The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 05, 1853, Image 1

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    t - pSTABLISHED IN 1786
mei — lean nitueAzitiwisiciAr $9
- • . WHITE & CO.
, N.
sr sin.
0 9 LLY , .....4even dollars per annum, payalde half Yeetl7.
wthwt_ifitglAtt,t inseam, In adVance. Claps
Ae 9oPelied on the folleeing condition.
rheas copfee per lallItila••••••••••••••••••• ... * b b
.P/O• ' do 9Ow
Ten copies 13 00
24 03
~1. 004 t2 Oopfee •do ....•••••-••••••••
toe packet for each 'club to be addressed to one panto);
' out te . be veld Invariably in advanoal No club papers
04 the sear after the peer expired. 04140 the 1209 *2
ant for a renewal.
• • • 'Ons Doitars, tlO lines of:Nooparell-)
• • Lmatcldioml" "'..—
' .onesweit isrtbo • 0 2b 6
DM. - two k 17
• o. • • -
• Do. —•6 00 •
Loo. two mentha--.... • 700
• DO . loot
10 00
DO. vs m0nthe......-- 10 00
itl.lOlllW 011411. (i Uses or laminar anneal ' 6 00
One Dona tor emit odelitional Um. e f'
004 B.lll{llM chastisable atoleasaris (per
' • manuit) sitelasive of the paper '2ll Po •
for seokad(LlAboial Immo lneerbed onot me month.
2121 2 ; 4 220 . 11221110 2a 1 WWI Warted under tloi yearlY
tater, Spilt pries. ,
Admittlioommit erneedins stoma, end sat 02 ° 2 In".
~y ar;lus lum a t s
0 o • star: Are,!, ,, v .tirau . a ., lo
s= s t i nto= da... hiurcid i r a tLiali
a licatl a iZ/ i i ,a
14/111111 as MLitt Memnon:beano.
Advertisements not owned on the esp to y
MIMS 02 isXlOllO. will be entiOnsd Ind
" a m ptietleile or=lavertleere is Marti lizot . d
so tbelr immilate buelmso ani ad
Nor the bandit if other persoanrs,, ail well as all 'drones.
mem* not listmodish i lip so with th eir corn Mud,
mom and all Moose o ndrertisemente.l. lanet""SA'
aeries, beyond the ts .eed ., will be abused at the
mud rates. ; Por &Daub beent actontisiolt. bill. will
be separately pondered, sod prompt paymentis desired.
All actrealtsements for obaritabl . • titutione. Pre Mtn'
Oarl. l 6 . W.ltlit township anoth e r mobilo menticos, and
*Me/ I to be charmed alf prim, payable strictly in
. .
Marriage notion to be charged 60 amts.
• Insith notl-In inserted sitbontoisarge, union stomps,
Med by funeral invitations or °Whinny Wises. and when
so aosmpaniod. to to Data or.
Regular adtertising. and all others mains osannuoi.
rismirings notion designed to toll littootb° o t°
Clonoerts, or any Public, gmtertainments,
• •essn, chants. am mede ftr admittanos—all notion 01
• maim dunned to tall attem ,
to privet* ins mkosiated or intruded to Wo
men, Indivklaah in , caa anly be inerned with the
.addiMasiMinst that the dim s fano blond 6"r, 71 intend
ed to be tinned In the local sminsan. the same will be
• shamed at r the rate of not leas than 10 nun per line.
Pittigt.p.Antiout.. g :rti gsd • tz"l.
ZOOM, %Altman! OM !Aliationntif advertisements
••°°.° mono Soder 7Wit.rataa. bat to be slimed a
Ausattsbattarty Minn and
one third Per tent. tr ooo the
amount of bills.
• -1 1 / 1 111.7 of =Firma= or lam farm
Ott, Baum thrm in5erti0n5.............«...Q 6O
to. each additional insertion_._._. 37
Ow Swan (10 llaea) 0141 Insertion ...../54) mats
1)o. web aidltlOnal losettion.-28 cents
AU ttotuAsot advalisioasots to be paid In *Ammo.
virturmia auxrts, li
BONS, Bankers.
No. lif NEW id.bdrans MI and Manlksta.Pinaatonk.
ig unt i
PIN YLYANIA. Wands at Mosallloa— X
. Moak MPI Broach at Weeatoe—an
Bank of da.-4ou. Branch at Y0n.... do
rira l ..= l 36ass. X ........-por Wan. at 8166 n own_.
of Oosusetess:-.Z.-nr ty BABE 01nalonotL do
Nankai North Ajoarlea-pat 031212212i21Bk,Oincimmtid.
Bank OnfOrlina /410701.22ar Prw.x.dx, Bank.. do
Wei =V , ~ IP - P -Ir. C U M77IIIIE-117 -d°
Bank of the D Btatas 12 Warta= Boons Itan
Oammondalßahlt at Pa.-Dar Bank el Mandllos do
„ 0 = ,..,,,, r _.,...,
ii ,............ 40
11 .tang BanlL-- --no All solvent tit a n 11".
Mailabsalt Math BankTMlNst _s. NIX YORK.
~Map tsialme no YotkOlty- -.... —par
Ila rik. .-.......i0n Ofnliezz...-._............. x
• 80ak...---- nova
gta ' re ' Bi.m. k lisnk.... trial . tri er . u .." - =.....= " 1.1
..... t...
.."... ----der Nall A DRLAWARIL
Bazaar Obastat Onaty Sc It
. I:3l l) & " X . Cliaatir? " Dail 4litegalrEalus=asi Sc
Bank of Clorasannewa--Dia Bank r lka s Norfolk .
klanaketOottrabonsis....-. X forreas' laskof Tterbala n
Musk of LinelaWira----..Mash. leak .
Boat of Mtddlotowta --- X North Wantons 80nk.......- 2
idaptgolineS7 00. Bulk- Besaahes.-.-1.-....-; -.
Bank of linethanlanLoad. NORTII CLUI.OLINA.,
=goat —.....--- X of Ospa roar 8
In a mdse. Co.par Dk ofilt. at N Corollas- 8
80ak.......-ne 0212222 2 / 4 1 j UilmIxen 8
t 00t0 r epyk * .........-par klarebaate Nnadits 2
Ida amoc--..... Sc Bovril o lax&
i s.a.
Franaorelik of Basta Co..par Bk aka BC of 8. Corollas I
lattams . Bk oflanaastadne Bank °thanks Conks.-- 3
fennarellonkonteadlng pm of Charlarson I
; mon. 1nt0r20271121022.2 PloalreVd Meehanlea• Brill
1. natllDrow,Waymatoult. X GIOROLa.
Ifesulkka Br-Wank:Mtn on Aunts. Ins. st Banskins Oo
u.rzaitnii:,-,..--ix 2 .,MOSAttanata.- 1
Lansaw Boale-----Vm
Br w 8 .61.12
LoonatarOonaty All nalvont borde..--.-- .., II
Lonna 11ank......-..---nor RINTDOKY.
Illoonf Bank of Yottanks )( elafßoa .LasiMMILX .
a wasausakalstlikof
Went Ilsonosh Baal lantana UM antssoky
otramßk.l3l l / 1 1110rtn; ratans Bk of ItaatOokY
1* MOM* ...
011 =X Bk anat.. f MoloonX
. 011li Own -...9(ki11at0 Boat aal bean0t....1.0
e t
i ut 6: t Ve ci. . . .s•_ - - it: Soak a cir01f ram . 7 .....-11
enatth at 11=waft.„.- .. d d o . Mona It lira Ingo. ohls a
is= V. Clardondo W 001.,." Maabandeo; 14.21111
tines atTa105..........-do Btoak /.....3
tinsels at Dsroms.-..---do Bank--.. 3
NOM& at Dalavan-----do lannasseConspono li
Ranch at Calatalsoc...--do State. Boak--.....-- --- 0
fleasik at CANADA.
„.... t , at mg. ..._.O BI 0f13.21-Aa..tnantaa
Bran. at klandnaut- . ...d0 Bank Mika Paoli. Toronto&
- ts t 112012 b at
stia.r.--.4. Honker Montrool-
firms& atClaohntatt..-do Bank GM Conta,Taftaton
Dramas at Col trod----do RA/32T-RN VXMANDR.
c WMX , --do On Now York -----.311 .
at Oastla-----Ao On Philadoslohlo.--.
eh at Lansiator.-......d0 02 palthaare-.... .
Irina StSt2o.l.22Tills-.44. WESTERN RICUANOR
=tsot Mt. 8a55aa.......d0 ".......... _ _ .
at Nowark-........d0
FFlNrisztarta.t.. - e .
st Troy---Ass
earosaah at MR Moans
Beach at Zonrelllo.--
Bnants at Narefalle-----do
. 1 , Beams
i ngt= .7 l. , : .
t . m . leib at Maton--...Z.d0
ort.Bavanna-. - -do
Bro ßroach at at
i: do
Danish oll= 1
A 014) AND Snell 'ALUM
• 40 Patriot—.-.... 16.60
VOR TEM nrransaa cairns in
A. WILKINS & C 0 .
210:711.10DETLI 112REIX
MierCUL Forrembfr 1 MI
11- De. Vs
Do. fei
' AWAIT Ct ,
rniabissb dil e% N.Y . :I
MMOO S!00 ice.:
, r.S
Mamb.otri Man
swamis, 14,01,—1Z
Oltifea' °&..
tea Ythrnmes
hr t jAlth 117.
luta -SAM IlutzWans .
• •
„„ k r agNua lu e i
(A•TplaskpLW4Ll rit
• tarn. Oliaarßazds. —1
a rar aXbrookdrrm h_ . ST&
Altos. ..1 P
60, 41
501 - £2
60, 25
60 CO
50 44
60 1.
• r
%Isis 11.01.4,tr*---•
feint— --
680'&08 X AXEOLD & 00..
- .
°shuns Li zrenusait, coat, BANK Iran's, &O.
..-.• . . : //Wit ItourtirsL;nmiki Dan of rithebevA.
'• .
si*ne oliclls 4 a tol mom ' aeo
or i. 04ea...
lIAN No. ti lODISE BMW, : •
"oppeette the Bosh q( Pittotomik.
maposoloOmmi oi woo. MAW itmoviis
, , , t..:: • li e seve patent Coupling and Pomplate,
; • - • .•
- • • roa , a (U.Ploal a 'II,AND BILUT4IOLII4.• - ,
L . J 4 awry SW?, BrOflll & Oes Rolling Mlll. Pitts.
t. basoli. or the .Sboron lObrks," witteromntl. ea. Tito
.' - otrootogr t or toy totarOracaout
i lonolo, ilt •kr!too tko
• : to eoaloot .....t9lo"foir Cfsilt^•ll7 41:1•?rrlit:
"..:...... V a37dlotoonsOwtoo lisiiill;,t orltbooTroopor
• ,', to oludos. efrob or sorthlog olio. Ta.3OIIIIPLATH
. ~ ,
..,. ti„......roc=dwoohioticoploinomot :clonal*
• . '' ' -...— waropor,bolt, or ant Os lut. t rosb tot golot
r. , •......• ~,... or ricaora=ta.btshtutrataggn
..., ... sod a than bowie gm Lot
ft t,
s fro,
co • ALM .to Wor Um
r y .t , e'4:ia4IININI. Nit fa " •
.. ... ,
It MOO of mollites
ALLEM W. FOSTER, Attorney and Coon.
anor.t T. Nu. 47 Fourth street. our 4140“4
lamb. 44714.41w:et
MORRISON Attorney and Counsel
. la at law, O. katmoct
!" gek. 44. El .a t t
------- -•
W. HALL, Attornoy at Law, "Bake
J• ' ,0 ".-Btalinga.. Grant inroad. batwron Pau , th
sawn nand Diamond altar._
OBERT.POLLOnIi, &nanny at Law—
.llLlL-Gornar of Fifth and Grant etrosta, opoosibr [ha
Coot Room stew. Pittsburgh. mt24r63
EUBEN MICKEL, Attorney end Conn
valor at Law, li'lleesport. Allegheny County,.
