The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 18, 1851, Image 2

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    MORNING, DEC. IR, 18.17
itereln order to supply the demand for Kr,-
oath'elipeech, we - republish it this .
our &firth:pie. '
HL ° OjLIO AND iitsinnYLVANIA, AND ran
i./qID4.II4*ILLLSVILLt RAILROAD, —lt has bren
•a mater of great regret in this community: that
' • some equitable and harmonious neranecin'ent
could not be effected between the abase named
- Railroads, by which the COLIVCOICIIee and cam-
Tort of the travelling comtnunit, be Ire
' inttedi: The dilbe,ulty is at length becoming
Injurious to:this city and (level:11bl, and theauh
4i• ••jeet 14 so ghat coraplaint no the part of travel
leis, Oat—the press cannot Anger remain silent
yithotit - Inettrringjustemoure.
. It to well known that the Ohio end
vania lldilroad conneeis with the . elerelituar,ail
, .
railroad, at Alliance, 81 tn,k from
Pittaborgh, and that ascept a gap - of 10 miles of
gtnging, between fateetintind Salem, we have
COtitillOolsl4llrOthi to
gais could.enaily token in out from Cleveland
and Pitfsborgh in about, 12 .houro, n ere there 1,
r- haftridnions ea-operation. between those rood
s whereas thet are now tome 31 hours in cooking
' the jettilitiyearingPittsburgh the niLruing cf
one dwandarriviug at elevelciml tho oNeiling
of theltent, being obliged to qeuil a night oti
•'• -if' the way. • •
The eause.of the difficulty! io thin. The neve
11 lend ZlLliflirebiTitie epiewany
mangers o ver its whole 'roll to Wei;;. ili,. ott.t
, therefore reidaes to'enterinto any arrangement
with the Ohio and Pennsylvania Company. 11,e
i. , kt . lt ,- ,4).tter company is ansians to mike an arrange
nicht, anithas endeavored energetically to effect
• it, but without auccess: While the river iu
a aa , igablaatata 'and pannengels eould go to
Cincinnati by steamboat, the evil no. bearable,
• bat since j.he lint has been frozen over, as it is
now, the matter has assumed a atrious en,pect
The Cleveland . Company cannot now forward its
(iwa.paasengara by steamboat, and aware there
fore mkt off / from any through route to Clevelana
✓ and Cincinnati. Passengers ore note reaching
• this city in 24 hours from Philadelphia, arid 'in
Tthicare more could be delivered in Cincinnati,
•. , '" - '7le.feif. not far thin repreheisible disagreement.
-.ASA is. they are taking the stage to Wheeling
Sad frank thence to l'olumbus—ahus staging it
-over' 200 miles; when we bate a continuous
tgi..l!allroad to Cincinnati, with only a gap
7Now lee . appeal to the Directors of the Clove
land add Wellsville road to dtscard this nary°.
policy, which' can only he disastrous to the t
•.• company in Ito effects, Mr. rIIESTIS, the Pres
• , idi n t,and.soMn . ol'ihe iontlemanly Direetcre wa
'auSaber among oar peritonea friends, and have it
high nfinlett7of their enterprise and butine,s
saga.* ty, -. indjwe feel sure that they must he
convinced *by thia time, tilt they have made
• a . ridatike. L NO doubt that the reasons which
- . .
bare hitherta,ineneneell this poliry bn<e tir
..r..:4l;tl3.i.telftolitisemll(6:l43, nod were ,nz.i,,sunl o
4,licitiaoftheir duty to their t.toel:holder;" - • lint
- 4
1.. 6 4t0tt
-iet tie .convinced by the trtnl . they.
.4'.gitien it, that the,j never can succeed to drawing
upon a route broken by .Itt mile, of bteam.
ruptions'Fid uneettlintie,, mul that the irart:l;
.. .d!atpulAto will 'never he eatitfied
7- 45 . #4:tiwieton4 faregai.g, their comfort, meraly
..--- ":.: - .7,•:...tii1O12e4t.}.)cotopapy, when a ceatinnlasßail
t::iiiia'eouldbe enjoyed.
• .41:lareopgers, who are now arriving here inn,
theiard;aotildba assured of being pat directly
through, .the;.two Itailroade would do a heavy
booirmas , iirud we arc; satisfied the elev.:llnd road
woithk7utki:ioote - tnotley than by retaining it,
pteount policy. _. W O ktiow"the o tfiaers of the
Ohio road are ready to agree
to any tooluiot.bli arrangement, and we hope
they met in a liberal epirit by the Clete
land Company. If we have dome there latter
.1 ' any injustice in our reroarts we shall be happy
to make amends, and- we freely offer our col-
tunas to them for the jnatificatton and defence
of their - p • 011oy.
pleirelsOd to as deeply intererl'ed in :hi,
tt? ' itgeitits.inttehtugh, we call the attention cf
tbk oditore on4;people of that dace to toe eon
itinitiiintl'itf this qtteetion.
81:1531317'S MISSION.
• When we look at it attentively, there is same
' thisig very wonderful in the event, of the pa,
few weeks, in reference to this extraordinary
man.fits the lot of September lie w .a pri
soner id an obscure village of Asia Nlinor—a
• poor, unfortunate man, who bad lost all in a
traitlees struggle to give liberty nod indspen
: dente fo"his country. We pitied him, and re
let i)eleed that at length, through the good o:fleet
of and American governments, he
was permitted to go free, that Le might
And a nazi home in the Crated States. This
-.was all that most of us 0/YeCted. So thorongb
- ly did he seem to : be prostrated. , that it appear
ed tohe impossible that he could do any thing
more for his country, or for the great rouse of
freedomin Europe. ,
.„,.. Everything - seemed to Le against him. Des
titate of all things, and drawn by the force of
eirmunateneestoseek an asylum among a people
of a strange language, we only expected to be
called upon to sympathize and condole with him,
'and honor him for what, ho bad done andlutier•
ed in the canoe of hie country. Such were nor
thoughts when-we heird that ho had set hit foot
-rent* more a 'freeman-Lan the deck of the
'iNe sooner, tiore*erhad hotrod the free soil
4f. Englan . 4„;thaii.his, astonished 'the world by
sPetakingitithe'lnglishloiaguage . as few men ,
tritrispalta ,, :4lia l taittehless eloquence took cap
• tire the hearts ht . the; people, and moved that
- 4 ustiene it was never moved before and ant
then only, but all Christendom woo rho
. herillikintritti quailed at his trumpet call to the
'renewed battlwfor freedom, and at the prospect
tr,:itt his almost resistless persuasion would en
lan two Mighty nations in the war.
Nothinpinee the days of Elijah the Tiebbite
' bas . eqtudledthe startling saddennees, the mut.-
. al grandeuriof his 'advent. We are surprised
• •at his iroidelous mastery of the English
• gunge t . equally seat hls profaned acquaintance
Fit!' the ardent of free government, and the
cansunme.ste tact and aptitude with which * he
mien all eltatlett and all doctrines, and tarns
them to his 'own great purpose, without the
. slightest inconalstency with himself. Eat trill
we cannot fully discover the secret of his power,
We see the phyalcal'man worn down, but, his
• mind seems as though it did not labor at all
and we are ready te exclaim, ,
-.That bait' Ms strength Le puts not forth, but Sbeele
tin thunder in add volley."
All the - great queations which bad occupied
• the minds of men seem to hate been postponed,
forgotten, that they may bear what Kossuth.
oval His speeches and replies come with ouch
mareallous rapidity and volume, that they fill
znatrj Columns, from - diiy to day, in the large
• matt= papers, yet every sentence is replete
with meaning, and as fresh as ifit were the first.
. Millions read them, and their minds are 'so
sturreci l :end filled that they can think of little
ka L obe 'There hail been nothin.g like this before.
_ It hi a new phase in human character. The ef
fect upon thoaewho base not seen him, but who
hare only-read his speeches, is almost as magi
cal as if their spirits hid been stirred by bin
liring 'vibe. An accomplished editor of New
york, who - still opposes:the main object of his
- describes him: -
- an extraordinary man, in the
fullest sense of the word.. One's heart yearns
in sympathy for his condition, and when he
speaks he suffuses every soul with the glow of
• - his patriotism. •We have rarely looked upon a
countenance that speaks so earnestly in its very
• silence, or into eyes more eloquent, in appeal,
• or listened tire voice so touchingly sonorous, an
• trnajelptettairer.ot deep and truthful feeling.
Me..Kesputliis man to swiiy, tau] tud - cs. With.
him Geary destare is s every intonat ion
an implant Ile carriwi men captive by hie
esraesti.but 'Unobtrusive enthusiasm, and ditt- ,
Pineeb/T 06, 4-b in by imPulecti:" .
B o i w ake succeed in his 'minion? We th i nk
he will S lle kevideutlybearing down what op.
si - thin he at : tint encountered, both by the- I
the earnest fervor of
force of its logic and by
bin anneal*. : The nomulaess of his political,
and the:excellence of his moral, sentiments,
bare won the confidence and affections of good
ineu,, while, by his consummate tact be has
avoided giving offence to any. But there
is an itnpres.lon, to which thousands have given
utterance, that he has been mired up by Provi
dencesa the great liberator of oppressed hu
manity: art this impression causes him to be
viewed with other feelings than he would be,
were he regarded merely an a self-constituted
champ:on. Sty not that this is superstitious;
fur that Ileing who rules in the armies of hea
r:, and among the inhabitants of the earth,
when he has a great object to accomplish, al
ways raises up instruments adequate to the
wort : aml we nee that to few men of this or
any oti..r age horn Le impirted such marvellous
power over the lmudc of men as to Louis EPS
malt. This power, while it iespires confidence
tit niece:is, both in himself and others, will go
far to -ensure suceeni. w e presume not to nay
what purpoees may be in the mind of the great
Disposer of human OvettL4, but he hoe authorized
. 11n to oilnorvo the sign. , of the times: and the
Christian cannot regard the mission of Kossuth
with any other feelingo than those of deep and
solemn interest, and on portending nom. great
change in the condition and relaiions of Nu
OM, 1.4 i. I't.arty ANTS Ilsit.oosti —The
wr i tit on Ino. rood is progreiising with as much
r ai ,i,tity at th e wroth, will permit. The gap
of liotireori l'alertine and Salem is (Ist
tii;iiag up Th, ,i.ber is a.ll down, awl the iron
laid for half the distance, leaning only shoot
whit , in .1..e4 of iron to toy to Snish the road from
hire t,, Alliance This will take lint slow days
if there ryno detention from emu of iron, which but slowly from i'levolwid.3
ltetlioen .I.lli.inee and Massillon the SA-Silk
are oil Hewn with the exception of alitint four
wiles, And the cross ties are down for more than
hall the wite!e d.stance, and the iron is laid for
about four miles it will otion he finished when
the gm s Iron th., section listween Palestine
and Ci,..:2111.i an I trahiforrel to it.
