The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 22, 1851, Image 4

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• 'rem Me Baltimore American.
is •
' Forevil fare Well to the weary night.
/To the long and Muer day,
To the hope that dawned with morning light,
Then sickening died . •
From wire to wire; from hill to 06 . n.
The word is thrilling f.t.
Our and prayer was not sped in rain—
The Atlantio's safe at last.
An ,hour ago, beneath the ware
Wa thought thou wart at matt
Now!—as if risen from the.grave,
I hold thee to my breast.
Again, thy lip is glued to mine: -
Again I press thy hand,
Again, that well known noire of thin
Sounds on its native land.
How couldlt deem that thou Wert dead, .1
That ttoMma had closed on thee,
That thotrue and brilliant anal was dead.
That flashed its light ou me
For the ship was true, and her matter too .
• Wan native to the corat
Aml.Whether the skies were black or blue,
. lle, wan oure to mako the shore.
Away, away,, with tlie,phanteni feu,
That made the lover quail ;
Away, away, with the starting tear, • ,
' That turned the parent pale: • 1
Peas, pass the brimming bowl around,
. ' And let it circle fest, I
1 For.our hopes are erown'd entitle lost are found,'
The Atlantic's safe at lest. •.,
Front Blarlcr.d'r Magazin,
"it was in the doviags. For three months,
we had received no pay. At last, to silence ply
lieutenant's terribleezpostulations, they sent us
.Inoney--fifteen notes of a hundred florins each.
."Thb salaries of . Government officials were
paid in fifteen-kroutzer pieces; the mony we sod.
wanted, for; our daily bread, was sent in
haindreddlorinnotes.- Of coarse, nothing could be
CASIO' in the Wallach hamlets in which ave were
canto:led, than to get Email change for fifteen
hundred florin notes.
• • ... . .
i•Whllst, my lientenantwas grumbling over this,
and g. his head. how to divide these few
larweivo Fes into many smeller ones, a courier hr.
rind and brought him a letter.
,“The lieutenant read the letter, and laughed
. ir'nt. laud.' Then he ordered a parade. He wall
the only - offlier present. Two captains and is
major were constantly rambling about, and sel
dom ssiw . their battalion, but left everything to
my lieutenant. So he ordered the drums to beat
for muster; and when the men wore assembled,
he Informed them that their pay had come jest in
the nick. - of time. Then he produced the fifteen
hundred florins• and a pair of scissors, made the
soldiers Mt past, and cut off a slip of the notes
for each one of them. It was the only way to
divide them..
' "This was done, be came singing and whistliug
r into his:quarter:laughed and cut jokes, played
adhousand pranks, and at List called to me, and
.:asked if I had a dry cloth at band, to wipe np
`,I answercd i that I had.
and • . it, then.' And he continued
ta . laugh and jest, and seemed in most wonderful
kiod humor. 'Make baste,' he shouted after
ttle,.tts I hurried to fetch the cloth. T felt quite
..aiare-he Was going to play me some famous trig:,
be looked so - sty atilt comical when he gave me
the order. F
'•%Thilst I sought fin. ntowel, 1 heard the re-
Part of a firearm in the next roam. Towel in
Band, I threw open the door. The room was full
of smoke. a
••'What am Ito wipe up: I asked.
'• •Tilts blood!' said the lieutenant, Who lay uf -
On the ground. The warm heart's blood ffowetl
from the a wound in his 'breast; in his hand he
Nelda pistol and the letter he had that morning
; ',The letter announced the catastrophe of
egos„ In two ainutes he was dead.
I"Thttsdid my lieutenant make n fool of me at
"Sachs merry fellow was my lieutenants
' The - various memoirs of the Ilungarian war
recant more. than one instance of selfolestruc
, lion and insanity, amongst the enthusiEstle
- de
_fenders of the 'Magyar cause, consequent upon
- Gorgey'S shameful surrender, and the !inn! •igt , ip•
fall of their cherished hopes. As far a the
.Sainide goes, therefor,e, ;here is nothing Unprob
hie in the condust of the ere:marl°, lieutenant.—
Paising over several shorter paper;, for the most
Part clever and Spirited, we come to the striking
rale, or rather series of scenes, entitled George of
Et.,Thoinss, which., besides Icing the mosteare
• fully finilhed of these skete les:, includes seve
ral of the most terrible and umantic historical
iheidents of that war. Its construction is favor
tible to extract, and we propose to, translate such
potions of it as our limits will ullow,, ititd there
•Writh close our notice of the Sellaca felderlAol,,,
• The ,notes issued from Kossutlis busk-note
Imam were, of course, worthless when the revolu
tion was • •
At the conclusion of my lust, I gave...a good
reason why I did not wish to drown myself; and
my objections to being drowned were somewhat
'strengthened on the following night, as Rebecca
and myself, in a committee of the whole, re
.solred to get parried at once. We had no nest,
'to be ewe; neither hare the little birds. They
select .t 1 branch on which they Sit and twitter
their tales of lore through the silent w tches
'of the night. At the rising of the su , the
male comes laden. with sticks and straws, which
-he lays at the foot of his mistress. Of these
she constructs tne,:nest wherein to nu .e her
Toung; i:
Here, then, is the rock whereon thousands of
unhappy bactelors founder, and arc lost. They
are ever plating the cart beford the horse, and
are aheays holding on bylthe wrong end of the
string. A few days ago S. encountered one of
that Unfortunate dabs. In all other rerperte, he
is 'an exeellent member of the Church and of the
State. It is years ttnce we last meet. I asked,
" - Are yon married?"
'No," says ho; "but I expect to be,
( before
the yearin out,"
"How-add are you " ..
' " Forty-six."
• .maid. I; "Man,- my second crop said 'Grand
father' before I was•fifty."
"All;'' says he, "fun:du:ire was cheap in your
I replied, "Furniture has nothing to do with
'the choice of a wife. Go and catch the 14 . 01 first,
and ytat will noon find a nest to roost in.
..:11olook any advice, and noon atter was'enjoy-
irig the happiness of a wedded life.
Having digressed inadvertently, 1 now,return
in my . narrative. 31. r. Casteel, in the derange
'k ' , rent of his ideas, consulted' Mr. (afterwards
Chancellor) Kent, and Doctor Pilernore, at that
time n populax preacher in the Episcopal Chnrch,
• in Ann street.. From their tire-sides, the report
_spread through the city, (then nearly bounded
by the Tatk.) A• poor seamstress had relayed
the band 412 rich.menhant, and was going to
wed a - poor nail maker. Thu excitement was
.equal to that in Straibrug., on the Rhine, when
the man the ; long nose rode through the
city: Some said it'was a paper nose': some said
it was n wooden nose; and still the wonder grew.
Some cried 022 thing, and same another: hut the
greater part Said it was right; that we ought to .
come together. I thought so, too. New. York,
at that period, numbered but about fifty or sixty
thousand inhabitants. Consequently, alniost ev
ery one knew his neighbour. Sly pupil Was al
most a prisoner ,in her mother's house. At the
church, in the market, in the highways and by
way's, the was the observed of all obserrers. I
also came in for a amen of the notoriety. We
toitpored our marriags from day. to day,. hoping
Sir. C. wield become reconciled, and the nine
days' wonder cease. Finding no tali in the
sr/4A my - pupil took counsel of Mee hindsey,
the wife of George, a worthy ficotehmanl, a sumo
cutter and an elder in our kirk.. Ms wife wha
na American, and a mother in Israel: Mrs,
Blake wan also taken into their counsel. i (Three
• 1- vionien will sooner unravel a mat nuoonial pulde
- than'twenty men.) It was resolved in] council
-that we should be mdiried on the folio:deg night.
To this arrangement •1' mode no objectidn. D r .
Mason' (father of the present worthy scion) and
his lady, Mr. Lownds, (long remembered as the
berdengineer of 'the City-Prison) two young 15....
.... dies, two young men, Itebecca and her] mother,
were invited to drink tea, anal as there. would be
no fan, till I came,- I also was among the proph-
Supper,being ended, Mrs. Lindsey announced
a wedding!. This was news to all but the parties.
concernesk The young . ones looked round, /22W
body blushed,- and I felt as ;well as I ever did in
nll my life. 'hi two minutes; to I.:Too:nonn ! brides
' maid were selected, in five more we Iwo were
made one acconang to the canons of the Kirk of
Scotland, in like case made and provided ; wine
, . awl aim 'Pissed, and nuts rowdjokes wore crack
s.. ed.: 'At den the assemblage broke up. when' lie
. beam and I accompanied the mother td her own
dwelling. She gave us her blessing, milli a dew
drop on her cheek. -
. "Grata." shys she, "take care of my jewel."
"Slather," Said 1, "I will take Carr of any own
J'aerL" .
We entered our own room in peace., In this
• :Pain I nourished and cherished her for three
years and six months, when her Father called,
• •sk‘pre up hither."; tie gave ma her, likeness;
however, inher only . child, my oldest ion.
• Sere their, you will say, was a Scotch Cove
. =dee wedding. It was so, and, as I aim], it
way in the world to make a wedding. I
so boisterous laughter, like the creek- I
ling of thcirns order a pot, and which maketh '
the heart end. '-Our hearts knew their own hap-
plows. The stranger intermeddled not with our
joys. flei,e , we tat in our humble dwelling, with
the peace which the world can neither give nor
take away. i '
For theberiefd of those who hesitate to con
!summate 'their happiness, beeause furniture is
( dear, I will give an inventofy of what I cow
inencell house keeping with :=One White pine
table, Coe; fifty cents ; . three rash bottom
chairs, coet:twenty Eve cents each; three knives
land forks: three cups and lancers, a rag carpet.
and other tensile in the same'proportions though
plain, the were all new. Ten dollars closed the
concern. The old lady supplied the upholstery.
gratis. W had enough and a chair to spare; in foot
we often ad two chairs to spare, for It not un
frequentl : happened that one chair held both of
us—and eroi was not harm in that. Of what
use- are our four dozen of chain! • You can ,
only sit on one at a time. sad the rest are °ldyll
Ivanity and vexation of spirit. You gain nothing '
, by rising! from one chair and sitting down on
another. With my three choirs and pine table.
a compan on who had !spurned a palace to sit by
me in a cottage. I was content, and would not
have exchanged them for all the honors of a
Dukedom; -
To BLISTER BUlLDERS—Proposala fur
the heilding of the Sixth Prr:shrterian Ch h. Sixth
11 anl, w il l:be necked by Capt. W. 15aurson, at the rc office of
Bowan A Dawsn. Oth etre..l. until ay, ,the T.'llt
Inst., at 1.110 rhea. when , Oar, and specincatuitis van be
~ nild'aDi inLwmation Olen which way be required.
ni, order of the Board id"Prudees, ,
• J(1112 , F.'PElti: V. Frey.
Pittsbantl...Fel..... o( . 4l
) promr st ill be received 01 the °Eire of th e Carrot
0..„,,,,y I • road Compan V. let Carrolton, tthin. until Thurs.
day, the ER i:laylof lareft nexl.lDr the graduates...bawd.-
z , .I;2 3. b r rl.l. i fin i g u e ,. ..n a lt.... , litie n exbie , l:ll , n4 , tar
m arrollon to,
;lons and Veriticatinti. of the the
mar ' 1 .• ' ' '; warittmd•
and necessary information obtained on applindion to the
Engineer. at th Othm of th e Company, during the ten
days previouti to thedny of letting.
By order of the Board of Ittrectors.
fehlteld itiLißT. CROZrEP.. 5......, .
_.. ...
Notice to Contractors.
YF.OAD--Sealed proposals . will be received at the rifler
m Ohio and Penuaylvanla Battened toropany In Pitts.
burgh, until Thuraday, the 20th day of !dumb. next for
laying the rack from Pithhurah to 111notilion, a distance
of 101 mil . Siwcifleationa and forms of proposals may be
obtain...l a the office in Pittsburgh, for two weeks pre‘lo.ll , Oa ".1.07
to the letti .on application to holomon W. Roberts. Chief The A., ts of tier am at follow. .
Engineer. The pmpoetal. Must be In seraTd.rn with the Bonds. Mortgagee. and tin , un.l Kerne_ - SIL7 11 -71
printed fo tea, and addreesed to the Preildent of the I.)D[ri- 5r2,9 , 0 Vuitnt Suit, Sia per mut Loan PL.14,....2.,
Pdtsbri . Feb. oth. 10.11.
1 .
• WM. ROBIN SUN. de, Pro:went. t...),,,, ,, h.,,„„1,„„1„ - - ;XL:2 , W
12-Mt.7 5
North American. New York Tribune. American Itailhed 5 . 3d.r0d Ithllstieraeity Six - .. 3iat4t..
Journal, r übllFh four times, 0.1.7,11,1 a, - ,....1 Snnog gallon Six ' w .. 4.7,...,1
lix , Fhar... Pennsylvania Ilail r.a c0m1.., •... , s l .Oti
- PROPOSALS for Erecting a Wire Silepen- . ..0 - Cnoei'llank or Tenne.o.e. 1.11,11.
I. don Bridge Over the Allegheny Illter. open.... 51.. ' S. " Mendointe and 31auint....torem Bank.
, 22. „ 0.0 ,
ilnalle lite Fifth Ward of the city of Pettsburgli. ' „,
.• yillsloirgh..
In place o the structum treently deattoyed by fin, , • I bthwhdP.te.mat fine , det , .."'"enot
~ 00
sealed temocal• will he received Id the oLln. of Jacob 7..... Bod t00th...,
Pahater a ‘a, Liberty tnd Until the Vat J.' nr M. - rib . 2 ' . Ph.k , liqrhi , E , .•--1..,...0.5., ,,,,, , - ..... .. :%.,....
next. for he erection of the abare dew-riled endue,. the . t.ertp ...d rtes.% ot Fund, 31olual Insuran,
pattern reof to be the razor as the Monongahela liridm, t , mitaniea - 115"V:73
with such alterations as bidders may suggest tors , the di. ' , Pll,t twn ii i 11 ........... • • ... •-• ... " ..,'.....
rectors ap rerre. By order of the Ikeard of Directors , 1..... "tt hattd
fehlultf F. LOKENZ. Pres't Pro. • Int. red doe • .
-801 an... in the hands of Agent.. and Premiums
Marine Pollen... emend, is....nd . .... ... i 7.e.14.t.1
NOPOSAIS FOR STAMPS. ,- "" . • ~,,.,„„„,
.., , t oberriphou Note.
