F.~ FECIME ' i - • 1' t 1:. vi i .. .,...,..., ;.: ~ . :.c . „!.;...i1; ..;;... MEC .• 1,1 • . : . I *.• rt• • ~ • •:' .. 1'...;•.,4; `-:- , 4 :'Tl•is:i..• ; 4, ' , :•:'' • • ' i 4 : l4 ' . 11`?•:,.t•:::::',• • ..'', 1 M1 . , 7:,-.., ~, k„,.-:,:... 7,14:t: , 1:' - '4,i.?,17;,1.i.. 1.1... :' .... . 4 "i7!.. - :?: , ;'...'•A'&•‘-.:::jfi.„l lip1:1-. 1.,, , :, . 14;4.' 7 ..... • -, -,,,;:, A.-. :, 1? ..: f . . , „:,... 4,4,-;:::-..4-1,:,,Aza, ,-,,1.,i. .4.,:.--..:,!!,,-.- ...,.,..;:-.‘ ;:i...ii . ' '•,;t"'.M --!;`. 4,:;* ';'.r:'t '-' 0*, e ,, 3 ,; 7 ‘ 4 .:::] .., ;.,•;:,-, 4 . ,i- •' , . 4 '. , ' l , 4 ';s' i.. ; : ik'il'-...',.-:•.4... t , -- -t. - +"* - 4 . 0.43-,,, ,, -, -.. :., ~, -.., ...,,, -: ~' -‘..t.:::....',.. 1 4-1( :t.-e IV '' . 1 . ...;:: : ~. 44,4,1.. .... ..1::. ~.....,.1' ' .10:.:. , 1i..1',, , ,1-,....:-.!lt i. .:4 .i...,i-.-.,l ~?. % + . 4 1: :4 : 1 : : - : ;; ‘, , ,,. : 4, zif ,,,, : ,,,,,,,. .. ..; :..., ..... ~... ..... r*.- '.:, i....„-.......,:,‘ ijut z li... tt , 4 ,;..,:-1,1 : 44 r ,1 714.: i-" .11 *; ; . ' - kii` 4 .; 4 : ti,'; '"?' a`o,4 ,t:Skl iii'.:lircs or , 4 70:41:,..%,'11 • NV 4;x4:e:;:•4/41.' ..,„,ot 1 ~,,,,,,,:.., 4 , ."..,.4 . v to *'"l' ,llVgt:l• 1 1 , - - *F4l' `414X1. 4Z17; 4k. 1,4'4 1:1, :'-' , 441 k _ 74; t NI - ,- 4*.., : , 4 ~ ,, k , .•,.' -Ter;...: ; :;., . li. :i. i . , 41 ,- • ~. ..- -? ..A..1 4 . t.l4,l.",t`l'''',f, ..1,1•,.', 1, • 1' '•:: ": '' l. `2,C.,..,.•`''''f,t lf, , ~ , . .!- - .:;.-i :44,1 --.:.;11,...7,---....: r ..... 4....1 ,;,,, ..").,.-4.-.„ ,- ~ ~ -N. --._ 1.. -, , , -.:...-1 , ..i ...... , , N, ~, . .0 ...... :, 1,- : , .:-:::. . 4 , -.. I *." V • . ii,: , •,. ~ 1 1: •.,. ...... . • ••• 1 •,-... ~...:, •..... sq•s.? , l:^Y °-: ::,,`• ',.. 7-, :',.": '' 4 . • ~-, c,,i)4,,, ....,A; .4.• : •,-?t,'..,'; ..,,,f• , t:,:,..:. ,- ';'''''p"` ) t., 4 ,;•., ~;'4-..-,,,--..-44., ~.....,:. ~ r- ~z;1:1.t.,,;„..•5;:44:0%.• •':.41.::-.' , :A - % v .;„-,!-=•:‘". ...-7,,.„ ,••':4l ',•:•% . 3 1,!.1".,,i,tie ..•:. .•• ,i• :, ,-;.-^,,,,. •,z, • '4 , •• • ,,,-0-',,,!•••„c•-,,,,,I.•t s-11 I , lt `-‘,t ` ° •,t1- . , • l ' ' '•': —°', ‘:.5 • : •:tA,'% :: , ;r' '';* :, ' ,•''':',: :' '., '": . ° ::,,, •••:: :1 ' Cit " l' , 1 r!' '- 1 , - ,-,-.', . ~ ..v..74. , .!. 3 .- , ...t7.-... , , - . 3' . `,41‘ 4 .`t.1 . '- . -, ....,., , ,,......fAk.T.: , 5! . . .V.- , 44 . - - . , ... . . PITTSBURGH GAZETTE WEDAEaDAY MORNING, AUGUST 11, 1852 WELD soicorerioNs ORN'L WWII:Up SCOTT, of Now Jersey TOl nes PILMILDIII7, WILLIAM A. GRAHAM :14.. Carolina. 100. CANAL 0011.1111.1/110NLIL JA COB HOFFMAN, or nume couwrr. •'al7ooll of IR= SUPPSINZ COURT, the nom or the Hon. Glehar.l Coulter. deu.sed.) JOSSPII BUFFINGTON, of Armstrong Co ~ ~ ..' 10.11 PItEBIDLYTIALELECTOIIB. •¢l4 , tostsz- A. Z. Baca., . !ants POl.l.OCi. , . DIFIVIets, ' - IVB. District. I. Wawa. Ir. [loom, 14. Jurirs U. Conrzu. - -2. Janes Suollsrl. 14. 444X.3 14. 1- 4 /SIVN. , • 7. Joan W. - Berass. Id. Jams H. Dsratott. 4. Joao P. Vt.., . 11. D. !So. Mottottooo • IS. Itrsnoza Melly/Bs; 14. Aura Thule. J., 41, ,) Alm SI. tetra. 19. Joe, Luretor, 7. Jots. Piocooss. 3. Jo. Struarso. tir . . tiara m. J. Fa te, 0. itoorrFate,3l tostom. U. Jim. HA8E11441., In. Lisa L. Lost, 10. tram ALMS, Atto P. l47 '".". ttiL. DC''4llll,"UttHrtats,"'"'. .13. #l. U. Ilracia. mi. lissrl A. VBB,V7BSci. 11. :4144 Bll.V.Bswooru. ....., Antimaaonio and Whig County Ticke • • ocrAtrms—XLr dirrucr. PATLD MAMIE, Pittsburgh. • roa cossaltra—=> =awe, • TEGNIAP M. WAVE, Alhurbror og EDW. °MIME Al/rgbeur. sassiohr. GEOIME E. APPLETON, Dinalngham. T 110 M Ai! PENNEY. WK. AND WAREET STREETS. iI'ESTERN Money bought at the lowest • • ralna. flan. Ullhan tb• Wat on ppreharael fgeoraLle tering tnnght and solo on CM:P.I4.M. •11.11 THE COLLEGE OF ST. JAlniS, Washington County, Maryland. THE REVEREND JOJIV 14 lIEREIRIT. D./If:MOE rINHE Eleventh Annual St , gBloll of the Col. .77,r ‘ ,,1 471. — . 9 ,:t''7. 4 .d.'aT,„7:,: rf ' toe r.rd.nt rrtfes•ora. ' there arr. tri rae i ll yres. e..ar..a I....turr• h r Proa...aorg statrAly the CA , Ilt-c• lb. pa pro. Th• tiIIAMMAR h..1100L resor,•• Ile dutire ad the t . da, wlth the C. Drge. Rea.de• Da proper Ttrtor! It ha• the p r•enal orertight of the C01e... IloreamorA T • Owlolior krbt meat o„ a. two departing/amaze dDart, but bat. aro ardor lb- direct aupervlrlon • erhmL 1 , 10 , • .harp. Conran. or Gragntn•r JErr anie,re:irtration. 