The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 29, 1851, Image 4

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fll7 d :CO===Y WIFE.
A iiitieskAap,' whose sixes wife,
By4rmrsisg, lest her precibus lite,
Called ottltiri neighbors all around,
Andrea Omni that his sponse wqs drowned,
dud spite . or marsh could not be found;
Hekeese,he amid, the very nook
What she had tumbled in the brriok,
Amnia haddragged alorig the choir,
Abase the place, a mile or more,
"dboosthe place!" tho people cried—
"„ Why, what d'ye menu!" The man replied
. 4 0Lootrese„ you don't suppose I'd go
taut Waste the time to look Ev/om!
Tee - known the Taman quite a spell,
And I v arrit her fashions torble well- -
Asa" or 'dead, shed go, I su-ow,
,dgi* ie itrivunt,: , any, /ion!"
-.Dlllibtewlo3l ECILOPZ.—A letter from • a
gentlernan {tithe north of Italy is quoted by the
Boston.llourier, as foll ows—in illustration of the
popular feeling latrit under Austrian rule:
. 4 911i11e the Eteror was in Italy , I content
ed myself _with en ply informing you what his
plinlill were,. as I could neither myself
,- *...gut,:nor expect you to credit, the newspaper
accounts concerning the “tremendous "enthusi
asm" shown 'by the Italians. The only city in
which the Italian4opulation showed a really
geed feeling wee Venice, and this was principal
ly. displayedonthe Monarch's second visit
An .eye - witness,: as military man, assures ms
thatthe silence of •jthe Milanese was terrifying.
Whe#t4e -gulperer ti4e at the theatre: at Vero
na, tpat - one Italian; ady of distinction woo pees
.eat. disaffection of the people here in Bo
hemia and in Bringary, appears to increase in
proportion. - to the 'severity of the military an
thoritioa, and I cahoot doubt that, if the system
.1a not Changed, I% fearful catastrophe will sooner
' or later take laser Every one who is not wil
fully:blind, must be [Ware that the present pro
ftise.' expenditure of 'the Austrian War Derart
)miecanniit long be continued, but •still no ef
fort. is made to return to a natural — that is, a
ciyll, form of government."
Eadies !I Bead This!!!
• !TIIE PRESS, and trill shortly be ready,
"Treli.LiANDbf AID TO TILE PLANO; nompriegng
tit description of tlia mechanism of the Instrument. tho
'defects to r which It is liable (about 2)0 in number). thr
method of retnediing wort de.. In
tl. how
...tithe instrument always In ni s
P. b. Trout.
• .it'very person hallo : iris= shonld hwi a morel this
batik. :Lilo wortof tbrUnd has erre Lelure bank
• ed. 'Tres informatlon it Imparts la tweak ton Wooed its
nries—on• and. emus other IIitISIGARTS. Ida
ellectuaa gourd hum harlta your Pluto spoiled br
nMkl /e a ten. e rttleine '
%t rwe r t g n
etahtrt eit lebfiof PW lt tst c a n heed
. tr i Zig m irAdz .dl
. 11 bittea Or am of the Pittsburgh morningsaptre. or at the
Luislo stores of TetessnieJohn IL - Mellor. Wood grea t sad
enrrAlaber.Thisd stunt .
welog t t dollar to lbw author, at the Ossetia .ofe
Pittab - d sloop. will low forwarded. tortes
of poramtri
to aar past ct United States. 81. tortes far bre dot
howl A liberal discount to Mot sellers and Altaic dealer..
.• thud Is no more appropriate present that a gentleman
un meta to a lady than a oopr of this bout.
bond Invent owlets! ocOli.latt
Tll' , subscriber tuts in "store and offers ut
faicelk a good amartment of alpacas, llobnsgs,
Bums d fktarrel Memo de L•lnes. Pop{ EU. Pr Into, / Jar:
nai,. wry, CottanPlaangls, Tbibet. and Tl dad
. / g flaw. /PUB Linen. Prows. IlandkaratdoD. grad);
"Criva/a. Satiastes, Canlmems. Cloths. Tamds, esah
Brava aad Bleacbed - Drills, Ticking, cord Can
beleCTadding:Caserass, Umbrellas, Week and •blte Non
tft.eratilf?sT"""l3'lt:.UTZ 1 - " Th T°l ;
7 /DIRIMER Batman also a large eariety orgoaes, to vs hien
respentfolly Stitt, -Um attentlou of merchano aol
I}adltra. oelb ARBUTHNOT. bS Wood 1
Exchange Livery Stable, and Furnishing
'Ns. 178 Poin'strea; near f 1 1 .4 St. Clair Hotel.
• - The, subscriber, thank
fißtfal a the Data for the liberal c- --
taxy =Wan In bls hash:tan,watill luta-a them
'Zh►tbo het aaantecoal -the TihEDEUTAKLNO busacee fn
'connoodon with bb LlVkatT basalt., eat rill attend to
`itanotale on as reaeotable Lams ae nay la the city. not
bwrlnc say . thing to do in his Hoe, who may r ite
it*/ rill ata depend thin
their buena/nada,: atiorkl.l
lanaPart tad tat ata , neettat manner.
noataa . JAMES zurruzws.
QODAASIL—Wo are prepared to contract
ki th Ohs htAanfoothron and tho had. gencroiir,
ar their =pply of &do , fat. during tho oasaor. Ma.
Pn•eat =Luke. yam
IF warrant our oat& M e eqnsJ l‘y
ttl.bestharortal. lITSN.CIT, Dr. l'arf t Ca
Copley's Fire Brick.
I:IOPLEY 6- CO., near Kittanning, have
cOsta hand law thous... FIRE BRICE of exult...
°"4 l72e r te r itatit i le " .. C°P)77• th.
0:1 Oa. continue to manufacture Inc Clay for 01.4
zaatmeteturers antl. other,. J. SCJIOOIII
Wced atm., to. sole sgenta'far ttus last named ante..
ECKER'S FARINA-50 lbs. for sale by
<mlo ' •- • .7."616D d co. GO Wood firt.
SE‘- - ;7 - boxte Cream.
144 , 11+4:3.4 fD aat;br Co.?
- Dont Water L
and rreett streets
:F. A ow opening. at
JL. Aif1114110:1 4:10.11, Ileums Bar StstrLong
• t old perAsozot colors. 1106
VANKETSI—Now on hand oyar 85 - 0 pre.
Aiserieszt. Swint, and Ynalch. or 8.4,184.1124. an!
seo24l==onal=rll l 4,= l ttiVnt d 24.
nob . atuf 84 Market st.
11 . 1.11.1),0.11,-15 bbls. No. 'I; (Winter,) for
JU ego.. 8411100NLIAKEll k CO.,
nol • Wood street
RBA IWOT-500 AnL,Sur rola I.
REAM TARTAR-2000 lbs. for sale by
'sot - J. KIDD a 03, ea Waxt
vOD' LIVER :OlL—Rushton; Clark s Co.'s
. IL/ 47 , : balk or by the dawn or of t , frg. hl
_AMOß, to proT•Plltablvest and ktror I lotr. to too or r
Dar whoa it hs. Nitro, oN or I.emzoo thin...llW ear.
ollbotoolly &.0 or lOtodrott.
6 von just toed =de .biltifflotoo - ve sloglo
st..tbe drag Atom or h. N. W.N..NttoOltAll.
noa • , Wool. ntroet.. Wean . of
QIIIJAR LEM -- ) - '-900 lbs. White, for sale byc
nos •,c. J. MEDD a CO, GO Woof oc.
PINIBACCO--100 . becee Sherweed'a s'a en,'
11 Si. on onsigamesaci and for W. Dr
.. WU' -
ERRING-400 bas- for sale by
'I OM' 111 a. pninO I 'ac e.
.aiisJa by - JOILV Watt 800.
ItAFOLASSES-20 bbls. S. H. Syrup, for
lai• bit JOIN WA* is ea.
will ppm this =ruing 10 allow U
of black E
allquallticlrutOnatbs. cedl
KNDIGO—;.3 =eons best 3. E., 2 !Aide Idad .I.t &FLOYD.
- ICE-10 tea fresh Carolina Rico for ralo
br. , ada . J. " a IL FLOYD.
OSIERY—,-A.A...idesox d: Co. have read
L.OO dos. Cashmere, Limbs Dad, Alosecs.allh. sad
Hatioty, oomplistost Us. moat extmtlelre Weir they
TO era orsidbited, schislo they will seD et touch Ws
than antat. .21
VOFFEE--78 bap prime Rio, arriving and
!LJam tato br = JOIL'i WATT aCO.
mud •iign use n
ea% 1L.... Poe sale by
J. KIUD Jll 15) Wood at.
CAOFFE,R--500 bags Rio, for sale by
yirj.'nee...: - . Ismail incEcti a co.
?a b.!. N.; &et=
.14 kmx mg4mor....
:UTTER—Fresh Roll and. Can Butter,
IrWeisla.d teal. juet arj fm:t a b . !
.13* , . , llasente Balding. 11fth rtroet.
lidOK SILICS--50 pea. of rich and high
recto& for no. by. - A. MASON l CO.
-:.-60 ago and Ghanaian ;loser.
" Grad. &ex
.ladlef WooLeq Catakmik
1.155 m " Itooac rned and km We.
ASH-10 tone for sale lost-14
lit:T reed at No. 256 Liberty etreet—
ls • " Canton Preserved Drj Otnee=
cneAtlleS:nlcdst nfi tener bi .
rent Ott.; '34
Lawn and Oreage Peel, candled:
" "
r . h " t o k
. .I z rum •
!hot", goods, mil Jar LI.. inva vacs ty
• , - w.notl,t4l.l.lß,rt,
ANS. OIL-417 bbls. for sale by
BOMATIO TOBACCO-40 cases Myers'
,4asale br. • /tIcCANDLEM.
WNER warn D—Foi - noo roe Brio k,
ikagri= d Atit '. V.t . "P 4424 Zti b° K`"
r mg
sutisciibers reepectfally'adi the at
,,-,, ~ta a ro . o f ikar.: note Hawn sat Tholliet. to
10 and 'plea . t ook of
~. ... . /11.1111t111 (111AXElli119 AND TEAS.
`..l,lohilloy oZor on the most famnblo terms. emomillitz
108111110. Oran Jr CM Tom. to bolos smort.l lickhol.
ovary Cade mot nuke:: 12 Kotellapig
Soh.. prim. gip G0e..... . 11:1 : Preferred Pratt;
ZS " 4- old dstys . Mt JtAlflo
.ki .
Hp ... Laguyt: . Se Si and SC bxx. R os,
22 Ws. mato N. O. Evizsz 8 b.....(14...;
-,,,Eblas. rea and pad ^ Batt. Currants:
lazßia nsesi o;
..,,,..-Loner Z., drszoalg,K
RD .I.l,„_ a io:l4l. B dpt
.C.91,11mt, dl Ir2!to than: gable .
,„'' , .... '" V0c00, 44.1' 11r0ma. ormigfil, te.
Alp, Lisdols.aro Atulgottms. mut various Fonds.
* A.
I*h:id :, sti. d etzt. n mroarp2 , -..... , ....
..... ,m,pritaz shogot7or so anottornt,t=a4 in
..PlZalmazt, , . WAL At Ci aLibolmitt.
BROOMa - 6 1 X . „ j dos; fo# sale lartn
e• 610.E.HOLLAND BULBS,-,4ust rao'd
calls of cbcdoO Mom VAots,
ass iscloth god Ora. , of the too; mlotib of
ooko.'Mop sant , root. satabis far fiord= is Wow*: far
14h, *Atm, Cad red Stan of • • - •
• - car 441;tti. US Wood st. cor. of tiff-I:.
- 11 mu i..4, - RATIN BONNET.S.;-190 have re+
iseITA 04,04 WO a., EU zas
(. 11 1 A. A. ItiAAON 00.
Fl7Erk-4 - bt . do. Fresh Roll, for oda by
„75/oo . ozelysat.7,
BucKvis& TUBS-
W doz. Bucketa: S dux,. Tuts tar rule bT
na, JAMES LaLZELL, 63 Viater,a.
LIQUORICE ROOT-2000 lbs. extrafresh,,
Sur nale J. KIDD a CO.
OME E li th b lisT d S. l7, sl i rr.plrr &
runi . bnree made Bien r te. r m ery ' Th t esk.. " " r ` .
AL., 4-1 late tome nuade t LANNY:LK. •
ber of F,urtb and Slarket ate.
REAM TARTAR-12 bbla. war
xj ranted pure. fur rate by
Q , ALAI/ OIL-50 baukets for ssle by •
mAu H. A. YARN. Et!ToCli t
QILVER SAND-15 bbig. for Fair by•
cao H. A. FAItN CYTOCIi d 1.70.
%TEN. RED-40 bbis. bright Eng., for ;tale
y by 11. A. FAIINESSOZI: A CO.
Qh.tiNA-1000 lb..F. prime Alexandria, for
so. lo .. L'. A. PA ON t::rt n.,1: A. CO.
VLNEGAR--50 bbls. for sale by
v r.r:lo SAMUEL P. listrns..
[Baton Past
11XNILLA 11EAls.5-20 lbs. fresll:fOi ., uile
be R. A. FAIINtd:T.Ch
O I.lUrtellrlELlO have ,iurt nder,F4 aii aq , ,tuarnt of
Pink, !nue, Wand,. and "mon erlut
Ittlelll. ir.t.n
I Brrut—Fre,ll (toll, doily
tar fixdrdl .1 It CANPII,I.I..
A 1111lESEl--50) bases reed and for sale by
bbls. Luke Trout;
N'§ifr, I) 011.— IO I‘bli). ri nwoid *1) brand
for/vl.• J
ASII-25 casks fr aal.o tcc
111.. or.= JU. CaS FIELD.
I OGWOUD-60 MAR. on hand and for hak
A by 6.-17 J. ICIM,
DRAWEKS—ZOO dor. 111rn'il
Latal. Wool Shirts 111.0 d Prawvr, red'd
A. A. MIOI , N A 1,1
``}ILK VELVETS-2!) pus. must deArAle
Mirnnw rneniog tor A.A. MASON a 0,
Altß. AMMONIA. -2000 Ihs. fur sale by
I) 0r... B. A FAIINE..iTOCR L
IT 1 this Morning by Exprr_ut th. Yutit rine urt.i,les
- roloml ntt 55,551 Lk. 1.5.110,,61.40,
Itrott Lunar bbsek OW-5,5E4 prI , S
111,ca35 Poult. :551c:
• Block figut•a site;
b3ntiet [libber,:
Loug Shavrix •
ocla At grub. a..5t rrr 'Fourth trsiNterk^t
irI . A.NAitY SEED-50 I n. prune 6icilc, in
tjdor, and for sale by
0c1.3 J. K 1.1.. cir
IJ for solely J. 1:„11515.4 Cu.
'REAM TAIi.TAR-1100u .pure, fur
Nal, by J
II CARB. SODA -6110) It.. Lcr & c o
brand. for sale hr J. KW H k
ALUM -30 hblo. sale by
.1. f.CIik;ONNinEER s C.
la. A frenla lrtJuS oponi *t the drug C , ?o
0r.15' J. Jill Pl. L
IOAP-100 . 1xacx Nu. I lit., , iii, 'for sale by
,13 S. k W. II.:1510111,11.
