t - pSTABLISHED IN 1786 MO;IZ=IMIZIRI mei — lean nitueAzitiwisiciAr $9 - • . WHITE & CO. , N. ==F2)=l: sr sin. 0 9 LLY , .....4even dollars per annum, payalde half Yeetl7. wthwt_ifitglAtt,t inseam, In adVance. Claps Ae 9oPelied on the folleeing condition. rheas copfee per lallItila••••••••••••••••••• ... * b b .P/O• ' do 9Ow Ten copies 13 00 24 03 ~1. 004 t2 Oopfee •do ....•••••-•••••••• toe packet for each 'club to be addressed to one panto); ' out te . be veld Invariably in advanoal No club papers 04 the sear after the peer expired. 04140 the 1209 *2 ant for a renewal. RUIZ 01 ADUBSILTIIe. • • • 'Ons Doitars, tlO lines of:Nooparell-) • • Lmatcldioml" "'..— ' .onesweit isrtbo • 0 2b 6 DM. - two k 17 • o. • • - 100 • Do. —•6 00 • Loo. two mentha--.... • 700 • DO . loot 10 00 DO. vs m0nthe......-- 10 00 itl.lOlllW 011411. (i Uses or laminar anneal ' 6 00 One Dona tor emit odelitional Um. e f' 004 B.lll{llM chastisable atoleasaris (per ' • manuit) sitelasive of the paper '2ll Po • for seokad(LlAboial Immo lneerbed onot me month. 2121 2 ; 4 220 . 11221110 2a 1 WWI Warted under tloi yearlY tater, Spilt pries. , Admittlioommit erneedins stoma, end sat 02 ° 2 In". ~y ar;lus lum a t s 0 o • star: Are,!, ,, v .tirau . a ., lo s= s t i nto= da... hiurcid i r a tLiali a licatl a iZ/ i i ,a 14/111111 as MLitt Memnon:beano. llbs Advertisements not owned on the esp to y for a.mecided MIMS 02 isXlOllO. will be entiOnsd Ind " a m ptietleile or=lavertleere is Marti lizot . d so tbelr immilate buelmso ani ad Nor the bandit if other persoanrs,, ail well as all 'drones. mem* not listmodish i lip so with th eir corn Mud, mom and all Moose o ndrertisemente.l. lanet""SA' aeries, beyond the ts .eed ., will be abused at the mud rates. ; Por &Daub beent actontisiolt. bill. will be separately pondered, sod prompt paymentis desired. All actrealtsements for obaritabl . • titutione. Pre Mtn' Oarl. l 6 . W.ltlit township anoth e r mobilo menticos, and *Me/ I to be charmed alf prim, payable strictly in Me/ . . Marriage notion to be charged 60 amts. • Insith notl-In inserted sitbontoisarge, union stomps, Med by funeral invitations or °Whinny Wises. and when so aosmpaniod. to to Data or. • Regular adtertising. and all others mains osannuoi. rismirings notion designed to toll littootb° o t° Clonoerts, or any Public, gmtertainments, • •essn, chants. am mede ftr admittanos—all notion 01 • maim dunned to tall attem , to privet* ins mkosiated or intruded to Wo men, Indivklaah in , caa anly be inerned with the .addiMasiMinst that the dim s fano blond 6"r, 71 intend ed to be tinned In the local sminsan. the same will be • shamed at r the rate of not leas than 10 nun per line. Pittigt.p.Antiout.. g :rti gsd • tz"l. ZOOM, %Altman! OM !Aliationntif advertisements ••°°.° mono Soder 7Wit.rataa. bat to be slimed a Ausattsbattarty Minn and one third Per tent. tr ooo the amount of bills. • -1 1 / 1 111.7 of =Firma= or lam farm Ott, Baum thrm in5erti0n5.............«...Q 6O to. each additional insertion_._._. 37 Ow Swan (10 llaea) 0141 Insertion ...../54) mats 1)o. web aidltlOnal losettion.-28 cents AU ttotuAsot advalisioasots to be paid In *Ammo. BA~B'os-i DISCOUNT OMILIOna DAILY, Pte HOLIdSB & virturmia auxrts, li BONS, Bankers. No. lif NEW id.bdrans MI and Manlksta.Pinaatonk. ig unt i PIN YLYANIA. Wands at Mosallloa— X . Moak MPI Broach at Weeatoe—an Bank of da.-4ou. Branch at Y0n.... do rira l ..= l 36ass. X ........-por Wan. at 8166 n own_. y of Oosusetess:-.Z.-nr ty BABE 01nalonotL do Nankai North Ajoarlea-pat 031212212i21Bk,Oincimmtid. Bank OnfOrlina /410701.22ar Prw.x.dx, Bank.. do Wei =V , ~ IP - P -Ir. C U M77IIIIE-117 -d° Bank of the D Btatas 12 Warta= Boons Itan Oammondalßahlt at Pa.-Dar Bank el Mandllos do L „ 0 = ,..,,,, r _.,..., ii ,............ 40 11 .tang BanlL-- --no All solvent tit a n 11". -9( Mailabsalt Math BankTMlNst _s. NIX YORK. ~Map tsialme Ra...........ne no YotkOlty- -.... —par Ila rik. .-.......i0n Ofnliezz...-._............. x —Pat MARYLAND. • 80ak...---- nova gta ' re ' Bi.m. k lisnk.... trial . tri er . u .." - =.....= " 1.1 ..... t... .."... ----der Nall A DRLAWARIL Bazaar Obastat Onaty Sc It . I:3l l) & " X . Cliaatir? " Dail 4litegalrEalus=asi Sc Bank of Clorasannewa--Dia Bank r lka s Norfolk . klanaketOottrabonsis....-. X forreas' laskof Tterbala n Musk of LinelaWira----..Mash. leak . Boat of Mtddlotowta --- X North Wantons 80nk.......- 2 idaptgolineS7 00. Bulk- Besaahes.-.-1.-....-; -. Bank of linethanlanLoad. NORTII CLUI.OLINA., =goat —.....