The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 20, 1854, Image 1

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    Z 4
_ -..:i= .
•• • WHITE, &1210..-
VIRCI'ar till snar; noos An sax ton caws
doqualfer eauetri.'Pereble Mar 7 44
lo advs.*.
WLEK LY—Twodenersierjusa ' u re. Itt ea, ee..
*aria euree]ed oa the Olken.' eaueltierui, - • -
- - g OO
26 OD
. 1 . 41 * - 1. sad Invariably advance. 119006
be suet atter the year expl4s, imbue the money tomcat lbir
a renewal.
1 7 1
Von pcsuno, (10 Hum of NonParail Ml*l
, Do each mital 75
one week . d1U0r ...,---•••••"* 3 00 -•
Ib thews weeks; 0 00
• two
Do ' three montlie-----•••-.7--
per anaump 010
on e 41; e additional ihn. •
squanpoth.,oo4°_, I - • •
FMnom) esolosim us Paper: . ... 26 Oo`.
esch addltlotml square. Impaled over ooii. month. and
format Milltteml mama loser tinder the yearly Wes,
halt .
.airertiernseate exteedhig a swims. mut not OVET figt6l , ll
tfeee, to Le charged al aagleam and a WC
, I%d:haw. 005 mountable • for legal • advertisenemta
homed the mnt charend for their nottleation. •...
• • aninanclog caraildstes Sir oMee to be ebn,god the moil
as ether advertlecatents.
Advertisements not marked on the may for a
somber of leisertkeut, will Le 'continued till forart l ll i t
an= 4. : teere te ettietle
their Own Immediate bosh, s ,
and all advertisements an
leasellt of bane person: or the all te
not immediately iiromeeted with their enth bb=ad
.11 el m's of advertlanmenta ti in length zigthiretrim, twe
bills will L ' e 1.• tel;
immense. ond prompt payment le donned. • •
All admrtisententa tor chariteLle . 1%411-
, r_ard,Linnudtigh and other nubile meet' me. and MI
. ~Mass sod - notinea. to Le chimed tudflnim,
s Strictly In nehnnee.. . • • : .
able lllarriage notion to le charged 50 rents. '
Death notion. Inserted without charm. Milan mcomm
' tiled - by' funeral Invitations or obituary notion; and =when
so benald Arr. • •
„tlaillidar advertisers, and, all others einidlng emuseinina ,
~ ropulripsi oaken designed to alleollon to.
Yerrarnestreet• Cements, or my Dublin entertalinnehts.
Ohms thyme are texas for admittance—Ml notion td !pri
vate amodations—every notice designed to tall atteetien
thielMMesoterortseet mandated or .itit..mudi tes Tremolo
Inolvidna Internal, Iwo only to Inserted with the under-
Mandlnt that the ram Lto be saki Om. If Intended to . •
he In thelocel colsonn, the same will be climatal
• at the rate of 10 mute yaw line.
-11 1Msopordlir natl..s to hethanted triple • •
Tanen Lkense Pethions *2 each.
--Totaledseeed tnestril -LA nitseto l nd dcogt of
Ildrt,w4lnee noel emthlssAper emir from the a mount' f
--Irmorta , asi heist tit, Cr mar. ?Ansi- .
Oua BClMark, three tneettlOns... 60
. " , Do. MehaddlUental trutertlon.... —• 37 .
sqL mmis to rtrrarrsl: l lClZZlLT Para
..iD: u r7eoch = .. midl ...-3,5 cents.
AU transient Mvertleements to =ln advance.--
. . ,
1 . : • : 1 , , ILAtTEfk OirMIBCOITIIT. ,
' • :colisi6,o atarria to means= Inn; of
N. _IIOLMES.,L SONS, Brukers.
/Va. CT Afoirf d. bade* Third and Pinola sir. PiLtsterroh•
• PENNATLTANIA., - .'ltrealch at Nen1a........ do
, Bank 01 lYttabonch,par Brunk at
• Tonnecriden..- do
. - - Xechunce Bank of d0.....par city ua• - .C10010n5t1.... do
Ater. and Maur, of do..par Unnomerdal DkANoritil- do
Bank of Counerce,....par Franklin 1ank....: -.... do
Bank or North America-4er La...tette Bank do
Bank of North'n Llberiloapar ohlo LIG Inr.A.Tnaet Co.. do
Bank or Ponuarciranle.... %Vattern luderre Bank- ab
. lark gr b ,..1 1 ...T.,,,,adp...p a e
, I 3 = .r
ii tnlllon -
. - Ahouraraal.Earak o -.Par ..... NOV. ENGLAND.
' 'llaserelte, • Alkledivent Bonito,- -.. ,X•
: 4 IllankWak,-,,.......f—par B ar Yost ' EW TORS.
' II eneinktort Raft, ...-. 4.... Par , 9ltri..--'-nir
Idannfon. Sifted Bank.3;ar Llanntrt:_.„l,, ,--.
Mechanic& Bank... .........par
_. nal.lrlia
1r...:-..par 8a1thn0re.......--.......p ar
licnkeitaliV a lL ......,
c0..... _,
Eknahvairk P - 8ank.......: -Zan. N. , l l Ei r i Trt:Rit
Vlimanareollant..........par Allochent Bank .L_.. X
• Warn
•• . tank of Chambere_bunch.. Bank of the Valley- X
Butt altbestar County- Bank of Va.,Richroond... o
Ralkof Goorin•-__ ... • ' ' R.' al.k. Pa.. Norfolk
. Baak - cdDeLtla., veaster... artr u 14 1 12 6 Ilk of Vlreola ,
.• .Bank ofilavnantrorn..,... _
__ llnt , , lea IlerhAlank o
rint.:,...:: •
If rt. . th rfn Bank... :
L , it..k.5 1 ad0mm,._..,..... . LL % L . ' NORTH- diiiiiiiiil. -
111.4gard0...L.....par Walt - of Ow Fear..., 2
•,, /Ate.. innwiand,,,par Bunk .41 , 31 , ...4.=: . 2
Mhabla Ilk rirAG - 0 .. Z. endoentak,Nerboro. 2
' 11.4 . 1 l'l' 3l /-O;a-ar kkonheStaf.S.Candloo .- 2
, ;Rae 8art........;..... . .._ .
_. X Bank of South Cardin. 2
. =llkof - Bockgca-par Book of Charivoton 2
Ilk of Landada- • Ph:nate/I Siechan'a' Ilk 3
• ' Patutelif Bank of Reading. . _ 'GEORGIA.;
. rasa Bk of&huylkill (hapar Augusta Ins. A Beg Co
. la. t Donn Warnaborg. Bank of Auxuas.--.. -2
tranklia WC Weakboatca.. Ilk of itrouvrie w Ania. 2
flor iu =ikak.. ' ....:4..... Z ' Aninlvent N anka.. ' 2 .
LGnonne i. nIIIoMtuIckIICRI.
L e banon ilpar Bk ofKpaou reo
Bauk... m par Ilk of Loubm'e.Thurstn ^-
' Moamar en:tarp. I. ,
_Northern Bkorlientucky o
Mono b00k.:.......,-por Soca/mon of/Contort,' o • •
Wan • Balk..___.- • . ' bILSSOCRI. _ ,
Wyoming Ilk.Wllkaabarro 4 BkrdState of kllasOuri- X
York - 8ank.....i.......-...... •' ' : /LLINO_ _ IS.
• - • . Belief Notre. • ' Stare Bankend Bamboo 50
-..p -- .,
reatat• k.-...»...... ' .. WISIXINIGN.. • •
4 4 (.4
at kr0...-.... ne & Fire In. Om dike 5
Ranch *t Vien5......... -•, .. fICIIIGAN.
, !-,/,=
L A.. Ca/L .... Wt.:- I:Farman Mechanic. Bank
3 - leradh ra - Cleralend.:..: 'do renbanbrlt=2 " !..' :3
. i Ilreach at -Toledo..-.... ,do Imotroaro Compaar..-.' .3
imitator* ea1kat0n...........1 tato Bauk..--.. '. 3
Pelaware. ',do • -••- _ILNAIII7 . 7 ,_...
lrGnlondeor,.7., . ani. Ainatheiyoroakt I.
' Wan& at' Aatterula.... do Bk of the Propta,aaronto
-, &sorb at 501ern....--- do kof blontreaL.--.'-
Brae% Id Xdbakdd. - ..... do kof IT. Canada. Toronto , b
' IWarnit At Riper......._ ~.-... ao r,AsTKRN EXCHANGE.
' Broach at Olard_ do - do On' New York._ -.. '-'.....par
.... Brahah at -Waantaeuen..... On Phliadelphlon...--.par
Ranch st Cadia......... do 8a1th00re....1.1.-_,--por
li=at .Lanantar-,...- do WEJITYRN =GUANO E.
at Steubenville... do C10ri0na11.............- . I
- Branch at Xl.:Vernoni , ...;.' do Loohatlle...-..... ....... - -
111= Bmth 4 NMI*-- -. d°llk- b""•-• ... idiffli.ux.
I..e.Nc_mptiat.7.7,.: do OD A-114P
__ ,
3 ' n't."77 ro r" Vr. ',. ‘14tri W T.......7.1M "
Branch at Tra - _,........4.. . .
Branch at AIL nutmeat « do Eagle. 0id.........-.....10.00
t e n sj2 tialainallle--:• it
i =e k t i ......4........1 , 20
Branch al / 1 14_ -cut..: ',.....' do.Teo Thalcrar.,.7.7.--- 7,80
Branch 3 y.rkap. - tb... , ..- , , re d. r .... ............. 5,00
Branch - Oa
Branch at. Ruan,..____tra , ... ,,, .. Fral. ~ ..- 2.96
Dm.* 11/ vurooolna..... do Napoleons..-----.. 3.a3
Branch at kisieilkne.....,.. lilirocato...- --.. 2,1.5
Branch at W0n0ter...... do I. • . • :. .-
I.l6al6 , "lVAt.:lll , l2l,2 l 6lLVirdali
xo.n POUR TM srasszt
tfultsd &Atm
I"7l gr is
coup. Vs riP
Aill 2.".-7.
IPittrtui 45:hmapCa.4
t n r 44l .....
I* l
War •
Buit of ritts=..
ll.arehaate Nano( But
Sarhoo 1164
qttame IMpodt Haat
al=thela - mar
CU ad SI. Melds* --- •
Walbum. Llbrriles.-.
Pttiablvl4ll. Imm. r .oe,.
Waetars ItgrarsarsCo
0111.seae _
lemmata Co.
Lux. spas, sucaripi, —
t " a tisrfroike •
r ,
}fit' • .
(.1..,..b.4i1.1611,:n. •
Italtiardry Dock I
rt=tdds CtrdiTZ
Do. r B .
Cseek .MOL .Itaed
AD.. a Parrild , • Moak
OCliartimr s neasbolu
yon CI
- - Aanitetre
' P
, -1114/21LIBTUR AND SAWN(
r7PbEIrON 4ad 'DoinestlvE
~s a ttAvvi Land Warrialf,l
— '"l7l, ll .rix2
' 44 ".. 40 94 1 . sod
• i f ( R:kE & CO.
Drumm. -1 ..; ;:# 4447cR I. -
r. 74 J....a 1.. CO JUNK NOM ie.
