...-4....„..,.„- * ' - ... ' *,',.---,? :ti l;:'''.. -",111 —'7 't"" .7 .. '": . ' fr ' ... '''''' . —-- - ' ' , • -` ..e." I . .. . ~ --'-'," -.. ..-:-..."'-',. : - : H XITTSI3I.II?GIi ! i-AZ ErrE OfftLIZILI'D IM11.1" AN - D W;KSLI 11 MELTE & CO. • R. "....... I3P, , I . Vlr It rtrrr , rir.t:bbi to-roe • . TF2Filfg. • .• ' 4,4 V - .s -v"' , ,; •: .loi .. n.111,..`..,,,V. ',JO: - -,••• , 4r1 • Cfvjj,`,,.f;•' 'i.,:t' ;' , V:V.•,;nt . ::i : it, :44,.,n'^- ''''' • rb , .. io I n.v.pt : a:•••••• , .: ~ ,:i: :0 1,.. ,:z11e......i i• 3 one 13. r. awl x: pAllnyarllbt, iu ‘ , lrmein...• No Club 1 . 4 S .r 1 •I ..41. aft, f Ow. vo•m::.1:.:t.,•,: or: 1 •••••+1.qmons:1 . LA."... r. arw , ..d. • , itkr.P3 OP aDVEILTISANO. 0 1 mr..(101h,.. • • ' • ”.1. - h... - Oinc.n..l ? rt.th . ..... tbm. ......... . lour ..... 10 0 ~fll . /21. , “ I , relrn mon:L. ...... p., Olt Dr.p.u. fur 7,, •lor l 7 oarr,ohnnCtrolr, ar (Per ,•.• erclurlf r of tb, •ouarr, .1m rn,.nrb,• halfult.tor thr ..T•vly rat. i. Alt=larntr,,,,,,lln 1., 1r •,.••• , mad telt orer , 2nor, I•t"llargr.,/ a.. , • half. 1,, 1., 41 2 4.1r^rtatrzarurr 1. 'rperl thru. pu•li-ot Anar•orscruur.•ll,lsti,t, rt,r^. ate• elm" jyrc , r.trrnlvrrtirt4entr. ..-• 4,l nrrs.on"nta mnrk•.l m tU. y. ropy. • e•I nlfeint,A wit .r.h.1.5.n4 me, - .10.rrr.eart. , e1r.""ontingl • TUr Pril . ll-rr annum ndv,..er•lr rtrirtl ..`fir .wnirll.. 4 i. , lrrttn-/.. n0...1 .I""rtirrnirtt.i, • (.11,1itof ott,lwrg3n....lrt,ltlo•alla,l,ti.atot•ranlnt ieren•linbly tl•narc.m.l a.t/..4.thrir own hortn...r.a. ill all rls•—•.l pr.vir".rtorutrat • In 1 ti rhr 11..f.ratr;.•1,1,_ br rbarc- , 1 turnal rater ? fnr. tratt"t^tif f..l.,ragin.r.. 'rid ""ferrxtrir rtrt , ell;."aml fero l labl. ran."... o+ l + , l. /1.11•1•arti-40.,3316 f,r•rt/anthtle at. K 61,1• trnwn"tip,art pOlir sarli MK, rhir-f•I 4 p.ratl , elfl^Ur In •• 1 • irri , rPt !",../r0• to lr. chs.r,no So tsntl, 1" • - , • ltborer nalrer 131•1 byfuntral tarrati"n" or ol7ltfor, arltrn ' lto 7 retet.i 7 Vt. o /"V, ' st i l ' nl . l rth^r" Prnlingroma:omit, ttn r•r; r• 11 attention 1. , . Vetorn rill att.:ainq tr, for to prnror . I tlonllntmprrt.rrah .411. r trati t.th• urvlrr.uantl. .50111. t 1.4 nark, I,: lit be it. I ifilarn:lo to ber iv Arrk. , 114 . 111.4,..t1 rtilunin. tbr .^,u,••• esto•Ot.tot tlirat e•nt." p, Ina". ilinbarr rr :roll., "Itxrr•l Tarnrn Liorr• fiteal tube elnnwril 03n/2.f:1_0011 toorniof.V 0....4 ~V ...1)., All tripsl.lll .1 - 3lftir T. • ri Fdrt - 0 . A. two:>ima-.: —twors.tjazd, 1 Porwimi: i7.,.-1---- irtXioi;iill7l;;: - -- 0 ha . tfrUNT - & ! t.ky7611 , C .E ~.., _ ,,,,0 n , ounb.t, ~, /t-on:10p 0t ..I,l . t'tnitle . .rht:etr,,•l. P r ittAl;urgV: y '.32'''• ''''''''' ".°' ~,,, ~!.,,,,,. ./ . .. : 1131`,1 la i. Cotupli/0,33;r for the'etatA of LI,GIt, Atvirneya at Law— !.-.1 • ninth et n. 1, nA:ic~ FoiflhhrlJ. - W. T. warn:, iitturney at• Lacr—Of fnalrf b; in Arthur-, Iltaiti balT11! I j NI -P. &G. L. B. PETVER.II,tN, Atter. A 31ES KUTiN - Attorney at Law, office, l'ilrthemsn 1101, rnmar ntn,t. and 1 , 1 , ..ced tzlit Axe ks C. Attorneyw. IL ttr..llllFi.urth l'lttfhurgh. cnim 0..T.A. • 4. 'ram, TOWE • k 'WATSON; Attorneys nt Lan., Nri. no Po.nith Citt.borr.h. • IC..C.lC[M—Aloxsn.ler rr . 142.: ST ...inbn loccit.g,Ar lie. W. J Jer.k.r.on/Plttabutfh. anLIT . • 4-1 Dw.titO P. JONES, .Attorney at Law: 1 :11 ClC!"....rn fourth otinot. hetrrorn wan end Sala, lASPER int xmirk .> ..nd hfY ardon. with - -•- II E. SELLERS, 'Wholesale. Dealer in \Tx. gg,tr.t.v. vrz.hz2'- t:l7 .WIDRIDtSLII3I, Wholes.le Druggist k2.l,;inritrwtd•'=tz,l .(1.131 . X. Aironae it.l.UN at . E I TEll,lVholenale and Retail p . DrQggi , rts..c.nmo, of I.il*rty 1.12.1 Nt. elalr fag.. I'M,. .0, h. I, • SC 1100 N MA KER& CO.; h lesal e Drug , No. 2t Woo,' PittAbur.h. M.IVOL Itt•CK6/74., ..... . ..... ..... IyNC.I. k BL K GUI(); ft. CO., Wholesnle Gro7 N„, Mnr.h.m'and dralor• In Producr and Par.:m.4U St.aula,mr, its. Pllch .4 Oat.um airs nu hand at the, 1Var , 11, , ,, 141 11(e., stra.L Pittsburgh • seplllly • • • & Wi LSUN, IVholesalo Gmcers and V rMarehnot., .Agonla for pule of Da 1 1 ,nCa i 11,4naLl. and 147 Front sic, srl Cy L. SIIEE, Wholesale Grocer, Commission sr, . Merchant. and cesi., in Parser and Dag, corn., of Penn snd Inrm 4trv.l3, AMUEL P. Sll.llll' Whelegal° Ur, kJ rer, l`rodurt un.l t , ..ortroLksion klereb,nts, Desl; in Irittnburrn 3 1annfartured Artlrle., Non. II! and 122 Swt.tids,trvel.. between Wool ;did Smithfield, I.ltintamlch. • ZOIIN 1011 N b.. DILI% 01t7af & CO. Wholesale oir Prodno , laud 12,13213:11.14011 •111. 2.1 A,lllll tYr lESZard Pnvder Co., of 110.sard•111.. Won, No. Z , l Won.) no., I',..hurr.h. . ---- ix I. INOIMIX. 1-0 UR Bill DOE & INORAIIAM, Whuiesuf II 10 , 4...4. sit Commission Merchausts. Ns. lu Wats. srui MU Fire. stew', Pittsburgh. ! • ItEY, A CO., Wholeeala as i lmerrs.Commissiun god Fr.rwarditag Alsruhasht,..l Ageol, I. l riubtoo Cotton Yarns, 57 Wat..r,t..,Pittsburgh. 11 • .suits IrATT - 0.1 •LI-1401. OLIN WATT & CO., Wholeuale tlrocers, lop 31, 4mtkle, artd Dralers Prod.. al.' P b ) l anufgettres. Ni. 2f.st Lawny street. Puts burgh. s. • - • - 1 B. CANFIELD, lute of Warren, Ohio, I ., arlietqa.l Western PrcslugeW•ter : , u3ithlis.l..l sad Wurst. Pittsburgh. :r, vlrertit•vment% to 73 .16,01,1 nt , prr• riut- fmta curt TATER} F. VON BONNIIORST & CU„ Whole • nslo tlmr,rx, Forvarsilag arta eniamiNito Sienb Ita, m Ilttalausgb 31.ufaetcars an& Westwrn +roolu, No. ;.43, mciavr of Frora.wt .tlad elmanAry L., Pitt+l.urgh. ARDS I.IIIE ozczkr SAIAII DICKEY &- 4.Xt, Wholes ILT ale Or, CommiirsLat Mrtelairtcluad DJto Prodtr,-- 54 Wale, spat IU7 Fmat acne; PAt.b.la, c v 4 Laic—OffieJ .117.1c1 Anti Gran. Pit • • Lam, Four , )titt] , burgh. . tetyab.D. I, 4 INOLISII .k BENNETT, lato English, nsllachrrn Co.. Wholenderirocrra.C.arnsalanon •j crilarding Merchnt/in,' Drairrs Vandur. cirri,Pe burgh Manufacturer- N0..1:12 Se,:nad st and Ine. t ,, tacen Word ant rlnithrebb AM\ 11,11.1. cra a br.111.1.-...1.1.1..r. C. SAL. m'GILLS & ROE, 'Wholesale Grocers and foam' Won' Slerrilanty tie. 6, I.llvrt, fltrgh. OBEILT MOOIiE, Wholesale Grueei, LL tkotifying Distiller. dealer In Product. Pittsburgh Itinufooturer, and xlj kln,L. of Foreign and lkdriestir n . tuos and Liquor, No. :115 Liberty evert On hand a vory otork of ropereir' old 31mm:umbels Whigley, which rill [...g01d 11 9 . for c.E.