The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 11, 1852, Image 2

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WELD soicorerioNs
ORN'L WWII:Up SCOTT, of Now Jersey
WILLIAM A. GRAHAM :14.. Carolina.
100. CANAL 0011.1111.1/110NLIL
JA COB HOFFMAN, or nume couwrr.
•'al7ooll of IR= SUPPSINZ COURT,
the nom or the Hon. Glehar.l Coulter. deu.sed.)
•¢l4 , tostsz-
A. Z. Baca., . !ants POl.l.OCi.
, .
DIFIVIets, ' - IVB.
I. Wawa. Ir. [loom, 14. Jurirs U. Conrzu.
- -2. Janes Suollsrl. 14. 444X.3 14. 1- 4 /SIVN.
, • 7. Joan W. - Berass. Id. Jams H. Dsratott.
4. Joao P. Vt.., . 11. D. !So. Mottottooo
• IS. Itrsnoza Melly/Bs; 14. Aura Thule.
J., 41, ,) Alm SI. tetra. 19. Joe, Luretor,
7. Jots. Piocooss.
3. Jo. Struarso. tir .
. tiara
m. J. Fa te,
itoorrFate,3l tostom.
U. Jim. HA8E11441., In. Lisa L. Lost,
tram ALMS, Atto P. l47 '".". ttiL. DC''4llll,"UttHrtats,"'"'.
.13. #l. U. Ilracia. mi. lissrl A. VBB,V7BSci.
11. :4144 Bll.V.Bswooru.
Antimaaonio and Whig County Ticke
• ocrAtrms—XLr dirrucr.
PATLD MAMIE, Pittsburgh.
cossaltra—=> =awe,
• TEGNIAP M. WAVE, Alhurbror
og EDW.
°MIME Al/rgbeur.
T 110 M Ai! PENNEY. WK.<Guul.
RIMMED GOWAN Pittsburgh.
. tri.,,bl ;! r zwkatilfp:;:gm.
• EDWARD CAMPBELL. Jr, Pittaburgio
O'IATZ trr.l or cum? or quatota mum. IC.
.10 1 / 2 1 U.:MILLET. Alleglirer.
WILLIAM ALGEC, Pittsburgh.
0 )201n..
• JAMMU LOWRY. Pittrburr h.
DZCLINATION or JOHN P. Oslo —We learn
that a letter has been received by the Free Soil
Convention which assembles in this city to day,
from Joan P. flair declining to he a candidate
for the Presidency. The choice we presume will
fell upon the next strongest man, who is comm.
did to S. P. pussy, Senator in . Coogreas from
TEE zaroraza PAELIAHEATA EY =moss
After an amiaous and bitter ptinggle, more so
• Indeed than any preceding election held during
the present reign, the result teat length known.
In our telegraphic column yesterday morning it
• was elated at, 3 liniaterialiste, 125; oppoeion,
101; uncertain, 2. Whether the third party
members, or Liberal Conservatives, na they are
called, are included is the number emigre,' to
the ministry is uncertain, the telegraphic report
being exceedingly meagre. It is most probable
that they are.. If so, the Liberalists have still a
small majority over the Conaerratives. Their
belngin the majority, however, would be of but
little avail to them, ezlepting on the question of
free trade, since the Liberal Conservatives will.
on all other points, sustain the ministry le Its
present policy.
The final result of the returns from the whole
of the United Ricgdom, must have fallen like a
thunder clap upon the Liberal party: Never
was victory more coafidently expected, and nee-
er did expectations seem more fully justified,
than did theirs for a time after the eleetion,
when the returns as they came in from ell•parts
continually swelled the majority in their favor.
. So favorable was the. result indicated by there
turns as far as received that the Opposition press
In many instances claimed au ultimate majority
of one hundred or more, while even the London
Herald, the organ of the ministry, admitted that
they were defeated, and at one time conceded a
large majority to the oppoeition.
Later setionnts have; however, scattered those
apparently well-foanded conjectures to the winds
The Liberals are defeated. Still it =lathe con
sidered that tho ministry have gained only a
partial victory. , They have not a "working ma
jority." Twenty-four is not sufficient majority
to enable them to 'carry out their policy to its
fall extent, more especially when the bailaace of
polar Is in the hands of a squad of third party
xneetlaire, who will oppose the ministerial policy
in one of its moat vital points. Such at least is
the opinion of the London papers brought by a
Preceding arrival, when it was thought that the
Conservatives would have a majority over all,
So great wee the:reaction of opinion when the re.
turns so favorable to the goverament,began to
pour is. If then the ministry could not be sus
tained with such's majority it most readily be
admitted, by those who can trust to the almost
unanimous statements of the London press, that
the Derby administration, although they have
apparentlfgained a victory, arc now surrounded
by all the difficultlea .. .Consequent upon a defeat,
and from which nothing but complete success
. could have set them free.
Whether the result of thin election will effect.
the overthrow of the Derby ministry is by no
— mean! certain, although that event is confident..
lypredicted by certain English journals. Cer
tain it Is that premiers of higher standing, greet
er political capacity and much longer experi
ence In the management of pablio affairs, than
Lord Derby, have been compelled to resign trona
the very cause . which, it is asserted, will mane'
,the downfall of the Derby minietry--the want of
a sufficient majority In Parliament to sustain
their policy.
Already they seem to be feeling the effects of
• their only put victory. The lastarrival from
Europe brings intelligence that It was expected
In England that many changes in the Cabinet
wardd loon take place. What they are it does
not Mate, but the next mail will deubtleas bring
full particulars.
There le one sad feature in connection with
the late eleetions, -- that indirectly casts a gloom
over the prospects of republicanism in Europe.
We allude to the disgraceful election riots which I
;hare taken place in England and Ireland, and
bars been extremely lamentable in their result',
especially at Limerick, where a lose of
eight firm aa well as great bodily injury to
many others, together with destruction of prop
erty, ensued from one of these party broils.—
Our resident will renumber the bloody riot which
oorenved a few days since at the late elections
In England. 81noe then reports of each atL-aye
have become so frequent that they . are looked
npoa In England seen almost necessary conse
quence of choosing their representatives. These
afford the strongest arguments used by monii
'chilli.' against allowing the masses to choose
their own rulers, and although the inferrenCee'
drawn from such facts may be false In the main,
It would be well for the cane, of liberty If tech
blemiehm upon the ekirts of the representative
system were dais away with, and the months of
tyrants shut In this reverie
There is a statement going the rounds of the
Looefooo papers, to the effect that Gen. Scott
proposed to makeeeery foreigner Nerve two years
in tht army and guy before being allowed to
vote In this cowry, widish Is a groer &Men
tion, or rather a Mietepresentation of tkott's
sentiments on that subjeet. All the journals'
whloh have aided iii oireulattog the falsehood
know, 9r ought to know, that Gen. Scott', avow
al of his opinions on the eubjeot of the nature&
tuition lairs wee almost diametrically opposite to
the above version. , lite sentiments, as expressed
on the emsaion referred to, were, that all for-
eigners should be allowed the rights of citizen
ship after the limited period fixed by existing
laws, and also, that any foreigner serving, one
yur in the arnij or navy sheaf be allowed the
same rights. Scott wished thin alteration to be
made In the naturalhailon laws, not for the pur
pose of obtaining numbers of foreigners as re:.
emits, or for the plums of sualsrgiug the stand
ing army, ae was absurdly stated by someprinte,
but' as a suitable reward for faithful Burke.
rendered to their country, is we now give boon.
Xy lands to soldiers who have been engaged in
actual service.
we ete 1 14111111tbd to *PI that an mad
nation for teachers to the Third Ward will take
rxi Thareiv. The hoar et catadeadea le! the
Yoe melee hie been cdtaaged to 81 A. M. The hear
th, females le ea beta oxtvantard. 20 A. M.
_ .
THI OBOLLTLA AT Bt7rALO was by no means
to 'fatal as was at first represented. We are
glad to notice that it has now almost entirely
disappeared. The Advertiser, of the sth that,
says that the cholera has been on the decrease
there since Sunday, and we have heard bet little
of it for the past two or three days. It does
not appear to have been epidemic in its °bane
tef; but superinduced by local causes, and con
fined to certain localities. The physicians of
the city not having reported to the Board of
Health, it use been impossible to ascertain the
number of eases or deaths from this cause; but
they, have not reached a fifth of the number that
rumor, in the surrounding country, has set them
down at. We anticipate that the cholera will
ion disappear entirely from among us; yet our
citizens should not omit the necessary eauitary
measures to guard against it, and all diseases of
a similar nature, which ~,are usually prevalent
doting July and August
It now setae that there is some alight hope
for the hopeless State of Illinois. The Chicago
Democrat has admitted, though reluctantly, that
it is debateable ground. In no preceding con
test was there the least expectation of carrying
'Made, but now the leading Democratic paper
in the principal city of the State, is beginning
to ba afraid of Boott's popularity.
A correspondent writes to the New York Tn.
bun, from New Orleans, as follows:
All 'right in thin quarter. All the whig paper,
in this State have declared for Scott and Gra
ham. The politician who went off before they
took (he "sober second thought" have come
back to the fold and have been received into fall
commenion. Parham, who you lee figuring in
the papers - as having gone off from Scott and re
fund to serve es Elector, never Wes a reliable
whig—he having voted Mr, Soule to the Senate.
The new distracting of the State has changed
some people's sentiments wonderfully. Mr. Par
ham now lives in an anti whig district.
For the Pittsburgh Dail, ousts.
TO the Editors of the Daily Morning Post:
nsrxxstate—Ort Friday last, I made, through
tho columns of this paper, the folloiing request
of you: "WW you please inform your readere, of
whom I am occasionally one ; whether the pres
ent River and Harbor bill, now before Congress,
ie Constitutional or not, and whether it does not
conflict with one ot the Resolutions of the Dem
ocratic Platform; and whether it 'ought, or ought
not to pass and become alaw of the laud"
No reply or answer being made in your paper
of Saturday, in Monday's Gazette I repeated the
question, and added—" Shall the Constitution be
violated; and one of the principal planks of the
Democratie Platform be knocked from under
your feet, and your readers have not one word
of warning or protest from you° Speak, gentle-
I men, speak !"
' In your paper of this morning I find the fol
lowing: "There is some person in Pittsburgh
who signs the productions of hie wise "rumina
tion" "A Live Whig," picking at the Morning
Poet through the Gazette. lie assumes that
there is something unconstitutional in the Dem
erratic Platform, and cells upon us to explain
it. Now we are well satisfied with our Plat
form," $o- Again you say: 'What does "Lire
Whig' desire to have explained?" Again:
"Whet does he object to?" And then after put
ting some half dozen irrelevant question., con
clude. follows:
"When, he will anewcr these questions seri
ously, (in the spirit they are put,) and eatisfao
[wally, and makes clear hie objection to the
Democratic Platform, we will take hie 'questioner'
into consideration. In conch:talon, we hope he
may live until after the election, for we think
that about that time, Barnum illl be willing to
pay a high premium for a "live whin.," to exhib
it se a curious relic of the campaign."
Gentlemen, if you were conscientious in your
professed pollticsl principles, and really "well
satisfied with your platform," the first thing you
I should do would be to speak the tru , h; Ton would
I copy, or at least glee your the rotator:a of the.
