The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 28, 1852, Image 4

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    A senitiblawriter in the tome Journal
•••ra.-• • „
aA man ought never to confess himself
la; *latent itialtnik of eharee; for, to say
• L Lnut Ade) is to Bu r l (I Imre beat f(1(11,
- array:ancestor 1138;4 or my progenitors,
or,bothilnwris Violated donne law of nature
• whack - Gcd gsvella the sense to know, and
the abili ty to The candid
andteltelcting reader will not deny this "
We tat on the contrary, that the "can
:: '44ld:sand ffeeting reader" is the very one
, 7 deny the truth of the
parson who 'wrote it, if laA had
t ,h red ia - little while, would himself have
ides was not true, stated thus
agrilar how early we find' the
laticii - .nfthis question-1s all sicknesa
din" and Divine displeasure. In
of Jai, which is supposed to bare
~ i t./.;lieett'svrittew in• the 'Patriarchal era, It is
gnat 'subject of argument. .Job's
fri.c& contending that it was very evident
lie hitleintiga, the proof being the sidneis
t and wither : misfortunes which hied come
' . upon'id . rii; . and he, oat of the depths of a
" Vito onscieneo, contending that ho had
• . • „not 4.6A1? wrong, or neglected his duty in -
Ally'liftiy—that he was, as we are told, "
man-perfect and upright, one that feared
I rind , aril-eioliewed evil." The doctrine
taught. the book is, that Job was right
—that ' I sickness and milifortnne are not
tWeeisciray the proofs of wrongdoing, or of .
theDivitte displeasure—that men are often
thud tried, that they may some out of_ the
(anise like goldthrice refinedi
.itrol when,the . Redeemer appeared upon
v .- ad:t i the question still akitated the minds
of men; "gas' this man sinned, or his
fathers, that be was , born blind?"
again homes the answer, consistent with
Job—' , Neither this man, nor his
-fathers, but that;the' power of God might
Manifested in himP.
, And yet, in other cases, min were healed
- bythe edraculons power of the Saviour,
and lola to " Go and since more."
And _thus we have scripture for what
even our own reflection should teach; that
- while ' sielrness and affliction tire often—
perhaps generally—the result of wrong
-4014g, they are not necessarily CO.
It maybe that sickness never cranes,
Imo as the natural penalty for the vinla-
Aiwa •of some natural 'law. This was the
doctrine of George Corobe, the phrenalo
fist - ` I But then we must remember that
; violations of natural laws are not sinful,
sena to be ashamed of—often they are high
- -..lyittiltemorth'y. - -
tA mother violates the haws of health
when She watches day after day, and night
after- night, lay the bed of her stricken
• child.' She'may rain: her - health-by her
. Maternal heroism—but is this a thing to
be estimated Of, as the extract we have quo
- ' tea woad persuade us? -
• 7 'At, we have the hopefulness and faith
in Rain-to believe, that - all the weak forms
Ana tale aces around us do ,not testify
t is • violationsof
qtk AD, ael6slt,. and eensual
. tluigreat him", of health. We have the
iMpe• r atid faith to see in them the records.
I6g - nights of prayerful watching; , of
• 4,idattay and toil, to make ,mankind
• .Stionger, and Wiser, and better; of days
years of devotien totem:Mess, to give a
and - young family the-comfortable
...Mitns of support- yes the records of self
• - .Ssciiftect in a th o usan d ways :Which may
make the body weak , but ;hick' shed a
golden luster over life, and elevate _the
- •
spirit ton levetwith the saints and martyrs
which have gone before it.
- r
The• body should receive its just due in
:``.the cues of life; but we must not fall into
the error of making tee much of it. Health '
•• 'glorious thing, b ut., like money, not so
- much far itself, - as to be spent. Squander
• toc-rec iv= k'vietschat tnenientlott
• may need it to lay upon the altar of iovu,
orfrieedship, or duty—to yield it up for
anemia of its Great Giver, and of your
fellow - men,
TBut we need nersue thu subject no tw
itter: The reader has seen by this time
. whir we think ill health often a thing not
Only not to be oat/anted ef, but a. thing
sweillieprond of—if poor hunian nature
- eves hada right to be prod of anything . :
were not alwayai" en unprofitable Bar
', wint.".+Sait. ri;e. Post. •
~ c:
.~'... .
~~.E'_r-~ . ; ..
~ A
F; ";
t ....'
, .
,- 9, pilartiln
-- ' 1,, AIinICINTA.----MC ,eivirti.
. i. oQuatils
~,e nt against
k ,__-- writing 1 1 Pr-h
has been ,dia ries , to t as.
i h r g 4 gala' lue.., d ,,,,, rio t tell hiso
• ~...-ip . .„, .Thn ettoor -- .. , ~,„a ak , , was
an '—,..1*,,4 dist the term `".- 4 ...,' t used
ur / ,
us in
r49gmaill'i..°ll44-Er-sperpliniedentourythore who.
upori i ni i , i
aule..l V- or,
an al. renal
- sone Yell' ' f w i ng , those.
uudc" •t of an -editor re • the usty#
the PropnEJ colpP eim°h°l4 b e din
who Pa! ",..Vl:Pereoltizrossi becauSemn of
i s , sAtenr•—' t f i in opinion.t I b ._
~, , . nsrees with' them muse are now use Y
~ ' • Atatt.-11 ' an d although : others
„ re ” doctors,
quite a number a
- - ' S him/IUP' 4 diseose.. ll6
.. - are 8r1.1112,...„„.,4 remed ies -for be.
,vell-ape--_,,,nea the Public againstgubirly
e ft,o ova
regu l ar ly or irr
, ves
;,,,, dosed to death, j u d ge f or themem
...C. them _to
and remedy%
....meliesTes r,clan a. • -
- - ~.- the ado of aP P I l aw region-nig
arneaten s en
a se.
-:- illsCOrresPCa patent . medicines to
thecomponent parts and'
-T i mi s pankegai, 8
thereof. 1, 11 attempt
a t; Piplrod
proportion T r ib une remarks, . . ~„
.• • tam, the •
• curt 4
'amendsma requiring • English
Sonam - • tiara in Pl' f,en
' that* tP recc ' n P t • which so °
lute hideous L° In'
and ends
lining et.
theem r s boy, a
r - tonf' " "."^"d!'the 114fartily.
i ii . ProSni2g a
it - in tl5
4 I
le for religion; *rite
?•- Dis* wrling• fur it, anything
f or fight tor it; die
. rit- --144°8
but tref ° • •
_~,~ ~`
`~_~ .~~
CAN; L g
r 2 ' 1 ; 41 4" !'?
pift - DIUBS
r,fp , 4l=7
7 0 p
hi" aar arrs,ya pat ai
yy ' - Jai , • " q.t.
lan" 001:11be Bulk Pork,pnme;
_ ' •, ' wt , Lito 3 V"
)14flaiT ex.,""ir'"derrueiilvaaa
1,3"CH.--401bis,fore y
33Inking and Rgn4Pge CligPe.
:::...791chitiest,maikettainnpnid in par fonds
on- th• Eastani as tor
Vigmta , funds bought =4 ° l4-
---"AlA4_ts bought gui as Iraltahnm—bi
At :78 - /liana, IJd!d,nyt Fourth erect. - : .
Iffiutet - ,Wi _Wig s World; - 14- glqabitth
- -V.ri volts. liilb. wmier, • ..ieekt triralli.
% ,i....
tfaiksiransuK ?titter; by Intsßsra. lin.
gra iioattsi an tanboi rue .= bi b. B. Wrats.
at we .0410. Mauler snit intertretsting
- --it t P•ratoniyvta Bran °binocular bi. : J. .u.
. Wats. tat A..,
.. lE C I,Z=II7.II - Ttrcitti Pala by iilip.O;B: VP.
• Atuatin tt p
°ravings Crop • Pastorrons 1:01in; by
‹..± 4
rLec ) - :,,....-:- ~ ,;I .IaiIAtETH'S GARDEN SEEDS—J
~.. . ..,-. ..:-:,-.,. ~,. (.;,114-ntah.l from Phtla4gottla. • fall ant mos el "t
3irrl,-- 1:-:,,...- 10121=11%. WI VlB.l7sadd the ens of 1131.stb3sti 1 ri te itre•
t.._ ; ~:-. .. „1 -,- ,- -7, --..--7 . . - j. , ..`-.A.,,:: CL-ilt.a sor eastolsers eittwe whslstest or :stall, sr the
• -- -: '.-- !'"1161.14 "4
"17.1 4 4. t• "
,-- ,-, :..2. - .:: • • . .4f ZLAz.1. 8 ?,,t.P . . "‘•
• 1-- BATIFESS-12 6 ' 'shirk n'
'' .
.0114 , 41'5s raltlf sclul
Ke------T, nPramf
_ . 1,x...... =WACO.
,-, \
.0134 8 ••101131 iV. 16;
WO C1. " 4 f t.ll
t4 Virrat itfd
huts Po nic
SNE-144'sbrisgintrkolitivs tb,san
~D JCd~IiES -- 160bn pnmehalTee,
~ ' ~",te.aa m~..uQ3: aanwu3era'eco:
d}KS.ICTUSIC; - &e:
•Gift gooki fiir:tho Hclidage,
etllol34ES! , liiterp7 De p ot .:
Ti Thholetroat,.oppoeiterthe Poet .
The etorgconsiets or all the.ahno• ,
et. ea la 18.54. f• ibba .
Utoslo. ..
Wooers o t f . Early
hottlis eylr+
Tura% tr ono:'
The Sorteirostr Wenn a gilt
smith.sal Meow. aids
besottfoll? finished etnorarthi tr. ertlfa
Tba wtim"';lllt:',:hZ..te
The keapsoko • gift book. with 28 illwarations.
The , late, en lltrivilnatat eovirenir, with Po:dosed Pia..
teelletaor listoorr, a beantifol 0000nt...1th 10 plate.
The nrillieo l .s gift hook. With 18 .Ptrattosna _
Cabinet of Modern An. with 28 ntattnosot plate.. -
Genoa of Beauty, a Merun atti, blime Illartatlona
Gem of the &aeon. anionanir, V 3 ,do.
The Talmo.. sato. or friendship, lb do.
'fund Annual.. • gift book for pi matoirris. Vitatrated.
Librium. Gout, br IlerbfJ Mclntosh, 14 illtonostiona
titre flower, • gift forth.
The Plosion of /l Loy .110 10 Illustration. ,
The Cisola end Parlor Anna...
Pupae& fun... or the Rivers of the Bible.
bl Tbseral Tableswedit
aeemarkable titotory in the 131.
The o
the brae. Inaba, ant friendship'. Ofier
b.gil'irrobe'll'''4l,l:l!l.-'lo,laku.l..V:ltyb,... In
o b f,Tot ti t e tVr . i . w i ek t hist.l w fts b l i ta . ..
koal o rrU. Le o na rtcl - b! . "
of iloiLlay Gift /itn;3l4 for
Hew. Stook of Chiektiring's Piano Fortes.
1 - 011 N 31ELLOR., 81 Wood e ms . •
*P .
Biro t, bee received im entirely nee
eurk or PIANO FORTIS.. fr.ct the role.,
Cliintlitdtorypf Cbloterins. Roston,
' ls'l7i ." .....
lat . '' '. •••• " ••• .
1 • vi Cuffedrt.t.7.o.7 ...
9 •i
" • •
;it 450
11655: " Fall 00
" liorewood . .
. , ;
7b.1"1/0vriu,,y1 . .g... Torte. treat other ,
Nn. 65e1: Una 64 octave 1t.”.1.4.1, Setdart..N. Y S27C.
, ; ', - .- 2 7,T„ :: ,), I . ~ h . „. 0. ,.. muett, tif,,,. cm „ o
3341: ." 6-• . ". i-501:r..;43, ?..So
=SI M 1 do. V.,
1 1 413 ; ! :: G 6
.: 7 ; Woodward& Brown, V()
4iii. • Git " Boudoir. 011bort. 4 1%stoe • - ''..2
• A =shoran, 6 <PO:Lye second hand, ' /2.5
' t BOOKS— • safttirs Laud* by L. lleson . Cholr Morse hoo k ;
I Wetly,. Literllw:tun CLI7III. Snore: Ftholnery Cleo Roo , :
formal &tool Song Book; TcrlpCilat , Idelaleou:
JueenfloOratorlon, tl le. Mee, by L. tluon:
Song Boot ofthe S-hooka= Drenthe of Celeilonini
Primary NolioolSotig Unity Colon .T mt'
-enthoroloNf o
Linton Chorus Boonoot:
Aloo—Tbe . A.lbativei very.
ip pritty vet, sane -envie by
Footen •
The Nock of Alp, erso-41quertette;
The NwleoLlutilert roue:
TS, IlloomertiClairleion •
b rLiliYl37l4 o ;6 l Thr:l:g'<t!
poll ' Sign of this
Istkre of tber Fanner fn ell their ra•,laty, awl fuley,
log them to the Swan, of the pew- an they eueeneeleely
occur. By 11en:7 .;- 'Stephens. P: FL N. au th or of the
Bootof the Foronto. senitted by John P. NoKoni sl .
Prof.. of SolenithO Agriculture In Tale College. nen
Ilsieen: tole. !all 0 . .200101 illtuitys l i t s- REAL ,
del2 Fourth street, Anollu PuliLlugo,
Thaw Books!
T J. L. ItEilD'S, Apollo BuilkliTts, No.
Vr rourtb meet - 4.„ Diet, or ttotArbsla,• br :
Co:oz., or Ito !oteraito Noplor.o , k.Ste. ,
moo Thin, far rozollito oral:lonia. •
Soi , oco Fataitior; tlt. Btolior; lamlll.o
Oyirituol Itegenersu le reforopmito otertnat timer.
etarg• 011otrol to oh, Clergy °Pilo Nov. of (thso,
Octob, 11.1001. ch. 22
Now .Ready ! !
VERY LADY haring a Paw should
A purchase d real Temp:Conine, boob,
G.erinnrit! t his le a Mournful book for • PUF.SIXT.—
Illthord•nception es nest Wye 51 printing sod binding
as ever was eveented.
There is no pcdsible that esti heyden to • Pietro
for which It iota not rotor an racy remedy, 1.0 , 14, Ovine
directions how to Veep the instrument ALWAT.
TUNE. Price l,—trerth ten nines the. roorh. It
ran IH
be sent by mall! o too rin't cs , i , •tr..r •
few cent,
rnnw bed hr Lehi Waiter. Ilitledelphis, and rimy he
Lad or JOU?: It. PiELIA/It. Word street. sos ULNAS'
yarr.ILEII., Third cored, Pittsburgh. and-ut the hrinciyvi
Chiekertu_g's riszos.
Chleterioes Pi..pb.rch
sad Weatern P 01.1,1.1.11). II r.. 1 H 001 sa.,
has yen lir . re stock
''''gurTelgro.l floe
rbon. noel
. . .. .
SOIsTOS. Runge by , MiES•CATUASUM 'Asia:
C. 'throbs!. meet teobyre yen.
Tbe hap that ouee tbyough 'riffle& bolbe.
' 0.1 1.1716 to me.
Comma' through the Rye: I Notice , bend prover,
'Jlla Lobto Oran I tle 1 ett Nl.llua ITool, Ut•
Homa eveot boyet; ken from die siren
The INtroben The Laws Prayer, ultb ma-
The lieeryaler.• see net to Itm ale by S. G borer..
