The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, April 25, 1851, Image 3

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TILE nen AT THE rcvr Faeroar - . - -We ye
pleased to acorn frum Kennedy. Child'
a Co., proprietors of the:Penn Cotton Factory.
'that their lose ie even lees then we had at tired
supposed, and that the damage . . done is
that the operation .4 the machinery not
be Inns: . pettded, but ILr work will be continued am
No demand will Ls. made upon the underwri
te?; so unimportant is the Injtiry sustained.
We understand that a new and improved sys
tem for the use of hoer 'throughout the entire
'factory Itna meently been "adopted, and the in
ternal ITT3tigetnaitS Ga . the suppression of a fire,
ere considered so complete as to obviate all dan
ger. On being used for the first time on 'tired
ness:fermenting, a section of the hose, owing to
Kline imperfection in immonstruction, burst, nod
hid not this unfortuntte occurrence happened,
the aid of the firemen who labored so gallantly,
Would not have been required at all.
'. Jesse Idan.—Our readers will recollect that
thelicket, for the Concert of Jenny Liud will be
sad at atictinn at the Maionie Hall at ten o'-
'Obeli thin morning. All the requisite preparn
rich; aa far an the Hall io concerned, have been
made, blowy have uirestly given the details coo
•neeted with the pli.o of seats end mom, so far
'• they would prove interesting to our citizens
anst highly respectable meeting of ladles, was
-bad at the Lecture Room of the First Presby
terian Church, on Tuesday, at 3 o'clock P.'M.,
— .Sridab was opened with pitycr by Mr. Lorenz.
The plan of the Hospital was then exhibited,
lied a, onsaber of ladies engaged to famish rooms,
While others eut.scribed money or furniture to a
considerable amount.
The Society one then organized by the name
of the Ladies' Helping Hand Society. The 'fol
lowing persons were elected officers :
Mrs. 3L4,11.1i ROBINSON, Prelident.
Mrs. N. W..CALPDELL,Secret4ry.
Ifni MARY BRUNOT, TreAStlrei.
Mri - Edward3, Mrs. Wm. Howard,
Mrs.. Aidrew Leech, Mrs. Dale,
Mrs. Lorenz, Mrs. Lorimer,
Mrs. McCracken, Mrs. McClure,
Mrs. Sellers, Mrs. W. Hays,
Mrs. Howe, Mrs. Roberts,
Mrs Palmer, Mrs. Breading,
Mrs. Hussey, Mrs. Grant,
.Mrs. S. Bailey, Mrs. Breed.
Miss Morgan, Miss Hepburn,
Miss Laughlin.
V; tinier to follow up the spirited feeling of the
. sawing, and to perform all that ' he emergency
;7 7 — "iif the ease requires, the ;3lanagers have been
ippointid committees to obtain subscriptions it
money or goods.
....Communications from persons.desirons to aid
the Society, may by addressed to any of them;
Articles for the Hospital, may be left at BrClia
14)eles Carpet Warehouse, Fourth street, or at the
:sesidence of Mrs. Felix, Brnnot, Allegheny.
By order of the Board,
Thursday, April 24.
Present—Hen. William B. McClure, President
Judge, and Wm. Boggs, Associate Judge.
Commonwealth tw. J. G. Bachofen and J. F
liabeta--Indictment, Libel. alleged to have been
published in a German paper, called the "Pius
!burgh Courier," on William Neeb. The alleged
libel consists in a poetical communication in dog
gerel rhyme, being a parody on • S he Abbot of
St. Gallen," and entitled "Comic Libel suit 1000
years ago."
Counsel for Commonwealth. Messrs. Brady
and Stowe ; for defendant!, Meiars.
Brmstetter, and Kerr..
Dlr. Stowe opened the case to thejary, and read
a tririshition of the alleged libel.'
Victor Seribs'swor*—l have been in the habit
of reading the Pittsburgh Courier The Cowier
is published by .Ir. Ilachofeti. (The witness was
here shovii the paper containing the alleged
hare seen this article before, and made
*translation of it, which is that laid he the in-
Aletment. When I read the article, I considered
it to apply to Mr. Neeb.
Cream lisamined—No person isi named in the
Wrtisle, The initials of N. 'AL, would stand for
tiro win*, meaning "nobody" in Faglish. Judg
tlutt tlia article referred to 3111 Neeb, simply
bu:seconnt of its referring to aaother article,
Mr.-Backofen s paper. Mr. Neeb
— .lraepublisher of the 'Freedom's Friend' aLoot six
reozatut before the libel appeared.
' Hartmeyer sworn—l read be article on
"'the day on which it wee published. eormidered it
referred to Neeb.
.. - Crcese Fr—airied--Considered It referred to
William Neel, .beca.a it alluded to nu netiele
formerly Imtliehed in the .Courie . .." In relation
to IMO.
J. C. &band swore—. Rend thel L ankle when
it wan published, nod considered it referred to
Several utiles witne.gws were
proved that they believed the mea l
Wm: Nab s:Tora—Resided abou,
Beaton. Mr. Rackofes i proprieto'
es of the 'Pittsburgh Courier.
Cross Examined—Was engaged
: publishing s paper. Was raised t.
Emunination resumed-Made be
"peeking the former libel about tks
published, which was previous to th
the present libel.
• Cross Examined—lves publishin i
dom's Friend;" when this publican
• , Staunton opened for the d
ettergetic and eloquent speech.
; Mueller sworn—The witnm
'tiro n,j7etbers of the Freedom's Frie"
la the c ity7s;f Allegheny. Mr. Ne
Abe the publis*r of these papers.
, The object of these pope
was to show that i';' , Y„ '7,,ut°••l''' a
Sahebs, one of the dei." 4.l,
to q
:dad effusion In the Cou. - MT wa'
Theirreeeption vas object 4 to
end * long discussion ensued bv'w_e;
24, which was terminated by the r.
that the evidence was insamismble:
Examination of Mr. Mueller resumed-. - I am
editor of a•paper. Am well skilled in the ser -
Mae language. Have been engsgedias Protease:"
Washington College, in teaching! the German
language together with other langnages;have read 1
the article concerning which the prosecution has
,been instituted.
Ile translated the alleged libel, showing some
.difference in • the meaning, between the transla
tion offered by the Commonwealth and the true
Mr. Caton also testified to some discrepancies
in the translation es laid in the indictment, after
which the Cobrt adjourned for its Midday recess.
!mother witness was offered to prove to prove
the translation alluded to in the morning incor
rect. •
The ease here closed, when Mr. Stowe address
•ed the Jeri for the Commonwealth in a speech
considerable length, and was followed by Mr.
Mmstetter for the defence, who contended that the
'errors which had been proved to hive been made
in the translation, were fatal to the indictment.
• 31. r. Staunton succeeded on the same side, urging
uspon the Court the same point, after which he
-addressed the jury in a speech of gp.neat ingenui
ty and ability. Mr. Brady concluded, in an im
preseive manner,
for the Commonwealth, upon
which the Judge delivered Ida charie, which was
strongly in favor of the defendant!, and the ju
ry retired at a quarter to L o'clock.
Commonwealth we. Daniel E. Mitchell, indict
ment assault and battery. Mr. Eusegin stated
to the July that this was a case w hich had been
bid over Since the Inst term, as he prosecute?
bad not made his appearance at that time to
presecute as he ought to have done. The Com
monwealth atpresent had no evidence to lay be-
Ire the jury on the subject, and the case was
invinSht forward merely to obtain a verdict of
acquittal for the Alefendsnt, and an ordertor the
proseintor to pay the costs, which in he
was bound to do. The jury returned a verdict
stmordiagly, and the Court adjourned until to
morrow morning at nine o'clock, the Jury in the
Ebel case not having returned any verdict.
------- •
Ur UltrlLAits.—Tbe Templarml, a body organ
hail OXI Papperance principles, paraded yester
da. -Addrwses were delivered te euemja ww.
kin* Han
Taz :P.MIITIFMATIY.—We understand, that the
illinther Of convicts, ie the - renitenliary, hes been
beamed of late, notwithstanding that several
naiebscurotamitted to its cella during the present
Iron of the Criminal rOurt. Thin is owing to
fact that the greater portion a the dinner-
Ste take (lace during the spring and summer
GRaia's This f,ne panorama con
winxiei to attract Crowded houses at the Attie
' z*lxtri, oad abould be sera by all our eitizerus
The iseautifal scenery of that most beautiful of
. 1111cansiaioarr ricers, the IfruLson, is admirably
the merles in Virginia; too, ITR
— skate Well worthy of a visit.
Ptueian InCIDERT.—When the precession of
Sie of Temperance, on Wednesday march
- cited past 'the liecoul \Vitra school ' house, on
Rata street, they found the scholars of that
school, male and female,. marshalled by their
!teachers, &sem up Ina hue, Ita t e '
numbei of
Awe 'hundted and fay. The little things pre
"seated Lige number of boquits,',and. wreathes
et* she gentlemen is thelrocesebn,!ieed.gre,ed
t~y~y pith - 100116 they pawed p
'Tun IkeriTlC STATE --Jhe Steamer Buckeye
State arrived last night at .hotit S o'clock, bay
ing mode the trip from Cincinnati to' Pittsburgh
In about 4 hours. It will be seen by the fol
lowing memorandum that the Buckeye attended
to all her way business, therefore we infer that
this won not designed no a brag trip, no she
could, under different circumstances bate made
the run inlless time.
Afrotorandum of Curl eye Stair .
Left ChOnnati at 10 o'clock 40 minutes: Pass
ed Messenger No. 2 below Lade Miami: Fort
Pitt at Chits:. Saranac at Logan's Gap: De Witt
Clinton at Big Sandy: Jefferson at Dog Hair Bar;
Columbian at Little Goyau: Lake Erie at Letart:
Julia .Dana at Buck Hill Bottom: Diurnal at
WiWs Bar; -
Landin.4 l s—Partsmouth, Gallipolis, Point Pleas
ant, Marietta, Wheeling, Steubenville, and Bess,
Landrng i r fur Aid—Brush Creek, Coe'port
Oratatm'eltitstion, and thy I:lustre:l.
Before the lion. llopevreil Hepburn
In the use of Benjamin Counin no Morris Ito
beets, uted yesterday, the jury returned a
verdict of ;17 . 5 Jul fur the plaintiff.
Williatn!Arthurs V. 2. the township of Pitt, No
12 5 , Noveinher, 1840. A jury was called, but
afterword4 discharged, awl the case. put at the
foot of the list.
Boyle Irwin vs. T. Robinson 3: Co., No. 1117,
Jan., 184,, List No. 26. McCandless for plum
tiff, McConnel for defendant. Verdict for plain
tiff, $179147. ,
Bevanodd Co vs. Oliver Ormsby. Gregg,
No. 102, November 1847, list No. 300. Mc-
Candless for plaintlffs,..C. 0. Loomis for defen
dant_ Vei . dlct for plantiffs, $730 38.
James T. and Audn 1.. McClure, VA Wm. and
Holliday IMcClure, No. 317, November term,
1648, list No. 312. Wills for pluiatiffs, 111cCan
less for defendants. Action of ejectment. No
Hosrun OCCUEILENCE.—We learn from a gen
tleman who has just returned from Butler Coun
ty, that al dreadful occurrence took place on
Tuesday Wight, within fire miles of Freeport,
near Sarrer's Mill.
Two brethers, twins, named des. and Wm.
Duff, were seen together in that ricinity,drunk.
James stnpped at a house a short distance from
there, on Faaraday night, and before daylight in
the morning rose up and complained of his broth
er's absence.
On search being made, be was the first to find
his brother William dead, with his bowels cut
The brother has been arrested, and is now In
Tim PlictseLVANIA AND Otuoilmuto.u.).—The
Steamer 'Washington, which arrived yestenlay
from Lei:aryllle, discharged three hundred hero
. of rail road iron, at Beaver, for the Penniylva
nin and Ohio
_Railroad Company.
