The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 03, 1854, Image 3

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    . .
Naws.—The stage of water last nig ,t,
- llutreesniTtili feet, and falling slowly. . After
kt,idt it eptumeneed to rain, which froze as fast
'aifell; mid afterwards changed to snow.
; - :;:T4arrirals yesterday were the Pithburghnild
':-;;Airlabta' from Cincinnati, with very heavy argnes,
and Altoona from Louisville, with full
, Ifesirgotts, iad the New York from New Orleans.
:'.. , therejittleidaily packets had also heavy loads,
j..lua the dittle Belle, from Morgantown, brought
lirwii over' 800 bbls flour, and considerable other
t*itat -
The Nashville Renublican of Saturday last re
:,-;porte the Cumberland as very high. though not
jAcetialtigii 18 , 17, by seven feet. Saber
tfutaitfadvittes represent the city as submerged,
in its upper pirt, and the river still rising. From
NOttiilledown' the river Was out of its banks,
and: mu& property was destroyed.
The Tenneseme river was also out of its banks,
and nearly as high as in 1847. The heavy rains
of list week bareasused the rise in both rivers.
We learn titan the 'Louisville Courier that:the
Wabash river et Lafayette is frozen over, and of
, Aui ..,,,,,'„,„tptiati cannot extend to that
Tbe lower part A e! the Hoer is in good navigable
,prepne Stale goes oat to-day for Cin
'cijumei, I,otdeville and St, LOll6. She iy a good
drat-claws et:owner, and everything that travelers
The Wheeling packet for this morning is the
Diersafoindthe Steubenville pocket the Errhange.
Both leave at :10 o'clock.
• The members of the Pittsburgh Bar will meet
at three o'clock P., NI:, on Saturday, for the pur
'posUoteipressing their oppoAtion to the pro
-.pelted - change , of the sittingu of the Supreme
'Court from Pitteburgh to Ilarri,burg.
• -Tea Lars Minum.—At the inquest held' up
:on the body of EdwareMeCall, at Sandy Freek,
.on Wednesday, by Coroner. Lowry, the evidenae
shwa thigreatest Inhumanity on the partof the
prisoner, McCullen. It appearsthat on Sunday
afternoon, the deceased, Mark,. McCullen, and
Andrew' napkins, all laborers on !e. V. "Railroad,
were at the tavern of ,Mrs. McCairn, where they
drank": large quantity of liquor,. and were con
sequently7nueb intoxicated. They commenced
wrestling in front of the tavern, in sport, when
Some words passed between the deceased and
MeCullen, whereupon, they. went some distance
hem the house and c ommenced fighting. My-
Cullen knocked McCall down and beat him. Af
ter McCall got up and.advanced towards him,
MeCullen pfeked up tclietivy club and struck
him overthe head,. and -as he was falling, be
struck. him again over the face with the club.
ItleCall . was taken up in rut insensible conlitioh
and conveyed .to shanty, wheti . be,remnined
in a speechless condition uesday night,
when he expired. ills skull was fractured from
the front of the left side of his head to the back
of the head. The deceased leaves a child living in
England. Be is a thitive of Ireland.
A commitment for murder was iuuuediately
lodged against McCullen. lie is an Irishman,
and is about 27 years old..
DISTILICI COUl9.—Before lion. Judge Hump-
In the-case of -Errett &:31'Placrson vs. School
Directors - of the let War.Vti.verdict for plaintiff
for $18 . 05.31; was returned.
Bosons Juan WlLLlA.lls.—Eckert ea. 0. & P.
R. R. Company; No. :i9l, July term, ASS.—
Sbaler & Co. for plaintiff; Conrtncr for defence.
No verdict .
John Denning and Abraham Patterson, late
firm of Jno. Denning & Co„ vs. John and James
4 . l,gee; No. 284, July term, 1853. Action for
articles sold and delivered to the amount of $2OO.
Robb and Weandless fur plaintiff; Marshall for
defentlitat. On trial.
• 'Fiar.,—The resiienee of Dr. Swtrr, Arth
onimons, Allegheny city, took fire yesterday
morning, about 11 o'clock, from a defect in the
; chimney... The upper story and the roof were
greatly injured, bat the flames were confined to
that portion of the building. The furniture and
books were somewhat injured by the• water from
the engines. Several students of the Theological
Seminary.. who were, thrown out by the recent
fire; were boarding it Dr. Swift's house, and we
understand lost some books and stationary.
We understand the Reverend gentleman is in
cured for more than the amount of his loss.
• 'MAN KILLED.—A man named Taylor was kill
te on Tuesdaynt Fallston. Beaver county, in the
rah factory of Miner & Merrick., Be was caught
in the shaft, and whirled around at the rate of
one hundred and fifty revolutions per minute.—
When released he was dead. file body wee dread
fully mangled. .
Were indebted to the politeness of Mr. Mc-
Cullough, of the Brighten Accommeariou Train,
forkhe above and numerous other items occurring
at Brighton and vicinity:
• ~ P OLICg COMMYTaii.;.-The Police Committee
met on Wednesday night, when the following
officers and night police were appointid:
Captain—John Deli's.
-- First Lieutenant—William Reed.
SeCond Lieutenant—Samuel Kennedy.
Third Lieutenant—Thomas 'Mohan..
Fourth Lieutenant—Joseph Moore..
• Warenizx—Wm. Wearer,. 3as. MKelry, Pat
'sick Duffey, James Craig, John M'Cltue, John
:Coneen. Thomas Byrnes, Alexander. Laughlin,
Jemee Harbeson, George Kennedy, Ilugh Gorrie,
Christopher Gibeon„ S. C. Snyder, John Crum-
Balt, George Grow, Jan3es Milligan, Thos. mu.
Pattick,CUrk, Richard Pryor, Hugh Rice, Jas.
Disney; Wm. McKenna, Wm. L Link, Wm.
Stewart, John Flood, Robert Morris, E. Nelson,
- Peter Murphy.
Substitutes—John - McClain. Thee. Goodwin,
-Joseph Harbaugh.
Wednesday night n fire broke out
-in the bacon etore-house of Mr. Alex. Laughlin,
situated-between Penn street and the - river„ on
the Canal. The building wu an extensive brick
warehonse. The upper part of the etore was
share. entirelydestroyed. Mr. Laughlin is fully
insured. We did not entertain how the fire on
AssCrm AND BATTEET CAM/S.—Yesterday
. mornhig Alderman Msjorheld Thoines McDonald
• to ball for an assault and battery Committed on
Reese Morgan. The assault took place Tester.
day on Seventh street.
Iluraphrey . Rutherford was committed to jail
• ' by the same magistrate, for assaulting his wife.
Thoarties reside on Webster street, in the Sixth
Coscznr.—A number of the first tunatours of
Inusid of the two Cities have kindly consented to
Aisohd. in a Conceit of Sacred Music, in the Sixth
'Priabyterian Chirch, SixthiWard, on Tuesday
evening. February ith. Concert to be conducted
by:Trot - 4X: - Critchlelf, Tickets of admission
24-ocnite can be'had st Samuel ble3faiters,
11'Candless, No. 10'
fkintrejlitenttilDr.V. Hunt, 75 FoUrth street;
• oi.stlCV. Hamm's; corner Fourth and Market
ittlieta; 1110;,'atf the amide and bbok stores.—
ConixOto commence at 7} o'clock. The simple
announcement 6f web a Concert is sufficient to
insures - full house. Citizenst of Pittsburgh al
ways- have 'add slVrept wilt ' patronize native
, . .
Font° eat " Chssuanto.—Two negroes were
flue& yesterday,, by ?Ivor llolz; for gambling
The propiietor, f the house, Robert Turley, wan
fined 516 =-The flies were paid and the prison
• .
' , Thaonniaiir Criaocct.—Mayor Adams, of
Allegheny, commitind, Imam itichardi ror 20
days, and Elita Maiim and B. Cowan for 5 days,
'tor disorderly conduct yesterday.
. •
•Airtieitil .- atientlon to the advertisement in an
."Veltmieettitnn, beaded Partridges and Pheasants.
TIMED .PEACHES-14 2 sacks Dried
bY atra.mer “Crystal Palace for
Dr lJa uZr.l WM. BAUALEY t CO.
IS do 1442 ' •
20 do -101‘14 do. Receired by *learner
• Var . molo by -
pin 20 1191, RAGALEY t 00.
SOLI. BUTTER-30 barrels fresh Roll
Butier,c. snips, Na• pie IT •
11 W. b AITA LEY E CO.
150 FENNEL SE!',Uriatiatigid
-- TiATITBRICK in btoieTind for
sale by. Sal 3 FIXVINti =OIL
Ari c iv
,aennan Tl
tpur rald for We YLC..III.NO 11110 P.
-LBS. BA.LSAM COVAIV — A in — sto — re
'rad for rector Jp)....../LEMIXOIIIIOP.
LBS. ENGLiSiI DROP, block, l a
Nam aculfor nb by' YVEBIIIiO BROS.
B nsto
sod for ailebr ja'2o WANING RO.
N.W4 PanZugsliZTß72..llne
het*. J. PtllLtarht sole in l'itteourre,
- the beeton Belding Ch.
OBUS„C. SEED, prima, for Bale bLy
O TOCILESTER- for Clothing, 7-1WO;41
•ente.- _ ,
1 , 7 LA. PAL.VrOCK k
- IKIU.O..IDERM — Iven , descripOoli of
/10DFISE1-5 - euks superior Cana% • in
Ai moos* , 04)?? • j&s wit. SIOLLICT * CO.
noxvir.t.4.sioNAL. „
. wA.nrcuns, Feb. •.
Sattars.—Mr. Ilamlim.from the Printing com
mittee reported against the estothishment nfn
lion Printing Office.
Mr. Johnston reported hack the house bill
giving fire years additional time for-the:location
of bounty land warrants issued for services in
the war of 1812. Passed.
Mr. Clayton's resolution calling for the cor
respondence and all other information in the
possession of government touching affairs in the
Sandwich Islands was adopted.
Mr. Bright offered a resolution calling for in
formation and the correspondence touching the
seizure of Martin Koszta at Smyrna.
Messrs. Cass and Douglas advocatedthe yds.-
lotion as a mutter of justiee to Mr. Brown and
Mr. Marsh, Wile had been misrepresented in the
In the case of Senator-Phelps, the question as
to his right to a seat, having hcen appointed by
the Governor to fill a vacancy, and the Legisla
ture having adjourned without an election,
Messrs. Butler and Badger contended that the
L,ogislature being the constitutional constituents
of the Senators:, their failure
,to till a vacancy
could not be supplied by executive authority. ,
Mr. Phelps addressed the Senate for three
hours in support of his claim, when the matter
was. postponed until Thursday next. Subse
quently, after executit4 session, the Senate adj.
The Nebraska bill will come up too-morrow,
Mr. Chase baring the floor.
Iforse.—The House went into committee upon
the Deficiency bill.
Mr. Preston had offered an amendment appro
priating $40,000 for completing the Custom
house at Louisville..'
Mr. Lilly moved to atrike out Cubtoni house
and irocrt Post office. After seine debate the a
mendment of Mr. Preston was agreed to.
Mr. Benton offered an amendinnut appropriat
ing $lOO,OOO for completing the Cindoin House
at St. Louie. Agreed to.
Without coming to a conclusion on the bill the
committee roan.
The report of the Directors of the Mint at
Philadelphia, for the'paat year, was laid before
the House. Tho amount 'of coinage including
gold hors,
$60,111,240, of 'which $39,355,621
were in gold coins, $16,835,908 in refined gold
bars, $7,852,571 in silver coin, and $67.000 in
copper coin, all comprised in nearly 67,000,000
pieces, being nearly twice the number of pieces
ever before struck at the Mint in ono year. The.
coinage at the Branch Mint, at New Orleans,
amounted to $945,000.
PRILADLICPILIA, 2.—Ten merchints of
Philadelphia hare' ,Feb. sbscribed . ten thousand dol
lars each, at a committee meeting held last.
night; tl the Sunbury and Erie Railroad.
Captains Creighton and Low, at the Exchange
at noon, met with a hearty reception by the citi
zens. A committee presented the testimonials
to them which had been prepared, including
$2OOll to the fZieluer and $lOOO to the latter.
Punitortrurr, Feb. I.—Consolidation is to
be celebrated on Washington's' birthrday, by s
grand dinner,. at which the logielatire members
of Congress, the Corporate authorities and other
guests will ho present. A torch-lightprocession
illumination of the public buildings, and a
grand ball will take place.
New Yonx, Feb. 2. 1 i-Clotton sales. 2,500
hales; steady. Calico: sates 500 bags Rio 1
Sugar: sales 900 boxes Orleans 4); Havanna 44
(9 - S, 4); better. Flour: isles)1;000 bids State
at $8,75€:53,81, Ohio $8,93(e,59,16 ; de‘lined
6 cents; sales 2,600 bbl: Southern $5,93(0 . „:9,18.
