The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 16, 1852, Image 3

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    rif ‘I 11ATTFRS
LOCAL NEVII.—We hare - teen UZlAbie to at
tend as usual to the local affairs of our City to
daY and Y.sfAn'llay, owing to the labor requisite
in preparing the lecture of Profe,nor Jacobus
for publication.
• DAJIK j Emecrtons.—The following elections of
Back Dir..ctars were made on Tuesday, but we
have not hitherto been able to publish them.
The Institutions are all in Allegheny City:
Allegheny Saving,' ,Fund Company.—lletary Ir.
atin.,Pamtiel Melville, John Momson, Dr. R. B.
Mowry, Oeo, R. 'Riddle, Nelson Campbell, John
Mechanic? &mina. lianh—Thoman Farley,
John Irani, Jr., James L Greaten, Robert H.
Darla, Wm. 'Boyd, Harmon Ir(Maven, 'Hugh S.
Franktin Soring. Book —Tobiao Myer., Wil•
Liam Smith, Reuben Bugbman, John N:Stremb,
Ansi:taus Bartjio, Abram' Ilbys, JULIE'. D. Mgr
Cnoea■ or hltabie.—tionoria Conley, sister
of Mrs. Cuthhrrt, was yesterday arreeted and
committed on a charge of murder. Her hus
band has been committed oh weitnitar charge..
Coroner Arthurs has taken the stninachs.or
the poisoned children on to Cleveland, in order
to bare them analysed; and will probably return
Aeoutrrea.—John Griffith, driver of the ofe
nibuS which passed over a lithe child, named
Annie Lehr, on Christmas, it:au:Lilly killing her,
MA yesterday acquitted cat a Charge of homi
cide; which had been preferred against him.
Main auntaina her 1 w Elisti-five towns hav
ing a population of o er 176,000 vote thus :
Per the
an, - - 165,9411
Against t,. - . . 21 , 663
Eight to one! Thit will do.
fipringei Harbiugh.
(nuccissut 1u L& w. neetinutai.) -
n. Mer
v chant. Dtsler In 001 thl Noche. ,nerslll.
110. 141. nrt M., awl 114 Omura st.. Pitt, be nal t
Select School
TUE next & nasio 01l 11. WILL 'AMR' SKI.Egg
Plunixt.. win of , ll/1110Oter on Monday. the kb Pox. in
t room below the Lecture room 41 the air. /Wahl. -
flan Church. rittefoirah. colon, on birth Pt.
A portion of Wm tint &gotta I to efoli twellat lon will be
devotes* to reriairing former lemon.. Who hoe not for
gotten mots than be know.. byiegb.ting th is reel.?
LIP boa therefore adopted the mifeee plan of growlog
rich, "Mate all you ran," by ddigenteluily."and ore all
you pot," by eonetant repetition. tionotionpiering will
alto be taught. which will enable the pupil to roles' to
whatxtar valuable ohne or fail. he may meet with in hie
tinidlugrrefleetion or OW. notion, with.. much rate. a,
thin marabout Pifer@ to the
in Lin Leiter. and that
ha may do It with adiity. he will he taw ght m write 'Co- al
atographigally, which, I,loi/rot only one sixth many
motions se writing a word in eeript hand,lo the et mmun
orthography. ap.l42w ' It
Spring Importations of Hardware Cu
83 Wood Street.
AM now zeceiving, direct from Amerie ,
A_ sad Europe. bloou(sotorers,s tarot. and eoropl-t
33.330tt01ent of Ilsod fru*. Cutiory. Tonto, go-. W o bleb 313
&Wootton of Merchants and clnoo &micro In coneml, 3
fefrot refffeitfully tovit.,l3 • •34333•368
• ' Removal
Nearly Opposite tht Spread Eayle Tavern
kinds of Tatoneco . Vmulf mld Sew.
o eca nod &No. moll en commi.won. in7Dl2n. •'
Rev. Dr. KeLlilrelley's Female Seminary
SEVENTH Seseion, commeneeo on Wed
• 28th fwd. Teeth," of high abtlitl orr
.rodotril lih or.'lolllk.thrr
.The nutahrr or Boar Paoli,. It Motto.* to 2t.,
Trott! Mt SO3OOO or T 114,11 TWO WTELS. •
Board mot tontott to tivolit.b .1160,tr0
Hann b
2 .top
Froor.irrrroon and Lotto, r... 11 10.00
Drawing and .............. 11.00
Statrooarr .... . .... ...... ..
At . Ittroorocri—A . atr . fl ..
atg ann o. 1111.
Lotz•il Braun.
EESCOrilouse, Sign and Ornamental
Painter. and Japan,, No. llarket strut t.
an4.Third .1.. ihtlebnrab.
All &Inds of Painting" vor ettuorthe, Erome. &r, In ma
ter an 4 oil entoraL4onv,ln lb+ most Modern !W..: Tmns
parent.. Its:loar t B1/0,1e...Itnliation or it Dal, 44114 r and
t i a n ltia l Qw . rsa ,: a c t . r: 6 rr d at j Al:4.4 ... l... tt err. brain to
L ARD OREABH-1 Ws. for oak, by
BELL a Lomat.
OLI and To VatEr mt.
• -- A. GILIENFENNEY & CO. 76, 4th
street. 1t... rertie.J. -Yelketibelice: • tee of
tit the author of .. 51ilter.1 Veroon.• -tlerousula."
hr. Aleo. No 11l Yield Reek of the Revolution. and Vol.
of IlanerofVe history of the Unilfd nide.. spit
'JAMS, - 11 tea. and 2 hhdr. Liggeti'l
O. tam
re tunny um; far rale by BELL • ULM/a%
.1. 1 0
OV and 70 IVal.r
ge N 0.3 Bleekerel
FISII-100 Lbls.
•40 40 11:alf b1.14...`1a! 4 . fnr.l4. by
1:0141: 4 014. 1.117b11 .1g CO.
B ACON -250,00(1 Ma. hams, Sides and
, she Odin pert now In ,ronta for rale Sir
split notlttrON, LITTLIt a C...
LARD -400 bble. and ten. Leaf;
h lo. g . d • tar rate by
spin 1:0111!atti, Li'fri.c so).
FLOUR -150 bble. Estraand S. F, in stare
fairale by Imaisos. LITTLE a en.
FEACEIES-200 ha. Dried, in fine order,
for rate hi lapin • MAUR/N. LITTLE aEn
M OLASSES -350 hhla. N. 0., in store an
t^ urire. for ede ,
billolllBoN. LITTLISO CO.
SUOAK— I) hildr. N. 0., for wile by
• plO ROILIVN. LITTLE t lb. .
WINDOW CURTAIN PAVER.--New whohn...kk. awl retail. br
Mourning Goods
MUBPIIY & BUItt:3IIFIELD have recd
l{ Torthers apply ~f 810u:ulna Goode, Tic
Gln liheek Crepe Tor ellu.
Meek Pnerthaelete,
BlBek Thlblt Merino;
BleurOlos Cullum -
do Cuff/.
Block Thlblt Shawl% double luDiel, . •
apo • Northeast earner fourth and Market rte.
Foreign and, Domestic Fruits, &C.
JUST received at Morris' Tea Store in the
• Pelmel Pesch. 1G rents pr quart
Jerery Plums. Irev Iron @Purr, ..8) pude perpoutut
Yreoeh ano liormeu l'huor..,_ 10 ' Do:
New Valeuelsilldelue 804 ID reale per poem&
A hum& It% Dente le'r 1P 5 0 5, t
french Curr.te wei 8 eenle Per
Very neperiver Turkey eurrnjo Me pet pouot
Tstrlwy fifes ID 004 IV.lee per pound:
AlBB, tura Starch, Ileeker's farina, giro flour, Venal-
M e nmeoul,'Orellueu.leuocurtee. epD
I PAPER ILA NOINGS--Tapestry patterns
g of paper banging. Gold. Volvot mod plea rtrlrs.
lor pale ur toptil WALTER. P. IdASSIIALL
A A.:MASON & CO. will open this morn-
Es 1100 r..... own or lim.y sod Maple Pry Mod.,
roooldlor of Ilogg.c Itibbonin Plain owl figond gdgo,
g ooo goo. ri.go o o, tironodleoa. PoDllm. Lawnp. Boren d.
yglooo. Mooodo Lalooo.
boo km. NOI4, asocrttogi
400 1 w Wia4o4r (11 um, snort"! Azar, for gale
by 00) RuPlyON. LITTLY. t CO._
TANNERS' 011.-40 Ghia. ree'd for sale by
'FLAX SEED-2G bbls. reed per etr. Von
ttlie, for rale by
14 S--7 baled rcc'd—for sale by
Ala ROBISON, Lir & 00.
1 - 55VER SEED-10 bu. prime for Bale by
1310 IRON-300 vale Mill Creek;
• sue • Dew(lrak; en hand for
by ' •
• 1.01 ROBISON. UTTLE a W.
G REASE -5 bbls..OreasoLard,for aio b
r lURPENTINE-5 bble. for mils by
tA1.0 , ..V rmj.a.Drintihylbr
TA bx, Cincinnati, far gale b
J. Km,* en.
V . A'fIINTER'S tart gLAsTIO-5 gro
• -vj In morn an,l for nalv by
J. KIDD k Cb 3.
' , OA P-50 bxe. old dry__
Sto • 'for Sale.
01110 And Pclate7/ranis Railroad:*
• ire.tein Iciaoratan La;
Ihui Street Bridge:
stall...rand Dr 7
ritaibara b. aneinnall and Loulrellie Telccraohi
liorti American 111oloir
& o ak and Eaclianse Broke.. ekruer Market anl SDI
- -
Stocks Wanted.
:XIJIANG E Bank or Pitt,bargh
EEAi. semi M.
el.lAbohels .I 4 Batton 2dininhesenPenr.reur
I.4l¢.Mining Ceentsnr;
Northwestern 311hina Cuespenr
Stack and leselmwow
• led str..4a.
OIL of rupinior quality, reed and
fr tale by_ W.A. 14 &CUM° & 00.
&12 - Ummry &o 4 TM Water.
.I\llPia 4t BUBCFIFIELD have just
ot rorrlr admit LinfliGlegtuarta f, D.
CUESSE-31 blip. landing-from
Line, for ludo er
- n. II A I.2IiLL & CO
1:10AM-50 bhds. N: 7 07, for sale by
TURPENTINEPE N-1.5 bblo. for . ealo by
J. : 4 01100:1111A K E It t 1,11
bbleL - iS i o: I;
lJ .1a kegs_ew reared. bt
-ks aibaizA uoeiLti,
7 EATLEBBm=s3batl7llt rMafUra
ji fii — FLOUR-- 20 bias. in store, fur sale
11, be tap% (X)..
1011 RE--200 bags Rio, recd fur sal° by
KING4II.II t IlittitiETT.
1110" O. SUGAR-20 bhds. read fur-laic by
_xdOLlSilit MONETT.
Q.UGAR.--30 b3e.-priiVbiiitler, - Jor pale
pp 117- --. [WI . UGLISSI /IX/WM
asogrogn Or nry o'zin..tx mcnaisru tin,
Nmrair, April 15.
The steamer America arrived at Halifax this
morning, at three o'clock. She left Liveipool
on the morning of the 39 at eleven' o'clock,
bringing 97 thkough passengers.
The America arrived at - Liverpool on the 29th
ult. In the, evening. The Arctic arrived on the
evening of the 31st; the Arctic's &driers
strengthened the feelings of dalltiess nod Inac
tivity in the cotton market.
Previous to the America's departure the
sales were unusually limited and the priors
irregular. Might reductions were mode on all
descripoions of American under fair. - Brown
IL Shipley's circular saps that they were fully
oneeighth of the week were 81,000 bales of
which 2000 wore on speculation, and at
Mobile, 61.; Uplands si; Middling Mobile 4 13 16;
Uplands end Ordinary 3}e3k.
Ilreedstuffs—Much depressed; the circulars
disagree an to the extent of the decline. Brown
& Shipley quote Flour no having
. declined from
6.1 to ls. Wheat. has declined one and two
pence, they quote Western Canal, Philadelphia,
Baltimore and Ohio Floor at 19s lid. • .
The continental markets have declined about
equally as at Liverpool, and wheat has receded
in the chief Baltic ports.
Provisions.—There have been limited sup
plies and limited tramiactions in Beef and Pork,
hut the prices 'Uwe been very firm. Oardiner
Cn. quote new prime mess Ilecf•nt 955®921
Gd; Pork, tlOn0700; Bacon inactive; a email
supply at prim - supported. bard dell at 0.1;
shilling lower. Tallow in fair demand at racier
prices. Fbr Coffee . there Is a more general
demand at full prices. Tea drooping.
Bueinees nt Manchester corresponded with
the dullness, at Liverpool. The spinners and
manufacturers are anxious to renew their
engagements and buyers had the advantage
Goodesnd Yarns are lower.
Money is abundant and rates aro unchanged.
The bullion in Bank has increased nearly.C7o,ooo
during the week. Consuls were steady on
Friday at fitlielthBi. American securities were
in fair request at favorable prices: U. S. sires,
'fifi. '1.0210i03/: do. '6B 1101e111 New
Bork State 95606; Pennsylvania fives Fill.
Ohio sizes, 706'75.,
Secretary Walpole
.introduced ate, Militia
Bill into the House of Commons. Lord Pal
merston supported it and Lord Ulm Busse lldid
oppose it. Mr. Home protested against it
id Cobden ridiculed it.
Mr. Berkly's hill for voting by hollot at Par
ietary elections woe rejected by a majority
Sherman Crawford's Melt Tenant bill wan
also rejected by a manouvre on the part of the
A bill was announced establishing a steam
communication between Canada,. Newfoundland
and England.
