The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 24, 1853, Image 4

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    Jamo, 'dams 24. 1863.
:.: rhua Cu Otiolama i ... -
- -
fip. 4111/011b ABOUT OABDE3UO.
*Ai many of our readers. have selesded their
.. ' ode and made all the necessity propiratlaifor
:- - ardenlogl. The rapidly spy/wishing
' mtiorgardea seeds should be lathe gratin& May
.. require to bplauied eorly, in this latitude, that
th 4 plena may . be, imitated before they are ex
posed to early !rout -
. . A first and an Important consideration In the
formation of a kitchen garden, Ls
. , .
It hi perhaps better, ail things considered,
that it 11b011111.h&TO 11 - gll/1110 1111C11110110D toward
the ,oath-east;. yet a northern aspect is,for some
purposes, perhaps preferable. Lome Vegetables,
rub as eauliflower, peaa, epinach, Me; yield
: more sbastlantly when not exposed to the direct
action of the ann.
A moderate elevation is preferable to 'either
bill or valley-- Conrcnienee of access should
also be duly considered. Bat the moat Impor
tant matter, in selecting location, is as to
This should he a rich sandy loam. A depth
'of two orthree feet Is desirable. If Ale 7 0,0 "
be obtained, and a stiff ciay or gravel soil is ee
linted, see to it that it is corrected' by a judi
cious admixture of fine loam. A alliody soil la
improved: by the addition oftimo, plaster, ashen
and vegetable manorr;,whiles stiff May soil
demands such vegetable and animal manure as
tends to the separation of Its partial% - Hence
the necessity of litter, rind4:ther animal and
• vegetable manures. Limo d plaster also op
orate favorably, and char° is esteemed by
111110.711/1 a very 1100 feltilli3e; It /11110110 pow
er of absordlng rations gasse•g"from atmoe
pliers and readily yields thetoto growing plants.
But remember that manure of some kind is es
sandal to the garden; with itthe gardener (undo
• every Mice; without It nothing.
DIPIII AND ItILLOII/771111 or rut som.
Tide mast by secured; It Is. the-secret of all
sticrissful gardening. The roots of garden
plentaisitend themaelves to a great depth lathe
/mil In search of nouriehment. Their delicate
librile Save been traced to the depth of several.
feet." Damning remark,, . "I have seen the roofs
of strawberries extend five feet down in rich,
deep'Coil, and these plants bore a crop of fruit
' See times as large, and twice as handsome and
good's the common product of a soli ene foot
A deep tram has other advantages. It not
only •.•piermits the escape of water after
heavy rain,, but by its capillary attraction ab
•-. sorbs - and therefore fa:tidies a ouPPIy of oriolz
tare Awing a protracted drought In flat the
; only suitable, for the garden is -a deep met
= low 1011;11. cold clay soil, or a rich loam of a
few inches in depth reefing upon a clay substri
, flambe not : worth the trouble and expense of eel
: •In the.selection of
' a ails for i garden it is well
". •-• u , :rmeteferetice to water. An abseadont sup
, • • ply of water 13 obsoletely necemary. London re
' maske;Ahaf,"many kitchen crops ere Jest, or
produced of inferior quality, for want of water.
init.:l:Lettuces end oibligei are often hard and
• . stringy; turnips and : radishes do not airell;. on.
' • lot:Bidet:ay; Ouliflowims die off: and, in dry sea ,
eons' become Alined or covered with imeota even
••• in'xini3deep nails. Copious waterloo in this even.-
- Inge" daring ihudry masons, would prodnce that
. • Winces and mittoulency which we. find in tie
Vegetables piodnor.d in the Jow,countrleo and In
the Marsh Gardens at Perla, and In Enaland at
begloping and latter end of the season."
lIILICTIOIf 07 axone. '
After you have gone to the expense and frau.
• ble bf laying ant and preparing your' garden, be
careful In the selebtica of the clioleeet seeds.
Many of the Bemis annually offered for Bala are
wortrdess; they are either of an inferior variety,
or hive lost their vitality. This Is exceedingly
• vexatious to the gardener, and we know of no
way hf avoiding txbut by knowing front whom
you procure your seeds. Possibly an enterprie
mg neighbor or regular seediman, maybe able
to 'ripply you. If not you are liable to
• be de
GAIDXS 70010. -
We need scarcely remind the reader that the
gardener abould be well prodded with the im
' plements of his art. lut these, the spade, the
' hoe and the rake-are indispausibla. Others
toned:wlUAe valuable aisistents, and in their
selection, much diacriMination should be ezer •
• •,..,citeit eto It thst they are kept in con-:
. , ap
limotte poaltlon,:and at :the same time kept
• v..;.;'brOtxxid tileai. •• Remember the old etandard
d - pkee for every (Nag, end eery
ffiNGLABB.L2OO Coopezi
twamed.34 lbr J.EIDD in
I' , A , RTISTs , , COLORS,
COO yds:T.BBlM CIPITIMI, diZatlit blOidtblg - •
111 , 34 Palette NOWT. O Parte Cra77o2lC
• 1 vale. Mull. VoznlAh. 8 dns. Ilketchinz Daum
IA neon Colarc, assorted, In Tabs. •
A 1... &Twist, clobber Id ntorial fn Artists. suo.alcrays
en Land—• lin& supplying. men &co far rate by '
.7, Emu * 00.
Blita and Fancy Bilk&
IrPHY it . BURCHF lELD have just
. . awakd r o are d: sairtmeat of the eboie Oceda. ialn,
, sad Woo, printed end yllaha Holm De.
ehaee: Tainted Chaney.; printed Orearilmq and Beftg.K
m.its _de Nue; Niue D.. latnec thins Sllkr. BPIVII
. Mauls: tootle-walk:l bwin Camel sad Dana tlXneelM
.' llustivetalre Collars. Csara, ka- . • .•
. • . Sir NeerCloade anemias every day. • . ' (tohlo
IG LEAD-50 pi.
br - Imblo
Lead, jape rtio'd and
B. et OBTSDN a CO.
SUNDRIES -25 hhas. N. 0. Sugar;
400 blds. N. o.sfolassw; 000 bbl.. Lake Trout - Rile
- 100 " .INbito Mk, , 100 at blds. 404
' 140 It r.1,61‘. 404 , 60 bble. oe.l 54100 an:
76 bbla OZ. a Port: PC. btdo.
Lb:used 011: .7b bbla =all white Bog=
60 " Balcsrug 40 " , Pearlozb:
100. Pried App leg OS " Olovorwed ; •
20 Massoody 10 " B OW: -
; =CO Ibtdprzl so eat ehoeer, 20 00m do. do ;
aphis. 1/ 10 kory !Intl:, 2 ba.l 664+6 P elts:
" Poems; 2 mks Be
In store - Pod foe br , J. B. CI72IELL • ,
.• • , , - de. 141 awl 143 Front greet
- I.II.KABLASII-1.0 oasts arime Pearlash,
foresail by J. B.: DILI.VORTH a f7D.
Wood strolt.
LiACON.;•;-12u,04.10 lbs. toscortad Bacon, is
coola-hause (bought a: =a reduced ran.) and
'art, nortmon a 00.
aota • . , - 742 and 4.14 Liberty Knot.
0. 61:T0L8..--40 hhda., fart) liriame,.
• sten aid tot sale
cd'r by !lents t Box.
)•.7UOAB HOUSE =LASSES-10 bbla
Bug.? ne." 10 "" 4 Pn= "1,111112
bbls.- No. 1 Laniffil; /01:b 1 3 7,
m 66 • iv Ucatea qtLfor sale by
11ACON0 prime Shoulders; and • 400'
dada "' 4 " " 1117 , Iretru.s a Roz.
LACON, LARD. ko:--7 calks Bacon, hog
!rant T bbII. No. 1 Lad; ball do. do: bbl.
% now Lading from armor Rama. Gr solo br
oalaS - Wain wad Prod dr
6r ag•b/ rtzthbl MALLUI I ROL.
NO • :S&13:-450 bbls. prime, in
• . ..k.for sal. br. Na 1.53 IdeGILLB BM
'CHRIED BEEF-5 bble. just reo'd and for
fikBANGEB--2O boxes Oranges, in prime.
a'ir rant nerd br W. A. IladLUB4l k CO.
1 EMONS , -20 - boxed Lemons to arrive,
la fa; ma* by. W. 'A. MeOLUIIII t co..
nhr. • • tor. Wood end 81:th stre•ta.
611 ND It LE 8--
10. so Md. Woo new Sonar; ZOO bb4.14.0. Kamer.
SO bblw. amp Molsoaa 60 do •
110 buns W. n.(lbee66:l ; Sao bogal. bl.
Dry Ao;!.10
10 604. DoU Batts. 30 ken /V.l Ler&
SW lb. now Ewen 1 100 bbis. Olonr Bak
20 demo. Oodesb; 60 bus. 71moth do
100 bbl. Ne 1 664 98.1 m, 60 MILL gib%
400 Dom Itiodow42l6ro bo no. and fo, N. by -
DRIED.APPLES —lOO aka. Dried Apples,.
• -•-.441.4" " ' d " : 1.14 IL DAL 7.11114 Ai CO:
CLOVER SEED-150 bushels Clover Seed,
in store sea kr WA Dr IL. !MULL t 00.
I EMU. PRMS—/Ceecond-hand Letter
kterm4... wood " 1". to 1/3. 66 Wood stmt.
irALAZ=Sir DLUTONDS—A new lot of
LT rho asaitsygrovid.bnr.d. the sale by.
mr..."-* five. IlitrOlPtr, YU:
12 V rit l , 7.l: - .tuT•nr,vg.
8 ." - Moapheno4l Ulmer . or Winter 88818
• 3 " Shinty' 17ckskr Net nal MI for br
mbi J. 8•131 D t 00, 03 WBOl stmt.
QIX OriOSS Lowes broom Windeor.BOAP
la—lusiveed armi sla by. '
Uld OPIUM-150 lbs. Gumo4inny/1 and for gala by J . KIDD a
DRY APPLES-16 asobs and 4 bbla., in
stew, Su who
wiuTz BEANS - 12 bbla. and 5 sacks,
la Atom% mraW Dr
' i gab• - - SITT. MATTHEWS YOO.-
OLASSES-40q bble. Plemtation, 'oak
pi-kis:a; SAO dt:.. do i amc i a n s
O. SUGAR - 200 Sugar,
!astern , sad to for ale b
N y- _ e
27,000 75 1pttr019149,9.6 , 1171.w.
• ' 50 661:110.11 . 1jrnr
16 661.131airamel4 90 lb Ihalku maw
600.blith.DU AP P.ll 9}lar.Battorr:
6 parelars. p_a for Auelly naer, _ _
lot salary flablj 6 LULITINDLLWOKUI ROI
INN.,ISION-100 iitas .. a store ad f or
4'4 DT ram, 'KIDD i CO.
_ _
O,BEESE-1 00 bniei prima W. R. Cheep:,
hatred, Ina mg Nagar •
110TATOBB--Niabannock and Bed Pots
I DALT.= 3 00.
No. 1 Larg in t a lsora, for
BRIT. 11 6&00:
'Ailllo ke
Rsal •tir hub
•ICLEAVEIVE{ tit hp;
, .No. (488.1
WILLSIO.S. Ptecident of the Altai Etats,' of Acme.
ca, do. br reier, and nate anoint. that public
Sales arlll b eheldat the andenneadloned lewd Offlout la
the Entre of I.OWA. at the perk& haretnattat &situated,
to Wit:—
- At the Lend 01Roe stILANCITILLE. =monolog all
MONDAY, the &rib des of June next. fn. the iihromml of
the POP. lamb wltoin the following tamed township
and truth:mai township.. els:
NoriA of the bare line and ;vest of the fifth printipea
rational trethuhin ifttrourren end township [Ate
eight. of ago thirty..
inacti - nsi town-tino thrtyworan and township ate.
<lett, a ranee thin. -three.
weny aly eirteesern and townships sirte.
„Las,, ndel-um sensate gee, andywin IteTientl
..,.. a aerapelght, of range thirty-4a
lreetletulapnea. misteporen tOTll.bill . I X I 7 .
eistpana. uffentr. arffent7 . o.l onwentr4wo.
" .p ."" ffi l. t e oVnt i trrigieWitr ne
oght. ditl , llll , . my nerantrone, seemly..
swoonterta.e.entrenren. Ltd wr t y Is h f range
Vrattionsl township siXtreanen end taernstdin a sirrY•
ode. sixty nine. amity. eerente.orm savonty.a.
...ate ma, neventylonr. seventy-len. erventreis.
enventywenen. and eerventrelsbt, of ran. ne.n.
' At the LUIZ PLACE. commenting. MONDAY. the
iv dny t [June next, tee the diaral or the public
lands within the undermentioned townships and itta.
Wool townships.
North of the Lase line and tout of the fifth p.incipal
saerkliazt. .
Pratt's.] township slaty even sal townships I Ist,-
.Ight. eistrnins • seventy, seventy-one.
sennity4tines. seventy.foar weventy.livs wcrent7wi,
vaventyweveo. and esvantpeight. of ramie tbirtywneht.
