Z 4 . IBM _ -..:i= . • eITTS . I4 UltGli GAZETTE . • WEEKLY.nr •• • WHITE, &1210..- N'TX [LiKULL MIGHT. ' VIRCI'ar till snar; noos An sax ton caws • doqualfer eauetri.'Pereble Mar 7 44 lo advs.*. WLEK LY—Twodenersierjusa ' u re. Itt ea, ee.. *aria euree]ed oa the Olken.' eaueltierui, - • - - - g OO 26 OD . 1 . 41 * - 1. sad Invariably advance. 119006 p.p.nr oaeDrram be suet atter the year expl4s, imbue the money tomcat lbir a renewal. 1 7 1 ATiLS I C* 4 ADVERTISING: , Von pcsuno, (10 Hum of NonParail Ml*l , Do each mital 75 one week . d1U0r ...,---•••••"* 3 00 -• Ib thews weeks; 0 00 • two Do ' three montlie-----•••-.7-- per anaump 010 on e 41; e additional ihn. • (lict o. squanpoth.,oo4°_, I - • • FMnom) esolosim us Paper: . ... 26 Oo`. esch addltlotml square. Impaled over ooii. month. and format Milltteml mama loser tinder the yearly Wes, halt . .airertiernseate exteedhig a swims. mut not OVET figt6l , ll tfeee, to Le charged al aagleam and a WC • , I%d:haw. 005 mountable • for legal • advertisenemta homed the mnt charend for their nottleation. •... • • aninanclog caraildstes Sir oMee to be ebn,god the moil as ether advertlecatents. Advertisements not marked on the may for a somber of leisertkeut, will Le 'continued till forart l ll i t an= 4. 2l..mt : teere te ettietle their Own Immediate bosh, s , and all advertisements an leasellt of bane person: or the all te not immediately iiromeeted with their enth bb=ad .11 el m's of advertlanmenta ti in length zigthiretrim, twe bills will L ' e 1.• tel; immense. ond prompt payment le donned. • • All admrtisententa tor chariteLle . 1%411- , r_ard,Linnudtigh and other nubile meet' me. and MI . ~Mass sod - notinea. to Le chimed tudflnim, s Strictly In nehnnee.. . • • : . able lllarriage notion to le charged 50 rents. ' Death notion. Inserted without charm. Milan mcomm ' tiled - by' funeral Invitations or obituary notion; and =when so sedortilionled.th benald Arr. • • „tlaillidar advertisers, and, all others einidlng emuseinina , ~ ropulripsi oaken designed to alleollon to. Yerrarnestreet• Cements, or my Dublin entertalinnehts. Ohms thyme are texas for admittance—Ml notion td !pri vate amodations—every notice designed to tall atteetien thielMMesoterortseet mandated or .itit..mudi tes Tremolo Inolvidna Internal, Iwo only to Inserted with the under- Mandlnt that the ram Lto be saki Om. If Intended to . • he In thelocel colsonn, the same will be climatal • at the rate of 10 mute yaw line. -11 1Msopordlir natl..s to hethanted triple • • Tanen Lkense Pethions *2 each. --Totaledseeed tnestril -LA nitseto l nd dcogt of Ildrt,w4lnee noel emthlssAper emir from the a mount' f --Irmorta , asi heist tit, Cr mar. ?Ansi- . Oua BClMark, three tneettlOns... 60 . " , Do. MehaddlUental trutertlon.... —• 37 . sqL mmis to rtrrarrsl: l lClZZlLT Para ..iD: u r7eoch = .. midl ...-3,5 cents. AU transient Mvertleements to =ln advance.