=c!Mill PITTSBUROII GAZETTE. if V.Por... THE BzwAittroE TILE 'PEACE MAKER. 21<1:,,dirt pare su en. fir , ihry t'541111.< wiled the Let chaplets of the Laurel bough .": Entwine the rict:r's haughty brow, • ...And plaudits of the giddy throng, 'ffaluto'him to he motes along: Arraytkl to gorgeous .robes of State, let Eenateri upon him wait. ' - ;'filed tatinazineute transmit his came - To future time,•atl future fame. . t soon the wreath ef.gtovey green, '. - Deenyed end withered' will be seen, plancllts of the noisy crowd Bithoshed beneath the funeral shroud ..",The flenntors willlowlY lie, : , ....Thrtotieed by, the passer by; And-monuments themselves give way, And fall, nnd crumble:to decay. . _ . fiet.so, the. honors that shall graee, The; mock Midi/snip child of peace, Vhdse pious alms, and holy rods, Are harmony twixt jarring friends: : mate Sonecience sweetly smiles Hes honored by his fellow :men, 'And God himself his labors own, And e'en adopts him as his non. child or God—to be oft prect, tondziess to,•his Father's breast A tbild of Gad;..to find him near, Tu pain f‘n ot ' tol ef w . I L te a n d ge o rt t Zl f c e o u m 3 A child e, tote escorted home: • A child of God—to occupy, A goldeit.Throfie with him on high. HOME. - • IL feiy generations ago Rome fora second time ` stood snpremeinEurope. She laid down the a lawni princes, and made and deposed Kings. The'mperor of Germany held his throne "by -mace of God and the Pope." The new world given-away by the authority of the old Vati' can. When Spain and Portugal disputed the ptesession of the Western Continent, .the Rely - Fee interrenedto impose a limit on their mutual - 'pretensions; bestowing one part on one and the , ether - en the other. The power and the splendor ----teChristendom were concentrated at Rome and 'wielded by the Sovereign Pentid. those days the political enpremacy of Rome *'''lead - its foundation, not'only in the astute policy 4". of the Popes who had built it up, end who per •aistently, step, by stop, had, had brodght there moped PrinceS to submisdan,but the universal -nsaentof the people. Then the -Church was the aoleprotector of. the limn- against the oppression usurping nobles. To the fugitive it offered en Wadable thectuitry, land final absolution from 'the 'offence.; charged Upon him. The law of the '-'-ationg hand and relentless will it defied and re , pelted ia the name ofithe higher law of Heaven. To the luita of arbitrary force and the prescrip -- titan of barbarous css tom, it knew how to op pose the rights of Iminanity nod the cane dons of religion, And this was its glory and its greatness; this justified the universal easy :.,it i exercised:: ; - -To day the successor to all that. magnificence and tide spread rule sits broken hearted and dreary amid its ruins. From the dictator of menorahs the Papacy has sunk to .be the tool and plaything of their policy. They keep it a . :live, net for its sake but their own. , If is their I .servant, not their matter. The reople no longer I End protection it Rome, but Rome seeks abroad protection against the people. This great power Which once restrained oppression and 'meshed potentates. is sunk so low as to receive a consideration' for keying aided • end. abetted them. Foreign bayonets protect the successor 'of Innocent 111. from his own hostile subjeete . Who else would etrip from him and destroy - the, wretcheland ragged retie of 'authority he per sists. in wearing. it French army garitsone the voile of Rome , 4 French general prescribe_s :for it municipal reguldions; and, when the French .are removed they will be succeeded by the still -more ha teful Austrians, or the mercenaries t.f ; • the perfidions britcher of Naples. When in the course of time, the power of Rome finally passed from the side of humanity to that -royal despotism, its degradation' began.,- Gregory XVI. making a league with the Russi- - an Czar over the batty of slaughtered Poland, and Pins IX. blessing Ferdinand of Naples with t 'helloed of his massacred people still staining his graments, only testify to the fact that the - gloryof their empire-as gone forever. There is something profoundly melaneholly in odeb a spectacle of decay and ruin as that now preeented at Rome, even.hen beheld from this distance. , Not that decay always awakens sad ness Filen' is nothing painful in it when it is • seen 16 be the natural preparation for a new and .• better birth: -But When it clings with such des _ peradon, pertinacity - to existence ; when it fortes the vital air still to tolerate its presence; when the living body of society is empoisoned by the perishing corpse it must atill bear upon its bent -and wearied shorildera, then it is sad beyond imagination- . But the sadness is not for t the dead; it is for the living. - • Italy is to go `mourned for, bat net the down fallen monarchy The end of this stativof things and of the ten ' pond state of the Papacy may ensue upon the approaching election in Frame, or may even be postponed. longer. Should that election rmult the choice of republican government, • the French army at ROCIIO would cease to be' the., - instrumento( poPalar oppression, and the Pope • ' would et once be obliged either to abdicate the princely digaity,lor to consent to heralds author ity limited by algenoine Constitution anti a re :presentative Legislature. But even without this ry: the day of deliverance for Italy cannot be delay ed forever.: Thti,plople l have learned much from, the experience these three years; they, are • . learning from their daily experience ; the spirit of independence'ds more alive and ardent among • them than ever; and an the slightest impulse the ;.whole peninsula may again burst into flames.— ; _La sada an evert the Papal Government - Would .. be the that to diluipPear. Its doom is published •to the world, but the daykif execution is nisknorna. ' r. mzunk • A.Fmarr .IVil l oattLl..+ollo of the most stripe :lex sad strikinithings in connection with the fist "'...oceozred .on the. corner of. Sansom and Pine streets, *here had recently been erected a mill. The flames had enveloped it, and all bad '.tled from the limo, when the brake by which : . the machine is. stopped was burned, and the - :wheel atoms° tinned to the wind and cOmmons .fora-ring with great rapidity. Round and round it flew, scattering sparks end brands from -its burning. circumfereace, liCe scintillations feccm a blacksmith's forge. The sheet of flames that broke over it seemed only to increase its and even when the whole wheel was wrap • ed in flames it continued to revolve. It was a ...strange_ sight to see that fiery circle moving d the names and smoke of the build- Not until nil lave the rim was burned did at cease to revolve, and then it was slowly and . try 51egxes that it yielded; as if exhausted by the • femme attacks of the fire. One Moment it stood, 'llea, tattering, fell info the ruins beneath. .I.OIDOPPERAS. , 4 S- bbls. for Bee by . IQ TAR -CANDLES-10 bozo., grime aril- . SU .1., for sal. b.. - J. KIDD a CO. , - Na 00,1Tood rt. --. MEDICATED Wines and Brandies, a fresh -I,Ti. latput recreive.l =liar mil. I , Y K . - 100 , (.0 TAPAN bblz. (Balti - TaqOie) 0 for sale L 7 - J. KIDD CO..' fIORF.A.3I TARTAR--1,000, lbs. for tulle by j * 4°.;s 400 i D 4 F1511.1.0 drums j. fr anle CORN-SOU Int. for mile by J. 1 4 ' J. tl. DILIWORTLI lt CO gARRELS--200 new Flour, fur sale by J. N. DILVOILTH• CO. , /000 kep Elar-Ins. In . t . T.tirt VOU Riff In * Winos - in.: , 'f - t , al low br . 1.1e21 • .7. S. mow= u tt). 'S,APETY bbl =live:ft4 ea . ; br pa) J. F. Dtviruivra t (30. =Anthracite CoaL 46TONS justreceiredz-visel,;or a!ti 0 P. F"'" d " '.9! r .A,31a . A.11.1L17 a co.; .Canal Butri. 172 b -r liakerf,l4 Shad, and Herring, for AR-30 bbls. Boston, for solo by 'l4 ' J. hn 01,011). - , rIANNBILB' 011,-27. bblo. Bank Oil,.for siubr • .los a:nit:nom OT ASSES -20p bbls. N. O:, for axle by ANA.I. R it FLOYD. TASII-30 casks pure, for sale by r J. Jr IL YLutu UAGON—',SCKH , Ilog Round, on consign JUIP twit, for al* by • ; • licOODe A SON; extra familyflostr. • • • • 90 -• da superfine do atpri9nd fornb, by • - MILLER, a racarretor. TAION SYREIP.---60 "Tunier'o"; leak ' AA c6.•Tn'y'' riIURLAYS-,-3 bales,' 40 inch, for sole by .-7-Cash paid for Wool by_ )fUItPIIX2 LIM. •-nre foi sale 'NSW a c 14 -{tool dOZA7Otniiio ll T tObetg St/V.lor,ia'll .;,1 Bale WOOL TWINE- 500 be. or V V lu4 MUM Ida. MEDICAL. R T. Banter.' Celebrated Soap POwthri• yvsai N G,,*ith(hiib3;4,!.-.,Warranted to' like the Stains' da.a-tabig!ibmos and nop• nr.z.Thowi.ivii.—ria s' , dab" t:,,,i,''W =.llrltiV"'==ll.: troarbilgister weed with .the eletbew, If Omelette , le hear WO lon , l 1.4 . : 1 the Powder. end tail demi. chosUrdte the t c, rat reel, Them down erns stick, _lll t etrut . i i le v ri a l• be tra I add exthleicet cold water. eat =t Y to bend]. Item rah the dht/ =Mat, or he other weak glee thee,. thetoogh Andes, aaa the. 1....tra1b , " in melte there damn N. 11.—Tiltre Lela... sod. In MI Pow, It . d Issii the elothesedr's whoa, aret he lx=ilem/1 ..d .. •• s aced do 4 orea. tow de, .The code , con ot the exceed tad mote. to eotoPlqte • °f " P'1 1.44 .' Warranter not to tot MTN.. tree M orttat. Ibis In a reenter that endpaper will nottatlngrepeattil beat family Par S.M. _ : •, ...A . ii,„ , a . , ,,a.i, j am Drxerrross rta.Uer.-,reie, ply tots the Powder with it, andi pm. lairg'brf Itywrpite ....tact .tweet a ,ft 'Zi.:l 7 '4l2VlV,due=s+a wnea Lo. It will he rely thick tad nice ba,p, fuj will wash well =I will not eat the heti& other Ron erwr, not rot Ate clothes: Com bt needieittr Mee t i.. 35 ,, vete, by =loom the anolltr LIM dr..mnarte of twelve. v Eeft &ap Id bett ettepted tn . weehbi aed woollen geed.. . mu - .ll.oaaoa •{O, raten,o". •a. E. MLLEAN , le • - . . ". No. 6T, Wool et. gdimionza syrup.'ov Dock `Root, griecuPasthi.froutia*nsnong the NJ , psietory seuglidni. et thL .arenati to notainesehr =ism' Center, &at Itlaram. Xrpdp-1•25 asel .4 other Ow in widen from en inspire Wee scene U. Ale% Liver Coonlant.Cenarrh Uendsehes,Dhainees,- Cons h.. Hareem. and Ilnhtees sansn'tne ChM . = Chins. twermeness. Stresuns, ant n &What about the Wean and In sued pith onynnederden naps m.unw or Weikneat awl Cipterat.Debqity._ Fondle U .brae titteuattienbm the weakened WY. Malin koma r e tohkk, mkt= otaentiaad Jovizonting the .t~m, wye, If the testimony of thousands of Using wftermes: I.ll=tl:=M a rr i kee asUeLinarea,M. le de tit 0.1 and broken down mustitelloos. It re ' = Tent Ile In 111 compositiou, end els mm combined ise " X=each in Slut th. ofrollent bassoonsly arle la . • - ' Purify the .Blood. • It law remand Inan7 eknwde dikenin tbe skill of the best bbysistans.