Esoses or ROBEZILS.—We regret to say that
no clue his as yet been found to lead to the de
tection off the scoundrels who stole two thousand
dollars in gold on Wednesday from some West
ern emigrants on the Steamer Genesee. Sever
al persons were arrested, bat all were discharg
ed, there; not being sufficient evidence to justify
their conrittraent
Operatums have been commenced in tearing
down the ;old buildings in Allegheny city, on the
site of which the depot of the Ohio and Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company is to be located, and
they will iltinbtless all be levelled to the ground.
• CLILLTINTS9 or POLICZ Orricsas—Mr. T.
Magraw,i.F.sq., in moving on Wednesday, for the
discharge of two of his clients, named Washing
ton Bignoll and 'Francis Wilson, against whom
not a shadow of evidence had been offered com
mented With some severity on the culpable care
lessness of pollees officers, who frequently bad
innocent men committed to prison on the most
groundlcis and - absurd suspicions.
, The twee to which he alluded to was certainly
o hard one, no-attempt being made to connect
his diem" with the larceny in question, and yet
they hod; been imprisoned on this charge for
some nine. The utmost caution should he
served hrore man is amplified to prism,
since thu , whether innocent or guilty his char
acter is ltss or more injured and his family din
BErrtO.—We aro pleased to learn that Edmil
Bradericl, young lad wbo was dreadfully
injured or Wednesday afternoon, b 7 being thrown
out of a wagon in the Fifth Ward, is somewhat
bettor, and that hopes of his recovery are tinter
taMel. Fi r is still, however, in a very dangerocs
Accintsr.—The Ente.rprize,, states that yes
terday Morning, n 7ittte child of Me. Steele'.
about sixteen or eighteen months oh), wan very
badly scalded. Ite mother 1./an washing, and
having . oetasion to leave the room, left it tuh of
hot water; on n chair, which the child threw over.
scalding itself no severely that it, life is ace:
paired ofi.
13 APE HANOI NG S--Quake r Ftqh!s, u
r.G . 4 dkr sole by W. P MARBIrteLL.
- bb NVood 0.
4 1 1 EST CENTRE'S, Gold and fe - I , et,
I. on 111 Paper. far .1r N ,
W. P. IL&RSII&Li.. Wnol
ew Goods Now Arriving.
MU ir R 2 . ABURLTF ., lE ,rr .l ry ll w ai:e
iovite the adis of their regn r.B.nrs.
baser, nalY.
airop, tali 113011.1. 1111NNET8 end BONNET HIP
Opened On dedray, new gibe; 3l.reiruark
&Do, s u p e r oply /e,Y.P•e lord.
ilou.x.sping cloud, anr-hne Table Dupers. Table Cletb,
Lin.a .d Pllloin 10.401 n., ND.. Cerredo..Torpin, Nap
lane, (halt* end Counterpenen,ittrulture WB.dow
"l andll=rdir r . 'l lll
MASON A CO. have
Holdnettk Pate. Epot.rd
money do., Bidet Lee., Demi
Null, for only by
'IOU pucks Cheever'Q,
called, trdo
,le referred to
four years in
sad publish
in Unit°. L.l
the printing i
time It Wita
e publication
g the "Fie
on recurred.
efence in 21
was shown
ci; published
lb appear, to
I - in evidence,
Ihhel on Mr.
hich the po-
I reply
Mr. Deady,
a the cana
-1 urt deciding
„., __ A= places Jorossets,
HI din.
iciWnArill.t.,;.i. Lyirmt,l'isdnsnoleo Mull Muth, Book do.,
whii,Tbot tiwb., 11.1.0 lidlas, Lawn do. .014
- --- --------- - -
.TE T R DECORATIONS, of the richest
-n " 414 '''''' need
' N ' ililmmEit a }L.Z.,... '
SOAP 30 boxes Rowlens Br. Co.'s improved
eatze i pteern Olive Loa k f l o u eME .
Iple I No. 116 Water meet.
DRIED APPLES-75 be. for sule_hy
m ilt , ' 11l Wein Moot
I New Music:
A FRE SH supply of the ALPINE GLer. SING .
caratramulets selection of secular wird modal Music,
WT. four vocal parte. with . fall course of eoW
es Or the caltivatice of this vale, and for Improve
moot to alaskal notetica L try Wt. B. linielbarP .
Also, Pao Illetootar. a cor Ato ti o . L.m . .. M az ...
''''f weal
fi . 'refitr' r U• wit f.6 h a werill r!electia: of ..n and fashionable
- Swim Waltzes, Pollnl i yttaiwisAf f g= .
s o ld 1 Elga ß of the Golden Nary.
811 `IA crocks and jars, for sale by
CLOTHES PINS-31 boxes for gale by
•Dla 3.D.V1LL1.8315 CO.
Dilk-8 kelpre
Po for
B. . FAU d.
Nay You, April 24.
The steamship Ohio, Capt. Schenck, arrived
from Chagres, via New Orleans and Havana, at
o'clock thin morning. She brings 200 passen•
gers; $OOO,OOO iu gold third, and $20,000 to spe
cie as freight.
The Ohio crooned the bar at the Dalin., at half
past four•o•rlock. on the 16th„ and arrived at
Havana, an the 10th. • She sailed again on the
next day.
Lieut. Hunter, U. S. N., came passenger on
the Ohio from Havana,
The steam hip Oeergis for Clitzres, left
Yll2ll an the same day with the tibia.
(treat excitement and much consternation,
prevailed at Havana, in consequence of the cur
rent rumors of another invasion of the inland of
Cuba. So confidently was such an event antici
pated, that during the week before the Ohio
sailed; the troops were ordered to ',lent) on their
arms, and to be ready for action nt a moment's
The House resumed to-doy the ballotiogs for
U. States Senator. Two ballots were had, at both
of which Sumner lacked only one of being elect
ed. 3luch excitement prevails, end the bulloting
still continues:
BOWTON, April,l4, A. NI,
The Rouse adjourned yesterdayinliout effect
ing a choice, until this morning, rhea the hnl
lotipg will be the first thing in order. on the
hut ballot yesterday, Sumner lucked four rote,
of an election.
A most depraved and organized gang of men,
numbering from thirty to forty, have been ar
rested in Jackson County. Their sole occupa
tion was destroying the property on the Central
Railroad by placing obstructions on the track.
counterfeiting, horse stealing, bruglary, sad rob
bery. Among the prisoners arrested are three
justices of the peace, live physicians, two judg
es, and fourconstables The depot lately burn
ed at this pbsce,'is said to have been fired by
one of this gang.
Sumner, the Free Soil candidate for 13. S. Sen.
Moe. wee elected to day, on the twenty-seventh
Four—The market is quiet at $.1,50 bbl, at
which there aro more sellers than buyers. Sales
for city consumption are limited, at $4,50l :"Fs.
for common and extra brands.
Grain—The demand for wheat is less active.
Sales 1000 bushels PerinaryeatTOo ? bu. Corn
is in limited demand. A cargo of yellow sold at
(i 0 ? bu.
Whiskey—ls in good deinand, with sales in
bbls at 24c la gal.
..and State unchanged, and the
demand limited.
Grain—Corn is,selling at a decline.
Provisions—Pork is inn, and a fair business
is doing at $15,12 •for new mess, and $l4 for
old. New prime is selling at $l3; old do at
sll,7spl•bbL Lard is quiet, at Bt®9c V lb.
Whiskey—ls steady at 240 V gallon, for prime.
New Yoga, April
Cotton—The market is uneettled, with Wee of
800 balm
Flour—ls unchanged, though prices are in &-
Tor of buyer. Sales 5000 bbls at $4,44( 4,50
common to straight State, and $4,505 . )4,02 for
Indians and Michigan.
Brain—Corn is active, but prices are easier.
Sales of 95,000 bu at Gei6'.o7c ? bu. Oats and
barley are lower. . .
•Provisions—Port continues inactive, with
prices fnvorioc buyers. cut meatsare active. with
sales 404) tierces at ~?.; or hams, and 7c far shoul.
deco. Sale: of lard at ticF. , ,r; in has, and We in
orcceries—Calhe continues active and eon
siderable is doing at 1:4 for Gaya and Ilitc..lo;‘,
for Rio. Molasers is ,tire, but vrithout change.
tine= are held firmly, bat no ker. - Mut trsu...c•
tiutil have taken place
Whiskey—la in limited _requostes, and prices
are declining.
Mar:sort. April 2.4 e.
Flo. Rah., 3f.0 tbi. ti I,rards.z.t
Rye Figur selling at - .t.t
corn Nieal- tiales at $3 j' Ahl
Gram—Sales red, wheat nt 1 ocpa lu.c, and of
white at 1060r.115e "r? bu White corn to
as t12(3.i14k,. and yellow at 6.4 c.
Clover Semi alesprime at "r.5.F141 ? hoe.
Provtalons--Salta nen' mesa Porl at slq, and
of prime do at $12,50Cr.513.00 a Oa. Rana
,honldera are gelling at 71Cr.ilc, rides at :1(.;
and ham" at tiif tic ? it. Sales of I'.OU bbd"
lard at 9469ic 500 testa at "tit., and 401 i
tierce, at 9Z€l . .9ie rt!
Whiskey—Satre at 210.25 c gall
Groceries are without change.
Flour—ls in good demand, and prices are
toady, ;Sales at ii 40(;,53 tAi 1,0
Whiskey—The market is dull at lif - to gal
lrovisions—Tbere is on active demand for
Lard, with sales of :5100 kega prime 10c and Ws)
Lble nt Sic, 11 Ik. Sales 140 hbds bacon shoul
ders at Gc, with $1 for libda.
PAPER—,ailreanis.bled. ander:ma Wrap
n HIED PEACHES-1:C10 bu. for sale by
1% ANTED. nor the hishont prom'nm imi4 for Ore
women apl2 ostler Martel and TIMTI sis:
NEir ORLDAPii, April 24. iTJL Tice /MD.., cod Day Dimlt A f . olabili Ks A Co.
Cotton—Prices ore declining.
Flour—Sales of Ohio at $4,10e4,15. Information Wanted
Corn-1s doll, with sales at 50e for mixed, iOF the whereabouts of AND'W DOUGH
and 53c for white . , ty TON. Drover, who minim in Trumbull to.. 0. 11.
ose Met even In thin rim '
, n the =I of )Lech. AOT lu -
Prirriaions—tinles of mess Pork at $14.50. rormation /rot lo JOUR CRAMER, Trumbull 7 ,0.. wil l
Sales of ribbed sides at Plc, and of clear do at OisskrsH rviTirivl.
9e; sales of shoulders ni Sic V lb. Sales of QH. MOLASSES-20 bbhi.HattleGrourid,
prima Lard in bble, at Sc. i„7: p oceirinit Mum str. J .Nr . e b retn A ato
Coke—The stock is barely 5000 bags. Oct"
at 91010 c. lOFFEE-150 sacks prime Rio; - -
Iu 012 bawl, for eslei br
Whiskey—Sales at 190191 c V gall. .plO . DROWN it KIRKPATRICK.
Groceries—:Sugar continues in good demand,
with sales 130 bled, , fq.E.,6t for low fair, GI for
fair, and fur prime.
,r sale by
, c'd and forreale by
WILSON. II: Spent M.
low priced s's, reed
w. t S. WILSON.
'OO lbs. prime, for sale
corner Fifth and Wwd insect,
75 bbls. to arrive, for sale by
- ----------- --•-- -------- -•-- - • ! [ R AISINS Lk FIGS-100 bee. B'ekßainins; -
11 ICE—'
'0 ten. prime, new crop, for male by I too -.' nee lbr mde - bY
--- ,
DRIED APPLES—IOO bu. for sale by .. CO 3 eaokn llama;
B`" -
..., 5010 BROWN & RIRKYATRICE. 3 " Pldw,
3 " bboublem Wine etualla7 ddb
c opPER STOCKS— , on hand and for ode br ,
- 310 dors A very Mbalop C o 3+511 • aplo DROWN & KIRKPATRICK.
