MORNING, DEC. IR, 18.17 farlig,l.OPlN MATTER WILL BE oNfiACII PAGE. OP THIS PAPER, itereln order to supply the demand for Kr,- oath'elipeech, we - republish it this . our &firth:pie. ' HL ° OjLIO AND iitsinnYLVANIA, AND ran i./qID4.II4*ILLLSVILLt RAILROAD, —lt has bren •a mater of great regret in this community: that ' • some equitable and harmonious neranecin'ent could not be effected between the abase named - Railroads, by which the COLIVCOICIIee and cam- Tort of the travelling comtnunit, be Ire ' inttedi: The dilbe,ulty is at length becoming Injurious to:this city and (level:11bl, and theauh 4i• ••jeet 14 so ghat coraplaint no the part of travel leis, Oat—the press cannot Anger remain silent yithotit - Inettrringjustemoure. . It to well known that the Ohio end vania lldilroad conneeis with the . elerelituar,ail , . railroad, at Alliance, 81 tn,k from Pittaborgh, and that ascept a gap - of 10 miles of gtnging, between fateetintind Salem, we have COtitillOolsl4llrOthi to gais could.enaily token in out from Cleveland and Pitfsborgh in about, 12 .houro, n ere there 1, r- haftridnions ea-operation. between those rood s whereas thet are now tome 31 hours in cooking ' the jettilitiyearingPittsburgh the niLruing cf one dwandarriviug at elevelciml tho oNeiling of theltent, being obliged to qeuil a night oti •'• -if' the way. • • The eause.of the difficulty! io thin. The neve 11 lend ZlLliflirebiTitie epiewany mangers o ver its whole 'roll to Wei;;. ili,. ott.t , therefore reidaes to'enterinto any arrangement with the Ohio and Pennsylvania Company. 11,e i. , kt . lt ,- ,4).tter company is ansians to mike an arrange nicht, anithas endeavored energetically to effect • it, but without auccess: While the river iu a aa , igablaatata 'and pannengels eould go to Cincinnati by steamboat, the evil no. bearable, • bat since j.he lint has been frozen over, as it is now, the matter has assumed a atrious en,pect The Cleveland . Company cannot now forward its (iwa.paasengara by steamboat, and aware there fore mkt off / from any through route to Clevelana ✓ and Cincinnati. Passengers ore note reaching • this city in 24 hours from Philadelphia, arid 'in Tthicare more could be delivered in Cincinnati, •. , '" - '7le.feif. not far thin repreheisible disagreement. -.ASA is. they are taking the stage to Wheeling Sad frank thence to l'olumbus—ahus staging it -over' 200 miles; when we bate a continuous tgi..l!allroad to Cincinnati, with only a gap 7Now lee . appeal to the Directors of the Clove land add Wellsville road to dtscard this nary°. policy, which' can only he disastrous to the t •.• company in Ito effects, Mr. rIIESTIS, the Pres • , idi n t,and.soMn . ol'ihe iontlemanly Direetcre wa 'auSaber among oar peritonea friends, and have it high nfinlett7of their enterprise and butine,s saga.* ty, -. indjwe feel sure that they must he convinced *by thia time, tilt they have made • a . ridatike. L NO doubt that the reasons which - . . bare hitherta,ineneneell this poliry bnn the It,'no in U. orn,l .Ims nrade.l Ly tiltn clas" romi Luonr, Ibo your labofrre nut nu:, posJr ~ Loco or Invdolt", ter. tot, from Lb.,. It b., ore cL:tr I. for tLc good of their The Collin's line of steamers hare made a change their rate+ of pitsnnge. which will he whir pronietde to Stein and WlT:llll.l4,4vus to ttareller, The price of cabin tickets han been n dues •I to $1:0, on. In