CS.Tilia: 'A r ll,oll— , SOW'.
Strike, the bort , 6 0 .4. by.,.. Ett " 4 " P - "`" L " •
Woodburn .. Why to rotner kola
Ttrelre fleet osh tee'eerol plat Sal 6
~ .oat. At.e of . doe TSLt;, Yosot. Wile., Floor, Belot.
The mother's tuba: 1 Soh and UloseGy Polkas
MU me pet Ascot. Ghat% Welts. Stortoee, to.
Secetved and tor Na by ' JOI-N IL MELLON,
el Wool *Vont.
New Boon. •
4UST RECEIVED and for solo by J.
Acol,lB, DO strut.
amt. Lila son To Thos. ortanitidan . 3"4,11T6 Camp •
tfiT lne•gt, sod slid non-4 adlotainy *DO
Ro 6esol la and Ddscol• ol t
Wotan. ,
lb• Lily a ' od lb* 8.. on At•oldn'Oo ti•••
me, by S. Warren, N. IL tl...anchor of Non sod DM an.
. d. Yaotni's I•Set.thet.. bi
The 01m Thloito. • Winn 0: Dolores an the
nod Storni Lee.. rrnaltd to mutts:. by
Gardlnito Emil*. D. D.
so - d9Pnal its behalf of rumor Ron dap, .012 ro Samo
greras.ol hynios, sod eximsd. lemon hom Edo otuor. ion Coolly uin• bIo. F. Dir..
booth yd Sane..or dnionr with nod old:loot rellsinn.
Di* teach and Doer of ChitrtianDy,
" i it• aiint:!:l;i . in — soy °then. inernos to *aunties.
sad a (tomb er.noly • f Dixon Wort Sdatiosany •rininn
Do. tbet on .14
A RWOI7 of. httaliargll. B •
Tom of rittetriatah. fibs the outlet yyriol .ben ft
virfted by .hire me. dawn to tba elm* of the toot
Penturyorinh natio. of tbi brat lerrabh 'Animist of sYmie of
tag. important onlaufertorres 014 yvitut works of lob,
natthoproverneot, m the ImeYat Ynro. ho , ,,thaoh
ed IIettPLAIT Ism. adrentagni of oar onnion for mon
cdectUritip and ernairrierrfal panning. whila a summery of
trnaagaregate =ware banners treneemed ann.t
ly epon pat, and &ham= trayrovenieray
That. 10 no point la thin Vales where no noway impor
tant ornate anal oftribietifts of bLetoricat faterat have
tom canybreeed .112101 Da brief a period of time, .1
emmtry vonal du head nf tbe Obi. To polled. Wrath.
sad exhibit fa htstarimil order thete Ymboon Incidents"
end 1.1 proclaim the adtantanne of oar pa:Ulan. co lad..
merits for canftelirre to eerie hem lathe object of tn. Br.
reb=egal for POLI.
ae9.2n El Wood Arad.
F lIIPSY'S SONG, or My Gallant Bask; •
r i l E syntsf vies tsptnroas applause by J•nnY Was .b
bar cornea in Pienbarnb_ • -
Ise 131ssome*sCO.11114 rt iittr InStbttlY Mac., .
The Lonsrly vans SD MID( byCstnexiss•sanyn u s Ammon
Incho - 4a Sane br
Crrtttl. 'll2f.e.
-VIEW llynctsi z torpnnsed by 11. - •
The Limns/sent anarillsoC
Alyo—A generpt sseiessilon the mon pa", tst. sad de.
Bitable sawn, nxilyn and nntsri..n.
s • • . 11. - l(LCBclt 101TbIrd ttrnet.
Finn of the Gold. Darn.
. •
CANTICA LAIIDIS,. by 3ltdon & Webb;
1, rAr CAlt3/ INA .Shelle, de. do.
TrIE GLEE ILIVZ, a new collection of Oleo. and Peet
twig; 'elected end errengplioe the use of 51neleal Con
went/one, Towhees' luethuter, and Clewe of the thwton
ihnuleentof .11nek. 07 Loecll i 4 AA 3 A 0,0. J:,tigi.,),
AL-mir.--,-,-hiLl'inrgtoT.'biir..4,,. '
TIM difficulty of obtain counts orrect and
runl4ourei Cleclonet In this benne bent
1001 , wed seemly telt b y the ratutlnl penile, the suborn.
bee bee Nut nada keg him anneal?. •
• which An.* Jun entreat, They en hop the feenr7
[be hen maker In Nunn., and ars entesuted scenuus to
y Cletionets ever onenel for sale—eset or nen.
stuck compriseA
CID? r. 44-12 enl 33 Heir
Thom W want of real, good Clartoisetr end this h
rata taunt*, , ft. it 1.1:111tit
1 Firs of the Golan, nary:
good hen? If not;
j °,.../// 4 , - I , ro . - 81 Wood street,,
follosrlog now popal.r Owes of
Laln Jones-e. C. ToOks kaarch from Leda de Lem.
t TligiVti- . -Zicrre PAT= •
)docmlllght is si.rohm; qlldet
We no. mast kart; IVarld's Yale Qiilek Rem
The Mealiest . • I hays riches, than hart
Tsks home to dIo limatr--aristleom
1 irate% for theme Gems slag leu that sweet sir
Bs kind teaks lorsdetell, Wit —varlatioac
yather's PrsTeti Le Tremslo—k.leidleke
Jo. Medi: Dells,. me If all those eke
itchy do summer roses Me? dilating young <lmam
Dills:tilt flora Oh. tplielt Eiem
hdide.lllyerly Aim:. and kilre4 11 , 11 Valise.;
Idly, Iduiers rafierellloomer. Marin. lies WIT, 4=07
non Elynease. tiettegai , ifEded, awr
pan. • • stor'Zl
---- •
TirE WATERS NOW, by 11. Riau;
t 10104 700,' a 3 . i 't.ha t 4"T. foo b 7i3.7,l•Vai
p47,,T P .„_,.. ,1 3r,L'i1; tat rg:a•-;f:ikti.°l2lo,tily -
E .c h ug.r% A... Harp, Chants:by li.sUsalc Jody iteLeary.
Maio rat. When Um limey aye oshlng. duet. , "
Hoy" Holm flora lbw. duettr. Tim al (.14
ryy ges s t Lahr orgaZirwr.G.TTYYDI h. ght Ihms are
thrgul 10.01 c.
rAbetr!torellfg th lWit:rttrirgg l "Alb j e.'"
Wwty; &Ars Walt* 11.11stoon, Yon.ol,Bexonla andds.
Youtbly ylotryogelny• Pultica bT tii.Hu:Ylls.3r.ribarAtsnl.
Pal% 011:1 . arjr ari•
3.114034 csS ooed
-and forale by
.¢1.9 • JOIL4 MELLI.4I.. 01 Woo..
New Books,
ttrrVvlsVw"`? *
New Music.
New Music
Sacred Music Books
New -Mur.d'
. .
NE W-130 0 K 8 S —Tbe sum. i n. ,1
- • 2desoit of Pent Pale; e llllssre Tido,
y De /atsuatir. Trar.r.tategl from the .„7, ...
Prench. - -
- ..11salcir of Bre. Wired Illekstslatbjete , gntoref Wee.-•
1..."1/ettr,l7 fleY. T. fl..l3lrlmM. stE....' of lieilsbsli.
lilt aim an introdzlion IT En!gben 11. TIZE, :+.14
2 Anttelu's Ilott d ' nitni ' llties: a Ideanal ef pm. db.
tiquittesorithmunsroustikstrutiom by Clan 04 Author,
I 4.3bt In the tisk Pliexe; or Memorial. of Cbdslibn We
In the Middle Ages: from the Orman of the late *urns.
ha beendsr: P.n., ans. •
The 4Ler of the wieelden: a Conabentui stabs &cud
T,-817.1.r.‘ Vgbirri;P','idaag Mr',111";""b• H.
ia.. 2—tb.uP,... ..e la " "'4."
on ... N. MR.
Leads' Algebrs.—The kleptent. of Mgebrs, designed
for lieguangn4 by Ella. Loonds,.?l.E., Yeateneor of Mule
.. Salt eictottal field 13.t., Beeclui;ont toning.
''. ' r , ait 4 reteirl r toTa e e r b .. y '-" "1 1 , 7 2 1 4 ' M r'
seq 2 , . lb AtollaßfdlilngJountisl. .:
saratletiN STATE I'A.P.ERS.-StatePo
•r* sad Public Doctanots .th. linttol ELM"
. Ameadest of (1 • •iv aahlt la to the Prosiden•
• bithys ...nano., at 90x •• gareletionasla.
lit •to In:lndia, Cbta bcomarits.'
VELT 1tt.210.1 containing 1 , 3•111.1.0 i Mdarb-61.
Ge. isedloutcou, inaVaticst, tkenlondal, nal 11
MOW' &NM stt4 I=g;cturaMratjorhe
- st..bywra vD3ks or sale
'BO. BI9I]ICiCLY , • , ,
• 0 11 ,;. - /saw . •
NAGAZINF, fat Jamtarn
HOLIIT-S• Lifeey TEI.I ft- or.
tb. Poe Oftte. del
OL4SSES-22 bb „ 5. S. 11,, (St. James;
iv tio O . iZT-l'aitirg7
EORGE•ItOWLEY, Sr., will find a let
cor.odrstordl c, him from CA "CIA Country." et
ton on thetubocribork • -I—WILKIS CO,
do3o corner I;noket awl Thlt
FRENCH .31.ERINOS--A. A. )I.lsoN & Co.
„g., et,ek 11.ri...rf Mgrn ~D O
wing lbw 1em.1.3.11 @Aim st o,eWthtrd than" cbs
-We will 'markdow'S-We Wanes cf oar VAI , At Okras to LbAn Aut.=
[A•SOI ' A' d MASON t CO.
TANNERS' OIL-29 bbls. flit gale by
&LS B. k W. 11,1103 ACGII.
lAINT-25 bbla. Piro and Water Proof,'
for rale by IBALilt DICKEY k
de4 Wacer wa.) fralt is
IDEARLS-14 man reed and for oak , by
.03 WICK & 51,,CINDLES5.
G LASS -50 boxes 8x10;
" 10124
tO 1014'. tor *alt. low to ewe cut
glwwmont, ' (dela] ' taIIRPLIY B LEE.
ASSIMERE k CASSINET-150 pea. for,
I rein 6r - , C. ARNUTIINiIT.
Christmas Gifts.
rritE mubscriber has just roceivod from En ,
ra. lot of beautiful IVORY efAtrL ertz...alabto
valet] . band •rl emtclll hc4. Alin•-•—a Poo aelootiou of
very tartefelly dtsizned tioldltod SILVER GOMM. inleg
The.l.o alto her one to 01010 and dnuh. end e; tll
be at roam:awe - loe i.e.. cl.eo
61.1:13141. 101 Thl et olt.
doll. • blgu of the tlo,d.n Ii aro.
I . IOIVDEB--3090 `s.oga Bloating;
603 P lllll, f,
111111 J. P. DILIVORTI.I
FRESII FIGS--Rec'd and for sale by
‘1 , 16 MIL A. k
C. , ,TRAINED HONEY—For stile by
, wsl. A. M0..3.11.11U G Co
OFFEE..-150 bags Green Rio, for sale by
(.IEESg-50 boxes Cream, for sale by
iINSEED OlLS,bbla rec'd. and for sal
I by B. it. W. lIARTIAUGII
TASII-10.aasks prima, fur ealo by
deg.B. W. WARS /MILL
LASS-800 boxes assorted, for sale bs ,
de9 5. & F. HAIVRAI7OII:
11 — NTIG0-1 coroon Caracas; 2 kegs
an " mjg "" t ' VAl7n u id l er: Se & CO.
de9 •
,i s,
It S—
ePeirel;itiV.7l:t6 Vdr e iltg
Waussrva, . Her r. I.+l,
beret, certify that IMrms atSitte4 for 5tISII110411.•ith
• dry wash, which reduced toe . that 1 obliged to
volt toy work; mud that b, ;be PIRof otot•mishllf Dotes
f eelLers . Liver Pills, mud two bottlet of tee Imperial
Cough Utrup, I we* perfectly cured. JW. lions.
Wimuscrau, hoc 27,1e41
Sell r' Coo 1,000 to, taboly tor two
ueyre, m ui bliverl cos IL to tnil, lu rellcv
ictl awl raring • cough. • , R.
Prepared met .old by •
dee IL C. SELLERS, LT Rood rt.
- -------- --
PEciTIC—A fresh supply
• - KIDD CO.
tia Wood
ved inl for solo by
Poi for bY " J. KIDD d CO.
Q 'CARO 11-2469 e's Ohio, in 50 lb.
I.7c.rlages. for WI by J. KIDD a M.
W) Wood pl.
Cream, superior;
100 Crmamort. for wle eT
deg li. DNLZELL a co, Libertr .1
ti IFEESE-10 0 boic4 K '• R. for enle b 7
) n A CVLBEOD Libiorty ecriect.
g IN. REC. WIIISKEY-44bb1e: for sale by
FFALO ROSES—A lino selection
nle b 7 la i^l. A CULBERTSON A CO.
AFETY FUSE-20:pls. for sale by
Y ORK —li Bogs just ren'd and for solo by
jkIRIME LEAF LARD—ltut up orpreaaly
GosNY A.ll 100 .I....itty to in.
"'"'"r-I`4' ,r.t...:11f03 3 00.
OLASSES----0 bbl 9. for y
A. V .11 C,
l ohaoo
iEeroYeN(ialrooFyilcAT 'tib•ELS--r"*olo vorf
roplolor. 11..0. Ef1.....11:00, of the gar/ 17 , V.
mato. Pillow Cu. natwit i oi a Br
10 coibout woof of Fourdiii7l-1-liak9i ft.h.
BOIS' WEAIL-.karat-S trimint:LO
ban 12nt tr+l t 2.2022.1 of di. Orn nels.l4
.rll3lll 411r1 mac ••21•12 bow (114.,
den 22•1•20.erespi. 22.212 g an assort= •nt 22222211 y
INSEED 01L--20 bbls: for Bale by
jut 86 P.n2t 2 ON.LIITLE CU
021.-F SCGAIt- - 5 0 bbls. aped, for 8010 by
dez Btatsaroos t 1I1GTIRA)I.
LOUR-50 bble. Extra. for pale by
s°' "I I" n".
DGAIL 99 hhdp. N. 0., rad ort consign
'. I.7 d zint .61 ta as?, 01 ALEX. 41011/)02,
131 Yrat rt
Tresll Bol LiiPs-V, : 4 "
awl 11ILLZEL"
Dll 14.°1
Ew LARD — bola. andlega , Get ~nl' b 7
FEA N UT S-21x1Jau. fcr pale by
gI . 7 "S
DY RIDES-66 Dry Ilidca for e 31.4 by
ea R DALZTLL ICO libert? gt
LEI/10AM, a trantpa , eta ac(
11 e,lcs—A tA store sal pr s t7 r :1 ,,
BICKETS— Patent, ur
oa OW '
114 1041.U1
g)(:""1"1;' fOr,Pao by
elf___!_____Jailtt DICKEY •
v e Rms'd, c. b., fo r e alc , bv
111 bo
BORN MEAL-30 faciii Sifted, for 1 . 1
) ' 5. f. TON VINNIIOIII7 ir
VONGE DAG& do;. India itubber,
tust raw uucL% rata at at,. RUbbei Depot.
