The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 15, 1852, Image 4

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WAt6OlllO OF TEE Iffewleas.
,r-tr „Ott ei.sobrufitooll site thuds,
summons to the brave
~Tosillp,for the IMP: •
artitthet IsKust,essi with then- supra.
,X4k•flithtagag ea her rest
"theittittS that eish breve !aeries hest
Arithre'W .Senarept& • CU •
that Yu the trances vela.
The Nowirst•eurscut shale,
!tug up from the sutlers
•"., 'Ana rill 1i004,14 bra.
i tttaouad.amld the mountain-teal.
Wear suttee:4..7'.
••• 00 ep frau deep. read aff•
• Clattr, terrible, nut high.
TllSthe vultures and the oeste.s.
&sews book then hearse Troy I •
inDellisis of f.estul sPeiIAS
Of yetiesziewsui of Ines,
; ateb the sear of 1.41
thutalLei of dm apolauelte, sereep'agartit eta. (NI
it.thl t - Thou dlCse bear
••%;t. - :• - -Star ilatersa's rittept prayer.
PIA patina et bar aerate'
Ittiztittt; of hat boas:,
7 non diata Seat upon Der Parket., •! inuldennaa—,
Adtt tisk for Osaka, and le ad for frit
'And laird tar forth. data:
Thai the vtaai.ota of tam.
and the armor of thy =Late"
' , •ptiamora • thy victnenns stronalb.
-• .Ort amrtal heats ontinured.
Ti do - thou tha bL»i•3ullt gra= oar Arif,
.•And saccarr'th, mord. •
'Zhat strikos for ittedotal for Mr right
Mate 'bora thyo cr.., Ok Lord
Ira thou our buancts. ail tt‘dr
. 0u friuulexo's rslorsxts wow: • -
Aueshsils the patriot', bar r,rt—
Cub Puors.rrllszo to tbs aDS.
God of MI atracCUU .
71301.1)' so out Csrr.—tzt Norm 'MIAs IN
ACITILAILIL—Thu Philadelphia Ledger publish
e+ a letter : to eomehday at . Sydney. N. N. W.,
eider date of Augastl.oth, which tells some of
the most- startling stifles to be found in the
piste/my -ohrtnlcies Of California. The mines
net:ugly &termed at Bathurst. 29 pOiDt of
elan:Leis, infinitely aurpass those. °tithe
".eon El Dorado according to the Ledger man, in
. gnat of which .' hp mentions the fact that it hoe
pi -educed' tie largest solid lump evil. Seen—a
picoe weighingloO pounds. It is valued at 4'4,-
1601100.-,that is, nearly $21,000.
41* news of the hundred-weight of gold,"
(th/rwriter then goes on to SIM} "hat erected R
mach: greater- excitement then ever.'Several
other digglogs' have since _been found at the
Turn Itiver.46 - ndlei to the south west. of Bath
u . The Turon digitngs are the moat profits;
able; VI doing Two of my acquaintances,
on 'Oho* "could believe, Sent ward to me to
sat:that, they; were makingfroM five to six
pacinde'per'clay.- A person who came from the
mides . .two days'4nee, anikhe made .V 2.5 per
• waitall the - -timehe WWI then, It ii reported
that apdane,.(witi...r.h I think you know,) Shoal
sieniht .richer stilL Also, the' Tweed and
--••• ers are rich in gold.. The troth is,
thigthetrit'will be gold found all over the coon-
Vli.'i'.' . .Bitfortiatately for the discoverer of the
. haedeick•welght;he broke it when he was get
. R .
tint unt - 01410 ground, or it would have been
attraltale.: 'The Government hu now eeized it,
awl dithand ta royalty, because the finder did
'aortae* .diggine/icenis. •The gold 'having ,
passed through - three' bnyers, Government has
returned on the promise of the royalty being
paid, which is, I think, 10 per cent.'
The discover' of these "placers" in Vim Die
: marls" Land, we see by the English papers, is
already4iterting immigration a little from its
.r : ' . tisintreottnee. Caies are instanced of parties on
- the . pointof embarking fir America, had clang
.' sd.iheie naiads, and gone to seek their forlunts
in the golden evade of Toren. The gold cup of
califernals,: however, being as prolific as ever,
Australia...6B offer no Injurious competition to•
he: ialhat respert.:' '
SE d : 2 I ,II C9 WAX . -1501b3. 17Eligo*biL.
ITVA lIRSI-2 bbla..for sale by
, J. KIDD t CO.
yyjt Cherry Pectoral— . l , Blll los o. ale
LC01301.-20 bldg. 76 seta 93 deg "leo far
sit. bf• 4- ninD a
'BACON—Hams, Sides and' Should
• • -mi seine Dsww fbr Ws sw ER ions.
F t tANUTS fr. COMFORTS.-1 have fe
smother Ict of thaw intim Blankets .1 boa-
nazi Envie:
- Holiday Hata.
- CORD k CO. hsvo~ust reeds tea
lathe Um att.= of Gwatinato,
RD-11 i tierces No- 2 ;
. • •b 7 ts 4., CireasK fa:tit trar JOWL?
ft box ei7a3D have r•e'd tor vivre.* a forth., EttpTif
a • perlar amt.' of Jilantess. sta-iiai •• I.•ylaes
• 71;i ma
llfrittrlVlV za lil, et etrLrablJ colors--1 roll sus
oe, hand; Isoluding 11.11 ardel + of latsek raf...94.
icloris In Fookrans. • ea.. Bl• Flt Bsaispy InsaneW,
2.1.1 • t fte fpallty. dm rs.urati lov
ovum • - • tfiaf •
ai UTTER-5 bble. Fresh Asa
"e'm 6 1'46 663,66.0tagZa1eil-
CORN IIEAL—WN. A. Mc013:111G Co..
.1)1 b bt.oottioaally47,llo with froth
rootnd ilftnt Oro Vett dtlalo and . room loon,/
BrltUtts Wild width 1111 to told adtn. lowtstrtltobtato
.E5ll-A.NIMAL SALE.—AI A. :11.430v &
ftti.Ti" nTbloll.zrt"lg7,j,==°",
!SUING BOOTS--5 pain for mole by
am • J. tn. AMMAN.
J...natkprres. far eate at rilk
'IC PAINTERS and others requiring good
- SIIVILLE-A fore sod rtril solor , rd omit, soluble
sp, rry4s., fain. P,rtnell,
atm _Wad awl Omuta Drarbor; Hrkif /Aunt,
Sloodori. Dor tor lurf Camaro Porn , :
ea n. Mas, ie. ' ea rarrinstras of oar Strok
1/%11 Ito ca. fat ago. br . J. E , a CO..
, CO Wedit
VLOVER 'llKO'fflY—For sale by
yj d. . J. 4 R. TWIT.
0 • WI/JUT FLOITE-100bagn hulled,
jby We by • Ider 7 FLOYD.
AY-100 boxes for sale by
F. PALZELL a - CO, laart7
SMUT CHINE-1 second hand Smut
'4 l ,4r 4. !!'•'''" vt° d'"70.15..wac0.
C 0.400 bags Rio, far ealo by
, • deli : • WM. D LOLL= it 00.
'S— I boxes M. R., fine, for' sale
• • ^" • 15-150 boxes bluFarlasid's,Tor
1 Ditol9l4s;coilt
ri c * kegs Si: Twist, Stroup'
stow, sad f o r &IP E r CO.,
'1 3, 44 ,
„ J 5.7311.770 um
WV.I nr.a"
11--41 1 . 1 .bb1e Largo Itio I
_ 3 Ilsck
AtriD " T 4 ' l* 07
• - 6 'O6lO Clogs• l =
rtr ... vrcl Baiter.
016 mallet Tanatre OIL
;#. 414 1:1‘1114 fu ""P
'..::4^ 7 *, * () kegs J 6
2 Ss i s o lt.gir T r i a:W .
- by `J Burton's Atuito•
4 - • gm?, Wacky; Ibr Dr
„d i a .
O =lke Strained Ettant;
tali K 3 O.BUACIIIII:747bet
r67,C(UARA.Nrs--itedd and fur sale by
71L. DUCLUAO 00,
Omen ir Tea Latlar
vpUBT PLfISTPR-20 groat for rDlo
.uusiu•S- . -fut inJais'atid.: fou
silts sow a 2 Zt!' a!riVocconii a co.
OEF.M.F.PO;b_ogo Rio, for sale bi
fIITZSOTZSYdIow Dcck and Sareapnt*
12 2'1 5 , 6 , 11 2 z 4
: 14, 7
• jg ,w- L ,..4
o ,:d g iT i . ...t'sna te..trivyy wawa.
, • . -' l- "'"" ) •
Tv.lg— ,- q c rtlmyc , * 00 4
~N rA,lo,wko. TAS.O; AloPx
- tbD , a OD. • -
IigA.F,BABIusar.FLAN 2O : I44 . - ' 4I A R
6,3craclifilsOlikro twiftia lot a to.
• •
. ,
Gift Books - for the'..Holid4l,'..
ir UOLMES' Literary Depot, , : - n 6 •
No' 741blyd rtrat.otswlteth. LJLJ
The store consists at sit the Ammo —t
0e Weed for 1851, .O into. ranging from utt t°
it to SUS
The Wooten of Yorly Cbristlsolty, • settee of Portraits.
eronserrilde Dtectiptlone by Armoric. Clergymen.
Otth ortyloslenoratinge, Douai In One Turkish ma
two, gi lt
The Souvenir Otter,'. • 'gilt book for 111 swan. 01111
13 teeirtlfolll fltdettel en/twangs by the fret tato,.
The tool of Itoodsce.tbelng Otto Jostnel of • Toot In
Zgypt. - by J. 11.•Wal•errIght, ulth 25 tine steel
gratinou • r •
The Seeyeske, Oglft book. with 53 lllnttratlons.
The 1310.0 R Illuminated rounrolf, with 12 oolored rialto.
Imailts of Memory, a-beautiful annual, rid, 10 rlstes•
The &1L1.% sitlboolte.wlth IS Ithestrationo
Ceblnettf Modern Art.olth 46 Irto4Ollkota Otot.°
I Woes Of Beauty. a them,' girt, A An. Illortratlons ,
Mm of the Featton, • totes:dr, 10 do.
• The Tallectso, visite of friendship, lb do.
famed Annuals; • gift book or all own.. Illnehutol.
Christmas One by Ilertsll.llcittldh,lBlllostretteut.
wed ifinsur, It forth. botidsys.
The Flowery of Lorollntee, 0010 10 ittustralloos.
The Farelry Cita* and P• Sur - .Sonnet.
ettord Penes, or the Biters of the Bible. •
• Tbo feterti Tableasit, • Romerkabln 1113tOrf to the
The Idlynolle, the Sono Ylalte, end Tolt 2.hlp 00000
tow—throe tootilfat Rift boot* fat the 00110.0.
knee Illnettuted klitione of 6behritee. 80 01000. to
floe illustrated edition. of Tu
obpp67. To yet., woriiwmth's, =e,yrr.tektiVllo.l;
• Yo
AI. • Wee araort Lally
ment of 11011101 Gift 1t0 . e , 1 1 fir
New Stock of Chickerinp Piano Fortes.
.11 - 011 N 11.MEIZOI4 81 Wood'
0 of
has rooolforl 1113 entirely new.,
;trot of P1:17:0 I. I IIX tO., fro!. UtUo z , "l 4 - 1 ,
broted onOlafaclory of S'Olosof lo 2.
as Fu lore Floes. oio
N0.12:t4: Oooe counTo Rootrood 6216
: ''
• co
t 4406
1134 A f..lf '' Cured Stoootood 40.1
ilurt " ...... 460
11721-'" t9i " Louis ZiVlb 44,
10 2: , 4 "
tto foo
11.26. " Voll.Gract ...... .
The folicotint tiono Folios (for:lather sotottocturefteia ,
No. 6561 , Ono 6k oetsvo •
Neuorood,,FtAlort. N. V 3:25
82.1-. 1 - " " Lfallott. Nolo t 115
" do. 250
451: " rwewwd, do.
do. 5.25
15177 ••" " Woodazola Brow. 0r..0
do. 236
440: "Doodoir, 61111ork,
hood. :76
coaktogoas cote. oecood hd. 125
d 01.5
1.3 300 SN— •
Ca:oat+ Laudls. try la Irmo!Choir Cbonar 13ork:
& Wibb: Libor !cats;
Scar Carr:dam flora: Proalom CIA. Book:
Normal ketmol Iota:Book; . .r.oparm.• Bolod0 00 :
Totarilts Oratorio, Glen thee. by L. Mason:
Now Btokortlic Ekboolra. ma: Noautle C•halonl&
Prim Book; Volta Tamper:mos peas
Baotou ary
Cborua Bona: [took:
• law—lb* Albatross, • , C.l, pm
u aty cea , textll: •orda b 7
Taslabarr,muNo kr N ra.
Praaa, twat long by I. G. Vat,:
TLo trot[ of Ce• sacred SlLlra. , rt ,
The tlV2l,.xd,!.';,vrt-i-.
Callamsaa payee Oko.aim:
labors 01 tho Feta, in . Casio ontiotr. ALA EA.',
• inn the= to the Zett , sat Cl te In: as they sutoxistretY
kty Dostry Stephens; F. It. S. C. onto. of the
^Book of the Few," if. essistot bY John P. NottolL.N.
A. Prof. of lietsurts Arßultetro LA Vele College. neer
!tootle; 2 rolr. wlth ntlairoO/
del2 Feartla ittr,at:4caln
. .
New Books
T J. L. BEAD'S, Apollo Buildings, No.
roorth Meet--
son T~
him Femillee or &boot.
.sc Bcp lo=oi Things by Dh
ReLerPriltioll with refreshes to ;Meat ihmes;
Chnrge tiehoe-sd to the Clergy of the Diocese of Qbio.
October 11.1C.51! .
