ESTABLISHED IN 1786 prrTsßutttitt GAzETTE . ORLI:MAD DAILiAND W1;1:1;1' DY WHITE & CO. murrortzt mgt TL..111. KV, arms. .klLY—Navg endutv tq.t. kIFI 144 . it1,41..-Vro .L. V, Aldibarpted l lovEx .. ' ,pita rdr seuev •••. • ...... Six v,V4e ....... 13 , Tv~nt Top .de . io edjd. . de , _ Imalta ten" euh a NIA eadv7...._7; os. siA to Le tall iunrarahly dram, be rent erte. Ito fear e viva. wave Lb • 14../.1.' R&TES OF ADVERTISMG. •RiuYw oo tine. of Nnoperre 14..) • •-- rnotsl .... 1 , 0 1'- tur.ertioo.. 0 I IS .113.* zn.mth 5 txt (;rum . .......1a In) rti• mantla• . 12 0 , or h., suoara.-S•ti eA.:h e. rhangi,thlt.,:t ple..drr (P.r ........... for outer the p,rl) . halt 1 Ve...11.1,n....11rt otrvotlIto: ...plan...Lod not otror tiftwon ti tw rhe-,.1 tt ',um,. aro! a halt. 1 . ,t1,11.tt0, tan. ,count.,telo fur 1.1,A1 odv.rtioen.lotti• t..- to. trol ata..ont f, thoir nnOtr - . 11 t.t. :ln•wor 4.1131:1iata,,, fur ottio.c n, tm r-bartto.l *A .I.e..rtonavota. t00rtr.1...0 thy copy tor . ep , ' , 11,/ totoolwr to,rtion, Ott, n.milooot till t .. - t0.1.att.11.,.- orwoloseketed tow . r.onuel aattortioors is dei,tly I :n the r• two.. 0,1.1 011 tot sort...mow, for tow I..nolitot .Abor p0r.un,.....?,1:1 Id all blvoFtirttiontatst4 e.ntn,s...l with ['noir ,nest buintewt. etot.l II ”I'.,lv..rliu•lneta., In I•ni:th or otherwls, heyon..l ot.:agod, will oltat.rol _t W , • owal roto.. For 111 'nth tran. - ir.nt M 1,1114114. Mitt so.l pnWript payulool Aii for rto,11:0 , to torntutinon. tire a.m ....0,0 WAC.I., towns:4lp. slot otuer moans., o.tol nu,l4 ,o 1.• otrar.p.l . lloll prto..., pa. 41,1..tvirtIr to tot. • . - Starriag.,lot 4,1 L, I. chttrgo.l 5 . 0 uotirog vrllltoot thug.. cob , " ..crotttr.- ulna Ur ttIIIPVIti Inrltattott. 01 0 hau.o, wad wit«. cq,moanletl paid4tr. vol., uli.nimn. aal VI othar. t .1.,.1,turtl to rail att.:nit:. to rat, ..;0•t0r . .,. or rhatgo. tr. mach fur—a1l t.,4.1r, a or itri rat. ¢A,Locoliott.--orrery tp,tiro drelgo, , ,l Is, nail etl , 4oUot:, to ono•rpri..l. , ,,alculat. , l or trt..1...1 t.. prom,. itt•li. In I, ran onlx. itt,..ert..l ttoundor..taml• lh. l 1. , raid for. It t.• In -orted In lb. lrcxl column. the wine ••111 M ritarg..l the aln,rf otg. le.t• Ono 4.) mot,. par line. Itbi/o/p Sotto., t01.char...111 .. .0. Pao , Turerrin l'eutiono earb.. • 4,xects' and Auctinue.ri' .1v,i1,....01at riot e 100.1,1 nodar yearly ra.. hat to • ell.- count of tblrtr thr , ,, and on. 51,1.1 from tile amount. of lAN. trun.t OS TlU.S . Sitirli 0111.11 rut.. t ' lr " D ' aril= " ;;;;;;Z 1 ? I, ...LT PAPIER. One Ndoate. (10 Linu.) cpc inwation— BO rents. 1.10. sztb-suldition.l . tvnts. tritrudent alsertineinenta b. paid In s.lvallee BUSINESS CARDS ATTORNTsYS AMES F. KER.Ft,Att...rney at Law—Office Fourth rt., brturtn Smithfield and (hunt. Pato OS. WEAVER, Attorney at Lacy, Fourth ell ntreet, near the 3laror'e Offire:Pitttburgh, Pa. Q.l - stronJr.l to prenntlr. • otyr.:l).tkir PM,/ VIIIII•XT. • ; MU.. 'O, (tile of MA...WU. Pa.) Claw of Ps.) at 4)tIH TAYLOtiß.uH2 At b o t rne Oß ”..x•StehTztell n .frn.r an c!• " Atuh ' ttr t al tk t U. 011pheut ie Commleeioner for the t.stro,of ork. • myth COLLIER, Attorneys atLaal- LT, ode+ on Fourth ttrowt. shove Pailthfield. J: :W. F. WHITE. Attorney at how—OS- tee °natant strett. near Fourth. In Arth0r!.: . 11011.1 Pituoonth. Pa. :‘r 10 - P. & G.. L. B. 11TTERNIAN, Atto.r -; [ma at Las. and 0.1 , a1 Estu. Agants. No. 107 40. Ittpre. Iltubnrah. Ohl 0 a4etAIIES J. KU LIN, Attorney at Law, office, rdakan ltal . l,.corncr of Grant nreet and Dia.chnal er,i.ituburßh, • jals,lly EGIN, Attorney at Law, L no Fourth itrmt. Plll...burgt. [WIN ...... .... 1,790, ..QT.ovrE WATSON,. Attorneys nt Law, Nu. 110 Fourth greet. Pittaburgh. ', 3.i=rcr ran evupiatrit; Cie?. 17. Jarksau,Plttrburah. 11021.1.17 rDwAttu P. JONES, Attorney at Law: 05••• o l'autth ntml. hetxmnsk Wad awl Smith. I ASPER. E._ 131:ADY, Attorney-at Law tor Km.) Pittahtinrh. Ps. .lIAHRISON SEWELL, Atiorney nt Law, Ohlo Eta,+ tl.l. tatanc I.poilUong. A. 4 • ..erwarcicem,. Seeltbkoll. • lEW!M:RS AND liittNo33l/3. aEORGE E. ARNOLD CO., Buitkeii: N L A Dea Exehatige4 Can, flank Nato*. At. N. 74 Fourth WSW, rust door to the Moak Pittebtagh. leetiotto eaa autl utehdel tn. nod the proet,lFirmaitt.t. to anyp.rt of the Utlioll. . ✓ rn.. 10(311: 11: WILLIAMS & *co u Bankers ,lv• • aid /thethooro'Broker, North Y orthrtrr. INttrburult 4"'"'""' L'orOglctions nouto err Jibe . ral tenor, and allothloon -Orthoolly atlondoi la . rkkly oIIL. KlNG,lfanker anti Exchange Broi,r, * •• rdurth *Owl. Dral•r,ln Il.k -N0t.... Ilillg of )4 ~.11:E.kt awl 2thrr. boughr and podi. Tt ng ae high, IlilirkwV mid lavoliuus F Amm. 91. mar ol!Arsoml Mende-. LARDIER, JR., Banker rind Broker. Nn_64..liominsahe Haut .1' lit.l..egh A:ILK AV INS ,Erxhange Broker , mmith raot o,l.tlfr of 'f1113 , 1 •••••1 Alnrkptlrtro•ts. ritint.niums ad. =opt libona .HOLMES 11 • on -S . •c•ma••••tle . 1111le , 1:141..11,- C.-rfitioal..-A of . •/1- pxfift.lll...k. Note f. • sl.trl-t ill, itg:llAlnllt Altr , xv.vic:l7. „ .... ... .. trelefla, Bankers mud Er .,;llan, Droktrr Dealers In Foreign em Dom. , Ur of Ittehangr, Oortidl.ktn, of beryndto. fluilt Nut, Uttflae. writer of Tlrint n 38,1 otrwt.a. dinerUy oprotll. tho St. lankeln; tirk l o Coin mi.tAion,Mgrellivrad., Bill ttrok,,. III: 4 11 4 41 etveL l atd E.f.sto orearlti, Vv.) Sli).fgralways eu La.r. Itxxxl . .... K. LTV,. lIANNA ',S. CO., Succedaors : Kan!. k ...r.h Boi.CLIS . , E1C1,1341 111 FR... 41.4•1 gala rts to F Fannin aBJ 1... .r.chnnsr, h IV 2 corr.rr rr q - 4Z P ILT , PT7trf e' C=lt ! , I;Nf, r r ' y nZvt,l Ih, poklt. ...i^ht Cheeks too tedleetimap mado unar ,T tar tho " priorient Oniti of . the that«, 'rue pnul tar i'orehok saJ Az:am - lea. '.° 111% . ,...,,.......Je1,kr...2abiumktitA of Prod.,. ad vt-si • . . . omunasioner and.BiU 'JR Prat*, H 2 doeatat ttra..t. Shin situationl4ll la strro to alt batinela rat.i.vat rare. Pktlaburall turtat vtletra alwat a ; latat'vr armored at Abort antic, at.,. fied, Mar * le, anottiatal on favor able Orin, mole.' requital. oe: BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. SfIarICTON. l t Johtvton dc. Stock- Statlnner. Yrintor. And Rieder, 4r -4.9' ar e Market and 'MIN min.... l'lttflyurgti. ?AS. B. EIOLNIES 7 Cheap LitenLryßT3Pai, - Thiel Atrett, thF Pont Mee O.Y. e Bob, e ra e rod 4.atly by espy.... Sobverietleto rent .d many o the Maw:lnes or Nor yelbl!Thed ft the pahlith i fes • lowest prim • .1.. READ; lii,4l4aeger. and Stationer No , ;s Poortli ~o .' L Tin llo /31:11411mr. • . , CARPET DEALER. • likAT DPOLINTOCK, W s Manufacturer and lin , T o r o tv at g. r_of e. T .fa, Pit clan, TAm. .111,1;4 4 9litt=h. r°°`th - - • COZIN:D3qION AND FORWARDING. POIN PEXTE it, corner of Water and Market groan. Pittabotah. Cencanaloa asp I'mp •••ar axe linear. sapi for the purchase and sal, of MU, 11•PlotaclzoNNallaa/ se. sad Weiroanafartanal UMW of I'lltabu h aterrallr. itHop4t ;ant tor t tat he palm of la:. Harper at Co.. and 1 RH . laaratqlebratett Stithilr. and Hay Yorke, of J'Atieileiate :•?rtatt; tn.l . Jetak hie Co.'a raperiol• packed Tea'. apa f tileAN ULTY c0:-'hitrsporters, qi , Foilrirdlng and OtaxtraSsalon Mrtrhanta Depot, ftattaspaia. 105 Peet Wert, Plttaborah. • A.P1.5 SAUTZI. DE A LER S TWOODgi.§ON. PRODUCE DEALERS Marahanta, No. GI Water erre. 'JOHNSTON, Forwarding and ‘V I cep:alai= Merchant, Nn. 112 &cord etmt. PittA.retr.. NMEE it JONES, Forwarding and Com sat:Awl M.relsees, Deal.. Prodna an/ Mtn annfictured ikrtlrlys. Ca.) (twin. rotor Several; •treat.PlttArcaitta. . • t r u, Y. 0 , - ARDY, JONESI CO., Suceen4orn to At . veal, Jose. 44 . Co...Cinmailadero and Forwarding lie r Amen in iiittrimrth blapufarturol Grola. Pitt. DRY GOODS IIEfiCHANTS •. A.Auvrs co • Almon t Do, m.IDX•r. A, 31A & CU. Wholesain and - Retail .1 Dwakro intmetb. furry arkli3tapt. Dry. Goode. 62 Market ..7•••••••r. Ptru ,BURCLIFIELD, WROLLSALL tiM IWO My Mercllnt, ennwr of Fourth Ivo t.t .tr... ilttsburch, DENTISTS. 1)12,'D. 'RUNT; Dentist, Cartier Fourth rieeteirt., betlyile - Market oda Iterrirtr.'i,.. ,nUItP-111".4t-, LEE, WooL Dem.cas and • , Nnswi. Merrbanta ta• alb aalo of Amerksa • G o A. 1., N 1.11111,1 ii et. Pitt.•burpl,[.. , '' g & W. 11,,A.1111AUdit..Wm,1 Merchant.q, ' `''' Daa crit to Flour aaJ amine , * riwsliz, aad Var. aratulloat ..“IConmiscion 31erehan1, No. 115 Yips e...... 1. ' 1.1.1 1188 rinellsel Orrrt. Pittobnrab. FIARDWARE e MEßuiw ip im te i ifbol.ealE W ft s r to a fi eu ur ay o? nd Pithohureb. TEA DEATxRA .11110 BERT, Tea end Winn .vier thiat. Ekt silo orrlia Diamond. Pittabarala • AJWCLUERI CO, Grocers rind y Taa DaislarkV.` 'TM Liaertr street. Ursa* Woad I , ‘r taa Paul a lame art - wet elzak. drocar .L3,l riVrma. Ata , - , Yarrlaa Yeasla aaa Nata.lrrtulda sal retail. Dealors aopitlici as the !avast lanai, THE ' I AMY '.. PITTSBURGH .. : GAZ: DRUGGISTS. - . p, A. FAIINESTOCK & CO., Whole•ale • bru•••., mounit,osonno. of White Lead, IL"! I I ad awl n Mom, cad mot Yroot str,ts, Pitts burqh. Po. inch? 11. ittiqut.i, S.C.c. ;ewe 1 4 ' EYSEIt & McDOWELL (SuettettOri. to L. Kerr . nod }Lott' Drag avd KIDD CO., Wholesale DrJggists: Deal t" . In Psint. 1),-• Stott., rind Itudrunaeutx— Prop:l.° LanaLar.o.t. celt.tral.nt Worte. awl el. Pill, nook Syrup:rl. No. CU. cornor of 11'ood Fourth .trret, Plttottr,rll. Oryleta carvfully pack. eel for.tarlea with .lixpat,b ' . _ . _ 11 E. SELLERS, Wholesale Dealer in L. l'altzte..lDy.• Stuff., 00, Varni.N..l. ay, av, Pitu.burgb, t'& llorvis warraut."l. erie... los • g i g A N .WICKERSIIAISI, Wholesale Druggist A.). I , al, In and Agrirultumi Impleuseco, No, aril 1.1 .rwt. mnior of Sixth. . ...... & REITER, wholesale and Retail Drulf.t.,..rn, of' I.t,r 1.0:4 CIA, Liir SCIIOON MAK' ER -t CO_ Whole.lo Drug.- SV.4•I H.. I,l%burgh GROCERS 111, ACK BURS r 4 CO.. Whole.ale Gro Prmlue. .n 4 I . lt, Oaldm . . 4_ R"ILFnS, W hole,tle t L. SIIEE, l'%"l3.lrsalo Urot,r, Consul on . NI. Jeqtler ,n l'arwr and .4 Prot , and Irvin nor.-a,. l'itc•burgh .01 E L P. SII RI Y ER, Whylpbal.• t . as 1 1.4 , 1:111115, 4 tr. ri..rehaula. t.-. 1 o alct..l4r, /I..nalalsral Alla N 5. nal 1.4 an. al eva oat aad Juti% tr 11,1,11 . . . ()UN S DILWORTH A . . Wl.ll,ttiP tp lir • t.t.a.t/ uttson ..\l.rr law • t..r Cu. 01 lou L ts . '" 4 ..1 Ittltrlturttl.. k3/1 1 1/11/ 1 , 6 E INi - ill - ARAM Whol esa le II ssi Irou ""'" M 4 t. )4 [FEY, & Witolese.l• ata•noret‘V.u., cc-41.1”.,.14 scent. c Itr.hclact. iott.,n Van,. I{'.ter....l4lClAburg.ll OOIIN w Arr. k W holesale Orvicern, 'o.tustkl,lno M.rrl,n.n., nd 1.41..1, to Ilvaluc•- • Nod t.tkurgh Mewl/v.or,, So :to:et harerty nlrr, Pitt, burgh. • I B. CANFIELb, Ira., of Warren, Ohio, 0 .04 rt , rtganit. Merthaut., 1).&l, I,,erve.. Cheer,Pot auJ rtarl 0.1,. ae:.l Wa.r Mt.*, ig F. VON IiONNIIOItST S. CO., Wiwi., s.j•tw. Furranh . nc au . l Cnrcunlontoo r„ l t 'i tk " ,i ' ,7 ' e i rt . .Ul ' ;:rt ' f.t. TtiVer:,l.."L',Z . I SALAD D ICKEY S CO.. N . V — holiisnle into English, 6.11.41 p, d C,. 11 hNwle t , nven. 0.1.34n0u xna orwardin g Produm wad IY,se. burgh Manuf.,rwro, At. and CO 1 , 1,1%L. iln,hand and • VOBF:I{T 110011 E, IV liolomule kirover, it.mnfricir 1.11.1511., Piltnburah c j adarAtiree. Ail kind, ,1 korrlsm 55t1 1i . R Wrio-3 and Lborrx. No. 315 1.11...ri, . - tmet hr.:Wm rrry lazce nucß ~tou,rinr .5141 NI/monc‘hrts whub pold low fin-rub. I/04E11T 1)A Li ELL a. CO., Wholesale amt i•ajr374h c;:!:7 l :',? u ' 4 i'i."Zti, I T.i l - I.IIOI3EILT A. CUNNINGILAM. 'Wholeßde t. 1.3.rt.y str,t. ICD. . ...... Jug. 0. a•,..6.4ic W. DODDV.II.. .1441.141 • M. r.. /1 „,.., 11 Wlft. 11 1 E. K A .1 14 ri ' l2 '. ; and Commi-4,43 de.l.n. “1... Cotton l'Arcv.. sod Mazufartura. ctrrner of 1.4,,,1 awl {Vetter PittAbura. • •• • - - --- . ... . CULBERTSON & CLOUSE, Wholesdn i t• Grwer, an.lCornmiksion Merchant, Isralers it. 1.1, I uno, and l'ituhurgh Manufarteml Arlf , n.. it.. Llt , rt, gr.+, IV.tsburch. 1,. .. • - .D. WILLIAMS CO.,Wholesale sod • ioesp lirocrm. Fnmarding and CA'ommt..ln antrlhalern Ckutni.,lnce and 111.tabsn lanutiarturelt. earner of Wuxi and 111 Th ata, l'lttatnargh, tons. IST u ta.Cl,rseN I.ol3,,berty IN n ti , No. sss n end CcnntnlF.. , n an 4 dmlerr in 111.bur.411 flanufretarm. . . . . 4• 1 & It. FLOYD, IV holesule Groeen, Cott L. - amon Mr.r..1.;,nt.", and 1 , -.1.-r+ ro U. Produr....-1,un.1 art-. 11 8ui1d10...., In.ntink. ots LlA..fty. ¶1...1, atid Eltp. oti.r..t. Pittatnarxh . I, - - I.ii-N4l,7lmax; ,P,..P, 1 O.IIN PA ItliElL ti CO4 W huf: ,1„.§6r0.'6: ye 1 , ....1.1..1, In l'rndue, Fr.r..lkrn Win. , s. G1f;16.. ,, 1 M.... woad:K.le and 1“...011....1 WhIAR,-- Sr. f...c, IR'Prrt.,l 1t.... L11....rt, ......I•44lol.uralt. 4 . 2AS , ,i. JAS. DA1.1E1.1., Wim1e,..117 C1,t441r. e.,.1- Ntol-71/117. r15...L '. 4 ' .. rd r,„. ' , ° .V.11 7,•', .. “ ;. ' ,; . 2,itt i l f l p... —; ~..r.n..rally tiburgb. MUSICAL 1146 TE u . ... Joil ST 11. NI E LLOR, Dealer in 1 1 1:40Piirt•-ri . Marie, nn..l .!..1...eal I r.nruna..nt, 5eb. , ..tri1.....1.. 