I request made, or question propounded. This
I you have not done, but on the contrary have
I concealed the request made, and left your recd.
r ere to infer an entire different question from the
one put. It seems to he not in yourpolitioal
I creed to meet and answer a simple and fair ques
lion in a direct and honestmanner. Do yon lay
.any claim to truth, integrity, courage end fair
dealing? If you do, why, when a plain, simple
And fair question is pot to you uonceraing a
question of momentous importance to the whole 1
country, do you refuse to let your readers know
I what it is, and like craven, cowardly country
; bumpkin:, whine out, "A Live Whig' is "pick. ,
I ing" at us? Why
Wedge that I "assume that '
there is something unconstitutional in the Dem-
°erotic Platform , and calls upon ns to explain it,"
wheal hive done no such thing, but on the con
trzry rather assumed that the present Riser and
II arbor bill Was unconstitutional, and urged you
to at least "one word of warning or protest"
ageism it? Why,'before complying with the re
cpectfol, reasonable and fair request made by
me, compel me to answer irrelevant (to the mat
ter inquired of by me) questions Concerning the
conduct of other persons over whom I have no
control, and who are better qualified to answer
lb me questions than I am, and no doubt willing
to do so? Why, if you are honest men, and
. ."ell satisfied with" your "platform," and not
afraid to speak the troth, although In direct
"conflict with one of the resolutions of the Dem
ocratic Platform," do you refuse to give me and
your readers the satiefection asked, at your
bunds? Why Impose upon me a perhaps impos
t ei , ./e condition, namely: to answer ,your quee
r firms "satielhatorily," and then only promise to
take my "quiet:lone into connderatiow?" It ap
p. are, therefore, that even if I should succeed in
swering your irrelevant questions "satiefacto
tiry," that we are not to expect, as a certainty,
the information shught by me.
Gentlemen, faked I not attempt to answer your
questions, and. =dens you comply moon with the
request made by me, and give the information
recoght by the question put, I shall answer it for
you, and perhaps in such a manner as will make
you wish that you had answered it yourselves.
The people, shall have your answer, or the reo
sons why in de not given.
cently been decided in the District Court for the
c Only of Beier, in Texan, which if confirmed
to the Saprethe Court, will operate, it is said,
to declare several thousand blacks free, who
bare been held heretofore ea slaves. A Aare
woman was carried from the United States to
Austin's Colony, in Texas, in 1825. Slavery
was not recognized by the laws of Mexico at
that time. The constitution of Coahuila and
Tease was proclaimed early in 1827, and the
woman, the 'abject of suit, daughter of the
slave, was bora the Brazos about the
middle of 1827. When the constitution of 1888
was adopted by the Republic of Texas, darer/
was establiehed, and the mother elave woe of
the close enumerated in the constitution as
slaves. The daughter, having been horn in the
country, was not . . included by the provisions of I
the constitution.
- t 4 a snit, involving the question of the free
dom of the girl, it hie been decided that the
condition of blacks in the country dining the
existence of the Mexioan law was that of free
dom, and that.the sot of sovereign power in re
manding them to the orienal condition of slaves,
which they held when imported from the United
States, did not affect their offepring born in the
eottetry. before the adoption of the constitution
of the Republic. who are consequently free.
Tux (holm or nu WarrDineen Buxom OF
THE SUSQI:I2HANNA —The Williamsport Democrat
speaks flatteringly of the growth of the West
Branch region. A new town hu been ushered
into existence on the banks of Kettle Creek, in
Potter county, which it says will become the
seat of justice. It is called Augusta, and what
Is a remarkable geogrephical boy it is in direct
water communication—ml altogether navigable,
It in true, but navigate and wadeable the whole
distance—with the Chesapeake Bay, the Miskis
eippland the St. Lawrence rivers. . The Demo
crat also, gives a long account of the saw mills
in Williamsport. There are nine of these In.
operation, which have the capacity to manatee,:
taro over 100,000 feet of lumber every twenty.'
four hours, er 86,600,000 feet per annum.
Prim the Sem Tort Txthrum
Tax Distocmuy ;woo max a.—A pommel
Mead of long etandlng, at Rochester, who has
always hitherto sated with the eelfatyled "De
mocracy," but who writes as that he shall this
time vote for Scow and GRABeht, gives the fol
lowing incidental glimpse of the prospect .
Weste New York: '
To-dey Score is the same as elected Prat
drat for four years from the 9th of Match neer.
That la foregone-conoluslan :' and the De
mocracy' might as well (as ors* of them do)
• take some something warm,' go to bed; and
sleep till the polls ere closed in November, and
then get op to see the Whig Nana, mad listen
to the Tel,grrau from the four winds of heaven
proclaiming the triumph of Boott.
.1 undentruid all the biturterimg lying, and
betting on the head of that forlorn Mother and
foe to all true Dernocraoy, Frank Pierce; but
mark me, the Democracy' dere, of both stripes,
is hollow as, a httne•pipa, sae-do(/ ofthe Tan
Buren wing 'wilt vote for Scott and Graham;
one-fourth for the Flusher)* nominee ; and the
balance for Place, Impelled by facet hopes of
promotion to trlfee when thepartenball triumph
again.' The Ouwerien will divide In the SOU
pro:mull:or, except the, Pittsburgh cptarterc mho
will save shoe-leather on the day of election .by
14 17 1 4 at holm `2- a."
LATIRPROM Tune. -0e have Galveston pa
pers to the 27th nit., and papers of late dates
from the interior.
on Bolithdreston News says that the lighthouse
vat Point is completed, and the work has
beehe n li ght accepted and approved by the Collector.
ed. The
Ts, however, have not yet been procur-
News further sap that the light at Ida
tagorda will be completed in two weeks, and that
at Brazos Santiago soon after.
At San Antonio on the 17th ult., in accordance
with a resolution of the Common Council, guns
were Bred every half hour during the day as a
mark of respect to the memory of hlexar CLAY.
The stores were closed, and (says the Ledger)
the city seemed wrapped in gloom.
The Ledger says that San Antonio is unusual
ly healthy for this season of the year.
The State election for State and county dB.
cars takes place to day.
The Civilian eays that the Cotton crop through
out the State, continues to be very promising,
and that unless the worm should -make its ap
pearance within a few days, the product will
greatly exceed that of any put season.
The Victoria Advocate sap the cholera has
entirely disappeared from that place, and that
the general health of the surrounding country in
John J. Crittenden has consented to deliver a
funeral oration on Henry Clay, on the 29th De
The mail from Nashville to Louisville was rob
bed of the 234 ult., of $1,300 in drafts. It is
also reported to hale been robbed on the 27th
all., of a very largnamount—near $.30,000•
The police reports of London show a constant
increase of drunkards ever since the year 1844,
equalling in the aggregate about fifty per cent.
•It in estimated that there are 50,000 pounds
of opium annually retailed in New York city,
the greater portion of which is used in destroy
ing the health, the intellect, and the morals of •
the community.
By dates from Cape Hayti, to the 22d July, we
learn that a moat malignant epidemic was rag•
ing at the time, somewhat resembling the plague
in its effects, carrying off largo numbers of the
inhabitants daily, principally of the younger
An affair of honor took place at Lancaster,
Ry.. on Friday last, between Jos. Murphy and
S. T. McKee. Four shots were exchanged, and
both parties were badly wounded. A negro wo
man was killed while looking on.
L'Eco d'ltalia, the only Italian paper publish
ed In the Unice and a faithful organ of the
Whig party, adrocates in strong language the
nomination of Gen. Scott not President of the
United States.
A man named Haley, who in his sleep, a week
or two einem, walked oat of the third story win
dow of a house in ➢road street, Hutton, died of
his injuries on Wednesday nt the Massaehusetto
The writ of Itaheas corpus issued by Jade
Netson being merely formal, Thomas Kaige wtl
remain in the custody of the United State. Mar
skull until the next general term of the &prem.
Court, which dues net sit until January, !&",3.
Capt. Treat of brig All, Maria, reports when
he left Demerara, oo the 26th June, a meet aw
ful mortality was raging among the shipping in
the river.
In consequence of the frequent mine, the rice
crops on the Savannah river are backward, end
little if coy harvest will commence before Sep.
member lot. The crop, it is thought, will not be
more than an average
There was a perfect deluge of rain on Satur
day last at Medics, N. Y. A 'stream 4 miles
hence, carried away 3 dwelling with the inmates,
and two children were drowned. Their bodies
have not been recovered.
The Boston Relief Committee appointed to
collect a fund for the relief of the sufferers by
the late fire at Montreal, hero already obtained
between $4OOO and $5OOO.
The Eco del Concerein, of Vern Cruz, pays
••that a company has been formed in the Capi
tol to purchase two steamship. to make month
ly trips between Vern Cent and New. York, cal
ling at the ports of Tampico, New Orleans, Ha
vans and Charleston
Mr. F. B. Didier, of Baltimore, shot in a re
cent fireman's riot there, hos recovered.
A private note to the N. V Commercial Ad
vertiser nays that a alight shock of earthquake
was felt on Sunday forenoon, at the village of
Groton, Conn
Tennessee papera ars full of the Scott fire, and
thy campaign has opened auspiciously. The ra
tification meetings in different reclines of the
State have been largely attended and Scott clubs
are everywhere being formed.
Spatially Quarter Eagles are in circulation in
New Orleans, and co well executed. the True
Delta states, 119 to hove been received and paid
at tome of the banks in that city. They are
made of steel and covered with gold, ring well,
are of the right caperficiee and thickness, hut
ore deficient in weight.
A Kentucky editor and publisher. notifies his
neighbors that hr will Maul their advertime•
mean, and do their job printing, taking hi. pay
after the election of Glen. Scott.
Ida CORWIN. Secretary of the Treasury, at
tired at New York, on Tuesday loot, on his way
to Washington City. A gentleman who travel.
led with him down the St. Lawrence River, saye
that since his departure from Washington, nod
relaxation from his arduene off,cial duties, his
health had materially- improved.
It is reported that a Court Martial was lately
convened at Fort McHenry for the trial of a non-
commissioned officer accused of sundry acts of
insubordination whiled in o state of intoxica
tion: and that upon being found guilty of the
rges alleed, he 1.15 senten to ceive
ty lashes andg ced be branded with a hot iron upon
his shoulder!—Bolt. Argue.
We have aiready chronicled the death by sui
cide, on the 20th, of Mr. Stephen Watkins, li ,
iog near Damascus, in Montgomery comity, by
cutting his throat with a razor. On the follow
ing Thursday night his brother William attemp.
ted to commit suicide, hot only inflicted on his
neck a slight wound. It is not a great while
minor the father, and also the aunt of these young
men !adopted this mean. of palming from the
stage of action.—Belt. CU/Ter, July 31.
ai`Jan Patxrztto of all kinds executed
at tab Miler. With twat.... sr,' at r...nalle
attention yltl 1. ttivnt to Pottrrl an.l Pre
s...tam, far Lshibilioi,a on/ eq.-en
l ania.lllll Liana, 0111 of Luling, I oritatiu.,..
Mania, )
Stnr• 11 .11 p Lc. te, arall.r toad Dtrmt , ly Crirtt..l
Dr. M'Lane's Great Remedy for Liver
Complaint •
11eo-TliE proprietors of this jam tly cel e bra
eet medicine.... In the daily reteipt of the most great
log test... a tm of its excellence. Co, that hal been
elven op as Inguable by moot KUM. physicists. were
ett,l immediately .ter tbssa Dille were given. The cer.
110ese are PI nursers.. and It Is impossible to publieb
them withltrths of • no:sparer, but as It now s
sa established fast that blldate's Liver Pine are the best
...akin... offers I grille run, ol'llepatis dem...tent.
their putilscion It rendered uenerevnary. Moor who
surfer berm that wonrst of scourtres. Weer Complaint.
Itionld foes no thns. but beaten to purchaee and the this
'trainable medicine. width may be hal Irma most Urns
. awl Merchants. In town and country. Seel by the
proprietors. J. KIDD & CU.
ug74lint3 CO Wand irtrner.
