at.77;ti f t 0 t5!"77.77•:. d...:..,'..7: JSTASLISI E PI'FFSBURGH GAZETTE FDDLIADED DAILY WO WEEKLY Di " mum ire ON raise rzart e intrt voCa rue annce DS!iA—Saran Callus ianaim , ramble belt reszli. • Deutz, 1C,411. la eeiv-T.o7e. Kii.gLY—Tfrddealui per .111112. aran.a. ma; be ref riled:ft [be r.,lTowteVonditlens— rhr. coin ger MU= 5 05 tfs 0 •15 1 ?5_ ; - 9,1 V.iig, ' I; ' • —,— ***' - 'l. - ..7.. aO 5 Wont, abler. do ~ '...--.—...".•—..... 20 90 . ;7 4 'he i vst . iketfor u T; 1 als 1 'I li t Vidron " 6M. Tolhb 44 Idll he Vent after tho eta mires; onion. the money' ill. wet to a removal. . .. . . DATES OP ADVERTISING. - . 'Doe Duttate (ID Does Of Nonhars.ll.) ... lb.' • • on insertion.. ....6 0 SO.'. ' Do. , exclieg. , ditlone.tinsertion.• 025 . - . D 0... too erreite....Z,..—........ • 3 00• Do. ' ' three werk5..—...—............ '4'oo '. • ' /b. two c0utte ." ...........—'...4. 7CO ". , Da.. ' three m0nthe—..........4..... - 9 00 " Do. six menthe......—.—..... .... ... Ili 00 -: ,••' Do. ' Orals* soonth.—... - .... ... IA 00 - Warding Dude. (6 Does or !sonic arum= 000 • , ime Dolts, Us es.* , dditionl hue. Orklunare. shoat:W:4e Lot oleattcre. (Rae F0r..10.104 ezeluelre of the Doper— . ..,.. .—.... 25 00 rob additional BPUZZg 10.11.0101 et Olt month., and tor rob atWlllottalsottart; inserted under Ito Toittr rotes. balf.itrica. . , adrortiewnent casesling a ftelfltre, end not over fi ft een lines, lobe thorned ea 0 austere and a enblisheia not accountable for legit advertbentente arced tha CCU= charged for their publication. elantwocists .eandidatat for odise, to be chordal the inse to other adrintieetunte.• • '- Advertise...rate not crested on this ropy for a - number at' isterrtlone.srUl be anstional tlll for=l hofnient exactodaccordlc dlr.. The prtralede.or• annual odeortisers to ettic=te t d . to their earn tramodlate Drainers; and *Nodes :in MI bell:lijOrattlet pato., as welt as all adrertire- MUM. noriencosiliatedr ainnectod with their own hug— ... end 0/1 shieses_of airstUatortente. /a length or *M ambo, beyond the =us essays:. will be °horded at the nenat rotes. Tor all enottirenteent odes:tieing. bine trill t. vernal& le desired, 1 e lt=== e tor n g= , iit ottotte ate am. !brio, vas/. tornshlp sal other trunlio .a.ristiesr, oat sae. l ies, to eso „ . ~ FM. GORDON, Secretary . now Ock. 92 Wing! at. IDI A. MADEIRA, Agent Me Delaware Mn x. tual E4l.oinnuazgao Compan7.42 Raba stmt. GARDINER COFFIN, Atontlor Franklin IP Sire Lonna= o =Plan 07 rth wt "na of WceS R .1 VE i lpnceessor to id ur va~ ej Loa lit= targ7""' NAEOPA TOOL WORKS; CORNER OF MST AND LIBERTY STREETS, P/TTISIIIIIIGH, PA. . , .- W T HINISTS' TOOLS of evav variety. 2. ...h innx PL AN Rlt'!. BIM * ...A * .A tiara TURN 1.11 OE.!. DULLING% 3llelliNE.a. /a. it, mum tutored to °dot. , r ' 2012' • ' . .1032711 F. I.IIIIILTOY A CO. _ JOYS ... 