13 'Special and prompt attention given to Collecting;
lid Conveyancing carefully attended to. del6-ly
(111-CRAIG Attorney at Law,NoWTastle,
.Laarzone,. ° Oonnt7 1 . 0110•1/11•11i1 •
far to lion: Waltar.dnlnenna Creek: .1. Doolop.
duo ton limlth.Exanutr itanta, Chlkla 00..
t an: Wilton / 00., n. Lae. ont.dly
1 AMES J. KUHN, Attorney at Law, °Moo,
ea Yourth attaat. war Om3t., ['Mahwah. Jal&dly
D - P. SPALDING, Attorney glad Conn
• mom .t —OLEVELAND. abb.
Itamaacms—A. W.l.:muds. Studer I Iltuatott.
I AMES F. KERR, Attorney at Law—Office
A n . Fourth at.. between 'findtbnald and areal, Pine
tos. WEAVER, Attorney at Law, Fourth
til stmt. mar the Msycies 01lam Tittabargb. Cal.
actions attended to promptly. tosittstior
P. &G. L. B. V'ETTERMAN, Attor
. ••y at
Ilttabors Law and Era liteta Agents. N 0.107 4th
t h. feblo
RANCIS .0. FLANEGIN. Attorney st Law,
N 0.170 toarth street, Fittabsizet. --
ASPER ILIMADY, Attorney at Law,
No. 89 lltth stmt. Pittsburgh.
Cheeks, Drafts, Certificates of Deposits,
AND Uneurrent Money bought It lowest
rates. Collectiona =ad. on all parts of Mc Oak.
BOECTOR—Tranktln H.llll, Xlll3 W. B. Yost ,
Cashier Bank orOesuneice, Messrs..). It Thayer
• it Bro.. J. M. Bob. Montan a Ow. IC. B. Bey
ham t CO
MITY 1(0111—Mum. 0. 8. Bobbins St Sown Curtis. Beale
/wink Carpantar t VermdlYs. McCur
dy, Alan= t Swum,
POILADILPHIA—Menon. W. M. Newbold t Sen. Grant
it Stone. • -
lEssers. Commas t ClCia. Washington. B. O.
Bankers and Exchange Brokers.
RUT and sell Gold, Silver and Bank Notes,
negotiate loans on Ilse Estate or Stock Seauritlos.
clv. r e c t ' , "" r I
. I. P" i ni re:ll tld % me ni ! b m. ora t ur.:
Wes t
on nu o =Wain the Mlle corn r of. Third
and woos stroota, directly ' imUlte the St-Carle. lintel.
' H. D. King,
ker fourth etreet— Bun and sells Stoats en Clein•
Woes : • Ershange on Eastern nttlea si=ded at =mart
rates; Coneatens =de on the Welt at ton rates; Western
Bonk Note. banght and sold. .1728
T 1111311.1 EOM s.,nnar.
fli lALMER, HANNA & CO.. SnOcrentlOrs nu
Unsist, Emus. h. 00.. Hatraasa, Mumma llama&
sna deniers isk Yards and Decimate iszelmaßa
Dsrosn, Junk Norm .ad nrssis—North west,Tl
Wood and Third streets. Ovreat Mater Thoilred/ba
pt- Bight Clweka for raleraad eolleatioaa mile= awn
it el the Prir.l9.l mints of the uett.e wag.. A
4eld .
The blawat presalcua rid for inrynin mid Alindem.
Adeaateemanteoa ooneicaraeals et Predate. iblaPed east.
In liberal terms.
n MED.& ERVIN, Real Estate, Stook and
11) BM Brans, No. la. Mb et. srs
WM. A. HILL A CO., Bankers and Bur ,
ken. 54 Wood mt. •
lIIt. IL le•L'S
WM. H. WILLIAMS & C 0.,. Bankers
Bra... North 1.4 corn. of wocd
and a hint stmts. PlCtab b.
i 3 ►4 ~ c h ang e : re ert ,
urat. ni tu r6z:zin tka Llux . rt. o l vltt nt j .. 34.l, of3,ntr
LAMM en, TEL, Banker and Broker,
s 4thstreet, WOK • • tL• Bank of Pittxburgb
, N , HOLSIF§7IM3ON, - Dealers in Foreign
l'el' A M°• i r"teri f
11131.Collsclions made os:s. the prbselpol 'ado°
~etwsboae tits United States.
kr:ji,t,4)4:1:4116 , 1:4:141111i,r.N 410.1:4:q
11.1 0. STOCKTON, late etuucton k Stook
w ton 7catao arattatkooorr,Prialles.uld Binder. tot,
L. READ, Bookseller and Btstioner, No
. Ts rourth street, Apollo Itollausa.
J. R. Wan.
HOLE SALIe. and Retail Dealer in
bloat% Lod Behcal Backl, Papor seal 13WW , rt.
No Weal Malt, (botween Third and ► folirW ritts
WeiUg2i4tD=ls and Apoth
kryeoarta~~atf))•~oa Land s fall sal amapla . = t
01,14W•nma,, Perfumery, • artalso podmixam
W{Xi:L:7LE . Dealer in Drugs, Paints,
v Otis, Varalsbar mind Dye tal2S. Rai teiI..LIRMY
All orders will resolve protein t tt.nDoe. '
. 0
ist .. .tas Lendsit • Co•naSwbletlmllr si
l o t . A. FAHNESTOCK & Co., WllO/eLITe
nor Vildte Laid Red
Md,..i i ti ) r 21=4:. ---, vv.r. ki
trnisitrtret aa ntitrnti,~ i7tta.
Vt. ,
fi V. a ZZLlTlm bore I"'
Moir low. ttl
Druaesta.eorwr of L 113.17
SCLIDONNAXER& OCi., Wholesale Ding.
ity 1.t.. Kn. ill Wool qt—Pltambecerb
PLO (Si (O. 11 Al • P 41A'3
' "'Tat July
I igt j ritit j At
I ha . , MAT a N.T
naa rase, CHOICE TAXILT GEM= 5,
gl DOW tooolvlng • large sOwtmeat of Pfruk
.t = lisuddltion to hls
41ZUMATO stook; pur•
hoes Cost hood. ths Nadeau morkete. which
will to sold at tSs loyal platettaiseet .
ANL Hotels. Steamboat, and 11,1unllies. buillaz by ths
Ousatlty. supplied ad wholesale Wis.
Wale (Seeds delivered loth* earl Wee sratulrs. IsPla
sus. Wuxi. sena&
Any mastlio ,
• - .A. ik A.,3IrBANS,
011ANTS. &sten In Woolpod Prt••••• •••erstrll
• littsburgb llanutitorturtsaio. 114 Meow( street,
littsbrisith. , ••641.03
DI.. Mari Dr of
r Ot T.
n 9.14!
q i = CO ,
muse 25 '1 '
8521012, ma, SLOE% DAUM 1188119. ass 0008TEW
• .' 221019:1011 421212112ALLT.
No. 895 I:Warty stareet..Contiasicial Row.
.p154'14.1 P 111711078011 . • . .
1 .
. J. 8. 9458242111.1110 Lima! a.; CO..
111.021.5534 1 2. METALS t PLIT WO MANOVAOIBIIB2I.
Nos 242 w‘d SW /Wats ifr0t,12542.225.
ItntAitr 11014.
Dir. 4 or a =
DivJou 4v.
Gilbert & ' -dart*, • - •
13WHOLESALE GRA *EEG, Produce:l)es".
an, For nardloa and co-. minion klarelnuata. No.
ood meat. Inciabargb.
I. llW i ltrg i a i rtk i. adraocaa on aonationsainta.
R 7. Rotdso & Co.
WWHOLESALEI9 roe rr, Produce Dealer's,
and Goinutteedo,n v. N. 201 ut.n.r
PittabaUth. • •
• 1.10
Luke T 1(;
FORWARDING and Commission bier.
dant. sat Poeta Oonal tor tb• Panne) bent.
11 limit lorensinie No. IQ 04. yr it. and 68 Front st,
" Vel t a.Z.,p " Wirt, ° ]orrtrrid Dy r. nil road .111
be received nt. Ing sad detained .n th e Rigatoni
t. ybiCcoaseny'll Assent More to be loaded into tbs cant
Stoesselinet ablaze. paid. or bedlng enenexteitted.
and sli inettnettons of WWI Cot oorudgatew bettnfula
canted ant.
lust To ennedironents recaiyed on the iclitforene
fro.tba oinet trebles and Ma tet ead 1110 ."
ft...mud Immediately by etesento• hoed. or other.
ulna s ,' directed. I_
Persona 'dating thtord a Lin t enrset, uW slew sly.
1 111? Zdrp:=Tia On ri sad ardent Yon Pittsburgh
tanoubienres Med liberal, terms.
P4-`. 3 5: 1 ‘
4 - 0 0 ,
OMSIIBSION and Produce bierOhndtd,
dianta the ado llasard'a sal WSW. *
Ma dem aohdtrat Gaupowdan and Bandy Puna 81.. Wood
nna ad jai
Springer li.arbaugh.
(suocissou pro 8. & w. auurrucia.)
chant, Dealer In Flour. Wool sad Poulain; neural/
too root 4.,nnd U 6 Booond ot,Ettolonl2l4,
117. KENDRICK,' Fprwarding and Owit
, v . tolsilin Aloteltiatt: 0100. Nittrot Ww tiolinbotar.
wi. .2rototootoe, No. 22 Wood Aron, Pittoboroh.
Pot Molar Wootton Nola tO 20iwoNting Motollosoillo,
Oat' oonoliowsumto for solo. °commotion, or proterouto
for Nests of ant' description.
Wits promptly attended . lostrootkao will to all
oasoe I.
Yourti t tfiLs i s t gr. °l rpeelta . 1 twolleltel: sail fpledgo r
war to two emery oxertiao in your WWI. tor
ourklEß k JONEI3, rorwerding 'and'Oom
mussonitunhauts. Dalai fa Produot PM.
bi.i tt = 4 artkade., Hadimosset Wreath;iiiiiiiiiegiCii=iero lit-.
used, Anus it Ou. Oosizassloa Aid 1.14141. r.
Using tg Pittsburgh Igsgasiturei !P.
I O. GRAPE', Aggut, 1.1
Pit i suoooloor to
;lA*. °. lar ona gitz
a•alt sotart otelootti sionsio •
... ~, ~~ -...«...u....... -~~,~..u.,..~~.
DAILY ITT sB G „ t z
loin P. Sc
leeale Wrai
.4. L, v Pm.
oleeale and Retail
Ay fLod St. PWsts" PIMP
'l' .'
t..i. L111111 , T05... clirra 5. mooing..
• - •
rinACIC. and Depot •Railic l 7ad s gttl G e ll s;Efa rA Y,
Canis and 'Grain do. Platform sod Counter da
Don Looks of all slaw gyring. Drop and Thom!! Latches.