F. & Cleaver's "Prize Medal Roney Soap."
ventured on the nab
tors cud unprotitable task or imitating i Viceveris Prim
the l
Itodsl &Yip." bee, very naturally supposed allecrlatinate admixture of Um Ware of Rope that
r with
other Ingrallenth usually employe tb• smooth:tors
of peel, invested Boats, la sunicieut to place It nomyt.
titian with that produced y 1. 8. Clenver. It la but an
actotuetice.he. mir. to tin , skillful inventor. to mention
(nod doubtlees this fact must have been brought before
the view Of the learned atil Impartial
tee who
&welded to biro medal) that hie swam was not the
result pram:me, tor the Wink of untueutary en lemma..
but the Amite of ling awl careful study. 0010.4 lo •
knowledge of those material, riath, by themlcal math'.
xistions, acid au execi ana/mds, haa rendmed his labors
honorable to himself mid useful to the world.
Por ..T. mall .1 all Diepetedmi Delta nom; and
"beimmi. ooly the smith. :or ritteburgh and its vi
Nelson's First Premitcm
Port Office Building, Third &vet
VITIZENS and strangers who wish to ob
1511_, Ws so accorat.;;ilrtga
jettatigit •
•01 tr•rff otablieltatent, :hers ou tnrat
tlre vitt/el:Kg
stuerantetrtl, or en chin, made. Haring mut of thly
Jarstort sod bad •rr•••rd Old. Skyttg•t• se nt m t ,.
-Pg:l•4llltileinnr:(nrlgarrAta. : f on ' ?"'
Ohio too rger ta the patrons ot the arc, Kyle ot Iturver.
&Jae. rtnalr or Int - mum vhlehhas tier•r
rt o loo4 por.tlnh. Iv 11,11 weather.. 141 . S
C ielfihind and
D T O,
Fltan 10/6anlaad lIE now And Fare runnin g steamer FOB
68'1' CITY. 4tatett the EttatOkinavi• Illb3fft
0e5p4450 7,7"..Z"
amwith me Express a mils of tba'amelantriand Plttaborsh
le.shis Wellsville at 12.4 . 6 P. IL. and varlvd
laa at Cleveland at 40 attaates_part deka% P.M4 Mat
mansearyr .Itla steam tam tbr unaktrl34l33ffaM. ToiMo.
Detroit. Sillin.WW. via. Chicly,
4a nat las%
Pilled the .vei Lae
tochtirva.d via Chin sad Patna.
1 =1 " A Y. LtdArrt.44c' thrir. Lndln.4.l.
M., sham /her ham to Iran ELI 3 oclock. P. AI.. for the
lemmas truth from Wellsellhairblch take. them cat to
eleattlami, arriving at. MU. nod hi Bias ttLa of
ouanial re ale I %UN oilrat7,4. k t et
bad. oft ard the aroma ateam
t r." 13'1'4'4 " 10° ' JOCK A. °sealing,. Imo t
Clamltma and Pltotturrrtt hail Cam Co
vtmaa tammolvancat-lt. Come. Weer 3t: 2nd door ir t m
Zior4/773.1 4 1111, - A Naas • 3E/Lastor d
Cl•rabomi sad I:n.10, IL, ham di,t,
th. 30 .4.00. • leaf
s l
S now receiving , direct from ,the Manulac•
hirer.. in Ch., , nontrr and Ens - p.. 1 W, n and wo oh ',let of hardware. Cutlery. Tnnlak ae . wthri, b.
ta determinrd to WI at loam rood, Wes. HO r.delli emu.
ph.. In pan
bog. Tr., Cow and II dli tor lamina •
-Mann, delertratad C. S. Alm ~.....
Mtil. Circular and On. Cut na n a
- 4 al,i' •• chtbrated shortie awl Spa ', , ht:
"IjoleliAtikt:e7iej=iee. fa... 1, -
TF.gethor with rTery ult.,. In On of ha, in all
Of whkh tb. attentinn of country Meretan t ,, and dlnehan•
l' lle h' lZte IthetrVZ I'ol iVe, . rwr petal In,c, Encland.
I h..,,,, ••mon.hollAnyilx:
I •• "Arear's'ohabral,,/ i'iwa,
I ra. ,, Sinai.. and double ~ nn.,
Ihn*-11.%110ertng,,unitleV.l.aa. 1t. mr.g...1, - ,Tit, - .. t1
I,lf 11/TE (1 0 1 : 1 D.S--A. A. Simeon CO.
T T have 3not re., ',l—nAr asprwA—a !kr,.
nr Whits. 906,14, mmptihnd Sainnyk. India Mull. and
A., , n .
et Sinai.... psalm Dot. tierih,, Endiroidered Curtain
Stuff :.
MESS—.lust reed (per exprss) at A.
i 3 mii,, , iti A C....• a tead,lrnt , hwarttn.nt of Main and
haarm black 011,to: &No. eban,h , l, , and limey 8110.
BLACK SILK LACE ---50 pee. Fine Black
8 , 14 Lan, lugrt. and moat habiOnalde idler.; Jo, ,
E., 11..11 i A A 3 1 ASOA a lA'.
virifisKer—qB.bble. Rye : eopp • er
uuit for " I " I go. illtsmestirl. 12,4`7111a,t.
bbls Peach Biii7dy;
usual' No. 6 1266 r, sal 111 Ftnat druHlt.
Q A CERATLIS---6 bids. on bruid, for safe by
k 3 6.2601 TON 80NN11011.114 MURPHY._
67 2 Dbl.. Pitd, '
40 6
dozen VIIIPtc
It but. Clop Pipe.;
.65 SR.lnct P6ap: 04.N
-,,u,:trros.s_:rls MURPHY.
T EA 10 chests Young 14501;
am Powder. •
IA Meek;
ier 4
acoell TI)N 0411,N1lOrto,Tk MURPHY
far Wo
highest markat prica, cash, paid
l. lo
VON DONNgoßgrf munniy.
1111/TIIIC CHIMNEY TOPS= be rWAD:rat:ma Abell Sakitheald.
t i IfEESE,-117 14e. W R for tale by
IL/ wall J D
An bbbi. pure, for safe by
20 Ca 2 ,016 and Ahmed;
_ A for
.0 12k1 . • DT
CANrik.B-40 Sporn aal
" " 8 7W' rid uo.
fo;eude by
J. 41DD • W.. 130 µ•ms .dn,ot.
bble. P :aro I,wiintincrire.6.
I ..1? STRAY IJORSE--Carne to the
ou-tt:!•4ll7r3te n !,' lgi.. b7 "e ll 7lt i ",gl7=i . Of.9l,llL r 7
:iiiir= d l:ir end. LitetZtit:VPAV:eb-T,Ved.
to Its shoot 12or IS hands high— The owser Is requ
14,' ” 7 . 1" :47‘73 1 ;
0. M....... h
ACO•Partn P.
A SSOCIATED in the Preetioeof Medicine
hots this Mae, oullateury the odkeldtherto °suit
p±su hr Dr. Dske. 310 Peas Erect, Inquest hood sad
Warns streets.
- -
111 NE . icirli KW- -- 25 Clt -- c, fa I - t - ti I e v 8 ry
.I_,tgitp Linea lldhfs, at 8 unt r A oo .i tur a rMl s by
To mraggiate aniCoantifilfinahnati.
rr ELE saltscribers, ancomorn to PIIELPS,
1 1 7 OWLZH it 00 .ad toontorty for maw nen la Ms
eznglioltEtliftlY. PCXLI', /Igo, art now roared
arnere ' in the dne of Pt 'ma. Vi getne3alt l e: 'IV erollB.
Nan men, A,., 4,. ad. alb e moot faventbloyterna.-
11aIng An 1.0., throe pare is been atllaren almost
artlVeTion.'!aTn7°:Tlll uLltrt -I:vorr-...,
a the very, loto t team,. al ne aro d= to au on ea!
"'"'"',Bll4l3.4llMaT& ritriT".". '
enplollot Importer. aCliffd Wltoleenht Latta,
4. trea Non 'York..
- -
4. fif.ll-50 pkge. new yellow, in storo
sod 4 r.le bY
'DIV WAIT• co..
Ploueuxig Match.
DERSONS having Seidel euitahle for the
rfneß 31, 4 th. 1 , ; t i tk. waved. AIL hater the
48rire rbirette4
AL/MA:chit tenth,
Pine h imthhizinir, Penh SOW,
he 34.6 11NRDTSeeP
as the Usamtli Otte.
ctiglfhertihr J. K.
GGs.-3 h L reo'd for eal_e__by
„EN .14:7 aipair wicang.
WI'S. M BIER—And now is to your
Petro/exa..l thought se I had delettl wit:tub long,lS
would be .41 t o wait =au I had Nomerwhat tio writs."
When I Cut ofotQ ton oil for gale. the Dennis tßillai it
was Perhaps tilts the quack patent prrdnethona or the as,
I and en felt but little diepoeed to bus. But I gave it to
'then on trial, aiod perroaded time to buy. a n I got
to tea its Medical powers. It soon began to rose
the. dent sod law, in A man who had Fee Wiwi for
eliebt roar; w .liersindiel to wr its sistuen and eh.
ha had need but three bottles, he maid re
Pont, awl clearly dining - abet the color of elotha. 1, ...
w his
m at h health was otherwise nth improved Me
'DPW. to Babe been the rseciltot a 0.7 1.,•t-
MI. ake• or Seraftda. Much mono might be inad or to,
healing Power. et Petrotisurn. But let it sake to our
that it has nbtairpd as extended popularity in tta. court
try. 1 bars sold all 'that port ware no, and m4ht hese
told • hundred battle. more. M. lIIMJCBAUGIL
gnmn Puts. Wisconsin. blurb 8 . 1,62 i
- __—__________
Successor to 11. P. Nelson Sc Co.,
mAtioncruains OF
VUEEt. to,
Minn Nn. 1.11, eArrnte, [AIM door Above SmaithEnAi
Sir •All work wArnote4 txmal to
AIIKSON'S National Daguairean Gallery,
t e;Qhgel , s ia ALI grA , tirk.f. atrewL (opposite
Niles and Untie wiehhontoob.tainilfallkelikeneues
at malerate wires, wall pls.* tall at the above establirb.
to,n4 tined op with wery enporior Bide and Sky Lights.
.rsoned with akill'thal Chum.P ran - take the
most accurate fee eirollp• of the form wirh all the
expression of animatrti life. in ALL w4tIMMS. •
P it tre s t 7l Mor,t i ip.,li s k e c i;,....ltel, copied. and du
tea.Persons not required to tal:1 picture, unless • per resemblance.
an Itt-L
rtieees ee aril; and taken of mica deeeued par.ona in
y pa of lb
a.‘tttlre'igent;eerrii •lefialty.
estuen's insurance uompany of Fitrooorgn
0. O. 11U193Ry. Punnet?.
DR- ItDDIR DULL A ND CARD,/ 'funk os TR.
0111.) ADO 1113 6/tielDPI DIVER, AND TRIBUTA
10t0,,* quaint! lot, or ape., t# pIRK.
sdasnsl di.op-re4 (4, SEA and LNLA.Vb NArlaol VOA
and Tli A . 1 . 1l Y t l i TA r!,•,s.
?V' m " . 111 471121. R."II
IL Ka7.
)1,11 13. Kin,*
1,41r.rt Dub:,
Ilftrbaugh • •••
I V". .
1 "
5,1 t, y.... 4••'• ,•
Interment. in Lir fjefy
I'ltoll JULY M. To AUGUST, 7,
col •
........... 1 ...... .
tiolora.. ...............
............ .... ............ ........ .
........• ... •
.................. V....... • • •
... ......... .............. . of 1t0v010...._ 0 . 222
olotro:tIon of the Bowel,- 1.. ..... ..........
Stilt horn ............ 0 — .........
. 2. 2
.2 122 ....... . . 2. .........
............... • I
............... ............. ......
.... ..„ .... .....
15 . .......... : ...... ....... ...... . : ...
er 0r..1. of tho Iloarl of ....... ....
• .....
Phoolfion to Boom of
Notice to Teachera.
APinPTLblirCAN.rdT.lil,T,r,,,,.thheoa,Male,Deja4tru, ntrnt
1.0.• r...-Ml,w” Don. on Thur.,.., 1216 st 0) erlret.