. Jammu lei, laid. , . . 1.4,1.74.1 UK
- PROPOSALS will be receive , ' at tins Do:- 1
'Not - micro ill,. 1a.,.
_IL Onrtment until the tar - Zara( thiteb next. ,, ,,t ,ruled
„_, 1 - Th.. Beard .. - .0 Direetont hare this dal .I.viand . dividend
mg shunt. for the ow . of the Peal maces o' , "'e U n i te d 'of Six pail et:Nr. in ...oh, on the eapind :4.1,10. and t-IA
etaice for four meant,. We tint day of April next. when , PEI: CENT on the Sco of the rhenium t. pa.a1.1.. ..0 and
, ordered 1,,
`y the Department. of the fit 01 10 . 1 . dewrinttoo , i atter lacember let. 10:0. A 1.... 0 divtdend Ur TEN PKIt
CENT in Scrip. 01 the Capital t Icel. amt I:arnt.l Pr. n.
The n. . of the office and State In rircillar fona. rut
from a w4iti block of hardened Reef . and made In such '
' um.. CerUtirdew ad. which will be t...ned au als-ve
peia,,,,,,,,• ..
... wet. tw'tc..l.‘a of h•Uwlw noel figur e w 1° d e Wtt rt ”' th e .1 William larttn, William Folwell, .1 0 Johneen.
month and day. with a thumb Knew to keep such tette., ,r....,,d, ,e 1, J„,,, I N e wlin, mmo. i E. stokes.
and figures in Once. Such attnith.... l the bd.. , t'ot.'W 1 E. A. Snider. Dr It. SI. 110.0 m. drones Traquair.
0 1.1 the smut , lo be of the am.. ' , ire ea Mote now me.. i John C Dart., - . Paella C . . 11,1.1. S M'llresu
factored and in tine. A turned mahogany handle of the i R. im,...,„ T p ae i L n e .„. ta...., KAI, ,
same like rite , to be eccurely W5...n.1 to said sump. The ..t o bn it Peon... 11 J.... Itn,r•te, .1 T I..cati. P.neg,
month. of the year abbreviated ea IR to tnn3.113 but the. ... 1...1,ar, IL sham. 0 7 Merge. -
letters each. of the Name ear now In we, nod to be cut tram .U. ti 1.,.... t . Wm h. e. Jr • Hoch Cralg -
solid block, of hardened steel. Fignres.ror the Jo, .if th e Isaac if. r Durts
month, front 1 to 31 • inclusive • to he made of lire lured... ' WILLIANICI ARM:. Pre.iltne.
undid. and of the size lout aforesaid. THOMAS C lIAND, 1 lm Preedent
AllO, edalinn with the wood. - Paid" and "fn ., " of the .14.1.F1i W Con 4, SNII tnry
form of 11....0 now in UM. -
Also. steatite with Arum , denoting the mtrs.of 1 - ww lo l l, B. the Oct ine,rwratina iht.Ordnpany. the p 3114, In.o
attl similar t.. those now iu R.., ring propwrll heron are ,rallind to a .hare of the petits
MI of the abor....tan.h. 1., h.. u.sde of hardened ..leel , ~. 1„,„..,,,.,„ a ~,,,,,, ...1 . ,,,,,, e , ~,,,,,...I,t p, ...,
The proiseal. mud. al. en, tun mpande bids far the cit.. Imbtlity Iwtond the I.rennuttbirud.
color :tamp, with the mrattloOload A,Tume. . .The Caudal .hoe r and mth...lipthm Not, are 1. 1 .d.ed I.>
Also. 5.r each Feparate piec.....onnuning the mouth mu- the Charter tor th pat Men! of Ite.t. MO the prE.M, .1
Finn. of ttuvr letier.. the Chnipant an-
C u e 4. he intrwea ad remain .0 tn.
AL., fur each res.-ate pin» for the dons GI th e month. i „,.....1,,.. of the C,,rporation. , . fund t...r the further ...
Alw, for cn,tnyletn vi, of months eal.l Itgieno. , I curiti ...1 the 71.10 fut. 16111 In repre.....ond Wes)
Alen, for each separate pie.a. with the •..rtie - Paid and , :‘, rip. lmaring ith inn re , t of .... ~.r ....tit.thipl...l nue ~..,
.. the Insund t0..1 St..khoLlor., pne rat., the amount
AL•si, foe each ~c , . , ,,. . a ,,, e . -11, , ll , e.f..,unse.detiwtoa„l of earned Premium. and Ceptial St,: -
the ntlew of pada,. The molten( or the dtbetent w,. s a l Puto.ur-h Agent,, A.. It seer 'h..,
not. ho t, ,eii en to diff , rent ...nsraetars. hut th e ~,,...,,f„. 1'..0. N 1,01.1110
inethreal for the wh...le which is .1...1 enno ta.orable h. ---- - - -•• • -
the Department will Le areelded. The Department re to lowlf the right ta ,teed all prop, If the price State Mutual Fire Insurance Company,
isleymed extravagant. Harrisburg, Pa.
Spectmen. of lb.. •artou. kinds of 4 1.131, ~, , M l ,l ~.. b.. '
Well at the aptudinnient other of this Department. T HE very fiheral patronage extend , ' to
mt.t.2allaW:t N. K. 11A1.1.1touxoseter ....rat this 0,10,0,. 1111 V ing 1. ,Ntlifirit art I . boruanmsll
. ut 11,-ar In, and . 11.1 f alillo.n. of Dollar, derma the la.,
i Proposals for Chain Cable Iron. u.,,5,.....:, a...1 . ..tab00 ..f the ...Innateo
aud eochden..e .:r the puido .ii Ili. .y.n. of ma...4 , 1 , n ,
••"-' - . • - '
, .. .....
sa r Aaias . l . - Ot rlcr., on -..-
.41, it. t....,,:....... 1.......1...u.1
W...n ,, n , J.ntn., _•. 1,1 Ta all, arr.,,,,, cuertl...ak• ,a.I aut.,: of dwelling,
62 EA LED PROPOS A LS. In niur.lieate. en- ind i,ui,..i ~.1...,v,,, • ..- 4-6. n ~. I-...'. , tb , ~...;
i, - ) ,fin-...d - Pr..polan for ahem old,. iron.' alt' 1... ~.. I , J,' ~ ,l, • •• •ra J • lat , I ....ann. -, lalal! .....,
reheal -4 :hlauflino Ell' noon af Maaale, :Le Ila, iel ra - , ..a1a11 , 11' ,,,,, I.• ~•• I a ,,,,,,, La I ••lali•aa , , In lla , • "...111
ctr, 10.x.t ;or funnel/me naul daliTersnyt ta (he A., 3 1,..,,, . Caml,,ual , a fla. aqta , .1... , azel amal.l: 111, na...1, anew
et W,,...t,1,,,,,e. , th e t. a .,,,,a, of Colomtly WI the et.,,, n i.l.. I or 111,a:teat:la • a 11,ak., a sallanna fall ntrartal Al,asnla. LI,
Iran meta:nen' In Oa ll,llown. table. III: II .... i , .. n 1.n.:i:.-1 .1...., In 11, ..E...loralit,. Ital. I'll
. . _
...... aluillng tle- fr...tnenry ~sa.l acaurn,ne.- `lra'
tar, terra. sml
--...,, I
t C7;...;.e, a a • - . alto an bath tm. &tack lull Ilattual plan. It ma cull' {.,r•
5... , the al,earala., and neaaarnant.latluu a' bath m•Ata•ata.
bUt runtla• the beam.' to a ,ntrairlttallou In the prat..
-.. it Is under thr rantaal al dm fallowing Ihrart , a-a—Jobn
:, P. R , ltherlunl. A. J tllllell. John B. 1'm..1., , t., T Jam,
g j.-..-....: . 1
~- 7
1., . Mama A Csr.-1,. Philo C. N•nlortr l / 4 .11 ,, hert It lots.
J I' Ill."llll , .ithalhta. Pre.Lleut.
A.. 1 GILLETT. earrat.irl
A. A. Coma., ',two, .
!Nu r.f cam, :=
Of Oohs.
* ZVV.ln>c
of Flott mr
el. ic 7
All the aforuald chain able It= nat.. I. f th;,ty
bon Quality . of American tot
nal fe•ture., free fUn,
tut.. of foreinn Iron: It muttbe hanunrnd trona blot., In
to rouah tars. That• Inc the links mutt Wen he cut,
Piled , end rolled to shunt an Inch in thiranc, then arena
cut, IW. and
toe rut We
L'o"lues7danilupft'isr(l[l7l.:.ii unchr ' rhe I..;as ' lLA ` .;
The nhule mart be
all have, nutted end, or estaes. or other .I..f..cte, manors to •
such Proofs and teeter the of Coortructlou.Equil^ j
tornt. and , insir mar 2ireet. a i n o d i ts , nz.vt , s . the
e i
;Itg r ,....j•Warogatj. tarq " .rlll not We
any part of the said Iron be sub,lcd to tr. and ;mad' an
ant nekttut, productd in the rant rumnatard- I
ant that It heennt.tufactured herentbefore
The quantity required to make cm-third of the lit
(rent rival cabbn must hr delivered an cr before the •
east day of Jittle rooti for another thirdof all mid
him cm or beam the ten day of October next end
the nonsider un or Lone, the thirty... am
et of lmber
Persons elesiruna. Of offering to forni.dt the mid Iron-
Sthcruhlay ford:Lei information tie Moulted to enable
them to mate their offers) n femol Ow v....dant
or enmenendion °Lame of the Navy Yard et Washinnoin. ;
District of Colunthnt.
To the persoos whom miler may Os comprof particulsr
of . gl. models descriptive or the parts
and is.rtione of Moth kind, of Iron reltdred will to furnish.
N. when the fontruct prepnred for execution. and to
which mist iron must conform.
omen mutt brae the quantity fondled. end th..
prim Anted
sad pt,, and the aggregate amount of the
offer given and caned out. 4S.
Approved sureties equal to the estimate,' alrlftunt Icier
contest, will he required In Wm mann, vot forth In that
instromont., nod Mute,. ecnturn in addition will he wit hheti
fen o the a mount of each payment all collaterarnmurity for
the feltlifol torforoaalim do. contra., Minty pe rent.
f each delivery will be paid to the Nary .Age r
nt at
Washington within thirty dal. alter the pet --rotation of
haat,. rripbads, approved hi the commandant the mid
• Neer Tan,.
Every teller must be evecatspouled hawrinen gnarantY.
((the ri mporenbility of the guarantor - orguarantors to be
certified to vet to
Ewan other mat twrmu. or by
some ktn to th of Construction tit.
; If the oiler accepted, the 'bidder orbaiden, will, within
ten days after the receipt of the contract et the prat preen
dmlgnstod, Tie-t Ute the pat.. with gned and
famish the said chain attle lien. agreeably to
the terms spereffiilin thls advertisement.... which may Lo
I enstmlied la lire contrail- The low of the Intl. of August,
1846, forbkle the musukmation of All prapoals not
panted by such guaranty.
Ithlders are partieularly cautioned to nytorse. their offset
stave rquired, that they luny ter distinguished from
other heirloom letters, in order to prevent their being
°TroitTbeTronth:2l.! tr=eimfortnlty with this ad.
reraisement, In every particular, will be considered or no
if , c , toil, at filregitrloci.itherlr:a g i vrruvEl, ett p lt s tr d
.11f I and tt , TWA.] and a ext7trarttbrertinled without untie,.
vary delay,
Prevails offering are directed to designate the port atm
Ithrough which they desire to Le address.' mil the navy
Ogrtit to whom thr metres' shall to nowt for execution.—
And also requinvi to Ltitta•thtid , emending to the f , to
hereto utnexed. J. ILLATIIIDOP, Noel Agent.
1110-PARTNEILSIIII t —We have this day
I,_/... - i.ncinteel with ni. it. upiroin i ilnuhison The lar:1-
" 1 .1 . .W. 1. 7 . . raWrit:,;:t '6, -
Plit.imr,rh. Janiviry '2lnt 1001 —p . n. - Min
40 Old,ltyr WhiA rr.r.ery old .0.1 choice"
an bLI, Old Monungatnilei Wbkite,. in i.tor. lio.l for
lid. In ( niutil .1011 N liAliK YU a CO
ill 1 . 001) CANTON FLANNEL--A farther
1," ..upply of •1 r,r, -4...r.,rwr. article ut 1 . 2!.., iit. li ,
yLrii. rii.eiveil at .can' ~t
Plie. tiUlti'llY 6 RU Reim i:i.t.
11 EST IiLACII. TEA —Sarno 'lint' an in
RIP- in
"irlairs r i 7 - 1 ,i 1; l 111.i.f" iin.n l g ' ut
IPlen,n'ntT I V;7.IiiLV3( .e;ltVall 'n tl,7:l.n:, s J ,-
vrti,n, e 1 ,.... ill Yllt , ilnirgil Jai!
.14NLAXSEED--,1 , iall Ind for sale by
.1 'sit a I: 121%).101.0
ISilEkl . 11.:1.1'S I bob. fir sale by
not a a CANgliali
(g ALI:IC[IIS. -5 tons Saleratus. in lois and
1.. j iiv.. for Mb- by )s9 Itollt.liT DALY.EI.I. a CO.
1 EAF LAIIII —Leaf Lard in !iris atuf kegs
, 14 owl for raL. Li iiiiiiiiitT ',AI:ZELL *CO.
To J. 11. LillraP, FA, ha.erty nes' ,
Navy Agent. WpatanYii , .. R. C . /n 9.
or IV — ", '?h,,,,.."1,r,,.."."Zdy',1,',..a,r.--,,.... ‘ ' h i :?,, th ,,....t ' i n t : 441:47, , -- d l l s h1i ,. 415 ,, pr i i , l . l: . e , ti ar .l i t , r , l;: z ii. i. n i s A . , 6:u a gnr,
Lid of—Lt
1•11•411) i lil i t/ i i-
Olt/ the l i tlilillt of the- rraitraet at the past oftico ile.olgusit. I 4 . 9
,e 'll i 6 t l : bl'7" ;• thi. tenn 'i" e nr' n " t ' t: " ll ""m verti g S 4 l.7 l.. et...l '4 ?er 4l r7 l l 4 .l7 ‘ ll %" th i r i l t iii i" II c I.S UI ti S rLi ii iro 3 } N ' l i cie rt' k . r e r ' .l; tai rir lrt " No l l . i.n ß it: Yi t , -. o " .. 'lli lu ',l :r :
tid iraimn.l... C. D. Lt. , No. I Neutral. it/ SM ., . and ka• , ,
- I.:. Y. jail JOIE% WATT .I' .1
bl l'hf. 711.7 .721' ' :.... . "1 '5 .1. I n n • r th n n 'A i nr m . ll ' nn.nrur.:447,17,,i).-3,,,7„,,...,„, , (l i_ L E d - E r ,.. ,- 5,g_4 .4 , 1 :5,, , i I•xs Cred A ti , n it sh D eli L e zi. i .i n .L. stare
Et , t^ , or^ to r.• ...ton." - I , igicaL, fur chain enhie iron" ! 101 l .
