_ yw.:%4,4 i'.' 3 ,,l• , e'4' .;.. ".,';t1c...;.,:7,,,..;:.,:,. efs. AFRESH ;Irriyal of-NUNNS CLAM, Celebrated PlANNiltaaltri .aard broths ealicitter.• Tiny. atas - tantazasde sal iscarolly satiated erairralT pr ibis market:end eat casalderad unatate/I== sem sad Darer sta..* T h. r ":43: altar over mat at tea seam* brig, be I V rnmfra to ataad . "4 "41 4 ,ta. dcTe tb ir e teatt . 1. 1 t A nnre ttial . A t i r w r fu . r s e ta m, at t latita i t . ael.. trap. tae , female tililtAtd aft,,ATON AADNURY. N. Y. All tae above trrelr rad at Ibutern Yactorl t irlcei, altbold dant* I " l2b " .k g et' it KLEMM, - Bole Agra NatrostAaV ard e= tarn Elan of the (told", Harp. svArrtral of Obiekerlng's Pianos., - IN 11, BIELLO3, No. Eiliffill r. Wo od street. via , bare °Pen loging ( 7) the, 'Mowing nen Pago roam , - bat CM anslasted mantifactot7 of Cuing- Flinn * Win, Barton. lig i o Two dizmlblo .mt orve t d , 7 °dawn Ploto* — .' rour plain 7 elo •. • dn do . - do ~.. 1114,- do , . (dot plain '• . do '6 4 4 do dm (Plow do do 6do- • ' dco ' • • Throe Walnut • It do - tin All the stove Instrannatto botalnen gobbed daring the but tooed6 amt are of lb* latent Wine 67 7 . 761 1 67 .• .- sarbsiarliibly et Baotou prices. and emery Piano wus rintai - . • (nror. ii..itzumkst wad etre.e. Jell ', 7 •• Agent Per Oblekmng Allow,. 'Barton. I(kgtW , Boo KS.Art Journal for July - • Mr Jasper Carew Sid ght; 94 supply; ' Blackwood for Jalt , Yankee Ballow for Aogoatt Peteroon'a Mainline forAuguak 7 71 . = La4T's Book do. 24 swAO , II • • Beat trot or farolly Pride. do: ' earTroot Oxman. be Leitch Bitchle. 31 rapPIT: • )tyrterielotaomarent; • to. ar r ant Books, toprether with all the leattloa =Tewe, de.jOat reed' , Express , and for Fowlhe eti eßieto Book MU... , ri B. ballaTEß. ki et VALUABLEBOOKS—. . -_ im curdne.v.orjh.2ll _ _ • • • Th. Tent and the Altar; '.; . . Vetoes of tberwadd. •, I.eetoeaa no- Roman • " • •arch Habra he Matt " • %mediation. or t Um Blamed I.!tte rambler. Da poll ca. Julia; Th e Parisi...Side. • Dapotlem in ,' otiose T. Hoppa; t 'or &lank Llama% Tba Msateena "I"4 lalasetm.ilr.D.bt of !dreterions I:arrange and luvir to lareebet. MM. All the new Publlgationp & &&&&E'T'"°& n.°ll'llBl'l.. Foe eateD toll'Ahlat 4.7= . • • ASPBERRY CORDIAL-1 small cask li ao m "ittiV i slitgrztrlst • l. Mood A Front et. AVERY PINE DRAUGHT HORSE for rilauby 3 VLSMING BROS. ROOKLYR SYRUP-40 Ibis. for solo by Jos VID1; DELW OR= it co.- IIkArACKEREL-10 .bbls. No. 4 in store and iviite oak by B. ILAILBADOII k CO. FINABLE SALT--600 snake fine Table Salt - 1. ant hand and farm,. b7' JOIN WATT k 00. . M Aura, MIESOTA COPPER STOCKS-10 Ibr ate at loge _ram A. R7481N• k CO. LSlf-1(T&ble. large new No. 3 Mackere F 26bbla, medium' do da g da Mbao;iMM . . 21 do Trout mud White nth, In store and jrl.3 Jso. WATT .4 nAGKEBEL.--50 bble. now'No. 3 (large) Vlsekeyaq 30 btu. mt..* Boning, to alive by .3. B. sod by Jo2l • JOI.L.N WATT t OOL BERAGES--Over 100 pes. plain • • Wool Bangui. ofewry daveriptionjust tved. stul2 A. MAS'UN d CO.. 23. 6th et. FAN • . .100 bbls. small white BeAns oste'bf '• 'J.2 J. D. CANFIELD. B EALE'S PAINT II ISRUSES on hand an Jim /144 br r. Jam. R. E. SELLERS .t Co. JUJUBE PASTE-500 lbs. for stile by =Yr . 41.01trt-100 boa.in the ear for sale by TLJ 443 ' vow norirtuoasr a mual.ur RACON2S,OOO lba. Bacon Shanbiers; z.OOO Ike. mar Z.OOO 16e. Mee, receiving tintokeboase and Car ale or T. LITTLE /r. tern L • - No.llYßeeoud et - rOk.SALE-WO scree of prime ' Land, on the Iffnakterate Hirer. one toile below McCann:lde le.hle. 11 is • eplendld arm end offered very low.— Enquire of je2).lm THOS. ROODS.:ith et. LIME -=100 bbls. for Nato bb Life°• ' 11Y..NItY ACOLLEIN : sATLI Ea lbe prime for sale by EXTRA OLD 00V. JAVA COFFEE—A •Inr big/ •el 7 =Near reed br W. A. ATEIV 111.ACKEREL 7 -;.20 Milo. No. 3 Bins& tnatontbnn 'A) half bbla. 3 lamellas+. Inmoction, to arrive end lbr sale by W. LISUTTON. corner Woad and Front eta.. S UGAR --6 6148. N. 0. in annfi e n& Correj.)nel QQUIPS].) & PRINTED LINENS, for boy and eitildrale weal, :Ted by =RP= dc BUIICIIVIELD. WANTED--A Young Man who can come v.r zwommanded, and - who understand, ate Gro an? Basineaa • L.• U. GRAITroor..24 and non sq. RODUCE- - -krbbls. small white Beani; P - .MO btu. Dried reached; 30 Ime. Dried Apples. • Dl.:: 1012... A-ROBISON i CO. I HADES It HAIR OILS—A large assort ECKER'S EAItINA-100 • ealebosted Parini. 'wed thi. day b • • • • JOB. - FLEXING, car. Died and Market at. PEARLS—I 3 cake. just reo'd'ruul for sale br aa9 . =CRY 11. COLLINS. W,4ORD'S COMPOUND FAMILY SOAP 30 tax noe,d for sale by =MY 11. COLLINS. grikLl) MONONGAHELA. RYE WHISKY mu, *tisk by tam bbL,ion or bottlx. by. Npl J 722 W. 11.80TT01% N 0.1.2 Wood st. CITY PAPER. WANTED—SB,OOO to loan ou geed City Parer baring from MI days to (tmontbs to ran. Apply to inn • B. S.IcLALI. ELVE XiCkARS BEFORE TILE MAST, o Ifiln On ?presidia Aboard of. Man.of-{Tae, bt 74 .l AND, 101 vol., 12ma, KAY a ale by W.. I 5 Wood et. LINSEED.OIL-50 bbls. in store and for satstrr Jo IIASISAUGII ACO. fIORN-300 bag; for sale by mr2s VON DONNUORST 13117111.1.1 Y Ebhle. fresh, this dny rec d for sale br sq. lIIINNIt IL COLLINS. . _ D RYFRUIT.