The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 19, 1853, Image 1

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    at.77;ti f t 0 t5!"77.77•:.
ire ON raise rzart e intrt voCa rue annce
DS!iA—Saran Callus ianaim , ramble belt reszli.
• Deutz, 1C,411. la eeiv-T.o7e.
Kii.gLY—Tfrddealui per .111112. aran.a. ma;
be ref riled:ft [be r.,lTowteVonditlens—
rhr. coin ger MU= 5 05
tfs 0 •15 1 ?5_ ; - 9,1
V.iig, ' I; ' • —,— ***' - 'l. - ..7.. aO 5
Wont, abler. do ~ '...--.—...".•—..... 20 90
. ;7 4 'he i vst . iketfor u T;
1 als 1
li t Vidron " 6M. Tolhb 44
Idll he Vent after tho eta mires; onion. the money' ill.
wet to a removal. . .. . .
'Doe Duttate (ID Does Of Nonhars.ll.) ...
lb.' • • on insertion.. ....6 0 SO.'. '
Do. , exclieg. , ditlone.tinsertion.• 025 .
D 0... too erreite....Z,..—........ • 3 00•
Do. ' ' three werk5..—...—............ '4'oo '.
' /b. two c0utte ." ...........—'...4. 7CO ".
, Da.. ' three m0nthe—..........4..... - 9 00 "
Do. six menthe......—.—..... .... ... Ili 00 -:
,••' Do. ' Orals* soonth.—... - .... ... IA 00 -
Warding Dude. (6 Does or !sonic arum= 000
• ,
ime Dolts, Us es.* , dditionl hue.
Orklunare. shoat:W:4e Lot oleattcre. (Rae
F0r..10.104 ezeluelre of the Doper— . ..,.. .—.... 25 00
rob additional BPUZZg 10.11.0101 et Olt month.,
and tor rob atWlllottalsottart; inserted under Ito Toittr
rotes. balf.itrica. . ,
adrortiewnent casesling a ftelfltre, end not over fi ft een
lines, lobe thorned ea 0 austere and a
enblisheia not accountable for legit advertbentente
arced tha CCU= charged for their publication.
elantwocists .eandidatat for odise, to be chordal the
inse to other adrintieetunte.• • '-
Advertise...rate not crested on this ropy for a
- number at' isterrtlone.srUl be anstional tlll for=l
hofnient exactodaccordlc dlr..
The prtralede.or• annual odeortisers to ettic=te t d .
to their earn tramodlate Drainers; and *Nodes
:in MI bell:lijOrattlet pato., as welt as all adrertire-
MUM. noriencosiliatedr ainnectod with their own hug—
... end 0/1 shieses_of airstUatortente. /a length or *M
ambo, beyond the =us essays:. will be °horded at the
nenat rotes. Tor all enottirenteent odes:tieing. bine trill
t. vernal& le desired,
1 e lt=== e tor n g= , iit ottotte ate am.
!brio, vas/. tornshlp sal other trunlio .a.ristiesr, oat
sae. l ies, to eso <boreal Dail Nine. oarablosettotty In
• „ . ..
. alardorts notice'. to be.Oharstui 60 max. •
. Death potion, Insert./ arithontehargo. nolara eatownata.
clod by faunal Io tan Fuser obituary =Wes, us/ wre n
O 0 Am-mauled. to mid ter. •
Resolar advertisem and all others sending eorimnot.
oationa, arregaring nart/oes doeigned to an attention to
fling. dolmµ cartaarts, or soy public entartonanuroty
Then olurgoe an mad*_ for admlttanoe—all rotiose of
private associations-every aotlo, &aligned to pall att.-
t to Private SaarterPthas.oulonleted or Intended to pro
meta indiridool. Interest, ran anly be Inserted with tha
s alsrminding that tba tome to to be pain for. If intend..
Po awned In _the loal column. du ram will be
. tharrad at the rota of not lax than 10 ants per Ana. •
Pith°, or fn.- oottowa to be sham/ tripleprlola
Tavern Litanno Patitiona U nab.. . • -
Heal gonna *sante and Auctioneer.' taro:Wizards
mambo eland ardor grub [otos, bat to be allowed •
010. ..11 of lbinf thrWe mad ono taw, ;or mt. tropa for
=Dont . • .
irxmi 01 114 , 11313. T p JiALLT runt
Oa. 6 51 , 31.. C. 60
' eZZL additional
Amin:m.lmi, tam. .
aquwa no Lints) N true.
on. lasartion......6o•eanta
AD tratuient advi7tiannants tab., pam In advaalza,
OlWows BMX BM to nmastraen carat.. sr
U. -.HOLMES & 80:18, rinkars:
Na. ST tforkft rt. tennis !Unity:4 7barrAstAlNlsbarnA
YRIINSYLVANLL Branch at Stamillon:-.- X
Cant ofiditetbacztu...........2ar Branch at Worectar-'.....--,De
mara n ga&t . ior d r .. —tr;
i l ir ta at Estia..---..d0
B.A. of No rth City nag, Y (3=m - z..1:
Bank at North Amerlea-paz Commercial 1tt.,.....4,aydc,
Bank of Nort ten Mbertlea.par fra• Min 8ank,........0
. Idant et Pennaltaccia......nar Lafayette Ban - do
Pack of PC2II Townehlo-ps, tato Alfa Ins, 6 Tonal
Rant of lb, United States 12 Watson Roan. 8ant.........d0
yo=saccial Rank et ra- Bank of linesillon.....-_do '
.11annete 2 Hoechanicseßk oar Small NOtes. , ----.....d0
Girard Bank..—. - .............par , NEW ENGLAND.
Reorient. .Bar.k..-,.-Jar Allsolreat 8anta...... It
Mannfac. 2 Meat Dank-.lnr NEW YOUR.
. Meonanics' Dank:...., -.par New Tort City,...---21t. ,
ra,ll., — ...gtlt:=P:l_ .c"'''Fbrai - iitiiiii. ".
1 0
:couttinart Dank--.....2scrmonnere..-....................,itar ,
Tradesmans Romk.:---par Countm , —.---- ki
Ware= Bonk.. oar 3.122222 &DELAWARE.
Bank of Cnamberobah...:a Aila?lvent bank er._. li
Baa ßaal .IDiaelt ?? - --...1 Bank og l e trala a. '
L t
. 1
Bank el Dal.ol.oltectan.ncr Bk of Ylaninlac WatonortA L. -
Bank rf Garcoantorn..-Dar. , RA Itank.blia../forfolk.-:. ".
Bank et Ostlyaboutt.--. 2( Farman' ankorilta "
Bank of Ledflotcart -
'Ho Harchanted A Mech. liana "
Bonk of 111A11at0wn......... A; Ko rth Western Bank...-. "
Idontromery Csa.ltank-:-.par - 'Branches_
_.. .... c•
Dank of ItiorthomborDmApar - BORTH - CAROLINA.
Carlisle .... la' of Capv i_ .ear ' 2
Cniumbia Et A Brldre - 00.12asof Sknf 11.0arollna.- .2
'Doylestown 8ank........-.nar Commercial Bk, k rolng'sk 2
Indian Bank - —i........' -mar blembantellan Newham:
Eric-,- - ---.. N SOUTH CAR LINA.. .
Anstane Bk. of Basta 01..nar It oohs 3Lof B. Carat. 2
rarcurro Et of Latunetenyar Bank *fa i r Gamily,,. 2
faccomeDantofltsallantras Bank of hartoct... 2
Tann BS olllchuyikillOo.par Planteire Metanles. Bk. 9
Far.* Drov.Winelburg.'. X . . . GEORGIA.. „L
-imekiln ilt.Waskinstostln _Uknata Lunt EantlakOs '
Harriaborraank..t.„.........ranic of Asknota...—... 2
Lauscas H'l"4 ntlllariE.: 7 =parr i fENNakiltr di 1
LatunansConnty Briilt....3ws All advent bacat......,.........: I
Lebanon Bink-.—.......nar ICENTOMIY.
_Hiram' Dank ofhtlyrilla I; Bkof gannorky. Louisville JA
W e n
Br an ch 8ank........,parf Bk of LooleMe.Almaston..
Wen Branch Rant -...-. 1 ifon/ama Bk of Eantooky .T.,
• Wycsatos i l r lk.llryk Our. Amhara Et of Barratry' Tort
. Ealicf.Notea,,c, tat infEtat, of glannorL..„„x.
Gil; glatti. - ..51 gtilith i gf ilL • '
Wli o a t ti k .nn
kett5....... O ct i al l tiilir, u. 16
Stanch at Il_riptswpora.„, Hutu A Plnt ina.Co. elks*
Branch at.mi...tbe-.....d0 ' HICILIGAN. - •
Women at Clervels,l -Ao Wm/I.W Bank 3
Branch at Toledn...-.. do Government Stook Bank-,..2
Brazen at Dayton--..-clo ran ntanlar 8ank......—.. 3
Branch at Balser.. .do lontrance CrenDany..l....... 3
Branch State Bant—...-,..........3
Br reel at kontabals.-......d0 - CANADA- • -
Branch at Balcm-,---do Ilk of ll . 3 f.Ammies.Toronto3
.Branch at Manstaid.-....-do Bank of theNopla, Toromoi
Dranah at litttley-..-:.:.:_do ..-....,.d0 link of idontraL.--...6.
Branch at Cinctsmatl...,..A. rant of o.Canarlo2l . wont, 2
Broxr.ll at C010wthmt...........& EASTERN EXCHABOL
Branch at Washinston-...d0 On Nam York - -:-.......i1r
Branch at Cadia---Alo On Philadalphis--.-.
Branch at Limarrr-:-...ti010n Baldmore-..--... •
Branch at , WESTERN MACILANGS. - 1
Brawn at lit. VanonrtrlnnatA...-........-....-- • .
Branch at Newark......,...."...d0 Loccirrilie..-..-.--.......,. : -I
Branch at it1yzin.............de5t- Laule,-.---..-..
Branch at apringtakt.,.:..,..dodi`OLu LAD ADDDID VALUE 1
Branch of alszletlo Doubkano,fleartlah...,....l3.oo
Bremen at Trey- do Pasriot-...c..15,50
Itmactrat Mc FL...AL.—do Unto. 0.........-..-1.30
Branch at Zansevllls-.....d0 Eagle, nedr.. ~ . .....-10.00 .
Branch at Netwalk.....-...d0 fradericknV ors-. -...... T.%
Branch et Plans...—.—de Teo Thalerm......-......... TAO
Branch at Gulneas--........-....... &AO
Brawn at Eaton-,— Soverriva---..-. 4.111
Branelz ett 1tarem5,.......-...42'Ent.Gentacra.-..........-1.22.
Branch at CllLilll . md
Brimeh at_
xzeoairo ncic nal nrreavacia ciAzzi-rs nv
A. WILKINS & Co. ".
=1 I
Bator Mate.
Do. - m
coupap.6". 0F4.6.
1 ii•....
fit - tan:lA elsy
Do. foop.6%Df.
Bent of Pi=trgi.._ .1
Ilarebaxtfa EfanutHanL!
Alleithear LaTitmo Dora!
ost4oA 'crocus . •
Moron oloels ' ilridne--b
BLOW,. tIL Drklan.
llttabab. Laulsvrig
=es ManatlK......r..
Penn's. unatral Rail Raid!
. Oh% Pe.a, RAIL float
HAIL Ohio Rookl«. ,
t Cho elssul Vellar'lle
rjicr:L.j e k7 Doa
i balArtcods.
ITurti n 4 ;14=
1.111%. A Perrystll4 PA 341
0 nwasbx. TurcrpllwUdi.4.
Ohartlets Coq
r„t, 1180 j
14 321%
23i Ihi
b 17.
•Ittaburgb Boot=
North or
or thth.
Ilrort Cit7.------
IFlttsburp 1t LL Sol
iMwrlgn .
Altdo Tap .....
idd al
II .-
11 , "
I 9 I 7KI
ra =maks, ttorr, Bart N 0124 &O.
2r014 lortZteLomlteDos
/iota Irafte eallette. ca ALI pm,of th•
Bea. tenishe 4.1 wal on
A. & 004
N 0.75 Tvulau Erna%
O .PPoLit• Bans -of Pittawyk.
