ITYSBURGH.• GAZETTE. iIOOKS, 3IUSIC,"4c. WAt6OlllO OF TEE Iffewleas. ,r-tr „Ott ei.sobrufitooll site thuds, , summons to the brave ~Tosillp,for the IMP: • artitthet IsKust,essi with then- supra. ,X4k•flithtagag ea her rest "theittittS that eish breve !aeries hest Arithre'W .Senarept& • CU • that Yu the trances vela. The Nowirst•eurscut shale, !tug up from the sutlers •"., 'Ana rill 1i004,14 bra. i tttaouad.amld the mountain-teal. Wear suttee:4..7'. ••• 00 ep frau deep. read aff• • Clattr, terrible, nut high. • TllSthe vultures and the oeste.s. &sews book then hearse Troy I • inDellisis of f.estul sPeiIAS Of yetiesziewsui of Ines, ; ateb the sear of 1.41 thutalLei of dm apolauelte, sereep'agartit eta. (NI it.thl t - Thou dlCse bear ••%;t. - :• - -Star ilatersa's rittept prayer. PIA patina et bar aerate' Ittiztittt; of hat boas:, 7 non diata Seat upon Der Parket., •! inuldennaa—, Adtt tisk for Osaka, and le ad for frit 'And laird tar forth. data: Thai the vtaai.ota of tam. and the armor of thy =Late" ' , •ptiamora • thy victnenns stronalb. -• .Ort amrtal heats ontinured. Ti do - thou tha bL»i•3ullt gra= oar Arif, .•And saccarr'th, mord. • 'Zhat strikos for ittedotal for Mr right Mate 'bora thyo cr.., Ok Lord Ira thou our buancts. ail tt‘dr . 0u friuulexo's rslorsxts wow: • - Aueshsils the patriot', bar r,rt— onUri:C.loLn. Cub Puors.rrllszo to tbs aDS. God of MI atracCUU . 71301.1)' so out Csrr.—tzt Norm 'MIAs IN ACITILAILIL—Thu Philadelphia Ledger publish e+ a letter : to eomehday at . Sydney. N. N. W., eider date of Augastl.oth, which tells some of the most- startling stifles to be found in the piste/my -ohrtnlcies Of California. The mines net:ugly &termed at Bathurst. 29 pOiDt of elan:Leis, infinitely aurpass those. °tithe Amori ".eon El Dorado according to the Ledger man, in . gnat of which .' hp mentions the fact that it hoe pi -educed' tie largest solid lump evil. Seen—a picoe weighingloO pounds. It is valued at 4'4,- 1601100.-,that is, nearly $21,000. 41* news of the hundred-weight of gold," (th/rwriter then goes on to SIM} "hat erected R mach: greater- excitement then ever.'Several other digglogs' have since _been found at the Turn Itiver.46 - ndlei to the south west. of Bath u . The Turon digitngs are the moat profits; able; VI doing Two of my acquaintances, on 'Oho* "could believe, Sent ward to me to sat:that, they; were makingfroM five to six pacinde'per'clay.- A person who came from the mides . .two days'4nee, anikhe made .V 2.5 per • waitall the - -timehe WWI then, It ii reported that apdane,.(witi...r.h I think you know,) Shoal sieniht .richer stilL Also, the' Tweed and --••• ers are rich in gold.. The troth is, thigthetrit'will be gold found all over the coon- Vli.'i'.' . .Bitfortiatately for the discoverer of the . haedeick•welght;he broke it when he was get . R . tint unt - 01410 ground, or it would have been attraltale.: 'The Government hu now eeized it, awl dithand ta royalty, because the finder did 'aortae* .diggine/icenis. •The gold 'having , passed through - three' bnyers, Government has returned on the promise of the royalty being paid, which is, I think, 10 per cent.' The discover' of these "placers" in Vim Die : marls" Land, we see by the English papers, is already4iterting immigration a little from its .r : ' . tisintreottnee. Caies are instanced of parties on - the . pointof embarking fir America, had clang .' sd.iheie naiads, and gone to seek their forlunts in the golden evade of Toren. The gold cup of califernals,: however, being as prolific as ever, Australia...6B offer no Injurious competition to• he: ialhat respert.:' ' SE d : 2 I ,II C9 WAX . -1501b3. 17Eligo*biL. ITVA lIRSI-2 bbla..for sale by , J. KIDD t CO. yyjt Cherry Pectoral— . l , Blll los o. ale LC01301.-20 bldg. 76 seta 93 deg "leo far sit. bf• 4- ninD a 'BACON—Hams, Sides and' Should • • -mi seine Dsww fbr Ws sw ER ions. F t tANUTS fr. COMFORTS.-1 have fe smother Ict of thaw intim Blankets .1 boa- NOBLti. nazi Envie: • - Holiday Hata. - CORD k CO. hsvo~ust reeds tea lathe Um att.= of Gwatinato, RD-11 i tierces No- 2 ; . • •b 7 ts 4., CireasK fa:tit trar JOWL? LAINTICETS! BLANKETS!—Mtraemr ft box ei7a3D have r•e'd tor vivre.* a forth., EttpTif a • perlar amt.' of Jilantess. sta-iiai •• I.