Coffee Minot' ratio= kinds; Paint Mills. approved gat.
tone Dolts and Puts:dog% Makable, Iron Castings of
emery variety in form end: MLitt. dtt
ANUFACTURERB o' every description
CoOklag, Heating and Taney MVPS; Bed and
rona. Walton Boxes. plata and fans/ ideates and
_Tan Kettles. and every desartption of FOUNDRY
OA STINOS. Mee and Warehouse No D Liberty street.
17/ and 197 Past Stred,Patiband4
/1201112111•1. 11131311. OPPOSITE lIIIIAOLDITLEION, aitEOULET.
NtANUFACTURE all kinds of Water,
Gas and nom Mktg. Roams tittad OP wlth Ga.
and star 012 abort =Um tru4:l.l
594 Liberty street, near Seventh,
their friends;
nd the public etenstalin that the/ 0ffL . .. 1
WORKS at the above stand. whoe they
kwy op hand a law *apply of beautiful MARBLE
MANTUA , ' of Grecian and tiothic Mlle. SHOOK SSTS.
which they off. at .tremely low price.
Marble In Sleek, Ma* and sawed to order.
Cemetery lota enoloeed, with WOn and ff. ,, Pdrt 81 .4.
Mosaafootorera of
- -
Liberty West, opposite Wood.
1211ARNESTLY direot attention to a LOW
and handsome pattern of PARILIt STOVE. just
so=oletset; also. so their new pattern. of coal WOE LEO
orov_HO, known as the . .Keystone etate" and the' . Weet.
ern roar.. Three Stores In 00000001 of thillb. OCOUOUST
of mealy. and soundness of =starlet. ;annuli anything
of the kind yet Oared to the public. In addition to toe
Artistes alluded- to above. their general .100 k 00... f
.T.f7Lbhkt in theft peeellar line:with the moat goose ed
Improvemente in
of real ut/Iltr. Platform end
'Counter SOLLES.Bark Mills. Wagon es . Hollow Ware;
flad and oog Ireru4 Bog. and Tea Kettles. Lc, fa
pow Ns safety of et
and Knish. An Inepection to
_ -
. , .. .
' MACIIINISTBI i TOOLS of every variety,
mob . IRON PLANNRS, Slid. sad Eland TURN-
botitrod to onto..
1.12 ' JOSUPLI Y. MOULTON .t. 00.
7rTrrstq-rimPpsqi.gli,lopaii!rmv)rVm l
• •
Joni do Quigg.
. tar at.), Planta Blab Sta*4.l3tal Plough Wings.
slut Ellptto Springs; Bram , . Nut Tax.. lira Patent.
Boron Hull and Ilanunered Iron Lslar—Ooroar ot lione
and !Inn stn. Manure , . '
, vL ANUFACITUREM cf Roger's Patent
1 Improved Steel Cultivator Tooth—Comer tor
and nit street+. Pirtaburab.
Coach ailitarrime Factory
EoRNER Etelmohtand RObecou stroato,
allratmuy city. would raped/1111y 1.-forma tholO
and lb. pat on° gennallr. that the:- as alumni.
Iwring Baronotwa. hockawara Haulm hd hl
nd Chariots. n all their varimu aryl.. of anion and pro
All order. will be moots& with strlot reganl to dam
bllltr and bunt) of finish. Ilnalm .1.0 b attended
to on tho mart rawanablo taloa What In all their work
Um bat Eagan khans. Pole. and W hml Staff, &hay art
maddAnt that allwho .ftwor. thorn with Maa ir
r patrono•
will hi PoHtMly sarldlid oa teal of that: work.
Parr-hum aro ra mated to ohm than I. call beta. par
almsdnit olmewhara.
Penn Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh.
ENVEDY, CHILDS ' & CO. Menuteu
Wt . toren of "
to= A. N.l hoary 4-4 neat:logic
Jarpel Malta of all colon sod almia.,
Caddo Wi Co no;
Bad rdx
Plough Musa and Bash Cord;
Moo of all dug and deactiotio
girOr.4.l hat at tbe U III Sian of U... W 1....
I Co.. 131 Wad Mee 111 boo. latsudork. I val.' f
. Herron & Criswell,
ANUFACTURERS of oil kinds of Brass
Work,_Lotootirs..Btem Selene, Plumber,. ar.
A l otton lianaforturers.
Pommy, 8.b..= otreet, I ho. U. Market
8. S A .P_Vir ' grat r nd ie . lrea V g " ;a7l:ll7.fer .
park, or ash paid.,
°Nan left at tbe Foundry or Onles. ow be &W.I to
punctually. Colony
New Coach .Paciory—Allegheny.
M. A. WUITE fr. CO. would et
speedrull• We nn the potato that they hay.
an Lean% between Yaledal and Sandusky
streeta. Thaye. now math fad one weaned to node.
=way thee= letdoteaooenttea Chartotee
Ea. de, 'ehletn Crow their
to anelienee hh the enenothetore or the aim. work,
thothtlie thertierees-they OW tonadeot they are
enabled to do work on the soon maenad* herr ellti
thine wentlotrarttelee to their Line
inazrolder attention to th e seleotion of oesortte/s.
and maw :but' coospetrat Iroarten. Owl tease no
hewing/cm n eartantios their work. lir e thereby. set the
ettentten of the yohlto to Ws matter.
11. B. lispallinit done in the best 61.G.P-Or, sod on the
mod reennestale terms 1•20-tf
---- - -
Lots & Braun.
(FRESCO, Ilona; Sign and Ornamental .
Painters sod Upassors.Nit.4o.llfarkst stoma. tostsroso
d ant Third. st. illtAborgb.
AU !stadia Paintings for Marsh., aroma, aO, WS•
tor sad oil alms. dons to the roost qaod • riz .t 4: I'm..
Wont Window froltAttoe of Wood. 0.u...1
t i m i gr e ma nt r of P:AntAlsts e l r Letters. seal..,
I A. BROWN would moot respectfully in
ay . tona the public that be teeth ou bead. ed his steed
_fereartlistt ' re? igaluiti4V.Vgaglfitti:
tars ue woule to orde. ht the belt kyle. werreatiod meal
to any la the United BMW. Ma BOMA eau be removed
without Um old et stern Grim. illorlito ourebeaul the
ittotilt,tsols. . woad tba-Cableet istsblishmout or
litatoauy Molllslleed,l orthawd to forti oh their old
oustootinw. se well se th e oublto et lava with everything
la their line Agency. No. 6 Wood atreit, Pitteberah.
loath J. A.. BROWN.
W. WOODWELL, Wholesale:anti Retail
E t4 NNITT & BRO., Manufacturers of
Plain and ranep Eneklazlaain and Orem
Wars. Odin* attbealanotantory.oornar of Waab•
lngton and Manila stmts. Birailnithain. appoint* Pitt*
burgh.. inarlabily
OIIN WETIIERELIO Manufacturer of
X and DRAM , BOX MU. corner of AlriaT•ol34thi
iroy m stts .Qtr. ons pun from Um Iliad Bunt Bridoo.
Alloith agar roll
7. V? IS. 51106. 7008010.111.
Penn. Glue Work&
MANUMOTURERS of all kinds of
ui 66 Vrout streets. Pittsburgh. .
N. Be—Portloolar afloat:lon void to odd to.. of Whs.
dog , OW and private moulds for Bottles and Viols.
soon - • - _
Filth Street Stockier Factory.
abaft*, Energy, and Economy
best geode in Children', llote,Men's
I &aka UM., MOW. and Drawora uld o sawn".
tarees od-ta, at too AIM .from 'faking Foam . all
Ludo fact lad Fro moot. MO AI:VANOS IN PIGS.
Noma, natty. 6th•sen Wood Maret.
- W. W. WALL6OE,
889. 821 wed 323 Liberty straw, vposite bu2Alegi area,
P1T1118019218. •
anONIIMENTS, Tombs, Cleave Stones,
lineultnro Tops. Mantels, Iswewinw Stone.. As
on howl and nano to Order,or m
n u k inerY.
lowest yew*. Throe hoodra t dzi i glair anegu B wad li t
tamt="if the lowest prices. A ll
onion Alton with dasteh at 14borty stt.
W. W. WALL/Wt.
L. las= a 00.,
_areessaaaa...—a. AITOOIT CO. 114 ToRI
A A. MASON & co.. 'Wholesale and Retail
rs • Diet," ha latliry and Staple My Ooodo, 26 Mb
gnat. Pittabarid.
uul Dri GaAs Merchant., corm of Yourtb
arlut Meets. Muhl:nat.
Dr. JaMOll King,
OPFIOD end Reg(ham No. 112 Path
tryst. opposite the cathedral, Pittsburgh.
SCOW; DINT ST , rth etr:et,/#O ,
A:VINO been epointeii the esolutove.
Agent. tor Plttnlin , Cr o tbo solo of Polant - BlvotO
rod awl Stretched Mar Halting, monufseturod
t 1 P..IIIW;LL t SON, of Hartford, Oonn.—Wo now off or
forialo • large omortniont of oil the widths, sounfaettr•
od. at the manufcturer's prism, hit *Aida being Imp..
rior to any Loather Pnltlng over before offered In thla
market Also alu ertaf f 'al olf R
Bolting constantly so
on band, o
andlorvita sale l:W ot t lndia bo "Bootl ubber e*
6.lUngD"" ' " 3"6 Ihrk."U rkll PHILLIPS.
'Lewis' laud.lignige Office.
Aro. 2 &. Oiair Street.
,WIIERE note% Steam Beate and Private
V iteanowwill be fluitlthid with 1100 e 641trantfi, aed
• aptgly
Austin Loomis,
.4:AL.ESTATE AQENT, Stock, bier
ebarals• and BIN Orokor. O. No. N. /fourth
101.11sugonsa on:motif attended W.
QA.MUEL L. MARBERALL, Sooratary di
1.7 wee lasurase• Oa, 94 Winn street.
UT P. JONES, Agent of the Ireuranoe Co
of North hroortoa.l4l Front of.
GORDON, Secretary Western Iran.
1 . • MOO 00, In Water int.
. : . . -..t f9r D. a i Mo.
GAUDIN= 0011111% Arid;lor
. Minseameas °°""'. OW araw a Wood
; •
THOMAS LITtLE, er. T4rn7t
B.4lthof firm Robison, Little2Co.)
. T. LITTLE lir. CCL
Na 111 13sco.
• Tea Dealer, corner of Weal and Ellsth Streekle,
have always on hand a large seeortment of chola fi mew
lee and One Tess—Foreign heats . and Nuts) Wholesale
no d Unnnn. Denier. enralled on the loweat Wm*.
. .
Cheese Warehouse.
MENRY IL 'COLLINS, Forwarding and
• Commission Moretunt.aza Dealer In Ohno..l3otenr.
Plan and Produo• penondly, TS Wood !Itln.n, •bOt.
Water Pinaburgh m73l
W. I. -.aura I
Jo_WM; , BAGALEY & 00., Whatosale Oro
oars, Noo.lB and 20 Wood .treat. Pittaburab,
OLIVIA t 1.101.3171.11.. ~ ~ , ~.. .
_.......010. 3. A.S.
BLACKBURN Vo . ., T * Wholesale Gro
I)_. cars.
_Boat Fundentra. and *alarm In Prodo. wad
P! tabargh HannAhatorats 011a,_ Mali and Oakum abrar
on 11. d 3i,t.tialr Warehouse, 141 Water attest. Pltteburg lz
_I !TP/ 2 7 _-
'' • A. Lt. tasaann.