0m... Jones Quin. .. Vi, ANTIFACTURERS of Spring and Blis eaagri.2ralgiergAb4l:-Mi1:W.2:4172,%1 :°ll3 • QrSCO- D AiI . H.A.NUFAC . R° EaS gerli cf l -4..Pm.41 Scud cum g Patent t ttmt, pitutttra litt:r rwa—cbran cfßou 012 Enterprise Foundry NerIiEREAS, a chanda has been made in V V the ovnershlo of the hdterpere l'odudry, altos. tad on Sandmen, etre., A l l dry, thebusloses vill be tarried cm On umal r and eon...feted under the name and style of 11,01/140h, AINGSLAND A CO. All orden lett at the Foundry, or at the store of gobilon, Little & Coy Na d 5 5, Liberty st.; Pitted:Mb, v.ll t0Vr0011.47 .t -tended to. Kl4ll/30.V 0 mausi.thn, ' MU% F 110010CIV. • The: bugle.* of the old firm of 0. Itlngaland r.W tes gelled hr the sabacribir, aZ lbe old a 1.0.1. d.m4ioa C. ILI NOSLAND. Penn filar Works. DRY GOODS MEDIOME. G. B. WOOD, optic and Orthopate Surieon. D. D. Moore, D DENTISTS AGEtiCIES. I 1 Y 1 ,gMEN E i Al Wpatern Irma- vb1011:.s:i:( 4! LI: l o1 TSBURGII, SATURDAY GROCERS ,TuomAs urnr, ar. (I.OA Of Eno Ibbblon. L!tU. d Co.) T..LITTLE & CO. WHOLESALE GROOP:RII, PRODUCE & COMMISSION MERWIANTS AND DEALEILD rmsranma mumpannEs, J0t12:,32 tio, 112 McCDXD ESILLIT: -PI772BCROIL Aet. _ WEAVE • . Whidescadaroaer, 41 Import rd Dealer In Wine* Woods arid Old Mo tommiliel* Rya Whisky. Market Otreeti mast of lerom. rittebLf4h. dastitioie• Family Clavorrin at Email. num EDW , note ni'd C.a . " lioaen aODDEW oa reammatilo farm* am. a. tuna 147 M. A. lII'CLURG & CO., Grocers and • Tea Dealer., corner of Ircnd and Blath Streets. hare erns on band a large enactment of choke Groner 'se and C. Toes—rocelem Fruits and, Nun. Wbalanis and itemSL Dealers sonpind on the toren term._ Itnasell & • GROCERS, Commbsion rr Meranata, ind Denier. In Pr.:duos t Clttebutan /ilannfantorn‘ZT (nun boaldlng) Lllnnty ne.l2—mill • RemovaL " • lISSELL & JOHNSTON, Wbolesale Oro 'b r rtti Commission llsrehants, snd Derriere iv P,6 duos awl s'lnsbastJa llsourseturee, past•• _removed their Rory) Men, 11V, Water street, to /so. =7, (now build lass.Mist. PERMINB & BATEMAN rtE.A.LERS'in Flour, Feed, and Product genera/Ir, No.ll. /Wk.!. Streei. rittotburdt. ituatto ~a.:.. •• .~,7, HENRY .11. COLLINS, Forwarding and 00mx11144143 Merr-bant,44l3 Deslior 11114444.1t0tter; ralrand.Ptcalcue imurally. 134 W 4444, E 3 , 4•4444. 44 8413140e1d. Pittstarah. • Iny3l SAniug,L SURIYER Co„ Wholesale Oman. and Ccramtatho Verdant., and Dale. at. 7 Product and IntanurED Dtanufatnens, non 100 and Inn Nand .trxt, bettreon Won. and B.ll=ald,Pitt. burtdi. . tan ERN S. DILWORTH .!c 00., Wholesale Orocerm cad, 4ge=te Ibr Powda ind Bed/ 111 Wood W., rittsbureb. taa 1101.1,13.11A..........1011. MOM.. easarrsole I lANNA, CLARK ETS.ON dlerft. Col3;Wholt MA. street, Cleveland, Ohio. Part/ruler attention giveo to the poyehise d wale t o Prcelnee. Oltuated on the lin, e their reellitlee tbr ehite ping and seething frialcht by the LILL. ag e egos' to tag house in the pine.. toarlii Ur: WEISEIN!MM • . BAOALEY & CO., Who!Baal° Gm core, Nat. LS and 1:0 Wood otowt, PlWAntrilL BLACKBUTl:irti 7 667, 7 lihmlecutle ' lrro i t t g. nem Boat rulnialiern and ..lonlen Rrodne• onat ko 4 . 