'etis tbitalTraimeetum s . "'""i=46
' lITARRANTED to bo thomied 3r b u nt;
I ry ..,11,,,,,rittoak n0g...40014 by oAR.RoL.
ftr=l,lll6" 4 b.garK• Mtg.
Cors n= remand from t. that tlt ,, tA_. oat
od oconoottoot lo bank w
M or mater T l b% t i tt rt a ort fa i t a; tt bett ".. "IL
simony F,Ant et tho Moo trut h' lh.:
V „ . oon Ito 6 ta •
tttal. T they no. Men ant Df to "4 '6..
be si molds, and to vtak as ma oar to
fort ittod'a Paint. soil is attasbott to ttio
iTh= rums+. ot4 tta .r =r4t
SCOTT petal/It, Fourth otroot..4eo
• Oa" test of 'lrafkat.' 'Ofiko ho
4f:ar. to 6 r.z.
..; AU took. worniefed:' ; '
TT :
noon above Hand. Moe bays anal IS
v.. a. Oa Patardaya m II; be neelved or attended to
rae ut t=l= s ankoa . nada' *Oda Via.r.
~r~ ~.
Y';.: 1 ; :: 4 4 . - 7 ;1, it F . ..5,,i,
~c,..f -,) ' - ' 7.-- . 7-,-.'-......-:„.: '.. , ... ~ • .... , -- . •.:
. , ...
• = .
.... ..
~. , 4; - • :-% . ;
T •S. MORRISON, Attorney an d c ouhad „
Ter: • ktr WU Ofd remand to .1T0..44 4hant stArt;
war /auras. puturatrim.Ps.,
L W.. HALL, Attomey" , .
makUogs,..Orsat latlinJea ' Fourth tad
•• , sa.V.ITT
" Corner of nth and Grant streets. arranna theConrt
m Napa
.Plttabargh. tarrt-r43
AhiCßAlG L Attorney at. Law .New Castle,
Ailvisiaaa Vihanti. Pommy
to Elm. Walter Crala.Chaa Crook: .1. Nth Pp :
Ir M. tair bo tiMyolat7 Nab= IL Chlldni.tasz,
: TAMES J. KUHN, Attorney at La.w. office
Fourth street, seer Grant, Pittsburgh. 3•154/7
P: SPALDING, Attorney and Contuse
lot at
L. Clovoland,Ohlo.
tawance•-41. Lana* NMI... Stanton.
2t0.)70 Yoarth street, Plttabargh.
'ASPER.E. BRADY, Attorney at ,Law,
eir. Zia. 89 fifth stroCt,Pittaburgt,
tia 11:71F.t1 ti trl] NI 0 ti4l
itXIEBNANA CO, Bankers and Exchange
Broken, !co. W Wool street, corner of M.:lmA
burgh, J.
airgur and sell Bank Notre and Coin. Disoonnt Time
Lthhatme, an. PP: mammon. Notes; make Collections to ell
the principal cities of the Union; finxive Deposits on rail
and mintage/It, aug glee their prompt attentkat ball oth.
ore attare appertain Mgto a Ihnketo Modern.
llLS.Cesthru liarbangc ainetantly for tale.
.1LliElli7C.:71:701111,1111 einem:: stunts.
RAAIER & KAUAI, Bankera and Ex- .
In.bangs Brokers. Buy sod sell Gold and Ellrer sad
an Notes, negollste loans on Real Y.state or Stork Emu-
: 411 ..y.0n10te. BBnoltrorT
a ndNot...o The lIIIIs cm East 1
Zlld tlre. Buy and sell Btianks andsnlon Collet.
firms nude on all points 'ln the Union. Mee earner or!
Third and Wood streets, dlroetly ospradte the Bt. Marled.
Hotel. , • •
..., 10, Coin, Stock antl. Exchange
t, Broken. IjoiirtE — itroet—Buyaunst Naas Stocks an
....ommßakng .Ezehaoge on • rat/tern eltios aupplie.l Sunnot ratedg Bulloatioua utule ongha West at low rates Wee
arm Moak Kam Bought and sold.' •
•rALMER, HANNA •& Co., Succeemors to
• Hugger, Hanna t lianteralOrchangs Brutersand
niers In' 'foreign •and Domestic Exchange, Qui.Mute. of
Dmandt, Flank No and
NS of Wooa
Third streets. Cur tes, rent one) , preie
reccir .lV corner eql on Dergsit. S ig ht
Clieeltslbreals, and nolleeikommade cornearir all mind.
MatpoinUlet.the United Staten..
- Ihe highest United
.pata gm Foreign and American
A e
mut, can
Illegal terms •
n ,
ehllago Brokers. worth Em corner or Mod and
Third stmt..; Pittabserbia.
.U 1 transactions made on liberal Lerma, end collections
Pmmrtly. atteud..l to. -
• • *9-17
WILKINS & CO., Exchange Brokers,
• $O. Ts Valuta street, oppodte the Dank o! Pitts•
j oa~th T . All beam:Was at meet liberal mks. ITIO
i LA-RrmErt, Jr., Banker. and Bro.
v r. etrca:t.. No. GO, adjolahliott the Ark of
N 110LMES k SON, Dealers in Fore — icn
au4 N a to a n
MIL of I..elsan St a rea of fir
posit... Bank Nato and Specie, U 9 ket street Pitt..
numb. dra - Coileetions wade on all the principal tithe
throurrbont the United State.
• . WE. H. SUWON. •
Mamie Gtrorer, Importer. and Dealer rn
1 1 0.4 REIGN.WINES, Brandies and-Old 3 . 1(r.
WM.. A. IbIeCLUDG, Dealer in Fine. Teas,
V Club* Family Groceries, Wooden.and WillarrWara.
earner of Wood and Sixth fitreele. nowneelring lart-a.
asurtment of Flab Geode. in addition to bin already ex
tendea stack, porehased-tram first bands to the Eastern
markets. Whirl will is void at the lowest market mires.
AM - Hotels, Steamboat, and ' , unlike, buying by the .
dy, ausulied at wholesale rates.
olgidelirared intim Intl* fnu of uharita +OF
A.:&. A. 111'13ANE,•Conuniasion
.add For
a...Ali:: Ambutz t t Laurae l a W lo 114. Semnd
covet, Attsbarith. . _ smily'33
_T S. LEEC'II, MeALPIN .t CO., ;Whole
," Pale a • . andDraleds . ll • ••• Metals and
Pitt* tt.
O Gear.
B. M1LT0N ..11103111.11 IrltDrlttei.
L LBERT F . RED . KRICIC WholeitaleGm• F, Prod oen Deskrs. Forwarilim Comminiaa
bailie, Ward street, Illtsbarib. •
SirllbeTsl cub A4Arasass onAmdramettla All good.
Et;ROBISON 34: CO., Wholesale Grocers.
tztrso.-Dsars., sx:Veardmion itmshast,igs.
1111111111.111i1AVOU-....-..,........—.:-....A1.1rCUM. nuns
A. CO., (Succes
'mai to 13.11arbaneb.) Cornroireinn and Yornarrling
ilealere In •Wenl anti generally, Noe.
lib First snail° Bee streetn„ Pittsburgh. Pa.
AEA, Flour Factors. • Commission
4.,,,49lFl=rdeglezehloir r4l Dealers In Prodr
attendelia. Nos. 71-Wster and.9o Front 919., Ptilsbu tnm rgter.
7V 7 ;KENDRICK , Formading and Corn
- =Luton )4ereimiltralm,Agetit lbe 31anuftetiarers.
urbanise, No.= Wood street, Pillsbury:h.
Partkuts; , attentims rahl to Forwarding Merchandise,
and consignments for Ws. eouneetiou, or prefereues
for Bests of urr
Orders promptly attended to. Instructions sill, In all
mow. Le implheitly obeyed.
• mom badness Is respectfully solirlied; and I !k's" my
.elf to um army matkot in your behalf
lER /c.JONES,Foricarding and C"rnmis
don Merehanta Dealers in Produce nod Pittsburgh
anufactured Basin, near &moth stmet,
Pittsburgh. - •
pIA. .. ••- .. ..... P. POUR
ARDY: g`E to
ATWOOD, /OM k CO.. Comm Woo mut Throw&
tut en:haute, Dealers ID Pittsburgh DlsaufsetundOutxts.
,MATILEWS & CO., Wholesale G.
tik, aeaademoa and Forwarding MOrebantaand,
.Bunnkw Prig hton coma Tarn.E.T Water gt 4 Pitiaburch.
A fER9ill - &
t A L, N p T hi EL?. G .L. entralC'e m inm is
ofrolligulboAlta riudoc• immorally. jal7:y
on. nag%
I,II9OII.N:ViPA. Wiior..lelale7G;ocers,
•rt rgh Manufacture*, 356 Liberty n ot, PitesTurgi l
A - . 11 , CANFIELD, late of Warren, Ohio,
.oortinderon 'and Porwardln 'A i rritartt, and Mad,
• Divan-1w Wewircri Mame Batton Pot and
.Prati Ash; and Weatern Prodano 3, Water Arcot.
I.tween smith .Id cad 'Fro& Pi burgh.
Int. J lreb a Aug.
Int. Feb. Aug
Int. Mdo aya NOT
lot-May allor
eomml urns.
Abate of firm Kulaloop.l.lttl•
T LUTLE do CO., IllliolesAle Grocers,
44.-Nov. do <Vet
INILLNS,FOrusrirg aridOquimissiosi biesubautund
Hosier Chem, Butter, lako Koh sad Produce gosondir.
25 Wood Wrest, alms Water, Pittsburgh ' mTSI
Div. Mat
Div. Jut II et
Div. - pa
Div- • =pr.'
, We (homes sad Oesxmludon Merebants, and Dealers
to Pittiburgb Menathetetres, Nam Rater street, lilt►
Dir. SD pee
Di.. Nov. 'Xi
TACOB FtiRSYTII, Jr., Forwarding and
• Cbanalmam Marebant.No. 68 water street. littalmigh.
lOMAS PALMER, Drnorter and Dealer
In Trench and' American Nita P. N.. L 5 Ifarket
street between Third and Fourth Mrcet, littabursta
Dk.(tr et.
jVT McCILINTOCK, Importer and Whole
ado and Retail Dealer fix Cart.etput, rk,r oa
Ck , tha, Mistily& Table acid V.. Cover., II 'Wow Eltada
Steam. Mac TrWmlngs,lln.ll2 Market street.
Dl.Tota. 4 1P
New Bto Y.
ORRIS t PATTON, Wholesale aid Ha
ta Groom, on the Eastern aide 01 . We MUMMA,
traR,T AIOOIIE, Wholesale Omer, Ike-
Wring DiNtlller Dealer lo Trod one, Pit.t.bith Man
ttquiiZlOll6ll irth j eie r itZer 11 " . r •:414 "
stock of amid old MaLnigahel• Whisker. wbk.b. Le
fEx. Div.
Nevi MM.
L . 0 &
,- ..GRAFF , 00.; Grocers and Cali:.