Grain tales 25,000 bush wheat ; Genesee at
$2.41; Southern, $2,25, easier.- Sales 79.000
bush. corn, mixed and yellow at $1.00; lower.—
Provisions: sales 250 bbhi. Meoo l'ork at Sl6;
prime $18,50(.1 13,02, 6rtn; soles 306 Moss
Reef at 513,25613.50, steady. Sales 500 Wits.
lard at 10i. firm. Whiskey, sales 200 bbl:
on at 83; unsettled. Iron quiet. Linseed oil,
sales 5000 galls. at 74. easier. Provisions sales
201) bbl:. Rams at 131,-;. Shoulders hogs 61:
sales 190 long middles at 81.
CINCINNATI, be Quaker Citr lad. lard. Cr,.0.1.'
bea‘u, 141 bl• dNllono. i lere or. 3.1 bale• crdlon, Itlnit t
Yeutoric, Cold, do. Arbuckle tgolbt. wales. Llelntrclon
no 12 o}4. lard Daiwa:VA 061.1.. Iconnu, J 1V Ilea:
lOU bids mra Iwet. J ol.rkx or.
, be Altoona-141.1dt.. Itroutoo life: I boa
I,tooke, Wick A 310Candlecce ttN.lobla.khe.e. KlrkpatrlcL
rItILATURLPIIIA. Feb. 2.---Cutton eery Metagar. s bx. L.A., J0n..3 beau, nols leather,
Cloverseed in demand; little offering; ' small ;I.hdaham.. Jr. Galc. rfkX,l,t,bs,rntnu3,,,
sales at $6,50€,i4.62 per 04 11,4, Flour, no ex- 114.11m5, Ber.tlne a eo.
port demand; sales 1300 bids. 'honk*: mixed CINCINNATI, br PlttabrA4—tol. halo. cotton. Klug
mixed brands at . }, .some holders will not , llttup .. l ,ci
accept this; a fair home demand at it:3,6000.50. ; Il )Turn;
tow Obl: ;lour, 1./A.1..4, k.. d u , b„.`l7 .
nye Flour, no sales; sales 1300 bil e. Penna. tllll4 d eillardlat ih lri t i r 176
sas s ; wane. la ties alumna.
Corn 31eal at $4.25. Little wheat offering; pri- Morphs tN. • r
ces unchanged; small sales Penna. red at $2(5 . i:, CINCINNATI; by Arahla—/U4 boa pre.. .1 Fullerton:
2.05. Market bare of lice. Corn, moredemantl; tr u. J. l l . ' 4 l;:f 7 r,t 4 l Mrk• cc.•
Funith Jr. I'.t
prices firmer: sales 5000 bush at 112ita 'JII for ban IXorb J Ilea: to ' eka oat. Urdu
new yellow, and 95 for old, all in store. 'u
ii' r itZ , lLlrs t, a,..%= . ; l o.,Nt A
key, limited dontand; small soles in Ohio., :15; in l
A Woo Al labia sugar. Slbrivee a
01.1 s. at 34
LOULAVILLE. by %lorms-21 rks psorrimr. 1 131
!dumb., d <rq r'.2 ale 61.1, .‘ X A 6114.
~..11rrr a et 05 trs 4,14. do, Arra/am barrm, 2 tem
CINCINNATI, Feb. I. do. 11 1.7 Irranclersm ::rd Mar, Ilrornerilir: 101 bblr lent. 3
- I. • n•ncl-... 1 .. 1d•r0 dr n slvv• ito if., ...act •
The river ha:t fallen four feet; the weather
changed Fuilderilv and it i 4 now snowing , praelro. T ltilrote WU bias Asx.r. S 4 cart. bar.m. J Vor-
Flour $6,60€1.6,65,. malaria° . iss , sti. w hisks ., d ar,l sir rarlry.l; ‘1"
declined to 22. Cloverseed, good demand at ram ". nwri.tip. 4,m Lunn , r—stn th. .
7Z65,N0. Provi4ions unchanged; Netters more i oat., nctle I..legetti bbl. 00111...0 W •1•I irMtkl::
tree than buyera, sales 9000 pee hulk Shoulder', i
et $4,55:11011,000 the Shoulder:. and.Ctlifinof di nuowtcarinix. Sr Jefirrron.-4.1 I.mrts.. 0i 1.14 s 11. , -ett.
®ej; 2,000 bbla rock, part for future, de- w 44iciatcri 34 me p er, Nklrotx.rt Pap, as hay
livery, at $ l3; 1500 bbl. . do., deliverable a :1 1 , 2t : two Jr. Jhargzb:;l: . l
PorixllloUth, $1.2.50; 1104: 1 0 bblx No. 1 Lard,ut ovum, XI kr.n. urns, Itri..-slry A ro, rt. potarnex. awns,
112 1.4.1 s flour. dfq •M rsarot, Ilarbridge Itrxhran,2
11 3 F roceries tinikanged. , • Contr. 1; /LD *XL owner I ks Soar bbir, 1111mxr1b
RRIGIITON BrCKETS .k. Tuns fur. Kale ' MonGANTOWN. I. 71;41.-2"..2 lois ohm% kilionarib a
bT ja2.4 A. ic A. 314ELAINT- (R 2 bk. seed semen. %T llorbiet; 7 bids Door..otruor. 100 Lm
tptcovilEAT FLIEIu R -50 sacks for , ble 1 V1VA N. 74 1,-' gii.t . r.lttaY. :7 iV,r,". " .., fi 1i : 574 0,
gp hy .4.2. 1. A. , A. m d r ,„„ , fltnt no/me:VI/ 11. seraph ITlrk .t . M . M..4 4 layrels
_-._ - . ---......- t butte% Isk Cesthors, Tratorboulk 21A at . ,l*Atotz. ors.,
I{7OLLISUTT - 1111 - -3iiitts. Roll Butter for ) nr .. ,,,,,,... b .,. ~,,i ith, „..._4 , .,,..,..4 1. ... , i. A
..d, t , 0,-. j. 24 mut . , ILATTIIKIVB a CO. I eh; I boo hot. 5 McComb*: 2do boas 1 lkoolls.11 : . 2 flo ' do,
LBS PliiiiEtiTnWciA 10 store !!;,Ti on tr:,, l :t io ,,, '" ggl • gt, k ,t, r.,...' C ' s. iti: %W A D. T,1,5.
t• 90 and foe pie IT J. J. r.OONE. I !Ad... 1 e...1t% Pori. A Darned, 2 bbls r hisehook 17hs .4. ' efo.:
1 LESE--2000 line prime cutting in store 1 L .. .", -'1 ,.. ^ V,,1,e,:ct..,..:!;Al d:. and, T .
.......i. br :MIS ' . . 1 . 11 . cAN YIELD. • , d0:mi1...1..1.31.0 1 , 103 d: klt ton:old otettd, I.llo ' d It 1if74,-
it OLL , B!..II7Eft - 275 bxo. and tp bbl, I b '' . .
furll,lo , _ . b . 4.26 J. B. CAN FIELD. i /MOW NI , I ILLY.. I, Ma bont-a - 101A.b.r.our, 01e0...
I fly t.'„ „ tk P. R. r..-1:. casks ettraiNß A lT O tsols A rag 11. Wt.
r"T'A 4 1 ,PT : 1/11!,,T11 .1 4.7infhi5tL•b7111 4 r1M177.. ' 1.1 . 1
casks 10.,,,, 01 by do. est% 2 ItkAs hIII.T. M 3 71Iob n oliro"I
217 pow hulk Tnt.t. east: I casks...b. U5k...11 A .nn 4 do
do. Molts., I W 1.% 73 Irsek• w.. 1. eAsh ;M. erste., Belo
nett Aon II reeks bast; 1. do eioreesoed, IT Soott. .
oi -. 111016.17; SELECTION OF TEAS'..—Not- 1
J withstanding the meant groat_ sdratua In the prime I
Tam, the euNniher to prepared, with s full +toga. to sill
the old rat., ehu
Ptrong, well termed. Soot h 0134. 40 . .
' do pleasant, Cloi o a if, •. 5, . 40; .
Euperlor • do -. 77. , d.
Ex tra. very delteste,dO I hif.,14 5 d ot
Good strong Tonna II yam, nO dm
Very Mae do 75 dg.
Eats/49meg Imaddo • 1.00
do OH llyson, '1,40
Also, Cougons,
,Engllah 'Breakfast, Orange Sago NU.
CbtlIKR, de. I .
Y...a Retailers will find Ilia their Intereet to examine y , •
stock sod learn the prices. Lialli W. A. IfeCLURO7. , . /111111tED.
rPER LEATHER, RIPS Asp: CALF' : :Mt"1'"4 4 „%cir..,,PL"1 1 3.4 .11 .`1,7,7!":. 0 ,
Eklus-A large dock In Aare, and thr sale by Altomm, dray, Louie/ilk.
e 6 li.ltin k DULA:VIE. 1 Vienna flay. Louie/ills.
24 0 T EIV YARD-111 bbl.; Nciil. la — Lard; . N R : l s l' lr- -....airos.. .iu
IS kegs do ' 40 ‘ lust reed :
threherd, Vb.ling.
mot br male by A . DALTELL A M., Liberty- mreet. I Exchange. MrCyllotn. Ptenhenvllle.
- I Jefferson, Mason. limartmills. - t
REING-104 WA. 'No I,llerring, be . - banana, nr.-,...nine.
ituality. reed Put Central Reed, and for Italsy ; T. /l.ghriser liondtickelue-BeKa/gregt ,
1 ' I A. AA. MeIIANC, 114 &gond toast_ ,i . CoLdeyerd: kettle*. ETisabcth.
Iteever, Wawa, Ramses. . .
W. IrCLINTOCK. -1 ukhig. No.. - 11'.14 w.d.T111.:
• •
1 • Philadelphia. G 1.04 Cl.lltillii.
ICO• 112 . 3 , Ltat ZT-ST., PITTSTICIGII. trincheeta, Marra .Wheeltag. .
' S constrintly oil hand . rho latgest as- i Forest City, tihrelse.gtmiNnivilbi,
rderscm, 51asoa. browneville.
eortment Of English Velvet, Tf.rtitlT Beheads, B/P , ! . LUIRM, Bennett, growneville.
,Aejne {lgoe-ply and gutierfin• Ingrain CA P.PETINB, la / . Col. Uzi /ad. Peel/lea Etlmbeth.
eke teretena market ,• together with Fins and Common Ire o , Tho's. hier.
Weii. Newb/a.
scab % 12: 1 21 . 5p.' Wt. Pug. sad 'golden tte . ir Cara , el . l ( nsi of i Beater, Women. RH .1,
j.,0,27it01214/I‘l:47l,lprrandy fkrUr.T4ilClglif.OL7:l,lpq ' I . ' • .Nlichilottt No. 2. Wolf. Wellerdle.
which are flares calrbtatal Floor 1111C541,trialaut. Curna On ) ,, ..rd.!" ~ ^ 5 1 5 1 1 ff. gest. of water ea/. I led
th 55e order. Lod the newest pattern/ter Crtneler. Velvet • 5 Inch.* and falling
slot .ti
hots Carpels. imd sWoalc Itnua '
As we hots unusual tsellritee for purctuodug from the .
...tem maaufacturers. er• are nourineed we eau offer in
derements that. cannot be surpaaeed. to I.oth wholevale
and mind purthuma and are prepared to fuouleb Uotele,
ntestaboats or Llama. on thaw/et favorable tertne.
JIM' • . ' ' ~ W , arCLINTOCK
J_ - 5 kripe and half bhl .. No .1 lard;
' SO do No. 1 ykoe'd batter: •
Vti ''r r ß' 17 11 alltitaEtN6le b
Ja. SHRIVNIt.1•111103T11 A CO.
ING., porkalrtlao of - Coats, Jselreta Paula *a Hate,
NM, 110 Mark e t at • • J.
_A 11., P 1111.141.6.
_ .
JUST rec'd from - the" .Manufactur.:re 3 don.
ro pair IndlaJtatbrrlArraloo. at opoeually low 1111,011
la Oh* India gabber boot; No.llll Market:a: ,
laal , J. t IL.Ptilleill'h.
.4 n KEGS LARD recd and for eale.lnr • •
I tl ja2l • HENRY 11.COLLIN . P.
- - - - T .- ""
: tn BDS DI ~ .. at res pi hlorc
' :yll and So sale by 4OO) _ J. j.L'llta4 K .
B ....... .. ...
4 - LAINES-206
0 yds. Mono DoLgnes
.r. I sad Lo. rald A..A,MASI)N. &CU..
ILVX.Ll.J r .i.i i iii::=Annitensivearrurtnient
of the latent layles. farm . 6! to $5 prr_plere. Ow
'lra at the Paper Ilatarloga ll'rrhorma: No. PS Market et..
between 3d and ath. by TIIONAS PALMER.
ITAliNigillii - WILT,. PritireT . iiii . k,
v Black Walnut. 3labiagany. - iloot.or Poplar. tr. ter
'nnnellog.,Pult•ble for MIL, Polon.. I earabolea, ten, lb
sale by .. ja.lo THOMAS Pala' Mt.
• _
- •
li i lIIIISH COIWISII-20 eemke birge Grand l
Codl Tiara, ISA lendlnn from It. IL ior mi. hl -
je3o W.V. BABA LEY A CO..
.....-- i-•
P ICE-,.-10 tierces fresh. lending from I t, ft.
jut, ibr suds by JeOn WM. DMIA LNV A CO.