• fractional township sistyweven aed kart:whip. rdsti•
debt: sistywaste, seventh escrantywnr., saventy•two.
soncatf.titswe; aeventrtnis. seventrAve.'asid,seventi•
'edght.oi mess
fra,tional tan:only sixty wren and township! sixty.
tight. sixty-sdne. seventy. *emits....
eeventy.thsew saventy.tour. seventy Pre. se enty-ds,
seventy...yen. leventy.eiabt, seventy-cane, and, eighty.
at range fort) ,
At the DAMP PLACA. pmmenciag en MONDAY. the
sieventh day of lair nczt, tor the disposal of the public,
lends situated within the limits of the Zoilowhes town
ships and (monorail township., vie:
North of the bus line an.ri cut of the fifth principal
Frictional township elety-mven and townehips tasty.
eight. sixty-nine. Mrenty, serentpone, mventy-iwo, err
•ntyAhree. mrentr.tonr. emety-five.seventy•elx. Poen• revantreisht. eavanty.ins. eighty end either.
one, of range fortv.ona.
Prettily townshipeinty.ven and townships sixty
eight. ii.ety•rdne. Mrenty. es se venty-oze,parent/ two. ter
enty.ttam, Amanty.four, eeventyAre; ementrels. seven
tpeerra. saventyelght, sevente-nine. eighty. ant nigh•
trove. of rents fortptwo.
Fractional townehipe sintreevon. alsty.eight.and arv
inty.o4, and tnwrodups smenty•tero, nventy.thrre,sev•
nary-four. aunty Are. 'event - rein, seventy-amen, ear
mtp.einht. aunty-nine, eighty. andeishty one, of sante
Fractional townehlos eirtyalght, teTalaty-Ineolaventy
brodmsty4lree, semutrfour. severap.flve. seventy.
ninaturentr•neren. end termmhiPs seventy•elpht and ay.
entpedna of range fortyfour.
Perreetional• townships meaty-ein. serenty-neven, on
intr....led.. and ementPolnes_of Lorry-ton.
rag n 6
Oftice at POST DS hItIINE.B, coalmen.
ena =War. ihe thirternth 4. ,- or Jane nest. far the
Crated of the public land. within the Links of the an.
aernteuttoned tam:mitts and parte of townships. to wit:
Nortti Hof tha bale line and tecat of as fourth prin
cipal meridian.
Township oloety-two, ninety-three and ninety-lone,
eshiln etabtem
Towwhips ninety-one, nhosty-two, and :dotty-four, of
ranee olosteen.
Township end ninety.twe, of ranee twentr ,
Tow, .hip ninety-on% of rouge -two.
Towrithipteighty-ohora'olnoty. ninety-our, nine-two.
'l4 l 'utrr"ni.:ti'f...7l3;fitrinslgt= Of two.
. •
Bestiorts two, font. sir. eight, ten, ®orlon.
twenty, twenty-two, the east ban of the northeast onsr
ter, god lb. southeast quarter of Ito northeast quarter
of trevny-threo, Peaty-els, twentreight, thirty. thirty.
.two,tlairty-tortr. and thirtyels, tomeaskip eighty Aar.
The out half. the northeast pturer of the northwest
colt rho northeast.
of the Mahout artarter of
fifteen,. eighteen, twenty, twenty-twcr, the etat bolt pad
the east half of the nortkweet operar of twenty-three.
twenty. dr, twentprstaht. thirty, thirty-two. thirty 4 err t
mud the opt half of the northeast antuter. Pad the
bolt of tb. buthautlitilettt of tinny-are. Is fornwhip
ofghlitrine &nips four. de, eight.tborteen Slab
teterre tWentr-two. and the hatband quertir 004
the east hat ol the mahout snarler of twenty-three.
twenty menty-elebt, thirty thirty-two, end thirty
four, inloreosAfp eighty-wars. Sections twentpolos. (ex
rep the sonthwost gooney of the snothwert Quarter.)
Meg , sad 101rtf4wq In totenthip o'pAtylioht. sod tow.
.017. Petty, .0,47000. Pri etinetprow, of
• Sectionster. the wed her and the vat hen of the
plainest Quarter of eleven. tenth. the tesiChad of the
nonhthst center at months. twentrfostr.and
the west half and wthltesat toterter, and the neat halt of
the anthers' 0 00 o f twentyllre. In tthathAp nohth
veih.s.thoth to=s t. tr 4 , t i mr . half at t, t . . thr b orat
twenty-two, nrenty-fbor, twentre tuff
onnthe northeast anuter of the at quarter. th e
vest ball of the t ornate.: thanes. and then half o the
sontherest thanes of thirty-dr. and anion Minoan.
to tosetshaveiatetetthe and anniths tea. four. str,eicht.
ten. twelve. mune.. twentr.thentrne..
ty-fort. twentrei. tthothatilht. twentrnae. thereof
the northe..o
of the nottheartanartar.).the west
half Ilskety-lbrearthlrty-four. and tittetreis. hetathlio
ighty-osec all the sethons and feu-tithed unlace ...I ,
log even numbers In fractional vernahlpli dPhtll - 1.. ,
daltv-.0 , . eighty.. thd ethathwereet the east hot. the
tan hall amt toe northwest quarter of the northwest
smarter. and the east helf of the southwest ostler of
tendon them. sections Item all. 0.0; the the half
Of nee northeast canter. end the ela half of the south.
ern tharterof fifteen. elitheen. twenty e and
the north balf of the northwen. quarter. and the thrth
1 '"th.`itt 0 tu"'"1:;:17 0 "it fre
to ne tytrw m -to th. eitlAetz. he =shirt la
arid lectio one to lama' anthem damsel, the east
tatkf of the northeast quarter of nineteen. to.
.neritatalf .aa.l eentheen leaner. and north' half of the
thollthest ounter of twentrthe. twentrretto tereptr
iloirteetirt'n e.
aneth ' s nonitte t rat ortsrtar ihi;
thotheasthrtarter of thentreaven. I - wenn-eight. thin , .
thtelpeno. tlalny.feen the northeast mewl. r.the east
!Pk ' l ' AtTat th. = ord. irt. 4 affi 1: :h a rt/Vial. Di
ltholX9 nehfles: thenbole of gaoatitip W.I.
ship athetram. (theopt An and Wink. and the
wen half d %he northwest Quartet of thirty-one.) and
tendons flee. seven. nth, the wed halt of the Dort h..*
annter.ot tllcarn.ilefanin. 111.114111. LIM.
troths. and thirty-ma. tee Vonnatdo thane.... of e.g.
At the SAMS MACS. rommandth on /lON DAT. the
townday of Jody nest. for the disown el the radio
lands wi th in th e undermentioned troerahlye arid vents of
townships. to wit :•
North of the base tine and &out of , tie fourth pru
cipal meridian.
• The west half of the nortlaweet quarter. and the weat
half and stm t quarter of beenthwest quer. of
notion on. a nd s seolion twelve. in ekdarsedo--
:n tb & t rAt u rztq its sad the mnteat ghartet,
twelve; the wen halter the northwest quarter, and the
Real Nara th. opathmetenarwe of talstaen,te-foor,
del thirt-ex, fouredir tiohly fog, Ent. terqun
wed half of section eleven. fourteen, the west half, the
west belief the noetheast quarters. the nordmestonar
ter of the eoutheut quarter of twentrthree, twentrfone,
deutrelm the west ballot thirty-tiro and thirtralx. to
hemdmp ciphly five. Section two. the west half. and the
quarter of the sautinent'quarter of threaten.
twelve, fourteen; the west ha ft.` st west half of tan pord
e.. vortex . . and the vent half of the mudded quatter of
twin -two dents-Ins, teeny-de, the west halt
the west half bf . th ettorlhaest quarter, and the west half
of the southeast quarter of tereurrdest, and
el t In
teroaskly nary.. Bee.. two. four, eie.
melte. fourteen. eighteen. teddy, twenty two, tweed
free. twenty-dn. twantreight; the wattled, the west f
end mutt.. e.trer of Mei mut.. quarter. and the'
eouthwest qtmeterof the nortbeut quarter of twenty...,
the southwest quart-t. the wed halt and the teethes.,
...ter of dm earttleest paarter, a n th• nuthwest qine
ter of the mutrent quarter of thirty-three. thirty feet,
ant Mist n
even n umbers io terronghl
in p
rou drtty-sayn. Ali the med.
bearing rshelp ohlwifth4 the no rth
hall and the mutheast querbr of the northeast, quarter,
and the esst half of the southeast quarter of mead one,
N e es
two. four, elm (Um part emn of the river.) eteht,
ten. twelve; the el. half and the mahout quarter oft e
tsertheutt quarterut thirted.fourteen, date.. (t. ;Mt
net of the elite.) dents. treaty-two. teeettyiber. tram
trelm wentreint. thirty and Weirdo, (the part
ad of . tired ttartpLuir. and thirtYdn. be toosadip
e(gidgii.sti.. The teue h all of the redhead odder Meow
nn e t.. tee, fce,,, (the pert mat of the riser.) eight.
ten, Wend the moth lalf and the nertheart ea furter, and
doe end halt of the north,. quarte of thirteen, lour
ten, dated. noun. r
ntrfoun the mutt
half. de esst hod.. northwest quarter cf the northwest
tw u n rt t e ydrnea ,
t h w a e l r f
rewh t t h
. (th upaart t er n o t f
of the dem) dirty-no, thatrltrur. and thirts-ex,
knonship nierty:• Notions two. tour. aLs, eight, (the oat
east of the Mee.) ton. twelve. fourteen. eightan, (the part
mato , the elver.) Urea/. twdry-tera, twenty-Mae. dente
an. twenty.... thirtmand thtny-two. (*.telt. rd.%)
thirty.fsur and thirty... In gountsAip omit oar: meticon
no, three (de pert ear. of the dyer eleven; (seat of the
river.)• thirteen, Minn. dad of the river.) twentr-three.
menty-tme, nentreeven. least of the rine.) thirtr..,
_.,fgre th i e nr.74 .) =lleite, ( Orrifsigs tl it=itagi a .
'Towrant. dlh l o , 47 1, 11 ,- ..,eforry ftre. (19+14.41ne,
Uee twig., (east of the rderd tu Lownskip
inotion. twelve end twantremar. (east de dyes.) in
tounadolp itintmof range twentedaltut
' Tow:akin ildhPy-o..dithtrtme. eta dihtf At. of
nottednety. •
Towndipe eighteen., eighty-two. and •inhtrthmes M
range thirty..
ghtrthree,hips erreetred t. er irty- ant Mi e n. eighty win, and
ei of range o.
Townships mr.ty4.1.1. Nialstrlelnt, mann-eight
es ,
vandminee. eighty. .elglatp W
two, and eighty -ee. of
range third-dm.
Al she Land Mae M OLlARll"oll.toatieming tm Mon
day, the twentieth lay of July asst for the dloftal of
the Inablia lands Midsthe limits of the Windy named
tonal:dm and fruttonaltawnotdas. vic
North of .the . bate Est and 'vent of the fifth prin
. eypal meridian.
townahlp olity.even.sll4 - iss on tri Meson.
ri Ilse. of razzes alghteeti, nineteen, tont,. tsoSte•one,
terentzptaro. toasty-Lb, tem:4A= and twentrllve.
p m .ti m y,a t o esub p tiItrOTOSI th• Dilaiocui Ho
and toopstops Sitrolsbt, aixtrzlos, and aerst:l, of
sogs twa z
. y in mploo o rto -et ssablp slstystreen on tba Ilse,
and tornahlts sisteslght and alstpstno, of range boon
• fractional township sixty *nen on Us liflaeontl In..
and to-waship alstraight nod nsty dna, of range toes.
Toerrahlpi alstralelt. sat - prase, messy. nod tem•
troy* of SWISS twanty.alnes
Toviddp nerantrlbsr. al rause War.
Al the Land O. if iIIBUQIIB. caaastmeinr on Mon-
Umday. the twenty-smut:2i dsi Am* 000 . to "M"
at tha pablia lands Bitalted •Itttio tba andfimen
Um* 'tacless! unraibips sdloinlpg th• =db.= 0000-
017 tf the Stale.
NOMA of as bare line end writ of the fifth plinci
pal meridian. ,
Flu long tovrnAlp era hundre.i, to ratogu,tr ,
=nn: algal sal MA.
Lands m,ronpriatal by law Om the me of rthools,
tarr and other Donato, toroth...with ...those encamp and
otarnowed Wide mad* malt th•rebr for wsitivatlon?
,oityi which thalibe Waned by the Meta IllUthOrlile. be.
foro,the Pre nOlminted far . Qs coonnenomment of the
Omni' mteetwiNdiwely.torolor [ha Lot entitled ••An act
to amble Collude of Artazoth and other • 8..b4 to re.
Maim the •dwattip tondo' with in their limit.," approved
8.,,tue,0r Mtn. MO, Will raztodidfroo the seder
Th. ollerhor LIAM, lento will to othomenaMon 'the
dale oppointod, nod prOdeld 1. the older In which
they am aleertiret. with all cournient darpatoh, until
Ma erne. shall have tom offered. mad tho maim time
closek.bat walla dull he kept open longer
_than two
and no print, entry of any of the moda will to
admitted =Wafter the expiration of the two wrote.
• Glees under lay hmod at the City of Weighing tom [hie
ern der of Yobrouy, 1,1120 Domini one thOimand eim,t
hi:mired and. etiPthr....
. By Um Ilmidont: MILLARD YLI.LIiOIIO.
' Jou ViCI.SLX.
cuudir,,,,,4l the G:lnare. Land otrue.
'Notice to Pre.Emptlon Chitmants.