Monaton Milnes has offered a resolution con ,
cerning Austrian restrictions on British tweet
er*. •
Charles Garen Deify, of the Dublin Notion
newspaper is a candidate for new Ranee.
The committee on the Catholic Defence Asso
ciation held daily meetings to eaorare the
merits of the newleandidates.
A meeting of the . eititene of Dublin was held
on the subject of tenant rights.
Sherman Crawford's bill was Imanimously
appeared and the meeting passed a pledge to
support hone but staunch supporters of the
DittiOUßl tenant right.
The initial step was taken in Dublin to erect
• monument for honor of Thomas Moore.
Sir• William Somereilte, late chief Secretary
of Ireland; has been hunted from the repreten
lation, and has nought refuge in Cantentury.
The French Chamber was opened ou the 29th
by the President n person. lie was attended
by a brilliant staff ilia reception WIVS of the
wannest hind, lie read his speech mantling.
in which he announced that it was the 'llterPtil
.f France to littep in acuity with all notiono..—
le dischtimahiiy intention of assuming the
le of Emperor, hat declared that if dbiaffection
or intrigue forctd htat,
ho would demand fro
tho people the muneof the repose of France,
a new title, whicliwould irrertmobly fix in hi
pollen the power with which the people hod ix
rested him. Bin speech excited immense ap
violate, and cries of 'ire Napoleon ‘luring th.
The President then took the oath of fidelity I.
the Constitution, end the members were swor.
to fidelity to the Prrahlent. Car►ignsc and hi.
C►rnot were absent the following day, and th
legiel►tire corps met in their respect'. Cham
Martial law ceased cu the 26th ult.. in all th
The Code Civil resumed the former title o
Code Napoleon.
A deputation from ilnyre had arrival to pro
test against an additional duty on foreign Co
The Presidenre notation is fixed nt tea mil
The feeling inereeees that an empire may ye
be declared.
fistrait —Mr. Mangum made a personal ex
planation, defining Me position en the Presiden
tial question. He raid he would probably he
prepared to oapport the Whig nominee, though
yielding his preferences as he did four years ago.
Ile wan ROOD to withdraw from public life for
the privacy of the family circle. lilt prefer
ence. for the Presidential candidate differed from
the grisst majority of his constiluente, hut' he
most acknowledge. Winfield Scott to be his first
choice, whose •militory services have endeared
him to the people and the country, in payment
of a debt of gratitude.
Mr. Dawson Moo explained, with regard to the
Whig caucus. He denied being present or act
ing with it.
Mr. °wins asked Mr. Dawson if he could nay
by authority that Om Scott is in favor of the
Fugitive Slave Law, and would execute it if elec•
ted President.
Mr. Mangum sold he has had no conversation
With Oen. Scott knee the passage of the Com
promise, but when the Omnibus was pending,
Oen Scott favored Ito passage.
The subject was then dropped, and the French
Spoliation 13111 was considered, and ordered to
be engrossed, by a rote of 26 to 10. The Sen
ate then adjourned.
The house resumed the consideration of the
Report of the Printing Committee. -
Wmiroxrrros, April 14
Hannah's return creates no excitemement
Beal/rived without notes and will depart with
out confusiou. Ile has been quite retired since
his return. Numbers of Senators and Repre
'sentatives hare called °pole him. Ills desire is
to see Henry Clay again after which Kossuth
leaves for New York. That desire he the no.-
ble to accomplish. Probably ha will be more
mournful to-morrow when he will deport
The government:lei proseenting the Forgersen
of the Mexican vouchers with extraordinary dili
gence. Wra. D. Drown of Michigan is on trial
in the Criminal Court; the lion. A. W.' Duel of
Detroit is his counsel.
The mechanics andiaborers on the extension
of the Capitol resume woe); tomorrow.
The Texas bond bolder. met to day; they
appall:lied a committee and adjourned without a
final declaim. The opinion le that they will
take what Texas offers and bide their chances
for the remainder.
,`aetile, for eale b
Another nest California ticket ewindlen
hu been broken up. They had been selling a
large number of opulene tickets for the Ship
Reindeer. Gs,. E. Hamilton & Co., whose of
fice was over the Henn Bank, were the princi
pals.- They have fled the city.
A special meeting of the American Bible 33-
eiety wee held this afternoon to consider the
extraordinary comae ,of the First Baptist
Church on Broome street in ejecting the Socie
ty from their rooms under the Choral in conse
quence of the refusal of the Society to lend
itself to the new union movoment. Strong
rcaolutions were patted and the Board were in•
attuned- to vacate the rooms forthwith. The
Society met again this evening, and were ad
dreserd by the Rev. Henn. Hague, Calvet'.
Reese, and othess. There was a large atten
dance from Pennsylvania, New Jercey nor'
RICHMOND, April 14.
The Whig State Corrrention met to•dey sod
was largely attended. ,
It was organized by the appointment o
Hail of Spotayleaula, President pro te-m.
committee of fifteen was eppo els to raper
permeneist offices, and the Convention adjourned
until evenieg.
It vets believed no.' preference would he ex
pressed for Presidemay. The friends of Fill
more and Scott were both strongly represen-
ere hos been no
/*nib of Menlo
Unfits Green, convicted tit. Mobile of, forgery
has been sentenced to. tea 'Yeats itoptisonment
In the Pealtentisu.
A bill granting the D"•
privilege of erecting n bridge over the tiPliqp
henna at Havre de Once was reported ib the
Maryland Legislature to-day.
Cotton—lnactive; little business doing in con,
sequence of the inclemency of the weather.
Flour—Bales 600 hble for export at 4,4(0,60..
Rye Flour and Corn Meal without inquiry.
Grain—Wheat stria,' at 90c for prime Penn•
Sylvania Red, and itCyo for White. The market
in nearly bare of Corn, which is in demand;
sales 2000 bushels yellow at 61c. Oats scarce;
males Penna. at 42013 c.
Coffee—Held higher, and stock reduced.
. Sugars—ln good' demand; large sales at fell
Prorisinho —Very 6 no; Bales 111v11 Pork at
Cotton—The market is quiet, without Tarn,
flow Pales 1000 hales at Conner quotation,.
Flour--ttalei at $.1,12}Q4.25; nod for South
orn. $4,1004;44 Sales 100 bhlt Corn Meal
0 :1 SI,BI
Ornin—Sales Inn bushels Southern While
Corn at 660. •
Proll6°l4E49oms 6110 hhis Mee Pork nI $l 9 ;
prime, $l7; mace 600 Was prime Reef, $10,12f.
The Commercial Advertieer, of last evening,
quoted Pork at $18; and Thin evening nt $1136t1.
Lard, 9i€1)10.
Seger—S.lot 150 boxes blinicnvotlo nt l(n)
Molossex--Selling al 17ic.
Oilo—Sales 3000 galls fOie
400 htils Ohio Prison at fic
lliNetnutrt, April lo
Flour— Quiet; sales 700 bbl ot $3.1063.15.
Provision.—Fires; sales 200 bble ppm° Lard
nt 11c, and 1600 kegs at 10c. Bales 100 WI.
Bacon Bides at 9.1 c; packed Bacon Shoulder. 7:1
ell; sales 150.000 pounia Balk Meat at 70 for
Shoulders and Sic for Skits. Mess Pork kohl
at $l7
tiroceries , —No change.
The river has fallen 2 . 4 feet since last evening;
the weather is tine.
CIIARLICKTON, (S. C. ) April 14.
Cotton—Salem 11000 bales at ei ; market firm
prioem dull.
jpIIIOPOSALS will be received until the
4th ot Up thr Other 91' th. Crtinorrr ot the
ttru4 front i'llt•hurgh to 1t... , ot•Pt . ".th.t •
tuuorl a to.yardoi long. 3.101 •otur otK arrl
tor tu, othrr w.rit on a,,. Lion toky then 1.• readi !or
twormatloo rrrperting the work trmr 1. oblwMed .t
oftre. or from W. M. ttoherte, Cop•ultuut .Isugmevr;
at Marlon, Ohl, Br order of the tk... 1 .
L. )111/:!1 ILL Jr. Chief Purim,. •
F.4.:trwmer Ornre. BlUrt,c. Alm 00.
rrlIE Partnerdiip between Oa undernignea
uuder at+ .10,4 El DU ELL lIKOTIIEIL S.. di—
.4+l,-...1 no the Ifah ton by ttow..
Calle; rf partoree an. authorized to artt.l.
Longues+. J. C. 111 01% 6Lt rittAturgh
D W. V. uIDK ELL. lioetto.tor
March 'EL 1,0-4 rd.?,
rklnE partnership heretofore existing
l'firter awl t an Cur. under the nr.c.l
3.. IN PA IMES: a CO. I. thin el.,
Fel.ruarr 11. 11.b.:1
1 Lace this day nik.iated with me, is the
my su. JAMEZI PAl:til uale, the arm 1.1 Join
Pkki.t. a..."
behruary le, —lreMel
FAIR NOTICE of the I.i.solution of the
I.rfu rl.l.ux kkkkk aC. the m..minw " 1
hoothy. Is n , rro,kl. A •10..1ta1. , .11 0 mole LoplAl«.1. ul
t.n ale iball harp .1.14. n , .111 , 1•1,1. etmourtigun
1.11 1 :1! 01 (Mu
rk‘liE undersigned hav e (MN day entered
inn( if It:. ADAMANTIAE
A.'D Seb4l. i:rxr.vr:As 61341
.10:1141•11 101, 14.• CO ,rtdrr- belt ma thp fatebsid.
ot Jam Irwin A Von..
l'alsbur,ll..FLlCXlll44/ , ' .4.767,1-11n1rN.
santiniettnhn. the ..stnte of I..trr heard. Lived. I
bare gold tho Ow cler:Wini, itt th. Atlant.nttut•
C..u.11. and enat , hunt..., h. John Ire In. Ent . a Cu:
fornird • ro-petttnerxhip Jo -et-431J un.h.r the
haw. (.1 .11.1.1EP11 a (V and talLn areal pies,
or, in rrevmcnrualun nr. co-t...rtnerghlt.
c.I the late brio a I,
.1%.3m 01.0,oh
I I MING sold toy entire Htzeit of 1.001:o.
1 . .r..x1ic.1.. ate., tn Ml,r2t. 1114.1..•CALL0U. 1
elt•rfully It. IT, lona., tnt-tontt ,
All ,rw,nt. tndt , 6l,l tt. tur .1111 pls... t.. 11 01111, 14,1
11.. spa *Otte. .1. 11. 11%101/.:1 , ..
Third ft .opt....tte the 1...1"1,14-...
T "UE und , rsigned, hating putch(ved
Tltirg• ytork .1 J. II lloLNlK: l .'fliml
hop.,. en. MI.. rJ vtyr.,l
{orttwershl,. u..ler the brut ACALO , IA .
.01 b. Ilmutful fors 1.1. ,Onnwmr.
will sly. U.. blo,yry U. Imre' a frnyn
A full mowntrnool nt every art FA. vlll Owl., 1 , nut
All .0,1'10.. malteel..l fey by Me J. It 111.1.11
YOU M forablird u. beno.l by to. J. U. WHIM,
• Ibtb.burch.
rrilE flutescitihers for the erection of an
tiro., of . I:efur, G., Wratern I . rona,lTania. are
mou nt that ad witaPartneut twornty fArr rent. on
tl amount rutorril...l lip ...wk./. rentnrr..lfo pool
tic Tr.u.n, on or 6.1,re U.. 1,111 it., of ti.....nnber
oral. Ilr on', of if. Loaril of trir.rto:•
or3tfr JOSIIIIII lIANN a. To.,
WfiSlllFlriToll..April lb.
Yartnerfillip I•etween the untlenlign
i I, un,IPL Ho/ /.1., So of // AW. II AIIIIALIIIII, I. Mg-
L b n e rL i n t o ' r//nl/r/ hd aZITI". I I4[ I ./ri ' a fi r• tru t a '" tilt!. : / " L l lrm ,
in .411.0,/ thrii bu 11,.... UPLing*/ , H.L/uillb will rnn
tintu• th. boolonar •tiZonl. at 11,Lie o .Nto
I'ircl et. slid
tl fall liAltBA UL M,
npiW3l. lAbllAlblll.
ripo PRlNTERS—Printing Ink manufae
lornd by J. It Mc ran. awl
trom 1 lb. rl 100. from YA ml. In $2 r• 0 1. , ..d.
edgo. 11v1, dark a...111,1bl 1110,.. &oat awl light droval I r!ka,
in ran+ al 1 lb, from 72 caul. In 11.t.0 Par EN ar.
00, In and 12. e•na, honnlta •nd SI per IL tn.l 1
In a: eap0,,114 pwrik —3l , roscarh—tnr by
.1. IL W ttI.DIN, Ilivkasiler • Stathner.
arT Cl Wood bellrrcn Thlrd and •nnreh.
Ni OLASSES—:.:OO bGle. N. 0., for sale by
op! IL DALZELL • Ott,
„ l i tl.N s ' in l . N lb ll2 r ve . r t. e . m m o . vei . l t t b a . N 01 ,45
and 111010 of Kral Fatal.. AI:, Enacts. Notak Dr P M,
oe•ntlated •r 1
11 1 EATLIERS- 60 eke. landing from' etmr.
lot talr
&Si Kat, and Vrone I. _ -
IDES-200 dry, for sale by
B E . E p H. 7 SK INS --5 00 , p
R 1 1 1: 4
Eiril4rra„Aßfi m
or ale . by
lAN 25 Ws. for sale by
_ .
