The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 06, 1851, Image 4

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goes T aimurfecrtn Sonnow.--iCar sorrows as
, ns..tisrlggitiortie - from Him who.worketh all
-*things lOW the counsel of His own will. , Hod
• 46 - Ifi sonic wuut;lDeneficient purpose to accom
plish in all his dealings with his people.:. They
should Strive to co-operate with him; should be
'sharers together with God. ruei should seek
• tui learn how' to deal with His providences, that
the wislttd for results may follow. The following
pith) , remarks ou this subject, from a writer of
• - the veremteenth century may be profitable to the
ruttier: •
,When. sorrow, when-the ciosS comes upon
.. thee, seelGnorwith the world to distract it. Drive
• it notawup with fresh seurcespf sorrow, bid it
weleome...: Cherish it es a heavenly visitant, as
tuhiseeget from God with healing to thy soul;
and thouahatt find that thou entertaiuest angels
unites:es. Thou shalt find the how in the cloud;
Ills light arises oat of darkness; His form upon
the troubled waters; nod if hr bush not,ille shall
soy to thy soul, 'Fear not, for I nut with thee.
Hu shall make It gladier to theo to lie down in
trtiabletind anguish, while he is with thee, than
ever any' of the joys of this world were, while he
was less present with thee, or wherein thou for
giitcet-Him. -
Thh blessed lot is not to live joyously in the
warld,thadistarlied by sorrow rind sutferins,ll hav
. trig our good things in this life, and left in nor
own ways; It is to lie low, (well is it for us, if'
it he our own accord, yet 4.1,1h0it tolie low,) on•
' der His cross. Though for a time it lay heavy
upon iv not so neniry as sin. Though it
araand us, the wounds :are those of to friend.
Though its nails pierce 'us, they are but to let
;forth the disease which would consume. Though
• it how . . us:to the earth, it places U 4 not so deep
'as avt' . (lase . eve tope; it casts us down clay, that
tfhap we have learnt to lie there in silence. and
' He may raise as up. °
rldether wants to know if you'll lend lie
littlemerlasees to starch a cap, to go and see th!
President;" said a little , girl, coming into Mre!
l'artington's kitchen, hearing in her hand a tin
Cap. "Certainly, &sr, — said the good dame,
P4easaiMlY- She never thought of the unreason
. ableneis of the ! request; she never dream
ed of grille. The depository of trestle was
brought out, the goldeg ! liquid' filled the tin re
spectable, and the child departed. "Well," said
the old lady, "every-body is going to see the
President. But what is a president, or a king,
or a justice of the peace, but a man, after all,
with flesh and blood and hones and hair like soy
of no? And thousands Will toile farther to see
him than they would to see Saint Paul, or He
brews, or!Revelations, or any of 'em. Binh man
worship! Bich man worship." "The President's .
coming, aunt," said Ike, bursting in, "and he is
going by .citir door:" and the little fellow was
half crazy with delight, and threw his cap in a
plat of milk ciptm the tahlen his enthusiasm.
"How do_l-leek, Isaac?" said the dame, with
animation; is toy hair combed and my boridker.
chief digested right on my neck, and my. cap:bor
der event" and she took her place by the window
when these questions were answered, as eager as
4y one to -'' see 416', President," and Ike steppe
at. -But her eye!, werestrangely dim, and those
hitherto faithful specs gave indications now of
-failing her. She took them off to wipe them, and
_both glasses were gone! Au hour before, Ike had
borrowed them for is telseopid experiment. But
it didn't make any odds, for the procession had
turned dowrianother street,. and didn'z'go by her
door at all.—Corper Bag.
SIBNDRIES-300 doz. Corn Brooms: .
mo SW, N. Y. Lea.tbm
31 rks. Lad and Crashr.l
UTTER—Freeh Roll, in bose9, reed daili
by. 1oe2:31 . J. 11. CAN Vli. I. o,
arIiIEESE-500 boxes rood and for sale by
R.J05.7.4; . .J. D. CANFIELD.
F ISH -74g tpil. Lake Trout
I INSEIND OIL-10 bblm.Grissvold'm brand
_LA for naDIVDE
lillt/AII.OASII-25 eaek9 for Kale be
, •
ll_ yea .I. B. CAN ri E La.
OGWUOD—GO bhls. on hand and for sale
11 b)" cer J. KIDD kCn
caIIIATS DRAWERS-500 doz. Men'f;
lamb Wool °Er. nod. Drawer, reed by
cf~i• A. A SI A.IN A.
[ ` 'ILK VELVETS --21.1 pcs. most defirnb
.J 6 J-. 40 1 ,. nay crrepin by AA. MASONA CO.
' , ARIL AMMONIA--2.000 11,9. for sale
It. A. PAW:I:STK:FL x C 1).
ivit. this morning hy 'Express' the folloginy
Binh minted all root lM laln.r. 41k5utt
Inch Lnstee !Asa bilks. all peke,
Bransle De
Bieck egaret( east
Plaid Bonnet Eibbonst
Long Sheen.
ale At Teel east enr. Fourth and Market at,
CANARY - SEED-50 bu. prime Sicily, ini
ortoro and for sale by' •
nen J. KIDD irCO.. CA) Woos! st
S ,PTr pl eb,
.1 REIM TARTAR-2000 lbs. pure,
sale by J. KIDDh CO.
11.0 New Castle brand. for sale by
LUM-30 for sale by
XL «7 J. ntidetbiblAti.E.R a CU
11A fruit let twat ononinn at the drug Word cr
cc= J. KIDD tr. (d).. b 0 Word It
(.101.0 - 1 0 0 boxer No.
.1 Rosin, for sale by
10 "wn 11AltBAU011.
SYRUP-15 bbls for sale bi
MACKEREL --500 bbLi. Large No. :1, MIL,
aecliituatta inepertion. 1851. r.e ea le be
1111 ,,, ... 1r R . ) , 51C.; ' S Magnetic Ointment—lint
J RIPE • Co.
CITALIC—Ii tons fur sale by
iiers J. SeIItiONE.AKE II Y. Co
TASII-10 casks prime, for sale by
• vela • S. t W. EARBAIIti If.
IL MOLASSES—JO bbls. fur sale by
k.. 3 • vela es.. W. HAPUAW:IL
-griLitEsp—ioo boxesl s, fur sale by
o ats 5.,!, W. lIARBA4GII
QTRAW.PAPER-20W superior, r..
relent per - 4teamer .): It. Lin. Any, awl for air
: J. L. oil CE,
43 corner /.5 reran Irwin iele.
CARRIAGE OIL CLO, if—Justrec'd fru
the PbllßMellle Parton ~4 • yJe 4, 6. end 6 irite
ter plain oral Ogunal back Pitt t heel Carrier , .
Cloth, andlor tale erholeviale araliretail at No. 116 Matt
street loel3J J. C 11. 4.IIILLII'E.
UST opened at the lleplit for choice Te
1 Y Vo. 1t Liberty_street..—a man lut et SWEET SCE
A erre
iI[CLU One article.
WM. . 1111 a
only Grocers end Tee Dealere.
ODFISII-4 casks for sale by
EMP-60 bales Kentucky and MiSsour .
nor Matted. Iberile br
!AWLS--Just reed, 2 citqes
ir superior Benche Shawls A. A 'MASON
'A ; I ' e Laver
•i• 4 11 d
VITRALE OIL-775 galls. just reed end
for gulA bT (o 5) IL E. SELLERS.
ED PUKE, fouls by Oa) n. E. RELI.V.Iun
VOAKSE SPONGE-220 Ilos. of nuperi
‘.." arra*, far rale by (.6/ E. E. SELLEUE
CARE. AMMONIA-2 casks for male by
CASTILE SOAP-20 boxes for sale by
ofi IL E tE6LIIIE4
SUGAR--30.hbde. N. 0.. for mile by
I,AILD OIL-10 bills. for sale to close con-
Ii straw eat. by JAMY.S PALZELL,
net . • CA Wedezeoreet.
F_---.-_ .
OUND-A small sum of money, adsinh
the oetoer an here bz s tunlog k ! .. ralf ,. . , It 01
we Rote of
one Second no.. between Woe] and dealtblxld
QALERATOS- -100 bin. and 21 btAK, puro,
A 7 roe Mao by . 4. 11. CANFI Y,Lit.
-rW YARN -1 sack for PEN by
J% s bea.i? . r pale by - KIDD .t
nfailitilo Remedy for TOOTH ACHE,
h.Tate Me Teat Fpfongy =id Ille,linrrOures. for
" I JLLJi i--• w went KEVrell Helri./WKLVO.
.ry invent. for pirklleg—for ealr 67 , . st
81190145-170 doz. Corn, for sale by
ono WICK a /41cCANIPLEse.
TO4 , ACCG--Best Virginia manufatned, for
Mao br J. a It. I? !JAI,.
Put:. no in ant and two pound cans b-rok..ticallT
maid--.lery super - kr. For ..lo by ' -
WM. A. AleCLUltti ACV.
0031111. . . lirorn. and T. Dealer,
kLTS.—I. have received my full
IL,,i'l4l:4l.nklc.9TlllcLlttidd,,ip!'"` 'l 4 ', 0 " .
....I _ wit' g'll;E.
o DE LAINES:4 cases new styl,
• openhblA.Slr; A COI.
-----r------LEATIILIt.-2tWaideshemlock tan.
tortan --", tr. A F. IX ILILoN.
-- ... _ .
for Bak by
1 0b
by .o.
..10„ 116---1110
=forts, Just mod by
da. " 7" ' "'"4 U.. . A. A ZAAWN a ch). Market st._
. . Jos. l
ob. f or
UGAW-70 hh
by 1.1:41
. 4
do '.
.11' toe)•
: )
raEle 4.4 Floor OWL oi,
:P.N) 04Ouo
' 4
Just reed and for MOP at roar 011 Cloth Warertams,ll6
311r1e3 rt Luel:11 J. t 11. PP.
lc CREAM in now untrenally ackneerluigl,l supu!or
to anr Cream in the lluand 3,1000 or Conn. ,—
doliglittal preparation 1t unuguallnf for puntr.henn.
.r, Aral aglan, though sun...what ithalagou. lo tunu
lain . .. Amin-mita anUretßior-titellar cutup...n.l.. 0
cur, ,nnuoneithelnull - be - the emollirnt pan v
ot alalch .3 .30.0 tile Lvard ,
pinuant .01 easy; areal 04,53140 v. over
tb..l.uport..l articia. being Irouo tt o
I,llnat•rlals.ulth tbe .0.111 net
but thr el)eupe.t ...U. fur .na.lo, I holm:
•re,:ng oales of this Juni. the I,t twely,o.,
mud the several geld ILELO nis, aaard..l il l 1
etronair ettrst th. Leigh .I.loh
the e0C1361011111. For Pale 1..
oe9 El r 61 W.., or -
)1.4 1 NG INE DOSE-500 feet, 2 inch ply
J t India Rubber iltee, btoucht cut ext , reaslr for tire
We Invite tte Fire lApiut,a,eot I teal,
elties to cell and iNiamine them, me lot iirmuted
eland more pre,aure than otiv leather' Lien utanniaetured.
In. all where the, do not Wry nut ret.reeont.d ,
the money will b.. refunded in the Rene rep laced by new
UDC, J a 11.
antelia 7 and I'IIII N
- DI LE OlNTMENT—Warranted to core rho
latArdr: 11 1 4•L.f.,.
V EN DlSH—Extra tine Cavendish To.
beoco, for tulle lei Fa SEI: R MeDOW
rep 27 110 W,..1 m
1141/ fI . ER-1 MIL and 24 i k , e , i i , , , 5 n i ., , , r 0 5 0 :1:; ., ny
.sF ''''''
10 LAX SEED 01L-111 Ma c just rece i ve d
an.i Ict rAle by ...Ili 'II K. :sto.i.res
I IQUORIC} BALL. . s eases for sale low
I Aby pop:, SCIIO'IOM 011011. ACO
1 r IN EGA R---iii 1,1.15. Cider, fur gale by
1 .„ 1 ;1 wm. n..1011N.1 , P15. -
LA —Ciao shware be Loom, at lbe et nre of
oo,i 11010'11V A lOU ILCIaI F. 1.1,
- -- • --
i f 1 iIE,'ESE—m) boxes prime W. K., fir sale
1 j by NV ICE. A 51, , CAN01.1 , 0 ,
T u,ss,,, del. in store and for sale by
sey,'!, ,:,. A 11 II AittiAtoil.
. 1 - B UCKETS— ..r SO doz. in store ILIA for sale by
p z . _ e* LI
11 ICH SILKS—A. A. Anglin & Cl., have
LIL,Mt uvra., • leotulktul lot a f. ,- T -- ,, , ,,,,, 0f . 1,-, - , °
folk...few of., rt ,,, , ,,,, •
AILS-400 kegn nnAl city brml-,
Imod 1., Fate tp, CIII.C.FACI, , ON k CO
Fep26, .1
rrr'd rrr A A *I A"l\ A
g* 'cults-50,00U Regalia. Principe, and
ay.. CNA', on hand end tor F•lntor
nnp2s A. CI2I.IIFICSSON a 10
**L lmits--
rankn llnaywax: S 4 ek* enl
nest' n:*•1 ynni .14
y oR utiAmßEits_-ve,y cheap Wail Pa
in Ilan vlotnnt. Fr*.
W. P. 31/11:511A1A..
t mcanr.La hare ripen Ihie innyt. sn.:
•1110., a
`TAR CANDLES—In whole and hf.
1.1 mania by • ,**s=l 11.15 Di. Job Li- a t.O
EA P TOBACCO—In 'Olds. and bones. for
1,4 4 " . bv HARDT. JON
INSRED 1 . , dbl., r.•end. and for I , air
1.4 by **l.-.5.- 5 s
n' ntilßAirh
*I INDOW GLASS--31u1 it, recd and
for by no 0.; 5. t5l II
.3* - * prune 5%.
41, Faro Ner nnle b*
a CS. unl;jl, JONES .•..
RA N BEIIRI ES—Just roo . ri and 1 , 4 . sal
by the quart or barbel. at %%Mill 'rem 'Mart, ix, lb
ilii.;Aß-44 hh]-. porno N; U., (or otl. I.
4j FeIGN - Intel. NteralE <o ,
NioLASS.E.S-324 bbk. N :. 0 : : , ,
114 br. koak ~ rns.
• all EY..MATTIy.. , a c.,
METAL--165 tuns tor sale eT
I T ITER. Lk:ATM:4-4U gn. neat .
1 , ,,r 1..,11%er. for Pr.“L
xr ra,it leo 1,. an a LE A CO.
- .
Inr Palo by
Ar 15t,151 t s a
50( kg ) ROsS st.' P. VIAL co KS
y( Ju=t rr ~ . .1 11.11 ALA by
s C,r
CHEESE -50 "
ALERAT4S- 10 tuns in Wit:: and 1.1.1-
snr balm R 4 , 1.
K ai BUTTER-25 ke.4.. , fr ,, lt. for .llr I
. .
JI r 'al.. at co
sepl3 s.tock and L,E•m,...