second cnbiti rate of $7O eetublislied, tints allowing one do reach Li., pool coinfortaidy in ten or eleven days at less than pa. let ship noes Stenhuthips are nut earl, grew lion-fere ne they lased to be, nor so et isto, ratio, and their owners by competition are b. ken from their raills and put to 'the necessity of complainence nail a Inter 1,111:11CIA with smelt profits The stock 'socket has been dull fur n day or two, but has milled and closets firm. Titer, will be more failuresemong the Leer brokers ere lng, and toms of those who broke recently will ha ain by !mother rise to Erie etork, oreat ha, the pressetre on thin road benorne, that the company has been obliged to coinnirnen the stir.), for ...mein's, for a double tent along the election at Gres,. Lund . The new co I trod.- of the rood nirenly 41.P.1111.1 genet impnrinure, and the track will herilly do the The byte sewn Irvin England hay pat a new spirit into the grain and cotton denlern, who think good pmrt are on the eve of attainment, went, and large freights. Cotton is a g oo d d„,,1 bitter, and 119 the crop is chiefly on band yet, we cloth reap the profit here, and not let the npin• net, hare all the rine. Freights are,lirmer and to California the price h.e twilled to lifihti;lk per foot. Taken together, cennnereital elixirs hare brightdued into flame from come new iptarter Thane in n neitson of profit ahead to help unmake up the less canoed by the drain of gold. Steps hare been taken by Mr. Riddle, as corn miasioner to the London exhibition, to got up IN similar show hero, to commenve in May. Should heituccecil it would be an abortion, for font as we arc wu cannot in nix months get up a show to compete with the London Fair, the result of a year nild a half of labor Ilarnnm's panties. mn is much better than nay mock fair that can Imi:tastily gpt up, and It In better to' be content with that of the I . ll4l.urgh Oar,. CARREL COAL. POLAND, IL, Dm 11 Messrs Winn & :--I am pleased to am your kind notice of Cannel:Coal In your yester day's paper. I will give you a few facts la re gard to this matter, as this is a 'natter of inter est to many of your readers. The either.; of Darlington and vicinity are now making soma efforts to.onnstruct a branch from the (1. & P. railroad, or a side Out construction, to leave this thoroughfare near the Darlington station, and run to th'e coal mines,down along the Little Beaver, a distance of same 5 miles, and from there in the direction of Palestine, some two to the main track again. Effort+, am now being made to get thin into some kind of shape, which may be done in the course of time. The success of this project will depend mooch On the citizens of Pittsburgh, and the gentle manly officers Of the 0. & P. - 11.1t. The actual coal operations are confined at present to two . openings, although many others are in 4, pros pect " The main worked bank h! L utry of the more extensively been driven,into the hill near iThe sub•strninin of bituminous • e foot thick, or very .superior 'g, making sti excellent bearing S. The bottom, like all bitumi ill dipping from the out crop.:— on each aide are of rations , to 11 feet of cod taked . out tic uality. as they are farther from 1- Increase in: height. It being I toil bore ido to bleat, .and g, asitikes, .4 cubes or /goitre ly 100 yards. coal is about coal for smith in for Mimic none