The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 24, 1854, Image 1

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    , _
:eor-r•---- •
PIIII/JSMCD_ AII.Y 551D.591011:10LY DT
WIT - B'ik - CO: -•
wrus or MIA atszer. rat sms :TO 'MS tag °MCI'
"-TERMS: •
DAILY-31z dollars per exams. Porshis bolt T.
z i r ilttY—Two eldlaripor saw o we. in dlti et. (
*Mks manila! on the Wilowtos ecsditions;
C" 419
0 00 0 •
4;`," Tr' s . - -- :13 «3
Th.'flii.*fw mots club e00116;;;;Mone hemp,
..030 lowarietiw in advssme: Jto dubpepan.
he swot ertss . the
owles• the mousy is wet fur
,• . .
cre. ft ux.".„ ii) lines of ltenberait of 41100
It. • one insertion.. 060 •
Do •
De omit additkmarlim - e - ann......, 0 2.5
Do 'two w one w
eelm7.— ' 300
Do • three 'weeks 4 00
• 00
Do • three 0 00.
. Tour mon 10 00-
kindle* e•lNt r , c il i t r' L le;s - ToWW - 1116) 600
cue deltas for additional line. '
On. equere. changeable St pleaurrs, (per an. • -..
• 110 m;) amehurin, et 23 0')
fanet additional spears. Inserted 014 T coo roadie, and
for each addition* mean harried under the reedy rata,
Advertlserniati imeeedinn smears, and not over fifteen
hoes, to be thwed as • mums and' a hal f.___•• • - •
Peblishors l o t worountalde fix legal 'advertiseinenni
• berond the Mount charged kr their .
Announcing Candidates for ofla tc, be charged the ism s
Ad..,Y other
not market - on the cony for • Del
number of Ismertbmas, will be continued 6,v1 , 10, und
P` '
exacted areardinair. • •
The Vtivikei• of annual adverilseals strkily limited to
tha!, own lierenthda beldam, and all larOrtlSClllehtS
the beneitt of other pasons; 110 well as all rietvertlmemmuts
not Immediately connected with their own bainem; ant
all eiseerent edvertisemata, In length' or otherwhe, be-
Vna the Limns ed. will be charged at the romant a.
' oar all Audi rat advertising, bills will a separately
" TlVlrvertls i neenfe i ror T r um bari t tatie tom-
Fades. ward, township, • d other nubile umarthem. and all
politkal ineationa and wave% to be shamed hares**. Pay.
*Me itrictly In advance. • ' •
-• Almada notices to be chargrat6o cents. - •
Death wakes Inserted Withollt charge, et WI:OMP.
by funeral limitations or obituary.notirca, and wino be paid ft. - • •
Iletulaz adisers, and all others sending commenter.,
tines, or reoWring notices designed to call attention to
rain. Mines, ihmeerta, or an put,Uo.entertahnuent..
erten* ciumma . L . ,, made eritottlana-01l notices of orb
• rata &sande veer notice &simnel ,to ail attention
k, private enterprises. calculated or interukd to promote
Individual interest, an orily be inserted with the under.
'tending that the mum le to be paid Cr,. If Intended to
be ineevied in the kcal eolumn. the anut will to th&T000
at the rate of 10 ante per Da.
Bishop or air notices to he charged triple Pa.,
• 'raven, License Petitions Sli each. • .
Real Estate Agate and Auctioneers' edvertiametta not.
to be clamed under yearly rates, but allowed a dame It of
thirtr4aree awl eme-tialol per not tram the . amorist of
minx ca.esorarnar ix vane 'soma
Cot Rousrathree ....
Ina each additional insertion— .. . •
. TUNI.T aTt.
tier NM... no llonjonaltwartion..--..80 sent..
Do. • each additional Imertion..-,..13 cents.
All transient advertbernents to 4e sold in Lissom .
• 'COORIXTID Dal, a tae PITTIMOSOII 01.1117; Br
N. •LIOLMES• At SONS,' Brokers.
No. GT Zarlvf at Adman third and Fourth ,to PidenovA•
PENNSYLVANIA. . • :Branch at Xenia •- do
Back of Pittsbarnh..--.= at Younpotown- dO
Endwise Bonk or d0.......p0r CET Boat. ellminuotl- do
Silo. and Ilanuf . . of do- ordol do
Sank of Oallnderoll..—.por Franklin Itoak- do
Dank of North gaming- •
"Danko( Itorth'n Libertine ••
Dank of fennor ..
lnknk of Penn Townsiti;— •
gang of the Malted States
tkentnnrelal Bank of
kischsaks . Bk..per
• Kensington Bank: .-par
kt ta= Mesh. gang.-mar
Wed.= Ronny Bank.— do
Notes...-- • 1
AU solvent
• .
New Task
rA iat
. .
nook , of the Ta11er...., 2(
!Hank offs.lehmono.... ••
i D:.ltank j _. VI.. Norfolk. " ••
1 Tamers' Isk of Thetas. "
Iferrhantek3leoh.Tank '"
North Waters. Dent..:"
Breaohet. avoixii :
}Bank ° of hope Year— .2
Batik of St. of N. Cersdia . 2
M.. Bank.Wlholottos. 2
IlercheOte'llk.Ne. m-o. 2
1 Bourn CAROLINA. .
Molest St-of ISAlnrollos • 2
Bonk of &nth Cnna,. 2
Bonk of Charlostoh— . . ...
Plontors'a Btrehen'i D . 2
. .
Bank. of Chamterabm.o....
Bank of Charter Conittf-
Bank of Darnrilla.. r .,.-
Hank of Dot PO., areeiAn.:.
Rant of Gormantoern-.....p5 - r
flank of thrtlystrarak•-- , 3i
Hank of Letriatotra.....-..„-
Sank of Xiddlletonst...- ...,
Montgomery On Dank.......par
Flank ofN orthrunteriand-
Carlisle Bink..-_ ! ,- ,- %
Colombia Ilk a B r a g 6-
Doylestown Bank-. ... ;......par
Easton 8ank..—.....-....
Farmer.' nit airtickao - -kar
Farman? fl
a nk of lononster--par
Farmers' flank of Reading.
Farm. Ilk of Schuylkill Co..
Far. altrogr. Marnerbral e
Franklin ilk Washington-tar
Itk Erornawlek,_ Mu 2
- - TENNESSEE. • •
Allsolvant • • 2
Ilk or ftr 'n. 1.41.kie
Bk Lornit l nbtastan .
Northern Bkolltentneky
:nthero a r i tae i ntucki
of/late of .111:41 . 1rt....
. • ILLEVOS. '
Moore Itatilhoik Chi idi
HalSoftio mO.
Ohlo - State
Branch rip
Broach at !Abaco-- ---. do
/Mach at 8rtap0rt........ do
Broach at
Broach atelenload-.--.
Broach at Tolodo::--- -.. do
It ik rra t it
Broach et Ooloraboo do
Bata& at;aotaahals...... do
State Stank aiid itnnshes 50
Bank, of itßa 70
Malian D The In. Co. ehks 5
Fanners' lisehnalest Rank - 3
Ihrterannalt Mock Bank 3
Padorolat. Bank-4-- 3
Insurance C0mp0ry.......: 3
3k of N. - Ameriat Torinkto
Mc ate& Poopla Toronto 5 !
Dank - of Montreal...- -
BkLot 17. Canada. Toronto 6
On Nen York_
_ k.....
On PkUadalphla....--par
Doubloons, Spaolsh..-15,00
•do • Patriot. —15.50
Erederiekod'cos--- 1.30
Len Thalont--..--.
Nar(R, n =
pokaos----- ....... 380
into& at, 11 ,• ••tdartoo.-. do
Branch at 1= t1i ... ,. .—. do
= at
dodo i
Mama at Nt comm..* do I
Bauch at Naomi.... —.- doll
= gajgre......... l i : i
Womb at Itt. 21Z;at..... :1
Satacto at Zaaanilia.....- do
Womb at Nanfaik....,—
Branca at Pipaa....- do
.Rramb at rartansath..- dot
Blanch at Eat0a.,......... do Ilava .. ntka-t-- do
n" . ..4. .4' eMgrgs --, do
Bran& It
Bras& at W004cr... do
cost - frOUR TR srimar.
Ilttantiait. May R IBM;
antra Pits ff..:::...: 71 '
lie. fes=..i.
AlierikCia. Fi - .....-.....1. - .... m
- tomp..fts scrip 11
Plectorgti city ir5....-_,I ,
Do. • coop. Z tfo. X. Y. I ,
AliViaooc stun
n. lt i/elika.. t
Hook of Itttabursk.._
tamettantif A Maser Dane
Ailogeor Barbie cams
Pitts.Tenst 00...----
Citimme DepaitHwak--
Moomp= tridso---
Bt. e e ri --
t. Deism. ud
NM tter Bt.
. 1 1 .1=r_ --....—.
Man Life -InsiMii . :et...
Mame Inemsnor Co..-
Associated Firearm's CM.-
Pittsborgb to FOIL:-.-- .
pteut=t, a LoWsel.
ups Magiletfo-...-
- walior k tujtw . tt!mr
Ow iForks.:.... 60
r it i r t dackweel WI 4 61 2
Yee y Backwater W. .10
reins. tralltalboad-. - IX, -ST
ohlo A tams. Raved-
l iens a w.nerkr 11: E. 1- ,
Miens Rather, Dry•Doek 11
Wanda itsomotOo-..... '
Brat:Wed awee(mlo-,i. 11
• • Do. • • d0..(r.. 1!
AV: Des4wes Plant
wri l
ci reemanry,T animas M...
!Metes. Cau Co—...
, MaraWAlL -
• restr i rmstra: ii'44"=-4
?arab Vistas ""-".
. Advents,*
DauClral " "-
ohlo Trap
mr. :7:77
• Farad
• Kraals.— -""
-=- 1,1LC11 .-- klt 0 ItAS FitiiiiiiNTl - ti cTui it - iif
_ A. WILKINS &al ~ . _ ..•
Meted Stores nook thedgrop, ire- t r l Pomp erstee
PrITSBURtrif, PA. . •
EVREIGN. and Domestic Exchange,
ip • ERA Norge sad land Warrautt and at& . .
Orgiorthos made throughout the Won.
Itl.kdreirdlerounted and loom negot i a t e d.- ".'
and sold on Commkgon.
pm, mien depia, and Interest snowed when Irdt
itcamat. 0011.IIANK N0T1414,4,4:.