-- . . , 1 . : • : 1 , , ILAtTEfk OirMIBCOITIIT. , ' • :colisi6,o atarria to means= Inn; of N. _IIOLMES.,L SONS, Brukers. /Va. CT Afoirf d. bade* Third and Pinola sir. PiLtsterroh• • PENNATLTANIA., - .'ltrealch at Nen1a........ do , Bank 01 lYttabonch,par Brunk at • Tonnecriden..- do . - - Xechunce Bank of d0.....par city ua• - .C10010n5t1.... do Ater. and Maur, of do..par Unnomerdal DkANoritil- do Bank of Counerce,....par Franklin 1ank....: -.... do Bank or North America-4er La...tette Bank do Bank of North'n Llberiloapar ohlo LIG Inr.A.Tnaet Co.. do Bank or Ponuarciranle.... %Vattern luderre Bank- ab . lark gr b ,..1 1 ...T.,,,,adp...p a e , I 3 = .r ii tnlllon - I . - Ahouraraal.Earak o -.Par ..... NOV. ENGLAND. ' 'llaserelte, • Alkledivent Bonito,- -.. ,X• : 4 IllankWak,-,,.......f—par B ar Yost ' EW TORS. ' II eneinktort Raft, ...-. 4.... Par , 9ltri..--'-nir Idannfon. Sifted Bank.3;ar Llanntrt:_.„l,, ,--. Mechanic& Bank... .........par __, „,_ _. nal.lrlia 1r...:-..par 8a1thn0re.......--.......p ar licnkeitaliV a lL ......, c0..... _, ._ ~... ~.. Eknahvairk P - 8ank.......: -Zan. N. , l l Ei r i Trt:Rit Vlimanareollant..........par Allochent Bank .L_.. X • Warn _8ank._....._........V1RU1N1 •• . tank of Chambere_bunch.. Bank of the Valley- X Butt altbestar County- Bank of Va.,Richroond... o Ralkof Goorin•-__ ... • ' ' R.' al.k. Pa.. Norfolk . Baak - cdDeLtla., veaster... artr u 14 1 12 6 Ilk of Vlreola , .• .Bank ofilavnantrorn..,... _ __ llnt , , lea IlerhAlank o rint.:,...:: • If rt. . th rfn Bank... : L , it..k.5 1 ad0mm,._..,..... . LL % L . ' NORTH- diiiiiiiiil. - 111.4gard0...L.....par Walt - of Ow Fear..., 2 •,, /Ate.. innwiand,,,par Bunk .41 , 31 , ...4.=: . 2 Mhabla Ilk rirAG - 0 .. Z. endoentak,Nerboro. 2 Thlkllto./I BABR--4-.Par SOUTII CAROLINA. ' 11.4 . 1 l'l' 3l /-O;a-ar kkonheStaf.S.Candloo .- 2 , ;Rae 8art........;..... . .._ . _. X Bank of South Cardin. 2 . =llkof - Bockgca-par Book of Charivoton 2 Ilk of Landada- • Ph:nate/I Siechan'a' Ilk 3 • ' Patutelif Bank of Reading. . _ 'GEORGIA.; . rasa Bk of&huylkill (hapar Augusta Ins. A Beg Co . la. t Donn Warnaborg. Bank of Auxuas.--.. -2 tranklia WC Weakboatca.. Ilk of itrouvrie w Ania. 2 flor iu =ikak.. ' ....:4..... Z ' Aninlvent N anka.. ' 2 . LGnonne i. nIIIoMtuIckIICRI. L e banon ilpar Bk ofKpaou reo X Aerator Bauk... m par Ilk of Loubm'e.Thurstn ^- ' ' Moamar en:tarp. I. , _Northern Bkorlientucky o Mono b00k.:.......,-por Soca/mon of/Contort,' o • • Wan • Balk..___.- • . ' bILSSOCRI. _ , Wyoming Ilk.Wllkaabarro 4 BkrdState of kllasOuri- X York - 8ank.....i.......-...... •' ' : /LLINO_ _ IS. • - • . Belief Notre. • ' Stare Bankend Bamboo 50 -..p -- ., reatat• k.-...»...... ' .. WISIXINIGN.. • • 4 4 (.4 at kr0...-.... ne & Fire In. Om dike 5 Ranch *t Vien5......... -•, .. fICIIIGAN. , !-,/,= L A.. Ca/L .... Wt.:- I:Farman Mechanic. Bank 3 - leradh ra - Cleralend.:..: 'do renbanbrlt=2 " !..' :3 . i Ilreach at -Toledo..-.... ,do Imotroaro Compaar..-.' .3 imitator* ea1kat0n...........1 tato Bauk..--.. '. 3 Pelaware. ',do • -••- _ILNAIII7 . 7 ,_... lrGnlondeor,.7., . ani. Ainatheiyoroakt I. f ' Wan& at' Aatterula.... do Bk of the Propta,aaronto -, &sorb at 501ern....--- do kof blontreaL.--.'- Brae% Id Xdbakdd. - ..... do kof IT. Canada. Toronto , b ' IWarnit At Riper......._ ~.-... ao r,AsTKRN EXCHANGE. ' Broach at Olard_ do - do On' New York._ -.. '-'.....par .... Brahah at -Waantaeuen..... On Phliadelphlon...--.par Ranch st Cadia......... do 8a1th00re....1.1.-_,--por li=at .Lanantar-,...- do WEJITYRN =GUANO E. at Steubenville... do C10ri0na11.............- . I - Branch at Xl.:Vernoni , ...;.' do Loohatlle...-..... ....... - - 111= Bmth 4 NMI*-- -. d°llk- b""•-• ... idiffli.ux. I..e.Nc_mptiat.7.7,.: do OD A-114P __ , ..,_ 'a 3 ' n't."77 ro r" Vr. ',. ‘14tri W T.......7.1M " Branch at Tra - _,........4.. . . Branch at AIL nutmeat « do Eagle. 0id.........-.....10.00 t e n sj2 tialainallle--:• it i =e k t i ......4........1 , 20 Branch al / 1 14_ -cut..: ',.....' do.Teo Thalcrar.,.7.7.--- 7,80 Branch 3 y.rkap. - tb... , ..- , , re d. r .... ............. 5,00 Branch - Oa Branch at. Ruan,..____tra , ... ,,, .. Fral. ~ ..- 2.96 Dm.* 11/ vurooolna..... do Napoleons..-----.. 3.a3 Branch at kisieilkne.....,.. lilirocato...- --.. 2,1.5 Branch at W0n0ter...... do I. • . • :. .- PRICES. OF STOCKS I.l6al6 , "lVAt.:lll , l2l,2 l 6lLVirdali • A. WILKINS & CO. STOOK AND. EXCUANGE BROKERS. xo.n POUR TM srasszt tfultsd &Atm I"7l gr is coup. Vs riP Aill 2.".-7. IPittrtui 45:hmapCa.4 t n r 44l ..... I* l War • Buit of ritts=.. ll.arehaate Nano( But )boihmaxe Sarhoo 1164 4.:.- qttame IMpodt Haat al=thela - mar CU ad SI. Melds* --- • Walbum. Llbrriles.-. Illbusgrwt Pttiablvl4ll. Imm. r .oe,. Waetars ItgrarsarsCo 0111.seae _ lemmata Co. Lux. spas, sucaripi, — t " a tisrfroike • r , }fit' • . (.1..,..b.4i1.1611,:n. • Italtiardry Dock I rt=tdds CtrdiTZ Do. r B . (pow)—. Cseek .MOL .Itaed AD.. a Parrild , • Moak OCliartimr s neasbolu _Tornplks rn .li t.baraa Letaawafa--- yon CI greepWitorat - - Aanitetre ' P , -1114/21LIBTUR AND SAWN( A.' WILKINS lb r7PbEIrON 4ad 'DoinestlvE ~s a ttAvvi Land Warrialf,l — '"l7l, ll .rix2 ' 44 ".. 40 94 1 . sod • i f ( R:kE & CO. Drumm. -1 ..; ;:# 4447cR I. - r. 74 J....a 1.. CO JUNK NOM ie. 'etis tbitalTraimeetum s . "'""i=46 PORTABLE THRASHING aukcaltirs AND • SEPARATORS. -' ' lITARRANTED to bo thomied 3r b u nt; I ry ..,11,,,,,rittoak n0g...40014 by oAR.RoL. ftr=l,lll6" 4 b.garK• Mtg. Cors n= remand from t. that tlt ,, tA_. oat od oconoottoot lo bank w M or mater T l b% t i tt rt a ort fa i t a; tt bett ".. "IL simony F,Ant et tho Moo trut h' lh.: Z; V „ . oon Ito 6 ta • tttal. T they no. Men ant Df to "4 '6.. be si molds, and to vtak as ma oar to d• fort ittod'a Paint. soil is attasbott to ttio iTh= rums+. ot4 tta .r =r4t "be DENTISTS; SCOTT petal/It, Fourth otroot..4eo • Oa" test of 'lrafkat.' 'Ofiko ho 4f:ar. to 6 r.z. ..; AU took. worniefed:' ; ' WARD, DENTIST, Pei n TT : noon above Hand. Moe bays anal 2A.i.to IS v.. a. Oa Patardaya m II; be neelved or attended to rae ut t=l= s ankoa . nada' *Oda Via.r. ~r~ ~. Y';.: 1 ; :: 4 4 . - 7 ;1, it F . ..5,,i, ~c,..f -,) ' - ' 7.