PITTSBURGH GitMitE4 goes T aimurfecrtn Sonnow.--iCar sorrows as well , ns..tisrlggitiortie - from Him who.worketh all -*things lOW the counsel of His own will. , Hod • 46 - Ifi sonic wuut;lDeneficient purpose to accom plish in all his dealings with his people.:. They should Strive to co-operate with him; should be 'sharers together with God. ruei should seek • tui learn how' to deal with His providences, that the wislttd for results may follow. The following pith) , remarks ou this subject, from a writer of • - the veremteenth century may be profitable to the ruttier: • • ,When. sorrow, when-the ciosS comes upon .. thee, seelGnorwith the world to distract it. Drive • it notawup with fresh seurcespf sorrow, bid it weleome...: Cherish it es a heavenly visitant, as tuhiseeget from God with healing to thy soul; and thouahatt find that thou entertaiuest angels unites:es. Thou shalt find the how in the cloud; Ills light arises oat of darkness; His form upon the troubled waters; nod if hr bush not,ille shall soy to thy soul, 'Fear not, for I nut with thee. Hu shall make It gladier to theo to lie down in trtiabletind anguish, while he is with thee, than ever any' of the joys of this world were, while he was less present with thee, or wherein thou for giitcet-Him. - Thh blessed lot is not to live joyously in the warld,thadistarlied by sorrow rind sutferins,ll hav . trig our good things in this life, and left in nor own ways; It is to lie low, (well is it for us, if' it he our own accord, yet 4.1,1h0it tolie low,) on• ' der His cross. Though for a time it lay heavy upon iv not so neniry as sin. Though it araand us, the wounds :are those of to friend. Though its nails pierce 'us, they are but to let • ;forth the disease which would consume. Though • it how . . us:to the earth, it places U 4 not so deep 'as avt' . (lase . eve tope; it casts us down clay, that tfhap we have learnt to lie there in silence. and ' He may raise as up. ° rldether wants to know if you'll lend lie littlemerlasees to starch a cap, to go and see th! President;" said a little , girl, coming into Mre! l'artington's kitchen, hearing in her hand a tin Cap. "Certainly, &sr, — said the good dame, P4easaiMlY- She never thought of the unreason . ableneis of the ! request; she never dream ed of grille. The depository of trestle was brought out, the goldeg ! liquid' filled the tin re spectable, and the child departed. "Well," said the old lady, "every-body is going to see the President. But what is a president, or a king, or a justice of the peace, but a man, after all, with flesh and blood and hones and hair like soy of no? And thousands Will toile farther to see him than they would to see Saint Paul, or He brews, or!Revelations, or any of 'em. Binh man worship! Bich man worship." "The President's . coming, aunt," said Ike, bursting in, "and he is going by .citir door:" and the little fellow was half crazy with delight, and threw his cap in a plat of milk ciptm the tahlen his enthusiasm. "How do_l-leek, Isaac?" said the dame, with animation; is toy