'at..l mallotery. ,tiie .4..".111. for Chletont.,..'.. 1,2, V........; , I Won...rn 1,un.,11,1.11.1--No ¶I W.r.oi it ENILI KIJ BEli, De3l,r in Music, Mn-. kical Luoitruzaeut, laud Importer of 1,11.‘ ttnn grnt for Nunn• d (:hark'. graspl ,Nuar with Col.asu'A attaelituput A 1... 14 Dituloue'l. • ILLINGS, WILSON Nlimufni , - la,r. nn nicrp lark, Inn. and nnnt. rod r, nod lining tun.. clout. .1. Ad.,. nnor Hun, nod lutl,lnq do.; n anno IA [OW, • SIMMMII=EI g Kul+, urry TACK FACEORY.—The Ikuurileta, owl 1,44, ~.04•011 ~ Ad q.."( Tart eritrx ,,d inirblue,. !lA, Nail!, but /Mi.,' barr el and Ladd. QTYar and Harm Nail.. h' Nail. l'at.rn Makrri !ft Weer ot-. hlut.urg ENNEP Y. et( 11.DS &Alll.lll3fihtil- PI, Or 'err .notrior ht. avg. "whet rhailn. Alhn Ilathzug. Poon 51,11,11t.hurgh. PITTSBURGH ALKALI IVORK.S.—=II,4)- het, Dent at Powder. 11 Lariat, and Sulpburm Arlda. U•ratv.o., We:, torio• Furry. PAYER HANGINGS WALTER P—MARSLIALL, Suceosor y I Bannael C. 2!lll—lnPurtsr aanL Fn ; -h and American Paper lianginga sh 4 Bonin, Mallow Shads, Flra linani Prints. Ac. Ain—Welting, Printin and Wrapping l'aper. No. bb Wnol t 0t . , . , ” Vnnt - th g. and Inanaond alley. Pittsburgh. Pa. TRANSPORTATION AttENTS. JOLIN A. CiUGHEY, Agent forthe Lake !•11 , 111aail I.ln, Ilea., and flu. 1.1.4.- trtThenon the corn, of Wa.r and entithneld LEEOri k- CO IntnsNrtere by l;nnttl and korwardl, Newham... marn.r of Yvon atr4t • the Canal. VMTIMII BLINDS y p A:111tOWN would most respoatfully info rim tlUi the , pahlle that hokeeps on band at bl.rtand walla whata4eUf theiosmond, A Llegbeny city, seal:ol , 44m a...arts-ago. of Verdi'. blltalr. el Venitlan Ch atter* are node to order In the beet of 21n. warrantol o,nel to any I. the United ntatAo Ina UllndecauLr nnl without the aid a Acre , . driTer. 'flaring runba....l onrk, took and nool of We ratin.t c.stabllilonent of llama., I em prepannt (armlet. their old ennotners,.* 101 l Iv th. Le at harp. with e'er, thin,/ In their Ilne. • Agvncy, No. b Wool stmet. l'itt*burgb. J. A. BLOWN, PAPER HANGING AND PLASTERING. 108E1'11 iJOII NSTON, PA lEn II A:Nock I& 11,11MID—Iwilror, miner nr Third atnNotand tampion. 13.-I.lmn, Saud. Slnrtar, Lath, tn., for 113644 r VETERINARY SIIRdEON. ... A. H DAM ARDIE, Veterinary Surgeon, Into !tom D.llnburgh, fcollatol. nnohl mt...ttuny xe nt the pOl,ll. that he ham fnmnn.fortl prartlr• Iu 000,0 yNteuium . t o o k I.47reg at= to whatevefim In romortlon withl Ihrorlo Ilorso n' Phoonut an4l 119okatnithiny ganoral .111 ba °LiA..I on, at the comer of 'funnel ottaet'and Ponnaylranta Avenue. ENGRAVING AND LITHOGRAPHING _ ... • • . . NEVILLE JOHNSON, Engraver on Wood, Philo 1111. I third FOxy.'l'iltutburgh. p.—vw7. Of /111114111.4. 51..rhin , r1. 11, ..h . Ne. , F , Per , Fr...P.'" , Isrlkes,,, Inn. Wolf, lu rolnnr. ~,illtil PiTinti, fre inCtit.Ola-LAAN•ditiOCMCOUMIST., , . , . ,',. tr../ I. ' O fat. atitFal 111- 10w..01. pri,n. LLIAM Lithograib- W l Eetabltabtrwnt. mini 'are.,n uxoft.- f 011:4, Pittsburgh. Map, 1.0 , 1 , 7 , P" , t prtrtiu. :'how 11111/1.41, Uratte, Bouti. Lat.,ln. n•lOtectand •101 51,10. tinning,. Ihuiu..A said VlRlitug Carl.,dr., ~0gray...1. . . dr.wn 00 Stun, aO,l prim.] 10 cid... nisei, ‘n Lu py.i spnrc...l.ty oa n sq... Wegner, Bnechner of Idneller's NEW LITHOGRAPIIIO ES'TA BLISII :11 EST ABOVE Fll:sl.rinipeet tinDoUtlce 11. to theks frl.w. and the public tar brroarcd is. the (1,1 140/. !Celt 1:al l' Fi•J;::.-1 4 , - .!:n 0 1C C a ' rfi k . , :'. , IT, 1 24 ° ..Cr, IP1' :. rn i!a ' irT: 102 .. ....40.11stupeut la /a. No, In. Marrrl botwren TlnrJ •.1.1 itrorth torlsx.o JEWELERS. vir iVt . swileet..hfirllty, Si] v . ci vL7th r1i11,"="7:N7f,r...1.111.11/#l4. 141Ptir... - - . _... pAGLE MARBLE WORKS, (estst, lohd. •ir.2) bl rostuND scliame, No. iu Lilac[ L, ~,,i - 5y,,,,i troot,' Pitiotat;P. .51onuNsms. llwild ‘• ' •1i..t0l 1 . 1. , ....enitrf awl "suits,lTumb. /,,Le . atZt•L d 4 o ,,,,,, to or it.,..' t 1 g r lt " . '' ,/, Vt2el "- Xtellou of Drawings on ban.t. #lO • PHYSICIANS . . . Doctor. 43. Reiehhelm ~ . . pun•ssullou NURSERY—An Omnibus INFORMS Ins'friends and the publie in eel, ! s‘test r ;'::; . t . ,.". Y...TO, r t ! r tW;;l",;," , `";' l "fr:„. d re v ULP.. eral. ther.le him remove.' Li. °Mee ~.., Pim. Hee, Ne, I iv nelimre eollemioni of tire...brume Phynta n . t.rdy Mnlgni , 7 . hell to K.'171,0r lintel.' ; mmi It 11. e... 2 , M1 A.lrJai.le M. dn. New Snlrmu. 1 . N —Perim. 1m1.1k,1 to him Mr n length of time. are 1,10 1,..,,, ~,,,,. „., ..,,,,,„.. i .,,,,,,. ~,,,,, pi., romuegml A. oettle•them neermut... yy I warn ! NM h., Phlox . A Till. hullo mm (Namntlerie. An- and ..mre . r.lero ulll le. u.Nen for A pple,llin art M, P ine. .. '.. y end F. R. Moose. 11. D., . i 1., ~.,, St Yilhert do. tient , . r, .'` ' n, Currant, St myrberrieri a, .. Shru,t,ry . Yam& tree, 1.1 0 .„ 31 ,4 1 .1 ,, ' 0,. , 1: .. A . T . 1 . 1_ , 1 .0 9 ,,.. P t i r. i . Y = 8 , 1 . 0 ‘ 1 0 , 1 T .; d ., ,,,,,( 1 ,,,,, : 5, ; .. ;, , z - n .., T) g . ,.. y ill ..rosy. lir , ilerrAi i ir,, , , , r leap men and ehildren,igl Amur .It.eneml generslly. a, well ..• ; f..y . 1,tigi g .1%,n .. m..',!r, ' g u t r vh tjj.. Ir, irgILII.. ' .. aiwrlT •{ : „ Enern „ „ n , . ‘ „ n , „.. „ th , „ n A th i n ,„. „ n .., I ~no r d m lieml tY' Wrerl .1., 111? be promptly Nl:ended t.. nenr thy 111111 Clout Bridge. and nett them m the Pim, : . , .14IIIN NICRINIOII. Jr. frig 11111. Allegheny lity. kotilou Imurr (rem 7 t ,, eN. Cl.. 1 liii- 0n , 1,nrd..n.1 gltrolMerly planted q...tty worth., from Ito 3. awl fiNm 7CIgP. It myt.:::y , “rvirt, PR. J. J. MYERS—Surgeon mid Ph . p.ieiarl. . Fall Faihions. . um... mid threllirM. corner of IMrlinghm ~ row.. No .. I ' HA Th. CA l'S. AN I! LADIES' FURS. rlilni meet um door above Smitlatel , l ere . . • _ . Let. Mytene Lax !crated in l'etheteurt:le. and lath attrnet to th. duti, er hex Prette..alten 11..111 parr teetrttrulat atheuth. In thrtottrtt. ene., and the. etheeeeeme. cel vreneue and clettetrene MISCELLANEOUS CARDS, &c Wm. M. McKnight - • • IV 1 LL give spel•inl iktiention t.t the v dm, nl ebutne for Nirrehealto un.l Ah. , m t flu Vennry Iranin .10 E.Let-v,, rnh,. ort."B,te. the Neu I,,trt I 1011,. 1,1.141 , 0,11. I, It..f..r..aloos:—.l.lsultl?rnAot, MS Mr...., ftna m. NI,I,.IItAA, J. , ajl UN ES U, Abutilia,titren. Spring Au.] 14,1, Ph.nyl, Pltma Oa 11 in... I:ltiltiv t , prinu.t. llammprt.l Iron it..., .1. CuAltur.... Yin. P..... Trtunntt.• or Pox, ushl Fn+n.ll.. VIIDI.urVh. PA • SA 'Air 111,1: .\,entel for NI, 1a2.1,11m1. Natl, NM..., 4.. W • ICAIOL AS VI 1: I4N, Cirrl lin;;:nver. m•r o tool ‘ll woo, 11ouesto , 0 ,. . ‘, ~.tott Ito .1 11 ovoo•I to l'o , tot• o••••• I••nr000, Coo -• 3l• l oolst.4.l.ll..toutato omit, olio' • xi 'CORD & • 'oS'lotole,lit• Ulool 16PLO11 •oo•I lOo.,t•r• liosto• ...,..onod t...ormor ol Woo,l anol Filth ,noetoo, I•lttanor g lo lortv the, ottloor anol omph, ootit Ha 'oo l .. For, y.or, ~mltty mut 10, ht4 , -,00k•• tOprool. sto a t rot. tlo- oott.,,vots iof theiroo-0,r0m,” omol etlly...c-urom. them that ;11, No 11 .4•11 0010 tl. u . xoloroon lago-,tao• to•Ptoo,. M o,i ~IUtiKW; Iml.n:r. • PA- MADEIRA. Agent for D,laware tusa Seer Ineinanyv I%; , Weer ere., . _ . G ARDIN CUFF] N.lgorit Frankliik al Fir. F0nt..... eene,ely, wet) "orgle Ato Thin! ere.. UT 31. (1 LEN N, ,Boor. BIN DER. Wood street, I, Nreeond door freen tbn corner of Third, where he io 'prYpnrnd to di, erery deeenytinu el Ilindiug vrlth nyeturn, i r, ...1 durshilit . Wank llookk rul,-,1 n, ~,,, *.utters, 'ow bound enn-tz. I.lnli, Boou In num . ., or ~Id ye,,i,.. hound rangul Y. I, repalreal Nano., rot on In Fill Inter. Thoee who hs obllPlfing or.. int inel to ran [rv, hen. ytnedly I , • Steamboat Agency, and General Commis. 'ion, Receiving . and Forwarding. 66 ALPI9II, I'LllMElt S CO., have this clay aith thou Mr John LAW,,,, 1,2 r Lb.. publt. Ag.nt., talnio.ton. 4.1 iotraadma netlrr the 4, I. Of lIAIJIW I'LF 41:11 s (It la/m.vnat., Apnl li , . Ihil I I' ‘,l:tan, .rrustt• OUNTI LAN 6 PT. 28-c., 4 11.11. m /ato., .1 ill t Thinl L. corner 4 u t'brr KO, hzettio land.arrAngeui-oh. for the procure Ituunt 1 Lando Li. idlt-ere sod wittier, ilietr widow. tad children, wad will•otteud to out-other ha. nee, ennneet..l with th• covornment or our df Iwpart• Wthe Pension en.. re the Cann. At the of Wudiittatoo. 1.1:7 Drawing, Perspective, and Painting in OIL D. K. SMITH it non: nrepired t 4. give A l t rim Alkinnm'r IloW Fir, betwrot. IVoni 31erkot noun Inotrurt ..... . Irom r`r. I. tn 1 from to F. X Chtrr,. nitrurul.r.... innyrn I, railing (aftr.rr.oon) al tEr rorn, Rorer to nr. inn tarn or Or WALL PAPER. Fresh Assortment of Spring °nods. 91110:11AS PA LMql da 11 reve Iv in 0 x from the 14,tont flu... he ..• • • N. Sf . , — .IIARtET r,raCKT, Betvwn Third und .strrets, 'EU i. 4.4 1.47 v curs. JUchtul,,,6ll I. the att•nli ,, n r fuil, it.lot«l lIIISSEY & SINCLAIR, Storage,Shipping&Cummissiontlerchaak.' WI I hi LEN.i Lt,gl.lers in I; • ' asbow.twalic. L"1.1. Ageta• H. all strAinbow.,. lat or, A. 00. A LA., 1110. A V. hookr. T clyl.l Rockingham and Domestic Quceuswate 11. 7. 0011 W Alt I). It LA I'U.. M Eae,turrr. t .—aloa.bun eJ 17,,tt.rvrtr.oi- thar 11.,F0 1 / 4 . rust, iv: I.• C:1 nr.ler• A el.w,--trnt dr*i4lurr ‘..l.Ant u:u ^.• , r u {::.• ur • stuVr , - " V 4 r 4 i : rthp. 41.10 Jar, an.l ar..l.a .Inmeauc IT 6,, Ont., r•n+v,PAlZtr Alexander Bradley, So. 19 Wood street - . trim.. , , i;r, \I AN FACYLIRER 4 -‘,.'ry aaml EEEE.EII •E LE re,t-r EL. . , • YARI.US: lleh. rounaj wI , r.nso and IMUMICIM . . . • 031.7 Pittsburgh Gas Pipe said Tube Works. inttltTkigued IRON TUBE WORKS, aa.l are it.te 1,/tuuler:e ring •Pi fll,• Virt nena. , l,e •thil • - thre lOW ell •ttevlsl WROUGHT IRON 'nthEs, •, (;.r ncle pr,••••.1 •••••.-11. •Ih. Bolivar Fire Brick Id anufacturioe. Compy. KIER. ,fc. CO., PROPNI [TOW, till having I ~,, ay . onttml Caro. nn bow ownol • in Jtoop mattnantli baud .apply of the a I.hrnt.J nob kor 01,1trick.Cructblo "'tot:lay .I.c mi... I loartii•ann I no lalt, are Mao pretarrol to rob, r or.. tor owl On It. to to. snuir Ismito au,l •Itcpc to *int Onr - baocm. ' , M. , 4. 1 1 be prompt", w. d. , loron . onumoroto the man r rintomm the MM.. /'lre Ilnok t0w..., all abrr. -bat tir. been nflortot for io the 1 . 1111.4 thmt vroll %noon to almow aft porw. oho tine Ft. Brick, Theon. limo lotorminctl Mat Itio mirk .I.llloro nob prom-i . tbmr prow. ottMob. ropulat" , U.d that no oxprow chin bo rpanli to mak.. them. lu4 thin efie, biro ...tofu. bes.n. Tlnie I. the 0011 ontoknoltmom now mintsfortwrinc "'lto Hr.t it nollrnt . • . . 1.11..1: • Jorsin, ( mu., S.T.nth .t W. Dixon's London Patent Lever Watches Sorpn.n. to any 111athe ,,,,, /"." . " 1, ^ Paw.roh• Ri c l i Attp s t r :is:, , rl Market I. , t,:rovt, appDtratuvrit te e the Ad.raltl..WNl. DIXoN. nnmeter IVatoh King I.anAnn. r.• • • Thin ,rtitir, Ihettho anmmpanyloq Watrh, ho.-, irstrinoted hy tun to he.r.l my manoNeture,, nncl not , nt, irlth my tmarn urn Is pc.... unlnn“ w-. mDuuitvl bnanne I guano... [hp Wald. No In brae cr, thn oni lAtarti,n of thp porrleoonr WAI • 1/IN.O, AO , t HAVE FITTED Ll', (on tin. No, York the faohionabla rwrlnr. and has, “.1.m....1 et, In rgrt and wort empetirrt oaortment Pali" Delmv, Frrneh and (3.. man banuot n. LOOM', M.nall , h Nl•rcaaaa, Chlnta.•, ,,r ourkey Rad Good.. 11 ‘ ;n1.7. 1."" It ' sLul 1 f, " 13 . 0 0 01s i trt 4 P1 '. 70 1 .,TZ.;:/f:ln ' El ' 'Vo l. ;« 'l.l' .. ' 4:Z Cord. Silk and Worattql. Chintz , and *tra ',Man and I"aenatrr (~..I.rpaava an.l Umfartn. Statrna.A., 14.11. and Wrddlna All orwl,r. thankful' I PlApromptly mist .{,In)11 GEORGE E. 4.1010LD tic CO., BANKERS. DRALEAII IN EXCIII AN(I0, COIN, DAN% NOTES, 1.0. Nn klatrili sf . rerrt fn /la.a . I iltut tra,A. Not. 6.1 lorslt. rnstrrtA un ell ~kru tt.. ..1.1 r..crom,..itm .14 .14,1 J. Wilson & SOD. .111VIIOLESALS.and retuiflllatltlfitctCht4 rere nd hleal.rht ch Ilvta atad Cur,. S.. thl 004 street. a third clove belhchh thchtnrethl Alley. ItIII, burgh—where rt. otter • NU and enchttie.h.elhovk of 11... and 1;..a ..f the. ovahn'ahht hexternmehulvethre. ul eve , ' relit 2; t erle• C; elehlhenie tt.l rvtait. vnilc....,ir ectevern and the push., thcorluit them Chat Cher .111vvII /he lb. weft veveonshlhle tr... . JOSO , 0111111.31_ S 31111 x V h. COLN ' IN, 17 ,a 1 31 , n:bunts rm . Dry 110..1., art...nes, 1 et!. ersl ;nu/ tterrter .4 Walnut et re. 1 .0.1 Wseltittett.n Ttlenrite REAL EST4TE AGENCY F or Jl,arvr Cnunly. and ogjarnot CouritlAß. 