Elwrz immou entitled M the rightof preemption to./
of the lamb within the townships and [notional town.
mom! w eetebllsh then.,
to tYli athiletwidon of the mister and receiver of the ono
per land dila. and note torment themfor or
praeliatfs ortul reeinet tlar xotu , sod letcre Ito am
ohnointad for the ocaool.6.lMat 01 the poinio wee of the
LaLando en= th e Meet olsionoljarge u M o/Mot
Inhinriforri Cinandationer of the Coma! Land Odim.
(No. 4874
I _
111.1.11011114 Yrrhltat of the Val hod States at A m-,1 ". do h.rehr anima taut Istalm known. Oma n Po
t agr o wl t lto o ntr oo tt s , a l aValtoa•lXDitZiglt
dadattatal., torn:— _ . .
• ArthrLea Mee at WILLOW - MT= eocuaeadhs
ea 110.1DA4, the mend day of 84r belt, ter the &octet
at ths octal/ lauds situated le, thin the unttazienUoheal
tom:AWN rod resetacatal tom:ebb:a, ,
AratiCaf 2 , 08 UM mid tout crib farrN pria
.4laViasyCtirWrianteiher"rital:ll4 tt,2,11:441i oe
- wrfulef BROWN
ixfA4lle9 l uUsls!.
Yraetbmal Immobile Mr. ea tka Biala ikon, et
S lOra r eig teriVigParrt free lean Womble. , ear •r+d
Me oak an tie.rasimatsate of :LakA7 &metal . .or mace
• •
Toon:nip torn-vino and National tonninfli day.
OD the &on of lan linfinkrr, of nine sight.
?notional toonindps and tit?, oa the ih°T.
of Lan einiorkyr, of non ohm
Inroad po loann-oloe. thin 7, and thlin:
to,; no:antra fony*onn and footi-olini, ea.! ractiow
ahb LatT . LICa, an toe iLon of Lake 9oyettor. of
nsigo tan.
- -
Tootunine terentyeinht, fwentyhine. thirty. Marti -
env, and thirty.two.and tractional townohin tp.Jr.e.
en t Omen et Leta Maranon. of nag. eleven.
Tostohipa Misty. thittrere. thirt , t.o.
Lnd thirty, and fraetinnel township MIT nine. on
eta Papeti , r, of range tw elem.
Townahlpe thrty. thirty-two. thirtythree,
cad thirty or. of range thirteen.
Tcornahipa thirty-woe, tbirty.two. thirtY-Diree.
thirty4nar. ottani., Choi..
The:obit. thirlyone. thirty too. thirty.ilowto and
thirty-foar, of make Veen.
At the Lend Otto. et LA , ft AZ&emmettelon on
MONDAY the sixteenth day cif Her neat. for the MeV 'et.l
of the public Lando within the Wowing plaid wt.:l
- to alit
North of the base lino and tout of Ms fourth prin
cipal meridian.
Tovnablp. reveaten, eighte.o, and olveleen, of range
Toeowhipe twenty one, and twenty two, of ran. ale.
Twwrohl pa twentyop.. and twentr-two. or range 14,60.
Toweoblpe twmay.two. twenipthrm , hd
twenty-fonr, of ra oe
Townsps hi twenty-on, twority.two.lwerity three. end
t wentpfonr, of range
TnlrrabilA twenty-one. twentwtwe, ['mai-three, twen
ty Gar. wad twenty-Ire. of mom. ten.
Township. twee ty.four and teento-fl ye of rano Jewl.
At the band Ofilw at STEVN ff Fa POINT , commencing
on witsDAY. the ninth day of May M wt. for the diePomd
df the public lambi eituatml within the limit. of.the un
ermentioned townstdoe. to wit:
..Vorth of at bate line and eat of thefaurth
eipai meridian. •
Township twantyfine, of rm. four.
Toinniblps twenty fire, tarentneeren. mrety.riata.
twenty. nine; Marty. thirtyto s and thirty...i n t of roma.
Tosroahlti o'fpange
Nagtions eight... Wm.., thirty, and thirtrooe, in
townehip twenty-Ora, of nonuser..
'townships twenty-ere and twenty-six, of range ton.
Tornado twaritylire. of tante eleven.
0t the Land limos at =OAHU. commanding on
MONDAY. (ha twentyithird day w ithi n
fdaY next. for the
dirposal of the pith]. lands within the ollowito named
nametape. TM •
North of the base lice and east of thc-foorth prin
cipal meridian.'
Townships twsutpt wo sad tweatr•threa, of saws this
Goa •
fendpropriat by law for the nee et schoole, mill
tal a inner varlaues. together with —those waren
and overflowed laud. male unfit thereby for eultivett•n..
f any, which shall be eel.eied or the Stat. antlintd , "
• fcre the dens appointed for the commenrement of the
• • bite Wee respectively. under the Act entitled "An act
to enable the State of Arkaneal tad other States to re.
claim the •Eleremp Isodee within their Smite." aPpr“sl
1 2M 6 .1 "1 e h y1 .. 7 b P7 11 :1 4 1:r " d"l nL " s n e r w l i 111 allso elu
d b r . n " t
order Lin whioa t herm adverusea. with convenient,
desnatch.until the whole shall have liertsigeted. and the.
males thus closed; but no reds than be kept Mien linnet
then two week,. and no private entry of the lands will be
admitted until after the espiratiou of the two week,.
Given ender my bah I at the City of ifashir.ston. this
first day of '<Ornery. Atm, Domini ocu thousand eight
huuctud and arty-three.
BULLARD F16E31010.
DT tL Prostpodt:
q/the Cowls! Lout 0.99 c,
Notice to Pre.Emption Claimants
lir erj pare= rattled to the right of Pre , .;ditto to
1111 of the lads within the townships sod franttocal
ton:tables .bore eutica•retes. is required to ottabilab the
same to the sada/adieu of Abe regitur and receiver tithe
proper land odic. and mob. payment tborska at /moot at
predicable after seeing Ni =- tier, and berate the day air
wooded for the commenseread of the public .it. of M.
Lauda embracing the tract oLaimed. otherwise such dal.
will ted. be forfei JN WILtION.
Inh2 Ccomnistiorier of th oueniers' Laud Offlre.
APPLES—•IOMiIs Green Apples, in good
onler.Jaa reed and for d. br
BEANS -10 bble. small whito Beans, just
reed. tor rue by trail) EL TP , BIS $N • CO.
ittsS , POßK K —t) , blt . L i b i le b se Pork, roo'd
MTOOLLEN GOODS-3 cases blk. Twoodo;
1 do. toner Tercels; I do. One llt.tbsolmetwll do.
barbd Ylatmetet read on comfort:tea. and 107 rale low
to claw. by 118181 8. LEY., Llberty Wort.
THE highontpriae, in cub, paid for WOOL
and PLUMP PEL2b. , . by
suhl . EL LEE
iIk,IOLASSES-.370 bbln. N. 0. ?dohoses, in
0. co; 60 40, d.., Ino b r 16 bbIA. Bt.. 66. c. 8.11.
mbt S. 5061835 • CO.
SUGAR -80 Midi. N. 0. 'Sugar, fair and
Lath.. tom reed; for by It. Ron ow , Co.
I ARD-60 bble No. 1 Lard; 25 kegs do.,
A In Km, forage by folbli I. 60BIPON t CO.
EEF and HAMS-15 tteroes ongar-cared
Dried 8ee41 , 3 tcL dodo Hams, Sort r.eelling. for
• by
Urg..Plr. /on opened. at the netth-eatt tamer
Fourth end natio. a keen,
Just rammed at natill-mt wenn. of Fourth an!
at atracia IBA I] aII , RVIIY latl/10LIFIELL.,
, 50 barn ropnlor Starch:
lb do No.l Palm 6 , 14 t:
' 55 do Mar Candler.
40 do 100010 Candi,
5000 lbs. anort44 No.l Cotton Yam
500 Inc Not. 1 and Irliattinr
213 dot. Hemp and 11.1 Cool,:
10 5514. pant ilder Vintym: •
25 keno 4420w0,
75 boon 5 , 0
60 dn. Paint6l nottain
5 45 4o -Tub,:
ILO 501.6 Wrappwg Haven_
. 25 boxes 8210 and 10012 Window Claim
bbia. 00040. 2.s.llekareP,
100 do a mil antra bloat:
00 ht chant atiptriat Y.ll and Ulan. Taal:
0 do do Imp.ando Oa:ander Tenn
JO4 read and km 4514 5/ niifir21.4.70.a.„0.
E RLZIL SIIGA.R-100 bap white Brasil
XINCI PAINTS—Snow White Zino; Grey
%via: Zane ; Broom 7.112 N Brown Etur.e BlikeE
W : ZP ‘t°1"""r 1 1 1111.9 A. ninon aco.
SUGAR CURED 11A151S—S bbl 4. just re
e•lred and sala b 7
lIIIRDRIDOI a isonuot:
e.cdne =turd. rre'd arhl for
OTASII-3 casks pure Potash, just roo'd
and for tale br valil I IL ammo's a Co.
ULPIIIIRIC ErTHEI-300 lbe frr is by
ViraD °malt lbs. iD
mre sod for sida by J KIDD It co.
MOLASSES -600 bleb. N. 0. Dlobesser,
(oak ocopeia¢e, fn sNA br . utrrentscrs a Co.
lINSEED OIL-20 bble. for Bale by
AI :
WHITE LEAD--100 kegs for Bale by
ri_REEN APPLES-4 2 bbla, a prime er
reed and for POO h
DRIED APPLES-300 bns. in store and
On Bale by t 623) R. DILWORTH a co.
TAR. PITCH and ROSIN—For sale by
146 - JANIES A. 111?TC9IPONt CO.
L'A."""7•54111, Co.
REFINED SUGARS—boo bblr. Crushed,
I 11, Pcnreltrsdiardl eel Loaf. lo sror• and for .al. by
b 0.15 . Agents Uttar's Barbs liarten7.
DOLL BIITTER-5 bbls. fresh, in store,
XL for leb? I fe.'ll 1561A1l MICKY
- 4 ""'" * "" m iTt a taonarr
I' 41 D awl 70.Water'strmos,
j,KER, 11A1K-1060110. in store and for
I bole b 7 In S) J. T. AJ. I. BOONE
SHEEP - PELTS -- 400 Pelts in store and
nr d. by [fe2.5.1 ..:I'. tJ. I. 11605;5.
GREASE LARD-230 bble. Ortaao Lard,
on eoulicaranot and terr* b.
JACOB 1 , 311M11. Jr"
LOG 5 B Water Om:.
iNDOW OLASS-100 0 b01.05,81 1 / 1 1C9,
b 130170 otlTl gay.
aftoulem,• t ee,...rfiele. Dot rvol Duel for ~l. by
CULB DUE. 190 .Iberty amt.
100 UTIKEOS-250 I cry fine, for sale by
11 fell J. EIDD CO_
I ARE Fl White Fieh; 75
half bbl 2 20.40.6 I 2. 2reatl 00 half 6615.20:
bbla. Na 1 Hamm 20 01010016. do.. for male by
1220' Nos. 111 awl 103 11000 .treat.
Flltlattavor leed, thlareoenlng-4-1 dark Chit:kW,
3-4 !gat do: el .00t mosullne Dlelnee. plata Meek aaa
colored &lac .t oofth.aaaccraer ct Fourth and IS/greet
ate•ata. gre et
BUTTER -2 bble. prime . 8011, jut reed
" d 6t. ' 1"7 vox Boxsoonor Z mummy:
BEANS --80 hush. email white Beane, in
UP store syvl for We by
rriIItIOTELY SEED - 15 bbla. reo'd and for
I, sale by lie2ll /11111/YEB. DILWOIIIII k
BULK PORK - 25,000 lbs. riled and for
ale by MOO) 1111 8 IVE 8 , DILWOIIIII t co.
in BY APPLES-400 .bue. reed and for
1.1 gala bY BQaIYY & DILROBTIIa 00.
QUGAR and MOLASSES-200 bbls. N. U.
atoteseea 100 do. B.IL do.; 100 hbda. N.O. Brow:
on han
d and fat sal* VOby
lITTER--20 bbla. fresh Roll and 35.jare
rereur. Vied and for ode bY
611.111YLK,D1Ltro8211 t CO.
fen _. Zina. lou and = facand Meet.
— IIINT f 3, o—fit AIS. Bco Plri
nuatarvieln hate Jae! open=! dark and light
canted Ptlati, liat'arn Ologhatna. 0..11 orated
'Mnalln. Deign°. 1 rfah Linn". and black dipta
UTER--11 bble. fresh fio Buttor for
se• by [l.lOl U. MA ll
received. and eaantd d ay b l O
IWO. ,
N I 10w... their Mohaio
Ltudosa and dark taints. and
will cotilltiria to mele. dally. thole Let adoolY o f
PPOINO 1300119. to they Invite an Isrly *amnia. t
Il2: . bzigeolop . Arn <lmp 004 datirable goada,
of Mt and Market arras. lisle
w., 0 . 0 N - mT, . — O.
z o rt
3 . d w
_ e t o : r n
no c
o t i 0 s
. 1
j o s
c r .
lii E o
tut a
jo l yu
BLUM VITRIOL—COO lbs. Blue Vitriol,
in ears and for se. by J. SUM d 00.
O AVIrD-506 lbs. Tut. Acid,
In n for salP - br [f.191 3. KIDD t (iO.
V LASS SYRINGES-12 goes Glens Sy
%Jr rinses *liar WS for de Dr J. KIDD A.M.
SHOT -1 - keg No. 4 for sale by
N A - 1 1 .. /2FfOli)l7l, Bo ) s l;i: u li o nne,
a to l l ga y b . y
B) ANS--20 bble. emnli White B cane, Teed
and ENCINO ZS nlaeAllnll
ffn e°1116f()?l e'by ,..l. LIM] IiPUIVOAA UARBAUCI:.