00n. Viten and °fano awn]. Ps. ]4l Water !Moot, Plicaburgn onnr.ny & INGRAIIA4 WhoIeeiIe Omens and Coma Won Pdarebants. 1i0.116 W. moot. and Ito Wine Meet. Ptttabinah. MHEY, MATTHEWS A CO., Wbolosala Grooms, Commirodoz sad Forrxrdtorr iforebsalir.l . tn for Brighton Oorton Yarn.hrl We st,Pitabargh. IMAM - TORN WATT & 00,, Wholosale Grocers, Coratnta ilsrehohts, gad Dugbra 1 a Produes gag sburgh Ma i e:sear. No. 2go Murry stmt. Pitts burgh. Pa. B. CANFIELD, late of Warren, Ohio, Zto ?Nair, La 47* " a l lies., Daher. d rot gait Parl A-Cb. lad Woomera Progurs ceogrally. Watt' ergot, ban.. had Wield soul Wood, Pittsburgh. ISAlrrDlCK.filrfrd.,loleiare Gro . • A.-en " .fPn=l! •'NOLISII & BENNETT,. late Englieh, OaCutter & Co.. Wllnboolo (hocers.Oom and crowding Meoebantakonti Leal= I. Ptodua Pill. onrEh Monufootnno. No. 112 &mud at =II 14 JIM It, bpto eon 'Wood awl BoOthrokl. • ;caw arinu...—nzu 0. NlVllFlrrile7l7rii. -- " ; 41 S GILLS -. - ottalial M l ' t•- h° : 1 : 3 0. 8 1 1 0 6 8 a =trot iu l aria. 40131,RE MOORE, Whole-ale Groocr, Beatltylma Distiller, &attain Praia:a PlUabs,ab abeam. and all luatto at /main ard Damask, Lki7tia Sib Ltba:tr stson. 01:1 band a m c, h um rA i atria aktaaa alutia Whisks,. °BERT DA UrFLL & Co., Wholesale aut. Ortreen, 0. - ..admica XreAszitt, Aeslars 111 Produet • .12103 161.111...0.111L, SC, =3 !roan . stmt. P 2222 A 41c5..—..---..2.22‘2 lecupt3is. 10K A MC/MUSA swot:Nora to L a. a. 1). 141212. 111142221.• Grows. Forwarllng . arl 1112ntlasas, 021•22 to I.2ft. !Wm. W. 144:42, Pl24lm2ncb. klar.2olsurep gwouraty, mamor of wood ow Wain 42,Netm. Pit:A=24u : I Ala -•• " • iD. WILLI . A Arri 00., Wholesale and • ado 15.p.117 amen, loriranitazt and COnualmaioa onanta. old /mazy" In Country Praise. an 4 Pltniburrh llnutinenrue. cared as wad ard nth ea, Pitutbunti. roe rwn_ • ' ..ixonann Sl& R. FLOYD, — WnoreWale — Grooons, Com,, . minion Idorchautu. and Dwlonln ProSTi4r—llonao ant, Bulln.Mur. frontlns am Liberty. Wood.. sad ninth utregrto.Pittaburnb. Pal 111181 CALI EtifiTILMONTEL 111511 N IL DlELLOR,Dealerin Piano Forte*, OF 'Xcisla. and blades] loadesubente. School Books, sod enedover7. bole Gored toe Clbleterkora Mao irk!, hr Week= berumlemsda—No.Bl Wood rt. H ENRY KUSER, Dealer in Maga, lin mttn*.ealAneel=atlVr%Bo m • TRANSPORTATION AGENTS. fIOVODE k GRAHAM, Agent. nt Pennp. ) Railroad toner al Perna WILT. Ala./ Rudd, Pittaliargh,_Pa. el A. MaANULTY L CO—Tinaigportare, cVjrr=%s''itgit,,A ° "ligr ' 4 " rfia" PAPER RANGING AIM PLASTERING OSEPH JOHNSTON, Rai's"/wail. & •.Eurnass—aikus*amtetot ildrertreitas4l4ll =num Alleeway. • . , B.