The R.a,,,cre •ner wan copies Kossuth'e rent
New York Speech : and con:mews upon it us fol-
"It. is Is:together o remarkable speech. Ono
cannot read it without antonirhment. A more
ingeniiin , , plausible, eloquent etposttion was
uoter put in words. There are in it some pas
sages that would he sufficient to rank the titter
er outing the first of orators living or dead
••ll'hatever tatty he said of lio,e.uth by friend
or foe, the acknowledgment of his honest:) , is
beyond question. Ile marches up to his subject
1 - 11-u to flocs, and blinks no part of it. A Milder
propmstion was otter !Untie to a nation than
(hut which lie IsUltelltleeS with the calmness of a
mail who seems to thlnk that he is advancing
nothing but What is perfectly, and
in full keeping with the whole spirit and prae
tire of stir inditution, Ile gives us lectures
upon oar iystent of government, and informstla
110.1 IT ssnostrom understood it. A most extra
ordinary speech!
The Baltimore paper oppose.? Kossuth's mis
sion, &asset., and gives at the sole reason, that
the people of Europe are rfot prepared for Re
publiAnism. it say.,—••Let the European
EPHRAIM be joined to his idol.•: it is not for this
Republic to purge that temple, so full of abom
inations.- With such a cold, selfish, anti-
Christian sentiment we have no affinity. Our
re,on an.l our sympathies revolt at such a
haug.hty pursing by on the other side, while
bleeding, bruised, oppre,tel humanity calls fur
help. It is n slander on the European popula
1.,U, and "poll humanity, to say that the people
of Italy, Cerrnsity, and Hungary cannot be re.
deemeo from their idols, and delivered from
their,,oppre.,.oor?,•auJ raised to the dignity of
free and law-honoring, and aelf.trusting people.
Ko?lnth m himself °jiving embodiment of the
woudertul advance of enlarged liberal ideas in
'Europe, and the glorious harbinger of better
lays to come. We abo'uld ,dou b t Christianity
itself, if we could doubt the ultimate success of
freedom, and the consequent and complete over
throw of religion and and civil despotism.
limier trlistam, Esq , of the telegraph line,
has addressed a letter to Gov. Kossuth, offering
subscription of .51,000 to the ••Koesutlt fund,"
or to Oct apart £OO acres of land Tor the use of
the llungeri
11001,—We are pleased to announce that this
delightful read' wris 61si,Led yesterday, from
Pittsburgh to Turtle Creek, over eleven miles.
It is oar of the,most !reel and pleasant roads
which come into_Pittsburgh, an .I it must secure
a great amount 'of the travel trout that region.
Its convenience to farmers and wagoners, thin
season of the year, can hardly be esti
Tire Pa11., \LAlL—Sever sinco we
hare been connected with the pros., have we
, known the omit from Thiladelphin to this city
so irregular in its move:meats to at present. For
rho post four Joys we have received. but boo
lii mail from that city. That was receiveiron Tues
day evening, and brought us the paper, of Fn
c-cy. Such a elate or things is outrage°n at a
time when passengers are coming , Through iu 21
Lours. We know not who may 1,10 to blame
but wo hope the Department will apply some
corrective, so that the mails may not ,only keep
pace with naseengers, but reach us regularly.
There mute no valid apology fur the state of
things now existing,
ilf.olll WASHINGTON.
The revolution of welcome to Kossuth passed
the Senate ID day by the vote of 33 to G. Among the
six dissentients were, lodger, Berrien. Dawson,
and Clemens. Never was to great a duet raieed
by so smell n squad. Their tremendous( and
long coralDUA collies of eloquence against the
proposition contrasted with the very meagre and
'insignificant Telt:atm of their efforte, could only
be paralleled by the follyof a general whoshould
sit down before an impregnable fortification with
a mighty train of artillery, and begin and keep
up a deafening cannonade from his batteries,
Riot or shell, until a exhausted his powder.—
This is precieely the case of the assailants upon
Mr. Sowsrd's resolution. When the battle was
over, and the smoke had cleared away, it appear.
ed that he had nut been' able to muster en much
as a wad. Probably there never occurred in
Congress a more completefiarie I it may 'now
be expected that the Hoene will pima the reso its next meeting without debate or
much serious opposition.
I omited by the way, to notice the preeenta-
Lion on. Wednesday last by Gov. Doty of Wit
cousin, of a resolution similar in tenor, if net in
words to, that adopted by the Senate. I think
the anti-Keseuthiane in the latter body bad a
presentment, that if the Senate: adjourned leav
ing the question pending, its action would be
anticipated by the House, as I doubt not it would
have' been.
The conservative character of Goy. Seward's
resolution has been eo fully vindicated by many
epeechee from bath whige and democrate, that
it is unnecessrry to any anything in it. defence
from the charge that it partakes of propagund—
ism. For one, if I considered it of that char
acter, no feeling of what is due to Koesuth would
induce me to advocate or commend it. The rule
of independent action and noninterelution in the
affairs of other nations, is in my uinion too im
poant and sacred a maxim to be ileparted from
on an'y occasion in which our nelional right.
arc not directly concerned. But we can receive
Helmuth with public honors, as the greatest liv
ing apostbsof freedom, without committing our
selves to hie particular designs against Austria
or ittieein, and without incurring the just die
pleaeure of either of there powers. It may be
taken fox granted that Kossuth still anxiously
1 desires to liberate Hungary, and to punish the
cruel and perfidious Emperor of Austria and hie
counsellors, by whom ho has been overthrown
and her patriots butchered. Ho would be less
than man if lie did not. lint in honoring him as
a martyr to liberty's cause throughout the world,
We, as a government, express no hostility to
. Austria:' and Kossuth le too great a Fan not to
baable to comprehend the precise bounds which
separate our national sympathy for his country
arid, bimeell from, soyintention to idti him in
MohiOg . trar withsoven3iirntiithe am !filing to :
remain at petal with thir ',...;:' ~ -.., .' ..':i. - : . r.:,
. liattnoiltussii intervened to support despot •
ism, it ill probable that Hungary would have re
sisted the'uneonstitutional and revolutionary as
saults of the Austrian emperor upon her rights
so effectually, as with the rest of the states com
posing the empire, also suffering under his tyran
ny, to bare driven him from his throve. In that
case he would probably hove came to the United
States, for he could not have reached Ituvnia,
no utherentropean country would hare shelter
ed the baffled and fugitive (ferret. woubl
then have found • secure refuge in the United
Staten, safe alike from the rage of his outraged
subjects and the vcrigranes of his personal foes.
It in true, that, detesting his cause and loath
ing hi, treachery, we would have extended him
no national greeting, halt we would have girr ll
him a hemp, Ito the other hood, every absolute
gale scut which in that hour of democratic
triumph could have placed its Nuojeeto at &h
-illier, would have pourid oat nillltit.l.B 10 his
honor, and. what we shall not do, 1•011111 !litre
given him troops, anus and money to- recover
nis throne.
lint notwithstanding these reasons of per fret
justification on our part, there is no doubt Slat
Atrita-i:L and Russia, and probably Spain, will
tithe not 141 nitro,: at the manner of 6OSIUIII . S
recerliion It in ,upposed the two power,
present a joint and that their Nlimeters
will promptly leare out capital, and on impend
all diplomatio intercourse with lie I should
nut regard that lightly, but should loot; upon lino,
a result to he molded if pot-ible with adur ie
gard AO our interests and national 41:gtilly
should not consider incompatible with our povi
tion to Gate in litivwer to the rourinstrances
which may lie ruPrctol, ILit 1111 , 1114 our ititeni
tion to interrupt the understanding and friendly
relation, now happily subsisting het weep our
own nod the governments which ling'. ihinki
themselves aggrieved. This will protinlily he
The.Senato yesterday —Mid out — the scheme
for removing its present otlimirs, by the vide of
24 to 20. The voted that they would not gr.
into WI electron at all, as proposed tu !:right a
resohitruu. I 'relieve neither Dickilie, the se•
cretary, nor Heal, the .vergoant 11.1 111 . 11/.1, 11Yr
whigm, no that prolifically, the proceeding enlists
no feeling. Iltit I think the stand token hr
them umd their trieuilv that their iii•ituilitinetit,
are life etileev.anught to be rehuked The pr,:.
ordeal is /Itiad one, 41,11r1111 , euonunird ere long
no authority for athet"abUsea liimides in point
of fuel, it tan easily he proved Unit neither of
them wry any Netter thou they :Mould lie
TheOtt,Ottoll to cm is now vacant. It
was last filled by your venerable at' excellent
icily.. cid Len, lion. W. Forward. In the distil.
bution of diplomatic honors, it has beet aasiguell
to l'etinsylvaida, and properly belongs there. It
is contemplated, to older the ttppotiltrtlellt to
Cot. Jack Ogle, the able and universally popm
lar member in the last Congress from 'the do
[riot sow represented by Mr 1141r9011. t hope
Mr. Ogle will he citiniinated. lie would be
confirmed by tile donate by a unanimous vote.
The six Senators who voted-agaitit the Kos
such resolution were, Meyer, Badger, Bor
Clemens, Dalireoo, Morton, and ('oiler wood.
three Whigs and three Democrats. but all from
the South. Of the thirty three Senator+ compo
sing the majority, twenty sin were northern and
seven Southern men, thus ehowing rreuy ciciit•
ly that the idea of welcoming the particular et -
ile, at least, is not popular at the ;tomb. But I
am disposed to make many allowances for men
in their situation, nod with their peculiar no
tions no the duty of the government with se
spect to others with which it has intetwurse.--
Ilene will show them that their apprehenaious
are unfounded, and will vindicate the course of
Kosiuth's warmest friends.
ft may be expected that the repori ..of the
Secretary . or the Treasury will be laid before
Congress to-morvetw, with all its valuable tables,
showing the financial condition of the country
ILl:ins been delayed for two or three weeks by
absence of certain important Information which
has been lately obtained. The principal fact
which the Secretary will present, is that there
is likely to be a falling off in receipts for .rotten
sold the present year, of from twenty fire to
fifty per rent, owing to the decline in price of
that staple.. But the Pernocratio poky in glen
cre=t. will content •thereselves with poindtig to
the returns of the foreign trade for last year.
and waiting for further developments before
they act Sant! theposition doubtless exists fa
vorable to raising the rates en iron, and if the
member* of _ifie majority from Penneylvanta
were thoroughly in earnest, it could be turned
to account in of the great iniinstriel
eat in that Stale; but I doubt them Ilewever,
in pursuance Cf the plan of freling their way
along, and acting it. with the spiky -
toms of the popular - Will. they insy postpone no
tion until eery /ate in the eessien, and theil 1!1 •
just enough ,to sate barmiest. the interest.. of
deinecracy in Pennsylvania and the other it
Gen.. Cass has moved in the hu,ine.. of the
late outrage upon the steamer
Ile prevented 'a revolution of enquiry into the
facts, and advocated it in a very winsible and
decided, though moderate speech.