•A•id'err.o77.ll.:iirV". m- " 1 07A1T'5c.°1.1 1 , 1 ,17! H,
Monongahela Cemetery.
rfIGE following named gentlemen hare
2_, been meted ofac.rre of the At... named Cornora
tiov. all
Prudent—L a. Llviegrbrn
ManagersJmtith KiLM. In. Holm, Jame. S. Craft.
Ilrabltaett—Jar.m,r. thge PA•I4,
e N
A. • duetting the
around ea bt.....1 he them. on the hinge or ' the Jtooonva•
nrf.oo,l Pour
d ' aV " ,2llll '
' y * i ' At; . lr4
Exchange Broken,
iI'ESTERN Money bought at the lowest
• • ralna.
flan. Ullhan tb• Wat on ppreharael fgeoraLle tering
tnnght and solo on CM:P.I4.M. •11.11
Washington County, Maryland.
rINHE Eleventh Annual St , gBloll of the Col.
.77,r ‘ ,,1 471. — . 9 ,:t''7. 4 .d.'aT,„7:,:
rf ' toe r.rd.nt rrtfes•ora. ' there arr. tri rae i ll yres. I....turr• h r Proa...aorg statrAly
the CA , Ilt-c• lb. pa pro.
Th• tiIIAMMAR h..1100L resor,•• Ile dutire ad the
t . da, wlth the C. Drge.• Da proper Ttrtor! It
ha• the p r•enal orertight of the C01e... IloreamorA T •
Owlolior krbt meat o„ a. two departing/amaze
dDart, but bat. aro ardor lb- direct aupervlrlon
erhmL 1 , 10 , • .harp. Conran. or Gragntn•r
anie,re:irtration. 2, apply to the Rector. College St
I' /). Maryland.
Importe OUT S. MOCO
Ws Dealer in
PRoPostasA.RX nivrTE
gY the u ndersigned,. on the part of the
rEttV.V.f.A2,,g,T, Po L i c i A bl l el l rl A e4l ß e it a gg i ;
etlioivi!rtdb•TlN=th'rEile'P,";:frtrati's4. trtreT:
livery of
Nosty portion of It, not ins than one hundred thou.
sanditiounons p :
wd& at the alto of the Bridge, on the following
I The wire ls to toe of Ne. 10 .Ix th at TO feet will
vele. exact, one pound.
~,200TTtbe 4 .i v.,z 0 1t t ..... rh... ••1 : 1 ,t h
il n il t
z ier... i . tha n
a,... An t. 0 .. fr...2. tar
and even. both rude of the same McMinn.
4 Tbst wire Mtlat be finis/win • holes, or nearly as bawl
an wring wire
5 Th. Iron Pint have been manufactured of the lent
gun It, of chnooal blooms. which will make hard win , of
great et'anticar, etrength, fibre sud toughness.
biLT b r°,Y,°, 'zarim.;:lt.',°.rg oor, cal
Ids. pig.
7 Itatafactory erid.a will to required boor. hand of
rbtp:4,O:`,.,te i.73glw:hoinhbtlhornAVO7 '‘l2!;•lt'odtrhTttrt
Peet diameter.
run 9 It
dug. %toll , op In Yon`` of :be lb. an near at
10 The 4 ' r: is Ur beTetlrere,llnflve eg'wel portion' do
ring the months of Mar, June, July, Amin., andßece
Umber of next year. ,
tb.tlfo?lOWirtlg'"aghtre glee
f w i ll
tr nratrgrioletZg, r.
one nein will be Andecterl7and suspended between two
tr. P Tilgb 4 lTwti t tr g".rndngl_ ylon'heanitt,ith'ahltoulrt'tl_t jt- by
abecondlitort now . mat the ' . wireom,tl..'not brene wt . .
f3(1171111..r, C d ;ligt.tbl3it':4;;TriVegilitsin=Ve;lll' Zi..!
11 it nand.; this toot, the .inetber exerninatlon of that
100 u lba. In respect to other clualitlee , teal be .ntin
o f
but it not, It arid be minted and planed at the disposal of
the 4:entree.,
nl2 As rewards toughen, and fibre, each, each end of a
'.:47:"1/11trol'rWaltt'd = g ra it;AuL2.l over
Z . ; itZeoll
wain. The wlre_mat Ittanal Oils tent, without the lent
^.l,r,.,°2 ! i t .m .:. 2 : 4 .!t^ ,a, rt.,:do.l,:':.:nZzr:gl g !lM:
by hananterinot. Cling and notching the root., which
tor l7? r li p oT rtft:ha...l= f tli . i i ?gL. tette sathracnori.
1), er.ll then be accepted eordh.lanally. and BO for cent of
'lt. full value will then be pad to the contractor. In bank.
able fond..
lontle.l.heßrotrainVanlotlr atTrrtf:ritefntr=ro'nt'ol
the rah. any more defective eke'. be dlomovered. Foch
,tome will be velermil. and placed at the dl..
pnt. either broken or whole, oiled nr not oiled, In sorb
'''Xl!l°4'l7 pe rn e " n r i P t ‘4loT wb."a.u. during the
P Ml7. ° L,ft.
exploded upon it. will then be deduct.' of the 2C per rent
lils The underairned, as the Knot:ion of the retie, will
eTLI,e ttvoileptdarir,,the ab u oj o tt ec tes , t, he wlll, T. 1.7,..:
.1...,":11 frornill.dilon tl r v ' renl;:lrbe nn ap r pell.
to Prnto.l t for Impelled wire will aim be monied.—
One bait or 500,010 lb., will be nni on the Canada mile
end may be bombel, It imported by war td New York.
17 Propo r l. will be merind until 00.1 k October neat"
tber arrd.] to the undersimtd. at hilturara
Val.. N. T., budd eruld be round un the envelop...Tro
t...l4 for HOMO Wire"
17 nu.. Mooreetors whin pr pool. are accepted. will
be informed or the fan by mall , before or on the 10th of
October next
PLI.iIII4I. of JO U`
Yalu 14IIrtrof
Ninon Fall., N. 1., A ll.ll. Si 11.1Z7I'tliiViSi/SPO
V,EW BOOK S — lllswthorn's New Book,
1, ftllthedal. Itottlaoer. •
Book or Anobe, by Tha,ksysy. forming. or.. of A 0P1..-
tnn a Library
. ellataln.ter nevi., for July.
llrscautloo, a novel by .1. Fenn.more Cooper. col...tit:dog
11, TM'. Oration on tbn 111. NnUer,..od (lento. of
the nother. for ul. bY
76 Fourth rtrewl.
third rt., hare rre.d Pol Librwry.
a.nlna. tt.....11n0t of nn01...
Itr•rir, fur July;
ft>lr.l for Al , Crlrt. a,
hill° rt PENN A. K. K. STOCK, for Erik
sr ri• V.A.rth
A. WILKINA & 00.
Cliff Mine
/ 0 SHAII n ES of this stock wonted
Sights Checks on Cincinnati
CONSTANTLY for sale by
nurlo A WILKINS A CO.. Exchwarn Dr ken,
Nn. 75 Fourth .trust.
tChrnnlrle cupr.)
Ail ' ACK ERE 1.--50 bbts. No, 3; large, just
•uarrii4 any hir r• 1. 1".
4.; 11 I NG LESt - 100.01X) for sale by
ANTEI) So buy a feu- shares of Olio &
Poona IC n. vocit
xin CO
Corn, a Third and Market eq.,t
ivii AC
L KE , R , EL--h ..0.
h 0 this. large. No. :1, jut.
.1011% IVATT k C 1).
To the Friends of Female Education.
VI fss C. E. CREVER and Mi. L. T.
• , e , ITLYNG 'could remectialipannounee to lb. elll
the vation.l.r•pehen of I..nadett Glarral y ar.U.lLOlT tau. ut.
In Inv.. oh thigh xrad,/Ilao. arencq and 111.1,
wit , l [haulm Pnintlng and Ornamental Needl. %I've!,
In all 15.1 r To e , incleura CO the not Mundar
of Sesruabel. nett. /lomat Nn I.). Wylie el. loqueen
Chatham and 11 aahipoten
bor further Dnntrllnkre. F. circular. sLiii..3t
Mir Bl, OKS—Jtlet reed at the Central
/. ,„ 1 t , , 114 , , n ,, k S. , tnre. next drne to ad.,. s Frpr..... No. CS
Iliking:Zl3. S. Id val. mud Jeri,.
Pr.r.... nr tbe Inabirallan. by Melville.
My.toriet, cr 6 11n.t.a at i.he litua.rnatural;routalnint
r-..att,z ; to %"r 7 ;.". l„w d.L. , 'raW4.l - .74. 0 4:.:,-..rth' i '::
Antrnlogy: Drattn, lie . s.itnt. Ghnble. 5P....J.., "s'
a. 1,. BEAD.
Al ACKEREL---NO. 3, large, in bbia. and
. 1 La half bitrrrla tills day. need: tor Pa. b 7
lINN/IY 11. r x)LLrss,
ml,O Water etr.eL ahoy. rinotheeld.
Lil ONEY SYRUP — Another aupply this
ILA day rood and for/fain by
io Nk1..9.n tr Ae—Murnhy. i tinrchneld h•ve just rrovedsu. the couy • •nppla of Binnig., .Is. Whit., Brown
qtren and flannel., ald. they niter at a ken nary f f , quality.
TaTficiOLOTH—We offer thin
I. tuns auppll.uv j.•bronAt, o ß r ttil•z !ztAtl,
0 1 1 ABL E OIL CLOTH—NO dos., assorted
rib:ll..isgreo;.,Hse:„.ctsi Ludilllrnno
Unduly Inoll,l to tbirholo!otc.le.'as‘Z:i:al;tartuP:rtrr.
;, , , , ,,nrivltred ...k l . llrotark rt; for on/n , mon. no
'.l an
787 A 81.188- GOODZ 2 WiTi l lair O P4
Orrr.Castr, tinettuou (worsiu, trenvenrns,
flu e Jacket, Born.: Pomp, Whim Nipple ettlel.l..
11atolon. Money Ballo. Finhlo rg WYO. Doll fiends Travel.
I lo g 11n1.• arid itnannellort Cloth:• frost supply cf
au g 9
$T441)0 WANTED.
HE subscriber wishes to obtain a loan of
the an, v. mount. tor • robot of fly. non, upoo
ouloubtnrt Oar Pr,urity. ./ladrn,
3nt• 11ot 21.,i/,'l'lltaburgh.
Farm for Sale.
A FARM, consisting of 75 acres cleared
~ , ,,A4sif t tsi x:ss heavy timber letp, all well vratered.l•
Sabi Senn 14 2f mils tram the Rail !lead Dqvot, at Sn
m. Ohio. ?Carla...or
nr.7121. J. IL ILANNA.
• at Palmer. liana tCO.!.
For Sale. •
gTOUT Hundred und Forty Seven Aeree
or lend, , uagble for Tannery, Daley awl htoek
arta, gin milts nntth of the Haltnnore & Ohio It. W. en
Was null te.ling from Ilohnstotro to Unindowrill. Weston
C o
Virginia; 40 or 60 acres ,elegned: Dnelbngg. 40.—..,
Ab.--1S13( gays lend lo Fayette; Co., p., highly Inn.
yroverl, 3 twee shad.f Brogneville—Locatgel in MR of
Si,e beet nelghb or the Poctety n, Friends, Prke,
$lO per on Anal n , Cligile A DoldtP,
___ . ___________Lin.._l= Wad street.
U N , e .l4 l 'O E :I:°:nt ;700,Cti,bin;
(bral rebotnork
Rainbow thltottimb:
tenth. Waltz—.➢
liumr Schottleeb: Ruts by A. Rebboett
(Mttagn Wahm
Katy beeline;
Campton n Harem
Qe II me Inot Nam,
uhf 11,ye natry tor long
(lewdly Oar ,
Ito kind to the Loieg Ono, at Ilomeg
Meetengor turd:,
Inn! of the Oreen•ondt
With •• great raridy °rimy .4 popular. 20.4r4 Pnlknt.
t 0... not red br noire,; ter rale by
01 Want atyret.
kMEBICAN nolE1) 11
0 ers,
pavieb Pillar 14n. 18forean,lu"..