Now Ready!! - •
V VERY LADY haring n Piano should
and read Trmylrion's cry book
d i aNntscrri this is • bdruilitil Lai f, r a PEF.SENT.—
Without extrOti. as 1:1••1 • niec e of printing and bindine
&serer vas emeriti:ed. '
Thera Is no brdsaibis , cadnilty that CIJI kayos, to Claw
L, sblrh II tree not rif3 an easy remedyoe•iiiss deist
directions bon' to Ewe the 11SettIllre2t isLWATS
TUNE. Prier , 31.--Worild tot Upo that most, at.
ran be tent by mall to any pat ottbolltated eters kr
. .
fess yenta
Pnbli , bed by Lse t WalketdPbaadelphis,
MAT 01
bad of JUIIN K
. W ood 'trent. and 111.:NES
KLEE FE, lbird greet. :Pilmbarib. - and at Ilia princiyll
boot stoma drel
• Chickedpg's ri.anos.
1 - O.IIN IL ..11 - ELLOR, Apia; for
iur • CLlckerlng4 nem
anCt 'Weems Penne)lraaSa. Fo. 81 Wood s
bay(un received. new and erre lama mark
et A Ft). FORT gd, [rare the man diatom or Clilcatrin,
Bostac i consisting of 6, eg, GC. and 7 cetaree, eareed sad
New Music
Come who. the amt aypbyry tram
The harp that owe tbroctub Tars'm 'll.llx
pi sirlt , o.B , - ,
Copia' throuab tau Bac ilTayluy laud forever
Auld Robin ling; lolltla Eel Riding ldood. ta.
UN.% sweet !woad: . VII *um tha al.*:
Thetlavalfyt qhyr Lurd'a Pray... with mu -
TlarlSonssig, a sequel to the, ta. e 778. Glom;
Btdke the NUT cantle . ii; I A e ''' 'Tos we ifB U arTsrztoll "P.l ' d'n
Roxibur, . Why do Runner /taxa [API
The Lon (bast llnua oolored ;Lava
Pareet Autuo of Ike 'rut% , Yoodat-lirld , algae?, folet.
Thatootbeed mom ash. god 1:',7,-: Team.
Call ma pet Daotoar. Olzslll'WAl,ta. Ilidclurr,ll.
flatetwal and tar sal••by , JOILN IL_ ) IXLIAIII.
I/ Wood stry,
- - New Booze 4
lIST REOEIVEDA44 for .20/le by J. L.
cmg azul prey, Trees. en=r4.ll=f d 'ir•O . tX cl 2
do a C: B SV4 r Pra w as , w itr. by J . 9.. b.
an!. Einmla Yr.sitth uy
Lgr •124 eha By as drokfr..›cT/0.41 Pit
are, by Z. Wan., *tabor of boo ma a L... !a.
2kstr-bae. by Egr:r._
Fa ' ffilfgrig767;rol=: l ) ;167:12,1T - , `
O 017.11.. D. D.
Tbo ,110cie t.s.r, Appe.l.3o betilra F• 211117 WOO.
MP. "dal VIVI. and Dr.., . 2 *rJ
Dtgfittl IVL I V•0 1 114 ", ..11iL :".. Y l!rttt't
a..,.. 1 "rif4 ) the ariclualtr.
sionot oihm. too ncturva;
fad • Orem w :Wart sal Blatbcarr srams
from du ts.r.. op 101
A HistOry of PillatrorgO.
. or of PiMehotab; hem tbe aarillat lofted when It
*lira 't ri ton bp white Its,...donn to, the Cit.,/ o the IRA
eribriber,, with maw of the fret eriablisborient amnia of
the Import. t boatorisetextes and T=lo4. works of lob,
nal Intrivenntrat. stp both. prig...trim. to nbleh is add
c_opter Upon tot .40anta01.. mrgeitt. Fa..l
tlNe4.llll. and COnlneerial parierinten r,
he artrariata amount of barriesetransaried bens =mow
If goon earriver. an 4 ebieknater hopneraments.
Them Ism Wilt to this Unkritrbans at comp .roper
mot reonts aril r....-mtreness blatotimi blamed We
been comma:sob tt lain to brief a partal of time, as to the
cantrirp around Ibe bead of Os Obla To mate: tortriter
sari eatlbtaln big /tribal ontaf atm various Incident.
.o 4 to proclaim itio eriranturee Menr
monteitt capitalist* to Willa hem, lathy ot.eet or toe r ,
resat trot.. - • - .
/roe ' • SI Wool street.
. . • - " - New Music.
11111 E (lIPStS•SONO, or MvOullantßiLrk;
j. an vrlthrartntous anslantsrh7 Jenny Dud, an
her cower[ In Pitt.harzr...
Tim Moonsar's tx nviCht. a
issthatts scag.
The Lamely Oar ,_u annt by aria. ti!p in ain&:!..-
Ila taao=ll4.-A, sun& .7' tk! , ri.• &a7s.
The Unesjeched rant.
TPigli • aosnrosed t 7 U ; ./Clahq•
• taiwur.t nsettium
pp—A nammt. &station WM, =oat isdattlat and dr
d''''. mania,
" ' n.if ' ii i .Litirlt " ta, IThlnt
tit .s
• • triS • •.' ' Eilaa of the &olden ra.
Sacred Music Boairx
. . .... . .
CANTIOA LAUDIS,2by !dawn & Webb;
CARIIIIPA .19C714.--_ , __- . do.
• ILIE OLZE !I'VE. • new pollsetion of Glees and tart
Soura selected - awl *hanged tar tha us of blsoleal=
Voodoos, Tomboy/ .luclones, sod Clams of the
Itudemy of Made, by Lovell Almon I! tleo. J. Hebb.
A 1., V1 . " ° 00 '" 7 0i: the rtlign MI re 07
- cluionete
414m:thy - of obtaining coirect .and
JUirood.toned Chaim:tot In this couritiT, haring _Wan
lone and sammir Solt by tbs ttlairtmt su - m
ho. has had nsadcfor 07mwmframir, a rholo• faieetb
which have doer arrived. Tb 7 ma from Oa &Mir of
elm twat maker in idorofs,:arol am warranted MUM to
plib=ltit over °dared Orr Bati—asit or wen.
A orxtd-12 cad gayer.
TA Cl• lat Zli ol: , raf ;Lasepa:ix io 1 titla a,
sLare , pbsa., LBEN,
o<l.l Elio of tits Golim /ley, No. 101
-Hew -
TO b
i. 1 . 4 :4 3 , 1 1 :E . e . .5 . ... , . , .0...2 ,,, ,,, :=1: i trce 1W c t, o,
Dolt) , EL a foeteri Itercla from LOCs de 1...1-
g ' ;I • atF . 2=7 -Q"'. 2" =/ .
MOO 1110, le Bleealom llama Quick 'am
We for magi parr. .-. orld'a Matz Quick Stem
The Damien '.. 1 here robes, .tbee - bort
Take me home to dim .
I retch FM' Sher - Come thoe ma that tem: Air
Be kind to the Wend Dan a &,-,a.:--er.rietivar,
eathn's Ilarm • le • olo—Dosmalta:nr4
Joe Lierde;. . he! .1, me If all them; en-
Why do summer row fader deaths young eters=
Diligent lion Cor2WIK
hildem,l3yerl a Aurora and Meer Dell laraltat 1-
1117. Nexmra aIiCT. Blamer. Sharon. Mr. ET, .007
Oro . . Drumm. Dateee, alder. Coquette. eud "Sell,
Pole. . ...1,1
• . • NEW 3101311.1.
rrit TEM WATERS NOW, H. Ryan;
Cblll Assarl,OSmi
tbil'ilf,P;il24ltottea Poled raintcart CA st ol or
eal a tr q Lat,
tloy, wltta tigut•tUr: tiolly .Ul7, Cmter: Th. Yamada hi
Behot.trU Tbeeas , D7Lia;l=.< l 7".bum.lLLut=
' 1: Ill"' W hey
14:4 Woody,
Py . ..rsaLL:di; Evening Nug—Twilogut i. .:
tlit=-33rocharElaill'roZra,% LY:ll,:f of ,VX.
Nr(O_Wcstoo; La lidla or tle viagVgo_Lictlliaot;big
sr WILL* VaaluALWaltiK Wolf ka al .
W4W B r !" ".1'r. r==r,....J 5 T:rb56 . 1
ITlMTV:fputta, tVezwr. flown' u •
Matiate r EaLian and Petit aartmar—ltoodos. ELITer
Ew Gtia.l:farZlMe:474rip ItiraTl
414' B'4'"4. .olls d it . tarira r iVood eL
NEW BOOK 81—The Stumm
• ht.= . l.= i s ici ‘ Mbe i s . ,.
r • TAI
ton. A lestn 't b Z" ay . ' td . ,Hll mni nirii. Ekb t iV . aoc.WILIIP.
• i • ,nul • Juana attion by OLSOSII /I.TIIII. •L;
!do I V= 'natio olgign. • Mimi a *lam An.
L. L.. • •
t la w tla• 4 7iskl ".'" ::Anotialg t4 " o eb f CrristiggLiff
La • :LOW ,angn Man Ms nergoan of nno Ws 44 , 10+
Rill MlCldtir /f 420 bt.....
i avvtui•Ab".'reh , oratli-eM
1 Dn.d"P,:gglttLbtrai•dtEl Lfl7.._ 44
Loorne else . - 214 . 7.Lga of .......wr.
fcaL•ginnem b./ Btnn , 3 .M.L. k manor of
61,1,7ai1 11•11 Book of IL. Eirndation: Lowing.
... 2 rat=efo l igirbV " • I '1•V .
' . Aeon , ' • • . TB anono Banding. /meth it.
wad Publlo Lioeuments of the United et.l4,
t o tEAcomPoia of o.orgo W &adorn to
Mat. C.0.. - Vso=l=lfroctutrol27l " !"
—1, 4 .• I. luotetvng mutt-tat.
? 4''2 crgli)7l
glNTtmw AtigfO t tif kari4 tW
if 1 RAHAJI'S MAGAZINE, for January.
IN mod a 110LISES . Lite.r7 Depot. Thlrt , t..
At. tla. Pea. Oflos. dr.:2
IVI GLASSES-2 bbln. S. H., (Sr, James;)
; s x. o.: for eyb.
( Tlt3
`I EOROE ROWLEY, Sr., will Bad e t let
ter *tdretwd t, him Prom he °old °mut'," be
e• oft tlue eutuctibers. A. WILKINS 400.,
4 mono, of Jtarket and flied its.
off, thoir f t.<. of Morloo*, of norm .boo 4AO ph. ..
using 55.41 o•ml nouns! isle., at 0t...1121rd lon, than the
131.1•1 prices. 1140
VELVET CLOAKS—We wil'markdow
.• i •et4l nu Velvet Cleat* n Its. t •rel
'FANNERS' OIL-20 bble. for sale by
doll) 0. 0 W. 11ARTIA0011.
pHINT-25 bble. Tiro and Water Proof,
4.4 Watrr end Ymot
)EARLS- 14 or.eks reed and for sale by
G LAss—s g boys 1 1 11;
I°/ "' l 'ialtkeitie T. 67::. ""'
weer 0. ARBUTHNOT.
1E subscriberlias lust received from Eu
oc. ke.i.l beautiful 10318 aillAWL ElNit, dab"
air =Trod mai tiruballialiAli dpfielectiuti f
taftofully dotlariod OlidistA
74 n ati 4 v d a . a:: cbp
•to ' Ci:e ' f 4 ;;lPt=i 7 c::tiPt. e r L ' iitt7it t' ut
ca Sold It fotoultitbiy ~,o. Erloc. to cloaet•titilfOlD•rtt.
Thin/ et.t.ret,
dots 131,u of au. ()GU.. UorD.
- powDEit-37:1 ke 3 gs .
• S DSlVOittll CU
. 4 1 RESI1 FlGS—lteu'd and fur sato by
d 075 A.1.10C1.1.11:(i a CO.
QTRAIN ED IiONEY—Fur nnla by
delb WM. A. MeCLURG AG/
CCOFFEE—LSObugs Green Rio, for nolo by
;leg . irATeuuncxrraro.
fILIEESE-50 boxoo Cream, for sale lyr
I N SEED 01L-5 hbls rro'd. and for en
by 9 4 IS ❑ARB9'JGR .
VOTASII-10 casks prima, fur solo by
114 0. 3 W.
LASS—iOO bole assorted, for axle b 5
NDIO-- 7 1ejrcou Carneur..; 2 kegs
'Jo ttnorica.tut. tax silo tn Into.
41.9 /SAUL! LUCKEY & (NJ.
Hrhl T);ETIIINi7ICINGS -11: 2g MEE J
43 in
in'i"ir l i .:l7 `` liiiii.Vg7ci l egrt!;7 ,' ? b'
Wnll.•lrtS. a . Mai
tart I wad. p1Dh..1.1 Icla Inutrh.
a de7 00,0 E. ,f11..0d .11 redaM we ,hal ra. nhlhged
quit .ork. that hp p it. hd.cof am I
aro hall Wars
Mara' Ilver 0.0 trOtti..• 01 [re irmlat
Coasts I law partootly , 229
i o
Wr......1,110. V., Ms• TS, IK.o.
I La, syrup la 'my faa.llr twer
Or Maio. 0.01 hay. talar knowr. it ta tall In Mart.
an.l ,arsng 010. CArrd.
Vtcpart./ ant eald
It. E.SEi.Llift f,7 Wood at.
clethlete. Fe: talo ty
I:M:11,101 'bled etheet.
21,n cf the Ooldth LakeD.
Nt'S ECIFIC—A fresh supply
I yea and for sale by SID!) t CO
4eSw Wac, et.
sfatmeni fnr end. by J. 6IDU SiXl
QTARCII—Vrin Fore'e Ohio, in 501 b
IJ rackets., for sals by j. ,
Wood itt
.0 LIEESE—WO boxes Cream, superior.
IC4) ' Conan= fnr ntr by
H. DILZELL t , Lltt•rty se
CHEESE -100 1:1 - )IC5 W. R., , tor sale b
a CI.I.I.:ERTN.IN .t CO-
I it.e.rtr
I IN. 1.1.1.;C. WIIISKEY-44 bbli:tbr tale by
dcl•2 • A ; CULUCL'IIIqti 4CO
oda by 0421
7AFETY FUSE-20 bbl . for sale by
Nee deli J. b. 1,11.1 N -unlit CO
130111 C— llogs juqt reed-and for sale by
A 1:0
, I.ttert
riDIE LEAF lARD-PuL :Z.ll:nsaaly
um, an k and edncle and 101:1
''' 4r.,91 ' ..1 '1 1 . ,:1[a . ) CO.