The House hue putted the toll in-AIM; land
warrauta of the new issue ensiguable, and there
is no reasonable doubt that It will .00n pa, the
Senate. Here will commence u grand rush •-.dung
nificent speculations. It is obvious. however.
that the number likely to be iavued, under the
act of September, 10001, has been greatly exag
gerated At the end of the first yenr of it., op
eration it in -found that lees than 50,000 Wat.
rants have been 'leaned, while upward, of t won
t, thousand CUes have been nuspendeql fur fur
ther examination. The whole number of ap.
plicatione hat been 150,000. It may be presumed
that this number comprise, at leant three
fourths of all the opplications which will he
made. Suppose they reach the total of 200,tn1ou,
and suppose that, as heretofore, hut about three
fourths of the applications are found to he Va
lid, then there will be issued only 160,000, which
will not average over 60 acres each. The ag.t
gregate quantity of land required to satisfy these
warrants will he 0,000,000. Estimates hereto
fore considered moderate have amounted to
000,000 of acres. The department will occupy
nearly two years longer in completing the work
required under the not. It will have taught
Cnng rest a useful lesson, and will be the lant'of
the land that wilLbe panned.
Presidentmaking is going on with activity. Con
green no far has done little else, and intend to
do nothing else for some time to come. There
is little to quarrel about between the parties
save thin, and upon this theme each party has,
for the present, as much to do to suppress hos
tilities within its own linos . as it can well man
age. Among the Whigs It ie hard to nay whether
Fillmore, Scott or McLean has the ineido truck.
Had Judge MeLean'e ambition been equal to tail
,popularity or his opportunities, be might have
been President before this. Whether he - will
now enter upon the canvass with that earnest
ness which is indispensable to nieceas in ex
ceedingly doubtful.
Among the Democrats the race is still pretty
equal between Douglass, Buchanan, Butler and
Houston, the Kentucky mg beginning, perhape,
to lead out a little. Governor Marcy does not
appear to be tearing his breeches in the struggle,
and ho is still trailing along, and may poke hie
nose in front in coming down the back stretch.
The:Governor write, to hie friend, over the
country—keep quiet, lie low, and when the
time comes to talk and act, say nothing at all
about the patch on my trowsers, but as much as
you please about my surprising Sleepy de
tachment of Britishers on the lines in the last
war. This may be called masterly inactivity.
It Is rumored that n certain Judge Ives has
made his appearance at Washington, as a Mis
sionary from the Governor of Georgia, lion.
Howell Cobb, to the politicians nesembled here,
with allow to the formation of a "Union" Pres
idential ticket. Howell wants to be VieePresi.
dent, not but that Howell would prefer to he
President, but lie wisely elects to close on the
bird the hand rather than hazard all by 'let
ting out upon a chase tiller him in
that the deputy is not particular with
ythion heytnats,'. and 'Would about es AUTO take
IV k.lnNor4.,s, Ilea. 11, 1`".1
WAnutrcton, Dec. 14th, 1851
Mr. Webster as Judge Douglass. ur Mr. C 1.4; or
Mr. Buchanan, only ho mast be a northern loan
becatme!of the Southern Vice. But all efforts
to form a coalition between this Southern Curia
faction and Northern Whigs will be unto mud
labor wasted. The Whigs of every Italy Whig
Southern State will go with the party of the Na
ties en the the old party issues. Nnt tit Carol.
na, Maryland, Tennessee, lientneky;nild Loot,
iana, will be Whig as they urr now, will i
asking for the luterpositlon of any new and
ephosnerul te n t. It is very doubtful what is to
become of that pa , •to,lionr. ['men pally sny•
wher. In the South they nlllllllllO/I vett/tint.,
be kteked out of the lhanograry. and 1 contend
the Whig 4 cannot with sense ..r 'gal . .) lcite an,
thing, to ,10 with Inv., cow, wo, vte, led 1.,
irnd /shout twenty sit 01.1111 heal r II,
[lot the Itentogragy of Georgia hove now matlle•l
then feuds, and closed up their rank, ;1,1 Mr
Chid. is very ansbatsly etbyttring where ho shall
go, F....te's I 11111106 i. isl'Vrll Will', II
VlSlii•l to be .tore man &natal.' briber he eau
etto.ett Senator for tho long .rent, and It Is
generally agreed that if the eguteat Cl ti n .
o r Governor!, Were to be repelled, Ilhvia,
atandnenz on the r 1,1 I , ..tneernine platform, moll
beat him Ills rinaelatielnor * Campeau,.., la
.14 , 4titied to n dereat, and tittle 4. 1.0,
pro•pect that 9c %lithe • •tahtnn to the ;71.4..4 , 14,a
uhenne he canon." a, the ap,e , tl44 ef harmony mill
hrantle.l a , an agitator and a de...1-gaol
(or .n41.1 he II runny le oi fortune m
wheel, 611( eortalaly leek Irkl4 it now
1. appea art., thht the on tel Naval.,
diary Ar taw ei.elent did tot Ite h.oehntit to
v.ait loin at tine IVltite hit
vtnteineni pub6vhe.l in the New 1 ork phprrt.
which prurevs to cite an neeehht It the interview
between yortlig Fifithere itthi the get at Iltitigit•
rinn nill net prvmptt) no the C , en
ate S re4ehltieti, Illld protelWy or.
rioe At the ”i the week
Thtre ie much r,t3att to Itplivre tlitat
trvaty has 1.4411 Itetweett Ett,st .n• 1,
Franc- and Spaiu, to pt.:core' to the latter the
of Coln,
utrirm tlu,t tine of the conilith.. or the nitre,
meat in dolt `tpolti ,h all provide for the gradual
enpineirintion of the ,litvett If there were an
doneer that It - guarantee treaty wdold
Ice pervorted into .1 molt, of tron•ferrinz Cohn
in England, It Would v 0 .15 well record nth out
pollee, tin I at. ,/.I.oici 'MVP 1/0 Cr.11./,1 of eon,
Itch then , I , the dine. I. nod liar 1.0t.111
tc which it may lead is one h. which no party to
thin coontry rim he Indillerent Nlr Onlhoon
ok o pretext tor Mc 411.1111,k of TOL., 001
of the mere rotoor, I:lntently unfounded. that
There to-gnat troth in thig,im.l it nil! re-
Lou' 'U't ^ ,, owt t° gttur , t , te" its ' nire great lenoli f time 'show that Au.
d: nor m th.. pre.i• the i‘helition-ur •li.vory i tent will be erni.limi by the preponderating pow
hi , [inn It pi the last feather that
erpw, though Si' or thr North rtinubl net feel h'"'"'"" the ro ""
Qtruorling he. free nn the n SIM 1,11. n the V
h ". P ort , thewith iiwtielnonc I/II: linnte
hu`tur-`. Oil 0 .1 ,0 to FtiPktnr o pluck mid dmimtii, inv,er All the Soli, 01•ilie
iuc rho pear riProtrox for our- ! pare, the Empire it.,lf unit mime tail oun
weak tire, It will tint le n ttio
and with 't.s credit the me , e of ,111 , p,111,, a ,4
,rmy Owir it
r.tnnot make war. Unit hint n. the Anntrion4 ore
at honie aro! iionry ProTitimi. it• I.IIV,
1f11ri.4.11 , 1e far Flo „,
tern Put fer
now be at ther
wo often feel umte amitecieromiti (rein t , ,at
union ontong the people of Pm .Our
tri . nngorertiment. thou from lb, phy-lea! and
eimilon,.l for, 1111 th,ir rum., - Y.
• •
The c rip dl,. heeaurt to 1%01,16, nn )nit
hate long i.icer learned, TV one, if not the itaist
famotei of the kind ever glsra La New Pork,
any pant of view - laiioanth liar explained him
et. and will, retell, from prirate
ceneensity, the iiiiitter'etl' aid he asked for in
eiieech at C4..41, a nee!: since As
.I,MA r, h. Lsi nn nu mm.d. Na man *se Let
ter rend upon inddide rhAtt Le, and
fese cf JUT olba osp,ol;y of
expound ag the noln,y of our For cut n rt
non to In te rferet re trttli f , rri,tu all.urtbetttr than
he. A• a 1,1 tl nla.lo an iVit. the
Intter r:v..l, and in the r.tti g llikp, L. oof the
brum 'trot. r , toto:ripto.o ttei t.PY
m:mon:el II uuzary. headed by Ilornee
tireely. the tnetr abetted but noblest-hrorted
member of the pre, of New York Neetuth
bre quo, Fat oTr the false Impressiongrren
turn by the nti'.v.i e n omjor, sba nreurod him we
!tot two bunted thoutoottl bo)1141CIA at bin ter.
'tee, on. - 1 hue learned thot it in money and t:tot.
petty, an-1 0,.1 service Mot he mu.o
pert from Atnertea l'oubt a ,ut , prrip[ion buys
started at the elute ur,
w0 , ,11 hnee free.] the bott.,m ..f vrery
th , re revrOe b , tntlet .a. Err
nes. litho,. h3vr. I.rect re,roly nnnunn
,t,lnt. Awl money cella be litt,l•A ra,ily 4, at etuy,
tone thi, I.f th:• I,,rroxers arc sir
r r.nter,iti the first t tht
oat) a g.. 0
C,11./1 11'11 4 1.1 1 i•mg I.•
pre I,ctbe-e,e1.8, Ihr
i..;;tlre ikttArir Ihrmt,
f“.. the 111, psrtsvi
nu0..11. ‘iintorti . tk.ll,
rat‘zrrura. up->n the It,'no in U.
orn,l .Ims nrade.l Ly tiltn clas" romi
Luonr, Ibo your labofrre nut nu:,
posJr ~ Loco or Invdolt", ter. tot, from
Lb.,. It b., ore cL:tr I. for tLc good of their
The Collin's line of steamers hare made a
change their rate+ of pitsnnge. which will he
whir pronietde to Stein and WlT:llll.l4,4vus to
ttareller, The price of cabin tickets han been
n dues •I to $1:0, on. In second cnbiti rate of $7O
eetublislied, tints allowing one do reach Li.,
pool coinfortaidy in ten or eleven days at less
than pa. let ship noes Stenhuthips are nut
earl, grew lion-fere ne they lased to be, nor so
et isto, ratio, and their owners by competition are
b. ken from their raills and put to 'the necessity
of complainence nail a Inter 1,111:11CIA with smelt
The stock 'socket has been dull fur n day or
two, but has milled and closets firm. Titer, will
be more failuresemong the Leer brokers ere
lng, and toms of those who broke recently will
ha ain by !mother rise to Erie etork,
oreat ha, the pressetre on thin road benorne, that
the company has been obliged to coinnirnen the
stir.), for ...mein's, for a double tent along
the election at Gres,. Lund . The new co I trod.-
of the rood nirenly 41.P.1111.1 genet impnrinure,
and the track will herilly do the
The byte sewn Irvin England hay pat a new
spirit into the grain and cotton denlern, who
think good pmrt are on the eve of attainment,
went, and large freights. Cotton is a g oo d d„,,1
bitter, and 119 the crop is chiefly on band yet, we
cloth reap the profit here, and not let the npin•
net, hare all the rine. Freights are,lirmer and to
California the price h.e twilled to lifihti;lk per
foot. Taken together, cennnereital elixirs hare
brightdued into flame from come new iptarter
Thane in n neitson of profit ahead to help unmake
up the less canoed by the drain of gold.
