Jamo, 'dams 24. 1863. :.: rhua Cu Otiolama i ... - - - fip. 4111/011b ABOUT OABDE3UO. *Ai many of our readers. have selesded their .. ' ode and made all the necessity propiratlaifor :- - ardenlogl. The season.is rapidly spy/wishing ' mtiorgardea seeds should be lathe gratin& May .. require to bplauied eorly, in this latitude, that th 4 plena may . be, imitated before they are ex posed to early !rout - . . A first and an Important consideration In the formation of a kitchen garden, Ls . , . It hi perhaps better, ail things considered, that it 11b011111.h&TO 11 - gll/1110 1111C11110110D toward the ,oath-east;. yet a northern aspect is,for some purposes, perhaps preferable. Lome Vegetables, rub as eauliflower, peaa, epinach, Me; yield : more sbastlantly when not exposed to the direct action of the ann. A moderate elevation is preferable to 'either bill or valley-- Conrcnienee of access should also be duly considered. Bat the moat Impor tant matter, in selecting location, is as to This should he a rich sandy loam. A depth 'of two orthree feet Is desirable. If Ale 7 0,0 " be obtained, and a stiff ciay or gravel soil is ee linted, see to it that it is corrected' by a judi cious admixture of fine loam. A alliody soil la improved: by the addition oftimo, plaster, ashen and vegetable manorr;,whiles stiff May soil demands such vegetable and animal manure as tends to the separation of Its partial% - Hence the necessity of litter, rind4:ther animal and • vegetable manures. Limo d plaster also op orate favorably, and char° is esteemed by 111110.711/1 a very 1100 feltilli3e; It /11110110 pow er of absordlng rations gasse•g"from atmoe pliers and readily yields thetoto growing plants. But remember that manure of some kind is es . sandal to the garden; with itthe gardener (undo • every Mice; without It nothing. DIPIII AND ItILLOII/771111 or rut som. Tide mast by secured; It Is. the-secret of all sticrissful gardening. The roots of garden plentaisitend themaelves to a great depth lathe /mil In search of nouriehment. Their delicate librile Save been traced to the depth of several. feet." Damning remark,, . "I have seen the roofs of strawberries extend five feet down in rich, • deep'Coil, and these plants bore a crop of fruit ' See times as large, and twice as handsome and good's the common product of a soli ene foot deep'," A deep tram has other advantages. It not only •.•piermits the escape of water after heavy rain,, but by its capillary attraction ab •-. sorbs - and therefore fa:tidies a ouPPIy of oriolz tare Awing a protracted drought In flat the ; only suitable, for the garden is -a deep met = low 1011;11. cold clay soil, or a rich loam of a few inches in depth reefing upon a clay substri , flambe not : worth the trouble and expense of eel : •In the.selection of ' a ails for i garden it is well ". •-• u , :rmeteferetice to water. An abseadont sup , • • ply of water 13 obsoletely necemary. London re ' maske;Ahaf,"many kitchen crops ere Jest, or produced of inferior quality, for want of water. init.:l:Lettuces end oibligei are often hard and • . stringy; turnips and : radishes do not airell;. on. ' • lot:Bidet:ay; Ouliflowims die off: and, in dry sea , eons' become Alined or covered with imeota even ••• in'xini3deep nails. Copious waterloo in this even.