1...ATY.1 , IN vir. RuKOl.llll OF N t:NC 11111(1117 , N r IIE SUBSCICIBEIi, haring been I ova.l)Nl for • t vevre 0.1 Iss thet Nov Might°q amt war , [lmo of tho rem., vrxl tbirrnc tb. Ilia. 1ei.,1. Th•tes ' ,VZ:l::l. 4, l7 . t r Ulan, are torn apotalwr of vslualde lot. and Onerom Senor. In ttfe llorongh nelghloorhfcal. for mla at now rat., and Irma adtarnacKfus. , olnara ftricLlyexamined hill, arid no pro,rty .111 otTcfnl ualraff llff. title isolifyntal.l.. ondralrop, of nutelunting lido Well In c‘ll and for lIE w NJ. 1311A1.10", aufflL:Rin final Ks,. A c. 0.. . . . . . _. . Fine WateiLes! ' ,i FEW veri nuperior.G”lti Patent & At firer }r ttrht.. n-P 1. d hy 3tin... nalnat • IF loeh ote nollerodld I ,, tet el/tooolorten, of t. beau— UM Oninh; double 4, vol II imam. Oho. plain end twovined, of tuiott• at y In and pg.turu, et • irZ 11l ItICUARDSONI.I. tallarkft et. PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY AIORNING, OCTOBER 16, 1851 MISCELLAVF,OIIS Fall Fas hions. ATV. cA I'S. A\II LADIES' FURS. I WILSON SON, No. - 01 WO. l . ~•• ; i 4 ffi ~ on. oor tOnanon,l 0110, M tb,tootion or in, to•tomon ort,i too outio to Itoor lutgo 1. loon 10., nro now rroolt Ittp their lormor ot rho notorttnent 0000lat+ In port , l noo ft, I. 11 VI,. 101.1? lotrodum4, nod whirl, aro •••• ,lo u100r...1 lor tboo . besot, and ,O lll,l r lourtbor o coot run., • it 111ook, Ittorn owl Pta, Slot o•ou, it oncoriao. nlhl kobln 1.1 for 10-n ood ,S 10 ott.l M0t0... 1%1,11 is Pr: 1160..011. oilk end I;Inaod .00. or (on, lIATO 0n•!...M . : , !or 1-1.1.1 o •tlorolot ron-tool., bolo rolo am! mail n.l Smm~l Linn ' , nal,inn..., alai I),y/Iroi 11 . 1 . 111,/,. A I an I I a Samuel Gray, MEReneNT TAILOR t, MI. "It 11t . 11.1.1,m mt. I n ttTILIIET. N EU' th , !w 1 111 let It hi.. And prehttrml tes thnlh them .t r• 1,1 ,atio..l he got FALL FASHION" 'N. have . It,i rt.t,ive.l thi. twatitifillr 4 T .1.0, or NAT, t. 1r 140. ar.. it.. ite •lae ottrn , • AN A ... Nlct 4/1.0 A. t 41, •••r Vin, sup 11....1 el. Penn Giasa Woiks. 1 Ott i:NZ IV It ;11 . 1v.‘i AN, 1 formerly of tilt. NMI t3l ‘1..+1;11. C., “,$ll., of RII m,. .1 I 1.11.7. 1, tt. 041 ...t wtot . I r..w..•ETent, _ a -Vms - t k , tlini .0,11,11 ,14i Of Alkd C. W. Feioe. Professor of Music, 1)1:GS 6,v.• to inform like v f Pit cm „ II 1,...11i.11. •.Iw.. .1 • New Chocolate Factory. 6:. 1 ( 1 . N . iiiAmßoNl,, CO. relottmltuily in -1-1 b.rn. u,.rub], 'lu tttw wow . pt.... , turtog 1•111,1.ATr. ttwrt tsttlitt Anti Nit," rhi•ohor,l.., uttlti, tn.. whet twid Vw•r, wrrunt.l iturt . nit.l ttns• dttit,twtod. rtn.l ttnr, tlttvw. rwtt, ntstrt,tu. anti wt. It.wont• t•tw tt SG , . t o luw tw•ti .1 , -t•prtetwr• ttl t.Pf larwett I . ltwwtlatt• tp ...maw the wut.ite ttwtt,[l,) it Iti (firm,. tot Rm.. qua] tf ottt fut. , rit•r tl.,lwwt tut t”trtt.l. ft. 1 ,. .. ,er I , •••te at Mr tw •Mttti crtllliPt•ry.t Nt , ”urtb n,ta ht H-- ST. sma tuo • ST. CILAIR (Formerly.the, li.tchaugo,) Corner of Penn and! 8t Clair Streets, /Vlll5 cnntr 1. and 11,11' EL 4.iWv ourrt}.l.-tely ,t6.n nu 41dentP.:. 6.1 r 11, Sl' CLAIR a. oiroa. , Op. 11,nt . awl rn5111.,... 1.1. I. sp.! st Wow. fand.llll mr/.1 0411. von The men t.t.t., Ct. 11 , ,u•.. au I coo. tru.l.-nrig him t. .;p 4 ° ' New Coach Factdry—Allegheny. Jr, M . I, Wlll'h.: ,i. Co. would rt.- 2 - ,-... - 1.C.7 pp...lfni, n-Inrln 0..- rnl.ll. - 11..1 Ow , 1.•••• •n - mot. oho, on Lse-m-/i.. 1.... I on 1,....i1l and ....W.., nntnnl* 111, vo , non t. ....11_1.111 arn. p/ .I.arn.l 1. , n, ntorri. n ... 41 1110 N. ,tun 41! - .! ` . ' .worry. etn . :11.1?..1 . U771. '" ::./ . 1 '... .V . n . ..., : 1 ,2:',,7,7, I.));err partf , ls:.f .It,nl 4).• ma4r...le, ovf •ortfy,..f. haw , . Ileryorn, r11..f 1”—I, and nu , • Gnudstones arindstonts ! If ();A\, 111 W.Q.d •„7”. e 411 4 FA lA. trs, P..E. I rcsl 4 g WILSON .E. 50." 7 ;,1 7 f15111..N A lILE II ent:us OP • sI ut.i n LI". 1.1, 14 11 el:, • Slurs' Fire Proof Mineral Paint Mari F:sOLst•rltrer, On, ifig; a+orupirrted-irtr..s., tor 11,s i.n.pai,rl. - .1, hr -4 +Lr , 4 1 1 - /VI 1111, t• Ist.r.s. IL Ir . suzit‘lrr. pr SIMS C ei:ES 1 1 1, ,i ntLI : 1 tn•t: EAGLE MARBLE WoRES • i . ,11t1Pii11:11 ••• t • N • .. . • 1 1 1 CV-, ,' ' ..4,.._ ;,%:, 1,„, ' I - 1 a; ' ...._ 1: =II Hon 11.•••411.•••ot vdvot 'I no•not. • I, lion. ••I•l,,o•ii ' sli Ito o•tojlt.•—r V. . . aoldollill. I , . 1 .. -.4 3 1 ' I• • 1 . 1 . 1.1. 3,,,, ''' I J. II ntsoonjnor,r. too. it. t a I . :1 , .In NViiroilk 31C 1 ), k.l.r, 14. FP , • ft., .la do Had., tlohniortd, Vot % • 1..... a ' lto ' .1 , .. qe Kos,. 1-, Itoollso, I• r Un A • t o .. , .1•/lite Wool.. I • o Frod . I. IV uollt volittol I/r tt. •••rj :1 1 .4 . 0•1 hotrotrduy to - . no.rot e:; it.. ••• to• On • ,. 11• I F• y., I. t • w o t•• . p .4. etl Plt tli whloato ntm nott,gt.o •t •• to 1,-ell,—ooe,• I.t, , irexEs W. wdoow - EL — L. IABINE'l: , t',l 7 llNl , lllltE :11.1N1 1, iv Aj`": , :i—"..1'..ii`, — t7.; " „,...'7,,',. 1 ;'r7,!„:";:`,; ..,„m., Ll,el lo• ba• now • iti , / tl•F• tort,. tool L...., ot•o, ,I 1n0t0...1.1 to nitro— • ••••• todlo, *et, lo tit, •••..... .lo •lvt.totor••l t• uphold 11,- •tolo . • 1. 4 t ...II ...wt.. olato•iltolo. to•of woo Ittuat,lsltt. end to. 0 •I •no .... sod 111.. ti, •{l.t/t a to ord.., end ,iIIIJ lu .nuf,turtnr. bo„. v•••t•I•••1 IFi to o dnoo ..r .....d ,',,.. I u.. 1. tto• pro •ro j 11.. too naot • t•-1 t . • 1...1.1, i.d•llfrtoor 1:. roan. , idollntern. %OIL 100 own, to 01.11. ono/ prow. aort It., idol., on bunt the tovenoo rioti.d, 0 .1 ow. j dr1.110.11/li •.I 1 orrotur, (1,1,1 It I 1....1 .4.1 p.m.., to tto wont ol•- onto . and mAll , , tb.t 3 i. Qr 41, .ort of ... mot I. (Utololo•1 from Ito troolt ..r 41..1 alum! elprrowli to Mlle( Lie tb.r.f .4), xn .•,....b.n. Opt th. molt 411. Loorpo of ht. •odahliotatnent mit ,h. know It. Ito• j r•thootog .rtklr• t,n•lo. In part. r , f hi, .n..... wtwE fnr who,. 1 4 sty lt,nd fin.. , sionot I, Onrottoo•ol to en; of 1.1. Elt+1•11,/ i•e d dm, Lon, Lelleel-et—id Aluire. of . e, 'ri•tl,edyeteun, levenreed Enah,en, end welput, Oltabeth,n. Vulgar, elnhi. end Ex, enMIA. and Viven• of the itteet Vtrnch and American . pettrrn{ Teat.", , t Ni t., end perldr IV 'fling 131410, of , art..eir hind, 11.5 k 1414.4 I and fen, I nlei 1 mton•l, mull,- P:uel., end botArde, marble toy. nielvwen,. revv...l and Imlnut .vntite. •da. dlennig uned imprnewl, enl deedlttly 0, !wet WO oucL I . .oinoke bell end tetn. • erdrole, 1e..64.1/ 404 ereebeledele tII se. I. • Inre •AsortAneid. 1.411 end le.'', ar—prism .ded, I, Altdnene end .04A, ne,reter, end 1.., bnerde, lire Tew.l oink., het 44110. end [nom , . .ante. sat. WA ltd. etaldr.n, ;dd., Owl,. [Me. sad lea r,rn, , A•holomy. ronnerce.i. and inhd.l purl Tald, Ae. Ar. Lr A lan, ...dd... A.Liumr I urnaute and Winobour Churn. Ceton..t o.tipyli A slit, ell +Melee In their Un e r. .1.3.111, end lintel,. furndb.t et Ow now, Ail grthq. r The only real New York Plumbing Estab lishment 11,711 . EP. , E wer , k r i;:iiiii;• an Scientific Prin ii 4111••• In nil It. bra.nrh.., dove rith nnatrn... aL.I 11•1.11, ur ~,blnan to bath . . . . to Hydrant.... . . , Liner ,4,1111.10. lehro Irnn 110.4 An - Vutfin.n...l.l (.11.41, , f1 .1111,..11 11, al th,..• ILI, P.m, and VnT.t Pninn, ' 11; I:nm.. IT nn hand. and pul tsn row. I runrinnll, t.. I Virftl . itlsl A A du:. .! rn , : inin,n, an, .'Lunn. Cork, Inr„t azt!l I„ Pat, irlrart. Yur tp , trarv . . , ,u t Up+, I..rar ramp,' 1. alp! tlp , I.par pra w l r l r L latent map,. tt,ir..i, WANTED, VIVEsTEits ISA N NOTES, ILt. lowest V Marker, rate, arpl 11141,0al p pnitl far Arnark ran rill', In par lunar. Ipy I,rarnui KiNti, natiltri P.,uri 5, rt. kaput• DR-TN/INa, Wit NO. ere! IV RA NI NO PA NCR —aao rrisco,Pl - ;WO •• Loo 11 In 1,, :J.l. 21 1 •1 , .$2. 1 .111.2 31, ..."1 1,, 1.0 1.16, Hug. 111. 1,,01.1a1J,1 n. egrbali. for r, , , fel 11.”1.,1, Cap, Lott, linarr , l..., kr lor.—Vlung or .11 4 11., lor f , tunpul., , ,turrra. Prit,tlng ravt,t ,, , , rlr tem 11. J. 1. :91.1F.E. 4,h2J1 et .ran 4,1 (rims Patent Candlesticks. UST 131;010. AT 11', liit3flAllllSON'S, N a. n 1 Alark...l nir..,,,t. >14..i1., 1., 0 ha. lit I smile. k.. • fa,. artlela Id ~.teSSI wok in n,met Ir.q•eturet on the.tylr; e - b,14 the pubbr et. n og* ully thwll..l I, rmll af..fesimillne. ;el> ._ Pittsbncgit: , Cincinnati a sad Lonisvillo Tele suilt . A 3 PEW E 1 Sunk wanted at f o f b ; • , , ,, Lbr Exeltx.ni3Oflle. ‘,l yll , A WILASINS k Co. - - QT F. A .N 1 13 0 Al' UV i'EltEl3 FOIL 131 T I Q Pitol7ursT.—Al Largelni:ll - 1.. given If ettllcsUots be =dean& 4, , /I*/..14/ a./ /11% N, 1725 ' I 114 Noel rt. MISCELLANEOUS 1117 E have removed to our Warermnes, No. v 110 al•rket etre, near blbarty. •e on hand • vontbletarmortment of eastern sod our own manufacture of flour ofl /a. rr,arriu, roman an,' furniture 01l caul,. of ..r..ry rwrlntlon. trarionn.nt. are , . elotl. and brat Bunn. Indow into tottuo narnalete, tiertnan oil vlotbr In artaakt variety. In addition to the .0«««, k D eon...tit on Read s full lank of India Rubber machine betting. imaeklna. toy, elothlng, bullet. and ireptlernen'a aloe-.. rantlalt and laraklns or all Rind, and every other paide tuanufarturai of Inala Robber. under tha.letar . a tr01...110f arhlrh .e aff'ar at mire , hat mono! tall to 'Arnow. 0,41 .1 It. 1.1111.1.11.5. WALTER & CO., Flour and General Produce COMMISSION HOUSE. r , 01:111 ;HOWARD. NEAR 114 I.TI 11f111 Y. Writ BAI,T1111‘)111: RAILROAD TO rut: allr r. LINFLAI. ADVAN4,I,2I MADE ON CON*O)NMEN,, if/Mlle It Lut ,1.11 Xtilnge. to with ally nth, mark... [h.... n21441prnt...,1.• dotrues. with quirk PA..% •nd ,tl3, rrturt.... ...Art pp,. yr.. ••••111 , 1 tey...CLIII pntn , na,. nftt Canbler 51,, • Iteatlt ,tf Counnoorrtnr rant Chartiera Coal. r VIIE CiIAIiTIERS I'o,ll. CoNIP.INY I‘..ltti En.4elresu.te.. mrninaeturn. for wl ..I on th. t alto nytr..l the Imebor ••Ntrliee , hock, ro es tnt prepannl del tt ttel urnlntns ()Ily, at r , no doll., nor Inn of 211101.' Int h ••• nor .4- n al Ittarnl Inn It.. In +ln •In ttr 1 nett 11 ta rut.. 1.• Tit, .111 .-11 11tot rnn tnr a tr It.rt at tett , tlt.n.t• ".. t i ll ‘ t ' tfr tt1::::11„ •t• tn tto-s l ., lat Ittnts. - It. t 1.nlo• km of 1:21n nontatu • (A srev In,. het , nt I. t“. l nt 4 , It Inal, red in...dun, {nt y the link at t. tt1111....1 Kt.\ -• tint t. gin*, L 001, Slllllllll . Ow/Inn.. aa 11111 AI An Mt-I,j , tin t . - • Fall Goode. ~.. 1 - S.. II (1 I'llY 111/11C111 , 1 ELI), NortlivnAt iv a - mot of Faorth and atarkat atrwelr; Pao, 1,...,1 I' lens. Merna, Idaelt and fancy colara. Vnntu, .I. rm. ,da do . Ihtrnsnahlp.lnrinc, Mat, nn,l Pan , aip.n-no - . Prlunal Caplimarr. and Maw •n. alln, l'tnand l'n , plan ..1.113.. Haar, W.A. l'oplina. Mae. and r,,,, Ikrep.Sll.. super pland k Phase.- API. Pre,. PITP.r. lama and T . ~„..,WN)I and lina•h. ',Pawn. Scarf.. 800 t MM.., 'Pn-el. Itil.bnp, • Nn.II. ......nd Collar, 5.).. an: inapt... Edging.. 111..4 i. 11.1.• A P 1 , 14414 .1.. • YTII ttl, i 1,114,1 1 ,, ran and look at , alr•lar.r• .1..-1; "P na-Pde “nom. tit ~ a ln. 1 ..n . .r. SplendidThStrUMentli. TIIE subscriber has ju.t receive! inc,ice nT• Tr, Nam- , nlada N nll O A- I.l•rh, •nd a. 1 ., 19- Ne• oil, en- • monifrent Plug , •. en ..t••• harm. tutht NMI.. • el•rl laptrum,ut, 411, . ...a.. Cut Irl.l and pi,uponr.l k• of New 11.6. Ihn nun erf•l tir~•na home, an yet mantstano,l In thy. aciperl , Levin 14th. borisont.l. 7, I 1- .t•rw I'iattu• w•erT •141-1.4, a(.1Tl• 1. , ••• gigu It o liNhlro u•rn. a... N. 11. .;n lento• .A4 . .a -IN , mArerilw from 111.. entire.. ~ ••rr.vw MagiMai= NEW ST E. 81713SORIBEItilnlingtakr. tiff e x i‘t'. 0.47. Z r . R .ML T ro R s TEI;Z:V. thv tiny .4 .111 •up..r.,4 1.11..4..4 • FANCY. Nr /OLE, DRY GO DS, rther with s ik rt, , k of rieliilfLVU.N INV] 136 lan mtaractos, 6... pt I ktiown and a., rip. Ile wpnltt InlArtn thaw lwr•on. t - I.IIIIIM >lc.utaLn• nulll.m.. Yornminng ,h • L ht. ••nr• they an ake•ln • innr• mnnvl•r• ibso who,. n• nt>. &a s h.. irit•gulo J.‘..: par, uiar Don tc. I•Tanrlt.• import,n. e mam portion nt hum..ll. th.m l•racr•. ' JASIRS •IrK N lIT Fall and Winter Stock of Fancy and Staple DWI GOODS. 4 A. MASON fit.wt , /or lull arl•I vniter "" 1 . 2: ''''"ll4 - 1' •.• 1r , 4 1•444.-4 fig rl.l 14 4 •• 10••• p•• .4%14•414.1,,. —.—,. ,s?,!'„' . ." — !'" I rar,ol4• •• At. ....L. . , sz- :: t• — , , ,, ,' ".t . ,...,7, i '' .. ' .'•:... t a.. Lni• L.. ,- . . r,,, j 1.1 • Too,-,..D.1.....4.7,..,. u ; .. 1 , ,, r ,...., .., T. , rb., •it.t. ~ ,I ...,.. .!. ,Jh : t: , " ~., ~, 1:. - .1 ...f.W1L.39N , ...1 ~., atul t•• M ' . _... . _ . • 'NEW GOODS. fr t i oriT+ LL SNP WINTF.t. tirt.rlar. el ea rtr Oder; thettlelarblitshl, rertt mud new. La orairh• vertu- It Gahm.. rithrte the varrkett elearenrt of Ile ail le atm. hattrtrie h l tort -.meta. mei I hlr l'hilar , the tortel,ret.... h.,. that • , 1 rt lasi! tare, len vitt • n hau 1, it, taw.., le-et c .ul in.,l ...uahle T 11 Lot et. •al/a • 1:•• , 1,11 Co.. 11,.vt. 1. , twor rusel. Vila.- a- th, ta—t •iti, .1 • .1,1 1 , ...,1,, • umsrir In the T.. 1 1..r2. 4 . 12Is, 1,111 1 4.0... t ir wr nt, NIA mt.. ,• • .... I liu K 11}:F . 01:E '1'I1}: 14.014,E, That 1.