally and externally, . for the tenet of Plitilt tourvon
octet On commie, as in Pleurley, PUMA In the Chest, g Maw
es fa the flde„Palea In the gory., Neuralgic Palm where,.
or found, Pains in the gtomseh, Rowels, Liver or Ktilnera
to sudden attacks of Ogle, Bilious Oolictand Pita of Mane
Fi Gravel, It mill give immediate relief.. PRICE. Ism BM ,
fty vita
- 137,11; - 1.a
A sure and safe eel:eatable reMedi .for Ferer arid A or
Intermittent lever In ant of 141 loan,, .d for all died .roe
retuning . periodically. • Vila remedy 1.., helm tried to the
fullest extent, and h. been found a mane se far any
inellkine can be entitled to that Wilms. In convalescence
from orate Waimea, arbors toting are required., and In all
oOt. o of strength and leant of nervous noe
l.. It =I I d " slnnular4 efilrecione. PRICE, per Bob
Le i 11/.
, • 11......VEOETAllilTEXIVITITE PLUM. .
For tbe rellerof COXIVIIIIIOIr, and all Ha pahafalrenulte
tuth as Ileadnan Dbulnens, Blck atonsach, Vales, and all
the symptamn nnurnerated under the "Dyspeptic )91x1r.^
In all at where plsramtion In needed, these Pinnate oder
ad: ea a as/nand mid, but rffllcient cathartre. Nn invalid, or
travel t* ler should be without them. PRICE: per Box. id
Cen. . . . .
roe Liver Dampish:lts, and ell gams arising from
der. gement of the liver, with sTminosene Sods Ok.Yeff o .-
lase of the Eyes and tskin, Dissinete, liesdnek.4 wi t h eon.
og In the earn, yellow, furred tongue, rein in the right
dursider, tense of iellnees or pale firths right side, disor
dered stomach or bowel, daLelsot gallon the kiderta,
eispeolored stools, est. These Pills. if taken In the haat*
rot stagesof hlibve and Yellow, or other Fevers. will gee•
orally ward off the attar], PHICII. Per Mr. TS Cantu
The undersigned, in wending the proprietorship or De
James 3feClintock's gamily Medicines, would respectfully
state to the public, that to his wrofeesien es.Dlepensing
Chemist. for nearly fifteen Year* tad, during yhl=b time
be has been actively connected with-the best plum: mutt
wi establiehments In this ementry, he has had constant
ocatelon to eeo and prepare the prescripUoise ,of the mast
=hunt physicians, omen. whom be would name Dr. Mott
Dr. Parker, Dr. !mods, Dr. Cheemmen. Dr. Deese, Dr
Whittaker, Dr. Schmidt. Dr. Ilsult, Dr. Klima. Drs.
Pratt and Young. Dr. Beata Dr. firesneand Maar others
in the dty of New York,.
The experience them soluiroti enables him to discrlint
not, with confidence between legitireale aolicines,erambin.
of scierg(ficolty. so` see to waure a hanzionions chemical ac.
Mon to onion with their highest therepentical effects, an
the Inaccurate mistoree oft,mekerr and ignorencetwhere
in, for want (WIMP. kflandiHiger hl combining them, the
oast Ingredients may neutredhe aid destroy each aileron
remit In a substinoo Wahl* . Injurious, and contrary to Its
• totended design.. 'lt Is with pleasure, therefore. that he
tamilm that the ProserigiOns of Dr. James McClintock are
not only 'write:owl of the , most latest& modal agents
known to. and habitually employed by, our beset weal
:loners in the treatment of the severed diseawl for which
they are Intended, hot they are combined In inch accurate
proportlona, in relation to their chemical and medleinal
offsets, se to sec re the attainment of the utmait ituaesse
of their power and eflielener. - •
In conch:Won, be wltt only add err hiroselt thaLlti can
:efer witheentfidene• to his put maven as his guarantee
to the petite that those great rmedit., in his hands will he
raikfieliii Iv...gored in strict accordance with. the meshp.
Dons of their dieting - ebbed originator.
' 'Oehdreatc ant Trustee Vat N.Y. Cbilva gf PAcumoeY.
The shore Medicines may be mewed, at Wholesale or
retail. of . A. CUSHMAN A CD.,
Ms Proprietor, N0..1=1 Talton et; Ye,rYork.
And or all the prineirol Druggists In this city.
Also of L. IL' E. ELDIOPT, Art. kr Peons,
earner of 9th and Filbert sta,Phlhohdphis.
. DII, '.1.4131E8 YeGLINTOOK.
• .
Menton, Nen Eerier.
And or ILEUM° BnarttEßS,Asti, Pitutnma.
And OEO. U. SEAM, 4sont, ear. of Wood it, and
Virgin alloy.
And of .7. P. 1 7.1:711LTG..1111anbemy CUM • •
And may be antanat through any Apotbacary,lhniu77.7
Chnintry Btorakaaraty to any Dart ail:banana:Fr. .7417
• . .
!VMS sirticle
pentad to the publ ver.) , ..
set crterrutt Overtly. avalehta
the Delp sad: dative which •
necessarily attends the intro- "0. •
dottiest of wattle minerals 4 0 7. ..
and eye-wooing, with attar- G: •
mat of ea Macy. as • awe •
ties of the Om*. diteeav qf
the .4e, of mute or ehtvalette •
flamlestioa. :whether induced
,debllltrof e
tieternea, , .-• te)
tclz,V i t i h v ot . of thdears , •
and trealutale of rialoa= L attia am
1 .1.4 OW. aWerstabsew WSW mostjvcoyste...2=
if . `"" a. ,,,.''''..Allotas i ao‘l allows crow= wk.! la lba
farbW6 Wood sr u t, S ,
J."t713 ' 411, - ' 7=nd Rec.
.11914. ask T ILD OMERY.ISRANDY-3 -bids. Old
w 11114 WM. h•rial reel pea R. B. tide day awl
Ibr kleve-ev2l. &Lee& Weed art. it&
by ' 2i46;",
w ; '..itAre
"z '6 ~""
For PVlT4;tiiii Blom!, and for the Cure
WWin ihrareathes, i.Osebres frktra. Der
moria, Sal Rheum, fhow Rorer, iftk;
Pimple" Raa, Mercurial Disease',
ow BruptiannLicer Cbmplairal, Brow
thuit, Qauzrog Vim, Pout* Come
r4nol J,Gors of dipped, le Ge.
sr. I Dele7iN, dr— dr,.
IN this prtiparation ail the rostorativo prop
ertiesaf the root are concentrated in their ntmos
strength and efficacy: batwhile Sarsaparilla Root (annum
important hart of ita -combination. it Is at the earn, time
compounded with other vegetable remedies of great power
and It Is to the occulter mu:hie:Aim andedeutitic acne
of lta preparatmn. that its p•paelltable .10444441 in the cur
Lf..littenrc depends. It seta elmulteneensly mann the stern
eh,h the circularion of the boucle,nd there three PD..
see, which are on:lb:teeny a
the result of three different kinds
pf medicine, are carried on et the came time, through th
Instrumentality of eons ova remedial agent which Minna
late. while it disinfects mad pold from the tomach and
bowels all that le Irriteting, no,) at the mints (boo torsion'
their vigor and tone. Many other preparations imitate It
in bearing the name Of Sarsaparilla, end to that ((heir re
"emblem% end*, being often prepared from wort.Wcits and
inert vauu,ered, of mere*, ponsuslng no herdingor curative
prepertlea and Patients la meting choice of which they
will use should take no otherhut that onaentiCad to their
eoradence, from the long list of cure. It hu effected on
living witnesses, whoa, testimonials and residence hay
been published, and who are still bearing daily teetinion
to its Leak
,:n..g. tOSI.
Meyer,. A. D. A D. Sam" Bentlemen- 2 1.1aving witness
ed the most beneficial effects from the Ina of your Pumps
cilia, it gives me pleasure to rend you the following Mate
moot ht regard to m y eon. In the Spring of 1848, bet.) ,
a erram cold, and atilt 11,4 - 044. gram/aro rad ming the die
tune uttled to his lift leg and Dot. width toots swelled to
thimatmoat. The swelling was lanced by his' ph r dei...
end discharged meet profusely; after that no less than
laleven doers fantod on the leg and foot at one time. We
tad five Physician. but none relieved him much; and the
list starter toned film so ra
ring mad low that be we
Unable .0 IcaTe ham te e l. 'offering Um moat naccncletlu
paid During this time the twine hen beano ao much as
forted thlt pier: after Mom came out,..awkich be hum*
more than twenty-eve proserwsd in Dane, varying tone
op, -hell to coo and a half inch. in length. We had I n
op all hopes of his move,. hut at this thne we were In
d red to try year n asept4Tha, mut with its , use his health
end appetite bega loon iatelt - th itamos. sO read
wee the change that 1.44. than a_closen bottles effected •
pargxt more. With gratitude, 1 remain truly young,
We, the undenqgned, neighbor. of Ilr. Ballard, cheer
fully aubecribe V Shp iegt; of the 'here statement.
IL A It. S. !tern at.'Thoirnativet.
GM. T. DuW, Q. kartrood.
Preps.xd and mid, wholasalo and iretall by A. B.
ELS:leroggiste and Chemists, 100 Fulton street, cortel
o u t t l t iew York. Bold 4.1 , b 77
bottle; Mr bohlu t ltt .S . Nor pi li. 4. r k toret.r4
L „ r-, A Co., Pitteburgig IL Schwaria
egherty City, and by Druifkista aud Deafens lo Medicine
Se/7W ... oikw
ND ALL DISEASES ariaing from a Disor-
Ifdered Lim ofFoirneel: sorb m(Mnstipation,inveml
irt. Fullness of Blood to to tbo Demi. Acidity of tho Storm
soh Nausea, Flearthuno Disgust of Food, Pollnow. or
ifright In the Stonterh. Sour Dructationaglnklug or ',lot
to ug oh the Fit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head,
Harried MAN: - bristhlng. Fluttaring at the newt,
Dull Palm In the towd, Deficiency of Perspire on,
Of the 8M...1
In the Side, Back, Chest.
Met& Bliddtin Flushes of Heat, Doming lo the neigh,
Constant Imsgrinieum of cyllendllreat Deposal:mot Aplelts.
DB. EMOYL/1 - 21 0 C 7 FZEBtLiTkill OXMAN DMUS.
NO. 123 Alton' Pnuanetrms.
Their power over the aboYedimeten to t eseelled, It
equalled, by anrother Preparation to the United State',
as the ewes attret, in many mum after akillnal Physician,
Them Bittern.. worth the ettvotton of Invalid. Polk
seWng gnat virtu. In th e rectifimtion of Mee.. of the
Liver and bower glende, e.rchin g theme. .....Lief pow
ers in ereakn.n and affection of Um digestive orgaus. they
are, withal, eafe, certain end pima.,
TM following Leemant of the cure of the 11.. J. W. PAO.
tla estnisted front the Christian Chronicle:
Ilfidwramir e linemishanme Co.. P.,Teb.lth. 1852.
Dr. C. M. Jackson, Dear EIrI believe your Mien..