Steps hare been taken by Mr. Riddle, as corn
miasioner to the London exhibition, to got up IN
similar show hero, to commenve in May. Should
heituccecil it would be an abortion, for font as
we arc wu cannot in nix months get up a show
to compete with the London Fair, the result of
a year nild a half of labor Ilarnnm's panties.
mn is much better than nay mock fair that can
Imi:tastily gpt up, and It In better to' be content
with that
of the I . ll4l.urgh Oar,.
Messrs Winn & :--I am pleased to am
your kind notice of Cannel:Coal In your yester
day's paper. I will give you a few facts la re
gard to this matter, as this is a 'natter of inter
est to many of your readers. The either.; of
Darlington and vicinity are now making soma
efforts to.onnstruct a branch from the (1. & P.
railroad, or a side Out construction, to leave
this thoroughfare near the Darlington station,
and run to th'e coal mines,down along the Little
Beaver, a distance of same 5 miles, and from
there in the direction of Palestine, some two
to the main track again. Effort+, am
now being made to get thin into some kind of
shape, which may be done in the course of time.
The success of this project will depend mooch
On the citizens of Pittsburgh, and the gentle
manly officers Of the 0. & P. - 11.1t. The actual
coal operations are confined at present to two
. openings, although many others are in 4, pros
pect "
The main
worked bank h!
L utry of the more extensively
been driven,into the hill near
iThe sub•strninin of bituminous
• e foot thick, or very .superior
'g, making sti excellent bearing
S. The bottom, like all bitumi
ill dipping from the out crop.:—
on each aide are of rations
, to 11 feet of cod taked . out tic
uality. as they are farther from
1- Increase in: height. It being
I toil bore ido to bleat, .and
g, asitikes, .4 cubes or /goitre
ly 100 yards.
coal is about
coal for smith
in for Mimic
none veins, is
The cLambe .
heights, from 8,
cording to tito
wedge down,
blorto, roid o r . . If 410fault,uxttier the preF.eot
Tlaugarl76lll, 1.. late down them , than ,boto 10
Got, on 0.10 the g..nd VlPal ie nnt takan down.
Tho aw in irot thirit of good 1,10: and I.GII
eh,. ...I fl r:,° 11/C9 ahiaide The
aaeal thlehheaa la hal kown, heal i• hal cohaid•
iiiaahle to try many' rip... Amanita
a., 'rho la c
anti ll.a fa
rat filllll . cannel
Nlll a. , ea have e al,naaa toot II 1, pl•a•
c•....1'e• I rat a, Ihr othi era al the
VI 1 1 1111
1... .ii..o r t
rf Ilt•
I. I t .t.i.. L telet.lon iu 1111, rcm,
,n I ....... .hrt tt,
Ibcl ol..retgn 1.411rr II
11, 14,,0 I. It,* p,o itinr th
• %%Ile,. In yntir linnhrgint ' ll lr 411/14,
.nnit, n
I•Isn 1i111,60y. pr./11111,1 • oini•
I. Ine nII/. •nn, •en.i Ito do r., I 14111
It - 1 I.ln
i• • ~,,, ,;01.70.
1{11.1.1,011,1NK. Ure. I I, I
ut..l I: 4311,1,1 1 . kmruky bel.l
I.ller r./.0 the gee tlrm.•u we r
.lance Fi Cioilmmo,l
Om I, liroilriek. NI orlon
to-rotten, rotten,
Ilioiert oil.).
John Mill,
II oiell ) • Co
Lon llototion.
A,,. .11 reerline of the Ihrertore the follow
&hoer. were I.l.llll,lllAPdy re. elected.
See . 1 / 4 . Troi,orer -V) in L. lieoilriek,
Chief Leeiiircr -W. )I door
Firiewleer-1)e-oel Peinheriow Weilt
ertt 1,k1.1,11
f Lognn C,unty.
Itti•oleitt , lo j1 3 .p.0 r. I: v
g , :tdi, 101,11,,11 I !ICI' mid the riniti
tut , of the hilittna t too - note. 1; ruin 1:3
appronohintrootnitletion ; anti the erioot lie.. nr
twine ileli;ertiii till 41.14: the in.. I i i, logic.
thAt the whole line from lit then to Union, at tit
Intltiotit Flitto lino. will t , ti in optirationll olitio ,
one Ill: I totottot lino from Terre 'Litt
ihrattgh tinectiniz with our line u.
Union. lie linttlitil
iilitring nett re, If tit
!Ilan unit lionnitylvawil row] should he cozniiltit
eil by the tnitie nhitll then h .ne •
CO/1111111111, lino of noilroxilt from Terre Ilitott
Iltit , intrirlt to 1 —II •- 17. nun
mad,n ilea...lily to I.e &slit. "
Your, truly, II
Art,. • A, ,ink Anti under the 1,11 . nlea,ure.
which •hc wt. ber. Si. Al Arr. no
reduce lA, army for fir of recolutionAn lion
cal y IA AAI). intitirrectinn at tonne.--
nee id, •1141
M Eesenlh hoe iieued the feLowit, nil r.
fleeing eon, rn the I cite.l itntr. r., evil!
myeelf, Lett the cwt.., of iti) euuntry, of the eyin
pethy whicli I he 'freer.. t, holteveciete.l
the heart of the net.. I ferohl it my. .1.1. e
dee:ere, in the fo, irewnente of my errii el. that
it mytuieeion to, t the iielciyi..lenee of
Ilungery nod the lihrety ef the Ettropren conti
nent, the et tot ti. ..f the L aired
Ste.tee e i• V thet
of ite wn .1 e iiti eny foreign interfetence, ;het I. tlierfoie, .boil not it....1,f1 a
with any illus.—tile concern: "(the fitutegi Stott,.
end thet I expect it from off the friends of
cot Cu do s.nything in reepect to narelf
that could threw .lillicuitiee in toy way, nod,
white •epreeeing ,ympathy fo'r lire rouse. wutdd
in.ire it
It ie with reel .1 th a: i :rue! red the eestly
hanktae that nipetl to lilo pahlte opin
..f this cauutry. and yarticalarly to th,e
who prefer. thelaseire. 10 he the frlon , l , of my
ranee, torroof of the, restaphthy
e.atelnv eiat •tel. erh...11 th.cht .0.41 r
.I:theteltle- , reol.. et I.) th, r hh-h
th•lopted. et
&dare la r y
leadothr rrinett,le, slr, eella h.,. an net to
roar-I op • tth whate•er I,,ene-l•••
I•arry •ot.tlon,
Nrvr I,k, 1., 12.1, 1,"I
11, I ttt., (If llw, , ..
,el.ll mtel:. 1111•111..
At the Pao mretting ••r,f .ont•hel.l
Nvw,rl - . ; et,IL lor dirrrt KVIIOI3. Vt•
tt, purf .•:,r tu i4c atlatr
Itu Judre Ilero,l,wer ern.
•. 141. • lutet t
4 .
wa• .111. e that ~11 we Itnre to do 14
tearh 'or thsol., ad to t•frn Thee,
:0 the ricbt Wrorit.te t
..t•1 he ••wnitt.,,i
e•etyb.el tu the c , ptutry, (rem] that of the Pre. ,
to (hot eel the SOO tticoroodernlble gentle
mut. to be thrown up f, Kee,lftL. end he would
tw/..e the eott,queucre If the dr.pots etthe hr
would Le ',lnd to ere them
The legipixture “1 srmotit, Yr its rteebt
ka. mcloa I%ltr forl.;.l,llng Ins ettiplltt,tut
Id con et ductor., .11W111,111 tiritlitillf.n. or striter
Met.. make t., df li•
.In , a+l.ever-to. • T1......0pi0,ruem n
prr...n grab
nny lb.. direr Or, the
ompin, pro,cutiots nod hut, of to
11.1.1. for fill damafrn that
Fall Irupttrtatiou of Hardware, Cutlery, &o
No. 129 Wood Street,
1111,T.Trn 1!1 Cr , I NT I•Arntrt , .
And trt,,, th•t etr• IT • pr.1.1•••11 , • ..T.t tt.,INT,AO
11211 . • A Niti, HAMA NFL InLR rA•R
Cut, the
tAI in r,it.nrA.
nr {Nut 11,1. iir OA. TharTlM 1' ...r1 siir
in, iierdicnl,
S NI HI fill.
II rpArii With • •Avien ,,, ,liiitti
q. iv. ,1111111,1 ii• until
rif and 11,1,1 in
rh,rlt , l, • 1,,.111. ...di,
niiitArinn ll,• thirlionina to , h
return./ and len ItIM In A•
At t 1,111111.1• of the nlmpl.lnt I IIIA•11.11,01,,..a
nil of 11,* I. ml, eutinot Inoiliral pion. who !
14 \• 0.1 will' Ai 11111 .-1111.1
0141140141 any °hie.% pr
I ,nurnumete.l the toe of the Petroleum, Iwth In pally
en,/ Focally. under elm+ al:trey. , halm lurnrorr4,Vll y up
trl the present trum, awl I ha ye er.mVernl VI, 4 0,1 rt,,lrn
ly Nly we al health wee very numb Truro I,y the
Petmleum. arid I attriluite the rratoyullon of my elulet Lr
Pe mm. No. Pr: Pecuy sate, In thle ell r, and
* lll I happy to ,;rte au, lutorunalon In r•lntlun to m Y
mow. II ILIA All ML ,
PO, on le by I(ry*r A McDowell, 140 W•enl alnul. It. 6.
Fellers. :If W , aal etre., 11. A. Vslltmyterk, A Po, , orner
Wmelatul Trunt street*: P. NI. Curry. A PJllott..lceeph
Douglas., and 11. P PA:marts, Alleyhehy,
nlYalkn:T eftn•l ft*4113. , l•lrlsl.urb
Law rrne,ll , end Sharpshurgh tt,n4 o.ln
party, will nll.. the ollirin of the Steretarr, Nu. NI Filth
this (1L1...Ma)) to.roing. thr nth IrtmL, II
rtrrti [ tel b.•ltl
ii , liESll ORANtit:S-1n prime Order, at
1 . • "4 N. or 37). 1,3 r Nal..
• Sella .•
Poor TLA MART. liittruotwl.