•ylaes • 71;i ma llfrittrlVlV za lil, et etrLrablJ colors--1 roll sus oe, hand; Isoluding 11.11 ardel + of latsek raf...94. icloris In Fookrans. • ea.. Bl• Flt Bsaispy InsaneW, 2.1.1 • t fte fpallty. dm rs.urati lov ovum • - • tfiaf • ai UTTER-5 bble. Fresh Asa "e'm 6 1'46 663,66.0tagZa1eil- CORN IIEAL—WN. A. Mc013:111G Co.. .1)1 b bt.oottioaally47,llo with froth rootnd ilftnt Oro Vett dtlalo and . room loon,/ BrltUtts Wild width 1111 to told adtn. lowtstrtltobtato .E5ll-A.NIMAL SALE.—AI A. :11.430v & ftti.Ti" nTbloll.zrt"lg7,j,==°", !SUING BOOTS--5 pain for mole by am • J. tn. AMMAN. NDIA .WEBBING—SiIk and J...natkprres. far eate at rilk 'IC PAINTERS and others requiring good - SIIVILLE-A fore sod rtril solor , rd omit, soluble sp, rry4s., fain. P,rtnell, atm _Wad awl Omuta Drarbor; Hrkif /Aunt, Sloodori. Dor tor lurf Camaro Porn , : ea n. Mas, ie. ' ea rarrinstras of oar Strok 1/%11 Ito ca. fat ago. br . J. E , a CO.. , CO Wedit VLOVER 'llKO'fflY—For sale by yj d. . J. 4 R. TWIT. 0 • WI/JUT FLOITE-100bagn hulled, jby We by • Ider 7 FLOYD. AY-100 boxes for sale by F. PALZELL a - CO, laart7 SMUT CHINE-1 second hand Smut '4 l ,4r 4. !!'•'''" vt° d'"70.15..wac0. C 0.400 bags Rio, far ealo by , • deli : • WM. D LOLL= it 00. 'S— I boxes M. R., fine, for' sale WO • WM- BAGALSY 600. fIOOKING-IMIES & BRANDIES--250 ‘4,lMPlA'°"6.iireckfenitilitreem&L, • • ^" • 15-150 boxes bluFarlasid's,Tor 1 Ditol9l4s;coilt ri c * kegs Si: Twist, Stroup' stow, sad f o r &IP E r CO., '1 3, 44 , „ J 5.7311.770 um WV.I nr.a" 11--41 1 . 1 .bb1e Largo Itio I _ 3 Ilsck vo. AtriD " T 4 ' l* 07 sursrems • - 6 'O6lO Clogs• l = rtr ... vrcl Baiter. 016 mallet Tanatre OIL ;#. 414 1:1‘1114 fu ""P JOHN S'Ali.6 CO '..::4^ 7 *, * () kegs J 6 2 Ss i s o lt.gir T r i a:W . - by `J Burton's Atuito• 4 - • gm?, Wacky; Ibr Dr „d i a . O =lke Strained Ettant; tali K 3 O.BUACIIIII:747bet r67,C(UARA.Nrs--itedd and fur sale by 71L. DUCLUAO 00, Omen ir Tea Latlar vpUBT PLfISTPR-20 groat for rDlo Q. .uusiu•S- . -fut inJais'atid.: fou silts sow a 2 Zt!' a!riVocconii a co. Itoyl3-10°-°ill OEF.M.F.PO;b_ogo Rio, for sale bi fIITZSOTZSYdIow Dcck and Sareapnt* !‘: w4.11e4,12'..tig 12 2'1 5 , 6 , 11 2 z 4 : 14, 7 • jg ,w- L ,..4 o ,:d g iT i . ...t'sna te..trivyy wawa. , • . -' l- "'"" ) • Tv.lg— ,- q c rtlmyc , * 00 4 ~N rA,lo,wko. TAS.O; AloPx - tbD , a OD. • - IigA.F,BABIusar.FLAN 2O : I44 . - ' 4I A R 6,3craclifilsOlikro twiftia lot a to. 11,,niietylostice.t.ww.,212Attosuboner,i • • . , , Gift Books - for the'..Holid4l,'.. ir UOLMES' Literary Depot, , : - n 6 • No' 741blyd rtrat.otswlteth. LJLJ The store consists at sit the Ammo —t 0e Weed for 1851, .O into. ranging from utt t° it to SUS The Wooten of Yorly Cbristlsolty, • settee of Portraits. eronserrilde Dtectiptlone by Armoric. Clergymen. Otth ortyloslenoratinge, Douai In One Turkish ma two, gi lt The Souvenir Otter,'. • 'gilt book for 111 swan. 01111 13 teeirtlfolll fltdettel en/twangs by the fret tato,. The tool of Itoodsce.tbelng Otto Jostnel of • Toot In Zgypt. - by J. 11.•Wal•errIght, ulth 25 tine steel gratinou • r • The Seeyeske, Oglft book. with 53 lllnttratlons. The 1310.0 R Illuminated rounrolf, with 12 oolored rialto. Imailts of Memory, a-beautiful annual, rid, 10 rlstes• The &1L1.% sitlboolte.wlth IS Ithestrationo Ceblnettf Modern Art.olth 46 Irto4Ollkota Otot.° I Woes Of Beauty. a them,' girt, A An. Illortratlons , Mm of the Featton, • totes:dr, 10 do. • The Tallectso, visite of friendship, lb do. famed Annuals; • gift book or all own.. Illnehutol. Christmas One by Ilertsll.llcittldh,lBlllostretteut. wed ifinsur, It forth. botidsys. The Flowery of Lorollntee, 0010 10 ittustralloos. The Farelry Cita* and P• Sur - .Sonnet. ettord Penes, or the Biters of the Bible. • • Tbo feterti Tableasit, • Romerkabln 1113tOrf to the The Idlynolle, the Sono Ylalte, end Tolt 2.hlp 00000 tow—throe tootilfat Rift boot* fat the 00110.0. • knee Illnettuted klitione of 6behritee. 80 01000. to 00Olume. floe illustrated edition. of Tu obpp67. To yet., woriiwmth's, =e,yrr.tektiVllo.l; d • Yo AI. • Wee araort Lally ment of 11011101 Gift 1t0 . e , 1 1 fir onuASlLy...c. New Stock of Chickerinp Piano Fortes. .11 - 011 N 11.MEIZOI4 81 Wood' 0 of has rooolforl 1113 entirely new., ;trot of P1:17:0 I. I IIX tO., fro!. UtUo z , "l 4 - 1 , broted onOlafaclory of S'Olosof lo 2. as Fu lore Floes. oio N0.12:t4: Oooe counTo Rootrood 6216 : '' 16 116;2 • co t 4406 1134 A f..lf '' Cured Stoootood 40.1 ilurt " ...... 460 11721-'" t9i " Louis ZiVlb 44, 10 2: , 4 " tto foo 11.26. " Voll.Gract ...... . ALSO. The folicotint tiono Folios (for:lather sotottocturefteia , No. 6561 , Ono 6k oetsvo • Neuorood,,FtAlort. N. V 3:25 82.1-. 