ARD OIL-15 bids. "Iturekbails" best
New Yogic, April 14.
biLTIMORZ, Aril 14.
nt of the Boutbetik
Ala Railroad ibip
Ncw Yore, April
Notice to Contractors
To the Public.
Co-partnership Notice
House of Before
• •
A for par sr J. 801100NIIIAIL Alt A CO.
bio. Putnam's Library for Travellers
Aul ts fireakt.. Coot of M. Prroolut No le Lime
ntiy. from Dickpore llourebohl Words:
111•1•11 no. • talp of Aura..., by Julia KA•uurf!,
antbor of - Nat:lodic," "Woman uf KPH). eh notlenity.
"b"b' of
r..l7:Pril i n ri I' AL
P re No. 7O Fourth at .
TAB. CANDLES-2h bze. in kora for
t. mi. er J. KIDD dr 00,
no Wom orrn , C.
.. COH
wo lo Pro, Or ealr!/r J
&No J (N).
Barry's fiicopherons,
, Pena Oar Proroiroo, R. 1., J.grrnal.
Why Is Barr. Trivopherout papule , )—The reason
Ind vioue—breswee it ta the Berth rperet of Infector rlaen
atold at otta to t Ide the rite of
cOtopetiteref , bohlte faro, People .111 tad sire a dol
lar fur • battle of for the heir. when lb., ran get e
better article for twenty for rents.
As au agent 114 twornducluit.ftloeeht, thleaeolog, feat.
eniag.and edrliag the hair. Barter, letroraraore, told
at ra • Bolus. Barite. eorripari,o ae soy rothlr.
salon to othe atm. tottP.e that Ituropeso or 1i611.11..12
loveutloo tote pet wires. to the world- Prioriptl Wire,
tat Broadway.
r. rk. b ITRLL . ERB. Li Ward .1.
AKD.-15 bble. No. 1, reed per ateamer
A Vi heti tarry nod frr ealv
C. I. 141111,IVKIL
-7W bze. No Lethenatall Pow.
bo NIRO, Palm du,
100 •• Mould Loa Pr n.: , ...Jr LT
010 RolintilN, 'MILE A CO.
PIRE BOARD PRlNTS—Various .tyletb
for We I,
"REA P WALL PAPER—Prom 6 to 12 I=2.
V,l coots, ror oalo by
A LCOIIOL-40 bble. G. 92,98 per cen
fJr pal* hi J. IDD at,
. . •
OOLLEN (loads on conAgnment:
rang Moot Twao4o:
4o Orey no;
1 oofirorn dM
4 do Uinta and White Colon Co.ooltooton
I neon plain Blank
1 raao Joan, Ware sal Tin ,
4 do ttra, Waal ranokoln
AII4 had from rho manufactormn and for sale no Joann
No roma b,
['AI)DESKS—(Not Heel' Pods) a very
rouvreltot artleb., .umt rire'J ted for by
J. R. WIC §I,IN, Vank.rlirr ,rrilarlorpr,
uP" Yin. Woo. or, lotte•r Ilurd • Fourth.
of Barred 1.11 , ra Silks. whirl. they are offering at
ew pile., oultabla for Opting glut eaumer Dre,rot,
tulta as In. 0.60 cents per rar.t.____
Mitt P!!!
ofa b t ; h o e r
a pa lap gals. grarrast.l pore lila, to
{Malt, Wow User. Mr)* haa• TWA/ Rs taiditlogre
al Papal, 01 Mom yrry taperlor Phirtlap Loslltu, at
w WA' trdu.. loots also rferlreJ. .
VOPYINO Prensee, Copying Bookn, from
ntomorwUrvk a.UIIW P•por and Copy
for nit at 4. IL 141.1.1)111.
Book and et4tiorsrrOtor..
spl , G 3 food a.; boOnen ThArd an.l.Voartrt
- - -
(ILASS-150 brA. 8) 10 for oaltri
msS gocoUsU fizon i sTr. •
tri• •
Cp to a o'ciock lad Vntsi,g,
DintitioN, Versailles; F. Robinson. Unigotnwe; G
OoeWry, !McKeesport; J C Sutterley,:teliville;
.1 MeCleland, Elizabeth; D Yount, S 'Hese!, II
B Krouw lady and Iwo children, L Ott, H li
Bury, C H Miller, L norly, 0 Trozel, J Trozel,
J F Hewes, Miss A Gebris, Misa L Froinken
field, William Reickettbaugb, Philadelphia; J
Booker, Huntingdon county; .1 Barkley, A
Minehert, Brownsille; H McCloskey, New
Orleans: .1 W Smith, 'Monongahela city; M
Sander., Limetown; F McKee, Cookstown; H
Cook. Brownsville; J D Brown, Wm [noire. C
I) Dailey, New Orleans; L J Dum, Redstone; T
W Garvey, MeKee,pOrl: Mice It Reppart, Mice
AI Iter,part, IV •T Williams, Greenhorn; 'l'
Sparks not lady, Redstone: .1 Wallace, Browns
ville; A It Eherhert, Now Geneva; Z Carter,
Brownsville; R S 'Mclntyre. McKeesport; J
Cork, Brawnsville; .1 Bees Indy fald two child,
Mercer; I) Campbell, New Brownsville; Willi to
Irenheeg, Petergnrg, Pa ; .1 Penny. McKees
port; S Dredger, Portage county; Ohio; J W
Craft, Bridgewater; .1 IV Davis, Darkesville,
Va ; J P Wanton, }tenth...ravine,
flambe, Fairmount, Va.
A Thompson, R C Luca. Sleubentille; T M.
McCreary, heaver; T Markle, I) Hall. A T !Mar
kle, W S Minton. Steubenville; II Ptalt nnd la
Iludnon; J C Wngeman, Kittanning: K
Morten. Illighlntoliown; W May, P lll 4l
Rams., 0; IV Tngnn, New Cantle; II Smith, liar-
Moneloirg, U Keen, Crawford: .1 II Cook, Ito
cheater; 1' M Rnen, In; II ()viol' nn.l lolly, 0; A
II Colentnek, 0; I' II Hoy, Etranhetlitown; IV I'
Proris, New Liehon; M II Shutt, dc; 1) C Slth,
ilt; W F Fundenberg, Wheeling- C II Springer,
Philo; J It Knpgle, Po; .1 IV ttoutlah, New
Brighton; T A IVilliomn, 1/; 8 Melvin,
eine;; I) Randolph and lady, Chiang.); II Notion,
Elyria; J W tV ilemt, I'hile; .1 E 110)1,
ion; (j King and lady, Stark co, tl; .1 II Burr
J Stewart, Wellsville; II Bryon, Kitionniiig:
II N Ormond, Butler; .1 Moore, , M C
Mercer; 1 It Krepro., Brownsville, Pn; W S
Parnell; Youngstown,-I); N W Cunningham, 'pt.
ler; W McKean, Mercer; W Packard, Warren;
11 W Cellar; Farmington; Mrallarmen, Warren;
8 F Intrneti, Youngstown, 11; AV It Oliver,
Wndlington: U N Porter. do; P V Y❑nhecker, Cl;
F Handy, 111 IVuoley, Chicago; VI W Lucy, 0;
IV Taylor, Erie; T Magee, Jr, New Philo: A 0
Burley, Chie❑go; U Satterthware, Salem; Oeo
Walker, Lisbon, Ps; J Sharp. Salem; .1 Fite,
Warren; J II Chainhers, 8; Mount, W
T M Lloyd, J Lloyd, C Myer, Z'
lieimple, II Aber+, N 1; J tt Andereon„l C It
It 9 Y.elwimp:, II Keyser, Bolivar,
W It Gorden, (1:71' Norrhoraft, N Lisbon, 1 : 1;.1
Thenbeld, Canfeld, 0; A Brumlmugli and tidy
Ilegeretowu Ald; Alm Brumbaugh do; J Kimble
Somerset, 0; W It Patterson, A V It I:: Mi.,
Itew, Mx : eerie:a, J Ilagore
town, Md; S AI den:, Iowa: Al Aloore,
Kelly Winmineio, Blake N Brigten, J ire
and lady, J Donnell, CS .leukion , Glerelleil.
Charles Robinson, N 8 Rainy, Nlargan
co, D 8 AleLvngblin, New York. 8 A 11lark:
Wayuchurg: A U Altoon, JII Job n eon ani
lady, AI Ilurlbert. Ky; .1 W AlrEny, Cin; 0 A
Wlleen and Intl°, E Il n loboper, Alealiville:
Dr Reentrant, E Kingsley. Cleveland; 0 W
linnien, In; C J t; Fbra.le.
Ptah,: J C Knox, Franklin.
'rhos MeNteutr, Ilauptsg Kock; J Moiour, C
IlloCaueelstal, Ilreenvharg; Rev .1 Hughey and
lady : Belle:errata,: W II Clarke, llrnwnsville. A
Calhoun: 114,0000, Ky; J Al Ilnletan(all. Iloyr
villa J Porter, Bnnduskl AL Watmon, A,litaku
Is, Übn,, E It Brugge, JAI Trneedale, La: L 1, 1 1.1
Ilarknetv nest lady, Mn, C 11 orb nevo. II
Morely, (In
srte T ,_
Itulit ...lAA
1 , .1tT Pl j /Ng 1r..,
111. 1111..
• • •
":4:17 . 4"1 , ri:1;. •
1 4 1- Olt ST. LOUIS .:111Ssi , 111:1
- I:—Thn r , f.\ r r,SI r...147, , Z:11 ‘ 1
1,0 0, , miry. 11.• Ai.ol, so,
V, r fr-ighr r.
anll 0 Nlll.l . Krr It r...nt
14 1 0 R Sl'.
teonm 111S.—Tlit• last ru
umner KIOUTOIL c.r.t A 0 •1
lof trright am , ' v on 1...,n1 nt..l I
15no Le, ali light drancht •nrarn Iroat
E Pi E. Captin linawou. win teure tor
Ihr• and int/qv:mit:no• on tto• d.y•
in... at 10 tirlotl
For frAtehl nr pn.vkAr r, pit nn ~ ., r , / , or to
.pll k:. It )111.rE,Iirlui , t., A ...nt
r~ll,ll NASH V I ILLE—Tho
endnew N A V. nk I/Ann
.4akantnander. I,ATA fur .lam And kn.r.
snoliair latolinite at • P
For fistula or risieiteii. on I ei
I I L E T t y ? E u EN L ‘k. , L i., ! • ,, NI T .,
i ll E
ru II I —The light itraucht elennienA eN A
Capt. S. literi.“ will roil rogulorlf helween
a to
Micrifio, l'illehurch every II eilniethlr a. , Ell la/ •
avail Well-hunt/I ever, Virolay arel ,tunlar.
For frolFht or Wows,. antilv on marl N
r A. It end CI ALIA
The apienillit tl`n .
Capt. eland, will run regularly IA Hie whore
trade...earl. ...burgh reeri iato.loolt
n'ehea. mar,
en . Thin rpletrlillnt •Ln tol, 14
alrouthor Iva. Noon., to
othrrn. tor
the thholanall and l'atnbortth Verkrt thhte, nod will Ira.
err" Wrtlhralnt Cr Cincinnati.
, rnhrh , Mt..., nrt , ota or In
roarlS 11..}M.TLNIIElillInt..1,fit.
Wheoliw and Pittsburgh Packet.
T HE sulk ninbing pai.engor ga d
leave. for the ahoy,. and all Inhdrio•di'
a. pad, Tnenle, num., ana l•stiinl3, et lii
" 11:! ` tISZ7l1 1 1111IlTP:1 will mart
Pit hloutah •cueaday, Tbutoday. and ratunlay. at
A 1•1: returning.. 1... a.. ., Will . ..ling • , oar
end at ei A. el.
Fed. (nicht or • . hartnapoporlnr woroniza•Klati,..
on Li ard. nr
A Itllrrilolill.l2llll7l , lt a CM, Agte..
Th. IA Ineherter s• one iif thr tinixt.let :Arlo,
lid La the tslide An,. ran • iin
ta•r to
in the tred. reauhall• jai;
11 EON LA D. i'll"r8 killitONl AND
IL IL 111:11.11NU
or r s p -kat Con wall. caws
ta. Is now personal. 1.. r rs•ularlet waslayttlro
this city Wlo,lins, 'soling l'attrborgh at In
sver, Slotslay. Washardslay ao4 Yruley, sad. ratoirniss.
err, ?nasals,. Thunsl•l antl .11554. y.
to ...L. Moe In.l•ht or past - a...felt
t.1.1.1...1at. Avant.,
?Ls. Diurnal is • ads whoa] boat. awl is Ino ES lb.. and
and Wiest Wet.. star ronstencle4 loar trads.
gars and shippers .an dsp“..l bar coutsnuinc in
I " IVIC U L I gLL I N I. I I :A T C S K i g " "g II 9;I ! ?!itait
new packat ;leather tAIitEST CITI, A. master, 'env. 11M:burgh for rverY
totreptinc 9199.1. y.) at 9 n'eti...k, 114 and ',tam
lug. leaves 114.199111 e aver, day at ti terleck, A. NI. The
Vorept City rut. entineetton with th. Civielat9l eit9l
Inltshargh 11a199.1 Line.
Tidket Amt. U ilAßTOYOlnnang•lielit t.
VI - right Aaitat, , l? hAltAl F. 9, No. Cu 11.1... awl "I Vir , t
Stray C,OW.
rrAKEN up by thu Aubscriber, re- it
It riding to Low, R. Char loonAhlo.
rt .rol
CO.. obit. stal wilti lame torn, at, I mold
The owner I. ref,13,10/ income farwror4. (ro,
P~rhsrQ.•s Abli take the n•e ovray.
proper:l P•• )(t l ( 1,1. 110011 P.