• •urt.l. i,l), STAR GLASS WORKS. ¢UI E i:T IV I Nl - I.:H A CO .. Irt;rh••4.e—.lc.. 7 Man . , I .trrer. Pitta6ury ■ )( , [ ISivrEtt.,l ttir aI..N ow,tlc.. 111 euanula , t tt, 101 told• A.v /Oar. 1,41.11C'11,.. II ql.zea. aft n..tateucturu..ll Mr, (4. r;11,1111 . i1;NEN. 4. 1,111Lir. ASO 11 %DUMAN. /' 1 ' .. ' 177, —. P . 1 ' , '„ i,1 1 7:.:^',1a..;:‘,:.1:;:;;;..",./4‘..?,;,"" r ' . rt,., :17., 01.....11,4 tb. Ow, 41.1 'lv r ni.lll .....5. ur tr,err burr 5./r. p, an] uraursfarlur•rd In the ...writ r. ;Lori urr, b.,. 1., .trwt .11eut.4 4.1...1.ur. tr. ruerrl • •hero r.r 0...r0rr r'rrl tr.r.• Irres r 151.5.1 5.1411. urn... Lulu e. Ttr , am ~, , , s nrl 5.1.1110 11. ..rd, • Joy which rt..r frr. rr It az. th. purr, in ......1 tarn, rurrrt / ../5 ./rr• usrnnurr purl r..,..., . •,./.. ...v. I r Drug Store for Bale. i DR 4G STORE. FIXTEICES, ANI ;1. ,1,. 5 131 111.1.15 . 155, to • lir. r•r• •••• 5. ~ r • • rotarl burl...—. nn.l t......” ~....:Irrut run rrf eulourr . lr. it , r...r rur... Tirrr• I 1.117.?.47t',..:•7tr'•Tt ;.. "l • " :. ' n ' - ' , ' ;• ' :or ' .:: - : ' r j r; . .,. ' . 7 • ' •?rt:: In It ' h., rarrttrar•r• bard,. 5.• r,. •ttl, r.. tur.. ..u• - ,11 Western College of itomceopathic Itledietne I'LLV4LANIf„ 01110. E Second Annual emir, of Levtur, I It. Wo.loro liffuorootolor Nleilfetrfo. f I a , mrtfon, in Mood af . fsoromt, ~f4foloontigno .le.erf A t dud/ banlo4, for.laltttttrll.. Toat anal It Itt tritatttal that tap ft , talatuLt • tharau,.th ltatrurtiott tit 16.. bent ',tat , - an. ouritaxaml b, act, tachattl In' [lda rountr, 21. Va , altr Ito Unction at*. 011 AVHIAI AI. I) 111,1trirt, 4.11ne. of Woo,. am? Cliil4!.. 1;11110.R, I, 11 b, of I tirttttsaa Pr LEW artleat ttl ,trptry.' IN/LatN, ant, of Mat., t.atl 51a4wal Jarl,protlentat. HAMILTON I. A. }.,µ.n0l rerinr;iT it: Li.. II b. Ph r "AV ER 1 , . A. al., Profoaaar I'h r at El, k. IL. It. Inotattratar at 1ttat.37 .: .. Pat. ft, tb...tutlra eattrat of Levtart, 14..alttuta Itl Lao lull court,. •It, tab. tldatilettlattna ..... . Th•n;on:lrati,r . 4 111 • • Ilyentuatr• of tympralahlo nteallcal ..hag. . In thr enort.nn pa,ment tuntritnlatinn 4mlt lA.I ',ant; Incltmlna rkum. mut notat.. ran I. ob tain...l frmm 81.:.o tnlM.s.o r.Ar mt. k A AL.IIYaI am! Mammal ylMic t. ronemm.l Itth lo awl faMlitly• vrol sifor.l..l lb. armly klirrt. ,np Anatomy Isrr Inrwlna.ll, , n 11. IV 11.1.IA31:i. 31 Ir. . 14au ul tho I , r---1,01 It 1.. 2 , 111 TII. CLEVELAND MEDICAL COLLEGE. 1111 E Annual ('torte of Leetoro, in the e10,9en.1 I:ndlrel 1,11.,. 1, 31119•T1re Fon in . 1.11. hllh Jo, ..t anti ...MM. rork ESESII= 20113 i DELA Sl ATEL. 3111.. 1 n.l..onar of tlersral Path. "I' .; 2 • 3 ft a,,rnss, *1..11 and Prarl oI 111111AIIE A MIA 1.11. 31 • . Pndosor hord , sl 2,1115 ,, 1. 1 AIASELS, NI Prol..anr Slandan , JACIIII .1 101:1,31 A TER. Ai Ir, 1 1 tnns3or .'I Anatomy and l'hy•lrdog, Tho rid Lino ontlto nouns rI Iseturen . • N,ll 311.1612110 W., fdo lArmlUallon • When Promisor, not,. had 1 3 . , 13t. fo.s . Idadfrd jointlx •111. sand Wa. w bus- mar...lolh, ewrlAlled lo a—loons spf tho Proso. or • JUdIP. esunr, Ilhdawd hr which I.lla sdnor 'whits, will ho arr,d.od 111 Ihr p 1... UM , ANIS.. ...Wan, and tlose who has, whorolod two full course" Pt loelnns, nts of whirl, us. al tlll. I ndltn. hon. Of , Arnhlawl to whossou 1..1 ho Leet arc, , IntrlvolatsChs And, Wood laaard. with SSP, light and 15 on 31, ran la• 'sars! at Fr. er randlna m 11,3110 32 ,r r fro lownllnn dan Is nldans.d of nnal - mat r te ol i_ert urn.. ttr,l., Ilwtrieulau. Up. of Lll, , .41 on the .. . .. . .. The alwllres.l asul .. ..lmical•cl}ttique contleut."l.l6. the rollegv,undrt the dirrrtnert of Pr01...e0. Lkilainal...r, I( irt• h.... 1. and .1. ktpy. In the nutuli*, varlet) awl Isu.rtane.. of n..., 6 believed to 1....103.1 tom., ..11,.. .1. h. CAS.-31.1.1... ...Oval' . tl.firl.ary 0 the 31.,11....1 Fmnutt.r. A Ell Al. ANIE - GXTV.AoIVE ov Wall Paper and Borders, l'or the Fall Sales. usT ItECEIVEI), at tho old eocoldiolled Yto 311,0.1 Iranimoot of the nrolrbra:nl raAtrrnlorlem KreAt am"! of PAPER II AU M- I rue evul , • r..pruing much a 1.444 ot ntylr. . I Nue nod Ittfli Uri., c.,,,,,,n0ing nueir a variety of ntylr. awl prim ar ran LarJl, WI In gratify thr twin, sn.l moat ti' n of tilt, wool. lamktloum and mountain& n 'vo or"..' ' TlitlVAr MIXER. A I OLD AND SI LVEIt WATCII.4q--a i II We Dion unw an raralleaVamortmeat uf , . U ATCUEn, of W. moot afraturril HaSab, Preach andGrum. wilawfactura. la nu. Uo ilanUug. Kral othrr atyl. of calms. all wary. , alai at prlce• au um ally low. rt. , I% ateb Retrairiug Sane In Ito bent olanorm by Use Loot .al afloat asirerieural woritairit lit Um. ally. ti". W. 'WILSON, 1,7 Slaraat it... aug23 coma of Fourth. STOCKS, CURRENCY, / CEIRRECTEDRINIULARLY AN . . re, oesee of th. Nation, It Ilid•onr. 1 , " \'. \ ' PRICES OF STOCICB. L00,„0„ ~,, „,. ; \ s ‘p Mccouats [min I re l and aitho TeLeo t, t if/Tenn:lt Fon TIIE PITIsUIIItOII PALETTE UV •• \'' , ~, • 1 , "'`'' I thai to\ erne noutilitterr tec,grSw 'meet ismal A. VVI L.KIN S ,sL CO. no a t. e shoat I" ' . Conjecture is\ husyingiteelf t 1 I lei the tbk.atae !mere' sto be * re \ o 'Loral John Russell's promised : reform hi . Po o a f, n e l b ' en a , a '!\ p til e a r a c \ k:', , L t a t.oik 'i4a , ,i '' Pt f ai l i C *4 l 4\ STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, , tiler orators and newspaper editors ate tHlllllgrl - , LIMN 4.1 t or Ilottligr tOll TIMM STB "ed whether r the 'sound pohio'n 11 . their bearers nod readers - both what it uht zr e e ep ex,L, . j r , ih o s'e t h an d \west to he \ .. ij,a, 10 MI . 11.t1 what it ought not to be . • s lie Hum ' was 0n ,,,, .„,. probably right when he aids the other day , t hi\ spreldibg, •th spite of the e ‘ t . .-- • . c teats... he did Oct believe that Lord John himself kn yr ' tremelY fin ea eat •t''' 'A ' yet:\ h°werer , V II:, - - - what it would be ' The Globe mtw e th I manifestly too INo aseertain With any, ing tieti..4 500..... ..... too 117' ID Intehin . 70 7 • • • p e0 1,,,1,1, , ,1 i 0 n e.a . b.;,,, , T ,, ,•, , ,, ,,, ,1 ° 7. like correctives \ r "- c a proportion' ofdbe cropjwill\ .. to o 10 .4,1 t. lot Feb A Aug likr a (+am hint. tllitt r"un-arleant", - toe 00001 I" , 114 "...-Dif 1 feature a the new bill trill be be lota Some to are content with an east - \ too .., vs he Fel,At Aug - Alla', Cr. tr. lOO , a,: isa. Moo 4,:fer 0 fmge like that of Freesia, in which the nein:mei, ate of about twenty per cent. for the wholala\ lie ' 01 , 1 P ...tree Io.W. j:' - tm. 'see 4... ~ 4, Pltwhorchnoi, ic. 1. . "7 Ififehin , • dui/ ! who 111 tbl,ll. turn elect the representative ~ th meet and alarm cause ti l t the recurrendc of this, 1. " "" ''"' '', '' this mann • " aya the Globe, - the , potilar do- 4 .'4. 0 calamity, emigte seems like l 7 'lo go. Allegheny le, a+ . . lia. 7 .4f Int.., sera ----i-ri '' ' . , . ~ • I, o‘,. 1.1,11 too • h,,,,„ eh' an noted for universal suffrage would be satWied.." °mat ri undimitosneu,\ t nut w i th ' an accelerat „,,,,, „„. . ,„ .; , ..., Thht euggestiou, though clothed with a wit, o f '-' ll . • ed BGII the tr y pm some quart* is, Bat, or htlehtireh 60 1 that ,th eis a deficiency\ 01 , 'shot% and fanners Nlereliont. a 01.001 Honk se I-I:I ''' - 7,"' ' domi-ollteml atotbority, hair not received mooch ....rhea, iim . attentioni so fur, however, as it has been no. complaito that they have had o ' ay extravagant tit ..l- 11.0 ctea,, ... 4. need, it hts mot with the most decided opposr, r w el g i , e.a . t . - h e rr h m he l e e i , m ,,,-. 1 : i 3 ,, ' d oc \ s a , 1 ,7 t - w fog ea m .::e t .it„ P . : ' ilonoueoledo ender d.., ..,,,,1' tar M a r 11 , el thin from all partied • There is' a rumor that '' "'" ' ' " '"' '''''"" Lord John Ru. I 'lira Ite theabortion of """'°' ol3, °"ln^ ...on or• year; ri 6 e to \ it.„,i -0 held,. •Se con P . " North. ut I.,bortler 1,0 , .ii, the tarty shilling freeholckfranchise; but this is de ~. ragont !might. t e 1 .. 3 d. P.r '`., ..Illattie t ea, 0.1,1... do ,l'. incredible, and can only he put forth le ascer- y before a s s will be put to the tweed rush' ~ of the people s 0 reland •In fact a' e of toe - it 0 ..45r0 torero.... 1. 0 t„ It ' avO ,, ,liO - rO s to i lain how far the public will allow their doubts hehnehde _. r , i , .-... '''' llo . ll ` l ' "' it, II , la` 1 ...1 1I ' l o f the Whig llini„ster to go •\ Thie forty-ehilling , e. m that therablecountry See to think . freehold is the symbol of ,dtoklY N.. " ninde P"'• tToe'psleTh7ogramo"'f p \ o u pu ” ti re oru X"' fo ' r " e ' n ''' 'ctio r n Y tt r c e e ne re e - ,C a b t„ Cht, ''' 1.1 1, CI• Itr IPt., ' deem, ~,stead of h ying blotted, out, it ought to , 100.1.1tratc. • 1.0 ~.01.. ...„ „, ,- .10 . Cently taken place on eveml propel-Gk. - • • Late Env ,„ . ,„, • ~, ~, ~., .he alloweal to extend itself, as it. is doing to ma*. .- ii T i h ,, e ,id n_ews frnar ,l t.n . , e Is tha S t E L " orls n si, ' a . riol an' st e r.... simte.o.- lor placee, by huilding and hunt nocietiee We ~,,, I"' Imuat wait and ate what Lord Jahn may. pro ,- t0te..,,,,,,.i.. ~ , . 1 ., 1.,,, -0 to t .. pr , I pose There dOes not\arem to he much imp, `"'ss the 414 .11at0 XOn its openint. a d renounce the WWI or att ' I I tooter. olthotich\ there L-X Coll•iderabie curionity 5 1 . :4 n o•ooe to From! v... 0.1....1.-„, -.1.• ...or ~ ~ . his re-election to spite id \ t Constitution "bat. 000 . 5 I 01,trol Hat: heed ~, ,i ~, about the matter. The 'entire coo lii is calm th et h . . . , .e will solicit the c .ct . t i, i ration of the As,A , 1 mill out Xenia]. Dlrrontetti n lote-died of plenty 1,11 a pm,. itmt ti,..., ~,, semhly for thus - end, , as fo n rent Measure of ', tau ed+ le if ti 0 ,,,, „, net lln is the very time for making wise and delibe public Nefety, to case reale Ewald be ' again 5i,,,,, 0. 0' „ It • 1 "' 1 "'" '''" 1, i. 2 0, lye n'''' ' rr" I rate reform", popular passions will not noir hin. debarred by a hainiatity of thacti mber. With- 'L i:. hele coo. 11,1,1, odd . t h„, ~, I der nor precipitate them. The true statesman do, the concurrence of the malori of the Ai- - ..,•:;, will trait himself dfthe opportunity to nettle ou ' • . " \ Turf, Crerk I.lant, Ilcoal , , ~, allay he Will do nothing. There are rdreng .. '• an ee Iterry.vni.l.l4l.l ..,,., „ , , t w b b e' e b h e:l l. ll , ll; c l ,, tt ri ll,4l , -t. r t , .:ti:lat_io o nn' , , , tho , lo ,,, Tletlioo . ll t o. ;, optome ,•,\ peril of o ~nylon on h . e pert or ~... Otero. l et Turntllo. Ira -,,, - char° ia ttal ," tl, , o, ...t. roues a. v,.,. , n' I nn.n n q ! n'. P rnl P l - the Fusionists to favor the Elysee, i co seipience ' of the Joinville candidate. monies.. •-. ... ' io, We'll., little to'say abontf ranee. The ag-i. ' '1 The report dl the Minister of Finse t ; ( Rol elt..tato. • o.^l-i• . I ';', •• '.,'•,,, I ,,,'„,i''' . tauten concerning the cendllateroltip s of Joinville ierid is eery fe „, hable. The reeeip r 185 . 2 ,ril, m... .:::•11'4 1 ,:':,. ' re 111 ta . 1 ,, 7' to making no sensible progress. His , adherents ere estimates at 71 473 a°3 Bo ' lb appear to have perceived that they announced it e ,, , ~,' „,,,,,,,, fiee ,;,„ ' ' r " m ; 44 V' e " ..„„ ,•,t, . • htiniar tee semi. and they , rp ~ 0 , .g , m. ,, n , . r The lifisaiseippi, kith Kossuth 'lnd Lie' ello i'auhurati a Ide !Octal . • their melted without poi [Le the candido,teship patriots, arrived at BMrrnit Tithe 12th instant. 00..1, 1...t1 • or the Prince officially 1 ney say Lie caftan( Et- • 1 • , • • 0 " 015 n !tout lr Stratford tanntagmnd r Lavelette visit d nott:u„... iteaehm. ~, . \ plain him. IC nor aatiounee Ide coadidateehip Koestmli rat the thtralonell . • I s : lam that air to air the tapesnl af , the nation. , ,al 010, Inv Lock „ 111 A t , I ',eel . . . r H. \ ways ready to apt for, he welfare of his ceutirey ' • - . These are smooth words. bit ther are rague nil . Jorat4LlsX,-••Let a newspaper enter a fare .ti .asfactory, and have throwel.doold and dis• ily. and , there. reiterate; \day after day, fore mei . _ l :••, ' , \ I I t o ,, 1 Ica \ couragement among the tirlesool: party. L ot e. !We - I , month, the must hetrNiox idene, arohlr will • bee .0,0 ., . • Av., . . d ~, c ~, 5,,,,,,,,,,,, i,„,, ~i,„,,,, , ,,, ~ ~,,1,,,,' 1, woe . tote d riarrant a gradual corrtiptinnof the fondly ogle--\ v some days ainoe that he was about to ntake an tees.'. The frequency and, importunity of the at. \ . PRICE OF COPPER S TOCKS - l ocEs. ‘, extensive Gnu into th provinces, but he ni iv an- tack .most produce the remit, We underrate \ , ~,, it....4.1.,1 r., ~ „ .h„, ,„. , n,,,,,,, 0.,, ~„,,..0 ~, nottneeS that he shall of leave ,Paris: M. Thiers tho, importance of the prem, when we reeken it ' e '• f,,,, .+,..• I % than, ' . . will postpone hie nisi to Claremonut untill the the 'follower and .t th framer Of popular senti , i... 0. 11•610.11. 1.