Ne. T 4 /ma Ong, e aw asTe 441.44 4; f f
oe dk r itll'inrawdoes mattllberal rates-A1
WARRANTED 'to be_ thOroughly
V sad Warn war teak eral weld la ir.CMlltine
meltai , lll . lll. b= t ait=tgai
Mar t m eja I=llt P tirit t Or P tlZ VA%
Lt 6 . Mob*" fester; natant letter wort
a . = tv,on of then erl ,.. non Win 1. the Western
And ne wear nat of nonntelos. nano( them
Wn fan SO O° nnis es/1 1 W, on
e t /a, %her ban teen Inaormened who
are then
h. fa I. saleve, sod to Irk e sa my In
• The SOPUSter R az .Pateni, . 04 lietteend to the
Thresher. end an r separates the Wen and-theff
(KM tis gramma Oren arson salisfert/no whenerer
4;0 i6Ollll
. .
SCOTT. Deitist; Fourth sized,
. fins doors wet or om„,,
WC A. Vi • D, DENTIST, Tenn street,
. s s ocs . sbm !um: , boaralsk 6a. iO4
ram IL Ukaik rr.x j.... codosill. sZatiAt i r i Zessei 4
. . .
T . .
• . . ~ -.
:: ...., - .
I • S. MORRISON, Attorney and Counsel
." •_lor M Ofllm ilmoved to Na M Grant stmt.
mar !myth. Pittsburgh. Ps. -
W. HALL, - Attorney at Law; "Bake
• roll's Buildings," Gnat steset, betaresta /twat sad
•• • • • • sTAlirler !
OBERT E. PHILLIPS, Attorney atLav — rl
Bt. Laois, Ste. 67
11[011ERT POLLOCK, Attorney at Lan--
Coma MFilth and Grant. street . N op pnits Cony t
once stirs. rltUbuntb. , , =04163.
- Tates KUHN: Attorney at Law, office
Cr Fourth street. near Grant. Pittsburgb. salbdir
10KANCISC.FLANEGIN, Attoriney atLaw,
14:o, 110 Fourth stmt. Pittabsirsh.
TASPER 'E: BRADY, 'Attorney Law,
!JP 'No. "UM street:Pittsburgh:
PIERNAN & CO.,' Bankers and; Exchange
Broen. lin. 94 Wood steet, comer of Diamond Allen
burgh, Ps. • .
RrirEner and aell Dank Notes and - Coin. Plenonnt Time and Ptomiseogy Pram mak. Collortrona In all
Ude principal <Mos or th. tolorr. Receive Lappoalta on eel!
Radon tritomat, and pi. their prompt atterallan roan are.
et matters appertaining to eaßrokera bvidnesia
113..traatarn Eartianipo aovetantlr tOraate.,l.lo,4l.
&cum Kamm.. Sivas.
K RAMEII, - .RAll3l, , •Banken and - Ex:
eb.nde Broker. , Bar mad Beall
Cold and Silver and
Note. nientlate loans
note. and Thee Bills on East
and Iles. Boy and eel! Stocks en Cotoinisslott. Collec
tions made on all points In the Union. 018 conker of
Third and Wood streets, directly oppoidte the. Bt. Charles
Hotel myd-ly
D. -KING, Coin, Stock nod Eicliange
IBroker, Fourth Arcot—Buy, and • none' Simla on
63.1012; Exchange on Eastern cities Punned at our.
rent rateg ColleeUna* nude on thelYeet at loerratein Wee•
tern Bank Notee nougat and intd. jrz
WATZ.III,I entitle. • Vanua - IRI.. I. turt.•
yALMER, 'HANNA & Co:, Sacceßsors ta.
- Itsakors;E:dutogirltrokers and.
eaer* In Foreign sad liknasatto Exchange. Ontlflcatea of
M li t ltan u tr. lildt= t dlpecle—N. l 7 , : d oortz of Wood l arg
Cboota. for rale. and
c eded Audi a: 0 081147111 Pr 1 441-
pal points of the Vatted States.. _ • .
The highest premium paid fin Hatolgn asol Araelicaa'
ddrunree made on consignments of Produce. !ItlPPed
out. on Mural term.
an. n. immure. - leYsT•
W it. H. WILLIMIS & Bankers and
41/ ; factual; Broken, North East corner or Wood and
All t cut made on Mend terms, aad collections
AnsnatlS attended to.- • jall•ls
AirgWILKINS & CO., Exchange Woken,
• N 0.75 Font* opt:mite U., Mak of Pitts
h. Alt bum:v.llms at most liberal mac.. jrlo
W. LARIMER:Jr., Banker and Bra-
Plt br. ith etreet, — tio. (kk edjoinhatti• the Bank of
N •
LtOLMES Jo SON . , Dealers in Foreign
. arid Domestic Bills of Exchange. Certificates of Da
posits, Beek Notes sad Seeds, No. 69 3tarkot 'trout, Mts•
irronllectlonff made on ell the ,I;ninelpal cities
theatedttout the United States. • •
W7takiale Grocer, Invert:er and Dealer in
VOREIGN WINES, Brandie . s Old
' nceonsaliela Itre Whisky. 1r0.12.. &nth-East corner
of Wood and Front sta. Pitttoursb. Fentru. mann
W. POINDEXTER, General3feretuin
m• Ryan sad 03888oleslou 11.8thant:187 .15ront
sweet and 118 B.mA street, littsl,Bl7B. - app-Imd
-M. A. MeCLURG, Dealer in . Fine .Teas,
iles Tamll2 . Am:erica, Wooden and Willow Ware,
corner of Wood cad Sixth Street. In nowreedeina lade
amortment of Fred Odd& la additkot to Ida already ed
Undid stock. aurchased from flyet hands in t h e Seated
market& which will be did at the lowed-dulcet dices.
Sar Hotels, Rumbaed& and Tamillea. buying by the
Quantity. dardied wiedetode Tat*. _
Cl' G
oods &Medd In the city free of dude. ROA T,
A& A. ICBAYE,' Cornmission and :For
;carding Umlauts, dealers let Wool laud 'Produce
Re.Alln alsch Pittatrusgh Startufactores, tib.ll4. &mod
street, Pittalsargh. - . • 4' apearb3
S. LEECH, - McALP.I37 k •CO..
I t itt ga r it=nt, and 11.4 n, in Provisions. Meats and
Pittsburgh. 2 ". 24 ' 21 ' 1 2" lib""
• ROBISON t CO., Wholesale Grocers,
• r•Toduee
bon tiealW&Cotoidadon 11e . irlumata. No.
bony Amt. Pt
Mani= lIARAII'A lldUrrik
ky oars to S. Ilarbaciato Onmottalon and Fonntrdltut
Mearhatthq Dealers Ith • IVoot wad nod one 40-eleTallyi
143 tint sad 116 Secood dives. Ptiblourgb. sto-lr
11 - 4, ItEit,..Flour Factors, Commission
. and Forwarding Iderehants and Dealers IstProduce
• twmerallf. Orders fn. Pttiaburgli Manufactures nroraptlr
attended tn. Nos. 74 Water and WI Front fts... Fitishorgb.
A. a. luaus . P. 2037.11
RsARDY: - JaEg - 4t. CO. 'Successors to
ATWOOD, JONES k Cougstissian ssul Pooh. Pooh .
terebasts, Amiens In Pittsburgh biguighstrusdahuls,
LtHEY, MATHEWS & CO„ Wholesale Gro
cers, Commladon and Yorwartlng Ilieressabcact
ate fer Medan Cotton Yent.67 Water et, Pittebanth:
rRCER ANTELO. General COMinii•
thnl Merebants. Llberl advance.
e en conelmnents of Produce geneeellf. iel7:7
Jona . .. . 1.12.1101.
OIIN Zoti., Wholesale .Grocers;
Cotoonlooton Metchanta,and Dealer' to rondo.. and
ttabargh Itanatactotu,2in.,ZsB Merit .4.42lttaborati.
- B..BaNtiaD - , Tlate of Warren, 'Ohio,
Ofonmlootan attit Porgrardig;archant; and Made
onto to Weatoon fleverra. Hotter. Tot and
,Pearl Loth and Weston Prod... . Wator otroot,
betvicen 1(noltIollett and Wood. Pltto!toolth-
.rams urn; ilr=mu Lrms.n
nate a armnXiail.*
JJTTLE & CO., Wholesale - Grocers;
I, l4,4rn=val i heerltaatrad tram to
COLLlSLltinlnddlog sad Oemmtatlon MerebantAnd
Dealer In Maw, Butter, Lake Pith itad Produce ginteral,
25 Wood street, atom Witter. littelntreh • • t 0751
ale Onwers acid Commlirkm Merthants. sad Deakro
In Pittabargh Itanabettires, Zia= Wags' stFfts.-ritts-
ILd t le x lLsZtu i
Idtaeb. o dud
• do
. • do
r &Nat
do. .
Dl•JdiEtret. ,
do •
s : 's • :
MIHOMAS PALMER, Importer Rod Dealer
I. is Frenth sod lmarleAn Wan Paper No. 65 thirket
street tweed sad 'math street, tlttabarga.
• 1.11.‘13
McCLINTOCK,Importer and whole
ckemfoti."Lbis and Pi 11110 dam
Et. B.: nt.adnix; No. us Harlot Aj". 2"4 "
Div. lea.. of
D!2 P.
"•=1 , .. •
Div. 40 It et.
Div. May
"ORRIS & PATTON, Wholesale and Ra
tan Orocers, an the Listen plai of the Diamond,
tfs W.
RANK VAN GORDER, Denier in Trim
ings.rnodaor sad Olove Uwe Goods.' EndreMedal,
Gents. lararshlaganods and FAIXT articles . tall es
awtmest or which esa always kw ksd st ria. • &I, corner or
Market street and the Illstnend, Pittsbargb. Pa. apt 14 y
Dir.4tre j 1 et_
D1T.41 1 0 6EO
41. A. Knell & m. PITMPAit...e. L. Alwyn a 00.,
A. MASON Wholesale and Retail
pitu lo !Ira and fitailetory Um* 26 fifth
Now StocklOW. Jon. 4 * e
and p e la rßELtelk
arta - stmt. rittaburala. •
)100.RE; Wholesale Grocer, Rec.
Ursine Distiller, Dealer in Pr. Sues. Pittsleinih Mau
• um. arid ell kinds rd Doreigis said Domestic Mimeo and
LbDims, No. Slir Liberty lama- o■:band • very Isms
.took of superior obi ilianobigabeli 'Malabar, which win be
Ex. Mr.
L. 0.
: - G., GRAFF & CO., Grocers and Cam-
AttEs'Arti'iwafetd=„ kinds-ofe
!cc, littalszreb, - fel4-"r
elk .. IL JOOOl.
gt IF. - orro, Bost Vornbbeet t ind Dollars In I't sod
Pirgh M/Altiktlllo., 01 Piteh sad Oakum=
on baud at their Warehouse," 1 Water street, l'l
ISAIAH DICKEY & co., Wholesale Gra
Cosomixdon liorehants, sad Dealers ia Pro4oce.