‘ “ a also mired Salt Rheum: rtz .. va.t.on tested in man? sae.. of O ~ to.. l h my Msteal l 24". ' V ''''UW itlirsileir e g=e g -nil thy. /t rename pions T W O.otßsettieSr me la al oases of Asthma. end nub* used hasil/ eUtostee.mtd This Syrup Ls prepared only 10.1rd t ag 108 Tessellate street, - Prorldenem It. eft m and. br •• ta t.. -weieeesue.euesrwootteatM.We. Prafessor Barry's - Triroui, COMPOUNIL--Mbe Col lowing tuUmmabil U ream teutiaditor tbe entitle Ausedeza. Comeq ositteti Wridatb Va. necemarr , Ilarry's Trieollenins :666. thaw. tab Oltreate Sn awsrdbYg higbiye comamsdablo•M nN••••••• 6. et uyb~ov~ the le "' rtflr ' se rfeofs=lt I arrATITT. I' t tim ' t to kee roml p It healthy - ode &ildw. It atm remotes deo. drag, bremato pray UM, fold 606. , Itt 166••t•ht • mammy onequallod by soy otlur eatappalthla I.OOTII to us. person only noods.to as coo bettla t• beemminmot of Ulla truth. ' ' Sold la . Now bottleiLlmloo 65 mat; at the prisFlpal cake 117 Nrombray Totk. • • • Bold In latimbott••• 1.4.25 ..12. N. "E rLW 1 oes by my 6: No. 67 Word 14.; The mat Extraordinary Di:cowry in the W • is the great Arabian Reinatylor Mars caul Beast!' IL 41Parrell's . • . CRTRRRATED AIWILLTI IooTILE miraculous cure, performed by Arabian Opticians to the dars of old. wan et upon sa the result of inagie. but clam vre bow bs wane intate with their history we m that for their milludsing Power over dleram. Their aftWstageisin the knowledge of moticins were the Inman of r while the tune time the edam Of with them had iat ts erten. eras to the reet C rWeeteld - ow Leveled tack.. Sod in lloteor they wenothniossit students. Lathe beautiful loaves whiett AIM thedesetisof Stable, abound rare olanu end °dome woodsnOeselivosi obtainer] those ersitiale gums • sted fmorent tedreme. which this lueomparable liniment I. eomposall, eatt by' whose stimulating wersudes,. Tomei:mane sad Amino Orepertiea it 1., when spoiled, insternanomudr 41M0ied through the whole weeva 01000. elleffillf the =tie lense pain in t romps, edibly short time or 10 or 15 ado Id IsOion is p fewerhil .and effedmikarlthouj ...... Imes danger. It twastrates the fliatt to the contended cords, restores wee to ,liinhe which blll7= Dated for years, Cawing We shriveled flesh to woe oat and rich blood to circulate thmugh nevelt. ' metro'. the it Mid orJointWater. Joint Water.sn4 Wig la Um Mon direr,hyit he. been L IKI linlrernin7 110.0Mad,kel 13121.14 seases of We Mute. In t his streethmi u g i. the HOW di Lungs and Kidneys, this mreat ' MOW/ malt tin raided: for Awlla t lel p. Ur. it trieVor .M treod moot, also for C=Os. rmitZfrbilblel 'oo, I - hi ss of Tomcmatt ge. in disease of Anaemia, sue) Uw (lo aet inplaint,Dietemper gange,' . riot Wind,r;a r lis, rc i F> l m e m taT d aopileation. this linimectit stil r ab. medicate/I. The following I. hen orbootad aconhatant td wealthy , and highly ranteciable boons of Vans Bab. of aod presents ono of tbe most buthawful corps la slid annals of modem history: -, Mr: IL O. Farrell: Dear SlreAktuatsl Weeasee size fulness. I embroil the following as an butane in the Wil ily of your great melbas.. Ilr .thild.thrm sudde:4 Wonted vitt, a terrible dbease, wn . rritbs than Adera.proatratal it to ken kciplesesan Ilmbe bertha a. sited Was and joba odd be bost - tbe Saab turned black and cold.eatindadaerbeed of fonnwer tba eyos final. partially closed and al broad% log ibis was de fovea to all sound : tae beardoOnsr abated. and o meal, thad wins /I[TUISORI Ha tb• bead and lads traly *soda. .111404, .I.t. somessod emery appearaxao of biting died! baunwilataly on the at tack. the fanny physidsn wan called! osnebteM. he blared to reae le to fnUbs.bat Win It was blistera d • Bova Umbk anal alliolls bangs applied. ♦ sound on. of. atipiclaies was held, but to no lampoon • The es. was ebbs Woman he. foe tie Meld-ledge: at baddZcOokl lts as= which had not absady um...lnner. tan dada toe be could do means' soorn. Wa lbws ar airing your Liniment freely ore the satin Ur spina and Tc. mq bibldin=w few nipliC•110211. scoenen/ bob •••• child rapidly rmtrtand7 with the Andrade= LW desk width did . not brace palletlbr assaly of sunniti. di le now hearty and robust SSA= te. Ilve other ens of the buns lend starred ta boyhood presioadnall of which Aid; when. strionVrf your Liniment had bean used., they would bale racarawl. Peoria. Plush 1..1.831. MNST CISLAND. Liver Cozylaint, Abeipdas; cad l4kausOn ed. ri= , Marian C0..1 Mr. M.D. Fram U ear Your vrrj roaM.anddoing s vast dad of aeon own tbai paw plea IL has dared a toora of Irrynipaimarod an Ober °fa bad loin Go bread. A bAr, La wo• aoro..tei barbed tat @moat months vitt War adai *NM Lk. a Ilan tram.' R• Nandi eared by c ou ld iO no Arabian Linintadd. Elba mid tba &Um ou do bar no rnimi. It bas ban WIWI to • Mad , dotr L.G.grima to • short Lime. 1 nava bean sffilerod nith o long Urns, and Ant. before a vet it pained ow or much that I hod no all dam end ha Um might pram , =nerd battling and tabbies vith you Labrda sod before mu draw tnbbioi. Graig ' JU BUCKMAN. ,Stif Co Aland, fitecattlf, Ihrlarge, Corks' mid . SorsEges aira ; CIL bllaba, Porbaseter at' list. Yule* Cannidi xr. IL o.l'ol= oO Year &abbe 'ldabemeelr le try grazz.by aqui /ban o M a r arm lion troo “:".. dad / nn,l coo of uty own of the tbonory. Dykes. mind /do berme of bad o ore mribb *.bm .1 = it anAOOI 4 thole Ulm DIEM Verged. eld it niedkino be ever st= lo Tia . aa Lam aOO aqm ra Vm mut of both sort mires with *4 tc. Bnd II a -noy • Voodieln• Ike anos teat - • • .Bevan of CotosterieffS; • TO GUARD *warm DirMi l latAD TH2 •101.. , WWINU The Public aro fortkrolliztr• =ModisiblitsS a: Bass Chuntwica which to. lately Duda its amoral. Is calla' br Lbw Impwler whom/us it,•ll H hardes a w n Lltilment..: nub.. , dan w pos fraud sod moss famewwi from tda laicism' nun of WortslL be psrdader iseoorfe Z u g butes IWww . 4 . Liniment,. for .prinolpled will Lwpopo An/ ATOS9 oda:tare vo roe to the gawp.. Igut...,_ ask ,f0r,..1f. O. Fm . rr Arabian rw the renolsis alma by the letb "' Vtf . crbotse — ree V=rin l ibtrZ . I=- ' . 41 a n =frr‘.. Amu .wad la .worf Toww..Vlllsso • Obi R. ht the. United 81wie•jo whieh one Is not sotablldett. s br letter to IL G. isrftkroabls, la. with good Mos.* as toes.lse. respoodesutf, a. • • • - • Cat o the rat who via lend& ins of g. 5.% Look contsisdos mash vslosble Isobnostlcesfor win dam' ' ar tit... • , . .. - 1 Mita: Itee tWeht. IT VOL 1121112111 T 01 LEEK MI Intl) rfATIM jrcorrettenee of low, 1. hips tee Fluxes E. Peaktout of gto Outlet egg. of A , swim; do Mc. l 3 edam tad eels loweitg, We rt i., • am will to hold s re meta156.6n=1...,,,.&tv „ emu. of 1e....t • At int Lead Mee at lOWA Cl.ll'..wieoismetag pa Von d+4.t.b..iur . aelane_lar_asys,,bu big f t armed g .. ...... `....." lot 5 IgEigh of lAt leg tist• and egg df • Oct MI/ teettegel wm" , ' ioWeittliteaf Amto.atrtea.. ~M,,, emat,...e. elrarglf non non Tt i 4 3 . ergehrstak els Ady end "loom. ernes' , ild =4/.......47M0N ch i ar ......... . Al Ito XL% esettosaciag on Mae- UT, Ow II fatoulh del of 0 immater man goy tit. !Loom' 11msatal,e Imo autto .6. aaa,...atko.4 tmoaaa • woo, ar 64 tass Use ma , vat Q./ Oa Nu Prfteis.a *m ilts Him= Body inst. Pamirs, t"'- . dem SO SITS NATVBE, to hut a ,boalthlf ar . , ' T eew hi e d "..,,e.," "Wi :::.....= ".".,,,. pm.= sad pose= who do agglersalyln srell•99 , soreatr. et smote thistrtano . to M. awed digfoadas 5134 ow . moo lialls• , Al Ogke lit ttildttlid. oa Woodsy, the gal a...god tap mew • free sad st. W.. y *eV moat, Ike the dhigeent of owl felt.- , felt.- time - todliflo. end MOM= • dditill 13 W. tad :. liniltd==l • . . of se tatmCs. ' gewgaw grostect sad dotty" ha Wow+ &atm Milt Ibeumead Hosea us art *eh* alb elehtrms "art, of bees sa.rost.s. l l-05'...U5. 4 cured by Its ssa al st- bist 7 ntinadtan td •NM .1 WON.. . Orr ilia hadesedaaids id t.'th_ .la 1 5 ..= who ute It in nth meg mama a oballser-es aye, swim of Mate Mom wog Of go too m00t... Ploso.. Mashes. Maks. fag= stladgesea: The Leads imprir immed by Inw for th e um of =boob, mllt. raw it moored tad tw.. tat: ma Mame wow... upshot with ctlesto mania end oas trig will am. I mak' ea at. =Zig ridikddid",pll6l dada tads therobg tat culUtte . .." D'gria=l a thr,gu l Arga i lt i ltandWroZ N At ' at . , Me " &e der t=iteV i foiW Y accem="irf thei.T.-- ely4oll I . te . thir no d= wags X. k c. = to= ....„ mile r. 47441 . 11.0 . t..La 1 r t.l:l`&l4 . fg: will a nd this not mar .pr.. ORA ro v...Thr., - vai r iargara , l l ." SOM. , 8 . 4 . , mw only sdd, tbstr i f taniflerslia eas of Ms glo, ter 2ltb i r a, Os catiegotyrom au worn And uo to!. or shuts: dhow* tad this sag Ma pan WM. •Stiat beadadnn ,„ =ed.hl i ta:g i l j tra I. I. Os propatise tool atm, . . - 1 ..- 11.. . , =ttairei manor myeloid Age-But, mhos, the Wog Ise egmed litglA kw rattans gm of Ltegosi icad• sad to tun you ask Mr Jomontslita u. , 4 the 'et matted A. set mattes Wage.- buy It or i d y y of Wif..7.1=505. mg: /emits g l . elh"l.he be elplahshs.beAssssrtiossts . m g . 1 r 7 31Pre. sbevAtigiartill to ongesentood on tig dog. Pearly White Teeth, and Pare Breath. to melootio.A.A=La tia=glpth.trztz t' h ' d I ''' . 15 ' '" et 'llre... ,' r r. 1......., an ...z _,,..,---- .., ....., tem ebb: Inks as ado teey asfured gra ..=_- .." 1 1.,,, met m. totem loamy Moo two week", sod no rived. th daeard, al. gaper., and ea.deeeee. ti aNtW ,pg nag K th• WWI will I* Ildicattell mall {ad the that. 25 tot boa of Jansf amber Tatly.tb.T.l.l t. a . .,.., th . tro ...,... ueeer..'"'"th " 'W. Y'''''. " 4 th'''...". gym my head st the City of Wublastrea ale mar grear, no ulnae U. er ....th dot of , , haw Domini ono deiralang eight t, me. tokt GeV at 3A 5 , go sd .