Mi t k i lijragruema, at moet 316eza1 Utas.lloll
•- • "H. D. BING, •
Banker. awl Breluinge Broker.
re. 59, ',atm= smut.
u - rs mat Dollar" at the 164,1m:5e6 tauter
rdic,Sk4kaboar.4.ll2 mai on Comatudo. West.
ora ctonor akar at lavott atm Hight
tby Mute,. dam 04 "Kun...4* wtbelirm.
• • • • .. •
A HERIOL,NDHIain azul Ralf Dona;
. Clolnfm,
Yratio Inrefo. ,— Tlreut. Yew* Platy
• Ten Main/Um. ' • 8P.1 , 1•01.humk, 0 . 6
Doil Olooos,
TIW.: -. 2p:AfLy . '7 I7 TITT7SAVAGH: - :I:GA
. . - wlan, •
IT:TORNEY 'AT 'I , IIW--Oltre; removed
tovp-rp H irezurropodte the Cstbulle
ilLsbar gh. Ps- ffine, e
- . .
Jaen VE47l:4-
. ,
~' .QUECTIOM made
in C
th ,ions C
i,n i O
g 0
aanap_oitarao.mahosi se . J• 17111.....
Actor to lion. A. W• bop 011 1..141 I ,, Ca
t, Loa
licorice P. Bench, merchant•
EIIBEK MICKEL, Attornotand Conn
.l4„!,tailor at tar, Wilternatt...Mlaaany.Coanty,Ya..
. 8.. Bntelat and ffrompt attantlan oven 0) Otalaattar.
an 1 ticniveyattrina carefally attwadal to. doLt•ly
Ca _
ESSRS, TODD & surra, Attorneys at
P.VLie,. I , ro. 114 /math stmt. will attend tom)" Pro
nwil bosh.. dazing air wbs.w.• •
delLtr. • . °YOKO 11l 1 enatoitz.
•• - -
8. FRANKLIN; Attornoi Laic, No,
fig LIM Foto% ftrt.e. urt,reen Wool and 8m1:111e2
M ARCUS W. ACHESON, Attorney at
6 t.. itia laWjaZa t a . b, Pa.. 046 loarth itteset,
12. CRAIG; Attorney at Lati,-New Castle.
ter to lieu. WOW. wee Joyp a n :34 l.ll
Ilamptaa * Anftb,
al*, Wilma &Oa. It amp.
TAMES J. KUHN, Attorney at Law, Whoa,
ao ro.rea Publ.:at, J816:417
/e: rn
P. SPALDING; Attoey and n 4
1..• miter. st Las
Waoccd; t 8 watt& •
bb•karro' -* •
. ,
ittAIiTES BOSS SNOWDEN, Attcomey and
Cm:manor ClZze;taldsoge.l46.l3llTbinat...
• I . AMES 2. KEES, Attorney et Law44)fifoe
tlf ena
fourth - rt.. banes Ectithfold sad Onizt. Elgar
WFAVEIt, Attorney et Law, Fourth
0 dna. tasise• 021 0*. - Pltt.bialt ) <W.
ectlwas atteuilid prcaotty =7.tbAka
P" G. 4. B. FETTERMAN, Attar
.. gm at L
nr=has and Beal - LW* Azad; Ct. la i ttb
pRANOIS O. FLANEGIN. AttorneystLaw,
Na rv) Irmo, stmt. Plttetnuitt.
TASPER E. BRADY, Attorney . at • Law;
0 , -N.112 fifth Mut. Pittansmb. P.
_ll LLARRISON SEWELL, Attorney et Lair
•.otti• State Oaramlasfmt tbr Wins Drooddasts. ad
-1.14.i.01a of Nods. as Oma—roartb Igtr.C.abotl
8,1111An14 cantdivr.
29 6'1%11 STltlyr, BOSTON,
Cheoki, Drafts. Certificates of Deposits,
A ND. tfacurrentaipaey bought at lamest
1-3 L. ColleeNalst =edit on ell larCa of the link.
DONTON—Y‘W•bIIo Nero.. tq. W. H. r 0.•,.. Esd..
Curlier Dealt orOenuewree. bloom/. IL flamer
Bra. .1. •Bebe, Sorg" It Co.& D. &IC
NEW Yorjr23l=. O: e. Bob bins& Item Cortle. Beale
afearing, Celweatet TeratUre. blooor
r. Aktrtoh Spew., • •
PLIILADIMPLIII—bIewere. W. IL Newbold a Son, Orane
Stone. • •
1 !dome. Ootooriat Wesklogton, D.C.
WLLICINS k CO, Exchange lirokere
NLlt=tr a e t et 4t.r oma ai s Caulk afjp,ti
atm.--naterta Lams
MA= & mum. •
. Bankers and Encluinge Brokers.
BUY and sell Gold, Bilvei and Bank Noteo,
begatlal• leans on Boa or Stock Beetirltln
Vat.. iu r" =, N l= ea Th euitrag " gka " Colleettm
wade en paints Ifmr Mt= unto., °mace f Thlrd
azul WOtd Mut.; dimly epposita et- Lai age natal.
BBIRD g IRVIN, Real Estate, Stock and
OM Brokaw. So.lB, ritth st.
Co., Bank , en and Bro-
au. a. . 11 . 1 ma—:.....:.---....—...1.. letiT
k a V : IL WILLIAMS :& : CO., Dankers
• d Hunan Betdcara.ll mitt Eastnernei of Woad
sad streets, rttlatnnh.
• all transaatlens nada en Utnial tanna. and ,Sellsetlella
Inentatly attended to.. • -
il D. SlNG,ltaikker and Eiebutgeitroker,
i .(lokt d sum Deal:
a ittuth Er...t.. er Itt ,H
kipsoanicb agd.. Iry Fetes; IllLteof ewka
The Mahal market priefiyall tn - pteeilnm far American
Half Hallam and .Idealeta-and lipankh Deem.-Ds low
uTM. LABlldn r at., Banker and Broker,
Ty Chap.,. o. 116.1areg the *ma Pitlab cavg,
.a l Dartertit MIL of Cattle:sten/
josi Bulk Nati* sad Break No.'la oars stmt. PM.
o • • • ectiona mut* ea -11 . MA principal dtle•
1/1191.1141 PL1X13.....111121111.4.....111L IL. BA=
. ALMER, R&NNA & CO., Stotoeseors to
X Iluurr, Man.& 13:4 &aim. Itzcitazaa naaatata
eta dealers ta Peloa:toad Domottolfachahge, Cartlfleataa
net. n 4 beak Notes; and Speak—North • West tome of
Wood, and Iliad Meet& Conant )tomb mend au De
Wlt- Eight Cheeks for gala. an.i. =aeon war.
0 an the reftedyal pefots of the Unite ntatat.
22t i . kighart molt. ;aid tar latish Aamien
hari.noreauteon eouripameat.of FlLdrxe.tbined wt.
Ilteril farm. • .
D O. STOCKTON, late Jobneton & Stook
Lit,. too k Etokeellerjlt•tlourarlatcrona Blab?. att.
pas o ar4t and Third streets, Pittaurgb..
READ;Bookieller and Stationer, No.
rourth stmt. AseLk, Bull eq.
. .- Z. B. WeMin
`ATII OLE 8 ALE and lietail Dealer in
V V Want and flabool Books. Papa and Stationa , 7 ,
N 0.153 Wool atm; Ratwora Third and Your th ) Pitt.
butyl. marlin
imisor Irma,
1 • WILCOX & CO., DniggLsts and Apoth-
La. entries, alrner
. Myriad Cann and t Inamand.
P .
• • ..
to their basinsa.
. •Plantain= malign= ard4ll7 Calapesndad. '
John P. Scott.
1• Drum Paints,
, an 4 Otudg. 80. 219 t, Liberty
An mars I.•prampt tteetton.
OrArizttertocOnt ACkta - vt Labia famflmedlcin.
Int. Fabt Attar
Int.Jast *AO
nt. Yob & Aas
• Wll da ay .k Ito!
n , F.AIINESTOOK:it CO., Wholesale
• Dra•opts..and alannfutax•re of WIlt• Lead,l44
Llttarie. ISIZZI. Wood a= l ..Aztamtme" ELit.
J. son ' vul
I KIDD & CO., Wholesale Oro 'etc Peal.
Br and Bower uo
FO. son.. d Fourth streets, Pi Orden Will iNOIIIIfO.II7 pea.
rel. and forwarded with .
Div.Depti Ket
Div Jan. 6LI
Div. • 200 vir
Div. ! SI Dr&
jI -E. SELLERS, WholesaLa Dealer in
ii,. Drugs. Fiala.. pr. bares : oils, re:wee...a...ea
o. 61. Word anon. Patc Ps. fiords irarnoctsd.
Prices la..
1.7 v. AoY. $3
.FIRAIIN & REITER, Wholesale and Retail
h DimaWs. cots= of Ifbats sad Bt. Cash go.. Pittr
% Ps.
SCIIOOIMAIPIR &CO., Wholesale Drag
e!, an.ta N 0.24 wood sr— litubstrgh.
. tHirar.ll Dr at
In...raa ais it
iNalr Stock.
E. DI,.
°AWARDING - .and • Commiseion Mar-
E cheat, and-Otseclal ° 6O W ar
tor the Pennsylearda
Bend Compan_f, /fo 6 0 Warn mal 63 Mat st.,
.Prtiata tlie hall DM Depot on the harf.
Weatan conslaminots to be forwarded by rall road will
be metrad at the !Ming cod deilverad oa the platform
to the Conmaur's Amt. then to .6. lawkd into the arc
temboat charm mkt: - Bills dialing trarmittod.
and all untraehou of owner" of constiness faithfully
carriedout: •
but ram =ts b morived th e platform.
Irma the mu; tit and charm Md._stud the mod.
• forwarded by steamboat. rauroad. Ma ,
N.M. wishing their gotata trisind. Wane 0.,
Iszteezdgcmgronialet DIV= for
menufactms itlled Ilteral . term. je23
17.131 . 11 P
4pOMMISSION and Produce Merebtuats,
to the salt of Ilauxt's end lafaln's &
am Ws rolebralod alumnae, and Eatery ran, 84 W 0 ,4
street. litubarrh. • • IN
C. N. B. 8uicrtx.......-J. Fluor&
Maio", Bractin 'Co. •
OIrENESAL - Commission Merchants, an ,
oi r ofhlarlukt cud Church arse* Nusbrfile.Tcuo.
•. a So—roslsh fritter dk 00..4. W. BroJer a Bro. . • • Plarburuh.
BosZ4 & ligurrr.
mune, and Denim In Gamma Prcdug. Nos. 00
and 10, WsUr stmt. PittOnria.
sirLibend adrummas44 to tonsignmento. ref
. • T. dr 7. 7. ZOOMS; -
ebalstm 'Denial in Wool =I Preduen
SUL corner of iktintlain, !lad Muir stmt.
-Pittsburgh. Pa, •' &SI
• Springer Harbang
(ircclaßost TO e. 414311411011. y
, &sat, Doran ta Flow, Woo/ 444 PnXll444s4nualf4,
0.144 runic it.. and 110 Scoad at, Pittibursb. Ps.
W liZNDßlCK, , Forwarding and COM
ottodotilfwahoott obeti lam ?or Meatball".
sta. wombat's, N. Et Wood "trod s Pittsbon
Portbotdonatootton bold to /award.leo
Sodoslapstatt" Amato.. tioconnaticso abreast:
2r Boots a for darriotion.
Orden awairtir attatatt latructload . sill to JI
raY _Yoll:b=l;.=ettfalLattilcitsa sad
MY to am mar storboo,lst your bobat A.,72 y7'
Nila it JONES, • Forwarding • and Coro
sludge Withal:Oa fa , Prodnoi Plo*
ilannakesuidartlelea„ Paal Beata:near Birrnmtb
ARDY, ElNE§it 00.18tmessors 4o itt ,
wood, Joon & Co., Cemantatosi axid Vormattli 3 t.`
tm. dealers ta Vittttaush Atuargeroll
(succr,ssoasio PIIILIP B. KINCAID.)