Pram'. do N.,,,,,,
Flro Frs. Ilea, Tea Thaler Men,
I v i r, erat m a b o Cfo4l/114, KDRIMIPII,e,.
l'atriet D O IIIIOOOP
i r i Or . .l_l l:f . Vila, tbo . hlehorl
~ ..Y LLD.
Blomloh houblootot.
t market
MU. Broker* h prim tu puf funds,
No. es. fourth Mort.
.fttensiVEi AnivaTh
Of Nem Good, For The Sermon.
A. MASON & CO., 62 and 64 Markot
1, ?A 4 T;Vr 4 tdr;Z.71 1 ;74.,,"•11; 1 _
of tho [lowest Arles Ch.ohelioP.
Hood Culfo. Col/aro. Blosvo; &o.
Aloo. sm imfoonoo iwoortment of new Prints. Warm,
Bllloallock Loco. gloves. LIM.. le., .o. ouir,
1114 bble. Packed:
2 " 1112, 111t02:42.2 reed fo, ule
STEW BOOKsrect , . n
The Ifortlealitirlat. 004 Cultivator E. LJ ' '
STEW aIAL • fresh supply of the f 01..; ;,... „.
loving [imam
mazy Leaver from au Arctic Journal: or Ithrtaan
31,,,,,,,, fr. lb, polar ftrgioos. In starch of Sir /oho Frank
PI M, or Ihn Am blgultlea; lty lien.,
,fdellville, ma
Mit.; 0 . 2147 0 . 4.4 q, vi-.. • -.
Life or Den. mot L liT autuar6.lo.
The Diecanio.l Daughter: or the Children of th e Yale. by
Dm. Soullrorth; for sale at the ?obligation 0010-of
- 76 Fourth pt.
note tr:F
111. iewas; laaShm from neaxr d.,„..,:b7
Wat•rml Vreatxtrnt.
1,0 •
242 lioab:::,:.raft..teo:lamorie::::,:.:
a. for
(.; UNDRIES-- •
11 bbls. Ealeratas:
SNUFF—Lot Of Maccaboy,
KLDDjt reed by
aust7 J
Weal CO.
ii-100 Me: for sale . by
.ra torw.b r 6...71 • .1 dr
'K 3 0LPB0J?--fiW Jbe. in
store, and
r sale by
CIIE4'BE-300 but. W. it.;
atr See by " iraltin" 801.1.1hla""
.tatrt • Water rt. above Prattlig/a.
SBIOR.-3}b -7— e. ------- stoins,n3z sale by
• .Ir 7 _ _
lIRPENTINE-10bbis. for sale; in prime
removal No. 94 Water and
a " . 7
rto.t stas, Watabov. nasally occool.l
.uti VtiozomulaTattomer.
Central and Ohio Ball Road.
IROPOSA.LB.wiII be' received until the
15th day of August nest, at the 01Yes of the Chief
Engineer. In Zanesville , for the Gradation wul Masonry
of Forty One wen°. of the abore .toad, extending nom
:erg r ottr i ktr , zver.v4.priN:.—* •°°- 6mn
of luotiry.
Tilos proposing ha receive a per tentage of payment in'
the stock of th. Road ere namable; though . faronable 1
oonsideratlon will be given to tonPouls fogindins twat
soecifleatlone may h.. obtained at the Engine M's OftleN
In 7goessille, and also at thonbLits
_Lod_ Wheel/n/10M
and otter the =I Inst.
nal' IteLEGD.
.90 .
Chief. Itegineef,
Central Ohio Rail Road- ' .
r lIE concluding day, eikr \c the reception of
A t .,:; ;;: 12 ; 71 v:: ,1, ! 1, 11,24. 4 .17rida t 1t c 4
t t :lrg,"*'f,f;',7gir 1.17 ,i=Vrtr,:,l7ltaTo
t tztr. .,.. 1% jl tl e r mal r e r of the ;,Ito irbe.ell.a.
vae 49 or to sectl:nar ' "L '
o'd '''' a La ' .aa ''''
Hide for the whole line as emit as hy\ To us , tor ash.
alone, or rash and steekstilllo,l,lW Stecl4l
_ aug6
' Ehlei'lleOler.
Third,liuttalment. \
Q E r BScRIBEItS\•to 1110 Diamond\ 3 , het
larg:a7 n ll :7 ° . ° tnrigiVel. b i.' li d i rd e 2 _4. ‘ '7g
d e . o .i ne , Mee. , \D. p_p_ i s__.. s f ,
:_i_ .
IVE§TNRN AloneyllUgll nod &AV '
1 7 iitstern Ezehanse for sale:. \ 1 \
gZiatiTtle.;,-.,1.; '. 1 :" , !...4.... by \
.... 7, \ , s yl. D. RING. Hake& t 4 flroker.
t. .
No. Si th •
. '..fiti.... '-
i,alJO '24) hhde. N, 0., ft7r 7 er - ale\h y
I,J ang 6 ', vorr,noN,,tioner aranurtiv._
%if 0L A 5918\75 'blTla.. if - ii:, - I.iiii iri,
liv' . .. 0 yx noNNUOF'BI a nTElV.,._____
'VED,,'ILP.,IIN, ClendtAZE.utrailebameCrr,
ansfl VON nentannter a tnitetiv.l
if . 1 III:ESE-250 hre.l3V. II.;
1 ;,,aa ' 2 , 2)2 ,- AiLlAtjL'a r TitiVi . .i b ic is
fiROOIIIS--114 d
lea ogilktandlccl; '. !
2, .. ell.nik, -
I.l', . hisk...dorsal s he
000. 1 ON DONN/1014T* WILIRPII P.
1:1IINT F LASKO,grose , lO l onto by
.i . 0000$ t 11. IIoNNIIOREIT*MURP/IY.
Li ONE Y—A second eupply of \new /Toney
ti ~,-, eholee.-40 boo.wreeid. cwith . ."
' proem... and CO,
i iIIEESE--2 , log. old Pine Apple,svf nape.
Goeflavor. seed and. for Kale b r 2..,
-- ..W. d. BIeCLURG A GO,
~,, - No. 25.1 Liberty et,
gEE -.
GENERAL Kanaktitel.-The market in Witnetat
ley very material change from last week!, bone,, Ru5t
,,,,,„„ 'vinyl. s lea dull and quiet 'can. ant sales \beteg
conrinoll to the regular wattle of the home trade, have:been
cccia,matirelyllche, The weather haebeen um fettled 'and
ttener, by which the operations of the market have been
mined considerably, ind Tendered lees ' antler. if Masiblire
than it would Otherwise have been. .. „
Oct report to-day will be eeeeaaarily shell,
as we have hot few sale, tereport. We viii glvesueb en
teat traeractions as have rams under our observation. to-
anther with the current or nolailut rates of each* the
readie d articles of the market aoave been comparattreir
quiet, an .I le which bat little hutieco done. .„,
s ,
ASHES -The :Ulu of the week have been moderate
with no apparent Vanaticn Dote last \ week. Cake in !kn.\
ited lots transpired at the following rates:-theta ult. 3X
/je: pesrluh. foihtfc yaleratat 4340, fa, and potash at
664 X c
\ .iIPPLES-The receipt of Green applei hive.. yet,
Ifietintvery Hobe, arid acutely sufficient to establish min
Palle* In this market. Ohod prin., however, have tern
ol;talt for thi s
good \leant/pm Out have comeoerward.
A e s IVe have he alteratidp ti notice in the\ Pique of
ale. egular connate:es ing 10. {;,and $ 7 , bbl.
areael pg td quality and drecnp on 'ef package.
ALDO/0/06-gal. in limited le by the fit Ares...pi:kW
at 3744 c Sh MOO '
, \
I.I•LIPIV,` ?Lk supplies of Noon Di this market ham
been ream ikon tbe decline. yet fits no Material,
chaaan frOnittatofret;', quotanana. e Yollewing
iamonit teeil Otte nut week:6-0o Thesay-Palry 300
, piseea 'an 450 h: c iashoulders at We, t o DA, at XX for
anuldery, and 1 th,Larnsi 4090 Philo atoPllit 1000 Ds
ba'iged Kama at fi/47.10X: 000 De ea,nrauct 04.11 c 000
Di fc . gar roved alteraa..,l at ana.,loo be 14114 et
Is- piit, On W edusenaV4oo pie, . eitivaesid hatio at
1064, vitiontle4 34 tio'beestieti Were et ,,SasTOrfiNkS,
2tO piece. do et 834 cs Gas hinui at 10 .tic Ihdo bagged*,
at Ill: sift) Ds ehotudere'stA, auoo be Plato alas et
10, 0 4, 4000 Psi simulacra . ti , :e.elp..o Zs bagged do it, II&
and 600 De (y at 1134 c ?Ite:2 l Ori Ma urclay-4:0 0 De plate
sugar cured lam e at lie. a 440 Ds do at 113487,3060 he
bagged haus 4 iu: 1100 D, e 0 aide. at ShCo: Pt* X. do
at dta" 0 hid, tr y eared at' iici‘thhds couritriscurnt
:at AX fir sli nis lit and 93C forte : eioll ado plain bum
ahltte i'S hi. On F ley--Itifee Ds ishlern at pat 1100 De
, Lame at 10c 1 hbd .t 100: 0000 Dit 31060 for shs4ll
- and luta for bake: 1040 Ds eh Ident at tdie, ..3: , 4
10,000 The do at XXst ve the bagged hues:it Iltic; 1000 Di,
Tars at itXri DUO Ds ha sat 103fe, anieDuoSkehoohiere
huat effe ?D. On SiOurde -200 fano shmilders at' SUe:
m) si e bogged hat. at tAc . p D. On I deeder 2 -100, red
Matilde" at ,350 hams Co private terreeto3oo‘tris bar
old hien a Wye: t 000 tee eilashr eared ranyaseXit de itbj2S;
:DU, se ehonlare at 4,Xg. 70 ;Yeses rides at fiXei. 123,yes
eiß.t.Pdr. at c 0000 Ss de a t , lXalic, and Lthibe hams
,at iekto/oXe. car:
The market elosfl eery Arm, trio; an ini t :
+P money.
,_ e • , 1 ,
P \
MITA, 1-tre hare nothin g o f ittlpor,an, 1 ^ t.' .in
ht , ;:aeNaiste Lavin, been vv . alight. We eon a .dalo
of ' fbeybil from oast hull" et \ 13ny D. gra tqlfter
mar tra'red nominally at 10X(011e:\
Illlel.'-llen o t e • sale of goo bushels al lle hit The,
etor e ran, tot Nulled quetzal. ar..147.114 14 tot
litiCOßT,s-d...ldenible Into lure-cue tqll/X/Jdurhkg
o:the inek Ulu, 'fret stare in a reorder, wayot 111.76(05g
lidearz...end‘roZt. ha.erdsa,...t 21.501!4114i2\
ittidy. and 61 - , - 1..44.4140, from Fiore. for • gond inkmhant
., ankle. end sl.dos.cda, from story 'ached,. and
tacit,. deacrlittione. \ ...,
BE/IDRIS-Sale. I,+,oooinemori &Myer briek \ at-426.
and 4.);lo extra do at P4O Tt 1000
COT 11 TARNS-Th following D a eorri dell IDt"of the
Mau of'.genton Taunt \hy 6thich it will be exeri‘Ahat
is ydreadhas beeo mad e\ byt,tho manututuron . t , ', ,. '
. reuinkan.