2, apply to the Rector. College St I' /). Maryland. analLdlawlm Importe OUT S. MOCO aI MBS, Ws Dealer in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE 500 TONS WIRE WANTED. PRoPostasA.RX nivrTE gY the u ndersigned,. on the part of the rEttV.V.f.A2,,g,T, Po L i c i A bl l el l rl A e4l ß e it a gg i ; etlioivi!rtdb•TlN=th'rEile'P,";:frtrati's4. trtreT: livery of ONE MILLION OP POUNDS OP IRON- WIRE. Nosty portion of It, not ins than one hundred thou. sanditiounons p : wd& at the alto of the Bridge, on the following cond I The wire ls to toe of Ne. 10 .Ix th at TO feet will vele. exact, one pound. ~,200TTtbe 4 .i v.,z 0 1t t ..... rh... ••1 : 1 ,t h il n il t z ier... i . tha n a,... An t. 0 .. fr...2. tar and even. both rude of the same McMinn. 4 Tbst wire Mtlat be finis/win • holes, or nearly as bawl an wring wire 5 Th. Iron Pint have been manufactured of the lent gun It, of chnooal blooms. which will make hard win , of great et'anticar, etrength, fibre sud toughness. biLT b Ltlmp.mx r°,Y,°, 'zarim.;:lt.',°.rg oor, cal Ids. pig. 7 Itatafactory erid.a will to required boor. hand of the rbtp:4,O:`,.,te i.73glw:hoinhbtlhornAVO7 '‘l2!;•lt'odtrhTttrt Peet diameter. run 9 It dug. %toll , op In Yon`` of :be lb. an near at 10 The 4 ' r: is Ur beTetlrere,llnflve eg'wel portion' do ring the months of Mar, June, July, Amin., andßece Umber of next year. , tb.tlfo?lOWirtlg'"aghtre glee f w i ll tr nratrgrioletZg, r. one nein will be Andecterl7and suspended between two tr. P Tilgb 4 lTwti t tr g".rndngl_ ylon'heanitt,ith'ahltoulrt'tl_t jt- by abecondlitort now . mat the ' . wireom,tl..'not brene wt . . f3(1171111..r, C d ;ligt.tbl3it':4;;TriVegilitsin=Ve;lll' Zi..! 11 it nand.; this toot, the .inetber exerninatlon of that 100 u lba. In respect to other clualitlee , teal be .ntin o f but it not, It arid be minted and planed at the disposal of the 4:entree., nl2 As rewards toughen, and fibre, each, each end of a '.:47:"1/11trol'rWaltt'd = g ra it;AuL2.l over Z . ; itZeoll wain. The wlre_mat Ittanal Oils tent, without the lent ^.l,r,.,°2 ! i t .m .:. 2 : 4 .!t^ ,a, rt.,:do.l,:':.:nZzr:gl g !lM: by hananterinot. Cling and notching the root., which tor l7? r li p oT rtft:ha...l= f tli . i i ?gL. tette sathracnori. 1), er.ll then be accepted eordh.lanally. and BO for cent of 'lt. full value will then be pad to the contractor. In bank. able fond.. lontle.l.heßrotrainVanlotlr atTrrtf:ritefntr=ro'nt'ol the rah. any more defective eke'. be dlomovered. Foch ,tome will be velermil. and placed at the contn..es dl.. pnt. either broken or whole, oiled nr not oiled, In sorb '''Xl!l°4'l7 pe rn e " n r i P t ‘4loT wb."a.u. during the P Ml7. ° L,ft. exploded upon it. will then be deduct.' of the 2C per rent rm.'. lils The underairned, as the Knot:ion of the retie, will eTLI,e ttvoileptdarir,,the ab u oj o tt ec tes , t, he wlll, T. 1.7,..: .1...,":11 frornill.dilon tl r v ' renl;:lrbe nn ap r pell. to Prnto.l t for Impelled wire will aim be monied.— One bait or 500,010 lb., will be nni on the Canada mile end may be bombel, It imported by war td New York. 17 Propo r l. will be merind until 00.1 k October neat" tber arrd.] to the undersimtd. at hilturara Val.. N. T., budd eruld be round un the envelop...Tro t...l4 for HOMO Wire" 17 nu.. Mooreetors whin pr pool. are accepted. will be informed or the fan by mall , before or on the 10th of October next JOUN A. ROF.I3IINO. PLI.iIII4I. of JO U` Yalu 14IIrtrof Ninon Fall., N. 1., A ll.ll. Si 11.1Z7I'tliiViSi/SPO V,EW BOOK S — lllswthorn's New Book, 1, ftllthedal. Itottlaoer. • Book or Anobe, by Tha,ksysy. forming. or.. of A 0P1..- tnn a Library . ellataln.ter nevi., for July. llrscautloo, a novel by .1. Fenn.more Cooper. col...tit:dog 11, TM'. Oration on tbn 111. NnUer,..od (lento. of the nother. for ul. bY uelo W. A. IiILDENYKNNNY. 