,_ . . ------_—
IRIED PEAIIKS-306 sacks prime Ky..
~ boarcs just reed pee Ammer John 1.. Arerr end far
by • .1630 WM. BACIA1.1:1( AW. .
-11ItIE:1.- APPLES-50 sdeita in: Wile Mid,'
1.3 . for sale hi • • D3ll AVM: 11.10AIXV a Co: i
- '
10 pe rk. iiittriti.;4;---..k4gslif-legitt§-.t;).
6T s.• iii... iihOlde7s -- of the
-plMO:tie:A.lmm and Ihilldlng Mendelian, held et'
• "once of D. Mct ain. on l'huraler. the :a th. the Flllow.,
lea Board wax elected u WM. the new Charter.
President-J. D. Willissm. , -,
Secniary-11. McLain. . -. . • .
Tttlartref-A. Wilkine. o . i
.7 B . B. B...„0„
10 . 0. T. C.
irrn'Yed-njeVhlLl,", I.l.ttle.Wllllint Wiloon.
alehina to . olleht o ht i Ir " he i VlLFlrel ' 4l ' nril'l'
the smm se the sserststr . . D. stcl4ln: 2l . Sth le..
Pittsburith, Jan. 01.'..--i'l
L ARGE ROOM TO LET on 2d floor of the
Warehouse on the corner dab BM Wood etc La,
STEAM RACKING of all the tblektgurl
in eka and: glen, Gratat and Raabele raeklngul. eu
elan ready eta for ItumObtla ueey add whnleasla• and re.
tall, at lio. 116 Market et. ' J. A 11. VIIILLIPC4 • '
Asada toribe Iloatun and Geodrear Rubber MARIA CM
. _. . ~
AOLL BUTTER--5 'bbln. rollßuttar: to ti4 , -
' . The by C. 4 V; R. A tor raja by - . .. ' • ~, • , t
: •
UNDEIES--11bbls. small White/14;12M - M!,..!;•
1,0 Itolssess term
m lfertart sbk!'
.A.LENTINES FOR 1854—Au assortment
sttr" er "`"V b aLTO=l. Altidsal
LOUIS, DIRECT-71,e j c a li z i
fj,npvra,-1 stensaerKEYPTONE
Friday Morning, yebruant 3.lba. j I?ave Pe. Cincinnati. on FRIBA I', the 4tts .r.. at 1
o, tetelowy of Ikea market vras still deux,- • c.r.`• rf i titit "...f....: Nord or to
• fn. I.NUCION, durote.
wards. yesterday. The .aututt uttered mu quite Large.
and the receipts fur ahipmente heavy. Cates 14 50. ILM, :01. •
11: and o 1.11. superfine et $7.1. 2 i d". rasa ."
Serval ',rearm built 1.1,4 sad 910
$7,04. A 1.4 of :010 lads ors still 01:1 the
market,. the clove of mbr report. dorm. Hie
day. airdi bids. •
GRAIN—PaIe. on arrival of WO lamb hale at 11. and 1753
bush at fume; Barley. lop bash at el
SALT—Sales farm arid hands of 100 1.1.1, at 31,504n2.72.
No.'ljuid extra.
. . ,
PERlt—Then. is still a fairing...lTS fur Closer reed: seder
of ia bur& at A 5.37, freed th,t band... and er bush at
rah" to arrive af' . ..fa) bush ai tt1,30.
BACON—The demand for nate it not very attire; sale.
of W.) planes mot at a far shoulder.., Seplalf for ham, 2000 .
Jr old rider M and 6 derma tuaar-eured hams M
MEAT—S rate reported or .10,000 Cs at Garai 7,
oltoulderr. odder and ban.: roue lota were nader reutotta.
POTAToES—Are rather:scarce : a lot of 101 hush rink
Eyes au dierponal of )ceteMay at. lOk
AOIM Alill—A Nalco( 10 casks Imported at 1: 3 -43. cook.
UNIX , EIIIIIS—We hear of tales of 113 idols N. 0.
Sonar, in throe iota, at -tue4s- on grades; Coffee. talcs
,I 0 bags prime at 1214.
APPLIIS—N Itet&r demand; .ales of ea Mao at .5_.00!f
DItIrM PrACIIES—PaIes from More of iu bash at $l4l.
BUTTER—In mcderate request: tale. 14 thla old roll at
1214: and small Into of prime at
LARD—Is inquired for, and prices area shade kothl:
also n(112 hbls and half Ibis, not strictly tO. 100 SN:
Velma ielleld at P.
on arrival of 224 hi4R common 00100 at
CTlT.tSee—The aetniout le not active:: mall mho to the
tn.& nt toow,-..
C. 4. P. IL It. Jan. 31.-5 11,1 s elm-ono-ed. 21,111, butter 11
. ken lard, 3 born k 1 mak beeon..2 kemo IN I lard, I bbl
butter. east 1 lot strap metal, 2 tweet do. 1 Mon kettle, IC
.1 McClurg.; 2 11. butter, 1 bo shirkers, 2 nets ytdaton, 4
sack. corn, 2 tacks torn rend, J Clark 6 eels & 3 begs but
ran. land, Wick A
' 6 l Tr . eu ' n d i bTgr b . l l ' nft higsint7i:,
33 Necks flour, Siemer t Boblneou; 1 tog lord, Smith& Sin
clair; la man truer - ,. Tracy & 1 dreinel hog,
Lamm IMO Inc 'hest, B Bermedr 1 car horses, Lome
Baldwirell Nat clover reed. 75 Ibis edonneed, east; 3 ears
bonen. Brat & tlarrinon; 1 main, 5 BIM mTkE. s F
'Moodier; 204 bus wheat. Ilse!bile bbl.
wheat. 1. Wilumrthl 34
bble clover need. 4 lads butter, 2 Ebb; timothy 0.01, root
33 bias P Patterson; 12 sackn Ind Icege..T Nevin;
76 Nils flour, Pell k Liggett; 221,4. Panting_ IMPor , I.
Sher; 38 bus wheat, 3 Ng. butter. 1 keg lard. ..John Scott &
me 35 den palln. 3 dor keelers. John Wart I MC 100 dote.
toile Leeeb i V¢Alpin:6 Lyle beef, 6 do clove-need, 3 Mils
pork. 3 Ibis tard, 2 kegs do s bag buttes, 1 11l Ind. 1 kg
de, 1110 pus jewels. 17 pro at. 2 bbla bolter, ken lard,
10 keg nutter net PM pea moat. J n A. pen
bolt pork, 47 Ibis eloverset& 15 hers lard, nth 23 beg, e
Med. IbN .i mp ,ud McClurkin; ears ' , beep. Sink Iwo
hum I eer Uriflltin 64 loblo cloversted. 4 bbls
butter, 6 love doast; 4 Legs starch. Thu. Arborkle; 1 in
Iron. Penton & ]Wagner. 7 inn sundriees IV I; Doom bar
sundae,. Win Dental; 31 but potatoes, II C Won.
311)NONG ...lIELA SLACK WATER. nr Jew-son—Hl kr..
butter, H NrCullough; 4 .h 1 do. Lauslout t bldotou: 1U
do orouust. Burbridgo Int bsuuu :VI bum Ws, 11 do corn.
kleKelrs 4 ix, CZ boos curt, 31 kids flour, W Swindler;
42 kegs J IV Ur.. 35 bus rats, 13 do du *en!, 2 -
bids do, 3 hags suds, Won Horner: 24. bats wheat, Soul,
3(114,_. 45 sLn oaks, Ilardlahly; in empty km, }LE Krikrt‘
43 rolls [miller, .1 Com 40 bbl. flour, Scutt: itrta, $1.3.
us, ko, outs, owner: 44 IrbH flgur s loo dour borrsdi,
WHEEI.I2:O Wthrbeder-2 ran ALIN Hard
Delon.: l bhis rinyersend, W k no: 9 do butter,
12 1. md...1 A Canahrr 10 Lb. 'butter,- '
do rl wer
A. 4 bbl , need, 60 . 1/1.16 elnrer need, 3do nallhut
ter, W 11401e7• k co; 30Alluo 44 oats, (Mtn. it Frederick, 7 bbl.
Lard, J J Tbathrf 10 do tbi 44.1.Pm1/14 Plnelair: 33
las thee., bbln butter. J A Haugh,. 3 tads rent.
J J Boone: 160 I!. tent. HA. /1/.94 2 bal. socks, .1 II
Mellen, 50 1.1111 miler, W Vooptw k 26 1014 flour, .1 Urn-
In. 361 okra Nat. Pearl 31111; 42 alur barbrr. 11 11 0.1116
6 bro apple, J Herbert: 1 cal: and Irons, A *nab,: 3 bbla
lan!, 12 An door. A Meilanr. 0 Lb'. dour. Aria.%
Dilworth t no I wan, D Ilathther.
FTEIAIENVILLE„ 10 Foreat City —PIA bbl. dour. Jones
Denny: 14 Ingo wile.. 1 \owl Inn: 15 In drlnlnrrplAn,
u r ,, o Kirniwurtelu 14 LW, Hover wed, Franthonno 21.1
1.144 1101.0.11e1l k lannet: 6 Idle inner. J 11 Mellen
211 do Eonitoo..l 11 ('.Meld: 47 la. bar
ey - .Oroltbet d vbest,blcllmarh err. 3:1 do voale
Buckeye 01.•01 4 las 1140. 1 bone. 14,7 4.
CINCINNATI. br Vork--73 1:11s 04. innoine. .1 k
Hea; 1.4 aka dined pearbrs— Owyd t 1 1 6-wart: 25 hal.
hauth....l A flute:Loom 44 teallarn, Lereh h no 1013 bbls
lan!, Kier 1 Joner, 100 bps barber . , AS A Womb Iru bar
atarekt, Dagaler 4: rth 1 b. banks..l L Reed; 3011044 .roar.
311,!, no4amors., 54 Milt rastak.ry. It %Calm. 3:1 bar.l4,-
Alec Lyon, Short', 1 ilour,lllo do 1.4 oil, 164
n do
ker. Parker LO or do, I: Bell, luu do igewart;
101/ do do,*3lartly: WI-n:1210ln: 12 b. Iraksi 111' rum
!Oaths; 10 do do, 1. Pohl
PATTON'ti—Althonsh 'tie' well known to ell Dmeers
1 at Teat have Maenad at knot Dir ter Ito Morrie% Pat,
ton. In the Diamond. continue to pall Time of the same
[quality end atom , .prices they dbt all month. et" Thc,T
ere enabled to do thin bp, having gurchaaed • larks engin/
Previoun to the rise. Osmium their T.. with what, ran
purchase elsewhere at owe grim.
out mesa:
fund euntal Mark or Green Ted, 40s per lb:.
Denuina Ind th• .017 Coogan or T.ilelion, foOrs
Snierior Srbouu 'Won. from I.Derpool,./16e I
the Oolong end Nonarong. SOS: 1
. ". 117rIt I gt . r 6 6 . n ." eir to t' s/N:4 I n n V.T., 11 1713t `7
The ateme Tea. are worth the abure elm tht char ,
hut ati we eon we ere determined ow oil/ maintain norm ,
oration of Datelines thstwet and elmererit Tees In Plttle
burgh. • I tinion Please copr.l Seld
10AL LAND FOR SALF.--The-,subseriber
‘_,J offers fur fele *bout 1 errr• of Coal land. with an ex
tensive mei and mineral eitneted en the All,
giro Sheer, one toile alerted/le tmegurVonsedust, within
40 rods of A. V. 0. It: Tide trent It pontemott ore largo
quantity Ilustatune of the Peet ninthly: building Hoot,
41.1 all. The coal le thought to be engerior Monnogs.
lA. mod, for nuat. wigwam,. On the lot IS trOClell
greme Howie matteloing 4 well linishedmonist a Draw
Lima Kiln. Hallway from Kiln to titterer, and Coal l'lt.
It Inie one of the fluted Inver 14613 , 11.0. glint 111.600. Air
ply to Lialtldwdaltser ILN I JOJ T. WiIIiTOCK, stit et. I
.7 -- --
!NO CUTLER. Smirked and Dentel Inalroutenta
sliont • and Thine.' Sheers,' Hamm. Person. do.. Guns.
Pigott , and Revolvers. Particular attention ergot to the
mnufacture and pplication of ?rupees, Abdominal dug.
por a tent, de., An mo od start Pittalotrult.
A ,iUI,D atPDAI. tr. awanted„to John Cartwright. Pis
the above ineuutarturre, at the Stele Fair, held in litte
4-- PI
101iN WATT Bc. CO, Wholesale Grocers
I and Comnilseion Merchants—Dealer. In Firth, Prodnee
and Plitebitegit )lanufarturse, ho. P3O Inver strestt.lhave
un hand and writing follawing geode, which we Offer
at the lowest market entre, •
it.6o beg. grime jib Colon. • a nu. Lig.m.;
11 boars fiend SS Talc s% 00 invite illarkinc.
" v•Iwl"' do; - 2? - 4
1,;($ 1 " T_:ll l .3ltr E •
alt 17.1 . Moinesese .
