~~YYIKy: E~TN~:~ILtT~T/A~IIVY~ irT , ME , SEXIBEE: . yve,X,xxx 31 - Eaca ISTIE rzix. ASLEEP ~`Rni.)W erne aiaand ma tight, - toe Lea' 4 Meats. ea oal[l sad tired, Mabee. • ,[s , [storthlog barb me Item dux Mettles. L . Oh I wader. lesodes, Mother, ' ' uT mond hat. _ . all [heat'', whhe .4 g heSea mT bed. lnl And to think et" whet Ilow the bled end bloated Jesus - • And I • te'd ass* tad take me bl i e stmeo [het X Might sleep.. Just before the lioarriVie Just before the children OUZO, While aunate wee'eare [nth; I heardeosse am tell ate come: all et ones the ale*. SWIM:d— in • Lab" were Wm lad skimp, Some from oot s brook were drinking. Some were lying fest sehap, Lot I could oca sms tire WIG+. Though L stralusat ear aLLa t°°; Amt I. wondered it.to, Aar see, • - bed Aroak tom& In smamma wee Want • .• kesoel.l se Might ovs tar, 14111 ch Ins MI of litslo - And Limy seemed so A.970e.. weep singing. oh Arai sorsetlyi Lissa:Am moss /never Lewd : They -may sismingannestee. Motbsr, ..rb r . A ... slog our Leßow. bird Aal .E.o.r. 1 Mar breath sea! holdin, 0., so bright. arm me g: smiled. And Igo. , itmost be Jesus, Whim be a:11, ton. here ror taila. , ' lbme up here my Utile Doak, Come op here end /ire with me Whore the children nererentlet. gut ere hapylar than Ton nem Then I iboaght °Veil rood told me, Orthat bright mud happy . lend; I tree going when yr= called um, When ion name end tleeed my bend drat at trot I felt eo wrrl A Yea bad allot ra*:l.lrbald gm . ; 7 Ohl to glare, sad mei" entrer ' Mother don't na erlinAr ' Hug au elierir, Omer. Mother. Pat Inar Ira around ate tight . Oh how mach I loye you, Mother; Sot I Cct so Unarm to night I And the Mather yreseed her rioter , TO her arerborderted breast ; Ort the heart 110 near to breaking 1.4 r the bent eo mar Ito rut; 'la the solemn hear othlolitht. la the de:kerma and deer. Minx en her Mother's bosom. Llttle Bate tell Weep! The 'Profound calm which marked the first few weeks of the eession of the Canadian Parliament thaigiren piste° to a political. stone of extreme .violence. The same agencies which in past years `rooked -the Provleces from one extreimity•te-the ether arti:again in agitation. The animosities of religion and race Caro once more thOroughly aroused and at their- dangerous work. The - chief cause of this renewal of excitement is' the *decided stand which the gevertuneitanil its sup , poreere, •in • the "Lower Province . , have taken agaiast the bill. 'for the seculansatlon. of the clew. teserres. These resents erigitudly con. Sigel of nearly two antis half million-acres of land, sad the revenue Is almost iltogether din ,trilinted between the Church of England *Da the •.Church of Scotland. The question of diverting , tli6o fauds to educational purposes- has: been . beferc the public mind fora quarter of a een fury, and has been • especially advocated brali who faior a separation of the,Church endßtate: I.lkfaurtsteit different occasions previous to the rebellion of 1818, the representativer - qf Upper Caned* voted for secularism g _Busse reetrem, and were only thwarted by the'action of govern ment, . The • force of public - opinion, in the Cp. pee Province on this subject may be Inferred from the fact that since the hist. -sessiMf of the Pietinoial Parliament:mere than half - a million of signatures have been appended: to the' peti tions in favor of the proposed . change, while the signatures on :the. adverse petitions scarcely -number three thousond. The prelent miastry luta not till lately committed themselvee upon . the mittrr, but