hair combed and my boridker. chief digested right on my neck, and my. cap:bor der event" and she took her place by the window when these questions were answered, as eager as 4y one to -'' see 416', President," and Ike steppe at. -But her eye!, werestrangely dim, and those hitherto faithful specs gave indications now of -failing her. She took them off to wipe them, and _both glasses were gone! Au hour before, Ike had borrowed them for is telseopid experiment. But it didn't make any odds, for the procession had turned dowrianother street,. and didn'z'go by her door at all.—Corper Bag. SIBNDRIES-300 doz. Corn Brooms: . mo SW, N. Y. Lea.tbm 31 rks. Lad and Crashr.l NCI.] JOUN Mr-ITT a CO. UTTER—Freeh Roll, in bose9, reed daili by. 1oe2:31 . J. 11. CAN Vli. I. o, arIiIEESE-500 boxes rood and for sale by R.J05.7.4; . .J. D. CANFIELD. F ISH -74g tpil. Lake Trout I INSEIND OIL-10 bblm.Grissvold'm brand _LA for naDIVDE lillt/AII.OASII-25 eaek9 for Kale be , • ll_ yea .I. B. CAN ri E La. OGWUOD—GO bhls. on hand and for sale 11 b)" cer J. KIDD kCn caIIIATS DRAWERS-500 doz. Men'f; lamb Wool °Er. nod. Drawer, reed by cf~i• A. A SI A.IN A. [ ` 'ILK VELVETS --21.1 pcs. most defirnb .J 6 J-. 40 1 ,. nay crrepin by AA. MASONA CO. ' , ARIL AMMONIA--2.000 11,9. for sale It. A. PAW:I:STK:FL x C 1). URPIIY . BURCILFIELD•Ifave rec'il ivit. this morning hy 'Express' the folloginy Binh minted all root lM laln.r. 41k5utt Inch Lnstee !Asa bilks. all peke, Bransle De Bieck egaret( east Plaid Bonnet Eibbonst Long Sheen. ale At Teel east enr. Fourth and Market at, CANARY - SEED-50 bu. prime Sicily, ini ortoro and for sale by' • nen J. KIDD irCO.. CA) Woos! st S ,PTr pl eb, S. TUItPENTINE-511 bbl.prime KIDD JF .1 REIM TARTAR-2000 lbs. pure, sale by J. KIDDh CO. [IL CARS. SODA--6000 II 11.0 New Castle brand. for sale by LUM-30 for sale by XL «7 J. ntidetbiblAti.E.R a CU RTISTS MATERIALS, COLORS, &e.- 11A fruit let twat ononinn at the drug Word cr cc= J. KIDD tr. (d).. b 0 Word It (.101.0 - 1 0 0 boxer No. .1 Rosin, for sale by 10 "wn 11AltBAU011. SYRUP-15 bbls for sale bi celd JAMES Ii.IIUXIIIrION a Co,. MACKEREL --500 bbLi. Large No. :1, MIL, aecliituatta inepertion. 1851. r.e ea le be • 11.1 JAM MA. IfUTCIII,ON t CO 1111 ,,, ... 1r R . ) , 51C.; ' S Magnetic Ointment—lint J RIPE • Co. • CITALIC—Ii tons fur sale by iiers J. SeIItiONE.AKE II Y. Co TASII-10 casks prime, for sale by • vela • S. t W. EARBAIIti If. IL MOLASSES—JO bbls. fur sale by k.. 3 • vela es.. W. HAPUAW:IL -griLitEsp—ioo boxesl s li.lt., fur sale by o ats 5.,!, W. lIARBA4GII QTRAW.PAPER-20W superior, r.. relent per - 4teamer .): It. Lin. Any, awl for air : J. L. oil CE, 43 corner /.5 reran Irwin iele. CARRIAGE OIL CLO, if—Justrec'd fru the PbllßMellle Parton ~4 • yJe 4, 6. end 6 irite ter plain oral Ogunal back Pitt t heel Carrier , . Cloth, andlor tale erholeviale araliretail at No. 116 Matt street loel3J J. C 11. 4.IIILLII'E. UST opened at the lleplit for choice Te 1 Y Vo. 1t Liberty_street..—a man lut et SWEET SCE RD tittANGIE PEKOE TEA. a A erre iI[CLU One article. WM. . 