The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 13, 1854, Image 2

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ai:aiwnz:n n warm t oo_.
or - ffoßrinnforatuso'covrrr:
_7Oll. rwor4r, com i am oNEß,
at • or Astronisr court.-
`DANIEL. He '81111 7 8ER;
or xorrooiczar r,O(TX7r.
2 :4L' WlLMiltoltzigli 'Weekly , Glasetto.—Tho extant",
7 . 1111 alstlon Ot Ont Graldts offars to .tottloomates
aitit dotiablot or mottos Mar bottoms tootrn
tibtodotion Is betworolbar sod kmatintaand,timelltot
shoo. grey nouteboot, toonattotoser sod ihoptioper
k„:,crlrtStoraPotialryiriothH,iundltosterzt Mkt
cAthertittors. , -Xelther- the Eilltartel Roams
Alistbkiristabusbnamtof ho the Daay Gialteari opium
Soaday. liminnesuwdesino Iletrisoticediamiar
vow 012 igOildi7 1 010n1102• 1 01; Omni:via th,kll2
ataiteer n - each sun of tMi paper.
negimotosia DAILY PAPPIL can hi obtained ants.
• 01. aellablead rarest. near the Past Whs.
, Josss • CIJILZ, at Torentum, AllOgbeny Co.,
is ssib,srisod toroOciro mosey for subserik.
f0i . i.1.4 paper. . -
1311tEITILT %ITU ItusetA.—lf there
euliject on. hich the people of the United
..tfitatei - ipPruach to unanimity otopinion, it is on
r 3 ;:. T.4 , 1411rk taken by Russia in her quarrel' with
Turkey. The designs of ;Russia eve almost inti;•
*many - ,belieVed .to- be mercenary, her' course
rd,j. hypxtriticat and ilisbonesti- and her acts cruel,.
tyratmtcal Mid bloodthirsty. The hearty ityinpa
2,Vethy.of the AmmiesM people ptirith Turkey..
Vet we find the organ of- the National Admin..
"•ieiration, this Country takingsides- openly:
. Some time ago a leading editorial
appeared in the IFashinpimi Union,
';' , eafing the policy of the Russian Government and
itriiing to enlist the United States upon itsside.
this article, Produced considerable stir in po
/Reif :circles aad the author of it was eubse
compelled to assume its paternity and.
retire from the:paper. Bat the L'itiou, while
. distrrowink the author never disavowed the Jan
.._ of that allele; and it has lately returned
antis teak of spreading
•, It has,
within abort time pest; contained several slab
%=inculcating syrepithY with
her ar - pnie with the -Western..Powers;
one of its ; bones of last week an:editorial
-aiticla.appeared on the enthjeet'of the approieh
• ..log war , is which we find the following 'nen;
. - -
, "' ..; ' efinglatni is actuated by no regard Id Turkey,
• ' tint she is lookingfo the extension of the field for
' 'her own inanufhettaing enterprise and capital.
: L LAW Wide field for commercial enterprise, which
is the nal prize, at which Great. Britain. is look
, • . Ing,,seekee:a powerful engine 211 prefer the tutus:
- . of Ile Man . Thiel one in-lorerival as a manufac
. : ' thring and_commereial netion, the other comes
notlateoimpetition'srith tot %Mk therefore,
~ ; out fp:patinas are With Turkey, because she is
- - Auk *ilia threahtned by a Government that is
I. _ :: strong, there' symlisaies are not to strong that they
faajt not a tivertom when our interests are fully
;..ageertained to be , involved by the dmeireares as
I:: • 101tIt policy ` and object. of Great Bridals.. . . •
1 ~. -We commend this extract to the attotlict of
'illthate who think the democratic party Is the
,- ""emience of republicanism. The great principles
at fume in the Present European contest are here
,tempt e d
as ,ndhine, and the United States are
,MuirPted to enrol. themselves on •the side of the
• .
Russian tyrant, beelines .England is suspected of
1. merethary designs." Great Segel's, it is urged,
, ' 'taken the side of Turkey hecingo 'thereby the
..maynxtenirthe field of her manufactures; let
1 , .121, thereftse, take the Bide of Bassin as the bed
imass of extending our inanufactares 1 This Is
. this' gist =of the Union's reasoning. ' We are
f baud upon to forget' our, republicanism, to ig
i maea thought of our mission among the tog.
I ilea, of the earth, to cast out all our .. sympalides
t''' 2-with the party in the right in
. a gigatitio quarrel;
, lad ;Asks- aides with despotism and cruelty for
1 • ail, vibe -e - some Pa ll rl(lueinheerY)ednuestle .
1 : tiggiteiCatirmal lodate:lNo counsel , tnila•be
I . - - . imarlf temerity, :more d ' egisdirp,"'matetatlrri i
~sulican than this "
• _ . ,,,.-,..,'•dnd this is intnelein dSmocreacy: This is
41 r e'threettee of the President's mouthpiece, the
- Wialmtihnent of a great party's Nolte!. •
What do those citizens of foreign iiirth, who
lame enrolled themselves in the democratic party
I * boeause":'of 'MI anpposed symPathy with Euro-
I peat literalism ; think of-this? They were asked
1.-, 'la 1852 to.votefark . ranklin Memo as -one idea
' - Veal with then in 'dews, and as one who would
" t , . wield th*
e inn of
- the national government, as
f, Lei as could be, in' Pronioting the spread of re
; , .Indllean principles thmnsghout the earth. On
' this ground they did vote for him, And now they
1' have their reward: Bassin, which 'crushed the
`."republican movement in &ninny, and over
turned. the work of the, European patriots of
~, 1848, fa Add up as the meet ally of reptilians
MOW= by the paper which is properly regard
; ad an speaking:for the President;. sad whatever
' Wanda wemay perused no a nation is sought
by this eigeriemt a democratic administration to
.1. beAttegn'lnto the BO& against Englard and
Prangs in their effort to protect Turkey from the
..,- • •
assaults Of a giant robber. Thiii'is not,'we know
1 what the.. friends of European liberalism bar:
gained - for- for Gen. Pierce, nor in it
• - what the American people had a right to look
I .
fre but it h not, - therefore, to be wondered at:
This leaders of the democratic party are corrupt
eninithrio .throw us into the hands of Russia,
.." and array na upon the aide of tyranny, if left to
... thwaselsem but la entertaining even the thought
of *deg se they Mundt t h e nation they 1
..... . ess and their . treachery should awoken an in
..;., ,siant clamor for their aSerthrrow.
. Back' revelations of corruptness as is evinced
F in Ski atiptht eirallt ! Ove rrpm the Union ought
to be inifileleist to drive every. hinast Demeeree
i frem the ranks of that-Party. The name °demo
s erath" has proved a gaudy bait to entrap these
i . wham sympathies are eo earnestly democratic as
to lead them In' expect to find the substance with
, .
‘ - th e nataw, \hut; when acts, which spealr. louder
tbeif.lier 4. Preee the party_ to be entblieeee
, oratio, consistency matitompel the deceived to
• , abandon en alliance so illusive as this has proven
Oarrixednee OfUm Day fluseenin finatt..-
t '
TR ,
AMS/31010X adTT, A pril 10.
Tho'runicel* given to the public by the New
Yoritvining Poet, that the enthorellip of the
lamas letter to Hnlannami Ifeleimedhy Mr.
•Enif* ki l 4 - of course,.encited . some munition
among. 7810 . 111740.0 n , WkiatoTet . th e
fraiked the_story toy be, It is not for the credit
of Mr. ESerett that it should ba believe at he
did write the prinCipal partet that noble erouPe•
lid* . it cannot befloubted that Mr. Webster, in
oiliest if; Made each improvements la iteltyle
SW 41011101114j.° Alike it essentially his:own-
Mr.-Webster fillfram his high estate as iiireat
- and emedistint -statesman during the last: three
7.1111 : 11 4 .4 UN nobody has ever thought ,
at denying that hewas a true orator and en able
'Uttar.. ;Ills style rise grand idol lofty as tire
• ' perked hie native mountains, and as - pure as
air which sicennuide them. The time of Me
eloquence antischohsiablp inll still soar above
detriloticei, hitt his , political renown ha; already
lank **pee, -Beside, the subtraction by Mr.
, :trerelt ot theilulseraann letter hien the gar
, land leiskdi 11141111 i IfebitceS brow, odds
aC protkali yilni to 'Weird reputation. 40
, Ammo!, Lg idatttedon the Ealsentazur letter, our
' the letters *hick Men, Justine or
WebetWe ever Trots. We must do somatiiing, and
sisearubly tune and ocrolyocal coarse - ea the
ki sitionhi the beet of. proof:die in
' lni 3 S l l 2ll 4. he cannot, be relied upon.
Mon, Douglass &Whir crew; were :aging like
bac of‘Bashateertentd the alters of God, we
. ,
gagmen-whenlol4°P '6r Pt el !euWig the Pig
, Ike arthW they rsought to rok
as otiights secured by solemn compacts,.and to
thritkOkirTl i t? . IrPOWs l 4.*liied - t0 free:.
doestryllerLasioestors, we'did noi want a mere
0 4 11 4FttPPP . I !fit'Anertelt7. liksboic
the 01024410( 'Oa lime require !man of
_Mx 144111110tAariutlatAnt *sea
mr,g_ttreaSs: hie farther didined hiepoaltion
Dpi : I
: -
, ,
. . , .
-.:•••-", • •••.•••-• ••. • ••••-•„,.-•• -.. _ • • • : -
4 ^ . "
. • '- •
- -
ted against-the Nebraska abomination. The let
ter is notidel . more than a rehash of his thou.—mid
t stn !ypewhe4.idapg spine. the . Mituumri Com.;
Mande .
cant aboutjOpubir.serireig yludiself-g6t*t.
n4eit. The letter is pfd to beideglitand-de
ido not beliete it. The foul mouthed
abuse of-the pure and disinterested men wile first
tilled public attention to his meditated fraud
.proceeded from a bad heart and a coarse nature,
from whicli nothing decorous and 'decent can
sue. The letter is understood to be a sort of
apology for kis abate of the New 'England cler
gymen, and for his notorious contempt for Cluis
tian faith end charity. :I think the cup of Doug
lass' offences is nearly full, and that we shall see
him decline into obscurity as rapidly as he rose
Mr. Pugh, the recently- eleeted Senator from
Ohio, has returned to his wallowing in the mire.
He hue declared for the Nebraska bill, endways
that the Democrats in the Legislature understood,
hi/Position on that question. Be declared; Just
this contrary hero to hir.Scigerten and others,but
his West assertion may be assumed to be true.
Re will help to du the location of the Democracy
'of Qhlo, and Will contrihututo their downfall be
fora the People at the ensuing election. We lisie
got the traitors 'and hypocrites upon this issue
and will make slam work with them before we
' There were two or three spieches for slavery
and repudiation in.the genii° to-Iv. ' Ono was
from hicDoaakl, of. Maine, a poor stick bu full
of -malice and felaehoood against the people
of the free States, whom he denounced with redo
it:Valence as fanatics and aboUtionisti,for their
hostility to slavery extension ; Then Faukeer,
of .Ara., who boasts of the Infamy of "having first
suggested the fugitive law, took up the wondrous
trac, going the • whole animal for the repeal of
the compact.
CnUom, a Tennessee .Whig, an honorable
man, will speak to-morrow..' lie has a soul above
- political larceny, and will denounce the fraud in
every shape in which it Mis.been presented.
The Senate bad a into session to-night trying
to remodel and make something out of the Gads
den treaty, but quite in rain.