76 Fourth rtrewl. )OPULAR. LIBRARY—ReeI Callow, third rt., hare rre.d Pol Librwry. a.nlna. tt.....11n0t of nn01... ThafkoP.Y.ar Itr•rir, fur July; ft>lr.l for Al , Crlrt. a, aura./ • hill° rt PENN A. K. K. STOCK, for Erik sr ri• V.A.rth auglo A. WILKINA & 00. Cliff Mine / 0 SHAII n ES of this stock wonted Sights Checks on Cincinnati CONSTANTLY for sale by nurlo A WILKINS A CO.. Exchwarn Dr ken, A Nn. 75 Fourth .trust. tChrnnlrle cupr.) Ail ' ACK ERE 1.--50 bbts. No, 3; large, just •uarrii4 any hir r• 1. 1". ENGLIEII A DENNI7I7r. 4.; 11 I NG LESt - 100.01X) for sale by 1.1 suAlo ANGLIA', AIIkNNETT. % ANTEI) So buy a feu- shares of Olio & Poona IC n. vocit au THOMPSON BELL A CO.. xin CO Corn, a Third and Market eq.,t ivii AC L KE , R , EL--h ..0. h 0 this. large. No. :1, jut. auBP) .1011% IVATT k C 1). To the Friends of Female Education. VI fss C. E. CREVER and Mi. L. T. • , e , ITLYNG 'could remectialipannounee to lb. elll 'ol.n'ettlurnUffrh4VlnVitigi.o'nh.o"f""oritt.lll,-,:i.:,nti the vation.l.r•pehen of I..nadett Glarral y ar.U.lLOlT tau. ut. In Inv.. oh thigh xrad,/Ilao. arencq and 111.1, wit , l [haulm Pnintlng and Ornamental Needl. %I've!, In all 15.1 r varl.il.n. To e , incleura CO the not Mundar of Sesruabel. nett. /lomat Nn I.). Wylie el. loqueen Chatham and 11 aahipoten bor further Dnntrllnkre. F. circular. sLiii..3t Mir Bl, OKS—Jtlet reed at the Central /. ,„ 1 t , , 114 , , n ,, k S. , tnre. next drne to ad.,. s Frpr..... No. CS Iliking:Zl3. S. Id val. mud Jeri,. Pr.r.... nr tbe Inabirallan. by Melville. My.toriet, cr 6 11n.t.a at i.he litua.rnatural;routalnint r-..att,z ; to %"r 7 ;.". l„w d.L. , 'raW4.l - .74. 0 4:.:,-..rth' i ':: . Antrnlogy: Drattn, lie . s.itnt. Ghnble. 5P....J.., "s' Sable a. 1,. BEAD. Al ACKEREL---NO. 3, large, in bbia. and . 1 La half bitrrrla tills day. need: tor Pa. b 7 lINN/IY 11. r x)LLrss, ml,O Water etr.eL ahoy. rinotheeld. Lil ONEY SYRUP — Another aupply this ILA day rood and for/fain by n +ail 11. H. COLLINS. ll O M F,. MADE BLANKETS, FLAN io Nk1..9.n tr Ae—Murnhy. i tinrchneld h•ve just rrovedsu. the couy • •nppla of Binnig., .Is. Whit., Brown qtren and P.a.id flannel., ald. they niter at a ken nary f f , quality. TaTficiOLOTH—We offer thin I. tuns auppll.uv j.•bronAt, o ß r ttil•z !ztAtl, WFIELD. 0 1 1 ABL E OIL CLOTH—NO dos., assorted rib:ll..isgreo;.,Hse:„.ctsi Ludilllrnno Unduly Inoll,l to tbirholo!otc.le.'as‘Z:i:al;tartuP:rtrr. ;, , , , ,,nrivltred ...k l . llrotark rt; for on/n , mon. no '.l an 787 A 81.188- GOODZ 2 WiTi l lair O P4 14.5, Orrr.Castr, tinettuou (worsiu, trenvenrns, flu e Jacket, Born.: Pomp, Whim Nipple ettlel.l.. 11atolon. Money Ballo. Finhlo rg WYO. Doll fiends Travel. I lo g 11n1.• arid itnannellort Cloth:• frost supply cf au g 9 J $T441)0 WANTED. HE subscriber wishes to obtain a loan of the an, v. mount. tor • robot of fly. non, upoo ouloubtnrt Oar Pr,urity. ./ladrn, 3nt• 11ot 21.,i/,'l'lltaburgh. Farm for Sale. A FARM, consisting of 75 acres cleared ~ , ,,A4sif t tsi x:ss heavy timber letp, all well vratered.l• Sabi Senn 14 2f mils tram the Rail !lead Dqvot, at Sn m. Ohio. ?Carla...or nr.7121. J. IL ILANNA. • at Palmer. liana tCO.!. For Sale. • gTOUT Hundred und Forty Seven Aeree or lend, , uagble for Tannery, Daley awl htoek arta, gin milts nntth of the Haltnnore & Ohio It. W. en Was null te.ling from Ilohnstotro to Unindowrill. Weston C o Virginia; 40 or 60 acres ,elegned: Dnelbngg. 40.—.., r ACM Ab.--1S13( gays lend lo Fayette; Co., p., highly Inn. yroverl, 3 twee shad.f Brogneville—Locatgel in MR of Si,e beet nelghb or the Poctety n, Friends, Prke, $lO per on Anal n , Cligile A DoldtP, ..____,‘ _,,,,:. ___ . ___________Lin.._l= Wad street. !NNW MUSIC. U N , e .l4 l 'O E :I:°:nt ;700,Cti,bin; (bral rebotnork a Rainbow thltottimb: tenth. Waltz—.➢ twa liumr Schottleeb: Ruts by A. Rebboett (Mttagn Wahm Katy beeline; Campton n Harem Qe II me Inot Nam, uhf 11,ye natry tor long (lewdly Oar , Ito kind to the Loieg Ono, at Ilomeg Meetengor turd:, Inn! of the Oreen•ondt With •• great raridy °rimy .4 popular. 20.4r4 Pnlknt. t 0... not red br noire,; ter rale by JOHN IL MELLOR. 