100 lolling " DENN — SILEETINGS reduced to 8 centsrl
too ^ YON Steel "
:15 " Algonquin" " L Moswoox " K" -r !
b 0 " Douglass Houghton d0.d0.1 50 10 . KENNEDY. CaILDL CO •
- _ .----
r ''' "I'"u'' / 1 axing u "/AnLgriih co. House Keepers
yO own. Matlod and Illdr& dol. _ . lyy/SHING to employ Paper Rangers, will
WitISKEY96 bile. reed per etr:Cin- j Iwo• &be& nans poloptly .n.64..1 icor set .i
tn. all Paper Ewa a 111031 AB PALMER. 1
V V danall, and for de by • 60 Market atreet._
LlMF'—'loo bbls. fresh Louisville, for sale
by IT. /I T. WILTON,
apa 147 That, and lle !mad an
6lYitUl' MOLASSES-51 bbls. S. 11., for
1.7 gala by ' man IT.O P. W11.60N.
fI.OLDEN SYRUP-10 bc b1:1; : la i r et . by
VP api)
S "Ab'W g icilr r F N l
a.hiaEOcVa co.
SALAD SAUCE—Gray'e Sauce for dream
1 Ind s".fOnireo. cla..2eub.m. et
g lOCOA NUTS-2. ba s la red and for Bale
NJ by & p . lu
—A • a Vg. j rALTElVo r . * l6',ll:ii i .t at.
taw by en 9 B. A. PAIDYESTOCK &CO.
10 ' 411 ''''' " 1* A. I , Att.' , IESSOCS. & CO.
.y aYd
(1 , 01) FISII-10eask A s n, N n i d fZsale
.1a 12.5 Wiwi) Wee.
ALLAD OlL—al Baskets just recd and
for PO. by (s.Ol A. CULBEILTEON A CO
LARET WINE-100 boxes choice brands
on hour aal Int rale by
FLAMPAG:VEWINE—IIeidreick, and
other farnrit<Lnards kept mostantly cu hand soil
tar sale by (mpg) CULPIMUON & CO.
OLL BUTTER- 1 O (pod) for solo
Jib .pl J9LIN VATS t CO.
lji IfACHES—WO VI. prime halves. for sale
7?1 •P$ JOILV WATT d CO.
IRON-2 00 tone Forge. for sale by
nD6, J 01127 WATT At CO.
UtES & I.IISRSE-- rte 2. fine Canal Mules,
...I I Elez MATT a co.
buses (rox:_nYituat rce'd and
for rale by _RI O JA E , .. A. 110TCHISON & CO.
anTAr--50 boze for mile ow .1 ,
JAS. A. nrirJll/0A a co.
-- - -
M A CK ERF,L-1-40.1
AR. A. A l an . for
SIXII4IaTII.SI-I:3lwand Cbox,eson
Zr 4 "` " .'"' ll.laond.irtitaral!
1ND169-3 cu M
casks anilla, for Bala bt
ULU bbW beat Wiite;
""DJ. iaars a 00.
Later from ChagreL
BONTON, April 2:1
BOSTON, April 24
Aram .24
N ENV Von x, April 22
r new at...lsmer Gl.ll.Ter , . eat ,
rr ° .1111 leave fur the a 1... and all Inter.
...hate putt. on (hie day. at. 4 •
.Yor frelal.l 4 p.m. , apply no loard. Bor.
it did ...trusuer NAVItIATOR.Capt.W Won.
u.ll ou the ahoy.. end all lutortnrollAt
t.ort.• oh 1141.1 day. thrl.,l inxt.. at lo eluek A. A.
Fur frri.cht paaut.te l.
appll .ro board. soli
j: boon, bud Wit. Peter. ree r par
.r.nerr 'teams, /1.‘1.14 oaster.
will Ira,. Gm the whole and tut. ruled's. port! on 0.6
.Sal. ;o ' r i V•al ' l l t or Pau . or , .PPIY on hoard. ala.
. ..Wan., A VFLOWI.II, Ilaalett, 11141412,
.1111... r ter thr abut...rod Interrnethatoports.
on Oa. du). nt 1. M.
Fur Cr. lAllt or pa,rage, apply on hoard. or to
al Z FLACK, Agrht
Theatramer AMAZONIA. Mtliridr,
merle, .111 les,. for above and Intemardlate
uu :+alonlay..l.Gth lust. at 10 0 X.
For frriuta or p.a.. apply on board.
The Nat ramming. cunotortable atranaUr
mrrwoou, Dleker,u, toaster, hill leave
for the oho, and Intrrrn•ultate porta thi , dal. at 10 A NI
Fur freight or
9.""'" 5. 1 14 ` . " 1
11 ' 1,7411N71 1 V.T141E Art
t The steamer C.IIIEYEAIN.II. T. Whit...lE2
ina..ter..lll leave for Bearer and all luterntr
diate landings rugulsrly.
For rreirht or tannage apply itPV.
.; 1 01{ ZA NEKVI LLE —The tine
steam., NAPllES: 4 ,(.l..r..ramater.tral leave
strweatul Ipt.rvlullllr porn , on ifedneuta)
afternoon. at 4 o'clock.
•. . • .
For (fright or parumr, apply
T IIE ,, runningstr ic
IY..ll,lnarg, Unddtpurt. Captitoo.
eunliAli Packet-10.. ritlAurgh very Weduended
cdcl,k. P tor W and I:l;idgeport., and oval
enturdhl,t 3 P tur Captlnd Lod ~, u tdl.9lll. iteturolog,
leareA hunfull evory Monday al I.) o'clock. A. W. ad
larld,r4rt and Wheeling oven - Monday and Thorrda), at
4 SI.
For freight and Dataage avDIT 00 board, eLto
web': JOHN FLACK, Agent.
—The lightdraught ateararr AENA,
D. P. Kinney , matter, leaves Wallin - HD every Monday,
Wtainentay• and Frit,. at &deck, A. M., for East Lilt
erponl, Masco, HeFentwer Landing, Bearer. and Mite
burgh. Leann Pittaburch emery Tneadar. Thundar, .o4
Saturday, at 100 'clock...A. M.. tor Deaver, StrForran'a Land
ing, Glasgow. Ewa Liverpool, and
Fur brighter Haseage, snit on bosh. .ro
new packet atearaer DI UKNA L. Conwoll,
ter,y tripg belweee
tale city and WLenlitlg• lewrina Pitteburgh Ist 10 o'clotk,
Wender. end Friday. end returning.
I . 141....ti0g every Inesiey, Thornier anal tAltatiart
.acti week. Car (retain or pottage.apply en board. or to
note ARKSTRONU • CP.OZER. Agents.
PAcurr, CINCINNATI, Captain John
nninaltem. Thir oplendid boat woe built by
the 014 - 11e111 of the Werner leeen Newt°o, and others, fur
the Cincinnati end Pittehurgh Packet trade, laid will hare
every Wednendey for Cincinnati. in Nave of the New Eng.
lend N 0.2. For freight or penot e evoepply on or to
mein U. B. MILTENBERGER.Agent-
INOYORT.—Tb. fine steamer PACIFIC •
noe, timer, will leave for the above anal,
torrnalinte ports rower Plunder, et 4 o'clock, P. 11.
For ' .l g ht Or P W, S ' "P 4 an
Vial° s.N.
ntehlO• No. el Water and 63 Pinot
SUNFISH PACKET—The frod. running .P3P
eteemer WELLSVILLE, Capt. D. Young..or
nib ea • mauler packet between Pittsburgt. Wlteelind,
Drldeelere e .Reroaon (or t 0 tirof i le i n.kelLts I , l tl tt r e , b . n2t ey_erylings
le; 5441:1 '. 0ur Stelibenettge.riiria,
rirTgewri. Ceptiv.end Snub!. returning, le.*. Bridge
. p4and lipnArh every Tuesday efternoon. and Sontag,
F"ilg=.:Pl7 oe
rd, IfW W1.W11111.41.
PII.OT A. S. Crane, raster.
win leave PittolunTh for Wheal.. Cantina arid Sayegh.
°eery Monday end Thurrder, . 13 o'clock r. fttoraind
Sonllih Captine, Wbriating sad P 4.4111.0,4,,
ery Teuteder Vriday. et 10 o 111. I awarders
end ehippeta can depend upon Ode boot manner regularly
tingt=oz . wider azarcA.
11. States Mail Steamship Line. •
. 1
1,3 CHARLES STODDlXD.Cornottmder.
date o ...:ragnelOp (Irv/gout elly.)
The dm and powerful Arnetiesti atm,
shiphip Lost tart.. Coach" Stoddard. Ocour pr. 0 4em
plaord no shit Liss, to mu between Pblladrlytita &tut LIT•
ii.r.l. wad trill Irmo her berth. lotubsol otorrilibarf, for
1,,50t.1. on Weirwedar, Star 7th, at 12 o'clock.
710. I. ylvaliat pan:witty Is NOu ton. rertl.tor, ir bat in
the wort othetantlal matuter,lottt as realm:Mlll23lli nalo
•bluer, bat heavy dtagmal how.. thrt.utthout, Oughts to
the (adenine. or th d
e om., of Contra , Lloe. and In on
*, .+1 ,,.. t follyn
•ual In Tod it of Argo. And tea quail.
10. le. AU, ...ler Afloat. jirr wrerno.lstion,:kr, P..
-.12,e, ,r, an•utoak.rns far rowntort and ctimactre.
r..sTr., or I . ASSaCi.
twief Wmn itan.
. -
V. teura cf., 1/ , tt.• Wurl.l. Fear on- IrJuruardtbst Ex
sm.h.n 1...tur.1 kw • inaatr.d unell,rr N pa.
{ta..r w 01,11 Van. arid xtcr.t 0.1
i tr1:1“107i 11.071.8 71.1-1 ,- ERPOOI..t.SO DACE.
Frr./. Claw
z ra3
... c eewnrcal ..Iroron accoropaialro.ll2A,LlP.
ouenrr4 until pailMr„
/n 4.4.14 trvut Lay orruni. UM Pr U. 3
I...turauus. Lala.,•tu. la /Iwo.
f)0 HJIGA k 1 aIV,3: cr . .
N -L.
, .11?
A,1.1. tor 11,1
WII : d t I 1.1,15. for pale
11 . I r J .ICTIo.WIANEU ICo
. _
OGWOI 11,. I Mi bbis. Chipped, for F.alt• y
.0 J .:11•MiS.VIJACFJ: • C,,
prime S2l ,i nul nc w ders , ;
AvAI IsTW•lrr .m 1 ,2 Fir. ill:,
1,121 N. Ng.. I . 1,-3f:
- •
I. S. Ins
11. 4 ` 1 1.01;11 —157 Ws. S. F. And extra, for mile
FRL'IT - 2611 markx Dried l'eaehes:
App . l,
bar ftle by .
app 1.. 6.1 T ATZILMAN t AOSA
1t t R . 411 . : --
o, ..., ,,,, A r tb . ck i, A by now landing from rtr
HIP STUFF--1W sacks for rale by
The beet Green Tea in Pittsburgh.
SOME New Crop Young llyson Tea has
Jun been teeeived. at Monis'. Tea Stn,. In the
ittsbu which fur eterugth and gayer goes • head a.. 0
110LTLDERS-9000 pieces in salt, arrived
and for sale by HARDY JONES t CO.
- 010 1110N—Z0 tone Allegheny, for sale by
.p 7 J. R. YLOYD.