•. t at e,,,,,, sein f , A.ssembly has proven ced again on the subject tilefttr It to both llttrirelation te the popular Arled „Mend 5e1.1 4 ~,,,k,.. iii4,, o , ,i„,, t o t h e j 0 i,,,,71, ~,,e . Ithev iO,perfectly reciprocal. It crealfa occasions mti4 •li ..... ~ .lin um. , al. eo 1 1 1,, .•'. t will deprive that arty of to an Republicau ally mons t ers of 'error, to Which. sooner or later, . ... in ll• e dd in , 1 T 2. tti it fella a prey`! And, at timed it beca\rried away. eb.,, : ~,, . 7 ,K, e . The Poeta il Chambord is ths•atisfied • ' , ” I ""'''' '"" wi ' . Der-toyer'. rot for revisioo, which in the by gusty and all regarded explos'ioni,,Of Senn- - - '' l ' .t: ' ' 't . ri.„.. ' „ I - Y i '74 ' Coll opinion, faro ed the re.electioa o r T o m'. meets, for which it is - not resOnsible, but is al 5,, , -,.....„..„ waye unreasonably held to ansireln ill ficia:.!/fr •• 1 , 1 ;,,'; 1 !,.,' ~`',. Napo ;he u, not di posed to wait another pe so t. Aut....on 111 nce-10,. 1 : 7 .. 'e I 11.5 od • nod o r Seat n be re he makes an attempt aitudiae, the'..Preos is a positive pWer; itkinft.'...:i'lr :,. ~ ‘,...,,,„ A, ~ . , v', ',,. 1 1!, '..;;; at a restecration. Th whole nffair of the corn. cute direct ,in advancing its own limit, Rik , .• \,- I , .. kol ; 1, ~ .t 1.2 electing hem:dues , ally more inrilleed. I.ou • direct in developing the coirent ideas ef the day. t .' .. And if we confine its objects to the mere refer... - 'a, • is Napoleim I. really at this moment the °lily. 0 1.1 .' i • 0 4 1,0, candidate fikrly in Ott field, The French fund. non of opinion2we may restassured we ratee - ions _• . ' a j •':: e a ~,,,r - a' ' have been itint, state r rapid mid violent o toil calling at too insignificant a mark- - ' Mt co.,, kcra. . .. I 1 7 51 1 dal bit 101), but they , ore n w nettling in very timely ln England and Germany the tone of the niws-' vi .. paper preito has been mther moremagistetial and .• Io .. their former mfAition . , gts • 1 1 , 0 A 'WO conspiracy i said to hare been organ- 41actic than in France and America The Ger ' bs-imm. man editor elaborates a homily day aftectlay, ~ en three 1 - . , • io, Toed to several peeran ea of Spam, the Catalans, ..: 7 ' I and. preaches it into hie whittles ea.-cathedra. i . . - . . I - ..o I ... , l , Arragon. end Valelei being the facet At agonst a- in, 1 , ~ 1., 0 1 11 A 1. .. Sic al Cat. . 11 ott It oit the Gifeertiment, to , h cal out at the first 01..1 His chair is the ideal of a tripod. His "words • ,t, ~ l ''' 1 ,('' , frt. Perin or linivA T. t=urret ere old to a Restates re oracular. eswitea'hie proposifionloa care i... ems,. -- .. mat .. 1 :,I nympathlr Path the I tended more:Mint They fully " SPitt"o might a litmittPhPiefil theorem, ,". 1 I ••• • I s I protathly hope that by Updating th e 11,0 . ,t,,,,,,,,,.. and mum. it out according to Quintilian's moat ...ow.' t ... I 00. \ ti,,,, T ros , c ... •,„ tc „ „ e l their irmit t ph, 'lettere lejaactticral, will bel t .. nPProved roles of rhetoric-'. His pedantry runs „,..i. t s.' .-" red. and diet the , . •t e 1 1.1 'tit p * lineal Mt t^ • into . item,' and colors a critique of a ballet . ',..,....,.. , .... !. 4 cA.I Iletcroccatt . ' b . : 1. IA. 5••., after the domestic Ice rintti. have had their dly, . da"'''.4,k vole,, of ...ifs might be selected ' trill be a return to ah 1-,,..lktiat Government un- lemn the edit.rial 'f..ittinns of "Deutoehland" .......i. tr., . •,. j 1-- , lee the elder brunch f the Bourbons A ~,,ih . o Zeiniogs. not entirely, unworthy of, a place With . ioste-1 . 1 11 ~ 1 1 in. i,„ t h e y ice, oayn s„„ ,„, like It o k,„ . 10 .,,,,- 0 ~,,. .electious from liritisn‘tluaruerlies. And through ~,, ~,,,n „„ , , ~, . ~,,, , + ~, I ,„„i c h e „„„„ 1 - 1 „„.4,, ,:' , ,,,,„,, , , j „„ : „, „,,,,,,.,,,„, out the volume the climacteristle\ we elltide to ..11e . ', ere many ttiontho Child, Notapg eau avec, h i,,, Would be found a conetant qtiatitity; the teach .l. t.r.eit THACH Ell. is,rer.,,,, , danger 1,1 IL., euependion'sif tbe),,,nrord, and tag pertitinciously degmatical and autheritlve. • ' • the adoption or o °aid, ey•ftern oz eollertiug the The London Times, the hype of English:news • RATER OF DIBtOUNT. , t 0,,,,, ~,o t e d h i t i, a Crest ,4,.„ 0 h t „,,,,, i,, literature, is lee, modest than Ile eta-at ~ ,, ...-,i...0_,,..arer5. at 0 -the public expe „,1..,,, , thew fir' , th p .„,,,,, ticodesake. mei dlotat, opinimee A deepoticalt Ti ll tOLNI 18 & SONS, Bankers ' Meister ~,,,y I. • p i d ced to adopt these me.. IY as Steitz. the Cut ofryour paletot. , .. tneneurn. i- .4 am, reor7s gr. AHrtoo - 01 urea and prevent a volution Win wrt ‘ l \ no t ',rt. h"ed with ..rPeeeniarY r Polititkl n i t . it ~.„,,,r , ,:',N . ,'• , .."..',...'3 , ; ' ,",_‘' ' ~„, g r "".2 ''',,, t ', 1 „,,,,,,`"',,,"'"_ -'..'! slime to say . net' h,r ill we veritiire t o o p., faliently Mail:. an autocracy. of e undtan 1.1. li i . Ido oar lito.a. it kept.. .. tO, with th e wetter' that revoluticaris inelitable if tog ; a more than , papal infalibili .. No 'drift i... a Uot, et do c ar 15.,,,0, At % .0 1.11101.1F11.--. t 0,„„„„.„ „.. ...„1, b„„, c t „ c 0 00.o. ' ,l, they &rent. our ep .ion is that apairt,is not Mg i ''' t h e ' id ' if R ° P 4lari tf. iv worth m444."'" 1 , ~... •.1 a.risa Amer,* tor Ult.Cintonuollcte ready T urnol f )1-144 c mine; we d o n0 td.,,,,t, I h ot ing there. The quetroonce reconnhitredwlti conk InribtabitTrl4.• par Hrvalt.ltn Hat, ~.. de 1 pro per care: tte trail es measured by \the rule nk 4 Protect trona.- Imo botoyeto. 14,00. ..,-.. nu she desiren one bet c'ttee di 011 • 0 'me. thkl ob. ... • Proic t....u,1,,g. t.rltlon 11, Ito A Treat i-- .... Otcllid Out loop, tnauflai 1 ileakteratic imitituti . l of a stiff and obstinate conservatism,Mpilitre4 lank al b. Celled atafe• Idt-15.A-rt. te.c.r... Ilan, _co: - • . co w It a ,„ a , et. p or t i tat , t a ‘1,,,,,,,,,,,,, _ ~, even is she suceeeded tatiblmhing them ' epective of exttirnal influences. the premi In rineY,',..,...::....: n . , , t...,,,,,,:, ant,... .. . .I. Tie efficiod return it ow + that the July rerriAle i aderabiy no w ceitted, What is true of the No ti es,', Vit , 'A. ..,...t mon. ' . .., : n o`,..''„'''' ,„, , war anl 1 f. 7 I %Int, 11 ~.. a fading ~if of no 1,„; , „ 'to reloli re4yrtine of le ”important sheets. .• ii , t , .40 - (.7._.i:: 0 :t.:1:i.., . i.,, :,., ~ 1, ~,;, I .. . - , * , . ~..,, , ~.., than t. I .8%.0tt , from lely, 180.0. Th e aet .,,,, abalone the air and at nude oedictrition, astif'*;",,".,.. 1... lamer lA c tr.o ie. uneui,,..r1,,..0k ~.,.,satr, ...-. : ~ 01 rerenue Collected w plinth° first seee t a t . o .th, l. \ ;ulcate their 4511.11 noti ns unrestrained by Pre.„i,„ .• 4 .5" e"'' "' a' LA.' 0 ti - f thi. year woe 1,11 17. e 11/11 • ff,'„ ath ~,,,t ae , meuh,tion of what a c priciouspublie may di tt y \ ~.;,,..„ cuttl•orl. Itatitt c. d . ~.. t . c ppolttore e,.`..,,5:,..: leaving A deficiency of A them. , The Kush. press, from the TigagH IteAUtt 77* ; \ ' nit.lll PHI 11 A -.' - t -....,'" 001-r..1.1.t. .. ' 1 .4.11....ct5 ,t tlnte. ' .' • c . I t:1„4,2.872 The holier. a Spanish lemds ore d'irt to the manliest Ind Ilnu)"we ek IS'. th tastljf 'n o, ..0 Ado., aer Lou : , 7 2 pal.' \I CO Iris - . ' C far \ from at with this .tatement nooke independent and pelf.reliant than te great , " . , latet, I „ brace 0 atte, _ 1, , ~.., t t , c • tont 9, 1,1 cc. 1.1... A., ::.' ' tl' ' t 0 wet t. liodureaul ~ I • * o-trai Ytetov no mug l ae y oot , •,,,,,„,,,„,,,,,,,, ItodSa of French and Altuerictin papers. \ i...., ..1 ..-n....,...... ta.:t , . timt t. Norfolk... ', r utterly No does D„ly forui e h ~,,,,e , ,„„,i ‘,„„, ' In )tur own country lthe editor makes less `pre -0,..'.., i. , , , . maa.,-..leme,r 1 ...„,, ~ ~„ , . . , , . ~ „_,,,,,,,,....,, 5t ,,,, - L ., ~ I that , eati,tentory Tl. Neapolitan t„,,,....„„„.,,, 'tenei„.--clothes hittAfilf in the garments,of hn. ted•ll. - r i - .oh ....Asstl 0 -teen °aim ...t, : is preparing t , reply! t o air Ghtdstoue, in de- many, and repudnotin spy design to lead opik or, ef bo r tle t t t o...t.„, Int 01,0011 Cl.lO/61" I have of , • ooti oath t eliey This reply wiil. it I iota, ellefikually acedMl lishert 111011 C in directing, arlol- n mi . at., r 1 1. Ikon • 010 • ~ I ..sold, ult k w the entre responsibility f o • e .„I, it: than they do affyich r voIRO out of Pori... In '. 'T,';',',',',l. l ',,, A ,T"'"' - ',: r , ,'!,' 1 ,'";,.',..,'„,.",,,, e 1Z, 1 1,."',,,,,, •,:' the inhume 'ty °mint ) at i re ttheo th e k.•,,,,, ,, „,h„ 'the tumult‘fiti contlic of ideas, - enobra, , ; ;ff ing ,, the t..., Ihuik ~.., S terehasidi 11.11,4, Sono. to 4 is willing to assume it, w e ~,,,,j , ,,,,. ~,,„, t h, J rights, intm e, sto and d ties of 00 many differing ' re. Itoot 01 5.1-1171 c Ale it./ 5. A carat., Ha cd our, td. ~...01. utthe 51 .45 Carol... . PIT. " 1: the - riellf , litifue 'of E. t .a to ~,,,t h I commonweal ths and in' ',ideals, there roust be \ „„ i i , ~, 1,„,,......, ~,,, Houk of NottL Corolla* . 2 wrong leoluelling foilthe itidelept thinker to\pm faith ' armed...Haut c• Kencllnt. pot Haut. of Chorbaton......, . d „ ot „ „t . ,,,,,„.„0„ 00. t ,., t 0.„,„,.• a .....„,,„„„ r , „, . Nothing what ter form Ronie or FloretaLe I`ltpon tine man in ten \thousand does •is ovin lir ai Dom.., tee , u.d o ai rii/GIA From Germany 'the ramie is, that the Diet. at I Cogitation, proving his existence by the Carte- - .flo, IL lip lit 0 ht ear tomorla , ark Ilatatiott Co stroburs Hon, 1, B oa t cc . A 0 , 0 . 0 , . .. I Frankfort to about do t adopt a lon feral re ; an rule, and thikrest have . .a belief in nt e pa te.e.i...- limo. ' 1 - . 1, Ilk ~0 linamodet, Ouirwdsll alodiehing ail fundament a l ri ht., 1 per' tor a sole colofession Oc faith The p se, trottar bul. . - 4.11 TENtra.Sl:ll!' I g . au. ,Jiro to I nrant.rloubty Hook poriAll ....Ivrat sank . ; pile,. Ft fdll or greist rigor ogdiliat the pre, 1 the country more ' tld the t city-the,weckiey It 1 . CHT I • 10 ' 7 „:,...",,,,,r,,, k , I ~„,,,,,,.7 1 : H . ,„ Kenton , . L 0, ,, ,,, ,,,..... I There 1,1 also it very grilyre report, save the little mere thee the dily , its creole and rule the pie 1000t0.3,4-1. boo ik en, 1.4 .d I.„uoulie. Th ereon , i, 1 m.p.h . :nee Beige, that thi'. Germanic Diet intends , relent sentiment, Ruth it is thefolly , ot affect.4.c '...t lino., Ino, h., btertherp Ilk of aplaTork, •• ;to mope,. the iudopenilee of the th ree e rre , ' Um, or the dread ofre c rneibility, that refuees ..mie.4 ea iiiia.......,,,,,,,,,ther it Ilk of H.. Work; ..1.1. ti...u. .. .... 1,1 ar.seotta I tootle, Ilattulturg, I:realm° and Lubeck, and 10 to admit the fact 8e bran,. the faa,greatly H., Net., i n Ho ed atis 01 Nan tla • t : • o o ,„ i ~,,, , ,t i„ - • 10 11 11y0.111e th e m in 011155(10T : 11cm State. 11 a lu. i. the need iiiere.c.l. or avnore elevated\ editor, lob, 3.25 Hata. .., A. et... Houk altd inam0......,, , burgh to t o f a n to pnosia. Nalco Metterinch .id character. Make the plies.. answeeahl `for its ~, rt.., . .I..tllottt et 1111ani• 15 t• ~,,,,,,,i, • tans re enter Vjenzia en Gm ,2 I 'it is s a id t j,,,, I emenatioog, as the scene hritutnense . es for 1 1 1 , x .10111...... • sto - 1,,. ( , Haat, Ihe intend, to dalot tichwarleco like but nhould I good or ill, and we .hall ben'hdt it infi n itely ore A , r,...:; ... t •.,',., , ,,.',, 1 ,,",, , ,,,,'"''' ' :',:', ...,„„„,"','',„„'", l ,,'„?, a. ,,,, ~ ihe at:COCOA( al doing no, St 11111 make na change 1 lb.. „by dePrecimingitsPoWm‘ It" Petrel " ..t.„.1, Rent. dI IR the policy .if .a - ustroo for tim better t would the be more niaterelt, consideerd; 'fa net. t, ,t 10 ti n , de I, .... tot, hoot • I 1 language more cautionali me' ; antlltti i rm.., .t 1...,..... . dello-anew. tbecteant a . .I ' -Letters from Vienna reprment \hat th e ao l si,tetimi.. ~,„ . • . 1 . poets for tht , ,, appronehing sinter are Wl2, thing I '1 :1, 44 , I.e More beningnlyfelt. Thkeditoritilof an a, at sac• ca ..„.111. „It: t Adebt 5c,Td.,11.0 ~ lett encouragitig. The depreciation of th I American paper iamettally the Warm fire? im- .. . . • pres•tion of a fact net down at re \white hear „ ~ e,,,„, „,,,,,,,,, ~,,.4 , ,,,,,,,e , ...," „ reuey cam,. ntore than a curreSperidits rise ut 1 . . •., • • notelt ot 1,00t0.0. 4„c110nt...4 Toocuto 6 I the price 01 everything Itiben the pret nin on ITL o editortal of the German an EOA "Yd.:- r, h 'Li .....i.,.. d•, t. I,STKIII7I •A t .,,,N crt :, 1 r0n..11 at A oeltittato.n codou %ea t , hie .. .:-.1, ; ' 171 " 7. ...11 t hi rty f ,,,, ~,,.t h, the troaeo: eOl,l 4 -u. ie generally a sober, elaborate \,....,5, ern -i•-lite rsomrti - 47i. a... . ft charged no mure for their goods than thet,v do bracing none but mature results of rea , cnon.-`, 'Cin'r•Pll.: -!1 a .‘dl • :f:::11- .I';. ” 'I4 I P.ITIVI a . Wit'udilsti . /.. ' ' he... that it is am eii4htee. Per cent. The 11Afirl .It 'hen wehave horroweddi few of these foreign ', ranch .el i.... ....diellluouttoll, . . I. : ',wry small, though tot No tiny as it was In 18 6, lSra4 ' , ' be p re " ma y be e g aal to its in 'm - nu, o t oda), dh1t , 014,11. 