The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 05, 1851, Image 2

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The jireeeedlege of the Comity Corrrentionwill
Le found in oar columns thinmorning. _
Mize epees it oecunies, and the late hour at which
the Conientitm adjourned, leave us neither time
nor . room for 'comment The ticket will be
placed at the head of our columns, in regular
form, to-morrow. •
Teen: , woo a further reduction of tolls on the
Erie Canal this spring. Flour and wheat pay
20 per cent less than' . they did last year. Bo
great redaction from theVonner low rates, it
11"19 feared, would redtice the revenue; but the
t.ery opposite line been the result
The couiparatiye result between the receipts
of the last and the Present simian of navigation
to the:22d of May, la
• .1851 - $648,910,91
1660 480,924,20
Increase. $462,996,71
Doubtless the same policy would be followed
I.y tho sense results on railroads; and this policy
trill bo forced upon all-our great lines or cora
:- tonnication by the keen and active competition
now existing between rival lines and rival cities.
lire sea by the Detroit papers thatpassengars are
Low carried from-that city to.their hotels in New
Vork, bY the Lake and the New Yolk and Erie
railroad, in SD hours, for $l2. This truly is fast
and thorough, and cheap.
. By punning a generous policy, however, the
and Ohio and Pennsylvania roads have
nothing to tear from the competition of thelrgreat
nortiern rival, so far as the travel from the Cen
- Tref region between the lakes and the Ohio river
to the eastern cities is concerned. We believe
these roads are equally well constracted, they
tre more direct, and the country through which
they pan not less interesting. If therefore, the
—tome applihnces and accommodations are sup
.plied, this route will be quite as desirable an the
*. other; and as the route is shorter, the same rates
will pay better dividends.
No small part of the matter in a case like this
it to have careful, courteous and accommodating
'agents, and first rate houses of accommodation.
- .The neglect of these little things is often fatal to
the popularity of a great route. Make the pas
senger feel that his baggage is 'secure, and that
• the man who has furnished him with his dinner
.lassoot imposed upon him, then all his reeollec
tions of the road are grateful, and pleasant, and
Le will come again. These are small matters in
so great an enterprise, but they are very impor
tant:. - Depend upon it it will require every care
in these things, together with moderate charges,
to secure to the great lines which pass through
• this . city.their proper share of the travel between
the - east and west.
hasp wandered far from the point with
. which we set out, bat no matter. We are very
"`il/Ct10125 to see our great enterprises succeed, the
I'crssylvania canal among the rest, and this is
why we point to what our rivals are doing.
Newspaper readers .are like the people of
.t.thens, when the Apoitle Paulwas there—looking
out for ' , some new thing." . Now the poor editor
cannot always find new things worth telling, and
in that case he is voted ar once a dull fellow.
We admit that newapapers—as their name im • -
• plida—are principally designed to tell some new
tlduir.. but he is very far out of his reckoning
who supposes this to be their sole Intent; for it
is true to a' great extent that the minds of the
members of a family in which a paper is taken
are idled with the same sentiments, whether
moral of political, with which their paper is fill
" s 1 Has that paper a high tone, the product of
deep and fervent thought, bearing the stamp of
- Utility and truth? that tone will irresistibly in-
Ammo the muter, especially the young, and-ita
effects will be happy. is its tone one of hitter
noes and fierce controversy? the readers, unless
the effdctiscounterseted by still stronger Milli
' .inCts:will catch Its unTY,tilalice, and all
2ii:44l4ol.4eiiiill be Murex& Is the paper
y <fiticdmPutrash,aickly tales and coarse ribaldry?
then thenglitlessness,Jevity, folly, and diseased
imaginations, are the only fruits we may reason
. ably expect.
.103. 0 wise and judicious parent would leek
narrowly into the moral character of those whom
• , he introduces into his family, as the friends and
asso-Jates of his children, so will he scan Pith
• equal closeness the moral bearing if the nowspa
.pers which he admits into his house. In fact he
will in tit e feel more solicitude than in the other
. ease; because what is read—being often the pro
duction .4 masterminds—will have a more abid
' ing influence than any thing that maybe uttered,
by a companion and an. equal in the every day
intercourse of life. 1 He will bear in mind that .
en obscure paragraph, found in a paper which
is net - guided and guarded by sowed moral strati:,
. tient, may contain a subtle poison which will
enter into the moral Constitution of his child, and
giro it a character-which it will bear in all ema
ing time. So, on the other hand, in a gooa, pa
per, there ;nay be sentiments containqd in Annie
''serape, equally obscure; which the editor clipped
from some paper before him, sentiments which
having gushed clear and fervid from some • full
heart, will reach the heart, and call it . back to
deep and "salutary thought—sentiments which
will enter into,turd form port of the moral con
stitution of the clad, and abide
"While life, and-thought, and being last,
Or immortality endures."
We like to find these gems of fervent thought,.
and intersperse them among the multifarious
naps vrhieh fill the columns of our paper. It
things like casting breut upon the waters, which
shall be found after many days. -
• A family in Columba.% who buy theft' milk, it
is said lately found a liTo minnow in it. Cso
any body guess how it came tbere? ,
dfmrszsora.—The Territorial University has .
been located Anthony. This is a lie w
town built up within the last two years immedi
ately around the falls. It is chiefly. occupied by
hardy emigrants from the State of ,Maine. No
more beautiful or romantic a site could have
been selected, and we are glad to learn thatlthe
University building is to be erectedimmedistely.
The sohool fund has been so husbanded in that
territory, ns to secure to every child a gond
Common school education, free of all expense'
to parents. It should be so in lows..—Bliritey—.
ton'Harksyr. •
Tat Ex= Vass= eon Lutsnm.—We learn
from the Colonization Herald that a 'vessel will'
-leave Baltimore for Liberia on or about the
let of July. , The Pennsylvania Colonisation
ety aspect to send by thisiessel a Mamba of
familia. Among them are Gbarles L•. Still and
Joseph E. Gardner, of Beading. Pa., Rfir. L A.
Williams and wife; and C. Jobneon, wife and six
children, of Columbia. Each of, these brings"
the very best testimonials as to character, Intel•
ligence and energy. Most of them know some
mechanical - art. They design locating at .the
new town of , Cresson,. near Hasa; at which
place Mr. Gardner L under appointment to open
a school for the gratuitions tuition of the dal.
drui of the colonists and natives—the entire ex.
peneo being borne by persons in Philadelphia. •
Su= _to Gs.t.wsv.`—The steamship "North
America" will Bail on the( 17th inst., for Liver
pool via Galway, with passengers to the World's
Fair. Should this enterprise demonstrate the
. !superiority of Galway' harbor, as • Europe,an
packet station for American vessels, over either
Liverpool. Southampted or Holyhead, the eve
riment will be repeated, and -a. line of steam
pockets ultimately established. . From Galway,
passengers will be conveyed by railroad through
a countermanding many features of interest,
to Dublin,-from which point -railroads connect
With Cork, Limerick and Waterford, on the South,
stud. with 'Belfast on the 'North. First claw
steamboats alai ply daily between' Dublin and
Holyhead, affording passengers by this route a
. view of the scenery in Wales. the Britannia Tu
bular Bridge, ao. Irish citizens here, and
the residents and authorities of Galway and oth
a places in Ireland, manifest a deep interest In
this new =Wrists. Wo hope it may be crown
ed with success.
• :No GA}IVO rolc Isacom,-At the atpril . term,
our Coats ruled dust all the bars la. the county
shcrald be closed on the Sabbath day--any cio
lation of thin order to. _work a forfeiture of li-
Mau:. Oe Ticessisy. last, the. Court (all the
Judaea agreeing,) adianied a litep faithar, and
rifecithst any.loridlord who shall permit giat ,
is qJ cinfkind far „liquor, on his premises,Ar
Ibuit shall, fareish liquor as the stakes of any
gams ofhisard. curb as coming iamicr,:pirchsv
hundreds, or coy cithei'iliatcle—atud4 by so doing,
'heat his License. . This clioition is hued np..
on , ozioting law, is jos; to nisei, and wilt Wm
uwati Wolf to the ,apprbstlos of the eirtuinis
ma good to the coilizzozogV.;-:GAgyosOnTh Sum
, **lto anninccarvEr
Pursuant nag* and to the usages of the
party,the Azitimiain4 and WiMg County Con
of Allegheny idourity assembled at the
Court Rouse, on Wednesday, June 4th, 1851. at
10 o'clock, A. IL, and organized by appointing
JOSIAH KING, Esq., I:1 the 4th Ward, Alleghe-
President, Rosner Bronan, of McCandless.
, McKee, of Bel/Innen; Roar. Pazzrza, of
Pitt, Two STOATS, of Penn, and AMC. Mo
nsen:a, of the 3d Ward, Pittsburgh, Vice Pres
idents, and Thos. Starr. of the 2d Ward, Edward
Campbell., of the 3d Ward, and John McVey of the
6th Ward, Pittsburgh, Secretaries
Tue Convention being duly organised, the roll
was called, and the Delegates. presented their
' credentials, when it appeared that the following
persons composed tffeConventiorci
Pittsburgh—let Ward—Gee. Humbert, . Adams
G etty.
2d Ward—Joshes i odes, Thos. Steel.
3d Ward—Ed. Camp ell, A. Mc:Masters.
4th Ward—Jos. Pennock, Israel Wiggins,
sth Ward—W. McCartney, R. W. McClelland,
Hugh Richardson, Charles Ferguson.
6th Ward—Thos. A. Rowley, John Major.
ith Ward—James Reed, Wm. C. Friend.
Bth Ward—George Moore, Henry Stimple.
9th Ward—J. H. Brainy, M. Edwards.
Allegheny—let Ward—Samuel Wickersham,
Simon Small.
2d Ward—Alex. Moo 7 M. A. White.
3d Ward—Wm. Boyd H. Debases.
4th Ward--JosiahKing,a. B. Fleming.
Birmingham—Thome McKee, Joseph Mc-
East Birmingham — David Chess, George 810-
Baldwin—Dr. J. D. Cochran, J. C. Risher.