ILARIFIED SYRUP-15 bhlg.l7lsai , , L: .
1_,./ oclil JAMES A. I(I.IVWIS ,, N , t ,:o.
_ .
ACKEREL--500 bbls. Large No, 3, 'Ma,
FA , uantts Inaction. f.rrife A~
.1.016 A - II I CO
LIR. TRASK'S Magnet,. °inure - m-1 0 0
ay dot. 1:11. bs .1. fi./Irll
WOOD 11. Park.
V ,=ace......; .I,llnecl ,
nice. ores the Best O ttce aI sum. Vow.. f Lut1 , 1..71.
tzlehinen, tc..,takto. Tert, voter,.
fieritlNG SPONGE-11 shings very fine
tor ralt, by ocl: s. SC7,IO3N3InfiEFI a Co,
VIAL CORKS-15 - taint. long and ht.rt
V far hr J ,C11,11r. , 1.1 KEN. s. Co
13110SPIIORUS-10 cans for
orl7 ~ t 1I0.0.5111ii:1; A
rirERRA JAPONICA. for lan-none
tnn for We by ncl: 7 SC ii007:7, AKEr, 4 C.,
VAIENNE-1 1•14 le.t Atneri,an P,Tput
L J EellOoNmAK A
n UTTER---3A kt ti solid packp.t.
(JP sid for br LtELL
ALa.RATUS-6 tuns in 11b1. , .and boo, for
LI sal. by L
JUJUBE PASTE Engle Bran'!" 7
at bean Leave ae.l V. 11.1, lot ca. by
oaS . eT.LLER.F.
rtaaat nt Tr.n..p...7,l4lVlnantr tilto4l.-•
01...41.1n ax...lreutil hr
0c1.5 J. J. 11. PIIILLII - 5. Nn. 116 }inapt at.
WANTED SOON—Art active partner irt
loose xt , Gairi tqlottr, 004 ht.
tine. town, men trmaTittahstrgh A 11 , 1.2
Of Ordanzactar, with • =WI nranl 0f , 6 -, uo ,
who Das s knowledgn of the pouldiou LIM 11.1
tow warn bald martuttery. sucla tt5.0.1, • mod
ansl to n yoang mass (Mr,
capital p
Ter, roGtable
.5-ply for tarthet PILVLICIIII..i. Iu ISAAC OA
n. 73 ,ney end Intoliwncr (]fire, Marc nnA, Alt
QUGAII--5, 0 Ithde prime, in Atori• and for
os l,, oe/7 ft. 1.,41,7.1.1.L dr CO.
OLASSES—'2OO bbls N. 0., SO do. S. II
ivy n do. syrup do, rat coeporat, rnle by
tx.l7 In
DAI.Y.tILL A fV..Laerly .
df , A llsii'll.AltlD-73 lbs . . fresi.; jamt reoii .
%._) awl far ad. by Guar J. KUM cal
`ALT PETII2.--6O bpi Crude now landing
t.„7 , and Co win by eel° I. DICiiEV a Cl .
-- • --- --
.LONDON bIIISTARD 450 lb.. w
burr, ana'finial. by .1. li:101 , if Cl).
- ----
AV ELITE CDALK-5000 lbs. in sture nod
..1 V air rale br tar a. ionn a C.J.
A . ' 61M1 3 i:ktFffit,vut }tucker MaehinUry
locals 1 , 0 0,..)16 .
_, .l. o 11 , 12AORTII 1 CO.
COTTON-10,000 dos. just reed.
I Irvin Easain.i. aul for pale! by •
• •••• , ab , ! - C. AraICTIINOT.
rABLE SALT-501) bgs groun.lmek now
landing and fotLiale hyArAll D1CE12.17
units Wm.; and Front .tr... 66
tons for Palo by -
OTASH-10 caake primp, for xale by
• ocl3 B.t If. IIAIIHAUa.
11. MOLASSES-50 bib. for Kithe by
AJ oola E. A. W. 11:".KIIAVal.
1 TRAM PAPER-2000 Ws superior. re
le per ideaatvrJ R Lltubur, and for rate br
Ican dame: of Pe. .1 Irv..
iIkIMAGE OIL CLOTII--Justree'd from
the Pbllllprrllle Fartrap, 400 pdi 4, C
6, Bad CI qv es
phan end flgured fork. Patent tarred arrtan HI
tb, and for Bala yhalceale eml retail
rl t NR..1.11/ . ll.rket
a 6. Locl3)
UST operreATtt the Depot for choice Tear No.23o Literty . etrert,—e mall lot of dWEET 2C EN
ORANCIE PEKOE TEA, • ' , Frt.' , till, article.
Iti)t. Ito
10013 4r - 4. , n and 'fee Dealers.
bales Kentucky and Mili:OU.2l
Cor .7l;i b A A. 111/V111.140: t Cat
170CIIE SIIAWLS—Jugt rnd macii t!halrbt A. A. MASON A
OW YARN-1 sack fur sala I,y
J.ll. CA:141E1.6
GREEN OIL CLOTH—Just reciiced from
estsorr—cooyards lour m)nuortori Given
Ciotti far window t..U.W.s. For wan whon.woot-ndaviall
Ila Market rt. . (odd) J. a 11. FftitiLLlVO.
td Motchhow Dleekmg. leozooolo4o4od. wwq
yet oWaxed to the Dahlie.awl to etwAjn Cr amaloo.
Ilanolactured brllotlakhorom Co.
grow jaw reed sad besot+ wholtwo6P
4. IVIC/iEltilltAM,
oa7 Wool comer or row,
T EA -65 hit' chests Y. 11.; =
25 mai b. O. 55
ai V " .lt2 of 1654% 124.ortntori
2 2, t reed ud 552'
610 LE LEATIIER—iO9 Sidg4 N. IT for
rale by ce2.l IL FLOYD.
lo.tiome, for rule C.IIELLERS.
choke brim], on logrid and finr Wo br
oca, A. C111.11V,1111,1N
19091 N-50 bbls. No. 1, for 'stile
J,ll, oe9 J. »CIICONMAKEIL d. CO.
(1111 P. LOGWOOU‘-100 bble.'ifor sale by
oe2o J. SCTIOO lAR.efCa CO.
TAM. 01NOER-5 blab. for solo by
V oCJ 11: e. seLLErt:4 qwd
Prnrd.rted, pure. fitt
BUTTER -4 bbts.aol4
oe.'S LY IrVater street
QILK FRINGES-lA. co: !loos Co. hovo
1.3 need 20 cart.= Silk Wrhogra, back and aMd colors.
Rticreslost, for solo by
GOO ',10.11412fi1D04,.0 L`MiIIRA2I.
GOO lard. 44 Flaw 00 Cloth:
coo Li
Just rifted mot forma at um Oil Cloth Waremoom, 110
Market 100221 J. a 11.
CREAM Is now noire:wally acknowledged suPerloc
W hay Sharing Cream to the United butNl or hurone.—
'ibis delightful nniparaticm Is unequalled fur purity. Lahn.
id. and traionneec though nimserimt anahthour nu,
EVA Ato brads! C1V11.113. mut other similar ematiounds. it
fax surnames thins all by the emollient nasty consistenny
of its lather, which so miles. the awl as ln (V., *tar
•lag pleasant and east it gym...n grestailsahtages hind
the imported article, in basun freshly ;deposed from the ,
beet materials, with the greaten/ skill. rind is notonlr the
Swat, bat also the cheapest article for sharing. The
creasing sales of this article during moon
imi twelve Year%
and the reversal wohl and sliver mond, awarded tar
'strongly attest the high estimation in which it is held by
the amminnity. the rile wholemte end retail by
app IL. ti hithLhite. hi Wood et.
11 0 Y-WifITI-21. 1 grow) of varioul styles
dud priow..jow received rslo •
b v. V. r.VLLkat, VI Wood U.
g PCS. 'fORPIINTINE-26 bbitt. for sale by
41. VAIINEEItoCK a 00.
Ti, ii OIL-40 bbleiTime, fir sale by
lettiblEA SIIAWLSI-We invite the et
petleo of U. Mies to. let of .• etyle tlnewie.
" %Mr= sw
t.! .t !Y
- =nee on Margot abd Omni, annex
UNDY. A.ND )111DILILS. llatf&-La ho• t
Cu C a ll a ' * 4 ItIA T EILS IItIXIVELI.I4O wc.,d
590 Oozes fot solely
MITE SUBSCRIBER having triLten the store
Iti 9. et: FOURTH STREET, formerlY wanniod by
51r, IL and of
entimly mfitted iamb,
will open, On the let day of zeptumber. with d
eur"rinr nook of
tnwelher with stock of TRI-11,11INGS AND FURNISH.
!NU GOODS, aa nomplato 1.4 in , mtofort kept by that well
klinwn and fandito egtabitshtocnt.
wou:4 n••pe,tfelly inform dm., persona dlqtring
Mourning end lionee Fundohing or Moen W. 1.. that In
hie more o,c-en obtain a mom ample. sleek than vice
h•re in tha city, a• ho Intend., devoting particular !ate.
lion to thnsa 14.anches burins.; importing the mein
mis kamsolt, and dprpoeint , thrin at
r- r gm.rt J AMIN A. Me10:10111'.
• -
Card. -
runt.m.ra 3stk.l huyitra mterall. Nat that' hay
nulr op.n SI:CONIt largo aupply 0.1.1. fortof.ll
anal, awl la..k al./tint In tNusually
I,A . DIR: , DUES:IOOODH. in grmt Thrirtyl rich printr4
ik tsinee. Parimh`n9. C”hunith ferneh Merino, )inglin Ile
11,ro. dr.
SHAWLS, Leto.; cod S4uarr..—Nevr et,le Ilrort, 1.7
11.1k1.1D • 17 , ..htn,Ze dn., Wool 40., plain and pro
Mack suPeolor.A . llll:ct, Sc.
, • .
Bich plaidMM.?, billet and half mClurtillt. do.. new.
.1 in Nock do.
They. harp al.o rocctrod a further cupplr ol -super
tc.lurtluc Muhllo and rub Linen., aria litapin °co l d. F.-
rrallr; end rill will tut hold at Inv pry,/ for , fltalltr.
llnuctry Olorobartlo art Icvellcd to call In our wbolecale
eontu, uo wt.orn tiehhlh ate hold Inu. octll
ant k AS4IN aro Ilarkot ml I
nvw on hand VAT .I,IT. of {_sal,' C‘sh.
[ar I , lk, Fleeenl. - KO. .1.1 other Olorel. r,r,
drner m
Iptu.o n.mpr.l4lr.. sui , n• than 1.0
, ti
iItESS GOO Ilti---Opening daily at A. A.
3120.1 N A 00 'S.. qyle of isobiannb , o
embraen.v, 11, Wu, Merino.,
I . ,.tnrttn., A
(14ILKS 1 SILKS !—Now opening at A, A'
.0 0K1.% 0( Tr!, vislonalli ,, 1921,1 Silks. sm. ns low rs
'0 pleLrr;ll*kili':',.,,
10 CO rxhibit IJ. marolug LI) rano. of rith b
net rll.lson,
nt,ro k .:ty
'h e mi t:l hero .nlll,l rofreth rurr!,f thr
STI . P K S— . M.urphy , S:
rt 7 t r por yer,l—,tl aloorhulehur.r
tut+, NtahAr Alparoet. et {.r Yt. no ,
hurrlatil beroreeelrel ....wtrarht Doeßitha
Ces,hth reh grey Purl haler ehlore. which they arr• rchlng
me t er Vrot: C.hcleret ntel erhl ran
o, G I Kites r,,etlell, adapt...ll.v ha, wear no-6
NT Bll' GO( NEW (ToODS _V,
111 14.1SitN rCO noon ttin Dort fet! darn.
. . .
nk .11:1 rrrAnForrAcri
.44 I ,• 1,, tr. whieh rhe att”aton nt
an.l rv!...31 lo
. .
—A. A. M druX AcU. 4
tbryrn (nods.
1 - 4 1 R ii:SWATE h 1 NOS S: TIIIR ET C LOT I S
—Now at.'. ‘IASON ylree•
1 1'1.1 , 51 Chat..
iiTsaWSSSRE;A7Mous. DE
FA♦ Jo.,
au ort.
- --- • ---- ._
N,, tt, , ,e1,1, ret-t t left. ttt %, NI,..I.,INTIeII:'S
Cztextet Wee I,u, No e, Etttirsh •treet, to whirh re tet t
cite the lentt., of ',v. , Vr,thsr,, t 4 ~,,, 11,,,,.. „,
0,04, -,1, 4v WM .441 11. 4, I halt • re lefor. .tt title
etttrar - tt:l
()RS FOR SA LE— A vt.sry
t ,%4 tenrt.At /0"1/(1
.1 klund.• 1,4 au, . J AI iot
od 21 1% .0 A
V lll.BqA' 11 LECA it PETS--W.
nl.f tcyl!e..4 ut,urs,nu, rurcl
.:::1101B 1 1 . :;41 "'`
- 4 1 --, Ait: R I -:1(;1 - i (' LOT 11 -- , , , TifinifillT;s--
,:I,„„Lt;: ` ; ' ,.,, '- f,1 " . c . 4 .,... r .,-;!(,i . , " u .. .. th d n ,: - , , , r .'7 7 :
i.F Clutts,..J I nuitutugu .Dias ~ ...:t d ....- at d ' UZ..;
‘4,'," at.
0. CP. , Wat40u..,...,.. Fnintth otU r,
L. duo m - a.,1,1• r...v,ltte big WI .dock uf nw•Citt.,
tn... ami r.t.n.rdu, ISO I, If, Id/11,T, •d I. ni.l nr,
P. 0., a r.O 1 1,11.c..1 tu,...-,, g.....1.ui. 4 a in lin Iln. at
t , utiou ,f lb, u.:una lu futui.l. i^wdrubuad•oLltiuumn
tt.tu u. a call II 11, .'atr;u4 I , are:2 , ls, 1, !It Flurtta IL
IV 3-I'I.IN r , wt..
11111: SI•it:I.S Cill'ETS— W. MO:LINMCI:
P, l !"Y°l.':;-,` -. `.`..t r
i"..c, V' `fi k ! 7:',1! - 7, 4 ,' 1 ". T lo '
. 1,
,Z...;,.. — I.: .; :,....—..::.., ~.":..,,',„...,;',,:,;,.;:.,',..1,.
It. tbill t utri,..t Vasi at !tux uld e.. , lnlltd L'arpt Wazlr
I,cuse. :4 ~ f ourth •:. rcl
•11 , APF:S1 . 1: Y CA Iti'ETS---N Rthl rich
•t, 1. , t.n. try
'rift sintscitlßElt received
F. ANP AVINII./t 01.1.11,
.al.l at,atatall, 1, ..I...era nal tilt
Lat b....L5...1ar:1 .Aber abol,
aaa. law prlca...:
tal, tr. 104*. al! r.
a., a tar,.
'Loa.. 1 a ancy
I 1,4" It. ill - a,
11...ry W 51.3.1 Eilk. all ,hade,
Ir :4 ' l;llk:t i n
Meritom and Camhtsicruon
I ., •,ther will I ruuub and 14121.1, 1 . 2-untA.ln trr
11-1 ani la, Ll•ruclu}
4-1 :4 ....I •• cud trul 1111,• I,nunu
T•Lic , th,cusq,
fu+lnucl 3-1 Ihuugul: Napkin. cr.l 14.11$no;
II tickabact I.l,Stun au t Cru,hTIVCIiIIIPC
Praitni 1,..0 J lable•Cuurr.,c
Fr-orb,juruitulu.l.uu",/ uui
Lupin'. Orat4
• 3losuu,” de tun, aria
111,k Canton Clod,
i41;a1; I.l , itae,
Eqk arp una,‘
1:u1.1.1.. 1,1,04 at.l Ita!1,1 Mule ind Crap..
t aja. • ht•ISI•-, an.1.1•12,..i10•••
av i d all .tf liood• will Is AL smfas-lof
VoiVIA a•ul theap t..r quality
JOH.? .
OUNEDE I VINE' , irLrefe. ranety
.t'1.1.111 i el i:Clit
N•att. ; 11 , ,
'-111 EAT i AILitED ()ENO fIAINIS-51 urpity
Ilan-te.leld barn trt-rtv , d rlnto ansortzmilt
Lit.eqvalltr. ..i.por nl rr•al Mau
envazer end r 01,hata%.
f ASI I It ES ANL PE LAIN ES-15 en.-
.1"24117,1.2.. i T..` h l ';;1 1 1 ,7 1'" "
A. MASON s CO. hareon hand, and
1. arg daty r avlrt of leer
rt,ll vtred Sae.,
oil of cLich Vi ,y .4ram.v inav 44..1
th, marict.
1 4 ' 4 1.001{. OIL CLOTH—tdal yard:4 3. 4,5,
Aali S :r'`T.;tl:ir;l7t:nl::T"4.ient
I rr
Nt t nI 1.,•1 :1.12 I. 1.11.
NEV aooDs
4ECEI VED TIIIS DAY en] now opening
a 14 ISt Libra; rte.,.
fancy •nd !dug tho and
rapt feabultal.le patter.:
takch and tot M
red Ch.. e'ths pins t .ccroerir
/he J.r4.14 nd molt Otloatid werllarta of I'•rling
,vor brought In slots ,all.
60 dot. hue sutl mur•rfine
A large. a.sottrillioca. of tier.[., gamil".t.rbieN. tr. .
. • .. • .
togeth , r elth the eery lune eh.clt 41iASA
, I.ADE GI Ail ILL U. of lbc mot Lubm•ble
on hand. rCl.ellit• one the btritegt evi poet te.biraLebte
,lock, of Garb; adapted for “e e,
utleuen w. En the
....eltern country; MI at •hich the pc•prietoy determio
..J to otter at the very lov,t priwe fotta...h.
OrJera-In the fauartun .es.ecued to the best man
ner. hot at the eLorh-et
Raw Fall Dry Gcoda
A. MASON & CO., hire received arid
%TN now apentnc-4-4.11 fO. frenc Merin.. of
ehadee, adtpunl n 101,00410. thi. market: 10
raft, Alpaccefe and Mohair Lunt., AmOnfelog plefin
ellk fancy eat,. anl rued. of r.ll xrade.
12 OW,. l'arnarnalvt.TLlted Cloth, and UOtlllfg, 4.1r2111-
iug all eludes and qualities. 100 pee.Wertfel eery', Nl<
enJ fancy -olora. Ile chore We. , wenffee for nal..
eePlO which we are conlllent nee ufareefelentedir low.
AiCCORDEONS—A eplerdid and varied
mock of the bvst brawls. Jtot ree•tved.
LGTES—A vevr drylnkLle rfleetosi. with 1. 4,4, .4 .1
lr comi WOW, latd of Lbe [whom, ierr cholap,last
firliAßS—A6 extensive a.lrtnice etch arri , infir
I'.lOLISS—Some vor, tne anG new of @Ter,
.7fkik.g.g . / . /Arrino *010 , [1 , 2. Wr Guitar usui
C•run Tribo, Du¢let, Trim pet., and re ,
. . . .. . . . .
. . .
Ab, the named .d :nod popular Muldhpest reeelred.
N. I.l.—Thu above luetrume nu are wed - mute - I to be nob
neet urd perfect lu every reateet—d feurni Wale, - the RIP
,y .111 he r•turned. H. KLEDCIL ha I hnd nt.
AILPETS! CAR PETS i—ltreld this day
/ by W. HeftIINTOCK, new and rich my/eh Sperfine.
awe and Common ',YORAM' CARI'A.TI, ich in are
prepared to roll timer than any Chrpets en, before Mend
in ilde market. We cordially Invite tie attention of
focilds and Moos wishing to purchase to eve us a call. e.
the Old Established Darpet W archruse Na. 10 Fourth rt.. ,
VALL GOODS.—Just reed, per express
A- - A - .SIAECW k at o boo,
~.:tn2.ta:lV2l4l sLir: ItioTarlayl Pam
,407g0. gi i2 t : u'l'.
Mtrliat, itaer dcOprie;lquLes.egendltrt .
NEW DRESS GOODS—W, arc now i -
1.1. g the Hewett fell etylte of D,..illade4 each e.
lAlns,essbroPere. Poplins. l'erelem Lobo. Alpacas, le
lenatetk atutjhlhat OWL. Uyrr Woo
places mw optru. /IL/LI/AWN At,
wWIT GOODS—A. peo A. .111.teom & Co.
ed re tiCkU. Go,uls,
Mull% bulmos, plain aud died
Mull, Nunarok MuulluAte. A oomph,.
wortmant arid rm., clump. mu]
10 b.. u t'd beautiful amotur.ttit-of Tory. rich
Lgarnol phlin Yilk.n. The ea. denlrable ends
nre wortlt stleztion crt porehsoeTs. IsoLY•rl
bupTior Om do Airtme, Patin de Cheat. beautiful Chnm
ell,,co._lo, 1,0
).0 MURPHY 1 BURCHFIELD bay. open.' thin
n.rnitig a lot of Eirirs Enigingrinnd Innertinvin ilsekonnt
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
11 1 U. PALMER carers fat—sale, at very
asportmant of tu. 1111111
ada !S
itcyx al r ,Oh o p eign
I. •A
.zo.m ith
r• and doer
ltaw,lc Uinp,llll Lo.. _ p a
Pee ...S'
lATS—Meles, Youths'. oxol Nre ugh.m,
vain Braid, Marano, and Palfo LeoL
.nt? L. 4 4... amid. LOU... Chip, Gime, LOOO. sod Mgt.
Inane Uspody, Jon, Mud, end otant form., great val
et, of shoot and material, RlLWONS--Itleh ammet aaJ s.rt.
fa % all lorlOtho and colonr. 4nrT Usoro andCfspeCoLo•
and figured w lallo -000 oolotod Mill and
Cotton Near.
Yijeliviazmigivcs—corda. Brdd.•
APeD•WN Amertalit Nvirs.
W 1& Cl' 411 4 1.1.11 Th Gnu de - NI-
S. tiro. de U.% Now" .4 ott. kr, noroled
qualstrand ado= •
th=ol VA Co l rat
. 4'3'Wgl4:
Chickering•e Mans
TORN 11. MELLOR.. Agent for
Clil•-koring'a Pied(M. Vitt:3[43.mb
and Western Pentutylvalois, No.
Imp ree..11,11• new rerr larva stol,. PECNO
ua f,40 tb..lloal,
Cbick.eiog.octM; of
0,63 i. ixtert.s. tarred and
FOR SALE—A second' hand
octave*, cleg•act
cue. reede Itre.there.
hurelml arld .filly dollar,. en elx. morithe
" " ot . 3r ' 7l:)ll ' ,j Tit t"e i r t r c.l el•
New Magic
I.SONGS bungs Ity Night CATiIAItINg /I.AYES t
(,oma arhear lb. ay.! tea), pa.;
Ih. harp that PIM. through Tare'. hall,
t.: ilr/i to me. J U N
Str,ii.l St:NO Eh JUNI' LIND,. AT LrElt CONCEILT'.
„ tn ., th„,„,,t, ti.' tie; Marin. laud faru,r
A al.l Rohl,, ti Lltth. Red It flood, to
!fume, et.r..t how, ten /rum the al , ry:
Th.. Co, cliff-. The Lord's Prarer, with mu.
"V bj.. Hot...sag.. a .nuul to t hel afe hi . S. Mot,
,eral,, , A lart , uV Hymn- - Sietma
honk,, Mr harp ...tit" - , hi I err ere an mu parted;”
srvabusn lishye . .. t1um1 . .7 1 . 4...4 fade?
Th.: L. ii: , : , y:lci , ; , Nr;rni.i.,. - ' ."..'
,v..<t A raw...l thm Fmk.: ,Forrest, pride; Flower. &hot.
Tarr toothres pow, 1 barb wn.l Illonnwr Polka,
''' , 1 4., ' ,. " ?,!r5 ' 5T77,;:',,,,,,, by .`"-.I:;N'tf:VAITLI,`'
...bI 51 w 13411 are...
Double Reed Melodeon
TILE .cttbst , riber has just opened a very
1, tint! hlttlMon. 5 nets,. . nail dotale t tof rrettitt,
e t ,..t. el turn riginal inventor, C•rh‘rtit k N 0.11111131, N.
Tlttt. ett.truntent i. ay.!. Prt.trr to•nr •ttntal oren D.
n.l LI uttl. surtrt.tor to II in /trap , , ony,
pw,ty gaud In tone, And fertility fur traattporting. II
In ttxprehrty entttntirt for nut In rbetrobt, And ounner In Ito
etstrr um. It t.mrernble trt nny , tehrtrlnrtrumrnt Tbarrt
•dr.ttenti Itt pterttl.tettr an Imatruntent of the krurl err novv , u
fr.)" Ittwtt..l to r... 11 sad examine (Its Fame. prrvitterdern
Iwing tek.n row, Cram thet rtth,rilttrter h•rtn2
trey onittreal by • rtoregrrrrltittte let (her city.
11. fILELIEII, Coln etnen%
rtt rrirtin•l Inakttr-r. ertrh•olt & Net..them.
I IIST RECEIVED and for only by J. 1
tr 0.-s1 7n, ith
1.00 and tore*, enmprleing %Wen , . Camp
1. , f. , an.. the longer.. and artki Vfloli adventure. with
,j,,,drip(ona bf4untle.rlog operations, r., Sprinder.
hub. ..1 Misrule of the dmitilitt In America, by
The fh. lb, an Apninune of thn Crpflal
ny S Warren, V. M. r.auther of Now Itocl Then. Av.
A Paddy', ...eret:ea, by :Irene.,
The Firm Thing, errlre ot Layton.. on th e linent
tea. Metal letemns !I rat rerraltll td mankind, by
bmthmer ltitnnt, 11. I,
!Inns Altar, .n Atm.,' In behalf of
Knyera and 110 tune, an.l calendar of Ir..ecua
Irmu t, intare, i..r family It,. be C. F. Perm,
inn, er-.1, log with arta tritium, rrligion,
In illuttrst, the trnthan.l power of COriettutity.
• l•
by I U. I'lvk,l to
ILL Into, ceb , r...(ar , numpnnum tn wanoni.-
epJ. ul , l3lauk %bbfly and -
.±tationary xrlrsc,
Irtal Fan: Ift
CARD.—Th. magnificent Nutras
1 Cunt
vt d tt i' re "' l::rl 4" L ' e gbo ltTo ; 4 :c , Tv 1 4
7:tc.bulo n' n
o.ftt tt tom At ho ranlayed a tit 'pit. UFA . .at. , tit,
lont•-r. Ito an tap,' oT nut fltntrt
tnn.nottl. unz IT r,..,ltaet, hap, UM
nrport volt tn ertli hatl 00.11110. mu..
%,ct 1 , 4 IC too. S Cotrk.
Nunns' Grand Pianos !
IiST RECEIVED a , plenfliel
Ihr A. t• machic•wnt t itrt ( ttnont
,n••••••• k a nit the tat,. p.a....0 tn.
t u 't' t• arak” , t , htli.
t•owkr mkt ••t tone •rd tray, kat thittat and turn
t k lb, wkrukotton of It. ritreltantoin ad ht ....Mk the 'wry,
rakr to tu,tow the ...a...1 and kwroto.t Utak" without the
ktd ot t , w•ntt twin , /hr. Intr.., It rt.trktnel, tarn and
• • trtnnr tk Mir ttf
nlin-L. in a.ray htz,Lar,,, Is aim,.
Pi,..n antin cr.4l onter The Itollea
•artl t hdtth•ntkuro, kttally tat ded to • all and halo
,„. nn. aunt: inipa I . IOK. r• it Irak... , thk hrtnr
trt tht Nutkerthd II hi BLit. lul rhtraikt
ocla hole ewent lt . N. 106 scat Clark.
h •k-alto -J. levers get.r.1...-.rtment of
•tt haw 1.11 Xll. Pt, in
A History of Pittsbnrgn.
lb y EVILLF. B CRAII, i'[.•—A
wrr .non It
whit, tn., tips wtn. ,if last
uri , tin n,3 4t hrPt optiiiedi•brnort of porn. of
the init.:Pliant manutiewries kroi iptrhitto ups.). of Int-,
eneterPise . iPPeei• lePriiiiitt tun, to wltioli
-1 r ust il.• Peel:11,o, F.: .41 ppritipit for up•
anf P•iiitintPreiti rpropits. Ph • •cineitruiry ot
tho atmoi tt - i.du all2l not et Purtite, ['stow - Aril bore innuiti-
I y iiter ...nal, .hail t • at, lictrm••criiints.
'll.rre Alit , tett, Corn Thorp Pr , titan{ itnt.ri
tipitt •n.l f intentat
rorprint•••l • lain •. Liter • twinotl tett•a. to in the
pountry atotipil lbw of th• Ohio. to rolled tocrtliini
itnit hi , tnelaim :l r: ihe•• ranois• tnetil•nta,
t-it apt t-ir tit ier ewe. , "
cop,. tpr tp /WI,. I. otiiptit ot tpc ptni
"2 eta..U '.IELLOIt.
New Stock of Chickering's Piano Fortes.
11011 N :%IF.LLOit, st weed ri T il
”renr. rcrrm a - •re ent4rol erw
glurt of I' !'. , 1; n :..,1;n:. y relw.
hrw:rd atenetar , or7 01 Chwil•rtrist. /w,.
err,laur: 41•11 Ihr ar,firr unw insawtertarer.
iww••••• wr- luvartL tI• Artae ow at • about any
• • '"
1-r ar :ale or Chickerte,'• ilN
I•ial.o• for tkrwern re.
• uaa
- -
New Music.
GIPSY'S SONG, or 3lN.G.tllant Bark;
is all rapLutow w J.ziF I, uti• at
Fur m.-vrt
Illnnate,. oaan. tic, Avox , yAthcir -•
I•m•6. "A, to rano byeathcrloellAysltt Aperka
.r•mn nA
.r t
hA, -,ung ly tatlanue tier.
hv ‘larrh. •d0,A,A , 1 by h.b•r •
11., 14.
4aer:i CluAdrillcc -
Al•A—Acral nf the no. popultr KAI 410-
Amid. d.,
A•n ....Z.:AnnaAmericon
K1.A.111.L. 111 Thlrd
Ili•oold.n !tory.
Sacred Music Books
, ANI'4CA LAUDIS, by Mavon ‘i Webb;
rAuwiNA aCRA. Jn dn.
40W CAN Sllll4 OACRA dti. On.
THE All R. a nro oaJlection of Illooe awl Part
~:TL,{ arr.terpot , or The at flooral Con.
T....-hon %wow., 443 C..trow of Mt. 800.,
a o.itto, • Lorrli ata.oor tie., . WO).
lororouaatwy or Ilte• ab,a Ivor k • ne'd aw‘ nal* bl
JoIIN 7 , 101,13114. of Wool et
riNIIR difficulty of obtaining a coirect and
nr..14-ntr.l L•L;rtlnel In Ihnl rt untry; hnlnn t,-. n an , l • 2.11 by 11., an•i-ni pupae, lLentlawri.
t-r bl.• tint Ilk, Or Mtn ennrv,ly. • !hake Mir..loo
- ...I'M. The, a:ls Iron. Om [anon,. of
innk•n• In Erin.., and n ann..l !Leman Si
any t•tarn.n O
• f, 0n,..1 u.r salr--..5. we.l.
Th. WI,
A Vl.:Vnel,--12 nut IS Kcyn.
It • ••••
rho,. lulracit 1 really willlind Ltd, •
razt. 11. KI.N1IX):,
1121. lkl.l. Ilan, Nu 101 It nt.
OLIN 11..,-.MELLOIt, No. 61 Wood street, •
rreelred th• tullowir2 cow ard Popular lame. at
Del, Jote—S. C. rooter: Ilarets Ireml Luria de Lam.
to& sae tnenunnr,
Peweetut Nz,:lita--.llover; Feet Nareb:
M.e.altrht .Ihure 4 , oekPte
mow mart par.t. nrhP. Pam Quick Pler
Th• carat., I hare taw° hart
tre , C..e. 'tug ma that awn., alr
Ito kind tutholoyed wasr, agalth—rarlativrue
clirr'n Prayer. Le 3 rtmoly-.-I:tataelleu: var.:
tt•tiere me if all the.* en.
PLiCtrrlt.t r m 4.411,1,4
Diligynt II rye Cr , gral , lr Stein
1 , , , T1Y Arirnrn. trni Plleet ILYII Waltz,
Nay., sei .r.. Iftuurn-r.H..ron. !tr. Fly, Jcuny
Frracure, I,;ttery, Corprr•lrm, ayol
14 DlLArre,—.l bap, vertrty of and Diana
1 ; ,..4"ae1y 'Ayr .1.• at
%I . lIA ENI3
.7TN , wry, Alasket and ~•—•gri
11 , !LANK BOOKS.--W. S. ILtroi, coma?
lI Sierlet and :mend Amer". Imo 1 ,, r 144.1 the 'nowt
rta•dt of Blank Hoak. ea, °Eared in {MP city—counisting
t.l Loa,. lournals. Day Banks. Minute Buda/. tu ay.
err Arlo of and at tha.L.eaet
NIV,, AND ltiSTlOl , l3 OF Till: I . lilCI:—D eds.
&axe, nnula, Declaration!, lad. uturca. Exacutadia.
Subscenaa. Summon!, Halle of Caat.Artlclaant Agreement,
Attachuasutt. Yee MIL, lc., tr. for ale al
2. llAVEN'O.Stationdr,
anal rernar Market and Sraand at
41 11E L
.11. S ililPYr.I. !Qua d 3 .0071. 1....e.jcbna 1 « . 1
the Wave. with vittoette: Lost neat, Or Pled to tbt (at.
gilt Illy, Foam: The Yeieutle, by
o. that, by Itume.ll,_• Judy 3cLcarY,
emg; When the Bright are" are Deelyq . .. duett,
flame. llomr, 1 Love Thee, tlootte, Thal% lid Wooed;
nelly was Lady, Evvolua Song—Tvillght Dere an
Ilotoe I hel Irdrawiric Matt duet,. ems. 01
the piled Brotharr. Illtetures of Oro.
W,xlllc4ton; La Belle of the Vllla.fe; Vida* nrllllaut
to Wont Not:murk Want Inca'. aarortta Waltr. Album
Walt; nonstick', Pleat &monis &odds-
Lbly three Pulaaa—Ciutella, Altrottont. and-
Teu co fels.vrtth ctlorel 'Mitten., by bey.; Flower Schottish:
Matteis Stilts ..1 le Nal Tambour—noodoe; Silver
liter Galor (toggle'. 'inletWane Medley
—No. I, nave or England; N Sblantrock of Lrelaml, n o .
Thistle Si need .amt tor Rath by
JulIN n NIKLLOII., Al Word et=
NEW B 0 OK Sl—lhe Stone n
Feint Pointne Village Tale, r ... fU •
.a' of Luaa Tsai/slated from the,. •
Memoir of Bee. tld_wited Diet crstatbdate uf Wal
ton, Hertz; by Mee T It. Disks—lL A,ltectosof Mothball,
Dent with an introductluu by Etephfly LL . 2, D. D.
2 mot, 12ngi., saw.
Audios:Ml Mom. Achim:M.lw a Manual of Raman AA
thistle, with nomereim illustottions; ny Charles Antbon,
Light In the Dark I•lames or blemmiale of Chrlnutu
In the Middle Amok from the German of the late Aug...
tun Noonday: lbmo, mu..
TIO [Mar of Nu Mite le a Commentarrontho &mail
Chaptor litettlam, by Richard Chenemy French. M.
ksamiulnit Chnt 2 Liti a"hii•Ltifd highoP of Okfmdtko•
Reviled from the London edition. limn., moe.
," us t e Agabrlie klumonta of Algebra. desigoed
for neglecter.: by Otto. Likniillet H. A.
Pttes, Az.
o. 10 Pictorial Field Doak of the Remit:atom Loaning.
cerotembar No. of Itarpnee beg! Monthly llammine.
Just reed and for attliehy J. L 110 AD,
~p 2 711 Apollo Doildlisit, Fourth It.
w IIOOKS I—Travels in dui United
Cc., during 1140 arid 1530; by the Lady En.
littlest Wovtivy; l vol. 12t00., itte.
The Ilsobory of the lanpre.lig Josephine: hy J. C. Cabbott
with vostrayhaitv. I vol. leas, Coe.
No. tl, for August. Avphitoort's !timbal:tire Ilvuasloe aivl
Engineers' Jourrod.
ho. lb Pictorial Field think of thit
Novo. 35 and 30 Dictlonary of Ideehaulea. Xhitoll Wolk
Just nved and fur sato by
.1....11E/11413 Apollo headingy
fourth street._
X_/rat /I lloacorallo brae Just ...lied a lot of very
IranWel linalbdi Itln. mode erpeeialy for voLlbltlno at
the Worl.ft Fele. hi whirls (be atfrntiuu Cl the tad. Is Ise
tire an 1L
Hew Books, Just Received.
YEAST: a Prolilem; reprinted with eorree
tion. and addltlone by the author of Amu L ac k..
Lao, mum.
nob, at Cleopatra. Charon of EaTpt. by Jacob Abbott.
" Me 1 ‘, 41.1; afah, of UP rutharp. 12m0.. mon
Tale; by dorm IL Dowry. author of" Friend.
atal Forum..." Pap. and mua
. 4qt..a Mechanics' Idosaaure and EngirmenfJour-
L . Tra w d cipronary of blethanlca.2llgino Work and EP
Pm/allow, No.. 21 and 12.
lopinee Cletorlal Yield Book of UP Remolutfop N 0.14.
Caleanno IbGeOpoplar and ItIbloillstory:
:= P ITt:!ll . lVtjal l P. d ' dV . ' Aar, Ica 6'''.."
For sahl by J. L SAD,
IYZJ 73 Apollo Dulildhura. Fourth 01.
E.:lll%='' of ".7,3%114.`"4::
T.L i .,==,;,,%gre,,,,,.ggad
• containing Volltlea4Vleterke4
• tp_
p si et tb • Uhl Whams, • emn et th•
ie•aof the Thu* ft= • • , ,
Tn. of,r,?lttehle warteaget
Dr. Keyser's Pecioral Syrup,
DroONSCJI PTION in its early sULgee. Whooping Cough.
rbnnehltLs, end the tenons direaseo of the pulms
" 1111. ° •fm '' one of the moot certain and effectual reor.cdios
for allseasea of the chest end Pulcannery organs ever du.
cowered. It Is a combination of various vegetable mmi.
m.* In the !um of a Syrup, In order to mate It palate
blle It hat on action ennrely dltPrent from any of the
C.ugh Slrdieharn 17101., i la,. of
theoe nor constipate the
laurele, nor prothare echoes,. of etoroseh. • fau_lt too
,man In Cough Nledlcln..s.
Tlda remedy dlesulres the enpumbundent eacr.tion of
mucous and phlegm which attend Catarrhal and Broonhl.
•I affect:lone: and IL. .4.thlog effert to ellay,ng !Arkin ..b,wreenesa ml
mughlug. may Le ron•d 0. a. nirWrt.
T y. hmr y o , prie . tor I,e,....irbetual!tt,rh.i.l.tin..recint, Innrrn et prober of
Country' toeperc would a...-11 'to hoov• supply of
MI, medicine constantly on bend. a. It will neror rail to
gift. ief, end tense profit.
Pt.., of then:met dtstre , ainn Coughs bane I.en brought
before the not.r. of the proprietor. sni hese eured
in eery abort time. It Is on., of the
known. It It put up In Leif phit bottl e , at La rents earl,
or a bottles lor
For .AI, chal.ple and retnil, by h1e1,001,...
ELL, led Wood stew.,, P/ItsFargh, Pa.
For Ila Wore.. neurf, handrulT, and the various dl-cork«
of the .culp—r•commrodeel by the Pitteburgh Po, l'utu•
tnerclal Journal, Et - tiling Tribune, Chem beranor. Sent,
ad, and.other mum., se the-bra nrtlehr extant for tbe
tut, for
al. well no elegantly perfumed prepars-
G o . r,uderiug the hair soft stud alway without roiling
the cloth. with grew•.
Warranted to rare the wont cues of Tooth AM. iu or ,
cry ewe, and lustantaa.,usit
in mart and Plat Hattlee. prepamd by Langton 11n . .ther.
ycett., =Li and V.!!.. Cube Thames et,. et, Le.n.len.
Fa much rerommenurd by ph, eirtans or the litstmq au.
thorit x• a valualde re ear he CoinumFtion. Scrothla.
Chronic Pneumonia HI uniattlim, hiektts, Ceti.. or the
Mare, Whit° Bieell'ing. ...pent! Debllltr, ac. Cal I,liar
1111 1. hiehiy e.:9mm, led by C.ll. WILLIAMS, Al is..
T 10151.16 tv 41555, Al. b., Ji /UN il BEY;. rm., 41. 1...
P. IL B. E....n.1 L. J. his .1111“:11, 415 11., of the Ilagoe
This article , 1 Ocid I.Prer oil may Le depetele.l no .. Pure.
uml will be clicuitealli terttd lu order to tatiaty the deal.,
Far pale by KETFLII .i - McDOWLLL, leu Woad etre..
hero used this Bolen In our limit,. and in
id °Owen. it
Lo. of tho Intl prop .... ions nal ounitle.
'ne, en., trturb hanese leen sinful. P
end e pc.1.1, A t
this we on ot thn ye.. en would nem:am tunsnry
try to hone • tenth. of It IL., hon., rrnd T tor un.
tam s
we t .
gt”ti At one this n• n mattes of nisi.,
fruto our noluni cosi...nen-it of to. so•si or u,e
inntiouto, nail di. t winh Cur rr elern to ronniter 01.11 es
cnnt sinsply to the light of risensdnniolanun 1.1a.1.1, .101.11
partinninr.itirou Wee us, nor is en rsne.l.
—PON:eat:di ~ Ihrostion
hrelinted end . 0 14 Cu it P. t i t:IAA:RS, 5" {Vitals!
• cell
/1 4 1 L01{ENCE. %V II ITE—A licautifu I
yrbitr l'amt. that Is tenr...ltts rlnstalleni
II IR 1...v.15nl Ins
r 1 bore, slob:abr. etol nstb.lNkirfrr
olltat, a ' ttn• art.cle ran be eiro.lurtrltbr '
Cate Gf.ll. tea, nf .y
rarnimnt.l. td tr. le r—lnlyr.l.otter the urunl
F., •dr J KIDD a CO .1
siAZIN'S Pt; E '1 01 LET SOAPS--3101-
Urter. Donn.' Vrtbrna, ;
mnntllnr. sptluos
LI erl. Csr., tolsrthtuttllnts. Sp..rmarrtl
ate prytrunrl Irrta the 6,1 nod yorest tr. esn te Mal re pea el tllirl nia, in 11,1 ent...l Sttsb...
toy sat, I, ...11, I. h. 1tk.,, 5: 1, tr..
Thr mart Evruortin;;; Lls.te;;;r;T:;11;land ii
the yrrat Arabian P, nmd y for Man and 11 , ,,e:
- A. G. Farrell'a
G. FARRELL'S genuine Aruhian
~. 1.. rnort....t.r..rdim,r, the truth
tatihttit tn lateetri deubt Lia the east "..1.. et the
ante:, tta•u7 hattnit dm'', parfaartned t.
aal tutlntsht, extrieti itaat gums r.
isa•aultua to Arad...,
rag. to roveihtrattal term. all their outtatiletita,
alytts. penastrahnit, IIM , Itl ,1 1• , i0LI re, tart, trap-Thera ahl
the samara le hit la. a
u... at, .11... J ilea ,hat el tlae
liareart... with such itatraeutou s sums..., it, a urtn,
. 'll7 aili r th i t ' a. ll' :irtt !' ; ' ret .' air ' ist.l„tares. alanulai ot
theuutelasei Whet 11' ti G
itid titular rvmnt
Meant ix tint' anal a half age, a strellltah app.ereal ig mr
wife's rhatimeli. crtulually 111:1g 1 , 1 61, 1..11 tt tia
niatue ar, ait ivy ti.t. wet so eau, Ilidt she taut
"11. haat pr05..1.1, up.n it al:heti, c I rm.:l , -r estrerte
path I trot I . era tar. aterld,r, ILI.I tn, alttler
a -al in rattan= tato. It. mine eat! it ritta• 111 Ague •
sahlarcetuent thu hytuutu P•rni, that at tins., Ein hart,
trat - iII I' , diet liinraeltl atee other. znel 11 wee ea ittuarr el
11, Overt, sod mutat r,i curual aautttrag at
taut to this critical eltuthiau. I ire. terius te“ to try
O a m7.ll's Arabian Lautheut utian th •nah stimiuge au It
may appear, upcan the itiapata ITUn id. li.gult inta
1 .1,1, e• ant. Es , . 1, th...A tiettlan dettit asill, uu•
"Lb° mu tolv. that deelth.
/herrn, March 5. Dort
• I Itolnmt il,ndr . nnetmut aa er nay r -
Cernottoorra P Stns., 14.1.