• nitedon Verdian* µ n. Dealer/ Wan 'kind, or
Nye tta
B Ps.-
borg UZlO64ltred article., corner of Seeond and
h. • • favir
• couva . Jam
ELBLACKBillil4 7 Eal . ., 7 WhOier4a!Ct Gro
hiralskundcl Dentin Jrs Peodiles sad
gh Nanufactorm Pitch sad Damn • alwaye a& theitWasebows.l Waktr Writ, Pitts burgh.
t PULP ' h. ".
tar lea= . ..JAM 101111....:........RUM C. not
" GILLS & ROE; iTholesale Grocers and
extabelouVercianto, tfa7l:4 Liberty ttrenet Pltt.
o. not,
.11 lbw& sired.
Exchange,. Eoin,
.b:nticht mad odd. • '
newoUsted. • •
AWN,: BAGALEY• & Wholesale Gra.
'0.14 Noe. 18 and 03 Wood strrel, rittabar
NIT-ILLIAMyA. -M'CLURG,• Grocer arid
• IP' V Ws NNW: earner of Wcnd'-ind elxibertnneta,
slwarr on hatki bayte iimportannnt. ot ebbing Gromies and
na•mt—roeitor Troll. and Nuts. Allnolenak and RetnlL
surnlnno the knntel. tegron. . •
1)OBEIP". DALZELL .1.. CO. 1911°1081de
• amerce. Onwnsfetslon "If erdesnln. !N airn In Produce
- Itanollietuns. • No. 243.1.1barty street,'
alberid she left
WICK ciroCANDLESB, nocconois to
L. Javvria. whoa.* amain. Forwarding and
Comminden Merchant; Antlers In Iron, Mali; tht.
l'ults,sadJUtilevith Alannlheturns gentlrall); corner al
,nrullMlMetaelott;rglabarnk..' ,
A; JSERTSON, - Wlioloaalo Droc' or and
' Ocon 4 7 i genslir In Produne and Men.
Jim .195 Libietratrent. Pltts
&:}l. FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, Com
. solnl4on'Netehasts, and Nolen la Produce—Round
4 "b BOtlintrontloccp lAbatr, wood. sad Ellstb
_mil's: . mu',
?r, -
Joffi,„WlD &
AiLtrf; WOOM g gfregg, ole
Jill as. anon. ria 221
. - 14 7 043 '1 Di ,t 0.75 01
'tEE. ineee - Into' . r
to . NURPI : I 4 I4ci LEE,
op l ii =Deslir . wid-a dinatm 8 /73,, b .
. 2% *VW
°BERT R. PHILLIPS, Attorney at Law,
- Bt. lAmlo, R .
apt, r..,
BAGALti, •
it.CA.II.D.-411tring.been appointed the ex
• elusive Agoata
_Plttanm.h. CWe the c ofPatent
rind Ormanted and Btratthad Wear Wang. mon
! ntnetnrod by P.J2WSLL ON , of f Connestknt,
I We now ofkr for . rolLa largo itosborlart of all widths.
me, bee offered
Mrns arcp;'rfc;s to any Lathar Belttng gr.belbro o f
L "' "MIA.
• se trs mt.( all width. of India
Robber Belting Constantly on band, and for sale at the
•"iinnblno BrUinrpolot." - No. 118 Market stmt.
• on= J. 2 n.PUILLIPII
AUSTEN LOOMIS, Real &tate' A g ent,
Mock. Iterchandiali and DIU Wok., alike No. 92
to ourth Anat. shove Woad. Buninau snotoptly . sttomded
AMUEL L. MARSTIELL, Secretary Citi
saes Inntraase Coalman 91 Water ,
Air P. JONES, Agent of. the Insurance
♦ • • Co. of North America. 141 anal street.
FM. GORDON, Secretary Western Inso
• news Co, 02 Mater street
GARMNERCOEFIN, AgentforFranklin
I =7. cougnapr ! ocolbeast corner of Weed
113 A. BIADEIRA,Ageat for Delaware Mu
-A. • teal Insurance Company . . 42 Water street.
01,01411 FL TAILOR
..JlNlill 1. apnea
lull to Taylor d Idlorne,) Genets' OkomiLialiiik And For hlstebants, and Agouti to. .astern Tramports
tlon Lines, {Mangle Dealers to Staplntirormi%;heet-
Inge, Caton, cotton Yarns, Matting, Twins, Mani All.
• Snarl and Rental,- Hemp Wane% tbda Ash, W
Glass, thr,llar and 11 - 111 to Let Naval fiton., and Mein,
natl• and Pittsburgh Mame ored Goods it rally.—
Agent, Sz the 'Tenn/1111r and "Banner min. gsmtbs.4,
/4itasoz4b.• No. 4s , Front street, (opposite Louinille; -
•Pltaborgh and St. Lads racket Undlug ) taw:inn:nth
is A;
.. . ... Ir. lraunartno.
T. -A. IIUTCHISON & CO., Commission
op 4 , ll:rehants and Affeatotbr the.St.Loul.Animr Rain
.olszate, Plg and Bar Lead, Item
11 C. STOCKTON, lateJohnston4 Stock :
illil?st,:i6ltt i fg.:l7.Ritt,"4l' d B'"'
L. READ, Bookseller and Stationer, No.
se, • 78
, Fourth street, Apollo
4T- - - IL N VI: CD IN , Wholesale and Retail
• hn u
dir In Blank ol &hoot Coolie; NM' und Mu
t nem No.
43 WotWl4treet, (between Tiara and Fourth)
Flttaburgh. • i '.. maro)
4.-- ---• ' •
if OUN.S. DAVISON, Bookseller arci Sta
-41 Uonetorturemur, to Davhon itt dictum No, f alurket
Meet, near Fourth, Fitts4uruh.lll. .
i H i ENIiY
aBOSIVORTII„Bookeellor and
Dealer In Mailmen, &et, No. e: l, street, no
1 annul, Pittsburgh, Pa. •
ot CO., Bookselleft and Stationers,
N0..55 . .,yr0,5 a. n ltni z. n.e,,_t w dpor . t o the reamer of Third,
besksamstautlyou . hand.
AIL ENGLISH & iiaoksellers, Na.
y ? 1 ,:;',.1..F. Witet:Ltreet. bettireetPourth and Dimmuti
11 . 01 - iN MELL4R, Dealer in Piano Fortes,
Music and Musical Instruments. Sehont• Durk., and
Wktioner,) , Sole %mut tbs Cblekoritlry's Elmo Parley for
Western Pennsylrards.—N. Si Wood strort.
HENRY K LEBER, Dealer in Music, Mu
sks' indram.oh., and Importer of Itaaan Strings.
A Taarjgd:=.llld.m.asir:l=
Manse. •
incSCIIRCEDER & CO., Music Stor,, 4th
.• ortraet, braworn Market and Wood. How Nanlecnn
reealalat4.and Ilaudral Ipstramsenta of all kind.
JOAN RAFT, Jr., (successor to Jas. M.Guf
an) Wholesale and 13.4.11 Dr.:waist and DnlTer 10
Dyestuffs. La. Wool street. 3 doors helots
Tord's 31allel
VD' dlloT.oe.'
Pitts h.IW
burg .Ilsan/ar Ascent for Dr.
• • • - •
17*f t - dia co., D
:to and Apat—
_, !cr., tomer Market str i ZIF I
Fi n zv edi o ,. / land • full sodi tlwD4mnnd,k~et,
Do em.NetunerrAndutleleVwtat""=anhteg
" •
Physicians, Pserrintions earefttlly compounded. ID yin
4OLLN P. SCOTT', Wholesale Deal& in
2 . 4;rngs, Pain p tr i aW l trni' she. and Dye Steak No. MS)
All oh= I melee prompt attentkm. Losadon .t. Co •• veloalle family medicines.
W 24-ly
A. FAIINESTOCK & CO., W1 . 70 - enale
nni r riZtme. of W t hlt. Lizd i l / 4 td .
bursa.. meta
E. SELLERS, Wholesale Dealer in
,DoLIs.,ELLI...".t•ps.D7. Stirs. Oils, Vesulthes, a
Imr.Uugt‘ Goods win tried. Prie:7l
ARA UN 4t REITER, WhOfesalo 4E-Retail
burgDrmohilido. comer of Liberty and St. Clolz knots.
. •
• Draggles, No. st. Wood Amt. Plttaborgh.
OS EMI FLEMING, Successor to L. Wilcox"
• & Co, corner Market etrort and Diamond—germ or,n-
M.Vo:an. bredictreChZa,"''Per'fiTnery,T7lll.fjetTra
jr to Ma boalocao.
hour, •
Prelltriptkall tatthilly MAPCKIndeI
..13„CHESTER, Morthaat Tailor 'ail,' Clo
thler. No. 74 Wont street.. Particular ottentkok
Da L .
Norse sod Youths' Oothhog. noleor
WILLIAM DIGBY, Merchant laigr, Dm
, V v.. and Dealor la Ready Mode Clotta* ta la.
ort) street.
WATTS CO. Merchant Tailors, 181
hopnF Ilher strort.— Gentlem en now rewrivlng our
nu Nora r (loale for '. Irear—Clotlu
Mawr. and Vertinur entre :inmost rtylea and fluartquallty
.l.lur Monde and eurtomers .111 please cira la a WI. [WO
i Ile ha* shiny. on band a full amorttoent, No. 2
mirth street, rillahurgthra. .63(1-17d
GRANT MOWRY, Dealer in Leather,
'JP • tilde.. ()Hand Rine Vlndlnes, No.= Llbertratnftet,
011Kulte the bead of Wood.. nih9-7
re th3FFEII, establltheitlBl2.• reeeired four premium..
2 !Sliver Medals and. Dlphanaa-lhuanfactors.
Penn street. littaboreh.
11/3-13..mre of numerna• eounterkdta.
Iltr • Pl•e• With Early Swede fur the Uotlwinfrun Ind In
struments for the Orehardg OwnPhOlen. Stalk and Straw
nttems. and every thing °tinter.. the Fanner, Gardi
ner er Amateur. Orders from Denim and /daring:ad filled
Moistly on liberal term. • 10A
'WALTER P. MARSHALL, Importer nod
Dtider In Plain. Thou. .4 Deeorathre hoer
Ilanoines \o. N 5 Wood Sitts/mh.
Sole Agent of the odeMaWl menufect9lNTS. Mes=efh
court 00., of Pada
- - -
Eft.-The V. Rebhan fur JUNG, threat per damn
to We en the Id prralmebi s.
je27tf rim ' Penn. shoe* Mad Went
Wi',LIAM NOBLE, Upholsterer, find
lnealer In trpholder.r. Ifletenwho anulltelaht Third
deed, nearly oppatlte tta Pant Mike.
• 4 Miaow! Allen war Wond Went.
onkum. PropriAns.
with Bellows Mannfoot,ory.
v ' , Ahem wonld reepeetfully Inform their friends and
the pnhllogenerally, that they here entered Into partner
hlnp yornmetudng on the 19th of April. under the linn of R.