--- X of Ospa roar 8 In a mdse. Co.par Dk ofilt. at N Corollas- 8 80ak.......-ne 0212222 2 / 4 1 j UilmIxen 8 t 00t0 r epyk * .........-par klarebaate Nnadits 2 7 Ida amoc--..... Sc Bovril o lax& i s.a. Franaorelik of Basta Co..par Bk aka BC of 8. Corollas I lattams . Bk oflanaastadne Bank °thanks Conks.-- 3 fennarellonkonteadlng pm of Charlarson I ; mon. 1nt0r20271121022.2 PloalreVd Meehanlea• Brill 1. natllDrow,Waymatoult. X GIOROLa. Ifesulkka Br-Wank:Mtn on Aunts. Ins. st Banskins Oo u.rzaitnii:,-,..--ix 2 .,MOSAttanata.- 1 Lansaw Boale-----Vm Br w 8 .61.12 LoonatarOonaty 11a5....am All nalvont borde..--.-- .., II Lonna 11ank......-..---nor RINTDOKY. Illoonf Bank of Yottanks )( elafßoa .LasiMMILX . a wasausakalstlikof Went Ilsonosh Baal lantana UM antssoky otramßk.l3l l / 1 1110rtn; ratans Bk of ItaatOokY 1* MOM* ... 011 =X Bk anat.. f MoloonX . 011li Own -...9(ki11at0 Boat aal bean0t....1.0 e t i ut 6: t Ve ci. . . .s•_ - - it: Soak a cir01f ram . 7 .....-11 enatth at 11=waft.„.- .. d d o . Mona It lira Ingo. ohls a is= V. Clardondo W 001.,." Maabandeo; 14.21111 tines atTa105..........-do Btoak /.....3 tinsels at Dsroms.-..---do Bank--.. 3 NOM& at Dalavan-----do lannasseConspono li Ranch at Calatalsoc...--do State. Boak--.....-- --- 0 fleasik at Asil:ds...do CANADA. „.... t , at mg. ..._.O BI 0f13.21-Aa..tnantaa Bran. at klandnaut- . ...d0 Bank Mika Paoli. Toronto& - ts t 112012 b at stia.r.--.4. Honker Montrool- firms& atClaohntatt..-do Bank GM Conta,Taftaton Dramas at Col trod----do RA/32T-RN VXMANDR. c WMX , --do On Now York -----.311 . at Oastla-----Ao On Philadoslohlo.--. eh at Lansiator.-......d0 02 palthaare-.... . Irina StSt2o.l.22Tills-.44. WESTERN RICUANOR =tsot Mt. 8a55aa.......d0 ".......... _ _ . at Nowark-........d0 Stunk FFlNrisztarta.t.. - e . U st Troy---Ass earosaah at MR Moans Beach at Zonrelllo.-- Bnants at Narefalle-----do . 1 , Beams i ngt= .7 l. , : . t . m . leib at Maton--...Z.d0 ort.Bavanna-. - -do Bro ßroach at at i: do Danish oll= 1 .1a Leal A 014) AND Snell 'ALUM Doo,l44o4o.Ppardsh--"10,00 • 40 Patriot—.-.... 16.60 6•410, 4.= LSO - PRICES OP STOCKS. VOR TEM nrransaa cairns in A. WILKINS & C 0 . STOOK AND NXOHANGE BROSKRB, 210:711.10DETLI 112REIX MierCUL Forrembfr 1 MI itod 11- De. Vs vsamilvied. Do. fei ' AWAIT Ct , rniabissb dil e% N.Y . :I fay. 114.11 MMOO S!00 ice.: , r.S Mamb.otri Man swamis, 14,01,—1Z Bt. urnuaa. Oltifea' °&.. V tea Ythrnmes hr t jAlth 117. Wr:sf luta -SAM IlutzWans . &beier. • • „„ k r agNua lu e i (A•TplaskpLW4Ll rit P., • tarn. Oliaarßazds. —1 a rar aXbrookdrrm h_ . ST& Altos. ..1 P tr=l.atrar.ft!..:_ 60, 41 501 - £2 60, 25 60 CO 50 44 60 1. 60 • r • %Isis 11.01.4,tr*---• - feint— -- 680'&08 X AXEOLD & 00.. BANKERS. - . °shuns Li zrenusait, coat, BANK Iran's, &O. ..-.• . . : //Wit ItourtirsL;nmiki Dan of rithebevA. '• . si*ne oliclls 4 a tol mom ' aeo or i. 04ea... A. WILIIIIB & CO.. SEREI AND EXCHANGE EEOE EDS lIAN No. ti lODISE BMW, : • "oppeette the Bosh q( Pittotomik. maposoloOmmi oi woo. MAW itmoviis - , , , t..:: • li e seve patent Coupling and Pomplate, ; • - • .• - • • roa , a (U.Ploal a 'II,AND BILUT4IOLII4.• - , --r—fiAli NOW BE BEEN IN OPERATION - L . J 4 awry SW?, BrOflll & Oes Rolling Mlll. Pitts. t. basoli. or the .Sboron lObrks," witteromntl. ea. Tito .' - otrootogr t or toy totarOracaout i lonolo, ilt •kr!too tko • : to eoaloot .....t9lo"foir Cfsilt^•ll7 41:1•?rrlit: "..:...... V a37dlotoonsOwtoo lisiiill;,t orltbooTroopor • ,', to oludos. efrob or sorthlog olio. Ta.3OIIIIPLATH . ~ , ..,. ti„......roc=dwoohioticoploinomot :clonal* • . '' ' -...— waropor,bolt, or ant Os lut. t rosb tot golot r. , •......• ~,... or ricaora=ta.btshtutrataggn •plot ..., ... sod a than bowie gm Lot ft t, s fro, co • ALM .to Wor Um r y .t , e'4:ia4IININI. Nit fa " • .. ... , It MOO of mollites THE BUSINESS CARDS. ALLEM W. FOSTER, Attorney and Coon. anor.t T. Nu. 47 Fourth street. our 4140“4 lamb. 44714.41w:et • MORRISON Attorney and Counsel . la at law, O. katmoct !" gek. 44. El .a t t ------- -• W. HALL, Attornoy at Law, "Bake , J• ' ,0 ".-Btalinga.. Grant inroad. batwron Pau , th sawn nand Diamond altar._ OBERT.POLLOnIi, &nanny at Law— .llLlL-Gornar of Fifth and Grant etrosta, opoosibr [ha Coot Room stew. Pittsburgh. mt24r63 EUBEN MICKEL, Attorney end Conn valor at Law, li'lleesport. Allegheny County,. 13 'Special and prompt attention given to Collecting; lid Conveyancing carefully attended to. del6-ly (111-CRAIG Attorney at Law,NoWTastle, .Laarzone,. ° Oonnt7 1 . 