. - •• .
I.IDTTEIt-10 bbls. fresh Roll, for Foto by_
II d. 14 S. I' FALAI Vl,ll
IIBANS---15 b , : smllll . hite, for sale by
/ ..1r4.4 S. I' $111l1VKI:.
... _ .
eiNIONS--5 bbln. for nolo by
VP Ile I 4 ' H I'. SIMI% Eft.
{*lll'lEl' I' WILT ---1 doz. tar solo by
I drII4 S. I' S118114:1:
I -l iCKORY. NUTS—'2 I ) hula. for male by
tl,lB 8. I'. 5111:10 VII.
VI 11tIONUI , -,—.. 0 doz. Dry Corn, for sub) by
PI &Ix_ _ 0
K I. :Intix xl••
, _
W •
N . DOW LAiS-- . 2.00 bxs rix 10 and 10
sit. for 510 I, LH. I'. 811111%1:II.
I 4 OFFEE-100 boAs Rio, for sole by _
I_,) grot B.
4 .1.11.101 i. VIIqEi.IAR-50 :Ads. for stile by
Y. , de.1.1 H. I'. mnittrwo.
Q - 1 ALE ItAT US—lolbin. for ',ale by
tl , l , tt. ell /10.
The•Pittsb - nrgh & Brsuidock's Fseld Plank
itoad Finished:
Managere have the pleamlre to en
, 11. noutico pot Its the plaulinur st ;be 0..
.. i,..1,011 of the lima WOO tuitopleted ins the 1710 In 4
1 throuult frem tte. Sarre
~ -,l "e %t:;?:ll7e' e nbi t ' l int l '7l.7o7 Pittsburgh Ill'. mess..
; luting stupid. easy.mud Vowing' eurnosttuissuou nr
„- you, and surfeit. of every desrettitico.
doltlalihatZ ALLILL bMITT, /wit.
\-- . •, • —,----
To Let, ,
I C ' NI3IE CIAf 1 .•••tLA,II. 13()AD , ,
LV , ARI: , I , IU , U,SE, manure,' 1.,. I.l,uitie, .i ' • -
1, -. , ~. ..., ,,,,r , . .-!n , r ' ,:1 e P , ',:r. 7 ,...:7. " ,u4...!, e,....2•=. 1 .
~,,,_ OVENS TB: .. Wb lingkand Pittsbusali Pack t.
•.,...,... ./1111.,11•11.1, 1 ,, ...r.' ' 1 ''.- or me
c A t.
~.„,, X,Li.. rt. IN t .•
OC 1 . ; STEAM sups
i ll: rnou •4 1t.....r•, h. k I 11 I, .11... ,..
S I ' N DRIES-- liuut tel.
rl art ßr u n : 13 al", ' .1' hail I , \ Tr \\lt Fltoll TUE UNTTS.I/ ',:','„,';17..'; .1 ' 7 ,1 1 ' ,...,7 : ; - ; 1 „;;;!::, - T:77.. , 1 . ,.„„ . „ 10
1 . 7 .,
.. _ ....,...
a -,,.. r. , ..••• t+ 1.. lov runngb Ira .111 [ll3kC
. 0 `,.. 1.•.., , '' l . 7l' '''', l ). l ". ' ''''''
" i ;• " ..
I Ts. '''' X, ' '''''' T T '•'''''''''''
‘......14 lA'' , .. T ....". • • •• ' T. xt,lst II ~TII It
... I u., .....ttrrdsr. roll)
lir •11 . .”1.1 , 1.
t 1t
I )I , .MLIA i, _ 1.2 Inn, 11, I , tett 1,1 a.... ,t ~. A It/ lo•trIt. 1., L •- i r, • ••I", ' , .....I.•c ' IL. •‘ ' •••',"•••''''''',' '' 'T. Z.''''''.. ••••, V.. .0•1.
, r. - , "7"'r ', ~..,,,.1, ~ - :.
~., , , .I'. 111 1 .11.,, a ..... v., 1,. or, I.•rx f. r 1.,...,...1 • 1•• ,• . I t
, ~,,,,,....,.... ill. ltbt LS •tt .1- r.. h•r • , r=... , . -..."' ‘, aI,L,ITIL. •I: eltt 'ZVI: tt, •
0 1.. •--- J , 1,0,..... . . . .Ir,l , . ,, \i ..,:. ~,,,• , :,L' , .- "'
Adams &Ca .'s Express Office ~, . , , .. .. ; re. n .r.r.t.r.,,,.1 be ,- • 1••.t...Lr r• rt•trtu-
ISitf\ it II El, L. N.,. 1 ' , I II It 11l Str ,, l. I ''; '“ • • 1 .r,. „ - 77 ''' r‘,.‘'Tk• j.,r,
lIL. • ••• '. ••.. • ...“ ' . ''' • - • 1 . .4 .......• ~ .
I ..... r...... I 1.....' , n. L' ' b ..''' , 6.l••• •' ' • ..... r • J.I it , ./, I. I•r r IL .cht. . t • ti.Sil .
Vo heelin and t urn P acket.
, ,a 1.11,0 0.1 ‘ 0 ••11.00 1•1141/3.1 I r Er,laral. Iro, ,I,‘ kV, it i:it , eis, : _, T ),,, , wilt
Valuable Property \ i'vr Sale. ~.,1.,, .r a n at. , ent br the trot ate rr. u., sputter • „..,\,,, c r „,. „,.,a,...,„,,,, L. ip.l. , ... , L.,..7 . 5. 5 t •
•.• )..., ,
,r 1 A r ~d.v, ....1 eieg - tra grl+ , .r 1 ) ,, I.• .7'4 I 1,„4 , .,..., Oh Chrome. ur run,. br thr, ' , Mu , 'AU, ' '7... ......••• ~I asl . u r N,.....1•..,• h rt• 1',... ;or, zu - 110 '
, Ir. d I/ .t 1..• t 1... rt. a, ~ t ' IL•L••• , ..• T.°- . 'l'''''t b•• I'Lrl'a , tars'uti h... r.'uta a t.reh t‘t ....w," 1.0; - • . - It •1
• ''' •-'
' '
\• .‘'..
. .
rib,. •. •'. I r , •••••In•'' ~' h . .. •u . ..t. r MUM 10. /Tr..., i ... •••nt... a •tezr• rut: ',rept ' rt.,. “•-• • ' '•••••••
..., I. ,• 1., '-' tr.'' , 'L.. ' '," "••••T ••• ' 'rt L-L L .,,,,.,., .„, , ~..,,,,, ,„,,,„,
~..,,, ~, m < ., ,, ,, ' bur,. 1.4 r• nr . ...,. 1 - thr• sy.,ar.l . . alt. a,. nt 10 A.
. ,
~,„.,,,,,..., ~, „ ‘ „ ,r , neut./ r..... .ali ..t...•••
~. au ha.ave to ta....4.1,1 •exr• t‘i,,, . ' .
' ftl.i ....,•11.a. *O., •00: atvui I . th . "`' Urn '''.
• I 1 1,...,1\ r••••.,.0.111,.., ;Orial runLalatlOUl.
I. h L.' ..,I, ...... .: In. +An. . I'L , r..-I ....,-.. in ' 1 • •••• , •1 , 1•••r• 1 / 7 ...Ir., Ltn, 1.. Inc (L.otturnt. mart Vs ;a. r... LL ......v. ht to \ :II Eta •.x II.••:, ',l>, Ava,
.lot att,.• I. r (orb... ...rts. usl,-.. .r. ' P".1..J tn. , ..1.01•-•••'h
' Int ...I 1 . , .a.r. L.. u... I. a. 14,1 on L..r,.. a”„)•.,,,,,, ~. . ,• ,
~, . , . , ,
.• -
11 1,11 \ I 1.1 .. t .. th- I'ut of Lurni . .. I r the 11.10* and , l'zinurrt 1 .. .V .,.. ... LL•' '
.. ,, r n l .
~ ;
.. , ....y• r' . ..It- ''';'•j• ar•
E..k I . }.- I , Iqtrw,lsA l.s will 1,, r , -,. •. , 41tt \ i . .......„,,,,,.,..„ ' t'... "'V • ' ',•;,....‘' ' ' ''' .. . _ '-'',._.
.1 ~.....,,... , A t.rx un 1 r,...i. 5•.1., ..,.. , : 1 1„i1; l'tt lt kll s T. Wln I .rd' „..
PITISBUIIIIII MA PICP . r. kit OA I 1.1,N II ' ' I . .('Fi r—,t. , ...- ~4 -•
1;;,..;,..::,....t lir. ....L.,11. 1 . ..•;;\ ~..1 0, 111,..ur T.. --
r . V1 '.' .1 .. .r1 e . i rTr ‘ • ' !"...1....- •TT
~, , 1
At. t....-.l:{. I . lle
~,,_, k ,„ ,r, tie. t t4e.
~., , +ill., r , vt• W r mt., •• NI t....ur1. I
i.. 1. ''' ' ''' khrtTrot
r•r....1.t ~
~,, \
~,,e ,
.. t1
t t... 1 I,
mall rnr....1.
West Newton„ Plank Road Route
hoK 1.11 \PEE- AND PHIL ‘lo4l.pill A
S TF:.IIIERS feat t• w lc, a *lay, tuortring
LI”. it Ih.of
•/nu. HI 55.5 IS. ,
.1 I r V INS, 1,..ut
Stage Coaches for Sale.
VIVI: r...y built Coachen,
j t..tttt,uttt tut.. .lo.rt uto,
.:,•• • • .1../ u.r ..Ph
Atrit ttt it Lk V: la a....
.1 t:
t.A . I II f:llS •acks prime hc. , rev'd
J 11( 177111,0 N 4. (70
"tit 1. hi-
I I l i J. -li( 1 0 1 1 1; ' 77 .. 7 (.' st
s y I • . ITN" on
, o
0. I:
Eft e T !Awl'
1 1 1 11 1 , 1 1,a 7 , 6, 1 , 1 , 11,11,
g N A Y—Oullu.x., Gar 54.-,
$ 17 r 7 I, 1. •t_
1:11 -2 box, anti 2 bbls. Fr ,It
1- t.. 51151,1, i ('SI
S 3ll' l 7777777117 i 177(1171 :7 7 171111.
I. , 1 7 11
d INV X 614 WA NTED—For n barrel mark.,
A • 114,..1 '' tigirty
I.l,rty nt.