LYI LLIAIIS (M.. for the mannfarinee of BLACKSMITH
BELLOWS of every deseriptkm. which they deteMel
n-0.1 to make or the wen. heat materials an . o p.otor work
manstap. They Intend to hare &Brays on hand au wort.
hare of all idles from BS to 44/ Inch.., at their manufactory,
ere..mi Of Itoblneon and Sandneky etreeta.
ary34l y
Apagt.. 7 aty. 3ur
A. BROWN, would noOrAt 'respectfully in
f., fOrIII the public that he keete on band. it ills etand
on the MVO. Idtie of the Dammed. Allegheny City; a mow
piste ainstrtment or Venltlan Al sr. Yenitlan Hind.
tore are made to order. In the reed styh.. warranted equal
to any In the United htales. Ills Minds can herenwored
without tlald era mew defter. !Lavin; purchaeed the
stock. ion ic,and wood of the Wined bi
kaMlshment of
hammy & cfaelland, lam prepared to furnish their old
elastomers as well as the palate at 'large, with eveighing
In their lino. Agency, No:6 Wood street. Pittston .
ntehM .1. A. 1111 WN.
4:II{ORENZ Jo WlClLlTMAN,'Manufacturers.
M all kinds of VIAL& BOTTLER, 'and WINDOW
APS, ID Water and 116 Front streets, Pittsburgh.
N. 11.--Partiralar attentkm paid to add sires of Windom
Ghat and prirat• moulds Er Bottles sod Vista art=
JOILI D. 'rem ' -Luna 2. iewan.
, Pa°
I-Thgr Audi 5.W... wrap quality and sty is of Hata
an r Caps, ARM, Boy, CDIIIas
and'Var &mt.
VW JONII2 . ... .. ....... JOON r. omo.
JONES & ViCOGO, Manufacturer' of Spring
sad Inkier Steal. Plough - Elab Meal. Steel Plough
ugs Ouch and Male Spiptiric Dew Nat Tsp.., mar
Patent Fenny Mall and i 1.31M11.1.1 leou Agissoruvr of
Rose and Phut 'trusts, Pittsburgh.
JONtll 2 prom L I. zoom.
;ROGERS. & CO., Mantifurturers of
AU, Laril'i=tf.lcragtrc'thins- - ccrir
pIAWSON, MOHAN & CO., Mremfatnrers
; Dborela, 8F . 41,1,30. Wifitoolte- N 4. IR Wood 4.,
w•ern mai sad Becand streetoalttsborgh, f.
Penn Cotten
- Mil , Pittsburgh.
NNEDY, CREEDS lc CO., Manufac-
O =tn hoary 44 Fhootl
I opwtaat Chain of all ealots aad:boa Fr
. • Oot
Pkanaca Klub cud;
“ • Slam of dui and dtataiatlang
tt rI ZIV.,III " t11PC:.".0,ar...t.grAz7:77-
Arnold & Williams -
- 110USI-u-Mattolbettotos of Ctillootes rollout%
rought trop 'robin& sod fitting Ibr Stow, Una Or, Motor,
N 0.26 Market Melt, "Ittabortl'h,
• • ' ' -
ja natr yt ti l ita r tr i lf=r:= l , i to., to If=
to Or POttutoNtO of th" yobUaIL A`PKt2tBpN
KttosszN el •
mast of Wash and Bath Telt tier" gir boa Oak .Wel
Kithail el , Maw Beckett WWI. Bowls, k urns, Tel'
lliesiretak. Zinc spd Mont Wash Boerdsoluil 811 otters
nods of was le his Bet -.
Also-60 nets Tote, and 100 down Buckete.
Warsesein, blesonle Ball. Filth streak Pittsburgh, Pa.
_ •
Proles ITSECIISR t N , L 4 111121.13 General Advertising
Howe, No. BO Nunn Street, New York
BdlnbA Firm in Lit City lNew Turk.
O y fLGE world r d z , d4y call the att:tintf
nor, muting It unquestionaldy the r eltespeet YamD
!Newspaper he in the linitecletatov.
The whim:leo( the Gateletrill contain tha Moral radar
of Ori nal. Spicy Animas Written not only to tawc
and will ben ete with& • synoysim of all the
Local dad Amos the Day.
In regard to polities, e Oidde will malotain an inde
pendent kw. and, from time to time, will adnxate Ruch
nwesirees *shad conduce to the intermits! of the greaten
number. •
POSTRARDERSand others are nspoctfolly remolded
to twine Agonta for this Paper. to whom will be forwarded
Mochneri conies, free when &eked to dodo. .
PREMIUMS—AI ma inducement for pet-me to Intermit
themeeireSto obtain oubscribere for the Akromatile Guide,
we off the following premiums, and upon the receipt of
the mamma andpoy in arkance, we will forward . them , per
:f= f ' 2 o tltr i, if —l— d , u" ' 44 ra `..„t h °",
Fur. three het e 4 oulawribera• each Far two hundred and Any satecribers, we
' • one splendid ens Gold Watch. (warranted for
thee,) worth.. 30 00
For two hurdled. one elegant tine Gold Lock — et, ( . 1
—. lb O .
Fornuo hundred end fifty, 0m471;271117.1t, (Sue ..
WALL) Worth..— ..... 11 00
Foe ono hundred. one Gold best Chaln, worth—. 800
Yoe serentydire sulscribers, one Geld Pen and Gold •
!folder, handroinely engraved worth.- ...... 10 00
Troia one do do 8 IX/
• Yoe dart . ens do • - do Ca/
*For ty, one do do do Co 00
For twenty,Gommmeini do in Wirer do
_ extension holder. worth 300
Far fifteen, one rueditun do do 2 00
Yor twelve, no lady'. do do. IDI
*This Gold Pen and Gold Golder lo the Ladle' ole. , and
is &beautiful ankh,.
All tho•hue Booth alai he Procured from the New - York
Gold Pen ahantaerturing Company. the achlowlodgedtwat
Gold Pen and pouch Cue dtartufacturem in thle continent.
. f .i ` gPLT.L b Union,=Z leV7=l"ers
obtained In this way. Pooh as would interest themselves
do the Guide can be roctfritedrded, as mullet of premiums
above trill sh . ow •
FANNERS who would dmilre an a:Mimi Family Nowm
Paper, should at owe avail. themselves of the Mode. the
mite being moth below any other nowepaper pubildsl.•
.4 GEIVIIP wanted Mr envy city In the IliOD4 Matti and'
rituarta. Restemaible. parties; who wilful es agouti, 'fur
tho Caolc , wlplease furnish us We names for pule
TO THF L.IDIERin, would particularly tippet know-
InR e l f i li p ti t e i tz of their:l...otos
.wtzrit mcorgelttrailyoutti
mon out number an P.! .matilshed 011 thl: continent,
arid to gain this we . . he = ll at all times strive to embody in
the minium of the Guide. something to not only please but '
Instruct our female patron.. Our outuription erten Ming
to low, there will be but iltUe difficulty in their procuring
tor =enough sotonibers to obtain any att. Th.c./. Prewar- '
mu above described; and what War would' not deolu •
handsome Odd Watch, Locket, fleeced. Pen and Pencil!
We want to print an , ceUtkro. r Tnow.met Orpies
within three month.. mu emnati M
the Guide to doable its nrment
ShrolrEitew'prioasmar be remitted in Pesti:Moe Stamm.
pd - All moncounicatiom about] be addressed, pod..paid.
to W. N.Staccur, Ed and Publisher °Rho Nem Dort.
Yerroulat Guide, he. 182 Greenwich street.
Wir.Nnemarrivellwormliout the. Union. by publishing the
lore Too, approtaildety, dhslayed. includirm dos ane, fur
Youtda.and oohing attention editorially to w
the Fame,
and Madinat:L. thet“,_•ill he entitled to au trachaniro.
and receive a GOLP pa
nedre Dollars. papr. will Le entitled to two. which
will he forwarded to th em 'they may direct. SW-This
Pen and liolder• will be of the munfactureof -the 'Sew
York Gold !In Ildloifuttoling noonday, No. 183 titoormich
M.. the moot extersive andrdiable Gold Pee produced un
this matinee t, if not In the world. apls.2.are,
Island Fancy Dying Establialunot,
nro DonWC MX lakainWaT, NEW YORK CITY.
ORDERS received by Exprese, or otherwise,
drink or elenneing Lad loo' Drenue, Mantillas and
mem. or every. deocripthen. Damask and Illoreen Car
tains bnutihilly dyed. Lane Curtains restored. Cant.
Crape Maris dyed the most brilliant. or the more crave
elon .411 kinds orsilk, woolen fend Omer Ronda, (In tho
Wee no gamest.) treated In the moat ounneeeful manner.
Thn undendaned have bad Bug experienee In the neve.
online (Attila lutetium at Staten Island. and feel roared that their enceer.ln the art of d)hur Is unrivalled.
tuhltilvinar BARRETT, NZPIIRIViI A CO.
MOLYNEAUX BELL. Sfentilia aniidoak
____llluvalleturer and Imparter. ISS Canal et.
CIEO. B TLPIN, Paris Mantilla limporiutu,
brynrtara alao of Farley Para, 381. Broadway. •
R_. F. HIBBARD SON; Wild Ching
..E.Confiters. Weasel. Reim, Pll4tiite . de.,93 Jethro
T. HURLBURT, American Homoen-
SF:Dru mm Plu st.mmy, Medicines, Cases, Re., far
Vis DUESEN'S Improved Wahpene. It
...Worms gray Mar to Itm original Pelee. ma 4 create
new growth of Ulm. .1= (Thamloms .t.
OCT ; fro
. GILBERTm 3leniphis,Tr-
s cu
t t ? to p bundrmtla of Canners, Tumors, Meer, aml Wen.
out the knife, nt hlamasa°va toms, itt3 Itrca.lwar.
ALPRECWOODIIAM, Manufacturer and
/1. Importer of Ilmtolm. Le., 100 Fttltm at.
SlflV C Mt uft r f Enun
.;d . 1.
JOHN -DAVIS, Commission Merchant and
ImMrt.r of Llandles. Wines nut eicsr.. 281 Mutt
logto at.
.000DWIN Blto., 31nuufacturers of
PlllO ellt T 0... elms. and Nnntr. art and WO
IIVEELER & WIL4ON, Propriatormuvi
Monntartnrers of A. IL Wilton's Patent Stint
11•4thsre cake :MS Dread way.
IrLS . lMl.losT ilu Mpli t zry, 5G4 Broad,
COOPER HOUSE, &Pease & Bro., Pro
misters, MS4 BroomMrs',
1131 AN CUTTER, auceetwor to Let,
11rorste'r a Co., Importer an 4 JoUser In Stet& Dt7 -
44 Colnset.
k - CHAFFER, late W. Noirman, Manurelc;
tam and Wholesale Dealorin Ladino' Gaiter.; Shoes.
• hll;a7
AMUEL I.:.C.AVEIfLY, Wholesale Deal
10er In Broom_ a, Painte6
i.rttand Tata, Wood and ND-
Z.M4Breat'iwUt wfr- tb-Y;l`.
Oil h
Dealer. No. 10 Catharine et. and No. 6 Mi ' ain '
Dounnt Nelliork. ml.O-Iry
W. WOODS ELL, Wholesale 'tilt' Retrill
Ird gtelvt.
Manniketarer and Near In awe at Ware, N.. 13
JN WETEINIMIL, Manufacturer of
PATENT ItitX AMEN. • ottpoeor srtlele. NOUN MX
and lIRAT.ED cOX TICKS. corner of Arblemn and Rol.