1111 a only Grocers end Tee Dealere. ODFISII-4 casks for sale by r or.d3 WICK tAcCLNDLESS. EMP-60 bales Kentucky and MiSsour . nor Matted. Iberile br .10 JAMO A HUTCHISON t CO. !AWLS--Just reed, 2 citqes ir superior Benche Shawls A. A 'MASON 'A ; I ' e Laver •i• 4 11 d • VITRALE OIL-775 galls. just reed end for gulA bT (o 5) IL E. SELLERS. CREAM TARTAR-3 bbls. WARRANT. ED PUKE, fouls by Oa) n. E. RELI.V.Iun VOAKSE SPONGE-220 Ilos. of nuperi ‘.." arra*, far rale by (.6/ E. E. SELLEUE CARE. AMMONIA-2 casks for male by or!. R.E. FELLEILA CASTILE SOAP-20 boxes for sale by ofi IL E tE6LIIIE4 SUGAR--30.hbde. N. 0.. for mile by ' JAMES DALE ELL. I,AILD OIL-10 bills. for sale to close con- Ii straw eat. by JAMY.S PALZELL, net . • CA Wedezeoreet. F_---.-_ . OUND-A small sum of money, adsinh the oetoer an here bz s tunlog k ! .. ralf ,. . , It 01 we Rote of one Second no.. between Woe] and dealtblxld QALERATOS- -100 bin. and 21 btAK, puro, A 7 roe Mao by . 4. 11. CANFI Y,Lit. ---t— -rW YARN -1 sack for PEN by J 6 CASFIFLD LOOIVOOD2,O9Ojb_s. _ J% s bea.i? . r pale by - KIDD .t le nfailitilo Remedy for TOOTH ACHE, h.Tate Me Teat Fpfongy =id Ille,linrrOures. for " I JLLJi i--• w went KEVrell Helri./WKLVO. tURE WINE VINEGAR- C.ldcr .ry invent. for pirklleg—for ealr 67 , . st WM. A. SIceI.IJKLI . 81190145-170 doz. Corn, for sale by ono WICK a /41cCANIPLEse. TO4 , ACCG--Best Virginia manufatned, for Mao br J. a It. I? !JAI,. SOON SALMON AND LOBSTERS— Put:. no in ant and two pound cans b-rok..ticallT maid--.lery super - kr. For ..lo by ' - WM. A. AleCLUltti ACV. 0031111. . . lirorn. and T. Dealer, kLTS.—I. have received my full IL,,i'l4l:4l.nklc.9TlllcLlttidd,,ip!'"` 'l 4 ', 0 " . ....I _ wit' g'll;E. Lll. o DE LAINES:4 cases new styl, • openhblA.Slr; A COI. -----r------LEATIILIt.-2tWaideshemlock tan. tortan --", tr. A F. IX ILILoN. -- ... _ . for Bak by fEICMON a CO. 1 0b GO od3l by .o. FLO ..10„ 116---1110 =forts, Just mod by da. " 7" ' "'"4 U.. . A. A ZAAWN a ch). Market st._ - TARTARIC A ID-1000 . . Jos. l ob. f or br UGAW-70 hh PAU,SII. & PO1) by 1.1:41 . 4 do '. 1 .11' toe)• : ) -MISCELLANEOUS OLL OLO raEle 4.4 Floor OWL oi, :P.N) 04Ouo ' 4 • Just reed and for MOP at roar 011 Cloth Warertams,ll6 311r1e3 rt Luel:11 J. t 11. PP. OUSSELS UNRIVALLEp SHAVI - SIZ; lc CREAM in now untrenally ackneerluigl,l supu!or to anr Cream in the lluand 3,1000 or Conn. ,— doliglittal preparation 1t unuguallnf for puntr.henn. .r, Aral aglan, though sun...what ithalagou. lo tunu lain . .. Amin-mita anUretßior-titellar cutup...n.l.. 0 cur, ,nnuoneithelnull - be - the emollirnt pan v ot alalch .3 .30.0 tile Lvard , oho pinuant .01 easy; areal 04,53140 v. over tb..l.uport..l articia. being Irouo tt o I,llnat•rlals.ulth tbe .0.111 net but thr el)eupe.t ...U. fur .na.lo, I holm: •re,:ng oales of this ittn.in Juni. the I,t twely,o., mud the several geld ILELO nis, aaard..l il l 1 etronair ettrst th. Leigh .I.loh the e0C1361011111. For Pale 1.. oe9 El r 61 W.., or - )1.4 1 NG INE DOSE-500 feet, 2 inch ply J t India Rubber iltee, btoucht cut ext , reaslr for tire We Invite tte Fire lApiut,a,eot I teal, elties to cell and iNiamine them, me lot iirmuted eland more pre,aure than otiv leather' Lien utanniaetured. In. all m.re where the, do not Wry nut ret.reeont.d , the money will b.. refunded in the Rene rep laced by new UDC, J a 11. antelia 7 and I'IIII N et. - DI LE OlNTMENT—Warranted to core rho latArdr: 11 1 4•L.f.,. 