. Collins—Samuel Chadwick, John B. Ross.
• Chartiers—Joe. Hatmlcock, Moses Chess.
East Deer—Jno Kennedy, W. J . McCleary.
West Deer—Allen Ab r, John McConnell.
Duquesne—John Mo • on, Andrew Jackson.
Elizabeth Toirushi Brisbin Wall, John Pat
West Elizabeth—F. Briggs, Jacob Swain.
Elizabeth Borough—T. Frew, It. 31cIlheney.
Franklin—Jas. Wheeler, S. Means.
Findlay—Wm. Harper, Josiah Guy.
South Fayette—Wm.l R. Campbell, William
Boyd. . ; • .
North Fayette-11. A. I McVay, J. H. McE we's
Indiana—Wm. Henderson, Charles Gilmore.
Jefferson—James Blair, Joseph Pearce.
Manchester—John Downing, W. J. Gillespie.
McK &Moms John Willock.
Moon—Joseph Scott sad J. Hamilton.
McKeesport—A.. 8.. 11 0 . Sheldon, J. E. Huey.
Lawrenceville—Wm. izhop, Z. Wainwright.
Ohio—P. A. Way, Wm. Woods.
Penn—Benjamin Mcßry, John Stelzer.
South Pittsburgh—Wm. Richards Daniel Da
Pitt—R. R. Palmer, p: P. Jones, John Watt,
Wm. Eichbaum.
Peebles—A. Horbach Thos. M'Cleary.
Plum—R. F. Logan, in. Armstrong.
Pine—Geo., Greer, Tl omas Cochran.
Patton—E. Clogstou, Z. Abers
Ross—A. M. Watson; Thos. Chest.
Robinson—A. 111'Kee,, S. , Marks.
Sbaler—A. G. Lloyd, Wm. Sample.
&nerve—A. S. Ladoqf hi. C. Pugh.
Snowdenairam Hats, James' Murray.
Lower St. Clair,—..Fohn Neely, John Patterson.
Upper St. Clair—,Robert Bighein, A. Brawdy.,
Sharpsburgb— , S. B. Roberts, W. 11. Miller.
Taretitum,4ames Dickey, A. Reed.
Versailles—W. J. 31carinci, Jcdin J. Muse.
Wilkins—James - Kelly, John Black.
McCandless—Wm. 'Ramage, Win. Peebles.
The contested districts were announced to be,
the Fifth Ward, Pitt tosniship and Sharpsburg.
There eras also a protest from the Second
Ward. ,
tildernzan• Steel anninnced that this protest
was not to as the right Of the delegates to their
scats, but as to the manner in which they should
sots for President Judge of the District Court.
4.'M Watson, Esq . : , moved that Messrs. E. P.
Jones and IL Q. Palmer 'should take their seats
as.the . delegates froixf Pitt township.
Mr. Eichbaum Moved that the consideration of
the subject should be referred to a committee of
five persona, who sholdd be appointed by the
Conaiderablediscussio r n ensued, bathe motion
was carried, and Messrs. Frew, of Elizabeth:
Howley of the Sixth Wird, Friend of the Sev
enth Ward; Watson of Pr-S, and Guy of Find
ley were appointed on said committee. •
• The committee retirelptotheCirsuut Jery room.
The Chairman observed that In the absence of
1. 1 .
the Committee, ma as here was no business be
fore the Convention, he woidd take the liberty of
making a few. remar ~..11e thanked 'them for
the honor which they ] 4 conferred upon him,
and felt truly grateful] for it. The citizens of
Allegheny county were] now very much excited
is relvtion to the pending nominations, and all
must agree that the butiness before the Comet!,
1 tion was of the utmost importance. It was more
iniportarit than usual, because by the new Con
stitution, thW election l ef new'officers had been
confided to .the people. 1 Ile referred to the judi..]
Mary, who would now hes-voted for at the polls,
instead of being appointed by the Governor, as
formerly. He trusted that the labors of mere
politicians, who !trove ] for their own interests
alone, had not diverted the attention of the
pttpk, from the vital 'lmportance of !electing
capable and trustworthy men for judges. If bad
officers were elected, idle laws would not be
correctly adtainistered, l and it was the people
who would railer. If the citizens every where,
' 'thought of the importance of the subject, and
weighed it carefully, as they did the every day
tiansections of life—if
they were governed by
that care for their o I interests which should
animate them on an occasion such as this, it was
more than probable thsit they would judge cor
rectly. They mast not ] ] yield to the solicitations
of politician!, but judge for themselves:. Their
stake in this matter was a deep one, and they
should endeavor to elect only men who were ce.
pable of performing the various duties imposed
upon judges.
He' would say - a
few Words upon the subject of
instructions. When delegates had been decidedly
Meinated at the primary meetings, they should
obey the will of deli constituents. It was
proper for the people to instruct, and it was a
duty in those whom they elected for that purpose,
]to obey their will. Still it was within his know
ledge, and he doubted not, oft all present, that
the instructions did net always represent the
wishes of the persona who marked at the primary
meetings. A hundred Citizens frequently mark
ed, and after seventy five bad withdrawn, -the
remaining twenty five instructed the delegates.
It would be ridiculons under such circumstances,
for them to obey these so called instructions. It
sometimes happened too, that towards the close
of the meetings, men pref.:ming to be Whigs, but
' who were a disgrace to !their party, brought in
persons who belonged td an entirely different po
litical organization, andiasisted on their voting,
when a mere remnant 'of those who bad been
prevent, reudnmsel, in order to secure their oh:
'eat, and inertia the delegates. When UM was
the]case, it was a palpable cheat, and the dele
gates would do themselves credit In the eyes of
every honest man, by disobeying such instruc
' that it h ad been found Decent
He regretted that it ..een
in the early stage of thei , proceedings, to appoint
a committee for the purpose of deciding on con
tested Beets, but trusted that their report would
be acceptable to the Convention. Good order
and harmony were leading and distinctive tea-
Mies in the policy of Gm Whig party, and he
trusted that they would prevail upon the present
occasion. The wrangling of.two or three oppoe,
lug politicians, frequently set a whole Convention
at loggerheads, but he hoped it would notbe the
case there.
In the Whig party, the will of the majority
should be obeyed. When two rival candidates
agreed to submit their several claims tor sup
port to the arbitriment of a Convention, they
were bound by the decision of that body. They
mart obey that decision,! or if not, they acted
meanly and in bad faith ] . The man who would
do so , " 8 his party, and should
leave it, anti 'her vile, enough to
receive him. )3 , such au act, for
felted all claims. fared as a Whig. A
candidate, who cleated in a Conven
tion, should, oz try, support his cue
, motel competi. Se utmost sent. it
was his bounden Comber of the party,
so to do.
Tho following commtinication mu rand, wad
on motion directed to be entered on the minut e .
of the Contend=
• Ailaolltrt, Juno 4.
To the Pei:idea of the Antimaaonie and Whig
Corfty Convention.
Dzeit gra—BY a
_resolution of the "Tempe.
since Association of 141egheny and vicinity,"
pined at their stated meedng, 8d Inst., the an
-idersignediriu- ictiteeted to have the accompanying
pmobstions; (adopted, Maj 18, 1851,) presented
to the sevend Mamba g of this
county. .7.
i Our Association respectfully Mk that the res
t °lotions may be read. carefully considered. wad,
ly approved.: favorably acted upon by the Con
' ?notion over which you preside. •
Yours very respectfully,
1. Resolved, That we disclaim the idea of or
ganizing a new political party; this we consider
equally unwise as uncalled for.
2. Resolved, That our object Is to induce ex
isting political organisations to give us such
men, for oar suffrages, as described In the 3d
resolution. They are certainly able to gratify
us in thin reasonable request, rind, If they will
not do so, to the friends of intemperance, and not
to us, they must look for support
3. Resolved, That, In order to carry out our
principles as far an In our power, at this time,
we solemnly pledge ourselves to vote for no can
didate for office in this county, unless his char
eter and conduct are such as to entitle him to
lie regarded as a reliable temperance Mll2. and
'we also recommend aister'associations, through
out the county and State, to adopt the same
course of action.
4. Resolved, That in order to give all due pub
licity to these principles and this course of no
tion, as well as to encore the co-operation of the
friends of temperance, a oopy thereof ber sent to
all similar associations throughout the county,
and, as far as in our power throughout the State;
that a copy bo furnished for publication indiffer
ent newspapers in our two cities, and also that
copies be sent, from time to time, to the differ
ent nominating conventioni of the existing politi
ad organisations.
. .
It. Q. Davie, See'y."
It. S. Fleming, Esq. moved that when the mem
bers of the Convention should proceed to mark,
they should mark first for the Judges, second for
the county officers, and third for the members of
the Legislature.
This was amended to the effect that after the
nomination of the Judges, the Convention should
proceed to mark for members of the Assembly,
and County officers.
Edward Campbell,'Esq. pointed out the diffi
culty of each a proceeding, And both motion and
amendment were withdrawn.
E. Campbell, Esq. moved that a committee of
five, 012 resolutions, should be appoiated by the
This motion was carried, and Messrs. Hulas,
H. 8. Fleming, J. H. Denny, W.. 1. Morrison and
John J. Muse were appointed said committee.
Hiram Halts, Esq. offered the following reso
Resolved, That, as Whigs and Antimssons, we
will not etipport any candidate for nomination to
any office this day, who will not stand pledged .
to abide by the, decision of all/ Convention.
Oo motion, in adjournment until ono o'clock
wan moved and carried, in order to giro the com
mittee on contested sesta timo to report.
The Convention met at one o'clock
8. Frew, Esq., the Chairman of tbeCommittee
on contested Beate, reported that the following
gentlemen were duly elected delegates :
Pitt township—E. P. Jones and Roblt Palmer.
Fifth ward—H. Richardson, C. Ferguson.
Bharpsburg,—Wm. G. Miller ' J. D. Roberts.
H. S. Fleming, Esq:, moved that the report be
accepted, and the committee discharged.