..__ _ N't '''' " °6 ''''''''''
htttbY AP! to furl
of and nelirer at the Nary art
at Washington. 1/iPtriet of Co
NUN. ttnaOrttati With'
the terms of t h e attrertlee f
t iteuL from the Non'
7%1,1 '41 " ffe " . rcrarn . atop of lbe err hot
of Amerieta .mattoracturc, at t Itrate ---- mato ter
amoutaliti to t-. •
If tar offer be oceeptail, derthet be tollrearni through
the poet ottleo -, and the contract to Le tent to
the he , / aceut at -- fur extvulkak..
Very reaueettully. your otietiout Permit.
A. 11. I.
• - -
----_-_—„ _ i'''"'"T i 1 itOcERIEs.
NEW, STOCK OF PIANos. , . ; ILI CA 111.11 rbrlrs. Young WA , . " ni ' " T'"
.1 , at,
. a. , ratty bore , " do. do.. Imp. Awl Ulm Olt .
t .,,_ , u,,
r,.., J0b , :t . 11 . ....)1;11 . 0r .a , 11 . 1 s Lot .. strq t. t, ba5 ,,,,,, ,`
re do Y. Haines. 0 Cu.. Vratt,l A. do.
o , 4 P I7i.E.N "' I * DI7D ' mi,;''rovasi.'3'. - - I r ..rt . :h05e.,.0bi!r.:72,.T.7- 4— ' , ......
. i% mar I•ArAJ•turr Mnty.. Ir. Gold. 1....1:s
Lesaets of Memory. tCents of llrauty.
: 10 ' 0,, 1.n0,,Y, lo ;tore .on 1.. r As!. by
Coldort of MAJ... Art. Attiansoth. jut., .1011 V PARKER & CO.
Friondalilys 011otina- Winter woo.. . - . .
P... 11 "2.: i...sbik4 " 14.1. .., nflan lax.fa, .11 ICE- -20 tem for *ale ir,', •
irsokostioir 0000..
Lit ) eV. AU. salami E a INGlllikll._ •
I Eplooopal l•rayor Bon . lco, Aplenally hound.
Jof...k PT... 41 k 4.. k.
0 4k... sr. .( 4 COA.R. & MOLASSES-3 6 MAN Sugar;
For *ala at the I.DUCATI NAL 11006 tiTURft.
d,o, od, Mutat at our. of *north '..,f' I:3ol.arrelaMoloors fur
IlUallalla3t: a Vilalltail
1 IRUGS—In store and for sale by the 9nl, - tylNli - OW 0 LASS---2000 las oss'd sizes,
Ay **Tibor. all of the ba‘f '1.. 1 14 ,
Balphato and Bootalo o llorldila. .. El.thratt's 1.r.0,1. f,,r Aar y
1 • • Illlalslillaillir 1 NGIIRAII
unto Obeli.: .____. . -- -
1 I----,L,,UE—Tw,dry barrl.4 just received, and,
"nom sans, .
rfg - Attr • ' LA fo r -,. ~.. ~, ...,-,..,.. ON. WICK NREIIA3I . 9
, ,al:,
eroani Tartan 1;or.of Wood 0 Allah mt.s
, 1 -1 4 EAT IlliqtS--.4 1 I , aelca prime, for sale by
„,... non nraurtaat,
- 'Mar ntdanur ,
- „Ig - ra.ratt, IDALIU FLOUR..: - . .' i- fl ' i.. le rl K sC:tr ?e a, A f N o j ; L a l ale - t.Ty
i .1. hi 7.7
num Caandarr.
*46 •nd all-th ata 1: ,a,
Tenn Mutual Life Insurance Co.: Plulad. — a.
,„,„ J. Flonoy,jr.. demamod.) No. ZollJhorty street;
Ur the Letter anamiwnce of Pen... a'aidlne in. tha
haver part of Co. city'. the Juant nay alao ho found daily,
from 11 to 12 and 2 to n o'clock. at the mounting roost of
J. hohannuaker Leo- No 24 Word stmt, where near.
I y 'r ltr e tl7l ' :l l . ‘ . ' 7 U" plljr:•ftlirTit7rte ' rr2 hT m .,an p li
I bwoMu. nt hourance. an y Llano fornta r turr. " alar% on
capital 4tt,k roor $240.000 and ow:Mantis' Incnagng
Pronto divided annually otoonaat tlono lunirai for life..
gltaburgh. Jou. 31. IF:A.—Jo:A
Marine, Fire, and Inland Transportation
TILE Insurance Coot puny of North America.
l'hihuh.lphin—Churtervd 1734: 'enoital SLOthu(o. Anartt
inounr, So. Will tura, luxuraure on
buildlog, nod their chotent+ in thim rity nod vleitoty; 1 ,1 •9
i•roporty of P pt twr t n , nsto
sod other fel...C/A. rii d
hrr L ) ) toland trotuphrteitioou the
Arthur II came. 1.r..1. Thomas I'. en,
tallith.' W. J4ll, John It. Nu,
l'ilirail Funtli. t!
• Richard D. Wro.l.
John A. Drum. William Weld,
ennitiel F. Smith, Friniri.. limklnii.
Samuel P.r/ak... S. Austin Allihoini,
Cluirles, 'Sailor. Wu.. K. Bogen,
Aube., Whit.. I hs.rge Arolontill. . N. Tholln, 1an.... N. Dickson.
ii.?lore. Wahl, 11. D. Sborrenl, Sec'''. '
This ix thoi oldest Insurance Cornmiu, intle thill....lStateli
and fri.m Its high standing. long rapoirtuti.y., =Jolt. mi.aus i
and Bedding all ride. of nn extra Inuardnus chamfer. It
'frr t ' ll.r.P.lti . 7 , 73,V1ET. Tio .. . r a h"'
Ine-' 4 No. 111 Venni strret.
. .
American Life and Health Insurance Co.
for Pitixburyh
Fifth &WI , . Smith lirl4.
Pwmytth.t. conthinln, all nt...l%ary infuthlation r. Iw
far AO
Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Co.,
CHANGE, Third Philadelphia_
f Statont.nt of the Allaa. of Ow Company.
ix ii!iticti In n - .nt.:rtult with provi.lon of ita Charter.
dneino ..
,ar Ovuther ii Ft.
On Marin.. and !a1.:1,11E3.4, r?Y2. , 06.2.4
Fir. Iti.ks Fr to th• yen, en•loy
Or. ,thome and Inland
' On
Sr., Attrina t
ILaturand Inland N•rwatiott Una,. $ll7 7 a.
wsue, Rov.. Snlarit, S.tionrt, -
.ffr orb tfillne hennerlvenhh vothhel
etre.h. hirt-hur,b Prrem,w Ituarwuee will be ft,
ot.lhel with le.te of the Cutuieefll by
Western Ituntrance Company of Pittsburgh.
A I'IrAL $300,000. MILLER. Jll..
tll enstnet Lnele ewe,. Fl, end
All leen, will he Ilhennt/ wilnnwl tw011h ,, , , lend
A A be Inetitatlen—lnanx. , l lenwrtore who Ix, well
. known Ito de. ...nova) hnn are
pron3PlLle/e and tuelntun the cheroot, wtoeix
the) Inter tweunted. often.; C-r men erwteetieu to Owe, I
' who glee., tot 'lleum,
Stiller. Jr.. clen. Meek. J. IV Butler. N
• 11,nee.e. Jr.. IVrn. 11 H01m.... C Ilion.en. nee It' Jleck_w.n.
Writ. 31 1., en. Jame, Unpin/eel. ueerge Gene. Jenne. it• ,
Attlee. Alex. Nitolek. Thee nentt
intim. No. /. ' Wt, Amer. Cenrehouwe •••l • ellenht
ent,ll y Cw.
lln 'helm tyltibursh.
Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comp'y
tiFFICIi, NORM 1101.1.N1 OF TILE EN•
CH, i F.. Thad , Ire.,!
En. i c.c,,,,,,J...—nu11.11rF,... 11rrrl,mulLw, and t.tber
Tuh.unn,. Intund
-I naras tlN.'l n Nf 4.—ow o ot ml . pnaduu.
Co. nm, i 0p04..
and Frrlght.. forrtgu or enn...l.wion "Inn Monism
Th,-rourntox elo. insurn Ilerobandio
ttmo.pornd I.r Itaillrond ram I.lnnal end
nver and tato.. on must Illon.l
Dnurror....--Jarpli u. ,011., Mun.' .1. Sander, John IL
IZolon't Dorton, John n. INnroe, Earoncl I.4lwnnlN
lien,go !'dwarf Dninn6nno. Ifaao••It
Jola, Hrnliu. 'Ur. JP. , . L.
lam!. Tho.oph:lon l'Auldoo4. Jon,.
:Wan. 11,1:1, Cram . neon, rrlii. ,poprer 51,11,nn.
Chnrlo.., J Jnlmo,n. Sin:. In
JO. 1.3 -
I Nlor,n. flugh
John T
A1nt.,04 nre.l:lcnt. Tnry r
l:nw AN. Secrotnry
04.4 nrvt cl 71, Cormna,,.. Nn 3^ Wet.,
Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Ethilad'a.
(:Irles W. Ilaneker, Geo.
If 1)
Itoi.nla. Th...711nr, D.
r. Adnlidn. Rnrio
. tn,nt,
inr.nly II Small, Pale, kn.
lIANCR. ER, 1•71,,,d,n1.
u". it ll,Erto rretnre
Thie Compete! ,t1131:M! tt, make I en^aM-et. t.ernerelst
hteiteel. ...mph°. a I,pertv In tee - n thl
at mtee e: we ere rethoetent erlth wennt,
The Crthpatty Lnt• h rteree , l n .e.tungeh , funl.
tehleh, with Ole t'nhit.3l end I•n.minm•. emfi.t heettel.
afford mph. pretrehon h• the u•nnd.
The oseette nt the i'ettitette,, nn Jtnunry O. 11111,
llth.4lagrernh), to the 4, a A. ethhly, ,terr ru.k.4j,•••
Rtal• .... .
ir.•••• ia,rpmratir.n. 1,-nol tiltp•teeti they
Fare paid tirerani% ••:llur• IlitE•rlr•4lll••ii.and
Irollan 1.•••••• •
stfonling em, of th,
I n.nnov - e. v well • Ur' ability and dig•
n "' PrT.llrNtilltilt=ng..lll.
. . .
mat corm r of Wontl and
ANC': COMPANY, ?to Market etreeto Newark.
T. and No. II Wall ?tn.. N. V. ArrUMUlatell Imoette
51.(41/.».).dmding Win) 30 to M pro. ern) milt 1) , )).)))).)
The rulmoo1), will meeire ornheallona Inamotnee »»
Ike) lu the ab , r , e »»e.o.),(»I I nauranerCompouv; the who))
''"Vl l l b .l7q
' .17): 1 :1 0 N • •
)14 No. 111 Fmnt
L -- ‘!
~ t
w& .u... 1.~+~"~'i
TAP. --' O brie. N. C. Tar fur sale b Y
uag 'Hainn - DUE INtUTE.LII
) LACK TABBTVELVtiff,d a very su-
P"i" pa
11 . 4RV1
N. E. nor. Fourth and Market sto
Inrchlield hate on bander. nmmtment abut, ;cod,
Saxony, lceleh, and M.melrtie don alAo, Vide Flannel,
for Shrouding. lads
- 1 Morph) Ilurchteld bestow erten-lad Attention on the
above department uf their huAinem, und 'write per..
101011 nu cluthe of any dmA•ription tn doe them a rail before
pureharing. jail
• • -
y oth, g Rw fur rale 11 J. 111 - VD it
3a1.1 11 gal 0
II N' E 1"1 LLS, I4t , N.I.EBRATED,
3110 gcmle for eat , . by 1•11 KIDD k
IT IA LA CORKS-150U gross f, by
V min 1,11,10 it CO
. - -
Q - POStIE-2 eases fine, an,; I bale extra
I. mar.. for .Ale by pas J. 1:1111; aCO
- _
1.4 1 I'SONI SALTS-15 heals tor sale by
A' jack J. Ii 1115 0 Co
hl ` ' Nllll.l ES—Fifty barrels Family Flour:
AuiA,llne Clone . .}1,10.1A fi ne dm Jr Imehelr Br;
Apple, I brl ug, lust renal red and 1., rnlr la,
1.1113. It xtr Co & Co
1 IIIRY ' S'i'RIWPIIEIIOL 'SIbrsnIe by 11,
rout* per inatle. trill
. _
Murphy ItunMPAMI Inch, , the attention of than Mann goals for 1.0 re wear. to their a.....rtiurnt of View I
mid other At) les of goiodr Adapted GT thin par t .... Jain
VIVO( /L---.1211..411 paid for 'Wool I,y
k V 31,10 3111111.11 Y A I.IIE. ru.., Liberty 0
just re-
Ilia,. FLANNEL— eOn 0-nor on band and
r.r .ale I.y ..16 NICIII.III s LEE.
D LAN K Rl's--Sin leamd double bed, steam
plont, crib, and coatiniblatakete bi nut, bv
into , 11:1:1`nY it LKE.
FrWEEDS —Three eases assorted 'tweeds
) lo.t nvelred fn. menutbeturcrs, BLe Axle by
Juin Allllll l lll LEE
I , MAC—Two tons Sumacfolr sale by
irr3 J no“ MIIRPIII . 0 LEY.
( . I ,.. l..tSS , : . . l S— ,,,,n. Fifly ,: tivr r ~.t h w lsinew crop. per
1,11.7.F11.1.. 00 Ater At
ri n i P (IIIACCO-8 bus No Imo, t ktriAt, received
11. rye .termer Brilliant. and for sale
min JAMES DA bZE L. AS Water rt.
31 , VW( pipe. tfmmlar Brandy, `Tale And Park."
11.mlo de. do do 9.4 r.. various rind's.