veins, is The cLambe . heights, from 8, cording to tito outside =inn wedge down, blorto, roid o r . . If 410fault,uxttier the preF.eot Tlaugarl76lll, 1.. late down them , than ,boto 10 Got, on 0.10 the g..nd VlPal ie nnt takan down. Tho aw in irot thirit of good 1,10: and I.GII eh,. ...I fl r:,° 11/C9 ahiaide The aaeal thlehheaa la hal kown, heal i• hal cohaid• iiiaahle to try many' rip... Amanita a., 'rho la c anti ll.a fa rat filllll . cannel Nlll a. , ea have e al,naaa toot II 1, pl•a• c•....1'e• I rat a, Ihr othi era al the VI 1 1 1111 fre.qtrinsowla..l 1... .ii..o r t rf Ilt• I. I t .t.i.. L telet.lon iu 1111, rcm, ,n I ....... .hrt tt, 1.4.11, Ibcl ol..retgn 1.411rr II 11, 14,,0 I. It,* p,o itinr th • %%Ile,. In yntir linnhrgint ' ll lr 411/14, .nnit, n I•Isn 1i111,60y. pr./11111,1 • oini• I. Ine nII/. •nn, •en.i Ito do r., I 14111 It - 1 I.ln i• • ~,,, ,;01.70. 1{11.1.1,011,1NK. Ure. I I, I 111111 EMEND= I=! ut..l I: 4311,1,1 1 . kmruky bel.l I.ller r./.0 the gee tlrm.•u we r .lance Fi Cioilmmo,l Om I, liroilriek. NI orlon to-rotten, rotten, Ilioiert oil.). John Mill, II oiell ) • Co Lon llototion. A,,. .11 reerline of the Ihrertore the follow &hoer. were I.l.llll,lllAPdy re. elected. II See . 1 / 4 . Troi,orer -V) in L. lieoilriek, Chief Leeiiircr -W. )I door Firiewleer-1)e-oel Peinheriow Weilt ertt 1,k1.1,11 f Lognn C,unty. Itti•oleitt , lo j1 3 .p.0 r. I: v g , :tdi, 101,11,,11 I !ICI' mid the riniti tut , of the hilittna t too - note. 1; ruin 1:3 appronohintrootnitletion ; anti the erioot lie.. nr twine ileli;ertiii till 41.14: the in.. I i i, logic. thAt the whole line from lit then to Union, at tit Intltiotit Flitto lino. will t , ti in optirationll olitio , one Ill: I totottot lino from Terre 'Litt ihrattgh tinectiniz with our line u. Union. lie linttlitil iilitring nett re, If tit !Ilan unit lionnitylvawil row] should he cozniiltit eil by the tnitie nhitll then h .ne • CO/1111111111, lino of noilroxilt from Terre Ilitott Iltit , intrirlt to 1 —II •- 17. nun mad,n ilea...lily to I.e &slit. " Your, truly, II Art,. • A, ,ink Anti under the 1,11 . nlea,ure. which •hc wt. ber. Si. Al Arr. no reduce lA, army for fir of recolutionAn lion cal y IA AAI). intitirrectinn at tonne.-- nee id, •1141 M Eesenlh hoe iieued the feLowit, nil r. TO TEE EOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES. fleeing eon, rn the I cite.l itntr. r., evil! myeelf, Lett the cwt.., of iti) euuntry, of the eyin pethy whicli I he 'freer.. t, holteveciete.l the heart of the net.. I ferohl it my. .1.1. e dee:ere, in the fo, irewnente of my errii el. that it mytuieeion to, t the iielciyi..lenee of Ilungery nod the lihrety ef the Ettropren conti nent, the et tot ti. ..f the L aired Ste.tee e i• V thet every of ite wn .1 e iiti eny foreign interfetence, ;het I. tlierfoie, .boil not it....1,f1 a with any illus.—tile concern: "(the fitutegi Stott,. end thet I expect it from off the friends of mince cot Cu do s.nything in reepect to narelf that could threw .lillicuitiee in toy way, nod, white •epreeeing ,ympathy fo'r lire rouse. wutdd in.ire it It ie with reel .1 th a: i :rue! red the eestly hanktae that nipetl to lilo pahlte opin ..f this cauutry. and yarticalarly to th,e who prefer. thelaseire. 