- - Inge" daring ihudry masons, would prodnce that . • Winces and mittoulency which we. find in tie Vegetables piodnor.d in the Jow,countrleo and In the Marsh Gardens at Perla, and In Enaland at begloping and latter end of the season." lIILICTIOIf 07 axone. ' After you have gone to the expense and frau. • ble bf laying ant and preparing your' garden, be careful In the selebtica of the clioleeet seeds. Many of the Bemis annually offered for Bala are wortrdess; they are either of an inferior variety, or hive lost their vitality. This Is exceedingly • vexatious to the gardener, and we know of no way hf avoiding txbut by knowing front whom you procure your seeds. Possibly an enterprie mg neighbor or regular seediman, maybe able to 'ripply you. If not you are liable to • be de tiered.' GAIDXS 70010. - We need scarcely remind the reader that the gardener abould be well prodded with the im ' plements of his art. lut these, the spade, the ' hoe and the rake-are indispausibla. Others toned:wlUAe valuable aisistents, and in their selection, much diacriMination should be ezer • • •,..,citeit eto It thst they are kept in con-: se . , ap limotte poaltlon,:and at :the same time kept • v..;.;'brOtxxid tileai. •• Remember the old etandard d - pkee for every (Nag, end eery MISCELLANEOUS. ffiNGLABB.L2OO Coopezi twamed.34 lbr J.EIDD in sglz CO.. I' , A , RTISTs , , COLORS, COO yds:T.BBlM CIPITIMI, diZatlit blOidtblg - • 111 , 34 Palette NOWT. O Parte Cra77o2lC • 1 vale. Mull. VoznlAh. 8 dns. Ilketchinz Daum IA neon Colarc, assorted, In Tabs. • A 1... &Twist, clobber Id ntorial fn Artists. suo.alcrays en Land—• lin& supplying. men &co far rate by ' .7, Emu * 00. Blita and Fancy Bilk& IrPHY it . BURCHF lELD have just . . awakd r o are d: sairtmeat of the eboie Oceda. ialn, , sad Woo, printed end yllaha Holm De. ehaee: Tainted Chaney.; printed Orearilmq and Beftg.K m.its _de Nue; Niue D.. latnec thins Sllkr. BPIVII . Mauls: tootle-walk:l bwin Camel sad Dana tlXneelM .' llustivetalre Collars. Csara, ka- . • .• . • . Sir NeerCloade anemias every day. • . ' (tohlo IG LEAD-50 pi. PIG br - Imblo Lead, jape rtio'd and B. et OBTSDN a CO. SUNDRIES -25 hhas. N. 0. Sugar; 400 blds. N. o.sfolassw; 000 bbl.. Lake Trout - Rile - 100 " .INbito Mk, , 100 at blds. 404 ' 140 It r.1,61‘. 404 , 60 bble. oe.l 54100 an: 76 bbla OZ. a Port: PC. btdo. Lb:used 011: .7b bbla =all white Bog= 60 " Balcsrug 40 " , Pearlozb: 100. Pried App leg OS " Olovorwed ; • 20 Massoody 10 " B OW: - ; =CO Ibtdprzl so eat ehoeer, 20 00m do. do ; aphis. 1/ 10 kory !Intl:, 2 ba.l 664+6 P elts: " Poems; 2 mks Be In store - Pod foe br , J. B. CI72IELL • , .• • , , - de. 141 awl 143 Front greet - I.II.KABLASII-1.0 oasts arime Pearlash, foresail by J. B.: DILI.VORTH a f7D. Wood strolt. LiACON.;•;-12u,04.10 lbs. toscortad Bacon, is coola-hause (bought a: =a reduced ran.) and ..i. 'art, nortmon a 00. aota • . , - 742 and 4.14 Liberty Knot. 0. 61:T0L8..--40 hhda., fart) liriame,. • sten aid tot sale cd'r by !lents t Box. )•.7UOAB HOUSE =LASSES-10 bbla Bug.? ne." 10 "" 4 Pn= "1,111112 bbls.