111 110 do. and mrod erIekATMAI brand..
i i pipe. tiin. - Bohlin• Anchor' and . 110 i
punch.- u. Irish and Or e
Nun WhiAkey. •
JArnaltAt Boon. •
11; 10.1.. S. K. de .10.
do Madeira Wine •
di. Saret Mmlara W... I
. ..I in , lir, o. de. I
11/ rite,' t
.Z.1.1.11....11ert.emx Clan,
in Atore and for rase h, .1011 N
SAM- 1). TO la g,
AR D.—'rwentv brls and I;ft..en keg: , b,r
.ale Fr ,CS. ,I111111:11 R 11110:ES
TOLD PENS. We hare nnhand a
la., Mark ni the Pen, It'll th.l.Lultug
nnoularL•ne. Srlw an.l to nnl.r.
‘ , 01 6:01,1 Cr.,.. and Jiver
In a.v., ani•t, I,mtirtne I`entl
All r‘r male arbol,tal, atrl n•Lall at Nea York a
11.1 st
N fSON IILAMS.—_ bozos revived and
V aal.• I , A F.
tir •ale 41...A1 J. KIDD A•
d O ' , NT M A E k N i T n — , :i.
(~r oss
RD OIL-4 bbli for gale v
• 0.1, J 1.:111n A CO
Dili IRON —Fifty ton., BrusliCreeiFurnane
• 1.1., br L i itoltI,LIN.1.11T11.1: S CL/.
s U N DR I Ei 11 R Rutter;
fre. Roll Buer;
Inl.l aelle , rvo.inL.l Ly
R 0111,• . Su,
• L LOW . Fifty fort' receik-.1 and for sale
I . by L'.lt A BAIINI:S
• Illolll`s. •—fine thowand tuts just ree,ived
1 ., r 1.00, Lad. and f,r•ide
-111111,1 R 11 , 11tNK:
• •11,• in •Lao. mc.ll quint
30 0. 11 It AIt:HALL
I I lOTTON.N i I es 5 1,4 lauding front the
, ...It,. r
I,AIAII II A. 111..
.t.. r and !runt
14 t; Ltd. N,, 1.4a.1.
,rrar. !Amboy fr.iu .4,amer
ISAIAH Int% /.11
• nas,
11 1, 1 ,. ;:rt, ; ‘ NI ., f1y i ‘ , T ., 111i1L1) , 1:: ,, 1 , : 4 „ ...
II . I /
F EATa:s. 16 sackg uoir 1,0"
tiliAtk.l aoi.
131 rt.., Tim- loan , Lot adia Etor .l / 4 , •
Vo•••,o olMann.. 1.1. c riara•O fal•cnal•lo
t•01t.... Li, Wotan.;
61,8.1E1: ARNOLD 1 CO.
_ _
So 74 Fourlß•trusL
1 . 'Li BSC It 1111: IL IN T E
sf Barry hauls sul sYtyyry I. Ly
G., t, ay
. I n. yyt Iy.s. LLylyr sysl
Brasers I, AL syls ItyXl4. 51.•.1. %Gus.. tysyl
U. ssl. Ly I G.VION
ENECA —Five brl. re,elvetl, for sule
AI yleL, 3L GIC Ell A BA 11N42.
13 I , TTI:II. Five brl, mud b.n jur, prin.. roll
. .
X:. O. MOLASSES. Fifty brls, k 1 zirri,e,
fsr Yale by A BA n\l o .
) L10 k 1 ., 1 E 1 ,1 1 1 1 N k - l h t: T. A supply
I lIHN hundred bur ju,ot
2 Naml lor Yaly. IIT
vorrux FLANNELS—A further ,upply •
LEA F—Fiftv ltufldleo Frpnelt,
Florrnco. Dutch. (fold and Sifror Loaf. for ',lle Or
J Elf1100:.:11.AKEIS A f'o. W40..1 of.
COLOIIS-5 brls Itnse
10 Clare. 1 cih c eni Droo'n:
.alp try i.. 1 J SCHOONM AK El: k C”
\EII3IILLION —TriPgte, Chincw, Ameri
honcrisd I'on:WM.ll. for oat, by
.1 g . 110DN:\11.11i1:n A CD
1, 1 SSENT IA L 011,S-1 can Oil of S:a...fro , :
of Laorndro., I earl 1)11 I,rrnar,-. 1 can
of of ///:19 : / , 311 Oil of Bernamot 11m OD of Cloy.,
and I 6... a OD of Drotoo Jog) r00 .0 . ,1 Kr Y. 1.. by
lIRUSSIAN }SLUE Tenboxes No. 1. for
) , T Jail/ .1 , 1 1 - 1101)SMAKEI: h. CO.
I ABU OIL.-:::Lard Oil of a w.uporior quality,
You•tualy E.n hand 1.4- yalt. by
jOl. l 1,01011 1 , 1 , K1-11 a ay.. Wm., l F, a , a , „ ta ,
( .2
0 10 ul
I. SlArt:1101.0 a St/NI.
filUTTELL—Thirty kegs and six brls fresh
butter ynyt rmy•l‘Y.l .Klll4. nay by
yalo .1, N. 1/11 . .L0C11117.11 a CO.
Ul: A It—'2l hilds N. O. Sugar for sale by --
nw..,; 1111. W N a IiII:KVATRICK. 141 Übe., (1.
EIV RAISINS on consignment for sale../ty
I 111 1101A1110 Whirl...y.ln 00re and for fair
hr 18101 JilllN PAIIKEII 4 INI.
OLASSES.-25 tals Sugar House, St.
bow. Itennempirt rrerivrri. Plla for re b
J. 11.1 11011Ein I/AU-ELL GO.. I.lbe al y rly rtrret.
I ItEASE LARD—Twenty brie Grease Lard
Rale 1.,
• •
1) ItIED I'EACILES—Threc hundred bar
n. in atorii, •atid hof nal,. br
.11 $. it W. fiAltriAttill.•
tEAF I,Alt1)--I'rime Cincinnati Leal Lard
/ ixat at in knot rot family w i •i i. in a nt .
W 31Kilintoca Invitro pun.hwrii to the large., sal
Wortmvot Tbrce• 1 . 10 and Ingrain I.:ary..h.
ever bunht to thin market• and rbwiirr than an) of tin•
rastern ritkii. We Intl., all to :all and examine en,
at No II Fourth sitrevi and TO W.'s) Anat. . .
. .. . . ...
.10 W. ItIrCI.INTOCIa.
81 - rlNnols - lIANGINGS.—W. 111cClintork
offer, to thaw w Adaig, lo I! o rI Iln" , a , a , 1.. 4 .Am'
- atownt of :ann. Ilehon. Datua,l,, of the new .al and
heat rail.... at radne..l orl/..a. fall at the Cariwt 'Warr! i
hot,. \n ~ f,,ortli .I.i ..d. Jan.,
i .
The Old Printing Establishment,
ATE Johnston and Stockuln's, and Blank
1 e.,!,,,, :: .::: '1 ,.:Pe7. ' ' ' ' ' ,. r iTii . .- ' 7. 15' ii . 7i,'" .. 11‘,..: 'hn 7.1 . ...17171 r ei7j,';',.11.81:ei
Idatn and foroo,h 1 . N..1, article. in the Wank ika.t.
1,.., an,d mationer, Ilne, et tar fltorteat untie, and on
- the Incrat ren.onable ter.,
Blank 11f.d.: and ntationery ITarelontne. corner of IlarLet
I nod Swevu,l otavela
prlntina °Mee said Itook Ifindery, No 113Thinl LL. jag
1 Li TRAW GOODS.—ii. M. Greene & Co.,
• i Alaintfaaturera of korelou and omealle Gooda,
~.1 the attention of buyer,. to then. D aunt, for t ladles and
I aub.ara. They 'will f der Italurelnenta In a great varlet, of
at, le, ke., to purettnaerg also buy tot the Manufactures,'
1 packatEr. Saanl,ley aslnblhal at thelr gore, No. Ma Pt-arl
' !Areal... lup rtafra I Na'. York • dt.r . 21,40
. .
: .Cat ANIIE ItiT111: --N. 1101.11-Ez 0 af ff!, , . No 1,7
S art...t aina.t. Pllnd.or,4ll. Kaeltange on all the .t.a..tern
1•11.1 W ...tern ellien for .I*. Oolleetlont made In all the
prinelnal pla.,. in the Union. Notna umnitadv.,t flanks
, dialoontwl. N..!!! and Time 1,1110 negodlated. 1.1 1
. . .. .. .
IIC I.IIA B URGER PASTE. 4 gross 01 that
• i tuner?, article for teat.. and shoe, rrnderini! then , ..r`r
ha.tly Ter pnruf. and pliable aa, a Owe, f Cloth. Tina
; article la warvantad to /maw., llw purnoaeo r,re....nted. or
'!_the money refunded Vor rate• w hulealle anit retail, at 7
and V Wood rarwat. - I .41 .1. a If. PIIILLIPS.
I , . --: . .
ry}..A Ve Altls—Lnglish di American Britan
nia Tea S.l.t.r. Platni do,: Plated Waken.. Candleathdta.
I . nufferantal Tray, Plated Cr.. twat quality Ivory Md.
! arra Handle 'labia Cutlery. Fllfel . Veal, Spoura, and Hut
! ter Knivew Plated anf Garman! littver Porka nod If ram::
Tablr alata: Tea Tr.,. of flue r ,
:1. manufacture.
highly ornamented!. Plaled Trava of beautiful paten..
I a vary allperlor Powder for
Cl. , and
• wart, Brush... for eleatilna. Maw& attn.,. Feather
Dotter, Fr.
, , .
.. • .
litciincata—goyer . • 'n•lrbratell Manic. Kitrhon,
about the elan hat. width .1111 unto mßrr, molt. beef
pfrak. ulster., or an' thing ..In4j n ten minute*.•
For b, . W. W. %V I I.SON.
t Locket end Fourth al
w b se ' Amo n, In ',viral, rd., on ,raorimnomt
LO bete Clover e.-exl.
'NOMolara.u. pr Into coop r; ir,
39 haw liroo.rd Oh •
• 114 . f:boll &Mon
100 ban Clair.
LO Lrlf Timothy .!!erd: on band and for sal. pr
la3l I. • Ufa Llbrrbr =met
-:~.. L;-.z:,.
Graham's Man-sine or 310.1141. with 1,41 Payee:
Ilurticultrb , t, for February:
Cultivator,' 4.4
Mlikt'fe cbx
Lawlitiha: a. tale,
Icomeuuf 'lame'. by Gran. :kind r.
Dome Inlinsore:lrk fur naoJtherm daughtern
Mother's Reerauta.m... bt Grace Aguilar.
telf.bart•plimv or the bi.tor, the humor lfrart. by Mn.
Mira a aural:
Hear, ....meatuv. by it. James. E fur rele el HOLMES' Literu'y DeMt. lb
f o f Of
Q. - PLE,NDID .NEWtake
-1,1 it. ti li KB Eli ke.. plem.tire In an- - i.:=:• ... " 1
ununnut that he Inc. tu ce .l "pencil •" • 1 . , y / !
Owlet. lhauto tit the lebratedmake i d
N wow I flans awl Di %Ilan. New lurk. which. ith thaw
iin im0d.,...v. the moot elegant. I rated, and este. • re shark I
ever offeted in tin. till • 1
A inapt littler, iine culcudid 7°l s,. double ea nd Marto.
I.nult XIV et, le. with the new lm 11144 elawla 11f the wit..
rtrinvi. the latest and nine! Important luilitnrciietihi to ta'
timid ouir on Na m. a Clark, Plano*. Alma. Iwo ouperb
.E.ilian A11.11111,1l l'uwit
LIS. IL—Au exteuilve lin or New 71Incir.o:inlinicing Jenne
Cud'.. and the clinic...l new .I F ., Polka., Wat 0.... A,
4 ,ItiN OF Tilt: thiLliLN 11.1111 i, 101 Thiel Ph.
1/AI4 R.
:It—Foil, l'aeket, l'oniniereial and
4.lllSrto Nu( and
mid Cap Pew,. a Inriie ',uppity& all ilaa
line, tilled and plain, I. i ... • a In., tie . ale nu Ilberal
.at wilt W. th I A VMS'S
v oTEs A NI) ORA El'S.—Engrnved and
il titercutraph Note. awl limit, of wcet Ichautiful ilw
r' int In
\ l ' ' '' i , + "l LP. , tl ' 7. 'r ri " lllit ' nll=ltirt . i . re, )."r
lan3i (Nw Market aud th. tal Ala
. ( Atnetinntn. intirnal. and loan cup, i
I , IT 'TING I! , :li.—Arrh.ld's Writing Fluid,
i ll,
T Copyinglmi ILd Ink.
hl. Wm Chihli:nil Fluid awl Red Ink.
Harr min'et•iluinltau Ink —rinl .101 black.
Ilciwn a Thiimpcou'e 11.UP.1,641 ink -black, mearlth
and F red
renoh Camilla+ lot. For fah. lit IV • lIA V I:N.
1:7 A new rhood,aldletlonary rf Orel.k and !Inman bin
trrli,hPrT'b'fbUk'git brat ull
ley Malin :ait!) 1.1.. 1.1....1it0r0f Ihrllonarlea r G(01.4'.
and Roman A at and ..1 and Roman Jlio,..tpb)
and Mott,: with outuen.u. romellona and
addltion, Ii i n Anlbon. LI.. 1' far of the
4.1r00k and Latin Latn.uage. , tidunitda
The Lib. and llob..rt ; edited
by ILL! .on, the 11.. b. Cherie. Cutnbort .... , outhey. M. Cu
rate Of l'lumblaud; Cutularland full bound cloth, nub
`tiff of 1.11.• LK , and 1 - .. , ,rfrep , ndcnre of Itnbert F4u.
Litt, of the tttirt , to of t+or.thtul. ttrid En glith
trltrlth thr regal murt.t.mfinn oftirrat Thltsitt.
..ttowtt Striektarkl.autht.rpf the •• I.lvre of tho of
Ettoltml. •ni I
Peehtst...f Popery an.l it. Cnorc oAdAnxs &HT
n.I in the linnt.lna, I.l.ernnen.nn rvening
J. 13. ual. Lr Iter. N. Morn, P. P
. . .
Thealxnel4,ka 7tset rerem‘l, and Inr
1ni117 , 1 17.1 - .74114711N, No. 47 Market 4.
plAso FORTII on:, 11.