INSF:EII 01L..—'40 bills. for
LA J. f4.:llt)li2M KLii 0 CO.. 23 Mr.! .4
if I LIVE 011.--1.0 baskets for sale by
- J ocl co> InsEr t. (.0
A KB. AMMONIA- 4 2 eask.s for sale
rri4:o J O.
11.1011:0. for sale bi
,Jar ..C11150::11.kli-F.11 A
TEESE—. 7 -11 r, e. for hnde Li
F. 149 IF•Al Alf lr L s
`OFT URI! SU ED SUGAR—A very surer;
F 7 or articl.lor ,u. .1
la, 2,-51,02m0 s c ..
61MOKRU SALMON—WiII be re,',l.
H OES—Put up in I lb. packages. for bor
llr a.l tor n++l::
• „
WII. 11^e1. I,i
nt• rlv
rr : tr m!tnl
Ihn luta , nml 17.t.vt. q , :oLL anr.ritmnrl ••1 t•nt
nrplj 14,,I•rrIztrur au.•
FOR WEAKNESS 'AND . I.4:marl- 1-1 . , run rf r.
Try .1 Al.llll4lr' par ...111'1..1' WIN 1., nt It 41, It rI 111 `••• ! nri In•tnut..l,r.• LI
per Is.tln, tur min at 3101, Inn start. tu • I,net I. r•-•t Inr4r , aul
nnpl I
ROW ROOT-5 bxs. lerno dn, fr 4.4 , :I c a 4 t.
.ta4, • . qw
~or ; 4.4, •1,01
et-n L.t
.-1 tl. t
Lr jurp4 J U/).M.% ?MK r rt
111,-/51.2-290 I/Cdn. No. I ,: New Fall Dry Goods.
A, .t
411 LASS--- lOU boxes , Vi5ipc1,14vw„t4,,.4ru.41,4,1e ,r.
Lobig. reed sod for role
:4. 4 , 411_14Katt. , 11.1;1. , I t tarr- 1 . • tea, •• 1 hit,•l tr.t,nrqn. rn,r
10911 n: root Mutat 041,Itth rt. 4i! •4
1,11 trirt It, ler utrUnl
Pittsburgh, Cineumata dr. Louisville Tele
kraPh- •
T HE STOCK a this Company canted NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS !
n.+AT414.11,r . - A .rlleolit , l and
Stork. 1.1 ltycluttur It:: ,
rurtu, Ilnyr.rt and 11,Int urr• t• s y ; ntlit It !,
,Ito Bar
st I 41,1 •t
Su 1..w0 ltuffr, 1 , r• trln•J•
I pkgs. ter* , n A firs Ira. Ltalr. Nu. J Itustu.
2Ca! tat. ItY tl• HAI Tamen, !rto •• Nt' Int.
klirlk 0-11 . .T101 1 Land P 1.11.• .
~pap:l4 111
1.1)1,2. Kim
• 'NU
P. ILL N. tr. Sur.: •• Alum
41) 061. LOat. cr'J. purtl
Fllt •• 110111,s, 1 I ..41../Jlid
h. 11. ,1. gu, Lau.llna .t ,
• Syrup Jru tudn• Ited Irnarb-
SU rim Sorb.* W.14.Cbn...... ti../ Patrurt
60(1 dor (Ioru llYOUturr. ISYr Irrui 1410 Ir
Turtotheu - with nuddrr. Clobne. 111 , uart.
L"rtTri'. 6ntATN4 Wt 1 .14 .1 7120 , 0,4•1„,
000 r LBS. REFINED DORAN —4 e.
0.-rived and frff nay
P.SOMSALTS--IS bbir for solo try
.1. KIDD U.
4.aUGAR--75 hhde. prime N. 0.. t , r sale I.)
k Y ssp4 . PUIIBKIDKE A I kt; , 1,4 , .ar ',
D . OW DER--A leage Supply Of Ilalard . A 0., .
I_ ufutnre.alvaiaon hand and I, eal. et 1nv....! rate. ‘,
.1. ..I,II.P.t.OI:LTLI A (~/ 1
, lireen and Plain. Pm gals Li .. .,
PA_R HANG iNUS—Neu st 3 le Of jell
Paper 11an...P.1 , Purism auk .4... ant .ill evil
e et Wrists , . (Pr sale by W. P SI A ft,IIALL.
nen 9
`PERM OIL--17 bbls. for sale by
to repin WICK A Me•CA N ULF,'
- - -•-. - - . -- -- .
NIOL A SSE S--50 bbls-,N. 0., for sale be
wspl • sA W. Ilk ittiAC , It
rIIANNERS! OIL-20 bhle. for 4alq by
I seelli -AW II AKBAP.:II.
. n _ -
7 - 5 1,
I[4OUR—bls. Scotex extra fatally. or l
1.1..eY 1101110.4.10. LITTLE t C....,, latwrt, .1
Vi ACKEEL--240- bbls. Nu. ',
for .in le I
IT k sepb WICK A ilrCA ,
. _
' I
20 WA.. No.l 1-1,0. Super,r ,mbonnn: • j
1. - No ....Wino.
Gag.. No.l 110 , 1,n1:
nnle - n re••••vIr
,:t+o.oan!o 1.3,1 1 I Lco
‘S BRANDY. AND MADEIRA WIMP--in trallt..nd
on dranicht,lnr Fah. br n.
reply KY.S Nr.H. k fIeIOINTLLI... 14050"01
S ALEILAYU S-4 3 casks;
lc; Loxesfor
plriousit DAIRY CIIESE-5 hose 4
renbtated Noon.o . 0.1 Cnonntn I.orro
ry Il
ell mod for 501..
+.0,0 •
Minnesota Copper Stock.
S()SIj . AR ,„ ES ot this S A t4 . )F. 0. 1,c ,L 11 ,, ir i5 51 . 1 . .1e , :! , t.; . 4 low
won rem., )1 ark et .14 fnol.i••
or t to by
f •
.. ofg, fur .k. or WICK a IIeCAN DLEr'r
bxr W. it. Cheese. 105 do
O l
.11-CANDLKO. ,
‘,./..pc.roro reoevet luad f 0 1 ,781
I lURIIAM CILESSFr — S O bxr highly cu l'
1-Y 110.04 'l.'. 1.1
n' gl ' jre rAVA . ;I7I. b &S
I.IO7ITEIt-2-16 kegs Fresh Butter received
.n 1 far tato by .rop2o WICK McCANIA.Lir
FILEBII. BUTTER --250 bblsjuvt recd and
tor sale at 3101011.5' Tr.-Alert In Ma Diamond.
1 AEON'S BLACKING—I:Ogress asietd
for 2.1 e br gpt2e. J tiCH
. .
S,BATOS— C 5 eisks pure
MA fol.
K cby
for sole by
J. A Df,WU&THs CO.
1) SUGAR-5 0 bbln. for
sußartroog & INCILLIUM.
UCIAB--20 Was N. O. just rec'd and fur
BE LAIN ES--.Ncrir opening, 1(1 cases rich I .
A History of Pilliasurgh.
,rlnhal IN. Lab., and Ckahmeres •
ael, A. A. 51AEON A CO. BY NEVILLy, B. CRAIG, F.,( I.—A Ira , -
tor,. of Pithdtrah, from .. ealFoo.
of ,a 1,.. ,t.
QILII. W.A.WP PAILAMATTAS--Justrec ' d ; to. Ttellad
, 1., whits. ;rem. down . ths <ha. of (fa. lot
I 7 at A. A. NIA_SsIN A. CI, 'S. LI2 rod al Market at /ell ' (Puturr, lei notiose af the fir.t astabllsllnant of of
_ . , . , .
. tha Iporlta. manufartortna and Iltriouo , onAß of inter
Ibl LOVES AND HOSIERY—A. A. MAROS nal Improlom•ot. up to tha hreartit [1.,. In •hlsh lot add:
r ,Y Ca. hate not on band 7 , / , ) dra. of Udine case. . .. d '" .r °V.P. th . ' 4 7....' 4°.r t ..t " ray man
-4,,, ~,,, ~, , ,..K , ...,,,,,,,,, m„,.,. Alen, ~„, , ellartun. anl oonlolorrial tatrsulta 'with a suntmar, of
tLe aggregate ..aunt af humnon.tranoort,,,l Lere .nuAl
tle-a,rlt.ticu or Iln.lary. ...rialto; more than IRIO down. i
. I, 14,11 ..ur r,v-ro. n0n.... anJ niackwater Itarrcsaments
.. .. . . .. - --- . Toa, i , no tsant uo this Lot. eshert ra man, Impas.
I ) 1 1,E A S : , S , , G , O g r . , ) , S ;?1 " : ^i , n . , ,t ai Y,... a , t , ,: ‘ , •A . ,:, .r. - :: ,.. ., :;,,, ° , l :-..,-V :;: . ;3;, ` :. ' .7.; ' ,...r , h,!..':,.'rr!f',i',r..'::::YPZl;::
la .1., sonsisrtlng al SIN-. Ca. , ,Lineras.l , •Laillt,s l artoas , :::; u ."47.'',:' d , te .,, b 0 7‘; . , , , 2:,....4 , .....1" ,... - - t..v.thar
l'aramattas. Alruss-As. Ar,, . ~,,, i
i, „ , . mn „,.. jj,,:,,,,, a as at our 1.=1;. ' •; ' l ' a j :l . .Ta:
[Lk S i SilsilS '.--LN./K Opening nt A. A. '''‘ ',;:',"!:,` `-`"'"^""' '''' "l" h "' • "'" '''... 'I w• .''''
s I rk
t 3 IJAI. , IN .CO 'e- is :J•! P„l'. 1 . En , lanand. Prtra SIX
.I. l'lse , •/ . v.. 1., ros.i.'d'le Pinl. , "U''. a".• a. 1111 , II ' l'ablishe, a., I . skits bp JOHN U. it F,":
~1 W.... 11..
''' New Stock of Chiekering's Piiino Fortes.
ii , t , i:.: , N . ..t i ' i 't ,,, ! , t , i ,, ii l is , ()NS—A. A MASON ,i 1 5 WV , : I 11. mELLoit: dt W.,...1
^ m^ " ^:. '' - ' ^^...^-h r ,7" ; ar, --, is revsasinz . autir-1, P.,
~,, , ~,, ft ~,,,,,, ~,,, ~,,,..., , 1,, ,y,,, I, ~r !,,,,. i D,,,.: : n : ,„„, j,j; Z.: ~..1,7: .%7 la 4 st% ' .ar t ,t r h ' l,..t 1 1:13 ..
EW PL.\ ID Ito NN ET RIBBONS—Mat i 1. , f , - ., .. ,,,,,.,,,, , ~r ch ,,,,,,,,,, ~,,-.... '
.; de.aral... oasis --
_,.... '`'.•-' _ , eau., Or trans,..khon or raa. „ .s,
i'' CIDER. BLACK A LPACC AS--Itirphyl 1 thd, ' ' '"'"" ""`" i " ' art "",f,';lts 11. ~,,,,,„
i 7 Iturchteld hata toavirod x full ...cement ol %LA. , . 1 Avant for the sags of Clork . arina's l.uas for Western Pa.
no'sll---Inao , ... Ios" ,‘-` 104 per sand -tana siroPotri••uPor I ot, o
sots, Nlabear Alpo/sal, . $l,Oll tar yawl . ..Z . • ' '
- i
1 I ARE Ml ?_ ED DOESK INS—Murphy A
I r 111.rshfield laos resets...l au .halt
of ...Ain
Csasit, a-. coq oaf 1., /..1/-ra, they ara ....Illoc
1, , a -1., super b.n. l'ossunsras haul sloths:and a sort.
.1, nt r I ,les espacialty arlappsl for I.s'asa. , s II
' V
1 m 100% .., vo win op,” within the oast far Jar. I ,s hundrs, r „ss ../ W. 1... .-. "I . ''''''''.
no.l II tos..- I, t10n.1.. la wrarh Oa stteutlan ot whola
s da Aral rst. i.rahssars I' ins.te.L. 11 ,
.pii . I O I . A O NIA , T . 'I , ..A O S.I , V i I II I NES I , : t A , ( ,. 'O BILBI I S,
~.I, ‘,.,
—N tat ttrttalow at A A %I C 440,4 A ell ': 44 — . 1.4.4 hwy. ,
4 f 44.1'd h ‘14,44444. .vlll4ll, u 0 . 4 ,4
• •
A % NIA:44 4 N A 01 )1.1 11.5 rooe• of
4, ..
A `y
rocramo of %I '< CLINT ,',
t.attantit-tat , . tatt u. a tit 444.111440 thon 4,4. r 1.44144r0 144
I 1:11CSi, r( LE-- A very
it w.arautea p..ifiath kiwi/C . 7Y
.t I w o rn-. I .1 ..ncIi.raSSIAKER
4:l,\V I.kaauti:: I:AIi.PETS -W. NteUt.,-
11.• ..
nod taw, hat, h.
~.tain.k pun-H.or, salL,
nft..t.,l In yt, 111,0•1 111..
qlAßß ciArrit
lrtutuutu, huh u ru,lutu , l
rtn.- vt th. Cur t0,t1,• or,
IN , ; I c.l It . M.< LI N TUCK.
L nuu . •,.nuahtl, utonk nt unutrfinu
Lon. , tuntou I u„,,
luutlon ..1 thou. u rat ututunst,,
olu , u 5 huurth ut
M Tie, LI ST , WK.
anti f, I-I,f %DJ 11...41 0,6 Win.,
vi:su kt PET
' •••I:b.Scii [GER ino
oiANINC. 1..111 .
I.F t..s I y
‘. 7...:
11.1 i.,,,,1t,m
' •" Zio• rv.,l 5 , " 11 `. .1".
A 3tA:4l:: ,t imud,
1-qmoß Ui I. :1,
IL • 1 er•rn .0.0.11/M0,11"
recd and for
- ,
.T .." I 'P
tel weft. ^ tfl , .11 on) elarae. hit Dra anitog r ~‘ ,t• 4 idu , en ,mall ritt ,t, and a Mr, proonetion mewed tW1t•rn711,, , , r , : .....r c.... ~..-...,. . \
.. I relolf..• otorn•-•1•41 n: -t• rut, I 4 4UII t 41 1 ,4 4 - k • • long parad •os notalltares, ,
t bradono Re ,,,,.. e1...1, ...•1 .11 tor..ett-to• teoff.ltill • : 151 i. I, Nt• 44 Polon , penal 7 uad \ iwe Inv cutowleuni that the medicine avers. , soon work.lo4.4ejty
. .. ~ ... •
~., . ,
,rn, ,
th,,,,,. i t i . ,. . :..,,,.. c , a . p .n ro r. l...terniinated. Lanai P . DU A n, t i tto , : ,, th ,t e4air ri U , r . of t tli ,, mo nim se fo h r o i n t ,utS . e 0 r ., ...n r, d . r a b1h 0 10 ,....., be heaJ ,.. ..1 ,.1 . ti
i ot.rin .4 .a) t„ .... it.od tm t A Atnourot of Property Inannol ....... .. $7, 4,4 .4/: etf n e u n h ......1 P •• Pt UP " . a '" tl,4. "
104.1A11 t 1... h lat dor., t•t . L.. cct nde&
ed... pired..lloL7US too ' It Chronic Inneate. , it le unrivalled. Among throe may Op,
• .nrtto art rii,i.-i, 1 . 1.11.-1-lphon ' 1. m tore. . '' •e. Pn , , 7.......d-•11 di.... " '''' PP ''' . ”s."Pa ' P" " '
.011.• .11.r..4,,,0„ ciilo.l3ilo iir-usciuric. CONSlihirl lON, On its early, ,
. l• .4or t t. 11,, , .rd , ~...4 , 11.1 L tome 0. nnotootri, terminated. eX9l;vtd li t rt t4g Wnif.4Vlli t ;Al l = ' Gill: 2= 4 . - 7Ott r,, 0 .