• 1.,
s.V.,..*Ftlatto R
*f t 1 4 . (441k105 et
„,.., ...,.
fr. ~..,
"e:,.„..,..,,,_ 4‘,,,,.....„, .4
,t)• kv''''-7 spy -''-i:.'-f,t-IsP"--."ov
e _ liarNityq "4:-,...,..----,
, •T 4 '. i ell,l:o' , 2\rOW
,_D ---,,-.-...-.--•,-.--',,-ti.ii..-- '
• --.,-..-,...-,..„„.....,, .
-- -
The lo•lsoratinsi Ellelr and Cordial introdumil into
medial :meal. by the Freer ehectirt.phreleim end Da,
eller. Dr. M. atom, ban for Ste Mule an Oriental Herb,
brat brougba from thretony &aerie of Arabia Petrea, by
that emionnt phlicoopher. The natives of that region no
retnarbable for their lonceeity..semptfm kom A c k n „,..,
and power of eottitininn hdigim,all which they sari•
bute In a great degree to the use of the herb or plant re
furred to, which they einlverrelly Meer, and sometimes
In the Eat, Professor SI one commenced expedmeritiall
with this wonderful natural production, and this result
of his laterr is the Itivirsratiog Elixir, which has been
eodoreed b• the medical oallezea of all IS. groat cities of
Europe, as the best preparation extant for the
No lanknage can mover an theßitste Idea of th e Icn,
dia. and slaved Wrath:one change which it othethens to
the disearel,debiletated and shattered nersonthystenu—
Whether broken down by ethers, weak by nature, ter im
paired by sintneee. the unstrung and relaxed orgththation
that onto ...brewed. revivified. , and built up. The mau
-1 and physical symptoms of nervous disease earthen
• ther under Its Wham, The Rimming. tenanting
victim of depreerelen and debility. hemming a new man
Ite stands ether. he 111131/1.• with a tom Ater; his mind,
•bich was prariously think I. gloom, or an almost idiotic
toothy. becomet bright, buoyant, active, ali.l he goes
Roh refreshed, regenerated , nod notorious of new 'lgor,
hie ncc u.mi te ed oththatieis. Nor is the eSecktempurs.
or On the contrary. the evils( in permanent, kir the
thrilal properties of the =die!. teeth tbecthatitritlon
Ruth, and motor . it , to itznonnal-condition• may
the preparation be called the '
the nineteenth century. It the find scleatlna
m the old we'll bare edmitteittbnr Mltaotrof
I,..tqfpr. mope:eel to have no enirtence.
.._. . . •
eobelle prep...liens. and all other explumm. The greet
of thew to brio!. Ittit It mu vitt boauid et hint who takes
them, iitbe let crate of that man to worse Lean the fine'
But the Elixir It so eahUerantewitimui a single drawbatk
—eat. to In operatic:p i petuel in Its happy Ludnenee
upon the nerves.
the min por d, mad the entire oriranimena.
In cues of Nemec's. headache, lees of memory, by
hoPoolundrisal , dY•PePsia. generul prostration. Writ..
bulgy, uenourness. inaollity to Pip. liver coMPwont.
o ne er h a b y a. o r n y d
tial l d
fimet a on ct
hleisa o a f.
'W. terrors, pulpits ion of the bean, Impoteney. Nu*
constipation. i4 Op, from wherever cause arising
it la. If there is any reliant* to be lamed on halas.o testi.
ninny. absolutely infelllblw
It only remedy Tel discovered for um
vets heed and mind tompisluim It is the mental. physic:,
Long' swab{ for , and never beton found , th e emir natural
w ent that can °administer tr. • miod dilemma." i cane
of neuralgia, headache, 'chide-pain in the nerves n
of the
foes. and the various train of nervous affections. It will
reduce a mare in an aiteulslikor short period of time; arid
. . _
t will also romore deprtnelon, excitement. • tendency to
tettlesonew, Plefpll.l.ll`.s, dislike of whdity. into
~p arity for Wady or basins r, lost of mornory, confusion,
giddharts, bloat to Co. boa. mtlancholy. mental debility,
bYtterleo indacisloa wretcbolnesa thought, of telt de
etruction. war of Um:malty. to. 1; will MC.w and a.
store the appoll ow ts. strengthen the emaciated, rent. Co.
health of !b who have destroyed it, Indite* continual
elowtful newt and equanimity cif eplixt, and prolcmg
repot. of nate woutallsgion. or corn month'. imbint, ant
notional, b; the use ot a bottle or two,to bloom sod
changing tbu akin from • p... yellow shicaly tutor, to •
twatithal dorte comrleximx
Mar" 'he Minor that never Yalta to punish the violation
of nature's 1111111.—NOLlierg t ter funetron tit. way undo?
this gelation. Palpitation of the lama, Pholtalic•l twatl
actor, cold and thivorad este att. (now frequent sots
of acttractiony.dialthe to 'coldly, menu:trio:4y, religious
toomtmanda. bests cad nos he s of the two on tbwangraest
OtRAL7I2. a Olean . * that sonnet:me Would terromant Co.
atoms-lb it put out of order, the aureate broom.. fatll..
OMAN • train ot youthhat nyroptic, rdtt la each at data
hmy, co:naiad/ow*, f e t i det og night mreatunetrincse.
wag horror after Wing. ninth, furred league, to
TIM COMMON Erritr-ssiox
Otthoss wbs ha.. noel this/2111 Isi "1 had tionni your
Codial highly of. tut Val on. of Um Irttertslous ln
organ! to Ito itterils—hurluit Wed. rollout evolitins. toll
Pro the suns purpose. (1117stwut bassapurillait) without
&wiling toy lusnitt I bed slunot inn. op ail bores of
deriving toy relief, sod whoa dPuniniinsii On.. Of Pont
Goidial, 1 had no talth whatever of Its bausfittient insS
hi n t s. h l
lend sttonits, boos athough 'dm twist:lose
wi. I nos unshed tholuilldonett Dotting 1 took Will
Another ..Tot "I bad etusaltel eminent! dietinguishol
physteinon. ' Stint nail I until not to cuoin--otheri pet
*albeit tile thing and tint. but !ocr.d no relief quill I
procurrd come et your enolial, t taunt ay it c...A.t.if
• .
enred tee."
As °Mee se ye: .1 real etterrieed at the effkl.• youreettlial
heel. WI, did I net beer et It Gallon" 111 votald bale
need me touch espmee, daldre rein ef mortal and
GwlUr cudering '
or others ielous Wallin, from wliatafer canoe,
will had boor ionntl. attar ttoy !ow a bottle or two, •
thorough jeconorallon of the o, When/:wont of
°Mynas' Ls • masa of re,lret,ll f t of tuottlaioble wallow .
The noturo of Oho toolwass relieved or the Oorllsl an
usually garb Rota 111170 the pubilestron of cortifiestoo of
cores wt or the question, or lb. proprietor eauls prodne•
• Prot of No moot =polaris. anti. t te
Croat reputation It enjoy. woo Itot to y Mantua:to
bat to firmly based upon !to larnlys wed opporoutl mt.
moot. , Ir Mali. In all Wren/boo an or he foun d the
happy tort to of hialtby tlinprlng. who would not h”.
Leon Is. but hr this ettrosoltotry [Tonneau. .15 - 110
l.elaslly potoot for int many direo.r.• for whirl! It la
seer moortinsi. Tl.onsonla of pout., men bon bet. ra
floret by irslng 11. end not lu naloylo itutatra has It
oiled to la nett them.
oruiioSi or - int PMS.
Boston Seams).
A Taleable Boated —Dr.alerame. I neleoratlnrordial.
We Incite public attrntion to this ...Bela, We beet
rrceatedlr Gard It aural; reenamen led by mazy dle
tlneviebel rholdan. as the tort notnedx...rdheeresed
foe the epee.? Cate el aerate. ot the credal ord.., and
then .310, Ir.. mites ab of Tenth. There Cited.
den ao. often rapid Preareee• Ileteetele , ee the
tonstitutinn. soon sinking the euCerer Into • fang eree
tratien er conettoptlecr. noire, eseeills aerated. Tee
deorl.r. at.. mot* numerous than the ...amenity balm
any Ides of. and prat:let...of the melt Awful mutants.
Lir. Storer'. InetensatLegOordlal all at once suesthen
lahate. and rare the peti.en teem the 4.00.1 that
threaten hies.
• • • ••
Salem itoestrr. •
We MO,* the yoong .rd Inoonaidtrato. elm we brow
blot •Ittt Uwe. eanallaluto, destruettre to Um Won.
well no bad y,dratrar Ins all bronmeta of into. narlitofte.
to try Dr Morro'. lartgoratlo• Worded. We hero boon
witaraato many of Ita benonrial rooults ;Alb* perm.* of
v-re rat of our aocpralnlanrm onto, to convittoneo of Use
•lolation of throe loaf that aorore nun a mortal and
pbyaleal bolog.troro trolobllor on the rrrro of a bowler*
otorelty. and who ororo only regetwd by • tltrally WO of
Dr. Itorso's Cordial. (boo Adel
Bare not. In • slush. last...nee that het town euthtnticab
ed. elven Chair tanotion to env other prepar•Loo for the
above tf.plalUM. Mites, to catty violent and det t rata
. eseet, it e f=ul . eli d rarat. alte=o t tgitl . ber w, l=
eat prectitiontrs of Kish probational aharacut.
tly cave having been to • stare whore tide Corditil wet
kept for mais for 0 , 0 liana yens. all an . oPportnaltlet
°fledging cf dl. trivets nomotrbat nurieroat. the rutty
lemming demand. and that without tipple als nine
LMont tolls for Jowl/. here tom • mum of weakness.
ich had re eleold ell treatment for over Am Icens. both
Itiltds piece and in Pidiadtiphis. and the tree.. • fair
candidate for suicide. nulitally caret with out 'dose's
bout... Ile hal trent how:11W. without tenet sod was
H wi th twenty- roar dollius worth of BA Mania tort
diat. A. RENUALL. M. D.
IA Motet—Bs,: Same Bolt IDOLS ou resented my
opinion of the statist of you;railed lktedial--1
now pispoied to eve It. I have had it In my practise
and pmecri bed it fur the Put sew court A and Mutt eve
It me decided prinfeteneo ovvr usytisirtri of the Clod with
whist lam acintlnted. both as A lie oturdisinal
toed reasonable riot et which Ton sell it In mews of
tiers°. ditbility from the efieru ot butiteret
Bon. committal In w i th. or the eAtettlyt indult... el
the raeslook pfolnoins general phytical prottration.
sitipte, want of •PiliStion. fainter tens•sions. ttmearatt
for button.. dislike or .011.17, e.. 0 ..„a
.irs eflacts. and Cat with tooridataro re - meow! it to
the petranage of the profvedon to e valuable IMillary
tor rel2oTlirAlMuM to pane of the most troliblesonat
forms. and to all. tee raft MA seiner. medicine.
Brooklyn. N.Y. No-v. 21,1841.
Prepared by 3/. MD.. and lby yea by DiIAA.
AMU. all
A No. Ha Broadway. Nag lora:
•hcrn all orders W oole &dictu&
General A poto, In Iltraburch--Georg• 11. Nat.:. cos.
nor at Wood sty... Land Virgin alley and J. Kidd t Do,
corns: of Wood and Pon sth streets.
ge. It is pot up blablytoontotsated. In Dint ilottles.
wito theta., blown In the glum.
And sold for taper bottle; 6 ior Sit s2l the down.
No tern according to Act of 'Consraso, In Ma year 1647.
by Metcalf. Idoro., th• Clerk's Draw of tbe 16.isiet
Court for Dec Southern District of the Btat• of Nen York.
A Conceded Pont.u
THE following testimonz of the effieacy.of
B • F•htagoek's Vert:air/v. Dom MOT p 1 ...
ti uoner. esnuot 11.11 to tominee.
Yrem Dr. J J OTINADLN. •
I);boiwittds..Aokantiolob. 4 ol.l.ll.2.
21nowro, 0 A Yobnestook CO—.YOUr Voymitawo eon
I U..
bnn Po l troo L il Tit `,"04',1•::=r.,':,1. 1. f . . - 1
to oho bolt Vert:adv. now in moo
J J ' Bro totno.
!Ironed and 'old by 04
on' lN Wood O s oE d
Mrs. Botts' Stroortors
Vrholm recently acoopted tho Agonoy
tr lira 'Dena , Abdominal Saprorterkiter beet
now to nee. far the cute of Prober... Uteri. We bare
a Into, assortment on hand; tad ore prepared to enpoly
all who wish to make teal of thie rateable inatirentienh
WU.OUX a (.10.,'N0. tlt Huhn at e
and 60 Smithfield street.
We sublet. a certitude from celebrated pnrocian of
Ptirtsnal.rmis. Feb. SC, 1142
erne A.minal sad Plreneal opponent made by Dire.
01, city, I can reoemmend to the media.] Pre
fetelon. and to others, after rural years experience of
their nee thee. Instrements are adapted to moat/ lb.
Inconvenience depending Dna dation downof the uterus,
In thie slats of the oared. eaered.e is stranded vitt...,
poen pain and other suffetleg e as to be ollatenit a brow
lire. netts lea lady Of intelibrenot, edueetlan. i tniobity
and manntre—the greeteet confident. out be weed in
Protestor of the Destitute of 8164.1C11111,111 Ulf
dot - Ualgerotty of relltarl.4ll4l.l.