64.1:1 V EN DlSH—Extra tine Cavendish To. beoco, for tulle lei Fa SEI: R MeDOW rep 27 110 W,..1 m 1141/ fI . ER-1 MIL and 24 i k , e , i i , , , 5 n i ., , , r 0 5 0 :1:; ., ny .sF '''''' 10 LAX SEED 01L-111 Ma c just rece i ve d an.i Ict rAle by ...Ili 'II K. :sto.i.res I IQUORIC} BALL. . s eases for sale low I Aby pop:, SCIIO'IOM 011011. ACO 1 r IN EGA R---iii 1,1.15. Cider, fur gale by 1 .„ 1 ;1 wm. n..1011N.1 , P15. - /LIENUIic F: MANCHESTER GINO II AMS LA —Ciao shware be Loom, at lbe et nre of oo,i 11010'11V A lOU ILCIaI F. 1.1, - -- • -- i f 1 iIE,'ESE—m) boxes prime W. K., fir sale 1 j by NV ICE. A 51, , CAN01.1 , 0 , T u,ss,,, del. in store and for sale by sey,'!, ,:,. A 11 II AittiAtoil. . 1 - B UCKETS— ..r SO doz. in store ILIA for sale by p z . _ e* LI NV. AILLIAL ,, iII __ 11 ICH SILKS—A. A. Anglin & Cl., have LIL,Mt uvra., • leotulktul lot a f. ,- T -- ,, , ,,,,, 0f . 1,-, - , ° folk...few of., rt ,,, , ,,,, • AILS-400 kegn nnAl city brml-, Imod 1., Fate tp, CIII.C.FACI, , ON k CO Fep26 I.lt.rt, .1 hiILK POPLIN jut rrr'd rrr A A *I A"l\ A g* 'cults-50,00U Regalia. Principe, and ay.. CNA', on hand end tor F•lntor nnp2s A. CI2I.IIFICSSON a 10 BEESWAX FEAT **L lmits-- rankn llnaywax: S 4 ek* Innd.ne. enl 15AI All DICK CV nest' n:*•1 ynni .14 y oR utiAmßEits_-ve,y cheap Wail Pa in Ilan vlotnnt. Fr*. el.. W. P. 31/11:511A1A.. PLALD RIBBONS AND SII.K.S-51ygi4ir t mcanr.La hare ripen Ihie innyt. sn.: •1110., a tonluonsblel2l3o4s. `TAR CANDLES—In whole and hf. 1.1 mania by • ,**s=l 11.15 Di. Job Li- a t.O EA P TOBACCO—In 'Olds. and bones. for 1,4 4 " . bv HARDT. JON INSRED 1 . , dbl., r.•end. and for I , air 1.4 by **l.-.5.- 5 s n' ntilßAirh *I INDOW GLASS--31u1 it, recd and for by no 0.; 5. t5l II UNDRIES-5 . .3* - * prune 5%. 41, Faro Ner nnle b* a CS. unl;jl, JONES .•.. - RA N BEIIRI ES—Just roo . ri and 1 , 4 . sal by the quart or barbel. at %%Mill 'rem 'Mart, ix, lb Ibumnad. . ilii.;Aß-44 hh]-. porno N; U., (or otl. I. 4j FeIGN - Intel. NteralE InsEr t. (.0 A KB. AMMONIA- 4 2 eask.s for sale rri4:o J O. 11.1011:0. cai.es for sale bi ,Jar ..C11150::11.kli-F.11 A • TEESE—. 7 -11 r, e. for hnde Li 01 F. 149 IF•Al Alf lr rl.li L s `OFT URI! SU ED SUGAR—A very surer; F 7 or articl.lor ,u. .1 la, 2,-51,02m0 s c .. 61MOKRU SALMON—WiII be re,',l. 4tri H OES—Put up in I lb. packages. for bor llr a.l tor n++l:: • „ WII. 11^e1. I,i Larri, •e J IDD NEW GOODS, EC El CF,II THIS U.l y nt• rlv rr : tr m!tnl Ihn luta , nml 17.t.vt. q , :oLL anr.ritmnrl ••1 t•nt nrplj 14,,I•rrIztrur au. Dur-ta.tr• FOR WEAKNESS 'AND . I.4:marl- 1-1 . , run rf r. Try ...gr. .1 Al.llll4lr' par ...111'1..1' WIN 1., nt It 41, It rI 111 `••• ! nri In•tnut..l,r.