OLASSI:I2 , --20 bble. 1. 0., P.a. Bab, by
4.5 JA ME! A. lirtClilf,)!:
I sun Are] • tarther LAt AlreA,tl•,Tery
sup,rior. Al 'Ali.: 4
.11nATI,Z.GZ, 0.1 .. As L.:
PillovrCLaa A, •
/MI:1111 A Busu FIE,: D.
NA71.1.0.r.n L.. Li rounk AAA 11.1cet .
IjOYS' WEAK.—Motpar t Ikacunsim
b••• jnbt n.c'd an s.crta•nt tb.g.i.T•tmd,cf
..nan• ta rj-A ti-•
INSEk:I) bbl,. for tale by
110131E0N. lATTLZ a CO
I OAF SUGAIL , -50 bbl a. axed, for sale by
MIL OUR—:SO bbls. E-tre, for sale by
r V. toff sou a Hun: e
SIIGAR-49 hhds.. N. 0., reed on consign
ut =1 for Pao tn . 4.1:.2:0011.1)0N.
13-1 Yrout at
"tit I D UTTER--5 yrersh 50:11:
..k ,
tr }L.
11E11 bu'. fur euJ, by
1_ .e.r•4 " 13 Ca:in/3LT,
DLUDES-46 Dry Video for aale by
au P.D.I.LZeLI. ♦ 0541..ibtrty
_ •
3111 ER. LEVIGATED, atranapsrent and
IL/ clot--.7W I', lb sumo bb4 ?ItL. o bl
EIS-. —75 des. Lartc,intiti:lfcoEis:l..:
1,3 1 / I ',i*li-3 drums large, for sale by
f...*7 • • ' DICKOT d CO.
• LASS-1000 buses aas'd.:c.b•, for ecH by
1131 n.P VU: EIONNIWItIit *0 .
LARTII BROOMS &15 - 111EKS—.-204c:
RU tale by E. P. VO bONNUOIST l CO.
ri I ORN MEAL—+3O Barka Sifte4, for sole by
4.4 F, F. YON DO1:1101tPT 4.C0.
S FONG - BAOS-2 doz. India Bubbor,
fiRUSIIED SUG AR-30 bblq. Lororioz'a
fa.• gut. by 4.INGURA3I.
ILATIL 'R-200 Sides N. Y., for stile by
11.4 ;:s! , IltItURILVI:k . N01.111.0 1 .
TIAR %.1) PEACHES—Ie slde by
1 a Inc A. , :•1,,c Lint o a CO .
ALE • TITS-10 t,r Putv'si, in cf;:k
and U
I s far I•kle 1. DAVALL
ti• Co,
kW) Librr attret.
EARED PEACHES—S bble. now, fur
UST SECT-50 yds. thin Sheet Rubber.
d ir "" 4j-,v r"
OILEESE-86 boxes prime, for
N_J t/1. , 2> 2. T. VON FYIN: , I.IOI:6T
,112 go sti Gl-ILrAt elate.
(111114.1 C • • soArliso boxes, prime
Li dA"'"'"aite .t.
ti 11 KISTL42/ MINSTILELt—A nom sp.
um of Mulled Notatko. br J. D. AMIN 4ust
tad falo by f1.:4141...0d,
1 N9.lfc.
PEARL STARCH-5U boxes just roc'd oa
„ Tait:x:llmi end toee.s i lA ßDT..rosrB CO.
pOTASLI-8 csaks for sale by
. LEIA/All D C&Li k 00
T K ~OLL 11}1.1211.11:0NE-12 lAla for sale by
ix 66 1811•11111(161if C.P.
SI'TS. TURPF.NTINC---15 is prime
advriess , &r , f""tlir ip y * Wool R.
Cer..klnco cLiGkant c.
Nor IltMeta Etaccl.-..1.124ciNew MAlag*
Nnr.- itlmmarla
Calvllest Citrce; Ureoc.• .ad Lamb P.l. 1i...0h Oructeld
Fpleca or, iota. rime Llo
OCafro.loo. deb
IZRENCH OCHRE—t'uperiur, foreuleby
a' ~1-0 3. alai) a CO., t 7 t'oat. et
UFAQ TO U 4 t - I , I) Rsu 'I PII I I S 4 ‘ BT )-- r.5 , '..,, ,
10 W. U. Or ant's
0 I Hshey'.
614/ Cl,tt! Parrome.
Groat Ba of Long Shawls a low vices
A. A. MASON & CO. will open on Tuesday
arranr. December CI, at tjteir large Shawl An.
e l! raw: or ton¢ abawir,
IOYAL VARISII—in Ws and half bblo
I . OFFEE-314 bap Rio, for ealo by
lIGAR-20 Mule. prime N. 0"for sale by
dy J. 8. DI t.Fuarla CO.
FRESH TEAS-2.5 Id. cheatil. awn:
tlf.a . .Fta dun howler.
• r mp•4l:
. 1
• ter nur b 7
jOLL ILE,A P S it BODlJustaddd, an
jty serruoarit or Indio dubbe Doll eade Dodo.
ed different Are, fr eels who're's sad SELO/ hr
deg J. el EL iiIILLLigr. 111 ielflist et.
CliklESL-70 boxes extra Cream Chem;
re. de W. It. do
180 do litahrrsoslabreial trarbss
dal - ivioll • bli.warithEtn.
W 4 INE— casks Madeira, direct from the
1 1.1..4, • supesior artele,ing rr.:61.4 tor rate 1, 7
. CULLlclatini e Cu.
a ()SKS. PORT WINE; and /5 coke. WIL
CELLIMY,DiuiDir; }cat reftatx rale b 7
IA TING-160a1ss No. 1, fur sale by
',IOLASSEq--10 3 0, bbls. oSacull
44 4oldan
For Ash 1?7 31•71111 •VD
dri rr imxt 19 Watorit.
) U !CHAN CH E 2 • ,;7 2 , 40 cb bsa.
e. 4...4 .4 ra p aJ t"br
SAL AMMONIAC-124U lb o. for Isola .by.
~..~:,-:t: ~--..,.
Cluietzmas Gifts.
• fake ..nt!ICCLICLI
ARD—In bblg. and kelps, for !ado by
1t.1,61.,ZELL L CO. moaer
CE-25 tierdes iodine for sale
oin bv
itunnainat so
113d1L-50 bbla Loaf Sugar, for rale by
• A. CtIbtaTEION a CO.
ti : OLL-2 auks Wine. tit:reined, for
1.6.9) D.,1432.11'
Illustrated Gift Books for 1852.
CALL AND SEE THEISPrice low, and
• few very rkh and beautiful book* iomewbat dam
%wlftly rteam or wets. to the Euro, Car that Wag barn
a w Alkyd ago:
llarCeTemele Prew Wtitere of Ammina.'Tky. mug. at
w Poen,
Tuldwr.querto aud
Bogard Pomo, quarto.
Campbell . . Poems, ;men ani
LUC.. Mar.
Cabinet of Modern Art.lst ai
Proverbiallet nod Poet,
I..allets of Memory,
Friandehiges Otlertug,TgaT,
Snow Flake;
Christmas Biome:nun te;
Brokeu lirsowlet, •
Reuss in Life of the Savior;
Women of the O. N. Teet.:
Treasured Thought.;
liotbonn's Poems
Pelee. quotations;
Seenes in Lives of Apostle;
Floral Keergen.;
Souerntrallery end
fee flare, Fourth scree
rile Orate • benatiluf book
Armee Polity.
tle tar or Bethlehem:
Forum ill Lien of Patilaradig
The Wowenorthe Seriptilten
Du m
A de an en
O r b n we te omin r.
rica d
Lading Olit.
ILDlstratect Keenrainn
Pathways and ADM..' Kama
of our Lent
OurUOCIZI Screw BoOln
Our gerlor tbeProphete
I. Apollo Buildinga,
tija tmt.0211.,
GoaT's La , lfs tack, Jauuorl•
rmolu's Mostosine. fur January
The Tlitor's_ssrmt,sOlorsi.
otrr BOOK. —Th.. stock sousing of aLI tb•
4niv..l for 1hf..2, nahiuti trill be Sold at tb• loorost sosterrs
1t. r .V13 7
trangektar—. complete bistedr ,
~,L , e neda T of e w l= „ or cottel n
url. Wa Of the .. siyaterice.of
Komath's Speech. In Xnyletol, Addrem to the Dec-
Pie of tbe Cuttod Metes, add Webrter's Lotter to Livi.w
raan—ln pamphlet form.
Al. and trbstaeleat • Doommice by G. P.R. Jam..
liortionlintiot mad Cultleator. tor Droctober..
lcdier' National Verlaine. fur Lunn./ •
The Old °hard of Napoleon. by
Ptelorial frotber Jocatbmi, ettrietmee.
Mum poly of ANNDALP. from $1 to ALL.
Herter', ew Monthly Lterrazint, Deoembor.
Intennitional.slnmetino, for December.
Dlackwood'alkagarine,lbr November. •
illanees at Lurone,.by iloramt(itorir •
Wade! Architeet. No. L.
Itoby.Dlok. or the Whale; a new work by Eicrouta
Dicttonary of Fhotspestantilnotatiord ,
London Labor and Loudon Poor, No. 15.
Hammes Metro/Lae, vol. a. bal.b in ocutibk
e krtehos to Ireland,Thacterer.
Lomb. Art Journal for November. •
rod Adventuros of on Ariceoraw Hootor.
Thy Oxonians, neer nceet by Sulwer.
TII•117 and the Um, by P.amovi Witmer.
Icon atypic. and hie 04,11/. Pooch* Daum.
li. sling of the Berta, by Dooms. -
:sterner-le- of • Phi olden. by Dlsmaa.
?tittham, • !al.. of theAmerlean itcrolution.
model. or the lialtrend of Lae.
Prank aleleish. or
erl Uonce
the Wept a Private Not
Limner. me, • the
ic Wemsolre
Pelf ileeeptloo, or a Htetory of Lim Haman Licari, put
Hebei. or the Mild of the Dottie Fluid.. Tale of Water-
*be Great British Quarterlies
I , olota4of arormoN IN rut 1.1.1 OT tOttkati
t i EONARD SCOW & CO., No. 54 Gold gt.,
NEW Y.NIX. ocoilnue to pubilth mafitllotrists
u. o Prrtodkat, Tit •
1n). M)\ (UA.IITE . Ittit" Itt:SIEW (Cootorvatint.
TRI S 01[14 C 1VITI ' A l ittlim( i Nto . Chtatch)
TUE IttIVIEW (L.lbtttd.h
'n em Reprint. base nose bean In sarcattofal onerattanitt
this mental IV, nr•etwyrars, and their armlet. COM
Itantly an the larreue ntteitbStandlna Lb. ennaprtlllon
they eneannter than American perledle.l. of aslant',
. o
the Walt estlmation e foal from fonipnpe
ht^h they are heat ny th e
intnlttgrat readlag ablic, and taards • guarantee. that
they are established on • net Desna atad rrfilbecontintund
trlttarat latetrnptinn.
he. start gm airtingulehel bribe Will
etztats abve Indies. % yet MIL& mall portbanet their
...intents It devoted to politics! sufyeaw. It Is thelritteral.
them-tee elves item their etilef velem. elem.. to
they 'tuna eon festally f. shore tatutherjounsgte or. .
itUrr.., eat! untl•r the nalterlY zuw..
Cheltursber North. nettallte Its Ancient totality, oh
is. et this tun., nonfatal: oltrAlive, from Ile eerisl
wart+ ut Wrier sal ether literary he/tablet. written ler
- Abu ctsgssine, enl gyre epbesting In he Oulal=l bo:b el
about BrUela gal In the States. Saejt svelte el
.-rb o' eat . .111). P eV Nth by Dullest,
fey benin•uter .- Tte Olsen Iland: and other
tenni. of ertarti mu: wt. Heel wilt/one are Lerner by
by pullithAre In MI ce.untry. hare to be re.
bruited those publithers want the puree at lilselwoul.
es been lertnel by Mews. :Scott & Co. On
Orb:s In the Reprint oftt.t ... !egstrltteiney slwerg rely
ms the earlleit rwling of these Cwt. aging trier.
. .
Far sty Cava cf filar • .....l3 0)
kca acy two at t.- hot 1.4.1eaa.
I,r an, a( the tau: gariewa. . 7 03
F.,a .110 u; tbe Itaneer
Pot Vol blasamord tad laarlr.• ..... • .•• a OJ
Far Dlarkaoral
fu Stariewr 10 DI
!tr....nano ra ta rode in Ott 0.114 an adraans. Noma-,
rant in tka son. !Until pa"
A ilseolr-t of tooint-Oro por cent. fro= t2o atom, frOta
o n • , Lowtd Cl o h4 orderisu ft.or or ton cottto ox
on• cos or =ail of
&bor. "mak. iGol! Your oniAoo
of ‘to.lorm tr of ono Itevior ..1:1 to ova; to coo clams
fl , ; Our coptot of ',A t fo,rltotlerss ooLl Slorktolot tor
1.30; .n noon.
It. unstop to Ms. dllll . ala has. 47 ths 47. WS.
L ug u n tos,.o. ott Tait stamp. s w at sutra' tut cast. , law
haat - M.O it. agrit:r4. 4 ...L.17;T,; , ,,,,,,
AD, dlstatuo oat rsot-G7.:4 tz.l Ct.t het u*at
twat 1.1 et-a. jihs V 473 lO
Outs 17.4 an! oci trucoa6Los Voss '' al •
TOM urns,
Any dlrstud uGt oxesedttut WO mutt Cchaytt go.
LTnr WO sod oat automat.. IWO " "
.J•nr 1600 sad not esordltu 74.1 " 10 -
At tbs..* toss so ot7ecticu shoo to made as hatotofory.
to nuslaing CIA to -Tull Pr MO .301414 Matt
aperl7, as* aunt
dsh ram
h a r Rem Malatya and *ultimata/low Agatha he .I.SY.
