. Oner /tenor , thfimtilwa*ot (i.r 00 9nr esAradlttsal sonar, 1.4 , 47. ,;i7ioo - Irtiontrt.•nd *tied ledditional spuar. lon-r4.1 order the ready rates, half prier dlrettimasento•tomedina • stoat*, and not OM Cite. boy te , be tiaras! •• • ajpar* and • half Anitowaeing etindblodes 0g...1.• be coal - awe the lam Oa On, alltattlaweenta. *devotion:erste not matted 00 -the roar for n nodded ssobwr fewetedono, will b• continued rAll forbid.and Par ' awed orwertwe kieetwalstril, .'theTho otielleste of gunnel advertivas le ittrietif limited to their own lastaftilahr hominess. sad ell wirerthemeste for ir twbat of °the*. pentad...4 well mall sleartimootenta not 7.... o r.tzreste4 ati their moo bueluese, and ell te. in 1-agtl , l , or otherwise, boron I rWa ots r tr="ht VatteT¢. " l4ll: l l7lll " a 4 r •Voll'al V e 'r 17 wolfr and matot oaf. ot Is deemed. All adnrdierowate for ettantuble itottltotioda, CO. 4 u ra b lit rtrlc t iFrlO 11atriaas notl-we lr h. thaitatll AO tent.. , lawith notlnen 'wetted without that**, atilees ftoontipd ' 4/flanezl ingteaud etetanty , nottoes, awl when ilatulat adr.rtwre and all others mewling aleiseunlea. .fidnft. felln , riott ;Akre 4ewomal to ftl.l •ttention - to evto. Owned thinner% or auf public rohoteloto.ob t , •,.^ warn .. j o ,c tr w itne made for eettaltuinew—all notiow of bra wat• very notice deeldoed toast] atatnitlon Drina. ribt*Viatd. CIOCUILIod. or 4otanded to protooterindi 'lied Interest, tan ottly be lot rt..' with the node:mind •S tn the me* le to lee paid fe. If lotandol to bo seetad b the Intel column. the erne will be charged at the stool' not law thas 10 mut per line Mahe:, or al, Not.% to be chato,l triple Pet,. ?stem tot=l,lll:P:rirl Auetiow l 1 0 (0. a .1 1.em.0t0 dot wont of thirty -ottni &Pa one (hit I per out. from the teronat of We • ' , '4411 • , ::14';;;1' :r (c"0. ' --- ,-.0-Y'k,';',PA - ,744 - 41 . i. z i , •• ..."7"4)",',44;t' „ - , .. 1. •,I•„' , Rtis*-:-Nr:;‘tfci*.N e '• : .: l ; ;:akir;,:f=j, - .F .. ." ,,•, tc. 411.ivi: - .4,. , 4- z.V.444.'litn?•lqf W .. '1','..- f :.',2y:•,.: -.4 e , ' : kvil , ii4iii• - " - ::: , .. ,- :it *4 l ~,'o 4 t • * .. . t. - . - , ..'... -.A411 ,,,-,- . o t . 0 : , A,:',,, , .„... 1 / 4 ;•• ''''.:l - . 4. 4,, , = = l' '''.'; ,,, l!y : iir, • -ti' , : ', , t,..,1.:..,.. , ~:, 4 4 ;:1•434.14; ‘..: ',:!.s.': F'3. j-.. T i lli...iiis'i,j . .: ... •,,..i-.7-.4.,k ;,11,Ti. ''`'..4. -' • I '`.. ' , 7- 7 O'CONNOR, BROTEER, & . CO, ...--,, , ,: . 8.42i7MRS AND EXCHANGE ..BliarEll3. .iik ...--.,-.-- ..-M2113 of:lEFroutre-n:rn:g7unds • Ro j r tt lret ir : b lrerst olkonil co , tins.. D. pa,Dit ... Time No .3 otiretlat4J. 17FL•elloro. promptly Roomed to !DAVID DOWD. COUNTED OF MI hb A WOOD FITH, ebtiitr_ FLTTSBUDOII. • • ' . . •. . • w k m. 11. WILLIAMS i -- CO., Bankers and ' . • and Brokers, North test corner dt Wood Int meelschande t. ihtteboreb. • - : All trensectlone made on Metal Wm. sad collections lienontle attended to lands . . D..KING, Banker and Ezehangeßroker ' : . Knuth illeet. Dealer in Bank Note. Mlle of Es! . Geld and Niter. &oche booth and .old. ~ . _h cheat clerked nee paid Ln 'wallop _Loh Amen - leen 1- , Mil Plat. sad Bladlcan and dsaulab Dollar. In _par ' . fusels. - • • --- La 24 WI. LAIIIVIE Broker, lasci..taco. 64 adjoinius the haat or PI ltdbnrah . sa.s un OEAbn W AIN akti raild stiviita. erUC T A B II - aseinr, .1t mon liberal e, • • _rn4ap asps. A.R,L.VER: . 11;j1131, lianiera and Ex e,.cupnak,e'nk- Dealt:rola Fortin otot Dooutztle ' 114 of Lie i tT h Lortlf.rat aDo to 4.7.i.tatiLo ant. 4 e ourto.W.4 ittWiljoSitoolto artt.itov rADoo,j. tun. ADIALMER, R ANNA & CO., Successors ta llama t Co f ; a lElaircoso.. L"lcoutot Dooms, 0t..1 doaDts ooti if=ltoroito otoole Nsehattoo t Dertateatoo , 1 1 11: 1 1:=7:. '"' e 4.6: 711 pie. .~.c P b t t~ n Cbeka 000001,0001 mil ? W14.‘1.14.1. prototton tt tbe : tiLaa r /onion and American Advances solutto ottonotatztetionts of Produco.obtopkt out. • 001.1011,1 k•T et. • ••,. . ,7".• k •:,...4144 . 