V•ANUFACTURERS ofPlowe, Stocon,&o.,
L costar of Liberty and PI st :trust,. Pittsburgh.
rabecrlbtts would respectfully eel the stttentlott
of fatinsei. and the publiosttieusU.
ttrarz i :s o Q t
geneml arsurtutent of the oar artlclea. which tool
offer far cash, as cheap or <bagger than say house In
.th• Abet.. • •
Aaiun hob %Jul.:ln:inv., Cooking StortuOfitsa Bttreu
, iltorsh Lichens is•tu.
Ittrusslit• •• • • nogur kelake.
hid* • Panty Om. Consuon &b e
Itnittipirst.lloll Pause r•littersi ponies°. dlr.
Cattail lira' Oortt trUttb •
. !hovel. llamlal Dial Buckets,
Cultivator A Curti nouns, Russia hats
norm Hsi Tlankahlmt Alsottige•• • -
hhorels. andTorke. Hunla
PI pe..50..4c. •
They • Wen bey. la • abort Luis • metal swartnent
Of tiegl ""' I . l 93 l •lll e filridifi'D. STOVICIBON ico.
• Cosch• and Caniage Factory
ORNER of Belmont and Rebeeenemeete.
V 'Allegheny dry. vott!d gerneothilly lab= their
fr etolsonti tosimbile generellr. that they en nenitfao
All minx will be evened iritA rtnet *ford to darn
bility and beauty of floish. Brines will elm be bonded
to co the most tvseonshie terms. tiring In all their work
the hen Eserno Malts. Poles and Wheel Stuff. they feel
confidant that all who hear theta with then patio/urge
will be perfectly ss Ind on trial of then wort.
doPurch elsew asers WO minuted to dye Igen caliber:re
ct par
ning here. o
A. BROWN would moat teopectfully in.
u .;
firmthe public that ha Mier* OD hand, at Ina stand
op tbi matt aids of the Diamond. Alit :holy. eltr.• op:o
-piate astartment Vsnitian alaA Vanttian Shah.
nun mwmade anat. to Um boa arta. warranted aqua
to any la the United gum. Lila Batals un be remorwl
without the ald ot • amain dtiver. Having antenatal the
atruk, tool. mod wont at Um Cabinet. natabliatunant ot
Eamear A VoCielland, ant named to forsiati thy* old
tattoo:l.x as well as tha nubile at lam. with everything
In Mom lint 'Armor. No. 6 Wood street. Pittetrargh.
anctinti - . J. A DROWN.
. ,
Fein Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh.
ifrENNEDY, CHILDS /k, CO. Itisnorao-
EL: tams of
, t”nl heavy 4-4 netting";
,Jarp0....." - ..altrof W colon . . and 412 ad.
". sM
114 nic
Rauh Linos =IS 4441 k Cord
Rope eves 4.d flamipt ;
left iLt the
0 0 1 1
te en of Login, Wilson
Co, NI Wood ocrosc. 0011 hare atlention. fro=l,
ItiNNETT BRO., Manufacturers of
Tiadai said ?army Y. Iloar. Viackingbaan wad Crum
ware. OtEca lathe Manufartorroannar of Auk.
Ington and Franklin Went.. Binnisahani, or ar ma lt• Plas
a add ly
J 1
WETHERELL Manufacturer of
?ATM' WABLINE V • soporior article. MID
sod BRAZE... BOX / CRS. cora.; Of AoSorson and
Itotawon atreets. ose Naar* from Ito flood Ot= ottLIAS
AD eghotty
MIL L. 4:111111111.
Herron & Criswell.
WUFACTGRERS of all kindeof Brass
Work e _Locassonve. Steam Eosins.
tton Batting Manotartarprs.
fotwolx. Figabas stmt. I Wantroon. Va. 12 Market
. A l len henr ear. • . 4 near Ylert.Pinebangh.
V. B.—Old Brass and Copper Oak. esonange for
77nterlleft atte L laandry or Orlon 081 be attrodsd to
pmsetsallr. - „- feel/
W. WOODWELL, Wholesale and Retail
garnaturc and Dealer In Cabloet W.,. No. 83,
VIM Carra11.t...... —AVOID C.11261,--..- CU& InaioB2
*we rosminittnre and keep emstontly on bang el
! 1 . 6.16. figArablec Pinioning font
nu Nano slid Peek; litton;i ISaaS Ooppor a 6/ 2 no into
ii i tt Pattern oro• MAME 661n0t0. aasntttl
CA lIPBC IA CHM 01,. E." ""
niilinf Wareham, 69 Wang ot" Pitiobang
ftELLINGS, WILSON S CO., blantitaatu-
LIP- as. of .4.1 dm Lets. law. and cloy tanks. des+
box.e.tude. and Lltanner anishinda Wont, hnaa and
shoe nath; lan, band and lathing So. also Lao al and
14 blood nail,
. .
ONlee at LlNpnicorr a CO'S, No.llll Waters t-.
'bunch- 1.7
'IIIIO3IAS PALMER, Manntaaturer and
. Importer of Wall Rom Borders, Y. Word Pent.,
Londocano Pitpa Window Mode. Ile, owl Nolen in
Wridni and .
raper.lionnot and innottn , Boards
an, Kat 5 gab% otnrot, between flint and Ponoth ob.
PittEbargh. matt/
rer or. OR! rntrmt Pletnro =4 Looking Mato
roono&-Gilding of any kind done to 00400. u titemboat
work. ac., No. :3. Bt. ta..irstron. PAW:ru RIB sh. Yams.
Mow Coach Factori—Allogheary.
MwrM. A. WHITE CO.. would re
eun. nt the nubile that they have
a an Leoa. between - Federal and benflustY
mate. They are rem usklnw and .re rivrenei to vain
order* for renew description of vehictee.ooachee.Char t n
liannehos,Borories. Ktona. &a. an. viiith. .=
, waperience he the reannteetnni of the shove we%
ea the redline. they have. they feel contdent they . n e t tablog tad." gol:l 2 T b e ei rist e reaacm•blit . terms wlth
i nr : t . Vatentinn to t tb , : ,, aeleetional
t zar];
hatitali • ont werranting Lb% work. ` We &raga athn,
attention of the public to thJe mina. •
ti. A fiepairbes done in the beet miner. and on the
moat nneonable tetra. lartf
hORENZ k WitiliThL&N, (formerly of tho
a= of Wm. lioNO7 M.) Madam:urns or 611
Water and 66 hoot ofloof,fltuburch. Po.
N. 11.—Partirolox atteutlonssl4 to old duo ot'Whidair
Masi and nrlvoto =ado for Dottie. aa3 1 , 151. 6=15
XLION • co, ■R}.0C1n0.... ..C. Abram • 00, 0011
A A. MASON &CU:Wholesale and Retail
. Deaters In Pussy 010 Moto y Gouts. as glarksit
.ceae• Pittsburgh.
r ipEry BURCHFIELD, Wholesale
WI Bean DA& Dry O blercluram. =mar favrtb
..dLet stmts. Pittrbargh.
•' Dr. hunt King,
nETICE and Residence, Na 112 Fifth
, 1-I . r . Trp oPD.lttithe Cathedral, "Ittsbttrigh, P..
A SSOCIATED in the Practice of Medicine
from this We t will beerie) the dike hitherto mote
p_ by Dr. vete. 810 Penn etren, between Hand and
teem stmt.
%InLL give particular atter tion r,
t, e'er, raritty of oyerallon to thilty•
abd 'lob root.
Artificial Eyes Inserted. of sober!. Quality. •
Application...sal it to be left at Poet Odloe, or at
Ale rod date., rodent street. Allegheny city. •bore the
Diaaand. , .pithy
at/OIREOPATILI 0 Physician, devotee 'me
dal ablation b the treatment of Ceram of women
children. and *ends &bawl generally, an wall as
ehronto mrsteal diming. Chace en Anderson street.
neer Oa Hand street Cdid ;mend nest de . to the Planing
Mill, Allegheny My. 019 , *. boars from 7 to 9A. M.. and
grind Ito 3. and from tog P. M. meat/
saRTIBT, Fourth duet,
lj eis . I c y rlt d :""ottf t 4,0;;;;'
lIIINT, Dentist, Corner cri Fourth
t sal Nee:2st" bietwona Mutat azuLfarniteldk
111/4 1. F. WEDDELL, agent fertile purebnia
and ale of S.ld &ob.* Dmln In fkmds, Mona*
tan.n t o ". 8 ° 1111.V1174 1°; :17"00"7,JATP.
Notes, Bonds, Kirrgiagn &a, Negotiated.
402 Tn D. Jar. t CO, turner Aced sod Valuta
Austin Loomis,
ettudEse sad UM Vraker. oaks No. 92, ?Dar r, song Wad
103.8=tottre pmsibtl/ attend . ..l O. lAdly
~> „ . ~
FM. GORDON, Secretary
. now Ock. 92 Wing! at.
IDI A. MADEIRA, Agent Me Delaware Mn
x. tual E4l.oinnuazgao Compan7.42 Raba stmt.
GARDINER COFFIN, Atontlor Franklin
IP Sire Lonna= o =Plan 07 rth wt "na of WceS
.1 VE i lpnceessor to id ur va~ ej Loa
lit= targ7""'
, .-
W T HINISTS' TOOLS of evav variety.
...h innx PL AN Rlt'!. BIM * ...A * .A tiara TURN
1.11 OE.!. DULLING% 3llelliNE.a. /a. it, mum
tutored to °dot. , r '
2012' • ' . .1032711 F. I.IIIIILTOY A CO.
JOYS ... 0m...
Jones Quin. ..
Vi, ANTIFACTURERS of Spring and Blis
:°ll3 • QrSCO-
AiI . H.A.NUFAC . R° EaS gerli cf l
-4..Pm.41 Scud cum g Patent
t ttmt, pitutttra litt:r rwa—cbran cfßou
Enterprise Foundry
NerIiEREAS, a chanda has been made in
V V the ovnershlo of the hdterpere l'odudry, altos.
tad on Sandmen, etre., A l l dry, thebusloses vill
be tarried cm On umal r and eon...feted under the name
and style of 11,01/140h, AINGSLAND A CO. All orden
lett at the Foundry, or at the store of gobilon, Little &
Coy Na d 5 5, Liberty st.; Pitted:Mb, v.ll t0Vr0011.47 .t
-tended to. Kl4ll/30.V
0 mausi.thn,
' MU% F 110010CIV.
The: bugle.* of the old firm of 0. Itlngaland r.W tes
gelled hr the sabacribir, aZ lbe old a 1.0.1.
d.m4ioa C. ILI NOSLAND.
Penn filar Works.
optic and Orthopate Surieon.
D. D. Moore, D
I 1 Y 1 ,gMEN E i Al
Wpatern Irma-
vb1011:.s:i:( 4! LI: l o1
,TuomAs urnr, ar.
(I.OA Of Eno Ibbblon. L!tU. d Co.)
rmsranma mumpannEs,
J0t12:,32 tio, 112 McCDXD ESILLIT:
Aet. _ WEAVE • . Whidescadaroaer,
Import rd Dealer In Wine* Woods arid Old Mo
tommiliel* Rya Whisky. Market Otreeti mast of lerom.
dastitioie• Family Clavorrin at Email. num EDW ,
note ni'd C.a . " lioaen aODDEW oa reammatilo farm*
am. a. tuna
147 M. A. lII'CLURG & CO., Grocers and
Tea Dealer., corner of Ircnd and Blath Streets.
hare erns on band a large enactment of choke Groner
'se and C. Toes—rocelem Fruits and, Nun. Wbalanis
and itemSL Dealers sonpind on the toren term._
Itnasell &
GROCERS, Commbsion
rr Meranata, ind Denier. In Pr.:duos t Clttebutan
/ilannfantorn‘ZT (nun boaldlng) Lllnnty
ne.l2—mill •
" •
lISSELL & JOHNSTON, Wbolesale Oro
'b r rtti Commission llsrehants, snd Derriere iv P,6
duos awl s'lnsbastJa llsourseturee, past••
_removed their
Men, 11V, Water street, to /so. =7, (now build
rtE.A.LERS'in Flour, Feed, and Product
genera/Ir, No.ll. /Wk.!. Streei. rittotburdt.