75 Patton at ..7v PS. wstl
D.—L. Po. hora Irtut , r pit hays
"7 q.. "" l `bi,l`,..h."Ytaralt:ggi,i'SPZlAS: 7l .:
r g.aso, plar a l i ot sob . Pupal octavo, tchattapite lOW
l a t?EttAto . a ' , " 4l to hope's
::tamt. • =,!. ! i, : e Julp i , n r.:Vcatt.s CLOTH. I . SVI St i lt
Vertbusre in,/td to tall it ‘ l.7llltsTa l d * rit c rlitc :
Clicq Men's sot fJar'm Pottilnir. sad txuattemar Attu,
to;tax - 47 . a dtsttilltt srestunts
sistp. sod arAkram, prts.s.etotket St tqqall4l.
Lloyd Clothlsos 4.1 sates sod d,skttittos.
Ts.Alst,t Sass.
gbln'CißLlNtrNiVri,- C ass,
a.= Staltttel4 cut Dittscnt ukr
Melodeons, _
N inDE by CARHRDT, tllO ihvcot,
line aupply thr.e
4%, ebet 5 erte , re. 1.4 y,•e4ur,:a New 1121.. lbeve lo are trieverrirtrelter ~.nb b^.l tha
tmortlat“tot*l.7 whets, banns teraret Icarrnrenecte
nye presented by au, odor?. eerie .. Doubt, Sven, ar. detererut or taml.L. - 4 a brettbro CouWard t
.01 pr••• call atal ani enrinee he
talcs tr ite ern: veresr:ryt it.zuma,
101 p i the Oebtert
The sabacriber tI•1 1. , 01 , 11 secflf of
neNeesremelt. eilitaist‘ tt In the
Alettal, coatis - LnA•—•
13 , 11100 N omnnillluatony. Nos 1 .12.
that LIDS 114/11110. eeatalets• • Ire.t ratiety of
the best Chartli 11.10.
The Elshi Eingt.oE. Manual. for Pomace Faro!! .1
I.2tht li.latltElt.
sr. of the Goa. lfsrp.
P. E.—A foll ti... 1,00 Oro). wctla
caetesttly Wbqt fif, deg
Christmas Goods.
TAMES A. hicKNIGIIT. No. 62 I'm.* et.,
" phua
lo:ita a:mit ot Vac» Ocotto nfitabla for
rotofso .9 a) •
f/Jo9CY wive, 110.1CP,
AND 1311 , 11:3;
Froth ZrotoskidorL-1, consiatiog of Wrought Collar.,
Cbotalsf Elooon. llandlfan3.94l,a4.
%le t
ViTiZraTT /110119911C0 Co.-30 Shares of
etaea no: 4cm/
dot)) A. WILE iNd a .7).
CITIZENS' Deposita Da n k . —Tbe Stook of
ts.s rctr;tor won' a WILMS & CO.
vorosii-20 tee. Grand Bank, (large
1.,/ far WI. by WM. bACIftLE sot T t 129 .
ttlt •It •Z? %load iit•
ENNA, burnt and losigated, atransparen
gal rta. bY J. KIDD k CO..
snlit by • 3.13 i 1313 1.00.
ABB. AMMONIA-900 lbs. for sale by
f1,23i. KIDD I 00.
1 11EAP PIANOS! — Js roo'd
ft , .. et. ITAOI*I‘IOI7 of uotioc Di *-7:7.
Vig &Co 0010%
t. &IS of Otto It& Deft&
RTWftgUNMIVArit"-t' "
tow Tort . 4.101711-Viae
tow . ilwowoo.h
DOT ASII:-15 cash pure, fur sub by
Uol3 WICK * UtP4NP;;M•
CILIUM. CUSHIONS-2 doz. India Rubber
..I.tlaptosb All CUNDIgt... of difirmattahavw. Jvv ,
res .1...5d fir W. at No.l/5 Mulct Am;
.1 de lg UTTER-14 pkge rec'd and tIAND L for salBs
e by
f ILOVER & TIBIOTRY SEED, for sale by
kJ 4.19 WICK 191.041;DIMSS.
FLOUR -44 bble• for tale by
nolo WHAL t 4c04.1514..E:5.
QUGAR-15 hhdo. prime new, for sale by
delg 3011 i; WATT a CO.
ROLL BUTTER-sbble. for rale by
, de22 Jong V 7 AV by
SRI NCH O . I3IIRANTS7 ' I , ga l lt A ! ;! yla c e by
FRESII OIiANGES---In prime o der, at
Xi" "' Mett
EANS-16 La. Small White, tot salo by
lk NIONS--5 Lige. for sole by
SU 'EP PELTS—I dos. for ludo by
del: B. Y. suainit.
BROONB-200 doz. Dry Corn, for sato by
WINDOW OLAS4S-200 hse Sill) and 10
al?, tot de by r. P. HITREPER.
kIVNER WANTEU—tur a barrel marked
uot called for 'Hata thirti
"" a:ty 'rl". a. " En'lL A CO..LMrt)tr
riANDLESTICKS I—Anot4er lot 'of new
I .tri. Cluidisstlcts. }tat cross to bsoil—tiol int vault
addl.. harsh moors to WI earls.. Its this said. ilostplotht
mg, a 5 ...7. [4OOl 11.1ttelloit.thluN.
CRANDEBRIES-11 Ws. just rued per.
etamcr Matt:, and ita rig bl
IVII.II-11e0L1.1116 t CO.,
Orman sod Tea Nalat
c i a ALEItATUS-40 bu. and 50 bids. tare,
finnleb7 J. D. CANFIELD.
BUTTER -t-10 bxe. Fresh ,for sale by
del3 J. D. CANIELD.
5• ~ ~ ~ ~~~
11UCKWIEEAT..FLOOR—A very eup . erior
article enas.lll.llfrvi Brighton Nut. sad
tb...are, convent! , ma D. 4 .4 ter pato •
• • WAS. bk<ci.vao a cv. go mtortrit.
-50 a.‘,lL'ar&se,l?;by
.o•lbe,Cht . l•2• v o!'s coteta.!or 544:
4 Y: t:i Y:11 t)'. i ~:1.); Y i ~ 1 ~IKN /-1.1
Of the print Arabian Bendy fur At.. and Blast,
E G. Parrerfa
op oreti the toatitty- tarsi-ll= their banehtil la
ueure ova the land, roLting the sockets of the. Lone.
sad otouspeottag. by Immoins oven thou worthires and
msh, for the semon• 11. ti. Yarnll's Arab an
Liaison. Fellow Muse.: lackwell before Tob buy.
anti see that the label of the bottle Mu the lectors "ILO."
term "Farrell's," for It it has not. It Is umassararr. Th.
label around east bottle of all to Liniment toads thus—
"ll. O. Farrelro Celebrated, Arabian Litartunk" coo MT
signature Is
won the label sire, sod these words
ere blown in the glass bottle. "LLU-Yarnors .tratisa
Imevte Peoria"
• •
TM. truly gnat Me111[11,1! ttill UN
µyam, 00.
'," nominating dla
rm, end usatzbing many a poor virtlon from
the YnPe. by It, nomolully mltnnlatbrit. pen.trating,
hidenody. qnsillea, It restorer the um, of limb, abler,
Nom palsied for yram; and br It/ 11113gLiai row, Of
eeprodurlng thi 8,00.111 rinid or JOlllf. lk &Ter. it tyre)
Il dire.. of the JOlllt. with emei,dog raptdstr. nor
Itheumatirm, •nft affection, of t h e Smne and dpleen,
ha proved Itaelf • tirrofrol. and fbr elo,tinta of the
Lunge. Liver and Kidney., It to mom mdo r Li e e nd too.
reful &origami afro, Mr all dire..., of tbe liludF deco(
ufa. ChM. pr Swelled Nest. ac. And indeed Mr ittgomt
malU... wl,ere att crammed applimtlun ionegulnd, thla
letne Stand. Ottparatiol..
From the //on. Peter hiineerJ, raw
Jetticr L, Ill1no(a.
It gives me plea... add my tratimotty to tne vittootr.
of ; our graat moodltin.. flue of my toloodoti burp bolt
smelling [mar th•eap are torn. about the a,in of • hoot
fwd. on It, and all the lionnento laud rut.. .04
then did no more ,rnool than water I lianto loy gonrsuoteot o
of my friend., tried II Fornli'm draboaultrotment.and
I was happy t, Old it Lets eamt after Ina it
Snally.ll , 4 Lb. cotja salmi entirely. I
wall as
c , 41.111 areate.ll,llllment for hum, so vall as human
liwoh..l afar htlaw.
Elni. Barker, of New Colton, El ,:zy, -
Mr. If. 0. Farrell's Arabian Unlment has oared trope
.rwws eatiloh owerT other retard, had failed Int
uoa was a "bite swelling anloantral-1.4 conla in the 101
of a boy twalts Tears old. rho Iflt hut withorto..oulll •
and had that Le hod no usw . a n d Ala,
dootor tried their 411111 upon It In No he h is.
tun Plnklns b tha grate. when th e bars fa th er wan tu-.
dfload to ter 0.0. Farwell's Arabian Lltimient. Mars the
Ilrat battle was used wo. no calve lob Mr. l ß 'a /ton, taut
the fast woofs Ifs sell were: ".Mr.Martar, l l want Oil that
LIDIOWnt TOtt haw• to the Mot, tha ne bottle I wt del
any Mr mare good thanll • that 10.1 watt Ir.:oda., Lw-
Stow? . flit LOT la pow troll and booth,, Ind hag free use
of bit Text 'lt good for st/OUns, outS• bum..
and swatlnga
Delfts fully sotionon that IL 0. Fnrroll', um'
ment the bog. cogletne w0r4.1. I tboortyllt re
commend It. I tl/4 den sllbt..o or It, ye,. 1.1 th,, mon, pato In my tontagt nun shown., nb.lgo •sino
tbst 1 Pouln hardly do SOY •ork all. rit e s
o ur lla In ben tot
.no gel.k. at tug. ,
s l eglittrct l ts?."; ' y ' o r VEt:l;4 o l ' % l o . ortblotott l t
soutbs I .ver In my lib, .0.1 It ',ton th.t too I
rubl..l It lu won ovor nj> btogt 1.01.0...... rs It t..10n
no.noilont for !bog 11111.0 Jot. rorottb
mEktiy 15ASC CLAyTo.S.
.r pa las. sc.
I'votts ob. 111.
Beware of
itta Public ata faxhrtilatly cru.ita
Ile loot aaemet a
OntalreJn.t •hlch has lately rani* arnearanee •nd
celled by the 1tr,..,t0r who met. It ' , XII Ve,o.tre anti+
an Liniment.' Thl• M a dangeo.u. (awl 10.. t
4emelt, hntu I,l.l.estrina the arou- a!
tY be partleulas weer to /be Lry . Mao. ' . 1 . 0411.115..
luhrieut," li.. navel:idyl-1 dealers will nay•..., the
. 10(7 ati.Vvyr upon you fir the a—uulre. hot alavyt .tra
for Ananun Lorgava.." and i.a.< no nv..r.
the enaine always ha* the latter. 11. G.L.O.r. r.rrtir,
hla anroatore alsoon the mft,44* wrapper, mod Uwe.
words blown to the glare Leal.-'•/1. U. 00. •L''z
Lin:twat, It.ria."
Auanlewlutelln wyety Town, Vlilage awl P.nrelet It
the 6.1.4 :Wes, witleb,onels not eanollabril. APO,
by 4d +r O. Farrell, terla.lll.. with goal r!Dnu ,
..R5 astute, Ml.3,4l:Lail:ln
(WI on the agent who will Cartdrh Fns of Chart,. •
book ocataltalug touch valuable lalytmativa 0 . , -
OS Chi/OD,
cents,l.lsw dellr pe `.
,nruncts t; % -t rr- t6. •
I..veci.,l•ndtqcTr.t ‘r. tr
Nola _
era 114 retail
1 , 14 PT It. q.CU7:IIY.
The Human Body Rust Yerapire,
Q.O SAYS NATURE, to tr.,o a benithy
*DI rem. who do Lot mr., n.
toll,: coot .11r:wiling I,l,aser.
Otnalcof toe; anus.. • fry, p.reVra.dnu. .D 1 st the
tltoe =0111E" 1.1 am. atrlns it I.Le lota
of au tafant'a
STarriTialt thrum. earl Sam. ar.ort en', 11,1,1, reCod . ... — th . r ... 44:;iir .-I, i Irlhild 14 7, ; 1 ;s bah Ouirbarrd et
aur...l by ,tr urn, a. r50....,5t I 0,4,..., 5 Is 1., I:,r, It ,no larre anal , . rata In ad. easterntl.. doting the
FllO WO it It\ .141 rd.., aurl, Lad ~ e,ai.,....,,.—.....,r,. in . pt., tat, 5 0 5 k,, 1.. I. rnable4 to dlaPore o Erf
the. It tiro ,
Pithric., Illed.rhee. Fackler.. or lor othrt skin al: vs., I ' L. , ly tortured prlas. lit wool! all I.dilenlar attention to
MAP/ I, assurrd that tilt la ro new., phi:ed oratroia ma , 6,5
on* trt.l out rata. 1 ..5,01,1 0a,,,,,,..a. 5 ,, st. 6e „41,,, . Ilrrrha Lone Shark, re, chary, Plain Catbtuars
pawner mad oforn, he... Loom loss,. and nor bard. . mon.. Stasis Bay States,. at caueifacletrers .
Buy it—and Lob r..airr Is ...ado arena!! would art are. prwec Iratodi Merino. and Cashmorat lan.
ally toll it for the ahoy*. orders I boo It tc be all 1 not. c, P:al.l Dram , . Silk, tort dadratrix ' 1
Sisart who aro Ilatlr to. eberd, cached, 1 ' d
or r apire. ,t . Chalet, Oral/aim to. tor cad
will tad Ude not tall a nu, hut. Tarsal,. and I rrir
to. Oitir aid, amt ..r 0..-.,,..4 ..i,h ~ oi 11.. , . , ,-, , JIAM AGED. GOODS! — A. A. Masos & Co, I
m.i.ellas da. , ..........1 , Cod ttds 1.0.0 mar (.4 I 7 01.1 0,..a, . hloodar. .moot WO. ..12 a'r,* 'lt
rah. in Its orootrtral lima 1 otdta. , eiroda .11ghtly d.rnagr.l by a.tar. atoarertog ....,
itarliut. :water. a* snail are eroded alth intita .-...... tilnobsua, ll.oeit, sltuell.s. Cbrrlta , to.. de. al , a
Ourta. • env. 1..° ...k for Jost! . Italian Ch.,..r0l Vcly , --rp , 1 • hi:h will a told at party our balf lb. ulna! prey,.
boy it only of ICJ. JACILre.. , , rtir Aros In. I' 1,,, , ,, , ,1. uod.l
bred of 'Wool.