: Ma '4163.
k' ----
:::i6e: ts.itat..:___-_--I'' ...
..... -. .....115c 2 it tit...... ..... -....'..„t s
.: Nes.. u:::::::::::::::22:e ••
7. ` ' s 3itt : I . : .':: fir .' " ..
'l7ei . No. g0N....:-.-..,----.744,
No Mt- ............ X 0:1,4 o • :guyed COMB Whir-/, „....
.... . , .•,,,,lonveriet ifi1re.....:,:-Igs
No. Pet .. ............. .. 6 „, . gentle Wick....... -.....10e
\ ointlntOD-Wetiav e no alterillons to notieshoollee'stbie
lea t. The follow iok 1. a conves‘t or not
; ,
\ tit's .s as i ss j !"" ---- .. • .... ----sr' , 2V4.00 lap, 0,
...,...... ...... ..,-......$ l/ .01. 3 .0i 0 0,. .„ ~,
‘ Tail r 'ir n ir ....
. - la ".\
Xlenilla.'.. \
•• '' ...rl7olEleturi '\ ' .76a lidos. • '''
lP's t0i;:i':;.ti,::::.....2::::' ........................ \
,4 . ,
\ " It. \ n•'P iO b? lo. L . :: .... :::: ... :: ...
-.4; .
~,,, r. by c;.1... ........... ' ... 7---`l,l, "
F'ooking \Tori. tai...::::::::::::7:: ..v.
COTTON COttpAl3Ths , I.e.'4edos It's , liet etarlase el
a o le utkle efnerilieghmtaufacturnt at the Pena‘6l,llle:
\P',lT't,". tle.littri'tr-4'lo 2.---" 4
• ',..;' i ntic•-•...a...:_........... .......... ...\ i
~ ~, , gu0i , ...; , ,.i . : :::. .: . ....,,,.. 11 .,
.. \ i,
llaf - , - ik i --... v ...... .... ....,, , \ _
c0Tr0.,a,,,R1:.i.-iliio,ii Basixerstellneher
Mil ty tee se ll ing their ioake of h town sheiiitytte. terY7a
diiy, at I'S Ir., N0:1:Y.1,71U fontsoutook. „ :
48PM' O‘tfAlNL,Pittebingllt\na.Mikettirwl umat
chain. are selling inarithis mill. at t llta "ll fe. Pie t colored,
aosi 10 : lor white, The ulltired Carted t Chat. \ manufsepN
tenet at the Peon'. and at the liono.opillle, are splendid,
and fully tout If Cot ea t to easteth mauStfalCu.
coeysit-w.......1.. r0.1.4....110i r t:tcu,
1..... muefutured at the. followieg rates.-4llaciird
fume 10.30 D Itualans, ..:4012.1c, •,,.., sled Ilea, Old cep.
Pei Is north 1801 no Vlt \ \ \\
CitEgleft-Limited, test. ha,: nrsisisti from Ois Western'
linerve during the week. end sato littlardted lobs have
eta lillund to emu 600 t 6 thoo tukleat ' ' .46 l 4o, lllitiSSl D.
ice irdloc to
teIIAOXERS-' Our mutifecfcriu eentintie lode itprely I :
lenient, with stale, of al/ theyhan nnaite. taAb. thlt 6 n/h4
,A \ \ \
\ Water ( Itnqnnn. It barrel__., . ..... ~..-..4,...d3,60 \
\ Rater
\ \ A:r4.4 i 'Pb.. "' .. ,V72:::':-Y,::::::::::1;
\ .1..F . ,ra .. r c'ros.v7a. lidsTiZ..--........
0411qp MINP--Very little has Nee 'done In (kle artfnle.
ne qa, , t4,. , 9 144610 e 111 tb. tor Western co fel, by Lhe Pere.;
' ItIOSI-41.ave declined, with rale& it ttle'S'ar/Y Pert of
the weelyif7oo desert' from trot hand. at o,k. o\7l dein rt. 0,
kbOtil The receipt/tor Moor have bun vitritlight. but
gales bele ualnly for `the , apply or stss trittshr Vitt
COD illp3PUOk 6.?• material \cha.V. h., oeauTtsfld. ends-.
t We natio!, the follnikng limited opsnelleityien 640
tr e em dal: to da'y ,c()n Toenlny-t2Te whole lintabecef CLL.,
aa:,ired .rae aba;nl",l,6l). of whicp Imre sold. 2d Wile abea,-
,20. ',4 at 121:15, 0 ),t53,33, mi at $3,31; 60 at 03,60: 60 et XI,.
3 7 : 2 hat 43 . +171 bbl.\ioclulllng S tupor fine and, eatri.-
enpales ftrim fols'i °, ' ‘,' o' 4'b''' SC $3.27„ X43.6°, ..d, 8 7 \ b ld ' l's
tc fine at $3.30 IS bb h On Wediseedny-190 Mlle fp:m
enial de'Dot, at 03.. Z: 40 plots extra at 63.41; 100 tilde at
61.31' Pram store. sale/420b1. P. b e , A.3,31.; 21 bbit ‘ ex.
tea nt44,aliAand brJ5 on plfr:ato terms. • • tin Thirsday-46,
libis ft-4e,ettite, . - aT: SS eat-hitt $3,60: 33.4
01 :13,30:Qc0l odo aq1.:65 " ,61 . Noe aleihof ronsectiecei
tom Orit'Xisitat thryridar‘ bbla at 4.1.26 , 2043.31: 46\
I:tia,2s, a 04 1 ,16 from shine at ' pct P, hid. On Sete
iiienr-24 GO! at„.13,36 \ for extra; 4de at 13.4 30 et 13:
,11t3,25: 1113, at 66.2"; 'l'6 et 3,3,5 and YO Ift $3,260
$3,31 , ,1p till. ',c/o nandar-102 tgilhat 6. 1 .26043,,Xt ISO
I'ION ettra born store Itt DIA), and hI'6,I K Is a 0., 4. 43.00
X IN. The mark:eh:oond putty firm. ith small \tedtli
VII liand.'tind ilobt ' flits. \ ,
Phill-the market oritainenolto •nhat foll,nrinia.
" kb d e ti ' xx.4 6 llmsitiY r No. o ur tickare large, of whi c h
sno not Ulu th varloati t hOmutiting te4 bide at lard;
6 0 ichbl e Safes No. 2‘stiVglfl/ end Of Neitlkt 61304t3,'
60, chrllinkto . onality, , Sties,' he4c, Ilalvkaseetleo,
at d e: had eld@d,l2: nlta. elk ttout no 'a
hid: atp4 beidlltht"l4.°- WO \ 24 ,, \ \ ~,,. '
• __,FRATW!'-'141.r....i511S g„Mternhiens Of ( Nero,
'fialorttranepirial NI 3503 c, 7 4,D...-di,04,6 D i' , row,
usi were )itif Vasteitrlng, s Jetv, iciet 2;7.311 Um*
opening.' \ \ e \\ \ \
FRUITS- - folloalub are t 1.7 titling or
under thli heed,.. ~ 2. - \
Rabb:soles pl 4 bek..... ..... ...\ ..--42.4k
•,!theotala ‘ 10.21----',..4--- .... ,•;•-,,-- \.L 4 .."'
„ •iXt.e...i u “ .-,.:,;.:t::.-..7,..:7, 4.4
. i„,
tletito nuttlix
\ 7..-...34446140
he 'A bo • , \ ^ \34 60
\tiddi.ClC/Ve...-Prlees tetrie nrl,tlth .o\ioettic,.
1= Wood s shla last ntatk. Sales have hess retdlest,enseior which lic ---- 7----------___, tai.
theiblkosloglot• ham the habde A-L7. Ithda esth,,
, _ .-”,,,. '''' '. \"s •- thonkt 6Xe neAlsi 0* do fair at Om .Ill ‘ do 006 Xm 17 &Kat ed;\
riE unuenngneu, Trorteca OppidibittO to 11 bladed 6. , Ve.'d months; 10,do a Or, Twlc l ,UlXo6.lif k o, 4
mak+ sale of the Brido over the, Hisklintisktee hha ailliiit arid \l7 hhde at' t616.14e
\No:awed Is
P‘ern'aniT.ZrZ:(erielri ttiCilties.;e'nts.) Aut= ' ; '. t le 'l"4'. '4"1.." )._ k;b4 " 3*‘"V. I'6
' ",
,jl3lmale ot the na m e. will well by publle ontcry,the said Midge 100 bbis obi private -eons; stunt hoe mele)desle marl
to the highest andlowet bidder. Bale te take place eh ud. lota le 30114 at 46446 c gallon: Coffee Intt. with'
11,t7' ''' VeTgltdA, .2." , „,4 ,. .., L iz,, ,, ...11.1,..1 0 1301 lb. Pales ii tlicYns rim :lots at
1102, at 1 6 '11::k., P 761. ' -T - ' ' Yea- t '7 r" S•ki b'ree th. b l'' 4 4 X X .. f ks • ', ‘
Terme iiif Dale- 11l
ash mi the ea/section and delthery.m, ttIRIX-ThAcelpts °onle
(roamsdu er a s ekroard
&deed br the Trusts. to the purchaser of said bridgp lacin light, and "oaten Moderate. eles 700 u Oats trip
Ylla ar.2 1 .!, s stan%atMq ID tin 4 as q Webs ties at 3 5.1700, old atd74
J •01113: IV 4I frOnt atone it 40e. 70 hire's at 370: 00 de yt tsTsteso'
shefil, from Oret h t uads at 36, and 04 baithela at 3,301 bo.
'gest qin steady dinuaid Mr Dilllng at: C0.6664470e 'IS
a.- agent/lg to Quilt,. We Itl.Te, IP, rated of 'other .
rains, Firm Out haedirye mar Ds gained at 43, bs:y \ '
t4154160a. cod earn in °ar at 415 c Itho.'t
XAT-llaletat the stiletto( CS leads at ssgsti It
ittiohOe..prigys are Murata, at 40g644c0 Wilt .
1104)11-Wr !life bentei of rediect ape lain Bales 'to
nuedadable oveht base been made h er at 46 X46,1:: 14
000, deliverable Irilyouctb er nc , y 4 : .
' \ IRON ;Ice :NAU.4.-{te subJnia edits( \soothe:x.o
bargitielliniartleleseit \\ „, .
..... ...,.... , ......„.441(did
.1t0.4 aedatilo„.-.14.4.:
bt::KF....:.N.,....:.27.::.;`.7... ‘6':,
,74- .... ,c„:....17.... .c. 7 .7.7,...7.1 -- .;:irtaitt jet llaiati
'''''' ') to
reeT r's•- t --- ” V2 ' OSifttercg
tt , 7 ratnuf:::::-7:::= '3000:
D ett e , ,,,...4.,,...._,:„. 40* IS,
,p..r GX ....,.. 6.0044
..c m ___
celsior Family Soap, A A
iiIRECTI.ONS FOR USE.—Cold pr viaiut
...1 water--ylibe r moll • bard or, eau—m: ( he filial iaj 'wore.. huh the map up. the clothe,. and thrl.
ant tarot ...oak Ter throe or funr , hoora thou tak e (hem-
iglerghtnr:; Vl:eirk4:l.'ltnha...'nrur tnoVrinn.ltZatZb. to
ia tolni with ether Jump.. A lar g e MaLal t io u eau be done
in up. third 1i444 Ohne yakl trouble. and than than arifh
an, other nap! know n . Thin eo. le, warranted not to
'mar, . any way the %atom. fibre. or \th e :.In ,roar.
.Pr i .. n ae ( , h i'f:ii l f t or I'7:V7A% I s l uilt i ). 1.:..Ti4 r . \ ,Niir k l l itl ° 4
'rano. the loan in wry. '(hie muntstaatured so..
MiIT h r efylaroll, Capon t C0:42 , 51(1.1 n gum al.,,rmr Rork.