0110•1/11•11i1 • far to lion: Waltar.dnlnenna Creek: .1. Doolop. duo ton limlth.Exanutr itanta, Chlkla 00.. t an: Wilton / 00., n. Lae. ont.dly 1 AMES J. KUHN, Attorney at Law, °Moo, ea Yourth attaat. war Om3t., ['Mahwah. Jal&dly D - P. SPALDING, Attorney glad Conn • mom .t —OLEVELAND. abb. Itamaacms—A. W.l.:muds. Studer I Iltuatott. 6,b6,11747. I AMES F. KERR, Attorney at Law—Office J A n . Fourth at.. between 'findtbnald and areal, Pine tos. WEAVER, Attorney at Law, Fourth til stmt. mar the Msycies 01lam Tittabargb. Cal. actions attended to promptly. tosittstior • P. &G. L. B. V'ETTERMAN, Attor . ••y at Ilttabors Law and Era liteta Agents. N 0.107 4th t h. feblo RANCIS .0. FLANEGIN. Attorney st Law, N 0.170 toarth street, Fittabsizet. -- ASPER ILIMADY, Attorney at Law, No. 89 lltth stmt. Pittsburgh. DRODIDIAD & CLAPP. 29 STATt STRICT, BOSTON, BANK &RS, &DPIALERS IN EXCHANGE, Cheeks, Drafts, Certificates of Deposits, AND Uneurrent Money bought It lowest rates. Collectiona =ad. on all parts of Mc Oak. BRlstillOsS BOECTOR—Tranktln H.llll, Xlll3 W. B. Yost , Cashier Bank orOesuneice, Messrs..). It Thayer • it Bro.. J. M. Bob. Montan a Ow. IC. B. Bey ham t CO MITY 1(0111—Mum. 0. 8. Bobbins St Sown Curtis. Beale /wink Carpantar t VermdlYs. McCur dy, Alan= t Swum, POILADILPHIA—Menon. W. M. Newbold t Sen. Grant it Stone. • - lEssers. Commas t ClCia. Washington. B. O. norltdly SRAIRB. & RAHN, Bankers and Exchange Brokers. RUT and sell Gold, Silver and Bank Notes, negotiate loans on Ilse Estate or Stock Seauritlos. clv. r e c t ' , "" r I . I. P" i ni re:ll tld % me ni ! b m. ora t ur.: Wes t on nu o =Wain the Mlle corn r of. Third and woos stroota, directly ' imUlte the St-Carle. lintel. ' H. D. King, OIN, STOCK AND EXCHANGE RAO ker fourth etreet— Bun and sells Stoats en Clein• Woes : • Ershange on Eastern nttlea si=ded at =mart rates; Coneatens =de on the Welt at ton rates; Western Bonk Note. banght and sold. .1728 T 1111311.1 EOM s.,nnar. fli lALMER, HANNA & CO.. SnOcrentlOrs nu Unsist, Emus. h. 00.. Hatraasa, Mumma llama& sna deniers isk Yards and Decimate iszelmaßa Dsrosn, Junk Norm .ad nrssis—North west,Tl Wood and Third streets. Ovreat Mater Thoilred/ba pt- Bight Clweka for raleraad eolleatioaa mile= awn it el the Prir.l9.l mints of the uett.e wag.. A 4eld . The blawat presalcua rid for inrynin mid Alindem. Adeaateemanteoa ooneicaraeals et Predate. iblaPed east. In liberal terms. n MED.& ERVIN, Real Estate, Stook and 11) BM Brans, No. la. Mb et. srs WM. A. HILL A CO., Bankers and Bur , ken. 54 Wood mt. • lIIt. IL le•L'S WM. H. WILLIAMS & C 0.,. Bankers Bra... North 1.4 corn. of wocd and a hint stmts. PlCtab b. i 3 ►4 ~ c h ang e : re ert , urat. ni tu r6z:zin tka Llux . rt. o l vltt nt j .. 34.l, of3,ntr LAMM en, TEL, Banker and Broker, s 4thstreet, WOK • • tL• Bank of Pittxburgb , N , HOLSIF§7IM3ON, - Dealers in Foreign l'el' A M°• i r"teri f 11131.Collsclions made os:s. the prbselpol 'ado° ~etwsboae tits United States. kr:ji,t,4)4:1:4116 , 1:4:141111i,r.N 410.1:4:q 11.1 0. STOCKTON, late etuucton k Stook w ton 7catao arattatkooorr,Prialles.uld Binder. tot, L. READ, Bookseller and Btstioner, No . Ts rourth street, Apollo Itollausa. J. R. Wan. HOLE SALIe. and Retail Dealer in bloat% Lod Behcal Backl, Papor seal 13WW , rt. No Weal Malt, (botween Third and ► folirW ritts VIM= WeiUg2i4tD=ls and Apoth kryeoarta~~atf))•~oa Land s fall sal amapla . = t 01,14W•nma,, Perfumery, • artalso podmixam W{Xi:L:7LE . Dealer in Drugs, Paints, v Otis, Varalsbar mind Dye tal2S. Rai teiI..LIRMY 11. street-Pitissersh, All orders will resolve protein t tt.nDoe. ' . 0 ist .. .tas Lendsit • Co•naSwbletlmllr si l o t . A. FAHNESTOCK & Co., WllO/eLITe nor Vildte Laid Red Md,..i i ti ) r 21=4:. ---, vv.r. ki trnisitrtret aa ntitrnti,~ i7tta. Odors. Vt. , fi V. a ZZLlTlm bore I"' Moir low. ttl ISRAIIII•fr. REITER, Druaesta.eorwr of L 113.17 rah. SCLIDONNAXER& OCi., Wholesale Ding. ity 1.t.. Kn. ill Wool qt—Pltambecerb PLO (Si (O. 11 Al • P 41A'3 WILLWE , A. ' "'Tat July I igt j ritit j At I ha . , MAT a N.T 40 naa rase, CHOICE TAXILT GEM= 5, WOOLIRP AND WILLOW' WAR.X. - CORNEA 00 WOOD AND :SIXTH 11THEE711. gl DOW tooolvlng • large sOwtmeat of Pfruk .t = lisuddltion to hls In 41ZUMATO stook; pur• hoes Cost hood. ths Nadeau morkete. which will to sold at tSs loyal platettaiseet . ANL Hotels. Steamboat, and 11,1unllies. buillaz by ths Ousatlty. supplied ad wholesale Wis. Wale (Seeds delivered loth* earl Wee sratulrs. IsPla sus. Wuxi. sena& Any mastlio , • • - .A. ik A.,3IrBANS, MMIBBION and FORWARDING MER 011ANTS. &sten In Woolpod Prt••••• •••erstrll • littsburgb llanutitorturtsaio. 