1 - " " Lfallott. Nolo t 115 " do. 250 451: " rwewwd, do. do. 5.25 15177 ••" " Woodazola Brow. 0r..0 do. 236 440: "Doodoir, 61111ork, hood. :76 coaktogoas cote. oecood hd. 125 d 01.5 AORED - 31USIC SCIIOOL SINOINO 1.3 300 SN— • Ca:oat+ Laudls. try la Irmo!Choir Cbonar 13ork: & Wibb: Libor !cats; Scar Carr:dam flora: Proalom CIA. Book: Normal ketmol Iota:Book; . .r.oparm.• Bolod0 00 : Totarilts Oratorio, Glen thee. by L. Mason: Now Btokortlic Ekboolra. ma: Noautle C•halonl& Prim Book; Volta Tamper:mos peas Baotou ary Cborua Bona: [took: • law—lb* Albatross, • , C.l, pm u aty cea , textll: •orda b 7 : Taslabarr,muNo kr N ra. Praaa, twat long by I. G. Vat,: TLo trot[ of Ce• sacred SlLlra. , rt , The tlV2l,.xd,!.';,vrt-i-. Callamsaa payee Oko.aim: labor. FARMER'S TO SCIENTIF ... IC AND PRACTICAL AORICITLICIIP.—DoteIIIog labors 01 tho Feta, in . Casio ontiotr. ALA EA.', • inn the= to the Zett , sat Cl te In: as they sutoxistretY kty Dostry Stephens; F. It. S. C. onto. of the ^Book of the Few," if. essistot bY John P. NottolL.N. A. Prof. of lietsurts Arßultetro LA Vele College. neer !tootle; 2 rolr. wlth ntlairoO/ READ. del2 Feartla ittr,at:4caln . . New Books T J. L. BEAD'S, Apollo Buildings, No. roorth Meet-- of son T~ him Femillee or &boot. .sc Bcp lo=oi Things by Dh .. ReLerPriltioll with refreshes to ;Meat ihmes; Chnrge tiehoe-sd to the Clergy of the Diocese of Qbio. October 11.1C.51! . • Now Ready!! - • V VERY LADY haring n Piano should and read Trmylrion's cry book d i aNntscrri this is • bdruilitil Lai f, r a PEF.SENT.— Without extrOti. as 1:1••1 • niec e of printing and bindine &serer vas emeriti:ed. ' Thera Is no brdsaibis , cadnilty that CIJI kayos, to Claw L, sblrh II tree not rif3 an easy remedyoe•iiiss deist directions bon' to Ewe the 11SettIllre2t isLWATS TUNE. Prier , 31.--Worild tot Upo that most, at. ran be tent by mall to any pat ottbolltated eters kr . . fess yenta Pnbli , bed by Lse t WalketdPbaadelphis, soda MAT 01 bad of JUIIN K 31ELLO . W ood 'trent. and 111.:NES KLEE FE, lbird greet. :Pilmbarib. - and at Ilia princiyll boot stoma drel • Chickedpg's ri.anos. 1 - O.IIN IL ..11 - ELLOR, Apia; for iur • CLlckerlng4 nem anCt 'Weems Penne)lraaSa. Fo. 81 Wood s bay(un received. new and erre lama mark et A Ft). FORT gd, [rare the man diatom or Clilcatrin, Bostac i consisting of 6, eg, GC. and 7 cetaree, eareed sad New Music ITAIZ SONdS•sungs by MSS CATIYE lIATT9 Come who. the amt aypbyry tram The harp that owe tbroctub Tars'm 'll.llx pi sirlt , o.B , - , CSO3 EflAci BY JTS.NT LTITId AT LIF.R COI:CV/TS , Copia' throuab tau Bac ilTayluy laud forever Auld Robin ling; lolltla Eel Riding ldood. ta. UN.% sweet !woad: . VII *um tha al.*: Thetlavalfyt qhyr Lurd'a Pray... with mu - TlarlSonssig, a sequel to the, ta. e 778. Glom; Cantle= Btdke the NUT cantle . ii; I A e ''' 'Tos we ifB U arTsrztoll "P.l ' d'n Roxibur, . Why do Runner /taxa [API The Lon (bast llnua oolored ;Lava Pareet Autuo of Ike 'rut% , Yoodat-lirld , algae?, folet. Thatootbeed mom ash. god 1:',7,-: Team. Call ma pet Daotoar. Olzslll'WAl,ta. Ilidclurr,ll. flatetwal and tar sal••by , JOILN IL_ ) IXLIAIII. I/ Wood stry, - - New Booze 4 lIST REOEIVEDA44 for .20/le by J. L. nem cmg azul prey, Trees. en=r4.ll=f d 'ir•O . tX cl 2 do a C: B SV4 r Pra w as , w itr. by J . 9.. b. an!. Einmla Yr.sitth uy Lgr •124 eha By as drokfr..›cT/0.41 Pit are, by Z. Wan., *tabor of boo ma a L... !a. 2kstr-bae. by Egr:r._ Fa ' ffilfgrig767;rol=: l ) ;167:12,1T - , ` O 017.11.. D. D. Tbo ,110cie t.s.r, Appe.l.3o betilra F• 211117 WOO. MP. "dal VIVI. and Dr.., . 2 *rJ Dtgfittl IVL I V•0 1 114 ", ..11iL :".. Y l!rttt't a..,.. 1 "rif4 ) the ariclualtr. b- sionot oihm. too ncturva; fad • Orem w :Wart sal Blatbcarr srams from du ts.r.. op 101 A HistOry of PillatrorgO. RY NEVLLLE B. CRAIG, Esq.—A . or of PiMehotab; hem tbe aarillat lofted when It *lira 't ri ton bp white Its,...donn to, the Cit.,/ o the IRA eribriber,, with maw of the fret eriablisborient amnia of the Import. t boatorisetextes and T=lo4. works of lob, nal Intrivenntrat. stp both. prig...trim. to nbleh is add c_opter Upon tot .40anta01.. mrgeitt. Fa..l tlNe4.llll. and COnlneerial parierinten r, he artrariata amount of barriesetransaried bens =mow If goon earriver. an 4 ebieknater hopneraments. Them Ism Wilt to this Unkritrbans at comp .roper mot reonts aril r....