_' n
j4. - :llL.P. z o'l,l,lr•elle=l2`..Tdi:V.4"VrT
the inventor o f the celebrated %Moment me arlag i th:
Lunge, in effecting eine of Chronic diesues,, was a eta.
dent of that malnent physician. Doctor , Myna, and fa t e
endues , of the Ueh.r.lty of Peraurylverds ,nud to: thirty
fna , coma has been mood In the Investigation of dice
"' TT, ell 4 g I t Pittl lett of
" tit h e L ' ltt 'W ee . . ettul,,
hie Propnylactic Syrup and mo. ot remetuell, roe b
maned en impeullek eminence In coring thug dreadful
and fatal maladies:. übenrciar Coneumption. Sued.
Bernice, Rheumatism, Ad... Fever and dine, revere
all m u d, dby.i e gryulyelas, and all Limo °latitude die
asses recall. to tnuales. indeed. every Immo
_Or IliaMi
raniches under the use of his remedies, to eadob Roman:
beie.—not by the we of one ecepannd only. for that
le inonarotible With PhidOlogial La_ ,te but by the nu et
his remedies, Wanted to: sad Preuril.d for. ugh wet.
torm of disease.
Dr. Roses Vide Alterative Pills, vbs. need, are Invert.
ear acknowledged ttoo beouperior to all othere.!. a
Dill, man.= Ili they Icavrtta bnlnds pen
fatly free from coetiveneer. gs ales tile Golden fills are W.
mitted, by the faculty. to Deese. peculiar properties,
led to female diocesan but being saran. that a bare trigs
-is scanned be edahlish what hes been gad, In then:dm/eel
the rood ellentleaL
The Mated ere invited to call writ the aam4 and brof
more wand ole of the fixtor's parapAl•ts,Atrp 4 • ditaUl
.d arson. of each rented r.and its apppw
/or sale by the filloelng agents, aitnelles by meet drng
aids throughout the country.
.I.Raboonmaker* 00, 4 Wotel
J. Af. townsend. Druggist. 4b e idarket et, •
, L. A. u.Auma. Di 16 5 1.4 Una We Put Rai., ante
ay city ,
Ineeph Barkley,The Veal. ENIZar enuty, P..
John Elliott. Minos nue/. _
T. Adams, Bader.
tot a umam‘ be Job. Mallow
k.e. Clothier. en 12.0. rt, atreet. between Oixtb. greet awl
will be level for • tern of yea., Coon evrtt
I.t. next- APP:7 to•
JoLLN 8. 11:WIN. Na 63 Marta et..
1.27 , 4 f Or. 11.0111712 W.ORR, Attorney. 41h et
For Rom
A SMALL well-finished STOICS on Third
rt. newt. e.rt door to the OLIO. OM,
Z. D. tit 7.Zdil. ail, Market street.
rain be: Arena Third and row. street
For Bale
S IXTY-TWO Acres of Land, Fitnated on the Ohio MM. 16 ranee below Pittabnaub. About
one bade' tbe tract eonaists of thst-elets Meer Bottom.
the balance Was tasteless 141.24 It I. well adapted
OCher for laming or Garlenut; and situated on the
hio near the Railroad; 104 to the tat baborboal of she
Thle Wrolent7 presents unusual Ininesuaente to
Paolo .bas .lab to news• on reasonable ternm a beautl•
,pot fora Countre Home. for Information,nnalte
Alt'? at La j w . . L tio . %.44 " o 4 ol B nr aN .
For Rent.
WAREIIOUSE No. Second street,
r " l" :ri d . (111113V4Iktit 00,
yals No. 00 Wood @treat.
For Sale or Rent.
rpwo STORES with Dwellings attached,
L on the corner of Marketend /111,1 streets. The
m u
a to and dwe ll ing. are rea...leo as to be thrown Into
onet, fora tavern. t se rent the whole hoar low to •
rood tottant, on a lease. or erll4 rent theta relate, or
', sill roll th e peoperty •1 a barpaln on easy term.. 00.111
eaga It for • good farm. For tense, apply to
lan2 WALTKIt ItILTANT.22.4 Liberia et.
For Sale
A VALUABLE FARM—containing 120
•ni hero, altuatod In Boldorio Tooniship.
County, Oh, mile. from the City. on the firm:torUto road
end now Plant Bond tram here to Violoyrills Poossorion
vireo Immediately—W.4 huiteivutable. Vor forther poi ,
tioularo, *poly to • J. t Ft. FLoYD ,
41:14 Pittoburvh.
For Rent.
IIIIREE Stora. Room, with Dwellings al
ladled. on Menet Wart. between heood azd Third
.tnets. inQuire Of ItiIARADILN MY.
jraLtf No. el Third .ttoo,.
NO. 15 Wood otreet, adjoining our Waro
Hours, el th • euporlor Vasa and TIIIEY PEOOY
\ AULT counters and othor
The taxation and irlt nansant an. admhnbly !manual to
er Caution be
or tneureo. oCloo. end for such • pm
rose VIII be Seated on ravontbis tonna Pews.= elven
lonnedlateJr. Enquire or
CUELIAIO, soacarson 4 CO..
ja corner Woad and Front streets
For Sale
N. LOT. OF GROUND, 26 foot 8 inches
front ea Third stylist. .d 100 fest In depth to
nd—frnotiog smog width on both stmts.
ALso— Lot on Santini atroyt. 60 feat front on Rsoond
Mast, and 60 feat In depth, with tbs., Brisk Rousso
erected (sub threw-stories Malt) with two-story hook
hirleings, tow rooma mach dweillow—all wall Canned.
bar terns. t0..10001y. of TIIOIIAB LI9OETT. or
la:LOttarl J0t12.611 WoODWY.LL.
A:WELLING HOUSE on Federal etroet,
ChPod. stoat half mom from the Diamond.
tln the yard—which to lame E. D. al
Re o v..
taZ Daraet otroet between Third end !'earth.
11:11B Fourth Story of the Gazetto Build
ing It I. taltablo for • Job Mottos Write (yr
cb bum., It his-ahry• bankumL PossLasion eivoin
no dm Grant Aprll. treptdroat Oftoo. jalB4l
For Rot
thg lb. South Common, in Allegheny City, Rowe.
zle. hamedlstely. If nquhl4l. Enoulre el
J rcuouNbult za a ea. No. 21 Wood .t.
For Salo
A The liorse Is sentte—the Ce Cant is Dept, , end 1
IT end to Water .trot
For Rent.
• Ira email Store on Third street, next
to Phtlo Ito% at Drasant <worded by Wood.
van! •• • Boot Store .11 Perlodkal
TIPP SWnalp turnfahrd and handsomaly fatted to.
£l.—For teat—rataral Pomp eultabia for othusa.
D 0 00 ZLII,Pdattat etrost.
3114 barren Third and Fourth ptp.
Dwelling for lieut.
THE extlacriber will rent hiaineeent reel.
b t. .:z a ri1 . 2111 , 711=: , :n0 sr 111 ,: g i =
ohobt e relt-Jiot and . qq4 ofnoter Irt Both otoom, Nash
i s= on trat=n % , ll " l=T:::::7l;l=
. 13.81.1. LIOGIOTT.
69 sad 10 Ksvor .t...t.
For Sale
FARM oonsiettng of 214 acres otground,
- 10.114atott w ituntacer ' • taM. , natet ttouaa WM other
L ' . ' O.l b l n l t ePal: . ePtallet t r . uralti: l ,y af:u t t h :e D lTet i re ' l
mut tba retualadar I. mow.] 'Max the bait coal ' itrof
Tlmben 413 er t. arse. of 0.1. and • Mean amount oa
01w Stan, and Lltnectm. , Tti•late MI, be all eultl.
. . • . • • •
14:ed. ,
Apply .
to r.
it 6 Ectlllo3.l.l4reet. Pictsburrb.
A GOOD OFFICE in the second story of
ZU. oar Warehonoe. Nos. SO arid Wear amt.
don HARDY. J(3.11:3 t CO.
''poß SALE OR LEASE-Tho three sirtory
dnollinx boo, cn Hand and laTnttn wt , t
...nod tor tantilt eat In awry newt sad taxman/.
ant tot banan. ttt both tin.a.
Ttra baanntal ntt•litnit lau em Dann:mane Way,below
• •
tarewto of orocirel with boaara,
Garda." or mataliNarsoara. to sllPPlYibotit7.ttrit
"l= Ittantyy Fasts tst thy City District Dr aL or
Apply at soy °Moo lit Youtth it.
For Sale.
rpwo LOTS—tO FEET Fronton Rebooon
Itmtlni u sr g r a. rsiqulroot
NAM., Alleb
or of BOWIION ECIIOI,g/L. •er
&A au-t4 umen.
Lots in Oakland for Sale
lIAT Poaatttal Tract of Land, ;ormetly
to the Chadwick liens. edislethie the
eon ortb• late Ma.. *M.& Paaarna t.
ereatte.wilt be eardlsile4 into lore /Anoint ode
affirm. to to. NJ • •
•114 eazi.b• 1.0 by the einniarer
•eare mot norwaty Lae hens witered iv
=arida. oceseilana ladranneate t• nreces d
r roaltiad itirestactits la rat erne. Aetna Wasted 12
the midst of rueeof the la.tdellebtful entansaitisis ate t
, Yittanaralla the lotsan partiorainly desirable fur lo -
irate InaLlinsta, whi • their . i c e , and the rand exterdi
el tbe My la that direatioe, afford an onanaalty r
simiulation toper.. who nay he &motel:Ito aubliol •
Ira tub st.l tan.
Her Onus. errantry or
A. WILKINS At W. dad 75 Wealth meet
For Rent
kTWO STORY Frame Florae and Kitchen,
with tea Leta of crewel situate on liarTand streei,
lltla Ward s Pittsburgh. Yar term& enquire of
liatiltitOri,LlTTLE a Cu.
No L.s3.Llterty Amt.
For Sale. or to Let.
AWAREHOUSE on Liborty otreot. &t
-gull+ st N 0.312. Llb•rtirtroet. eon
- Valuable City Property.
ER SALE, a desiroblo property of 120 ft.
rot rOOOOO Lbtost ICI oat Mhort •t.; 60 igt
r. and 70 on Tbirdstrert by de.h—botr gabbled
NW • Torguiryt.h two, Rh. T. 4, Or . tibil 1.
met. adagtol for ins hr•••st obxnem or guy prima hating
so •zuntair• • hoot On tout
ng g i sgt Duergg
tlre ern
a lll aoi •rseity Co t be o l •b , asm a ggirl W = •
f oc se
booms, n
01.110 pri•ah, rnithracgr.
8. - CUTILBERT • SOS. Grunt Agents.
dog 140 Third war limilltheld street
For Rent.
A SMOKE HOUSE, eitnato on Plumb Al
/I ler. Eavdr. of o DALZELLA CO:.
For Bale or Bent.
TWO STORY Brick Uwe Ling Uouge,
Lit nearly new. together with 11 , L eo tot or ground. MI
t froet y 11U feet deep,. having the. oven skins, situ
ate in Bern nd Warn. , Allegheny city. The boom contains
a.. roma, Mall end Garret. cellar .der the whole homes
Alas,. ler re Brisk end Prune Building an beet end of
Lot, suite Is for • trsallanutecturitui or other business.
The shoe , twill ',s cord on our term, fa rents* low, to a
good ten et Annerdate
ILLIAM poseessieu can be hat. Enquire
owner of Wane Allar Al e leg ra hd...1 else.
heny City.
Warehouse to Let.
9111 E oubsoribere being obOlit to remora to
• U. motor of Wool andlath gr.% offer to tont
colt they noir octopi. Immediate olat etsll.o 100 titan
'OR BENT—A very large two story Brick
a: Dwelling limn, eltnabed eke
tireensbursb Tun:pike, In the borough of Lawrenceville.
Yee tent cheap. , Peesesslon Oren Inmetl i t:l4. Slag
cm s . T z t e be :111 known lets
• L'la -T4 :7 • AUISICW,' • •
• oeo Ildartet etreet. •
►tip LET—A two story Brick Dwelling
1. limo on Plod stroq., Inanroolindthnold and One,
VIVLI co. 61 hag •trwt and 1241 Swan ot
AN excellent brick Direlling,,eittisted2
. on Penn .t.. between Wayne end Lissa. Thu
t of Du meet lestreble Dwellings In the Mtn
the house being In good rolls. and touted In * Quiet,
and one of the meet pleasent porta of the Inky. Terms
moderste. &moire 60 the *rambles of
Ul.l:t.f JAMES D. • REID
iiBALE—A lot of . ground near the
toot of Non Meet, eligibly sainted for Foundry
Caen* C . hoa l baying
i s (root of 00 We 00 1400 er,
t i l i d t a9Otpil n ri of " S t . :Cl7O rAvr.VlTot..""°
noun No. 34 Wood West.
Valuable .Traot - of Coal Land For Sale.