,n e woman has Itaoi tu ut ottn-it tr o
Ph,. hal lint the tut of her horn sor three ten. , On ""r . I.
lava untraet-d so that 0.1. lean were het.: a. tutu,. alill4
...lug... natural tr, Ih• . 1,6 *
eittont. ...mid 0,4 tmen.l them lu the 100. bol
tate une of 11. Farrell's Arabian I.ltuCtrOt, e 1... in ts, , ,
•ble 'Milt with ea, , and has a rtratata Ina, I has,
lou.l It a moat errellent renody tor borne ada. , ier
cerT that,: arol.o requirno ., tor
" The optnlan of an oU, es Earteure,l.sal new., ne Parrlet
Washoutan. lova, Jut, 1110
from the nand,. and pernnuant 'alb oh I
bunt. alta.t. ioltr Arni.o Umlaut perVrectinst.
Ahenitato ttn prennunn , tt the -11,t or the
A, I hue prar.tonal L.rt-s DO . l• • tutT t.
au! ha to , tronl all the •artoun tmluetus. outmenta
no mud; pnfleel up in the tut I must sat th at 11
I; Aralanst hutment esvend. au; tn. 1 tus•
Main one of Ity it. um, 1 nave eurr.fir two, mat :nu'm
long after Our had hewn remounted U.:usable...4 I have
, Uren l t •
than nttl . bora.* thin Ne.ou our Lit.
ment, ruthractru neer,. altult of I.llnOtt, front neratell....
cal Lau,. up to
I f
rtna.hane. sael 1 eau
also Liar 1ate1119.3) went nilecte ka Use lottumo nt •
tern 1 am nnarli all 'lan; touter tu roans
salt Itheuthatnan. and_rhuLl net nothing Si, tie um
tut can:mune/4 ltor sue of your Liniment-atom entln IC
r mud me 111. IL
Nan Paan ni ten ,enrs' standlau rum! by (1.4 - arena's
Mr 11. O. haaahr- 11r. Fir I but bum a - Itt
thy - rum l'alu" fur W. 1..% tau rear., awl rcublbet. uet
•seept br bb.--1114µ7 but I, 'La are ut It.
over thn t.surle,sau•ut three t•r
too, Glum • day. rdtuo,..l. and ha.. toll
nuthlta c.f it lac.. Iwant Rau the staLle on• nhad,
trTj ' a i lltt h 7 . 2t ' f b l . .% """ X: '
uuMJlr thatlbt ' r turLd totTrlt
Z" . ..t1 0 0u. 111 , 1 4 4 , 1 rout Llultuunt, •rau. %ell
epsysl3 In • Ire clays to an about Npatp u.ual I Roo
aru.hrut ray Eager La • allockloa by. Ist:vie
bault.leu tall Upon IL but your Llutuuwt wua I . l ug
JOilN Mr.Ull.l:.
La :tab. Preclzut, Peurhu cr , ..111- Frt.
Ltrit Ititt Chlthl• it
nr" Ptdini. St. Pdtlnnulatly ....du./ scam.. • 141s. Cbonder.nol hy late!, h,..te
mil. he nn Itutmemr whomdte. . 4 mann
an Lmlturnm ilhte nen 1.1•11,N1.1, fraud and muno Mehl.
m .lemelme Mom Imanns •
th. tamed Varmll. Timm.
Itrte p•itiennlmr ..C? Jrm tny nars..lnarn.ll . •
hthihm.n.t." unprtheltilml Mmirr, mnil lb. -
r. k "r l'sl ,l
aol {tett-m.IM.. alumdm ltd... f.; Imlorm.farrelr.,
h.mhunatury 1.111 , on the outman. wrafkrer. aml ihme
Innnts In th• ham.. bottle—...H G.
Commend. ii,ortzt
In eVebt llltbn, mud Hem tr
the hutbed Stale, In • ttoch on , r I, not nereLLltheal Apply
by letter to LI 10. Farrell. roods. 10 , good releteue•
seta chanee,
o b r b et e b t o , nelllll Ity be.
teo Wl n n te t .n. tuue who.l ble l u n
mb n ! a . n ? i f ce
for Cel. elate
.of nth... •
l'iora-23nent, 60 rreto.lll.ll.o dollar rar
Po r,...nucw.tunsi br 11
tnyrutor and 01,40101.0, earl wto....te drux.o. S 0 17
!cla:n rtmet. home,. 104 antt InT abb. whelest.l. awl r..lllat
rap ,
2gr., IL. SLiLi
So. 00.1
1 , 010 it St. CIMIZY. 611es:hap,
The Haman Body Must Perim),
SAYS N ATu R.E, to have a licaltiq up-
Do , asoc, mad pecan. who €lO not retspirr, ar 11:11./1
to the tuirt duwustilitte. t•avr..10.1,. I ten.
etircolcsltwep 11.1 113 th r
Moo toollifiro abd els.c It Mr 1.1
of an tolam.x.
Sr nye,. ball.j.letien. tug Sorsa. ars oat mly tira',4l. •
enr.4 by Its nat, as at ball 7ph y.i.saut ir. N. liorg. to
9120 We it in molt cu.ea. and and it wins ditur--ns a 1... In
PlospleJ. Inotchs. or any alt, sk,n•lisra, r
modes is insured that this is no guarbewo, putt-/ tbs.u-uni, is
O. trial willprove. -oubl enunterata St least elahrl
rtir. ll2l 11,4 ot /glee head. For, lent. and sor. heard.
guy t—and Ms rawier is again atruerd I would orderer.
agy it Est Lb. ted,ve, Ont.-sal t.c.w It b , al. I ate..
Then/ who are Ilablo to ohalol.rrartad.or rhappe.4
will nod this not only a aura, but a bras...lvo: tall I eau
buly aidl that anyone agitated with sat, of the
or Hind. dial., will bud this all. and wsen_sona sail=
rubs lo Pro,ralno) thane. .stats.
Ajsrltist. mule, th e stone. ara thwat.l with
a nd
and be sure you ask fur Joan' Italian Chemical Soap—ad
buy It only nf IVII. JACKSON. only Agent In Pittsburgh.
head of Wool
Pearly Whito Tactll, and Pure Breath, to
tn had for ^, 3 C12..-I , raccu, who hare rltbrr. art how,.
IJr aapurwr that if ante breath V seer tool. od thvir
teeth darayrd, .lark nr andepariuWed wills tartar,
that a Vi [rut box of Junta' Am lad Tmd.L.rastewill make,
the, teeth m white as ends, and the breath ntarif..nrdpde
hold afar at JACRSON'S Mem, Llberfe et, heed of
A Scientific Flair Tonic, Re.itore: and Bean.
iller.—Trlal Donis, :fin cents. noes who 1, , e wed
Jos.' (ii,ral Hair Itewtorcr. know It+ wessilrut
Cu+llneT—it viii thaw who have not_ ma amen , it to ptraess th e fillowins
Cr,. the hair to grow ott any Fart
nature inktulat hair to mei slop It falling oU; cure
dandrulf, end maks Wait red, or Oaf ate. dart
tor resul.rltus th e half soft and silty, nothing eao eseessl
thls—it mattes It truly beautiful. ami Wen. it . 0 . lt L., 1a
dwal. the twat eenuoutleal—yet stlyeriar—article Jr. tlO
Sold enl, at WM. JACKSON'S non., NO Albert,
JONES' Solution of Jet, Liquid Human
Hair Ile. forr
the changing of white. red, or grey hal, o •
betuunil brown. or ta.di h et color, In n ter roloutos.
l'etrOs-6ocooto. and SI.
JONES' LILLY WlllTE.—Ladies tiro cam
tlonel sentivetastath the comm., preralk. ttg
*no not aware how frightfully injuriom tt lo to • the'vkial
bow 00.6 e. bow rough,bowcallow. yellow, and ...bean,
the skin .Pivel...fto-r opin¢ preparftl Chalk! (Wide., it •
lnivtou, containing • large Quantity Of lama!
J hs•• prepared • beautiful vegetable article, which we
tmeit' epattieb Lilly Whita.
It la tuarfootly Ittoonent. betel.purl/141a deiotertoO•
lattalltlec and It Imparts to the thin • iteturtth lumitt,
white, at to. oncot, tin. mann; as
matte on the akin. tuakin4 It .1.4 asouell. -
It.. Mout, 11111. JACICru /h. ~o4Lll.wrir street
1.01 .f Wood, Pat4Ourch Prim. 2.S reota
B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder.
WASHING without labor! Warranted
to lake the Oahu out of toblo HlMen and ut.l,
• • .
ing.II:VIO-Ng rot Uie.—Put your clothes In • .01116,
quantity of cold wabr to cover them, then add two bible.
spoyoful• of this Bash Powder. to each Ma nuerts of water
thewith UP clothe% If the water Is hard. add more of
the Powder. and toll them ten minister. In the meaty time
grab thouidown with • Writ, then put them In IL tub and
add eullicieut cold otter. to that they will not be too hot
to handle. Th en rob the dirty grotto. or 41 other words.
give theme thorough Manua. Ind Ulla 4 sufficient to
make them dun.
N. IL—There bng roshrlo tote Soap. It will leave
the clothes very white, trot the bad oily no name
pfl p s do. The retire met of snatexisl used does not
tins rents, to complete ft w•ehing of ton petieons.—
Witsruned reit to rot or injure the clothes.
This b • Powder that oneptier will make twelve quarts
beet Slimily Pon Situ
blltgerlOgg rot Usa.—Take,ay !IV quarts of water and
nib the Pearlier with it, end d e an let It boll. car Ilea now
ritee, three add clx quer. sold won, stir them
hrandher, and set It two. shrill It will not freeze, awl
•ben we
will he very thick sod nloe White /Inky, cod
will yeah well, and will not est the Nods ht other Noll
gpig uor rot the clothe. Can be used with hard or sail
...t e r, by . making the phoney Into viz quarts inetend of
twelve. The non. kap 4 best adapted for washing calico
clad woollen wade,
fiOld wholesale and retail by It. F. BULLERN.
Nn. ti e Wical et.
The hl(tMy fiIATIC
fOr the ordinary
of (4"zgractf:ltbtl7:u.=
ma latter In ite perfume and thesinoma land In lta
gamy for the promotion Of deatillness and health.
i t I. highly recommended to ladies fur the oolinary and
delicate Pune.. of the toilet and tor prenatal the
a0h .„ 4 ,, the oesplerlon.• I teetnolteot propertire tem
per the but and &S.:" .La, ski, sod Impart to It 1./1
eePh bold by It. E. SELLsata,47%ood rt.
V: e ARTNERSIIIP—Tho subscribers have
stsvid Into 00-PartrwritilLimin•lbe AM et Sealslp
A r army. „ WJf. 11 .30rIrr. •
ENNETT, BERRY & CO: have xv.novect
el their err Waratu?suiceernerefebutoe7 lane and
CLA 10 I. PARK 51 A
T" PROPEL:I:T(IS uf thin old and well
Rurn C:,., vnuld fnlnrn lb.: I'.Ll'.- that they .x
110Trar• 111 . 11 y
sn '7l‘ . l l . . " ch:frnfal 4,5'.0.1 t 171;
l't " 13:! 0 0 1 11 1 n:1;; ' .. " ;:lv,.. 1 1151;11C. '"'"' Ik, Itnnun
ll'Atel ' L li tiLE ( ;:l r, .. 9 .l " .t.!..l;ltl k Atu ' rati
II Inh•m. New
I' C. Ilethcw 1 1 111a.+0.1, PA_ - •
C Shama:
.1 A • 11.111, 1ih0 ,.1r.,
rtJ 1.15
su. Ilvrtry.
II In el', 14,1 :mm1:1.11h.
C 51.
U.ll WAIII4I,Ico. /1.1111./g. I
New Lake Superior Line.-1851.
mIIE ,4-eazner NUItTIIENE It, Capt.l3.
et, A. so_ t.ry .Irra for
In $. m I
c , n Vritl t sr, I
s i t t";. l . E A,l7
Sur,lor. nn thr nnir4l ot 111 ...eauler n No ' rtin ' r ' rnr, r.utiur
( . 1..re1at..1. 0.. lriSl.l. 111 RN 611..
A . I . F.I'AST I N 111.11:11.1.41%, LINE, u. n.vAroth. r,
AW E 111 11.1 M. t0.n..6414 Pats: tstvla 611 I her.-
61t, el•I. of . 'ii rn. 1 3166h661
j Inchi ! W.ll. 111M111111.
Binghains . Transportation Line,
rgNIIE I'.\ NAL being now open, we are rea
-1 31erel dy to reeelea and L•rwar•l yrecpreens,',l'rnlu-e and
i n,„,,,, ~,.
Frentrt. drye
a 1.., az 10wa. ,. rates charxed hy re'ycnelkle
Pnaluet. and Merelln•ltte will he ree. t .lred and fi•rwazdad
rrirl and wear. wilt... am ...rye fr , r ferwardinn Nt ad
yanelou troult mrnnti. ~,, u, orator”,
ull. of Lailmu Inner, led, and all diractiont reltbfully
attandad te. Addrtan,r mph tr. '
IV 11. 111 No lIA Si Y CO_ ,Inte, Da, , n.
Cern., Llleyty nud Warne 'dr.. Putrtur .11
111 Ni lIIA M A lalf.l.r, 1.3 Market •t....
'*". .1 1. /t r .1 1. 1..; (VI l!L ' r l o '.. .T,. h .. ' n ' t . .. ""
No 1, !Nryth 11-ent,l *, t-eat InilL•runre 4
J A3llnt III:OMANI. N... 10 . 1 r.....
itlgigi 1551 g4- . ..7 -- .-,-
Merchants' Transportation Line,
'CT IlE , 111,•PING \
t' A' NI-ANI , r.T I A , tr,l nual Ll•reln, Yu" Par atreet•
h rtaburntt.
r 11.1.1t1.1, I.A VNCIL Central Bleek. lire,. , trzAt Phila.
j**. l . : '' ere prep."l tn r""" re a ler, anroonf Inere\tellre•
an , l produee r.,l4tr on the ',nom; . tLe anode to 'I, tla
,l•lobirt. end. all Inter...dr., r•1e,... af 'ewer rat-, art• rn
let" tun, th.z . lo any 1 4, " , ,+"....''.
tlo N 8.1 tu. Inerearel nualle.r. Tru-aa y.r ,, ,,1 , d) ,‘ 7
0... t.far 1'..urre.....r..r, far car, .1,, ..ur I , uor • a t •
st"te Itkilr no. trill t.v.r. nt ~y r .......,Lrlty of •lalay a
setaratown. 11 . 11, 1nralazrr '' ,o4 ••lr.t.tzt. GU+ .",un. Mer,,t ..6...
C A kIeANI'LTY A V", heal i.tteta '
fa',l:, anal Lenin. f.r...rarr 14-tinn--.
- - -•
- . .
$1.412.70. al
To Shippers of Merck:Ltd:be, Produce, &c., • ;7„';'..`",,.;',:"., ,,, ,„";,:.'7,5'.":°1, , ...',:e r k 7 t i t a r tuire•Tir " ,,,u22:l
im rr. k i,.., rn. i„ n ‘ ri,a,,,,, ~, , ~,,,,, • lk,llar 1.,..r. 1., lin. thereby allording erftleree of [ha
RELiANCE riTTSIICRIAI TICANSPOIi- ''' " - "s • ''''' I' '' '''°"' ''
" "°" " "r'' L''
. t.-tuou .. 0,,,0 .al h pronrytursa all 110,111trea. )1'; LINE. J. IiAIII.I.NEAI 1211FFIN. Airrkit
otnr...• . 1... rriri..s PI , I“Id :al Sta.