—Lima, 15.,2, Mattan lath eit, fer ea. • awhan ENGRAYING AND w SI n C m R U rw C r H d p L O UT burgh. IlispiNserttetr. Portraits. nuns Illbiuls. Drafts. Posit, Labels, hitectursi gut Maiblas• Windom Business and Mitts , sihriuttid or draws.= Stems, slid printed 'ls solos.. Mid. unisase, er Black. In tht. ciost apyrnined .ills, gnu soon masa. 01. 5010... - ssiiitr MISCELLANEOUS CARDS, ito • Cambria Iron Company. 1.7 ÜBSORIPTIONS to the - Capital Stook of thla Gatos., will melted at tin OM, of P, Ilhoent!4ml.7. or the I:indent...l. ( 4111 Y. iwernewe 1 00.. nat2 77 and 79 Watar Argot. . - --- NEW SEED STORE.. James Wardrop, O FFERS for sal° CANARY BEDS of the vomit approved Wood. todox very bordr mad 1100 MAW.. Moo Boolo—Cooor, 11.. p, limed 13ori Dougoketo Ell b. foonlobod iMIZIkowl of the floost PLOWER& Itooo fool., uollotroPoo. ao. tat.) for ChlioLooss Trees. from tho .od uortlowtoral Hoax. No. 49 store, near Mood. dolf. A CARD RAVING boon appointed the anionic . Agents for Pittsburgh. for the woof Potent Elated eno titretehed Loaner Pelting, manufactured by P. JEWELL • BON. of liartlbal, Omen.—W. now offer fox sale • large Mortment of all the widths, menufactur. .1, at the menu factueeffs paw. he aeticle brag am. Nor to uly Lather Nelms ever before offered in tbis risrlut. Mg, a large Oat of ell width. of bedia Rubber &Nair constantly on bend and Dr sale at the "Marline Delthen Depot.. No. 110 Market drat. eepffB bt=Ml A CARD AVINO teemed most of FALL GOODS. I Lao plasamm. i inlonoling my friend. om open, sod fOr ree—comdelog of Brim:Atli Sotto. DOM.. Lima.; Ohba/ Curtain Omi M o. iih r. Mao% of sylmllld pa u trom Men Tambou anal da I rr n.rbiilt ' of klo u rirbulf tiThreen Pinta. of all tridtbm Ymoth sad' iramlLM Quilt.. 01 .0 dm; and varlet/ of nods too ormtemma to meal°. 113.0rder. proudly WM. NOBLE. Thud Street. of LlT—if The Penneyhqua Clausen Compani. pOR tho Bala of Licenees to use Olaussen's PC.3 for cottobidoa sad Alsikablaa nat.-Ibmet c a t, goa=ca m rzlAl,44ctstt :21LL parties for JOLIN , IIufIKIN. Anat.. _lllll,le . lphla. July 19. 1862 —ursmair Erreors HOTEL, OPPOSITE the Fountain, Zaneeeile Ohio, rimtam Anna M. &sun AM W. A. Jonu.Proprla tors. CHESTER, -Merchant Tailor and • thka!, Mamba. 74 Wool Mud Pa rticular att.. Bpail to ilopfaud Potable Olothltr. uciir7 NUM. DIUBY, Merchant Tailor, Draper, • • and Nal., In litandr Uzi* Clothing. ler Llbartg n HOUNTY LANDS—Capt. Charles Naylor, AWES, a lam, No 161 Third at, cornered Chem y, haring coede arranosoenta for the 'wpm., wilt ' , recur. Beauty 1.4. for oaken and caller', their widows and children, a. will attend to .7 other bora tes., rannerte4 with the dorernos.nt or .7 of ifr heteart• mints... Version Moe, or the Ocurta at the Olty at Visadriatrui. lanNtr .. OLRD. State Official Interpreter. L . IV'S, J. ROSE IntErpretai of Foreign n.i.. La t tatuirles t if barn thopolamouwalth of Penn. Easy he mood dt oda7PlAlTU`sab:r.