1 They are needed and areearily Bad--1 .I!r.i ', , rmi.ti .t id. ria Ie , I„are. . .... merb a+ eriostlld • ..../11HII 1 - 1 1 dill'l'Keirlln i•i , i Tho kinds of ,merrt the price of whieh is not 4se ' 71m ” . ' • . 1-.4 ...;•.. , . ' :‘ - : ratr•la at maneatt, de laauttmata.: t atioin . , th : • rata. bit r.. 5 . 201 do its t le.,' by the Government are almost beyond the reach , ' rto...ta to Mt. 10.10.t0t. .10 1tatt1....1.1 1.1 , 1, 1 , 7 , I „ the muldle classes .Oh u. prime veal, whichl 1 LAN SEED 01 L-I 0 bbl” Just riaiv rant, •I 'Any Ilia d 'gnt., new ran , „,,,,,„„, in. h„1e T t e ,,,,,, , ,,,,,„ , o , three-yearn ago co•t eighteen and twentS, is now .0 lur sale hr .r.p2d R. E.. arttautae 't - L - 0uu ,. .1: :t i t• • • , ..q... r, .. ;,,,,,, ...- : t1. 1 , 7 ,in T .. 1 : , , t - • .,, ?..,::,,,: I sold for,thirt, thirty. I:mutters pet,pounii. The pot , r omeop-150 lies manrd Tolmeetiqfkl, . . nue, at 1,...„ dec5.0...r.1 g t0 , 3 c , toes 11.1 11,oet parts or the , olltry have the rot I li. ti•nd nuol Ame rid* br 1. •1 .7 ; e,..„ ,6 , •• a ,,, , . aa t t , a .h a ;i t ,a‘ a t, ,, ,,,„ ti s ta ,, , , °,.. , attl:r^, • - , " 1 ) • . ---A.CULBggI."---NkC°.4.--\:.- - r at Cu t Ord. ci..lltoento . ... . fue , som e i 'v ee k, „ 1, a ,, li t ri o 1 it - I ()RICE BALL-8 cases. foraale lop. -.,1, , * , 1..i...._ i.. ____.__ hope that thos n still in the grotnid will be worth ■ A ''''. xrp2. J. SCTIOOMJAKEIL At CO ,a 14 the trouble of digging up pork tinie it tans' V INL' 'AR -97 lible. alder 3.ll.itoriLin4enbj .„1 ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OF 1fA11.8...1 h h , ~,, lea telloott ot 14 ef orelratt mud droottnrort4 Us. wale ''''- -''''' a el a' laga at weather Lull give ionic I ' a ''''' chance of an average vintage, therlit in now little ,' br i EN Ull . 1 . • Al A N,CIIRSTER GrNGrums ar Mood. ocrrect„ to Mr letter T.,11.•110 -Ity I er.euthnt.,Chantb•ochor tt , Phllad.lehts. prospect that the grapes nth ripen'. Although - -C—i r , ---v,tarar..if„c„„.L. ef• tort, hower, rent. aud Nottotro porta of N. 1.11, the • romping m '!,y no mean, en ,;\... e h ar , r d ! 0.". limare, Ned .I.[' i , And the Al Nes hmel.,l Stte ..,, ,_ lie neltleh Pm. on.. of !auger Man., 7.ora recd. teal, Ilm constitutionallerit far sale ..,ll+. N. a. a.; Liman.. Ina, to striking . ever. \ If theSICK a AoPeNDI.P..Kia 11f Weatherthe.j . iti o o hi p , le , :; , ( i t I , I ,, EESE--20. boss, prime IV, R 7, iioolot 1.......1--h, Molferille nod 11.1111datohunc. Po. r f h 1ud,,,, the e n ut ,,,,, s i if,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,„.„,, Cho- or n n ew punt on .n Bonder , or holiday. the 1 Frill BS-2.11 to in store and for 5a10t)t_ t ..,.,,a • .- ~. iNin . , i t L1T1L1T.,. ,,, 014.11tt ,„ 1,.0 . 1 , ;1=t i t . , :t.17 4 1.1J. roads, inns, and gardens ttl the vicinitiod 'the lAA '''''''''.c. :Ir.titi.Semere ... itead.. Nr. ,u....4..:..,114: °iv ore ~ eroWdedan dreenwielt park n% fair , 8 „,,,,,T,._,,,, ... it - vinare and for leaTekir'-' , .. , ' El' , ,• A trite...tail, .11 , a., d•varto dub- •1 day,, and the hands .of ,Btrautta sod Fahr'linelt " ,:e... .e . 5a w nmiluv6fl- 5-' ' ' ''':':* .). at,-Il t Both', ea, Meow. faiwront, mid Jortrnall Pm"' as attr ' iethe " M Ot' pond old Lim. ' w 4 ' en l ' 12 It'll 8111 S--A. A. Mitenn Et Cso.,..have .'"%i.,' ent4ra. w rttertt Pert er bra o l4baHd utpe,:c.,uaaa.daity. pillple cirtriedpurara instt4til of poeket bonOr ' lt.iii•t-eemed Obstmoni lot 01 veer merrier a.... : • rrtior At 15 AA, and &porta at .b 4. m. those palmy dap when bank, notes were prefer , . ' N''''''''""! .d ... e '` k "V,.'""' 0., oat, Oa, tt OaI.ILN —By Truhincloo. ea, \lite.. . d p 0 1.1 1 0 ,411000a,0rt of the,,,ieelaud ma., ty. to ne t, red toe precious metals ' " , 1L.8,--800 kepi US ~.'d it ,brands, on ar t land. Iloio" , At ,ble a tee t Cll,, hnuthertt mat 1 erl- There is every reason to heft .i.i• that the Ina. , 4,7,I1""1 and,'''' .."''''''' '''' 'Ci.""ln's .Co 11 toot, et obto cl 111.11.0u5, Kentuelt, . llorect, T. so b Alabama. 010 to m 311rOtt o pp c . A r t aa ,.,,, Hc oth , ~.. chiller). of the Austrian Goverti\went is getting i , s ' ' tied ~ ;,, i - .q. ,74 , ;: , ....,.L..0 31 , z7 ,1,1.2,,,...r: L... Jolll nrll • re afore •and more entangled It le not dooka, Ail L ,. ti 11)1 LINN-13a° , 1, rad. rer esore., of oir., A. .11A51.1104 lir-. 5 .,,,.„,,,,, ~,,,,.._„,,, ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,_ ~,,,,,,,„,,,,,,, , even in Ministerial circle., that the‘rtateof pub . - • -,_ .- . -"," .--, - d °more. Porto 1.. itolu.l.t , mit., aa, ~ 11efei.o, iron.' tic feelieg in Hungary i s try bad , The Austri- ( 1 1 1 4.1A.R.8.--al4thal Regali : rnacipe, an . AILTrt.II 11.olute, And lOwearawr. edit... uluo dallr o l t rid, by '. 0 rives .t it r..... d.oart.• at At. a. . : I ... 1 h press waked no meniiim of the Ittrmtme ~ r , ~ „.?,,,ir°l ," e ' ""•"Pi'"" "I CAM TOAIN a , co. !Soars wr.vam -ti t hr.., re.....a eleeelo,,d,,,bi o .-. I ',oath; the informatten that he wait / sin free '` \ . ".. ~ ._ , . lavar•tc. l'a.,Celelllbtatta. Trmbull, Pertatts tO•ottr, 11 •• • 1 1' it E 4 swil XAFR AI 11,hRti. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,e 1. h „ ..„ , ,,,,, ,1„,, 1,.. „ , , wye t pvt a . anger°. iuten.ity to the t ought., •, _, w a rJ-.11,..1..-0.,,. , I 0 .440 , Cradle. . lardllligaud ohl oo I, laws., Ithorta. Ottawa brio. oandwar, \I a., lit fight be to WO actions of Ms country en - , , ..1.. i.,,, ts t i 411 DICKE'r Of, 4 Loral ...Mo.. ill., the ...doe ...lam .04..1 ( The ‘iiattlerippi, wi th her ,galitttlt freight. ce 0f ' ••01 1 \ i • ' 1,447 'd " 1 " • 111 . • ' the 5., 14 holtour and 1110..1, itteltellt e r AlllllOl ' , . „ . . - ---.. a. Hot, MI I , so.tiainolatit. Arretre at 1 a. a., d r . I Ilun riatt patriots, is ropeele,l every, do at ' ' ',still CALA3C-111..101..- 1 ory cheap 1 all Pa rte tdo 4. , husk,. -.lit I. l .l.toilotrit. H0p„..... at,t0„,,,f . T.,.,.. I Nautili Upton. Respeding Kosonth, tile ‘ l./ ily, ~ 1 , . re , ... / ,,,IT' 4 ., \ k k ' rd '"' . h " . ..".../' "P.'. W. H. %AMU& L vs, harTcrt, th lsodattostio.l.i.ltirattota., Aruettnatatt It, NPR.. o .1111 a morning says . +, :" " 'l ' l . ; a ft r , i. ' ll'i'',l',:',.t . ~I t a j '',..',.,''''''''" a """ 1 " A' tme 0 the tuoid pleasing edinciahancea of mita 1 . 1L.k 11 , hiIIBOXS A Sl' I I Att(B. - -2 . 41 . T.44:i; !atm. -bi 1 er t yra t tl e , 10',„tc.r.I. zeiteremi.,. eerier, ern times `re tli,V complete identity a rectum, is ~ ,, ,,t,, , _t5 t , , ,, ,, , ,,m x, ,t ix, 1 „ c eei0 tlidd enamor at Itahlilz ff • Ile, it ett i tted Sew Labor Ares.. TlrAls, . ‘1 ...else+. nod 0n,,,,,,,.., n i, n r . , ~,e nen. ni „,„,,,,, „ the United ,, of America and Great Britain .., _ • , lnc-ola,• Witt • r 0 ,,,, ,, 7to 0111110 oldlael. of the !lung:trout stniggle Tho . ' I.A.R CAN DLES--ln whole and lir. it's., tir.,,tt :I. , t i ri.-. 11 4 ,. ..41? ..., ryt:_ , 1 , 1:!1 1, E r t.;, ,, r1 . 1 , 1e 1 rt . \lt , ~,,,,,c h0r ,,,, i , 1 , 1 ,,,,,i . ~,, ~,,,,, en th,,,,,,,,,,,,„ t _ tet It7alb L. lll/ty22. 1. „ tOL upy..,or.s .1.!?,. \ tt. 1 % -....-th. eosi eolontaf e, a:' 0. o.' •'-' I kindled, in ti to e two gr.: .I,isiotte of the .An- ' I n i \l , ald ToRA eCO-f t , to,d,„..ed bussed for \ u mr,.,1..Ct..'7:,:n.1it, i i ,',;:Ti.:!;";;r:::: td" Nolan race. to the mildest smut made ror i 4 , N , \ :ll, 1..r22,1 , LlAllthr, JON Vh s gt 4(,... „,„ \ Op I.3 ol anlarll, .1 - 1, 0 ,10. tint 1 . 1 ,01, I , :trr MUM... , I 11,..ty agates!. ty anitic power and overwhelm ' 1 IN ,, EED 0 I 1,-...'iSbld;;' fee 'd: and for sale'\ ' .l.. ' 'llor. A tTi.'•:,l:4 4 j a .t d i .':',7.l::.'i l ' :' . .r • l a :7 l :.''''• a. a ' ''''' lug for.,,e That I. entity of lerlingis a 1101,5d'al •gA l e \ ace.2l. ' 0,. - 11..T...W. Whit ttl./Ff; • \ hoots 1. 11, 11 alter', ella, becl.o.l.cou, Canyt.a. C I rultuse that if 11. mento of Etieope shoilid %VI N ' DOW. Ili L.A.BrS;li66::, fisa -- reed and \ treeimtot.o. Coos Coe,. ti 11..., l'att• twat., mill, VIA- . ' ' : 1 . ' Aleut, 1. Ar„,.. stoulot• and T„uralo c r, at 10111,1 C g'rr "" ' . 000 , 11 ' '"" ''. '" li r P" %. "'t .... n'n' t 'ida ' 1 I , '' ' ' ..a' " l " _ "00....' ' s ' tW'lti}t"A"T ' part• .- P una eo ...I I bur-do. t, at 1e a ' , Ide a bsolute ie... threatening toe iretemoi ol` -i,, it ,'... ~ -, :+r -- - • ,14 -I, I .lllaOitl. olttnlrleelll, 01...0 lea ' i.. i AIM ...8-,J bole. SateratUat •• • At, Vntakficet Oprecco Pa., rairtieri, i. - arr.;.• ~, 1 England end the West tis reentry May find in 1\,,,- . 4 - • witty. at OS. a . 1 ......, mnfolA) . 1 o• • r . the gener, hear. n d meting menet, of its \ . ~. 4u - nrimenhf Teton.: , h+ -11, Mart,. Norl 11 ......tllOl. 101.1 11% 1, , 0ra......1, 11.1,0,4,... p; ~ o, „,.,.;., „„ th,„4,,, I American lirethren. that mieterestell mot rani- I , to Naas 11rit Lain tar Ridge by _ dein alliance mol support which "for centurita - -'',(0....., - - HARDY. JUNES 0 f.??.....„. __ I.cdcitoutu, -11,- I,shin'n Fe f trel•e• on Htkloy at 5 . . • , ---.. . anew. on pate r d.,,,l. • ' • it hoe rain!). ',light 111 Enrol., / ' rilliltltA DE St EN NA-IDOQ lb. for sole bY 1'5.... 11 , I TI/ 1 1.11 1 1. 0 etHcsd 11 .... J. 11 1 1 ' 1, ' This i• ntrong and allogethi\ratelangungieferf., il. vg.,l ~.- Jr 'hi? °AC°;;,, 4 f ect, . hindow n . re.,11.,.10 0r . olen and le, at,. ci .. .• d ap. arrive. trl-a.kl f -.ado, ,iI „towsloo. .01 O e.tlitoln 111.11,111, '‘Vell till , mo !. liberal portion 1 ii, ,eli-gri--kliti'ElE'..---8- bb1,41 . Ithti 5 ki1,78 - „lil a ", ~,, ti, ; ,-.,r'' "P‘e'e '''."^dsi• '' , ‘"'" ."''' of it, to hold out Weenie Amerika , and we heal ‘,, 10 . h ISAYAILLICSKT • UO, tato,. a r the doti, owl. ottiet he to the ell, ria. hour . it • together with. the altered • tone of the r,;•i f , II *Mg= ' .\ : ':'.....' er ...".1 5..71t -''' r"rr 1 '.. 17. .. I ^H. Olll, I . I I^H. HT t 11.7 tr. TIT" , .I°I I I 11, the harbinger of lie approach of the limit FilikrANIlEW-Stockir or the nttlegh,Ollllka; ...Air... weekly twilit, MOM , iv seine.. had . hoar l to, At rlr deportee, !n of fetiling and 1. 11.N1.0.0 ia1.,111/0 between " I I at.,,,, , 50 I,llar. of. Ilalf deepen, Maxie. nod , an t miaow Sw • bkb '. • -; ,- - -'" _‘ j the two etilintmea '""^ h ''''""` ''' ' '''i 1 tne lir ' ' I I '" 1.,1,....... es., V. lO, ,11l 1. , ,,,d.,, „ , .. Copper Stook. r - The flomaurga Borttutoft. or the 11th instant \ " D. 1,4 . 44%7," r 4 ' l ' l '7' , 101141. re 011oncootto Mini. .0.171P•or- I Hap s that account. of the hewn. ermine of ."'''',.. \ 'i - ‘ ,..C . t . ,,:" ' - 1 mu - e..turui. - - the titlltAlloH campaign in the Caucasus are con- FOR SA LR-,Pitto_tur . :,.. as tOck; „.„ um - North %e. •• •• , . I I. + n r .i u 0,,,,, t h : : n ' Brined , that to the defeat o arr. mustlike. l'aVo ' lC:= .l .7l l. l l .ol Slt. lou torte,. . wive be added terrible most ity among, the •• n. U. WlNU.Sinker and:ll,k. u , • ' Wu • Golfing, . Fourth otreet. lint •• iforeka. '' troopa throughootthe empire; tat all teen who .4.'f. ' Oat Ulna. . .. re eapithle- of beiriog arms am Imaged to ills eIIEES , E---10 0 t0! . eft ,0 4::) . r .,, a&e ... _,b . ti t, .0 1 0 etas.. . • Ica, and that large military's es have been s_ l ±B...' ' ", ..-1-.'ulnt4u, _ °T.lVErtfetittiii,%fork"aVgellWarrioarr an " I fr'''" Belgium . " \ I Alt' , 011-11.0 bbl”: No : I, for sal, b .026 Oman liartrt and yhird - euv:ts. 1. , \I lad ,the following 'umlaut' of .e potato .11.4 ! . ',, ,: J:ICEWIMILidzit a. . ~,,,,,,,,,, ..1•• Wort,. ..... t,5 1.1 , 4 11 . , - 1 1+11 ' , l , Venn, ..11,1,11fat, ,11 A. 1 , 1,1.. Itiol 11,,t . ..,...,•,and A W.. 11. h. It 1: r,„ 4 ,, ~,, ,1.,,,t,, I: 11,,,, Dry It. t.,.. ~,... ~,,,,.. ~,,, 0, hrl. ~,m1 1,0.1, odd .. ,:,,, ‘,. I, .It., ,IV.r ,OP . ~ Tull, I 'r.rk 1 1 11,e, 1 , litt,l ~ , .„ A,l, .t. 1 1 ,,,,,,,,1 1 1.4,1 .. 4,...,2.4,, Tui,lll,« 1,1 ~. .. , .. . • Ctittrt, no et, ~t , , t .... " h • 14• i..• 121 n, Eglreltrt 1.1.. Men-haul lioawlelon olo.• rrat. r . . . I'r h41.1p0 PRICE OF COPPER STOCKS. ' r., t %Twine Int..llm,r, Mlgq.r I'3chalv, rt. I, I . titi WILLI siti in %I.—i Aig 411.11 Inc ir lli ittsi•trit. irt 1 0. r •u 1. 1 k. t I NS tt , I antle. Net. • 10.1 Tr!, ,te, Mao wt. I,litrumu r. v., .11z,u.,u3n uC V. A thsz •,, , I Jt.,..N., r..rd am, 1 , ..y,4,1,. p.,,,,,,, DEN!, n IVA ni I A Itri;nrn •i nlionliiru.. -•- It lianil, 1 . 12.1..uni1i- . . pat 1iri...1 ail Duren, -.. ~ niii V trlamgr I,ekC ~, do ~..r.ltra,t, it Xrrits.. . . ..2;ii 1 , Mr. ini 4, •..1 iin ~, . .rifirniiili •i Y01111.4.D1F11.--..40 want I.t 1....r.1e5 , 0..., City tie., Cala:main. ..iv bDaut ~1 Nnrini Amens. insr 0.2.2:kri11] nk.eitirinnitn, ank. Drribiii,l_,..niar VriLialtlin U., . ~..... .... D•iik A ~i iiit; i , ....i.,- • D. lAlnyetio. 