Bittern. are mbar. they are eepremoterl tm._ For more
than one year I have been MM. wltliChrotde Mazer..
perhape soren-eighthebOf the time. until about the middle
of last September, when I becamo eufweided. Mull/
immust...l by t. 7117 stamuS old the mtimus membrume
of my bowele . teererne dreadfully ines.urt and Insults. In
that mudition, I celled stroll • rhykian who understood
=yam sad cheekiel thedimanedso In • measure. reetored
action to my bowel,. but still to, stoma. mu, bowel
we. not right. my tongue motto -vel to Minuet, coated
the robd frequently checked my power% the dtoootloet e
not fortieth performing their ...Is. fosrff'^ , l ,
nether •lih. extreme nen - susdebillty. rving an event Pv
the tffiristian Obschlete, I ootimd 'Dr. Oorman
-Bitten? mherttind. sad sorernt eerlificutes antlered, re
cossonmding your bitters in MMes alordpir to mine. 1 nerd
to pour agent, Mr. A. Turret, at Montrone, Aim! procured
two hmi:Des, and columeoeed *mord ng to the diem
(lona, giniefty. Define I had oned up the fret bottle 1
found that the cresting yea M. bell. removed nature/
tongue, an* the bowels aall the 4eunichbecouting
end regular. 1 bare need the MMus, um eeryee hove
man materially helped, and I have morn to hose
rob being perfectly restored; whereas the dimme hoe Mrs
wetting.. Lag. amt I was brought ro low, that I. No
to last my restoration woe despaired of. se was mated
la is letter of Miler G. M. 500.11. Lbd Pot 't". l ln. tt u r
Chrlettan Chronicle of Doe, 34.
Now, Mr, lam aware tbut hot few. at leant in skis sem
the. know anything atm. your Bittern. I etch they did
Flr 1 helium. there Lee lann&whi n this mai. who ovigh
be ceded by the use of thong Bitters.
: You. Tiespeetinity. J. Ir. PARKEItfi
Sold by A. Fah umtork k. Co
_Flemming ilinthe.,
U. Demme, In Pittsl=ll. P. isonwarts, Allentony City
and Drogideta Lod In Mead. everregere.
1-D3LLftgfl• OITIf-'ll'
~. .
.tuyup.r. z uoilaNp rurrextt. •
reitOk LOUIS A. I)'ISRAEL'S, .01emist
aid Pharartanmtlst, of Amsterdam, the ouly Menuk.o.
tuner. A purely Vuelt d epetableComymmd.PreFerwl etrictlY
Rtf after the manner of ale
Holland Precedent. Dperhare. _Because of It grece lebratedat etweral
to.t of the European Ftg.tee. Its into the
United States wu intended more GwodsUy for than of oar
Father Land mattered bare and there woe the free of this
mighty country. Meting with groat anemia among them.
I now offer It to the Atoerlan public, knowing that Ite
truly wonderful Meglelnal virtue must. be acknowledged.
Fever and Law, Dyepepria, tkk Headache, Headache,
Pone and Foul Btonmeh,Ofieneire Breath, UllHoommeh
uppleweent Mee tbe mouth ..after 'eating or
....Ping, indigestion, eoetlrmcgt,natuent, ger.
tigo, .t.retne languor- and estmetetiou.
lose of apretlte, derptaidener, drowd•
twae,Lin nd Jtit and memory,
'wan end genre of franc. 1p Pa
.the head. and nil Heger
• ee erietog from *dia•
ordered gate cof
ad than
Iwo baen d harp t Fred by tr71:00 trent
he of ardent *WU, or. Ohm fOrars oedisrlpttlnn. GOP
erally Instantnneone In effect, It nadadimal7 to
the oat of life. thrilling and oninkening orrery nerve, rah ,
tot of the drooping Apirits. and. In fent, laming rour
In ali mentor illsrrhera,Dyneatery,Cholle,Oholera Mocha%
and the many nriplesaant effects attending a change of
toter or climate
Oeidrads 4/Mr. IL 0. litpds. lat. Jutek4 qr the J eu a. X4B
Mr. Benj walla Page, Jr.—Lear an I would gay that I
have bean affileted orltio • dlgesee of the gtomarh,
Mon of the heart , and nervous headache 2r nearly anon
• years. and have splint some hundreds or do ll ars In Order to
-died cam bat to 11M1 pnrpose. After haring need three
- attloa or four Eloetro-(lboadral Aroma. or IfoLla nd Bit
era," 1 to myself entirely restored. I can eat sad sleep
tell. and Otand to toy Loalnom with pleagurd, and wool
erefore rocuannettalt, to all Wraith° ars. similarly at
Meted. Ir. IL WOODS.
Prentregart, Aug. 21,11133.
Mr. Beni. Pam, Jr.—Da.zr Sir: My sineerest thanks are
dm to the friend reetentnendingyour Holland Bitters.—
flaring co ff ered for some Mum with beadarile,inesofeppe.
Mtn, mental depression, nod fact general dleorder of tne
system, I 0011 lhe. Latter ming but one bottle, corm:low o.
returning health.
(13Igned) mix= senostxn.
Benj. Page, Jr., ber.—Deor Sin I have been relieved o.
the mot distressing form of Dyepepela, by the use of Boer
haver's Holland Bitters, (pmetuteed of you) after auffertng
for 3 rears with bevtathe, nausea, and soenend &Wilt/
attending ludig . es . ty2n._ . I non AsrfrEtla.reetor.ll_,
No. 9U Wllle .t., PllteEnrih
itiO.Bny Dogarievrs - hand Blame end take el.:
uther. Should it fall, la any ° Lnetanee, to gout mu&
and more than the adeertheameritelaimelbrlt. year money
erill be refunded. BBNJAMIN BABB, Br.,
Drug and Chemical Home.
On. II and Smithfield and.l.ogan and Wyllie ate.
• Aletcby B. A. Yahoeetock.E Co R.l Beliere,Dr. (i.e. U.
Keyner.lleming Ilrothars,And J. ..
er A Co.. Pittir
Dr. John U. Smith. Birmingham.
/amen tlirrogle. r. Sehnert; J0t....L.P. Fleming end
fete A. lteoltbank A Co.. Allegheny. eu4n4rdanT
HAGikli &
N0:91 MARKET srßssr.
Between the Dietuopd end bth,
.ARE now receiving an extensive and splen
did emortment of tholes SUMMER GOODS;to which
rggectfullr Invite r the nent i lon of the pad.. T6oir
Plaid nnd ail= • .14Vogd barred Juane; •
Brocade de Crape knd Tblbet dhsvd6
Pooh de t'ol . 'deg • Cashmere- 6 Blume fiat
i ! do; • Bonnet & Mantua Ribbon;
Bleck of adz. radvg Brobrolderlee of all
Plaid and Plain Unens4Lne6 Thread. lopeand
CUM% Bars/gee 6 'tonne; 11.167, Mores and Miter,
Mourning Debefrc complete &Revetment of
Fine French Lemog flonsokeepingGood6
Plain lt Figured 6616 x , Black ned colored lastinirO
Summar Oralratr. .fm Ladles' Oaten.
:sold • • .
• Ny. an h balsam in tray paymente, for , a good Prams
u... 00 rooms with a large lot of trmund. rA ft. front,
on the Brownsville readjust above the WI at e, n &nth
Pittsburgh; abundance of Yrult Treer. r. also. 'Currants,
llooseberries,,tal large Stable, out then ; to: nohow*
le DaPtutelegoat grains AA. to. ' Cat, and examine
the Prope rt y. It le a good bargain, • •
J7ll . • • 01.1THEMBT t.SON.IIO, Met
LEANS, twit ding eketebee end htieedotes of the
mot thlguithede t hereourtt te ante ring th e 17th
ti a r -"'b ri i W.
FOR BALE-4 beautiful Country Seats, on.
th• 4th otseet road: th 7 ad. of Zut libortT. Thor
an choloe *pato, and 01414 to be neared et Moot who
With a dallOthil country bolos.. Ea!Lotro of
. an2htf • • • TIIO3. WOODS. :G. 4th s'.
- - •
Inefol dr rti h ie l e e e Cl3--I th bf : Z . ile 2l tn.Trti•ln t f ' . ke r t ° ltt7C•o!
rletoe. Arattre
t ie the
ar n alt be the, tare hem
. . • .. • ..
1110.&-10 4411. t nOW ' arriving on- condos
-I_l, meat *risk tir -• ' TaALUMMIZT t Cry. •
stews SHOULDERS- 1 5 bhdi. in dolt
.I.P at lat.' ^ "Malta C 0...
-11017611 ANT) gEED 111 . 01t1:—No. 1Z Wood WM..
"=tut.rgh, Pa—E. R. 8 1 1 AVC D. LAr d. alt imi ght mi .d, v „.71
tt?.. s cdfln i'ut
plernent2, ' of' .all Unite:Wholesale end Ra•
'Mi Gardena:Li Plower Essrareen. ➢ran and
1 Shade Teem Guano, Poodretto, Chetniad Balta. and an
other articles connected with Agnicultnra
, E S.-1,000 ertra fine
.n. Tree, dwarf sad standsrd of MT and sum
nor varieties, last received and thr sale at the Oak
hid Nursery
nolihildur JOHN hrtiltDOCl
New Seed Store.
JAS. WARDROP diem. for sale CANRAY
• psj BIRDS of the most aPPr'ored breeds, being very heady
nod line en n. Mrd Seeds—Canary, Items), Millet, Rope
pd Mixed , Ued. Bouquets will be furnished and comma! a
ed of the finest PlOll lll5. et= Carne f ilase ,d ose RodtZ:
' g r n *l' M a EigdrgrlMillotniallPaßE, Christ ma s
street, near Wood. dell
IDER MlLLS—llaymg recd the sole
‘,..) Ammer far the asleof Illekok's Improved [kiss 3IID
for Western. Penna. larnprepared to banish dealers and
others with this tirst premium MIL saber wholesale ar
tall, at a small advance on the nun nfaetarers prices. Cr
den respectfully solicited, E. R.' SILANKLANII,
jyal-2m No. 129 Wood at.
Bay Wood Flowers.
RRANGEMENTS have been made with
J the proprietors of Bay Wood Fkrral Gardenstor acute
etipply of lkciuettee and rut flowers during Winter
and Summer. I..ica and gentlemen ean be furnished at
short =tine any Of the . following French tor=
=snide' An! vsulci .r. V l : R aWk,;)
En Alslongs.
aquak Rosette!,
nears poor ton
Orders fa flowering plants in pots; also received at
K K. SIUNKI,AIMS Seed Warehouse,
janl Wood street.
Tho subeeriber offers lirr sale, a chola, assort
ment of etrorm,vlgorousPEANTßEES,bothdwarfs
and etandards, some of a tearing else: New Jens .
Peaches, Plumbe,Chrriea prltots,tlooselnwri..
etpberries and other livergTeens,•liyashiths,
lips, sad Crocus Mots, fur blooming - In winter ands ping; i
implements for the Yam and Carden, of most improved
construction, from the tired and Implement Warehonse,
19 Filth street. [nolsl JASLES WARDItO9.
MI'ORTANT TO FAltri.MitS.--Grain
Mines" Patent 8 tube Wheat Drills, olio of the
Sit In use, warranted, for eale it the Seed and implement
Warehonea, 49, sth N, br J1.51E9 WARDROP.
GOS FOR R ATOIIINO—The subscriber
j ill be constantly Co S od with Vresh of the
billowing eliblee breeds: Masud White Nh %ugh Cochin
China, Mack spaulett. Bramali Pontos, and imps al Chit
akeng. They areal from Premium fo t w h le,4trAd with groat
:;, * e.e= r s& o lfft4.l4 9 44 5 ;0 WOW'.
• _
NO. P. nt 1/73; SY PITTSII,I7IWII,
111 AS FOR SALE, as follows; 180 acres of
lard In Cedu county, lowa, 16 mile. from Musca
t tie. on dm main road to 3luion, and B mil. from Tipton.
6 miles from two Railroad &pelts, 90 acres is under eultd.
Nation... good tram. llouso, Ytarot, Ilium and Oranariea,
a Cool hearing Apple Orchard. The farm Is well watered,
high, dry good In • very healthy comity. A very
Rem bar.sitt ran he had of Ode f 112112 far prompt pay. En.
noire usbovo,or of 31r. John Jdunn. km, on the premises.
Also. 'revs of land *doh a large Rived Saw now
tirareasfol opstriflork 8 frame dwelltrika. lianq Mut
smith shop and Oils. OW mattold work stoop, Om., c addy, ttest.
on des bank of the Alleghen7 river. at mincen
Annstriing county. Pa. Enquire as above, or of 31r. L.