01 Want atyret. Wanted, kMEBICAN nolE1) 11 0 ers, Mexican pavieb Pillar 14n. 18forean,lu".. Pram'. do N.,,,,,, Flro Frs. Ilea, Tea Thaler Men, I v i r, erat m a b o Cfo4l/114, KDRIMIPII,e,. l'atriet D O IIIIOOOP i r i Or . .l_l l:f . Vila, tbo . hlehorl ~ ..Y LLD. aug6klfichr.4 Blomloh houblootot. t market MU. Broker* h prim tu puf funds, rokrr. No. es. fourth Mort. .fttensiVEi AnivaTh Of Nem Good, For The Sermon. A. MASON & CO., 62 and 64 Markot 1, ?A 4 T;Vr 4 tdr;Z.71 1 ;74.,,"•11; 1 _ of tho [lowest Arles Ch.ohelioP. Hood Culfo. Col/aro. Blosvo; &o. Aloo. sm imfoonoo iwoortment of new Prints. Warm, Bllloallock Loco. gloves. LIM.. le., .o. ouir, 1114 bble. Packed: 2 " 1112, 111t02:42.2 reed fo, ule STEW BOOKsrect , . n The Ifortlealitirlat. 004 Cultivator E. LJ ' ' STEW aIAL • fresh supply of the f 01..; ;,... „. loving [imam mazy Leaver from au Arctic Journal: or Ithrtaan 31,,,,,,,, fr. lb, polar ftrgioos. In starch of Sir /oho Frank lin PI M, or Ihn Am blgultlea; lty lien., ,fdellville, ma Mit.; 0 . 2147 0 . 4.4 q, vi-.. • -. Life or Den. mot L liT autuar6.lo. The Diecanio.l Daughter: or the Children of th e Yale. by Dm. Soullrorth; for sale at the ?obligation 0010-of TY. A. UILDENTENNY a OJ, - 76 Fourth pt. VEATLIERS, & BEESWAX— note tr:F 111. iewas; laaShm from neaxr d.,„..,:b7 • ISLIAII DICKS! • 0(.1.. Wat•rml Vreatxtrnt. 1,0 • 242 lioab:::,:.raft..teo:lamorie::::,:.: a. for aala ar (.; UNDRIES-- • 11 bbls. Ealeratas: .07 J CLNWIJKLD. SNUFF—Lot Of Maccaboy, KLDDjt reed by aust7 J Weal CO. CWiIiUINA ii-100 Me: for sale . by .J YRES' CHERRY PECTORAL -688 .ra torw.b r 6...71 • .1 dr 'K 3 0LPB0J?--fiW Jbe. in store, and J KIDD 01 r sale by CIIE4'BE-300 but. W. it.; atr See by " iraltin" 801.1.1hla"" .tatrt • Water rt. above Prattlig/a. SBIOR.-3}b -7— e. ------- stoins,n3z sale by • .Ir 7 _ _ lIRPENTINE-10bbis. for sale; in prime „CLOD& Oa removal No. 94 Water and a " . 7 rto.t stas, Watabov. nasally occool.l .uti VtiozomulaTattomer. nicoprzecToßs. Central and Ohio Ball Road. IROPOSA.LB.wiII be' received until the 15th day of August nest, at the 01Yes of the Chief Engineer. In Zanesville , for the Gradation wul Masonry of Forty One wen°. of the abore .toad, extending nom :erg r ottr i ktr , zver.v4.priN:.—* •°°- 6mn .b.7.14:1;3.11z;L1cni-Mtl,fo:o4l'llfgl=gl; of luotiry. Tilos proposing ha receive a per tentage of payment in' the stock of th. Road ere namable; though . faronable 1 oonsideratlon will be given to tonPouls fogindins twat payments. soecifleatlone may h.. obtained at the Engine M's OftleN In 7goessille, and also at thonbLits _Lod_ Wheel/n/10M and otter the =I Inst. nal' IteLEGD. .90 . Chief. Itegineef, --- Central Ohio Rail Road- ' . r lIE concluding day, eikr \c the reception of A t .,:; ;;: 12 ; 71 v:: ,1, ! 1, 11,24. 4 .17rida t 1t c 4 t t :lrg,"*.O.th'f,f;',7gir 1.17 ,i=Vrtr,:,l7ltaTo t tztr. .,.. 1% jl tl e r mal r e r of the ;,Ito irbe.ell.a. vae 49 or to sectl:nar ' "L ' o'd '''' a La ' .aa '''' Hide for the whole line as emit as hy\ To us , tor ash. alone, or rash and steekstilllo,l,lW Stecl4l _ aug6 ' Ehlei'lleOler. Third,liuttalment. \ Q E r BScRIBEItS\•to 1110 Diamond\ 3 , het larg:a7 n ll :7 ° . ° tnrigiVel. b i.' li d i rd e 2 _4. ‘ '7g litilldlan d e . o .i ne , Mee. , \D. p_p_ i s__.. s f , :_i_ . IVE§TNRN AloneyllUgll nod &AV ' 1 7 iitstern Ezehanse for sale:. \ 1 \ gZiatiTtle.;,-.,1.; '. 1 :" , !...4.... by \ .... 7, \ , s yl. D. RING. Hake& t 4 flroker. t. . No. Si th • . '..fiti.... '- i,alJO '24) hhde. N, 0., ft7r 7 er - ale\h y I,J ang 6 ', vorr,noN,,tioner aranurtiv._ %if 0L A 5918\75 'blTla.. if - ii:, - I.iiii iri, liv' . .. 0 yx noNNUOF'BI a nTElV.,._____ 'VED,,'ILP.,IIN, ClendtAZE.utrailebameCrr, ansfl VON nentannter a tnitetiv.l if . 1 III:ESE-250 hre.l3V. II.; 1 ;,,aa ' 2 , 2)2 ,- AiLlAtjL'a r TitiVi . .i b ic is fiROOIIIS--114 d lea ogilktandlccl; '. ! 2, .. ell.nik, - I.l', . hisk...dorsal s he 000. 1 ON DONN/1014T* WILIRPII P. 1:1IINT F LASKO,grose , lO l onto by .i . 0000$ t 11. IIoNNIIOREIT*MURP/IY. Li ONE Y—A second eupply of \new /Toney ti ~,-, eholee.-40 boo.wreeid. cwith . ." Co, core ' proem... and CO, Dealers. i iIIEESE--2 , log. old Pine Apple,svf nape. Goeflavor. seed and. for Kale b r 2.., -- ..W. d. BIeCLURG A GO, ~,, - No. 25.1 Liberty et, ~- gEE -. .-..._ GENERAL Kanaktitel.-The market in Witnetat ley very material change from last week!, bone,, Ru5t ,,,,,„„ 'vinyl. s lea dull and quiet 'can. ant sales \beteg conrinoll to the regular wattle of the home trade, have:been cccia,matirelyllche, The weather haebeen um fettled 'and ttener, by which the operations of the market have been mined considerably, ind Tendered lees ' antler. if Masiblire than it would Otherwise have been. .. „ Oct report to-day will be eeeeaaarily shell, as we have hot few sale, tereport. We viii glvesueb en teat traeractions as have rams under our observation. to- anther with the current or nolailut rates of each* the readie d articles of the market aoave been comparattreir quiet, an .I le which bat little hutieco done. .„, s , ASHES -The :Ulu of the week have been moderate with no apparent Vanaticn Dote last \ week. Cake in !kn.\ ited lots transpired at the following rates:-theta ult. 3X /je: pesrluh. foihtfc yaleratat 4340, fa, and potash at 664 X c \ .iIPPLES-The receipt of Green applei hive.. yet, Ifietintvery Hobe, arid acutely sufficient to establish min Palle* In this market. Ohod prin., however, have tern ol;talt for thi s good \leant/pm Out have comeoerward. A e s IVe have he alteratidp ti notice in the\ Pique of ale. egular connate:es ing 10. {;,and $ 7 , bbl. areael pg td quality and drecnp on 'ef package. ALDO/0/06-gal. in limited le by the fit Ares...pi:kW at 3744 c Sh MOO ' \ , \ I.I•LIPIV,` ?Lk supplies of Noon Di this market ham been ream ikon tbe decline. yet fits no Material, chaaan frOnittatofret;', quotanana. e Yollewing iamonit teeil Otte nut week:6-0o Thesay-Palry 300 , piseea 'an 450 h: c iashoulders at We, t o DA, at XX for anuldery, and 1 th,Larnsi 4090 Philo atoPllit 1000 Ds ba'iged Kama at fi/47.10X: 000 De ea,nrauct 04.11 c 000 Di fc . gar roved alteraa..,l at ana.,loo be 14114 et Is- piit, On W edusenaV4oo pie, . eitivaesid hatio at 1064, vitiontle4 34 tio'beestieti Were et ,I..it.,SasTOrfiNkS, 2tO piece. do et 834 cs Gas hinui at 10 .tic Ihdo bagged*, at Ill: sift) Ds ehotudere'stA, auoo be Plato alas et 10, 0 4, 4000 Psi simulacra . ti , :e.elp..o Zs bagged do it, II& and 600 De (y at 1134 c ?Ite:2 l Ori Ma urclay-4:0 0 De plate sugar cured lam e at lie. a 440 Ds do at 113487,3060 he bagged haus 4 iu: 1100 D, e 0 aide. at ShCo: Pt* X. do at dta" 0 hid, tr y eared at' iici‘thhds couritriscurnt :at AX fir sli nis lit and 93C forte : eioll ado plain bum ahltte i'S hi. On F ley--Itifee Ds ishlern at pat 1100 De , Lame at 10c 1 hbd .t 100: 0000 Dit 31060 for shs4ll - and luta for bake: 1040 Ds eh Ident at tdie, ..3: , 4 10,000 The do at XXst ve the bagged hues:it Iltic; 1000 Di, Tars at itXri DUO Ds ha sat 103fe, anieDuoSkehoohiere \ huat effe ?D. On SiOurde -200 fano shmilders at' SUe: m) si e bogged hat. at tAc . p D. On I deeder 2 -100, red Matilde" at ,350 hams Co private terreeto3oo‘tris bar sh‘ old hien a Wye: t 000 tee eilashr eared ranyaseXit de itbj2S; :DU, se ehonlare at 4,Xg. 70 ;Yeses rides at fiXei. 123,yes eiß.t.Pdr. at c 0000 Ss de a t , lXalic, and Lthibe hams ,at iekto/oXe. car: The market elosfl eery Arm, trio; an ini t : +P money. ,_ e • , 1 , P \ MITA, 1-tre hare nothin g o f ittlpor,an, 1 ^ t.' .in ht , ;:aeNaiste Lavin, been vv . alight. We eon a .dalo of ' fbeybil from oast hull" et \ 13ny D. gra tqlfter mar tra'red nominally at 10X(011e:\ Illlel.'-llen o t e • sale of goo bushels al lle hit The, etor e ran, tot Nulled quetzal. ar..147.114 14 tot litiCOßT,s-d...ldenible Into lure-cue tqll/X/Jdurhkg o:the inek Ulu, 'fret stare in a reorder, wayot 111.76(05g lidearz...end‘roZt. ha.erdsa,...t 21.501!4114i2\ 6.. ittidy. and 61 - , - 1..44.4140, from Fiore. for • gond inkmhant ., ankle. end sl.dos.cda,it.ao from story 'ached,. and tacit,. deacrlittione. \ ..., • BE/IDRIS-Sale. I,+,oooinemori &Myer briek \ at-426. and 4.);lo extra do at P4O Tt 1000 COT 11 TARNS-Th following D a eorri dell IDt"of the Mau of'.genton Taunt \hy 6thich it will be exeri‘Ahat is ydreadhas beeo mad e\ byt,tho manututuron . t , ', ,. ' . reuinkan. . : Ma '4163. k' ---- :::i6e: ts.itat..:___-_--I'' ... ..... -. .....115c 2 it tit...... ..... -....'..„t s .: Nes.. u:::::::::::::::22:e •• 7. ` ' s 3itt : I . : .':: fir .' " .. ri 'l7ei . No. g0N....:-.-..,----.744, No Mt- ............ X 0:1,4 o • :guyed COMB Whir-/, „.... .... . , .•,,,,lonveriet ifi1re.....:,:-Igs No. Pet .. ............. .. 6 „, . gentle Wick....... -.....10e lee \ ointlntOD-Wetiav e no alterillons to notieshoollee'stbie lea t. The follow iok 1. a conves‘t or not ~ \ 1 ; , \ tit's .s as i ss j !"" ---- .. • .... ----sr' , 2V4.00 lap, 0, o ...,...... ...... ..,-......$ l/ .01. 3 .0i 0 0,. .„ ~, ‘ Tail r 'ir n ir .... '' ... . - la ".\ Xlenilla.'.. \ •• '' ...rl7olEleturi '\ ' .76a lidos. • ''' '1 lP's t0i;:i':;.ti,::::.....2::::' ........................ \ ,4 . , \ " It. \ n•'P iO b? lo. L . :: .... :::: ... :: ... -.4; . ~,,..zi ~,,, r. by c;.1... ........... ' ... 7---`l,l, " F'ooking \Tori. tai...::::::::::::7:: ..v. COTTON COttpAl3Ths , I.e.'4edos It's , liet etarlase el a o le utkle efnerilieghmtaufacturnt at the Pena‘6l,llle: \P',lT't,". tle.littri'tr-4'lo 2.---" 4 "•',..4, • ',..;' i ntic•-•...a...:_........... .......... ...\ i ~ ~, , gu0i , ...; , ,.i . : :::. .: . ....,,,.. 11 ., .. \ i, llaf - , - ik i --... v ...... .... ....,, , \ _ c0Tr0.,a,,,R1:.i.-iliio,ii Basixerstellneher Mil ty tee se ll ing their ioake of h town sheiiitytte. terY7a diiy, at I'S Ir., N0:1:Y.1,71U fontsoutook. „ : 48PM' O‘tfAlNL,Pittebingllt\na.Mikettirwl umat chain. are selling inarithis mill. at t llta "ll fe. Pie t colored, aosi 10 : lor white, The ulltired Carted t Chat. \ manufsepN tenet at the Peon'. and at the liono.opillle, are splendid, and fully tout If Cot ea t to easteth mauStfalCu. coeysit-w.......1.. r0.1.4....110i r t:tcu, 1..... muefutured at the. followieg rates.-4llaciird fume 10.30 D Itualans, ..:4012.1c, •,,.., sled Ilea, Old cep. Pei Is north 1801 no Vlt \ \ \\ CitEgleft-Limited, test. ha,: nrsisisti from Ois Western' linerve during the week. end sato littlardted lobs have eta lillund to emu 600 t 6 thoo tukleat ' ' .46 l 4o, lllitiSSl D. ice irdloc to „' teIIAOXERS-' Our mutifecfcriu eentintie lode itprely I : lenient, with stale, of al/ theyhan nnaite. taAb. thlt 6 n/h4 , ,A \ \ \ \ Water ( Itnqnnn. It barrel__., . ..... ~..-..4,...d3,60 \ \ Rater '-: \ \ A:r4.4 i 'Pb.. "' .. ,V72:::':-Y,::::::::::1; \ .1..F . ,ra .. r c'ros.v7a. lidsTiZ..--........ • 0411qp MINP--Very little has Nee 'done In (kle artfnle. ne qa, , t4,. , 9 144610 e 111 tb. tor Western co fel, by Lhe Pere.; ' ItIOSI-41.ave declined, with rale& it ttle'S'ar/Y Pert of the weelyif7oo desert' from trot hand. at o,k. o\7l dein rt. 0, kbOtil The receipt/tor Moor have bun vitritlight. but gales bele ualnly for `the , apply or stss trittshr Vitt COD illp3PUOk 6.?• material \cha.V. h., oeauTtsfld. ends-. t We natio!, the follnikng limited opsnelleityien 640 tr e em dal: to da'y ,c()n Toenlny-t2Te whole lintabecef CLL., aa:,ired .rae aba;nl",l,6l). of whicp Imre sold. 2d Wile abea,- ,20. ',4 at 121:15, 0 ),t53,33, mi at $3,31; 60 at 03,60: 60 et XI,. 3 7 : 2 hat 43 . +171 bbl.\ioclulllng S tupor fine and, eatri.- enpales ftrim fols'i °, ' ‘,' o' 4'b''' SC $3.27„ X43.6°, ..d, 8 7 \ b ld ' l's tc fine at $3.30 IS bb h On Wediseedny-190 Mlle fp:m enial de'Dot, at 03.. Z: 40 plots extra at 63.41; 100 tilde at 61.31' Pram store. sale/420b1. P. b e , A.3,31.; 21 bbit ‘ ex. tea nt44,aliAand brJ5 on plfr:ato terms. • • tin Thirsday-46, libis ft-4e,ettite, . - aT: SS eat-hitt $3,60: 33.4 01 :13,30:Qc0l odo aq1.:65 " ,61 . Noe aleihof ronsectiecei tom Orit'Xisitat thryridar‘ bbla at 4.1.26 , 2043.31: 46\ I:tia,2s, a 04 1 ,16 from shine at ' pct P, hid. On Sete iiienr-24 GO! at„.13,36 \ for extra; 4de at 13.4 30 et 13: :ID ,11t3,25: 1113, at 66.2"; 'l'6 et 3,3,5 and YO Ift $3,260 ..,. $3,31 , ,1p till. ',c/o nandar-102 tgilhat 6. 1 .26043,,Xt ISO I'ION ettra born store Itt DIA), and hI'6,I K Is a 0., 4. 43.00 X IN. The mark:eh:oond putty firm. ith small \tedtli VII liand.'tind ilobt ' flits. \ , Phill-the market oritainenolto •nhat foll,nrinia. " kb d e ti ' xx.4 6 llmsitiY r No. o ur tickare large, of whi c h sno not Ulu th varloati t hOmutiting te4 bide at lard; 6 0 ichbl e Safes No. 2‘stiVglfl/ end Of Neitlkt 61304t3,' Y.\ 60, chrllinkto . onality, , Sties,' he4c, Ilalvkaseetleo, at d e: had eld@d,l2: nlta. elk ttout no 'a hid: atp4 beidlltht"l4.°- WO \ 24 ,, \ \ ~,,. ' • __,FRATW!'-'141.r....i511S g„Mternhiens Of ( Nero, e 'fialorttranepirial NI 3503 c, 7 4,D...-di,04,6 D i' , row, usi were )itif Vasteitrlng, s Jetv, iciet 2;7.311 Um* opening.' \ \ e \\ \ \ FRUITS- - folloalub are t 1.7 titling or under thli heed,.. ~ 2. - \ Rabb:soles pl 4 bek..... ..... ...\ ..--42.4k tio •,!theotala ‘ 10.21----',..4--- .... ,•;•-,,-- \.L 4 .."' „ •iXt.e...i u “ .-,.:,;.:t::.-..7,..:7, 4.4 . i„, tletito nuttlix 61100.... .. \ 7..-...34446140 he 'A bo • , \ ^ \34 60 \tiddi.ClC/Ve...-Prlees tetrie nrl,tlth .o\ioettic,. ........___ 1= Wood s shla last ntatk. Sales have hess retdlest,enseior which Th.th lic ---- 7----------___, tai. ~1,_.. theiblkosloglot• ham the habde A-L7. Ithda esth,, , _ .-”,,,. '''' '. \"s •- thonkt 6Xe neAlsi 0* do fair at Om .Ill ‘ do 006 Xm 17 &Kat ed;\ riE unuenngneu, Trorteca OppidibittO to 11 bladed 6. , Ve.'d months; 10,do a Or, Twlc l ,UlXo6.lif k o, 4 mak+ sale of the Brido over the, Hisklintisktee hha ailliiit arid \l7 hhde at' t616.14e It \No:awed Is P‘ern'aniT.ZrZ:(erielri ttiCilties.;e'nts.) Aut= ' ; '. t le 'l"4'. '4"1.." )._ k;b4 " 3*‘"V. I'6 ' ", 8..k4 ,jl3lmale ot the na m e. will well by publle ontcry,the said Midge 100 bbis obi private -eons; stunt hoe mele)desle marl to the highest andlowet bidder. Bale te take place eh ud. lota le 30114 at 46446 c gallon: Coffee Intt. with' 11,t7' ''' VeTgltdA, .2." , „,4 ,. ..,..tr L iz c.it.,, ,, ...11.1,..1 0 1301 lb. Pales ii tlicYns rim :lots at 1102, at 1 6 '11::k., P 761. ' -T - ' ' Yea- t '7 r" S•ki b'ree th. b l'' 4 4 X X .. f ks • ', ‘ Terme iiif Dale- 11l ash mi the ea/section and delthery.m, ttIRIX-ThAcelpts °onle (roamsdu er a s ekroard &deed br the Trusts. to the purchaser of said bridgp lacin light, and "oaten Moderate. eles 700 u Oats trip Ylla ar.2 1 .!, s stan%atMq ID tin 4 as q Webs ties at 3 5.1700, old atd74 J •01113: IV 4I frOnt atone it 40e. 70 hire's at 370: 00 de yt tsTsteso' shefil, from Oret h t uads at 36, and 04 baithela at 3,301 bo. 'gest qin steady dinuaid Mr Dilllng at: C0.6664470e 'IS a.- agent/lg to Quilt,. We Itl.Te, IP, rated of 'other . rains, Firm Out haedirye mar Ds gained at 43, bs:y \ ' t4154160a. cod earn in °ar at 415 c Itho.'t XAT-llaletat the stiletto( CS leads at ssgsti It ittiohOe..prigys are Murata, at 40g644c0 Wilt . 1104)11-Wr !life bentei of rediect ape lain Bales 'to nuedadable oveht base been made h er at 46 X46,1:: 14 000, deliverable Irilyouctb er nc , y 4 : . ' \ IRON ;Ice :NAU.4.-{te subJnia edits( \soothe:x.o bargitielliniartleleseit \\ „, . ..... ...,.... , ......„.441(did .1t0.4 aedatilo„.-.14.4.: I\ bt::KF....:.N.,....:.27.::.;`.7... ‘6':, I/ ,74- .... ,c„:....17.... .c. 7 .7.7,...7.1 -- .;:irtaitt jet llaiati '''''' ') to -I reeT r's•- t --- ” V2 ' OSifttercg '. tt , 7 ratnuf:::::-7:::= '3000: D ett e , ,,,...4.,,...._,:„. 40* IS, \ ,p..r GX ....,.. 6.0044 .. N:,' ..c m ___ celsior Family Soap, A A iiIRECTI.ONS FOR USE.—Cold pr viaiut ...1 water--ylibe r moll • bard or, eau—m: ( he filial iaj pert..et 'wore.. huh the map up. the clothe,. and thrl. ant tarot ...oak Ter throe or funr , hoora thou tak e (hem- iglerghtnr:; Vl:eirk4:l.'ltnha...'nrur tnoVrinn.ltZatZb. to ia tolni with ether Jump.. A lar g e MaLal t io u eau be done in up. third 1i444 Ohne yakl trouble. and than than arifh an, other nap! know n . Thin eo. le, warranted not to 'mar, . any way the %atom. fibre. or \th e :.In ,roar. .Pr i .. n ae ( , h i'f:ii l f t or I'7:V7A% I s l uilt i ). 1.:..Ti4 r . \ ,Niir k l l itl ° 4 'rano. the loan in wry. '(hie ...la muntstaatured so.. MiIT h r efylaroll, Capon t C0:42 , 51(1.1 n gum al.,,rmr Rork. '.n . J.: fiT"'"A?l' .. ".".* ".10R1t18' T. : a t r 0 . ‘.. • ski. : _._ _ \ In the nod. ILV OR CEST.KRSHIRE\§fIUee ; y v It Valve Llavriv I+ : \ \ •:. Joh n %if I Bauer ; ) Tomato Mutation :. , 'for, havul. and for etacbr any., ~ \lt A LUAU a pa_ • Ohio dr—E,enalik/-1,.. fe.itviii. --- - FoR SALE at No. 75 NFourth eiTeet. /.ililKlft. C0.F .. .l .1, noon Ihnter i OATS-306 buust rec' for eale4l ' PSYKIIYff, BATRIIAN, ago , ,', hrf _storks[.tmet. _____,____ a f ORN—IOO bu. just reel:; - ''l,l ir sale by \ 1,..' .060 I:ER L iig r_'.. A LT I A.