Allegheny County, en
t. ry lZtr In the Orphans' Court, No. :r2.
.s' . .:. Harter Terml•lO. Indh , matter thr Eare d
c; need And r. to air, April
Lthf 1;:d. A. il.
the (1•..0rt ...Winn thin ncenutit
arid do Ore appoint W.ll. 0414 Q, Ltd., an.
ditar to tIP tribute the bale,* iu the minds 1.1 tile ..xern.
• • -
Ntaide i 9 hereby given to nil pereowi into
.tel. that the •n.litar • 111 dircharga ta,. duties to I.
pgdolotmout. at hit .Alen in I.narla'o nal diudi Fourth r
iidiltatlilll. CU I Up. 411. dal ut /o.e us , ".
lirb k. e Y. It. 011.1.110<i
jj_NOLISU PRlNTS—Murphy S Burcl
jJ tell hsTe Iva 0pct...1 . lut of Ir•ry ts,o,lftotn•
Alt,..or n r;l4%7ALV•t; : ;n7r i mr., '' lnt , . `„2l' . '
11 Jr. AMMAN infallible L.r
laaatlon oral/. hnarla, Choi,* 'who...,
lo thorg 1,0.1E144 with Mit. tardie...• the, t el
lartbar reromotrtatall..a... at..l to Ito., onaego.ttiarJ
tEI It, a lil.lo trial will ahre ample trabm , n, Tut ;
.rlEn au..
raj In all rrtir-lt It to rwrounrw..
u..lrnla certllkatra arr at coulalltla aonte.4
bith acrollapaht vart. N.M.. at thr
VITO atom of lb. al.Ovr turd. our 'not an.l for
Ile at Eh. bruc tltarr 61
4 1 OAP-300 bra. Ildsin Soap for mile by
—_- _
Lids. Linseed Oil;
II L-2 1 1 0 1 1.4(.1 • ( A. alr.
1 ,KNOLISII a 1110 011:17,
lOlsibt}:llClAL COLLEUR.Iocat.I i:Orncr
1,) Market &WI Thlni sweet, Pittsburuh. l'a..
K.l:lleatataLle. lwinctoal. and' Irnwenon of the Fee
M l'.
ee Annennte. "
I'. It. Freneen. Prorogue/ of Pennon...lllp.
The plinelpol object of.tbia lowitotitn fa nlirrn
InTI t1 " 4: ' • 171 ITler ' /ia r o'b o lft I t liV ‘ 4. ' ZITI:T. : 0 n 4 .1
I r t . e t ,:plll , l,rethg to rine, senrreJlr a.„ Applhents can
evenjog: ' 'Vbe ' get seViell ' lrr ' ilerlg I: each e l .el f lll n giVe
tbe Rodent to e el charge el and fluidity' on t o
Prineihlea .y
eel of Rouble Putty Rooth. on rota pittlon
4 Ile nate. flnntortsei,-Tn write 4 free nnd leoltde
handle an aesennolithoeent Itie education of 11.00
gentlemen. lord *** profeealon. awl more twrlteei•rif
there who ace derlroul of oneltfy trig them:nor , fur
eantlle and Worm.. pitreinte.
Thle Department Isnew Wrier the moire] of P. R
1111.00.0, of Whin. (aulhor o f li,. Poeneeristi eyrteto it
Pentuaneblo.) • gentleroon well trn'on thrountunit the
notintry lee antigen., woman. «Melee mono of the moot
enoceental teaebora of the ate.
Ltwomtinfewtlnoe inlarereew to O. R. cilAni RERUN wit
metre motet attention. • rnartßerT
Administrator's totice.
I ETTERS of Administration on the estate
t o sr Osorvrt.islicos, of tier of Pettentrate,
dn , ..t. Inn bean grantni tobe undocceponel. rent, in at
nrrr etnet. in' nalel city. to whom all perm. In
anneal 10' Wel eleenanie ares manned...A to nate paymept.
cad sureness. bating clan. Instant raid demand. en
Itailbearto peen et lie MM.!. 151111Vt w tunt,
Cleveland and Pittsburgh Rail Road
I - EAVES Pitt.burg daily (Sunday g except-
LA ..)) le,ve. .11.11, Outdo,
I e. &nil, 1nt:1..1,1:w I nt 6 r In tit.
fne 0f.1.2 , 1: nod Easteen
I. FAd:ll6 It0111:04.1N, bur,intentlent.
naske . ..l:tl .
- , 852. bwa=iit
Cleveland and Detroit I ine,
t5.n.,1.,u with lb. nt.,l eincluoall O. It.
01,4,43tni EH.. It. it.. t.3..velaud awl litts3Afryll
. nll,l Miehicnn Central lt. It.
lIASSENCERS sill lir ticketed through
LL Iron) un, n , Nll..lllKan. to ewe... Jena.
l'inriunntl en,* now ..Ither of Llano.. 1. 1 . -
potnt rn Let, Nlttlneen.
Th 4 nno iil compo.rti of M. now low Pr"non"
Lunt • raprersty fur tno roan'
A boat *l l ll
less.. Clevelaint . ter Petrnit. and Petn+lt s lo e r
Cleveland. e evenlue fit n'elock, arriving in both
clue. Ire. Inne l n irer morning F 1, 14 OP ter the niernloc
rater or rare ter Chienne, Cinellinai slut Pittsburgh. find
ter the Inge g and S.ll,lflftlf ben at Detre)).
They. will run frt.u nerum Cle .r
veland In the following ordee.
ruatnT CITY
. Wedtwevlni .
T u.M•~r
A r~~l will 1..c•~ 1'.~~r•~~i
I .1.1
I'hurrl, - tatards,
tc. nistkr routracts for
wll kin.l.a.ftrvight TrIN,4 Ch.,,•1.1..1 lu 1.11,1 t. Markinsw.
.a , te Alone. :sod .11 ivrru..n 10.1.
hp•ln ace
1.: IMAM:1:1,
I . IIIIA N. r. JUN !'_, Unroll.
ftpl,laut •
Two Dads , Trains,
FARE. $ll.
EEx ritEss MAI TRA l'l , l will le:iyo
Y obiir. throllensti 11,1.10.
oriirr at. by tbr
rAr. sn Ili Urtr,. lib., lb, 'sill find I),
of in Corm TY Oliirg. ntvr
ris. 1,1111 . .1 4 1.5intr. (Omit.
...aril !rain iif mud Ilwn t.k.tbo
110.ribis,.. RAlStir, t•L.
0 11 , S.CT To Pill LA1 , 1...1.1'111\ ANT
11.11A.5i., en, of liA. York Anil
einStiliA At /S. ,
bi lin Al. . 1%1:'I, tail, snorts.
TM! EN EN INN TI: %IN will 1.., J.ill Al P. AL,
lbro loql. to 11.11..1.4,....
11. LEDIII a IN. PACKET LINE will Irttx
.I.ilr nt . 111 tn..
I.olr Ir r
1.1.13 an I ',Pito, in 11. IN, ANC $ lO .
will ..... tun Ti. kr, at Mr
11001, II stvr Vtr,t
N. !..=,10.1111.. ,
Fr-in I,tt.ln r7ll I • It. nttr•-• nenlion Itoora
'tan. In Jrbu. 1x0..... J.
Jnlntetnnx Loltnnban,ol , urn,na•
11••In••••,n1 , ng 1.. 1,11,.‘ 01 ••
Tl, aral•le tout , ta....M P 111.11,1 Di
st 4 ra,ul., I . a.,
loama, ..4 11.1 tar Vao..l.J.r•ara I“l..rinal that tl.
, .•laaal... 1..1 l' ar- cat.. nalga.,...
vy ma. i•t. .1 a, a, La ..I utal,
ta•14.1,14.1.1 • r • 111 . % 1 • / 1,,P•111141 11.011:14, 1,111,411
Nua.ll I'. It. It
N. awr— In •t In It.. ,I 111•1141 41,1 ta , tl m...
~, r . • p3,1.a. Ind .1. (411, L.t.
anaato.t laa ry4 fat, .1 mar..
A 1.1.1%, 1.. l•A .o.o g-
C. , 11.1.t.N.
-- - -
... Cenfral Raitro.d..
Tlll,OOll t: , •11 VI I 1.1 eLI VNI.A NO IN
ta,a 111,0 TIEO !tor,.
I.Vr AAILTLoAIa 1.1111.:1
'lli F.
' l'raitt oil the (Air 3ntl Pettr
g.r.. roe,. Aria... , 1.1.11... tvarerooll la.ritotat r .
ail I ta , ...11 t. lo.t..ratotr par..., as Ater. N,.u . 011 ant.. N. At r. SI .Aud
• 11. LI. t,no 6 03•••• ,•
ut 1• 1 1 AAA • 11 , 1 Y. 11 At 111A••1 1 1•1.
11.1 r.antl•-•1 , x Itn.• 1.1 'A A,,,,..111/attetivld.
-Tho %e. Travn
Yste...l.”, nl 1.1 M ..-4 N.. lit,.,beg..t
v. II ..s 13Mr1,110,111er
. .
I kin 111 f01t,..,11 with Lb.. troLsla.l,• •ud
I ore $.l .I.•o1 r .111 Irvin POI,
t• 4.II:1. \IOU',
10,. 111.4.
,140,./ 1,141(10,
1-101'El.s, STEAMERS,
Conch and Car-makers.
...AV ',at, uxocotilo
TO szt , 111“,
5111111,1 N K A s r to ousr.. vont:,
are re,* 0, run.{ an anat..N WnTIIVK of
t whirh Untikrti .4 Ind.. 111. r att,rAtunt willlerearter
fr , 1:11 lM ti2/11111rullm . ,,rou .IrW-rippon and mall
4 4 VA MI.. 1.1 N KNS.
tla 1.11.11111' CASINOS. •
CA It1 . 1)11 MiS, ALL 111 X VA It I Jai ES.
Al-n, a fall Mal ..ompl,to aarnztairnt al
(51151,11 AND ()Alt 1 . 11.151 111:0;s.
6e,l.o.lditiert Irrfri maul A'ar roman Factnfir
rottkpluint, ovvry
1.1.Vr111:1+, (.714ITWA,
KS. M A •
All. 1,1.0T11P.
ationliom vf ea Ana WC NTOV PEALF.IN tartar
:Alia!, 113,164 t..mlr
1/011EMUS & NIXON.
hi ASTER C 0315115 S lON E It'S s ALE.
Valuable Iron Foundry and Eail Bond
Car Factory for sale, at Columbus, 0.
IN consequence of the deo.ll of the junior i
Inthan mo,e
th t r ie • pinr tn o e l o n'
hoec o he o r p n o .a a m .r t
tc nnvcr
t.,. the dsr of MaT nLotoren ttheeboors
0 o'rdoel, a. no awl I r it v IRON Par.V
DUI' and RAM, /WAD CAI: P.4(70/.. I...longing to
tho latr firm of J. 11l I,OEIV Vil.,_pt,l WAI
Ihe MOON Fllll NLNI I, tlluat%l at con/Ea:us:nu the
clotoriser.ond National Hopi. tinth.loCartaLandireahret
'put jun, operstop I, 4. RIPOWAX it CU.. in !Mt!. tram
which lime tba ...inn of ...nary and other articles
hos loon , arrl. 4/ MI a Pliont Intormierion. Now and inp
pro , ot aloantiere. Pall. no% Turning lathe% goring
allo% Ar . bare. trout time to
ttio, top. phial a.. the isurr..retnenta of Ike country
0• , « noppr..l. el, t 4.11. onlero ha, been and STI! noir folio
Oita as nearly •Indo ot machine,. used.. of cmt
irLo. IP on. r. an ,o 1 Strout Crittine. for
Vlll.lfillir VAVG. Ailli,lll.o. Carr !Sipple. Jtr. An am:
plc quantity y poitol. with • anteroom. oche. stable; .
carriage hou.e. .Is corm...Y.4d with the Foundry. The
tpu.ineet I. rtill to , ing carri...l oh. and ral•ding contracts
it deeired. as well an the nia,l will of the estahlithment,
will L. tranefertnl to the pun b too,
The Oa it VA01 . 011.1 to rituatrd at n conrcniont Weltoe
from tho Iron Frotalrr, and ia DOW rreupl4.l by -111 .1g•T
who are eneag%l in building hail head Cara
oye,ry 'the oaaldlohntent le doing an ex.
troller Lieloess. molar the euperint.rolonee of 11% Pesti
It imbeil, a rrntl.meir I I rvtorrietwe in the ii 1 1 ,1,11.11,, and
wllliwn L , rintinuo In It on en...a se may
hr :Word tole., him end the P 11 1 ,111 1 ,,
T., 6., lLrc. ere , of belonging toll.
Cat .brass, tr. pled. la rpts In length. oroo the COlnt.
nu.l N.ll gm... 4, r.. lint ter &Hirer., ea.
not tor
r....airtnu ...Hal% .LuPdingn nutuirt rt
1.110 ahoy, ennui sleuth ehop. with att.,
punching Iron • pilot pimp, turn table., cur
tracts, le., al, Coil saavlrtt 4, the basituon.
The owition of tho alaur• dearrilad ProPetlY. irelP
lion watt. rprlous railroad...ow in Lees amt to
of twin. iPtistructiel. 'melt na to warrant the belief that
it villeoittimin to t. amouc iIE, dulindslo eittabliete
Tn in Or %surd.. T... alit be liberal estay.