rather sought to leave rite dis , poial L ot' it with the mother country. They have . however, boldly announced that the Preach par ty, with - which they are identified, will firmly • oppose the secnlaritatiott of the reserves,' The declaration excited Intense feeling, end brings the Uppek Provinceinto so direct us antagonises with the Lower, as will severely test the strength ...of the Union: There are =happily other gum 'tient., affecting the interests of religion or rice, to increase the violence of the controversy—as the charter to be granted to tho new Chnrch thilvemiq, and the peoporition to' alter the Act of Union so that it should not require two thirds, but a Simple majority of both. branchera the ' -Legislature, , - to alter the basis of representation. Every year's experience makes it -more..evi dent that the union of the provinces in 1840, . from which so much was expected, has secured - few substantial advantages. ...Crisper and 'Lower Canadabare been incorporited politically, bat - 'in no other respect The taro Provinces 'delimit sa alien in interest and feeling . at ever". The Gnosis ardent, ambitious, enterprising, quick .to discover and adopt all the improvements of its. republican neighbor; the other, by descent . by habit, is Ignorant and inert, Wedded te !O l i t and constitutionally non-progressive. The .the two Provinces are so distinct. *atilt spite of the Union which made them a unit in the eye-of the law, important - acts bale' been passed every session applying to the one and not to the other.' The Linton has fettled tesste4y one of the old causes ef dissension, and the mutual ha tred has been rather aggravated than sdlayed.— . There is no doubt that the Upper Province bee • sustained no email detriment by the measure.— It is no longer governed.by its own Legislature, and its will on important queitions has been ..hundred times Overruled by the French party, who almost uniformly vote together on all sub - jesis. Thne is adding wonderfully to the pops . lotion of Uppee Canada, and in fenyeara would so affect its npresentatiorku to , give it its just predominance in the • Prorincial Parliatastat But even Anglo Saxon patience gives way to re , patted provocations, and there is great' danger •,• that in the turmoil of political:passions the dif ficadties between' the two provinces will be brought to a crisis before Time can work in ad , • No definite:talon has yet been taken by the Ca nadian Parliament on the.commercial relations 1 •-.- Of the colonies with this coimtry. A spirit of retaliation, for "oar refusal to 'reciprocate free trade, is almost universal, but it hesitates on the specific form It ought to assume. - The closing Of . the Welland canal to -American !smells passing 'from one American port to another,' meets with but limited favor. - Ethos come to be quits well - under:n*ld that such a Measure would only.ben efit the Erie atthe expense of the Welland anal, . antilluiralo at the cost of Oswego and Ogdens - berg; and that it will injuriously street the American trade with Montreal, while Canadians . • will still find it'their interest. to forward their produce through. the Erie Canal, and, it in bond inlfilw York. The more popular plan is the reestablishment of the differentia duties, and. resolutions far that object are now before thWAssembly. It Is proposed to . discriminate be . tweet tobacco; stigur, molasses, cotton, and man , ufictored goods; when brought over the :Mimi . can frontier and when imported by tho St. Lew , .renee, subjectinggthem in the one case to duty, • . - ind in the other not . The. Provincial: Govern , • meat are empowered by the Imperial Parliament • to piss a -- measnre of this kind,' but whether it ' will be venturednpon, in vievi'of the retaliatory teinsures it might provoke, time will determine. Oqe of asbigLenapo.