6. , NV I W ATCI I ES, iiirect front
on:d till , nter.c vs.. y2l:
• . • .1. ert..r .1. era,
...gem., .ar1..1.. fm . ...,P. ig•it....q.....1 (.E•li.—
rit. ' ~,,1 , I IZIt'l• 1141,..N.
d , A Nl , l,l•:ti FICK:, '—.% n.O ~ 1,,t .
vi •new
"r,......,.i.i ~ .rn.. cr , /...n.1—..1.1 we. q.,ttbi
111 , , 1,....r..1 . -,. ri 1:11 . 1111i11......,
' Olive and Green Satinetts. \
Nli: i t :i . , ,, , ,. , .... itt ,
t i . : , :,, , , , , ~, I 1 , ) ,, , , :: v P 1- , , , , , , t.
r •II 01 VII. .1.11-.
rjr , E ., 111,1 . /1 /I , KrriLthe
Into, w:ut-,1 ni,•t
•.I tn.,lnts‘
• hen ,uto.
L•• n1:11,•t..I w itA tAwt 'ln
mptk... 1,17,143 au I In, ca...
• • r•• , ...n.11 It and. 1,-tur.
IT, n •,1 I t,
To Bridae Builders.
S E.\ LEI , l'lturOSA LS fi.r
- .1 tn. •
“ . ....141,1. 01•41
1:161.% 1 7.11:
11,151,1,1' h 1 5,
G•ruta.t...: Twr • uf T.
haat.ural.. I4K 11.
ILA NRY:T;I:IF::-. --I I bt,l, ree',l per
11,1. .4 A 1 3 •1,11,1) • 1,1.
...I Vv.
I EFIN El. . 1 GAE:N—ltnb , ll4,Cru.l;e7l
I •111(.1arit...1 ,tigern, rt.r
t. r • , J 4111., A • O.
11) 1 .." 1. VtiON
', •
1 P ?. 1::K
New England Society.
wilt hi , loliser...l
~,,,1 Il.h I; 1 vi.,n
:.1.,..t......A.ti„n1: LLF:•;.:‘,4,1,.,,,uir::•,!;.i.1..1,1:‘,,,:`..;•.:.i,eri:
I. N 11. , “1:111.
I. I: I,
Christmas Gas.
ont,oolo, I
j ooll roorivrd from F:m
re, • 1.4 1.....1.21 I “ I. I . IN
II A 1,1:1,1:, Thico
nig... IN
New Stock of Chickenng's Piano Fortes.
I oIIN si
TI,- • I""",
11•11 e 1 1 ”1“
1. 1 . - `. 11 A. 1.1 at.A .
ibert, Ilcrato•.
‘r ,
A r..AAAIr . ...AnnrIII•II.I. ICI
Oil Cloths!
A- HOYT, Nos. 7'2 11f1f174 John st..
N 434 tIIILK. tientifsetrirorr and •I r
••.I,IIIS col? At thrfr V A rtory r ,
••••••1•••• •10/0. ••••••• I FLOOR OM i`LoLIPTUI•III.;h.
Lr Ir•sulf of tiorAll., Asti eletranew of tlOl.l, •olr{r.r A]
tint butt -t•AA Protitfc•r•l fltl routiff• ?rt .r.. 1 for vrtztrh thrr toltUrip•-•1 IL. priro noolal
'lto I,lllr
lb, rnrn-nomf in N. Vnric can An found n tare.
.1 nontrdnin 111.,”stlellt of Ilea., 1.1,1t0m, aid fluff
El , f .It , iII,III.IITIIS, from 7, to. 'l/ foot
fdfdt. rerrl./..r....1./ iArrew 1/1/. flf,rn,
I id, N. C , for ". , 411. .by -
J n. DILIVt/11111 At CO.
II 11Si bills. for vale by
- --•
Hoods for Cold Weather. \
BRI'IIY a. BURCHFIELD invite thk\nt4
Tr • ,, r1,11..,A ,•1
t ‘ , 7 Dr, 1.4. n•lntpt., , l c. , 1:1
111,..n0 Flutluxlr, 1,111.• 1.11,1 rlls , d: •
dt, . . 10 ^ J.., . 1 1 rulrr , r.
1.,,rn.t, Furking Jrak, ,
Ighron, ,1 , , tam, 774.1. r 01.4...11,
An ~J ditleulll,4l, l •l, 1•5 (11.A\
K rfs l luxt.
The Holder of a Note,
V EN by Jacob Poo, Thom, Poe, nod A.
I .1. SlrLnro, M,E:no POO nr 101% .01 falling due
I hi*i, month, IP ro.orrter.l to or**ont It furl*, men:. our
W 11.1i11,11 a Co
&In S. E. corner 51.rErt noll",r1nol sta.
El) PEACHES-3u Int. for :oar, by
Jur • I. ; sti V,1:1(
lilt! Eli A PPL.l . f.S— ' for Xnllby
' s
60 MA*. Nrw So. I (111•,.1 lErrhor.
I n 0.1111.10„.. . ,,.,,,,
11. 11. Nl.Cullo,r I, Itrund
Jo. rocuir,na tro.l for **ln hy
.10111 !WIN ii ATT AlO, lato.rty *l.
-3 AEI*. Vrrxh Roll Butt.,
.• Now Clow, 1 1 ***11;
• • 60 t0...* now SI It. 1 „ •IrIns,
110 NO, 11. Syrup 11olax,*:
JuAt ror,rion on.l tor Palo by
.1.10 • JOHN WATT a en.
Ladies' Secretaries
rinVO beautiful new Asia LnuIES SLußri..
1. niL, fallAhml mud ti.r.aln
J."! Ji.103 . 11 MUNK, N0..121 Penn Ai
French Broadcloths.
r.o ewer of Fourth sit.l MLA, oettwwfw, alwAye
o supply of the mbar.. *melt.). ar..l are ear,
fui w W tel. et 1b.... of the uowt
Hoy. or Clutli will rind It to their w.lXtultnit. in orratoln-
Cow ..or before porch...hog. Theya.ho keep Feueh,
Mawr:raw Cap.zweert, bloc* fat lawn CO 4411.
lAA/ pCool .114.-11browe, Aratoliire Cloth* afl.l etaawherea
y„.. w en , Introit
, ard Jmr. Sato* thlztom.
" , ;:". , 'Vo:"" „„ k''.t1" - :Zintviiroqiut , LIN'ii.`. A, AA
onL 1.1.w0m Littoas:wialla
pun, it.ll. •
\ - , e.rr.„ta .l c..,.. , ..
Themtne mow. Leer. Is. i
. ellf . Wl' truce III'XISEIs —rmo The wratber, k.. a.., eheeelide, the oeettost et the
.. ,• re. hhert.ed up I,in eco mol nvel„atio o. n. for
• e, h.. -1.e.,...1. lehaMee• eon , emseMengly dull,
s. en Cl,o o.sen. woe, oentmeel to email operation,
e . h.. e no ermlo
ho r.r.T. yomenlay set, re.ollneel to a row
ale •Islos,o HO, en Into. et S.: 75 .4i.• 2 slice
..• o
C. ;lig re in fin eaters. ,ele• :IS eeh's from storo
et ....,“.. Is re
C. and ersere The uNel rate, tram oleo t en , . sl se fe.I.IMI lll,te for A r and egIT3, with
firm tonelonre.
11l I •Ii 11 /IL CL 14//1 - 11—We'Le,Ti Lf vn Lalei/ lv ant
IftrzLvs tom er,lny, W. rocniutsr nar qu.lstion , / al
51 37 Y. /1/1 / fr //I tn./ Llay.ll. Ism/ ./7 4p 1//(m jf ./ark Imixt
KIKIN tI En I,— r nine nun, noir!. On gionti St
•at ,
in lir-t mitt ni I,.u.frnm ntnt . t .
k I , —Thent. orni. nothing 'tiring in g in. af, far an r•
'ruts ai tl, lb. rsr.intsra tatter ionoliosn. of whirl,
n. 1...0r • der .4 i2t. • In trign otyruSSitt bunt Itlr
nn.l n Int nut HI an thn nt
Wlinnt ma, . 11,
tre tn. niti.t...l at K yr. ...MI Harley at
Ins Caen. tam -t. rn in ,rn at 44r I.u.
oupplt .;n•,..n..; tloiNsitarktit
nr.• rotiitinttirrli itgbt. tint with the eiStirtitinn of
L. I Int Jenialot toniturtt to l.rti in
,. nn,-.1 ng non, 1....p...trnt At lir .
~.o gnr opindo,r. M 0...., 'cilia., Tr, n.
it.. LI ., Ig Or , inor mat an for Sugatlintogn Rim sti, I •
nn c1,.1 to St
II Kit —ll'i• loire ...Kin ion Intni- l nln Arh.i—Arnteriny 1.0 j
tno•.l..niti-tie yr. r..1,an.1 nn ;rural, of
nt ili n 1111,, nntion arti,lllng in \nniall lots
nt 1 / 1 .. 10,11 1,1,, 01.1. Le for Pr.otto i 5 for Seibortottiro am!
f •r Pn
II 0V—1t..1.0 tit Ilor ninth, of ill Innin nt 1146/11134‘tnii
1111\IIN) —rani. tU t.t.10 at St On ro 11.1.
I% II I Sit El —Tht. na, ket n,. 1 , 01,1 ,ntorc e,i viqtb
. 1
At. zsi 1,14.
The pn%t week has been rather dull. The
Im.inelae urer, end the harina wt in. ebe,
ma retie) aul rr. end on willtlinc many branebia
nl trek. bona It MO ive little demand barnnriey. earepl by
lb.. deitlerie al. ere nutting to ao South
Melr bf uzer and e, and by thr'porli
1 , 1,nb r iobna Weid. Them, genemlly And
It' It r1,,11-111, thennineeit•ry tothli f•rilltie• at
i. Gaul ret iii. and no the etreet hit little wi....1 paper I.
thorn, ulurh IA telen freely et 1 A eel. A um.. and
a .Z.. low . 'a, 1t.... rite piper Ira.. at I\f to 11. A
n r
i Tor rt..; / t• unueuaily dull. nod hitt 11, o,-
I\ersiete- bar. hie ori wad. reeritilr The late rale.. bur.
n4itilion. which 1.,, alrernir been revort..l. . the larl,l
alicriaoic. I. hirl, hi. run. VW' tlntittl,
.611 , I r/toexi. of Lair rt.,' rtinint. to hen heorahle
Uki.l, 14 \ Int.-twont vt,lb m.... 1 piques. who bare fnoil•
•liieh the .l. oat w.• 11 to employ in artier buenteert hut
•.. I.• it Ow lUelir i.f otir old farm.. reoniiinin une/inietp
eie to thy le.f • itieti Iti. Inez ,n.i. hull operntino rrituir
e the eirrte`.ix to he dtelucted front then. dividend.
iiiiiii 1,7'.., lir \e • It 0. cork ...nitnitea to decline. id
thioii-li ...eau ;ire no ....n fer it. net we he 11.... it h. lei
iii.e id tit• leitu , ioreetm-ni• nth nel te the t.. 1.110 al the
r.e whirl& ...o,llor It tNe the Itaiilers.•.... VI ho.