114 Meow( street, littsbrisith. , ••641.03 DI.. Mari Dr of r Ot T. Set •• n 9.14! q i = CO , AID WHOL IZ AU commas EEO muse 25 '1 ' 8521012, ma, SLOE% DAUM 1188119. ass 0008TEW • .' 221019:1011 421212112ALLT. No. 895 I:Warty stareet..Contiasicial Row. .p154'14.1 P 111711078011 . • . . 1 . . J. 8. 9458242111.1110 Lima! a.; CO.. WHOLESALE ROCEBB / AND MU or 111.021.5534 1 2. METALS t PLIT WO MANOVAOIBIIB2I. Nos 242 w‘d SW /Wats ifr0t,12542.225. ItntAitr 11014. de Dir. 4 or a = DivJou 4v. iNror === Gilbert & ' -dart*, • - • 13WHOLESALE GRA *EEG, Produce:l)es". an, For nardloa and co-. minion klarelnuata. No. ood meat. Inciabargb. I. llW i ltrg i a i rtk i. adraocaa on aonationsainta. R 7. Rotdso & Co. WWHOLESALEI9 roe rr, Produce Dealer's, and Goinutteedo,n v. N. 201 ut.n.r PittabaUth. • • • 1.10 Luke T 1(; FORWARDING and Commission bier. dant. sat Poeta Oonal tor tb• Panne) bent. 11 limit lorensinie No. IQ 04. yr it. and 68 Front st, " Vel t a.Z.,p " Wirt, ° ]orrtrrid Dy r. nil road .111 be received nt. Ing sad detained .n th e Rigatoni t. ybiCcoaseny'll Assent More to be loaded into tbs cant Stoesselinet ablaze. paid. or bedlng enenexteitted. and sli inettnettons of WWI Cot oorudgatew bettnfula canted ant. lust To ennedironents recaiyed on the iclitforene fro.tba oinet trebles and Ma tet ead 1110 ." ft...mud Immediately by etesento• hoed. or other. ulna s ,' directed. I_ Persona 'dating thtord a Lin t enrset, uW slew sly. 1 111? Zdrp:=Tia On ri sad ardent Yon Pittsburgh tanoubienres Med liberal, terms. P4-`. 3 5: 1 ‘ ii .a laa a yi 2 29 4 - 0 0 , 0 OMSIIBSION and Produce bierOhndtd, dianta the ado llasard'a sal WSW. * Ma dem aohdtrat Gaupowdan and Bandy Puna 81.. Wood nna ad jai Springer li.arbaugh. • (suocissou pro 8. & w. auurrucia.) FOMMISSION' & 'FORWARDING Mer chant, Dealer In Flour. Wool sad Poulain; neural/ too root 4.,nnd U 6 Booond ot,Ettolonl2l4, sot 117. KENDRICK,' Fprwarding and Owit , v . tolsilin Aloteltiatt: 0100. Nittrot Ww tiolinbotar. wi. .2rototootoe, No. 22 Wood Aron, Pittoboroh. Pot Molar Wootton Nola tO 20iwoNting Motollosoillo, Oat' oonoliowsumto for solo. °commotion, or proterouto for Nests of ant' description. Wits promptly attended . lostrootkao will to all oasoe I. Yourti t tfiLs i s t gr. °l rpeelta . 1 twolleltel: sail fpledgo r war to two emery oxertiao in your WWI. tor ourklEß k JONEI3, rorwerding 'and'Oom mussonitunhauts. Dalai fa Produot PM. bi.i tt = 4 artkade., Hadimosset Wreath gA.red;iiiiiiiiiegiCii=iero lit-. used, Anus it Ou. Oosizassloa Aid 1.14141. r. Using tg Pittsburgh Igsgasiturei !P. I O. GRAPE', Aggut, 1.1 Pit i suoooloor to _H. ;lA*. °. lar ona gitz „„,„ a•alt sotart otelootti sionsio • ... ... ~, ~~ -...«...u....... -~~,~..u.,..~~. DAILY ITT sB G „ t z ATTORNEYS PfkIIGGISTS. EZI=EM loin P. Sc leeale Wrai .4. L, v Pm. war/salad. mu= oleeale and Retail Ay fLod St. PWsts" PIMP THOU'S S. TISSUES 'l' .' t..i. L111111 , T05... clirra 5. mooing.. LIVINGSTON, LOGGEN it CO. NOVELTY WORKS, • - • rinACIC. and Depot •Railic l 7ad s gttl G e ll s;Efa rA Y, Canis and 'Grain do. Platform sod Counter da Don Looks of all slaw gyring. Drop and Thom!! Latches. Coffee Minot' ratio= kinds; Paint Mills. approved gat. tone Dolts and Puts:dog% Makable, Iron Castings of emery variety in form end: MLitt. dtt nelh*)33:6•lneltul on IitIOXOIIOII,.. MeD6NOUGEI db• STEWART, • ANUFACTURERB o' every description INAof CoOklag, Heating and Taney MVPS; Bed and rona. Walton Boxes. plata and fans/ ideates and Slonts, _Tan Kettles. and every desartption of FOUNDRY OA STINOS. Mee and Warehouse No D Liberty street. Pittsburgh. NUIFFETT & OLD. BRAN SOUNDERS, PLUMBERS AND GAS ATTERB 17/ and 197 Past Stred,Patiband4 /1201112111•1. 11131311. OPPOSITE lIIIIAOLDITLEION, aitEOULET. NtANUFACTURE all kinds of Water, Gas and nom Mktg. Roams tittad OP wlth Ga. and star 012 abort =Um tru4:l.l r: - HOIOARTH .41 'BROTHER • MARBLE MASONS, 594 Liberty street, near Seventh, FrL MARBLY WORKS their friends; nd the public etenstalin that the/ 0ffL . .. 1 WORKS at the above stand. whoe they kwy op hand a law *apply of beautiful MARBLE MANTUA , ' of Grecian and tiothic Mlle. SHOOK SSTS. TOMBS, READ STONES, FURNITURE' BLABS.. .he.. which they off. at .tremely low price. Marble In Sleek, Ma* and sawed to order. Cemetery lota enoloeed, with WOn and ff. ,, Pdrt 81 .4. apl4 NICHOLSON 4 PAYNE. Mosaafootorera of . 