The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 03, 1851, Image 1
...-4....„..,.„- * ' - ... ' *,',.---,? :ti l;:'''.. -",111 —'7 't"" .7 .. '": . ' fr ' ... '''''' . —-- - ' ' , • -` ..e." I . .. . ~ --'-'," -.. ..-:-..."'-',. : - : H XITTSI3I.II?GIi ! i-AZ ErrE OfftLIZILI'D IM11.1" AN - D W;KSLI 11 MELTE & CO. • R. "....... I3P, , I . Vlr It rtrrr , rir.t:bbi to-roe • . TF2Filfg. • .• ' 4,4 V - .s -v"' , ,; •: .loi .. n.111,..`..,,,V. ',JO: - -,••• , 4r1 • Cfvjj,`,,.f;•' 'i.,:t' ;' , V:V.•,;nt . ::i : it, :44,.,n'^- ''''' • rb , .. io I : a:•••••• , .: ~ ,:i: :0 1,.. ,:z11e......i i• 3 one 13. r. awl x: pAllnyarllbt, iu ‘ , lrmein...• No Club 1 . 4 S .r 1 •I ..41. aft, f Ow. vo•m::.1:.:t.,•,: or: 1 •••••+1.qmons:1 . LA."... r. arw , ..d. • , itkr.P3 OP aDVEILTISANO. 0 1 mr..(101h,.. • • ' • ”.1. - h... - Oinc.n..l ? . ..... tbm. ......... . lour ..... 10 0 ~fll . /21. , “ I , relrn mon:L. ...... p., Olt Dr.p.u. fur 7,, •lor l 7 oarr,ohnnCtrolr, ar (Per ,•.• erclurlf r of tb, •ouarr, .1m rn,.nrb,• halfult.tor thr ..T•vly rat. i. Alt=larntr,,,,,,lln 1., 1r •,.••• , mad telt orer , 2nor, I•t"llargr.,/ a.. , • half. 1,, 1., 41 2 4.1r^rtatrzarurr 1. 'rperl thru. pu•li-ot Anar•orscruur.•ll,lsti,t, rt,r^. ate• elm" jyrc , r.trrnlvrrtirt4entr. ..-• 4,l nrrs.on"nta mnrk•.l m tU. y. ropy. • e•I nlfeint,A wit .r.h.1.5.n4 me, - .10.rrr.eart. , e1r.""ontingl • TUr Pril . ll-rr annum ndv,•lr rtrirtl ..`fir .wnirll.. 4 i. , lrrttn-/.. n0...1 .I""rtirrnirtt.i, • (.11,1itof ott,lwrg3n....lrt,ltlo•alla,l,ti.atot•ranlnt ieren•linbly tl•narc.m.l a.t/..4.thrir own hortn...r.a. ill all rls•—•.l pr.vir".rtorutrat • In 1 ti rhr 11..f.ratr;.•1,1,_ br rbarc- , 1 turnal rater ? fnr. tratt"t^tif f..l.,ragin.r.. 'rid ""ferrxtrir rtrt , ell;."aml fero l labl. ran."... o+ l + , l. /1.11•1•arti-40.,3316 f,r•rt/anthtle at. K 61,1• trnwn"tip,art pOlir sarli MK, rhir-f•I 4 p.ratl , elfl^Ur In •• 1 • irri , rPt !",../r0• to lr. chs.r,no So tsntl, 1" • - , • ltborer nalrer 131•1 byfuntral tarrati"n" or ol7ltfor, arltrn ' lto 7 retet.i 7 Vt. o /"V, ' st i l ' nl . l rth^r" Prnlingroma:omit, ttn r•r; r• 11 attention 1. , . Vetorn rill att.:ainq tr, for to prnror . I tlonllntmprrt.rrah .411. r trati• urvlrr.uantl. .50111. t 1.4 nark, I,: lit be it. I ifilarn:lo to ber iv Arrk. , 114 . 111.4,..t1 rtilunin. tbr .^,u,••• esto•Ot.tot tlirat e•nt." p, Ina". ilinbarr rr :roll., "Itxrr•l Tarnrn Liorr• fiteal tube elnnwril 03n/2.f:1_0011 toorniof.V 0....4 ~V ...1)., All tripsl.lll .1 - 3lftir T. • ri Fdrt - 0 . A. two:>ima-.: —twors.tjazd, 1 Porwimi: i7.,.-1---- irtXioi;iill7l;;: - -- 0 ha . tfrUNT - & ! t.ky7611 , C .E ~.., _ ,,,,0 n , ounb.t, ~, /t-on:10p 0t ..I,l . t'tnitle . .rht:etr,,•l. P r ittAl;urgV: y '.32'''• ''''''''' ".°' ~,,, ~!.,,,,,. ./ . .. : 1131`,1 la i. Cotupli/0,33;r for the'etatA of LI,GIt, Atvirneya at Law— !.-.1 • ninth et n. 1, nA:ic~ FoiflhhrlJ. - W. T. warn:, iitturney at• Lacr—Of fnalrf b; in Arthur-, Iltaiti balT11! I j NI -P. &G. L. B. PETVER.II,tN, Atter. A 31ES KUTiN - Attorney at Law, office, l'ilrthemsn 1101, rnmar ntn,t. and 1 , 1 , ..ced tzlit Axe ks C. Attorneyw. IL ttr..llllFi.urth l'lttfhurgh. cnim 0..T.A. • 4. 'ram, TOWE • k 'WATSON; Attorneys nt Lan., Nri. no Po.nith Citt.borr.h. • IC..C.lC[M—Aloxsn.ler rr . 142.: ST ...inbn loccit.g,Ar lie. W. J Jer.k.r.on/Plttabutfh. anLIT . • 4-1 Dw.titO P. JONES, .Attorney at Law: 1 :11 ClC!"....rn fourth otinot. hetrrorn wan end Sala, lASPER int x<r. R. Mb .tn.r RADY, Attornei . Pithkbargh. Pa. 1 IiditRISON EAVELL, Attorn! • Olz tk:ine I..±cmon. Ott • I .. , ;•::zioncEas.m.BaoriaFfts, • . .a.v01t1317, E.•AIiNOI.I) • ; pier," irk }:tliMik,,, eni7, 11.1 ioueb Errot. 136 i Rank r Wilms natrefully_ntimltl tn. anbl. No • any:mit of thniort. f - , Wm: 2. 'mtg.., a. tevai. tylq:_ IL. WILLIAMS_, aid Tht:Tit r i•• i : i t ,"A.7.-...' ll ',3'r''T . E ' • - Id II tr....WS/or-, umAr 4 m ' i.... m i rm . Ont./MY at4n:l,l tn. • lir D. KING, Banker and' Exchanie Broker, ILA : a - roman fin," Similar inn O not, Yens of Ca aroma, lafiti min Silt,. Flocks laniabt and Tiro hichrat roattot oroo paid in frnotilatt frif Atm.rsoto Dnilars, and Iklairloan mot itpaniati in in. (Ina& • • • lar,t 11 - w I.s Banker anTliiarr. • T 4 1 t1 L et;e l v i t t . I N I ! E r4 t wfjoining the Thank of ittiburria :WILKINS ' Bich - align 1131,A:ors. Fouth . ..Es..n Core. .r. of Thiritanl Markot noitantront at tno•f Ham! rata, • lifyixEsON ern in F rei , anml Dorwitle DiDsof oft yoaile, Dm„ 'z 7 , I!"a . nd...Eortvij. No. 01 Mnrket . ttreet4 Yit tligt4l 77 l7flio: " 6V- n l.< °"" P"`1"1 itnniera and Ex *pr- ehirite ltinknrr. Dente , in Form-n • .e . rT.Zetln. C,ll.l(nttnr Inponn:. Hank Note+. UM )111 , ;knroor Third and 11,4 ~prdAlt nt.Chnrins !fold. ' • ' M.l. • T R a An nd tn.a: utvcs, , =, Commi.ion •• TW/ Innkort , N o. 1 14 Forynol onwt.. Nroortel eo loran $I( to $lO.OOO ninapt on Osui .•1./Or 055evr0......._,,d0kt.17•Vi.--.1ree..14, icll A - BIElt.. iJANNA & CO., .uccetisort3 to. 1 . IfnAyr, .limn, Gs Co, M. - otos, Flossmsdx Ilruirom ids stotlssrd set Entstsfsso and lonsossticl:sottlnc, L'ssrtiti--,... dr Dorr,sOtatot; .442.3. not Sroo.sid":Vorth Wsist. corm, of 1 .. 7 'odd onl 'Mild otroot, Coriont Money roesivool on Ds i Vi llrssls b rlo. 'l ;ll%sT , lt: ',', 7 -, V67,1=11,!,7 1"" `*."- Tbe tdo.ssosn ' ssrossistm. roll for ecreign not Amoriosn Miondr: made oneorsSiMmontdorProlooo s oblisgool d.n. 1 ots liberal tem!, . - I W. TdYLGR, CutraniTsianer and !till nmaralnd etiert ' Stil22 ont:Won .iit br Steen 10 all- burinein ..ostrustol to hlt arm. PiintsurNti ntanufacntreti artioLo :Orane on nand proontod liotnn.ltonne, Niortzinet.- vt-notin:o..l on Lin{. , nblo tom, Any. , " roonirml. - °att. BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS -tate Uottmton a Stink jr 31+'n';'iertlit717firgrttViriftratt.4-r1 a AS. 1:1::LroL :Liter:ll-j Depot, . its Third ntn,; lino', ,ifed Inkn.i.tri to any rf the Nis.volans or Nenv.paptin. raiLli.lsrn at th!,llol.4.lrlree ,J• LIt ,EAD, 13 . 6W:seller find Stationer, • , PGurth R011,11.=. - • "CA.R.P± — ,i DEALER.. 31anurfactureratid. Im- W~ CLAM. Pirarn Poet Trlm. " vo,r,h,t, COMSSION• AND.FORWAIODSI4I._ DEXT Ell, itorneruf Water and '"7"?' " ; li rox. "'CI! dr, • I and fli nt. Ara. - 11:1.1n;rftr N.. 11.14.44 to.. and I 'llll - rul' l'ork, at. l'halatillCel tlfa'fnel in.,. 41...$ riprelor par.k....lToz, • atMlf i - • .A.. 7 3f,,A.N11.1.TY C . CO—Transportero, ' • FeAwzrlirs, ..I On6lni,i,n NlPrrhnnil. I).,rpt. , ~ 1 L —..._..— ,,,,. Jrr, 14, '4 , ... , 4 i'rt t+bnre . v. phi:. : • 7 . 1 , • NVOODS I)EALEIZS • o , ,voi,ker ...s;ertbsnc: Q. Wn:rt rtn,t, JOHNSTON.IhIti •Forwa.riing and , 11 , -,ll"nt, NO. 112 F•atel , tnret. . • JONI'S . , forwarding anti C, 7 ,7,- 11,4, In N.A.,. .4 rt.. Witt Caner Carml 13tAtsr. umr 6 0 ,111. b Itreet. Vitto.ol,l4 n =3,7,7:177 . 7 . - .... . A3I lIIRDIE, Veterinary Surge o n; te I.I.I . III)Y,T(WFTS . 4.2 s th ' narn Eon. tarr.e bn ec4ttaa, =we rerprctflx , ar; Jon, /1r Fo - rrverlin.• Ifer- V6gl t . , h" Ttf• 13. P r `l .rate 1.4 r tn,• in Piwtrumb IhossthLaym.l.-froo* ..'nt ned to . 1114 ImiLnA "' to Kl 4 re tl:factron o . "t I. In ennyeel. With Jailors Hardie, Wove Shwing and /a , ninthl Strut generalhAll he carried 00, .r tn. enrner ' T t ool al } , ntp - ITtnis Avenue. DRY OOOD3 XERC)',-LMI" • 4....7.ncnw•A.121, {...A;111,TS • A. :11ASON 44 .- CO.; Wholenalr., raid Rer3.ll . Peale" In Yenr7• and DryUmle, CZ Markot trwq. Intwhnrnll. • ktFifpny.,r,.El-S{CITHEITA), _ - DETiIISTS. 1-iWutit, Corner of Fourth .1 1 fhormanr4., b. 1.1 wee, 14%rket imol Ferry agtroet, • . - ".__ _ _• WOOLMERCHANTS. KPH L E out, liEAix ---- es r asia -jyt .el7lJar.t3 14,r!ttn Amtrktua ytotn CNA!. dy , S AV; •It Altir Wool ..3terchaii .7• .PrndrAi rerwrair. r, j- 0 , Z1V . t...a0..115.1int F. t. ..• •EG WAIVE itlEliqH/141TT.,.. .1. , .66 7 / 1 -,c;AffEgON Ttt 0., ImporterA , tN ITtaltaxla Dtlter... in Ibt,htvan. Cotter, 'lO rod rtx..t.. TEA _DEALERS.. 110 BERT MORRIS; Tea anci 7 Wiae . ger thnot, r•ee 6-14 nf the Dixamo4, Intisburgb, Co., Grocer, nut y I'm Z. 56 nk, e hNver.l.n.Topnitaud obnorastatnent Omit, 'MEW. To.. • roars Nat.:lllmi* I/404:0, W. Matra irogylled oft tia kmell Pram. • . - I I , lit i e , " ,:_.:, AI ._ . p, A y Y A. FAIINTESTOCK Ai CO., Wholesale al • ih. , ••;•,.. ard mina firtunrs of WbZ. brad, Rept lt.l I.ithfa,., met,. Wc...1 and Front Pati.o ,Arzh. l'a Inch"; 4,1! EYSER McDOWELL, (ucces to Kerr 4.. ) eer,) Wholevdo an so d ReLlt brr ,r :?. t :l of Word street and larclo no rHrally comp:lorded melt and J. ........... I I: I Ill) CO., Wholesale liruggiats: Deal . In Paints, Oils. 14... Stuff, ad, 1u5h . ..nue...4 ar. 511.......'...cr1rbrated Worm Spetier, LI,. r acid Luu; Syrup: No. CO, earner o: ICravi and Fnurth Puteburgh. Orden, >mirk .> ..nd hfY ardon. with - -•- II E. SELLERS, 'Wholesale. Dealer in \Tx. gg,tr.t.v. vrz.hz2'- t:l7 .WIDRIDtSLII3I, Wholes.le Druggist k2.l,;inritrwtd•'=tz,l .(1.131 . X. Aironae it.l.UN at . E I TEll,lVholenale and Retail p . DrQggi , rts..c.nmo, of*rty 1.12.1 Nt. elalr fag.. I'M,. .0, h. I, • SC 1100 N MA KER& CO.; h lesal e Drug , No. 2t Woo,' PittAbur.h. M.IVOL Itt•CK6/74., ..... . ..... ..... IyNC.I. k BL K GUI(); ft. CO., Wholesnle Gro7 N„, Mnr.h.m'and dralor• In Producr and Par.:m.4U St.aula,mr, its. Pllch .4 airs nu hand at the, 1Var , 11, , ,, 141 11(e., stra.L Pittsburgh • seplllly • • • & Wi LSUN, IVholesalo Gmcers and V rMarehnot., .Agonla for pule of Da 1 1 ,nCa i 11,4naLl. and 147 Front sic, srl Cy L. SIIEE, Wholesale Grocer, Commission sr, . Merchant. and cesi., in Parser and Dag, corn., of Penn snd Inrm 4trv.l3, AMUEL P. Sll.llll' Whelegal° Ur, kJ rer, l`rodurt un.l t , ..ortroLksion klereb,nts, Desl; in Irittnburrn 3 1annfartured Artlrle., Non. II! and 122 Swt.tids,trvel.. between Wool ;did Smithfield, I.ltintamlch. • ZOIIN 1011 N b.. DILI% 01t7af & CO. Wholesale oir Prodno , laud 12,13213:11.14011 •111. 2.1 A,lllll tYr lESZard Pnvder Co., of 110.sard•111.. Won, No. Z , l Won.) no., I',..hurr.h. . ---- ix I. INOIMIX. 1-0 UR Bill DOE & INORAIIAM, Whuiesuf II 10 , 4...4. sit Commission Merchausts. Ns. lu Wats. srui MU Fire. stew', Pittsburgh. ! • ItEY, A CO., Wholeeala as i lmerrs.Commissiun god Fr.rwarditag Alsruhasht,..l Ageol, I. l riubtoo Cotton Yarns, 57 Wat..r,t..,Pittsburgh. 