• tte9 J. It H. VIIILLIPS.I I6 31arttt
CRUSHED , SUG AB-30 bble. Lev/aril:l.
- /.._ . " 1 ""8 "UR AM!
T EATIIER-200 Sidek.N. Y., for gale by
ABED PEACHES_—_462t;cfcivrattvklii!
ALERATUS--10 tons Pul Caßir
andloteclar .919 t 9 R. DALZYLL • CO_.
de9 Lib.:ll sleek.
_ _ .
- DEAR 1.) rEACILES-5 bbli, new,
deb rah, by , W. • F. WILSON.
JtiST HECT-50 yd 3. thin Sbeet Rubber,
ltatdatiog. For tole at No. 11111.0: at.
de,3 J. U, Humait.
VItEA3I CIiEESE—SO boxes prime, for
side by S. Y. YON BONNUORST CO..
laS ai tort .tret.
. . _
VIIILLICOTHE SOAP-150 bozea, prima
artZt, far WAD/ on P.M ILl.lal. by
dri ' WM. A_ )IILLU KO A CO- Ifri.Liberti at.
(111a1STIAN MINSTItEI2—?I anw sy ? -
1) tau a N 41.3 th 11,
.4 ft. yak lt y Fl dot 2 Vinolst.
YEAR]. STAI2CH- - 50 boxes just reed on
nu ""`" ' `ilinDY. JO .'1
$ casks for sale by
1 do: !LM k
nom. bb . for role by
-LW dreG /SittAll DICKEY it Co
QPTS. TURPENTINE-15 13.19. iu r
L.l,apptog order, fur
flag Itsislr3.. 3 crocsl Currsatf sr.
311:133...-10. Nov Sislass Iv I:2ni
iisf . Citton,Urs33 o sod. !As.. k.l 0 "s" 4
a .11 r s c.u.nt nu. Wt.. aid I Izno kon
,10, Th. tl^s
&PHENOL!. OCIIRE.--Suporior, for wile by
drG J. KIDD 0).. GO Wood Et.
ICE-9,5 tierces prime, for rale by
to atm itot.ii • Robto,,,ttorr.
to W.ll. Grant'. f?.:
6 FAttl
Great Sale of .ng Shawls at prices
IL A. MASON k CG. tin waxen Tuesday
TN...m*l Pi it their
13 amnia Um, - bbnl , l.iikiltb.tniiielbernnin their
titnvinur niock maiin aid font
gnat held in this city. i
e♦OPAL Vd.Rl4ll-411 Mat mid half Idds
,OFFEZ--314 bags Rif', fur sale by
1 UUAR--20 hhda. pride' N. 0., for ealo by
b de?'" I. 8- DILWORTH t CO.
F RESII TEAS-45 Id. chests Y. 11y son;
a ac ampOon ro.dr.
ifiaTt r Ltutuxl. by
& BODIES—Just reed, an
, arfortaant of 11:W110.101bl* , Doll Ilbods and fk - dins,
Of I&LCnt daea. f:r...,l4lvbotesal• aud_ jefall by
d 49 • J. 11:rulL1.1f d, 110 Market at.
ClllllESler—igbles extra CronntCheesof
d: . ViAical•brstol d /aa.
—for sa]. del3 WICK g McCANDLEZS.
":t sl tie i 1 57 f romt l e
de Ey
l Aw o ntIT6UN C On
CSKS.-PORT WINE; mud 5 csks. WILD
sdl IItallIVB11.AleliT; Jag
CU pyl for riqe by
µMAI & 00.
111,ATTINUk--150 bales No. 1, for sale by
IP del 'A. CULDZIMON a .
bbla. LdSarfolrol bytcugiso,c:.
MOLASSES -100 bblii. N. O.:
tinit i rr riTp
For rolo by MITT. UAW/ I b oltieg. ks
4 1 ' 'll.4 d
-I()URESAM 0111 ESE- 1 40 bts...iterdep's
oclobratcd ad Nutmeg Clatair, thle dar er
rtd and Pot Wrbf
• WICK A nicoiortaxas.
Isle by
AILMONIA.O7-1230.1b6. for et
S . asap a ou,no weat st.
2nnalis Wint. Strained, lot.
/mislay . [Mai CB. pAI7.EL.T./100. :
. • ..
f Alustrated Gift Books for 1862.
CALL AND SEE THEW—Pike low and
A for very slob =IdIes:MARI books aomashit dace
sod by Plea= ore, water In the Expreasear Mutsu burn
ad a fen day. lap
Litres Prose Writer, of &meld. 'llz. g wis e at.
Remi's anty.
Tupper. unsaid P and lftio..
Roger.' komorM. Bauri ,
Campbell'. Form dutrte sad 12ao . - "
Edith N., - -.
Cabloet of Mod.rn Art hat and J scrim 2 - i
Proverntalkt and Poet. °
Leaflets of Sierom7.
eloy' ndaLlp'. Waling. IDS. !tide Bath a beantllM boot:
Flake. ; American female Poets
Christ.. Bloelomk miuth •
- - tribmc Star of 13.thleheru
Woodbin; Arena. In Llviel of Patriarchs
Broken Pravolibt; Ttle % Of ob. haipturer.
an let of the tavierlA mere.. B lame
Woman of the IX 4t 14. Tem. Bud. and Blame.
Treasured TeAughts. • Lades' lift. 104
Isetbelne. Pomuk garland:
fewer:Aral . Ladles' illmarated Rotolo':
Pathway" and Abldlng rim'.
IV.ton a - of our Look
Wald'. ' Drawing Room Scrap Rook:
BoL DOI In Limp of ArestleesOur Batton with th. Prophets
Floral Kermit% I and Alantles Quart,
Bo yank Gallery and Illn.used Chtt EIVI.
11. Pl:ce, l'e Fourth .Pratt, Apollo 11111131 mo
dolo J. L. BRAD.
at 110411E5' Lltarary Depot, Thirl et. err.l.
• wt. 001,
Oodey'• Bock. for r. . 1
FeLrfahle hlnfratine,surar
The Toter's %Tar,.•• Nove a L Wars
Of TT 1130t5!..—T11.4 st,h sowifta or all the Annual.
Imm.l far Ica. ',bleb will he ecld it the lotest
0,19 <Warn
and the Iluniecula e mablete
ens. Traleelmy. or .. .ire
nt the tSlyet.hle. rf
the Caurt of London."
koporth'e tower. hes In Eaglet. ht. Adam..
pl. of Om Cohn: Hate, and Web.tar's blur to Unit*
plla pamphlet lbom
Alma wad Obetatle, • Roulette." br U.P.Jeatee
llortleulturirt end Coltiretar. for
di. , atloae.l Meav,lne.ets 3nouarr
h• Old Ousrl of Natobeon. br
Pirb.nel Brother lonetheu, 1..3.1t moms ,
from El goal:.
1„=.1,r4 , 4,11P. x n, for December I
interuatlonal here
Illeekwool t o Slagesitte, tor November
°tartan at tonna., by lioraretlyeely
Ifttbr Dick. or the Whet, •• tar. wort , br
, P 1
Piotlonary of Shakeparean Quotations .
Harper's Masesta, rot 3. bound In muslin
vaetrlbe• In Irelanrt. br Q. 31 v
Übe and attremturrez of so arketteur Doctor
The cleoulan, • new novel by Dulater .
Tb. Idly .1 the Ilve, by Samuel %Verret
yttizote ..a mu!. Oehrho P•nr ,
The att. of the Peyote, by Dusuas
Matnoriee. f a Phtelvian, by Dnmea
Harry Burnham, Sale of Ole Martina Itaroluturt
Lewis Arundel cythi3teltroad of L.fe
break )111TIOIffil, tor ue• la the Idle of le Private Pupil.
tilethhe 31rutgomtgatK•aeault
Sulf Dervptio, or • Meta' of the lloyaect Dart Per{
Bewart of Counterfelt.J.
1.014 . 11 , 11 CAIIKFCLIA .
11..• Public as. rSt!) , 11 , 1:17 .11.11, •Clinsl a last
• The Great British Quarterlies fbonfenfiat whirls btu lately mule Its •Onewraterw nod te
.4 , 1 by 11.• B a les or
atm motet It “11 kl / arrnll . • Arab!
AND BL AC KW 0 0 D'S.MAGAZINE. i t ' ,,, L ..!;: ' , ' ,°,:t:,..„, tt: 1 t:.!,:,,,,rfr„ ' ,,1P,„:", i rj,". ' rit;, ', . ' .!
11/7117.0.17 hl 000,10 V , rug RIT-4 or Yorker. ; o rs t,, r ,, 5r 0 55 a. r .,,,,t.,.. o , , :o ,
. r „ a or , r , 00r5 ,..t..„,..
EONARD SCOTT & CO., No. ()obi at., 1 i t 'P r tg,', 3 ,Lf .3 J r . u f'l 34l o 3 'F,, s ' ea , de s t ,.. ' 3, " thr''P”' 'cli
Igem YORK. mations t• puhl...b On following (..r ..(1 C. firrelf ' s ' ,lsrtnen ' LTZeTer ' ; '' s . : . ...l ' ; '. .... l'',....r .
t Parierilllll.. v/7" 5.. the neon.* ulna ss bk, th• learn 11 , 1 1.,:. re 1.A.J . (011N
TI Y. LONDON QUART/ILLY RE3 IKW (C.u3s..rtatteth i his signature 11 ales on the nuts--I• wranret.,,,and thetw
T EVINPURIIII AFFIX* . 131 Pint. . words blown he the pass b.30,— .. ./.1 V. Imrrol. 1 Aral.
Tan hdIETII BRITIIiII no inw (ire, ebutrlll. trustee:, ilorens."
TIM WEFT3IIN:3TY.IIIIOVIEW thlt.enil, ~ knots wanted In 11 , 11.17 Town, Tilla, gni Hamlet Is
....n. the United Rates, le which ens It not oehShelsed APO,
BLACKWOOD . ..3 EDINBUItt/1111AGA7INE(Tcryl. .I, letter IO ii.G 1...re5:1, rs , rin. 11l , with c.Kt r. , ... ,
These 0,1.1100 have tow 1.3- 3 o In so.-ceseful et...talon tn I is to-hatacter, rntonnerbilitr, kc
tios soon., for turntp p. , , and their rin-nletton le con. I Can . the ag. , ut •41) .iii furnish Yret. of Chart , .
ftantly on the inerease notwithstanding the manortiti.” ; hoot containing much valuable Inl,rtratlon for every cla...e
they eurounter hum Ameriran perionlcels of a mailer o f ~trasaa.
..lers, an.l from noncan. Leh,. sot :11sgasinee orris , i iuns—lhoenlr. 60 can,. and ate doUs . r per bottle.
„ ea f selection , . 11.. in A.rrhtu rot... Wal- Title fart . 00 ' 0 . T... oleo pentane I. tosteufastored,by II ti F•rteli. to,
el rly the blab estimation in whist, they are
beltl hi the , ~,a,,, ari a ~,,,,,, r . a nd .1 4 0t...1e druggist, he. 11
intelligent tee 4 ina. Pthll .. . ehLI
£ .sh...tee tLat i Main etr,3o.. Peon's, 111....1 for sada wbolees.leand ret3.4 at
::rti,o'sifl.4#44eV.on on.
n o n ' b. "" e" . '" ''''''""'' I ' "' ,l=l 11 r e !'" " It. K. rt.LLIBF.
...,.. 17 %cal street.
Although tin,. w.tits ere dollugnished by the rue 1.1.3 0, II )1. CCItILY. Alleaheor COY
sal aloadas above 1t..1105t. , 1, rot but•small portion or 11. W ,
contents la.loveted to poittleal subjs., Its thole fi:setten I, The Malaita Body Must Perspire,
ebotartve shish al t , : them th eir co.( V1i1..1.0i yn that ' ,
abet etand confeorollr tar ebc,v.. all et herfournals a heir
' 0 SAYS NATEItE. to We a hotithy or
~.h...t, ii. Cr..). Offit ut...ler the masterly rruid”ao ut 1 ~..,1,r5r511•1h do not Fenger., as .. ite.l lt,
ChtLetrpher N. , ritt. maintains Da ancient celebrity, au 1 I to t o ; , r it. s . sa tr o g n or p oorssos , 1., tor o so
D. et thte tier.* hhhh." , .....".•.• I.IT. Rio .... LL . eh...llMay cnnwa • Der at tba a
D .
of 0112010 MO ncl,,r Loran tiOtablar. written ho.. thrs ,,, tar , Ito, and pe,... the shin,. intl.{ It the ben
that mamastne. so t first appearing la its columns both in 1 o r so sorsor ' s
tir.ret Britain and in tiVti..niteTi.tes. Such works Is . H.....0rry !Orman arkl hon.. are not cot, heeled.
TEI 1 astotu . 401 ... Hy hew N 17.01... heath br Onleoft/. i gor o d hr It o ow , ssa al.. a ,r r bpßnsb.o In N. T or t s o
•rsly Peninsular 111,151,...11a• Glean Hand." nod otter , who no, a ln ,o'oh n+.. and L o d I I oo r s uj o ,-- u w 4 o . ho
!metals. of wbich hhmemhe'n y n i . 41600 ... I..,.__ed 007 Pl. Moles, Dpurhes. Fredlare. or anr o th er saintlier. , in.s
the letwilmr publishers In this a•ntart. 1 .•• . -• , , tender la assured that this 13 no 0we..., ta,t13.1 aostruto, ss •
hbLtbb....•.y.u...b1.11ehwer5,i,rc.ra,...1b,..,% 1nn... •
c o , f .. o w laj b l . Loon nto . , i
w on ,, lll..ri . ‘l ,,, a , ill o p t n. w n t. e.
ben l c0 t. ,..,1.1 ,. ..1 , ,ti0ne .,...... m d 1e ., a‘ ,4
, 174g . L. 15.15t7
a-titers to the Ileorbet of that Slottgartne mar alarm's rail nor It—en , ltb• realer la .0511. twatinel 1.1,11 rot sr,
on bartha the not vat Wading a •h , “ fewtheU h • 'elw .. all l ..II It for lb. in...,. ..,'..,... I OR.w it to ha ,nt 1 ......,..
TERMS: , threetwitio 41.3nliell?le to shafe.l. craelelcre eta; Ir.!
d: :r.,
fgi,Tz:3,t der„: t . vln4:: - .1 7 ---: - ---- 9 c?,?, i 1,i,:...1,'W'i,":1::ttr`:"...r:14!11 ,'`,7l,''':4"fit'l,::)!.;,! --. 7S.7 j, TATCED 13001)S!—A. A. ZdAsoe & Co.
1 any three a tin trot nttlawt. .... ... 7 n..) , a 411111. Stn.-toes., will Inv, is, s.l. and. aeu more («Ira; .vll
0.041 vp , ,, ,N; , ; ‘,N1 .7 da, p:; van ,
. 3 F. ,. . 1 . 0 1.„L1i 5 r ; :•"'
For a ll IV or of ties Bailee, •00 t rabk. In Is PITPCI W.) than I awe. ,
. " ' 4,1-but.. rew/er. th e sturna ere .rot'
with Ilattanora. c-,..61. , n1 . . il . ‘ 1 ...' 1 ' 1111 jflikll La Ar Ina
f , r Blasawc.3.l anti ,Marl:etlaws- . ~_.... . . 9.. C. 1 aml I* sure you err fnr Jorr• ItallanChemicalfoet.--.,1 I. orr t ahea,id at nearly ono half ! 5 usual on 3e..
