The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, July 11, 1851, Image 4

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    ~~YYIKy: E~TN~:~ILtT~T/A~IIVY~
irT , ME , SEXIBEE: .
yve,X,xxx 31 - Eaca ISTIE rzix. ASLEEP
~`Rni.)W erne aiaand ma tight,
- toe Lea' 4 Meats.
ea oal[l sad tired, Mabee. •
,[s , [storthlog barb me Item dux Mettles. L .
Oh I wader. lesodes, Mother, ' '
uT mond hat.
_ .
all [heat'', whhe
g heSea mT bed.
And to think et" whet
Ilow the bled end bloated Jesus
- • And I • te'd ass* tad take me
bl i e stmeo [het X Might sleep..
Just before the lioarriVie
Just before the children OUZO,
While aunate wee'eare [nth;
I heardeosse am tell ate come:
all et ones the ale*. SWIM:d—
in • Lab" were Wm lad skimp,
Some from oot s brook were drinking.
Some were lying fest sehap,
Lot I could oca sms tire WIG+.
Though L stralusat ear aLLa t°°;
Amt I. wondered, Aar see,
• - bed Aroak tom&
In smamma wee Want •
.• kesoel.l se Might ovs tar,
14111 ch Ins MI of litslo -
And Limy seemed so A.970e..
weep singing. oh Arai sorsetlyi
Lissa:Am moss /never Lewd :
They -may sismingannestee. Motbsr,
..rb r . A ... slog our Leßow. bird
Aal .E.o.r. 1 Mar breath sea! holdin,
0., so bright. arm me g:
And Igo. , itmost be Jesus,
Whim be a:11, ton. here ror taila.
' lbme up here my Utile Doak,
Come op here end /ire with me
Whore the children nererentlet.
gut ere hapylar than Ton nem
Then I iboaght °Veil rood told me,
Orthat bright mud happy . lend;
I tree going when yr= called um,
When ion name end tleeed my bend
drat at trot I felt eo wrrl A
Yea bad allot ra*:l.lrbald gm .
; 7 Ohl to glare, sad mei" entrer
' Mother don't na erlinAr
' Hug au elierir, Omer. Mother.
Pat Inar Ira around ate tight
. Oh how mach I loye you, Mother;
Sot I Cct so Unarm to night I
And the Mather yreseed her rioter
, TO her arerborderted breast ;
Ort the heart 110 near to breaking
1.4 r the bent eo mar Ito rut;
'la the solemn hear othlolitht.
la the de:kerma and deer.
Minx en her Mother's bosom.
Llttle Bate tell Weep!
The 'Profound calm which marked the first few
weeks of the eession of the Canadian Parliament
thaigiren piste° to a political. stone of extreme
.violence. The same agencies which in past years
`rooked -the Provleces from one extreimity•te-the
ether arti:again in agitation. The animosities of
religion and race Caro once more thOroughly
aroused and at their- dangerous work. The
- chief cause of this renewal of excitement is' the
*decided stand which the gevertuneitanil its sup ,
•in • the "Lower Province . , have taken
agaiast the bill. 'for the seculansatlon. of the
clew. teserres. These resents erigitudly con.
Sigel of nearly two antis half million-acres of
land, sad the revenue Is almost iltogether din
,trilinted between the Church of England *Da the
•.Church of Scotland. The question of diverting
, tli6o fauds to educational purposes- has: been
. beferc the public mind fora quarter of a een
fury, and has been • especially advocated brali
who faior a separation of the,Church endßtate:
I.lkfaurtsteit different occasions previous to the
rebellion of 1818, the representativer - qf Upper
Caned* voted for secularism g _Busse reetrem,
and were only thwarted by the'action of govern
ment, . The • force of public - opinion, in the Cp.
pee Province on this subject may be Inferred
from the fact that since the hist. -sessiMf of the
Pietinoial Parliament:mere than half - a million
of signatures have been appended: to the' peti
tions in favor of the proposed . change, while the
signatures on :the. adverse petitions scarcely
-number three thousond. The prelent miastry
luta not till lately committed themselvee upon
. the mittrr, but rather sought to leave rite dis
, poial L ot' it with the mother country. They have
. however, boldly announced that the Preach par
ty, with - which they are identified, will firmly
• oppose the secnlaritatiott of the reserves,' The
declaration excited Intense feeling, end brings
the Uppek Provinceinto so direct us antagonises
with the Lower, as will severely test the strength
...of the Union: There are =happily other gum
'tient., affecting the interests of religion or rice,
to increase the violence of the controversy—as
the charter to be granted to tho new Chnrch
thilvemiq, and the peoporition to' alter the Act
of Union so that it should not require two thirds,
but a Simple majority of both. branchera the
' -Legislature, , - to alter the basis of representation.
Every year's experience makes it -more..evi
dent that the union of the provinces in 1840,
. from which so much was expected, has secured
- few substantial advantages. ...Crisper and 'Lower
Canadabare been incorporited politically, bat
- 'in no other respect The taro Provinces 'delimit
sa alien in interest and feeling . at ever". The
Gnosis ardent, ambitious, enterprising, quick .to
discover and adopt all the improvements of its.
republican neighbor; the other, by descent .
by habit, is Ignorant and inert, Wedded te !O l i t
and constitutionally non-progressive. The
.the two Provinces are so distinct. *atilt
spite of the Union which made them a unit in the
eye-of the law, important - acts bale' been passed
every session applying to the one and not to the
other.' The Linton has fettled tesste4y one of
the old causes ef dissension, and the mutual ha
tred has been rather aggravated than sdlayed.—
. There is no doubt that the Upper Province bee
• sustained no email detriment by the measure.—
It is no longer its own Legislature,
and its will on important queitions has been
..hundred times Overruled by the French party,
who almost uniformly vote together on all sub
- jesis. Thne is adding wonderfully to the pops
. lotion of Uppee Canada, and in fenyeara would
so affect its npresentatiorku to , give it its just
predominance in the • Prorincial Parliatastat
But even Anglo Saxon patience gives way to re
, patted provocations, and there is great' danger
•,• that in the turmoil of political:passions the dif
ficadties between' the two provinces will be
brought to a crisis before Time can work in ad
, • No definite:talon has yet been taken by the Ca
nadian Parliament on the.commercial relations 1
•-.- Of the colonies with this coimtry. A spirit of
retaliation, for "oar refusal to 'reciprocate free
trade, is almost universal, but it hesitates on the
specific form It ought to assume. - The closing Of .
the Welland canal to -American !smells passing
'from one American port to another,' meets with
but limited favor. - Ethos come to be quits well
- under:n*ld that such a Measure would only.ben
efit the Erie atthe expense of the Welland anal,
. antilluiralo at the cost of Oswego and Ogdens
- berg; and that it will injuriously street the
American trade with Montreal, while Canadians
. • will still find it'their interest. to forward their
produce through. the Erie Canal, and, it in
bond inlfilw York. The more popular plan is
the reestablishment of the differentia duties,
and. resolutions far that object are now before
thWAssembly. It Is proposed to . discriminate be
. tweet tobacco; stigur, molasses, cotton, and man
, ufictored goods; when brought over the :Mimi
. can frontier and when imported by tho St. Lew
, .renee, subjectinggthem in the one case to duty,
• . - ind in the other not . The. Provincial: Govern
, • meat are empowered by the Imperial Parliament
• to piss a -- measnre of this kind,' but whether it
' will be venturednpon, in vievi'of the retaliatory
teinsures it might provoke, time will determine.
Oqe of asbigLenapo.--Wo were on Wednesday
permitted to look at and heft one of the big lumps
of California gold. lira )3. C. Stambaugh. of
Lssiesetes, Ci., has returned from the gold re
, glans, and has in his possession a lump of pure
gold weighing 87 mimes, Ind worth about fifteen
hundred and fifty dollars. - It was a magnificent
specimen of the raw materiel. blr.B. ' we in
demised, returns alter a three, . years• absence,
with not only; his packets, mit . Ids saddlebag.
full of this klid of rods. Persona troubled w ith
soft eyes are advised to call on him, look at th
piie,.and be rterivf.L.-Co/unalbe.leirred„
: . .Ses Lathing-Cape !Say. N. j. .
CNGILESS HALL is vole open tor the re
. emu. ern:item The drentletor. thankful tor the
/II mdeow herawfbee notelVetkl.m . , 7
thetee .W..dind to vine this ar Loa
the prenent noon. to mein Ids hones Ir
reagentente sad aeanttodsAlons, I. tens% •111 te teee•
to ontoseent than eat:which ba. Denman
been it=ed neat the Wand. • The anbeeeltettnn taken
raffle to pmeare aced arel attendee admen Fervent. tn.
der the eterrienen that th
ey. bat eadtentotht ante=
sad wants er • :moons t tn. K"T. " t". Vi t.
A. 350 maw Md. au end Edmr wevpitur Ihkr:
" _ "
" bledltres
-/tS OdoTtid
15ruperior tort Maw Pon _
. .IEO3 • " Doable Medic= 24127 Liu PrEcr:
• 'lto above - with a lot of akt Ares of trorr*.a . stle
tba lout pricer, by • . • ~:W:11.11.
, p apron. of Atari:at and Snout rtraru.
ID rem' Bw il. e vh l' '',..r:=lll7 , CO.L .
JAVA, COFFEE-10 bitgs'opry superior,
' 44 s'd for "1.1 11.1 MeCLUBG /14*;
LLNEN-; DRILLINGS,- of , differ
2 n erip.,: a irthagi j Pilretrigie T '
, izraar at. iburtb and Etsltrt
ge .p.AREa-A lot, J ot rced
KI DD a co, 4e weeist•
Ea .1360 Mug
SO_VO ?LW= to WI, a healthy
- pearebett who do tiokeentire4 aresae
th.M3/44 Dbween. _how. Jowl' Tuna
sad at the
em a wasmerre e tt =l .;*, tut,
Viiege.ire * Mit Odjibleeni.; r i
by bbewee, robniehme hs d. York to
- heelrlti each
miad aalabWatir - O
PlonM; Stotelne; neeinn. 09.74/99914(11941(9119.
a l e
amiseemawlabettblete_ nosabled .
ma tate/ will nem.
P"'"y =hrredehlteralwrirond I would tare
e its thcabore. Velem / Immix to be all I Man
wsm HOY to bekketechedetennellfeeh
Wu en not mar le M.. cat a torretturc ma aam
on poly add.. ilut Mime eallsesi with my at the ann.
"HD OM this ell. mod neat mon WM.
tmbl yfirnm. racier. OW store. en bladed with hai tt p
ead be am you ma far Jong Italtmehemieel
boy It ma i V of U. J *OWN. only Aweortra araa.
• Pai4L White -Tieth, tad Pure Breath. to ,
be bud Ihr ZS eeits.-Pereom who hen either. ere hoboes ,
bly named that it Melt breath is ever no roal. or , their
teeth deeered. dexter rdlow,ad emrna with tarn;
tint WO mat bat of Joan . Amber Tooth Pate will maim
tiath R'! 1 1 . ! / !‘" I 'lf/
JabasoTa Beam SO Linen et, had of
A Scientifiabar Toni; Reston?. end Beau.
Mr.-Mesa Dottie.. 3/N, mate. ' Thdes Wm hen and
inns' Corelliele Inderer. -Mow to neelleut emaitise
=litlVAll="thrjer blirow t""" eaatgrhn x l
we heir lo
mmktre, ro .4 pg 04 .w ar r r. can=
tottilug g uro mend
thie-llreares It truly tesaitirol. nem it 9(4' /9 I; kr
deed; the moat ammo:OW-yet toporior-ertide Mr In
to ben, WV. LIMON'S Store. ZlO Elbe:tiered
heed or Weed, PlUeborsh.
Pion-MIN note.6o nark erd el.
JONES' Sulu' tion of'Jet, a Liquid Hum=
mar D A „te ara clops - tutor white, red. or grey Want**
- broaumur brown. or web or color. IA Dor 01100101.
Prior —t' canto, and IL
bold by WlLJACSSON,23oLtbarryatreet.hard or Wood.
40NE8' taLLYNEITTE,—Ladies nre 6.12.,
time! agelnie , wing. th• ocerinep PreParit Mak., Theli
ara aware ton trip/WOW blurb= it fa to the sloftl
bows:Kra& haw nomh,, how mallow. Fallow, and arogealchr
the 141.,WW.... nwog puraredttallit Besides,ltie
Irozwna, containing • larawqoantity
e Dave prepared •by rewtableartJale,Whlchem :
ean .hater.bpardeti /411 y White. , , • ,
t r std Pn= toTbre g r it t t a n at=-
q=ter. den, ITittglealte, at the aunatitoe es roe;
on the skin, roaklawit wailed smooth.
hY_lhaMeo.t. Vitd.../ACtudOli..24o Oreet .
ono 4Yr ocohrttabargb. Price. 2b mat. •
The mitii•Eztraprdiffitry Discovery in the !fora is
the great Arabiai Randy for Not and Beast!
. • • . o:Farrell's .