10 he the frlon , l , of my ranee, torroof of the, restaphthy e.atelnv eiat •tel. erh...11 th.cht .0.41 r .I:theteltle- , reol.. et I.) th, r hh-h th•lopted. et &dare la r y leadothr rrinett,le, slr, eella h.,. an net to roar-I op • tth whate•er I,,ene-l••• MIZI I•arry •ot.tlon, Nrvr I,k, 1., 12.1, 1,"I 11, I ttt., (If llw, , .. ,el.ll mtel:. 1111•111.. At the Pao mretting ••r,f .ont•hel.l Nvw,rl - . ; et,IL lor dirrrt KVIIOI3. Vt• tt, purf .•:,r tu i4c atlatr Itu Judre Ilero,l,wer ern. •. 141. • lutet t 4 . wa• .111. e that ~11 we Itnre to do 14 tearh 'or thsol., ad to t•frn Thee, :0 the ricbt Wrorit.te t ..t•1 he ••wnitt.,,i e•etyb.el tu the c , ptutry, (rem] that of the Pre. , to (hot eel the SOO tticoroodernlble gentle mut. to be thrown up f, Kee,lftL. end he would tw/..e the eott,queucre If the dr.pots etthe hr would Le ',lnd to ere them The legipixture “1 srmotit, Yr its rteebt I ka. mcloa I%ltr forl.;.l,llng Ins ettiplltt,tut Id con et ductor., .11W111,111 tiritlitillf.n. or striter Met.. make t., df li• .In , a+l.ever-to. • T1......0pi0,ruem n prr...n grab nny lb.. direr Or, the ompin, pro,cutiots nod hut, of to 11.1.1. for fill damafrn that ti/Ay Fall Irupttrtatiou of Hardware, Cutlery, &o LOGA_N, WILSON & CO, No. 129 Wood Street, ==M==M! FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, CUTLERY, 1111,T.Trn 1!1 Cr , I NT I•Arntrt , . And trt,,, th•t etr• IT • pr.1.1•••11 , • ..T.t tt.,INT,AO Petroleum 11211 . • A Niti, HAMA NFL InLR rA•R Cut, the tAI in r,it.nrA. nr {Nut 11,1. iir OA. TharTlM 1' ...r1 siir in, iierdicnl, S NI HI fill. II rpArii With • •Avien ,,, ,liiitti q. iv. ,1111111,1 ii• until siva, rif and 11,1,1 in rh,rlt , l, • 1,,.111. ...di, niiitArinn ll,• thirlionina to , h return./ and len ItIM In A• At t 1,111111.1• of the nlmpl.lnt I IIIA•11.11,01,,..a nil of 11,* I. ml, eutinot Inoiliral pion. who ! 14 \• 0.1 will' Ai 11111 .-1111.1 0141140141 any °hie.% pr I ,nurnumete.l the toe of the Petroleum, Iwth In pally en,/ Focally. under elm+ al:trey. , halm lurnrorr4,Vll y up trl the present trum, awl I ha ye er.mVernl VI, 4 0,1 rt,,lrn ly Nly we al health wee very numb Truro I,y the Petmleum. arid I attriluite the rratoyullon of my elulet Lr Pe mm. No. Pr: Pecuy sate, In thle ell r, and * lll I happy to ,;rte au, lutorunalon In r•lntlun to m Y mow. II ILIA All ML , A' PO, on le by I(ry*r A McDowell, 140 W•enl alnul. It. 6. Fellers. :If W , aal etre., 11. A. Vslltmyterk, A Po, , orner Wmelatul Trunt street*: P. NI. Curry. A PJllott..lceeph Douglas., and 11. P PA:marts, Alleyhehy, prlmm, X. M. KIER. nlYalkn:T eftn•l ft*4113. , l•lrlsl.urb firME BOARD OF, MANAGERS of tho Law rrne,ll , end Sharpshurgh tt,n4 o.ln party, will nll.. the ollirin of the Steretarr, Nu. NI Filth this (1L1...Ma)) to.roing. thr nth IrtmL, II rtrrti [ tel b.•ltl W. O. LESLIE, ii , liESll ORANtit:S-1n prime Order, at 1 . • "4 N. or 37). 1,3 r Nal.. • Sella .• Poor TLA MART. liittruotwl. . - •• . I.IDTTEIt-10 bbls. fresh Roll, for Foto by_ II d. 14 S. I' FALAI Vl,ll IIBANS---15 b , : smllll . hite, for sale by / ..1r4.4 S. I' $111l1VKI:. ... _ . eiNIONS--5 bbln. for nolo by VP Ile I 4 ' H I'. SIMI% Eft. {*lll'lEl' I' WILT ---1 doz. tar solo by I drII4 S. I' S118114:1: • I -l iCKORY. NUTS—'2 I ) hula. for male by tl,lB 8. I'. 5111:10 VII. VI 11tIONUI , -,—.. 0 doz. Dry Corn, for sub) by PI &Ix_ _ 0 K I. :Intix xl•• , _ W • N . DOW LAiS-- . 2.00 bxs rix 10 and 10 sit. for 510 I, LH. I'. 