‘ w eb ., hp Lib , ILL.lgutit. o J. Ba'rrEHTISI.T, A Scientific Hair 'hale, DealereisualSemo ,- . ' - mir or tr. ao.og Lad osa . iikr.-- = 11".'; arli °mu; 22". 'b. b i e in't '" -' zr W . PRZEITI;77O7 , I cr,Anturrs. fame lige itatator. know Its malign .. 10 the right of mwstarthm 1 3 PUT Moos who Igoe aot. we swam it to mweetwthe '' _ihtgr a r 41,=',,,osshiss, om•sesto of loin Wm quoiltlow-lt will Pots the beg to re ea saapsetwheMt sr gas is rmutred k. setgdge Stu mate to Lb. ot ," ttsadruft "" tad h.h asthr IrX Im , 1. 4 „ .'" C gutf ilal lefi.f .Ma gV l 4 l i ' '' n c v2 7 47.4la ' r uysysgw "4 " Venon a ds U letoMet P"." ego. i . tendarips the tug soft sad ~ ... r . „,,,,, ....tb.dar moulted $ e th e this-It makes it t . % .. OT .i btot ns” It . 1 . s Iss hs' te' deal. the most milieloy.witratilt the isbasserseser of puldlg h • . f . r. n h i r t = f l l =II 1 ... , to ooly at WIG Ufall3olll3 Um. 242 Uhlttratlesir l'a CM =,..,:d ihta B ZeVelleg e. Mod of Wood, Pittsbursh. . _ alicea-,37)6 MUM maim J e t. ii. , . .... 1 ".... 4 . 1 -------- --- ' .".' • ' - . -— f - t —la to CCM*/ literal datil. JONES' Solution of a Liquid MUM ,IV Oat. sii lith,V., R. ta. eb.ws a .nits.nd, or Kra ball.kr* 31. J. -KING, Dealer in BOOTS, S.ND 1 , 1% ttre.e., e: awes, take. la a arse *facto. sou, No. Ila Ake* lAse.Ai n rw t . /141 ' 3 Me &Ss Ar Wa. s=otaratmerosbrebtubdeiww 4 lb sitars% orb the meauhrtsb numetre:s e 1. . Patallasea 1 seleotel"Tpas ears* hoods. which was la ' . ' sta ler an be tosbessr! la the city; JONES' 'max mart—Liali a , ir i ~,: , , n , li be ern before ousebulb. ' Ira aba hoard 1111 rb Abe arm= mewed CUM 2 joy 147 . „___-__ - -,..- -.— - are act arm Aar new ccera4 bow lahalseibt/ste4 abe .hb ' Arrivals of Wall Papa t. salsas Trallase ths=rm... *Ns **se tretaral Ana TIVROldhliP a INIP.R, Na. fa Mart , statzeet, a Ism, berre beeroN=Vi l la l / 2 ,41 k h ..,, Aware o.!' aaa to Stet, • !gala gag anon. Cande? MOM Alb Whoa " ...ea beperse aresalb Flag ' • - - on" It ts ts,. - i ew , f , ratT , i i V . :.=AVE .. jerriel , . 4 . 1 LW' hobs ;to. • '''''- . elesa lisVreWha st tZ" . a bed there' , motto ou the ante Widitadd map .e m . WOW lia Ma Bold Vt. p=lit. iidiri, i thlor i;.,.P. be" 4 * Mi . Pr ! . . d,114-• J . 'Plat-7.sevato. ba =Mitt me iloaot tat 1a....... ..,.. . Tho °Wag:imam ix manthatand. bz L.LLL U. inventor arid armlet. vitalism. ilniggti r" to.. halo Wm; Nada, 7114 and thr aSaliti m VoagtsSid, prophetohA ham b7' Sold Na. 67 Woad arced ~: Sold b 1 D. M. CtiIIRT, Alloghear Chi t - . Fpranar Eitunk e i.Bia* l . ry CM l. a= ...a at las gaii - trnsdi .blth .....,11:E 0 1 ‘11 .. datalatakpahm lasi .1•4 , dlso.oo. &mot. toply_ mitt. In 12) wands af 11001' 1110 Vll 10 se=olootos 01,1,p0 usid at * a Loan, 0101papamt y 161:004 al. teal 10101.. kw& Is ado itoo ..... ase , tra of itn Slynellaibi .. T0 i*4 - A l r 4-- ' '. !'''.7iVrralrel'grr;i4.:. 0. LA , I la UMW BOBIZ—MI grades kepi con etuitty =buds* Or rWWWWWW /1 OA, :•';1 .4.. T hel*.o•rntedlse sot= sthteAgVeeft 1 thaslseitrn :e f t tl,n•elEtra ntih Scala jr6ll2i44Viiiii,l,UWl, MiLaiglY/LLMOTRnnd, ttlbe.rLon.ldar=alttat . eeA r a mAl.l& t liod Otht 01 a r g. 2 . boe=r.tthafi oninoen ecrilioa, .11foloi.Fractional tonutdp ' north of White river, of .1 ~ 1- Verna, tholosithoweadinulcat RIA mindful SWAM= e . = k . t -ftelnittal._ 0 wen arid twelve, of nage W. _ 1 Stlli 41 .0 :11 1.14 .,11=4 o.l, , Z. th. its: , and ibugenr 9'''' Xrg a nsteen. ". of ranweelghtoen. dailtitk. .th nthaNA.occonenelra n „Mow later of An ant, fbr the dinethl 4 Publ. , * thendlowing named townobthe ood ae t=on,nosertgreta te" Totrad tweatr: Ihea son of th e Dr, Frauds ar ea. in onnoldp thaw, of Tow = nsalp Wan, of faiths ern. ...w....' .?istoweissonsdnestei/itt,,, -. '. 'tn. .....thgArMit,.. of snow ont: ~;•..._..._. -eitad l 2 Urfa. ROCgoanthenesth on ...wears , - 5 ..eptito on nen, In the disponi ottbe pnblie loads La the fothertag named auto gond North tosethotandesoltheJletodec4ad ac , Wiktrr• , them half of notion eight. • month half of ten, Dun & nections grortren and.liflon, the math half of sernatem, - the. 2.oekt blif.eananty‘roe, twentytho: the west thattotest &arum of . tenth-tam., th e northwest ginner of tonstrelz, In weed half of tho tosittme=torn tereatranesh In to three, of uLP, faintmmomand by law the rue of ethools, in *ton ond Ot Penmen by with month ..1 leaden:nth nage tawny tor tlvalion. , U . tos -- 17 - h ohnl lai Mond by the Stale Months to• *ft tin treed to the of the out , . lie Wes Wood. the tort =Mad ..An Act to washistas of Albans and - other gtatm to reclaim the Thaw loadVweithin their limns,• wined geotsorr ' in bortln UM. thIT bsaothdor from Mr . And no lo • cations no Ind thanks toreadthe granted 7117 law of Csagnsoo the a7l/017 artless metered to the Dolled 1 Month mil be ne•th.. awns of the noes thentimallosids. so providad.thAtoo net mallet .r.Ass AS mann sporoVri idiom lbettimiell and diplomatio ethothes of gorerontent." disn.lhorand 31 illwohdritt, - I aid othrbal At tho I , * sonsithood lands will bo tom annothas _the days sproinhod, sad will proneed in the io dise la whin tan. am advertised, vita ell coneolent die IMha= We araj=Vlreor 4,71 . gi ' X Mtn two weeks, sad no plinth e: . p . nny of ip lands will bonthalind anal altar the n Cr the e two thrill tinder 1117 band at City of Washinemt, this Ana day a 211117. 4110 4.41111111 OW thOOllMl *lnt how. tan end Mtn, , MILLARD nuatuitz D. : . ; • .. comidaskair of • Gement Land ulgor. • , „Z . Nonce TO iIItITION CLAIMANTS. Flom pawn entitled to Hight of pcmcnotion hi thy of Q. lands winds the Ith and_ or of to . se nonnarated, la Modred to to the none tope r . .. -"' satlohnin Otthe Minister and Meretne. of •, the prope Ind than, and nate payaoratthareints 000 as lie Oho men this wthoc, sad hem the day .DP Mr the ectonsmonthat of the public oak of toe loath name Wag the tract clainsons men claim will be rarfeit• sal. . ..; • - : 4. DUTTERYIELD, Oasalsoionn piths Omen] Land Oen. thyMaas^..l3l, 1- • .• . . , . urn mom= arrnurro STATE& jr ......e. of law, I, Mn.t.Jksz Fi most, its 504 of tin Ustited Plates of Astatics. do herein Malts PIZ MS imellie Ades mill In bell at thet undatuandload. n ,.. Le tho Atste of mmorlu. at thoupoimb lemeasMY d to wit: - At the Lad Me At JACK li, tometendas oa Moo ing, Ulf Dee day of Inaltonba east.l ar the dammed of the ridgy lends sithated within the fat Imbue named WS. Vlir MYR ald WII! 04 4 ..... 7...Ra ....,.... Storneldtsttonmpftnie4 twenty t and terentrolta. 1 ett sad ems ttetteet Mot, of mum Thwenatto anottyverven. tereatmlOt and twentyothe. On dad nes Comsat Mar. of thane Adr I -20 ....ftit laaitreleth., on a breath okturreut Aver. of uoneiklis teeestJ4 .terentr-toor. thentrAidd sod twastratime. of ToethentPP tmetrideree. ththlZrAthr. Mlutl "tied sad 1 thadyme, sad toatuddits Mat - 1 tax pp Tamar. twaterilve erd twenty-Az am pirci. atonmenning en Monday. th e IP th day at ar~or nest. Ittr the dierthol or Utensil . 1,, lands wields the Sallowing darned otwasidas ani I._tO Nacho, A.OO Ism cod cad etheAfthprineimedseeribton. rowthalp twatty4sto. of made two. Inertithal unnostim etnollpeoe sad twentr4lro. ea I lo=4.laadrei... of thane the,.. 't o. of range *tor. Tothabito =I tnsttihrn. et Weirs Ere. frsollottat deism. and pe. tothtputh. twadyinates twat nage tplkor, tlrcittrille. Meaty-lei Lod tandparren. of Az frealoast teurothips Ashen and anent em. and town. 41 =1=1 1=1: weather.. ASAM. au , matrons. towasbles itw. , .tero Lod lath trthroo sod sallow dm to tea inelades. to 01 le , tr , the . Mit.• and. of hase 1., tharfreao Waage., La to tWattyets net Med. 1.0511110 minassls 1100005 frastlasel vodka. tortoeole, to iselostry..) treetioael lasorotOp twenty sod ="ltowastdp twenty.. (than meth= ou San , tensineekres, hosetwiewr. trseetwAre, fee'm emeseenes, nertemer. therantee. ' thd Mitre.. of tango nth. the =three fraction a maps ins, In tow - adds otter La, sal freetleast *avast:do tam Sy, of rang. ton. Sectkets oat In toots thentelm 'Atemorth half of tholt.s. „A,../... teneentwom Maude. tad nootrefolt is tfor'r" feresinelatire. itt towaship eistn.am esenoms tern to tot ladadva. la towsthisattertem and ~.etheetttorgete.feer. ems, the loa th ball al tloottreaer. becetrate. t. ht...et..._..., No. Yet temetrAtor to than, a salaam la thetee..l. J tovitt. of range therm 'Th. lasl the. of 'WM flim Overdo.,` 6f sovr.bc. 1 es ( tandWe ennead quarter.) sad sedum , 14.4 no and thorpone. theta . l a d le /Wet Ovarnow,e in lowretalpsothiy-grart of mtg. Polo. / v.. .. v at the 14tol Oild. 'lll apamarru.D. ...mi:Ana oa • ine dere fa gay of Assad tout. So the do- . Ilt — inrathe too lends Amami "'data the f Alowlad at- , WKrei=w ...,,%-bi....r.:..lre.Afi k vi.u.a...d..- ' m: twattrtoo„ of may taan/ 4 . 0 trAwo. of :sage teenty-ten A. , + ar 111.On= Menus .. lin= th eer 4k" tate.Posto troolie‘ 1001 Arm, of rest7e wadi. 1 41 ftettons/ llt tentatratAtadithent U. the Ma' lana i & wratir....s. t...utyazio, •acres. thirst us. 14 Martha. and thatriour. bade nal by Is. So tho me of sel AM. =til -I.rmsey=tl=l4hgt= =tr.tet t r ir" .- ..iia I Intend t 7 tae Ste nonth. 1 Cot be*. n tgrll I lA. days Er the ottsmanusent of tae Podda ales , as the AA. sanded 'Us Ant to ear Pla Ina eel Attain, sod other Stat. to . mist. the lanattp_ twitath tathf MAW approved neetmbs. 21111.1.thesdadadfreas the oda. Atoll le lonia the Po lead beredobre graded by saL li to Of C , th - Pm. be alli swim menu to the lini s td Md.. nell de en sea e the atom steadoard in ate.. pet! gied . Atez e a r t =l..n Ant maths sap rolertto a a.wwe a.a. de. "& "14 a11415%w w4 aim. nentiorod Meta l 111 be am isismAZgle lialle spiestatel. ad istilyteme i in am or OM Itt VW an advertieed lett% IMO adent 0401 ds. = b. " PVlgtrirtill n I tikeVr 6""" riL * two =rr ai natrate entry of es 4 e1t141.0 . 11 alll load- Oh= wit. firriV E V:CUT a W ettIV I , ASIA friay. AMP thou sea,l t un dnA an inr".Priddaltr. 