A senitiblawriter in the tome Journal •••ra.-• • „ aA man ought never to confess himself la; *latent itialtnik of eharee; for, to say • L Lnut Ade) is to Bu r l (I Imre beat f(1(11, - array:ancestor 1138;4 or my progenitors, or,bothilnwris Violated donne law of nature • whack - Gcd gsvella the sense to know, and the abili ty to The candid andteltelcting reader will not deny this " We tat on the contrary, that the "can :: '44ld:sand ffeeting reader" is the very one , 7 deny the truth of the parson who 'wrote it, if laA had t ,h red ia - little while, would himself have ides was not true, stated thus • agrilar how early we find' the laticii - .nfthis question-1s all sicknesa din" and Divine displeasure. In of Jai, which is supposed to bare ~ i t./.;lieett'svrittew in• the 'Patriarchal era, It is gnat 'subject of argument. .Job's fri.c& contending that it was very evident lie hitleintiga, the proof being the sidneis t and wither : misfortunes which hied come ' . upon'id . rii; . and he, oat of the depths of a " Vito onscieneo, contending that ho had • . • „not 4.6A1? wrong, or neglected his duty in - j Ally'liftiy—that he was, as we are told, " man-perfect and upright, one that feared I rind , aril-eioliewed evil." The doctrine taught. the book is, that Job was right —that ' I sickness and milifortnne are not tWeeisciray the proofs of wrongdoing, or of . theDivitte displeasure—that men are often thud tried, that they may some out of_ the (anise like goldthrice refinedi .itrol when,the . Redeemer appeared upon v .- ad:t i the question still akitated the minds of men; "gas' this man sinned, or his fathers, that be was , born blind?" again homes the answer, consistent with Job—' , Neither this man, nor his -fathers, but that;the' power of God might Manifested in himP. • , And yet, in other cases, min were healed - bythe edraculons power of the Saviour, and lola to " Go and since more." And _thus we have scripture for what even our own reflection should teach; that - while ' sielrness and affliction tire often— perhaps generally—the result of wrong -4014g, they are not necessarily CO. It maybe that sickness never cranes, Imo as the natural penalty for the vinla- Aiwa •of some natural 'law. This was the doctrine of George Corobe, the phrenalo fist - ` I But then we must remember that ; violations of natural laws are not sinful, sena to be ashamed of—often they are high - -..lyittiltemorth'y. - - tA mother violates the haws of health when She watches day after day, and night after- night, lay the bed of her stricken • child.' She'may rain: her - health-by her . Maternal heroism—but is this a thing to be estimated Of, as the extract we have quo - ' tea woad persuade us? - • 7 'At, we have the hopefulness and faith in Rain-to believe, that - all the weak forms Ana tale aces around us do ,not testify t is • violationsof qtk AD, ael6slt,. and eensual . tluigreat him", of health. We have the iMpe• r atid faith to see in them the records. I6g - nights of prayerful watching; , of • 4,idattay and toil, to make ,mankind • .Stionger, and Wiser, and better; of days years of devotien totem:Mess, to give a and - young family the-comfortable ...Mitns of support- yes the records of self • - .Ssciiftect in a th o usan d ways :Which may make the body weak , but ;hick' shed a golden luster over life, and elevate _the - • spirit ton levetwith the saints and martyrs which have gone before it. - r The• body should receive its just due in :``.the cues of life; but we must not fall into the error of making tee much of it. Health ' •• 'glorious thing, b ut., like money, not so - much far itself, - as to be spent. Squander • toc-rec iv= k'vietschat tnenientlott • may need it to lay upon the altar of iovu, orfrieedship, or duty—to yield it up for anemia of its Great Giver, and of your fellow - men, TBut we need nersue thu subject no tw itter: The reader has seen by this time . whir we think ill health often a thing not Only not to be oat/anted ef, but a. thing sweillieprond of—if poor hunian nature - eves hada right to be prod of anything . : were not alwayai" en unprofitable Bar ', wint.".+Sait. ri;e. Post. • _ ~ c: ~'~+, .~'... . ~~.E'_r-~ . ; .. '. ~ A F; "; t ....' I '4a.. , . ,- 9, pilartiln -- ' 1,, AIinICINTA.