W. G.—McCartney, one of the contestants from
the Fifth Ward, was, on motion, permitted to
make a statement relative to the manner in which
the primary meetings in that Ward, had been
Mr. Frow called for a diiision on the question
of adoption.
Thismotion was negatived by the Convention,
and the report accepted and adopted.
The clerk then read the roll of the members.
The Chairman announced that they were ready
to proceed to business.
Hiram Hulls moved that the Convention pro
ceed to nominate a candidate for President Judge
of the Court of Qaaner Sessions.
An amendment was made, to the effect that
the names of the candidates for Associate Judg
es of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter
Sessions be added, together with the names of
the candidates for President sad Anociate Judges
of the District Court.
The Hon. Wm. 'B. McClure was nominated as
a candidate for the President Judgeship of the
Court of Common Pleas.
The Hon. Walter Forward and Ole Hon. ?doses
Hampton, were nominated as candidates, fin the
President Judentip of the District Conn.
H. W. Williams, Esq., was nominated a: a
candidate for the Associate Judgeship of the
District Court.
Messrs. William Boggs, Adam Henthorn, T.
L. McMillan, Thomas 'Liggett, John Gebhart,
William Dilworth, and William William were
nominated as candidates for the office of Asso
ciate Judge.
A. M. Watson, Esq., then proposed that oil'
the candidates before the Convention, who had
delegates there, should pledge themselves through
their friends, tokhjii le by the result of the mark
ing. He regiette - Dithat he was compelled to
adopt this course, but the state of affairs ren
dered it necessary for him to do 80. He had
seen a report circulated through a Whig news
paper, which was copied Into other papers—he
had heard that report talked of currently in the
streets, even up to a late hour of the night before
this Convention—that, and, he spoke the name
with all due deference; the Hon. Walter Forward
would, if he did not receive the nomination, ran
as an Independent or smooth bore candidate.
He could not but believe that if Mr. Forward
were here himself he would not do so, nor, if he
were in other hands would such a report be, cir
culated. Ile wished, therefore, that some of hie
friends would, in his name, give to the Conven
tion a written pledge or promise to abide by
their decision, whatever that decision might be.
He knew that inyspeaking as he did, he uttered
sentiments which might be unpopular. lie was
well aware that the lion. Walter Forward was
beloved by all, and deseitedly so; but still he
felt that his duty to the Whig party requlred
him to make the demand, and he did so.
11. Frew, Esq., confessed that he had listened
to the gentleman with much eurprise. That any
individual should be singled out of the list of
candidates by name, and made the subject of
ma s a motion as that offered by the gentleman
was, to say the least of it, an invidious distinc
tion. It was invidious when directed - against
any one, but that that invidiousness should assail
the Honorable Walter Forward—one who had
reached a mature age, and grown up amongst us
beloved by all—one whose name hid been en
rolled in the history of our country, and whose
eloquence had charmed the councils o[ the Nation
—that he shoUld be made the objectagahat whom
this invidiousness had been directed, was to him
a matter of very great surprise.
A gentlernin here suggested that a resolution
coverilig - the ground occupied by Mr. Watson's
motion; had been passed in the morning, upon
the - reading, of which resolution, Mr. Watsori
withdrew hie motion, and declared tgat no man
loved the Honorable Walter Forward more than
he. He did not, be could not, make any reftec
tions upon him. He would not detract from his
merits as a DAD, as a lawyer, or es a statesman.
He lettered himself that he had as good an ap•
preciation of his character, as Mit Frew, bat he
did not wish that after the action of the Conven
tion, an unsuccessful candidate for the nomina
tion, should run on a smooth bore ticket.
Mr. Frew had been absent at the time the res
elution referred to in the morning bad been pas
sed. lie was at that time engaged in perform
ing his duties as a member of the Committee on
contested seats, and her trusted that he, and
those who owing to.the same cause were absent,
would have a voice on a subject of so much Im
After some further remarks, 11. E. Fiersiutt
Esq., demanded if any of Mr. Forward's friends
were authorized to say that in the event of his
not'receiilng the noroination ho would not be a
candidate for the office of President Judge.
Wm. 8. Morrison Esq., of Versailles Toumshp,
was authorized to say that the Honorable Wal
ter Forward, if he did not receive the nomina
tion of that Convention, mould not be a candidate.
A motion was made that the members of the
Convention ehonld proceed to mark, pending the
passage of which, some debate ensted.
Mr." Frew thought that the convention had
passed a motion with which it wan impossible for
Mr. Forward to comply.' That gentleman was
not here to give the pledge required of him. lie
would therefore beg leave to withdraw . Ms name
as a candidate for the Judgeship. Cries Of no,
Mr. Morrisonvf Versailles, announced that the
name of the Hon. Walter Forward, would not
be withdrawn.
Mr. Masten said that he WU empowered to
state that If the Honorable Moses Hampton were
not nominated he would not be an independent
The Chairman in reply to iVen'OPtOrin On
the 'object, stated it as his inderstunding of the
matter that Mr. Forward . was &candidate, and
that if not nominated, he would not be a can
Tho Ron. William B. McClure, and the Rork
atm W. Williams were then elocieci by soar
:nation. the former as President Judge of the
Vpurt of 4riarter Saudorm, and the latter, as As
sociate Judge of the District Court.,
The members proceeded to mark with the fol
lowing results:
Pruideni Judge District Court.
• 116 n. Walter Forward,
Hon. Moses Hampton, 6
A:socials Judger Court of quarter Sessions
Wm. Boggs, .
T. L. Millen,
Thomas Liggett, 2.
John Gebbart,
Adam Ilenthorn, 1;
Wm Wilson.
Wm. Dilworth, 11
The'llon. Walter Forward war declared duly
elected as a candidate for the office of President
The announcement was received with loud ap
plause by his friends.
The Hon. William Boggs was declared duly
elected as a candidate for the office of Associate
Judge, but no other Candidate having a majority,
a second balloting wee rendered necessary.
The names of Wm. Dilworth and Wm. Willson,
Esq., were withdrawn.
Dr. Sheldon moved that the Convention pro
ceed to ballot for the Associate Judge, the Mem
bers of the Legislature, and Register and Record
er, at the same time.
This motion was amended by adding the'otrice
otClerk to tho list, and striking ont the Mem
bers of the Legislature.
'The Convention then proceeded to another
The result of the second ballot was as follows:
Airociate Judge.
T. L. McMillan 62
Thomas Liggett 8
John Gebbart 84
Adam Henthons • 4
Mr. McMillan was declared duly nominated.
8. Fahoestock 74
J. McGill 28
James Gormley 6
Ckni of Quarter Seniosr.
Jared M. Snub 66
John. Horner 96
Henry Humeri 9
Masers. Fahnestock and Brush were declared
duly nominated. •
. No candidate for OA offiee of Register hariag
received a plurality of Totes, another ballot for
that office was ordered.
It was, on motion, resolved that the Conven
tion now proceed to nominate candidates for
:Members of the Legislature, Treasurer, Commis
sioner, Auditor, and Surveyor.
Tho names of Messrs. Scott, Foster and Leto
mon,. were withdrawn as candidates for the
office of Register.
Among the unmet proposed as candidates for
the Legislature was that of Morgan Robertson,
Esq., one of the Representatives In . the last
Legislature, 'which was, at his request, with
drawn, by R. S. Fleming, who regretted to do
so, since it would have afforded him great plea
sure to vote for that gentleman.
The Convention then proceeded to mark, with
the following results:
Alex. Richardson, 41 68—nominated.
John Nlecasky, 81 60
H. J. Lemon 12 withdrawn.
John Scott, 2 do. •
J. K. Foster, • 19 do.
Jas. Siff°, 84 nominated,
Geo. Appleton, 72 do.
John M. Porter, 68
Jno. Miller, ' 99 nominated.
Geo. llarsie, 63
Samuel Kerr, 11 .
Joe. Johnson, 8
Thos., Penney; . 79 nominated.
Robb Wa Race, 4
John McCloskey, ' .S 3 nominated.
Hobert Abrams, . 4
67 nozaina4i
John V. Rowland
J. W. 'Banter,
Robert Ring, 33
John Wlllock, 49
David Blair, 10
O. Adams, 3
Jos. M. Even, 11
Wm. A. hrKniglrt 3
. Wm. West, 86 nominated.
J. H. 11c1brain, , 10
Andrew Duncan, 2
78 litipinsted.
John Morrison,
Jobe Patterson
E. Colwell.
No candidate for the omen of County Commis
sioner, having received a_mnjority of votes, a
new ballotwas rendered necessary.
A motion wassinade to declare Robert Sing
unanimously elected.
Vila was opposed by Mr. Friend and other
gentlemen, and the motion was amended to the
effect that.the Secretary shmald call the roll, and
the members of the Convention vote e fro rem,
on the two candidates who stood highest on the
former ballot
Botb the original motion and the amendment
were- rejected, and, on motion, the Co aeration
proceeded to mark, au usual
During the progress of the balloting. E. P.
Jones, Esq. moved that a committee consistiug of
three members should be appointed by the Chair
man, for the purpose of selecting seven gentle
men who shalt attend the Whig and Antimasonic
Convention, to be held at Lancaster. on the 24th
of next month, to nominate candidates for the
Supreme Bench, and for the variou.s State offices.
• The Committee reported in favor of appoint
ing Messra Th=u Willltma, J. ?doff. Snod
grass, Morgan Robertson, Thomas Steele, C 0.
Loomis, John T. Whitten sad Thorani A. Rowley
delegates to the Lancaster COUtottion. The re
port was, on motion, accepted sr.d adopted.
County Coranliuicrtter.
Tho mult of the ballot foy County Commis
shiners, was announced to be
Robert King 47 1
John Witiock 41
Mr. Sing was declared drily nominated.
The committee on, resolutions o ff ered the fol
lowing report.
1. Rewired. That on behalf of the Antimasone
and Whigs of Allegheny County, we declare our
adhesion as Pennsylvanians to Pennsylvania in-.
terest—a just reward for labor--a tariff which
will 'develope our resources, mineral, manufac
and agricultural—and make us in fact
as well as In name an independent nation.