00UAING OTOVIB, GRATIGS, FRONTS, PiNDEBII, O. - - Liberty West, opposite Wood. 1211ARNESTLY direot attention to a LOW and handsome pattern of PARILIt STOVE. just so=oletset; also. so their new pattern. of coal WOE LEO orov_HO, known as the . .Keystone etate" and the' . Weet. ern roar.. Three Stores In 00000001 of thillb. OCOUOUST of mealy. and soundness of =starlet. ;annuli anything of the kind yet Oared to the public. In addition to toe Artistes alluded- to above. their general .100 k 00... f .T.f7Lbhkt in theft peeellar line:with the moat goose ed Improvemente in tern/ of real ut/Iltr. Platform end 'Counter SOLLES.Bark Mills. Wagon es . Hollow Ware; flad and oog Ireru4 Bog. and Tea Kettles. Lc, fa pow Ns safety of et and Knish. An Inepection to sodelte.t. _ - TOOL.WORXB, CORNER OF FIRST AND LIBERTY STREETS, PITTIBVRGH, PA. . • . , .. . ' MACIIINISTBI i TOOLS of every variety, mob . IRON PLANNRS, Slid. sad Eland TURN- We/AVMS. DRILLING ,AIILDIILDZO. 11a. &a, paria• botitrod to onto.. 1.12 ' JOSUPLI Y. MOULTON .t. 00. 7rTrrstq-rimPpsqi.gli,lopaii!rmv)rVm l • • Joni do Quigg. MANTTFAiOTEMERS of Spring and BS* . tar at.), Planta Blab Sta*4.l3tal Plough Wings. slut Ellptto Springs; Bram , . Nut Tax.. lira Patent. Boron Hull and Ilanunered Iron Lslar—Ooroar ot lione and !Inn stn. Manure , . ' D.B , vL ANUFACITUREM cf Roger's Patent 1 Improved Steel Cultivator Tooth—Comer tor and nit street+. Pirtaburab. Coach ailitarrime Factory JOntIaTOZI, BTOTIIER k. CO. EoRNER Etelmohtand RObecou stroato, allratmuy city. would raped/1111y 1.-forma tholO and lb. pat on° gennallr. that the:- as alumni. Iwring Baronotwa. hockawara Haulm hd hl nd Chariots. n all their varimu aryl.. of anion and pro pardon. All order. will be moots& with strlot reganl to dam bllltr and bunt) of finish. Ilnalm .1.0 b attended to on tho mart rawanablo taloa What In all their work Um bat Eagan khans. Pole. and W hml Staff, &hay art maddAnt that allwho .ftwor. thorn with Maa ir r patrono• will hi PoHtMly sarldlid oa teal of that: work. Parr-hum aro ra mated to ohm than I. call beta. par almsdnit olmewhara. Penn Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh. ENVEDY, CHILDS ' & CO. Menuteu Wt . toren of " to= A. N.l hoary 4-4 neat:logic Jarpel Malta of all colon sod almia., Caddo Wi Co no; Bad rdx Plough Musa and Bash Cord; Moo of all dug and deactiotio girOr.4.l hat at tbe U III Sian of U... W 1.... I Co.. 131 Wad Mee 111 boo. latsudork. I val.' f . Herron & Criswell, SELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, ANUFACTURERS of oil kinds of Brass to Work,_Lotootirs..Btem Selene, Plumber,. ar. A l otton lianaforturers. Pommy, 8.b..= otreet, I ho. U. Market 8. S A .P_Vir ' grat r nd ie . lrea V g " ;a7l:ll7.fer . park, or ash paid., °Nan left at tbe Foundry or Onles. ow be &W.I to punctually. Colony New Coach .Paciory—Allegheny. M. A. WUITE fr. CO. would et speedrull• We nn the potato that they hay. an Lean% between Yaledal and Sandusky streeta. Thaye. now math fad one weaned to node. =way thee= letdoteaooenttea Chartotee Ea. de, 'ehletn Crow their to anelienee hh the enenothetore or the aim. work, thothtlie thertierees-they OW tonadeot they are enabled to do work on the soon maenad* herr ellti thine wentlotrarttelee to their Line inazrolder attention to th e seleotion of oesortte/s. and maw :but' coospetrat Iroarten. Owl tease no hewing/cm n eartantios their work. lir e thereby. set the ettentten of the yohlto to Ws matter. 11. B. lispallinit done in the best 61.G.P-Or, sod on the mod reennestale terms 1•20-tf ---- - - Lots & Braun. (FRESCO, Ilona; Sign and Ornamental . Painters sod Upassors.Nit.4o.llfarkst stoma. tostsroso d ant Third. st. illtAborgb. AU !stadia Paintings for Marsh., aroma, aO, WS• tor sad oil alms. dons to the roost qaod • riz .t 4: I'm.. Wont Window froltAttoe of Wood. 0.u...1 t i m i gr e ma nt r of P:AntAlsts e l r Letters. seal.., I A. BROWN would moot respectfully in ay . tona the public that be teeth ou bead. ed his steed _fereartlistt ' re? igaluiti4V.Vgaglfitti: tars ue woule to orde. ht the belt kyle. werreatiod meal to any la the United BMW. Ma BOMA eau be removed without Um old et stern Grim. illorlito ourebeaul the ittotilt,tsols. . woad tba-Cableet istsblishmout or litatoauy Molllslleed,l orthawd to forti oh their old oustootinw. se well se th e oublto et lava with everything la their line Agency. No. 6 Wood atreit, Pitteberah. loath J. A.. BROWN. W. WOODWELL, Wholesale:anti Retail E t4 NNITT & BRO., Manufacturers of Plain and ranep Eneklazlaain and Orem Wars. Odin* attbealanotantory.oornar of Waab• lngton and Manila stmts. Birailnithain. appoint* Pitt* burgh.. inarlabily OIIN WETIIERELIO Manufacturer of PATINT WAIIIIXX VICES, • ooprrlor !wild*. SOLID X and DRAM , BOX MU. corner of AlriaT•ol34thi &Naomi iroy m stts .Qtr. ons pun from Um Iliad Bunt Bridoo. Alloith agar roll 7. V? IS. 51106. 