-mtreness blatotimi blamed We been comma:sob tt lain to brief a partal of time, as to the cantrirp around Ibe bead of Os Obla To mate: tortriter sari eatlbtaln big /tribal ontaf atm various Incident. .o 4 to proclaim itio eriranturee Menr monteitt capitalist* to Willa hem, lathy ot.eet or toe r , resat trot.. - • - . tIELLI7It. /roe ' • SI Wool street. . . • - " - New Music. 11111 E (lIPStS•SONO, or MvOullantßiLrk; j. an vrlthrartntous anslantsrh7 Jenny Dud, an her cower[ In Pitt.harzr... Tim Moonsar's tx nviCht. a C. issthatts scag. The Lamely Oar ,_u annt by aria. ti!p in ain&:!..- Ila taao=ll4.-A, sun& .7' tk! , ri.• &a7s. The Unesjeched rant. TPigli • aosnrosed t 7 U ; ./Clahq• • taiwur.t nsettium pp—A nammt. &station WM, =oat isdattlat and dr d''''. mania, " ' n.if ' ii i .Litirlt " ta, IThlnt tit .s • • triS • •.' ' Eilaa of the &olden ra. Sacred Music Boairx . . .... . . CANTIOA LAUDIS,2by !dawn & Webb; CARIIIIPA .19C714.--_ , __- . do. JAM CARM[NA P.ACAA, dn. do. • ILIE OLZE !I'VE. • new pollsetion of Glees and tart Soura selected - awl *hanged tar tha us of blsoleal= Voodoos, Tomboy/ .luclones, sod Clams of the Itudemy of Made, by Lovell Almon I! tleo. J. Hebb. A 1., V1 . " ° 00 '" 7 0i: the rtlign MI re 07 - cluionete 414m:thy - of obtaining coirect .and JUirood.toned Chaim:tot In this couritiT, haring _Wan lone and sammir Solt by tbs ttlairtmt su - m ho. has had nsadcfor 07mwmframir, a rholo• faieetb which have doer arrived. Tb 7 ma from Oa &Mir of elm twat maker in idorofs,:arol am warranted MUM to plib=ltit over °dared Orr Bati—asit or wen. Oo A orxtd-12 cad gayer. TA Cl• lat Zli ol: , raf ;Lasepa:ix io 1 titla a, sLare , pbsa., LBEN, o 2. T. VON FYIN: , I.IOI:6T ,112 go sti Gl-ILrAt elate. (111114.1 C • • soArliso boxes, prime Li dA"'"'"aite .t. ti 11 KISTL42/ MINSTILELt—A nom sp. um of Mulled Notatko. br J. D. AMIN 4ust tad falo by f1.:4141...0d, 1 N9.lfc. PEARL STARCH-5U boxes just roc'd oa „ Tait:x:llmi end toee.s i lA ßDT..rosrB CO. pOTASLI-8 csaks for sale by . LEIA/All D C&Li k 00 T K ~OLL 11}1.1211.11:0NE-12 lAla for sale by ix 66 1811•11111(161if C.P. SI'TS. TURPF.NTINC---15 is prime advriess , &r , f""tlir ip y * Wool R. bi ORRIS' TE- STOR , IN 11l DIG ' MOND, Cer..klnco cLiGkant c. Nor IltMeta Etaccl.-..1.124ciNew MAlag* Nnr.- itlmmarla Calvllest Citrce; Ureoc.• .ad Lamb P.l. 1i...0h Oructeld Fpleca or, iota. rime Llo OCafro.loo. deb IZRENCH OCHRE—t'uperiur, foreuleby a' ~1-0 3. alai) a CO., t 7 t'oat. et UFAQ TO U 4 t - I , I) Rsu 'I PII I I S 4 ‘ BT )-- r.5 , '..,, , 10 W. U. Or ant's 0 I Hshey'. 614/ Cl,tt! Parrome. DURUM DOE a UGUIII.AII Groat Ba of Long Shawls a low vices A. A. MASON & CO. will open on Tuesday arranr. December CI, at tjteir large Shawl An. e l! raw: or ton¢ abawir, IOYAL VARISII—in Ws and half bblo ""Mt0.431171°V." I . OFFEE-314 bap Rio, for ealo by gj de/ TEO. MATTLIERbA CO. lIGAR-20 Mule. prime N. 0"for sale by dy J. 8. DI t.Fuarla CO. FRESH TEAS-2.5 Id. cheatil. awn: tlf.a . .Fta dun howler. • r mp•4l: . 1 • ter nur b 7 de:, • BVILIIIUDOZ s INGIIRAId. jOLL ILE,A P S it BODlJustaddd, an jty serruoarit or Indio dubbe Doll eade Dodo. ed different Are, fr eels who're's sad SELO/ hr deg J. el EL iiIILLLigr. 111 ielflist et. CliklESL-70 boxes extra Cream Chem; re. de W. It. do 180 do litahrrsoslabreial trarbss dal - ivioll • bli.warithEtn. i==l W 4 INE— casks Madeira, direct from the 1 1.1..4, • supesior artele,ing rr.:61.4 tor rate 1, 7 . CULLlclatini e Cu. a ()SKS. PORT WINE; and /5 coke. WIL CELLIMY,DiuiDir; }cat reftatx rale b 7 IA TING-160a1ss No. 1, fur sale by I del A-COLDZIVIVON it CO. ',IOLASSEq--10 3 0, bbls. oSacull oUIC 44 4oldan For Ash 1?7 31•71111 •VD dri rr imxt 19 Watorit. ) U !CHAN CH E 2 • ,;7 2 , 40 cb bsa. e. 4...4 .4 ra p aJ t"br del WICK t MeCILITIA.M. SAL AMMONIAC-124U lb o. for Isola .by. ~..~:,-:t: ~--..,. Cluietzmas Gifts. • fake ..nt!ICCLICLI LI3EPT:,.ON ARD—In bblg. and kelps, for !ado by 1t.1,61.,ZELL L CO. moaer W. R. WILSON, 11: CE-25 tierdes iodine for sale oin bv itunnainat so !