1,. • pertfin and bonll.ll of the Iton Foundry; inn'
as follow% to
The fallowing pl-car or raves of ProPPtY. Att.. in,
the oonnly of Vrankhn VV., of Ohio; Fraetinoal
lc , 111.. 011 Y .10.1uallme 111 mad Franklin on, number ,
...I' N. , P. ) AP% mutat int. number alirtyo
01. in ealdcit, ol Columbus, te.unil%l and &esti arr
followe—tieginnint at the routh writ corn, th C.
thenee.easterly twenty terthithr eon. Owl corner °l s ar
ware r,m now ' , tarsus= thereon. thiPee (ICrin.rii
the PP`t wollidnarl Para row.. ninety two, foal. the
rant.rly. paralle..l 1111 Dread pt. ex. tin-of ot
inlot pi. thoora on estd mat lino
'lot No. Id. fen fort. then. ...tin r.. 110 with
nook thence with the
- vast line of
to Lynn alley, thence with the eon. law of Lynn taller
tolls. tractional itilot No.oo.
Inlor in sill city of
. Coltimlots, numb, filly tans
• • • • ` •-' •-tiat. In said .1.1 of Womb.,
l•rtAr en foot of ••
nomnt.kt bibF ...NW-. INII•1 0 31. 1 ..
U" Ibd
11.01 .49410.1
She .t•.elllr mitre .nd houtiil4 of 1. 14.17. an nor
follow , . to utt—rart eltatte. ler. of haoll on 1061.1
Phil , of S...ta river. hith PIM right.. gen• Inro c00v.p4114.
v.p4114. ranarsl If .
1111.4 1 / 1 .1.0 by
dr•••1 d,to Venn, ...Nth. 11. 331, also al 0 , 7 ra .
oarda4 In raid Franklin co .1.30 d. ,•
low•—hvglt.l. s flatu.whom thr .tith need lb.
1,14.1114. Ind X.ltt rallond totnnet .m/o1 Ine
Ask' nghtarn nen. tn. Mown ,r 4.411 11 8 0.
Ith point° t/ on, 11,1 n storlbl9 , ln to.
• f., them.. WWI It. 400. rot to 10-100 ppin. to a
doe.. lilonot north wrst 10 p , ok It 0.1000,.
thence north 11 deg.:wad 3 pole.e to* rtaa, than:a. north
•rst. 2o.ilea In elm Inn. rotalt.t.
rad 1g potn../In the nil of
twainnin, notanng.ned 0111 /1, hII
11111.1 t.
dredlliik of so sen, be U. WWI wore yr 1n.. -
for Ilittluot IniarmatKaa. addrea ,
rator.o(lll'Jra d0r 31 . 6 t ,
.0=43% oulmLnlot 7A F. 21 A.; W !LOON., ~At,
APPI44In, • • 1'n.41 WAIF in ClmukiPm?':
T 9 Let: , •
POR. tho term or tro years, thy tore 2
Room m 1 ILlturvo no, ocenA,.. 4 , 3 1 , i 6v4...
Nn. 71 Em1011;ld M.
Puoalon even on thelathtort. \
IVITIIIN do ing omilon the Now, ‘C. ouri
V Mu, 41534 the
'mon boobies 'tir
'.OO bu. per der, eilth all the nigreenrigtoelt .rirkbt.
In rood running order, .111 be rented,
_tor ft item oyimry.
Cot • mall cannel le required. boreerinon Oren let Joy
nett. For norther Information, enquirer. r a 1111.,..blemeni,
N 0.1.9 W.
Hotel Furniture for Sale at
frllE,Rubsciibers mill offer fo'i.e‘ik.
at nubile auction. eonainenelnJ the b
day et April 13... Kt, continuing until all
the abet% furniture mini natures of thy unit:
Aate• lin4l In the City of Wbeellua. raitlei ‘ -
no.. and elm M0t...n.1..41.1. It enntirtsof erry variety
to be tonna Inany bottl, viz, Hod., BeJilitur
Chairs. eofax, Kltetion and Dining room (unit
ae. Terme toaJ
. .
YAK:VALIa nors,•)* la megtponed until Mnochky
I April nest.
Real Estate for Sale.
rilflF: oubscribrr offers for sale for ,olp
1.1311.11ns( tote. lying hear the month of Liber ty al..;‘,
mot In the Immediate • .elnlto of the Itallontot demo,
There tote are not by any others, for htlelneee
onrposea In the oily of Pitt...burgh, hartug• front of
Pet each nu Llterrly et , and exteoding hack 110 belt to
Brewery alley. Onlr • email advance will he t,ttaired In
hand—the balance on good time. tn tide prepertr le now
In detrlaud. on account of ti
theplt of the Railroad,
It te now °tiered for rale on nowt anronunatlng Lerma
Thom. orh.hlng to porch.... will roll on the aubseriber,
No. W Liberty at.. or apply to lion. WHAM
ur lion. it. llrp h urn. Clllll5 BLACK.
P. 8..e1f not Mo1o( before thelslh :9th Wt., the
above Into nlll he roil at potlle &tactical.
7,ltan •
Sewickleyville Properiy for Salo.',
rrHF; subliriber offer,for, 8;11ii TWENTY
TOO titular , In erwicklesvillo. ,Tlin prnperir
ll?v.47l",:inic be
n '" g::tiP ‘ . ‘ 117nit ..' 10.r.;
in en, in lbe bting Ve , Y non ,
liniirns,l eel oierinotine the Railroad and It, ,
Hirer. ,
There Intent!, n.goral heat inn to degirinu a mow
w,hlb,attewltint In Pu..ipee... In Op r,ty, nr
n I (...mplatit .re now per
ne to pentatel title for 11:: per quarter. allosinit them
to an K.. Ile nftrn th..3-d.0., thus effonit, them. .t •
to price. the our.. Meat' the (Putary, with the advents
-1,11 a the erhnotiteetabliel.....l h ero.
SEVENTI FIVE ste.o.'s of bind within hull • trill:of
the Oeurlckleyrille Iletun.‘ II& (reef ham a !root on the
wellf aryt/ feel,
datingp the bearer val nr7bo 1.. n. It
1.. watered. ng m ite oreighterrinesofsolt osier.
None of *Mal err so rltnsted al Ansa:milli, beet 1t10.11..
ol supplying. enolckloyellle with twit,. There are In.,
loarrleeollording sandstone .1 the heel quality h. build.
tie. &hoot one Milt of the taint hut 1t..: deur ..i. and I.
under cultlystion. The remainder 111W1.31111131.1.31..1. For
hesullful views ol the zarruttrUlito: country It le mail
1..113 p/Mll. or %b. I. term:. d r.'. enquiry, of 51u sr, Fun.
r •In • Vou, corner rerryainl'irtan ell ' ir.te .01 Mesera T.
II Nev.: • Os 167
11. 1 y etr.el, or l 1i,.. nth/writ:yr
neer ale Ferichleystll. ll, P.t
' ..1e1,111 . 11, A IEOI E L. 1.1.
~ ...I....letrilleh March ',h. 11,-1 wile: 7;42w 1
For Lease or Sale.
rt itAT very emnfortabln three. story 17,V, :
brink llvelllng 11mi, on ?hod and Fayette rtu
11Dparalus w
fo hoe's..lliildlo g und lentrr.A..
l'n ...
ellt I:
up , the hoe's..e
non,. r lihtnell. ,
Alpo ror ext. or 1e , ..e hearer, tun 000 1/11d \ r.r. I , uune-n.
I% a.,1 Pun by Int and building Iwo on trine, Iron.,
Asenue ito , tlltre,thinek ntrvel, awl the ihnst„lonutllol..l3.ll I
for rhOot Y 11..a1. rail 'nfo. Appl, \at !Chill,
Fournier i‘Pl. I. n:, , JAM Et. , F. CIL AIT
rnar4l '.
For Sale or Rent. ..\
T"E l'
of rend \ Ann ettects, Allegheny ear, .111:
Vtarke, (Pre.. ii. c : . „. 1 1, 7%. , ..r . r , u Agyrit:, at
, ~ No. Go .111, 0r.., Pot horsh
~, or to BENJAMIN' KASIAtIE, \
roertltAi , \ , .1...he0n /1, 01 VA Alleherry .
Valuable...ftETA Estate for Sale. ' \
TIlltk:}1 ItOry brink huute on Smith--;. \
t Hal evert, b), luern kites etre. awl I trion ,1:',4
A l le.-tro. lot 1..,.. kn iron[ , by nit :trap. A., ,Woes
t.o and • heat :tor, oleg estktning: Iht . 11 t.rt 14, IPU
OMr lurk lot .4 1.... t 1,iy1.0. Al.o. to, 10, 1.11 3,..1h1.-
11reet. 3113311.64.1.10 d 'llr nt rtt..thun: erhi:li .orect , l
Irwi. renerneut, inn ISt .r 1.1 t.:o.hont hy t%,,,,j.....0. the
.',rr3r ''
. ''''''''., ' l s 5111: , . E. VElllll.qr. \
• cuirl,l3ou N,..7\ :Solt. et:,ehoeu ..althnel I
. -
Haute; To Lilt. P
rilwo eorocortable.llo,.k DWELLING F r
. TEA Te to in thrspe4th Iva,[, ewurr 1 ,, A
e 1.,„ : .1 la:su :Anent,. 'A onliilv. 011ie pub-in .
b., at 11 51•thodist 1t0hk.4t,r,.:,' ti te.llllll creel, or el
hie de. .t::, I. Chat ettert, , \ `, J. I. It VAL.
. triV , lf ~ \ \
V '
To Let
VII E intlowriher ollerWje\ rent the -•^^
eno, r.,..-.., ~0. n.,.,,,.,,t t.,..'M.17 .,, 1 1 1‘..• . iaii
1./...i., No :7 Msrh.t •tr.un 1hu.., , ,it ,irrn or, the
I,A ol April Flh/hire 0, , ,'. fk. , i..elytziot.
Desirable Property Inc 'ate .
i Nltatilillt a vi,ry lintniilN Ituildlnr.
V -t....t, ..h.i.,”,, all ‘,„,, ~„.,,,, ~,,,, ~,,,,, „,.„i
I' .y ',an,. I:Wm.,. in A Veurto.or ...It, \ fruhtinit in. the
hellthal. nod oti Frou'ltlnh'llina.ll, ao I Jitulet• :11uete,
sal cra Alleghrn, rour. `, S
A la-• r shod., outworn...ll44n. the....:.^"hem sod Valury eloun.. I itth 4 an; °P ‘4e 0 ..:'
esthahr Chureli So hult:unt , . l l 1.0 , .. I.'. 1., 1. 3 . 3 1. ,,,
41,eu in. 11 , .n0r: . ton.., laha 1 ,, '-1.5.0 011.7 , . ,
A hu-tl, Mt.. , nory Uri., Ihrellloc trout. no /.31.e . 71.1
1..... i. ...iiLy. tn.. nhove. the hn I , nne . -11 l 1.331111../ ,
/1.1.... t .1...1. - 13... 11 , .1.... I. 3.%1.... 1113.1 cunt entant.'hitilt in
rui..lein ~ t s oh ..:4.1 ,1.L.1..........1...11 isena,
Air.--A Soria 0r,,,,1 • '..r to .enure roomy. F.,
' Ale.- Farms 11. 11+.11,3 co
a !tom “...1 atve dos.,
: Isroous \ awl
ruto, tom id.
Por rele tint nti Itcognlsto•lßltns t-rtu. 11:uquirb of
r. s O. 1.. 11. I.
Nu. 101 \
For Fade.
A i•Ai . t . ?l Containin g '1 ISO
_111) 251 . D 1
of t
Aft .1. El)
ng 'Maga 1 ammo , nn the reoroylinniq Cato.l Tte.
P:r ' 71: 4 t . Z 6 47:1 , „,; ‘ , ° ,m
YPIT visrld
J elello.
V.* Sala or Perpetual Leas',
g a, out lat Ne.... 1). to the etlanaal Plan to 4 V.
In:attar..o haat rt.1.1.,1 .Itelaerea•l. - e.t.aa
.11h, ha . teat for an, Cr mare Teary, the ra7hlaa of the,
lut lot an the 11111, an`
ha , k It hl, et: hat.,
re,gaed • 1...1ry
!ea term, le . enquire at Mr. /a.k.! , lltltt-ANIO, near
the premlaea, 1.1,a4 the rtilahenher, i t hie Cr. In{
allt :treat, I.lllahnralt,
lar,ta.t assortment lialmtary mud Iteddlog • In Oda city, ronmistlon In pen a bmn. and Motile •
P•6ll.l • Oldfleti Della .1- Lain, Umon
Damask., }toter.. Frltax-I at ell 'widths, Cor
nieva; laurtmla Panda, Turkey nnl good, OdarKl and rylmtn,
Tassel./ uld Curds Of *LI kin.. liest,Til.l let% and Fringe.
Sable , and Dot. Ta.exela. Franeh u.ll Kualtel, asonard
tint mtlosx tilmpa ol all I.lrala, Madman, n.
adman, tkmr, end
Irtnaem. tt Odin trlbmdel. 11011 Holler Blinds, Split
1111n4,11.1reen 011 Cloth dn., Cords Tx...1.m0d Trimmines
h.r do., vegan. Frinin .. ..t•Pear Head., KWh. IhmmTs:
Dinah; Tn.., Dromtel. Do Lainnd Dutton, Farallon*
Map, tor Cabinet MaXerK Vet:titi a an Mind Cant, Taraall
and Ihndlim.ll , - , 1, 14,1-terx nod 1,11411, Fr•u.h flails,
whit, and mina]: Cqr•nt 11.1 r, lint. C
:draw and rlgning Ntariranee.r. t• Door3lenn. Comfor.,
l.heelx, Countertumea. 1D1,1 , 1x, Vona mal Table Cot
t,. Tante. Linen and TowelllnT ~, 11 and 111 :31,,110g0r.