°ol2ll°ll p lt lgtltualase es *vr g n Boamor st ItoAsA, i aer " ;ll4lrnerTl ltislorOb.wrinasA A ra - : neatwa and ofs`tar" epOliN B. BAYARD a, SON, Dealers in .tiatber, Iltirs and Oil, No. Tilt Liberty iLdoirpogie er b :114iaa6341eTr"or Ton eallbni 14Wi t ers, 4".° 011rgrze "t ; 6 44i, L OSi th , • . , . LASIMANCE. " Narine, Firoo.ana Inland Transportation lIE ' Insurance. Lamm= Companp of NorthAclerica, mnampat.-caam...allat. P.. 141000,090. matt nay la. ia4d, 00. Will mak* Icraranea baiatiao and this city and vicialtr also a Petesieta afar.; .laarrti;,rtoa ablapal tartan lad, sad other 'was-CM= ta wee/ Anna, n. r,r , Tbenw, T. 0,5r.e. remand W..Tenes. Jab° C. eff, Zdlresi Itichad D. Sc rod, John A. Drosm, , gsmoelEmitb. Wdastt, Inset. Deakins, gsmuel firmits. B. Austin gibbons, Chutes TtAler, Wm. E. Bowen. =.11u.1%., B. blarrisWign, D. D. gberrord, Deer, This is the oldest Lammas. Demvsnmibe United eta. end frost NBal ranting. locireestele. amble mean and stetting rtsks cans dots character it NW be eenstdeDst u edertnß aap4 eeenrl to , De nubile P. JO Agent. • fft tic.. 00 and M. r MVO- Delaware rdnal Safety Insurance Comp) , CA ITItE - 'go. 9 'it'd 10 Ifierotante Ex t." :anaNai l mint MARINE; NLAND AND FIRE INSURANCE. ILu 3r Isersstmo—Crp Vessels, Ouzo Ana 'Wight. to All ports In [bowed, bump Untrasscss—tha Cloodr bßim, Canal sod Laker. dingby Laud °Amiss* to po or. at Um Won. Mali, ding um sin by Fin obUl mint. Plac Istrassti-Dri Llnctmaltas mallly. cm SUM throning ilormnt, Do. ASIZYS OFT= COMPANY. blottawmood around Rent- 94,061 03 032.065 renuiplvadlo .9.1 par otnt L00n..._. . . =OO9 09 512,00 do 1196 do . ....... 10 701 25 Lupo° Phflodelgtbla Oil do 00,300 00 919.00015m1. mnbor tz. B. alvo por - oant 4.165 0 15.000.friod 'Condom 11l 1 , 67;;;;C1Z0t . .7...: 4,264 94060 1.1351• Nd Mato. 819 o 2,166 101 Moho Ydnooylyszna ILO acad d lloutroar 6.1.96 6 ' 410 Blew 15oudr 9,609 W . • I,l69 ITMnnsh. • Rely YUIVAL FIRE- /NSUBANOI 00ktPAtil tiA27.2,165U1M P 4. thESIONED only for the safer classes of .1.7 Property, bee an ample w , oltai, ono adept. cape& ot advantage. In pant at Memnon. tasty and ccommo. dation, to city sod copsaCt7 mac/lama. argil col.= Of ctratlicuP. And torlated or coltetcww,27.•A oCT irate), ‘l 4 l , ce. mtsta.ottmoo.-g u ntUl m h. Prankhe Piro Insurance Co. of Philad'a. nIRECTORS: Chirleir W. Bantle; Geo. anus,et. rant.D.D . Isnbglr. en , .4 f. Prealdso•— Coasme &Prom Decatur 'nit Wormy otortanee to make Insorancet permanent or Imola& on *my deterlallon of Presort, tarn and ocancry, at Wes es tar ea are cooreCrat with accurity. The Macaw hove anent a Large w eedy Mod. which, wisp Italy *natal 040 rrnalume, .othy !overact. afoot ample protection to the snored. , aorta or the Onossoyst Janatery.lo2.ll3l. neyob. Wad sirecanly to the Act oar Aseembly. mare aa Mang, vat— • SU,I 7" fib. 6.1,948 17 Limir Incorperatica. a period I h 2l 21 47 10.2, =ld Uygur& at Ona goar Looma by Itte Cheraw. affording arldenoe of the e•trantagor /Drama ma as their ablllry and pgarlon So meat with. proarsaas a/1101110m J. teglibff YR CMM, Igen:. salt; • Ogic•AL corner at Wood *134 &leg. . CARD, • T~rimbsezibirr would tespeotfully . inform bin Maid.. 844 the publie Mantle Pas opeped the •Rom• landy 0ec22.184 b.p Ream Wooer itaMosell .. lol h • ;741, 41.1 0 g 7 thwerr. iktd Bed: noes. *QM. no Irdere by •lo.idesnation and fair 41.81108 to alai; 4 att Ilse of pazota. celt*.*. WII4IIII YRILIVCR. 13111..W1C CR — AUK FiRS — Ir RON CITY-PILOT BREAD and CRACK .. as 11311111113...d0. 317 Merry Went. craw.]!. Rd, of ronumnell. 7188 p3ndusedoneof .R.ZfeeireCraelterand Pilot Broad mareirines. 1 82p prepared MAI/ all °mien Mr Crest. aro or Pilot limu2 at tn• shortest notice. Supericrhundylta.d. Rio and DMPe7BIB. I / 2 8.4 82.4 small &wile rrrrr morning. treara buds. florets. le, supplied with Lund sad seri tireB_l.g2.ll times, _ EMgM=lo=l Lots & Braun. FRESCO, Maw, Sign and Ornamental Java... 3 4 / 3 43 alstket.t.t.t. sad Mira .t.... PIMA arca. Pa All littl. or ['algid.. to Chateau.. Mau., login Ira. tar .3 oil Wars. dots la the moat modem at/ parent Bro.. g W anuo w a a B t a anad .o f I P m a i t a u t t io l4 n .5 ofl Cotters. f ed.. i o allied Paint.. Putty. Was sad: apt JAILEB W. WOODWELL. Cabinet Furniture Manufacturer, Ito.. 97 and 99 Third St. fill.tburph. dW. W. RESPECTFULLY Intortab hik Mend. sad cos:oasts, tbst he haa loot completed earring rock ot Funahnee, *bleb is decidedly tb lan nut mad lacet firer offend Oar tale in this nit), able:will be sold at prkes aa low aa any the thdted States, Zan or Won. A. he la determined to uphold hie etoek. with aesoatial materials. bort workmanablp, and nearside. .few; and from the extent of Ma elders and facility la manufectortng. be Is enabled to produce warranted IlllnlllllB.o at the lowest penes. boo ulopted the mind'', of ideutlikinqe casting. ae. tilt...est Etta hut own, in quality a nd pr and Pape ware en band the mead •ariaty of .Tery eectiption of Yuctitant. from thaatie•PietaM plainest. to the most elegant and eostly, that •• house, or any part of core. may b• furrieheol from hie gook. citact•AcMssd expresaly to order. The following &Akira menet In part of aL on• nimineent. which, Parma ma of style and guide. cannot aurpareed yas of the Loofa Yr! tote a tete dolltE orn 60 Paulo Pluah and Hair Ciotti; 00 dam Plainwerly Chain; 10 do Walnut do 80 :20 yalingony narking Maim slant do ISO Wal lahonut do gony Mee= 00 SO Emile top Centre Pablo, IA d e Wu/beat: tireonialt Dadr. PO d 40 Inaloged do 100 •man do plaluDrandos Itunratte . 