HOME MATTERS TILE nen AT THE rcvr Faeroar - . - -We ye pleased to acorn frum Alcs.int. Kennedy. Child' a Co., proprietors of the:Penn Cotton Factory. 'that their lose ie even lees then we had at tired supposed, and that the damage . . done is that the operation .4 the machinery not be Inns: . pettded, but ILr work will be continued am usual. No demand will Ls. made upon the underwri te?; so unimportant is the Injtiry sustained. We understand that a new and improved sys tem for the use of hoer 'throughout the entire 'factory Itna meently been "adopted, and the in ternal ITT3tigetnaitS Ga . the suppression of a fire, ere considered so complete as to obviate all dan ger. On being used for the first time on 'tired ness:fermenting, a section of the hose, owing to Kline imperfection in immonstruction, burst, nod hid not this unfortuntte occurrence happened, the aid of the firemen who labored so gallantly, Would not have been required at all. '. Jesse Idan.—Our readers will recollect that thelicket, for the Concert of Jenny Liud will be sad at atictinn at the Maionie Hall at ten o'- 'Obeli thin morning. All the requisite preparn rich; aa far an the Hall io concerned, have been made, blowy have uirestly given the details coo •neeted with the pli.o of seats end mom, so far '• they would prove interesting to our citizens COITUS PENNSYIXAN!A , HOSPITAL.-A la rge anst highly respectable meeting of ladles, was -bad at the Lecture Room of the First Presby terian Church, on Tuesday, at 3 o'clock P.'M., — .Sridab was opened with pitycr by Mr. Lorenz. The plan of the Hospital was then exhibited, lied a, onsaber of ladies engaged to famish rooms, While others eut.scribed money or furniture to a considerable amount. The Society one then organized by the name of the Ladies' Helping Hand Society. The 'fol lowing persons were elected officers : Mrs. 3L4,11.1i ROBINSON, Prelident. Mrs. N. W..CALPDELL,Secret4ry. Ifni MARY BRUNOT, TreAStlrei. Mri - Edward3, Mrs. Wm. Howard, Mrs.. Aidrew Leech, Mrs. Dale, Mrs. Lorenz, Mrs. Lorimer, Mrs. McCracken, Mrs. McClure, Mrs. Sellers, Mrs. W. Hays, Mrs. Howe, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs Palmer, Mrs. Breading, Mrs. Hussey, Mrs. Grant, .Mrs. S. Bailey, Mrs. Breed. Miss Morgan, Miss Hepburn, Miss Laughlin. V; tinier to follow up the spirited feeling of the . sawing, and to perform all that ' he emergency ;7 7 — "iif the ease requires, the ;3lanagers have been ippointid committees to obtain subscriptions it money or goods. ....Communications from persons.desirons to aid the Society, may by addressed to any of them; Articles for the Hospital, may be left at BrClia 14)eles Carpet Warehouse, Fourth street, or at the :sesidence of Mrs. Felix, Brnnot, Allegheny. By order of the Board, N. W. CAMPBELL, Secy. COVET OP QUARTER SESSIONS. Thursday, April 24. Present—Hen. William B. McClure, President Judge, and Wm. Boggs, Associate Judge. POETICAL LIBEL SUIT. Commonwealth tw. J. G. Bachofen and J. F liabeta--Indictment, Libel. alleged to have been published in a German paper, called the "Pius !burgh Courier," on William Neeb. The alleged libel consists in a poetical communication in dog gerel rhyme, being a parody on • S he Abbot of St. Gallen," and entitled "Comic Libel suit 1000 years ago." Counsel for Commonwealth. Messrs. Brady and Stowe ; for defendant!, Meiars. Brmstetter, and Kerr.. Dlr. Stowe opened the case to thejary, and read a tririshition of the alleged libel.' Victor Seribs'swor*—l have been in the habit of reading the Pittsburgh Courier The Cowier is published by .Ir. Ilachofeti. (The witness was here shovii the paper containing the alleged hare seen this article before, and made *translation of it, which is that laid he the in- Aletment. When I read the article, I considered it to apply to Mr. Neeb. Cream lisamined—No person isi named in the Wrtisle, The initials of N. 