1 iik \, , 1.J , , , It. IL .tinrontroUrr! h• rrrmlve
.1 . ul•addition. trki. uloerinttone. but a• yet our cuisine
lo not ri-to to . nu. n te the work with ant anal and
Xeruio .
illich tie int.i4u. demand,
Ts CI STU I: lh ta`‘iaw tn• Ling their llatuthrough
ca 4.0.4,i:id.. in 21 ho tie lnd tr. IDlCrch•re Int:. It I.
••to rrit tr• Or reg....A In t oor toell .intracts tenth! nut
ne •i . ai. , this eacur•or s ea I \ l tin. n. tier rolinzweeittlEn .
ni..l J. t, which now iorniule he pre/ent witul array,-
t.... ' 1 astriliii:r C.,-ft‘ • lineethisic of I.l.teetorkhohl-
rrr, Ic•'d n the DO lint. the 6110 . nem,. were elect-,
.d•lircrto of thee non... foe th en/ruing 'ear:
1 . il flow . If Ittualey, IV I.arl er. Jr. 11 D Bier. fi.
Dunlap. Jr, Ileauelton. 11•Jtere.errnot, 6AI Ann, 111
ern- II Li whet, D Ihrharer4,l &<ll,JJ,hrhourarci.-
ter. ,Jcurrrl he c Ilartoniu, /
lircureet—Th lir... •re burr. aur/una, at U it rent ili•eitiot—Til entitity hi but coeterut
i 1.1.....eer on the I.t. ••111o.: sitri,lii../ i i A etch prem.
do . est
J.. C.
ntteri. inai6os do
, to inte•tinote the altairenf the
n. N., Jere.... have eloreel their !
-. • ret•irt to the Cl.itiellur.—
the . - sr the 1••11,•Inth I
ID, , • r Pure.C•••••• :'• J - 1.4,ki114,, er Al t.. I
,6,•,,n. I.n.i.i, $,....1% :17
~.•.i„;,;:—.-: weir.
I I' c , 1,..1 r•, 1
: ..... - .....iF......., .1 I
. 1, ie.& .1
. . . . 1 . 2, ail
. . ....:.!
'.• ''''' ''..
Sew Col . ,LhhElhr. Twenty •it•llar notes on
tho Fsruier'e and Nlechloio . , flint of Carr.l!
County, NW. have been passed upon 'several o
our citizens within the past few days. One of
the notes was enclosed to the Cashier of the
Bank, who replied as follows:
"The note you enclosed. is O. one dollar hill of
this Bank. altered to a twenty, as you will per !
refire by the i , nelneed one dollar note. The al-.
terra note is the first 'f hare seen, and well
csleolsted to dreeive."
rhA ILer,r,r•
flank of I,IE,
iko .01•
• ...11 ruukt
A ri„w.l
• I. L. 'Lot:
1 Sil, t. ,tt, etratltt..l
J i••
wt. w Ott tll t' ,Itromutt.
j• . • 11 ,11,..: Ito la* 11
• i..r I t.sta
II I l n
fl ...11.111..
11 41IMIT
thought that the perfiJli who passed these
note, hue evale South, if FP, a word of cam' ,n
n0v...,1ry n. per,ouo iu that direction.
f The r Coiner of the 18th, tames
that n new and very dangerous counterfeit has
heel% put in circulation to that city, which is a
$lO unte on the Bunk of Louisville, dated Dec.
I, I'Bsl. It i. well executed and hard to detect.
The wool, "Bank of Louisville - occupy oshortei
41,AC0 than the genuine.
',I ,1. 000 .3 1:21.1...1N—Mr. A. linthtie. 0f4,...,0. .1 . 10. Km:tweet of th. Bridger..
II .innlie
And.. •ael to hare ceretial much of hie at-
team.t for re•eral •In-the mineiJerattomor prattle:ll
oelmnire, i• at preent in mar dq. .Iloollg • 113.110.,
ilealgool 'ai guard 0.1 the eeplaolon Grote... to fore.
tiotlarte, au ai arti.ile • tibia recently appeared In the '
TrOurie. romper... •hat he believe* to A. th.
re.... of ...lib... in nf rteani butt baGlent. Ile mnion.
of water In the honer, rod tied by the
great iGmmetton the valve. wherewith the supply of ;
"nier or of lir which the steam al
etaar, ...Lin inaperfirthia.. In, or the Inedennwer of the
pumrang mermen, the ea. - cumulation of dirt to the
.ot the WWI. the gm.. priewure A, • maintainer...,
tram. ae.e. !yr tie the. hit. tllge•Gel plan for the
.1 , 0.mi1a...0at id the hoperti,re of botlere—Gir the manner, I
ironer:pow. had' he 'tarried un—Per the appontment rf
awl the regulation of the power 111.1 ermi,
t ee ., chard e.rry, ye, am,whirh.lf reduced ta general prar- I
do sear • lib ninth GI lb. dancer. •hieh haw
hrr. tonne attended, end Ver. .1111 Weider. rirer
allot. It 111. IMAM,. to have the plan laid
fore aud, if pmeillge: to have it—Lihen all nem.
yreiimie.r• meiteureei foal. been
.• law et W. land.
lir the NIG. (aniline be. Invented iier
the twofer tegoletion of the itamhtitimi of water end eteeet,
t• rimmed in Miller.. we will *lye • few word.. Thai
womaratoe I. designed for the tall awa nt ha rvaln.wr, a.
weal ae the ben.. of the tweiengera. The .PleltMell
the .shin will molder the elan msg. of water in the boil
tbe hand on the dial working the lance. to they ma,
mien, 'good water.' •water low. or . ...ter danger
ne: A yeenael Oar., near the P.n.t. in.lirate• the
priyitaire of •letan on the Ritter and will ninrk ' , dram
etei.m.• The •hnie le Gf
0111,13.1.0110,10,1 .aid to work with anterring truth
halm., It ha. Mien armehed to the larinetiollers att the
11,1.mM...w0rk, at Itridgerelet. and Is anewer it.
r ': ; 7l l l. ... 7l 2:rtilattnftf . . " l.ty n' e "' e V . r k a 7l h t !
to Ile mietalltara.. after aline...Mg • f e lti‘ne ' t of ' it. !
l onian ntliale. umbiretand. viii Gun to W.lO
, eity, there to Wage Isis plans mad Pr o .lm\lia the
prom, bmals.—[ St Louie 'Mout,
Ilk(aa \--Thor. an. 3 twt L inebeek In ehann.l lii
mark; \
Ft s ,ll2l.k. tut .1...n1nc, and failing rapidly
(lrinujo‘(l4;• 11,CUTOLli141013 of Irv , In our rlv4r, w• ha
no arrivekL oX,.leparturk, yrotorday.'..
Tot OINCI NSAii Pleams—The Ca=iciest' arrived here
on Montle, teureli, thnut, 4 n'eloet.arel the nrdrilant, od
Wed rt...ts, 111.11111d,Z these suers ere now lying Up's( this
plan. The inter 146,•t0ne State artircd Cl Cincinnati yee.
tenter morning l'ente‘ihis City. The Ittsekapiand Key.
none State are one Ora .4. ~ Oneintati. , As to th e
other park.. 04 the Ilea we hem, en int,elligeoc , e.
TI.. Whneling rev/rt. RIIITUIII. arsivel hero with porno
alMenliT. on Toesdey6o4l4. and le now lying up here.
The A.' DlWlelli. Walla% Nit lot New Orleans on:Ttica.
'day night, laid ov.nt It OLI O .
CINCINNATI. Pen ii'l7L AST-4 bLla.lion.-
ny, Snmuel Dalrlei; 6 do, II nu. & Dyer; 5 exp
pkg , t,,l,donn, & Co; 52 bble\nb ky, McLaughlin
& co; ,6.1 do, Ito Parker & Cu.. .finds sugar 15
khle toolaeees, J A Hutehlron • to ; 2.4 Idle
fillovelr, L Uulchison & Co; 9 , h‘l4s eugar,Tno
Crier, 46 bge fenthere, D Leeelt. Wean 59 tolls \
liEhtning rods 2 boar, fixtures, ilrownsvilld.
host;' 9 skier eacks; rico W Smitn & Co; 5 . finds
lugs. Careen &:. 1 1eKn1ght. 11 ski; ginseDg 23 do,
Murphy, Willeon & Co; 127 eke 'oat*, Wen
Mimes & Co; 35 , o r rilew s h , ay; Mal, 1 . 1 e• 3
& Oa.,
•tvngr.FlN.l-I.ra D1C1N.11... 1, WI. paw D \ Alt•
lobs. hardware 6es y nags Ilakar s a E..veyth; 45 kgs ard
II) bbleibutter Lecels a tkr, Hekv mdse 0 41aeltbens \ \
AOBACCO--5V kegi G t t, for :..ale by , '
L 5 .1; 6 DILWOIIIII t au. \
It ty
I, • /
Ir 4 -I 4-
It tt I
, 111 1 :114.1
~no-... t •
11, In; ^
, 04,
r e . n.l l'aneteerull traje.:unferlekl:avve
e n) e . 'nr nrp r ry en !elm). ,e.te ,
n "r
I • Fat`
etelni •tnltner \
I...tre frth.
Rni ell ine!,
Steam Saw Rill for pent.
rill ll , ', STEAM SAW MILL, ot the mothl, of
, ,st., tleak. alna mulea nt.nre Illtal.ttralt.etn h.e.
•/. art.,. elver. a.attL Ale. la. gen d G., tent. `R I
be 2441
la,in geed rannttar naler, and a at I nr eletattint(a.neat.
111. aCI I. Sitta-In.r, nre rent..., tl altli ll:term:Be. lbe I,
rat n la c•-xl. and lontle I an.tat a very rawly an!. st.
lan/ Ottettantr Mama is to the p.n.ruit..... Far
ranh r part.t^ulart apply In tte• pretaia. a 1,,
A. X1L11. , TX,..
Wilk \tl.urtth P it . 'Per it:. 1a1.1.-- . ..1..13:1.var1aa:a •
Kew Dyeing Establishment. -...
11SA RE L ROW, rienr F,,ikral Greet, op-,
posit. tho • utntos. llosol, - Allochnor Cllr. colt to
iors.rco th• onlxr s• / l'itt•lturzh that Ilsor lye Luling' :
Dr.•••• Gr•KI., to "Nl' .sort nhodn.and onions Silt Veltuta
slyest taut Isui•la . ..l •,ounl to non: Cassis:nor...Canton, Crap,
Do Canso, ' , bar I, asyl orors ykr.ot, .1 strn•••nool•nleassed.
