"MMISCELLANEOUS • 'rem Me Baltimore American. is • Taw ATLANIC'S SANE AT LNAT:. ' Forevil fare Well to the weary night. /To the long and Muer day, To the hope that dawned with morning light, Then sickening died . • From wire to wire; from hill to 06 . n. The word is thrilling f.t. Our and prayer was not sped in rain— The Atlantio's safe at last. An ,hour ago, beneath the ware Wa thought thou wart at matt Now!—as if risen from the.grave, I hold thee to my breast. Again, thy lip is glued to mine: - Again I press thy hand, Again, that well known noire of thin Sounds on its native land. How couldlt deem that thou Wert dead, .1 That ttoMma had closed on thee, That thotrue and brilliant anal was dead. That flashed its light ou me For the ship was true, and her matter too . • Wan native to the corat Aml.Whether the skies were black or blue, . lle, wan oure to mako the shore. Away, away,, with tlie,phanteni feu, That made the lover quail ; Away, away, with the starting tear, • , ' That turned the parent pale: • 1 Peas, pass the brimming bowl around, . ' And let it circle fest, I 1 For.our hopes are erown'd entitle lost are found,' The Atlantic's safe at lest. •., Front Blarlcr.d'r Magazin, IartfOLBILISr hIIIITARY SKETCHES. "it was in the doviags. For three months, we had received no pay. At last, to silence ply lieutenant's terribleezpostulations, they sent us .Inoney--fifteen notes of a hundred florins each. ."Thb salaries of . Government officials were paid in fifteen-kroutzer pieces; the mony we sod. wanted, for; our daily bread, was sent in haindreddlorinnotes.- Of coarse, nothing could be CASIO' in the Wallach hamlets in which ave were canto:led, than to get Email change for fifteen hundred florin notes. • • ... . . i•Whllst, my lientenantwas grumbling over this, and g. his head. how to divide these few larweivo Fes into many smeller ones, a courier hr. rind and brought him a letter. ,“The lieutenant read the letter, and laughed . ir'nt. laud.' Then he ordered a parade. He wall the only - offlier present. Two captains and is major were constantly rambling about, and sel dom ssiw . their battalion, but left everything to my lieutenant. So he ordered the drums to beat for muster; and when the men wore assembled, he Informed them that their pay had come jest in the nick. - of time. Then he produced the fifteen hundred florins• and a pair of scissors, made the soldiers Mt past, and cut off a slip of the notes for each one of them. It was the only way to divide them.. ' "This was done, be came singing and whistliug r into his:quarter:laughed and cut jokes, played adhousand pranks, and at List called to me, and .:asked if I had a dry cloth at band, to wipe np sattiothine `,I answercd i that I had. and • fe.ch . it, then.' And he continued ta . laugh and jest, and seemed in most wonderful kiod humor. 'Make baste,' he shouted after ttle,.tts I hurried to fetch the cloth. T felt quite ..aiare-he Was going to play me some famous trig:, be looked so - sty atilt comical when he gave me the order. F '•%Thilst I sought fin. ntowel, 1 heard the re- Part of a firearm in the next roam. Towel in Band, I threw open the door. The room was full of smoke. a ••'What am Ito wipe up: I asked. '• •Tilts blood!' said the lieutenant, Who lay uf - On the ground. The warm heart's blood ffowetl from the a wound in his 'breast; in his hand he Nelda pistol and the letter he had that morning received. ; ',The letter announced the catastrophe of egos„ In two ainutes he was dead. I"Thttsdid my lieutenant make n fool of me at "Sachs merry fellow was my lieutenants ' The - various memoirs of the Ilungarian war recant more. than one instance of selfolestruc , lion and insanity, amongst the enthusiEstle - de _fenders of the 'Magyar cause, consequent upon - Gorgey'S shameful surrender, and the !inn! •igt , ip• fall of their cherished hopes. As far a the .Sainide goes, therefor,e, ;here is nothing Unprob hie in the condust of the ere:marl°, lieutenant.— Paising over several shorter paper;, for the most Part clever and Spirited, we come to the striking rale, or rather series of scenes, entitled George of Et.,Thoinss, which., besides Icing the mosteare • fully finilhed of these skete les:, includes seve ral of the most terrible and umantic historical iheidents of that war. Its construction is favor tible to extract, and we propose to, translate such potions of it as our limits will ullow,, ititd there •Writh close our notice of the Sellaca felderlAol,,, Ungarn. • The ,notes issued from Kossutlis busk-note Imam were, of course, worthless when the revolu tion was • • (SO HE CONTINUED.) SCRAPS BROX /11...170TE BOOK. OS LAURIE I'IOPD. At the conclusion of my lust, I gave...a good reason why I did not wish to drown myself; and my objections to being drowned were somewhat 'strengthened on the following night, as Rebecca and myself, in a committee of the whole, re .solred to get parried at once. We had no nest, 'to be ewe; neither hare the little birds. They select .t 1 branch on which they Sit and twitter their tales of lore through the silent w tches 'of the night. At the rising of the su , the male comes laden. with sticks and straws, which -he lays at the foot of his mistress. Of these she constructs tne,:nest wherein to nu .e her Toung; i: Here, then, is the rock whereon thousands of unhappy bactelors founder, and arc lost. They are ever plating the cart beford the horse, and are aheays holding on bylthe wrong end of the string. A few days ago S. encountered one of that Unfortunate dabs. In all other rerperte, he is 'an exeellent member of the Church and of the State. It is years ttnce we last meet. I asked, " - Are yon married?" 