'AL, would stand for tiro win*, meaning "nobody" in Faglish. Judg tlutt tlia article referred to 3111 Neeb, simply bu:seconnt of its referring to aaother article, Mr.-Backofen s paper. Mr. Neeb — .lraepublisher of the 'Freedom's Friend' aLoot six reozatut before the libel appeared. ' Hartmeyer sworn—l read be article on "'the day on which it wee published. eormidered it referred to Neeb. .. - Crcese Fr—airied--Considered It referred to William Neel, .beca.a it alluded to nu netiele formerly Imtliehed in the .Courie . .." In relation to IMO. J. C. &band swore—. Rend thel L ankle when it wan published, nod considered it referred to Neeb. Several utiles witne.gws were proved that they believed the mea l Tgeeb. Wm: Nab s:Tora—Resided abou, Beaton. Mr. Rackofes i proprieto' es of the 'Pittsburgh Courier. Cross Examined—Was engaged : publishing s paper. Was raised t. .bosiness. Emunination resumed-Made be "peeking the former libel about tks published, which was previous to th the present libel. • Cross Examined—lves publishin i dom's Friend;" when this publican • , Staunton opened for the d ettergetic and eloquent speech. ; Mueller sworn—The witnm 'tiro n,j7etbers of the Freedom's Frie" la the c ity7s;f Allegheny. Mr. Ne Abe the publis*r of these papers. , The object of these pope was to show that i';' , Y„ '7,,ut°••l''' a Sahebs, one of the dei." 4.l, to q :dad effusion In the Cou. - MT wa' Theirreeeption vas object 4 to end * long discussion ensued bv'w_e; 24, which was terminated by the r. that the evidence was insamismble: Examination of Mr. Mueller resumed-. - I am editor of a•paper. Am well skilled in the ser - Mae language. Have been engsgedias Protease:" Washington College, in teaching! the German language together with other langnages;have read 1 the article concerning which the prosecution has ,been instituted. Ile translated the alleged libel, showing some .difference in • the meaning, between the transla tion offered by the Commonwealth and the true one. Mr. Caton also testified to some discrepancies in the translation es laid in the indictment, after which the Cobrt adjourned for its Midday recess. AITERSOOS SESSION. I !mother witness was offered to prove to prove the translation alluded to in the morning incor rect. • The ease here closed, when Mr. Stowe address •ed the Jeri for the Commonwealth in a speech considerable length, and was followed by Mr. Mmstetter for the defence, who contended that the 'errors which had been proved to hive been made in the translation, were fatal to the indictment. • 31. r. Staunton succeeded on the same side, urging uspon the Court the same point, after which he -addressed the jury in a speech of gp.neat ingenui ty and ability. Mr. Brady concluded, in an im preseive manner, for the Commonwealth, upon which the Judge delivered Ida charie, which was strongly in favor of the defendant!, and the ju ry retired at a quarter to L o'clock. Commonwealth we. Daniel E. Mitchell, indict ment assault and battery. Mr. Eusegin stated to the July that this was a case w hich had been bid over Since the Inst term, as he prosecute? bad not made his appearance at that time to presecute as he ought to have done. The Com monwealth atpresent had no evidence to lay be- Ire the jury on the subject, and the case was invinSht forward merely to obtain a verdict of acquittal for the Alefendsnt, and an ordertor the proseintor to pay the costs, which in he was bound to do. The jury returned a verdict stmordiagly, and the Court adjourned until to morrow morning at nine o'clock, the Jury in the Ebel case not having returned any verdict. ------- • • • Ur UltrlLAits.—Tbe Templarml, a body organ hail OXI Papperance principles, paraded yester da. -Addrwses were delivered te euemja ww. kin* Han • . Taz :P.MIITIFMATIY.