- No. 1 Laniffil; /01:b 1 3 7, m 66 • iv Ucatea qtLfor sale by 11ACON0 prime Shoulders; and • 400' dada "' 4 " " 1117 , Iretru.s a Roz. LACON, LARD. ko:--7 calks Bacon, hog !rant T bbII. No. 1 Lad; ball do. do: bbl. % now Lading from armor Rama. Gr solo br INAJAH DLONET t 00, oalaS - Wain wad Prod dr lICIAR CURD DILIED BEEP-4 tierces Q 6r ag•b/ rtzthbl MALLUI I ROL. NO • :S&13:-450 bbls. prime, in • . ..k.for sal. br. Na 1.53 IdeGILLB BM 'CHRIED BEEF-5 bble. just reo'd and for ',l-1...1.1o• Rahn BISRBRIDOZ INGEIRARL fikBANGEB--2O boxes Oranges, in prime. a'ir rant nerd br W. A. IladLUB4l k CO. 1 EMONS , -20 - boxed Lemons to arrive, la fa; ma* by. W. 'A. MeOLUIIII t co.. nhr. • • tor. Wood end 81:th stre•ta. 611 ND It LE 8-- 10. so Md. Woo new Sonar; ZOO bb4.14.0. Kamer. SO bblw. amp Molsoaa 60 do • 110 buns W. n.(lbee66:l ; Sao bogal. bl. Dry Ao;!.10 10 604. DoU Batts. 30 ken /V.l Ler& SW lb. now Ewen 1 100 bbis. Olonr Bak 20 demo. Oodesb; 60 bus. 71moth do "; 100 bbl. Ne 1 664 98.1 m, 60 MILL gib% 400 Dom Itiodow42l6ro bo no. and fo, N. by - %obi DRIED.APPLES —lOO aka. Dried Apples,. • -•-.441.4" " ' d " : 1.14 IL DAL 7.11114 Ai CO: CLOVER SEED-150 bushels Clover Seed, in store sea kr WA Dr IL. !MULL t 00. I EMU. PRMS—/Ceecond-hand Letter kterm4... wood " 1". to 1/3. 66 Wood stmt. irALAZ=Sir DLUTONDS—A new lot of LT rho asaitsygrovid.bnr.d. the sale by. VLEMMRI3 HONEY SOAPS-4Hg4;y, mr..."-* five. IlitrOlPtr, YU: 12 V rit l , 7.l: - .tuT•nr,vg. 8 ." - Moapheno4l Ulmer . or Winter 88818 • 3 " Shinty' 17ckskr Net nal MI for br mbi J. 8•131 D t 00, 03 WBOl stmt. QIX OriOSS Lowes broom Windeor.BOAP la—lusiveed armi sla by. ' Uld OPIUM-150 lbs. Gumo4inny/1 ...es and for gala by J . KIDD a DRY APPLES-16 asobs and 4 bbla., in stew, Su who WA • MATT. MATTHEWS t CO. wiuTz BEANS - 12 bbla. and 5 sacks, la Atom% mraW Dr ' i gab• - - SITT. MATTHEWS YOO.- OLASSES-40q bble. Plemtation, 'oak pi-kis:a; SAO dt:.. do i amc i a n s Lstarmrirez.by. O. SUGAR - 200 Sugar, !astern , sad to for ale b N y- _ e „ ET, HAITHcm SUNDRIES- 1 27,000 75 1pttr019149,9.6 , 1171.w. • ' 50 661:110.11 . 1jrnr 16 661.131airamel4 90 lb Ihalku maw 600.blith.DU AP P.ll 9}lar.Battorr: 6 parelars. p_a for Auelly naer, _ _ lot salary flablj 6 LULITINDLLWOKUI ROI INN.,ISION-100 iitas .. a store ad f or 4'4 DT ram, 'KIDD i CO. _ _ O,BEESE-1 00 bniei prima W. R. Cheep:, hatred, Ina mg Nagar • 110TATOBB--Niabannock and Bed Pots I ag.ar DALT.= 3 00. No. 1 Larg in t a lsora, for BRIT. 11 6&00: 'Ailllo ke Rsal •tir hub •ICLEAVEIVE{ tit hp; 2146%4Ma.gt1.71•iui LAND SALES. . , .No. (488.1 BY TBE PIIZIUDESIT OP 13111 tan= STATES. IN PURSUANCE of law , 1, MILLARD WILLSIO.S. Ptecident of the Altai Etats,' of Acme. ca, do. br reier, and nate anoint. that public Sales arlll b eheldat the andenneadloned lewd Offlout la the Entre of I.OWA. at the perk& haretnattat &situated, to Wit:— - At the Lend 01Roe stILANCITILLE. =monolog all MONDAY, the &rib des of June next. fn. the iihromml of the POP. lamb wltoin the following tamed township and truth:mai township.. els: NoriA of the bare line and ;vest of the fifth printipea meridian. rational trethuhin ifttrourren end township [Ate eight. of ago thirty.. inacti - nsi town-tino thrtyworan and township ate.