.rUiniiid.elotel -cured perfotnied ty the
tuk pludelsas in tisiear. of old, weir o thy
noon on the result of male, hut ahem we have tee
mote intimate with their Weeny we mu MY Yonne his
their enrotteing power aver disease. Their
the Imowiedge of medicine woe the wander of . 1: sy,
Rile at the Ohre ems the science liberoistry whirl,
with them had its orihin. waeto eared of. tle, id
onkel book." nod 10110hm7 they were the mad taken of
strident.. 1n the beautUni germs which skirt the thaerta et ,
Amble, alicarni rese plants and odorous wade where:eye ;
obtained thaw ananatle my and fragrant balseare, of 1
twLaM Ail b tlVlrre . I.lYet i d ,
remelt.' It ft - t, wben Mind, tagantamougir waved
• through the whole nary= Yet.. ellYitnt the =Feet toi
tensepain in the inicredibly Yost llama tO or 15 minutes;
its whin le nroomt, Dowerltd not .Westmel. without the
host danger.
_lt peostrates the fleeh to th e bye. Wyse
• contrectat cords, yams me to limbs which have teen
Milani foryear, mealy the shriveled deeti to grow out
and rich inked to eisoulare through terveloii. it restores
the lifuntiat SULU dr Jetta Wand:sad this ie the reason
.why-lt hag been Y.universally eocceectol in eating alt
layt th" l,l,==dgja. ' reiabt o lra 4 r.
m .. 1 14 . 11 for L ou.j
lite• or Enlargement of th;
J I MA= of & mod C estreobillters= , swab glen
'Whitet=oittree; °A,,t7A
In demote
_Sisderale. r id /Ye. Tamer,
10an... 1110,0 n th = to m .lO
an or hma which ronalr• ace crier.
I , ,, ation. this =Jaunt stands at Me heed of all
. . . .
The Iblhatni Is foam theaincipal arronnttht of the
eaelthy and highly reppanthde bolas of Tsars Ilan, of
Peoria. aresent* one of the toot eurosethul eats le
the that!, ofradial laden:
Ur. 11. 0. Wall: these dlr. Actuated bra enact dater
fulness; 1 rthanit the following anbatman ot the to&
LITof yeas greet soollelne. eldll.l2thee va_no ldoras
usidth4 l 7 Warted ertth tartibl• disease. Lou
than tin horn. aostrata 11 to real hdplcanas. Ine limbs
bornmeno rigid that not bat 40014 be 0.14 the both
turned blank and cold. sal atirthydrprieed /edam the
•Tos Ithed.partallrekend and ,altorloor Ned.
lag eras daisas to all =nth the opine tenths rote
Crated, end .0 dove, Met when bend cm Its beck. ito
hals ear bathe. Indeed. the WU presented
every gramme of bang deed! Immediately on the etr
.ther. the Wally tau-theism eras called ln,thd faction was
he labored to rata* It tobellnsr, but ell Javan. athhong
was Marna a &Jaen thaw thdraratterobt nth
to:Lenard:tabs:L. A thmsaltstax of .I.ll3thrthrth ••• Woo
held, but to no Fathom . The age Ira...then brought be
bre the Medina &cloth. but nothing mold be wartedohirls Ad ready been bar and the doctor ato p
the tte mild do nothing boa. We than womened
plying Tour Lltdonnt freely ova the , entthe knell of the
nth , . end you Ithapne ••parent s jot. nben.•flth •
far eDlAbaloas rdloll.loo canation 10.1/ 4ppunst tha
eldld rththly recovered, with the exceptica of the sled.
whirl% dth not barros pernst for newly •thardb.. it Is
noa hasty
an robust ae aus be, '
ale otheor owes of the ea= Mod owned In oth blithe
borhosd prevlonely...o of which &a; obdu, no doubt. If
your 1.4•••• t had been wed. ther_v remand.
7.0.1., March MI. ILENRXottI d
Liter' Complaint, Ersuipelas, and .liAeumaliers
limner.. Mari= Oa. K May 11, 144 Si.
Mr. U. 0. Punsu..—Nor Ma Voile Li r..
niment Is
nri7 OeU.aadAoing ■ Tun deal of gad am= Wt
Dia hoe cared • bad au. of
of • bid lain In the bream Aof
Herbed forwent romittin 0004012011. and ABic
ofith 0( the Mart; was calmly mead n 7 CM mei of ToW
Azad= Usdatent. fine =Litho dat=e amid do Orr
said. 10 ban been applied wit fee& and mad to
snort ltoni biro iiMiaad— trith olitnnottaa Ith
Zlong time. 004Janbefore • not nal it maned me 00
men dad balm moo aUdnd; , ma td/01. tom
. Wooed WILMS. sad ribling with roof Lintianot.
bonnie vso done fobbing . . Um pain vowed.
, Jolts vicious.
. .
Caniplaint,.Smeney, Diatonper,l Cork, and
, • Sart4ea
• 111.: 11114.11. PwW=asteryst. Pled, rub. Conn 4. 111.
tend. St . lent= Tarr Arabian tiniawni heighl
ter.. We nand one at say netthteete twen m et t e r
Miff Ottreptalut byeteat tour ow nu stnenstlnts.
j enstit
'Waren one of my awn tithe Sweeney. one
DYlnn. eared he henna • bed Wes with In. te U lleoTireri
It on • non that bad the Mona wes7 bed. sewl mad
Intneedhaely. Ile says fhb the greaten bane
medicine be weer wed. - Thew bra namben mend
of Scan Byes
n e t It. • Stan it • my valttahlie nankeen
table man net been. •
Unsure of .Cotattisfeite. • • •
Ti? ociana9Aj o rarr. i Vwrnom a READ ,
its Pietdie tartletdady eattlemell irelnet
. die Cbmtee.a Which hp
ade erPeraseew and la
d try thy leeposter who=abee It .W larrell's erste
= Lbsiteent." Tate Is a dangerous fraud sad mare liable
to deceive Cm Ids Peens the now of YarnelL Ihrer
Sae be prtlealar ems e Pr a , tweet ease *Terrell's
tledment; for capsize:Wed dealers will berg. the APR .
MOOS odatene upon you ter the patedas, het Weep eat
for -n. rL Jdoreare Andeteet ifeasenetZ Lod Ads ea oar,
se the sander cheap hu the lettere Yd. G. Were Farrell,.
his signature Is atones the outside wrepper,ineed these
trerdeldown In the glaes bottle-7W. O. _I brreal nabiax
.Ms . PestOY
dams treated Isresiiry . Tihrii. - Vlntleie ' MI Heald. lw
Our United Steles, la which ens te not published. ADP/
by lelaw O. Nerrall,PMlL 11...wha iteed rateescre
tO al•11. 1 .11(1111,76.1billt1.10.•
• (.1411 aped who trill furnish bee of Charm a
bask odOstaining much 'slat& ialbrzostioalos every clap
11ess•-26 ciao. lb reate. .04 ens dollar per Dottie. •
lb. estygettunse is westenfactared by B. O. Varrell.sole
Inventor and , proprietor, and wholmle dram's:, U. 17
Mahe street. hod. 1114 and AM ale mholessla and Mallet
peopletors pride by B. Z. 011.14111.8.
neyl.slkw . ./1
No. 67 Wood street
Bekt by LI. COBB,. Sdkarbeny City.
B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder,
H ASHING without labini Warrantedut. the Nits, out at table .omits mad .
..tenstnuot Yet tin.—Pat Your elOthro ht esitlhiept
anantit of mkt w aterlo <weer them. time We two taboo
soaoomlt of this goon Powder, to each oft quarts of water
need with the elothen lithe winter is hard, add mare of
the Powder and boll them ton
th a stick, th minute.mat t h ln
the mean time
mm s hmd s ww water.othat theywill e eat be h s ot
to handle. nen rah the dirty .ftwene, or In other words,
glee them • thomegh end that to market ta
ii7D7-1 . 1.71;17.1ittr to mein In etas itoep.. It will Isms
the clothes 'try white, assl mo bid •_saw)l, as gams
wraps. do. The entire mat of tlamalarial ust-d doss not
mewed two mots, to tacortsta wsshing of ten persona—
Warrardsd not to rot or injure the dawn.
This Is a knirder that one papa will =mks Memos:ls
boot Issolly Bolt limp. • •
DIISCTS4.II rat, I.lasaltet'sa7 six 'touts of waterand
min to. Powdsr with It, snd Mini let It boi4 say are Dam
tam then add As warm cold wear; stir Mown I^" , nrdtd
ririn h r ildvtuttl ?
will wash well, and will not sat I L hs hands like other nob
Soso.. .
rot th e clothes. Can mod with hard or salt
and woollen good. ' •
fold wholesale and Mall h 7 7,11.. SELLER/I,
No. 67, Word A.
. .
Cimound Sirup of Yellow -Doak Root,
OeCtIPIEB the . front Tank among the pro.
'tirletco7. nutddebtea et thle.ronnin to .c.. felt
mina Center, Salt Kama, bYlidtiele aid all other db.
taw aided Cram .an 'mare gate er thic him& Alto,
Urn. Craeolaba.Caarb. DmepaAleakehes, Dhaka;
Oicithei - Barents And lig .. Mont the Cheat; Baer
Chita, or hoarettionb drrnia, aid • M= etimetion 1
about the tronan and le iniedylth unprecedented eases
to ane.w.l . . .
• • ..Frinale , Weakidem atut,Gaterat Dnsdity. .... .
8 trengthadaribrereaketted tedr*vind tote to the
radon mane, aid halinadalt lba e 1 .7 0 • 20 . .... .
'lt the testimar of thhasatide or 11 :Intoemetlinote
W ' parte& MO nosulay, en la retied upon, kls iingblar,
Ir e. ns in muted all Masan. end reing debilita
ted and bra at darn orrialhatiosa.. It I. tarelerZreta
ble la lia to=pail i. tiotobtal weakly combine) n Ita
: Alia ta e bitardeal, aid in Dr.
=Or cash t taawdot o is o lLoolte to ..
It ai.iin.ima niany-ehronledlaseeartddi hi ahadbid
the .tits of tot phydelans, and ha ako oared Calker,
Mit Mann. XaMa t ril m xcr, which alarijatilia
_r.. - .17: 1 4... ,,, iii , ...7 ... GE1101:11M:
• Ong. The' mat .ohidlnate Calera hay. We rand by
Or it hdrA p War rs. thet t i t t le e Tatar maltelne In a j u i
the otronialorb rendateg the Laer bah lial ° l=tel"
thy. ill maim Poltatidion di the ' neat, and allays in
allows at Asthma. sal mar he used lb all ollmatabend
at *llamas or. the. yea,
Thl2 Bram le arotated Onli hy.C. MORES t CCi-, at 102 .
Yonntaln 4,22l,llordenee, K. /. at mold ',Weak end
. ..., - lair Meat lbr Wertern biniartraila,
my 4.7 Warhonee. area Weal and flab etialiltra•
. ..
FAMY FBIEIiD, or liikkhlg l''v
, t, tire
- : oatoroadilltase of Yeaatgrtoelaa t. Mr;
In lesillTATail at les ant the . P* 4trzt
wish maw tm a graft eateot, btle. teihßai o ..
hateueope, loan aftermftis, headaeba. sad other anions
einem. tp..aora anr.thing Ibr making Cakes and
'°"".4", rn" thh.Pratana.a will make
5 Mor a p t ,
r . erAthaa .ft• ant=
toad to pure breadoa one O r a ."'lltsielscedleisx.a., ~.
'WZAq"ildbromiat, &boob, mud., ii•••
ti.t. • peat alearrtagro. . Sold La set
/ 2 K , Ara c.O taortt• 4 I wit..OW am.
K. Ex a vircia'ai.
pmfessara e. Barry's TrthopheNug,
bisttovall4 I:from - 31,:31aba. - S.Utor of the
Alseraa. Catmaatt ea *nth tryklicao, b art ,
wx. " * "?., ft.l6i na.
„Parry's ltdici eia tt toga gatlelo *wore take *antra
innadlist=7.Wutrfrla d 0 ft
um the
saaat onto ant, a bub-,..wkdin r i a 'brib
p.te row.‘ .
u .w =
by is other cotopotitiot=
• Mx* oatroooda 4. aroma bottle to b• eocniacol
Cr ekt i gett 3 .4 -. olk•ii caato,# Abe oftc• t:
•i• nioae ta ttle Tk
• N weird.
B B/T rbp t=o n tbd k
lablidTwtwo e
. • -
p 719
I N Piiaidest. oft iramitittasiar .
ulna ould make Imoon t pa IIa AW
tag =I -Lad Oftpu la not.trkAal . ..
" A7M4 Ofits at HATESPIa, ecoiPsVanali:B
Standar. Van daf .i or Eataataze i tt . ,==
*i PanutS th"4 aut?fractional t" tolnaddul. atat • . •
Nanilie ban Itaaaad mato/ thi.Afta youicrlNAN.
'toarnahlp too, of nags 1000. .
PrzetboaJ towaship bon en, north ,of.rpite, rmr, of
, banionlil=epa n gr sad brava. of initatoi OIL
° At the UM Ow
CIIRIPAPROLI. unairanadroir_ w .