----MC ,eivirti. . i. oQuatils ~,e nt against k ,__-- writing 1 1 Pr-h _Newyork has been ,dia ries , to t as. i h r g 4 gala' lue.., d ,,,,, rio t tell hiso • ~...-ip . .„, .Thn ettoor -- .. , ~,„a ak , , was an '—,..1*,,4 dist the term `".- 4 ...,' t used ur / , us in r49gmaill'i..°ll44-Er-sperpliniedentourythore who. edimedicine upori i ni i , i aule..l V- or, an al. renal - sone Yell' ' f w i ng ,...to those. uudc" •t of an -editor re • the usty# the PropnEJ colpP eim°h°l4 b e din who Pa! ",..Vl:Pereoltizrossi becauSemn of i s , sAtenr•—' t f i in opinion.t I b ._ ~, , . nsrees with' them muse are now use Y ~ ' • Atatt.-11 ' an d although : others „ re ” doctors, quite a number a - - ' S him/IUP' 4 diseose.. ll6 .. - are 8r1.1112,...„„.,4 remed ies -for be. ,vell-ape--_,,,nea the Public againstgubirly e ft,o ova regu l ar ly or irr , ves ;,,,, dosed to death, j u d ge f or themem ...C. them _to and remedy% ....meliesTes r,clan a. • - - - ~.- the ado of aP P I l aw region-nig arneaten s en a se. state, -:- illsCOrresPCa patent . medicines to the dellere ill thecomponent parts and' -T i mi s pankegai, 8 thereof. 1, 11 attempt a t; Piplrod proportion T r ib une remarks, . . ~„ .• • tam, the • • curt 4 'amendsma requiring • English Sonam - • tiara in Pl' f,en ' that* tP recc ' n P t • which so ° lute hideous L° In' and ends lining et. theem r s boy, a r - tonf' " "."^"d!'the 114fartily. i ii . ProSni2g a it - in tl5 4 I =ME le for religion; *rite ?•- Dis* wrling• fur it, anything f or fight tor it; die . rit- --144°8 but tref ° • • -~<" _~,~ ~` `~_~ .~~ CAN; L g r 2 ' 1 ; 41 4" !'? pift - DIUBS r,fp , 4l=7 7 0 p hi" aar arrs,ya pat ai - DIOIM a yy ' - Jai , • " q.t. "- lan" 001:11be Bulk Pork,pnme; _ ' •, ' wt , Lito 3 V" )14flaiT ex.,""ir'"derrueiilvaaa 1,3"CH.--401bis,fore y 33Inking and Rgn4Pge CligPe. :::...791chitiest,maikettainnpnid in par fonds on- th• Eastani as tor Vigmta , funds bought =4 ° l4- ---"AlA4_ts bought gui as Iraltahnm—bi At :78 - /liana, IJd!d,nyt Fourth erect. - : . Iffiutet - ,Wi _Wig s World; - 14- glqabitth - -V.ri volts. liilb. wmier, • ..ieekt triralli. % ,i.... tfaiksiransuK ?titter; by Intsßsra. lin. gra iioattsi an tanboi rue .= bi b. B. Wrats. at we .0410. Mauler snit intertretsting - --it t P•ratoniyvta Bran °binocular bi. : J. .u. . Wats. tat A.., r, .. lE C I,Z=II7.II - Ttrcitti Pala by iilip.O;B: VP. • Atuatin tt p °ravings Crop • Pastorrons 1:01in; by 4.5 ‹..± 4 rLec ) - :,,....-:- ~ ,;I .IaiIAtETH'S GARDEN SEEDS—J ~.. . ..,-. ..:-:,-.,. ~,. (.;,114-ntah.l from Phtla4gottla. • fall ant mos el "t 3irrl,-- 1:-:,,...- 10121=11%. WI VlB.l7sadd the ens of 1131.stb3sti 1 ri te itre• t.._ ; ~:-. .. „1 -,- ,- -7, --..--7 . . - j. , ..`-.A.,,:: CL-ilt.a sor eastolsers eittwe whslstest or :stall, sr the • -- -: '.-- !'"1161.14 "4 "17.1 4 4. t• " ,-- ,-, :..2. - .:: • • . .4f ZLAz.1. 8 ?,,t.P . . "‘• • 1-- BATIFESS-12 6 ' 'shirk n' '' . .0114 , 41'5s raltlf sclul Ke------T, nPramf _ . 1,x...... =WACO. z... ,-, \ .0134 8 ••101131 iV. 16; WO C1. " 4 f t.ll t4 Virrat itfd huts Po nic SNE-144'sbrisgintrkolitivs tb,san ~D JCd~IiES -- 160bn pnmehalTee, ~ ' ~",te.aa m~..uQ3: aanwu3era'eco: 'Bur d}KS.ICTUSIC; - &e: •Gift gooki fiir:tho Hclidage, etllol34ES! , liiterp7 De p ot .: Ti Thholetroat,.oppoeiterthe Poet . .1,141 The etorgconsiets or all the.ahno• , et. ea la 18.54. f•otol.ng ibba . Utoslo. .. Wooers o t f . Early hottlis eylr+ Tura% tr ono:' The Sorteirostr Wenn a gilt smith.sal Meow. aids besottfoll? finished etnorarthi tr. ertlfa Tba wtim"';lllt:',:hZ..te The keapsoko • gift book. with 28 illwarations. The , late, en lltrivilnatat eovirenir, with Po:dosed Pia.. teelletaor listoorr, a beantifol 0000nt...1th 10 plate. The nrillieo l .s gift hook. With 18 .Ptrattosna _ Cabinet of Modern An. with 28 ntattnosot plate.. - Genoa of Beauty, a Merun atti, blime Illartatlona Gem of the &aeon. anionanir, V 3 ,do. The Talmo.. sato. or friendship, lb do. 'fund Annual.. • gift book for pi matoirris. Vitatrated. Librium. 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Y S27C. , ; ', - .- 2 7,T„ :: ,), I . ~ h . „. 0. ,.. muett, tif,,,. cm „ o do. 3341: ." 6-• . ". i-501:r..;43, ?..So 2141 =SI M 1 do. V., 1 1 413 ; ! :: G 6 .: 7 ; Woodward& Brown, V() 4iii. • Git " Boudoir. 011bort. 4 1%stoe • - ''..2 • A =shoran, 6 . not • rien the