10;Zd1 • ::;": • ti,•;± . . ;if---. J,. READ, Bookseller ' , god Stationer, . N. 74 tneErth street. Arens Iluttllass. _ JAMES A. McKNICIIIT, Loaie . !. in Fano/ af etapl•Drokcols, %%Weide and Retail. roartlt 117 \r't ;4' -)- 4 s • o.onoro Itcon... •o. um. r atm *,11.0. A A. MASON A. CO ISh olea ln an d iv" ail otrrDostostanYon " iE"P4Dr Y ° M U,M."" . , . it/it/multi'a BURCIIFIELD, Wnousca I • • - Ma.t.4 oma sad ar Grta•s, ratsba Dry Goadsrth. / 1 1irekaata oaraer or /antra O , - -- - - - Optic mad Orthopedic Borgm. W l u LL givo - particular attention to 'every Art cist Eras l yirty of otarstlso co the lere sad Cob-root. • filoaned, of a upotior atodity. • . lY psd.llcat sad adAnar to 1. I.ft at Issa OM., or at .terai taa plassaul. apt; -Ms. • • • F. $. Nooio, N. D 4, HO3 PIITSIOIAII, - devotes attention to the treatment of Canteen of •o mai and enjklren, met acute tillefinaenenerally i se will aft d°, thrimail su'rat'ittralate nvTdA"Z oor a the't.elg: hei7llll. ' Allegheny Citr- 4a:a bourn from 7to ti mr'ttA- /la Q /to an4 from '73. OP. M. •pR. J. J. MYERS---Surgoor l and Phisician. tido. and corner of Doelnatoo ro w. TRIM rtetraone door aleme itoilihOel/ et • • '• Na artITZJI . eI IJ I=CriVltiri=ll:4lW patients, attention lo Oftencia owe. and tb4 drreal teoninsit,l , • VN would to ostievectfally inform of ,.. ot tt br_o_iton bau d maw - I.w oa the mut of Valli. bliala. ildZ2Vartileta .Vaal to &or 14 thialti want &ker. Doing parrbs2.ol * ltt Vll r1at .4 .,...." • :1; MUMS esNuetost•Wishcoont of - ilatuy AeLl 11. --- e.t. I to hroistk bld cant:cabman weltaa at n4:7 thi n g their li ne. I=l,l .6 'U... eittittWiP. iplq• W. WILSON, IVab:qT ---- :r ~f / aSilver .r•rn I • . nlbal pr. 1.4 Ur/ e ri — COTT, Dr.zinwr, Fourth street, vett fir. doors of Mortut AU +wort inreastal. Jolf ..... ' D.. HUNT, Dentist, Corner of Fourth oulooootor rt.. brtrons Martel and Orr Ar 111.4 .b. el 17SBUItGli YI T IILI4IIED DAILY 4NI IYLKELy BY WRITS be CO. ...a: wunS l ' :I tun:. sumo. lan II GI • M..11./111•1 , 2117 BOW 10 Mil e m toIVICL • : z . o at t• 16-I•tmett mmotty goyablo bolt remit • g 69K 'l tri L MOlLeortt 7 o . zumal . .l • t•••• , •• grip to •rupotiggtl gm the follomiag mtailtto Pitt cool,. •k•' it T g Imeltot=gotg Club tO -. 1e;:...4 to tot P"mm. •of '[.. 4 3 tm Invortobly In adv.... -Itg, Club loCont nl ..ma kttor th• rear Imo., uniop kto , nom, U rent h ortom•mtl_ • • NAM OF ADVERTISING. On. 3 sum (10 Doe. or 767137000.1 Do. each soidnianallnantu7s6.. bel 1.• 0.767.10--- 7 .--- 7 00 to 660.1 months. ..... 9 00 16. twain. month. 79 (0 0 0.0310 r 0601... (6116..0710, per man atp.....M 010 110160 f 66.66.17 071 . 1p0kal 1.016 1 • wa 0.. sa,ttnr 111 DOLT ' yumas., ' , oldl *** ''' Dui 11guor..0 110. (1 1 ' coblLelportl.fo '''... .00 * Au ' Do. rub af.l4tiOnallaaertioo::ZS edwortionoonto to dr eneti BUSINESS CARDS ATTORNEYS. - F I I eRA I Attorney at Law, New Cantle, Bier ie er ia to 7 a 7 TaitT r en.ra l orent•-.E. thaw. t noltb, Kromer Rolm. U. Cd sal t Wil.oa • Co, ILL... I A MRS 4. : U lIN, Attorney at Lasr act) ow Fourth rkoar Ursa. Pfitsburcb. .ja11.11; 11 P. SPALDING, Attorney and COULI. 11, • rellar at Law —CLEI'LL ND. 0 blo. /lam tante— t. 'Loam* tqwdar • 8 . 0 t.. Lth:.ttrZa • IFANCES ROSS Stsraii'l)EN, Attorney and tI Cpa•uo9ur ut 0/Tlee, rvtidruni, No. 16 . 17! , :t. 14. ROTER, Attorney at Law.—Collei‘• • ti.....l C o Ur.Tuouluccarnrolingttend.lt o . or uu — Ualerreirs Pulliltuus, Uruot war thy Court 7 r r 7,,iftS F. K.F.B.R, Attorney at Law-0116 van. Fourth rt, etei Emil/Bald atut Grant. MU. • 0 s.W yat La;, Fourth Vat." Vara t eol ‘ .. 7 4. l i * rY " "? .." `" h °Ziletk a o ' jl. N. P:10 B. Fr 1.14: 101 AX Attu: , r far b La. i mad Atal le,talo Aortas. 11 . 0. m i tlb IFTLN, JAS E%l ------ 3RAD y, Attorney at Law, Arc,fpa Path street. wit.b xh,r. JJ. 1 . 1 / 1 111 t1SON.S1.1WE LL, Attorney at Lair, ALL: NtrAe Wm:Ammer fmr . trairl , frewte. Onire—lmmtiAt::erre BANEERS AMY-BROKER/ BAIM) .4 • IRVIN, Real Estate, Stock and Bat stroue.,no.4s.innb .t. ito num, • .. • raaaaa. Tiernan `~ BANKERS CO.. AND EXCSANDE BROKERS, No. 05 Wood alrr.l , Corner of Diamond alley. 