PITTSBUR9H GAZETTE. fll7 d :CO===Y WIFE. A iiitieskAap,' whose sixes wife, By4rmrsisg, lest her precibus lite, Called ottltiri neighbors all around, Andrea Omni that his sponse wqs drowned, dud spite . or marsh could not be found; Hekeese,he amid, the very nook What she had tumbled in the brriok, Amnia haddragged alorig the choir, _ Abase the place, a mile or more, "dboosthe place!" tho people cried— "„ Why, what d'ye menu!" The man replied . 4 0Lootrese„ you don't suppose I'd go taut Waste the time to look Ev/om! Tee - known the Taman quite a spell, And I v arrit her fashions torble well- - Asa" or 'dead, shed go, I su-ow, ,dgi* ie itrivunt,: , any, /ion!" -.Dlllibtewlo3l ECILOPZ.—A letter from • a gentlernan {tithe north of Italy is quoted by the . Boston.llourier, as foll ows—in illustration of the popular feeling latrit under Austrian rule: . 4 911i11e the Eteror was in Italy , I content ed myself _with en ply informing you what his plinlill were,. as I could neither myself ,- *...gut,:nor expect you to credit, the newspaper accounts concerning the “tremendous "enthusi asm" shown 'by the Italians. The only city in which the Italian4opulation showed a really geed feeling wee Venice, and this was principal ly. displayedonthe Monarch's second visit An .eye - witness,: as military man, assures ms thatthe silence of •jthe Milanese was terrifying. Whe#t4e -gulperer ti4e at the theatre: at Vero na, tpat - one Italian; ady of distinction woo pees .eat. disaffection of the people here in Bo hemia and in Bringary, appears to increase in proportion. - to the 'severity of the military an thoritioa, and I cahoot doubt that, if the system .1a not Changed, I% fearful catastrophe will sooner ' or later take laser Every one who is not wil fully:blind, must be [Ware that the present pro ftise.' expenditure of 'the Austrian War Derart )miecanniit long be continued, but •still no ef fort. is made to return to a natural — that is, a . ciyll, form of government." • Eadies !I Bead This!!! • !TIIE PRESS, and trill shortly be ready, "Treli.LiANDbf AID TO TILE PLANO; nompriegng tit description of tlia mechanism of the Instrument. tho 'defects to r which It is liable (about 2)0 in number). thr method of retnediing wort de.. In tl. how ...tithe instrument always In ni s P. b. Trout. • .it'very person hallo : iris= shonld hwi a morel this batik. :Lilo wortof tbrUnd has erre Lelure bank • ed. 'Tres informatlon it Imparts la tweak ton Wooed its nries—on• and. emus other IIitISIGARTS. Ida ellectuaa gourd hum harlta your Pluto spoiled br nMkl /e a ten. e rttleine ' %t rwe r t g n etahtrt eit lebfiof PW lt tst c a n heed . tr i Zig m irAdz .dl . 11 bittea Or am of the Pittsburgh morningsaptre. or at the Luislo stores of TetessnieJohn IL - Mellor. Wood grea t sad enrrAlaber.Thisd stunt . welog t t dollar to lbw author, at the Ossetia .ofe Pittab - d sloop. will low forwarded. tortes of poramtri to aar past ct United States. 81. tortes far bre dot howl A liberal discount to Mot sellers and Altaic dealer.. .• thud Is no more appropriate present that a gentleman un meta to a lady than a oopr of this bout. bond Invent owlets! ocOli.latt Tll' , subscriber tuts in "store and offers ut faicelk a good amartment of alpacas, llobnsgs, Bums d fktarrel Memo de L•lnes. Pop{ EU. Pr Into, / Jar: nai,. wry, CottanPlaangls, Tbibet. and Tl dad . / g flaw. /PUB Linen. Prows. IlandkaratdoD. grad); "Criva/a. Satiastes, Canlmems. Cloths. Tamds, esah Brava aad Bleacbed - Drills, Ticking, cord Can beleCTadding:Caserass, Umbrellas, Week and •blte Non tft.eratilf?sT"""l3'lt:.UTZ 1 - " Th T°l ; 7 /DIRIMER Batman also a large eariety orgoaes, to vs hien respentfolly Stitt, -Um attentlou of merchano aol I}adltra. oelb ARBUTHNOT. bS Wood 1 Exchange Livery Stable, and Furnishing 'Ns. 178 Poin'strea; near f 1 1 .4 St. Clair Hotel. • - The, subscriber, thank fißtfal a the Data for the liberal c- -- taxy =Wan In bls hash:tan,watill luta-a them 'Zh►tbo het aaantecoal -the TihEDEUTAKLNO busacee fn 'connoodon with bb LlVkatT basalt., eat rill attend to `itanotale on as reaeotable Lams ae nay la the city. not bwrlnc say . thing to do in his Hoe, who may r ite it*/ rill ata depend thin to their buena/nada,: atiorkl.l lanaPart tad tat ata , neettat manner. noataa . JAMES zurruzws. QODAASIL—Wo are prepared to contract ki th Ohs htAanfoothron and tho had. gencroiir, ar their =pply of &do , fat. during tho oasaor. Ma. Pn•eat =Luke. yam IF warrant our oat& M e eqnsJ l‘y ttl.bestharortal. lITSN.CIT, Dr. l'arf t Ca Copley's Fire Brick. I:IOPLEY 6- CO., near Kittanning, have cOsta hand law thous... FIRE BRICE of exult... °"4 l72e r te r itatit i le " .. C°P)77• th. 0:1 Oa. continue to manufacture Inc Clay for 01.4 zaatmeteturers antl. other,. J. SCJIOOIII AEIR & CO, Wced atm., to. sole sgenta'far ttus last named ante.. ECKER'S FARINA-50 lbs. for sale by H