VlSll—Mackerel, Salmon, and Lake Trout,
fur Nab, by sp7 JOHN WAIT a CO._
Ca HOT-100 bags used Noe., for Hale by
.10 7 'JOHN WAIT a CO._
BACON -1 I cagksn
it IV ebouldene [smilax fra.a Mr
Cape May. Car sale by ISAIAH DICKEY t
14,7 Watt., and Front ate. .
eIOTTON--5 bales landing from str. Cape
j May, In, sale by ap7 IFAIAII PICKET bOO 7
PEATHERS-17 sacks landing from str.
n,, is s &lay, an rJe be
41101.7LIJERS—GS casica, arrived aad for
sale hr (.1.2) II ARMY JON111.!T:
BACON—'2O4I Ibe received and for snit) I:1y
voc war. U. Ji.l.llNBTOll,_
`ALT PETRE-50 kegs refined, for sale by
I. mch29 L. A. FAUN/MOCK A CO.
- - •
^ olbs fur sale by
MITE WAX— eo. runs:tumult a co.
I PANISII WHITING-6U bblo. for lode by
crich= J. KIDD!. c 4 . . ). _
SAGO— -3110 iloS. Pearled. for sale by
, sei . i
B. A. yatiNF.STOCK -, t1:9 _
i f iorrati--e.6 bales landing [row str. Gene
‘,.., v . ., and fur ula by
CIKEASF,-18 bble. landing from str.
u neva. .W for sale by ISAIAHr
iaTLES--.."EtObU. 'd, for it - ale
le' m<bl9 9.. t W. 1161111011111.
nou SE-K El.:PEßS—Orders for Paper
tottY * " ` r". 4rinittllfi r Li r .l3 B =si.
161 ---- MI.ITMILL--Icimut Mill (complete) for
t.tle by nom it. DAUM. _
SPIRITS TURbEktINE---:.4 1 bhl3. in fine
0 " 1 " , mr.o l . 14 a. t4:1100:,11.AK0r. 0 lA.
01L--2 claim Winter Srat; 5 40 :1 10
ei l etr °' " A*4 Ma/traitla a .
InGAR-30 Ws. Cider (warranted) for
cnulazomas, by T.WOODS SUN.
No. 0111sta:10.
1110 •LET—One half of a large Ware-2
ersl .111 the abwr_k* funwerly tuown .0 Lbw ..
Taldor hod'. Ifor Is
wiwl t thew.ut will he low. Car I.ou 1
J. MI I. U. 4 'AA. 141 l s.
Valualilo Real Estate for Sale:
0 11 /{ LOTS. frunting SO ft. on Liberty
Valtuthlo. property for Sale.
THEofr.rm for male
fetl:a o.
:t! 4.0"
k•ulh cr the rr..l.lencr. 1,
IntwlCburcl“ nod new. the
' . .,'"+111. of Willi:. biltrurill Th or. l• • Fr... n""
lb. Mudge, irbleh . lent for
I. IrTol •u.. 1 e.ell MUNI fur IRON} off in
e•D.•al part r the the grourld ' . ' fuqu ' l ' re of Ilw ouhvraler. .4 the
Pt •mlre~ 114,1,1.1)—. JIM!: TIILIIII . SuN
For /twit
Small well and completely fur
- 31.0,c0r ct. Let, ad and 40 Its.
61 , 3-tf l ' Poct end Tril.uuc cop,
Desirable Suburban Residence for Sale.
THE subscriber offers for sale the house and
riitonts • here he new resides. situated au Park sr,
Tremoes aue st riso ~ and abone ea minutes' wall. frt.
the market of Oil, Mk. The lo ss IP, ft. frost on Park It .
towline kel, 2.52 (et. tonu alb eoutanius toirly one
acre orwn.ii be. mid is hooted on eve, al kis large wpm
loss, adooM with troy tbrublerr• Toe heirse I.
nearly new, ism, tot es=inaLly writ arranged, haring
(root 01:s 1 reek out a Jesdh or sss ...ins fourteen
rooms, 100140, bails Was feet wide. It is hunt is the best
*and mew thlraloin 11.11111r/...1 has a kin-proof rook and
tarns ail the War* coo entkoses. To. OMIT, with
nn unfaillnu supply Ohara and soft • ater, are at the Lima
Ort the premlaa arc the neoessary out buildings. stable,
arrlage house, tr. The gremoda are hold oat mostly as
lawn- corm! wtth stoke fruit trees, evergreens, towering
shrubs, currant!, gooseberries, rambarrivit, Pc., and a small
ordeu. The fruit Ls oldie best kind, and the trees are in
tbeir prime,. and yield enough for Um Wants of an ordiamm
Limit, The situatkm of tbls Property. as to salubdt I' and
Miturbsn conaterts. combined - with renthntitT to the
Ls not surpassed by any residence In this vicinity. It has
s. slew or the 011/0 blur fur over 1 mils, of Temposoce
vllle, South Pittsburgh, the Mfr. the two risers, and (ho
LWe arousulalleming altagetbsr a Psnoramie prespect of
WMu ere never wearies. Crew boat which mkt. M
imparts from the part of Pittsburgh en t h e Ohio,
mil run. The residence mul.grounds are aletreomPletelr
o ,,..esed from anr otartrance of dust, MlO duatructlre of
fort and reastatios and atiorda a rent/mama as duint
opear/dui as if located mom quirt nook ist the poetry.
s property will bold at 6bl/re/aim and poem'. Oren
wholes, Mains!. Esquire at the llagetbe pm
aplttsiti D. N. warn.
For Bale. - I
rpILE members of the Fairtnotuitrire Cod
k pasty, so
tbeir 11.:11032. for sale. 1s hi good or-
Jur gultl will be sold chrelv Enquier of.
epttf No' 409 3,lnn
A , Good .Opportunity for those who want a
lihMe- I
nears Sir We th e following Plows' of
a., via:
No I E‘mr Lrif. in Prlden plan of 10. in the Eiahth
Mod. rash lot lalne 24 feet tw 104 Thew ot. the ° litew
witty situated, and will be roll at a Detrain n ex the WIWI'
111 a of. dlstarire, and ,11... of t rm.
N 0... Three I..ea at the comer of Iland treat and Do
amen. tray-ftivamageouely lwaleal bir ell .r bnaluawor
Ten lots 3. Ten Lots In the Borough of Law mills, well
suited Cr private redden...
No. 4. Twelve Acm of land In Peebles .reship. This
property 1. admirably loratel for country fa, beingq bola
ntiort dish:nee fn. the rite I lur e and adsoirdu the Ka mad
So. S. Eno lad on Weloter 14,, near ra, 21 feet by
N. 0.-Nos. 2.3. and 4, will be sold on En. scot} a
Lentil portico of tho purchase *totter will jb. required In
A three story Hones... the rortiorof We toter and Elm
streets; coptalning II 00[10. will 1:0 fantod very low to a
anod Emile. It in so vonetructol that two (Saltaran w
ary it-
rot- m KOPERT WRAY. NI. D.,
usch2.7.lm , corner Webster and Elm greets.
For Rent.
Ferry street-flare, and inthetandal bonding.
. (bunt. suitable na• an Academy. or manufactu
ring piinvogm. Hese..o given inigadis , 3. Enquire of
id. D. 4 1 18. or W. R. 'CBET,
' aseddralf corner Galilean alley Pathtte M. •
iOll RENT—A Dwelling 110 ee on =A
o t
Mint street, ithove and near to Smith W. It
gae natures, tan yard. wanti hoop 4 . Will•
Ise rented low. and paw... 4 liven tousled Ira
Aloe-For Bats or lawn, me lore In Nin th Ward,
between Penn Ansel and tb Allegheny Hy .
14:41. M. BARU liToy,
st Ben) Durlingtnes„ Fourth street, HE..
Valuable Real Estate foril- -
ILE SUBSCRIBER oflerto for l e, on
atonable trms. the following Real .In .."
F illty brg ig.
, No. I. Thews vatuigila tbroo.tery brick dw Bing hours,
on emond street. letwath Market and I' y Meet., the
lots being each 19 hat front by 60 deep.
No. 2. Contain. al (cot front on Third er I. adjoining
f tise Thinl Presbyterian Chianti. on •blch s mected o
four story brick house, used as a rioting o , and o ne no ton gory brisk warehouse.
No. 3. Two lots In lallston. Beaver Conn y. being lots
Nee. 3 and 4. being about 1,74/ fed othare,on n,th is ewe.
est one Moat of Sour frame dwelling., and i n , *:pants
frame dwelling. all two sterlea Llgh.
No. 4 One lot IAI fort front on Back street, ytoulte the
above ' and emending re the or tbr hilt.
N. .: Two teach log. e ach be for. front, nod running
s t , ;= id... 0 ..1 1 ,1,w winter mark, on flu The Ilearar .
No. 6. (Me valuable water PA hs) gal . Wheel boon,
With ten One
uster poser Washed
N. 7 One lot oppoot. tbe water lot. fu feet front and
too to M o re et tii. hill, nu •rdsla le er,atot i.
two nor i Lest end worthen.w.2.A. by 40 froEal.oone
frame etw , dlthis.4oo stories high.
n a Eno barge Id. In New Brighton. neweeraninty, be
ing strut 140 feet on Pruadway, and about Eal Sat deep.
.ntalnlot: 114 tiers , ou whtelt nee en-thal too lathe fr..
41 , 11... and one .mall rearm bow. used ea an 02,
Tay property upe tot-wort, oemplail by Mr. T. E. Gould.
and is very plossautlilosnied. being lennnoliatglY oPlowtte
th. r..uswe ne.lo.
No. V. Ort. water lot, Inunr4latelt EMU Tallalertßrlstho,
tr eat at leo t..i In length. end natetelloa fthm , 4 4ter
threat to low rater mart., or towing path.
The at-, pry.Orl, WU: lie Wad Wit la p tsvoratile t
Atari rst the MeeStinee of /LC. 5T1.E.711. N. ',min 720
-al Harts: stew. 40100 ri. &o. Ag ent
Mehl`, IJourn:A .1 Poit copy.:
Drug and Presiiiption Store for Sale.
Dui; ..'.: Pllescli I I'TION STORE, ~„ -,
~- s . i...-.. ,, i ~, . two`
. :,cone and mot-ovine part o!
a...a,. • bob ni .t..../ a pnAdable 1....., ••
weed for •eh. .4. r• -iat tem. Vor wwiliiillaiil.
^l:Wli 1... NAIAD a IRWI '
c=u 1 114 Weswe oi ls
LET--dO %V AIiEHOUSE, nituatedrzf4
ou I Cuter aul
,1•1•11:1.• lbr Pr.uc. rux tern..
4 , 311 , 0 f J !MS DALZELL.
and.' r. 5 tcavt ,
CLOCK !lA' /Ili I 1-DING-; :i ngt . r.razw . ll , 7 . 1 .1 =
r r K u
h o
. I
t u
s i.:2=l d r t .lllt. k at Ith. " . ° l4 k : Wagm:ann oires- 0 1.
1, 105 I,un
V FUR 1.. A LP—Tto , lar,t. Flour !ti Saw Hill cm
lb. Bever Cro , k, with IL. to al.-r ;Wm,. Alm,
• roll ino.rovol Form in LmownEw.ounty 1.5004.
AI., Farm of II?. arrer, on the Ohio river. three mil..
brlo4 Biol.?. for w.0.T06 0n, , ,,f 140 .trea, rn the
ohm river. 6 mil.. help. &lour. Mr SW. ,r ar.n.. Alm,
too atm for $l4 ywr www. Alto, farms of lltt 10. i. ant net
tow.. for $2:l year acrn. Alm, 1:1 tow. for 312, wed 1.1.1
wow Gar 1,15 err. ton with min; othersof Tari
m. alto! and Mire.Enquire of
Attorn.yatt Law Ind Kral Fttate Awmatt,
6 , 40 No 107 411. at. littaborth.
Of Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool, 0.
tTHE recent unprecedented sale of Lots in
the abore thriving Town having nearly
prey lonely laid opt, aml the demand onottinng,
the underrigned has tereAl indoor/Ito isy out • portion of
Mr property tn town late above. land one. them for•
at priers and terms that cannot fad to meet the •lews
Nom wishing to pumbrae. It needle.. to my *to - thing
of the laminas of the Town and prorpn - ls tit having been
sufficiently deserited In recent advertisement.) other than
that over one hundred lets have recently claimed hands.
and been purchased by than wishing to De tente a dean..