Monday. the efteultt dal' of taP.temb. patO.FARIL.T.
youlof the pnblio fauteuil/do ity!lt4en:T:r.°?."
22N116,1iiKa;4 .
Townships dam and tonne
l au. or maga smoteas. ,
eighteenth day of Anton. as for nu o+at
of public ludo within tM followlaz named
/1114/ c te .w Wi= aid if the Ailit PrfauttabWka.:
' n
on ?Jr:Park ' IMAJTV.I.ttf
Mir..ol.4aselins errfte . ."..•
twoTownthdp tom end hart of an hiss ad to redone
and and tlatttiothree. In township thirteen. of tame Mg ,
then Cram gt LITTLE ROCK. readnendng
idonday, Olt dey of lientember nest , for the deleatil L __.
'of the nubile lands in the ihilowleg
I.:Are:mem lale.
.harth deer boadtheand wetter ti•JiithPrtnoißdli
The moth half d maim eight, the south half of ten,
fractional reetions cowmen and Ibitant..the .notth hull of
seemboin. th e mid half of Mention. Monty-Mo. th e
matth.halt an , wattlawest AAAd.r.of _the
notelivert quarter of temitiwire andthe wen os
narthees ra tgger of twenty .oa. In township tee, of
- Lands angropriited bi law ta th e. Me Of e th colil,
tarF-and Other Imposes, torah. with `Vow. Mogen a
e on
overdosed lands made unfit thereby for cultimatiOn,
thy: which 'ball 'be mimed hi.the StetamthmAtith
tom the damianolniod foethe oataineneement of the pub.:
lie ealna me rely, under the get entitled .An.det to'
amble the S te of Altai:me and other Stales to revisits.
the 'manly let within their !Mink" ellardeli A. jeilter
bee Se th , IMO. be radiated - no co
C11:1011B sor land din heretofore grained bi any la w of
thedreas. toe military somiees rendered to the rdb< '
Stalet mil be beretitted on my q, f above menbeeted
as prodded by Owlet entitled. ..An Ad =Wag Wood ,.
Wms for the <di end diplomatic expenses of ginernment."
11= 1' :f L raotatiatied Inde be etgro,
ir.110./ on ths days appointed, and will proceed the Cte. ,
doe to which they an advertised. with nil commie= Mir:
math, mint the whole shall
be and the sales
thin dosed; bat no ode shall be kept ohm longer than
two week.. and no private ci t y. of .o y of the iamb
he admitted train deer the ex Winn of the two week&
Given under my: hand at • City of Washington. tile
nth day of hid, dem Athint one thou... Might bar;
Mod itM tlitione. ' • - MALLARD FILLMORE.
By the President:
Comrilldoner of the General Lied Othea
Ainorr I:oricet entitled to the right of toren:44n. m anr,
of the/ands within the townehipe al:tarts et tortel i C
n ar " = of the iteWtr "d arrt Rereiver ;Tv reaper,
land Mika aiod make parnietittherelbr es soon aorrachcorl
de ofkr urine lAu utune,ll.llli before the dal or winded for
the earritoeneeinent of the public vale of the lands engin.
drag the tract Ga ined. otheroriee nett elalm .110 be forint
Coniminoloivr Of•the General Lend Once.
inr.l7.laorflat •
LN pursuance of MiLLAItI) FILLIEORI,
Preektent of the Milted SW= .f Amato; do haat/
im rod mike known, that pitting oils will be held at
the andermentioned /moil Oftlote to the W. of Illosoliot.
at the pork , * boroinafter ilmionsted, to wit:
At the Land 0111= ctJACSEUY, atoning Mo n .
day,the Cr.; day of Soon-W earo
es st. ne delerat tif m.
Tared Joao eltuated within .tha f0110...1 ....I t 0...
North of Meilen line grad most tr bler
Traushite Monty wove toady. slit and mratrntra'
on and ram Current rhea. of range throw
Townstilte twentremen, twentswight and twentyeillia
on and near Current =vas of neg. stun
Tonna:do twentrwight; to a branch of Correot Ural of
mote Pm • " •
Townehtur twonty-thteo. twentr-Itior, ' Omar eight Slit
twenty-ohm, of tram arat-
Towsublie twolir -three meal - four. twentywight and
t.'" .
Fro= tow= a torture-one. rad toonfahtna =rate
two. twerapOrrausentrlbur,twenU - Prrand twiny.;
te, rtit. PLACE. mitrainearara Manitti. tL ft.
tomith dey of Sentrolder amt. for this dimsaga of hs patia
Ile land. within the nithrling Darnel tan:IA.IN act parte
of tranship. as: a.
, North of Or bow Inwood orate thej(ftkprincipoisteritfoo:
Townatip two-aroma of nate two.
notional to...notate twenty.= ad twniydee. =hi
township twentralm, of rano train.
' • Township torentrewa of moat Ara.
Townships twonty-two and twenty-three,. of none tee.
' Vortical towliblp drama and township. tranertims
twonty-th twooty-lbeir. twenty-Pr, twenty-as ran
"=of nrope . •
I ". townshipo astern and worentran. and town•
ehipiwenty-twa of none sins. -
IYeatunal townehlpa stetson. ortenteen. aghtora raid.
twenty-ens. townships torentrtwo and teelirthin w rat
emirate Mew no toe Iseloaler, sevrsdow to Metro= Lela
t.. and foriesepeam to thirfoewe =aura.. trawrain
meaty-as of sumo eight-
Trarehip ollitern (liteat freetkossi meth:MS &UM...
to thictrets loolooleat [notional township t.ratrad
neonatal township tweepersegaseept =Wow ora.=Goa
Parana tweatealli.. ..cowrie,,
heegrceuta, herateilera,rati
ad of r use
The Porthorat hank= of tent.. as. to tooraship rate.
teen. lid frartional ...whip treater...! rant. bra
Praia= ..001111•GIO211, Uwe 1102 th half of Miriam,
ileolone to tionorese incloras. and hseramtiold to Mine
Wee trainee* In toraship tkra
Iroetulluk, toweehlp and ...ettoeS tbi
tem. Use south half or resorattoe, neenteterer m twoorree
was. sal Voiclecen. rte Pir.ytlt Ittetedee, In tornado
twenty of mom twelve.
The part =et or niter °urn.; of township
terir= m -throo. of mire thistem
six tesa*t the northeast liontsra and saucer
Auto rad Vistrpont. meta ^LIU=
Kiser Minnow.. to township to atoms. of rants ibis.
At the Twat Ogles at BPRINOrtELD, ecomaintilog ao
Monday. Ur antiteenth day of harm; as; to the
VOW or the pool= lands situated ortthan the follesaing
mel troadonal townships, to
Ne tt:le: s _
eaterWs boss hits sod was/ thelinlierautPC iliettrain-
Township tirmtrtetch, nave mvsavvvv.
• Toornahtn teresity-me, a ranee twootielios.
Prattlons of =mime .watt.... '.
Oarth..........trfeecr,thirtrinx wad traftera.raillb of the
out Melo Lae, le township weapons, ,of eralite i.aaar
eltYrectea'al tonimlitip twentrons. .to MOUS=
Lou, of move twen
I,l trarmst. twentratra
o, tsatr.
W era t
ert? la for sehoas. an .
Ur teal ahirtrba..
y and raw
' otheritirocegtosnotlaw with etteee 012{9111•121 '
orerhowod lan earls anca tberebr Our eolteratioan '
owl which amil be seleend by Um lisle antlieltise
the lire sopototed for the 03:1920.00fflallat of tho Debi=
seise reopeamelr. under the Aet entitled -. Au lit le me
ble the ender a Altana. mid alio UM= of tralatta the
main lands' within aseproral Prbte
I Wnti. latn. oal he
ram. And no raora . ..„
i e Mod bootUrs berolubm granted loan low of rase
.roll, pre 212•17
es rendrael to the united lilies.
eat norratbal on nes vas oboe eientional
sided br set mutant -. An An mkami is
Sc the dell and dipkrastio omens. of thunernotrat."
, approved ad Karon. WI. • ..
- Tho ofierino of the ram mentloont Made ba eon •
to on the dare sopointid. and will 'rowed to the or
dor lo which tho 4 odeoulsed vith COMM= die.
r t tZt ' 4 but no b l=rbetit °Ora tw.
and manors= entry el oar a Um win bond
mitred rata at lls t 7 . cailrialma or the two weeks.
(MVO radar ear et the ow tL Wirtn. era
sixth day of Nay. Anna Domini orathistonowi bt bra
Bindßindsnd fin Tanis lla . nn
• Norms To PHEILI7I7O2r mil 'KAN rs
a==tiri l t i ,.l7 thi i l l':
..p c lli" 4 ""VaLb"fro
acre *11111111.1.411 too te at i b 111.1 M the MIMI to the
sandof the register ' trod leather of the proper lend
othototod ototbe Torsoret therreaurn 111 JOl4Chilibkg
" 111110 4 111 a tif=e=ut
the trot eisloud; o thmmeytlmtnt of
tt;Afee eada claim lOU be Ibtfeited.
J. /111TIMIghh.
• Cemallestetier of the Gaunt Lead Oflce.
praviarkee of law, L Sliu-taniaisont,
•. .Prasldeal of ea Unitsd Biases of Assesios t . do base by
ddddaaaccddllan and =lra known,. th at public
.al/ be ben at
, thoi undomentkmai Land Moss tu the Mate of Amt. at
• .AL= " Land Mee as tilts l Vllt r to =tesdas Itton•
dayotta Urn day at neptambre ssaAltalhadispondaf the
white lands situated in this folbrlai 11.11.14 bi 0 bll.l
th a 1 the 66# Wit of t 4 .(JOaniddina ettsF
. . • . .. ..
Township sirventrolna. of range tencirtywhia... . :
Townehipe wrest ruin. and dear. a Mire thletT. •
Townships seventtnthe and eighty, of range thirty-ma
.' Township aeventrnine. cialiitY aw , dint rollsrof mite
ibr , ---• •
. .40 the Land
iP•igl agrePAlllMLD,Lai n ienet *" monied,-
I T tlie th ;uVlTlL l g o idli 'f itzt=Llikta t t.=..
No wits
rth the boa Use oral woof tf IMAni pringiini we*
• Townshliseventy, ennui:. thirty!' ' • ' ' • -, '
Township seventy, of Mite thirfrfwo. • , :
TownithiP Parente. of two us, thirtrthree.
At the Lead Ogee at DUBUQUE, on Monde! the elii , ,
Worth day of Augnet anti, far th e tilsaguil of U , . Ibll°r
qnun tilaisillir wetkasseeratha ' era rfolfont,th tont:,
Ado eletty.two north, of now. orwrirash end the midland
section twenterevn, in township sileit,ido
sic=rainre nineweetof the fifth soluchwd .=, dia.
lazy and .1.7 6 " br Z s A i t, .Ith ..traiss s . i 't' r '' arop eird
rtrvgkir shaliti . efee r ted bj h anftatrargrrttes t ri
fon tea dare appointed for the corantencement or the p•
Ila why vespectivelyr, mast the Art entitletll . 7An Act to
enable th e State of Arkansas and other Steles to reclean
the Wwiturri thuds' within their limits.' appnored-Zeptelu
h0r.211.14 IPSO,
bli isichnisd fross'Ule mini: Awl no loe
eatkina for land bounties beretoPire (ranted try thy law of
2 .=, 3 , 7. 1f,,, , X,,,M :,u, tw t ole o .7=el =lui=
aii provided liz the attend= "Ace act making annrcuirit
• Vili a % 3 .l lVerg P , 1631. ''41"1"•."""•"."°!_ r 4.
e aliening of th e lands will to oonsawneed or thedsia
•Plathrol. - arid proceed In th e order in which Ureter. 01-
walled with_allconvenient !figural, until the wholeshaii
h ,. 12 rzi rconi poo .ei tie h odes thin close& hat no sale
entry of any of the laude :lit he r ' airritil eintirig; tri
exMntielhd the two week.
e o t o kT__/:11 u ne7, 7 /eo litultnT,Zff.r.,... "hth eitt at:.
A l ied son liftrmis.' MILLARD , ii..nulill. i
... By President:
_ .. .• -'•-• . ' •
J. strrrsurim.
' - ' uomnuasioner of the anneal Land Whoa. •
, ... _ I i
141077 CE TO Paziwprio.v cianuoirs.
. Everyman , entitradto the viiht. of Priewornicer go
a tto.laili within thri towirthntet.w . te of tow
above emuner•ts, Is repaired to atabilith the same to •
-110tbibeti 011 Of this nesistierand receiver of the proper herd
: dim. and soak. paymith therefOr frereirir us preamble eV
eitrAreed this no*, limbo; the del snuplted for the
oranthrisiworent of and nb asie of the lands a embracing
the tract donned: otherwise such claim will he forfiritisi.
L' - - •
of •• .I. BUTIEMPLD, _ L
•••:- "' • , Ciothuiltrionin . the aewa L,...1 osta. '
Bookil Books!
cwituTZ'S History of Oteece.—A ILA°.
- '47.44,W1 1 4reru1y 1it117 4 4.,:irt
D. D. Blahop ca 1:W=1. RI rd. Leo.
. IL. 8. ,
The Harm., PTOP.,7.oileffOtegsl, klldattstloall of
theanstpr.h=a I=gtlexand Kaltb j t
Laos, sadother roam. Drlona ß =Mrsayow. ,
Promkaa vasiworaYra M od... up it.
nal of Mae Alfred. By Martin k arontod
The I.l . gr k : i frt.=. ar c r
Conn de Plukaortde Itlitlaa of Augusto Ccade. W.
K aV ' Tiaw York sok Via 11111rtod Otdde. Itoo con
talaings::=lpr tr u divoilr QUM VIP
bandied and thift=ttslicaylrici;d, l,ll l. ,
r o =Wales Odd axoralaiy f orL
POW 110olidtkorsalna ibr /nod
, Tb. Oold Worabtop , n or the darewa Liao to.; • far. ,
bistafkal novel. By ea•Lottar or - Wlotacoara"
Thaawa• toot...jun ' , wafted. aad for IBM•
led C. /STOCKTON. 47 /falba al.
GLASS- 1 -'4O boles anal 'sizes, for eels by
fi e. I a. a W. ILARBAI7OB.
f;3 .1 ,1=.
PAPER lIANGII4I3S.--7French and Amer
6" 2lll lr iMMt r Inibtl4"
pywomptctigwq:c.fis .; el
ma uart book; fot,o/V •••
00 . 6111 , • 3 - :' , 1851.-
=tat= A2n) atasiaas xmg.
=REX MKS t'CO. Roccuth. lunterais;
IntPROPRIETORS of Oda al and Well
l; 11.4 viAld min. ow thaw.
I. m .o. KEr
1 4 dal
3regZ..Arae ll a A
sSa7rm.=ult sOwACLalw6ln=ol'
I n f l a 7 dtl.ol
" h" va 64l """ 7 aLh&V
Offlas. as.Waal L
arotaitald mot
tt WitittoinsbAm a grir cu ts, Ps.;
Wm. Hun,
Power, 0 % .
liark= ar.
U. B. Wallialdso. Bdtdo. N. Y.,
New Lake,Eittperior Mine.-1/151.
ofKin net / stininer2loll.THF.,Nßil, Capt. B.
' Saran, Wind ever/ madden tin rovesaant Wt
end occoon. Ida leave Cleveland on MUM the 2 A
hast...cet bet ISM trip—eno vadat umeetter
nrkbar; es nxitlleelt,P. Ilse the Beat Serie. •
The Ammer 4.4.114ATTAh, 09t. CumenicttV,
lesetreatt Ste. Re* the dlgeitt' Ihrellno ett 1.
ahrenior. oh the laminae( theeteamet Northerner tehhhtit
z u re=l7lM.lit co rij=tftge w aseesoh, bet,e9t
Cl.velmd.o, Atoll Z,1631.—tf
NantiMim's Line.
COW Ala ran *mai= with Iheilltiesh eet fleet n
• ihm"
tity ig *eight to PW4l6elphts thaws, teiht.ed
is ea dart tins, end st !OP . WA. al *hi
8 errungemats• hale Om bets made Ihr eurrithe
War. -relight to -Blalrertlhoh t rtoern. Ildthtelehq .
W e r r , ellt. P r i bett Ah =talloytinnZ l'h a= " Dae.'
Nes-lttes Penn /12.theberg.tolomb.e.-and sitotte
sr inWmeatahe i raost the Peattrieetheer.=tr ,
a r i=pflatAtsas. e 2 ngelstinefilpW,A ,
the stoteseld piths Me ti lsertet,
fleeced deco wets! the
alter be trerdelelad wader the style of "Wm. aerma
p s s- Vachl). WY. DINOLIALL • .
'Bingbaztvo Tratipartation'line,
1851. MESE
arrwrisi -
THE CANAL being now opon, wn are reee
dr to receive . aral Ih ardMOOT. !t.d o ? , t oo
=rent i t= iatab ehartod b 7 reerdnitai
Prtduee a
'elind Xerehand
oo iaa Irealstd sod %emended
meat and wevithent any . o
tar tarearding 1r ad- .
m are( LeakeilLawwdat t .eirrtnnetUns fhithfanl
Pl 4. Barg% a' 151. Canal Dula.
Garner Ilberty_aad Wac eta, Pittaburgh.
• DlN(lfiLail DOC •1113 Muth . et,
tetanal , Mirth and II ata.llalsatiplits.
JAM.r..B WELSON.diteas,
INMerthjlalraril Areek_Dattlsoare.
j t .'"?-I ! th """. I° .
.. .. . .
IMO 1.851. lIIVEM.
, Merettante . : 'Transportation Line,
' oar itratirernia. ,
A. lIELNULTY, a co, c...a-u.44 4c , s P..... areAL
PV;VAIN • , ~ ,
• !CMOS. Centnl Block. Br:east:rut. Phil.
"Ve AMAviAbAL•aueedra a amount: sterehmll.
APCssad rigggalt.,.... ni ..t =lv:J.=
...................o r . _ . ._
ib llMlL D.....i.k... Tbe tormaxl ja=6 , ll•lrJori .. .
State liallreols yrtll 5r.,.., .., ety a WAY AI
J."." " :""" " b"" c C 110 4 trfarA
+tau'. . ' ' •: c.tac.uL.
WENN • 1851 &ME
To Shipins d Machaase, Produce, &a.,
to ant nom
N 5
ATKI. 4 P.^ , 0r10t... No. LI sal IA
l ' arkriddrrr,,l=Leal Pittabonl6
u 9S. TATLOIL ux.ligeou. V•LIL,=
c...Xttra . er="4lnt s ism,. ma On
•aisporo nu =lda dadmotch sal can anal' othowto.
gaMiE • 1851
Pittsburgh Transportation Lim .
mts Kom •0: anal n•WlttAbargt.
sad No. Bouttt Ye:lA . 1W lat win e Mutat sad CUM ,
"ArahrtMlaan Aron. aatt..
4%.VING fully completed our arrimge•
FURL, 800!'"Enw'XII
or Moo 11.1 fru. Coyly/ and an looY
of Wk. AU goods abloyo4 M.* Lin on ff,U___Y noon 4
by lzwams.Liboot
obontl i o gown. • Jono.o•
net rosily .%•6od by any taw
Nl catuanalealloch addrened ;la boning in Moan.
Ma Os. elnelsztatY- obb, Loolnitto. Lodi Urn 41
tblboost. SC lads EU Mort Win moot ...Waal*.
oar Wes boo Necoa.M.Upagrlatarm with the
r.nit o abn -1 114 PUlbnnt Lino of AV
• 160.11
W . w. Vasa, watch maker.,
67 :Kirks!, Como lova it 'Pataiwrsh,
prargrt in 'nal: WASCILE/, .Jrarzunr,
Salm Ware. MOUNT Gaols. Lame asd Cassaid.
ra t Tea sad Table Ware. Cutlery, CeeMrs, &et; Gold Paps.
SI smatisal Instramesdr, sad a grass eariody of Mb.
.11.11 fend:cat& needs. astral and onsastudaL t ., ...
Wats!, sera assratr4 to a raterSer Masal. ass.. al
the beet teettalt sad beach mamas. •, , tale
Zearis's Patent !tavernl3la Water biter
IS NOW to Liter seen in operation at WM.
VOW& MI. rhuallesk No. 10 FNMA 100:101,t0.
eon ferry sad 41n ata. akil at PEVA • wLI../al4.
No.lo Net.,alM MAlma. .lai• Mtn DA reortred
*Gold nodal from the Amorriona InaUtuta of has lora.
soda OcrUtleaLl Data EA retaltla Itualtu• Phlaa.let•
It OM ass grAt Dlerm.r. to recoatmut to the toms at
pm. deo water. eta talent Utreralble Wain lilturr.ln-
Leo=ll . l•tris tr , ,llo . vizatt f ogg . tlm tor MVP
14.4.1117 ir also% Amt."
Tbi Pate si . . Itiveralla g = " tarer. Ugestni .
eatortal LL urns. sal rued by au ler 111:011 Omuta 0110
it la 11.91A11e. . JONAS P. W... .1411,.
ant einsatra . to Ilk out 7
tut. vhkh may seta Ewa dotosoyosarantotst or sests.
Us muss W ths vigor. Th.,' ars marrsastod to Int two
trilb . l . l . ast7 can vlll ha toss sad. muds
d. soprocisted.
ts7lo-11 22? Ana sasst.Plabdelsals. and Domestic Iheenswase.
e v abaft:rot of Uottloo solltollow Com W.
021101 . awn ../1
to ttrott4
(liettol Cborth =too= not door to J. /1
Mort WloolookOrtoon.
thcrortottro Worlo enable to to ell ar:h=l/40t.
ottoortaat amino or.A. , dlr
Want to keep pace with all Oa =wand tootrondottloo
Woler Uno, Byttoo*Pltelon, ranoToioi s poort Bob,
/lam Sono tlob Nano/ °moats. odidno oti
doseJarik aOst tor doreotio itoo. lo rotor.
Onioi 7, glottal. mA.=
Heatin .and Tentilatlan.
ARE 310 1 /4 6 APPARATUS - for .
n" % i lra
4.7611dWAV Lana
talprtsrm, *kb:l=l.4 1 6 disized; vad ft=
9 =ralflatioo,ll aniror Lt it..4 13..4 .111
be..=kerma' Inman.
-atvata. aim. dededirtlass laaaaand are
afar oucamtarbetud .pOta thii San in Eastern W..
• =i t etri=Lt7lll = " Rota ""r
Mota, war, dust,or Lod salkty frm flre .**
farla - - aa. ATILINISON EMELT.
. . . .
i,..:Atirinkora implemarts.. •
I RAVE JUST' received from the East the
.1% 1 21f ettit .14uIt"..dam=11
Warmer. to mll and etandna my gawk—
Elrtaill,foi want rys,oala, .an aao, d
Coro Cob Crusher.
ttom Mellor. tor Dorm and land yam.
'tray and Cam Bmlk Catlin/ Harm
V. Lt o no6(4 tu n =
t„Mastml and. .4. one drawn. eat Um&
Castrinal two, three and Lat . tome tokn.
All manalantom4 Man inn tett =MIMI& ana for
, sa Droa oad eo.d 14". 1.17,-MICILWIRSTILL
tomat of Woad and disth alstatn.
Boanmbut's steat Starch
ATENTED.; t ti; 150.. —2.ez
s begottfal Glom to lons. 11
Limn bosom, to. sad .aloo Orrventa Imo from
odbatag to Limo. to, tml protota told InamAt to
,Ltosco, Lc; cootallto nottati
o gujmUot ,
Dtetelkoo—Pot • igen' Ow at •AM to quart Pf
starch when boillott Imo lola - •
• Peke; I 2); cotta pet este. Sold vholeoleini by
.14 • • • K. It. IitLLIII3. AT Word at. R.
Coplibrs rot oay.
IIIE onlxioribOro are now Sole Agents
to of J. Cooley &R. 1.. for the solo of !halt Pot . =
of verii ost.sbm retataitoa for Um ms 4
of OW* Pot; BOW 'Pots. or. his madam of %boom*
fomdbb imbasaces Imamqad Is tarn meta, oploAdy
ox 4 deszlool VIWIWIS ItriUi.4.,
. marlA J. PAuOO2ll/fitla A OM. •
VETS' PINS—Jut received, u beautiful
‘J ibuortment of plan Odd, Ikney aI!A ud otir
W. Iv. wneom.
SWORDS—just reted, a lot
of=s T
=wod.. wltatnelru#sesof tt.
r ' ool, 7 —C'ash pa!d. fpy Wool
.INkhl) OIL-1500 gait mai* b y rg 310
JA.CllouSauur.Elli 011.
'LARD OIL.-10 bbh. pure winter
' grog. b 7 • • • • J. OCIIOOI4IiIIAKIVIA Cp.
LIQUORICE RPOT- - 5 001u ti sail asap
YlO METAL-460 twin for vale :by
Ja3. ROX.T. a Attanw9 a co.
LA IzerstuabloAs."• rotation to tho ItasOto•
lova tkooloo. now of firoters,lo. .100 w o et.
lag, th ey th e snoorwhite. NOra4 bs. !Lt
the India ftubbor Amt. 7 004 WWI Mnisi
CREAM TARTAR--1,000, lbs. for sale by
so: woesse
j AR , D i.,
Fresh .lizeiv , als of Wad Paper - -
FIVOMA4 PAVIER,Iir6:SS Mirketelleet,
tuithistArrimi fran the - ZIA • hi•torne mon
iiirat,c.cpturrwroaksiba /Va. - •
DRY 90Q '; iSAC
1112 Ktuirrn 111101431 MAL Lux OP
. . .• .
A. IL la son 6: Co., r 62 and 64' Euket'st.;
FILL commence on TunnanKr, June 26,
• - / 5 1414a4 rotthro tbrosboat thircath of Jury. •
eh. Whaler]. Rooms MII to opened to Oa Mall roO,
...I ..r ankle throtutiort U,. erstillMosost win be
Om et so immenso rodoetJos from oral orris ~ '
' UsZro.. 1 0 Mr minor* ....- their lard-
Mt.. to found rery Make oM dodroor • ,
Mot ot Sur. ecoosrbitur . ray tboa , 6oo.l4rer
rrillVeloord s ztat so toustre discolor Um. oral
Ort c10Q371"..—..-.,-.....--..- ,' • a.
rrt Lorms—..- - ,..-- —..-----.....6.
floellooM tarns-- -- ...... -....-.......,... 7 .,..., 7 2
R oo
re, IIMAI f0050r......',.....,....-.-.--....ltK ii,
MO pos Froth sad•RMlLth Otostkum-,--.103r2
tv05ta1j011are....4 . —.....-.--....:-.......,4.
hod Oedesid
1.00 er
..go gliri sod Lorrolar Oollecos-..,,, —lO%-
800 rOw Bleoebod and Heras. Moan 5t...3.-
AIZ VAILZTai... ig.iionttgadar.okm..
?AVV' ° '"= tr arill Araw...," 4 1ri
ut which , via be marked down st realer Mon Er...
I . 1 . 4 0rr Orem LIMSI .A. /L. MASON 100.
• .Gonda for!Witin Weather."
Rut emu of Fourth and Market strewn, or well
- with good' adapted to w &
aau weather, each rta
- Scotch and Fran& LAWN •
nashrolderell and Printed Madison •
Neer atria Victoria Muslin;
Plata radio Setts and /dull Musli.
Maga Do Lats.. . •
They Pare nut received another lot af NSW 01102,
sorbs ParoNs. changeable MID Ls Basta 01.4. tor do..
bla be ck ItohairMitla,Vala.Olorre, podeerlet= b )otted Hata
far do.oarat Va i t telo v h d ttutgalr.
. 71. tra
LAWS, elangrata POPLINS
nal+ apartment brim Ter .with anutaut ma,
dons at nee goods, and H old lowan yucca It:doormat&
are li e trtto . boyars to . t . mll and make their pareharea
VELVET OARPETI3.-19.M'Clintock ha '
• In Itiore sad for sale, the largest sasortionit of Vol-
YO. 76 ioafth Dupes arra tamed pa OW mutat. Csnet Wezehowe
et: •
111•RUSSEL$ CA.RPET4,—W.; hVejintook
Broads store and Cif 'solo o Wife ofoortmant of sap,
nor Carpet!,
_to which lao tbo attention of
castamerf. ASupot Word:war /fa 76, fourth ft.
01.01a•Jot. asall•4 pa Marna thia =mt.,
• tTly the *bar. team .4matralala ankle
Alaa addltlaaal mall/ crimped tziambli ft•lma.i•
ebleh the tlan tausameni. halted at No. 02 and
, klark.t 4. . Jag
More New Lawns.
A A. MASON & CO. lave jam received
• " Ue d ue h iz ot of Mom . Terdorletao
1 4 03.4ra now cat Veer very tam narked' Bt.'
Ibbone, at very evelueov "glees. MI sad asEdoi, If
youVitt JAMMU. Nov. 02 and 64 Market vt." }err
White Marseilles Qiults.
lIAVE orthaxid a largo assortment of Im
Veld and Maniran . 4llll.l2, of S111•4i07 MT)" •
91nE . subscriber, having made arrange
/ Mae. to eananneena af.wbeeLlr at baaiews
man bo dead by the 24 of An = no w Wass bin
-wipe Oath of Glavet, Hadar% ..b GoW. , , Lm.
braidartea, Demo Treatathga, weak Sea, Two ae%
YuraJablaz taykkyy .Woraed. Flown. Matarlala..
Umbrellas, ; : . k.' Mal" sad thread and Naude sr '
Ikea. Alm. Lad fleara (best PeoadapewaukiN w
fmatts , refaced mem. wholesale sod nrlall.
$.lO V. IX. ELTON.
CRAPE LElB ax 4, blue, urbitanadnik .
Mimo /111 X, " "
Craps, vhito taut
yhtte, tano.plek ills-=;
"Arita* Moven, br sale -
GRAPES! CRAPES!—A. A. ?ducal & Co.
bave,tt reed ow este •6lts. pit btu* atoq taut
Crap.. above se/km..l desbt• goo2"111 la sold
asap at No. a: azd C 4 Matta et 3421.
kAW/181: LAWNS!—A. A Maws rk. Co.
mow UM. <wad ow cam plea black Lairex. yen
Also, a vary lam 4.144L0t bmattfol Pon coke ,
ad L 4414.. 44 very law prim. at NIXL 42 awl 44 lisrkst ot.
Ar.l -
'TBOLE REDUCED!—. ./c.:lfiesox a.
ug offnibil dad Wt. Na . 111624041 1110011 ,
mod at et dal reload prim. Quarry sorra
.aata aa4 crodradad torall sod alsollar bdbro
' Fine French Rroailelotha.
WRPHY it BURCHFIELD invite the at
tot lovers to Mad adortarat of Ur atove
fresh Um twat
_ll.vps.alnid amusfactork. of
. inn* Batla Voting, *MI
VtRAPE SHAWLS, at reduced pricesl
A. A. WWI,: CO. will dor oattbstsgod: of tow.'
• a Obdolembraldtred Crape amyl., W. l•••
Not. Eros Straw WA and gets
62 Todd 61 Mannt sG
• AWNS 1 LAWNS! at 6} eta. per yard!
A_ A. 4. Xasoic a CO. WI sow athainx G. atm
r• - lat of dot, Limns rnt exhildtad to tltla elty. at al
• Lam Of coats prt yard at. Tb atualke at
I I' . • VI " ' A. 6 AEON
.1 tam drunxllncd to Goo col th. Daum of their Acct.
thar l,the attention of
ra ma 7 = Lanai ter our lugs stoat of
Piano and Table Corers.
L s A.._ MASON A CO. would lespeethillil
c,ll the sandloa sr basaskaaaara
la Is ti
Ismsde wry sa
esanrtsaat st rabir wlsted sad essbased ;Lai
sad tsbla uvula sanaled cobra Alma yam
pir Ilseis sad &lomat. tad. dacha aLsalda. &We.,alp,
at :la 6Y ssd64, Market Med. leg
FQ, U —a l 1 t CLOTHS . tbr Men's and Boys'
la Want We. Welds, Cubsemtla. &e
-for at tbsair of
ofa** sal goatlike, not mi caned,
A : . ' I t
Darchdrld tun riamt••J • ar
!Wine go:moot • my nnwnior CUAIitT. t• '
• Lace Curtain', - •
tatiVE;:areceired, direct rom the lin
;often... wort:wan at la. . stakis I
pelt km. liatexistralui ?rt.. • nr , of all kind.,
• • WM. NO nerd
BURLAP'S --A superior esti .. e4O inch, for
els by - vie
Woolest — Cioo4.l ----
0 CASES Green Mixedleons,
,A) 2 • 2311* • •
2 . Week Ind clock
. -
. -••••••• • • • •
Thy alms 'goal an bat mod from &Went martutacial
mi. an eamignanalt, and f0...a• =R P M' ob. Ctem.
MY/ .
7 .
OW • •,::8• re le ,
Mans ars al tb MatttilLallZW .
4 ,: t " , war la aaaleabl. I. Al" wl
IRMA RUBBER COTS—An excellent coy.;
eying lar thwerCar coms. a.l7*dhering syvl lyr
parknu to alz or 44e4.4 Ibr tau si Km 7 and 9 Woad st.
. .4ylS • - • J. 4U.
orlasomt or all colon a:0.'116110ra Hadar, with
• moment at We
threso,l9.llt and Cot= an
tor ogrorbolesslr or Mil, Dr
cult/ •. F. H. EASON. q Fourth rt.
TIMED FRUIT-400 bu. Peaches;
. . . 60 t Jin Ibb 0416 by
FLOOR OIL .CLOTEIS.,4-1t , large stock of ,
non on max of widths rata, trni 6 Tit!
Dis=4 " 3Vitt. " VaLtiamt ruirecepri
Apo *1 eWw .ll=o"thii
I% • " • 7., •744 V n as 4 4. !
Straw Bonnet and Hat- Warebnuse,
No. 105 MAlLErrBilairr,.
itIf. A.„ PAIXER Lethal .for sale, at- very :
aflzkes. fun Eltruaad 1111116- :
7ir:hrN d—Smadaii iaa ava
Strair k trig Chip. (amMillaa, Le.. Bair, Pamela, LeT ,
dotnCa fgt . ; "th
I.sboack nAdd. Wm Chip, Gimp. Lam. and
UiPM,Jeali/dad, sad man forms, la peal van. ;
B a trit—Veh Sonnet. sad &.[t plain Satlasad Tat,
ifiripti!valriarg raa
Cotton .
• AT W THLlDMWS—Ccads,Tualis. Battaaa.nrada,
aearata,Aieh•aad perro . atil.a.
Rana? , VAILY ,AD 8417NS—Cilace.
aad oth. styl oar Gro. do NO.
Wroat i
guars—A=4l4d {i nail t s sat color.
ALP—Rich km aripal yaraags UmbnalU:l3aad
Ikea* &a, meal!
CAB9IDIERS9=9O pica fans snd black,'
DRESS LAWNS "cased printed; a great
midi 'of Patterns for
O. AwitrnutOT.
BERAGE DB LAINS-2 cads desirable!
4 2 it les tor alb b 7
. Aimmatar.
JrdNS 300 pa Bonnet, 250 Cap; for
U by ern2o
NH. UMW& US Lonnti MM. '1
OA* Deo end on .took of Isoltheoablo Goods,
, supuxt ionlenion Woos for Mac n=inis4 s. ts
nonntAnf Agonies*. EnS.-,
mow. ET amorlount orY and Clotho
of diMI obado sad
sosoulnettood nook of Y
Wan ono of Ur ArrootAthdl but oolonol
gooks Won of I/soaptholes( oil of *Alen Ploorlot or
is dogonginod lo *OW sine* Wow* will eardne• all
Wo• la nildt h ttls ca. int sloo altrloor
"Wk= it t Likainf tha
p.m pordblogssonor,An4 • oho angina notloo.
- now osostantly raostat=sw bang stick
dcatatioddin put du li/owilia mistier.
limos days! 'T chat MY Own do. des. Tapestry Drs.
ON do. Brood. 3 p u i 3rd ,
t w ,4 X s airosod ^ars& aderetrd,l2, and
pWodo.: 44. 34 s 5. 1 !‘ S4ircol cotton do.
• HATS, OIL in; 80.
strtesamuumw; do.t entre teed do.; dew
onsimo da Do. Mann tufted do. do:
M :a
ansop Ain do. &kid do. Car TbrlM dO. Oa •
Croon Cloths. safttit,.l3oetina Ll 4
04. andll4.
Alao—Btalr Rods. of all dam Carpi* liadim i teCor.
Petd daadol_4 4 o - 0. 154 Mattlasos Tab* Ord&
yiewootrods TraosiFs window Kier.
IQ! %lois. Holloodd Tesdtlan Teotoesed Pl.o
chysayg ANVIL. do 4. dO.ll/ssal do Wood Tads d0..1,
/1 115 1 =Losial= d e th• Wears:4 it: sp.
proved stria Ind odons, wy aft pomaded to all to oar
~..vonsas Draw Asl sow sta Slop ass So posh-
We cor Witt , all to =Dud secsadno oar stack at
The Carpet Warehouse, 85 Fourth street: I
snaill9 W. McbLINTOCK.
a u ltiOng
sad a. witted] assarbasat of Lass
• as'sdo • • V. H. EATON. Tamils at. •
: JAC47I - 1:675 - AliD CIAMBRICS
.A.A.Iduoa &Stubs,* ceaspel s eamplet• Inca
OYad S' O.IISSIMERES--Of visions colon
orb% rmed?T
wri sroarnr innotn3o. •
Diu.. ,Lia
Jr MORRIS' Teo Mu* tta. . •
nor or dunked Tom us arm WA or"
IVO. 1 bLiCKEBEL , -4041.bbLvextra, for
lA. Wally onlytn nate by . DW G DiCIEZT Oa.
nIY2O Water and Front sin •
ACON-43,000 lbs. Shoulders;
sr= Koersar. words-CO.
MACKEREL-75 bbislarge) N 5.3, for rale
by W.I% WiLLION.
118 &cowl •
Q CIGAR-10 Mids. c'builied, fur sole by
s.!z• .12113L.11111. BLIINIML
TEAS -50 bf. chests Young flyson;
Blatt Won_,or
Tor laio by. 16 6 /AU 1:110610 t CO.;
to 713. • • - Water scot fowl sta.
ketf. Qrmehe. Remind 11131 i Powdefad.emetakaftl
. on and for calm tty the beaTel pr retal L et the lowan
nth refee. by WM. A. , II.OCLURG a
mytilLiberty et.
. fi tItMN 0-10 bbls new r
Ruit-Is times Fresh, foFjlltil.D.