--Wo were on Wednesday permitted to look at and heft one of the big lumps of California gold. lira )3. C. Stambaugh. of Lssiesetes, Ci., has returned from the gold re , glans, and has in his possession a lump of pure gold weighing 87 mimes, Ind worth about fifteen hundred and fifty dollars. - It was a magnificent specimen of the raw materiel. blr.B. ' we in : demised, returns alter a three, . years• absence, with not only; his packets, mit . Ids saddlebag. full of this klid of rods. Persona troubled w ith soft eyes are advised to call on him, look at th piie,.and be rterivf.L.-Co/unalbe.leirred„ : . .Ses Lathing-Cape !Say. N. j. . CNGILESS HALL is vole open tor the re . emu. ern:item The drentletor. thankful tor the /II mdeow herawfbee notelVetkl.m ....ad . , 7 thetee .W..dind to vine this ar Loa the prenent noon. to mein Ids hones Ir boxiti.er.. reagentente sad aeanttodsAlons, I. tens% •111 te teee• to ontoseent than eat:which ba. Denman been it=ed neat the Wand. • The anbeeeltettnn taken raffle to pmeare aced arel attendee admen Fervent. tn. der the eterrienen that th ey. bat eadtentotht ante= sad wants er • :moons t tn. K"T. " t". Vi t. ". -,-.....--- VORINTING, WRAPPENG" PAPERS-- A. 350 maw Md. au end Edmr wevpitur Ihkr: " _ " Dttllbl.l" " bledltres -/tS OdoTtid 15ruperior tort Maw Pon _ . .IEO3 • " Doable Medic= 24127 Liu PrEcr: • 'lto above - with a lot of akt Ares of trorr*.a . stle tba lout pricer, by • . • ~:W:11.11. aOPapI,..Y. , p apron. of Atari:at and Snout rtraru. uRLINGTON ELEREJNG-2.%bne21 eu ID rem' Bw il. e vh l' '',..r:=lll7 , CO.L . -446 JAVA, COFFEE-10 bitgs'opry superior, ' 44 s'd for "1.1 11.1 MeCLUBG /14*; • LLNEN-; DRILLINGS,- of , differ 2 n erip.,: a irthagi j Pilretrigie T ' , izraar at. iburtb and Etsltrt ge .p.AREa-A lot, J ot rced KI DD a co, 4e weeist• 4UOICAL. Ea .1360 Mug SO_VO ?LW= to WI, a healthy - pearebett who do tiokeentire4 aresae th.M3/44 Dbween. _how. Jowl' Tuna sad at the namokal em a wasmerre e tt =l .;*, tut, Viiege.ire * Mit Odjibleeni.; r i by bbewee, robniehme hs d. York to - heelrlti each nee miad aalabWatir - O PlonM; Stotelne; neeinn. 09.74/99914(11941(9119. a l e amiseemawlabettblete_ nosabled . ma tate/ will nem. P"'"y =hrredehlteralwrirond I would tare e its thcabore. Velem / Immix to be all I Man wsm HOY to bekketechedetennellfeeh Wu en not mar le M.. cat a torretturc ma aam on poly add.. ilut Mime eallsesi with my at the ann. "HD OM this ell. mod neat mon WM. tmbl yfirnm. racier. OW store. en bladed with hai tt p ead be am you ma far Jong Italtmehemieel boy It ma i V of U. J *OWN. only Aweortra araa. • Pai4L White -Tieth, tad Pure Breath. to , be bud Ihr ZS eeits.-Pereom who hen either. ere hoboes , bly named that it Melt breath is ever no roal. or , their teeth deeered. dexter rdlow,ad emrna with tarn; tint WO mat bat of Joan . Amber Tooth Pate will maim tiath R'! 1 1 . ! / !‘" I 'lf/ JabasoTa Beam SO Linen et, had of A Scientifiabar Toni; Reston?. end Beau. Mr.-Mesa Dottie.. 