1n•iiii......,-....., Daiiii Il' u' lon palm. prii 1 Olio lair I rir A Trout i..- ... Ilatili .1 Or Veit.; A.,* I:iir. ....q.t. Dank. ._alt C.LLI tlnal i 1...., Da Dui Datil al ‘1ii....11.i....- .. , Isar Dui . 1 f..'11. 1 1 ,4 l `.. Trit tilt/r ....... n.... 2. PIA.. pur l it i ii i 1....;i:;D tirit•ern. iin&ii I r' ..t 7n AiLt ''''' . : 1 7.; ' c '" !lEiil.l' • D 01. •I%lil 2 ' Dank 1.1,31-r.1.1,..“ ..,11.2inrut Nixing. -...• . .-• ban, 1.1 Cir...., 12,, , . A... 1 1 ilii I NI n. R.a.n ..1 /1/1111, 1. ,. H.ra ;111... %.tio, ..... 4 1i... 'a, 1,1 i :. 11....2..r. in.rili. ri t intim. inwituin,nid ni ; i.... ri ~ ..rnusi.,i. I. pry .. llntin 11. 2. , ifr11i....- '2 h. " .. i '..i.i twi n , . 2 , ,iiir, li A 24. i ( n ; „... s. liniiii ri I.2.n.iir . .4.-ri-lint,' A Aln.cli Lt..ui `, I•rs, ..1 NI 1d.11....,• Is `,..5,111, lt ...rep limut .... ‘• '"niii.r• i Pninli ~...2; lirrAirtiri . ... .. t ai I.anni.fNi.rtlinientirriniiii pro i.i MTH C.4.li2iLd'i A rairlini- fit•iii. :nil,. al liiire friu - 1 1,,,uti,1n0 Ki. A' Dr.., r;ier 11l ni st or N enpilltia . ..i tx...1 n ID.. par l'intimrreial hit . liiiliunt,'n 1 I , :astri; It . tiniiNlrrrhasini 11401, 50.1.. rii 2 Kn. It•rii ii I iil - 11 i AID it./ N A Yiatorrii . ;in ..1 1..4-, t.s. par.i, . 1 11 ,, "1. a, ear.... ... nwriiirrit lin . Law... 4 r ;nu hank of rinitL Camar% . V.47.11.r. • [Dusk ri Kreulin• pet Dank rif Charlrolain.... - 2 . -.. . . . . roam Ilk ..1,,1tu,14,113.. 4.. r Illeuter.• a Uneha ..... ,nt /sr A Dm". I/ ay ...0.., ‘ 3i 1 3 3 1/:61 A • l'nk.o t 1133 Ilk It ...hlra.ww. pwr .I.goklaAn•.3l IlAt/liftwe, Ilerruhurs hank..... I . : Ik•kk A 1/1 A ...As.. . 2 4, 11.-.134.. IlankHt .'t Iltiam.yrlck, A 4......1n 3 Latleantwr ...- 4.11 'ITN/CEASE:II! ., loul:ly Dank Am.r All P .01•3ta , bank.... . . 3 It I iTVI.IIi 1 1....bnit03a Ilan I. tar Altner.. MAO. 0.1 Poti.k.ll. ',. 11,1 . Ihrplurk, . LoulAnll..A. 1233. , ..:44-13 1.6:1 ik ,/ lik 13.utkr/Ile. plursl.At l, .....l Ilraik., Lank 1.. N..311,..nk Ilk of Is pia, "r• 1,1 •• .413444 I. n.\, ~,,,I ..., * tft, 1 , 13110.nt Ilk nf 6...01urk, 't I,ork ',Elk ...a. ..... \ M I `1'111...3.1 Olt tt 1. 1.64 16.6 r 61 111., 6, at t ... . . . . , . ISt :shots al ISrt.lFAsAsrt .. ,issi• isstrins. • • ststs — S ss• t,. eta. ts lir•ssAls At t 1•111Attls. • .do %11 , 1INS.AN UrissAls At ISlA.nlanAl .1,, VArruvross \i h. H.tiss, S.. . •ss r.s.•ArtsistAns AtsAslt !Seta.. a Km., t. .l Oh ti m , , 41... I, ~,, Isis, Itnnt ut lest assllnn . .. .I ISAssets,ssitu At A, ttA Ha, AAt .r tS.Os 112.1 . In .t lEt U J.. h... ..r 10.0011 1,4 , 141444/1 4JI . tvt. , 4l. 6 itrun, nLI J•• KM.,,ANItIN. luau 1, olt stAttlisttom 'l.k tit Nat. Z.orkprart.... • •-• 1in...11 at utast. ... l'tritaArtßilts . Itrantth 0 1...0,0, .It. 4th 41 . 4111141444 , 11..... 11rattrh at tut..stattla .1. II Est rtlitN lacti_i ItranOb 0 411 .Inon........tluteltsolutatk.... ...... 110041 s at \. 1 ..1A Itrattelt at 1.1. . tl.. ...... Ilmtutl, at . 1 {012.01..1,1.. ILI , ANL, M.l.Jtisitl ari to ,Allr acl at Mt.. 0111 s lis ts Vat . knit mt. Ilmnett . .1.1 , t+.10100.1 1 .tre,.. sn Itratt.ho , 4 e 3 Ltn,J., ltn Cl. 144.1..111144 ran ...Mara 4.04 114111tmth. ..... .. . . 11.0.. 0 10.04 AILRIVALB ' AND DEPARTIIII.EB OP 1iA1L8...1 ,•1 arrive. laud iiviiavinrvv• ul its. on. Irtivr. V.F.'lnfte reteaehnta,Chuialtereharg. New lurk, Eata.T, Cana, aud Norawra part/ of Intl, nolawara, New .1. eel, Lod the .to Neu Eagn rod The aritleh Prar :era a Lower Canada, Nova scott.,nud Neu flru.slek.tanle. A rreven st !•,, 1...; fearderta I at n. el. Nnseat Ls eflll-,—hy Iflnfrardle and 11.1111datednfro. Pa. li,, Ilnang the ...awn.. it Ilrudatal. I:umbra, Leaflet, ldhlt nsn, Aland, Lynn:fling, Mania, Slalienn, .I.fater, Telge.)l nitel. and Inert of linftnureland, .14-I.fvenatire. 11 arripoille,Naledu x !load, New AJezantlna. and 'Wi lms tetunty. rm.... st 11 r.... d.V.M dull • 1 ldaf.-11T Botinr, Melee, C•awfurtl, and Jefltr/u.n ma rade., 11 on...rune/tot Neu %or k and uppedl , artada.dnity. nrrte4 st Ii u., and depart". std. I. 8. tin 1,11.. Winthtnalna. \ En,';?.. Oren. I En nntnereet: port of Ideettuntelaud aaiatr. t LX. nla. Star land. W,binxtim et:, Stt ut ',era and I.n• ern hetkru. nt tan,. tl ludidne, Kernel/10 . Ilhataa To Aluhemu. earl. 31andenittal. Ariknean, Nttrth 1.. r hue liettratn, Lout nnue,Flnntlu,.aut: l'exrdt, dill;. Ardd at g ni and d.p.rt..l. a 1. 0, nenaaner,t, a t tniu.—lly Fared, Rear,. filtriC.4l , l3 Floonnae, Porta, Ilnanlaye pile, a, 114313, we, And l'uttcaraurran teountina.altio,dalld• ArrlYeada 11 p. depart-oaf 5. ••••- • • • • • . Saar., Wtrtrzso.-11, Braver. r.. and tllnvnlatl. ttblo.— l A K" ntitl.trP,..4 ', .7l. C . ‘ ll t , u' s ! l. ' . ' .llA7ll r n r a " t ' ll t s . l '" :l; g l' A ' s a ss ' u d 4llll ' l . l,:slf; - , tr.lishlso I. Insrstn. lislnns. I ttlaw.t. r..ein. " ...amlst•lty • sn ' ...l. End Lams sa.unts,s, 4 phi, lltt 5.0.1..m5. Lwrtlis.n. ,lA., of tilts Ala.. Ist Its.ltaur nn, Illlss..lx, luellullisst all Sllel, Ilan. I..stn. awl W5.....Annin..1011• Arr. , . a c I l.• ....- I parts. nL A s.. li , Kitt IAINs. —ll7 Altartnlntrg.llounlon. A prinst ls .l.l.Terrn. I tuna. FriAsr srt, kat...Amax. I.l.lstasissesto, sit,. nt 4 s U. nut sle•parin at 7 t• . m,...eta:-By I.•rryo,ll, 1, 5.x1..r..1. 2 ,llossopin, Itoeterss ; VIII, [latish. t•AN 55....1 St, 1...15ter.. Atm...* tos.sslaYn s Thus...laps. ostl naturllnt.... 0 'I V. at : .Is.part• Mow!, ~, W.lns...lns• nwl Frs..," 4 sAt 7 ,11 • 1 1, .I.lry.,.st'ss 11.11, Ellant rah., and lotl.. owtntss•la fills A trlsers. Tits-ntlay., V rl.lssyn. at 4r. a.. alp 1 Darla 11.11s.,04) s awl Assturslasn. al ~ A. a. • UnlusstAwn.--Ily', rtn-S.V. Ku, 11rlinvsnsrt. I a nal Vali,. EllaabotlltAssn, statssfilist, Ismarster, 11..11.55r... 0n0.t. , ..1t1Lit..., Pert. tots..ll. 1.0,1, 7 •Prt ' 17 d• 11 . - ton. 1,1 Ann sew Su - n7laye awl Wrslusenla,, all .t. tt 111.• ~.0.1.• 11'smdusn astl Tlit.r...lnvl. ht 1 , A. Nt. lls•riustv. 14..-11, 11.4tem will. I•ivt•tttlmt•tt e.1.1•‘• • • 1 I • • . ii- ItArgettsnosca I 1-5 n.... 1.r.-s, s I Insse, 01. tttrot v .111 1 1 -- IlAtlsnuy, In A rt." s.• t t •kti • ltt4totti.l'lllunstos,v,al 10 Alll, tlet.nrl.s. 1 1...u.1as • 0.4 11.u.r, s s. 0 1 r u I.'olva., 14 Its I.l.olatn. llstr.l,lolll, 11... u. Inn- S tnur.s. YrntilsfArt Pa,, In- • Arrivt• .11 Friday.. A s• a.. appal,. t•t; tYttlrtitt3 , . It tt It r Friday, , Ily Antrim. ?it'd:, Wottattn..t, .0 ..11/.1, , Pet. Art1.....1 Wanto.lny.. nt PI r. a.. •1t punt tttt 11s.winy ' Ist A ... A. / I.gyslstswi.-11, 1,0 C.. Fs• r Arti,o An IN.Way. at 5 v. a 1 dean.. on WittetNa,.._ i. a. • • 1,1-t.1411.1.1.ti.—11t Itserryn,ll... iAt 17.111, Ars-ntrsist. stall, ' Itronp,t, 111111,v,, d...., 'nettling 1, nrren and I,A Ana rOttlitles Artist.. trt - wns.4ll—Assestlas, . . ...1 Wdir s ul 7 a. a., 01.1 •11,04. 'I ...ins, 1'110,41.. a. 0,1. sthlsst . al Alt A. I..nttot, Ir.r eb., dint, mall , mt.. 1.. tes LI, • .111, WM Itytut . btfors• 1.11.1 n aryertures fAr 1.1,. In wor•lsly. nttol• •rolslr.nrsclinvskly rnAllst. noun, 1.....ut1,111.11.....h..11 an hoar I before [twit slrt.nrturs• \ - --- ; ' ,\ _ , . • \ N ‘f, - T ‘. , ‘.... \ , \,\ ‘, . \ ~ .•-,\ AA, \I• \ \ ~• ' • ' \ \ ' \ .., . , ... _ AND Buns.' PITTSBURGH ( V/E, I'IL 't p.rn a lanches r paper`,, , OfNt is M finnit• \ . \ o', \ - - _ , __)/ .0 ate most glogirt statetaluit \iir have 'let L.' a . l_ N, ' en"'""*. ''''''" '''''''''' l' U"'n"r. .. . CR7NFe ‘ . \accou \ nts from Trelati\l N •i . th\Nett Nt - 0 egg. . , ~.. , L " ° ,, ° '• se P l- 2 '''• I the , to \ crop eoutineet,trwgrbw More ism& 1. Wit OsZETII. til' • • ISL CO. . Conjecture is\ husyingitself not ali le abou'i.i In , ,I. , cr the dikstneetaeres to he tMire\. nn • ...1 ! Lord John Reese`'' promisedreform bi . Pop. , and ‘*% aai 'l laa \a th . e \ e'i4er P ik.44 k eee i.. l l .-- \ . 4 E BROKERS, ulttr orators and newel - 44,hr editors arc telling , / ' f;ab6 ,,,, TIMM STN. Y. Cor e o r oZt.b.c 4l. r I lit t'll' e k ed outid f' r i ch; ‘ 4 4 ."V; !.8 11 . \ f^ila.:NV-4 1 , ' \ ' ' j their hearers and readers - both what it night. , are e- ` , e "...1 e v., ill 1. 1 3 a and what it ought mot to he.. me. He . ees ! keep lon . In the &loth and \West too the \I". \ i r.,. , probably right when he said the other day .at I ease .smara t',,cl:4"Pre-114ilg' ilk !Pita °rit ' ° ".'N - •.. \ .I'. c 5x....5. •he did nut believe that Lord Johu himself In w ' tramel Y flae N. aat 't te ' ' '' ke Y et :\ heweve rtWr. , • N 'tN, I manifestly to ly\ to aisCOrtadd .011 any ing • \ , 1 a l r ', , 1 . 0. .,.,,, what it would be.' The Globe, in romeiki g .11to Ira_ Feb. Au, • like a f+arr, hint. that prubabiy tie dt,e, ette „ like correctness tatiat t proportioh otthe crap-will , . ‘, ..„ \ ' dtd--d`a a dolt : f at oll. of the new bill trill he an.eadirret slut he teat' Some *Net. are content With an esti. \ .. ..., i , es iet Fcl.A Aug .•• „ tct t o t ma t a Nov I frage like that of Freesia., in whi c h the pr mart', ate of about twi pT• Cent. for the trholaieN. -\ 1 N N t electors thoo.e voters fro m among theniaelves,' Id. Under th etas(luance or the diseppoink-, loi.l. d o " a Aar I who in their turn elect the representative .. In meet and alarm caused Cal: the recurrenee of this ' %l at hy, sa e , ; thin mouner,•' says the Globe, - theNpoPplar de. natinnal calamity, ernigtn seems like 20 go• , . , • -, - \'\•; - ..1. nand for universal suffrage would be satWied." ed, s ed. Still the erY, ore some quene s re let ' NN N . °mat ri uncliminishedi airy withan ace lent - . \ \ ‘. - This suggestion, though clothed with a sort of ''..' D'r " f Y , 4 ' ' I dcmi.olliciel anthority, Lux 'not received mach that lh eis . deficiency\ Of tt , b s o . r y . tm er e tr. fl in rmera t N . \ • , \, •'.• -... •. I attention:t no fur however, as it bus been M. complain that they have had ... PP ~ ;\ ~• re l a g p ' . then -s-ir '''' I e i s t i. to 'N I o '. f i x d tic \ ;, . ili Y t — w i ti °t gea m ' e nt 4 d i it t P • lived, it has met with the Most decided oppost, ~„ pi: me aWe 1 thin from all parties. N There is' a rumor that " '' N '" l Lotil John Russel contemplate s the abolition of . i ' e , c , : , :j . .L o .Y. ...thi , ..... of Yeor:rige . tra \ ~1 t the Arty shilling freehold - franchise; but this is ee . „, tt ' e l.„T e ar s e\ a „ "* ;: t a l fr e t p l ,, •‘ a t i t g o h t % l . a t i or a o • od 3l ro p o e h r .. \ • incredible, and, can only he put forth to aster. ~..,,, ,„ .iivo.rsj lain how for the public will . allow their geoids t a ''' t i e :P."P le \ ° ',lead- to recta ,c of the N ' \ ';' c.. , , . t . vi., le. lire lof the Whig ifiniater to go \-Thie tarty-!billing allords of tbet nvieniblecountry See to think ' - ' \ free hodd is the symbol of stugdy Saxon itodepen, '•!-, , strong MeaNd sal:0 yet necessary relieve •. •it N ~,•.„ , noel deuce; instead of tieing blotted out, irought to ' th e plethora arPePa tin, I .f . ..delimit re re - . .. . eerily taken place on meal nropertiesY' • • . A £ t „, , t ,,, , ~, he allowed to extend, itself, as itis doing In ma , . - i ;T i h: ld n , e , l7 , .: te th er , A t.'.n . t c b Is that Tort. n li ' apol on ny places, by hull lie and land societies. We r' . .tool wait athl see what Lord John may. pro t,,,, tos.tei, •.. o }aft. There Ors lost\sreWl to he much imps- . i •., '..'"'/. X9' ifs aTea/dP dc ' Genre, odthaoch\ there la, considerable curiosity ,7,,, n0 c rz e t t. 7,.. , 7::,:: , ,, ,,ra t\ , .g c :t i e tu th ti r on r.c .-L , that 1r will P f ili . cii th e c' -0 ration ' of the As, 1 it ~,, Genre a . it , 14 , .. , :i . i . i i t t er,,,,,,,T,,h0.;,,N,e,kut1iir,e,. Mind i ut ; tr , 3 . • ic ,i coin. ut., for t h is en d , as fo n rent measure of' N .cl .17 lv is the very time for making wise and delib, '" athll C Public Ntafety, ro case eerie . honld be •again , ' \ v!=`•• 'De l'''' ' en" rate reform.; popular' paesiena will not DOW hin. der nor precipitate them The true statesman d e aharrad N 1 1 . a wiaarit7 or malt rebel' ith - e 41 he concurrence . of the malori - -A rvin avail himself df,the opporiNmity to settle ou Na t t . " \ of theN --- N . •L N - a,N.N... °4 '...1 sembty he 'l6ll do nothing. : There are strong • ' ... - • tx ":, N the 'beet and nureationtelationn N these questions m Paris of a disposition on he hart r • . which always one ' flto l' a " ian i'l . lea ' P re n, e- ' tre 'r F 't ti c' sio ' n ' it% to favor the . kiysee, ico aeq ' tiene * O '... l e,. times. . f theJ i 'l' We s ilave little resat' aboutfranCe. The egv. a a n't;''' candidate. .l - The report oT the Mioister of Finse t ; f'Hol-. .• , N '',...,l'ei'. a te . nation concerning the canilateroltip s uf.loinville land is very faioraMe. The receiti r 185 . . , is making no crucible progress. IlieNadherents eestimitted at 71 473 g 23 fimins; . theesp ses - 'T . A appear ti, have perceived that they -announced it 7,; t 4 , ,, ltt, _•], tin fier i ft ' o. • aNt 2b;\ Imo noon, and they are -endeavoring to Maintnin The m t ,„ e „ et *tot Foe lb 1....?,1 i\ ' their ground without aoticing the candideteship ..,,,,N„,..