NUL,- 7 .1 nienl stNet,
an 4 nt.w Oen for 7ale. a !strap tml
pelected etork 1. 1 -1 1. 1 ,3 4 e l ny , '
nno , rte., :him the tuanurnet.,..(l l lllelertn. It‘ettnn. In
.4nels he 'mite. 111.• attenlem nt pun-ha...or, Throe Ina.
n. 4 aro Int,ria44) onld II priers, ved,4ll on,o ,Orn
J. 01 1, 1 I, teen prrltt 7 e,n risk, Orld In all en-. trarrantnl.
01,11.1• am. take. nart 44,141 , n 1 ,11 11 e , fpli
. 0 11 11 Attll.l.lllt.
A .ent for the wale or Clalekerinas 1 1 sa:e. lt ...I. Pa..
• 1 ”../•1
r: , ..k r at;.l ... l:otn . un m i n lierphy, NI) tlmlnc.y. anti an.
tr. V.2A4.11 r ' l 4 .l ' l ' ,
Ihn:4 l ,,,! 'r rlzz -r , ' „;;;;;, k ut.",7
1., I.
It quo,. of S,llAnd an .1 Endinh PrinAn.m.
Its - .ntrirkland
'rtt.. Lire awl roynn.prallenn. of Snutbey. by
the U. C. 50nt1...,. NI A. 1 mu,
The Ihvitur of. Pein.ry. trni It. Cow., An Adam... dr
11,etn.1 the 110.0.1.ny Intemmein. mt lArdnemlny ,ren.
I. 4 ..lAnnnm lb. 1001. by 11/, N. Murray. I/ 11.
nnvive.l and nal.. 1., It. 1191•KINIt.
74 Ago.11olIn1),Innn, Fourth rt.
11C 311'SIC—
1z...e1l 31aLltm... mlehrat...l Juru trcto
0r..r.. t ,,, u , nda. k
' 2i, ° ,„ " ,1 " ..4V.g Alley r isfr. C, r.~lr.
. .
W{, .2V Imm the thl.aglit, r.',l St 7 , ltth-
Oman htnial, a fat..rtto and Innehing halitzt
M. La.( youn.l..l.the narm [tam lotest lb.,
hen 8011. sr &tit WA moschit...r.uett Alin!
15.. C.
;1151. , ..1..14.1,11,111a Dann,
.I..nwAt 4ml.l..annit—,otopkte
I h
;1 1 " . '"
lA cl;N1.
In. I,lk,
11.. ,1,• PALA
lAII, AAvlri—Aerea ,
goadrills. ItAfflp.A3cA PARA 4
A Lev Eslitl.ti r.f Ilaut..o I.l.trucno, Atth
...3Annmul pAg, 4:wt.
Cso...hlqn ta. the Hsu.
Furl, Prtmer t-44y Lr
11 —1 Tel,
1 . An - % .4 Nu./ Ham,
lit kt WS AT fIULNI
i NI It.rar T le.y.t.
JA,74pito ,Ivry of the
El,rl I
It, It J0t..., E.,
M,[iati • I.n. tinl oiusti • Ilate—a
,hata,undal , Ily Nlrt
II Inttu n
rz Inr
11~.Al/yarn , . for 1,1
New Books, just received.
TUE 11.1,1..1 tlti• e
Golrr ar. , 40a./11 la.,,mtwr. au t.r..1...41.4,
sobAtrulte. awl...Ur,. It ANtIIrIC
11. 11.41.4. I 0.4. =to.
Causo,l 11ann...,111..;rar °wild I Sol s.°
kI/.1 Cout,t, cbann• U. Ilarla', J. flrlluunL.
1:411Sr ; •Ileoml.tts.: a ••••ssuvl t•• - llutar Intluents "
1.1. oral, "s o -tiller. •
IluFtalse ssslScasrual. Pll.,
st )Is•rtss,saut rnsperrs:lg . ••
Just rs•r sale- 1:, II 111111%1N,
ua •
'1 7 1 . Ass•ls. P.4lrth st
, st , RElVii . LA S
A t
ent....1 14.1, Er, ha,
• ttb avrtrction• (~.m ILe 1. nO.u., a 11,,
F. L I,
41. •Nr.. tvor twit,,, tr. pr'r.torrl oar
rrftorr of tra,'l ti,m,rat, the f•andr, kb no IlArt ,
fort ralarr Arm.* of Tioirtteiris. BY Itr.
T Ch ,, rer, f•• tn. Whale and hsr Captor' , " With
1[11,1111 1 , 1 .
ro e • c a 114mr influenr.—
13, r.,,:ert-,a.- 1 , 4 .1, , to..
rorU Ir. C Srocl.'llPN:7:
ITrf. , ,t,J A lair rir..
P.ver ,•( •11 r 131.4 0,1 0.113.1,1ur
RIO u hit , . •
. .
txon , r, Fron...ft aWI Atnerwxn. fan,. and
ftanle. for tt . ILAN I.:!.....Statfonvr.
Stu-kr, at. <Lome! of
1710 K AND JOB I'laNTlNG—Every de
,riptirn cd lop•al, Coalmen-IAI. t , frarnbrxt.. nanal and
Iltud l'r. nun, varcut.,l at 41.441 nolfre, aud In the
Ix suatawr.b, • tV II IVEN.
Priestin. 441 Thm.l twts.,n \lnrk.l Frmy.
kgTATlosEity--w. S. LI.rEN, carrier of
A,3 Seennl end alarket Oa- far pale as large and uma.
plem an a.ortment of uti
aanom ag.ltuE eeer loon
opened in 111+ aldrelE.Et• eupplifal Eselth earm
artlele loaf+ , E 0 the mr, lathratEle train! thala
EW . :••rocK. of PIANOS.
RI the thEldrei Harp. No 101 Thlral
FaLLIErli EEE 11”.1 P.eimn. frmEh
elemut Mane-Et:nada lEy :tram. max,
Neu 1.,, rum,: tledn. rpletadal : todaall /lan°
..f the ththeu MEMEEP of exterior and tune. t• made
in the theavo el, le. In env... In IP. mum of leant , apd
X , . Ale, a neer lEEE of lathEanthle and popular Mtl
, ae,
and nu theneird ache of bra en ImEtranuent,
that. 31eInrone. atel ...Ere dared, Ed mum,' merrharr,
NEW BOOK.S.—llumbolt's nms- W,.rk,
m. or liketrher of a 1 . b.,..1ral de.nivtirm of lb.
Sl,tht. Mlnomnto, I:zwland
fit .
12 oln.
Ilyrne'm Moetunic, gold Talclorrn , Dictionary. stet rmited. No
Fv.rmons. Thew , am wt.!' vrnrth madinF.
Fbr Fah. by II4.I.KINS.
A •
itlcoLD's.'lllllllk:RT'S, .1163,AN 'AND
TIVINIPSON'A; and Rankin's Black. 14.11. Seatl.t
cn , i Carmine Ink,
. •
Fa iltnnktun stvllnadt..r.„ Jaek..l3..
anti Ninnt,..ot Mark awl WJ Lead i'eurl4.
I okdamt......,l,..draeliption; 6 Mott's. Pohen . a. Pratt's,
Let hell, 'a. l•qat.tio, and other manufsetures of Steel
Pea, t. S I. NI. Smith, Istuerssor to A. 11. Bayley A Co.)
Lum. super n,ral, royal an.) el,
ritann Itrtet,l Board.. rap. dem,- and meelltlni:
Perforated cool, r.c, Odd and."Pv'rl
embnewd fan., IoM ) a OW, 5 0 ...
d,,red strip+ and nwrirrs.'ond lithographs for fano; hose.
prepared I.unimtent Tall Wars, peptide fur deeds, ehart- I
ers and diplomwe, rieneh note raper, alwa. on hand, the
roost dm.intids. Piß4'. and teolenac gilt, etulau
sed and silvered, suitable for balls. Initial weddings and
Frown nc.m envelop, plain and ennhnukd, letter enwel
, brown, while sod. blue; laid and Walla adliveire en.
ik,loyert. boil, hm. en 4 white.
tint wafer re
patterns; writing sand; hauls
tin. cocoa and Turkey Enamors! tend boa..,,,mpring
inks, brush,. Conch and English onprins tank, neat oil
u ,„ paperof all colon; nal and w tn. patent hint.
article, In the riallonery Line
I K ,/b and staple: Ingether with a large awantritent al
blank books sod memorandum Sagas of all eommon (=Ens
of ruling, In nor; eta le of binding, and paper of all slam
snd quaidirs, for sale redured Into. on the mad reuom
able terms, al W. S. HAVEN'S
Blank book and Stationery uehouse,
nolfi Corner Slarket and Socund streets:
'rift: PURITAN, a Tale of
the American Revolution. lir Eldre4 Gra)sort , , Esq.
itißmr, of the Reformation of the Sixteenth C nturr.
l . IL Mt-flr d'AuLia
74 ' 2141, o jf th
L e T.h0,11;
a:ranaellque. by 11. White. Trinit) Col
lege, Cambridge
History. Antiquities, and Bintrnphy.
luqrated font engraving*. Iq Lewis Collins.
The above 00th, for tale by
.. . . . . .. • • ..
. .... .11cokm.lh'r, itur.lemlhan.r.
.1.110 ' Ltener of Market and Third AU.
-- . Ee
Qtrri.. - r: MA PS —lN2lton'm sidendid Out
line Alut,.. an. ~ ...r bring Intmlured in 1.11 the leading
pe Dol.'. In Nt.m. Enuht.t gala hew Yurk.. We bat. oMaio.
rd the %arm, lia. th.qu in l'uubastjx. eta Invun teuchers
nud nencol runnnun.... in mil and oznmitts: theta
. .
••- . , .
Nu. I—Nap 44 the Wratent lirtulialiert, - 52 v 7.2 Wilma
!Milani du do
2 do North America, to a hi
4 4,. 7t/ 02
711 111 . 1
lu Aria
Di 3.70
.luAmalie& A Air., .70 s
Prim..., wily, with 12a. or the hr.( two Hyrum
phyre Mat, with am
Than t mp nonvallad In
brhuty and clamp
Jne...e ‘ an 1,1/IDind , "lila of thr dm...a
high mina& of thr
For tale ut Du1.110,7r , preen, without addition of freight
b are ., at tho EDUCATIONAL BOOK
lanluConn, of Niarkat and Fourth et.
Morris and Home Journal
morn y Saturday in New York
eiti, al Two Dolls. 'a
imywhla hi all rava la
eu I ev.
1:031.111n.1.1 or Aivica —Mika of Um 'bawl JmiriaaL No
107 Fulton 7trret. Newloth. I....mishar 24, 17150.—T0 all
whom It may
,ronr..rti.. This mar arr.(' that J ilutalra
dul7 atilhorliml to ter ammt for \loom A 01 it...a
Iluws JOLISSAL and that all rrclir. o.'ll by him in MO
merit for mid ttaam•ill dub aM010w17.1.-.1 by U. at We
publhation. and it Ix agreed and malt,
rumd, that all aublwriptiona a, pay able r Ita
amo, Tle. new v 01.... mmiromma on ilia lit uf Jana.
at, Sulawrlptiona b., J. ft. Dolma, Thint
mmaim thu Vera Ohara. 31tiltItlal D 11.1.12,
klditorr and Propriatora.
Aral. ?wait« the !hot MIL..
O r r. " r: ' ol 7, l,7 3 L tar tltt 'Th. Ogittlem
Ihe r Nl ' other , Itoihakth mowl I It, (Imre Agulhir .
To Love ahl to be Lored—a tale
I.(uvline Bruumor k. '11: (1 NV 31 Reynoldn.
Itotohlt enufn. h
A to.ettarr ou the Jelntax , . Urr Dr. Iterih
h e Ihrg•A 110111 to Blibop 11w:he% 00 the Devlin, of
.IknhoJourneL :No 1 of hew Nolo. , leg
ELOPE S.—Just received, a large
ptuattlty of boa; hive and whit° Zareloyela of all
me, for We a mn.uall iowprim st
IV 8 11431: '3, Etaidosavy
JA,N3O OT. Market end ue stmts.
Drag awl Prescription Store for Sale.
iI3 - 2,=igi. ° Zl'l: 4 ,llnrrj u ` " f: o1:11
feted for anle upon en.. tenon For runt. , FOrticulw.
nnoly At the Chronicle ofncon" , *l2
ig INCE the introduction of this new dom-
P3uod. Coughs and Colds are cured In is wry short
time. We till vrwrraut Ur. lieysve• Pertaral Syrup to
eon- sod
of 1.,0g1...C01d‘ Lalgtual, lo Less
tittle sod at schrn,r rate than soy other modkitte ever
dlwovered. . .
Ned him+ all sickru the ig.onuteb sad grodune monws Irbirh
Ir mom dixogroestple auto the rough Itself. This is obv4
surd luthit mixture, for It is pleasant soothing mttelg
on.l It gill cure or !he stoney ,rd/ be refunded! The evi
dent, In furor of this uge.heine In our city, from our own
twWd eunvina• any one of-Its eftleary. It I. the
rlpOoo of a regular
VIT.6Ver h on . turn .
:IV tt ' r
mcgt Annie tuna.... •
. • .
CONSI:MPTION—A lady from Steubenville writes. that
her daughter bad been aMieted with a pough and expert°e.
Won, night sweats. beetle fever. and all the{
srtpiantuo of rousumplaon. and that after taking two hot
tle..t she oat entirelyeared. A gentleman In Washing..
county who had rufferwl with As th ma and Chronic tkmgh
for eight years has ben entirely relieved and the sough
removed by the use of half • dozen of bottles of this rws
weal Strop. A gentlettho from Peoria. Minas, welter
that . 'he korms the Peetoral Syrup to hest wood artiele, for
lac has °ant it in his own ease and In the mew of members
of Itls family with the moot perkrt aureola.
IL 15 oNa Ina 3/traelNlta ROW [gawp—lt U
L a n t l T/Irt . hal or f
plot ball.. at 10 cents each, or ala bottles
L. , /onst, llitar.Mitert.a., would do well to keep a supply of
this amllrine cm hand all the time, as It Is one of the most
perfect and etllearloos remedies deer dlonavered for all
mug!. and that ...4.s of th e tut, Inelident Cbothreation..
CAUTION EXTRA—Many person: will try to get yott
buy 042110 one of the earl.... nootrumsbut do not herd
them. If Coy wtht to grt well buy Int Pacronat
Si are, and Mke no other, this will rare you. it hos in It
.41:10 mrnl valuable plthts and herbs of the materia
WO is rounnuoded by person la th e held
lug art. There run be no dereptu In this medicine. It It
prrparrd to lour own City, sod the proptietdr has hunter.
ourvertlnentes from persona In our own City, atteoting its
prcTertusa, which will ha thorn to any Pvi"nn
desirous of veeing them.