0 . 1:1R,11 Z & INORAILUI, yiliolesalo
Groom and Oommindan Marabanta. NO. lit Wot.
a t. and 160 Ping street. littabnigh•'
RILEY, MATTHEWS & 00., Wholesale
ratlifTiTatoxrCksttira. Y 7 77 Waer l . l Pittnittglt.
rOal Whim
01. EN WATT & CO., Wholostalo Groom Oogurtheion MurahauhNurid Nalco In, Pro(Mee aad
bu t gth,
burgh Manufacturr. bia UM Marty , stmt. PI
, ' _
_. ...
jB. CANFIELD, late of Warien, OLIO,
• tboamludon and Vorwirllng=ohent„anotWholw
• Dealer In Weetarn Reaerve , Diar rot .4
Neel Ash. end Wedeln Produce renerallr. {Valor greet.
between DinlthAdd ond Wood, Plttaburgh.
• .110/12*1 MOM.
SAIAII DICKEY & _ Wholeeale Oro
eat„.ooaurthorlott Mereliants, sad Deaden in lhoduce
0. 66 , Water; ast4 107 Illont amt. Pittabangb.
PUN D1N1UL......711113 D. mram..:....1441.1“ a4s.
NI -GILLS & ROE, Wholcicle Grocers and
0494m1id00 lambuns, No t 194 Liberty Mod.
II OBERT MOORE, Wholecale , Grocer,
Ilsotlfylnd Dlst/Ills, &odor In !Prodns,
and all kinds of Yondgn sod Domwtle
sod Linwnif ti 0. alb Liberty stmt. On Intnd •
=large stook Or 119PlliVE old Slononsabala Wklaksy,
will be sold low tor easb.
ROBERT DALZELL k 00; Wholesale
t " rl.Nogd t=%azotu 010 LbeT itr.ntaugh.
OD" 0. inci„ ottainmus.
' y v L. D. J. D. Wkk, intotasals &moan. Donrardiaa
— mamiadeallerabantm,desLnials. .
jI L AM :11 ilt b = i p,
itCULBERTSON, Wholeaala Gilmer and
• ladon Merchant, Dealer En Prodnas asul
Ch3t l lttPitt.
h iltaimalatared Artleir, 196 Liberty groat. Pith
. .
D.. - NITAIADIS h CO.,' Wholesale and
• aitall nuidly Grows, Forwardtos and Ournsingiall
sad Dalai pontes Prodec• sad Pittsbursh
111Letaree . 1, eo oc Wood sad 1111th Oa. Pittsbano.
& R. FLOYD, Wttolesale (heelers, COM
• nandon Worehonta, end Donlon In Produce—Maud
nod. Oniklinso. frooottnn on Monts. Wood. and Sixth
otenota.Ptneburgh. • •
-- - •
T " subscriber would respectfully inform
Ole • friends. and the pabUn that he bas atoned the
house lately sectioned' by. - steam. Mercer it Robinson soy
oar of Water Alley and Federal at, AlleshanY_ ‘ Grs the
DotTose of 4olas a reenter Faintly Groorry and Toe Blvd.
uses. when Le bops. by • lose attention nod file Magian
to omit a share of patrolman
WILUAN Vll&Nttit
OHN H. - MELLOR, Denier in Pilaw Fates,
musk,. sw Markel bartramaretta, &hull 3Locata. siari
Bair spat gar Otakatarbaer . Piero /cut., Par
Woolen Inralio—Ne.lll Wood 4.
ENRY KLEBER, Dealer in Mnaio , Mu.
deal Ineendaeste bt d lealaeter of laded Tisza
witiaTltan lDi = Mug s t.. AVNTe pnalladei
; t ~: a ;~~ ~i: t,r .~~:1 ~: (~~
rip B. CALVERT 00., Dye-Sinkers,
IL • kagraver+.l4aatsamets taftlope hiumfasto
Ii ad /Knot. 11,11•18.18,11 Ia. saNtt ,
r a llistsvot Ei. =4l . ta st :Lti
L i7l4
kaada, ajkat i' Labola.AMlaataral *ad Maeda*
Daafaaa gad %Wan/ Nada. baa "Mad at
drawn an Rata. and pentad la- wk.. Gold. ram% ar
EWA. la ILa mart andaral atria: pad at 44 mad mama
Ha • a
~ • ' 4•6.1•
At(s6t ---
IVA (Suooessor to Murphy & Lep,
b.. 1.,. aad Cosaink* It•trat
• • woolly. G.A.. no. Iv I.4•Npft.llnol
.': I -
rte Ass slow. on band • full norlrttooot. Zia.
foune. Pittalrurgli. a•MO..IzA
ILE BhAXEY, Zia SIT Llberty stuet, oppoatte lb.
b.. 4 of SmltldS.l4.
.i urelu.klwofll.ll..Nowta6Crsiksraad Pllel
Broad mastitis's., I am➢
prepared ea ell all anima tar (Ina,
ars or Pllot Bread at th• ShOrtut
Iluperlorramlly Broad. By. sad IllsPesed• llnsad. large
sad small Bolls, Rash 00000 morulag. •
OUlssubosl., Motels, ate., supplied ale b.daad soft
Dread, N allatmea.
Oakes sad ,Contseldosar7 lesalli sod male
srds , ISsPel t.
sw •5 iisrlvst Urea,,
lIIAVING established mytelf as above, I
am now prepare to reoelve OONSIONMENTP. or
PLISEI OF 0001)5 d
or ever? deeoHptlon, which nen b.
sold In Ole market. and Ibr the ealoot Isaiah every exer
tion entitle seed.
~ .. , .
All orders for *lttetrunth Blauudiotures will lb* prompt.
Is ettanded to.
Particular attention BAIL xiVell tr. the
and Ord.
lean*. of Notes. Draft.of Paohenio. and tito NU ,
obese mod dale of Stooks.
'BP endwtry wepensounl stisation to all business In.
trastd 11.11
" 1 bop
"' WIZ rr00111:
Pittsburgh. April ri. uu No -23
' 911 Liberty street,
(ems or :we GOLDIN norws,)
Tbey — keep oil beads, et ill times,
general eetortmentof Leather. for Ilheentatery and
Mere' use; aloe. show:utast Irtntilage. Toole; We.
Hew- Leather Store
G. MOWRY, late of thO firm of R. Bard,
. No. 233 Liberty ormet, omega the head V Wood
s i t il met:Wholmalisisisd retail dealer In LNATUNit, ULM,
and OIL, has Put ratuniod from tn. last:end la DM"
receiving largo amortmett of /mother. comelstinrs pt—
:WI Solo. Baltimore Loath's: Philadelphia and hatch
OelGtlol Morocco and Hide, of all deossiptionmillodlng
and Lining eking and • general ismortment of liWings.
Dareburd my entire stook for trosh. I aingleparad
to sell low. for rash. I would theft* tree to
and ego:nine my Mock belmaporolomini eWnwhors.
of Goods; I . will be Maimed to ohms Qum to tor
o and those wanting anything la lay .11ne. YT
stook thls Rprlog to my large and complete. conotottult of
Win Delatime,_Branoleul, vorstad and tattoo Detainer.
Dammam and Menem; Elnan,. nod hint= jum and
small Curtains. of mientild 5171.. and OneWn Goods ot
all ithodm Prinett sod AmeHean and BOW On ,
g: 4 jai 3 O b i ttrl4; =ara mlolatlre and
for wmatr
Bllnem v.mitlan Blinds of all Mods.
9oders promptly ells& WM. NOBLX..
lames Wardrop,
(IF/KU for sale OANALRY BIRDS of the
armed bath
i t ww7tel7 sal Rt.
kt g rilifir Dosowto vlll7.ifirralenta t istlf
Aunt FLOWERS. Ws E'.. 110..
i strig i rgi l arllVOlE.V. t rirl=ctut h a
W e
State Official Interpreter
M. J. ROSE ; Interpreter of Foreign
, vv._ Lug UMW iu and Mr the Gommoninalth of Peon
s mule. to raid. in the alt? of. Pittsburgh. OttilllT of
Alentwoy.. may b. found every day fromx.orotil
C.. in the Quarter &Wong Gout, Itoom.' or at No. 190
Fourth street. Bonds, Dula, !Fortnum, Powers of At
torney, and all lanai or other wri tinge, 'shallower, tun.
lategfrom or into the German. Irenoh, Italian and grub
fah Unguagen , with untrue CM d hutch. mol
, I x tt. Charles Nia;
Attorstir at. Law,No.l(l3 Wit , control
y, tattoo wads arnotionasti for tin outpost, wt
procure Donuts Lando for aloes and soldiers. tit*
widows and dints's:nand will 'ltem' to SAY ethar bo. ,
owl, wrintoted with Ms gareinUlartt Or IMP of Its Down
mots, the Petition Ofaina or the Musts at the CHIT of
Washington.• , 'allinitt
. .
14. 1 . 3 2S N TER um a r Merchant . Tadl4. and Ok,
on paid to Sue and Übe' Olottdon. nortry •
111111. DIGBY, Bien/haul Drs
I V ..,iod'Pearclnii.tplibilitaloyahls.,llll '
LI WATTS CO., Merobani Tenon, 181
seed Veetines.lo the ;sewed striae sad ,
Weeds ead outman Atli el / e” Ow* so Lean se
W. NOBLE, Upholsterer end Dealer in
Ophalddirnr_, Whotomb , Ind Estill. Mr& 4,04.
n. map
DRICSSUAIPtIt A and MILD= An. .ymib
in ten i 7.4,171) nirnegitn. biliwated
IPitt4burgh Coach FiLotorT. .
CO, 46, Diamond Slay, noaTialigi,„
4 ,„,4" 4 "'" 111111WW..PeOf
Horses Trimming More.
los. imams' a CO: have now in sZoro
of • FULL aro= id Many. Glow; able& Ilm , sll.
Collar.. emat*, HILLINIULy woos .4 0, Td row
ttriit t irrg! " I V41:1; ""
"nu sola one ra
'born WI WING
;_.,_.~ ..~.:.., ^.~ . ~,.
~, ~w....~.~ gym,. _ .~..~;~.:.._.
- I . ' IfoOLIN TOOK, Importer and Nirhole
...ll:ll and
u lte i rlU t r.r Iviaxprileff, Ploord H
81 .. 11 Bolt Tituningi, a., troim r
lOWA a. Imam
• • A .'!;•'• •
• LltD DIALIWS IN ALL ED= 01.10 . 118.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
rairThair stack styl• It
Listaan al and Cana dv , rat% &NW Cud. and Fur Dan ta.
108wARDime AND coiaussioa Breapiirt
6.91 k
•- - -
• & NOBEL I • '
A ROILITEUTS—Officoo: Philo Ili% No.
70 Wed attest, ?Mot:mash: sod out, We or Ms
Alloobony. blltat
FAlimpici.e,_.gkixwas, Lan xreirraos
Ns. al Pink Oft*ll4 near WOO4l,
HAVE. on nantralargo.and choice assort-
AL" moot of CAAPITINGS, of the latest end mat
beaattfed patterns, oonsfeting el
-Royal Palest agleam
• Telemetry .and Braude Carpetr,
and Iftrrene Carpets,
l'"" Ttned 3" sadValr Venltter Carp tg
Together with leery d o etelBtlonalow priced Carpeting.
Prom three to tat .r fe4t wide all qualitlee end
Sgrt Ittrdart= ah lltir . 2 . ll b ltntr
itheir Bode, W.