--4;ii — tuisvry A.pples. ,1 do eaches. lac mak by . , 811 0 111 - YRB, DILWOIII3I AOO SALE,44Stesm Boilers, 32 inches in • ationette,a tt long, ern Fire Fran; Befetr..Valee. lerbaßerplT rim; all ea good am nen and.will be sold ist • Puma. T. WIGIITMAN, . irVINARY CAGES - 7 6 doz. Fancy Bir " I:2IRD AND GREASE--25 bblo. No 1 bat Z tbb. (hesse,.ln .tnro and Drr b_y . ' /WAS DIC Y CO. a! J ET—A - Large Room, suitable for o% s 4 tir._..eN- raTtntr.TONP."'m ettFuslußY;4-liate on hand a large and . smOtimeaiof Perfnmemoinnalstlng ornate CUL, Colognes, Floe Extracts; Beam &c. Those wlsb. Ina any of the above articles would davreLl to.call and ex am'. mr doer beloreipurcbludneelsawbere. . amid JOS. YLE.MIN(I, cor.-Dia'd and Market st. uNDRIES-25 bus. Dry Apples; • Xi boa Dry. Pbeaos: 241' ) Sur mn•iAr T l""S"C"."4"' i t A l et b Taut CitrrLWITI C n BXB. OSIVRIO PREPARED CORN by I" 8E1A9784-L%t. LBS. TARTARIC' ACID in fltiEE salty isle UT R. E. BELLEW &C 0..-- CASKS - SAL SODA in more and for OL by au24 7L X. HELLERB a CO. - 10 • : — STENZWITEOP, -17Y otiliMinCIIVITES.OlvelrdedDyer:m.410ln, by Oa° L. N. A. A new edlt/ou rellawl And Corrected by Mt stator. iris rob, lb, sale by or= IL It MOBWORTIf & O. 62 Mukalla. GALDI'GOLD!! FOR •INDIANA BARR monut—ls......purehaaing ALL .1.1 Maui Money Moot ttt. EArtusoltost sod Porn Boob) at 215 Docent for (roux ou. EROTHIULA CO.. N 0.15 Wood .t., atitikllrd '1 door !tom Ist .t.. Rankers t Er. Broken. ' LOOK:AT TlllS—AnTperaon mny secure Der binuelfs beautiful Doom tint, adiubelug Allu g, 24 acres orlan d, with rpleridld 'nickname fbr tbe mall &mounter Ow Hundred eat Montt rDeliers. Full particulars can be bed by calikurat toe offlol .1D R SULAM , : s SON. irtaß2ALle.-4, Allegheny County Coupon - Bout% urslooo eaoh. totem,. payable eorol•annnatly is td and Neared h, , the ()entre! Rant . ..deo. Aar w StEEST—S46OO In (Mr Warrant,. .11pme.Paper b at from .14 to 133 data tom. Lamar foam 111100 to $.2000. V Land Warrants. forv . r h 1 rh the h.Welprice win te_also a n. apply at the n.i1.a..t0. OE4 Law mom of . B. MoLAIr4 flON. 21. eth et. FRIISI:N.A House.ancllzTi6l4oo6,eit idel caidaitottat",tllegbeny City. The- lot Is 20 Mott by 100 &op, to Jaren= at. Term' of payment CrOTIIBERT a SON mall • Ikea rotate Amato, 140, 3 .t. ARED REACHES---4 bbls. in store fo - eau br . 474 J. A CA20161.1). CLOT= CIII3INEYTOPS-300of.var ILA Our Diatom. for Ws by ULM 11. COLLIN& CHROME GREEN-10 can* and 5 kegs strudel.). J. SefIOONUAIM. A 00. .1 J. alma ' EP I M SALTS for sale by - .7. SUWON MILKER t 00. g6BAGS PURE BARLEY in store an texas by aulfi BELL 1. mxtrry. rIXLOAN-$15,000 on notes, secured by ty Onintr Don& as eollsteril . 11Certlity. V. at, 1:01.34111% ' THOS. WOODS. 75. 41. h at. . FOR' 'SALE-7 ;s arcs North American at - ;u D. JUNO. Colo. Stock and rx. Broker. yAIO7-200), cuts p y 4. it .rmtpflatt whit& • Mutilate len. grey and white. receiving .1 00 nAgn . Ilar a ir .1, W. MeYARLAND, 283 Liberty at: OORNSTAIIOII--5 bxs. just NJEAWW.VIwd M153 , 1113) .____ 1143 W. A. WeCIATRO. MEW POPE.-65 bbl s. for sole ; )•19 B.IOIIBON t CO. • ORM &PA- STOCK --20 sham fur it. No. 71. lAA d.. A. WILL - Me A CO. • . ' , it e ere ORSE'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL-- dos. ses'4,by ." -JOE: coiner Diamond and M.SC. st: Idt'S BAL§Akt WILD. CHERRY tram Need ' • JOY. ?LEMING, 1 4'es A I ones nn. , t, in egtreny at 7 Calve -B.tryznntru'r.tzolc. GUM Itß4l3lo' 6 bind 'tit f l r L s i ajfi r ; IfLEAVG BROS. WASILBILKS, kaow Pmes.,-,ltie bias eta iteij i tt a t. ti t llt t illtk , rp t ck b l:l tsgrgatprtoeilaW Gowatinyrio. ! TO - 'THE PUBLIC MOST ThIPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT; RSTIRMIIniT OF PROF.SAMES 31ceLL1IOCR, 31. 1. . _ . From. the ..l'heladelphia Naito! College. A lirpr ERA IN . TITH/17STORT OF YED/C1A.7.1 Popular Medicine for the first time sanctioned by the 'trouser atrreottrrr to nu morgestoal TIIE endereigned have the pleasure of in • forming the public that they hare made arrange melts with the eminent Proleanor JANES McCLLNTOCE it. D., of Philadelphia, known for more than a quarter of rentm7 twet , as moot the greatest Pmetitioners.dTueb• ere of 310.11cirie land Surgery in this ommtry or In Europe. kr the purehaem of his Lrecipes, and the preparation of series of 7d3IILY MEDICINES therefrom, which will be. put up In a cheap and popular trim, adapted for genera/ ued, and suited to the most prevalent amazes. These remedies embrace some of the most valuable dissurveries end combination. erer Pampa for the cure 01 a.m. They an the fruits of the most profound Investigation, the will tat research, and the almost unequaled experience of 0/10 0 the tint physicians of the aga.• /Inch remedy Is especiall adapted to mme purtkukribret &sm.. In accordance with th e mom principtu qf modern ',mike/'science. Saab of these remedies have hien tried, improved. and fluall perfected. in the course of a long, active and highly one. reedyl n racties, not only.ln Philadelphia, but throughout many distant sections of the country to which his great reputation has called him. Their nature and effect are k n own and approved of by hundreds of regular phyalchum the bare Leon hie students and seen their beneficial re mite In Dr. 