Propertz Resin Pool No. 3, opposite
Monongahe:Cones alma PlttebargbUt
oontaloe too V.l O. or Good Coal. one FIVX. the other
nix rOOT CO depth; .11d too Veleta of Llnaatoolo. The
drat Veda of Ocal Iles No near the •river as to render • rail
road anntoessary, the C.nd talon conveyed by a ghost
elude fr om Dlt tbe boat. Th. groom,
fttna Oho riv nearly spear tract f • WIN and the
'eater t good at .11 sestons. The cootalua about
200 won, and rat be said •lealther. dtrided, to molt
Pannonian. Tito property be sold linr and on re.
msbtromt, and present. • rare ovportuotty fora nab
Investment— Oahllalleta and Coal tam are Invited to oz•
amine 1t - Lava' of ' •. 14011RIBON, •
• 4,2 • Attorney at Lao. f 10.4 1 Grant
Valuable Property For Sale. •
THE Ittta KOlllO, the late reffidence of
jun.' Admit, per, deed together with tyro sag a
acme( laud, beautifully s i tuated on the Ohio steer.
trismilee below Pittsburgh. Pumartionlare. earls. of
InflibUf No. 11 blarkeest.
• Desirable Preriertrier Bale.
4 ..
NUMBER. of very valuable Building
La% edjoinlan the Outer Depot of the Ohio and
e 'Jeanie /lallroad. in Allegheny city. fronting maths
road. and on Illitoblisk . Bidwell. mil Junlate 8M.%
an or% Allegheny. avenue.
Alco—A valuable iminsproged Lot, on thee:ann.:if Lb.
oily and Factory streets. fifth Ward opymita the O.
man Catholic Church. an feet front on tdbny by IDO Ant
tnep on notary. running bookie gyring alley.
Al three EMT Melt Dwelling H olm c m Liini tY
Wiwi. enti so—the rdiling_the shore. the lot being 20 bet front by
100 feet deer , . Tim boon in lugs sad convanhilit, militia
Modern rtyle, and contain. einem Mom.
Also—A Farm of 781 v.*. In Lamnasonnty. & trithe
from New Wane. . •• • •
Also-Farms in Burn in , df wins duo and
ltri.V., from GOO sorra down.
For mile low and on gicomnotatl hgmt tm V . lllgi Of
N. P. & O. L. H a l
At/4 . mM al law,end Donate AVMS.
ertgly N 0.107 Fourth str am. Pittsburgh.
For Bale or Rent.
of Loooook i d Ann stmts. Allostwas Clfirorlth
'"'".°" ktiVirrir. ..13erf. a ilg al Ls* /
1/0,110 4 stolot.Pittoosfl36
of to Siclihailly 11Ael.
SiuUkti IL la %LEL alma,
REEILT, Enlarged, and Elegantly Fur
,pcsraseals all Use Idodenaimprotoncar and
&d.d.d.ed, tar the audmrdal.tion of My crdvalldd
Nada. IdCl4y
Roam Commtoitcati on Between New York
and Glatgow. ''. ,
YORK Btram dblp DomPaPT'S Toy - .. 4 .i. - - '. l '
now t,. ..hip GLAYLIO A' AHOY ton o'l ( "Sp.
.0 400 poser. Robert Unly,Coo..-
anador. L. , appcatad 40 nil Dto.tie.' T• A netlar
°nun, on SATURDAY . ~ Ibs.2oth March nut. At J. 4
, „
o'clock. neon.
PAYBACK nip': ..
Tint Cobb.o (Taken Stan ' ___
rint .tto to rotows)--.-120 , •
hooond Cablo.( 76 '
' , frond ttabin. (Stewart . . Ter tholtidad.)—. 60
sa- A frolted number of TbintElate• pasmengers 011 l
De tiorao;raraliod with provisions of 'woodtttlttf. Dow.
pm, oaraod, at TWENTY DOLLLEO,
Cornea a Magoon.
For freight or porno. Mir to J.lkleBllloN.
j•Wallm 33 Otroatiwari, New Tort.
Governors for Steam. Engine's.
WINE enbscribor havingth6 \ Geneial Agen
ts:,ll°;,`VE,r iAlgdg'irgloPz7zlr;
otarri ' con ' lora... la .102.01. sad °m artnerlog to strata
the Immo to arm Ettaines. sad V 14171144 thscito ens
rotrolar and shindy motion to the, •taisitio—Engunts
rounos 60 revolutions per minute...Oa. hold; regstilit sr
or she klud of work to to Dttearlitei. \ a is not to Barr
mon than one half of one involution pie minute. rior
further pattkalars, status 'l` 16Wiatifh. r
care of Thaaliscal .
firm \lrak. \
_ _
Cor. Frankfort at. and CAP Hall Fqtaro.
ornate, TD2 CTTI LULL « TADETC.222.2. \
Was hula and
opened by the subscriber, ilay I;.lafg,
slid rotated and furalthed Anna% 1652; be trerottrahet
tor c sgvoulenco, elece, tomfat and economy. It 'ea
not. he thrratwed lash . world. It con l ain non roam
than ass :other hotet
ar to top loath otanda which ars caroled lath
Cation W One through silver plated coals •There Is bol t :
on b dln nom: the heito wed water Mamas on every
floor will be lit withsoodurlng•tho inght Tido lintel
to candueted on th.Raropesto pith ot Lodgine Rooms,
awl meals seat y ray be ordered In the 'Tabus and
spl , ndal Refectory ' s d Is la the Immediate 'faulty of
mercantile On toe an
it /nENCLLd tho ganctsal Pianor of Amumn
d. (WU
Straw Goods-1851
fen!? 41 South 134.444 Pita44.144.4t4...
THESE superior articles of Feifuraery,
amongst which are *numerated WW* relebnited
I r Snits, Oriental Alebuter, Pearl, Itoune,loint mid
Toilet Poldr,. Obtains Velret.Ctialkaued •D1N. , ..1
tiolle..—Wainutaxid Elba Pins Band Brown and White
iflealicor. Palm. Almond. liancy and Toilet
Soap, Shaving Crean. Hair Dye. Cologne Waters. Le.
41.4 Mr the haaillorrehiebOx Marra.,
_Beats Oil. OW.
tal Pomade, (a cm artkilajYau Lonna llidePlastorative,
011e.PhOloomaa. Le., ie., are, maimfacoired sa4
Pernumes •• ••
48/Oulu( etreet, helm 401, Philactelp •
Wrilerchluate don't forge& th at °lege. is tho cheesed
and met azternair•Mazatectow la the cite. Glee him*
Soznething New
IU, e
uralvßS. G. SUPLEE, int , itos tho atten
tioo o
w ooot, 7a ltenlimts and Tr a. Mater* t
alled tunant of
Poe full dui Wier' Masser. Elam. Middle,, Talc.,
310 .dll!ner Cape. Arms, Puke, Ito. to
Tti• Patterns ane ensbroidared In Valio)116 &Aims, print
ed and flinger. showing - exactly how the Draw lal y+
year 1a.% sonde.
lieltur eons/ant on=lannleatlon with the beet housed
in London and Pan/. ant turulened =Willy 11th Inter
dew &slum, ae noon as It spreads. the peddle can sbrayA
erue4 On this 014 kreallebe4 flown fur the men re
etrerths novelties in dean,
always on band a beautiful amcrtmant cf
Children's Clothing,
of the =lst steles nod materiel
itelest mot orals. grimes= .hl be tans 4217 ens enel.
Inn Wee dollars.
ML. I/. O. euPLE
MI CIo:L7a i Pat.ra Eng.Halm,
ialDxl3m 14 gesatb lA .t.. Plalalelp4l.l6
MERCER h ANTELO, general Commis.
dm Maraud., • Plillateptu.i.: Libere. irasw
m cmalszmatta of Yrvalm• se • orally. hany
flairturea Markrt and Cantu= Streets. PttlladelphlaJ
Dry sad filmst Mud. Ma Mt% T. .111 .
rrr am Currie.? Tool., at t. lowest art ..
own 1.1!. bun S.ram
.t zt . 1.1.1 r. a t f
rpil rarp..r i vt• . roj r
talt.a la esehang• fur Md..
lamtbet cravu Mr, of eharit.. amt •41 on Gar,
Important to IfLartatants. Illsonfacrarati
Tradesmen andSofesariotaTeat.
48 sorra mm 6 a or, ammos rots.
rpllO3L4B B. CA.Li RT,Generagra-
J.n..2,1= - Al,m.:Nilwr:erg,ilelPZ;
“d Labels. would war rwspectfully cell the attention of
a d end =Union. men to then noggin POrt4 I
and articles.
The Ad.brive Sursionee, having inse arid s.Z.,
BUD II?. tlerlkns emblematic of Ms basins. vp
SlScoon and tiesallfully enaboued. will iti• found notkuin
1, a acre adeertisement, tot pm.. detention In '
fled Let. 1/4.e. These Envelopes have the retiumin '
Oetion and petvOnage of the Poet Maw authorities. be Inak
Ones man should Ps without'"--the detention Mon.
I=rAletterl f ro& l l . causing much mater for
Easiness ewer, from the name Dleck everrer,—.
The aleartiser Invitee an insimetion of his s
whirl will be found rplandld. 11111 Um. end La lk also I
hots and Utter paper eta=
Sketch. of BulMlnks. &a, taken front Ma .10.4 and
bwrailtally vase.. au Steel m a ts.
The advertiser has now th salons , . establish;
mant in the United States, haring , secured the remit.
of Ant clans wnekrocin_, from -Pe Lithe.. Load= and otlp
sr p.m. haneek Ills to.hinary is now 'witch. at a
met antler. to. he le prepared In execute ail orders at
short nohow IVrtnamnt
G M TEUIMAM. Ofirst Red Lkm
dal Clair attest, Pittsburgh,
J. B. Baggy it Sou.
Modant Tailor*, Ito. 180, Cseitmit st. nil&
tiAVE received their Fall and Winter
Stork of riot. mad varied assortment of Stark and
red Cl , abs and Cashmeres. Moleskin. Mull. "Ilse.
Slits and Cmhnier• "ratings, with • a:parlor lot of balmy
french and English Castor Drava and Mohair Cit
l at h'
Tn., remiss. Mon Ir. t air Opium. direct ham 3rn
Vedars=lrtftsaslllt analni Loas
prima a. any lane to Me Tan.
Puma* visiting Mit:aphis an dvited to tall. .Car
dem by mall assentelsrith daankosh, \ • • marll
Parl•Portil - ' . •
ASPLENDID' eteele pearl lana es, Jll4rfors
for AptfAns and othotn—Poorl work in ed. to orb,
00. on nand Munn &man flattens far 0040.1,ami
A ootiotr of Staerlit e t Tl ,,, T p rom. „
.3th st.
snat:l7 • • ' \ _ PCltadoinn),A
Wines and Lipari.
1 5 00 PIPES, Holt Pipds, Quiter Cub,
nod India Duni.. Pie. [told and Li6ww
13,...,441. P. Madeira, liordy And London Dock
Port Win.. Lisbon. L. P. sod .•co Toaritra, and
Dry Mange Wines, Champ waw. te. of 1 . 14011/ brands.
?moth Brandin, of various brsatlic Lhallind Oin. \
mica num. Irish and Scotch Whislisy. No* Howland °ad
New Orb./ hum, We. "Part of the ohm ire eatitied to
Tor oaf ht lota to soltiootelmoir t an luw d on, lib liberal Watt
b 7
hi • No. 10". eg.
OFFER to thocitizens of Pittabargh and
Its vicinity. the choke of their teaututend la—
meas. Ptak. to us quantity mad of ell qttalities dr
DINNER, NIA sel 20111:7 Mts.
0181110, PLAT.IB, PITCH Mtn 01Preuth Or Lag-
A 1... OURS WAILIS, Cut and Aleuhled, guestmisty,
i li h ole Y l=s '" and Meats houses suipliedlrlth Itw
tort stlielei, stay cheap Ivies.. .¢174417
VB. 1.91./.11.
rah Groan% N 0.291 Ytrtata4. PbUadaligas.
E. VAN METER, Manufacturer and
ger.RMilts, r taln i gta i rdnet 7 , Ims
Straw Goods—Spring, 18E2. •
rrIIE subscriber is now prepared to
ezhilAt Iderrchmiteand tlßllwn hie anal
heavyock or Wire' and Mtn.' nTIiAW AND
ANTIMCIAL YLOWEDDL name LJ Peosamo, endear,/
lasuby of BUZUSR for Gentlemen; union,' for
extent, variety, and Deantr of manufacture. .. Ira. no
uniformly. eweirloes,rlll till found unrivaled.
mut Tito ABVSIIIII.. M.. 41 BoPHIL oth &mud ß.
Important to Ilanufactaxers.
T IIE subscribers are
• superior qualltri /Shrew mid MN antrind. nitn
Veered Ommume sad Pa eye. Belf•Olibue flange= (nbleb
roqulre elate only =co In three monthm) LOOMS' of
• great variety of nattorne,-for Olney Mul Rood&
from one to elehtee• Mutant aloe for plain goods. cap.
ble of =twine from 00 to
_PO Dicke Der infants:.
Tberare enabled mom mortr extenetre improremente;
to product Xenia and floode with comuarativoly I.
bhnt and w mn vo cuao
l beoenu e rolmang their nn
ery. M Iphis
and vicinity.
where - thy , : see the machinery with all the latast im.
gram in full and suoceurfal olmstion; tr they can
eactorimin abbot way dtato son= and
entot ! "e gr d raddrassing • line to be enboorbeta
• •-• Bridesburg. near Phlladabhla. •
N.B.—Plans of rectories, filth the location of machloo'
my. the simodeet method of driving. and calculation of
'Deed. famished - free of chute. faltly •
• Philadelphi a Carpet Mario..
lIRERIOR 4aaltql'unt. Wannir and no
1.a0,,t0r nu at Lao boot
. 118 North Thirdlozoot. PIXIAJVA.