17 . .M. A. RILL CO.,.Bankers und Bril lion, 64 Wcr4 ott. • ZI EURON N. ARNOLD & CO., Rankin': i L n 14.alet lo 111.1 mare. enitu Dent Not" .44.. N. 74 Itoarth arget, Itent door th the hank of Iltuborgh: Out. gortloto cheafellrettehdetlth. end the mow, retalttatt air pf the Data's. in 4 i • 11M a i er -------- ---LBIES & SON, M!! i'orti,n • . owl Nomad." Mlle of lOotbsokoo,Cortttlestoo of W« Lazio Rot. am' Veal, No. U. Hulot knot. Mb, Ital ' iT.lat ' lral=firtt " " th. ' Pn° ,.. l d".. BOOKSEMIZRS. AHD. STATIONKBB. J. B. Weldin. • It 110 LESA and Itetail Dealer in V Moak mad Nano! Ilaoka, Pop, aol BtaLionerr. NY. 6i Vt.atl An at. laviveren Thud and Fourth) lilt. • olar.lo' uhnanS • lA. Beetnitter. iltatinu, Printer,..nd Binder, roe Mt d ShriA neni Third etrinetr, Pittsburnb. DRY GOODS PEri r EOLINi 11:171 ilicig: 00:4444 4 4i ~, -1 4 1 DRUGGISTS. - TAMES McOUFFEY, Wholesale Drug bib lalai Dealer la Drain. Paters, VeralabesT Hasa Dye- Yertutoeiire, Las rrasoatd in No. 119 Waal street. ow door LW. MM. *ppoa la to Darla? arum% Roo., Pitt•borx L. Ma. Co.:Monti, cnt hood o Papply of iforgaa:• Cough By aad Worm apt.ca John - F. Scott.• Wll WHOLESALE Dealer in Drugs , Paiute v VarsioNs tart DJ. BMW No. TM. Mort rtrroc. Pittsburgh. P. Ail order. Wilt receive prompt attnition. .441—. Scoot for &Arden Ccervalrubro Wally aroma.. , § 4 , A. FALINESTOCK Wholesale e manufacturms of %entre LasatOtal as i n=ra carats Wood mai/front atrasti t rift& • KIDD k CO., Wholoinile Druggistd: / • DW toq - lo'P au to, DID yo rim 'o of Dr. I loom'ocolobroted Wolyee LI rei=i:47r Z Dyd d. W mard g dit iioratolo. E. SELLERS, Wholesale Dealer in . - oner k Palm CI% Dya Eltatb. 008, Vared.b.s. o. 'Wood .tcpt, Vlttxbarsh. Pi. 0.4" wartancra. Meer low, '4l N. WICKERSHAM, Wholesale Druggist A2.14-111*N1=1141a1111Pgg.I'''''"`' ItS4SIUM PIILII 000 Z. lota It ILAUN tr,REITER, WholePalciand:Rettal r4er 4f LIN7tI at, no, hu. hUrigh:R. t • .• • SCUMNMAKE.I.I. & CO., Wholesale Drug ts. x 9. 24 Wn4,414...11414banth. te):7110:4:1:1 SAX LTEL I P. ""'.1":714`gr'.4 Vitzlotr:,:ltrzai;r2 sad • )sprt 11. IOLOT, S. DILWORTH dC CO., Witdlesalc u tort;es, ...GA mr ttszard`a 804) Wond Yluabare.,, • .b.. 1 tionuonertaa....,....aosurritasaa.— litillan ... ariarran. 11 - ANN.A..,• iLkIIRELSON & CO., Wholo sale firoN•re.Oommtarlon ant Forwarding ale haute anon Went. Cleveland. Ohio. • Particular attention given to the parebur, al d Produce. Pltuatal on the river, their facial*. tor L i p. ollut and reeeirtrig fnUght by the /mite ete equal • m SW owe 1.1 the piece. Invla dam WICJAWILLIa W. W \I/413W crar WI3 W&L - BAGALEY dc Co.. .holesalo Oro. • • rem N._ let and =3 Wood mil. mbuswh. alien . raacs. ,111AILACKBURN . 1. CO., 4Vholenale Oro • I .l ll :je t r:Oloat i turalstte re , awl dealers la I•radur.. sad i. ). 1:1 1 ;tn. ` 1 ""' retreat. IrAgaiburgh .... : . •.. • IV .F. IV ............. dro c eret and Tal 44, t:". spl 1- L. - SLIER. Whole:1410 Onwor, Commiesiou Mi.l7r:t;ll , V...l 9 g.t r ir. • J. 5 , 41111.1110Z1 . • !IW - ill/UO:113 INGRAIIAT thacan atm! Cannalaatou llen.bauta..rio. 1 la. Wain farac.and Ila!Lind ntnaf, rittal t nnk. mArritgws 011 N. WATT Cibo., Wtlolewk Orocera. , p Clawnladon Ilnrchanta, and Daal,ra to naltna nnJ rpt, ittom itlanuf.-coa",,No. 1.14 Wort, atm,. Cite.Daro, - B. -CANFIELD, Int, Warr an, - Ohio, Fica‘diugh ,, Ltot iv ocod r Altit Pro:,Pfah.r.::d Prol74.2:en.y.'"Wrairr:ltr.t., hetworo litaithbold.od Wnd. F. VON BONNHORST & CO.. • mal. In /,1. .n 1 In, arid o=l:Laote N s a r lero LULL DIR., MILT DICIEST. ISAIAH DICKIN & CO.. Wholesale Ora 0 . a W. Alv;lo7lfront stftL, 111 .I'roa ues- FNcji4sti BENzarr. Engh.h. OsNorther a Co.. rooers.(Nonallsritto forserding Northants....4 InWers Presto, sod Mae burgh Manufseturts, No. I=2:krona st. ant IN anal a tstween Wood sod analthtlet.L CO:7 . 1111d su ( . 3 b. 0 11101140 . 16 Northants. No. 257 Liberty street, OBEI6 - 11661 a, Wbule:al; 11 !,i. 1.01111, nonlor In Protium , . Ilnobarob oantAntnno.. en 4 nil Linda of Nr.irt. non Inonortle Loannrs No. alb Liberty Amin On loud • ray. .tozZidolhotrior hiononnshoLo D.A.LZ.ELL CO., WhOieb2do ~buOk:NuAlcrthoattot. dram. In' loutoe. .1116 Liberti etty.t. Mtan •N' SO 11, MeGILADUCei •T CK 8 MeCANDLESS, succeesors to .L. 4. J. D. 141 PritatlZ`"”'(4 " llt . 'Aeghoor •Nsvima l4r . + . Ilmoir-.Z.la 11117,17:....,.. 28 : 2,-..: -- f.;l.:lVg at. Clair m. nriace.._.._._' ',:, i. • . ,il,r . • i 50a 1. r "a it ' r f i; tit11ti;:z . ...:......z.... 2 . ; - 'Div. •is ,v. rililLuipurt rix. ..... .... 5 TS i , maruowcz. P Itlsb's Life Insoranp. 7 l . "'"'"''' li,tlr'art* Co.. t.n.. , ..1 , 1 . ~. , ear ilaslll.e.; i.'ti. ' -1 4 j c i '' ii 070710,0,1 #lo ,, zolsn's 13; - ..1 ;iv, 6 \ \ • PILL' hlfifgli'," Is, , ! 0 eitutur F b, a La1.,116! iZ. il i ii. Dl'''4' :j \ g or ot itoi:•••';;;;;;;ii.::::::::::::.; tf,' ~ : D. " ,''' ?.•=..