O. 66 Wider street, and 107 Prost steed, Pittsburgh.
tonic Vow— .—TADDI D. C. ROL
~'OiL•LS' do ROE, Wholesale Orooara and
Carteleden blercheatit Ti 0.194 Liberty 'treat Pitts.
• -
31: BAGALEY & CO., Wholesale aro-.
ors. Nam. 16 nad2olWoo4 street, PHU
3VOLIIIIG, - °river and
Tea Doak, wenn of Wood and dlstb strecte lima
sleep co band a Soren woortment of etioke Groncrioo and
t i c l. 2 ri esr—Fordrujoliti k Ard Rata, Wholecale : sad India.
. 4 0BERT,'D.A.L7P.LL - & CO., - Wholesale .
Ponnaladon Itlarenentr, DORMS In Produce
rittetenb. Dlssufttupw. • No. 263 Liberty dryer.
Dr UMW/ 4
WICK aMcOAIIULEEB, encoo , o , oro
v 0.i ., -nrwimlingt and
e rr mt_infil=t 31 1 =griss mmar of
111:041 a nd Wake itterta.rttsbitriti. • •
itCULBERTSON, Wholesale Groats and
• Carazolodonllirehant.Dalrr la Produamad Pitts
aryls Alanuticttusd aracoa,lso Mad/ . want. raw
• _
R. - iltifis, — thioleiale 'Grocers; Clout
&• nasann Menbants, and Dollen In Prolloarllnno 4
arch Mann" fronting an LlbnltT. Woo 4, 1,41
t n- INCDVAIR-- . UM= '
• - - .1011; A;;Z: ' • •
Jur •th. Grocers. NO.22l3lsrlset Mast. rbllsdalshis
V LEE; successor to • llt • rn --- E,
A w aiersjoritho'" * o=r4 " . 137 EtidertritV-.
...ONILT„.....TITT - $1"URGII:: - GA:ZE
ACARD.—lfaviniiWc; appoilita - -ex
disks Amti Ylu•burgh, 6r the mals ofYatarkt
rated ClamenW tad laretelxd , Laather4Seltlag, same
utaatured by P. JEN =X k SON, of Ilastiort‘Dmaectleat,
We rum afar Ike nate, bUge arartmaat of all arldtha;
st the m
bell) superior to any -Leathex seersetassee
fu this market: Al,. a large eteek , ...u-m.—
hl Heft ,ngentl7 on heed, th,l Lu eel. at the
LOOMS, Beal Estate Agent,
- Steck, Iterebandlae and 8111 Broker. Wks 80. 02
durl,4ltreet, store Wood. Batister prompt! r attended
.QAMITEL L. MARSRELL, Secretary Citi
-1.3 sen's Insuracw. 0.01+.7. 04 Water stmt.
FM. GORDON, Seerettu7 Western lim
it: • same Co., IX Water stmt.
GARDINERCOFFIN, Agent tor Frankiiii
?f a & h.roros Compeer. north-out corner of Wood
P A: MADEIRA, Agent for Delaware Ma
l. . ca Lararattee Coteranr. 42 Water street
111.4646 ..... J. unrron
H: TAILOR k HUSTON, (successors
to Taylor k Idlarnej Haorral Oramuladon lad For
warding Menahanta, and Agents for Pastern Transports
thin 1.11111111, Wlnalcsale Deaden ,10 Staple Ormolu, Otaant-
In^ Cotton, Cotton Toros, Batton, Twine, Manilla, tile.
Cland Knotnely Hemp, Tobanno, •Soda an dindow
Glum, Flat, Bar and.Rldta /oat, Hanel Storm, 10010.
natl and , Flttataargb Manntartured Goods
Anta for tho "Penn and "Banner law Sheeting/4
littabtrgh. • No 48 Front Ntrant. (optnaita'
FltUlmrgh indEL Louts Peeked landlon,) Omit/natl.
JAL A. . A. Is. ivauxcaroili.
T nul'm - 01l
rrr, u tv l reanaf m rof.F4ttm.sug.r " ii.....
.ILAIEAB; Bookseller and Stationer, No.
. 78 Tonrth oboe., Apollo Balldiona.
WELDIN. Wholesale anT — Retail
Doane In Blank and School Books, Paper and INC
Pltahawry, No. 03 Wood, atzeet, (between Tbird..d Poneth)
CMS, DAVISON,. BC - labeller and Sta
- timer, 161CCOSINA to Davison & &scow, 'Nip. 'Market
ntrs Fourth. Pittsburgh: ' •
-I. H. E:RY S. BOSWORTH., Bookseller and
nssar Sta
tebta tionerT,Ae., :ie. 8 2 Market Week near
• owl. litsh.
Biasellers nnd.Stationers,
x 0.65
P. &b an Wood st oa met, nest door d
law booksO to onstatkUT tho corner of Third
011 N IL MELLOR, DealeiinPinno Feriae,
I Moak uld Ituatcal Instrument& S bonl Books. and
.. Sole swat thr Cbtolnering a Piano Porte, for
Western 4nra7branta—No 81 Wood dzoot.
LIENRY KLEBER, Dealer in Mnaiti,
- ideal Instruments, nod Imparter of Italian Shinny.
Lc u , l . ar tta =l;
Mane. •
&SCEIRCEDER & CO., Mmtio Son, 4th
...bort, between 3tarket and Wood. ?,revr Murk con
receiving, ind Instrument. of el Mod.
AnOIIN lIAFT, Jr-, (successor to Jas.Guf
-11,7,1 Wbeleesae and Retell Dragelst. and Dealer In
ts, tells. Dyestuffs, te:;111 Wend street. 3 doors below
Virgin Alley; Pittetalrgh. Nirr.flalar Agent for Dr.
Ford's Medleinew - . . sph93
L.wmcciii - bO., Druggists taid_Apoth
semies. earner Market street and the Diamond. keep
constantir na hand • fan and omelet* assortment of
Physicians yeeseriptkas davfollyeompoandsd. mrl9
°FIN P. SCOTT, Wholesale Dealer k
tilDroge, Paints. 01la Tarnishes mut Dye Staffs. 296
betty street. Pittsburgh. .
All mien trUl receive prentpt 'attintkot.
/Wart fba Landow* Cos valuable - Wally maletnea
A. FAHNESTOCK g CO., Wholesale
j D l a Druiriuliisbk and umnufseturrrs of White Lead. Red
h and Lithargn, corner Wood and Front streets, Pit
,ts. ,
IRE,_ SELLEll.4 4 .AT,hlileanle Dealer in
,e rano. Paints:are Stuffs, Offs. Varnishes. tr., Re,
sheet. Pittsburgh. - Goals ersersated. Prices
ItRAUN & REITER. Wholesale & Retail
Droggids. corner of Liberty and SC. Mir Amt..
SCHOONNAKER do CO., Wholesale
lei • Dr•surub. Wood street. Pittsburgh.
ESEPH FLEMING, Successor to L Wilcox
k comer 1.6_ 0, :street ond Igasnond7K
mm at
I b i a d t c ag n r 4 :=lnot .... ortot a .d .
pertaining to hla Molnar.
Phreintana pregeriptions earetolty entrrpotroded at all
hour. -
R. JAMES RING: Office and Residence,
JJ 74. 715 .11(th street, opposite MID Catbotles.Li.g..l.
TE , RT ,
w k , rc = immt
_ _
WATTS & CO., Merchant Tailors, 181
• • Mail' WO now reophlng our
iaork of Goals 63. , Gantlet:Keil Wesr—Clotb . a. CU.
mem and Testlxuessf the summit. Ryles andltomeq.ditY-
Oar Mende mt costamas will pktalo glee us a, oat. futhl
LW. WOODWELL, Wholesale and Retail
Manufsetant azni Amer In Cabinet W. Na sa
JOAN 'WETHERELL, Manufacturer of
ATEN*? nos wenn,. maim article, SOLID nos
and. BRAZED BOX VICES. carrier of Anderson .d nob
Won otreeta. on• pure l= Om Haul greetßridge, Al•
frOOL WORKS, corner of First Ind Liberty
, 4"."t& ffo h
_ "'l" 4l , _. P t — ,_4l4:ll "l" and l re l. nr •rt7N. -
/NO antizDJULLIN, neCuINES. ts..7 S atan onto.
tared to ostler. (1612.1 J . ItAttiLTON .1 CO.
TILTAS-3.lotertabi matted for litrobroldory Itp.
ark br 11.1 t P- L. S. WILSON .
jo2tf No. M 11.% Non otrott..b.• Mod.
COMPaClay Man
ufactuxing' •
their eiareity ter losentreetscri44. naerrreparel
to meet the in.:reseed dernsod Ibr tb k. hie ao
2°11'11" Cl". Una.'"
. llaeta
sot.b. 21.1853.
say v. sem".
- 7 -mmes I.
• • - Pittsburgh; Pa
11316Tbde rat sobnices eirrmicslity =Call.: Hata
AA=Nub, Daf t Cutruad Pax Dosmela.
Mt - aoACH.iecil'OßY.
4a, Mamma .Ageg, genre Irbst iffeW
ouLD respectful l y call the attention of
Southern Western - Merchants to Lie fine stork
o earrings& ranging In prim from $lOO tot - 1100. These
Corinna are built !rem the best =Leda and workmen
ship. and under hie own super-laden g he en, with song,
dee warrant Me work to he Inkrtor-to none manures.
tared In the Union. The worms of his Lamm and the
great In demand kor thta clamor work. hex Indeoed
him not to !mild sag comment - or losuorlsed work In his
eetablhdanent. Persons wanting tyatod hopM work will
plows sail and examine hie stoelvisdbre going reet- .All
• New Coach Factory‘-Allegbany 1
M. H. WHITE A: CO. . would re-1
.emb. !Mum the public that they hat
a a chop on Week, between Federal and Samtuakey
eteurte. They are now making end era mowed to receive
orders dm may descri=o4=bkket, Casaba, Cheetah,
. which, from their
fotietire lk leM man beta, of tb• share wank. end
the the they hanilue; Sul coundat they me enabl
ed te do work on the mat rensonable- terms with those
wanting articles In their line.
Pee particular attention to the selection of materiels,
and Wag none hot competent' workmen, they hem no
heel on In warranting their work. We therefore sek
the attention of the public to CA matter.
K.ll.—Bepaleing done in the bat tanner, and on the
moot Immovable term. Jan!
Coach and Carriage Factory.
OItN.STON, 'BROTHER "lc s q.p., corner of
0 Delmont and _Rehm= street,. Allegheny - City, would
memeljully Inbrm their Trhaldf. and the poblie generally,
that they are mantdosturing twrrtaava Earooehes, Nook.
await, Bugg*. Yielsthe anti Maio* to tin their subdue
•etylea of tiatets and temeortion.