Inmodrool~ one Nears from the Head .tract Itrfibro
lorbony City. o.Ntnr ,
rrOOL ., IVO rit It2iIS,
.corner m of h fi t r . st , apd i L , i 4 l,6rty
onolt as IRON $11;1 1 1ItiItArN1171. ito ' d
tUr4l to order. IA•121 JOB. F. HAMILTON a (k).
TILLAS—MbIerIaIs marked for EmbsbidAry At3d Ap
oi Work by )108. L. S. WILbON,
rat( No. .31 1; Peon .tract. atom 11.44
Bolivar Fire Brick and Crucible Clay Nan
Ji. s! . ( llL,Tricnadftd ' eaMlirgt r ADlNet n (3-=
Balking Car. Ord.= PrkTirtutgatval•
fittsburgh. 18,3.
X.t *Dicoamet Arks. wear Wood .sradP 6ll
WOULD respectfuliy the attention of
&rob.. end Western literehente to his Ana stock
UM mesing In prior from $lOO to $llOO. Three
L%nimres are built from the beet material and lockman
thin, god ceder his own supervision: he san, with amt.
dews, werrant his work to be infinite to none menultao
toned in the Union. The meats of his budnem and the
greet income, In demand for thistle's of work. has induced
him not to build any common cm low pricedwurk In his
estalAhthment. Pomo. wanting good tomcat Work will
phase nal sad worming his Stoat Into. going Rut. All
wort warranted.
New Coach Fact.orp—Allegheny.
Mt. M. 11. WIIITE & CO., would rt.+
oretfolly Inhale the nubile that they ”e
, on Lannek, between Federal and hendeskey
streets. They I. row making end am rrtnianid 110 regmlra
order, Mr every deeertptien of vehicles, Ctmchea, amente.
Itarmichra. Phtons, ate, ebkl6 from their
leng experknme In the mannartare of tho ohms work, and
the Guillthe they bare, they ftel notaldent Um: are enabl
ed t. 410 week on Um moot reasonable terms yenta ikon
wanting arttele• In their hag. ta,
Paying particular attention to t ealecelon of materia l s.
and having tl6OO but _competent work man. they have no
beeltatfon warranting their work. We -thereibre ask
the attemtlan of the nubile to tide matter.
N.ll.—lttepalrlng done to tba best manner, and on the
mattiniaanable term. lawdr
Coach and Carriage Factory.
• BAmotit and nera streets, Allegheny City, would
t irrarer lama th I friends, and the Kadin neLailv
mays. loggias, are tHeighs7ll l4 Gilari,la oil {hale ieri n ifni
styles of haat, and peoreation.
All orders be executed with strict regard to dura
bility and beauty of finish. Ramie,' will also be attended
to on the most
terms. Milne In all their anvil
the best Eaatorn Shafts, Polo and Wheel Pica they Tool
Zlil ft eargerktyttl ' ard !rgiA b o7ll:Pr h lrtli. r
Purchaaera ;me ragweed to &leathern a call bribes pur
chasing elsewhere. 04
Fifth Street RoeEa:Factory.
The beet pods In Children's 14. E 5/en's Swim Un
pifth lAts.
reelnd Drawer; sold et numuSeturer e Were. at the
NO ADI'ANON 1 1 145 V
FM ..11 m.d.ft° %V.Vrl " :;r7 W.
B thal.g Feetoor. sth Weld, 'between Wood Rod nr.ket
J. J. ROOptlf ' W. a cOrnIND.
Livingston, Roggen & Co.
KlACKotrad Depot MOM:0 Scale s ,
WU. and Grain da; Platform end Counter do.: Door
a. of Vg:: , 4l".%„iira vita.'f i _ Uth-r_a_tger s
Rolle and VratenloKr, Makable INK vani. of every vr
rid,. In f•rzo.a.m.l UM. . air
319,331 owl 313 Liberty find. 069661c8nif8iteid grat.
l Stone' lYni n rrralt . s " tZ in g "r lt irfeAti: ro..• reA.Throe bstbet%lrsid
f for
eintut p g6lll.rm.t., ite—son ban& - Bleck and Stab Ms,
r ,, e ,,, wthz..111g Lea n t te i llts i rirA . t trine& All orders
a 2.1 , W. W. WALLACE.
- -
RANK, VAN CORDER, ,Dealer in Trim ,
timlinvAind Ooodn. ZmbrolAnks.
e 4 Clent.t. " tia ' 4 6 r6ll
nortmnol, of Irhleh 4n Moors be ad It No. ' n 3, corner f
Maria, Arent And.theDlamond, Plitt:dottrel. Ps. 11014 y
& &awn & ca. 'mum unman it Tom.
4. A. MASON d; CO.; Wholesale and Retail
"VT' , In Pula and StmleDry.. flan
sad Dry Ow& kterehaats, maw loorthasul
Rrsß Ilttabarat.
Et: JAMES XING: Office and Residence,
Ne.ll: Itfthetteet, matte the Oatbeital, Pitt.
' Jabir
I cftficia eed o n A :i r or e. e la m.
ORNING, ABM 20, 1854
- The !following deka, of the Foreign News by
the Arctic, which arrived at New York on Sun!,,,
day, the r e ader will find of the deepest interest:
_ : _ , sommutfty.
On Tuesday, 4th, the Niagara Sailed from Li
verpool 'with the 85th regiment of infantry, for
the East.
The Golden Agormtched King George's Sound„
Australia, in - sixty-one days, including foartein
days' detention at St. Vincent and the Cape. 114,
actual running time therefore was only forty- ,
seven days. It may be remembered that the Bri- •
Rah goverunient refused to send a mail by the
Golden Age, preferring to pay £lOOO to the sail,
ing ship Matilda- Wattenback, whose arrival we
may vainly look for, for some weeks to come. •
Fifteen packet. Maps, amounting to 16,000
tons, aro at tha present mamma fitting up at Li
verpool to convey. troops the East. These aro:
For infantry—alio' Courier, 1090 tons; Star of
the South, 1235; Timander,,lll7. For cavalry
—The Ethunga, 1018; Madera, 642; Mary Ann,.
957 ; Paramatta, 661 ; all ready for sea. the
I following will soon . be ready: Shooting Stir,
1362; Wilson Kennard, 1129; Gertrude, 13611
Glendalough, 1053 ; War Cloud, 800; Tvronnei,
1197; Asia, 771; steamer Albatross, 600.
The steamer Glasgow from Now York, arrived
at Greenock at 2 o'clock, on Saturday, Ist inst.
Capt. Duryee, of the packet ship Constantine,
fell overboard and was drowned, on the morning'
of the Ist, while the Chip was off Port Lytids,
outward bound. In consequence of this unfOr-
Comae accident, the ship put back to . liverpool.
-By We arrival of the l'ride of the Ocean, at'
London, April let, wo have intelligence of We
loss of the emigrant ship Sea Nymph, from Lir;
erpool, February 21st, for New York. Wheurt
week out, the Sen Nymph experienced a heavy
gale, and became unmanageable, leaking badly,
top-mast yards, &e., carried away, and for twen
ty-four hours lay in the trough of the sea. At
this juncture the Pride of the Ocean hove in
sight, and bore down to her assistance.. Two of
the boats were lowered, and with difficulty all
wore taken on board the Pride of the-Ocean, and
brought back to London. When last seen the
Sea Nymph was , fast settling down. The loss of j
the Russel Sturgeon, and rescue of the passen
gem by the Isaac Webb and the Rainbow, has
been already reported by the America, via Bali- /
The influx of emigrants into Liverpdol at pro-
sent, surpasses any thing of the sort over before
known. The majority aro from/Ireland, and are
"bound either for the United Stateraor Canada.—
The price of steerage passengers now ranges as
highs); £5109.,.0wiag to the scamityof shipping
and number of passengers offering.
At Liverpool, Bronx'stuffs had again slightly
advanced, and Cotton rather better in tone, but
without leading to much business.
From the seat of war on the Danube we have
the first act of a new plan of Russian . strategy.
For particulars see following summeiry:
, In reply to Mr. Hutchins, we detallq the cir
eamstances connected. with the seirtre of the
Black Warrior by the Cuban authorities, Lord
John Russel dated that a communication had
been cent to the United States on the subject, but
no information had been received from. Mr.
Continental Mikes seem It, regard the one .
potion of the Lower Danube by the Russian; as
a definite measure. dvices from Odessa, March
25th. mention that the entire'Ruserian fleet had
left Sebastopol, and it was believed would attack
Varna. .
There were the.usual rumors oeztlie treachery
of the part of the Turkish commanders of the
differentlortresses that hare fallen into the hands
of the Russians. Omar hes marched 20,000 men
from Silistria to strengthen a position between
the RasSinus and the Balkans. The Russians
are razing all the fortresses in the_Dobrudscha.
Austria has demanded from Russia that Aus
trian subjects in the Principalities shall not •ho
compelled to take the Russian par money.
The excited state of public feeling at Constan
tinople Is greatly disquieting to the government.
Diplomatic relations. have ceased between
Greece and Turkey. Gen. Metaxa, Greek Min
ister, has demanded his passports.
Nesset Bey, the Turkish Minister, has arrived,
quitted Athens and returned to Constantinople.
A new levy of 80,000 men is about to be made
in France. .
The chip natio Gloria, from Antwerp, oaten
siblyfor klantrcal,has been captured and brought.
to the Dawn", , with arena on board for the Greek
A council of Austrian Generals is summoned
to meet of Vienna. Among others invited aro the
Ilan Jellacich, and Count Giulai.
It is positively asserted that the 9000 Russians
from Sebastopol, have been landed and taken pos
sesion of the island of Dunaves below Tultscha.
Continued successes ef the Rauiamr:- Capture of
Ilersooa—Retreat of the Turks in 'goad Onier-..
Important operations upon Varna—Supposrd
Turtle. of the denssians,-Admiral Napter come
to anchor near Copenltayen—llussian Prepara
tions to receive him—The Anylo-Ilsnek Expedi
tionary Anny—Afairs hr Greece and Aria—A
Letter from the Czar—Curious Intrigue. li
On the 28th March, Ilirsoan was taken by the
Russians, who also made themselves masters of
the strong position of Rabailagh, and are comae-
quently in entice possession of the Upper Doti-
radscha. The Cossacks patrol as far as Kos-
tentijm and, according to the Trsmdm EMU, the
fort of Isaktchi was taken by the Russians :Up
,the 27th. Imperfect accounts that are at hiiral
say Ifirsova was taken after three days assault.
It will bo sOme days ere reliable etatemeistsristn
be received.
As soon as Gortschakoff had established lira' n
self in theiDabradscha, he issued a proclama
tion to the inhabitants similar to that which was
published in Moldavia and Wallachia. In con
nection with Gortschakotra movements, it is
mentioned that five steamers, towing barges eon
tamping 4000 men, hod loft Sebastopol for the
western (Turkish) coast of the Black Sea. If this
be true, they run a chance oir meeting with the
ships of the allied fleet now cruising along that
shore. Prince Paskiewitch was to set out about
the 16th inst. from Warsaw for:the seat of war.