Vertllien Flint,, Window eloles.
All orders pram,.T ntlyttlx d m.
a. - r., Dona at tbe
WM. ITOBLI:, Ifpholmterer, •
Third Ott., vpßoalle the rat mliro.
Of the .o'Rißly Tetro,Th
FirllE OFFICE of the Mildly Telegraph
Linos ban peen removed le thsio,orth root eons, of
T ord and Wo.slttreet, l'llleburgh, v... entrance from
Thinl 'Wet.. ~
lu actor to nreet the liteliAsing wsnta of lb., ' , oldie, the
new Telegraph lIMCN ha. lams moth onlargml and lot.
proved, sod other facilthes added, to Insure the to‘mrt
sod amorale tranYmiodyn of daapstches to all ports at
the Wilted kale,: No effort will h. soared to oust.. the
high rri.utattoo•aloch the O'Rielly Ltueo bare stmsdr.
r1.'1...- mar3l,llm
• 1 REDItED.
IFIROM and after this dote, one rates on
!road tre.ght from flbliedefrhia to Pittalargh •
'l* 51,tal per dun lbs.—A reduction at 2.5 per velar. 'Pr
teem rhlladelphis tp l'iltsbaret :111'hotarw.
RAKE!. to 1 , 01101 f 11, Agents.
apfyllm -
The Great invention of thdAge I—Steam
Supplanted!—etas Triumphant! ..
P1:11E' tint half of the
.ninete ‘ cnth century
will he recorded a. the ace of _denial it h u pawed.
am altn, It teddy... lira Comm Curios. *Rh the thing.
'that reeore
The nicond tatter the oratory will hi trumen as mar
nommen, the .0 of lloo—an teeth dimwitted ant ottir to
11001 but to matestrat the world. This elle hm min cone
nommn. Mel 0111,11 firma Inttoduceilltio flee Nowilter
Yrofewor .Ito O. Y. euionowi, .urn teen
i l l /ranted
titan* obarreat o upon the experiments lie illeown and'of
ot herein attempts Montte the principle of Ilia enselonam
Non of...lrwin bold teal. aVaaable a. a tattlisole motor.
has panfisted Owes.: and. henna lust remittal, lettem`
tottont fee hls - Impentoil ale Aril I.:lei - he: tom at.
Vora miller/pent liable for the nee tbero.if o, It s. United.
elates llovernment. ahl it.,
or ni t
In nr to comPanloa.
oho righte of rtates. eiluntles or citom. •
The Italernar atolls. al money awl labor, arid of human
ilrim and entlerlng. enured by \ thi um of thin new motor.
will I.litably haulm 14 spend) mlentlon In allplata/
when stearnynerer I. now neat, and In thoneande of her
plum. whore , the greet eatensei, bulk and welcM of tta
steam engine bars yneettalcd IP; no.
Thednew motor may IP applital to all pr.: pots m It pro 2 ',
yelling event. from the Almelo, team power ter the tomb
gm to the two thoneatid boree i rewe he 'wean rtesmem.
with thoexpennalem than [bait roottlred by the Manta asp
gide. of hotter. and Inneacce. Mel end nom... ...I Of
Dolt and weight-lOn tocil,weiaht enraging Mr tho mine
power of ',Woo tonahl the them b rine. .
Thane Metes. retalitlebmh lir e eSperimental Curran
en twenty.bro (Zit hone moor, now Parocking •eli" at
eineloneth Is tioticedin Ito following from the eincintia•
"Ii Seam/mil of the lath /Permian,
...W. ate molten to elate. tlost .1. Naloolon, late of
KiOda eitr hail rereimfd a patouir hle rooter of cat hare
d pus. In 14 opnlowtlon men antler. The ittopo,ont
esperiments of this Invention were bet 1....1n , . Oren In
the Nonydeof. 'the some y 8011.030.. has reerlyeil another
patent Ler thy r leering and yrotielllng power! :
Alm, rights for the Loco( Lie - Ito purel lanyelllow and
Shoring Appseatne,” ono peculiar idorntami of snip%
wires:the ittot ouch complete cootroinf thopmnel,loille•
yondent 01 the engineer, toast ea IA trlghtmhotto 4, " a
man of. war in 10.1 Unto than is laiptileAld load lirt Kato,
Alto Aram for henmprovedhprinahaddle.' for 1101-
ray; a rid mm men pompom, deriPned forthe 'enlaced :Pt.':
[thin comfort of.botb hone , and rider. ,
,d A ... 1 ‘..
any Infornesdno in regard to the abnre inrahteldirin•
volition., att I of 0t411101147, Matte, illa e rniy Imipronliptlr
obtained 14,w/drowning . \ b. 1.. I/LIMN. \ \
, Altana.) and Agent for the yeteutoe, d
pur.utti st.,2,ppo Its Odd Yellows Ina t, tysertinytOn.D.Oe •
From Ne i Romp. of flow Albany, loillanuitopewor or. ,
New isarieultnral wouder.• holster, Mount.'
Irsalonarote.4an. i111,1h2. i
/lc Nialna—hlit / cheerfully sawn =Owl! of fhle Ole
roMontlY Waive yon a few brief elatationte In reNtruem
to Immewor halmoniarNsw Illechentosi Nl/40t, at tt i , l
roam:M.l well sa a MAT I owe my &tenter. • 'lb.
\ farts eiro the ollwig, ,am
of revle:l. • •,•
s';,l.artireal al Clue:tomato on the Nth of t Ptethoti I /AL aMI
,en ths
day I , e nail to pm Profmeler Soknontie
'Nendochanteal Note, of which I load mos sicoulate to the
nubile Paper, I Wee doedroo• he eoP the enclorefrom The ,
fa/Want I
tar mine, Woo prealtala hatllolo.l}keg to
tone the tams prloripliesprilrabla m. a mettle pea er to
timphibery. ton e+. esetotilehal avid delighted en whew/11110
the Sionetruction and operaUon of 'the Pitch.. I men Mr
cmtodied idea radon , to. Moto perfert time I had net.
TI ellneL ' in the ot4ration \ for nom in toner. It Pas
limp and perfect, and ol \ enticing inner to ill
labs of 12J100 pound, twenty tire home Ir.:. Minute,
T lirpower am appliml tn. turn the machinory of tbo,
at and appearedro be mond tel•stearkeivelno. cow:amp,
ly toad In‘machino 'hoot, Thiel reboil,/ length le about
\rtZ ' ll%=, 1riti.. ' 4• 1 2.7,4:::,. ir.ltei t .e'<, l 'A b L b s:
min.rhb idso,Of mr, bat, sod held aboot • dcdthie handital
of chatcoal. She mmhbeer ) 4 not MOM complicated
(hand the ul.un qaulu.. Om. iwittelale of onnetnutkin
and °web/lion taloa tha name: Thin wan milmated to ix
a to
barer pone, e ngine, oral:itch / hare glee.
you* 0 4.orrlptutu. , , ' '
1.,. u :pecuniarily interestod in thancitten of the lea:
[fan. I
nur reettlMllal la b...lied upon o
atationent o d e referatimite it. I hare hat 00 Pmeioutat
-2o toylltewleg b- OVrol B,l hirn' and ita dpi Ti"r ..
c r
air.- ' \ .". trtnoir. ." "!,,,, pew.
r`......:-.c.i . ! , -,, • _.:_ \ , ~ :.:._.,.::„..- : •?F:f~orest: . '.
.:.!..-='-'.,;-, ',. - 'Wool.
lrill i kohe . l i mattinitio,inthobkill be
•- \ v • , - , 4'.'. , . c.l L.\
Notice:, •
TORN A. CAUGLIET hiving retired from
f the Agency of this Union Line, \A. MARTON. Ray
M Wardle*, Minioneetifle Mouse. &misted by Mr. J N .
COOK, at the &Mee 'formerly occupied by Mr. Cantab.:.
Mil hereafter set ar Agents for saki LIM •
The patroller.. of the pnblie le mg... Malty solicited.
CU ASIBLRLI N a onawroan. Propriwtors.
.11d111111 1 55.2' , ,Wca4/4110 .
To Cleveland ea. \.the
(NLAWfolth A CIIAIIIIICHLIN, Cleveland, Vnipristora.
a CO.. Aerate. Morheeten,Y.-
FriiiS WELL KNOWN,Line laprepared to
_transport freleht .romerogers I heaven
burgh mod Cleveland. ell Mate en 11.. 4skes
tl?,, Ohio Camel, \
\ .flamer inddam Ko. vital. ronmellon with
kabi Line, between rittWoureb mid hoeheeter, daily
ttinlidaysesorprz:?zelle lwfbeater with a ashy
lib! . P.."L" ' Nr.IITI.TON...A
\ citt ' h la
WOK! "1
remer head, W _ N.
• c FARE REDUCED , . • \
ekt Newton Plink-Road Route
BALTl:k.kill, PHIL:10E1,1'111A ,I\lK4Sl7=
han Pa. IL 1119 lens
t I
- toad
To • ,t\
o P , 1, •
n Via.hlngtolt rite $2.1. do
This in the nutyvotlice which ensurreaTil ROUIIII
KT Ut Weehingtolo hint by taking tills route. maseumrs
.Hi rhea time end homey.
The 'flail I:,ost, 'eta re log the 1111il./ ?hit...M.11.1 leave,
the Mognmebela Wirelf. stove the Wire limier, Et eitlf
WITYMNUON. at b torbtrk. via the Vouchimboary Nee r.
Parwerigeva kn'the boat, and tak• arkalld U. B.
Mail Coaches et ft mai moraine over the ,
Plank erneeln• 11.1
k „ 1201311.11111/ in daylight.
a Tak.
vr W tv:rilarect;l7 ., l27ll ” erlal " :t i t i l ' engrao "
r .
s o d
, 11121. irulisJelphts, and arrive In Net
York the evening: \
•-• Wthingina eitk.—
, The Mum, Mites the Water . ; alone the Bride.. Daily.
st.S o'clock. A. if. I Travellers lotting Pittatouren by the
towln g 1,51.1111 rtp.v. the melintains the mum night.
anl tante in Cumberland alert anlyming ler the 8:0-inek
math clear. ft Italtironew Will tmp in Baltimore and ,
Reehinglnv City. nwl`arrive in Phltadelphla at o'clock
the soma Meta. to
Yarn to l $ 0.04).
Pnllntelphie .
Year tirkele, he e ther'w the atwve lige, pies, rail of
the Wen 'howton Cloak Bred Ilinreon ellmmeabele
lion, Water street. \
j..7.Ev 4 7 i L
185'4 tb3i2gi
Forwarding \ and Commission Merchant, ',
Iti(At. 11:11,/, ,, h1, fart/lc/1y rt.-q,,1 Apr/ L. Ifrie-ilt,
A I rn'''.l f;ll ' :; l !:l rl :l " rr l l l4, TloeC 2s,l .. 2 ll.!:iV,4iA:b.,,
coNsiuicEe... \,‘ '
ii..d.r..& I . ..1111;1mo. 5qp..104.,, \Ohio
1 1 r , •w 51 a Dodd, 501.10. 1 /hlo. \ .
I tatint at n.. , 2. k l . l . t.
..:1, , n :T.. Nlr i ltrli,‘ \
41: A.
1,111 , “' • l 'o. 11725 ' 11t!. I I
I L ITZ . I4 \ '
1,11. Nettueott, 11 1,01,4410. 1.1'1nt,1”15, „
llCe..tlearty • Co., F. ha, Wl•enoslo.'
Duth....n k 1...4‘.. 010-111, 0 OCIOnII.I. 0 \
I, , ltrlcher 1 l'it , 3111 u stale, 11 Ipernetn. \
liirtl4o,l & Vette., 5hrb.01..,,,, 11 fwehslh.
.I.C. Illdgrell, l'lttsburteh. I'.. ' `.
st,lor • o,ll,4rs:%einnunntq.Ohin. \
ch,ter ••C4., 1/etrolt, literhitor4 \ ' '
'Mho S. IVeller, St Joet.,,tt ,1X111041(.„ •
, ncrXRENCES, \
‘.. W Stephen it Soh, Atwell, Ohio. . \ ~' ,
, `).. 1•11.1.1. C.. 1 unt tt,. 1)1,,,,.
1 11 .1 ., 13 • 115.0..,01t1. It....,4el4ol,Cllleai'9lllohii
Agent. for 'Merchants' and iller's Line,'
, 4.2.1 TII.: F.ll 1,1: CANAL. • .
\ \ .04•111.1 r 1,04,1, ICA” 1111 , 10.111 .
,4 i i A ig pl' Zi i i:', " 3 - I r l ' ri,!;:n r . i P ', " 4 n ' n ' f L F ' : l r 't n:; ', /it\rli il '. i7; i rt r l:
i ;ii i . l 3, A Vn.. Priiil - 11,:t., I. 1ne...... 11. ltetohet.
1:,4\1.1,1 . '-'
31,r Parlyei.%..3l. 2 31.1.1er ' 24,4 br Ittr.leau hirer \
1 Tow 11,0.
1,.,10,, l'i,r NO P i LI 1 1,1 c.:, 1 , ..i1s •I 5 r 'cluck, e. M.