'.n . J.: fiT"'"A?l' .. ".".* ".10R1t18' T. : a t
r 0
. ‘.. •
ski. :
_._ _ \ In the nod.
y v
It Valve
Llavriv I+ : \ \ •:.
Joh n %if I Bauer ; )
Tomato Mutation :.
, 'for, havul. and for etacbr
any., ~ \lt A LUAU a pa_
• Ohio dr—E,enalik/-1,.. fe.itviii. --- -
FoR SALE at No. 75 NFourth eiTeet.
/.ililKlft. C0.F .. .l .1, noon Ihnter
i OATS-306 buust rec' for
eale4l '
ago ,
,', hrf
a f ORN—IOO bu. just reel:; - ''l,l ir sale by \
1,..' .060 I:ER L iig r_'.. A LT I A.‘Y,.7'?..,_
rrlIE very best of Brandy at ;Over quall.
lor bottle , aul rani, . for medill.l yuYpeare ,art at,
,It be obtartml at muratte Tine Nfait. • • '
Pt the toad.
4i . : CIGAR CURET? 1 1.A . :418,--ixotwi , 'gaud-
V t l , n, n1.'i 1 ....Zd: tii,r.°T:al 1 . 1 , 1 : r 4 g2/I,a; m h l
__ _ ,
i IILS-2o bbl, . pure Lard Oil; \ . . s ;
12 ' -'' Llnme.l . • to ative,foreala
N- ,
iv (I, BLACRlttinfi t CO. \ '
lk . I 2 b Q ill T O. N.EtflNG—.3lntby
e..j.1-..4°l,P,l,T,l.htahme',gt,r;riit,.=,!s:d 44.7:
gl i f_ ,. !C . El) 111lSE :7Z • o lf:efoullzw...d: rh ru .Lch, ono n owt onaldr
viatfa ryrn thy, tfineitltl et - .
an y., 'R f f T LIFIEL ,
VIRE BOARD' S, of splendid . roit
4 1. ,t•r••.4 ....oak?' 10. komt, Jon nett at BX,
.sr et P.L. and fax rale by ,
.1 BLINDEL—An extensive and xeceexl mourn:rent el
loose-err ebede of color sod vorietrxf pettero Just
•• d from Pbtladelrar sale very‘love. b .
.n C! • 7 . 110X1 8 1'AL),(8.14:48 literiet EL,
alasig , F\ 0r'881.3.\
iN rolirattalle.o of all \ OVer dc 111 0VOULY. 01
k „ dr.-;Telli'bet.'l7..:lthf!ln'bV-Vtil -%lfari.r3P.,i''
J.t 10 n'e 1 4.1 Tat! ZD fiber ol:o11{41 ntl2; Pol., h • •er• Of
IP:oro'o'f:V.Vit'g:l7l;lTtlit7; VPo:4:4l'T.7oet'lle'OVio'4
~f Poikdolo.alk. V‘
"I.l::;lll:::f"":::of;t'v.irnfgz,r,t,' '''''''.'s".
.r:be oa+og will to:lo c . S. mi lw
. t he 1r..4.71:nc10 Gltu
;:,.Totir= i‘l'L d ifr7 , il ,l, V4 l l;rbl.,,, ', "m '''''''
I cop. of Sole—C•oh withl o ten day... ~ s ., rb .
~,...i:4:11,ini';.1....Z1A:7,71:=::, .I.7 I IiFTT, t; 1.-
- k " . " . '" '''''VS'•
iTall . .t h ii ° l,:(l7 th l,m - :I cm .1 : . lo".
------- , N0. : 03. Walr.
IS. N. W ICKM IB . II A.M .--. B t , \
ITEGETABLE .4-th3lll7lo—Thie prO.,
I oration Jo ontlreliV•petablhod topplontli rotutti ,
:7,tuit' ''ft:Ut"thenp*Llo..ffifiro4.lln:renV•Zl \ i t%oZr . t i li n it,
i :j 6 1 : : :;26..77 . 7g.:7 ,.. ,; 9 %:, ',ggik r,11,7,JA7
Ih. outoul.' wmPlow wiltttithe tjhouttom nf tho
Pnpriotor. without whlth, none ponniOo.• '
___, '• \ \ '
• • " PrtomitTpir, At, 1/.52. -
on7rhtt:lPll'iXarrlft.l:„"ll:VWco'Tti,?e't 74:..it0!
enl do uotwoltatiouly pronounce it' , ,,,,,. best ilk,. Moo
lei. of c. dui. no that hes co.r canateqindo.l.ol,lc4lCoil
Anworucta. Ca. Itup,l4, Mit. \ '',
Mr. P. N. Wlekorubous—Thin I. to comity \ that I pit,'
übwodOnnoorpour loconth , e Tonmlfime ••iiti,huove one,
inure Lu a child of lulu, tot dircated,,and,the 0 1 . 0. d L t. , '
iZYWoho thieb , so k ip . :LIT , CO i ter., ,, ,unit an ?1...2.b1= 01'
01' ' ,..h., was Mtn b; eh. tr:, trtrplomitrove r
, wormo—thlo to tho most plf.lltit Tcriaifegn 11,•.,
eTrT Med. lal prn11114... the Lost ea.* • \ • •\ \
__ lit.lp R:(119.
, Seller's Sough Synik \
T given genend tansfnetion=,
Jk_ Mr. R. E ,; Mlere—l hare mead roar CeiMrtitrmip In
tare ::f r ale It a metel..?"P't trelee'ret YIN.'
Pmesciormrimr, .74erson CO; ri..,, ,
R. ig. Fellers—l pave used roar finberbil &nigh emle
to tor Madly for near atm 1.... =4 bd it Ibr• 1 .0 4
medicine th at tun not for moats. 1 reel...nil It io.
oil my. manate. in.prendenne to our dtbri... • '.. Inuif.... , didbi
my shop. , and Ind th at &t rum genera .1. ration Ton.
I also consider your Liver and Antbblllone Pills o bee
i n Um, for Ifir.i lreare they . aro direeted j fo . leir t na
Temitr Fire cants per'lmitre.
_.• \
Premed and acid by. IL \IT BELLER:,
. Tames Rogers, , , Ana
0 served as a Musician i o a
th YITII, Math /trail:Drat O. A. Infantry. iflorld,
1 ar, will heart:( aowtrhinu phis advairtaratbja,ll.lww
on tiw:barri r, at o. 78, ourlhArr i g m .,, 4 la ,
Far . Sah —"-- T ----
TV, l i z. d rla . .. d .Vair,B2:7l' 0\ ilt
". 'null t hubwraw—land in heut ror
nod gitiva .1.1.1811.111:1,
s ear ittlif:Yii'qi":ll7llTrelriZontl "hi hi:dr/Ran ie., 3 '
.. ilae l l 2 Ta l et u rit brut quality of land 14olua Tallry .
it=rttlailLlentooret Iltit,R.4ii; ilwr,!mr,
. nand indur—Tbis le' dmp—Tuna, ruarztadirdatun
..,4 Ct Va a sf. w
... _
,I - ' For Bale:
'PRE subscriber offers for oak
. <!Pelter 17:ttlt"httgft--5..
.1 sbllng of 155 warm 1310_14 is of su engage be r e
.r t zt u fituatisl, bell nowzd, UM eSted turrine,
sort. wrwitiLtx.r.'.l6=, --.!?lrhae;lrltpleb
armada,' ground On the fant,-and two Dwolling slog. '
• 41 . 010.1 w% and a ant tate bank Barn, of isow• ,d.,
r,t1,111,1=-.7lz.,:Wzni, b- 1 -I 'elr °- 1.1
2.zrig:151.1, Into 1:: raNig.°, l ral l ig
1 'ar:biZnitrentoli;:erdZilia,h.goT .4=1.14
:f 2 = l ZdY in ilnr.l,ll:;: t'Vf.•4l:l VIII' o f l
i7Linirg.r.°a°,l4'gtv4.i. i .id ~, , , i,„,. \ :
..p.t.ltrkt r i'°P.l., 4 4 °. : , itt h ,:,Tougor ,;
7 , —"lirant tz-L,n N---do „.. d. ...11 I , \
tearta aecotarmaiatink. ,' ' • I."
-._,' 1
' N.B.—John Cuter, who hero on the farm. Or Dr NSA
bums:, of Brnotstow o.J ohn/X.lton. of Itickos'
will show the prrarsos tot tendlon Pntrbneerak - , ,
Jinntlt Pleeaant.July 27, taletNa ik ' N AN ' \
Trust and Savings Co GH
4,000 saints or rd7B rrr DOLLARS EACH.
now organised, .under Latter Paton
dated Zni DOR and nre,m to Ivo'
•AottO• S ao Nto,_•, Or . ordsr of an, Oa r = of
zttßoaara stitran Ow State ca av nAnivotan t or of inalvta
Oa ailale PAW/4
Ma., and Rat of tachanaN slut atUred to colloctionx
rc t ot ' s at:vi entra7Zati
eh, ramming Mersa of mock. '
Directors meat on
Weant.eve tend Dtaacreas—Jatone Laughlin., Pr iovi•AO Joe LID Asti.
SFR N WC Bin [ham. Montag Ilavo, haw /L Ps.
Jana. Jame,. A tinteßwon, smut& Rea. ft •
D. noun,. analor
- p m zini male by
FrimpfuY SKED-200 — bu. for sale by
ons 3
array OF
_ ,1.11,4- Nor.,-The , nfann.. , .... s ele in ttiv fulleeio, Re,
111:{17g‘I'gtir;;It ZZ:v 't ieliel .th eTtte.1:;.r.Z e ' :;= .
: 1 4,1V- I N`.2. T . , .., I
.°4' 41 ";_g ~ , ,d, 7, 4' . :1 4 ,1 li ; ' the
t ,l r , ..% pr, w er. per eeot am., cheee.'oxltadVe.
.E 714, II h. 4rt7Zlrgis,thitlotn.V.rt.4:==
Vlhtrtartia rPlZT7n'izin"e7thaWlg"'":,lll°Z,'d'ti
lltP• dill:L.l4r top disport:W/14:mm then vulealtort
ceprzutortist ebould be the newt bazuJ eaekr,et prx..l/4.!0r
0 -7,7 . 7
117 ---
1 7 44 abov
.`to 7 In' ii-
1. ata giro, yiamtnii4d Imourit fro itt
~ . 1 1 1111-Eniall at hart. piredit
. 4e, cadtor it
"fq.E LE - AD...Tbt• iticalar artata.t 8 t
Zio. II atd SIX. kir port. \' '
" 1 7 , 1ii-itlas mir7 well \ mipplf.edith o.a
tad mei amino Notae. ire to , l.,htnii. i ' l. 4 " old
• tumor, • •20 to =et ?tin. Ykl6 to nto, .1 '
LaidErilho martin 1. altar korktd al eamber.
Month mail% 1« fr o the fan]. at all for torition
Mont SU for . ini.. Prime at th iandlnt a are re 'fcriet.ed at
SI fa emommiaatid SlO.tsl7 an Inn, , , ~ a '
R, hint beard of no .. 'ratty napakt,..-'
,N. ii.. - ....,.....)..a4 at iktkil VI b. ‘,- 1%.:
I I ; UAW-We btik* ronndetabin ea of ' maitto aattek
85011 ba L. about thy' hillint amt.! at4o. •• : .' .• ~
• . P0UT0.05,-sakiat'46 ba atm retakes at 70 . 0 'i by.
Pip ZdETAL-The ntlittet amain... dxm,at Inn trims..
Bina 50 time Nal Creeleffns; ift tomiliaka Cheek at t 2.4:
aild ta do =Lod canal at.Miirt toti-.o.ld A ru - -
mo satin of. A Itegnaity. lag Reek
:811/6-dalaatooo It tlaiiill4X., - inmit 7 ''
..iiiiiii-ilatm 2
aiad at U 4 9 0 tbaamit at t
. . ..