. . .
Among Waal'. throughout the United States town tfil•
roedimne. Lai, dismount will be made tothree who will
late no inter - eel in the medicine. It will pay • large profit
to all iwe11t..41,114.1e... they will bedoing angering humanity
w• rice by placin io their fund, the greatest medicine
fiir Lung dleenw.i th g e
world btu ever produced.
For foie. whole Ade and retail, by KEYSER A 3IIDOW.
ELL Provident. 141 Wood wricen Mittithurgh, Bs, to whom
all letters for Avories must be addressed. Also, for sale by
U. 31 Corr", Allegheny enr: P. Ettorker. 3r... Brownsville:
iirorge Baird, John B. Buchanan. Hickory:
te.,rge Kerr,. SfrEcrwport; .1. 1). Cowell. Canotinborg
and loy merchant,. and druggirts generally. j.llll
ELLERS' LIVEIt PILL—"The very beet
1.31• Ill vow in u...`"
Kranz Cnottt iicrsy Tr... Jan. 4,1951.
Mr. E. E Rellen—Dear ttlt, I will state to you that It
is toy opinion your Pill Is ~erhaps the eery ixst Pill no.
•Inuy.e a and is ennoLseed
Anti.lllll to
nus rill. Itol very highly e.teetned In our tom.
w's family pilL end IA fast eupplattting all others.
now stwair'lrom toy non expetinee, and from the ex
prin,ol many of toy friends and customer..
Your. n.stavgull.
P. S.—l tin j a in show the nriglual letter, but
ono in lothll.h tlo. writer's name.
I,lm. nn. thr Orinlnal.lnda True and
All other, an. r...unterfel. ar bane Imitation..
Punhasent. reeollect that It. E. Sellers' Liver Pill. JUT
the unginal nod only tette anti nennins LI-Ter and
may had at N0..17 Wtstil street, and of Ilrunglatagene
rally in the to ran , antl Tiet4o- iaeX
LIVES supereede all
I - 1 others. Charlet.ton, Wm., Sept. tn, IX:AI.—Mr. It. It
Stlleret--1 our Pills have It-rome sot otatulsr In ail this re
em of rottatry. at. very tattel to eutetroette all others ea a
Lzver Antt.ltilltous
t /Mine( of a letter
Purehmeent rreollert that B. E. Flier' LIT, Pills are the
:M". l 7`D l 4l,lllg 4 Al:.'ll;ln
lb. lon and , ialo
. _ .
c‘O.N TAINING no Mercury, nor other
;Miners' The following tmtnnonial Lea gicrn by the
etc-sted or. Il.•ch.r !tench. the author of the gmst meal
ni work eutitlrd, - Thr Amenrast Crueller of 114th1e1. mad
Tamil , Ith, run..
- Haying hero tomb. 11,11/1.1,14,1 with the ingmdlentA
wthrl4 runli.ce MrAlllYter , All Healing Ontment.and ha,
toe mrscrte.l and ...led It In 'event' alms in my privlthe
Tt . e h m e" :2l ' , " 47nt l elnrn ' g ri rat l ' U t ity7rV ( 4Utilly ' t Out IL Inerrdleuto romulned m they am. and
' .4 Mrert4,l tly the proprietor. an , not only ham:dec.
, but al great value. Leinu tally arkaUnt Retswthlof
power: and I rheerfull, rremnturml It to compound
which ha. ti.ll. mu. tmod. and which it adapted to thr
rare tot, of rare. Though I hare neYer
Atha, t rothrrmountrd or engsgrd In the mar of seeret modi ,
' , cud the trot) lument. mnrelentlott. humane
rhaysclet of rho yr-opt - wt., of 00. ointment. anil the salcte
i04.11-rotor , .“I.lldr me to Mu. much mg - lolling It
It.. lock, prtl 1., It. BEACH. b. D.
Ylc .101iN ELcriDlll.itmEste
LI Prepared under the Immediate Cant of the Inventor
• Tuabli,hed for et.. anis idithirt.j•
This elegant preparation Ie hmommended In all man of
• nrelities i Indigestion. gailt. - and eel. en the mewl
cafe. cluiv.gad effectual form tie tildch Maitneshi mg; mid
Indeed the cull one in vrhich It ought to be exhibi ted. Tor
nesdnd '3,11 the prohertheof the 31agnesia now In Mend
• Ithout being liable like it, to form dangerous 00.Te
l:one in the knock etfectuntly curie heartburn -citbout
injuring the coat. of the etornech i ss eoda,priteas, and their
carbonates are lateen to dm It:peel . ..els the food of Infanta
tort:dogsour. in all in-writ acite,m • tdmenaSeterient, cud
is peculiarly adapted to female*.
tie 'tumid:ire, Doi ',ratified that this solution f onl
table comhinathos wlthinrlr netd mite In mem of gout mad
thee -ho counteracting their Italminne tendency,
when othr lltaliee and eiven Magnolia itself, had failed.
tram Fi r Philip etaruptim, Bart, Burgeon General to the
Ann) to
hie—There eon he no doubt that Nl•jrnelia may he
ailnunletcred more safely in the form of • concentrated en
twie than in subenatre: for tide, and many other meow,
lem of opinion thet the 'Fluid M Is • eery valuable
llsteria Medina. 'Plll4lagnetite
Sir James Clark. lilt A Cooper. Dr. Bright, mid Laura
iinitnie and Ilerbert Mai a. of London, atrongly recommend
h , urts' I. laid 3l.[Onilk. as being frihnitel) more safe and
convenient than the cant. and treefrom the danger attend.
it. A. • AtILNEST,...
tall " Cor Wont k Front sto
eta I , uur the Iwot thlck.loda. world for burns
I,Lr•--.Thetnemsf• sre ',qui, rum] by thig. ointment_
It never falls In giving mlief.
rhr Tumors. llters,•tsl tsll kinds of &we.. It h. nominal.
If Llothers and Nurse. knew Ito value In mows of Swollen
or r - Lre. Iftrewte. they would slwayesSPlT it- In 'nett mt...
if imed seeurding w dlreettorts. It giers relief In • very 1.•
Around the Loa tee tliewettot, fortieing Meltllster's
ointment for ser,-tois Liver Complaint , EsYstPelsl Tetts ,
ebtiblatu. Ses.l.l lief.. sere Eves, lfulney, nom Thnat.
Uroncidtm. Nervous EreCtiOrM Dmewee ef tbe •
Ilea! Oche, 1111110, Carla, all tailaarer the Skin, Sur.
Lite, Pimples. le , t•yeelling of the Limb , Sores, Kbenrow
Um, eald Oyu. . Swel/w1 or Bruken Iteeatt.
Tooth Ache, Ague In the Fare. le.
Prow Ilnad4p
There tr. hewer, perhape. • Nlrdlaine brought before the
trVlTi."...r!,. b ril':l 4 b m' 4. * ?,:r . .Arirr—
perm that Iwo made trost f or It speak,. warm!, In P . =
One Las rum! loy it of tbe meet painful Hamm/416m,
tLer .if the a third Lf • tro llrw,me pain In the
In the limbs. le. If It does not
lye itornedmite relmf In every ease tl can do no InJurl•
Lug sPpliedoutwarrlly.
Lip soother wridenee of the wonderful belling power pm.
..d by thl• lush.. tee tubmin the RAM - Ong rertifirsle.
frrm • r.•Tertable ellizeu Mulenereek townLILLP. to t4l,
Msidenrywk. Seri,. so, larch M.lOll.
Lle.w• liittcr 4 Co—l desire b. Lon tbst I War
halt cured of oeveN loon in the hawk. by the ure of
:she. h parelmeol from
you. I millsred with it for alwut It Iran, nod at bight
which.leep. boring tbst hine I tem various
rested., ere p- shed tor tue P e c s oans and
Lther perwm, without remit ir.gen, 1 , 144 and at lan
made trial of tbig Palle. with • r. fasmat , !. oud el.
.rt.l.:en. I w now entiewlrfn-oo t
IrLu, the mon. and enjoy
a night tt pesorful and me. 1, I its, wed the
mlve ' , at, tor tooth oche and otto e e-out....lsints nth •Imilar
bILPT result-4. lour friend, SA. 11.,totmunt
JAMES Mr k 1.1.1 r Elt
Sole promet.r sr the ..ear. medicine.
I'mumpsl c,ftim. So 20 Ser.,
. . .
Aux, 111,nrann—.11. A. tnld.aork A In.. rumor Of
W;....1 and Finn 4.; ‘Vm..larkann. No. ZVI Libarq alreret
I. Nl'lltata, it.. mner of Mart.. 4nad and .1.1.; lotamond.
ada• rum rd , f Vaunt, and SmlthCa;4l ata; J. 11.1.7....1. mr
luckWaltint cud I , un Fifth avarl; an.l ...Idat the
4nra In Ssuilhneld thinslnan '
In A1k,.0 1 ,, n , I I Schnnt tz and J. Ihnmizuraii
by J. drug:air.. Ilirra:nnham: L. N,lny, Vat
Liberty: II In.. land. Nielson:l,ll..l. Son. llou.
r.n,holn Ity. N. 11. Bowman L C0,in..1 J. T. limonin.
John Ilarkloy. r. Pl/14 John II alter.
lionlrrichtk Lir•rin.l,l, jai
1131,ES ELS STIAVI NG illEA)l.
Whrrr Iv 111. man who don• not ar.i.mMane the Linn,
nr ihm.r.! If one therr not a.klr,nn mtr.
ihr.m. •m •JI other* v.... 3, if
Jrr .hayinn n purrhan. a lio of Jnha Ilanora
Almond I . l.lirci,in. or r Vrramr. It i. ut
trrry 1.0 find nimbi thr 5...1ini0r or •
p.m...yr.—who ban - limn ined 4,1 1 .111: Walt nrninary 1 1 .1 , 1q1
ptal makion trml Rif thin for nr./ time. It a combi.
nation of sander. admiration. nnti plea.nrr.
, ,
JELY:rt HAVEL'S PIIAVINII Alt I. enteneevUngly
emollient, ndaderind the ellfeet ra,tl snot wiry brani
and onsluentg on admirable Whet.. owl b, es
',ei, mild nature allaying tilv nlrtatorn, and preventing
that nupleasant and .1111 ("ling of The alitt ...bleb Is ao
often ranerieue...l after ehavintu.
Gentlemen urine Jul" Ilatterr Sharing Cream. may the
the eolde.t andnont pinning whale hnntedintell after Ito
tote. without the skin ternatlng rimmed. And thole who
on " no ,. we earl safely nay, will never taw any other.
th o , r dranurge—whieh will ha espoelally apprecia
ted by thloo who wear whLrkera—ln thr fart that It will not
oliacolor the which moat map: within, girtne sandy
or rusty appearance tpthe edge of the whiekent.
Jules flatten. Shaving Creams are delightful preparatlrna.
nsrPunded with skill, to the uttor exclusion of all articles
nleulated'to render the operation of shavtn o •- unpkagant.
and will le , apron-6.4.1 by all who rook., trial of them.
Prerened only by
JL LES T1A1 7 1.a., Perfumer
Phil d
1,1) latennut greet, Philadelphia.
whoir,ale and. retail. by 11. A. FahneeNrk
and IL P.. Sellere, Pitta and John and J.
)lltehell. Allegheny Cite.
fo . the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
PUBLIC ATTENTION is respectfully in
vitm to the following truths, set farts In tutorial:it&
c .l4l l t h l/ITiTh i' ir t 4 UC ' R n. lit rd ig h il o ts f .rn nol . to r' ore lm tein one
peon ago
rele ' f t eVett r ;to m a 3 di n nZe b . 7 llf h igren " l " %r th ci 2 ;
to heal, have. dune then, townie fatly tprdenated V I m e
nonannin it r , and we allege that the longr It is trio the
morn rertaln .111 its :rest Lime *rend. I t he not the no..
edy of a dee, got np .le a e solapinrpoic of making nerinedi
hut. one, isfildi we con, will =alone to be tusml when
all other nostrums have been forgotten. The petrol e um to
N a t u r a l Ren,de, elaborated In the depths of the earth
by a power and agency that laughs to scorn all human
-eompeddon. It It our duty, when we writs about • medl.
eine, that we white the truth—that we say nothing ealmt-
Iged to derelviithose who MAP tenet our word or put rout-
donee In or statement , The sick are very apt to moth at
any thing that proud.. cella Into disease . A Mary can
lw too highly wrought to answer the &Met of gull.
Ilan or humbugging throe of them. Now, we do not dndre
to do thin we an, minima only th at the truth In religion to
one remnly should Is. told. In soder to scrum for it a repo.
tar raerefilog any single article In the roateria mal
ice. Plain unvarnished fards—lidts t r a i l
0 , b e aaneeta n n ,,,
In one city end neinhtorhood. artude testimony in fa
vor of the Petriteum
within the reset tern munilis two ~otr own eitliens,
who wen. ',ally - blind. here !wen to sight
•.4 blindness, in the State of Ohio, hare been
coml. Amt. also, the rase of a gentleman In Bearer admit.
re are t o hot these are me e near home, nod Mat
le. reran.' to to t any .s ear who bare doubts cal the sub.
o•et. The, ear , . wen• cured otter they hod tent, nhandnu.
.1 by phi...dens as hopeless. The Petmletsgt mire.
when used aceording to direetiona—Diarrhen, ectiterg,
rile, Rheumatism, flour. Neuralgia. Eruptio6 on the hlthi,
nn the fare..Chrortle Sore Kr, hi nd. on n,
Praia Head, polio In the botarrand joint, old norea, Plrers,
Went, Ague, Chroule Coughs, Asthma, Dronehltlf, and all
I.nimonary affections of • ehrouie nature, tending to pro
' duce Consurupdon.
Owens and Argils, diseases of the Itladihr and Kidney',
Chapped ds. Emendated Nipple, Corns and Runions.
,In fart. it ionat t ar 1:1011[1:1.11. ittoloo., no d s hay. been tried
' lu tune of the .lure dlintnole4 within the pall Dear with the
t,,0 perf-rt sion e.s. Certificate , that will astonish are In
the hands the proprietor, w will ba n o nn ,, nre chow ,
in them to the afflicted or their mends.
Whatever others May ray about their medlcinen, the
i s the greatest Retard, of the age. Physicians
Inhigh standing in the profession an begintdng to use It
In their pewliee. Those who at nest looked on with doubt
and uncertainty. ere willing to award it duly pm= and
comoderatioo. beton. another year rolls mond, ail will ha
anupellest aeknowlmige Ng the Petruteum Ls the great.
eel medichie ever dinoernd.