40 KWalnu t ahogooy ItedstaadE 40 do PO Manses do PO Cherry and Poplar dm 70 Wahogony Wardrobes 10 Walnut do 10 Wherry do; 10 Plato gurnerun 10 and Breakfast Tablas t " tl i rt= 24 Cane Beat lioatingt4airst 11 Ladles' Writing Beaks Mat and Towel stande e What:Nett gllgnirek Paper Phobia Tables; nationOm Int; Pembroke do: hothaan des Indit d andPla dr4 o: e drn Pear Inlaid do; Extension Mins Talton Arm do: Ottososar. Gottdo and 1141 Chaim also. • tare* amortmenl of Common fornltura and Modern °balm • a e b . in t et he m au Mu tt e e f d u r w n ih t d art a it t l t e h sn A th orte i =U 111 na orders , promptly attended to. mayibly • • CALIFORNIA BREAD. LILE subscriber is manufacturing and has wiled ourrlor artlelo. of Mr ludiprorgablo for dalliers, • eco! Il mr It mating go ods too Mgt rol inotg. J. 4 3llorui, " No. 311 Marts meet. Straw Noma an; Hat WI , • No. 105 MAWS STRUT. PALMER °fferLPit:an_fplln' lal • ry " 141 rat a TooT and ataaa.tha.Paem av k ta4,y 11/r4—far% Tooth.'. nod Bon' 40m:buoy and fltg'3,lt a. 8" . .137.1113TraeOrain Olm L'"and talameo r arraay. JannL . Lind, and Au eryna7Fga a a T ani. " V/BV,l.Ps ' lLTßoliat and Surf, ;Isla Sean and Tab rd i r laztr.u . i=virarzzgv:i. oaten yet._ Vita W LTELlliNGS—Cordsauilali. Do tWa5.140341. NEOWA-16211•32t1 fatal aaa = Spin. bawl= sad a garka b li d eet i hr . D t7 .lttr tlea. de Yr ggigal 11,4". *a ir " 1 " . " rt" .faz_ h t t ygl4= = = ttrid Lao. it, • . • NEW GOODS. WM. DlGEY.tzt h to Inform his friends a v e v itintrnt. W lOW Eli AIP . O I LIZI2III474 I° ‘= ever, thlng that Lo fublonsbie,gccd, end um forGaithr- Zig=ol l en hob" fira l l ateenx < 1 7% . 01: elmaram sad Yu ' da l: Or.. arcipirtarwty of hiselotbs. PirFiflat=l " ll t b agAleti b ilat ea %/rel . = 21.1V41`13 Viran b rsialrearlartoV. f .rtt lol o. a 'which will 0. tatted. Ai they !oust Drier An za. • ooun lariW 't . In. an Ul l a n i l lx ." Vgindftn i t i lire h tresnanne to4rlbro pornmninn. an then illlnuet Intl A.d a tn7 K* In the Tallorlnf Ilse nu& in ends e W1 ..4 1 1 1,14 i M ut %VT: Bolivar Niro &Ink and Crumble Clay Xan zhOor*? Company. THIS Conasaxt having enlarged their oa a'r=Latti et. m ahTc.l:l= 4 ,4rard! rtoll y riten pmaptly attended b ' KINN a JoNlrB. pad Publ. Pittsburgh. Bentemb.r $4 1662-22 ley& Intelligence Office. Ye. 2 ft Mir Bawd. . ivzeitz . r t f i ti t s, Elteam c ß u o t a v t end Prirle U. NOBLE, Upholsterer and Dealer in 4 Ut , bolsuty WY.114 664 ftstall. TWA steelt, mogul es hat XD3aBILUI*UB' WALTER R ELIE: • • L DI CO BUR are DIALER IS YEESCEI ma AM SOUS PAPER HANGINGS,. \. No. 85 Wood 84.4 Pitts% rah. 1, ma. '63 THONAB PALItiRI, - IMPORT/A as, DEALS.; IN 18070114x,1b ICAS WANAPER. n. Marbee aired, be Third end 127 • • Mittel, Fah. JACOB FO= i