811111%1:II. I 4 OFFEE-100 boAs Rio, for sole by _ I_,) grot B. ,!211111.11:It. 4 .1.11.101 i. VIIqEi.IAR-50 :Ads. for stile by Y. , de.1.1 H. I'. mnittrwo. • Q - 1 ALE ItAT US—lolbin. for ',ale by tl , l , tt. ell /10. The•Pittsb - nrgh & Brsuidock's Fseld Plank itoad Finished: Managere have the pleamlre to en , 11. noutico pot Its the plaulinur st ;be 0.. .. i,..1,011 of the lima WOO tuitopleted ins the 1710 In 4 1 throuult frem tte. Sarre ~ -,l "e %t:;?:ll7e' e nbi t ' l int l '7l.7o7 Pittsburgh Ill'. mess.. ; luting stupid. easy.mud Vowing' eurnosttuissuou nr „- you, and surfeit. of every desrettitico. doltlalihatZ ALLILL bMITT, /wit. \ • \-- . •, • —,---- To Let, , I C ' NI3IE CIAf 1 .•••tLA,II. 13()AD , , . LV , ARI: , I , IU , U,SE, manure,' 1.,. I.l,uitie, .i ' • - 1, -. , ~. ..., ,,,,r , . .-!n , r ' ,:1 e P , ',:r. 7 ,...:7. " ,u4...!, e,....2•=. 1 . ~,,,_ OVENS TB: .. Wb lingkand Pittsbusali Pack t. •.,...,... ./1111.,11•11.1, 1 ,, ...r.' ' 1 ''.- or me c A t. ~.„,, X,Li.. rt. IN t .• OC 1 . ; STEAM sups i ll: rnou •4 1t.....r•, h. k I 11 I, .11... ,.. S I ' N DRIES-- liuut tel. rl art ßr u n : 13 al", ' .1' hail I , \ Tr \\lt Fltoll TUE UNTTS.I/ ',:','„,';17..'; .1 ' 7 ,1 1 ' ,...,7 : ; - ; 1 „;;;!::, - T:77.. , 1 . ,.„„ . „ 10 1 . 7 ., .. _ ....,... a -,,.. r. , ..••• t+ 1.. lov runngb Ira .111 [ll3kC . 0 `,.. 1.•.., , '' l . 7l' '''', l ). l ". ' '''''' " i ;• " .. I Ts. '''' X, ' '''''' T T '•''''''''''' ‘......14 lA'' , .. T ....". • • •• ' T. xt,lst II ~TII It ... I u., .....ttrrdsr. roll) lir •11 . .”1.1 , 1. t 1t I )I , .MLIA i, _ 1.2 Inn, 11, I , tett 1,1 a.... ,t ~. A It/ lo•trIt. 1., L •- i r, • ••I", ' , .....I.•c ' IL. •‘ ' •••',"•••''''''',' '' 'T. Z.''''''.. ••••, V.. .0•1. , r. - , "7"'r ', ~..,,,.1, ~ - :. ~., , , .I'. 111 1 .11.,, a ..... v., 1,. or, I.•rx f. r 1.,...,...1 • 1•• ,• . I t , ~,,,,,....,.... ill. ltbt LS •tt .1- r.. h•r • , r=... , . -..."' ‘, aI,L,ITIL. •I: eltt 'ZVI: tt, • 0 1.. •--- J , 1,0,..... . . . .Ir,l , . ,, \i ..,:. ~,,,• , :,L' , .- "' r. Adams &Ca .'s Express Office ~, . , , .. .. ; re. n .r.r.t.r.,,,.1 be ,- • 1••.t...Lr r• rt•trtu- ISitf\ it II El, L. N.,. 1 ' , I II It 11l Str ,, l. I ''; '“ • • 1 .r,. „ - 77 ''' r‘,.‘'Tk• j.,r, lIL. • ••• '. ••.. • ...“ ' . ''' • - • 1 . .4 .......• ~ . I ..... r...... I 1.....' , n. L' ' b ..''' , 6.l••• •' ' • ..... r • J.I it , ./, I. I•r r IL .cht. . t • ti.Sil . Vo heelin and t urn P acket. , ,a 1.11,0 0.1 ‘ 0 ••11.00 1•1141/3.1 I r Er,laral. Iro, ,I,‘ kV, it i:it , eis, : _, T ),,, , wilt Valuable Property \ i'vr Sale. ~.,1.,, .r a n at. , ent br the trot ate rr. u., sputter • „..,\,,, c r „,. „,.,a,...,„,,,, L. ip.l. , ... , L.,..7 . 5. 5 t • •.• )..., , ,r 1 A r ~d.v, ....1 eieg - tra grl+ , .r 1 ) ,, I.• .7'4 I 1,„4 , .,..., Oh Chrome. ur run,. br thr, ' , Mu , 'AU, ' '7... ......••• ~I asl . u r N,.....1•..,• h rt• 1',... ;or, zu - 110 ' , Ir. d I/ .t 1..• t 1... rt. a, ~ t ' IL•L••• , ..• T.°- . 'l'''''t b•• I'Lrl'a , tars'uti h... r.'uta a t.reh t‘t ....w," 1.0; - • . - It •1 • ''' •-' ' ' \• .‘'.. . . rib,. •. •'. I r , •••••In•'' ~' h . .. •u . ..t. r MUM 10. /Tr..., i ... •••nt... a •tezr• rut: ',rept ' rt.,. “•-• • ' '••••••• wr ..., I. ,• 1., '-' tr.'' , 'L.. ' '," "••••T ••• ' 'rt L-L L .,,,,.,., .„, , ~..,,,,, ,„,,,„, ~..,,, ~, m < ., ,, ,, ' bur,. 1.4 r• nr . ...,. 1 - thr• sy.,ar.l . . alt. a,. nt 10 A. . , ~.. „,w,,,.,,,, ~,„.,,,,,..., ~, „ ‘ „ ,r , neut./ r..... .ali ..t...