\ CLEVELAti I & ()a UgtlBl - 11.111011 LINE.
ii:it IL • 0 ers,ll, orraL,ecorta vt 11 11 11,..0tre. Stark, 11,11
tl1 C t:;1:45; ' ll:l ' l " r ' 4.l, '' A b ukt Are .. (l,ll,tilat ' l t t:P. i ' ,,,,!!:, " ,.. '.
ettithlre In to ollAr 1110 Len fienlairt that C• 0 1,. ohtitio• a
In tee trsh .111 Alrqhmit•,. ,J....tirt. II I , r , I.oetnu 01 the
\ .--
CLF.t\ELAs D s, I'Int3I3UROII It AILR()A1).
k .‘•\, , .1,1 - \.i le , e•t ' •• , e 1 r ol '.ht hi Chi. 21 .• 1 a •
trilltaa ial ma '.. fr..m the 1,,r ry.. if rett.'rlr rail h, t'ausl.
an I will in +.ll ...tVe.• rhit, I,,,i:ht .i...1i11e I 101 the 11 1,. ft t 52
tr. ~e.or e.,, , s l•rcx• l l,•.\
--, ,
.N1.10119.11'i : , 111.11'111.;IIN
,11 - AILK•IA D.
.11., 1 ., 411ii/y 1.. 'l. nln.nlllol.l ulviaallan. mill t),,.
1,11 tit. mole 1 .. 1.Lt..1.i.,... ,ttempteir, owl eith,... 2.oet.
.4,11 1..av0, Inj SV 0r• r, orrentok,k.eace.t.l. fur
Alnorn.. 1001:111crg at 5t,11,0030 1. itil 1,1.2, miet arnilog
at Alouroue itz litat tor thee ruuroing trAitt of eat; foretoect•
40. 111.7. eetatectltor vrtil\th• 01.1,31.gchatul ht. I.t.ttilt hoe
..1 caok.l arid traulthcat. I ,, orfroaer hy thin hue WT..
in linfillin On o.l` 1011.arlu aileron*. asl \rt. I,,svio, Cii.Te.
1.. r 1, (It ).-.^tore, etit.); et mr\Mee t NO.Bl il)re r
.y.... 1 . ___ . 1 ,t..:1 ) \ A. ./t.2:11 1, Aglati.,
liala ' I ' S JIT P , l=igi
Pittsburgh and , Cleiteland L in e:,
Iwell knewn Liaenill he prepiTed on
I th. hhehloit or Cwt.!, .1.20,0 tit tof Aptll.) to tram-
W..t . rl7l ' lCTl;7. tt , Vl:l r e "' ; ', u ' l ' eln..o ' 4ll r. :gt LAZ.II , ,!;:a:
rut,. .ml wit. ‘ll , ,Vlttrh. \ \,
T. Min i Atllot.
blottenenhola llooNt, 111 tobolllll,
1111/WIZLI. it CO. tte,hert4r.
1101111 Y, 1110E3 & Chkpletreland.
1852. -
Alert:bouts' POrtablo Boat Zino. ,
(VIA raNts;' , v - A 1 N , 1,... , oext i Lmq
IR E AL V AVUI'A. dir l re i t witb,ollo 11lpping. 'llO 1 001
8,411;pot fltaikat itnadATanlll,. d:
A. Cl).. Caul lfastf. i gent r tVr;
Uarinu Incuasat our fariliOnn.and *Mrvin. napalm) 1
t Trt E P TgoTTlion w" n:J e rd ." =7.ll7T 4 ,. ;
in IfbiP UTo on.i4 of lb. canal) with prcuplurfaual
‘ lte:Ttlon Puaiar of Trantp;rtatlon truer ur
Kato llPprove.l3l4 , l**. beta unT. about Um yearn...UT ' d
artokt morns Uror It Na. mot Itta, In • nub
ri.ut guarani.. that \ tf,ln no longer c0u1d...4 doubt
ful or nufattain esp./W.4)d; but IA ev-know haired bi nil
as lantir nupeclor 10.01 Vole (If transportation Used on
' lrot . .l:l/7.:47u ' lTT ' oVll?.4.: " n r fVflaburgb raia - aln Tito
41.1.1. du Tail tuteaded it oar warabounelu Alutatntonet
PhdaT.lnblanureby ant/relf.arobllnaTAl deLopecatartuent
en fArTuritterunf TransTornorruft orrurina
of runts 311 entlro 10, the barkagenclun and In t a r g o
Order RA wk... elOppfti. \
['roam... T nooor llonna It Piltebuiall.
.Trill tat nvelved and forwarded *Unapt at tbalolo.
00111 vaunt no, ToUrtlr scroollrin 11l .Itotruodon, with
t 111.1114 elfra t.A.1416\11011. ntoraga.
dna tlbarau. An.
C. ft.luefooft-Tv &CU, `2
\ , tlanal
BinglUlll' o Li
, nziwstx .P\ - • '
it , / opening of the Cdlipl wQQ will be.teo•
11,5 tly to. roof.. and Urnard , promptty. \Prod* and
alerrhandla...xt i 1341 'oat. \
L i no
~war. a 1 lowest ton ekorged twwwoodbo
Prop oral 31.robandlna will,baroelvol fornardol
east sal rfust vithout fior eharun for turnonsling or a.. 1.
flaltitt. (MEM, .tamlaglatt, or Idnrlf \ th,
Mlle of lading forward...l. faltlollll.l
alienated to: A.l.lunn ur aunlr 10
WM. 1410011 AW a, ,
rii\l'oll, u tai,= l ' b \ \
• b.tween Fourth ittai Vasa
- .lowar sat,.
JAIIMTU th I I 4O4,Agn
No. In No
UUAni tr.
e l• t ll n l t m . o
1/11ki lIS NoI W c
7'n \
' \
aingonivazi \
We ore now prepared to carry Freight, between
‘rwrrsgunou '
dining the ring., and 0111 give throunb .6100 at mod
neat, Mao 1103 KY OKAY). fr CU" \
' Caoal Hula. Pfttnbute
UUTILiI 11 1.1 111 1 111titlal Alta •
011 1 41 11
.1 1 11.!=4 1 1 •4" ,
`,71111,06 aunt, ilaltlT
A Card. . \
Tit/I t LINN'. will I. carried on R. O'CUNtifjll.
t Vitt bomb, end bITEIt,..).S Id Phllst'm
MT int.6‘et Its the Rankine /low. of ICCO3O4a CO
1M4.17 Pt:l7 Vtrh°l Ve°:4-I.rrwoo-',
Giity's Run Plank Read. ''•
THE boolvi\f.r sub , ctiptiotto the capital
Mock of the tißts's Ittns Kook 1t0m1...t0. will Do open
'At!r.:l7lt.Wlbotim t3ltCorirsrßol or'lttitt April.
At Mr. llMmes . torkr Kromer.) on 25tZi. ...Mb April.
At .9coll'o Nort ham on Me Auth ABAI lan d p rim
Ono Jon. por s' , mmt.irmi to !". 1. ,1 / 4 '. t b e U . r
of omorrilJne. mo
Wo l.Thoomn.
3ompti Crider. Thomas lloltork.
Wm A.' 11111. Joo. tit_ \
too. klelinight. \ 0. 0. Melton. •t.
Jo.i. A. W 11mn. Y. 8r00k5...,
A. IMl4ort • • Ilmmas etewart. \ ,
J. Woods:, •
,m... . ~
op7;dlw3T. Henry Frt.. LY/11k1 111,4NEAS:.
V ------ , ---."—-..,
' Towianta `Bale. .,
,tnr s
h ' Ir '""' lltG r°l'""w"k\cmn'Y' `Ohio. ‘‘
Y,PEI,ESE LOTS are\yeryfairarublylacate-,
1, Air buoineov . y.rpon. t:rlng oft Mllbor rid. of Brood.
mar. wbtrllls 110 Mkt 0111 a atiti in thfltkauedloto *Ault/
of Ito 808 110.0 DopOlo "t . \ ' .. • . .
Motor,. Lawn.n At iTellm .1111.Bowthr MT toktioms
'glowing to purrhore.', Addremcmort .' •• .. •
i t
W/11; .. A. , 1 . , t5 .. .1 , t g f..?.. i... \.
\ Plank RoalTioriccio
VO'fICE is hereby girek- to `tilime . Rh t
11'• hoax eubeetiben stork totlnt ilt r Vniaielleton
break Aereler flank Doan, that an etnekintt will Oa held at
eleennrelN MID. an MIDI': Kum. Yftlet. s ot Aurtl,
tt In p•nlnek. it.. en alert an Pablent tellet D tees An
haDeppany. Ity nuke nr Valuate:Rhyne,. \
I:NL3 -
\ \ Parra for Salo. •
APART of the Brick Tavern ,Varin't
the Birateevolla * Dual, about two talk* ohm%Wenn.
noturabela Benign,. oeutaluta about any tem.. Otrer4
fur roles tu ntiontlUtomu snit purehaeara. • fermi 'UT/ apt
ear punk:le% 1 0011110 Olathe
realDltt . a - ADDL . !
' 4747aa,
\ Qrgwa ir
Attorneys and Conn'
eellati at IntaD-41111ne. Averff Ito.. Pleb knot
the. thulehAnkb. Dittrlntrithe We. . quenneDsT
.11r, 3 aMttlrawrwtt -,
....11mars. \ florin a mei.r. DniStrr. iim , /I'M i
"liy minion 'nouioal. /L. .A
.1,1 acknowlmtmul •to 1.. • Mandan' saki*, is .
of nonstry.sallf Oilt ° lurneuty as srls...=
We filVair ...T,U114:,•• epaitlOr it \ Unlthloo ......!...92._ . !;
Nn In are. s• prortalbo 14 meslarly In surirr r AM
Milt uniform norriom snot mil mamas , t 1 . ., „ . . ;
MI other Meal!. preprirsUens•
.. ,•• ...
Jormary. 1 1 /17 .k , i - 1i . , ,,, , ,, , ,,b - ... A 0 k & 0r.. ,,
If V o r r=irst rtsafirsSh• . ' '''
Yoe ssla by Ihnindrts sal lifeMS Wargo
119, 1,1100P1110•COUGH,',08.0up,
TIS invaluable remedy Carlin iliNeasei
or the '1,1501, anuti..llll‘, MIA attain.% a veiol.riir
from it,. remarkable •rure. ocrar equalle4 by any mbar
utedleitte teem. Other preparation+ have /Mown then
miree palltatirm. awl remettmos effected notable norm,
but nen- has ever no fully non the rottn•iftwa of cruel
anarlaualry when, it is known: AttorlyeAps . t I trial In
arary climate. thy recut?. halm, imliairtitabli Orman It to
powers • martyry ewer thin ttanuemult Mail; or sninisny
which null not tail to attract the attention of Pbralelans%
Patients, and the public. at Prue, •
See the statement. not of obreeire ipdtyldnJn. and trona
far Matting plan.. but Orinvn who a...know - n."4 rumwt
thntehout the country.
The whlrly•celebrattal Mumma, Neter VALENTINE
MOTT. or Now York car, nartc . • .
"It Orr, me Namur., to certify the Owl. and eflllbry
of "AT,.'. Can. Pim.... which I ronalihrprelthatlY
ntabaed Lien, di/eaves of tha throat 1..1"
DIL NU, the eetorrablo Creel lent or the Valmont
,Alnlind C 011.., one of lee elalnent/y leant. p h yliels.
of that nwntry. dm Conan Pitcro...
ay tn. to thtr 1/.0004, 4 has ehdon aulahtakable
.}loner el happy dimt tip. p011...yd...
Thor Ito JUAN 0/41111tANE. • diditurenthedClan
`At toan at the thud'. Church. writes to the promlet.
trout Montreal. tha llte rue Imam eased of. seem Lath
eoc, Cu.., t i rmlokal Ille letter at full
1..0. um, he ha ar Ilreolar. to be h.l of the
Apnt;and .4 worth the at o tach. 01
thle letter IA from the well known Dits.4l/te at 11111 w •
dandfilleldran, one of the larreet deattel. ybe Atatr,and
this fan" I. from hit oat, ...intl.. • •
74.14. Pee.
Dear Air—, lmtunllltely reeelpt of your Pulsar
IVA sr. V. 61.11.1 a Lottle In. arqualtdoore of mum who
err thought tot .... Mr end with quiet tOnallatpU..
tie woo Incalovable to tire fro. hla .d •o•
t,rermily liwhie / Ills frleuds believed he roast .an die,
ord.. eorthl be ohtelowl km him Induced
them to aired°. excellent twain.. immedl•
1.1.17 lett Watt for three week; awl you may a. or
my enrprin. shy rid... to 6.1. him In the M o n t on
me n. waybome brao the cam ond hut he b. entirely te.
ma Pout ten
from... day he weratornead i
tour ILI die hr wait at WOlk at hia arduotte trade of
There are I , therwes wltt4io my !morbidly:a. ithr e the
Ceuta' PrITOIL.A but to
alnltularly outersortal.hur
'' rimy
m0"..4 nit wi3 9 D,
Rear the Patient.
1., J. C. Ayr.. klt—PeellAß onYer . 4 1
to yo o f fir the rerturallott .4
health, I otaid
you report my easel whlch roll ate at iltertY 10 1/ 0 .•
IWO PM the hetteltt at afters.;, La/houtumn 1 took a had
rot d, rcramponted hd• ti tier. court, and made use of..
moor iner. iOut Obtain/in, ndldf.. weaMt4linet
.tre lincinecr, tronmently.ind / 4, ./saa/ , vuu
no chum ttlehr.7 frictol‘d,re' lite;• rattle ot yd.
rrIIIMAL • the me ofwhbri a.nediately *Ur
Elll43Vest• nermaltm to dir. ctn.. `.A'barit,just mart..
the talh Inane. our am near', , turaortbd ourr sloop
well, toy crumb 11%, crannl, and all I/ the of tour
Prior:, a l: C.ll ' e r ltri °3
• II 1100•Tra, 1.1111.1, A roll o ml .