Munn. on theM , amisma.
I deo want to purehue 5 to 80 , 0 000 feet, 11. 51., of good
White Oak, lank, I indica thick, II it. loaz, 7 to 16
Indies wide, part tobo delivered in Oet. Mist and part in
Apri1.18.55. Rfignireas aldve.
Alm, for ado. aU the bed., itirnlture. and ovary thing o.
the fitting out ors hums Rued. In the oily of littebww,h,
.me doing a very large 1,11.111 e. Toro to Its ,teimi of tbe
Vow of die house sun nion be had, end Immediate
don if tenednad. Remake •A atone: mb%""'
.A ESPECTFULLY M o rin their friends and
the public paneralle. t" the) . have opened their
az le IVorke at the stave standellete ther keep on hand
A-.px(rgl:fer'yle"l.‘".oprz e tinoilair.l,l-gtoGn"-ew,
Furutture ° Wane. i5c..174. tOl" Olor pt extrotorlr lea
Marble In Nock, Slabs, and sawed to order.
Celnetary tote enclsed. with Baden and Freeport Stoma
ell •
CLOVER: DAIRY.—The stibsSriber is pre,
ssmi to furnleh to fernlike YR;Edit MILK and
OYEA3I. fuel trill he thankful for . the batronstre of We
Mende and the puhlie. COWS be fed on goW
vehntatovue find. and every <are .111 be taken to satisfy his
customer& Orders addreareet to Within Wet °Mee, giving
the Yln.'ef the eveldeneeand vireet..lll be bnnetually at
tended to. 1.:v.244ff 1 i'!RiiY.
ngnitl3/ 1 / 1 i: tioltoftetured RIO Paid • Wltolemas
Ind tell be ICII A. WARD, ponttet,
noB6o. • ?ono 4.3 doom 11b.11 Hand.
GLASS STORE removed to No.
4; Mark t comer of Third. Dealers are reem.t
ti Tiarited tdean Wad eraatls e the samples of Pilot Olooto
31 " . 11141 i heloiolt.ool. Menu...pry
_corp. of Smith
street and Alleybetly (47-31111 4. CALOI.I. DENNY.
Cailietings, Oil Cloths and Nati:ins.
110131..Ni30N & CO., No,. 47 Fifth street, near
Wood—Have oo hood • tato and choke assothwent
of 1.41111`ET13(13, of the ...It sok towetbeasitfulpotterow.
11.701 Volt. eune.c
Tapestry and Ilnowelo Carpet.
Thr..717 sod ...tonne Carpel.
T''' 'lrlflattt e' rollt tlon C getk
Tag other wlto every ...Apt.'s of low prWe ' S (.I.:tottok
Clwros—Frolo throe to twenty-four foot
qualltl. sod loin.. 3 100, Rues. Moto, litoo and Table
Ctovore, Window Shea.; Ventimaa 1110 T 77141/..1
Rolland. gtalr Rode, kr. -
tin...a—Cant. Mott... White .13 Check 44,54
lost Co 4 wide, Cores Meth. front 24 to 4.4 ell of whir!,
will G aliroolot the LOWV.SI CASII PRICE:. .713
To Capitalists, Mannfactirers and Me
iTCarl tel ofILE 'ilea vor 'Manufacturing COM pany,A
under t . Charter from toe I...gielettire of Penn.;
w • 1,500,000, prof re to est./IM. In th sib
lure of Brig ton. he Co- Pa.. • numbsr of PUILSACLP
end se eatermirc ROLLING MILL. with the nechasary ma
'4t eery and syparstne for the produetion of liar Iron. Sheet
. 1,4 . N. Si 41iltea la. dt..tnd re root; to practicable, a
MIII for ' !roma 'hon.
Ton the accomplishment of thit object they are grill
log tofu eh the approtniste err. .4 freen•M iliM at
de r,
ether . = the ff zelzr, {lrma g i watti= i
atone, ti Cr. e itc.,alrtf which they gave In Inset alma.
donee; al o. dwellings, tor-Monk shopsand vacant lots, for ' my of oporstlres and ornere--to ...veto slam
and corn odloutrace or canal sixty feet Irlde,l4. the more
coucenle t and abundant moldy of meter, ..d ,. he Pa.
enamor te lo .d hum the markt. and to meet tiltable
building In which to carry on the contemplated nisnuhm.
r. orl ' r nr i i . .%. mot.' lioyer.etectlesee. harroraments and
prrniet tner limn IV to pelt th At to mach mow; and
li t u t ,lrki:ll e_ t , i "" oth fianWeijoVe n tut7llr a t t i l'u P pigrct l y
it ' r e u - puly the machinery:the manufecturtnic
labor. an • portion of the morainic cask capital. The com
pany hi IN 110 q to contribute any reasonable ' , maroon,
from oneloursh to threedburths of the whole .7.11.41 re.
3ulrrt;i l 4tir. h t.',l2l' retry 4 '''''''" b gru2l7:',l" . fildlit th eg
who! Identity themselves IMP ! this enterprLsec l and
they iammdlugly oiler encially liberal end
totem, of maitiothtr bnpichre of fletericeis mama
Ammer not slave .usnerated, eapettelly those ichteh tend
to the moor extensive development:of the nvineret stone
by mbkhtheir sirmition is eurroupded, and tlet owe
grounds to rlehlr Lod .teuelvely pervaded, (See ultb
Ovation aryl eximurion orb.. manufacturer! beloe4
Th. ppeny are ow yepairing their Cotton Factory
and Pio ng 11111 end . milling to rent to practleid and
b % b
n.P.O Partlaseither or both for sr term of years, and
II terum—that thei t etrnatteration nury ba mom
partieuhrri noted ba the egitibliehMent. and pmeiscutlem
of other bra en, lemma which Imre been enumerated.
and to mill ey wimi4 add the bnlldltur of looornotlves,
oars, omulliumes, andcaniagesomidthe milking ofpotterT,
Stade-Irk and plata Sm.r far which they hove the materials
upon their.. grcund. and In imalrtperfection and ahuo The Flouring Millis .p 4.11.0 oftuaklng.l.Mo tarrein
or flour every 2.1 houreor 300 bide Of klln"drled corntidal,
upon the meet approved plan, for either of which grain la
abundant, being brought byeauds, railroads and
the drat of the milt
Pooh piddle/tem addressed to the Aeon; will rumba
prompt attention. '
Ilarraticrato--Pereong In the Past wishing to know more
of this matter. clot of the puttee comitelog the Compeer.
aro respectfully mferred tor
D --
. W. Wthinajtiram Walbridge. and Cimeter Bedell, 01
the cityof New Mork.
qpgbol4en.,rhilitdelabl oo4, it.. . 4.
ha.. 4.
11. T. 1 " 0511 lA. vawbaa , Ent.. city
ofyrserum, h. s .' . • ,-.7 . • ' ' .. -
Or to Wheeler TnieetlelLYisy., Agent Dank. Cpany, at
the Ofilm of the United Ptatee Brandi Dank. Now. Bright
on, BearM Co., Pa. Stri Troehlidl IC prcr. show the
ImMertY in ail Its details , with mope. sts, desexipthma
tem.. condition, and future. profficete f the ComPartY. al
leo, to =Me tantrum, kiwi% &oda. to.
Weed*. raterencet to the property and title thereto-.
N.P. Bette:mm.l=a Edward. dizoremn i Eerja,Plttsburs).
Thos. Cunningham, Red s nearer Co, P11..1
R. Is Baer, bag., Barliomf t . 1 0 da. , •
Dr. Chas. T;Whippo, Newcastle, licaver Co., Pa
Aribliald Robertson Seg,ltrighton Deaver Co., Pa.
wiIINCLEIt Titurar.l.l.,
of the or ManufacturtugC.L.
111 T. ). (Muhl. Secretary.
New Ilrhditoni Pester CO., Pp..
altdOplleatton and Ifsinialan at Iron dinanfaa-
. .
• ' Pares.
We bare within - the last few mouths mu Reptant aliteL
elope tea now plan, by which mluerel, mai, and Iron ore
thconverted at ones into wrought In without g
roegh the more tedious and expensive. steps hate .and
from the plu metal state, as now menthe* practical In the
United State.
This new prormsaPPeare to be gaining favor rapidly*
vslious harts door country. It was Bret heard of at New,
ark, New Jersey then at deincinnalL Wen at Cleveland,
next In Wisconsin, now In our Immediate vicinity, Pitts
"ga h lTv a.l4 : the e :roame r.' •atid wltneesel the
, ntui. We
have ecern ' the min e ocal mid the ends ore after being
erushed pulverised. end mixed In enitable proportions,
Eu . t Into a - hopper, like Irate ate count b ry roil). and
thgogereil t lo; tube' '' . or gti ' ulibms, come muz,
much mesl or hoar lOWA puddling overt - at the Thot
those tubes Or chambers, appereutly lira so much red hot
sand, and without having kern melted from lint to lest,
lve have men th is Iron sand, by the mere sdhesion and air
Ongation ot its partials*. and the epontarkeons welding D.
these perils/es, under the enaulmelathma of practical utt;
diet% grow Into • 030PIMIL mamantillitekroWngsnow
kman with every torn to the itse of,dhe latgest, pump.
in.)W. have wen this Inn pumpkin, or ball of red hot met.
al brought Inmostlately molar allwitro th hatrzt a atd le,.
Vertille ' s=l7=i= " l= though t he bl oom.
.come forth as boiler 1,013. ite &heed Iron. bar Jr& gall and
an, and wu ail very good.
an appropriate femme sod puddling oven for this pur
r*. can be erected firel
I, ess than swoo..aud.aur am. haring
o thou oymal Ivor, with •
I=l ugme i r k il s a .irony. It
would require to meet a new or n irist mill, hays a our.
are ninning upon his owcfprecoirm, the m ., othhawn
blooms Which shall turn outdally two toes of nest rate
at* orator 0 ths ton, though. worth- at-his enrn
age gin the ton—thus giving him • profit of $100• day on
a clonal of MOO. The .11eaver Manufecturing Compose
or ready to rupiah the ground. the. coal, the Iron ore, wa
ter power and patent tight privilege, or no much capital
muter their charter, with othui-Whe ham Some capital,
'kill and Industry..
Let these who wish to knoirmoreattble Matter. Inquire
o rtk u naderdwant- who know, all shoot It.
Boarder. Darer Co.„Pa. Jan; lo: Wein fautty
giEW•PAIk.R. 1.411,1.,..P0W . SALE.—TIio
one4alf of a pair .Piaoor AIM at Dom No. 17 on the
gmnr rim, forty MINI fill, nfignltik. - fi Is •
pow mill, amiable oh:asking 811,009 month of printingya
i t orx ratv2.4 , y .,,,,,,,,... 0eiviivzrza
or tin Livestrocist of gtx..l7 . . , .
Yor ftretbor particulars, lira M r JOB urvEir; at
" Ith.. b k ViriirAg7 :' , 4ol l ' ! : !C la i iil t ou r r ...
IT ' 7,14.' ° . . coiomarcial Broker, re Fourth rtrect
rTRIMMING STORX, No, 81 corner
of Market stsedthADlamstußANN. VAN GOB.
respocAf t tiv einginces ts, pi:actg: i t PlVa t l7g
M I L I VAII ntr TrAMATted . up tg• 2*. 'atirrni
=1:121: 4 11TAIMI IV likl , "”21,! _
timralairt to .wiltott.r - tWd= ti r 47 ..T .