2. That wo regard the existence of slavery in
the Southern States as a local institution, for
which they are alone rerposible; that so far es
it is recognised in the NationatConstitntion, we
are willing to execute the same in good fadth;i:
but that Pennsylvania having long ainceaboll sh
ed !slavery upon her 50n, is utterly Weitile to its
further extension, or any interference with it by
her State Officers.
8. That in the administration of Presichmt
Fillmore, and his able and distinguished' Consti
tutional advisers, the people of the United States
have an ample guaranty that the great interest
of the nation will be honorably seustained. In
their unanswerable messages andlreports on the
subject of protection to don:metier manufactures,
of river and harbor improvements and in behalf
of Republicans sympathising ; Stith the strug
gling, down trodden, patriots ofalungary—they
leave proved themselves the true exponents of
American sentiments and American pelley.
4. That the administration of Governor Wil
liam F. Johnston marks an era, in the history of
this Commonwealth, of wisdom, fairness and
dignity, of strict aceoentabillty from publics offi
cers, 'of economy, and retrenchment in the ex
penditure of public monies, and of constant mad
iraccTful efforts to protect the interests, and
Glenete the character of the State—that we are
especially astonished at his success, when we
compare the finances of Pennsylvania prior to
his election with their present prosperous est 'nal
tion; Men Pennsylvania was dishonored, tus able,
to pay her - interests or with difficulty paying by
resorting to temporary loans; now at the em d of
only three years, she promptly fulfils her, en
gagements after hoeing in the meantime exp 4 'lad
ed a million end a half of dollars In !mit ling
the inclined planes, completing the north bra nch
canal, and reducing her public debt If ere r a
Pennsylvania executor was entitled tv,reelesection
for wise and manly statesmanship, 'that se e outor
ie William F. Johnston, and our delegates are
hereby instructed to vote for big nomination.
6. That is den. Winfield Scott; the greatest C. IP
tain of his age, the profound' Statesman and C. be
good man, whose deeds end whose glory are a.
rich legacy tollio country, wo recognize all th
qualities of a great historic character- and whetlt- •
er we view him on tho-ploody field of Niagara ,
or conquering on the Wee of Mexico, or quel
ling the madness of Nullification In South Cana- 11
lien, wo sea in him them traits of head and
heart, which eminently fit him to preside over
this extensivultepnblic. That with him u our
leader in the campaign of 1852, we dual go into ,
the contest with a confidence that inspires hope
ands seal that insane victory.
6. That the election of Governor, of Judges or
the Supreme Court. and of all the Courts of the.
State; in addition to the officers usually elected,
renders the approaching contort one of unexam
pled importance to the people of Pennsylvania;
and that It is incumbent on every olds& who
taken a pride in the prosperity of our republican
!methadone to depodthis vote in the ballot box •.
If that vote is fully and honestly polled, we 'be.
lieve our principle., will triumph.
7. That an Executive Committee of fifteen
members be appointed by the officers of this.
Convention to have In charge the—
ago:meat of the approaching campaign
The Mowing preamble and resolutions were
reads and their adoption moved.
Whereas confagon and dissatisfaction have
sometimes heretofore originated front the man
ner In which delegates have been elected to the
County Convention, under the present mode of
bolding primary meetings
77Lerefore, Emlred, That the committees au
thorized to call the primary meetings to elect.
delegates to future County Conventions be, and
they are hereby requested and instructed to
cause the -same to be held at the usual places in
ell the townships but Pitt, between the hours of
2 and 8 o'clock, P. ki., and ih the Cities and
ruTraughs and Pitt township, between 2 and 8
o'clock, and that the election of the delegates be
' by ballot.
Resolved, That hereafter the Convention to
nominate candidates shell consist of but one
delegate from each electoral district in the co.
After considerable discussion, the preamble
and resolutions were laid on the table.
On motion, tho.following resclution was unan
imously adopted t
Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention
! ho tendered to our worthy chairman, Josiah
King, Esq., for the able, impartial, and courte
ous manner In which the duties devolved upon
him have been this day discharged, with our
warmest wishes for his future happiness and
Josiah King, Esq., thanked tho Coarention for
their kindness.
Camden, it was resolved that when this Con
vention adjourns, it shall thereby be resolved
into a Committee of Vigilance, for the pqrpose
of securing the election of the candidates who
have been nominated.
On motio l s, the Convention adjourned owe du.
Hrevv FAILMIS Is New Max.—There have
been rumors to day, (May 30), which are now
confirmed, of the failure of a cotton broker and
land speculator for a very large amount. Ru
mor has it that £BOO,OOO in bills on London,
drawn by various firms here will be returned,
and large reclamatiore be made. The occur
rence has hawed much talk In the street.
Tesqxasscx Mrsnr,p.—The Sixth Ward Tem
perance Association-will hold its regalarnionthly
meeting this erecting, in the school room of the
Ward. An address le expected from E. P.
Jones, Esq.
HE "Educational Association of Alle
gheny Co..^•II1 meet ha the Fourth Ward Public
tml House, Allxh•ny atty. ou Friday, the Oth James
:4 o'clock. r. r" at Ichlch tlkor. by mama repukst.
Al. will &Hear • lecture. un haturiay, the 7 tba
attalremea will dellrtrmd by Ileums. LI. Walla.. and L.
by order of the Faceutive Committee.
J. C.
Prof Illandenille's Series of Readers.
rocs. Ws., Atlanta.. Can, 1
Jana aa, ilisl. f
WHEREAS, the Principal of the High
School to Oslo Ward having organised • elite, aid
exerelsealt In the it. of Ilandentlie . * series of readers
canfully and diligently for some flsod the sad elan.
bltrel 5 . 0 eAent
expectation/ow. gam eatiraXtlLS ' l g ondref. ' 3% sraton ' o e f
foot. Inenderal le, sido3 by to Wainscot teacher, • high.
er degre•of eszellann in reeding Ls a s th. under
any other ea.. known to lb. Basal. It 0. UMW}
Iteeolved, not the Moak Sena of 'leaders DOw usnl
in the aped abeam In ads district be discontinued, sad
that inoteaor Menders - ILI. Seri. es needing amt
non be ustrodnall and had heneeforraLL
A true ana frt. the 1111121. G.
iektilleans Anal, Ea.. Rasa, neola
Burchfield ham °pro this morning an amorunent of
.trioof Olinonania. neat Plaid; light and dark—
atm Son grinta. of nen and bondeocuo arms, at 1:34 MAO:
atm Lawn", Lang, Popilem. of anoint Myles: Moo Montt
ning pimps, In great varlet,. snob an garage,. Itailiga do
Lninma Tintles s to
/Leg Nino tionla <mann. almoan &Mir. Je4
Nttidan coal t 1 meet hto yatteeMf= t f i Nct 4 3VeloeLLAL
.dd.. De. Hanley. Atm.. Et. Clair BOA }es
FOR RENT.—A throe story brick relt,
dwelling botow, situate on Thlrd Mrcet, brtmooni a lt
toromt Ito, thy
labell vith by
draft in lbw kltehou mad atom :blebthere ly bathroom
bot and cold water. Paw/Wm given lotrowilately
arpty E. F. rOltiltriN 11011.1 T & W.
14 , 1w W t bt Front U.
0 ILS.-800 gall bleadmil winter sperm oil
9vo .41 cord
4a,0 • F rias
Loa blearted
.• ,
803 winter
1.400 Tantienr'
18.30 N. W. cosri oil
Ic non aryl for Yle br SIM= 8 film,.E.rsoN,
fey for. = Liberty rt.
PLANTATION Sugar and !dulanaes
63 hhilL mires plantattau sugar.
347 bbls
La Carr saiLLe woe by
115 5... 22112 M, Liberty It
SUGAR Rouse Molasses and Plantation
eul6 rxr.
11. P. H um,....—SL James 1161Inery.
to htrlslll6 Plantalloa Sulu.
oa "4"4"'"' nat
VALI atcKersos.
N ... =1 a 1..6661 , .
RICE. -20 Tierces Rise in store rani for
no No, VA 2M, Liberty pt-
OMAN CEMENT-2 bbls., fur oak by
.le9 9. 1 9 . TON CONIIORFr Jr CO.
VINEGAIL—ZO bbbi. pure cider for rule by
le , 8. F. YON BONI(OE$T a co.
FI NEESE-30 W. 11., for rale by
;e 3 0. 7. TO P.0511.)115T - t CO.
RAIONS. -- 6 0 0 67 ? Raisinr.
do do
N. k Liberty .t.
1L mass.
160 bss.
ID stare sail or r 1. tyr
211 A 2Z3, Liberty at
F LOUR ---10 bbls. extv , CnmUy flour.
VO do anpertive do
stave and fAr•ele br
CHEESE.—aS boxes Chem .Lunt received
mesa au.. at and far war by
LE3ION SYRCIP.--60 las "Turner's" lem
00 tyro, on cont.ument. out fur %ale b. )04, MILLER t 'LICK LIVIN.
LARD OIL— 10 lads. pure winter
16 do Z;o. 2.
- Yr - / CllOOlO4 ARTAI & CO..
Na Woodst.
IF you wish for a real treat, try the Y. fly-
Tee, for $1 rror lb, st Morris' Teo !tort
Ia the i
Comnontrealth of Permyloani
County of AUryholy, S. S.
ti the Court of Common Pleas of October
Timm A. D. 131 e. No. bb.
ft. matter of tbr walouneut of Alwam
der McClurg, at the Dulaney of D. Leech ACo.. to Willi.=
T. IleChther.
And now, June Si. mothm of bye P. Ilamth
Um, Attorney Or JOhil Ca 1.61111101. • creditor or Adeowdre
McClurg. the Won appoint J. E. • licady. m utohl
said amount wd to Matributr fandr in Co. bands of the
Waine* amouno the cteditore or themul Alreander.
From th e ltemath OEO. S. IIAYO,'Pro.
Nottre Is hereby given that rill attend at my' eke.
Nat% Path stmt. Pittsburgh. on Wednesday, 14.1 July
{oW, at 2 o'clock 1. IC. for the ',taws.. ef the stuns al,
intment.Llshm3tBJ J. 131RADY. Auditor.
Executors' Notice.
.IVOT . 2OE I is hereby gi yea that:.the un-
In a "` Ontra=rgi . :.
Allaaaany county', &awed. bereft:ea all peraona bar
b:, claim. against bla estate ve mdulrefl taddreaant Ituftn
far aaltleineypt. and all lb., ludebtal an, malted to
tm=fulatd , Ifartuant to altbar of lb, •utKribrra
jelivrat Blecutora
Farms? and Mechanic.' Turnpike Plank Road.
THE Second and final Instalment of the
ararTr‘gy b ik. " n:j7t. r ii . e're k L"dl h. rn':t
pLid on or Leone lfati of June. the. Y
fol:td lll.lB . Treartmer.
JAMES F. KERR, Attorney at Law—Office
ma Fourth Ladlrmo limltlabeld and (Irma. Pitts.
To the Deaf!
pR. 'HARTLEY, Avatar, from (4 North
Eleventh Street, PhlleJelphis, beat to ilifpl2. MM.
the nelghborhoW of Pittsburgh, with
whom he h. teen la somnituticallom that he has. In row
wan. .Ith their tit...lAl reQuest, made smangemonts to
tpx , , d t ge z days la this M.. Ile may be seem it the 01.
from 9 to 3, for one weak.
It would probably In • fameable opportunity for those
suffering with Deanna. to call and consult the Draw. as
he is the only graduate of any of the Medical CollesnT , bo ,
him devoted his attention exclusively and sumnsfuli
the treatment of the Ear.
The fallowing trattimaniahrane submitted • itlroon Aden*.
They will alum, at leral, In what ntimation OD_ profession
al quallUntion held by some of the most distinghlab
ed medical men in the country:
"1 have had the pleasure to meet Dr.Dartleyinpnctice,
and have bent led to form • Womble opinion of his chew
seer. both in the prat:waken and fa
W. Pans& M. D,
' Professor of targan, au
"Illsprofenional abilities will be fully appreciated by
the who place themselves under his car"
Jose 11. Mturrairs, 11. D,
Professor of Jiratomy,la.
"Prom toy Intercourse with Dr. Hartley, 1 have found
his deportment cornet and gentlemanly.
8 . •131.112 Moir, M.D.
JIJ .wain Ptrtsbunh.—The visit of Dr. nutlet' to the
VlPatil v it7cl97.:3lr-Vlll ` l,l 4 l?=ritc y l l grtra n t i dtr... to
ease to whin his ettention has ?Wan for acne time neuni.t
and sun...ldly directed. may rely on rec. 1 , 1 ,4
each treatment as irected,
in all probabllitr may result in •0 per.
finl4 enc. J. Wane. Pt- Clair Motel.
Books! Books!
CII3IITZ'S History of Greece.—A
Y Itla•Nr thrtrilest Unmet° Ow delitgetiou
D. D., ntATp"letV.42r 1,03 ° .=
komos, W. It. S. E.
flarmony of Prophecy, or Scriptural Illustrations of
th• APIA 47 lip the Dm. Alexander Keith. D. D.
-admits fo r !D e nman Oernliline, Linoleum. A Thounnut
LBW. and other Poems. By klarUn Farquhar Tot/Re
el:gnh u a and
. th°
The laic or Wait Wand; • Taw. By mazy
The Philosophy or Iliadic...Dag translated from the
Court do Philomphie Pacifica of August. Comte. By W.
M ing New York and
.. rie 'Railroad Outdo Book: con
tatting • description of th Pe:entry, Rivera, Tom.. Vil
lages. and moat insportant raving ., on the Road. With one
hundrol mid thirtrala engraving by Loading mad Barritt,
gum original sketches made expressly for this wort. By
Wm. Macleod.
Have New Monthly 31airaaine pie jug.
The ()old Mordant/ere. or the dare we live In; a future
admiral ttoml. Sly the author of . WMl...friars..
Tg o .b o re hooks just reccired,and for sale hy
jM It. C. STOCKTON. 47 ?Dirket et
Lace Curtains.
tiIAVE juin received, direct from
yarte largo arrortarent of Lace Curtalor, hickw I
It low. Clustala Notarial" and Trlowalodo of all Mad.
WM_ NOBLX. Third at
11W:001, TWINE--5001be. for ealo by
BURLAPS -3 bales, 40 inch, for sale by
1134 MEW= t LEE.
AWOOL—Oaati paid for Wool by
•. 10.11 ktUDY/11f & LEE.
zrzvt:acKurs! 3KW BOOKS!
.....„.Meet‘to2:Zite the tu mor—
Dicdonsirjo= fo. 30.
L Lenerre, or the IlietZ of • Portrait by an American
Tge Heir of 'NM Iliad. • We' by Mary Howitt.
London Bbakspeam,.Noe. sal 3.. •
Talbot end Demon, novel; hr . L Meetlemen
inieenetioetvl Mairesins, for June.
Cummina's Advepturve Ahem.
The of Pendeimis, by Thackarey—compietv.
The Ifo=tigw e lv: the To. L It. Marvel
The Gek , WorshiPPers. or the days wit lire tot • (zany.
historical DOV 121; by
author of slifhiteftlars.”
The Wifes *limier. or the Forbidden AI
Louise La Taillere, by Drume—No. '2! r U ' concludes
the work.
Art Journal fur May,
Merton Shaker/ease. No. 38, concitutkat.
Bioko: is Pickwick Papers Abroad—by G. W. M. Rey
=The Fair babel, a rt., novel by Eugene BM.
Godef . Graham and Sartain for June.
Capaline of Brunswick—No.3.
The Sisters, by Rear? Cockton.
Thdlleirs of Derwentwatsr, • novel, by E.L. Blanchard.
The Banker's Wife by T. B. Arthur.
Adventures of Pen Owen. by John Galt -7e4
' Court Sale of Valuable Palm.
URSUANT to on Order of the Orphan?
coon ofAllegheny Ccunty, ths undersigned, Ad
nlttrators John A. Robinson, late of Versailles town.
ehilninsnid County. deceased, Ell cone to ipublio sale.
00 the premien, It said towtillap, an the first dayof July.
11154 at 10 o'clock, A. 11., Sao PARRS Into bleb
the estate of said decedent has been divided: yell eligiblT
cod advantageously situated. within • mile and • half
the 'Youghiogheny Sleek...r, and three miles from the
Pennsylv.. Railroad: via:
No. w it h ICU X aervin le ha • high kat" of =Rine
Son, ibundance of Coal and Limestone goad Brick
I.elling Ruse, Darn, and other nevessarylmprovem.ts.
No. 2cm:satins 141)6 scree, le also in • mood state of cut.
Heath,. • large proportion cleared, and nearly all arable
land, with of Limestone. • godd hand Log
Mum and Darn, with other improvement.
Terms.— , lnewLath of the purchase money up. tins eon.
fomati. of the sale one Sixth on the Ant day of April.
152411 er/ onreisth on Ap r il,t day of Arril, 1644: with
t fur. the Ont. oflU% Use raid ue toremain
In the hand. of the purchaser dosing the natural life of
the widow of the decedend,et' he interest April , tudd to her
nntosally. to be computed from the Ent o 1852, at
which time poneension will be given to the purchaser.
111/1•61 B.SINCLAIR,
leldlw.watt'S Administrator.
WOOL BAGS-1000 new and old, for eale
by iut MURPHY £LEE.
Caution to the Public!
E fiTTDED, mane:sutured by Bllla7o, FRONS.
D & CO., No. 167 North Third area. Phbadelphis.
I . l.=ai roger
, 1 t f c 1;7471 . Si m=
the amount of Fat. Ellie and Bother, in the perfectly
healthy animal: mul, *hens; its bantone. pmularit 7
moonget the Farmer. and Dairymen. wherever it hasbeen
introloned, has induced several person. to get up an lmL
tatioa of our cattle Pewder, and ham taken the mime larei
Miami almost word word, as we have in our aman
on theirs: We therefore caution all patron; nor.
keeper..ep. fatmers,and dairymen, salmi thodemytionthcm
tireeticed by designing men.
The pronrietors ham investigatel Ms subject for yew"
during a Pew resklemse In the country, end do now thud
ienmi theworld to produce thy thing equal to their Cattle
Powder: They want the tilie to bear to filled that their
Powder is Meier Mose, boasting not of totem.., or any
other foreign origin. They wish its quabity. not Its fume,
to be the RUMP of Its value: 11 hailainwity a character
.Ithough of but about Dv* yea& stasullne) wkithrl.b,vvi
It to Mend upon its own merits. . •
Several order.. hare been sent to .hie city f Cattle Pow
der, which have been filled by sending an article got op
imitation or our own. We threaten say egalm
keepi re. farmers and dalrymmt, do not buy wand suttees
on kick for thermic. of f lair. .1:W Froeaskl & C 0... a
written denature on the end eath paolc, do root allow
r ourself to be deoeived; the life and health of your cattle
depend upon this caution . Le well L. lour Interest. Look
outt vviallance the prim of wearily."
jet= . Na 1.7 North Third rt. Philadelphia
rrinE subscriber, haring made arrange.
, aeie. , ,in consiquenca of which hie tent Durham
Tr u t Ile:rill a Vat lot of Ant:t i t dixe L low
hrohlerlea, irreee Tr - Taw, fiaadkaithies, &Atria
Ro r iVll:4. 6 =ll7Volfi=rafil t l :e t raf=
bolAlso. Ladles'. Short, beet Philadelphia =key) Id
orooda reflood prim. who end MAIL
Pal ' 1. IL LATON.
lIE C • Notice:
orporators of The Auto C
T a lll t . l . fd a z a te b :t e. t y notified that the Annual hi 111
Tth at , 3 ecto,Mj 2 ,0 =WM% fttnatartit
lea 4/1011.1.3 M. UOIT Preet
Emmett! Bonnets!
A A. MASON d, CO. would respect-k e
ry• roux fowto tha attention of naretionets to
their very =pi-dor stink or nor etyla lionnein. to
Therewh they ave ennetantly .adout new varietal.
hove tit ode vr ill ha tad at eery town:ices 67 an..
nor sinalo bonnet. To.. eland 64 Market R. je3
Beatunont'a Patent Starch Pali • h<
PATENTED, July 26th, 1850.—For
L • beiutlfoLOloas Witham. Muslims. Canabs, Cor.
lara. Shirt Spam; a, atat also Dermas the Iron than
rotherina to Utast t 4 and mends dust bran disking to
ULM &C.. co,,.Wa nothing injurious
Latectlona—Pot a plea* the also at a pea to a quart of
starch when ladltotr. Iron bialy.
Pnee, ends per Cake. Sold •holeast/e aod ratan by
1.3 IL E. SELLERS. 57 Wood st.
~. Anthracite Coal.
cln TON just received, ainperior article
•JIJ ar Fouradry or tratfly aro, for W. b
C. A. MeANULTY k CO_ ,
frZ Cabal Carlo.
For Sale.
Calor, pith white sum kn.
r spring, rrry_rratle, a Mtn ll In
coin. at RODS VAT LArroy &adds. Fourth rt-.
ohrra tio, nor bo ma fur a for, day.. hadt•
LINSEED OLL— J. l l =s a m, for sale
B ORAX-6 cases Refined, for !ode by
LAMP BLACK-30 bbla. we'd, for sale by
NDIA d; FOULARD SILKS--Jrust recd,
ay gu!ditlonal 0rt.,1 to ',err <bow imidesirt
lalht a.d Foulard Mks. no aor. Uocds will be
cloNql oat very chap. A. A. MASON *Pt,
Jor. tC alut 64 Markt.: et.
nLACK' SILK LACE—Wo have just rec'd
ik full supply of the above !b earable Geo d., of all
u, an sale tow, A. A. MASON A CO.
je.3 61 .04 61 Market at.
CIRIMPED RIBBONS—Tho attention of
,1-/oreg.Ftf , r,grul7, l ".ll°='m tr
IJch . u <loft oat wt. Tory low prima. •
DIG IRON-33 tons Allegheny, for sale by
.7. 3 R. FLOYD. Rom 4 Church Dalldina.
VINEGAR-50 Ude. pure Cider, for Bale
I, by 74 J. iD. FLOYD.
B R 23 OMS-I. r dox: Ohio, !3!..15.11,:g1a).
Fsu—Mackerel, Shad, and Herrink; for
rale by i. 3 J. t IL /LAID.
TAR--3trbbls. Boston, for sale by
1.. J.& R. 11411)
IIiNNERS' OIL-27 bbls. Bonk Oil, for
sale by .re 3 J. SA. /LOYD.
OLASSES-200 bbls. N. 0., for sale by
I An a. .1t E. FLOYD.
DOTASII--30 -costa pure, for sae by
J. a R. ILuYD
Q ACON-5000 lbs. Bog Round, an consign
-13 meta, lob Ws by T. WOODS t SON,
1 63 1 61 Water at.
- LIL.',ITLIERS-1000 lbs. for sale by
IDES-34 Dry Flint, for sale by
111 ACON-7 casks Sides, for mile by
a.a w.assnXvon
FLOUR -100 bbls. New Lisbon Sen. Mills;
f for sale by • S. t W. ILARBAUGIEL
ACKEREL-100 bbls. No. 3, (1851) for
111waer 4.a $. w. ussuLtvatl.
L A J I OIL-32 bbla. f i zr , se n b A l, ,tAtron.
a ass'd sixes, for sale by
D ACON—A few casks Hams & Shoulders,
UI tor iale br • lea B. it W. 9A68A0011.
UGAR-2.5 Midi. N. 0., for Bale by
1,..7 144 7. D. CASM7J)
pisll-25 bbla. Lake Sop. White, 1851;
to hC " 44
sale br 3, 11. CANFIELD.
Greenwood Girdeos.
-STRAWBERRIES, fresh from the Vines,
ow served up at Ittla Mina lima Cream sad
IcesOcTa 07. 1 T. j er l i,l 4 :r d ,„"ittzt°l-:, th
,•=bi r r tiers
the corner of Fuse and Market sweets every half ft
and the steemer Chieftain leave* the Eitt street lan=
bon, (Camel on dander./ jeChf
Naant style* Poatins, plain and hared;
Hama Pe Lalnax -
Freoth Laarn pa a large asantmant at
Nam PLAID litNEWAlls. •
Mark SLIk3, fur Scarfs owl themem fight and dRk
yiAO I a WATCHES," or Double 'Hunting
bold Lever Watcbes. =lda ea av to elem. on bal
rules with gold tsar, or to .Low boa open at glean..
Very me make, j uat received and for Nal. by
ved corny Ildzket mat Fourth .M.
SUGAR -48 hhde. prinie N. 0., Tor sale by
L 8. WATERMAN 8 80N8,
SO sAd 81 Wat•r, sod d 2 Front Strett.
M OLASSES-200 bble. prime N. 0.; (oat•}
119 hr. " "' " Oar els by
- 17:4 L. & somL .
MOBACCO-103 kegs superior 6 twist,. on
cauoumwoc antt Ike sale or
B UCKETS ec TUBS—SD i do:. Buckets;
Jet u Tuba;
1011.KA few bleb). and's =all lot
lk Meat, tor iule ty.B.
,} 7,TERmmi a
B UT T ER -5 bbls. Pii!3k;
Je2 keg. ' L. S.
TOBACCO -20 kegs ((ledge's) No. 1 Six.
Tarbt, Mar vale by JAMa DALZIUA
let 63 Wear, atel 13 East st.
BLOOMS -200 tons Soft Tenn., for sale by
.1.2 JAI= DALZEtL.
LARD OIL-10 bble. No. 1, for solo_ by
SPERM OIL-18 bble. extra, for sale by
hriIiNNERS' 01L-23 bble. for sale by
CODFISH—t/ tierces for sale by
bbts. N. C., for solo by -
a. .34 ' Inct • McCANDLEBS.
nAMS-3.1.9 S. C. Canvass, for mile by
11 id WICK s IicCANDLES.I.
nIICKETS-140 dos. Beaver, for sale by
yu CHROMATE POTASH-750 lbs. fdr
_LK “le by [l4l J. KIDD t CO.
6111NECA OIL-2 bbls. for sale by
1.7 Ja2 J. E.11011“10.
bj Al . l,--2 bble.
f ig; ulna Bart/ba h lo&:s.ale
A9 '...1 2 0L5-2 bbls. for sale a
lova. i
DE POTASHpz i t ii for olds b&o.
PLASTER -00 lbs. Canthazides, for tale by
7a1121321100X W.
usual) SZEIS-500 lb& for sale by I
CAPE ALOES-1000 lbo. for sale by
f~T• n.rana-Errocr a co.
AMWAY SEED-400 lbs. for sale by
B. A. ►AB.:MOCK a CO.
MORPLUA-50 oz. for sale by
CHLORATE POTASEI—.SO lbs. for sale
CODFISH -10 drums for sale by
j. 2 .7.13. DILWORTH k CO.
CORN -500 bo. for sale by
jet • I. S. LWORTH I CO.
BARRELS -200 new Flour. for sale by
k 2 J. S. DILWORTH t CO.
?"-kV, Bi t tth S'
for br ties] R.Pkru.Vsr.rit'afeo.'4°
SAFETY FUSE-25 bbLs. to arrive, for sale
by fiat J. S. DILWORTH & CO.
REFINED SUGARS-106 bbla. Clarified,
Powdand, and Crushod, ibr tale by
GOLDEN SYRUP—In hL bbls.aad 10 gaL
kegs, tem the St. Louis Itegnerk; for sale by
111ICE-20 tierces Carolina, for sale b
HEMP —l3 0 blies Mi. D. R., for sale by
LEAD -1400 pigs Galena;
6000 Rn
Bar: far sale b
QHOT-65 kegs ass'd Nos., for sale by
zo bad.. MIS. n. O."Mm for
200 bbla.
leg " JAMES Ms
TANNERS' OIL-50 bbls. just receiving
by canal, and for side by JAMS DALZJELL.
fn. Water st.
Extra Pine Oolong Tea.
IIST RECEIVED, at No. 256 Liberty et.,
110 very superior article of Oolong Tea, which we be
."... cannot be surpassed ho the city. Those desiring
choke. delicate Ilavoned, but bight: aromatic Meek Ta t
are Welted to rive this • trial.
Black Testa of every rarlety, from 35e. to SIBS.
Green -373 f to b i r.
English and trial:11111a Tess, warranted to re entire
satisfaction or no rile, - constantly on hand and We by
, - WAL .6.IIcOLUBO it CO..
leR - Omer. art Tea Dealer.
Boussere Premium Perfumery.
ryLIE Ohio Mechanics' Institute, atits re
cent exhibition the City of Chu:in:tan, awarded to
.Mr inter Soave and Perfumery, the litehest
LI N L s ' Murachneetts Chan tablafecharda ' Aanciatlon,at
Its late exhibition In the City of Boston. awarded MX...
tin, kr Patna and Perfumery, a Surer ]total, !etas lb.
I aw Premium.
The An Institute. at Ito lite exhiUtion In tut Cob
.ofNew 'Fmk.awarded to X. Basin, for Tollet S oap s
Peril:Mem, EU., Media, being the ttlabwit
The Franklin Insittate. at im recent exhibition in Ms
Clty of Plallalelphla, awarded to .X. Basin,
tanner Soap
and Pedro:urns Sneer Medal, being the Finglaist trend.
...ell the shoe* Award, were mule In the moth of Clete.
ter:. leso, and 'the to exhibitions above awned are the
eddy one at which the prednctione of X. Barn have been
presented tbia year.
The nobecriber la to maintahri and, tomb
ble, to enhance tbe reputationdetermined
which his estabibiam lf ent haa
acquired d i cp . r a pe ri od of more than thirteen years. and
respeetfal Data a tOrititrillinee of pubr i tatra.o4ga.
Saco to and former Director of the Laboratory of
Roused, 114 Chertenst stave; Philadelphia
R. E- SELLERS. S. 57 Wood great. bilod stn.:doted
ddabt Roth. aala of BLUNT (lata Roomers) Premium
Yertutoor tba City
I ll th ilt:bnb. boa ocam=tl7 •
:I=tra r illtr a=t7aavor's baice4 s=2. bs
Dissolution Notice.
Ttto c,o-partnerskup heretcfore.exis' th u g
teen the toner the style of Ein
t d Co.. ln the city . of Allegheny. Fn. le nAY.
:f r aaOt h Lialal i n i oir . ;: t mrut, cosuetn—th
Eft_ gel ' d k .m.
S. At.xm ) IL 119 . A.IX.
. . . .
. . ,
Allagheur Dtay DO, 'll J. Y. BCDYIT.
Tb. undersigned hare firmed a paremerehlp. and will
heseafler =name the basinees of the Saltergriee Faure
drr under the 1121014 of Hingsland Moral:we.
C. filliG181411l).
. . .
In withdrawing from the arm of Eingsland.Etoott 00..
the land...4mA would respectfully command the snaces
sors of the late arm to the tadonsuage of the public, and
mafw them the continuance of their favors
y glott JIVO: P. &corr.
Bread. Pastry, Care. tc3 making the beat of
with the addition of colt eater only. This Floor
will be !band tho newt Cnanaleat and eleven that eon
be wed for bowel:aid purposes. taring /Smartt. in but
ter and e and making the most super r Bread, I.lot
pastry,gs. gates, &a_ with a great Mint of
and trouble. The above Le put up in convenient cited
m=re i of 3 and 010.. s ral 111 . 11 m iti c rni l oas fDr am To
01120 Grocers and TA
IMRE .BRICKL-20,000 beet fire, in store
wad km sale br JAMES DAEZELL,
r 3751 No. GS, Raba at.
SAL SODA-350 casks Sal Soda of our
ans make, am sale as reductal
131201 13 T a Co.
aty3l Vicar street.
KLEI3ER has just received a choice lot
e 7 4,!cttigal i gira c r= . Z i gigiti
1 ork City. Mr. C. has moth improved rpl aria
nvenUon,and it is now general. ly coteeded that he make.
the beet in the coontra, both for elegance of
°thfinishfinis.andare- fiances and bessty of tone and tooth. Anions
One 6 octave Melodeon, scro ll feet, rosewood;
One 4h "
Mo. lal flied stile; r f lb. 00Mien
niy3o tot. agener nor the &bore Instrument.
YE FLOUR-8 bbla. for solo 13 - ;
ray..lo IL DAL7.ELL A CO. laberty
CHEESE ---50 boxes good W. R., for gale by
moo B. D.A.L.4 ELL k CO.
4 b aresom, •
a . c.
1 . 1;1.." "d.
2 b. g . 24 1' 2 ' AMA "' .
4.Mve gra
• Mafia anl DICKEY
ALT PETRE-20 bags (Crude)
a - d
1 7 . ) , T r N or sale . by
my3o '
SALT RETILE2O kegs (refined) for sale
by k F.
WS Se -1.30 N..
1177,10 • 147 lira. sad cond st.
k3 MS.-6dd. Geld sad Velvet, Soquet,Tepestry ead
Ornamental French Paper. of venous qualities, mut at
pricer to tea the OVICIIISLIMICe• of aluteet every dams of
assortment. !nandlns •nry Ural wad daseriptlon, at
Pd' iririfirn i nilliElt.. - 55 ass ket sr. -
PAPER, oPhabarf my own manufacture,
V for Parlon.
brty:N] 'MO. PAJAMA, 66 31.44 sc.
LAS DAT:ZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Com
o mini= sad Vorwardlnic nerd.; sad dulsrin Ina.
rak far ..I.b7&c&H — FE, ATILVIESON & OESLY. •
PRY MORRIS' TEA!—Morrie' Tea Mart
42 la the Dllopood, &mad Door from Dlaalaad alley.
hi Mind/ Ma establishment 1s In as warcameetad
421212 the star. lazoly wend mat dooy by Davi:dab
• wrP
COFFEE -100 bags prime Green and Fan-
Kt°, a. DAMMAM
.YZ) HO Wool st.
REEF, &c.—
104X1 lb " ., rim. cured Beet. •
' 600
IDY2) "4" E rma sal.
POPLINS POPLIIIB:—Just received this
day, pn esphtte-22 plow besallful aluktd aCcolor.
which to vlll aell 9.i lea cent lam' than
theyre gird. Men add in thd dty.
61YZ , . A. A:MASON k 00.
VINE Si] AWLS.—Vib "athild solicit the at of parshaxere to ear werr extensive ameara
meet ot =aim Alain =I embroklate Crape !Shawls and
=ea !der Csabisiesh, 'Rad sad Cu t Bkadr. ell of the
I.llog ood meet desirable styles. vb.= we arweelllag
tbe =tem= pram . A. A. MASON CO..
62 and 61 Market et...
fiRIMP,ED TAILLETONS—We _hese this
IL) ass ises .23 tartans of those Trades/re-Us Crhdr.dt
Tarktou Trimming,: assorted odor* which srllLbe sad
Ivry <beep atrstali or lrr the *C4 aid 2 and ea Maks% rt.
DRESS:O OODSL-we have 'jut re•
retro!! another • lendld =annual of black. brown.
alt. and =de andllsenes. Mao. /ndlaand
", which'. ass caledni as ae low price.
tor 29 la. A. ~ O N W es
In the new town of Latrobe.' Waltz:Loral:lnd
County, Pa. -
Ths Logathonna Depot of Pass Pan!is Berardi/.
IIHE new town of LATROBE in beautifully
situated on en elevated led Wain: cm the had of
loyalbwma. Raw; when the lernstrylvadadtallroad
mad that
fee stream by handsome atone arida* of three
Ode 42. t web. lt 40 mid east of Pitteburnh,
of Ormosburp, 11 won of Ueda, 12 mad of did
J north of )ounmtown. wewp.uf
.- Tito iblelelelecteeio soile.a out opereed A ttl * C
len.cary- with th em e
the town, early in Tortmlner
to eonde with the southern lurepike. The Mad
gen every train will clop to take • mad at the... and
extends RAU. stOAD UUTELIot ,Wty,lsa li oj mew .
be er lon
ected Mondi — lily. The lota now offes kw deter
loam aro 80 fort moat ea streets IM Isret Wale. Lad resi hank
ICD beet to a 2.1 feet Wen they will nide taped hem nao
na to their poeition. due of the leas
to7reWe front the Relieved Depot. whkh b
the maw of tfur town plot.
and odasse pr
whkh Wen are aswral G
old situated Wong the
bank wingder. will be mid ou favorable terms to perr
sems to build. The dodo of thjs ve t o., n.
ch. amenry round the town is very aver
remand. and It will no doubt he. ass
Of God don
front- the dd. w it Is In the add of the dud
and hunUng rations In Ude part of Wm Riad 10 t =
oder telmWnputof sp stab, themselves at Ms paid l ' br - 'l,ll
men, mardwurrers, and towhead, to ode wel nettlet
they can and immadlaw Weida eneloywean,
col . e a t i toz=the Ito and all the made
thesugb the Leyland gap to. d %npij :
aged rondo( doodle. from AlesanderJohnstan.
Nom; as wOlaho that of the dub border, of -
ti,_,,n,,,,,,qt14.111."`'''=1'7 " We
Oh .
tiltatl:ekit.u, too and heaway.o
ts ithln dd. of The re t . A TIT,
yard Moo Id garden, will fund a dn. number . of em
porter toick during the ectrild season. The me le
Th es e deep
and well dented to cultivation. add; am
terms of de of lour ill be made known on applid
Pon. to person or by lettw. to the subdiber, as hinged
to younotown, or at We dm In LAT/WRY...where &plan
of the lota =whet wen. OLIVER, W.
N.B. • yobbo de of 40 tot/will takeylsee
on the 10th of Juno. at nod. Tad Made armi L :aM .
Clear unlimumbend titles will-be otren
news. • Melt
Nan snum CANDLES
Jadde,,,tegtpoialud -
Et' WU: A. /attire;
me 27 ; Liberrist
M ARPEl Wirifo A Statittir? og, iigml ;tz* 'IP
xosito uss Pot s
Rittilbuzgh life kora= Cu 1 1 41 1.7.
rk.M A :7- 4 7 "`"1=
Liam '
da m ~
r wea next
Ar s e, 4851. &NM
Pia BiownsTille And Ctunlitadand, to Winona •
• and Philadelphia. - • • I
LeITE MORNING BOAT leaves tlia Wharf
x wit . h the ear. at Cutabertsad midge daily. at o'ne x loc t k toedisar. aie' •
The Manias Boat leaves daily (catert aanday sreanlyot)
t awock..ooseabs, with M. an at Nabarlaael next
evartioa at 10 o'elcak. .
Tiro* through to Bantams.= boors: 'Pare mit
Time tanoagh to Philadelphlsa 40 boars. Wan aaly VA •
The Natio:Dal &ad is now ood. Ceatiartces go .eith
the cant. betweensand Ctuaberlaral. tablet
ciao. this deekledly the beet route 70t.t.
Ofilee in tha Yearroyabela Lima
•," 28 :pi::'a t A.. :41T.1. a
11 1 XPRESS Packet and itailroad :Line for
17.:1.k.., Croat Bearer
to ILavatma. am Use roleadid new Pa.xtiger Ova at lb,
Centauri .4 Pittsburgh Ilailstad Co. to 9nralsod.