Iticare Ifemszey da Ca,
BIPOBTEIIB and Wholesale Jobbore in
ILLILDWA37 AND 019.9L111Y.119. 199 lisskst /army
statt and prime low. • 9•117
aREE APPLES-'-40 bble. or choice vazie - -
tler-Bpltairebnik Pippin; Lugi Peanlakt ,
11.. Jut U and Thie sale lw • ,
bra WiLLIAM 3 / 6 011r.G'4.
. . - a r. Woad and Sink stmt.,
All T . • :a r plp
Load. by itemise York Etat% for rale e.fitl3 a. DILWORTIC *CO.
IO "COPFEE-:-300 'bags Rio Coffee, for
+I.M tfal4l d. OULIMILTSON.
FIASEIL!).-2.50 mataVassin, for tale b
e y
1:10.62-150 hbds. o.lialtar Jail rea'd
smite au lir Law sinausx MINW/".
\ \
aussior athgcuAlqs, '
sA TT END to 'the dispoial of \ all kid
nren A.vit
ma, sod Ohb oirl l l.o h lroo any otodlroooo
. 1 4 ' 4 ro , 'loDog'ooel doliveting of arm. 000dloo.
ili 10—xoriurs. E. Bloby'. Bro..'ona Jobriositootto.
'..\ . "New Commission Ronne. \,.
2riLEE subscribers hard entoreiiiiito Co-inst..
T0..V9 00 0doo 800 Ono BENDLIMON B TB
foreo trontoo,ll 0,1.3
, Zin i :atr . In To;
Wreiouto I=. Emith'a Virart, altiomorts \
iV h ßfgrre.c? "44 r
%Tom t Dom. do \
", 'Me o WorOokoo lOn., Bic/moot, ,
Aocked Thomas Om, ', • ,
\\shads.i o t Oorobie r ßildtV.t... \
tg o, c3ls c b . +3=4ll Phßo.
s this .1 cisme d 0... Do , cn,eewa c• \
11=11 . 114=Td \
D mlp tom. Molder D., Westono Banß,
11k00d . T. 8 80z .. . do . Moo . , \ Alt& do \
Jostllll,l.y. Bonbons:
Belt Blmodoz.
\Ohio. LitboiatCtii
!it*. do l f f
\ ay\
Terveint. StAagih: • \
\4o , :ifivLL FLED:Hi:Kg. hiateactla
, `cw.g . MTZT
... p0, P 4. 8 =4,_ 4 - 1 .
A s merof-y, erd leorte stmts. .11=1124 0b101 , ,,
ltl or&
,s ,tsom bitteteateb'adll be probletit
,leeeet meeket stices. \ \
f IIFm. H'Haikilj, , . \ \
AVD . 4I. , q7IONEBIL, He.J WSW ttnost.PZ9ILIA,
141,:oelA atiosi , tion to Closozgasime ••49
I. I. Mt, • S. roma:Tn.
-1.7 admgdonloall Tor vitsdling Non. .t.orres,
460 Cor3 ordil WINS, r. LOUIS. MO.
salq-Pnrttlat stteation pad tb ttol ptushas• of r.461:11,
Li... hulk Meat nn4'haopn. • \ •
Mußeer 1.0 John S. T Hansel ' : t' Bonnath 4.4k0z,
llah C 0.., \ • • • dear.
I)AVID 0.1 TUTTLE, Attainn at Law,
cafatruaar.. fa , Pese.lrsrls, it. L. I. mi.
.ertlassokstioce rscasetlS sesStaar
1 10}IN RA.NNlK,..Attarnafand Comm.
anor at Lair, sad Ccos ,
ualcsioner (or the Rao e
ntrlssols, St. Loots. Me, (lets of Ettetruru&) •
Itsfdreesse—Pit4lmrslm um'..W.Nlorward. Us=ptes
M'Candlece , e McClure, Jelm •Bh,IL I
Ps&ipla. McCall lii 1\
• \ \
ForFarding and. Commission Merchant,
i,, 400 , 4=d if-TX \
, \ 0010. ,
Alt?! Bfilatatetta ick E4ll= a ln i tnaglc
80IITHERS RA1L110.4.15:\
TM. Cootnuriy on the opcalitt ot.niciustlon ih trfit
WOlt route two ant data ctestuarg. One of us .boa ts
l loan my doeN utoty lamb*, nnnOun onnentol.lng
hicroo, touching ut gandno o kk shot Wed? and ir •=t'
1., then elgtOttlVATho aesint... fala 4ll 0. ean auto ht*
°Puna' and stooltbouto.. Paccongeto by thlg Ititg stuttn
In Chicago on the r .Lnstafteram i ca N s looting Firm,
it Ztroight CO'ZlAt i ppLfatr c itea.Vn. SI rut
Bir.ghaz*.Trinsportation . „Line,
laiggi C Ait
N opeoingl of the Co&koroicill bo tea
a.-4:llf...`rjr""igtr'l Prods
Erabeavalitua lgast,zataa 'read tompadslbb
Prgnes and Megbandba fll gagred and torward.d
east and gut. without any charts Itabwarding or 1*
•angna fabla.anegadcm,arataraq. l l \
BI 1. LadiVorgarba l and all alga bleaally
Calmar. Yew* andlannaWatd*Atang•
JI.MR3 Vill*ONajant. - A \
leg Nath Hogue. rsert,_anlotmare.
" 1 • 'h Oard. \L'. \ '
l c,
, ~ ..1"10, : t 1 b L u i .:21: 1 13 1 ,41 , ... i .,. :b Al i a 002 . 01., ‘
r Interest illais BasAlaii . DM* Of &Comae 4 f.W.P.,
to tnts nr. eaten tdonaaral wan bandred mad . elty dol.,
lans,c4sh.. ,414 In, 44544 .1 via tarrems 7.4 twent7 tlace•
samAlollang. 11.. - Ifra' :WI \ .. .., 11. 0'4044014
To the - Readere - of the - liltabeigh Chitetto
üBac.,,ATTEsnoN- 4 .ivipeOfully - in
I\ r - rind le the folloilet troths, sikt troth fa refet te
oo I T the rot frown . s_..t_renwellee Is
a more
PEBALEUX. Oa HOOK 01.. Z It Is po. = one
\ =lL...lA.. l' l:l 4' kt so l u ' V '"' or =a7rel g ro w t t pinren th.
Oh heal. hen. glen M.. become fulluo r pr t e..4.tor a d
:V=Cl... saes, that the it ad
will PA pest tun spree& • • tto ont.tbe reaf
ed . .7 . ;ta eV, get we a. the wa•Ptnione atonable men. '
Int. one.'worn we aroan. will coothene tow useetwbes
sljother tortroms•here haw ealtotteo. . The rebel.= te.
. Natnok hernely, emometscl In the deaths of the earth'
b 7 • PeStep exit Siwg . 7 that bole. t• ROM all bums,
r i loo t J. 4g 0 tb. (46.32 wrintta sb u =s=
' lsini ' • to d= re thaw wholf4f trust rl=or pot coal
d.r. is on stste=ents. The girt ere en 7 sotto entch st •
say Chloe thEnisos rellet tram Money . Aston on
hardly be too , y .might to m. 0.!. the'ebiea c.7enLl.:
I tr u lo 'n' tlin, b e
en ests= Sc..!
our teensy ehonlAbo t014.1n order Comecon ior it • telplVc
t.. 11.4 fat. ....a , ./.I.oe. article In thins:ale end..
ha. Nan worsen helfecte—flers tbstony be soontsbnel
In Ina. inn end otlehhorhooa. bent er.ole tedltocen Is tie
error tin Petrolson, \ . , \ . \!- - , -- +. ,
Within the r .,, , tiro s moons. Pwo at oar oww elfin.,.
Vril ' calee " o ' r blrnarrthri=htegg; it:,
cured. 4.04,,51a:0be ,ats ealt/tableerrerwrauty.'
Um-. en einem but we wee near 0... and oble
he teferrld tO bY .7 1.1.1. w to hare aoshterat Menne
art. t Thaw cue.; wen corso,lfter the', DM ben abandon
el by strict.. es hopelieL. The Petroleum will elm
when net e
uon ototandr . to g i 11....4ka.*- 3 1 4 1.-Ir . log
Rtillt r ille 'fem. ChionloV i tto ' Otto. *
. Terfar,
1.1 Heed. pens In the tense aid u
' * polistatier effete= Obnals atgonitlastoni. , .I .7 ;TU
4 741. °"* =,:i.i -: ie,;dati - -,,i4 - 16 -
Olninpf Hands, exonisted Minty lawns a nt Bunions
In le • in
astresui sunnt,woe En bens tri
In morPof the above dawned wind., thenitst year with the
perfect wawa • Oortlantes that out sstoolebwre io
Ze I.
the coons hthloof th e note. taro . 5 .. 1 4 'O. ' l a. n r
N t ""''
hiktartel others Mr MT' their, illctsea.\ . the
Pettrarilln lathe erestoneetnedy of tin Phydelsos
,at hlgh stand!,[ in the profession ere to use If
In their prestlce _ nano who et entlooked, ow,
_th doubt
ted oneertalote, en wilase to Ward it ewe lipase sot.
=raid rralillt, Paton .0111.1 . Mr lolls rouse, slI wta In'.
compelled to &anew/ode. tint the! role= te the Cane
est undid. eyes iliwonrect . Tor eortalresle'ind re
tetl.h7 '' - PlYeelt a IIIaDOWXLL‘I4O Weed et. .
n. 7 1t.•11. 11•11X:'<wd street; ~ D. al. Corry), Tr. •-•
lallott,3ceeph Dort .A.lnderny Clty., '..Use.b7 lasers
scrieter.` N. K 1 Men. faminth etree4.7ale
tuat, da. L. Irshltanrch 'a 0..wa04 and r.o: , cto
17ARII \Oll.--20 OIL Noe. - I . 2cuad 2144,
i'o ~ .0. 1 sal. hr ' , TP*IO,I ', R. ROBISON a CO. ~ ,
1 1 1T.ItT.L.em'Ifurr — Jnis ut'Ze.a.
4.1 UN LiESs l — \ `, \
10 , sl4 ! Lard
11 d
, No, 1; OblOresss: - •
../ 00, \ , odo \ Xl=
10 b.gsDr'd Pollol{er. 1 tag Beamg
t,. .
01 do 'do Apples, 1 bbl \
i (ce
, 2do °inseam •41 bag. ratherg \
129 tales Oott o: \ ' '
To arrive oa etpass; Motto r sal . b
no. or 7,... , .
V RUDE SALTPETAE-50 sacks !'n store
y th amt fry sat. by . \ •
ItEADER, LOOK AT \ THIS 1-100_ agree
a LAND. la %edam th dtastorl near a.
gay town—Wl. I.4lou4l,l&. lartin /Ivo. without dear.
tai. [626.1 8. ffieGAIN. Etch street.
feet Marietta
• Otonon 4 Da* foot do. do; reel
Soon and for solo by. • • 41.
,1 1 0BACCO—.150 boxes manufactured Tc,-
\ bum, *mud brued.4 fbr Na Or
SUGAR.—.SO Ws. N. 0
etatZeill Bum. jut reed Paul for tale 8
V.:01.1311 .
5224%. Rooked Mei: 20 kt . .. 111;16. Golden )8,71460
lobeka dry oLl dotter, Apoler, o bolo. emelt, Button
lo Oorreliell 8..,
2 stke\ Iletedak Book 8 UPI Loed;
• 60 dor, Coto Drovm 46 mono Whea4
' 11 8066.010rer Rood; 11 601,6 do- • Forsal b,y
'6.24 • • WICK. 122 AND vso
TALL° ' 35 bbls. Tallow, reo'd and foe \
gals b I\l kaj .... .authw LLIMILLUGEL
ARD, 011;•—: 0 0 bbls. eee'd and for sale - by
lis\latc. I 3., :• • 3 :: •3
:55 Mi.Sngar on ennsigninent
.• •
JAG - 431'0MM Jr •
• I.4lWatle
• • for
Fut ; l 3. - for
PrnorSats.lbr cola JOIN -lugs tom la isso a &art
Wm; aln• 11 teals for sat. %L i • ".
fill" YON BON 110831 . 11IMPLIT.
gILOVER ED—NO to .in store and for
se• sr I\ nes' \teswoarn a co,
• ompmi •
I.Y. ca. or .;strate's Daily
...1111111 taloa, cornritid WWI)
c "la t7 g. l. LL w4Dui. •
I.llfir and Vtatlog.. -
0:,17<14 Nit. lemma as 4•4 4U. rta.
a. 1 LaIll• •
rlig%* '4 \llrtb re
, k "l7 Z i a r 4 2 11 . 4.1 1 .7_ r 1e
16 D~eK; 7 .. s ie big, Sin
4 :t; it ° 4 4 t b lttbc tr k .l IteU /lunar
TO lards* ba absaTir Balsar o s
tit / I N DO if 0 LAB —1509 bases '8x10;" S
rut Q
vao tou lto do.111a1; 1. do Ovid: Ow gala Dr \
lloarlLlA - X at. X
-.Erenntylvanis ' tifriad STOCK
,lwitrSON, PILL . * CO.
MartstazdTlar4 dreads.
Irsatal. b
• '.'
li'S 14641ir iti''‘ .
\1.1.% 4
). 0...„
-- --..--
c LD FOLKS' QUAD SS -- Introdue
..., Ina the yorpalar airy et-.." be II VIII atiloatok..