Al'!. INS a C,.. l•rnynetert. No Z . ..^: alairk , t, and GI , ••• !''. L ,.
Garn.rteree .trees. Ilu'r.lozi.lua
1if.1.1. A L 14... Ell , Ace... tan. 1:41..1n. ht.Lrburgh. I Penn Mn al Life Insurance Co, Pitilad'a.
.1., .1 . A 1 L.lll, A ,IIN ~,,..t. that,..,.. •
. 1111 . 1, 1 1 1 .1 1 1 aat.i .11. ill , . 1.1aLai...1 . 1.)„ . i.,.„,,,,,,,,,,,,. 4 l; { I'ITTSBUItG 11, W.II. DAVIS,
c.r:.: ~, ~,n tr-ul f.'i . we zok. rat.. .tee teals..'/Lt.... ) ! /Lt....). F• ~^,^c. denarardl No. t"3l.ll.erty ntrer.L,
altlytt , ... tau. h L and ea./.. ita any nue., Lrea . , 1 I,r tr,. tante re:en, of pecanal. rerridlns In the
1-I.l.Lern lottery,. ei tbe t, the ageol Mar alan Ire found dailk•
^ Ite,ra ?I to 1 . ., ar.,l •to 3 o'eluot. Irt the rolinfoig ail
• .. • J.. 11% r ' , la J..l..l:eounteter At -•., \o_l %tow street. wbare all nerre.\
COVODE & COLE, ,i ran tarn-maim. irr, , utt• in:rand rounnun 4 2rattent prom's..
' Il e .raurred 1. , . Pam Lie. vxplalutrur ttre ryinclplea and
' ratter...ore to 11,1 Ulan a Coreale I ya net s.. 1.l Lira Ir.. nee.
blank fern. , guns no
C. ,, • 11 /Loin, 14, '. 1 ,,,,, . ~,,,,,,...,! awe% over I' .000 and eanatantlY Innm.arinlY.-
- Prent. di, elect ant.tralry unapt threw Irourrel for Irfe.
Penna. Rail Road Co.—Ceatral Rail Road' ' 1, , ,,,,,, L. Jan. 1 - 1 . 4, . —. ,, t
_ __.
ryilE..o.,crih.-i, imring been appointed 1 i t f a .,' Fire, and, and Transportation
.1.,,,,,,..,q,, n.O 41 - ... l'anzsarlvaulaur Central hall \ • In c ,.„k ,
ri.i. ti•t, zn the OW 10 I.Nat we are no.. preranal , re.
....,.. •..,, ara••••,,, ..I rer.vl, el, prr el, af. y rnitraeut r i rll \lnsurance Comp p oi North A*1 11 01 • CCII,
PLO le., , Lfu--k:Lartereill: . Capital Iktar,litAl. Amen
•••••ala rla thta ronl• will he ~. .- 1. 4 ti%lr , Ir. Ir.' likil I . routur, IV lint, 51.t411.= an. VIII crake leinranrre on
4 a' ' ..”"
r. ter'"'`' 0. 1" ill r. 0' I. ''''e,,,,-... - . ' . " .1.1 . - 1.•.1,11uk. INoi tl,eir tenter.. In,th city and slelnity; al.
1 9 1 rr. l l‘ l l -1 1V 1, 11 . ) derrutPtronodkll.p.l per .lean bat,
•.10, •.1 Yam, krraxis run-tea - I.mi I,‘l, irrrakmin. •ui ' b. ' •. "I:'''''' .."-L•r* '"' ""°4"N"'"'"'"'"'"" IL,
Cr, 4 , ,, -1, 11... ble ...., Ikrear,ntataltary.Collery.O.nree- •••••
LI 'oar,. I ruaa, /... then. I. urniture. Pm-, tledletnea
r . . A rth 41 O. ly ,, lfla. 11,1, Thom/01M
i1...i.-r, isle,
"art b. , ra...., !Waal:. ell
hi , .bar.4 l y It er&
AV IlluartyWklrh.
nylon. E r,zrat f mune klorlana.
M., 1.. , , Llf wren.
.„,...,,,,, ~..,..,... \
11,11. a, ilrarn and 1,1,.., nlr . I.' n. Charlea 'la. kw. .i r e ' l! '. . l' 4•rrNl '*"
A.,- Ilaride 1 r , •,..1• II ar ('nob,•llnar, CIS,. ~,,,,,,, lI . M . . ti • .k
i Ili
~,' it 100 ''''
J "' ! '" : ' Pr " '
Jand. 'I., Thomas. rau a.. 'el r„
C..Viil , l: a C , Lb.
C. flnrm:lktalr. IL D. Uherrent, !rte . ,.
loon '''''..'"'• ."•*-•'•'' . ILL.. lLeoldrat iowirinw Cutnytuty in the Al t ur - 4,1 ritatea
1. 1tn. , ..1rch j et, 1,1,1 --.1 1r" an 11 - ore irr high atanlillA lour exponenee. 4,1001 Waal/a,
an extra Lacordon. icla,:tylter It
Freight received for all the Way Stations ' ::::'`j.::!. L :,'-'ii"..„`,,,'",!:.:1.,,i - .'', ..o.,rity Lt• llre"yuLli,.
It I'LL'S! , ..!trN En. Aa'TIA.
on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad. i ~..:, No. 131 /Yuri,. "trete.
_....._ .
~,,,,,, aut.r.
11a1e,.. ' Alart J. IVarrena . Delaware Mutual Saflnsurance Comp,
MON, J ."." N" 1 ' 11 • ' OFFICE. NOltTli RO -1 OP THE 1.:... -
Went 1... n. 1 V.Zoehler., •' CLIAN.E., Third' ascent, Philtalelphls.
Iluriltui.l.u. .1 14 I,rrr • yyna ~.,,,,,,,,,,,4—inrilluca, Allinhandlat and Ober
n rry.lor Wan and ertuntry, (tutored armrest ins
erne-el:ea., Z assist Lev laru - y.• Ay lire at tha kurnyt nitu of Atari.,
i, OW., A 11 Ciert
Iltal, 1 "arear•cs..—lhey elao Innun t . 1.-welt Carrntex,
1 1 . 1,1 . 1 ,r...rub . 1. A r.eurr
, , turi r rulutit...:fereinly er.matlalau, and onon or Knee,.
• IL ~...1 wall
y ~., ~,,,.,
~, ~,,,,,,,.
.', I n.,10-...,, a., kb. "aturt,l may dralre.
1 ~ ~ . , _ ~.. ~ I laorz ,..... l , 4", , v2.ltnutt—lher ale Iry re blerehandfso
1!..t17.".;',:*••.. ...'
^ * *"*.
I ,ars e ' al bow, and
s" ' ( '`` m '''''''' c '''' , rir . ,*..!..rnanle. on sust7:4l frau ~..t on the meet liberal terms.
' Intr.retr 9 a.---lotalth r li. Beal, Erltuund A. erilider, John C.
111iIrrat,.• n. 11. re, I ~.....
Davi.. Ilubert Durum. John Fl. reur.,... I. l ark,Vl 11,1viirda„
l'rrrrirli,r. . 1./ P.TL•ta.reaus. I Ike,. C. Lerper, bittern Intronalun t least It.k,Datt, %V&
kl•• l ay wen. In hard 1,..1 41.
liarn Feirrall. John New em Dr. IL 31. Ilurne. Jun.. C.
Marlon, .I.•ku Iradnivlt"n.
llsud, Tleroplultts Paulding, 11. Jun, 111 c kk liti llenry
)ell 1.. r. • k K , ~,, , r A nrutber."
Fu. l •• , .t. * Jahn 11,,,,r1 knot., hulas Craig, ti.auge +;,..rsilL .nya•nrer env.,
I:l.arrea li•ne. J. 11. Jeknten. IA ta Ha, • Dr. 6 . mt...
, • ~,r, it. t',4l r.
''• • ''''''•
John'V Inut,.
.at C.,11.11,6./il—D. T klui..-ac. Hugh \Talk,
—.---. , 1 1 1,kiii.0 Maa'nn, Vrearl.nt. Tura. C. Ilan, Iloe Mat.
.1... .L.rr. a ;1. Coe AN. ',crew,. ~
nei"lrrltl. ••1 tire Cotatal,Cl. NO. .I 2 vv.t.r5t.....1, Pt
, Coral, I.,csitti 1 r_ a. MADEIRA.
Agricultural Implements,
1 11.11'S ,I I." ST rre, IN eti from the 'E.tst the
I fi.,l”.aa 1111,1,...11.... *ll of thr 1- et toatta 1 .• 1111,
lUttte7•T: ' ...ll,..n ' i... " 24t:.7‘;.. r::- I lt. ' ''''"4 . , '"''
I,llllthr 11....1.1nr... • d tot ts. Lew, beet, turnip.. Ze.
grille Pita I.r a oett. r t ., DAL, awl harlot:.
. ,
torn h01.t., 1.1. er•
Ohio Laboratory.
~,ro ritioler t..r hr...att4Lar..l hoar, .
etre., 1111,1 Cora ru le tholooc 11ottra
1. ,etahto 1t...t. Cutter,. „._-_.
1 as ""in 4.- -- Am. A . ,ir 3
I I x Y.....e au.l Corr Chola Ilalterr
„... ~. I ~, -2
har.ottrel ()rata riot Orth• ~ tie 4, and Ileth .
Crateo.el Le., there Ind four prht. t r. orl• 441_1112211 L ., i r, tIMITIT:- ,. / ", 0 m :11....EL ,r ...•+
.111 mantatartured Irma th e la., utotorlol, a * ter •• , I, . 1101% . I lain lik , lIIM I
'''' .l'°
1 1 1111 .
,:. •
at the IProa owl heed r.t.l-.. t 1
. Y !,. Vlelit.E.SllAlt. ; joi - . hair:: . 9 , ~.,
- 85
My= tory., o f n•aet met ot•1. atrtata_
' •
Beaumont's Patent Starch Polish. I ' Per cent .: Strength.
I JI.I'I'ENTEII, July:26th, I nso.—For giving 1 I (WELL FLETCIIER ...i CO., Manufacti-
E4s_ • , -- ,,,,,,, 01 , —.i1. , ...... u got., , antoro.r. Ott. rer. of A U . 11111.14 hare Spin. frr Cologne and Man
...r., ru,rt 1 , .....11., ac , and ale. pr 0.... the Iron fr... , the, Coin,r 1 , 1441ivl % vor ‘Wlllsk,•y alsrais on haul.‘la.; to 1.n...0. A-. cLnd rrov•nu. duet irons •ttewlnti to ; Cornetlr( %Intl and /mat etrette.hortaxaet, 0010.
Ll./.l,.,tolioutatho ;tooting tr.turto.. IL Ital-Alt entre; loon hat•burolt 1,111 be rrauour Wird
I..roetkm.-I,t • v., th., ..,a... of o p. a to a quazt or , y et et I ,, • ourk..t. otter,. split
st•rrl, al., b..lhoz. Lrn.:l,. `.
Prm.... 1::). feat, per Gak.-.. , ^ 1 . , 01, ` , ... 1 0 ...1..t•1i 14 . LONVies Patent Reversible Water Filter
.1: ' CI' ."*. *" W T I . . ' I S NOW•to Le heenlin operafion at W3l.
it CA11.11.--.1 flan ft...nod to my tk0w,t,,,,, I_ TATE a
re tv . ., :: itt oo hhi ra . N o . ir t F,,,,,,,h ~,,,. `ire
troy n I rd Larrty rul: 'ut' ist PRIOR IL
A , thrre dn.' b`' , ... , •''''', 01 . 1 . . 11. .' Wo )file: ..r ~ 1,1i.i..,c4-‘..t. I'lln.arith. This Illtcr Inanwelved
' ''''''" h ' '''"'. 1 '"'" b.. '" '''''' ' 5 "."*"... 1.1.• U.,1 e.. 111 bor ne W.• LW rhym huutute of hew YOrk.,
i '" 'U " n ''''' '''''''L" "".", 1 t i" . " . '",',_,"' m • 1: ,' 1 Lud a C•rtltirsle tr I. * ho r,..tif. JoFtitu,te or Ptaiwi.l
- V. 7 L.." ..."'"',.-''''' ". ` . ..1 .1 •.‘" -, ' • - ` . ‘ 1.1- •'''`''' ploa for tt• .operio,itr in itneleanAnCnnVerlleK 0r." 4 . 0
u....euri.a11...5Y 11 ; , M ''' . ." l ^.. l l 11 " 4., L. , r.." .., i,m..• nom t1in5.,14,..11m., them Mt uat MI l'hilmielphis.
tea. /*ra th er vol., BA,. t• taw I,lO.tvrt Blank., iloilts, ~',, w u ,,,,,,,,,. f 41,„,,,h,,,,,,, e ,,,,, p i t5 . •
OyuCter,llel, owl l'ontlertm a rhatlee. of +tire ra. - ' 1 ' - ' er.
"Patuort_enta. March ..elb.lB3L
r ''''' I "' ''''''' s " d h " r ' . "'" 10 "" u* " s ' ...4 4 .th l i n girt, cm arrat plroreL3 reenter:m.l to the 10 , ... of
r,::, 1 ,',,, ", ,7 ' ; ' • ,..A% b ,'„'''',c,“,;,',:,',.d v " ,,', ,„,' ho .f ' ' '''`'''..lV''' I rum., I,sr . - ...,...0,A,,ifut c.,erviAl, Wm.' Filter-I,lm
- • 0 4 ' ''''' - ' - '''' - ~, et" s;ii.a . , i - h , r , , t . , ,IT ca.,l 1.,, Mr. Lewis. lizeitur used ate of theta km ore er•
~ . _ , F''''..' l.l moot), lam rumbled tdjudice of their value. ,
II 001—enqh paid for 11'ool by lik.uksit: 1.1.1 Tr. 157 U•lnut otreet.
, c ..,. ~,,._ - PuziAiklauts.,Marr-b 2nth, 1b51.:
M ' cilb ‘ l, ---- .., Fatent 11.ererribie lti.ter (Mem. Inronted toy Mr.
_ _
e... i
L..... sod umml bran.. fv., rome.montn• SIP
I ,,,, Late n31..1en,,, Is .It that sty Permu lola . 10 h.
. th•r , •fory cot:molt r It • privflegr IV brora It In 2....r to
, o."‘Pku. , it Io th e Pnbilc JCV I'. VA141.43114
Summer atvet.”
Th..' Filter. aro tea, -ructe4l t o e out any snwll or
11..Ugrr h in ' tlle n , r rter r' . V ''' y nrrtr i '''i n ' te ' Vl L ' !111;1=
( and *Oh or-hoary rare wilt lain ten. •nd 'om?Lln
able to le- ...nll 10 1... appreclranl. ,
- . 22,e Atria stsvet. lladelnbla.., .
, refreived from Now York, an
., style 11 if.: LOVVtittILNICES au .I
Fla. FM/. /...•
. WM. NoCt.i:
\ iicr
(1 1' F. CT A C E S:—We hare a complete
0 au...k rd ..1.1. :5 lies .at St....l,,rtevie,nud W., he,
',AIR, of , flovk, nu , mural, Nina.. IV. hi ghotpr. P
ev.ry snritay of duo . incrunta. to tr, last priacir lop or
ncietbrti. I .1 W W. Wi 1...1)X.