- IIiODERT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale _at Grnser& entaerchat& dlers In Roltt..bursh Sta on mittetur M es. N. 2:4l ea Libras Prolate street. httsturalt. W i tu2es m ale tr:A r sr Ar t Agi k tr... shtsrp 511.nfotnses, :tin BAGALEY & CO., Wholesale Gro ens. Nom lb and 1.1/ Weal street. Pittsburgh. o. -virjcic .sfeugili:E:s„ successors to •V L. k. J. D. Wick, Wholusle (Fevecm. Parrs:llllu uol lbundulon.neribcoLLtlealerainllro SRA. OW, Cotton Voria, ond HURboxyb klastrauturu unually, °pro., of Wosal utl Water struu, Pit-tan/na. it-CULBERT & 0 ,• V olesa • linvers CortorrLorion Itrrehootr; Poxlers Pro ...aro:sod Pirtzbur,..ll,Mumf.trood Ar ti rlr, 195 Liken" rtrort. Pltirbungtr: esg • Ilst Law, ota Ark ster.t. flan S. co., wh o l es e an I IL WILLIAMS Forwarding and R4"..fi Dar (in iMatty Pr.Uwe andl 4 l%Sb . ..r..W.wd and rota st., Mannfaciwrer.,,rwer OBINSON, LITTLE- CO, No. 2.55 Llirt7 stana, Paotningh. Whdesant . i.irooels. rto m.c: ann Cncrinnlon Mere-haat; sad dealers In Yinabur .3.10111.112. man. & It. FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, Cora =Wien lexstlazi., .01 Deulens Pmdcivr—ktTand 4:urch Lhaildixt.. framing Yen I.4hrhtr. Whoa. XVI Sixth Piraburgh, - .. ..... ORN PA_RK Eli: 6.5, oCen, of Dealers in Predoen. Pottign - Witus. b Liquors, e 0 c nr-Ta ris and raztitedrch. Whigker—No. Coluanicial husbu • TAS. DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Com ql missicn and Forwarding M. - chant, and daalerin 17nn. Olari. Cotton Tam, and ilti.anurwh .11anufantnt.n ininnalty—Nn. OS Watrr aL. 7b Find at, Pitubiargh. MUSICAL INSTIL JOLIN H. MELLOR, Dealer in Piano Fortes, Masi. sod !ald Instrumento, &boll Book. mut Btstiots`t7. &de went for Blttekrsiats Kano Forte. for Western l'ennsylrania—Nn.lsl Wood es_ ENItY K LEBER, Dealer in ?Odic, Mu kal Inttruto•tna and Importer of Italian titrino. tH - e aitt In far Nunna clvt . , grand am' annul, KAMM Ifl ih CaMlll4l , l Anima Attaehmeat. A Lro, t3r Donhaneo MANUFACTURERS pILLINOS, WILSON & CO., Manufac turer, of all Oz. 0 .0 tat.. I .‘r okilx; hob. Auld rboe nallg; flour barrel .•.1 lathing 15. 3,1 .Iblued pll. it, ere. Otice LIPPENCOTT a CO. NO. /la. 'Water . r te Irytrj. mutt. .1•7 rne,.. nyl ff lION CITY TACK FACTORY.—The eutr itenrllor. manufacture and knny onnstantly on bend ah Ilob ?:;fit:kgilrBZu'er'Vair'kWitibirthilptlfg .n.I Twts; Barn.l tail 4 Covellr sant Zinc :Jun. Nails; Paltwrn Make.' Point.; Kirntn, wonted Mu, CAMPBELL, CIIEnS t CU., Warobouse. (.9 Waler .1, Pluzinunt. ENNEDY, CIIILDS CO., ..ILinufict.ti Of eery eurior 4-4 nbewine. 'WT.4 Chalet. liwn pe Twine and Beeline. Penn 3.llll,llitteburgh. IiiTTSBURGIi ALKALI WORK'S.—Ben. nei. !Leery Meneneelarere of &j Ann, Blench .lll% liolphorle Aeicto. Worehoule, :it.. a; Weeer L. below Ferry. ' PAPER RANGIISII VALTEIt P. iIARSHALL, Successor to V Samuel C. 11111—Iniport,r and Polder in French and .k.a.rkark Pap, Ilanninga and Ilardrra, Windom Phni , ;Pira Board Prints, .tc. Mao—Writing, Printing, uni I , rapping Paper, Na. Sr. Wpal exert. , bota - ran Fourth and PlamaraPodley. Pitaltatrgh, n3UUWIPORTATION AGENTS. 01IN A. - CAUGIIIEY, Agent forte Lake Mria and Ztliebtran Line. to Beaver end tbn Lake,— ttere on the carra•aol and He ti bt.eld its. g g LEECH 4 CO., Tramportera by Canal and Forwarding Merchants. corner or Penn street nod the CanaL VENITIAN BLINDS. A.BlZOWNwouldmostreepeetfullyinform the publiethathe kerporoubandatbleatandouttre lewd txtettf t 4. tharnotd, Allegheny dlr. cvmplrte Astor.., t of Vroitts o alro Vrnitlart Bhuttere In, MAIO to order itt the lentrWiet. , l7oTratttrtl rqutd to soy in the (Jolted :dateA. ILO Blinde can in rrtourrrrtritltout the aid of 'terra deter. Haring purshlowd the stook, toule, and wopd pt the oatiort redattliAhatent of Hammer A klettlrtland./.ato ptrporrtl furnish the.. ittd rtatuomere t as well ot the lir et large, with rtery thing in their line. do-uer, N , ... 5 Pithrborgh. J. A. BROWN. PAPER RANGING AND PLASTERING. JJOIINSTON, PAPER llnscrit 11,11 Purrtra.n—llmadoure. earner of Tkaed streulapd Mat mul, Moller. lal h, to, for mvlZ --. irah4:l, VETERINARY SURGEON. _ I PAVING EUSTD 1 LITHOGRAPHING SI LLE.JOIENSON, Engraver on Wood, rain MU. (thinl Mini.) l'lttaurgh, Pa.—View. of n;,,, Machlarry, ilesals of Zionnpsym4Fmntfrpi..... , UP , ' , . P.M Lawb , , In tolorr. Seal. for LH T 214,0 Oh S. andA. - odal.lonlc tAttlon Stonmo.*, In tho GM ntyls Inul .1130 ltrwrst prim,. ---. I-- . ILLIAII StaIUCILMAN'S Lithograph, la ltitAligitiricat Moo street. opposite the Pmt 'W.. burgh. nap= Landaoaper. Portraits. Fhow bill. la,Drattn. Itorat..LaboL., Archnatant anal Machine 417. Ituristaas and Vi•iIILIR . de, in v.II or ;,:ituud...l - ital . printed to Mrs, 1 / 1 ;111. brow., or shit." , o , '" , aPrro , ..lgraale. alvt at ib. moo mall. , leloili Wegner,;-Eueebner & Mueller's NEI ESTABLISHMENT. IE-AfIOVE EIRM respettfully announce their tho. pubik EnDnmll.r.th. ,yrn ix. Show Cards, H o le. n D i tl p rw oma.%C he c o s w Vin CbsztA. Labels, to. It ; ~ ,,M g•.!annt I. st rtreet, bet-wren • ,, ,tY n • HB. I , IV. WiIIiSAWA her., Tewelr ;. k Tlvcr 4'sra so.l illaary adds, sonar bfaskat and r , .troeltsillorrtoPs. X. Lo—oiatalesa‘l Sere - 4 1 AGLE MARBLE WORKS, (o..;tablished or ADMIJNI: FILKI.,S, no. 154 Lanni a, It aotLl faltta " i s e. b ..Vm.r=tent ti . mo on 545501 0 and outdo to only, Drsiaass . usk hand. WO- DRUGGISTS alrfter in the J Oillluar At Cora\llCIL g 1" 21 ' 111 " t1 A .- . , STOCKS, CirRKENOY. AHD ' AILS • ' PITTSBU,II(in 4. ZE"ITE 'aAaPts ..ii , > Beininia),'. ' .' \ --' --- , e . = - - (C4I7I.ItELTED ItEIIULAILLY AhD CAREFUI 1 4 , WESTELIn'YETIM:ne'BI3"-r.:,01.E.10';:x31:AtY77.';. ,17.h.7' ,inbt'i'lli.hi„tig.ugeltahtilhstit,ic" u ac '' ,r ult r Lb°. Doctor G. Reichhelm , •"' Ring, Pennock & Co., NFORAIS pia friend, and the public in gin- , A.- Wilkins di CO. . , EAGLE Ct)TTON ttolt Es, PRICES OF' STOCKS. I.VIrIItT IAD a iIt • TIIL 1 rt-csni 1.111 -hAZEPETF. 1 P , Green Bay is no longete We mere ti din at -P;r.2),l3:6etheerl,,' ine4l:7oeYeZk''4,l., .., "Z. l 't `IN t. 4 Z:i.T. 07' 1. '" ''' '' ''"" " ''''' • '''' . I x I it," C I' NACTURERS 01 Cott on Yarns, -- - I' 1 , -Perso n , Ind.hte d tn him for a lonnth of time, are l „„ , et, ahleo-tartmo h., ~ ;„, I,V f; wmar-th.,,, Mor n , t'orer'et 1 art, Wary. Can di. r A . WILK - INS 81.,C0. -oth.athibeit:::lZiedtriTee7 .4 2 : - . ( t t y DO feet, n.yti• teal . oat, thor aceounta. " la om 4. rn fond. nn ••• • - ;• . O or. C utllny. Lattary. a. STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. : of h t ., h , e h N ec o o t w irn eo p t o p ru ni .t A r ni o, r e ri o c n a . n id P e ti r : tionztmpost \ eb l / 4 AT 1 rsonir. 111 0 ~. 'vol. • ' a'' ° I . ` I. nf A" 't/ .1. AND la f• 161-1 SE 01l EFT. , . F: R. Moore, MR, N.,- Inrk and N. e Ennlaml . CORNIA: 'OP MARKET a& IP TIIII:likTP • ..., Prtratinazot - ont. '44, tedd Ith Its fore and ItnEan woe •\ and no \ t 'long-' -tflol fi it, stories\high. • AMong, other rote. I,IOMCEOPSTHIC ' , flys - RI A IN, devotes p,riawat..... .... ... .......... • ..o.ltd. ~K ',, • , . A Card ..• '.. - ' -(er n ` ads a fort of armed .toldtery, although i n ents to b e intro,nced will \beiiii aplistpitia fa!' ii sp,rol ntlentynn . Do. treatment ot .1.-fum, 6f WI/ ~,,,,, 4114,23060 h 1,.<14,101. ....I , U .. i • ttgg cc aB ..; -, 11 - .1 never: , .13 ;filch •bas One, In protect, IIF irottber days\ its droll paperhy etiuram, a prOcess hitherto T.O \ • c:k00,:a:,1,:,:cii11LZ',1%.11,0r`,..7.;`,.!11t0:`,.