••• ~. au ha.ave to ta....4.1,1 •exr• t‘i,,, . ' . ' ftl.i ....,•11.a. *O., •00: atvui I . th . "`' Urn '''. • I 1 1,...,1\ r••••.,.0.111,.., ;Orial runLalatlOUl. I. h L.' ..,I, ...... .: In. +An. . I'L , r..-I ....,-.. in ' 1 • •••• , •1 , 1•••r• 1 / 7 ...Ir., Ltn, 1.. Inc (L.otturnt. mart Vs ;a. r... LL ......v. ht to \ :II Eta •.x II.••:, ',l>, Ava, .lot att,.• I. r (orb... ...rts. usl,-.. .r. ' P".1..J tn. , ..1.01•-•••'h ' Int ...I 1 . , .a.r. L.. u... I. a. 14,1 on L..r,.. a”„)•.,,,,,, ~. . ,• , ~...., ~, . , . , , .• - 11 1,11 \ I 1.1 .. t .. th- I'ut of Lurni . .. I r the 11.10* and , l'zinurrt 1 .. .V .,.. ... LL•' ' .. ,, r n l . ~ ; .. , ....y• r' . ..It- ''';'•j• ar• E..k I . }.- I , Iqtrw,lsA l.s will 1,, r , -,. •. , 41tt \ i . .......„,,,,,.,..„ ' t'... "'V • ' ',•;,....‘' ' ' ''' .. . _ '-'',._. .1 ~.....,,... , A t.rx un 1 r,...i. 5•.1., ..,.. , : 1 1„i1; l'tt lt kll s T. Wln I .rd' „.. PITISBUIIIIII MA PICP . r. kit OA I 1.1,N II ' ' I . .('Fi r—,t. , ...- ~4 -• 1;;,..;,..::,....t lir. ....L.,11. 1 . ..•;;\ ~..1 0, 111,..ur T.. -- r . V1 '.' .1 .. .r1 e . i rTr ‘ • ' !"...1....- •TT ,arrrr; ~, , 1 At. t....-.l:{. I . lle ~,,_, k ,„ ,r, tie. t t4e. ~., , +ill., r , vt• W r mt., •• NI t....ur1. I 1,..1 i.. 1. ''' ' ''' khrtTrot , r•r....1.t ~ ~,, \ ~,,e , .. t1 ~, t t... 1 I, Z mall rnr....1. West Newton„ Plank Road Route hoK 1.11 \PEE- AND PHIL ‘lo4l.pill A S TF:.IIIERS feat t• w lc, a *lay, tuortring LI”. it Ih.of •/nu. HI 55.5 IS. , .1 I r V INS, 1,..ut Stage Coaches for Sale. VIVI: r...y built Coachen, j t..tttt,uttt tut.. .lo.rt uto, .:,•• • • .1../ u.r ..Ph Atrit ttt it Lk V: la a.... .1 t: t.A . I II f:llS •acks prime hc. , rev'd J 11( 177111,0 N 4. (70 "tit 1. hi- I I l i J. -li( 1 0 1 1 1; ' 77 .. 7 (.' st s y I • . ITN" on , o 0. I: Eft e T !Awl' 1 1 1 11 1 , 1 1,a 7 , 6, 1 , 1 , 11,11, g N A Y—Oullu.x., Gar 54.-, $ 17 r 7 I, 1. •t_ 1:11 -2 box, anti 2 bbls. Fr ,It 1- t.. 51151,1, i ('SI S 3ll' l 7777777117 i 177(1171 :7 7 171111. I. , 1 7 11 d INV X 614 WA NTED—For n barrel mark., A • 114,..1 '' tigirty I.l,rty nt. • 6. , NV I W ATCI I ES, iiirect front on:d till , nter.c vs.. y2l: • . • .1. ert..r .1. era, ...gem., .ar1..1.. fm . ...,P. ig•it....q.....1 (.E•li.— 1. rit. ' ~,,1 , I IZIt'l• 1141,..N. d , A Nl , l,l•:ti FICK:, '—.% n.O ~ 1,,t . vi •new "r,......,.i.i ~ .rn.. cr , /...n.1—..1.1 we. q.,ttbi 111 , , 1,....r..1 . -,. ri 1:11 . 1111i11......, ' Olive and Green Satinetts. \ Nli: i t :i . , ,, , ,. , .... itt , t i . : , :,, , , , , ~, I 1 , ) ,, , , :: v P 1- , , , , , , t. ,:.,, r •II 01 VII. .1.11-. rjr , E ., 111,1 . /1 /I , KrriLthe Into, w:ut-,1 ni,•t •.I tn.,lnts‘ • hen ,uto. L•• n1:11,•t..I w itA tAwt 'ln mptk... 1,17,143 au I In, ca... • • r•• , ...n.11 It and. 1,-tur. IT, n •,1 I t, lnICKI:1,111N1. To Bridae Builders. S E.\ LEI , l'lturOSA LS fi.r - .1 tn. • “ . ....141,1. 01•41 1:161.% 1 7.11: 11,151,1,1' h 1 5, G•ruta.t...: Twr • uf T. haat.ural.. I4K 11. ILA NRY:T;I:IF::-. --I I bt,l, ree',l per i.-1•...”i 11,1. .4 A 1 3 •1,11,1) • 1,1. ...I Vv. I EFIN El. . 1 GAE:N—ltnb , ll4,Cru.l;e7l I •111(.1arit...1 ,tigern, rt.r t. r • , J 4111., A • O. 11) 1 .." 1. VtiON ', • 1 P ?. 1::K I I A ,1 New England Society. wilt hi , loliser...l ~,,,1 Il.h I; 1 vi.,n :.1.,..t......A.ti„n1: LLF:•;.:‘,4,1,.,,,uir::•,!;.i.1..1,1:‘,,,:`..;•.:.i,eri: I. N 11. , “1:111. I. I: I, A A Christmas Gas. ont,oolo, I j ooll roorivrd from F:m re, • 1.4 1.....1.21 I “ I. I . IN II A 1,1:1,1:, Thico nig... IN New Stock of Chickenng's Piano Fortes. I oIIN si OP vii aclrr, TI,- • I""", 11•11 e 1 1 ”1“ 1. 