Ca.toag; White and Cheek 44. and 64 wides•
from 04 to 64; ail of width .• LC be otters/
at the LOWEST CUSH PRIM. . ulna
'Mon otozonsat6—Dadins In HO. Vro.dua• .4
31634 burgh tl.aamta:w,_No. 168 Marty Woo have on'
bud and ramming the WW•lng good*, which n offor at
149 10w...1 cornet My,-
33,0 ltio Coffee: 3 cam Itqualrion
11 tr. vtllte",rl=. raMltirarr,' •
83 Man 8. 11. Mow.. 217 bnini Sable /3•ln,
110 OWL N.O. 11,4%. 6 411 P .. " ' 5 4 1. ;
I I b 4ll 41: re7.r IStamob; C 1 8
Obis. 111. Tnalitnio;
64114 aotorted 8611 a: 6 <ea. Bar: 11!
844 lb.. llooloVß l M Intik Salomon:
balindests Y. 13 . 1 ..3 1.31 4
ao astly•bon. • do •
60 b.. P.O. Sag. Into In 831m43 60 meta C• 3416:
118 novo 10212 and 1.14 Window alum
43 do.. Ildelota; LOWS*. 3110011 Itann. E Jrls
_ Edmund Watts & Co., 1
No. , 185, Latrig &rut
ARE in receipt of their Fall Styles; "also, a,
oosifilet• eisortosent of an and etabbe Glades to
and Winter eau, math a. fineeastlega. Nate var.
and Ridge Beauty. Lurtuss and Pilot Ciotba.ot various
adore and pealltlee; Oaths of the but maker. end
=3=4 colors. for Drees sad frock Coate. leinbLeek
• and Dwaine. plain aid tamp coloned Cud.
Rena. of =direly nee clifehtne.
'Judea —J.4 received. of the unmet dyke, and in
Slut misty. Altogether an ao.eoalled • to
which we all the attention of our autumn and the nab
lie. and tog lave to Lunn th em. that all SW • • matte
by as shall be of supetior u d at moderate •
. non •
Ship. a* the
ATLANTIC , . Capt. Woe. 'anon% Copt Wen
ramusw.ovt.ra tim rplu. 0.14 ckan.
THESE SHIPS have been •
built by contract. arprocaly its Coy
ereasout Unica. ant , rY eat. ba• bent 4
on In Itc4r mammon ut. actst the Snaluaa.
to ensure It oath nod spcnt_ .ad Shoff Cam
tor facooactsts ars usenuallad Car milacuat fort.
Mot all trout 1:•• York to Lira:pool la VIM
Cabin. UM acclumayo law of utra thud 3 Roans,
11 - 00;
to ascend Cann. ; from ddanancol to W Walt.
S3O and VA
' • au atiorlatered Sainteon attaolnd to Nub abl
1, No boolL fob asoural until Dahl Ser.
PROM= DAM Of 3/111.1301.
Tux NOT You. 131.1-11 non Larsson. I —2.6
Saturday. FoltruuT 4. WOdneadaY. 7 9.
Saturday.“ IT WpdasodaY. ” 311 .
Saturday, ilatob A Wolualday. March 9.
Batnadat. "
W WWW w ed " : " ..a "" neatta: 7 7 7 . .. hlaY A r:
Saturday. April I
flatorda3N " 30 .
=y, /lay 14.
y. "
natufda7. o. IL • 'l f? . 1 •
Ileturdar. 26.
Sataniay. y uIT I
Saturday. darn 6. Welnorlsy. dut
5. 410.
Sautrday. Wadurriday . St.
Saturday. Sottobutl.
m -
111 11 = -7-71
Sitardar. . 11%
Walniddar. No•Naba L
W•direlar. 110.
ICILLLNI•7. Dear . iplwr IL
lisdaardsz is IL
ri r ftrit ;M A VN, IL IMII
an/ „la it=
LIU Bit eccoastable
Jinovlry,Predate • IN
ISore NI. .41...2 • • asl
IL 1
00 — irrilaT.1100e217;
•. '" 2 .. • .
Oscimbax 10. '
1 ifY,, Alibi sr.Pasmar •
Liraoo Il• wall m
20,1eivipeal:Ii .. d._ .
UMW ~00 a• 40H0 WWI
Demo dos Vk WNI, Perlo.9 g
00Zogtom of these ski
laver, 8.1110•. Rplotte,
salmis 0114 of L•d4
Ao4,L4as tbarrof ammo azi
W. W.
die, 111 and 3113 Lalea re anr i Mreda WIEVald gnat.
and new atm& of sa• own asannfbenns. normal"'
gaol quality; Laurel WIl Mill &au; all @law noltWer
Clotho. old and rum; Maher Btatoma.t duallll. et re-.
donna anima NW aphelian NW hoar. Mon !Raven Wit%
Dolmans sal Tadapattag Boman Cora as Mb (Madam
cant Iran Prderarat leader Deland: Went
Bombs% east lyapleepalbr the Ituaner—alwaya on hand.
YlllOO4ll/1/ made to ealar. . •
Alao—La.l's Went French Matt Sant Kills. and In
the " Pladq and in lir iianaNd of Lt.
bon Num In the onantry. Tite an choetaar. clean barge.
con Ilnator,aad Ile am, durab le than um Icon saaahlnee.
Annexed la a eantleattitont the en:woof lb. Pltbdwitt
e.* of Ward donna/ mina to the rut,
sad hr tautlonlara Nam to handbills.
' • !satsuma. Jose AIMS.
It W. IfilLeor—D•ar BM: Webare sum La me la oar
mlilLao of you. Barr Smut Mecham. They work to our
entire artithMon, and they are datable. nos Ilable to or
oat Mohler. and to collar them dm
la um. Wameara /Loam
All orders prosapele attended to. .
anZS ' W. W. WALLOWS. Sit Matt street.
-pins article is pie- -
A. footed to On nubile as %. j•a,.
an edema: rowdy. avoiding 4 .... _ •,.I If / , ,-.4/.. -
the pain and harbor which AA •'," ~ f • 411
norwaroolly attend. the hitro• ••• '
ligation of caustic minotals • -
argl egl.wa•haa with aunt.
anon or ita .fik....y .... II awn-
tar ear oaring &Mau , ‘....._.....„/ ej
lo rce,. ot unto or throula - -
Inganunation, wbottnindoi• • .. )... . ,
4.4 hr rorohilona • nor ... , ,,L. • -",
otharidag nobility of • op- • --..- .... -
till 116171, granulation of the
lido, .London of lb. laeltry- ! .
mud elands. and wealtnals of Hahn from row moon
03ivga4.4.1. ciuswita assamia,.
• lam slab and nertala tar the met aided
awe of Ahreang.lbre .ikadk Chiaaal &rig • oaakar
reakilma plant bronatdtto and outlay, monad toad*
Mmoo. West, black tonna, aad all aeon f 4
ier In the mooth,ahroat mad stomach.
R. N. *MILLS/W. Wood stmt. MOM*
MING. Alleghany
ledkeY63 I.
Whotesa• sad ialatfairand.
SSTONER, No. 80 WOod kites, Is open
e the • Ireeh Basely of •
Itt . ..T4,7u s f: et I VI= I . 10'474 11 allti
Mit"' PIZ% u 'imi s ln finbh "ial....t . ,F,:
light to it will enable palgts to me Mir saleetlow
rout. the brut l o smoVea l lofeltiw:it ( tA T Moliati:
ellZa tb. arid VATINOB, meals wear, le gentles row.
Piet... =O4. aod will be mad* to War with hl. 'porn]
ponetuallty. • tole„
- New &amused.
lIE undereigned hoe opened d RES.
TAURANT el No. O. rth
tt7 the =oral It=
w lath Vi r l i tis=thly er reer VD. and is tow
to 14:040000004 the ir e . et ell hoar, with ear
Vett! Ortli j ili ;any troth n o bl y *week P.
sod curt attention wMI b• pia nobly the tame with
ell the &Leedom of the eethott.
•-• Meals and reftvehteents Terelahed to m it es, We l l
bolus.= the shortwt settee. . ,
with th e Within youseeM by the taboo bet a irk,
eatiabeettow. be trash! to be able to weft • gtheral and
extaosive Detroute.lo4 thelta ea/1 treat all who de.
airs. et $O7 time. •
eosele othelettabl le e . teeth well get ab, sad
ter In unytl etp
Te ml ma reathe ethe thie. JAL WILSON. IS. 00 'Muth et.
rittaburgb. Idos nth 1.611.
• -
. Copartnership Natio°.
'TILE oubooribero would roopeotfully infona
their Mends and' the public senotrally. chat tin
have entered Into p romenhos eammegoodult on Um Ulth
April, tinder the Sri of IL WILLIAMS •thy the
maandoeture of BLAOKSILITW niu,Lows CO.,
of wren
dmoriptloa. which tbef are detarminod to make of tIVIr
very best =Marie. and superior workmanship. They Is
tend to have always on haml an assortment of all limo
from Arlo 40 inches. sot their maanneeterf o corner of got
Iwo sad Roadway stmts. ILQIISSTAAItkUL
-Allegheny (Nth May Id. Jow
Bolivar Fire Brick and Crucible Clay Nan-
Act:wing Company.
TlllB Oommy'lmring enlarged thelzoa-
Alee it ie'nnum4======
la tM M on molly attamds4 to a I
etas a Jomi maw Bars.
11.1*.•••••• 111111..••11
xi. 46 Dfassoad Mks; vosr 11had tiled..
- M. BIGELOW, Proprietor, *mill re
'. iptettully th e anneal Joi blu aumetou
1 TOM and the gob& tieneralty,to Wattage entltofele•
mod, meoza growth nicitoicr Loma& and awerally
*Monet during lest two 7.1114 !mins over two- bar
but the ted d tfibam7a l arederT JonlValtoov a te,
.444bIlabeart. b. *
torkola eonedent that
t tca in a 111144 a
B and :4 Pign the itreati r at his ;Kok at moll ' FMII
- mate lair, hallow. won Q. Mut inaw Owl 0017 .
m r engiza h r , Allar
bunk Mt Wets.* his utmost eapeenttiona suit& be asks
la Bitty
tea. continuance ft he, lib nal
extended to
alm dialog the loot unit, bienttain blot in Ws eaterorbs.
•AU work in the °own i lea nous ulna walnuts and - 4*
Irish. Plow tostir• him estl. • •
B.—Ail wart vserantal. 4644 r
First Maio Goods Nei
.11.. WATTS,* CO.. 11414084N't TaiLcui.
NN, Llborty amt.
/71,N0 WHITZ-11 tow No. 1 Now:Taney,
La peak et oat a. /1. 111241114, s
11 SAM. \
BY Virtue of sundry aof Venditioni Repo
li:MU .1
nu Lauri Punta d Fier/ Fad*, lamed
out of the Distriot•Coart of Allegheny County,
and the Court of Coalmen knit.' sad ‘WL., 218 -
reated, will be exposed Publio Sels,slat the
Court Eons., in the City of ittsbaegh, cu
Monday,. Nueseber 281 A, 1858, :10 o'cicok,klf.
The following described props y, to win - ..
All the right, title, interest, csad demand
of Jamas Armstrong , of, in and all that otot
tan lot or:plece of ground, situ lying and be,
lag lo the Sloth
.Ward, oily of Pittsburgh, be- ,
ing part of lot No. 29, in the partition of the
estate of Ellseboth.Blaoltildeciessed i s od hating e
(zealot twenty feet en Elm street, and extending
bah • distance of forttp6Be feet and one-half task
towards Ciagrestistrea, had bounded e• one tidel
by properq of Dads' Ariteitrobit, sod teekroperty
of George Bauehner on the other being the same
lot of ground described -in most Age i of Jewel'
Armstrong to Joseph B. Craontft, dated the 28th
dey of Jane, A. D. 1860, which skid; mortgage
wee given to along the payment of \bend for the
payment whereof this writ Is leaned ;\ laid mut:
gage being recorded in Mortgagee Book, Vol 22
page 469, salon which there le erected a aver
story brick bongo, seised and
the property of James Armstron it takere it iiaution\
as the sat
of Joseph B. Ora:raft.' '\.