Pearly White Teeth. had Pup , Breath,,-pp
b. mir ytt.,my t,,,,, , , , ren p,. , , ,. .. n.. .,z6,,, ;;,, ,, , ,? 0 ,„ ,,,,, .. 47 , , , ,r 6 ,.. 4 , , ~.
1 - i t tu ,.. 12. ,.. P112 & .,,,, O t y0RT.,,,C11...F.1E.r.,1,,D7
Wet tort
„toll dnayeel., dark or T o lle,. and antrc..slnl •MI trtr sr, r . ,.. r.p..r. tsar FECUND Ink. raptly oi idotrls for the fall '
that a 2.1 ant lox of r od !star Tooth Pr,to rill mo
l t tad , . so i sob rttenhon to tbrir untirtrallr run trtrlt -
thi resells aa whit., sr rod, and the tr,to oirrlarru,ly , SIMIL.
Met. .
L a n: S' IditE-S3 t/C6)112.. in Oast rarittr. reel idrintrd,
told emir at .1 t0.131 , 01et !tare . 2-10 Mr:, rt., howl or . Ps e. Pat 15,.... Cohorts, i tench harloos, kinsilti de
wear. ' Elorr. 41,
..*r. ' NUAWL'i, Lc. ant Squat. —, ea 'trio Drocht, errr-,
. A Edieutidc Bair Tonic, ilo,torar and 13 , 2au , 6A.d ' om, c....' ,. . , a 4 Wool d o. Ghdo 5 04 Car .arlf. , I
' No.l Lad [[leaf lid, t, ar.
lidr.r.--Yrlal, .67,, torn... race. •ao [role ~.erl 1,,,d, rlrld ilddir... black and half thournicke dc . .*
/Ott Coral Hair V0r..., r. 1.1.4.• I, .., , ilrul,ualte,,o. . „,, , ",. l,
110.1.1 a ha tea act. +to anima It 63 ,d4deli,-:lte fclicrist ! 1,,,,",,,.. . 0 . 0 ~, , ,,i,O l . fuosp supply of sup,
"1 ~ .....1 % .11 , ..,,,, Or h.. , to ie.... rol Part r lira : .qhliting 'l nshti and Irish Lloa.. and Eltaipla Goods f i. , •
att.nt u' td „ trAIT 14 ,a - oi: Cop it Who... ~. ., ' , T , ! gall, any al I sill be, Sold at kr. rtiret thr quilt,
. or dandruff. sod Miss light. MI, rt War Lair i...t`a 0i ,,, country Mstriostrte are Insiird to all in our abulat/s
7. rondo:lnt Ma hair raft awl aiLt.r, tad.l.l. au ererril i r-.., uo ;till, ctoro (Nods are K.ll low. . ol,rl
titia—tt ma) att truly hrrutittil. and rm. It. re It 15. in. ' . '
deed, this mere reonctaiae— r.: rutatior—...eurd. 1., th. I
i l tid oily t WILJAGECSUN'S Ewa, :40.e.1',.:rr At...a! I
, ... A ,, , , 1. -yil p,, t , o , tti.,
i JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Ilare ' a
~..,,,, ~.. ; et , ,,,.,.`--.' 1g <4; 41:4 ..ti, er ft.., 1.1.
Vorgeriti. allteirdair.tor:l:l'al.r . saltuue a .
reurra itael 1 , 1.
6°14 ley VAL J/CEe...i, 204,16,, Cruet, bead of IS
eatearle. '
JONES' LILLY WHlTE.—Lr.dieg era
Cum! uggessi cY.r.4 Dn . P. ,11 -MgAt.
pot •Itar• hcw frlztlfoli7 InjurNt. It 11
how ow., how rough. 147 v, 1,01‘,. &game,
u• tttn •pyraz.. one" ogltta rgglmgglCb.- 42
INVhIVp. - "TZWL" l 2 l rAr,t u l';`,=,,,...,i
,111.1 a. Lilly bite.
It kg pertittly tranneet. toCas kurtAwl a ell . d , ..1(1.
da t a ,, is , C r I.l . l , W i tg:szto th l . l tlt:n • ug:url.
petle 1/1 ,, 41.10. tigAiugli a gaft and
*ol4 laz_ttio Mat. WM. JAC6E0N.345141.14, ut
bg•S l'Autim:ak.
Dr. Rtyser's Pectoral Syrup,
coN - UMPritni tzt I. arl, 'Cages, Fihoop,ne Cough.
and the mak , . intear of the pnimo
nary yM.A.
Vole la Yo e cf tb.nor. corisln and eCromsl remedies
frr diseases of the <hest sol pelmmary crane. *err •De
rommd. It II a ornsCloation ot serious vegetable
iIDO In the torn. oI a !emu. order to mats it pals.,
Lid, It bm gr. 1.0 Sialmeir ihileront from SD) of Ins
ab llledhllues Log In use. as It dms v....Uwe Lb^
Castel. 110 r petslure airkzerm of ills stocasell, a fault ha
Sm.ln Cough 31•11.11,.
MIA remedy &melees the uparabudant Pne,t1...0 f
mem. and salmis. which mt..: Crgarrhal and 3roorlli.
al alloettcrun and ttr. tuotblog arimt aPeposi
by and mulling. mar isrndled On rintmu.
pmprirtor bar mated Mds medicine to • practice us sr
etral 'rears, and vitt marinaded 50w....
Country sirM keepers soolddo .111 to keep rupply
ibis m e giar e . somm e ntly 00 hand. as It will um r to
elm relief. mad siLnis a large putt.
Omer of th•mget Mang:lug Camilla ham llom brought
Wort Me nonce of the proprietor, and taro Loue ,'oral
Inn eery Melt tiras.-../t true cf the cheer,: mellemse
Morn. It Ie put or la Lalf rilat bottles at CO mntre,!...
or 6 bottles for U.N.
For We, bolesala and retail. Cy KISSER t 61r1.0)ti•
ILI., 114 Wood struct, Pittsburgh, Pa.
I For Elaldorns. ertirtUtdrialf, tll• d,rearee
of the eitalpe, commended bc Pittsburch Post, 0,0-
mm.] Journal , Evenlnft Triton, Cbantbotsbure
nal. and otbrr mums. IA Um bort article extant fur the
atone purism s. se gel. es misletratirlY.Pmlumei pryer,
Urns for tendering Mohair mit Sul itlor? •Ithonr
tbe ahrtbes
traorwatot to run Qt. worst cue, of Tooth late to
or; cue, aual.talgatmOtlrl,.
In Quart and Rut Bettis..., prepared by ',Layton Brothers I.
a raga. 126 and ria Upper Thom,. Wort, Loodon•
Fo moth founntoonthol by phyalclana of .ho torhest au
(font" to
s vatuahle ',nasty In tatnsaturtion, ken., ; 4 .,
CbrOnia rnouotdr, Rheumatism hid., Cal irs the
lkoar, bite Bustling, alra,sl Drbtllty, to Cot W or
00 I. hl tt b,y rrootantrado3 by C. It. trILLIA3.II3, M. D..
THOMAS DATSDN, al. D. JOIN 11. unSNEry. D.
Y. It. D and 1,. 3, PCJUNCII, M. D.. of tlas Uagoo
Tblattydrla of Cod Lira 00! our Nideprodol on ao yore.
sad onll ho chsairally bated ha ordaytoadisfy (hr doubt.
toy WY by KEYEER A SIrI7DIVELL. 100 1 y 0 , ..! Ftregt, ;
Pitt.bloo.. ' ;
It Tlnn. . trader ,-
th. Dl
i tProceet of tbe triad end bet., 7 l p
b It.
1 :1 th ;ol2 . lZl n r tri• Mi'" Yen An i rlbenit'llen,en test:t.
It le t. aiglilt ' reea ' cutrie l ieled ° to ialte ter tOonle.ol.l
delicate peewees 01 the toilet add ter aerie:reels the
heehaerN tbe ccairlre lts creclicat t.tetcru e o,ari
P."' 1. b"1."4 1 " 1 " 1 t i Ml 4lll, "4 1 1' ,17,r1rit:
be .5 90111 by 11. ' 1:. tililiatite. II Weed
orioan astang Liniment.
FROM RICII AND POOR, bond nod free,
all mi.. colon, so'd tha same 0.. d of
ra,,a " t .rgitt: . l . g . hll 7 ",, o `i:l ti7VV.47 1 . 1 :177Z ", !n%
opinion ta ttorwl who nal It. and ' 1
that Is.
that nn tamely ',or b.f,ra dlr.nwered poaarttaaattets P.O.
o root /mating anst cumin. pinpertloa. It arts Llk• Inag , a
mi.vjg, pain, or lily] Mad. DO matt.. by what catiy4
or how axervelattaty--apialna.dlslonatlont of joints. hut;
barns. maldf. noclol, Canters. rhatatostbon.
kel ara...t.; or any paha. Itorenvirontloo... or wao
P l pn
mnwln or
Nbl , • Arc qa o itt•
wor rare 11l .
y KEYSER It MoDOWELL. lib Wood - strata.
Pittablagb. an.
las Meg tong wught hit,viat CHELICAL Li
bIe OLDEII, fur a/Citing Chins. 011. Earthen and
it. It—All ar J Ivoky, Ornaments. Lo.
artist. tont. by tht• vable orti.....ition.
will be ranter. rerhooter wit!. end C ind y Lir Ilan 19.0
th. floe minutes abar It hit been yoined. As It has no
color. It Inv. no marks et oust/slog having be. Implied
m the broken par.., enn the glinei. It wilt es
rain atilloa at bet VFW. or any other kind or liquid
um. about house. thereby rende:ing them as Inaba.
bet.» they gem eaten.
The public( will at one.. the Import.. of bemusing
anoualunal w ith the tart angt pal/ article far durably es
p a ins, the PO wriehle,
pa, ml., )vhilleslo.l or taitatt. br It. I SELLEItti: hI
Wood streati dug
blond ""'nod kU7',S°,lll=Fr."' . . I° a s c 6
a al ?a:
rwr wn4 tr..rwr of Inal Wt. •, w t,,y t„,„
A fiter bottles Its. Olen torte... w00 y,5 q u., n .„ . ..,
th afgraTeloralMed has boon LT.leted n Ith that Huger'.
Itiri.:r4l=lll'4ll7•= ten
goo Spray of Yellow Donk boot. aral tatangflea Lot
teas sextot. to_twrolot hyalth."
It. 0. Watt... haven!). Ward. Pittsburgh.
SW atiovs mall.. le i sale whole lee and instil try
4110 .
LORENCE - WRITE—A boantiful
whit. Wm, ttat'b nnananabls y emit*:
t I .Intatided fat pftzlon. awl stdp rade. fur
oltutir. &a. WIL¢ %Jai siticle tan D+ valued thidaKbest
7 /. 4l FliftFej.. '" ti ' ast. •
"DOUSSEWS 4111AVDINE. fur the Cure
11.1;ind Proverafrom of Ca toped lluota rer7 cr.
trzerr• WO of the iredr4 ti tv,
the egostnr, so drorsotoiVaie ' l•h c Zp:
virtues th at Stamm wiLbour eiogovration, be-regariekla•
• wryer fallioir manly mr tht..rmitrual rorevees,f th e
•dur 'bleb so 2=7 tre •Mleted daring the loolerco
um scums of the year..
a Sari* supply (arab) Jost reed azt tor tale
rio/V :. I F-S. AELLERS, 67 tl cod it
.11*CCE.IWHEAT I VIa—Utte klabbict's
Earirdr 'ffles! Ina talk•
snd awe ZIC4 pn
?Me ' X. :ELL& pt
JNSEEAOI:,retI9 bble. foi - eale b
A 443
_.... .. ___
Hoods for Cold Weather. L, \ Western Insurance Company ofrittaburgh.
• .
MURPHY & BURCHFIELD invite the 't- I\f' , APITAL 8306,000. E. MILLER, Js.,
t en ti on of bo,e. E Q . pata. eery 1141am:to:wit f 1 l u l Prvaideot. F. it lionlon. Sectsantry.
the earl.. atude of Dry (loafs alapted for coil areall i ` Will Itattf: attain" all kinds of mkt. aro and Maxim ,
" It ".
W e Flannels. "bite. brown, Igoe and plaid, . , . 4. 11 r .. b00 " 7. l ' lttitlk " - n t r .4'4.4 by II *o4 '' s l ar a go "U s , ,, 7 l."l
fie:aloe Welsh de.. Vartern Male do, all oiler, i ...10.11, in the nonam ' untty= llthh‘!...* al bi
Ext. heavy Canton dn. Sorkin. ..In. auk, grey, Cc., I ottincsa and liberality to may dm obaraeter athk i
Saxony do
fo rt mdcra Moto Gloves, floater, 010- i t ey ...., arromed. as offering the boat prohrtion to Mt.',
der Shirts. Comforts. Cr. AuaJdltlonsi ruppiy of BLAN• ' v a 4 aim. ha Le tun:treat ' I
XCl'll mat received. dell) itiaMmaalteutwo Stiller, Ir.. J. W. Hoak, Wm, /4 •
r • - on. Ithmsen. Thai.. Scott, ANY. h Imltl ivo. \ fleet: tier._
ti OME-MADE FLANNELS.—Mciernr k n'..c , ....e. Jam. 31 . Auley. aorta ., baFtte . .., :Nathaniel
.11 notrunahn have recateed an: additional allpply or 1 , 1 './Tiea
_Llpt.lncut ,
~,., an , d ,. ll•,1 , 0 - 0 . ,. .T ,____ „.•
Ilenit,coode Flannels, also on hand. White do,Brotto do, Ulf .1" f n . 7. S'ater ir t. h s t =Pall ~, , ,, . .h.
Maurine Oh. do . and Eastern Made flamed ilannall . at :ow stal t.g, Isourati. _ _ ''''" 'I
_ _____
priers much Idner than WILL/I{. Uenuins WP.Lf II Pr h• i "•-- - V ------
Is Eta, or . tried make. and which have given immorb t. ; \ STATE 111111:1/11 • • \ !