The Emperor will not himself go to the Princi
There is no doubt that the Russians have lodg
ed themselves, in the force stated,—namely, over
50,000 men,—on the Turkish bank of the Dan
ube. Opinions are, however, divided as to the
importance of this movement: While some view
it so a great triumph tothe Russians, others pro
fess thamseleon unable to sea what advantage
the invaders expect to gain by it. They (the
Russians) are not yet in Bulgaria, nor on the
route to Constantinople —6 ut in the Dobrtid-
Beim, an immense maraby plain, without any
paint d'appui, and deprived of, communications.
Behind them is a Turkish force of 25,000 to 30,-
000, and before them aline of fortresses, such as
fiilistria, Kostendje, Varna and Shumla, between
them and the Balkans. It ia true, that in 1828
the Russians entered the Dobrudscha by Ifirsova,
as they hate done now, and proceeded on to
Varna and Silistria; but then the sea was open.
Omar, Pemba, too, who is not given to vainboast
ing, tas said in o despatch, published et Con
stantinople, that if the enemy would but cross
the Danube it would render a great service 'to
his plan of operation I That we are on the eve
of some important °ant there can be little doubt,
and the result of the movements on the Austrian
frontier, and the next operations of the Russians
on the right bank of the river, are awaited with
much anxiety.
Tho British steam frigate inflexible was em
ployed in convoying Turkish troops from Con
stantinople to Varna. A portion of tbe British
fleet was also near Vacua, with the intention of
watching the now and unexpected movements of
the Russians.
The circumstances under which tho.passage
of the-Danube appear to have been effected were
these:—On or about the 15th of .March, Prince
Gortachakoff received: orders from St. Petersburg
to secure, within ten days, a position on the
right bank of the Danube, opposite to Brailow,
similar to that which the Turks maintain at the
other extremity of the lino of opemtions,—Kala
fat. , oortschaltoff immediately left for Btailow,
where he completed all his preparations, and on
the 23d commenced to cross the river at three
different points. The left wing of a corps of 35,-
000 men, under - Cleneril Ouachakoff, forced
passage at Tultnobs, opposite Ismail; the centre,
under Gen. Luders, crowed without meeting op.
position from Galati; while the right wing, Under
,tiut.immediato direction of Prince Gortschnkoff,
:was forcing a passage from Brallow. By the
ffoldaten Fl we have accounts of the way
in which matters were managed.
Beily on the morning of the 2341, the Rus
sians, under cover of twendy-four 12 and eirl B
poenders,.began to forma pontoon bridge from
a spot near Brallovr, across tbe island,' to Gods
chid on the right Weak of the Banube. As the
lurks offered no fititiquiV oPPosition, the bridge
was completed by one o'clock, and at that hour
the Reagan columns began, their march, which
continued without interruption until late at
tight, - wheet the men lighted` their watch . ..fires
and bireeecked between Gedschid and Matachin.
At.tho same time General Linters constructed a
second bridge , between , Galata 'and 'the opposite
bank, which is there free from morass; and in
the course of the day two regiments of chassours
• •
\' A
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'•• . ,
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\ •
, • -
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and two of the line•i,with cavalry andartillery, V Chamber, to wheat the question.;was referred bj,
crossed the rivierwitijout loss. On '. the same Illie, general bOy,nt their receid annual meet- ,
daythe left wing,l, under Gen. °escheated; for- ing;has adopted a , reaelution recommending a
-ceda.passage aboVe\ Tuttscli, and, in spite of a J change in the law so \as \to legaliziSlimited !in
vigorate resistance oh thepartof the Turka, got j batty, partnership*. Tberestdt of the debate is,
possesidon of the relletabts \which - hid heed, con- jat ptesnt, the adoption of the Colman's grope
structeden, the right `Owalt, Eleven guna' c and j sition\ pia majoritfof 27, to\ dB, butthisquestion
one hundred and fifty vrhiquers\f e ll 114 0 the 'is demßecta° important th at issooll is to bo taken
hands of the \Russians. , i /i . •_,'.; , t '•,. after pablihation of the speeches on both tddes.
Cencerning the addition nekys that has duce . It waiMitimated thal the quarterly retains of
coins by telegraph, to th , effect that ll'infosta the natitinel,Xevenue to \the •sthof April, Would
`and Matschin' had been eaptirtd, \no details ere ',show an inOeitse of about hers Million sterling
yet to hand. , Menu as
`the telligence of the over tho corkespondingquirter'ef last year. \
plumage of tlto Ditinbe k,4usdane reached , Wel. Colt liatr,received an - order Reim the Brit..
Outer Pasha, hit sent reinferiteMeota to the jolt \ for 4,000 Ilevolisms,„ for u se in
troops posted at Trojan's Wall, belyeen Chem& thedieet ,\+ \ \ -
iodalited Kotandje:, j , ,When Masilaphe Naha, ' Prince Gertoryski has tuldressed, to Lord Dud
the Turkish commander, found, \ the Readies ley Stuart, an In ,tatestiaeletteion the th-estab-
I were itittoo great 'feria., 'he retreated first upon lishittent of the kingdoni , of Poland, wideilletter
o Matschilt, and subsequently upon Ited adagh.-- is puhlidied in the LOdotinsilS N . euti. \.\
Ilia force. in the
field, is not more than 20,000 , On the‘ ult. SirJohn,Frankbo and bit \ °a
men, exclusive of garriim' s ris. the pedition were struck off theloooks of British
present opdsations would give the Russians coin- Navy, and are given up,for dead.
plate commaisd of the months of the Dannte.— ~ \ 0 ra. ,, , c., \ \
:They have shindy drawn chains across tail B u ll - Reid:sac. ia t he Emperor 'al *stria—Earn to'
-•, ; -
na channel., • `,,, ' ,%, ' , •', -, , ditrarY — ifarkini to s ;tr... \Shaine of a
', The , Fleete.% t, \•\ - ' Brinking Ilit!dt-Crops itt , ,#tic.‘ . \
' Admiral Napieie fleet Came to anchor off the It was repo
.xletfthet Nwiden hid ritten ma
bilged oft,, Moen, and having' been considerably: autograph letter:Wl-he Emperer. tria, e- :
augment, ile, departure , ,i'rom England- . minding him of his promise to consider . e It,
1 ..
now number twentylwo ships, carrying 1252' .die crossing the, - ,Ditrinbe as a i. * *us 0%; , and
'guns and 12;800 meal - t' This fleet aill.,soon Ireful.- uj•KIDg him t o imo4dhlt e acti o n a c co r di ng . '
ther increased by the 'St. George, P2ftguns; Jas. It is officially anneueced in thellulletiti des
Vi'att,pgunwtriesar, 91.; Nile, 91; Majestic, 80; lei*that France had adianeedlo; 000 francs .
&melt ed;:72; Odin, 10; ;Miranda, 14; Erpramond on liitin to Turkey.. \ \
ThetArebbiSh9p of Paris fine address a PaX, ' -
imid s veral.othir stead deops. ' '.
• ..
The Miranda surveying 'sicamer reprat4under tend letter to the clergy eadpeople,itivißng that,
date March 28th, respeCting \the Russian ° fleet, prayers 'he \ offered for suftetis to the French .
that one divislitti is at Revel feezen in, the ien,be- arms in the eitst. .`, \ \ '' , ‘,2
. .
ta t'Tery.thtek• with no sYmPtema a Preaent , \ of Moulin 'la reported to be fn. twitzerlarid.':, M.
early breaking lip. The sings 'expecting that Martin, ex-President of the RepUtilie of Veatch,
has not quitted Paris. Some Italians lied been
Ore is land or Omel wag* the liMit 'object of ate
tack, have placcdt,there a \ gariton Of 130,000 i arrested in tha Pas de Calais, add preelamationk
strong. '; "; 'intended to (melte lusurreetion in Loiltbardy,were,
• ,:\ The army iat tie Hasiik \,.. ' found upon them. \ •
.; France is pushing farwaril its expeditionary \Binary alotilditaigny, telegraph agent, has
force with the utmost eaere, The Pada Mold- been Imprisoned tat. month, and , fined 1,000,
tour, of ank inst., contain the following tut- frans,t,forpubliShing I false report Odle price,
nouttement :-.L. , , , His Majegy, -living ordered aof consols. ' \ \ • \ '
bodynf troops* be sent to, the Levant, thelitat The\ feature of the Paris Banking House of
cony* of vesseds,lrigates and chrvettes ‘of ‘, the ; Leroy de Chabrol& Co., reported by teleph.,is
Imperial marine dissembled atToulto has already, •., confirmed \ The capital of the establislimknt is
sailed, the convoy; being divided 'at, follovis:-; , , about SZOOO,OOO, a large portion of it being
Ships hiontobellO, Alger, Ville,deMmaellles, sad locked-up • in Ames; &c.. It isnot supposed that •
Jean Bart, 5400 men; \ Asmodee,illloagobraddr; the \,creditors \will be - hetiv \ losers. Many
Caligny, Meteore, and Gorgone, 2450 'Men 225, `w eal thy" memo of the Legitimate party had
horses; Moelte, Eclairetir, Laplace mat Infer -t . funds In the batik., It was reported that in con-t
nal. /495 m 0440 hotsem Caffare \Veloke, and ' , sequence of the ho'norable cheraeterof the house
Brandon, 11/30men, 20,horses; Napoleon, and thetEmperor waidisposed to eoine to Its aid -
Suffron, 3040 men; Monternma; Panama, Allis-, \A s latter from Tenlon; march' , 2£Bl,-Mates that
tress,\Canada and Titan,l4oo3 men, 80torseh. .tha;growing crops inthe south of Francopresent
Thii,total to which is to tip added the t contln- * yety'healthy • appearance. In'eonseqiienceef
gent of`theChrisMpherCeletnhe, amoun to Di k. dui recent. disease in Sines, mantegricul turt ti
078 modi s te:id 905 horses, gray' daY, e. pertion, arn this year raising wheat Instead 'et grapos.—.
of the tbreehundred Shipsfreightedathlarseilles, • Theremeining vinetaretlirOlcing welh,and altho'
loaves witk,cavilry, munitions provisions , and the winter had been minsualiy severe tho °Ries
articles of abearnpiriono! The Minnteur.further have not suffered. ; .
says, "Too ixuach care cannot be taken toguaid \ \ ' ' ~. tritr;. \t,
against the tibias which ailtdevolencia ovsubt.:, Ponsii*.-4do hearing of ".tife death et'
tion invents. Thus it was Said that Pra ncewas , • Duke of Tanta, the refugees wise had establisthe'
about to to send a e4pso of observation to the Rhine;'ed \themselves - at Straddle, returned to their
that the Russian *tiny would be at Constantino- homes, with no further hindrance than a rencon
ple before the English and French troops could tre Whit the'cloueniers„. 't,
get into line; that the stpuidrati .4 ( Brest had been Tneltaliad-pape* make the mostlextraorli.
forced by tempest toietarn , to Tooke; and that aarFatatemeablaa te the 4 irettaultaneea of the
English and French frigates% haven sunk. in Duke 'a death. One paper relates eirattnistan
the Block Sea by - the \Russians \All these id- daily Olathe was stabbed by a siddier, whom he
nuns ere quite ' devoid of. foundations; The Gov.. kicked for not showing him respect ; *bother,
ernment, 'whigh is perfectly aware of tho snide- says the assassin was an officer, whose sister the,
ty of the prilblic;‘cannot better respond to it than Duke spoke lightly of; \and a correspondent
hr publishing all' the news ;g ood or bad, which of the London Press States that the asitebyi
it shall receive." \-‘ \'. ' nation wee PorPotrntod in 0 141/ clay ot the oorni , r
Great enthusiasm was Manifeated at Malta be. of the Bergs San Biagio (Stratite St. LUcia), bit„,
tween the English end piencir.r. mpa , th e r e mi . a man wrapped in a cloak, who 'stabbed the
semble•l. Beingthe first time that the soldiers Duke in the stomach, and who, although pursued
of the two natioida'.4oe ever ottiOd together,in by an ald-de-camp, escaped: The Duke • was
friendship, they vied, with each other in`tokens conveyed to the Palace, where lie, expired in a
of cordiality. E ven the musi c ians had yratends,few hours.
If we may believe the accounts, the
ed, the bands of the English performing the air character of the Duke was infamous.
of "l'artantpow:la Syrtis," and the French play- t \ Austria.
ing "God save the Querm.7. . The troops now leer- •\ \ Althorigh Austria continues to refrain from
ing England will die expodited tee Turkey. direct, • any action that can be construed into 'commit
without stopping it. Maltia..\ \ Ois the 20th nit, ten Ong herself 'to either side, it is asserted that the
T \t
uroookish steamers were at• Alexandria \
to embark passage of the Danube by the Russians has given
13, Egyptians. \,, ' . ! . her *much greater inclination to side with the
Aida. ,‘ \ ~ , WeStern Powers` : ‘.
From Trebizonde lath it is th at the Witita view of" giving , both sides of' the goes-
Operations are directed `egainit, , , Kars. )The froin Vienna, 31st March :,, ,, As soon as Baron
Turks are concentrating 20,900 1:04,5t Sivas.— lbw returns from Berlin ,: an Imperial manifesto
The appointment of Zarif alustaplia\Paohe as may be ealeele 4 , in Whiali it will be stated- that
comilumiler-in-chiet in Asia had gived; satisfac.• Austria, thotigh she dieepproves the steps_whlch .
tion to the army. Estill' is well disposed to lis- Roads it , taking, is resOrOd to . r e main neutral
ten to the councils of European' efficers, end - es- with the rest o f . Germany: , .fi
. 81enrian army of
t pec i a g y t o G er . o ar= e \ ~'. 400,000 men-makes that neutrality respected—
Persia is tranquil. . ~,, Baron Mayendoff,has been Informed that Ruisis
Th. Greek 1... r .„ [ ... - ~, expectanothinglittni Austria;except-betitralitiX.
A despatch from Malta, March ali ~
t, say.a.thst The; Austriandlatik has declined the propod%.
the King and Queen of Greece have left Athens tioati, of the Government to make advances on'.
the State dominions ••• ' \ • \
for the frontiers. Correspondence of the lath,
.. - , , , , •
states that the French admiral Barbier de linett, ) \ \ tivaeden. ,
hall sailed from Constantinople in the steam fri, \ A 'Christiana journal states that - Russia has
gate Gamer, with energetic orders to King Otho recognized the neutrality Swededonly en the
to arrest the hostile movements against Turkey, 'condition which has been accepted by King Os
which were or i g i na t e d an d ani,rtrted from h . * car, that‘ne more than Our \ foreign ships of war
territory. shall enter any Sweden Nor 'Norwegian fortified
port qt one time. \
‘., Denmark:. •• \
The Danish governmentlola • tied a declara
tion, containing its definition., Of contraband ca.
war, which includes horses, thither , for construe-,
tion of vessels, tar, copper-shei th ing, sail-cloth;
canvass, hemp, cordage, &c., but'not teals. Be
sides these, the ordinance of May\ 4th; lBO3, is
renewed. No Danish fleets, nor \persons ae
•quainted,with the Danish seas, are allowed.
serve on board vessels of the belligerent powers,
In the instructions for the Danish gulud ships,
they are instructed to observe a strict nentralitY,
to protest against the carrying of captured war
or merchant vessels into Danish ports, but not to
oppose it by force, and only to use .force against
privateers. The Danish territory is to ,be con
sidered ono sea-mile from the coast, except at
Koonburgh and the River Elba at Gluckstadt,
where the distance is 6000 feet.
A Letter from the Car:
The following important despatch is tele
"Exams, Monday, April 3.
"Prince George of Mecklenburg Streit: ar
rived here yesterday, the bearer of a letter from
the Emperor of Russia to the King of Prussia, in
answer to the mission of Gen. Lindhelm.
"Its tenor is as follows--. Whoa the Western
Powers succeed in securing theemancipation of
the christians in Turkey by treaty, the Czar will
be willing to evacuate the Principalities, simul
taneously:with the evacuation of the Black Sea
by the combined fleets!'
; miscellaneous.
Adviceaf from Constantinople of the 28th state
that the O'and mini, and Rifasit Riche, Presi
dent of the Privy Council, bad been dismissed,
and men more agreeable to the Western Powers
had been appointed.
Constantinople was quiet, but the Irritation of
the ultra Mahomedan party was extreme.
'Russian subjects had been ordered to leave
Constantinople within 20 days, which would ex—
pire early in April.
Mr. Rale, the inventor of the new react, and
who was recently in difficulty in the so-called
Kossuth rocket affairs, is at. Constantinople with
his projectiles.
As an illusti.ttion of the undercurrent of po
litical intrigue of which the present crisis• is
fruitful, the Berlin correspondent of a London
paper mentions that the reigning Duke of Saxe
Cobourg, who formerly was so warm an adhe
rent of the king of Prussia's viewer a union of
ficruuur Princes, instead of the actual Bond, now
proposes to erect a consolidated Thuringian
elate, by the fusion of the present Saxon Princi
palities. Further, he advocates the re-erection of
a kingdom of Poland, to be put into possession of
the present loyal family of Saxony. It was the
mooting of this latter proposition that causedthe
Duke to abridge his recent visit to Vienna—the
revival of a Polish nationality being peculiarly
unwelcome to the Austriek cabinet, a circum
stance which did not prevent his making it the
subject of an interesting colloquy 44_ the Tuil
Proceedings in the Parliament—Aaren to the
Qum—Trace-scion of both Houses to 'Bucking
ham Palace—The Queen'ar reply--Lengthy De
bate•—Explanation respecting the Fkets—The
Black WarriorAfair—Limited Liability of Bret
nerehips--Calte Ilevolrem--Ceneral Intelligence.
On Monday, April 3d, both bongos of Parlia
ment aesembled for the purpose of presenting to
the Queen an address, in reply to her message
notifying the, state of war with Remain, and ex
pressing her confidence in the co-operationof the
people. Two processions were formed, one of
the Lords -and the other of tho Commons, and
both proceeded to Buckingham Palace,. to assure
the Crown of the cordial support of all depart
ments of government. The vote was unanimous
in both Houses.
The following Is the Queen's reply :—" My
Lords and Gentlemen, I thank you for your loyal
and dutiful address. It is highly gratifying to
me to receive the assurance of your co-operation
in giving effect to the measures, which I consider
neceriaary for the honor of the'Crown and for the
welfare of my people."
The • debate " which preceded the voting of
the address is reported in the London papers of
Saturday, the Ist inst., • and occupies no less
than twenty-nine columns of the type of the Lon
don Maui Of this immense mass of .oratory
our space renders it impossible to give even
compendium. Its general' tone is, of course,
hMtlie to the Czar, and Its balk is occupied in
examining his conduct by the documentary evi
dence that has already been made public.
In answer to Captain• &obeli, Sir J. Graham
elated that the report asserted that the
Movements of the allied diets in the Black Sea
were crippled for the want of coati, was incor
rect. , Since Janitary.lsk tee thousand ton:II:ad
been - sent •to Constantinople, and nix thousand
tons are at Malta. It was expected that the
whole dent would, In afew days, again commence
cruising in the Black Sea. Since morning, ao-
count, had indeed been received that the fleet
was near Varna. [Cheers.] .
The following notice, of motion stands on the
order book: llutchhis—to ask Lord John
Busilell whether the government 'has - Mitherizel
Mr. Cnunptotii British Minieter at Waildrighlmi'
•to act In behalf of the Spanish - government in
the affair, of the selzure.of theßbek Warder by
the,Cuban authorities: l ,
The debate of the Liverpool Chamber of Coin.'
merce on the subject of linffted liability In part
nership terminated on the let lust, after three
days anions discussion. The Council of the,
Tam Sourness/ CONVINTION.—The Convention
on Thursday was' occupied earnestly with the
consideration of the resolutions reported by the
Business Committee, and its action thereon will,
we think, meet with the generalapproval of the
South. It was resolved to appoint' a ComMittee
who Should memorialize Congress on the fcdlow 7
ing subjects:—
Ist. The remission of duties on railroad
2d. The improvement of the merchant ser-'
vice•by the establishment of an apprenticeship
system and_the prevention of desertions.
3d. The exploration of the Amazon by naval
4th. The establishment of a line 'of steamers
between some Southern port and the mouth of the
Amason or a port in Brasil.-
Lth. The establishment of a direct mail route,
by steamers, between some Southern port and
Gth. Upon the improvement of harbors and
navigable rivers.
The action of the Convention on all theseprop-'
ositions was decided yet conservative. ; By avote
of ten States to two, it was resolved ' to reconi
mend the "redection,' instead of the "remission"
of duties on railroad iron. The second proposi
tion was adopted unanimously, and shows that
the South is willing to join the North in pressing
upon the attention of Congress.thierubject, which
is of equal importance to the commerce of both
sections of the country. The third • fourth and
fifth propositions, relating to the exploration of
the Amazon, and the establishment of steamship
lines to the Amason and to Europe, also secure&
the undivided approval of the Convention. •
On the sixth proposition—"the improvement
of harbors and navigable rivers"—a debate arose
that will attract the attention of the erinntry,and
the result of which was to place the Sonth,.. so
far as the action of the Convention may be taken
as speaking its sentiments, on the side of those
who have long contended that the federal:Orem
ment may rightfully employ the resources of the
national treasury in imprioreins the great depots
' and avenues of commerce--our harbors and gar
igablo rivers. Though the propesition was etre:
nuously met by the objection that the subject Was'
a political one, and as such not within. the legit-'
imate province of the Convention, and the thrther .
effort made to ovcralaught it brattac - king an
objectionable provision in regard to the acquire
ment of Cuba, yet the Cenrention steadfastly ad
hered is the proposition, and by a' te of ten
States to four refused to strike - it out. It was
subsequently proposed to amend the proposition
by adding, "so far as may be within . the consti
tutional competency of Congress." This wee
dcbata'np to this adjournment of the Convention
for. the day. Its adoption would not; we think,-
. essentially weaken the main proposition of which
the Convention had so .distinctly declared its ap
The proceedings of the Convention on Yriday
ithibh wo have a brief telegraphic mop- .
siaL- - were als o ' of great iniportanoe... The Con- ,
'notion expressed itself In favor Of ;a: Southern
route for the Pacific Railroad ' , commencing at
Rome point between New Orleans and St. Louis;
the road to be built by a combination , of the
Southern Statee 'Rhein national assistance; the
ComPanyi to be flisheitarteed by Virginia, and
subsequently by an the-Southern States. The
subject . of the encouragement - of direct trade
from Southern ports, and. the redaction of pro
hlbltive ditties on tobaoco; Oleo received the fa-
vocable Consideration of the Convention-
The letter of our oorrespendent. girel some in.
tanning details in reference to Chsrlestomiand
the m t festivities with_ which she has
en ed the delegates to the,Convention.--
ERDY,7olteitin,was.--Oar .. intstel.