,yrot i ltiliati and re.
dol. by Wood
Aliso—R. E. Sellers, 11 Word street; D. Curry. D. A.
2111ott, Jct., h Woo.. Allegheny City. Alpo, by the plb.
urlebir SI KLER. Canal Ruin, Seventh greet, MO-
M J . di 0i . A . 13 . A fahneshiet t Waal and Front etc
Winter Clothing at Reduced Prices,
DIG BY'S Cheap Cash Clothing
suo, No.l3lll.ll.erty otrect.
4te proprietor of the nine„ estAbllahment being dedrott ,
of Wotan! a the tulaure of la,vlater te mat.
room for hie.
purrha.mes tbr Spring. gh , •rtlr to at
rive. hag determined to offer them at groatlyreduad
takes for rad. All these who want rood, faAhloanbre and
well made Clothing...ollllnd It grratly to their advantage
to favor blin with a mill, ea great bargahia .01 be offered.
Hew Books Just Received.
LTON:LOCK E, Tailor am! Poet; an auto-
AL biography. I vol. ItTno, mut.
runotar tclumtion. aw the oar of Went. end tcwattct.
and to young
of both meet. torparni awl publish ,
n 1 In accordance with neolution of the Stns. and Loins
Of Been...entente, of the Etat , of 51klillan. By Ira Mar-
Lee. A. M.. late flllerintendrut of publle 1 vol
IMan. mus.
Abbott's Neu Ihnk—Ohntre of Ilaclamp Roland. bg n, l n m
S. It. Abbott. with eturraulusi mailbrm with the
rauxua. of Ws Doubt histmical mi., For We br
ja) 71Apalo Salient. Irmth
4ERICAN 'WOOLLEN' 13001)5.....-le
hoodnal and ally prs lame mimed Bed Blankala.
' tat do Gray I.bating Blvaketa. booty.
100 do Drab do do do
t,o do 810. do do do
:lc.. Black Blanket Cloth; do
• I do Beater they !Huai. do
. o do anßeim Black Premeh Broadeloth
do, all wool Tweed, carted colon.
3 do , Jean, assorted ckra. '
do Caxtitoen, took wad diner colors.
• do tftrthir:FlV,lirgeVki
• do Cnw. barred do r
The above described ar.ods are el MI roculenment frcam
ine %Alt , mad vewn....a.od arw 60. male Co
Twilled. and Mated; al., Curtain ktoallos or 006.1
."1". eat
rot. fourth Market Ida
WIIITE BEANS-6 barrels received and
tor .41e J. 20 SAMUEL P. LillitIVEIL.
LARD, -Twenty harrels and tbißy kegs No.
I lard received tad for yak by
of Waahvil Weol by Jan I IL LYE.
Murphy d Barehaeld matittue to bestow bartietdar
!Yucatan to dila brareb of their balances, atilt are careful
Jul J. KIDD &CO. .
SEED—Fifteen barrels (new crop).
"fvr Hale LrAll J. KID d CO.
Ij3LOPIUM--50 lbs fur sale j p ejo
6ILIGAR LEAD-1 cask for sale by
ILVER COIN IVA3tED of every descri
kJ non, and the hiebrer premium paid Kr the tame, In
Eaatern Exehanre, par tuna, or eartern'T.
A. WILKINS t co.,
ptiti Cor. Third and Shekel scs.
SUNDRIES -6 bales Cotton
16 btis No. 1 Lan!:
. .
I hri
2 mete Beeman
al Lev
Inas pealed Pnlcbes
12: batty !leathern
6 lents Olftwesur.
150 U Nappter Verge Moron
Now landing (ram *nature Mayflower, and kr We by
ta27 Int lall DRAM' t (V, Water t Vront ala
EARLS 15 casks vr c e a rifr si lb , . r:Dallky
ROLL BUTTER—Twentz,,barrels prime
sale b
:4311311. P. £ , TIRTVER.
FLOUR --Ino brls superfine:
roll WS Ent: ibr. sale
.121 Wm. 11. JOHNSTON. 112 &mood st.
DRY APPLES—Fifty bushelsreeeived and
6.r ails by SAMUEL P. SURIVLIL
CIORN-200 Lu white rt, yellow, , for sale by
(fOCKS FOR SALE—Western Ins. Stock;
Tuttle Cant Plank Wad Stock •
iiitsburgh. Cincinnati and Louisville Telegraph:
Marine Hanna, Snick; Raad et Bridal- Snick:
Ridge Cniiper titnek. OW. E. AILNOLD A CO,
71 Fourth at
riNURC SATINS, of the moat desirable
aba,oa, w atm of
ItlCE—Twenty tierces new crop, received
eab day .. .tekl tar sale by
LISA—iS brla.No 3 Mackerel;
5 rubs Co.bish. for ode bT
jo..W J. k 6 FLOYD
4.1 ODA ASII-2.5 casks Johniton's brand,
for we by J. 23 J. k R. FLOYD
BROO3IS-150 dor for gab) by
in= 3. & B. FLOYD
RICE— 15 casks Carolina for sale by
Dar J. 2 R. ',LOYD
JUST RECEIVED from the Phillipefille
00 Cloth Facto.
600 yards 54 Door Oil Cloth:
200 yards 4-4 do do
a wd.22-1 Wagon Oil Cloth:
50 ore. IMPOTIOd sltes•Tabie, Road and Bare.
Cower, of patent leather ha and beautiful Pattrrur, hr
sale wholesale and retail, at the author.* isinfl 4
Weed evert ja J. P
7E ASS'CRANCE —lnsurance on per
ett... betweeo the ages of 15 wad tannay be effected In
ndca lietionil Lan Fund Idle Aeropause Badety•br,
application It the undersigned.
An additional quantity of etplanstorT paroPhlela last
peeived for gratui tous eirrulation. lOsoulre et the Bank
ing lion, of WOO. A. CO,
1_ .= Wood et-. would door al•ore Fourth.
I ARD OIL. 5 brls winter strnined, for gale
I ISSEED OIL. 5 brls there New' Custile
Jr:r"'''''''7.iißbio..g.urn.E t co.
if TOFFEE. 213 bags4L , ,h_fo_r_l-nw CO. e_oli_3:_bl_
1, I del: mA•''
JNISI(. lIG brls large No. 3 Mackarel; .
ISban Igu. I B•Ilimore Iferribc
IS dm/. Cul&h: to+ J. Cy
- Y,..1e b'''''''.4cu".l. l. i W. 11.1R.8.A11011.
. -
113 OPS. 2 hales for sale by
QUNWIIES--Three hundred .W 6. No. 3
WMarYdr.d: half Mar. do. d JAMEYIarNo 1 Salmon. In
Mr nkle Al I DALZELL.
AA in non. Ad dm No by "
ti JABS—Elder Flowers, Sage end Bonetet,
(mob lOtjtllt remind and fu ..le by .
J. KIDD 01J. No.oo Wood R 1 I
ARI) tilL. 8 bids received on consign
I_4 I:arm, sod for •ole sr WAILTSOVORD &
4457 98 Water rtrevt.
VO. MOLASSES. 36 brie new ems, just
11 rrmfired and fEr r.ale by R. A. CC311513;1311A31,
de 329 Liberty' A-
FWREST( ROLL BUTTER. 4 bids just reed
by • d.2R. A. CIINNI.SOII.A.M.
IL) brnal. for wax by drS KA. CUNNINGHAM.
WHITE FISH. '74 Lyle and htiirla for
v tele b, de= , issian DICKEY t CO.
ICKORY NUTS.. 6 hags foraatelw
1.. &WATERMAN d 20N8
CAN DLES. wA 2 L o Li ivjzgr z ate d e by
SOAP: 150 boxes Louisville No. 1 Rosin
• A tAaA. CIARIA fin ale by
I.t..WiPti,: f .M7.7,:tisaVe=grm` k" " urd '
ra: Nt ALLLNOVantD t CO.
L a OTTON YARN. 2000 dozen Hope Yarn
Xj for gkab• by .1.17 lr&LlA:inrom) CO.
)RANGES:, 35 bbls. jest received and
N, Jr tor ale by BVltlllitlalt, k
ta.7 116 Water atmet.
FLOUR.. 100 bblz. for sale by
YRUPS ;1:.X1) MOLASSES. xtra Refin
ed, New Torte I+yrup, a very sopertor Wide.
Golden Syrup fro m the et. Louie refinery.
llocue Moll.. do do
New Orlea. do for pate by
WM MrCLUIUt CO- 'Xi Liberty et.
QOLa - A:611. 75 casks Kunz brand for sale
io be de:A 5. t W. ItARBAT , OII.
- I.l% L f L ord i .!lTe Tl .l l .:l s 2°
P. l t i ß ;
TALLOW. 50 I.lils. prime fim sale by
4 , 05 S. +I!
"IIEESE. 50 boxes W. IL Cheese for sale
1J hy 101 l S. i W. 11151115011.
VIM METAL. 176 tons for rolling mill
EACIIES. 173 baks per Mayflower, for
was le - deli IUtE?. MAITIIEWS k.OO
BUTTER. 20.1.1b1N roll, for gale by
1.11 ROOMS. 40 own for solo by
IP <so lb ci.virem
fIREASE. 9 bbls. now landing from the
sunafter Genera, [or ralsl4
lams Dater sad boat Mesta
ti ALERATUS. 100 boxes for j .gt6
„10, is 2
CHOOL BOOKS.—Educational Woike,
Sj Globes, Mara Ireareasesta, Ststimary, Carter's Dab
Sat Nark at
21bao far family use, far oak I,r
a W. 11.412/1.00 FL
INSEED OIL. 10 bbls received for !sale
lA 0I de3o N. 41 W. ILARBAI7OII.
(2.U11311 DABAR. 1500 lbs just received
ILA , btlarfor axle by BRAUN BAIT=
Corner 9 Clair and Liberty U.
; II rse , ARNESS. 40 dozen pairs Ho and .
Mule Hume" for ado by
TNIIIGO-5-Iti 11;s Spanish Float, Iladras &
J_ for we by d.lO .1. KIDD t CO.
YAINTINO-1.10116e and Sign Painting
Y. tad lash qr. promptly and ovally eurottd.
tt. O
a sh dottiuctly und.,toc.l that we eau do•
Pall/Wag at:4.11.1.: •a... chr.,p a.. au, mt.- {au:Mersin du
city. and an 1....du It.
H 126 Dry Hides;
'32 Lay Calf Skit/N
I Luudle De, 2 4 1.11.1 Wain/ fixrsolv by
. •
ELV ET PILE CARPETS of the richea
be ead to any of the eastern elttos. •
W. 1192LItts..e.E.
GlOOO boxes for axle by
DRY Pk:ACIIES. 305 sacks and 11 bbla
for et& by- ja9 L WATERMAN EONS
DOLLI3IITTEIL IS bbla fresh roll;
.5 bbls pseket
I . l t ,
10 leers do for lode by
1 1_111LALN Olt. CHINTZ, received this day
A- ,L"" ° " . "'` ,,w. "" ° '''' ° VriActiorroca:
40LASSES. 50 brie - new crop for sale by
Jest wrelvva b 1 Me m.. another lot .of those xxnigor
au saleable ban* the emir We parfert razor mann
tortured. ,al5 W. W. WILEON
Morrießairerth. In the Diamond, bra this day me
Noted per packer ship Desooahire, about MUM, of Me
Miring and Hough blamed Black Sim, dm very hest that
nouldlo renewed In the English =abet Crica i 0 eery
T 74 mita par lb.
h. lea Martel to the Maimed. eaat side.
P4a! , ..--4. li. and tn. Y. 11;
Flg —f I. to ~%tr4
Plato—Walnut and (krklus, -
farralePreo.r.l Peach., Plums, linpes end ttrywbotriar„
. iu J. b. wimaaus t (xi
- -
ARD k GREASE - -.Tea brls No .1.14441;
4 tab
Octave. now latidlDA from rmed
711.3br ' 4 1 Ite
4" r Watt:4lsl4l4sgt"-,
- TheresroMOre thing. in hear. tut earths
— Th. are thumps of tuoltilaamby." , T .
i VIRTUES of this remarkable rem&
do sul the calatant applleatkda tie IL Mum PUPA
bt. bag nducted h. to hare it put app In loth.. alth yo
ele and directions. for Oa b«,,,az cd . Lb. Poblin
The PETROLEUM is Procutod (rim 10.01 ha thla calm.
t. at • depth of four hundred feet. ht a puree unodultera
ld ahick. without ons clan,. boa just. sa it
Owe front Nature'.
trout lalratorvil That It contain.
reaellua a cumber .4 dive.. Is no longer •
matter of uncertainty. There avo luau' thing. In ote ar
eau nt nature. which. if Luta. adobt he of tut ithaftd
nom Its alleviating' safferfuz- and restoring the bloom of
health mud vigor to masa a sneerer. Lona th. Sete
pr i v A p p thooubt of Mating it up in lattlea, it had • mpat•-.
thin fa the cure of dbetwae. Thera:amid .4 daily tures
zing call. for It. mat naeral rem, liable ulna It bat. POI
teemed. lea ituulndkation of it. fawn, popularity ana
v Llr at ,. split/tali. in the cure of dia..,
We do not wish to make • long tor., of eirtlScattah u.
.te are ameelous that the media. fon sato work Ito way
Into the , far, of thaw wbo Suffer. and to to heeled.
Mad. we do not Malta ate It a .
universal thallution la Or
ary du t ar, unhatitatingir Ca, that /1:1 a number of
hp atva t e Mae., it as taut, Atom.? usnsy
• diorama or the MUT. Ll6poth
CONIVI:3IVTICht. (lb urly
due.) ASTII3I4. and all of the air pumas., UT.—
EIL 1.1/.IIPLAINT, UTIIPErtt lA. Marius. Plum. of the
BUM. end Kidney.s, t ales in the ltsek or Sid& Marro.
Mau., senhegle., Volu.Ttherattatlc Omit,
el., Tenter, Ein.Wolllllolllll.. tiMmta, IMI aorta.
tea to. In eau of itAllity. re...thing f i r:ion= e ns, or -
tr ' ing g . 411eMX ant al a a getral 14I,TI ' C and ALTER
ATIVE luau.lmparting taw and emorgv
abate frame. mooring otetructlona, opening the thuttat
Mocha. oh.. rause dl. and a Union patultu •
o ti li grln i t i e ttereatul t an4 relate:J r ennui to all the
that naleted e r rery oar trel;ment get well code the 11.11
of the REThOhEIf)I. for a abort thin me rmorme
urn. who drama It.