Worth. to (Lore tato Lava itself them. an artnunt °rat; Fri , \ i \,,, stni ANcE
, comrANy,
tVi'POg . Pidg! , l¢l. s 4.. ' "" °' b ‘ ". 11 " . '''' h " , \
m a . ,. , 0 , 115 , y .. 0 . f .„ 111:1;:mad• and 'interior la• F.n ti gla , -
\ ILA RRIABITG. 2 . 4.
TIESIGN .1,/ only for the safer clas"see'.6l
1 '4".
0 r t""32 =:- - °7 -7- .11 0 ,,,,,, , •?..,,, • a aliple ent Ital, end affords superia .
Chester's Clothing Emporium, 1. , ~,,....... . sm. , 0: ch..4 , 14,,5, .f.ty *.a... L 4 . 0.•
, k1i.,,,, ~ ~,, ..4, roma, merrha=ta. and camera of
if -, ELEBRATED for Neatness of Fit, Fine- ' Tsril , eir...nd ~r ii. , L ...l.try riyi•VT. ' .
k,/ ne. of ilowirr, ...1 p or .bil,,, of Watm...M,
~. „
~ % , g. g. LA I. 41171 t. •etuart.
n Mr ...,. 6t • cothf aid at littatuntig
hur .trek Is full mai coatoletegembraring all &Miele. of "' ' ".• ....,.;• • '' • -
m en ., e n, hot, Clothing and icenlahing Goods. all man- ....
urattunai under my ono Invention- Pomba.. are in. r, I' Fire '
ailed to call awl exactios, as •as ore . date_rropard to ettil p tECTORS:
t , .w fa cash No el,mgcl for 'lc,- trap G.0..1/
li'r. Si 1114 TO_PLEAttI".. _. V gintaarda, 3M
Prt 71 SXITHFIEJ-D IfT., neatr .I:lanairef wiley am, dtdolidie E. n
..,-1.., 3 ..,...!0.0. x,...,...
I.:a 1 . :764. b 1i'0:,-..: 1'
. •
v.i.ti i re L.r..ll.iNCUEii.„ frogskteut.
cits.q.s.A. BUracs, r: 4.... ...
flog Comm) nr.ntooln, I . moo In-an.r.crn. per...ot
or lizOtna. tmeror, descrly , 4 . Pr.. 10017 In , town 101
ermetrt, lia-rity
low ...1 arn ofasottat site 5-curar. ,
110/..osrtemo lam rnkntli Ists. enuUttiCnt. , re) , Jr
sttach, vent: tt.Naplial an ue15.„.1,17 tayrot.4.
allnel mein prn eI, 1i,, t0 ryl,
Ili. sir,. t 4 tt, Cnt.sooo7,,na AC44I, 151. 1551.. c run'
Itntnol unenoll:7 W tho tot nt Ak•=l , l,• orn,.. f , “*.,
~ .q..,. 7n
Cold Weather has Come, 1.,,,,,,,,, :.,, , , , a ....... -----: ~. ` ~,,,,, 1 :
111ON'T FORGET CHESTER'S EmporitxlN , -- i:;t,7.1. ''''''' :7.; ''''' -''..--"'" '
I, rl 3lnies‘tanl lloys' 14r1T M•ds CLOTInec. iv• ..-
1111 , 17 to pleson,• No. 71 Sealtbflold st,nnt„ , 31,1 • .:i•...7 ,?•1 41
enl.l 1 env Inatzowl ell.ny. I , s , l , 77 ...k lbe v ;r w, i , ail•rsorst/Vrit . rn r , i n t , V , .7.1[1. , 171
iIL , A c CA
o SIL I K 4 LACE.A. A. Napa 6; I X. 1.4,-.. 0
. 1. 7 111, tbrnii:?.l24o.le, sol.lnunt ‘,3 ao
~...,,,,,, o f t0 . ,,,k Fli t V girl 1,0111a1 , 8, . TS 61 . ji,lf 14.2itt 7 sett tlo.
Lndns. a slt no r jill t rs &el 0r14717gt 0 ~,,,A !p\ •lo meet *et; protept.r., Alan 14n s.
J. u. 11.1, o.t. LA,ri o.: 4,.1.
.10 • 07.n0 ii. E. ~,v , W 1 .
e. H.::Loi:,;T:ii:Wi.7t stssi 'aio;d*OtTiTWig:l"o.rt
,.t.r.,l3,. da
barleb . E ' rol“rs, and o o toorest atylee, sad c er all it
op-ars Pe nanllty and style
also—litorlos tong Kumla of towest styles ass sliest,
" ?: . 177 . ars nyesdng me. inaals &twang:lt Ilia:7(4v syn.
Just testi. et
Paeldng Flannel.. of deslrablo solord.and
AOME I,11)E BLANKETS.--'3lcevir & I \'' • -
DraMUTGLD Laic %hi; day reed a law lot of auk._ Pe \m u t ua l Lif e liasexAkoe Cei.; Plit*l'a.
r,rr OM, male Illaaßrta. , arrr rhok . B.
04 l o ' f ' P " our * th bl i t s ' or ' .! , l o ' rtat i alo P . "'..
N'A sp ." of ''''''.
trl /Mao,. ir... 51re.,1.),N0. ' ,,, 3.3 Libarty oir, , Af...
New Goode — Third Supply for the Se on. 1 I „,„°;th.4„ ir,:,,' :,T,7,,,'-,;,;i r r,V,7* f:,,." 1 ,,,';it Wil.p.
I, I URPIIY Or. BUROIIFIELP ennun ee flok h il t.
, :. ,.. 'egi t.: 4 r i4':rV i f., , z
‘ L t igt.inpitm) 4 , l l \
1V 8 oreniao Ulla nwmr:lng theft. TLIIILD SUPPI, o I . 4 ., ~,,,„,,,,,,,, , ,c , i. 1 a.„,,,,,,,,,,..,„„, . ~,,,,,,,,,,,
Utolo for the Vail and Wlattr.
F 4i r e7 ., a . tz i hr , Lari o
~,s , 1 ,, 1 t i b t , , 1 ; a1 „. .. „, e. d.:::;, .. 111;:1c,7 9 :z 11, ,,t7,Th r. : 11_4 ,, ' 80,
.1. L. 1 , ,,, ,, t' 1 y ,, ,,„7 , 1 ,0 7: 8
. 1 4 .,r',,\• \ 17, ~; , ..,,t d"." . ,',.',ll:',l:l U k' f t !,A , • u h.. z .,„r,r,,,%. g 1
Zir."rorthmoil c,r.or of Wu `. . Capita.% ...u,k 0r1i k „,,.. , ••hl :,,Imuytantly letacaolus.—
001,.. _.,_ .. m
' \ 1.8,,Ata , Its - 1.1.1 ow, v 'lv •rus.hse . t thorn luau lV.l tekl 11..
(1 11A14 LS! SIIA WLS !—Now opening ot' l, \ 11, .. , "”th• ~.. ' P'"^—..."
Cl• A. A. Si ASOIC A et/..8., Ora.. Day staiLoalt 8 1 , aaio 1 itilrillU, Fire, * bland TraniP \ tiour
ul brilliant arul , mi... zra3 i
1 L A A N11 . ,, ET , 5; ;; 17 , o%llE:i t :id ov i 8 ; 5 2 0 4 p 4 7.; i r riff I . r , rix . r . B._ , neoCoppliy f
. ...0 . 1_111411_12?.0
_l l 1
1,-f run awl tallie ; Nnoro and ‘ doutdo ill' Ai.. a I jti. r .,1, , V,..a,.. ,f,, ,2 : , ,,V . 0, 1 :=1 . ,ff . ,7: - ;,;,074 .
romp.. nr.rtmot,t ci Crib 11211 i I.,rodla Blank. ' bull4lM,Ovut..l Weir mmtord.r. thlaclty arl ou-mlty: La\
• A. A. MASON A oil
. ". 1 64 ir e t ~.
I "'
" Arthur , :\..Cnrlhr. Pre l e '' hpaa P, C 4.6..
' , Amu.] WaJona.....
r.doard emus, flak It. :lelr. o.d.
1 John A lir,,Ntg.. ' 4a lh;l f/fal, H1 h 40.., • .
Samuel 8. Sm i t h.
k \ tt: ii: l a Va n ly , IL or ; ‘ . ~, . ',. P ' . V j k, 0 ,!,, o \ 4 i . '''
‘' Ambrw.o ,luiu, - ., ii. n r,r,M i 1. ,
\ Jacvls 01. Ttoto..},
,8. TitallsWair , ,. \ it TNliarr , r4, *Key
'5 , 1 . aL0 In a . .. Idra. W.W.1., etrapaoy in 4110 Lairrd Lq.aer A .
au trom iLa high oluoMitg,.looB ess.rst.2‘.. atol•Pa meat",
ar.flaimidioa a. 9 ruls.• of act eztra hamrtivas aarictorot
1:1•1' ilt• as offertln amPloY , t. the '8014 ,, .
181LLIASI P../VN rt. 4.,44. .
1 k II T INTER OLOVES--Novr in tacire,.. , ~, , u . ,
iT , kte• 333.3rtromf. =Wiring every , rurit i
WO. to 74 pm 3.331 r. . A. A. MASON A 0..\
noIS Aland SI SlArkai
3. - 1 have on ellnriument • largo lot of CAonlorpAco.
0,1 3 ,3 3 wo •111 gcl, uo..r lb. coet of temn.olsetnr..` '
30313 A. A. MASON a CO
NI)1A KininEli CLOTH I NO--Just rec'
Vlners' eclitts, hum
1 . 1 11i.,10g Cape, volth
Pt'r pat, •
:a .re og
trtth • CY aplat. ...n mint of .I!2ervat st,lo. of 10
to ro.t. J. g P 1111.1.11.15.
onl3 No. 110 Jla.tict •
13LAID SILKS—Wo have on bond 30 r
p_ Phil Ellis. blllll.l , lnys.
unl7 A A. 111APON a 03. Shake
More New Goods:
I AMES A. MoKNIGEIT, No. G 2 Fourth ot.,
.b...... 7 ;tz t t . tv.47 . 711. rprt,44orb.,txxant.zt
itrifee Patent Baveririble Water Fitter\
1 I i•P2Vcl . ,? , " ba ri 'el.:inn.°P,eorlto!'f.l : st
srr 1 Z 1 , 1 •
,ALOVEs ANb ILIOSIERY—A. A. Maio:. r i l ,...6 kg i :, .. L . Liten, .?.. ; t r r i t wazo.wm i
1,1 t Co. burrs Ewe . ban 4 :4o cf . (salsa' Cush- 5 '6,.,,,, , m,,a ,3; . : ,; - 4,411, -, „Jf,„. ~,:huh, a 4sus , Yorks, 7slk, 7:smoss., 1.. ;a. 744 Otis. U' 4 ',.. - iL .. r . 0 . n ." ! • Csittftssts 1,.... a. }......u..1.. e.,w,i .citrt
:. ,, ,, , ,:ou cf '11.'6.7' ...;'''''.. ''''' "'"' - --- - • A ' .. i Sus r.• scr .1.11. - 117 in Itll eSozingpope7 „ v esSA
swo ' , 1 efs till essuse.rrom Ito. Saa•host [bum so 'sputa 7_ ,
1 IRIt SS GOODS—.opooing dat
t li . l . A. A 1 ,
II " h"'"''"" t l fss=f l4 7 4l2, 4' 2 ' .6 . 15 4^
# ' morl 4 Nthrg hlf:Mf. gri........17: : .),-, , 1,,,t . 4
.17. ‘ i . " 2s1s=tVtgZstirVt1 ‘ ;31 1 te ' r.M f .
Psuestus, Alpernst. to ots , wettss,47 Ur. ' -rl7. liatint 4.1 out Of S bats for uo's4t ,
al toottob A, i il=rubl to lust! of ttelt. Tla,
\ , fOEGF: MA T % A i o. lartl...
. Yimucusnit.3lurus 2U4s, lt,T _., 1
The Pstasst IturensiblOrater Filtarrt. luurts:l t,, , ,tr,
S t eel IL 'Lewis, aSta r ig.V.r 4 T n .' %,'T A°,, 'l.l . 1
1 Etst ''''' ' ' t r a .". l i t a''' rllstlesps isi tsar; It So ru ussr to
' 'P
70 'AS 4' I' • '7113
traurauerst It st 7 the Prts"F., ita, ,• ~,,,,r , eu
-1 There Illtert ‘ tr• Irsresuotosl to Pile out mst7 isr .
L''''' *"
'' t ri Ta! ". 7ts re 1.- P l: 4 •U
Z. g " k " ,, , lrL%
' . l- 11;;;;;;1 " , , ,4%;.4 —1 . .11 h., try 4.. tr...
o,\k!no ts• "V' ' DY 'PP''''i qtlW4 4 34 RinA . -
A \ rarlOstt , '.7.1 Ants, 7trusst.Philst etehus. .
6I KS! SILKS I—Now opening af A. A
11.1!UN l CA) . 6-
53 vcrp ?laid ; tilje. tOZa a laa
iU tentai alto,
1:0 pi,. neo 44 1.7.. el; ;.L.•
13 .10 00 . . 1 Procal• do. PIA
co will exhibit this wonarig Rualcizats of ruth •
A t ' .B 4 -111
a, it th, •f• der. rourlsol a • • • env •
,1 LI
k,3 Butit:KO bar, rer.ived • fall utsortmera el a?
g•noulo—xme es low du r .r yard— rood gluons:1010 r
s•np, !•Itluir ill. • at 111 A P.r 7.r0•
8ur0b5413 boo, rieelrod asoc.rtsotot of Doe*?t,
1.1=1.11f:71,14t. f. `', , `.`;l• L r a I :4g
,L, ~( ~,, .11ay w100t0.17.. Lore Rua,
NIASON 5C0..111 crest within the s
urenrdel Or hundred-meet and rankest
ant DensteUe Dry Mate. to Whit'll the areal
relt end retell pita...rads Invited,
f—A. A. Ktllo3i a *441 on. mi.
• abant gordt.