\ •
1t.... iii ...MA \ I - IV 1,4.4 t 1
ff' f 4, t S t .. 1• 44 , 4 I 11.. onortg Pranturros r.avv....t.. Bladder end Kidneys. Paled In the Bark or Bide, Nervoue
, 1 , do do. - unorneled. Disewono, Neuralgia Fatty. Kbounatie Palmy 11utEry - sip • ,
'' Is 5 I , - . 8- , m .- ---- : „ ~, le coil 1C444444 It• 114 etym... pr oda. Totter. Ringorms, Burns,. calds. Beeves, Old porn, \
de. de. In wen of debility, ',uniting Men erpyrinlia, gr \
„yam-"_.-' Imo.. no fav, id th.. C, .In c long ..I prop-ante (14444 of disvase this medicine will . i
Merchants' Transportation Line, , ~ rso, ~, ,. ,,,o, i‘,..e.0..... hying relief. It will 11.0.1141 general TONIC and ALTEIt .. .
,mil 1.,1•1.4 and rounre' prole, ALIVE In sorb mar. imparting tone ....ern , . t r .
ICT t 11: N• , VAN, , . Ain it. , ANI. ItAlLitoslngo,i i moor on mlnadmontosintilo point whole frame, roarovi. obstruction :o pening the ainu..D ,
v .,. pi. , 1,, 1, PELI'IIIA I , I IiEt'T.LAT ITII ^••',';,;;;;„,,..,1n',,;V:,,`4,1;,,;•tf:',`,1 alone which earl 41Iffesse stod irolfen osnoisette..
and girlng inereseed and renewed non to •1 1- M. ••••••• '•
,o - i 1.1-011•114 , , el t I....ration ..t illeke, ext 1.11 of Ilf.: Tlin proprietor knows of servant cup.. °Mat ,
i t A At• 41,1 o 4 f f • ....., I' `4.0• tff` I'lnn 'lrf , '• 41111 .4314 ft 11411145 d .4411124 no hr mbar! eve, nth, treatnient E. wan ...." th.....
• mon., the trwininci and tom of Om FETROLF.USI far d a emon time. The , oe.e. - •
11 API ' ' '. . ' 1 1. o'r , Pitt ` Pt -'• I •A're-it I'Mlit en ds 1,41. in.. :1,1..4 Bum .0......ny person who daemon it ..
Bone genuine • withent theeignatnre of the
tn ..n 0,. re.-1 , • • .... • t on,. me dot atiribendo• • 1., ,ntort.• do tram
law per l . tratien to the pn , iite fir Ail P 7 it'i" V it ....VP ' lrarf
1 1. .•• it. , * 1 od• toe tont I m -- . t .4 er 4 `4 1 ` . . end m 1 C,A.. 1 j . 7 •
• K 1•44., lobo h. Park,. John 11. Ku Imr...rd ' \ A''' gd ß ill '' lii4 , lfi L f atlithrErL.
J. P. It IITD EN!. tin% ltresident ; •co , Wood introit and Vlrgon Aley, who. • \
. A .•ANI Ifl • tNio • A it .• A i' A.ll. P ‘ r.Pldj " .. ' "L'::‘.Tl',...P• ::::::r:a":""' ':' '7 'o lr Ili fill :::::::7, ii7c;‘, 7 :::; " ei r : ietc,. • • , . •
i ‘ - ROotANAtiOt •
.n. dew Pointom na- teen land loi th e toren:or. otrul .. mono- :• 1
A A " '' ' B ' I ' ffi ''' P. ...P.A. ' • ''
L.. .,' .... ...p,f::,1'2::,,,t . It 'th ai,i.5.,., 1 the Bladder andnEldnem wiai rni ,
,I ..,.i . . , l• 1, in Mirk , ,Ilm .WC Mloti,....nroUlatnjiqu
lif 7' W .* : -' l .- 5 74 ' ISSI tilt. 2.-.: Frank in Fare insuran i,a Co. 4Pili.lit - iir.: r..',..73i.‘ ',,hl-.t.: . rfr. 3 u'rb....1%1P.Zgtg'Ag ., !.. ,- '
, 1 .....-0-., 0 . . 1.,“ t h . ices n t make A we, forwr• madam. . ,
l'o Shippers of Mud F. 7. ell,W, , Produce, A'
-6 ,' pi IIECTOItS; Churl, ,W. Bayieker, Ise.- 'in * the fa, fan loitron •co unity,' tired, It Ina virtun. ••• ..
- y w. 'tick/aid , Thm:1 1101 . thirdenn Ir e L•nerlo Teton, a n.,), a , ~,. ennt.h.. I. • other recirdi. The tran
1:E L. A \. .. ~1 ..i..1,1 R., iI , .11tA:,....1 , 01.. A vjoer. Adolph. 1... Dori., lialt...loram, loarl S. }crown, I he .s rack „with Senn. ...d • rkriii,... err . ani..r....., •
; • ,•••• ~ It $44114).. )1 , ,,, rattan... ,ion off event nta re .1• r no ot lite ❑ l. ermnalat
I'.\1'1 1 1\" A rt ,, N LINE - CIIARLF, . BANCKER. IY•eandent t above. S. .
~,.r. au f - I 11,,C.1.14. e•••erkf ry. S lt,solei t . It notNlii) - little M.l e • trial 'NMI Fatty
A ' A ''-' A ' ' P " a r '' ...A s 7 -r 01 2 ...7 ' ... ' . ro‘t. motion en otou t u, on ska .rah,. poin.ent Munn is no I t
no enropound. tot tipsr overpass
) latot .. 1 BroPert' to to and .el impneing on lb no - moms:nit' , hut tt.ot m yeieborre
rr''.44` . 7.'...'T,".:.",1..L. d ..- .an onalratent Vali ...wily i tett be OD man, .fend olio tut., behl.lesaptioitn the
~ , „ „ my c.,•i•o. 1,-.....• n +ern • u large contoment tend, . brooni of our m4th,E,north• In a n nal purity. and, or
" ....- P ' . 1 " .• ' '''' ''' •.-P '" 4 '''' Alt''' '• i" .1.0•1 i, rub timil Laptd no • Vrecnerina.u.efeli novenitel. fen, in ...ifeting•hconity a kee iis pt. , * certain s and ,
01 P - •" P "' ' ''''` i t it t . i " . '.' ." -''''' it" . t ', ;.-,, ~.. on January 15t.1.11. rasp.- ! 'h ltlotT r e ' tirivi Cites. aber cthite edg-: es her. isiladlo \
tt- '" ' 1 11 otr A , 4 A....elably• were NA 1,•, ,, ,, reedit any rodiet It Das eared "hen tuna of I.ID \ ,
'. ' smoditi....l of the , Vent And most 'tofu cbsemiter, ' It, . \
-•- Sal A ni 2, '`'. 'i b. timed Cholcra_alorrma b) OW - 11/. 0. , .. It hes \ \
COVODF. & COLE, I:..., ' T.fui. . 1; 7.11. . .1... ...-ia:: 7 . I curont ••1 , 1,, ,,, . of Irmerthw, In which very •th, .oroiLdl A \ .., t s
.....,..rrar." int..., _ . stl,mki 17 . i ban I.en of or , watt As sticra nun -I in berms \\ n
• .... lus' , . ....: lA.'''. • • ...Ida It is better Shaman) anodic:doom) Lind, orobitment ‘, \ ,
B;nm / ii.letn. /iron Stt... ~ n. ev, , ... , C.1.3.1f, 41 • ti,,l we know nf. It soil run \e t talbiato aunt Wend frt. . „
-,---- , ina Ow applies:lona undoebt &indoor, lan be furnivh. •,, n •
0. • 11.2. 12 .0 s . • edit( then truth eontuarad In tb abut° eta eve, bynatli• ~ A
etiRTIA. Rail Road Co --Central Rail Alta • ' ! , ;rived of .t 1 r•trr ant) . t o n e m • Aillill. Al. TIER.Cana Basin Se ' , nth at,not or ` i
gr.° . 'L . ti t ..". i'Ai "" n t a
t ' ro , L I
in. , .-
ti . • . ' \ '
' I 'UL “ ' r .. '' ''
..' : '•
?', ~1 , ' , ,L n ._; ` ,Pr, n , " ,: t' . ; '.':l"..'+`l.i'._•".'2."`t;ri`'.in.-:.ll,';',,ti'i'r,iri,"t..°.!ri,Vr,...°,l ii.. ; `d i;rt.r a A ` •.i , ,,..ij. .r td i,..i rti-i. ...i xrlr..
''' , 7 - ' , ••',. '......n,.'',' i ' ..,...,,_..- • S 12,• , 11,e/c. A• cell AC thmr .1..1.ti god rh• I eill.yi . l\l Feller, `,. tonal etreeti D. A. Llljt ant A. \
1. ‘
. Curry.A Datm, -it: - . ere Dm axon .
-.' -- -- \
\ ,
- .... ~,. ~,, o •,.n ...ea:tr.-rite...4,Ni° rseD...• titi o o .4 '7\ "l ! . ' " l' t.t ‘ L i t ' i t' ; ' ‘ . : ,..l : .,. ° A i '"4"',t- ; INIPOB.TANT TO TIM AFFLICrED. - \• ,
~. -.- • ••• A \ Pe i Mutual Luc I4nrance Co, Philad ' n- ' pII.IIOSES CELEBIunI?RE. I . I E I ,iIE,.
- ; y -De, JAcomEmit. the , Inonverer °lid .nbt prohritdur
- 41 i.. n t gt . •,,,, •-. . , N. , .., ... i ! .N 1 I\ P IttIiiILIRG 11, NV ...lI.DAN - IS, • .., ii ,, ..... nt popular nod beneficial nu 4teines, an, all° . ~
... . , the Intentor "r ef the celebrated irt.tromenl lot tudatingthe
- . it • 1t t i v. .7f ,..7; 9 1 •4 ,r 4 , 2 „ 46.4.4 ,3 nat1. AL t , \ .14,,,,..e.1., :tr. When, ettern• t .....,,,, .„ „,,,,,,,,,,,,, u .
ph c r ch er ..., „1„...,,..e. ~,....,#...
• n ..,.., , at, dalound dad ^, • A P P •
•et ~.• A . 1A n . . ...1 .1 te, t, t.. mot in) 1 unlean. of th..beiversity of lien nerlysnia.and for Entity
Of on .. ro .. , n." 0 t on .. ; 4C, At 111. , comnuns ram nt
..""‘. " . " 7 ' ~
... ~,A,.„,,:. m „.„„.„, , „.„,„ stars slo, has teen encased In the invest4aUon of act \
mi., ,Ifttl the .pplication of reanethou thereto. A nk
_ _ o s .... .. ' IP ...A ' . ........ Pa.... r .P .% I Through Oar tin of his latent. tut...anon. tiOtt will, •
+ ?‘+'• • ' '•••,•+ , ‘'• ' ...'' •• • • h...., +•+• +- • + Pb•+.•+••+ ++.+' ar. r.PA P . '' . ' ' Iry Proph'lsnctie Brig. and ether ~i; to ~,,,,elitt c,.. bag \
ot Lok I umr--.... alai Ini.ll, I. rm. Inentshel .lk 1 ...,,...... r ., ~, ...„,,,,.. i .
m, ... ~...
~, , f a \ . \
,„ , i ant fatal insholleg Tulicemil, Cotouniption, Eiatuiere,
..ct tP St,''''7WA' and I'AP•A``..A'P.A.P., W e. all
I Scrofula Rheumatism. Asthma, Fever sal Agee. l ~ ' , . .r.`
"..., ~,`..,"n.''.... ,:tacit '''. "''' all kind... Chromic Erieipelas, end all Shaw otediroade Ds . \
.‘„ " . ii - ..777 I ea., peculiar to female , IndeeL o•rry form of dhesse, \ \
Ar r i e ,,,;l - •,,,, -- iiiiii.T., vitniclucA minder the use of his retired:ea, to whkh linmard- . V
~ -o landN ag . a rA t •Lia 1 .77 ity Is heir-. tby thr rri...or one ermpound only, for that A \
• lnsuranc e. . , plocamponl , L. with Frmoolognal law, bet by the ...VII
1 i his retried:ea adapted t 4 and prescribed for. wieh ,
, il tr. I nett ra tonteL;oltipany Of ~,,.., o f d,....... r'''''''. l
N.A.,. ition-n ta1,r,..11; 1 4. Captta1a.400. , .... am. Pr. Rants Torde Alterative KID, when tined, are Ineeria-A.,
I. , so tory 1... 1,1, ft ....iN: ~ WEI snake Inforance on bly vb....deiced .be -ric.,.. all othem. . • P.M.- \
...I.4.txt att•l th..n .omt. m. In this rap oindy,ountirt aim Ur e ur liver plll. inasmne als Lb, leaTe the lowele gar , ,
• rodert. .4 every .. n co. ebildted 1.t'..... la!? tally n'ffe from nturtiTnns'ltc an Oen bls Golden Pill. are INF ~, . •
1 ted to nanale diseases: but being aatiSfiel that a lamt. tn./ 't A, \ 1
.„.,.,...., ob., ~....1. •-10., on r olaiol tea...roman°. or on law =L in e d..., th„ f.,. 0 1ry„ ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1i,,,,,,,,,,• A ,f,
IV 1444111carrit to establish whelk= barn rata. in Omni:natio( \ •
A rt., .. Coil,. i re i I normal' to,. thf.l.l. kcptica.l.
utm b hett. , 1 The eldicted ars invited to call npin the agent. end prnie
ts. r.l. ard •toltit rhard D. Watsil. con, (gratis) ono of the border's parriplohnte. saving a dela.* ,
irt'7 1 Dam Weld, lel senoont of each re n cl)..arl Ka apPleatitn.
gatto.-. i -mob granola lloducut , , For ealob the folio • agents, as wall. byroad dr a g. . A \
iarog.l ono,. n . 0 . 4 . AOIDM. • gin s througlout theno ate \
4. bar.. Tai Mr. \Sol a 800.. t .I.:Y-hoonmaker A Cu. Na did, Fitigategh.
Auntie... . boot °ea.:Vl/all. • • ' J. M. Townsend. Drag :Mark. st..\ A• i
11 two , Dee A. Dru '1 . • Oho l'oetVlllce.Alleghs .
.on • ~ ,ris NA am. 11. II e• re.rd. Mei" fny city. Beckham .,
, . Tbs. I. the o.kmet Insurance Cooopeor it s the linnet S t a t e . . doer& Barkley, Earn • • *tear oonattyNiAs.
al tr. J. An 1... th etanhou. mina rm.-rens, ample nmarn. John Elliott, !noon • .
l'''' • 4 avonanoc all net. ot au emu, luiranir character It i T. A-lemv. Beaver. •• -
.. r .l lAA nI P ..., • Agent, I
10. 141 IF im: street ' COMFG IND PALLET . \ • ----
7 tn.
... Del a ware Mutual Stif‘tyinsuranet.Comp'y LOR TIIE'A TOTED will, be found an ,
fr Dr. LiewittU. I. ogees O:FALLIBLE LItiIIIFUST !
if kVT 11' E, N ORT LI ItOONI OF Tak:F. .. „ • _ t r vac;. 1.1.,,i. whir: ha% stood the test of thirty years.:
- 1,1 I l'‘.o ',St:. rhltol street 0101.1.tplan. perneme, and h.. beyond &doubt. lavut Abe [manse( air
i•isr, \,4 .. t... 8. s -1n.d....i.: U.,. !thee. an , other me 11..1i,, ef Owosso& oDDidividuala in almost envy •
, n. At , . 4. i , om. ..1 .. oun, . ineu,/ f,gn44.41 toe or eltuttle,2ll.-banwler of disease. We fret that we hazard nee
t at o., I , Ai., At 1, log ~t rat, N. 14,411001 . k 11,111114 in fa, ht , op that thi. ta the only medicine that has been \
ailipn iI .10A\ a !cCIO.Ntt -llses •ce ttjur• 1.1..1... Canoe. •tlen-1 to the afilietad. that does, in end,. a woof the wed
T . ... , • '.' ... 1117 .. '" :" A uret '. . A1".'17 ' nT; ‘,'...' '''''
' '''. \,, -I'' 'hi,'.'l.'..'•"'rotilk''.'n'undr. name ' hle of curing more disesasesitom A
Mtom tfrts.avareetuar. -11, on, inlet.. Menhand
m u nth, melml i ne offered \ for eels, we cam not by who. A
a u, u..... . t te,,, ~,,,,. • ~..••
~, r ,.1 I, %A.,, rt.. Rall r•• 1.1 cam, Canal hoet., en mule cr snug or by-what tam ~ •
i n..r. r of K ,
tom 11 rill. EODODE A." COLE, . • -.1e.., net...... to , m .t 1 1a1......n the Monet liberal terms- de a ettoug antrft, ?noel ' • preof of the *bora, we my - \
. ' lottm.nt.-ja.4i.k. in Nal, I.lmund A. :mole, John L. that It Is the only Isnaele 1. 2 2 14IffeLIT 4 i in-the biro of
-I •••- r t Meaate. , A Mend. . , o,„, ..,,... e , k,...n. ..,.... It. rerun., S•nme Edward., , putrist 31.1idne that er bet. patronised dared noel,
it mood MORSE'S rt, ,, 1.,,,,,.- 4 ,h, , A.!, ~, Vl4 111, l'ef.• - • ... , •,. ',q.v. lApertni ',Aral:We. Ica.; It.• Davi. U .1. I 7.4tpe and. or u... 0 P.m IT. . the Most agreeable
. 1-i 1 • ' • de l - ....ns. ' ) ~.... •Itho %Bev lat. Or. It , SI Iluittn. James C. i d) %dim.. ever coffered fot anig. . mad I, ' nor et
, . Coinpotuni Sp of Yellow Dock ROM . , ~, . „
~ , ~,, „„ ..... 1;11• , . , il.u.t, 1 L.::1 loot. linontling II J. , nee Pri,..ta, 11..0p . tlt: , v . • ,
-- -- --- L.-- ..-- ,-----------•" -. ( i l cct' P I E:s ,1,•• Irobt rank rtnnatti use, I.r . ~ 01. i. A ct, Lir . .1...., ilo.o. ~ ,oe. 5m0r0.... remit .t.o. et . Di.... .. , on. Moors IL title:nil, u ser y. c. Th• lion. 0000
. th. ‘l.ldie 1,, noun 1.... 1,- lea I tie O.S. Au.. u Tbotr.... It Ein ' lam Ma or lion. John A Dix. late U. B. Saar
neon i ... ...ander Doc. , on.o• .tt of I'L•nn so I"•i ue 't
r . " i'in , ' A t;' , ',.....,'' 7 ,','„ P „7, 1 ! o s , ,;), t' ' ...,4,:f r ''' " a ' . ""' ''' \ 11, V rr l " laft/I n. rAtrter, Farr, Editor or W. Spirited W.
The er r , 0, '''''' Mtn • `-s vier mue''..” AP ''' . " .- " L ' - " r ''' ' ..'"" ..".
' '''''''
'''."\'' j 9.
' I • '''' t : "9
• ~.4. - , ,N ,
..1 , :i n if2 , , ,,, • 44 :: ,.. 4 , 7 1 .11-4, 1 ,1 '. 4 , 1 ' - f '. ' ''''''''.• n' f 0 Ciala, l i ,T, ... kt z t e z!, • ,. t v.r t iuri f ) o ,.....d lllET V . lLll:f r ft.f. , l . 7l ,.. 44 . itize s.di as o ,,„i t N th elf ,
1 , . i ...........1 .to mann -1 ti, in.., 11,.....t. • mt. 4 s tn•er ...1 4 got Dsnairi., Ie•Ic te4 11-.01- 0, - . 1 ,,,, 0 , . 4 g ncultural ,Itoplements. • o ~,,. Al . TIN, Pr, ...IV. 14104 L. 11 A. 4, fl, l If, 144414- nrotiraDir t-• ref, know ' theM•
..n.s.L. t0r.......1 1 mintoe.n si-dt the . ft-, 14 .
ttn I 0.... A. , ' mat leaut
tr. T. hiegAmit• 4 i7 " . • t PtAnA ''' ' .t iPt 't '.-
''''.”*"...... ''''',:-... '", ' ' ' ' ;'.',.. ft :j " :...: ' i II A ‘ I . \ •I I ! ...1 r ,. . , i , ~. 1
• 111 / In . the it. tat th rri , ..,...,,,..,,, • . It. . ..,...A.. No 4, . at. r street. Mlle ally pan, lined by their-amid wlthy pate circle..
Ut .
.1. 1.4 yn114,•• nth Of 44 • f•• Ite•I 1n•1141,4,1.440 I ittt'f.., , - . 41.1 • '. r 2 M AltY.ll4.k. Agnut . eft have o
„ nubtadly a right tat l r.urines highly pie
~ t , . e., A-
. ,ti 4. ott . .. otrial g neld D. •.. t 4 oh.. i..• liaLt.44l 1•••••, #.,,,,,ht W0,,k4,,, ~,,, 4 .1,,,,,, 1 4 ,,, -A----- -__- ~ ,ven ~...„N.r.,... bile- dale fret friends are now' IL
rad- ' 1 orrnoweet au, -beet. T most netlonttedl Air strong and
J I hr. Ait
m•nrc.• organ...oi .o 'Moran.: the eon , - -0.n.0. "Inc not I at
'' n ' t ' .1 4,, 1it51.4t144 l• oft!, ft It vlrt or
' ' '"..
. " ''''
'.."."" ` ".L'. '''''.
' ' 31.1 SC ELLAINE(/ US. ~, ~,,r, • , ,? ~ of i., i,,,00r0c - 050r0100r,„,\,.4 ..1,.‘ Ir.
,:., , ~. , ~,, part., iW. ',l:slat,. sun lc rchei ....... i n...11t.t..1 t • trt 1,61 r ft Th.. eWS lIII,IiI pole, . them:net v ado scrofulous tan apneas, br=kl
a Al: 1t.. 1 ‘ BAJO ki ., . TriAPtAitA ill Al"' A . 0 ...heat 5,, , In rUs• 1,. 3ii MOW, Rio, nt• rata delt. • •ir.. at.., .to rm. , ...It.: Rove. lona and all the ' and ea. that frith Is heir M.
j.l. -tett, 1. a onng Iv :r .al 1.... , m th. )..1. n.. i_, ~,,i hp,t,. Jet 1 n
nasyluto,ul II 1.
• f so, /s \ es... \ , ....tut •o,\ s s ntier. Oyer lA/boa, ttle. bevel...en enja without optoplaint.
. da ......i. end en ...A.m.. e...n0 ..... 4 ni. •\o, 1, .... e r ,...,. Chan Ir., . uld have perfected eh asninikhlng rile, after all hee
It , il..torn d obe I mart . •Itte• - ''. ' .'t A..." unpin° na that the enemiral. holounleen. mod m.o. a: I . \ g....0t...., . rom en, i ....e , . eb.... mal 1.., remedies have fall ss wonklWl•geo belief, bed we not
1 .itin , l tot 110.•• .... P.n... of .47, h togreMmt tarmoodoo , n. on.te v.. i • ........, r ~. thme,al fe :o trot;, rl. 011\crscl. and In. our esetiotat, Or su Rcpt possible eel-,._
n,, , .., c us ,,,, 5 ,..... •\I . ' , tomes Si.valloe et I p.,,, iy th , a „„i . tll 11,act411, nr-.1 44 n. the rt . : tn. siert.... Ai, I not denee
onsin...•• lettarnal TlfI•1 medicine or na retie temaely. a p pared from veg.
, 4 in o glow's.. !,-AI 1,444 44 .10. Otno outo.o , it ban removed ton, .,....,--- • ote I. r.m.- 1.... t •\\''''• P. ''' . A. \ I ''''''' ".........! , table. Mr ino.rlial SS 11 as ex. ml n It actedlreete
. D upon die olLetaxd part , vnig it alth atrongt.b.-
"M ‘.7,1 nn 4 •14.1 444 141.41,at.rt •.1 Meellanle, 1,14. ft.. 1141,
, 11 .n n; 1 1 , 1 ,,r 1 , 4 , ,,, 1 411 ,r, 44,4 ., 1 F „.., 1attLe4 . 1;,1: :r a 1 :L4 ,... 1.44 . %47 ,.. 711 , 1•14 , , 1 ., , ,, it .. , ,,.. . , 1 ,, ,,t 4.
II It a SIM` cure fire Dia, ea. Cramp, Billy . Chub, and
J I net rw' d: cad for rte
It 1.,1 , .".• A 4 .414, 11141144414 f. f, 4u, entsrel, fan:, ‘,. make the tast ttupp...m. op , All evaln , rkint allectioso., Ireases t : the idrmyr, and.
i.tuftl. -Irr4 II Ittte ftern ft••1•••1 In 4n4111, r... 4. • ••I , k,'1LF.. , 1 - 11.
I ItrL, t., , Et,. ..r , ri,- ..1d •..., anti o.••• a to, ...knew. In male or female from wlia er ea. It UM,
tat,/ Originsad. •
" T; ' ,,::/: /I \ ?it!, WS:\ - \ 1,0, ,c,.. I, s Al.. , t,r o. d.tar .1 4AII It 1 7iT A L PALACE PIC INTs NI. , ,,,- ~.....e. .....,,,,,,,,,, ~ ~. tamable uodeom ~, . I a r m
ate In Fittabenrgh, by K. Beier, Ild Kidd .I
gh I.- ~
„„ . ~, „,....„, ~ m .„ ~„„ ..,,„ , . , m , 111 n. Ate .00 , 111..‘ IN • It remova. ato ,obetritnt. , tn , to ~4 Ogden 6 bnowdem dby the etall nigeeta
l eoanb. l J. a.. noel. •. 0..... r t .,. ....,..t • • ....old. I b.: tel. Mom. ...., eon.," tor . • ,lonton..° .. on. n",, n , 1 :,, P , i t,...„,..,`,,1; ti . n t,',,',".. 1. . A. , 7 „ .. . nti, „7„: ''''..A...7-,:`,“,;',1",". ;lterally. It Is put bp [LI four, two, and o e ehil nu Lot
•ri A' , "i loet'• 10iti0....,..-1.1.4•t0t treed b. to.- ~.... in. .• s ...r, t....n..1 , It,. en. on • to , t th. ....... to.
,„,. ..A .. , , 1 ,. . , .. „..
~. ., , , . ." .. .t. .... ,
~„..,,.. . , tlla 'FL_ 1'
• tat 4,1,4 Lim .if, .•,,, ~ , ,1 at • , low ran. •441. .47/
14 1.11 4..••••4•n• of tbe 'ar _.-c...
.001 u.-1 isuesila Ala.,. in. r........t
t '- '7i .":- ''''
t. To the Readers of the burgh
11, ~...- 41,41.1n4. taft are ...anted .et g. I ri tilN 1. 11 /N lABOR 4 - 4 the L.doi.nn P.,..r,
~.1 0 1 , , A17r. ,u r t , . ...5., , , , A1unr„ .r . 3 . • . .1 11L IV .J
. i
1,-1 0,01 ter,. tIL fiery rt,...1- 4 htu . ntl Lttlllf, 0, to. 4 , - , P It, 11 ' ram ie. nis ..11thl-.l,llAtt, 13ILIBLIC ATTENTION respec
414 • 14 re•tttrfttti II KLLIILII, It•I Lhonl az
rm; i..... loss ~, 1 ., 1 , , .„ , n , ~,,, In.l_ ff Uri to the follwahag truth.... ^Ara ,
-1,4 id. 1111- 0t0..1.114 110111. car of the most Important remedies
. - B . ' I•1p Pi T-• • I ' I i , • I ,""" '' 1 ''' ''''" ,
~....,..1 Al . Ilsll 111, 1,,1cr.,r5, IS., tll 1 torl ,x, etv-t. m , ~. Par.'111.11,‘„,,,,,',.,a.a.„‘..'',1‘,",,',....t.,1”,....'',',"17::::;r::
B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powili ; 1 ,00 ago anon thl. gnat ratorly
II „ ' ; ‘: t 1 t '1. 4 . 1 1 :t•i141 ' .. , 11, 0 . ''''
. n New Books, .111151. Received . ~- . and 0.1, ,tv tea got. •r•to . UV .Itill 'NO wenoe, 1i.,,,,, , IN 41,.11 ,7 I 1 1.111411, lbe the relief and cursor dt.
C, herd. ave. since then, bearme fu
too,. sue l t • °moo . sof-Its.. . fr l 'l'l .`.. .ctrl, .. el- 4•l4mmunity. and we that the
'n • Ibis
...n...., obi° arqr.tret...... le.f.srs , slts.rel F, Awr , Prololoinr. mpriuted udth corro , - r I T i., t•l.- th.emont ..... mt.• .. n 0...., .. .• -,, 1.1.11/ certain will Its mat fame. ntend
"'"''' " ' '''' "•;Pt. '' t .P. ......'• "' te o. ..1 .I,l.tiont tr the author o 4 Adm. leek. ed" nf • day, got rap for the PM, pork
but. our. which we nonerive, will nor
r. -.. I r .. e ......„,, „ 0 ,..... ti ar. toot .-, 4.. .*, f north .t 0 . 1 . - ,,,,, , I . ~,,tra um.° ot 'pew: br Jamb a p.n., all other nostroms have been forgo
A SDI 1.14 Y• x'!.
'' • Natural ItemedY,el•borend in
:al , ' /DM.. I et- a the e • --12c.0 , . moo . s c om a pow, and agency that 1.61
F 1!.. 0 L
.0 1i1 ,, 11 , 1 , 1 „, /....".- ,7 1 , :i:t .
“ , ...,.. , , ,, .. : ,, , . ,.h. .e , r,..... ;t1:7:1 ...„ .
~,tri, .t . ~ , , , 4 ttr,:. , !. r t , , ,... , f,,. „ 4 4,, a , , ,., : ,., 1 1n..r",•..Ch. r.. t• ) nennl pel:l6m. the our duty, when
can, that see writer Dou r
, • .... and mtd fatbloinet , s't, 1... tu,dta tieit , •n•l I As . .. A rp.e...... 11. insmits . M" , `"'"" "" n '' '' ` tided to dead" • thaw who mar tro
lii.• re 1.1 r tr... It. Aireln, ee
r ie, r'''''" "" I - • 11•0 Ns' " donne In or ' , stemmata. The sta.
''' ''. ''''''' A .' t ' " A t P ''' it P' .. ." '''''''' le - I'm Brno. • Dc-onnart of SI --rm... I,4ltie N• 45 44.4 Un.
. any thirm that • promises relief Iran
Pi c.n....rng . .o. I . an 4 r.... hardly be too highly wrought to anew
. 1.....0r . Pietor.s l riel,l hook aOn ID , that.. 4 I. taros h e too
eon.. . them.
N ~,, I ,la.o, (0,(),IS---,,',. iire now 1 -, • e..,...0., 0, 1..- go•clo.rd 1 , 10 . .1. , tu0 , ri
, v 0 , 1. 2:: I
, tt i. .
I I ; t5,'..,.''in'',d'1n.:..2';'!.:,,Y:,1x..11.1t;00.11,T;;f...,"..A1t.....5-o?.,1?.. ' .'; ' j.. - : . .. 1 "1;t: 2 11:; 1 ' n..0. ' .4 1 1 1. ' K. ' ,Atr s' ' I:. 't'Us"'". to
' tt l = rn ht7l I Y1. ' %14 ' 1 1 1 .gg
J , Fli.Alt callan far exceeding any Slagle ern
retn•tuo. r„ . t 01 • r.t, • end 11.11...1 CI non In.? rm. , •
i.,, to , . In Clain unvaretidiedfaeb-fects
, a Arm, Vonctl. ,s ,
Pee.- nun • is-0 ,e, , AA`I A ••00.• It I, ,r , in our city and neighbortked, hear i
‘I - HITE liollitti -A. A. M t.oN & Co. ' New Books. rot of the Petroleum.
Within the past two mondia , twit
t .no. oo• cilia, ~ ~.....1.,...b e.,...1er0c a ~ A ODFiI.EY MALVERN , .rr tit° LID. 4 in 'ust, wore totally blind, h.. been
A rno
cases of blindess. In the Ste
ti. ' , ' ° " • " tr. ' ,..! ' ,.. " . '' ,. ' - ",- 1 , ..0. t..... ' e , A toios.t.n...o' ,‘:!.......7..„. lil Author Ini Thome. NOD, . itif twrnt., 1,•••• .• cilewt • Aoki. wino, the wear • gent'
-. 0 1 ,u•trralless• I , t Phil ilsOl , an 4.2114,1= but these are cat
Itrev.t. 10. the I m. 4 -.tea. ....hirtog Ivan be rTrred to by an r tenon. who
62, f'I,ENI.4D :•,1 LES-A. ,‘, N 1.... A ~,, • e .he 1,0, tomo• .n 0..• -,,,,,rn North.' met. These cesca wed. crowd after
. ... .ot lenoodto 1.1., end the lorgion Ponr , ad b physicians . bon... The
4,79 0,, , . su, ,•• .i A Iselost,f , sl Aceclune rat .4 ..... r.• t. -'• , „,,,,,. „,„ m , ~.....i . n,...,,,,,,. t, when ti rd &minting to diteonon•-
en. ..n. 0,0. ito ..t. °tem el porehaegm A 1... o• rr i henalid
o lark•l rat
it• i ,
r. ,•. r. .... Aft .. .... -at.o. de ch.., 10.13111til t hi11,..1 T i 1,1• i) Ni f eq' M 1,1 . k 7 I NI , NT. e f or 'Pimples ma the face. Chrome. Me L.
tcrJd 'led, pains in the Wu. and do.
aert ,
IT II August ' We
ciao ns, Ague, Chronlo Cougia. Asthma
.IAcTOiNET 6 , :lefiNG. At• Dom. 1. Ilnme a Imen.otte Tale , 1 . ; , 1mi&naT ,,,, T *Egon. of • chronic tat
1 1 . ', lli '' '. A l I' .
in, .1.... .• 0,:.... tom ..n. - ,:i -u- L--, ,,, "- ''''''''"‘ C"""*".L." "'
ntten ho I , roe. B MP and Lard. dlr.. of lltii I:
,„,, • 1,1•4 tsc,•• , 11,110, ,unt I nu'rtlnu 0 Jae..., ° A , ' , , ..,.. ~".• h 0 n...., in pini. tram's. the c-o Chapped aka.. n BlPpetlea
l'Atring• sod t0.m.0... Ito ',lnn 1t1.,1t..,. And In , - r , 1nc0...,,,'''""'" ' ' . . moo, In feuX: . is a mervaisat. mkt
11ormsol lidgoore at, it. t•,..e.. oo r.... .)... .4 ~1 . ' ''' ' In mat of the above &nano within'
bear .7 " 1. i 111 (OK Ati !-No. 33 of itt - rne's ilioitionure of' ii,... -ct maccen. Corn/ loW
.6iraw Bonnet and Flat Warehouse, I N /P „ 1tb;,",,:11:.r,',Vii...,..rert0ni,,„,„..,,,i rr.,,,,...r. thermal. nf the prirrietor, low,
lotNizi4a , the: n. - flirted or their id,
No. De, NIA KEPT STADET, ...renaloth Mar say shim
- A hag- women:nerd 01 CIAB , IIcAI 401 tiele. ,l ll.eltc. Petiol.= h. the greatest Retnedy
J L. lig Ali, Agent
11. PA LB Eli ollon4 for sa l, at vory i .. " ''' . ' '"I
'slo- r! ' npol. Ilettollng.l , olll4faitlie ,
I • I".
V 0 .".
. ~.
, , ...,110 .1 , floor ant 1 1,11 n •• , -gaga magi, an tecchnnite .Ir ,
i 0 ,,,, f high am.milug ill utivpronterian
I their practicer. Those wile at hi
and uncertaintmr• =.4 to an
' i I ' ; ' \' '' /T ! '
./. . ,n-toreogn , in I Auttrman plain .nd '• I TIIE SPIRIT POLKA, eittnpoeerj by 11. rutorin.,l to •Annowledge at I
:ttraw. 111104 Chip, . /one, .1 Oh 1.• trme•• it .M. PA. -• m . g . 1 K ~.i.r. .4 .I,..nratro to Strblwo C Yoe:. r , 4 tia. ettmedimer eve done For ,
WI. by KEIBER It Ida.°
If A T. , - 1 - 1,,• A. , tc, tub , . attl itnrs• lo -born [nue ,5 5 ,,,, ' ray. 'fi ' , Also-R. Bbl in. 2.7 Reid env,! ii. ?ii.v.iirri,
Owl', Brand. tittre., Praumtn. Aanillo, mut Pala; lea! lu- i nrettr . : l" , •li t't • ", •. ' -1 ,,,,1 . ,I.Int,!1,0.:b:`,I,",;1V;01" Elliott. Joaent t t...... Alteetcor I.`st v. Also, by Woken
tante' Le.ihor , .. braid. :tn.', Chip. ilita 1.......1 Ilmir I Pier/I' . . 1 .. 47 ..7‘;',,, the m ; i,, - . 1,,,,i,! -- t -P " prietor. B. IL }CIE Canal Mama • -vomit street. Fgt.
Alba,. top-, .1.1,01 hind an.l ot/tcr rem,. In Krell 1-0,0 No 4 1, Bit , with . ' A '.... 'M k , " sod U. 1 1: ra.t.i..e - E k . :ck... \ Vogel and Fla. Mal
Lot shmie• and tusses/tut •dr 1 Jones. with •.n.tion... by Imi..
' trU'D' i . 7-v--- .. Rich 1, ...... 1 'ear" Moor groin , o . y,,, , I Autumn Vlar., t, 04,1141 I•rer
yi , .
feter, all . toJo. and nolo, tan, Cowie 50.1Crrape Caps '', Al , • • 1 . ...1''' .1P 1 n kr,77 1 1 1v , T,Y 1 .,t11 . 1 ;;,; ' ,.,. ' , ' ,?;. "`.
%al figured whit. and rotor.' 11l and t P . m , . A''
Cotton 1 11 Bien of tie- 110M.° Harp
STR.I II rm.!, Vi. , ,, ,, -4,1-14 I latmels. Butto It I' •- in epleopltt Int of ma PIANO° now 44.4441Ug•
a. • r ''''' . r•••• 1 Ade , nashun , l ti setae. 1.1.114. for rel.
PeDrine., Itt , rtr t '',9 , ' ''' r '
". er k.i t r ;:% ''''' . :; l. iic fr' ..i I I rl: A . . 7 ; 74 b.' c ' l.r '''' : 0 4 ' ; I ' : ,71--r n 71sL r' r.7, t ' r ''' . ' ' J . ; ' t\ n A d . ;Ai 3 , 1 ., E ,-. ll . l ., C 4 A l• N tilillrtne l n '',‘,,l : 4E u tt i , . B' u '- ei S e t . ',‘t e ' t ,l-:,!!,. .
,i.... or, i. I,hrte, V10re..., mod ot/p•r style. v.... 4 nom 0..• Ao.r.r...t.ittn 4 Den c „ Washibuton to tbe Pr.....
e t uatitl , ....l 'odor. • , ,, nt4t4,l44tt• clew, cur Intl lull relation , fun,
A 0.4.4-Avoorted 141121111, and romp, tber ono.. Inettsdlos Vont,terttnot I..numnot
Alen-Melo aoor low re,, , .... 1/Arcuslc csutlimbr•fia. tlend . 4 ow: Wr• Is ur Itrotvre, ronnumom ohural,ll,..rnal.
ormin't . , .ne. relentltortal....tellvneel, hannommal. Anil 11.
I unabe . ..l !wean. nta.„l, , a7. Intl Iterbe l
. t . orther , :ii ,
81.0.. I ;...,!",',;;',.''l: l ,'.```,:.°,=lf , '" "--"' -""
, Th. oboe. t etoo.ble reks , tor intr. by ,
W. MeCLINTOCK ' 1.17 C TOOK Doti., Alert, .t.
- - -
(3 "n 0
'''''''''' r.....'P'a. 1". 'Pr.. SP ' .A. I 1:11 E FATE, n Tal. , of Stirring Time,, by
ARPETti, OIL cLArrlts, dc Tit] NIM ING S.
n u . F IL Jame. I:Att.-tie-mutt IntercAttnt, no , " ti...
conirrione no tart the tdlowine vane... atit roe bra ever written. A 1...-1.10.11ta LIT Int A... !in
CA 11. P ETS . v.-now ..til ititerc•ling 1•111 uccol Matter
"Fors c t If 01, \IF. , Literary tamot„ Third carol. id.
Bat,. Royal Velma I'lle Correa: do do rep.stry Prow roan. the Po=t .1111.• ala 4,
Fede. do dot lipievole. •itra sop. 3 Mr eupertne 3 ply-,
Jo Ouresin. extra fine do.: fins ,10. common int ctt0n...10., W
.. I.A. 1.0 . 24 tailed ienitlant N. in-4 , fee. and U-4 et 'hat...* Lamar" Depot.
plain clogß 44UGS, ..1-1,
MATS, OIL 4 4...124 soot and ...n on d o.
repUt2 In :41111rd Aro
CLOTIIS, &c. -
Extra Chenille Kum° one do, l iti extra tufted do.: One
de. do:common do. Clomllll , Door Mann tuned dn. do:
sheep osin dot do. Adelaide .in do 7 Thrum do. do.
Crumb Clr•tha, Pelting do., Beghlog 1 2 24,1.4, and 2-4.
Alpo-ghee: 11LI eintb, on? to fit any faze hailer room
1,4.74 1,-4. 44. 44. and U-1 Oil Clothe.
Almo-Stralr Koh., of all otos: Carpet Manner. I...tCar
pet, Read, i W.N. and 11.4 !dialing, Table. Linen, era.lll
anJ 311.000 Iluckebuek •Ao. Transparent Window Shrub,
Buff Window Iltilsalt %runt. Blinds: Firobne...l Piano
°seers: do. Tabl.• do .le, Stand do.; Worsted Table do
moleeing Imported sO,l purehaAtal oar atrokillrect from the
d eelcbratod Partoriea. being of the latent and mad ap
provel styles .4 colors, we so. prrplatul Ic, Pell 41 11112
trirtbla and customer., prim as eta as tarn MT It/ moo"
4{l4V 141 41 , 154 411/1/. Eastern 4'4414.4
01.. ...daily Melt. all to call and ..Mine our nook .?
'rite Carpet Warehouse, r 5 Fourth street.
mahl9 W. MoCLINTOOK.
1,, •
srnr. tn.. in -a,
6l•! lr
New rake
FINLIE (lIPSY , , SuNl or My Gallant Bark;
eu ,
rah r.ipturot , applati, , by .b . ntil
hor ma,rt. in Ibtt,burgi.
Tho H1..11,, Compls'ut,tr, sonv.
baoel) 04, a.. Rung by CoLlsarivw Alrwricn-
In., bon,. mung Vathetnn.. lIsT•
L UN! Itezuntl
ll...Fiunl Nlarrh. mpot.,l Ity II FIAP-r.
I L. Et,martn•nt Quw,lnllrtt
ti ral of the moet r.npuler un.l de
e:oo4e mu,e. ene leeeiun 0.1 Amerleen.
11 n hI.E111:11., 101 Tholl etteet.,
: 1 1en Ed the 1101.1..0 Ilare
Sacred Music Books.
I 14... , N1'1CA LAUD'S, Nta.on t 4 Webb
• “ItNIINA hACIOI. Jn .1n
\1:11 C 101 IN A RACItA. du. do.
• In t.. 111% E. to, runt cltho of l irr. *o I Itor
,In-I.+l and ardnoded for t h. Et. of Nlo.tedl Coo
rot:Joon.. T.*.totrx . lortitut,s, *al Chtet... of thr'lrt.tto.
uf Slur, by Lutrell N.lsron R Nittldt
barge dur.utitt of lb. abort • mod Ltr.Rie It
t•.• It, JOHN II Nil:ld:Ad% 'I 111. , I rt.
difficulty ofid,tainingg, correct an
t poeuhlowel lo till+ real, heorlng hee
leu,r tail el.terely telt by the mum .31 huodr. the ',lb,
r be, male for Wm expretnly,-• th,ey. leeho.
ttbtelt het , fart el-rived They la, Innt3 the fartary
the le, mot., in Eurepe. erd exewaitnnted N, (111,A1
ar t elarlenete eter orlered ttr teh.--esel ty
A (1.41,1 A AtAi
w.ll turd thy.
Nn Int
LACK Septembor. for Kulp
No :4 'Mini
ENV BOOKS -Travek and Advonto
♦ ta, ak.a.ra , kI .11 ,1 • 1 • 1 `1 ,4.2 . ,1111111 I
a , rikarn....lkku In.kt..;l•akki kan itark nlEakkankra.
DE Ow EaakEkl, tkr NI in I s ar - p.n.,. t 1, 1 •.
k I a k• 1
'Nkk. .k 7 ..f Ilarnak'a takkattk.oary Iklretkauw...
n• .2 katakl .1 I. ILI. if.
New Music.
OIIN 11. MEL.oit.. N.
111 Ir
tram I.n.n• .1. I
leAt Mar.,
1, , r1.1's St..r
Nk. ono mu-1. part.
• ..1•••• 1 ••••• , .••• ••••••••
~„n „ ,, •
• • 1.• v
•••••1...v. rt fir I .11 a....
N‘lry r•—••• Ltd. , ' 1 3••unt ••I•.rr.•
lii ll~+nl
1....1,ar..11 - 11v.or 14 , 11
1.41 y 1,1
. I at.e..•li—m.r. hut , 11, J.
• earl', r Mew
L•sl7ll.\ k El , IltollSmokt`i
net N , 411
i ll 1110 EN, ,I•th , nrr, :+tnry.
r I , .u•
1... 5 .A.NK8.
•••••(.1( ( Hlnna 11,4. •—• - • r ii• (Lim el() --,01,19(1
.I..urpata. otr . (Is •
''°SDI (N ART .101' RNA I. t.,r Srro•lnt.;
IA /, , 1••••-1.1.1,6 (••••
. I,
BLA Nko, ri .V1'1 11 10:li I,,CLUE
1( ;4 lIY VA, Y.-10
At, ••(,(c•—uts• I (44 a.•••••i
. .
1,- mt,l 4 ,••• uT , ,11.1.11, nr , l 1.14, xl,s
0' T I ATE , ItS - m N ()W. , by .
••.-Itur.rt. 'tart , . t'ltatt.... 1, .Itrir
1 1.111 %Ai
itt•lttt• I 1.4-1 1. r•ltilt. rm.*,
r., 11611 1 ”Ittn.ltta, tit. • I t
• rtN..,t1. 1 . 41, c/tlrrlt. AltA Ail
it , ,••••..111 ...I•tter •tr-trlt• writ, tt
htiptl• • Qt.., • trp. tltt•.•
1,, I, rt..,
ttttttlartl. ••Ituur•. - 1...1 Ir.ratt•l
, •
alaapit., lArtz , ,
, I N ;
it •
. 'll7. " t..
` 3l. n1,•,..r • 1...T.1,m,•
A .6,161 KAT I•4l.rirrd 1•11 , 46,,... 1 1 , .1 16 •
6.•,16. 1, to, 1 nat..m Krl,l•ll,'
Anua/ • 11•6Aftu A
•,.. 611,1,-.0.6, ALM. ,
S PICES---3 0 0 matt ellASill;
a Ltd, Clov,
1 0 , .. k Npune.,-f..r ,a 1. ., 1.,
.. , 7
J relit,,,NNAKEit k O.
g toDFlSll—liota.irt , l and tbr sale br
• ! r.. 3 WM. A 31r1:14 Rd Al,O. ,
i i a EN EK.A.OIL, (Parkersburg,)--5 bill a
L,7 pr3o. s-ttzle Icrt ,ale by
".2r' It. E. PELLE ILS. LT V, 00.1 0 •
_ -_-_... . .•
113 ACK Flt) BUTTER-25 bbls, good. for
I,_ ,ati. In r i
_- J 4 a. FLOYD.
Round Churral BoilJtor
- _ -- -
f TIEESE - -100 boxes Cream:
end lbe eel. bY 1 .154 i ' C lAll ''' ES — D i- A "4. LZ ""* ltt.L, '''''
ea 4B Water street
- ' ;,4
A '
The PI.: P.lfr.rrlifiSElfy hicovery to Mr World tz
Me great droLuin Remedy for Man and Dead!
IL G. Farrell's
n FAH It LL'S genuine Arabian Lini
it n,ot
n n. , tmln., the truth
ot which oiasl ond .1-hi m
mist fr. c' th ,
article, nod the man, cures is-mg .Intl. of.miaril 1 , .
which prei inns!, recist..l ctber oitsticocis er-i tic
kill of the Lest physician. In the acrid It Is
of halscsna, extracts and gum. tsmilise to Arab/4 Poi.* s
ong. in runcrotrateil them. all their fonnolliting. nn,
fits. peoctnittog. tincianin i and riirtilstrs prni.ntn.. and
the -erne a i e. ago. sin rcusod hi Ow -Sous of the
f.e.-ert...' frith such tinrimulonf Ft,rve.. In miring ti o
ca... teith man and In-eel
the t i romarliahle cures, uhich ineol.l of
theinfolree place II if. rare-n'. Arilnati Liniment fir lT
tnml any xi filet scrwslo
Mem, I end n holt shin. a -mellln.; 5pr...,1 in I'll,
~..Ik./k/i,c 111 man it be.
. n n i c s. ihi h... nml •.r -that that ~ he coin I tict
r pro,,,dro tua.n ot n•ntrr h.r .Pntroro.
rn.u, I ,rt I, 1.11...'1 our 1,, 'tont, . nod
1r.,. I,nt II • 12,11
or-rh. oror.,n. 00.1 othern nnol., I won n Tunior oi
I.ln 1111
rut 111 au, rill .1 .1,11. to tr) 11
r nr - r , ,I'. I.uou Ir. nod. on it
ur,on tho nr..,oontoo, II
to un
'nod bun M1 , 1.1.11t11.1 gotOnir 1.1,, outil
elle in an *roll—onjorins, Ionooil•uti nod, IL.
Peoria - , March 5.1 4 51 C.
:Robert 11101.., I
V.:reeuoirta. 1'... lloreht:.
One ha.s 45:51 y4ur Lutonent Ittiarr•4suore.n.
Ho: lo:t the u4e ol her leao I t Ilayee year, the
contrarhad 50 that 'her le, hen:ls4lP, to Lula o bile
rtaudino..4 nntorcl tar Lb, poltion of the 15,• o
44hint. nod .he ,mold not bend theca tta th, h ot, 1,.1: l.)
ot 11. ti. Farrell's Arnbian I.tuitueua e : an MON
oh, to well, lath and ha, a etrolcht ;In 1.1 I hnte
1 :utul into( exrellent remedy for Inoso nwh..1154, lor
a mrag ha,l, reo nit, 10 el ternval r,
The opioaen of an 01.1.45,rten0.1. , •0a1w,eut Iry Varner
Wneatonroas. to Ihoo.
iron the lopredy and permanent a Inga,bote ..n anon nna/
hen, which your Anat.,: LlMetir porthrrnino. I aa,
not In:Lit:4e pronounee It th Ill e
"lirext Cetuoal, ot the
Ace: Inave pr.:et:red ,:Mono I, bor... tor on.ntv
and hove Imo: .11 the roroms linana.444. oat:tun:me. /4:5
mueh op te. the laolo:m tot+ I ruo , thot II
t:. Forrell's Areloota: 1.11110.1....10.4.1• xsr,thnt I 1,45,
untie use of, I:, ate up, I Iv, rored a:teeny nntl 4,511•
halo: oft, they had loaen pronounee“ not:urn:pp. mud Illov•
cured more thou Inarses thi. 5.545.50 u ofth :our 140 :
tn.:clog r very 5154, trout wroiel,—
o y n t t houeoe: ilt: to rp•rine rutc.bene. unit aorcen,
aho bear teetautot, .at its 4 4 551 etteets .an the human
4 to. 1 5:445 munueal nearly all toot ranter na: :5 ::
Ithentontls4:, 00:1•54:14 get laell,lll
- UP . r•Ilt I.IL
rurol ' IN At II 410 ,111:
roan 1 . .n0u of teo yrarn' ntoodoac eunal Ity II 0 I,r.
Arabia" lottiunnot
'lr.,ir hool I.•n
the' ,ton Palo' . lon the In .. e. unt ,
rolhot ornopt to tdontotton_ o ot by sho nor of 11.. I tor.
onrabion Ltnimotrao •PlAn I • , v ‘ t.r '
tour !boot♦clay, tt ono.. ot,rnly rrntoot aohl J hot..
ht it oiono 1 onot onto tit. otoolde to..tot
nphif,'lt to • bornOn nhnot.oho t Into, toe ot
lob ti mud tell s o nntrool tor jolt., nnnelo o ot tont l 0000 t•
loon% that tit, turnoel !doh to as rut n
/nom nernons I *wont toot. locomen, 00l ton.
NoLLtT oo , hoolonna utnnov. 1., no,
" ""
Bmore of Cotial,44
. . .
1.,0w wrlzo .t • St:
f i l
I.ittlutt,tl t• .I.•tztiter.m.. xt.
Irtora Itt• i.-attlntt 1.1.•• n I'.r }
rt. t•arrtettlitr 1 fn 1., ttr.tttnat,,•/...1 kto'r•
.t• 1.. t '"
wor.l-1...ut/ in Ili. , a.
.%111.. Lb •
t,• tAntr,
l'nurna. 111 s.l,‘
I nn 111. V -V
the Humes Body Blued Yerspue,
S h.vr.
- ~:~~ ~~.~.y.
•, ~~.
~::„ ~, ~~
11 hit, 1••• •I,
t , r •-•
ti-jub •u
JOSE,. LILLY \1 iii I L.. L....1L or
, \ Ohio ,Laboratory.
~ , . to, -.,
' ~''' . ~.. . ( ltiT "i 1 )•• 11111 i ' li! 111111 )l
• ....turf , . ' I :‘,..' P: ', .... '' t: n• ; ,
~,---- 1%, ---
' \ ••
‘ 0 ~, -
\Senumont's Patent Starch Polish. 9.4.
i).0(,,,,,,- El \ . litle • ..' e. at I,:et, _ rteF„ ~,,
... ; . ' Per cent. Strength, .4, • tn.' .e•X , ...‘ tee . . , forhn , ..trie , ,{ . I @WELL FLETOIIEH. & CO., Mtanettnetu
. , • ... •t et ~..,,....... \ mid in, pr.. got. IL. I ruu It. .1 I A ~,..,„, wo l in, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,..0.
~,.,, A. ~iri pri,..iii, .11, from ...Emil • i f,.... copper Mantled, 1 in: Whiuk., ulernia on ht. , - •
' '• "••'''' •'•••,. . r ' '"
”:'l‘..'''''. ' Corner hi Vine and L n,nt ..truntetlilfecilftfektEtilli l
. 'II' ' • In'Acy . i"'t '-''.'' '''" ''' .1 ,...4 '' 'i n .''' S r /41-All nislrr, (ton on•rtarh .fit ee eremeth ailed
•;,,. t .1.. • in, tn
A lrt 41
h, • .....r • -.AL . t,
,d ruta.ll., ''' ''''"-"‘ r ” 4. " ' ""'''', ... \` !.- • "I' 4
It I n1L.1. 1 .13 1 . A; At... 4 ,e s Wines and Liquors.
t ' '- ‘ l°' ''\ l"ve r" "'" 1t" r V new ''''' . IV, 167 r ibfftv ,t. ~ ,, ,,,,,erty m ? ,,i,,,,ck,,fner.,.
• - ~..x. ~.,...• t ro ..,,,-,.. the hunt et •• - '
- , t
~ 1 1 . , ,, • $ a., ,,, 4' i s , ,,, l,i , r i t
~. , .1 ., , ...5it , , , ,., i , k ia i a . , i
i 1 i 1e , . ,, i1 ,, n;1,4 ,, L ,.. .• Il i \ 111Ri...1 ,.. .511:. ,, N t
h it ;
~S , ,,r i o „ u ,,, ‘; ,, f , : ., N - i p . !... ,, , ,, ,
, r , e ,,, , Trr a ir r , u2y .
. .
~.. . -- ~,,---- ~-\ -.,- '1;1 ,, -- ni-w , " , - , Q.-1 , -. ..„....„.q.., 11, ha" , ....daubed .. t • LETV WINE mat
i ''' '''""' '' 1. '-"''''' ' """ ''' "'" '' ' ' '''' "' ' ''• ••'•••••• • -..- •'''' ' - ' ''',-• '`''''‘" ••••'"'.."••' '''vf • • Elul til. LI•1111... th. , ale ,- ... stand. wk.., \tter{,uhullel
n"...r. "r''''' , "`L'• h . '''' ' 1 h"... ‘l''' . 1.1 t'''• '''' • ' tn. , i.- . .1..• .....1 • ...In rt. 1.-„oennit,' 1! Ind 1311.' . ' ~,.. f ',..„_, , 0 „ „,„,„,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,
..,,,,,, h „..,
•fee.nrolo LI liar istrii. ~ .w.1., . li • Inn ~ .....,, ~ 'II s.. I' nn -. • fun... ....,1,1.1.. ~...t. • t th.. lot, Onturn -et,- tt , , ~,,..,n ,4 ! . n ., ~,„, w i ,..,,i, r f .,,,,.1.,•,,,,, ~,,,,
......1 with th- et...h.... II it. , 'at., •. Len , 11,, , ••• I • • . •1 , ! ....... , I ....,.: , ' , P . , I lir-o,ii•-• ...I It, r him,. tints., Junauleu runt. linllund
It, 1'0...1re. are. fuel then. tee. 0n0.... in theneg.. , tf• • .t ~,
~". C.0",17.41.'n't.wrft'1d%"1'L'....'..'•‘.1..".'"•!P..7Vi11'...".gr'1'5...' f " ,.....! : ,' I‘'l I. I 1..- C n....h retl:l: ‘ lc; ' 1 " :: . 1:1 1 T '-'' " r"."-
•.: 1 ~:''','' . 'i'm - rr, ;::; t : \ ‘: , •. ' „'L.'l' .k i l : . 'l7'' ' .m7,,b7iii' A ' A ' r:.,": lu , , '' '' "d g a c ' k . „,. °l:irrY:
', \ 'dr c1,1 1, ' ~ LEF ' .1.,• • , a. Ant L 'luau ‘1 ct, . An 01.0)1.1 they
..,.. tilonfout, nualnu. aut t-h•t •• •.. 1 t , ...... ,
lt- thrrn de. " '\ ‘ "' -,, c...,,i -11. erlantrnale, en. retail.. 11...mufti...61.1g terns.
00111/13 . .1.,
1 • II -Then. ~.. Inc rp r. , • In In th, Et ao. g u ,Lf L• • on, gt the nattnetn. Mr. Strutter:WE 11111 etentlaultau hie
kettle.' a in Lb.. citt - of N Yttk..lbe iLliorß 411,
tier ...thrronri • ...i.. Rtri 1, hut .1 , . nr ••• .• ..0 •• I ll[ AV E iii,i revi•iyi..l \ r., I. ~ w\l'erk, et a- . !g: . 1.,‘41,!',„,, „ ~,,„,„ „ n d . h „,,, , , ~,,,,,,,,
'!....P. ' l . i • ht• • .”••• '''' t ••' ''''• ''...•.' ""' ."- " ' . ...., ~' llri I . Sr I . •.• .'' , l,St Ti'1. , .. 1 .1 f e. ,r , brute. in this .Itr. Nene.. Sii , Ur R mil. I.ererr'rett
t Ml'
tt .1-rte,..., re./ t... reo. / me. , .., ~../...... . e, Ltte........ , .. , ..nerr.
fl - L. L. a Ih•er.lue that ~ ..0 pan., ..... in,, , .....- ....,. ' '•
". '• % \ i " .. ' • FAnnilies uuteptlud free of ilrtracherth.. and It 4.e .
I. ‘ . • ' ? '' ',..•: "n' rl . -Tak,...ay nt inar• I ' 1 1i I . V '' ' I '4'' I. F ! - -w c ' lrk ~ 41 .1''''''' - • ---
lAtt ne Pewee/ •An 0.... e......... 1. e 1... L .., A. , A , .t.- , ''''',.
~ ':, N,,,' "`'' ...'' '''7' . V t . ' . . r ";"' n . b !•"'',' Lewis's Patent , Reversible Water Filter•
.... , ,h' , il.i. u" •I'!I"'" •••'... "•"'• r ••",'• '''',",''' t '''''',',i I 7 • ,':';': • ,:',„..., " , , ••• ,',' " ...,„,..:. ‘ 11.:!:17., ‘ t u tku.' f . ..,,71........r Itf NOW 1.1 he seen in operation at W:111,,
''''`' C''' • "'.
well " ''" uau - ''''' " ''''
''' • r"."
• • , .. - 0 ,• • • .., II ‘a A I .."‘'. 'I • f Apt. 4 !Lilt •il. Plun..ta. Nr l , Fourth eictun.t,_‘ ter
eut .IL und wed! to , -nt M. , 1.. -r1• 0,, ... , 4... ~..._ • • , t•....n 1 ail,l leherty .1.... atul ~hl,on A Ve ILLVS:'
.. ~• rn. the .100,... •.... 1.. n.... ...i I. 1... A ..r ..., ‘iANI It f. .1N I. II .k 1 FOrt tA •., A. t ../t•• . A,. ~. tr./..4..4r,, emetttAth. •... • ref, te....retrirkti
,:., ~.',,,,„, t ,,.. . t nte ~,,,• et .....t• ..t. ,,, , ~,V I •1tr,... of N 11.,, , A 1 . ... 44.),Lautt,114, -to ,• , th.rnl front the. ALurrinan 1 ....Liu. ot Neve,
tee. it. The .ttr, .rt ....., ....., clere...l thr ....lung •-..., e . It , I•hr. 10 , ' ,. , n t.... un t ler en.. ........'l4 - .• ' .1 I i.e. e1 . ..Menu...1p.m the Er•nklu. in intl. oi Phaldel
god i. 1.0. itiii.d.... I 1, nWI si DEN"! lt. tV•t.r.ltt'et e I. ! ta,. fo. tr. tett.orltrliy fit it, ele , unatnu projn.rtleor. nal mho
• ...Id
.11.1 rel. hr .. L ~ E . 1.1. I,lt, I .vl.,
' fi O T U „ S: SI 1 , 1:: ., S 41 ,
, tt , .: • ILA , 2 , ' , ! , 1 , 2 .,
~' 5 , ' " 1 , .. %):1:if, ‘ : „ .." A :„ ...; t s : , 7 , , : 3 ( ) c , f r
.) , NS
~ i, r• A t •in t
r t. ! ' ' le:.
~,.. 3 ‘, \ C i . t , i ' t e: '3 4:l_l C : ° , l_ ll , : . n , ; ', ..: . ;i:n r r 4 . t:ti . e 1 \ ! 'l' \ '''''i': 2 11:;!!:" ' '''''''''_'-'\ '''''''''',lnini'h;t73:Lti‘....:":"."'""th''''''er‘,":l...'":"ilf::',:ttdb:L.l:l;h::"li"lll:°.s".;;;;.
i.I e. t tre•gte. n thlur it Ist 1n.... , n. C 1 ,,.... S , RN i , 1 il.rlenenf them fer +weer!
ie, the hut.. in g• perfume sod th....,..... end ,11 v.. ' 11!"P.-":':11`.''"
• iil .trnet•
errairr efllear, .....I,u • , n.n...• •on .1 ..1.,...11.1......, 1 , ..n. , C opper Stocks . , ~,,,, ,1.1 en,. lE5'l.
'lnert, nreentrd il M l .
It i• I•Ichlf nu...none...lug to Inth , Ira ther..c.heare tent „
,f,...uun. f ..,..... e ot LI, tolit. eut tor t.., .....,,,,.: u - ; IAT E II It VIA .; .1 r 1 t let rte. ••t...•1; “1" t ext.... . torte. , /notate at gni
recent cerlie - ,10.h. /
ir, ,lor It., K1..1 , 0 , L.... , the •..... ,3...1 Impart t. It ../ .....„,, .. ••••I ...1. ten.. ........ .: JO i.,.... . 1 ' li ' lg 0 41 ' 16.tif ,r . '
Ltirit I It. Inbuilt... tt. and ruble.: It ~.. 1 A. 11.11.411 , eCo .
~e, •„I ~movu I...nlerhe In • few 1,11.1„.... '' 4
. , .- . .n .0 OttrrAne,utrevt.' •
I ~,,,e, 3..1.1 1, I, E LELIA., . ~.....• 1 Pure Brandy, for Diarrhces, &e... ; t ole out war smell or
ot,l arthusl or vegeta
-IX, One ii. ' ,--The Int rt twrsto p heretofore et- ; 131 EA i: I\ NI I' tr! t h... it rptitrevel Fret.. h 1 van...he, elan reto
11 tatlng on , tur tt, Drn. ... SI A At II ITL A O. i , I I 0 itniiir. ttn , El 1.0, i-an I....S.CRtinil Rt Slill.n. • I 1.0 .1E..1 rns.
mi. 4.. tuu.n ,11....1. -1 1, ii...... 1 ~........ I : - . f1art....0... thtenenrt.. f . i-r .liinrrieß , liitir .
Si A. SS' lIITE, 1 .., 1 Ti,ILL . JAKIAN,
. .I,IIIN EVAN, , tEuel,,Elstladeslillaiu. _
r .11 E. It str's•rz 1 •
suPUI.OIt. TEAS, ' imprpred patent
ii i i( t-l'A Wl' N Elttil lIP-I h, AllllB eriberN 11l ve l'" , ”P .. 11 . , " 1,,:, , r , a • kt. et E . :44 , n Air,. ~ ,
' i nlnn , '" ... C.' i . ..."" . • , ..1' . 11 . 1 . , Iht• urrA of se.o.. ITH F. tml.A../ . 11...r. mane re.peettnarN \ . ,
Ain -din A 1.1„...! •,
II Ii ~IAIVIf. • ,nun. the ..ezentggE ut mutt! •lindura t t cdffil e,tl
3 A fi Li , ATKINSON,
, ' , :here L. the, fur, -,, veto, LEAS, out uf , ~,Enaa„.
1 0.31 .1011 N it OKELV, i r• g e .th. en,..,1 tuot e. -hart ..... toner/ltd. th0 . .i1id...,
f n..1 . .. 1 rreuure.. a.- T... r.frt , tlf fin.,
Removed. •,„. „,,,„,„,„:„.. gt T..... ...IL.. o It. thle...n*.t.r ,e.t.a..'
D EN NETT, II •EV. li 1' & CU. have re nosed . nr, :,,, . hung.- 11.. .o,,,, teduLu s : tntenii,v.l, t imj . ,
ID. their vow VI aru1ag0,,,,, , ,nt chnnrery ,. i.“ • '''',7,.`T,! • ,.,;,,,7, ' J.,', ' ,. • ,_"% ,„'; ' ,,::..";, • '',.1', 1 ;'',....,..,„ ‘ , „.,.., 1
I tr. %tr., tt 1 , tt I
i - • 1 - ,:l. tn.... •ru eunett.ett, • ...••• c. .;ta tref.l. thet.. ult.uan h
Greenwood Garden. „ 1 „., ~ nit Tem. -....1 in i h...., r!tun , .., r.“... , 1. , 1i
1 1 . C. i 10ICE eolleeth.n of Shrnhkery, v ma , g , „„,,..„ t. . 7 .. , ,.. ,. . 4 .=:t. , ,, , , , ., r, , , : z t, , ... ~,,:; : :. ,,t f : : . , 1 .... , , ,..,..,•-.
ii rnto .NV4., "' btr, " ,l , ;:tP, "- ;: ,', :. ", :::7 ' . ' ::: ",? ; ' , ` .: ' ::::; ,',': I"'• . 4 4'7 ,,, ' , --,-. ‘..4-: 1-- -.. ,,, ;)ti 0-414.- -..,,,
~,,,, “, nnt..-ut yard. and genie..., .viii 1- , 1,......1 . I uon. rpAILIV..I a , .....111 . n.-
. 0 . .:0 . T.. L e. untnrn ,
t l ottutt , ennta
.Ire, Nor., An omnibus luu.. , Olt n•rnur nt ' .1.1 0n... •.. 1 Le^• ."...•' ~.. ,r, , , T . 1 . 1. 111 1.11 . 10, emi
tter..., end Firth .tr...... Pau1...0, • ter, halt 1.••.,. LI tar 11r 111 :•: ... , ,..,.=• • h1.1 . :.. , 1 ,1 , 1 , . , .. , , ,, , ,, ,v,.. ,,, , , , ,
~n,,,..: ‘, 1 :
the tfanlen. Ire 1r.......1..e1, in•tru-hunnt.,,v...1..i. 'R. , ^
in li, ~41.4.,
m l i P;l , ,; .. nt .
yitr,ez...l, 4:2 .
w t 1, , 0 ,,
r p , 7 , 11 , t:: tv r, t 4 . 7 ... : 7.,7 1 K. w ., :r .i, T.,.., 1 ,,. :::, : li . ::: : t . ' :::_: ,.
, ' :, , i t 5 . : ( , ;::: r . : ' ,z,, . L. r i k u ' , 7: : 1 ,..:: .. 1. * : : : ‘ ,.. , i... " ,,, ' , :. :, ,, :: : : :: ' ... , 1: P .,....: :: ::: ; . ' ,, 1 :! \ . , ,. , ::,,, ': '
Stilt 1.1 ,
1 liati NTI NO Ai IF I{lk I'l'l Nli I'APF:ILS- • ,K.: , . , 1.. lehertf . \true,.
te. . 5 " r'•".*""••,,"" .At ' r r " 7P l ' .. v .."•"•• i hSW EGO PREPARED CkiltN--I,t) 1.0 x, ,. .,
7. - teouhlu Cr. - nd ' , l2 '-1 I_,F -I 1 io• .1..1 , 1, , , erte.le .. n...-,...1 .elul f.\\,.. by
f !,,,, .• .. tliunt •• - -.. ~. It. L. rtti...t•ite.At u .10 e
Itt. , " .......Artlei ...eon.
„, .. ~,,,.t . .. i %,„,; PERM 011 ... -. t'lAeks pure female by
t. .. hare..
sett I.lArne l'uta, •., . .1 ECIII.I.N ill AKEIt iglf
hut - ',nub, menu., tat:r. Inro., saps,` *
I . lime itareet.f ONt P. R. R. • \
31 - 2 , 1,..13 • •• '
Th. elgrro, with ala 'A ..1.1.1 tin, of parr., for eel. at 1.,,f.M ........
,411, .4 S 01 10 ‘ .A.Nt 1) I'ENNSVLVA.: ,
the .antral One , " , 14 1, 11A% L. , . NIA KA Lit *AU Nth 1,,r ' , Pleat w.c.
~1 , ,i cm,- Dr.,. A, SI ILKI,is • , 1:.. •
'''''' Minn , nt Market End nerund !Inn,' En , and litAk,, :
11 ..nnut . Mark., ...h1 third 'art,.
To Druggists and Painters.
rAA:fitarl:":"Glilit it "" l2 fr. . ' t: ' :.:f.. BL. ,.. lll l A t i t ' Lll 'l O: ar .:.1 : 1 1 1 :i ; iF : I.
.i ' l 'J : 1: 1 :: . 1.:‘ (.; 'F''' .: :- Fi ::.' ' ::` ') :l 6 l ' l '4 A '' l l - D' 2 ' 7 i 7: 7•L itA : l , : ::iS l i t '''''' T : :? 4 ,; ' '. ‘l l :: f4l: - }
mitr of ins& and t he el the ali, r .
_, , J s.CIIINI. MA.KEIt CO- ,
P.lnt. tom produeed the deepen end meet Mnilinnt amide
tai hi Li"d i .:• , id 24 Wind etroeh
witbent detriment to
~,,a 4, ei ••nd h‘e rhilneed iii• Pro- i1. , 1 OLA ss F, 5_1,0 bbl., IN, 4,4
""'rbir:. ` rre.f.t n iN.Ointra ode ahem lid the ..f. er tn. I .11 I &a " 1 '7• 1 Pe
nrktbriand liranit di Yarie 17reem. QUlY , b4utrr. will tie mu. i,
plied iltreinned peens. IL I. BELLE:IL% In ient amPrthree, for ... 1 . 1, 7
71/9 67 Woods:note I ins= . .E.. 1,..."
liatmi 41. 1 51 . Pittsburgh Lifir'amiuminek
Ailg 1 rirlllS COMPANY vv.i'v inv.-
Iva: (1 ,
LAKE RR TV AND MICHIGAN Luis, i,:rez-a"i'1•„-„%.,,,I,;, , I,:i,, K\
ON TUE EXTENSION ('ANAL. , The Company Stecatatrato both art thelo
CL Si; KK. P t lIKS a c.i. i ,,, i , - ,,, . ran? fink. Vein the Joint hatek plan the rater areatat-ttt
FIIIIE PROPRIETORS of Otis .ild arid well i , •••• , - , Istrvsd b, , iiii.i , lcil.ipiiiivii , ivi ,, vlP , vb
Y k,,,,,,, i .,„. ~.,„.,I i str, :be en hi, ,b a , Gm ,
,„,, ... ,i t u rLhaK ,
.r t ‘ l , t , . ra , 1 ,. ...., t n l .. at . ... un tst .:n z r . k l L b o . tpattat oo, a. ,l ,
te a 00p..r.0.. uf 4 tio. pro•oto ......-.1. -trot ~.
~,,,,.. ~_, , . E, _ • ,, G, ,,. . f. „..... G‘G.G .,, , „E tha,
` .l r '''''' nz 4 r '''''' ." hob tb*. `,"1:. 1 ,1.1 1 . . .1 nalt,eple nett- the e r :lnhate,l feeudtteaturet - aleal i%
17;171,L ' ,..:2 - 2 t ' ... ' i. ' ,1 " ..T ' ; ' ,,;.!:. "' :;, - ..7rii.riitn , I ‘n,. ,-,... , d rn , ‘1ra,... ,,. . and Ott C. ,, ftith° ll urffh. FuN
lane .111 le ennatantb et ti.- latfa, Woe ;It. Wheat . ' 1 ,•;''',J , •:7,! .. 1 , ;A-gtp IL JE,.;
~rEEGE Ofg , E ,u f.,, , ,,, ~ k
' r."'" Sltt r lVA 'li \ I'll C , .1 ,ate: haat, torhalthe hne ntrht of •14a, ehl dm.,
kr.a.,i it 1.. 1 . A. at.
..144.. rt.latsoof friend. or canine - es—to Incur. I e afr ..
".'''• `' n W. ''' an-I -'"'''' `" • i."" " r "' ' n„tber Inv thei . rnatt eirluhiret Learlitspaywhieta 'teeth._ a \
CaSSIONP.I. , . r otaat the partarararta, at the mate ot 50 rtk -1 ' ... tits
, 4 the outtou of the. tuatuumi
• . ‘1.0.1..t. , 1,1 A ., I I, Or Masa.
. ' t• SI t-tn. Mot, a lam , . S. floott...prut.ldant
J . wit- , It ..1.. , n. .l. 'untie' SlcClorkan. Vice Pereidette , \
Jtet•ht. h ta-teh. Treaaurer.
An• Hearer . ' bat, an • Char,. A.l. tlton, r....flul.tfT
„ n i.,.... I t nnenta 1 oat t ahem,
11 lb, I. 1.1 to, i a ' \ •attn.- h Ilta.n. h Leta It
•. li P•nahrel, Paten , •1 , t .1. tat - I.llworth
atatel tlet:/ter Ran. aet Platte
• New Lake Baperior Line.-1851. \ , Wnae.
, I ill l': Dote ntetant , NORTIIEN ER. CAttt. IT. V,....•, ,,, ~ m ~,,,, ", ~ ,,r , a't fat
• • It atter 1. ,, 1 .rd. oar t.,..rtre.tar) of 1 rug., ut7.
II " " r ' n. ''' r ' ° "" i '''' . ` .. l'''''''' . `"' .''' .i• het Nutlet. hot., Ct,lfter of hatobtanb Dania
...lot, rant rotator, a 111 Lure l'lt hebtal . Fraley, the •Al , ~,,,.„„E 1,„...,1,1...,„ a holeaslet/rorer
t t Mat nnat. rtn her Pro trip—aal waelat thereafter ..
t an t e , : a e ht... the), It a , ths It.. hr.
.. "7. , e . : a te . .tat , ; , r . \1 i tti .,, A ,. 1 .. i A , T2 . ~ , , , , , . ....C:Ap. . ., .,.,J , ,0 ti t zti t , , , h at., 1 .1.
.111 . 1 , "*. ' S '' '' ,, 1 7::: 1 ;; t ; ". , _„ . ...:: , ,r, t
~,,,M . ,7 , . °ft.'. E. l
hut. or, nn the arrival el tb. +haat, Sortbertter. matt. ,„,.,,,,, „aaa.Ga, 111.., G a 1 i a ,,,,,, GE0E, m . G ..
a re,,ula weekly IWO, thrtalptral aft Frew,. berate.
~,,,E G,, , E G,..m . , E. G. ~.., DrDw.r.D. D. D.
CI. i,bsisi siisi ii...1. , •vr-r , . , ie.. miii— Eranehatng / tliencianr.
~,..,,,E nl 0 , 'G ., ~,a,:g __ T , ' , ''' ' En ' Prnr''''"
' ' •taEttlel Ittlworth, SI It .47 honalateltl street.
• ! l,a-aa hn, Ant. SI. D_ lutt Fourth "reef,
111 A \ INC; liISPOSEIi OF HALF MY IS\ , C'l,n' ',.;i7 . 6 r,,V, 1 ,,-„bij . 1,.'' . .2,'',,Zi y .,,, t .
1 r REST % P 0,11.4 1/' , /./NE, to rny brother Dr D ' D „ or ,D „„r,, ,„ ,‘„,„,...,,,,,,,,,„...„„,
dt , . , . 11l hall 1 AI, 110 1. ..... W.' at httsßuralt will bane., „. ~,,,.1,,,,
tfler he trnettartel nod, the .tole al ttlt tn. hotel". a E,
~, th .,,,,,,,,,3,.. N.„, Fourth ftfrff.
co • t tnettl . Pe %I al AGRA!' lettl dAyhte C A. COLTON. he-'y.
Binghams' Transportation Line, State Idntual Fire Turoranee Company.
a if7t. is 5 . tili.---. imANcli (IFFIOE—No. Zit SIIITSITICLO Sin Err,
It CT It F. r 5 I 1 1 171 - 08 L lain.
' Piretuaati. Slay Ist. Ibbl.
rill h1B1,10:11 & Tin.: EASTERN CITIES. i i •
TUE best evidence cil the eta:CPAS of ' the
T II,I, ~ N A I, 1., lig, n.ow . +en, att AM Pelt- Intreetort. In endeavoring lomat. the 3TATEMITTL ,
dt 1• h deo a rat I 1.1 a trl ro•tnef I, Protect. a. .i. }VHF: 1N.5C1t.....141.' Cu.IIPANI GI., the ante el
•• the et tut..., .Is the unparalleled amount of butanes.
heesalt- a1e..., .at n .• — I rat-, 0ttur.....1 I . ro,otatt.lll .1,0 l too. 1,...11 done, haring tamed %thou Pelle.' derma
It. ref , teat. thereby whim': onf $l,lOOO to the
, furultt . t .
...t i... rt.ottt reel le_011:1 , aar,ll.l 't t ti,,,mp..ny I . i . earlii#l ILryrup..s.! amar, .1., flb
• •
••• ,••'•
Marine, Fire,
reig 104 114.1 the 'Kay Statiow,
on the Fennsylvahm eentralUilroad.
"" \
• ~„;,•
A N.,
1 x
e, or pany
ate(' in
ce iter, and has
• other
' .
~ 1•J of
61.Y.1..L.ERS'‘iiir4 , i.LS.L 'TX/UGH SYRUP.
Li —it is th ou.. 1 , , 51 t?... i r , ! , I . 2;e i rlr', 4
.7 '
M.. It • rt . . — •• ,1 T 11,1re 7 u, i ' lki o th ers, bar. bus
vetoe. to troubles:me mentma, and timing unel ttllfenut
remedies to root litllt.nurreie, 1 wee holland byl4ter.
tormenta otenn your Coon S run d sfte " • .•• ~..
erre It to dry of my bell. anttnao to my asebtermrter_ -
Jiff.... times, Milt tint net/. ailed to cum tbent........,,,
I hove teoconmeadel It to My netgbhontr,mal de e --
ht. It Le the tett Whet
47171s1V.‘•7;lleen i • I ;j:r41 to the libllc.
Ffrentaßboyld uotnertait. their hilirrn to I
eough. when they may be eneel t anh et boni
t' TP.Fiereet end •'.: R S. PELLERS,
1. n. 4 5t.., itte..l I dd. mart
IIiAtENT MEDICINES; a.:.. A large i
•IP nom load for mat on the Me. It I term'
kin's Ointment • • 1 Annan , tett,:.
Lemon Add ihnefulat I) pit:
..__Anewonal jtalt of balsam nt Molt'.
Nerve ton Root hluditut Inetalgreara etllnLy of M..
. upodeldoe,Btemet gd U ' h ' ) 4 ' 1.,,,
skultuonnerfk/use Whetter It ite!
Inllmatienltiont , , Cou Lijb et ,, l . •la nw ter
•11 . .
\;• Arefertett's.. , DepurstiVe byen ilt the
:: 2°WeAl'4"'D°. r'ol::,llrptrl:"...".• ''''''S'
r. , .... Emmet a: Peerperm.ll4
•• Phelps' Tomato t. Cinutoth ,:„ •
t,h - umaelter't " lemon
" /Inds. isetiourtot:
•• tletheen •" Laremler_
•• Jilus, - ltlaett
" lfuhiltot
‘l .Z . 7 l'r's *?dlits •, : rtrX "* \ ..•'-'.
• . :Truce, for Eta
tee, (tintet ' Vet (or Ted. •'.. Eye W ft..
etno.r.henlng Plotters , Uortten,ernhtettluml
, • ‘ '. l7/4 ' l,:t=r . U i d ireetunt '''• -
• "vermitore s
Teo . Pander
-'' ' N . - \ ~,,• - ---;--.',-=- 'LIM, Drag Etdr• of 74‘. WCKEILSELit,
11.,,'‘ NI) LISII `, LAW PAPRRS.—Tbe hest . es. .. coma' II out Mt /Stith
A enema Isla.
1\ -A 1 .4 4 . , o .l' • 4. 4 L '" Arr r. r r .l 5ir,,,,,k,,,,,.. ItANATIIItiS,4O knifladinfiftll4l . ol .
eun t. ha t i m •W. 8- ante &ft YAP* .1, (rnmt) .' /1141/AIiDMILIT 41.0 Ch.
„ \
\\ \ \ ' \ \ \ '.\, \ ', -\ . .
~ •
. •
, .
• ‘
\ \
• - , \
~ . u
s \
.• .
\ \
\ \
' • . .
. . . •
. \
\ . .
. ,
• . \
\ \ ,
, • \
, -
for *ale by/ ,',
INDEII tsflaDON. ..
134,Front otroet
—Lag al Ventilation.
I lionlior hr Ft•nm , of otelß,t,byrt tom Lootttr•
V.,m, k . Mo, b tor, F odes. llami . and btlild
im,, of ~.m.i..l.criptit.o. ...ti,l‘ , d viva.. Moo. Lana,
dri, I Dryina Room, for el sTcpow. where Immtbe
umiwrature. rail, hterr , lnfrth drod: and For Lbw...
1cr..,11,:4171:a1 " .0n. by 'M. forted nteafts. will
bo Pmaßrol ohßmrer domp.d.
Builditms of \lo. varioun doomi • Honed aro
moot otto, , modully Li brim thi• p in F.aftern towns,
sot tl,t. Motbr.l lufurro a wheb•mobo; obifflM, st*ny
oquirol toboorretaro,
with onto,. n( um nom . 7
~ I.
rmke, anhm,..ltot.. or Mmrn.}. ami nalstX from en.
0,16 1 FCA1111:. ATKINM ..•0 °FUMY.
- , ---7-
Copley s Pot Clliir \ \
< ~
lernE enliicee . bete ore now Cole\ Agents
of f. C.,p1,1 - k - C... for the Rale of tbeit . TobClßY. n
-.lqt 010 ot won ofts,hliflimd roputation fm tia:fairboturo
vO s tilloo , l'ote..atooF,,oto. bo. It ie made of ont , .af r mcwt
Pormold..olortonno. known: end if noon rwroldFir ..b. , t 4
Rb.t.eloanwd ...vim..-IrriallaF-
\AtilkN : .(ilL '(:LOTH-500 yards \Vit.
,I_llr,wo 5 quarter Clo th , to 'A
7ne., t , sui,arthcle umaufaetured
• rY , ...1.4u5t rtceiiN •nil,tAr de by tb. 0 00 .'a
.ct• war, yxnu• ISoa. 7 au•Sl,Wool street
J • 11. lIIILLIre
47 T 11, 41 PAPER—I:AA, uesortutent f,Fc
______ .._
es _.,, rweb — : . __ 7 . . •
J Them, hubly haled plaaer? .. a.. been [pad* IX
talk .
. thasi \ taealy f dtt,el,. ..1., th.. th., 1,...
ftb• 11:11e P Y: 41"" : 555 '"'"“"
t k' ; ‘ 47llge:Zn ''' b . .
aina6e .1 the bighrat t rqtaretne,. to vtb,a their MAMA'
Loa ..• tu-etk ettlavi t.alkbaTe. O, tt.e*ett flatt.ialt .
[...lca.- 1.1. S. to their MALI' Virtn, c Twi'kll.ll,r
ten , aol
12. n.lleota of lbeir pent,.. 4 , ry A,ret`.l7 ~..,
corn.,l, a,.hatrlosotleavv s ,,,, ,, l,l-;., ~,T.••1.:- , S '
'' ''7.'"' ' s n' au w tte. "' > ' .l ' rrru . g;lM:; .. yrntruLl;.l c.i.
)" '''''' V, 1 I , . I 1.14 in °lax 0..1 , .. '
difw.....3 in tto. LO,l),'lttelr b.» ..1 • ,n...,,,e a, .e. ..
'M' .-.. '` . ' ''' '''' '''.' "' cat " V' I %V 'f ltrt ".. l:
ji t4
'''''''' ' bot,i to' Vl' '-'
- .l` :T:;.
i.. ~,,),.... ..1 pLir, I. me LA, ,ttil tnt,,t..-,010,
to, ...C.C.., croistit, am a clu . taSt , ra ac, I,t, , ..t.
vt,r All oft., qlaxtent haler'
v } I. \..t...4 LI
WU. Itay...lopenevca cure,. n.itel tte.r
;•n ..k?Le..',D-I,lAff.lekTOlhs.';;;7J -
.... 1r ' T
.t., ~ ,lul et IT , c 1 , 1, 51 e. tent , v.tly Jn - s.ted
v•I• . \ ~• au nr 411.0 .
h •.1 , 4,u.r.r.:: .z .:1: 7 , 1 , 7 7 := 1
h,, , ,
::, :1 ,,,,:s
. ''
" ' a 11 17 1 . 1 Fa:,
Tit =III '
. t' lx " ..l 1.4.
'• . .
e Mag. ,
ftly \ alt n 7y \ \\ .
Fart l
1 y—rar.rol.
—. Fr It ---(lnr` %:ra
brad ,
For . Pr .Yle
b 1,,,0re y r
_ .
iirr).o.utum. cri BO ol;k, \' . . a t ,
Tb lbex u. arek ,i nt „. r u e illaa m ln p.h h , izn ,L it y. „4„ , 7
Fr lIE V IRTVES rtf \ this . etnarktib o me '0
L ilyi and tin. ennatant'ArriiilltlOn far , tat penal •
..tor. has Induced Won to 61,, .t put u ta r t 4 , ttlio. itlkl!. \
bet* inJ all-valet. . Int the Leo ht oft puLli,. \
The IlaltOLElf)1 Ila pn , urod flan a .fl , in ttl , ~ ..II 1
Iyat a depth of four hlandred rect. I. a 1... Peal tartt \
11 7 o l at rt f ' rx d on ;Tar ",' .. " 44lllVi4 h T3 l b ;tr?=l I.N " '
protwrttra rtar-blon k nucuber of r. noesnt,to hop. a \
matt. rof tas,rl.6lnlf nitro ant wan, [IUD 0111 the o.
rap of natty, yawn, If 11210112. 131(1a; tbe ~ ,* .....4, , ,,
swag In allevhallog oultering.\ and rt. , ring WI .onn. -,- ' '
twaltll and 'cor to wacky a autr,rer. LA", bar* Um ro,
iniator thous:Ll of outtitm It op in bottice, it tutdrutn•\,.
lion for tIo. ••
t.,01.11,rat.• h. constat.t and datll 1n.... 1
tine eall.fur it. and move s
mnrkabl, M. It, pee \ \',
tonn,l. lan. Furs.
of Ita, future tx , ntla.tit ashl \ \
'...'1'...W.1.. thr c. ,,,, 0 L , '.."- ..2. \
V alt
Ip. .r CL
i the Moe.
er - use
11rt0. 1.1 Ek
I. b oll o'. ehi ll l
* n
at. y "