1611 We. N. t IM It. but: Tanner.?
cm 10 ineetwod 1311;
7 .ti: tr. Tin ittai. i tt; . ,ft bids:Sot& Tug other;
Nat keg' a. ?Calls; ' 6 serge Bacon yid;
mama Wrapping Pavan 2 4T. owitemekom Iftmin;
WWI p...l.K•ntrls futitff: ls Ida leder/Wog
bald cheate 11. I'.. 1. IL, And DIS , Sk TI! , S
ten salt. hn:a.
231S hh St Cassia:
I 112 COI. 10112 and lilel4 Window wia,
• • - 1,000 Ihr. Reran Muni Jbl
1 1 11 Ihtrbbb4 0 Nal wrr
25 hbds:
• 100 , e U t). Notary - • • • •
• iiiiii-te:::4. ll land lilac ' k "
- ta7.11.,..04/.11.pj."17,
rri:elyild And ka pie by :
JAITGE a (1), -112 &woad stmt..
IIEESE-HYX . bozo zutqrig °bees!)
1.) j.rt re..tra rali, kir t ; t:.
nol7 T. LITTLE
Tj--- ..
R SALE OR RENT, The large -FaCory
llollitois 'with .Youi. Lots' of Orotied. situate near
epee. eel 1%01111131E10n- street, eveusite the Flint Olsee
Works 67.3tr0.1ttorew, le the Duowjt of IlinetWiem•
Mugu - M.9f . ' ' '• ' P. M. DATIO, Ae.u.
, -.11.21: • - Ooruer et Wootteteet Wink id"ets•
iliirkm"Vjta . rte. vnoi l4 ° girl 14 :0" ..
pr.*. • ite reteereWle. eopoiderhigideelwilwi
Nur* 4u alertly. We Mee Wjeriew ;
Isheliettee 'elk Awl* aedl Beep, by
- JOS • •
D SO X ei:1).1.1"114)N. 05 iltlint stmt.
uOIVLAND'S MACASSAR OIL, genn_it t if,
Conl CI N IN NA Tl—The fillei_D: ,,..
lament:re r t.t PITTSBURGH. Catd.
Uturem a. 15 leave for the ribose and ititer - f:
lentil, on HITCH! SY, 4th Inst. at 10 a. u. Yorirelaht or
passage apply no mcd, or to .
rad 'FLACK. er Li VING , TOV. Aids.
Steubenville and. Pittsburgh Packet
1 "11 11E new and swiftpas,:enger 6 5i pil
steamer. 701IPAT CITY. Cart- Juts„
ileum sit run as a minter Packet between rill, itro
Tland Steubenville. 'raving Piteeletrich tact'TUESDA.S.
and IiSTERDSI in.umlnk, at CO o'clock,
and Steubenville every MONDAY. INELNYraIidY and
EMMY. The Forma l'ltt will connect at Stenbeciville
with the SteubenvElrend Indium Maul Tideland il new
well furnichrel and pow:we a hi •h crymtatlon for stated--
14, fccitthtros Pamace, aptly on ward,to
ta2l C. liA or
lliM. Agent.
Stenbimville and Pittsburgh Packet.
..ernaller tun 15 regular pargentrer
l'lttal urn]. Ntrubcorillo leaving l'ittabulnit evevT
MONDAI, ED:IMAI and k MID .1 nurrninin at 10
tech.*. and Steubenville ever, TeliSl) kV,
and SATCRDAY. conneettnn with the Steubenville LW
Indiana Radread
•••• • . .
The Y.xelua4 le new and culminate best, with teary
seennunodatton fur passengorr.
' For freight a reuvege. ants on baud
.1..." fo
jet C. MAXIS. Acta.
Pittsburgh,. Cincinnati, Louisville, and
St Louis.
. ; e : :1~ :~; :A o :q
THISLINt i.; co . rrkposed,
ofooveufirstrhus,powerful steno
rllile ' quaTlers, Afar eed. splendor, safety - and
Pi the only Viroeph daily lion of Stearn Packats oil the Ohio
river. It connects with the United Stete• Mall Linn of
Steamers from Cincinnati to Louisville and Ft. Donis, by
whirl/ pomanders awd freights oro
trAeicd and , r. , JJ1 . J.1
Ihrouph /Only. Two new !steamers have e on added to the
Line, which now corodsts of that - Slowing boots:
Boats. fhptaiur Ana Qf De/suture
fro. PtlitiooVh-
BUCKEYE Ft.ITE w.w. acortnnovia-.ounday
3lthlriENGEß No. a. ZAVIs Monday.
ALLEGHENY coo. .............Tuesday.
CRYSTAL PALACE -ICU. J. ...... Wedneedor.
IRGLADELPI/LA c r. our.. Thursday.
rrrisnbiou -
l.mre dally at 10 or mt. p 24§ y.
No Freight received after o'clock, on the morning at
th ViTia r Aiculars, .001 r on boor& or to
JOHN FLACK, -touts.
Monongahela Hone. Dullilloga
Prrinataail, Januirr, 1831.
Regular Wheeling Packet.
/FILE fine pusenger - Stpanter
X URN AL, 6. 8.
regularly as a packet, between Pittsburgh anMr7r ... ir.
leaving PittaburgheverOlooday. Wednesday and Friday.
at 10 o'clock. e. st.ond lee/ing every Tuesday, Thursday
r and Saturday. at, o'clock, e. x.
The Diurnal ccumecte at Wellsville with the Cleveland
andllttlbureth Railroad, and at Wheeling, with the Bal.
thaloos and Ohio ilhad.•
The plurnet is a new: l argo and substantial boat, having
splendid arconunotiatio. for neseengers.
Per freight or panne, apply On board. nr to
not ' N 0.135 Front otreet.
Regular Wheeling_ Packet.
rpIE splendid passenger - Steanier L i g:44
'INCITESTRit. Ft.. 1). Mourn Master.
w pie Marls ae • tweket between Pitth au .
Whestlitg. leaving Pittsburgh even- Tuesday. Thursday
and Patursley.. et 10 u'elork, s. „a- and Wheeling every
Monde.", Wednesdayand Friday:at 7 o'clock. A. w.„ rote
rennin tint Whcellturwittt the llailinotre and Ohio Railroad,
and at Wellsville with the Cleveland and Ilttsburith
Wthch.ter in rt noir boat, with txe ,
.lent stwanaa ,
dation+ f ,, r rano.neera. Mani
V" V"'gbt J.O. COELING WOOD, Agen t,
155. Front otrust : •
Of the I•tOte.l !Oat.* 31.01 Stestorm
States and tinrope, Sat
of departure from the. United Ms
England and Franc, sad Friday f
. .
dee bring the dhT
es. Weetueoley hom
az Bremen.
P - 1 f!
. 4 11; 0..
elnir., -,.., .7.71 - 71.7.7, ii:
PA tr::.. 1 211
Collin+, 4 lFal , SI
Hair., - /11
Collin. , 1 4 1 •• 22
Bremen. 1 " 511
Cullla+, 111n.11 4191ar.h NI
1111111 V. . 11
1,71,na , " 1.1 .- .
11+""tsau. ' 25, ..
['villa, 'April 111.1471 5
Harr, " 8
Cnillaa, " 15 " 1.1 A i'll • 1•
Ikannart. 1- 22 •
Conf.. - 5vIlla) 3
Ilawre, Mal 61 11 51 lo
Collin.. " 1 .7, `• 17.
Intnien. I" `-t1 "24
114111na. ". 27 '` 31
liar, Jana 3 1J an. 7,
C.lll+o. - 10 Jun+ 111
ilrargen., - 77 • " 21'
Calling, 1 " 2.1` .4
Marra. • lnly 11 • - 11.1,, 7
Collins. , _ "., Jul+ 11i
Pfl - 17, n "• ;. • - I
- T a -L: ,. • 1 " 19
Ilaere. , •• 5-1 * 2' ,Aaa 21
Canine_ tug. z. Aug, 0, -. I
I l ea
•• 12f 1 - le
Itavrt, " .7
.Ai ! .. 7A
[`villa+, elegot. 2.,satg. a;
.• v; 19
Wan, I la• " -n•
ilavra. 1 - =, -1 . .
Z 7 i
Galin. " .1,1301. 41 '
Ilaranaru. i at, :,,
Chill, i-• 17 " IS',
Collin , " 21 tz!
' " `sl+ 1:a. I
It+ re N0,.1 • • IN
Collin . - 15 •‘"••
'ital . ., " la
Collin. " !.,,,, 1.. :g) .•
. 7 ' 2
llnanea. Dar. 2' fp++, n
Collin, 1 " 9 I+++,. 13
11••na 4 ' 77 9t.
Collin+, 1 " =1 - MI
Dr+lven. i I , • _ Jan, 31
• •
ortkle la orroornil Iro.frootl,
to rhino. and irtlituato orturrrior 4uwit.T.—Trito tow ono. or too toth-rpototful4of th•
pronk Lori .14 to it our putt of ht It arand rat
hour no trot hi ultra, plane. after wlttob add ergs. solos,
and riteetro tn the
! Salt
U. tottutt
rol7 SELIXRS 00.. 67 Wool rt. 1•14
• E I.: J W-111 kegs and Imlibble Lard;
:IS 4
roe'l 47' 17.. IT tall W ALL
R. DAL7.II,L n,
ciikiii.TE - 13 CIGARS. GOQD & CII AP
Itaranna (Ittera IQ Ihr . dime;
Itexella, de to de:
triaillem ) au eat, at
Alt 1108108 a PAITOVS.. to the VIA
V LANNELS; Checi" 311161415,
11 Tiekloge .14 eveTT variety of leozdteetke b... been
marked done and will N. rtmed ant fleeing the sae.
MlyitiffOAK 1E lIEMWQK
'"4 .i1L=4 4;11"1" 24. L ti". Th"t. ' 5 ' .%1 1 71. 11 r4171,111%.
timm, AacisEsiA—lo cOsOl for male b y
V J. 24 - D. A. FAUN L.FTOCK. AW.
IV ANTED—Spanish awl NexicanDolbirs;
, P f lgav i et v P i a l tliotD t ruL t lorm 1114 Awok
utt en INI .
Zir i tt ' ade. .H. 0. 1 au.
I pEACIIES-11U0 bus Dried Pinellas just,
.m a.u rsea , sad r XN(I
Ne L... Firmed strmt lel Met et.
VO - advittiee in the price of teas,lii
Jet )1011219 PATIONII la Um. Diamond.
VRIED A PPLESr-2001HiLt . in sWro and
" '"" 1 "
110 Water etreet.
Cincinnati Sump 1 tore
LP and lby safe by APRISOKR 11A AeOlf.
AUSAUE SKINS-15 kro &usage Skins
t in nark and for stio by SPRINGEIt
entlCTilair in
‘_,/ Moro and kr rale by SPRAT:ER IIAIOn1i011:
WALM'S I'SNACEA-1.8 dozed fur unle
TZ M IX 115111 . .--1000 11.1 for ise. be
1 - 1 dyk O. A. FAIINENYOCK k
SU() All-3(Thlols for sale lowto close
• vox von:not= & itcrtti.
• kno and a tdds panyal
onto lty JOlti k Vil i rd r lW_ d iktlba r rii i
rr d .l. f"
Oalft. l l l ."! iu4 ' Mg r.lll7lMlMirkey.
ILPPLES--50 hint Itamaidteslnatore and
for pale bydeda IL DA LZELI, A Co.
~ ----
F . 4 GOS—di lan Eggl, juld.roe'd and for male
. by 4411 B. DALYELL A CO.
' . —._.
PE A. lt lASII , - 2 tone l'earlindi rood for del n. lyrrsos A CO..
Kit PAPER HANGINGS, of Velvet,
ld;Dark *oil Lbatt l'apolx..7wlth ologune voynkc
' Borden, throgle by WA urfot P. MAIZSIIALL.
___,..... . No. ils Wood etrott.
fIOITEE---150 bageltio Coffee for mole in
V LOllll.--20 I r etrrele extra family
jidlour (Lowell W . I.) In ogltirtualp.datr,,,uhlilks CO
ROLL DUT> Eti .* t re... 4 by
IL. find if/ SOO J. HOORN._
6uId!PAPFR--An exten-
Eiorl=g;" t . "!'
1 . 01 TER-200 blikit, prime Rio Coffee;
IL-1 l
t? 411 1 . Rio''' . • go. t e r by dea .1 - 1011180 1 N e CO.
114 AGS
U dna beavV.Towl:Baga,' country
_l.p...tut de. JitAt reed 1t. , 808151Ni Cr,
lllitik:Ct pried in sash paid fai .
y v all Um &Mr! tit:nt , kol nrirooltby - • .If. LEE,
LUS Clr PIJLLFU 11'001;on
Find awl fnr wan Ly J+l4 11. LEE.
WANTED--,Sheop Pelts, Abr. which tho
v V hltgpent prloa la cash 'WI be 11. LVE.
CLIVER 01L-2 zrosm Clark
1.) co.'srrure 3tvdkla . al Ctid1.1.4011,1p14..1.Tl sad
for, br ' • J ICPII rizal•ww,
Jai • • • Su &U.
TITANTED.-- 1 - 7 ,Callth toperform goners,
Ileramorark. to apalhort.l3l,tance tototbaeount
Znaulro at this °Cato. . da=dtf
O] . st rle',d hy.Railroßd.
eI ' IM; 7.J. BOONE,
eI.IIEEESE , .'3O boxes W. Cheese in store
ind for male br RUM% MATTHEWS & 00.