1 flAdAl NA- L purr mum% — , nrer of the thuds' Lam Ole. , . Monts 70 mova3l7o.* *Ma= ilizazi.d.panc=flep4 escare=i4 Zere ansmanded. I s eer., Cassaba Ms same to au et Ur beasts" atel seeable et ,: - 3M amps" F"alssaba psymbit theralbs as sza nasposetusbla af• pMU sale: wore lb e day arpotatel for V. weeassaaismat at pabba sale et thesi gF esabrlbtoc the tamest bobts be nett ease our b. tatiesed. .. .1. BUT MOULD: ' • Cbandbialar, at tau Baia" u land RANGINGS—French Amor V 4 4. tL , iLsrge itnibunowt luPotbte it,qt," ° `'` was mow nom sad sr wing. TUUTTON HILMS 7 -_WOO lbs. priii e, for mon- =ET MAT=WII • - • - • fiLOPA. • • • •--SOUcaikeot'onroan:e,iann aWs., ...mad aas vxst aunt/ sist ssa shtsla 2 7 IssassUlt sea krlllLt ask ja Itst lossesssum airrr. BURT * R oAszs-pariars a MAYEIVB • my; azuz—arm. aramstl.g• 110.: 1,-A oar totolsow for loos& w To Do am ISTOM , TWO 140. , , ~„ Li_ABD on . -16 bbbi. for ego bj mos SAIIUM DALLIIILL TRANSPORTATION 1.851. LAJO3 121.13 An MICHIGAN LEM ON THE EXTENSION CANAL. re PARKS # W., Room, Cr.417.11T0V1. 'ME' PROPRIETORS of thir old and NN'ell. li ;hewn Idele.'arptild lu,rm the pablie that they sari Gw to Atf,tugT74ll=',-,l'Abtr."-7`.1 tted a e a t all poles mit/ie - SW. Aar . fOn =llan. at the lw ee t. rates. One or the ' llaaa of DID Line bet colutautly of the lauding, bel o w the Dpepee. as Bridge. ....vs S.' , #.• JOHN A. DAVDV. A... 4 terr. Water sad Sialthfleld ate. l'itutharph. CONSIGN - EMI ee . capaipahata. Sae Castle. Pa: D. Mathew, Dulaakl, P.. W: C. 31shes, J. S. IlnD., Sharpftlanrch; Wm. Ache. Co., Greenvale, Wm. Penn, Wm. Perm 01/1100111tViDe, C. 0. Reed, fete , 0. D. Walbridge Deffah., h. ti, apl • New Lake Superior Line.-1851. r. new steamer NORTIIENER, C.pt. B. 0. BRUT, haring every modern Marmveraoot for and mn.figt. leave Cleveland on friday. the hit of Iday runt, on her CM. ftip—mad ',oaf{ thereafter on Erldtor. at &rind, P. 314 for the Snot nte. The steamer Id Ali RATTAN, Copt. Jona CatArrru. .lava Sant St.. 310fte, for the different Ignitions on Lake allyterlor, on the nrrleal of theta...nor Northerner; orating tach=dat zr a .llgdf o le i . n. proutithon; l l.he marom between Proprietor.. Maryland, 0. Anrll 1g31.-11 Manufacturer's Line. gragEg"°3 185 L HIPPERS ABE HEREBY INFOR3IEB 1...3 mit ea. me.. comps.' entindr a ma., is now In toll opetinn y fsellitiet to entry A ittrA g rn • . • Llty Of freight to Plidadelphia and IMitimoro. todSout . • nu, in as Abort time, and at as low rates, as any other ng;rnents hare also been made Mr enrr/lf IVap Freight to Dlalmrilln, Johnntorn. Undid:lntim ill Wafer Street,Alesandrint retersbargh, Huntingdon. ill L'reek. Now Hamilton. Mel. eytown. Iliftllo, lieratt, Clerk . . Perry. llourisburg•Columht a, and 'all oth or intermediate points on the Penns, IranlnCanal an.l Port oda Railroad. Haring return hnoln of Iron neeumel from the Jutdata, promptDO6ll and regnimity Ahismentn, the aforatakt points at tho Soren rah.% tom ,J. MITCHELL SCOTT. Proprietor. • . . WArelsons,Lilwrtr ntrert. sn, Frismd doer went of the Contd. ;. AVING DISPOSED OF lIALF MY ,IN TEREST TN .ItINGII.4.II'S LINE. to thy brother, .6.OMM /11NOLIA11, the befirterA Pittrburgh rrli there. eller be tnalikseted nzhler mthly' tbn rtyle o NM . BINf -Wm. lOlLAthvb,,tm Binghams' Transportation Line. 1851. rF lIETWEEN PITTSBURGII TIIE EASTERN CITIES. -7.ert CANAL being no open, we nee roo or to ode'smo and forward prenntilly. litodure an, handise. ad west Freidhta deny% at lowest rates chards/ by lams. Prodnew end Merchandise will be neuter) and forward , ' east and vest. without any chat,. fur forwarding -rt ad naming fr eight, conitulaslon. or stern', 8111, of Ludlow forwarded. and all direetiont faithful% attended to. Mr " . Ill o 1i r GTI P AI U ; Canal Bad. Cotner Liberty and Wayne eta.. liittatiroh. 11111011A11 li nnets llta Market st, tetwean Foorth and, Plillatlalphta. JAMEB WILWON. Agent. :co. 142 North ;Inwardstreet. Baltimore. J AYES ho . West et. motel bow 'York. 1851 Merchants' Transportation' Line, VIA VENNSTLTAIA CANALi AND lIAILLInAnS,I R PILLL.I DELPIIIA DIRECT—W IT I - OUT Itg.FIIIPPINII. A. MaAbIULTY CO., Canal Bruin, 40% l'enn str,o, Pittabu.b. ULIAILLESIXATNCII.CrantraI Ilnw.lia.ravt. We op pared to recelve ataratnt m or Wu erlan/li,a pared I =L,:nt. ,r.'4 IS. time than In .1 rKritl.• arav n. N. It. The ler raavaal nairobvr Trorka.paalida.l the Canal Coninilaainnera irtg , ..llll. !oat. an to State wlll.M•ant ant j o t y w anen . llolidayabutt nrcc:AZZ4'tailflYl' Canal Itaain. • 1851 To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, dm, to Jot rum rtrnmracx. sinrlxott Cl! t.l, RELIANCE PITTSBURGH TEANSPOE• TATION LINE. Arms& & CO., Proorh•tars. No. Z-1 . norkrt, and 1 C0.13%, 1 1`. am, PhilluirlDhio. BELL LtaGrrr. Aa-eutr..C.ool 11Ar: JOS; SAYLOIL a ON. Igontr,ltattilorrr. We ire prepossi. thr nl. of Ow Pronrtirm , i , Coatt,toroottart Orr at roe L' ralr..l or, earrcrs no tooth derrotrh 0ut 1.5 A, toll II thf, 1I lar nr :r1,1,41,a7t MCP ADEN & COVOD4, iS‘ns"..Aas tal John )IcCsamn A C . _ 4,j Cdnal Darin, Pew, Pik. Paula. Rail Road Co.—Central Rail' Rona. herie!, .IPPitag.i rote he the l'erm-,:7,11) !.• La.! ink.= the pahhe that eye ere tete pr...,:t4 wive .y cerrehandit , or protium L.r 4:24 tonne eott , oprotot or the noel. (tools et* thto mote atll be ettree.4 tr. Ga • oonlogyer4 •M le lore rtrd. 4 toe e. too. hto or ... ter otleooote. airs/ at reamsar lirrwrzx rrrn...nvutu.lOrP trrrnr. DT/ 00014 1irt4.4h.., pn....SLltonarT.C.arrl.4'nl:l,, Uncary. Fruit%aci, Frathr, Yam}tuni, .0 No W Le. tr. Iltrtlttrnttilvononroure,lll,4•Ttrt, ff [tu • C-. Leather, laoner, Thrug.by and oeb•-, Ors. te. Drug Itoef, Port. Colter. Lard. lAN Oil , T 0 1 ,0,1144.1 OR, Ilsv. we 1 , 1 , 1 te a IS•rblo ,rough) Tv, )'itch. Roy:, thromt, yomna,' inv.? 1,, 3I,VADFN t C,Ovol,t issAIO -- 1851 • " Pittsburgh Transportation Line. JAMIE& O'CONNOR & CO., VILA' Ilstiu, NutAbor.th NIITA. JAM t - 2" Co, trouts Ur.J Ah't Cheery ern and Nes Shunt"' &aura , Wee'. between Market am 111.. , but stAvets, Yhtlytelphl& . (ICUS sor-s a 4.:o,7otihrth Arcot Palau... lILAT/NG fully complete , ' ,air arramz ,- meats, we trill be pert h,..1 open the utes , h, l t roarytestast Coals, to ram frerAbt r. and Item Pat burgh, Baltimore. Ye" , - cituotai. Louballe. Lout' en•1oil the t.:elt nu.' lout, raise owl hat tours dAslsslch sh 4 east men w> .t: • ler Lk.. Allthusttshineel by our Line Ph. eve.- by loyutsace. without Aar tLerhe he AA x.ere. ArrAso.; ,tut realty srottled by hh.t hare , 'Aues All cemastattcallous Wdtaaad to eureeht., or sut , . 'WA At Ose Clarions.: Webt. en.' s outtarno. It tonic will meta with tu , htt , AWN 11. our Line hat nor.'huseahntriuster with tts PUILS/phla and lltteharah Insitty , llAtihn L ithe ‘.l A , . kWh& Lewis's Patent Reversible Water Filter 11S NOW to be ceen in operation nt WM. TAT% b toes. Na 11 o,"'wl.l"a and lt nroit•PlT=N? AI at *OM Medal Mum Om daterroat lnett!tati ' of N 0.. ., Y. and *Certirmtle Mtn Om Imbium ittola.tot. phis. for it• supeektells in its almost na tottpt•ette , and tst tartan: Roos them twratow tbem tote in rttP:ob , rt•it• Pmt tat vita. of sakb the fultoertnts team:that Nran.h :SI 19:.I. It ideal me great pleasure to emontmend In the Isom , 4 pare, elver mate, the Patent ltemmlble N star litteme. int treated bp ldf. LOOS. 11.1. v0 ,,, J Oos On.r. kw set, • at Month. I sea enabled it Smitoruf thole rah.. • Obtilittr. PLITT, alnat dent" •truottbstrem, Afar& MU, lhal. The Patent PoPeratble Kates Pittere, ineented hr 31, Ittmattel U. Lends. snit turd by tyw for mote month. st tar rowtraVoi=tra':‘lyi,ir.-‘•tfareTerla'lr t ld '.t'stl;t readomend 11 to tbe public. JU N A: P. YAldt, It. b ttummettat end. - Them . niters am warrant.' La tale tn. any mord or woe Irhieb mar bd. from dr. , ll3prvonrsinarlsl cr h' , "'a gt, LnikeZtr. The, a rr,r7 - 7' 'l' - ' to ho seen to Mt abort:ended. sa. LATEU t J Alt PI Arch greet Ithholtiohl , a. R o cingham and Domestic Queensivaie. wOODWARD.I3LAKELi CO., Man ,,,toturers I:co6inaliant and Tsllow Cans Warr, E..arr Ltrn rwt. %,tdo; iln9aWZrly a1:72:1,,".Vi Ark:enable ns trc 211 vole' •roc, s. yy, c s / scsswant yin/donor constantly . snlydersd ‘ . als,;tin ow ... Lo y, with ell the PIM and sinprumnl. , / 1, . of tan dar ww, e r ns. yiecontte,l'itohscr, Nary Ter, Drown Rams Vuels, (Colder, Mantel Ornaed•tas. loldior sod !kW' Jam: and artleler for dncnratin Om In strut ras , r. • OnScrs sarpreandlcrdlloWd.. cnclOsot • Heating and Ventilation. WARE 31AKING APPARATUS f.r iest.lnc by Steam In libtebtXtallt lltettat, lorturd BMus, Daub 4/111crw, ['tuft, Far.twiet, llerpitalt.and It to Os top or ...1d...1par.. pablle and pri late. Alla. Lim ti 'hying Boma ter all burp.. whew. {1,7,1113? rzperatttre, ettcla,er.,lAlrlijo,r4l.bitt,listitrat7l: and to tttcw Ylarta'fri9Cnttlatln. by palatal or ihrt..l mean, rill be whererer dertre:L • moat at:Xasgril;tatT'atedal Pri n n Ea 'n*n t d e ' t r .r. so the method trauma wboleborte. vuttrorta tmat, at 10ly required temperature with entire trawl , oa from t ter, .inke, tubes, dttat t ur dartiwear, and tettety (rem f re. tnylb LCAI FE. ATIi/NOON rt OK ELY. Pedling Wagon. A Largo and inbutantial two ham wagon Wer4 Street. Agricultural Implements. • etHAVE JUST received from the Enst the toneeion tuner:c.a. sit er dm best manulact Um, ascot nmait lumutiona, and I would itemos sit Pan:tient° 0011 arid clianitia My PUNA. Drilltur Machin., for eons. hearts, MM. turnion. to. ' Drain Drill, fdr wheat. rye, oats, mei barley: Core•Coberushara. Corn ghetto . , far Immo and hand pOWer. Pfmor end Mantra. Cunha, Boxes. 71C;rgire i ttlir ( Tliin Cacasteel (Wen and fired• Sythee, and llnea. Alltwo, dam and four mew halm. All mau l from the boot and for rah, M. the Dreg auditowl et.. of • • `A N. WICKEIIBIIA3I, tay2l Corner of Wood aud Meth 'trod , Ileatimont's Patent Starch Polish. -RATENTI I I ) , Jul , r2tith, 1550...—F0r giving beautiful Gloss lo . blitens. !Anglin.