O. era. Carry cm 'Loa. "..Nall ay ....1r......m. • . ~,
LOY .. and . - Okyla RA* Yie , byS.C.Piii. -
tm, air. rootilral • norply• al .Voalar Quit, .
auks. ivth a luta Igt at the yonsilio rat‘ta, WY* • . '
malt ''''
JOHN .1-Z MELLOk 31\iiiP4,1yLnia:
.. ••
XTEW,, BOOKS--Juat iectived 4 , pit t m el i.
L' t a"Vr''''''" i 'l'' ' l ' 4 z ' ' \ \ . ''-
HI [onto I tae 6tata of hew Yortb7 a &lihhft i t
nail Yttli Queen. et Scotian& by Aro/4 ;
, : s
aloof. Ifetallusw. by &Met \, , \
Railroad Carnes. by Stantaritie , . •.• • • -• , . ',. ' i
al..b 0b....c. ay p.a., . • ,-!\ , :
ado:gad tr_illd, by Joar.baszyt . •,. . it.... \• . k '... •
wa l s layeer'h hlitkuler. 3. r . ,
„ li t
. isr 4t .... th 1 ,,,, ;* . ~
PaDer pt. \\•\ . i , ,
UTALTER'• i., MARSHALL,' 85 Wtlodt. ''N ‘
'., abort. I. uo , e•:s•s•pda,ktu,•uss.L • Jar..
Whoa• \`• ''
Whoa of Wall Payer. Monier; L. of Synch and Ar3o4 A :.
eaua . roannibetnrarlatlellhair hi beauty. gainer
...apnea. any b.:viola. bronsbt to this market. • \ \ ' .
itemakeemb nad landkele. labather whiting to psi
...."...... baited tam' irranilitalion. inalka . \ •
VALUABLE BOOKS—Just impomit- \ \ •
y, Plitt.* Jowled, &vied -Lib attars.; anis: k ,
\ MU.] thillesin. Ilisahlsom , . 1• .
.. \ ,
15.'t pat.'. Your Wilma...
• Tresoilk's Dr.1:101of Anlbentieltiot Danlah
Bsgser A Roby. knalytioal Leak:owl
. Illos4s Goble lockiteettiril
• . .
‘• ,
T al ".'t aclioToiri''neinisi
'u b.. and Tabu[, tar alibi by
•soti ' •
llk \ \ ...
• 1./Y/t4/51 k ARN‘W'S. dh Want .t. '. 2
Qn OII O O SLIROOKS—Book ''§toie N. 65
1„-7. Started dtratt ,, ,—
• •11111TORIZE-4•00•41 taltad States. Urge and malt;
Sloodri.des Pieltvlatynital Matt% u ligd and;riandin
Parlara Common ddbool Ltlidarn Pieuelpelc Sal dal&
andtn Inaland, Solna. and Goldsnattbi Natural
. OZOGRAYMEsatitther. AndrutamilirgerlOUV
and amain Noith . s .
AldiaßßAS—Daviee-Ndodade. ta. • • •
GRAIIMAILS--Snares4, Kirkham a. Balllan'cOnadea.
Butler% na \
o.4rten's, Eardera Ocnb da, ddaindy,L and
p.iielja;PennAnka, Writing Bads and Paw.
Far Wolfs. \ DATIdON &AGNEW. 'd
s MOW knot um lourtk.
ct.p.1.1 \ „
Jur tb'qc•r 1700 o'Cletobir gletmaniodealip.
nac rap:mitt: * 4ll v f%rgii ' mr.i••j•lng i ` onstre= tcA
lb. odd Imrs. Ith • loaner. sold miastb, 1 rae•-171.; •
{saw Dutapp, ofdltlatruria— Eto*h.4 and for a•iir
\ rib . lo \ 1f05.631'.1 pt.:between &I :att
• _ . ' , Zel4eal .Bookie - •.' : •
QUILGIOAtANATOMY, byMclisc, ,tlr
'E.."-Ing.""l".rDl72l°V=i4tlit u.diabo
nonsoaa P:actlve of Neconliaifirda stud/ of mambo , I •
tigaM i. ? n erd= Lefto n 4,..111er anilairti . ,
Do do •do r.Leuivisudria.i. •••
D rpetuntory:lllllcee Prac Le of flMer7: .
P.loe'e losiltutoe af Noilcios, ..
literartoa Dice.. of alltreca Ml has 7
Coopnom Sung, Wellman: 1104n9s ed. Dictio n[ . •
Goodes Illdrberr. A . - ~.•.e. L. BINIDA
noh2 . . • ' 78 41h et
', \ . Sabbath School Boktics. • -,.,,
' AVISON & AGNEW , are `keep ing
a ch b. L4 d 4 T c. . a. 1 6 0r ::: I tr u. .7 . bip ,a.. lott ,c o .ad
0000rttoottt of (hour's rig echo.
soitobla far
both Lamle, Touts. T 4. o. Zecoodg UI.. sad Quo. 4,
. Boob:. Map. MTN., and otter S. Setvtorfoodotto& ,
Fa... 10 it Bootott and Phllodelobto °doom. It6 r
fo2l \ . 14 klarkot ottoott ov Ro
histe ,
)oics—ca Market atepet, neat Foart,l*--
Tai.greiti•tory or the United States, 5 TSll..k
P1 T eti.,`70;7=1,7= 7 .11., for leom
117kterta's Unts nal Prsastmelair Ossetia:l- , •
il PatstatLat. by E. weber • • •
or Alci.--Cr.u• Dial:lna;
\ ;:owataeit taunts, names. See.:
•`, da. Pratte sad 'Pratt Inn. /2ma Lai Sant
ItUags etaknelts.l sada vales; " t . •
ArTil../. A asalotss on LlG:ratan and Vine Arta
da. Mani atat Panes.. aneadstaa
Chaabat's annstsnedlaot law. Mansura
Compsndlena et English Llteratnn. by c1e.12.704;
its, at Eastern erten, by DA VOX% ACM RW, . •
hUNLA.P'S FORMS—Contain *lre
Yiban Orally Madrid • forma me relhe *re
outta Of Pennsylvania and of Ilia Unite Btatee.andlor
Conveyancing. Aim, for Otte me of pliblia ogler aad
manor btixtem Adanted tbii• meat '
of A•aenobly of Penns leash. pith erolanatory
sad! anderous areelidenta 1113.1 referenced to standar! an-
Writing tomPleh are appended a Ifiloardryof law tams. v
and a molest, index. liecond adiAon.
\ Forage Or- • \ J. R. 117.11311 ii.
trHE PLITUNA BWlTTlSaticompoe
The hint Hoes ottleett, nominated by EL Zobool.
Tha shove sin the tot ogee reed from O. hobnobs...
IMalt for ttoklilloa;
My Old ren'ettoillosi 11,;,ZATotLb:'••
Old Yolks at lloonr idm ;4
sc ry 7g , -;:hotttenbt
• new lot of the Piano Wl b out a Matter; cOntaltdag 60
127 .• eh , bt of . E j lotlfr i ri m tiha b lr . ;1 1 .4 4 ,7 4
A L TEW BOOKS—At N. 78 Fourth ist*t—
Phak-iieste and Ms Ilm'es. by tintatt •
Mob \ta_lhante. 31 not, ?s
Life and Worfs of Itobett lth
/11.1.r_c . 1 Elope. f r om ths \ Nateleont,
sto e l Aeorelio n . of oaks napoleon, la
SetaXlr b ;•4 l .7::ll2 Old I nc b Shan
Brand,of Dontilnin, b ... :ltith4os, at ham. 11.1.
zatraN4ol.:4 tks it s ;goty. W. ff. pan.
Now .Books l Mow Books tj
C ÜBS of Clifton; by Me. SoattritTtlN
vv ineo um:cm...l4 t o ' •
Ono Llowatd. er Elan to Win • WitiK
L A Sa.No-45f: - ' •
Claud. Dcrwal. Dick Clinton:
=Latino Of Art; for Intrrnarr: [dont:
I , esann and Ell=teS. or th e Adventures of •Xitat
CinDnan suoply;_juot roceiveda,sp
, \ Wale.% CALLowa.
\ ' 'tdi • ?fa Thiel ottear.oroadta the PO4 Onds.
Hew Letter Prose.
ADAMS". calm and leTei COMING PRESS \.
.I‘.\ =a now =Gana Dstntc ‘l4 =Mt
goat, an 4 posy:Col Pot= ow eared 00th. oobltr. \
et annkend othm to want of Praia.. era Invited to call
and stank% the= Punta by •
Garkylby ,aad istnnapay.
5.11 \ .53 Wood 51. Won. Tatd and rountb. ---
' Nei\ !oohs. \and Fresh EtripplieS:. -
blexander'e New Book; •
b. loinatitllb Nallcm;. • \. •
'Ll•bon PGloda.S•rmons by Dri:Hodiv..lllll4s
-541 Gib dn - GoV
Don,..'. Wort.. • A\ . \
. Gran's Poem., blortratad;
&ono of the nallaolltor,llloattatodt .1-k _
• Haar? sad Wolnkon.Proytu. • „ \
Hannan', YolpttAtsistoot - \ •
Lo fty T, by autborof Peep at . 000 fo
Lo MO Lowly. Noce GI d in p.k.
\ ilderbrook, by Fanny Forrester:, \
Malden anllariod 1-tory Vowel;
-11onsebop of tlly ?hstas More;
• WOW...ex Work& nottoltd..Bro
\ Mr.anlars Ppee
00.oban \
Unable. g UrlUah E'. \ nyter' l 4:ll=g ti litr4 , !rub and !neigh
Polon of arobltoctura. Lamina;
r I" Iss
=TW,4,tsktr. b
cage n „
bitztak Scbol.lnsaoltadklonday
• .
' •
All of Idartee• publication.: • ' \ •
411 t lkoksillsto and Etationoto. 611 Market newt,
\ Church 11113 / 0 &Kik&
JOHN HaSELLQR, No. 81 Wood
Canalaa &qrs.. 76
Chtitash Disultrel. 7D.
The flakiest. br_J. 76
Hard.a's Sacral
Teeple D. Joasi-----
. Ig3
, t b zw , =
Narloasi Piaktdat.` ft.
\ Boot utC.bah btt. ta tk.tkia..._._;....._. 7D, •
• \ Natkasl Lyn, Ottood 60
'Bll4lAoehool ash by tl3'
Atign.Oleeßingsß_lty D0ttru17.—...........111 00
hishronalltaa 1 0.0
The Gits !Hrs. by .w `;,
Chorus Gls* gook. by
\l 8
ta Lilt! 4 r 1r0ar7;17.7
Warm u ts• Book, b 7 Muria • 1 216
TM Slogint Dirt 24
The 1000,c Choir
Sabbath IRS
J:ePoilTZtr= _at,
'hilpsophg, Ac., b .
\ . .
- iaiiirtfAliwi.;iyi b
yTt. u ligi.Pra. s il:
bine Noale;
Otote.Wottfi. volt D. 6.10, -
TO. J'afttly; A
Yt,h,g , .°rarrk,trZzri.
&rifts. Traits azt hitt ..
firmvation far Slet•Roatg.
Ham on the Aaltntit; - .• . . .
Sprint Time of Llts. by Dr. Disien •_. '
f Dangkton ofChins. b fi. 61 •' .. \ -
i Hj.,,m4ni lits!es oft en Cotsoart by au-
.. A
1 \,.....
LI,d P. .. to Christ. a Stoltz?, tietiorN . of a. ',,
Count or Nith. Jame.' last talk - - •
- , s Cl7gt 7:2 1 Z TYtt
Tot Bala at Itratara aria,. by
fay DAVISON t AGNEW. 65 &tarifa .1 t.
flew Stationen:
LADIES' mall Damask arid Laid Lettei
Gllktt'S Pr=
fr Mon? is Damut
er t rte.:ll.M.
butt mad le,Tare Foolnap Lew Paper
)2 .7..P... *tall Lagllsh. loads
Yargd *marina
usortomatt onft.Nor.trild kbactl.
;W:r i iiirVa P IZ. " T:l C rid a furalx
P.erwr UstioneUs arferl= . _
NOW.Slellaad o..abornea th• otr
Port. Itortsies. Cordoas., unt raa.t. ikefu.
P"''"a 1)14140 1 T
Boaknlm and S
,nj NStIANOB; -
tuziNs \ At CLAEL Brovitic. :
JUST reCtiied and opening -40 supeil,
NOM OCtavik SKIIPENTIIIE r 1 O. er moil. nt•
. 7 6.4 =I EIS lunmslits ~ thine In tilmobap , a •
, • Ms. son btoutte t. Ilds marled It ...0.....0,
• tb• town att.. (mad Phase. It. wort --
I the V 4133. nova. .06 Is hasmatl7 a ~' =l:r. P erootsev c .gtglinWe.tTlite
.os Isaltals WO th em It. res4m,p.,
Itvk at Macon. . . .
aliV4B.34.vith '.76dflitill*".o6l.
. . .
lbw 6.11. M at Wits 64.6.en!.09 ,
Moho,. eli, 4lth •Moill itaetullaut.,.
mint. by Nunask Wart. • ,
Ale,. two 6 cettror. vittr...l6glati Ettaartam
0 i" g 4"M t bl
"'U V 4 II
. r
_pat. °atm, flowl.b. ...ralt
ch.tia 'Mrth Purl
oa. 87 wts• wino!
6 an ,• • • ('''' •.', '
Aes rows! paDerir . elstor, wads if
lloa i oni n n fn.. P.m a 04 a 44 . 47 .7i „
'l tr v ihit.p.......w. . 4 ti k iwr
a tiraw s mease is ftwethittr.l ,-