Ins borne.
The shore lots are among the moan eligible end desirable
inthe plane, and an principally loadsrl In 1,70 contra of
tiane. recently *old
For Information apple to tbeproprietor In lfireMeml.
to Jet... Enl4 Fourth .11Vet. Plttetrunth.
Emit Llvenfool. Fab. 204.1831. teb&lnfettd.
A Blast Furnace for Sale.
riE UNDERSIGNED offers for Sale his
f r ILAST TIIItNACE. situated In %I?. mug, Covroia
boon as the "Antonia Furnace. with • e ll the ono
buildings...PAW and GUIST MILL; and nen thing
mann to cenT ou tho ilelling of Om. It lin 1.400
Acres of Lend attached, .1 10 as much mare anoinlng la g
would be seernarw. which canto hart from 7M. to lig per
sem. It no the nu. faeorahla loran. In the &min, hr
mann lin, haring the are within ourhalf to one sale
off. In rat large quantities, my to Mine, and yielding
frost id to .5 per not. It Ls on mile and • half from the
Clown Milt. where • ready este on be found for
Ita benne. of Pig Man a
nd Is two miles front the
Wertern and Atlantic Railroad. which is ono! the lines
of railroads corantlog the Tennessee River with the Sea
Dowd. which has Its lines of railroads mann out from
it. fitdelial and under contrnt pwing th.neth ail the im
portant Towns and Line In Georgia, where a only sale is
fawn for Pig Metal, Machinery, Hollow Ware, to It is
uow In full blast. noted by water power. with • Win I)
fret. au stirrer Bream. and in the most twain;
nitof the 000th.
Leiters may he salmon .= me at Etowah. Cron co. Ga.,
or I coo Le seep at any limo cm the premier.. .
ALUMNA FCIEnAci, March 1. lan.
rigned offers for sale • large taunter of ealuable
Ing Ins, and tome verges4 , :le an ro for mama..
Wise, in the Borough of B Itan located near the
new Public:School Noun god E nglish Lane. Chorrh.
The rapid growth of Birmingham is ropetanee .04
manfectorlog wealth, anti. renonable luncitan which
lots .111 be sold. will rennin= • safe and timetable Itr
nutmeat. Title perfect. Terme fineable.
Forge:Oculars and terms. etutulre of the undersigned. at
the Once of George P. Gilmore. Leg., on Oint street, Pitts
burgh, between Third and Fourt h otreets. or
Spumes and N. Patterson. En% at their Okra in Blear
Ingham. jag
_atoszs F. EATON.
Covington iron Works for Sale or Lease.
.27 lIIS ESTABLISIDIENT, situated on the
Oblo Iner. onente anion% lining in thetas{ year
en. thorough repair . .new foundation. machlnery,
being one of the nowt eligible !oration in the Coln
for the =anticline of the various nee and Itiocie of Iron;
combining na luny, if and more facilities than any Soak.
nehmen in ne West, I. nee. offered for isle or bran, on
terms 10 0010 entices is. It palpates all tb alraotrig eon
au eAtehlisium.sst Ohtani in the most desirable raft of Cim
anon, in addition to the hum belog much lighter—ha ,
log oil Grains for Melones! tine. It monde of seven
Puddling Furnaces, nree Inery er Vim, two Re
finery Fliwit six Beating Fortnum with EnrCuie arid Me.
nanny to make from bt inch bon or ni 4
cod ' .hot
None, awl all the 0.0.1 tat Iron; with a goal eheet end
Boller )111L
Ent=l.7 AtIV na"M"i. mmputa :cm
from 3 to 4 ton, per day Jtnt
lo addition, there la a nal Factory, with aeparate En.
conitalnlng . lo Machin., v blob can be iner..4 to
n tie a ferV ' A t . ' all AN AN.Cindonatt; or J. D. MeNICELF,
SALE—A valuable Iron Fatahlirtiment situated on
thallblo river, In Gallia ,It
einiutvhin,.inai ding of a V.,
nintsluina three Nobllng or 'Finery Flies, throe (Willi.
p ur ny.,.nne run out Fire. one pair Buffing Rolle. with
os am4 to iln.
tTnY. 7 l l 4 ." Tirie. '" Vacl ll. ;i r te i tY "
The tntratiev to all the 0100, I:from b 0 to jo 4ol,
laid. fzom the ooe of thavvil lo.tionv In the
bbtt .
Krt.. BU R' ntrt . Bnm
CllANAN,Cineinnati; or./ B MeNICKLE,
large brick tire pr.( Fne filer, tale or reni,
~j,o i ning the /11011108 frimt. rtot.ih Wit nth..
with Moulding Floor MI ft a, abovo.l
Putt SALX—Tbat a bu t
2 k Teart of Land. altuatial on
th , Allegheny river, about 2 miler above tbe firmer &or
ough of hlllanning. In Ara.... knonn . the
acr esalttieny Furth.. property ohitaini UV or all about ( Fire
The burl abund, Iron, C.:, Llto.Lu,
ciay, to, making it • our, heritable knob. foe
tonna norgotirt ream tn. povullarly incanan, of
fer..pad..a. .b.r.ioat oore, rodilaa
of tho bottom land is now under under,
the highlands
:=Vl:ll nf ilr p ' tt ' cl ' ePPlVa ' o r flrratrtflorz
Then are greeted °odic pradirea For
, nue. Stack. Engl., and Blast onwards. formaking loon
together Pith all the buildings appertalolorrtherato. Alto,
Farm Hw ill by dal
a o zn eurs,ltse ,= or ....b. , ite. ,74 Tb ig e
Liter gastisolara ow be obtained by addroahlig
a • Faieddre • • BUCIICtitt,
IT9yy: 7 4;laies to arTivepr Nsyth ,
. ~
411 wtgetgn
• 11 4 1 011 111.22iT — Tlae Dwelling Houte, on 5 : 1;
( 0, end Rest Common, 1.64,1,-.
11 DM .1 1 01,01 cotton n:onw. AnNtewt!,.'
Valnabe Real Pitatefor Sale.
• 4
NOII SALE.—That valuable Lot of Ground
altusted al the corner of Motet and 'Water Mee%
ruse.ent occuPlad by NI uleany A Ladle.. Glom WILIT
-1 having a front ma Market atroot Tlfeet Minch..
aa. and on Water 1,11-rot afw. feet la: fun.
dlwa--The 101 of Grourol adfalsone to.. Go Workl. for
m, com.IM 31r..1na. Tunillnaonau a rldp Ist* lisr.
ern a front of 131 a... 1 LS %Masan the Itommagattris Riv
au/ maw, livt 344 fret toGreenoult nowt.
enadv. amt. - al. porchoing ram ro-alve further rt.'
Fenian , . (rum IL . SillediTON,
an% N 0.47 Market at.
A Valuable Coal Farm far Sale,
QITUATEI/ Olt the Bank of the Mn.
17 o..nambela Liver. Iloetray..r township Woman, . ( +1
6.64 24 inner. from l'ittaboratt,.,
Nonongyalada City, and ....half mile atrave Wed. .or eon
tatnnag Isu Afro, LSO or mare of which contain Coal. ad
mirably ?.shat L. tilluiLl2. ?mine Inter 7
vine whirl adapt/. It to the adtaloton (Nth air foto tin;
white. Thia 041 ow all 1 e conveniently conducted to th e
raver, by mean. of UAW:U.If/ whirl, In 714.. Overa.
unn nos, the prawn.. The landing the railway le
~olletit. and the alto:dam well Monad for barbarian tante
..frty Tbis luretlon Mera feralltlca Le the Can' trade
nany...n.3 ut.t. the Nlononnthelsrlray.
Tito aril 111.0 tlia mrfate.
.f :anal 14 whim Is elearad and
V1:00000 ' t ' o `P gf
.law. and all other .n1%0,4110100 to toe country. Lim(.
Aerie (0 eAludint 0 00 mamba, and eolly Quarru.d.
The buildlm,a. are a tr. cannoralinue two ether Stick
Dwelling Moo. with tlynelarge room. and n Lack tttrhelL
o n Ilarm (0707 oaf nairranient Stehle; Granary.
buwke Hon., till Honeei de. A naver falling appply ql
,o - dxl sate, Ithlau excellent pww, et [ha door. 11% plane
almriavritl7 raMpllud Kind 11,711107 In tenet of tin..
&Id. There b. 00000 the lee..em youug brigrillig 0.
alard rupaiolunraftedl fruit. The whole la olf convenient
to the etranaboat laminar at IV . The Crpla will
Le wad •epsrately, with the ticrarary privileges Ihr ta ,
king It. nut , or th e Land and Cool toge th er, to mit punt,
seers. Apply . . On the pmtraSe, to • .
Or to S a W Ha EllaLloll. l'ittobtoah (mr.1131,11
rro LET—An Offiee, with or without - Wore
I. Howe lkozp. • WM. R. JOHNSTON.
mrlgl 112 Seward rt.'
From England via Quebec
undersigned. residing in Quebec, is
furs series hies, quantai, ailrosiltron suclarto
. Tr tinkle% to the.ifferent ports mi ballaste. The
siusulser ressels ornlag at Qttehisc In for car.
OW, of lumtirn, proliably ratan" this mils of huptirualon
much the'.ia esprnelse Ihr all Inas,. merchandise. lie
et ill ittlanrie freight nu Cago., ecnsinnan to him,
Ins attend
to any busiticits connected therewith, forward
ins to such western porta as maybe required. For flartlerr or
"Vil t
° A.
ie lil Willaa.
-an p nnor i (ntre IV. CSBORNE
44. .tsinivr,'l 1.8 51 .
CLAIIEE, PARES A CO, Rearm= Parma=Mt
MEIN PROPRIETORS of thiti old and well
known Line. would inform the public that they aro
in... in oturration for the present Fonmun. anti hut, wanner,
re ,, te.aU /Mat end Pne.unera, whirh the) ere fully
lAnaO on th , e ,o Cant , awl Lake Erie
Line will Fe"?;u7mtant/y at thTra . zulin:. " Lelc‘t4ll hb.
cAr a nn .
Ottire. Water and limlthteld et...lutzeourgh.
R. W. Cunningham. New Castle.
D. o.llatliewa. Pulamid. Pa;
W.V. Molar, eluatont
J. A S. Sharrobin-Ou
Wm. uclaw A Co. Green% ille;
win. Reard. Ilartelortn
rt•wer. ConneautviLle,
C.IL Rwf. Erie. lon
0. R. Welibridge. IlnlTala N. T. apt
Forty-six hours to Philadelphia.
Forty-four hours to Baltimore.
250 miles Railroad-103 miles Canal.
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats..
itN the opening of Canal Navigation; Twp
Daily Lbws Ns.: Ex.,,KA Nei. Boats will IraTs
strmo. ,hence rorta,..
Two Hl=aired imilliimilakciw
'riffle through FORTY-SIX Irour3.
Farr to Philadelphia. 110. fare to Its 11.75.
Thr thlo rout..gad of thr moot ff1 1 1 1 : 0,
construrtirn for:Puff,. sod ffpfelf
ry o rlfrpf r•rrr moral. to•rriffgl: at Eight o'clock
spot rr, Up: gamy Wm:
Passengers for Baltimore,
6,, RM.4d of Caro at Ilanneburv. tsA. th. tort and Cont
i...thud liaihoool. I tom totslidl d.r. el to the) 0 , t3.,c:iff,15
fmar . 4110, FOUR FOUR UT,
No chargq for g Itagroge on till.. rant..
Tb c j”crea*l Nod lb. most
aale rtuln,"..nor lc lb:
ler Int , rnisaluo opoty to
J. P. lIOLALES, Agent,
M.rnErnslabeLn Uocrn.