„ „ N t ; r d 'r ' • 4- e n d . '" ° • •' N rr e at omyrna it the I.2th ineittut- f , ~ ,, t, • v ` , of the Prince officially. They may hen:tun/It ex- rL''' -- ' • • Colr Stratford Canimagmnd r Lavelette visit d ' • plain himself nor announce 4. csodiolateahir Kossatit nt the Dardattell . _ N hut that he is et. the tsposal of ."the nation.Nal- N \ Is •ays ready to apt for, he welfare of hi . + ceuriiky ' • . iN. \ These are smooth word., bit th"t are vague 'mkt Joratt.Llsx.—••Let a tit.vrepaper enter afa - j , • ,i 1 '4 -. tin.ati.factory, and havoc tbrownl,loottot and doe. ily. and •, there, reiterate; \day after day, for , a it ts '4, couragement among the in-learmt p a rty. L o , t i,, tvelvemorith,. the most betriadox ideas, atid , l will ' "N•Nil \ 5 t4 , 0 1„,,, , i, e,tutt,,,,, out ~,t'it ty. i t w „, „,„ te d \ warrant a gradual corrupt - but t: of the family spin-- \ , •,• , . . • . • a some days since that he wa. about to make an isms.% The frequency ant e importunityof the at. \ \ SOCKS. • \ extensive titer into th previnces, but he n, •me Lack moat produce the result, We underrate \ s, importance. of the pees.. when we reeken it s • 'N; .: ..., ~,,,,,,,,,,,„ „,,,,j, nottne.,.. that he !than 'la leave Paris: NI. Thiers 4i ,, , the 'follower and not the framer qpopularsenti \ t „ ..will postpone his viol . to Claremount until( the slo 1,/,11., soot t .6.ssembly has pronou cad again on the subject Menre. It ii both . llts'irelation to the popular \ . 4...., ...Loci order...l sold sk rreieioo . thigt,p s ao nine t o the Joineilie ~,c . lilt ikperfectty reciprocal. It 'creole. occasion- ' . ."' ° l ' '''• t will de me that arty or many Republican oily monsters of error, to Which, sooner 'or later, - 33 101 l ri. oso i e . The (tenet 41 Chambord iv ohscati,fied it, falls. prey. And, at timed it is;ca\rried away ' •• -' ';!!, ',"..: Lai ' . Herter' sl rot for revision, which, in the i . by gusty and. ill-regarded explosione. 4 .Of tienti... Ne. Ct., ' Coll opinion, faro ed the re-election 41,,-mi. Le y ri!s u . n fe r e e. W . b ,l io ,, h bl i y t h itt e - i n 4 ti t t o re4pdzstle is bz ,u t Tt i5 0v, a1,, , ..:; ,..., N . .. ,',', ;,',.; ';,' ;' Napo ;he in not di posed to wait anther pe -7,..0t 31, 011. • nod o r yearn be rd he makes an attempt situdi,a, theNPrese is a' positive per itkinflitteilrN... N N . '‘; NA., 1 ."„: 1 ,, 1 ''",; at a repetation. Tb whole affair of the con, encels direct in, advaneing its own vievekaitii;,.• .\-•, '' N - i ..... N I. ins. electirm heyonoes . MIA , more invOlred. Lou • oforect in developing the, Current ideas of the day. • - NVi .•. ... .... And if we confine its objects to the mere rafter-. . -" \ \ 0 ~,,, is Napoleon i• really at tins moment toe .old- • , 3 110: candidate likely in Chi field, The French bind:. thin of opinion,we may rest-Matured We rate its .. • .'M bo or, ...., oil • • • have been id, a state f rapid and violent oteil. Calling at too insignificant a mark. N. -• ' ' 1 , O , I •,..NN !idiot), but thelx a r e nis .ettling in very-nearly In England and tierminy . the Moe of the news- ' . • 7 ,s., - . . paper prima has been ruther more magisterial awl . \ ~..44 .. i. ~ h ~. their termer petition. • . i 1 oe N , s. A oust conspiracy i said to hare been organ- 4lactic, than in France and America. ThriGer ..: ....i ae o iced in several pepsin ea of Spain, the Catalan:, man ed i tor elaborates a homily day aftecday, ~ \ ' ' i '• . ~ :: `,•,." ~•„ 1 1,,,,, ~ Arragon. and Vole4i being the fates Atag.inst and preaches it into hie additors tn . -cathedra. U '''' ti, o, ' the Government, to . d. eak out at the first sbmal His chatr is the ideal of a tripod. His 'mends ' '''' k ~,.,, l ( .:i from Paris or Daly The 14glist s y,,, „„;:t to are oracular . !terrace! his proposi ti onite care- • NiN 2 so . 1 ',it nyhopsthir7 with the i tended Movement. They fully es. SPlecla might a melaPhYrical theorem, .... 't .:: t l ::,1 \`• probably hope that by to..i.ileg the itepublitain, Wei reasons it out according to Quirt tilian's moat - .;i ~. 0 „ 4 ,1 dine it-into/di, hearse 'ephemeral, will'he N.,. aPProved rules of rhetoric.• Ris pedantry mans , N...l 4 oft aNo red. and CUM lift. o ,l . Sti'vent political ehang.., into . item,' color, critique of a ballet , ... . 4 sof . . 2 ' .... en , t, os, sflor the dome+tie doe rin4 l . Lave had their day. ` l3 udd'J'A ' , N1... , of essays be selected. • , . 'l "N will be v, return to nil 1-...11vi0 Government un- I r eai t h e editorial 'C'eltttaa' o f "DeaLsehland' :' -.- - ' . • .... 1 --.. for the elder branch ' r the Itourbon.. A wt .i t , Zeduhys, not entirely, Unworthy or a place With . N;t:,,,Z 1 is , ,„ tyre T tmet , ~,,, , ,,s „„ ,„, lik e i t. ..d...i „, te „,,.., t ,,. sriectiul.... from Britian \Quarterlies And throUgh' .;-• : \ ,•,.. ~ ~,,,t chat f 1 „„.t,,, ,:'.,..,„i4,,,,,„, „, er.t . et ot "art the volume the clistracteristle\ weNulbide to Eli ."' .td,: .•' ' ' ere umny toonthi ctolor Notapit Cf./ rtscr, t it,,,, 'W-Allifi HS found a censt.t . qtientity: the teach. \ II isso Jong, Lab tbe:suspension'yof tbev-onrorrlii and ing pertinaciously degmatical and authoritive. • the adoption' of a milder ryZieni 01 rollertiug the The London Times, the hype of English:news . , -1,.. t.: • PUNT. \ t ria1 .,,,,,,,, t ,„1, a greet ~4,,,.,,,,hm ent i,, literature, is .less molest than ile cla- a tlautie •':' .. N " , 4 v'e ` v , \ the public calamine u ' How farNthe present ana*rake• ...I dro-sc , eriet , kos.. , 4, ire1e. 1 7 Bankers • 'Nlntirter may be ind ced to odtalit. these tura, 1 Y co Stoltz. the cut offyour pa tot. e tneneuta ...4,..n. r',..0 urea and prevent a volution we wl , l \ ne t . pre- bereft with any pecuniary or politial Ceara, it -ski , „, ,', l „,..„,`" i , ta ',. ° _ - _ - . N . :,‘!, some to en rte •' ill we venttire t o „ ter , faliently claims an nuMeracy.of e tusdarstand. . ','ea., . . ...,to , with the writer: , that revolntiorf is me :tat I 'f mg ; a more than papal .. No'drift ley,,T,t.'n't„..l..---.1,.., they do mot. Our op Edon is that Spaikis out ing in the thle of popiderity is worth mention- rti . ready 'for any tee c 'tinge; wail° nor,,k.,t, , h ,„ int; there. The quettonce recollltred\WßlN' . ' t .„,'5„ .... :;::::: , :••,/,,., stir ..I,,t r y. to og , 1,,,4 mare Nolte sure thk; ohs , Proper Mire: its tend es measured by \tfilvi!nle loos A Trost i- .... could nut lung maintiii i democratic imititutivin.. l of a stiff dan obatinaie conservatism, qui lIT•k , / .. ; . 5t,...,,,,,,..,,,,, ~ , t , even ts sloe suceeeded eNtilblishing them 'Nk peat orwattitztal influences, the preaa mart 1.:,:,.,:.,, , ,. i r,, , ... ;; ,.... t ., i, i . The otheial return n QII• that the duly revs Am I , Literahly ceiumitted, What is true of the Tte5,4.147-./..„', ~,„. . ~, . wa e I t £.7 1.t.1141. a le g a r a tit a , ~nt of no 1,1, , to rdativelptime of lea important s heet s.• .. '0 , 4, vi . ',l - 4,4 :, ~1,,,,i; ' , 1,, 1: 1 .2q., - ,,,, , , fern, toy, 1 , ,,, , ,0 . Th e „ mett „ assume the air and at itudeoellictation, asit*;N. ' - 'Nrt..... - - N. .Cl ItSYSOUS CsaleStroi w thin the brat seven mou th s I ‘ ;ulente their .own noti ne unrestrained by iiitsta,, , , j, N 1...,.,,, ._ .. .. I.N""l`l- 1 of this year am, .0:.:t...N,f.i11 t the amount o f e , alculation of what•a c priciouspublie,may th „.,,!,....,:. -...+1 a . ppoliturs e7.1-,,,N.,;:ti leaving A deficiency of oc.them. , The Engli. press, from the Tittlea.,.„'" ' ..-:? bj•• dr- .n CO.. I C 1,4 7 .2.5 7 -2 The holler. of Spanish lamd. are dd • ra md fild cdtallest kddra 2 T'wecklT. ik "astl,f ` ,1 n i in7ilNlo. . i for \ from sati•tie.twith this statement. . nNoSe independent'and pelf.reliant throat/le great . i . , , . , . t „,, t, Ko .„tt ,: ortitgal yields no Liu he unimportant- h.-IS\er F"erh and Alreericart Palters . \ , ht . sot/am__ , rumody Nor does Daly furnish liews.,..i 0,3,,, to hue own country Idle editor makes less pre- ootftl 1 f •,,... s La . astaaa rh a Lt a ,: f 11.1.10‘vtt,rectory Ti'.' Nettp,dit a „ G„e er „„,,,,, -tensiok--clothes hinierilt in the garment.,af hti• .. • ....;. -inn .... ~.: is preparing a rtplyl to Nit. Gladstoue, in vie- lalilll4kad rePaditaia app design te lead op ik 4 • . - t !;, c ,..„,,ciN„- .• fence of its arm and 'inner This reply wiit 13 1 iI3U, effeakuall y :Lenora' lio,hes more in directing \ ... ~. ' , Ip . : ‘ , 0, ,. .,.. .2 . 1 5 raid. tlt k w the entree responsibility ton N.ll it, than GAL". do auYwh re else out of Paris. In N . :..yi ~, „,•,7,1'.„. „,.... n N o the inhume ty snit itOsti eo u p,,, th e Ki„,..., who the tumuit'und mantic of ideas, - embracing the ' v., nu.k, Nast. rat is Witilillg IS .nine it, we talppose, oitsito the / rigida.- idtt'4.l. add d tie. of ad many differing ' , ; -it c AltifloiNA sv. as c.w.0... plea .or the -right lit( ~r Kings to go, reit I C " . "'"' ..111 " ...di a . .ridaala, there \ raa3t be \ owL Cassilsa . 2 wrong s 1 something for\Vie indolent thinker to .pin faith -.,-•tc. a 5 t „,,,,,„,„,,1 ,„ , Nothing whattiver farm Ronie or Floret:l.e i Nip. line map in ten . , theusand does Nts pan , .1 in„ oGIA • From Germany 'the rana f ir i,,, that the Diet. at I C , :igitation. proving his the Carte. . . ' \ •NN; ir.•.4 Intuit. Ca I I , As s -toots., . 1 Frankfurt is sloollk, adopt a federal resolutom , siert rule, and thtkrest have,. belief in nt e pa-. N , n!..I.NN , 1.9..r..N. '4 , atioliching ail fundamental right .:,,,i also to' per - for a mole cAfession 6c faith Thep . sr, . '. \ '' ENNHAtoftit. 1 ..„ .. ' \ . ,y, f,.,„, E. , , , , , prt ,ut a bill of great rigor againat the pre, ! lhe eonelrY more . n t helcity — the.rreeklr.Y i ' NY' : ‘ ‘..' e. N L0 r1 et. , ,, ,,,...,. There M riled ii vetr gi-kre report, say. the Ind... ' nivu , than the dily, Brea create and rule the pie- ' ~.. , ...von, TI •' ! petblenee Beige, that th;. Germanic Giet intends ; cahoot mentiment, anon , it is the,folif otaffecta, ilk or Hotfoot," • , os I lift or ti.-etuck; '..1 •-• suppreas the iudopenticio of the three free ' lion, or the dread ofrZoneibility, that retakes . ~ . .l:Neitel.l . I timinto, Ilatulourg, itrenien •(tud Lubeck,. and 14. to admit the fact Su briny the fak, - grestly, ~ l tt t!,,,,,l,N' te lll -. N . itomrporate th e m in other German State.. Ilan, is the 114•12 , 1 tin:reamed, of avnore elevated\ editori• moil torsialose...“. burgh t o t o fit to Trtombt. Prince Mettertiick . aleharacter. Make the plies.. answarahl ` for its ' .. • . I . ~,:'„•e i ,, •'' 1 wso to enter Vlenzia in the 21. : it is said tl.nt 1 emenatioog, as the scone hritetnetise' ' el' for . •., •., , •si - ff,oeffLof, he intends to 11 1,1 t tichwartteu °kg but shootl-I I glothi or ill, and we shall bet:kV - lilt ittfinitely . L ore '``. , • I ,';,,,''.'L'',,'„.', ~,, ~ iLe Kt:SM.!. in doing so, it will ;melte no change I time ,hy de•PreciatieoaPeetek its Prarr. a s ....lot t... 1, Iter... a I in the policy .if .Vitstria for the tattler t would then be more .rnattirel t e, couttideerd; 'is Letter. r um Vien 1n represent hat the „... language mnre cautiously mAistsred; and i . ~....,„,,,,nr,- fa \- , t,. io., , • 3 , poets fur the., 11 .his sinter are,. ; any thin g !finence more beningolYfelt. Th'keditorielof an • Aseklays.l\l 2 4.t o o hilt encouragitig. The thoproCirotiOS OT, th e ota „. ! American paper itvmsually the lWarm first im- .. ; : , N. i 4 ,,,, t , .....n . . reuey cause. more than a correspondits rise ito i Maadd of a down at r.l. l, white treat. .1 .1 ~t'se.os.toos.i.taa i the price of everything,. When the pre, m in tin I Thu ° ' l4°rl°l of th ' : ' llertaan ai ' E Fliah '4l'F- I .. f , a ' ' ''' ' ''‘' ItAS. "''' Oliver • i the t , tr. , is generally. a sober, elaborate N'ssay, Erns \ „ „ r .,,,,....,...., R ver .wris thirty. per con-, L582.0.- Sollfon „ - .. '...i• . in . ...n,.... . It, ' charged no inure for their goods than th‘rty dot nose hut mature result s of rail , orlon.— \ ' ";',',,.t : 'i,,0.„'',..'• I noi, that it is at right en per cent. The lo:af is i li '''' h ' etT g arolive borrowed-a few of these for eign ', ' - i,.... .. ...... .. I,.. ; •very , small, though net so tiny as it was in l 8 C., I traits, the press m... 7 he egad to its at.. ea • -- .. . ..„ ~.....1 . .--1, When t h ere e „,,, „ „replete dearth to .th e it I They are needed and nre,earily Sad.-'s Toni -", 4., , ,,...5. , , i ' , ...1 .. '''''''""'"'LL The kinds of ,meat the mice of .." . ' .. .'..., 7 hmec * . . , . . pia \I \. VOL Mt LXV,IN 3 10'i"0 - . . \ , ..,.., :. ...,,..5.,:,; , ..„....\, - . \ k''.\ • •••
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers