=M2II=2:I3=MMI=M PITTSBURGH GAZETT ai:aiwnz:n n warm t oo_. PITTSBURGH: • TRIIItiDAY.MORNING, APRIL 1N,1854. WHIG STATE TICKET. -von - ,JAMES POLLiOCE,I T or - ffoßrinnforatuso'covrrr: _7Oll. rwor4r, com i am oNEß, GEORGE at • or Astronisr court.- FOR JUDGE Gor SUPREME COURT, `DANIEL. He '81111 7 8ER; or xorrooiczar r,O(TX7r. 2 :4L' WlLMiltoltzigli 'Weekly , Glasetto.—Tho extant", 7 . 1111 alstlon Ot Ont Graldts offars to .tottloomates aitit dotiablot or mottos Mar bottoms tootrn tibtodotion Is betworolbar sod kmatintaand,timelltot shoo. grey nouteboot, toonattotoser sod ihoptioper k„:,crlrtStoraPotialryiriothH,iundltosterzt Mkt cAthertittors. , -Xelther- the Eilltartel Roams Alistbkiristabusbnamtof ho the Daay Gialteari opium Soaday. liminnesuwdesino Iletrisoticediamiar vow 012 igOildi7 1 010n1102• 1 01; Omni:via th,kll2 ataiteer n - each sun of tMi paper. _ negimotosia DAILY PAPPIL can hi obtained ants. • 01. aellablead rarest. near the Past Whs. , Josss • CIJILZ, at Torentum, AllOgbeny Co., is ssib,srisod toroOciro mosey for subserik. f0i . i.1.4 paper. . - 1311tEITILT %ITU ItusetA.—lf there euliject on. hich the people of the United ..tfitatei - ipPruach to unanimity otopinion, it is on r 3 ;:. T.4 , 1411rk taken by Russia in her quarrel' with Turkey. The designs of ;Russia eve almost inti;• *many - ,belieVed .to- be mercenary, her' course rd,j. hypxtriticat and ilisbonesti- and her acts cruel,. tyratmtcal Mid bloodthirsty. The hearty ityinpa 2,Vethy.of the AmmiesM people ptirith Turkey.. Vet we find the organ of- the National Admin.. "•ieiration,..in this Country takingsides- openly: . Some time ago a leading editorial appeared in the IFashinpimi Union, ';' , eafing the policy of the Russian Government and itriiing to enlist the United States upon itsside. this article, Produced considerable stir in po /Reif :circles aad the author of it was eubse compelled to assume its paternity and. retire from the:paper. Bat the L'itiou, while . distrrowink the author never disavowed the Jan .._ of that allele; and it has lately returned antis teak of spreading •, It has, within abort time pest; contained several slab %=inculcating syrepithY with her ar - pnie with the -Western..Powers; one of its ; bones of last week an:editorial -aiticla.appeared on the enthjeet'of the approieh • ..log war , is which we find the following 'nen; . - - , "' ..; ' efinglatni is actuated by no regard Id Turkey, • ' tint she is lookingfo the extension of the field for ' 'her own inanufhettaing enterprise and capital. : L LAW Wide field for commercial enterprise, which is the nal prize, at which Great. Britain. is look , • . Ing,,seekee:a powerful engine 211 prefer the tutus: - . of Ile Man . Thiel one in-lorerival as a manufac . : ' thring and_commereial netion, the other comes notlateoimpetition'srith tot %Mk therefore, ~ ; out fp:patinas are With Turkey, because she is - - Auk *ilia threahtned by a Government that is I. _ :: strong, there' symlisaies are not to strong that they faajt not a tivertom when our interests are fully ;..ageertained to be , involved by the dmeireares as I:: • 101tIt policy ` and object. of Great Bridals.. . . • 1 ~. -We commend this extract to the attotlict of 'illthate who think the democratic party Is the ,- ""emience of republicanism. The great principles 1 at fume in the Present European contest are here ,tempt e d as ,ndhine, and the United States are ,MuirPted to enrol. themselves on •the side of the • . Russian tyrant, beelines .England is suspected of 1. merethary designs." Great Segel's, it is urged, , ' 'taken the side of Turkey hecingo 'thereby the 1.-. .. ..maynxtenirthe field of her manufactures; let 1 , .121, thereftse, take the Bide of Bassin as the bed imass of extending our inanufactares 1 This Is . this' gist =of the Union's reasoning. ' We are _ f baud upon to forget' our, republicanism, to ig i maea thought of our mission among the tog. I ilea, of the earth, to cast out all our .. sympalides t''' 2-with the party in the right in . a gigatitio quarrel; , lad ;Asks- aides with despotism and cruelty for 1 • ail, vibe -e - some Pa ll rl(lueinheerY)ednuestle . 1 : tiggiteiCatirmal lodate:lNo counsel , tnila•be I . - - . imarlf temerity, :more d ' egisdirp,"'matetatlrri i ~sulican than this " • _ . ,,,.-,..,'•dnd this is intnelein dSmocreacy: This is Ft!:' 41 r e'threettee of the President's mouthpiece, the - Wialmtihnent of a great party's Nolte!. • What do those citizens of foreign iiirth, who lame enrolled themselves in the democratic party i I * boeause":'of 'MI anpposed symPathy with Euro- I peat literalism ; think of-this? They were asked 1.-, 'la 1852 to.votefark . ranklin Memo as -one idea ' - Veal with then in 'dews, and as one who would " t , . wield th* e inn of - the national government, as f, Lei as could be, in' Pronioting the spread of re ; , .Indllean principles thmnsghout the earth. On ' this ground they did vote for him, And now they 1' have their reward: Bassin, which 'crushed the `."republican movement in &ninny, and over turned. the work of the, European patriots of ~, 1848, fa Add up as the meet ally of reptilians MOW= by the paper which is properly regard ; ad an speaking:for the President;. sad whatever ' Wanda wemay perused no a nation is sought by this eigeriemt a democratic administration to .1. beAttegn'lnto the BO& against Englard and Prangs in their effort to protect Turkey from the ..,- • • assaults Of a giant robber. Thiii'is not,'we know 1 what the.. friends of European liberalism bar: gained - for- in.voting for Gen. Pierce, nor in it • - what the American people had a right to look I . fre but it h not, - therefore, to be wondered at: This leaders of the democratic party are corrupt eninithrio .throw us into the hands of Russia, .." and array na upon the aide of tyranny, if left to ... thwaselsem but la entertaining even the thought of *deg se they Mundt t h e nation they 1 Integer ..... . ess and their . treachery should awoken an in ..;., ,siant clamor for their aSerthrrow. . Back' revelations of corruptness as is evinced F in Ski atiptht eirallt ! Ove rrpm the Union ought to be inifileleist to drive every. hinast Demeeree i frem the ranks of that-Party. The name °demo s erath" has proved a gaudy bait to entrap these i . wham sympathies are eo earnestly democratic as to lead them In' expect to find the substance with , . ‘ - th e nataw, \hut; when acts, which spealr. louder tbeif.lier 4. Preee the party_ to be entblieeee , oratio, consistency matitompel the deceived to • , abandon en alliance so illusive as this has proven ARO3fIF6EIIIINOON Oarrixednee OfUm Day fluseenin finatt..- t ' TR , AMS/31010X adTT, A pril 10. Tho'runicel* given to the public by the New Yoritvining Poet, that the enthorellip of the lamas letter to Hnlannami Ifeleimedhy Mr. •Enif* ki l 4 - of course,.encited . some munition among. 7810 . 111740.0 n , WkiatoTet . th e fraiked the_story toy be, It is not for the credit of Mr. ESerett that it should ba believe at he did write the prinCipal partet that noble erouPe• lid* . it cannot befloubted that Mr. Webster, in oiliest if; Made each improvements la iteltyle SW 41011101114j.° Alike it essentially his:own- Mr.-Webster fillfram his high estate as iiireat - and emedistint -statesman during the last: three 7.1111 : 11 4 .4 UN nobody has ever thought , at denying that hewas a true orator and en able 'Uttar.. ;Ills style rise grand idol lofty as tire • ' perked hie native mountains, and as - pure as air which sicennuide them. The time of Me eloquence antischohsiablp inll still soar above detriloticei, hitt his , political renown ha; already lank **pee, -Beside, the subtraction by Mr. , :trerelt ot theilulseraann letter hien the gar , land leiskdi 11141111 i IfebitceS brow, odds aC protkali yilni to 'Weird reputation. 40 , Ammo!, Lg idatttedon the Ealsentazur letter, our ' the letters *hick Men, Justine or WebetWe ever Trots. We must do somatiiing, and sisearubly tune and ocrolyocal coarse - ea the ki sitionhi the beet of. proof:die in ' lni 3 S l l 2ll 4. he cannot, be relied upon. Mon, Douglass &Whir crew; were :aging like bac of‘Bashateertentd the alters of God, we . , Jl3 gagmen-whenlol4°P '6r Pt el !euWig the Pig , Ike arthW they rsought to rok as otiights secured by solemn compacts,.and to thritkOkirTl i t? . IrPOWs l 4.*liied - t0 free:. doestryllerLasioestors, we'did noi want a mere 0 4 11 4FttPPP . I !fit'Anertelt7. liksboic the 01024410( 'Oa lime require !man of _Mx 144111110tAariutlatAnt *sea mr,g_ttreaSs: hie farther didined hiepoaltion Dpi : I Cati7r#lB : - , , , . . , . -.:•••-", • •••.•••-• ••. • ••••-•„,.-•• -.. _ • • • : - 4 ^ . " ..kuCeb . • '- • - - ted against-the Nebraska abomination. The let ter is notidel . more than a rehash of his thou.—mid t stn !ypewhe4.idapg spine. the . Mituumri Com.; Mande . cant aboutjOpubir.serireig yludiself-g6t*t. n4eit. The letter is pfd to beideglitand-de ido not beliete it. The foul mouthed abuse of-the pure and disinterested men wile first tilled public attention to his meditated fraud .proceeded from a bad heart and a coarse nature, from whicli nothing decorous and 'decent can sue. The letter is understood to be a sort of apology for kis abate of the New 'England cler gymen, and for his notorious contempt for Cluis tian faith end charity. :I think the cup of Doug lass' offences is nearly full, and that we shall see him decline into obscurity as rapidly as he rose from-it. Mr. Pugh, the recently- eleeted Senator from Ohio, has returned to his wallowing in the mire. He hue declared for the Nebraska bill, endways that the Democrats in the Legislature understood, hi/Position on that question. Be declared; Just this contrary hero to hir.Scigerten and others,but his West assertion may be assumed to be true. Re will help to du the location of the Democracy 'of Qhlo, and Will