~a.:.. •• .~,7,
HENRY .11. COLLINS, Forwarding and
00mx11144143 Merr-bant,44l3 Deslior 11114444.1t0tter;
ralrand.Ptcalcue imurally. 134 W 4444, E 3 , 4•4444. 44
8413140e1d. Pittstarah.
• Iny3l
SAniug,L SURIYER Co„ Wholesale
Oman. and Ccramtatho Verdant., and Dale.
at. 7 Product and IntanurED Dtanufatnens, non 100
and Inn Nand .trxt, bettreon Won. and B.ll=ald,Pitt.
burtdi. . tan
ERN S. DILWORTH .!c 00., Wholesale
Orocerm cad, 4ge=te Ibr Powda ind Bed/
111 Wood W., rittsbureb. taa
1101.1,13.11A..........1011. MOM.. easarrsole
dlerft. Col3;Wholt
MA. street, Cleveland, Ohio.
Part/ruler attention giveo to the poyehise d wale t o
Prcelnee. Oltuated on the lin, e their reellitlee tbr ehite
ping and seething frialcht by the LILL. ag e egos' to tag
house in the pine.. toarlii Ur:
• .
BAOALEY & CO., Who!Baal° Gm
core, Nat. LS and 1:0 Wood otowt, PlWAntrilL
BLACKBUTl:irti 7 667, 7 lihmlecutle ' lrro
i t t g. nem Boat rulnialiern and ..lonlen Rrodne• onat
ko 4
. 00n. Viten and °fano awn].
Ps. ]4l Water !Moot, Plicaburgn
Omens and Coma Won Pdarebants. 1i0.116 W.
moot. and Ito Wine Meet. Ptttabinah.
Grooms, Commirodoz sad Forrxrdtorr iforebsalir.l
. tn for Brighton Oorton Yarn.hrl We st,Pitabargh.
TORN WATT & 00,, Wholosale Grocers,
Coratnta ilsrehohts, gad Dugbra 1 a Produes gag
sburgh Ma i e:sear. No. 2go Murry stmt. Pitts
burgh. Pa.
B. CANFIELD, late of Warren, Ohio,
Zto ?Nair, La 47* " a l lies., Daher. d rot gait
Parl A-Cb. lad Woomera Progurs ceogrally. Watt' ergot,
ban.. had Wield soul Wood, Pittsburgh.
ISAlrrDlCK.filrfrd.,loleiare Gro . •
A.-en " .fPn=l!
•'NOLISII & BENNETT,. late Englieh,
OaCutter & Co.. Wllnboolo (hocers.Oom and
crowding Meoebantakonti Leal= I. Ptodua Pill.
onrEh Monufootnno. No. 112 &mud at =II 14 JIM It,
bpto eon 'Wood awl BoOthrokl. •
;caw arinu...—nzu 0. NlVllFlrrile7l7rii. -- "
; 41 S GILLS -. - ottalial M l ' t•- h° : 1 : 3 0. 8 1 1 0 6 8 a =trot iu l
40131,RE MOORE, Whole-ale Groocr,
Beatltylma Distiller, &attain Praia:a PlUabs,ab
abeam. and all luatto at /main ard Damask,
Lki7tia Sib Ltba:tr stson. 01:1 band a
m c,
h um rA i atria aktaaa alutia Whisks,.
°BERT DA UrFLL & Co., Wholesale
aut. Ortreen, 0. - ..admica XreAszitt, Aeslars 111 Produet
• .12103 161.111...0.111L, SC, =3 !roan . stmt.
P 2222 A 41c5..—..---..2.22‘2 lecupt3is.
10K A MC/MUSA swot:Nora to
L a. a. 1). 141212. 111142221.• Grows. Forwarllng
. arl 1112ntlasas, 021•22 to I.2ft. !Wm. W.
144:42, Pl24lm2ncb. klar.2olsurep gwouraty,
mamor of wood ow Wain 42,Netm. Pit:A=24u
: I Ala
-•• " •
iD. WILLI . A Arri 00., Wholesale and
• ado 15.p.117 amen, loriranitazt and COnualmaioa
onanta. old /mazy" In Country Praise. an 4 Pltniburrh
llnutinenrue. cared as wad ard nth ea, Pitutbunti.
roe rwn_ • ' ..ixonann
Sl& R. FLOYD, — WnoreWale — Grooons, Com,,
. minion Idorchautu. and Dwlonln ProSTi4r—llonao
ant, Bulln.Mur. frontlns am Liberty. Wood.. sad ninth
utregrto.Pittaburnb. Pal
111511 N IL DlELLOR,Dealerin Piano Forte*,
OF 'Xcisla. and blades] loadesubente. School Books, sod
enedover7. bole Gored toe Clbleterkora Mao irk!, hr
Week= berumlemsda—No.Bl Wood rt.
H ENRY KUSER, Dealer in Maga, lin
m •
fIOVODE k GRAHAM, Agent. nt Pennp.
) Railroad toner al Perna WILT. Ala./
Rudd, Pittaliargh,_Pa.
el A. MaANULTY L CO—Tinaigportare,
cVjrr=%s''itgit,,A ° "ligr ' 4 " rfia"
OSEPH JOHNSTON, Rai's"/wail. &
•.Eurnass—aikus*amtetot ildrertreitas4l4ll
=num Alleeway. • . ,
B.—Lima, 15.,2, Mattan lath eit, fer ea. •
w SI n
C m R
U rw C r H d
p L
O UT burgh. IlispiNserttetr. Portraits. nuns
Illbiuls. Drafts. Posit, Labels, hitectursi gut Maiblas•
Windom Business and Mitts , sihriuttid or
draws.= Stems, slid printed 'ls solos.. Mid. unisase, er
Black. In tht. ciost apyrnined .ills, gnu soon masa.
01. 5010... -
Cambria Iron Company.
ÜBSORIPTIONS to the - Capital Stook
of thla Gatos., will melted at tin OM, of P,
Ilhoent!4ml.7. or the I:indent...l. (
4111 Y. iwernewe 1 00..
nat2 77 and 79 Watar Argot.
. - ---
James Wardrop,
O FFERS for sal° CANARY BEDS of the
vomit approved Wood. todox very bordr mad 1100
MAW.. Moo Boolo—Cooor, 11.. p,
limed 13ori Dougoketo Ell b. foonlobod iMIZIkowl of the
floost PLOWER& Itooo fool., uollotroPoo.
ao. tat.) for ChlioLooss Trees. from tho
.od uortlowtoral Hoax. No. 49 store, near
Mood. dolf.
RAVING boon appointed the anionic
. Agents for Pittsburgh. for the woof Potent Elated
eno titretehed Loaner Pelting, manufactured
by P. JEWELL • BON. of liartlbal, Omen.—W. now offer
fox sale • large Mortment of all the widths, menufactur.
.1, at the menu factueeffs paw. he aeticle brag am.
Nor to uly Lather Nelms ever before offered in tbis
risrlut. Mg, a large Oat of ell width. of bedia Rubber
&Nair constantly on bend and Dr sale at the "Marline
Delthen Depot.. No. 110 Market drat.
AVINO teemed most of FALL
GOODS. I Lao plasamm. i inlonoling my friend.
om open, sod fOr ree—comdelog of Brim:Atli
Sotto. DOM.. Lima.; Ohba/ Curtain Omi M o. iih r.
Mao% of sylmllld pa u trom Men Tambou anal
I rr n.rbiilt ' of klo u rirbulf tiThreen Pinta. of all
tridtbm Ymoth sad' iramlLM Quilt.. 01 .0 dm; and
varlet/ of nods too ormtemma to meal°.
113.0rder. proudly
WM. NOBLE. Thud Street.
of LlT—if
The Penneyhqua Clausen Compani.
pOR tho Bala of Licenees to use Olaussen's
PC.3 for cottobidoa sad Alsikablaa nat.-Ibmet
c a t, goa=ca m rzlAl,44ctstt :21LL parties for
JOLIN , IIufIKIN. Anat..
_lllll,le . lphla. July 19. 1862 —ursmair
Erreors HOTEL,
OPPOSITE the Fountain, Zaneeeile Ohio,
rimtam Anna M. &sun AM W. A. Jonu.Proprla tors.
CHESTER, -Merchant Tailor and
• thka!, Mamba. 74 Wool Mud Pa
rticular att..
Bpail to ilopfaud Potable Olothltr. uciir7
NUM. DIUBY, Merchant Tailor, Draper,
• • and Nal., In litandr Uzi* Clothing. ler Llbartg n
HOUNTY LANDS—Capt. Charles Naylor,
AWES, a lam, No 161 Third at, cornered Chem
y, haring coede arranosoenta for the 'wpm., wilt
' , recur. Beauty 1.4. for oaken and caller', their
widows and children, a. will attend to .7 other bora
tes., rannerte4 with the dorernos.nt or .7 of ifr heteart•
mints... Version Moe, or the Ocurta at the Olty at
Visadriatrui. lanNtr ..
State Official Interpreter. L .
IV'S, J. ROSE IntErpretai of Foreign
n.i.. La t tatuirles t if barn thopolamouwalth of Penn. Easy he mood dt oda7PlAlTU`sab:r.°ol2ll°ll
p lt lgtltualase es *vr g n Boamor st ItoAsA, i aer " ;ll4lrnerTl ltislorOb.wrinasA
A ra -
neatwa and ofs`tar"
epOliN B. BAYARD a, SON, Dealers in
.tiatber, Iltirs and Oil, No. Tilt Liberty iLdoirpogie
er b :114iaa6341eTr"or Ton
eallbni 14Wi t ers, 4".° 011rgrze "t ; 6 44i, L OSi th , •
. , .
Narine, Firoo.ana Inland Transportation
lIE '
Lamm= Companp of NorthAclerica,
mnampat.-caam...allat. P.. 141000,090. matt
nay la. ia4d, 00. Will mak* Icraranea
baiatiao and this city and vicialtr also
a Petesieta afar.; .laarrti;,rtoa ablapal tartan lad,
sad other 'was-CM= ta wee/
Anna, n. r,r , Tbenw, T. 0,5r.e.
remand W..Tenes. Jab° C. eff,
Zdlresi Itichad D. Sc rod, John A. Drosm, ,
gsmoelEmitb. Wdastt,
Inset. Deakins,
gsmuel firmits. B. Austin gibbons,
Chutes TtAler, Wm. E. Bowen.
B. blarrisWign, D. D. gberrord, Deer,
This is the oldest Lammas. Demvsnmibe United eta.
end frost NBal ranting. locireestele. amble mean
and stetting rtsks cans dots character it
NW be eenstdeDst u edertnß aap4 eeenrl to , De nubile
P. JO Agent. •
fft tic.. 00 and M. r MVO-
Delaware rdnal Safety Insurance Comp) ,
CA ITItE - 'go. 9 'it'd 10 Ifierotante Ex
t." :anaNai l mint
ILu 3r Isersstmo—Crp Vessels, Ouzo Ana 'Wight. to All
ports In [bowed,
bump Untrasscss—tha Cloodr bßim, Canal sod Laker.
dingby Laud °Amiss* to po or. at Um Won. Mali,
ding um sin by Fin obUl mint.
Plac Istrassti-Dri Llnctmaltas mallly. cm SUM
throning ilormnt, Do.
blottawmood around Rent- 94,061 03
032.065 renuiplvadlo .9.1 par otnt L00n..._. . . =OO9 09
512,00 do 1196 do . ....... 10 701 25
Lupo° Phflodelgtbla Oil do 00,300 00
919.00015m1. mnbor tz. B. alvo por - oant
4.165 0
15.000.friod 'Condom 11l 1 , 67;;;;C1Z0t . .7...: 4,264
94060 1.1351• Nd Mato. 819 o 2,166
101 Moho Ydnooylyszna ILO acad d lloutroar 6.1.96
6 ' 410
15oudr 9,609
W . • I,l69<bante 51dnoakotor.n'lladlr..
6 PL ' l l atrAtWriiiii;rd7t - if 2'360
0 5 .440:tt.11: P irs1 .- • • "
detip and ad .636,157 51nrou Idoo= 78 W
„Alt , z4 ....... 104" 70
3uao on - 24.5559
&data* .rAr:U. — .7.TP;;Iii;;;;;;;; •- •
• • 31. n. rooontl9 114 N 02
do hoer( ;Men 000
. 1129.(21
1 . 3 , 1x=12&p b 11./e k fictaland &rido i rdohst C.
e r. I :re 6 Lelnkr, Cdtraotti itostlagt.,ll . oa•l7. WH.
ItTet r 40/ln limbo, Di. 11_,11 Jame.. C.
44nd. • T.2terloa 44toldhut. Scow 1141447
than. 0/1
.014114roolt1 ; Hirtetl, ftronfer
ot..Efoo. T
en nant 2..t0ke4,. Juno. Tr 541.11% J 11611“. Tennant, Joanna
Peke. 4. T. LOgia,:flttlitotrgh, D. T. Morgan. do.
SY au voi Rum. rzystamt. 21105. U. U. 4. Vie• Pent.
dent. •10.0e/i V. Ovum AcArstay. -
nica of the Company. No. 42 Wane lama. Pitt.;
['Ara: IsaAZA! I r. A. SLADAIIi- Asmt.
Western Inkurance Company arrittaburgh.
c/APltal: 8800,000. R. MILER, Ja.,
Preddent. P. M. Goraost. &ovary.
111 Insure o,telnet an kinds of este, lire and Undue.
All loam .1.1) De liberally Adverted And scancLOW paid.
A home Inatinctlon— managed by Dirac:are who UV well
IMOIF9 111,th11 commuldtr end who are date:salad
womptenss And Ilbera/C2 to sulfa/an the charecter *blob
ther hays /wanted, AA thi beet protection to than
who &Ureic bo thpared.
! Dnuccross.-Baciben NOW, Jr- W. Butler. Wm. Lf.
on,CL Itamen, T. Scott. A. Uinta, C. W. &Laketon. Geo.
.AlaJn James aworge Dnis, !Nathaniel
olmee..innemjelppLocoM, and U Smith.
OClce, Nan w war =mei, twarehon of Smog &
10 metre.> ITMnnsh.
tiA27.2,165U1M P 4.
thESIONED only for the safer classes of
.1.7 Property, bee an ample w , oltai, ono adept. cape&
ot advantage. In pant at Memnon. tasty and ccommo.
dation, to city sod copsaCt7 mac/lama. argil col.= Of
ctratlicuP. And torlated or coltetcww,27.•A
oCT irate), ‘l 4 l , ce. mtsta.ottmoo.-g u ntUl m h.
Prankhe Piro Insurance Co. of Philad'a.
nIRECTORS: Chirleir W. Bantle; Geo.
anus,et. rant.D.D . Isnbglr.
en , .4 f. Prealdso•—
Coasme &Prom Decatur
'nit Wormy otortanee to make Insorancet permanent
or Imola& on *my deterlallon of Presort, tarn and
ocancry, at Wes es tar ea are cooreCrat with accurity.
The Macaw hove anent a Large w eedy Mod.
which, wisp Italy *natal 040 rrnalume, .othy !overact.
afoot ample protection to the snored.
, aorta or the Onossoyst Janatery.lo2.ll3l. neyob.
Wad sirecanly to the Act oar
Aseembly. mare aa Mang,
vat— •
SU,I 7"
fib. 6.1,948 17
Limir Incorperatica. a period I h 2l
21 47 10.2,
=ld Uygur& at Ona goar
Looma by Itte Cheraw. affording arldenoe of the
e•trantagor /Drama ma as their ablllry and
pgarlon So meat with. proarsaas a/1101110m
J. teglibff YR CMM, Igen:.
salt; • Ogic•AL corner at Wood *134 &leg.
T~rimbsezibirr would tespeotfully . inform
bin Maid.. 844 the publie Mantle Pas opeped the
•Rom• landy 0ec22.184 b.p Ream Wooer itaMosell .. lol h •
;741, 41.1 0 g 7 thwerr. iktd Bed:
noes. *QM. no Irdere by •lo.idesnation and fair 41.81108
to alai; 4 att Ilse of pazota.
13111..W1C CR — AUK FiRS —
.. as 11311111113...d0. 317 Merry Went. craw.]!. Rd, of ronumnell.
7188 p3ndusedoneof .R.ZfeeireCraelterand Pilot
Broad mareirines. 1 82p prepared MAI/ all °mien Mr Crest.
aro or Pilot limu2 at tn• shortest notice.
Supericrhundylta.d. Rio and DMPe7BIB. I / 2 8.4
82.4 small &wile rrrrr morning.
treara buds. florets. le, supplied with Lund sad seri
tireB_l.g2.ll times, _
Lots & Braun.
FRESCO, Maw, Sign and Ornamental
Java... 3 4 / 3 43 alstket.t.t.t. sad Mira .t.... PIMA arca. Pa
All littl. or ['algid.. to Chateau.. Mau., login Ira.
tar .3 oil Wars. dots la the moat modem at/
Bro.. g W anuo w a a B t a
anad .o f I P m a i t a u t t io l4 n
Cotters. f
ed.. i o
allied Paint.. Putty. Was sad: apt
Cabinet Furniture Manufacturer,
Ito.. 97 and 99 Third St. fill.tburph.
dW. W. RESPECTFULLY Intortab hik
Mend. sad cos:oasts, tbst he haa loot completed
earring rock ot Funahnee, *bleb is decidedly tb lan
nut mad lacet firer offend Oar tale in this nit), able:will
be sold at prkes aa low aa any the thdted States, Zan
or Won. A. he la determined to uphold hie etoek. with
aesoatial materials. bort workmanablp, and nearside.
.few; and from the extent of Ma elders and facility la
manufectortng. be Is enabled to produce warranted
IlllnlllllB.o at the lowest penes.
boo ulopted the mind'', of ideutlikinqe casting.
ae. tilt...est Etta hut own, in quality a nd pr and Pape
ware en band the mead •ariaty of .Tery eectiption
of Yuctitant. from thaatie•PietaM plainest. to the most
elegant and eostly, that •• house, or any part of core. may
b• furrieheol from hie gook. citact•AcMssd expresaly
to order. The following &Akira menet In part of aL on•
nimineent. which, Parma ma of style and guide. cannot
aurpareed yas of the
Loofa Yr! tote a tete dolltE orn
60 Paulo Pluah and Hair Ciotti;
00 dam Plainwerly Chain;
10 do Walnut do
:20 yalingony narking Maim
slant do
Wal lahonut do gony Mee=
SO Emile top Centre Pablo,
d e Wu/beat: tireonialt Dadr.
PO d
40 Inaloged do
100 •man do
plaluDrandos Itunratte .
40 KWalnu t ahogooy ItedstaadE
40 do
PO Manses do PO Cherry and Poplar dm
70 Wahogony Wardrobes
10 Walnut do
10 Wherry do;
10 Plato gurnerun
10 and Breakfast Tablas
t " tl i rt=
24 Cane Beat lioatingt4airst
11 Ladles' Writing Beaks
Mat and Towel stande e What:Nett
gllgnirek Paper Phobia Tables;
nationOm Int; Pembroke do:
Indit d andPla dr4
o: e drn
Pear Inlaid do; Extension Mins Talton
Arm do: Ottososar.
Gottdo and 1141 Chaim
also. • tare* amortmenl of Common fornltura and
Modern °balm
• a e b . in t et he m au
Mu tt e e f d u r w n ih t d art a it t l t e h sn A th orte i =U
111 na
orders , promptly attended to. mayibly
• •
LILE subscriber is manufacturing and has
wiled ourrlor artlelo. of Mr ludiprorgablo
for dalliers, • eco! Il mr It mating go ods too
Mgt rol inotg. J. 4 3llorui, "
No. 311 Marts meet.
Straw Noma an; Hat WI
, • No. 105 MAWS STRUT.
PALMER °fferLPit:an_fplln' lal
" 141 rat a TooT and ataaa.tha.Paem
av k ta4,y
Tooth.'. nod Bon' 40m:buoy and
fltg'3,lt a. 8" .
.137.1113TraeOrain Olm L'"and
talameo r arraay. JannL . Lind, and Au eryna7Fga a a T ani.
" V/BV,l.Ps ' lLTßoliat and Surf, ;Isla Sean and Tab
rd i r laztr.u . i=virarzzgv:i.
oaten yet._
Vita W LTELlliNGS—Cordsauilali. Do tWa5.140341.
NEOWA-16211•32t1 fatal
aaa = Spin. bawl= sad
a garka b li d eet i hr . D t7 .lttr tlea. de Yr
ggigal 11,4". *a
" 1 " . " rt"
.faz_ h t t ygl4= = = ttrid
Lao. it,
WM. DlGEY.tzt h to Inform his friends
a v e v itintrnt. W lOW Eli AIP . O I LIZI2III474 I° ‘=
ever, thlng that Lo fublonsbie,gccd, end um forGaithr-
Zig=ol l en hob" fira l l ateenx < 1 7% . 01:
elmaram sad Yu ' da l: Or.. arcipirtarwty of hiselotbs.
PirFiflat=l " ll t b agAleti b ilat ea %/rel . =
21.1V41`13 Viran b rsialrearlartoV. f .rtt
lol o. a 'which will 0. tatted. Ai they !oust Drier An
za. •
lariW 't . In. an Ul l a n i l lx ." Vgindftn i t i lire h tresnanne
to4rlbro pornmninn. an then illlnuet Intl A.d
a tn7 K* In the Tallorlnf Ilse
nu& in ends e
W1 ..4 1 1 1,14 i M ut %VT:
Bolivar Niro &Ink and Crumble Clay Xan
zhOor*? Company.
THIS Conasaxt having enlarged their oa
a'r=Latti et. m ahTc.l:l= 4
rtoll y riten pmaptly attended b '
KINN a JoNlrB. pad Publ.
Pittsburgh. Bentemb.r $4 1662-22
ley& Intelligence Office.
Ye. 2 ft Mir Bawd. .
ivzeitz . r t f i ti t s, Elteam c ß u o t a v t end Prirle
U. NOBLE, Upholsterer and Dealer in
Ut , bolsuty WY.114 664 ftstall. TWA steelt,
mogul es hat
No. 85 Wood 84.4 Pitts% rah. 1,
ma. '63
IMPORT/A as, DEALS.; IN 18070114x,1b ICAS
n. Marbee aired, be Third end 127 • •
Mittel, Fah.
JACOB FO= i lf, Jr, •
r aa: l -as
ID Wood rtrioetqUblenvh.
IS NOW reeiiviug, direct fron !TIM'
Porto:leg au ext•rwer•zgiortaest of boob. embrate
Granilog.,.' varier In hit boa Amoog whleh. Wolter
Granite Toilet Tea and ninon au; • obi la .24 Vigor
bon-leue eget:astir tors, Hokin; Peens sag
Dogllob Gloom •Idia. gol4-berig.•o4 geoprato T.
oho blister Pate few* blue mg mulber r y. llght hloiN
pto, mrsslo.. tint 4. MC. eda..lerol dlroeirl Weep:
With fire lhavaroul orb wahero Clow ged
VI:WM 11wOr.11 ne ani tirs Oto UfilAy . 0.11
woo. Thad frijol of city and trients7 issero^e•te.
obelogte , iroier;i4•01oll
Corner Jeffermos‘ Aye. ono
DE \ t/tOn.
6:71 CEIALES L.tase4
f ' \
\A CO. %,
IVILL introince w \ ihe
v orchatie.. CUTS, otVEITOISD WA:
Tb.ralm ail attention to pm, g;
f IT
6.66 r at r tittl , 66cl Wood I. ' I
eIANUEL KRUM lieepeoonstantly an
b..' . good aseorwrient of Waab end 1:1•1101etea
erae. Bteasolomes, 0•• Well, Etrebso or Dr*, /lurking
Wooden Bemis, Mums. Drl t . o lieeedrek Z ,,,, A4m ,
- Tfaeli Wanda. and all other of "rue La nu llna
Also-60 mete ruts .114 lop don 'Now.
41,24. - r \ • \ \
Wrman, Waso.•
\ l•11,11112, etrieet.iro.` ',
Nitemov , , \
ARDY, Jor,ipo ,a co. Lave. ramovei
t d mlnns ottarr,rldes front s Wsrshonso, 'Noe 80 .
s i l; Wolos strut third house Wow Harlot st.' , .
"tit. Pi4 0 . 0
. 1.454111..01:84111619r . r a f i tßah ,
ItZIMIt. 7 4'
\ &et '.
attention the Lolls t 0.., nswit io 4snlonadd
.... 41 . 1 ”, a . htskwots T open. metraisng - natal
Ins. /Boa. Palle Cab. Weirdo% Ohm% , Its, dse
ka of the following Inds organ.
None Dfartlis, Lostntd\nua L7kis. ••
SN . hatctral \ te., , , , s
Kink Kadin. \.. . . African
Book do \ Ascostt. \\: ' .
Crom Tax, \ NOM. C.on 7. \ •
Kitt do s /smash do
Illsorlaorsddrol. V Dams. Wa. l ...l , Ads.alb\ \ '
This Is tha tornet and best summons Of .warn aver
offend In this market. %They \ as, .11 trash. Sad 4 2 =,
poorest mks. and wlll "to aid at the to
Woe. 11°00/JD* 00.; faoldvoable Hattets. \ 7
__ nail oatner, , Wood nod ll= street! \
• OEIFFITH. lill'ATT L A CO., \
roil rug saa Of •
• -
PAW to—John Lowy. ',abler P. i 4achanta' Bank.
Ilankdre. Ilelapere. 4 Yriend honkers. Vittannte.
nntens ' '
craw CP3THINGIIO .', 1,
O E'--
.Edtatiad Watts & Co., \
No. 186, , LTherty Street \
A RE in receipt of their Fail Styles: also, a
13 `,..7.0, 1. =lgho`.:°c;_,' .rapt. O tot
=I Lye Ilea Vera. Blaney ant rain (got.. of vain.
odors an <slabber: Cribs tbe bat mak: and Man
lesteenatle ro.on,tze Then art ' , andante. Inn blank
Onninerre and Doeskin& Buie .act ta.ato aaa•
Yenbtad -Jun 'weaved. Utile
si de d etylea. and in
Altenabet, an
which ire I tbe attention af ear anstantars an 4 the pub
Do. and beg ve on inane \than. Net al/ Clothe inette
by s
ale an be anteater eine, ant at moderato braked.
Par Azurtal.,gi
I AM prq.arect to =giro Freight or •
kvsnig...ufts tate,
4/01E9 atinu. tr.;
tit Wroot
FOT Prima*.
prer j elto ettgagi freiAt orPla ime
f t_ aa
.01 • .Vaarr. ask • Clime M 1.1 1 .1 1,
Via ' • IL sutra.
•Trfoath how Amt. Phandel la.
EILDS and I.IIPi,EMENTS—Emia Ca i l
:?graT4 • b7", 'Ara 175` . :Z .
sire Lhlroli - ntlonNed. on loon turAllor Corn
nail Cob Grinner: Corn ebillem Corn Puttterm.Orod
Willa; Oaten matablo forts, or rorn ota , l ono or CU
most cornsloto and weal Mit comma,: l'OnttsLln float
CUM. , : CO . ir•tOra. ..11, WOW.' pat .& 410 , l'•An
Voir. and Pr..? snrrkYttl pattern.) .d i
valley of labrr—srlron ImplamtOm Amin' 'Wm
thine. . U. Fort.. •ajltd,
men ft m dt•lF i irlll DM pronmei
on Ilbor.. tett, btu. the Mont /lottatilltural Wm.;
boo.. CI \
.1,0168 WARD•CIP.
• , \Eflate Rodpir. ' \ .
ALEXANDER LAUtillijk. 'to agent far
• au k. emtpectrully oi. 'boildem and
Oh. tort
',Us 0rr.13.4 • lame adoea er,Eit.kTn.' oi
tbe von beat qualm, %/deb tee ellen ‘ for,aele. or de, lb.
blauna. orars no viler me ) and. de telitinionnile of
/..• lb. vent hat beedoilone. ere atria •'re;. tanerot
W.. re whom . bawd nal pearonadeL via: • • •
We." bullion and corners of eretiertddin Manna
Td allestan Calla. taro Woman, in iwoodni-a Ina ,
ONAS PARR r... !donna' • la mild employment, as a
Fon • COthllllll4 eon 01 and , rr...rapi ill the Ili.i.r b i cr.
nla dnir, aseing tial Platti..l7 by bldf. , lllb .. tied
wan.rial, and tino wit in Wm nuns as birunat7
Zimmer. ,
.1 W IC.r . e. triddieet. j • ildireerTh . orntunn.ldallder.
Waal King Ildikter. IJ. at. Pat:nano. do. ..
John o.llAndloy, do. I ' •
Carnal cr Proredrir
J. Painter a Co. L hormidoore,
Jenii... B. Breading, \ • Janis N.Vii. Irani, \• '
101. , 1at0 Pteteneon.L., Nobel ka set!. \ .
Jnnooh Lore. \t W. A. Ek..117. \ \
Jen, •IL Mead. \ , P.R. llrdtit, • ‘...
William ores
• John Blancli,
H.. A thinalnehani. ••L 'Jai. 8 . 1 10•••
hotmrt Penn Jr, \ /L. Watiani. •
aCL Jierander. \ , Jaznes . Lann !n„
Joireph 11/ Lay Id. •
N. O. Par tJrthsr tutlen , kir. to Ire of
felntn AeaVa NDLAn a L I I n I INst
\ . .
. .. • New Goods.
" - UST opened at WILLIAM DICIFPI4 181
ap Liberty sbneet—.
12 peer eXinsoch Clothe, Inape4ritt;
00. 151401 l 11100, 011 1.14
• 09.111:041• lot of Vulture. Illthtt• Photo. 4. £o,
Also. tos hood. a luso stool ct Wader Csothists: to
odd ob sap for sub.
Oar Ord.. la the Tolled ng Ii in eotooted Lo the best - 1
.„.....*z otoner At Lbw ittortret DOW. lir. 0.. \ AIM= haring
the ettperlouttleareot the Cutting veaaraataa,
iiiiTrtaaar to ape all old Mood. ~, ordi
way. MEROLIA.NT, \
111 - AB an extenziya Importatialu. and
onus Aar Psle 11.11510:4 AND LIQUPAII or tie:pacer,
tux, Irtoleultra— ' '
•11 4' •
Pos t .
• 17.12VUT:
CLAM. ,“ , 1110.21111-11” 116ILLL
UtT6ll6lra " osuenartara. L, \ "
\ 60,2)11.6/1/46061 want.
smeasirras " 'Aymoihnuma.
• BRANDIES or' \ A,11: '6011111:'
Pale tad Dark, by lb. Gel, BoonlJohrt. or , Bottle.
cheap, run and old. , \ \
Whistle. of all eortacsabraoloh Trell4Beoteh. Bourbon,
and old iloratophola Rye, tame of the tatter my rovt
rier—lit_raere old—Abo, 6 Tarill i : Gin. 3 of Jantalu
Bpj r =Bl j ae u re i r=dggly an Cb . er . 7 B= 4 i
sod ,t 0 In
donna • . N
HAVANA orokot. ‘,
hank.o ttools of ttee meet reliable Ottalln. ell•Htli On
le holeealo or by the boo. strata: , \ . •
siraii order. Promptl y dog and wi th in tit;
Undue. dethresed:rffl
AZ extenelra acquentanco with the Ica brealtudni
Canonise of Orono, and the beat bon., oar Ulnae
delta, mental the enheerlber to °PYRE URIC .ABTL
Jell • Ala/let eat. Yirar etreerte.
100,000 \
TINVARF Pear Trees, Peach, Apo and
Z , `'',l7igu u r 'p°4'.l"
m:itt itnreir Vat2,47ther r "iters Eth ;wag
"trd. " 4 7itittirelaniktno.2s Maritt
Wanted.. • \
AT the 'Tea°lt Orchard Coal Coteptiny," on
Tle,f , .. , Alt i M e teritur.l7,4o collar= ttitia,c , uF
Tm fo l At=
Ilve `t oite per ton l islig Er paid ttr 610141544
end Ilbend rarer and eteadyrruploymant Om to dmi.
. 44
dirt A agITWORTtr. 81Weed stnet
FOAN, char of Tates, wantod, on scroxind
nett sanuitr-ltint_th• Iran will Imo ftso al
traduidnalk. ma, rot%
Roan 'recta
AND DIALINIA IN ALL zurDa OP 11171 p. •
Pittiburgb, Pa. ,
stock mama.. • •vcri guallet AlAl /41W cr
n.b sod Cal" NASA Boss. gas 424 umsvtv.
WupWl Bulbous Boots, freuh-importad,
watts, Tap& Cr a, a twos pa. Lynne" for e T 4erag,
?ma, wag B b. urla
rartreons Ind ilasubbarr. La gnat y
wl; goontgrtag. arrant.. B tralPlarrag Mar
ON CONTRAOTS— , A Lew edikiOn,
local lotto 600 . .Imos tt. bulb r.Wil.b
Ammienti dedM am.• by Wm. 11, Bawls. , lue.mod
'a In liMe by - - wYs.Oll4. •
4 / 2 141 := 1 . 1 74 °gni z•ah.
4YE and CUE ..400 bus. 3,3,000 do
ghillect Oft. ta &aim *a au es
, ,
\\,‘, ', ‘ \ .., \
\, .. \ \ \ '4l\ , \ • ,
-- V — ' --; ~'-\- \-- t -- -. ''',- A • :\----- -.: \-, .
.., %.. 1
~.,,,,. , ;,,,
.. \ ' ~ •••,,,. ___ „ . -,',.,.: ........:...„ ~ .. , - ~ s , -\ \ - - -:' \•: .
-4 0 k :, ss: \• \ :. ,•\,. \- . ' • ',,,,:\ v i ~.
• • r ' -. \` . \ - : , t, ~ ,
\ \ II
0 • , \, - \ -a \\ ,
' "\\ y'kr,.\\ -'
• .4•\-....\ ~ ,
R . T r sß fiGN ~ GAzEw r„, ty 01 an 11,aec-•••, \ ./ the ueefet.B9 en d•
, , • \': • - 13CreellII Peeeeet, \ and I ill 'singlet; hint \ PrnY., .•
S. eozg -fidgitpgb lg . .I'B4, \ \ We \ copy the•Attoye notes of two of the sprechoe,.
4. .__.x_!.._ . ... N .__.. •-___ ‘ - entailed that th ey., will interest, others than map,
-ii, --
\4 - .- \# - \t , minnedint reedern'liz—Otinicothe Ganne\ - • '4,..\ . •
1 I. e F1*1 _,....,,. * `,.., ' , i a.,... • \ 'The Venerable .; :\ B. Findly was called upon ' l / 4 \ .
an mio, '''' .-'. T'' --- \ to' epeak, end said that in 1811 ~ he ins hero 'tin A'‘
, .
Zesl 1 1WWWY the , a AL, - *env attendant* • upon the \ that Ohio Conference, \
Inio 0c00,,,.. t tooto, , the aria an o' ' • the ',bleb was held In the market haunt is the low
~.. ,
Measure ee )e i je eelktr Meagan , ion ~, .: et part, Of the tOWll,.aatt tiVinday enrolees ate
, a._. \
eit ebait A.p b ,,,a tu i., e zo o k,....yi k, bA s ,.. reninthere were peculiar. elO o'olock mord\ i .a . ..... \
_..__ Ing remit= was delivered bra the preacher fretri.•, -l a %
cot r s egude thn as a hollow pretence!
a , d •••a- a butether i e' blitk, ' Elio text; "Thy 'Wan \ N, '"":
'h.'.l measure te, • rerlotut thentEt.ety oman Many tenants were WNW to the O.' •',, ‘
f .4 Fames, efanate to restore °o twat . t the prayer:ninth:A at night:At the house Of : ',.
do mote is hardly, worthy of consideration. ‘c • • gopher laColth, Ise heard \ whet he then . \
It ill hie rid Intelligentsia:tan. sad edition tb e . t ot a miraue, a lawyer pray; \ e, Nat CArge-- - \
Pow of BeiliTe , 'inh_Tii' ' 4 le intended a ,. - "he tian -.. er; die up th e present Julge Y. Molttne . .. \
"• ar e : " A ne nq th° ""d . n entlierne4 , of ittestialted Ehnen \ Supreme Court, lie. vet,- - '
dii atw months btforemey can holly l ee lli tg l g en t i t led Is \ thi eeeeel e n . of the stet • •
de' d theletlischarge-•-• • • taw nonthebeforY totetibee a tith the venereble Burke, ti` , :hom hit• •
their sees wP be taken by, teeth, eensalptit,
a peittted, Vie said It was at' the cenbr tltt , Cens \
enroll. by, vin of the standing tetnertption vo le eg e g p. meett eg r,, \ gaitely, In , 3, th e.-
S t
Uwe of Tap' No empqatonenas token 'cuee* nod aged lien Yowl and. , ..,\ - , ::
0 call let net tle „from the walks toy Omit. elequeet, eld7 a ng Deed Sikft.pla, \•,...
tut' tram tures,
,Vmd gateman tsent).; , thoia- , ge • i li ba i m b e pi. ri Uteri Of ll , :nr .-• . \
sand outs Mut feeektinin lastytiar.„-TheUtun- 'teak, and ukrrglitt h hie P7r,•_, S;'s
bald \egtonata !ems/pi-the eatorithe inks fel so.mel2/. \;-.,
tempornaly sti s only nci? a r full. liro'efficerO'•nre \ oqiereneeed hie inlets with ,4,_. \ \,
d' •'• or eyed put upcn half pay end th ere- i 'mi m ib r idb.g., ti i i , a wore fend) \y \
the • Ito. %13.eii the *went., thodend coin sotto in to hid!, and mettaite.d wi th much pathea up
ed Int tenant are=rtially dis,lnisit on the, preemie' of .4400 n fate wing kde fileadt„ , •
'ad; • cyan, d idtthe and may b e re \ 'mho had goes •beforn,him. Ile recognized Die •
Mil d into Ter ..dice at ta, momenta wain- itid brother Ilicliardeoh:mhom same-tarry piers •
14 .3.
• In fatt,,iigtor the • propane mental Shell Ab p . b e e bb ib b tlib b , ow ; bb g w h et; b. bi k e d
Inv reaetved itenomelen encenk Mr , e ee„t t it . ta. Pinhe he was geft * As ono Were tenth. \ .
41 L• • us Mei eiet - ft, Olcd s tolib 'Meet whim , eliii‘pf Zion, hie miner nu, no, • brother Fuid.\ \- \
l'i • a
, k 4 ;:ty new , otganization at s •• would, in, , u
1ik1...., solid timbers Me nut \ „laid by 00th Clam- '' , "i • '`•
the \ he' nodal. erne tin occurrence of s eon e lebiinni acme:, A.' ••• '\ . - • .•% \ .
jib. three Prement itself in
Chefder, la .18 \'!!Theepeaker the,\ progress of the . '...' ,
• • en tab_ eEmnrWabettiant,_ am fulkand en- memodicts. All ;reignite theataak
wou ld from 1. ' '••• '•..
• 'i'in • ri'iretPret en t it hi etthe Presto. t tees thit,beart,\anut no progrese te hini; be ld mutt- '• ‘
•• • 0. , . Ne, the redurdion. ef. the , nemy oele on , / er elate between • negro and iie lodise, as he
be insinuslyagerded ne illeanmaktoeenntri, IL did Whitt he \we
a toll '0 1 : 1 ‘ 0 11 the In
lI V I ZI' i I ' l° /1 ".P ° """t ' di niinatilin' in ine rcer Man: \ fM. ty 'leers ago k be . .trithat-.• au over-
cap, . net . e s year, and lull leave fleppleke cent tertypere,, our
meat aoktteney,
. ..
in I aiNetr : g leer for all forAlgin purposes it to treed *Turkey enpote And. eleep on downy.,
will .ti en ' arm would have concur: ''...tran.-- beade,tindbe so' erenPed 'RP hY f.ndtes not le '
MAP% Pet, iti•Ps few stringed deluded 'Pell- worship' God ' , with big-whole heart; elf ticiod old .• "
ticioultu tillintd, belie., in the diintuni- 4obionoti takooolit, thin . th, go so }brew to be:
\ us et '
nee. dangao bt4 i wor. The year c igka artikpre,o,. nitaamed to pray slt;shonnatoud..• skid %let ••
ThlY elefde int 2... et n u fe _neet`nnYtnn., ef!•hn. ea" to Oat \The sensation pkodoced-lit thle
Mere! Pendant:Pere e;•: WlWbeeSepeer /49 , EIA elortaent bacticiratidemen was elentrinl.'
Uri policy, vehlob will ' batty retelt in ,111Arg ,\ , .14r. Wm' Btirke, wen born hactulai abut-
Arnuot yet riget'but y, are m g, \ ea. tf, We,' nit on the Eta day of January, 'ln%
wilf#o gradually dirsialacd.'illt in IBS; r Yee' Tai ootto on to op*, apo chalet: tootoo. l'ec
'tart \
ithly \lt 1135 d, EtteoPe will Cod itself non ailed tuoited,ttbat : think, \ \ be, to. God, . lie was bon;
toanent them, Or3o ism toi \ prevent thime:slit- pu n in trait; thatinYine of thitytaihepreard4.
iselloin t It wouldintiemp ine:tharefar% t tn• ed his flesenerlocafrointhe nit, °L et the wick.
ems netkother messzun'adap 'entailer to 'Mil
~,d\ f ir iik e /I 3 we t a, lei itixt I hive beeti.." f.
Amens rennetien ef: \ thirerinY• which vol,l 'ltlr elx:1-httee'Are In the sOnle• Herds
It* tie e4eWle but ni* 9 qPigacYt and Seelig: 4l \ l l pitons lebarCes • mlnisterAhranBb retetiernee
to of the reinter/ fern 4 \hrlihinh ulterior dsr Jlentutiky, Weern Virgini.tortd Ohio; andota
..,., ...
fox width trio 1001:0011t IS eleerit e name, ate :batten into Sent; ky with Merino on bit shout.",
to ba sooomptlehect. :' \ \ '•• \\ ', hr. to c puny with Milne Aohotry. Nonevent
, •._ \.. \ \ ed%ln the obit Ilene, and:in th e dwelling ctie-;.*;•; . .
\ \
\ •,' MOETENIOII,OI.OAIW. • \ \ Mettler \ wineb, 'prt Bayamon' 5tr0a . ..1.11r., ‘ ,s, •;.•' '
\We directed eia attention Oeutocread both. meeldole \ h in 1804, '. \'.. -• •,',-•'. _-'• •- n..•• -• • ,
state of things in the Eaet ; and'eapeolell to, the '"lt mem die now - awniting nr kluge ~Wert., \ •
ruing in"Bleitteengre long before the pa UV .my irith 'the \ old,,,pionr , •re. linelept in reverie \ ••• -• _
MC codutry or of Kemp' took any notice It\ n ghtlyleith,Blehape Ae\nry;Maltendree, th! ' -• ,
oiew the question hinerfeed to, took or deer 'Eythritm,sead \ others. & \< •. • r •., • ' \
t#g the pave of the }field has beroodnentima =‘ \ \ , Itir Ball iris lki an
,imt2ortaut crisis too ' ,
% ,1
commend with the fated' those metunteln nimity both te the chtuth'und to the ration. ~. , •
Wfie,'lnt to the preentbday, have hies itzto • wave )bye s ling, \ ha v e occult° effeote of many •,, ,
oilkby the • troitier - popilatforts Of Tockey end 'inn, Ildt; inlay Opinion, con4torbodd o midi, ,• ,
A tr a te u a remi.olillized k, band ot'thiates,'who iilto\us us'et oltutinh\oc peoplei so Ho °nista ' ;,•\ '•
fro flute ta time'lett the toor oountry\ Ada and,Bpirittialietti. The spirit pings atti melon. \ \
their ' ' Min fee:zones to maim Imp ' tik• he -believed- - itlintint. qa ,to cos \,• \ ,
. ,
tdthe • lug rich pleb's, thus tacryle on, antbetem'
• bordn'urirfare, width recalled the titian:pt . ' it as*
Medieval, Ettiope. Haw does I ttlerefo,re;has- `or ! a l.
pen that anntaKtiminiportent M its territorial \
extent will as In the eitsracter of the ponds; ,
Con inioindin It, can load to so serious a state'
of elan as s -ten see now Is'thaEuth -‘, \
, The question Ma - easily solved: Up to tho
Enoch map d'eti' and the uittcpationvf Lints
Dpusparte, Eurapo was Pretty up:tally 'llirlded
between the two principled of Absolettituni a wnd of
popular biteibetkeee Amnia, was the cepeesen
adieu of the Mine right of princes; ladle Vag,
latid%ead Catustimtioni Femme endeavored_ to
establah, maintain 'of strengthen Conetittitike•
'al Clonraments •In the \ -West of , Eitropet'iatid
though those two Parent** as hostile beflunA
;Measly iohe Czar Mmeelt, , y# they succeeded
In eitabllebing the reign of the, middle..clasen,
with eotistifetional forme tan:lnked kind 'of,
Clowernmetttin l'ortogal,\ in Erpain a in Belgium,
And In evakeideg the phptdir sympathies, of
liermany end litedmont. , nualecoind not help
AC T ,. Kneaded *limas Medinersiteno, the could
Opt peed her Beettthe euppi , sx of A t taktintlem
id.Weenen,V and_the incie.e..therw_hati
...o follow - the' , Eoglan •eted;,..Frinea. • - ir
hae'thertfore, abran bean a..pilitelpiti Pent
. nithren diplomdey to get a fohtheld \en tho
Adria "a \or bleditrianam, in ordei-.. felucca \a
fleet o \ lin waters 'hi& separate Senn tram
Africa, Withont giviuttdEogland nil \France s'
stint ot , sptstit, snd'i,i4thoiit 'irielOsig ills
t ties wbe shut the Boardman andth
\• e
d ellen Elglattd ane•paces have \lnked
wit the Bane \ suspicion on \ the merman - we : of
Ma e..':, P,,rN,E land; the Mediterranean le the
`higbenty to Idia, sad Pranc erles to maltn
v \l•fee the, intervention in ilatmicy, allietl•
elebelLiitOlXlAlli!tgiilbe seoportof Cotters for
the xperices'ot thet \ wer. but Eoglitua truerrated
the aeseion: • by collies the attention of \Turkey
to &abash strip of hereritcoy, ealled s t e But
torine,t which rime dein OM the mount of
Montenegro to the, am, \in breaks the ' nu.
47 of . the \ austrianl'erri . It comma de,
tit L
moreover,the entrant) to, the Bey cf Cation,
end a no:it harbor migh t tinily - , be brand \ln \
fectintof It. '•- The Tarte et °Deese:led the nen
size ac! ereeteta etran%etterY ‘ at that polite,
Taus the B e im", \ pten e pinat a Gennep eisi
defeated, es Undo wail \ not nave WOO 11-147,'
thing by aequirlogA•hub or lying no-let the gone ,
of Turkey. But ever tinned; timithe Czar he,
worked) bud to had 's pretest for smtattlng from
thiFoctuthe oeseinietthe Banning ticAnetria,
you \ aaraia that Austria would immediately :
,transfer the whole of the Bey of Cattardsto him-
Olt And nails the eentai"eause Of thitosog
ot.broniont4g* brought - OW, bY Bessiationld,,
as bell be of the interest which Mattis takeo in
ths'ant a ter; of th e insolent of. the tiltlmatnm
sent th rong General Leiningen sto • Consteutine,7,
pie aid leof the counter intrigues nt EoglondH
The impertonce oft:rattan in well khowa to every.