The complete success of the Benton and anti
.Netintskit ticket in St. Louis is a most cheering
PrresPilideetee of pie Nair Pittsburgh Gasotti.
April 11;1.854.
liiSZINATT.-Mr. 11P.Parland read a bill in
place, to antbotire ,Peter Cochran to erect a dam
in the Youghiogheny river.
Mr. Dante, one relative to the calories of the
Judges of Allegheny county.
The resolution calling on the Governor to in
form the Senate what amount of revenue has
been recelied weeklyfrcsiii the Franklin Ilailroad,
sines in possession of the State; pissed finally.
• • The following bills 'were severally taken up
and plumed
Bill to incorporate the Cannonsburg Savings
Institution.• ..
Bill relative to LauttPatents. . •
Supplement to the act to reduce the Stato
Debt, .&c. [This bill provides., for furnishing
certain information for the' rise "of the Board of
Revenue Commissioners, relatiVe to the taxable
property of the Commonwealth.] -
• Bilf declaring Little Broken Straw Creek apnb-.
lie highway. • •
Bill relative to the authentication 'or L e tters of
Attorney, proteefa of Notarys; aid assignments
, trade' out of the 'State. ' .
, •
The amendments by the Homo to the bill for
the sale of the 'Public Works, were received from
that bOdy and t.iiiO3,* for consideration..
Kr: Evans expledned the points of difference
between the Honse.and Senate bills, and moved
to postpone the consideration of the bill till to-.
After a brief 'conversation between 'Messrs.
Evans; Piatt, ParsieAnd Knakel,.with - regard to
the proper course to be taken, whether to send
to a committee or postpone the bill far the par
-pose• of examination, Mr: Platt 'withdrew his
motion, and the motion to postpone was agiced
Mr Crabb sub:flitted a raolution, ailing on
the Governor to Wham: the: Senate what dispo
sition ha been made of the .rerennes,roceired
from the:Franklin railroad,how tblexpenses of
working the road are paid, ac;
After a , brief eiplanation of the condition of
affairs on thisload,lY Mr: Dude, the roSolu
tionwas adopted.. ,
:.Gan aptlieUito incorpor4e
the Grind Junction llallromi, • ,
- fleveeslBmistors objected to its conaldaration
at present, and on motion of Mr. E. Ir. Thiasliri,
it was postponedyees 18, nays 15. '• •
The (aiming bills were taken up, and passed I
'finally: • • • I
A supplement to the:Lebanon Valley Railroad
A bill for the - relief of certain old soldiers.
Bill telative lo the Church and bririal ground
of the Church of Unitedllrethien and Reformed
Association in Mt. Pleasind, Westmoreland Co.
Bill relative to the 'escheated estate of John ,
Chise, a negro' men: in Canonsburg , Washing
ton comity. .
Mr. Crabb - moved to . takinp the bill to repeal
the tonnage tax on loather and coal. Not
agreed to-;-yeah 28, nays 18.
Mr. Batt moved to re-consider the vote on the
bill to release the Pennsylvania and Patussylinnia
and Ohio Railroad Companies from certain pen
alties incurred:by the passing of foreign. small
notes. '
Chi Mr. Darsie's motion,, the vote. on the mo
tion was postponed for the present. This brings
the bill again before the Sen:tte.
A WI relative to certain* election districts was
passed; and the Senate adjourned.
is ma Houer.--The Senate amendments to the
-bill iegttlating the hours of labor in manufactur
ing establishments was read ; and; on mztion;
. „ ,
The Wender of Private' Bali - wee then taken
up, and a large number. parsed , ; tunong them
Bill'to ince4wate Greenwood Colony.,
The supplement to 'the act:to 'l4 out a State
- road from the Allegheny and, Perrysville Plank
Road to Rochester, in Beaver courilk, with an
Amendment' .ippointing viewers - to review the
road and determine relative to ',the three or Ave
degree grads. ` -
A bill- relative .to the estate of _lion; John
BredirWof Butler county : •
- A bill relative to &hut!, in'the Big . Sewickley
Creek:and its tributarhM, WestmoreJaml Co.
A bill repealing certain Tilos relative .1 the
.boroughof New Bedford, Liwience County.
A bill relative to the Surteyer of Mercer CO.
Bill to authories Comminioners of Low
reace,roonnty to loancertain' moneys... ,
A supplement to the act authorising the
out at a State mod from New Brighton, Beaver
county, to the city of Allegheny.. . ,
• Dawson - Arum • row Russts.—Letters from
Berlin state that the recent prohibition to trans;
pert arms and munitions of war across the Prue-
Inttn territory was rendered necessary to a state
professing neutrality by; thelarge orders which'
the Liege ,manufacturere have' been executing
for the Russian Government, as many. as from
15,000 to 16,000 stand baring already been for
warded. It is said that, UN Russian General'
Glenke, :with four' or , fire other officers, have,
settlod at Liege during several months, in order
to superintend the manufacture and transmission
of Improreil muskets to Russia.
/morns ;—iire learn that the iron ore
. diggers throughout the whole iron district the
vicinity of the Washingtonßallroadand in Bela
mere cointty hire been for sonitivlays on a strike
Tho benluotte - generally deserted, widths men in
considerable botiles w ing tbroughthe
occasionally . gaat some point, where
Teeeh-making is indulged, /cc. 'What is the par-
Samar cause of grievance we' did not learn, but
presume, from what we beard, that there is some
advance of wages desired, the 'claim for which is .
based trims the general high price of all articles
of subsistence, etc.—lialtimore Stm.
Tim BIBLE. IN rlisxres.—At a meeting of the
Board of Managers of the American' Bible Socie
ty in N. YOrk, on Thursday last, a letter was
read from her. Dr. Ring, of Greece, in regard to
printing 10,000 Testaments in Athena, and sta
ting that the Teetament is now, permitted to be
read in all the common schools in that country.
PllTl4ol.l2lllAtAprialo.—Paerto Cabello dates
to the :26th salt bare been reoeirett... - Congiross
wm is iagtkii). Considering the emancipation of
;the shires at an early day. This'projeot WWI a
favorite IMPIBUte of the President, who hoped .
thereby to gain greater influence with the Masses,
'td enable him to retain his power or confer it on
his brothel; who is , it• candidate for the Pctsi-
, .
A" &snow EICAPL - A letter from_Ssittfat,
Elting n deaciiption of a little affair between
.tho llussians_ant the - Turks, which took phiee in
the neighborhood; on 'tho Z'th asps--
“Ilassactokge, an Engliehrain (Major 011°111 . j,)
in omeattend to. tokiookons of the guard. hed
inarrow'elenxer oc though this was
the first • rencontralie lies had with the enemy
mince he entered Into the terries. At.reund "hot
passed between* bridle skin ead his body' and
oarried'off Ids harte'llica
BLOCIUDII I:milkman PORTS OX:T112 Pevirto.
--Tho Britt h gc/Tenntlent, it is nW , ha Ten dui..
a the Uzdted Staten that thvidiall, immediately
On the innomencannit of hostMtles Pcnope„
lifocluido aU the ilcuraian.porta on tle Pacific, nod .
Mut ordonato &Mecca hive aktwidy ken tr,.T.
nt.—We mentioned, some time since, the brutal
outrage perpetrated at St- Louis bpanianiuntied
Baker on the persbi-d Wm. 0. Hoffman;'en the
paned, as was alleged , d. that he luatinsulted Mrs.
.Baker. Thtf:Uffair : created moat, excatement
the - rent/he tiny, ilia led to the Ittrint Or Baker
and wife. Hoffman was confuted to his lied for
'lomat weeks, but finally recovered, and a few
days ago he and Mrs. B. accidentally met in the
street. The Intelligencer thus narrates what
Mrs. Bakerittponreeogydling him, drew out a
revolver and presented it. He , ran into J. G.
Simpson's store, exclaiming ~.,S ave mel"—rau
around the counter, and endeavored to stoop be
hind it., llrs. Baker, before he could secure his
retreat, leaning over the coenter,.placed the pis
tol at his back and fired twice, only once, it is re
ported, taking effect. She that sat down in the
nearest chair. She wore a determined expres
sion of countenance, • but some minims after
wards betrayed a slight weariness or.nervousncss
of look, and asked for a glass . of Water,' which
was given her by one of the clerks. Hear twen
ty ladies were4n the store. and witnessed the oc
currence. She was soon after taken.into c.esto-
Ay and conveyed to Jail. - •
• A gentleman enquired of hey, before leaving
the store, if Hoffman bad offered her any new
insult, and she replied "no," and that Unreason
tor shooting him was that he had causedher to
be brought before the public and disgraced. At
the meeting with her hostand,ato had been sent
for to his office en Commercial street, they were
both lavish of endearments and embraces.
Physicians were summoned and Hoffman pla
ced under their care." On examination they
found that the ball had entered below the shoul
der blade, between the fifth and sixth ribs, and
tinged downward, lodging in the region of the
stomach, and forming, in their opinion, a. very
dangerous, if not mortal wound, .
• PENNSYLV:Ii:Lt RAILIIOAD.—WO have received
the monthly statement of the receipts of this
road for.Mereh. It exhibits a mdit gratifying
result, as will be seen by the following facts.
The increase in the business of the line'for the
month named, as compared with the same period
in the previous year; is $175,228 26, while the
income for the first quarter of 1864, shows an
excess over that of 1853; . 0f $241,148 07; the
receipts from the lint of January last to the 31st
of March ultimo being $1,070,102 54: These
figures • indicate that our great thoroughfare is
enjoying at present a high state of prosperity;
and , there is every reasonable prospect that it
will not only continue, bet go on increasing.
. It may be interesting to.contrast the business
of our Central road at this time with that of the
New York and Erie. The receipts of the latter
during March, 1854; only exceed those of March,
1858, in the sum of $104,817, according to a
statementin the Railroad Journal of the Bth inst.
It appears; also, that the micelle of the Pennsyl
vania Central road for the lastmorith is; greater
by $lO,OOO than that of the New York and Erie,
while the capital employed by the former is less
than one-half the latter. It is worthy, of remark,
moreover, that the New York and Erie Railroad
is paying'seven per cent. on its loans, and the
Pennsylvania Central but six per cent. Again,
the length of our improvement is but 248 miles,
thongh the receipts include the through travel
and freight over 353 miles, the distance between
Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, while the 'length of
the New Yorrand-Erieline is 469 miles, excly
sive of branches. to Newberg and Jersby City.
This comparison of the business =of the two
routes dhow what course trade and travel are
taking, and must be exceedingly gratifying to all
who are interested in the fortunes of Philadel:
phis and Its magnificent highway to the West. -
Plu7. Amer.
The most striking feature in the news brought
by the steamer,'Which arrived from Europe on
Saturday afternoon, is the announcement that
the Russian Clotetnment will Publish,in it/turn,
a batch of secret English letters on the Oriental
question, and among them several from Prince
Altiert. It would be oat edifying use of paper
and types to lay before the' world any private
and confidential communications which the Prince.
• Consort may have made to his friends in tho
North of Europe touching pitiblic matters about
'which it was his duty to say nothing. If it
'should really appear that be has seen meddling
in these things, as the radical journals of -Eng
land-long eince charged, and as the - Ministers
have;positively. denied, we , can cushy conceive
the tenors olthat poptdar indignation which will
swell up against hlm. In such a case lie - might
easily fond England an uncomfortable and incon
venient :residence. And if any such letters are
is existiace,f it seems very likely that,Nicholaa
will no& bring them out. Tus far his antago
niatahave,decidedly the advantage orldm in this
litarlaf correspondence; but if he can implicate
Prince itibert-he may take a bitter revenge: At
any .rate rho cause ornational honesty, and of
republican freedom- does' not 'suffer from these
mutual exposures of the champions of motutrchy..