-- . 7-,-.'-......-:„.: '.. , ... ~ • .... , -- . •.: . , ... • = . .... .. ~. , 4; - • :-% . ; T T •S. MORRISON, Attorney an d c ouhad „ Ter: • ktr WU Ofd remand to .1T0..44 4hant stArt; war /auras. puturatrim.Ps., L W.. HALL, Attomey" , . ,uptike_. makUogs,..Orsat latlinJea ' Fourth tad •• , sa.V.ITT ROBERT VOLLOCK, Law— " Corner of nth and Grant streets. arranna theConrt m Napa .Plttabargh. tarrt-r43 AhiCßAlG L Attorney at. Law .New Castle, Ailvisiaaa Vihanti. Pommy to Elm. Walter Crala.Chaa Crook: .1. Nth Pp : Ir M. tair bo tiMyolat7 Nab= IL Chlldni.tasz, : TAMES J. KUHN, Attorney at La.w. office Fourth street, seer Grant, Pittsburgh. 3•154/7 P: SPALDING, Attorney and Contuse lot at L. Clovoland,Ohlo. tawance•-41. Lana* NMI... Stanton. felk,ll,3* FRANCISC.FLANEGIN, Attorney stLaw, 2t0.)70 Yoarth street, Plttabargh. 'ASPER.E. BRADY, Attorney at ,Law, eir. Zia. 89 fifth stroCt,Pittaburgt, tia 11:71F.t1 ti trl] NI 0 ti4l itXIEBNANA CO, Bankers and Exchange Broken, !co. W Wool street, corner of M.:lmA burgh, J. airgur and sell Bank Notre and Coin. Disoonnt Time Lthhatme, an. PP: mammon. Notes; make Collections to ell the principal cities of the Union; finxive Deposits on rail and mintage/It, aug glee their prompt attentkat ball oth. ore attare appertain Mgto a Ihnketo Modern. llLS.Cesthru liarbangc ainetantly for tale. .1LliElli7C.:71:701111,1111 einem:: stunts. RAAIER & KAUAI, Bankera and Ex- . In.bangs Brokers. Buy sod sell Gold and Ellrer sad an Notes, negollste loans on Real Y.state or Stork Emu- : 411 ..y.0n10te. BBnoltrorT a ndNot...o The lIIIIs cm East 1 Zlld tlre. Buy and sell Btianks andsnlon Collet. firms nude on all points 'ln the Union. Mee earner or! Third and Wood streets, dlroetly ospradte the Bt. Marled. Hotel. , • • ..., 10, Coin, Stock antl. Exchange t, Broken. IjoiirtE — itroet—Buyaunst Naas Stocks an ....ommßakng .Ezehaoge on • rat/tern eltios aupplie.l Sunnot ratedg Bulloatioua utule ongha West at low rates Wee arm Moak Kam Bought and sold.' • WA?UKAN MAIM Joanna RANKS RM. C. LULU. •rALMER, HANNA •& Co., Succeemors to • Hugger, Hanna t lianteralOrchangs Brutersand niers In' 'foreign •and Domestic Exchange, Qui.Mute. of Dmandt, Flank No and NS of Wooa Third streets. Cur tes, rent one) , preie reccir .lV corner eql on Dergsit. S ig ht Clieeltslbreals, and nolleeikommade cornearir all mind. MatpoinUlet.the United Staten.. - Ihe highest United .pata gm Foreign and American A e mut, can Illegal terms • Ythkeand n , ehllago Brokers. worth Em corner or Mod and Third stmt..; Pittabserbia. .U 1 transactions made on liberal Lerma, end collections Pmmrtly. atteud..l to. - • • *9-17 WILKINS & CO., Exchange Brokers, • $O. Ts Valuta street, oppodte the Dank o! Pitts• j oa~th T . All beam:Was at meet liberal mks. ITIO i LA-RrmErt, Jr., Banker. and Bro. v r. etrca:t.. No. GO, adjolahliott the Ark of - N 110LMES k SON, Dealers in Fore — icn au4 N a to a n MIL of I..elsan St a rea of fir posit... Bank Nato and Specie, U 9 ket street Pitt.. numb. dra - Coileetions wade on all the principal tithe throurrbont the United State. • . WE. H. SUWON. • Mamie Gtrorer, Importer. and Dealer rn 1 1 0.4 REIGN.WINES, Brandies and-Old 3 . 1(r. Jurriagth&nralaktiO:tl.lt=th.Ettgin'" • WM.. A. IbIeCLUDG, Dealer in Fine. Teas, V Club* Family Groceries, Wooden.and WillarrWara. earner of Wood and Sixth fitreele. nowneelring lart-a. asurtment of Flab Geode. in addition to bin already ex tendea stack, porehased-tram first bands to the Eastern markets. Whirl will is void at the lowest market mires. AM - Hotels, Steamboat, and ' , unlike, buying by the . dy, ausulied at wholesale rates. olgidelirared intim Intl* fnu of uharita +OF A.:&. A. 111'13ANE,•Conuniasion .add For a...Ali:: Ambutz t t Laurae l a W lo 114. Semnd covet, Attsbarith. . _ smily'33 _T S. LEEC'II, MeALPIN .t CO., ;Whole ," Pale a • . andDraleds . ll • ••• Metals and Pitt* tt. O Gear. B. M1LT0N ..11103111.11 IrltDrlttei. L LBERT F . RED . KRICIC WholeitaleGm• F, Prod oen Deskrs. Forwarilim Comminiaa bailie, Ward street, Illtsbarib. • SirllbeTsl cub A4Arasass onAmdramettla All good. Et;ROBISON 34: CO., Wholesale Grocers. tztrso.-Dsars., sx:Veardmion itmshast,igs. 1111111111.111i1AVOU-....-..,........—.:-....A1.1rCUM. nuns A. CO., (Succes 'mai to 13.11arbaneb.) Cornroireinn and Yornarrling ilealere In •Wenl anti generally, Noe. lib First snail° Bee streetn„ Pittsburgh. Pa. ap.l.ly - AEA, Flour Factors. • Commission 4.,,,49lFl=rdeglezehloir r4l Dealers In Prodr attendelia. Nos. 71-Wster and.9o Front 919., Ptilsbu tnm rgter. 991-Iy. 7V 7 ;KENDRICK , Formading and Corn - =Luton )4ereimiltralm,Agetit lbe 31anuftetiarers. urbanise, No.= Wood street, Pillsbury:h. Partkuts; , attentims rahl to Forwarding Merchandise, and consignments for Ws. eouneetiou, or prefereues for Bests of urr Orders promptly attended to. Instructions sill, In all mow. Le implheitly obeyed. • mom badness Is respectfully solirlied; and I !k's" my .elf to um army matkot in your behalf lER /c.JONES,Foricarding and C"rnmis don Merehanta Dealers in Produce nod Pittsburgh anufactured Basin, near &moth stmet, Pittsburgh. - • L pIA. .. ••- .. ..... P. POUR ARDY: g`E to ATWOOD, /OM k CO.. Comm Woo mut Throw& tut en:haute, Dealers ID Pittsburgh DlsaufsetundOutxts. Pittsburgh. ,MATILEWS & CO., Wholesale G. tik, aeaademoa and Forwarding MOrebantaand, .Bunnkw Prig hton coma Tarn.E.T Water gt 4 Pitiaburch. A fER9ill - & t A L, N p T hi EL?. G .L. entralC'e m inm is ofrolligulboAlta riudoc• immorally. jal7:y on. nag% I,II9OII.N:ViPA. Wiior..lelale7G;ocers, •rt rgh Manufacture*, 356 Liberty n ot, PitesTurgi l A - . 11 , CANFIELD, late of Warren, Ohio, .oortinderon 'and Porwardln 'A i rritartt, and Mad, • Divan-1w Wewircri Mame Batton Pot and .Prati Ash; and Weatern Prodano 3, Water Arcot. I.tween smith .Id cad 'Fro& Pi burgh. M KM M! InL.Tan..lkJuly Int. J lreb a Aug. Int. Feb. Aug Int. Mdo aya NOT do LotJan./..1n1y lot-May allor do. eomml urns. Abate of firm Kulaloop.l.lttl• T LUTLE do CO., IllliolesAle Grocers, 44.-Nov. do