-.:•:;F:::,1,?,..:i30::+,,1ii...T. h v :r th rt,,, , .. , :bl'ALl"%tgo • '' , '" , -'l‘ , ' , ' "'`'`o" . ' ' 1 1.1 7-R 2' l •'•• r ''"'" • '''l '" ''" r• ' tr''''''''' Va l . ' ), . la. Market ...... near I dor,. where w. tnto, In n MID, Aprehenyelty. MAN. hours from 7to 0 A al , • • In {se n ior bsrol n ...nod...sown: m o o of rl tern and . u. „..,..„,, ~, i.,. ,•,,, r, - , ...,.... J .- . , A, I °riled ~ n i titen a from the e d n ler,, c hr r i: o ... n ai c , :: :a m n , : e ir n : t : s b.l: o \i: f .:, : i v ,in ,:',...rii rowhh.eoathra:rt,t,:ided7at..:l:43,l.l.li.:_oe:.d;:it'Llnfext:eghtie4,,o.:Etti::rf,t,:etizie:bntilletri;:hs,Lai7,3ooo,:e.,:4l,::lll,taalt:i:::"...., _ 2 :,." nIC LIA, RD .1 C. BO Ell( I NO, Manufaot ti. own man..., un. of goo,- 01 clote. forma.. roo m ,. an 1 trawl 0 r .„.„ „ namo I. 3..0ad Imre 7tool' al - my.P.,. i .,... I tumults,. mt ...nth. of every olieeradion. 1r...rare.„„,... , ... ... i ! 11... " . : . : , '"1 , ,'„'. 1 ;, : : "' ; ' : : : ' , '1 ,: ' w 'g o ' rld,.. ant he is a propheti c geographer of no mon th. `a, In the conpashig. rooms, are. 40 Claude p lik.J. M YERS-Surgeon and Ph ye iei an . I '•t' ut tr.lni ' ' ' 'tktili ""' "' '' ' '' ' . ' • 7 " 7 ; l ' IT' ' ' '' '' '' T. " l " 7 ' 7 ' ' : .;.t .' ' ' ' ' ' '.,,, :' ,, t i t t' ll ' : rtin:,,,71.7:1:....:,.:tr.11.'.,11-:.;:al. ~..ift;,:!,,n..17:t:::,,,,..11.`..1:,71:5e:::.,,,Thaff,,,,t , P 7. :: ' ::::',;:,:'"_ . ~.. and a• die. . rum, or liaritovuose row. No 1 ei 'le'elle. l 'e_ le. Third stn.t ,me d,o, shove Pmlttill.l,l at. PIKE AND CEDAR WARE. 1t...51,0.h. perman.uti r located In Pittaburyt h Meal .. aa , I hilt •to r 1: or I 1:.1.0 Itohia, ...hon. h Way. 1... ...a m „, ' ,,,,'',',. r .' ~.. ''''''..' n' , l ,; : ." n ' n i. l'' ' ir. ' . ' : ' A ' ''' n ~,,P h. 3 .l l79' le gm 'r ie t w Per .who ll 'l: e ? A t ' : e' t [ell I . 01 and t o Mr, den.. of Al , Prodeomon. N, ad sn.r I h StS.DiGEL KEOESEN keepo convldlittV 04 , partonAl. tor, dottihr, IoLA. Meal ft.olthanAn'" n0r, . ,, t ro.bU r yl, r a o ~... n :,.' ..1 h. 1 , Jon t ..y thin nia no i En In A rt ,ItID lu , 'to em le a on e Tim' I n[hits partleular atte.o n .24M.Oleat came. and We diwaree ot ' hand . ~....1 a.,...,,,,,,, ~, % A ,. A; ,., it s ,.. 1.1,... I I , ..t.,•Fieint• and Lit.kin. f lf al. "mt.. ond ..veto other t . a .. ~,,. ot, ni,;, ta , , , t t ',,„ 't' r , . - " ..,' .',_- , ~ - . 0 . ' ''' '' ' ' '' - - ---1 " ""n n•otlrpe M . 1 6, 117 28 hautli' i -t. rronmand rhildren. n 4 ... i . ',...• l'teein...st, Oak ..1 ell, laueben . r Draw One,. poi.. ;4131110,,t0r.. 1 of , ha „oho., um r Ore.torarsr A l pe e r ~r ; o , . ; , .. , , , , an 4 ,00 neforl Oa Loan a name • .., . .. • Wov.o Beal, l'hurn, Dry M. sh r ike 00/, and I°* err t 1 , 1 , 1 0. .I 4 ", , "' , l" , ' w' '`','"' . rut , ' that a - tooT"ntl in I It, atat 6,11.1 ,s, :;,,, :.''' ''' ",, '' '' . Green Bay wasonee thought, no it then really Per eel; Byttrevn A and 'GO OW IDS . .• tif ''' \ - MISCELLANEOUS .CARDS, dr,o, Wa.h Board.. and all ran, 1 1 II , 0 ,nr... h.. lin. P 0... Wr ,, .111, , l/tp v • nan o 'hill, ore,. . Pat.l. o r a l„ Pa - - • I‘ ,.: ‘ ' l t' T En & e s' 4) '' .. " "ILL "' ' 4 ,, „, ~i „ ,,,„r , „.. , ~ ~,,. ~„, ~,, ~ 1 trait, ijitite heytind s lie range of American civ s lli- mom it .. 93. 90.ted yearty. Listlin plaits .rinta ' , ' "\''r e - I Wm. M. McKnight awai t _ -- - -- - - _ I 31e,tintica 11.111, hank .., .:,... P. I yation--go.I fur n thing, it was such a cot , tog r eeeKt nee.6-I,uide emititPreeies . .--etteh I the '' \ ' Fall Fashions- . Flour and Goneral Produce . 1 , ....h0m0 , „ant ro ' AlioPoi, Saar,. !lank place, but ire, fur an . pine -and altogether too latte r a} 'pods ;DO impressions per day o giro speeial attention to the Collet , `)`JILLDon ot elaira• for Mareh eno ,red oth er ., b r 'Vol• 11ATS, CADS? AND LADIES' FIJItt3 CQ 31 711 ISSIONII 0 U S E , j Poirot foo., I. WILSON R. SON, Nu. r ti Wt . al `rit4/ . I diatant froinany canna where ihey had achooia, \ t c,re h th; -r;re ‘eriEhiSei In working aka. .., - ern Pennsylvania and oet.rn Iffiln / ~ . h ..1-nonsodu•ln „rids, o s ..„ , 4 par 11.1, jret 1 Office in Ttlabinan all, 0 1.1 ,,,, " It., Xe. FA." , .....-, n j aini de .kartmeot re--for Scold lest, ) S 4o oo.per- r ' ''' A 3 , ...al , ,it tat /lowan!, NEA R EA 1,T(51.1,. a: -1 It A.FI, . „,,,,,,,,,„ ~., "y„,.... .. 7 „ , , - sr .,, , _. , . eburebeet. and "white D. ta , , - to ever he knOWn. ig" "W . OWOF pro , ses am tolie,p at i n th e ite , ‘ a ; Pittchurah, Pa. , 111, • Mani dole 1,1r.w Dism.dol all, ; would :„. 1 , B A Lnifoß A . p!,..,1 ~, node-. ,„. ~, , .t, In hiatory b y for el a rem rene w and instil:Won h k • l'fing. cf. 3, 5i , 40,, , ,kr. empioyed in the so w : \ . . --."-,,,' •' „,,,,,,,,,y-ey i , n arm a y.,,,,,,y,0. vi a 0,,,,, n.ll St ht., I•le the attention ot 1 . 1,-1, ...15...1nm.1 Ili. NCI , ' from ull am milightertrd wircld end the ttrrat of tug t'o otus. an 100 girla in rolilini,,preasingind \-' •: A Moore Ilaturtoo , Mil WM. Melkokii... 1h,.. A ....:: Ito Iloor lar g o iuldno.n ..1.,4, 0., pro now report, L, it antota r e. e , hod, f. yr . \ ‘ a -12,111 11.11 -, T1i.1,-K 7o I rthr. 00/), 1 mankind," and ilw itiVignitieta k cei n it But that ', 1r. ; . , 6 elieel 'e. Th r e-r. 'Ree. in the.thindcry 45 : . '',,, A ~,.. ~. ~,,,,, i th, ir t o rtu, .00,1 .....• Th.. ....orrns.nt eutolat. o , , ____ IMA,AC costa 1 I ONES & QUIGG, Manaketurera of Spring. I !ir,r,',,..u,!: n ''',",7,4 ; ' : „ . l l'n , V , T - ,„. 1 ';;;14:!;',;',77,1 1 ,;(.7,: 1 u 7, t 1 i 'i;,' . 1.100i,01 ALVA SOL, none 110 COOSIoNaIYN T S i ,4,,A,c.:„...,4 r .,..,;,....,,AA°..." . ,C A ."- .. :.. 111 : ~....,;, ,, •,1i, , , .8 -`',, , S're 15 I , mouth° bir \ et.to Day ilus changtol-th e 9 9 .3 3 - ''. 9, 3 0 ;90 Prikipal wipmfi ttt re , i n .. n,r It) a n d VD., Med, Plo,l o ll :fret. Steel l'lnuals,Wlnya ; tily.ther w.ll. a rr a t rariet, . I Ala. A, Cry.. li orol 100 d... tow n t Inolian'e Cr.' A l' I ••• '. • optaion of mankind bout it littX changesl.--it is, let loaelk end KR O LL: Snrin g to en Iron Alle, and . Moto., Ilunanna u , a.. other an.. •„: Al Eh, t.. no .1 I ilsafrly r . . 1 tor t o r nol - ....ant,p.. ,n TratLoorta n n o I n'"-"nn • • , , Inn longer It trilosioh s ofitin, Ast4 , Altrudingpo.t. s.):e.ltr, ?e''''4:er. $ ; m93 E44500; pitsleboniA deideol . 3111.11”hl. C,Ain,„, alp, a o gr pe Lamp, and , and I. e., Stia oily Out... rld,r it , t io p hd h . 1 r d . No. l ...... any „thee mark., on lb. ••••• 1...1 • np., dr ood. , . 1.......”.... sap oayl, Tommlnys coorally. o 'overt /too And Front el. .'an I Olsool CAPS. or onmet a't le.e.nficia. 1., lIA Is ~Or I, 00 , .... , hole, •• oe. oel a..., re' i, rna. .a..t h., •'''' t"'" et"' ' '' ' ''" '" t . ' s'\''' ' ra- t or n huddle of•Prench ...Da n t IC, ..1 ,li,„ky wi ‘\--00 , egm, (..t'd ' , Ki.inr,..P , s'oo Th tAA .gA rr y , littetutr w h. Pa '... ,y, _ 1r r.h, I wan., but a reaped Oh . On.' flaarl .11ffg 1 044 "" 3 • r ' fl ° L e ' d g" C the I°9 ' hi Proects of AA . N o; • „, • . ~.,!.. PIA road SA! All DICKEY St CO., Agents for -are- a 1 , --I.soi ffs' FL 1:S. v. Mae , . ..1 Natoral Lyn!, I Yr.-kJ...n.1 Capin,. Mer-liant. Il an , , 11.-,1.1.• 4 an, • , lOr 2.4•90 inlothimist, ter, were i ark. chop- h i'''g'• 94 :9"9," hi '/3 499, Pes.totioni which: N ellettles DS. Work. ii.., eon., odlv on bind and 1 Fite!, Oeuset anl L..n. • siCI-1,. ~1 and rib.nan. i - Ilahk ol ItaitokorS : ; iott ono, ..row., ' , ' 4 .•„, id to th e n.,„„r „ ka „.„ ~,, . •.„ , i ,i • A... ). ,„„,,,,,,, t ,,,,, L „, ,Lue -ear ,‘„.„,„ ,“,,,, ~ „ S qu i r rel 1 /L-1011 Ia 1, wet MI./ F. Ono.. an I ChiPlion's I ° ' looonermal t torny.". Pane . „.„.„ ~ I ,loPlf ntiRP, hal bright 011CP re now ad ed to it s - - " v- 3..9 Vatelatt t0Xv.0..• • "3 , :r... - e awl Floyd Iron. NsiL. Phlkes. Se rris : AILIFs ...ph, In, , ..2.ltolFra • etarotr o l, ~ a. hark. 0., ka Ai a h le. in t o. I history. and more than thi pen or min . shall , dononpahrto .....,. war. • y , , Plerent.ype platea, - -aubterr \ tnenn, 4,, hours tit '";,.''''''''''''''' j‘ C' VUILMAETII & NOBLII-City Flouring I , FALL FASHION ; Chartiers • Coal. ~,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,. ~,,,,,.,,,, ~ .. , - I Wi s ., ~,,,,,,, ,j,,, ~,f ~., ..,I r , g , • , • i t , -,,,,,,., safetylif their content.: in case of '64.-arey eeT W , , . extenot, comprishig 4.ffirt\ feet . of ore - li -- -01 4 ' ''' E hat, just n.cei,..l t b.. Front Iffii . l 4 I lil t p) 4 . t i A icylp,lis tx , AL c o mp . ‘ • N I - ');',;'',',`,l,',',,, „ , it - \_yl , iteolitay a. to betug I.e. pf th inffinti mi t a n d . , it Illtla No. 6113 LThertreo r of Adam,. rt., Pith.b , or k l, i 111 ' ' ty le of II AT: to whirl, ... molt. 11,. atten i 1,,,,,i,,,,,g nitre . .„ gr . L ,, ,, ) ,,,, L . e , , , , , ),„ Elght large rooms are required for Ito sale, ' _ll INT !CHOLAS VIVIAN, Civil Engineer, •1 t ,,,,, o r ,:',.r frh.tria undn In, t aw .. ........tan t . storin g and' dallier-jog of beehs, in which. 13 ‘ . eL ,,,„ ,a .. ldianatic,toon,wut ernotw a t M,n,,,, A rno ., M o u e t so u p, it, roe it at 0 . t.',.. t int ett,.r f wpi et o• t at.- ~..., ~0.,..,,, ~„ ~,,,,,, ~, „,„, ~,, , ~,, , „ ~,, , L , L ,, , , ; ~ „,,,, „ ~,,, L ~, ~, ~ , ~, . _,,,,; ~c,,,,, i.,):.:,•:ftiro.:l,,twr,te,t:/,,,,1uit,ait,e,,,,,a,1.i.tinetet,1,1•,...1,E.1,L0,3:.,k, tr.....cragiiiirie.a....,:t ,ni:i",,,u,ieui=c,),kb,,,r:i-::,:;,,f..,L„,„:;L.5.,\,:;:;:i._b::;5:::i,.-iopf.roha,ir::et,:":b:pt:goh::::m3r2,..ibi;soi:.7eothimt:.,:.i,.. ,:i.....,:ii.., mo u nts of 11.4.1 e For the. Pah•nt I/G0...0,1,1i of ktoeta I nory tor 111nra Wat.rltorke. 10,11,r„ 511 i)., A. Ms; .... Penn cflasi Works. - found todstat lu A 51. and 01. al- at bh, re.. 1.0,.. :k. .1 I r tosrar. et . .. . of ,AA'si at • a - j ''''''' ''.:'" ' ' 'r ' ' ." .".'"'", '' '''''' '''''' ' '''. I,• ." \ • • - ~ ' Mark ) alreet. l'lttsbur g h '''''' l ' ' A• I 1. 11 In:N 2 'LI. W l Glini AN, (formerly of the ' ...4.3e.10r ...ii .0., co. / ar t . the. sit of at ~...,. .1... . ~/. . , i.e. I noo. it . A , , .„. \ Ift da m t ,a r „ 4tirn a cent ot prop , rti here, he " tett " P ewe c, L° ` e PP li ed h r a' ° he e"-..e04 , .-. \ .:4 ~ _ ar., , eve- oxpoei to,itit beeau, I to. •, .I ' 99 1l'inee.Fdeiren1'Y .• Per 091 1 .91 hailer: him!, .-- • ~ ti ._._ - .e. . 1„. .. . ki Tom, & co., Wholesale and Retail I ben,. 0,1'9' „ 1. , ; ,` ; 4',.„,e' (''•; ‘''''' ‘ 9 4 ","7"er„e; "n r.-.ear5,:,,,, al . . • • - • ' 1 4 b .I.WI Mantua...ma-and Dealer. to Ilato,Cape and For, t r ....,...';,.„• ;.°P...• - „...- ,f • • ni l ~, , 1,. ... " . Af .° Lk ., ~ ~,," ~,,, . ~.,,,, r ,,,,, .‘, . „ A , rh . „„,.. 0r ,„,,..,, , o ,„, „,„ „,,, ~, I „..,,,,,, ,y,...,.,,,,eeeh ger ogee than E.,, or r„. ,er ~.,,,,..1 \, :th,put .166:000. : Thi,,..:,, ~ii:,,,,:4 corner tif Wool and Fifth 212,1.... eitubur a t W... ow e ; : , - _ , l.%:!`i'l.' ''tt orn• ',.''''': I '.. , nf'l" , 11% . mai a...• • I , n '''' * , offer • full and ounplete stork of Ilea, Ca r EuVe. of '' ' '.•n. " A " " FA. 1 '" ' "" "....." A :on ot ko t .,,py. e0p,,,,,,. fy,.., r o . rAh• of p.o.h orat A I 1 , , \ \ ~ ..,,,,,,, st .„. w, ,... , fr ... r.. „ , ~,,, r ., I I,la, and • pr. op.& I. tor IL t ....at.. l ode 50,k... „4„,,,, ~ • . • , 111, , nra.,...... , ~ oh . expeeti g to find it. and On the whole "rnthelt nn win. b.-att.:Oh m of war customer. and p11,41,...ri5,,,11r.: C. W. Feine, Professor of Music, .IF , 0 ''''' tt'e ere .. '''" nmee at melt."' .."'''''A• lAr '1 ''''' '' '''''''' n '‘Il! '' ''.' la' A t' r.' ') • ).,,, •• . 0 •• in ...T . heceneteettS ' , lilted:a ahine:7ooo rrenna.. -, l e ,- . ' s' 4 u i . 6,11.111 n 111.111 ant thevlelll 1..... n All I IIi• 13,1 11.11 , 14.0 0, 1.,,,0......, I: ;1100,1 %1.,/00, ~,,„ , 0,,,,,,,,,,,, ..411. AM.: ....tit . .. .. , ....r ~ . tntereati iwn. t .t IS picaono-y situate.. n ritumss 4.1....11AT1L , :,;',',.,::: .:j 4 ,7" . nt,„, , ;',?,, 7 , , , the en. - l. uof the Fox Rive r . one (.1" the ran. t „,„„, i . , o ,„ La . - 1- li Et it; lea, t.) iftlo rm 0, ad, ro. „f Pk,- . ~,..6 ",,,,,, 'S . . _ ...,..C. lin ."...ent •.' C. 4n. %. ', ' , ..faillttlii Atte to to the West near tot entran t ° li p....:ts GAw roe I.6, trutteartoff. , ...i , The lest' . -- .. 41- --44 -1 \IT M- pig HY. M.reh.mt T';;I"r. pr''Ele ito tor ',.. i ' ir;ri l .Jrtlf. h rt:' , Yil";';."........V'i - C.7..1"i"::',7.r:: - • - , \ , 17,,, iLiz.7::.!,...,,A.,fr.zzhi:„..l:,:itederr,ig.vurilirtistyn:itzd. at,l:lle:,,,eifi,,tlk,,oe.k:ofinergle.a:taJdo:ontuallohfi,Beisoehni,ceeteobay-. •1 ,6. 4 oy ' and „eide r in 11.,01y Made Clothinv. I ....• Liberty • on reowmahle term. 1. or 'fort, .1 ~I, i t 1 ,:• et.... . . Fall Goods. • Al kiNtsitt , 1.1.... :on o ... I, 'lord 0r....f. ..,II •.1 •••• ,r, • ,' 1 1 1,1 t. itl ail & BURCH r I ELI) Northenot ';',,,-. In. eu , ". • - 1 I ONI.:1141 ER & CO., Impirtern of WintiA, 1,......,,,,, so., . t..t. .. ,), ii „ urn ., ,„ ~,,„t h „, 31,...., 0e,, , ... hr. , . ote'l ~,',„„.,".,:', ' . ”'" ' t ' i. \ t d n o nt o r , ry .,s. o r f .i t . ta , i n . i t i t e ta td r.k.i.desuntinese4toitth s thil , ,, l ii r e pr r, e , t Le ty , P y , v „,„ . .. 1 1 Affi rm ", j r ., Iji Li q uor...n.l Salo rh0..., al •Arnittohd 1 •1001, i - - - tweet t kostli rosd ..m ot h New Caocolate Factory. foneh M. 0.,. I,laek end hos • odor. Cohn", al. , ~,,, ' • , 'n• -;r . =-.''" In ins recent Europea n tour he had an o p pos . s. . e r r: / \ • Won leap Itnet . .. L. M , .. , 1 road , in\ yet Wester n Fl.. "'era, are ylnlightfut.lnt,king 1.1.1... In,, RI. r ... how oo.not,etur,,,g , NU", Pr-nted :erne, 4 1410, 11,, y 1 . 1 A. ittlAliiil RA, Agent fur Llttlea-nro Clu. I S i L t e ' Lu lC ,),,,' t l ' 1 • 5411UNI ' C U' ee 'PeetfUlt3 ie . 1 ru "'n' t “ nin ' n ''''''' '' n b ' flr '''' ' n ''" n ''''" '''''' 1 "1.• •":". .. i ,,,,, ~..y . ,, y r ,,,,.. t p. compa n y. JP War. i et.roft o•flOy111. 0 Cl. of pro" h uol., , and yr., 1. .....1 , ..0f , 14'. Deno, : Poptin, rank on.l k 'I, ti \ I 110 /yid in th.ir\ k p tear:ince rently,New-En g - tome ,f "t.ff the •ce- .., ful , ‘PP'lrerdinn a ?il: '' '',.:',:: ,-'. • * ---- .1.,•: . I L. nmet ott..r ,1,11...... w . ram.. r oas orel 0,,,,. 