4..y0r to ere tell is sti Vliccinstniive bio . l
134,4 a Us p!ro--Ne. es Mai* ift: Ammer of
4 .4 ""' . 1 148 TAN cIoaDIL-
100 bbls: Limd tt lor 44-11aNi
- 13 0 TATQES- 400 buff- Neeharizoolui for
br sar. AiIiNRY IL COLLIN&
.THIR2dONVERS--2 grossl2 2 2i ffi reced and.
tNGlidEiti - CHEE-SE- 110 boxes
this dtyzitedl.7 IT
=NAY H. C01.3.EM:
,-;./tr ll
i. 141107
FOR SALE--187 acres of land, 3 mile,
South or D.l.lngtorn 90 erre. Gienregh• rood Orchard:
a_ good Stone them. and lance Bern, with 2 Frame Opuses,
. 11 Pi fir", ktu°=iraett fVlWlB,Ollaa.C=tl:l5.X per
beautiful lot, to nom of Mr. Ogden's Ana Improve-
anent. b offered at the low pries of 3801). Enquire of
me. Al., get my Register, for de:stripe°. of
greet euiety of property
Jetht.lutl'6 Fourth et.
Vii. SALE - 5 Lots on Penna. Avenue, in
g • front of Chatladn et., and 4 Lots et. the junction of
Ith and Webster AL: Amin, • Large variety of cheap lots
through the city. It you wmt any kind of property for a
home, rust enquim of ie22-1m TOO& W00D5.75. 4th et.
riCRENT—The Store Room, 83 Fourth st.
r A ,,,,a re at the plum. Show Ce.s and a new, well
flu Counter can be obtained by calling there for res.
eonable ed
price. ntrls-t,
tOlt SALE.—Two Houma and Lots on
Wylie street, near tVaabington.
olibruseeand Lots on Pennsylvania ATM..
Chte , pt on Townsend street. ,
Ale, Twenty others in different parts of the city, all of
which will be eold low on fair Jenne—They are deseribed
on m printed Register, which you can have gratis by call
rig a 75 Fourth 111.000t,if you won't buy, and If you hare
pro rtyi for Wei byccalling on me you eart have It before
l' Wl ' ill ' ll' r l3o7a aiiilirretlger.
,apitf 75 Fourth street.
.. _
T. AND -
.ND FOR SALE-143 acres of Land,
2sl miles not of McKeesport, on which•
Is • gm%
..ottagellouse and Barn; 110 acre. cleared, • large or
chard of grattedfrult, caul 35 scree of Cool. Now Le the
time fora borgaltl. -
•-• .
Lo gcg.ea of land. fleas. J. 3ltirdoek's garden, with • good
trans house on It; It la cheap.
60 =Yea, 3 miles won of blear Brighton, on it are good
Impprororementa; it will he sold Te
ongthels MM. and
. grew Tariety of a Farms r other farms and :mall lute of land
he TielnitT. witkh hale r domerlhod on my printed.ragl:
te V o. C t fl and get oniltlnby iWOO DS,
" h
To LET—A well tlnialied and well lighted
Mmoient Store, corner or3d and Market ate, An az
ec ent eland fix a Confectionary or Clothing Store.
fug E. D. °ASSAM, Market et., bet. ad d Mkg.
MO LET—A Two story Brick Dwelling/1g
on 6th Area, below Orient. Portia.
*lesion given the let of April. }Moan of
jal7 0. BLACKBURN dr CO., Water street.
amkre g med etas .t private rode the property on
rat strewn, math .Ids, above Itoblimon,eonahnlntruf
EIOBT !Aria , each having a front on federal avert of 20 .
feet, and running beak 100 feet to an alley 10 feet wide....
Bo large a body of ground, in a pooltlon an eligible, le cer
tainly now not to be met with In Allegheny City. These
lots aro offered et the low price of. I=.lll each; ono-fourth
mall In hand, the balance at 1,2, and 3 yearn.
Pexsont who may 1110111. to pardon on tho term. atlp.
elated, will apply Lo N. HOLMES SON.
047 Bankers and Brokers, 67, Markel et.
STREET.—In order to settle up MI ortate; will boaold
at print. nolo, on very reuolmble terms, 3 61111.01NG8
ttod LOTS on the - northerly side of LinertystreeL The
buildings an, of brick, eubetantlaßy built, 3 storlas high,
(with stone fruit to too 3d Wry./ and era situated In a
good tnaixsas loeahty. They now yield an annual rent al
Ases, , The lota have a front on Libertrstreet of 43 Let and
extend bock towards Penn street 13.1 Net. Apply to
oelAtc, IL BRADY WILKINS, 167. 4th et.
V FOR SALE.—Theeobecriberx having laid out ten
acres Into TIVENTY LOTS, will sell.' o ons lot or the whole
ten acres. Thle land la in Rerun e Coen hit'. oltuatnd be
tween Sag 11111 and h e Runs. aolning laud of WI.
Win. Robinson on the northcast, and II oo the
mouth. it haa tomnumdlng Clews of Allegheny •Ild l'ltti
burgluuld la sktiolraLlysitustod forrosldonees, Tideland is
hr the blighted Ante of cultivation;
is well implied with
Grape Vines, Apple, Peach and Cherry
p e on r lloomberries,
Currants, Ehrubbm.y, Zr.. from 10 to 12 e old. ,Each
lot will have AzEtl i o n n Q varzit t irr Terms me on
.lith r elredt c so7Arant., Plttilburglo
IVOR SALE,—The attention of capitalists
le called to that VALUABLE PROPERTY En Alleghe
10L=1‘d street,
Into 0 et
t y r*e Wi t il t r e L e fli f ti t tPetial / ! 1 ';44 10 VIII t
front, to suit pure/Len. it IsAlandeomely situated on the
main thoroughfare between the two titles. and In the im
mediate vicinity of the Depot of the Ohio k Pininsylvania
Railroad Cominny. It would. bee gaud desirable location
Alr Hotel, • Public 01•11, or fOr basmeam houses with dwel
lings attaehorL ea this Property savoredly will Shame In
t•loo,•od pay a handsome revenue on the Improvement,
which might - be mad. It Is worthy of attention. Persons
who wish to purchase, are requestml to inquire of
W. It. PUSSY or
lelo-If N. HOLMES h SON.
j. 4
it of Ground. at present occupied by John 11'Cin.
en Clothier on Liberty street, betereen Sixth
be Nasal for a term of year. from April Ist, next. A pp ly
to .101 IN S. IRWIN, N 0.82 Ilarket street,
%BIM RORKRT 110118, Fourth curet.
daelialle and modein FOR
two-stou trick Ho
PO) Wylie street, is offered to rent. The bottle is nearly_
net and in complete Order, Containing eight mono and
it i rglattrj'aVtVghtflt i thet=Tait 'll' lg.
The location to convenient to Waimea
Par farther information inquire of
Jet DELI. A MORITZ 8 . 9 and 70 wawa..
sAGround Rent ori Tnivable
therowelpeipt e sty on
Fitch coact. Pittalint is. r
the GazettOM..
R SALE OR TO LET.-1 will sell or
vent mY PrOlenty In 11m:wheel, consisting of a start
acre lef Ground, upon ',Lich aro en clod. 2 Prune lion.,
one containing 8 ;and the other 4 room. Stabling. er r e-
M e ' Wn"l' V
' ll l IV 4 r, ' I
''''' t t it " TVl L
Riror P . ro A r' LLlZ l ee . tir Vid near th:
Umnibusst e ntion I will en. or • pardon of osP.
M and would: prefer retaining toneessi vintu Ist of
May. Apply to ' IL LEE. 1311Libertratreet
OR RENT—A comfortable Dwelling
Rouse containingB 'tonne, lo good ord.,. 814-18 a
Roues, tloVioure and out Oven, sill, 2
acres aisle I.nd. all plan %nth troll and Shale Trees,
end nearly all heuing app lee, pearhos. an. an excellent
Arbor. catered 'with Orem Vine. Also, a Flower ilardan
Jo.,situsted to Pitt Tornahlp. 11i miles from the Romi
Ronan. Ilent moderate. to those who would take good
oars of the dmoperty. Enquire of /OLIN WATT.
Liberts etreet
rLex, cp 2 tt., No 145, 241 dmr above
ilhorrr alloy.• orill Mr, Ohio*/ OWELLINO
• of tieonao, haring • go.l Dining-room and •
KitchouSLln. , rolorn range) on the mute emir with the
ff l r6 hOOOO.Il t r h a "d
hair. for the eo lam tenonts. on the lot orAweZ•
.W.O • year. •W" -t( ho. J. Y. bAI U, 311/ Wan et.
'OR SALE-15 acres of Land on accorn
• encetattng team , : adiolning ERA . (Italie, lying to
twoen ttu , Central Railroad and Franketown Plank flood.
_. • .
usylld-dtf ROBERT' Ildl LET.
FOR SALE—A tiret rate Grocery Stand
and Fixtures. with a well selected stocL. The eland
Is one of the hest In tile fitr, and has a goat' loeal and
country. custom. For cantina... address Boy 336. .
VOUNTitY bEATS—iVoodriiie.—Thie val
uable property, sltuat.4 cm the “rleetela Bottom. dis
t et, in Peebles township, 4 mile. from the city, has 1.1%.
laid out into lan, Tillage Luta. initsbie,
out alnlng Two 4C,6111 414141-11.1 us fronts en the sinner.-
umbels lieK, d e sfield riank re/ on u6O ft. et
-is now offered . This property Is unsurpassed for
!suety of Imutlon. delightful river end valley PCenery,
pleasant drive from the ell r . and rapidly Iraprorlng
borhntelb-end prorate 1.0 floe wishing to purchase, MINI
Tertes-Oite•tonrth In hand, balance In 15 year.
For Village Plots apply to B. MeLAIN 0Z21.6th st
NOTICE.—In consequence of having sold
oar Fortunes to the Cambria Iron Company, the
partnerablp tieretelbre existing under thetlrmot P.8110FN•
DElintat kW.. at 1101 Clank Fontana, and atm the
oorstalp Qususg Under ttio Erna a uviu a SW: pt.
(lEtt. al Cambria Forza., ate both 'illtabirod. The OA
ono artg be petting op by the tuanntere at the Formic.,
tel tleorge M. /Wag, who are authorised to tow the name.
or tho reaportlte firms to rattling up the bonne..
March 1.1g03. inthsgfl p. BROYNKERITEIL
C O -L- The :underefgned
7 -i b
ttgleTllllNrgaMitrrlTO tiriirpt=
(II =se' ting s general milling buYinelnkln am City 01 AJ•
1141seny. JOIIN T LOGAN.
P . DAGALEY, . _
rota:lyrical!) CS!,n,.lll,sein, SelleschenT Clt-, June
asle 1:1011,6011.
• and rerwarding !dereheats, and Dealers generally
t mar XI( 2t b :gl. L ;grat4,:itatmr -0- .
Thinuidersiined having formellano-partrier-
Wp, and. the stile of I). W. RtitteTlNo tOO., (be the
trloowIIM) ora thmerot.&l7ter, ()Dominion, Forsrarding
a l=rpenitlerllt j er i birreoW7ts " IC
:A A& raltVnieseffilt n ijrairrigrat i t=
D. W. I(ERSTL)tr.,
ro:--Ciarke Th aw; William nannies Ce 4
& Co.; Y. Sellers I Co.: liars & Week. Krasner &
Ria.„l.l . rorY neon, Esq. 4 likhbaun S. it. Johneen.
Ken 4 . w 9mrßy
Ledlie„l4l4 SointoonStoner,
N l' l'7' OTICE: J
0 -0.14 osep Fleming having am
. elated with him iomerph Abel, the hueloreeherealter
wll toudnited under the styleof.loSßll AUEL tW. at
the old etaud. corner of 4mithaeld, and Fourth streets..
. JUL 2
CO-PAIITNFAIPIIIP.- The undersigned
heeetbte day entered Into ennartnerehlp, under the
nemeeadetylee(J. A. HUTCHISON &CO.. teethe nodose
oftraneeeting•OotomlialonandOroentybusineen .
Pittstnugh.reb. .11.—D6 'A.M. WALLINGFORD.
0-PARTNERSHIP—Having associated
omjiiri3O la rigaVig7aZ u utZhie k Viru l i
JannuT 24, 1261.