U. th
Canal BaAn, Penn rtr•et.
N. E. Oct tin. tart 0) July. the. Per,ll•lnnt. Railroad
will Men'•bl.4 tn whirl. rill o.horte= lte time
tnynn,t, SIX nlnrs.
F..bru,Tr It. 'a I
liinnufactureee Line.
,amirLG 1 1S 5" . •
s rrt P I•}:4. RE lIERR INFORMED
,t tune al , 4 Int rac, tr,
,il arrnor.ment+ for r.rrrlnr
W.. Vnight ,t Jobtor.un, lionidayehtzee !
Water Stre...t.,Alc.ntiOn• lloce.naonn.
Croo. N. l l. tiatollt..n. 31, Toytastn. Fern. Column c- and all oth•
tnterm.ligo t...inta on the i'ort.
theßaitroa4 Ilottt.e nzt:ro kro.l. et In ...euretl (toot
Juniata.. ea - w0w...0n up) nvtioritv In shlpment.. to
the nforostil Tomes 0n . t . 1?.....1!%rr0 naive. may b•
.117. /T.Ymelor
WereLeuee.Lerl etre,.
Erecrel weet r.! the Cane.l.
TEite.,l IN D15L11.1.14 S (.1\72, to my brother.
1 E the beemeee Chieburrb will here
after to Imaeweie.l under the Ie of •Ilm. Ilambwm
,mehl; WII. BING
Bingirim. Transportation Line,
WPSD - . 185 I.
TILE CANAL now open,tee are row
er to rf,lve and for.a.rd rraloce and and wc,t.
hntfurr an.l Merchmlfu will b.; reMMnl ncul forwarct‘d
cart vomit, without tLny Inrwardlng ad
"Tr or l-M A STrw mi :X.l...n;r:ll.lirratious faithfully
att,nded t... or to
. .
Corntr Elbert, and M.ytt. I MMAlrgh.
IMEGILA3I 4 DUCE, I 3larket
Entween Fourth arta MOS PalladrisbEL.
. - .
Nn. ln North Howard ttreet. Baltimore.
JAMES BINGHAM. Ng to Rea tt.
mohl L 'Near York.
r lB5l P4ii=4
_ .
Pittsburgh Transportation Line.
JAMBS O'CONNOR & CO.. Cowl Bosh, Pittrburah.
SITKR.WIES t Co- Depot& Broad and. Cherry %treat+,
and No. 3 Booth Fourth Arad. between Ilarktt awl Chart,
ttut arr., Philadelphia.
()CONNORS & 70 North skeet, Boll:Wore.
I_l A VING fully completed our arrange-
Al+ l m u lZr Cin i .. b. tr.ttr P ' n4 grA l thrt
burgh. ' Baltimore, Philadolyihia, -New Turk Radon, a.
cinnati. SL Louie and all th e Ear l and West. at
ITorwil..;!`"AriVZlP4Pdtha'%' and
full. mr•n.l
of Insurance. without :my chatile to owners. a Preanction
Aally afforded by any other Line.
ll communications addreemi to ourselves or tweet,
Hall A Cr. Cincinnati: S. Webb. Louisville. and Lowe
Osborne, St. Loom will meet with prompt attention.
41-N. IL Our Liar noconneetien whatever with the
Philadelphia and Pittsburgh Transmwtallon Line el Al.
ninon Co. tenni
dttaai 1851 5.=
Merchants' Transportation Line,
A. MeANULTY A CO.. Canal 11. n% 400 Penn turn!,
CNA nes RAYNOR. Central Dlo.k, limed street. Phila.
dot Cl ,t' all nd ra prepar h ed so reerive • lar amount merchandise
l ard of at te.gVal,.th, aOl 1n
1.. time than in may previous 603.12.
abr N. The Ineressed ntunber Of Treat. provided by
the Canal Cominlealonere for carrying our boats on the
State Railroad. preeent any poseibility of delay at
Johmtown. Ilalidayeburn or Columblaothis were..
febl 5 Canal Basin.
To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, &c.,
TO £OO nu 1.124.....713[0. axr.11.1510.
ATKINS A CO., Propirtnrs. No '4,1 31aritat, and fcl
Commerce ctrect.
BELL A LwuErr, Canal Buhl. Pittoburah.
JOS. TAYLOR 6 '‘.4sN, Aztutc, Ralttuuorr.
IC. AM prepared, the orcning the
to ccniceel for Freluht at In,. rates, sod go
eblppert aa touch despatch and rare us an, .U.K ai1411..
Jo. Wears..Jona corn..
11e1 , aden a Co
C. 161 812,111, Penn streu.'
_Pen= Bail Road Co.—Central Rail Road.
THE subscribers having been appeinteti
rhipplow aavotit tor the Penuealvania or Central Half
I nod. infurso Use pubh lard aro roe I.repareal to rr.
any mara n., a , n wn or prod.,. tor alilarnent rut oath.
opening of the canal.
Genie .fa Ilda route will be carried through in it,, days
nil all ronalanat w be forwarded free of commute
Lou or eharde for &daunt,.
urn ne natal . seem + rnmsnr,ms km) smtstmlart.
Dry Cloud, WU, Shoe, Boob.. tqatinoary,Collety.Conft,
frlll,l, feather., k' arrituro, bill.. Medicines,
&c. SIA I , 10u D.
Glsmiltsze. tlore, Gromirs, Pinta nswan
Flax,,Tizoatly and. other Gra. Sore,
SW .
Dann, Bret, Park, Ratter, 14..-4. Lard MI, 'Mum 1 L. 00 ..1.
r. 11.. 1,411n.r. Undo •Lcai Buz.: Me 11 190
Ash., Marhir /much', Tar, l'arh, P,oyn. Gem. , CI,
Nar...C•.Se ,k,
McFADEN a co'ittii.
SALT METRE-70.cks for Foie by
IsAlmi nicest f CO
VERMILLION--6.2. (Tricite) for sale
T by • ay: It. U-SELLERP.
lIEESE-50 Loxes recoiling end for sale
lJ br It. °ALLELE. (AL. Lib.rt*At
-5 bblx. Butter.
43 tore dm*: rteelT'sig T.,. L. T...% W..
Asul for see by •
ATE • GT %TAUT et.
apT ' JO ATT t OD
SALEHATUS---000 lbs. pure, far sale by
107 JOLLIi Marts CO.
rrthLT :
VAURKIL co. 41 South Stroo4 Surat Wen,
Ltil. taut Wed Philadelphia.
WM. .. .....
D. trootura.... ...... 1,4.1.11.
- 11 AGA LEY, WOI3OWAR & Wh,:le
lji sale Growl* No. Market ut— Pbll.lerl a 1,/1
to. ... .....-.J.
1_ EAU), ..I.ll.lCoiiiii .00., Toineco
Ouromleilon Pleruhunta, No. 41 North Irian. ttruat.
'U. In IPhartex, Phlladelphla. nor 1
BP.CEB k - oeneral Cuuinai.+.
akin Slerthunts, Pluiludelphtsu Liberal oirtrancou
made ea tonilizoituitilii ot Prrdtrua seuerally. l-jusilbll4o
To Bouthern.and Western Merchants.
The entewellwe'rentectfullytwittes rabtle attentk.d
ntenairp stork orr.eftata,miaveynint.s.
kr., to which seven Bawer and two Uolden
NewMa laat din Teem teen %mauled by thalnatitnnw nt
New Tara. linalcs, and Mtlattetylita. the Latta king the
only Uokten .leolste weer sudden* aw pernmery either in
Rtimpt <4 . ID this tenatrf.
• Rorsexs C . s . naftuzo 24.01mceltillf, (AlMaid. • ans.,
and atribeneno.L.aneretray settinvliVd to becupetiorto
way thaw/tut Cretin in Ude n0ttn11.)...-Ww,Pc
spostarisous ar ea eirallient proper:km
i+macmas b =l.,d; Am FrotatiThatlas TAU. !Mita
ry Marina Soca •
Sonscrug TAN. Soara—Alutatall
Tut. nasal Matt. Patobonsiy, Omnibus, nonfat,
Tra."Datvat. Olirst 014 . 1tindeor, tad rdamallart.
araign TAT lI.A.ZSAMLA...-14AA, JariotA,
rIA,•[ 411, CAAOI(.. deraarrnm. 31oureetion,Joek.
Ll.b. Madonna, Clemante, I.ltrustelle, ltorit s and mazy
other varied., In ell plan diDerni.
T Flor in rr t. Warsar—lflorida Water. Gan de Totten., Omage
W 4 1.. .al • great nrldtp of I:o6loanva and aven
der %Vann.
OilP Burtn n +,
Eau .m b bar nt e O ka+, C
o D mport ' o:dl .Aldaue
Bag byre, Null and is powder, andPlailatmore,Rld.
aloe, and Jenny and Pohlad+,
PnrannOws-tltaleamiala 'Row Tooth
Parte, alumni !remnant, Odoighsa, T urin end Tcoth
Cosagreas—Vegetable Onaurtle Cram Aramallue los
&spud band; tftld anima of_lloaes. Chen de Pen, Lip
Ban, itasubern seam, ar-
Depilatory Powders, tor nuaintas superthin' halm Pearl
IWr Pordn, Vlralare de Rouge, Ammon .Pinenar, vietort.
tiousporittoo, Preston Mks, bend. gnat variety of
other snick, bat bantam. to be named la tab adrmtl.-
The auhamitar born to maintain tbe tabulate:a .okb
thin ranablkhromat haaassaninat, by rasponn of rwthbah
bat first ran ankles. will be bappy tb torah& thane
pho may with to patrons. him, ether arnolesale or naafis
cm as reasobable derma as gay establishment Ea the United
Stale. • ZAMA BASIN,
entsmor to and former Dtrortor of stn Laboratory of
8U01,141S nOtiSYLLL,
114 Chesnut st
Ida Lamle. Perfamery kg de by all tie prlnesual
Druggists in 01.0613C17.
Pli/MIG ffilll3
LITCIIINSON &C0.,•N0.13 Spruce Street,
, NEW_TBMWbolelode Poottufacturors of the hem
ENGLIRI PRINVING INKS, fire Steel .I.d Lltho.
Dbl Prlnlng, end Br /The Book sad Job Work, rhlch
they 'reptant to bit a nird of the Duren materiale, sod to
." 4 .. teme2loo " Utte In there Ii 4 ) ere ouch tm toot. a rich•
wand permanency to work .perlartoauf other...ow
In tow. &Slat prim. ruling 1 ,,, r
put up In eons, sod foraranleJ to 011ie.
IL a Cusleommutfaeture colotud shadeand
.uslity vs... from $l.OO to per lb. toellSEGUtt
Warranted lc pire arriatonnow or tilts mosey rdurned.
PHIS FLUID ts composed of pure Silver:
JIL has been small by house ksrepers In :few York for Use
lan Pre years. and to bragging necessary article in the
domestic economy. - Anypen= ran. In a few Wooten re
store to original beauty o f Plated Grads" ka-C.W. ,
Can/Carte/1A Cake Baskets, Carnes,and . Hamra linnsi
p Edigncents. at, or plats with puswallear on
r ent f
ar German Silver. The warrantee Ls sr&
Went es,
for Pa Introductlca Into every family..
Price :IA newts per bottle. A liberal discount to JeweLer•
and Farm"- Grads dealer&
• , For sale by - VMS J: BROWN.
inehladdaw2LT 103 Fulton street, New York.
No. 79,k. 81 (late 76) MAIDEN LANE,
Directlyopposite Mc .01d hYand.
mA G N E ) , :f r rAcivtEßl ii
j k. , N) G J A lyg er g a tS of .
...ft, In part of •
- Under starts and Draeoers—llem7 and Idea, Wool. An
golan Amber:Muck, Merino utd Cotton. Domenic and bon
't no
Elk. Mode; Boatbaslne sad Caner or all
parka and qualities.