All orders mill ho imetitwl with suet regard to dura
bility mid beautof t erm tire wUI lion attend.'
to °nth., mat t
ie . Wing In all their work
the best Eastern mats. Tam and Wheel EWE. they Swl
confklent that all .who farm them with their. tateauege
will be_perlkstly satiefied w trial of their work. • ,
Pureers iner requested to ate! them a ME Ireforunn ,
&acing elworbati. _ _
'Fifth Street . StodoimiPaatary
Th. tel Now,
t goods in Children's , Hen's Socks. thn
Ira, and DISWOTII, gold at cosatitiginrags Drip at Ow
111th street stocking Yactotroill toads trots lost wool
Rocking Factot7. ath strest:bstinten Wood sad Narkst
L UM W°, X.ALynt IL ea:mum ,
Livingston, Roggen & Co.
VCR-nod Depot Railroad , &ilea, Ray,
ida and Orodn Phathevn and Counter do.; Door
t oildr.o. Brim In sad 'rhumb Latelva Ooff ea
Midi of various IL adz Pain 11111 s, apinannd 'MUM'S
&Ad and Wartnnlnaa• Mailable Icon Outlay .14mq s.
rid) , in Pam and Mgr- •MI •
219.= and 323 Litein strict. arnwiti4.a.lytda
MONUMENTS, Tombs, Grave Stones,
7nmltors Tors,. Thnstals. Zug Stones, se., nt•
wars on band, and made to order, marldns*lbe
korest nrken . Three tantthed nal and me de • .
r t n u tok,ll? .. ll t r jack and n 4da i r .
6 lyfarni S
dorraten St SI9 LlSOldr. • .
• •• •
• Blacksmith Bellows Maanfactory.
IL/ anther. would rat . ..trolly Itilbrm their Maas sad
Para". T, that
9 they %wanton.' la= t er . ,
IMLIAZA — CB.3I.: b a soaraltgro of BLACKSMITH
ftegitrealT Atocrlpticot=ezr:=
moth. They 41 =ea ahrayson Itand7att &mat, -
mon t d al 0. 4 . loom to MI tooboast their manufactory',
orator of . llobbtioa mat Saadatka street,: - •
M 73
FEATHERB/ 9 1 2. :w landing from
steamer amp ax E MOKx .1 co.
nom VIBSCIIER R SCIIKLVS Vcrepal !Adral.lsloa
x licrase. 1q dr,.. 0. :M o uld 349 Brvalway. Ntlr lork.:ast. N.,. V,
1 Rdidic Firma. the Car 44
Globe Iron RaillnglWorke.
Xoa. 311 and 313 Munroe serest, Arde York
THE subscribers having ex muu tzsiveand un
taes. their Um,. sre g n e olr=l to tt l l n dor pug;
and deslets tluoughoot the amntty, r
irsorrortree.lsTrßoa-4 , mum,
• of (weir deetylitkm; • •
Gratings, SAuttere. /Yaws, Portable iron *Pk Aka and
...Wad; Cab. o , of Prattfor - . /ioa
. Chains. billets. Wash Sto,,,b, . cud ,
• Work Stands. Umbrella au .21at r
Stanch. de,- , ,
Also,* euperloy quality of Iron hum T all of, which
they willwarraot to mime In rtrongi tY, bun.
:1 hone.
t n h o etrl ' lg. P" Crr,Virro: *vet! . exon:fsltt
uwt.d Sudo tlzaklUlly • reedy.' ind e•eatted Ittth tha
-utmost, deevateb. . ~... • .- • 2.1i1 it I,•VIERA,
. my.l9.lmy 1= Grand Ikeet.ll. T. •
LE ROPE nomad respectAtily ealitttention of
N =hauls. farmers, and Mechanics, reel u i tt of
I the
the city to
r 'fr r g' sail s=elster Clt f f.°
llie, u i
arly P tierga f.
=Vas PrZi r ted b r °4 "iff
The Mums of tee Genie wi ll onitaln the venal violets
of tlriginat Pplo7 Artie or written net oulfjo
tlin r c:i t eg i l l lN 4 =o7r ."l 7r ha4lL'''
In resard to politics. the 'Guido masnlain an inde
pendent fone,and, from time to ttme, will advocate each
meanies who'd conduce to the interests of the granted.
number. - • • . .
• • •• • .
POSTMASTER S nnit others are respertforify reloaded
to art as Agents for this paper. to whom will towarded
erechnen emirs, free when desired to dom.
PRE.II/UMS—Ae todueenonotibr persona to interest
themselvea to obtain subecribere for the dknntatile Guide.
wit Mier the following premium, and roan the receipt of
the names andpWtn tufronor.we will forwent them, per
:Ur= If ordered, to the dart of those
For three lion to Trod mdseribem, 00
Woe twoldmiired and fifty eubscribers, we will wire
ono splendid free Odd Watch. ( warrart~l for
For two hundred, rue elapsed tine Gold lock (4
gismo,/ worth ..... 15 00
For hundred and fifty . elegan t B ee
wold.) worth— —... 11 00
PT one hnodred. one Gold Vest Chain, wroth . 300
Fur serenty.five eubectibers, one Gold }en and (Mid
Holder. handsomely covered. w0rth...—.L.... 10 0 0
Fur fifty, one • do do 3OO
Ftw forty one do do • dos 600
For thirty. one do do gra 15 00
twenty.Commartial . ... door Alford*.
eater:Won holder. worth' - - 3 00
For fifteen, one mrdlum do t 10.•. 2 00
For twelve. one Lady'. • do do' fio
*This Gold Pen and Gold Holder, Is the Indite Asa, and
le a beautind article.
'dß thenbom grode than be procured tram thole ew Toth
Gold Pen lianufacturing Company. the mkt ,Meisditod best
I Gold Pro and Pencil Cam Manufacturasin thug continent.
CLUBScan 1:o advantageously Ibrmed lo ermy village
and city late Union, and a large number of Bobtails.
obtained in this wO7. kleh at would interact thmoselvea
Far the Made, ear be tocUrneurdof, en ouribit oiparmiumi
above will show
FARMERS who would desire en excellent liamUNewe
P p :Cgl i h::ll=arall Troises of the .= . 1 . 10r
AGEZirTS wanted belo w
it e r r e " arGrargertcs and
thneda limonsible
_parties ' , witO n Vin art as agents for
Gukle.wth p a ea n furnish ne with their namasits pub
TO Mg LADIES we would.particularly appeal, know
ing the eraciecdy of their service* when rnergetlalir" dl.
meted. By their cooperation oar sulneription list 'would
roam out number any paper published on this emUnent,
theto gain this we shall at ell times claim to embody in
the odorous of the Guide sontethirm to natal/ Pl.tate _hot
I instruct° Patens, One sobetrildlon!.......g
I m low, there will be but little difficaltY th eir r0r',,,1.W
for =enough nthseribers to ordain any of the /heir Penni.
wars obere described, and what btdy world not dentre a
handsome Gold Watch„ locket, Bracelet, Pen and Pencil!
We wont to print an 'edition of Peg Fairmead (bed.
within three months. Thlsaccourglishod.weshalletheare
the Gunk to double Its present aim
niaph•Ssducriptioarmay berenrittedlu PartOrflortitF.
0/11 - All communkations should he addremad, pod d.
to W. E.lltaxthar, Editor and Publialter.of the New 'ark
Mercantile Made. Nit. 103 Greener - kb Meet.
RiDArampsper Otrorighteid Imo. by publishing the
ebon , PProtuntele diadayed. indodieg Ate satin." thr
ruwlredee. eed attontion edltotially to the woes.
and mending us the paper. wil PC ntitled to en exchange.
a_ud roosire GOLD PEN A COLD HOLDER, wnii4R' little P.M* will be entitled totem, witieb
will be torwaried to them as they may direct. VI:MU
Pen and Udder will be of the menabeture rf the Eno
Ea* Gard ..Wit.ractua.o uveeef. No. Inetewnwieh
tit, most extemerve end reliable Gold Pee prrdoeen
this continent. if not In the world. spl69lse
Staten Island Fancy Dying Establi Oreent.
ISO .44 non uniewar, • NEW TORS CITY..
giAßDEßSreceived by
Express, or otherwise,
sw eying or ekunelnu arew. Mantillas and
shasts of every description. Dastask and Morten Cur
tains teautifully dyed. lase Curial. restored. Canton
Crape Shawls dyed the oast briltia, or the (mare nave
colon. AB kinds rd'ellk, woolen foo d 6.7 reods. On the
pleve or nannent.) treated in the met ruosessful manner.
• The undersigned hare had long experience lo the Taw ►
ention olthlo 641.4 at Staten bland. and 64 enured
that their enema to the art of dylna Is unrivalled.
nstr.V.lme BARRET% NY:I'IIEI7S 00.
MOLYNEAUX BELL-Mantilla and Cloak
3thrinfacturer and Importer, 35 Cavil 4.
GBULPIN, Paris Mantilla Emporium,
I L A i.raterrslso or Fancy Mira dal Broadway.
.111 F, HIBBARD do SON, Wild' Cherry
e Inners, armada lialas, dalth. de-.03 3.he .i,
T. UUELBURT, American llonsoeo.
wel- I!edletors, V 147, Caste, en
VAN DUESEN'S Improved IValipette. It
retort.. Fray Mar to to atenalAke, sad erodes a
oewrormatt . 9 Depot. 13M 9 . 1 m ... ben rt. •
0043 T- GILBERT; trotnikietiplts; CM ,
leghendrekleerCa Teems, trlette..ial Rees
est the tram, at hie aw , eormae, 4N3 En.thrlif•
A LFREE WOODMAN, Manufacturer Dad
Importer °Mum Mlles. Mita% le. lel Felten Wt.
WARNICK, Mannfaetarer of Ennui- ;
. oiled Cottage Fmltorn, la.ln Mae
1011. ti DAVIS, Commission.Merehant and
IvViAou Impot.nof Urandleat. Wines SZIII Marc ^mil Kula-
OCKIDIVINA BRO., Manufacturers or
• Me Dot Tobacco. Cigars, and rued, MI and WO
EE LER A, WlLSON,Praprietni;And
Moraforf wnwrs of A. B. NVllames Patent BUtehlas
Urbino. Mike Sus limod•wf.
M r ?!.: B lL l3ls pr 2 N8. 29. 6 tY r . Y ' 564 Bw"1-
fIOOPER ROUSE, A. J. Pease & Bro., Pro
prieturs.= Broadway% • --
CUTTER, sneeeor to Lee,
Brenner t Co, Importer sadkbber In Staple
. Dry
44 Cedar rt.
teri.ftCHAfTEßOMOW.NwarMWOlarialle ..
5M..41.47. 0019.ftta
Q ASHIEE L. CAVERLY. WholesaloDeal
ljer In Broasno. Painted Palls and Tube,
_Wood and
lorr Ware, Baskets. Slats. Cartiags.Thine. WiekialriMatst
ea. ae-, thrisenaleh rt. New York m.w.l ye.