, r ,. nr a ,s.,,,t 5 ,..1 toll...eiswa ... _ ... 10 00 i bar 31, only of Vilt. 30Chouh, unis Ursa. in fltuburhhe 0071
....45. In Ur sheds all mass w• ationon. Moline ea , bind of iino.i. ---•
. .. I 'Card.
_ .. .
temnul the Mild or the Battle Fithl. • Tale or d Warrla
r4rt=r:ct-S.,7;•77C.N.entl;;Zi;;..a.t. rofrrt,A
f the
CI tbe abr. vrtrse
A I CI 1,4 orderam fe mon cavre.
. 61 , 1 ‘•
re II: share r erks. Thai Ea= r . oVe.
•o ' f ' Bra:l,7l. ,, Tor of n t catsvie. Ir,ll vtvre •11 , 1r.1.
t? Val cove. of lb. Mr !W.1. , . trot illatterocrl for
• T ar postai,. on thaw. Pm 161.1. 4 1. bar. .7 the late th..• , t 0,,,,, .
1.... 4 16r 4 at. '17',11 : 71'4 ' . r•l•l ' '' ''' '? ' "'" r'''''''' . - ' ' "".
'. A ... 5(1106U8° Halt T - artio. R* , ..itto , . azd Bean 1 :6L'115 1-"l''''';;NLE:'-‘7:7:-:';%:7':ltl'''''''''.47:jr:t. 1 ' . Per ..ttrz. Strong...
r . stocwwortri
Any dlctaneo not asetw/Ina 1..? O mita, 0 its . yet nni.r. i if,,,,,_Tho, ~,0 . 0 ,., 0 ,. t. ,. .„•,. 1"I "t
L'' ' ''''''" n'"'" do. 6,, e i
j ov LL FLETCargit & co., •Marinfactir
.,....• ha-ran U. , kith phird Ilildmoi. tilart owl half mr.orsitOr •
Ow Viand nm asew , ittr IP, l3 _ :_ , /taa,PPOra.l Half Itecter.r. know lt• .60 rilent 4nathem - ittlr r..... .1.1. wo. t ALCOHOL: Pat oFf/rlta I , Coln.. •W'lr''''''
Ovor 1 and sot .6rwerturs -.r.10 - .21 ! atty. who ham mo. .. ‘ 4 . o a , It 1 .1 . 1,....” the lellewt. Mr,. Irima aloc, rorol,r4 • forum, Ms pply Of top, , ,•,.. enm.1116,611.1 Wap/r , Whtitoy a 1.., o? 1, ..
eta • 11.,,tw and.....1t .11116roo the t , •4 toWri , awl I , ante Gorda gen.ll 4 1.1c44 rtreoto.Cmccom, t MI!.
, '''' 4. a.- I" • nett i ....Ta' "''' ' ' ... ' """.. ''''''"' l''''' ' ,"'"' . r • .. - r• ' 114 - All rAern from 11l •06tIth wit , to , frl/. 0 ..' , . t "' 4 '.
Moto. not .a..areding &IQ Pia, -1. C.pr44 -- ,4µ-pitl Iplrnt.n. to ~-,w, roan 1 noun* 7._ eur.,...• aol ..I .. he •./,... 0. 0r...e• .r o •
4 ~..
;;;;T, M lpO , ) .6.3 6,4 erweltng IWO/ • "i tw d• 11.1162. a0..1 mrdt.. Iloh• trol l , ~, ham crow oar ,1 , po..6'ntr, tor,',,at •
•re Isei,ol to o 1 to oor .1.0..../ . at 1n.,: nOW'rt v..... . . .- 'Pt.. ,
u ,,,,. t0 „ . . 0 0 ,,,, t ,,,,,,,,,,,,m0 ...:Ltd 1., 16 . , . to, or., lerm: tr. bait ...P. nr , l k 7 ✓ , , , rothmo oar, sou , '' d , ..0.r.,,,t0 or 1..1w...ter...1....1, 4,-..1 , 4 1..?
•E tioe. tempo rtlen.6 ilinul4 ,roto.
rroody. oar and toorthar *hr.?. .. , ~,,,,, . A. 511,01 1 • C,t , o, 0...: an.: 64 Itartrt tt, roll
("''''''' ". ''"
. ' , n'''''' ' "'
th"."'"" th''''' ' ''.
i 2 ''' ''''-: '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''.l.l''''''/"--'4l'.'i'rstoetl'.4r-a"t'?..rlaltf..'r't'L.; 1 SILK WARP PA ITT 3 IT. . ITAS.--Jwit r ' ::' , l l' i li ---- e s W l , , , ; /' ( / , - N P :k t -----*e t t a roV,lTLViiet,o)6lpeeratia.onr,,t wmr.
„ fir aanatrts• - •r cad trarar.• rvirrra wort t•••taara ; pda gr , r , r ,„ : ,, ,t AktuoLs. , ) , a 1iR.,a....7., ua a ,„..a., 1 L i
LovEs •
AT 1 47 43, , .
reeled, prort.p.l.l. to p.thlw • kit a co. ham no. , bawl 1- 0 1 . Ito , . le`rt.''' Ct ."' ' '',.. s t t\ ".." t ' ' ' ''''' ' lb ' t tto frer r° fo n'
" Ito tlr Aair ;Itlorr a co. .i ''' t:,ii,Va...,,,,,;e=41,,,, . 4 8 , ,
..,. a-I. a 4 , ..c.•' b!!!•-••!slix..btatit..'ssirIt • JONES' Sots,
• 701W:tow at, Now Pork, entrant. 64 (k/ I it. -.......• , stmt.[. F1e.0.1. E . . 1. asy other fillovew Ale,
tow Pe tw... Um I,,XX 6.01t0 Yale r !.., iI s. ~,, th, ,
eno, of Palchnosh,tera pot Aer tn. of lotl." row. : _ =.___ •f. au, of M ',.. to tow, h ..... w„..L.L....----.. I wortliloatea room thoetiV . ing thr6l . lno, nllbilada n .
/Soren contri•to in 2 vote • ILI al orworo, contamtld 1 , 0 ....m ... .47 - 7... 1 ,aa win, in •• fa. -oronteo.
Or JX ., ,
.W , Li j, (t l ll . l II r .
, a ,
. 11 . 1 dramottion or Itor.:my,fmlnomin, more 0" 1..•0 d '' ... 7 . . 1 i i. :65: C : : ::: i 5 : :: . 11...17 9.., 7: 11 " :Fa11.c 1 i i ,27 :: h L1iii " ;:e R i:1 .' ! : : 161°' ,u ri0 ,.... :1;r1. .. 6r :, 1: : 16 : r0 1 1: 1 ,'
rk •
RESS 0 ._101 1 :-Operlin g daily at A. .I a .bleht. 7 .• f011e.69,,,,,,,:=1,e,.x.,„.
rs i rot . .'l‘tni"'.l.6l"-itit)Mta ' t. "4 l.”..ra t'S' ltl ' Vo 0ttr " 11.1... i'tt''''. 1 P Ol / 0 1 Wit- 4r..%1112/,‘,,LA•extrsto•at,triltt vr., - .4, IAP 7 01A/lIN / C0...1 . ..we" , et , . er , ../ 1 • M• ;''' .L g iwo,
- ' Plttot ut6h. %fel* reaosmOnd to tho . lovers of
lion•lntervention. .•
- ---
.. m 4 S , /5. „,,,,, NAT
a 10 . 2`:, ,,„ A,
i t; !VO,,,,,,,,L.iie.licru,:Nrotno-sl
_nnti.:_.7o• I .
..e.,.....J.0,N:18Liir',1; ti .,:iv., Ly ,h.., m. 4.1 - ii ,,,,, 1 , T ,nu, F. ,17:7,,,,, L .,: ri i„, i ,,,, , ,,, •A k r ,.. 0 . r .. . L. :2 7 . , lft'"--1771:1.....,..{:71f61::64F5,:..:,41';',7:1,;;Lii:17:1:1;,,b.::::",..::P:.:: a " lii
~: t:1,
,i ng . '' A:l. . 1. St t":!1.7L,C'::73::::..- - R .: 6: :,.:-...::,,,ii i 7. : 0 : ,., : ,,,,...' .. ,, , ..: ,. .:7 ;1 ;: :: ?.. : 1 . ,- 3 ,: ; ; . --.:,,: a :,,,..i i r,r;.: ; ._: . ;::
~,,, duty I. know W hare to lwawra .311.1.MICV.1 , 11 .Nr_tr:1,. t how *Aria. ho. mos how 'alt... ree,., ow/ 0rd. 1 .../a 1 '7., mei, al, ' '' n 0 m,6,4 Lige.% and owal hY Oa tbr a.....1 . ry'
tpiPV.P:=lli.t.:ll4`:=...a..`;,. I 1, t 1„.. 4. „t r x: 9. ,ft ,-, • -....:,, ~,,- ,, , , ! ici1, t . ~- 1, - -., , - •.-., ~-. -1,.. r . ~,, ~..
bk ,-, t- v.4. - * , f I.*' , ..""''"r 'f"''''..- I. .V .' ..b• - " f.;at''''pa:4l twa ,i'M.l"....Yo.,:tlo7r&a.lll6,-.6•r• ; l '' 4.. `''''s • ,.,`l2 r _,_ . ..'''' . .'. ' i .,.,. ° --.------ , g t o s t4 ., oonolder It a wlrllrsa . 1, •.,... 92A.,17.• -
ntr•••4 moust. , al aria. ••*....• b. Ku. , ,,k . V..• i„,,'. • .1.1 1 /....,' snani•Mt 1 / 1 4 W ho, . n ON:CE'r it sis n-O,J. •
S.-A. A. ' ''''''"" t ' " ' th'P"4'. " N-9 Elt i mmr; 'rtr ' r •-
•..• t-r-idt.C.r 4 . 44 all tbat acic-nwtm Wwld .to'd . .. ,
llom . Clettilno t.: ail .i.L.„,...a:nr„..,, i , , , 1 ., : ,.... . ~. , i -,....,,, ~...„, ~.,.. tw , N- 1,- - , ~, i... 1 .• .. Ip cr ..o. •rtablt 17.;* tuornlng '2Orart ' t
Star,. 'flu. ar• warrant./ to po tlr oot any! ir, Il4w
Vlrillt'll'OirPtt'..a.r °'"
" ' ' - '.
I '' ` ' ; l t t' ; '' " !'-','''''''..'''"'''"' .''''' • : -'.. • ..1„,,.,.. Loin wh mat anso from decant 1 anomat o. ..- ...
- I • 1.611 IA t... tray Plaraer. I 1.1/.., ..- . 0 . ,, . ciweo..Mart .16 , at ,• o a il ,-I h. •.o•no ... .. , _ , . ter Eh. wat.r. They am w4rratard to to 6,,
4,.....6 •ta• • • . . mr , • ort tn. .1..6, toollnoll. wlt auo '‘, LK , PLAID It - ONSET RIM 4t re. ' ara, t awf, th ordinary oar. will la-N:6 and rem
Melodeon!, -
,• 4 4 Cam: Po t.... , nri1l Prf....65 ...... lobe appewlated,.
, ,:i • m onetral.. good
y-21 Di. by CARBARPT, tErr origival invent- • ,:2.1.?*.•.. • . --••• - •.----- . ---
Arr -A. trash Neel!. thaelrelotrroted Ma 01.... Dr. It ' lyier ' s Poctoral Spiv, ', QUPIIt. BLACK AI.PACOAS-..NKirp \,t
• . - r ...,t,r,•• • .; ...r. I.:a/TN a full awn/moat of • Mt I
ittnemant am 669 , ./.`wahif tho•orr real. Of Lb. IPA, . jroll TAP. CURE OF COCOAS, COL L., , , . rir.r.t- , •••,••%•• • !.... ,... % .. ragr..r o r a y;LlT . taer tat ara••• ••• Lo ad Pipe oN ,
..* and Voots•••• I.g ree6 trona /se. leilt. Th. In. I
h at rum... int.tomaa..•, 1 . A;rbt# \llty.El+Cidr.Torrn.A,erd'lP7"'Litrkir;d'i'plA.:ten
m... 1 ...* -1. " 1* " .. ,; .•' ..1, ~..• I . ,ai a.,,, a . oysat , 2,tpet, ,, ll. 1,, , .,17 .0.. , ..m - h , 71r. ,,,h - ! ''' ' '''''' " .', . ..
Tr„.,,, P ., 0 17,7,= 1 ,17.1metaef4 s irmuttot evhardt 0 . 6 1',.. -t'„ ; Tt y - / . '../.. ' L. ' th. "'''''''''''''." " '''''.
Trim'' ARE MD, ED DOESKIN,' 51.t,ffty.,,,\,,,,i \ \ A ty . .l= l e Rama.
-.1 , .- -,..... ........-17,717;;t1.- ;°11,,,,, L, 4n . e[ rb. moot tort.. an/ etroolval remelr• ' IJV thir,htlekt la.• meeMed an \ Ciotartm, it. \ \
eel,. o Its rwranontr. a tb• ../....t and plo:mno, . ma,. roe,. .1., I ~.„...,6,..w0, ow, sad fatter ookta .I.lth tny are todlinn j‘. r'l :,, altes on hat/ anitalataNrable„ rn ,
drer..l 101 Tniod et. Mon tf lb. (t.idwaip_ ' t.:....,,,tr ' ' '' lt ' 6, • comblnatfan . m0t0nr...,-gotatoo moo,. I ,0,..--al,w, rater 1:•cs I.6.mtmer“ atrd cloth and a lam . '
---- ••••e, I \ ellntf Uri Porna7
tine, in tho Pim of a ty,o, ,s color 1.4 MO, I: palata- ~ om . •trle• remetally adapted far toys' w.s
Ni t 'T U11 , 8 . 8 . A b 1.. 4, 1. b 1 . EZ Oa
, T . : .. 0 , 1K . pl .0 ,, 0 ,
, J , i r .5 ,. . , 1 t‘ ,.., ,Ai m,.. ,.. . c5 .1, , , , ,,, , ,.,,,7,..? .. v 7r ,, , ,.. ?, ,,, ,:1n , ,,:;, , T !,,..: i•-,-Ev....,{67,5015.g-E:Nt w
A. A
.7 * 11.1. rcpuin fringing 8.A.. In in: . ... , :nowt. I In. QM r I , 44lloo_,Htnes• of th• rtotnarl,. • :1111 k, : I N „,„ N, ,,,..,,, , , ~,,,„ „.