7008010.111. Penn. Glue Work& LORENZ BzWIGIEITIVIAN, MANUMOTURERS of all kinds of 'VIALS. BOTTLES, . Sd WINDOW GLASS, 63 W ui 66 Vrout streets. Pittsburgh. . N. Be—Portloolar afloat:lon void to odd to.. of Whs. dog , OW and private moulds for Bottles and Viols. soon - • - _ Filth Street Stockier Factory. abaft*, Energy, and Economy best geode in Children', llote,Men's I &aka UM., MOW. and Drawora uld o sawn". tarees od-ta, at too AIM .from 'faking Foam . all Ludo fact lad Fro moot. MO AI:VANOS IN PIGS. WM. DALT, • Noma, natty. 6th fileti.bet•sen Wood Maret. - W. W. WALL6OE, STEAM MARBLE WORKS, 889. 821 wed 323 Liberty straw, vposite bu2Alegi area, P1T1118019218. • anONIIMENTS, Tombs, Cleave Stones, lineultnro Tops. Mantels, Iswewinw Stone.. As on howl and nano to Order,or m n u k inerY. lowest yew*. Throe hoodra t dzi i glair anegu B wad li t tamt="if the lowest prices. A ll onion Alton with dasteh at 14borty stt. W. W. WALL/Wt. DRY CRXIDB L. las= a 00., _areessaaaa...—a. AITOOIT CO. 114 ToRI A A. MASON & co.. 'Wholesale and Retail rs • Diet," ha latliry and Staple My Ooodo, 26 Mb gnat. Pittabarid. MURPHY & BI7I3OHFIELD, Wholesale uul Dri GaAs Merchant., corm of Yourtb arlut Meets. Muhl:nat. HSDIOIAS. Dr. JaMOll King, OPFIOD end Reg(ham No. 112 Path tryst. opposite the cathedral, Pittsburgh. 103.14ii:y4:1 SCOW; DINT ST , rth etr:et,/#O , IT:adiZiud.4.f AGUCtES A OARD A:VINO been epointeii the esolutove. Agent. tor Plttnlin , Cr o tbo solo of Polant - BlvotO rod awl Stretched Mar Halting, monufseturod t 1 P..IIIW;LL t SON, of Hartford, Oonn.—Wo now off or forialo • large omortniont of oil the widths, sounfaettr• od. at the manufcturer's prism, hit *Aida being Imp.. rior to any Loather Pnltlng over before offered In thla market Also alu ertaf f 'al olf R Bolting constantly so on band, o andlorvita sale l:W ot t lndia bo "Bootl ubber e* 6.lUngD"" ' " 3"6 Ihrk."U rkll PHILLIPS. arptd 'Lewis' laud.lignige Office. Aro. 2 &. Oiair Street. ,WIIERE note% Steam Beate and Private V iteanowwill be fluitlthid with 1100 e 641trantfi, aed • aptgly Austin Loomis, .4:AL.ESTATE AQENT, Stock, bier ebarals• and BIN Orokor. O. No. N. /fourth Wood. 101.11sugonsa on:motif attended W. QA.MUEL L. MARBERALL, Sooratary di 1.7 wee lasurase• Oa, 94 Winn street. UT P. JONES, Agent of the Ireuranoe Co of North hroortoa.l4l Front of. GORDON, Secretary Western Iran. 1 . • MOO 00, In Water int. . : . . -..t f9r D. a i Mo. GAUDIN= 0011111% Arid;lor . Minseameas °°""'. OW araw a Wood soooaszvcriTrAiri ; • PITTSBURGH . , SATURDAY . SIORNING, NOVEMBER 5, 1853 THOMAS LITtLE, er. T4rn7t B.4lthof firm Robison, Little2Co.) . T. LITTLE lir. CCL •.WitOLEBALZ GROGERB. PRODUCE &COMMISSION MO,0 11 "" AND DNALIIRS IN 1 . PITISRIIRGE MANTIYAOIITh9qi, . Na 111 13sco. • PITTSBURGH. VILT ILLIAM M. A. M'OLUBG Ctrooer and • Tea Dealer, corner of Weal and Ellsth Streekle, have always on hand a large seeortment of chola fi mew lee and One Tess—Foreign heats . and Nuts) Wholesale no d Unnnn. Denier. enralled on the loweat Wm*. MT= . . Cheese Warehouse. MENRY IL 'COLLINS, Forwarding and • Commission Moretunt.aza Dealer In Ohno..l3otenr. Plan and Produo• penondly, TS Wood !Itln.n, •bOt. Water Pinaburgh m73l W. I. -.aura I Jo_WM; , BAGALEY & 00., Whatosale Oro oars, Noo.lB and 20 Wood .treat. Pittaburab, OLIVIA t 1.101.3171.11.. ~ ~ , ~.. . _, _.......010. 3. A.S. BLACKBURN Vo . ., T * Wholesale Gro I)_. cars. _Boat Fundentra. and *alarm In Prodo. wad P! tabargh HannAhatorats 011a,_ Mali and Oakum abrar on 11. d 3i,t.tialr Warehouse, 141 Water attest. Pltteburg lz _I !TP/ 2 7 _- , '' • A. Lt. tasaann. 0 . 1:1R,11 Z & INORAILUI, yiliolesalo Groom and Oommindan Marabanta. NO. lit Wot. a t. and 160 Ping street. littabnigh•' RILEY, MATTHEWS & 00., Wholesale ratlifTiTatoxrCksttira. Y 7 77 Waer l . l Pittnittglt. rOal Whim 01. EN WATT & CO., Wholostalo Groom Oogurtheion MurahauhNurid Nalco In, Pro(Mee aad bu t gth, burgh Manufacturr. bia UM Marty , stmt. PI , ' _ _. ... jB. CANFIELD, late of Warien, OLIO, • tboamludon and Vorwirllng=ohent„anotWholw • Dealer In Weetarn Reaerve , Diar rot .4 Neel Ash. end Wedeln Produce renerallr. {Valor greet. between DinlthAdd ond Wood, Plttaburgh. • .110/12*1 MOM. SAIAII DICKEY & _ Wholeeale Oro eat„.ooaurthorlott Mereliants, sad Deaden in lhoduce 0. 66 , Water; ast4 107 Illont amt. Pittabangb. PUN D1N1UL......711113 D. mram..:....1441.1“ a4s. NI -GILLS & ROE, Wholcicle Grocers and 0494m1id00 lambuns, No t 194 Liberty Mod. gaurgh. II OBERT MOORE, Wholecale , Grocer, Ilsotlfylnd Dlst/Ills, &odor In !Prodns, and all kinds of Yondgn sod Domwtle sod Linwnif ti 0. alb Liberty stmt. On Intnd • =large stook Or 119PlliVE old Slononsabala Wklaksy, will be sold low tor easb. ROBERT DALZELL k 00; Wholesale t " rl.Nogd t=%azotu 010 LbeT itr.ntaugh. OD" 0. inci„ ottainmus. WICK & BCOCANDIESS, nommen to ' y v L. D. J. D. Wkk, intotasals &moan. Donrardiaa — mamiadeallerabantm,desLnials. . jI L AM :11 ilt b = i p, """114. itCULBERTSON, Wholeaala Gilmer and • ladon Merchant, Dealer En Prodnas asul baral4 Ch3t l lttPitt. h iltaimalatared Artleir, 196 Liberty groat. Pith . . D.. - NITAIADIS h CO.,' Wholesale and • aitall nuidly Grows, Forwardtos and Ournsingiall sad Dalai pontes Prodec• sad Pittsbursh 111Letaree . 1, eo oc Wood sad 1111th Oa. Pittsbano. & R. FLOYD, Wttolesale (heelers, COM • nandon Worehonta, end Donlon In Produce—Maud nod. Oniklinso. frooottnn on Monts. Wood. and Sixth otenota.Ptneburgh. • • -- - • T " subscriber would respectfully inform Ole • friends. and the pabUn that he bas atoned the house lately sectioned' by. - steam. Mercer it Robinson soy oar of Water Alley and Federal at, AlleshanY_ ‘ Grs the DotTose of 4olas a reenter Faintly Groorry and Toe Blvd. uses. when Le bops. by • lose attention nod file Magian to omit a share of patrolman WILUAN Vll&Nttit MUSICAL INSTRIMaIirrEL OHN H. - MELLOR, Denier in Pilaw Fates, musk,. sw Markel bartramaretta, &hull 3Locata. siari Bair spat gar Otakatarbaer . Piero /cut., Par Woolen Inralio—Ne.lll Wood 4. ENRY KLEBER, Dealer in Mnaio , Mu. deal Ineendaeste bt d lealaeter of laded Tisza witiaTltan lDi = Mug s t.. AVNTe pnalladei F ; t ~: a ;~~ ~i: t,r .~~:1 ~: (~~ rip B. CALVERT 00., Dye-Sinkers, IL • kagraver+.l4aatsamets taftlope hiumfasto Ii ad /Knot. 11,11•18.18,11 Ia. saNtt , BCll[lCTlMAN'B'Lithograph. r a llistsvot Ei. =4l . ta st :Lti L i7l4 kaada, ajkat i' Labola.AMlaataral *ad Maeda* Daafaaa gad %Wan/ Nada. baa "Mad at drawn an Rata. and pentad la- wk.. Gold. ram% ar EWA. la ILa mart andaral atria: pad at 44 mad mama Ha • a ~ • ' 4•6.1• At(s6t --- IVA (Suooessor to Murphy & Lep, b.. 1.,. aad Cosaink* It•trat • • woolly. G.A.. no. Iv I.4•Npft.llnol ••• .': I - C. - WARRINGTON,' -- (DIPLOMA.) I ADIES'd. OIIILDREN'S 8110 E, STORK. rte Ass slow. on band • full norlrttooot. Zia. foune. Pittalrurgli. a•MO..IzA BREAD AND CRACKERS. IRON CITY PILOT BREAD and CRACK ILE BhAXEY, Zia SIT Llberty stuet, oppoatte lb. b.. 4 of SmltldS.l4. .i urelu.klwofll.ll..Nowta6Crsiksraad Pllel Broad mastitis's., I am➢ prepared ea ell all anima tar (Ina, ars or Pllot Bread at th• ShOrtut Iluperlorramlly Broad. By. sad IllsPesed• llnsad. large sad small Bolls, Rash 00000 morulag. • OUlssubosl., Motels, ate., supplied ale b.daad soft Dread, N allatmea. erg Oakes sad ,Contseldosar7 lesalli sod male srds , ISsPel t. J. SWIPLUILD. THOMAS WOODS, OOMMEROIAL BRO4ER, sw •5 iisrlvst Urea,, ' . PITTPIWISEILI. • lIIAVING established mytelf as above, I am now prepare to reoelve OONSIONMENTP. or PLISEI OF 0001)5 d or ever? deeoHptlon, which nen b. sold In Ole market. and Ibr the ealoot Isaiah every exer tion entitle seed. ~ .. , . .. All orders for *lttetrunth Blauudiotures will lb* prompt. Is ettanded to. Particular attention BAIL xiVell tr. the ands and Ord. lean*. of Notes. Draft.of Paohenio. and tito NU , obese mod dale of Stooks. 