•1,1 tCo outs, re•totlol t.s. iboir torn,, e...Jit,4,..n i ot
i.h.,1,,w0 t., non. II { f olonn•
on un .1,4 I.:an,. hos g 1+,0,0 liiii , ii, 0101 iiio,oolo4
Ott to rub 01 i•ii .01 Ili 1100 n 1040: 0 1.4 wiltititit tilit
rail atiy Ili ... 0t5 ,,, 1s o ssnl ,l n In Inlstre 11,
lanno. 51, •Isnll 1,4, our •to.t, to uiroth n utsno,
,shofar Foe to (Cu., uto• u • y oraul 1 . ii, sunt any ~....., So
not usnots , , Ihotr ni n. • - a ,I 1 n-1... -rt nut luctlsor
chain, 11. nottnt •sor.-1••• Ilt•s—I ..•..ta 11, In t. •tsttn.
prolotnent• us uslo nod 1,0..1 enulari—our 41101: ii tWi i i
0,00 in that ~r an. nilirr 11, •, i ir. ill. , iilolri, ,
iliii . biiiiyi.' 6051. 4104 0.00, 10 Illosr I•ou , : ...t, MS. s
Govola •nrtant.d. itlsi Ili ti riii 01.iiinine our iiii , r,“ wail:
MI, tor scost-•••,,, ,
\V It ...-Is. ,C. ' , storm Ilia trssu. ••lo su Is- Iso• It it .1 .
11, Ite .1,0-rit oiii,i, It, It. 1 , 1 . 0 t pi 000 i 0 Alleshi •
say SAL, ' 1-• -, Us I, ,
Book-Beeper Wm VI
l HOLES .LE ROI' :,'l-:. ~11,W,,,,,1 c trccit.
ak-V.1:;.'''r . ,:V.. b. .... 1 :i',;`.itiT.7,.. V , o r :l::: ' : ' s ' s . s74 .. . l
Isbetal enter, rill 1,.. allson.l. oulsirr..., n Ith rOOl iiiiil , :.
nanottoT n• 11.•• Ono, Alto usn•11111. - ot ~.•,•• I I Ii to.sid
-•-- -
F 4 `•+.
k . -- ` 4-j.
t '-., a 0
IA -
, yam
The True Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice:
ci 000.FLESII A NI) 111.001 , ore rho prtl
-1- il•wt• -.lvl , !nut . ), of it, well in:n*4ml
and ari.ll Int-ill,. inni•ht•n(l,-tviiinn. Wt.
, •at • bowitb, ntiiinseb, Fr.! Intrer 414,n11n.rh it. Is
nlaat that anti-1A.4 ram, trutur,..3, er•qt
with the h...rt of fneitin • , 'at in. tiny, into tiw,Vsli OS
long a. nntrunnu , .. Thitt an. ant it tear
hon_ . hnon;•annlit,l hr lir 11na. w
0.1 PEPSI - N. or trhe from tt/estrua.
I i,l, tho tts. tiro rnal ',Estonia - 11[41f. created
f n+ !.tot Ott , terr snahthitigrwlion
•o and no rnlinit,l.• 501 niliVie,Uo I% it I ,116010. It is
wianie, tor tin , Laan Kin."with fa/ ttnthuhiis
•litibit. in tviality, ct .to wto thntiour writ
• 4 y•iapur ahJ - cua6in, tic.ll o wtht 44111th0
itrhoral holciale wwl r•tai, Act,. t 11
or liittahur,.
W.—!',r est , .. by IL K. SKLI.InKS,:i7 Ii I SUVA.
h -
Chester's clot mg. Emporium, \
! lELEDDATF.I) for Neatnel. of Fit,
lieu of Qlity, awl fittrwhllitr Work...LIP
icst lull " "1,1 rownhte, rhibi•clon all- ankh. of \
Mntia 1,, • Citnthiti: awl in.:int., Utfir4, all whin. ,
nn.t r r t . to- \
t, , and - exaruitio. tie aro datnarnnwil to SCU
tut. r . ,, ,+. rhariusli In/
SITItY 111
... . .
7 .v. 41111 4 ,1 £7.1 , Sr. rar th.vacmi aney.
N agv, and 14.4 oot or. 10.
.t us, ler. Jr:'
ZINC PAINTS, . ' . •
.1 LIISII.I P..X.PL011.1110 A2lO 1112.1011 I.II.III'ANY.
k. V J ',
I‘Company I:l,,prrran.l to forot.ti a *oral, of Oa.; • ,
7.1 'tj PAINTS, *
i, ,f . , , 1 , 1
,L .. i la . lvt r sa..ral ,•• tn. trio:, Loth In .. •
•'1,1•••,. tr. LI to., otighull,tlce .rap•rth, Puy. tar to any tab,
r •Itr ir
.1 . HITE . INC I'A INT • •• • •
In rttroly an it do of Zinc. lat te atarrdd-.1 fr, (Non all
adoltoratlon ou. Isatddil, hatan,,,. it rarer. well. is
beautdully wt.. and L..nti dy rn front the za,dartarrita -
prorcrth• ..: nno ,User niu d..., 0., daa,,,,,,, , ,.. tha . -
health , puha.. a .1 tacit MN 1,1. " ' . - •
When *arrant ton ulp aro.. or erbdi rchttlationa, ay -
ieTon ',heti abut nr in a leer raota. An a e a t as 1 , 0 1 .1..
It edthstando a arntlu.n tilroato an tbe eatbor belt, •
than any other, trot 10.1 • !laid.. to turn today or to
ernaabl d rub -eft
silt •y In tearto, rtd , ..•
:nll. o t te r
n lVnTq ‘ ;C:r. -.""'''''' '''
' • •-
BLACK AND COLQI, .1) .7.1 N. PA NTS. ' -
The, on futrl•l,l at a low lee.aur tr nolo IdnOty , " , •
the , rbeareid sod Lott ~.iris I to.. honk for • u.c •
roco, boo . .c..c,contbosuk...l..roca I i., $0,4 f or
sur •
la, of a F. 1.1. Mid, tin,' or Iron, ax 4 bo? are In . • - •
IVEATIIEI2 .. 1 .,..N11T1 I: PH( '.
!tor In, oarfan, threat, par:fete "y ralimble *nth, .
farm a ..mltratre eot.nucheit =Ai .r. , ‘ Ir rsu .. 1 -/ 4 . -- . .
6.. n , the, dry aukddy, rod, aatno at. re what , base,
du not etnao, tot, bar my not
the e fn . rotn 0.,
/1. ...,
•111 , 11 o uPPlted on liberal forma h Oda R.:00ton( e
ortdr ,l 7. V. (0.50.00* , t0., \ .
.. 10.w:dodo South Rharse, Pt IR.lotrb,a,
f 1 0DPISII-8 drums large, for sobc "\
. • •
IFL ~/ 11,3 ISAIAII liIC,Y a. . ,
I- ,
( I ,OFFEF—.ISO bags Green ` lho, f.n. s 1 - ky,)'
%--) dra lidl.oll.lllir.ll,a t. r 1 \
- .., •
i r 1 11EESE-50 boxes Crram, for F.AIC 1. ,
\J_ .1.9 0.0 10. :1.411t: ltl4l/1. . \ • ;
ll INSBED OIL-5 bids. rc c'd. mid far sal \ f . \
IA hr 5. 0. W. It stmt uon. ,`
1_)0TAS11-10 casks prime, for 1.11; by * •• 1
_i_ do. .a aW. 11.1111td 114 . 11. \ • 2
If't LASS—Silt)box - es assortrol. for sale by , . )
\‘_ll 0.11 . S .00. HARIIAITIII. •\ i \
,IS 1116C1----1 rcroou Caracas; 2 kegs s lani - 1- •-• 7 \
\,,J.c ou conocurnrol. 1, .t'• I, to Oran. •
dog • , IdAI.III 'AtELI,' a CO. • • :
I b
LL II EATS .1. 1101.11 ELI a: .t . rec'd, an •:
....) iitOrrlonent of 10. OR Itul.ber Dall I load. and Ilul'e, ' •
oz different tile, fir rain vii.olooale and r , tad by •
' an. NUJ LIP,. 11 I:art,o4 1
d ' . ..-- ' ''
'..- J.
.1:ER11. TEEIII LNG 1: IN Gt . -2 grom,
_ .4' •0 *windy net •rtlele , j art 11,A. sO. O O foe s o l s . by
_deg , 0. J. It It. PIIILLIPe. 11. Ibtabst, er.
i.: PONG i:ABAGS-=:2 doz. !col ia Rubber, tt
SO first rale arilola. for rale at the Buhl., bebot.
d.. 1) \J. tll. Pill LLIPP. Ito 4lsrest et.
—The subscriber has Jriserneelr••l a fail eupply of
. Beare popular ginglng knob,. lo th e Numeral 1
ilettaxl. onroprlrtusr—`o . .
Itesthe Numeral Ilaiesoni. Nee.l and 2. .
Tbe On• Lira Ppaimit,t, rontaibleg a great vanes , Of
butt Chorth slnele. , „ . ,
ba Eight gincing Ilaidial, fee Centers, Prbeele and
lila t Pinang Class. -l• 11. K1.10011E14
dOl "hoed at .0•100 of the •lohlen Hem. -L.
P. —A full supply of the above rk•pular work, .111
cr o r_a__ tl3bfbePtfor esle. `, deg
SELERS Tr i.III 3 7EIiMi COL( al SnitTP::
WsLuerth, Ns . 4 14 y 0. - X, 1410.
-- rn,r.hnra•ttir, that 1 ire. aillir?,l 0,- do month. ,skit
a dry 0t,e11., schlehred...4l 0n•e4,11.0d I sr. ohllpsd to
quit my end that by the al, of one ar.•l a lull toxra
• f feu,' IN 1 0 11, nod tsso Softb, or ti,o luspetial
Cough Syrup. was perfsetly cured. ~ J. W. 1101:.d.
\ Wttt-eran, Va 2 .‘oo4Y 27 . 1 . 1 10.
I hang VINO Seller.' C. 1.5 Syrup l o .0 ) . f e•o by r oe tep.
i* or more. lord bare nes, b.,. saLit tr:fail in relet.
Int and runny • roust, Usu. N. Can,
Prepared sups
41.1 . ~ P.. E. 5P1.1.1300 0 , L 7 ,1,1 - and at.'
.J - ED LEM'S SPECIFIC--A nuppiy
■ If4e.? I°T-N , 1.1 , .?:
4 •CT fc - Pilkim. It ATIUNF—A 4li 8t A ',1'm..., Ir., #alo "J. Ena. CO. •
QtARC II —2.169 I ~.- ,F oxt, .8 1 Otitl, ill SO lb.
I.J for Tale . J. 'KIN) ell,
th Wad A.
- iii SE-10 n 'W -4) „ t 111, Su ptr •
n for
R. 7.,ALZ Lltrrtyst.
I) UrrEll-5 ,, Fri..-41I;;0!; ,
NENV LARLF-;—lnbLlß'.andt,cty, for y
dU P.1.12F.41. i,,3i.:.10;4,ertv
• I:0U N
cteki ' be fir crop. to
rrrior. f4r
ALER.A.T US-4.V. casks for
0 dell
. WIC6 t tkC t Luz