rif ‘I 11ATTFRS LOCAL NEVII.—We hare - teen UZlAbie to at tend as usual to the local affairs of our City to daY and Y.sfAn'llay, owing to the labor requisite in preparing the lecture of Profe,nor Jacobus for publication. • DAJIK j Emecrtons.—The following elections of Back Dir..ctars were made on Tuesday, but we have not hitherto been able to publish them. The Institutions are all in Allegheny City: Allegheny Saving,' ,Fund Company.—lletary Ir. atin.,Pamtiel Melville, John Momson, Dr. R. B. Mowry, Oeo, R. 'Riddle, Nelson Campbell, John Patterson Mechanic? &mina. lianh—Thoman Farley, John Irani, Jr., James L Greaten, Robert H. Darla, Wm. 'Boyd, Harmon Ir(Maven, 'Hugh S. Fleming. Franktin Soring. Book —Tobiao Myer., Wil• Liam Smith, Reuben Bugbman, John N:Stremb, Ansi:taus Bartjio, Abram' Ilbys, JULIE'. D. Mgr ray. Cnoea■ or hltabie.—tionoria Conley, sister of Mrs. Cuthhrrt, was yesterday arreeted and committed on a charge of murder. Her hus band has been committed oh weitnitar charge.. Coroner Arthurs has taken the stninachs.or the poisoned children on to Cleveland, in order to bare them analysed; and will probably return • Aeoutrrea.—John Griffith, driver of the ofe nibuS which passed over a lithe child, named Annie Lehr, on Christmas, it:au:Lilly killing her, MA yesterday acquitted cat a Charge of homi cide; which had been preferred against him. Main auntaina her 1 w Elisti-five towns hav ing a population of o er 176,000 vote thus : Per the it,' an, - - 165,9411 Against t,. - . . 21 , 663 Eight to one! Thit will do. fipringei Harbiugh. (nuccissut 1u L& w. neetinutai.) - VOMMISSION SI FORWARDING n. Mer v chant. Dtsler In 001 thl Noche. ,nerslll. 110. 141. nrt M., awl 114 Omura st.. Pitt, be nal t •ta Select School TUE next & nasio 01l 11. WILL 'AMR' SKI.Egg Plunixt.. win of , ll/1110Oter on Monday. the kb Pox. in t room below the Lecture room 41 the air. /Wahl. - flan Church. rittefoirah. colon, on birth Pt. A portion of Wm tint &gotta I to efoli twellat lon will be devotes* to reriairing former lemon.. Who hoe not for gotten mots than be know.. byiegb.ting th is reel.? LIP boa therefore adopted the mifeee plan of growlog rich, "Mate all you ran," by ddigenteluily."and ore all you pot," by eonetant repetition. tionotionpiering will alto be taught. which will enable the pupil to roles' to whatxtar valuable ohne or fail. he may meet with in hie tinidlugrrefleetion or OW. notion, with.. much rate. a, thin marabout Pifer@ to the he in Lin Leiter. and that ha may do It with adiity. he will he taw ght m write 'Co- al atographigally, which, I,loi/rot only one sixth many motions se writing a word in eeript hand,lo the et mmun orthography. ap.l42w ' It Spring Importations of Hardware Cu lery. NPIIRIS'McCODIBS. 83 Wood Street. • AM now zeceiving, direct from Amerie , A_ sad Europe. bloou(sotorers,s tarot. and eoropl-t 33.330tt01ent of Ilsod fru*. Cutiory. Tonto, go-. W o bleb 313 &Wootton of Merchants and clnoo µ In coneml, 3 fefrot refffeitfully tovit.,l3 • •34333•368 • ' Removal SIGN OF THE INDIAN KING ISO. 283, LIBERTY' STREET. Nearly Opposite tht Spread Eayle Tavern PITTSBURGH. EVES R. JONES, MANUFACTURER & DEALER in al kinds of Tatoneco . Vmulf mld Sew. o eca nod &No. moll en commi.won. in7Dl2n. •' Rev. Dr. KeLlilrelley's Female Seminary =EI SEVENTH Seseion, commeneeo on Wed • 28th fwd. Teeth," of high abtlitl orr .rodotril lih or.'lolllk.thrr .The nutahrr or Boar Paoli,. It Motto.* to 2t., Trott! Mt SO3OOO or T 114,11 TWO WTELS. • Board mot tontott to tivolit.b .1160,tr0 Hann b 2 .top Froor.irrrroon and Lotto, r... 11 10.00 Drawing and .............. 11.00 Statrooarr .... . .... ...... .. At . Ittroorocri—A . atr . fl .. atg ann o. 1111. burgh. Lotz•il Braun. EESCOrilouse, Sign and Ornamental Painter. and Japan,, No. llarket strut t. an4.Third .1.. ihtlebnrab. All &Inds of Painting" vor ettuorthe, Erome. &r, In ma ter an 4 oil entoraL4onv,ln lb+ most Modern !W..: Tmns parent.. Its:loar t B1/0,1e...Itnliation or it Dal, 44114 r and t i a n ltia l Qw . rsa ,: a c t . r: 6 rr d at j Al:4.4 ... l... tt err. brain to L ARD OREABH-1 Ws. for oak, by BELL a Lomat. OLI and To VatEr mt. • -- A. GILIENFENNEY & CO. 76, 4th street. 