'lleCilatock.'s own hand.; while they were .stn under his tuition. In the Colleges of ftflodobld.. Cutle loo;PIttoteld, end elsewhere. man 2111 rottownra eratincarr. .Thia is to certify that Co. have yawed in the hands o Mast, A. Cushman & . Now York, the mime of my “Pamlly Medicine.. with my loft authority to prepare and offer them for popular use They aro such as I have been In the habit of recommending . and prescribing fur many year& and their annposition le well known to hundreds of regular physiciares,,,who have been toy and who are many of them now practising with disUnguished rue. cent In all parte of tMa reentry. My inducemente for this stop are ritunerome one of the moat urgents, that the de• mend for of medies has become m large through pri vate-reportheir succm.e. OA to make their preparatiou too neat a draft, upon my time. another Is, the repeated .taidtatione of my friends and patients , in the belief that the general Introduction of to y remedies oeonldbo in many respeets• public benefit: in securing them. operation of Mr. Aleamider Cushman who is a thoroughly educated Chemist andpractietl A • of many year" experionos. whereby I am enab ed o annoy the pnblie that they will ho prepared in the ant, starer and moat perfect form,'regsrdiew of expense. .lAtiff3 MeCLINTOCK. M. D. Late Profewer of Anatomy and Surgery in the Philadelphia College of Med icine nod Acting Profeseor of Mideiferr, one of the Con n:anon Physichma of the Phibobalphla Hospital, Block. ley; late member' of the National Medical Aseorietine; member of the Philadelphia 3learcal Society; member of the waseacrigrurgiml College of Philadelphia; formed/ President and ProLotsor of AuatoluT and 1/Merl In Om- Union Medina] College, Vermont and aim, late Pro fewmi• of Anatomy arid Pbelology to Rork:hire Medical hells Pittalleld. alum_ kr. he.. ko. - 1 We needimareely remind the Intelligent public of the peal seaway which exist. for-the introduction of a class elated and raiable Minder wratirfner which may he coon batty adopted Into family use and &pouted on at al fats In the absence oft phyalciao,. Ming am b;liiiinusts I...eduction. of Sacurv,RudyandErperiaton Noargument . PI needed to prove the trenumso euperiority clench mime of remedies over the Mangano. compounds that are daffy puffed into notice by Ignorant and recklem Mop, foleif fee the purpose of enriching themselves at the especulo of the noes and health o. their fellow beluga We trust coon dently In the good moot the rommonitv to npportus In this effort to oathp to the great potato Aril of Quackery by giving a careful perusal to the following Us& which em Mime the first twelve remedies of the ettries, , aud which Won prises some of the meet valuable ;mouldn ever discover el for the several oomplalnts enumerated. If you Or an 7 of your Mends are sufferer& me no thee in prorating the aid of thejind medkal authority of the day. by MUMMA and giving a trial to Poch ot IL., medicinal on ore Adapt ad to the mee. itie all espechil attention to the flint o the het moot generally demanded, at this mason namely, the I-....PECTOILAI , SYRUP. Nun invaluable Syrop, which i. entirely Tegnahle he its oompaoltlori. hoe been employed with wonderful success for many years in chi, cure er diseases of the Amsr. P.l/417121 , 00, trout the moot COMMOU diseases of these organs me. Irritation and Jaffee, ontion of the Menem 31embracte which lines the air tubesot the threat.windPiln and Wank For any of these forma . of climate, whether ehowlnyt them selves as Chegh, Ticklang of The Throat, Enne of Tiehhons in the Throat :Onlienci I ll onek'Difh-eletty Rnaihtep, &oarsmen or Inn 4 ioin, muff Mein dy e r, its use will be attended with the happlestresults. tls ecummended as ono of the best and nfost medicines 1e ell torment Bros. aniseed Ornsweinna • .Two laudanum or preptrettion ef=n nt aily adapt, In Mos &nip. Plucks tin Pint Bottles I. ANDCOLCIII E. Poe recent concha colds and • Imitation of the throat or lungs. It especially valuable Poe children: no family, in mtecbaugnable ellmatm should be without thls of remedy, which. If taken. en. the Alen encipterni of cold, would prevent many an attack of 13ronchlthi. and a fatal issue in - anomption. /Co Lendanunt peeparofier. qf Opium, in atilt shalt. to CAM Ninon. PIUCE. perbottle. 3 cent.. 111....-ASTITMA AND IVIIIAWINti COUGH 10231. EDT. Thine terribly discerning diseases are eellenal to an tup paralleled degree by. this Duni yvegetable medielde, which has been btousbt t o ! perfection elevate the' nurse of nor',T=flartVir. Talon 114"..t. :m n pl= fi PRICE. pee Bottle, 60 mins. IV DIARBEICILA CORDIAL AND OROLEILAIPREVEN TINE. MUM cure Dr Diarrhas; and. if sued In trine., for Dyir eatery, Cholera Moth. and silslaticChelers. This Psesmile thin use ass. rumen locum Illarrleiwa; end In Dysentery It is equally successful. lo the early stages of Asiatic L awler* It will be found Invaluable. Per Colic of Inftilts Wild Cholera infautum It la • sorereign remedy. 