*-- 113d1L-50 bbla Loaf Sugar, for rale by • A. CtIbtaTEION a CO. ti : OLL-2 auks Wine. tit:reined, for 1.6.9) D.,1432.11' lIIM=M 11SCEL,LANEOUS Illustrated Gift Books for 1852. CALL AND SEE THEISPrice low, and • few very rkh and beautiful book* iomewbat dam %wlftly rteam or wets. to the Euro, Car that Wag barn a w Alkyd ago: llarCeTemele Prew Wtitere of Ammina.'Tky. mug. at w Poen, Tuldwr.querto aud Bogard Pomo, quarto. Campbell . . Poems, ;men ani LUC.. Mar. Cabinet of Modern Art.lst ai Proverbiallet nod Poet, I..allets of Memory, Friandehiges Otlertug,TgaT, Snow Flake; Christmas Biome:nun te; /Chu Woodbine; Brokeu lirsowlet, • Reuss in Life of the Savior; Women of the O. N. Teet.: Treasured Thought.; liotbonn's Poems Rosemary: Pelee. quotations; Seenes in Lives of Apostle; Floral Keergen.; Souerntrallery end fee flare, Fourth scree den rile Orate • benatiluf book mrrimonh " Armee Polity. tle tar or Bethlehem: Forum ill Lien of Patilaradig The Wowenorthe Seriptilten Du m A de an en O r b n we te omin r. rica d Lading Olit. Garland: ILDlstratect Keenrainn Pathways and ADM..' Kama of our Lent OurUOCIZI Screw BoOln Our gerlor tbeProphete I. Apollo Buildinga, J. L. RIAD. AOAZINES AND ANNUALS, rea: t d . tija tmt.0211., GoaT's La , lfs tack, Jauuorl• rmolu's Mostosine. fur January The Tlitor's_ssrmt,sOlorsi. otrr BOOK. —Th.. stock sousing of aLI tb• 4niv..l for 1hf..2, nahiuti trill be Sold at tb• loorost sosterrs prxee. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! A T 11012VLES' LITERARY DEPOT, N 0.74 1t. r .V13 7 trangektar—. complete bistedr , ~,L , e neda T of e w l= „ or cottel n url. Wa Of the .. siyaterice.of Komath's Speech. In Xnyletol, Addrem to the Dec- Pie of tbe Cuttod Metes, add Webrter's Lotter to Livi.w raan—ln pamphlet form. Al. and trbstaeleat • Doommice by G. P.R. Jam.. liortionlintiot mad Cultleator. tor Droctober.. lcdier' National Verlaine. fur Lunn./ • The Old °hard of Napoleon. by Ptelorial frotber Jocatbmi, ettrietmee. Mum poly of ANNDALP. from $1 to ALL. Herter', ew Monthly Lterrazint, Deoembor. Intennitional.slnmetino, for December. Dlackwood'alkagarine,lbr November. • illanees at Lurone,.by iloramt(itorir • Wade! Architeet. No. L. Itoby.Dlok. or the Whale; a new work by Eicrouta hey Dicttonary of Fhotspestantilnotatiord , London Labor and Loudon Poor, No. 15. Hammes Metro/Lae, vol. a. bal.b in ocutibk e krtehos to Ireland,Thacterer. Lomb. Art Journal for November. • rod Adventuros of on Ariceoraw Hootor. Thy Oxonians, neer nceet by Sulwer. TII•117 and the Um, by P.amovi Witmer. Icon atypic. and hie 04,11/. Pooch* Daum. li. sling of the Berta, by Dooms. - :sterner-le- of • Phi olden. by Dlsmaa. ?tittham, • !al.. of theAmerlean itcrolution. model. or the lialtrend of Lae. Prank aleleish. or erl Uonce the Wept a Private Not Limner. me, • the ic Wemsolre Pelf ileeeptloo, or a Htetory of Lim Haman Licari, put fecciad. Hebei. or the Mild of the Dottie Fluid.. Tale of Water- *be Great British Quarterlies AND LAC KWOOD'S MAGAZINE I , olota4of arormoN IN rut 1.1.1 OT tOttkati t i EONARD SCOW & CO., No. 54 Gold gt., NEW Y.NIX. ocoilnue to pubilth mafitllotrists u. o Prrtodkat, Tit • 1n). M)\ (UA.IITE . Ittit" Itt:SIEW (Cootorvatint. TRI S 01[14 C 1VITI ' A l ittlim( i Nto . Chtatch) TUE IttIVIEW (L.lbtttd.h av DLACKWOOI/.1 EltIN 0110AZINE UM). 'n em Reprint. base nose bean In sarcattofal onerattanitt this mental IV, nr•etwyrars, and their armlet. COM Itantly an the larreue ntteitbStandlna Lb. ennaprtlllon they eneannter than American perledle.l. of aslant', . o eleart)leas the Walt estlmation e foal from fonipnpe ht^h they are heat ny th e intnlttgrat readlag ablic, and taards • guarantee. that they are established on • net Desna atad rrfilbecontintund trlttarat latetrnptinn. Althought he. start gm airtingulehel bribe Will etztats abve Indies. % yet MIL& mall portbanet their ...intents It devoted to politics! sufyeaw. It Is thelritteral. them-tee elves item their etilef velem. elem.. to thet they 'tuna eon festally f. shore tatutherjounsgte or. . itUrr.., eat! untl•r the nalterlY zuw.. Cheltursber North. nettallte Its Ancient totality, oh of is. et this tun., nonfatal: oltrAlive, from Ile eerisl wart+ ut Wrier sal ether literary he/tablet. written ler - Abu ctsgssine, enl gyre epbesting In he Oulal=l bo:b el about BrUela gal In the States. Saejt svelte el .-rb o' eat . .111). P eV Nth by Dullest, fey benin•uter .- Tte Olsen Iland: and other tenni. of ertarti mu: wt. Heel wilt/one are Lerner by the by pullithAre In MI ce.untry. hare to be re. bruited those publithers want the puree at lilselwoul. alue es been lertnel by Mews. :Scott & Co. On Orb:s In the Reprint oftt.t ... !egstrltteiney slwerg rely ms the earlleit rwling of these Cwt. aging trier. . . TEAMS' , Far sty Cava cf filar • .....l3 0) kca acy two at t.- hot 1.4.1eaa. I,r an, a( the tau: gariewa. . 7 03 F.,a .110 u; tbe Itaneer Pot Vol blasamord tad laarlr.• ..... • .