1 . - `. 11 A. 1.1 at.A . 1, ibert, Ilcrato•. ‘r , A r..AAAIr . ...AnnrIII•II.I. ICI • Oil Cloths! A- HOYT, Nos. 7'2 11f1f174 John st.. N 434 tIIILK. tientifsetrirorr and •I r ••.I,IIIS col? At thrfr V A rtory r , ••••••1•••• •10/0. ••••••• I FLOOR OM i`LoLIPTUI•III.;h. Lr Ir•sulf of tiorAll., Asti eletranew of tlOl.l, •olr{r.r A] tint butt -t•AA Protitfc•r•l fltl routiff• ?rt .r.. 1 for vrtztrh thrr toltUrip•-•1 IL. priro noolal 'lto I,lllr lb, rnrn-nomf in N. Vnric can An found n tare. .1 nontrdnin 111.,”stlellt of Ilea., 1.1,1t0m, aid fluff El , f .It , iII,III.IITIIS, from 7, to. 'l/ foot fdfdt. rerrl./..r....1./ iArrew 1/1/. flf,rn, • I id, N. C , for ". , 411. .by - J n. DILIVt/11111 At CO. II 11Si bills. for vale by .IAI .4. N. DILWORTH - --• Hoods for Cold Weather. \ v BRI'IIY a. BURCHFIELD invite thk\nt4 Tr • ,, r1,11..,A ,•1 t ‘ , 7 Dr, 1.4. n•lntpt., , l c. , 1:1 mut 111,..n0 Flutluxlr, 1,111.• 1.11,1 rlls , d: • dt, . . 10 ^ J.., . 1 1 rulrr , r. 1.,,rn.t, Furking Jrak, , Ighron, ,1 , , tam, 774.1. r 01.4...11, An ~J ditleulll,4l, l •l, 1•5 (11.A\ K rfs l luxt. The Holder of a Note, V EN by Jacob Poo, Thom, Poe, nod A. 1 I .1. SlrLnro, M,E:no POO nr 101% .01 falling due I hi*i, month, IP ro.orrter.l to or**ont It furl*, men:. our W 11.1i11,11 a Co &In S. E. corner 51.rErt noll",r1nol sta. El) PEACHES-3u Int. for :oar, by Jur • I. ; sti V,1:1( lilt! Eli A PPL.l . f.S— ' for Xnllby 11,SIIRIVRE ' s 60 MA*. Nrw So. I (111•,.1 lErrhor. I n 0.1111.10„.. . ,,.,,,, 11. 11. Nl.Cullo,r I, Itrund hZ Jo. rocuir,na tro.l for **ln hy .10111 !WIN ii ATT AlO, lato.rty *l. SUNDRIES -3 AEI*. Vrrxh Roll Butt., .• Now Clow, 1 1 ***11; • • 60 t0...* now SI It. 1 „ •IrIns, 110 NO, 11. Syrup 11olax,*: JuAt ror,rion on.l tor Palo by .1.10 • JOHN WATT a en. Ladies' Secretaries rinVO beautiful new Asia LnuIES SLußri.. 1. niL, fallAhml mud ti.r.aln J."! Ji.103 . 11 MUNK, N0..121 Penn Ai French Broadcloths. 1 VIIPIIY ISUKCJIFIELD, at the north r.o ewer of Fourth sit.l MLA, oettwwfw, alwAye o supply of the mbar.. *melt.). ar..l are ear, fui w W tel. et 1b.... of the uowt Hoy. or Clutli will rind It to their w.lXtultnit. in orratoln- Cow ..or before porch...hog. Theya.ho keep Feueh, Mawr:raw Cap.zweert, bloc* fat lawn CO 4411. lAA/ pCool .114.-11browe, Aratoliire Cloth* afl.l etaawherea y„.. w en , Introit , ard Jmr. Sato* thlztom. " , ;:". , 'Vo:"" „„ k''.t1" - :Zintviiroqiut , LIN'ii.`. A, AA onL 1.1.w0m Littoas:wialla pun, it.ll. • /2 \ - , e.rr.„ta .l c..,.. , .. Themtne mow. Leer. Is. i . ellf . Wl' truce III'XISEIs —rmo The wratber, k.. a.., eheeelide, the oeettost et the .. ,• re. hhert.ed up I,in eco mol nvel„atio o. n. for • e, h.. -1.e.,...1. lehaMee• eon , emseMengly dull, s. en Cl,o o.sen. woe, oentmeel to email operation, e., e . h.. e no ermlo ho r.r.T. yomenlay set, re.ollneel to a row ale •Islos,o HO, en Into. et S.: 75 .4i.• 2 slice ..• o C. ;lig re in fin eaters. ,ele• :IS eeh's from storo et ....,“.. Is re C. and ersere The uNel rate, tram oleo t en , . sl se fe.I.IMI lll,te for A r and egIT3, with firm tonelonre. 