((Mar.and Tia—P•2ll7 kinds. and Black of Irrery kind.
and Botonta—Mr all
erartan-Itspen Elk. and SOLI. Heavy Enallon Math."
Snit, Italian. Prinoa Albert Borathent. lndlan
Satln. do.
"- /I: . i:lL'actelbrraiers—Conut, Linen Cambric am
e:oireeirm—Frencli and thmilati. nen Mile , .
a Vialrel-Vid. Fink, Ll n. Thread, and all the Wee. of
V T , el=„ ' hic=tat ' l . b's Linen and
Gbs , r—Velvet.Casohmere.Enzligi, Flenett and
oth• , lay h..
Sivnar Drocrr for eel:airmen Anil ladler—a variety o
11, Ridin
lu g r.. 11.1 of all quoditlef..
tt. would vl. partleall, atr
Knit Under-all/U. DrawcraTl4l . 6 . ..,,
. SI Malden l our.
Shawl and MEnEddlla Warehonee.
a (Up Stair.) NEW YORK, U arm opening 1.5
. 0!
SLflatr t M II ' ITZA - Veff b"t ,Ittl " TV LAU.
al ()MAN sod all kinds ofAILE: adaran. mannfartn
4 1 fat th c a
a lr i rt . 4.r4 vr= We mamma
15,V,11 tonged f.L,111.%123.tet..41.-Dva
ard ellt and t..k folio rerepole, arel la CcAes. end Gin ¢-
nen Umbrella. All of flak .11 be offered st;extremety
low prim. Ku raped/Rd . Matta oor Koster. triende te
rmtee orst stuck before
Al. KI M atow pu
hand /8,.
Manna .oak on. r Us tra
.111I a ng K hanblial4 afnd
C. B. HATCH ,k CO.,
NO 97 a srmscr,• NEW TORE,
IFILIVE now store, and are constantly re
cei. lo g be *termer, that:l:mq aztenatseasaotioucaol
on's FTIRNISII/NO GOODS ever be offered.
the lat-ot and relied stele. of Crarats,thldrt,
lfrdhrr , it... Tender, Under .3armenta London
Tins. Hocks: (lead Slits, Orwsing flown, ilandkerrhiefs.
Shoulder Braces. Linen Collars,with tv variety of other.,
ticks peculiar to their line of business. 411 of which will
td Feld at the err, lowest prices. Our Weston friends axe
larded to examine our stock feb6.l.lm.
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
ONE'S EMPIRE INK, 81 Nassau street,
40 New York-
Qt.-L.. per dor— ---51 SO 6ns per
On Jraught. per
Ills is the best article mauutartuthdr . 'Obastresly—
is a good wrynu I\6—and ItilttpaostuT24e.
pretepaste ur dtcar, and pomasstsalilite qUalifirstrquir
ed flir a good Writing ruitahlelop - ths QUlll; , lexul 24.
colt:ably adapted ror the dtrel Pcu.
The undersidned is prepared to furnish 'tail...trash, e
ther Au. export or hove coustumptio,.b , at the abate ere.'
lea price, put up as pre yrder, and riclic...d an• pvt
of the a tree of eharco. No chsrge apel. Barrels
or keg too charged extra at stiottecot ,
Nasaari at NptrY
Self Sealing AdvertisircEnTel
apes. .
The molLetnt tbep . nt c ormf , ll , l=
Z.1112t Vw " artrel m oTe lermht beLorgo rabbe t . , T,h . t.
queUn, contnlegly Wen, to r lhe forgimo
of thnee bunnene men who have axed the.. envelopel.
sod to Me ray.Wir increaaing sales. LS prod' of their eat,-
The foltdwitin,ire • few of the means for their poen.
let. On
the pholiNetiopled by the meal. • moon tual
pare hiv , name. Moines& and aildeette, itotirDirtionwir and
heandfully emboated, bred or plain. than stfordlaii
feet securitLazatust fraud
Si.Tbe Enrelopes cannot be ormted without being de.
Vl4eitheryr' atm ere required to wmfthe
4th. Up. the of a DMA; th e ttualitOtL '
Immediate return to the moiler, buteed of being buried
mouthe to the Dead Letter Moe.
ae p allacet the same
rice plain ones.
tith. boob letter mulled la a most effective advertisement.
cure to attract the atrocities. of all through whose band. It
ma pee,
- T y he following Is list of prices for Dire, engraved on
bums, and which will hut for year; thd of Zawer.oras. of
the usual the. either
name, white
addreas. or bud, of good paper. and
made as alp., with
3) to Du — E.DO'IOOO .11.00
Co to DO 11103 43a) 1 —....
DO Le 100
Mute It Is not ecemantent to fonraen — antonnt of order
111:1" 1 :11TL'T,Mh%T., 1 21=70ir.g;tr' r ., Y or k ,
attention. if addrattel, WM. ,111:11.1.11.Y..
audim yoik.
will he attartikd trimptly. if lett at Me moms
of 3f m.. Pawn & Mott, Walrtreet. . of Mors.. 11.
&Ca,154 WAIL= rt.
N. D.—Barliarra in rola.. from ram*
Dim •tllO.OO ier thowarid. CeMMAN.
COVONTINUES his usual facilities to receive
o Stonuse, Sale, and Transhipment. all kleroluandlse
reneigned him Wass leave his dock dells for all points
uu the Lakes and the Illlisoht Canaland elver.
Refereneee—Meters. Love., Reefing A Co.;
MOW, Jouer
r. John A- Cuushet.
Prod.% thwanahriart. th.lForararritur Merchant% wa the
hew, St. Jcserb. Mo.
Psfrr toAlerander Gordon. and Loren, Sterthme k Co,
Phuhrinth. atattly.
)AVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law,
sml CortmoWitmer for Penney'root. 13. Loot" Mo.
muoteattnne oromptly annexed. oct=ly
I OEN 11. R.A_NKIN, Attorney snd Com
o/tailor at Law. and Co m o :ll,4omm tom tbo Etats o
hrmerleartio, St. Loofa Ma. (tab of Eittsbargh.) •
Itrayetwew—httaboxyht Ilcat. W. Forward, Woroptom
Mlller._.3l*Candlem )IcClare: John &Tato. ittesolL..t
Semple. McCord it Co. austlftly
rrHE - undersigned having entirety tO-12 .
.IL. built end enbittred tbs above extensive estsbiish.
went. cantsitibes In all stout three hwietred suet SET
.wild , tuireettally glee notion that it is now mal
tat LIId Motion and steounuodstion or the unveiling
An ifaed aleen! tbeutunilwasseti enneentennes of this
Muse is desired suteirtluous. as the IninenT,
Cants yid. ka. sh e ' mw rnstesir rte. In
sileertisernent. Sullies it ta tat, no expense Les been
to rendes any ttr. e.d "
The rtienlture wee Disci. eannnuir b
Met. tecar .. lnu of
sod. suet outs , . runic" a ft '
bout , the "..!
rooms, will be round is be of the mod e n
lure. The Dining row. see ati_!.4 . o c . a :Z .
Melds will be to artestreil,.. ‘`
eaNY gal " Lb ' be dlxtrd In an nnt.eptlons•
Etcry a " . ' = "i:teri= basses himself th at the
isle unmans, snit ris er
Anterketu Wove rhattionleuir tbs teneetkesliinue.
Ibb..4.lewilberdscir LEWIS RICE.
WOW. Vs WM , Britannia Tea Setta,beat Silvir
Fort.. moms.% awl Banter lintrer,_ . _ ., __Table
(`Must qualities ottlV Lamps of
Chneame. innVea and Ineerd
andTiart . = Diam Cl
lairirtile my Manrti =demand . main lu how 6 eta,
maws e W find me in tnn rem a the Mar, (entrants to
adth • Ursa Morn artbralam• vein and M ass
air at& making iboi em warend .
B N.
aornir Twin noel MMUS rrta.
,t• Urn," • t Lonr4and oar, apktk.z
/Malt:ll7 Ova..
do not wish to trite with the lives and
too/Rho( the ablebtd, I,l*, clutently 'Was mt.-
iovos to ratite novalitt .1 to tho Time. o tele tosJI
t,.• bold uo htpe to tzfftnir o t
Arl, not warrant.
Irgual, and tLin Pine and Mid CTttl7,.o
faqir reli.hrsiad for tin cure of all dirriara Of the Longs
and Liver, •iinia are o fearful!! tfirriarnt fn ao :+mtha:o
robin !O. froin • wmbination of chemical extract.. Pro•
enrol from Wu 310, and • thooo Truer, Da. Ivreuva
am cr Come, rtiirdy flirrood.
;a-Me... o e Enfant 4 Wild Cherry la a fine =an '
comycael • ntnly of Wild Chem Hark and tba
den taw4atal Mee, (the latter Imparted erpreedy for ibis
puryrn.) the rare nelbal e:rntee of nbleh an alb au.
bind by a near eherakel panne. nfth the extent of.Sar—
thee rentering the abate mnnaund the win certain and
ennelous remedy ere: dmeyrered he the. •
HEItf.DITARY CapSI.7)IPTION Cured by tirtar'a Sat
22th of Cherry. —The falotrina tare of Jeremiah Is.
Crthz. of Connthantien. CI re of lilt brothers and ditara
'nth died of Contnthrtion.) it truly nonderfah
Ittr.22thr Emu. traralltan en, Etttit,
J. 12 pann—Dene fir I tabs tho Itherty of attrletha you
of the tune - 9r I hay. derteed from the . u 26 of 11r,lifirtu'a
Bahasa yf Wild Cherry. I •22 proatintect try thatetenibl•
tamaae. Cone um pt,02.1n s:ay isat. The extent our truly
honifyina to me, for fro of our Pitall.T. (my brothers and
striae) had died of Coninthrtion. I .as of pith
nearly all.the nortt features of [ha t 1.26622, Ibad
inalcongt, and prpeetorated • groikt deal of 1116421.'heetia
then, wren, panty in the this 224 616 22 . mid ehlll2,
Patina nith dualle2 of heat.
I m. 2 order the cam of • skiHai physician, .ftwart the ,
tuna I was taken Mb ace about de - melt. dote. Ming.
then about hdpicce, and re friend, •anddersol ml O3l •
hopeless or at least beyond onb physidan's MID; Wished
the um of Dalmaa of Wild Cherry. Without ta7
knowledge. mf tether pnwrmtdi it. and mostioustel
isterica Otto me, sod tram the Ent day I co...teed tat.'
hat it my health hatband, ant In two meta Drm She
time I ...mud ode.: I was able to he:out:end mss
we my badness end labor, whiehd AM continue tOdo. I
hare taken four botilea of the mediolte, and now oconsider
myself perfectly well.
t • VY A
Craws LaM . Do., la, June IS, •N. .
D., D. Dlli—Deer dirt In Jell . ; WO. I' trio attocte •
Mitt a Drorcf tkoltublicharactor, which left me Inn ter!'
&Unwed rt., when.itt the fblicwing. wlnter,l arm ta
ken with a oerere cola, width rebooted tan to limb an am
tent to to Maasme the eeanarame of • conaritied consume,
Ore. I labored nodes snare cough—erpectoribed teamed
deal..end am troubled with roll feet and nlght•owitats. I
deo frequentli rased blood from my hums I rehoused
i'u Ws state, gradually oinking underl ,
he diem* '
January, 1911, when I wan undo attacked With 'fen. 'My. -
friends demaired of my Ufa and my ahydastas thought I
conk' surds e hit a nowt time. My extbutilliat: apecial
ly my Eat. were mmtantly . nad. and Minottlort thelr
lox.. trader the.. ciretunstancat it ropy 1. UW34.11 no.
a living skeleton. if.air detert , izeitt.qtdttoklunser
didw prOOOTibed by ;lyricism...l try Dr:lns:are SW..
cam of Wild Chem, tad frOM the first 'mkt/tat 1 con.
mentod taking it. T. ma date a Daduel fearremaj muds.