WINDOW SHADES. Gilt Cornices,' Table
oil eieth,te.,.7o.llN TP,RtillNE.Mannesetarerand
. 84
.# IV r rea.lo Catharine R. stet tiellurbtart
dale Man. Itat.TeLOigeo.) ZlViallt.Thailea &Fore linte7)
!GITY HOTEL, (late Browne,) 'corner of
Smithfield and 'Meg Amts. ?Mahwah. Ps. GLASS
ARR. PrOplittalll
Birrhla large an 4 elunnarkrna Mao having tinder , .
gone thorongh repair. and furnished trith nee equipments
thronghont, la now open tor the reeeyttoo of the traveling
public. Quagga MOIMILATIL spilklem
.N .got
tatreluao of ilool Mato. Collodi= of
Mi;ilM%-. 4L Pl i tim='& Ik'dL
U. has always on band a full arwortrosot: Da 25
rth street. Pitt torch: sedrelyd
• y GRANT MOWRY, Dealer in Leather,
A) • tildes, OD Rad Mhos Findlay+. No.= Labatt street;
Yorpostte the bead of Wood. intan.y
a MIZE, established 12M towlireA. bur Matures,
2 82vor Modals and 2 Dipiamar - man.2.tor7.
Pane 000 t, Pittsburgh, Pa.
lIIIR.Dswar• of norneruus counterfeit& • m 2241/
*,• Plats with Early heed' for theilotbedn Prue! ng In
.rumen!. fle the U Corn gbellers, Stalk and flUnw
Cotters, and every thing nr Interest to the Fanner, Undo
nor or Amateur. Orders from Urban+ and Aletehants fined
prnmpnr 012 liberal terms. Isla
WALTER P. MARSHALL, Importer and
Dealer ht Plain. Plowed and Doooratlvo'Papa
INVe•ti;.<s"l Wool )li. A
wart a uo.. of Pula. mina-ors
E.&—The Palo Faohl.nmo tor JUNE. dlovetper steamer
I l booo oude gm Um lot proximo
J427tf No. INann.abOve Iloadirirs4
INTI;LIAM NOBLE, Upludaterar, and
L :lceet fn Uphnbrtary. Wbatesala and Petall,Third
otrset. nearly oppodte tho Pat Oflßer4
re: .
46 Iliamnad AOeT..a. W ood 41.444.
K. N. unman', nesataaan
T A. BROWN, would mostregpectfully In
•. form the public that bekeehtfn bend. at his Mend
on the west elde of the Diamond. I reAftheny City, a map
pieta essortnurot of Venltten Yet:Onset Shot
tell are made to order, ha the best rlo, warranted epost
to en/ in the United StatOß. 1110 - Dlinde an be moored
without the aid of • same driver. Nevins. mthesool the
Stork, tools, sod wood of the Cabinet Thebesot of
Marilee, leCielletid. eat prepared to fortdsh their old
ftstotners es well es the Nubile et large, with are.
le their h2o J. Ageney, No. &Wood street, Pitts h -
me nu vhr.
.l iw
XORENZ 41E, IVIORTNAN, Manufacturers
A of all %dada et VIALS. BOTTUM, sed gurrow
AP8,63 Water Ind 66 float atteeta, Plttablleird. "
N. 11,-Partlealar attention
...oak, to odd alred of Wlndow
Masa and rink:dm:add fee Nettled and Vale. . pao22
1211 AMI J0Nt1..... 4011 X Y. Otaral. 1
JONES :k QUICK}, Manufacturm of Spring
and Hilstar Strnl. Plough' Slab Stool. Ethel Plottifi
Inns. Coach and Minna noticing Itnua Not Taping. Hair
Pasant Perm Hall and Mumma Hun Axle -(Jostle of
Hoes and Vint 'Haab. rittaburnia - _ • .
amnia : wax
p:. RCN3ERS- & lifamiracinrors of
.:127 1 •A t Ps= p zed ealUritotr
of Nhardn. diwkdos. id.. Warohosoe . No. 12 Wood OL.
rOOO Nina god dolma •Woodo, NNW:I=N Ps. •
- - Peni Cotton Kins. Pittsburldh
I " m "el.'2llrirgegonsut WWM
Cotton TwlrM,
o"o"4l,l l4tti n the Maw* gkie of laruu n its
♦v0.,181, "Au squaum..
Is THERE A Nosirtt?--ft has been difficult to
answer this question in the affineative for some
yeara back, so complete has been the subservien
cy of leading Worthen' politicians to the over:
shadowing arrogance of the slave power. There
is hope, however, that the Nebraska outrage
will originito a North; unless indeed the mosses
of the people are wholly debased, and Willingly
bow their necks to the slaveholder's chain. The
great difficulty at the North has been to secure
united counsels and action. While the South
has been a unit at home, her policy at the. North
has been, "Divide and conquer," and hitherto
she has been remarkably successful; as the num
berless victories she has gained, and the humiti,
ation she has imposed upon us, - plainly show. It
is the "last straw which breaks the camel's
back," and the gross fraud upon the FVe States
by the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, is
what we trust will create a North. If it does this
for us, it willpossess some compensating benefits,
as it Will be the last of the humiliation we shall
be called upon to endure.
During the contest which grew out of the Com
promise of 1850, the North was divided into fac
tions. The Whig party was split in two, and
thus rendered comparatively powerless. Now
all this ischanged. The Whig party is a unit.
The papers which most warmly supported the
Compromise of 1850, are the most bitter oppo
nents of the Nebraska bill. Not one Whig paper
in all the Free States hut has come out strongly' ;
against the repeal of the Missouri Compromise.
Ihus the Whig party, the Freesoll party, the
Native American party, an( a large portion of
the Democratic party—the llarnburners And
Softs—are earnestly hostile to this breach of the
National faith. There Is hope, then, that we
shall hereafter have a North.
Among the very warmest supporters of the
Compromise of 11350; was the Now York Courier
and Enquirer. No paper in the country more
sternly rebukes the compact•breakers Ahan the,
paper now. On last Saturday an editorial arti
cle from the pen of Gen. Webb, who has lately
returned from Europe, discourses as follows:
their co-laborers, ever lookedupon that Compro
min /rebinding Mite character and as durable I
in its nature as the Compromise upon which was
based the Constitution itself; and it is worthy
of remark, that during their lives, such petty and
worthless demagogues as now strive for political
advancement, at any and every sacrifice of pub
lic honor and public faith,•never dared to exhib
it the slightest hostility to that great National
act. 'Dorfman, Preece, and their associates,
—men of equal calibre, and prompted by the
same groveling ambition—would . as soon have
-placed a loaded pistol to their heads and blown
out the little brains they possess, as have risen in I
their places in the Senate, and in the presence I
of DastXt WEIISTatt, JOHN C. CALHOUN, or Ilex
nr Cur, have proposed the repeal of the Coin- I
promise of 1820.
Beyond all doubt, these creatures of a worthless
expediency have always been as reckless and un
principled as they have recently proved them
selves to he; but while the men of the second'
Compromise were spared to watch over their
great work, these mousing offspring of a grovel
ling political necessity, as little dreamed of as
sailing it; as does the midnight robber or hired
assassin; venture upon his vocation lathe face of
day and in the eight of the agents of the Law.—
Ilad they thus venter! od, they would hare been
instantly driven back into the obscurity ..from
which accident has brought them forth, by the
indignant voices of our three great, honest, and
Assiorobte statesmen, proclaiming in language not!
to be misunderstimil, sad which would have
found a chord of sympathy in the heart of every
honest and honorable man in the country, that
• while there exists a solitary individual in this
widely extended government, who demands that
the Jlissouri Compromise of 1820 be adhered to,
it cannot with honor be repealed. Boob has been
the universal sentiment of the country for the
third of a century; auch Ls the thorough convic
tion of every honest and honorable man in the
country at this day; and each, moat assuredly,
:will be the verdict of the world and of posterity.
' ; • that Compromise, and not only will the
nation be disgraced in the eyes of the civilized
world, hut through all future time the names of
Donnas, Texece, and their associates
my, will be handed down to posterity with a stig
ma attached to them, Carless endurable than that
which now gives to the name of Destruct. An
, soup an exclusiveness which honest men do not
court for themselves or their descendants
Repeal the Missouri Compromises—and that
of 1850, and the Fugitive glare Lew, and the
friends of the South throughout the Northern
States, go with it
It is clearly manifest then, that the contempla
ted repeal of the Missouri Compromise of 1820,
is not only a dishonorable act and disgraceful to
those to whom it is offered as a political boon,
to be paid for hereafter ' by giving their satfre
ges to those . who tendered the thirty Pieces of
Silver. And when "the South can for a moment
be induced to 'pause and look at this measure in
all its naked dcformity.we cannot doubt - but they
will repudiate the unclean thing and those who
conceived it, as abominations meriting their ut
most abhorrence.
(lea. Webb is mistaken in supposing that the
South will repudiate the "unclean thing.". It
will do no such thing, but will avail itself of the.
detestible treachery of Pierce, Douglass and.
Company, to advance her own Interests, without
being fastidious as to the mode by which the
North Is robbed of her rights.
The Springfield, Mau., Rrptiblkan, has always
been ranked, so says the Albany Journal, among
the Conservative journals of the country. It is
conducted with marked discretion and ability, I
and expresses, more clearly, perhaps, .than any
other journal, the real sentiment of Central and I
Western Massachusetts. It has not a jot of the
"fanatical spirit of 'Abolitionism" in its compslf
Sidon, not' a particle. of antecedent antipathy to
reciprocal concessions and just Compromises.
Hence; there is no3ournal whose tone more truth- .
fully indicates the temper of iho People within
Its wide circle, or whose admonitions should be
received more kindly by the Northern Conserv
atives. - What it says tons of thousands feel; and
'when it counsels "Death to Dough-Faces" it is
bemuses that cry' is In the hearts of the Peciple.
In anticipation of the passage of the=-Nebraska
Swindle, the. Republican asks r•
What then I First and foremost, an unrelent
ing war in the free States upon all northern men
who have participated in the deed, or who have
apologised for or defended it. Death to Dough
faces ! This shall be our ndlying — cry, Let all
true northern men unite with us to wage the
war of, extermination against those who hove
sold their honor, violated the plighted faith of
.the nation, and outraged the convictions of the
people, to purchase a mess of pottage! Let us
see if there is not a North at last. Wh - en that
is secured, wrested from political corruption,
and planted upon the honest popular will, then
can we !Duly our duty to the Union and Slavery. I
But let • the North bo treed first.
The storm which will sweep over the North, the
Albany Evening Journal describmi as follows:
The sectional storms of the past will he remetti,
tiered but as , the gentle play of eumnier sephyrs,"
in contrast with the tempest which theltepeal of
the Missouri Compromise will excite.