'Perm Pir,l ulahlroutd tell all , thtl tottiern th a mush.
yet. Cara. P.c... tr dr. ter lite.
en. Mier
fi ght
henchmen hy the inform/lAm. I ha 3
lung weer. whhli .11 toy 111/1.1" atiAluflaroe4.
Urdu. eery teeth. and un.hla a v a Alrl 11,01 all. my
friendly itionght mom e /104 is cottenthr I tai
• . . •
no amatila. and • do vital ronan Iler anethh., lOt
away. hew. tart your lanuntul hoahnino,dny the
alai oe ore alrlty man, Into nani MI 0016 It
mip.l Of,. Aunt. at titer,
rase rral at mat,' In
leer than • fortnlahl null oat wall, and nay conatt r ih•d
enrol to .n. couldidome. lOy Op. site !Mg Gra. 'MU
lood nnurChnd me:which aont. anr•tarcl: y
aller urn, wont, I too sell noddh no orb
Lnly than our Cher, Coni .1,1: • • • \
torn with Cddent, • JULIA hr..t::
I hereby retch' that Mr Lap tto.r
rutiforuiltr. %nth toy ono -.els, of lag her
,orn by re, Conrty P. docil - .Idr" . CYC CLAN.
..1.p,V41.111.11 ./{.opla \
+N IYa ,r . .:.l.lljkat,an itzrik . t c.a./ m
\ nr th,ltayr.o: Cut, r.b.
.•;.%! ur Alif e. A
h.ty ,
• • ‘t , ...‘ 4.7**:'
* •
• * 1 4 ‘ •• • *
• • r. - : ' - ' 11401" ' •
The best Remedy ever , known to Non
Chef*, Aslbna (.1,112, ernop, ilruncB"lo, hot: enta, I.lllnl
tog of at .I.rml, niffibtal. 6.0 pr.onutg. I ‘re , ..e.e.. ,
Irvin or sectlever to , Ihe ergs Pee r/de.-fle eays 41
In sloe/ Ass ftattam v•ferubut/h adopted I/ ereet •I , e
or the 1 unpt neti'Llvre, A/o--b it orolvt•gt ye o e r• -
• lot oern to peAcm inapecteol meg-It/al prof, toe
Thiraeut le fstallise t. v very humeri Ity our land,..)
physic/ens ellen preserlhe It to u mristy of (Am. for to,
famotcomplaingt. Tat. lam hlui hem equally' noted fee
Its virtue* and btu. physicisns, *tem imam gm taut.
tar to the moatry. here igen m AO ox te declare that
even CLAIM:MUT/0g meld leo enrol hy that those. In
wt. {mai. *FAIN It ••• nearly raluelefg, ones no
doubt, to their 'goon.. in hennaing and admittolerms
11-1 a theicultysor atireir Vteflated by P..{llo{.o"'ol
meat .d long expativiot., \ „
The extramdloary yeetticinalneslitTeierShme two sate
Mantle' are mow, for Um Ant time: cotobine I and embo•-
W In Dr. {Vista's pa... or vita ciiiiirrr Sly a nlts
Annoleal plunge, trectibing deletenons or uselsorte or.
/gr. to that what mingle. Is tbe \ moat ettniutdinarr
go truly ellicmienS remedy for ell kinds Ig psitmonerY
•gd Item doemes ;tree blonde roan..gogeovlee•all st •
beele4re that oar theory Is reallY,trne. Yee MO , to • Au
tweet entre IAtTAIMIA/ by thbvlreinloll‘A median.
f Fk r r\ r
__r r; IL
E. Itedhhighly repeetabl• Metedisat of ,Rutihrllly.
Fairfield county. Ohio. mot "
tar: the ` . fel/O•dni •robLoWIT \
tribute to ••Pr \Widnes Balm. of Wl4l Cherry," \ • ,
bea*mlls, Fulfil...ld Co.. 06j0. • April 6.1851.
• d1r..1. D To. boo hir-l t wiAL teat/Ale to youldtat
my d.nbler.AMpoda. aged [deco vsl i .7.loel shoot a
peicor slum, a very l i ttle ettsek of meat& ...Web reduce,/ \ \
r my pooh, ah left her " • to. tun weigh. L
,anion{ all of the ph e *Obi ool`,h 1 the
I.Tr u ll h, I. ' S' Itb r rt " '
Iret " :rpet t red ' tt ‘ Trf ' ,.... 40 ,‘...„,„, ,1,t4 , ---
symptom of mosemption. •
!then tried Ur- itettsfe . Liverwort , and Tar.. hat . •
it.,. anurarstol bee cough, agl usie her syclAotta of •
null toot, malignent chats/der. I war now monutriougY
alarterd maid Away 0410 kfetublunt Year that I from .I.l'
reeallto . OT l b t;lNr /g tret ' L ' a(ll l' .7 ` .; -" Vattq l l=l7.c.
tout i t null:bile!? Sr I L, 4,1 , 1 , v6gLe oi , Jett, , tl;mol , do m ul. ~,,.
aces[ oen..l , Pl ' ll•lll . 'a ( LT;lnset of ll lid C;l: .' nk.. 3 th is Cr '" tev i tedi . ,
foi.o heel. thrA It totubt help r vlatude r, god 'I hitter • , •
dlstely commenced' ening it. an IL Inmost loshmtly etre ^ J
relief. her hmlth was be m the hut hoUle j ,.t •
hi tbe use of tem bettem of iyis 's he ram OTWllAtebers •
1% 0
;;I,le , gotireeloregkogregA be Zonl illFs islitleet,\
I. v ill my al lsed
'bat are o afdlieted /16 etiisFleilto . vitO,
low to venonlimotinehilo not diednie, AnCUWlllsr{t Beek, r
intokud Ft ild l'hutlrill eum 'if ry . t/glnatryff,.
~ ,, F,
O ;,', ; 4: .-, 4
• , 1,&=.00 {MUM. AIM. evenly. O, yt. Z. WOO. '', \.,
X lugash.ed:Weg Elk-el Cate the yOr odlorn* ,
you Of the Wheat Ilan defoT4 Tteen the mot Cr Acta. , ,
meg Itateim. of {ylidehergy.„ I•wag .prost7d f el br 'that '„,
terrible OnOttiosoou,Wpturn. to SlOyAmt. Tb eat tlyels {
wan trot/ leollll4lls to We. tor toe of on try(an 14 i
brothers eng etlefe) Itheidied of guest/et Len, I was ,
fl sled with hfuly•ll the wont *einem of the di/mime_ 1, .
I bad • d Ott/tenon cough. tog eldest/ 1.1040 greargem o
of blood, beetle hoer. severe pale • to the old* shlphig. u
cold 06111 s. eiltefostlossdrOtolle.lus ot \ hest audWhilits •
nu unli• • mre of • skilful physil l to, Teloghltp ~.
k itl,
Limn . 6 0. wAs taken wet. el:MI..1000 .1% woe louden/. helillg
then about brink*, led my frlendo enusidered my um n ilF , \
hup.loo, of at oast heyeadef r 1110•1.Dus gLill t ed•tud .e.
the an ,.. rIV AtArNI PAIABI:11 61 Wild t. twitT. \ Wltheet IPI
ktunviden. her lathe g utteur."l it. and eoulgatoc•l Wm
Isterins ILA, 011. smAlrom ibe troller I Ostemeenel Me
Inn it, my health onykosed, and 10 two wergy from th*.
tarte 1 cuturota.4 APIA, It. I was ably to be out vued over
w.. my huAtvers. mod t nut ot•vdl Lg il l.. l ' 4l , ltr,t : ', \ ..
I,! , • ; •:;• ,.. te i ri s i , t , 7lr 17;1 , 1 , o or. me , L. •au . \
,- ~ a i:111.4 I! ISCROU) \
, \
Ikl 1•1‘llge NT TO TII 099 At LiorLD %rill DLICAnFoI \
\ of lIIIT 1 Uhtie YD 11011A117.
F \
VII anintim neler emer Wore t 'direr. of Its irt• a
pes log health testonfire elf , m. \
' \ ' Cog. Peter, Lakemo.. la.; dome IA IEI9. ,
\ Johh IA Park-beer Ihr--As Chum etheury.mtrera
tlon thi.tha .1111 , 1.1.1endettele Logo. ynu a befell...6AS
of my enhelumg. mud {{he heuetits Li feed fl on tba met f
Wietar's ll.4mut of WWII Obefri. \ . \
in Jelly 41 / was altockul 1 feref er i typhoid •
character. I.Bllo left me In a eery de IMO,/ Ittale,•heet
In the • lellowing wlater I wad,•taLeo , fllth . Pei . ..coin. ,
which 'lnhered me to sure ao , extent •7 tont/gem the
appoueoce orreontit ravel mmemelit... I Meg.? . {l . l{, •
e boom cont. , . melorated e tent dm to. I waettatilv
led with cool fee{ end sheet sweats I yto the. met e,
need blud'il ma ml lonAh I gene. lin the. mete.
gradually 0i
*gale ' under Zee 1., mad Agneary.l64).
• when 1.00 *gale attaeked wilt. caret- 11l fronds the S
baled .of .y Ilk, ...4 .u. pl,,tiditio thoovpt I cOUre . ,
eiterlre MA • short hov. „Sly vytei crater. , I..ccba , r cc.'
r....ere , : , neettently cold, kW Alt ,, At A l .l t. , ? , lt^i .0, \ .
.un.ler [hoe cirtutestsuees ILm.y. betreigratt ..01 est \ \
*lnning skaletou ,I Mushy. determined to he felting j , \ ,
medictemy•reterltediry oh/Sloane. .ed rrv., telet 0 J '
Celnate et will Cherry-and from the tr.d,w..... t 1 ,, g , 1\ ,
=kneel tette,' lt, I can del/ea modest recovery woe
United illi AA. allr.Dit tube. at the I.A.Adr. //kb time', AA. s \
;turd. end have fowled geed butAh sem A 1.,,. L
APALAIII7 tWomltiPtAl 00 ilagestu 10 , All no
with dltrendi of Um hano--go.l wand liar to ttA , A)
d..,,,,i A , De 0., he; So be dumnraxed II tap r them \
on ., d e . 0 1 tell • <dun. buleperveyern, 1..1 he.. \
n and 1 hem pod mild Lot tom{ mats eat rf tot \wlft r.
beidevsed with renewed health .. I here Lamy \ \ •
lt,,r,fulJA. your. JunIiVIIJACIL,6O6.
gig/trice VI per bott • e, oteeir hol{m rot Set \,
, 0 , , , , , D pARD. oget i me.. confer of South \
Walent sores. Clorinoalleddi A. - en traom on Weltint \
J. Kidd &Lk .11, A I ehomhek A thr ..1 A. 4/o,e, I.
a , in, jr.. littehors h. Let; A. 6.10,014. AlleAtledtr car; ' , , :::riati: j EZ=ilV.. 71": ° 41;1- \ s.
mum. DO fed. hred a tun, /inntineVAgf 111 e Ore, Hol.
tklayaboru; 1111drialtn 1 a One IteliStes:A 6. 11 neht.
Kitten:gest Crew.. A C...; b rt Atitlie;. A. VI / , ‘All A. AAA \
WILYIN4AurA. licieriand * Cody N. (dthendse, Megledlet I
Marton Yd.'s. herr. 1/ralmeti A Sorter. elegem: James Wei-
ley a 1.1..., Letter, h. \ tooth , beevert a. I/ reettesnao. j
arren. S.. t. A C es donee. Co4vryPent P.CtuAer. J.,
},,,, , ; ,
\B. A. Pahnesteek Vertniinge I \
ThelkAti crtisße
umgdMilEggo4ntaf t dttir Weeny tea: Tat
\ to, Ipen,durlrel't .
1 'rips PRRPARATJON haft 'ow etlod Cho ,
I ' -A, w . of I - tir. Imre` tel.). as* It conadently •
reese.rofugeel a• &Alf - dad effecreal tueleog.,ler ...PO.- \
lAA A-0174 000131 Om metro Tee unninee...l veutem r „ j
which Imo attended lie wiennotentlen In ester easewbenv j
Um patient wee natty Mktg' vote weer., erettnely no
t der. it worthy the .thole.' el ploettgulL
The otonyletor. bur Made It 0 TOMS the re.
n u ~.D. we 1 0 .deb AA.41.1 Isar enoteeltb knewlokfg
and ebonwsWer. and bet lemrovetr /AMA .0 At pude. •
11h Mope ..lotorrecent Alp& 0 0 0 0. , ...7.., 1 t.r ....7
.11 the ~,,,ii .r, penuaratStme recommended tor nernm.
had been promoted, mutual to without shy Lerotancin
gureetese. This 0 t on at?ested Or the eertlecoles atm
rssermoska of littgo n t of o 4 In
i dlffer.
" 3 "Te t lti.Wll.l of tke ;nepenthe/1 II their I=l
ra.{.l ..o4 Y egjt " y • fl.rerd:t o l l V t iOter "' ls * l, t rita . l. ' l •
\ 601, LN.eigl for tAk Xf.tdlcs
. ,PILLSom Itoicroekt,Esr(iml
.ad. tutor Art4' , Artumanicat. o.bAity, •
U 'olOosol lieslssidoil =,.=.!=
.InWo`'lrlyd and 4 I& oCam~l>d. l Vl sod Limbs.,
la" of BW r 1
LiipiPds at 1 IJ:esti.
JAMM bI U 130 runs Mud of Oiltod,
jting 41?1.,":41.45t,g
DOZ:3lOlSERAfticcifiYo6ir Ikock
- 4 -'"•;• • • :forser orifeis suulto.
^‘ .
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