11 • .suits IrATT - 0.1 •LI-1401. OLIN WATT & CO., Wholeuale tlrocers, lop 31, 4mtkle, artd Dralers Prod.. al.' P b ) l anufgettres. Ni. Lawny street. Puts burgh. s. • - • - 1 B. CANFIELD, lute of Warren, Ohio, I ., arlietqa.l Western PrcslugeW•ter : , u3ithlis.l..l sad Wurst. Pittsburgh. :r, vlrertit•vment% to 73 .16,01,1 nt , prr• riut- fmta curt TATER} F. VON BONNIIORST & CU„ Whole • nslo tlmr,rx, Forvarsilag arta eniamiNito Sienb Ita, m Ilttalausgb 31.ufaetcars an& Westwrn +roolu, No. ;.43, mciavr of Frora.wt .tlad elmanAry L., Pitt+l.urgh. ARDS I.IIIE ozczkr SAIAII DICKEY &- 4.Xt, Wholes ILT ale Or, CommiirsLat Mrtelairtcluad DJto Prodtr,-- 54 Wale, spat IU7 Fmat acne;, c v 4 Laic—OffieJ .117.1c1 Anti Gran. Pit • • Lam, Four , )titt] , burgh. . tetyab.D. I, 4 INOLISII .k BENNETT, lato English, nsllachrrn Co.. Wholenderirocrra.C.arnsalanon •j crilarding Merchnt/in,' Drairrs Vandur. cirri,Pe burgh Manufacturer- N0..1:12 Se,:nad st and Ine. t ,, tacen Word ant rlnithrebb AM\ 11,11.1. cra a br.111.1.-...1.1.1..r. C. SAL. m'GILLS & ROE, 'Wholesale Grocers and foam' Won' Slerrilanty tie. 6, I.llvrt, fltrgh. OBEILT MOOIiE, Wholesale Grueei, LL tkotifying Distiller. dealer In Product. Pittsburgh Itinufooturer, and xlj kln,L. of Foreign and lkdriestir n . tuos and Liquor, No. :115 Liberty evert On hand a vory otork of ropereir' old 31mm:umbels Whigley, which rill [...g01d 11 9 . for c.E.- IIiODERT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale _at Grnser& entaerchat& dlers In Roltt..bursh Sta on mittetur M es. N. 2:4l ea Libras Prolate street. httsturalt. W i tu2es m ale tr:A r sr Ar t Agi k tr... shtsrp 511.nfotnses, :tin BAGALEY & CO., Wholesale Gro ens. Nom lb and 1.1/ Weal street. Pittsburgh. o. -virjcic .sfeugili:E:s„ successors to •V L. k. J. D. Wick, Wholusle (Fevecm. Parrs:llllu uol lbundulon.neribcoLLtlealerainllro SRA. OW, Cotton Voria, ond HURboxyb klastrauturu unually, °pro., of Wosal utl Water struu, Pit-tan/na. it-CULBERT & 0 ,• V olesa • linvers CortorrLorion Itrrehootr; Poxlers Pro ...aro:sod Pirtzbur,..ll,Mumf.trood Ar ti rlr, 195 Liken" rtrort. Pltirbungtr: esg • Ilst Law, ota Ark ster.t. flan S. co., wh o l es e an I IL WILLIAMS Forwarding and R4" Dar (in iMatty Pr.Uwe andl 4 l%Sb . ..r..W.wd and rota st., Mannfaciwrer.,,rwer OBINSON, LITTLE- CO, No. 2.55 Llirt7 stana, Paotningh. Whdesant . i.irooels. rto m.c: ann Cncrinnlon Mere-haat; sad dealers In Yinabur .3.10111.112. man. & It. FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, Cora =Wien lexstlazi., .01 Deulens Pmdcivr—ktTand 4:urch Lhaildixt.. framing Yen I.4hrhtr. Whoa. XVI Sixth Piraburgh, - .. ..... ORN PA_RK Eli: 6.5, oCen, of Dealers in Predoen. Pottign - Witus. b Liquors, e 0 c nr-Ta ris and raztitedrch. Whigker—No. Coluanicial husbu • TAS. DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Com ql missicn and Forwarding M. - chant, and daalerin 17nn. Olari. Cotton Tam, and ilti.anurwh .11anufantnt.n ininnalty—Nn. OS Watrr aL. 7b Find at, Pitubiargh. MUSICAL INSTIL JOLIN H. MELLOR, Dealer in Piano Fortes, Masi. sod !ald Instrumento, &boll Book. mut Btstiots`t7. &de went for Blttekrsiats Kano Forte. for Western l'ennsylrania—Nn.lsl Wood es_ ENItY K LEBER, Dealer in ?Odic, Mu kal Inttruto•tna and Importer of Italian titrino. tH - e aitt In far Nunna clvt . , grand am' annul, KAMM Ifl ih CaMlll4l , l Anima Attaehmeat. A Lro, t3r Donhaneo MANUFACTURERS pILLINOS, WILSON & CO., Manufac turer, of all Oz. 0 .0 tat.. I .‘r okilx; hob. Auld rboe nallg; flour barrel .•.1 lathing 15. 3,1 .Iblued pll. it, ere. Otice LIPPENCOTT a CO. NO. /la. 'Water . r te Irytrj. mutt. .1•7 rne,.. nyl ff lION CITY TACK FACTORY.—The eutr itenrllor. manufacture and knny onnstantly on bend ah Ilob ?:;fit:kgilrBZu'er'Vair'kWitibirthilptlfg .n.I Twts; Barn.l tail 4 Covellr sant Zinc :Jun. Nails; Paltwrn Make.' Point.; Kirntn, wonted Mu, CAMPBELL, CIIEnS t CU., Warobouse. (.9 Waler .1, Pluzinunt. ENNEDY, CIIILDS CO., ..ILinufict.ti Of eery eurior 4-4 nbewine. 'WT.4 Chalet. liwn pe Twine and Beeline. Penn 3.llll,llitteburgh. IiiTTSBURGIi ALKALI WORK'S.—Ben. nei. !Leery Meneneelarere of &j Ann, Blench .lll% liolphorle Aeicto. Worehoule, :it.. a; Weeer L. below Ferry. ' PAPER RANGIISII VALTEIt P. iIARSHALL, Successor to V Samuel C. 11111—Iniport,r and Polder in French and .k.a.rkark Pap, Ilanninga and Ilardrra, Windom Phni , ;Pira Board Prints, .tc. Mao—Writing, Printing, uni I , rapping Paper, Na. Sr. Wpal exert. , bota - ran Fourth and PlamaraPodley. Pitaltatrgh, n3UUWIPORTATION AGENTS. 01IN A. - CAUGIIIEY, Agent forte Lake Mria and Ztliebtran Line. to Beaver end tbn Lake,— ttere on the carra•aol and He ti bt.eld its. g g LEECH 4 CO., Tramportera by Canal and Forwarding Merchants. corner or Penn street nod the CanaL VENITIAN BLINDS. A.BlZOWNwouldmostreepeetfullyinform the publiethathe kerporoubandatbleatandouttre lewd txtettf t 4. tharnotd, Allegheny dlr. cvmplrte Astor.., t of Vroitts o alro Vrnitlart Bhuttere In, MAIO to order itt the lentrWiet. , l7oTratttrtl rqutd to soy in the (Jolted :dateA. ILO Blinde can in rrtourrrrtritltout the aid of 'terra deter. Haring purshlowd the stook, toule, and wopd pt the oatiort redattliAhatent of Hammer A klettlrtland./.ato ptrporrtl furnish the.. ittd rtatuomere t as well ot the lir et large, with rtery thing in their line. do-uer, N , ... 5 Pithrborgh. J. A. BROWN. PAPER RANGING AND PLASTERING. JJOIINSTON, PAPER llnscrit 11,11 Purrtra.n—llmadoure. earner of Tkaed streulapd Mat mul, Moller. lal h, to, for mvlZ --. irah4:l, VETERINARY SURGEON. _ I PAVING EUSTD 1 LITHOGRAPHING SI LLE.JOIENSON, Engraver on Wood, rain MU. (thinl Mini.) l'lttaurgh, Pa.—View. of n;,,, Machlarry, ilesals of Zionnpsym4Fmntfrpi..... , UP , ' , . P.M Lawb , , In tolorr. Seal. for LH T 214,0 Oh S. andA. - odal.lonlc tAttlon Stonmo.*, In tho GM ntyls Inul .1130 ltrwrst prim,. ---. I-- . ILLIAII StaIUCILMAN'S Lithograph, la ltitAligitiricat Moo street. opposite the Pmt 'W.. burgh. nap= Landaoaper. Portraits. Fhow bill. la,Drattn. Itorat..LaboL., Archnatant anal Machine 417. Ituristaas and Vi•iIILIR . de, in v.II or ;,:ituud...l - ital . printed to Mrs, 1 / 1 ;111. brow., or shit." , o , '" , aPrro , ..lgraale. alvt at ib. moo mall. , leloili Wegner,;-Eueebner & Mueller's NEI ESTABLISHMENT. IE-AfIOVE EIRM respettfully announce their tho. pubik ,yrn ix. Show Cards, H o le. n D i tl p rw oma.%C he c o s w Vin CbsztA. Labels, to. It ; ~ ,,M g•.!annt I. st rtreet, bet-wren • ,, ,tY n • HB. I , IV. WiIIiSAWA her., Tewelr ;. k Tlvcr 4'sra so.l illaary adds, sonar bfaskat and r , .troeltsillorrtoPs. X. Lo—oiatalesa‘l Sere - 4 1 AGLE MARBLE WORKS, (o..;tablished or ADMIJNI: FILKI.,S, no. 154 Lanni a, It aotLl faltta " i s e. b ..Vm.r=tent ti . mo on 545501 0 and outdo to only, Drsiaass . usk hand. WO- DRUGGISTS alrfter in the J Oillluar At Cora\llCIL g 1" 21 ' 111 " t1 A .- . , STOCKS, CirRKENOY. AHD ' AILS • ' PITTSBU,II(in 4. ZE"ITE 'aAaPts ..ii , > Beininia),'. ' .' \ --' --- , e . = - - (C4I7I.ItELTED ItEIIULAILLY AhD CAREFUI 1 4 , WESTELIn'YETIM:ne'BI3"-r.:,01.E.10';:x31:AtY77.';. ,17.h.7' ,inbt'i'lli.hi„tig.ugeltahtilhstit,ic" u ac '' ,r ult r Lb°. Doctor G. Reichhelm , •"' Ring, Pennock & Co., NFORAIS pia friend, and the public in gin- , A.- Wilkins di CO. . , EAGLE Ct)TTON ttolt Es, PRICES OF' STOCKS. I.VIrIItT IAD a iIt • TIIL 1 rt-csni 1.111 -hAZEPETF. 1 P , Green Bay is no longete We mere ti din at -P;r.2),l3:6etheerl,,' ine4l:7oeYeZk''4,l., .., "Z. l 't `IN t. 4 Z:i.T. 07' 1. '" ''' '' ''"" " ''''' • '''' . I x I it," C I' NACTURERS 01 Cott on Yarns, -- - I' 1 , -Perso n , Ind.hte d tn him for a lonnth of time, are l „„ , et, ahleo-tartmo h., ~ ;„, I,V f; wmar-th.,,, Mor n , t'orer'et 1 art, Wary. Can di. r A . WILK - INS 81.,C0. -oth.athibeit:::lZiedtriTee7 .4 2 : - . ( t t y DO feet, n.yti• teal . oat, thor aceounta. " la om 4. rn fond. nn ••• • - ;• . O or. C utllny. Lattary. a. STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. : of h t ., h , e h N ec o o t w irn eo p t o p ru ni .t A r ni o, r e ri o c n a . n id P e ti r : tionztmpost \ eb l / 4 AT 1 rsonir. 111 0 ~. 'vol. • ' a'' ° I . ` I. nf A" 't/ .1. AND la f• 161-1 SE 01l EFT. , . F: R. Moore, MR, N.,- Inrk and N. e Ennlaml . CORNIA: 'OP MARKET a& IP TIIII:likTP • ..., Prtratinazot - ont. '44, tedd Ith Its fore and ItnEan woe •\ and no \ t 'long-' -tflol fi it, stories\high. • AMong, other rote. I,IOMCEOPSTHIC ' , flys - RI A IN, devotes p,riawat..... .... ... .......... • ~K ',, • , . A Card ..• '.. - ' -(er n ` ads a fort of armed .toldtery, although i n ents to b e intro,nced will \beiiii aplistpitia fa!' ii sp,rol ntlentynn . Do. treatment ot .1.-fum, 6f WI/ ~,,,,, 4114,23060 h 1,.<14,101. ....I , U .. i • ttgg cc aB ..; -, 11 - .1 never: , .13 ;filch •bas One, In protect, IIF irottber days\ its droll paperhy etiuram, a prOcess hitherto T.O \ • c:k00,:a:,1,:,:cii11LZ',1%.11,0r`,..7.;`,.!11t0:`,.-.:•:;F:::,1,?,..:i30::+,,1ii...T. h v :r th rt,,, , .. , :bl'ALl"%tgo • '' , '" , -'l‘ , ' , ' "'`'`o" . ' ' 1 1.1 7-R 2' l •'•• r ''"'" • '''l '" ''" r• ' tr''''''''' Va l . ' ), . la. Market ...... near I dor,. where w. tnto, In n MID, Aprehenyelty. MAN. hours from 7to 0 A al , • • In {se n ior bsrol n ...nod...sown: m o o of rl tern and . u. „..,..„,, ~, i.,. ,•,,, r, - , ...,.... J .- . , A, I °riled ~ n i titen a from the e d n ler,, c hr r i: o ... n ai c , :: :a m n , : e ir n : t : s b.l: o \i: f .:, : i v ,in ,:',...rii rowhh.eoathra:rt,t,:ided7at..:l:43,;:it'Llnfext:eghtie4,,o.:Etti::rf,t,:etizie:bntilletri;:hs,Lai7,3ooo,:e.,:4l,::lll,taalt:i:::"...., _ 2 :,." nIC LIA, RD .1 C. BO Ell( I NO, Manufaot ti. own man..., un. of goo,- 01 clote. forma.. roo m ,. an 1 trawl 0 r .„.„ „ namo I. 3..0ad Imre 7tool' al - my.P.,. i .,... I tumults,. mt ...nth. of every olieeradion. 1r...rare.„„,... , ... ... i ! 11... " . : . : , '"1 , ,'„'. 1 ;, : : "' ; ' : : : ' , '1 ,: ' w 'g o ' rld,.. ant he is a propheti c geographer of no mon th. `a, In the conpashig. rooms, are. 40 Claude p lik.J. M YERS-Surgeon and Ph ye iei an . I '•t' ut tr.lni ' ' ' 'tktili ""' "' '' ' '' ' . ' • 7 " 7 ; l ' IT' ' ' '' '' '' T. " l " 7 ' 7 ' ' : .;.t .' ' ' ' ' ' '.,,, :' ,, t i t t' ll ' : rtin:,,,71.7:1:....:,.:tr.11.'.,11-:.;:al. ~..ift;,:!,,n..17:t:::,,,,..11.`..1:,71:5e:::.,,,Thaff,,,,t , P 7. :: ' ::::',;:,:'"_ . ~.. and a• die. . rum, or liaritovuose row. No 1 ei 'le'elle. l 'e_ le. Third stn.t ,me d,o, shove Pmlttill.l,l at. PIKE AND CEDAR WARE. 1t...51,0.h. perman.uti r located In Pittaburyt h Meal .. aa , I hilt •to r 1: or I 1:.1.0 Itohia, ...hon. h Way. 1... ...a m „, ' ,,,,'',',. r .' ~.. ''''''..' n' , l ,; : ." n ' n i. l'' ' ir. ' . ' : ' A ' ''' n ~,,P h. 3 .l l79' le gm 'r ie t w Per .who ll 'l: e ? A t ' : e' t [ell I . 