% Ottolswa, Cot - I, Start gamma,2o., and Mao marmite the Iron from I ao {Jam, Ao.. sod prevent. dust from rticklue Lims. ie.. and contain.. twilled lurlous. ,Dractiona—Put pie. the nu of a pea to a duatt of Mutell whet, iron briakly. mdcw, 1.134 mote per OA, hold whelcoods and retail by /a 3 11. E. SELIAItS. id %Yowl et. Pot - coping's Clay. TIIE subscribers aro now Sole Agents of .1. Glopley it Co., Ihr the sato of their Pot Clay, au ele of well ettabllshwl reputatiou for tho man °Mame a Dials, Steel Pots, du It is made of one of the nowt luftudhl• Jubilance. thus: and is Toff carolidir aelc.ded and clammed previous to mindiuo, J. POIIOOIOIANEII t 120. LADIES' ItUBBER OLOVES & MITT Invaluable to' IsAlso so sprotootion to Oho bond. , to boost , statattitt Skransing. rare or dowers kr. Iv star Ins tlrtof blurb We baud. snowy white, For tato low ..t Os bulls /tubber tiara 47 mat Vl' 0,4 gnat. IL PIIILLI dr( ---- LARET WINE, (St. Julien 9leiloC7) of ru our corlqinvortatlon warranted punt. Prim.. SO per diwou,nr.. GO e.t.tg per Finkle bottle. At MORI:le Tea Mart, us tuo Disown a. t0y2.1 -. • cAP . OIL CLOTHS—Just reo . ( l, from the Neter,. 6611.10 Capin Clodh a beautifully (WA artirlodor rale wholuwawm low AA ....tern tale,/, at the Oil Cloth Vateroottub Zia. Sand V Vi FL tttf___S__..--...------t J. al l . Itrilyblya„ ORNITURE OIL GLOTTI S—O f Sriglisik, -y Germ., ens our own tuartuntitture, for role a the Gab Waren:iota, :toa. 7 and V Wool et. 01.01 J. k 11. 111 ibbl liA G UY SOTT'S Yellow Dock & Sarsarril i r , for ria• , ' "1 GNESEi—Just Ne it2A d te by . 'e..N t .01.111bCKLAS. &Lather Supply of Bajollor Eibirtit g, Mtur and Irian Linea. • .T.jURPHY & BURCHFIELD have open -1 ca mother supply of <bolos mate °tenting...a.. boa , . Nettie, the / utter 'warranted e ll diin ,0"g" direetJl inn the non( of the nuusullectutyy. end I will be sold et Pont prigs by the rofd erde 0-1 6 1er. 1 .1. " gio, lirilloreseso%With"etnt . Y "" l.l Mr . 7•VEAT PLAID GINGIIAMS.—=Iy t & t ntin drilf new Print, of we. e ndless:tonne styue..t Is% max Lowrie. Ilarneee, Poplin of neurut styles no Moan Ige ' . l . ' ts • u tu' r t r'n" • tj son as Wages. game de ifol - Nog ti=penitig nnott Lace CtelOial. HAVE just received, direct from the Im portotns, large reortntent or lace Curtains, r Mob I II eel! low. Curtain Iletertele end Trtmrelnalor alleluia. Ica WM. NOBLY., Tlalrl et. --. Bonnets! Bonnets! k A. MASON & CO. would respect-el • fully Invite the attention of purchase= ao t...1r fury ...wrier afore of new style Ilonnels, to . hlch they ere constantly adding new earictlee. I be above riaale erlll be sold at eery low prior. by the dor (11 or Finale bonnet. Nos. 61: md 61 Marble 001. }...3 INDIA CFOULARD ilfiiB—Jastree'd, A 11,1,,"2.7: 2 ,' coma' r a grecrs i :it 7: cloood out tery comp. A. A. MASON a CO., . io:l. 62. M 64 Mutat at. 4 LACK SILK LACD—We have just ree'd ' a fall fupply of the above desirable Gael; a all 1.1 tho, far tato aloof, A. A. BIABON • CO.. jr3 42 and 64 kfarkAt at • pRIAIREL% RlBB tf Ut i al o :, , tte: l tion .i o r f ,Vonn"t",Zi'Vegrr,tdd.s. - uhfoll Ito urtll close out ot very low pia. .°1 A. A. MAHON CU New Baines, nes, Silks, ;awn!, &a U itHir ,t open. (from ,„ l3 I:tO k HFIEL a. l . D a hare this dayhas L,. Bilks, Black 4o Law India aah Ifilkk *a, • llutars sea Invited to Call balm tnaklnk their pucka., clambere. Batas at wholasala In mom. ay staid. mTt URL'APS—A sdperior article 40 inch, for. iLlig oil. br roy7 MURPHY & LES. Woolen Goods! • CASES Green Jenne; "Birk Broad Cloth 1 Owtoo Tito me,. goods aro 111.0 reed from 'eastern manufactu rers. on consignment. and for de ie► co taro:ea. ame. SIORPHY LEO. ENT'S RUBBER GLOVES &MITTENS. CIE tllorun taw of &newt utllltr to al lamina work .here vOll,llOll to the hands la required. woe& as doising. od ketrdentog. working in chemicals, to. Alsh au rrmy Cut eltworool 0.0.10. my tr. J.OIL riuLupa. 12 . NDIA RUBBER COTS—An ozcollentcor f orilwr for rots flower.. corns. roltulhorlng loo p rrion. b Alr Cr Ivor, for sale or Now 7 wad Wood rt. 1,05 J. A If. PHILLIPS. V ENV RIBBONS--A. A. 1.51.ta0s h Co. are 11 now r ...lying Poo imartment of boautifol tow ogl. lionnot Ribbon. at all prima they would oleo ran attention tattier tertian,* supply Itirawola where all qualifier. oat tee obtained arel D oerr print, 62 Market ma m g4.IIIIIIPF,D T ARL ETON S--Jnet received NJ this morning, amt no. °pm 10 gallons at Mom MT r Orebro Crimp,' Tunnel. Mr Bonnet Lining. The at tention of manner Ls rerrreettnil/ enhened. m ti A. A. MASON A CO. BLACK BARAGE for . Mourning Vella, • r r i, i,ed at Ihr rdneampuy DURCIIIIELD. W INUOIY C o f:a tr , Y.,7 14 nurAihnu. T P ARARa.st! PARAsoLs!! of newest P ' 4 "Viteint o DIJIL6IFIELM tit tt FINE SII.AWLS.—Wo would solicit she at turaloo of porrhosirs to nor very rite:Wes snort` ent of allpere.r elsln sod ersibroblered Craps Runts stsi w sesrf, liner Cssbeorre, Tbitet snd lilt Shawl, all of the ossest snd 1130..detiratilnotylea, which we aro uniOni st the vary loir,el privet. A. A. MASUN 4 COA mr.l9 62 and 134 Ilsrket TAItLETONS—Wo have this gni carman of those very &Arable Crimp.' Tmlignii Trimming& assorted colors, 'dila will be , mid ler, awls.; set retail or by lbetnit. A. at GM 2 0 ni Makint. s A, 0. DRESS GOODS—We have just re . atßytber rOleudid morons:mot of bloat. brown. ,•tntt,i.lor. nod tondo Ileragtoottyl Tha ne& A10c , , , 10 , i. 24t0 ra }..Ellard sOko. which we ofroily tlyw A r s :;o N to,P • 1,1 0 URNING GOODS—Black_Bombazinet, 1V ri Strew , " Ib)mbystea am,a. C.A. Mart, D. ra.--e m . awl mV •bal affe LlY ISred tomen lIVI _yrkeZLD by .311JRI'UKC. • p )01.LINS! POI'LLNS!—Just received this a I.y. per el pr..sw—W ply bestial ol stude of cols r rrpioiA, crltit-b cre will salt of t 4 per conc. Irma than " Ivy r han eicrt , eo cold In dd. city. A. 6. 11610 N k Oa. d , OTTON IIOSIEIIY OLOVES--A full a. ,, trlcarya. t.f all ...Inn mlqublllbasalltadFlrllN a ro L.by itlybut INA bad Ott lobo. asTos, ICI Positlb ft. 11 kittEt) FRUIT-410 bu. Peaces;h 50 Apples. ILar Ital. by .0 , CANFIELD. • 41L0011 OIL ULOIIIIS.—A large stock 11 Pia! 1.41 C „ 1 t A t b 0 c....4 , 1 Lid i tbz nogla from X . ta 6 pia ao. 14.1314 1.11 ' rux6wl ' lll: licaaat• and hew. kaapcts are La call sad ciaculna awl e 6 U. beera puiL aacctubala ps. g clara :ma 1 and 1111'_acal c. Murphy & Iharchtleld Are oprning a Groat rarity of Now (foods, 3.1 !DTlte the rafts (I al ..u.. IIVEN rills 1108.511C11: Carqr Itarludieir extra 11. black .41 brow.. Chari,,i.le .144 Damask. I,benz:an CLatb, for ladle& &a...: Rance, S. . Nerdl. Irerleci Coder t;;;;;111•.4.111•-g -h.•rat.l. tant-r . S.te, ?”,/ trrn,h LAW NV.. ;•.1.1 • rreal. rattaty 1.1 7trav En>". err of Mtge MURPHY a EURCIITI Straw , Bonntt and Est W N. 1115 :Amiens. STREET, n. PALMER offers for sale, t very 3I . rrifet. IL €4l..oatment of Elms =Wl for, To: orLVArT.V.—bareignerbi •rarrinr_hlabo sad hart cr F.oe. 15:04. Clap, biernr,blllGeo, WU, Puss Ler I,—)Setiv. Youth', so! Bop , porn Leghorn, Rorer sod letrar, ransom. )1.1110, and Ihelos Lear tor Ibute* Legb,o. Meng, Chm,tntrip. Lore. sad , Mr. ' el J... 7 Lam. mat/Cher Rooth to Vogl vs+ ebb rt A.:, snit rastorml. JUIII , ONS—tdeh harmer and Semi, plain Fstin sod za lbror .11 re blihr sod toloro tmer eon _Cg•Co• LACro--01.do onl Er -I mA Rlblhe lmlooWr 4 eat Cor.ort s;'11411' tRIMMINGS—CCish. Taa>l.. Batt...Urals, ke, Le. /lOW/WO-I'lmeg!set Aperio. Errillß hlrooßso sod rebore., rob sort novel 'tykes. /leoN.Vtr riILE.V AND SAIINS—(IIsee, Gm de b.- , bier. biro. de ghluo, Ptorenne, and orb. , elbsr. Molrl l -4 guslitiee aro! oblorg r.IT/Nec—Aseorlodgullible* gra rotors. Aloe—hob and low prized Ibbreseols sod Urearsl ob lss el Biwa 4 tiASSIMEKES--90 picas fangy and blnik, lor rale hp sg22 AE.30111:10T. BitESSb.:: LAWNS-4 eases printed, a great roMer of Pattern for rale o •G ARBITIRNOT. Vz RAGE 14 - ILAIN§-- -- 2 cases desirable etyles Er sae by C. IitIICSIIINOT.. 11 - pt BONS—::W ps Bennet, 250 Cap, for "IA by eitit:l C. AlrllUTllliar. 11 - UST lite'D ANL/ NOW OttlaNll AT to War DiGurs :co. tae Mane STU.. - A eery Won and oireoA-c stock Of Yastelnuable Goods, optedad to elentlemen's Wear for )3eVeft etylea in Ameekaia, kindle - 14 and Preach IN very splendid swell:aye of .Vestinalanet Clothe of o,ort tarldovable save and mho: abkh.luntbM and , a Tarp and wellmanufactured Mock of ILYA Y MAL 4; CbillIINU. mates one of the largest and best. schrtal stocks west of der Anerhetriesi all of which the Pandiradi Is determined to offer at such prices as will anvil.. all who tat id him with a call. that not May the most mrporkm COAL:tor to sold at this establisidnent. Oat assail/at to.. ed. prise. in tn• city. Or Al l m rle b . em ari ner o e ndat thehorfa t notce M* meals 1131 'K SILK LACES—Large aasortmen knd very thn, reed .t tt. eecr rn.I26MUUiIIY t BURCHTIELD. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, W. NoCLENTOCK Is non - rartutantlr malting hie Spring Stott Of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, do TRIMMINGS Comprtring In part the lighiering ranking: CARPETS. - - Extra floret Tr het Pile Carpets: de. da.teptetrr Bole seU do. do. Brume!t retie surer. 3 pin suppoine 3 yin in. lauraitx ram dim do:, flue do.; comic= do.; rottoo do; 44.04, he, and . 4 tvelled Virolliaux 34. 64, ainlX4 plain do: 5.6, and 24 'root and cotton do. RUGS, MATS; OIL cLOIIIB, o,oomn do. tAnllln Poet rdtvar.l 4 ,v.fdr: strop .kin a d iad . 14. Alao—Runt Oil Clow., rut. to fit .r else bah or Mau 0-1,14, 64,64,44. and 34 Oil Cloths. STAIR RODS, BLINDS, TABLE COVERS, tte. Alpo—Stair Coda. of nil aeon Cel e6phiellPEE ILA 'ftf pine hex tlO4 6.4,44.00434 Mattloug Table lAreue Croh c ad Ewer; liorkpburk do. Traornanut Window hinder, Eat Whitlow Ilaloodu Voiltlan hlllrelh. Untamed Viate literre. do. Entre , do: do. Mond do.: Wonted Table de. lisping 'lnputted nod porchahalour storkdlreet tram the „pp n ,ipieeted Y•Mortro4 boltux of the laird east moat OP nd ttrlea and eclart. one ors Bind to Be l l to our in mui ef tee Austria Citirt. r T i h eCa u rplete W vier a a e house Bs F m rnh o s u r baat tnehl9 - W. SIICLINTOOK. Ohio Laboratory ma. 76 11-1- ' 80 iiiiu • 99 • Per cent. Strength. jaOWELLi FLETCIIER & 00., Manufactu rers ot ALCOHOL: Piro Orbits grrOstellits ...IBM , o g; Copper Distilled gars. Witlekey stray. an baud. • Cur nor of Vino arid trout stmts. CurCarierli Deis 414-All online Irate Pittsburgh will IN 9... P .t ... at lowest wisest Pries , ..