•• a OJ Far Dlarkaoral era fu Stariewr 10 DI !tr....nano ra ta rode in Ott 0.114 an adraans. Noma-, rant in tka son. !Until pa" A ilseolr-t of tooint-Oro por cent. fro= t2o atom, frOta o n • , Lowtd Cl o h4 orderisu ft.or or ton cottto ox on• cos or =ail of by &bor. "mak. iGol! Your oniAoo of ‘to.lorm tr of ono Itevior ..1:1 to ova; to coo clams fl , ; Our coptot of ',A t fo,rltotlerss ooLl Slorktolot tor 1.30; .n noon. REDUCED It. unstop to Ms. dllll . ala has. 47 ths 47. WS. L ug u n tos,.o. ott Tait stamp. s w at sutra' tut cast. , law haat - M.O it. agrit:r4. 4 ...L.17;T,; , ,,,,,, AD, dlstatuo oat rsot-G7.:4 tz.l Ct.t het u*at twat 1.1 et-a. jihs V 473 lO Outs 17.4 an! oci trucoa6Los Voss '' al • TOM urns, Any dlrstud uGt oxesedttut WO mutt Cchaytt go. LTnr WO sod oat automat.. IWO " " .J•nr 1600 sad not esordltu 74.1 " 10 - At tbs..* toss so ot7ecticu shoo to made as hatotofory. to nuslaing CIA to -Tull Pr MO .301414 Matt aperl7, as* aunt ..took dsh ram h a r Rem Malatya and *ultimata/low Agatha he .I.SY. 75 Patton at ..7v PS. wstl D.—L. Po. hora Irtut , r pit hays "7 q.. "" l `bi,l`,..h."Ytaralt:ggi,i'SPZlAS: 7l .: r g.aso, plar a l i ot sob . Pupal octavo, tchattapite lOW l a t?EttAto . a ' , " 4l to hope's oianterveption. , 4 S A NATIONAL POLACY, Non-loter ::tamt. • =,!. ! i, : e Julp i , n r.:Vcatt.s CLOTH. I . SVI St i lt Vertbusre in,/td to tall it ‘ l.7llltsTa l d * rit c rlitc : Clicq Men's sot fJar'm Pottilnir. sad txuattemar Attu, to;tax - 47 . a dtsttilltt srestunts sistp. sod arAkram, prts.s.etotket St tqqall4l. Lloyd Clothlsos 4.1 sates sod d,skttittos. Ts.Alst,t Sass. gbln'CißLlNtrNiVri,- C ass, a.= Staltttel4 cut Dittscnt ukr • Melodeons, _ N inDE by CARHRDT, tllO ihvcot, line aupply thr.e le Tiebrdrorts, 4%, ebet 5 erte , re. 1.4 y,•e4ur,:a New 1121.. lbeve lo are trieverrirtrelter ~.nb b^.l tha tmortlat“tot*l.7 whets, banns teraret Icarrnrenecte nye presented by au, odor?. eerie .. Doubt, Sven, ar. detererut or taml.L. - 4 a brettbro CouWard t .01 pr••• call atal ani enrinee he talcs tr ite ern: veresr:ryt it.zuma, 101 p i the Oebtert Nf—UMERAL METII.OD 81NOINGBOOES. The sabacriber tI•1 1. , 01 , 11 secflf of neNeesremelt. eilitaist‘ tt In the Alettal, coatis - LnA•—• 13 , 11100 N omnnillluatony. Nos 1 .12. that LIDS 114/11110. eeatalets• • Ire.t ratiety of the best Chartli 11.10. The Elshi Eingt.oE. Manual. for Pomace Faro!! .1 I.2tht li.latltElt. sr. of the Goa. lfsrp. P. E.—A foll ti... 1,00 Oro). wctla caetesttly Wbqt fif, deg Christmas Goods. TAMES A. hicKNIGIIT. No. 62 I'm.* et., " phua lo:ita a:mit ot Vac» Ocotto nfitabla for rotofso .9 a) • f/Jo9CY wive, 110.1CP, iIE9III DllLoOtho CASID, DREAMING. O:M2f 9, CROCHET I !MAD BAG) AND 1311 , 11:3; Froth ZrotoskidorL-1, consiatiog of Wrought Collar., Cbotalsf Elooon. llandlfan3.94l,a4. %le t ViTiZraTT /110119911C0 Co.-30 Shares of etaea no: 4cm/ dot)) A. WILE iNd a .7). CITIZENS' Deposita Da n k . —Tbe Stook of ts.s rctr;tor won' a WILMS & CO. vorosii-20 tee. Grand Bank, (large 1.,/ far WI. by WM. bACIftLE sot T t 129 . ttlt •It •Z? %load iit• ENNA, burnt and losigated, atransparen gal rta. bY J. KIDD k CO.. IQUORICE CALABRIA-IWD lb! for snlit by • 3.13 i 1313 1.00. ABB. AMMONIA-900 lbs. for sale by f1,23i. KIDD I 00. 1 11EAP PIANOS! — Js roo'd f ft , .. et. ITAOI*I‘IOI7 of uotioc Di *-7:7. Vig &Co 0010% t. &IS of Otto It& Deft& RTWftgUNMIVArit"-t' " tow Tort . 4.101711-Viae tow . ilwowoo.h DOT ASII:-15 cash pure, fur sub by Uol3 WICK * UtP4NP;;M• CILIUM. CUSHIONS-2 doz. India Rubber ..I.tlaptosb All CUNDIgt... of difirmattahavw. Jvv , res .1...5d fir W. at No.l/5 Mulct Am; dia ITILLIPS. .1 de lg UTTER-14 pkge rec'd and tIAND L for salBs e by WIGS A MaY.- f ILOVER & TIBIOTRY SEED, for sale by kJ 4.19 WICK 191.041;DIMSS. FLOUR -44 bble• for tale by nolo WHAL t 4c04.1514..E:5. QUGAR-15 hhdo. prime new, for sale by delg 3011 i; WATT a CO. ROLL BUTTER-sbble. for rale by , de22 Jong V 7 AV by 00 SRI NCH O . I3IIRANTS7 ' I , ga l lt A ! ;! yla c e by FRESII OIiANGES---In prime o der, at Xi" "' Mett EANS-16 La. Small White, tot salo by 0 11 C. P. PIIILTVER. lk NIONS--5 Lige. for sole by Ur &IS • S. P. SIIIIICEII. SU 'EP PELTS—I dos. for ludo by del: B. Y. suainit. BROONB-200 doz. Dry Corn, for sato by EeIE 3. P. SIIKIVER. WINDOW OLAS4S-200 hse Sill) and 10 al?, tot de by r. P. HITREPER. kIVNER WANTEU—tur a barrel marked uot called for 'Hata thirti "" a:ty 'rl". a. " En'lL A CO..LMrt)tr riANDLESTICKS I—Anot4er lot 'of new I .tri. Cluidisstlcts. }tat cross to bsoil—tiol int vault addl.. harsh moors to WI earls.. Its this said. ilostplotht mg, a 5 ...7. [4OOl 11.1ttelloit.thluN. CRANDEBRIES-11 Ws. just rued per. etamcr Matt:, and ita rig bl IVII.II-11e0L1.1116 t CO., Orman sod Tea Nalat c i a ALEItATUS-40 bu. and 50 bids. tare, finnleb7 J. D. CANFIELD. BUTTER -t-10 bxe. Fresh ,for sale by del3 J. D. CANIELD. 