11l I •Ii 11 /IL CL 14//1 - 11—We'Le,Ti Lf vn Lalei/ lv ant IftrzLvs tom er,lny, W. rocniutsr nar qu.lstion , / al 51 37 Y. /1/1 / fr //I tn./ Llay.ll. Ism/ ./7 4p 1//(m jf ./ark Imixt KIKIN tI En I,— r nine nun, noir!. On gionti St •at , in lir-t mitt ni I,.u.frnm ntnt . t . k I , —Thent. orni. nothing 'tiring in g in. af, far an r• 'ruts ai tl, lb. rsr.intsra tatter ionoliosn. of whirl, n. 1...0r • der .4 i2t. • In trign otyruSSitt bunt Itlr nn.l n Int nut HI an thn nt Wlinnt ma, . 11, tre tn. niti.t...l at K yr. ...MI Harley at Ins Caen. tam -t. rn in ,rn at 44r I.u. oupplt .;n•,..n..; tloiNsitarktit nr.• rotiitinttirrli itgbt. tint with the eiStirtitinn of L. I Int Jenialot toniturtt to l.rti in ,. nn,-.1 ng non, 1....p...trnt At lir . ~.o gnr opindo,r. M 0...., 'cilia., Tr, n. it.. LI ., Ig Or , inor mat an for Sugatlintogn Rim sti, I • nn c1,.1 to St II Kit —ll'i• loire ...Kin ion Intni- l nln Arh.i—Arnteriny 1.0 j tno•.l..niti-tie yr. r..1,an.1 nn ;rural, of nt ili n 1111,, nntion arti,lllng in \nniall lots nt 1 / 1 .. 10,11 1,1,, 01.1. Le for Pr.otto i 5 for Seibortottiro am! f •r Pn II 0V—1t..1.0 tit Ilor ninth, of ill Innin nt 1146/11134‘tnii 1111\IIN) —rani. tU t.t.10 at St On ro 11.1. I% II I Sit El —Tht. na, ket n,. 1 , 01,1 ,ntorc e,i viqtb . 1 At. zsi 1,14. HONES MIIIKET, STOCKS, &c The pn%t week has been rather dull. The Im.inelae urer, end the harina wt in. ebe, ma retie) aul rr. end on willtlinc many branebia nl trek. bona It MO ive little demand barnnriey. earepl by lb.. deitlerie al. ere nutting to ao South Melr bf uzer and e, and by thr'porli 1 , 1,nb r iobna Weid. Them, genemlly And It' It r1,,11-111, thennineeit•ry tothli f•rilltie• at i. Gaul ret iii. and no the etreet hit little wi....1 paper I. thorn, ulurh IA telen freely et 1 A eel. A um.. and a .Z.. low . 'a, 1t.... rite piper Ira.. at I\f to 11. A n r i Tor rt..; / t• unueuaily dull. nod hitt 11, o,- I\ersiete- bar. hie ori wad. reeritilr The late rale.. bur. n4itilion. which 1.,, alrernir been revort..l. . the larl,l alicriaoic. I. hirl, hi. run. VW' tlntittl, .611 , I r/toexi. of Lair rt.,' rtinint. to hen heorahle Uki.l, 14 \ Int.-twont vt,lb m.... 1 piques. who bare fnoil• •liieh the .l. oat w.• 11 to employ in artier buenteert hut •.. I.• it Ow lUelir i.f otir old farm.. reoniiinin une/inietp eie to thy le.f • itieti Iti. Inez ,n.i. hull operntino rrituir e the eirrte`.ix to he dtelucted front then. dividend. iiiiiii 1,7'.., lir \e • It 0. cork ...nitnitea to decline. id thioii-li ...eau ;ire no ....n fer it. net we he 11.... it h. lei iii.e id tit• leitu , ioreetm-ni• nth nel te the t.. 1.110 al the r.e whirl& ...o,llor It tNe the Itaiilers.•.... VI ho. 1 iik \, , 1.J , , , It. IL .tinrontroUrr! h• rrrmlve .1 . ul•addition. trki. uloerinttone. but a• yet our cuisine lo not ri-to to . nu. n te the work with ant anal and Xeruio . illich tie int.i4u. demand, Ts CI STU I: lh ta`‘iaw tn• Ling their llatuthrough ca 4.0.4,i:id.. in 21 ho tie lnd tr. IDlCrch•re Int:. It I. ••to rrit tr• Or reg....A In t oor toell .intracts tenth! nut ne •i . ai. , this eacur•or s ea I \ l tin. n. tier rolinzweeittlEn . ni..l J. t, which now iorniule he pre/ent witul array,- t.... ' 1 astriliii:r C.,-ft‘ • lineethisic of I.l.teetorkhohl- 1 rrr, Ic•'d n the DO lint. the 6110 . nem,. were elect-, .d•lircrto of thee non... foe th en/ruing 'ear: 1 . il flow . If Ittualey, IV I.arl er. Jr. 11 D Bier. fi. Dunlap. Jr, Ileauelton. 11•Jtere.errnot, 6AI Ann, 111 ern- II Li whet, D Ihrharer4,l &