contrihututo their downfall be fora the People at the ensuing election. We lisie got the traitors 'and hypocrites upon this issue and will make slam work with them before we ' There were two or three spieches for slavery and repudiation in.the genii° to-Iv. ' Ono was from hicDoaakl, of. Maine, a poor stick bu full of -malice and felaehoood against the people of the free States, whom he denounced with redo it:Valence as fanatics and aboUtionisti,for their hostility to slavery extension ; Then Faukeer, of .Ara., who boasts of the Infamy of "having first suggested the fugitive law, took up the wondrous trac, going the • whole animal for the repeal of the compact. CnUom, a Tennessee .Whig, an honorable man, will speak to-morrow..' lie has a soul above - political larceny, and will denounce the fraud in every shape in which it Mis.been presented. The Senate bad a into session to-night trying to remodel and make something out of the Gads den treaty, but quite in rain. The complete success of the Benton and anti .Netintskit ticket in St. Louis is a most cheering Junta. FROM 11011tRLSJSURG PrresPilideetee of pie Nair Pittsburgh Gasotti. April 11;1.854. liiSZINATT.-Mr. 11P.Parland read a bill in place, to antbotire ,Peter Cochran to erect a dam in the Youghiogheny river. Mr. Dante, one relative to the calories of the Judges of Allegheny county. The resolution calling on the Governor to in form the Senate what amount of revenue has been recelied weeklyfrcsiii the Franklin Ilailroad, sines in possession of the State; pissed finally. • • The following bills 'were severally taken up and plumed Bill to incorporate the Cannonsburg Savings Institution.• .. Bill relative to LauttPatents. . • Supplement to the act to reduce the Stato Debt, .&c. [This bill provides., for furnishing certain information for the' rise "of the Board of Revenue Commissioners, relatiVe to the taxable property of the Commonwealth.] - • Bilf declaring Little Broken Straw Creek apnb-. lie highway. • • Bill relative to the authentication 'or L e tters of Attorney, proteefa of Notarys; aid assignments , trade' out of the 'State. ' . , • The amendments by the Homo to the bill for the sale of the 'Public Works, were received from that bOdy and t.iiiO3,* for consideration.. Kr: Evans expledned the points of difference between the Honse.and Senate bills, and moved to postpone the consideration of the bill till to-. After a brief 'conversation between 'Messrs. Evans; Piatt, ParsieAnd Knakel,.with - regard to the proper course to be taken, whether to send to a committee or postpone the bill far the par -pose• of examination, Mr: Platt 'withdrew his motion, and the motion to postpone was agiced Mr Crabb sub:flitted a raolution, ailing on the Governor to Wham: the: Senate what dispo sition ha been made of the .rerennes,roceired from the:Franklin railroad,how tblexpenses of working the road are paid, ac; After a , brief eiplanation of the condition of affairs on thisload,lY Mr: Dude, the roSolu tionwas adopted.. , :.Gan aptlieUito incorpor4e the Grind Junction llallromi, • , - fleveeslBmistors objected to its conaldaration at present, and on motion of Mr. E. Ir. Thiasliri, it was postponedyees 18, nays 15. '• • The (aiming bills were taken up, and passed I 'finally: • • • I A supplement to the:Lebanon Valley Railroad A bill for the - relief of certain old soldiers. Bill telative lo the Church and bririal ground of the Church of Unitedllrethien and Reformed Association in Mt. Pleasind, Westmoreland Co. Bill relative to the 'escheated estate of John , Chise, a negro' men: in Canonsburg , Washing ton comity. . Mr. Crabb - moved to . takinp the bill to repeal the tonnage tax on loather and coal. Not agreed to-;-yeah 28, nays 18. Mr. Batt moved to re-consider the vote on the bill to release the Pennsylvania and Patussylinnia and Ohio Railroad Companies from certain pen alties incurred:by the passing of foreign. small notes. ' Chi Mr. Darsie's motion,, the vote. on the mo tion was postponed for the present. This brings the bill again before the Sen:tte. A WI relative to certain* election districts was passed; and the Senate adjourned. is ma Houer.--The Senate amendments to the -bill iegttlating the hours of labor in manufactur ing establishments was read ; and; on mztion; • . „ , The Wender of Private' Bali - wee then taken up, and a large number. parsed , ; tunong them Bill'to ince4wate Greenwood Colony., The supplement to 'the act:to 'l4 out a State - road from the Allegheny and, Perrysville Plank Road to Rochester, in Beaver courilk, with an Amendment' .ippointing viewers - to review the road and determine relative to ',the three or Ave degree grads. ` - A bill- relative .to the estate of _lion; John BredirWof Butler county : • - A bill relative to &hut!, in'the Big . Sewickley Creek:and its tributarhM, WestmoreJaml Co. A bill repealing certain Tilos relative .1 the .boroughof New Bedford, Liwience County. A bill relative to the Surteyer of Mercer CO. Bill to authories Comminioners of Low reace,roonnty to loancertain' moneys... , A supplement to the act authorising the out at a State mod from New Brighton, Beaver county, to the city of Allegheny.. . , _ • Dawson - Arum • row Russts.