5• ~ ~ ~ ~~~ 11UCKWIEEAT..FLOOR—A very eup . erior article enas.lll.llfrvi Brighton Nut. sad tb...are, convent! , ma D. 4 .4 ter pato • • • WAS. bk btogt 1.01.0...... rs It t..10n no.noilont for !bog 11111.0 Jot. rorottb mEktiy 15ASC CLAyTo.S. .r pa las. sc. I'votts ob. 111. Beware of TO DOLED ADAINET lIIDOFITInw READ TTIE CAREVULIE. itta Public ata faxhrtilatly cru.ita Ile loot aaemet a OntalreJn.t •hlch has lately rani* arnearanee •nd celled by the 1tr,..,t0r who met. It ' , XII Ve,o.tre anti+ an Liniment.' Thl• M a dangeo.u. (awl 10.. t 4emelt, hntu I,l.l.estrina the arou- a! tY be partleulas weer to /be Lry . Mao. ' . 1 . 0411.115.. luhrieut," li.. navel:idyl-1 dealers will nay•..., the . 10(7 ati.Vvyr upon you fir the a—uulre. hot alavyt .tra for Ananun Lorgava.." and i.a.< no nv..r. the enaine always ha* the latter. 11. G.L.O.r. r.rrtir, hla anroatore alsoon the mft,44* wrapper, mod Uwe. words blown to the glare Leal.-'•/1. U. 00. •L''z Lin:twat, It.ria." Auanlewlutelln wyety Town, Vlilage awl P.nrelet It the 6.1.4 :Wes, witleb,onels not eanollabril. APO, by 4d +r O. Farrell, terla.lll.. with goal r!Dnu , ..R5 astute, Ml.3,4l:Lail:ln (WI on the agent who will Cartdrh Fns of Chart,. • book ocataltalug touch valuable lalytmativa 0 . , - OS Chi/OD, cents,l.lsw dellr pe `. ,nruncts t; % -t rr- t6. • I..veci.,l•ndtqcTr.t ‘r. tr Nola _ era 114 retail , IL 7. IV.LLIII, deZzllo 1 , 14 PT It. q.CU7:IIY. The Human Body Rust Yerapire, Q.O SAYS NATURE, to tr.,o a benithy *DI rem. who do Lot mr., n. toll,: coot .11r:wiling I,l,aser. Otnalcof toe; anus.. • fry, p.reVra.dnu. .D 1 st the tltoe =0111E" 1.1 am. atrlns it I.Le lota of au tafant'a STarriTialt thrum. earl Sam. ar.ort en', 11,1,1, reCod . ... — th . r ... 44:;iir .-I, i Irlhild 14 7, ; 1 ;s bah Ouirbarrd et aur...l by ,tr urn, a. r50....,5t I 0,4,..., 5 Is 1., I:,r, It ,no larre anal , . rata In ad. easterntl.. doting the FllO WO it It\ .141 rd.., aurl, Lad ~ e,ai.,....,,.—.....,r,. in . pt., tat, 5 0 5 k,, 1.. I. rnable4 to dlaPore o Erf the. It tiro , Pithric., Illed.rhee. Fackler.. or lor othrt skin al: vs., I ' L. , ly tortured prlas. lit wool! all I.dilenlar attention to MAP/ I, assurrd that tilt la ro new., phi:ed oratroia ma , 6,5 on* trt.l out rata. 1 ..5,01,1 0a,,,,,,..a. 5 ,, st. 6e „41,,, . Ilrrrha Lone Shark, re, chary, Plain Catbtuars pawner mad oforn, he... Loom loss,. and nor bard. . mon.. Stasis Bay States,. at caueifacletrers . Buy it—and Lob r..airr Is ...ado arena!! would art are. prwec Iratodi Merino. and Cashmorat lan. ally toll it for the ahoy*. orders I boo It tc be all 1 not. c, P:al.l Dram , . Silk, tort dadratrix ' 1 Sisart who aro Ilatlr to. eberd, cached, 1 ' d or r apire. ,t . Chalet, Oral/aim to. tor cad will tad Ude not tall a nu, hut. Tarsal,. and I rrir to. Oitir aid, amt ..r 0..-.,,..4 ..i,h ~ oi 11.. , . , ,-, , JIAM AGED. GOODS! — A. A. Masos & Co, I m.i.ellas da. , ..........1 , Cod ttds 1.0.0 mar (.4 I 7 01.1 0,..a, . hloodar. .moot WO. ..12 a'r,* 'lt rah. in Its orootrtral lima 1 otdta. , eiroda .11ghtly d.rnagr.l by a.tar. atoarertog ...., itarliut. :water. a* snail are eroded alth intita .-...... tilnobsua, ll.oeit, sltuell.s. Cbrrlta , to.. de. al , a Ourta. • env. 1..° ...k for Jost! . Italian Ch.,..r0l Vcly , --rp , 1 • hi:h will a told at party our balf lb. ulna! prey,. boy it only of ICJ. JACILre.. , , rtir Aros In. I' 1,,, , ,, , ,1. uod.l bred of 'Wool. Carla. Pearly White Teeth. had Pup , Breath,,-pp . b. mir ytt.,my t,,,,, , , , ren p,. , , ,. .. n.. .,z6,,, ;;,, ,, , ,? 0 ,„ ,,,,, .. 47 , , , ,r 6 ,.. 4 , , ~. 1 - i t tu ,.. 12. ,.. P112 & .,,,, O t y0RT.,,,C11...F.1E.r.,1,,D7 Wet tort „toll dnayeel., dark or T o lle,. and antrc..slnl •MI trtr sr, r . ,.. r.p..r. tsar FECUND Ink. raptly oi idotrls for the fall ' that a 2.1 ant lox of r od !star Tooth Pr,to rill mo l t tad , . so i sob rttenhon to tbrir untirtrallr run trtrlt - thi resells aa whit., sr rod, and the tr,to oirrlarru,ly , SIMIL. Met. . L a n: S' IditE-S3 t/C6)112.. in Oast rarittr. reel idrintrd, told emir at .1 t0.131 , 01et !tare . 2-10 Mr:, rt., howl or . Ps e. Pat 15,.... Cohorts, i tench harloos, kinsilti de wear. ' Elorr. 