.i<; - Zr`d itn%aitortl t 4ViTt%4 A
gr ASIIMERES, fr. - MOUS. DE 1
V.; A. A. IiASUN A C..). lAis. Just svoolv,
b.& 1 1 1 1 14 caslutogres sal 1.•• Lalwa
PRE SITBSCRWER having -W ilow received,
bim entire cru e t rt FALL AND INTER 00000,
revedfully bstarso Ids eectommirs and lbe pet tie
th.t prryered to dispose ef lAs
..le er rotrL at [l2, inietbrirre.
tubt In Dry 1er.1.411(0.,01001........0 ere: leY".
[lock or Caney Dress Gerd& eta:yr:row 111 \
.4 Ctsene tieening:and etseeit dremices, very, [14.:
44 lironwls " " " \
I ode Week all "die. scol .I[l[l.
"rived. Meek 3irk,
LINTY W.OO O l O Lic..ll.bt4=
' %74 . 11..1aLeg
.4.1[1:::U. sod (lechriermr.
Tedetber with Fr... and Enicilib Drintm.(i etd[rs. rem
• deity.
114.114. d 184 Dart.ley Bbecttnaw
44, 1-4 and 1,4 - and Iris!, Pillow Da
7-4. .4 4104 Table Intotrata
6-8 and 3.4 Daroselt.kantins and Donlon
Buck/aura Duper .n 4 Ct.ah TowelllntOn
Itirb Printed Piano and Table Owen, eute4o 6.15
111 ill.. Nrencb. Furnitura,Tetni Curtalravtd,
Curtain Mater:Ca ad.
L 't ' '' ..6ll ` k li="asixte, 84 .4 54.14 •
Black Canton anthal •
Plant alwkair knatreir,
Ellis 'Warn Th!bet Cloths:
111.sek Cha/ler:
Eno:llds, Vracoal and - nation Crarer,
Cdir,. Chetah/Atop and thenew Conan and Calls; al/
and ...Wald all of whedla Cowls tx warranted of
valor& and tleaz fdr quail tr.
griir GOoDs
.1 1 1 tYWI F
I D ou ' t :l l S el p ut2ey an . d now
uo piece. feney and btael Wm.:mot the yew not
atat tsehlonxble patterns.
60 pieces black end colored Clothe, of the mat curer
the hunect And mooloplekttl ai,011.1.13t of Veattn,
seer brochiht to We en.
Ou dos. 10 odershlrta amt Droners. •
60 don Ono and entterllne PhlrtA
A lance uscrunent. of Cravats. LlAndkarlde2t ae.
Which. nucether with the eery !erne gook of C011)1
MADE CLUIIIIIOO. of the mod lashleuxbls etyle. Ovate
on hand ,Itneente one of the largest .14 cutut teohlonnbte
sleeks W••• alerted Inc gentlemen's veer, In the
weetern cod:a:ft all tel which propnetor detattolo
ol to offer at the very ioneet yokel for caoh.
Ord.+ In th e Tailoring Ilut executed to the bt4t mu-
ter, And et the throned nook, ecorl
New Fall Dry Gooda ,
A. A. MASON et CO., linv . e received Isi . '
fia now op.ning-4 data
( peachtle- Merin 4 ,
tful.. emit. adapted expressly rMU
Wee el . mms Lin. lawn,. embracing plain br
i. ain fancy corgi Clameoleou and raid, of ell =al..,
/2 clays l'areml4l,Tbilet Cloth..n4 ()Lamm, maw,.
Ing ail otLago e ang gnallth, 10. pi. ti} ty-ap.l bwrge, lock
wad fancy s e e.'a :My above goc,, mre oger fcr gni. at
Pd.. which arf, tit
an unrawood.atedly low'
. seal.
AIaORDEONS—A eplendtcl and varied
gook of the ban tn.., jait r aea je.„
r 1071 S—a very d eeirsOlhartrotton. with 4. 0..18
au,. want wr001..8 or the but makers, veradhttp,..ot
GurraiLS-.-An extenetve .8 eholew uln Parr tSait.
VittL1N44,...4 very Late oht ower, chit re. of every
.11:1711 1. 5qAVII—h " qino se:ertlam al., {,x, arof
lArcillet.6, Tabu, Dula. nlboartnott.Trantaebt and et.
eey ',witty . of lleatolustfatooattoaalt•otetlandtrud by tha
aubwribet laratall, and sold at Toff 101 r Mato
tba maven and Moat Mass 31nat4 last taaelaed.
11.--Tba abont tratruate etarraleLed ba oor.
rad aml perfect in mar amat . t—tf four.: ioaltf tota.
la., will Le nttatatd- /I.liLEllta 101 Tbadat.
#16171 P TLltt 66L1)L11 11AILY.
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
No. 105 MAILIZT ST/1.127,
11. PALMER offers . fox: slo, at vary
L. km pica. • full anortment of Straw dad
" IrVAWAT—Ford 6.4 kn.
6•41. Irony, Mak, a ni n .Lmt
. 0 , 47 t;
—Alto'.. Units% ta4l 39 . 21 ,
plalsk,B l r.Strp . trasa. Uar111; •• 1 1 1 =
reg . ,
tivw L: 4 7Cllltr . r..1.m. •I• 1
iptspplorid spr{:rlab Fatlla mita
lelghk• 911••• Inez Usu. aud,Crape Cap,
co LA trrcti sua Ilvr•y•rhlt• and e• 1•••• ellt. and
STA/W 9 Tames. BurAnDS. Brads,
FLO war Fr•s4Cidailtteximo Miiiisirartt•ettai ••d
!TrATlMOVll:fgeo.. ' di
trfftg•TX P! ' !r! C . 4 4, ' s 3°. """ .4
SA 1 7.N.5-4.aadabla%, ,
•110- 4 41 . aksid repowii,•34VaNetly, ping!
' L • • ' dal l!
*Mies Co. of PhiladV.
orles W. Bancker,' Geo.
tilt•rt. nazd.ral p. Tai*
pkelual Grant, A. DM,
\ - There enththro nth. In bertha thel eatill,
• •Tho etheitTl.rt Orli] pjl/3.lbY."` ...
1 1\TI C E T. mot Ll T lN ' t. S ta ' re ' t r a4,TatUl ar ic. to tlt rem,.
r r, bee luddred blob thee 0 ut up he Ist; with Is
be .Ibroslors. treetbr berth of the rob a • ,
I•• 61 lIOLO.UId lie /secured m • Roll this oath/
t., sk• rolled , Pon hut= b . a puth. uthdrthrno
K ' s. ' s' i ir c e. ‘ e!t, Trat• ' ne"s ' aLL 't..t,,,E.:, - Irib b A t il'" ata
L'T,ii . :M =-..7.i.°1 1 ,"' a trtidt,lfit Z .V.
Anna of f two, erlateb._l(4 , .1, the lor of that wedsl.
rnltT:Cd " It u .a . MT.;, • oia ad auto
'4. ba l tro b t i rr prl f . •
1 4,,61.,
pi... 1. th ou dat of prating tt upla Webs, t had a repots.
Corr for the •no of The anus dent luete ..
slog rolls for mot rem Id. e It ban .......,
lu.thed, le a . thither. of Its•futthe t 7 ....4
woe roroad soolleatlou it Us oths at thswam. , .
Redo not sost• to
a long ort.ts of oath. •
i. aro ccrewrom that the andlons m men R Its
Into the froth of Mpg who either. th• e wish. to lam" . .
liehiln we do sot el% Our It a urns.. .4 ro
Fr; drowse, wo of be rather, my, thm ill • 1.-=‘,..
Citi , ,,ait
. I , s „ tillTiS It ,
.1:111tr ed..
..tilakiag her Magter
niV.Ol . O IlridlldliVe C1.46V,111 7 410WV
.1.44•462•111.1.1.. aster xl, dither.. of Ireton W. • ,',
Olt SIPLAINT, PINTIIitA, Dlarbons, muss of
Illarldorthl Eidothe P. 15, Is the Bose in lute.. •• • \ 'l
- e math. tthl.yelthetmellealonEU
Sze, Totter, Ithartheonth Ilurthlde. seir,: Old •
S te,
de. It othe. of elstalny, thealtlve from' nrpOrtrl6 .
letth enl-yotraccol ext. almme. Ude mad.. op
Meth relict. \\ It .11 oat as • g awl TO6IIO tosi ALTIAthe \:•
OTIVe. to MAI MT, imparting ;the cod memo, to two
whole, 11.2=100 obstruetlthe, opening trte - lariPldAl •::
fa te2/011.1, Rh - num 410,... and a WM. es ...M.
aud giving i thd renewed meromto all* moan •
•t i,,b:.,
of Ind The of/oh:mos knows of threes VTO,VoI -
that fronted therythrher trunment.pot well wrrd is,
of the PETROLELIr a than IMO. worst Mn n. • L •
airon to thy ostmth 6, desires it,
t _ Norm aeth Ina l e at the north o f t h e `' le' •
1 ' 'l"
y V. T i e' * \ \ : •".- \
\Croat BOA, Tter BSIVIA
, Also, by 16,. E. 21:13.12.6. 61 Woos wea • \''
01.1 ‘ 6 Laborsto4 \ \ 1 , .
~., ni 'xklisitt ~ u. D uI Es
. .r.. , % ;.,,
0tt1... 6 \ '------,' 9 4 \ ) i ..-1.`•.,-,ll.;''''. hide,{ hart, 441/ .7;owfx, re \ -: s •
, .
' • on , 1 - I Z- - :. - - ti a F iat
. 0 ,1 IT . - oTir 0 men sii cro sick d cifiliekea \ -.
tI ou . 1 zaj 111 iv oth poem of the Clad r argil Ta. with thaw ••••
11 \ 11 4,17i , f 1 T '''' . ' t . l ," ;. k , e'"' l , ,l' ''' ,: 4 4 4 .lra 'a '"'"" Vil
`"-ti 85 'tlit;:.t yly ----..• 1 tra. ~ .L..,,,gf:tb.a.b.4 th•,1. 1 6.,,
, . /ou re- Latta - 13 (lON I.t male item I t e nradthfc-
Per cont. Sticag-th. ' \' \ lin tts to,-i. at as Ithost mmsthr Mg, that It t.,,, ,frocii, \
' , WELL FLETCITER ..0.0., Idadstsci'ki , 1 Vilt'iLfa\Zit=6Vall 7 t.6' rsi"' 7. 11 1% 4 ;
• \
other, ALCOHOL; forolthlt• .6 , /r Colsets kra \.• - '1 :Ili . ;; •! , : ri .'• , l , •
~ .. :, : r l i r :
t :. - 0
gu)t : ; ,.07 ., 00 . :
lnolltei Vapor It hinny elwath. /nth.
nor cf Vine and k nth ether.... UISCMCILTI. :4V. i
,i , ~.i.r. hum 11,,,ty,i, •rin \bp ~,,,..41LIT an \ . l i let. ill GU SiStli DO =pouf/ put o dor the
kt nithart pram , cf Lthousing on the rusfronnyt but It le • MY
- - ted by th.mmtes la of take ro,thel bubtlbe upfront
broom of a. fornhe ,S, lane eerie./ to, •thfi
toe to smarting Lurn.;: • lane
to.m.di. t o,
' I
• ins - 4%2;4 Pllek. Mt. medicine. ' \ 1644 tr•
I t „
I 6 \
1 \
der 11.7 relief. .rt 2.6 etitryti abiuUt• [IA.,
the ot Lk. ./or , thl ocoirt refuted chase/ , a .:,
1. , ul , l Cbobsra_ilur sr our or two doe.. (MS
i: ; \
Doiokt came of DI ln RM.. 000 doe..
\ • ~,,
Du IA of no "all. As a local froterly• In bunko,
• ',
thefts. tie b.f. thalthuy ateythl emmormde or • • ,
that re,thow cf. It wi
t oourrochilnlatta tad, nets '
to aft ow
tulthleak tholimmy mn
od of the truth se i tth i lc u rei In c abare Marearmt, by .
11 , se r s PASIULL .1. CB, isse -11 / 4 troth \
e *f
the.qrll 11 ell •
alley: - r t. tere. teleesi ass'Af.4.ll,l""i 6 ' ,
; corm., Allthb ny thy .. to th e argent - .
121PORTANT TO THE - A./11.,...- . \
—O2. ISOM 800. U. throeverth and el* al
4 .
Lon Teu rn to ' r of 'a tts• l'W eelrrAted i lnthth,thal e ' d""d'd t lIAJA...t \
tre& l ,l.7 o. .vro g :t7Zr. o,•.°..T*lmz-el
gradmOr of (ha Unlemedtlf of for
ger7 i telne bU trcl•jr.t9 ' Mti l M e lllaet ' '
IlltrOuglifb% cm 44 his =anus totes, ha thaw&
his frookolthtth droop, •1211 othwrof sis =mu. ~
saantell an orspathllehel mine.g br aunts thor •
' ' ' ,..4 h ir l rrati! 1 1, xnuecise7erarl '''''
ll k.Z ‘ ude„ l at: ' Ch rome gollrelas, and all•Lhom Ar.
..,cd pa:LYA C 6 remelts. indeed, ethaff .
Ttliphits and to net of Ids oemediek '0 , ,
\ty Se : ban—trot breath cm of ate o.thrusa
IA lummox/Ibl. RIM Fhrelotogigt Ls ,w Inn ,
ry. nnljorr,.. .111Trq to. antP rthrrbed kn. ,
6 ; r. Item'. TardaNkrirratlth PtH.i a &co wad; re
tls r Ithe i rlrl! 4r,rtntiki,:,,vlr. , -,„, .
, frne from mai Isc as alsoades Illle , ,
stol ,by Ilth flotherna rot stoscsms.....-
tsc si resale dieersen ,bethir thel•Msoldsk
Or ragichun to thablth tkm Men veld, Intim peolsix ~
the of/S. theOCcele - , .1, • • • •• \ --, • • ,
The feted ore thrum to rrallflga ths erMte alltifkr• . '
atm froths) cm or the Doe./M:1 . =WI Com.
" For stitteqinljr**siathr.l.l.ol24 ,
*ant theme tht the osthrry. ' • .
0. thir Mr k Co., 24 IF 44-. Pinsbefikk.•• e - ; .