3/N, mate. ' Thdes Wm hen and inns' Corelliele Inderer. -Mow to neelleut emaitise =litlVAll="thrjer blirow t""" eaatgrhn x l we heir lo mmktre, ro .4 pg 04 .w ar r r. can= tottilug g uro mend thie-llreares It truly tesaitirol. nem it 9(4' /9 I; kr deed; the moat ammo:OW-yet toporior-ertide Mr In to ben, WV. LIMON'S Store. ZlO Elbe:tiered heed or Weed, PlUeborsh. Pion-MIN note.6o nark erd el. JONES' Sulu' tion of'Jet, a Liquid Hum= mar D A „te ara clops - tutor white, red. or grey Want** - broaumur brown. or web or color. IA Dor 01100101. Prior —t' canto, and IL bold by WlLJACSSON,23oLtbarryatreet.hard or Wood. 40NE8' taLLYNEITTE,—Ladies nre 6.12., time! agelnie , wing. th• ocerinep PreParit Mak., Theli ara aware ton trip/WOW blurb= it fa to the sloftl bows:Kra& haw nomh,, how mallow. Fallow, and arogealchr the 141.,WW.... nwog puraredttallit Besides,ltie Irozwna, containing • larawqoantity e Dave prepared •by rewtableartJale,Whlchem : ean .hater.bpardeti /411 y White. , , • , t r std Pn= toTbre g r it t t a n at=- q=ter. den, ITittglealte, at the aunatitoe es roe; on the skin, roaklawit wailed smooth. hY_lhaMeo.t. Vitd.../ACtudOli..24o Oreet . ono 4Yr ocohrttabargb. Price. 2b mat. • The mitii•Eztraprdiffitry Discovery in the !fora is the great Arabiai Randy for Not and Beast! . • • . o:Farrell's . CELEBRATED L L/191213M; .rUiniiid.elotel -cured perfotnied ty the tuk pludelsas in tisiear. of old, weir o thy noon on the result of male, hut ahem we have tee mote intimate with their Weeny we mu MY Yonne his their enrotteing power aver disease. Their .it iO the Imowiedge of medicine woe the wander of . 1: sy, Rile at the Ohre ems the science liberoistry whirl, with them had its orihin. waeto eared of. tle, id onkel book." nod 10110hm7 they were the mad taken of strident.. 1n the beautUni germs which skirt the thaerta et , Amble, alicarni rese plants and odorous wade where:eye ; obtained thaw ananatle my and fragrant balseare, of 1 twLaM Ail b tlVlrre . I.lYet i d , remelt.' It ft - t, wben Mind, tagantamougir waved • through the whole nary= Yet.. ellYitnt the =Feet toi tensepain in the inicredibly Yost llama tO or 15 minutes; its whin le nroomt, Dowerltd not .Westmel. without the host danger. _lt peostrates the fleeh to th e bye. Wyse • contrectat cords, yams me to limbs which have teen Milani foryear, mealy the shriveled deeti to grow out and rich inked to eisoulare through terveloii. it restores the lifuntiat SULU dr Jetta Wand:sad this ie the reason .why-lt hag been Y.universally eocceectol in eating alt layt th" l,l,==dgja. ' reiabt o lra 4 r. m .. 1 14 . 11 for L ou.j lite• or Enlargement of th; J I MA= of & mod C estreobillters= , swab glen 'Whitet=oittree; °A,,t7A In demote _Sisderale. r id /Ye. Tamer, 10an... 1110,0 n th = to m .lO an or hma which ronalr• ace crier. I , ,, ation. this =Jaunt stands at Me heed of all . . . . The Iblhatni Is foam theaincipal arronnttht of the eaelthy and highly reppanthde bolas of Tsars Ilan, of Peoria. aresent* one of the toot eurosethul eats le the that!, ofradial laden: Ur. 11. 0. Wall: these dlr. Actuated bra enact dater fulness; 1 rthanit the following anbatman ot the to& LITof yeas greet soollelne. eldll.l2thee va_no ldoras usidth4 l 7 Warted ertth tartibl• disease. Lou than tin horn. aostrata 11 to real hdplcanas. Ine limbs bornmeno rigid that not bat 40014 be 0.14 the both turned blank and cold. sal atirthydrprieed /edam the •Tos Ithed.partallrekend and ,altorloor Ned. lag eras daisas to all =nth the opine tenths rote Crated, end .0 dove, Met when bend cm Its beck. ito hals ear bathe. Indeed. the WU presented every gramme of bang deed! Immediately on the etr .ther. the Wally tau-theism eras called ln,thd faction was he labored to rata* It tobellnsr, but ell Javan. athhong was Marna a &Jaen thaw thdraratterobt nth to:Lenard:tabs:L. A thmsaltstax of .I.ll3thrthrth ••• Woo held, but to no Fathom . The age Ira...then brought be bre the Medina &cloth. but nothing mold be wartedohirls Ad ht.no ready been bar and the doctor ato p the tte mild do nothing boa. We than womened plying Tour Lltdonnt freely ova the , entthe knell of the nth , . end you Ithapne ••parent s jot. nben.