'roll .11. factions for use accompany each bottle. PRICE. per Bottle. 61. and 50 cents V TONIC ALTERATTM SUMP.- Du the ewe, 1. Of Cutaneous or Skin Disutaes. clw Totter Scurry, Salt Itheum..lteh. Ringworm. Sc. '2. Of Nero/ulna Diseases _Scrofula oriling's Loll Whits Swelli=s or Swelled Neck. Tumors, Blow Ulm., Se. Direst.: Chronic Rheumatism. Oust. Sc. D Mercurial or tZulitsc Piteous droll classes. Primary Secondary 'arras . Th em diseases all arise from a faint In the system mulling en alteration of the Escretlons and a Feuer.' pu- Fr...°,flingov,.;.rthtitviriravri=vat . . . . V1..--DYSPEPTIC ELIXIR. frfarana. or disewdered digentiou. may be eullt;4__,t-lt National Disease of America. ite srtuPtdor ant Udine= =moaning, low shrine dimutme of risioeLe Ina dumotet, or specks before the cycle Iteldnu of the undrilte deal:tem of hearing and ringing in the earn disatorw.able Linde in the month; tonstrictiou or weight boot thoehmd; dlMmdty of breathing; sense of truffocation .121 iring d own , Drill emending 'taint-pair teeth:m.or uncaufeelluif a bout the beard Irregular or deficient apintilo seam or oinking at the stomach; acidity; heartburn:pain or fulness of the abdomen: and coetirenana Some of thole sympheute nit war. apsnar in Dyitylapele; and eometimen the same patient has many of them at the same time, or at different time. Per attackin these Protean symptclue In their. mat and amen., rescin dsnged condition of the Ural. fAXISCUO.• D ELD2111.(.111.41361 all the valuable irtwmetients which the Vegetable Kingdom , affords Takeo in commo lion with the Vs-rialto Purgative. Pills in mows where the. L. moth meld teems. or th th Anti-BUIL= Pill& where the 15:melte. of the liver ZS., geguleriy discharged, it will Le foe.' most effectruil remedy. PRIOR. lln Pit bottles] SL A purely vegetable combination for tue cure of Rheum. Um, Gout. and all Neuralgic and Rheumatic Disetwee.— this remedy be otfered with the utmost equfamce. It has b.. weed tenet extensively and Is as nest a Ermine for Rheumatic Diseases as .the world has ever seen. PRICE. per bottle. 60 mute. lATIO outward applicotion for the railer of all rhea motto or neuralgic reins, prreariA • CUB neat. elifinsa Mille joints, pan la the shoulders, back or Una. Ica/ROMs immediate relief from colic. and Pales In the stomach azot abdomen. ex ternal counicv irrttant.U. to invalu. obla In all come whore an stimulant I. hoodatt.--' PRIOR, per Bottle, L 0 cents. .- '....-eigDYNX MITURX. A meat eon.iil LX ent and v O almble rein X ed); Eo bo used both internally and externally, . for the tenet of Plitilt tourvon octet On commie, as in Pleurley, PUMA In the Chest, g Maw es fa the flde„Palea In the gory., Neuralgic Palm where,. or found, Pains in the gtomseh, Rowels, Liver or Ktilnera to sudden attacks of Ogle, Bilious Oolictand Pita of Mane or Fi Gravel, It mill give immediate relief.. PRICE. Ism BM , fty vita X—. TONIC 311:XTURII. UR XXVIIRANDA SPECIFIC. - 137,11; - 1.a A sure and safe eel:eatable reMedi .for Ferer arid A or Intermittent lever In ant of 141 loan,, .d for all died .roe retuning . periodically. • Vila remedy 1.., helm tried to the fullest extent, and h. been found a mane se far any inellkine can be entitled to that Wilms. In convalescence from orate Waimea, arbors toting are required., and In all oOt. o of strength and leant of nervous noe l.. It =I I d " slnnular4 efilrecione. PRICE, per Bob Le i 11/. • , • 11......VEOETAllilTEXIVITITE PLUM. . For tbe rellerof COXIVIIIIIOIr, and all Ha pahafalrenulte tuth as Ileadnan Dbulnens, Blck atonsach, Vales, and all the symptamn nnurnerated under the "Dyspeptic )91x1r.^ In all at where plsramtion In needed, these Pinnate oder ad: ea a as/nand mid, but rffllcient cathartre. Nn invalid, or travel t* ler should be without them. PRICE: per Box. id Cen. . . . . • 2.II...—ASTIBLIJOUS PILL% roe Liver Dampish:lts, and ell gams MAIN.ee arising from der. gement of the liver, with sTminosene Sods Ok.Yeff o .- lase of the Eyes and tskin, Dissinete, liesdnek.4 wi t h eon. og In the earn, yellow, furred tongue, rein in the right dursider, tense of iellnees or pale firths right side, disor dered stomach or bowel, daLelsot gallon the kiderta, eispeolored stools, est. These Pills. if taken In the haat* rot stagesof hlibve and Yellow, or other Fevers. will gee• orally ward off the attar], PHICII. Per Mr. TS Cantu The undersigned, in wending the proprietorship or De James 3feClintock's gamily Medicines, would respectfully state to the public, that to his wrofeesien es.Dlepensing Chemist. for nearly fifteen Year* tad, during yhl=b time be has been actively connected with-the best plum: mutt wi establiehments In this ementry, he has had constant ocatelon to eeo and prepare the prescripUoise ,of the mast =hunt physicians, omen. whom be would name Dr. Mott Dr. Parker, Dr. !mods, Dr. Cheemmen. Dr. Deese, Dr Whittaker, Dr. Schmidt. Dr. Ilsult, Dr. Klima. Drs. Pratt and Young. Dr. Beata Dr. firesneand Maar others in the dty of New York,. The experience them soluiroti enables him to discrlint not, with confidence between legitireale aolicines,erambin. of scierg(ficolty. so` see to waure a hanzionions chemical ac. Mon to onion with their highest therepentical effects, an the Inaccurate mistoree oft,mekerr and ignorencetwhere in, for want (WIMP. kflandiHiger hl combining them, the oast Ingredients may neutredhe aid destroy each aileron remit In a substinoo Wahl* . Injurious, and contrary to Its • totended design.. 