PACKt TS. .7
afeYnowei=7... Immo.
glitamers hare their =au opporlto . "1 FlottonsabOa
Ilonoe. a& 9 o'clock. A. )1.. conoecUng • • ith the rackare La s t
Beaver. which vrill leave
on Uwe:rival or the
stoma. waiving at Barnum in thne for thallepress trek%
(Bre Oar Cleveland. , Pereagans by We lino arohe at
I. time to lake the liallnied LW of liteanteta
tor BUFFALO and DIMWIT. and the ateacters for Mier
Kw )lilerankfa. Toledo. Sandusky Qtr,'Bruakirk and lariat
alto Ibi evening trAln_g_eus 10.1. ( OLUDltak=4" .
• alnelikastl. cLABFLG. PAWL) A W.,
nor..mus. Pa.
Otlaundre 81. Ckarks L10t.4
Mks under Illorecidabels nous%
. coiner ut Smllltdskl and Water
Us_ Ls_
. .
litgiaa 1851. ' . , iiai n g
• UNION - LINE , .. •
On the Peonsyliania and Ohio canal,.
PROP2I/.20113: . . ....-.- •, ~
EL gr%r4lN ilLtW C 2Cilltia — CuMnsto, St . i•
TH43 Weil. known Line is n i zAtared to
. .2c t, i y
=on the C•nal nitl F. 21 31 . 1
The Butilitice at the Lim an nasurpareed tia numberiqual
ily, Sad capacity of Boats, ettomicooe of Capntins, sad
Alnm Oowy
o W t
M A . m lea ts e .
ind Clgralesid n .
atrnnion PIM• Ln ag of stmnbbO d een/
IMBUII nod BEAVER, and • Limo of strs; was Mamba/MI
(ampallsr and vessels) on Um *km.
• ' CONSMNISS: -- • '
Parke t Cin.Youngetenng, 0.; ' t
M. B. Taylor, Warrat 0, .
A.. t. N. izt., Norton net. 04 I
° C. Prenttr%trenna.. 0.; g
Brayton it Kum* 04
Moat, °Miguel t (tt. trsittlin,_..o-; 17
If. A. Miler, Craboo Ml* 04 '
Wheeler. Lee 8 Won. 04 - , i .
Ilantermon 0 Pettibone, Bandusky My, Cl;
- Peckham t heft, Toledo:La.,. -,.• - - i
- G. Williams • Co., writ, tilehigaM _ l
. • Datums. 0 Co.. Migrant* Wis.;--, ' .. .4
Oan A. tlibbs • Co., Chicago, M t ) .. ..
Tlnonas nap Chicago. M.
Oux a- tumult. 05.1. - r . •
•pl ear. Water and lionittitski stm Pistsbartis.
Brandies, Arum'. 40.
- - -
AVING - completed. atrangemente
n0w..1l m Bordeaux and other Europe= ado, to ,
eueotia. of :ay order% I ton Shoe anablnd tooter na'
Dealemy.l. mall Masan, ova Inagoofatlanpost,
DIES, WLIEJS. and 111/VOllBB, of the dont dao,ctipelon;
from under custom kosse took, (fderlrat •
Atlanta= la Invited to nor tlat. ta below:
110 packages Cornea Boolean., sad Ranballsßratallan. ti l
la. ww viten pal• aoadd•it.'
75 hPao and r ntar a aW.lndel. and Worn Moping
and taa
11 cfn ratan Roans, nt r cradia •
1Z Part. Wlnaa, part old and marin. I
POO bastats Bparkllint Chatnragna, nall ant.. brand&
600 bat. Claret Wined, various branda and vintages;
100 cues Ilantenso and Parntetapet 1510 7 , 7. 1
445 calla &anon. and Claret Winn
16 yips Old liolland and dohoydarnOln:
,10 pantheons Old Scotch and Utah Plilakar,
4 superior Old Jamaica Urn
mks ropnior London Prawn Stoat andfacoteh ,
With a mutant manly of Imported ladoon, anoh sr
‘I ' II4I:L.. A . lama Stool of Ifdl' C'''.4 4NA SEl2 4" .ll4 "u S tth'. al=n
All ableh I 0111 offer on v.ry, favorable term.
Orders will be ...tad arlp andatodsahlyped
at lamest rates. • A. 11. - IeCALLa
Importoi and Thalar.llo Walnut serest, 1
anlftlavr4mlan) Philadelphia.
COFFEE—&S bags Rio, for eider •
LI Lulus , 47:a1-320 schale.and half bbla
warrantel fast oulity. now le KU. itadlfra oultbr
Tn• - 29:wm ROURTfON k RXPPERT. •
WINDOW 0L.A.5.2000 boxes for ealeby
LARD OIL-20 bble. No. 1, fox sale low to
dove oansignamat, at tlasetar. of - • .
my'Zl • 'mew Wend on? Slab EL
jot ACON HOG ROUND-8000 Ibp. Bacon
Jur, Rides, end Eterrradsn, tor red try
RIED BEEF-3000 lbs: for sale by
suza L s. g mituraa.
SUGAR—GO Mids. N. 0., for sale, by
myZ & t W.HLRBAIgaIt
COFFEE -10 bags for sales by
myZ "
130TATOES-0:09 bit. - prime Red, for inlet
m bj n T. WOODS A SON.
61 Watt, at..
sox k Co. ayanow opining a.largelat of ballast
sty Swing Balms, at t*f. casks yartl—Thrasetaxko
NEW 18001E81—A large supply of Dle!
tra Crooke ()et lad Latta Wczka
8.114 Pazolly ItablaKat, or the Athardarea of • Tatum
nal Maher sad four Sass, on a de on 2"1,
. .
'Just reed =Ito? gale . , L I.I6PEINB,
=7= • Ti AW.I. En glints. fourth O.
(IASTILE• SOAP . 50boxes for sole by
UM VITRIOL-2000 lbs. for sale by
xerr9s a. e. YAILVESTOCK 00.
Aat s BRICK—I B OO A O .. fin r glis=4l o : .
riIIRONE YELLOW-40 man Baltimore;
tar. ale try .
• ist72l . A. A. TAFECF—RI:OCk A
r *..01 cal sor e
:N., t._e.
A LIIM-50 bblg. for gala by .
- • a: A,..FAinunims & co.
lINSEED bble. for Ws by
1 . 4 • ROBISON. LIME I CO. ' :
B ACON -43,900 Ib3. Shoulder !; lSCO Harm Sor Pa lly.
mrzi - SOninoN,LITILk. k 00.
TiRIED BEEF—MIO lbs. for sale by
m7:8BOBISON: laTita a CO:
or:L:fs sf:m , ;ml;lrm~vAri 1
D RIED FAIIPX--4541b0. - Pelltheg
A lin de
3 S h air. 4
am= - 1103130 . a 1.31
MANNERS' OIL-20'bbla. for sale by
32,12 LITITZ & 01
AILS -400 kegs safe by
ROOMS-250 dos. commorito best;
m sts g°
coFFEE-1.50 top Rio;
awn 21) so ° a arTISUCO.
IG ,IRON-240 tons Ben'a creek;
" ' Week Mm
ts Eta eel br
mr2S_ =Liberty et.
50 bwarkwrilms New Clweew
100 bble. 41 Baltl u eoarwHerlinz
10 berms fresh Mon '
5000 lbe
SEALED PROPOSALS will bet*eiredla
Manton; and PAO Knob P Road," treat &An:delft
rt te) MUSE to rho Ina limmateinamd PILO Snob.
f l
Prop:eels •111 other (wovt . tt. raa
end materlaLl to couplets mai or separately, ae.
adown (IL) lbr k/ Alm delivered co lime
of read at. conrodent dynamos (3 , 4f0r Winn pleakead
topidng rod: (MP.) or plank. deMerred.,l , leld
reed. Pondlerftbblar, PS _l3O fOr aledlettlen
Inclatlint illsbbbig and Owing and calretWa under *
t'L =g;ot sel/s
le mann, ma et anal) or tangle, Ill*. le Ur et the
toed to be completed b 31 ., t Mb( Denmeleminta. smith*
balance br tha lel of ber.1833., or sealant semen
a. the conowtm may It Is to plank tba
rend amoarally with whiteoak, of • Is am
dance on t/se route. The ditillsot rota
of,the soasuser balldlngmill be Mid yPo re. ,, ”.eeenn
en and atter th e 3d deice Jane neat. either at Ma Goo.
Reame tbe Ol d en ot James P.Kirlorted,Bastneerof Pee
Nelda . St. loale,llo. ••• " - i
snyldraddl.lelo • • itclaW,„ Rodent
AgriCant* IMPlenon4
HAVE JUST received from the Eard the
o th ,A= terarckenth vu ti.. bes lerevartun
tarso.e. di and "" """'"
lai4las rains; for scan, MOS. ire..., tssalp, as. ,
= o .,arl e g=hcat, nrs, wds, s+st ip
Cosa Shel Tor bone sad turd mak.
Sam. and Oan Stalk Coalaraossa:
C . .x . Vlr I sar lar eutur Cesi n i: Maas.
Caststool Orals and Orrus altars, us am_
Cuutold taro, thno apus moss tat.
all sassolseturoS IV. the bud =tests* sad Ra
th• Drua aood sum -
tsm s. WlCEltata34
Corms af Wood and Binh Wads.'
, eB3 e -
111/4&:te.umid th o ' (aZAZuPenog
)-tonal . IllUto a 4 2= 1
Wad rt. .
TINSEED 011,400 gallonalorsale by
4 .o=4 J.KtDDt 00,10Wooi st.
QIIND.RIES— '..- .
... J
- rbut,==.- : ~..
60 bans/s pinto lieshatccts: ',
, -
itl b .ar" "
ell'' ll l' lTagr
Family Zonz, 1
, 103 " Inas Wu, I
1 " ;
100 11* . !Zit cora. -
Osta in mai es =0 ,:
s x 17000% .--i
Tun .
, .
FItEESH, TOMATOES, hermetically sealed;
P 1 4 171 %he nrrOr and !Midwest of tiup
IV* kr y 1 , 1 id. A. wtit.inut
DRIED ' BEEF.—B,&S Suites Sage*
Cased Bed taanaid.lbi
32 7 2 !
way. item a ,
Zig Libwr!7