S. 11. 1116111111. n4XP•
E. 13E1,1.,gRS & CO., Wholesale and
Notall Dealers In Drop, Paints, OH; Vim:dem
N 0.61 Wood stmt. +al
t E rV E T ran n 'i t o 1 :14 4 " 4 05 4 711,
men o as 44 ° •
• Kitchen or Draw Ihithetr, Vanden Bona, 0 =IOW
ltaisunn, Zips and Cherry Wash Bosnia. sod, all other
kinds of wars In his Una.
Also-50 nests Mtn, and 100 dcntra Buckets.
44.0. /W. Filth strost., Plttabirgb, Ps.
two. 82 TEMP BTBErr. •
• Ina one of tbe bluest and choicest stock. of CAW
013, OIL OLOTUS, MAT% 61Arre ,1 2. kn.
ever exhibited wort of Few `fort. The stock has been se
lected with treat cime, Person. in want of any article In
oar lino, are retrolly Invited to cedl and examine. Oar
aseertinent In part ottlu, following, via:
peirb7-lvet and Druaecis Cas Carpeting: Ta Brtusels. .
Aubusson Carpebe
illtra Imperial and Mn• Three My;
otaut Tap.. l ingnusta
=1 vtu d d
'Wool and Cotton ace
Venitian, 24, fee, 34. and 44;
Carq ..k e d.; X,
List and very cheat;
White and Matting, 3 c ...k . 44; 34 1.464;
klattlok 54 7 , 4. 2;6 4 and 4.
" ftsi sth en:2 l Utellciuga, e •
VILDeT th.. to, 216 peir . A.Lf, "l. •
t.ipwretig=, jrtes6,.deelaide,
VTR, and cr LLt..-• • .
Rob andinted Cloth. Mali and Photo CUMIN at
entirely now edgns, very tab, • -
Damask Piano and Table corner, alto, Worsted Danniak
by the yard; Tollect, Doylies, /ta.
A great milt/ 01PittansIn /bite tram 2 hi'
44i igh l e i si Thr window 10:t 4 '34. F. 28 , 40 !
Oold bordered Shades, minty new; eery
• Window Shades of every 4,TonOptinn.
0. 4 t. and Inflow 131,61 z. Rods;.Canat.
RapaTraita,:liiith .Telie/, With nu/ iLlIi/t
9 11. 62 nta
Perms 'who', want AXES
'a r the tool OOLZINBAt W. :riot" should to tottlen•
jai to ootico tbo otattmo so than sto yorkoo contitortidt
499 italtottoat stowed 90411199 *94 Mett4 Mak ak•
out% which on ttondailont./ tot. I. Owns .Oztf./
Vatted Mateo Oscar soanuratbrZent
V parts at 4
th =paper
_by . Aittoolutt
adi lug
ikes senarair of morroemor ty. :um
=or" mar loot worlyAl ,Mal C
i vrta
0.99 th at Aj th 4114
ilioica r sroWVooomooT4l
" or at.- riortamu
t arpo l ' 4 "gaii=olpiTho moot
- glair 'aim& ii-oceiak.
tor ..Rdre:in
spaa - .. , '-: - ' , Liaztaatu a co! •
• .
•,• • \ -
•' \ '
~;,. . \
-. \ ~ t 1
.. . ,
• . . ,
, • \ i
. .•
" --- ' , *'••-"-•-• , - .7 ; - - - --- , .. • • ''' ' ' , ''.l - '•• '''''' -,•':-,,,,t•=7-'-'7Z:'..1:,,1••-,*t",-,.-1,•,..:01`40,1•ZIV.V•••i:q”-t• '' , Fl , i , . 4,, , ....,,,,,, : ,
\\ - "
•, - I .
\ ~
Westernrers insurance Compare
• ...
ESP .11SBUN; 0510.
p C •SKEY, Agent, St. Charles
411,.1an. No. IQ Third street. Yittaburgh.
.EARTLN, Secretax7 an Tresirer.
A. AA. SFltaln,_Pittab'g, Wilkinson knorrstott,Flitab
Th. Umbstaetter, " Gil
t A. Frederick "
I. Irish, " ".- M 5.... F. 1.1.. dmi.d.
Joseph Ha% " Manna. GUM.. AON '.
7pr. Ihninaugh . Graham t..lll.loT,Cinda.ati,
K ii. Stanton, " ' De. Geo. Prim
ielaware Mutual Safety Inlarance,Co.
IF FICE in the North Room of the JIER
-1 1 CHANTS' EXCHANGE,Third street, Philadelphia.,
Magma Isscasscas—On Yawls. Cargo and Freight, to ail
Ports in the trorilL
DCWISID Isrscsasets—On Goods by River, Canal and lakes, and by Land Carriage to all parts Or the Union. Inclu
ding:the risk by Fire until arrival.
Furs insvatxcas—On Merchandise generally, on Stores.
bwelling Houses, to
Navannss, 11353.
Bonds and Mei-eager.. .. ....... 26,000 00
United State,, ate OElVlntsirvinß, Ikale• •
delphla aty, Camden and Amboy Railroad.
and other Leans • 146455 00
Stock In Banks. Itallr , oads and insurance Coe... 10,7137 70
Rills Reoriveable....- 121,705 M
Cub on band 71,705 67
Premiums on Marine Politica reomtly Issued— 87,137 77
Sulastription 100,000 DO
N 0 TI CE S.
- -
; • •
I 55510,769 13
WlLHain 51artIn, ' Jan:Ce C. 11 '4 ;41., .R. 11. Ituaton
Joseph 11. Sea/ , Theept-Paldlng, Wm. Eytedr,
Edmund A. Sonde'' . Lane It. Darla , 3011/11111 L. Mew.
John (1. Davis, Hugh Craig, , Ja mes Tennant,
Hobert Burton Spencer Mellvaln, Joseph N . Burnett,
:John R. l'enrmie, (..n.rles A.'elly. Jas. D. M'loarlard.
(amulet , C. Lelpor, Emonel L. Stokes, Wm. o.Ludertg,
Edw'd.Darllngton, Henry Sloan, J.T.Lo_ gam l'itt'll.
IL JOll. Dremke, ' James Tranualr D. T. Morgan. do.
J. 0. Johnston, wiLLLtm Ban LN, President ,
Tonnes C. I.IWD, lace Pr... Mont.
Joan. W. COWAN. Pweretagy.
ggif - Ctrnes of the Company, No. 05 Water street, Pitt.-
burgh- rjullAr] l'. A. 51ADEIRA, Agent.
Western ,nsurance t ompp y of rittsourgll.•
I e APITAL, 300,001).—R. MILLER, Jr.,
Present, F. M. Gordon. Sametary.
"ill Ins. , " against all kinds of risks, Fire and Marine,
All bums Will Le, liberally adjusted and promptly paid.
A home Instltution—managed by directors who are well
known to the commilnity, and who are determined by
promptness and liberailty tnaintain the character which
they hare assumed. us offe
d ring the toot protection to
thou, who desire to IvirtliUlv.
Dutscreas.—Renbem Miller, jr...1. W. Butler, Wm. Lyon,
C. lhmeen, T. Scutt, A. Nholck, C. W. Itlcketson, George
W. Jackson, James WAuley, Merge Ramie. Pahmow
Rolm., James Lippincott. and W . R. Smith.
OPho, No. WS tt ater- suet. (wand... of Span & Co..
up claim) Pittsburgh. juNdly
Franklin Fire Insurance Co., of Philad'a.
FiIREOTGRS: Charles W. Bineker, Geo.
W. Richards, Th os. Ilart, Mordecai Lowly Tobias
er, Adolphe E. Boric, Samuel Grant, Darla 11. Brown.
Jacob Rmith,Morrls Patterson.
Cosy. U.I3CLICH, Secretary. •
ThLe Cmupasay continue. te make IpeuranneS, peninnient
or limited. on every description of Property in, town and
"We ' Zlgp r a n ny " tiV o n w r%e ' istr " t i rliVer:l9 "'m lgon
which, with their Minna' and ' , remittals, l ' ernty investeo,
agora maple Protection to the amured.
Tb.ofilm Onulator. on January let, 1 51, as pub.
' agrees "' lily to the Act of Anambly, were as follows.
Real Eatata
Tfforary Loans.
• E
$1.212,708 44 -
Fluor their ineorporetion. • period of di team they hen
paid upwards of One Million hour Hundred Tturand
has Loseeli by Fire, thereby affording eviden of the &d
-rool.. of Ineurouire, en well en their abLity d dloptal-
Jim to meet with gromptuers ell
J. ti Akillki ER COYF/N Anent.
enl9 Moo 8. M. porton. of Wood , dad . eds.
Western Insurance Com
mu.r.a. a., cure souses. &[O'Y.
Will Insure against all kinds • of Fire and
Rieke. •
Mom. Scott, Jam. DlcAniey
A. Nicola. Geo.
C. W. Mac Lean, Nathl Holince,
O. W. Jackman. J. IJAPlncott,
Wm. 11. Smith.
NB" A home In etitution managed by Manion yell
mown in tills community. and who will liberally adynat
md promptly pay all June* at the • Orrirt. No. 92 Water
'th'ety be ( B u
1.&& &co'. Waraboci) nn Omani, l'ittsburgh.
R 1111 ,
J. W. Butlm,
Wm. Lyon.
0. Ihmamt,
arine, Fire and Inland Transportation
'FELE InourancoCompany Of North America,
PhiLtdalphis--Cbutemd 1•94. Capital ' 1400,000.
Awls January lit 1854 51.001,255 , 60. make las,
raneeori braidings and their oontentk 1.11 this city and
ykikitri also on property °revery deriptiou, shipped per
steamboats and other re m
sents. either by inliid transpor.
Lotion or on the mu.
OtarCross; --
Acthnr A. Corbel, gpet, rt,dmas P.Cope,
..i0n..1 W. Jones, John It. Ne ff ,
Edward Smith,. Itblued IL Wood ,
John A. Brown, William Welsh.
Eaninsl Y. timith. Francis Hoskin..
Banned Rivas, S. Austin Milhous,
Charles Tarlac, Wm. It. Moto,
Ambrose 11 Late, George .lUplosall,
Jacob 11. Thomas. James IC Di.. 114. .
8. Mortis Walo ti, 11. M. Showed Secretary.
Thhl le the el Insurance Company to the Untied
Motes. and kern Ma Ish standing. how ociscrience, amble
meat., and avoiding :ill risks of ag eat. barardous cher.
aster, it may be consideredas f:feting. ample warily to
the public. WILLIA M P. JONES, Agent.
fsl 80 and 81 Wards street.
goy 27 ore 05 51Ymn Manx, nrionrcayn.
OW. W. respectfully informs his friends
and customers, that heisainst completed his stock
lilruittue. slab Is decidedly the hugest and Wei ever
intend for sale Is this city. As be is determined to uphold
his stock. withecalsinal materials, best workmanahip, and
- newmit deigns; end
_from the, name of his Adeni and
fadlltT In manaGcigqdoa, he' le eaoblud to uce sac
to the loot de ^ant ar,ll costly, that a home. or at4r,
of one. mar be ' . furribibed from his stock, or mann ed
*spread,- io eddy. The Ibliowing if
a nt in
of his tasortmant. which, for richness of etyle and a
easoiolt ina t i=n t. t3l ,: his Emitern . eitketl
100 Sofas In Plush and /lair Cloth
100 doseu Mahogany Chaim.
40 do Walnut do
I I 100 31abofrany Barking Chain%
50Walnut Go tio
ILO Wa ln u t Diranr.
50 Wau do
100 .51arble Top Centre Team.
50 - Deemin Bureaum
SO do Waahlta g
40 Irielneed
. B
Plain Drachurrow:
40 sfahogany Bedateitdm
.2/ Walnut do
1.10 Cottage
MA ChKtl
Poplar Fadmeeds.