OILE--Thttbed 4 . 1 .4 bunt. a tite blherteeprieew—
No. 1 lerd.Stn't No. I T i m b odium bailee TOO b get end
hatter's oil slliffel/6 il Re.
SOAP—Pabe Itko tete, ha /ote et ge b l\P •
LTLXDOW C 1 1...t4 , -W. gin . the tollowlef mete et the
market. et 4 tittonta er 0 kit ewnt off for teeko....
City Ito.ande lipektt.— ..... —................, ............
10ett1e....-.... ....., ............ ....t=
!• ::. ~. - ' 1 Ztt1g . 2t7...... : L...:..-....•--- IN
~..„• 8r... u, , ,,, • .... . ......
tit:km—W e here n0th.1.4 of tato;eit, to report daibut
the \ pest week. , 100.000. be itaettold hem store In the
eefpert of the week. bat the tweet wen kept
Ite to heent of no tales fiva ttosthattids. The swages \'.
range Okpfires I. room b) to'Cie let,b. d i the 'various
, Trhhe Plitb.pielphia‘tbramorelat ot th .. task ale,—
tift4l;l4llialig'lll4t*s;l:i t
4.grl74!tit*Wregftll'Sl74tetprtiCet.L:k .
odtiffkrgllMbis tallitttta%=Tan
'f 4Vtitrilit tt=i:d4afigr" 14 1
ilt "4 k t. .
ttPtche. Owth. and POW. Pe et 34.44.... 6,, o \ \
:he Buffett, "Wool Oherer for
August tto. t.t.. Ritsi,
. .
indla.,evs..,:-. \ ‘
, listi 5 , n. 1.. .... ...A. , ........ ~ „ .....r4,33 -
rit ti=itor.—:,..+A:::::::::::;;;:=
1 '', CAT.FLE RIAtRETS. . . N
Ai.ixonews. , %karat 9;•,1862. ' s ,
\ Tlie obliging gen'ilernan apoitorbom we depend ' %
r,.i rro.rt of the oattietteeket wekodeent to the woo.
try:o 4 eo we unable to Townith our lee 7.n alt] eMP
utter rt we
Imo fit tio:tT....keo:. Med' thet
a m . 1 . beers no, le ctoortardhang e le vv.'. PIM.* hlgtt
ffettutoka.. MI ' 't
Bur agrLn.—Tbere were offered nt it o melee ,
_bowler 9(h) feeder tem., of ittloh lilitAt.e4xl wore \
..m.i. 0 city° to pecker, ate Wu Utile. to 't
Phitelelplue \ . t
. Prime nem' Roue $3 to /3,0 re the, hoof. eettel.k?Sefek
VAT, net. sett terobertnet P. 34.0 ern. ,
i fotte-eitee note et PT744PktS=t.
\ .
\ ,
ffe ..,. PIOTADtif .111. Atm k s t
There were off al the market I nricerthe weetweetr.
I be heed of boef natl.4ffbit co.: end esteee."4lXlhoitiw eq.
loutalowo and lamb, ,
edrattiwd. \ Pelee eretr4
rtiViiTt grA,Vi1trai.:17.,.....,„0—T.,. •
Mlferiae. Wm, 2010 i. 0041 117:1 , 3 1 2.. t0r1a i 01 Misr.= \
1 4 7 4:34/70 4 17 flOgg ttagigfr.o7 OO 10 100 \
D. nee. mid latobe—Ther web. ell field at $1.60 to $4
each. ' \
‘,7111\ Atm—Th.4n Wen revt 6 incl. In e.h
metal 46661 t, at dust: lad ..reviOff t and at rtsn'f."l'"br
' , AItitIVEDN;
enlti6 Bern.
' .on 6
t t .lt
kl66 kL7ran 6
61,.,. ,lii
V' r 7lL F72j .lre!'
t, Itnan, 17hello,
‘ DJPANTED.TEon Shrkfr. r\"",0666nt.1/1;;ns6111..
Luella. Konn6s, lInC1212[1:
A _A '
LEAivxo. rut:
• \link:ELiara—p.a,‘ •
L tiv i eruax—coh:miu o . •
Dlvisen-31kchigan Na 2..
B ROVOT§WILLII., 8 a. al. aul
\ NT:1177()?: A 'A. M. sod
10. M1241..1,111.
II Cs:stamen PRA
L O , irisviiiit.—Thkfineli g h l
columbian ktsocN6k .in leave as
=dare aVall'irogYedotto pototai,on
t l
orol io, oo kt . Poir .i O u o rnK6
001501'9 GD9'
41; raTIAI2:I7B6.
o }'oTtreta ; , :o P." 4; ip0,4:4 ir\srOOn.r4; •
ottolO 1 ?C
.., Thrsupurez
r:=.7?;:."‘VYA,r),,,t4o. =V:
\linhettln the hop le i t42l ,
re.. 4
rglro'rigi ' • ' ;e l eAT r Pitttitartth andeltlie
\!_'''' RWlPtrtt'eUZt
\ • 4.
AN-4 .--',— to. , '
Dr thi:Nxtmis. • u",
IT , OItOTIAN INBI7R, 413 r 0
or d; \Scam.
ki , y \
\l'elie lonia sipon e mottf,arctrab ,
0 : \
, \ \ GEORG . Anzokr.D. 440 . , . \ 1
' s \,‘ ire rlttati?r= tt.7 0 .• l•T ;
_ 2 a4t,-,1*.-- 141.-1111S -7)1174t10? \ I
,Oaii MW. AC
~ , s
...,, \
1, n3 \
al. 14e, Pabebur•h. Pl.. 11e• rut
\ tv.t.
Sithfield...4 Orttinh,,;„
~ blitt
G.V.1?..A 1),52a,..40jip. xitti:lll;
. \ NO. '42 :FOlntili • s
r igtkET. , . • A
par, Gloo4i4laritaged by File.,\lFeter gad
3,l,.jk.egirrteoZoTZT"'P',,,,llTLlU:l7L *ll=k" of
'4 4
o. adman/4) morninea: theta aotinntrioas.Zgreia_t,
orooozoon of, goods afaoulted,,to tl. tromiat a (taeO:,
'l: ltmeaao nabhngooda bon‘log Nana dlopolona of),. Om-,
Va10?tri1....3 li.tat2 \ tate atio Udic \ OS 1 ' \
. tonnut‘•L.‘ Ini tiabltb.-- ''. n :',. 4,,,,,,' ~, ,... .I
~,,, ,
J ,ni tao ;nom on aporhbatina. - - 7- to - ..rg , .. ,
irl.t.--&27,N:reftyWt" °'i"4- Q \ l r '' ' . bet
! i ! 14 : .''. k, ''
!!!. nit________________ ,
~ JAMES sk. Ak,LIciNIGI - -,,, \
-.. cALIPO, RNTA' BRZtr i t.: ~, \
.11VITE eubildribei.k tri4nufaotiiringiiad has , \
4.47i.irtlulx,°,:t;t=r;,°!l'l"PdrfamT,- • \ ‘,
....,,,.. 4 ..„...„..„ c„... t , : . An. , „„ ri al. b „, ~.
nypnl at ohm notice. •. ..., .7. 2111tIM `, .• • , 1 '
No. 817 Mort, Mae:, • ;-• j
THE liiglacst cash pricespaid lhz.4re
,delierred amine tbe Daeklatrialtsch, al th llo e
Width . ,
bark Bass. altmlnd m the Ohl, tiara and Palma \ \
an I Ohio had. 3 miles below l'iltabargh: at at De
heta thda Imadattelllo Tlttahoeh. \ s, ‘
tr.alaaa \ 141141. HOIAL RA a BRO-b \
\ SO
clddP 159
hxa. orf-folfe;by
arm^ YNT'
ik,l..fg!‘.:.;.itla?,bblo. now No:\4, to
° ^ 6llBl "Zi m in t t ' t \
10111.E7-30Q Weal° for
1../ . _2540 - •
c;IICC.tiaItiC OSE(T3SYRCP:— --- t'
111Chbli t . :kw Orleans F r
73 s, Syra t t 1114e4A, filr mint,
atie \ \ ' \FMV.MI,R lmrx.
CROUNO tiTS-1 - -
00 titfcji 7 Wilo 1; v
taaqtrkit,& nesNafr \
, to4T . B 7s b7 o'elia \ ks \ or 0 tiFt:' 111.4rOad \
a ` B. DILV yril .3, CO.
VIV?. srari7P7.—N""a"a"3
4u :37!"1""'sn4Ncre
tAvo,ot otwor..i ri
o revo,e' oo 4
Cm 3831
be LIM%
bit-, \ ' al* t 3 t ----1------ 7 ------------- )cks Wa4t,
, iiir 1 111 . S Bank of Pittabn a. h . • ' \ \
,_ . 4 , 2 , t.k. ...a .&A 17,4,,,._ '#,
---:-----jL---------""'th"Z ---,_ 1.
etTper ifts,rutritr Ever
I .oo ,B rx iu4 .! Es tgrr mh .t iD g °°l l ,ll .Y; \
I'' , ' i i .:: .. .. ttlw,L., :: , \
\‘' a a ) . : - Iro - tralV".. :- • • ••••' '• V
Will be ii,lat at Itoprookentaal klo ottoa ir irrned e.-...
---rl, \ ..,. 1nt.0./..Vt at Co. •
iCliti-'l4------64cart Der froc - k ----
'a trANT4o, a; 75 Fourtlotrck;
,0; 7 - N T
IS - ATl7.4—t bbla. ir.iTok.,,,. i'
, AIXI I., , \
./ . .saLiA a rt .ii4V ale .Y-
It tj4l3.,,_itiin. iuordl4l6 - 11 --- 1 ' um
,___: \ erV ^ :x " tnU f. "M d g.k '''' m ''''''f' rgt, • 4
\T i oniqiNGSC.i.:Stlig--ltu-iiii iXtirch,
I = s 7 g 4 t my..." to 'P . Tmplataataauct on to tbo above
gl'al.ratt2,l=.lVatitar otnretfir74'.«,,,rVirg:
r.i. L.- =&eltl744‘'4,tr l'' 't' ''' .. ",f,A :
ft"bi4Ai'.SVitlST-Zqfnic t lf - ; - tiir, '
.I_,AL akr , fted, laoit s for aale,po rmlotio.nta
, •
~ 2 \‘• \
w I.IX la t '!l , : II 001 1411 .1.5. \,‘
'iTillej.".s3-- ijiT eu ' ;',------------- tirm -V\
N.J a., , ?,'d,vforu,to k ' , C ut ting "'
_____` 111g.472_..w,
‘..B,l,orwitivos7k.:. `setipari Oi (Igaj-
aoli ".", •'' ',IF, A Meetly ott.k CO.
,• 236 /a tkotTatotota
SAVgit . SAXD---2 ~ tobb.- .1 - Os'"1 /: " un i i * . L .
. \ft Cf.r ......: ' • .
- Srioaalson's Workaa-t* Seattlker.tasekOtaotk•
,ero tbe TOnassaaa 'Moro, olkl Catrnetit;,ilek boaoto. . t
11:Vroonv.tiagazio. far AlOtqat ' .. ', -.,',..7.f:';'
s P rY ° ' -"!' e %s" v ie. -, *
311-,20 Ws. ttewAim,3l67l, -A j u i r t ... -
..‘• ,1tt"! 7. .; ' s'
',;4R4 ''. '' "
.. f 17M-W'tlia E l Luth;li.Co u — ' lirtlh ic ' ',
"Ittat:677:74l,e't___ .....e""4""'W mitiu ud. l ::-
- ' *. /7s3\ ' . ' X Rt'ut. kLit,-714.11.1b.r.
''V4/111-4._, i
144 Q e
be ...vane 1)1
our OP ala m a =Alm* .
L 0 ..9
i :\\ ,