' at' .
Par* Ron. J. L Masons has transmitted to the
IRMA+ Department a letter A* 24 - V tten'Arei' 's,
furnishing inforinetien, preteuted at his nest, \ \ 4k,
li.relation to the bequest ofarhundred th usand s '' ' '
frehcs which has been ~. made to ;the French Irorti- .
tote as a premium for the disivery of meana of i t \ ‘
curing the Asi:ttio cholera or of She cause of the • g \
pestilence. The beqriest was made by Mr. Bre, 11
ant, who by hit will dmited that, the Institute \ 11
shell award it to the one whit ehell have diseoverk' e '
ed the means of miring' ‘ the fleietici , ,tholere or
found out the cause ' of of that terrible diocese, and
that until this awaril.was Made that the interest ' ~
of the sum shall lio 'gired to the person *he, shall
:have advanced the niches open the question of
Cholera, or any other eaderniiial disease, loither
by giving the best anal)* of the air, rthirring
in It a morbid element, or thy Aiding sr process
by Which it would be possible to perceive and ,
at*. thoi animalcules which:tto thio time, hake .
escaped scientific investigetirk, aid`which might
be the cause, of ono of the:mopes, of this dis- \
% •
Bin decree of biovember 15,1858, the !nail- \l.
rtute was enthorisedto ac ce pt . Mr. /trestles lege- F.
Cy ; but the hairs here raised preteltiona \ to be 4 \
determined byjustice\:, Owing to Wes° proem- ..• 4 A
Blimp, the
,testament will have no effeel„nntilMbe i '
defutitive 'judgement of the court. Irotil then -
i \
the Institute w il l not regulate the conditions of ..
the concourse, not knowicrig whether it will cr. '
will not, be, put in posses s ion of the 100 , 0 00 L ',l
• Renee the question, whether . there will or\,vrill ;I,:
not be a Prise to be gifen, canrißt be determine-1 \ \ :
until the court , shall have poi:eel:need its ker;A: .\,
diet; but as soon as the lawsuit ihtlesod, and the `,' \ .
will of the testator Is affirmed, t. 'detailed pre. \ \
gramme will be published, The Intention of, the \ '
%Institute Is to, invite the physibilini \ ''and nuns
of whole world to compete for the prise. Mr.
MII§OII says that tie het:them: induced - obtain,. t c,
thislnformation biennia the beques tems to '
+, i
have hacited much attention in the, tinitedates ''. 1
'and'numerous letters froth all parts of the A lan- 0
try }me been received at the legation andscr $
essays have been forwarded to be laid befor c
Listitute. \Of Mr. Breant, who made the been t,\
s ilfr4atternare says:_ ' . , , ~,'
\ Me t , Bresiq (John Robert) wee born at diem\,,. \ \
deportmentofiEuro, the 26th of October, 1774. \ "':
lie was. assayer in the Bureau of, Guarantee, At. i °,
Rouen, \ from 1198 to 1803 '; controller at the l' , .;\
.mint of Tenlouseip 1810 ; Inspector of the tem- : ''Nl
pommy coutnission , of assay at La Rochelle from s ,\
1811 1811 to 1814., assayer in the laboratory of thead-
ministrator df the mlata to 1819 ;-examlner to
1846; finally director ;of the assaya He. filled
for a short time the otriOo of commiadoner • gene-
ral 'of coins add \medele: \
~Mr. Breant died at 1
Pais on the 6th of Febyrntry; 1852,; the date of
his Will is, August 28, 1649:1 : 'lt was made, you t.
may Perceive, during the most terrible period of.. t
cholera in Perla. •
Mr. Vo ttemare atlclis that it 4uld be quite use
lose to send ad mem'qy to the Institute before
tho:publication of the Drorromu. Amer.
DuKI or\PAn36.--The
'lrmie 1
--.....ig Post
gives some inferrorition respecting the Duke of
Panne, whose assassination was motioned in
Fri,le Commercial ` All the intelligence of
the\ urrenCe ftirniiinsd by the papers pis this,
that , e Doke \ was attacked in the street on
Sunday morrung, March:27th, at half-past five
o'clock.he arimusain haying plunged * knife
into his omen, \wounding, it is ,supposed, the
stomach, fled and mmaped, and_ as - yet'remains
„undetectedY\ The Dlake died on the afternoon of
he next dairl, \ ': . •
\ Ferdinand; \ charlesML. JosePh Maris Vilima
Balthasar de Bourbon, \Duke of Parma, Platen
tia,'Ac., infant af Spain\ was the long name and
titleof the defunnt prince,, lie was born on the
79th January,•lB23„ and Was, consequently, 31
years of ago at hie - death:\ lie succeeded his
1 failure upon his abdication in'lB49, in the Due.hy
of * Parma. lie was cermecte-dthy marriage with
the 'French BoUrbons, \llls wit* was theArtugh.
ter a the Duke`ile Beilwhe was assassinated
at thr4perain.Petris; an accordingly sister to
the Doke de Chanibord, led by tho•Prench le
gitimistillenrY, V. it Frann i e. The 'Duke leaves
four children, the doeond of whom, Lie eon Rob
ert ,Charles,..tafsvhols only six years \ old, sac
ceeds him. Dann his minority\ his mother
be regent. ,-\ -' • '. ' - .\ 4
Patron Ward, who 'as the primdiniinisto and
favorite of the late I.Dukerts ban -rude4
ry 7
unit the conntry..-,..Tins , nis. an English \ad
rentaien end his Lista is fell of st4nge con
'traits and alternating fort 'nes.\, Ile wits origf.,
natty a common groom, and was promotekby tho \
royal. Duke from the stables to the cabinet%
.th '
ktiffillNG 31ACEflifE."—it II! said a AHor
ney General Cushing !loos not intend to anyly
for a renelfal oetho patent of hiieruabing m -
chino. Ito-and President, Pierce hare triedi
'in New Hampshire, Connectiontt and Rhode
,Nand, and it answer no useful purpose at all„. s,
e London Times has excited the ire of the
Ir3ati.,inembers and in the perion of, its " nane
ger'i ids. Morris, has been summoned before a
Parliamentary Committee on complaint of breach
of privilege. The libellous passage is to this
effect fia,read before the Committee:
Tho%lrish members must all beo paid, and
they will vote for their pay. * * * The
Irish meralter is a very serviceable animal, all
the more seqiecabli for not being very nice in
ltia habits. Laughter ] It is not , too much to
say, that hardira single meager° Would have
beeripassed ftrt.he last 20 years but for this fa
cileand well paid. Swiss corps."
A vast quantity'utquestioning, 'falling columns
Of a report, did not `extract fruit the ".manager"
a word, of reply, intelving the journal, or re
vealing the names of, pqrsoas who wrote the ob
jectionable articles. Thvpiestions were not an
swered on the ground that the press is not ame
nable to Pirliamentary Cempitteei end that
such queries could only be asked - by, the Courts
of law. The other journals ofsralort are unani
mous in praising the Condnot f Mr. Morris on
this occasion.
- - - -
~ ,
Garai aIICIR STO/1-4.—Thq ji•reat4t tizow storm
',that has fallen in Central Ohio,at this season of
the year for twenty years iris tha\on \ Easter
Simday, the 16th inst. The writer of this ;was'
in New Philadelphia at the time, which iesonth
of Cleveland about 100 miles. The storm com
mencedshoitly after daylight and centin \ un- '
tilafteinightfalk ' We neversaw snowfall o fest
and Anions for so long a time. During 'a p riod
of , thirteen hours the air was darkened. .It Itii \
soft and "slushy,," the half pulting.!after it f 1. \
Had it, been "drier," not less than 24 inch
wield have remained on the. ground yesterda
morning. As it was, the depth reached ten
inches. At Wellsville it was rather deeper, an d
at Alliance twelve inches was found on the p t-
form. At Pittsburgh it was eight inches,,and . t '
Crestline about nine inches. At Mullion it w.
not over three'or four inches, and at Cleveland
scarcely ono inch; which disappeared yesterday
forenoon. The snow in the central counties will
last to.dnynnd perhaps longer. - . .
Peaches are_probably killed In a large portion
of dm State /a - the trees were in bed or bloom.
Apples - may escape 'with the' ." akin of their
.The gnaw on Easter Sanday { ;-1854, be
long remembered in Eastern and Central Ohio:—
Clailand Plaindeater. , . , .
The. Cuban Eniancipation &twine appears to
be steadily progressing in Its development.—
The Captain General has now under considers-
Son a plan of sending a Special Commiassioner
Ito the , plantations on tho Island, to rerrt upon' ~°
the number of negroim " held in servitude, for \
Which there is no legal bill of sale; that is;lllleit--
ly imported Africans, - with a view to their alit \
The Trinity' Church leatholic): difficulty in
Philadelphia continues to create mole feeling in
that city, and on Friday about two lindrel per ;
SODS formed a procession, and wi, , music and
flags niirched to the jail to . pa li:tide to the
. eight •of the - anti-Bishop party 'who -lad-been
committed for contempt:of Court. ..Theywere
allewed to enter the jail, ono at a time, mud shake
hands,willi,the prisoners,, and aft= eying three
hearty cheers, they took *Ai 4eparjare.
Tux 111rwramona Mosurrs.---The birk Grape':
ehot, with 'Georg? Law's Cou.sketli 'on- board, was
at last advice., lying at the'llaliie. l ttionlli of the
Mississippi .- The New ()rime Delta says that
the Spanish Consul in that 'city, wan soalarmed
by her arrival that he immeffiulelY chartered . a
vessel and despatched intelligence of ~the tact to
The Pettey-Me (Pa) Press. cautions its readers
against counterfeit $2O "mites on the Farmers'
and Planters' Bank of,Baltiniorit. ' Vigneitte agri.
anlturat implements, sheates'of grain,: railroad
cars. - Mao, =counterfeits on the: Tfiscristmrgh
Ilank-1.4 shared from l's reliefissue, Vignette
a marble mason. at. *fork. Firidolkir counterfeit
antis of the Pamela' and :lifecivinlee Bank of
Georgetoltn, b. C. 'are italdln - ba in circulation
IS'Aiss SPOOL—A.: day or two sines, durum
the prevalence of a Leavy gale, &water spout
'formed in the Delaware; . a short distance below
Gloucester, New i r , thetop - of which was
carried over the towards Red Bank. A short
distance over the it brae, and quite a num;
bar of NI, it is eau were koiy,erei,l over the
ground 1
Midame - Goldicionidkis noW lditiginiin Berlin,
and shortly goes I .to Viesaut; lietifire , Ai will re
main'tWo mooths,';' and doixig ' ' -
end =Meets 8 a will \ gun
hindered by the , .go te St
part of the autumn . I
' ‘.
. \\