OS Mahogany Wardrolom
10 Walnut do
10 Cherry do
40 Plain Buresum
100 Dining and BreaklinitTaldes;
12 Peoria/try end Book eaerm
Down Cane Seat (2mirm _
24 Cape Rent Booking chal4T,
12 Indleiol PIMA Ileakg'
: Utl t itr """d4 a l V''4
Conrs g satlon Chaim Pembokea . Ta d b o les',
ElLtsbetheu do; Ilall and Pler do
Reception dm Ladles'
Pearl Inlaid dm • Extend= Dlsdag Taiga;
Ann din. Ottomanm
ootek and ibmenstrr, _
kiAlLing2rimeasottinetttolOommon mature andrild.
aor lf
, Cabinet makers supplied with wild. In their lima\
Steinstmata and Hotel. furnished at the shorted Pollee.
All orders promptly attended to. ruhMl
J. Cc a puipais
4NVITE the attention of Wholesale and 1.4..
tall Doyen, to their large and wall awned dock of
oo hand. consisting In part of the following:
WO l• sea "Ways, me,Aua. , sad lightahrot Floor 911
N.. 3, 4 S, 0 a 8.4 I_ tl ht ti i Floor Oil Cloths
li`.oo T ao . 33.'30,0 a 45 In. tr ' asZarant. green 0114noth
in Window' Slotting. •
600 yda. SS, 30,_40 it 451. do buff IXI Moth, 6i6 . 2 , 1 da,
800 do ,366 44 opaque groan do -do do it. ~, I
Tea do Minot!, OnudiAbe &aim • • • '
408 do 66 14 6 11:Mt 64ig..r .,0u palm -- • 1
, 1600 do 4,62 F -Itnansidlad and Plaldearrtase .
1000 rd.. 4,6, 2 04 Furnlturdoll gottl, ligurld, and hot ,
laden of troodand nuarld._ . - . • -, • - • -
NJ doz. Table, Stand and hereon Caren, axed at...;
NV palr Transparent Window Shades; oil and *7 641,10:
from 4% to 11. ft. long.
. ea ea.+) a 44 in. ha Holland. tbr Wlndorrglitdt \
Oilaggh=t aro ment d :f i rindond i udaTrimtnln -from onr %
Eaetern Manntr,eturery, wean .named at all times to Of
fer the beet and &roma stock oflloode West aftto Ileum.
41:11. Call and examine Wore snrchaalnl i elaawhere. , \
. . .
mho ' - . 011 ClothlfaxeroamkNo. 7,16 .111,aflrai Ili. \
- -
_ -.,-
CFp4l4, ne, OH Cloths -and Wat4ge;,,. .
'No - 9HlVsitlcWitki997. - ioi,. 2 , : , .
~ IL I ! NOW . R E t atix , !N o. ,4 . l/I I I . I. , E ge UT f,ranah , i , i .
.i tisge aillTE ' l2.lrdbeftyr axial( skim Lad In taitcon ,
. 3 , 41 „,,,, 1 t i e r :..
/.1.- tr pAd.„;:r i .l,s,. •.. .
. •
"Mx Lux
..._ .._ -
I:fite w it h Iputa n9ta Votn,ltaa
d'rtrll„prdg 9 !C...•:. 4 ester,,
Floor Oil Rothe fl oe
2 . x. 24 loot w We, VreSco bind Chlnts
rater.., of all qualities and priors._ Also, raoado, chenille
Vand tufted rug lid . nnit i ralan , o i and tale rarrenc l nd b az
alt ' it:/rit2a.ta. d u r.. 4 ~
_ 44 green '4"14 1 ,
Mainnos—Wnlta and cheat amt.on matting, 24. 4-1 i 64
and 04 witler. also. MUM matting 2-434, 4-44 4-1 aa 6.1
nide, all of which will 00 oclerod at the kdoal 424 a Weer.
AND Mr.= .4=4 °prom" Ruyan. rumor =sonar:
lIANITFACTURE kinds of Witter, Ou!
mid Steam Fitting.. li mns stead up withOsisp4
4 4110T4 ' - • 41741 T
SALAD 01L--1.0 casoa fresh Olive Oil,
2 baskets Olive OU, LayrJe Extra:,
the best he tarted,tr sate br W. A. Mcourilta..,'
APPLE BRANDY-=A v ark . fine. Article,
r higgazTrz u ur,, , tror inmlbg
■pli- . • 710.12. car. Word ■nd Frontsnt,
10tAT11 TUBS—A few very soppion
-11.1, ewe 111.11 111 • ,
FEACIf BRANDY—An old and inaperior
article, en head arut for We by W. 11. surroN,
avii Na IS, car. Wood.k /remit eta.
Mann t Oa an recelTing imotber .GRIT of Wainer
Draft 00142.1:01Arriditi won vitrr new stalea at /Ig.
MAtaTiZaValli=salt4= Ar!"'"Ft:r°'
I.OFFEE-100 bapprimeßio Coffee in ittora
%._) for vale by ,ieM B. ILAtIIAIIGIT & CO,
I,IEICUES--75 bus. halves in store and far,
&_ .. sale by
tos_,. 0; in
111 by. MI: 4 " -
ACON--3 hhdet: i
iTBLIME OLIVE 'l ToOttrisilxqual.
by BND 0114--It
j 7 4
°midi! caw their Immo
Its lino& at &dos 26 to 7
fIORN-0:10 isnoks i ;
iv bt - MEV
- •
The Ohio and. Penna. ltailroad, L -
TIIE shortest, quickest and most reliable .
^ route to Toledo. Chime& Rock Island,
TNs mate is One hundred tidies shorter 'and &bent
' debt hours ankle. to Chimes, than the cireultotte one
Three Daily Trains between Pittsburgh and CJeceland.
Four Daily Train!! between Chreland and Odessa
Time to Clerelattd. 0 hour; Chkago * ,.:: hours ee.6
Leafs, 37 hours.
• ".
- - - - - - -
Trains for Cleveland leave Allianee at LSO a. Sr. 12.00 '.,
and 820 r. re., connecting at Hudson with. trains for Cu
rs-tibiae Tells and Akron. and arriving at\Cleveland
10.00 a. a., =tr. IL and 8.28?. X.
s The Milos Ct the Ohio and Penna. Itallroad,leaving Pato ,
burgh at. 8.00 a. Sr. B.ooa. x. and 9.00 r. x.. arrive in Cleve.
bed at 10= A. /L.. 2..12) r. at and 8. 2 2 0 e. 15.. 000860423 g
there with throngliTrains for Toledo: Chlessfoe , ,fluak , di''
and arid St. Lords. . .
Passeorcers for Toledo, Chicago, St. Innis tend the North.
Westleoving Pittsburgh on either of the morning or a•I
ternoon Trains, bywoing rAz Renttartd, will arriveln Chi.
moo In advance of those who go via Montt:told or any other
route. Time gained by going via Cleve Lind 8 hours.
Faxen:err going to SL Louie or any other point west of
Chicano, will make tba thawed connections and quickest
u me br taking the 8, aY. train from Pittsburgh.: Poo.
I.Zl.lori by tits train (via Cleveland) reach St mob, on the
evening of tbe following day. '
The trailis 'from Cleveland to Toledo and Chicago, rune
as thllowec-Le , ove Cleveland at 8.00 and 8.30 La. 2.30 and
B.W r.x., arrive in Chicago at 8.45 and ILOV r. re. 6.200.15.
and 12.00 sr. Trains leave for bock, Inland and 08. Loins
as followae-LeaVe Chicago ft 8480 A. w.nnti 0.1
Passengers forlsL Louis go over nook Mondrai l road to
Joliet, and tinned, over the Chicago end Idliodoeippi mil.
road to Alton, and thence by steamboat (iI2 =lea) to St.
fags. Paseengers 'Pr the 8.23 A. x. train arrive In Faint
iLenbe stn.:Xl ear= evening, end by the 020 r, a. train at
coon nest day. \
lioggagechecke through to Cleveland, and there re;
checked for Cl 5 elsV and tit Longs.
ist hot
To Cleveland.-- ... ...,..84.00 " Chleose l o.. 11,50 0,50
" Detroit.: -,
0,00 " Roek 10den . 1.16.50 12,50
A11in0ce................. \ 2.dd ''SLismis 19.50 15,50
•Passengeel are neeneated to\ procure their tickets at the
Moe of this Company, in \ Monongahela lionse. below the
J. DURAND,' Sunk, ilorelond•
nel34. A: CALIGII.ET. Act. Pittsburgh.
.. .
Michigan Southern ea Northern Indiana
rdROM TOLEDO TO. 0140.9,00,, eoiiiiect;
lug at Chicago trithClement's tin Bteamerii lOr
ane, Milwoultre, Sheboygm and aibtho ports on .Lake
Michigan, and •iththirChicago and Rock Island Railroad
connection et La Ealle with.thefllinels Central and Chi
ago and Miesimipol Railroads and Illieols River Line o
Pteamers for La Ballo. Rock Island. ELLettle and all point
on the Illinois and Missimippl Itivent •
let—Espress Mall Train leaves Toledo et'! arriv
ing in Chicigo at 1.27 P. M. •
2d—Morning 1:2p1VIII Train leaves Tolodo at 11 A. Si..
...flying In C lii.. .r
Bdafternoon kr press Train leaves Tole . dO a Lao P.M.,
...icing in Chicago at ILOO 0. AI.
4th—blight Express Trainleavm Toledo at 8.15 .11., ar
rives in Chicago at 6.45 A. Si.
Our Train on Sundays, leaves Toledo et 8.15 P. , M., and
arrives at Chicago at 1.1.45
Four Delly Trains on thejCLeveland and Toledellallroad,
connecting with the Move: .
Passengers by taking the Ohio and Penne. •Rallroadite•
Manseeld. and the Bandusk7and Mansfield Railroad, to
I Monroeville. will there connect with the Cleveland and To.
ludo Railroad. Or by taking the Clevelandand Pittsburgh
Railroad et Antenna, will then connect at t leveland with
the Cleveland and Toledo Railroad, making the time from
Pittsburgh to Chicago, via 11:8. N. I. Railroad In 211 hound
Through Tickets an ha procured 'at the ofeces of the
Cleveland and Pittsburgh and Ohio and Penna. Railmads.
under the Monongahela Mum, or at the Depot.
111:144613t. Agent,
Pittsburgh..lol7 20th. 1854:.,tf IL and N. I.• It. R. •
.1918,128 CB .
.., 17
61,889 CIO ,
C 4,2148 81
: I .111,, :4; . e
Through in Fifteen /Touren •
PHI ALAIL TRAIN will leave every mom
The FastTesin will leave Pittsburgh daily (except erin
dat at 10/clock, stopping at (Ireenstncesr. Latrobe. Blair*.
elite, Lockport, Johnstown. Wllmore, Gallitzin; Altoona,
An, arrivingln Philadelphlsat 4 ("cloak the nest morning.
The Express Train will knee every treenbsir at 9,30 o
*lock; stopping only at Irwin's, Greembarg, Latrohe.lllll ,
side, JOhnstown, Lilly. Oallitdo. Altoona, connect
log at Ilarrisharg with the Train far BaitiMoro. gad ar
riving In Philadelphia or Baltimore at 19.30 o'clock. noon.
The Accommodation Train will leave every afternoon
(except Bondy) at 6-Wo'clook, P. IL. stopping at - an raga.
ha station/40111i running only as far mill - Linville.
The Betond Accommodation Train ktaves daily (mteept
Bandar) at 11 delock, A. Id., stopping at allertaßona, and
running only MI (rita Brinton's.
Returning Trains arrive In Pittebnegln First Atrntruno.
dation arrives at 8.00 A. 111.; Fdrpreese.srmes at 100 P. 3LT.
&mod Accommodation arrives 7 . .)1 111.; Train
arches at 19.30 midnight; Fast Line arrive ai 2.5)A. 31.