„Jt will ripen
to their utmost widths, the Rood-gala of oapta
tion,"and awaken a spirit which will be allayed,
not by the anliallatlon of the cowardly traitors
from the North who' ion' hare 'aided In the eon
sumnuition of theinfamy—althoigh that will.„ . be
done;—it will demand the demolition • of every
barrier which repealable statutes. have thrown
around the institution of Slavery.
. No evidence has everyyeet been furnished inCon
gins' that "there is &North." The mass of North
ern Representatives* have seemed content to he
"hewers of wood and drawers - of water" for Sla.
very. But this last aggression—involving more
of Punic faith and infamy than any of its prede
eessors,-Itas warmed the cold blood of our Peo
ple; andliereafter, MassachUsetts willfind plenty
of backersin her, wnr-cry, of ' "Death to Dough-
Facet." • 'lf this bill shall peas, TIIIILL WILL De A
seam; and that North will be as relentless in its
war cry upon Slavery as Slavery is relentless In
its war upon Justice, Liberty and Human Rights.
Thu South has throw:, down the gage of Battle,
and the North has-taken it up..:Navr, let-God
HXAVT Femnai.L-The Jefferson Ccunty (N.
T.) Democrat announces the failure of Wheelers
& Turners of -Watertown—liabilities $BOO,OOO.
The Democrat elates thattheyba” been engaged.
In baying prednee on a large Dade, and hare
drsin 11010 4. on tbsbanits_in Jefferson and in,
isme . ether cantle": : ' -
I The Ulowing cominanication w 4 written by a,'
gentleman of this city, a - promittent ',member ,of
the Free Soil party, for the NatL?nal'Ere, and 1
was designed to reach the readers'or the `irce,tly I
edition of that paper. The editor ef the'Eri
' however. after inserting it in em (Lally and cum
menting upon it, excluded it from weekly,
• without excluding his own comments Upon it.-=.=`
As the Free Soil State Convention \ meets In the . '
city to day, we comply with the iequiret of, the,
writer and give him the opportunity of reaching
the attention of his friends 'which was denied
him at head quarters:
Yrs . ..the Nattasal En.
P Ivantit Free Still Ceroveinteis,
The State Free Sell Conventianior Pennsylra
nia meets in Pittsburgh on the 24th of Iday;the
day originally, agreed on having been changed,
to accommodate those who wish to attend the
State Temperance Convention.
The subject of a nominatiokof a candidate fur'
Governor will come before that Convention, and
I notice a general disposition to unite on. Judge
Wilmot as the man. Now, I have no:objection
to Judge Wilmot, in this connection; but I am, a
little surprised to 'notice that those who warmly
esponsiChiS selection, do it on the ground that it
is impossible for them to support Judge Pollock,'
the Whig candidate, and that Judge Wilmot :is
the only one who can unite the wholo Anti-Ni
braska strength of the State. ' •
I have been en attentive observer' f the , course
of our public men for many yearti past, 'and I
most confess my inability to discoier any differ
ence in the position of .Messrs. Wilmot . and Po
llock on the Slavery question. They entered
Congress almost together, and served throughout,
the exciting contest over the question of prohi
biting Slavery in the Territories.
.0n that ques
tion, and the Slavery question generally, they
voted together uniformly; both spoke warmly in
favor of the Anti-Shivery pronso,‘, and '.both
proved equally reliable whenever the, question
came up.. I remember well, when all was anxi
ety...and doubt in our minds, that both, these gen.
tlemen were always considered among those
upon whom the utmost reliance could 1:1 , placed.
The antecedents - of both are similar; the record
of both is alike; and both ore equally sonnil on
the great question involved in the extension, of
Shivery. How it is possible, in' view of these
.feels, to give the preference to one over the other
I cannot conceive. If therebenny differencent ,
all, it is on the side of Judge Fetlock, who be
longs to the Covenanter branch of the Presby-,
terian Church—a body which adopts and main=
Main son anti-Slavery testimony, and excludes
elaveholders from its communion. Ile.,V;een
ligiously educated into the - anti-Sht • faith,
and belongs to that class of politicians7ho have
a conscience, and who let it rule in their politi
cal action.
There is beside; this notable difference between
the two: Judge Pollock is the candidatetor a
party able to poll well on to 200,900 votes, while
Judge Wilmot, from his anti-tariff views ecceld
not sally the 'Whig vote of the State, even IfJudge
Pollock should decline. Those Free Soil mer,
therefore, who can vote Tor Wilmot;; can as reatl4
ily vote for Pollock, with the assurariee of success
with the latter and defeat with the farmer.
• I must express her a little sorpriielo see the
Era calling Judge Pollock a Quietist. V.".ltonor
to whom honor is due." Judge-Pollook
tjuietist. Ile speaks out like a man, fearlessly,
and will take the stttmp against the Nebraska
fraud. In a letter to Gen. Larimer, of thi . a . city
he sap: ,
•With ran. 1 regard the -Nebraska mcnerne nt as iatpvi•
Plat. and AS desersiou the repudiation ofererrineor erFree
dom and hie country. The people •iU pm:mune* filth...
der toots ita rondep3 nation, and Preeldential aspirants rip
hear and tremble.'
In another lettes just published he is still
Ono: Mo . n Mao Krboulsa bal is the day qf ennyttiendef
Frordinge owl tie rigttrgista, Patriotism, national honor.
nationil Web. and army' Princitils f hu , mualy, mted
%Mimi. the apartment Of suds a law.. Let 146 people speak:
politicians must brar ,ind obey. Truth: will triumph. al
though 'vaulting ambition may overleap Itself."
This is not the language of a timid man, orcne
who would saerifieo principle for Can.
Judge Pollock' as I do,V as in Oecry
way the equal of Judge Wilmot, and as reliable,
I eaweee no reason why those why can vote for
one cannot vote fur the other; and here is Swore.
redly no propriety in casting aside the candidate
of a powerful Vert'', who can be elected' on. the
Nebraska imae, for one
.masupyieg no bv.tter
ground, and with no chances of success. '
As to the resolutions of the Whig
. Conrention,
they are not, assuredly, - what they ought to be;
but they certainly are no for advanced no were
these of the Democracy -of Alaseachnsette and
Ohio, with which Free-80km coalesced; and with
yoisr sanction. "
I trust to see a fail Wet:dance• nt o 4 State'
Convention, and commend the facts here cited to
the nutrition of those who may have to depot-
The Ametienn Oligarchy. "
We hope to hear no more about the treedoM ,
etithe people while they suffer themselTee to' hi.
ki4ked, cuffed and robbed, by our Ameriein 0117
garcby.. What that is, the man who him any
wish to know, can find out in the following ar
The extraordinary sped:tele \ presentecl'at
Washington, of a.Government professedly Itepre
sentative, forcing a nominee uponthe People;
which none of the People ask, few orthe People
approve, and the majority of the Peaple have;
from its inception, steadily condemnett Nor is
it presented for the Snit time. Such sc'enes are
not the exception, but the rale.
The foundation of the American oovernment
was Republican. The Constitution end Laws on
which it is based look to a universal equality of
political rights. But the superstructure that
has grown up or been built up, on this founda
tion, is of a totally different order. Enactmenta ,
are no longer made to gain equality, but te'pre=:,
serve inequality. - From Republican we have be-•
come Oligarchic.
An Oligarchy may be small or It may be nu
meroas. In Athens they bad thirty Tyrants.—
In Persia they had but three. Inyenice they
had a Council of_Three Hundred. cure is esti
mated at about Fens Hundred Thousand oat •of l i
Twenty Four Millions; In some Oligarehles
Power is hereditary. In others eleetive. .In I
others Wei on wealth. Ours is baseeen pro
perty in human bones and sinews. Call them by
what name you will—Property Owners, Minters, I
Landholders, Aristocracy, Nobility, . - Oligaieby,
er what you please, the fact is undeniable , that
400,000 Slaseholders politically rule the other
24,000,000 of our population. They ebape our
policy, Foreign and Domestic. They control our.
Government, Elective, Executive, Legislative and ,
Judicial. They pass our Lave. They fill our'
Offices. They construe our Statutes.. They re
gulate our Trade. They make ear Wars. They
conclude our Treaties. They decide the admis
sion of new States. They establieh our party
- platforms, They nominate and elect our Presi
dents. . They succeed ; as all Oligarchies do, by
remaining united, while the people wino oppose
them are divided. • I ' A .
The American Union, from self goiernment,
has steadily degenerated fur fifty years into a
government of the many by the few. Ito origi
nal Lau, are the only Laws toot presetlesit a
• Republic.
If this sounds too etrong, let any manyfelio
doubts it, take down the United States Statute.
Book and put his-Anger, if he can, on thetaw'
that was passed this century without anoint hf
this power. Let him count up tho Presidentk
that hove been elected because they were its'.
choice, and those who were elected because they
were the choice of the People. Let hint name if
he can, the - War that we have err engaged in
that It did not demand. Lot him point out the
Treaty we have ever had that It did niok for. Let
hint find, ithe can, the Congress - bind-Committee,
on any Important subject, in which idaveholders
are not in a majority. ' Lel him pick per, if he
can, the branch of Goveonment Seryiee,:in which
slareholdere have not the most appointments.
Let him cast up the lands and money granted to
Southern, Rallrculs, Penslore Claims, PreasSs,
Porta and surveys, and balance It with the lands
and money'refused to Northern Rivers and -Her
ber!, and Northern Education. anti Improvement.
Let him answer, if lie can, why, when pririte
soldlers and sailors are mainly from the Nortli;;-•
,01Seets are so largely from the South? Let him
tell, if he knows, why the North, with double the
number of voters, should not have one-half of
the clerkships,. Secietarythips and COnsulships..
I Let him, explain why with fifty - majority In
Congress from the Free States, the Free States
have regularly yielded on every question in
Congress where there has been a sectlonallesue,
Let him explain why the North, with three
fourths of the wealth and seven-elghts of the
business, should live always under such tariffs
and commercial regulations as benefit the :South
et its expense. Lot him explain why there is no
qualification for office we potent:ea that of lay
ing been korn in : Virginia..', him:, find, a man
ithe"eyer got a bill passed at Washington,, which
the Slaveholding oligarchy disapproved of. Let
him point, If he can, to the State that has been
admitted, or the Territory Mathes been bought,
contrary to their will. ' Let him name the - pe
diod, when the bench Of the Supreme Court, the
esks in Congress; and the seats In thePreadden
tial Cabinet, were not notoriously and confessed
ly occupied by a majority favorable to the Inter
ests of Sliveholders. , • • .. .•
I Disguise it - as we may, apologiie for-it as' we
44t11, the whole drift and current of our legisla
tion into buildup slavery.. Left toitaelt it would
hers died ant,: ran sp. But the canoes o r
our government have-been directed .fint to pre-
_serve iS...tttott to steep op a politiail Olpillpotinut
..-,..:-..:1...'-.1.'.;.'. - 4 . .: ,, ... , VV: , ..- - ,.';'..=
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• • ' •YO UMEIX \ IiI , I-.. , 1NU ft BER 240 • • -- '` \
------- \ 7------,'• 7 - 7 7 - ---77-7— \ ---- 7 —' . — 77, — .77 -, c7. - .
b.t.e6 it and Freedom,•whin none hi. lushly •,, \ - Pietaiatioa for tkalrs !oaten efestba.-•\ •,.