—We understand, that the illinther Of convicts, ie the - renitenliary, hes been beamed of late, notwithstanding that several naiebscurotamitted to its cella during the present Iron of the Criminal rOurt. Thin is owing to fact that the greater portion a the dinner- Ste take (lace during the spring and summer GRaia's This f,ne panorama con winxiei to attract Crowded houses at the Attie ' z*lxtri, oad abould be sera by all our eitizerus The iseautifal scenery of that most beautiful of . 1111cansiaioarr ricers, the IfruLson, is admirably the merles in Virginia; too, ITR — skate Well worthy of a visit. Ptueian InCIDERT.—When the precession of Sie of Temperance, on Wednesday march - cited past 'the liecoul \Vitra school ' house, on Rata street, they found the scholars of that school, male and female,. marshalled by their !teachers, &sem up Ina hue, Ita t e ' numbei of Awe 'hundted and fay. The little things pre "seated Lige number of boquits,',and. wreathes et* she gentlemen is thelrocesebn,!ieed.gre,ed t~y~y pith - 100116 they pawed p 'Tun IkeriTlC STATE --Jhe Steamer Buckeye State arrived last night at .hotit S o'clock, bay ing mode the trip from Cincinnati to' Pittsburgh In about 4 hours. It will be seen by the fol lowing memorandum that the Buckeye attended to all her way business, therefore we infer that this won not designed no a brag trip, no she could, under different circumstances bate made the run inlless time. Afrotorandum of Curl eye Stair . Left ChOnnati at 10 o'clock 40 minutes: Pass ed Messenger No. 2 below Lade Miami: Fort Pitt at Chits:. Saranac at Logan's Gap: De Witt Clinton at Big Sandy: Jefferson at Dog Hair Bar; Columbian at Little Goyau: Lake Erie at Letart: Julia .Dana at Buck Hill Bottom: Diurnal at WiWs Bar; - Landin.4 l s—Partsmouth, Gallipolis, Point Pleas ant, Marietta, Wheeling, Steubenville, and Bess, Landrng i r fur Aid—Brush Creek, Coe'port Oratatm'eltitstion, and thy I:lustre:l. DISTRICT COURT. TIII.IIBDAT. April 24 Before the lion. llopevreil Hepburn In the use of Benjamin Counin no Morris Ito beets, uted yesterday, the jury returned a verdict of ;17 . 5 Jul fur the plaintiff. Williatn!Arthurs V. 2. the township of Pitt, No 12 5 , Noveinher, 1840. A jury was called, but afterword4 discharged, awl the case. put at the foot of the list. Boyle Irwin vs. T. Robinson 3: Co., No. 1117, Jan., 184,, List No. 26. McCandless for plum tiff, McConnel for defendant. Verdict for plain tiff, $179147. , Bevanodd Co vs. Oliver Ormsby. Gregg, No. 102, November 1847, list No. 300. Mc- Candless for plaintlffs,..C. 0. Loomis for defen dant_ Vei . dlct for plantiffs, $730 38. James T. and Audn 1.. McClure, VA Wm. and Holliday IMcClure, No. 317, November term, 1648, list No. 312. Wills for pluiatiffs, 111cCan less for defendants. Action of ejectment. No aeldict. Hosrun OCCUEILENCE.—We learn from a gen tleman who has just returned from Butler Coun ty, that al dreadful occurrence took place on Tuesday Wight, within fire miles of Freeport, near Sarrer's Mill. Two brethers, twins, named des. and Wm. Duff, were seen together in that ricinity,drunk. James stnpped at a house a short distance from there, on Faaraday night, and before daylight in the morning rose up and complained of his broth er's absence. On search being made, be was the first to find his brother William dead, with his bowels cut out The brother has been arrested, and is now In Tim PlictseLVANIA AND Otuoilmuto.u.).—The Steamer 'Washington, which arrived yestenlay from Lei:aryllle, discharged three hundred hero . of rail road iron, at Beaver, for the Penniylva nin and Ohio _Railroad Company. Esoses or ROBEZILS.