Ind its use ale mooted. et the cud of which time! was ear.
and cajoled good health eTM:I,.i.CI4 sad obserndlyn
cammand the bloom m all thusefellinied with Dimon of
the long, end would say to thane commencing it* use. mat
to be Dworman! If two or thrie botUes do not affect st
cum but pommel, at I have done, sad I ham no doubt
but:nine cases cat of ten, will be Limed with. .tweed
! health m I hare Leen. liestartfellY 1000.• ••
From Dr. Bate; Iwi.,sc4 Washington emit/I:EV
Musa Stanßad & Parke—l take thisopportoeftjof le
forming you ore mar rem.kahle cure p.forMed upon
me by the use of Dr. Mr.'s Balsam of Wild Cherry. '
In the year 1840. Iwee takdn with an inflamnUotiof the
bowels, which I laborml under' for six weeks, when/ nrod
°ally recovered. In the Gal of 1841 I was attneked.wiAa
' severe cold. which foaled Itself oponmy lone, and far Ilia
apace of three years I was moaned to my bed. I tried all
kinds of medicine, nod every variety °Paid. witheakthette.
fit. and thus I wkried along until t h e winter of .All%
when I booed of Dr. Wistark Pvlevati of Wild Ch.M. MY
friends persuaded sue to sire it • trial. though /./../Wvon
up all hew of recovery, and had Prepared myself fur the
-change of another worid. 'Through their solielatieedi.l was
induced to make lice of the genuine Wistar's lyalaam of
Wild Cherry. The erect wad astraLslsing.
three Joan of .1.11,i0n and aniferitm. and alter h./Ng
anent four or fire hundred datum to no vulvae, and the
best and moot m.yeetablo physician had nroved. outran-
Log. I w.c. won rvetored Went:re health by the Wetting Of
Clod and the um of Dr. Winnes Dolma of Wild Cherry.
. • May the Mewing of God tact upon {the pruprktori of so
valuable ,s medicine as Mister's Mum of Wlld Cherry.
Tours respectfully, • -
Solt 17 J. D. rm. Dmecooar to Sanford 1P.1.A.)F cittatt
wtd Walnut ...vets, nr..einsati.ohlo, Gcnoral dgmat bat It
-South ad 'W.,- to . ..boot all orders =est h¢ addrtnoo.t.
J. ale..e. FehAti.e.: CO., .L JIG.. L.
IIIIJIns;11; Los A. lleclths.m, AittlLiayUV:
L T. 11...5un. Watalaugthm L. 111 Facia. es.C.calx.nia, 11.
Waltz. Grts.xtharp,..S. Er....a.LL:lnmeratt,
Berlferl;llcril ES,n, italltd.urJlM
ll:Jae/nod a Co.. Luti... K. Wright.,EjtlOAJJ4l.
Er." t Co. Brooksilisi A, Wilson Sea, 14 . ..—zentia=
eCallen?Thr; :1e5.3111..qT talit.lEst
ssictslisahnxtrii 'Parks, Memo; ' Jaurts KslIT
Smith. Braver. J. O. Et: mmertell, Rom= P. 4 dr.C....,„
J.n Crocker, Jr..
isbUislCw an IT
FrofesEor A. C. Earry's Triscpherotti,
Ur Are rents eh:crating, and jrautifying thi ludr.
modem:, %IV scurf. dandruf , and all , Wertions of the scalp,
and rmang erupt.. on the skin. dlr.:oats of tha ghoul,
muscles and [atom= :14., awl relieving stmin , ,cult.treur
mittonic. a. 1 11th the. .reenaation - th•ge is to aurh
ea hut" Th. tretjOurnals in Amerim,
of the highrel 4.00 p.-omineat eiticerre of all mars
riot. and ladles who have orevl ft,r 3 . rars.tei their dreesr
o ng roan, and nor-v.:rt., airair It with one accard.lhat for
{reporting vi;,. 0 010., lusurokere,and curt to the halo.
ersdiratmg teurf ant dactleuM halm, we.da. =Pug
Evratuskuot .grains, ,Itn,v. A.e., and rrIVIVIDU diseases . er
the skin the gistvls. 1.1 the tote., hav oo equal
ampag the onvltirude or .., , mpoundsadr ertbad tt,
alt rends, or wed prirat. prattle,. to chearecav as well
Ago chlriencp„ haery'a Tricoplo , roto The ha-
Meuserash rat,- of Lb. arts.. have enabled the inventor
to supply it at IL rents per lorti r e, whieh is term 50 to lOU
pee no
than the pr.° or ant other peepandban for
the hair now In use. TIT: pciendte treatise on the hale
and the akin embracing the valuable din:mho. fbr the re
tray seat preservation or nature's eholgrat . ornament, In
in which rad, bottle la coeval...l. ls alone worth then:amen
The altalry between the membranes whleboantetratethe
akin and the hair. whvh draws 11, nitatemmor from trite
triple envelop, Is very dam. .11 dirt.. of the boo ori
ginate ler the
i f of the head. If the pores of the scalp
are clogged. or if the I 4. - scal nod make fl olds do_not circu
late 14 , e1y through the small veuels which teed the root
with moisture. end hop., life to the three, the emelt id
'scurf. dandnig. shedding .of the hair, graver...
and harshness of th e lig - ardent, and entre bald n ess. merle
to. Stimulate ton Ain ha healthful welkin with
theTriconherov. mad the torpid resale, recovering their
activity, will ant:bile. the distaste. In all affeationa of the
skin, and of the eolotrats of mulct., and Intemunenta, the
promos sod the effect ere the exude. It la own the akin.
the musenlar Eke, and the glands, that the Trieophereue
has Its swine action, and in sit atectiona, and Injltry of
these organs. it Ira sovereign remedy.
Sottin 4rge bottlPs, prior rent, at the principal of.
fire. 147 troadway, New Cork and by the prindpal merch
ant...l drugglete throughout th e t. rated. Stitt...and Can.
Needl6l;_Celebrated disci in
These highly tendicated plaater• hate been made for
more than twenty yearn. derieg lehlait tile. they hate
gained a yernoinent reputation, an the =ea deleingioue
Rhea...tieStrengthening Plaster ever eliMeed.
dote. of theiddehest eminence, to Whom Ihiele conataisi
lion ling peen enbraitted. have given the meet Lathing
teeth:modals an tothelr augeriegetztne UM all other Pate
ten sold.
The Ingredient! of their compositkat, eery worldly and
mbined. render them pecullarly applicattle to
Pend= mffering with pulgonmtry db..... -
For talus in the breast, •resultlnd from prontieted cohls,
whooping nog), and local pens in the various neuralgic
dinnes ha the Lady, their benencial chanteder I. beyond
question or dispute. A. 'a remed
bb y Lumbago. then au
icrioriy over IliD l ontvlat tnindlott.•
ICl . ,_ralisSl l lzir ' peami the r be:k neet r ald reiroltfilt
from sidatilni stria...dimmest the kidney,. by
o'er all other rihntna bas been amply tested by
hundrais who tare experienced eurmand mile irem then
application. To int.. surer with rhumatle paitu, Wen
{dealers are recommenthal, with the coas t.! asearme
that then beintietal etecta will Me found very decided.
For sale, wholesale and mall. by •
mdcs YA.LLEILS., 6Tirood
' The. Human Body Meat Perspre,
0 SAYS NATURE, to have a heaßity
ant perste. who do not
tshe rood dfrneasting Ithmes. 2thw. oenin Ith/tha
Cnenneal I , oap MM. nee tererthition, and al the Mr.
that 13301:thre .14 eoliths ith ththen ttt .1.010.
of an infanth. . ,
Scurvy, halt Ithertm. Dad Sorel, ere nee orJy heaaP but
cured by It. ax. as at least 7 01),142.110 row.
who eve, 1e to each caeca, ant lad It uttfalllo
Pimples. Blotehev, Freckles. or any other atiodiseasa ,Tbo
reader Is &arum! llat u. uvele, puffed luvetku ,= sat
one trial rrove. 1 could enumerate at tout alga:7
persona eared of rare head. rore
Day It—and the reader Is again A.FURNI Z IMAIZ+V(44,III.
CitrZieil M illar the alma. t 5.11 . 4,1 I ko-ee. It toletild Ugh,.
,trg, otly a cure- bdt. " a we . reffZ ‘P and 4 1'4'
now only add, that anyone aCtcredwith arty of the ahoy,
et similar dla”...e. Ina foal th n ano .ail and evert mate (sate}
ruble lu its properties) then .
/Whitt. yeadar. Lb. atoms. are deeded vrlth Itultatiara.
sod be sure , you ask fur llvalauCherutral.aeay—
buy it only hf JACE:3O,V, ouly Agent u,
heal of Hotd.
• • • ;• • .
Pearly White Teeth. and Pure - . to
be had far 25 crake—Perm:lt who ham ether. aro honer.
bly aarurcd that if their breath la e'er as Crab Or their
teeth decayed, dark er Jrlbw, ersi eb.rttrieci with tarter.
teemcent LVI at Jura' Amber Tura Putts wilt - Make
the as white as 3[1.3, *al the breath abartfcrtaviy
Sold only at JACKSON'S Stop. 2:1; Liberty moo td
A Scientific Heir Toni; Restorer and/gnu
Pottle 37.hihi. " M oe. ho Lire
iloitn , Coral Ililr 0.0.. halm exoelient quail/41.-
11mi who hare ouh we satire it to poeriese
qualltiete—lt rill form the hairtoerrove ou.sp para.:h e ,.
rum, intmdeil hairto eien it fatliiig Oh; cinaiic h ri
dandruff: arid make lii;ht- red. or zra,
}ar ruritiaeir.g twain rip raifeedi'
.hie—it make". it truly biesull.h.:l, sad xterA le so.
&ea...the meet echticauical—yet sitheeihr-wticia,fqt.thie
bag: Ir et RU. JACKSON'S Wes, 210
bead of Wnt, hltteburgli.
JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Homan
Ilitr ear.. (r tha cbanging of white, red. or wrey tabitc a
beautiful broter- or black )et mkt, in a few misulter....
Pricea—nu rent, and • - -
(old by WM. JACKnO , N.f.:10 Liberty greet, brad Of wboa.
Pitud wet. •
JONES' lALLYWILITE.—Ladiesari, -cla
n-mm.4 lung= using theannonen Minna' Mak' The
are not swan Low fright:lllly leonine it la to tits alb,
bow mane, how roach, Low aniline. Yeilow and .bral".7
tbu atilt airports& after luting prepared 1,4 ,
to Earle".tin '
belurioux, containing • bin, notalLitrof lead: • •
We bare prepared a beautiful an:stall. artkel, which we
aafl Ann' brazash Lllly White.
It it , twrtudir itttowunt, bind faulted of all de eterfoul
dand It ,matte to tieu 'dun a natural. Leanly. vi
tt:water. troy wititg at Ms tame time mbar as nor
:acne on tba mtdilettr it tuft and kurut.ln
• Sold tbe Anent, 113 L JACbrON,
Ilcs4 Wool, l'utsinrsis Prin. 2:1 swan.
iter/Unlawirit • •
MIL for nielie. • besasinal elan tO /101110r11.4.7
t.llo.cofl ~titan ith.d.ape.q as
sue premeds the ima= to the Llnen,erednnes
thoto snicking: ISeentenos. ec. clothes tm
ea? rennet. Tin !wiles hernia:lg telt the Weans.
of ouch an ankle; amt is tbiertiatreepielettoo Tan be
ly realised, u ue ecnopettelon Ll.f.mtel'ettarettifssoggyi
N. IL—One Cake will do darts" deetei
eboold in without it.
' Price IV; cents perCske. EseleCabenttli
Tor. ...lob, esebAl }4 HAW "r4' ,. .4 Minns.
GREDN APPLES-40 bbls good condi
tlae~lOrwbD7 J. 6 =MOIR CO.