MI the right, title, interest and cla of and
ry Ackley, of, in and to all those that certain
lote'of ground numbered - 12, Di and 16 \ Benj•-
mlo Dliworth'e plan of Dilworthaills, Wonted le, ik
Ras township: Lots Nos. 12 and 18 are band.
'ed and detained as follows, via Beeman at
Beaver street, corner of lot No. 4, in said pl n,
thence south 46 degrees, west 46 perches a d
four lathe of a perch to lot No. 8, theme.' soot
46 degrees west 14 perches and four teattus of e
perch, to tot No. 18, thenee north 69 degrees,
west eighteen perches and seven-tastho of e
perch, to lot No. 9, thence north 85 degrees,
west 8 perches and four-tenths of • punk, thence
south 80 degrees, wset 8 percher, to line of Jack
man's lands, thews"' south 2 degues,! seat , hat
perthes, to lot No. 17, thence south 46 degrees,
east 71 and'fonr-tenth perches. to Stater street,
thecae north 49 degrees, east 81 and bins-tenth
perches, to plate of beginning. Lot \No. 16 is
bounded and deecrlbed u follows, ea : Begin
ning at Beaver street, corner of lot Do. 14, in
said pato, thence south 46 degrees, cut 47 perch
es and eight ninths of I perch, to line of faak's
estate, thence soutti47Aegrees, west-17 and &a
tenth perches, to thelace of beginning. \Said
-- k pim3
lota, Nos. 12,18 end , contain 17 acres, 1 rood
and 88 and th ree-tenth her, antiot, mantra
Lot No. 12 contains 4 sear, 2 roods and 21
perches. Lot No. 18 contain:lt 7 acres, 2 twat,
6 aid three - tenth ptrohes. Lot No. 15 captains,
6 saes, 1 rood and 7 perobes; all of . blob will
folly appear on reference to said plan, blob ,in
retarded in the Recorder's Office, birth county
of Allegheny, aforesaid, in Plan SopkiVol. 2,
page 6 Seised and taken in execution the
property of Henry Ackley at the snit of W lam.
All \'
dam \ John
the right, title, interest skid of
Begs of, In and to all thole twettertalo lets s( 'ground numbered elgtity.olght asdrighly-ninvia
Reis & Dithvidge's plan of lots celled Rest Pita- ,
burgh,' "recorded in the plan book number 1
page—in the Recorder's office of Alter caw
0 , lot No. 82" commencing at. the co nee of lot
No. 89 In Dithridge street running og said
street 104 fell two and It inches, thee te South
85 deg. 27 min, West, 88 feet 61 tase la a pla,
then°. along a priests • road 160 fe e t Q}\ 0 C lot
No. 89, 'beau along said lot 109 feet' t ht• an
Inch to the place of begistdog on Dill - dr Bleat
'Lot No. 89 begtnning at the comae of of N4'..,88
nee along said Dithridge area 40' f ~ tbe*
at eight angles to said street 118 fat '$ I thee th
• private road , Canoe along sald road , 4l . est lt •
inches, thence et tight anglee to Dithildge treat
109 feet and tof an inch to the plaar of b n. '
ming Taken In execution as the property o.
Begs, at the suit of Nestle B Craig. • ,
,„,„ ALSO, "
AU the right, title, interest and clam . wh •
we. of Joseph Baines, notideuesed, of, in sand
to aU that certain tract or parcel of land, situate
on the North, bank of the Monongahela River, in
the Eighth Ward of the. city of Pittsburgh, and
bounded and desoribed tte.fbllawe, to: wit : be
glutei at the low water line of said titter, now
at the eerier of lend owned, now or bete, by Ev-
*sok & Tools, thence by line of said lot, North
live degrees and one fourth : Rut 816 feet to Bluff
street, thence Beetvardly by cad street North
eighty.sirdrittitee twenty eve minuted, Rut 268
I feet, thence by the line of property lie of Mar
ais Pride, deed, Beath .4 deg. .56 mil., West
260 feet eight lathes to the low testa .lice
above mentioned, thence down the rites by
the enter of the low water line . dammed
abate 275 feet to the beginning earner; being all
the vondoi - of the ground contained between the
Monengalishe River on the South,. mestesatot
the Northithe ground carnal aow or lata,.bißtr- ,
Arson & Toole on ike West, Gat formerly be- -
longing to Marion Pride, on the Rut; i being the
saine tract of land whiiikwas conveyed by Rees
O. Townsend and wife, by deed beattit data 24th
.Janeary 1848 to Joseph Banes and rem Neal
which said deed is recorded Ithe Regorder . a of
fice of Alleghanyoonety, lit vo 80 pate 884, re.
n ii\
halos being therunto•had, wit more y and
at large appear. Taken , in exation the
property of - Jokeph Bsinek , deed, in the ends
of Jane Banco, his adatinlatestrlx, et the tof
Anti° Rahn. x
Hi n t er \ `+
All the right, tiltk iest ad el m of•D‘
vid Bunk deo'd, the hands f hie-
ti l t minis
treats, Bush Scot 'ef, in ' and t a ll t cotr
dein lot or pieta of OTtd, anal in th Bor. I
osgh of Rase -Blrmlng , bolsi I e Westetly
end or put of lots No. we (6) and (s),in
Jobe Brown's.plan of s h 'Talon of a abo
the Baroogh of Birmlogit , now In t.,B ir.
minghsm, and bounded litioribed as allows,
. via Beginning on Ha t
mony t at the Omer
: \g,
of lot 'So.:four in said pl an, , enoe No eel,
along Ilannopy street forty . * rest to Eli ey
strut; thous\ Resterly.niong lid Sidney at t
twenty live (26) fool; thence BOn Hy on e p
alai - with Harmony street ace d lota No -
6 and 6, forty (40)...fut; to the II 'of lot No.
01111 ;\
foot. (4) aforesaid; thaws Westal st the Una •
of said lot; No, four (4)litenty fait(' • to Ru
mmy street at , the place of beginning, , d UV.
lag erected tiiireon `two frame dwell gs, two
stories high `,, with tlie appurtenances, . \ being
the same toe or plate' of ground which \Ctßil•
mod to David Evans in his life Cosa by Jehn
Brown and w if e by deed dated the drat de \ef
January, 1646. sad U.:lorded •in deed Book ol
ume 79 pp. \668 and 454: *Seised and\lakeis
execution wie, properity ofSaish Beek at t
ALSO. a \
suit of John emu
All thaidartein lot of second situate to Pitta
burgh, marked nod numbered 411) •in Dr.
Alexander Black's plan of tote, on Styd's hill„
and bounded `end described es follows,' as: Be
ginning on Lotputt street, et the, corner, of Na..
10, running thence outwardly along said street' ',
22 feet '9 incial, 'to lot No. 10 aforesaid, and
themes along said lot northwardly 100 feet. to
Locust street afoquild, at .thet place of begin
nlug.. 'Being the same tot which the add Alex-'
ander Black, with Margaret W., his , wife, by
dud, twain, even data with the Isdentere of
Mortgage, greeted .sod conveyed to the add
James Mehaffey. Seised end taken In execution
as the property of Alex "‘Bisalt, for nee of Solo
mon Boboyer, edm'r at the suit ordains higher.
fey. ,
All that certain \ piece cf, ground situate in'
Pitt township, (being`pirt and parool of a lintel
lot et groUnd, marked and deslgnated so lot No.
"Thee " s in the plan sabered to the pertitlon
of a tertian piece of lad, ablate -partly In
Pittsburgh 'end 'pertly in\ Pitt nit whip, - being
that' portion of the Noithwut of the two lots,
muted and numbered in the plan .ennexed `to
the last will and testament '`of Andrew Watson,
Esq., deo:eased, which the surviving elevators of
the said Andrew Wateoo, by &deed bearing date
the 221 day' 'pr, November, A. - 0 1882; and
corded in Boor T, 2, psge 28, ‘coneeyed inter
as to Robert Watson (and. others,) and whit&
old lot unaltered \ three was by virtue of it oer
tain writ do parUtlotia *bade, issued collet
the Court of Conanien Plats of . said 00EIZit ef
Allegheny, at the labium of said Robert Wit.
son lodate return of the Sheriff thereupon, duly I
allotted and assigned to the laid Margaret W. \ I
Bleak, then Illagartit--Zooni 'to hold to . hgrl
heirs and asthma forever as by reference' to the
said writ de perditions, ' d the retain of the'
Sheriff thereupon : duly modeeat hied of retard
blealdfflairt of; Common Pleat at No. 208 *Llano '
*Term, A. D: 1868 will at terse "pour.) and
bounded anddetail:dotter follows . , v:* "Begin.
- Dios at ths - aorner of Ohtithatit strait andUe
Partneri' and . Mechanlat" . turnpike road,, and
naming thence at tight eagles to °fathom street'
eighty six fast the* Inohesstbenia et right en- 1
'glee to Chatham strati and - deli-eight .. fee
Wens parallel to .ohalhait 'Menet one Idandred
and two feat te, the paid Yenisei! Atid MealMl'
Lou' turnpike rold, end ' theneeklonetheatme
sistrone feet two Whig: to Changan street the
plate of beginning, toget.tierwitic all the paella
Ste IDA aeputenstices to 'tie ante in any wise
appertaining or belonging,: and ill the estate,.
right, title, interestilnheritama, peeper.- - -
end din:44d, whitiorair,'aVtai n'
otherwise; hoitioner of thee''"
Elea. sad Idergeret W.; his
I* Ilatitic 1 64 •IrT. Or 68.7
. .
\\;\.\'' ...:,.. ,-- -:gi;='2''' r -7 :: .: . 1 ' . : : :- : ;' 15 5'-':''''''',e,:. \• ..
\ , ,
. ,
li r. • \.; \
~ . '
. N
. \ \
FE . i .TE \\-\ ~.
, \,. ~4 \ \ ~ \ . . .
._-..!t .. ‘,.... i
. •‘- y; . \ --- 7• - ••: -..
I of. Seised and'. Ukrat In estpotion ite the\llroP
'lefty of Alosender;Blaek, andlMergere
.`a•t - 111.
wife, et the suit ht Joh* Ora add MUTT
"oohilds, Bent of the:Oast will end teat r\ of
:,Jobe Hague, deem*, '
ir.140. -.. \
1 All the right, title. into:estit* Heim of \J ohn
&ohm, of, in and to c od, out of all thl following
described propesty, situated in the 'borough of
, Rest Birmingham,: and. Mended attederariblid•
es Mit. fa: All Mare ail iota numbered / 6 0,
22 1trien
181..18 188, 182 and 1 riveting 20 feet each,
on the northerly aide of streei,firtimell
:e 7eita
Brown and Bam' street a d ranaing \lola*
northwardhy, \ yreservlng: ths e ; width 80
feet. 1 NIT(
Afro, MI those eerteht others lotsnumbeittni
1191, 192 ,. 198, E 194 , 125:and 1 • fronting:2i
'feet mob aft:thenOrtherly aide o"f it, etre'
bet ween Bohm" hod - Barry H trett,illCl
' riming bath preserving the same I 811 feet.