—We regret to say that no clue his as yet been found to lead to the de tection off the scoundrels who stole two thousand dollars in gold on Wednesday from some West ern emigrants on the Steamer Genesee. Sever al persons were arrested, bat all were discharg ed, there; not being sufficient evidence to justify their conrittraent Operatums have been commenced in tearing down the ;old buildings in Allegheny city, on the site of which the depot of the Ohio and Pennsyl vania Railroad Company is to be located, and they will iltinbtless all be levelled to the ground. • CLILLTINTS9 or POLICZ Orricsas—Mr. T. Magraw,i.F.sq., in moving on Wednesday, for the discharge of two of his clients, named Washing ton Bignoll and 'Francis Wilson, against whom not a shadow of evidence had been offered com mented With some severity on the culpable care lessness of pollees officers, who frequently bad innocent men committed to prison on the most groundlcis and - absurd suspicions. , The twee to which he alluded to was certainly o hard one, no-attempt being made to connect his diem" with the larceny in question, and yet they hod; been imprisoned on this charge for some nine. The utmost caution should he served hrore man is amplified to prism, since thu , whether innocent or guilty his char acter is ltss or more injured and his family din . graced. BErrtO.—We aro pleased to learn that Edmil Bradericl, young lad wbo was dreadfully injured or Wednesday afternoon, b 7 being thrown out of a wagon in the Fifth Ward, is somewhat bettor, and that hopes of his recovery are tinter taMel. Fi r is still, however, in a very dangerocs situation. Accintsr.—The Ente.rprize,, states that yes terday Morning, n 7ittte child of Me. Steele'. about sixteen or eighteen months oh), wan very badly scalded. Ite mother 1./an washing, and having . oetasion to leave the room, left it tuh of hot water; on n chair, which the child threw over. scalding itself no severely that it, life is ace: paired ofi. 13 APE HANOI NG S--Quake r Ftqh!s, u r.G . 4 dkr sole by W. P MARBIrteLL. - bb NVood 0. 4 1 1 EST CENTRE'S, Gold and fe - I , et, I. on 111 Paper. far .1r N , W. P. IL&RSII&Li.. Wnol ew Goods Now Arriving. MU ir R 2 . ABURLTF ., lE ,rr .l ry ll w ai:e iovite the adis of their regn r.B.nrs. baser, nalY. airop, tali 113011.1. 1111NNET8 end BONNET HIP BONS. Opened On dedray, new gibe; 3l.reiruark &Do, s u p e r oply /e,Y.P•e lord. ilou.x.sping cloud, anr-hne Table Dupers. Table Cletb, Lin.a .d Pllloin 10.401 n., ND.. Cerredo..Torpin, Nap lane, (halt* end Counterpenen,ittrulture WB.dow "l andll=rdir r . 'l lll MASON A CO. have Holdnettk Pate. Epot.rd money do., Bidet Lee., Demi MU; Null, for only by D. WILLIMISS & 'IOU pucks Cheever'Q, ' D. WILLIAMS LCO called, trdo ,le referred to four years in sad publish in Unit°. L.l the printing i Inmation time It Wita e publication g the "Fie on recurred. efence in 21 was shown ci; published lb appear, to I - in evidence, Ihhel on Mr. hich the po- I reply Mr. Deady, a the cana -1 urt deciding IDS!—A. A. MASON 6: CO. „., __ A= places Jorossets, HI din. Tape. iciWnArill.t.,;.i. Lyirmt,l'isdnsnoleo Mull Muth, Book do., whii,Tbot tiwb., 11.1.0 lidlas, Lawn do. .014 - --- --------- - - .TE T R DECORATIONS, of the richest 4 -n " 414 '''''' need ' N ' ililmmEit a }L.Z.,... ' SOAP 30 boxes Rowlens Br. Co.'s improved eatze i pteern Olive Loa k f l o u eME . TwoßAnA.m. Iple I No. 116 Water meet. DRIED APPLES-75 be. for sule_hy I • BERBEIDGE A INGULIN. m ilt , ' 11l Wein Moot I New Music: A FRE SH supply of the ALPINE GLer. SING . caratramulets selection of secular wird modal Music, WT. four vocal parte. with . fall course of eoW es Or the caltivatice of this vale, and for Improve moot to alaskal notetica L try Wt. B. linielbarP . Also, Pao Illetootar. a cor Ato ti o . L.m . .. M az ... ''''f weal fi . 