—N.' I: *Triboas.-
Tur..:Crrr- , _Gr.ssoorr.—The Philadelphia
Ledger !aye thebest judges are firm in their con.;
viethme that this steamer is safe. They say thik
are confident Mart elle became disabled before
she had halt crossed the Atlantic, in the violent
westerly winds of liarcb that her coal soon
after became exhausted, and,that having nothing'
but her sails, she 'would mak bat slow progress
towards any port. ' When It is remembered hew
long it took Captain West -to carry the Atlantic
back to Ltrerpooll after her accident two winters
ago, there would seem to be good ground for the
opinion that the City of Glasgow is safe.
San Francisco, March IG, to the New York Jour.
nal of Commerce, announces the failure of Rey
nolds & Co., and adds:
!. Their creditors are all resident in Atlantis
cities; they owe' othing in California. They
hare been very heavy importers for two years
past of proVisima, , naluirigmrplements, &c., har
ing large and entendre establislunenta both hero .
and in Sacramento... Their liabilities are about
four hundred and 'fifty theorem) dollars."
The sante lettersays that W. F. Bryant & C 0.,:
importers and dealers in hardware and. agricul
tura! implements, hare also made an assignment
—liabilities $62,000, nearly all duo in California.
Their assets anouni. to' sB2,ooo—but if compelled
te.sell their stock of goods .under the hammer,
they cannotreallie 60 cents on the dollar. The
writer further adds:
A sale or about twenty thousand dollars worth
of hardware hasjustbeen effected at eastern Cost,
Viand freight, on twelve months credit, without in
terest, the teller taking brick stofes as collateral
security ; also the stock of =oilier stoat and'.
hardware establishment, amounting to over for
ty thousand dollars, sold at thy cents on tit ,
dollar. The invoices consisted of a well selected
assortment of hardware and the latest, styles of
stores. .
Resew! DIPLOMAGL—Tho • Washington' cot.
respondence of Wit New York Express writeS:—
" If Russiahas the roughnese of s bear, she has
also the wisdom of the serpent. Her diplomacy
for the lestaixty years has been distinguishedfor
its consummate fineness, tact. and ability. She
has freely availed herself. of the extraordinary
talent of rozzo Sorge, Cape d'lstra and Nes,
selrode—all foreigners; and possessed herself
at win of the. most important State secrets of all
the Coins of Europe. It cannot, therefore, be
expected that she will overlook a nation so im
portant as the tinned States. She has learned
ere.this that gold is as powerful among republi
cans os amon g , the subjects of Monarchy—and
that nothing ss impossible where the venal and
corrupt sycophants of a spurious Democracy
heat. sway.
Toe CANAL LA AVERICA.—The committee on
Commerce in the New York Senate have report
ed in favor of incorporating the American Camel
Company. The purpose of the Association is to
Introduce the Asiatic camel in te,the 'United States
forth° various purposes of transportation. The
cartel stock is axed , at one hundred thOusand
ALP.XASDEIt fUi& fbSiiitt be a eatallaste for tha cL
floe of Clerk of the Courts. AN* to the deeblon of the
Amtl-Ifeecatle and IThlk Conientlon. sel7-tred•
_ Notice.=From %no numoious solicitatioo
otte r foltaht cad felloe-olLisea . roger myself a. s tea&
date thr the . collon of Itsotsfm, Nutted to the datlelan of
the Whig. Convention, to be holCou the at at Aar of May
u. J; LEMON i. auidlds6 for tho om o of_ltozioter f*
Zito the Whig MorcottOr_. apl.2-to,
Woore 4 a candidate for the nomination R. Reg.
fitter; mfarepo Whig Convention. • .44
fErening papa •l nonr.l -
BAIdIIEL PAIINESTOCX te • envllttate etr the Ake of
Itecoetter Dee** the Whig Coirrentiott apll
Warcuil Worms!!—Thore ' , is Ito inseam
"uen amnion among ebildnoty and yet none oldeb Imo bo
omed: Wass the eldllor tbaphydelso, as worms. They
la, blear ddwialental to the opattltatteta sad their tow
• a les should be izu,niur guarded oak.* by ; MEd& Do
• the drat atealtostatkut pytoptotaa 'every sawn should
be toed to Mel theta yossoptlY and thaeottiddr• Arbote's
TamtroVe b wail establtdied st y e toast errtali;eife add
speedy manly ever °goad lEr thb treabietamie and. den
gleans inalady; and all who hate the mistegeoseld ref.
ablklren should koep tab bystuable mid doe OA hands—.
-In addition tab* Ikeda/et attatY, It sons-'tans tosisodeas
V3Pettbeetla,wlll dt emend tanmeibrintamears
czaznAnD, unaustrea.ana take none •' All
otbet Vitostroitee. in: ainpaisoth are eiestldeas, ar,
Wu& Yestattosis, also Ids solebtaitst. Wet Pills,eao ado
'behalf id al Vt*file *tic 'Mani h. 3 ,thk ;: r .!: 1 state..
'sad enm ' ma
seAB gummier' to J. ItldA. Cst, W alma,
To Priotomir,Vor :solo,- o:101 of second
UP.a Cams4BsisrAdssrttstsgkt4Ss. 4+4 bstibti 60*
st Ws' Otis & :48144•1 4 .4 1 6 Wm. .-,lBlBv
Ir. kn rj. W Street, Inirg
Of the &F. LOOMIS.
IS AND ;,:f.,-;
lirOlintock's lredicines.,—We
all the attention of beolv of realhelsatitt others, to Mead
•ertiaement on the fourth peso of Mew ranohle Tateihr
Etc. 4 iio. 11S, Wood stroet,..ote door Damn/tit Pltta
butult.—Bey end seU Par and Current Funds, Sight and
Time Eiehtnete, Coin. Steck& Tutors, and L 'il'esterie Time
Bills, and Promlwry Actor allow 6 per cent on Ttmo De
positee of Par- and Cureent Moue and Insure Flea and
Marine Policies Str the Atm Issoiireca ecotresT., (eisb
0 ,
09.) S 170,000) and Rattirlescalscs (Colts
'1 sold
Nos. 130 and 132 Second street, between W od
and Smithfield, PittaburF.h„, and Agents for Lent Rirk
=.ll=tnirS*. fo "" o ad 'arti,,,,War rt ,:fgg
the attention of the city' ado. isl24mdfe.
Wood.u GeneraßT.
No. 25 treet, Pittsburgh.
Dr. Banaiiyee Lace or Body Brace. - •
• ....7,, ,, ,..
~,, Th'o Brace .o Dr.
'- E . Banning is now rota In a
I tiri p
i ... - much Immorod 'Firm; ud Is
wornby hundredsof Mall
• 1 ~.-..m. II -r. g. . for the rnre and •breve lion
I. • ' k • of: Vocal. Pulmonary, Cys
. .., ..'- peptioLliervous, Aphud. Pe.
male, Uterine and Child-bed
i .., WEARNE:-...9 , F.& au& as Yr.
, •,,-..,--- lepsne Merl Chronic Ulm.
" --!!!!!!..: 11. - ii= . l . = • hom. Draping of the ,
. I';-- . • lilAPAl , e i s, istupt i , Milk g,
Thin Brace has the ranction of sonte . o r rtle most Ate in•
gulehed mediee men in the eountri, among Whom arm—
Dm. Mott, Whiting, Codgers, Crown. and Bl'Lean. of - New
York: Dm Burroughs, Richanison.:llabersham. Morrell
and Cunningham, of geeenneh, beeidosothers, as may be
seen by renmence to the mars. which I have for free dis
tribution. . .
Kdr - I also 6..17, for sale Pitch's: Chardn's, dectson's,
Vanhorna's,, Blrh Bette, Marsh's, NoMles and sareral oth•
er Snahartars.
I..eiden too urea rapport hu the oticcillitlec erthe Wil
cock current...ll=nel the put., effected. ,Ito
HERNIA OR RUPTURE. There are thousands of persons
who are &filleted with a Rupture of Rio Dowels, who pay
little attention to the disease until the bowels, become
strangulated, when to all probability It may he too late.—
Row Important It is, than, for all those intiltwlng from
may farm of . . 4 Rupture of the _Dowels," to call at once
.W.. 1 Dr. KEYSER, at his Wholesale and Retail Drop
Store, menace of . Wood Street rude Virgin engin and
procure a TRUSS, to retain thd protruding Donlon of %h.
bowel,. Dr. KEYSER hoe as °Mae back of the Drug Store
whore Trussce are applietLand Oro satishm-
Rom lie also has every variety of Truancy that you. can
name, and at any price, to suit the mean of may ono hs
nerd of the article. I also keep every Mud of Supporter.
ddy Drams, Suspensory Brusdaga, Etude tllteffspr, Sr
enlarged veins, and all kinder of snechanital appliances
used In the mare of 40esse.
I would respectfully Write the attention of the public to
an ritelleht TRUSS FOR C7IILDRE4V, which invarisbly
effects cumin it very short time.
Raul the rakrorlag else fardebed me by a phrs Wan lo
an actialaing eanntr
• • • • • • "The Truss 'Nan 'sent . bag cured theenue, etue. • which I thought you would be plosse.l to know. The
nartleo interested are Quite delighted."
No. 140. corner of Wool street and Then' alloy. shin of
*the floldno Mortar.
N. B.—Any Derma can-hare a Taw sent to any. hart of
the °wintry by euelmang SS by, mall, elating the aide at
red.!, and sending the tneutito wand the body, Imme
diately O'er the rnPente. Addreee
1h) Weed et.. Pittoburati.Ps.
Ladies Fancy Sufis:
31!CORD & CO. would most respectfully
brit° the attention of LadicitO their large ind complete
stock of FANCY FURS, now ommitit comprLting in pact
Sable. Stone MarUci, flteh. Lyng, Carmine, Siberian Soar.
rel. Rock Martin, Uoneir, Loner and Swart's Down; Mara
Tietoricies, Folearair COPE. Boas. to:,-arrow Wood and
it t Fifth etnota..
INOTICE.—The undersigned' , Frederick
Lorena, Of the non of Lorenz. Sterllnea Co.and That.
tewart, of the late Ilan of Stewart. Lloyd a va.; hats
thle day Sumed • ortolan; tinder the name and
atylo of LORENZ. ° llMAltrth CO .1_ ; for the of
marrobeturlnc bon sad Nalla. antihero taken=e
hones En. 61 Wafer etre.d.between Perryand Short streets,
whore that bare on hand an aseeetteent of the rarlothe Of
L o grille.: l ;, , ..; l s . = r otiirt h l:,ea t =nnodelLa t e
public. . • YIIEDERICCLORM, 7.
Serieltf • ' 2110.9,11. =war.
- Tor Warming and rauilatma.offlaydings.
a. a W. loin airairsit Ea Wonting nod tint sang
Mama or llot irnter, t7roa oa ChUsosklturusea.Clnsitpl••
SA K so . ol7 nneorioo,VmoilLini4n“loain
:mu, now, opwrltletw No. it Malist ft.; -pittianna,
• -
.• prove e on -Explzsivo Caniphene Lamp
Raving parchnsed the , , -.-
ad Gritheabere 44... N NA: 1
re . i ,,
0.0. u. or Attaattvry„ Bra-, . ,.. .- I •
m : - wAstriNcrrom, rev-
F ,_ ' i I
xra. and urearm. r.„....0r0.. -,-
~ f
patet...l to furnish u.torw or .ell
.. . .