LARD --12 bblo. No. 1, for aisle by
terror Wool. and WO= Ws.
pEhau. ASH-5 tone for mole by
mor=e • IZlPacond, and Ibl P tM ret.
HOOPS-49,000 Spilt MI • for sale'by
INSEED OIL-10 casks( p rime ) for sale
br m 76 P,* W. JOILDAI7I3II.
MED BEEF-2,000 lbsturtm' e, just re
ceived sad for pea by je9 P. C. W. ILLILLAUOII.
S U2gA" hhds , "cel l
OLASSES-100 bbls just ;eceived' and
for gal. by io9 B. W. WABBAUGH.
ACKERELSO bble No. 3, ,;1851, in
mt. amrorw. DT ho.- LUMBAGO IL
SCORCHINGS-5 castor prima on hand and
(0 ad. at leg WItE a 11'CA?iDLY.9&
fns We by je9 WICK t 14CANDL7i85.
FRESH. TOMATOES, hermetically sealed,
nett/Wog. Swriortly. tb . flavor Kod , 4irboesa or th o
trate, for We by - 5Y.11. - A.. M'CLORG a Co.,
my-7 , - Grocer. oed Tex Dealers.
DRIED BEEF.—Erims & Swift's Sugar
. Curd Beef easmsed, tor debt . t . -; ' •
WAL A11 . (11.01:0 Ca, :
iryil. Ybe LlbertY d•
. .
Inc limed. Pm Oakes, ten:making the bon Of
reed vrith the attn.:a of mold tester onlf. • Tble floor
till be bumf the mon connalinst and duration that.a
he wed bu tioneehold ousnmer. easing bin
s awl tens. mei making the omit en Breed, Unlit
nrf , Puddin Wiw i *, Isla • insingof time
and trouble. Tbe gs.
atom Is tint no eeuYenkat stml
Mainm of J am U Ira. f sections Mr me. To
• bo Wat. . ktot:LIJItO
MT% Orteen and Tea Dealers.
YE FLOUR-8 bble. for sale by
' iu73o IL. DALZ6LL Co4l.lherty st.
CUEESE-50 boxes gogal W. IL. for sale by
stle3o DALZKLL CO.
MORRIS' TEA!—Morris' Tea. Mart
is lA* Delamead. *sod Dow from Diemosel alley.
N If.this establishment L be no wateonnected
erith the store lately sweed at dm' - by &
Cam. mrD
vp 0L L BUTIIER-3 Mils. (tut) in cloths,
La, iust
red asKI 4r pie by., IL DALTILL* CO-
• • - Lawny Amt.
bble. No.l (to arrive) rot
Li. weer =OA A.COLVEMON co:
.M17 . '1 7; 0N HAMS-2000 t
3 3 . . 8. C.. for sale by
GR2F," NUTS--5
VUTMEGS-1 bbl. for rale by
IA mys 3. KIDD b CO.
--- —____ _
Z) _ . • •
lull <beds Ctoilsn and 0oboog; •
. ibr sale b
go bob. &bus Mae
. Ontif ti _
~ .y.
mr3 .. LI bib ± ... . .
" "
LC. Sag=
vI I llolasanc
-_t / 0r . F ,1 V,--100 bags Rio, i gtr y s4ll r tpr e
SUNDRIES -14 bble. Grease;
•6Na I Lord:
2 y ** Olamsal tooling, tram str
6aTibsvn 4.1 /or sala by
13273) ilvai and
LOUR-10 bbls. nse;
roy2l 11A ItAIIOII
) 1 / 43 v agi=lm
:it • • •
D R . LE rg BEEF-01!3:. 1 . r f0r sale by
UoAlt.-40 !Ads. N. 0., for b
TATOES-M int. prime Red, for sale
61 Wales 4.
it ISON—ltos we b 7 J. n. WILLIAMS a OS,
. AWO mew Wool wAI
DRIED APPLES-40 bak:s m store, for
yl4 sal. by , DALZELL &
m - Liberty
V . ILEESE-20 bra. W.R. Cream, for sale by
m 31 2 • S. AW. uanaAran. -
'DICE FLOUR; Prepared Corn;
1.11, Farb= Tspices;
is St% linn e ...! LIIRa I CO.
pito NES--Boideaux Prunes, in 01335 jar!,
Very surlier- 'beer best*
fhemsu Pruner, ear osle by „ .
etyl3 WIL A. MeCIANC.O CO.
MACKEREL -100 bble. No. 3 for rale by
lona 196 mt.
j I f
SUGAR-150 bib:. (seed Nos.) for
IA kik by kintraim k LNOHILLM.
H HA, 1: RAK. ! .5 7 ,4 ; E1
ft UTTER-3 tibia fresh, Bow landing and
ty24 arsal.. by 'SALMI DICELY h. CO..
maw. am( Fmat Ala.
ARD-2.3 kegs No. 1 Leaf, for sale by
'mar, marrurws'a ou.
DRLFJ) FRUIT-150 bu. Apples; •
800 " Pears Orel. by
Nay: RILES. ILITTitzWa a 00.
RIOE-10 tierces (fresh) for sale q
i s 34112 T 1 '4 1 4= g
T E' hi. chests Y. H., Imp., and Black
Too, Syr sale by annum urnag a co:
BTTER—In boxes (feesl j al L reedgry
PEARLS -20 bble. for sale by • •
.1. It. CANI7XLD
-- - 20 Ws: for sale by
.11 J. &CCM-RIM.
QALERATUS-100 bza. and lObb r it a rra,
to tor Nab by t.77 3.8 . CAB . _
liE n EBE 100 boxes for oja.l:.%zux
HIED PEACHES-29 bb's. on consign
lam ma ita valet
my 7 I I
LOUR-500 S. F., for sale b
tors iv. 4.61,..)
a:ORt, and to areire this
rd w a, of Mozart rthapor.
J. D.
orner*Jraad and
, kah. twAg a t
catt7 bays prime lima
U. hi chats da
se oeokiej• meases
leo awe Rid um.%
115 • lam. sadlwro.
6011 e. s'=cal 1•
s6l,btales. 1 a?‘l3 Moat ,
21:ir M do. Na 1 do.
. do.tialumr.
to LOB Ifesl..k 11.rnaG
~ extra Maddox,Maddox, l 11
- Woo -
1 "
1i570111T4=.12i1e icasb,
60 boxes *Ara von fitisebf
ZS b 8515rstor. • -
bbla. N. O.
go I. "* kar
60 drams lisam
~YOos '
ii a taazyrlls
karas Bak
2 Osaaa CM.;
10 Oxon icansoutug
5 Cutll• S -Alum=
1 "'
2 " Urou
1 rtmemar,
btls. 0 4.;rietZM,
._46 bops etwipOVl.F,
140 p.. napalm. Mrs lilann
100 “ ladts% .•..
2n E~ laic
140 Com
do.Anntalti r ika iE
1 Dbl. sup. Cut.
• .
Ito Bath
• 401. Ileac aulpinin
100 grow Shozber,
10 dat...llrtrut et Limos,
• MI. &a- • asch.ll
NT 1 , 10. &MOW ••" WO 1:02.1L 11.. 1 L.Balpg
6101. 2.1 i., lmerl. 6,0 . 00 Ds. .1112.0dr,:
- Black 2,,a; 4 beg IsissLl 1(424
. 4 0 .1 r C. 1 1 0 ,2 2 .- •=1 , ' 20 - .. , Us. ir•lrlotm
~ do 201:00x4 ;.. 60 OTanall NutF,.
22 'Man - - 'TOO druen Flirg o. i .k..4
216.13660 g l2) ewe Ph•
' 6 " •
DO roa r
4!0,41r r , • 6 " • t4t r 7=oo.l .
00. " Ma& oeo SUM 1) " Tatusteli.ao6o7,
- 100 •••ef limas 616•sur, : k 4 0. 0 .•. 4
• 2 tads. Madden ....:: ...
~ :0 nekl... ., - " 60 " Brull 60.04 . •
• 660 22•62.1 Ms Obm O,ONO PA 6/ 6 1P 2•1055 ;: •
-X= mole- sod N. Illukc 6720 //•• 46 - -
•So ease, Whits , IDOL Com. " •
'. BO 0,01...11.1, 1 1:22.•Tel; '.
• 1,3061. IL presa. "
• 60 kits 2 , 14. 14 2,.
_, " • l4lO DU.' H aut. 20,02 and
DU top Nails, mr¢ dux • . MIMI' Crackrer.
MOO lb. Wltitlam MO tan "Mottles" Al..
40 t , bls.Seaneri 01/: / 00 1/7. 0 . 0 . k• /). '''' br ,
Joao .n. Lamy 011.; al Ma cut
leo am.. 04(121(5
• iX. ;" • Tub.; , I ik. : 1 100 - ILA, 11 r.,
• • ' , : . • ", lietlio
rwnd __ fc- r ,
N. 0. 6 . 7 . and
....1, w ••"A,
=ltanur, 16•Itli ° : M M. , i , W d r• ti g sad Vrinei,•l l • 5....
dal •••10162•mi or I.d. us.l krk- "Tirrr
rani. br
.. • AS 0 101 A liall .
. 4,34 . IZI 111 rma , la. !
B ROOMS=4.SO dos; common VI best; ;
" aifatz.
SHAD -10 bag. No. 1;
C UAt 111321,M80X 100.
RIC.C-2) tierces Carolina, for tale by .
.I.r . JA.MILS A. 11111VISIDON
►:Pittsbomb Life lastaliziee:Catiwg: r•
rats INIMPANT: WU incorporated in
ism ',ate a Parana' Marta. mal
otonsnantod hulas= tie a noottal
Tamar at.truslndas both an " Zrolia; Ittoett.
on the Joint Stielt 121; rates ala Ida than
thaw charged br I.llComsonhatoind fifteen Pez Cant
lower than ill. :ales of own stteiro. . •
Mutual Ma an the sum es thaws .adoptid etbsz
2.fa=netiriConiaanies. Thom inimos ilantn
hos Liu osolainad meneltiaasiabild h./ thnt
prtmeet -
The Master pdensstep
otinita the magi* of tantrum aft lb.
in emery Alm !minding ther*inht . 12, 4
relationz. Wanda corknalliora—os lame Ow am of
anothertethtlf ore ozzlnaivo tonalita . rhia arioottagh.
or upon the partia• affil at Um ace 6.).16, at fa,
at tho option of the Loam& , -
Jams 10/con.-rmichist
axonal ileClattan. rrri=l.;
Joorph Leach. Vaunt.: '
Chula. A. Colton..fmritary.
_ _ statcrokc
Joans & Ham. Joseph' 8. Lomb.
John S. Dilmotb, • • • Chart. A. Conon,
Samuel WoChork, • Wm. Phitnpn •
icaltph Gam= D, • •• 9,111.1a99 Addlsoar M. D. •
Jarcalab Bracts. M. D.,. X.Srlagtou, DL
Parma Dthraatt,. M. D., 4. =DA:Bald Aran.
Hobart Eurclar Y.
D., OS Fourth street, . • r
John Crawfora; D, 29 Birth street.
• Wm. WK. 51m. LLbrety .112. t.•
Dr. DU•orthl trW IM . Atiadi at nu 0d1a1.1917
" la " ' on ' "Vlici k'L laars spoken Ibr agiater;ir•
r.99a thalr Mra. and =mama oparatioaa
All tenons engaged in the Inenranne Molnar. ern b•9l9P . '
plied with blanks. sad allay.' the ansansattadadali.
°M. a 'lb. No. 76 /aorta newt- •
, .12031.11Aark1... , . : ' tumor.
Btata:7Xutstaly Fire Imre= • Company
sairtert 64t3iettdisii. STRUT.
Mumma, Sip lat,llS5L
Tits lest Avidence of the emcees' .of the
Dimtor. 1...1..6:114 Maka Lb. au= Maly-
the commualtr. L. the aboatallakd amoost.Aa t buttes!
which baa tom dong baring 1 ....21, 6 9 4 ..L.0.0. 4 ='
[be pot year; wilting am I.m. to Ms
of . g s tarodr i jekratile l
. pro u vr x =l.= :
rhrl l ArYraiidea . 7.20
, Do. do. e lo xo'ri.teroLtllibakessoard, -0 0 2
A 1900120 14011e101 5TA16.40
• Do...easealad.tarodatated.erpbod42o/472a ca •
Do. Goa— • • 2.61441
D0...14-cashma Note.L. TLVSTo 67
Do.• mated, teragasted,exprod— 03 110 , •
Do. _ln lama—. • 4043 p
6Lab flumletir 0-1,652
-.X... do. do.