None renume without the signature of the yrborletor..-
sold hr the prophet° .r
d. E i re. Cand Basin, near Seventh etre.
AI. by 11. E. rk-LLEA. tb7 Wond a
sal Kr.tiitEll NVIDOWELL,
corrar Wool and Virgin Alley. wbo t
notch hie teat:duly appalled Amish,
NOW all men who arc sick anddeli
with disuses of the Bladder und Kidney% with chats.
I& gains in back or limbs. Wed VTOL, old mireetrunning
Wart, ac s th at they min be aural by Cabin= the PITII6
LECM. You may talk about its being a coatrnto,as much
yon please. but thly does not make It cm for we proem.
In the Ws of tm bonen community. that It ban virtues
which us not contained In any othe r remedy. The man
who is racked with yuuti, and angering from disease, a.,
for 50 cents, get relief from any of the iIL mitmairraged
Render: It mots very Mlle to Make a trial. Thls Petro
loom is no mistnre—no ronty.temd. put up for the purpad
of Imputing on the community: but H Is • remedy elaborse
bed by the master band of nature,. and bubbles up from the
beeom of our mother earth. in it riy and of-
Sou to noti mine humanity a rea d y re med y. a certain and
It ac p cure.
b cored lDex, after ether medicines have Pilled 00
render any rollef. It hes cored Ithetunstlon, Of lend
standing, and of the WTI and most painful character. /t
has cured Cholera Morbus, by one or tyre dn.s. It bra'
cored old eve. of Diarrhea, ha which every other *.mnedy
has been .of no avail. As a seemremedy
on In borne add
amid.. it is better than any melted ecentwds or ointment
that ram know of. It mill cure cildblalus ami feasted foot.
In • fesr Application.: Undoubted te,1.109y mu be furnish
ed of the truth tnntainni In the above statement, by call-
Ing.n SAMUEL M. K.lOll. Canal Weir. • swath streettar
either n
of the tuteats.
'Keyser k 31eDevrelL eorner of Treed street and vftvs,
eller IL K Sellers. 07 Wood street: D. A. Matt, and D. X.
Curry, Allegheny city, are the scent ,
IF ' ss attended the use of MORTIMER'S RUE,iST
curing the severest and mod Inveterate maw of IN
NIIILRULEP and thromentosdalion•to Whim al l lobo antthlie
ted with this dreadful Macaw- to try its virtues.
Hundreds of macs. many of thorn eitirmo or St. Ueda
add others from ahnsed, have teen cured within the lath
few ohmsthe city ofht. Louis alone. whileletters
µsgyeennof the w
pere=np• th
ud e wine
Mending. and all hope of recovery had both given etp.-
1 While others were of mere recent date, of the scut. Indio* ,
matotT form, very seethe, -All, however. yield to the wen
derful Mecum of this medicine, and thoomple who la.
milted Its an now In the enjoyment of health
can hot cateeM the original dimmerer and proprietor,
benahetor of mankind.
It is well tooth from the exparkw. , es of the Pith With.s
outthod applkwtion ce nmasibly effort a permanent cum
of this dreadful thieve. By the applieatiou of atlmotlethelf
liniments, partial relief, In Nome mom may be obtained
fbr short (Inn. Mit all the while this disease is fixing IU
grespmem peramarntly In Methane, and maser at later
trill again develops Itself in thee dreadful ferns. and efts
et few periodical rebind, It settles into a chronic fan,
which, if not sown arrested, rains the Individual for .
mi. i. verified by the hia - of the past in all countrith
shad. more fully detemthatth by the history furthihnif of
MP. to the proprietor of this compound.. glee. Ith
hundreds of those who Winne math under his Imanoillsto
noun' sod treatment duel, the lam few months.
PURIFIER Iv an Internal remedy—othenencea its them
tithe where the dire.* lint originate. end to purifying
the blood, Meth through the wholes ystem. neutralises the
Impumor ethatie solthent, which bed settled npooltm
membranes., nowise and tendthe—regnoves it entirety froth
the smarm, end revtorth the Indio klual ithfect health. _
fee those who an efilletml not diceive themselves. thd
put off the rim of this medicine too long, or nutil•thafr
limbs ere thdonethl or eontrartal to snots degree that
they ere nipple+ for life. The experience of hundreds cif
thousand. duet. the put. as well ass multitude at the
present day, demonstrates the fully of ears:thing perma
nent roller (nth vets-mai applications.
The prpriethe of this valuside molthrie knows from I:-
perigees . that no outward application can pesiblyeffect •
permanentmire where this Mama- Is firmly fmcd In the
Reran area drys pare NW p Ise =terry 1 0 .7.11 b Oral;
time, het tem woi not moot ;sontarient cunt the
tumor Ws disease It mob that it ro ‘ illeta longer 574
en Mensal per
the desired offeet, and Mei
timorv's Rheumatic Co' Leitmotif and Mood twee la the
mmile remed hat bee ever been Mothered, either in
e r rier 01 soy other country. Unit will viLettudlrenre
thls Mamas. •
Thie medicine can be had, wholcrale or retell, At No. Tg
Third theta nest to We Post ortlce, Pittsburgh. •
Alto for tale in Pittsburgh. hi 11. Mayor, Wm. Tthrets
1. D. S Wickersham mei 3 A. J the a
Prue ic;12 . 1.; bottles . th 54 or yid JIM dom.
Pamphlets eau re had arals ref R.
aimed. .
nothat R. WISHART. •
these % ;, lacus i
aodi. : .„ lientoarist and& p
w. litrintl ' or orteceletimMl fructruotent for l l,OinK lb.
Lung., in effecting s no,. of Chronic dLsesees._ tti s as •
dent of that mittens physician, Doctor PM +le, mil Io •
simiante of the Liedvenilly of Pentisylosnia.sid for thOty
rims Innen hu been ensued hi the inseengstion pf di
T. and the application of alit. thereto.
hromb thse of his inflating tubminorMitictionnith
012 e minence
sod Muer of his remotes. be kins
mined no Prophylactic
sospomileled eminence in biting those dninalhal
and fast maladies Tobereulst Comentiptbst Cameo,
Scrofulsofthemostbon, itothms. Fore/ and Arne. Foyers or
all kitubi. Chronic rityylpelm and all 11.4 obi:11Mo dlio
=l=itil'irfr'"or lito 'b tsl= rr to =h ot. 41"4..
ty betr—not by the use of no, compoinul only, far that
Ls Incompatible whit Flit staimical Law. but by ts me of
his remedies , adopted t o
sod pracribeil for, cub mulls(
Mon of ,IL•core. •
Dr. Norte Tonic Alterative Pills when nxd. ve Invaria
bly acknowledged to be FllpeliOr to all o th ers. ea a plug e
tare or Um Initmuch le they leave the bourls
fectiy free from ma. retrern. at oho his Golden Mho are ad
nate& by the faculty. to pmete peculiar 1 ,,, Verti0...0.4 ,
tad to fesarde Deena, but brine satt.ffell that a de re trial
Intoffloietit to establlab what has been said, la the Minds of
the =off skeptical.
The afflicted are Dirtied to-call opon the agent, thd
cure (gratis) one of the Doom's rarnylolets. rff ring • detali.
ed mount of each remedy, and Ito anti
Par sale be- the folkoring agents, as well es by most drug
filets throughout the mutat,: -
J. Schnonmaker s Co. 21 Word at., Pittebtugh.
J. ii. , Torrireerul.Druggist. 40 Darket ' -
Dos A. ll'rthslit. Droanni. near the Poet Ofett, latch*.
SIT her.
Joseph Barkley. Darllnpion. Bearer notorty, Ps. ' •
John Elliott. button Valley, •-• •`,
T. Adorn, lkdret., "
OR TILE AFFLICTED will be fettiwi
Dr. Dewitt C. Kellingces MAL LIMA: ILIDLILEDT
Eagic lewd which rtood
thirty year, WW I
17 , 112:tr=WT:MTI — ":"'
thlnc that thrgl Mlie re,.ll.lV. od
o . l ",er w in d .,l 4 , : od, It s t &et, in cc cry swoliewf the wept.
it has ethril. amt is capable of ruling mom diseases tltta
oanynther molinclecllered fur vale, we earn not , by whom
=dear sold. or by nth , othiA
AA a toof
on .d coovintin o Of the a sth is
that It is thly article that g
lug , to owed in bove, the bra MY
threat Medicinc that by serer been pialrotthed sod seeth
ed the lathe of the elite genentlly,es the meet scorthilthis
Famlly 31edieine ever oleos i for vale; or need by for of
Owns, vin
The lion. Moses n. lot. M. C. The Robt.
R. Norris, Lae Mayor. lion. John A. Dix, late U. 8. Eense
tor. With= H. Neter, keg., Editor of the Vollit of the
Time; sad a bort ofotr,
other dodinenished citizens of New
Toth, who hers fully tested its merits, have permitted the
omptirtor to refer to them.
As it is well known that Patent Medicines are not gelrr.
.117 haPevtrol:dee undonicod by the learned. wealthy mid 1.. u. y
right to fsel ourselves highl oda.
Urged. This Wonder working C,mpssund has then tetheilv
tenon press before the public. Its, lost friends are new IV
ornAssoret and bet. This meat .1.1 thong Ind
_thoof of it, !...rneral i usefulusae and Sanatho
ZattiePOlZT=Tots7.7c7ll r n . g to s e ,lT 'U raTo7A d tst, " Z
sures, and I the pains and sours Scat flesh is nth to.
Over MGM." bottles hare thu without othislethts
and have perfected such wstnnithing con, After all other
remedies base Wird, as mould stsitger toilet hod not
olthed, thd in our thencesten , the strongest pthlble evi
This oredldne, or tuttore'a remedy, la prep:it'd from red ,
etablew, f i r Internal nenv external nen. It nets direct
ly upon the diverued part—girir It health laid irtretzth,—
- It Ls a run cure fer hLwrbra, Cramp.. Mho. Chafe, and
all rlawntodie adertione, duwa,..ref the Kidneya, and
waaara,ea In mate or female, (rem whatever came It may
Won otiainated.
Ear safe In Plttaburuh. by 11. E. Peden, 51terra: /Odd ' &
Co.. and Ogden dnowdem :ad by the retell Drnantata
generally. It la put up In t 0... two, and ano shilling ipp
ties. • Sandra
Compound is warranted - to prattle.. the 'within' de ,
effects, when bond kr nuking toted, tea cake;
buckwheat ea:Lek Ire, by whkh a Paving Oa effected le the
nonr of about 13 per cent. • -
To Mona nanati—To each mini) of near add tarn tea
of Compound and the null quantity of nit. reMoroughly totrether .nulls dry. lads make 111nrew
Pared Boor that you mu yet arida and OM at leirdre,) th en
add an touch mid water as will mane the dough tin
knead it well. and. let it stand fifteen minutes
before bakina—eno er two boors will do no bull; 'lllandt
thnuld he mixed notch thinner, out baked at om.,bat
will do no boot to nand &ken or - twenty whiges.
. Syexe
11 in danger of getting bar much oft in Compound 9i the
bread: it will not turn ales broad polio. , we taleratna dew
when nsod to Camay -
put the _ bove Cempoland 104 telOntimr..hatt
, johh h t. celic,; I 0tt.91 cap:ly gym. tang - Nall meal
akett, on bretal . opho.ttheutt. ttpch cotektte? ea/t,
""k" .ionitT:eatlrreitty ".4
la R. e y.LLEit9. 64 , i , sidt rt. .
11TO DCIIII.I, sward wild be paid to any one who
incsinsi spot or paint. ge ,, 11 or ar7, rhor cannot be or.
traded with linit's Isiddiest fip ere d e a
=distortion of raying to the people of el. Oene that thje.
ankle, by my dont...sent on it. now =ands on*
rolled ln this country for serdsrling ems, tar, filch,
paint. or any other greasy subdue, Want ell Stadia giese •
04110101 or ladies' Clothing, carpet..l, table epreads. serif=
lease bonnets, Os.. without inpinne any_ thhtt
that pure welts will not injure. floss Ulan One Ltwidsti
panne in different farts of the entintn• hide told 'sae they
would not be without it if it cost fl leaks. In trying/his
Sean on more than 340as/ids et light sill, Rains, eines.
and calicoes. 1 booronly retold three p...-es of edit, two
of alpsisiband four of calks on lased. it dowsed Us =don
therefore. before putting. it op a light es ie. ter • ramp
of the dna 01st. I state thisibeetuse lan. determined no
truereternasend 11 any stronger thus 1 /doe to be strictly
Orden from <oldster merchants and yd cillatiuMfdlf
attended to by the:dtibeerlber. IL I b
de.3o 17 Wood St i
"I bad not yard it take before 1 felt I. te. nandal effects."
etkß R. E: SELLERS—Sir. Suffering from 3
odd find coush. kw which 1 tried want resin.;
t obtaining relief. 1 wits presented with • bow. or
"It. Eiden."' lough Ilisture." I think It a dull w i g
owe to bath }l the public let sferiatal; to pad
essert a tion I h o t to te sed It twice betors I felt its
dal ed... and (under the Dirks Mann., Ind no cannon
tannish the bottle. I.artify also, as to burins Irltneafind
knakio Prot...tiro on friend" of Wow: low In
who had • tryilEintack on her lungs, a si.ins i tr '" 2with
distressing con tinily the only tree twit tut (Wiley
counhe and co affect the sufferer) 1..... fee taltuniongft
us in "h. t- dances' Cough Elston," . .
Nl' tn. at
VEyLERii, No
• .
and told by druiti.. j•l4 Me
Adda.k.a emu cd,ita rimer lacer,
M , Atiteet 1115."
e. IL E. sakra,--11.1na annaod l'
for 'cunt aims 3o
bad h. Iw. rurx It.ri cou...t,k=t %1. ail=4rvp:4:l7a sa lt h.ittid,s.o4
Dot received tio Genera until I met 0110 Folic finale,*
bla .et ' Cough eyrup. I feel folly
as ne to Eon.
and anannonanding It ta Off public as ono .1 {be beat mail.
grzt.rite ewer been Letteltell for the
"Mend and sold Dr B. 87 - Worell EL •Pa
LI CO Ito ta wart 7 Usll =AIM Manta.
. 6•
! i , +3' aaS:+.r.~.:.~Lv ::..iaf.