&trepan( inatemnan, The Bey, tit semolina
above earfn a tiod \ the firtifloatione et test lonian
leland, iteeond ' to \ no:Min those of )34.ralter; .
were made by the•Englich with the vlen of pre
'smiting Canard:lnm falling into the bends of
Amsta r or in coat thla timid. not be, peel/Intel,
ofhaving a point fro* which It might alWsys
be threatened. ',Dining the French war; nape
iso4;awato of the liiportanti ot that Bay, eon•
edlt.?.bizt the Baitelans Immediately sent oaken
to Montenegro. and led , thihnountaineers agatne t
the Frehpb. • Dmlng,tha,' retreat from Moecalr.'
the platefell Into the Banda, and the
Czar Melinda endeatorad to maintain the pos
session Of fb. By the cif Tit* England
seconded tk.having it transferred to , . Austria,
but la the seen, Catipulationil::ofthe same treaty
the number clothe etdps of_ war which 'Austria
Ic permitted tettep was silo United. \ England
could not renturt; to allow thst r Antrip should
beeome a maxillae* power and hive \.• share In
the opiumand *of the Mediterranean. \ The \ old
Venetian men.tetwiro therefore4.telhodredatiel ,
dentally,caught firclin the dochs 01 7 6 744
were birnt In 1815.. '4,
.. • '..••. \
• This rapid sketch'will enable oar tea en 'to
form no idea of 'the eagerness -with which\ thi
notational Of England are endeavoring to prevent\
• rupture between Austria-which, ie . \ the nib!.
paw of Bunition the'present oteaelon-..eug,ino_
key, without*lowing, Cattln to fall Into \ the,
bi n ge of the Cear, or Turincygo make •inane
of the fitittoriiii;, The Taste., um the othurintiod,.
well aware thakthe palmation IV moth a tarrl7'
tory musC invorka , them lir continual disputes
both with' Ernie andAustril„ would readily cede
It to any !antral pawn, valid' hat s no Interest,
In the destrention ofthe lategitty ofthe Otto-'
man Empire. '`By kteAng thi,Eutt s oririsi, they
giro offente to Ensile\add Atteirio—by ceding
li, they act agaikat tbeto:tun intereets,'lnd g le e
offence to legiend. Thid'Autationte 1./torero:a
extremely diatonic; \ mut even, f,per epnirrang.
ad for the peeeeot mimmit;•,through\ the nut ,
don of England, 11 will \ . 4,p/n Did egalo
become a , lever for the Curt an In \ &star
blof the peaceh,' , ZucheT, out a(:.Foroposio gelt \
4 ,1t . 1a 116 twa t \ ,at , \it:\ rtie;i \ ti ,
„p „nteWee i
qoutioo of Clamed • and \of hientenCEo,ll•rtb•
grottiest Importance. All the hone ot the Dou
nreay of contmebtatEnrequ'ara linked to Tarc.
key: , A Turtilt wee Is . the,oklY Yneilthikr f ' r \
the regular orgaeLeatlin of 'I tibeettrig. arinl ,
The watchward is now. /4c Okuire'Lent Light
mini come from the East.L.d7T \ T: , ,rhs. \.. \
' 1171310Di0t ISPISCOI4 13111aRATION, \
My etot".;-why should weigh:gm sod pibll
eons and enema have all the eeeter, lon,'''`Litt
this trot/Moue and wicked' world, ' , any mo lt
than ..the deaths.* all the goodeinuert thereat
no good reason, aftrmatleely speatinr \ sod we
think the - numerens and respectable religlno,
Society, whichsrejvices in the nem. \ t‘htethddist
Epi. oo pat” toted on 'philosophical principlise,
whoa tiny held, en Totally Wt. a B , 44:anted. -
aim aehentichn of the Introduction of their teat;
le anotenctl. TreAllu brhoge • - t'dgtorta as..
.0,30 t ~ Jaw Ittevainut Prosidiateoollui.
an earecn el Vicar alid apritleuk th e 0 MCI
a l *UM! ee Zelleble; e ldtelleerla amnell •••
or Mem anadons. En. ie; p-, e ti odha 814:
~.em• Wm. Botta, Aolurt Itiourbk, et
.ara;Jataes IX llndlay.•ind other anclestplo•
.• NH of lidethodtem and the 'aurapresent;
' d de terhem of the oce,a-tecialstedeldef
imuell Swig,
\ ae .aecale.
era, elm e.e;cail emu. \
\ aeliallCLitaa LIMO.
t ,_
iadement of the ...a,. 1'm.... 1221%
.1.*n0r'412,, \• \
r k"‘t r ‘ ki wltr:4l'4' Ittik,:t4sPity?' .
immoXtOht to Trottlons CV= .Vast• -• '
rrEIE eie: , !l‘ hour ; threa'i;.'elnoVi a the mono='.'.
• I Om, nt • 1 , 12 the EX: 11E* 11 TE, 11v 'Marti r.r . O•
`End. from Vitz.Voron.tsnd coda toOtor , r on•I
travelers. the' men. re:it reed , hll.%h
ward at ag zsml cm:bore:Sib's them, (thr Schrl-el Lau
or'e'm *.m-04 WV on Ziall. L't \tot lo.:-*/..11- ore ir
obv , at-4 ova hie ar , angeno;lll. •arr**
Tio a ll? d ot;Ir bra IttiOro trout , rly at LArttnEE.fdloot of
bar; 0 . , o% F c — lnel V , 1. 1 i371 4 111 ' 1tt ", ;:i.; , Z41117
same* Lat , obe net r. Y. hi jars ore, night - et she lar.te erst elegant Et Irr,s at
4,2l.lusaklest tbaportably b thebther rehb l re•
Orr* pnrstin , r gni* ono. n ortto , Espr , ,,,
boring Dot TRAVEL. AZL TOR ISLE frmayr.••• , ores -
On or Oat Er 1, orrirlon I. SUMS,
et On 11 , 10,, For thn aoroont.loot ors.= ao
tor I bonn Ulan , 4.17
tI.\KEICHLIETAI, hacktig temuisd
elSbla.repwr o tezl i rlybreebs hallos he/resat.
7 41 ,4 01E;1ii;r:1 t t 4 1 . 3 Dra I%d3.ll7"esg:et".
" ; - .IIIPOBTAiiT TO ROutit..ll.lkßEEP.B.. ',
._ .. -, t • -
S OME ' 1%124 - better and itt — atto 'cep' tkomical.: - ~ - -,,-- •
'ln rligl w c ritiTi r 4t:ZurilegrelaiTigi n
' ' •' \
Yr or 8 &El NCI pow latr..i.ivs. ems, mufti,. ; . .
`VW. El rkl.t.e ask! Jnnbcnteo, Podaly o.lio. Cm . . • - \
wild, boon Cat., /Ow trunittloto. 'Puny •a o to,. • --- • \
46:,T6t0. ortle , , , e 00 , lb:o i l - ay 1ax.1..y., Iro3r4 . ll.peallta
~: . • .
4 , ~„g a ndomoe a Antal tria tamte
1;t0..t. tinO•orty, •`• . . .
[tarn. tr.d.4l
FSPale day, of tbidell.b.forre. •, \
~ • •\.‘ . •.
I.4i rty ,'' :=l;: ,l ::Artz.Tl L LT. q, 4:4,; -. .razi. ' s. ,T A --- • --.-,
b... 64 tbo Unable., tad eili../..r_PlV.Awg,e ...t -,'.•
77. i 47721 :V4ZAVrTZ , ILLE - t.iabe6itisk . .. ...:,.‘ :. '•. _
ins! <crumb, ntly brood may b. nxbie fr ill aOw flinotrotl..: '.•: \••• ,- . •
t ona et itt l yTtibTit ntrt r ptlVOt h t..Z6 itt, ttray . .A.l. '
b. ottb.l..c woutr.or +tot , .•
\ ' . ‘triii; ''
owlet of
ta5t..c0 . =.72 . 11=t1... 4. ...
~.., • . •,',,,,,"
ow rotor; VIII tst ti.d.dglltc., [tun wbenUnolo •Itstr oot, •• - .. \
6. TOO hood mad* by fannentitko..4nes not arred tit* . _ • \
.nate Tro t
...riots:mon in the ey.teat. that ttrtoor. , \ \
1. hen nude ugh tn. emnyound; \ totanto %Qs vegottible \ ' ' ~
\ odd yout•lobl to retrandot bnydystwoobto lb* Ottlios . \ :,
lotion of *.rantio , ffuld upon It..and roneeonently. , a \
DIM otily to nonilat. tion bray. ratio ttk...„.".1. t...\ , \
~ . ..-
‘? 4:071.1e ' trjr..43.1:4:::=2:211 - . it ol up. •. \ \ . \
..if..0..t.d. tvpm . ....v...0.ta1ar to vet di.. - titit.;.ts !....,
" 1E.1V.:41%,, - . fly ititCHNSiCIKINtIk/W- \ A --'.
DI. *a
rate no Mtge.:and you ndl bot b. .1.64,64.: • \
Prineltat 0ft00. a .1,14.1% I. ret..tfon rar,t,...14 - ATut? ~
',..-7, 7 ''\‘' ' \l l'tab.\,..\.: ''.\
: • \
... „
Ann owfueeratelat,t,mpor , tom T
BOOL*S, R'irkkr"oll- 'Fleltitk;
VFOR T=TO/111Z3. AND` , ADO Milt!
the foltotrueg ratan stsi.--Bottles for
tettir told e:IA mats to all ottelOaail fl hatilietO • -
T ‘arnta. The =lay worthiest It:Outlasts to ells eerie-...'
twatiet Ilalr Itaatorathra..talaxl ott the t4 ,, liClar.d..e lbw
I'r w. ,l 7a "e llgrta t iterlilrrr a n:toVi4To s igtr j . l. ' \
rth alTortito all thwlr oil. unit
Al the ..alas
r jr zwa u tlr 4 l . blto that th b a . 4 . l=ll?Atall alwys ,
celebtitrahrovaiVt 1", . "1 2 . \
The r !Thm ot ' ll ales' Ilrru4illtrro, for the arm. '
ntlltlhata.trullahrimto: R
kal anocur. hair o rallr a •
tart &Thy • itor=*or'eg ETtaV a lr i o t ra h rhattaw \
and rarer. a Oa hishatt *Madinat
f 7 hr latPstT , te
A et t
ll who oraarhosa . ail who ,
\ t all Who Dan
Manta, or Aar of h e the Etilp. . •
All who hare liar ratan at lb* roots or s thetr Rut:
who wetv:third with Tioaasolto \
arlah to him. a twantlfof
. 49 , 4trwitoWitiftgMsinaT of
et rite w.w wittarrloas reazt., whilst balm:MU
..irU WV:raa b a r-d r74llltxpl:. It lat4fb. Th4dattal
had it !MOO. i• tenlcrgthiepartlnrele.
et Lawaroll awl Llalr Ate. wItIO Awr thw„lptlr
lhaerst, heatelfally tilacw/r.4 P l a x at i -
fold • t?nir Agellts fori•lttthoratt,-.
,xcirtpay FIELD . as :iiow
• op.thi Iron Mks_ Yokt - 'imi , Phita.lelobta;
arArdili .d ofa i t I Itt 0
t a .. o 0 31,1 ,,,. t
INTS-.-4001;413. Oga, in i!.t.lre, for ,
1 , 1 r, \ . LIGOCIT, •. ,
. .
TBEARLASII=4I3 caske•flra tn.:-
tidal unnst. tcouLare.
DwiS=-41.1btas. Beans,iuset fey'd. dad
p Enkrl • A & AIGGICT!-
, _
- ti,, wan pa,pei4umi- Bard*.
OS AND -and aliccht,Ltlaily
k ?Aria
additions- by
AtiOn..ff,acts sod 'oill. , . l o ad +poTtsd -
nof Frooth tor .
oqsuo goantasetons Psi , or *Volt. looladmit *lost
tonstr of as* sod s e 27 toq:oplOootosids. mr.t Co sold -
" A/e,=4•Nrdli
' loss AIMS 'PAL' HI Mason
go l olk.N-40Q9, but thr Cott',Cott',to aria
..1 titt:
~g. by- , , DO In .i. II ttiVrinvz
TAILS-200,1tegr. twat briod., =sorted \
I \ sloilbr gas 141, frabSt Ilditl.l9 4 - 11014
'?" 800.
..b\ad"t" "), ! 21° bi itent,\,s t wt...
V 16116114 for sae by 11LAY,11,11, '
zer - A .
13. MR. anctikE bbla. Shute hit, S . .
nests} , n. coLvoin
' 11 1711%.14:43 fftkins.ThitrriEhnter, for'nue
. {oaf._ 111 , 5111 - fi: 041 MM
Irav-14A1 sago
ribr \ ' " DA. I -tett.
ri E a N .
b A e P soPfL ES-40 btos. ,
pule lop lure
Uniaß 7 .4l - I.;,tiL\
APPEtEB-430.015. Appros,h,ivern
shrosapti tv a zigart