'refitr' r U• wit f.6 h a werill r!electia: of ..n and fashionable - Swim Waltzes, Pollnl i yttaiwisAf f g= . s o ld 1 Elga ß of the Golden Nary. 811 `IA crocks and jars, for sale by 504 J.D. WILLIAMS & CO. CLOTHES PINS-31 boxes for gale by •Dla 3.D.V1LL1.8315 CO. Dilk-8 kelpre Po for ICSTOC sale E by, B. . FAU d. X ARRIVAL OP THE STEAMSHIP OHIO. Nay You, April 24. The steamship Ohio, Capt. Schenck, arrived from Chagres, via New Orleans and Havana, at o'clock thin morning. She brings 200 passen• gers; $OOO,OOO iu gold third, and $20,000 to spe cie as freight. The Ohio crooned the bar at the Dalin., at half past four•o•rlock. on the 16th„ and arrived at Havana, an the 10th. • She sailed again on the next day. Lieut. Hunter, U. S. N., came passenger on the Ohio from Havana, The steam hip Oeergis for Clitzres, left Yll2ll an the same day with the tibia. (treat excitement and much consternation, prevailed at Havana, in consequence of the cur rent rumors of another invasion of the inland of Cuba. So confidently was such an event antici pated, that during the week before the Ohio sailed; the troops were ordered to ',lent) on their arms, and to be ready for action nt a moment's warning. The House resumed to-doy the ballotiogs for U. States Senator. Two ballots were had, at both of which Sumner lacked only one of being elect ed. 3luch excitement prevails, end the bulloting still continues: BOWTON, April,l4, A. NI, The Rouse adjourned yesterdayinliout effect ing a choice, until this morning, rhea the hnl lotipg will be the first thing in order. on the hut ballot yesterday, Sumner lucked four rote, of an election. A most depraved and organized gang of men, numbering from thirty to forty, have been ar rested in Jackson County. Their sole occupa tion was destroying the property on the Central Railroad by placing obstructions on the track. counterfeiting, horse stealing, bruglary, sad rob bery. Among the prisoners arrested are three justices of the peace, live physicians, two judg es, and fourconstables The depot lately burn ed at this pbsce,'is said to have been fired by one of this gang. Sumner, the Free Soil candidate for 13. S. Sen. Moe. wee elected to day, on the twenty-seventh ballot. Four—The market is quiet at $.1,50 bbl, at which there aro more sellers than buyers. Sales for city consumption are limited, at $4,50l :"Fs. for common and extra brands. Grain—The demand for wheat is less active. Sales 1000 bushels PerinaryeatTOo ? bu. Corn is in limited demand. A cargo of yellow sold at (i 0 ? bu. Whiskey—ls in good deinand, with sales in bbls at 24c la gal. Four—Western ..and State unchanged, and the demand limited. Grain—Corn is,selling at a decline. Provisions—Pork is inn, and a fair business is doing at $15,12 •for new mess, and $l4 for old. New prime is selling at $l3; old do at sll,7spl•bbL Lard is quiet, at Bt®9c V lb. Whiskey—ls steady at 240 V gallon, for prime. CCUISO RIPOILT. New Yoga, April Cotton—The market is uneettled, with Wee of 800 balm Flour—ls unchanged, though prices are in &- Tor of buyer. Sales 5000 bbls at $4,44( 4,50 common to straight State, and $4,505 . )4,02 for Indians and Michigan. Brain—Corn is active, but prices are easier. Sales of 95,000 bu at Gei6'.o7c ? bu. Oats and barley are lower. . . •Provisions—Port continues inactive, with prices fnvorioc buyers. cut meatsare active. with sales 404) tierces at ~?.; or hams, and 7c far shoul. deco. Sale: of lard at ticF. , ,r; in has, and We in kegs. orcceries—Calhe continues active and eon siderable is doing at 1:4 for Gaya and Ilitc..lo;‘, for Rio. Molasers is ,tire, but vrithout change. tine= are held firmly, bat no ker. - Mut trsu...c• tiutil have taken place Whiskey—la in limited _requostes, and prices are declining. BALTIMORE MAKE:ET Mar:sort. April 2.4 e. Flo. Rah., 3f.0 tbi. ti I,rards.z.t bhl Rye Figur selling at - .t.t corn Nieal- tiales at $3 j' Ahl Gram—Sales red, wheat nt 1 ocpa lu.c, and of white at 1060r.115e "r? bu White corn to as t12(3.i14k,. and yellow at 6.4 c. Clover Semi alesprime at "r.5.F141 ? hoe. Provtalons--Salta nen' mesa Porl at slq, and of prime do at $12,50Cr.513.00 a Oa. Rana ,honldera are