\ Lilt .4.. 0 600,6•00,00 il I ' ' \ PlttaborXti %mks -. i 6 ., 06 ~. ~ 11,0 , , M061001,10, 10 " f1ae10 . a.6 . ,' 60 f ,' . l. .. •'- ... • P' .. Youob,rolle.,Y e U , .....t , , I. iis \ Penn': ii,6r,,,,,,,,v,6,01,11.•A1iti1i 66 . .!4 44 41 ! \ '''', Bolt. a I. , hk , 11011 1 . 0006.61 '(% -4, 4 30 \ \ clooolond 2 Woll.'llo ILI. 6., ai ' ',.. • r..,,i It. wy• P' , "'"iloo 1 . 4 1 ,,:,,, D 6 l .\ P._aret i l . .n . o ..4n.,.. ..... ~ IN i . .. :0, g6.1k,.' Ultl4.!,gg.)7lr(lr 11 „t ..1 . Turtle 16.00 k 4 • 10101, 1.01, 2:, - Ito * l ., •• Aller. A l'erryoolllo I , k ft.i, lr, ....,,' ...,, areellsb¢. TOrtly , ll , .. 1;61 16. T.:. `;-• .• , I,ll'll 3.11n0.0tm. .... 14.4.t.0u North t Y gt. k . ........ North ‘l'...ttetitt Iron ells.- - 61t.ita OhiOhiolrle Itolvd o I.ln ...... tittentun• .. Alrmbittit • lioughtoo—.... u gr o 12 u r. o . ........ Nolroular ........... A S. STONER, tif ERNIANT TAILOR, No. SO li - ri, , ei. t ey'ot , . ''' • ' is now rpeeivipg . Lis S4piingStockof mods. . 1 . 47 :. 714 4 " .f.t.q.!f r Vg . ..:A, I ,Cl i i "A ,'" ''' k ' 1".4 '''' "',...'" Al, Fr.nrli and tirrtnaul,,k Int, C. , ,aajn”......raoj a h an 4 Atarti,„ .1, with all Ow ritr:rly wt allad,..inenitut Pa'ti.rl; V;Pr..:%.“Anilk l 'ettlnt , ,, • lVAite t an.l lAA tlbr \ , , .' .illet do en•at Tae..le or`eutn r llnc .. .dt r It . .t.l.Trltr 'II I ' '‘,. . , , Ole „ n 11. i....7.:'01..1.701,1, 0,,.•t \ • BOYS' CLOTHING. ,- Wlncti arnairirle to rtler I. 0n...0f 1111. tinaletrvrirn'e.l boo.. or Awn\ Vrra I hat, ...le arn.n,itudenln to ILLOIL • fOnstant .upnlr nn Lam!. ' \ 1 ; 13 . , !... 0 .A.At. 1... re northasnl. Ar ra•lt,, anq will 4 hat \ . rj . '.1. - 't,._ rn:• —.. \ --122"-11..TT , C era Coal Company. , 'rill F.: stoekh, bter3 (1' 11.., l'lutt tieill 'Coal !.....(::;°.:n1,,,•z-,..L',701;',.:,r V,•••*,"'.t.t;;;.:Jl.Viiir .',2'.1.1,7,'.1:;`::M,h::2f5h•-•,..in\p".l:i4XlL""l' T'''"i!''‘i ot I.e.k lit tlnr alttrnonu:r'rAT.j.yr4s.,,ri„:%::,::,:t.l.,... Coal Ifarlor. A 6 . .61 1, I,l2— at , Alnattico-ZAT 7. \ I4E r. A , illlit itl l ai.t.: \ ittlpitllreti patoni. kad pipe' s ' 1, \ ' \ 1... p, \ I, \ \ , t 414 111.41a-1,—;i..,'.—.\ 1,... .. N.:, \, • j 4puii, r IfOAl4si..nd,tbetnrr4'l;r•a laAA,t .11' ~,, , \' LAN4NI;tIt.iIItLU) ' t Associate FirOmanii.;4auiance Com_ 6)(i tillAßES‘if ti0i,,,,t0t..k of thin Clortipti6,, ' 4A-F " "!'''' IS I." \'' " " qi'•';•;r l '7`lf j .i. rr V" x ' anll,:latl . ...itur it.,l, rtt.,t721 , 11.11 iViaktrl L e. Savimill Run and l i nilliiiburg Plank toail A lr It ineuiirig of he etithinietiion'erx I:iii.`,. 4-1. p010...a o q an Art .de 11 , .. 1 1 , A1 4 .1atotra`,. In arraula.• !ItTn'. rtrOn'a‘;triZ;',PttortrLtil':l'.' 1.111r,,,.„..\A1Ct.'7&nt7:ry.7A.74,ja," Inahura, Inn rilt , CAnntelorld at 11,,rit, I,:barlarrlllotel. In hit...1.41,0,0U HatUtdat.,. Mx Al 111,1.2 ,a , untlerrtintd Zrl Tlit h A r VlTt 7 .:b l tZ . :% " •(ll?';ll ' S ' fi 1 .: . 41 ' 1 1 . 1 4.7'! "' 4 7 . ' . b. ant7l'Aln.li .:IV7l'4..tt7lll:i.'l:,;:,,4lVtlot>'ltafdn,viit. P''''. l ' ' hi ' h Y" . ''' TI/ A 4 •'l'L.g: Iltl°:;'Ai.:l,,Lt,,,, ".,;:.;.', U:Torqii, R .,: '. 4 ' l;;l r Al rhour.lnon. nu 1111 4.10,111nc luth`ot Itlay,`Ardl row, "6.4Vlnnilllgt';;..\T,64l, iAti n\r,)lar. \A\,\l'...l,`it. "'ll ; l‘ tLll: r enter. 4.?" ' \ \ \ ':`, . \\• '`,„ •, .' 410. Wont, trilot elndnalt ' ' \ ' .:I n ct:Nn ' tt " '„ ' X. V' r , ;0„....,,,„. \\ ~ ~,,,,. !.,, ,,, i7 r 1 . ,..4.,..,...,r, , \ l \ L^ , , 3 k, .'-__ • 2 ' - Riina - v4 - \\ ',,----- \ • ' • 4,lep SION,,OF 'TUE I,N1) AN \KING. \ NO., 283, unwary sTKEFt. \ Nearly Ontlesite 14.1 Spread .1:6,9 \ 1( ,TarrrlN' \. PITTSBUROII. - C • REES B. Jvhrzs. \ - \ AtiBUFACTURER DEAI,6I \ Mode of Toba&o, touff aed V•sitra. nd To coo a Seimn raid Co nommloslon. Rol,tl toTi.ifir:Kellikelley's Female Beim_ , AT T.ITTeIIN.TINO, Q.EVEN'fiI Session,,,connnences IVOI ~tA hr. Knnel6T in IN,r‘eo,Ntiln*Agiggroti 71,:oro l o:go of 1...nan0 Pupil* t + onaltool to \ \ 1 , 121.1 PLO orlstov 0r,,T1147(Tr two ! \ , slom‘l, and tuillots .. , ..... / Yn h 1 • op,stid. painting.. ..... . ......... ..... • ..... bm.11....1411,4 mid ......... 5,00 Stationary.- Rcreassera-A. 11.'earlIng infJ. irk Nttg, solt.k34wrlnt Q FL WICKERSHAM ‘oorttir, of Wood ~..."? T d"a ,' ft tal ;.. VA e I 1 %V: Vi id !Wr il l e " 2 ' 4 " '7,1 4 7 4 , int.V. he ' rolehte ao4 wre Monet 15'nelen• Mesa aw4 , l ol,;; PVT/ le. 7. :t. l MTPPNl.L . 7:l:,:kligf.jorf 1 :11 " :1 T. OrePdle. Beed• MA Anvjeoltural Intioinpante opt ,o a et 1 Wonted M. 0., alwase C. band• , \ \ , tonotrp Stoma and Ph, gives. w4l alway• findtat b. altablisholetie fresh on 4 weaduteerated Alabeine..\‘. eh have been ilelertel with great naveOttal ea. bkv , thlk ket, All purtharwoi are lovlte4 to exertion the aback+. IlierVlll nad It aqa? to, 74 en:IN-avian ae, giant • v tr aa env other In k/n wen. \ \ fel Hhaaj a\ large lot of atilt, 8,00" Liar....., 0302tarla, l s,ow PheetA sz4 tills. for salo4J..' • ••• I,lll42.Tbird Ding Store Foil3ale. AN OLD 'E.VAIILISIIED \grogg; r do; goad retail basinas., ti,. Berilway mq.Laqulnr to ten. and W ennieckhr• .+1 J. Kldd - A ..' *Mg. A" 0,"1. atant. )AS&-/5017.;11. B.l4l.tri e \ • \ 2/SegilleCkparrr \.\ a • ~\ \ • . s \ ' ‘ '‘, \s • ‘ • , ' '' V \'' .\ \ ' '`, -, ' • \ \\\ - . ''. , k \ ...,...___' \,- •:\ - : 4,-, k.:•...: ,1 .:-.7t.......;;;:....-...'• .' • •\= \ k.......,..v1.2.:Lt.,.-- - , • • ‘ , --: , i,lf:' , ' \ ' . \\ \ \ \ ... ... t -,... \' ' \ , ,v. •• • ~, -, t \\\- . ~ A \.; - ' "" • .. • • " : \ . • .• '' \ ‘\ \ '. • ~ - , • ' • \' , \ \\.... \,... ~ ~ .,. .., ,_ , „\ • ; „ , , ,, ,, . .,! . .,...;iie.,.... -,-. '. ; • ..,..., . .. . . „ ~,.. . • \ ••, \ 3.1 , . : •\\ , , \ • \ • • X \ \ \ \ VO) \ AIdICIEHT THOWW4DZN, —' .Crtemboot Vspinair rr tha ittahara otwit.,D r , Xeoachtntse.) . ' ' ''s , During' a itioleyear, \Tborwaldien 'was fiat tered, tang and'rovered with benedictions. \pen he again departed, tie had sus eamitt like s a lting. He paseed through Berlin, Dresden, Wires'', and Vierka, °eery where received filth eaftiesiasm Ind lades With lute of disiimettins. On file return to his istelierin °me, ha modeled hie great and imposinkststue of Bopernis , then tile figure of ChritKullbetu , lee %pa t o * s whici, 'at precept, ado the an ' o l' 6 Prls inkirk at Copenhagen. Th . " Ho it people; eith its inboirn ladle for sr/shell "aiming 4 tit Dablehecullitor with admirstlon.- 4 one of, he brilliant, 'Worts, the iMpittleisatrit4Rosa \ ‘.... 4,1 ati Tad ei called hlm the ohildof Ostdf '.FHdio - Pio. 'The pgutifical government eontged ko MM:-40 him a 'protestant artist, the • eiceittnin i of menumint Of Bias 'VI ( ., ~s tatii., 'when king Loins of \ Bavaria hyrited in Rome;Vlerm Thar wablsen mltotc he first went to see. \'. '', I. , \ Earichetr,by the product of his is:4i, suirA rounded 14101 the esjoyinetits Of Hipury , and c those Which 'were the\ natural . Situate \': \ Xit , ,so , . iety justly appreciating his, geniis', `Therioild sot, ttereeteleett 4elarmlned to go. bank to e. !k -- .pet g i neu. Theis he trlshed; - wheo his ilme, should come to el hi .e • death. He left It poor Mk freckhe betartied-tolt surround ed by)he hail of ' fame iltd fit Slane, yet; \ sail, free. ~ hlore then 'peas, tlie. mosbrilliant p u t nacos had bees °fore& to him Itat'he had t thee] nelde; ii older tit do to .bliattelf, own nervedly, , ito his darting art. Hnireser t into had. found. Its wep to his heart\ \He had , known the joys of poise/I'y end \he l . behind him, 'in itome, i'dmigliken to wham he 6,1•0 hie , . \ Tborwaldscelad , ll tender and e\no passionate Rout. There aro many little \hacitletle\reonsiled of \ him, which pro ve , bit ,enerosity. Atr:pui? othe}x, the fellewing ix tad; \ A T.oor \ Dant ertimin who had long been lil, \came, onedey, th3l,kltin,t for ear enrol& 'thief,' he had betow\ ed. am/ to announce his intended tlepartni* for Denmark: , “Tott n?t, certainly not going on oat?" 'Sit ,Thorsieltit re ..fee, I cannot do Otherwisi" • \ t•Out you tte, rain, De, ',feat to Untlergh ouch faligue." Then placing in his polm a hand(al of scot: "licit.," he suit ''hire a horse." \ ' ' The workmen. 'having counted the num, Mid thilerim a than Plorreco llst theft. ivar tint enough to tote him ter .. 1, , .Iy,,m" replied Therwahlsen, 'anode', as he' reopened \ids secretary, ' , bow much will carry i on or.infek,i;bly to Denmark?" flit \arti.ha c, , lculated the necemail amount, nd Th,mattlik.rti poured,thorequisite'tikecento is be , i ' q , 6, \I neo , lmOinirti him as \far \no x .1::,,,,,, exottillg, on 'the way, a promise: tm the inclutan, that he would intent by con puce. \ nerally'`Thoetrabicen t tilted hut:tittle. \ It • \ sly in the scooted efrele,nr 01 , 00.1 in , t . 