'lt Is with pleasure, therefore. that he tamilm that the ProserigiOns of Dr. James McClintock are not only 'write:owl of the , most latest& modal agents known to. and habitually employed by, our beset weal :loners in the treatment of the severed diseawl for which they are Intended, hot they are combined In inch accurate proportlona, in relation to their chemical and medleinal offsets, se to sec re the attainment of the utmait ituaesse of their power and eflielener. - • In conch:Won, be wltt only add err hiroselt thaLlti can :efer witheentfidene• to his put maven as his guarantee to the petite that those great rmedit., in his hands will he raikfieliii Iv...gored in strict accordance with. the meshp. Dons of their dieting - ebbed originator. ALEX.SCUBI.I3IAN ' 'Oehdreatc ant Trustee Vat N.Y. Cbilva gf PAcumoeY. The shore Medicines may be mewed, at Wholesale or retail. of . A. CUSHMAN A CD., Ms Proprietor, N0..1=1 Talton et; Ye,rYork. And or all the prineirol Druggists In this city. Also of L. IL' E. ELDIOPT, Art. kr Peons, earner of 9th and Filbert sta,Phlhohdphis. . DII, '.1.4131E8 YeGLINTOOK. • . Menton, Nen Eerier. And or ILEUM° BnarttEßS,Asti, Pitutnma. And OEO. U. SEAM, 4sont, ear. of Wood it, and Virgin alloy. And of .7. P. 1 7.1:711LTG..1111anbemy CUM • • And may be antanat through any Apotbacary,lhniu77.7 Chnintry Btorakaaraty to any Dart ail:banana:Fr. .7417 • . . !VMS sirticle pentad to the publ ver.) , .. set crterrutt Overtly. avalehta the Delp sad: dative which • necessarily attends the intro- "0. • dottiest of wattle minerals 4 0 7. .. and eye-wooing, with attar- G: • mat of ea Macy. as • awe • ties of the Om*. diteeav qf the .4e, of mute or ehtvalette • flamlestioa. :whether induced ,debllltrof e tieternea, , .-• te) tclz,V i t i h v ot . of thdears , • ...; and trealutale of rialoa= L attia am ~.. DELI. PETTIT& bIavEMTCi . MINIM DAUM% 1 .1.4 OW. aWerstabsew WSW mostjvcoyste...2= Vorritrl444llrA=l:2l4.l=4Pdx" if . `"" a. ,,,.''''..Allotas i ao‘l allows crow= wk.! la lba farbW6 Wood sr u t, S , J."t713 ' 411, - ' 7=nd Rec. .11914. ask T ILD OMERY.ISRANDY-3 -bids. Old w 11114 WM. h•rial reel pea R. B. tide day awl Ibr kleve-ev2l. &Lee& Weed art. it& ACrARONI AND VERMICELLI M by ' 2i46;", w ; '..itAre Ell==3E3:3=lllll!= "z '6 ~"" MEDICAL M?NB For PVlT4;tiiii Blom!, and for the Cure • WWin ihrareathes, i.Osebres frktra. Der moria, Sal Rheum, fhow Rorer, iftk; Pimple" Raa, Mercurial Disease', ow BruptiannLicer Cbmplairal, Brow thuit, Qauzrog Vim, Pout* Come r4nol J,Gors of dipped, le Ge. sr. I Dele7iN, dr— dr,. IN this prtiparation ail the rostorativo prop ertiesaf the root are concentrated in their ntmos strength and efficacy: batwhile Sarsaparilla Root (annum important hart of ita -combination. it Is at the earn, time compounded with other vegetable remedies of great power and It Is to the occulter mu:hie:Aim andedeutitic acne of lta preparatmn. that its p•paelltable .10444441 in the cur Lf..littenrc depends. It seta elmulteneensly mann the stern eh,h the circularion of the boucle,nd there three PD.. see, which are on:lb:teeny a the result of three different kinds pf medicine, are carried on et the came time, through th Instrumentality of eons ova remedial agent which Minna late. while it disinfects mad pold from the tomach and bowels all that le Irriteting, no,) at the mints (boo torsion' their vigor and tone. Many other preparations imitate It in bearing the name Of Sarsaparilla, end to that ((heir re "emblem% end*, being often prepared from wort.Wcits and inert vauu,ered, of mere*, ponsuslng no herdingor curative prepertlea and Patients la meting choice of which they will use should take no otherhut that onaentiCad to their eoradence, from the long list of cure. It hu effected on living witnesses, whoa, testimonials and residence hay been published, and who are still bearing daily teetinion to its Leak ASTCESZ T4 it ' ,:n..g. tOSI. Meyer,. A. D. A D. Sam" Bentlemen- 2 1.1aving witness ed the most beneficial effects from the Ina of your Pumps cilia, it gives me pleasure to rend you the following Mate moot ht regard to m y eon. In the Spring of 1848, bet.) , a erram cold, and atilt 11,4 - 044. gram/aro rad ming the die tune uttled to his lift leg and Dot. width toots swelled to thimatmoat. The swelling was lanced by his' ph r dei... end discharged meet profusely; after that no less than laleven doers fantod on the leg and foot at one time. We tad five Physician. but none relieved him much; and the list starter toned film so ra ring mad low that be we Unable .0 IcaTe ham te e l. 