~.. .
771 me Letup. aro en poonstruetod as to render witdesion ha
Inodhle. and the peddle may net satithed that they may ,
be usedwith entire safety. Theyelsu grieve mon brilliant
light and thentaterial, toted being cheaper than the 'Long
Tallow;nr ells edam. kind, they mut, tame fete general
we. We abet hare LANTERNS and CAZig etithe metres
PloeirontinciPla i .
Tbleivrtiges that we hove seen, arandned and tried, De
Uninen . . Int proved Nott.Kopledin— eatnphene Lamp; pat,
tented an. eth.las.l. ender. fall Coatialled that it 1. a very
Tel nal& freproventent, and will found far - preferable to
illy other Laren in ope. We !teller, Alraefaty it Le prefect.
ly relleble.end therefore &,e, it richly deeenring the
tention of an fetch as here metal= to wee bum. of an,
Dee. Mille Datari‘ N. r;.lr. A. tilimen,Batarht, EA%
It V. llentl4' dot Le. W il mer!. des
F. Awstin, ' dm, IT. D. Witennfe,llarlem,N.T
D. Y. Perrone, the K.J. Mann. the
Aire Sinith,tit,: T.D. bewerie.WiillamMg.Ll
Y. A. afersh, dot J. E. Ilegardna 'the
Eli. Foote. Ike J. Ppinnings, dr,
A. D. Tryon, the It. Drown. dot .
N. A. Woodward. dot J. A. nottereen - dfs
SoThatphone,, Nue OD awl il aid, alway s for salt at the
l' Welittalatirm el' Stramboatmen and Rargod, 4
rwtpretfully Invited to the new . patent Lantern and Can.—
Tim limns - nue in seen in cpefation At Dr. K EVBEltil
Drug glare, 140 Wood at., where they are kept for sale.
We have frequently heard the celebrated .
siIETIMAN ntrnms, .old by Dr. C. 34.)acke0n,12) Argil
street, Philadelphia. spoken ot 1,, terms of the Light
'coservindstkm, and we honestly helions thot iris one of
the hest in;lelnen sclvertlsed far th e coinpleJnte Aar Whiett
It Is reassi ncled. Thoy are iclearant to the taste, end
! be to n tthcler any circumstances by the , moat' deli.
stotneels. The press fru. and whie,:hitte united ht
- commending this larsinsble remedy br4yllDepda. &HILL
ty, 1,34 unclench ere the healing erode of this moues,
that we hens It MAY be introduerdto eiriy - fsinfly where
dyspepsia has or Is likely to hare sikOm. •
gold In Pittsburgh, by , PLKIITNIY LAWS., -Drungbtin;
GO Redd et. Also, for saleby 0K0.11..K.FT5P.D. , 140 Weal
scree.. • , sp7-2wd&wli
116g..t0 aall the ettLntten offteyers te , their
extetudve StOct or
enmprlwlng one of the mart complete otWortmeuta In • tbp
muntrY, . -
•wmt whlai they oßefoo the meet term. Ince
'chant. going Emit Wilt Ilea thole lutenist peotoOtid
baying their HARDWARE . at
Pio. MP Wood !tempt, Plttilbaritht -
it mom *sore euseet CIIMILIJ HOTtl..) rdtwa
RAN-mm o.'
CASH CAPITAL; 6500 . 000!..
Xo. 59 Wood supne, 1 , A.
Shinn. Dlta a
late of the Atna, Hartford.
Jager Caredngt ' -..1.1rm of Corning & Co.
ittrAlon, .. . . Firm of Don= & McNamee.
Riehard Ilipekno ...... of Doatte, Fang & co.
Watiroot If. Ndlos ...... ....-....V1rm of Ulatlha,3lellla &Co.
(knew 7110 s- . . ...... of boron Blies Co.
Aram co
1100.. ..... -Firm . Fir
of. Elf. Clapp & Bowen.
Joao, Duo Flow of. Jutuollow A Ca,
Char/ IL
Math. • orb. D. Mitch & 00.
Jeol fidddrason—...... Firm of .1/o.lluwo a Co.
IriiThon, 0. Lumbert..........-10tm of it. Lawrunco & Co.
A of liucklef &
Lewis ..11terborswe...„....V1rnt of Lewis Atterburr jr. & Oa.
Led P. N
............. o(J. IL Decto, Morgan *Co.
Antos 7'.1h0f061..-....-.llrm OfTrawbridget. Dwight 00.
John G. Firm of *Schott kW.'
Mark. It Baldwin ..... of BaltheLn..Starr & Co.
&roma of Sherman
°cora rim of C. D..Mortran &
Laden I).
Cheatm..-..-.. -.Flue of Coman, Lothrop & Co. •
Tkomax of T. A -/L Ithweeneer..
ofJohnon C
PlsVll.'oria..-...........Y1rak of Norton, Dative C
Stephen hod • Firm of Boyd & Paul..
, rod /ft ..... -Firm of Unskell, Merrick &
! A red . .. „Nem of A. S. Borneo & Co.
R 'Lockwood-- ....... of IL lackwood A Son. i
Luaus .. ... .. . . ....Firm of Ilopklne. Allen & Co. I
Ar.lll l' FreVilii3;;;;7l;l2 n artigilkb . ge.n
Jo. of Swift, Hurlbut & Co.
0xrr........... of Condit a Noble.
Wird A. . ...MIMI of Work & Drake
..Aitthan 51Ad1e0...... “. ...1 , 11-m - of Oltson, Stockwell &
./awses //omperey..-.Ylrm of Barney.
• neded Bank.
:Danford Damp Firro of,pi , eue. alLesm A c o .
Pewee Ilk CO.
Bem. XL. LOO Proddent..
''011.0..1.411.11.TRL Secretary •, •
- 3:111POnt TowderTiji
.Inwng-ndinutud p,, Y e " : '! "'rietY Rifle
b.44:Ud 111 an Wksi" al"7
let. to sultvur
• • Nmi tY74l.llluntuan.
En/arged' or-Varicose 'Volsci; 'Weals
11:mt aanrrs ao - Wut Airscra.-I.lreiod: nomad* lit
) 14 tht0 181, 4 302 orrirnikians.:and the'pliblla vinerallr;
to kii:altaccetaymt of :auk Puma Stftkinirs•' 413w:C ON
biadoins lbr thy =Wand evn v a d
took, or Estlarisd Yolo{, Woak, Ankles, Weik KIM Joints
dad tereti ecru of gfxvo. to
.1/firrabokoWitorr oigioty or uitiook may arm*.
Egooo ig5 , 0 4 10r Broom. NO I 64111 Maas or too
c l . l 00 1 4gr %rho ooze of thorn. ,
. olv , ,Aiudia,Folxvirotat,
' , 141434/1 4 / 1 "tellOitor. Ires 4 st:sisetridu
bans letaXesd- - .-....r.. venom . sr--.....OXELLY ILZILLWO.... 00CIIRAN, & RUSKFIT,T
1741 3 1 11irG .-BROTERE% '.l •,-., teuce.Essoas . 1 . 0 vzoltm .u.unoiaka ma
-__, (itcom.s TO .e. from a a.) • ,
E 00 1 S TS,
:-:.. --No. GO WOOD MIEN, 1I NO. [di/Corti Whams mad 6l North Ward Anna
_ P•ardarEccil. PA- - ••- • THERD STORE AltOTEAßcirsnizaZ -
Promietims Of Dr. N'inn'l Celetrated Termifour-Llvewl --PHILADELPHIA,
_Adam/Maine , . Yntent, Simian
A. A. AI ASO N e 0., i and Polfaarod Quidies, I White mut volareaq
, Have; reteired and taro now ~.) . 13 e , er wt , . EandalTa Chandeal. Olin, and Weeders Okla* Solo: ' 1
Thousand and luck/Act of Foreign and Kenai , Sperm, Whale, Lard, Sea-Elephat,
G0.4.0f.... 7 .I...ripttotrian k ish 4 l a part- . I AND T T :AN - NEW OIL, \
500 pioece of tho richest aria of Plaide, Ski Brandy. Yu hhda and bides.
r , \ .
Figured. Changmegb, Ponitgla Solo, No LIMA and gang larue 'modem <I'M; is ar•g=to r ." 14%
Black OlDa ofermyr dermintker.
thorn/ upon the most Omura
1 Tar Pitch, Eashr and Spirits of TurPolittiile.
Iwo pi". peosprint,,,3, Orea.Bege, Tkeruea Iv:..' C I ' h p Oil, B g
Organdka (keno de Bath, Challye, Tend.; poplin, i.e. varnisaa AMT MO ON =0 =BB „. ,
igt_a. Cons,taalao. eases °Mous d fainea Burge dus • Enid, Alcohal„Strang & Ih xdoeised•
snAwLs ' ILANTILLAs • &c. Bice. Cotton so d Sods ` Ash. r, r
lop Cart rang. Mocha Shawl; Canyon iaape, e . ' -
Fak, and 'attar 'bawls; every Alin ALL AGENTS NOR TIM 9NALABB POWDER
variety of ahmtliJaa Taulaa i nleites. If., of their own and I COMPANY." andarniamstantly ma/Tiled with thevarkuri
foreign CWWlnfar tom ,
kinds of this curator grading and Bunting 0 •
[ BOA:YET AND JILLZINIEB I* GOODS. • I which they art authorized/D.' the makers to warrant
140msca of Firm Braid and Lore Bnunata aka the Ito anT to thin =WIT ur ''.°P.• -- -
most faeldonaide style". of lawn turd Silk Demote of linty NUR SALE TO THE TRADE 02Y 4C41)./(XODA7YNO
New York and their own manufacturm sfillinet7 Goode of . _ rants, the mincipal kinds are: ,
every varlets . .
F 1 ,71 GI Xentnekr Mae in 614 I.ll‘ and BM. kap..
_ .EMBllomEarEs, LACES. Tnnonno. Sc.
/00 auto= of Colima dleerves. Chainizette...£o.; Lae.. 12 BM 11h0OrrOZ " " `'.. r " " o
Bdicik, r., a., ialtholateststylreof Drag Trimuthiga ' Durk M o lting, --- .. - - - -'2
Gimps, ilingeallibbone Galloma. An
. HOSIERtAND GLIAE/9. American Sporting. in 9 0 / 1 / o ma . arl ib.* P L
700 dor of Ilatiery and Okra, of army quall6l the beet /MOM/ ilah -... ' - ' - •
make MIKIS Gloves always on band; alp. a fps idmk of Kentucky One .
Mang floods. " /Or Oh ing and Illaating Powder . ln Mega oral
31" g
F rICEN AND HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. C5.. 14 ; 11 r 1 / 2 .• .IPP
' i'al•am'j
A enmnlete deck includlog Damaek ?able Covers. Dia- emmemomw
maatinett aheenrum. Napkins, Toweling Linens. Qudte, -
1100 wee end tales of Cal/come. Bleachod and Brown
Muslin., Clannelv M
mme ha eeks. Tweed', Bummer Stuffs, Drilla
YeatlngatdottneWmares and Bath/otter, Tams' Trim.
tb :lan r bat
. lidt ae tb ilted io _
TB - New Goods will berm/stonily revived through tho
11 • 3- Wi . "'"*". A.
A l f n. 1111 - t.
Widettoluto, 41.01.-Tlie premises
". I Lba *t.immry ikon .t., nd
jointe theltattl of the Ateeriesn noted, from the ht
Aoril nide. Anpy nt thie cam. If
-" • •
Breast Praps.--The best apparatus for
drawing de. breast ever livanted is Dr. Needham's Breast
Dump. II sets eitlnnat pain, ts simple ha He construction
and must ere sa4lsraetion In every eue. Sold, wholesale
and retallaat KEr4Bl3ll'B. 140 Wool et. 40101
113.41iL STEAM MILL.
Ftimili6 will be supplied with our various
Sera a t the ) R
IYoalatrevt.ur . Bratin A - Relter, corner of Liberty and FL
Malt sts.,'PlUsbnrah; IL Y. Selorarta.•or J. T. Sample,
Dr llour ugabota. Allatarani.
dallveredio &mines In either' of ilte deer.
Trims, (IABII on dallvarT,-
- Timber, Mill, Tolinen° & Cotton Screws,
&ailing and PuT4ys fur larliinory,
Car and .Bridge Boitti, 'with Tlavad and Nuts
_ .
. 'PIT S BIT 11, PA.,
wAnznoclz, No. :31 {TOMS Sr., =MELT Flu, AIM Scomre
.02 - .111 -work warranted. - • mt,3141
Indigestion and
BY MEWS PETROlA.ll3l.—Read'the following letiegfrom
liDlekersed. a llholonary In Oregon:
31. Rica—Daarleht—lfyrelf and Wife - hiving been
greatly benelitted by the use of moor Petroleum, I wish to
have.yon tend toe a box of two or throe dozers hottlea. I
me the tkrogregational-Sliniater in this Clam. and several
of my people are allivted with indlueetion and an inaction •
of the Over, the sable of myeelf mid wife, berme taking
your IlliTafiLlgU3l4 OR BOCK. OIL. it e took several but
the—two or three each—about -a yearend a half sun, - and
zriut :V' nit antrll -4 . th If t ,„ir - bovi,reJrl,7,
that Wilma of the stoma th eapeso ammo. the that
gentle Inks mitered. and I ha t nothing of it slum that
&tom:. 2Nly wife one also relieved from a -throat.,
by of
re liverowhieh had been Gramme] 7 0cm
. standing. by the
use ofsrit Petroleum:
Pohl El. 31. Canal , ]ludo 0E0.41. EP.YI3II/1,
'llO st.. and Druggiste- and Alsdielms -Dealers every.
where. •
.-IPopers adrurtlalng Petroleum easy.] oetti
.Dr. Morse's Invigorating Elixir or
COanIA . — lf tI. Inquired how thi. meat ITO:native is
amomplishing eurh extraordlniry ores. we eau only reply
that to the Arabian herb that Torsos Its cardinal ingredient
have been blended by the Omnipotent Physidan,.. luster
amount and greater Varieties of curative properties than
bad heretofore been supposed tomist io alumina different
=tides of the iharmacopccia. A whet. wallet& ebest of
remedies. so ta.l.lar, seems to bare boot combined in tide
txin, im.Tin the ELIXIR or C0111)1ITL we have their eon
contested weenie. ,It is the effect, howeveroset theeause
wittrithleh we hare to deal to the practical application uf
the medielde. The Victims of dysperMa are cured, 'the
name are relieved, the hallimmirsed resnmetheir
ity;the Suffereri from head-sthe are more,
•thitYlunk besome stamen% the tiut nf Jaundice leaves the
compisakm of the bilious, the deeressei In midis become
W.P.M. the pick to aimed to ovary =Within of disease
&live immediate benefit 'frOin the nee of Dr/lincee's
vtionotink er' Dordlar These hots, satmcated tif
irrefrauabis opL as pre:witted to the attention of lois-
141:' 4 tto Min verify them by a 'sizzle bottle of the wadi-
Th.; TLa Pstdiel Is pat ut , highlyentrintrated. In Outlet I
*lOOO Nis:three' doglarape;' bottler, two Om flee dollars, six
for twelve dopers. ,C. gibiNb,"Proplido4 :
bcDrutristi thronahnot the United Nato% Cana
trued and streets t_ and Geo. n. e,,oonser
Irma street and Tlntin Also, yerr
411 4 - 4.31 C -4 ) ," 7 7
~ - . .-11I1SPI.
Citizens inzartuice c'omry,of Piltebtirgh.
1041U8.1. 11.1118ff7J2.
mrssuan 'FIVIA. AND CARGO RISKS ON tillt
01110 AND 11.1841631PPT RIYIiIIIc AND nafiIiTADIND
Kr /gram tioniast Um try Pam ALSO
iteeiint Merritt
and Titt_SSPOR.TATION of the PHA owl A - LAND NA /ICA no*
n. n. rte
w. or,
Bombe' ,
Robert tonelap,
Immo 11.'Ibbncelr,
Wolter !tenet,
. ' Jobe El.
i. - srat l 1
P. A.fiTeZ" . '
Wm. Iliagess.
Jahntl. IM.rorth. .
Wrzsiela s.4lcro“ • •
J. &boom:later.
Wm. 11. /Ism
• IDlos. - •
Oirard . inie and Marine Insurance Co:
owner Fourtb an 4 ULU&Id stanota. CAPITAL,
• )1..5.4...r..p. Atrium IT. A. tßiarkpL
prd. Panl k atula.; E. Darlo,/. 14.11an , M . Thor &
iyira.l..AO7'''F'l.ll:llli)iritntlra,PAUllo Y. ?A %
'l. l 4o.eare PY'"`"• Z711.1M.D.
• "I u Inan e . COtt7tor Yartunint, di.,
11 1 01InionnPlerry, Ilerrhaadlo sad MOM Fr, era!
Abytalthis WIC& &alm 2 . I 1.
11 , 5? MICE I . lllnD swam
vv to obtain an sennsta, ulnae an.,5 Monk., likosomat
T"ild.'V IL to
finionoth4. or no ataxy ina,b,. !hype one of tbs
hovel and last &mond lid. and Sky 1 Is ...ton
•'•"'d '1, th "d7= - 1 .12.1111,7
Nov York, lir.rktiattkr=l=l.l to
air to lb.c p . ttooaof lb .
nom' sr. tn Is fin wfialbos, from Is .Yeinck
a. it. MP 0 Wadi. r. . . .
Chesta.—Dr. KEYSER, Whole
Drugaid, of I 1 Wn0..1 strVt oolaulso.11;1
osfortmont of &IMMIX X OILESTS funilin guns,.
tou.. as ruknas Thom ws.ol of of ibis'
II lad wool mwu to Ow. blm.ft call. ,
A word to• .Enrzners-ihow to have good
- Butter and more of it:Andhealtb,V Stook.
• • New Disoovenea: •
Powders are put up In one pound packs end em really a
eigood ertielO mot only for the diaconal Incident to horse,
caw. swine and other oniondo, bet they em likeable an
excellent article to improre.thammUtion of the animal.
nr,ll/441. Mao theymot only irepOcra the condition 01
rail& towo lmt they . Incomme the quantity ea well as 1m-
Mop the quality of . milk and Matter. The proprietors My
that It Increases the quantity of butter from half a ponnd
toe pound a week to each cow: addle tlewe tunnel, 'who
bare tried It say opened soda half to two pounds per
tank, with the came kind ay 'feeding 441
.loswe. Of one
thing we eta eateln, all who Auer It ram will vett ell the
time and sate money by the operation u well as 'mirror°
the apPearanee of their stork. , Prlce,2s rte • Paper, 5 pa
pare for E. GEO'II. RitYliElt, 1e0.140,
° 7
ar_Wood et. and Virgin
'.°. 'Wholesale and Jtetall Agent.
• Connuntition - and Spitting BlooiL—See
the cortiOrnto atilt. Toraet LI. , Ramsey, Sir many ream
Dirreietor Or the isrmbtd /h 46/; Frcdrrickstarg Va., and
late of the City Ilcdel..lllCli mond, IV •
Dr. Joke Slinger of the city of Richmond, though • rex-
Liss pbfsietan, and of course ofiposoil .to what be called
quack mandato, was' Cblfged to say that Its good &facia •
In the awe of Mr. llseisaei. were wonderful ladeed.,
n "'"b' n g a .T en °Pim , sere* Ylirticiaa; had tried
most of the wawa mediducil.and was an the. TIMM of dear
sale, es well as the grime; wluni ho tried Carter's Spanish
111stura We refor - tberablle to his full and lengthy cer
tificate mound She bottle, stating his cubs.' •
sa - SWeadvialleletaent.' • mIFIS cadaver
STATF:lertiTirm. •
.11)11.A.N011 OFFICE --Corner Fourth arid
rhalthfield itresturPlrtsbUrgh. CAPITAL. ti..k0,000.
nutheribrd. Dauphin o*.• I. 0:
PoduAluk. ItArgiburg Busin.el
A. Jones, Philsslelpbts; A.
WUkins, nanke tt r o l
n lttzterribl. A. A. Wrier. Pittsburgh:
Unlstt, II a. T. Jon. , ambhunno„,b,..a
m o t, r Juba A. Ilutharaud Pam:thin 00
• '. I OIIN P/I/T/lICRPOIUf. President.
Thiabors Company: 11l x lna a against rtrus PM and
bland aavisrsthm VAl3AlurPurtation• also, on IntlidlAßS
22fablinIg,dtreiguiLla runs,
- slam gurrutgullf, All= A AzIA orres.n. a in01atz,11,474":
espital 41614Ansoal Premium *ad Warta= rFid,
-„ 0001.000. • •
Policies of Inittian'oe leaned at all times on the
- • most favorable terms, against_
...LOSS OR :DAhlatfq r.rfuE,
ot vim
• - PE
Byl ttl4l , .OF .11AVIGATION:
• • tmeanz AILYOLD,
mbl6•ls3 . rba. ' • Yee 1.1-ttsbarthand
pThousands of Cases . of Cosur.am_ption
an Cared by the tumor lIIISIITON,cLAnan 4 DO'S
O , UVUIt lIRDICt4L COD ISTEX SOH.. It la no a. or ,,t
mremiation, de Quiet likstioine , bottle lion Oil a .
*esti Co 4 Fish Llenr; PreDired with Uss Utmost esti
as to proses» Its valoolde ysoMwtis44lllmidithostatato
isindtretion and Is rescsannendad by the moat mam ie t ph .
i f
own,yh o cemt onpatiortty and celebrity of our Olt
has Induced many thiltatimucand will plesun
o t,k. t h yt th e th,,,,,i... amleliv binn the m gmtur . o r QP.L.ENDIDBIALDINGLOT . S FOR 'SALE;
warm WARS = ; CO in, pwitba ark of snob bath,— t k 3 situated ha the Till Ward.blivloiro. hoot OMIT. men
244 br Dmstiows , .F.l.l4. l 7' 06 , . 1 i1/ 4 0 ao United ryA in d ., A " .. eyar d _ °C lo4l ,l o m alisisishliS 11...ttit it
Angell: --- • - w Mabdiathenel 1 , - Arhus u,... , .,..t....... w .,41,va
~,.. rah; Jam 11..1141. . - • . Apply' to H. iscI.ILIN, n0,.21, Futitotr4
Mai t i t i,latimanMlDMlDia
_ _
mr.m.x.n^rs LS TUE CITY or PIITSIII7IIOII. _
Ilutaux• Ada+. CAildrew
0 2
... .4 ......
Marurtnr.— ...... . 0 .......::..:..1._.:.:_1 ti .
... . 0
enoze2tlon o 1 final; 0
8-=White W—Colored, 2—Ta22i. 22 et
ram Atm SULU IrEsz,
Ily ordn of the.ltpuTtiff tledtL . _
• . IMIDOCk.
rityalcis A o
of Ikardof
Notice—To Giktdiners and Others:
THE choice of Vegetable Stalls, . orplaCes'
therei., issincuil the Iliainond Thicket Boum, Iclll
weed of by Public lisle. oct MONDAY ,. Buy /at, at,lo
o'clock a. B. By the -Market committee. apl3
Atbiththr . ntth . prN(
\ Notice. •
NOTICE, hi hereby Oren that"the under
rigned hoe J ac ob Stonertere Of AdminLantScra on
..I.krtete 'of Jacob lit.d. , .of Ohio Township,
deed. .All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said
estate ore regnostedlo make ItormAtoto payment. sod all
throe having claims toxaemia them. properly anthentka
tad, for eettleraent. w3f,,n.nemwroN. •
aplO4tereS ' • lial.'hf9ltltOW. &Nei,
I - Ohio Premium Cattle. • •
ciEORGE7:. _EVENS - in ' , le c tern:killed
show the quality of the American erroWn Cattle.
w hare the illthrofobe of Mesplemild Pitt(11110.11 CAT.,
:Mt:. and also ecene,of his LEXTRA AtUTTIIN. , at Stall NO,
I . A . mbrir etl =l l, , ,y blark
nd itlon i FilUittrpAY evening
berth Alarket, on At evtAilangP.a2l4:l4lllllDlAY
morning. Chit and 1.4 - 4.1101.CL'. \ apl3
- New. Cumberland Coal Mine for \ fink.
MLK New Cemborland . Coar,Mining, Com
essi offer for eels their Cool Aline neer New-Cub:oi
le. lima:orb county, Vireinibalblr the Ohio whet `.and
about Asti' mile. Rom Pthabonth— the stratum Icin g
about tive feet in thicknelts., j huay . the amber of mare oeut
tine hundred and twenty. offer tor sale. aim.. a good
'Coal Railroad, about one Ultra In length, need In titine.,
partial{ the coal from their mine to therlrer..etherwritir, i
all the buildinem. dwelling. , tote of Ural; Wltheirea go
tureaboata, tools, and machineri. In. any wet conneMed,
with the worklaverthe mine and the transportaik.'ot
The mat hiimeellerit quality. bedugmmparativelyfrei
from sulphur. and well adapted to, toanetming and
rimmihost purposes--the Company new enjoying a good
stet:oho:at custom. .
The landing at the river is good, thd the'Whnie proMrty
1. desirable for capitalists wishing to engage in the dal
One member of parry has for WO arum of about
134 seree—near the coal of the Constonr....whkh eontalne
stont.loo am ofthe same stratum of coa, In addition to
that of the Company; another Member, has abundance
of Iron ore for tele—seld to be of exmlient nnality=adja.
cent to the Mal of the /0001P41:17. with a Due strata:l,43f
lime Mime above, and .rata awe, one thansand the oth
er Sample s of the coal of the bantam-. and the, IrOn
• m.y . 1.... 01 tho trdwidom of John iwas a Ron., Mts.
For terms clash% , entinfre of the New
Camberland, ilatmoth comity, Ye. A. CithP3lA.N.. , .
apladm • - President of the Company:,
To Iron ITaiteri or . Capta i lorts:A
vWANTED—=A partner with sufficient cnp
hal to irreet Mara Varna* and the ntenned.7 ap-
Pnrtenanon ett an extree body oyjalneral lamb, an
aced near the Ohio. about lee road Mow tlntinnatkand
graVreVertaegrnitli t tr e vei Ttet r n ia "
weal ia.
Par rtfrs i'n
nternenM ig_plUht aneM"dastin
be °umiak AnitlarnonanY' to
To Titnnen antl , Workerain o ther Plato
• • "Metals., ' -
FOR SALE,. one orate New. . - York i#le of
Ttotary - Prenes, erbkheUte out the Monks awl tarns
up eluo edge at the mule operation., Tide pee* verb with
west rspidltvadhaa been timed. at the nag or W,OW
'overt by kind Kith porn.
gir onlii:ealuers hen 40014013 other New,
furfor tholreleek. and lbrw l rbt
k g: !nund r . ebes
tuLtrera 78 north " nolt. Phlladetaleg7 . . ii,"agegra7
ADAists. SUTTER, PriAtieci'Lecikatuhieion
Men%ants and Dealers in Dan*, Cligeoa,\. Lard and
fled Pkult, ISIn II South Mater street,
apl3.33ne •
GRIMM OOD INSTirrozb,v , -,
&Limner 5094071 of this Institniion
.111 commencoen MONDAY, th e let of Illay41115.1.; -
agoras of Wilke and r!lbrro u r n evild . TAM, Prisli!k .,
Nor trigitoo, Aprll r4.7.6ltio4spl24lL'lrT - .
IL'VIRE BOARD PRINTS—, "Popier niche"
.bb say by weurnu P. ILItYIIALL. '
WINDOW CURTAINS teen. - blue atitt
*Med heals br . WALT F. FLABSIIALL•
PAPER HANGINGS-7-NeW , Spriiig Stook
-8. earlier, Federal et.. bee owned
areortinent Parlor arid Pam. tem Phila.
&labia, .4 /a machine fn. New TOO, and New Jereey
Illasialketarlea. general awe Ana Pap. Haugh:me,
Vain: UOLI sad Bath. wILL a gnat Tileie4 eba l M
Papers. • 7' • • • seta
11181IJNG PAPKK,:IISII Alper, 9# Paper,
N.! BabortUra Borders, es; Le ital. Lr
aid 3 •. • • -' S. NADLElL,'Alleiberit.
ESTER PAP.IIR--;-Plam and UM, Caidres
1[1044 Tolret.sad IN)wrred fbr oak.
span • " . P. RADIAL AuNiDesir..
M ACRES 'IN ALLEIRRENIP CITY' • son SALT. mama. emir the outer Depot. Put of
alle "ri tsrok i srprr to "4 l . .dr " Ttieter t aMiri4o. 7 74. l l /m , ,
AYARN 0(23 1-2 - nefe9 (12 bf , which. is
• eollik oat II ante In coltlrgttos. Ittletkoo good Um- .
mmat".l7,....ufr. ( *d"" - u. AV.". & - tin 'At
pu. 'lb. eitY• rtko , I=o. .N. ecru n'Airr I nom.
• fleshes wly of D» doablo activirpror ui rtilt Urr. l
Perrylask Peony line sod extra boo o aotywoll by
• 103 I . N. &LAD MR, • Wood
- - ,
tied sim7 low minAy, aissoex theta sool i bm:ated
1.11•1111: 7 111 err' . B? ekeelhil,irrivra
- _ null jumt , rec'd . and
Ibraal• by • •attli UENfT IT, MILLIS&
iftlYlEfetebt AONES.IOI7I eafeittire and
svrtbleas=a, 444 Danauala ta c k p a h 6 1 / 4 ..
earlnF It at
at R. Iftaiona aadAtaxitet si.
(+UNDRESS Anothorfroehwp
%Intl-Are' Kolar Mie.17.7.
punz OLIVE OIL---f Inskota of the finest'
Olin ou rlea by .JOSZPII
SPONGE --A. largo aasortinent of all oa
k, eri ptioni alinlys on largo
b JOB. 11.1011N0.
• • -
KENTUCKY MUST • • I _A v. 07 'supers . -
ti r l i rafiVAO. M eire. r Lie
VICIPING BOTTLES L 4 large aid fine
000. 1800, MO and ob.p tare. gar Ws. a good
fear. Dwelling Hobo vlth ball, 4 roma. tall.. ante.
let ..uurzli oft.'i ti fore i t t hrtta ta t t o ird o
t Wabee fane lz„ . all At ellae ti ti4 bot. tly i e L t
Towntrod et. err room Iter 81006..04 Out ott ileum FL
for AM brides romp others ba ration. lecallona : .4 till
bo aold on faerwahletanno.
Pam. widdag tn_parehase good and cheep boners till
do tell ter call. the Real Relate Mon of
.oil 8. UDMURT it 80Z1.130 Third et.
C)11. SALE.--27 notoi "of butkrior: Leuiik on
the leer, soul of Nine 31116 Inland. , the .umber on
will sell tor almost She .sosesusf. thee...rill be \ I
'at she land. It Ls • IteMs 4 . th lir r tzf e.:44.
.APPLES-295 sacks ncrw,- lam4ng
fra. damn Americas Par nliby .•
n B ACON & LARD-1 hhd. Ilaraa & .Shord-.
2 bhda, dew - . Mid. Eldeiand Shoollar.
I do 114.4 do /Thottlbnli
I „ ,„„ = „ L•ja bf.f..
TRUTH concerning iremiti
.2,c4 shies vial enduing 'modem Bad the.
Pit RV TN/arena= 0...jan.27.142.
Mr. E. E. Beltm-81r. I boned of Ran ooe tede
. o= e laill i l i ; . o.c:ead gent to• c antof ohm. •od
sad pone,* camber ofsmett ens
001= Tr.. Jefrenon 7.b• 1842,
•Ainittle.Eallen—liarla g Wed your Vermlto pp . In an
trageTrat rhr.t.'ll4"fb?Zitirtr."`"P"Olutbiti'
• • • Wnnow Sr...lelfareoa Co.. rob. 17.1851 t.
Pat: R. E. Brilen—l in. one bottle Omar Vermliege to
m7&Ed, and It amp...Reale large imam 1 think It the
brt In are. Tows, rerrendrally. PETER DEEMER.
Sad focal* by s \ itru
AID SILKS—A. A. Wean 6 . 00:
legit* tartans to tbdrlane nrkty of •
•_ . .
rr:lr . I : We have now 'gee a
" air sad spiratlid amoismoott or
IA. A.11A50:1 A • 111144.1
67.14'1"'"umi."risZMITteith at. \
ILLAS -=lotl • •
hsnUl% . 111.4 NT now
gdu . n. u itigiareith et:
1 - - ' 7
''' '''
,\ ''II, 4\: , DI,Y, & Cp s : S s , \ \
\ --.- 11 4 1 321 1 ,111 RD BTHE ET, -- \ '\
\.:--- .. ,- -e-..- , . ~ • , \-X T TS BIT 1113.11; .A.
HAVE NOW IN STORA \ tie 10 a .. rEftt-la and pheicee` I - I ftiks - P : i . b'miOrri, oir.
Tr ....affa u w...mgma= t ,....° ta.Mketot
ncm u tf.Vorly eintesthei IA the 111,14464 VRpd v.
.... \ iflrnotele and se Steamboat sem thietresowlill A i, '''''
t eewAsse la partottbebneer ,
24 1ters Vet% ,
, 2 44 . 4, fter* i i i4e l .
.IrwLeketere. ,
.., I ComWdeleklec iam, 3 . ret A/leaut
M T =ei d : ......., ‘ d'c
. ' - ' IZl9 f l ailiti th eati, 1 kint.'"l" an 4 iliCterale a Ck.e t
Fit t eiltrae l2l ' s o,4r t ''' d ' o ** l .24. anAlizrz . cw ...,. 44t= tt a nag.c.;,,a,
aad L
„ll:meted Lod. pai 4 , •
, A . 4 4 1. Meg, PO We libeelev etemeo . deg
I,4 "s l i rd ars ILesiell:" - ' Colored eadft dl ivet e l mee,e 14 ' 24 t 7 l ' Marmt. ahmk ' s ' 9"1 "
._.\ Together with tbl 4 lZ7 4 leetkes A'? ft OILTITItto be tenni be tbeitsr, tithe Ibtleerinserid 44',e,
--- Blllir s itillEtteNwillecklem 30. 32, SW SM. 44 lee l ltee .-
- ' •1 , ' - \ .‘,.
• tired and Hollow IStair sc Tatem IdeLler.eketessei staoc PollSa. ''
„,"' ,1 . 1
, br—list mrth=neW arli
rortde ea prepar& twine a+ th e ilerel-Textbie Seth Tna,vldellitaustbr thee
b y, r , i i n ..014.r ir t, j„ oLoll en respeettallileseireettekeellisei eisecklee. "- _ _
_-" ' • \
\ . -istl Pinata oaf Qukk liale , ce? \ , . C.R. tutapvir A C0.,
• ra
\ -'.12
--- ' --, - r." , -JAMES V: TANNER -
;:: ~.,, ~ -- ~-.-- -\\ . - 19:(04SALE DI3Ia4SINi-- '',;"' \•7- '.'
7 -- .J. '' • ' . ' ' \
_ ~.,. .
tit)oirgi:SE-PDE4; - H24lws. rmATHFJ4e4d,
,-, ..-, .. -, No. 56 'Wood Streit - Plitiburghi•Ta‘:, .- • •.:- -,? ‘,.-. . • •
Actilitabwkwie42/4, twain; the stN , W4pn of Lis owitteiPit4adistutrilletil INi.l' ales : ref eeeteoe '
-• , :.:,.. ". , ..ilol:Prge :ElitOEßi ONNBTS, BATIk/24‘171421i0, 'L.,..... ! .
Pmh,m44l, ftifriutgw, . I ",i'w E * o '=" l i/ 1 9 1 ,!lam; P'4"lP`ll? for
. 043 d,r7e:_;,;
• - . ' ? ',,,.,.,„ dy,E4 . 3OOO 7 CASOE'XII:B LATEE . ,, , ltOftiuitiO :'," - -f-::Z." , ,,::::,
, • ' \
~..\::\ ,\", -\ '"Adeiited e moy to vestem gale,.'
11.1, Nick of PANCiStIq_BNAINS____NitE.. 04,11121 0 .,,, and /4W,Nlyqt:liit l 2 l lalreTT:lant! , '
,d yiii4silebliii • .
WI Ito stye MI witlithwilwa: o , i BONN_Nw TR111V.18. h ... i , - lii , nro - i i i
.u . th,i, it
ii ,
.. ,4 .
• - lib wwwtxnntwf#AN,ibr, "I,''r C., ' 7 -! - '—. ' 'r.. ~ ' ' ' ''' ..t i • '. 2....•-•-''
~..„.„„ti,.:.,,,,,,,,,,,,n„,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,..„, ate honed to tall
tint t g:Urzsir it tla s,
4NiNtaftlatrw= , ~.
fw n r wt erf=", "71'' iwe grattsl 7 wlth New yogr " hd rbiladelptdiu . .Iklw, rAR.,,, .. , 1 wab9ll.4,llVel,
. ,
', ' - • ' ti " . L CHILD e - . 8i C 0.,:
virHol,Es i *E:, Bpityr ';AN ;SHOE .Vige...B.r. 91 . :178,
NIIIMBENSIII,3. AND. 1U 000 - STREET ' .:. . 2 ..:.:` . ii.i..;‘,.......
.. .
4 trsuunair -
: ... -.. ~,,, . ., 1 4e14c".
ri, P E N W A. - -, 7- • ,
IjAVE just received Oleic .. extensive Sprin g ; Stack, Eensisting of upward - a of 61. 4 4v,
111.1.butataatasota BOOTS, 91.111; CaPg aIIOINN allartatait Artesia aurora Sablataatataga ri za, .
Latites At s altattes. - 1 Men da ;kir. % CbUdieili;k4aes . . Laittrai tusitse*:
limiter [Coastal's, • " r Celt & Kip
,Ikocts, \ Palm "Leaf state. ~ • Fancy Emelt ~ • \
.J.steti /c6
E urp i. pp n idA tt , . I Cal Coup* Bxita:'• CantOtt & Peilsttnitta'.- SalialtSkitt-Plaity-k
Bilk. Tipped Gaiters, I Kid Glove Batton do, \Leghorn &talk* do, ~ iiirab'd Fancy .IW/1'
Sontags & &makes, 1 Connie & Flee Booteed, par attd-W.Cor \ Vo,, , EitoisanteedtGlaiiii,:“,%X
Alboni & Paris Ties, I Oxford & UM= Ties, Ciiligtl & Plush Cate, I - Ppdal & Acitliii4,
, Together with a vitae Tartar °M..** Owda Medea rutted tatttiaapttailda g mum"- roahaadai , eany
ditty for hurthssinq at lowatt cata raialite c cat am" I the selection Of ekes iiittlipted to the ,Wtatana! ta t e , ao ....
an. enabled to ottataN v.a. 14 + 11 7 with
. afirm a . e .b aa t a aimi ng oar city *IRMA tto !Mr adrattrto awl =mits tialtaa lauthattag• 1ie 124 .
. ~ .
• CILO,TRIMik APRIL 20. MAL-Qum= Xis .tr,rr',Al—
OW. 3. ..cormegf Third and Ommegrods...rmamphsa
Stepikerrlt . Ciiiitid. \ ' Paul il. - Gc.fdir, . .: . .
Jseob 1.. Florence -, -, Armee %mut.: .. - ,;- --,-. _
l i
J Pruided—Azobrone' W. 7 1 xcenOon. • .. ' ' ' - . '
Medical _.Examine.-Plttsbc=b,- J. IL, Spiliiiit; IL D ; ;
, • .11.4egtaFty Qty. 11. IL Many, 31. D. -- .i. ' • .- -;,-.•_. ,
- . - • 1 , . 74 kbarth. staeot,4l=arth:
u.a • fp.* Cbssteted 1
‘-•• • • TIitIFL A K. " - r . _
___A_ A nX3 F4LMl. C°. •.•
\ liecretart. •
. .
. Maid WoodtAdgi t ItolandWathe, .
• 3 1=ir b . • Itt i :211, 1 44 r l'
amu. • • • Pratt:: ,
ttlM lSuitsroe P . Aloa 8 . ; Hong. , s.
siritacte, on The and .inland Maks!spud on f**.
ble terms; _ a Eoicaz & AiISOLD, rent, • •
• Jal4 , lf , •
Nu: 47 Fourth start; PI
• .. : Found and an Owner. Wanted:
A . T.ll/TNicvne . found's -, few days ainee; in
'ear elij - oiblehenaates • ' crudity efrearing init.
and other artitheof valve to oirsterilaeiner an
PfaroVitgelgegd 1 the sub-
„.. ,
'II. T.Leech, -Jr. - ,
No. - 131.1690D arREET, PiTTSBViGii
Alm. Cloths, Idaem:Dinssisks, llook_Doe'r lials;1k0
Sgrq(Jersey rumba, tissieso, /aim, Yap:4o4
11 , Prkly [Journal .0 /Mgt.:OPT...I , '
P4tibm*Xtuiical — Acade*,
V.'siibscribeza res*tfully, an - 7
etmeata the titian. of Ptiletinigh and Allegheny;
t tbor will open an Mutiny of Venal aria Itogeinagoe
al Kluft, 'on. revedirr, the 25th inet4 In PIMPJLILIe,
Knot. betereen Market andliVtod, In the heltitinetteniter.
Itntrisetleineerill beglein theiVienarartn,
That, Gaiter. ete/lo Vocetl3lr . o,a, 1,4
[extractions will be glean to theme . who "deb ` lnl
the theory of harmony train Atte lhat of the
edema to the hlghert order armesteal eina_poaltkro.,
For hirthin.loarttendent enaldreat IL :Klebern And uk ,
'Shreeder 00. • atone 't , tarre. .- • AINTON.
ispl24ted • SIIILTUCIL
•IrW TRIMMING STORE; No 83 , corner
r Market et.wAct the Dlenread.—VWN TAN GOR
vgapecrthilly truxounees hise pebl le of \Plttetrargli
arut vicinity that he will openew Trimming Mare, en
Moeller, April lith. • Fin tUil Detect up the ,neaterVittorw,
doom to the e'er, and tined with &tholes 1.1.130ne/the
Welt Aphis of it wed Puler (lade, be, Batt himself Mit he will oder .superkw- Indummente Ind en ,
Aleaser to give MN iettlMaction .te ell ,who Whir Darr
L td . =
doe Liam the aw—Na: 63 Markct. et.. erwher
lle:l6aracred. • watt: _MANN TAN,(IOIIDBN.L.
YE-410116as tintiAnding
lowleos Ibr
N. by •. IlatAll
IV(GGS bxs. ngtir linding from steamer.
JIX,/riatras Re DT prcErre .1 00.
_ -
trEATPLER3-19 . npw' langing 'from
slimmer koninut Ra• witty. I, DlCiMit OD. •
VANILLA.II BANS a very emp . nor guii
v 'deviled**. JOS. YLISIONO, ear:Died - 2 /tutu At
ure artide tved br Jell FLUDIG. .
MURPHY & BURCHFIELD have...race_
tblm Inman, act Mentions' sutler orMalisionoblor
t and !Warn= abo.lieltas Lyars, Xratavidand
Slikajler into Mk I(arat
- -
WALL RAT,EII,--A u grcai varietz from Go
opirsidi far *de ALTE/i ft RSIIALL.
llttrs;T 4- '..1g11 - 11=e.
VENUS, a ingdoeomtiveruisale
LOII,R Or YU • SIN-50 Ibis; Fkmr
t. Pumpkin %mkt)) , LATZLIt .N.
QAIiDINES-1 Ciao \ &Mim
keimi• by bpl2 ' . .LAVILLY &
&int laisortawl Ofif t _Whaefile Aar Mall
sml2 •• LAMY & PAXTON. Mart? At. •
OLIVE OIL-10 cases, a :Cent ImParior
*Oa. aras Lara Ci r a Parrom...
\ VOW - , S—A large , thre6. - eta!7 doable
A:. Brick Watehottar, teraratir oeasipto.l4 Kb./ 166. w0e loa, on Water et., below Mu Cut. Tha kW ta.ta Let
Emit on Water Moat anal rautdog.lED 'foot to Trout ri:
Mandell oE. .:, . ROBB A 31,00:CHELL, '
$b ErelOW , RR A. opposite Court Hew. • ..
Z' HERRING-00 hiaseeti per •
A.k.a.! r. t salirbv. ,D. W. a
)Li , ARLEY'S GOLD PENS:AnOthor lot or
the alarm welebratarlflold ram .I.lda day T.Vd rfflill
1:01/111beterIMIL 'Call sad Art Lbw= IL It LAMER,.
OST A Pookoi\liVallat ; coittaining some
PI. Dollars Is Isma: . a l iißs andumural -hum
tuorazultut* at tutuulue My ono but Mummer: , Ttou
itirate b t . • AMA DtttliZ i er oViilWll27'3".
JA ATEST tvg AUSlO—Deartyy;'.Bmile, liy t.
A Aa ..i l .
The hen' berme of
, r
TI nem
ade7utoßwtth lithos - Mk .
11 C rIl l i=tinte id i eratzegt g elds 1,01
Bel;tdo Plante In Lucia de Chole9ur,_ •-• • ,•-)„
211 1 =gurt li ft . /= " hf l e htite
:fl Wri m a PE a t
/tit L u 67,1 u ,Lisnsi2-:
Allf , BOOKS--Wills' on Clraniastudki:
relittngth= h. 1 Yak . ' , :' .:''';',..: .: -
. l i arch i r "3
re. P tis h W g ZlVAl Tar ‘. . ; \ ' ' ' .
lieutdoTeia•ntouiet. 401 4 - ' : ' - . 5,..
boat • Inieltute., dc• , • , • ...- ,
The above rateable Books past Ire 4 444 44 infeZ ".• :.
„Al . , , • . • - • • KAY 4 PI.. t 4 W .4.
AtBEIGNETTE BRANDY, dark d pile,
. • Ara nabs hut awed mad ihr br \ .
. 0 r wm. u. aVrTON, rroas.onoraia Lod Amiga..
CASTiLLJON. C 0.13.11 15Y
—A dillies lawarlad.Weabli.bis •
.911 W. 11.111 1 WfON.Alail.2. ear. Wood and Tram it.
ems, a pure arm. u. st,„rro.
NAL • • Ito:17, erk. Waxt arrow eta,
PLE BBANDY—A very • fine 'article,
higgi b ired t l he alaina rimit. sale
'": io: 1i.05;e:14:1=d1w444,4
13EACII BRANDY—Ah aid anaiippei, or.
iallelsomitaa••••lbr by . ,
", K 0.12, dm Waal • "maga& •
pORDIALS ofvazious deseriptionk in bpP , '
Vpr "4". C 4h Vra 3 .:o l 7 2.11=4. ,.
I~EGAR .100 bbls.' fOieale
. .
. \. •ft d " B° ' 7 7 4s i tD4l7 " . " 4 ''
,NlEMlnice of ounriams. voidr.anc ‘;
• • Do(talnaes %t" riling. o:ForiPtc,
Pearson o ne.
Inneenty: • •
mmte. PhrOnalow
teh .
..08774. st... ander kiirliat
I btiatong ibia . Vor
_m2 • •• 4 - * • • " L
ARLD ityz WHISKEY-441 bbls. oporki
N t rourria lvm. :tralraTr: ter anars'ar "
viVido CHERRY BRANDY-3 .1/17441
Vr . Wa l t rit 4
= : I= 4 ,A.
. - ..':•:-4.,-4,.'-,•:-.2,•.,,,,.•-.7'•
• \ •
M. 4 4 11..1:111RIV
RESnOTFULF .. eniVi'aiet he ism
• siva T1V9,0 RAN /MEC AND , VOCAL
ordtsat , tossiajOsisSiOss his ,00•41 fie ' C.otWA of Jun % won
wblehodatlon Ids 11[14/41rA 2lT ltep •
Esosod m o d pcsastrott THU 2014 Lt. „... .•
Ooodootor....7" : ' " "7" - -71'' • „....etic.2
~iffit.,'"i'..*77-9;;;, = gici4l l) •
She Stssi‘ir oraontssi emtaresixeiel.b4i'io
gate, that oo ponliciptt •Ints sorts
Inspects oscoptOn:She 11114r10 above.
. •
Grand Canrplhnentety.fanad4looo4 l ,,
ra APIA -lir LI .4,4:
, • .
Oa TiiiEvintitairAderit
PrIEE Papiti and -friiii4:l4lSfr: .644tihr
bairbitNiidlrbitatiemirm m vm
TLlA•CalAremanluvAmill -214 , 11641 - Aa: Aber *Atka' Sh 4
ri a n= viler eLt 74tAtt a
T o . „ Atba",.to Il ad
141 d by tbira l4ll. 7l.ri... ffi:LDL° l , l l 7:lnte 1 4 1 3.
.ixeramilly need hertz@ sr UNISCIZer
Johtwlln aP _ Ang r e in lectu= clew A&
The Mate rat be_hr Yetteles'ee '' , ,ftrnifir • .•
• Peed: end ammo naiad by 017. Scott—
vh.Prke " l a
healthy will as 10 undone hithe Neasiterioitthintai
in asur.erar add to the tameere. ettlen . t !that)..9ohdaltp4i •
DAVIS„ Anctimiekr.
.thmicondarsaa Roma. comer trod awl
dir4imait.o.leit 13th, ar.:theirhheeet," •
roman, carnet Woodl,end VAL. vitt 044,, miler et,
Jahns Ibut - TrethrereflL IL
ebeher the old ekeital orgm. 111 41014400, r o
\ ObaorAdtedtbrnt
4:b. W. 0 -P 10,04 A 00 . 71, W F
lie Ahem Stletes lik‘Adose4l, - : • • . :
Id;do., do ; Otttmoo de do d
do. • Won. NIA do.
=xlia l Tarsai Th !, t ;A °the'' : , P.ll . l%.tvlaA
OTICE,:-IYe have this
iodated ertthlo; WILLIAM nct kIrtbACVIDLIeO.4, -
be hocesy sett Conenhotee beethew bOAPIWArar
continued et the obt • elledi.nader the lima :1
Pitts 'Web. 21,13611: • - It 2
:166 ► '`.ol4htitifie•;,. •
013 W - FLOYD.A C 0.,: WiaaleifaleSliixers:f
elf..end'Otemehekes 31 trehents,Na.113Wecgiaad 33$ UI
eitubarch;- : • ••• •' - ' 4 •,:trc 49 , 3 lPf::, •
CrILILL HOURS, by Dili( *over a Tel"
• copin at tbs . lean! Ulla day ned Irr ", •
ap • • 8
& .IJUl,M..trWelogid,„ „
'JEW BOOKS just hueriial film Carter tc' r
lAN /etas MAO. Ln•mest•l i• •
mice onexpooditotV• Dr. Job3o Dtvint. •ttg• robtalg•
‘ l ' AMet n' a. plifort l ind Matti. by grttoOleatuoirt
"Qoarto r zfad t llll.l. 4 =4. 44 =l••_-
$1 00.
Do? Dors tt nmair'
6o tit Tao tatorauturbaurlminuilk.
11111mtosted. Lo tit .
Tb• TI•lobow to nu.rioetb, . abort tit ott xtetlanityls
8-I=gittr4., Onir T niratt i ntly=ll• - lt i tt 0••••• hi: -
trod owl by Dr .1. Ir-A Incan44. "Tbls mg gait bits
airalantod deep I ottreett Orgost Bruin. am!, gltAitottottl
lio ekt Me •.• 30 eon. lor =Jo 10
• • oral .1 8. DA VISCLN, 06 ilarlutt Dow - r
Itortatres Boot nom itartat • •
anotear aavat, ut Prof. tratiits ins& Ingory 010 e.
Mtn nom roolt l 4 cueur Ifttr ol fir
' 0 Dr. Calmat . 11 irorkw;
0411413001 w tat f=tltora.. gsta
PaiGo l s Pates, Diovaat• we' _
XRESII TEAS-The au . g
lo &Kg* rpeetzt attention to titilks.
hri.r • largo wttorturnt tbso •"
rota trbkb h. Le toalkint Wag WON,
mat Bp.oa •
,• •
11 1 voponlQ •,a
Domot aittigtigt) 50 to ; 504:7
K bo.lan Poo - .60 to 75 • ... • bor.o .
ygogirog , (to g 000100
got * - 411.: t une r,,,
e tbs moot great mag Is Os imer, ,,
&.J ta. War •411
to Tarr but a WM 1041eMpid
orttl,tl4tred nu% Mane" .0111 go 4 hit grim as It
101 • •
they on kriogon Ur tome artialt aim thelastAr.
•011 • • • W. MlLlggalk.--1,,,
laVWonan a PA„ma . ln lb, D155 . 303341%*
~tr erg tea.= wal.wwwwwSkot
fkLD COPPER-2.9Mb now landinft - 11 , 474
Ha mo daselens exislobr t LDIOMUACO.
tiOß.N—no sacks in atom for salolir,"--
emu.„.; isaurvidicrf,"
- •
Tthe Honorable the Judges . oribereettWc o9l '.':
.?‘ Ovoids] Qorta. Seldom 01 theTtece ter bid itertAle4 -
TN, redieloor of OM les..ces. mt Pres z7_ , :..14. : •
te the wordy tabreerld truoibtl dre.vrAt.
curs hater provide& hbatelt - Irttla vsuartda
ereopondiatirect ortrayldere pad others id hie diV.,,,, • :
In the tovreebto ivvedk And ware thetterld ~.,_1
ore v be viewed to mat Atm e limner to ken •
HAWN of esitc,tl and pmr_ We tioder,_,A It d.l.r
torlent.l.ll.lpral imu„, Joe PLANKS a. : 7
. I•Yr. Lbr rp ethriecr of Me
'rotary that Ltd above weldor.. ts r
. 4,=d Ow
marteeeprnkno, lad L. Imet vi
Trak Ibr 11. arrtratecetriam sod . •
of rltr= pad =niers, tad idet veld talent tr
J PeCor,-,, •
T. 0M.% S. grotto,. A. si.= , artf it &urNee....
J. U. Areas I.^nr V- Enroll, I
VetiAnmt. A- burner. As& Thoortera. • eta e-31.1. ",•,.,
KieRPHY BURCH - FLEW' Law , just
m'dlttm SUIT* aatt CMMlft—
mina, :Mello AnerMl OEM m
11k MANTILLAS jut med .
Nast consar Mb Mel
:.via • t• •.• • WOW .
gitENcu ,istiousucaurrz,—Biorph,z,
bottletaid liptljr l ,_lad &lima 1 . 61 .• der' 4
tn atop, Mastitis, mob vEnsaftd• Sani
prcqVISIONII- 3 21Teaska ./raiop ILuiro t
• ,an
I • iht -B , r , f . la o S , `" "' • '74
ItillG IRON -300 tons Elvin - Afield FII 2 US* 7r.'
. A W . 7nest lea IzOti es aii sr ,_ IFICIILLII4 lOW “s
-tI-NE, WATCHES.--=_Westoit
team. lkoi loodee Watelbom a ths,...nur
" ZrertregequiP°li V t•T vil iO r *;
trafehlr=a" "' VSX.wii.7—...tilel
*tramsd irrotZ. 4........i.' ..t.2V . '
In gf,,.""snrr. 7 4 , 01Nraft.- 11
C : 5 4 im.....7.k. VitAutr.'"/. 11 , 4 7 01 - 1 .:-;:i'l
1 -N. .a.—NN:..nart.N4,;:tplAtgaftb•- 71
el IL D.. 70 I. BOWS a U ,„.. 4111 0 -
wa l k , AT, -..,,,, 1
r - Jobn Planlns, ii.i t. ' 1t.j.1tc0rk5.....A#1.,„- :„
aat a .1., Woodr a .1. CV.4OIIOZi eimar-' --- 1
J Noun Jqproli tategiutolort
..s.: ._.. .._
"Enti Wit-FOWLS—
.:e a •B..b'OtiYL~3—,,iYei~p{roj `~f i
e.e a,.0 D~.n Hu..r. r~ai ro•d.r~ " if~,,:;,~,
trmor~s..w.. r ` . ~isis~ ` io~`stay s • ;:
OTHVONUN in a mit oli... wit ree4
ibriaktir 1". ' illuiapur •
11 :44°•.kge4443# t. Y.' 1117 Lioriiiiihi c a. „,
" • by. . ? ./7 • • • ,,, Lio.llaAst s smd