- 00171,7 Wines and Liquora -10,167 Liberty at., Formerly Laois crake rfadoly, u. mauve, of littellond UAL stotTeatte of N. Y. F 4 ICKEISEN & STO — IIVENEL, respectful!, P . h P aZ,2arl2 l eYi 14%1 '1 14141 . n L.qui„,, , ., e11 t ~ ..,.11the above etend..b.n thpy glen at. nal Leap endl en... Meet of the beet rtnek--ateelle end I rend , rod win , It In. Al" French dt* =v. d"e Tinlo=z.r. they werer eetTlewl. end Lhntenrglt Chem. All of tebkh they illerhoh.pede,nr retell.ethemoetresennabh. terms. ofoe pallitell. Mr. hteuvenelotill ebntlnedng tow Iteportettloo Ineheres he 'heeler af 14 Yorke the stem trin enstand to roll • cheaper and better Wide the. other bonne in Ude nit). Plennee eye to • an. I.lbre ye. yureheta euvOlod fm. of hihh oLvis, ..aa .1 OW lEM=I reutovedz2z newatore, (tans door. below,) 0r.07 tba Hank of atabmala when 1 gill In glad tern zekT 100 alttanat,rond PreeiTO IL !Man of itatlr =naps. 1 Lad keep a vat 7 lints .amant ot.Usbalstara MU M% Desi. dlca• Curial Ilsar Maw 11,0aX Matey. neg Feather lkds,. sad 11117 .ritaaaati.gailah Coaritaroaaah ab.Uag WI at **ay ear ricer; Dom. mat caul:Wye tally villelted 'ma mos vr.intir. lsll,4. Wm. AMR, TIM OW , - LAND -12 bbls. No. 1. for sale by WICK • XeCLANDLIOSS. my2fi cerial• Woad M Wear as. • PEARL ASH-5 tone foi sale , by __oustt a BZNNSIT, lay= ' Smanul.sod 161 Ant let. 114QOPS-49,000 Split Ash. far isle 4, v. 123 ialasita*x_ T jIL-10 mai.kaavfpriioeqoaru.sale ,fl BEEF-2,000 lbs prime, just pt. calved and Au rale by JO OVW. ILMAI3OII. r SUGAR -64 hhds, received and for sale by kg & HAIR/MOH. OLASSES-100 id B. W bbls juste UM/1 receivid MM and rals br A4ACKE 0 REL-5 bbla18 51 ; in mail* 14 S. W. HOIDAUGEL. YE FLOVR:=2O bbls rye flour for ssleby , Sea sacs. WCAND=I. SAE ) RATEIB-31 casks, fcrl I)o l... R 9 lNG , s l,7 sbitaks w guri s l,in band and S YBOINIA TWIST' TOBACCO-20 kegs tor We by leg WICK k ICCANDLIMM SIINPRTi 2 2 .- . • • • bblol. 1. Lta 4 m ar.... • . • 1 it:Yes:am, beir=l 2 . l . Iraog Vets.,, . • ' Pitt,fr ...e r - thff i r inciVeYo r o r "b II d° ' h*thisufif°'°° . • ' ' yvLUTE HAVANA .A BRAZIL SUGAR. 20 ts.s. =limas io Tad g ale by 4". - MILL= & RICKETSON. • Nem Mil it Liberty st., lintESH TOMATOES, hermetically sealed, realning, ronfodly, the dam and freshow es' ps traits, tar tisk bT Wk. WSIUBQ * Ctt. ,r 27 D RlE*,BErs._Evan. Swift's Sugar. Owed Had earriii.d. 5.... h. A. tryclui W ION, MTV Maly st. • VOWLEWS PATENT FLOUR, for mak ii:JZAtrCi'oLtutre,S. gii,ra"4". u reb l itg .tu b ISsoM.IM room coormolast ard.orsossDlM thou M mod for honsohola mammom, *Mu ...Spor amt. but s r and ?m ai MS torskhor tkproossis supwW WW I I= IMSTMI ts i lo i ns; r t oorr=n t To - V= of IS sal Ilm.irllallVxMomart t 0 ... To m &mom ard Too YE FLOUR-8 bbls. for sale - 1)y set73o }LC/LULL CO.. Liberty at. FEEEBE;-30 boies good W:R; tor sale by m 3 b DALZIELL CO. S 111.rn bly: 14 a I Lent T 1114M1 • 1 3•lB '— AdeetL: .. 1 2 km, DIA* Ander. 0.5t. .. a i r MIMI= OD.. - Water awl froste rts. ICY MORRIS' TVs ! - -Morris' Tea Mart 3: j t d D f ir t gal =the Mare body Anmal DOLL „BUTTER-3 bbla- (Crash)in al 0oth1)11a, A ugased wid for oaf. by FL DALZYLL *.i my 9 otortr mad. i a N ; i f Ye ~ D; ~i 11 r. l *: f•~ ~i~Y~E~ ~/ ~:i~Ji4'/iV]e UTTON ILIMS-2000 S. C., for sale by mar I. B. CANnELD. GROUND NUTS-15 sacks for sale by my 6" ISAIAH DICKEY it 00. UTMEGS-1 ba for gale my 6 J.IZICOD et CO. • FINE TEAS -20 half aorta Clantut sad Wu* art:nabs 43 , 1... M i. znys MOJ.A V I*lie.reign NO. War; 53 11.. -' &NNW Ibyi! , l4b/ 39710 , ; =BRUM IXO. OFFES-100.bagirRio, for sae by mris 1010 WATT 00 UNDRLEfI-14 bblaAirease; • 6 No. 1 Loa* fll4colaat f. 56 Marna* 6.4 ms adaW. inc.rr ' • isms sod Water Ai me') 1 F Louß_Hyb v ..R,e; ' USTARD SEED—SOO•Ibs. for silo by B. A. AIINI2ITOCE t CO. visa— mw lisetentl: Eatts No.l Idukesol; tenon I.len laig RID BEEF—WOO lbs. for sale 14 IL W. 114.11111w1L lIGAR-60 .blido. N. 0.. for isale by mr2li E. t W. HAILBAZOIL /COFFEE -10 bags for We by __ mrai , B. I W. RANDAUGII. pIOTATOES-200 bu. -7— prime lied, finso • T. WOODS at BO etee N, 01 IT lIRIED BEEF, MUTTON ILA'3 - I.S . , k PEN- A" 150X-7or ale by J. D. WILLIAM 4 00. birb WSW Rad sad PIM As: DRIED APPLES--f 0; bap in *tore, for mak by R. - DALSCLL *OO myl4 SS4 9. du. •. ' 6 am or e S. a m. lICE FLOUR; Preparecl' Corn; lazinx Tokor. Tor ER. A. me . a..71411.16 It 03. • .• pßUNESßordeiux Prate:4,in eta inn; stprii:se heti boxes. Gem= ITlnair, see by WV. A. ItoCJJJW3 a OD. MAC KEREL.7-100A.kbls.0 _LB No vo . 3 r ,!F ccc. sale CM LOAF SUGAR-150 bbls.,(ass'd Na.) fo by 111104U1M.711 INGUR AM. 0410. 116 Water st. ii AY BAKES-40 dos. for anle_by ix ow; r. v. VOX BOXFIROM 100. B UTTER -3 bbli fresli; now landing Sar mar by ! I Wart DICILIT't sty2i . Maar ad /rant As, ARD--23 kegir No. I Leaf, for tale by. mr7 . MM. MAITILIRS M.- DRIED FRIIIT-1501)a.4RII,; Ibr Bale br nuT AOLT.IILATIS CO. RIOE-10 tierceseesh) formate by_ Writ ast EA 5O hf. cliuta Y. IL,p. Im, sad Mad: ZTeam *a We L7' am R 08115014 wrrys ay? FLOUT[ -M, bias. Erns and 8.1% for udo larel t. WATVANAIf SOBS. • DRIED APPLES -- 320sacks for gale by m7O L. WINIIBNIO & SON& .•••• - BUTT&R--In-boxes (fiilehk r. • c A l n dej by 1277 . e fo! sod j a . ity LINSEED .114 nal Q.ALEaLiTtI9-400 his Ibr by -Me t oric)>=Ktimrtnrvivffl T RIED-PEACHES-29 bbls. gn• - mast and Ibr ale br nu= mail 2 00 myi • FLE'' - '* ) ° sl " - Feir, HA W S --30 etas Evan & Swift's S. C., for N by etas 11•1411/111011. DRIED FRUIT- . • - 400 Mt. Drl44lPeadros 110 AMOK co. 073 ISAIAH D/tia.Sl • I: &.0 throes, Pittsasoh, RE, and to'inivo this Corner of Wood and NoW, 814 et c ' bo a = boda inn! Onn as hatdto • da. dd. Ocolod; Maud boo ttn filo undl id ra bon :5g% nun' b:Mos.l=dlint : 2D and do.rna do. 6 3 v i a l = IWO In and biddnr. . . .1 bed ends. k tr i md .1111sind 2 bitdbiabown ;~'.' 60 bar, •=e itactr. 16 N. O. Maroc le B. EL error, taitt lanub.d. and rowdllndßusal:: sppts.veribir .Lay224._ booms l a rilliet " M. 9 Osoce 1993A99 " 9994 .. " ases Tun= rojud ‘ 9l94 " lo kn. • -" 10 o l • 21,616.0yrettY.M. . 16 born Staartn OVA.% 10 etro,&.. mur. luu doico woo " r mr. 40 421. 6114 NMI& ISO Balk blaL Amu vas utoo..ltme . Wm, SAY44IIr, QUNDIATES — T sisal Tuwq 150 buts Vigra I T l=l . too, akr • • 1 6000 tio Zs. 004111 sh; ' baus U. . .100 M. N o.loLst - 60 O •• Loofa %MILLIS.: 'lOO cur Ilussasffs Sears 2 bads. 21:1 *"4 22.2.1 4 %174 la 012" ' .1 2 • ginitTl. oco by 21.24 awl 212 r„. • 3 11:11t2=2 . 012 lOW a .. , N. O. iiiiliolarar...Amft w a= l =4: l gad • sea. oral wertaaSot UOIS 3 m own If aide ir/ meta& , - /%1 Nonsal. sal 111 hoes At. PiStsbunt Lib Insurance Cemearg. rrIIIB O•OMPANY was incirpOrlaen to sli="dmit3l.lh • "'sire, Classisr, and W Comy•ny don bothsor both the Jotot Roth wo Maud pbut. Oa the Joint iltak pith tth SIAM 11.1•08M-thini lest thllll thaw thScrgirel by Mutual Coothothal, lad Fifth% Per that ttha sate:Ref Elea diodcWayanisa. Pdoloofd Woo ore the mass so thaw adopted b ththo' t•ok i g*thedthoopthdos. Th ome Insured th e Couto. al bath du combined oensittos furnished by tbai =Mat heddir. " 4 ,11,r, an•thau4SorPtho rothl of tbs Obarter pcnotho the grantlag of thouthos on thma tam, basil:is th e rtcht of .11., Warm, yr swa. Malloat. Wards Cm cm:Mod—to isms the the of thotbarith their othe ozolutt. boodit.pyabloaftar death, th WA. Oa PAN. WM." ot tho ode of td. U. so. or es. at tbs,option of the as ... • . ' Jason It Maw, Prodderit • ihaduellleClorkais. Vice Preeldent; ' • '. Josedh tl. Loa. Trwiwrwor; Charm, A. Coned. deartaLr. sdrArrowit Janes B..lkort, • • • Joor9 B rl. iww-b• . John 8. Dilworth, Cloth A.Coltor. • Samoa XeCittrked, • • Wm- Dbill l P s J. A. Miran. . Omani .° I' hysiciais. ' \ • JcarphOssius. IL D, KIM= IL Jeremiah Drookt/Lw.,' hdridtvtdwi, 81. •," , Bwitnei 1:81wortio, 11,47 towithilekl mart, • "Itobrit !nyder. di: lad Fourth strwet, Jobs Crawford, M.D.. 29 Elan dried, • - . Wm. )UL. Xenia, X. : D., DY .. /g...ibt, t fr de L4.,.. 7 Dy. Dilworth HD be la at dali :ILI &dirk .; • • • • iihiddricy, are net nested to rail, takArdryjirraodocearotsweoderwllowlifonowlib waross will be owl> . Trrwed the jut I rowstobeScot. . • viler of the Corcifsoy, No. tb !tenth street , • mrdloldwlt • , C. A. COLTON, Seer. State ••Mama Fire Iroonsmie Company. Ottawa ofFicE--N - 0. 54 serronne Stluirr, PrXTßßultall , • Prenurmon, 0167 lat. libl. r7lEbeet evidence of the success of the DLrertors In endeavoring to meta the BUTZ 1071 r, 81 .07117L4..N1X COJILPANT mat the mate af the ommunlM, is the onpandleled manor of trosinme_ which lus bask dome hall.ll caned 7P O Par dri trtreclo;t7thT. ebalirrne.",,l=l'r...dt a u. ..s., lam in small ram, and a lama temPerthen insured rigiieo. al Maids. inuel-- -. 7.700 Du. do. casent.terminated. mucerd, WI UMW of Plegert7 thathel--1 .....- • if.liad.4/ 0 . Do. eanceled, terothestedorapirea-aml.na 00 Do. Premium Now-.... ed:Mni...-. 77,03 7 10 Da radd,mana ed- 0 . 10 Do. Oath Preiirao.Milivened-- 61,51 ff 14 Whole .net 1....... e add -1 2 :4 4 / 140 Zabrze In Wm of the . In lath.- , 112,1121 4.1. To Mr m OrmaT mereluons, W owners of duellist" asked Is:slated and country prevertr; It le wined this mar pear &Coeds advantages in pthot of eloneenemOMMT. Mal Panday. inferior to no Insurance Mammy In tnie country- 1 Ododoeted an the multatle end Veep , lmfomma b... of amstheatlon of DM& eselolthi all epedal e. Dr prang only • Ilmited amount in my one keelitY. %hue Dm". eluding the femneney and motunnow of Mum arele end aim on both the Met mai Mutual Van, off MoMr= Mem the theapnem and somormodalka me but maths the loaded to a perthethathre la GM Met& Direciona-John F. ittahmlued. A. J.Gillett, S. T. Jamey Aimee A. Curler. Philo C. Bedielek. 80inusl Jones, Wet Moth, John 11. Prin. Jean D. inthurdad. J. P. ILUTIDLEMAD, Preadent A.: J. GILLETT. Demeter,. A. A. Calunie, gormlT. D. 11.-...