OLINTOCKIeIo4 dookoits IA doss oil 16.jdi Stock
Ong awl Ott MOP, at a vr/T
cOlt, to mak* room far the boring MTV. omt..
,Ylphing to puaybaao to all and eysiama?,to ea*, oNo.
arrot th AraValellTogf*
tr• dor, Mt ,yytiala ay. •
i= lab
me do lit
With a tar o p
ormort gs raoat ANL Orylla. or all widtho.,
Ilainomber tho puma, No. 112 arartot w. stmt. -
,- - , ' -. • • ~.. ....-‘,„„.,.. z.,....-••-zrzt:r-fi4iiii?a,t•ilatKi*'V.:-;fIlatt
~,,,d......, . . -• 7 I
Ike wm. WeA rtsu etrentald'set -Wvertbking N. 10C
Na NV/
Immense and Attractive Stock
AN - LNG REMOVED into their splendid
new arehonn o.
a, entrance, No. If: Market. and N
nrrth Fourth etreet, aro opening for the Spring trade
an noortnient of SILK, AND FANCY GO A+, OHO for ex
tent and variety aro Moen ever offered lei that
Vittllll= l lr Alal r eA ' 7ll.lra7hiii:i h 4 o ' l UNl' un " :
amount already estahilidenl7 ` and int ending largely to
in 'l 4 ' trtaiiitill with '
nod• Ilg 14711 L ovirtera in jobbi n g god, to
to have UNIFORM PRIChn, they will Munhpalled to roll
at Amiurli rourller grunt than au pomaibly be afiorded
where iongcredits are given.
Under their Ca& and Short Credit ay*m they noinrity
for omnelng urge prat& iloin not esiet. and b rolling
in c h. g o od" irru rood/ nlecong an Cof.rOue cog.
They or
to make it rho LNTERI:SI trery inane of
gouda. to boy upon thefollong
• ..
CASH BUYERS will receive a discount of SIX per cent
if the money be paid to par funds, with n 10 dare from
date of bill.
• Uneurrout money will only be taken at its market value
on the day it is remand.
To merchants of undoubted standing a credit of SIX
months will be given Manfred.
Where money la remitted to advance of maturity a dis
count at the rate of TWELVE PEE CENT. Per annum will
to, allowed.
They ask frommerehants 'letting the Pastern cities. the
favor elan inamlnation of their stock. being satisfied that
they will he nu:nil:toed that it Is not Mr their intend to
pay the Inge prolite that are ABAILL'TELY ESSENTIAL
11. to those who awe long tha t
L. If ulawasy., J. L. Ilaw.naTu., T. W. Su ../NRT,
dawn 1% square, A. if. LITT.% E. E. MdvAlssov.
ff.t;i:$:(11):4:9:/.1op:IflysinA:4 .
61 William Atrtet, (New Fork
UYERS will consult their interest by ex
-201 r ri nhatricat . tirnrive dock which we offer it the
— ACCOUNT nerbiril book. mad. to pattern.
pawed and printed heads, In area style salami: also, a
Large stock on hand suitable BANKS. INSURANCE
in large quantities for tile
North, West, and South Trade.
ERS! Cap,tter
Le, Note, and Leder Pa-
STATIONE LIWI RY! Palley and Staple Givela, most exten
sive and complete aesortntent, Envelopes, PrlLk Inks,
(bold Ants end Pencils, Steel Pens,_An
DIARIES FOR Time and Wort Scala; Tariff cif the
C. S. Interest. Advance, maroon% _Kraomy end other
useful Books for the Counting
JOB PRINTING! cheap Cards, Bililletols. Labels,
Chock Lae Owes, Poi of
Certillattas. RBIs of Exchange, Dies Cut, Cards and Envel
opes embossed In the loot style.
SEW TA, Trade, Cotodry Mereltords. and
Dente ' seps,Wd
at lot, irrices quantitia to mil BUYERS. '
fa*ORDERSBY MAIL, executed with prolnytnets,
MOH 6c LOUTILF,L, 61 William street,
Nett YORE.
Importing and Manufacturing Stationers,
BIC' GORDO:S, Broadway. N. Y. publishers of
Str=and dealer. wholesale and retail, In Manua, Melode
ons, and Ilredc; Agents fur the celebrated xallan, Grand,
and other Dianne, made by Mallet, Davis k Co., Dorton.
whire Flaws are considered impeder to all others. (Rest
bargains in New York Plane., awl second-band Pianos and
Melodeons. Musk Peppily&wholesale or Mail, at the
lowest rates. Derry k Gordon, (successors to T. $ .. /burr)
20i Dreautwar, New York. Manes to let.
D. t Co.', ..Collan Planar hare the latest im
.voicing. w' IF _
Lffid EYE GLASSES of ovary dcaylpttoo, mounts&
tom( b' U. or umcit, No. 0 Liberty Plata. tcOreala
Itaidan Lane and Liberty stmt.. Nearork.
b. G. ruarantrer all article). made by biro to be primp.
Him quality. Onler) r.apecttolly solkited. nal:Wm
. l oral manufacturer of 'tory 00.14 No. 3 3lorraY at..
No York.. oeYaly
Oaths; Plushee, Buntloes.
ae2o43n A. W. k ELLEY, m John .t., N.Y.
3111A1 DAGITEItItEAN GALLERY, 381 Ilroad.ay,
wren. White greet, New York. •
_lin_o2rter“ end Jobterojlf
. .
12 1. , /111TLANDT STUMM
Opposite the National and Western Hotels and
on. 11 ANI , 13 art mutt. NEW YORK.
- I
SALK 1111VEltlx to their very large assortment o
m ed., uhieh It kept complete all sewn. of the year. IT the
addltinu otall the new y les and retake that.* eigtalahtir
arrivina by the Steamer* and the Packet. We ham
t a e Departmente dreamt exclusively*. the sale of Cloths, Ca.
rimer.. Vesting,. Winne Trimmings. White Geode. Ho
siery, Deem thavie. Shawls, - Yankee Notice.," Dogesties,
d,a.le In satin len. am eitsplai .filarge Unmet' Prints. Mel.
ding Merriman. and embeens. .11m:hates. lawns, Berm...
111014 and other X teple Mika Nlerinee,
_Bombazines. Mire
cm, and numerous etherartirlm appertaining to the DRY
TR.VDK. Mr, Ag r etltl4 CO the sale of -Hoyle'.
al Patent Pentode , . Amine Cullom^
• . • • . .
Invite tho attention of the elotalt buyers Fm rult. or
credit. inhl7-ly's3
-1., t.r.ity s prnusugus...% ilirowreats yrrnaz
ud, mut Italian Book. 411 Broadway, New York.
Prima Citaloontes Otralrhed on epolleatton. no2n-ltn
4.13 it ler LTuRAL iNtniniENTs :ASP
SEKInr.-11ALPII t CO, Fulton Oren. New York.
Ireale and Retell.
to rCnrivallrat la llse world: It le rwprelallyzatoended
he •ttention of all Interested to Steamers. It Weer.
dew. Tontertee. Ilnereriee. Lir Interim 114 Wstr , r
Ptatlona. Canal,. 'r Ater tioka, dr . ..lmm. or I.lGatkot,
kr the Milord°, propqr.last
Intoloto Ann zi,gaity
fa pet ref 4y enkr, gut( fro, rend!, inset Wpoeetrendied. ,
Tor reining purple. it roast want anyterarele every ober
Damp. It bat le e , try where ectOblttel, takeo
the bleu..t worat4.-614•1 end rilrer !tteiltle and
Plow or PS to Ware* e.allons per mlonte moult!. the, Rawer Company of the Uni
ted ,;tat.. Roadway, New York. derma
I._ W. ER A PPARATUS.-1 , 0 R
I, Manuesetu , I/raving anti Bottling. of the latest
I mut app ennstruetims. manuferturellaull Mr male
with expintit twin direction. fur its us, by JOHN MAT.
Tilinia.merirst venue amillithetrvet,eivivWienenet‘m.
New York. The r establiehment devoted esclurively to
the manufacture of hods •teeter Machinery, ie.. in the
United etatm where may be *mut • aasonsuant
of every article noseted with the Munnetra. inclualtve um
Wills. Lc. bashed twenty, yeas, dell,lme
• . • • •
ecentnander. to .111 nut matrAnt. pawl*.
Li ne, he U. next 1,
POUT in PHlLlP.fteen a makg the fith the
fiAr .4..
. . , . . . .
Iwirss of Pwwwge aro ma follows:
Innwlonst ...
Tint t 4 '
elvarthlog l• pron4lediss 'the Passengers; eseept Wltos
an 4 I.hossalowelsand anal, 'llse kaalla of Iwasaawsltshw
front en to WO days nelson sultlefeet.or totessesellna
Wands. Is allowed to path adult. No Meth. Will be sonakt ,
ered as; amused MI at beast onothlol the ansoeust of pao
suns has town nald as Anstalt. An ezperfenoWt flotwenn
ansotapanles sant sew). an 4 awn attention rsinlalto for
ecoleart of mown ns ded boa of sham,
• A ohow oilvowel .ar m
mid Fall oa tho ant of March. W:
3IBINING Cheapness, Simplicity and
twanit. i• Yet UP Cr to AM amen mad
P. ed lu a Trunk In two minutes occupying boa than one
quar teread. cubic foot-spare. Will
eT a A pp YMMID, to
ly to any aim or shape
142stost No.l M. street. New Tort.
lI The
State. @steep!. Ornamental Lontstablishment
tot - Uuhed
The Proprietor t” remised during tide year ..P.V.
3.000 rder, frvuo serous - prte of the world. mons with*
am all the Hag enclosing the Dreunds oat the 'DOWDs
of the renowned CRTaTAL PALMA.
/grey the PD., • Publie Park la Parantiehomutaining
leo arra. enclosed with beentifulpatternof Wire Railing.
Atkin Ebner. and
Church. Property of the city
of Chuleston, & hare jog been eurrounded with
WIDE I.I.AILINU of a rich and crustlldusign..
Coneterfee, Dwellings, Publle Grounds. Tutertmoe
Calms. llotela Hospitals. Aeylnme, natter, and Mills, In
• ar...f t r : d a tho molter, are among the 114 of ;be sawed-
IRON itAILINO *Wooden- worry...witty med. et
Wrought mid Cast trop, sod the celebrated Wilt; RAIL
IRON TIZIVITEADP of every- aim and Wahine dealt , , of
the most elute and
. alesett. patterns.
BON PURNITUR txmolsting of Tables, Chairs, &t
-ime, list lteekA t r i - ash Stands, Towel
to , aunith, to-
TIORNE iv'of
Wiegman...We 'Merited. celebrated' \VIDE FEY:CR.If.
Prairies. Itallowsla Forme, Lawns, Darlene, ho., at 22
Wire Fenre of shove dnerlptlon taanot burn or Mat.
Pot countries.. jest •tn arm end Itiondatoni Ulla Foam
is invelobk.
The POVUU.Li edition' of • "New Phu. of an Don Manse
femme; which boo heen greatly e nlarged, austalulug de
signs, explanations. and prim of the same artlclee, will
to forwarded by addressing the saberrilser.
Teo Cold. glirer sod Drente Medals and Upton:ma hose
been awarded by various institutions.
Proprietor end Manufacturer
Wl...hones,. ha 512 itroadway,
Works, N. fa 55. 6T. 69 and el, Louis stint, New York..
ILF Rue Do Faubourg Poliesonnler, Paella Now 17; 174
sod lid Pearl mt.. Idler la of February, No. Webroadway ,
New look, offer for We an extenrive assortment of remelt
and. American Artltletal Flowers, Ostrich and Fancy blow
ers, Ilead,lecesse• Ornaments, Ribbon', Telmmlngs,.
tbmuct.Llnimrs. French and Amarlmn Straw, and Pllk.
Bonnets, re., todether with • fa assortment o f Ilattera
Lod Can Nlakeed Tritanalete.
The above. chiefly of our own manufbcture as well mho
wortatlon embtam the largmt and most varied MICK,to
be found n the Vatted State, The mul-aupplles
may lar seeo all our Warerooms In Now Fork. ,jall-Imat
Looking Glasses and Pistnre•Frania Mat
nfaotoly ~
Tti iti - establitamierif, by far the LARGEST.
th.ttne..t solaafitalkei to
oty 100t stnsive..of Nook neer sal other% and
hum' tbeestablished and milli:nod looseasenf trade
tons al l parts of the Union, enables the pre i rtetor to dle•
.10. of Ma intleloa at less pole. than not other In hls line
at business; and reapentridly request* his fri oda and.the
001410 to eall and famine his ge rtoek of Looking Claim
and Pleture }Tames, merlon. to g oing elsewhere. tho
subarelber spawns thole that these. will find It talk& de
rided acissulags In se doing. oh. hand, ROM:WOOD.
IALXIfit and MAIIOIIAN V • IdOULIIINag, of 'ran Alt.
ecriptlon; and *fall the lengths Or *Lipping. ,
ggrPortleolar attention glren to all ardent. , • °
• . O.•J. 810LPII.
N. 0.144, 67, 00 t likaaytivat...
New York.. .
- 11:0 N BEDSTEADS— ,
1..../ PAOLI:BEDS. RON Boom. N.!, 04 . 11ronSid *rest,
Nn' York, one4mr West of Drombray., •
Vounnon and Folding. Pints snit Orrisit D E D -
S I' E A D 8, or,sll kinds. ilotel,llospltst, thinnor,
Serrautesn4 (2111hIretts' Bedstesds. always 4-. AI.:
• almond...min:sent of Iron Farhitnee f Aprlng ABU late
sn4 other Sattnuses. .-. . . ' • . . • . •
. . . . .
in. Theoeneclgt.aulg gio.suporlor to Mt othe hi pi lot
of e1egn11...., neatness god googol:1y. Thal sro glens frog
frt. Verrolo gad mg azotedloaly. durgble. larti4l.4o gad
eourenlent. '.l)rderm ts 3 gze i &lot i rgy m a t o .E gitTige.. d. ;
• ..
Yo; p 3 Leonard rt.*, liA .
Ea - /louts ironted for .1.1... ails - or the Abe..
(Ito Circular.. gent.gberever moulted: ". no .
to cult divot, New York. !gout: OaiMsnolktursts
ti4Vllll c lA r ilar
Joiners' Toslo,.,Nosos, Apollo, so. k Ittivy varrslbss
-.14.=-Akm-roxi .D 64,
11 1 1 E . TEAS!! TEAS!!!—J. lliiitirth, Alio
. -
~," W ' "d '.17 t 7011; to
ti gos e Te *t
choice Llee 100 orTess. an of which he I. de rY tentrod to
rell at such low pride, and anerwsa of quality o the
feckless puffer" in We or the uest city Non& eet. Ile
most detowtfully hied. ldth ladieland Filren Oats
OLT sod torroanding &drifts. without &a
tie la
. I r t etrfed t Vttgfforai l eral= " l. , 4,„7,r,cit 't•-
, tog arp,
Ws Miff& . -_: .. .-...-.• .
Trim Maalox ita.uroubtiong ' Tew, lON add 404 Ills
' ' I . M I ZIN C l' e4 ll .2%%s C" dfs A • - tt e r 4o '
to J e. atioN . lllon ... .
.. a O.T. '
w 41 .1, 0. arid ,
7 Sda m, r ,
%et Y. t
azi lismial. SIX '.
I. =rat dedneant osa to Denert idietort rh•
place. Pagoda Tao Ikon, fornfarir i . -ma sad religti
• 51)/4.- /
-----, •03. 4 .4741-17,42 : gr ft .pb,"! Jo kt.4„Zr44,
• P•VNI., 4.4407/ • /1", 9 il f . edi c etU f a
e 4 ,44 ftliCti •
•-P*l:4`44 ?
d io
•I I P ' -; 4.,11., P 444 7 9 .4 , 9 q 4 ; "
3 ° 44.4
- -4 ) . o•-••
•- 1 i V// „ ,
~ r'- -
1 BUSINESS D 0 •4 , ..e z , % 1 64 , 5,::: , .. 14 Pr 't'
Itc - t.g. ,
-----= S. It. rErnNonx a co.'s A.DrEnnsisa'..tom - : ‘ ••• •I .s : r
I tlie7 , 4 : 14. '; ' 4,1., r 7
VO - PARTNERSITIP-11arint; associated i Ili: hassar rfattl, itra Vona.
• and Na. la &aft Shad, Dorton.
) W.,NIMINEV with Ins In the lIIDN. LEATHER and
0 . RUSIN Esisl, thr bastion will Iw carried on from thlr P. • Co, an Agents for the most Influential and !moat ..
date at Ms old Ono'. under the style of WALTER MIT- denial-kw Maantercial Papers Loth in the Crank:Rade@ 1
ANi it CO. [January 9L llCs4.] and the Carnlas.
' and Rita Owlets In lilies. Leather. and MI. No.
WV betty rtzeet. ul-nrdans
CO-P.ARTNERSHIP—UttIing a.Boeinted
E. ;I. Ward with me in the Drug htainem, thq
no will be carried on from tide date. wader tho otele of
Jot:ary 24. ISII4. jal
L L Na ins . s.
.11 E. SELLERS S CO., Wholesale and
IL. Neap Dealers is Drogo..Pklntk, 011 k. Tarohthrl.
r„. kr, No. IVood street.
'lt.—ltt pursuance of the Act of Assemhiy Of AMA.
el ran* entitled a further eupplement to the ea. crab !
tied -An Act to ineortmrate the resmayirania Railroad
Company,' approved the Zid da of March, A. D. 185.1•-•
Notice, is hereby Orenthat it y
le the intentkru of the
Pen T neylmnla Railroad Coompany, Ishotdd the mare help
ere ed by their stockholder* at the tumuli meeting, to
held on the trot Monday of February next) to guarantee
the hoods of the Steubenville. sod Indiana Railroad Cam,
plan t.° -
the am . aunt of Sve hundred licensed dollars.
Mb Jan. .t.h. lliAlLiatblut T. T. FIRTH, Seegy.
VOTICE—Mr. JOHN C. gnu 6
received etc...---•
thorrued * to collect all bills for PSI, ea presentatka of
Treasurefe receipt. Li. .1.1 WM. M. UEIUtH. Treas.
VISSOLUTION—The partnership of R.
Roblson.C. Klngaland and &mud IL Itobbon.trad•
an d owning on the Enterprise Youndry and ttaeldne
shop In Allegheny City, ander the dem and style of ROB
ISON, KINGSLAND t IXI., Is Ws day essayed and closed
by mutual consent. The broke. Ulla and accounts of add
firm mtn be collected and settled by B. It a Cu, of
Pittsburgh. R. ROBISON.
sssrt. B. amino*
0. s. /HMI WY. iesic
corner of Wood etreot and Diamond
day (Jan. 241,1564) mandated with me in btudnem
my brotherialaw, O. B. PRIMPS, and my Outlier lola
man. WM. MIC.F.F., under the name and_ dyle. of it.'ll.
lIARILEY k 1.4031 It. U. LLWIIET.
EL,II. HARTLEY & CO. will continua to
• Manufacture Saddle., M. 0.., hunk.. Melted
and Machine Bands, ether with all other artletea
In their line. With in tacit:Etta. for doing Malmo
and a determination to manufttetmeod work, we flatter
oureclres that it will be to the adrantage of those wishing
articles in our line to favor ua with their custom. •
N- B. agents for.MARRILS CO., New York - Law Leath
er. • prime article, in sides or pat op In Ulnae, ntsdr for
use. (Dispatch and American copy.l .1•134-na
OP AR T N E 11 S II I P-311{eIrr &Blair
havalessociated with them THOMAS Li. OUIR. The
Ilasinese will be wietinwed under the arm of MeIOSLVY a
bLAIILS. jean:4mM
day assesdated with me as partner, my nephew: Jut
Pastas. The bushiem of manufsettuing and inmarting
1102111 RY. GLOYES,YARND. a., will be ranard.Fd ti
the Old Stand. No., 24 Fifth at, and emidneted *radar the
firm of WILLIAM DALY it 424 All puma haring claims
against ma will please present them for linmedlate .par
mot, and those who are indebted will pima settle their
tans with LB little delay so pomilde.
WILLIAM DALY. :la. 24 Fifth M..
liana darr:totria;fron Qty hotel.
January 19.1854. Ltl
Vlttsbmab, January 27, litYpt.
WIDEN]) NOTICE--Tbe Board pf Di
nette" have this day declared • dividend open the
htzek of lb. Pittaintrzia and Boat.° 311nina Conr
pany, of Ten Dollars pte sham pavahla on tbs 27th day of
February mot. Taatern Stockholders to be piLki at the
Edam of J. W.Clark a Co., Baton.
ja2S-lad•21•8 . MOLE?. AVSAY. Pres!.
NOTICE --The partnership sOieh existed
, betwein the undersigned "and [CURT WIMPLE,
ender the Rem or rugsfor STLMPLE t CO.. is dhoolved,
and the underted alone is authorized to transact and
settle up the hutnneea or thigh/Ai late Ortn.
OTICE: Joseph Fleroipg hncin ti=a
dated eith Wei Joseph AUL the bushiest
1r 11 be condoefed udder the et yleofJOSEll ABEL t CO. et
the old 'tend, eoroeaot szolth&kt sad Youth otreets.
- jet 2
MERCHANTS. and Defilers inPrlxtuee genernilY.
on CO and TO Water street; opposite the Freight Depot of
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Pittsburgh.
Liberal &dramea made on coneigninents. 0rr27.1.
Great Chandes for Bargains.
'II E undersigned would respectfully in
the their friends and the ettlreow generally. that
y ar e a bout closing out thetr.large and well erteeted
week of rich and elegant CADPILTINOS. Intel pa:rebelled
In the 1•4 from the manufacturers and reporters,which,
f oi r CI P ITL - Pnittln t ia,, 'P S Wbse=f i eplendld ln tl7 l
sie ; tatted mereselplk , o PP cl t t i t: eL , R , Trade, and at lower
pr IMPEltrAr t ii.4171.'t""m711 th e
from t e mood celebrated manufactortra In thy Cab
led Staten colorawarranted t Ingrain Cexprta. of all Mode;
e t and Stair Carpet.: Wool and 'Hemp lintett
Cats, together with a. large mwortment of Oil Cloth;
Mat.. Rugs. Matting. Table and Manna:oars, Le, am
The entire .tuck will tawitively be mid the present ..-
.On to make mom for other_ immie.
C. 11. DEADLY /t CO., No. le Third Meet
Mercantile Job Printing Offfeel
OIIN T. SITHYOCK, Hook and Job Print
." or. No. M 71(th street, buntediately over the Presby
terian Book Rm., ' , dote to order Bmdoem Cards, Clreto
-lam nary Peet. en. Hand Dilla 11111. of-Lading, Bill Hoed.,
- hotels. Dank'and Broker's Medea Illsnir Order., Dray
Iterelpta, Ticket, and leery deecription of Letter Item
Printing. Blank Deed., Ronde, Mortgagm, tor, conedantl
Partletdar attention pald to Book cod
_Pamphlet Mat
_Blank Books and all finds of Book Blnd . prompt
ly and neatly demented.
Those whhing to pay eashorill Audit to th eir Interest
writparonise this establishmenb
11nele printed lo bandeau.. style,. I,l6.lrodllitter
„IL 30 Dbl. WE. Itte Butter:
I® kr patkft . l dOs: ®
la bbls do
hne• amain dr;
2 WA. Emir. Z.T.O-Th. mks Iteelorbost 7101111
bbl,. mall Whitt Galt* in etas tad Ibr mat br
jat SIICaVER, DlLWOiltfi t CO.
160 2rl;si'B: to arr ive
. snuvraDl7WO I jO.
vain on band and sad for sale by JNO.IIAPT. Jr.
PITTNBURGIT—• certain Or ocer in this eity bout.
he la the original and only Importer or le. tram
Landon. and that. he is determined not to be beat by any
. teeltaees suffers." tn. Don't get etteltedonan. take thing"
OW. Asention potAbeare butt; contparla , oa la better
In thb aten. Dos the Tea ama ewe eelletaste better be
cause he once t e ms . thne bmaght some in the greet oily of
Lumbar "ibis I'. But ddo bowed/. we Labia se
fart that ear ot Tea. ethkh Ire blab.* advert:bed • le
Mtn , than any Tea albs ems kind be baa In hie pone r
el®, as a proof nimbi& we Folkbeeteparbon.
NORM t PATTON'S Old Country Tee BtOre ,
il2 the Bled Pittsburgh. branch bore lad la. Allegheny
PRODUCE --5 Ws. Moll Butter:
• 5o bas.Whlts BofauF
SO do airy Arnim
1 00 howe nuairhatt not.; •
ban. Clover Bent
SO do mothy dn. in dors "
.I Ti ..t IL MYIL Liberty and
tahnhaed close out dismal.* stosknf Ilso and Does
tor Clotblok_porparatory to opening the iNprlng Cato
patio. CILMEII. has natant his stock doom. down to un
proredentad law prim. to
_Oath. No chars. Ike shooing
dada Woest stmt. Kostody to pleas*. • .11‘25
CLOVER SEED-55 bble. Ohio Clover Seed
reed by steamer AMU*, mle
pas ILMIAIZT t,co. •
SUNDRIES -4 bblm. ROIL Butter;
th. "hed Nathec -
4 ecotir - kelp butler:
reed idasisserAesale ir.U.BAILEY
ALERAIr 30 ibis. for ealeb
S ia2s ' J. B. CA.1711111.D.
E GGS -30 bble. en arrive for sale br •
lIULK PORK-300 pos., hog ro to sr
*lv* Lr sa• br jas S. CANFIELD.
GREEN APPLES-14 bble. to arrive for
sale Er • j. J CANVIELD.
ACK 'REL-100 bble. N0..3, .email; for
Wier ja2s 3:11. OANIITELD?