lf, Jr, • FORWAIRDIRGABDCO OR NICACI(AIIT 7.;N0.65 WATZEBVIESTAMBURGIL r aa: l -as LATE ARRIVAL OF QUE NEIWARE. ERNE? RIGB WHOLESAiII AND lIRT4 ODOM /W \ • CHINA, GLASS AR) MIR ID Wood rtrioetqUblenvh. ' k IS NOW reeiiviug, direct fron !TIM' Porto:leg au ext•rwer•zgiortaest of boob. embrate Granilog.,.' varier In hit boa Amoog whleh. Wolter Granite Toilet Tea and ninon au; • obi la .24 Vigor te bon-leue eget:astir tors, Hokin; Peens sag Dogllob Gloom •Idia. gol4-berig.•o4 geoprato T. oho blister Pate few* blue mg mulber r y. llght hloiN pto, mrsslo.. tint 4. MC. eda..lerol dlroeirl Weep: With fire lhavaroul orb wahero Clow ged VI:WM 11wOr.11 ne ani tirs Oto UfilAy . 0.11 woo. Thad frijol of city and trients7 issero^e•te. obelogte , iroier;i4•01oll BIDDLE-HOUSE, \ A Corner Jeffermos‘ Aye. ono DE \ t/tOn. OBNILLYE DIBBLit, eI 6:71 CEIALES L.tase4 f ' \ . ISPILING 74121H101 FOB UM. AA \A CO. %, IVILL introince w \ ihe BPRIN( k , S TYLE v orchatie.. CUTS, otVEITOISD WA: Tb.ralm ail attention to pm, g; f IT 6.66 r at r tittl , 66cl Wood I. ' I PINE AND ORDLIIIVAB.B.iN. ' eIANUEL KRUM lieepeoonstantly an b..' . good aseorwrient of Waab end 1:1•1101etea erae. Bteasolomes, 0•• Well, Etrebso or Dr*, /lurking Wooden Bemis, Mums. Drl t . o lieeedrek Z ,,,, A4m , - Tfaeli Wanda. and all other of "rue La nu llna Also-60 mete ruts .114 lop don 'Now. 41,24. - r \ • \ \ Wrman, Waso.• \ l•11,11112, etrieet.iro.` ', Nitemov , , \ ARDY, Jor,ipo ,a co. Lave. ramovei nkt t d mlnns ottarr,rldes front s Wsrshonso, 'Noe 80 . s i l; Wolos strut third house Wow Harlot st.' , . "tit. Pi4 0 . 0 . 1.454111..01:84111619r . r a f i tßah , ItZIMIt. 7 4' \ &et '. LADIES' FANCY FURS. ,:: WE RESUCTFCrELY' INVITE 'tit attention the Lolls t 0.., nswit io 4snlonadd .... 41 . 1 ”, a . htskwots T open. metraisng - natal Ins. /Boa. Palle Cab. Weirdo% Ohm% , Its, dse ka of the following Inds organ. None Dfartlis, Lostntd\nua L7kis. •• SN . hatctral \ te., , , , s .. Kink Kadin. \.. . . African Book do \ Ascostt. \\: ' . Crom Tax, \ NOM. C.on 7. \ • Kitt do s /smash do Illsorlaorsddrol. V Dams. Wa. l ...l , Ads.alb\ \ ' This Is tha tornet and best summons Of .warn aver offend In this market. %They \ as, .11 trash. Sad 4 2 =, poorest mks. and wlll "to aid at the to Woe. 11°00/JD* 00.; faoldvoable Hattets. \ 7 __ nail oatner, , Wood nod ll= street! \ • OEIFFITH. lill'ATT L A CO., \ --\, GENERAL GomMIsSIGNIIEROILAN. S,' roil rug saa Of • PRODUCE Asp PROVISIONS, . \ • - BALtIZOBS:\ PAW to—John Lowy. ',abler P. i 4achanta' Bank. Ilankdre. Ilelapere. 4 Yriend honkers. Vittannte. ov nntens ' ' craw CP3THINGIIO .', 1, O E'-- .Edtatiad Watts & Co., \ atEVC.II4.I.:IT TAILORS,', No. 186, , LTherty Street \ A RE in receipt of their Fail Styles: also, a 13 `,..7.0, 1. =lgho`.:°c;_,' .rapt. O tot =I Lye Ilea Vera. Blaney ant rain (got.. of vain. odors an