The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 29, 1852, Image 1

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Oner /tenor , thfimtilwa*ot (i.r
9nr esAradlttsal sonar, 1.4 , 47. ,;i7ioo - Irtiontrt.•nd
*tied ledditional spuar. lon-r4.1 order the ready rates,
half prier
dlrettimasento•tomedina • stoat*, and not OM Cite.
boy te , be tiaras! •• • ajpar* and • half
Anitowaeing etindblodes 0g...1.• be coal - awe the lam
Oa On, alltattlaweenta.
*devotion:erste not matted 00 -the roar for n nodded
ssobwr fewetedono, will b• continued rAll forbid.and Par
' awed orwertwe kieetwalstril,
.'theTho otielleste of gunnel advertivas le ittrietif limited to
their own lastaftilahr hominess. sad ell wirerthemeste for
twbat of °the*. pentad...4 well mall sleartimootenta not
7.... o r.tzreste4 ati their moo bueluese, and ell
te. in 1-agtl , l , or otherwise, boron I
rWa ots r
tr="ht VatteT¢. " l4ll: l l7lll " a 4 r •Voll'al V e 'r
wolfr and matot oaf. ot Is deemed.
All adnrdierowate for ettantuble itottltotioda, CO.
4 u ra b lit rtrlc t iFrlO
11atriaas notl-we lr h. thaitatll AO tent..
lawith notlnen 'wetted without that**, atilees ftoontipd
' 4/flanezl ingteaud etetanty , nottoes, awl when
ilatulat adr.rtwre and all others mewling aleiseunlea.
.fidnft. felln , riott ;Akre 4ewomal to ftl.l •ttention - to
evto. Owned thinner% or auf public rohoteloto.ob t ,
warn ..
j o ,c tr w itne made for eettaltuinew—all notiow of bra
wat• very notice deeldoed toast] atatnitlon
Drina. ribt*Viatd. CIOCUILIod. or 4otanded to protooterindi
'lied Interest, tan ottly be lot rt..' with the node:mind
tn the me* le to lee paid fe. If lotandol to bo
seetad b the Intel column. the erne will be charged at the
stool' not law thas 10 mut per line
Mahe:, or al, Not.% to be chato,l triple Pet,.
tot=l,lll:P:rirl Auetiow l 1 0
(0. a .1 1.em.0t0 dot
wont of thirty -ottni &Pa one (hit I per out. from the
teronat of We
• '
, '4411
, ::14';;;1' :r (c"0.
' ---
,-.0-Y'k,';',PA - ,744 - 41 . i. z i , ••
..."7"4)",',44;t' „ - , .. 1.
•,I•„' , Rtis*-:-Nr:;‘tfci*.N e '• : .: l
; ;:akir;,:f=j, - .F .. ." ,,•,
411.ivi: - .4,. ,
4- z.V.444.'litn?•lqf
W .. '1','..- f :.',2y:•,.: -.4 e , ' :
kvil , ii4iii• - " - ::: , .. ,- :it
*4 l
~,'o 4 t • * .. . t. - . - , ..'...
-.A411 ,,,-,- .
o t .
0 : , A,:',,, , .„... 1 / 4 ;•• ''''.:l - . 4. 4,, , = = l'
'''.'; ,,, l!y : iir, • -ti' , : ', , t,..,1.:..,.. , ~:,
4 4 ;:1•434.14; ‘..: ',:!.s.':
F'3. j-.. T i lli...iiis'i,j . .:
... •,,..i-.7-.4.,k ;,11,Ti.
''`'..4. -'
• I '`.. ' , 7- 7 O'CONNOR, BROTEER, & . CO,
...--,, , ,: . 8.42i7MRS AND EXCHANGE ..BliarEll3.
...--.,-.-- ..-M2113 of:lEFroutre-n:rn:g7unds
• Ro j r tt lret ir : b lrerst olkonil co , tins.. D. pa,Dit ... Time
No .3
otiretlat4J. 17FL•elloro. promptly Roomed to
• • ' . . •.
. • w k m. 11. WILLIAMS i -- CO., Bankers
' . • and Brokers, North test corner dt Wood
Int meelschande
t. ihtteboreb. • -
: All trensectlone made on Metal Wm. sad collections
lienontle attended to lands
. . D..KING, Banker and Ezehangeßroker '
: . Knuth illeet. Dealer in Bank Note. Mlle of Es!
. Geld and Niter. &oche booth and .old.
~ .
_h cheat clerked nee paid Ln 'wallop
_Loh Amen - leen
1- , Mil Plat. sad Bladlcan and dsaulab Dollar. In
' . fusels. - • • --- La 24
lasci..taco. 64 adjoinius the haat or PI ltdbnrah
. sa.s un OEAbn
W AIN akti raild stiviita.
- aseinr, .1t mon liberal e,
• •
_rn4ap asps.
A.R,L.VER: . 11;j1131, lianiera and Ex
e,.cupnak,e'nk- Dealt:rola Fortin otot Dooutztle
' 114 of Lie
i tT h Lortlf.rat aDo to
4.7.i.tatiLo ant. 4 e ourto.W.4 ittWiljoSitoolto
artt.itov rADoo,j.
ADIALMER, R ANNA & CO., Successors ta
llama t Co f ; a lElaircoso.. L"lcoutot Dooms,
0t..1 doaDts ooti
if=ltoroito otoole Nsehattoo t Dertateatoo
, 1 1 11: 1 1:=7:. '"' e 4.6: 711 pie. .~.c P b t t~
n Cbeka 000001,0001 mil ? W14.‘1.14.1.
prototton tt tbe : tiLaa r /onion and American
Advances solutto ottonotatztetionts of Produco.obtopkt out.
• 001.1011,1
k•T et. • ••,.
k •:,...4144 . 10;Zd1
::;": • ti,•;±
. .
;if---. J,. READ, Bookseller ' , god Stationer,
. N. 74 tneErth street. Arens Iluttllass.
JAMES A. McKNICIIIT, Loaie . !. in Fano/
af etapl•Drokcols, %%Weide and Retail. roartlt
\r't ;4'
s •
o.onoro Itcon... •o. um. r atm *,11.0.
CO ISh olea ln an d
otrrDostostanYon " iE"P4Dr Y ° M U,M.""
. , .
it/it/multi'a BURCIIFIELD, Wnousca
I • • -
Ma.t.4 oma sad
ar Grta•s, ratsba Dry Goadsrth. / 1 1irekaata oaraer or /antra
O ,
- -- - - -
Optic mad Orthopedic Borgm.
W l u
LL givo - particular attention to 'every
Art cist Eras l
yirty of otarstlso co the lere sad Cob-root.
• filoaned, of a upotior atodity. • .
lY psd.llcat sad adAnar to 1. I.ft at Issa OM., or at
.terai taa plassaul.
apt; -Ms. •
• • F. $. Nooio, N. D 4,
HO3 PIITSIOIAII, - devotes
attention to the treatment of Canteen of •o
mai and enjklren, met acute
tillefinaenenerally i se will aft
d°, thrimail su'rat'ittralate nvTdA"Z oor a the't.elg:
hei7llll. ' Allegheny Citr- 4a:a bourn from 7to ti
mr'ttA- /la
/to an4 from '73. OP. M.
•pR. J. J. MYERS---Surgoor l and Phisician.
tido. and corner of Doelnatoo ro w.
TRIM rtetraone door aleme itoilihOel/ et • • '• Na
artITZJI . eI IJ I=CriVltiri=ll:4lW
patients, attention lo Oftencia owe. and tb4 drreal
• VN would to ostievectfally inform
of ,.. ot tt br_o_iton bau d maw - I.w oa the mut
of Valli. bliala. ildZ2Vartileta
.Vaal to &or 14 thialti
want &ker. Doing parrbs2.ol * ltt Vll r1at .4 .,...." •
:1; MUMS esNuetost•Wishcoont of - ilatuy AeLl 11. --- e.t. I
to hroistk bld cant:cabman weltaa
at n4:7 thi n g their li ne.
I=l,l .6 'U... eittittWiP.
iplq• W. WILSON, IVab:qT ---- :r
~f / aSilver
.r•rn I • . nlbal pr. 1.4 Ur/
e ri — COTT, Dr.zinwr, Fourth street,
fir. doors of Mortut
AU +wort inreastal. Jolf .....
' D.. HUNT, Dentist, Corner of Fourth
oulooootor rt.. brtrons Martel and Orr Ar 111.4
el 17SBUItGli
...a: wunS l ' :I tun:. sumo.
lan II GI • M..11./111•1 , 2117 BOW 10 Mil e m toIVICL
z . o at t• 16-I•tmett mmotty goyablo bolt remit
• g 69K 'l tri L MOlLeortt 7 o . zumal . .l • t•••• , ••
grip to •rupotiggtl gm the follomiag mtailtto
Pitt cool,. •k•'
it T g Imeltot=gotg Club tO -. 1e;:...4 to tot P"mm.
•of '[.. 4 3 tm Invortobly In adv.... -Itg, Club loCont
nl kttor th• rear Imo., uniop kto , nom, U
rent h
On. 3 sum (10 Doe. or 767137000.1
Do. each soidnianallnantu7s6..
1.• 0.767.10--- 7 .--- 7 00
to 660.1 months. ..... 9 00
16. twain. month. 79 (0 0
0.0310 r 0601... (6116..0710, per man atp.....M
010 110160 f 66.66.17 071 . 1p0kal 1.016 1 •
sa,ttnr 111 DOLT ' yumas.,
' , oldl ***
Dui 11guor..0 110.
(1 1 ' '''... .00 *
Au ' Do. rub af.l4tiOnallaaertioo::ZS
edwortionoonto to dr eneti
- F I I eRA I Attorney at Law, New Cantle,
ie er ia to 7 a 7 TaitT r en.ra l orent•-.E.
thaw. t noltb, Kromer Rolm. U. Cd
sal t Wil.oa • Co, ILL...
I A MRS 4. : U lIN, Attorney at Lasr act)
ow Fourth rkoar Ursa. Pfitsburcb. .ja11.11;
11 P. SPALDING, Attorney and COULI.
11, • rellar at Law —CLEI'LL ND. 0 blo.
/lam tante— t. 'Loam* tqwdar • 8 . 0 t..
IFANCES ROSS Stsraii'l)EN, Attorney and
tI Cpa•uo9ur ut 0/Tlee, rvtidruni, No. 16 . 17! , :t.
14. ROTER, Attorney at Law.—Collei‘•
• ti.....l C o o . or
uu — Ualerreirs Pulliltuus, Uruot war thy Court
7 r
r 7,,iftS F. K.F.B.R, Attorney at Law-0116
Fourth rt, etei Emil/Bald atut Grant. MU.
• 0 s.W yat La;, Fourth
Vat." Vara t eol ‘ .. 7 4. l i * rY " "? .." `" h °Ziletk a o ' jl.
N. P:10 B. Fr 1.14: 101 AX Attu: ,
r far b La. i mad Atal le,talo Aortas. 11 . 0. m i tlb
JAS E%l ------ 3RAD y, Attorney at Law,
Arc,fpa Path street. wit.b xh,r.
JJ. 1 . 1 / 1 111 t1SON.S1.1WE LL, Attorney at Lair,
ALL: NtrAe Wm:Ammer fmr . trairl
, frewte. Onire—lmmtiAt::erre
BAIM) .4 • IRVIN, Real Estate, Stock and
Bat stroue.,no.4s.innb .t. ito
num, • .. • raaaaa.
Tiernan `~
No. 05 Wood alrr.l , Corner of Diamond alley.
17 .
.M. A. RILL CO.,.Bankers und Bril
lion, 64 Wcr4 ott. •
ZI EURON N. ARNOLD & CO., Rankin':
i L n 14.alet lo 111.1 mare. enitu Dent Not" .44.. N. 74
Itoarth arget, Itent door th the hank of Iltuborgh: Out.
gortloto cheafellrettehdetlth. end the mow, retalttatt
air pf the Data's.
in 4 i
• 11M a i er -------- ---LBIES & SON, M!! i'orti,n
• . owl Nomad." Mlle of lOotbsokoo,Cortttlestoo of W«
Lazio Rot. am' Veal, No. U. Hulot knot. Mb,
Ital ' ' lral=firtt " " th. ' Pn° ,.. l d"..
J. B. Weldin. •
It 110 LESA and Itetail Dealer in
V Moak mad Nano! Ilaoka, Pop, aol BtaLionerr.
NY. 6i Vt.atl An at. laviveren Thud and Fourth) lilt.
• olar.lo'
uhnanS •
lA. Beetnitter. iltatinu, Printer,..nd Binder, roe
Mt d ShriA neni Third etrinetr, Pittsburnb.
11:171 ilicig:
00:4444 4 4i
~, -1 4
TAMES McOUFFEY, Wholesale Drug bib
lalai Dealer la Drain. Paters, VeralabesT Hasa Dye-
Yertutoeiire, Las rrasoatd in No. 119 Waal
street. ow door LW. MM. *ppoa la to Darla? arum%
Roo., Pitt•borx L. Ma. Co.:Monti, cnt hood o Papply of
iforgaa:• Cough By aad Worm
John - F. Scott.•
Wll WHOLESALE Dealer in Drugs , Paiute
v VarsioNs tart DJ. BMW No. TM. Mort
rtrroc. Pittsburgh. P.
Ail order. Wilt receive prompt attnition.
.441—. Scoot for &Arden Ccervalrubro Wally aroma..
, § 4 , A. FALINESTOCK Wholesale
manufacturms of %entre LasatOtal
as i n=ra carats Wood mai/front atrasti t rift&
• KIDD k CO., Wholoinile Druggistd: / • DW
lo'P au to, DID
yo rim
'o of Dr. I loom'ocolobroted Wolyee LI
rei=i:47r Z Dyd
d. W mard g dit
E. SELLERS, Wholesale Dealer in
. - oner k Palm CI% Dya Eltatb. 008, Vared.b.s.
o. 'Wood .tcpt, Vlttxbarsh. Pi. 0.4" wartancra.
Meer low,
'4l N. WICKERSHAM, Wholesale Druggist
It ILAUN tr,REITER, WholePalciand:Rettal
r4er 4f LIN7tI at, no, hu.
hUrigh:R. t • .• •
SCUMNMAKE.I.I. & CO., Wholesale Drug
ts. x 9. 24 Wn4,414...11414banth.
""'.1":714`gr'.4 Vitzlotr:,:ltrzai;r2
)sprt 11.
IOLOT, S. DILWORTH dC CO., Witdlesalc
u tort;es, ...GA mr ttszard`a 804)
Wond Yluabare.,, • .b.. 1
tionuonertaa....,....aosurritasaa.— litillan
... ariarran.
11 - ANN.A..,• iLkIIRELSON & CO., Wholo
sale firoN•re.Oommtarlon ant Forwarding ale haute
anon Went. Cleveland. Ohio.
• Particular attention given to the parebur, al d
Produce. Pltuatal on the river, their facial*. tor L i p.
ollut and reeeirtrig fnUght by the /mite ete equal • m SW
owe 1.1 the piece. Invla dam
W. W \I/413W
W&L - BAGALEY dc Co..
.holesalo Oro.
• • rem N._ let and =3 Wood mil. mbuswh.
alien . raacs.
,111AILACKBURN . 1. CO., 4Vholenale Oro •
I .l ll :je t r:Oloat i turalstte re , awl dealers la I•radur.. sad
i. ). 1:1 1 ;tn. ` 1 ""'
retreat. IrAgaiburgh
.... : . •.. •
IV .F. IV ............. dro c eret and
Tal 44, t:". spl
1- L. - SLIER. Whole:1410 Onwor, Commiesiou
Mi.l7r:t;ll , V...l 9 g.t r ir.
J. 5 , 41111.1110Z1 . •
!IW -
thacan atm! Cannalaatou 1 la. Wain
farac.and Ila!Lind ntnaf, rittal t nnk.
011 N. WATT Cibo., Wtlolewk Orocera. ,
p Clawnladon Ilnrchanta, and Daal,ra to naltna nnJ
ittom itlanuf.-coa",,No. 1.14 Wort, atm,. Cite.Daro, -
B. -CANFIELD, Int, Warr an, - Ohio,
Fica‘diugh ,, Ltot iv ocod r Altit
Pro:,Pfah.r.::d Prol74.2:en.y.'"Wrairr:ltr.t.,
hetworo litaithbold.od Wnd.
• mal.
/,1. .n 1 In, arid o=l:Laote
N s a r lero
Wholesale Ora
0 . a W. Alv;lo7lfront stftL, 111 .I'roa ues-
FNcji4sti BENzarr. Engh.h.
OsNorther a Co.. rooers.(Nonallsritto
forserding Northants....4 InWers Presto, sod Mae
burgh Manufseturts, No. I=2:krona st. ant IN anal a
tstween Wood sod analthtlet.L
CO:7 . 1111d
su ( . 3 b. 0 11101140 . 16 Northants. No. 257 Liberty street,
OBEI6 - 11661 a, Wbule:al;
11 !,i. 1.01111, nonlor In Protium , . Ilnobarob
oantAntnno.. en 4 nil Linda of Nr.irt. non Inonortle
Loannrs No. alb Liberty Amin On loud •
.tozZidolhotrior hiononnshoLo
D.A.LZ.ELL CO., WhOieb2do
~buOk:NuAlcrthoattot. dram. In' loutoe.
.1116 Liberti etty.t.
Mtan •N'
SO 11,
CK 8 MeCANDLESS, succeesors to
.L. 4. J. D. 141<k r 1y1v.14.44r Wooer; Yorwardinst
and Caminickm /habitat...D.4l*n la Iron, Nal Übus,
eDrn.r eetVA 44.111:11"''k I . ltbbur4b. ."""."1'
d Di tat t C
e S rc O h N ant I
Dn•aloerega e
a O
uo o r An r
m l,
nah.ufettnd Arrrks, 185 LlNty itri.t PM.
..Wholerla . and .
li"l4l VVit t l ld" c t ikr
jir ". 11117014 -Lrr CO,.. * bro n. 55
lawnitbbureh. halesal;l7
grzCommscisalon Merchants. and dealer+ la ritratannb
ttlf .AC It. FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, Coro
nxoh • esttcalltertte, and Deer. tipixix o ..—i t . oxix
. n . ta.ritubt a . p :Httft Hood. sod Sixth
ItNNETT & BRO., Manufacturers of
rids sac not,. YelJon, Rockingham and Cream
m ayW. °Mon thb Mainfomorr.ormr Wmh•
Imam ranklin atreeta, oormilo Mb.
burgh, Pa.
Yierron eriswiA.
MANUFACTURERS of all kinds of Brass
ork, tommotirs, &ram Noulne, Mambo/I,lc.
Batting Ulaoolortuturs.
roommv. /tetooera Mr*. I Orrfcm owner or ltarkrt
Altegtworritr. 1 mad rah ot.. tt.bureh.
= N. ilea,. sal Coupes Laken lo mutton.. (or
mutt °Traub purl.
Orden. left lathe Forman or Mu. MN be altrodel to
Jones do gnigg,
A.NI7FACTUItEIiS of Spring. and MB-
Ler St.el, Pin ugh 'Slab Merl, dteel PIOWIP
ed /Myth tipratmc, 1 N
.Irws ut taprr. Lialt Pat-
Abkii and Ilamnd iz and Virst rtg.. I'3.4 me .44 N. Asl.—corarr
/login" & Co. •
NI - Etielfug!Ll?c2trl.P.rr.l!
aiaditle,,t *inset. Pat,barsh. r.hT
W. WOODWELL, Wbulettale and Retail
.• um:mem-aim, anJ Dealer In Cs bid t Wstre,Ki Third
JOIIN WETIIERELL, Manufacturer of
teor of Andaman and 'tad auto meta, on equate from tau
11=4 Stead /kid.. • I Imbue y tr.'
111ILLLNGS, WILSON Fr,. CO., Mattufac
=ero stgiseslintr., I=ll4 giap rg ta2l. eigs,
•.bn• no/114; dour bag! autTrattaln. 14' el. dna 1.4
24 blued nail. an.. az.
burgh. Oak.. at LLPPENCLITT a CO.. No.llo, Water it, Plitt
a webers mattafacturs roil keep warts/ 1y ell tread all
TIT 11.7prfej'sltrVarlealiVi.."OgrkZIt
llopyar Salle MIA Task; Bung Nail.; COSIM .214 Z
Paltessi Makers' Persts,Bvers, aeascAl sites,
apt :y Waistless.. SS Water eL. PlUaLursh.
tr E.MEDI . , CHILDS CO„ lilanuractu
iniVtg,l24l:l3:. `.44
net. Dad.? a du. Maaitassured or beds Ath. Meade
Wo. 12 Water
ng Powders, Aturtade sa
Parr. ealehurle Adds. Warehouse.
L 7,T nz•Ty , .‘mwv•prirtrirwrni
AXES U. PARKS, Designer and Wood
surnivor. nolo /1011. Tblor Meet. ener WM,
Ira airy. Met ,rnmetfully lake tbe public th at be
le premed to exemte all kinds or vesioulugand Wood
Kbrtmiblr. nab Ti.,.of otembeel. oed
Ilri"dlrl.9Ptt°":trMoemlteMole=iotateael Ae F arm. Vary
II 10 . 1, ..1.• .01 ~2;
I. Ext.baammt, Thal may.t. •PP.lln th• rod
a. Pistilbrunit. llapr, Landscapss, Portraits, Slam Wis.
E illtrisslKpritits.Donil. Labels, Arclittscsarsl and Slssisina
Drawings, Dosintwagng Visiting tisnia a.. mlgnmol ..
, r.r. on B Ditis..nill Inland In colors, Uolii, Mouse, Or
Illaek. I. tb• man mirrored stria, gad st ths most mown.
slits wows
Wegner, Bnechner & Ittneller's
rrillE ABOVE FIRM ref3pectfully announce
.2_ to ttwir Meads nod the amblk somerallr. that tit
prepared ta exontle, Io th e ant otrly of their ark
°Wen for tatow...._eards. hab,..thPlathLotocritht WOU,tr
'"4.llV:TaitaloWna. M
a a tTo7E6 ILtstat stmt . . Wawa
Third P alpaca. op =Mat
I OUST !HOWL'S, Ton and Wino "for
am.t, but 44. ot the Diamond. Fittsburnh.
1V12.0.4. 1 . a' . • • ... "*".
. 21. ii r ottrfrd 11 . 0., Grocers and
ea , n. a:::, ~,D V Z i 'llt..„ 2 ,ta Übort7 arot above Wood
• • sad Illso Ton. AL.O-7,-.... "rola Of
o (1 6
W 4: :
a1...4 robd L .I.'s ocroallia Os tPm irolot t•ttos. •
rr ISO syoThiE anti ttuerand
Importer et W*ll Pam Borders, Ilre.bolad
htgreMr. t a
. alintslerg"
sa. i t ! 17.0
ALTELidARSIIALL, sc-----m toae, wft) II lll l s—bnereetar end Dealer IR drench
and AnnieetAaser aded* asel lend.e. IClndon
Md.; 111. Pelee. a. le+—Weleß. Prlatleac
and Weseethe Paver. Na 5 Weed amt. beeneen Yonne
and Deenebed all.. Pitahavalt, Pa.
_ .....
11URPHY & Wo(midhh
.97 ettdoem Alettheat e kr the sue of te.T.,..
Does. N. too Meet? at.. Pitts IMO.
Eljnimr Harbaugh.
(sacceme TO a. h w. waxasuca.)
chin. Nal. to Flour, Wool awl Produce ueuere.lly,
No. 14 First sr.., and 110 Iresood st.,Plttabursh, Ps.
... . .
Johnston dt Collins,
WHOLESALE Produce, Couurdesion and
J7cmrardlng blerehota, mad Dealera p. Ift 5•11,
Gls Cotton Yarn and Ptmobargh II 111.otacturar .eu.
..,. N 0.134 Water Pitt•bargh. ea. &gild/ 7'
L ir IVOODS &O Produce Dealer; For
• wardlng_dad Commladkre Memhaota..d Dcklad
Atfats.tre Maentaatuvad Ankles. No. di Water st,
- -
J. T. do J. J. BOORT:
flafll or ) •
chant; Donlon lo endue. of all kLoda, ono. Na 937
ff 7 .volt. Pala bokab,Pa.
Altars fel hand: N. Q. 13aaar and Noland.
DELL. & LIGGETT--Flour Futon, For
a,wet Coourdation banta mai Dealers la
general Produce. • Noe. GO tad M o Water amt. Mt
_P. •
ahrlAbasl soloducce male on COASISMIOnitt.
WKENDRICK, Forwarding and Conk
atawno llerot leo. Agent tor Planitfaetur.
TO. W web." N. 22 Wo o d etre., Plttaburgh.
Partiontar attention pall to Fornutting Merehandlm e
and consignment. Air rale. No mama-rim or preference
for Boma of any de...Medan.
Ord r. promrdr attended to. Inettmetiona .01 In ail
Palaceoe Implicitly. obeyed.
lour bunlneas b new/rally asibrited: and I pledge my.
Pelf to u.e eeery ommeon In your tehalf. ia22.y
bll/ M. 11. JOHNSTON, Forwarding and
. n gfangsNem Merrehsat,_No. 112 Boneul ettlet.
Kt' 1 kat k.. JONES, Forwarding and CUM
mined= iterebants. Dealers ha Pro4urn and Pit.
burg Manufactured artician. canal Itaarn. near Seventh
UOMISOrn to Atr
g=o1:. A . Cicatmladon sad Portririleg Me.
rittOntith Mstautkttated Watt. Put.
aortal. P.
kJ mem 19ff9rasme Co. D 4 Wmt, .tr.{.
v P. JONES, Agent oldie — lnsurance Co'.
• . of North Morrie, 111 Front Cl.
14 M. GORDON, Secretary Wentuna
9rn 92 W.t.r
11 A. BIM/FIFA. Agent for (*lawny-a-Mu
g tool Oolutr Itourtutro Company. 12 Water foriot.
JGARDINER CQFFIN. Agentfor Franklin
Piro tooursztoo (loopur, lanrat out bran of Wood
iIOOAN, WILSON't. CO., Importers and
j Who Wale I.alerrn to Hardware an.l, Nu I•J
acd &tempt. Pltbsbareh. _ .
_ .
OtUtis MOOM BS, isuceuntlor tk, JOH N
'I WALK ER.) Im nort.r A &mien))) Forth.) neat
IlanJwarr. 6.0.3 Wont et. tninenn Manton.) All.). nn.A
Fourth ,irteL ira-Varomerit
on hand. (I)An
J ZlNt.ao7tre VrTe l jlt;ZUVlrlAl li P
-44-I..steral'ad tot tre• made ~n croslian moots .{4ll
IoTODE & GRAIIAra, Agent,. of l'entio.
ilialraa4 Ca, aninre or Pena qual tram.; eta, rand
.In. l'ittaburah.
enm.missi. Northants. D
, :,.144,
V.A. 40. i Pr. rittoßkyro.
11) LEE6II CO., Transportore• by Canal
and Ynmsrtlitut Merchantai. *ans. 'of Poch arm
• I. Wilson &Bon.
Goal .heel. .ti d doer blow Inatiacel AIT4 / ‘
bomb—where they oder a lull and emenktu gook of Ital.
and llaoa of thole ova tad kaularn manufacture; of • ory
,uallty end their. Ft evapleen.lo and rote.:l, and imite th e
mlouthou af their mulmaere
the rubli..nunguat them
chat tone will 101 l en tha toutevaafenatrde Vemil
NIPORD & CO., \Tholes:de and noted]
lit 3 Z=Virtigc' T in i g' apse.l4'T;
aloe a run and maple. etzek o Mite. Caps, Yon. he-, of
and style. by Wholesalo .114 HnteelL and
vita tbe atleallou of their co/it...mai puretwage gener
ally. axeurlian Mena that they will mall Lbe moat adeas+
Wrung ten..
I? CHESTER, Mei-clud Tailor and • CIO
l~L• titer. No. 71 SmittlinLl .lust. rankso ar
tion paid to Dope 1u:1.11:owl:Le Clothlog. nol.y
u. 1)10 BY, Merchant Draper,
v v nd Dotal, lo Road, !dada CLOW.. 127
:~: ~r r ;1r .: q.: c e
Piaanaza—heakleare. tome r Thltl rte,i.tatad Ran
wathoo..Allgthray. •
N. IL—Lltue. Noll., Lath. Ake, f ochtli
ar luta
OLIN 11. MELLOR, Dealer in Pima Fortes,
Husk, sad Altuical lustments, School Dock* and
littMxlnvroV-fig irarnrf..
ENRY KLEBER, Dealer in Music, !flit_
I cal !moth -, 1.1 Impurtn of !tali. Nttlag.
,State Lnterpreter.
`VII: J. ROSE,_ Interpreter of Foreign
Allegheny: may la found every Jar :rem sa , natal , a
;rttlh, staT"11":•:6:."1:Va '3l" trj , r i a ' g r" 47) . .v r e•V i o . l . l A . f.
tomer and all legal Pr other ...minas whatsoever. Usu.
I &I'd Moo or Into lb* he derma... french; ltallan and
Spanish langnag.a.- with wattle. Ind dernateh aid
JNO. B. BAYARD & SON , Defilers in
Ixather. awes nod 011. No. 2111 Lthertr atrart.(otr
aortae NUM et.) Vita I'a.
Keep oonnantlr on Land atonal weal.. of
Leather, 1114,a. Morocco, Shoe hodloga. Corner./ Tools,
Maned y
Lewis' Intelligence 'Moe.
No . 2 St. eirsir St.,
UTIIERE Hotels, Steamboats and Private
Mums aril' furolabed with gaud retreat., auJ
eerr.te with plate..
Inetrnetiona on the Piano Forte, Guitar,
and Vocal Mama
H en E.h.l i t n lL.R,:? o li.B L O. o ? h ,K n al. 2 3„ be c t mme r n .. c,..ed ..! , l ) .
tar, and I neat Musk, awl wall be planed to rewire far.
tier application.. at the Moak, more 61.1. 11. Mellor. or
Mammas th e l'om Melee leream (15 larenty•foor les
M. N OBLE, Upholsterer Dr t in p . o ,. rbr :: o
1.1 Vi.,
I.IOI4EGOER do CO., Importers of Winos,'
uquan, mot Haim Cbo•ao. 101 Sollidield
tvo.os aod beyoutlo
rs*MrarigrltrTagr a ta lr:U b to dl ::7 l li .""W '"
hayed satotootaally. Bonito la oalatoro. or old ter
ttlotsiay nth. , No. IQ 1111 rd comer blethers;
Y. ballot made arruitem ,, eula ter the period, arill
itTlW:sior onildr, L V,mniti Trairs 4Pg174 Lb&
tie., connected tbe fiffseretusut or auy arils Lapin
of .
want, We Pseudo. Mee, ic flas (tame at ob. faly
itelsbioutou. ut
Steamboat Agarnd General, Comas
aion, Receiving and Forwarding.
fiIALDWIN, PLUMER & CO., hairs this
day aanoclaleal *lib naps, /Ir. Jobu /Autos, lieu' oder
s Denis. to tae public us litaasuboal. A y , Cistern'
Oicatuisalou„ and torafanling busloses, mad, the idyl. of
Lotus - fut. April lb.
Lorillttly - 142 Wllliasue Roy.
Alexander Bradley,
No. 19 If street, Lettreem Pint and Beeond sta.,
(010 N or THE GOLDEN [Torr./
AI AN UfACTUItEIt of every ficeaription
j. 01 COOKMII STUTlLY,thotallar.Vpzred pat.
whirr will be round
Jewoll.k. Hoot'. orlebrated foldlaa 41*r l'arlor Iltotec Ear
mores; iLloliaLlin4 reordllorlovec , tl•lo awl tanordratsw,
Lo lath we lords U. attectlow . o bu t ilderr h Tea Ender
1101kny Ward Wv Mien, .00. to al of w lett we lords
the strewth/is cl 11 ere before nurolunaing claccherw
Bolivar — Fire Brick Manufacturing Comp'y,
• --.
us. atoms aN. soass.....n. 4 lasoiaati
• • -
GLOVER, BIER & CO., Noriticroas.
ritllE SUBSCRIBERS, lining • been ap•
saluted Attend for the above named cozeno, will
keep eonstatilly liana a iniliplynt the celebrated Bolivar
Firenriekrnellile Fire Clay. Tamar. Ilearthsend
They ere also prepared to receive oedemafor yid 13 riek. to
be meth la elm sod ebype ttletiit plitthasere. welch .hall
be pro
do mptly aied.
We 004 d 0.,. It antiattrige
eatitegre the Lioness Fire over another., that
have been amid for ule in tb• Linked States, their sage-
Horn being well k.wen to .:meat all venom, who we
hire r ick. The anwirietove Wive iletervalned that the
Brick et:11111o. none of thele.yrowat m viable twritaavvii
ern( that no expense obeli be iiivarki to Make ahem even
ttn , n thea hare Nivea:lore bwin. This is the twar
establlslualant tem. saftoc.turing /but • Ban.
Canal DMA. aerenth itt.Tlttehnenta
luta .
ITILLRive alincial attention to tbo bonen.
none, claims, An. at...beet...l ettnei.
and Gams Mao. I :
. in Mauna 11 .11. OPP.Ito ne."
Moe. /lasagna and IW=Vai Th rgr. N. MM. '
Petmirk - n World.
" L OREZ& WGHSIa, (ormerly oft. he
6. arm of Mos,
.111.f_ul 03 -.)4lsoofarturors of pll.
1, 1 4_
_l4 .14 MOW ULABS. , O
Front strietmttithetrlt. fit.
N. Yatioolot 1.1400t/o4 to odd dome Window
E... am raelgd• for na....4 Vials. mar
Adamint:no Candles. •••_ •
Wn 4ZElVATingtig. ed c4 E n t ll -
ns milk brt listohetorr
TOarlo and madam stol mate it for Trir Salk ,
.108/CPII 0. DATA& & CO.
CO • •
I D. M M
ILLAIS'S & CO., hove romoyed to
No. Pa Wood Mreet.' them. dooraaboid the idd
rtan4. comsat Wool and fifth Mo.. trbpro Mod willno
plasood tomcod their (Monde dad patron..
• NM, Laturra and Java Canto ES.
• Non Mrloano and Hakim! dorm,: '
11421.'aep retrTraliT.
mrorm, Rutz Nonld and Idyl Cab
Palm Altupritl. Mln and Rosin ft .
Patin. • Porml.daso and Ammo Rmh
Bt./ And nner
With • e.neral amornatent of Fruit. mad Stiata.,
Mad-Iron.' Naito. Whits Lo ot. Conon atht, Palm:a
'Zas Warhboards, ar.,
N 0.122. tr 09 4 ,47.4 f
Simplex Idunditiis. • . ",
AOGAN, WILSON & CO., No. 129 Wood
rM.4.4min. tmme.mdmimmlAgenta for N.W.lnmairo
tho s ;o o pl tnospal' Hall! ralt g: ntvg
°tor nth.. In Loa. Its poeuli•r prurerfirs ff.-m.03 . m
tiot ? :rdrintrAit
plica ap bnltt to errry do..motion or door. tivOrr ono
thaw. y 41 .0 1 .7.4 Loring d,,or, loft etinum hallo
LOU AN, W I 1,410 It 4:41.
*moor TAT.. J p S•NOKOOOg JOIB;131.111.17.
1% 7 ILLI ASI TAT} £ CO., No. 10 Fourth
etre.4 newr Liberty. mot Ve.ler•l etreet. Alleuloo
Of, lihnuffrturors al Sheet 1... J, Lentlen Pilve,lipdiwata
t 5 Ater Clopete Sc., Pc.
Pereots• who here work to ph] In our lin, will doprell
nil. SA they may rely on beratur their wick ovrqtpd hr
goo], workmen. ..op as we Pumparneture oar men not.
pipe psi she... Plead we on offant 10 work at tenet low
no ally other eorP.l.lintament in either
Perm.. from the country who wish to rumbas. pipe
Po. ormrerins Prater Rom 'cringe • 1.1 Gm! It to, their ash
to gtre Y. • ran her.ore porehnsing loan tenon.'
h•nde, we•re Pb, only miaunarturors of Leaol sod
newt Loot In the ray. •
Oct.,. trom the country far Lewl 10p... Sheet toml nod
NOD.. • 111 metre prompt wrotiou.
• fer:2l,l
Cabinet Furniture MaIRIKLCULT9r,
Sin. 97 and 99 Third St. lia.hrila.
W. W. RESPECTFULLY informs hid
• Mend. sod curtemeo. that he has Jost ronnaaw
hor aliVk of Yuman., which thisety the
will oral 50.1 beet ever offered ft r ash. io IT. whirls will
ne sold atPrises aa lo• w any in the United elates. XASI .
or Warr A. tertolunl to uphold hi. stook, with
. I.l =n ' andT. ,` 2 l ll7,;
MlZritrePt fr.
If. h.... the pilot-Ink rAdmaltylna the mistru.
sem in.r....t• itli h. nen, in quality and One. .ad A..1,°
t rig:brad i rri . h t ts aatttchk, .:n r arr y bS p‘ ge o d f :4;
to order 'the followina articlot mostst .e part or Li...
rorttont, which. tor r chorea of style and Slack. cauma
M soy of the cuter.. rill,.
Lounr.Tll tete a tete slam.
AO Rohs in Plush and flair Cloth,
/.0 amen krahogeny (Moir,
Pt do Bohm{ do
Slahogouy Bolting Coale*
23 Walnut do
6 0 Utast:won, innr.r.
20 icalnot do
BO Marble top Centre Tab',
60 de Preening Bureaus.
100 l do Raelistnidn
4.1 oed do
100 Consooo do
21 Plain Drooping Boresure•
40 Mahn:mos Itedstemln
40 Walnut 'do 7
60 Cotter. do
DUO finneyAndporlar dtt
10 la Moot
10 F9ViTYlitlreinist
.70 Airing nod Breakikat
14: narrow, and Bookcase,
In boson Cane feat Morn
24 tame teat Rocklin, Chairs,
12 Ladles' Verillon Desks ,
L ist and Towel Aliakin., What NotO
Cott il''Chion; ;
I' h''
T !In I
Elsaa lAoke
Itoption do Ilall and Part dt
Pearlloal de Eknson
Dimino Tahlort
Usable std tun Cad!: °Unmoor.
Also. a bane Oreortment of Common Furniture and
Cabinet makers ouppllol with ankles In their line.
Steamboats sad Warta furnished at the gametal untie.
All orders promptly amended to mars ty
itt,V,1:14,71W -117gilr.figeg-,1;17';_).
• rreonammuled 15.00 pe4l3. •Rb ha, tli4el 14•4•.
(ft modern alyls, gnat varlet/ of Mtn., treautiNF
r ,eammeled.
A larue stock of all the kind UG s In one. Nairn Patent
ra . . Tirt.7 .
lath. grt, Crane', Kincaid% IVesara,
DOODLE PElltio 11.
The Iliehigan Double Maul, in a war patent Ptoonh.
tt at !ma taken the_premimn at tha Stair Fain of Onlo.
l'ennaylwania. New York, and at the An , i , naltural Pair of
Alleatieny Dismay, for 1461 It bee bean highly approrad
arbanorer tried, and la suparlor in male of eultiraUno to
any other kind, slatting the lure, Into two elle, and
baring a Irene, deep, and prrfeet owed bad.
11105 FENCING.
Elahr brantiliti deal.. of Ornamental /endue..
J 0. Parr'. Patent Chilled Also, Rolling Mill
Casting. Made to order.
errnics ND 011B.S.
Patent Kettle, fur !ARON
Soap. Pot Ae A h. Soda o nab. An
800 Alt KETTLES,
For the manufacture of Cane Sugar. The Hanle. are
cud on Mr menden patented by J. C. Parry. and n e ann..
nor tor durability to an, other. aridrold lower th an those
lands oo Ilia old plan.
Aprethar e s of every daseription. Store Pipe ilia Tin
Ware for mon, and Ch. Minna of every deerrioriou.
MON and NAILS, all of •111-h we offer et Me very lowe s t
.1. V. PA illtY 'a CO.
.New Dyeing Establishment,
twn , 211.62.
A,SABELLA ROW, near Federal etreeL, or•
melte th e ••Eiscnrst •Ileatier cob ft;
Lron ndUts . i nf o es P er:• • =e h isla t ireolVSW' fen.
tar Lialt,de„firallei..:l4.7de.rsx'rileerhorill;Z:;:rolC'ipaT.
•114 tho ra1022 reftOnwa r ao th e ir 2 k/111.2 ar , lasney, and tle•
Isbedequal toner. Gentlatonia Wrarlottersnal rata
-rat or drool without taloa tato. to laleeit. and wersoOted
not to rub ut or soil the tha, Moot oly el without row.
pr., varlet. or any other
liable to the
orb the
WO. Wo shall woks It our Aludy to glee the utitoiet
ettlefattion to Lhore llbo May etploy us. 2ntl 9.02
Dot 410.4111 g 11halt 1.1.211 m. Ivo ct - ,lse wlttoot further
aux, He Matt.. ourselves that—SA..lot the latest I.
prareconits In tale and Cho old tooutry—our n,rh 1.1114
nod• tor o
o ther Wee, ha Ms litues.
Motel/mote Uyed equal th caw tll
newt warranted, 411. us • fall, toeir our wort, and
fudge for 'outsets..
14. ft. wastiss to Inform Ids a. Dual. wbo m be b.. 1.1.1
the ad.o.ot eltfee , that hl. l ur Wks. uestlon hi now AU.I.•
SAMUEL KROESEN keepanonotantly on
han•l • goal mar.rtment of 15... b oral n.t. Tub.
oria. ...but. Oat Well. Knob.. or DM. DOrtett
tfoub.o Bawls, Churns, Dry Measure, 710, mai Cherry
Wash licents, and Mbar k Imhof ware In ole 111.. •
Masonic 1141. Vittbstrest.rillaburalr, Pt
Chester's - Emporium
IvatVIEN'S WEAR, embracingl, every article
needed fur a getab outfit. Workmanship war
not% teZ=.472;:ra""4"gg oukr:isa liboardiN
furnished with a romplets outfit at the shortest sob,.
C.4"ft. Bog
. I =, ° ?: e - st,z,.l,,:pi • . 2 .' l '
' 71 awnings sta.:near Dins,nl Aller.
• Hew Coach Faetory—Allegheny.
M. A. WHITE & CO. would re.
•Postflii/s inform the pulne Mel they hen
a 0,013 m aki ng Yederal and Anthony
arena, They are bow soil re propand to res-elm
~..=ulfe` e ,° l l=ll . gunV rehklee, Court
re of the above work s
tre fsobWin twrbvre itit ' 7haeo:r u fsel sonatina they en,
m.. tasid .rd=rk i . , ,tv i tz i, ississZ . resootisble terms wits
Paylg partioua ' s attenUou to the selscUou or materials.
otsad henuf none 'but competen =skim... %%haat=
ttliiircro ; ' traTuisrio%: "" tir. w•th ! "
If. B. Repairing dome hi the bast maser. and ou thsf
Una rilawambis Lerma halal
, ,
31 , 17 31: DIOBY begs to inform Ilia friends
eastootere, that he la reosirlac hi. Ant:maple
YAW. AND W/NTltit Gill()L/r, aniapredna sf
le fasteloosible, nail, sod' cunt, for Gentle.
Wit • over. It Wog utterly impossible to deecribe the
rariety and elegame of the etrle and patterne of hi. C4iie
tdmere• areillestillonc.or tbeitupsrlorouslitr of hi . Cloths,
the Irstor hopes that all who wish la parches. •or
= . 14 ILI:, wilibrer zitpx...ra LLetii4
amiable slack DV MAIM Ihe city,
ail of Which bill be aCirted qler very le..t Pr.c y ror
thr olock bet". Porcallog, 4111 coot With decd.;
de turgain.
Averf article In thslbdlarinitll.. node to at& n
mat lonable etyle at the abetted notice.
A drat rate ealwainau eraotoet taateellatelr. pelf
H. D. Xing,: Banker & Mango Broker,
FOURTH liTliKll7.
HIGHEST market price paid for A merican
11.1! Dollar.. Al.o . Ibr Alaskan .od Damnlab Dollar.
melon (laid. MOND. boned aadsold. restara
Earl:mum lot oak.
aziasze is niciaawn. COM, surit sorsa, ao.
irerciburaitowegosid.v.euo,,,,,,, ,
Mae and Dream collected wall of b-Ualea
Mae lectellt earl eaell ea ballettaT
IcHARD .1. C _ .
BOECKING Maauflictu
111, req. a Gilt
'k Moto. wad Look itor Glom
Frooro.—Oildioy, sot kind ik,r. to order...
Boot work, As.. Ito 30 et. Glair street, Pituborsi,
FRESCO, Hft n= OLM, Sign and 'Ornamental
Painter. end Jambi., hba4o Market Meat, between
haunt sod Third HA, Alttetrargh /lc
All rinds of Pelotlogre bar Churches. Rearm Le, lh use
ter.d oil retort. •Inbe In the newt wafer° arta: MM.-
pa! liritootyllalt, lieltalon of Wood. Melte* Mt
m B l ' lrt I hint , f. Atit ' ' l4 " o P et A n ft.eitt' L."‘".
Pat eburglarOraoker and
•OrnocesALE AND asTAI-L.).: .
No. 203 Liberty St.
kg R. SKINNER announcos to his custom,
jots and tbepublio. that be Maks TIFS.VTY TZARS
experiente la the bunions. togetber with' the Whammed.
&Wien. of hie Pconsir location Pantie him to lay, Mat
all orders with w Mob be mar be favored. .bale
be met on
the sagest terms, end with entire satisfaction. Me Crack
er. asal Onsfeetionary will be of every mktg. and mar ,
rooted free from all dale...tone en betarove. Ito bm Jurt
removed film Llanceek street. to hie present mood. • Pew
door. ..low Irvin street. anneleas
James R. Reed etc Co.
Blanufa . eturers of Tnzono
irraz, Surveyors' Compas
ses, Leveling and Grad
ing Instruments, d.e &e.,
No. 35 Smithfield 4reet.,
An assortment of itie
above named instnzments
always on band. .
Jewelry, &e. &e,
April 3, 1552,. m!
• Fituthur g h Fundry.
lop OLLMAN GARRISON haN4rmoved
P toilh; 7.7 = 1 4.-4° ° ." gzlr — bs: 1 4.
.ork,"ta /4171j0r1, tr., "rim Linibeimoilother trniehthery.
or rAtttal'''
AA they KM ret:in the wiiiehiloss 0
00d M01ggt,..:707,
derstilfrt'litZre brgintately attended to.
My lug *ewe latiel John Ilidionough with ye. the heel- ,
l ii ralarri..e mg:duel...lth the time of MAW AN.
A lillAllabt (I.I4IRISON.
Blanks Books ft/111 Stationery.
rIVE au
I:=9 beerlber respeatfully inform!' hie
—**7 -0 1onta bont anti s rrrr other &scoot. ot Job
7 21/.l s ;ar ' IV ib
rg - 1107g d a - D'l h ;•.
ou Nubs ta ts.oralstd "S
• a ny
J. IL wm.orti, booknoll, nod titattoner.'
martnt es Wool at., between Tbirtt and Fourth.
California Bread
ripRE subscriber is g p
and has
4.3 tri l ri r: 1.1;174 Vir t i i .
1g"111.7:V.173117=1.4"' J.AN1LY14171%.-4 to
.117 Liberty street
ER BA tS HUY aIT rad of Itniithhold! %MOW lb.
_4s■Ylna purrhaftdotto or W. IL Nesta'a Crane
: . :4 . 1 pant., lan savoured to EU onlersior C aeul rat
s,. l;lll;4lo . read at the shorten nonce.
and small Itultits= ''''''''''''' Dr"a. tarn
e r tt . .1.1.4 u supolieu 'with hard and sort
/Or tint. Xi' Confectionary on hand and road. to
order. J. nltlthilintli:
AP , BUTUNOT bus commenced to
•ILI wive • AID aeortthent of enting. • iht•ntett una
, enctelsting input of &tine., CletLti uusimen, Tenet+,
f' l 7n r teet C f, " ll 4nl; PrteVlTe:..."Zoistt"7/":"V.rn07...71.1!,1
Clod., Jeweler, to , whirl, ha tot tettll,lll
titre the ettentlon j/f 11eretn. A roller,
nuseG. IVoncl I..coer ot Ihmood
Philterburg Water Cure Estableduttent.
I th en
M N Philipsburg, ileuver County, Penns.,
a o the mouth of otwarLe the month
g 1N.., Creel', Use
1N n”lowl Irmo rittahurnh.
trt.ll3 Wheelint end 100 tem, eletelond. Tie Frontlet,
hu hail twenty yearn experl.ner not regular phyeltien,
Twelve of which 'he hog preetiond un,h, the tlydrathic
w"41.117., ,r.'l,l:7l,totlltrt.";;Z:grar,V,
fluent In.rmiulmd to torohh two 13 , 1,r, wredlni
" 1/1t. ' 141411111/ . At;114 . 11.
Itortsexter, 10,, Venter Countr, Wrong.
Just Received at Wm. DieVi,
No. 181 Liberty Street.
rirWENTY Pieeem of new atyle Cassimeree:
A aniclulld aft.ortneenl ..1 Valluao. mow, 01..4.
. TlT.ra ' cleTt ' i 7 1 '4'!! I, . , :' , :l•`„ l atTlLd,:i. 6... t.,
pl. hiv tr , eudc and ell. l olurr., that having accorml *he
arclclance of llr tiX(rltllf: All)1011. to the
:ailing tlrtnartaorut. ha Imp.. 4) to OA. 1., give catlxr
rati.facclou In all a I.c, favor him with cr.lera.utar.l
. . Copley's Pot Clay.
rr iIE: eubsenhera have alwaye on hand a
111. 1 , !, , , t , 1 yr 1:0! pay. tuannfactrLl..!,Y.:l.,Aih th'Z'Cl .
..... r 1,,l .1.14,, I , “,..j 4.11 .1 ,11 1. , 1 . .../ irr t..R . 110f
a1....c poll it La all at - aloof 1. all eLtahllainc./ critalataol.
careflally Proli ..I and put upie bary..l... Proportion. la
tha . 11.11 x ^—taro thin. Onplcra clay. and oar thing
tlernuu clay' or. ono 111 rd Copley', nue third (lc rman,
and Luc third pot.chcllc. taid Ltotc mad. of thla taalerinl
mclaro mar, and bolter tbcllc than Itloce uncle cart.-
alvoly of I.4.rakau clay.
.1. TCIit)ONAIiF Kit t CO. 24 wont at.
Marine, Firp,.and Inland Trarurportation
Insurance. ,
riniF. Insurance Company of North America,
t'rlslP4ilr 'rr.").
bWI4InQI and 113;1 r ;y al, In till. al IT :1:41 tlerlr%.l "
atir aM ' ar ,,,' :;7b ' ZST.To U al'hlr d I*.r.‘" ' " "
N aD a: au too
Arno; tt. CoVn, Pre'lt". 1 . . 0 0 1..
lionaurl IF. Jon,. Jahn It. Nell,
Naintsd Roth!, Richard D. Woml.
John A Brown, • Welyh,
liaat ue: . e.sesta. • Frahm. float
gal T r aTk L ;. • .
At/throne' Urorne-Amoae•il,
Jacob SI. Thom.,, Jam, N.,
ItartlaVinln, IL D. Itherrerd, Hee, ,
Tidal. Um/oldest Ittanranol Column, mthr Unit"' taat , ; r •
and trot, It. blala experience, &Mph, Moan,.
Mal Irroathaar all HAG of an extra tomardous character, It
too consatered 5 1 '11 1 %1217 or 3:;t:t&t,o. t47.2b11e.
is 24 •
N., ro
Fnt et.r..t
- --
Western InsurancdCompany of.Pittaburgh.
8300,000. E. am.LER,
Pr. - dent, F. M. Gordo., Rory.
4 u II Itemtr tnalnat all tiara of ri•ka. Pim mad Matta.:
brßoryomlamas will libmily:ttated and nrOMPly Pahl
:Lrenmnir,rt';dt; IZFLo"
tra " •=4 ". 2 l ., !!tre kr:W tilgr eke= 41L' .
J. iv : Awl, wit •
!barmen, nor. F^ott,A;ea. m o o . BI•ex:(h;42A.5/cy. 14,11a4k
OM, N 0.12 N at, .d.rert. (nstrehou.. of Pnatair • 00.
apaalipa, btlxlmr{l:.
//A NiaS,ll:ll,.
nEstoNEI) Andy for ills safer elusea of
sir prayer, t, an smote rapash omul L anorde
or ad, Imlay,. 40 polo t nt warty •ml
dation. to oty aml rountry merchant, and DA it," of
,diarlitn.„ and Waal./ or c A uurre
Branch Olt, N0../.4.aii,ithilal:ll;tl:,Tl'gra'trah
Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philaa'a.
k nice:MRS: Charles W. Bannker, (leo.
I.,ohard, Thoo:llart, alonlarai Lowog. Traria.
J.,=f:t2AE.ll:i.";-Z,lt'r.,,'T,!'"'""•l'''''' li.
(711ARLEtt BANCINEIt. dirnt.
Citaltel greratat.r.
Mb Company cannon. It mak/. Insurartreo., permanent
or limited. on «very domiptlon of Pn.perty
o r and
country. at tam as low an ennahttsot with anearity.
Th.. Company- hare rra,ral • loot
muting.. fund,
shirk with thin . Capital an.l Prenaluum, it:merle*
atlont ample proteenou the savored.
Th. itr.m.ts of the Comp., on Janoory tat, 1651, as Dab- toted myrreably to the Act of Ax...rnbly. were IF follow,
.ts fro
14.377 74
........ .....
$1.1.'17.. :0;7
Agora 11,eir Ineoemeation, perlail of 'A yrs 1,
R lk iln, are pall operant* of one Ntdbon Your Ilbudred Tiaolinaool•elt by Fire. the e o. rovl.l..or.,. of thy
adrantegemod 1 waran , e, ne en theirabolity an.l dis.
posetlota ,/, alert with Prompt:len. Ilobildlee.
epfd 11111fte.1 non., 1
of %I Y E 1
coNI end ornt.
Penn Mutual Life 113111 Ce Co.. Philatl'a.
.4 GENT 11,1 W.II. DAVIS,
11`4:1 6 . 1 . 0 .1.%",;-NZI! ,77 . b: 0 f r": 44; f.
Sclo.olualter • C. 0., Nog; Wood Oreet,•he ' ro all pore.
ayrTo l
suoloali,va. prompt.
trenelltA of a Irlst'srmigilnfg
rotaidently Ineeno.lnd.--
r %ttebu ' r ' olt. Jan. ;:t. 14f bfr.
Delaware lininal SafetsHinsnten eetlompi ,
( Feft•iitcNi,,:i...l2lL.T,ll, OF , ! 111}: EX-
Are;rl l 4:11,./,. end Other
Alf.rhr en. at tredlnnuni"' lanumJ n 4". . "" 2 ""
ala. Inure
and Fndg15t......./berion or tries, under oto,l Or rperlal
pßielos. al lho oosurod me)'
1.1.011. Tr. t . nstvituelo , ..—They ohm Insure Slereben.lbs
teutepoeted lI Wegoto.. ball mod rere, CAnal kootei as :d
pram /met, Lokro, lb.. nowt term..
C. I.elt.erift.leltKl It if
l i ratd V . ° Tr.‘ " ..t.ZitL "
Ploatt. 1111 oh Cram. tlo..,r,4e.nelrrill, 31,14. to 4
Cherie. Kelly, Jobb.ots, trot. Iles, I.r t.
Jobo (1011,',,, 11 fn. t, Jr. •
J lt Loon llan+,n, •Ilroart.l.2. AT ihrt.,1.4d...-0. T 311 41t0n, 1 11:4,1, Cralg,
Pre.4.lrul ' /1
dant. Joete, 4".
Air Orrice of Voint,any.
htlech. if A. 11 Abhll.A. ARPOL
• Nearly- all Now Open,
Irk . 4 tilt PIIY & I/ UHC if tilll..1) inform their
iv a ewatemero awl lithrortr a:anomaly, that thole reroot
early Perim( lithroluowo ~r lived.,, Ilivll/1 I . l w!ErnAlelle of
a rano er two) are nue etwn. owl {writ» thou. • orih 0110.
itorartaok le . tey full. &oil polo., so berotofitro, low hie
lb. lo•oot. rename twouactwatm lleisieko,lahl Will Omi
• renoral awnrlmout of trollahlt hrtaltill Octant , ouoh
aorlhoetitura. Pillow Caao Sl.lhno. TMllle. DI•oors. towel
-1164 de, mid Crania. ar. .
lioullootou will hail lb. boat orate of ' , rout% Cloth,, to
whirl, aura of our DMA im ~.1 .M. 64.4.010.—
Mon. Cowlmoroo owl block Pa lal
wn licallogs •
Lodi.. earl Lot impelled 'MID], Condo la great varlota.
w-looltital laour . tor.aent auEply an temp ...Moray
1 I.illl4_lto ra.. Moak Mika, data.`_, gore.. marl
Piro Proof Roofing.
orl IAitVING 4.• CO., sticeenitoret to James
Whlto . i CO, of Wiwohug. nianufneturoro . of Wa r .
ran'o imaroywl rfre mai itator mioreialtlon tit!, wiaboe
Cl. lofiaan their rrienini 10. Lull the public, of Picatiorrith
that !bey
t''.°;f .t.,l,l„'.'','.l":,!'.","trli'.n.tl2*;
work m e in givoreotirt_ tollwarturth
to ni l
who nory
(Iyr: h a ulerwh i trol . FTfir of cIP.,'"illi1:371,11,!•co",!:
4 . ' , 11;' , 1 , :i.AZ:;°:,,,t7 'CP.!" I"""l'}`,Vg.'7°..7l-,:tii,
.... IN odaratal lot tin or i befit Iron roof: It '' keepie . tnear
from ruarma.
•o rofer
lrille. r e wh o t,
L . : loving well known normal , i6 Loala•
ji cheerfully rrerwrotoralwit Also [metal
A choler. Pr.% of Loulayille Bank; • ,
Mespro. Ilufrinan.ll•l7 at Phoihr•
Ili r rt li l:lrth iL rri:P.W4. ' , I"
1' 3 " 1: ' ,.. 1K . r. .. r A
itobitown a Carey, ha,.. ' ,,t, ' i Pa', h r Ca.
A Li Pamela A lirta :William Oarylu . .l Co
Jacob flohlialn, ( * tzarina Pilreoll. . .
Web. A Tiktiller
.foLp II Trier,
IF CD 11 hip. a Co. Loon 4 'llllll.month • .
.44PP. ii. Onion left fir lb ., ;'.seat at Mr. Menthe's
Ottf4!.',ll;kl'.`,:"47`i'Tt I." r"D"Y."..'"4 "4
f 02.4.1103.
Sebond hand Pianos ror Bak.
A Illinooolar 5 1.2 Ootare Piano $9O
. In ex.
Xellent ° Nee
Lb . o . x . oni. ;1
"tTL:A lame Invoice (I xrirrLixos win h a rectieed
::nli-e7;4"..4.7,F,!''''. (66 the wlebcNrV
.• , Acnot H. MELLOR.
- 81 Wtexl elreet.
— taw - sool tt zlir locals
ADY FELDOIA, a now work by IF airy
t I=l°
vollttoo to tho admirers of tb! ! 111.1
ql. t
1! grit' ' . 7lb:Zget' :TATO; '144001P:
WANTED—fo provo property
1 74se i tgralttinte haw away 10 Jaya: wrladstaana
" .I ""Pr:tkrAik`,
12 " 1 • - •
.6Ta. 61 Water at.
/I.2way and White.aaber. raa do MR Irld."
Mt w. P. 1 1 1ARBILA1.1..
RATES or Discomrr. \
Wattions Play hos PO riventresh Pan., .
N. ROMPS & BONG, Bankers.
tv...6: Je.kast. a 5.... Iltof and itunlhdt.P.Arroh•
... -.....en: iyasoilloo-...k1i
thebanso. ,4 lhat of ti 0..... Brandt at Xnia...-. . . ... ....
11:2T iVeorlLe " ,- - 7
-Tar' t i'" H b anl. Y 3l " Vri tie ~..1;
~,1 1 - ----.
!an[Butt of North Amn.- Piliannialll..„o:' ..we
Hank ofNorth%Lirthatpariltraaktin hank....!. -- • ^ ON
of a y `
l Lafayette ank....... .11,
hank of hen Ton.hth-... Ohio Life loft& Truet 0,...
Beak of Mahal.] btatee 12 14 tem florPre Batik- .....
( ontweial Haab or P.-2. Darn of hlapilloo--..,--.10
Bannereil Xsebeedeelik pa Oman Note,. . . ..41!
4,,,,v, /12.---e--!...Par! N&W liiiil:ll.7D-1,-,
gi.itiat=dzr..- .. mootry._...i ....... •!.....!
ghouthwark Babk..:::-2pariltaltll4-.R LA" '
f!! !
eekTrefs in..
.....-.2. 0an0trzi......7.-.727X .. u
Balk .rOtttobenburnh Xfrileri "4""
Balk of O.K. o ountr..par " ' llllOlhlC - \ 'kg
Uhrul:rfltf.N.j:di;ZEZ`iiiii4 VI r u ajZ l Vi a''
11 . - 3 ., :111.1 — re . 7. - ..... 1 P . 8-I FI , - .---- :',
..., 0 , ,... r:::...::: _ m=r,r,,,,eP41,1V: ••
Etook of ltiddletenn X North Won&nr Bank-..... "
rTir/r7w htntrAka-ter.'"., 'B=Prrl ............ ..
Clio Ilan Dank..._.. -.
Colombia BO A 1..11b p i l e h of ht. of N. Candeta- • '
Vejtt t' l/a n tl..- '4 2-.. ...... . . i`47.:,,V, 1utk.1%,.4:,",14."'
hen hant........- ......... X ..011111 CalloLl NA. a
=noun.' Ilk of trucks 0 .-2.12h0f th. ht. of NUare.l.l2
r,tokfori ~ mita gae,'.•.-...---1
r tz? .. w .r.k.,,.., 1 i.,...,...ukarda,..... 2
!arutuvi.w..4Zin..lPir /top.. I.
4 IlaniOne Co ,
lio=reillrk-t:::-..... §7rtre't 71;itig ;* ) ;it - ati;.; 'I
12= tU10.21; ............................... ./
.. 2
thbl'er ittrllk,;(*Fait..;lll?".l keeflle=re.Pll4.lH.,
t r lt Z o =l:ll.l , l... ... NaZi!!,h:. ?LlAtihefll;tiThtrititn".
byrom . 1110(11 .441 .7 ..141 1 :41: Bk 1 . 4 . ark; .
York time X mr:.sot,ni.
ad1.1N0t..........., ..._. l e Mt 01 nialttl, ittent..--1.
tOhio ...tee& ........ • . 41itat. Ltd., I.
i s 1 4 !,,,,,,en.,._ to
il " t
A kr`.1._...,. ~ i t, s'" v{lN.','A di!. . **' Z ' i
Inane, , ll . l Ilgit i teml ..
di ! . klinite .1.41Lri.W3.,,!7, ebk.ll
U r
at Vier/Ili. - ** :!1!. l'ar....te 1 1. , 14,4a.,. Ifiter I, A.]
hnorb at Tole. hrovernment :tort 14 .1.... , 01
Ilartth at. Pa 7141- .......... .do l'oula.let
.1 4 .i.t..,. .... .1
ttßranch at IN...rare .... do,luenntunt.oi /ln v. . i
1151raorlt a: ttazb . tte .... tptat..llaat . t .......... ....... :..
alt tli S..l: , it . .„. anilik I'll NAroer. AN'. •DicA
liHnstob at d . - en hank 011.1. , i , .. Ileivut t !
nte " h ij an; kr l' iltoal --- .:1:1:'',t: li ' l k lt!!2 . `" ;1 1 .. 1 • , .)tly.t 1 1
Ilt.snen at enluatlnta. ....,10 * E . Awri:ii, t still& !oh
Ilranett at it at.thaeten .-. J. on New YAW ten.) .... \,, ic I
illlnneh at 4. nlis ... ..........J.. on Phll.l.lplits.h. .. .!!,
f : .:P. 114 i . ef.i!% . .111._. - . 34 V. 1,111! .7.,Z , :1cii4g,.. 1 ,:::• . ,. 1
trStuntneti at Mt I .r , „,... . .... , Icitiettillut..... ... . ..... .N.
it . tr krall:i.lo ............ ~. 1 / 2 ,
IlLtnea :1 . Ai:tita.j.: .....
tr l4 l/ " ..4 . 6 . iDt. P riel: ... I:0
g n t , t. , 4 3 1.rni la - .. • 4•0.thi,.... oo.nt.h ..1."
iiefr! .1 ', ri d ..., .. ;;;,, - t - ;', -;',.° ~ '',,'' . 1.w1).
„_cb.f.i.....,i11y . . ri, ..'l'l.l'ill... ;IOW:. .:"..., .. ".. .a.)
ht 2 11. •I' h01•t..1 ! • i . e. - •
il::;11 : 11 '1;1 0 .- tl
' 'f4:Tlill:.r , " ' s- • '
.. ,‘ ... ..,,
11;:0It at hornerholt. -.th00nin.... : - ... 1`.., • V 2?
2 11 1 1. /tris . • 31f ,- .7.74v.P.i, . - - ••,- t,
_•o *
Orwell at 11.111.424. •.. Sancho.. ~ • ' ` l_ .
„.. 1.,
Unmet!. Oaf .Inen- a u tell/41,1.1 . ..‘ ...... •••.... 2.1.5
Brute? .1 T.1..i0-....- a,
I :4 T uILTLD FOR TI41: •i
4. Wit.KINS &
• rtrexemht. Aptil IS. i
110kr..1 tr.'
... •
I 10t.Y. , 1.. An ;
P. h auin
• M..
.- Int. /N.L. At ,
AM'. Co. I I ut—q,
Dv coup. Co.ncr: too'
Wt., \I,
1..11, 2'.. *
.„.! Lo tr 65)...,>
PritatlZ`"”'(4 "
llt . 'Aeghoor
•Nsvima l4r
+ . 11117,17:....,.. 28 : 2,-..: -- f.;l.:lVg
at. Clair m. nriace.._.._._' ',:, i. • .
,il,r . • i 50a 1.
r "a it ' r f i; tit11ti;:z . ...:......z.... 2 . ; - 'Div. •is ,v.
rililLuipurt rix. ..... .... 5 TS i
P Itlsb's Life Insoranp. 7 l .
"'"'"''' li,tlr'art* Co..
t.n.. , ..1 , 1 . ~.
ear ilaslll.e.; i.'ti. ' -1 4 j c i ''
ii 070710,0,1 #lo ,, zolsn's 13; - ..1 ;iv, 6 \ \
PILL' hlfifgli'," Is, , ! 0
eitutur F b, a La1.,116! iZ. il i ii. Dl'''4' :j \ g or
itoi:•••';;;;;;;ii.::::::::::::.; tf,' ~ : D. " ,''' ?.•=..\
Lilt .4.. 0 600,6•00,00 il I ' ' \
PlttaborXti %mks -. i 6 ., 06 ~. ~ 11,0 , ,
M061001,10, 10 " f1ae10 . a.6 . ,' 60 f ,' . l. .. •'- ... • P' ..
Youob,rolle.,Y e U , .....t , , I. iis \
ii,6r,,,,,,,,v,6,01,11.•A1iti1i 66
. .!4 44 41 ! \ '''',
Bolt. a I. , hk , 11011 1 . 0006.61 '(% -4, 4 30 \
clooolond 2 Woll.'llo ILI. 6., ai ' ',.. •
r..,,i It. wy• P' , "'"iloo 1 . 4 1 ,,:,,, D 6 l .\
P._aret i l . .n . o ..4n.,.. ..... ~ IN i . .. :0,
g6.1k,.' Ultl4.!,gg.)7lr(lr 11 „t ..1 .
Turtle 16.00 k 4 • 10101, 1.01, 2:, - Ito * l ., ••
Aller. A l'erryoolllo I , k ft.i, lr, ....,,' ...,,
areellsb¢. TOrtly , ll , .. 1;61 16. T.:. `;-• .• ,
3.11n0.0tm. ....
t Y gt. k . ........
North ‘l'...ttetitt
Iron ells.- -
OhiOhiolrle Itolvd
o I.ln ......
tittentun• ..
• lioughtoo—....
u gr o 12 u r. o .
Nolroular ...........
No. SO li - ri, , ei. t ey'ot , . ''' • '
is now rpeeivipg . Lis S4piingStockof mods.
. 1 . 47 :. 714 4 " .f.t.q.!f r Vg . ..:A, I ,Cl i i "A ,'" ''' k ' 1".4
Al, Fr.nrli and tirrtnaul,,k Int, C. , ,aajn”......raoj a h
an 4 Atarti,„ .1, with all Ow ritr:rly wt allad,..inenitut
Pa'ti.rl; V;Pr..:%.“Anilk l 'ettlnt , ,, • lVAite t an.l lAA tlbr \ , , .'
.illet do
en•at Tae..le or`eutn r llnc .. .dt r It .
.t.l.Trltr 'II I ' '‘,. . , , Ole „ n
11. i....7.:'01..1.701,1, 0,,.•t \ •
Wlncti arnairirle to rtler I. 0n...0f 1111. tinaletrvrirn'e.l
boo.. or Awn\ Vrra I hat, ...le arn.n,itudenln to ILLOIL
• fOnstant .upnlr nn Lam!. ' \
1 ; 13 . , !... 0 .A.At. 1... re northasnl. Ar ra•lt,, anq will 4
hat \
. rj . '.1. - 't,._ rn:•
—.. \ --122"-11..TT
, C
era Coal Company. ,
'rill F.: stoekh, bter3 (1' 11.., l'lutt tieill 'Coal
!.....(::;°.:n1,,,•z-,..L',701;',.:,r V,•••*,"'.t.t;;;.:Jl.Viiir
.',2'.1.1,7,'.1:;`::M,h::2f5h•-•,\p".l:i4XlL""l' T'''"i!''‘i
ot I.e.k lit tlnr alttrnonu:r'rAT.j.yr4s.,,ri„:%::,::,:t.l.,...
Coal Ifarlor. A 6 . .61 1, I,l2— at , Alnattico-ZAT 7. \
I4E r. A , illlit itl l ai.t.: \ ittlpitllreti patoni. kad pipe' s '
1, \
' \
1... p, \
I, \ \
, t
414 111.41a-1,—;i..,'.—.\ 1,... ..
N.:, \,
j 4puii, r
IfOAl4si..nd,tbetnrr4'l;r•a laAA,t .11'
~,, , \' LAN4NI;tIt.iIItLU) ' t
Associate FirOmanii.;4auiance Com_
6)(i tillAßES‘if ti0i,,,,t0t..k of thin Clortipti6,,
' 4A-F " "!'''' IS I." \'' " " qi'•';•;r l '7`lf j .i. rr V" x '
anll,:latl . ...itur it.,l, rtt.,t721 , 11.11 iViaktrl L e.
Savimill Run and l i nilliiiburg Plank toail
A lr It ineuiirig of he etithinietiion'erx I:iii.`,.
4-1. p010...a o q an Art .de 11 , .. 1 1 , A1 4 .1atotra`,. In arraula.•
!ItTn'. rtrOn'a‘;triZ;',PttortrLtil':l'.' 1.111r,,,.„..\A1Ct.'7&nt7:ry.7A.74,ja,"
Inahura, Inn rilt , CAnntelorld at 11,,rit, I,:barlarrlllotel.
In hit...1.41,0,0U HatUtdat.,. Mx Al 111,1.2 ,a , untlerrtintd
Zrl Tlit h A r VlTt 7 .:b l tZ . :% " •(ll?';ll ' S ' fi 1 .: . 41 ' 1 1 . 1 4.7'! "' 4 7 . ' . b.
ant7l' .:IV7l'4..tt7lll:i.'l:,;:,,4lVtlot>'ltafdn,viit.
P''''. l
' ' hi ' h Y" . '''
TI/ A 4 •'l'L.g: Iltl°:;'Ai.:l,,Lt,,,, ".,;:.;.', U:Torqii, R .,: '. 4 ' l;;l r
Al rhour.lnon. nu 1111 4.10,111nc luth`ot Itlay,`Ardl row,
"6.4Vlnnilllgt';;..\T,64l, iAti n\r,)lar. \A\,\l'...l,`it.
"'ll ; l‘ tLll: r enter. 4.?" '
\ \ \ ':`, . \\• '`,„ •, .'
410. Wont, trilot elndnalt ' ' \ '
.:I n ct:Nn ' tt " '„ ' X. V' r , ;0„....,,,„. \\ ~
~,,,,. !.,, ,,, i7 r 1 . ,..4.,..,...,r, , \ l \ L^ , , 3 k, .'-__ • 2
' - Riina - v4 - \\ ',,----- \ • '
• 4,lep
NO., 283, unwary sTKEFt. \
Nearly Ontlesite 14.1 Spread .1:6,9 \ 1(
,TarrrlN' \.
• REES B. Jvhrzs. \ - \
Mode of Toba&o, touff aed V•sitra.
To coo a Seimn raid Co nommloslon. Rol,tl
toTi.ifir:Kellikelley's Female Beim_
Q.EVEN'fiI Session,,,connnences IVOI
~tA hr. Knnel6T in IN,r‘eo,Ntiln*Agiggroti
71,:oro l o:go of 1...nan0 Pupil* t + onaltool to \ \
1 , 121.1 PLO orlstov 0r,,T1147(Tr two ! \
slom‘l, and tuillots
.. , .....
/ Yn h 1 •
op,stid. painting.. ..... . ......... ..... • .....
bm.11....1411,4 mid
......... 5,00
Rcreassera-A. 11.'earlIng infJ. irk Nttg,
Q FL WICKERSHAM ‘oorttir, of Wood
~..."? T d"a ,' ft tal ;.. VA e I 1 %V: Vi id !Wr il l e " 2 ' 4 " '7,1 4 7 4 ,
int.V. he ' rolehte ao4 wre Monet 15'nelen• Mesa aw4 , l ol,;;
PVT/ le. 7. :t. l MTPPNl.L . 7:l:,:kligf.jorf 1 :11 " :1 T.
OrePdle. Beed• MA Anvjeoltural Intioinpante opt ,o a et
Wonted M. 0., alwase C. band• , \ \ ,
tonotrp Stoma and Ph, gives. w4l alway• findtat b.
altablisholetie fresh on 4 weaduteerated Alabeine..\‘. eh
have been ilelertel with great naveOttal ea. bkv , thlk
ket, All purtharwoi are lovlte4 to exertion the aback+.
IlierVlll nad It aqa? to, 74 en:IN-avian ae, giant • v
tr aa env other In k/n wen. \ \ fel
Hhaaj a\ large lot of atilt,
8,00" Liar....., 0302tarla,
l s,ow PheetA sz4 tills. for salo4J..' •
••• I,lll42.Tbird
Ding Store Foil3ale.
AN OLD 'E.VAIILISIIED \grogg; r do;
goad retail basinas., ti,. Berilway
ten. and
W ennieckhr• .+1 J. Kldd - A
..' *Mg. A" 0,"1. atant.
)AS&-/5017.;11. B.l4l.tri e
\ • \ 2/SegilleCkparrr
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.Crtemboot Vspinair rr tha ittahara otwit.,D r ,
Xeoachtntse.) . ' ' ''s
, During' a itioleyear, \Tborwaldien 'was fiat
tered, tang and'rovered with benedictions.
\pen he again departed, tie had sus eamitt like
s a lting. He paseed through Berlin, Dresden,
Wires'', and Vierka, °eery where received filth
eaftiesiasm Ind lades With lute of disiimettins.
On file return to his istelierin °me, ha modeled
hie great and imposinkststue of Bopernis ,
then tile figure of ChritKullbetu , lee %pa t o *
s whici, 'at precept, ado the an ' o l' 6 Prls
inkirk at Copenhagen. Th . " Ho it people;
eith its inboirn ladle for sr/shell "aiming 4
tit Dablehecullitor with admirstlon.- 4 one of,
he brilliant, 'Worts, the iMpittleisatrit4Rosa
\ ‘....
4,1 ati
Tad ei called hlm the ohildof Ostdf '.FHdio - Pio.
'The pgutifical government eontged ko MM:-40
him a 'protestant artist, the • eiceittnin i of
menumint Of Bias 'VI ( ., ~s tatii., 'when king
Loins of \ Bavaria hyrited in Rome;Vlerm Thar
wablsen mltotc he first went to see. \'. '', I. , \
Earichetr,by the product of his is:4i, suirA
rounded 14101 the esjoyinetits Of Hipury , and
those Which 'were the\ natural . Situate \': \ Xit , ,so , .
iety justly appreciating his, geniis', `Therioild
sot, ttereeteleett 4elarmlned to go. bank to e. !k --
.pet g i neu. Theis he trlshed; - wheo his ilme,
should come to el hi .e
death. He
left It poor Mk freckhe betartied-tolt surround
ed by)he hail of ' fame iltd fit Slane, yet; \ sail,
free. ~ hlore then 'peas, tlie. mosbrilliant p u t
nacos had bees °fore& to him Itat'he had t
thee] nelde; ii older tit do to .bliattelf, own
nervedly, , ito his darting art. Hnireser t into
had. found. Its wep to his heart\ \He had ,
known the joys of poise/I'y end \he l . behind
him, 'in itome, i'dmigliken to wham he 6,1•0 hie
\ Tborwaldscelad , ll tender and e\no passionate
Rout. There aro many little \hacitletle\reonsiled
of \ him, which pro ve , bit
,enerosity. Atr:pui?
othe}x, the fellewing ix tad; \ A T.oor \ Dant
ertimin who had long been lil, \came, onedey,
th3l,kltin,t for ear enrol& 'thief,' he had betow\
ed. am/ to announce his intended tlepartni* for
Denmark: ,
“Tott n?t, certainly not going on oat?" 'Sit
,Thorsieltit re
..fee, I cannot do Otherwisi" •
\ t•Out you tte, rain, De, ',feat to Untlergh ouch
faligue." Then placing in his polm a hand(al of
scot: "licit.," he suit ''hire a horse." \ ' '
The workmen. 'having counted the num, Mid
thilerim a
than Plorreco llst theft. ivar tint enough to tote him ter
.. 1, ,
.Iy,,m" replied Therwahlsen, 'anode', as he'
reopened \ids secretary, ' , bow much will carry
i on or.infek,i;bly to Denmark?"
flit \arti.ha c, , lculated the necemail amount,
nd Th,mattlik.rti poured,thorequisite'tikecento
is be , i ' q , 6, \I neo , lmOinirti him as \far \no
x .1::,,,,,, exottillg, on 'the way, a promise:
tm the inclutan, that he would intent by con
nerally'`Thoetrabicen t tilted hut:tittle. \ It •
\ sly in the scooted efrele,nr 01 , 00.1 in
, t . 11.1l he. gave himself op to the free M.
, 13iint Of LlR\ChAraellerolli. 1 . 1 1 ,00 . he
linko forits . ‘kato xingular sallies of
too day, \ lin had a dincnintion with a ,
leap, very arrogantly, befalling of
“Ifellm!" exclaimed Thorwal.l
-V•erMS'and toe a wager; 11l carve
wee,t.l %
why ~e. b.
s livelv , t.
\ \
1, incr. \ , e,
me !pine L.
hit au wer
or 11;.. L tif. U 1). il
, the nt ritle tht t
will wi your
The c iebre
\pi, a e. tie
tineenpurt titSe ,
`Bliing with in
sulis k aiiption
purpeee of foul,
treeetires of kl
ehoubl'lear hi
kind° this
' , t he p signatur eoor et pee l
gshort ti,
erlri., $69,b,,
thepoond 'and s
ler,lBoB, a . (g t
hoarie s t° eeck`fh
and to hear hide,
tined home. , t
, poet, Anderson, , 1
at seen the Not
s peered that „y
vgry etreake bl
might have thou
waldeen were co
nificeeme of their
and alive the ern
Tha,3,t:oh f.
spire of . t., Niche
e ;e
tents of ohm
.t. 7e ~ whichb d y woos
re/ielegituree s forth ~.
Orkoo - ce thundered, the ves sels Wertidecka,
out with fop, 6LP : seem's covered i'll %throng
cf . ehe op°, orethiajeutier as if tone e \ great
, feetivel. Here, wkro seen. the stud is - ,with '
emblems 'a bannerei;..seltere. , cirowds 9 , yeitog
Women, waving , theic.handkerchiefer, ne'allinet
wooseen - le ring the vitwel'e aide and .corgnein
ing s Telorival en• to the shore. Criee.of delighe,\ I
'has,. and - ha jabs resouleded from &rand neer.
The Peepleeletkohenl the thirst?s from the !car:
isms of, their eleven! ario; \ aid \ drew' bier
t entoeliee, to t o Palace ,Ifjtharbottenborg,
aera his , nielier as decorated \ - willi s fitment
will\ gulling. of rgrern. I'c, s elim ' , reting,
beideeof musicians me to einrifAcnia set lle his
windows, and`thestr ,is were illinettenNerith
dominglorchrs. -. • le,„-\,\ I\
Entertsiemeet enceeed d entertainhiS a re ~t, e ,
eon time,2l s t was the Aasd yof IllttiietMeltlbr -
dog the tt , k.trio of 'the 'Ten ned Hanit4 . i t)) stn s .\
other the tedeeto s eigthlis a his not:iii elan s
,te no honornry membership c their elubV.N\ ku,
H' , Thorweldsee N in his' , ,tnodest could mil •
ove. that be ti the sole object tall this tster , *
e gg. ,, Ono eve Mg he was Miss lig throngkin
street illuminat rt \ in his \hector. 'ii".9o • greq •
:I \
wedding is going tt tbe,re,". said h l / 4 for he rar,
collect te s tiest it is Hi custom , in Hen ark, thus
to Nab up the Jwel 4 i s a couple s 11..ti0 llovo
just lice married. \ ,'. \ ti , 1
Closet ibe loughirt \i , nlet of, I'realiejt. there
, . ,
rises, in ilte'millst of a mak \ enclosure *oXiircr•
duce, (ho priy villa of 'yew, inhahitsd.. \by a
tuna of gene. 'as Licari neitl. ioftan . Cultiveged
mind,xbe Ike p\Stempo. \ ll\wea thither, !get
t.Thoiwnitleee reHred after theNtlist orailoth b‘
receired, and hNendered trieus\by l t e ew ,
,works ' th e hospi blo, abode bleb had en
'thrown onen to him \The Herne et Stung de
isted herself to hi with &specie of,glis its
eideity, nal by here Smut attache e and ti •
eoursgement„, kept up the activity 9( her -
tiugiiinhed guest ‘Lori ,an excureiap irh is
bet took to, the 'blind o Noe,' CO atelier . r
prepared for bine to ,(ho g den of 4.°'. F b M''•
,Thorweld eel there t .cie sited
1 4\
t .%,
hie lout conipoeitionr, "Chris thrthyltie'C ...,."
.The Etsirunce, Mtn ',fermate, ,t'vami
~!Rib ca,
of ate Fountaiu.." Ile (death s, retreat, . 8
hiaowteettiet,t tluit of - tiro 'putt .klentichlec e
(bet of Heiberg, nett 'those of , th itobbs, &telly
which woo extending to him'stich •In and orn
t s : Ilewever, tresh,pitgennteeceta.cosertuntly
collinghim to Copenhagen, and he oftetteho
1 bimeelfle • th e theatre, , Ileated t•redde\LFh ,
I ichhegen., Age bad given Blot en aspBot\uf, 1
\peeing beauty- ••Ilia ftinee and \ count
\ nays the Poet Heiberg. '•htid all thittpleatict a
inhter of out" of his own admimble atatth
\ IF em he woe \ phasing , througy a Wrong, A a,
eddied before hint 11.13 if by th e tothenee,Oks m
ell Chi:tingling power." . ~, \.. '.. ,
Ifierretiocconient .genins weiallied tees to
tieuetia and sweetened, -which cliarmatin s e r;
lone. \ Club Jay Ids atelier, in CePealtagett,, ,
- Riled 1801v/6 , 40h. 'At :hem he ceilikworkig
`le irt 1841 i s ho made a Mph. trip,to Ithly. • P
ihe \I-Itamih4amily, visithis • Berlin, -Dre
Frardifort,'lthielch, and the edge; of thti:ftbgne,
and was everjethete reached in triumph; i
n 'After. • paisinethe winter In Rope, be reiuku
,ed to.Dimitatk, And again withdrew bilds bhp,
py, tiree et, Nyv:,e. . Ile there .mitopioredlhis
ftee,blis-re iefrepreoeutieg the." Joys of Coi f
,goas in Jfeeric,"anda ..Thu Oeniu o fterwards, f.
.poov,!' , which he, gave ta Ciblenechicger, e
marking:. "This ieyonr , medslelon."..
Was there that the le
M 1
IS li Ji~i
i u n • ,4,4
G 1 1!::
it in_ were that the last aseirersao, of tin
jbirth,.Which be Ilzfl to see, was celebrated by
ah / , repieseetatio of one 'of tiolberg's go a
'diep. in ea orniorparty, consisting of,a,ei IN
of distinguished rorri. do the morning, An t
een\ e`od some other friends coins to closet, is
doOet‘Thrirrialdsen, ieaeing from his chant i,
in ell re tit' onee. began to eing and . .4 'de
glestont•ritntheni. \ \
Ai "dth of March Ikl4 a few 'Olds a t
latimatihitetiunintances were ksaembied Rio nti
hien, in din .boose of M. Nampa, aCeope a .
gen{ ThatWiddien eibibited.'utiyinial gap of
manner, Contareed with, TOricity, related I .
kinds of sn4dittes, and sinike \with dale!, of
thoCrip be latkadoil to take, ere f o n, , to 1 7 •
On that' OTelli*lko , "GriteidiSOr.. 01110 ' hf
151unobbilloght0tR.) w A s t i, f i e p h v o f tio
Ed.:, rime. \ .Thdesrekoisen haCaot topoh cc As
for tragedy.' What him, batter wise° e:.`
4y, ludo mote than; Man e
outline en
egwedien af Il i elbe.ri k \ 'B e et this. piece of \fl In
.. .bi...i .- bocci gre•t'y einliksad ho * s l e d to ...
i,. '‘
InenU. air- enicink Ikkilipearel *lone ji• •
tre,•ntl went " to bleinnial plate, Men if .
dterwanci there enteral thlafitestde an he p -
,pkittlit the l ona7 - took.ftwecat''.Whilt tne.b 4
van jliAnk'tte eieitinie;hstit" iliiitilitaKb ad'
and contained mptionlese. \ Tilkni• Wato ~ were ,
, \ ,
Pri :isßiJal4l\GAZETt
SI. , Trifitr' HSU.,
yrt r '-" Ilt-t-3 ,bbli. iee!cl Oita dal, t
V 1 1 717-1, L.. `rA.t!‘i and' fo'r anti by
JIM il4 ' ..,. , • O/INSTON . i COLLINS. '
41111§XSE.--14'11.,ILSS: .\
\ I—I k \ t '.\', rr4 r C VsrS ' AV:;,..iad \
4SLO'IsaS74.I,s japIT,IMOLI,NION_S:I_S)!..._IIIB,..,
A ''A ',' 141815i.itsk CT \ :ial -- 12 . n ' ilaat tins Elan) ,
‘.1,1, I®gis isors,flanry:sq.:llsPlo DrlrdOngdn,
i r4Villim ß en=low. 411 LIA Lli,r2f.'24k,f: -
Loh___ .. ..S aun . 11 . _!! 7 ,Lte1:!.,.._,
illatftifY .iy p ittlf.M.l... ,.. LL,i4y . s i tt / I .
~ . .
.. 071 sA4ONNa. 7 . ,2__.„\_.,,- V.. ~.:... 11\41111:,.. • ' \
:i yij-?i,Tedffirper W4o4,Blindit r . , \ - . \
, ' ,sr reat'd,'lroat l'hitilalAin, a rely ex•\
( livlve. slortMest crlWI t ssloi lVA SI S:f 1 NS91 1111 1 11 1:.' \..
';. '".\"F'"*'.l., r''.db'V7I'4tAIMI.SIEII.
liV,it, NEti ~ Iniirlf„ ” .)%kt;,,,,
A. : . ~„,„AT _ _., . ~...,A, “ ,,_ \
,\ tilt jolna,- bbla in stoic4or'satotr . \
\ : . ' "'K2°
4 W.
...... ~...„......_._._-___
•IitiSPIIATN \LI 14-509b5.. rekdVqr
r . _ \ ral;, br . ' .%.1411 , 1 ' - .,:. , _..4LR1D0 4 rAM, \ ,
. /1 • I , Tt OIL 4 sada° tor
VaiA;ltitl4TPS--tt"(X)Qltqt a . ,..11,La:gt f.t.C.,, ,
• iiig,'
11. ).wt.,
pAPER-4lato t ,
atimr . 0004 i, irra)
, b rio"
Mai \
ILA bitT 1;1E14 ArAwarte !CO.
i~it—is . tuyoes : for sae 6* • z • • \
at. , • mower& \ \
RisoNiv..pwwv.iwkorno \
' ar.ora op air b 4 ; 4ll.ftfilif t T!A
lArm - --2wwto-dowooti a l
:yla Ifjry f.yr2l RIMY. WATT . WI)
fIAGSr.BAOSII,-; t oooll =Mleilf , BNP
xs\t .in "ittint7)44.4Ved.ittid kre bY \
(10-417,:khdia. intim° A".oo4jiir
z. pfrrs23.. Assbeeprier..o al.
\ ,
Waft rat \
jnear hini., thonght that ha had fainted. '
bor. hint out °Utile box • ile was dead! Th•y
Thle fatal - neve spread throughout ty
, like lightning. and voinudoned tie matt Pr o m unt;
hisituation: 'Aim diewsetieg his body, it was
hiludt:eat:i"wis.tWhadd% ezPniab.iaermiar"Hith.
ehePiet CA hie heed; be looked Ware beautiful
yaw. or leav e . • \
ilia carNe was exhibited ilk the groat halt of
hereecidens It weije • thia',ll, that, fifty
Y htifortslie ' hid received e drst reward
~r.o fr ih m ei s l lu ithi ya r. - plieed ,On ' the hi= dis o y
l e f f 1 ' hin th eral. e.oolu til l
than, camethe ritembereAohthe. y, thus
the unlversik!, 'lndents, then the oh of the
, ached! and *Multitude of allilaises eistietT.
By e.•spontattiotis ' impels., ever Plaid Put
on mentaing, both Ibliiee who fOotied - • pro
cession and: thoic'esho, front '' hei r't ' owe,
turd holm upon\ it„ as it - Med \ threw the
bu l z
streets. .i..,. \ \ \ \ .1'... •,- '''
Thh coffin Was covered ieith`mwhicide of do -'.'
.ere end mean one Wreathed by \the‘hands
the ththeeil another Wringlit in ail*. This\
vie the offellot a the ' echeo"..children- \ When '
Xhe oortegeentered the. cher* where, tra eke.
addle' of sable 'deaneries; When* with saihkrie t. :.
'aloe° the statute, of \Christ , alatt' Of the. pqp- ": -ci,
Apitattie, the o roheetrneoutsied a hissers' M . .. .i . .f"- -
, the 414 qaiwed, hie met and \ lregifirthilelint :: •
the:dopy' ;0 12160&&the / 1112 0 2 i0tle•dia., . The ino.\ -
'.wan moaned. the assembled r oultltodt4ipeatedA' ' :
iiaccents of eorrow , the weillag Vern, • Mhtister 1'
'o 6 Sonneeel the fenirSd Nis* then the sO4otibt: \ \
grainpedrcle arTid thesatafsloue, Aut. \
edAferewell lament... .., ., . , .
7111421 ended. ,the glorious `• deer of Albeit ' .
Thortriaideen. -Fortune`lad - haled'he task. \
upon hies. Great noblemen w p r ou d to est,
Lim isi & eli&eli saloons. Thoii;people;aware that \ ,
he had hem horn in thPir'rhhhet e , i i ta in hi. '-'• • \
renown, lulls tinceese, and looked upo ‘ Wei as -',' • •''
ono \elicited '.of God. Even afflut,.bis delktlt, he .1 -.
seemed still fe have the power t7rvethe un- ' N
lortunitc- Goble Po
of theAlyboder,sw:
hurb, who rem elaberesl thet his fa Thad with- • .
ed for vessels like theirs, wrote dow \the dame ,
thin e go, his Lir* end, his death, 1 Mae cons \
'Within, vis : 74, /9, 94,' played thMS let he 1,
i s tery and won. \ `,. -..-,.... .
.*,....„. •
t l.
dwrom.o,ltennionterhke,a t i b bo ne . s t e of ol .x. T . h . ortrilds_ ,,.. ev, tee \: 1.,
'cited unanimeue regrea, 'unite'
colehr ed,tor Lilo is mein- e
Place hkseicapiedin the thipsre
when hellhole& hie lost breach;
crape and troierc,f with breaches
On the very eve of his design
the centre of\ Ids 'mtutein had '1
eccordence with, lie own. twin
Could have no finer 'monobtent: t
. 1 M -4 leelf, whlclak clam's!! hi
//eiteeforth, stransere Who \visit
not be attracted by t e . fresh
woodtt . end the langhiu\aspcs.
alone. ', They will desire to behold .
and the ‘ 1) , toaneolenin of \ Th rweltlean they, ..
In tehia.
Ilit,":01:1114to*cett the
lyhTi,"::.,l,,`,l,4";triretc.. ,N, „
414 ho perpetuated; In EsSlandAthis stat a .. ;\ •
of, aeon anclltyron; in Stritsitlie by the co .
e,hattion oflinuerne; tit
. Rove by:
statu of Chrisiten IV. Ile ;sill snrilve the , s,. . ,
heSrts of all whom -
the besides 'of s er a - ca n . \.\,
Oita n and Now York Pun* \ ,,1 ' \• \ -'.,"
1: i
rii-1 ft , BObioriber le nowLrooeiving !‘ll of-. • \ \ V, \
~ ,s Nv Aa. . ..7 ler , . 666 •Utrelielli ..nose 01 \ . ; A
P arifia.' fro. 14,1;tioat rolobtatiaa resaufw.wies efts* \ '.. , '', )
ton "'T''',704'itr..b.,„..,,i.......,. . \ --. %
2 bro.•a XI V tit It) lc Toarareoriraau t i i. tumid ,11 Mash . , \
....$ ;41.2,!• . -21 T , = , ..,"' Pr .'e11r , " , :.';`11.u. g 'i.0 4 ,-. lq. \ s.,
.. , i1.4 . .',.'1 . " 9 "" , \ \d,.. \_. Uri \ . .d • ' \ : do: ' • •‘' , \ \
sot t•ate 6N, ort . •\ 10 Irian Colicirralef Riolt,Atsolumat,
\ 'tatters** A LLIIrd \F , mcianoDOirox eurie- \ ' `..
I oh; cared ', ao blairuirl eertor, alir A t zolauldlui.)0•10 •,, • ,
itai It ilii•Uet lr \ 7.... \
Putoe, , 1 . ,,:. '&, • `. \ . - \
1 6 Wor t
6 ou nr ore,
ritipials agouti &sato &
~, ,
2 6 no \ faun:: corner. gOtlik Want
,S 01(60 \ ei,eieri arid tattier& \ & A, - ,
'I thy, doublo Wood coma., 0 , 616 ilielee
ril l .&rtaltl'oa• etaiio. • I ,ll \ ; , Ode4i2laa aord'ai lima. •. • &
or s e‘Prieesi .ithmt ditioe of , Wen- bte• ••••.% \• . . '
watt*, uttarratraie & rrill _ea char,
, wit lout, musk wee; \, . ,
fiTestYliiitiisurms`" fli:lll,!re'tvLi fg6etaterrar'.\\ . \\
~ U. XL6U6ri. r e thl 'PN rt. \
.&,, .
\ __ ! ,oo, ‘, \ `,‘ 61irn or 'O Gordan Ilan& •
5 ens , Stock bfehickerilan flea\ \ • •.. \
antiliST receivedby mi l
„. \ ,
' a m bn j e e t i ed of \ \ •' '
ri9CUlCKl.Tlelifillgroot toirrii4 h urir • • • • \•• - , '• • ,
Anr,Er4.a. ear..erti l l. ' Zit a lk ft , ll **`'",
.1 ,
7lrOne irossociod ward Urals SLY 7 ett,\* ~
„96 , \ r ... \ \.•!,:, \• • -
reu ß To r '' Pit'n .4 "r, " ".2' :: \62 \ • V,' i ,
Tiro il: f i n:, do \32
to /do \ 3, 1 \ : ~:.., 1 \ ~,,
• i \i ' d ,l . 3 f,1.7,71, do : 3 ,,, f \ \ •.'
.\'‘.. t . \ '',. .
. / ...”*V.4::: 3: . 3:‘,_ \\.. .1 ' , '. 7 '
'Ir:A- •Tbov 15 , k6,1•10 ,,,. t r 'lly:t d, liz4 43 . 1 It irlo , at mo w. \
t. lity• titulary toryilated to goal& • ~ N ,
amok , ia: t. r,1 1 Y61..t/i/.66l hasiof lota nitro, & \
l a t s'Tt'aiC'al', Ikir;r4iT4iVer:iWirr IrtifrttiOn&ert a . . to
Xiliirll''l.°A'Adl749qi 21SniVL:iritilF ,
vokep....ku.i... .61.w...2,..,,..-,- \ ~ .....,„N
1 :,..... 62691 Pittabo_rh, riil4 w7twit .„.. rwma. ii,
\, ii_L .. , ,.. ,• & ,.
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