01 and t o Mr, den.. of Al , Prodeomon. N, ad sn.r I h StS.DiGEL KEOESEN keepo convldlittV 04 , partonAl. tor, dottihr, IoLA. Meal ft.olthanAn'" n0r, . ,, t ro.bU r yl, r a o ~... n :,.' ..1 h. 1 , Jon t ..y thin nia no i En In A rt ,ItID lu , 'to em le a on e Tim' I n[hits partleular atte.o n .24M.Oleat came. and We diwaree ot ' hand . ~....1 a.,...,,,,,,, ~, % A ,. A; ,., it s ,.. 1.1,... I I , ..t.,•Fieint• and Lit.kin. f lf al. "mt.. ond ..veto other t . a .. ~,,. ot, ni,;, ta , , , t t ',,„ 't' r , . - " ..,' .',_- , ~ - . 0 . ' ''' '' ' ' '' - - ---1 " ""n n•otlrpe M . 1 6, 117 28 hautli' i -t. rronmand rhildren. n 4 ... i . ',...• l', Oak ..1 ell, laueben . r Draw One,. poi.. ;4131110,,t0r.. 1 of , ha „oho., um r Ore.torarsr A l pe e r ~r ; o , . ; , .. , , , , an 4 ,00 neforl Oa Loan a name • .., . .. • Wov.o Beal, l'hurn, Dry M. sh r ike 00/, and I°* err t 1 , 1 , 1 0. .I 4 ", , "' , l" , ' w' '`','"' . rut , ' that a - tooT"ntl in I It, atat 6,11.1 ,s, :;,,, :.''' ''' ",, '' '' . Green Bay wasonee thought, no it then really Per eel; Byttrevn A and 'GO OW IDS . .• tif ''' \ - MISCELLANEOUS .CARDS, dr,o, Wa.h Board.. and all ran, 1 1 II , 0 ,nr... h.. lin. P 0... Wr ,, .111, , l/tp v • nan o 'hill, ore,. . Pat.l. o r a l„ Pa - - • I‘ ,.: ‘ ' l t' T En & e s' 4) '' .. " "ILL "' ' 4 ,, „, ~i „ ,,,„r , „.. , ~ ~,,. ~„, ~,, ~ 1 trait, ijitite heytind s lie range of American civ s lli- mom it .. 93. 90.ted yearty. Listlin plaits .rinta ' , ' "\''r e - I Wm. M. McKnight awai t _ -- - -- - - _ I 31e,tintica 11.111, hank .., .:,... P. I yation--go.I fur n thing, it was such a cot , tog r eeeKt nee.6-I,uide emititPreeies . .--etteh I the '' \ ' Fall Fashions- . Flour and Goneral Produce . 1 , ....h0m0 , „ant ro ' AlioPoi, Saar,. !lank place, but ire, fur an . pine -and altogether too latte r a} 'pods ;DO impressions per day o giro speeial attention to the Collet , `)`JILLDon ot elaira• for Mareh eno ,red oth er ., b r 'Vol• 11ATS, CADS? AND LADIES' FIJItt3 CQ 31 711 ISSIONII 0 U S E , j Poirot foo., I. WILSON R. SON, Nu. r ti Wt . al `rit4/ . I diatant froinany canna where ihey had achooia, \ t c,re h th; -r;re ‘eriEhiSei In working aka. .., - ern Pennsylvania and oet.rn Iffiln / ~ . h ..1-nonsodu•ln „rids, o s ..„ , 4 par 11.1, jret 1 Office in Ttlabinan all, 0 1.1 ,,,, " It., Xe. FA." , .....-, n j aini de .kartmeot re--for Scold lest, ) S 4o oo.per- r ' ''' A 3 , , ,it tat /lowan!, NEA R EA 1,T(51.1,. a: -1 It A.FI, . „,,,,,,,,,„ ~., "y„,.... .. 7 „ , , - sr .,, , _. , . eburebeet. and "white D. ta , , - to ever he knOWn. ig" "W . OWOF pro , ses am tolie,p at i n th e ite , ‘ a ; Pittchurah, Pa. , 111, • Mani dole 1,1r.w Dism.dol all, ; would :„. 1 , B A Lnifoß A . p!,..,1 ~, node-. ,„. ~, , .t, In hiatory b y for el a rem rene w and instil:Won h k • l'fing. cf. 3, 5i , 40,, , ,kr. empioyed in the so w : \ . . --."-,,,' •' „,,,,,,,,,y-ey i , n arm a y.,,,,,,y,0. vi a 0,,,,, n.ll St ht., I•le the attention ot 1 . 1,-1, ...15...1nm.1 Ili. NCI , ' from ull am milightertrd wircld end the ttrrat of tug t'o otus. an 100 girla in rolilini,,preasingind \-' •: A Moore Ilaturtoo , Mil WM. Melkokii... 1h,.. A ....:: Ito Iloor lar g o iuldno.n ..1.,4, 0., pro now report, L, it antota r e. e , hod, f. yr . \ ‘ a -12,111 11.11 -, T1i.1,-K 7o I rthr. 00/), 1 mankind," and ilw itiVignitieta k cei n it But that ', 1r. ; . , 6 elieel 'e. Th r e-r. 'Ree. in the.thindcry 45 : . '',,, A ~,.. ~. ~,,,,, i th, ir t o rtu, .00,1 .....• Th.. ....orrns.nt eutolat. o , , ____ IMA,AC costa 1 I ONES & QUIGG, Manaketurera of Spring. I !ir,r,',,..u,!: n ''',",7,4 ; ' : „ . l l'n , V , T - ,„. 1 ';;;14:!;',;',77,1 1 ,;(.7,: 1 u 7, t 1 i 'i;,' . 1.100i,01 ALVA SOL, none 110 COOSIoNaIYN T S i ,4,,A,c.:„...,4 r .,..,;,....,,AA°..." . ,C A ."- .. :.. 111 : ~....,;, ,, •,1i, , , .8 -`',, , S're 15 I , mouth° bir \ Day ilus changtol-th e 9 9 .3 3 - ''. 9, 3 0 ;90 Prikipal wipmfi ttt re , i n .. n,r It) a n d VD., Med, Plo,l o ll :fret. Steel l'lnuals,Wlnya ; tily.ther w.ll. a rr a t rariet, . I Ala. A, Cry.. li orol 100 d... tow n t Inolian'e Cr.' A l' I ••• '. • optaion of mankind bout it littX changesl.--it is, let loaelk end KR O LL: Snrin g to en Iron Alle, and . Moto., Ilunanna u , a.. other an.. •„: Al Eh, t.. no .1 I ilsafrly r . . 1 tor t o r nol - ....ant,p.. ,n TratLoorta n n o I n'"-"nn • • , , Inn longer It trilosioh s ofitin, Ast4 , Altrudingpo.t. s.):e.ltr, ?e''''4:er. $ ; m93 E44500; pitsleboniA deideol . 3111.11”hl. C,Ain,„, alp, a o gr pe Lamp, and , and I. e., Stia oily Out... rld,r it , t io p hd h . 1 r d . No. l ...... any „thee mark., on lb. ••••• 1...1 • np., dr ood. , . 1.......”.... sap oayl, Tommlnys coorally. o 'overt /too And Front el. .'an I Olsool CAPS. or onmet a't le.e.nficia. 1., lIA Is ~Or I, 00 , .... , hole, •• oe. oel a..., re' i, rna. .a..t h., •'''' t"'" et"' ' '' ' ''" '" t . ' s'\''' ' ra- t or n huddle of•Prench ...Da n t IC, ..1 ,li,„ky wi ‘\--00 , egm, (..t'd ' , Ki.inr,..P , s'oo Th tAA .gA rr y , littetutr w h. Pa '... ,y, _ 1r r.h, I wan., but a reaped Oh . On.' flaarl .11ffg 1 044 "" 3 • r ' fl ° L e ' d g" C the I°9 ' hi Proects of AA . N o; • „, • . ~.,!.. PIA road SA! All DICKEY St CO., Agents for -are- a 1 , --I.soi ffs' FL 1:S. v. Mae , . ..1 Natoral Lyn!, I Yr.-kJ...n.1 Capin,. Mer-liant. Il an , , 11.-,1.1.• 4 an, • , lOr 2.4•90 inlothimist, ter, were i ark. chop- h i'''g'• 94 :9"9," hi '/3 499, Pes.totioni which: N ellettles DS. Work. ii.., eon., odlv on bind and 1 Fite!, Oeuset anl L..n. • siCI-1,. ~1 and rib.nan. i - Ilahk ol ItaitokorS : ; iott ono, ..row., ' , ' 4 .•„, id to th e n.,„„r „ ka „.„ ~,, . •.„ , i ,i • A... ). ,„„,,,,,,, t ,,,,, L „, ,Lue -ear ,‘„.„,„ ,“,,,, ~ „ S qu i r rel 1 /L-1011 Ia 1, wet MI./ F. Ono.. an I ChiPlion's I ° ' looonermal t torny.". Pane . „.„.„ ~ I ,loPlf ntiRP, hal bright 011CP re now ad ed to it s - - " v- 3..9 Vatelatt t0Xv.0..• • "3 , :r... - e awl Floyd Iron. NsiL. Phlkes. Se rris : AILIFs, In, , ..2.ltolFra • etarotr o l, ~ a. hark. 0., ka Ai a h le. in t o. I history. and more than thi pen or min . shall , dononpahrto .....,. war. • y , , Plerent.ype platea, - -aubterr \ tnenn, 4,, hours tit '";,.''''''''''''''' j‘ C' VUILMAETII & NOBLII-City Flouring I , FALL FASHION ; Chartiers • Coal. ~,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,. ~,,,,,.,,,, ~ .. , - I Wi s ., ~,,,,,,, ,j,,, ~,f ~., ..,I r , g , • , • i t , -,,,,,,., safetylif their content.: in case of '64.-arey eeT W , , . extenot, comprishig 4.ffirt\ feet . of ore - li -- -01 4 ' ''' E hat, just n.cei,..l t b.. Front Iffii . l 4 I lil t p) 4 . t i A icylp,lis tx , AL c o mp . ‘ • N I - ');',;'',',`,l,',',,, „ , it - \_yl , iteolitay a. to betug I.e. pf th inffinti mi t a n d . , it Illtla No. 6113 LThertreo r of Adam,. rt., Pith.b , or k l, i 111 ' ' ty le of II AT: to whirl, ... molt. 11,. atten i 1,,,,,i,,,,,g nitre . .„ gr . L ,, ,, ) ,,,, L . e , , , , , ),„ Elght large rooms are required for Ito sale, ' _ll INT !CHOLAS VIVIAN, Civil Engineer, •1 t ,,,,, o r ,:',.r frh.tria undn In, t aw .. ........tan t . storin g and' dallier-jog of beehs, in which. 13 ‘ . eL ,,,„ ,a .. ldianatic,toon,wut ernotw a t M,n,,,, A rno ., M o u e t so u p, it, roe it at 0 . t.',.. t int ett,.r f wpi et o• t at.- ~..., ~0.,..,,, ~„ ~,,,,,, ~, „,„, ~,, , ~,, , „ ~,, , L , L ,, , , ; ~ „,,,, „ ~,,, L ~, ~, ~ , ~, . _,,,,; ~c,,,,, i.,):.:,•:ftiro.:l,,twr,te,t:/,,,,1uit,ait,e,,,,,a,1.i.tinetet,1,1•,...1,E.1,L0,3:.,k, tr.....cragiiiirie.a....,:t ,ni:i",,,u,ieui=c,),kb,,,r:i-::,:;,,f..,L„,„:;L.5.,\,:;:;:i._b::;5:::i,.-iopf.roha,ir::et,:":b:pt:goh::::m3r2,..ibi;soi:.7eothimt:.,:.i,.. ,:i.....,:ii.., mo u nts of 11.4.1 e For the. Pah•nt I/G0...0,1,1i of ktoeta I nory tor 111nra Wat.rltorke. 10,11,r„ 511 i)., A. Ms; .... Penn cflasi Works. - found todstat lu A 51. and 01. al- at bh, re.. 1.0,.. :k. .1 I r tosrar. et . .. . of ,AA'si at • a - j ''''''' ''.:'" ' ' 'r ' ' ." .".'"'", '' '''''' '''''' ' '''. I,• ." \ • • - ~ ' Mark ) alreet. l'lttsbur g h '''''' l ' ' A• I 1. 11 In:N 2 'LI. W l Glini AN, (formerly of the ' ...4.3e.10r ...ii .0., co. / ar t . the. sit of at ~...,. .1... . ~/. . , i.e. I noo. it . A , , .„. \ Ift da m t ,a r „ 4tirn a cent ot prop , rti here, he " tett " P ewe c, L° ` e PP li ed h r a' ° he e"-..e04 , .-. \ .:4 ~ _ ar., , eve- oxpoei to,itit beeau, I to. •, .I ' 99 1l'inee.Fdeiren1'Y .• Per 091 1 .91 hailer: him!, .-- • ~ ti ._._ - .e. . 1„. .. . ki Tom, & co., Wholesale and Retail I ben,. 0,1'9' „ 1. , ; ,` ; 4',.„,e' (''•; ‘''''' ‘ 9 4 ","7"er„e; "n r.-.ear5,:,,,, al . . • • - • ' 1 4 b .I.WI Dealer. to Ilato,Cape and For, t r ....,...';,.„• ;.°P...• - „...- ,f • • ni l ~, , 1,. ... " . Af .° Lk ., ~ ~,," ~,,, . ~.,,,, r ,,,,, .‘, . „ A , rh . „„,.. 0r ,„,,..,, , o ,„, „,„ „,,, ~, I „..,,,,,, ,y,...,.,,,,eeeh ger ogee than E.,, or r„. ,er ~.,,,,..1 \, :th,put .166:000. : Thi,,..:,, ~ii:,,,,:4 corner tif Wool and Fifth 212,1.... eitubur a t W... ow e ; : , - _ , l.%:!`i'l.' ''tt orn• ',.''''': I '.. , nf'l" , 11% . mai a...• • I , n '''' * , offer • full and ounplete stork of Ilea, Ca r EuVe. of '' ' '.•n. " A " " FA. 1 '" ' "" "....." A :on ot ko t .,,py. e0p,,,,,,. fy,.., r o . rAh• of p.o.h orat A I 1 , , \ \ ~ ..,,,,,,, st .„. w, ,... , fr ... r.. „ , ~,,, r ., I I,la, and • pr. op.& I. tor IL t l ode 50,k... „4„,,,, ~ • . • , 111, , nra.,...... , ~ oh . expeeti g to find it. and On the whole "rnthelt nn win. b.-att.:Oh m of war customer. and p11,41,...ri5,,,11r.: C. W. Feine, Professor of Music, .IF , 0 ''''' tt'e ere .. '''" nmee at melt."' .."'''''A• lAr '1 ''''' '' '''''''' n '‘Il! '' ''.' la' A t' r.' ') • ).,,, •• . 0 •• in ...T . heceneteettS ' , lilted:a ahine:7ooo rrenna.. -, l e ,- . ' s' 4 u i . 6,11.111 n 111.111 ant thevlelll 1..... n All I IIi• 13,1 11.11 , 14.0 0, 1.,,,0......, I: ;1100,1 %1.,/00, ~,,„ , 0,,,,,,,,,,,, ..411. AM.: ....tit . .. .. , ....r ~ . tntereati iwn. t .t IS picaono-y situate.. n ritumss 4.1....11AT1L , :,;',',.,::: .:j 4 ,7" . nt,„, , ;',?,, 7 , , , the en. - l. uof the Fox Rive r . one (.1" the ran. t „,„„, i . , o ,„ La . - 1- li Et it; lea, t.) iftlo rm 0, ad, ro. „f Pk,- . ~,..6 ",,,,,, 'S . . _ ...,..C. lin ."...ent •.' C. 4n. %. ', ' , ..faillttlii Atte to to the West near tot entran t ° li p....:ts GAw roe I.6, trutteartoff. , ...i , The lest' . -- .. 41- --44 -1 \IT M- pig HY. T';;I"r. pr''Ele ito tor ',.. i ' ir;ri l .Jrtlf. h rt:' , Yil";';."........V'i - C.7..1"i"::',7.r:: - • - , \ , 17,,, iLiz.7::.!,...,,A.,fr.zzhi:„..l:,:itederr,ig.vurilirtistyn:itzd. at,l:lle:,,,eifi,,tlk,,oe.k:ofinergle.a:taJdo:ontuallohfi,Beisoehni,ceeteobay-. •1 ,6. 4 oy ' and „eide r in 11.,01y Made Clothinv. I ....• Liberty • on reowmahle term. 1. or 'fort, .1 ~I, i t 1 ,:• et.... . . Fall Goods. • Al kiNtsitt , 1.1.... :on o ... I, 'lord 0r....f. ..,II •.1 •••• ,r, • ,' 1 1 1,1 t. itl ail & BURCH r I ELI) Northenot ';',,,-. In. eu , ". • - 1 I ONI.:1141 ER & CO., Impirtern of WintiA, 1,......,,,,, so., . t..t. .. ,), ii „ urn ., ,„ ~,,„t h „, 31,...., 0e,, , ... hr. , . ote'l ~,',„„.,".,:', ' . ”'" ' t ' i. \ t d n o nt o r , ry .,s. o r f .i t . ta , i n . i t i t e ta td r.k.i.desuntinese4toitth s thil , ,, l ii r e pr r, e , t Le ty , P y , v „,„ . .. 1 1 Affi rm ", j r ., Iji Li q uor...n.l Salo rh0..., al •Arnittohd 1 •1001, i - - - tweet t kostli rosd ..m ot h New Caocolate Factory. foneh M. 0.,. I,laek end hos • odor. Cohn", al. , ~,,, ' • , 'n• -;r . =-.''" In ins recent Europea n tour he had an o p pos . s. . e r r: / \ • Won leap Itnet . .. L. M , .. , 1 road , in\ yet Wester n Fl.. "'era, are ylnlightfut.lnt,king 1.1.1... In,, RI. r ... how oo.not,etur,,,g , NU", Pr-nted :erne, 4 1410, 11,, y 1 . 1 A. ittlAliiil RA, Agent fur Llttlea-nro Clu. I S i L t e ' Lu lC ,),,,' t l ' 1 • 5411UNI ' C U' ee 'PeetfUlt3 ie . 1 ru "'n' t “ nin ' n ''''''' '' n b ' flr '''' ' n ''" n ''''" '''''' 1 "1.• •":". .. i ,,,,, ~..y . ,, y r ,,,,.. t p. compa n y. JP War. i et.roft o•flOy111. 0 Cl. of pro" h uol., , and yr., 1. .....1 , ..0f , 14'. Deno, : Poptin, rank on.l k 'I, ti \ I 110 /yid in\ k p tear:ince rently,New-En g - tome ,f "t.ff the •ce- .., ful , ‘PP'lrerdinn a ?il: '' '',.:',:: ,-'. • * ---- .1.,•: . I L. nmet ott..r ,1,11...... w . ram.. r oas orel 0,,,,. 1. 1,111, . .. , . ' luldike \ Trier., on', re , g.,,,,,,,, , ~0 o h , Gills, patent, by which he - claim s Or trot toU- -.,- .''' . • ...',.' I GARDINER COFFIN, Agent:for Franklin anal hen., of tta, nat..r..toar. battii....., and ' I''''..l.lnl/4,.:-..."...7.1,•1n'11.',',,,-''.',""l.- f la Fi r e. Inourane. Compan-, north,... r t nrcer 01 II ....1 wht,l,4ox,v. 010 11 A - .Im,FIJ, 1..0.„ e of one , : o nar.• .1',..1 ... IDr ch. / 11,,,,1 new /,:o . 1 , 1 . lade s, po*, ,b6p., Ile ~,,./ h,,,,...,,„inciZt0 for n i l tion of n ~tutefal light, nod great heat tkita the :.'"" .'" "" t !'tai, met 'Thiel intheta. of ob. lar o e c Anocohde n0ua,..e,..D.... ikdr.orour..o,.. I • r 1 ,j„,„,,y, „...,ry th em) ) 1 %! .),.„,,,,, t „ ) „„ ) . 5 . , o e thltuati t in from hydrogen gas in contact with a qe _ - • -. t ooth- ,t,.t lit, stu turni•h .. arts ~. e h ... 0 not ego.- I n. t n 1ti1,6,... N. : 1,,,,, nm • . . 11/M. GLENN, Bong Bittlitn, Wood FITOnt. A 1 " ... ..° ..." .41•0...• ^Pd. Id • nwo Pl'''. 1 nel,papor a , 4,i,,,,ria10r '\'l, .1 .. ..4dVotale .-ti,. cod of plat , MT wiru i Thrhydrogen in . produc- .. V V is-ood 4.0 , llsmt .h. AllFtrArn -n ef T 4. 4 - ...At' .'.A ha 'l'aP"r,..,.';;.'•!.. 1 4 ,,,'.'1'..",... 1. ..,. 11 n'S'. r' n a rn ..',.! fl''', l ''''' ) 1 n'''''''''' " Ll. ''''' ' Pm ''' . '''. " ' '''''' '' 1 \ Goldner ;Va g , Puy I tile r Leis,,,, ..,4 - .- ,lii. oluireh• 9 '; kr .6 3 ' - ; 0 ;.9 or ..te . efroeuq 'I 0,2 ot e. d Leßoy., ...load. to eoll Au I it. •. , it,sr, .Inri , , , .. 0 ,, , , I . . i , ./1 , fC : E ::: 7 :: :: : I , : .. , P 7: : : :: : 7: . 7 : . 7 : ~ ~,, : :: „I joi: in i : :.. : ;: , : b : i : , :,, A,•isl r:;..:,rint,:i,,,,;111.,ift h ur,: , io. l , i r s :: ~I .::: . u.,..,,, , : :: :, r : : : : : I d : cr.,o :: ,: i 1 sa d r emit ~F . ' i ,: : : 3 i I : : ).,:1 1 . 3 ,,: t i., :: ::I m dg,,,,ei k kth r o c: i t. t u g T, ig h h , h6." :v r t ii, 0 7 : ,, ;3 ,1 ~C ., ,,.:h 0 ,e t: : g r ce. : n d ,,,,, : ,,.. w th i mi l .1 1 c, i t i t: 4 1 t b i i ,t r 9 -: :: , ' . . „ • e ` . L.. ',a4- n0 0 n.... du ',fry •• , :r-littlrot, of Ittruhn t with isonnesa „ 0 . au ,11111. , A 1,1•.40.. Hr...., • 10. morn and durability Blank ruled to huy pattern. and I.und k116.41./101,11, WO. to numbers, or edd tes.k• ET. CLALR ROTEL. • Splendid Instruments . • . I 01 \z, 1 hotrod ema.full f . or repair.. Nern...put on In colt 1..,..e. l'f•t o ... S., Ciehany. Thos. who , hare Limb.: .1, Intlted ...sir 1144..., Ir./ , (For Formerly the Vet-hin ge , ) irrtllE en t, e -it, h,i, joot iron j ', ca .... I 10 dl Corner of Penn and St, Clair Streets, i 11. nn ,-r, , hrl'' ^ ,..... 11" ,, '', Elam , la.. ea r , 00 , I , Steamboat Agency, and General Commis- PITTSEPEOIT .. r ~,,, snl slm, t• Poutnant S e t tinoror oth l ~.,,,, „ it „,„, ~,,r , ~,„, , r , A ,, ~ ~,, „. -. S . ' tile D O. I, la , ot y nee for In il k ., e 0 .(1 r,n uteees the 'e"rht"ute eel , ere""i't 4 almost nit ~ ta a otttm"areal dull o no soy., ~..... or.. P.m. • , t s , - ~ . s.: ,". ::: \ Ills. I 7 . .11 may 'i v ' of la 11y,r1,1 1.14.,\ ,S 1 0/.30 at' hydropUi- f Ida . 'burn' :Oral in contact with. ta, ' . u lion, Receiving and Forwarding. Ic lllS ilimentud, PorttrAl, and moat eft-Irani- I el.d. b. Nutm;dris,l, Tlit. loom.. „. atter a ..... I.'-", -' a A ALWIN, PLUIRKR a• CO.. have this i""' iu't tu e , . tta.u , la. t,t iantelto-tt rt. fp_'„!,:t4,l„'`',.:',.!.;4aL,i,t‘ri,•.,u,7:..traart,,,,t . M e tal ~ .!. . , • -; t :, t ; ; ';;;;::• • • . 1 , . 4, , , ..,,, ~,, c h,,, c ,,.., ~, ~,,,d,,,,,, u 1t4 ) ,,,,,i,,,,,,„ , e ,„ 1 ,, rage or network of atinium wire area - sti", "`... \ ei....1,t, •144.1 / , ./,41.,h11 ropt4, I .14.4 5t..,,T.1, 4 11.. a ' '.. 1 1: _. , 11 , . •., \Jong igloo .1 m d h\ rn MI • pflpnlttiv`q of thn counting, on t , rdionry n scant\ bumer, proterted-, \ PI day ...mewed wolt thOm Mr. John La.............. 1 „ZS. • 0r ...„ ~,,,,,..,,,.,„.„„„,„ ~ , , ,„. I ~rrul or,. •1 11..... yet roantrlA-tu r .d su 11,, ~,,,,,,,,, - 1 ;1k°,..p . „ • . ;Jr , or eon ice. to On e ~,,,,,„ ...,..,,,, A ~,,,„, "„ o .rat ,Ay L .. eat... Db.-, it .... " , e r r opto kr ol ton n ot. Ph ,I: I A,... odandasuperlALoni, loth. bot ...Atka, ,r 'X ...o. , ' ; `,A, y:,'„ ; ,;',, . NO,' la ro f•r a . 1 11 cr t - ct . p'oond. 'OO, up of by 3 OM,. CilinTnry. ullikirtaiMple ContliTallee,.. n : ' •,, C.”lllC.lP2ikill. wit Forverlinv ander ti,. 4,1.. r 1 ~,,, ,_ ~,,,,,,„, ~,,,,.,, , ~,,.,i , ~,, 4 , ...„,,,, , t•• • oon. •or ..... avioti .1 et I' I- cllw pra... ' ~,., L g h • A L„ ,.„ . 1 •. .Y. 1.", i , elqll,. !WI, ~-. .1110 101., reed, Tt.,‘,), n re he otat,s, • l it. perfectly tu (Toga], and - th light .' ' - = N I'LL al fAt O Po , . rn ., h , , .., I t .. •• I • - ' II RI.LIILR. I ♦ , C. An ot tie u01d.... Dar e N., 1,/, 1. ....I : ..,„ " , „ , " i,V . ..!, ~, . ~., ~. , ~,..( rill), very zo eel rand n: Ili ant lanolin \la 0 , ,,. given out from git oils o thi s conatruction i 3 ~ • • . ' LOPIcAIItt. April IA IfY.l"nn b " '•I IP Withatno Row hl. - ,.....'.'",. t't r n , l" , t , : nn . , lcror r , - .,;,? . ,,V•n,..,;',„ .. r.1. • ,,,,',l7, n „'.'„nn r . ,',., , .yrit!...::ly ,an flan in..tona ~ i war n....11$ r,r-0 ut , “,r,. n ' '. E T.'"' A.•. ,, .. PO" . hal Meryl ... el-l-d t.• toe I Y „„,„,„ n n :., I • leo I erer. vrbo avil.. . a entaiVit e l of soeiet3- 'in\no. e.'ree" l 7 Arid 919 190.3Dm " • t vomit ao •fly 1,,,.e. •a 'Ow fssl,,nlry it/LINTY LAN I tS-c,,,,, u,,.,,, N•VLOR. . ''0j,....%,•,. 1 n......Lir,.: h. at,ko ot th. ilon•e ...I . a . 1 ..,..1. an. t • •,,orr. r ra m we. to on.- , t i L., h. r.. t 1,, t I ."...-.“ •l ..„, I reap.. inferior rl any rite area ucirty Thr4 ' Tit. m11, , ,,m 7 ~,, i ; Narni II\F.I.D. Uarantagel; : . ' 11 h I .."-. A Dorn, at Law, No DO Th.n.l et- earner of cherry J toon.a. of It• losanyera. no. rend.r., • .t tn. roat.i. ora . ! eet , t a,. : o o te, 't• 1 ive%kl Jibe it! strautt.dicb er ,n Lore t• 11.1 .1,1.- Itly the. inrmii,..•• _ _ 1, ",,,„ ,„,. ~,,,„„.,,„.„,,, ~,, „,.. ~,,,e.,... will I ~., to 0n.....• or p. , ,,.1+11...1 ... , ir t.,,...“.1u .1..0 f a,e4 o 1.0 -4, i, - , Procure notaire Lands far t.Meors rat addle, their ra t, . ' ' ...,, 101.1 no,. tar .1. eliteowl ahar. at yeattor-a.-. . NEW STORE. , ~, ~,,,, ~ I out! ilo •Nil ale,. t . it' ear , a y.. 4%,”, Jail x , "I. The of SO produced is chunper than ny• $ Procure and ehild,u. and Noll to at o •oft., huo , a ro' t. II PIS SF, • ! rilllE SUBSCRIBER hat in t : token the 3t.tre i g-2.. i "h , - :s . 1 .... to, l' en t t e 1 , ,, A , w e e r f ro he, tn •,tllled. la, 0 rane e , . Vlier mode of artificial dight, c.rstiag, 2.9 19 9- '.. - . ~.` ' ,. 1 , ' :, ,A . , :,.7 :, ..., , ii., 4 : : Q 3k v o :' ! ,,' , h .', : 7, , ,t Aer , . , \A , H .. j ' A r,. g . 1 1:: :, , ,,, :I.: ,p ' : I :, : 7,.. ,, ,,,i1: ,: k :,± i ~,' i f , ‘ . .1, 8 t \ i ly 4, ' • ' l• Ci 7, l ! f r.: it i p t LI hu l:1::: h i :it:ll: l, ' . 3 ' i r ' 7 3 2 o rg::::e:O . l o k r r po , r,Ai ; Y e \ o ,3 :ll; a rt r r j . A; " ."...' A'.."A" .. ' ..4 .I ` .. 'A” A ' n '''''''''l' ''''''" l ' f '` .l t"'''t Nor CO cii Factors' Ali h ..... the Penoom oftles, oz the Lour. at th. rile, o i a _ eg. cny , ' 1 ..1 , F,2 F - 01117. .F 11 4 .1 . - 1 -1. 1-.0,i, , - ~,,, t r I ,11[1: WarbinctOn• 1,4 ,Ift , DrOl, 11 ..tToN. end havo„•..t l . ....that Ci...nm. I re, cAbon.i t ,„ 31. A. 'WRITE A i't) aaoi• I , .-- , t .t, at th- oa .3,, .., :t a n. tot,. ...t. ,I a - ..ri i• ( ~,.. Drawing, Perspective, and - Painting in OiL I 1: =an „,...,,, a , ~,,,,,, ,„, ~,,,,„ „ . ~,,, . „,,,,,,,,„. „, , , , i . , ~ ,:•,,, , '' ''' '•• I•4l , .ti,ata, h. to.ur. se I nv G reet , 2 . . ~, .coo _ .a, t. ~,. - I ...1 • aro,. Larsea. bets,. . eder. 0.. roLhol. I tA.A.:I a FAl'LE•ttfil i.. 11,. 4 nal , •. I. 51.111...,111..0,:, 7' Alt RI;r1R1.1 ;; S Urtrly i 1 1 11 ' ..:711. ' Wr r on d t i t‘ r. ' 7.....'•°: =r'.. forTho4:4!:lZ,;;l7, 2 V 1.1". .r ." / ' :. ' ' 1 / ..,,:. • • 'Dm( 000 Ds; A • i':'•:-" t , ""- • ':;;;!;', .„-,, natty large .Stitce the t., mmenc, ent\ o - thr eYio Atk EON ttork , t by n'g , ligh modifidetion 0 o, us arla g htful orL at lio roottotoln Me... raktfe't Bay .ehe, flu o y,.. Po. t . ,-.0 . v, . al, .f , fr. 0. .-4 ,,,, ~,0, 7, , ,,,,,,,,, ",, ~, ~. s , ,-,, , ~,,,, ~.,, ,0„ 000 , ~,,,,,,,,,,,, r ,f ~. F„, „„ Wi, on.. - „ rki „.. tile ro oils, 10,0 without any es, tial chae in Atkin/on'. new huddm., lint et r e, Letween Rood and I....rperom. „I tk. mer,..., tar. of .• .... ~ r•.. ~vt; r,,,,,,,p, , ~,,,,,,,,,,,, ~ b,,,,„,.,.,., ~ ~,,,,, •,,,, ; 1,.. 0 ,, A ..,, . ~ .., Jilartet etne.ta Yuan of lortrurtinta, from Ph .44..n.1 Lod th. faelts(..... th. , 1., • .1.. ...• , N nt-tekt . , are • know n ..., far.,,,,. r.ta h r,,,,,,, . y r, .. AAA . . : .., .... , , 1 ,1 „, i l , O , ~: , s , FF.' „ A r ' l l k\ ~1, e , ..,0 c .i n ~ i ' , 1 1. : sr a: ,. . b o r i , h , a . . nc ;c . e ,, t ,,,itin,,,y1 . r, r; , j ,i ., \ :,,,,n , ,k,\ ~... \ i i n ,: .I h • ,picr O p t ~,, , A. ~,Ff.....riti,.inl.7;notle:rt:a,,n fuelfi b p i , lt ,.. a riotr Ili bo . ; i,,,. . fi ap a pl4 T , l, l e 1. . ~ • ... ~......A...,_ fj.,,,,, ~k.. V.., x. Cha rg e. and who:lt...rt.-oh,. .chn te. enas• ed La ,In w• to ou tlo na... , --o-het 1.,.. W:lb ' ~, ~,,, , ,r,,,,, ~,,,,,,, .1„,,,,. ~.... ~p , , ~i ! part of thr State. .f a '*eolt.hy Rano. nby ea hartortiotoi) at the r.r., thy., watitlin: orti,e. io 0.., 0.,. Moors on: and I A., PMette•Liny Ss I oa .. -• 1 d,.... , N.* I ..1, . Rol,. Ref, t. Dr. Oslo. cr Dr Addison le Pa, usy parta.ut, tr..,•on stoke ...leo, fo ar ...rt. , 'to 1.1 , w., a ournsta* ate, t-msai ..., t.r. , . et- ! u"'"'"' - .t - .... ___ . . , i ta hn'tea out.' .2' "'"arttinu 't"-uitu'e• u'i• "et re. att.'s..., air rl l -. i.• Lao, no. de• ,ny , at.. - ,1,r .1, , , .. 1 .. s i ar e O. a . . • tea t niapte.iva growin, wheat A n k grt, , ,,, h tlie, dear 99 . 9 er. ,k •' "iile'eee . 4 thes - Th. con, 1 WALL PAPER. sualio n a n wrtant,ny :har work P .....•••• . [' the , ~,.n to 0 ,,, h . Lnaktheaty„fld i .... mport., the .r..ta 'lora' , I i r l tiohouien Fresh Aisortment of Sprity Goods. 1 "rnr,„'„',.`„,1,, b ,t.'•,,';',`",,...,7„,"*,'„,„, ~,, ~„ , „.. ,!..,,,, tat -, - , •• • ••$ , b•.- 2, 1 ,5;it , •,-......: , loon at ' V'wolsou. - A.. .' s :....:. : n.: :„A f, ,ii ~ rt c h ll : II : :1 .., 1: ; / . 0 1,,,., ta r, r ,A, i, ‘h, T ,A,., / ~:e . , A 1 1 if. 11.1 .iy a . 11 , 7 7, IA: : r r i n r i , lie :: ::a n.„ y rbe i :::, i A,,,,i,, h ' s ? k,t 7Al k e: i ll . / p ' ,„t tl ps 7 . 0: 4 I l i lu i ' c re t, .l :O r : ei t f pi re : 1 17 .1; P A1LA,,,,,h1 1 .. ~, , 4 rriIIOMAS PALMER i... dui v receiving moet ...Nab. recie ~,,,t t . "1.9, 3 :,..,!Xf j "vt too.. o i Led • , , --- - - .ninsol a \. R. The eirios maim. are so 3 e ..- .1., trPM th• Eastern CIL., al Le oter eland, Grindstones ! Grmdstonts ! • FaR and Winter Stock of Fancy and Staple I ‘t-t ; • No. 55 Miassi STREET, I s . ~ 1 A :.. , ,, , A A...i e ., L u k e , , e ) th th e NI j,,,,,,,,,,,i..0.4„ elpeneiv e 'that ere „y eitahlishme n t, ',hero\ ft is \- • -- '1 , :,, , , , , ,z, t ",-,1._ . . , : 't:::, ~, ~,, . 1 , n ,„ p ,„, 0 hA,,,,, t , ~.., b a " \ , tesita 4 t‘ to emplo. that 'itod heat may erecs . \ .. -, - . It II Y ''it ooltt-, , Berme m Third and FOl,Ol wan, Pitn.5.... e 4, , i 1 .4 ,,,,,, A ,,, N ,;,,, 1 , V ,, 1 r ., 1 ,,1", N , ~,,,..' ~' , 1' , :„.N . :r , ''...- 1, .,W , `,.r , '3 ' 1 ; Do s t . 1 I ed / iv y., ar.,....i oata to m a ,reeen t ..teedt.....lth.mort . orstade. I ,),„,, ~,, ~„ , u „ h., ~,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,.... :tad es , i k. A MAS.ON A Co. would m - tit restart- iiit ' ". l ' k ''' ''' n'' so"' , ; ..s..'" ,; 1 i ".' b hurtne end'' , o , 4otooaty affect... ~,,,„1 l o n t :prailttio., nil, I ~ 4 1 , , , ,erna a .emp,oy_. e- • \ ,- L APER LL.I.VGINUS ~ haw- app....1 in tho m•v , A. ticularly adapt.. for the run.... IntAnool-delivere d inil , . f...‘114.. ~,,. ~, ,b,. , ~.... y ~,. ~,, ,- , t 1' the mr.:1•11 Fif ACIIEII. 5.-e.t.r. \ CFaIDP here n few weeks Ago Inr Ohm. to ,ee ' ' n ' 1 : 3 ` , ..".." "V." ‘ oriiit trait a . 'l. 7;„l"+ ''' ,. A : Q h •Lr s: ) ,iFi L .:l 7, ),e rr .. l L L: ), 7=7 ), l r . th A :f!':. r :••••••Am.rtt of eine. 1.4 l,•:: ~ .Z 11, • L 1.., , , •!!!.... ., „ ' '',..' rtf ' n ' i . .r . P. -'l,.': rY.: ' ' , ';'..i.'ir r lf... ,4l .•''' ' ,...,';'. ' '',', ; , : r. - ,',,:::1 I ,7"--------------.....-__------- ' - o,n, effect this \eltmate'maY, ha t om eupo n my la s. f.t,9 \ adds that IWI nnaerattiod M. 'Wilma \ - ' ... nat e , To taut attosictiee lot ef VW," •loch a mrns. so. ..-• . 7 'n 0 . _ ..- , :rhi•n,wal , t,..r, l4 tartetr l th , 1 . , r A , th., Lay. ...., t... 1 RATES OF DISCOUNT . a, In ii:,,:ilk;,,e!:: ..7.:Yrrari'n7p.;,:::ht\r'rc,'"ingrial'iindg e"..11:::4'ut:::-i'..Pat::aprc:::4:tic‘rp:ri;,edtder,SE::;°;7;'9\':1•';\''':". 74 comb-tw0..., oat, to h00n...1 1., rook,. ILI. do r r o .ll.n. 4 ......u.....,....., .„„... ~....„ .. ~.,... FALL FASHION FUR I t , 51 41 -- „..., , r,-. , ,,..,,.. Id.. P"'S ... .'1...4 , '...... AAn''''' .. "' 1 An' .. .... unA'n' . ...... '"'.... l'. kt* blrength. and a/togethe r \ bett er q,i r i te A.. '''''\. ' _,.; ---- ---" , AP.--:-=L--, ‘ ' :\ . 2:ls ~, „,. 1,. - Dro *A tom.l.rapr ~0 yr. torts o M.A.. . N 1101-AlE), , ', M r s omi, Dona t o, Polly Invited. y - , ..A. - { kunst., eor. L •e 4 :Ye, •,..... hyor, Prod s l 1. o. arena.. - - Al id is-.. _ 0,0 .1,111. I AV/ I-SON & SON. ra snit, A I,LE HATTCES l P.' - ...„1'. 4 .,4F, „ r , r ,..,,,,,,, 4 „,,,,,, ,A. a 7 Marko at . :lo n Mrs 2.1 /Sleet:let /IfOrotrena I \ 'Nlflaane,l4ti... HUSSEY & SINCLAIR, 0 , -No al Woo l -to, ...ul.l r•apertfoll, ikeheth. .... 71. "4. 4 4 1`,11.4 1 le, , lo Cava...pea Coto., VENN,. I 1.1 AN 1A nio,oo o a t 0.., d a ay . • , Meeti ng Diver \ . 1 .3" ekP ,,, t.ft, Ins; in tha \.- ' " li`i eitouvo n yi , .t, A.., ..,, 0.. „oho Sto to. sA u , -77:, :.,, : , ,,:,.J;1 ,, ,,,, , , , ,, ,. trt,v , p7,7- 1 0; ,:,,-., - ni,nt . , .0- ,, 0 , .,t ; Ts- eta... ...t ...t - BtorweShippinga.' Commission Merchant. I , T 2, 21 ~•,.!,' nT••• •.''' n Lb' ........"-.'''' ..4 '''...'", • . orn.„l n in-n - y...,,..Y., b ';,..'h;',..',..„ t . ,,..=.1,V, ‘ ", 4 „" , .''...r" . ."T . '.... . l." F, . , j . N . • \ • Come of iok ig other ebsurdttles,,. oo , \ , ~• • • •,-"" ; 1...$ tvort taalitcloude- to. emir,. le.neb Stow,. D ana o t ..... mm e „a ~.....jlt, f rr i ,;;;l , . „ f 'r.f,:tnnT,",: Aj° n‘ "'-' '''' " ''''''''°' ,'AI... .... n ll 'Sv, . 3 t99.1y-‘ 4 . \, . 141110LESA_LE dealt., in tit rooarita., G 105.., ) V• 1 'C tialt.„,.., N ., ro nu 1...., en ! 1....1 Sims' are trod Atineral Pains.- - i• :•-,?, -.,i c--..- , r.- a t , 1f,,1,P,N;; . , ..... , 1,1 • ,, i....1 .. y, t, , , ,-,... ~..d,,,,0„„_,,,,,,„"Z0 , „ , veered th. A'', Icz4diltsn 4 1.1V0-bl':', cnr"l..! Pv. , , . .0, , weather red : sky elottilles and •deeieut Hotly \ a. - Trf: 00f0,,,b,, 0.,..., , completed Ilia rat- , i.. 0 a- r a1P.t7....t,....i; , t - ' t. '" r '''' " ‘'`-' ' m " t '"' e tt""" "n e ' un •e A your tiznet6 the sereicau- ,' \--- \ a' Ar el :l7 4 ;o 4' ;. ° ,."l7' '' Ni. t erlsa e" "hi l au,l4n ro r2 . l /.r. horn. Lots , O. p r , ,, , ,..., , ....: „ 2. , 5 , 1: ,, . ° , , r .,, , .. , 7 , ,0: A., ,, , , 71,‘" . ,!:7.. t .„: „ „ . :,, , 1nr...,, , :,:,.7 . ,,:; 4 7 , ,° . „,!:, ,.. ! j , . /I,l , 7 , ,,'''' „ Vs ,. .'eeJ A A ' A , a'4,1:.1:"....i,n ~.!Ni . .: : ::; : f- : ,1 3 ';a: ', :;' , 7 , O 7ea. . v1. ' , L. .„ . ~ ' ~,,i,,,":".,,';''',:,:,:0:1,71 t 6. 1 1,,.;!: 4 1 " 14 ." :.. " . : : : : ; :: ;""-' 1,....t• - • : :,..:7 1 . - 4 . :1: ' , , , , ( : ' ... : 4 ' , ..!.. '1 : :!1,1 , •••H '; , .': . , " r ,n, 1 : :: : i r:r - 4 , :: ~ , . ..A : :;..1 ~, 1 4 . 0, :,_: •, • '' .:. ' ihr Y „.1 : :::::: 1,fy i '3.:74:, :,,,,41,,N,:',4::nyted7,:nr. 4::j,:::7 na,'"C4: ll3,l j-i':6:2 lP'47. :e r . 00, 4re h 3 nrtil: tir b r e eit t."4l. h li n . t.. i h i 8 6 ' ' \ 'S \ : . , ....„. L Ir,:ntti,; 7i11,,LtiF1,,3-sirritc;,l,ii i t qua n is l \‘‘,. \ ' L \ I, t eno r Line. 'Wm- In-{l ' m. A. °tie k Ca., Cleveland: „. no. 00d.,,,,..., •,•1 sod ed Wart.. o around ~ 'lt • ...AV.,. .111 - A:0 . Parma, A Ni..-bardos,: k toopimall So, • dr. I done herpa, g %tierin g aktd pl\ateto.o fF „ernot u \l ' M \ l '‘- - 4 ' h 1 \ \ :1114, At Wheel,. PnEttio ; . C.: Nlll 1,0011 ~ S. 0. 0..... L'a.l/61,. Pot...bur g h AGES,' NEW GOODS \ v , ~,..,b,,, 0,.; \,,,,, o, ~,,, ~,, .i , . 4 ird,,, :),,.,,, . ur . s \ ~ erne, Jlsettr-s_ ce.l-l . 7pects teen' vrtter mutt,. I A wit., In-mialet. oda., of To, I an d V.,..1 .1, 1 . 1/. 1,, ,, n 1 1., , ,, ~, . nr,,,,, , , ~ ,, r , ~,,, 4..0 r , 0.....,.- , , ..0. ~, , ..00 • , ‘L ., _ r „ ) _ , ‘ , , , ,,,,, , nr , h,‘, ___, , . e ~,,,, . it 7 ahr to whom th t. ptirtnklle S Ore giveli - '..„-tbe t . ,-, ' t it. Ne,u •Co bruy a ot, I, I 0....rty on., s ..\ I' " trek ° Inn s•s, • '4 , o v, Itockingham and D.umektic Quectikwur. , ti t• #-,,,..rt# 1 , ,,,...., „i al-., , "r , 1. ter. o, ii a , : .„.„. „ . a t ''''...nun A .n . " '...' ' ' 1...,, fox ~. o L., oona no kr. 0.,,,,, , ,o r 11.1.3,11, .., an. , o t . • • WOODWAR. BLA K FAA A ... c o., m an . a 0,1;i7,, ,,, , ..,,,,,. „,,,,,., I, ~ ~, , ~..,_, ... ~ i 3 ‘l.l. AND u,• , n Loot.- ...0r.... a. on. . oda., ,•,• D., parl ri a. 1 t ~., ar . ." ' '\ . .. ID onsolS rattAA. , \ A ' \ . ~, ..,,,,,„ , , r „.. re l uant th.• ~ety .Oehan n I !tree", D es of liar '.. ` . \ \ V V ufact ores. of Rokinchant amt I el.. can. W. : , ~,, y .A. ,rang..,,., .... , an -a .. \ tin • Got , al,: le ;torso o „ I..Etra` h air.,tired to '' r;l° 'N n g 0. ' l 'o' °C 1-WG ' ° "' l7 .‘ th ' A ' "A ', • • ' ~., t ~.1 E TAA'r k i"7.lT'ink..t'. name tooth and lot.ert f ...... EAGLE MARBLE WORKS. , ..„ ~,,,,, 1.., „. I. , ..t. - .. .., V.I• I 111 . A,III I. I , .I• II ..•(.1. II r . I. , ~ , „ , ,„„ . * . re- t . troart-.1 w .th the \ beirtuoe.rt i e. NIP \ of eh. '9731 moan /3 on linprovetth.nt nn Blontne r i ant , e 5,, Altonnil Church buildm uL ...ran, p. 11.1,.• to l ant:. I AlnyWhol, .? 1.5.TA1.1.1.11 r, / '`..2.. I.y Eit3lllN It 1';;.,!•,";F'',•;,,,',•,•„ ',','"' .•,.' -,' ~':''''.', i A X AAA !'!;.;7 A lal'L., ;..n . `....;,47,',_'' 'l' `7f.r. o it -, , ''';',.''' ' \ 't re " t ' h "r ''''' - u'uftn t l" 0 1 \ modern p . togrett .J. 1 .. rarlnFersn'n Our exOtoore ar...n . .10,1. ur oil:` r.t-rr rt,m e .t.,- 1 ""; ''''' WILK 1 N '''., N.. '4.•, Li, , ,:),. ~ ~,,,,,, ,„ ~,e,„..,;:.,...,;',,,'.',, ~.'„, , , 1 ,, . , .. .., . ,, 4 , 4 ta,„ , :,....: r . ; ii ..,, , , .. ,.. . , , ::, ..... f' : .. :i . ,1.0,, / 1 „ . .. , / , 1 4;1. , ....71:.1.7..1,11 \ k '. 1 \ T'. 1111 , . 0 . 1.1.10 Z 1 0. flak, n ,. nd i o nl:ne. al l ! . \ nt , ff . r , r , ' \ \ L, ‘,.\,,\ ;'-or i,.."----------,,,,,,,,z,,f,,,,,,---A;a:.:71:,::„.. . _„,,__ ..712 .. A competent Mol o n, been, conetu mpl-ro, • aim. on abb.. us tote,. h a.- with ell Ino ..wand Itu, , rev-A•111.. r i A ...?•! . j . rt . ', - ,1,1:,'"..f.',...: . ,..1,‘„ 4 ,.'‘.‘„,.,",.....,..;1.,1..A : ,,/, A ,‘,. A A , A AA., . ~,,,„ , .L.........,. , - ~.., „.„,.. . h , „ a , ,eontern r , .ltr. o „ th. coll nk , o f U, ...roky. \ no l . 4 1r. , ert , r D l / 4 r ,,,, 1011%apg t , cicrted on trit, 7,#,rii#s, , I - - \ of the dal , . Water Ctn... ttplenun,Porh.ra, Fancy 1 k y r. Dee.. -its 1 h Flaw, A 50..., Goblets. Mantrl onvoneate. Motion, •ot ~..,. ~.,, ~. ~,„. , ..,,..,. , , ~ , , 1 r,:.,, , ,,,, , : , 7 ,,, :7 , 7 ,,. ~ ~ , . 7 , ~. ~,,:„, ,„ ~,,,, , , , ,.1 . ,, , ~., if N... , ..rn tare P . ..% v-,,,,,,,,,1 .1 p 1 ~1.„.,.0 , t, ,„ 0,„ MT," z\ •. ,.eCie.S.t. i. ) artford 4 3 . n Mese, hnuff Jar.. and .1.1. for .Inro.atie u.o. in a reat • v. 11., v 1 Mort ..„. „,„.,.,„ ...,., .t•• • • r.- ... o, a, ..,. •• ,s.. , ~.. ~ „ 1-.., .... , ..r. , •,,.., ,er ..• .L ft.... AIk.O.IN • ! FRF'' , .. t , g. e.ror.o.toly pkrfar a t, 1, rriu,h,,,,,,,,, ; & L e) . emplo sam e eogil i f , ten ;lien and four- '‘' 't ronawfoliv 3•We.....3; cr.-1,.. • I A ~.... I tt.A. " . „. „ „. . e t t ...too hatt .. . • l ' ' '; ; ltt.':%'',! ; '4l', . ' i '' ' ', .. '`', ":' ,l . l U: n . ..:' -1 .I...el.4.l,k"'l\o7•lflirlari,l;osrCr,tliA:ran'ent'n,'N,ll - Bradley. I , A ve from titan, thr.. are marlia -, tirrt r7://te4 rery. • . r. a .lk I N . ,. 19 Wood avert, Getsrrrn Frrst oho. .I.condits,, ~„, „C. t.::: . .. .ti it! r NI:01.1S A , „... , t \tn , in a r.l , T,ert yo l ih,ilin g . MID nod afthrvard s t 51,7 4 ,. OF TIFF hOLDEN rktiVE., •I n LEP 11 Ilr,litlll.. I lit: AIOPLE. taut I Farm.. I: ol 0.., Co A.. ilk of tn. ~ 1 . I -..: l l/se aX A y r . rime :ell.; tte.• 'ha \ e ats in t o no ,ol- v \rip.s. un d pt., intojt m\chtu a ' L•b sal 01 6111 . a A11A A N , 1 , .1 , r , ? . . , 9 ,.. T . U . ii...11 , 0 , f ,, , e b v . e r ry ., t1 ,, ,;5e , r , i1 , , , t i , ,:n r ae ,- „ l ' ;''.., ..- ,„„ , . , „„ ~ .„ „,..., . ~„„ „.._ .. ~„ u .. , a , i sar-r, t• ,r . r,,,... ~..., , 1ar,... 11 , 1 ,,... 1,1 . . , p arr brunet: nil. fa l'l . , ar arrh tr. , 99' %t r.\ nit p., ,, e< t.N•rn enticiv die whira • P.m, and ouch art •111 rerial the trot .atofsetcon I, poly, I i , i . a Alen-PARLOR NT OVEN, amon g wh,eh wth ha fro.ol REVERES, e. I-- 0-- -o ,-,- , fr, .• 1 . , I•r , .0 r.....-•.- -,- .0.1 ~ 0,- . I. ...., sae. , ~,,, u tat,,,,,,..., ~....torasts In - 1 11....,ne I • '') '''''''‘ 'h *i ,., 'b Fag, her ~ and t 0.1 ' I an: pk,t / ,111 Into ea k .teNt tall .rate orri kOlian ha t e • Javon a Root. todoutauet toute d time Pad, roar s: Fey Ilan , A . r ,.,,,,,, ,,,,,. rid 1.. L ark / ..r.m. /Aro :0' l'‘,:th.'re.'l‘°%.lieen4t'elld I.4"rw ith.ctlti4lins' name, ti 7 11 4. \ . Strry. m (teat erne !Franklin Store, town 3.1 On, 10ad... r i„, ~,,,r ; „,,,,a, to which we invite Ole altontbm of nuild.r, To• F• e tthe, ,„_ i . , , c ..„. , ~ , . ~,,,, _ „.., ~,, ,A.A.,,,, , . ~ r ~ , . ~ ,r., ~, ..,.,. ........ , , . ~....,.. ~.„ ~,,,,..,,.. . ~,,,...r.,,., ,z 1 ~,,,,1.1 ~.,,,, \ _.,.. :N,I. r, r ~. I , a h A 1......„ri, „. 00 ~k , h , .1,,,, , h ~,,,..1 1 ~,,,, ~ ~,,i,T ~,,,,,,,,y , h „. ror . a i inple, lit rap,,tetfons aeration.Nanged Llallow Ware ; Ina g ua f10v.., ..... all .0 w hi-1, vo ,t.,,L. I r F1,..0 , 4 , _ r A L , - V 1 , A . A . A 1. , , , . . AA, , ~ . I tn. att./Urn of dealer. beton. plo-,,,,r0 t •Io•ar . tor. I A.l°' •"F . r ,'• • soon I,th a ; on, r•• r, l'abhur g t. I.not. . , „ LI yr, e l . t . I ~,,,. ~ „.„, , „ „„ „,. „1,,,,,, ~,,,,,„„, , ~. „,„,, .. , arriplitth In: Cr retr Tlaar , vi da s In tlll. ,11001 f. 1 : 0 Iy.9114,1. .1 \ tn e•t eap, is rinet- \ I ..., • 1 • Man) J 11 Shooperye r , t....., ~,,, .., t-,,,, ~. , n.„ ~ i , • STAR OLASS WORKS. i •• s‘,.. . ~, •, ,• •,,,,,,•••• t ,,, . ,, ,, --, • lerefol. ond a vel yen tro ut ' '„ ed In. them:\ : \ Etcy are the,n re , /yin he g s tared 't" Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube Works. IL:i.": m • 1•;.t h'nt,'• T;;;";::.1 . :f, • ''.: C'. ' \ ' d , . , . ott. 31ehnlyht. low r . Priurn e 1 , 1 M o gan At .. i', 1I 1: in. /: TwlXr F. tE d Ott , ‘ti‘;" u ii.", fl ill.''. l t't - , • it, ..... .',7. J.‘:,:tt. r .-jj :::',l ii K :::".." . .", ''',. i • .9t no3rolz the, arch. and a-okyrliti n , nD q t ., `Lund fraC ' a rolo,taark et , a . ~, a T i. 11 .,.. •, s , }:.:::::,r,g:.:::::,:::e:;:,,:::..,:::,::.,..,..,,,,,,,,...u...,,:::::,:::::::., . r,,, , , . .,, ,..;:i. ... , .0 . •, , , ,r‘. ,.. 7 .. ,, ii . , ,, „. „ , :. ,.. ,,, , , , ,i , : ~,, , e ,, , ,, . ~ ,, ,,, :a_., : : • . ' ..., : 1 ' ,. .. ,, e . "; ,,,,.:,,,:,:.... . ~i. ~,,.. ,„ ;: , 1 i: - ., :' ,,,, :' ,, VL I ..,,,,,,, i ;AL.9,:re. . th e ' br e :„ ',, ^ 4,1h : .. : 7 11 : ; 9 , .. : W 0r 1.1 .4 7 ,1 ' ,: ; 1 9 ,nir i: ; 3 ,1, 1 5, e r r ,: 1: ,,,: 1t . i ., h ,,i1 i n,, h 01 0 5 t it r ;io t :, / ,, il, ' .. , r.,.,,A.,,,,,„.r0 .... ,.T7 _ ,A : 71,7 „..„....... 7 . \__.,, 0,,,,,tt....t , hio,t., bin. \cztt,kia, tsi, Strl2•lve Lathrp. Its A lb•olon . IRON TUBE WORKS, Y. ri 6.1, Al , th. ~... r, toes.) y•tren., r.A. a 3tBEET IVINTEE &Co , hivin g :Alton t ""• r; t T o °; , !:l it,..,F,,,,11.,,,A.,,Pir.e1,./..%rinn.ii,,,,,,F1111,,ay1,1114., .;1“,h,..,,11,1,1,1: a 1 .c 1 1 ,he.(.b.. : „ .,, ~,, ..\.4\fr\tv,.,th.; ro a t s ec74 :l 7.. H t...r rad tow .wrin g ionteen r. .r. In tho rot, heony / ~, the • 1 , o• ,I:‘,/,11% romollve and nth, littee, and all Nllll. of tr , . :1; 13.1 willothisavor ha . n , l, Lat 01....... horm•II, ' , k,. nit.: ~ ~,,, / rt..... 1 ,1.. r. • . .......‘1 ,, , , ' • 'l.. ' ,...; - ,!Z,1: .:',' ,r, ' , ' ,..,.„, 't, .1 tI , , ... F.. I, ta et,/ r. 1,. k t - ', :li o n l e i " r .-tt • - - -'" •--‘, -'''''. - ‘ "'"ln'i \ '' WROUGHT IRON TUBES, branch . I . la-oth.. ..In' Ilk I I Ifs , I ' which th, offer for We at the lowewt Ire... They mat JAMES W. WOODWELL. 11, 1.., 1o A V 1',.., ia,ri In ET's AND li A Drina, „ran. :, A , • o da. h!. arm , ' Mo lon , . •A Lana . 44 .3 n . 4 ' Rrl. 4 l l el. Aof . 1 11. 4 ...° o m=toe'ke rat , ' . ' t 'l,` oak eon. e'" now pre to easente to any eart.nt, ith. at 0, . ! prapela i r Pt In relk, nat\.• . N .,,,,,,. N . LOIN, SPAN./ ... Lot.. (.. AB IN ET FURNITURE Al AN U- , a. --. A „t„,': 7,' A: 0 it, 7,7,.t." ;';", e . - : i.';',;),. , 11 „ 1 , 1 „ 1 "''''': t‘. ,' ',M: ',' ,',';',.';„ ' l'•`,':": • . • , • ,;:',”g',V,;,;';'' ''"'• :, o e' t eett'e-ne nn.g.. ,,,, , 64!...i,r, I 40 ....F.S LS SO to tier fwr \istoni, rni.nt . 1 .1., ta t , oars t r,„,,, w. ~,..,m • .r! A fe. 1-bir l Load ,•o• • A,.. r 01.111, V. • 0,., ,nr, iton.: I. art. +, .0 ..•"1 ,-, "r 1 .'" ( e r ' A I '"u'e ''' ~ ' rtory an mn., ftrllll .( .11 ire *nu, .50 !it I. reeollecteti t t ,tha ar , 'he \ .. . r•tb.l ato noresolully inortn• ho 1..001+ etl.l o „,„:, r ,,, ; fd t.1R,1. ontl n ff iv or d ni 100 in hresittb-oo . Governa nte . , •totoer• that li. ha• now eotannOtoitlo• lArisof 11-tr at t•htato o 1., MO' uy \ ' 1 :01i4aX Fire Brick Alarafactruing Cqmp', • .',.`,.....1.,.., o f h0i,0 , h01.1 forintur. ... • h.., ••••••• In ; :11 ,o-,::..• ;;T:;,.;'.' . -,!:'2 " "..."-- "• '' ' '-''' " ' ""r I- . Aa • / kb•a. f If .`• Ism -, AL i -.onto I . orreri.\ In 113 roof . 01.0 Vat....../. P. era •F. Fc1F..,....1..,. I,lopcsr. ....11,..a...500t inahviale. I,• t .. , 00c0....1:f e . awl nose. do ,/,, r :0.,. 1... rt a - sty, ail from the of t GLOVER. KIER & CO.. PROPMETOEP GROCERS. • SUBSCRIBERS, baring wintod Ag Ou rot, fnr •bore tome.] cP,nerrn. awp c'Oc.dantly bond • 'apply the 0..1,7bra 11,1Svor Vire brick:Cl ocll,dr FIN Clay, k ornare of Ilrart h t.rll oval Ir. They are al. PraParsql to rendre r.rdrro for .aid 111+1. to he nude In rite and hape to cot ptsrrhuerr. vhi-h .ball be promptly 511. d. We do not deem It oroesoary to entonerato th« man, ad. at...we the Itolnar Vire We Jolla] over all othera.hat lora b e n cern,' for eal• in the Mates, thrlr rlcairr being l krn o r. to alms. t all penono •ho r• klre Brick. T proprieton Love 41rtermtnts1 that the brick shall Icor none of their ;neat,. onrialde rrpo tattoo. scot that no ...spark, *hall to opar,l to tail., theta earn better than they ha, bentontr. been. Thir I. tbe out; ratabllahlarot now vaanufactunna I,lrt• Britt: at Hours:. Katt A JoN melit Canal iiIII/12.i , voqiih PlttAtirxh. W. Dixon's London Patent Lever Watches, .9.veriorm ang, Inadva evr offend in 11V.zentagh. lIICIIAItDSON, 81 Market ,wact, in en"°ll.47tr tar t e h i; Irat"l'lZ.',9l Le er " BY eOPolOtmeot to ' the Actliaralty, t vi e M c . Dknu.4 o , nomeh.reml ateb - 31.nlaettare, 45 Clog :qua, Um veil Rout, London. 71,1, certihen time the acemrpeoy Ina Watch. No. —.l, Inmantol by me to be of my is:anat.-tom sod noWatch with my same upon It Is nenu/n.. ~ ., . .mtnaled by' o.ovrtir.ent• beetlogmy ,hinter.. 1 guarantee the Watch No. hr./. thz.. Co the oat- Inte< of the porches,. it 51. I , IXON. enlB . llt . ' 11 - HAVE FITTED 11y, (on the New York &Op. tlottain xi.t?Xd r . i . ° ;od . :f;747ll44"..p n `,Zt n o LL o r„ lb. rani:M.2bl. coal, and ha,. sel/eted IL and F superior aewrtment of :intim De Lahore, hroeenda, French and Getman Damask f/e , Woes, Coxilab Dataara, Maroons, Chlntrel, Turkey Rad Cond., Prinz., Gf error kind. Lace Curtail., figured and plain MU,.Cu. land of dillemot 014111., Corniees of 5,1 nod four,ale. Window Minds and thadre.Curnolu Borderland Canda. Curtain Pin, Taaaaln and Ter-el Loon. ono. Bilk and 'Worsted, Bed Chintzes and lel - Inger, Mar.. 'villas and Lacerate, 0011 ten,, Caunlerrolnea nod eriored C.onaforts..itatraver. Bodaand 1 4, 1dinc- All ordain thankfully reeeiro.l andpool:opt] y aplls It l:(IIII.C. Third ono, • WHOLESALE and retail manufactu- 4 4 nor. and dealer. En lint.. and Cop*. No:91 anal atryet., thinl door lotdont bi=lol2l/ Alley, Pitt.- banal—whore th ey' offer a fall and conaplefy onf,ek or fiats and C m aps of thrir ow n and Eastern manutarsdr7. Of On el, quality and style. 1,1 ettio4,,le and oa, nod tnute t. *ltentlou of th eir dlotome;a and the r aminniz then/ than theryiardll reit tas the mat ryaumnstbloye•rnny itoma E. ARNOLD & CO., BANKEILS. DZALIRIS IN I:ICI:C.10E, COIN, LMN X NOTES, /C. No 74 flotarti .C.. turf fa flank of Ptitencrv/t. Not.. and Lonft. calettad rifi parts nf tho IShxks Ixnuthl aml P. 1.1 nn pranualsolon. 