, iimo, all those Orin* 21 lots of ironed mur ;
bared 189.; 140, 1 , , , ,, 1 1 42, 148, 144, 142,148,147,
148,149;1E41, 16 164158,164, 164168, 167,
. 16 8, end /69, hoe g2 O feet each on e ' 4, ; eas
terly side of Brown street, bet Ween And
Crosse t(011,4 hod raping back eaatw y Mt ,
serving thesame 'ld AO feet. ; • A \
Auti, all those te r in other 21 lots . a
leg the above \ numbared 4 B7.l6B, 169, 170,
.172, 178, 174,476, 178. 77,178. 179, 180 ; 1 ,
, 182, 188, 184 186, 188, and 187, fronting 29
Meet each, on Hutwesterly Ads of Webers' streeM
between Berton\ , s a Orois stpeettl, ;Mr:WC bult
imuntrily.prese g the nent width 00 fees. •
ta frn
9 4
~.„...... those rain oth 20 lo of ground
numbered 218, 21 20, 221, 222, ..224,
226,\228, 227, 2 28, 280, 28X, 282; 8, 284,
286, 238;237, and ; rowing 2 0 !eaten* om
the easterly aide- of beets street,%lJetwerse
Canon Vonlerose stres d raw** bask moil
wildly, preservi ng the s e width 87, ifeet. .
\ USN all Mau certain or 21 lota Stymied,
numbered 197; 198, 199,. 2 1, 201,202;208, 201, -
206, 208, 207,, \2OB, 209,21 11, 212; 218, 214,
2;6;.218;,217; fronting 20 fee each on the wee
sly side of Barry Hall sued, tweeen Carson
and, Croat streets,,end runningltk westward
preaveving the same Width 84 l e st ; tielvd 'and
takt in execution as the prop, ty of - Jobe
Drown nat the tell of Arthur Hull . ,
\\ • . • 41430,..1 t • . \
All khatiertMa pleroe pf lead ant *Lower
St. Ontir*mullp,abevit, or mutat f. Birm
ingham, *ad tnewded sad • described • *Howe,
to wit: beginning •on the easterly side f Jo
seph street, \it the, corset[. of: Sydney; eel;
thence extending le front on Joseph street, or.
therly twenty feet and,* depth easterly n 1 ng
Sidney*t. preserving the same width,sfirty fee
an alloy twelve hem . wide;, the'eald'pisoto of Lap
being the same which Sliver H.`0,011 - My end wife,
by deed bearing date
MP eves with \fhe saldAndatu
tore of mortgage conveyed to the said Thomas
Cain, and this mortgege being:for the -unpaid
purchase money. Beissel and taken \ in execution
as the property of Thothie OMB, at Fie Wl : \ of
(Brier H. Otmeby. W \ \
„ , ALSEN \
'All the right , title, interim, and el dm of \ the
following deeetibedlands, nteements, add prem.
lees of the Chistia's Coal Company of, in, and
to allthat allcertain pints of land containing coal,
called the Bunuide tract, bounded by leads ot,
hicFirland's heirs, Johu and Sautes Nickle,
Mathew Harbesio, and 'William *Bernick, 112
uses and 102, parches, \ and r paiticulaziy. des
cribed In a deed from Z. W Rammingten, to said
ompany„ recorded' Innitelf6oe fan amottleg
deida t ia seid county : in \pc L ill, pave 186, an
cient% therefrom • lot off grand of about two
bares, epic! to H u Dlnitlebarg, ou whit* . era erected, a log Juan and barn.
ALso, alKibat other certedapliee of laud;,non..
tenting coal, 41'110 the MoOormlok, tram, botud
ed by, lands of MeFerland's heirs\ McCurdy's
heir* the Bernsideteract, and Samuel: McCur
dy's, contalMng 140 acres, rood,, and 818
perches, desieribed In a deed from William Mc-
Cormick, to said Ceinpanj, renorded la thie
aforesaid vol , page 167; excepting therein:oat a
lot of emu* sold to iii, Ii Marks, , ,nhish said
Arndt embraces Me village if Remmington„ of 28
!mine houses with'coal mines .and woth, And a
tete story wooden filantehoin* and haft \ •- •
Arso aleihnt other certain Piet* of land can
-I,shilrig ' coal. called the Marks ' . tenet, i adjelnlng
landof EdMensoi ph i llyje, 13amutil.; Biddle,
amt/10111UMT, and (Mums, •ocutelabeelll6
Mmes. described is a deed from, William- MUM;
itestald SeMparry, recorded in, Me aforesaid tropt,‘
189 ton stir* are 'erected ta:, ge man-N
sion boas hare, aid other Impreve ems,. ex- ,
pep therefrom a let of about two_ilorek con-
}eyed Dop*irey b n eld t reaorded in said'
eL \,
count] die h, vol. e 104, page 9
- Also, 1 Hutt other° pleas of t culled ,
the Mali fracebounded\ by lands of der
McKee, d the ; Ohio river, end con taini ng
eight \ acne, Mid in a dSed from Zi W. Nem- , 1
zeingnis and e, tfielt \C: ii ttopany, recorded In. :
the aformald ol , p a 1 8, on , which are err- 1
% t
ted Ifs froths siting he es, and \ harbor • im- ,
catai ' i - - \.• \ I
Am*, thift. er 'pl o land con
Seining to FM log on Ha Ohio r ver above, \
Mate's\ r .v as 11111004.ia th e ! 4,,5ar,11.
,above deseri , and o &It of ' mutof •
the width of en - feet, uumeneteg on
e southmeine end a said ten es, and ex- 1
ten;ag tharel'ro to a •hite oak a .hI,OICIAVO 1
Opp line near 0 tiere'preek,\M • th eprivi- 1
lege of e recting, coustindting,, jaunting :
there, a .Irallioad or, the transpar ion, of 1
,cal, a,;,; the intareet , or eaktmllVlß, ere*, :
being a intim hold' fay 20 \ ynant, fro lot or i
Ati r li, - reor, subject, to a I, undkrent of $9OO • I
year, •tintil ; April let 1 , \ and thenceforth I
WBOO • year 4, on which ple eof lind are mimed 't
battl e
a coal tipple, railroad w oillos;Nengine e h- d, I
weigh hems,' d scales an • liferboO„. and other i
improvements; d premises' d'prittileges„ be ;
in& were particularly describe \ ii and`denned in ..
lelease from Ale der MOH.. to Z. 'W. Hear 1
Ington, retuorded et vol. 82; ps 888; In the ,
regatier's Mermaid, and . the seal eat .
then., f. to sai d' **piny in the ore vol.
91, 1 gero 177. ''‘, " ''"•\., - \, \ •
ALFA, all that gem:stain piece oklanAo n- t
taintog, Goal, mlie the \lrwin tract, becjad 1
elide 1.1 Samuel ellOrdy, Likens'it he . t
We, Whomburgle \ and\ F. H. Davis'. het ~ I
c . • taininiBB acres and 119 ; perdue,. on ethiob;
a sue it mamba kettai,\and barn, datiorlb-\
ed a dee front Johttlrerl\s 6 t z td m wife, to \Z. ,i
W. ' o,,irectortledie th reforder's ctet 1
aft d, inlol.-9.9, page \,,m,\ pting the - i
rosin of Of gro und of' eibtin i t t l t l 2. lkoree,:oon 1
t John,' Grease, 'by 'dee \ reeirded In said t
se aty,l* deed ;kook, vol. 1 'page -9114, and
onntwo acne oonneyed to Hie.Worgen; • ;
dead, recorded ll . Ifonsald.l \so!. \100,:p i
soo:A - .. , , \ . ,
.43,8% 4 :t all the velusird Mesta \ ocatl, In that; ;
Miter ain tract oflesd, called • Ildniundson
tract, Mijoblicg lands, William \Werke. and
eke Pitubargh Mod,Stenhenvilla roadV . eud \ eon
tanking; 94 and 62 - Arches of coal, •• \
Aus, all s veini , and l anines of Mel In that
• Mar pleM land teljolabig the'slioes,\Sontaln
.g 108 pe of coal, with the right or, utek •
and ea ten g any 'Pal F4)Zil" or roade,-11/2.,
Ina P t° through, suW, 'Von th e adjoin-
In d, of Tm h Edmundsok, lying south
war lyt of the I t mentioned'ftropt, end he
fight privilege of opening , tiohthe for\ veutil
talon, 4: drains r driblitt ikei coal \ piti,\
Piton tin surface of d Mugs, en lay ot \ ths \
ndjelning of JosephEdnuitidson and
Mt \ Abe .hatiesmy privileges \ and figiallill . and
sight,of going and nom g, , ,witich makbitenit
able for timing and importing eon deM
cribid*nd defined titled of Z. W Releming-r•
ir \
ton and•Mfe,'lto said comp y; reaoi'del be luta
vol. 91, gage 176. \ 1 r
Auto, *ll that Railroad and eonetrutiton,
1 \
known an the ChqereCeal Chr;ear Haile d.
extending Aiom Ohio 'river th village 'o f
f \ about seven miles in len
together With s thetrials,lixtrties, glticiefentit,
engines, ors, I#d 'igiptittlitanonvilegess
and incideets leof.t, Seised aneuken in exe. 7 ,
Pg \
George .,
°anon at the pro erly oflhe Chortle ( " 0911 op
psiky, at the suit 3l. Same d;t: ere.'
ALP:- • ' -- \
All the right, title Intelsat and ofelte ortinf..
net W. Ciskei, of, in, &nee° all the ea I' ll 4
a \ ii a
end of treat of land N 11,• Jones Dittrict.\
ettemattlp;„ beginning at he Binth•Weet co er\ of
said treat, thence by the,Westez ti nni Mate te
Northwardly, one hundr and perches,: 11
perches) three sena said t t 11Tetardiy to be
original line, dividing tree No., mid 8 thesis
by said last mentioned lin So Zardly
. 102 \
to the Southern line o sold mut, Stenos
by the Westwardly t o Hi p „ of begin
aim oontainittg 126 e n iBO A ime,i; astzed.ind
takes. iseepeoution as tit props ,of mnel .
Osakey, seeks ma of H. West. :
1 ,All the right; tale, toilet. andclaim of Mi
-1 dual Etreerfo d, of In and toMt the\plc in lot
or Piece of ecentl, Minato In \MeMO a Ward,'
elty.ef.Allettemm- bluing 0 front on tulfeal
Mutt Of twenty - (20) feat and \mien g beck
in depth • 0111 hundred :(1001 feat;
,on slop
• ersotrea ter< story Brisk, Hoar* s
Log table,
&o. Solent and taken In teeentiotiM.theltrop-,
at/ of Bib -Towles, (late. Elisabeth- Hos.
klar) ' Te 4 0 ,14 her husband. mho :kelt*.
pleaded wi Ms seid,Bliulteth 'Feriae; and 'Mi.
0 1 1101 011 1 .14 f !11, at *teen of Jahn Kelley. \
Anal* Main piece of ground situate In the
ell of Pitts atilt "being a part 'of lot Na.l 90
421Inatjj,ini Woo d's plata 'of lots in laid Mt:,
bounded and desteibed `ant :411illfe; ' ta e pint
en the southerly side'of Peen street
mime 'op itlarrison alley,' theme in
tg`Peale street eastmly sixty to lot
Id in depth along said Garelitni 'alley
itontherly, preserving the same width, one Frew. •4 '\‘
ard aaa too hot. te Beaten , *MSG en \witioh
pieta of granad thews are erested. , thrte •
thrillin hones.. Seised end takewikueitanite
as the property of Robert Deals atc.the salt er
William Addison, Hormel' Retibllre \ and E.
Brady \Wilkins, Ez'n of Jamie Ross, 4
ALS% \ • - ,-.. \ (
. AR the IVA fillet interest end claim of 4111111 • t
Eider of, in and to all that *tabs lot or/ toe
titirenad i Iltnatedla Ile Borotagh_af , Law
re t i...
t i.
tilliNlmarked In the Thus thuNtic• 96, bo ,1 .
ed and described _ as fallowsi c.'h, MulAl \ ..., \
vitae,- on the North But by, et West by loC,"
et t\ad
Be. 96, and ea the South &tab, Road hid- t v ,
Zile Beau. which lots 'Nov , 90i, 96 are
=bleat to.•the claim of en Oa); known as * 1 \
Nip* alley; Waist been lald sake. No. 95 7\ \
sdielehto lot No. 94, on which is a two, i \
inv l
Ilie 7 72hrhid" house, with' start new unit, `, \
.en rooms and • hall; the dlinensibas 'sir said \ \ ,
Are, froot, &Wrote anaa half feet; • • th, 1 \
hundred and. twenty-six fat; there Ii to. 1 .\ \,
tbitreon a mull frame house; adz • ,4 , .
' l4 ideeedee Li th e property of James ' ' \:,
let Guidoiltof Jamul Patton, Jr. 1
teil it
\ -\
• . - \ , i - t ALSO, •• An . 1
'IUI tigbilo title. interest and-estite of ti s
lief Val en tine Elliott, of, in and to all
that car let or plena of ground •in the allthi - .
Ward of 'ici city\ of. Pittsburgh. Beginning at '
the dhow `of aut t feet from the north east i '
corner of T linen awl' Clark streets; 'theme l
notilwrostw ly al said Townsend strut ,
ct ;t
'sixteen; thence along the ground of T. Coebrut,
tke. poi paraol with, said 'lolarh.etretlic one I
It diet! feet to .tlara alley; Menu. soailveast.
w dly eking &gallant ',Hui sixteen feet, to I . \
graced of Samoa ummins; those* along the I
of de
trued ltoid mmlis parallel with Clark f
\ ' w
Stint\ fp:alit-watt dly one hundred feat to I
Townnud titres; the pluitof beginning on
which - it led a ttetorp, frail* Dwallieg -
House, wit h b emu* led ithd taken is axe. ,
nation aa the p operty , of Valeiline Elliott, at
the snit of \WI Wood,. • \ - '
\ \ ALEIO,, _..;:..
\\ • All the right. Wei, Intit
rut Claim of l'
George D. Elliot, f. In end \do all it cartes i
biker place of ground situate \ln the o)ty of Al- 4
legian), being lot No 17d and 175 la the we.
eerie traet,\ which plow Is redesded In Died Book g
Na 611, and` \hounded d ciiiibed as lolloirs, -- i.
'to wit\ lisgivolag an no woolly iikle of i
Jeffersap t alroq, Testy y _ feet, and . in
depth onrthwa;y pr g Misname wieph o
at right &o glee Jefferson (rut 200 feet to 'an I)
I allay 10 heyride. \Tie eel ant it; being '
Isame which AnleqtillMe es wife deed date,
ed the seven Teeth yi,of Septa beriticono Dom- ,\
ins eighteen hundred thirty.dight,\ recorded \
in \ Book 841 T, \poge consejied (liter ela)
to the said Leda". thine and taken in\exten.
on as the preps °LAI ref IX Elliot, it the
•'t ofd, William A. ride fo use. \ \
*LSO, i \
All thc; right, t i :‘ into I
Mary Ewing, of, In, to all t i
land situate pertleill in the i,
reueeillle sod Peebles toduMp,b t
bribed is follows to wit; tast e o .
side of the Greensburg ' • Ma
:opposite the °stelae wall, ended y
the west sideVf Malcolm. h. .
Danny's rep ono tires, and the a er a
by the:, Chet bur h and Pit burgh 1
r ad, \by .10851 of, Henry Mo Hough, V
IV clanger and\ heir 'of Wm ,- C ~, weld I
t\ \
of ground tamales 70 les, morst less, s
on which ore erected two, two s ry fr.'
dwelling houses, 'emit . one bum Ail(
take* ill'exeution aa the4roperty of Mir
log, at the suit of Smith an Paterson.
\ ALSO, \ \ 4
All the imitate, right, timed' ktlterett ant
of James A Cray, defoildany\of,".ll) and
that aerials lot of ground \
t itut i ti k ti In the a
Allegheny, Aviv:wonky of loot 1, and b
edsod described Sr follows: \ Beg! dog, co
northwest corner \of fltraerbary.Oney hat
Rut Common, in !old city. - endll#l/I it
Worthwardly along* aaid Common has
and twenty feet (120 t Get) , to *be Ilne\iif lot t
the plan of eat& city, thaws is ong i
sad parallel with eldd olleraiestw i i, i ,
bus ad and twenty feet (120 feet), tili4 l
wardi , parallel with oil d" lnew l / 4 ene h eb
sad t ty. feet (120 feet) the place of but
sing; g ptirpart , Na. 7, illattaat46 Dae
Ritchie, ay ,to trust tut .1 . , Meerayand ti
heirs of hard Gray, deseued; 'abject, tot -th
amount eh ed on said lot •• la solaiproessdine
\ for emit, o ;Titian and to thistneincoses, ex.
peones and oh •of scald • Trustee; The theirs
of the said/Rah rd G rey , being the eitellable own.
suer shoat twel •twenty•sixdu,(l2 26) putoef
osid4o o t ad eabjest the psyllium of thi, charges
ofo , and th interest „of the sold, Sulu 11 \
ii ,
Gray' therein. belugMe nadlelded 'interest and
sharer akitint of the ilialisc of the sold Elokard
Guy, dermal. Eleiskiluddeken In execution
as the property of Jame A. Gray; i trviltig \as _
James A. y a Oa, t • the snit of Mitt eel
Cody for . • , 4
\ All the rig t, title, inteitst; property, chin\
us \
and demand of emu, A. Guy, of, In, to, or out
'et \ ell that ear telu lot or pleoe"of "wad situated
let lhe city of. Allegheny, bent-wart af.the lot ....
lurked in the plan \ of mild elty. 4l t: \Wounded _
and \ daserlbed as follows, rig on the ,
Boat \ common, at the corn r of lob. No. 20, and
=Meg. by the East Commonslitorthwardly ,
thirty feet; thanes westwardly lit light wee;
with the East Common ono htutdreif out fifteen '.,
feet to also feet alley; thence 'by the Id\ alley •
sonthwardly thirty fest„,to"lhe gine a \ meld
lot No. 20, and thence by the ulna us wildly
one hundred and fffuten feet to the ales;
being the same "Mob Richard Grey by deed
doted April-15, 1848, conveyed \ utito:tie A
James A. Giay,\ on "Molt is created cloarge hod \
\valuable briok dwelling home with OntAiellidiege \ ,
had other Improvements; sated and halts in ar t
ekanon as the proicirtfof James A.Grol\at the;
suit of Hugh D King. , - . \ \
~ \ 0, .• \
kip. right, title, tercet, end alai of \the
deficit sate in and to the following de tilted
property. situated in • Fourth. Ward of .tie
sly lott• Ittaburgh; be ed and described an
follows, --Beginning iiluirlt street two 1
et north estwardly from the northwest corder..
f the red frame building .fitemarly is the isoou
i,t; yof William Graham, rustling 'Lona south
it Mardi, Wang said Irwin Must twentpaight
to thence till fine parallel to Penn street six-
ty \ Gook theme tok a line parallel to Irwin street,
14.7eV eight feet, thenes ila a tht. parallel to
win , sixty \feet to "the plan of beginning
whi is erected o two story double frame -
d idling one, said property Debts subject to
an' ground rant ottifty.dx d Ilan, pays
bwituqudateareiol44 - , t o
on lik th s a ti ll ein rat 4:y 1' 1; 1 164 ,o, ttl i y o , r ci j oto. "ll
bar, Jazinerk, and April, in cult 'leer, at by
reference te•dir ground rent deed, le ill re -
fatly sad et rage„ appear. Seised dOr
ken in execution as the property of smite
Gibson, In tits ? heads of David Elder, bad fki
zolalsaator, with Vella. to Patrick Colbert et
the Ruh of Alexander Brackenridge. and Slkm.
eel Smith, administrators of John Wilts, due
ed, for ate.
Ate% \ ..- , `
,-., '
All the right, title, interest and ike of tr ader
eel& Gerwig, of In and to all that steals lot of
plea), of ground, situate Is the sixth Ward of '; \
\the city of. Pittsburgh, -(aforesaid) bang pert of \\
lota Not. 70 and 71,in Irsta's plan of lota rever.,
awl' In Deed Book ad M., page 580; bottadod
and described a/1011 mm to lett Beglanlag at the
dbilanes of forty feet'from the tenth was corner ,
of Wylie end Townsend street, on-Wylie attest, •
*ohs( thence south-westwardly along Wylie
street twenty feet, running thence* at right an.
glee ilt
Wylie' nod paellUal Wi th Townsend l
@trial; it ath outwardly one hundred and tweet.:
tpfier f t to Pasture alley, • tanning Gov*
north\ "radii along sold alley twenty Net;
And thew* north westwardly on aline
parallel Ith Townsend s trait :one hundred and
titenty.f fot to Wylie lame, the place of. be.
ri s itm
gibing; v ie d ea taken in exectution all thew".
tall of F w w
ick Owes, at tho suit of Burp
M: ,ollins for use. ~- ,
\ 1 \
ALSO, ..
An.Vkis 'tett, title, Interest and claim of Moly
E HolHoger. o ,In and to all that certain lot or
• leoe,arigotindhaste In the sth Ward, oily of
f ili
dhtsbargh. on w h ich is erected S tun story brick
Wellionleacise; d lot Is 20 feet In front on the
dfloot t i a •Wisioddet oftli , ltie street, and extending u
en 60 fat% ,beie lot Na. 109 In . the plan of
to • d 0;487 Jose le Patterson, in the Nor&
o liberties*, now
i., l , ttehospit, all aforeeald,
vh plan is co 7 tea° In plan batik, pegs 411.
Bei: and taketkin oze oda. an the property of
Mory 11. \Noising!, at the salt of Wm \ W. Wet. ,
ir l i\a
Ili*•V \ t ALSO \ \
\ All the; Wild, till t and dam, of the
defendant\ Bernard Holdngr, of. !Akan& to all
that °seta lot or plait of Ittihad situate la tee
sflh Wilted of \ the oily of Pttleburgh, Nu *
twenty feet n out , Ort,the WO lush aide •A
Pinetiticeet;.a d extending la depth sixty fiat;
being hit No: \ 1 \•tone blsodired, and nineyin thei
plan of 10014 014 by Jotit" . iattorson lit the,
earthen; Matti of Pttlqint.„ glt(notr ille . A ;gilt
Ward) th e ple alze ihrd \glow! in the eo
des' offi of All lily ego.-
book, pag 48; on,whita Is e
Wed briok dwelling oi at
seised, and'iiken in\is eccalloe
Eletnaid Holelngesst he sal
All thit.oertka lot or iipir
iy ‘
and Wag pootti \ in th e, 100,
partly . in Essence townsk .1,.
scribed ea tollows;41 .1440 ,
.\ ~ , 1 2. ~..\
\\\ ~ .-
\ -
, .
t, and \ claim of
it certain trod I s
v \
roagh of Ls,
ouded and du
the Embers