1t... rertie.J. -Yelketibelice: • tee of tit the author of .. 51ilter.1 Veroon.• -tlerousula." hr. Aleo. No 11l Yield Reek of the Revolution. and Vol. of IlanerofVe history of the Unilfd nide.. spit 'JAMS, - 11 tea. and 2 hhdr. Liggeti'l O. tam re tunny um; far rale by BELL • ULM/a% .1. 1 0 OV and 70 IVal.r ge N 0.3 Bleekerel FISII-100 Lbls. •40 40 11:alf b1.14...`1a! 4 . fnr.l4. by 1:0141: 4 014. 1.117b11 .1g CO. B ACON -250,00(1 Ma. hams, Sides and , she Odin pert now In ,ronta for rale Sir split notlttrON, LITTLIt a C... LARD -400 bble. and ten. Leaf; h lo. g . d • tar rate by spin 1:0111!atti, Li'fri.c so). FLOUR -150 bble. Estraand S. F, in stare fairale by Imaisos. LITTLE a en. FEACEIES-200 ha. Dried, in fine order, for rate hi lapin • MAUR/N. LITTLE aEn M OLASSES -350 hhla. N. 0., in store an t^ urire. for ede , billolllBoN. LITTLISO CO. SUOAK— I) hildr. N. 0., for wile by • plO ROILIVN. LITTLE t lb. . WINDOW CURTAIN PAVER.--New Psitern.9.at whohn...kk. awl retail. br WALTRIL I'. MARSHALL. Mourning Goods MUBPIIY & BUItt:3IIFIELD have recd l{ Torthers apply ~f 810u:ulna Goode, Tic Gln liheek Crepe Tor ellu. Meek Pnerthaelete, BlBek Thlblt Merino; BleurOlos Cullum - do Cuff/. Block Thlblt Shawl% double luDiel, . • apo • Northeast earner fourth and Market rte. • Foreign and, Domestic Fruits, &C. JUST received at Morris' Tea Store in the DlooDond, • Pelmel Pesch. 1G rents pr quart Jerery Plums. Irev Iron @Purr, ..8) pude perpoutut Yreoeh ano liormeu l'huor..,_ 10 ' Do: New Valeuelsilldelue 804 ID reale per poem& A hum& It% Dente le'r 1P 5 0 5, t french Curr.te wei 8 eenle Per Very neperiver Turkey eurrnjo Me pet pouot Tstrlwy fifes ID 004 IV.lee per pound: AlBB, tura Starch, Ileeker's farina, giro flour, Venal- M e nmeoul,'Orellueu.leuocurtee. epD I PAPER ILA NOINGS--Tapestry patterns g of paper banging. Gold. Volvot mod plea rtrlrs. lor pale ur toptil WALTER. P. IdASSIIALL A A.:MASON & CO. will open this morn- Es 1100 r..... own or lim.y sod Maple Pry Mod., roooldlor of Ilogg.c Itibbonin Plain owl figond gdgo, g ooo goo. ri.go o o, tironodleoa. PoDllm. Lawnp. Boren d. yglooo. Mooodo Lalooo. NAILS & GLASS-- boo km. NOI4, asocrttogi 400 1 w Wia4o4r (11 um, snort"! Azar, for gale by 00) RuPlyON. LITTLY. t CO._ TANNERS' 011.-40 Ghia. ree'd for sale by 11011IPON LITTLE t W. 'FLAX SEED-2G bbls. reed per etr. Von ttlie, for rale by ROBIAON. LITTLE! CO. srO 14 S--7 baled rcc'd—for sale by Ala ROBISON, Lir & 00. 1 - 55VER SEED-10 bu. prime for Bale by a '9 ItODOELI, LITTLE t CO. 1310 IRON-300 vale Mill Creek; • sue • Dew(lrak; en hand for by ' • • 1.01 ROBISON. UTTLE a W. G REASE -5 bbls..OreasoLard,for aio b ROBISON, LITTLE 00. r lURPENTINE-5 bble. for mils by J. KIDD * CO. diARRETT'S SCOTCH SNUFF-1,000 lb tA1.0 , ..V rmj.a.Drintihylbr TA bx, Cincinnati, far gale b J. Km,* en. V . A'fIINTER'S tart gLAsTIO-5 gro • -vj In morn an,l for nalv by J. KIDD k Cb 3. ' , OA P-50 bxe. old dry__ • Sto • 'for Sale. 01110 And Pclate7/ranis Railroad:* • ire.tein Iciaoratan La; Ihui Street Bridge: stall...rand Dr 7 ritaibara b. aneinnall and Loulrellie Telccraohi liorti American 111oloir • A. WILKINS A Co. & o ak and Eaclianse Broke.. ekruer Market anl SDI - - Stocks Wanted. :XIJIANG E Bank or Pitt,bargh EEAi. semi M. el.lAbohels .I 4 Batton 2dininhesenPenr.reur I.4l¢.Mining Ceentsnr; "'beanie Northwestern 311hina Cuespenr Adman:. A. WILKINS A,IN). Stack and leselmwow • led str..4a. SALADS . OIL of rupinior quality, reed and fr tale by_ W.A. 14 &CUM° & 00. &12 - Ummry &o 4 TM Water. • .I\llPia 4t BUBCFIFIELD have just ot rorrlr admit LinfliGlegtuarta f, D. CUESSE-31 blip. landing-from Line, for ludo er - n. II A I.2IiLL & CO 1:10AM-50 bhds. N: 7 07, for sale by DALZIMI.•CX). TURPENTINEPE N-1.5 bblo. for . ealo by J. : 4 01100:1111A K E It t 1,11 bbleL - iS i o: I; lJ .1a kegs_ew reared. bt - YYItLIU N![ -ks aibaizA uoeiLti, 7 EATLEBBm=s3batl7llt rMafUra 1e ji fii — FLOUR-- 20 bias. in store, fur sale 11, be tap% (X).. 1011 RE--200 bags Rio, recd fur sal° by KING4II.II t IlittitiETT. 1110" O. SUGAR-20 bhds. read fur-laic by 4.11 _xdOLlSilit MONETT. Q.UGAR.--30 b3e.-priiVbiiitler, - Jor pale pp 117- --. [WI . UGLISSI /IX/WM BY TELEGRAPH asogrogn Or nry o'zin..tx mcnaisru tin, AVD CIPOITIO‘Tek 701ITITTMDC 1011 GAZITTN. ABELIVALSI7 THE STEAMER AXEII.ICd Nmrair, April 15. The steamer America arrived at Halifax this morning, at three o'clock. She left Liveipool on the morning of the 39 at eleven' o'clock, bringing 97 thkough passengers. The America arrived at - Liverpool on the 29th ult. In the, evening. The Arctic arrived on the evening of the 31st; the Arctic's &driers strengthened the feelings of dalltiess nod Inac tivity in the cotton market. COTTON MARKET. Previous to the America's departure the sales were unusually limited and the priors irregular. Might reductions were mode on all descripoions of American under fair. - Brown IL Shipley's circular saps that they were fully oneeighth of the week were 81,000 bales of which 2000 wore on speculation, and at Mobile, 61.; Uplands si; Middling Mobile 4 13 16; Uplands end Ordinary 3}e3k. Ilreedstuffs—Much depressed; the circulars disagree an to the extent of the decline. Brown & Shipley quote Flour no having . declined from 6.1 to ls. Wheat. has declined one and two pence, they quote Western Canal, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Ohio Floor at 19s lid. • . The continental markets have declined about equally as at Liverpool, and wheat has receded in the chief Baltic ports. Provisions.—There have been limited sup plies and limited tramiactions in Beef and Pork, hut the prices 'Uwe been very firm. Oardiner Cn. quote new prime mess Ilecf•nt 955®921 Gd; Pork, tlOn0700; Bacon inactive; a email supply at prim - supported. bard dell at 0.1; shilling lower. Tallow in fair demand at racier prices. Fbr Coffee . there Is a more general demand at full prices. Tea drooping. Bueinees nt Manchester corresponded with the dullness, at Liverpool. The spinners and manufacturers are anxious to renew their engagements and buyers had the advantage Goodesnd Yarns are lower. MONEY MARKET. Money is abundant and rates aro unchanged. The bullion in Bank has increased nearly.C7o,ooo during the week. Consuls were steady on Friday at fitlielthBi. American securities were in fair request at favorable prices: U. S. sires, 'fifi. '1.0210i03/: do. '6B 1101e111 New Bork State 95606; Pennsylvania fives Fill. Ohio sizes, 706'75., ENGLAND Secretary Walpole .introduced ate, Militia Bill into the House of Commons. Lord Pal merston supported it and Lord Ulm Busse lldid oppose it. Mr. Home protested against it id Cobden ridiculed it. Mr. Berkly's hill for voting by hollot at Par ietary elections woe rejected by a majority :02. Sherman Crawford's Melt Tenant bill wan also rejected by a manouvre on the part of the government. A bill was announced establishing a steam communication between Canada,. Newfoundland and England. Monaton Milnes has offered a resolution con , cerning Austrian restrictions on British tweet er*. • Charles Garen Deify, of the Dublin Notion newspaper is a candidate for new Ranee. The committee on the Catholic Defence Asso ciation held daily meetings to eaorare the merits of the newleandidates. A meeting of the . eititene of Dublin was held on the subject of tenant rights. Sherman Crawford's bill was Imanimously appeared and the meeting passed a pledge to support hone but staunch supporters of the DittiOUßl tenant right. The initial step was taken in Dublin to erect • monument for honor of Thomas Moore. Sir• William Somereilte, late chief Secretary of Ireland; has been hunted from the repreten lation, and has nought refuge in Cantentury. FRANCE. The French Chamber was opened ou the 29th by the President n person. lie was attended by a brilliant staff ilia reception WIVS of the wannest hind, lie read his speech mantling. in which he announced that it was the 'llterPtil .f France to littep in acuity with all notiono..— le dischtimahiiy intention of assuming the le of Emperor, hat declared that if dbiaffection or intrigue forctd htat, ho would demand fro tho people the muneof the repose of France, a new title, whicliwould irrertmobly fix in hi pollen the power with which the people hod ix rested him. Bin speech excited immense ap violate, and cries of 'ire Napoleon ‘luring th. reading. The President then took the oath of fidelity I. the Constitution, end the members were swor. to fidelity to the Prrahlent. Car►ignsc and hi. C►rnot were absent the following day, and th legiel►tire corps met in their respect'. Cham here. Martial law ceased cu the 26th ult.. in all th department,. The Code Civil resumed the former title o Code Napoleon. A deputation from ilnyre had arrival to pro test against an additional duty on foreign Co Rar• The Presidenre notation is fixed nt tea mil lions. The feeling inereeees that an empire may ye be declared. CONGRESSIONAL fistrait —Mr. Mangum made a personal ex planation, defining Me position en the Presiden tial question. He raid he would probably he prepared to oapport the Whig nominee, though yielding his preferences as he did four years ago. Ile wan ROOD to withdraw from public life for the privacy of the family circle. lilt prefer ence. for the Presidential candidate differed from the grisst majority of his constiluente, hut' he most acknowledge. Winfield Scott to be his first choice, whose •militory services have endeared him to the people and the country, in payment of a debt of gratitude. Mr. Dawson Moo explained, with regard to the Whig caucus. He denied being present or act ing with it. Mr. °wins asked Mr. Dawson if he could nay by authority that Om Scott is in favor of the Fugitive Slave Law, and would execute it if elec• ted President. Mr. Mangum sold he has had no conversation With Oen. Scott knee the passage of the Com promise, but when the Omnibus was pending, Oen Scott favored Ito passage. The subject was then dropped, and the French Spoliation 13111 was considered, and ordered to be engrossed, by a rote of 26 to 10. The Sen ate then adjourned. The house resumed the consideration of the Report of the Printing Committee. - ARRIVAL OF KOSSUMH. Wmiroxrrros, April 14 Hannah's return creates no excitemement Beal/rived without notes and will depart with out confusiou. Ile has been quite retired since his return. Numbers of Senators and Repre 'sentatives hare called °pole him. Ills desire is to see Henry Clay again after which Kossuth leaves for New York. That desire he the no.- ble to accomplish. Probably ha will be more mournful to-morrow when he will deport The government:lei proseenting the Forgersen of the Mexican vouchers with extraordinary dili gence. Wra. D. Drown of Michigan is on trial in the Criminal Court; the lion. A. W.' Duel of Detroit is his counsel. The mechanics andiaborers on the extension of the Capitol resume woe); tomorrow. The Texas bond bolder. met to day; they appall:lied a committee and adjourned without a final declaim. The opinion le that they will take what Texas offers and bide their chances for the remainder. CALIFORNIA TICKET SWINDLERS-DIFI CULTY-DIBLE BOCIETY ,`aetile, for eale b . KIDD• W Another nest California ticket ewindlen hu been broken up. They had been selling a large number of opulene tickets for the Ship Reindeer. Gs,. E. Hamilton & Co., whose of fice was over the Henn Bank, were the princi pals.- They have fled the city. A special meeting of the American Bible 33- eiety wee held this afternoon to consider the extraordinary comae ,of the First Baptist Church on Broome street in ejecting the Socie ty from their rooms under the Choral in conse quence of the refusal of the Society to lend itself to the new union movoment. Strong rcaolutions were patted and the Board were in• attuned- to vacate the rooms forthwith. The Society met again this evening, and were ad dreserd by the Rev. Henn. Hague, Calvet'. Reese, and othess. There was a large atten dance from Pennsylvania, New Jercey nor' Ohio. VIRGINIA WHIG STATE CONVENTION.. RICHMOND, April 14. The Whig State Corrrention met to•dey sod was largely attended. , It was organized by the appointment o Hail of Spotayleaula, President pro te-m. committee of fifteen was eppo els to raper permeneist offices, and the Convention adjourned until evenieg. It vets believed no.' preference would he ex pressed for Presidemay. The friends of Fill more and Scott were both strongly represen- ere hos been no /*nib of Menlo Unfits Green, convicted tit. Mobile of, forgery has been sentenced to. tea 'Yeats itoptisonment In the Pealtentisu. A bill granting the D"• privilege of erecting n bridge over the tiPliqp henna at Havre de Once was reported ib the Maryland Legislature to-day. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. PFULADILPIIIA, April 16. Cotton—lnactive; little business doing in con, sequence of the inclemency of the weather. Flour—Bales 600 hble for export at 4,4(0,60.. Rye Flour and Corn Meal without inquiry. Grain—Wheat stria,' at 90c for prime Penn• Sylvania Red, and itCyo for White. The market in nearly bare of Corn, which is in demand; sales 2000 bushels yellow at 61c. Oats scarce; males Penna. at 42013 c. Coffee—Held higher, and stock reduced. . Sugars—ln good' demand; large sales at fell Tale. Prorisinho —Very 6 no; Bales 111v11 Pork at $18,25@18,60. Cotton—The market is quiet, without Tarn, flow Pales 1000 hales at Conner quotation,. Flour--ttalei at $.1,12}Q4.25; nod for South orn. $4,1004;44 Sales 100 bhlt Corn Meal 0 :1 SI,BI Ornin—Sales Inn bushels Southern While Corn at 660. • Proll6°l4E49oms 6110 hhis Mee Pork nI $l 9 ; prime, $l7; mace 600 Was prime Reef, $10,12f. The Commercial Advertieer, of last evening, quoted Pork at $18; and Thin evening nt $1136t1. Lard, 9i€1)10. Seger—S.lot 150 boxes blinicnvotlo nt l(n) 4',10 Molossex--Selling al 17ic. Oilo—Sales 3000 galls Linoe.il fOie 400 htils Ohio Prison at fic lliNetnutrt, April lo Flour— Quiet; sales 700 bbl ot $3.1063.15. Provision.—Fires; sales 200 bble ppm° Lard nt 11c, and 1600 kegs at 10c. Bales 100 WI. Bacon Bides at 9.1 c; packed Bacon Shoulder. 7:1 ell; sales 150.000 pounia Balk Meat at 70 for Shoulders and Sic for Skits. Mess Pork kohl at $l7 tiroceries , —No change. The river has fallen 2 . 4 feet since last evening; the weather is tine. CIIARLICKTON, (S. C. ) April 14. Cotton—Salem 11000 bales at ei ; market firm prioem dull. jpIIIOPOSALS will be received until the 4th ot Up thr Other 91' th. Crtinorrr ot the ttru4 front i'llt•hurgh to Cstripl.ir 1t... , ot•Pt . ".th.t • tuuorl a to.yardoi long. 3.101 •otur otK arrl tor tu, othrr w.rit on a,,. Lion toky then 1.• readi !or motrmet. twormatloo rrrperting the work trmr 1. oblwMed .t oftre. or from W. M. ttoherte, Cop•ultuut .Isugmevr; at Marlon, Ohl, Br order of the tk... 1 . L. )111/:!1 ILL Jr. Chief Purim,. • F.4.:trwmer Ornre. BlUrt,c. Alm 00. rrlIE Partnerdiip between Oa undernignea uuder at+ .10,4 El DU ELL lIKOTIIEIL S.. di— .4+l,-...1 no the Ifah ton by ttow.. Calle; rf partoree an. authorized to artt.l. Longues+. J. C. 111 01% 6Lt rittAturgh D W. V. uIDK ELL. lioetto.tor March 'EL 1,0-4 rd.?, EIEMM rklnE partnership heretofore existing l'firter awl t an Cur. under the nr.c.l 3.. IN PA IMES: a CO. I. thin el., Fel.ruarr 11. 11.b.:1 1 Lace this day nik.iated with me, is the WHOLESALE GRUCEI: LP LIQUOR BUSISESS. my su. JAMEZI PAl:til uale, the arm 1.1 Join Pkki.t. a..." behruary le, —lreMel FAIR NOTICE of the I.i.solution of the I.rfu rl.l.ux kkkkk aC. the m..minw " 1 hoothy. Is n , rro,kl. A •10..1ta1. , .11 0 mole LoplAl«.1. ul t.n ale iball harp .1.14. n , .111 , 1•1,1. etmourtigun 1.11 1 :1! 01 (Mu rk‘liE undersigned hav e (MN day entered inn( if It:. ADAMANTIAE A.'D Seb4l. i:rxr.vr:As 61341 .10:1141•11 101, 14.• CO ,rtdrr- belt ma thp fatebsid. ot Jam Irwin A Von.. atlnticna. l'alsbur,ll..FLlCXlll44/ , ' .4.767,1-11n1rN. santiniettnhn. the ..stnte of I..trr heard. Lived. I bare gold tho inten.st Ow cler:Wini, itt th. Atlant.nttut• C..u.11. and enat , hunt..., h. John Ire In. Ent . a Cu: fornird • ro-petttnerxhip Jo -et-431J un.h.r the haw. (.1 .11.1.1EP11 a (V and talLn areal pies, or, in rrevmcnrualun nr. co-t...rtnerghlt. c.I the late brio a I, .1%.3m 01.0 .lAl.li,oh I I MING sold toy entire Htzeit of 1.001:o. 1 . .r..x1ic.1.. ate., tn Ml,r2t. 1114.1..•CALL0U. 1 elt•rfully rt....am:n.114 th.to It. IT, lona., tnt-tontt , All ,rw,nt. tndt , 6l,l tt. tur .1111 pls... t.. 11 01111, 14,1 11.. spa *Otte. .1. 11. 11%101/.:1 , .. Third ft .opt....tte the 1...1"1,14-... T "UE und , rsigned, hating putch(ved Tltirg• ytork .1 J. II lloLNlK: l .'fliml hop.,. en. MI.. rJ vtyr.,l {orttwershl,. u..ler the brut ACALO , IA . .01 b. Ilmutful fors 1.1. ,Onnwmr. will sly. U.. blo,yry U. Imre' a frnyn rsOly. A full mowntrnool nt every art FA. vlll Owl., 1 , nut All .0,1'10.. malteel..l fey by Me J. It 111.1.11 YOU M forablird u. beno.l by to. J. U. WHIM, 11, IL CALLOW • Ibtb.burch. rrilE flutescitihers for the erection of an tiro., of . I:efur, G., Wratern I . rona,lTania. are mou nt that ad witaPartneut twornty fArr rent. on tl amount rutorril...l lip ...wk./. rentnrr..lfo pool tic Tr.u.n, on or 6.1,re U.. 1,111 it., of ti.....nnber oral. Ilr on', of if. Loaril of trir.rto:• or3tfr JOSIIIIII lIANN a. To., WfiSlllFlriToll..April lb. Yartnerfillip I•etween the untlenlign i I, un,IPL Ho/ /.1., So of // AW. II AIIIIALIIIII, I. Mg- L b n e rL i n t o ' r//nl/r/ hd aZITI". I I4[ I ./ri ' a fi r• tru t a '" tilt!. : / " L l lrm , in .411.0,/ thrii bu 11,.... UPLing*/ , H.L/uillb will rnn tintu• th. boolonar •tiZonl. at 11,Lie o .Nto I'ircl et. slid ". 110 tl fall liAltBA UL M, npiW3l. lAbllAlblll. ripo PRlNTERS—Printing Ink manufae lornd by J. It Mc ran. awl trom 1 lb. rl 100. from YA ml. In $2 r• 0 1. , ..d. edgo. 11v1, dark a...111,1bl 1110,.. &oat awl light droval I r!ka, in ran+ al 1 lb, from 72 caul. In 11.t.0 Par EN ar. 00, In and 12. e•na, honnlta •nd SI per IL tn.l 1 In a: eap0,,114 pwrik —3l , roscarh—tnr by .1. IL W ttI.DIN, Ilivkasiler • Stathner. arT Cl Wood bellrrcn Thlrd and •nnreh. Ni OLASSES—:.:OO bGle. N. 0., for sale by op! IL DALZELL • Ott, „ l i tl.N s ' in l . N lb ll2 r ve . r t. e . m m o . vei . l t t b a . N 01 ,45 Ytlth and 111010 of Kral Fatal.. AI:, Enacts. Notak Dr P M, oe•ntlated •r 1 11 1 EATLIERS- 60 eke. landing from' etmr. 11 .010 .I.or. lot talr b itIAIJIII DICKEY CO.. &Si Kat, and Vrone I. _ - N IDES-200 dry, for sale by so: fIEIIINOEIL B E . E p H. 7 SK INS --5 00 , p R 1 1 1: 4 Eiril4rra„Aßfi m or ale . by "" lAN 25 Ws. for sale by 11 It •Pd J. EICOOfIIIAKEE • Co. _ . ARD OIL-15 bids. "Iturekbails" best New Yogic, April 14. biLTIMORZ, Aril 14. nt of the Boutbetik Ala Railroad ibip NEW YORK MARKET Ncw Yore, April NOTICES. &c Notice to Contractors Dusolutum. COTARTN ER.91111. To the Public. Co-partnership Notice House of Before • • A for par sr J. 801100NIIIAIL Alt A CO. bio. Putnam's Library for Travellers Aul ts fireakt.. Coot of M. Prroolut No le Lime ntiy. from Dickpore llourebohl Words: 111•1•11 no. • talp of Aura..., by Julia KA•uurf!, antbor of - Nat:lodic," "Woman uf KPH). eh notlenity. For rte "b"b' of r..l7:Pril i n ri I' AL P re No. 7O Fourth at . TAB. CANDLES-2h bze. in kora for t. mi. er J. KIDD dr 00, no Wom orrn , C. .. COH ILDEN'S ALOL:C EXTRACTS— wo lo Pro, Or ealr!/r J &No J (N). Barry's fiicopherons, • , Pena Oar Proroiroo, R. 1., J.grrnal. y' Why Is Barr. Trivopherout papule , )—The reason Ind vioue—breswee it ta the Berth rperet of Infector rlaen atold at otta to t Ide the rite of cOtopetiteref , bohlte faro, People .111 tad sire a dol lar fur • battle of for the heir. when lb., ran get e better article for twenty for rents. As au agent 114 twornducluit.ftloeeht, thleaeolog, feat. eniag.and edrliag the hair. Barter, letroraraore, told at ra • Bolus. Barite. eorripari,o ae soy rothlr. salon to othe atm. tottP.e that Ituropeso or 1i611.11..12 loveutloo tote pet wires. to the world- Prioriptl Wire, tat Broadway. ""' r. rk. b ITRLL . ERB. Li Ward .1. AKD.-15 bble. No. 1, reed per ateamer A Vi heti tarry nod frr ealv C. I. 141111,IVKIL ===222l CANDLES SOAP -7W bze. No Lethenatall Pow. bo NIRO, Palm du, 100 •• Mould Loa Pr n.: , ...Jr LT 010 RolintilN, 'MILE A CO. PIRE BOARD PRlNTS—Various .tyletb for We I, . WALTER P. MARSHALL. "REA P WALL PAPER—Prom 6 to 12 I=2. V,l coots, ror oalo by opeo A LCOIIOL-40 bble. G. 92,98 per cen fJr pal* hi J. IDD at, . . • OOLLEN (loads on conAgnment: 2 rang Moot Twao4o: 4o Orey no; 1 oofirorn dM 4 do Uinta and White Colon Co.ooltooton I neon plain Blank 1 raao Joan, Ware sal Tin , 4 do ttra, Waal ranokoln AII4 had from rho manufactormn and for sale no Joann No roma b, orn MURPHY it LEt. ['AI)DESKS—(Not Heel' Pods) a very rouvreltot artleb., .umt rire'J ted for I.lr by J. R. WIC §I,IN, Vank.rlirr ,rrilarlorpr, uP" Yin. Woo. or, lotte•r Ilurd • Fourth. MURPLIY & BURCHFIELD have a stock of Barred 1.11 , ra Silks. whirl. they are offering at ew pile., oultabla for Opting glut eaumer Dre,rot, tulta as In. 0.60 cents per rar.t.____ Mitt P!!! ofa b t ; h o e r a pa lap gals. grarrast.l pore lila, to {Malt, Wow User. Mr)* haa• TWA/ Rs taiditlogre al Papal, 01 Mom yrry taperlor Phirtlap Loslltu, at w WA' trdu.. loots also rferlreJ. . VOPYINO Prensee, Copying Bookn, from ntomorwUrvk a.UIIW P•por and Copy for nit at 4. IL 141.1.1)111. Book and et4tiorsrrOtor.. spl , G 3 food a.; boOnen ThArd an.l.Voartrt - - - (ILASS-150 brA. 8) 10 for oaltri msS gocoUsU fizon i sTr. • tri• • ARRIVALS AT SHE PRINCIPAL Harms Cp to a o'ciock lad Vntsi,g, NATIONAL lIOTEL, WATIR BTREZT. DintitioN, Versailles; F. Robinson. Unigotnwe; G OoeWry, !McKeesport; J C Sutterley,:teliville; .1 MeCleland, Elizabeth; D Yount, S 'Hese!, II B Krouw lady and Iwo children, L Ott, H li Bury, C H Miller, L norly, 0 Trozel, J Trozel, J F Hewes, Miss A Gebris, Misa L Froinken field, William Reickettbaugb, Philadelphia; J Booker, Huntingdon county; .1 Barkley, A Minehert, Brownsille; H McCloskey, New Orleans: .1 W Smith, 'Monongahela city; M Sander., Limetown; F McKee, Cookstown; H Cook. Brownsville; J D Brown, Wm [noire. C I) Dailey, New Orleans; L J Dum, Redstone; T W Garvey, MeKee,pOrl: Mice It Reppart, Mice AI Iter,part, IV •T Williams, Greenhorn; 'l' Sparks not lady, Redstone: .1 Wallace, Browns ville; A It Eherhert, Now Geneva; Z Carter, Brownsville; R S 'Mclntyre. McKeesport; J Cork, Brawnsville; .1 Bees Indy fald two child, Mercer; I) Campbell, New Brownsville; Willi to Irenheeg, Petergnrg, Pa ; .1 Penny. McKees port; S Dredger, Portage county; Ohio; J W Craft, Bridgewater; .1 IV Davis, Darkesville, Va ; J P Wanton, }tenth...ravine, flambe, Fairmount, Va. 12= A Thompson, R C Luca. Sleubentille; T M. McCreary, heaver; T Markle, I) Hall. A T !Mar kle, W S Minton. Steubenville; II Ptalt nnd la Iludnon; J C Wngeman, Kittanning: K Morten. Illighlntoliown; W May, P lll 4l Rams., 0; IV Tngnn, New Cantle; II Smith, liar- Moneloirg, U Keen, Crawford: .1 II Cook, Ito cheater; 1' M Rnen, In; II ()viol' nn.l lolly, 0; A II Colentnek, 0; I' II Hoy, Etranhetlitown; IV I' Proris, New Liehon; M II Shutt, dc; 1) C Slth, ilt; W F Fundenberg, Wheeling- C II Springer, Philo; J It Knpgle, Po; .1 IV ttoutlah, New Brighton; T A IVilliomn, 1/; 8 Melvin, IVelle eine;; I) Randolph and lady, Chiang.); II Notion, Elyria; J W tV ilemt, I'hile; .1 E 110)1, ion; (j King and lady, Stark co, tl; .1 II Burr Wallington J Stewart, Wellsville; II Bryon, Kitionniiig: II N Ormond, Butler; .1 Moore, , M C Mercer; 1 It Krepro., Brownsville, Pn; W S Parnell; Youngstown,-I); N W Cunningham, 'pt. ler; W McKean, Mercer; W Packard, Warren; 11 W Cellar; Farmington; Mrallarmen, Warren; 8 F Intrneti, Youngstown, 11; AV It Oliver, Wndlington: U N Porter. do; P V Y❑nhecker, Cl; F Handy, 111 IVuoley, Chicago; VI W Lucy, 0; IV Taylor, Erie; T Magee, Jr, New Philo: A 0 Burley, Chie❑go; U Satterthware, Salem; Oeo Walker, Lisbon, Ps; J Sharp. Salem; .1 Fite, Warren; J II Chainhers, 8; Mount, W Washington T M Lloyd, J Lloyd, C Myer, Z' lieimple, II Aber+, N 1; J tt Andereon„l C It It 9 Yesser.int Y.elwimp:, II Keyser, Bolivar, W It Gorden, (1:71' Norrhoraft, N Lisbon, 1 : 1;.1 Thenbeld, Canfeld, 0; A Brumlmugli and tidy Ilegeretowu Ald; Alm Brumbaugh do; J Kimble Somerset, 0; W It Patterson, A V It I:: Mi., Itew, Mx : eerie:a, J Ilagore town, Md; S AI den:, Iowa: Al Aloore, Kelly Winmineio, Blake N Brigten, J ire and lady, J Donnell, CS .leukion , Glerelleil. Charles Robinson, N 8 Rainy, Nlargan co, D 8 AleLvngblin, New York. 8 A 11lark: Wayuchurg: A U Altoon, JII Job n eon ani lady, AI Ilurlbert. Ky; .1 W AlrEny, Cin; 0 A Wlleen and Intl°, E Il n loboper, Alealiville: Dr Reentrant, E Kingsley. Cleveland; 0 W linnien, In; C J t; Fbra.le. Ptah,: J C Knox, Franklin. 'rhos MeNteutr, Ilauptsg Kock; J Moiour, C IlloCaueelstal, Ilreenvharg; Rev .1 Hughey and lady : Belle:errata,: W II Clarke, llrnwnsville. A Calhoun: 114,0000, Ky; J Al Ilnletan(all. Iloyr villa J Porter, Bnnduskl AL Watmon, A,litaku Is, Übn,, E It Brugge, JAI Trneedale, La: L 1, 1 1.1 Ilarknetv nest lady, Mn, C 11 orb nevo. II Morely, (In . STEAM lit lATS, srte T ,_ Itulit ...lAA 1 , .1tT Pl j /Ng 1r.., 111. 1111.. • • • ":4:17 . 4"1 , ri:1;. • 1 4 1- Olt ST. LOUIS .:111Ssi , 111:1 - I:—Thn r , f.\ r r,SI r...147, , Z:11 ‘ 1 1,0 0, , miry. 11.• Ai.ol, so, AOO4 V, r fr-ighr r. anll 0 Nlll.l . Krr It r...nt 14 1 0 R Sl'. teonm 111S.—Tlit• last ru umner KIOUTOIL c.r.t A 0 •1 ill Ir..lr..endslllwe [lo,il2lAbt • lof trright am , ' v on 1...,n1 nt..l I t FOR 1V At:ASH RI 15no Le, ali light drancht •nrarn Iroat E Pi E. Captin linawou. win teure tor Ihr al.na• and int/qv:mit:no nr..nr• on tto• d.y• in... at 10 tirlotl • For frAtehl nr pn.vkAr r, pit nn ~ ., r , / , or to .pll k:. It )111.rE,Iirlui , t., A ...nt r~ll,ll NASH V I ILLE—Tho endnew N A V. nk I/Ann .4akantnander. I,ATA fur .lam And kn.r. snoliair latolinite at • P For fistula or risieiteii. ani.lt on I ei I I L E T t y ? E u EN L ‘k. , L i., ! • ,, NI T ., i ll E ru II I —The light itraucht elennienA eN A Capt. S. literi.“ will roil rogulorlf helween a to Micrifio, l'illehurch every II eilniethlr a. , Ell la/ • avail Well-hunt/I ever, Virolay arel ,tunlar. For frolFht or Wows,. antilv on marl N VOR LONG tAILI r A. It end CI ALIA The apienillit tl`n . Capt. eland, will run regularly IA Hie whore trade...earl. ...burgh reeri iato.loolt n'ehea. mar, LEt; ULA ft WEI)NESDAY I'M:KM'. CINCINNATI. Ch. Imo, IT, en . Thin rpletrlillnt •Ln tol, 14 alrouthor Iva. Noon., to othrrn. tor the thholanall and l'atnbortth Verkrt thhte, nod will Ira. err" Wrtlhralnt Cr Cincinnati. , rnhrh , Mt..., nrt , ota or In roarlS 11..}M.TLNIIElillInt..1,fit. • Wheoliw and Pittsburgh Packet. . T HE sulk ninbing pai.engor ga d It I ACIIIY,MIL. leave. for the ahoy,. and all Inhdrio•di' a. pad, Tnenle, num., ana l•stiinl3, et lii " 11:! ` tISZ7l1 1 1111IlTP:1 will mart Pit hloutah •cueaday, Tbutoday. and ratunlay. at A 1•1: returning.. 1... a.. ., Will . ..ling • , oar end at ei A. el. Fed. (nicht or • . hartnapoporlnr woroniza•Klati,.. on Li ard. nr A Itllrrilolill.l2llll7l , lt a CM, Agte.. Market Th. IA Ineherter s• one iif thr tinixt.let :Arlo, lid La the tslide An,. ran • iin ta•r to in the tred. reauhall• jai; • 11 EON LA D. i'll"r8 killitONl AND IL IL 111:11.11NU or r s p -kat st.L.u..ar Con wall. caws ta. Is now personal. 1.. r rs•ularlet waslayttlro this city Wlo,lins, 'soling l'attrborgh at In sver, Slotslay. Washardslay ao4 Yruley, sad. ratoirniss. err, ?nasals,. Thunsl•l antl .11554. y. to ...L. Moe In.l•ht or past - a...felt t.1.1.1...1at. Avant., li ?Ls. Diurnal is • ads whoa] boat. awl is Ino ES lb.. and and Wiest Wet.. star ronstencle4 loar trads. gars and shippers .an dsp“..l bar coutsnuinc in I " IVIC U L I gLL I N I. I I :A T C S K i g " "g II 9;I ! ?!itait new packat ;leather tAIitEST CITI, A. .1991f.eh. master, 'env. 11M:burgh for rverY totreptinc 9199.1. y.) at 9 n'eti...k, 114 and ',tam lug. leaves 114.199111 e aver, day at ti terleck, A. NI. The Vorept City rut. entineetton with th. Civielat9l eit9l Inltshargh 11a199.1 Line. Tidket Amt. U ilAßTOYOlnnang•lielit t. VI - right Aaitat, , l? hAltAl F. 9, No. Cu 11.1... awl "I Vir , t atneLll•l: _ Stray C,OW. rrAKEN up by thu Aubscriber, re- it It riding to Low, R. Char loonAhlo. rt .rol CO.. obit. stal wilti lame torn, at, I mold The owner I. ref,13,10/ income farwror4. (ro, P~rhsrQ.•s Abli take the n•e ovray. proper:l P•• )(t l ( 1,1. 110011 P. 3.14:•30T Allegheny County, en t. ry lZtr In the Orphans' Court, No. :r2. .s' . .:. Harter Terml•lO. Indh , matter thr Eare d c; need And r. to air, April Lthf 1;:d. A. il. the (1•..0rt ...Winn thin ncenutit arid do Ore appoint W.ll. 0414 Q, Ltd., an. ditar to tIP tribute the bale,* iu the minds 1.1 tile ..xern. to". U"h'e°"'t • • - Ntaide i 9 hereby given to nil pereowi into .tel. that the •n.litar • 111 dircharga ta,. duties to I. pgdolotmout. at hit .Alen in I.narla'o nal diudi Fourth r iidiltatlilll. CU I Up. 411. dal ut /o.e us , ". lirb k. e Y. It. 011.1.110d. l Vl sod Limbs., la" of BW r 1 LiipiPds at 1 IJ:esti. JAMM bI U 130 runs Mud of Oiltod, jting 41?1.,":41.45t,g DOZ:3lOlSERAfticcifiYo6ir Ikock At? - 4 -'"•;• • • :forser orifeis suulto. ^‘ . _\ . , I