41, ..*r. ' NUAWL'i, Lc. ant Squat. —, ea 'trio Drocht, errr-, . A Edieutidc Bair Tonic, ilo,torar and 13 , 2au , 6A.d ' om, c....' ,. . , a 4 Wool d o. Ghdo 5 04 Car .arlf. , I ..' ' No.l Lad [[leaf lid, t, ar. lidr.r.--Yrlal, .67,, torn... race. •ao [role ~.erl 1,,,d, rlrld ilddir... black and half thournicke dc . .* /Ott Coral Hair V0r..., r. 1.1.4.• I, .., , ilrul,ualte,,o. . „,, , ",. l, 110.1.1 a ha tea act. +to anima It 63 ,d4deli,-:lte fclicrist ! 1,,,,",,,.. . 0 . 0 ~, , ,,i,O l . fuosp supply of sup, "1 ~ .....1 % .11 , ..,,,, Or h.. , to ie.... rol Part r lira : .qhliting 'l nshti and Irish Lloa.. and Eltaipla Goods f i. , • att.nt u' td „ trAIT 14 ,a - oi: Cop it Who... ~. ., ' , T , ! gall, any al I sill be, Sold at kr. rtiret thr quilt, .. . or dandruff. sod Miss light. MI, rt War Lair i...t`a 0i ,,, country Mstriostrte are Insiird to all in our abulat/s 7. rondo:lnt Ma hair raft awl aiLt.r, tad.l.l. au ererril i r-.., uo ;till, ctoro (Nods are K.ll low. . ol,rl titia—tt ma) att truly hrrutittil. and rm. It. re It 15. in. ' . ' deed, this mere reonctaiae— r.: rutatior—...eurd. 1., th. I i l tid oily t WILJAGECSUN'S Ewa, :40.e.1',.:rr At...a! I , ... A ,, , , 1. -yil p,, t , o , tti., 1,..., si. 1 i JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Ilare ' a ~..,,,, ~.. ; et , ,,,.,.`--.' 1g <4; 41:4 ..ti, er ft.., 1.1. Vorgeriti. allteirdair.tor:l:l'al.r . saltuue a . reurra itael 1 , 1. 6°14 ley VAL J/CEe...i, 204,16,, Cruet, bead of IS eatearle. ' JONES' LILLY WHlTE.—Lr.dieg era Cum! uggessi cY.r.4 Dn . P. ,11 -MgAt. •g• pot •Itar• hcw frlztlfoli7 InjurNt. It 11 how ow., how rough. 147 v, 1,01‘,. &game, u• tttn •pyraz.. one" ogltta rgglmgglCb.- 42 INVhIVp. - "TZWL" l 2 l rAr,t u l';`,=,,,...,i ,111.1 a. Lilly bite. It kg pertittly tranneet. toCas kurtAwl a ell . d , ..1(1. da t a ,, is , C r I.l . l , W i tg:szto th l . l tlt:n • ug:url. petle 1/1 ,, 41.10. tigAiugli a gaft and *ol4 laz_ttio Mat. WM. JAC6E0N.345141.14, ut bg•S l'Autim:ak. Dr. Rtyser's Pectoral Syrup, lOR THE CURE OP COUGHS, COLDS. • coN - UMPritni tzt I. arl, 'Cages, Fihoop,ne Cough. and the mak , . intear of the pnimo nary yM.A. Vole la Yo e cf tb.nor. corisln and eCromsl remedies frr diseases of the torratten. - . rotreimea kr Nata rat I "ttly. elahoratell In - au d ef tbavaarlfa • ' . , ~., a r riz t z . d t . t. sj , i . v . do ttr i t, h agb ... ..lo .,4 72 tout ial . bltswi c x , n tbai d t wo vii , w . t . ita tli . w w trv ,. W—. s, ol o... at w o . , :z ... sothing ... „o at,' a.: t. :, - L FAI to Ir= Jr lart. the f a tVC(I " ,I=IP rrtalr " • bi,do aat>t.„. al t i t: too wraugbe aturblut *pee of /at \ I r r\tlllat%e ' a til ;I o f tly 11 ' 11a:44a I: " ts -- our irtaWly should be Witt, in Orga to wear, far It MO. 'L tit, tar utorwang , tat- Utter La Lim Inarrta..Vi I ....rilunrarstabwirjnta,-Ibeto trurtmayb• in our city an 4 ncirbbarligod. bear =Os tartbnopy 111 tre " ' 'f _ 2 'l" Pq"'''''' iwra, 'Lea ego. owartltta wt. ad ...V, )111.1.7 ba ' ban rwiternl to alirbt. , f araf riri tf niblulti.lo lb* & en et Ohio, luta ' ens-4. nial tbacareof biigatle...trila Deaver an Ilan a otb ra, but Wu nwictear Lama. air De tee to y any pions. bare jloubta to r in Th ... veuzet . e. .th v bad bitiv \ i . 110Itt,w, ilikt r, , , ifriuwigat cA Zuyratata 111. ina 013 LI, face, le inty). ia. Warn., ' , all Ur', ina In Oa brag ud, i I, Orriebit:•Ultun Uni= 4 .l 0h.1184 liwilo: :11. 4 clou T Tna l' inr7it•willsg -T4l D.L.. Mamma .; W. LpAj....d. f 14mM...tat blrylu. I.brit• arid t mazaaat alarm, arl has b. a ‘ ataetaes lithhh th. put..aev x ....: \ Clusttesta• that yill'astortab. rts.,,,trter.whtmllfi take gem:mist atllattet ar them filen/. i , - • a may MS their cr.edt.hami. , atetj Herald,. ot ilia tau.. rbeir profeagurn wt. klinongi= .., au. Wbo at Urn lrwaaal:yrisitb • willing to averal lt riga yr ~l , d um mauls ruand. a a it* tirnbna la a i lliTate\Dßi n i ' ltlll ' ir.t . cir. 'fi:14111-elg...n_erriy.kil-waeni' al ..w. u „ ' 'r•Wanth a*rar "" itirettoct • On.. Worrl nue .obuhels received un L4unnolv:44 E . t.a d rat aL leratd.ti• boxes 'Or lode by nct; a 'afca.vo4r2:o3. iU 14)rilfor sale by \ WICEVIcCAND 611 s' Toon., Vor sale low s. DALZEI.S, Iragß laukiiO4 fur salLb . \ ,, •Y's 0- .t-rj;t4 Front OUR-25 e. ka for ale mechNtless. IYlar $\ \ \ ) end entr 0. moan! co., •t 10C Ittlecane, r., and sot.l. •holeale andi \ • 0. 1: . I.IIcICLASIIAII e . \gent kr Wanern Peontrylvota. " - mar Wood and Sixth stn. Ikett.