1. 1,111, . .. , . ' luldike \ Trier., on', re , g.,,,,,,,, , ~0 o h , Gills, patent, by which he - claim s Or trot toU- -.,- .''' . • ...',.' I GARDINER COFFIN, Agent:for Franklin ti::liarst.si. anal hen., of tta, nat..r..toar. battii....., and ' I''''..l.lnl/4,.:-..."...7.1,•1n'11.',',,,-''.',""l.- f la Fi r e. Inourane. Compan-, north,... r t nrcer 01 II ....1 wht,l,4ox,v. 010 11 A - .Im,FIJ, 1..0.„ prop...run e of one , : o nar.• .1',..1 ... IDr ch. / 11,,,,1 new /,:o . 1 , 1 . lade s, po*, ,b6p., Ile ~,,./ h,,,,...,,„inciZt0 for n i l tion of n ~tutefal light, nod great heat tkita the :.'"" .'" "" t !'tai, met 'Thiel intheta. of ob. lar o e c Anocohde n0ua,..e,..D.... ikdr.orour..o,.. I • r 1 ,j„,„,,y, „...,ry th em) ) 1 %! .),.„,,,,, t „ ) „„ ) . 5 . , o e thltuati t in from hydrogen gas in contact with a qe _ - • -. t ooth- ,t,.t lit, stu turni•h .. arts ~. e h ... 0 not ego.- I n. t n 1ti1,6,... N. : 1,,,,, nm • . . 11/M. GLENN, Bong Bittlitn, Wood FITOnt. A 1 " ... ..° ..." .41•0...• ^Pd. Id • nwo Pl'''. 1 nel,papor a , 4,i,,,,ria10r '\'l, .1 .. ..4dVotale .-ti,. cod of plat , MT wiru i Thrhydrogen in . produc- .. V V is-ood 4.0 , llsmt .h. AllFtrArn -n ef T 4. 4 - ...At' .'.A ha 'l'aP"r,..,.';;.'•!.. 1 4 ,,,'.'1'..",... 1. ..,. 11 n'S'. r' n a rn ..',.! fl''', l ''''' ) 1 n'''''''''' " Ll. ''''' ' Pm ''' . '''. " ' '''''' '' 1 \ Goldner ;Va g , Puy I tile r Leis,,,, ..,4 - .- ,lii. oluireh• 9 '; kr .6 3 ' - ; 0 ;.9 or ..te . efroeuq 'I 0,2 ot e. d Leßoy., ...load. to eoll Au I it. •. , it,sr, .Inri , , , .. 0 ,, , , I . . i , ./1 , fC : E ::: 7 :: :: : I , : .. , P 7: : : :: : 7: . 7 : . 7 : ~ ~,, : :: „I joi: in i : :.. : ;: , : b : i : , :,, A,•isl r:;..:,rint,:i,,,,;111.,ift h ur,: , io. l , i r s :: ~I .::: . u.,..,,, , : :: :, r : : : : : I d : cr.,o :: ,: i 1 sa d r emit ~F . ' i ,: : : 3 i I : : ).,:1 1 . 3 ,,: t i., :: ::I m dg,,,,ei k kth r o c: i t. t u g T, ig h h , h6." :v r t ii, 0 7 : ,, ;3 ,1 ~C ., ,,.:h 0 ,e t: : g r ce. : n d ,,,,, : ,,.. w th i mi l .1 1 c, i t i t: 4 1 t b i i ,t r 9 -: :: , ' . . „ • e ` . L.. ',a4- n0 0 n.... du ',fry •• , :r-littlrot, of Ittruhn t with isonnesa „ 0 . au ,11111. , A 1,1•.40.. Hr...., • 10. morn and durability Blank ih.ke ruled to huy pattern. and I.und k116.41./101,11, WO. to numbers, or edd tes.k• ET. CLALR ROTEL. • Splendid Instruments . • . I 01 \z, 1 hotrod ema.full f . or repair.. Nern...put on In colt 1..,..e. l'f•t o ... S., Ciehany. Thos. who , hare Limb.: .1, Intlted ...sir 1144..., Ir./ , (For Formerly the Vet-hin ge , ) irrtllE en t, e -it, h,i, joot iron j ', ca .... I 10 dl Corner of Penn and St, Clair Streets, i 11. nn ,-r, , hrl'' ^ ,..... 11" ,, '', Elam , la.. ea r , 00 , I , Steamboat Agency, and General Commis- PITTSEPEOIT .. r ~,,, snl slm, t• Poutnant S e t tinoror oth l ~.,,,, „ it „,„, ~,,r , ~,„, , r , A ,, ~ ~,, „. -. S . ' tile D O. I, la , ot y nee for In il k ., e 0 .(1 r,n uteees the 'e"rht"ute eel , ere""i't 4 almost nit ~ ta a otttm"areal dull o no soy., ~..... or.. P.m. • , t s , - ~ . s.: ,". ::: \ Ills. I 7 . .11 may 'i v ' of la 11y,r1,1 1.14.,\ ,S 1 0/.30 at' hydropUi- f Ida . 'burn' :Oral in contact with. ta, ' . u lion, Receiving and Forwarding. Ic lllS ilimentud, PorttrAl, and moat eft-Irani- I el.d. b. Nutm;dris,l, Tlit. loom.. „. atter a ..... I.'-", -' a A ALWIN, PLUIRKR a• CO.. have this i""' iu't tu e , . tta.u , la. t,t iantelto-tt rt. fp_'„!,:t4,l„'`',.:',.!.;4aL,i,t‘ri,•.,u,7:..traart,,,,t . M e tal ~ .!. . , • -; t :, t ; ; ';;;;::• • • . 1 , . 4, , , ..,,, ~,, c h,,, c ,,.., ~, ~,,,d,,,,,, u 1t4 ) ,,,,,i,,,,,,„ , e ,„ 1 ,, rage or network of atinium wire area - sti", "`... \ ei....1,t, •144.1 / , ./,41.,h11 ropt4, I .14.4 5t..,,T.1, 4 11.. a ' '.. 1 1: _. , 11 , . •., \Jong igloo .1 m d h\ rn MI • pflpnlttiv`q of thn counting, on t , rdionry n scant\ bumer, proterted-, \ PI day ...mewed wolt thOm Mr. John La.............. 1 „ZS. • 0r ...„ ~,,,,,..,,,.,„.„„„,„ ~ , , ,„. I ~rrul or,. •1 11..... yet roantrlA-tu r .d su 11,, ~,,,,,,,,, - 1 ;1k°,..p . „ • . ;Jr , or eon ice. to On e ~,,,,,„ ...,..,,,, A ~,,,„, "„ o .rat ,Ay L .. eat... Db.-, it .... " , e r r opto kr ol ton n ot. Ph ,I: I A,... odandasuperlALoni, loth. bot ...Atka, ,r 'X ...o. , ' ; `,A, y:,'„ ; ,;',, . NO,' la ro f•r a . 1 11 cr t - ct . p'oond. 'OO, up of by 3 OM,. CilinTnry. ullikirtaiMple ContliTallee,.. n : ' •,, C.”lllC.lP2ikill. wit Forverlinv toieia.va. ander ti,. 4,1.. r 1 ~,,, ,_ ~,,,,,,„, ~,,,,.,, , ~,,.,i , ~,, 4 , ...„,,,, , t•• • oon. •or ..... avioti .1 et I' I- cllw pra... ' ~,., L g h • A L„ ,.„ . 1 •. .Y. 1.", i , elqll,. !WI, ~-. .1110 101., reed, Tt.,‘,), n re he otat,s, • l it. perfectly tu (Toga], and - th light .' ' - = N I'LL al fAt O Po , . rn ., h , , .., I t .. •• I • - ' II RI.LIILR. I ♦ , C. An ot tie u01d.... Dar e N., 1,/, 1. ....I : ..,„ " , „ , " i,V . ..!, ~, . ~., ~. , ~,..( rill), very zo eel rand n: Ili ant lanolin \la 0 , ,,. given out from git oils o thi s conatruction i 3 ~ • • . ' LOPIcAIItt. April IA IfY.l"nn b " '•I IP Withatno Row hl. - ,.....'.'",. t't r n , l" , t , : nn . , lcror r , - .,;,? . ,,V•n,..,;',„ .. r.1. • ,,,,',l7, n „'.'„nn r . ,',., , .yrit!...::ly ,an flan in..tona ~ i war n....11$ r,r-0 ut , “,r,. n ' '. E T.'"' A.•. ,, .. PO" . hal Meryl ... el-l-d t.• toe I Y „„,„,„ n n :., I • leo I erer. vrbo avil.. . a entaiVit e l of soeiet3- 'in\no. e.'ree" l 7 Arid 919 190.3Dm " • t vomit ao •fly 1,,,.e. •a 'Ow fssl,,nlry it/LINTY LAN I tS-c,,,,, u,,.,,, N•VLOR. . ''0j,....%,•,. 1 n......Lir,.: h. at,ko ot th. ilon•e ...I . a . 1 ..,..1. an. t • •,,orr. r ra m we. to on.- , t i L., h. r.. t 1,, t I ."...-.“ •l ..„, I reap.. inferior rl any rite area ucirty Thr4 ' Tit. m11, , ,,m 7 ~,, i ; Narni II\F.I.D. Uarantagel; : . ' 11 h I .."-. A Dorn, at Law, No DO Th.n.l et- earner of cherry J toon.a. of It• losanyera. no. rend.r., • .t tn. roat.i. ora . ! eet , t a,. : o o te, 't• 1 ive%kl Jibe it! strautt.dicb er ,n Lore t• 11.1 .1,1.- Itly the. inrmii,..•• _ _ 1, ",,,„ ,„,. ~,,,„„.,,„.„,,, ~,, „,.. ~,,,e.,... will I ~., to 0n.....• or p. , ,,.1+11...1 ... , ir t.,,...“.1u .1..0 f a,e4 o 1.0 -4, i, - , Procure notaire Lands far t.Meors rat addle, their ra t, . ' ' ...,, 101.1 no,. tar .1. eliteowl ahar. at yeattor-a.-. . NEW STORE. , ~, ~,,,, ~ I out! ilo •Nil ale,. t . it' ear , a y.. 4%,”, Jail x , "I. The of SO produced is chunper than ny• $ Procure and ehild,u. and Noll ato.ml to at o •oft., huo , a ro' t. II PIS SF, • ! rilllE SUBSCRIBER hat in t : token the 3t.tre i g-2.. i "h , - :s . 1 .... to, l' en t t e 1 , ,, A , w e e r f ro he, tn •,tllled. la, 0 rane e , . Vlier mode of artificial dight, c.rstiag, 2.9 19 9- '.. - . ~.` ' ,. 1 , ' :, ,A . , :,.7 :, ..., , ii., 4 : : Q 3k v o :' ! ,,' , h .', : 7, , ,t Aer , . , \A , H .. j ' A r,. g . 1 1:: :, , ,,, :I.: ,p ' : I :, : 7,.. ,, ,,,i1: ,: k :,± i ~,' i f , ‘ . .1, 8 t \ i ly 4, ' • ' l• Ci 7, l ! f r.: it i p t LI hu l:1::: h i :it:ll: l, ' . 