Fare to New York $10, , W, Philadelphia sa. Baltimore $B,
Bedford Springs
Baggage checked to all etatione On the Perm. Railroad.
and to Philadelphia and Baltimore.
Passengem purchasing tickets In cam will be charged
Trl CURS to addition to the station rates, erupt from
stations when the Canrany have no agent.
No notes of a ie. denomination than Are dollars yeAll he
received In payment for tickets, eaceid.thßoe,lnmsd Pf tb.l
Hanka of Pennarivania .
Norica—ln eve of lota the Company will hold ..'them.
selves remamaible for personal baggage onlY, and dot an,
amount not exceeding $lOO. .
N.B.—The EXCELSIOR 8 LINT : biro 14 i n cm:
played to conveypassengers and tewsmito. to .I . lltm the
Inch Sts .
charge not to k esooed th actor each ogee,
For Tickets apply to
~ 311511.13,4 M,.
Agent at the - P. It. R. Pawnor., on Liberty et.
Pittsbargh.July 8.1834.-.4Y1 ' \
Spin' eli3Li t Mt. Vernon .:& Pittsbur
/ter,r2rE4v SPRLATIFIE4D..'.A#7.).DEktIVARE....
/AN lu:14 After, 31 0 :iniEty, , :July 3d; 1354, two
N.:l, daily PaYeengei Trains nil 'run sasAlawaSuridays
ezeeptadd • •
\ Fonsi BprinarKld to DrhWeare. •
hi Train—Leavoe Springteld at,_ on a:lrate'
train nom Cincinnati via I. We Miami R. and train
fan Dag: by Xenia. connecting at 'Ashman, with \ train
Yd Trenn 0
0.30 =-Lear l a Siiiindtdd at 1id5.1' ‘ .31:, at ti c( at
lrt Tr.i.4Le...D.boraia - st 10 0 A. Dt. eordierting at;
Springfield with the train on Little Manzi Railroad fanj
Cincinnati and RaYtain:also.-eouneeta at Millard Cantryn'
'with train for Urbana • • - • '
2d Trufir-leavel Delawire 'at P. IX.; On .trial, of
train from Clevriui — arrives)nPialtigneldat 1l P. 31;
\ At Ostrander Station Oinaildissea wlh run regularly 10
andfromAt' thesee Swinge. cenrwating with the to.waing
yton' lii the acily.ronte' 12. ‘4l. them Queinnittl.
an d Da Sin• •
Yteicht shipped trackpidgin on this s Toed to points on
111' '
Th. 4" and Eer
SIIM ‘ 24EB 1611R:‘,TOEMENT:
OOMMentlitt, M.401.8e,
. .
THRgE . '1114017611- T_EWNS • DAIL'j. ,
■ AIL TRAIN lqatts Pittsburgh at 'l3 s o'4,
' cloak A. x.. Mime atAillandkatailmthai.M4Mat4l
• - r. E. and itastilna at 5.15%a1,, -\ ' r. ' r '
. ,
PRESS =AIN loaves Pltta arab of E.OO Y. E., takasi.,,
tem at /Ullanca andtaaohmereatlina at 1115 4.31:
breakfasts at Alliance. and umehaa Creatßne\at 1140 a. E.
AU or them trainamaka clout connection at irl 4 t- 5 1 4 '
( "=""" ° 6lV:lll.'"Vig,"Truldlayi ,
_' an
pol l s eontalne and Indiana. all roagie for"Daytoty,tnimanad
pl and towns In Indiana. \ • , •
.\ :, • • •
ConnacUona ' uni EMU MU•
with , 'CleielaluU , ldoxinardlla,.
Satainaky. Toledo,Dattolt andebEato with' Emwrou Up::
pat Sandusky. Pow* and the moss on au Ilad :Mom
Mad. A 1.., with Alma' VsarnonANawuk; Umatilla and_ -
'"""t. the 14'4'1°44 t ri ad.
\ \ . iti. \
1 ram Oinelanatl sty Inabtotpolit . .0% tW•Dat*
ton S B IU to Toledo $ U_ to Oolmnbas $05,25: to Edna•.
tille "i° 10 to Clareland' 00._ Mem tlekata to Loin►
TEE EXPRESS TRALV_Imval tEastlin at 115 4.1 t..,„
and taaehas Min ha' um . se.nakla a eloae_oonnou,,
wira p than ra _ .Tta4n fir rhiladNahla • - .. .• -
TRAIN iatra h ( e ktatuutAr.4l.2slw.o.;
ritizrb...4lAVN 1041,04 mhntsh o al.lltllo.lW 2,i0 A. Iti., and itmeh
,M Pittsburgh 1,4 11.40 A. X. • U.ll¢ll au atlittetttng'oo.d.
makes Haw connattlotrawElt all ettbiao train. at Comtllna.
. \ NSW •' Ilatct.traf
..A000MMOD&TION- TRAM 'lames
Pittatnitah o4t 14 A lit.• mat 11.?0, t..E., sod New Et:4l tan at,
. . .am 1 at 14 A.' au
3,. \ ,..
i lltitta ' egt 8,-. 84 . L.. , a
Imo a. E., and ma at, Lao ~,, E.., 4.; an p; E, ... \•.. .
laj..The thall=la rr . nut CO SUOSI4).- •,. ' . '.,\ '.'..
Poe 71closta ;, - e ingumattoa, &Ell at AMI
o®mo Pittsburgh, ar 01%
CURRI T ' AV, lake tindattholnan=laorrtjo;
\ '.','•'.-' .:`':. ' - \ c• oils liaTiMie su r t w r .1 u l': \..
patti.isi., li,i , ii, t. . ' ',..:. . .
minotmr , y_-24 . m•itAn40 - 4): 7 77 5ki .
„ . • •
•Flistaus—Anx_at. Nal, and WrOtt.
L nigl , V=r . e. to pecoVairliM Plartos,*. al los
&mood else—Driod Fnd(, Deer SkLoA &nor ,
Timothy Botd,lDassware t ;llieVeraro,
° Woo! add
1311=1:41=9.01rr,t,e0. Baiter, firLDl‘i
toobareaba.llldese Leath. deade r anq •
'Corugamptened, betlik • • • '
Fourth ow.-dicoltadl; Hama,ln.lap or .boxeed Barley
and halt, Beet sod Poja,L'auM., eberdej Lard and Lard
~ &.,1 11 1 e n ,c h i r d!d:T ..00roPredead t Sauce 40
wiEurBoo Lit . DEDIOLE al.*.ourgens, age
.• _
\ - - Ohio sniik Indiana . I,aaroad.. - ..
TitAiNs - learn \ Omiline duill;. Sundays
. - 4 (LEO /OA.. aa. the &rd. lit tba nt_Ott
t whom I.lttanzat 'lmd VII of the td an ,, , mu
M 1444 at Daiwa 4 5 1 . ra., 4C1.47.41":1•51r.
India:L*4W at 10 e. ie. - i , X .
la atm only Ilah'ewhheetilht • arosetlr 14 crelthaw
with the night train - froht Pittairk
~,c , ..4
~,,r it
ig7).-17..V lif k olgOrgoblis How, Prilciro.
ant thalttatton It!maltp ,Thl ttt , TiElti mucnik ,,, ~ .
. 1041.. ' '\'' ' t*gbiße°k'd B°94l" "" tak \ '
'' - • 'DE NEW,YORK AND VT -POOL - - \
- STATE S ' 31/ 1 . , sTgiumage
p llTl AcEf firatt.W .4,t)(L ort.r 3 ll% ..4l.
.. ,
t.....,..... f 1 ekt v .
t* t. li t ure. o.n.k. - \)
~ ~" , • The Woo cam titl e aue the . • ' :
11:ESE Ships lisivp'xi built by contract
Meanly for Goversteent &trice, army , care haat:arm
In their eanstracti .rat se' In tho Englarr, to autism
asoWlll and Ward. Bail theft' accrommodu.totiA far Puma
gent anoquallod thr elegiac° tad. comfort. .‘ i . vi i ,
Pike of Paactas from New York to Lire la Witt.
Oaths, 11131; ezehule* am of rites Aral State ma,Wdr,
la Second Cab i n. WO: from. Llearpw/ to 1,.., Yes =I
~..orpertetied Summon attached I. each Shl.
No LIMA can be second until paid Syr."
Iltair - Nrw Ifcare , lBBl. - !hoer
_lacwroot.,l '
Sattuday. Jan yary 7. •.. fE erumeday JuLaary 11* . ' ,
Fawley. , . di ; • ... • iWedaradar e 2s. -
LaEaunur, F. - brain. 4. '-- W.1....W. rq'towlf• - •' -
.... . 18. Wodneslakr. , . ' " : ,
Saturday: 31.cch 4. _ - Wednerbty, Illeir.t . i. fi,.. •. , ,
Satwdar, • "' 18 ,
,-- Reguarda/. \.SI • .\ ••
lEaturday, Air D ).
~ , 4:=1 , . A . pltl f a . ,
..1k - . . Wedandanicti • ' )
Wednesday - /. • ',
' WohtladaY, " ,AL ,
w.d.d. odnioda r y.. ,,lmia " ~ ..1.11.•;:, - s ,
~... i i .
.‘' ; I:2 =aP-8.,..e.:
... • w.....d.r..,), v ,,,ii.:,
Pt - m - e - %eap'eWiWNedE__.7V4l*mbor
N IN, .
- J
r atesotrwlO =lßTY7tkfi tS
Ellitiikcir ITB,II - 3004 - 13' Nine a AM*
gERVA NQtre l '!.14
ililb‘iiiin tat 12."....-ii.-
rniu,......3.4ipeg0z404 .
' 4 4 93-1-I .+Aisarted PA* W- 0 44'.
1 ,7 + thA l fiiCit - 11 lietta
I ftf4eAtgizOM
• Henip Iftpse Minufaeto*:,
&STONE,- Quarry +groat, labolSicoh,d, • \
Philadelphia." Ciansp end SUPetiOV HOB ter Masts@
Compaales, Looscoolires. Xl/445*mbosts, Nana
fiwtalets, Its•WMP. ke. it is wads 'rifts:M.l4m.
'lighter andfne ns - pinsslys . than I.nstbar Wok MOO
LAMP ICK eta kinds.
• • gide, .011 and Leather Store. '\ .
DKIRKPATRICK, No. 21 sonth Thi r d
greet, Philadelphia, - between Market p ip nra
ortetk—linhe tar eats spattleh lthhet Dry and t
al: Patna KIPS; latutere WI; Tatman' 'and Carrier,
10018. at the tritrist prime and uPett the Um ten.,
• All kinds •of LEATH:RR in the mgt.
latch the Micheal, marketAnice tria• be given, In end •
or taken In exchange Or LUdea.
LAPathet BU , Sid tine ar thane. and'add on etantattalen.
ItOWE & EUSTON, N0..111 N. 3d street, \
A111.1,101* Whohis lkslers In Cora Drams.
mat , =La Willow Wsze. Pocks, .Coulavo ac. ( *dal
P. 1.141. - filled. I ,1•13,17
.._______ v ______
\ • , \ NE — "l:W' 071 i- • ..:- •
314., MtliajniOLIT.4.1 DWI = 17 'ALL Eine:at
:i DtaIAtahSTJIUMEND4 ' •
Mali° Trusses% Bandar4Staorts,
which , M T oferod \to dealers on the moat liberal meths.
No. 12 GOLD cram, NUR MZI,LN XLNIX, NW .YO/11,V
Steam Factory at tVilliameburett.
-- '..;BALTIMORE..
EGNI/1.1114 171 .
• SON,.
Boxtni—StoplieuiTlllon Co+. . • • •• •
Nni; Tork—taisha Mama Bat, Banker. Id Wall Etna; .
Philederparahts: Strang I Co.