~ F! . I2V- . 2.1
. S-40 bbts, small whirlorc,R=
0: SIOLASSES.--200 Ras. for sale by
1 - n • 1a.25 . J. B. Citil/LELD...:,
- I ,t. AKE FISK-300 bbLs , and haltdo..White
■F46; 500 do do Totlbe
la y Ja23 J. CANFIELD.- •
coo LBS CANARY SERB in store
and fir W. Er_ FLEMING BROIL
Win LBS CARAWAY SEEDin store and
..b. LT jail FLEMING BEM
in .son.and for main Dr rum ma MOS.
WANTED TO RENT—Fora. yen.ri :with
V V - the pridleav as, • small FARM toutidolog ftrea
15 to 23 acres with a comfortable house Cod troll, located
within an hour's rldefrom the city. Apply to •
iuM . - B-MeLAIN,Sa s 51 5th A. •
WILLIAM DALY—Stooking Manufictory
V V No. 24 Fifth street, (next door. tti the liou Qtr
Hotel.) Km wnl be found the - lanctetstoock of Hodery,
coeds to vat nalL'und sold dumper than ever.- L Ws.
taken have occurred end consequent dlssepointruent.,
member SHE ULD tiTAND,. ,where tbe utatrineture of
llostery.lus been carried an sureseefallr for the tetstnftests
. .
LEAD --890 pigs Galena rec'd by Keystone
an 4 Wet by tneu, MAUD/ lOD. .
SIIOT-30 kegs assorted No. l,foe sale by
}MO LREtIII. IdeatUrfi Jt
EG BUTTE..-2O ? : ' Tr i te. c l m. for and
EARLASIT--30 .mu3ka for sale,b
345 J. n. c..eirrnma
giIIINGIIR ROOT-1000 lbs. for sale by
lUR .1423
„ 4.4 01L; a wit.- do ' Mask OA
and Itc solo bp sL4mxtrult:l
o .l ,Pit Pi! ),„Szn s 6 anti el
° 00= ov.froulp h irahiryypbkor
. k.intztinvial.T . '7. It& P/BLL
UNDf . t!!SI.9O bole No;;L
S • : au a
r ; 23 auks IleaSc •
• 2 ges2hreira i li nut.
m 4.11.
frlol. WATER—I hart reed
ilsTivrow___,_of thb a r=l.l7 Menlo& iltbarar Rabic.
Nola and
ewe to mire, M 1,4104
Mitb• Mao
u tr a t o prim
Br • " , , mews tr2ll%ViVito.
.Bbs s ieda.3tolau
rii the Isubecn . ber, at -S H
rVEVaWalankartramir tt
el3l;sr b C-11 4
ready alle=y award- I -
- - ,
u, •
~ 3- dc 4 az4l . 2 kop iced. 14dd.* §11.1,14_. di
...Is • . RleAltalr It.oo.
fiALK-*-10,,abks for y
UNDRIES-3 (144. Tiresd Baskets;
d A thowimb * w i n /91 ILOORII A.SII TOPS.
ebek Our ; Anga
min c 0 & YOVLE, No. 279 ,
saime oaaatt maw,
smasuans—"..o..". •
The following llxt or Ilusinew, Finns are
and net reliable In the city of :few York. t*"
&OWEN MeNA3IEE, Importers of
Anted= and Iranianlk and Fancy Good, 112 aztd
IMpOrterd of EiTat
&r4l. White 00.4, ke, Na. 89 Liberty str.t.,_
FCOTTENET d co.. Importer% of fienc,lt
. and other European 00.4, NO. 40 b=read
G EORGE PEARCE do CO., Ini ortorn of
Lux Goods, batookterka, ko, of
Far-banze Mee. _
a Sotioo,Nlks. w doors from Liberty r.
J. WYETEt A; CO., IMporters of Em
. brolderleo,.. Wblto and. loot pooch, No. =2 Emd
ARIES OWE 15 Broad'. street, Importer
or Thou Trienznings, Gimps and Fringes. Mg Pm.**
Mitt. and 81k Goods generslif • • . -
lIENNEQUIN C Importers of
VS, HAMMES, Sc., GO Mind stmt. j. 3r
il ROBLNSON& CO, No. 187 Broadway,
Ela.ta i tal="fiLtP, b 4z4tt'„r 4 .4,l-Cr'''
ISELIN & CO., No. 47 Broad t,
Imparters of Ferneb, Swim, and Gerolitl"
SCHER & RUSCII, No. 29 Broad street,
Inuantars Of Trench and Maas Goods, SI - LIM 1117,-
8, tn.
ITORELLA POTT, 45 Exchange Place
Imparters of Mash Dry Good., Scotch and bleb
new, DrouGooda,te.
palas of German and , Delft►n Dread Cloths. Balks,
Slik. Shawls, Laces. and Embroider*" and Tailoring
Go3d., ea Illeoadw•r.
ANDREAE, CO.. Importers of French,
&mum and Italian ttak Doak, Clotha;ke, 49 Broad-
OURRY d'IVERNOIS & CO., Importers
of ➢reneband Swiss Good.. Mhz, 3lnallas. ko, No.
ETER D. MULLEN, Laporte? of French,
003i019 and Sodas Dry GaAs, 81111 S.U.ns Velvets,
11.110 a, Kunio, Woolens, tr., No. 33 Broad stmt. N. Y.
KLEL WOOL , BROS , 48John street; - BER-
isl34,sir -
AfEEKER - tt - 31AIDIIOM Manufacturer
of nukidayabla Dress 'amielaLkTrizazalaip, hinges,.
pa. hash. Bat tans. &a, Itic.:l3 Day dread. jal34 yr
HATCH Jobbers,
Importers and Jobb,
HATCH SILK sad FANCY DUI 0014:6. gestqaCF—Na 76
• street, Importers iml Jobbers of Inner snd Staple Dr"
CB. HATCII & CO., 97 William 14reet,
:f ar./....7 sk agzagleate . r . LFamishin g Gcal., and
-4/1 f
t veer. of Gentlemen's PuulliMaz_Good. and Mulatto.
arer o Stocks. Shlrta Ilea 40..104 Wallam street.
iulLmA3.l REDMOND, 30 Pine street,
V ante Agent In Neer York for •
James and Robert Young,' Balm. • • e.. 1 .
STRAHLEI3I&CO.,No. 69 Breaavntv,
at i lniptz of Late; Millinery (.liev MateoMerl'.
QCLOICIIARDT, 1 4 110L1011 &
Hausr..x. O s man o4Libtsey etreet,lreportort of
'From% doles and Mike, liiblions. Velvets, Yost-
Inge, Moline, Bergen, lc Woolens of every deeeriptDon.
MTh . • • , mixor
ptars of Linen C•mbrles End Linen Cambrio Ilatalker
CHARLES BRUNO, Importee Old Whole
/ Milt Near Geratan, Preach and Italian 3IUSICAL
RUMENTS and STRINGS, No. 2 Maid= Lodi+.
jald4 ye
PLARK S WEST, 158 Broadway, Import
en of French. Zoictls6 stict German Ocicds, for 3irr
ehant Tatter. sod Clothier.
A OOK; SKINNER & CO., 56 John street,
Imposters and Jobbers sir Cloths. Camthoores and
• est up.
cbonumw. •
log. Shirt. Drawer end Ruin!shine Goode, • Oiled
o A llg awl Rubber Goads, Z). Park Roy. opposite the
tallelOthlmg m0w..., (o°o-
vlatin:from rawk
GURNEY, No. 349.1troatiway, the oldest
I and moot extuudnr notnbllahnkont In the tuft.'
1 tl. -.p13,1y
..NORTVOP,.ISO- enwic:li
i p iL ks t r= t ut Vilsolesale Demon fn Dtwcs,
T lists and &ismer, on Wood. Nos. 68 and CO Ful
ton street Finest sad best work =motel here.
JW. ORR, Designer and Engraver on
nd ter 's"
Irrct= STtait.ici*iits•d
fIIMBREDE, Card Engraver laid Printer ,
11j11 Aso dealer In Pl. Stallonorr, run Goes, Perft:.
Metropothan Itotel, Ittond..7.
LARDS, SANTO RD & CO., Foreign
cPreft. No. 36 Broadway. Owl& asul P• 666666 toe-
r.,2 all 'arta of the world. 36..36 la Pitt&
bunt:Adams iCo.
WARD,. DICKSON & CO, forsaerli Bai
bont,:ClPowoomili.,* & I:1"m 63.1 Whokablers
'an., /miry. Yen
1114•17, 41 Maiden Lne. , r,
Na T raW• !aP R°TI ;E'Yt 2, Ya
=EGO & BIILICTAY, 83% Cedar street,
La i r l ir and Jobbars—Ensdieb, Wanda and dem.
T ..c..b., Buttons, Brash., Timmy Cidkrt.
and Molars lo Fwaneh. German. awl English sky,
Fanny Goods and Eltation /*
ary. 647 lizoadway.
J• B. k, W. CORNELL;I3S sad !143
. Ourtre street Plain sad Ormaantal Irma Mirka.
Cl_ ARAM JACOBS; 167 Water atreet,
beneetere, Memeeeturer 1. end Whelan& ILlers
lats. Teinntner. ke.
.11%%1.EY & CO.
lior A.llrvulta - Ams, to.
D ANTI) CULTER,(lnrentor and Patentee)
- +Kalif maau6ketmwr and &law, wholeealo
rstall, It ittrastes, Baglaun. Tenth.... 1. _
(I.OWLES Um:id • street, Ita
l./ *wed ua Alr Purnions, Ran," beam% 'Yenta.,
txs. ke. - - • .
ROGERS & ViTEOFF, 23 'Couithuidt
Onset, India 'Rubber Oman Plana Com% Cb4in.
Prewrivern Onegiekes Boats. ka.
- 1 - , • eaplikean
lIENRY 'DAVENPORT. 86 John , street,
.ManuSelmer zeul Dealer every dsersiptlfe3:
gee Petant Rubber Farber Rnbter Goode
and:— eepl&tr
aiut gone
4. NI. QIIIIiiItYIc. SON,.lYealers' in Quiin
hb4's bummed Rada. Oaks Se./ 27113, stmt.
log Pearl sad ea beaver sea, Mattgrasta Tags, ham
I 31*Iters In the coastal,
Comtism:l street. 'Merhistery.and Sfse.hts• Teat
QAIL . 3IrILL & 00,'4i Nat.:len Lane, Guitne4,
noes, anxedoons, Bram Lostnumts. Rad MAUL
& LEAVITT, 31 Maiden Lane,
Wawa. Manufacturers. 'and Nitiolaale Nikes Ir
luanments, Status.. ac- t_
11031 AS U. BATE, late T. I T.ll. Bate,
ez Weldon Los—Needles, Mb Hooks, sAlloblait
rj lIOPKINS & BROTHERS,lmporters oP
o 1 1 : k ! 11,n.d. Window OWE; No: 61 BMW end, Now
piIOI3ERT M. PATRICK. befiance
minder SATES. (Oarbe. Pot.ntJ DMA, .?"'
AIILRORN. k CO:, lisiden"Lnie.
rekireVsnitill"!*#Y4"4l.lmr4e*" cerYB
...41111.01V - alt4lo, - PAriTS: •
LE T.' BASER A 'BROTHER, 142 Water
• tapart.ra or Fmaels bm•
i f e.4 40 Agent. of LIMO*" NnThirrW aYM
20 bbbs.for Bak by'"-
' 11.'d. FAMCMOCK - 4 CO.
11.-I ) OI7AkS,&CO.; Importers ofFrenoli
.‘wisamr sad Cosa Olmr—Ne. 14 11124+11 Anat.
rams wmumply
. .
/Mitre V. FIELD, it 11 Clifitatieft:
ckumnr,„umin y.e7ra
ENONS, LEWIS & 11.411,TOW; N . o.:161"
;with= suvrt.—kinvitx=rl,72B kr Inca
atatima., PrWon. Monk xaambetows,
ROW CIIRISIOkin; -;Porte muszahoturam c9risit !oillrbhd Anew iosd rour7
SW TORlCSOnteoll:Ma'snifiletUrn,
t. r Tr9strrgr'et."o o l 4l torr! 'Wows.
TrIIO3IAS BA4,IIOUIt, 43 Euhsav FUoa.
- -0 , ---q9P44;crtit, .74, 40
-Is - "Fir A f f t ti r
' 48 74,:t 0 0 - ' 4 Ifry z
•‘1 , 4.01 -•1 4 1. 4 '4 ' klet
44 :4- 91 r A 4 4` 4 t,
44, 01, 4 ,2,N0 444, 44 144;1.V.
•sl 'a, °I,
* 4, 0 , 9
'Pep,NN kr
r i „.. , ,IN i .
4 1,1 44.
rib : 1
1,,,,: . .
t A ,
o t ,
b 153 WCIT/13 : ,
Imperter, of Laces,
IN'DLt Donna poor*
i letter .watimectit'i .
n• of the Fut t Ith4
1.1744, w
' - as - c. - . cleiia l an "P"l tha. ' ttl ' . ' I 2V . .