3 ' i r ' 7 3 2 o rg::::e:O . l o k r r po , r,Ai ; Y e \ o ,3 :ll; a rt r r j . A; " ."...' A'.."A" .. ' ..4 .I ` .. 'A” A ' n '''''''''l' ''''''" l ' f '` .l t"'''t Nor CO cii Factors' Ali h ..... the Penoom oftles, oz the Lour. at th. rile, o i a _ eg. cny , ' 1 ..1 , F,2 F - 01117. .F 11 4 .1 . - 1 -1. 1-.0,i, , - ~,,, t r I ,11[1: WarbinctOn• 1,4 ,Ift , DrOl, 11 ..tToN. end havo„•..t l . ....that Ci...nm. I re, cAbon.i t ,„ 31. A. 'WRITE A i't) aaoi• I , .-- ...tr , t .t, at th- oa .3,, .., :t a n. tot,. ...t. ,I a - ..ri i• ( ~,.. Drawing, Perspective, and - Painting in OiL I 1: =an „,...,,, a , ~,,,,,, ,„, ~,,,,„ „ . ~,,, . „,,,,,,,,„. „, , , , i . , ~ ,:•,,, , '' ''' '•• I•4l , .ti,ata, h. attlion.lpl to.ur. se I nv G reet , 2 . . ~, .coo _ .a, t. ~,. - I ...1 • aro,. Larsea. bets,. . eder. 0.. roLhol. I tA.A.:I a FAl'LE•ttfil i.. 11,. 4 nal , •. I. 51.111...,111..0,:, 7' Alt RI;r1R1.1 ;; S Urtrly i 1 1 11 ' ..:711. ' Wr r on d t i t‘ r. ' 7.....'•°: =r'.. forTho4:4!:lZ,;;l7, 2 V 1.1". .r ." / ' :. ' ' 1 / ..,,:. • • 'Dm( 000 Ds; A • i':'•:-" t , ""- • ':;;;!;', .„-,, natty large .Stitce the t., mmenc, ent\ o - thr eYio Atk EON ttork , t by n'g , ligh modifidetion 0 o, us arla g htful orL at lio roottotoln Me... raktfe't Bay .ehe, flu o y,.. Po. t . ,-.0 . v, . al, .f , fr. 0. .-4 ,,,, ~,0, 7, , ,,,,,,,,, ",, ~, ~. s , ,-,, , ~,,,, ~.,, ,0„ 000 , ~,,,,,,,,,,,, r ,f ~. F„, „„ Wi, on.. - „ rki „.. tile ro oils, 10,0 without any es, tial chae in Atkin/on'. new huddm., lint et r e, Letween Rood and I....rperom. „I tk. mer,..., tar. of .• .... ~ r•.. ~vt; r,,,,,,,p, , ~,,,,,,,,,,,, ~ b,,,,„,.,.,., ~ ~,,,,, •,,,, ; 1,.. 0 ,, A ..,, . ~ .., Jilartet etne.ta Yuan of lortrurtinta, from Ph .44..n.1 Lod th. faelts(..... th. , 1., • .1.. ...• , N nt-tekt . , are • know n ..., far.,,,,. r.ta h r,,,,,,, . y r, .. AAA . . : .., .... , , 1 ,1 „, i l , O , ~: , s , FF.' „ A r ' l l k\ ~1, e , ..,0 c .i n ~ i ' , 1 1. : sr a: ,. . b o r i , h , a . . nc ;c . e ,, t ,,,itin,,,y1 . r, r; , j ,i ., \ :,,,,n , ,k,\ ~... \ i i n ,: .I h • ,picr O p t ~,, , A. ~,Ff.....riti,.inl.7;notle:rt:a,,n fuelfi b p i , lt ,.. a riotr Ili bo . ; i,,,. . fi ap a pl4 T , l, l e 1. . ~ • ... ~......A...,_ fj.,,,,, ~k.. V.., x. Cha rg e. and who:lt...rt.-oh,. .chn te. enas• ed La ,In w• to ou tlo na... , --o-het 1.,.. W:lb ' ~, ~,,, , ,r,,,,, ~,,,,,,, .1„,,,,. ~.... ~p , , ~i ! part of thr State. .f a '*eolt.hy Rano. nby ea hartortiotoi) at the r.r., thy., watitlin: orti,e. io 0.., 0.,. Moors on: and I A., PMette•Liny Ss I oa .. -• 1 d,.... , N.* I ..1, . Rol,. Ref, t. Dr. Oslo. cr Dr Addison le Pa, usy parta.ut, tr..,•on stoke ...leo, fo ar ...rt. , 'to 1.1 , w., a ournsta* ate, t-msai ..., t.r. , . et- ! u"'"'"' - .t - .... ___ . . , i ta hn'tea out.' .2' "'"arttinu 't"-uitu'e• u'i• "et re. att.'s..., air rl l -. i.• Lao, no. de• ,ny , at.. - ,1,r .1, , , .. 1 .. s i ar e O. a . . • tea t niapte.iva growin, wheat A n k grt, , ,,, h tlie, dear 99 . 9 er. ,k •' "iile'eee . 4 thes - Th. con, 1 WALL PAPER. sualio n a n wrtant,ny :har work P .....•••• . [' the , ~,.n to 0 ,,, h . Lnaktheaty„fld i .... mport., the .r..ta 'lora' , I i r l tiohouien Fresh Aisortment of Sprity Goods. 1 "rnr,„'„',.`„,1,, b ,t.'•,,';',`",,...,7„,"*,'„,„, ~,, ~„ , „.. ,!..,,,, tat -, - , •• • ••$ , b•.- 2, 1 ,5;it , •,-......: , loon at ' V'wolsou. - A.. .' s :....:. : n.: :„A f, ,ii ~ rt c h ll : II : :1 .., 1: ; / . 0 1,,,., ta r, r ,A, i, ‘h, T ,A,., / ~:e . , A 1 1 if. 11.1 .iy a . 11 , 7 7, IA: : r r i n r i , lie :: ::a n.„ y rbe i :::, i A,,,,i,, h ' s ? k,t 7Al k e: i ll . / p ' ,„t tl ps 7 . 0: 4 I l i lu i ' c re t, .l :O r : ei t f pi re : 1 17 .1; P A1LA,,,,,h1 1 .. ~, , 4 rriIIOMAS PALMER i... dui v receiving moet ...Nab. recie ~,,,t t . "1.9, 3 :,..,!Xf j "vt too.. o i Led • , , --- - - .ninsol a \. R. The eirios maim. are so 3 e ..- .1., trPM th• Eastern CIL., al Le oter eland, Grindstones ! Grmdstonts ! • FaR and Winter Stock of Fancy and Staple I ‘t-t ; • No. 55 Miassi STREET, I s . ~ 1 A :.. , ,, , A A...i e ., L u k e , , e ) th th e NI j,,,,,,,,,,,i..0.4„ elpeneiv e 'that ere „y eitahlishme n t, ',hero\ ft is \- • -- '1 , :,, , , , , ,z, t ",-,1._ . . , : 't:::, ~, ~,, . 1 , n ,„ p ,„, 0 hA,,,,, t , ~.., b a " \ , tesita 4 t‘ to emplo. that 'itod heat may erecs . \ .. -, - . It II Y ''it ooltt-, , Berme m Third and FOl,Ol wan, Pitn.5.... e 4, , i 1 .4 ,,,,,, A ,,, N ,;,,, 1 , V ,, 1 r ., 1 ,,1", N , ~,,,..' ~' , 1' , :„.N . :r , ''...- 1, .,W , `,.r , '3 ' 1 ; Do s t . 1 I ed / iv y., ar.,....i oata to m a ,reeen t ..teedt.....lth.mort . orstade. I ,),„,, ~,, ~„ , u „ h., ~,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,.... :tad es , i k. A MAS.ON A Co. would m - tit restart- iiit ' ". l ' k ''' ''' n'' so"' , ; ..s..'" ,; 1 i ".' b hurtne end'' , o , 4otooaty affect... ~,,,„1 l o n t :prailttio., nil, I ~ 4 1 , , , ,erna a .emp,oy_. e- • \ ,- L APER LL.I.VGINUS ~ haw- app....1 in tho m•v , A. ticularly adapt.. for the run.... IntAnool-delivere d inil , . f...‘114.. ~,,. ~, ,b,. , ~.... y ~,. ~,, ,- , t 1' the mr.:1•11 Fif ACIIEII. 5.-e.t.r. \ CFaIDP here n few weeks Ago Inr Ohm. to ,ee ' ' n ' 1 : 3 ` , ..".." "V." ‘ oriiit trait a . 'l. 7;„l"+ ''' ,. A : Q h •Lr s: ) ,iFi L .:l 7, ),e rr .. l L L: ), 7=7 ), l r . th A :f!':. r :••••••Am.rtt of eine. 1.4 l,•:: ~ .Z 11, • L 1.., , , •!!!.... ., „ ' '',..' rtf ' n ' i . .r . P. -'l,.': rY.: ' ' , ';'..i.'ir r lf... ,4l .•''' ' ,...,';'. ' '',', ; , : r. - ,',.....F.nr,:::1 I ,7"--------------.....-__------- ' - o,n, effect this \eltmate'maY, ha t om eupo n my la s. f.t,9 \ adds that IWI nnaerattiod M. 'Wilma \ - ' ... nat e , To taut attosictiee lot ef VW," •loch a mrns. so. ..-• . 7 'n 0 . _ ..- , :rhi•n,wal , t,..r, l4 tartetr l th , 1 . , r A , th., Lay. ...., t... 1 RATES OF DISCOUNT . a, In ii:,,:ilk;,,e!:: ..7.:Yrrari'n7p.;,:::ht\r'rc,'"ingrial'iindg e"..11:::4'ut:::-i'..Pat::aprc:::4:tic‘rp:ri;,edtder,SE::;°;7;'9\':1•';\''':". 74 comb-tw0..., oat, to h00n...1 1., rook,. ILI. do r r o .ll.n. 4 ......u.....,....., .„„... ~....„ .. ~.,... FALL FASHION FUR I t , 51 41 -- „..., , r,-. , ,,..,,.. Id.. P"'S ... .'1...4 , '...... AAn''''' .. "' 1 An' .. .... unA'n' . ...... '"'.... l'. kt* blrength. and a/togethe r \ bett er q,i r i te A.. '''''\. ' _,.; ---- ---" , AP.--:-=L--, ‘ ' :\ . 2:ls ~, „,. 1,. - Dro *A tom.l.rapr ~0 yr. torts o M.A.. . N 1101-AlE), , ', M r s omi, Dona t o, Polly Invited. y - , ..A. - { kunst., eor. L •e 4 :Ye, •,..... hyor, Prod s l 1. o. arena.. - - Al id is-.. _ 0,0 .1,111. I AV/ I-SON & SON. ra snit, A I,LE HATTCES l P.' - ...„1'. 4 .,4F, „ r , r ,..,,,,,,, 4 „,,,,,, ,A. a 7 Marko at . :lo n Mrs 2.1 /Sleet:let /IfOrotrena I \ 'Nlflaane,l4ti... HUSSEY & SINCLAIR, 0 , -No al Woo l -to, ...ul.l r•apertfoll, ikeheth. .... 71. "4. 4 4 1`,11.4 1 le, , lo Cava...pea Coto., VENN,. I 1.1 AN 1A nio,oo o a t 0.., d a ay . • , Meeti ng Diver \ . 