‘Y,.7'?..,_ rrlIE very best of Brandy at ;Over quall. lor bottle , aul rani, . for medill.l yuYpeare ,art at, ,It be obtartml at muratte Tine Nfait. • • ' tma, Pt the toad. 4i . : CIGAR CURET? 1 1.A . :418,--ixotwi , 'gaud- V t l , n, n1.'i 1 ....Zd: tii,r.°T:al 1 . 1 , 1 : r 4 g2/I,a; m h l __ _ , i IILS-2o bbl, . pure Lard Oil; \ . . s ; 12 ' -'' Llnme.l . • to ative,foreala N- , iv (I, BLACRlttinfi t CO. \ ' lk . I 2 b Q ill T O. N.EtflNG—.3lntby e..j.1-..4°l,P,l,T,l.htahme',gt,r;riit,.=,!s:d 44.7: wort gl i f_ ,. !C . El) 111lSE :7Z • o lf:efoullzw...d: rh ru .Lch, ono n owt onaldr W IIITE BONNET, RIBBON,S--A few viatfa ryrn thy, tfineitltl et - . DURC• ' an y., 'R f f T LIFIEL , _-ML_____ PRINT VIRE BOARD' S, of splendid . roit 4 1. ,t•r••.4 ....oak?' 10. komt, Jon nett at BX, .sr et P.L. and fax rale by , aux& TllB3lBB PALBIRSt. MAIN & FIODRED,PiPERWINDOV .1 BLINDEL—An extensive and xeceexl mourn:rent el loose-err ebede of color sod vorietrxf pettero Just •• d from Pbtladelrar sale very‘love. b . .n C! • 7 . 110X1 8 1'AL),(8.14:48 literiet EL, alasig , F\ 0r'881.3.\ iN rolirattalle.o of all \ OVer dc 111 0VOULY. 01 k „ dr.-;Telli'bet.'l7..:lthf!ln'bV-Vtil -%lfari.r3P.,i'' J.t 10 n'e 1 4.1 Tat! ZD fiber ol:o11{41 ntl2; Pol., h • •er• Of IP:oro'o'f:V.Vit'g:l7l;lTtlit7; VPo:4:4l'T.7oet'lle'OVio'4 ~f Poikdolo.alk. V‘ "I.l::;lll:::f"":::of;t'v.irnfgz,r,t,' '''''''.'s". , .r:be oa+og will to:lo c . S. mi lw . t he 1r..4.71:nc10 Gltu ;:,.Totir= i‘l'L d ifr7 , il ,l, V4 l l;rbl.,,, ', "m ''''''' I cop. of Sole—C•oh withl o ten day... ~ s ., rb . I, ~,...i:4:11,ini';.1....Z1A:7,71:=::, .I.7 I IiFTT, t; 1.- - k " . " . '" '''''VS'• iTall . .t h ii ° l,:(l7 th l,m - :I cm .1 : . lo". sodkaodit ------- , N0. : 03. Walr. IS. N. W ICKM IB . II A.M .--. B t , \ ITEGETABLE .4-th3lll7lo—Thie prO., I oration Jo ontlreliV•petablhod topplontli rotutti , :7,tuit' ''ft:Ut"thenp*Llo..ffifiro4.lln:renV•Zl \ i t%oZr . t i li n it, i :j 6 1 : : :;26..77 . 7g.:7 ,.. ,; 9 %:, ',ggik r,11,7,JA7 Ih. outoul.' wmPlow wiltttithe tjhouttom nf tho Pnpriotor. without whlth, none ponniOo.• ' ___, '• \ \ ' • • " PrtomitTpir, At, 1/.52. - on7rhtt:lPll'iXarrlft.l:„"ll:VWco'Tti,?e't 74:..it0! enl do uotwoltatiouly pronounce it' , ,,,,,. best ilk,. Moo lei. of c. dui. no that hes co.r canateqindo.l.ol,lc4lCoil -0,‘.. PAVID °AP J. HASII IA \ \ \ JAOALPIDL , • Anworucta. Ca. Itup,l4, Mit. \ '', Mr. P. N. Wlekorubous—Thin I. to comity \ that I pit,' übwodOnnoorpour loconth , e Tonmlfime ••iiti,huove one, inure Lu a child of lulu, tot dircated,,and,the 0 1 . 0. d L t. , ' iZYWoho thieb , so k ip . :LIT , CO i ter., ,, ,unit an ?1...2.b1= 01' 01' ' ,..h., was Mtn b; eh. tr:, trtrplomitrove r , wormo—thlo to tho most plf.lltit Tcriaifegn 11,•., eTrT Med. lal prn11114... the Lost ea.* • \ • •\ \ __ lit.lp R:(119. ----7:------- , Seller's Sough Synik \ T given genend tansfnetion=, Jk_ Mr. R. E ,; Mlere—l hare mead roar CeiMrtitrmip In tare ::f r ale It a metel..?"P't trelee'ret YIN.' • Pmesciormrimr, .74erson CO; ri..,, , R. ig. Fellers—l pave used roar finberbil &nigh emle to tor Madly for near atm 1.... =4 bd it Ibr• 1 .0 4 medicine th at tun not for moats. 1 reel...nil It io. oil my. manate. in.prendenne to our dtbri... • '.. Inuif.... , didbi my shop. , and Ind th at &t rum genera .1. ration Ton. I also consider your Liver and Antbblllone Pills o bee t i n Um, for Ifir.i lreare they . aro direeted j fo . leir t na Temitr Fire cants per'lmitre. _.• \ Premed and acid by. IL \IT BELLER:, colt be,lSoodrtreet. . Tames Rogers, , , Ana 0 served as a Musician i o a th YITII, Math /trail:Drat O. A. Infantry. iflorld, 1 ar, will heart:( aowtrhinu phis advairtaratbja,ll.lww on tiw:barri r, at o. 78, ourlhArr i g m .,, 4 la , ------ Far . Sah —"-- T ---- TV, l i z. d rla . .. d .Vair,B2:7l' 0\ ilt ". 'null t hubwraw—land in heut ror nod gitiva .1.1.1811.111:1, s ear ittlif:Yii'qi":ll7llTrelriZontl "hi hi:dr/Ran ie., 3 ' .. ilae l l 2 Ta l et u rit brut quality of land 14olua Tallry . it=rttlailLlentooret Iltit,R.4ii; ilwr,!mr, . nand indur—Tbis le' dmp—Tuna, ruarztadirdatun riling. ..,4 Ct Va a sf. w ... _ —___ ,I - ' For Bale: 'PRE subscriber offers for oak .