Baltiore—John Rapala; - Lag,
_President Merchants"
Cbaancer Brooks, l'reekleut Western .Bsaa;
John Loner:. kstashier armers Jr Merchants' lisair,
Ihroonws) Co.,
Fraed.o., D. C.-oDrati-An t. 1:143. Ba,tikets.. =Mt
"tl7 °op . ENGRAVING exeduted with dair
yV. vateli lowmtpoMjh ITtBRANCIT, In the tlert
N. B ( err Yaaith nod Ss ore
.--Partlettlar attention•paltutPiaa. , • . .•
Steam Met and Olmmtmlbatnal. .
. .
HASKILL, General Coinualseion
iterelmt sad . Auctioneer. No. 3 Water street, Pe, .
" LlZ i et . al attention to Cammlsslott aux 16
DETROIT. • • ' •
RIDDLE HOurBK ----- _.
M:~3~~y~1: ' ivlry~
. . .
Banking Muses of dolua.ll6gg, :: ,
. .
NEW YORK, -. • :....._ \
. .
PIIIiADELPHIA. \.. .. . .
CONNELLSVILLD. ''' • Pards. .i
. \
. \ Defames recafred; Dliconials road., Drafts bongba " sold. tl
an collseted:• Dank Notes and Spode loonaht and sold
StOcka Notoa and other Seettrithre bought and add. on
oominteeitot, - Forrerpondeoverani; oollittiolus when
..... - .. ...tY,-"Ail Iriallhisl - i;m7ttiltr
ii 7 C . 4iitelilinie•Vell, 'Rheumatism, Channel* Cutaneous
Eruption., Pimples orinstalee on MOM.. Dloicims.'Mo-1.
Chronic Bore Eyes, RintolVerat or. Teeter, &sad Mead. En
largement and P.M of the Donee and Joints, Stubborn CI
jkidlitic Disorders, Lutobagor - Spin4 Cemphlnta ,
ern,o I Dtmumintsintitantn an intuditiona meg. Mercory,;„ .'
ln =a7c i t a le U r f Uel 1 1. 13112=47,Shieted . tai -
the tantalum , of, extrwe,.. corm erected through Its
rt P tM 1 4itt U rr. d olf i eriFircipka d, MarttFar=l...
the unmet
Th e= In its vitt an wonderfu curatim
properties. The =awing attlileates, selected from lamas
- ameba, me. howevo-, stronger
thin the mere
word of ho pe
and are MI gentlemen veil known . : : •
,In thetr I Ries, and of the blehestreepectebility, mauy,`,
•lf Otte ding la the ettraV Richmond, To. .. • . . N ,
kj;.h ß : Tims, b14'.41.ti,t, l' 4 '" 9 "i"o t `tds n d a = \ -
CoaTsaVs'B7"smatt dticrtilts. sdni=in r Aer at ' l•dred \..
rt 7 .lll" , ll::' , M l ====ti!ri=mirt
,th. most extesordluery trualiclue that he has mermen.
\ AntlE AND ..REAT CURC.—I hereby entity; -
Met- far three years.' had Ague and Toyer
aunt Mb , ' • .
lent descrintion. - had Meng r_ba.t i tookJisnr• •, \
quantities of nine, Mercury., .oµl ece ty. mow. ,
na"rtiwti• b. Mi WN`Md ..Y. immanent relief. Att.: . • ' \
I tried Cart.' Spsoun billtare, two bottles of which atrai • ,
t...ny. cared , wadi am happy out say,' havehadneither . . • '
ChM. Vora since- Icond&r. • It. the best Tor& In the
world, and th only medicine Mat tree ;embed miscue:
BearrrDa , ' '• • •
• L
.• 401.1 N LMNODON e IIt . •
V.D. Luck tee, now In the city of•Elehmand. arid:' ~•
, t_tAthe Pto,.;!..e(, ,••• • 1
ham bouggfupwarde of 60bottlenwtrichhe bee shwa away - . -:
to the afilleMd. Mr. Luck ..Y. -tba he has never Enema . . •
‘lt toftl ir pen Witco accordi Ma ul„ eetlns, ••-•• , V ' ' •
\ Dr. .• practising Pab mad formerly et the - -
City Dote In the oily of Richmond, earo he hes witneseed •
In • amber of butances. Um effects, of Canoes Beneath
Mixture, which wereace,
most truly, enzpriting. Ile gem in,,,,,,
• care of eon= =dent on • tim Ltver, the stoma
eCeeto worn I
Sam. M. Witter, of the anti of Drink. , " Monis. lite\ ; • . i
fielt.,....cred of LIT Joss ci l. of a yrdi u.. stancting .••••. \• • 1
T OILEAT .Ari l egAtitOVULA-ITC?itare of thelial ..
'blond Remakes had • ' !servant employed in their
,' • •
seem, coma of violent Scrohda, mmbined with Rbeama , • • \
tine. width entirely disabled idm from week. Two bottle
.• ' ,
of thwter's Omni& idixtars made As Wilkins* at hiat;' . '• -, \
and the editors. In s public notice. •my Lttury , ''cheaftdly - ". •
commend it to all who ere eillietad with 'eardielit,O. , l
A CD/tl. OPstianinti—i hadi veiv".. .. ' .
valualile boy cured of awhile bythrtarstiiteninhallatorw ' • `,•,,, ,
I consider it • V t valuable medicine. JAMES AL TAT, •,,
I , r u lift l illl Or b' YO ß' ldiri ß iff e ti ; D U rafr aIL V EO,-.L •..
• .
'. - 'lf a I tn ' :irtIPZ , KIZAINITZ T :=Vjr,4I' : ,
the . 4.llllle , i 9 t h ts ' S d el7j u gfar "t ot ,' ~'n4 "4 which 'a ls \ • .
we known Inerehea tin the city of lattartlow4
• Va., ma •X ,-
• W .AL Mathew 61s V mat
s, of Rickumesd,-'had Ili @onset eviradsh
'Svph lb the woretiOnal, by (niter's Sticulah Mixtere. ; ' •
Item • • entails . , nkommends Iti soil :Maldell It igi ,
• Richard Cirmt, of .ILrchnlim& Was • cured •of lilarignia, •
and vim* Phyalaishe. 050,0 toaßrmed 'Coneuruptkro s by • •
three bottles of Carter'_ a Smalah Mixture._ ,'• • - •• L. • •-• • ,
• Edward liortan. .ftm•mer of Men...nue. say. ha , •
has pen the seced effects of.cerunliSpstast. allrture, in
nornber of Ni=te emus, and 'Veit is • paled cram lbw - •
Abet. horrid
,moan, y Wm, o.ner , lathi,..d. maw; as Old iietriAnd
, mvett him Dom waiting. -Took •Am hot.
'Um of atWs 8 Mixture, ...term enabled to Welk.'
without a et‘in ^Abort time permanently cured- ~. , _,.. •
Principal stM.'Wled.Clatinn,Co, ha. EM lisMen
Lane New To T. W. Dion 'and Bone, No. 1_ * 23 `forth 2411; • '
meet', PhllailMP e; Bennett **eens , No. P 3 Man ousel s ltlehmood, Ps
. -
, And Sweats bj B. A. YelateetatiCialk, .I,M-pl, Ifistabs 4 '
_Trend B PliMblught ft, P. lichwerts.AllegheasyCity- -
and by and desJers in niefletnes everywhere. -
,Are yon:-Sick? : •
rrHEN you can't - bo cared too soon, Don't
' dalait until roar soilitlailt le Incirraltht fun{ then
Imourn whetit la ilo.late.
mrh.fto stq ard;lf of all the
,Ma =ft . :Villa, if taken In elnat.. Don't ao dreg:
- 2 ,F1 araie &Vitt ei'MA.,`tdutgr=bl,''
earfburn sill their: kind/cal titiordp=nial.rottr
dgm' rdh eva. 4=l
any ot the uncles,. duet re Of the eklu, tweanee
tent wan . ts a tnr4 d in,it ;
I, D m o . n't tit t ; g=ll,44lt w
r i ar i treuirthentog into healthrtetion. Arnett Pine sal r .
'•these thhm d rinht,, ete as, ater quenehatilre c are
'F , Vag.thi?;!,ll ,b ig o l:34"gh t r t t:it tl ril: q ktitlum ore
takeWb are the' one great trustient wonder of thil
age, sett by all:who num Abet? rhino, led Naar
thou. Imow,thent. Take tha , Charry Pectoral for a
Oatal4anattutrills for , Aistangrafents requillsit pros
ciLre.Mr, 1 1 1. - :AlMrnalcal andAnstyttast
iu 4,1; filifeil and sold by Druirgilta and Dealers \
DI t,
throtuthout this section. , asfattlaltenT,
•,: ,F4t.Nuai-INctoDiaconviii #.4icins,,,j,
ttLFEW , V4SIO.4- on ' th e'. Ratioria.A; . T rea to : ,
- truziti_yrithadt Idedieli;oft.pentuitoodletiorj,
oak Nerved,. Deb il ity, Low i luZt k erg 4 Lag . ~
din of the Lisa* sgd t. 46 lig*
city for fit . udy wid Lesratatdosa otcyidirlokalifta4
Rios In the lilds,Adedilanof Ibtxyed.,l7s.dwyf!• ,. , -,,
" I ",,'.ll=l.7= l 4Piii. et :De lele , et ' , ._ i " ''''' '''
' • Th. iszt=a4 Jul Ipeso,siarsttur eu zla t Att .....
M b. " " 47. "' a S ialn th"`" /4 isidr stad fdiddy duo—
doit,==.lgo4o l; 7 44-.1
rCSII,,r, hair, mq;
Pq l 7 :a rLi adv i'M'Y Mß•d • ''.4
Pi n Ul' oetrudo "l2*" : "Ln o nt f tha 'Wl'm ds ee4.ll : !'"*" '• d i . l.'tl ' ' .. % . A".
.13imt. to anraddam, gratis add 1.04 IWO
_Ana, e.
velove,by redoittindATlLe44l,4ri ~.7.4.1.. to w. 7
aMt LANNY> NO", ' ''' ''' l ' .... ' . . • ''' .
.• . • „New Leather •;. ,
.1 . • O. MOlVRY,2atoolLit.fl i t i : R.
herd prd,
fie: Sat
.• thigrung,
ft, LI V 3 I: alb "' and tiCizitoglolP"nif Ti
N1'14035.' 4 filozooto th " rf Oo i r of an defo r i g ' nOM. g. unir ,
Nen mr=h. 1 'foal fiwits" tar *kith tnr mt an
vt ivor stock hetes pttretutelu g etetwhe4.
03 6 y , • •
Lost \Vittutta soy tOT:'
the State ef.lllinois
-I[4/IP, 4 . l 4.ereiood,' late of PitiabulV : '
oDene4l 4 ,atiolleelt t the TOT if/V 4ti de% .,r
tel'M sor t : l l4W ti,ltts.
Al.u .. 3 dTzes,p l lta2g - i.joLigoroon•gyauumta..
• .
R 1
Totilfu. .4b... 8 TH. tetelltt ~AvNrE --, •
iti Cases, verf supbrioi Art' .
satelti %. , 19 . rAvELY*PexIox; •
Vtll.oo ''c o 4
` JOHN wArrhav: - - -- :,. - ! , :- \ L .
V 75, :bb1it:.t4.41' tried Shod i
\125 ts. stiA,3;.; Mils.,lfiati
ieS • ' JO1ltt ; Avg..; cu.a.e.ok .so • •
, ltroltituirt atm;,
ItADWAtiI READY RE, .lElu:loicis -
'• • • Jusursita ctui?
B~PJEFZBEY7JNOwatr 100 Os lie
'• 4 . 4 . reed i4l4* ll.Latcr-sw' 44,
#WOO; Vayejaptlee.
, zoirmularsaad 111 , ***041' Alta .
. E.lO
% 1 4. °'
A.. -,'„V.
n;SW- 4 .Pre;