'offering Um moat naccncletlu paid During this time the twine hen beano ao much as forted thlt pier: after Mom came out,..awkich be hum* more than twenty-eve proserwsd in Dane, varying tone op, -hell to coo and a half inch. in length. We had I n op all hopes of his move,. hut at this thne we were In d red to try year n asept4Tha, mut with its , use his health end appetite bega loon iatelt - th itamos. sO read wee the change that 1.44. than a_closen bottles effected • pargxt more. With gratitude, 1 remain truly young, DARIUS BALLARD. We, the undenqgned, neighbor. of Ilr. Ballard, cheer fully aubecribe V Shp iegt; of the 'here statement. IL A It. S. !tern at.'Thoirnativet. GM. T. DuW, Q. kartrood. Preps.xd and mid, wholasalo and iretall by A. B. ELS:leroggiste and Chemists, 100 Fulton street, cortel o u t t l t iew York. Bold 4.1 , b 77 bottle; Mr bohlu t ltt .S . Nor pi li. 4. r k toret.r4 L „ r-, A Co., Pitteburgig IL Schwaria egherty City, and by Druifkista aud Deafens lo Medicine Se/7W ... oikw - LIVER CONPLAINT, DEBILITY,P JAUNDICE. L OP ° Vi c ir &YRS , ND ALL DISEASES ariaing from a Disor- Ifdered Lim ofFoirneel: sorb m(Mnstipation,inveml irt. Fullness of Blood to to tbo Demi. Acidity of tho Storm soh Nausea, Flearthuno Disgust of Food, Pollnow. or ifright In the Stonterh. Sour Dructationaglnklug or ',lot to ug oh the Fit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Harried MAN: - bristhlng. Fluttaring at the newt, Dull Palm In the towd, Deficiency of Perspire on, Of the 8M...1 of In the Side, Back, Chest. Met& Bliddtin Flushes of Heat, Doming lo the neigh, Constant Imsgrinieum of cyllendllreat Deposal:mot Aplelts. 0 VOITALLS . C”?.. TO DT DB. EMOYL/1 - 21 0 C 7 FZEBtLiTkill OXMAN DMUS. r1L1P462.0 DR. C, N. ,lACRSON, NO. 123 Alton' Pnuanetrms. Their power over the aboYedimeten to t eseelled, It equalled, by anrother Preparation to the United State', as the ewes attret, in many mum after akillnal Physician, bare:lle& Them Bittern.. worth the ettvotton of Invalid. Polk seWng gnat virtu. In th e rectifimtion of Mee.. of the Liver and bower glende, e.rchin g theme. .....Lief pow ers in ereakn.n and affection of Um digestive orgaus. they are, withal, eafe, certain end pima., • READ AND BB CONVINCED. TM following Leemant of the cure of the 11.. J. W. PAO. tla estnisted front the Christian Chronicle: Ilfidwramir e linemishanme Co.. P.,Teb.lth. 1852. Dr. C. M. Jackson, Dear EIrI believe your Mien.. Bittern. are mbar. they are eepremoterl tm._ For more than one year I have been MM. wltliChrotde Mazer.. perhape soren-eighthebOf the time. until about the middle of last September, when I becamo eufweided. Mull/ immust...l by t. 7117 stamuS old the mtimus membrume of my bowele . teererne dreadfully ines.urt and Insults. In that mudition, I celled stroll • rhykian who understood =yam sad cheekiel thedimanedso In • measure. reetored action to my bowel,. but still to, stoma. mu, bowel we. not right. my tongue motto -vel to Minuet, coated the robd frequently checked my power% the dtoootloet e not fortieth performing their ...Is. fosrff'^ , l , nether •lih. extreme nen - susdebillty. rving an event Pv the tffiristian Obschlete, I ootimd 'Dr. Oorman -Bitten? mherttind. sad sorernt eerlificutes antlered, re cossonmding your bitters in MMes alordpir to mine. 1 nerd to pour agent, Mr. A. Turret, at Montrone, Aim! procured two hmi:Des, and columeoeed *mord ng to the diem (lona, giniefty. Define I had oned up the fret bottle 1 found that the cresting yea M. bell. removed nature/ tongue, an* the bowels aall the 4eunichbecouting end regular. 1 bare need the MMus, um eeryee hove man materially helped, and I have morn to hose rob being perfectly restored; whereas the dimme hoe Mrs wetting.. Lag. amt I was brought ro low, that I. No to last my restoration woe despaired of. se was mated la is letter of Miler G. M. 500.11. Lbd Pot 't". l ln. tt u r Chrlettan Chronicle of Doe, 34. Now, Mr, lam aware tbut hot few. at leant in skis sem the. know anything atm. your Bittern. I etch they did Flr 1 helium. there Lee lann&whi n this mai. who ovigh be ceded by the use of thong Bitters. : You. Tiespeetinity. J. Ir. PARKEItfi Sold by A. Fah umtork k. Co _Flemming ilinthe., U. Demme, In Pittsl=ll. P. isonwarts, Allentony City and Drogideta Lod In Mead. everregere. collitydawd. _ 1-D3LLftgfl• OITIf-'ll' ~. . .tuyup.r. z uoilaNp rurrextt. • reitOk LOUIS A. I)'ISRAEL'S, .01emist aid Pharartanmtlst, of Amsterdam, the ouly Menuk.o. tuner. A purely Vuelt d epetableComymmd.PreFerwl etrictlY Rtf after the manner of ale Holland Precedent. Dperhare. _Because of It grece lebratedat etweral to.t of the European Ftg.tee. Its introdutt.bn into the United States wu intended more GwodsUy for than of oar Father Land mattered bare and there woe the free of this mighty country. Meting with groat anemia among them. I now offer It to the Atoerlan public, knowing that Ite truly wonderful Meglelnal virtue must. be acknowledged. IT IN A MIEN ItHMHDY YOH Fever and Law, Dyepepria, tkk Headache, Headache, Pone and Foul Btonmeh,Ofieneire Breath, UllHoommeh uppleweent Mee tbe mouth ..after 'eating or ....Ping, indigestion, eoetlrmcgt,natuent, ger. tigo, .t.retne languor- and estmetetiou. lose of apretlte, derptaidener, drowd• twae,Lin nd Jtit and memory, 'wan end genre of franc. 1p Pa .the head. and nil Heger • ee erietog from *dia• ordered gate cof TIM, LIVES OR frfaILACIL ad than Iwo baen d harp t Fred by tr71:00 trent he of ardent *WU, or. Ohm fOrars oedisrlpttlnn. GOP erally Instantnneone In effect, It nadadimal7 to the oat of life. thrilling and oninkening orrery nerve, rah , tot of the drooping Apirits. and. In fent, laming rour broith "na A ' IVVAIRM, .5111DICINIC In ali mentor illsrrhera,Dyneatery,Cholle,Oholera Mocha% and the many nriplesaant effects attending a change of toter or climate Oeidrads 4/Mr. IL 0. litpds. lat. Jutek4 qr the J eu a. X4B .Inosinehast Mr. Benj walla Page, Jr.—Lear an I would gay that I have bean affileted orltio • dlgesee of the gtomarh, Mon of the heart , and nervous headache 2r nearly anon • years. and have splint some hundreds or do ll ars In Order to -died cam bat to 11M1 pnrpose. After haring need three - attloa or four Eloetro-(lboadral Aroma. or IfoLla nd Bit era," 1 to myself entirely restored. I can eat sad sleep tell. and Otand to toy Loalnom with pleagurd, and wool erefore rocuannettalt, to all Wraith° ars. similarly at Meted. Ir. IL WOODS. • Prentregart, Aug. 21,11133. Mr. Beni. Pam, Jr.—Da.zr Sir: My sineerest thanks are dm to the friend reetentnendingyour Holland Bitters.— flaring co ff ered for some Mum with beadarile,inesofeppe. Mtn, mental depression, nod fact general dleorder of tne system, I 0011 lhe. Latter ming but one bottle, corm:low o. returning health. (13Igned) mix= senostxn. Benj. Page, Jr., ber.—Deor Sin I have been relieved o. the mot distressing form of Dyepepela, by the use of Boer haver's Holland Bitters, (pmetuteed of you) after auffertng for 3 rears with bevtathe, nausea, and soenend &Wilt/ attending ludig . es . ty2n._ . I non AsrfrEtla.reetor.ll_, Yann,rupeet(ullt, No. 9U Wllle .t., PllteEnrih • itiO.Bny Dogarievrs - hand Blame end take el.: uther. Should it fall, la any ° Lnetanee, to gout ..as mu& and more than the adeertheameritelaimelbrlt. year money erill be refunded. BBNJAMIN BABB, Br., • Drug and Chemical Home. On. II and Smithfield and.l.ogan and Wyllie ate. • Aletcby B. A. Yahoeetock.E Co R.l Beliere,Dr. (i.e. U. Keyner.lleming Ilrothars,And J. .. er A Co.. Pittir burgh. Dr. John U. Smith. Birmingham. /amen tlirrogle. r. Sehnert; J0t....L.P. Fleming end fete A. lteoltbank A Co.. Allegheny. eu4n4rdanT HAGikli & N0:91 MARKET srßssr. Between the Dietuopd end bth, .ARE now receiving an extensive and splen did emortment of tholes SUMMER GOODS;to which rggectfullr Invite r the nent i lon of the pad.. T6oir Plaid nnd ail= • .14Vogd barred Juane; • Brocade de Crape knd Tblbet dhsvd6 Pooh de t'ol . 'deg • Cashmere- 6 Blume fiat i ! do; • Bonnet & Mantua Ribbon; Bleck of adz. radvg Brobrolderlee of all kind Plaid and Plain Unens4Lne6 Thread. lopeand CUM% Bars/gee 6 'tonne; 11.167, Mores and Miter, Mourning Debefrc complete &Revetment of Fine French Lemog flonsokeepingGood6 Plain lt Figured 6616 x , Black ned colored lastinirO Summar Oralratr. .fm Ladles' Oaten. :sold • • . ( I N E:THOOSAND. DOLLARS, halfin • Ny. an h balsam in tray paymente, for , a good Prams u... 00 rooms with a large lot of trmund. rA ft. front, on the Brownsville readjust above the WI at e, n &nth Pittsburgh; abundance of Yrult Treer. r. also. 'Currants, llooseberries,,tal large Stable, out then ; to: nohow* le DaPtutelegoat grains AA. to. ' Cat, and examine the Prope rt y. It le a good bargain, • • J7ll . • • 01.1THEMBT t.SON.IIO, Met ..WHOMS „OF . THE HOUSE OF OR LEANS, twit ding eketebee end htieedotes of the mot thlguithede t hereourtt te ante ring th e 17th ti a r -"'b ri i W. P3rIRITPITIM du Ilittl FOR BALE-4 beautiful Country Seats, on. th• 4th otseet road: th 7 ad. of Zut libortT. Thor an choloe *pato, and 01414 to be neared et Moot who With a dallOthil country bolos.. Ea!Lotro of . an2htf • • • TIIO3. WOODS. :G. 4th s'. - - • VOTMO HALL 4 .WOODST.—Superioi Inefol dr rti h ie l e e e Cl3--I th bf : Z . ile 2l tn.Trti•ln t f ' . ke r t ° ltt7C•o! rletoe. Arattre t ie the nL ar n alt be the, tare hem . . • .. • .. 1110.&-10 4411. t nOW ' arriving on- condos -I_l, meat *risk tir -• ' TaALUMMIZT t Cry. • stews SHOULDERS- 1 5 bhdi. in dolt .I.P at lat.' ^ "Malta C 0... AGRICULTURAL, &.0 irTTSBURGEI AGRICULTURAL WARE -11017611 ANT) gEED 111 . 01t1:—No. 1Z Wood WM.. "=tut.rgh, Pa—E. R. 8 1 1 AVC D. LAr d. alt imi ght mi .d, v „.71 tt?.. s cdfln i'ut plernent2, ' of' .all Unite:Wholesale end Ra• E L 'Mi Gardena:Li Plower Essrareen. ➢ran and 1 Shade Teem Guano, Poodretto, Chetniad Balta. and an other articles connected with Agnicultnra doli:lldvdS EARTRE , E S.-1,000 ertra fine .n. Tree, dwarf sad standsrd of MT and sum nor varieties, last received and thr sale at the Oak hid Nursery nolihildur JOHN hrtiltDOCl New Seed Store. JAS. WARDROP diem. for sale CANRAY • psj BIRDS of the most aPPr'ored breeds, being very heady nod line en n. Mrd Seeds—Canary, Items), Millet, Rope pd Mixed , Ued. Bouquets will be furnished and comma! a ed of the finest PlOll lll5. et= Carne f ilase ,d ose RodtZ: ' g r n *l' M a EigdrgrlMillotniallPaßE, Christ ma s street, near Wood. dell IDER MlLLS—llaymg recd the sole ‘,..) Ammer far the asleof Illekok's Improved [kiss 3IID for Western. Penna. larnprepared to banish dealers and others with this tirst premium MIL saber wholesale ar tall, at a small advance on the nun nfaetarers prices. Cr den respectfully solicited, E. R.' SILANKLANII, jyal-2m No. 129 Wood at. Bay Wood Flowers. RRANGEMENTS have been made with J the proprietors of Bay Wood Fkrral Gardenstor acute etipply of lkciuettee and rut flowers during Winter and Summer. I..ica and gentlemen ean be furnished at short =tine any Of the . following French tor= =snide' An! vsulci .r. V l : R aWk,;) Bisokes riQue En Alslongs. aquak Rosette!, nears poor ton Orders fa flowering plants in pots; also received at K K. SIUNKI,AIMS Seed Warehouse, janl Wood street. VAPIT TRIES AND.SIIRURBERY. f a g ,. Tho subeeriber offers lirr sale, a chola, assort ment of etrorm,vlgorousPEANTßEES,bothdwarfs and etandards, some of a tearing else: New Jens . Peaches, Plumbe,Chrriea prltots,tlooselnwri.. etpberries and other livergTeens,•liyashiths, lips, sad Crocus Mots, fur blooming - In winter ands ping; i implements for the Yam and Carden, of most improved construction, from the tired and Implement Warehonse, 19 Filth street. [nolsl JASLES WARDItO9. MI'ORTANT TO FAltri.MitS.--Grain Mines" Patent 8 tube Wheat Drills, olio of the Sit In use, warranted, for eale it the Seed and implement Warehonea, 49, sth N, br J1.51E9 WARDROP. . GOS FOR R ATOIIINO—The subscriber j ill be constantly Co S od with Vresh of the billowing eliblee breeds: Masud White Nh %ugh Cochin China, Mack spaulett. Bramali Pontos, and imps al Chit akeng. They areal from Premium fo t w h le,4trAd with groat :;, * e.e= r s& o lfft4.l4 9 44 5 ;0 WOW'. MISCELLANEOUS. • _ DAVID 'MUNN REAL ESTATE 3 CONTRACT I NG AGENT, NO. P. nt 1/73; SY PITTSII,I7IWII, 111 AS FOR SALE, as follows; 180 acres of lard In Cedu county, lowa, 16 mile. from Musca t tie. on dm main road to 3luion, and B mil. from Tipton. 6 miles from two Railroad &pelts, 90 acres is under eultd. Nation... good tram. llouso, Ytarot, Ilium and Oranariea, a Cool hearing Apple Orchard. The farm Is well watered, high, dry good In • very healthy comity. A very Rem bar.sitt ran he had of Ode f 112112 far prompt pay. En. noire usbovo,or of 31r. John Jdunn. km, on the premises. Also. 'revs of land *doh a large Rived Saw now tirareasfol opstriflork 8 frame dwelltrika. lianq Mut smith shop and Oils. OW mattold work stoop, Om., c addy, ttest. on des bank of the Alleghen7 river. at mincen Annstriing county. Pa. Enquire as above, or of 31r. L. Munn. on theM , amisma. I deo want to purehue 5 to 80 , 0 000 feet, 11. 51., of good White Oak, lank, I indica thick, II it. loaz, 7 to 16 Indies wide, part tobo delivered in Oet. Mist and part in Apri1.18.55. Rfignireas aldve. Alm, for ado. aU the bed., itirnlture. and ovary thing o. the fitting out ors hums Rued. In the oily of littebww,h, .me doing a very large 1,11.111 e. Toro to Its ,teimi of tbe Vow of die house sun nion be had, end Immediate don if tenednad. Remake •A atone: mb%""' J. HOWARTH BROTH:EIi, ATAIPLE M4SONS,, LIBERtr Stir'qr .INVENTB. .A ESPECTFULLY M o rin their friends and the public paneralle. t" the) . have opened their az le IVorke at the stave standellete ther keep on hand A-.px(rgl:fer'yle"l.‘".oprz e tinoilair.l,l-gtoGn"-ew, Furutture ° Wane. i5c..174. tOl" Olor pt extrotorlr lea pact.. Marble In Nock, Slabs, and sawed to order. Celnetary tote enclsed. with Baden and Freeport Stoma ell • CLOVER: DAIRY.—The stibsSriber is pre, ssmi to furnleh to fernlike YR;Edit MILK and OYEA3I. fuel trill he thankful for . the batronstre of We Mende and the puhlie. COWS be fed on goW vehntatovue find. and every NO", ' ''' ''' l ' .... ' . . • ''' . .• . • „New Leather •;. , .1 . • O. MOlVRY,2atoolLit.fl i t i : R. herd prd, fie: Sat tr=V4Ftt .• thigrung, ..; ft, LI V 3 I: alb "' and tiCizitoglolP"nif Ti • N1'14035.' 4 filozooto th " rf Oo i r of an defo r i g ' nOM. g. unir , Nen mr=h. 1 'foal fiwits" tar *kith tnr mt an vt ivor stock hetes pttretutelu g etetwhe4. 03 6 y , • • Lost \Vittutta soy tOT:' the State ef.lllinois -I[4/IP, 4 . l 4.ereiood,' late of PitiabulV : ' oDene4l 4 ,atiolleelt t the TOT if/V 4ti de% .,r tel'M sor t : l l4W ti,ltts. Al.u .. 3 dTzes,p l lta2g - i.joLigoroon•gyauumta.. • . R 1 Totilfu. .4b... 8 TH. tetelltt ~AvNrE --, • iti Cases, verf supbrioi Art' . satelti %. , 19 . rAvELY*PexIox; • Vtll.oo ''c o 4 `thtiaamitYibisaii.bt. JOHN wArrhav: - - -- :,. - ! , :- \ L . V 75, :bb1it:.t4.41' tried Shod i \125 ts. stiA,3;.; Mils.,lfiati ieS • ' JO1ltt ; Avg..; cu.a.e.ok .so • • 11)t.L.A. , ltroltituirt atm; fir.it., ItADWAtiI READY RE, .lElu:loicis - '• • • Jusursita ctui? B~PJEFZBEY7JNOwatr 100 Os lie '• 4 . 4 . reed i4l4* ll.Latcr-sw' 44, #WOO; Vayejaptlee. ralieugistorehOrinsaeltaleit , zoirmularsaad 111 , ***041' Alta . . E.lO ingircat. % 1 4. °' I. A.. -,'„V. n;SW- 4 .Pre; -