• LI per Is.tln, tur min at 3101, Inn start. tu • I,net I. r•-•t Inr4r , aul nnpl I ROW ROOT-5 bxs. lerno dn, fr 4.4 , :I c a 4 t. .ta4, • . qw ~or ; 4.4, •1,01 et-n L.t .-1 tl. t Lr jurp4 J U/).M.% ?MK r rt 111,-/51.2-290 I/Cdn. No. I ,: New Fall Dry Goods. A, .t 411 LASS--- lOU boxes , Vi5ipc1,14vw„t4,,.4ru.41,4,1e ,r. 1.002 Lobig. reed sod for role :4. 4 , 411_14Katt. , 11.1;1. , I t tarr- 1 . • tea, •• 1 hit,•l tr.t,nrqn. rn,r 10911 n: root Mutat 041,Itth rt. 4i! •4 1,11 trirt It, ler utrUnl Pittsburgh, Cineumata dr. Louisville Tele kraPh- • T HE STOCK a this Company canted NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS ! ni n.+AT414.11,r . - A .rlleolit , l and Stork. 1.1 ltycluttur It:: , rurtu, Ilnyr.rt and 11,Int urr• t• s y ; ntlit It !, WASH N E'r ,Ito Bar st I 41,1 •t a.plo Su 1..w0 ltuffr, 1 , r• trln•J• I pkgs. ter* , n A firs Ira. I.lu Ltalr. Nu. J Itustu. 2Ca! tat. ItY tl• HAI Tamen, !rto •• Nt' Int. klirlk 0-11 . .T101 1 Land P 1.11.• . ~pap:l4 111 1.1)1,2. Kim • 'NU bb. P. ILL N. tr. Sur.: •• Alum 41) 061. LOat. cr'J. purtl Fllt •• 110111,s, 1 I ..41../Jlid who h. 11. ,1. gu, Lau.llna .t , • Syrup Jru tudn• Ited Irnarb- SU rim Sorb.* W.14.Cbn...... ti../ Patrurt 60(1 dor (Ioru llYOUturr. ISYr Irrui 1410 Ir Turtotheu - with nuddrr. Clobne. 111 , uart. L"rtTri'. 6ntATN4 Wt 1 .14 .1 7120 , 0,4•1„, 2 000 r LBS. REFINED DORAN —4 e. 0.-rived and frff nay P.SOMSALTS--IS bbir for solo try .1. KIDD U. 4.aUGAR--75 hhde. prime N. 0.. t , r sale I.) k Y ssp4 . PUIIBKIDKE A I kt; , 1,4 , .ar ', D . OW DER--A leage Supply Of Ilalard . A 0., . I_ ufutnre.alvaiaon hand and I, eal. et 1nv....! rate. ‘, .1. ..I,II.P.t.OI:LTLI A (~/ 1 WINDOW BLIND PAPER G1az,..1 , , lireen and Plain. Pm gals Li .. ., PALMY. .errs yilA.v PA_R HANG iNUS—Neu st 3 le Of jell Paper 11an...P.1 , Purism auk .4... ant .ill evil e et Wrists , . (Pr sale by W. P SI A ft,IIALL. nen 9 `PERM OIL--17 bbls. for sale by to repin WICK A Me•CA N ULF,' - - -•-. - - . -- -- . NIOL A SSE S--50 bbls-,N. 0., for sale be wspl • sA W. Ilk ittiAC , It rIIANNERS! OIL-20 bhle. for 4alq by I seelli -AW II AKBAP.:II. . n _ - 7 - 5 1, I[4OUR—bls. Scotex extra fatally. or l 1.1..eY 1101110.4.10. LITTLE t C.... ...la,,S.tt latwrt, .1 Vi ACKEEL--240- bbls. Nu. ', for .in le I IT k sepb WICK A ilrCA , K.I.es . _ • ' I FISH— 20 WA.. No.l 1-1,0. Super,r ,mbonnn: • j 1. - No ....Wino. Gag.. No.l 110 , 1,n1: nnle - n re••••vIr ,:t+o.oan!o 1.3,1 1 I Lco I N AL W IN E, ‘S BRANDY. AND MADEIRA WIMP--in trallt..nd on dranicht,lnr Fah. br n. reply KY.S Nr.H. k fIeIOINTLLI... 14050"01 S ALEILAYU S-4 3 casks; lc; Loxesfor WICK r K hirCANIILnO: - plriousit DAIRY CIIESE-5 hose 4 renbtated Noon.o . 0.1 Cnonntn I.orro ry Il ell mod for 501.. +.0,0 • WICK it Minnesota Copper Stock. S()SIj . AR ,„ ES ot this S A t4 . )F. 0. 1,c ,L 11 ,, ir i5 51 . 1 . .1e , :! , t.; . 4 low won rem., )1 ark et .14 fnol.i•• cs.e. or t to by f • "90 WICK a Mr , :ANIPLKSS IIUNOARIAN SMOKING TOBACCO— .. ofg, fur .k. or WICK a IIeCAN DLEr'r bxr W. it. Cheese. 105 do O l .11-CANDLKO. , ‘,./..pc.roro reoevet luad f 0 1 ,781 I lURIIAM CILESSFr — S O bxr highly cu l' ' 1-Y 110.04 'l.'. 1.1 n' gl ' jre rAVA . ;I7I. b &S pe,p2s I.IO7ITEIt-2-16 kegs Fresh Butter received .n 1 far tato by .rop2o WICK McCANIA.Lir FILEBII. BUTTER --250 bblsjuvt recd and tor sale at 3101011.5' Tr.-Alert In Ma Diamond. 1 AEON'S BLACKING—I:Ogress asietd for 2.1 e br gpt2e. J tiCH . OONMAKER t CO. . . nrse S,BATOS— C 5 eisks pure MA fol. K cby to. JAiIuONER a for sole by J. A Df,WU&THs CO. 1) SUGAR-5 0 bbln. for sußartroog & INCILLIUM. UCIAB--20 Was N. O. just rec'd and fur DRY GOODS &o. BOOKS. MUSIC, &c. BE LAIN ES--.Ncrir opening, 1(1 cases rich I . A History of Pilliasurgh. ,rlnhal IN. Lab., and Ckahmeres • ael, A. A. 51AEON A CO. BY NEVILLy, B. CRAIG, F.,( I.—A Ira , - tor,. of Pithdtrah, from .. ealFoo. of ,a 1,.. ,t. QILII. W.A.WP PAILAMATTAS--Justrec ' d ; to. Ttellad , 1., whits. ;rem. down . ths ' .l ' rrru . g;lM:; .. yrntruLl;.l c.i. )" '''''' V, 1 I , . I 1.14 in °lax 0..1 , .. ' difw.....3 in tto. LO,l),'lttelr b.» ..1 • ,n...,,,e a, .e. .. 'M' .-.. '` . ' ''' '''' '''.' "' cat " V' I %V 'f ltrt ".. l: ji t4 '''''''' ' bot,i to' Vl' '-' - .l` :T:;. i.. ~,,),.... ..1 pLir, I. me LA, ,ttil tnt,,t..-,010, to, ...C.C.., croistit, am a clu . taSt , ra ac, I,t, , ..t. vt,r All oft., qlaxtent haler' v } I. \..t...4 LI WU. Itay...lopenevca cure,. n.itel tr.it tte.r ;•n ..k?Le..',D-I,lAff.lekTOlhs.';fetl.tt::2lir.;;7J - .... 1r ' T .t., ~ ,lul et IT , c 1 , 1, 51 e. tent , v.tly Jn - s.ted v•I• . \ ~• au nr 411.0 . h •.1 , 4,u.r.r.:: .z .:1: 7 , 1 , 7 7 := 1 h,, , , \• ::, :1 ,,,,:s . '' " ' a 11 17 1 . 1 Fa:, Tit =III ' . t' lx " ..l 1.4. '• . . .., e Mag. , ..a \ ftly \ alt n 7y \ \\ . 11! bLt tr W*. 'tzV,hif Fart l tIS 1 y—rar.rol. trial —. Fr It ---(lnr` %:ra brad , For . Pr .Yle b 1,,,0re y r _ . iirr).o.utum. cri BO ol;k, \' . . a t , , Tb lbex u. arek ,i nt „. r u e illaa m ln p.h h , izn ,L it y. „4„ , 7 ,„,,, Fr lIE V IRTVES rtf \ this . etnarktib o me '0 \ L ilyi and tin. ennatant'ArriiilltlOn far , tat penal • ..tor. has Induced Won to 61,, .t put u ta r t 4 , ttlio. itlkl!. \ bet* inJ all-valet. . Int the Leo ht oft puLli,. \ The IlaltOLElf)1 Ila pn , urod flan a .fl , in ttl , ~ ..II 1 Iyat a depth of four hlandred rect. I. a 1... Peal tartt \ 11 7 o l at rt f ' rx d on ;Tar ",' .. " 44lllVi4 h T3 l b ;tr?=l I.N " ' protwrttra rtar-blon k nucuber of r. noesnt,to hop. a \ matt. rof tas,rl.6lnlf nitro ant wan, [IUD 0111 the o. \ rap of natty, yawn, If 11210112. 131(1a; tbe ~ ,* .....4, , ,, swag In allevhallog oultering.\ and rt. , ring WI .onn. -,- ' ' twaltll and 'cor to wacky a autr,rer. LA", bar* Um ro, iniator thous:Ll of outtitm It op in bottice, it tutdrutn•\,. lion for tIo. •• t.,01.11,rat.• h. constat.t and datll 1n.... 1 tine eall.fur it. and move s mnrkabl, M. It, pee \ \', tonn,l. lan. Furs. in of Ita, future tx , ntla.tit ashl \ \ '...'1'...W.1.. thr c. ,,,, 0 L , '.."- ..2. \ V alt lelth Ip. .r CL i the Moe. er - use 11rt0. 1.1 Ek I. b oll o'. ehi ll l rvßi lentr.D• * n at. y " • •