Werfes Safe thsuany, ACM , /tart Meet. -V, if l'f
13131111LLY—Your went exiled on me today 16 haq, .
result of a sole 1.1.4111 e's remit:: which named throne;
burnlau Of the Fa rt Iflltaillolf House. lam to. In% '
, trafalas h 7 a epj . t , lnj . :; n e
, f t tiLpar i t i t 2 . ett e s4
It o'cleel.ort Sundaynlght.and wasentlrelyounthantl
engineewerenremot tdernatbeethedetneallndantraMlV .
the heat.Mmt the nafb • al, red het 14 seemed hours- 4
the cafe ereadu.out of theruinathd orettedaembrarp
expectation., and all Itho witnessed the Taw tat
tents were found la • most admirable otateof_preemer.,
I hate the Meat confidence In $0121 , 4101414 Mak flei ' .
against fire and burglars. and with you to thmsard are •
site laraor, to the tverett noway Union Bowe, a,
wqleh I Mull opun on the Uth Nov. next.. ' g .
The bor i e=rn l y ir lian'i juts hee i k i al , A,sl4
. . •
mium by the Atuerkes , n itiliju lest s ttn k te mt:o . Cantle .
fur LOU. . ` Patent Fire and Ihthglas ft,afes., and 11.1;:h .
Loth, hitt, with the other Pmmlurne thn ham rail
and t FM thee hare lone thmvuth. places them tiema4
at th head ot all other rennin. for the guterrea •
value Ise against fire and burglar.
the Moth of them superior ankles ea band
WU a g rata. at our Mon,
not No. LIB Pearl street, New Y - .
jT LENTINES FOR 155•1.—Tb e Smut,
Valentino Compor.N..Y...Thrapturt . rro r gi
VAL AtNglu r r - CATLxvi nd esi•A•rionacT,..
au • I to U
i.,:f = t Doke eito m muertt
T. e. mildt, mites for Wel &graving,
other War or I:arm - log .4 While lyres. 111
mum, SVNorran amt..
olesale stationery Watero4
-.- WM. A - .'W - lIEELER Sr CO.
. 13 rel3l:l7:K'no lc 4
. . . .• ~ Ireir ro sy tar.
Fr d lE Subscribers have ,now in storlA t
roodreet roam Ihrm9r, a. 1310111 extenilre and •
~,, do& or Staple end Taney gimlet:wry, wen
eye'," variety et English,Freneh and.tionnah=de.
. 1. 1
They bare altel on hand the sleet nampkte
American Coo, Letter . and; Plat yeller to he band in ea
Untted State,
They ore moll PrOpliettki6 a InitiliVll rttiMkakit
Inkstand. luol Streets ex the anled ilartin it 716kat 1
ling Fluid,rr_hleh I. wernented superior to Araei4 I lift
and ftlnneben at • much lower tote. - 1.. ._ - • 9
Innen who ,moult their mu Intres!,rent AM - •..
both,* tumbling their geode. • , • • ' ;
nleedlertlar, - soLA:rnsztas a 00.
TICLI: OW 31):11CU1tli IN IT: In%MU. remedy *el
Saunas. Sleet Ertl. Rheum*Wes. -I.lhtdinetw coterie 1
Erninkms. Pimplessor Pustules on Pm nmedlleteltel4
Climate bora Eyes. Rlng-IVorto or Viler. Medd Weed, i
tenemtenement and Pain of tbe Dammam, Joint; atnnamm
gyphilltio Disorders. Lnmbaoo, -apical Cora
and .11 Diseases artalniftom an fin ad Woos ass of afercary.'
m gn . s l =4 -l irtgl r ehiT,, P ;r ". kg r eit o La t a b rjek 4 rsa L eslebrelled
the numtcr of extraordinary tura efficted thresigh
avows, hoe Induced - the proprietors, et the urinal
theh friend* Wager It to I
( rime DAT
unmet confidence In Its I (rime end wereierfat aera
propertlea Theaillowlngeerthleatea select:About •
nufber, am however, rimester testimony than the .
tro of the propristone and am all gentlemen ine know&
In heir keelitlee, and of the blithest rametabl/Ity, mow
of em residing ht the city of Itichmond,-Va.. - . ..
P. R.,,... Em., of the Exchange liotelAtlehlal
known everywhere. ears he has teen-the tonilcina oil
Csarre's SPAMBII Mrarren , adml deemed In peer ahem
wee, lu nearly all the Weems Ibr which It It recommend.
ed, with the mutt astonishlng vat results. Ile tail It hr
the moat extraordinary medicine that he bee ewer MOM ]
that foe three rem /had Ague and
ref er clam m4:Mr
lent den-rip-Inn. I hid esrerel p_hrelelace, took •
nentliles of Qulnhes.3lerenry, mid} believe ell the
Melly cared me, end r ' eta balmy to earl bevelled neither
Chills or Fever wince. 1 coutdder It the beet Tonle In the
world, and the only medkine that ever stashed my case.
... .. - • _ J0u r ....4 LONCID9N.
_. . . ..
Bearer TWao. our Rielimond„ the t i ll
••• , •
C. IL Luck, Eel. la now in the rity'of Mehl:fond. end 1112
Anent - Teen in the. Peet (Hike, tom ugh eonfidencei In Abe •
astonishing efficacy of Carter ft Spenksh Mlature, that be
t brth b eip „. ' Ver
„ to hen taken according . to directions.
Dr: ag+. a, practlelme Eby 'Wan, and furreerly '
City 11.40.1 n the city of Richmond. ray. he hoe
in el number of inetancee. the ethwta of 'Llliter'e
Mists'', width were mat truly c.pridaft. lbs ra.T•4•••
nuerof coneumplion. dependent cm the Lim. the Low
affect.. were wonderful indttld.
• :NMI" M. Drinker. of the firm of Drinker_t Morrie.
mond, was eared of Liver Complaint. of nnrcitiadlof
, by the tme of two p.„6.1, li
A 7; (MUM
b e .• editor, oAr theßleb
mood Republican ad • • eervant employe., 7. •'. - mem ,
roan. cocci of violent Scrofula combined , with luc it i a l
Jima, which ..UrOy - 41. 1 4.4 him firm work.' Ttro
of Cartefelipaulalk )11eltim. made , perfettenywof
Hand the editors' In a public wake. my tln7 • eM , W.
remenmend it tuna who, are afflicted with goy &mace of •
trriu. isarrtrat.cuiLE Or Scwirrl had eier7
valuable boy cured of Seroftda. by Cnrterif Swint 31lernew..
I madder ik a may valuelde medicine. .1 - AMEd If,_Tay. • .
Wit. Conductor on - the E. P. It: hid:mond Ts.
310 r. John Thompson, raiding . in the eity of Richmond, was •
re , d by three bottles of Catter's Spankh Mixture s ef.ealt
Rheum. which he had nearly twenty :AA" sod •hien all
the r4llrsiasti4 of tho Mir could met core. Mr. 'thompeon to
a well kronen merchant In the city of Rkincood, Va., and '
• his cue la most remarkable. •
• Wm. A. Mathews of Richmond hid a retreat oared of r
Reekille, in the world term, by C arter e Spannk Mature. •-
lie saye he cheerfully reereamonda It, and winkle» Man
Invaitudde inedleine. .• - -
Richard E. West. of Richmond. was of Scrofula,'
and what railed mammal Consomptkei s he" •
three bailee of Cartcee tirnolela Mixture.,
Edward Dorton, Coormalmioner of the Revenue. my* lob
hae area the meat effeeta of Coot..'. Sfenieh 'Mixture. in
number of ffr=le meet. and Says It It a peeled mite Mr
that horrid
Web ti. Mauro ,l of likhummt, cared of Cad Sores ebb
vb.., nkh 4.11. e him foam et fdtiee.: Tooh• oe.
tlee of Carter's gnomish Mixture
. sod was wedded to walk, •
without • crutch, In ashore time permanently cured,
Prtnelp Pqne
l 3 7r. = " n Pr r n r; s'
And Ibr see by .A. Fahacatock /t
u o f •
Pittsburgh: IL E: Schwartz, Allegheny city; and
Alsteand dealers In medicines everrwhate. - • colftarien •
• •42 &11,771• R 110. LAZirIr.DMIJZS: •
101103.1. LOUIS A. Da PRAEl, 4 4;.Chinais
dr mod Phannadautlet,:et AMaterdatd; lb* only •
taxer. rt roraftettetahletkontarand,Brer
adentlllo toioetptse, after. the laander.. the ,
Holland Profemer Dmattee.'- Tretartaa of
, tz i r t t . e i tmeNl.
to most of the European Statoltdr o W attfotho
_Blades was Intended more tar t of Vac
lather' .. L... mattered here lad there over. the Loa tUa
agotyßeatlttirelth weed sumer ameba theart,
now oder It to - the.A.merietot •tethlie.. troOoted. .that
truly erooderfal medicinal vlrtuemtut seltuoar leosed.
Fever and Ague, Droperata, hick • Ifereteciartme
B It
ow and Tool toolari.,ollendre Breath.
.hordeamar taste In the month after osttart or „
• ,
~ .riespLuer. Indigestion, erottemes... mum*. ear. -
thio . . ‘ o c yra: il l t tcr . and. aalmaalftm.
e drowai.
Beektrolodred elagrodmemorlV: - •:'
tato DOd man of Sedans to • -*
. . ex aria ma f a ro=
Kulthe hend , and ell .
• :.,
. . .
It Is pardeulerly rorommetol.l to thce• Waco icblia'
o coostitutkes mar-hare hien' Inspired lir the cosatioleed
of. ..dent - spirits, Cr 'other forms of OMRpittastV wane •
wally luetaotarmone in egret, It Aside Its way sllnsotly
the mat of Ilfe. thrilllog end g quleilisoln worT aorriamigh
Ina up the drooping ephith and. la fame tafristaft Let .
Imalth and Moor into the *Atom. - • • • -
• • - A TRULY TAM:ABLE 1511D/Cl,_ _VS
In all came of Dlaretima.Dysemrw i llsrale,Cbsietts
width* many on - blowout oriels attending a .F. 074077
Clltti*re s. m.g Jultios at*ice. sue
• • Ihranariesum
! ' Mr. Boni wain rego, Jr.—ikar Sirra wuaM SST T
have burn agitated with a Sheen of the stranwh,.
Mon of the Met. and nervous beadsehoZ e nowly.
years. and bard spenteonso hundreds of to
elfeet score; but to on porous. if tem has t=
wow, of your. fi
ten; 1 fool myself entirely !tetanal.l ma est end•
welt, and attired tomr. bushman with pleasures wol
therefore recommend It to 111 those wbo are am
• . • ' :- A'
Mr. Benj. Paws Jr:.—Bear Sir: tly eloorreet ere
gee to the hital reeotroneudisur :son; Molise* •
luting suffered for mat that buteasehe. loss of4s
.Uteonentel deotteninn. tad ht fest *sorrel Mende
Hales I now Mel, Oiler wing , at one bottle, osoicions
Islgoecti saw.srati
Ilea). Pate; 4 .1 r Ts2.:—Disr iftr: hies' LeCli nu: ..d as
the gyve Id thumps ono of !Item** by the use of
heve'sjkased Illttste,(parehesed youl alter Me
I[4,4l : sas, boor. and toms/ de y
• l i tt l :g 4 1 4 151 y "I'
P. O • No. tO Cittsbtrth.
gy; Bay " brollead 'lllttare” apd tett u k :
ape:: ,shouldlt fall to say Installer, t" eldest se =UM
end gore than the advertise:nen telahoMr It V
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Car. zd mut WM:WO to L•sran soltygy
Ales be IL A. Thhoestoek *Co:. lt. L. Ostlers Dr. Pa
it. y . r , Fleming. Brotherly, and J . Schs.onneker . A EMI*
brgh ‘
'Jobe G.TtaltS;liinninshait; - • ,
Jemee"f, pple. IL P. Nolturtto. Panat4l4
Lee A. &ahem it Co.. Allegheny.
mavaro' tea In - the 'twentieth $a o{
reamtlinnia, tt ne the tent Intke
Tonc Ala Ylist Vreatituu Si}rerliateli Aire befall Riereidti .
tit by •tha :Yreakitei nntitate. cronweale,ne
American Ifntile. de s.
Tork.ur the .liaryland fastitalk
br .the Memachimetts Mechanic Aceocletioca
earttleates of many of the meat eminent Pitt
!of 0 1 117 {. o isicre. laic:amend it at. lyllr
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Sixth Animal Bals of the Portsmi
• , - SECOND OF THE MU/LEVI:AV ii& ': .
' ATEDN'T.WAYi .. 7grarri .
„ lat. labiLorsll
' Cama t oribc;_a4l2}ltl32l.l AND 11A1n * .N*WW,S.of .
celebrated Mumma Meru. JACOB- leCN:ale t t.j.e Al,
beteurtba entity litOdrt i grAt 41111 , 1114 Print
th lagftwt.r... at Otir swirl' h'irt"
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' Ces ti ael ast tte emir bbbait t :_iiit. i = it
.nite latl i irrtb i ...l 4 , 24,..attenadtabl. • , •
tr AfoTt; 'elaielZ7 Cdb71941:-Jayb.3444!...7,rti4
ire ems. .'WINDOW SILADES. ,: Tie'
:.18*. O. L= MLLE& & CO: - :• • -.
IVx, ?Nall Dalin la WINDOW EIIADLE. • • ':11r
num? and sad Arth itc. ItAllidelplils, oath
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