& Borth Dividend of fifteen per opal.. espirinll polleim has bean declared hy the Direcion, and Lmy m alleable at this Mee Er rthemale, or redemmthile to lath let the emd of ninety dare. . d...a. Daum, Act FrsakHs. File Insunmee Co: of Mad'a. ictoTocs . : - ctuir les W. Banker, Gea. WJDobstds,_ThCs.alskrt., Alordresl D. leels. i T i,„ Adss Adolpbo Drabs tits.ist.Dseid 8. Jocob R. Smith, *orris Patterson. ULM= Y. DANCE:6B. Praddest. • MAIMS G. 1118<ssi, Beerstary. This *mw mitten to toski Issorisess.D. BB . 2 .t or Mated. on every descrission of Yrotert7 toottsad sentry, at rates as km se sea oottstetrat with Tbs Vompsay b." reiernst • bass anstergendeh eddcb. ettB tbdr essitat sod Proothrotsyssfely Intseted. Mad =pis promotes to ;Ds sonest. ta.b=grtir t sb b rof. . t : r s Jesossfy /esemt _.l4l2s_l2.ssat vlss : 2212.1 26 • 64,srula • 225.??..7E;11.----- taxa E ci r (4,ata 81 • ' Mot thdr perkd o • 2 Tv . = hors psl4 1141111341101 Use MUM Wane Ileadred DoUsts lossee by floe. thereby sdardlog elide.. of the edesatsges of Insararios, ss eon es ties& sod du% potato to mot 0118 Isostootoess oil J. IiADDhIBII. W111:1, /goat. arta Ms B. X. owner of Wool sad 241 • Peon Ideteil Life Inicaseee C. 0.; AGENT IN PITTSBURGH, W. IL DAVIS; tn. J. Roam sletwesed,3llo: 383 Liberty rtreet. ortte totter coweldene. of paw. ntekling la the lowelmst of the thy, the watt mar e/.0 te found deilr from 11 to 12 sad I to 3. oo'c cl locck op e d t th eme eautang mat. 17 stwodutt to. 31.1. 1 .41 .3. 1:= 33 leztellt. of LIN Itattreate. mat blank fana. on 4 7=tock tzg.4l/Xi o lum4 coostaiitly Inernithls. — Per=3 r i t , lrt gam tamed Ike Ws. . Marine, Fire, azullnlatel • •• • releeterece Com lz9 , of North Arcieries; Philadsl lOC email sscoPo. A.. 13 sunny' $3.0014.... a' CO. NM mar lawn.* on balldbasp sad tbsir oatents, Pa this city sad violater Ida as property of inlay desertpaoablyped per steam baste sad other rtsselsortart Pr ads= m y the . sea. &mad W. Jams, John IL od, tdmard Bcdtb. • Ilebord LI. Wood. John A. Brainy WWl= Wobb. = Yommol Y. &MM., n ..tom Irsooto ilooldm. xwm. - Eamoot Broolm. i Muir Tarkm Wm. E.. Sown. Amio. White, iioorosA.VlVA L. .. Jacob /L Stammo. . ..t erui _,... ._. . Itd. "'nU ls Ms ol,cleor W‘b lzmoroim CarametyloolloW=MMoo " ' =m '' Zrmtor 'm t mod arod= r eo mt i. _ t. it. pubh, ''''. b. • . • n . ' " 71 1.1 MW rgad.A/Mod. L joill Ito. 141 Yrool. stmt. American Life and Health Luarrahmi CO. OF PIiIi4DPIXHIA. Aged for . Pitts . birryk, 4 AM. D. rowz,s, Westeraluttranco company of PitAiburgh. APITAL $800;000, R urumg, Praddant. r. thaaltm. lalaarary._ ' bus. against all Linda of ray Maim ,Al/ Wow lelfl be litonany salad.' and imanaly NIA A hone tor leanenta vr Do an Mau banns la the opoununity, and woe detain/nal by and ft , anty to maintain the cbaraetar nblen ClTragissoad; aMnif tba peoCaetion in than labo darts. bin lamed , - Dosenna-11.. Willer, Jr.. Goo. Etar.k.. J. W. Mita.. N. palms.. Jr., Wsa. 11. Holmes; O. Mama. Geo. W. Jackaan. lkiania Jana LlPPlmnik Unnara parch. Jason 1* A= Alas. n bald. ram Seam Ho. g 2 Water atm; oranthOnak d /Vend /a. 0C , .. UDALL...) Pitrabarstl. - .11 , 44 1 .7 • • Delaare Mani f3afekilwaranceOomfi 'CIiFFICE; NORTH: ROOM OF THE .EX: CILLId street Pbncs 7.-"graa adings, • Marlamilse and .other ,to town cad osantsp. Imola& against Ices or =et dm. at. the Pagers rate or presoltun. Kum Ixacateet—They also Ware Vomit and height% Ilsoden or onteWri" mder open or C = pollelesto tic amused snapdearn inane bacoantaint—Tbstp sin Move Morebasidtee • granatorhat Cl Wag... Wall and ears. Canal bow. and Annan beau, on rtes. sal Liget on tba mart liberal tetras) Dranonsta—./earh Wadi?' . 1 -'llandoeO l nicl Bobat though 'John parunAs.allx,izae., Eraoa"j'allar. "41t,ttnN. ummv.,... C. Wand. ;Theosisilas : Jones Inas Item glean Hails CPA& User. Bennis Bps.= ellaalas =.Kp. J. U. Job:cons Wm. nay, Dr. P. Themaa Gallons W... NM. Jr. thasescas az Prnuatsaa—D. Nessaa., Muth Craig, John T. WlitieMiac Proaidant. Tgoe. C. Waiis. nee Presi dent Jan a W. C o C na n n ieetary Wg.wo heoranrs h. 4 Rate ) stmt.P buh Jl. . oer.-trj. . MISCELLANEOUS. TemperPenine '"azut toblatomi Plank Basd Company: `' NOTiCE-ialwreby given to the Stockhold- . egn Company, slat they make payment. to let t=t=ur.s=sglArtimmg.ti t. g eaattemd beerl =lath hereafter, nedll the yrte peM the road will be graded and bridged by Jet, lab, TN itteektuthiers era mended to be MiN;PMeident, for salol)y_ . 1. B. C.Ll'in.ll.D. IBAD FlRE—Corners improved paten ris.sa - rumps Rom so. AU dm on Mod onO 9:7N KDxRR Voitimbr and I.obbls • Seed Store. Removed. rce eubseritar has removed Seixl etore tram &cold Mot row building mentl7. . gaol an s War Shute:jinni sbru.n. al""1"1""'" it 4 imownr.N, OC‘PAItTNEZSRIP HERETOFORE" aziotios 01.twon sobsertbm, ths stylO thisoing A - Co.. is omoomd mutual ANDItXIV YLIIIISSO 711111ING. Izallorsoy or 11. E. 71-Mto.F.o ratborlsol to• sir . Ow ossoo of the late flan la tbo of Otte towtom., . „ lIISSOLUTION , Or 'PLR.TITERSHIP-- M t p. lititMddli b 6 46 4 .1 ...iWn i t.t . " & r d =sada trio VI ogiihook u l i. by t . =..„ imornthor or We ot%olitailtattood to lottllar, op Ur mist., mad an atuttoritut to Ur Wow of Lb. tot* Mt et ttolt porno. tio.lol NA' fima- mT. Irobtoszy MIL ! . TIRO!. U. WHITS -. :. riTIMIB. C. atalett. and 'Milli= at l nt " = "'na goattistr W rllftitt i M il= Goats totsloom gum. d... Arm or a 11.13baciJott 0 mon latoly comdall by tbadollotta tatar.o.lo. V i PARTNEItSELP—The subiaribers have spend Into Co•Portoonad?romire Orto of Soak A • °War ' JOHN iI,OILLLT. &Maid G RAIN -410 ba. OnLII; • • Mal INATIIVIaN gosi . • O 3 ROSE!! HOSEIII' . -IJust reed Mos ttollaaoffictory loßoVlb iettlndlallob , Wm men* foci X So Memo to Mamas. TOW M supator any. maaaboutral of pam. kur hydrsaMiecomturtrozar flff IMigino gamma We mrOM It to to dWoolly otoMmtcal Arm may bush of Itau that goes from ma ooMMlsfamont Irmonsaud Ibr Ma maroon* In buds& alb* matury tenmdad..imt UT Wilm* at the Itubtoz.D.PM. fig T 1110) tas.ll.B. &L,B•1•112; %eS.S 21VA11212 . 23 . fts. ROMA 'IA ", uroaaa lintr, - I 700 00 ear .r. Melay.. t i .. 1a0713 IL - yom - . 'Tomato ray% mU :' Emil u,p.: IlOpoo ihtlaels• &Syr. VtOota. .• llgts. li li=easior "' end 101) =3 pee l" 0. a. iMicc " boxes 1.. mtio ~ A* Camden .--. §TEAM...PACIKINO-4000 pounds mixed, Plats sad Psi* Lath, Rubber Padang f. 9. / 3116 Imam or , ,{h lc. brth• way Lost In= rtii:srlistaVas= ' ,7 l = i 2e2r=2 . 9.la Ltsadß;Staanag Boum, it Se. Yot We at lb 1 loall.• bee &pot. 919,1 and 9 So:ditto, . . .93)..1: it IL P 11111.1141. . OA. CLOTH TAB .VOVEBS--A large ittalCrejealtpnrior lioOdo s i o Tels. Stand Cr =old to, Mad Meret nod others aro to eall n w for Ilsoorthen et 4. ROMs or ths nuandletoey. No. 7 Woad .t- tayl4 , • J.& li. Nim2r.v4Twyl • • co • • ' Needles' Celebrated COMPOUND REM LACK PLASTER.— Thew highly sisdiorded plortsra ha.• biro nude te au. thaw swear/ root, d r. ,, n oriiia rthronsLo ss tod- 1 =144.t to er er agreed. rboit t=o o a f b ewos 'tb soirltrieVrTX: l ii:o=n= tosiksondais os to their sonevior virtu* era all other plow tors ookl. The ingnidlonto Mar tompositloa, very tarefolly sad rigrectly ornitined. render them, ;v=ll:fly ',Wyman a aa yorwino sugaring with yalmonary diaw, Tor to to the breast, restating from orolzactolle;hlgi w mgh, and irkal pains ia varions zworaiddl d w wwww , um body, their brunt:Lot chancier iw wurstiott or disponi. As • telnedr lilLultits,0 1 111:••• nanicsity over oil TZg . on=T;l t sa soon as in pas Gam I,4NQ' . :I=r Momsaran OSOI.O , of the kidrays. Ar, %bri o. 17=.71eVirr e.r 1= 4 ...hgi. , . her .a mbtV s=thr:ll..7riwseht . ator ..l thg:u.stie . tins. Moos flat thsir tonelldal Coda 'atilt korral verrlocided. Yoe iolor Wholanalo aaa retalktry__ magi • • h. E. Ugh/an 17 Wood BEAUMONT'S PATENT STARCH POL lSA,'lorgtriar. himatifal sins to Loon; MOUS. brim, Collar; Shirt Booms, and all Unroof Dtntr, prormta Um iron Rem sdherinotho and dent from fekkrng: mittal9l. noth 'ricrus theclaims to any nwpeet. Wiwi have long time Cott nwwwity goch an artklo. sod In this their osnrctoldohrt= Iris:olnd, as no rooMotiiish la Awn., fium N.'B.—Orkeeako Ind do thirty dozen of siothet, and Do norultstralMl br without It Priorigli oats per Ca. Each Cake vtth Mil direction& Yoe &WOW lariat x. li. 8 KUM& ST Wind at. EMBOLRORE, OR ROOK OIL . • , .. "Therein tame thlap fu Winn ani, filth,' - ' ' ;., . . "Than me &carnal. of In thiltembh S." - ' - ' • - THE ,VIRTUES of due remarkable reme' - s -... • :-' dy, wad thin:latent anilleatlan La It. tothe Lanai . - • ' et.. ba. Indneed him to nee final In In bottles. with la ' bees andAlbeellookrtle tbe beast at th e robllo. _ I ' - : • Tho.PETRIEZIEd h! procured from a well la lbw anti , - • let • ne t f.ntrltnll hit, tea tune. utuanalten e 0t rhemkal thunge but lust as It ban tem Witurei Oral L•trebuil 1 - Thailt mostalsol r • ' • , =ll, ot = • number t diveasa d 4l no lona. • , •• .. _My. Thane in mans In Use an • ' mum of natAnx t bleta - If kresill, Watt be int Of . : •t' . . - nem la sl watering, and marina the blown or , ' health awl rigor users emarer. toad UM. the Tne• - , L. , w thought of potting It in In botUes, it bad a mind. i . bon fur the rare daises. Tbseenstent and daßr Ina* nag calls dm lt, and mina remarkable eons It bag per 4 - Itemnt Is • sure hallattion of fu futon pmtbnity rest . , ' . , nide =wed In the can of awes. _ . .. 1 ' We dodo t ‘ = M snake • lam tend of methane.. i. I We are muck. that Mounted. am non ',gratis Into the door of Moen who anew, and Wish to be - ' I .' I - ''' ' '. 1. . . Whilst we do not claim pre it • untrensel apylleatlens to at u lseinze ... .dr u tellegL i stithp. 1. ,. . % ,.....b... . • • ennerrested—ell diaries of the mueourtnnas, ft eari4 •CIIII,ONIENEC.II,I4T.t.dieMIidILTire, . la . i . 10 4 f%M.p . Tilbil l , DYSPEPSIA, Dlesinin,..l= h e of the • 1 . , Baader end Hldeel l l i r to the But or Side, Sawn , . ' Dlesans..Nemedala, Rbstmtatle Palos. Oink . - Iteyen • 6.,1 0 ,,,,, , . ging....,,. urn, Scalds,' Prunes, Old sorel e to. 4,. 1..... or &Wan lesnlting frenu=e.. iit • f . ' i e L l,i ler ''thd t, '"" es ale i ntel e igtO end ALUM i . 11 - Tag - ha snell , :as, " lmp ton and cunt to the • • -, a tehole Inane, reesning 0 ans.oring the elnag . n. Onsetkma.nhlels mime disease and A U.= • sh e ' - sad Meng Incensed Lod resumed l . ll= to all tha mat , . . it UN • The wavelet= Inane of one. of PILED that mired other treahmana. tetnell onda We ar . . attar PETRO mr a dad ttate. 'The =to .. . . . ... . . peen to thy =ion nho Vas It. . . : Eon graurithout Amsatomatt the .... . _ • _ "4 br a WWI:. Oseei 'neer e.sxith ernes . . - -.- Alm, by IL R. PE S. 07 Wool M aui sitaxwak It'DOWELL, - * — ' ' - • ' : . • corner Wont threat sad Vbsdn ilk% who an nordtd/r his regularly appointed Agents. , . . . . , . . . . . , . . • PROCLAMATION. N.NOW all meal who are sick and . : afflicted , with dhow of the Bidder and gidneys.with ohm. pmt In tack or llmtw, sag Atm, ohl Imam, agent,te e thart y hey on be cured by Inking the Pax lon ma talk about lu bring moretemis.e. m as you pies" but this doe. not oohs It ea roelldso. In the fao of an honest commanity. that it Ina Mutton which are not welshed in any other re--edy, man who le racked 011 h oath and sollain from di , sr .. = Ibr 50 cents, gat rend' may of t r ios en oboe. od Bed it coats rerilittle to make a trial. Mt Petro loom Is no miztare—no cramound. put Mr fst tbe Poopoe of honoring an the ecuoinuntty: but it le a remedy eletone fed by the manta bud of nature. andhubblesayttota the boomed' on mother earth.• la its anneal temitY. ard Sae to roftering humanity • reedy remedy. • certatn end It ItelTitrel Pilo. after other itedidrief e.. - en.d is muder any relief. It he. cooed litheur of kag . emoding, and of the wont and not palafttl obatantea ha. cured Cholera blorbon, by one or two brig It hut cured old ram of Mentor., is od& nen °an kle bent of no araiL Its • load - bareTA deela,ll better thutuatatedScal componads or cinteten that we know of. It will ore chilblains mod toned het, in • few appliotiog undoubted teeth: Man on ba ed of troth =Malted in tha above itakinent.= 111 .lar on Quiet Dean, tignmth street. or Hower trDowalL corner of Wood street and Y Oar. H. X. gegen, 67 Wood stung D. and/bNI .Curry,lllmtheny city, en the smote 1111:POILTANT TO THE AITLICTED. nR. BOSE'S:CELEBRATED REMEDIES. • —D. Juni Bona the 4boorerer and ro=tee em most _popular =I beim/Wl medial* add Was the lomat. of the gelabrated loctrraueut for the . Lotto. at AM= p at m==rea a du. graduate of the I/nicer/T of . ktoneTlaol bl j eW Teas dare ham beat awned lu the Inredbodltes 41. men, end the sanlleatlon ef remedies thereto-. • tha um of hte Infng übe,Loomnettloontlk hla I n 7Mlactle 8 end other of We ame& Is= Vaudu =thence In ming thew .4 fillm l ConsumDt Ownem e srtdoL.. Itlrecontton, asthma. pe r m and arm, loners o all kind; Chrorde ErrelpeLe, and ell Atom obdbaL 4L nate ye cll to female. ndeed. every form of Memo modab under the use of Ma remedlee, to an* human. 1/ I, la ,.. hei p = bae r ute=g a ctre. r i lygoLthr, mordle.adapted to. aod arnaditna /019 eadl LelrdLa Alteratige ogoi, x'• Waits blr acknowledged to be =palm to all others. tire or llrer inasorach a• thspleara ths r=; gr. reedy tree from caltivenres as alto his Golden Pill. ara st ml D 7 Or tartar. to wools pocallar properties's/4r to to •-al• diseares. but being satisfutd that Stare trial Is sogiciatet to establish what has bevaa ld e In the soltsitot the most skrytka/- The alliktted art Invited to call noon ihs agog; andAssee easne (getterona of the Doctor's resolphietasoirlog a &ULF ad account if each remedy, and tts application.- . • Lou..l%wp, bprdd?Ge. J Sehessankor .S L Co, it - Wo&P at. Pittabtrigh. J. W Townsend. klessaidet, 4.5 alarkat ste Lae . Drekhant, Draws; scar the Port =oh Agee. nr Joseph Barkleglrll=a, Bars' month Pa. T. Adams. Bearer. ' " - - ans=fly F.PV'EVkfM_%.'-il!‘2a THE-AFFLICTED will - be found in • - Dr. DerernlC.Eellinger's DITLIASOLE LUICHIMPre or Fledot.rthlehhae shad the hot of thirty pass ex- M i ViralV d a of b.k. O=Vente 'd . 4 1 1 " 11•1d t = " 1:= 2 elms thd tharadv of Mame. We feel that, ire hathrd . thing In sayingthat this Le the anly roodlchte that bee boa cdered to the. rbloted„ Haddon, In .ery sweat the nerd. what It Le arn d for.. • bee met al and canals of eming mon by teal thy other offered for ob.'. thre not by Ithaca made ar odd. or by what me. As Krona thd and hotel of the .n on. my eat that It le th e ooly article thst has t o to the Um of • Algot htedinth:lt u re ere' teen petronthel and their. • VerVirelleine eer ot i lA for . by the.. TLC et The o. Maw IL Otheetell a lath IL C.' :The Tlc. Holt. IL Matti. letej'dayor. Hon. John A. Dix, late 11 8. Sots to, - Witham H. Porten Esq. ,Edltor of the liblrit of the 1 Time-goad a bat of other dennonlehed Winne of Pew Tort. elle hare folly tatted Itatnarl th, hare pandthat the woetor to refer to QC. A. It Is .11 knave that Patent Medicine. sle , tht= Lurz , 4 l ....72.7 — LvArefg -I = th- 1.74.,b17"` acme years beta. • the_ tothlle. Ite Ind *hub we rerr strostrart and bed. • This aunt undoubtedly, ts +Monte eral ib convinetne proof . 3 . generel wefolnese and wanes 15= It le •eere remedy fcc all novo= DJ. 00S SIMI= earelne, he= • oar., maul! be lathe and aches th at flesh la nor to. Over 1,000,030 bathe here been .old wittuntt othaphdat e mod bore Perheted each athathhing tannic after ail other t annae bare filled, ea would stagger bellef, bad oe rut otkced, and. In au taxeladoo, the stroaseet possible eel. doom • This ar nantree sentedj. Is prepared inan yes. etablea for Internal es .11 es external the, lt sets dim* 1 1 113 . pr the diera ur. care gl=Log brait i b i thd am all opasoncdle elloctiona disowns ' 74 tb W" SldneyA *6 Weakness In male or fouls, from whateeironne It my hare orienated yor n 6 to pittthotral;, bT Ft: Z. Belles, Maori. Ildd • 00, end Opdth • nearodeir. and by the retell Dr tirr.s.alT. It Is yet up In Roth the, and out shlllb= - • jan=tht To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gaiette. VIUBLIO ATTENTION is repwthilly.ia. A. vital to the Murtha truths, Net ftthtn.wtion to oemOr the most Important remedies meagre Rosen PSTROLEUII OR ROCK OM It l not mom than else year public, ago dime Una meat remedy noes banoght brim the an the Mier mei sure of dbe. powers heat. ban, ghee then, Worm full me u i pme Dolm t a m by the mounautty. and that the sr ttil tiled tag awe certain yin Its fame rpreel. t M not the. sly of • day. got npbr the este purpoM of maths mone y hut, am, which we eureetnyentleonehthe to be used what sll other nostrum have hem taretteh The Vettelesun • Natural Remedy,eleheteted to the depth* of the earth poesy •eu ageism that hush. to nom •11 hem= estopettOon. ts our dthyorben ere erne about a osedl. = that es write the Uuth—that Re my no th ing mkt. ibeee eho may trust our vent Or pot Ma. &nee is or statements. Ilse ebb are very apt to catch at any emir that prumisse relief feces 41 re sgr A 01017 not WWlwrimght to gamer the ehiert of gull. lug or humbugging hare of them Now vs nowt desire to de tbig Ira are •31310W1001y that the t roth to relent= to ear remedy thank be told. to ostler to seema for it • mpto g thigh artitho hi Ohs metals mei. 1... Math unverMsMd fats—fact. that may beaseertameg onocity sod ned,ghborb.od, tom Male testimony to fee ear uLtheßetroleusa. Lirrihio a t i,:pti;,,, months, two of ear own elthocon .who were y blind, hare teen nothred to eight. In, oral cue of blinds. in the State 0 Ohlei, Use ben ~,,,,d.. A..a. .1.0.4. eamkof • mita=ll %latzer calmly. Meow ere -.n . but thee us cane neat.epa .., be emened annationa who hen h ad the sub. ect.' Tharass . were cured sate they had been abandon. el i I n . o,....sdepe as hopeless Me Petiole= will oar% re.c.and .amdln .r t t, ,do . tb m -ix...b....m. = .P.oon tin nee, (thzetdo& - 417. mem. rein, ..,...... the bun Lodi na une; trkpre. ns. danelth Casitg.thism. the. and sil .- . fthnottary affection. cf • ate" tattle/ to Pe. duce Casson 8.,...4 =ll, a1i...;.1. tbi.m.iur es Ent. cu .s ed /Lode. inotaiand filypipy pa.p.d .Io it is • Guar wannest union. sod has ben i. --- ho of the stare Caw wittier the mg rear withine test perfect moue Certhilottes that will wool& au in - the hands ...Me =Amoeba will take pleuese to thew, . nom b' others ase7 W pnant. -Si t rellieliate. tbn the pealed •Lmetly at hi.ee_ Physiduss rif Wet In the profeedon au lieninnlnt to we ft in their .'lliese who et Ant leaked us idth dad* end oncertaintt, lars vinthg to esuni Lit tuned. Pune cal Si coosiderailaa. am.* another Thar robe Poe. en win .e. coothellel to acknowledse that the Petrolatum to Ine pan at =Wm ever Olson:red. - Per uhrosholm& sad pr "%17—it..E. 14agniiiti lk a D r.I:Wcent,.. L ELLbatt, Joseph ..I.en Allegheny Qty. Alta 67 %I, B. id. 8.11 Meal Basin, Sseenth street. El= . milk A. Pahnestock • Cli. Wood and , Front eal Q.F.MERS!.thiPERILL COUGH SYRUP. 'l—it la.choma, pry to take. and blAiy lamakma. 611=612111 (trey. Mmth - M11147. ita..ll. Z. cit y child:u Illto Oben. ha= Yokota to tooit tooltho. madVi ama temadler very zurpom. / arm mtod ht m t•M tlammuats alma your,Ooosh OIIPV tO 11., r i aaja taro of say holta and am:04•".04...". taw. and has no Land duo •.1 ham noammandod ft to my bo n.. Mat dolmas onatimadoual olla , . that It ta dr tough moths • Parn , otashonld not wadi their children to. anthtfj.roin men whoa tber mar te t 7 •ZS et- Weds thin . prepered and sold • .n. mums. atrattt fTWood st.. sad Drueritt neonen%. ES, /ce:--A large dock ths most ltrrsltunos, do iroolstis MAL; &oath ' capenterosExtrset of liotiot Court Piaster Dalbr's Cul:stalls* - Dcourstis• - Oros. JO"' Ws curs of lanes .011, berob Britas, PM:etude • tauusmos tTE.NT NLEDIOIN) red for cal! oa , "rrnstbd Bdtd norm and , Semi Liniment gtielßalenen ptp,.,,Lrlibtme " Andereonji Ed k W r Ati•DyenelAM" Aenene • YbelpVT. o . l . Crombeckere Urea, Omman . . Inn* pewter; i fZ i a Sam Mamma ta Utter Bernina...MS . I .U" enstnel nente,..l r tizyjeeiranza . I Worm Tea I ibe Drag &me of C HALK 10 bble. for gala try ' • • • - 7.11. r= Bynum, we BeeZ Water _ 10arderterlaialeacort • • trey Ckettal • - tt. Mt Wend ad Math
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers