, _ :eor-r•---- • EM=MI ESTABLIgiIETI IN .- 1786. PiTTSlitilidfraAiiTTE PIIII/JSMCD_ AII.Y 551D.591011:10LY DT WIT - B'ik - CO: -• DAVID NTH WELVEL) MAXIM lIATOBT. wrus or MIA atszer. rat sms :TO 'MS tag °MCI' "-TERMS: • DAILY-31z dollars per exams. Porshis bolt T. z i r ilttY—Two eldlaripor saw o we. in dlti et. ( *Mks manila! on the Wilowtos ecsditions; C" 419 0 00 0 • 4;`," Tr' s . - -- :13 «3 Th.'flii.*fw mots club e00116;;;;Mone hemp, ..030 lowarietiw in advssme: Jto dubpepan. he swot ertss . the west owles• the mousy is wet fur ,• . . RATES OF ADVERTISING: • • , cre. ft ux.".„ ii) lines of ltenberait of 41100 It. • one insertion.. 060 • Do • De omit additkmarlim - e - ann......, 0 2.5 Do 'two w one w eelm7.— ' 300 Do • three 'weeks 4 00 • 00 Do • three 0 00. . Tour mon 10 00- 1.0 00 kindle* e•lNt r , c il i t r' L le;s - ToWW - 1116) 600 cue deltas for additional line. ' On. equere. changeable St pleaurrs, (per an. • -.. • 110 m;) amehurin, et 23 0') ant fanet additional spears. Inserted 014 T coo roadie, and for each addition* mean harried under the reedy rata, Advertlserniati imeeedinn smears, and not over fifteen hoes, to be thwed as • mums and' a hal f.___•• • - • Peblishors l o t worountalde fix legal 'advertiseinenni • berond the Mount charged kr their . Announcing Candidates for ofla tc, be charged the ism s Ad..,Y other not market - on the cony for • Del number of Ismertbmas, will be continued 6,v1 , 10, und P` ' exacted areardinair. • • The Vtivikei• of annual adverilseals strkily limited to tha!, own lierenthda beldam, and all larOrtlSClllehtS the beneitt of other pasons; 110 well as all rietvertlmemmuts not Immediately connected with their own bainem; ant all eiseerent edvertisemata, In length' or otherwhe, be- Vna the Limns ed. will be charged at the romant a. ' oar all Audi rat advertising, bills will a separately " TlVlrvertls i neenfe i ror T r um bari t tatie tom- Fades. ward, township, • d other nubile umarthem. and all politkal ineationa and wave% to be shamed hares**. Pay. *Me itrictly In advance. • ' • -• Almada notices to be chargrat6o cents. - • Death wakes Inserted Withollt charge, et WI:OMP. by funeral limitations or obituary.notirca, and wino mmtornearsied.to be paid ft. - • • vert Iletulaz adisers, and all others sending commenter., tines, or reoWring notices designed to call attention to rain. Mines, ihmeerta, or an put,Uo.entertahnuent.. erten* ciumma . L . ,, made eritottlana-01l notices of orb • rata &sande veer notice &simnel ,to ail attention k, private enterprises. calculated or interukd to promote Individual interest, an orily be inserted with the under. 'tending that the mum le to be paid Cr,. If Intended to be ineevied in the kcal eolumn. the anut will to th&T000 at the rate of 10 ante per Da. Bishop or air notices to he charged triple Pa., • 'raven, License Petitions Sli each. • . Real Estate Agate and Auctioneers' edvertiametta not. to be clamed under yearly rates, but allowed a dame It of thirtr4aree awl eme-tialol per not tram the . amorist of WM. minx ca.esorarnar ix vane 'soma Cot Rousrathree .... Ina each additional insertion— .. . • . TUNI.T aTt. tier NM... no llonjonaltwartion..--..80 sent.. Do. • each additional Imertion..-,..13 cents. All transient advertbernents to 4e sold in Lissom . ir.7.!‘-T7m7mr.;" • 'COORIXTID Dal, a tae PITTIMOSOII 01.1117; Br N. •LIOLMES• At SONS,' Brokers. No. GT Zarlvf at Adman third and Fourth ,to PidenovA• PENNSYLVANIA. . • :Branch at Xenia •- do Back of Pittsbarnh..--.= at Younpotown- dO Endwise Bonk or d0.......p0r CET Boat. ellminuotl- do Silo. and Ilanuf . . of do- ordol do Sank of Oallnderoll..—.por Franklin Itoak- do Dank of North gaming- • "Danko( Itorth'n Libertine •• Dank of fennor .. lnknk of Penn Townsiti;— • gang of the Malted States tkentnnrelal Bank of kischsaks . Bk..per • Kensington Bank: .-par kt ta= Mesh. gang.-mar i Bouttorsult Tragesmatesgank.—..,-.4.par Wed.= Ronny Bank.— do Notes...-- • 1 I HEW ENGLAND. AU solvent NNW YOUK. • • . New Task rA iat iventt iTrTIVEI •n•o'NIAA. . . nook , of the Ta11er...., 2( !Hank offs.lehmono.... •• i D:.ltank j _. VI.. Norfolk. " •• 1 Tamers' Isk of Thetas. " Iferrhantek3leoh.Tank '" North Waters. Dent..:" Breaohet. avoixii : }Bank ° of hope Year— .2 Batik of St. of N. Cersdia . 2 M.. Bank.Wlholottos. 2 IlercheOte'llk.Ne. m-o. 2 1 Bourn CAROLINA. . Molest St-of ISAlnrollos • 2 Bonk of &nth Cnna,. 2 Bonk of Charlostoh— . . ... Plontors'a Btrehen'i D . 2 . . Bank. of Chamterabm.o.... Bank of Charter Conittf- Bank of Darnrilla.. r .,.- Hank of Dot PO., areeiAn.:. . Rant of Gormantoern-.....p5 - r flank of thrtlystrarak•-- , 3i Hank of Letriatotra.....-..„- Sank of Xiddlletonst...- ..., Montgomery On Dank.......par Flank ofN orthrunteriand- Carlisle Bink..-_ ! ,- ,- % Colombia Ilk a B r a g 6- Doylestown Bank-. ... ;......par Easton 8ank..—.....-.... Fro Farmer.' nit airtickao - -kar Farman? fl a nk of lononster--par Farmers' flank of Reading. Farm. Ilk of Schuylkill Co.. Far. altrogr. Marnerbral e Franklin ilk Washington-tar e..ka= r" tlannty.. ktn Itk Erornawlek,_ Mu 2 - - TENNESSEE. • • Allsolvant • • 2 Ilk or ftr 'n. 1.41.kie Bk Lornit l nbtastan . Northern Bkolltentneky :nthero a r i tae i ntucki of/late of .111:41 . 1rt.... . • ILLEVOS. ' Moore Itatilhoik Chi idi moocairshoto Bonk—, ICromhacßk,Wilkaslarro York HalSoftio mO. Ohlo - State Branch rip Broach at !Abaco-- ---. do /Mach at 8rtap0rt........ do Broach at Broach atelenload-.--. Broach at Tolodo::--- -.. do It ik rra t it Broach et Ooloraboo do Bata& at;aotaahals...... do State Stank aiid itnnshes 50 Bank, of itßa 70 ,WISCONSIN. • Malian D The In. Co. ehks 5 MICHIGAN. .• Fanners' lisehnalest Rank - 3 Ihrterannalt Mock Bank 3 Padorolat. Bank-4-- 3 Insurance C0mp0ry.......: 3 3k of N. - Ameriat Torinkto Mc ate& Poopla Toronto 5 ! Dank - of Montreal...- - BkLot 17. Canada. Toronto 6 EASTERN EXCGE. On Nen York_ _ k..... On PkUadalphla....--par WESTERN EXCIIWG rItHrrNDIRCTECTI:O7.. Doubloons, Spaolsh..-15,00 •do • Patriot. —15.50 Eagla Erederiekod'cos--- 1.30 Len Thalont--..--. Mo 7,80 Nar(R, n = pokaos----- ....... 380 IMfOMi into& at, 11 ,• ••tdartoo.-. do Branch at 1= t1i ... ,. .—. do = at statumviu......— dodo i Mama at Nt comm..* do I Bauch at Naomi.... —.- doll = gajgre......... l i : i Womb at Itt. 21Z;at..... :1 Satacto at Zaaanilia.....- do Womb at Nanfaik....,— Branca at Pipaa....- do .Rramb at rartansath..- dot Blanch at Eat0a.,......... do mane.mane.at Ilava .. ntka-t-- do n" . ..4. .4' eMgrgs --, do Bran& It Bras& at W004cr... do :PRICES OF STOCKS. aspoßno JOE Rai PISTREUROLt ORRERY& RY A. WILKINS'•& CO. STOCK. AND EXCHANGE , BROKERS, cost - frOUR TR srimar. Ilttantiait. May R IBM; antra Pits ff..:::...: 71 ' lie. fes=..i. AlierikCia. Fi - .....-.....1. - .... m - tomp..fts scrip 11 Plectorgti city ir5....-_,I , Do. • coop. Z tfo. X. Y. I , AliViaooc stun n. lt i/elika.. t Hook of Itttabursk.._ tamettantif A Maser Dane Eadramielerid----...= Ailogeor Barbie cams Pitts.Tenst 00...---- Citimme DepaitHwak-- . Moomp= tridso--- Bt. e e ri -- t. Deism. ud NM tter Bt. . 1 1 .1=r_ --....—. Witilormstert. • . DrIMILIRCIL Man Life -InsiMii . :et... Wortsetliumsrano•Co.:-- Mame Inemsnor Co..- Associated Firearm's CM.- Pittsborgb to FOIL:-.-- . pteut=t, a LoWsel. ups Magiletfo-...- - walior k tujtw . tt!mr Ow iForks.:.... 60 r it i r t dackweel WI 4 61 2 Yee y Backwater W. .10 reins. tralltalboad-. - IX, -ST ohlo A tams. Raved- l iens a w.nerkr 11: E. 1- , Miens Rather, Dry•Doek 11 Wanda itsomotOo-..... ' Brat:Wed awee(mlo-,i. 11 • • Do. • • d0..(r.. 1! AV: Des4wes Plant wri l ci reemanry,T animas M... !Metes. Cau Co—... , MaraWAlL - • restr i rmstra: ii'44"=-4 ?arab Vistas ""-". Evraka 4MttabaraiiiA66ii;,7d- - . Advents,* DauClral " "- ohlo Trap mr. :7:77 • Farad • Kraals.— -"" -=- 1,1LC11 .-- klt 0 ItAS FitiiiiiiNTl - ti cTui it - iif _ A. WILKINS &al ~ . _ ..• Meted Stores nook thedgrop, ire- t r l Pomp erstee PrITSBURtrif, PA. . • EVREIGN. and Domestic Exchange, .Coin, ip • ERA Norge sad land Warrautt and at& . . Orgiorthos made throughout the Won. Itl.kdreirdlerounted and loom negot i a t e d.- ".' and sold on Commkgon. pm, mien depia, and Interest snowed when Irdt • GEORGE E. ARNOLD. 31 CO. itcamat. 0011.IIANK N0T1414,4,4:. Ne. T 4 /ma Ong, e aw asTe 441.44 4; f f oe dk r itll'inrawdoes mattllberal rates-A1 PORTABLE' THRASHING - MACHINES AN SEPARATORS. WARRANTED 'to be_ thOroughly V sad Warn war teak eral weld la ir.CMlltine meltai , lll . lll. b= t ait=tgai Mar t m eja I=llt P tirit t Or P tlZ VA% Lt 6 . Mob*" fester; natant letter wort a . = tv,on of then erl ,.. non Win 1. the Western And ne wear nat of nonntelos. nano( them Wn fan SO O° nnis es/1 1 W, on e t /a, %her ban teen Inaormened who are then h. fa I. saleve, sod to Irk e sa my In • The SOPUSter R az .Pateni, . 04 lietteend to the Thresher. end an r separates the Wen and-theff (KM tis gramma Oren arson salisfert/no whenerer 4;0 i6Ollll . . SCOTT. Deitist; Fourth sized, . fins doors wet or om„,, WC A. Vi • D, DENTIST, Tenn street, . s s ocs . sbm !um: , boaralsk 6a. iO4 ram IL Ukaik rr.x j.... codosill. sZatiAt i r i Zessei 4 "'"*. . . . T . . • . . ~ -. :: ...., - . BUMNESS CARDS. - ATTORNEYS. I • S. MORRISON, Attorney and Counsel ." •_lor M Ofllm ilmoved to Na M Grant stmt. mar !myth. Pittsburgh. Ps. - W. HALL, - Attorney at Law; "Bake • roll's Buildings," Gnat steset, betaresta /twat sad •• • • • • sTAlirler ! OBERT E. PHILLIPS, Attorney atLav — rl Bt. Laois, Ste. 67 11[011ERT POLLOCK, Attorney at Lan-- Coma MFilth and Grant. street . N op pnits Cony t once stirs. rltUbuntb. , , =04163. - Tates KUHN: Attorney at Law, office Cr Fourth street. near Grant. Pittsburgb. salbdir 10KANCISC.FLANEGIN, Attoriney atLaw, 14:o, 110 Fourth stmt. Pittabsirsh. TASPER 'E: BRADY, 'Attorney Law, !JP 'No. "UM street:Pittsburgh: BANKERS AND BROKERS. PIERNAN & CO.,' Bankers and; Exchange k Broen. lin. 94 Wood steet, comer of Diamond Allen burgh, Ps. • . RrirEner and aell Dank Notes and - Coin. Plenonnt Time ...et...RN and Ptomiseogy Pram mak. Collortrona In all Ude principal aill'over heard' from other than'asn'reekperhaps President... not even . thati . " a'itt.".so l `l.o l St;:edfrg" l tretrentFicadiacuannB; 2 °-bliteur;:cit.,' teo, 40 Country emu oft:wheat kind In the of tthtott eta &flatbed on ;ior tolntod 'Mtn vele plowed to ttlso to onion,, ottrtri..it=d igloo a.' orbsta him tp oolD, Call ' 1 . 1;y1t . & " Tlittft. WOODS. Co n Broker, 25.4tttit....;_ VOFFEE-90 issitoka Rid \ Cotiaajust reo'd and j ibr de by ug'lo ' BATUMI= 1 00. E MERSON od 'S g. VENTILATORS; •'for *eti 11= l i = " ' t e ar!! -rt. ari d„' mi. TITBS--A fe • • p - ARNOLD A WILL AM- 25 t it. , ELA. I GAN* AUL; \9l Migket. ~ are nor twetvilig Eno ueortia r. Fr \ \ tem Collarr, ' 8 and Wag YUBE BRANDY-2 casks Of puroluatuDi- . terat4Brandy, medidadparpece . P, reed by m7lO JOS. /LEWIN% are. Ma= & &Wk.& VONGRESS WATER--I have s w.ur• '" 11EDFORD. , .WATER-5 - bble.,*4•lo half 1 bids. or this celebrated Water reetl ngs by .7093 , 181106;oor.Dtamand 51bacts4:-. „ MERCHANT ,TAILORING • atter , Qd, : to woatiti.' -w. fftudY ABBITS SOAP POWDER-100 /be: rdel NAT: 308.1LEMIDIa. mr. Died ind Marked it; V.: SaLE arat "T:US-413 bbl3' for rig? 101WEARLA'8,11-20 bbls.for,sale : .p J.; J. B. FIEDD lIRESE--100 boxes for Bale by QUAY-1.00 bxe. Cincinnati Palm Soap jtnit vv toed and be sale by - RnaxeArhlat co. - HIDES--23 just tea'd and for sale by • - S. LIARDAL'OU .1 W. 47UNDRIES-760.6mo..Refuxed Mould eau -1„1 dies; to his. SW 66 aa an r bb... No. IrlataiQued laz4:011; „ 0. IFIMON,No. 1:V .17 Wooririoat TS—Young Upson; in catty hcsit.. of 14 mnr• by W. TI.SUTION X0..1.2 Wood it:, IAISTINTS-20 bxe. 1411 t." Raiebis for:xite; by W. It 8112 TON, N 0.12, birAftiall at TOM rti A lIEAD. OF ALL COTEMPORARIES- - : IS tTaakae ( gaa, emel 4 , P ' L e LA :t reee f rfereei -. - , UF)4n. s 7 ad a.- '23' QUOAIb-150 ihhtis. N. 0. Sugar in stare • mita. aata at . • ratuotorntam• - liospiTAL, SILEETING-2004da— Itt Mat.. ItqbberShoottng reed and fin • NM 116. et •t. \ 404 J.* I PH 'ILLIPS. DRIED. APPLES--30, fists. and 45 imcke pr debi tut IC. DALZELL & 71/I — GLASSES= • bbls, 'primp N. 0.; salt /NIL .opeivrair ale Valli) &CO. - F IBII by. \bnr.'"h tean. root or on e` .to Josur - 110 VD A OLL'l'. `SEEDS gait DAIRYISIEN &STOCK FEED - kJ ERS-8401tmt SWAMI CASSOU • - - G l o b, dc , Alaisathaa do. liandelir.rent lam rat. • Ratsago, 0.b..2.1 other Lt 14.11.mmi1:14 planyt;., i n amord....trogatng,p.. ,v& ..• QITOAR-41. 11dg:1i - rime N O Bilgatihitt 17 dir melting from swoostluriam. otx meat iI4 - 11be &alb km. try . T.l k • EP9OM-13A1•113, -'4l:l•:.titilfl just; ret?d,siict ibr ma6 l )l , • . 41112 31 r-srasusa or.- b!)lB.2datiiine qifor sale .. • 11,./.11).4 B. CIANnT2.I): HICKORY NUTS— bbls. forsale biro !, ADONfbi:llabig -,2SXXXIIIm Z Bion' , houlders ~ ndtt *OOO OOO Mc E: twetile . i." Itzsokaapie me glom, ' ' TAITTLx,i 00, .r. • - , O. DRIED BEEVA ..i.ntagoertnrs.c.D4oll«.4. .' 4*, 461r.t4.451.t;