'BP endwtry wepensounl stisation to all business In. trastd 11.11 " 1 bop to merit "' WIZ rr00111: Pittsburgh. April ri. uu No -23 BUD & DE LANE,' DEALEBB IN HIDES, LE4HEN, AND OIL • ' 911 Liberty street, (ems or :we GOLDIN norws,) Tbey — keep oil beads, et ill times, general eetortmentof Leather. for Ilheentatery and Mere' use; aloe. show:utast Irtntilage. Toole; We. %DIN . BARD & Di !ANON. Hew- Leather Store G. MOWRY, late of thO firm of R. Bard, . No. 233 Liberty ormet, omega the head V Wood s i t il met:Wholmalisisisd retail dealer In LNATUNit, ULM, and OIL, has Put ratuniod from tn. last:end la DM" receiving largo amortmett of /mother. comelstinrs pt— :WI Solo. Baltimore Loath's: Philadelphia and hatch OelGtlol Morocco and Hide, of all deossiptionmillodlng and Lining eking and • general ismortment of liWings. Dareburd my entire stook for trosh. I aingleparad to sell low. for rash. I would theft* tree to eall and ego:nine my Mock belmaporolomini eWnwhors. mht4 nAVING reftived my SPRING STOOK of Goods; I . will be Maimed to ohms Qum to tor o and those wanting anything la lay .11ne. YT stook thls Rprlog to my large and complete. conotottult of Win Delatime,_Branoleul, vorstad and tattoo Detainer. Dammam and Menem; Elnan,. nod hint= jum and small Curtains. of mientild 5171.. and OneWn Goods ot all ithodm Prinett sod AmeHean and BOW On , g: 4 jai 3 O b i ttrl4; =ara mlolatlre and .. for wmatr Bllnem v.mitlan Blinds of all Mods. 9oders promptly ells& WM. NOBLX.. mh3o. NEW SEED STORE. lames Wardrop, (IF/KU for sale OANALRY BIRDS of the armed bath i t ww7tel7 sal Rt. kt g rilifir Dosowto vlll7.ifirralenta t istlf wd Aunt FLOWERS. Ws E'.. 110.. i strig i rgi l arllVOlE.V. t rirl=ctut h a W e e& OARD. State Official Interpreter M. J. ROSE ; Interpreter of Foreign , vv._ Lug UMW iu and Mr the Gommoninalth of Peon s mule. to raid. in the alt? of. Pittsburgh. OttilllT of Alentwoy.. may b. found every day fromx.orotil C.. in the Quarter &Wong Gout, Itoom.' or at No. 190 Fourth street. Bonds, Dula, !Fortnum, Powers of At torney, and all lanai or other wri tinge, 'shallower, tun. lategfrom or into the German. Irenoh, Italian and grub fah Unguagen , with untrue CM d hutch. mol AItIMINTY LANDS,--C , I x tt. Charles Nia; Attorstir at. Law,No.l(l3 Wit , control y, tattoo wads arnotionasti for tin outpost, wt procure Donuts Lando for aloes and soldiers. tit* widows and dints's:nand will 'ltem' to SAY ethar bo. , owl, wrintoted with Ms gareinUlartt Or IMP of Its Down mots, the Petition Ofaina or the Musts at the CHIT of Washington.• , 'allinitt . . • 14. 1 . 3 2S N TER um a r Merchant . Tadl4. and Ok, on paid to Sue and Übe' Olottdon. nortry • 111111. DIGBY, Bien/haul Drs I V ..,iod'Pearclnii.tplibilitaloyahls.,llll ' LI WATTS CO., Merobani Tenon, 181 seed Veetines.lo the ;sewed striae sad , Weeds ead outman Atli el / e” Ow* so Lean se W. NOBLE, Upholsterer end Dealer in Ophalddirnr_, Whotomb , Ind Estill. Mr& 4,04. n. map MRS. II I E. ItAsmoNABLE DRICSSUAIPtIt A and MILD= An. .ymib in ten i 7.4,171) nirnegitn. biliwated IPitt4burgh Coach FiLotorT. . CO, 46, Diamond Slay, noaTialigi,„ 4 ,„,4" 4 "'" 111111WW..PeOf Horses Trimming More. los. imams' a CO: have now in sZoro of • FULL aro= id Many. Glow; able& Ilm , sll. Collar.. emat*, HILLINIULy woos .4 0, Td row ttriit t irrg! " I V41:1; "" "nu sola one ra 'born WI WING GROCERS ;_.,_.~ ..~.:.., ^.~ . ~,. ~, ~w....~.~ gym,. _ .~..~;~.:.._. - I . ' IfoOLIN TOOK, Importer and Nirhole ...ll:ll and u lte i rlU t r.r Iviaxprileff, Ploord H 81 .. 11 Bolt Tituningi, a., troim r lOWA a. Imam WORD ' CO lIOLE SALE & RETAIL PABICION ABLE • • A .'!;•'• • HAT`-AND OAP MANUFACTURERS. • LltD DIALIWS IN ALL ED= 01.10 . 118. COINEN ok , WOOD AND 118 Th BM Pittsburgh, Pa. rairThair stack styl• It Listaan al and Cana dv , rat% &NW Cud. and Fur Dan ta. tkrnd JACOB FORS H, Jr I 108wARDime AND coiaussioa Breapiirt 1y,68N0.69 WATER. STEMS PITTSBUNGIL 6.91 k •- - - • & NOBEL I • ' A ROILITEUTS—Officoo: Philo Ili% No. 70 Wed attest, ?Mot:mash: sod out, We or Ms Alloobony. blltat FAlimpici.e,_.gkixwas, Lan xreirraos ROBINSON st CO., Ns. al Pink Oft*ll4 near WOO4l, HAVE. on nantralargo.and choice assort- AL" moot of CAAPITINGS, of the latest end mat beaattfed patterns, oonsfeting el -Royal Palest agleam • Telemetry .and Braude Carpetr, and Iftrrene Carpets, • l'"" Ttned 3" sadValr Venltter Carp tg Together with leery d o etelBtlonalow priced Carpeting. Prom three to tat .r fe4t wide all qualitlee end Sgrt Ittrdart= ah lltir . 2 . ll b ltntr itheir Bode, W. MATTINGB Ca.toag; White and Cheek 44. and 64 wides• from 04 to 64; ail of width .• LC be otters/ at the LOWEST CUSH PRIM. . ulna JOHN WATT & CO.. v HOLZSALE GROOKRS and Odmmla 'Mon otozonsat6—Dadins In HO. Vro.dua• .4 31634 burgh tl.aamta:w,_No. 168 Marty Woo have on' bud and ramming the WW•lng good*, which n offor at 149 10w...1 cornet My,- 33,0 ltio Coffee: 3 cam Itqualrion 11 tr. vtllte",rl=. raMltirarr,' • 83 Man 8. 11. Mow.. 217 bnini Sable /3•ln, 110 OWL N.O. 11,4%. 6 411 P .. " ' 5 4 1. ; I I b 4ll 41: re7.r IStamob; C 1 8 Obis. 111. Tnalitnio; 64114 aotorted 8611 a: 6