—Letters from Berlin state that the recent prohibition to trans; pert arms and munitions of war across the Prue- Inttn territory was rendered necessary to a state professing neutrality by; thelarge orders which' the Liege ,manufacturere have' been executing for the Russian Government, as many. as from 15,000 to 16,000 stand baring already been for warded. It is said that, UN Russian General' Glenke, :with four' or , fire other officers, have, settlod at Liege during several months, in order to superintend the manufacture and transmission of Improreil muskets to Russia. /morns ;—iire learn that the iron ore . diggers throughout the whole iron district the vicinity of the Washingtonßallroadand in Bela mere cointty hire been for sonitivlays on a strike Tho benluotte - generally deserted, widths men in considerable botiles w ing tbroughthe occasionally . gaat some point, where Teeeh-making is indulged, /cc. 'What is the par- Samar cause of grievance we' did not learn, but presume, from what we beard, that there is some advance of wages desired, the 'claim for which is . based trims the general high price of all articles of subsistence, etc.—lialtimore Stm. Tim BIBLE. IN rlisxres.—At a meeting of the Board of Managers of the American' Bible Socie ty in N. YOrk, on Thursday last, a letter was read from her. Dr. Ring, of Greece, in regard to printing 10,000 Testaments in Athena, and sta ting that the Teetament is now, permitted to be read in all the common schools in that country. PllTl4ol.l2lllAtAprialo.—Paerto Cabello dates to the :26th salt bare been reoeirett... - Congiross wm is iagtkii). Considering the emancipation of ;the shires at an early day. This'projeot WWI a favorite IMPIBUte of the President, who hoped . thereby to gain greater influence with the Masses, 'td enable him to retain his power or confer it on his brothel; who is , it• candidate for the Pctsi- , . A" &snow EICAPL - A letter from_Ssittfat, in Elting n deaciiption of a little affair between .tho llussians_ant the - Turks, which took phiee in the neighborhood; on 'tho Z'th asps-- “Ilassactokge, an Engliehrain (Major 011°111 . j,) in omeattend to. tokiookons of the guard. hed inarrow'elenxer oc though this was the first • rencontralie lies had with the enemy mince he entered Into the terries. At.reund "hot passed between* bridle skin ead his body' and oarried'off Ids harte'llica . BLOCIUDII I:milkman PORTS OX:T112 Pevirto. --Tho Britt h gc/Tenntlent, it is nW , ha Ten dui.. a the Uzdted Staten that thvidiall, immediately On the innomencannit of hostMtles Pcnope„ lifocluido aU the ilcuraian.porta on tle Pacific, nod . Mut ordonato &Mecca hive aktwidy ken tr,.T. PHABATILZ MEZDATI Br A FEYALIS AT ST. Lon nt.—We mentioned, some time since, the brutal outrage perpetrated at St- Louis bpanianiuntied Baker on the persbi-d Wm. 0. Hoffman;'en the paned, as was alleged , d. that he luatinsulted Mrs. .Baker. Thtf:Uffair : created moat, excatement the - rent/he tiny, ilia led to the Ittrint Or Baker and wife. Hoffman was confuted to his lied for 'lomat weeks, but finally recovered, and a few days ago he and Mrs. B. accidentally met in the street. The Intelligencer thus narrates what followed; Mrs. Bakerittponreeogydling him, drew out a revolver and presented it. He , ran into J. G. Simpson's store, exclaiming ~.,S ave mel"—rau around the counter, and endeavored to stoop be hind it., llrs. Baker, before he could secure his retreat, leaning over the coenter,.placed the pis tol at his back and fired twice, only once, it is re ported, taking effect. She that sat down in the nearest chair. She wore a determined expres sion of countenance, • but some minims after wards betrayed a slight weariness or.nervousncss of look, and asked for a glass . of Water,' which was given her by one of the clerks. Hear twen ty ladies were4n the store. and witnessed the oc currence. She was soon after taken.into c.esto- Ay and conveyed to Jail. - • • A gentleman enquired of hey, before leaving the store, if Hoffman bad offered her any new insult, and she replied "no," and that Unreason tor shooting him was that he had causedher to be brought before the public and disgraced. At the meeting with her hostand,ato had been sent for to his office en Commercial street, they were both lavish of endearments and embraces. Physicians were summoned and Hoffman pla ced under their care." On examination they found that the ball had entered below the shoul der blade, between the fifth and sixth ribs, and tinged downward, lodging in the region of the stomach, and forming, in their opinion, a. very dangerous, if not mortal wound, . • PENNSYLV:Ii:Lt RAILIIOAD.—WO have received the monthly statement of the receipts of this road for.Mereh. It exhibits a mdit gratifying result, as will be seen by the following facts. The increase in the business of the line'for the month named, as compared with the same period in the previous year; is $175,228 26, while the income for the first quarter of 1864, shows an excess over that of 1853; . 0f $241,148 07; the receipts from the lint of January last to the 31st of March ultimo being $1,070,102 54: These figures • indicate that our great thoroughfare is enjoying at present a high state of prosperity; and , there is every reasonable prospect that it will not only continue, bet go on increasing. . It may be interesting to.contrast the business of our Central road at this time with that of the New York and Erie. The receipts of the latter during March, 1854; only exceed those of March, 1858, in the sum of $104,817, according to a statementin the Railroad Journal of the Bth inst. It appears; also, that the micelle of the Pennsyl vania Central road for the lastmorith is; greater by $lO,OOO than that of the New York and Erie, while the capital employed by the former is less than one-half the latter. It is worthy, of remark, moreover, that the New York and Erie Railroad is paying'seven per cent. on its loans, and the Pennsylvania Central but six per cent. Again, the length of our improvement is but 248 miles, thongh the receipts include the through travel and freight over 353 miles, the distance between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, while the 'length of the New Yorrand-Erieline is 469 miles, excly sive of branches. to Newberg and Jersby City. This comparison of the business =of the two routes dhow what course trade and travel are taking, and must be exceedingly gratifying to all who are interested in the fortunes of Philadel: phis and Its magnificent highway to the West. - Plu7. Amer. The most striking feature in the news brought by the steamer,'Which arrived from Europe on Saturday afternoon, is the announcement that the Russian Clotetnment will Publish,in it/turn, a batch of secret English letters on the Oriental question, and among them several from Prince Altiert. It would be oat edifying use of paper and types to lay before the' world any private and confidential communications which the Prince. • Consort may have made to his friends in tho North of Europe touching pitiblic matters about 'which it was his duty to say nothing. If it 'should really appear that be has seen meddling in these things, as the radical journals of -Eng land-long eince charged, and as the - Ministers have;positively. denied, we , can cushy conceive the tenors olthat poptdar indignation which will swell up against hlm. In such a case lie - might easily fond England an uncomfortable and incon venient :residence. And if any such letters are is existiace,f it seems very likely that,Nicholaa will no& bring them out. Tus far his antago niatahave,decidedly the advantage orldm in this litarlaf correspondence; but if he can implicate Prince itibert-he may take a bitter revenge: At any .rate rho cause ornational honesty, and of republican freedom- does' not 'suffer from these mutual exposures of the champions of motutrchy.. —N.' I: *Triboas.- Tur..:Crrr- , _Gr.ssoorr.—The Philadelphia Ledger !aye thebest judges are firm in their con.; viethme that this steamer is safe. They say thik are confident Mart elle became disabled before she had halt crossed the Atlantic, in the violent westerly winds of liarcb that her coal soon after became exhausted, and,that having nothing' but her sails, she 'would mak bat slow progress towards any port. ' When It is remembered hew long it took Captain West -to carry the Atlantic back to Ltrerpooll after her accident two winters ago, there would seem to be good ground for the opinion that the City of Glasgow is safe. PAILLILI IN SAN FILMICIIICO.—A letter dated San Francisco, March IG, to the New York Jour. nal of Commerce, announces the failure of Rey nolds & Co., and adds: !. Their creditors are all resident in Atlantis cities; they owe' othing in California. They hare been very heavy importers for two years past of proVisima, , naluirigmrplements, &c., har ing large and entendre establislunenta both hero . and in Sacramento... Their liabilities are about four hundred and 'fifty theorem) dollars." The sante lettersays that W. F. Bryant & C 0.,: importers and dealers in hardware and. agricul tura! implements, hare also made an assignment —liabilities $62,000, nearly all duo in California. Their assets anouni. to' sB2,ooo—but if compelled te.sell their stock of goods .under the hammer, they cannotreallie 60 cents on the dollar. The writer further adds: A sale or about twenty thousand dollars worth of hardware hasjustbeen effected at eastern Cost, Viand freight, on twelve months credit, without in terest, the teller taking brick stofes as collateral security ; also the stock of =oilier stoat and'. hardware establishment, amounting to over for ty thousand dollars, sold at thy cents on tit , dollar. The invoices consisted of a well selected assortment of hardware and the latest, styles of stores. . Resew! DIPLOMAGL—Tho • Washington' cot. respondence of Wit New York Express writeS:— " If Russiahas the roughnese of s bear, she has also the wisdom of the serpent. Her diplomacy for the lestaixty years has been distinguishedfor its consummate fineness, tact. and ability. She has freely availed herself. of the extraordinary talent of rozzo Sorge, Cape d'lstra and Nes, selrode—all foreigners; and possessed herself at win of the. most important State secrets of all the Coins of Europe. It cannot, therefore, be expected that she will overlook a nation so im portant as the tinned States. She has learned ere.this that gold is as powerful among republi cans os amon g , the subjects of Monarchy—and that nothing ss impossible where the venal and corrupt sycophants of a spurious Democracy heat. sway. Toe CANAL LA AVERICA.—The committee on Commerce in the New York Senate have report ed in favor of incorporating the American Camel Company. The purpose of the Association is to Introduce the Asiatic camel in te,the 'United States forth° various purposes of transportation. The cartel stock is axed , at one hundred thOusand CLERIC OF 'TB:a COMITEL ALP.XASDEIt fUi& fbSiiitt be a eatallaste for tha cL floe of Clerk of the Courts. AN* to the deeblon of the Amtl-Ifeecatle and IThlk Conientlon. sel7-tred• REGISTER _ Notice.=From %no numoious solicitatioo otte r foltaht cad felloe-olLisea . roger myself a. s tea& date thr the . collon of Itsotsfm, Nutted to the datlelan of the Whig. Convention, to be holCou the at at Aar of May next: • ALEX. RICTIAITDSON: IltteharAhaAprils,lll64.—hiphdlArtd7T u. J; LEMON i. auidlds6 for tho om o of_ltozioter f* Zito the Whig MorcottOr_. apl.2-to, Woore 4 a candidate for the nomination R. Reg. fitter; mfarepo Whig Convention. • .44 fErening papa •l nonr.l - REqOpliat . BAIdIIEL PAIINESTOCX te • envllttate etr the Ake of Itecoetter Dee** the Whig Coirrentiott apll SPECIAL NOTICES Warcuil Worms!!—Thore ' , is Ito inseam "uen amnion among ebildnoty and yet none oldeb Imo bo omed: Wass the eldllor tbaphydelso, as worms. They la, blear ddwialental to the opattltatteta sad their tow • a les should be izu,niur guarded oak.* by ; MEd& Do • the drat atealtostatkut pytoptotaa 'every sawn should be toed to Mel theta yossoptlY and thaeottiddr• Arbote's TamtroVe b wail establtdied st y e toast errtali;eife add speedy manly ever °goad lEr thb treabietamie and. den gleans inalady; and all who hate the mistegeoseld ref. ablklren should koep tab bystuable mid doe OA hands—. -In addition tab* Ikeda/et attatY, It sons-'tans tosisodeas V3Pettbeetla,wlll dt emend tanmeibrintamears czaznAnD, unaustrea.ana take none •' All otbet Vitostroitee. in: ainpaisoth are eiestldeas, ar, Wu& Yestattosis, also Ids solebtaitst. Wet Pills,eao ado 'behalf id al Vt*file *tic 'Mani h. 3 ,thk ;: r .!: 1 state.. 'sad enm ' ma seAB gummier' to J. ItldA. Cst, W alma, To Priotomir,Vor :solo,- o:101 of second UP.a Cams4BsisrAdssrttstsgkt4Ss. 4+4 bstibti 60* st Ws' Otis & :48144•1 4 .4 1 6 Wm. .-,lBlBv Ir. kn rj. W Street, Inirg Of the &F. LOOMIS. IS AND ;.s.nr-7,:f.,-; lirOlintock's lredicines.,—We all the attention of beolv of realhelsatitt others, to Mead •ertiaement on the fourth peso of Mew ranohle Tateihr • O'bONNER, - BROTHER & CO.; BANKERS AND INSU L EANCE ' DEAL- Etc. 4 iio. 11S, Wood stroet,..ote door Damn/tit Pltta butult.—Bey end seU Par and Current Funds, Sight and Time Eiehtnete, Coin. Steck& Tutors, and L 'il'esterie Time Bills, and Promlwry Actor allow 6 per cent on Ttmo De positee of Par- and Cureent Moue and Insure Flea and Marine Policies Str the Atm Issoiireca ecotresT., (eisb 0 , Capitid, 09.) S 170,000) and Rattirlescalscs (Colts 000.0 '1 sold SHRIVES, DILWORTH & CO., WILOLEsiLE GROCERS. AND CO3I3ILsSI _ MERCIIANTS. - Nos. 130 and 132 Second street, between W od and Smithfield, PittaburF.h„, and Agents for Lent Rirk =.ll=tnirS*. fo "" o ad 'arti,,,,War rt ,:fgg the attention of the city' ado. isl24mdfe. • HENRY. H. COLLIN. COMMISS RW N NG E D R CIIA CIIEE A E BUTTER SEEDS FISH, Wood.u GeneraßT. No. 25 treet, Pittsburgh. irlf• . Dr. Banaiiyee Lace or Body Brace. - • • ....7,, ,, ,.. ~,, Th'o Brace .o Dr. . '- E . Banning is now rota In a I tiri p i ... - much Immorod 'Firm; ud Is wornby hundredsof Mall • 1 ~.-..m. II -r. g. . for the rnre and •breve lion I. • ' k • of: Vocal. Pulmonary, Cys . .., ..'- peptioLliervous, Aphud. Pe. male, Uterine and Child-bed i .., WEARNE:-...9 , F.& au& as Yr. , •,,-..,--- lepsne Merl Chronic Ulm. " --!!!!!!..: 11. - ii= . l . = • hom. Draping of the , . I';-- . • lilAPAl , e i s, istupt i , Milk g, Thin Brace has the ranction of sonte . o r rtle most Ate in• gulehed mediee men in the eountri, among Whom arm— Dm. Mott, Whiting, Codgers, Crown. and Bl'Lean. of - New York: Dm Burroughs, Richanison.:llabersham. Morrell and Cunningham, of geeenneh, beeidosothers, as may be seen by renmence to the mars. which I have for free dis tribution. . . • Kdr - I also 6..17, for sale Pitch's: Chardn's, dectson's, Vanhorna's,, Blrh Bette, Marsh's, NoMles and sareral oth• er Snahartars. Also, SEITIIOUR'S CIALVAtiIe SIIPPORTET.S. r 1 4 ,11. I..eiden too urea rapport hu the oticcillitlec erthe Wil cock current...ll=nel the put., effected. ,Ito TRUSSES FOR TRE'RELLEP AND RADICAL CURE OP HERNIA OR RUPTURE. There are thousands of persons who are &filleted with a Rupture of Rio Dowels, who pay little attention to the disease until the bowels, become strangulated, when to all probability It may he too late.— Row Important It is, than, for all those intiltwlng from may farm of . . 4 Rupture of the _Dowels," to call at once .W.. 1 Dr. KEYSER, at his Wholesale and Retail Drop Store, menace of . Wood Street rude Virgin engin and procure a TRUSS, to retain thd protruding Donlon of %h. bowel,. Dr. KEYSER hoe as °Mae back of the Drug Store whore Trussce are applietLand xarrallted.to Oro satishm- Rom lie also has every variety of Truancy that you. can name, and at any price, to suit the mean of may ono hs nerd of the article. I also keep every Mud of Supporter. ddy Drams, Suspensory Brusdaga, Etude tllteffspr, Sr enlarged veins, and all kinder of snechanital appliances used In the mare of 40esse. I would respectfully Write the attention of the public to an ritelleht TRUSS FOR C7IILDRE4V, which invarisbly effects cumin it very short time. • Raul the rakrorlag else fardebed me by a phrs Wan lo an actialaing eanntr • • • • • • "The Truss 'Nan 'sent . bag cured theenue, etue. • which I thought you would be plosse.l to know. The nartleo interested are Quite delighted." DR. K.I4I"SEIrS DRUG STORE AAP TR= DEPOr. No. 140. corner of Wool street and Then' alloy. shin of *the floldno Mortar. N. B.—Any Derma can-hare a Taw sent to any. hart of the °wintry by euelmang SS by, mall, elating the aide at red.!, and sending the tneutito wand the body, Imme diately O'er the rnPente. Addreee KEYSER, 1h) Weed et.. Pittoburati.Ps. EIZEI=I Ladies Fancy Sufis: 31!CORD & CO. would most respectfully brit° the attention of LadicitO their large ind complete stock of FANCY FURS, now ommitit comprLting in pact Sable. Stone MarUci, flteh. Lyng, Carmine, Siberian Soar. rel. Rock Martin, Uoneir, Loner and Swart's Down; Mara Tietoricies, Folearair COPE. Boas. to:,-arrow Wood and it t Fifth etnota.. INOTICE.—The undersigned' , Frederick Lorena, Of the non of Lorenz. Sterllnea Co.and That. tewart, of the late Ilan of Stewart. Lloyd a va.; hats thle day Sumed • ortolan; tinder the name and atylo of LORENZ. ° llMAltrth CO .1_ ; for the of marrobeturlnc bon sad Nalla. antihero taken=e hones En. 61 Wafer etre.d.between Perryand Short streets, whore that bare on hand an aseeetteent of the rarlothe Of L o grille.: l ;, , ..; l s . = r otiirt h l:,ea t =nnodelLa t e public. . • YIIEDERICCLORM, 7. Serieltf • ' 2110.9,11. =war. ARNOLD di WIELLANTs: , Chilsonlarnaces;Wroniroiquiling • - Tor Warming and rauilatma.offlaydings. a. a W. loin airairsit Ea Wonting nod tint sang Mama or llot irnter, t7roa oa ChUsosklturusea.Clnsitpl•• SA K so . ol7 nneorioo,VmoilLini4n“loain :mu, now, opwrltletw No. it Malist ft.; -pittianna, • - -• .:_DE CITLIWONIV• . .• prove e on -Explzsivo Caniphene Lamp Raving parchnsed the , , -.- ad Gritheabere 44... N NA: 1 re . i ,, 0.0. u. or Attaattvry„ Bra-, . ,.. .- I • m : - wAstriNcrrom, rev- F ,_ ' i I xra. and urearm. r.„....0r0.. -,- ~ f patet...l to furnish u.torw or .ell .. . . ~.. . 771 me Letup. aro en poonstruetod as to render witdesion ha Inodhle. and the peddle may net satithed that they may , be usedwith entire safety. Theyelsu grieve mon brilliant light and thentaterial, toted being cheaper than the 'Long Tallow;nr ells edam. kind, they mut, tame fete general we. We abet hare LANTERNS and CAZig etithe metres PloeirontinciPla i . iffiltutontarrafar...lElf Tbleivrtiges that we hove seen, arandned and tried, De Uninen . . Int proved Nott.Kopledin— eatnphene Lamp; pat, tented an. eth.las.l. ender. fall Coatialled that it 1. a very Tel nal& freproventent, and will found far - preferable to illy other Laren in ope. We !teller, Alraefaty it Le prefect. ly relleble.end therefore &,e, it richly deeenring the tention of an fetch as here metal= to wee bum. of an, Dee. Mille Datari‘ N. r;.lr. A. tilimen,Batarht, EA% It V. llentl4' dot Le. W il mer!. des F. Awstin, ' dm, IT. D. Witennfe,llarlem,N.T D. Y. Perrone, the K.J. Mann. the Aire Sinith,tit,: T.D. bewerie.WiillamMg.Ll Y. A. afersh, dot J. E. Ilegardna 'the Eli. Foote. Ike J. Ppinnings, dr, A. D. Tryon, the It. Drown. dot . N. A. Woodward. dot J. A. nottereen - dfs SoThatphone,, Nue OD awl il aid, alway s for salt at the Il l' Welittalatirm el' Stramboatmen and Rargod, 4 rwtpretfully Invited to the new . patent Lantern and Can.— Tim limns - nue in seen in cpefation At Dr. K EVBEltil Drug glare, 140 Wood at., where they are kept for sale. felfl. daw9 We have frequently heard the celebrated . siIETIMAN ntrnms, .old by Dr. C. 34.)acke0n,12) Argil street, Philadelphia. spoken ot 1,, terms of the Light 'coservindstkm, and we honestly helions thot iris one of the hest in;lelnen sclvertlsed far th e coinpleJnte Aar Whiett It Is reassi ncled. Thoy are iclearant to the taste, end ! be to n tthcler any circumstances by the , moat' deli. stotneels. The press fru. and whie,:hitte united ht - commending this larsinsble remedy br4yllDepda. &HILL ty, 1,34 unclench ere the healing erode of this moues, that we hens It MAY be introduerdto eiriy - fsinfly where dyspepsia has or Is likely to hare sikOm. • gold In Pittsburgh, by , PLKIITNIY LAWS., -Drungbtin; GO Redd et. Also, for saleby 0K0.11..K.FT5P.D. , 140 Weal scree.. • , sp7-2wd&wli • • HARDWARE : LOGAN, WILSON: & CO., 116g..t0 aall the ettLntten offteyers te , their extetudve StOct or • HARDWARE AND SADDLERY, enmprlwlng one of the mart complete otWortmeuta In • tbp muntrY, . - RTZEIVED IIY WENT PACKS 4/ YOU LI/ROTH, •wmt whlai they oßefoo the meet term. Ince 'chant. going Emit Wilt Ilea thole lutenist peotoOtid baying their HARDWARE . at Pio. MP Wood !tempt, Plttilbaritht - it mom *sore euseet CIIMILIJ HOTtl..) rdtwa NSU MPANY, RAN-mm o.' • NEW: 'YORK. CASH CAPITAL; 6500 . 000!.. I. Xo. 59 Wood supne, 1 , A. Shinn. Dlta a late of the Atna, Hartford. Jager Caredngt ' -..1.1rm of Corning & Co. d D ittrAlon, .. . . Firm of Don= & McNamee. Riehard Ilipekno ...... of Doatte, Fang & co. Watiroot If. Ndlos ...... ....-....V1rm of Ulatlha,3lellla &Co. (knew 7110 s- . . ...... of boron Blies Co. Aram co I.ert, 00rer 1100.. ..... -Firm . Fir of. Elf. Clapp & Bowen. Joao, Duo Flow of. Jutuollow A Ca, Char/ IL Math. • orb. D. Mitch & 00. Jeol fidddrason—...... Firm of .1/o.lluwo a Co. IriiThon, 0. Lumbert..........-10tm of it. Lawrunco & Co. A of liucklef & Lewis ..11terborswe...„....V1rnt of Lewis Atterburr jr. & Oa. Led P. N o r t o n . ............. o(J. IL Decto, Morgan *Co. Antos 7'.1h0f061..-....-.llrm OfTrawbridget. Dwight 00. John G. Firm of *Schott kW.' Mark. It Baldwin ..... of BaltheLn..Starr & Co. &roma of Sherman °cora rim of C. D..Mortran & Laden I). Cheatm..-..-.. -.Flue of Coman, Lothrop & Co. • Tkomax of T. A -/L Ithweeneer.. to ofJohnon C Hum PlsVll.'oria..-...........Y1rak of Norton, Dative C Mort. Stephen hod • Firm of Boyd & Paul.. , rod /ft ..... -Firm of Unskell, Merrick & ! A red . .. „Nem of A. S. Borneo & Co. R 'Lockwood-- ....... of IL lackwood A Son. i Luaus .. ... .. . . ....Firm of Ilopklne. Allen & Co. I Ar.lll l' FreVilii3;;;;7l;l2 n artigilkb . ge.n Jo. of Swift, Hurlbut & Co. 0xrr........... of Condit a Noble. Wird A. . ...MIMI of Work & Drake ..Aitthan 51Ad1e0...... “. ...1 , 11-m - of Oltson, Stockwell & ./awses //omperey..-.Ylrm of Barney. 100 nutlar. • neded Bank. :Danford Damp Firro of,pi , eue. alLesm A c o . Pewee Ilk CO. Bem. XL. LOO Proddent.. ''011.0..1.411.11.TRL Secretary •, • - 3:111POnt TowderTiji .Inwng-ndinutud p,, Y e " : '! "'rietY Rifle b.44:Ud 111 an Wksi" al"7 let. to sultvur • • Nmi tY74l.llluntuan. En/arged' or-Varicose 'Volsci; 'Weals 11:mt aanrrs ao - Wut Airscra.-I.lreiod: nomad* lit ) 14 tht0 181, 4 302 orrirnikians.:and the'pliblla vinerallr; to kii:altaccetaymt of :auk Puma Stftkinirs•' 413w:C ON biadoins lbr thy =Wand evn v a d took, or Estlarisd Yolo{, Woak, Ankles, Weik KIM Joints dad tereti ecru of gfxvo. to .1/firrabokoWitorr oigioty or uitiook may arm*. Egooo ig5 , 0 4 10r Broom. NO I 64111 Maas or too c l . l 00 1 4gr %rho ooze of thorn. , . olv , ,Aiudia,Folxvirotat, ' , 141434/1 4 / 1 "tellOitor. Ires 4 st:sisetridu _ bans letaXesd- - .-....r.. venom . sr--.....OXELLY ILZILLWO.... 00CIIRAN, & RUSKFIT,T .4 1741 3 1 11irG .-BROTERE% '.l •,-., teuce.Essoas . 1 . 0 vzoltm .u.unoiaka ma -__, (itcom.s TO .e. from a a.) • , , GENEMC O IIIIISSION - MEALCIIMITS W HOLES ALE - D U E 00 1 S TS, :-:.. --No. GO WOOD MIEN, 1I NO. [di/Corti Whams mad 6l North Ward Anna _ P•ardarEccil. PA- - ••- • THERD STORE AltOTEAßcirsnizaZ - Promietims Of Dr. N'inn'l Celetrated Termifour-Llvewl --PHILADELPHIA, r NEW SPRING GOODS, r SPERMACETI FOR DRUOGISTR USE WIIOE - FINALE AND" RETAIL s"—ti, _Adam/Maine , . Yntent, Simian A. A. AI ASO N e 0., i and Polfaarod Quidies, I White mut volareaq , Have; reteired and taro now ~.) . 13 e , er wt , . EandalTa Chandeal. Olin, and Weeders Okla* Solo: ' 1 Thousand and luck/Act of Foreign and Kenai , Sperm, Whale, Lard, Sea-Elephat, G0.4.0f.... 7 .I...ripttotrian k ish 4 l a part- . I AND T T :AN - NEW OIL, \ ~, 500 pioece of tho richest aria of Plaide, Ski Brandy. Yu hhda and bides. r , \ . Figured. Changmegb, Ponitgla Solo, No LIMA and gang larue 'modem