gelling at 71Cr.ilc, rides at :1(.; and ham" at tiif tic ? it. Sales of I'.OU bbd" lard at 9469ic 500 testa at "tit., and 401 i tierce, at 9Z€l . .9ie rt! Whiskey—Satre at 210.25 c gall Groceries are without change. Flour—ls in good demand, and prices are toady, ;Sales at ii 40(;,53 tAi 1,0 Whiskey—The market is dull at lif - to gal lrovisions—Tbere is on active demand for Lard, with sales of :5100 kega prime 10c and Ws) Lble nt Sic, 11 Ik. Sales 140 hbds bacon shoul ders at Gc, with $1 for libda. PAPER—,ailreanis.bled. ander:ma Wrap *". n HIED PEACHES-1:C10 bu. for sale by soi ISAIAH DICKEY • CO. DAR FUNDS & EASTERN EXCHANGE 1% ANTED. nor the hishont prom'nm imi4 for Ore A. WILKINS CO., women apl2 ostler Martel and TIMTI sis: NEW ORLEANS MARKET.' AItINE RAILWAY—Four Shares Ma- NEir ORLDAPii, April 24. iTJL Tice /MD.., cod Day Dimlt A f . olabili Ks A Co. Cotton—Prices ore declining. Flour—Sales of Ohio at $4,10e4,15. Information Wanted Corn-1s doll, with sales at 50e for mixed, iOF the whereabouts of AND'W DOUGH and 53c for white . , ty TON. Drover, who minim in Trumbull to.. 0. 11. ose Met even In thin rim ' , n the =I of )Lech. AOT lu - Prirriaions—tinles of mess Pork at $14.50. rormation /rot lo JOUR CRAMER, Trumbull 7 ,0.. wil l Sales of ribbed sides at Plc, and of clear do at OisskrsH rviTirivl. 9e; sales of shoulders ni Sic V lb. Sales of QH. MOLASSES-20 bbhi.HattleGrourid, prima Lard in bble, at Sc. i„7: p oceirinit Mum str. J .Nr . e b retn A ato Coke—The stock is barely 5000 bags. Oct" at 91010 c. lOFFEE-150 sacks prime Rio; - - Iu 012 bawl, for eslei br Whiskey—Sales at 190191 c V gall. .plO . DROWN it KIRKPATRICK. _ Groceries—:Sugar continues in good demand, with sales 130 bled, , fq.E.,6t for low fair, GI for fair, and fur prime. ,r sale by I. L. WILLIAMS e CO. , c'd and forreale by WILSON. II: Spent M. low priced s's, reed w. t S. WILSON. 'OO lbs. prime, for sale J. O. WILLIAMS t CO., corner Fifth and Wwd insect, 75 bbls. to arrive, for sale by BURBRIDOE t INGIIRAM. - ----------- --•-- -------- -•-- - • ! [ R AISINS Lk FIGS-100 bee. B'ekßainins; - 11 ICE—' '0 ten. prime, new crop, for male by I too -.' nee lbr mde - bY aplo BROWS a- KIRKPATRICK. I spit/ BROWN is KIRKPATRICK. --- , DRIED APPLES—IOO bu. for sale by .. CO 3 eaokn llama; B`" - ..., 5010 BROWN & RIRKYATRICE. 3 " Pldw, 3 " bboublem Wine etualla7 ddb c opPER STOCKS— , on hand and for ode br , - 310 dors A very Mbalop C o 3+511 • aplo DROWN & KIRKPATRICK. 100 lolling " DENN — SILEETINGS reduced to 8 centsrl too ^ YON Steel " :15 " Algonquin" " L Moswoox " K" -r ! b 0 " Douglass Houghton d0.d0.1 50 10 . KENNEDY. CaILDL CO • - _ .---- r ''' "I'"u'' / 1 axing u "/AnLgriih co. House Keepers yO own. Matlod and Illdr& dol. _ . lyy/SHING to employ Paper Rangers, will WitISKEY96 bile. reed per etr:Cin- j Iwo• &be& nans poloptly .n.64..1 icor set .i tn. all Paper Ewa a 111031 AB PALMER. 1 V V danall, and for de by • 60 Market atreet._ aPll q WAMINGYORD & CO LlMF'—'loo bbls. fresh Louisville, for sale by IT. /I T. WILTON, apa 147 That, and lle !mad an 6lYitUl' MOLASSES-51 bbls. S. 11., for 1.7 gala by ' man IT.O P. W11.60N. fI.OLDEN SYRUP-10 bc b1:1; : la i r et . by VP api) S "Ab'W g icilr r F N l a.hiaEOcVa co. SALAD SAUCE—Gray'e Sauce for dream 1 Ind s".fOnireo. cla..2eub.m. et g lOCOA NUTS-2. ba s la red and for Bale e NJ by & p . lu FRENCH GOLD PAPER . FOR, PARLORS sin —A • a Vg. j rALTElVo r . * l6',ll:ii i .t at. EXT.COLOGYNTII COSIP'D-40 lbs. fur taw by en 9 B. A. PAIDYESTOCK &CO. pRESTONS EXTRACTS—Leman, Rose, 10 ' 411 ''''' " 1* A. I , Att.' , IESSOCS. & CO. .y aYd (1 , 01) FISII-10eask A s n, N n i d fZsale .1a 12.5 Wiwi) Wee. ALLAD OlL—al Baskets just recd and for PO. by (s.Ol A. CULBEILTEON A CO LARET WINE-100 boxes choice brands on hour aal Int rale by NnA. CIMBETFOIC CO FLAMPAG:VEWINE—IIeidreick, and other farnrit