Wlnall sail Wen an enslnil-4:14411:44_,,'
Halmos in Woe of the tio. in mob.- • 04 4.4
To chi.
or anintry nientainin And ovum of anallni/P4'
end**" *id em.*: smears. it la believed this carol
o.l•lfonts annualise; in noint th 41111 %, %AIM nid
7 ,
•• =aoVittrinijablo on:
of ClusiSoslionof Elsksolsoh•thuttNlll= 7 .
min* only • Waited mount Ls =7 too. •
eluting the Anonary ocenrrockoo of lonto :fon
ono on boiti'lliolUok Unimak Won. ..4
noes the choopneo end ue
sotannutiollom at nom f
bin entitles the Insurad to pondinpollo lintbennits
Direciono—Jdni thericed. J.ll n 1.1101 elJ .:kino - ,
/hum peeler . Philo II Edreriek, Sainnanci.NON.
NJats. John B. Rotor, John B. Nntbostord._ _ •- •
, J. 1.:111MIXILVOISD. PogolJosS.
A. J. GILLITS. Batnetary.
I:Coassis. Actuary. - nt7l,
gab Divid..trot MUM peZEW:4....PiIiA4
yolked • • n deeltred by Mt Inbnann. • b br .
Franklin- Fire.lnstmee Co. 'lldlairai
DIRECTORS: : o=l6 W. Blacker, :Geo'
R. Ittet , mode t Throats:l. ao.uot
0, /eohdoll
11=1.' ititrata.tigar" 4 G '"`•
• rtt e • "tsiticazi.ex.olni.
Callus Q.
TrahrCompthy eardioneo Insanntauteerrtharg
at limited, on evay drothisthoo atatr_ thont
corder, at rates as ion as the , dth ertth
The Oompthy lute nothred • lane COl)=ll3di
and Precalotonelandy Matadi
thcael smote etoteetten to the world. .
Tho sante of
rh o
tu mor
3thana/ 11 . 11, ;Wi
to thet or Lathe fen se 11,
33 uz 16,1=
Cub, -akste.
.• .• • • • 44'
tilde a deriod of 31 Mate Idol
lithe paid gonads doe thrlim Pour dloadmi 31theirend
Dollars Lama by /Ine, thereby . thrnertod erehetre
thethdages of lothatide. se wells that thentr tont
Pentir. ." TjAtiMraltand426;l
'sold Mee B. 6. toroth of Word wad
Pam Mutant Life butinume C64 - Phib l 4.
i..(rice J. Ilmey. Jr., deemed.) No. o • greet;
*or the better eanyealevee pere 33l33 =} 3
knr es
_port of the city. the soot =SY also be gay,
from it to 'l2 and 2 to 3 o'clock. at the coostbsit roam at
J.klacommator t No 24.11' street;uttere ell Weer
ury tokanastiosk will be ereo had GO2IIO.IICLUM snow*
ly attended tz. Ilmohlete •Welnio.3 13=311
beoeSte of LIU loeormee,affi Went fonse
.7= - Atoe2 okapoo • nod onortaltly 1313teeithri..
Prate dletdel istoosar eo..Pt *Kee hp 3331 mt 144.
• Pittaborsh. 31.11541.—.34 • i
Marino, Fire, mid bland Transportation
eeCom olliorthAmerica;
791. Caaltal PAO= Assiatt
alsuary lbal. Will mai* laaarasaz oa
baltdangs aad Lagar osateals. tss this city sod rielaitr also
ses nawalmas
the•••—• woo
ma. •
/An., a. wan. Pree; Thaws P. On^
I Samoa W. Janes. Job. ,
Eda.a4 bawl, Blamed D. Woo 6.
John L Blown, With= Webb,
Wand Y. Bra= • Prancis /loalrita,
Banana Brooka, AUltill =bona,
(m.o. Tyraa, • Wni.llllowea. •
AAII.OII Whit.% VW*. AV u nt.
Jamb l[:7hnmu. Jame
sad Loam Wan staxaling. lone at=ao=l . .non
and avokllng ail risks GO an extra
.1.14 Zi0.141 Yana Meet
Western Isunaralice Company of Pittsburgh;
• cAPiTAL $300,000;:
President, F. M. Oardat e &clear:.
All h itomre &coins; al binds of sinks, Piro nod
asess nberwr sdisnred•nd Preonnt7 '
A bonus Inslitenins—sncnnsd br innennnraso Mina
lawn Le, Lbo ennunnultr sod •orho eletertstesd. br
etc desire to Os tasturd, :
m Jrl. .. J. W. natl.',
Mime. Jr., Wm. Roinees. C. Liman: Geo. IW,
Wm. Lyent, Jams. Lipptnnott. Worn. Lir*. J=
Wm, N. fel Wolin street. tns. ilOtig A' 04
Delaware MataalBsCacatiey
_ CILLSOZ, itard stmt. .
Artn , Lencs-Bnlldlnene I a h d P AAUP
=ip g =
th ere i d=ez . , bee=nenin
Newt Ineaseace.-Ther also grono
and Jirelshee. *mesa nr oceertedee. max open ea mew
rendes. es the Pielifed near den. • •
Dn.eene Itenerexem-They elm
transported by W• ase
014 hek. on the con a rood.cers, Om* b li''' oa '4 t
LOLta, on rivers end bsinthes:cm
Dosence-Joenelk IL heal,Mmnsid./..l3oncler,eritn l ).
Darks. Nonni Demon. John X. Penranarm net Walregle.
Ilan th ngrell U noge Dr. . 161)"*
Liseel.- Taw Penielns, IL Joan I=elkh:nry
glen, czt j =sl 6 .lll . ....i .T r a =
Jan Belem tem. Err, Jr. •"". . • .
Dan Yrrreeennen-0 . ., P. Mars* garb CMS.
John 1% Lam:- • r: • .
lemma iLearur,Proehtent Tloa. C. Zee!, Mai Per*
d b=o:77 ent. Jonner t,t luner r eeere . r ...4.42 .. 4 ,- ttf,
111 . 51, 76 9
1111111 - SO 111111 I 95 UV;
85 ,s.
- cent Sum4th.
ran ot AlOOllO4 oroSidisll.lo2/ocztadlirsa
antlfrat strZ,l3=lll,oll.
trAntril from P"b"'Shtinb"" :aa
Wines and Liquor&
, ,
N 0,167 1411e4 st;; Foriamik Dam cracker factory.
neatial. at tittalrorg,l I fro!..notwx4atill:- T.
jthe Above awed, le** 1 . 17
ZalYed i a li erbite W Also, 11=dar eladAg.
Ilesbdiee, of time dm** .1010000 Jaarier4G
aid, Utak ilskerobtammiPterad=ll tot abies,
of the moet %mei brand!. port
to. ..thm,sealb%
healer, War end LII:
I t =l %ewe. -Alla.. lob eta
! ons 01 the *teak Mr. Bioarateladll contlatilag
latortalem batmen In emote, aPljorir, the ate* firm
*rambled to sell oboe* ima n Beam• !Akio then mar
*e to this city. Maw gleam • mdl, bMn pop
rat* !applied 1* of extra elmeriph: rad •it the
1 , C:11).—I have removed to my tomato*
02+....t6are. two..) mess OfFiaolfi7 MI „Sauk of
!Mara I will to glut tp app itor Moods sad akt•
low dams, sod metro a. stun - of, utoor op.: - I vill
tam o_oTrfigar saanloomt of ELO/oplotorf ' icial Ik4l ,
25= riS9Von. 3l = 4.. -i=
Coantmozoy. Comotatio Analow of rm . , or
Mar. Door MAU. gad am: ortlatiolaollt &Wad In the
wet izonoby estaalsbooonts ofto Wad. .Cloaaplospoote.
TemPus4coyille salt Notilastowa - Trailk
Road - Co#o4lV;' '
hereby griettlo the
ffaun "ass of otl , l Cootreum that Itmly Inds•payilest to'
earost.Treosaxes of to otid CtoctOmoLl..t!V:
mesa aare °Etta sto:I.:on its /Ng
met evwxy moot tiaostter- mall wegifs' it
mid to full—oo the- rout •111 ' b. ado! bridrol b 7
7ofrAth,.llsl, Btackholdess - ore ngoost4 to b.
I BAD PlPE—Comae improved paten
au moon mmu4 tx.=. 1
mettlitt ' Irootamt. •
• ' Seed Store &tweed. -
IDmneCE etibecriber ties re
ambon bla'Sei4 Store
• from Second street ba the
d W4
.fteed i, • Selle . po.i. ahee r etni r
L:siewnett: ,
ealrad IntoCo•
A OM •
_ . • .JANICIS
LLOSE I HOSE Il' „Hoag 1 H—Jun ` 4 reed
trim tholdattuttetort in baton, WOO litottladia ut.
0.. WAG musing frau ..1( to imbed, in tilnatetor.
mi. lime 'is' ttr to to any bin ....r.ra o f
leather. krr bp:blotto. =door V. '
it* Idea It to be dlAintur itt.t=d ttint
ntroa that goes from our ettsblialtatoot Ls narrowed in.
It , ="44l=ll=°D.ricinlielita
TKAIII. PACKING-4000 poundii. =Lied,
' Min and Purr Indls Rubber. Tnelfts Ingduelm
bl i l=
32 in§wnadmrmdoelbefaTbut
ra ...pu tjrati c
/Or Mar inoistb,
brr dna. N 0.7 sod➢ b cc.:lstroo J . • •
. & IL MUM
Bone ASII-500 casks of , our &pi mono
rarranted of as good qmatty mar hfid 4+: sa sod tir mal.thf
by •—, 1111124/CTA .1124ar• UM.
II telib.mted
= .l. =Kt LA CeNt. 0111US00:,..
somekated r.n.n.p.duv rarcr.. b in, br.d ibj .
stmmt..ang ewer offerwaL r. 7•
widatts of. the idthew t rom thelr owtwwW•
Um • has Ism intbmitted. towww st. . lbw too. tatteduz
ustlaboak.ja an to their mewl= wlrtzow UJei •11.1.
wan sold.
• •
Scanktatedkallset theirtelapealtiob. very carefatly and
etanettly mabtoed. Tender Most pecubarly apidicshk!.
petit= eaSerbervithiallabaeery direr, . '
1 ":17. p kat. 1 .• 1 ..4. ranching froa protracted MITA.
<Oath, fad %eel pains in IL , mime ommallit
Wawa . the ftaz.,,tia1t...661.1 ,hazacor
quad= :le dispute ',We' temody in It= taco. *Mc*.
VriZown ell aatner4 applicator.. met linietzewa
be. 113 Icalr etintarateJ by the ato.nyeureserreeted.
at win/we. ankyettes In the hael and ebte. meanies
than Mare straln,...em
Dlee o ether r 11.* kbb.cya,
t 2elr 11 , k ,
s= 4 7l 2 .ofate atPetieao7o cute hu ::drearfronaltell
_a. To each es roller with ri s t lactic Wm. twee
ere reecteaferated., aith emidn enruntnee
a n d adll be totra very decide& •
Tor tale •balesahr and retai, . ,
7 ...the. - • R. t. t. Word et.,
+Bll. O r ntrinf a Leantlfni its to Linens, Ilus
.anstale‘Vollara. flu" tlt t, and ti kinds of plan; Its
ustrremts tho iron num adhering G the Linen, and dun
from sticlrtn= It contain* nothing I orleos to clothes In
any raven. Thu ladies:hare 100 ors felt the II
of such an article, and in this the: , rectal. 'Nils
If realised. to stayer:watt/ow Is starter as hayartial
til D.ldeweedollitit do thirty or clothed, at ad
ISztoly should he without It.
Pelee 12)* eantifeWColte. EardiCake with full dlneticon.
For sale!, • it, E. SELLERS. Wrod rt.
. . .
•Thami MOTO thlnsa In heaven and meth.
• Thanare Mamma of in ohileav hr..' .
Fritto VIRTIJES of this tom3rlrablo route;
.arat Moon. riplicatlcat eor IL to the gmfdi
a . Ids mowed laina to LA st Velt to 1,11. eS. "Wih la •
bele and dlterfloon fertile berallt of ..'56
PSNMOLEITAria preenedtrom a well in thle
Madvidt Dm, htuadred Son, Is a gurv, uriMultaral
fed erticia. without any chemical thong, but Jait aa lt
Dori Man Nature's Great Winton ! That it rental.
=ttea , traching umber of glamor,. is tin loiter a
Oalla eflatu=lll., golf[ thin
per In alleviating miller
maned. the Mame of •
Ith and vigor to madly a eafterer. Long befery the on
pima and of_puttlitg it up hi heti" tilmd relln•••
thin fOr Meteors ofdisesse. The emertant and doll la<ma l
dim mine Me It. and emeral reauckahl.• mums it boa per:
gamed: la a mire Imileation of Ito home vemaimity
wide iiredolllll the cure of dam,.
Re do toit Sl: t i to makea long genale of reet. Ineatea.
we eenadla that theedkine 0.11 llama work Ra w l
Into the favor of lb...whole:lgor., and ear to he
Beds[ we do not claim for it a univer.,l Mg:mime wr
err disease, we tothesitatinsilr mg, that in a number
Chentlo Devame It is untivallat. Amon: Mime he
alMttVtlli d atta " &t:B7.SWlA " .l ' tfle wary
rk%tlfL i irti, Avg/e
il r
eite= " tll;
a&M L., er aml Siney.. Palo, in thi live or bide.
t k o
Nurtina. Paley Rheumatic Paht., °no...bring •
ft h
"Ur'r eiretlr ' A S fl 'ia'. "r r 4 O =r .