1 .3" ekP ,,, t.ft, Ins; in tha \.- ' " li`i eitouvo n yi t...ar , .t, A.., ..,, 0.. „oho Sto to. sA u , -77:, :.,, : , ,,:,.J;1 ,, ,,,, , , , ,, ,. trt,v , p7,7- 1 0; ,:,,-., - ni,nt . , .0- ,, 0 , .,t ; Ts- eta... ...t ...t - BtorweShippinga.' Commission Merchant. I , T 2, 21 ~•,.!,' nT••• •.''' n Lb' ........"-.'''' ..4 '''...'", • . orn.„l n in-n - y...,,..Y., b ';,..'h;',..',..„ t . ,,..=.1,V, ‘ ", 4 „" , .''...r" . ."T . '.... . l." F, . , j . N . • \ • Come of iok ig other ebsurdttles,,. oo , \ , ~• • • •,-"" ; 1...$ tvort taalitcloude- to. emir,. le.neb Stow,. D ana o t ..... mm e „a ~.....jlt, f rr i ,;;;l , . „ f 'r.f,:tnnT,",: Aj° n‘ "'-' '''' " ''''''''°' ,'AI... .... n ll 'Sv, . 3 t99.1y-‘ 4 . \, . 141110LESA_LE dealt., in tit rooarita., G 105.., ) V• 1 'C tialt.„,.., N ., ro nu 1...., en ! 1....1 Sims' are trod Atineral Pains.- - i• :•-,?, -.,i c--..- , r.- a t , 1f,,1,P,N;; . , ..... , 1,1 • ,, i....1 .. y, t, , , ,-,... ~..d,,,,0„„_,,,,,,„"Z0 , „ , veered th. A'', Icz4diltsn 4 1.1V0-bl':', cnr"l..! Pv. , , . .0, , weather red : sky elottilles and •deeieut Hotly \ a. - Trf: 00f0,,,b,, 0.,..., , completed Ilia rat- , i.. 0 a- r a1P.t7....t,....i; , t - ' t. '" r '''' " ‘'`-' ' m " t '"' e tt""" "n e ' un •e A your tiznet6 the sereicau- ,' \--- \ a' Ar el :l7 4 ;o 4' ;. ° ,."l7' '' Ni. t erlsa e" "hi l au,l4n ro r2 . l /.r. horn. Lots , O. p r , ,, , ,..., , ....: „ 2. , 5 , 1: ,, . ° , , r .,, , .. , 7 , ,0: A., ,, , , 71,‘" . ,!:7.. t .„: „ „ . :,, , 1nr...,, , :,:,.7 . ,,:; 4 7 , ,° . „,!:, ,.. ! j , . /I,l , 7 , ,,'''' „ Vs ,. .'eeJ A A ' A , a'4,1:.1:"....i,n ~.!Ni . .: : ::; : f- : ,1 3 ';a: ', :;' , 7 , O 7ea. . v1. ' , L. .„ . ~ ' ~,,i,,,":".,,';''',:,:,:0:1,71 t 6. 1 1,,.;!: 4 1 " 14 ." :.. " . : : : : ; :: ;""-' 1,....t• - • : :,..:7 1 . - 4 . :1: ' , , , , ( : ' ... : 4 ' , ..!.. '1 : :!1,1 , •••H '; , .': . , " r ,n, 1 : :: : i r:r - 4 , :: ~ , . ..A : :;..1 ~, 1 4 . 0, :,_: •, • '' .:. ' ihr Y „.1 : :::::: 1,fy i '3.:74:, :,,,,41,,N,:',4::nyted7,:nr. 4::j,:::7 na,'"C4: ll3,l j-i':6:2 lP'47. :e r . 00, 4re h 3 nrtil: tir b r e eit t."4l. h li n . t.. i h i 8 6 ' ' \ 'S \ : . , ....„. L Ir,:ntti,i::l.o..bi:::Zl:ditrh..; 7i11,,LtiF1,,3-sirritc;,l,ii i t qua n is l \‘‘,. \ ' L \ I, t eno r Line. 'Wm- In-{l ' m. A. °tie k Ca., Cleveland: „. no. 00d.,,,,..., •,•1 sod ed Wart.. o around ~ 'lt • ...AV.,. .111 - A:0 . Parma, A Ni..-bardos,: k toopimall So, • dr. I done herpa, g %tierin g aktd pl\ateto.o fF „ernot u \l ' M \ l '‘- - 4 ' h 1 \ \ :1114, At Wheel,. PnEttio ; . C.: Nlll 1,0011 ~ S. 0. 0..... L'a.l/61,. Pot...bur g h AGES,' NEW GOODS \ v , ~,..,b,,, 0,.; \,,,,, o, ~,,, ~,, .i , . 4 ird,,, :),,.,,, . ur . s \ ~ erne, Jlsettr-s_ ce.l-l . 7pects teen' vrtter mutt,. I A wit., In-mialet. oda., of To, I an d V.,..1 .1, 1 . 1/. 1,, ,, n 1 1., , ,, ~, . nr,,,,, , , ~ ,, r , ~,,, 4..0 r , 0.....,.- , , ..0. ~, , ..00 • , ‘L ., _ r „ ) _ , ‘ , , , ,,,,, , nr , h,‘, ___, , . e ~,,,, . it 7 ahr to whom th t. ptirtnklle S Ore giveli - '..„-tbe t . ,-, ' t it. Ne,u •Co bruy a ot, I, I 0....rty on., s ..\ I' " trek ° Inn s•s, • '4 , o v, Itockingham and D.umektic Quectikwur. , ti t• #-,,,..rt# 1 , ,,,...., „i al-., , "r , 1. ter. o, ii a , : .„.„. „ . a t ''''...nun A .n . " '...' ' ' 1...,, fox ~. o L., oona no kr. 0.,,,,, , ,o r 11.1.3,11, .., an. , o t . • • WOODWAR. BLA K FAA A ... c o., m an . a 0,1;i7,, ,,, , ..,,,,,. „,,,,,., I, ~ ~, , ~..,_, ... ~ i 3 ‘l.l. AND u,• , n Loot.- ...0r.... a. on. . oda., ,•,• D., parl ri a. 1 t ~., ar . ." ' '\ . .. ID onsolS rattAA. , \ A ' \ . ~, ..,,,,,„ , , r „.. re l uant th.• ~ety .Oehan n I !tree", D es of liar '.. ` . \ \ V V ufact ores. of Rokinchant amt I el.. can. W. : , ~,, y .A. ,rang..,,., .... , an -a .. \ tin • Got , al,: le ;torso o „ I..Etra` h air.,tired to '' r;l° 'N n g 0. ' l 'o' °C 1-WG ' ° "' l7 .‘ Ql.th th ' A ' "A ', • • ' ~., t ~.1 E TAA'r k i"7.lT'ink..t'. name tooth and lot.ert f ...... EAGLE MARBLE WORKS. , ..„ ~,,,,, 1.., „. I. , ..t. - .. .., V.I• I 111 . A,III I. I , .I• II ..•(.1. II r . I. , ~ , „ , ,„„ . * . re- t . troart-.1 w .th the \ beirtuoe.rt i e. NIP \ of eh. '9731 moan /3 on linprovetth.nt nn Blontne r i ant , e 5,, Altonnil Church buildm uL ...ran, p. 11.1,.• to l ant:. I AlnyWhol,..al.Oroc. .? 1.5.TA1.1.1.11 r, / '`..2.. I.y Eit3lllN It 1';;.,!•,";F'',•;,,,',•,•„ ',','"' .•,.' -,' ~':''''.', i A X AAA !'!;.;7 A lal'L., ;..n . `....;,47,',_'' 'l' `7f.r. o it -, , ''';',.''' ' \ 't re " t ' h "r ''''' - u'uftn t l" 0 1 \ modern p . togrett .J. 1 .. rarlnFersn'n Our exOtoore ar...n . .10,1. ur oil:` r.t-rr rt,m e .t.,- 1 ""; ''''' WILK 1 N '''., N.. '4.•, Li, , ,:),. ~ ~,,,,,, ,„ ~,e,„..,;:.,...,;',,,'.',, ~.'„, , , 1 ,, . , .. .., . ,, 4 , 4 ta,„ , :,....: r . ; ii ..,, , , .. ,.. . , , ::, ..... f' : .. :i . ,1.0,, / 1 „ . .. , / , 1 4;1. , ....71:.1.7..1,11 \ k '. 1 \ T'. 1111 , . 0 . 1.1.10 Z 1 0. flak, n ,. nd i o nl:ne. al l ! . \ nt , ff . r , r , ' \ \ L, ‘,.\,,\ ;'-or i,.."----------,,,,,,,,z,,f,,,,,,---A;a:.:71:,::„.. . _„,,__ ..712 .. A competent Mol o n, been, conetu mpl-ro, • aim. on abb.. us tote,. h a.- with ell Ino ..wand Itu, , rev-A•111.. r i A ...?•! . j . rt . ', - ,1,1:,'"..f.',...: . ,..1,‘„ 4 ,.'‘.‘„,.,",.....,..;1.,1..A : ,,/, A ,‘,. A A , A AA., . ~,,,„ , .L.........,. , - ~.., „.„,.. . h , „ a , ,eontern r , .ltr. o „ th. coll nk , o f U, ...roky. \ no l . 4 1r. , ert , r D l / 4 r ,,,, 1011%apg t , cicrted on trit, 7,#,rii#s, , I - - \ of the dal , . Water Ctn... ttplenun,Porh.ra, Fancy 1 k y r. Dee.. -its 1 h Flaw, A 50..., Goblets. Mantrl onvoneate. Motion, •ot ~..,. ~.,, ~. ~,„. , ..,,..,. , , ~ , , 1 r,:.,, , ,,,, , : , 7 ,,, :7 , 7 ,,. ~ ~ , . 7 , ~. ~,,:„, ,„ ~,,,, , , , ,.1 . ,, , ~., if N... , ..rn tare P . ..% v-,,,,,,,,,1 .1 p 1 ~1.„.,.0 , t, ,„ 0,„ MT," z\ •. ,.eCie.S.t. i. ) artford 4 3 . n Mese, hnuff Jar.. and .1.1. for .Inro.atie u.o. in a reat • v. 11., v 1 Mort ..„. „,„.,.,„ ...,., .t•• • • r.- ... o, a, ..,. •• ,s.. , ~.. ~ „ 1-.., .... , ..r. , •,,.., ,er ..• .L ft.... AIk.O.IN • ! FRF'' , .. t , g. e.ror.o.toly pkrfar a t, 1, rriu,h,,,,,,,,, ;I.re & L e) . emplo sam e eogil i f , ten ;lien and four- '‘' 't a..es ronawfoliv 3•We.....3; cr.-1,.. • I A ~.... I tt.A. " . „. „ „. . e t t ...too hatt .. . • l ' ' '; ; ltt.':%'',! ; '4l', . ' i '' ' ', .. '`', ":' ,l . l U: n . ..:' -1 .I...el.4.l,k"'l\o7•lflirlari,l;osrCr,tliA:ran'ent'n,'N,ll - Bradley. I , A ve from titan, thr.. are marlia -, tirrt r7://te4 rery. • . r. a .lk I N . ,. 19 Wood avert, Getsrrrn Frrst oho. .I.condits,, ~„, „C. t.::: . .. .ti it! r NI:01.1S A , „... , t \tn , in a r.l , T,ert yo l ih,ilin g . MID nod afthrvard s t 51,7 4 ,. OF TIFF hOLDEN rktiVE., •I n LEP 11 Ilr,litlll.. I lit: AIOPLE. taut I Farm.. I: ol 0.., Co A.. ilk of tn. ~ 1 . I ...as. -..: l l/se aX A y r . rime :ell.; tte.• 'ha \ e ats in t o no ,ol- v \rip.s. un d pt., intojt m\chtu a ' L•b sal 01 6111 . a A11A A N , 1 , .1 , r , ? . . , 9 ,.. T . U . ii...11 , 0 , f ,, , e b v . e r ry ., t1 ,, ,;5e , r , i1 , , , t i , ,:n r ae ,- „ l ' ;''.., ..- ,„„ , . , „„ ~ .„ „,..., . ~„„ „.._ .. ~„ u .. , a , i sar-r, t• ,r . r,,,... ~..., , 1ar,... 11 , 1 ,,... 1,1 . . , p arr brunet: nil. fa l'l . , ar arrh tr. , 99' %t r.\ nit p., ,, e< t.N•rn enticiv die whira • P.m, and ouch art •111 rerial the trot .atofsetcon I, poly, I i , i . a Alen-PARLOR NT OVEN, amon g wh,eh wth ha fro.ol REVERES, e. I-- 0-- -o ,-,- , fr, .• 1 . , I•r , .0 r.....-•.- -,- .0.1 ~ 0,- . I. ...., sae. , ~,,, u tat,,,,,,..., ~....torasts In - 1 11....,ne I • '') '''''''‘ 'h *i ,., 'b Fag, her ~ and t 0.1 ' I an: pk,t / ,111 Into ea k .teNt tall .rate orri kOlian ha t e • Javon a Root. todoutauet toute d time Pad, roar s: Fey Ilan , A . r ,.,,,,,, ,,,,,. rid 1.. L ark / ..r.m. /Aro :0' l'‘,:th.'re.'l‘°%.lieen4t'elld I.4"rw ith.ctlti4lins' name, ti 7 11 4. \ . Strry. m (teat erne !Franklin Store, town 3.1 On, 10ad... r i„, ~,,,r ; „,,,,a, to which we invite Ole altontbm of nuild.r, To• F• e tthe, ,„_ i . , , c ..„. , ~ , . ~,,,, _ „.., ~,, ,A.A.,,,, , . ~ r ~ , . ~ ,r., ~, ..,.,. ........ , , . ~....,.. ~.„ ~,,,,..,,.. . ~,,,...r.,,., ,z 1 ~,,,,1.1 ~.,,,, \ _.,.. :N,I. r, r ~. I , a h A 1......„ri, „. 00 ~k , h , .1,,,, , h ~,,,..1 1 ~,,,, ~ ~,,i,T ~,,,,,,,,y , h „. ror . a i inple, lit rap,,tetfons aeration.Nanged Llallow Ware ; Ina g ua f10v.., ..... all .0 w hi-1, vo ,t.,,L. I r F1,..0 , 4 , _ r A L , - V 1 , A . A . A 1. , , , . . AA, , ~ . I tn. att./Urn of dealer. beton. plo-,,,,r0 t •Io•ar . tor. I A.l°' •"F . r ,'• • soon I,th a ; on, r•• r, l'abhur g t. I.not. . , „ LI yr, e l . t . I ~,,,. ~ „.„, , „ „„ „,. „1,,,,,, ~,,,,,„„, , ~. „,„,, .. , arriplitth In: Cr retr Tlaar , vi da s In tlll. ,11001 f. 1 : 0 Iy.9114,1. .1 \ tn e•t eap, is rinet- \ I ..., • 1 • Man) J 11 Shooperye r , t....., ~,,, .., t-,,,, ~. , n.„ ~ i , • STAR OLASS WORKS. i 0r...mt.. •• s‘,.. . ~, •, ,• •,,,,,,•••• t ,,, . ,, ,, --, • lerefol. ond a vel yen tro ut ' '„ ed In. them:\ : \ Etcy are the,n re , /yin he g s tared 't" Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube Works. IL:i.": m • 1•;.t h'nt,'• T;;;";::.1 . :f, • ''.: C'. ' \ ' d , . , . ott. 31ehnlyht. low r . Priurn e 1 , 1 M o gan At .. i', 1I 1: in. /: TwlXr F. tE d Ott , ‘ti‘;"..io u ii.", fl ill.''. l t't - , • it, ..... .',7. J.‘:,:tt. r .-jj :::',l ii K :::".." . .", ''',. i • .9t no3rolz the, arch. and a-okyrliti n , nD q t ., `Lund fraC ' a rolo,taark et , a . ~, a T i. 11 .,.. •, s , }:.:::::,r,g:.:::::,:::e:;:,,:::..,:::,::.,..,..,,,,,,,,...u...,,:::::,:::::::.,::::.ir.: . r,,, , , . .,, ,..;:i. ... , .0 . •, , , ,r‘. ,.. 7 .. ,, ii . , ,, „. „ , :. ,.. ,,, , , , ,i , : ~,, , e ,, , ,, . ~ ,, ,,, :a_., : : • . ' ..., : 1 ' ,. .. ,, e . "; ,,,,.:,,,:,:.... . ~i. ~,,.. ,„ ;: , 1 i: - ., :' ,,,, :' ,, VL I ..,,,,,,, i ;AL.9,:re. . th e ' br e :„ ',, ^ 4,1h : .. : 7 11 : ; 9 , .. : W 0r 1.1 .4 7 ,1 ' ,: ; 1 9 ,nir i: ; 3 ,1, 1 5, e r r ,: 1: ,,,: 1t . i ., h ,,i1 i n,, h 01 0 5 t it r ;io t :, / ,, il, ' .. , r.,.,,A.,,,,,„.r0 .... ,.T7 _ ,A : 71,7 „..„....... 7 . \__.,, 0,,,,,tt....t , hio,t., bin. \cztt,kia, tsi, Strl2•lve Lathrp. Its A lb•olon . IRON TUBE WORKS, Y. ri 6.1, ur.t.ru Al , th. ~... r, toes.) y•tren., r.A. a 3tBEET IVINTEE &Co , hivin g :Alton t ""• r; t T o °; , !:l it,..,F,,,,11.,,,A.,,Pir.e1,./..%rinn.ii,,,,,,F1111,,ay1,1114., .;1“,h,..,,11,1,1,1: a 1 .c 1 1 ,he.(.b.. : „ .,, ~,, ..\.4\fr\tv,.,th.; ro a t s ec74 :l 7.. H t...r rad tow .wrin g ionteen r. .r. In tho rot, heony / ~, the • 1 , o• ,I:‘,/,11% romollve and nth, littee, and all Nllll. of tr , . :1; 13.1 willothisavor ha . n , l, Lat 01....... horm•II, ' , k,. nit.: ~ ~,,, / rt..... 1 ,1.. r. • . .......‘1 ,, , , ' • 'l.. ' ,...; - ,!Z,1: .:',' ,r, ' , ' ,..,.„, 't, .1 tI , , ... F.. I, ta et,/ r. 1,. k t - ', :li o n l e i " r .-tt • - - -'" •--‘, -'''''. - ‘ "'"ln'i \ '' WROUGHT IRON TUBES, branch . I . la-oth.. ..In' Ilk I I Ifs , I ' which th, offer for We at the lowewt Ire... They mat JAMES W. WOODWELL. 11, 1.., 1o A V 1',.., ia,ri In ET's AND li A Drina, „ran. :, A , • o da. h!. arm , ' Mo lon , . •A Lana . 44 .3 n . 4 ' Rrl. 4 l l el. Aof . 1 11. 4 ...° o m=toe'ke rat , ' . ' t 'l,` oak eon. e'" now pre to easente nr.l.re. to any eart.nt, ith. at 0, . ! prapela i r Pt In relk, nat\.• at0.....au . N .,,,,,,. N . LOIN, SPAN./ ... Lot.. (.. AB IN ET FURNITURE Al AN U- , a. --. A „t„,': 7,' A: 0 it, 7,7,.t." ;';", e . - : i.';',;),. , 11 „ 1 , 1 „ 1 "''''': t‘. ,' ',M: ',' ,',';',.';„ ' l'•`,':": • . • , • ,;:',”g',V,;,;';'' ''"'• :, o e' t eett'e-ne nn.g.. ,,,, , 64!...i,r, I 40 ....F.S LS SO to tier fwr \istoni, rni.nt . 1 .1., ta t , oars t r,„,,, w. ~,..,m • .r! A fe. 1-bir l Load ,•o• • A,.. r 01.111, V. • 11..il 0,., ,nr, iton.: I. art. +, .0 ..•"1 ,-, "r 1 .'" ( e r ' A I '"u'e ''' ~ ' rtory an mn., ftrllll .( .11 ire *nu, .50 !it I. reeollecteti t t ,tha ar , 'he \ .. . r•tb.l ato noresolully inortn• ho 1..001+ etl.l o „,„:, r ,,, ; fd t.1R,1. ontl n ff iv or d ni 100 in hresittb-oo . Governa nte . , •totoer• that li. ha• now eotannOtoitlo• lArisof 11-tr at t•htato o 1., MO' uy \ ' 1 :01i4aX Fire Brick Alarafactruing Cqmp', • .',.`,.....1.,.., o f h0i,0 , h01.1 forintur. ... • h.., ••••••• In ; :11 ,o-,::..• ;;T:;,.;'.' . -,!:'2 " "..."-- "• '' ' '-''' " ' ""r I- . Aa • / kb•a. f If .`• Ism -, AL i -.onto I . orreri.\ In 113 roof . 01.0 Vat....../. P. era •F. Fc1F..,....1..,. I,lopcsr. ....11,..a...500t inahviale. I,• t .. , 00c0....1:f e . awl nose. do ,/,, r :0.,. 1... rt a - sty, ail from the ...to of t GLOVER. KIER & CO.. PROPMETOEP GROCERS. • SUBSCRIBERS, baring be.an wintod Ag Ou rot, fnr •bore tome.] cP,nerrn. awp c'Oc.dantly bond • 'apply the 0..1,7bra 11,1Svor Vire brick:Cl ocll,dr FIN Clay, k ornare of Ilrart h t.rll oval Ir. They are al. PraParsql to rendre r.rdrro for .aid 111+1. to he nude In rite and hape to cot ptsrrhuerr. vhi-h .ball be promptly 511. d. We do not deem It oroesoary to entonerato th« man, ad. at...we the Itolnar Vire We Jolla] over all othera.hat lora b e n cern,' for eal• in the Mates, thrlr rlcairr being l krn o r. to alms. t all penono •ho r• klre Brick. T i.im proprieton Love 41rtermtnts1 that the brick shall Icor none of their ;neat,. onrialde rrpo tattoo. scot that no ...spark, *hall to opar,l to tail., theta earn better than they ha, bentontr. been. Thir I. tbe out; ratabllahlarot now vaanufactunna I,lrt• Britt: at Hours:. Katt A JoN melit Canal iiIII/12.i , voqiih PlttAtirxh. W. Dixon's London Patent Lever Watches, .9.veriorm ang, Inadva evr offend in 11V.zentagh. lIICIIAItDSON, 81 Market ,wact, in en"°ll.47tr tar t e h i; Irat"l'lZ.',9l Le er " BY eOPolOtmeot to ' the Actliaralty, t vi e M c . Dknu.4 o , nomeh.reml ateb - 31.nlaettare, 45 Clog :qua, Um veil Rout, London. 71,1, certihen time the acemrpeoy Ina Watch. No. —.l, Inmantol by me to be of my is:anat.-tom sod noWatch with my same upon It Is nenu/n.. ~ ., . .mtnaled by' o.ovrtir.ent• beetlogmy ,hinter.. 1 guarantee the Watch No. hr./. thz.. Co the oat- Inte