', lth " q ' trlktilW L. ' s i gn 0C1M6A22141k1 1:
AT oltY•
\4-0, D...r tz ogipt, T . ..r47. kii. ,- ,\
ttiare..n. !” • .. . . 0 ,
..:, _ •
Delawive Mutual Safetzf Th a
surancorniy. '
, r,, CiliNti•htni sn'ttet. Phliadelobla: \ \
,l'ilZ :N.. acr—Butidings. Morel...Um, aturtoiber
tat. t
play, le. to n nd country. Illonwl a.ral. t Ic. e or
damosate by tr. t 0100 leers, rata of yretzlo..
Mo.'s learn Nor.e-Tbey l'.lo MR. N . ,,, , - -5 . . Caner ,s
sad freights, pre -n or cceuttrise. natter nen or arteclsl
i i .t e si " T= r es ."l 4.7.!-Try ' ala; (Wuxi', Nirrchanl4
t rarcrtrd by frato... i t• Usti road cars. Canal tants, sad'
13 thate. on nr Kra lakes. en Ws mat liberal fermi.
crate—Joseph , real, A/Laurel A. foutlir. Jahn C.
Ds, . ftedert Itortf.o. .1.00 R. from., ilanuel\ Et:tear:,
tie, C. Lei,
.oer,keutari oar:Joan.. lea. IL Dajt.s. Wa
ll/tat 'well. Venn .Nrallu. Itr. It. 21. ljuetra. A ors C.
'land. lorsphltur Paulding. U. JOIN. Brock, lienry
r loan. orb CM2. .(trarao &MU. t rar We Ira , .
Char/. 1‘ tIY. A te. Jebtroa. Ila/a. 11,, Dr.:3.lh sort,
John Nell,. . Wan. Erytt„.lr. , .
DIE,/: sr .IttrYncattet—D. 2`. ilortrt.n. Leah Cr `g.
Johnlf..t est T. leos i v l / 4 .
arm Prerifent Sureo.lls,, Vies Prt, -
'dent. JUII, W. , (),‘,N, Perrtam, . 1
throm...ato Comoots}, To. 42 %.7siar amt. Pitt.
burgh. 1 - 'tf 1 , •`l 4. r. & ..6pcinA. Agent.
• •
I \ BAD PlPE—CornelPtOpirrovod tta% n
Pine IX`[
.3‘1:.ul eßstzig,
• •
CISSRMAI. ite. • ,
P. 14 b 1
\‘' hn'i "'d ""‘ Zraiii,Kit JORDON,
IN,ssl•rwtt meet.
tntanteteti by the ownefe,to elate
IltMow log coca et reduced istsiiAnd tiro i
~,, rv_l.ll.l Vote. Ili:
\ •
II; u vilankrt Cratmc
4,41 X , \:: • : layer,: \ •‘, •
tll .
rib B anketx (ibit , )
Imily t \l4l , 11 , 1 ITL.
'', . \ NUAPZIt a T.\nt\
( \ l6O
da,frosh, for sale by '
7 ba2X (to =gm)
, CHES4I.'OO bufor tulle by'.
TVAUCIN. Ltlllll k CO. \
pitm) PE .4.
" hr to b•
a. 22 10131.NN. LITAY. co.
No. r ll:f z e , nl a,
S tlO i lejl zu. t r \ \eo.
;NREsu BurrElt....:,s l ols.•ftcl, \ for ta li
by d 43 ,W/alkk a 3aNit'aaa.
COTTON -30 \ ba s fdi , e z la
"c ls Ik \ a
_.... ..
, LACKWOOD, \for sec .
Dream of Lfe: a tato 0 dm 14•1
• anti:kr of .It•••riet of al dasic.c.'
pc sale at 1101.11tiS' Lttetal . Delw•..
11 - Z.SAPES—, Laza _
.0222 ' Mi. A\ M cCI.UI9-2
Nrso Wo °pep
th $ panrut AA 2 ma% phlntilts2,2 . Alto =A
cas otmin, Lens NbasCA
A. 4.2 • • A. A. MASON' A 21ar •et
ink:ESE-7500 prime Shippin _ • \
\l'A":o w \ ON
r ,,11 J. B. CA lint..
A vYLES —7O \bbltt.'for tato by \ • \
. . J. B. ctralval.'
unpRELLAS-1-..: en'F s e tar sale
AL cr
. COFFEE-0 bags_ for sale he
icg - & IIcCANDLLI
AO 63. c •s or i•
C kidrANE-:
*.s. ill edicine fo• . ,
cou27a, Cotd,, kooltratne4l, At: !ma, ti
t\D i li /I "7 Xin tt• E Z r ji 1 . ! A .i L i don 5-1
pato the tonela lrOtos net holan tho ,kln, and ra
P•rrsn van Ulm II liable toll boob ',II by arm
wind tbst ;mom 11,434efee:ly tare:Ws In IL 1
Ida 4. - 144 to No and trretual in bett;netent a ear
.04 'Wont mots of noon; entlges ....I 0.11.11
Now curtol by It In • few bourn,
A Loa as otbiro/o woo tonoon.—The oil eettob Cr
'4ll nape the otontsob 4414404 oteeeslbk%
VI 4gereabl• than tbo <mob 1t.04r. IHo ho-dbol
INII V "u' ll. " 11, '"" eg.r . gt T - .. ? ? 7 '17/11•1
Ida. et 104 Itt,itil. In our eh.; it.. /./ our own
shoo Itl <42.10.111.n, Ma a i..tEt.,,,. ha thir
wr, 01 0 ~,,,.t.1.0.7,.1..r.•nd Ono t,ettrood I
Ma to orseves foe a number of ) tom old
boron outoto• i ~.
*.niinortito.:—.S lady fin/4 Etectot•t:lloirlt*ottno....
dett•btnellod loton•gicett with • et , th
e ln .4 =
%lon. nlibt stoat. b., do forge, or ° , ntt.
tTr.il4l7.;.lZPV4. o l.grt!! ! 'd,V„.4„= t ortlP be.1:441 otl4t utt,,, itad &mule *A&
f Ar.t . ,13.W. 0 ... b 11tr .17 ,1 ,1:1 : 1.tY, ° ,0=V- - !':
! Tv, .11 , .., 14,1.• %Tr !. l i r , . ......;.,.. im.........!... 5 ...k
. c tas ate It v
.'" '''''!...it7l s at
barn of bit lone • •it.1:114 /Tent • doeloo4Oo
't It 4 44 I.
ej 14 , Ate rartir;not ir....-.7-a. It la rup .•
bn/f plus totreo ...fa ma • tteh., et ..y. I/440 la .
epuntry rtarebropito 'maid do orett to Ingo on let
tblfoonollclon eta 244.1•11 SC, thee / so /I. Is elm of the
VI'S" son orfOrnonleno round!. MT .I.4nyntml bran • •
~ t.tito 4.4 Option at spr /tw 0, .00 ..I.lplittkto3lollllP •
• ~..• - -
. i ..• ,- •".
Ivre b fßki d if:i \ /00 We i ,lerp at a a .3 ,l . P l c ..tae Xof ttoceatigatitTfeg:l • =tbot.• ..`
• - ittrt:k= t l=V= . 4oAg r i.;!!Vtl.,lW2LT:ll
\ l h lir.4l7.tery'r 4 tl t ille f dli. tr 01= 4 ..
.'n.rna eta thhno &corn. 10 We stioiltloo• it 4 -WM. -
. 4 fi: ' M " ..4. 041.0 .:// , Ibe rotrellner nu nuaorrocut or:..
slAvetnton.mot. reekttag b0n.... Aug icrittlasbkr, •
v ., vAtlt *III pt , tbotru to mu ;or?, 540rw0 l!f::
~,,,,,c,,,,,,,t4 mammal th. ralwatomileaoutv, ,
untietnit.. ' frornh oliteonato , 414 be toorSote Lon *WII
take to tnterestbAbo onellda•/.1e441141 !love IF. o,
vs to
00 440.12 r. ...gad, cluic teals el.fia/V.,..1114 6r
'onotto • melte. poohlrf.e In obefr-boowtrcalt
tententott-te Inns sot .444 Lao trey teed. .
V,./40 , VA . / . 41: 5 1 ,0 1t1 I!,
'''' ..C...-/.4,....',..-, - .
c.,,,, ti t ir, the Elm,We of , Complete Ito
' ii
.1 ' ''""'''"" } " . `",,,TllP:i"7,"VArg'ir.`:(
t `l?,',lV.l'.f.. 'ivTAnZ, !vit. : , i....5s 4. BrOw.T.d
L. 11 Illta. P to. GO de. ter A..b...
.14 • \ J-H AIELLOII.III NroaN. .
CionE SO bags RI'S, for as dby t,
J dd \ J. 6.IPiLWORTII t CO,
Vul s eftiacct India Rub c ber
JUST IfCD , it, large, tuati4' of Tario
ILI:log*2 t `eltaia,l bos:nit• .
au exttorler
k t cl , k t raam to a ur i t Lt , ttalf-jola Lair ,
• fg of th ' t ," Tt - t4; I.llAnorgb
ity to thi• IVdittrt whir b, bo o t gAz favor with
the .G -ttirst 01111.01 or th lost Or T. • recomutort6. ,
tmlf, as ic rori; a‘ , / Ctat..
egd . tic=otio Lar
India tater Depot. 12(tid.ket 4
tp BEAST PUMP 2 oz. India 11. .be
, "4:1 6 ' d". ICI9I
a 164. o. 3 thekriteliA,.. • t
• L' ..
le. eultnioft ikt . 0
de; I "? ''.41. 11.117117iiii Tarr! .1 CO.
F l5ll-
M;UIN743' 4 MM
. . \
- \
. •
, .
. •
, .
. ,
. • ..
,„..tig-....,,,..4t. ~..,.i:., :-,,,-. . ~,,... . 1,,;,r,y4.74 5 , i -, 7 ,z,..1::: ,
\ . '''''''..l o sP
. ' ' - s ' . :\ 1 • - - -"4",i5. , :.•. -
, \ - ',...0rAi.;.t: - -• -.• ~ -,. y . '
\ 1 .' \ i - - - 44.• - • . . .., ...... -
, \
- \ .
\ • ' . , \ - • .
?hit M-x-vp I. prel
Fowl,. tr, rrok t
relthl, Sy ,
ol15:y Waraelia,
the Rai ttl - \ of the Pitts , tizgh Ciszetts.'
CA, I C AT TgNTION is ' rvelcifull,yln—
rltril to tba lbDarya, truth', .ist tr, ralaiiii 02, .
" 1; 'l4:ol ' i n i a l trrOjek, ' •ll %. I ';'',.l zv ,"" th " - ..i,i,
p 0,,,r
gg q7Z:f .z,.,1..7„..T,., :r ,..:.,....
au h. bare. tiara then, - Loma s fully air,. the . .7.
'll:4'S VI if:p.,:9`llg,eirl:`2 4 .' 41: ~ '•
of of a $ got ty r the gulf. arturynionj tnablog
_ra= • •.,
limb one. w as anuilira. wal reetbra . oto 1334.41
all *that n :mu Dais bre> torratten. - . rotreimea kr
Nata rat I "ttly. elahoratell In - au d ef tbavaarlfa • ' .
, ~., a r riz t z . d t . t. sj , i . v . do ttr i t, h agb ... ..lo .,4 72 tout ial
. bltswi
c x
, n tbai d t wo vii , w . t . ita tli . w w trv ,. W—. s, ol o... at w o . , :z ... sothing ...
„o at,' a.:
t. :, -
FAI to
Ir= Jr lart. the
f a tVC(I " ,I=IP rrtalr " •
bi,do aat>t.„.
al t i t: too wraugbe aturblut *pee of /at
\ I r r\tlllat%e ' a til ;I o f tly 11 ' 11a:44a I: " ts
our irtaWly should be Witt, in Orga to wear, far It MO. 'L
tit, tar utorwang , tat- Utter La Lim Inarrta..Vi
I ....rilunrarstabwirjnta,-Ibeto trurtmayb•
in our city an 4 ncirbbarligod. bear =Os tartbnopy 111 tre
" ' 'f
_ 2 'l" Pq"'''''' iwra, 'Lea ego. owartltta
wt. ad ...V, )111.1.7 ba ' ban rwiternl to alirbt. , f
araf riri tf niblulti.lo lb* & en et Ohio, luta '
ens-4. nial tbacareof biigatle...trila Deaver an
Ilan a otb ra, but Wu nwictear Lama. air
De tee to y any pions. bare jloubta to r
in Th ... veuzet . e. .th v bad bitiv
i .
110Itt,w, ilikt r, , , ifriuwigat cA Zuyratata 111.
ina 013 LI, face, le inty). ia. Warn.,
' , all Ur', ina In Oa brag ud, i
I, Orriebit:•Ultun Uni= 4 .l
liwilo: :11. 4 clou T Tna l' inr7it•willsg -T4l
D.L.. Mamma .; W. LpAj....d. f
14mM...tat blrylu. I.brit• arid
t mazaaat alarm, arl has b.
a ‘ ataetaes lithhh th. put..aev x
....: \ Clusttesta• that yill'astortab.
rts.,,,trter.whtmllfi take gem:mist
atllattet ar them filen/. i , - •
a may MS their cr.edt.hami.
, atetj Herald,. ot ilia tau.. rbeir
profeagurn wt. klinongi= ..,
au. Wbo at Urn lrwaaal:yrisitb
• willing to averal lt riga yr
~l , d
um mauls ruand. a
a it* tirnbna la a
i lliTate\Dßi n i ' ltlll ' ir.t . cir.
al ..w. u „ ' 'r•Wanth a*rar ""
itirettoct • On.. Worrl nue
.obuhels received un
L4unnolv:44 E . t.a d
aL leratd.ti•
boxes 'Or lode by
nct; a 'afca.vo4r2:o3.
iU 14)rilfor sale by \
s' Toon., Vor sale low
Iragß laukiiO4 fur salLb . \ ,,
•Y's 0- .t-rj;t4 Front
OUR-25 e. ka for ale
end entr 0. moan! co., •t 10C
Ittlecane, r., and sot.l. •holeale andi
\ • 0. 1: . I.IIcICLASIIAII e .
\gent kr Wanern Peontrylvota.
" - mar Wood and Sixth stn. Ikett.