•flth • far eDlAbaloas rdloll.loo canation 10.1/ 4ppunst tha eldld rththly recovered, with the exceptica of the sled. whirl% dth not barros pernst for newly •thardb.. it Is noa hasty an robust ae aus be, ' ale otheor owes of the ea= Mod owned In oth blithe borhosd prevlonely...o of which &a; obdu, no doubt. If your 1.4•••• t had been wed. ther_v remand. 7.0.1., March MI. ILENRXottI d a. CLYLL Liter' Complaint, Ersuipelas, and .liAeumaliers urd. limner.. Mari= Oa. K May 11, 144 Si. Mr. U. 0. Punsu..—Nor Ma Voile Li r.. niment Is nri7 OeU.aadAoing ■ Tun deal of gad am= Wt Dia hoe cared • bad au. of of • bid lain In the bream Aof onnined Herbed forwent romittin 0004012011. and ABic ofith 0( the Mart; was calmly mead n 7 CM mei of ToW Azad= Usdatent. fine =Litho dat=e amid do Orr said. 10 ban been applied wit fee& and mad to snort ltoni biro iiMiaad— trith olitnnottaa Ith Zlong time. 004Janbefore • not nal it maned me 00 men dad balm moo aUdnd; , ma td/01. tom . Wooed WILMS. sad ribling with roof Lintianot. bonnie vso done fobbing . . Um pain vowed. , Jolts vicious. . . Caniplaint,.Smeney, Diatonper,l Cork, and , • Sart4ea ,Onred. • 111.: 11114.11. PwW=asteryst. Pled, rub. Conn 4. 111. tend. St . lent= Tarr Arabian tiniawni heighl ter.. We nand one at say netthteete twen m et t e r Miff Ottreptalut byeteat tour ow nu stnenstlnts. j enstit 'Waren one of my awn tithe Sweeney. one DYlnn. eared he henna • bed Wes with In. te U lleoTireri It on • non that bad the Mona wes7 bed. sewl mad Intneedhaely. Ile says fhb the greaten bane medicine be weer wed. - Thew bra namben mend of Scan Byes n e t It. • Stan it • my valttahlie nankeen table man net been. • • Unsure of .Cotattisfeite. • • • Ti? ociana9Aj o rarr. i Vwrnom a READ , its Pietdie tartletdady eattlemell irelnet . die Cbmtee.a Which hp tan ade erPeraseew and la d try thy leeposter who=abee It .W larrell's erste = Lbsiteent." Tate Is a dangerous fraud sad mare liable to deceive Cm Ids Peens the now of YarnelL Ihrer Sae be prtlealar ems e Pr a , tweet ease *Terrell's tledment; for capsize:Wed dealers will berg. the APR . MOOS odatene upon you ter the patedas, het Weep eat for -n. rL Jdoreare Andeteet ifeasenetZ Lod Ads ea oar, se the sander cheap hu the lettere Yd. G. Were Farrell,. his signature Is atones the outside wrepper,ineed these trerdeldown In the glaes bottle-7W. O. _I brreal nabiax .Ms . PestOY dams treated Isresiiry . Tihrii. - Vlntleie ' MI Heald. lw Our United Steles, la which ens te not published. ADP/ by lelaw O. Nerrall,PMlL 11...wha iteed rateescre tO al•11. 1 .11(1111,76.1billt1.10.• • (.1411 aped who trill furnish bee of Charm a bask odOstaining much 'slat& ialbrzostioalos every clap 11ess•-26 ciao. lb reate. .04 ens dollar per Dottie. • lb. estygettunse is westenfactared by B. O. Varrell.sole Inventor and , proprietor, and wholmle dram's:, U. 17 Mahe street. hod. 1114 and AM ale mholessla and Mallet peopletors pride by B. Z. 011.14111.8. neyl.slkw . ./1 No. 67 Wood street Bekt by LI. COBB,. Sdkarbeny City. B. T. Babbitt's Celebrated Soap Powder, H ASHING without labini Warrantedut. the Nits, out at table .omits mad . ..tenstnuot Yet tin.—Pat Your elOthro ht esitlhiept anantit of mkt w aterlo