11.1l he. gave himself op to the free M. ,1 , 13iint Of LlR\ChAraellerolli. 1 . 1 1 ,00 . he linko forits . ‘kato xingular sallies of too day, \ lin had a dincnintion with a , le leap, very arrogantly, befalling of “Ifellm!" exclaimed Thorwal.l -V•erMS'and toe a wager; 11l carve tryt. Pint wee,t.l % why ~e. b. s livelv , t. \ \ \ re,thenti 1, incr. \ , e, me !pine L. hit au wer or 11;.. L tif. U 1). il , the nt ritle tht t will wi your The c iebre \pi, a e. tie tineenpurt titSe , `Bliing with in sulis k aiiption purpeee of foul, treeetires of kl ehoubl'lear hi kind° this ' , t he p signatur eoor et pee l gshort ti, erlri., $69,b,, thepoond 'and s ler,lBoB, a . (g t hoarie s t° eeck`fh and to hear hide, tined home. , t , poet, Anderson, , 1 at seen the Not s peered that „y vgry etreake bl might have thou waldeen were co nificeeme of their and alive the ern Tha,3,t:oh f. spire of . t., Niche e ;e tents of ohm .t. 7e ~ whichb d y woos : re/ielegituree s forth ~. Orkoo - ce thundered, the ves sels Wertidecka, out with fop, 6LP : seem's covered i'll %throng \ cf . ehe op°, orethiajeutier as if tone e \ great , feetivel. Here, wkro seen. the stud is - ,with ' , emblems 'a bannerei;..seltere. , cirowds 9 , yeitog Women, waving , theic.handkerchiefer, ne'allinet wooseen - le ring the vitwel'e aide and .corgnein ing s Telorival en• to the shore. Criee.of delighe,\ I 'has,. and - ha jabs resouleded from &rand neer. The Peepleeletkohenl the thirst?s from the !car: isms of, their eleven! ario; \ aid \ drew' bier t entoeliee, to t o Palace ,Ifjtharbottenborg, aera his , nielier as decorated \ - willi s fitment will\ gulling. of rgrern. I'c, s elim ' , reting, beideeof musicians me to einrifAcnia set lle his windows, and`thestr ,is were illinettenNerith dominglorchrs. -. • le,„-\,\ I\ \ Entertsiemeet enceeed d entertainhiS a re ~t, e , eon time,2l s t was the Aasd yof IllttiietMeltlbr - dog the tt , k.trio of 'the 'Ten ned Hanit4 . i t)) stn s .\ other the tedeeto s eigthlis a his not:iii elan s \ ,te no honornry membership c their elubV.N\ ku, H' , Thorweldsee N in his' , ,tnodest could mil • ove. that be ti the sole object tall this tster , * e gg. ,, Ono eve Mg he was Miss lig throngkin street illuminat rt \ in his \hector. 'ii".9o • greq • :I \ wedding is going tt tbe,re,". said h l / 4 for he rar, collect te s tiest it is Hi custom , in Hen ark, thus to Nab up the Jwel 4 i s a couple s 11..ti0 llovo just lice married. \ ,'. \ ti , 1 Closet ibe loughirt \i , nlet of, I'realiejt. there , . , rises, in ilte'millst of a mak \ enclosure *oXiircr• duce, (ho priy villa of 'yew, inhahitsd.. \by a tuna of gene. 'as Licari neitl. ioftan . Cultiveged mind,xbe Ike p\Stempo. \ ll\wea thither, !get t.Thoiwnitleee reHred after theNtlist orailoth b‘ receired, and hNendered trieus\by l t e ew , ,works ' th e hospi blo, abode bleb had en 'thrown onen to him \The Herne et Stung de ,\. isted herself to hi with &specie of,glis its eideity, nal by here Smut attache e and ti • eoursgement„, kept up the activity 9( her - tiugiiinhed guest ‘Lori ,an excureiap irh is bet took to, the 'blind o Noe,' CO atelier . r prepared for bine to ,(ho g den of 4.°'. F b M''• focing,tho-.tea. ,Thorweld eel there t .cie sited 1 4\ t .%, hie lout conipoeitionr, "Chris thrthyltie'C ...,." .The Etsirunce, Mtn ',fermate, ,t'vami ~!Rib ca, of ate Fountaiu.." Ile (death s, retreat, . 8 hiaowteettiet,t tluit of - tiro 'putt .klentichlec e (bet of Heiberg, nett 'those of , th itobbs, &telly which woo extending to him'stich •In and orn 4 t s : Ilewever, tresh,pitgennteeceta.cosertuntly collinghim to Copenhagen, and he oftetteho 1 bimeelfle • th e theatre, , Ileated t•redde\LFh , I ichhegen., Age bad given Blot en aspBot\uf, 1 \peeing beauty- ••Ilia ftinee and \ count \ nays the Poet Heiberg. '•htid all thittpleatict a inhter of out" of his own admimble atatth \ IF em he woe \ phasing , througy a Wrong, A a, eddied before hint 11.13 if by th e tothenee,Oks m ell Chi:tingling power." . ~, \.. '.. , Ifierretiocconient .genins weiallied tees to tieuetia and sweetened, -which cliarmatin s e r; lone. \ Club Jay Ids atelier, in CePealtagett,, , - Riled 1801v/6 , 40h. 'At :hem he ceilikworkig `le irt 1841 i s ho made a Mph. trip,to Ithly. • P ihe \I-Itamih4amily, visithis • Berlin, -Dre Frardifort,'lthielch, and the edge; of thti:ftbgne, and was everjethete reached in triumph; i n 'After. • paisinethe winter In Rope, be reiuku ,ed to.Dimitatk, And again withdrew bilds bhp, re py, tiree et, Nyv:,e. . Ile there .mitopioredlhis ftee,blis-re iefrepreoeutieg the." Joys of Coi f t+ ,goas in Jfeeric,"anda ..Thu Oeniu o fterwards, f. .poov,!' , which he, gave ta Ciblenechicger, e marking:. "This ieyonr , medslelon.".. Was there that the le M 1 IS li Ji~i i u n • ,4,4 G 1 1!:: it in_ were that the last aseirersao, of tin jbirth,.Which be Ilzfl to see, was celebrated by ah / , repieseetatio of one 'of tiolberg's go a 'diep. in ea orniorparty, consisting of,a,ei IN of distinguished rorri. do the morning, An t een\ e`od some other friends coins to closet, is doOet‘Thrirrialdsen, ieaeing from his chant i, in ell re tit' onee. began to eing and . .4 'de / glestont•ritntheni. \ \ Ai "dth of March Ikl4 a few 'Olds a t latimatihitetiunintances were ksaembied Rio nti hien, in din .boose of M. Nampa, aCeope a . 4. gen{ ThatWiddien eibibited.'utiyinial gap of manner, Contareed with, TOricity, related I . kinds of sn4dittes, and sinike \with dale!, of thoCrip be latkadoil to take, ere f o n, , to 1 7 • On that' OTelli*lko , "GriteidiSOr.. 01110 ' hf 151unobbilloght0tR.) w A s t i, f i e p h v o f tio Ed.:, rime. \ .Thdesrekoisen haCaot topoh cc As for tragedy.' What him, batter wise° e:.` 4y, ludo mote than; Man e outline en egwedien af Il i elbe.ri k \ 'B e et this. piece of \fl In .. .bi...i .- bocci gre•t'y einliksad ho * s l e d to ... i,. '‘ InenU. air- enicink Ikkilipearel *lone ji• • tre,•ntl went " to bleinnial plate, Men if . dterwanci there enteral thlafitestde an he p - ,pkittlit the l ona7 - took.ftwecat''.Whilt tne.b 4 van jliAnk'tte eieitinie;hstit" iliiitilitaKb ad' and contained mptionlese. \ Tilkni• Wato ~ were , , \ , Pri :isßiJal4l\GAZETt SI. , Trifitr' HSU., .....• yrt r '-" Ilt-t-3 ,bbli. iee!cl Oita dal, t V 1 1 717-1, L.. `rA.t!‘i and' fo'r anti by JIM il4 ' ..,. , • O/INSTON . i COLLINS. ' 41111§XSE.--14'11.,ILSS: .\ \ I—I k \ t '.\', rr4 r C VsrS ' AV:;,..iad \ 4SLO'IsaS74.I,s japIT,IMOLI,NION_S:I_S)!..._IIIB,.., A ''A ',' 141815i.itsk CT \ :ial -- 12 . n ' ilaat tins Elan) , ‘.1,1, I®gis isors,flanry:sq.:llsPlo DrlrdOngdn, i r4Villim ß en=low. 411 LIA Lli,r2f.'24k,f: - Loh___ .. ..S aun . 11 . _!! 7 ,Lte1:!.,.._, ~4_,..111til illatftifY .iy p ittlf.M.l... ,.. LL,i4y . s i tt / I . ~ . . \ .. 071 sA4ONNa. 7 . ,2__.„\_.,,- V.. ~.:... 11\41111:,.. • ' \ :i yij-?i,Tedffirper W4o4,Blindit r . , \ - . \ , ' ,sr reat'd,'lroat l'hitilalAin, a rely ex•\ ( livlve. slortMest crlWI t ssloi lVA SI S:f 1 NS91 1111 1 11 1:.' \.. ';. '".\"F'"*'.l., r''.db'V7I'4tAIMI.SIEII. liV,it, NEti ~ Iniirlf„ ” .)%kt;,,,T.tg., A. : . ~„,„AT _ _., . ~...,A, “ ,,_ \ ,\ tilt jolna,- bbla in stoic4or'satotr . \ .‘ \ : . ' "'K2° 4 W. ...... ~...„......_._._-___ •IitiSPIIATN \LI 14-509b5.. rekdVqr r . _ \ ral;, br . ' .%.1411 , 1 ' - .,:. , _..4LR1D0 4 rAM, \ , . /1 • I , Tt OIL 4 -25bble.in sada° tor VaiA;ltitl4TPS--tt"(X)Qltqt a . ,..11,La:gt f.t.C.,, , • iiig,' I. I ILOI 11. ).wt., pAPER-4lato t , atimr . 0004 i, irra) , b rio" Suo4R-26. .timo;•.' Altix_9 Mai \ ILA bitT 1;1E14 ArAwarte !CO. i~it—is . tuyoes : for sae 6* • z • • \ at. , • mower& \ \ RisoNiv..pwwv.iwkorno \ ' ar.ora op air b 4 ; 4ll.ftfilif t T!A lArm - --2wwto-dowooti a l :yla Ifjry f.yr2l RIMY. WATT . WI) fIAGSr.BAOSII,-; t oooll =Mleilf , BNP xs\t .in "ittint7)44.4Ved.ittid kre bY \ OW* (10-417 I.so,:khdia. intim° A".oo4jiir z. pfrrs23.. Assbeeprier..o al. \ , , . UR/MIDGE • INOHRILV. Waft rat \ jnear hini., thonght that ha had fainted. ' bor. hint out °Utile box • ile was dead! Th•y Thle fatal - neve spread throughout ty , like lightning. and voinudoned tie matt Pr o m unt; hisituation: 'Aim diewsetieg his body, it was cro"Ti,.:7ll::7licb.alialvehiaisiallinibateaail"thiiiitiyraldap:fle:re\C4ced,tuatdbletatt—ednd hiludt:eat:i"wis.tWhadd% ezPniab.iaermiar"Hith. ehePiet CA hie heed; be looked Ware beautiful yaw. or leav e . • \ ilia carNe was exhibited ilk the groat halt of hereecidens It weije • thia',ll, that, fifty / Y htifortslie ' hid received e drst reward ~r.o fr ih m ei s l lu ithi ya r. - plieed ,On ' the hi= dis o y l e f f 1 ' hin th eral. e.oolu til l than, camethe ritembereAohthe. y, thus the unlversik!, 'lndents, then the oh of the , ached! and *Multitude of allilaises eistietT. By e.•spontattiotis ' impels., ever Plaid Put on mentaing, both Ibliiee who fOotied - • pro cession and: thoic'esho, front '' hei r't ' owe, turd holm upon\ it„ as it - Med \ threw the bu l z streets. .i..,. \ \ \ \ .1'... •,- ''' '. Thh coffin Was covered ieith`mwhicide of do -'.' .ere end mean one Wreathed by \the‘hands the ththeeil another Wringlit in ail*. This\ vie the offellot a the ' echeo"..children- \ When ' Xhe oortegeentered the. cher* where, tra eke. addle' of sable 'deaneries; When* with saihkrie t. :. 'aloe° the statute, of \Christ , alatt' Of the. pqp- ": -ci, Apitattie, the o roheetrneoutsied a hissers' M . .. .i . .f"- - , the 414 qaiwed, hie met and \ lregifirthilelint :: • the:dopy' ;0 12160&&the / 1112 0 2 i0tle•dia., . The ino.\ - '.wan moaned. the assembled r oultltodt4ipeatedA' ' : iiaccents of eorrow , the weillag Vern, • Mhtister 1' 'o 6 Sonneeel the fenirSd Nis* then the sO4otibt: \ \ grainpedrcle arTid thesatafsloue, Aut. \ edAferewell lament... .., ., . , . .. 7111421 ended. ,the glorious `• deer of Albeit ' . Thortriaideen. -Fortune`lad - haled'he task. \ , upon hies. Great noblemen w p r ou d to est, Lim isi & eli&eli saloons. Thoii;people;aware that \ , he had hem horn in thPir'rhhhet e , i i ta in hi. '-'• • \ renown, lulls tinceese, and looked upo ‘ Wei as -',' • •'' ono \elicited '.of God. Even afflut,.bis delktlt, he .1 -. seemed still fe have the power t7rvethe un- ' N lortunitc- Goble Po of theAlyboder,sw: hurb, who rem elaberesl thet his fa Thad with- • . ed for vessels like theirs, wrote dow \the dame , thin e go, his Lir* end, his death, 1 Mae cons \ 'Within, vis : 74, /9, 94,' played thMS let he 1, i s tery and won. \ `,. -..-,.... . .*,....„. • t l. dwrom.o,ltennionterhke,a t i b bo ne . s t e of ol .x. T . h . ortrilds_ ,,.. ev, tee \: 1., 'cited unanimeue regrea, 'unite' colehr ed,tor Lilo is mein- e Place hkseicapiedin the thipsre when hellhole& hie lost breach; crape and troierc,f with breaches On the very eve of his design the centre of\ Ids 'mtutein had '1 eccordence with, lie own. twin Could have no finer 'monobtent: t . 1 M -4 leelf, whlclak clam's!! hi //eiteeforth, stransere Who \visit not be attracted by t e . fresh woodtt . end the langhiu\aspcs. alone. ', They will desire to behold . and the ‘ 1) , toaneolenin of \ Th rweltlean they, .. In tehia. Ilit,":01:1114to*cett the lyhTi,"::.,l,,`,l,4";triretc.. ,N, „ 414 ho perpetuated; In EsSlandAthis stat a .. ;\ • of, aeon anclltyron; in Stritsitlie by the co . e,hattion oflinuerne; tit . Rove by: ~by ,-, statu of Chrisiten IV. Ile ;sill snrilve the , s,. . , .. heSrts of all whom - the besides 'of s er a - ca n . \.\, Oita n and Now York Pun* \ ,,1 ' \• \ -'.," 1: i rii-1 ft , BObioriber le nowLrooeiving !‘ll of-. • \ \ V, \ ~ ,s Nv Aa. . ..7 ler , . 666 •Utrelielli ..nose 01 \ . ; A P arifia.' fro. 14,1;tioat rolobtatiaa resaufw.wies efts* \ '.. , '', ) ton "'T''',704'itr..b.,„..,,i.......,. . \ --. % 2 bro.•a XI V tit It) lc Toarareoriraau t i i. tumid ,11 Mash . , \ ....$ ;41.2,!• . -21 T , = , ..,"' Pr .'e11r , " , :.';`11.u. g 'i.0 4 ,-. lq. \ s., .. , i1.4 . .',.'1 . " 9 "" , \ \d,.. \_. Uri \ . .d • ' \ : do: ' • •‘' , \ \ ,2 sot t•ate 6N, ort . •\ 10 Irian Colicirralef Riolt,Atsolumat, \ 'tatters** A LLIIrd \F , mcianoDOirox eurie- \ ' `.. I oh; cared ', ao blairuirl eertor, alir A t zolauldlui.)0•10 •,, • , ~ itai It ilii•Uet lr \ 7.... \ Putoe, , 1 . ,,:. '&, • `. \ . - \ 1 6 Wor t 6 ou nr ore, ritipials agouti &sato & ~, , 2 6 no \ faun:: corner. gOtlik Want ,S 01(60 \ ei,eieri arid tattier& \ & A, - , 'I thy, doublo Wood coma., 0 , 616 ilielee ne H•t ril l .&rtaltl'oa• etaiio. • I ,ll \ ; , Ode4i2laa aord'ai lima. •. • & or s e toi.ee‘Prieesi .ithmt ditioe of , Wen- bte• ••••.% \• . . ' watt*, uttarratraie & rrill _ea char, , wit lout, musk wee; \, . , fiTestYliiitiisurms`" fli:lll,!re'tvLi fg6etaterrar'.\\ . \\ ~ U. XL6U6ri. r e thl 'PN rt. \ .&,, . \ __ ! ,oo, ‘, \ `,‘ 61irn or 'O Gordan Ilan& • 5 ens , Stock bfehickerilan flea\ \ • •.. \ antiliST receivedby mi l iv „. \ , ' a m bn j e e t i ed of \ \ •' ' ri9CUlCKl.Tlelifillgroot toirrii4 h urir • • • • \•• - , '• • , Anr,Er4.a. ear..erti l l. 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