)ng aim
taingvallef. it will sot ae ...amoral TONIC and ALT=
ATM In mach came. loager.ia toms red energyV
whole burin. removing otennotime. cow, Mao the al
tunotiona, whih eau.. disease and • groken catullet
and_glrlo_g lee e
es.edv and renewed energy to all the prom
of lifa Tiuprognelor kn r wa orrooor cur. of YILIZ
that nottetel evevynther treatment. m undo' tea use
of the PETIIOL/Mi far Mort thr.e. The proof ran be
it?:any ,11m.trtioelealrga it. . ;
N grauW without the ugnatare of the proprietor ,
8. . Canal gxeenth alreet.
radifttl3BWegT;tl At .;
. ' corner Med almeetwerglren Allen yew aew
notitily tda remalarlf ageoteted aunt. '
KNOW all men who are tick and afflicted
• with Wee= of the %idler End 'Kidney& • ith floci-
Ilser&nrhitWeei tbriLi ctlß tutiateidThrllM
aon moth talk &root hehLy wetly/m i aow:eh
ea you pleas. thi s
doer not make it Fro Torre proclaim.
to hie Dm of an Donor odomarepy. Eliot It hut virtues
vetch ate 'rot contabied to oar otherin
e& fne man
also Di ratted with oohs. • tad ro th lleribt from fa n.
Pro Di that; get relief frith, thy cc to. in,
Droderi it TosiP Tau lade to m 'wheal. Thi.. Petro
liethe oo odathre—tai theriprocedeth. .
Ted top thel P.lO.
of impothig to the itheremidD het it le • remiell ,
tad by the muter itsrel of nature. bobbiroths from
bonsai of Our mothvg eurtb. to lU Onizalal purity, end of •
brato enlYerbig h.:unity a ready remedy, a certain abd
rtarcided Iles. &her other - medicines failed to
relidithe ear MILL. It ha& mad litionthitinZ of Mei
Marattng. and of the warn and meet refute! thatholcs It
cared Chalers Morten, b the or two doseo. It ban
etiaaared old math of Maratha, t o
which every other *mudabds
Ithe heer reo arid/. As • keel thl le
imallin i s is better Ilibrithr medical com nin pron y
ds or othronei ntment
that ire burr of It tell cure ddibintth and Droned trot,
la a fthe appl.kotican undoubted testimony can be fortdith
ed of the troth ernitaliani to the &bore statement. by 0.11
BANIVEI. IT. MCA, Canal theirs, tech:all strewn or
iiithth Of the agent,
Keyser A theDowelkiromer of Weal street liad Virgin
alley; E. S. &enrols. IT Wood strewn D. A. =ice. sad MIL
Clam Allegheny city. are th e agents.
Jeceei Rosa the disarmer wed fele flugeriatur
matt mender end beneficial medicine, rad el.
the inventor of the celebrated insuumerd fur lEttnif the
,Largth.lualleceng cure of Chronic diwwwe. Was eta.
lout of that arduaut Pbralete Dwane Phyde, and Is •
vslaste at the Unitecefty mneybraciia. end foe alley
Y.. gime has bean engaged in the 111Teldiglat00 , , of 46.
ease, h had the addditettleat of ramedies thereto. •
•Througb the OM of his Westing tube. ln ecuneetion With
a t
By . rup„ and other of be b.
• Plead ate=P , reh etelnuee hiring thole dreadful
and fatal reededlua Tubercular thnecougUon, garwers.,
ilerr=U ca. lud* .l l . l t etz
raw peculiar to haul.. United, every ham of diseare
ranilhes wager the me of ble refnediet - to which tumuli.
ty nett—eat by the tue of .one emu:mud only, for that
incompatible with Phydologiet/ Low. but by the rue of
resuallaa Merged to. endure...flied far; each pandhe
Dr:/loet'a Tcade Alterative Pbee, erten used, we Amalie.
ber ecknowledged. to te snewlw tow Ohm. a. wralt.
fire ar lira Ddiv inaemneh as they leave the bowels ea,
betty freitenne earelvennen u also lais Golden PM. axe a•
minas, by ;ha 15...1m to poo. wun. rrypertioc
tad to to-fmaU iane= but king misted that a . iro trial
trot to Metal what. has hew, add, in th at,ttaleol'
. T hem
ba elided tee Welted to call up= the scent WA m
ane Waldo) we of the Dortare pamphlets. ravine • detaU•
ed mount of eseArearectr. and it. applicatkm.%
l'or Li t.brZe eilloelovgentA ea well ex byrrevrdrelLe
Jdlele=aker Ca. 21freed re, Plttetnech.
Toverewde Pr:exegete 431.1dareet et.
A. IF Meths 31,t; Dr.:wart. neer the Port OfOce,l.lloghe
J ph Earel=ll=t e Seem; eastern re.
ii.P.V!!!:k ) ..r!'!9Cl'!!'sJ
THE. ,t.ITLI.CTED" will be totiltd in •
-• • - Dr.: Dewitt(: Helen:tees INFALLIBLY: I.IIrLUOT.
R - Maabflghl.ghlele Mu mud the turf. of Warty yam en, beyond a doubt. been the means of em.
rogef them:ands of brlblduale, almodt.merg
atd of dime. • We hot that re ULM be.
• thing Intoy that thb le the auly mulichee that Ma Men .
• '
altered to the that dour, in every 110., at tto word,
•. t oared. and Weapahla of ourinU came Weems tiMie
any other moilebee offered far mak: ere mot not by w hen
glade uadd. or by vhatmene. ••• •
A. a strong arid Pheof of the eboM , ilor -r eeT •
WM his the only article that Ime appeared he Mg gum of •
■pMmtbledlclue that bee mar been retro:Med and Mod,
N. crab. of tbe elite gmernlly, m the mom .. a e u th.
Pamlly lholkine veer offered for We: or is red bgraly of
them. • '
TM Um hoses LL GrIMMTIZiite 101. The Ilou. Robt.
H. yorl mi tlete2amdfon, gobn
tor 'Themes& a boa of ottier E aitior,trgl einfetVol s sl4
Yorgte fel t lirterl It. meths. ham pearuhlug the
L It le well knolesthat.Pstmt !Whir. ere not=
metronhad by the learned, wealthy end polite ,
.realtem Mederobtally right ter fed menthes highly pie.
gain& : Wenderompomd he. beenneerlY
err. gears before tbe_public. -he first friend. Wu
stemegatrend beet • generator:undoubtedly la strong med
gourinchig.:prent of he imernal osehelnees and -4tenetlre
gujtirm e it la mererdm remedy fig all nervous news...
get e. egerfoklern , thi.C. eyrelo bruie.; old
eons,and M the bleu and mho than flesh la haw to. .
0., 1,000,000 bottle. lure boon mkt without, complaint,
god ham perget• yd mob ertonialehug mum after all atter
remallus bare felled. as would Flagg. belle:, WV. not
offered. and In ma poemedan, ebe Mongret poeelble
'ittaTw. fainter:l alt we ' ll as ejeltivYre: P . It sets ' direct
npattbadlataeadjwat—stvlns Ithealth and verangth.--
it la a.m. null far inarshew. Cramps, Eaton! Molly and
aft sysonedie affeetkess, dlotwata of • the Manny% and
7Yeaktava_,,..... A in teak an Mamba ban whatever cave - tnaT
U rn= tt7rlitaureh r dy IL Pelleti: Ifeitt%.ladd
On, and Ogdat , enamz and by Ina Dramtate
C eil P. r”P. ""."rf4, on Lot•
. . . •
- --
I Ti) - thiltead . en theiPittibmth Gaiette.
pUBLIC: ATTENTION is respectfully
.10,1 to the Worths truths, pet forth I. relorrou to
!aae tbe moat loapwakat reuredlesof atodera theeel-„-
-rnIUMLIMOB IttaCE. 0114 tt eot nova tharaana
fraat axon eras boo jet beans the
'CLW,liinre e - 2 6 n . o
l e
t=. beam= 'l 4 r4Vthe
awastamllT. cad we allege that the looterit leaebd ,the
more eatalaatll It. Cafe.. Meal. /t Le not the rem
wiped . da y got ay the solaporpote of making mo e .
e b lrutZlo= i't tioleam 1.
9at=al-Earead7, elahora.l to the depths at the earth
by a
tlas atul *Mar that laughs. w r itears all buena
teptgetl,_lt u our dtap. when we about a meal
am: that we write the truth—that we au =althea calm.
Walla deeetrethosewho 0,01 taut our word or put tont
deem u ar earlametta . She tick are eery opt to teal at
eta Wag that'lllee. roller fr.v &gear tarp da
tartly a. toe Wewrought to sumer el.
do of gull-
Ingtathugla , • om• of them.. Now... do notdeeire
to do weerericna cub . that the truth relative re
14 " ica telleattr k' kl%=:=4lgit
stn. :Puduuts.ruut.met.--c.cutbst cu,r Loaawrtet4
la oar ati sad n.igbolboud, beer ample tettiltol2lll3 fe•
. _
• • •
. .
. . .. . - • •...
, - ' Wttbltr Qui last:two samba, two or our own rlllketut,
.bower. totaily Mad, Iwo bleu natured to Akan.. bey
era WIWI ad Maims. In th e Sure of Obl4 tura been
mond: ' Andalso, the moor a gentlannaran bearer ISlUnty._
nate are Mum Natkbeaa an eases Dzsa borne, arul nay
kw termed to b 7 ow/ . pato= arta bare doubts tda the sub -
*L- nameable MO eared alter (toff bad been abandon.
ask DTPtlystelus• as -Loveless. The Prtnalruan. wilt ....
eig....eseet awarding to darectlone—Dlarrhwa, Dysentery,
gbewnektena, Gout, bearalacla. Eruptions on Use Baia,
OCINIMCI:IrOaki BorcEi.e.t, iti.,,,,...., r e m,.
11.4, palm to the tam sod roleds.oLl sores. tlkers.
:Went. 47.. Cb7anke Cftsbs, astbau..Brouelitisorod all
beta of • throttle natureorklba,7 to )prre
ih nlr%T.:, dooms ' of' tbi Dladder and Kidney..
ilaosti. tzecuiated Mande., earns and Durdons.
Ego t r i ali labor r
athasses iltdts.tte past b ali b =
...o. perfect mom. Certtbustaa that ill astonish saw In
Usti:Landsat tbs Wrotwietanwbo will take pLuraare Inaba.-
to_ttorua to Lb. afitialest or the& (hands. .
• sts/r a abaci no
say about tLeir snollelars, tie
Petrainuabreedat Vers e d? of th•-1.4-, Ybptcian•
able. lo_tei ame.. an be
ad lo WO It
b ud • =or who at brat LOoked
lud owirtalatvAre' tilling .to award It due maw tt.
onaddereklea:••Dirtm anotbar year rolls round. all will be Nat the Petroleum to tba great
' ' 4 Ti"."'"" VIMV "4 47MOVIZ ' ;I3OKrt I st! '
~...,..-. ' V.. Z.' &nem 61 Wood ntrtet; D. -.. Curry; D. A:
louscaaosekak Dzatatr (.37._ Also. by eV..
0 . 11bi B . A. Yalanwetock A co 7 ivooct ...a rp;, as ,
T u: EL . n t . Horvath .treet.
10 •;-11. than; emy to take. end Ugly relation.
=Mawr Orr. Muth th,l/341,"
-Me I/ Z. Bollers—lly children. Ithe othera..thth been
tutkniet to troublesome ocurbe.. and haeln wed .1111throt
moodier to. nn7 Bale' vat beamed ty adv.
thenetts - aunt your tou b Syrup to ulre It • trial
=,llo tab , rorbele.nad sburansydausbtereeryr
tlosetond it the brvet aura to owe Me th .
1 bane It to t7..gbbors. , iha do athe
Were (bet it Ix Lbe bot moae toetliethe
the* inovver offered ntea l fabllt•
Veroothabinid not pith& aide ati:rni.i. InSergot
cough, retina tbe7thay be cured br cL bath of Ibla
Pritheini iota eoldby_.
IiEL ,
roc= b 7 Weed at. end Druthbi genera',
-e , einee, and for nth. the rotht liberal ternu, Ht
_ • gin . talent . glrouratsc both
! L g=Al
Bloodcootre Llts.
Itrltigt Oil - ,
Deb?a Csxmliukti."
Sr towo.f.'
Cuenca .M,
" Ullman. • !
" ulnlergzerzi ,,
- Mustard
." We er Strace-aor Bea
Gardewes lA:anent
Owdake. Flees .
Peasoesue, Baum
Yea Ant,Theteale
- La aleattest te Tater
anaetheneber Inatee,
iffaiiPal7gsa ATIVIVC;7Ira
~T =cs Jabal. ifJoid l en Tjtctant
Te• • Pcryd •
Ai ann tbouros Burn of r. bone .iv itaireati3f;
.W_ =as, of Wned nririva:rtreada.
grgIALK-0 bbla. for solely'