Fastu .N...,„ i , L,
thod, ecraptlcnip., ~,, . ,-romMen In Gootigh,ltedetueo . up.srd• of as hundre MO.R. Itarl Iwo .. 0
. ' Bono. II amend Parniany, r.... 1 btu /.. , i Ttoo mmody Monet... the atirmsbutriant aw , r , en , and i• torwir Pry 0.1.,,Jr, to *II* thetatter.than wen
The Otto Liao 16.166, etotointwit 0 . Rival .•tioty pf . Mtiorrn• tad t..0.gt0 whieb caianhal and brunch/ i al* and Wall pnrohamis la Invited. or:
the Oat Chard , Muria al •Certiona sad Ito Frothing .thort to al.r./ t.'. 11 .1 , ~ -, ~---, ••----, no , , o . , o ~,,,,„,,, .. o -,,,,, t,o t o,
1 - b. 0160 riogrog Idotwal„ tut Cirl n Ithonti and 1 Lamemara and mnabil.a, way I. r•lial on no mrt.l.• , paittt.l i A.l.l.l.o, Aol ' mow6 , Qor ...-0.0.a.%7 ,
mat rirwatt et.... 1. 11. Tbarnmotetor bar ...I tbis tordido• Ita • Drat 1 0 . of 0 . . -A. A. 14 Att.3N 2al war Caen IRA. Oar ea rt
10116161 it. riga ,I. the t1e..1 , 40n Harp. my-al years. •rd with tontamonel sowor , , t ,, ~,,„,„ 0 -„,6,_ ,
P. I- A N.. randy et Um atura ;stator auto will , C. - watt 7 I'm , 1 , r 11 . 0111 / de .. 11 .?... • ..I.l'f .
.Or 1 .• /ant ter old.. &I Ith. molklna , n , .tlr 0 . h - . 0... ft Ind t.... I.` , . . liq KEN Cll :NIERINOS &TA kBET CLOT ‘ 5
,-.... ocher, and .r..a,.. • 1.70 rr•tr A -No. or.rnths at A. A- NIAP,PS ICO li- w -f-t) p
c ""'' f th ''"'; '""."' c. "'''' ' ',.. " a '' '; '• '' '"L ; I rich co,•ll , reuch mr•rirto• .4 Ttribret ekatta.
Won, Cm not., th. met motor. and ...I. ...../ ..,.
t• • `.. ,..1 '' - ' Ol t'L. , It . ''...! ".'''' l• P`: • ‘ ..4. '”' • I CASA SiEItES &. MOUS. DE LAINES--
km... It IA pnt cm In halt plat bottler .t , ro.t•ea. h. ;
or 6 Lot,. fa /ILI,. ' A A. MASON 4 CO. have )nat nworlvol 2S. min of
1.1 ....Db....Ea sni reh.l. 6y NI .CIIoN/Tr. '. best To rt., I.:whiner" sari 1. Lath, . non
Christmas Goods.
JAMES A. NcE.N JOIIT, No. G '2 Fourkb et..
1.. n, a Flury Coati 50i1 . ..6U 14 Christ.
'2i''rliVarlef/0W:!,..P, •
. h 'm Y
.1,, 111
u.<l yrln-o z. 044_
IT IZENS' Insurance Co.-34 Slsret. o
Ij Surer for rarest err, lc.
CITIZENS' Dermalto Banle.— , The .•.:t(71c71 1,1• by A. WILKINS •CO
tc*. Grand Park, (large,)
fN rat, , WU:" MO) 4.1. K If to..
)3.4 W.l.t.
Q, EN NA, burnt nud levigated, A transparent
ml rlrt color. f! , t nir Vy .1 .7 KIDD • CO.,
II ode. by .7. K11.120,A
d• • ,111
(lige '.i OSl—
r- haatatioPry Dalliy, Da- t•••••hr
.14n-tlottl ° lot VoglUrN CZ' ' '
AIM.. addrom Wonttoranl Ory cowtota awl O l al•
aro, N. York. Jur ai 11. m MAP%
nolY• al Wood proat.
, m=
Cur fiAaNiu.hz,,
cusya --- oNs-2
Alr illtlarrotrbpeck ...t
" 4.3 "". "6
4'1 1. ' 1111 mums. •
It--14 pkgp reed and foroale . by
deo'ICA a IIeCANDLtda.
V.OVEII7—CMOTIL SEED, for onlo by
doc____!zicttt mennr2lxss
Fr e ctle LOUR-44 bbbk. fo by
Lat_o l- ' •
QUGAR-1.5 Idle. prime , now, tor sale b ,
I_l ,___. JOllll WATT a CO
OLBt-5 W
JO f
VW a T by C
1 6
I N for nolo by
ORANGES-1n prime rder, ot
d ts'l°`:°°r, m ,,,sula.ou,..oki.tsrt Int box, e,:rui dezr, o
fir loom.
1./BANS-1 5 Du: Smell White,
SURVE for Bale by
JUP d.lB I' IL
lONS-s.bble. for dole by
SRSEP PELTS-14 forte by
1 , doe 8. 0 .
11, ROOMS-200 doz. F -7.
jui dole
WINDOW 0LA4 1 .5- ---- .200 Bxlo nrid
112.1br sale by e_4. 811.RIVE11.
ChWNER WATED--For taarrel :narked
I) ^Mew Wbit•.". If nctullal fur within thifiT
4"tilf7lll T. a OJ T;
V ANDLESTICKSI—Anotheriot of now
at le Odudledticitt,jutt come tO bdtdl—dadl dtmld
advlst yardmen td nII early. u tees ortkils 1, at-•
grtdt demand. 04101 - 11. ItlltAllndUri.i
IIMRINBERTUES-1.1. bills. just ree'd i .
OUIZI•t Timbal esul for mb. by
WM. A. McCLURG 00..
deIG ' Orocerg awl 'lei 1.P441.rx
L ALERATIIB 10 but. and 50 bble. pure,
A. fur sale br J. B. CANFIELD.
la UTTER-10 lire. Fresh Roll, for sale by
111 do I 3CANFIELD.
FRENCR CURRAN - TS-5 etk ---- s. for sole
deli JAXES DA121:41.. I W't. rt.'
lICKWHEAT FLOUR-A very superior
article from the New Bright. i 0•60,15. eral
ib. auk., ennettatla an band end for men by, • ,
dell Wit C0..350 Liberty rt.
FOOll--50bblz:extra family, for sole 7 b — y
dale_ LIARBatiO la
00;11.te. o . arreVe Scotch, for sale
J KIDD Jk CO. • Wad
ALCOHOL—PO bola 79 and 92 dektar
Ofpant drab:an Rmndy for and
H. Q. Farrell's
allover the ainntry. epterilng their banatil in
uttra over the Land. rotting the Pre,hete of the honest
and masnareeting, by impo4ng ono, them worthlusa Mid
rdl * gsn ' T. '' 1. 5 ;1 ' .. 6 1.1 ' 1 1 17e! ' 17 Vol jl ere ' ll F t;:r 7 Pa ' yo A n r.b f;
and see Orst. ins label of the bailie ha. th•lette,..fl t .m?
bemrs . 14.mei for If it ha. 001.111 S C,Colf STMT. The
l a bel arnund each bottle of all naw Liniment roans thu,—
.. f.l. 6. Farrell's etlebtaMd A label
Linimen' d MY
aignaturo is written tatem lbw label 400. mad therewords
Wahiawa In the OW bolli.. 0 1.1.0,Farrelra Arabian LII,
'men:. Peoria..
This truly groat medi - Ins .tell goes on, comzorrloi Ols
t and I... Wring roam' N. , r..r. , + , 1 oicrim from
grays. BY fez rawerol • ly etimulaUng, tenev,rating.
odd ..1,[1.1.. UZ•Pdrit. It toslnfoo the wo of 1.11, which
U. '..b.''
''' 117... " 0 1 .g Ir:l t Vl 4 .; ' l l o ' r ) ,..Y l' i ' n ' t ir ; , 7 ,l 7 .:L . r ! .. i r ''f
ziP V= o , b ,h, ' joi,:t. 0110 e 11,1,11.141, 1".;Lu1t.7 1 . U ro ' r
Rheumatism, and stl.ntioun of the Mune end f.!nleen. II
a aetrtr.c. and I", aCee , lons of the
Longs Liver and Ki4tArr, it Is • vo. It eelunb4i and I ew.
artul auxiliary; also, far all al.:rata rdth, ..ile,,ia Mendeta. Goitre or tiwelled Nee, at An.i Indeed fob (Linnet
any Mae.< wlw•re an ernal appileetlut IF tequir.d.this
medicine stands nnnara xte lled.
From fAr Hun, Peter Alincird, one of thr oldest
.rulers in Illtnoir. I
Il gives me t. , easuro to .41 WY ara:l6lOdi 1. , toes lI , 1•III I
of your ,IVIO SlPAlrtne "DA 01 MT HOOO4 burr:. bad •
...cling OTer the cap of the Li..., .lootdie ,irecf a hert . m
;fit, IL 0 IT.;II I I
ll:Vot.:. " O;r . d .o llgr,7; ‘ ,L 'a r t . , ; ‘ : '• r_ lb .l
nil ceder mr et. end alt to,, iiniti e •ll ' Ll and eltan...c.m. ' e t od
they did we more 1,004 inar. 01111. 1 than by perstissi. , I
of my imeoda. triad 11. .4. Ferreire I-moment -ant I
I er , is ban to find It tale. ff.or after • few day,. .04 II I
110 ally ctn . .) (h. made animal entirely. I thin* It se de
mdedl r the greatest Liniment for hero, as well y human
Gash. I ever knew.
F,,q. Harker, of New Canto;, ill , ogle:
('1 II tl. Farre'l'a aribian Liniment hal eured eery
bora rue, here, • loeh eTers nth, remedy
hat Niled tn.
~ ...0 wee nwhite . 0
I t .itch in mi. leg
I of o boy twelve year, old. 100 leg hal wither...l •wer,
and cat in rentrolal that be bad no nee of it. lfir:w
Mwtorr had tneiltheir Skin flora it in sain. and 1:, was
fart .11.010k1 to tbe gra., when lb. hot 'a father
bled in try U. O. Farrell.. Arena. Limn:fent. 11,5101 the
, bleb bottle ffoa used up, bh mime Into Mr. (3 . 1. store. and
! the test words he mad wary - 'lir Ritter. I went all that
I I.lnltnehit rye. hrr • to Lt•-et0rr0.1ri:0.10...,..101t011e 1dtt10.t...1,......1
rofe. ' ' ' ' 'o ll;rion 'ood y
ts 0 L 0 ' : ' 41 5 .1.2 ' 1 , 1 heart., mod 4 . lfl ' s free. u.
of hi: legs. It b Band fa aprarns, bielees, rum horn,
arid swellings
Uairia that O. Farrell's Arabian Lint
nut is Ma bast ntsdlelne In the varld. I rhrvrfully re.
,otoovid It. tad bran adirtted for t ear. volt a
serrre © Colo m, breast and ittrvid.ra. artorb vas.:. owl
that I mould honliv de our work at all. and vont.' often
have In Ile In bed tor two steak. at. um. wlth tt I nerd
,vut Llnitorut on It, and it cured too sound itvl all
had. at the lone of nem. rrvr Lir.lun
It yurwl of tha worst
r Its
rubbal It lu well tier mr breast a dalcatdetL It Is else
sztvilent toy Inns, bitten feet, sore., sweat:tot mrettinmt.
may, ..rraipaelaa, ar 4.12. CLAYTON.
Yovtla•tt , • 111.
Pewly White Toth, and Plar4 Brcath, Ito ...
. b., boa T.. T.:. ~.t.—Nr.,... who hiL , • oiatcr. In L 0,,, ~., L N i ftqtrm- k BURCHFIELD il.torm the, \
~.." . _ . ...t '". il ..*----- ael
i 2', s ,
ti .r, ,u.rall: that tL.T t..' , " ' .....,-.. 4 IA . . ... ireid . ---::,- ,
41, and that d Chair 4n0“4 I. •Tor .. , ,r ,,, ;‘ ~,' i) .“ , ..i . cu s g . .u er h !rro d N ' t - i - ii.,,u,,plvot 0.,. I, th. 1.11 lAm • 0, gee, . ,„„ , Oil
~.., 7 1
it t P st ' Zi . ;• I :A r tl . " J
glisq.s. cub
r 2-e - 1 .1 " iiteN11: 1 ,Zl,: ' :: :7 7l * . :11.1 ir:Ji s[crpt., - . in U. , ir u,uous.ll, full ..43,,t. ii.„..,,,, li
~..) 1 evri ,
• ' 1- ' 4 " "rh - "-- "" th *"` - '•°P•i-i. u-- , ! -11,...F.f DRY3SCOnT9. in trot ...en , ,: r.). vOr, tk 91 WIZ ''l‘
g r
I 3 : b eqily at JACHEO.NIi btur, 10 I.:ArK,.. . it., ~,,, r , Pg Lar t,. .. r., , :% 1,, n , h *'. 4 '''• 51 " 5 "''' \""s — ,-
17 S SV Y 99 '. -t -s.-r
Per eV''.
C. Bataan , . Srrf.DitlmlT, tb• vonOut , loirctet
of .4, *41,-f ~,ortai•Ldinf 0 the Vittsbur,b Jourual. J:* sang Inboor, el,•lllLTra.tre tk.uti•
.lii,.' etb•r . 01:411,11.0. 0, Lb. IPPft •rtiel• tba
r.v..,vvelt as asael•tautis ,M1N0, 4 1 gq•pri,'
Untt kn . rendrrAta 10. P/
the elott.s.lth p0..0.
Warms:tat run IS*
cams 44 1.44444, 4t.t.
try ran. and inatanrotoly.
& Quin sal Pint/744 , 0P, r , o
4 a pa,tt. 2,1.44 and ;
Po month ratanalawl4.4l
thotit, a* a ain,4l4.
limns" rn4444t3e , - .
laf '
~ V.
1 t • U.
J. PE . .
JO , %Li-.
Y. It. r, 1... R, cr
This vtlrln Cod Liver oil metr ,14 ,
Loa teatott to ~ N ler lo .10 Slya
motor eale b
!al' ?lA. try Tif:l%4Jat Ncondftreet
.106,but,b. Eve,
Al' Mn ordluary cutpose• tit tha t.ath, ' l-u7tae. -
la( the latter in tla Twrfurne auCkheat.a........, rod in It,
gtell elllcaer.for the r.t.motlomni Operator , maul boa'.llt.
It IS bight, te , otamatni..l to lacllne for 'ha °mina, .0,1
.I.limt• aria". ot the toilet. atul tr.? ow...nit. the
inoshp.a. of th.renka,lion. IlAetnolirritprerartka tea ,
parr the best and dryares oh the okio, am] Imrart to It .0
n ' tle ‘ ?n • io , ; ' Ku b l ' t ' a ' tlfo ' e h ..
[ . ..rad IL t , h1.1.1 , ..Wa. 57 tt.,-.1
Mexican Mustang Liniment.
FROM 11.1011 AND bond and free,
all calor; m. 41 rowlitlon, the aanar trend of
prslee la Irrvairtltir trivet. tn thin ..oun.thil vrerniratiou.
Thousand. of botturs are paid Pull a-4.1211r. mil but one
utitraraaloptnlOu 10 titternd bywhat.. It, pal that ie.
that on remedy pave 6,4,na tliacnvere.l pnr putt per
het he.llhll and cue..l.• protant l m at t er Pitt Itle
In reitoriug polo? 01 a nt Flukt, on by what e.t.a)
or how tacturlatirot—rprelno, dialnntlnor of +luta. ruts.
131 , 03., bIIrTIA.N.Id, weer, estu-ore. thrurastbm; plln
• mho) brawl: cr 11.1)7 pair, runner, all,luau. 00 la...auras
et jvitite,tilurrlca itgAmente. This Innlrueut I. tlualii
• erlita,bia mud taut effectual immediate tar
It y 11l
For rale by narstr. a 31aDOICELL, 110 Foul et a rzt,
ii —
Dhewn long reught fir lit .0 cillwr , . 4.c. IA
D ,01.D.E11, Fir %wiling Chian. Ulu., kiarilleu ant
Arbk; ale, rear!, Ivory, oecumenic, Ire.
N. Ili—All articler yolnei by thi. irsinstile . cointeritilin.
will be rentervil herlectly atilt, asul rein, tie um In lees
than Ave minute, alter It La. ...1 joinni. Al It hai no
rat', it Into no ruArt. et uietnlng hitting tarn litAilleil
Iti the broken Fart, eveoirei the trent clap , . It will shin
re St the adieu ol hot •aier,tir any other hint of liquid
neN about a bourn. thereby roadovinalthant as UMW 11l
borer. the . ) were brekru.
'the public will at note lee th. lrure4
acquainted with the tort and cult' and
pA,v,na, whoa Om mit 11,0 MMus.
for sale, choir/ride or ~tall, by It.
WI chi ate 61.
. ...
ry Corn, fur t;101 7 .9
e. r.
blood ruts. con lbe bye' th will t
ylonpottod f Yellow Dock klo.
tier ot tbettl..l now'knosr, conwego%
tor awl ',wryer of hr 4th. All wr r
A le* bottles hat, unto performed we
" Il l' lre ' onlletw ... has New Mkt.%
dieemw...-0011/opliGOl. =LOY Yew , .
op ashopelere by ale Phy,wana. eh,
the EynOto or Yellow Dock Coot. awl a
Ilea was teatoyed to perwt health."
lt. CL Watite.. tertuth 1
The Owe enedleloo le lot pale who
/3. N. {Vs
I ago 164 alid lob Wood
Paint, that ta uurbantir_
1r I Intended fru yarlort. rtnambort
utturs,•o. Wlth WA Lynda ran n«
slate nt nulah to pun Witt, of any it
aati . r&st4 of • hoUsb. noTt - gv h
I,IOUpiS . EL'S A3IANDLI, for the Cure
trtiMso asks artloAgiZVg, curitT4 ' tut thirteen
yea, ' runusly attert lb. erthination in whloh It 10.
bold by ttirsoranrunltyi rod so offirssritio aro R. heaßbil
slants thot It may. Ola tiogssrotion, he regarded Si
oryor musty fer tint ',verity awl f the
rsin, vitt, 'dash so cany Eta inistra during gni is:miens
ea L orn° at ths 7sis.
bass stIrPlY Minh) Jan it'd sod fur yds b.?
nets ' SELLERS, 67 Wood it.
BUOKWIIEAT tIAKES. , --Use BalibiLt's
.E4erriveing Comm.!. if Tcv wart lbs r«r butk-
Norstivg i etV4 '' 'tiVarlq% 7l . 'l
• a • Y- %VT. ft.
-floods for Cold Weather. 1 84 — estera Insurance Company efltittabargh.
Al URPIFY E BURCIIFIELD invite the at- I ['CAPITAL 8300,000. It. aIII.,LBR, Ja.,l
. T . t,rl:g l'ufl. 'Jig YZ:47,1,17, 1
,1 '4=4l 1 I ci-air l ;''.. ei'l c ji=i' ,., f 7 ."`"_ln . u , a 51 .. i... •
aunt, as Al Lianas wrJ ea Illisrally sdJushrd ...... proicaril Paid.
EL ma Thula Flainuals, w, brown, blue and plaid: ;fA boos Inatitudon—clarmarad by Dinaciors who are will
Gianni. WaTah di... .laatatti Mad. dn , ail aaa aar . a oaa ,,,, a ab. maa a a nnia, and who aro dot,nalcod t 7
Ext. harry Cantini..ia.. Freer: dn, dart s gr, ac- t ee, n amed, wrallti to issaintatic the ch.sat. which '.
Panay .3, , a , a n lnar. ides 1,71"., Hosiery, en. tee, hare see tati ..,nne th• hP.lST: 4oo, c n ici. i i .thiii. '
her Fllets. Cainforta. a, An addiiirna...rpp , r a FILAN. who darire Li ha insupwl.
R.V.TS , nas rwane<4. .a.liJ I DraJanuaa—Baniban Miilor, Jr.. J. W. Butlet, Wm_ La.
, ma, C. 'Dineen. Thee.Aks. NU:tick. Ersa 11314ict. G.,. 1
IV. 3arliarna, - Jaaaeii ?trout,. iiiw , .. l'orii Ji•iliniii.i 1
i 1 ancecan. Jain.* I.4priawm, and R. 11. 6clitt.
u111z0..;:i... V. Rata , rtmet. (...h.s.. at Er.r. , 4 , 4 4
up .sal rittat2arat. _
B,starne tatya tnco,ed an adlitiaosi roon/y al
ata.cusar asfl, slan nn band. Wtite dn., Donal, do,
Matarita aloe do . sari Earts.on rasa. Rs ro./ Fl mono!, M. ,
nr r-I moot lows than .tial. Coq:ulna .WElaill FL..N• ,
NE.L. cf • Irati mak.. andS , ltlch its , a ri , ..ni0r.r.1.1• • STATE 11131nru4
isfvuon a_ tbata irron tst.• 4{ll nom on nratOot ~f their . FI RE INBL , k _ ANCE COMPAN y
611,,?,p,oZ•pinao,7:1ei aitrst, at band. Alt, estrs he.' y i
Ittlillln,tliG. PA
LIL A 'S N . 0 11 it".,.1,117t:1mt0-d'd..• o ' nl ta. " = " or .r ro " .C. '' E' d i rL l 2 'd . 1
.arriEr5r!G.,,N,,E,D..,..nLyr11.0r,...,14hw0.e.5a,,f4er.ffc..“,1a:1e,,.....s c:.!
Chestar's Clothing EmpOrium. ~ .., .4... wag,. to oroat at cbtaxcass. 'lacy •rd somlata.
I Esau, ta oar sn4 country' =ants , . and aanoni arrant. (
for NOStIIeSS of Fit, Hilo. , ` , . , • , ..': , ..i arlsa.dcr v . , .
C ELEBRATED ""'"1"r' ample., "' "r
Wnr."'""' ' - Braceb OCI,. !, ‘ ,..6 . l . t . rt:N ' t ' attia.. l;‘ tt tYtTur e a.
Our WAR WWI sod rump etobrseing all anal, cI ,
31.0's tm inneCh.tilln, so'l Port:Ulan/I G'axi , e 1.... 1 .
ofartorol and.' tat. rot tosvallino. Put - abase,. are to - i
.to.d a, ••11 sad ~astaltle. 111 TO Ara drlarmined to ball
J. :1, nve. .1, cAvrl Jar shatotao Goads
li'E .LTY TO FICA. L . C.
3, l AMITHILUD ET, n•z+ na,.....f ally
t• 'N. 11--ta,r at all sosa and stse• Itto+lottt oo the attar,.
ant untfr,
• •
b.TP v.ry fun ..”ert.rot of the .bovevt.4.
cl., of pualltlrs frvm commola to Mara, and of plain
mul rm,nt rolov, and of new,t and cfrer all it
' '' '' ,, f rVa.blt:l . a .P . , 2 2., ls t . oo l
raZ;."2"l4nov (Oct It ow , II: OTC,' dtv•
.I‘;.{ Ine . farling Ilaanals , of des , istle colon.
Cold "eather has Come.
.I' 11-nlro .n.I Do,: Ileuir 111.1,. CLOTII.I7vG. NT e
..tudr In r..... o. 718=11.7141 str....t.
111115 e°•r D1.101:14 al7nr
c 4, will rrprn thl. morning 10 canins. of black Pjlk
or all qualnita and .I , llLa ae.l
ilbos,Ll t s f i n? .
! . ;.‘tr24 itet=7LI;MLS. Matt...2S coo
two! Founh sad Market 'lc
New Goods-Third Supply for the Season.
tr.:.their SUPPLY o I
0., 0. INrix euhmero. Vale. ond thlir
.t ot
fori,or , orb.. G 00.4 •111 topsoil tools.
Ororrorthour .roor of Fourth and Market streets.
IIAWLS,dieIIAWLSI—Noir opening
11 A. A. 11 09 ficAdreo Dar tAtolcnz
of Willis , . owl- tro,,,r-AlAnt.lon, Dot.
LA NK Et•ga-Now on hand over 850 pr,.
AM•fir•l3. 2 2 1.1.422, and rr•-wh, of 12,-4. 111.4, 12-4, god
plalaa i 1122 Med./2100e and mi lled
romplete .4.'20..0 22 Crib .01 Cr 222112.
A. A. N1A102 .2 I CO.,
..223 112 awl G 4 Nl22rtet et.
WLO t VESTN , ow in store, com
r.t •. 72.3wrz0.! --
nni• 42 awl 61 Mark. tt
bees connlgnmeat a lareo lot n 1 COUNTERPANE
• leb sell 1101er tb• rod of utanufarturo.
3 A. A. M.AS A CO.
74 011-era Costs, lam,
le Hullo% Capra• wlih emote:
24 noir I *pt.
41 . LODE Lvtgi.,
A .. Ftorn I J.-.
24 lloating Jookr,.. -
W ' . ' • m=r , ........." ." . ff ` r e n t '''' .° l R.... 1 1 Delaware Matta Safety Insuranero Comp y
l mu to Pull POILL IS,
.013 \^ l'O‘Mnr.t. I g - krrict, ICORTLI ROOM OF TIIE EX
LAID SILKS--Wirliare on hand JO pe.. ' 'ES-
L{' cluo .°E, TUr d . 7' 4 ' P h ii.J. t . l . 4
i .or ...runaarus..-Ilull Una% Mere 1., and .thou
Fuald allar, trilllW orlor v. I town and country, Insured analnal low ,
A A MASON k CO, Mar,..[ U. F.r .- , t , lor ' lrru at The lowvat rat of prenrfottu
I '0 A... 1 lua.nawcs.-Tber als: Insure T 0.,10. Ca.r.,te,
Moro New Goods. and Yr-ighto , ftwolarn or c 0... 1, under o ven or rnoAat
r. a. the ro.l mar noire.
MMES A. i'de.KNIGUT, N 0.62 Fourth st., ''''' j.,f01. 1gy.,71Y,u, -it,yalvn 1n) 0 ,-. m, r d.,,, e ,...,
ft" h. rotmrod DO .word 01190.7 of Tall .0.1 trim, trax,r•rvd t`y {YAM., G4+l TOW MI. Cans! frau, a. I
tuwol, the maj oily of er'uon tit , ne bean Onreho`rd . i r." . ''' .. q1 .... .?" 1 1.1 7 . A °0 th "? .. ' b... 0. ""
th. large one lon valor, In 0, ...tarn nth-. during the Men -,..-..100.111 lo neat round a- !woo, Juno
r,-.4.r.;.-1;;.bola '''b l; 4 ' V'1L:...1,4,1M:nt%;'"0 f'.o .l 2 . eß' broin e u r 'l, :r.ra ' rt h l ' a / r ` hlnu r t7,:t ''''fitt !;17.V",'
. p l V Iry li ca. r , laor C
las t Lula lolleeLl Juba newt. Dr. IL .u. Ilurton. June. o
Bowha Long She .Is . tort plmp. 71.10 Carlonorw 1 11.14 . unbl , ue rau`dlnr. 11. Jon ea B-ooks. floor;
Fun re Shawl/ Bay Etst-., at manufnuntwr • r Craig, Ouoraw Pe--rill„ nnoneor 31 , 4401.1
',nes, I evi .le 14.firOv Ltd Cavhroweo. rat. I
to r.y, Drool EOlka. ter,. .1. strabln ' (3 John .on, Mr. 'Way. Dr e norm.
Eyre, Jr. .
, into ClOwrlons. So to _ rer I
.rts..racia-D T Vet. n, Ilnnh Crtnr
v Prealdr,t. Ina .C. Linn , . VI. Prw .
towou, t re
r.cet-rscr , '... • 42 Matar stem' s 11 - L-'
:eel r A.M-tlrt 11... a Aar,.
r E SUBSCRIBER having now \recelved Balli.CllLWlobEaArTriterUß-20 sacks\ t.
k nal. stock et FALL AND WIDTDIi 00042 C. ••••• " • • 1101020 N. LISTLE CO.
re•sp,ltolly tulArtri Lis ...WM.," atti PAM. , fo r w e bf:
tna t•• Lis t•oons. eat wbol d bbN, r,
Lr ntAtf. at v.ny rnms. • t
u. b y , Lor, tin Ads saltlike StAV., .•1/ Mt.\ 47/ \ ft:DA LZltlet.
W' r v t:'W irra • SAL. O:—S bblo. for arke p ta zz a .
• ••••• • •
I.l:4Ll i sAaa!,..`"
"16 1eCANDLA°. 3 .
e4KFr CN.
Jyl . —I
-ILAcKwcAeD, for Docemloci\
1 77 '4 . ;ZP
r _
tIrVI I:2s
,_ , •yarsty VOprSe3
I, ' W ' t A -
,!, 11)Oti=
'''''\TVilASON A CO. MA/"A . h‘t•
‘ll.F • irs; , pf r it r : hi pp iu g ;
aco \ , +• . 4 *.dffj,74.:l
• •
.7=•.:i . .i..,11 4 227 , 11.4444....'
dr. I,allcaPr.
" r '' g er nl7il ( ll4l7
- • ID %nt/arTa a. a eaaleca.
' •
11-4, 1:4 asal paroll.7l..h.arir. na,
n 4, Lu..l r..
and 104 Table D . :m.. 4
1,-I and 34 Damask Naptlna µal reill4.o
11.606.00 Paper and Crush rovrellinor, .
r.!:11 Shinte4 Ilans an 4 lable Cover, t , grads.
M, pen 46210.. 'ranch, 1 - preature,l,l/alty aurft ,Oartaa•asal
Vortala 31a0.nlals. Se.
veS 7;141 z 4
P:ark Cauton ,
Mara Elabair I,u.tra.;
:ilk Wasp Tailat
Mari Cballay:
-1' el Yr•arh mat Ttalian C.Pa , C 1101 , 000 Craft
101. Cheothattam and tiavvv.: Collars ad 11b11.r. Gloves .
L awl floater, all a al:Leh Goad, vallta. Mu...a! goal ;,
I , e , "'" ...4 ch"P fur gnal;[i. JA/IE9 A. U.KNIGirr.
, .
NEW GOODS,. \ ' ,
-j?ECEIVED TIIIS DAY au4 now 'plietlic,g
.A . w 6L plidpre, al Libgrtr Arske, t
piece* fancy add blerh Caesorteree.nt the ne7et and
mogt funbtoneLlo renew. \
co plow blact and oolong" Mollh of tb\ moot gurericie
roenufacture. _,.
Ile lvdest art moat rttlendel wereortroroe of Vegerhse
ever brought be Mt* etty'. \
Do dn. Undershirt* end Orgwere. \
60 doz.!". wed noperhstlf iltirtA
A torn Areortrient of Craven, tlandkorehleit\ae.
et 6k6. 6 Our with thieved . lug, took * a ItAIADIe
BIALA CLO LINO. of the most LAO :liable eV t elwerefe
'forsbnd, t out coo of the lint. and moot fashronsietue
of II .. e ll
of fir pergel*oron'e *out, An the.
orrn rou :err ell of width the prerrietor le detirr \ ndt re
al to offer at ref, towted WACO,. fur ovit.
Orders to Alm Taltrriou-110. crectiool in the beet wog
et, mud et ltortort todtest, *wolf
-- N ew Fall Dry D'od , a
A A. MASON .4 CO., hue , roceised np,,
. 4R raw
.recta--li esinv lino ranch Merlrira
at.liti thadri, ,mated env...Ay in r\ 'lg. noels A u
camas Alcatel, and lie hair Lnatres, embracing plalw II rt.'
silk warp. tabu ci.1.1. Charoaaaai and Cc. 1 - f all 4R
. h.,
12 rives Ibitainattaa,TlOnat Clad.. and Cyrano. vial t i...
lag fairl uadri an 4 auslitieri 100 lica , Wariael . re .g
Lail , -clot,. Tn. Man. Vaal. wo orf (or a te 1 ., a i
prim wiarli v. Sr. rac.ll.lont are any...vat •11 II Y.
alro rf tersmibli
C, dumbly ro•
`NEW *DS! NEW tOOD ' 1
4 . CCOEDECRCS—A sTendi ' and 2,, var i e d
..., ~11.1mrst beard., set rase .
D-Th i s.—: Tarr desirable se intlist,..egi I 1, 4‘, a nd . 4
4474.1 . 1 ,, JA swat. and et th e ben rsakesse, • 7 , 1 ,J,,,t
"' Zile RS—Au exteosira and enact. r , err I,lpi
ViCILLY.4.-4.43 , 1 rer• toe elsl , I , XS, , 4,1 . q or e:es i •
” IPAVA l rgXelrtbeis Wee' .I..m_ lux: AY .1v;.1
vtoli... . . _
Carouels. Tub. Bugle., sub xeirierribTruisiDe +. and s i lt
:I,,iitilb soligssd r =th by IliS
AI., the Densest woes ire.) , 1 :41, .aj u , pee riitril.‘
N. 11.—Tbe stioss /u'.. - ur eau ars warns:Mid. Sol. eur.
'::T‘..4 r1.1=.. i.71;177 . iii.te --41 t71 1 11.1 , i t' i i i"... r°-
.. ,
£ Frurr s.
E.—Koeil tho
c w. ev
" Is [he,ruti
with tbeillw2t.tiWit
het aen
wai 1 g
lodurt4 to try
tct te.1104 cr. 1.,
tad. rittebarielt
reteal by
et.. meof Meth.
Straw Bonnet and Rat Wal .. , :it \ likVl
. . M. 11:16. MARL= STILT.Z. I',
11ii. VAVARR offers for sale,, , . t., very
.kw Rticaa„ a fftll aalartmeat. of Etravf , :a Vihr ,
" itO:Y.l ' %.s , —PandKu and' *amino? it ima ,, •\ ~ , r‘
t t.r...4l . l ,: csip.vusr, milks. Ls.. a t.r..-, 1,. Y
MlTS—Stan's, Youth.% am' EF i rs' Irjetna. tve ,t 1 .1 1
FlWir m ".4 '''''. ' l / 4 "r.-;112 111'6. Ett d rfrij:•\
gis.n. oralwatT:Line . dext *Tier Ibrns.. Le. igst 7rt
•VEVirst u,b, loi,n;t Indsivf.vtato,4i bawd Tar\
I TAI--- 7 / I :tr=, —"-
OW. etts.:
srxe w rtaurnvs,
P'l ,l,oo e- azt Av
arr.= sro rani or
Box zuzs ANT
f i lmi tz 'l — al =, 7 '
s.l4 , ..k—Asaorted tit
• Abo—fueb aad low pt
gssso. ft.**.
beautiful close
hi in nnT
ant enc. cabin.. no
nod unnOtto
,rUciii known, Igloo
for lbn ueualmWw
Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philad'a.
[RECTORS: Charles Baneker, Geo.
Rienarda Inna:liart. Mordecai p Lutei,Sckla•
ndoipb.,t- nar..u.,l Grant, thmr s. Brown.
J...b I.2e.ltti. Morn. Patterson.
taliftLEn Y. BANCEER. Prmu.lent.
Ca•atia fr. 13aacaLla Seunacat,.
{:3.114[1 , anititlll.l to mean Ina-Lamm, perunanout
or lanuaL nn iv." description of Prolnrof in .01
no try. at rate.rate. lCll la• contd.:ant with rec.t•T.
T un
Cuturany halo reeervni • larsu conting.ut fund.
Irbreh. tab rtv-Ir Capital and Prann=a.,safels ture&di
an. ancipi• prntoctuni Lb. anukrod.
ng.els of th... Company. on Januar, /au tool. eon° ,
nshud to We Act of ne.enublr.a.r. at 0. 00,
Real Latato
Trcur air
Cinro thor inmrporsti , n, a n•Truni of 1:1 pmts. I.lf-Y
Reid upward, of One 122 U lour Clurnimi Thuunaint
DolUn LosBoe by h.**, fnen•b7 adording cf
ad‘absaag ono
e Insurnan, al ••• • •2 than ability and
to buett wane ra t lif i nV,faittaT;t:
apla Ofllre S. miner of %% tad wad nd as.
Penn Mutual Life Maumee Co.. Phile.Xa.
4100041.1.) NO. n 3 Liberty ,groet.
t totter tuve
cOncentetoml , ^ oooo . 00.i.11 0 0
laver par t ot th e City. lb* agent way also 1.2 4000 d. Jail,
hoot 11 to 12 atsl 3 to 3 o'clock. •1 th• wu 4-4
J. oclocunotaltar Co., No lti Wool stroet, It bore alt nacc
racy nfonnatlon will be given and Fonalnualeatlous }oomph
Ily attscslol to. l'atoplotata explatolng the priocsg , len and
bera.fiLi. 01 Lith Insuranto. sod blanksforras Inn/lobed ou
, Capital mock over 3:30,000 aol renataptly Junta/113F—
. Prot to divided annually aroongst those tusarel tot
l'utehorah. Jan. 31.1851.--talli
Marine, Tire, and Inland Transportation
Fr1i b u„.u h . t rat.._ ,..,, ...2 ,,,..4 . ,, „ ..4 ., of North 4rterica,
, ._ckpltal two \ ,cr . .a. !matt
January 1" 9'+l. 51.001.26 S DO. Will mak,/ 10 , 0 0 na ,
building d their content...ln It oil? and alc cr. si,
ua 00.yert, of every dvaarlptlon, ahlnrafl g' inn. " b..,13
sod otbar •,g.ala. anhar be Inland cranapegu7 un ,
trii.L. .
Arthur O.. Ci. Fret. Thumas P. Cot,.
Ealnuel W Jun, • JOOO /t. Nen
i;prard funitb. Vl ' i r* V4'•?:V .
I Jahn A. !horn,
SW:Wad j. arnitb. Pranala Hoskins.
Faunae] PraAa. B. etnrtin Annan....
Charles Tgla, •
Aml rote ((Lit ;
Wm. 0. linarn,
Gaoria naai, toradL _
Ja..-A.sf. Thomas. • fl . . ' t/ .- .. lit al! ' 1: 4! ; ‘, .1. Plc'
S. Morris Wain.
TWA i 4 lb. align: Inanranal Colanan alO 1.:. unite:elate/ '
and room tie bli/b gandloa. lain ...tarn . .., nllallin ~ •
• and nag.dlna all ma/Pot an agra baaanlona , hal'acter ! , II
war be ~, . .....alarad as allar4i i iitixl,a i liliVi r T i u th• publf , ..
• ~ N 0.14/ ir:-.nWt”re."ol
E are instruct , he the owners
osoiv sts•followlogC!mhc.rute.\
fi,cre o nrx t m.4
\ \ _ l
•• Sib 131•5114.4 (. 14 t Vs ,
4 ana oßrai t LET.
E 7GS-- 50 dot. fresh, for eby
war. 4.. atecus ritu
UsGeen Tea
GROUND NUTS -47 bags (va arrive) 11
ule NUTS
isAtiu Ficip • a co.
ARIED PEAHES-20Crbo. foil\ vale by
d e2f2 BonisoN:tarrt_co.
IPPLES- 1 ,70c s !JD".
.13 \ ,
Iip.B!!ELLXS- \ , 7 2
F ~
L`.`M i~'; labl'a. li~ in
PONE 'al°l'T\
c,--1.-,.W.v7r While, far sale ip
Alp .bhis. or draught. bl 3.14 PD g o T t •
del; , w
bbiS. N 9. 1, fOT \ eby
• / JAMIST !
It 3
LOOMS-- , 30 tont. Tea s q., for sato Uttr to
cen.46vmer.t, b. \ DALZEM,
it M
PLANO W,illl-OUT'fk
ofkle ( tirElVY•T anelgZtZiff'lt
colmvUott of fiaruptivirs 14.0\
dr", bap ter sale \ "t,
\ \ Vulcanized India AlabberSolin,,. \ I
run RI:CT, a large' , yrkantitir of f
sDI i¢ 0
1» r
f ]lut i
oua 1
\ thickuv4lot ulealatedint:. b. , * 'WY - i
ea \ ••so•riettped vr‘rtmlux co 8.4 listf4d. 4.11te
tll ' qgn:ttOl ' ,== d jA4 •l l ll:=4:l
i' v,4, , ,=-,: - Aor,..' ,4 4tfrvg. - t.
\ rtk""'",4l. l.
4 A ..AkettliEl,4B:l . bbla. arglio : 3. for
ride • \ 444 \ 8. s• IV. It it.88111,211,_
I A I EIAST,-PUMP---2 doz. Indicgabbor;
4- .1 04 6 6V\ 4FilltiliiiatTrilatt gre. •
VISEWS At C 9. ,
lee• •
(t CO. are the pro ,
Y 7 au , a n,a, eve elect., of It, .41 stiva
u tea': ty •trot:ltch. e.t•or el dtgestloo, it
elate the 00,1. tent. eel t•t.e . 4 teevort eoelee,d, ...eete 'Le
tth the tett of belle;
114,eettee tete. met nearer... 2
lets ee to...tieettettoontleuet ,
Dr. li orvet root of&abr 144.-
Hee it L.riAli PutTllni Inusb , :nal ..
tot Ml' S IN, or true Dt,otebeo hal:Ml.oone • • .
eth of the Or. the rat atioretjee riato:taltteelf,treette . 4
-Er:ti aOselaretnrtho "Leer ¢!
..7411.1rz,464,=1 Vrt:gtrelirliiMt
sod eor/ 1
KEI4V4I ASI , • , •
‘ll , nsis , • P.,4. recut 'A rel., far Pittiletegh..
Al..—F.or rt.!e t , e E..E1.1.1.e;5. C. 7 Weed etteet. .; \ •
del .
Id OR °r" -Nr
Compound Syrup of Yell! , Dock-Root,
i.,CU PIES tbn front rata: minonithe pro
of 911. ortiolVor tontaletalr
txrf4sfia*, id all et/410th*
n, town", state of thr,laloql. Alai •
riVoC,di.rtallZCtorrtb. frets., llsvistddes. bYtudomee .
r":+m , sd and Ttalttny.e al-sant th4Cbeard BMW
shit,, or bdavatote . .. dydnres., tDI • Cobb
10,0 tht. tnroat; and is cith tairfoot ted /111.110
inln all rues ol •
• 1, - L'e iirCintn rd General. •
na ..tgano, and ical,ttng tby , nt tin alatedte.
‘vim]( 6, of flu ra nsands of litlng
all rata ttlbe courdry, ran tm yelled ovin, id
ty aftdasions in cur.. ull Ilert,”. and rstsssall
t...d and Liken doss? cuttsntutions. It it run
In. in Its aomwy.ton, and ad amtnytely aldn
td , ^o, rtinna tbal the rboutioal , datatdral, asl47
prttl. reob iaandss¢t 'taro:64loone, unites
Pt. , V.l' 11.4111001'
IL Rae r,,,noaod tianystiroaledito.dsas•hisb
the skill of O.* best rhytriciana.and has al, ouran
Pan Mount. boy sil
k.fli ts; , :bbdt
byru,•9 emitter. I,d/v1 to sna treat I 0
It Ina born is . Kadin tdany r.,,t1 CANCISROC"
MOBS. tionot Obstinata Canoors s.s.
this npsdirine. as Ira: tt a valuable. wed'
SI' RILIUUs COMPLAIN'Ir. •It astoo, 41,dr.
Si clorulatlott. rou‘tsttng tl,. drert o froo, ass.
Si?,. room , . I.4l..estion real,* at
all med. of Aythotb, and n.ay ttiall is all
at all reaskons of ths yes,
Ilityrytttpid rrerar.d only by C.
T Pr
o - attain ftroot, otsoso. Ld fd,l,
total!. by .1. N. N an ICHEI
Only Agent WrlVes.tyrn
- Warollour., ot.rust t't ad and Pi
, oi ht r• Er. sobtattiioF• la hawses. w.l.
"-31,,,,,, era /1n...1340t 1holalogrop11!..
TIIE VIILTUES of -this rornati
d F , 0t.0,1 1.7... (,41PrIlV:1 'applintlort ffr 1
. has hb1u.....1b1.. , Ca boon. Itput up_ to 1
bolo nso.ldir , 3lnno , sto Cho brood , : of tto pig
me 1.01.11,1,1,1:;1 In pr. - rural *ova•
a so
on .Abele,l. of (nor hoo.lord !bat, I.•
‘,...1. 11e.‘13,,1. al, rbouDosi.l bbaba -11 .
nw, fruC3 Naturria - I , rna , Lab-a, tory'.l 11
p.onta.• re.o.olog a b0r..t,.r . 0f dissaohbal
suer 0f,ut0....-taloto. 'LLnro *romans till'
ea .. Cr 0,,,, ,, bbi.1.... If know, might la
o , to a!,..‘10.1.g ''. PLLOnnog. 1i14,1 santonio.,
boal 4. Sod 1,.Z SO UMW,. nufbror. , Lo,
orinrr l o . t.noir:ht of pottloo lamp in bottles..
1:;,' i n,.. ' ; '. l ' r 0115 4 ,1 tr e al I rtrbl ' sf ' fll t it '
0 t ,r0 ' n...1,/.: e ura 1.1 Ono of Its fut:Lba,
' 1% * ,, ' ;. " ~,...!‘". I li n: ". 4 41Totst . p . al - tlrol
I, 1..1.; .... ° 5l .11 . ofe,litine ..... ace:
10411,3 ir.., , or ti -,, 4-e • o'..frr , ...I .1
17011, we do o 1 cUira to 11,a L.oloorsal ,
et, .11,a,n,b . ouoneltat4. I , A say, that .
Om:ow 1:014, , et la 1.,.. oallb.t. jobob
Z'Ilfg!6!1;, !ITi/3.'ObrIFILI7TI(.
0 i1t1 :, 1,1i1:1 , .2 4 .. `..:1:' :, :::: ‘ . 1 ., :i! , .01 , , , , , Ti' ranz...l L... 3
;; ' ; ' , ', 7,...,;,.7Mr.. ',. . /, 5 ' ” 1kf L 0 .. ....;. ' kti1 . rliftrlKrisg,
SC'..OO. 111''''..* 01
''' ' '' ' ,7, ef ' 7l. ‘ :!or ' .4 171T01= ''. ...1 2
i P " . " . ,7 0 2.1 2.'' ' ,'::';.,:', '; ....-e . .o.s . :attd I.L 11-
rar \
kiCY ' r.ll . l.lch ra.e. .1 sot co; 1.011. aal ev<l.7 to !....
cla r. u:,:.. 0 110.0^' op ol loathe•
1 . !neol.
1t.ia0110r....1.,11050,Lian ,w au] a b ba5,14..11. 0 1 1, 17
ast.:. ,A , Ill.: 1,0na....1 sal I, ac.,1a000,17 o alt. f ;Ir. :
of 1%,:: .loe, o,w/tow Opow ,i' eavaral 3 ,.. cs.
tha, j4,141,' 01...7 ,. r.:bor Iva, nob, set 100 arolaosho.•
~1100 P11.1i01.1.1"1.1 10, w 01.1 tools. Woof
,I ~,,,, ,ro ao, rf',1.1••1,3,1.,/,,54C. • . .
.1, , p 1 .,.1.1,C, T. :10:',... thr.t . ,:. tau" of the
1 ''''''
''. t' O. ' . V..'..i.T.b ‘ 1 F .,.. 11 ar . . 0 Dasb -at Sas.rx.': , -•-
, ( 1 .. , !, /., 10. :SU, r.b. Si TV• ~ ow .
. . al:I 1-1./.92.1 .1, ,
.c.T.0e,1,,,in10.1/41 e_yi C . l.foln . Allai,
,'..1 1 ty 0, t0 . . - rblo• IT f.,: ,,, ,c0ra it • :
- __ .
,Ohio Labcrtatory
ftes'eream, f4r,pale by
C0.: 1 , 4, C 926, Homrradmr, A. 1.7, B
AND IDCIP_Iker CODS:Ia 'NON. \ ; 1 ,
lilt. KEY'S VECTVI: . k, „11l
.I_, lc Id>. not • rien the <torsch , I drls <33
pstt, ll • Ito, pl. It tioca at Lela , I.t. +t'. •Ptlf** ,
IPert." alto Pslps it nal•la to 3 P tt1..t 5 5., , 07,P ,
loi ti sc PS.,,fl. IL I< p<rfttetly bunt... trP It. the
<ntA, au] l< s3fAllll4 cf. 31113 P<Pf3. 4, 4*.."
ret3 violent caw; of non, 1:43,3t , * Wl \ lictr`truttsl
c .--ft- 1 ' K r . NT, V b c 3 T a t ttl' * eau f"' <pft i'''r tlhe off Pon tirte3S
Fitt: --' ra ---I— ttl ----
P 3 Ls tar sal, now 1 tt_tste• pa<AIPIL3 Ss
vacif A <CAIt/I 13P. t trlir i vzo u tz tt ,,. wr c i,1 30. izttif
i n ~
31 STERL ;in ouv-42r . 'me me , ..' 1, t , al lir.futnini lietaldr<
<1 h c.rict• 1,1 jall4l of ad< tat33.13.< cur eq. froh Pttr PPP PM
Jo, • c hn c• ti <3<uld t0 . 21 , .7 107 7 zr . 1,.. , . 4 %N. - ,
~,,,: z e,, , 1 \
-irpv...g N',‘,l3l7r:Ave';‘,l \N;C:t.r of I; A .la.,D"
r „,l\o 1 .rte —A IA r frpo Etntt<p -
; ter nut b-,tt hilt rtpft <3 a ett.4ll sad ezr
\ t 1.3. . Wall •cp... 4.3', ht., <Vat IL< dl*.
\ - 1 tr7. o :' . ' ! ::T , ;.7li'l?l l ‘' l (tVLl
.„.. k ., , , , ,n0'11'af rnetitli ml.l.4TAttzo. , 4 (laved<
r4r = Wx,T„',°.,'g•v.,•fi v .',l, , , , igrJla , :.A l,
,„-..,1 :Att., A ptell , natt ix= Itta-t .t. lilt*Pl*
turf . E. 3n<Pet Pflo 3 ....,<1 Pt. , * t t . tt t.. 41
Pt< latt Pas 010 It .13 13'e owe pt.,' t. Itp Iftitet
tato.hpr• Pi r, Istraltr, .111 t...,,,, ,
ft 11 0. ee el i efte3An .4 f , ...* ' ?Ir.;
ball f 13t Ittli-V. at Iv <<l.. rt....N.,. 3 he F.-
.tetoutr - <34.-trer< stub 43 irpf t t i :ttp • rtt
tatls=.l. - 13i334.11.4 PA tlto • pt<. ' 1 <*ttof ..,
17.* 1 1:51 1 s L ag I;! ' 4 ' 37 ::jl . l ' uti . plt:l o l ; :trtlT ' C ' &
Vt;'''l:e.,--, .**7-7.*l.Cuf vitift to t <to 7 ,3,
MOOD.. 1.3 e TrittulatottaPP.,...Pht t-13‘.0.«.3
.f 303 P 3311 ., 6.11 D/ l'ltYr -t , <l.3* ,
d tate no efrtor-it. till nnt0303. , I -,r. .0 j. , .. ,
1 5 :Irett.t s r , 3 ...IZ-Vvl‘7o'll r; r 0 .7. :3 tl ' t:=1 " 1
'3hAftto PP . arcep .111 /11 WA =PAL --.• it ul
ea in core eAr...01 0.1 . 14 1 - 'r , ',' ,,,. "
',,,,a ~ ..-. ...r, Nl'Vctse, ,---,ag A.,: ,
ntor .r. r. clh will smtx o.;:i so sp., :UPI
"r . f .h3 3.*PlTt<S3tfl4ll3lt ,
:341c10••\,, dirmutts,geaketawl lotbas.
fs.3. •3 to Iclatt:l 4 4: o i r tig. *t e 1 P:1.:,..:.
tf c idirsj:4 br4.1<3.14 ittritL. , l , ..=
°L. ' ril ." ),I c i t = 4 ::3:3 'ic./.l,sr,ic.s it
1 11,7 1; -, ,, ' $,,16) it ezt or,
eale by
..I.llllBeas4 it •
. .FROtILA.IIIIATION. ' - 7 .- .. • .
I \ I L' N0W....1.) ,--+ t-I%k\fLuil alliic .- • .
,;?: -....,,. T. 1..! tte r....,, , ... ~,1 .1 liliOnria, loath r • .' •
I cl'poT rToo In ~,i, : LI. , '" rilf oeula.cllaorroamouio'
r•AST - e,!• ' ; ' ,. : .e h ta: , et..., ' 5.1 . ..
.I ' e ' ftg. r 2autla Th '
ae ‘o •-ea I,Lia •loe, rot tont M . { for oa proclaim,.
Ttilthe.-7l,;:fr''''. i I 7 I?:el S tr. ' l l .l ' . ' ‘lle 'tr •lo " a.t7,. h" ?l ' ll:aua
a bo-ool . aele.l ei. ' ll sattri a r.m.,6lPoaae;toO, •
T - r 1.. rl. :a: roliat ITe: - .1 ..1-4 La I e Ills anallocaaW.
I , ea.l. I" lan-, T.T7 little In make n t .1. ova: twit.- ,
~ r,m,o. rut uO4/rottorso•
-.! no. e o•T eo Oe. reentoul.,.; but it ja a Mao./
vela, t'i , - ro.taer 11..1 , 4 ream , . toil LoLl‘lraap= \
e ~, o f eee aeaLer earll. In it , recall o its CIO,
fel.. to 1141r.,E . , hoop -clay a re.alT ra.eaT. a.,0. G. 4 \
It l,eurea !lea. ell a: tthaa nidiTliva La bgad to •
rood , aa.7 - Tellef. it Lao -rat literaraatLactloof it '
C.,'''',5,iturt,`,1..,•,"'.',.....,'.,7.!;:.."2„,".;',.`,1'4`V.Vg:,,,;:\11_ . '
e•orotll ~.vz or Ti.arrLo a. lo ,aTLIT-O • retT'othar
P. TA pa seell.Peal Tooarar In LorA alai
ant an y a:Leak-al cora trout!. co al:Octant
that a - e Looe Tr. IL ...:1 cam oUIa.LILTI aTaI . 4 e.
In a fee. poyli 01/0 :,,, CD,loutor • ct tealaraa= Watt .- -
a 5„ lorthlrAVl'itl7.;lVlVlll,,,ir.'%=....ll'g-7..t, CO'
elthrr of I-La,.4 - aol".. • \ '''. '• , i.'• ``,
K t rys4 , 2 4 tallovreil, c,[ grala:l44 Mgt* ,
'`',l4.l';:itSt: 'k';'7":.4)",t;''JLX,l;.%,l.l.—\ 1 1 !,. ''''•''' \
r i f, —v " .1.- D-- l'sr‘i.z.-g—gr. vur-... \
r. c,
oi,. h.,:;:.T.,..-0,,1t1.',.-0. ~,A,„%... . thi.
k:!,,'Yal;'": - `..=•.cir,:g0.9. -- i;': , f.'= - I , 'Llt. :p -
irrielnote of the L curer N ty cf Pena.; :rm. and til it
]raniewl" hei n tosioge.l in ti.e tamlnmana .4 Mai
sass. nod the. application of roos wiles thane.
Thromh th. use ca his intionni totehtneontt
W 0 Prolitylertm Spay, and otte r of ha "U tehtM , _
oomod on norm.. lwi so4thorne Ir. cumn - thong 1
..1 fetal mot& It-- Tiaborculor Ccrwmatanochi '
A•folit, /Mont.:win, Aetturis.. Fever sal Mnm. i :
114 com, Chrome t hritly ,L elei 0i.i.1 all those nissta
woltelf:lltTifirTheeT.-. ' Of' 1.1 .1 . - i le:el t ani. Mf f t,
ty ialenr—rel, by the uss .4 ono einermini ouir, ro , toot
Liin.maystlblO with IllslWoymil law tat by the uso ot \
i ft . t,:10 gar ,; 0i?.....1 to. 'N Proms. , tor.
blrMigrfill'Tri;tlrr. I VVlrlOUT 4 Vs bn‘'ir erp• ' \
t• or iliter 1. 11, Inaeme., sa j Mey Imre the how .i.f .
ferny fiesioitom as also Ids Golden Pala small. l
i 1 0 . ' 1 ' o t t i Yollao halm.'' , ' ?tt o n ' , o , l g. " :it , ia " Vetr ' . 'i tAl ,
il. our.elent ha rotolivhat in. 10-0,1 oe,l4.lfothoinbutiat .
t TirXligestirs istitod troroll rpm the Mimi. lisul M.
\a,,e 47.4) One or rho Motor • rrubilb.talioloa a data l
.if= n e ''l .l ' it ' lq:lf: /'4l.7Zeittatlta4toisst dm:
girtT.A.fiftt-crv.....n wit st-liff.olnybalt.
•INK. ,. Townmi. . gel. s h inorket law •
le. l. lie-lihm. /iTifittst. mr, Olio P.M 1:ifiee.1.11101
meitt Tart lez, Dee let ra . ler lietinf7. Pio
" i i . V.... " i3e . ar ' er \ '' . ey, ic .t' --• •
onlliell.7 \
To the, Readers of Ihe Pittsburgh Gantt*
- DUIVAC - ATTENT \ ION iivrespeCtil47lll
1.. Tv I. a.. followlm myths. 7W to relatim ts
• VgaitayT,Ttilmi - m -, fro. not I n fleilltlit Ms.
o fear . le7he ' tra t % .. e_ i' f f.Zr c!, ", ,,,7,Y1...t..... " Nle i b.'" ,z , . ?."
~....Lam.onnol Mon. necrai b uur of rtri
rialugf,"Vi ;,,,,, olgrri w z. , ..sik..ll.i.w.r. it
sly Ore 4, , gO4 oto gr tho linle_psl44or ...N.......y
`hat7., v1,..h .r. cancel...MA Kmai toll mot wbn.
11l other nostrum\ bole , mttea. Thf.P... I
.N•ture ),...I,...tabont.a tax the , i.t..ths craw tart
br • r..,, ...a sitimeT that ilnalso tia mon all \ , /intons:
nasponteo. lets our than w hill ...Arno Mens • Mod
do thot .• wrltallia
whom -thot ser fay will. ealn.
1 ' to deceive that who may trumbur wind or yoson/
dm. iv or statirornia, The si-a ate
. 107 to it e
n, thbra th ,. ..1 tionniaes rolwf from &soma - A litha AS
hsollplo her 10az, , ..R‘, the °haat of kat
Ina or locm -atm woo. Of thlinit. hoe , in not deep
to Ala thalose me mai.. o .
this th. Vin reLothilii
our tamely !lonia la tin I, vs enter ter milt my \
mum for mo....hha my single artiste In c mama MI \
IMS I 1.11,1V,11,1i...1,1(a,-14,111.0a ms;l4,lseatersr.
fu our otty ind 7 toettroony too I 1,
sr, rf M.-1'0;0M. -.: . \ . \
Kitt. tf ...T , t tn. menrhe, two f teletn eltbm \
who wor e tout Mo.! , ham born 1 ' , Mlle Mt
moi emes. of ll antes. to tn. time .1* 0 ie. Um be , 1
camel ind. abb. the co, sf a sic:ale:pain :Maar tau.
.1,,,, oo ,..thoya Int cheer 1. (11,4 [lll tH...l.lrit 0
1y ref o rrel to br my lotion,. ho halo doubts on \km at.
tem Thew. oases 7.00.1m1 I, ter th.• holism abando.
.4 by yhy WIMP al ba,,elatt. TbSI . 1„.t.=0133. Witless
011,0 used 11.0 , 11 P to lirreib'nez. , ow. Dingi b. aim
ferVirzon itoni.frat..whznai.rizei,dlni. 4 ,....r t
lOW, Aille,CatV=7;.Alibllttl,tl4o7Z. pd
jai,.,asra oCen4na of a \titivate ...Num rotten' te i'
A'N'tsTor..tri'isTer. dlaraof the a.indat o. Maim:
111.=t1sto=niMiVorigtr,°0410Tb0m D''''4
10 .....e r f 1...10. , ..= '4 1 4zi., 110 Tr 7 , ..Taial I ,
i Utt=rlf utrg,p,..=. ~t..!,A hi= ir.P.l.. hz:
‘SI3. ,b , .m . ., , the alniebil or tho , \ tßoliela
11hatevor others may my Men t 01.1 i.. tetwltelowi. '.
NUM.. lo the aremest Itemely4if 11 I me h l'hymi,
a bosh otonllog In rho ybittenion am I . sni4titlitta to DJ,
I 1:13/hVtrgittlt. a l r ' < .'o .4l7ll ‘ ; VO ' :l 4 ailth 4, ' Vggior,
C,,Ladnr.itiOn. k Mi.,. ano th er yam ;lois MIL. SU Vii
.I,re;ll2l'r"jrs.reitYht,;lVL r, ' , .. " 1
.1 1111• .."
1L1.1.7e, v w. Mot I'l bad . lolrifroot.
a il ' t l or.jetef ii Ze l iPisa y Allhrhie=o'o. l). ‘ 4 o C , % s ari'
',ow, 0, `I. I .34. , ..ottill liszia. bl . •ma. etre. il,
Inra, asil IL A. 1 catot a (. 1 ., 1. ia l oil d yreast ; \
min \
\ ,••:7 . \ -----1
\ - I
\ ,
\ \ -
. -
\ \
\ \
\ \\\ ,
\\\\ \
" \ \ \y
41 \\