, ' . l , \ existed;und now to,-gripple with FreedOm for Sitract 'eta Jitter to a \nereantlle house' dated
supremacy. This is. the tenor of our National , -''' ' :"' ; \ Xsw Onmetus, lily 12, 1 lißi. \\
course. If there be an P American Pelleli:' - It \ We give michYactsand Rulers att are eurrea
"Genius of Ameriennlostitutions,"thi3 is it• lf With reord & s illy diFicultieitbrewing, with Cnba, -
not.X . what iil - - '.,.., the results of which . 'are -hotkattn htkre sl , at ~••
I —cross a blemish us - ,the slavery of three effect upon the eragir rateltet,,,:and consequent \'a
i lion blears Is,upon the : face-0f...a professed Ho:, up
Loirialana.' , Let 4 comnahnCe bY seyin \ •''
public, \tt is not' he worst, That time may cure. + t hat 'lre are, strongly \opsed to ell "fillibuster- , \ \
But tiMe.nnaidedcan never cure the degradation t o w , or to al * governmental ingoence inCab a , \ •
rof a whole peoPle\ into . tools and chattels of a. oit Jik.4 to produce anarchy and denfution and ' \ ''
I clique of pelitical intriguers:\ '. bloodshed thertii and to bring disaitt4,. end per- '. • ,
• ' - ` . .Our Oligerchy grows stronger with each Yew.. haps disunion to this, Republic, 'Without. 44. '''‘ -- •
O nce it submitted now it rules. . How long before chance of doing geodloaaX petty.. There is, ner ' ',. ,• :.
it s viill ruin l=olbany,Bormag Journal. ' tioubtedly, a street: “Cobs pom tailo s 0u0n ., , , \
try, and there is, noubtless.: , alice Pr e P7'''' \ . L i.
aratione making in Money, - " men, - rod 'the •\ \ ,\ - •
• present Move of Hr. Slidellin Cotggheart: Ultimo- '\ ~ \
• duces no Other effect, will cense nontidettmik,*ong': -
those engiged in' the Segrae, who arenot deep. \, \ •-•-•••\ '
ly enough interested to lie , contideist'in..priiste • \ • -
assertion that may be'made to erdiet thick means \\ .
and persons,A, The mattorChns gone Se far among , . \`
those who airiunthusiastiOnd Hite**, th a t 2 %, \ ~
the prospect'of its reslizetred - has mineedlat t ly ••., , \
another party to - join in ittrestd it is this ad- \
dition which We have just , heard of: through' a ' \ s •
most reliable neural, that has caused \
nste,thicik • \
the twitter of erifficient Importanciteaddiews You
upon, that you may `watch iti , bourie - ahtl \ its
commercial effect: The planters :Of Lonialanii•
have naturally beat adverse to the 3 1 / 1 103.011011*\
Wirt, as likely to injure the sugar , interest; but \ - •
Most , ofthem are nnw convinced, thit any demon:', . \ -
stratient - egainst the Islind willresult In immedi-: \ \ ,\-
ate Anarchy And confusion, and destrnitioti of -
the productiveness of the Island," and consequent_ •, ...
ly remove the competition against the sugar in- •
rerest= of this country. , , •
\ It can be only with this view and expectation, ' -•••-.,
that semis parties. are now affording means pri- ', • •: 1
safely; end giving their influence openly to the •
"fillibustersi9 for among them woks ow of most \ • - I
influentialiudisealthy planters, who have here; , ,
tofore 'bitterly, opposed their_ schemet';' . ,publiely \ t' _ :.
\ and privntely. •. Some of these persons are well s, .. \ • .4. 1 1
known es public influential men in Washington, '. .
and the tact of their entering into purchases of .„, 1„,
edger estates, negroes, &0., latterly, satitditia us . '',l
that they have great „confidence in an early and ~ '',. t
effentual demonstration upon the Islander Cuba, -1 - -
which will prodice the' results mentioned 'bor ],', . .
• Theuetire preparations for an " expedition are,' , ' , •
kept as quiet 'es possible \. The most muqiiitions t.'
orchmstence is, that the.. barque .Grapeshoti ' \
which cleared front your pert with-muskets, &c.; ; : \
for the Ttiames has been lying at the month of , \ ' \ j
the Idissislippefor &month pest; and the captain \ •..' .... I
has' been staying id the city :, Man} , remora ate ', \••- xi
afloat of men being drilled-li\ the interiory of .
. ..•
large subscriptions from Cuba,'ilte,,:in Whichwe :
can express as reliance. nor dwabk • • \- ~
A general conflation of - the near . ..approach of 1. -.:
such difficulty in- ' , Cuba would impart flrnuiesS,
and might prodncieLeimentative advance te int- .
Firs; but wo would itot be willing to speculate one,
it prospectively, or to"aot on it upon thkfirst de- . _ _ ..-.
monstration; because‘ might end asAutpidly „.,,••
`and disastrously 03 the , previons‘attempte!..ort the
Island. , Year Friends, &a. \A .
... ,
P. S.—We further say, that - weimow • .. „.
'"that there are immense .ordirs 'here l•froni Hew
York for sugars, and that these , orders are from ' ', I
your most sagacious inerehants, who may be cal:, \ . „
culating upon some such affair as - we allude to. \\ •, \. I
—A , : Y. journal of ecnnciee.. . -V , •- ' \\,\\ A . ,..
------ '
'OW of the arguments used by the compact
breakers is, that \no - part of Nebraska is suited
fer the pnrposo ofislavery,.and thus conkequent
ly elaverY . . r willnever \ go thele, and that therefore
the queitiOit of theTal of the Missouri Com
promise hasno practic importance. This is one
ththose refuges of lies to which resort hilted by
e truce-breakers to carry their sWindle Chiougb.-
lisar what Mr:Berms says on thia subject: On
Friday last, irithe House Mr. Benton said: \
the whole Of. Kansas s, adapted to slave
labor; ‘ the - great,staples, in* and tobacco,
,and that within tiro , hours ride there is a largei:
slaveholtier than Boanoke ever saw. s , In my
Opinion \therein a great movement , :pending. I
am not hbwever, n the confidence of, Any body,
and thereferc must way in the twilight
for the purpose of guessing, • I look to cotempo
raneous events. Sir, I' find about the'lime this
bill was intrednced. that Mr. Gadsden \went to
Mexico. It is reported that Mr. Gadsdetioffered
$50,000.000 fona broadside of Mexico territory
enough to make five or six great States. • •;
This failed, bathe has gone back. •,', Santa \An
nik is pinched at present and Gadsden, may:hit7e
better luck this tirde
`'Supposing this territory acquired, Slavery will
rush in, and then we will have the principal of
non-intervention, and ikon the cry will be to Con
gress, "Hands off!" Ilutve to saY„this scheme
is no stranger to me; it rtas an old acquaintance;
I kneif it In '46 and '4B. \ •
: It is'reported that Mr. Simla has beep anther,
.3sed to offer $250,000,000 for‘Cubs, and if. be
cannot getit to kick up a meas.'. I sawithe two
branches to this . scheme, there 'may be others
with which iam not as yet rieqnsinted; but 1
have enough to Stand on at present:,
\ .IVelake the following , extract frott',the' Nato
-turf Iftars... HOW, long does the North intend.,
to ',endure esidure tho encroachments of the slaye'powerf
. .
Is there no point at Which resistanee Will.com4
mence?, If there is, where is that point\ ,
TlMpolicy of the. dominant slaveholdingpoWer
at the South is sagacious, farseeing, wide reach
ing, Itshould be boldly faced before it be. too
late. Why Should the Free States, with fifteen
millions of people; prostrate themselves at the
feet of the Beath, with its air. millions of Whitek
I and onlythlehurdrixl th ousand of them slave
, holders, onl'be spurned and kicked for their
Ithject submisSiob. The Slareholeiing Power is
, c it*;
paring for uption of the Union, by making
I t Union, whZeii lads, an instrument of extending
I aid consolidating: 4i 'Slave Empire that can stand
I without the Union; , All its plans are laid. • All
I converge upon thiigraat object.. The Nehru- .
kn bill must open to Slavery a territorY larger
than all the old thirteen States together; Cuba
must balked, and Mexicoinust be had—insnring
the conulmmd of the Gulf,and the control of oar
I present routes to the Pacific; a Southern railway
from ChaAeston to, the fewer part of California
must be lull, the treaty-Making power of the
I Union must Isecure the roitte;.and the millions
I of the Federal must • pity for it... Meal.
co, all that remains of it, is etpected in due tittle
to fall under tile same system, of absorption as
that by which we have already4thsed such vast
accession to ourAerritories out' of her. Thus
1 the Gulf trade, the\South American :trade and
the trade of California, will fall into, their hands.
Meantime, tho four thousand miles , . of railways,
which converge from all the Northwest and West-'
ern North to Cincinnati, must minister ,to the
four thousand miles of railways alreadianatie or
,in progress, which; diverging from that great
'and greatly growing city, itill b.ring its trade, to
Southern. orts. Then theNconquost'of St. Do
mingo and its redaction te, 'Slavery. Then al
liance. with Brasil to re-open - the African Slave
trade: and so in fine to establish the empire, of
Slavery from its present Northernmost. line to ,
the Southernmost point of the American•• Cont
inent. ' '
This,' in the, way of briefest sketch, is untienbt
edly the policy of the Shiveholding Power.—
These are its plans, gigantic but WellNottside
firmly resolved.;
Will the North wake up, and put ‘forth its,
power to, defeat, (as it can, if it wili,) their suc
cessful accomplishment? Will it rise aid take
Possession of the government for 'itself, and use
its constitutional powers to protect its own\inst
'rights ? Will the North prepare a little forlhe
Contingency long thought 'of, frequently threat
ened, but never tillnf late so coolly and so wide,-
1 .4 'Faked of by tho South—the dissolution of tht..
Union God avert inch a contingency! But
it 'will never bo averted by the. North shutting
its eyes and Mopping its ears to all the sights
and s ounds that undeniably betoken its prepa
ration at the South. To look to the worst, to
prepare for the, worst, is hat the dictate of the
commonest prudence in a case like this. When
we say God- avert the contingency of a disrup
tion of the titian, it is from no weak fears for
Ourselves. ` ; the North can do without the South
far better 'then the South can do without the
North. ' But imbh a contingency would be like the
opening of a dreadf til apocalyptio seal to the South;
a prelude of long ?roes. Slavery is destined to go
down. Let the South be sure of that. Sooner
;or later the day Of its extinction must come. L
. violent and tiiiscrnptilous attempts to Vvi=
a s . its extent and deepen its hold, do but pro
trent its final day, and render its death 'throes
more terrible to thesi s involved in, the vortex of
its expiring flukes. Slivery, must die out.—
, It is the destiny writeir against it. To hold, to
i-govern, and to . trent well, the-slaves among ns
now, until some way for , 'enfranchisement, safe
and salutary to both partiea, be opened, is don St-,
less the thity of all good men whom circumstan
ces have made slaveholders .at present. But to
extend the Institution, to establish a great and
;lasting Free Bepnblie on the heals of Slavery—
that is anotherithing. It is a thing that cannev
er be. 'God anti ; the great ages are against it.—
All :the history ' : of the past is against it. Not
the 'barbarians from the frozen North destroyed
"the old Itoman Empire of' the West. They
‘.ttere but as a push \\, the hand against s rot
ten edifice ready bi \crumble. It 11113 s Slavery
that wrought its decay ; that prepared pa fall.
Tilee is not a historical fact of clearer demon
straiten than this. The`.Spirit_ of the Present,
and the genius of the coirting age, are against
• Slavery sand the extension 4 Slavery: The titer
al sease v of mankind is agehast• it. It ill cam
' ports with the golden rule, iu the way mankind
will obstinately persist in cast - ruing it. It ill
suits with Demouratiti pretensions about, equal'
It lest variance with the great master
idea of the age--I.aircarr—an idea which, ever
beating in the chuff= heart, - seen* destined , to
be the cardinal 'ldea of the coming age, the can-.
tro around which all the energetic action of the
'l4 throughout the civilized world into rally—
it all events, an idea which must andirill have
fOll scope and uncontrolled development In this'
e‘oisntry. And so if Slavery did not in its eco
kinlinal, its social and its moral workings, con-
Wu. l,he seeds 'ef Blow hut certain decay and Zs.
solutibp to, any State in which it exists, it e'n . uld
be bard far it to stand up solitary against 'the
morel serge of Mankind,.to face alone the rep
robation b,f the world--unsupported too by that
firm coeseiousriess of being in the right,,whiek
makes the tryttconfessor heroic to endure.
. Tue WAnn Vase.—We regret to' see the Wash
iegton Senthietendeavoring to create an imprini
sion that the. almost anundmona • condemnation
of, the press, epoken against the verdict, in the
Ward case, is "pa'it 'und parcel of a 'system . of
warfare against Southern "society and Southern
institutions." It Is tree that the Tribune and
;other prints have petterted the occasion; to in
dulge in their Aisnel hoktilitlea to the South, bit
it does not' follow that. Southern papers 'are
thereby justified in defending an outrage so:gla
ring and gross as the Ward case. presents.' No
sophistry can hide, and noprejtelleei should ex
cuse the attempt to conceal the great wrong
committed on society by the Acquittal of a mur
derer so deeply stained with the blood of ass an
offending rictlin, and the Simtli. can only injure
itself by accepting the bait of the abolition press
whereby it:seeks to Inveigle it late defence of an
indefensible; cause, and to present it to the North
as coming forth the willing defender and .advo
cate of a criminal who, though declared legally
innocent, cannotesatpe the ban whloh the mot
sinew of the *hide country has impaled npon
. .
The National Ers-.seys thatsHov. 'ligler is
“understood to bo an anti-NebrOska „We
an &held this is a great mistais on the Part of
the Era, usually co well-lefonnel The Bigler
newspapers ore all. so far as, we knoir; in favor
of dim - Nebraeko, bill. , • It. s only few! days
thine the Herrisburg - Union • sasitrted reinully
that,-;if zuseesetty, Gov. Bigler would -take .tle
ddid,grang-tor the Nothing would itie
no isore_pleaeure than to hive Hoir: Bigler place
hiniself on republieartground, but we We aeon
no-signs of anything of Ole kirst—rPhit-
-t7.;.. -,-,..,:.; , ..:,...-,',:.',- , ...-:-: 3 . ,..: , .. - :.. , .:',:,. , .. ,, „ ,
zuor.—We announced some time since the
val of Garibaldi, with his ship Coianonweiltiii at \
Newcastle onzthe-Tyum (Eng.) ,• The purpose \•\
the Italian exile's visit was trade, and he \
gone - to Newcastle, to bail with coals. His
eel, the Commonwealth, is a clipper, carrying
some thoniand' tons of . freght. The crew are
mostly countrymen and fellow exiles of - Garlbar.
, who have fought with him in behalf •Of \the \ -
`cense of liberty in Rome and Montevideo, Sonia_ ,
Of them are he Italian nobles', bat they
have donned thetarpanlin and mess on salt junk - \
in the forec tunle::,, They are reported not ,to
have forsworn' their and have not be,
come American citizens." Garibaldi is himself,
.however, we believe` ,'..a citizen of the pated.
The latter has two sons and a daughter
nom lie' hopcer to meet them, whom' he bas not s , ,
seen since the, siege of Ratite, if the government
`of Piedmont will peritit. . •
The Commonwealthhoista s tho American
and her commander under itrprotectiOn and Ina,
own citizenship, has risolvett'upon going to ge.: • -
non, where he is bound with lila liewcastle
fora market. The government of Piedmont may
not be, over-ready .tri weleome anct 'Comp of
combustibles as the coal, - the Italitargistiotorer, -
and Garibaldi.—Y. Y. Post. . - •
. . .
Atotsotticasn PAID Pon On the 21stottAiril,''
s. Washing • tunCoirespondent wrote toss as '.fol ! _ .
„c o .ithfi c i i \ vvi i i i r . sew, lin Common liar. 341 1 1_ ,
\ that 'Parede, of :li. 1 1 ., can Imre the appointment,
'I4 ,T.
Post blaster at V illintisburgh if h will fo-foi , :.
Tweed has been active during thelast ''l days :
to fisres the bill through 'tha Boise, aniLthe tcl.:;
egraikto the New York Express of Friday ,htst, :,.
announces that: ' \lc:..
"TAPoitmarter of \lFiltiamstir,o is resi:m - d, - I\
'and Twearsawai is ailiviitied in his place'. - ' -
''- Ifere iicause and, eat... Let the people caw, :.
. . . . . . .. ... .
tus Losr \ErzAstsa.—xfho Europa brings
intoiXikencief. the, Ma' sing rity of Olassgoir..-- 1
Sbo iias been gone from °Wispy . , 8 1
, days, and
it is hivdly probable\ ti.i4 she >aill'over heard'
from other than'asn'reekperhaps
President... not even . thati . "
a'itt.".so l `l.o l St;:edfrg" l tretrentFicadiacuannB; 2 °-bliteur;:cit.,'
teo, 40 Country emu oft:wheat kind In the
of tthtott eta &flatbed on ;ior tolntod 'Mtn
vele plowed to ttlso to onion,, igloo a.'
orbsta him tp oolD, Call
' 1 . 1;y1t . & " Tlittft. WOODS. Co n
Broker, 25.4tttit....;_
VOFFEE-90 issitoka Rid \ Cotiaajust reo'd and
j ibr de by ug'lo ' BATUMI= 1 00.
g. VENTILATORS; •'for *eti
11= l i = " ' t e ar!! -rt. ari d„'
TITBS--A fe • •
p - ARNOLD A WILL AM- 25 t it.
ELA. I GAN* AUL; \9l Migket. ~ are
nor twetvilig Eno ueortia r. Fr \ \
tem Collarr, ' 8 and Wag
YUBE BRANDY-2 casks Of puroluatuDi- .
terat4Brandy, medidadparpece . P, reed by
m7lO JOS. /LEWIN% are. Ma= & &Wk.&
w.ur• '"
11EDFORD. , .WATER-5 - bble.,*4•lo half
1 bids. or this celebrated Water reetl
ngs by
.7093 , 181106;oor.Dtamand 51bacts4:-. „
MERCHANT ,TAILORING • atter , Qd, : to
-w. fftudY
ABBITS SOAP POWDER-100 /be: rdel
NAT: 308.1LEMIDIa. mr. Died ind Marked it; V.:
arat "T:US-413 bbl3'
101WEARLA'8,11-20 bbls.for,sale :
.p J.; J. B. FIEDD
lIRESE--100 boxes for Bale by
QUAY-1.00 bxe. Cincinnati Palm Soap jtnit
vv toed and be sale by - RnaxeArhlat co. -
HIDES--23 just tea'd and for sale by
• - S. LIARDAL'OU .1 W.
47UNDRIES-760.6mo..Refuxed Mould eau
-1„1 dies; to his. SW 66
aa an
r bb... No. IrlataiQued laz4:011; „
0. IFIMON,No. 1:V .17 Wooririoat
TS—Young Upson; in catty hcsit.. of 14
mnr• by W. TI.SUTION X0..1.2 Wood it:,
IAISTINTS-20 bxe. 1411 t." Raiebis for:xite;
by W. It 8112 TON, N 0.12, birAftiall at TOM rti
IS tTaakae ( gaa, emel 4 , P ' L e LA :t reee f rfereei -.
- , UF)4n. s 7 ad a.- '23'
QUOAIb-150 ihhtis. N. 0. Sugar in stare
• mita. aata at . • ratuotorntam• -
liospiTAL, SILEETING-2004da— Itt
Mat.. ItqbberShoottng reed and fin • NM 116.
et •t. \ 404 J.* I PH 'ILLIPS.
DRIED. APPLES--30, fists. and 45 imcke
pr debi tut IC. DALZELL &
71/I — GLASSES= • bbls, 'primp N. 0.; salt
/NIL .opeivrair ale Valli) &CO. -
\bnr.'"h tean. root or on e`
.to Josur - 110 VD A OLL'l'.
kJ ERS-8401tmt SWAMI CASSOU • -
- G l o b, dc , Alaisathaa do. lam rat. •
Ratsago, 0.b..2.1 other Lt 14.11.mmi1:14
i n amord....trogatng,p..
,v& ..•
QITOAR-41. 11dg:1i - rime N O Bilgatihitt
17 dir melting from swoostluriam. otx
meat iI4 - 11be &alb km. try . T.l k •
EP9OM-13A1•113, -'4l:l•:.titilfl just; ret?d,siict
ibr ma6 l )l , • . 41112 31 r-srasusa or.-
b!)lB.2datiiine qifor sale .. •
11,./.11).4 B. CIANnT2.I):
HICKORY NUTS— bbls. forsale biro
ADONfbi:llabig -,2SXXXIIIm
Z Bion' , houlders
*OOO OOO Mc E: twetile . i."
Itzsokaapie me glom, ' ' TAITTLx,i 00, .r. • -