5h7.44w? JOHN EIOSLIT— . • . a/Mel c01.41n. 11',LE Y COLVIN, b41:11 Alerchants and INalory In fir) , I• la 0d0r..., In. and Nall 201 N aloof . I n-et and U. aohinatnn Turonll, D. ~- REAL ESTATE ' AonrcY .. For Braver County, and adjacent Counties, LOCATED IN THE tionOCOO 00 NEW BEIOJIToN. TIFE SUBSCRIBER, Itavittg branlocated for some fa, pars •Imit In the bourlibtan flotvnitgb of F.. Brighton, and realded Ihr Eaorndhan twelar yeadrinpl in the vicinity of the name, and during that tlnio his at. tooth n boo torn Warn aloud{ ,riusividr to Laud Aden rira. Pir the teem:al:aviation of the .odic generally, tr, ham oprnel an nlik•• la lb. stor..wl,l btrougli Oita:it. on Broadlear air, et. to.a.r the ~, tre of Oh. too. dorinu the Ca iirT;ii: l rt !rrt;a l ftr " .. ll7 .''' ' r ''''''''' '''''' ` Then are now a number 01 valuable 100 nod Our to, drums In the Borunah and rielahlorhind, rir ',hi at .0 ... to ^a adv,antagKolr o , Tit • - . ' , ratan"! into 11.11.1 2",rtoprrir II d i lehirilrhytatil.. o adovatoirir will do well to rail and • exatnin 1 , 14.. II RUSH BliAldi all , . . 1,131 r 1.1 • it., A t - A. FElV • iery pet Gold Patent / . 1 . Lever ateLlr, d eviDr.. am , orrt . 0 . •111[11 are oplendlleirhet Clit oration, of trial- tlful 9rihh: double ras4.l flantlz:l,o4l4¢ . 4 ugaveed. of variant. trtj_tlijndritnr ma, id ' , BoxiCHALIWSON '5. illliattst at. i PHYSICIANS nt: The I „ torrontinn a,.131 . tt hn,l hem, 1 11.• hcen -rahountl. ' ' ' '' ' " 7.' ' ' ' ' ' '.2' ' ' ."... r ."1 ''' ' ' ' ''' ' •' '' " l:l-• ' . ''' '''":'''' : 'l l n '''' ,.. '"'" l. : : L .: ii 7, ;•/ ' ra tt ' ni : . .11;.:: i4.:';''''''...!::';':l:-.''\'''',:r.:‘'l?'::. r.:;....:;. . . :1::: 1 :: . rt t '. '' n h .. :': C T i n ''. f . 7 • 7 11 1 : ' ; i t ' : :. . f e 'i 7 a et nt ''' fi tFt A' h rl t i d r i 5 trl- 17: : F '7 1,1 ; : ; 0 1‘ 1r: Ir::"'''''l'''S" r"h' %.11''''''''''r In AI ..r. ler , and fr.-vat in in n e ° : te enolint ts: grrof .•-• v•-eant..l tar,' . ntre. At the Inn en one., Drug Store fur Sale. 1,- ha. sinffAnd MI if:Am-Info nt WAWA!, MY tilt. Ant,,,, ~,,,„ ~ A A , A.,,, . .1..1,1, l'ilriul•iA,A,..l., 1 •I . I I I IIR•11,11\r1 niati.nning, And can \J h u Ing, t . , .. , . • .1 1 1COT'ONIAV —T e ere nirt viat MI Avo to ill «: r e n., g n.... en , lon g . , i PrlcG NT. Jlt 1 - :. rix . i . i . R F. , . A NI ) 1 . ~.1, " 4•,• - .• • trr 1 ..,, ~n „ .„. ~, tut e e ro hon.] the green:At 50r....t .. lee r. ri-ne g t... r f 'i t ~.,,, ~ ~, „„,~, 11 .310,11thtt furnat, tn. the .1.4e,p...t .1 hi...•••••,. nt the ne rt ..11-,/ te.„ f•A Aa , . 1 .. , ~ IL ' 1 11,, , ,, In , C I V.., A , , .1.. 1',,,,,,,,A, . ... , Z I,`A, Cd 111,. I , I A !*ldrln, ihe 1,1.1,1111 ictrktriari•'l•„ t , ~ ,•, ' ' . =t:1„.ht.tr4:rh,t:,......,.....,..•.r..nng=..t,.71;..r..........;:„... i , •,; ,, ,.:; , :-4 , ,, , , ,, ..... ~ , ; ,..v. :. , ,, , , ,:r,.. ,l ~„„„ „, ..,,,,„,,,,,,,,, „I, Jul q.I , 1, A, Ith A . AA.I ' l' : IqPII Art• fild ~,'Aid lihOllt halflgng Ingot/0 in! 1 ,, , n11 „, .;;.,,,wit w't nig, ,41 hl.O entalinhenent eh , he o. n .f nn rra, r 1,,,,,,,,,, ;ii , ~,,,,,,,... ff,.. rtnant to an • ;.- ...rare:ere. ~ .r . nnon, l'!".Orli AI A . •••prAl.,, ~, I. Lt .• ~,,,,A. `, n.w , , , r , i,h t , . t. tr ,,,,, ‘ „ ~,.‘, ~,,, , ,i ,,, , , . 1. ,.. 3 . ,„ 1 .a.....;.3.4...d . 1 tn.. , al - Drier pe ens in teart• of ht.' 0 . 01 • 'I" illoh 1 , fahnn.r nl I /tf A trn t ontarolore rifle.. r 1/...1.., Ili, I,ryi I.IIIA 11 ' 11 ' 1 . .'lll, 1 1. ' .I.'l lA"'.l ,17,:',73.' ~',' ').'.:,. „ '.., , '",7,..".` • Tlr!'":-.;.: ‘;'-'',-,.,,. . • :..:.'„," 1. 1 ,, r 4 l, th u7n.l h'r l:l re ' P rr./. d:. 'l‘l7,l.l,l iT i t .' ll ) ;C r C ' t ' i d nu th to \ !i t' l ' ; 1 ..° "1 '"'Wer in6'" et yle And ffnlrh cannot be rueorre-ni ra on; hf the heetern ; _ 3.c., t, ~, . p ar t,. dra.eing, Atnffsg. oni Nrt.'nx m then, ...1 e•ege l . Western College of lioruteopattuc Medicine j 1.• - •,..,, ~., ~,,,,,,, ~ ~, , , rather • a i. &until, n. PI , ene•l•tsug al t^ rnahnn•r, r.l anut, awn, e t I.l t no . . !.., t r 0011 i. 41016 . intg inn Arlical acettno , .. nj it-regd.:, i ;,. , '' O:hfrantlien. Camermtni, tall I. n, (Antler. r.I ere a.... chgnlft.tott, nnta. grefart. at I, .1. ,fzin.• . ,:''.' , l• g Attrinteri, `....higkit Ang.l . l hen. tit s i/1, hinc • . q, ''' " " ''e'l °r°l 2 4 ," . "' 4 ' St cry. , Courbe, hot. let. fernt. and 0.: ern •., the Wert ' _.. rt,n , b' nm..n . mo . 01.0 , 1 . 0. , '!".!...• . bol Not , ...di 'en E 5e , 011.1 A C..0r4.. of Leetitre9 in t P.,",1': - .il,Ve . id.,:,'.' m,. .1'!\;-'0'....':::!4,- - 4 , 4; hrelA d '' . T. • - A • 1,., 1' ,• ,1.1. "' 11 VII n , tit . h'a k el thPre '0.n.0.,/ ir) en argil, 000 latrine. iT y nee , i„; ; . ;; „,,%„ i , larlieC goring II rtnng nert rnt vamp." klool, 1 , ...rx I et., e. g ~,„. u „,,,, ~,,,„ ,„, ~, ~,,,,,,,.. „.., ,„„. „„ ~ I, .... I, ..‘ L tilllinrl, I , •, ~ I• L. ~, 11. . 1 ' ' 1.•11 11. A g4llell raya 11.‘repli, preaehlifit to 1 '' ---r re -\--' ' ' ''''., '.. and fan, thlohl • FlAttaft. • In twit RiAtilo. on, hohlrr:.elert, ' I ,0,,,, f , z-„,, t , „. ;„ ~,,,, en ,. ;,,,„;.., ..„,... e ; Itreneh Ot• A , ehn ge T .: , thh.of. thorn; the pUldttVequiren top. ,main, roher.t.ti Int. a alont eent . re, eu,/ ,. ..d., I. , , t „ et . I t....j0 a picture of 01 1,'ra:1,Kr:in &tor ..4..h nr, I rr.,,,,,,,, th4i, ~,.,,,,, , n ,,, :: , 1 7 =, , ,... , , , , ; , ,i,.. „ ,T; „ , t , , , , , r . ;,: , ,1.. ,.,,... ,, , 1 ,. 1, , :, , , , = ~, r. . .n : ~ , ,,,1., 77,,,,, ,, ,, h; , .,r, t, ,, ,, , , , ~,:,„, ..1 h:1 to lb.. f rtrulte I :trim: 11, i .. ' , pt et conld dr.-crib/h. no pointAr pnrtra3 . / WI, 1 . , g ' it , La:, eat tn. the 0,001.. A r r.I. . 1 ' 10,1 1., ilt.elertn:' 111, {ALLII, wartlrobne. toeletrarar ...I ‘....},td.11.1.01....1, . t A 11.nrnith Iretrnrut ndi i•• h. al ~...... ai.. net , 1 ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OE MAILS Anctrtipttignd With fitn vli.itl 10.1. for n mement t , , . \ r. rtnueog gothic hall and tenor reentAnn..h4ll•• . eht,...-1 t•- an ; ....,,,, t „ t • ~..„,,,,, I rim 11.1101 , 11 A, lIAI 4 irt.val• •n.l.l.rnertanne el the tn.,. i.,( e . ~, 1 .1,, rn, lo , ~;;;;,;; , k „,,. 0 ~,,.,, 0p,,,, I, , , s . • - .-,_ ,-.....- X n . nn ,„ ,•,,,, ' t art te.r.t. use:. Ante hoer.] .• ' Ile. t ,f 1 A ..r tu-turtly m ~ er (.11. w tirr. rock, 11. rlnfale end tnnAn. pr.:at...nor ' n a ultn hit A rot ‘ f , ‘,.,,,, ‘;,,,,,..; .....; ~, , e .„, , . {now .notels mrrart, In the letter . And that I a , tuslly g , azed nn the of n, Tit ft- I ' t nq°4ne'rn '''. InE 1 ng n e moat, lat•h• ont 0. • Phi. , 0 ..n.t. runt Cluldren. r rhur e , elsoirtherrhorg. r , INte relek)rated Atnerienn n iM a h;Z o r'.. r ro::ti n , j,',l trstanl War( TAM,. •:. 4.. , An I ' ca Atm, It ll 1 1.14.111n..0 (.. Pronn en. el Itonitunn 1 .., 1 r 1 rrif 1 1 7 1..1.1. 1' 1. "- 10 0 mad \ .tlnnrn j :Ir il A eel.' 'lv' s ' run ‘1,1 1 :1 1/ b.') 0 04 thi. 1 . ..NH . .1. ' in no, A large ....Moen( nf I rentnnta / nrntlre. end 15 atel•An. en , J., e ,. ; „.„. ; t ; ,,,,,,,,,,,.. ,;!, I brloner r Va. J. ' :and the r.z Nen ht " h... 1 .1 ...W . . , ' ' el, 1 t h, r Chairs. tainnlA ntter. eurh11....1 althi .1 erti.l.• in 4t.'lr j A ki'llillt . f11f.h.,h1,.11, f f g r ,.... enet gen, h ie een J 1 rho Itrtnrif I•nfvlinno of I.•A er tA1ii..1 , ...• l'notra .1 'll ' ".. 11 '11:1" c h " . "- - ged' " 3 ' l, I '""L'' " "'.i; vki7;pl..P:itT'47,tslhlcri,lte". Dow. • Prat,- et entre,. Nen ItentnAfekehnt) / rt.., ,1,, et ltA ye rr„ e r. 1 g ,; . ar. , re, [elm a delightful 1 1rearn ft\ nl . r.CP nil 1 • . ~ will ~.. ; . , ys m ere rnh rea t e and anent, orenntnrl at the abort..t nattA.-. / I Ii'AJA If.fin t , .I. D .Ihr / and, •ta ev,i i e • •n/ . ~•.arft htfltzltse-tig tilairevid. an 1 11011Alar.bur a . 1 . .... thr horror. of a Inglnl.4. gionlit 1 1 1 ''''' '`''' 'n t `'''' " 11 Y . \ •\ 0 lOnt'Verl ;. , 511 neaten. iron:100f atinfolni t.. fru turbo.. an. en:inner. r.f orfattnnl. CAl:4hr. !tent,. i id. . , _ . _ __ - _ "9 - I 1b d.r1111.1 . ?i?V..717t. tt, a ~ m i• e rn , .. ~,..h.... I ten, Juniata, J ger:ming. MARI, nehnon. ?ern.. l'er.., i Ihn 1 rlFlllge gnpling clneA, then , ••1 • 1.‘ alorly i ''' '''''' '''' dr The only real New York Plumbing Etab- , . t....d T. -, 1-nt, ' • . 1,..., l Part oi t'....,0,14.d. ' .1 . 1, 1' ,1 1 1 1., . Open .•. Illa .tap mils of lee, million. ef ' \ r "LAT"' 1 ' lrA 1 C1f1.1.1., 11 11 l'n fere. r 1 l'hy.fnter. / ffnertgrrllln, I•alem rt Cnorle, Ne.. Ale [Atha., ar•od ~J, 1 • I Alo t) lishment , et ...1 a rilAl4: / •11, tA ,Inl.• 5 - rieno tIAIII. AI II r * I..e•rt• dad, at . tn.° in Wfighl, wa4. Ideal. eonve,, u,mi l y , o rno , , , .., \ . 1111E11E work in done on Scientific Pla i n- .'", 1, , , l" A i- "Oh A"I • I'f..i.f., fif Clt.r.eol ..• ...r I ,!... • ti,n an., apparently abt , tit to lo se it 4 enitirum. I ' 4 " ,"4 1 '" 11 ' , ~1. 7, i . .:ti . i t , i. h. VO,A, 51. 0. ;.. 1.1, gun:ten-et, ..I anateroi. Cata-Ity Bun., 1 . 1., ilerner. ( rent ut. and Jetirf o • ;;; „ e i,,,,, „. h ,,, • , r . ' 1 parlat 60. th V V rink., end wargaohrl .0 . 111 ilri cr Ilutne twel Innat.ohnnt. l'lntraang. in all It: hranrtee, 1,1 ; ..,;;.„ ~7,7,:n:'41 ' . ..,7 , : , : l l „, , f . ', 1 r , ; . - r .. , ,r „ ,. . ,... ... • 5 . ‘„, 3 cant•••. 0 ertnrn pert nf Nye. I orittiAl nit. f f ..nnte..• our, .`' i . • „ '... 0 1. ~.--° 1. tit' n o tain / Cdr ~,,i,,,,,,,, I ..... tie AI . owl flare:float 0 11 • . ,A,}l truly a n:ful: my feelings at the n'tnOßt I P 8 t- 1 Ll \ dm. A• 11.11 neat...a end dlepekh. ' `Nni ,, ..ii.ll,,ii ie.. i il; t t h hey . :l.l,l ,,.. up aim •I.a te cr.. /rem ... . t..... In . ~.,.., . , tt. -„ t „., : . :,,,,,,„ t „,,„ , ~,,,,, r ~,.„ ~ all, ~,,•,,,,,,. r ..,,, , ..!,...t..r,,,,.Atit.,.:1,,,t.5t.,;:7.t.,,,,,,,, t,,,,:t......,,iii,,,,,,,,..,,,,,J.7:::,.:7.,,,,Lz:,:t.1,7,,,;,,,r,,,,,,7,,..T.1,..,....1,,.. ,\ 1 t a lk y .1, ite)de.,rwl p . ,,, r;: t it t, \id; :::.1./dA r. :A pr li oy LLl .7 l:: .l : m h , : L i m d i Ail:, g;1t ,,,, q ,,,,rt 7 :1 , \ ~,,,., ;.1.1:iti.7,..7"„'n ,17 Irli,,1:1, 0 eAt Standh ardnplete . ..... . - 1.1, ' , '.,,t',::`,„',„ ~',, .. s• • . . \ l. ki ~,,a , a.,,,,,,, , tran _ .... .... .. . .., h. h , , ~, ~,,,.., , t,..i.,,,..,,,,, I-:,„-- ~,,,,...„ .. 7 ~a rt e ..,t, r e hto , A , nl r lnAlano..fient nett, 1an.... LA/M1•-• Al ...,11 • o r: il• • . • \, 1, “WDl r 1 gi.n.fl 1: . 11 Inlgn g 11 °'' 11, drawl . ' 1 " .. i. , ,ei 11 en, in. ,, ,,„...' „, ~ 1,. ',,, , ,„, „,,, ~ i ~„,„„,,,,,11,,,i 4 end 1 . ,,,, if:in. 1rf....0r ,itt I 4hrit me ve. Imo a erene s o terril.lh '"g " tx !..";'',s'„ k ' fr 'llgi... N liVriPEamtr....:Tneri'"l7;de ihlrre..‘ , .e..NirZra JP+ , ale l ~,'". ..... . !”.„'„, 1 ., ; „'.',..."';',. '', ~. ,: r ..,.. '•. ~,-, -.'„ ~ , , ' °.,'',,"; alai`",'„ '',"';'" L'",,` '' L',',„ ~, ~,,, ~ „ t ' \ 'e \et. 0 the ^ 44 .. if I'S ln.ltinri li , frre Ira:\ \ ',,\ (- " r4 "g . 7 ,. Ir.!'" 4 '" O3 . p • ,,,...., and L., n t pipe, fortflahe 1 ow/ PIII I I ' IAII- ' ll ~ mans ', .1,e ,. , ,,,,- ; . --, , - i ~, - .' .1 - lint: .It. • 1-A.. 1 . ' .1.11 . . I t . , 1". " . at. oN- little (cra ft a iftiy. elided from bencalit iA ''' ' '''''' tin .'"r 1 " 1411-frir'-4U "' eel. I.rvi , , te.anaira..l ''' '''' ' ' 324nnth an sat ilown and began to 'ci , 4\th Lrit h Forrn, and Yard Punic, Itrdnotll, r, ...... , ... 1 .. 1. '. i.• r turtlc,infnen,,,,,a edAt-• I Z ' t ' i ' t .:.' r• llll,. l ll i .' .V....)etart-...1i1, a. ''' ' n '' ' '' .' ''''''. '' " 'I I " MBSS. ... , ~,,,,,, .., .. , - -L . Ir nn and. and put up at AI/1 dhtaue in th. , iI/ n 11.1.1 A "1".. Of 1. noon nt the Fernltrt I .I: holt. 11 rem, 1., ~ ...., . , . ._...., ,1 .r•.•...L. u.,- 1 . 1 th p,rdtveti renn thA 1... a • 11 R"P'd'g ""'" 1 1 A1711 9 1th V, 1 . :-Zt Fir.t rt.. ..r-rn,l it 1. rntru. ch.., hatfd. •ft.o. lie..f.n r z..... Ira, Lent 11.0 Proralarall Perla e 11. -. • re l .-, uls,, I,tatce (runt 1:n or,l, to jtidre or 137421Q' 4"l'l'l're..:ll"tiell4",7,in°l:it:r.7:l'it'kab:rf " tb ."k.t,i;t t :t! Nr le \ \ I) 2 4 le•taeen IVhnd ntizt Markel et, - -' 1 I'lleTit'd".. l'rel'r:."l7,llg:llS.‘',./Vta.CW'‘l•ll'..lll'ititT.'l:Y.-ti ""•"'" '" ,a n d IPl' , it t 4 ill' nblutt a ht ' l ''' ) & he g' w 7 ' 7 r 4 ‘ ,. e nt ..c. • 4 'lk ' P c \t i g hi 3 - . . .. _ 11 IL A Y AND NI AN LIRE FORK S-12,5 d.n. CLEVELAND MEDICAL COLLEGE. . eed ter. , --etee.... te,,,.. It.. ettresne northern An to n In circtm.frAnc e , an .to grh..f.! pinrincl, '250 ' t rre'- ' er Y enn' '' 're ' b . l Y , ,' ' r '', . elan.(, .A A • ( Haring 0 LW. . 01 . , .... 1 .. , ll 4 f . 0 , '''' .urr , , '•",`,f4. MEDICAL Annoai t'ourne of c. , et.. - ••••• in the i ',/,.1.','i.5..': !: 7,,, ...Ne.=.".V.1P'.Z:;','°':. 1 ".1 . 71' :".".".,°!- ' r 'et \ \ ~ ••116 th e , i . it, : enptlng; •Cror 0.1. i ..- ..„..„,,,," reve r.. 1 frt. the taanninetvreri,l.3l,l4.l4l,pktte,h,n.,.otl." I o i •.od o . n i , ',o n ,. ~. ni ~,,,,,. on ,1, od pa al 6 A. n Thua emit, in P/rtir•toti, th.t. hlre re . Collectiou I ''''''," ' LI., "'I , , X , . \ gavot and for oak nr ' I „'= . 4;,, 1 net.. 1... Oh tol.. det ot Ner•inher. en l am count,. .ixt..en 1 itIATANAIIII...-117 1•AIII,A1/1/AA3,111.I....., ,P•,,,,.,i• l otrti - 1 - etlftgb at•ityla\mnntgra nit ekt.kie in •me A Abutl- ' „"-"". 4 N -- 4 '","'".‘,m, ilea' ' ",. ("' T s p• For Is ...a tn p• • t.l . nth • h etri intr.tiree ed u. , it• ea ..,_ I. to - ~ ~,:, i ~,,,.D,,,,,,:::, :7, , , , , , , ,, ,, , , ,,, ,,,„. ,:,,,,,,,,,,,;.,,,,,,:, t.Lnu. , , , , r:.r.: , ,, , ,.. 1" 1,,,,F,,..7.,r,1'..i1it:.,,,h,i,V,r,„:;,',:,,,',:nr,':-,;..1:2„.;':„.,fi,....t,!1it...,a,,rfur.;:e.r/aT.......,'L,..,....!r-r. 1 :l o t t wn ne t s t. . t i.q.. .. c il f ! ' f it.. .a . \ .,g l \t er ., g, 1 i u .. 1.1 70 1 . :: : : n.” h 3. 1‘ .. e m5 c ., 1 .4.1 : , , , , ,,, t t b h .hau; r , , ,,,t, , i.: ; ilt-fs;:t k . i.,::: : . 2 .. ;: e\ r y t il: ' ' I." 1 '''' \ ''', ' . `"'"` ''''" d ' ''''' "' ''' "'''' " "'h .:f r it ' , •,....ttno 4 r ' rt:. „a. is. Fuld dpart; at 1 eAA r , ..', • ',t, , • 1 1 ..Let'a sO• - i'aid 4 tAt wonl , " ..oht. must in... their udet.ori•in. 1 \ h 1 ' WANTED, '''.'',64l'''`"T.i• P t i k" . .'l 7'; ' , " ,;. ` ,!`, ., .:7"....',.';',',,' Y -.2',':'Z'n, . 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'11 , de..... .'e rr ,fl 't . hrou h tile berg alk,itt two p, ra., ' n ' ' .; 'n-Y .r gl h ' r6l- J a u° D n i ta it i : b .: ll 7: ' o sk‘ort n rano at tri 0 Cl(lcii th Dight it buret, ugi 2sit Hardt, d Itctiant, Fourth rt. 1 P. ,,,', 1 :0..r , 47',! , T o r, , , gun/411,1.1.1.y.. and eaturla, , at r, a ~11. 3 , t‘ it h it \ i t 1 n t • h l . t w.. men . w ‘, . 6. ~ ~ . , \\ \ ,hi , art,i .ja - ~ ,,„ i . , ,,., ~ , g,,,,,,,,,`,,, , , ,,1 , - 1 1 D. i or Cheniietry end 1 , Urlpar..7l7.l.llLneuh.azila...dtrzt•e i n . r ,;,,, 1t r . , h •,-,....7.,,,/, LA t i l 11 . g , i , l ~A . e t, i , ill:n r i , ifr , t an went ashore. ` • • • Paper. J Di% A3la li It. Al b , Crolnennr of Anotnuay ' n ' o 't t . i, A... Lelia, 1., Vert, trilf ') A. , h71... , .'s I 10 ,- A r net.... ln„. IJORtIVTING, WRITING, an.,l WR APPING ' ''i l tr. h ti v e•rtl.o co. •eure mi., r I Inetner "-111 ' "' '"11"."1"'. '.". "" ' "...4"...\" b '". '_"- ,I::."l,•;•ller'nny..T"n'tltitirik/7\4ll'4ll,l:"tt'rt, :t h re " r r ;: Y,, I . 1 • 1 ::`1 -.. , • p,,,,,,,,ni., , ..., • ...:Zeo 1,11 l , lI.IAAA • Uri I linenlag.. . .q. I_ PAPS:IL-150 r.../Ene . Z.I 10 . pr.cting Paper. , ‘r 1 ", 1 1,.."'":....4... ' . a ItrdnaNe. V. --n t n di.att, unto, AfianetAcn, Cart , 1 .." " ' l4 ''.' '-' " . hr... .....m '.'" .. • .... . . / thiegettotnong. ,'nn. Crnett 10,0, I•ottyne i'• ad, .te - old or daop.r, \a, ha 1.4 a 4ri4ed, t.revirrird t, .‘, - / 4 11- .--4 . 4 ++, 1 ... 4. LW, - Ix t o ~.., ::t Al ..4, .41 „ , 44. 7' , , fl‘rn i ti . ::: .1::;r7/. %,11',.. =' ,, T ,. ' , 1 ., `:?,e''.",-....":. ',.7.;.:Z: i ' ....p " .4ri.'ilnlt.4: l T.Tr .., ' , '+'4%; . 4‘Ti i'F' 2. V" - ' ''' ''' e„ i „,„ g 0, 0 n r h . ! ,,A 1 , ~,, ~ i , •Y. b . 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Crown 11,ta , . t „,, ~,,, ....,,,,,,, , . n . ,.,.,,. . ..,.. 3. a.. 3 ., a I tV nrtu , :i he . Art , :e. , ..t. , ...... ,14 1.. , '. . • X . .' ,j, n n f un iccheri: ;Xt., a hove. trate•t4orn o P 4 ' 41.7 , ,il.l4."''''''':',Pl‘li'r:,,i.''"ltki,S'ilillEtt;74P,t„!,ll7i";:i4.lt4ll.l4.kAll rb„ ona,,,u ne d kc.t.p. a•en•tardlt uu hunt and 11....,Ar. ~,yinh f bc' l lotrl - nleno u h.. ehr f ..." : 1" 'l.rt.-I.l'l. ' ! . 1 t 1 ,e . .,te. 0.-11, no, e n . r •re ; A : t-,... n 1 nio f . oft•Jf r . r ., fin h. ee mg WI, mar.\ I refer ; anr-',Wklurel4t4n t nantb.e.or , 4. 4+ vz ,4 ' . '"'' . 1 . 247.-{1 ~,,,.,,,,,‘„, ~ h, r ,-,. • and-genera! anneettn.....; :,.;reer.irtfo.o2l..n.4llnrnenn, Inria. an. /net. ran let prucur.d r 1 . . AA Ur Par A , I , AA A!IL. AII ; . A jAl A IA . 1,, r ,,,,,„ ~, ~), , Ruled, Ca/Ir Letter, Hardware, and m e I macre, unn• 1 SI. , n• ..// per veek Fhaamet.-lie. Permviii, nexhtrii, 111,,114,A, 1.,,,.. \ ~,,,1 2 ,..._..,, .... lAO SIIII11 • •• rt.r. A.),.,,,,,, A \ • ...Is ...., AA . 11 ltillAß fiENSU. L '. 1:r.0 \ r0n. ,, r , : Jr Board, le.,tke iL,T f. ', .:,„ ~„ ~, ~,...„,,„,, „„,,, ~, ,„.,,„,,„, ~ .0.1. , ~,-., 4 wm ,-... ....-'''''''''" ' -`''" -""""'" "'' fret '" " " rm " ~,'l.r /1 1 . t.111/i.NIII.IIIIIIIIa, \ 4,1..0 . 1inf f ; 111 , it J 11 4 .1.4. Al.-Feltlita of dial ter paper tuenittacturere. .. \ \ . f 111 ."..T.IiMildNitTioN, :LI va, rvit. 1.. . 1 ,-irourtt:Ve Paean. l'onnr made LA tfriler on mart heti,. . : gninotnaryernirrent lectnre.-Ino. 4,0 ' , i •dor ot t A Y., ani Itno r, Tueettiv. Iltur-da• • *nd i L. Alli i. „1 t h t 4,11.1,.. via conituenf I .... v.r.O. •.: rf I t , An 0 e .4 1. fur la et hI A v , .t. , r e . ...01 . ) , INflin Kalll..e:, , . ...10:1,1.N . 4.30.4 N. &Wen l' '' . . 7 4 , / , ', i':i'itie.irr''t'ii?e,; . 'C 4 ."t"* \ ''' 1 0 " ) '''!'" \ s ' \ ,von, .a. 041,0. '''''''" nr P '''' ''' I r'''. '. 16; 1•7•27I/IT•n•I'l.a7.,1,711,',..,1.• ................ ', ?• '1,1.1 . 7' 1 , 1 :;1 11 ' :: ! '"' l .' i ' ; '''(''':. It . 1 -' /A -r tllAll"'At'l.'."st'al.ll.',..U.-,,LI"AA'.. '',.,'':.":l'''' ' • .h'..l. Tfl .ll \ . ll h t e l, r•Nal;i:. ';'tA"lrlAr'l Patent Candlesticks.. ~..... gnsete ovetnang .., O n fn., ;Ann, for,. ef .... t ., :nth v.• tit 00 ....'.. • ParpS,hnve Pict htelt uhf - . 1 - UST II EC'l l , AT 11. It 1 1 . i !•', t , F .,` /) ,. 4) , ~ :' , : , ,,;1` ' ,1•;10'••••:-••••1•,‘:%,'''''r'J''',.?,'•"JrT:41•';';'•'41!;:',1•••'--""•:••1"7':•-•-.%'`“;.•7•1)"... ..11:17.:":::111.--111'.'- ir''''" ---.'''''''''''''''.....'' ' ''''' ‘ oiwtll,r,:t.:je.,l,ib',:,:iteinal..:,:bert:\ ~ :Itl. 2 o, :e i g . :l ', O b e i :e roi i: l :: ! :i. :4;fpc.4o.7t,,, ~,,,,,kde ~,rsli!'h,C:;,,,uTeras,„,,lhe':Ci..'l.);:Y.r.: 1.::71:!:.l,,,:::?;,:4714.4.:;.fill'1714%. . 1, 1 ;7{ ... L . J.: 1 1 5 : 1 , - , 4 1.1 1:11,,,, ' 7%,146.v. ,.......111 eC H1: tve 1‘ . :. 1 :_!!..i1,-:.1i::;,;..,v_ 7:'% 1 s e \ \,‘,., ~ {4.',"11 •!•/'l =e ' . ‘ n rl" , •l• ; : rlgl - I . lfAi ' l . lll A,11.... And c :rt., :.r..,'L.:;''1,;.,,',..%.;Y,',..;1'7:;y:T..!7", '''‘'''li . .... lA/ ~,,..,-, ~d l Copper Stock. the conde z pa camp be i tte. A . m .. il b l i i . O ii a n ia . 447ll4l 4l :r. r ,;..t \ iii k . ~ ,N06,,,,,r.„,,,'-',:t„ ..',7 , , , ,, ,,, - , a , M ,T ; , ,, •:,,, „ ‘ ,1 ....e rA i6 / 4 . , „:::, \''..: toe 1.,... Nl.nonne., 0n n, encliffung• • ... ..i :2,ttind.therilli,it;:it",ll.iii;:i4glifir. je t l if p ; s3i ll;: i Milled itT ettn4 "Isr''' '"" '' '" ' ''''' ' "'"' ; f 4 """ l. '" t '' - 47.- - horr.vcl. 7 , 1111 I/I•A ,14 AIVA :eh.. 111 , 111,11,. :at., . 1,......„i.r.,,,,,.1 _ ~...,,,, ,1,t.,1,:..,,,,t2„....1 .., a;;;Lll,,the .p (fulls Ineatrel ID nril en.l ...tam... ev.l. Pittabtirglir Cincinnati and Louisville Tel L - - A ‘.l, 1:4.41. AND ENTENsiIi, eiNt , tln . lllPNT tie• /..... A 1,11 ' l. 1 .. . 1 graph. . Wall apes and Borders, for the Eall S ales. ,1 0 0 ' .1•:1.-''' . \ .. ...... '', l 1 ::h ,, tut i : ll,.. l he \t f, oe :heacttle;ll ‘ l l , e r: t tt, h ,t e ,t7 irf ,i.ei k . 7 ll, l 3: 1 .,,,, e,7,,...;1; 4 ,1 1 :„ ..,..iti , 5 7 4 . ,,,,,,,. i. , ,:; . „,' „ lf s r'''''''•_,,'' 4 " 4, „.; ~t„.,,,' '',„•'," 1 ,,, ~i2.,"7,.,,- , '4 . ,.: \ 4 j r b E , } 1V ,,, 5 . E4A „, R m E ,.... ;14 ”,, 0i t1i ,„ 14. n 1it; ,.. .).4 . k , : . a , n ( t .,7 1 at j p:s / r,,,, ;,..e5fki .. ,1 - 4, - n, , c ,. , ~,,..t.,,,,1,,,,,,,,..,,t1,d, ~,,,..,,,...0:1,,,,,,ta,‘,1 ,:,,,,,,,,,,,. ~,E.,..,..vr.::„:„. . ,-: \ .. ' r it ,-•-- 1...r.5. , rn ~ r iee. a 1 , . man, eth.e. et PA11:11 11.,1, - ' . _ "TEAM LI 0 AT OFFER.ED Fut: err r , i,,,,L,.. lit,l/04 . 1,1 /!1.111.4..in5i ottel. a A nn e, . I Auk.) 69 . 111 , 11,Ad. I. \ •.‘ ' 4. awn rlsie,•oalnec, - A r Alk) t...01te i, . - • i .r.n.p1,7,:g11Z1,12' Jr2S aned 7l ttr/ r E n k L Y —A b""" 'W AIL . ILZa:LIA P I P' N ''' ,.. " 7I ‘ the log.t.treee'rt tha"'nultb‘T . Asi rl ''' ‘l ' la ' n ' irtinlro ,r 3TA ' Po - s ant i,AL.ura g . l . ... ' ' ''.': , ..,.... -- . 41 ar ,44 '1,...,':7, \ „,..;gi ';`,,c= d . i ty z ol • e . ~,.,... , , , ~... ,\, .. \, \ „.. ~, \ , \ \,, ...,,:\\,', i. , . , a* • I . _\ ' , Ati,:.• ‘l. J. Wilson & Son TITTSIt-VitG I TH oqicALZro.i. - MISCELLANEOUS. _ EXCHANGE AND BANKING HOUSE ffiSCELLANEOUS .a~-.,.~,~~: ~, ; ~,, ,