Atel\,liL 9:lllilqF°111/K/r11S--/W I 4
r2: 1 1
u r . b)
It. w. PulN4rEXTElT.Zatr;strsv ri tZ
1,12 ng,n: ti-r limrpe? A la.
AHAVE just
pther largo 1 , 4 ,
Anthracite Coal.
C) TONS just'recoired, a superior aitiek
ennal Itamn.
lIIOE-10 tee. prime Carolina, for ante b y
LI, n/40 JAMES A. 1117(7111S(IN A CO.
LEAu --
'3O pige Galena;
1000 equals 11..01005 Ini.r.) Ice slip he
to JAN ES 0. 11 OfCIIIMIN a CO
Q bb!Lon
°au JAL A. HUTCHISON a co.
9.OIIACCO--203 kga l's, s's,
Ltasis, /al.
itLS-23.bblx Sperm Uil, 31 do. extra de;
0 dm ;ream 13.1m1.4 do, dO do Tatmerni do • re
and t.t +ale I,
cut Mt. Lonie Straw Sugu In: velv r,dev.-:
breeta by the AK....
nettl JAIIES A. Illtrelllttl/N .1 C o .
'Jr vepply of the :delve bervhaved fan thedtn•
trbrter, and heneg IU. natue th•l triton al MI..
vallefeelion In nue ensttonete lxvrtael; iv , . b. just levet I,
rl " 4 .l t;t ir egeffo i !n ' l L :tarlrrn n eT , l .' ll .' l l :l:t .
.a.rttneut Sarking labbele.
hc2s 31Chi'llY A Milli - 31El ELI%
QOOOTRI. l ALOES— 201 lbs. f or enlc b).
L 1 AD—for Sitit: by
a. 2.9 • 0. 0. SELLOIII,.
OIL & ROSIN—ZI LW: T i mineri Oil;
a2O " 00111 S I.NZ:C.Vj..‘,I.'
I v i o , , , ,... A s,E.,t_ ct i i i . i iti,A . L , , f. : ,,- , l , :t i :r. , ; y:
s -- ir. - m61., SSES k GoUiEN SYRUP—
. For nab. Ily A. CI , blif.;l:T. , tiN A (b)
d I LASS-x(1 boxes Wtrlow. [told Faxes,
111 for t ie by ' JOHN WATT Will.
rrAII'ARI,SAI.3I)-150,1 lbs. toe ale Lb?
for sale by
bbls. tioodale'&-su
.uuti lim. imported
and lot .an at ed...
TOL - 14.
L dire, II
to ottlt. much.
casks Wild Cherry Brandy
II" far =deb). I A. CI: 1.111;ItTSW: &NA,
R'masa br I orZi I J. S. Di LIVO/11114 CU.
Q 11. hIOLASSES—a) but. Bat. Ground
fiILANOES AT EUROPE, in C 1 &ries of
L ' fr laud. ~ dorlTni G o ' n "
se. at /I unuo irppattailhe Rust Mice.
Mice. • pas- •
rilopecc I 16 kne ciell'irNe. 1, in' et9re
sur by . 11,21MseDisittl.
Needles' Celebrated
ThEne hist)/ to
nESIGNED only for the safer classes of ' , r l - 4,,, -
t b s . ~,,s , , ~;14 , ..P. . ., 1 1,,, , V ,...b......and1a1t* • •
_a_l rr , I , rlr. h,.. amp, r.ritel, ea I Cr, W...,,a, 1 el.u.d • E.t.a... rel.utst7k&., - E.,. = Zji= •
cr a.t......t. to E..dat of cheap .stet! ...E., ~ ,,i .., - , - -...m. m..=. ., ...I 5i30 , 61 , .-.. R
Plater tr., ofer.a. pk,
1a... I.: ray mut routary to.yrnaut.. and afar of alehE.,A or the bbEnest er.E...Ekee t. , whom akar corajebt
d•elliuge. and 10nia...l or rouattr,prtrorty . 1 1.... E ha. -1.... llntailit,i. bare.,,,.. the ...,
• A. A. L. ARII.LIZIE. Anna., I test...Elia]. e• to that euperi, , ,,L,,, 0 ,,,F1u'1 1.U. " . .. 4 „...
14.,..h • Elire, !in. SE nrottaLehl st.htu , t,u,rgh., ten add. . .
_-__ - -,..--- The tacrollente of Ela, amr apositir..,..rrearehll . .... ad
Orleans Insurance Vompany. , „,,,., , ,I, et atbia.l..tenader theta E....l:err,- DAie..
verso. rut!, :Jaw, e ith pt 11111,,,,, fa.. . - ' '
i ar Pane In Me 'W.A.% r.s./Excia fa..
CAPITAL, 5150,000. ..,,,, g , ugli. and Leal rail, la Et, Tin 1111... the
the 1.. d. their behenct
VeturrEl in accordance val. Me General Ineuranre i,V = 0 1, 1 0 " r ~,,,,,„.- , A , , ~..,, v ~ b..., h_b—,- •
perk tit, ore, ail o.E.•rd applicati,...l - .. t tin,, ". ,„l'r
Law ef Me Starr
t- o f beak taiir c.rrnborabcd by-the, - .---.
F1 1 .11i; alsive• prosperous and responsible I ' For ...Luc.. and MIN. la th. bart Z Y =.. " :(747 1 ;
I. 1, ...1...5. 1...10., maurised uith Um rErjulabonf. el 1 ft ,,,, Pe , a. Earth... di.esA.. ST lb. kk1 , ..y., A.„ theft • E ,
Ili. 1.. of tbi• ,ute. I. no. 1....1., yob... t., their ret ,, EEZ: c.rer . 1 1 Other 0.'4. , hAs N., 0.4 d,
A......0t ~.. the 1.., Euvor.lile 4 , 001., .tent a Ith yen- 1 rter4na , .b. t.”.. , frth . n. , 1e.r..1./..1,,,,„, t h„,a. \ .
.:..1.r. 5 ni .R j. i. c , ,. ,,
~. u. NICLIE_ON, President- .11..Einn. l'o.oell ac AuCer yEtt rh.Enatle ,E-E.,,,,,, they
,' eretary r ter. aro I , ..E.ararnded, ..Jth I , :w ..n,6dent .......nee '
taGne No c.-E •E•EE•f..lii ,_, pitt.burgb. I that their , esatclal ate,. arla t.. Lam I yen de.E..h.d. \
''.- ' A A OARFUNII, Agent. I emle.. I 01...a1e and r.tath br •
ctrL6 . IL. E. t.4.l.LiittS,ST it'agl O. •
Pittsburgh Life Insurance Company. 1 t;.},MuNi"b i , ATENT t 3 l -------- '.llell POL.
riIIIIS CA AN Mae ITlonrporuted in . ISLI. r: sir'.. no a beautiful aloe to Linen, Na t et ro ,
1 . February. Ital. with a lYrreltial Charter, and hav . lauthrk.C.llara. 1,1” t l'a.. , kW." , hodaer Mini* MS
r. , sumenced bu.iners ra a earttal of aluCt..l. .1 une, prseentA the :rote from ad herin: to the tanetoand 4.4
The Cr...moat, dia., biisiii,a bosh or, t.b.lci.t St., and l from , wicomn , , r , notaior ...hit. , Itt.iution'' , to d.b.a. se
Mutual plat, .'. any rawt.rm. Thaleehale n., 5+n , ...1.C1it61100.1.•
110 the .h.•nt :Aix It plan the'rats are 0n.Ahh . ..1 Ins than of guch an article. and 11, this their exPretation srUl bottle
threw charged hy '. , 1 utus! Contrast! 5.11.11 , i ill ...n Per Cent 'IT raanavl. .c., nu . mpet.itton is feared after ttlLmlsslyi
101*, thna: th. rat,Oot most Stoet ' llempm rtisl.
m oo , rOOO , o,„ toe ~....., 0 ., ~,..., „,,,,, hr o th or ‘,.`i. 11.—.0ne Cake will do lltirty d‘aen of Glee., So a S
Fs.l7 ,dured tr , tapattlee Tl , ...eluvutel ou th muth.. I=4'4 shr.uld hr wttbant 11.•
al princtple bare Ow combined areuritles Mulish d e by that Peke 12.4" i cents per Cake. Each Cake. with roll dire
...La... or meuran e , a.,,, W. c ar pit,„, rod ~,,,,,,, r uor t o , Yor i.`alebr 1.....1.41 Y. is MILLI:I:S.117 11..!
the Joint Stock di.tia.r...rit. . ---e. 0 ,- -, ....,,,.. e ....
The Cbarter ,runte the granting of Init.rance i life, \xx..L.nilLasll3l. OR ROCE. OIL '
la every h,rm. In..lthiltnr 1., rteht .4 wile c-Lild . pa.. * . Ttere are mere thine' in luaren and earth. .',.
r..uta, r.. , ar1..n. Iricnds ..r creditom.--to 1M.1.M O. te ol
n....rt,,r theiroven °actuates benefit parradlaatter M. th . -1. • ~ ''' . . d . r- 74' ,0 ~ 1 1, 11° , 4 , 0 , ..-
u,.,, ,„..,„,„ arriettig at the as; of V.,,L.5. no. or \5, 'PILL 1 IltiLlb of this r( , insrkable rem.
st. Ow o,4st, of us. ILeurod. ,
.1. - dy, and the constant appricsti. hell. tn the rroprt
0r,,,,,,„ ator. has !attend him to have It rut op 11l tart Jes. with Is
Jet..a S. llt. a. Preldent, • , Lel: an.httreetion... for the Leu'efit .. r tie public. ,
~..., etCluttin. lice rre.vidart; The PlL'lllof.Y.ti.ll ie pr. - tlrd from a wall In thla MAW
.I.2etth .t. Leovir, • Treasure,. a
\F., at a depth td\ (adz hundrrvi feet, Is a purr. sus:lran:ft'
(.Tarter A. Collo, tierMtnry al article, wlthruit anr cherniorti change, but jnot Oa It -'
D1DCM.,0.8.: : a 5 from Nature es Great Labrstory:: That It totthathe
Jame. S. 111.. .linia•Dh - . Leevb. 1 p pert,. resehing, number of dlacaser. la iantar • •
.I.ihn NI warn. Char., A. mites, Ina rof nueertalntr. Then an Many thivg. in the al.
,amuel 31,10,kan. Wm. l'nithia. can of nature. which. If known, might he of east *meal.
J. A. Wt3puct. nee. alleviating anflreting. - end restoriate the Neon et"
token Ur 71.7.11C7. hfa , t} ftnd vigor to many a euff,rur . . Long beim...the jyrol.
M.o. Nli.r.:am Wilkins, late Derranlry of li - e.l-. I stietar liengbt el putthug It up in nott:es, it had •Ireputa-1
/1..0 trailer lore mad. la. deovtary ct, , tiou lor be cure of 4...eay. Thar...tent tlU.llallx . thereat
~,,,.. , 0 ,,, , 0. ~„.... ~.,,,,„, o r po, ',honk; . 1 FLOC Mil fur it, and iait , e ... rat ratiarkabla MITI it ass pa ,
31.1...0un 1......,,. F.a.o, ,I ladadalaUrneer I formed. is r.nre Imlasionr lkt of 1,.. future p;msjarit, .d .
satitlrata. . 1 . , r , aPplicatlun in a cute of Pis.. •
tri• autin la•- , •-• alit• a cia • r-- • .
I on A tr . La•rtn, I E. •
g f
Al. C., NI to
illnum Al.
ltrook,. Al , E, 0. helrington. Al. D.
trusetnthr PAystclues.
Sstin-1 hile , rth, 51 0..47 rrnitbnehl street.
iictn•rt [tole, At. b.. 10.1 Fourth street. j
One lent, '31.1J Fitth ttreel...- • .
I I'm Melt. ,onAto 107 Liberty' str , t . •
14 ~..eth ‘J , I uttendance at lA, .fxr. ettry
thul , ..“llttnr. No 75 Inilrth street.
C. A. COLTON...Sec',
Franklin Fire Lam:iron co Co. of Philad'a•
11.RECTWIS: Cfmrles W. Bcneker, Gee.
yW. itirt.e.l,., Them.:llart. 7.lhrtlerai P. SI net... Adolphe Iht,e, tirent.Dhrt.l lircrethl
hintth..ll..rrit Pwt4r,ot.
l'llAhl.En Y BANCHER. Pre.tirht
CP4III- 0. 11,...Akit, Serreterl.
th, to mike Ineuranees.
nr on er ery derrlintien If lteperty In town Si.)
cr , untry, •1 rates ft. 1,,. as al, nnnAlStent with serurtty.
The C..inpany hare reoereed huh.. onntingynt tor,
wt.,. 1.. with thrlr Capital a nd I hrmiume.sthlSlT Inreste.t
oanolo proloction to the ensured.
,h. th.lCumpan). , l4 lea herr Ist., last Y pot ,
5trre..3.1.1, lb. Act of Aseetably,
. 44.1411 FI
I Ell), Pli'ELdorn - elrs inaprl3Ted pateltl ,
i 4 karl Ploo fol . IV.= ,
ATl7d ei. r' Fo lfil rmr/t a" , ''
I Al! cites co hood motl to a j at E nr i ltr ,s iNLl:d olux,N.
to:1117 tf lir Front str,el-'
Reatingarnl Ventilation.
- fy }lnflow by Smam to Untels,Omrt Itorms,Lectur.
Bank UOlmh:toml , rmiormg, llppitals, and build
inc. , 6( grry: th,g - rlpthm. Duhlle nod AP.. Lour
z unto Prying ll.gant, rot all purroses Th em mad s
twmptrgture. either lagh or Mgr, Is MAirml; dMr tlass
rurpo«,mno •Rber method is oisoal to It,
I . ladill4 Vi•nulatidn.Ll natnral c foroed toed.. Val
''' Clllng, - o ' r r tA7 r otinus dosorlptlrms mordloned
most sudv 4 stolly apoultam plan In &oda. torts.
th, m.dh..Minzum•s n It . hulename, tinlferlbsnt,
spl ' re sao
Tri ds r. C. ' o ' r ' d Tess, " =`, rum
nr , i SCA&E. ATKIN:+OIs t ()KELL
Copley's Pot Clay.
~•IIC atibbaibers nre now Solo .Igen'ai
of J• 4gau,ror the tale of their ect day, an
ar dr or welt o.taouvalial reputation for r i te
l'ota, An. It is made ofonaawemaat
nifusiblo rutortariroa known: and Is eery arefulli aeleetN
lal V1 1 11121.,i nr.einu• in
c{indi~u. ,
g 1 ItEEN' OIL CLAW 11--500 v4rds 4,4/,
9 CE a 6,1 .; ,ulater Or. en kfil MAI, for iiixdoy . BLEW&
nureNor wan, art,rio tnavaictored fig that
Purproe, just rtreivrd and Gm brAlle A... yard. at
the *a, Ind ti Woenl stret.
mt.IV J. tn. PHILLIP&
%I I ALL PAPElt—Fiesb uesertnieet for
v coifed from the WV , oelebrateef =ram
lo , cora-a ot PhliC n holotim New 1 , 114 004
Wm to • Turf...a : mock' of domestic mumfbeture, Ow sale by
TilfrlJl PALER.
"Of , La alsottet strewt.
inndoa 04 bod Letter hmoto,l.l. aro. M.= IMM
mu to boa ot - 11. 9. IIAVILVH roPer W. T b.".•
&ore,. 31solroL mol treeond.4..
iN}Uas—Su bbh. fur Halo
r•L2s :WOWS, LITTLE t'CO. '
n WED PEACLIES--4X) bu. for ualu
N AILS—Suu kcg, un'd Silts, for male by
1 11 G lIWN-35y Amy 1 en. Creek Metal;e
:.o Sh . xle
Nto - cA:isEs
iho bLIL N. O. ?Tolam%
^e2:, 2.511E,T5. N. O. Thop.r - ; Ibr rats INT
11.0IILYLO, k
T OBACCO, k -- Ai
', . •
21 boxis 6taxll.'s Vs and S. Dam
. , g,to t 1 11t X* ePit.;
' Sua,,, " Formals br
~,l'A Witt ison. rxrrui * 00.
IVE . lttrLict . e . ll .a te d , own m e , re .m tL a clotie,
favotablo *lie, fur good cwtrp. viz: •
3 t." 14c.:k blanket Opatinz.
." ,cre
edbinsnitets. (whit,) "
4e..4 " bluk . hd
2.111111 , 11 Th LIM
MIACKERK bbls. No. S 4or_go;
Q 11.1 i. SUM S'‘A.l4l.) itiiESS GOODS
—lie.L.tin iir;l77;.;;;lio.i\ionTi.Z.l7/7orra.rtilltnita.
Int.are mug ua nut tlumedirine can ex 1.1 1 1101tx.1171- ~
Int. the findt I' that. who sutler, rod wirh to ba haal
Whllat wo don t elairn far It a nravercal application In qw ; ~ •
ery di,..a.v., are t nhceitanngiy nay, that in • number
'l,moie 1......, It I. unttall,l. /11130IsA alet,t 0/1114 WO \
—nll 1x...... , the triumus tames, sue at
hal t (MON 11ITIS. L'oNOILLIITIOS, On t4-earl
riaga,) 012111 A. a II ill :ltenj.e• a Pthe ajr_raitaagea, 14
IU COMPLAINT. I/ "SPEPSIA. Diarhirs. Dianaara of dm
Ilwdder and Eidnoys. Pail. In the ttatktat hide. hennas
[ga m ., Nquwq.l.da., Pa •y. llheutnattc Palma, Uout, I:x7alp ,
..1.5, Tettrr. Ring - worm, bun., Scalds, lirnititso:ll,l•orah
a. kn. In mans .I" dub 'ty, ncnatton from us mitra. ci‘
lout and prntrarted ea.,. of dt.nar, VIII metne *ill \
hrhan rellat It will act as Na genera! TON/C and ALTlitt
ATI VI , : In such caws, hnhaxting tuna dr..l,ltargt to a* . '
.aehtle frame, rrnanving otegrhtUrne, operansi an atn•
funtnons, which l'nuec dieraeli s act n Idukaa ranariawtia.
and giving Int-ncavd and neneaLtd coen.ty tor. taw new.,
of 1t,4 Tn.. ph:l - diet:a know. savers] cur...a , VILMA
that trahtc.lttery..,ther trertniu L get well wrote Ina nal
at nCr PIITIIOLgUM for a ahort ine U. ...S. can a•
aira to , nny r . ,:hon who damn IL _
\. are .enu • a
nut the mg - mantra at the
Sold L 7 tho r rOgriet,
S. M 611.1,61)anal %AO i:tal. S:rent . •
h''. lt r ul " krEtsr, L,L iAtzrz,: ". • •
enrner Wcalatrect and Ilradr..Alley, tau. .', . .
noe'll, his rusttilarly aPPtlrl Atlanta.
' --__
ii . ; NOW all. men who are nick and eluded
XV •Ph Ll.i of itzt Madder and Ktdoeravaith rtitbr
mat. rth... to Ivnt , Inol e. ban iota: tv. al lane. runolaa
L u i'ai 0%.`1t,:?. 1 t :':.•',l,`Ari'l '' '-'"'"" Pkni"
••112.1 a hostrana.a.tanalt
in V , . y.leata ip thin 110. A not Puha It tar foram proclaim.
he Iv, .f l
an tom • at roanothlty, that It baa attain.
in t
•beeh are not =Lazed In arty other remedy. TM 1:11.
rho Iv racked vrth ram. and sof:lotion from divans can e
br fn rant, . get mbef nom any of the Ills vittllttarated
Itrodert It rosy very litOn to make a trial Thi.Arz
i .. it PO onattrv—oo obmpnood, put up fur tha
o' totn - ..ton on Cie community:. lot It lab rerthelyelabog
tot by the manta. hand nr nature yell bubbles up from a •
tout of no Plater earth. to ha ungtont portly. anal.all
f,,, tt.,ft.qag attall.lt7 a atadl a ... , ..l. " L. ".
h au tur.
' It ha riles. allot other otkelleinev tar. failed to
re..t. a nor edit( It has con d Mm:Wt., of• lonjP
aviator. aad atttr wont and meet painful character: U
he, et a d tbole a )larbus, br no. or. too dew.. it It.
If! ud l 's :: i jr r i ' • 1 111'! l r - '7 1 :..t , 0‘ ts t local 1 \
Scalds 111. I. Um than an) Mt dicuioompogmit or oin...nt
that a. • know of It 1 , 111 fan ehilblains arid trotted Inst.
t cw o lVtrt..itlif , l3 ' . tn u L d'''' ,! ' at,?e ' enVte,ro a ttrgh: s
Inn hp eANI ' I In. tx ' stab i n. " Canal Basin, beatnik Sttvlan im
ral .•t\i
\.l the
h., er a nolmetti c mar of Ward st,rwat and 'Finial
n o, I. Atha;., Ji Itand street. it A Elliot. and I/. M.
let Ito am tbo anent, \
y —De. hyret Hose. the .laenterer and ado frro - preilat,.
Na- most couffir 00.1 benencial nordiciries, and she
theS t inventor et' easielyrotel luetrument far infistiorth•
Lebo, in effee • cure of Chronic thoeseee. was • Sta.
dent of that tha nm, ;awed.. Doctor_ Perele, and era
eraduate ut th e ta\
T tr,:ty td rectusiirthia,and for thirty
yen..., eieee has ten\ engaged in the Ivry...Li:Adam. of dee
race. and the enPrefloco,uf rethetlire thereto. ,
Thoutueli th e at of hlajuliating tube , to ronnectkriterlth
hie Prosily-leen.' ernr.ital other of hie nursedies o he but
semn s i an usrara e ced Ipentat in curing thooe'areulfol
and Mel ineleolm. Tu e'ron!cr. COOMIIIp.AOII. Clotecets.
Merefele. i th enthemmed.thee, lerer and Artu., lereerectr
all elude. Clacuich . yetelhoAsnol Idl thase.obetimits dl.
euee to rnlisr to metre. inoi.d.rem.. fora of disease
ralthheo uuder theme .4' hiio tiaradir... to shell huatunio
ty is heir—not by le nee e! onevurceoond only t oe mu s t
L. Incorapatlble nit I . l.l,..ohy*alLaw, hut by tba tee at
him remedies, elastt to, eout s ptvecribed for, each•pecnilor
fa of .11e see. \
Dr. 1i0,..). 'rune ,terative Make/any need, ere irtestie...
of I be eoperinito ati ethers, es'a puns.
tieo herr pi th iseaterli al they leave the hovels reee.
1 Leath free from eteteness seloire his holden Phis ere ele
.11mA:bp the fecuM, to sense peruher km:initial...UP'
led to female dieee.• hut being matithe.), that s ten trial'
tssufkient to rented:. whet tam bran eeM y is throw:wog
the meet skeptical.
, \
M,,The saber.. ere jrtml:t•cell opotoAtc•,ystotet. sad s
^lnt nal+ bt.
talw , • tAtutttras rtril.a.b aatdnp
gilitnitmuucuout that. t •
J. Itttnotnatter .ro. It a de-. • •
1.3 the Prat Oft* •
Jortenh kszkl.2l-;11:11 t : ettyttr entrat
John Env.. Lars
T. Adar.A..lkartr
To the-Reader of the Pittebergh Oesett4 •
DU 13 LI C . ATENTION is respectfully iia:A
vited to thk Illowthe trthhe. setf rth to tele= be
oun of the moor lerant math. ef antlern Umeg
PETItOLLT3I 0 hOCK OIL: it to net more the Co. , •\
year ago slum trotrat rerudy,was taccuatit bee= tila
. I. h r ov ' tefrcall/V ' ;'_ll7 *. y . ap i =lt c 7thi' . \*
.encomunlty. and w allege basest the l lenie It la =al the
o entarnme will Itgrinefame spree. tla not - the run. ;
of a day,, , got tmor tb,eolo%graree cf =Mpg mean .
.. b 'Ve7 :=1°717 ,,, ,, ---,Tr. "Tt b ic=o3ll. ' • .
.4 o ral eren d ed r 0 ac7fa apt,
cottectitioent f n etr duty. when we tree about, aniedliC '
Mat that we
truth-that we Far nothing afar'
10101 to te tho who may tarot our word or put Coma. --
deo r t ID rgetetur . te.. ; ' , / , t r el An ;cry ap r t: ca r p at
oe. -
raullf A ff tliige vaeught to ansfeer the obfeellf irelb '-•
too. or leuthuggrerome of them. Rm. wit do cot dolts •
to do Ude weere thfour only that thibtrathla role= M
out romeclF rliouldie told, In order to *cure., It a new
teen tar oacothnany single amen *Os matala mod. -
fee Plum Woofenhed fam-frsta thnt =The arosetathed
In Our city - anl cOgrbortmel, bear moplrobeatinecny tft liftf ,
for of the ettlia. L e
" • - c- ' f f
• Within the gargle menthe. two bf °earn eltleme e '
who wore totally WO. hare Dees marred theight 1 lwr.
end cues of bare, ,in the" State of oniokharibent ,
cured. And:a/sole r neer a. neaten= In Deafer comity. ,
Tigr e are owes WI an sass seer Possesstul nog
be ulnae to by ar pen us erhe have don= amthe sob. '
cent These mow vrecourr they bad been a,bonelote
o r phyrklans I hope] The Petah= will gra. .
whom used wonder to, =-Diarrhos. Amore
Piles, Itheumationiout. If elf Er qp_tiosu on " •
Tim DIM on the fao Cbronfe . Errs, Itiogram, 7 - ,
&OD. Bead. pets I the bores rend. old May Illoge,
Wroth, Ague, Chrea Centre, Isronalus, 44 41 •
Pulmenarr erotica of • aura =um tarelag.tepre
dime Col:uuet..
Darns and m Scald, dbeame °hie Breda sad Kictosts:
Chapped Lane, liceriated hiPPI Co= ed 1ht.f , ....
to fact It tat us arrth-tht nth= and b. been teat \
to frost of the abet erases wit= th row with th e 1
most pat 112.... Ce' rtif.tes th at II =ear =to \
th.b....5u."4.1.. =richer. who ',lift& In =we • 1
FtA a t ! 't
g l i tVcr " vra 'r b= ' t
Ten. the \
Nc., 3d
Petroleum is tbn gement stealer of trip .- Plenlchas ' •' , ,
blob E
hthe pram= am g to =lt
In their pnuttee. thow." who at au looked ob,nlth dou_ 4
Wall Cillarallat, re wng to award.lecore arm
bow lei th e
Pet, , vtlfl 1.• '
compelled to arbowleige that the Petrol.. ,la an=
eat modem ethr lipothrol. Par side, wbolesthroad ow
tall. br K P.YBLII. 1 bicDOWiILL,UOPT• • • et:
AL.-R. 7. Before. tr Wood street; If M. CA a , D. JIF
Eng; =lut heathen,-
,Qty. Also, b t pry . .
riaor, B.a. Chet, Geoid Bag?.
Wo o l Feretti algenft, ' ••
=zit, am it A.Vithrenueck a Co, RMI Pant ,
otad.r. S' IMPERL&L CO 10 • SYROZ, \
chap. DaaLta G taktblua c ghlohly edloadatubt
R- 18 4 1 . 5 * - 34 chrlietz. ui,i 4 oreloZ l = 7
' Pobteet =Dahl... Doug., and horn toed dllformart
,Vj'&.,'=,;l-. 1 7Y. guil t :T=l 6 7
=ma it two of tot boya am to lay ar4hter moor
1 hxthaea tad It boo never Lolled to cure theta.
tecommeoded lt to my re1ab....4 and do oto.
emtecteMioutly that lt ls tho luot Dous. medicine
that ;maser be. oared to.thepabar.
emit. Alkorts.a.
=mold not Damn their daldnam to gofer Rosa '
oheo th e y =ay be Dural by a :Mot 'bottle of tide
Preprol Mal sold bp R. E. SELLER&
aoh7J \ 5; Wood 2. OM Drop.. crOorally"
..1.4k.': , ,, r ,fgim".1.. f0ra1.
do mart Mond to dr, •
jAnosore ladto;
, azaroaus'o Droop: - •
Ll4lsoat Alston
liiralsoni's Elixir at Haat
littliolo COI
oges ZotoodatlaieLl
'Dolby's Laniloadloo .
Depardite Odaa. sar
tyre of K ing's Loll, trod /
i'ddallls. a.
I, * PonarootaC,.tilotes
r ";
LoOrtaCt s /'
Lye Wean ftuv__ ••
Eyruer, la/AM
/ •
lintmeod ~..-
iClaltzors '
Golden TineUktY •
Iloolom Oil /
Lone roadei •
ot s •Wadtad airtJo n
Salt cf
!gem and Boa, Lituncrict
paloldoc. Sleet's •
". Roolmonsro
" Hooper
i ro:Wral \ -R.Dortle
\ " IpeTamato
\ erg= backeeo
; \ rto
, .
Ra. ORRaoratlor
8,..t.0mi10g klasties \
Rirolm's Muni
Tusllnatiaef Baliaty
Worm r
At Lilo Drue Stomsof
F\ • Ipg up, N. dafatiorrl:
lLtalt= iiP ' natolanor
in grad °Vat. and for was ifi tn
- —•
JOHN Warr AL CO, LlbriroaL.
1 - 4 1 SH— . \ • -
•.ta i =.t • •
" 4 . i . r
ozaso. OD:
dill ItOCEItLES, • " otd-- \ \
V -Asyb.g. lilo taio-as • I
.3 V , EtLittle4 MT.. -..• ,
111.s r a t ts:Is . sx \ ;
%•'. l'..'
IiPX- •\ . ...-?: s t' sa r p...* so*. - ....•
• i blxi.:, AtZde;- 'Nzdo do.- W.42.7A55e.4
.aigg- -Ws b. ° ° -
lu dm. Rim to kw sal. bt_, .__ . ,
or.* hi:Mauls. LITIJA cus ,
BUTTER--13'bble. Parked, for solo
ot-21 W. WILSON. 173
Il UTTEII-6 bb ; ls. primik:Roll;
"oe2l. 3:ll.kth,3ll=lllT
V01T.E2,-109 kegs Elaetl'q;
/1. MOLAISSES,-..20 bf t , b,bl
k7 :2l" ° '': t ""? 7 B . —DILRe
Oak Dramatic= sad atataary, am Dant=
ARD OIL-211 bbls
US/ sillyacst...2llk4