'No," says ho; "but I expect to be, ( before the yearin out," "How-add are you " .. ' " Forty-six." • .maid. I; "Man,- my second crop said 'Grand father' before I was•fifty." "All;'' says he, "fun:du:ire was cheap in your ounydnis." I replied, "Furniture has nothing to do with 'the choice of a wife. Go and catch the 14 . 01 first, and ytat will noon find a nest to roost in. ..:11olook any advice, and noon atter was'enjoy- irig the happiness of a wedded life. Having digressed inadvertently, 1 now,return in my . narrative. 31. r. Casteel, in the derange 'k ' , rent of his ideas, consulted' Mr. (afterwards Chancellor) Kent, and Doctor Pilernore, at that time n populax preacher in the Episcopal Chnrch, • in Ann street.. From their tire-sides, the report _spread through the city, (then nearly bounded by the Tatk.) A• poor seamstress had relayed the band 412 rich.menhant, and was going to wed a - poor nail maker. Thu excitement was .equal to that in Straibrug., on the Rhine, when the man the ; long nose rode through the city: Some said it'was a paper nose': some said it was n wooden nose; and still the wonder grew. Some cried 022 thing, and same another: hut the greater part Said it was right; that we ought to . come together. I thought so, too. New. York, at that period, numbered but about fifty or sixty thousand inhabitants. Consequently, alniost ev ery one knew his neighbour. Sly pupil Was al most a prisoner ,in her mother's house. At the church, in the market, in the highways and by way's, the was the observed of all obserrers. I also came in for a amen of the notoriety. We toitpored our marriags from day. to day,. hoping Sir. C. wield become reconciled, and the nine days' wonder cease. Finding no tali in the sr/4A my - pupil took counsel of Mee hindsey, the wife of George, a worthy ficotehmanl, a sumo cutter and an elder in our kirk.. Ms wife wha na American, and a mother in Israel: Mrs, Blake wan also taken into their counsel. i (Three • 1- vionien will sooner unravel a mat nuoonial pulde - than'twenty men.) It was resolved in] council -that we should be mdiried on the folio:deg night. To this arrangement •1' mode no objectidn. D r . Mason' (father of the present worthy scion) and his lady, Mr. Lownds, (long remembered as the berdengineer of 'the City-Prison) two young 15.... .... dies, two young men, Itebecca and her] mother, were invited to drink tea, anal as there. would be no fan, till I came,- I also was among the proph- Supper,being ended, Mrs. Lindsey announced a wedding!. This was news to all but the parties. concernesk The young . ones looked round, /22W body blushed,- and I felt as ;well as I ever did in nll my life. 'hi two minutes; to I.:Too:nonn ! brides ' maid were selected, in five more we Iwo were made one acconang to the canons of the Kirk of Scotland, in like case made and provided ; wine , . awl aim 'Pissed, and nuts rowdjokes wore crack s.. ed.: 'At den the assemblage broke up. when' lie . beam and I accompanied the mother td her own dwelling. She gave us her blessing, milli a dew drop on her cheek. - . "Grata." shys she, "take care of my jewel." "Slather," Said 1, "I will take Carr of any own J'aerL" . We entered our own room in peace., In this • :Pain I nourished and cherished her for three years and six months, when her Father called, • •sk‘pre up hither."; tie gave ma her, likeness; however, inher only . child, my oldest ion. • Sere their, you will say, was a Scotch Cove . =dee wedding. It was so, and, as I aim], it way in the world to make a wedding. I so boisterous laughter, like the creek- I ling of thcirns order a pot, and which maketh ' the heart end. '-Our hearts knew their own hap- plows. The stranger intermeddled not with our joys. flei,e , we tat in our humble dwelling, with the peace which the world can neither give nor take away. i ' For theberiefd of those who hesitate to con !summate 'their happiness, beeause furniture is ( dear, I will give an inventofy of what I cow inencell house keeping with :=One White pine table, Coe; fifty cents ; . three rash bottom chairs, coet:twenty Eve cents each; three knives land forks: three cups and lancers, a rag carpet. and other tensile in the same'proportions though plain, the were all new. Ten dollars closed the concern. The old lady supplied the upholstery. gratis. W had enough and a chair to spare; in foot we often ad two chairs to spare, for It not un frequentl : happened that one chair held both of us—and eroi was not harm in that. Of what use- are our four dozen of chain! • You can , only sit on one at a time. sad the rest are °ldyll Ivanity and vexation of spirit. You gain nothing ' , by rising! from one chair and sitting down on another. With my three choirs and pine table. a compan on who had !spurned a palace to sit by me in a cottage. I was content, and would not have exchanged them for all the honors of a Dukedom; - OE= TO CONTRACTORS To BLISTER BUlLDERS—Proposala fur the heilding of the Sixth Prr:shrterian Ch h. Sixth 11 anl, w il l:be necked by Capt. W. 15aurson, at the rc office of Bowan A Dawsn. Oth etre..l. until ay, ,the T.'llt Inst., at 1.110 rhea. when , Oar, and specincatuitis van be ~ nild'aDi inLwmation Olen which way be required. ni, order of the Board id"Prudees, , • J(1112 , F.'PElti: V. Frey. Pittsbantl...Fel..... o( . 4l TO CONTRACTORS. CtARROL COUNTY RAILIIIIAD—SeaIed ) promr st ill be received 01 the °Eire of th e Carrot 0..„,,,,y I • road Compan V. let Carrolton, tthin. until Thurs. day, the ER i:laylof lareft nexl.lDr the graduates...bawd.- z , .I;2 3. b r rl.l. i fin i g u e ,. ..n a lt.... , litie n exbie , l:ll , n4 , tar m arrollon to, ;lons and Veriticatinti. of the the mar ' 1 .• ' ' '; warittmd• and necessary information obtained on applindion to the Engineer. at th Othm of th e Company, during the ten days previouti to thedny of letting. By order of the Board of Ittrectors. fehlteld itiLißT. CROZrEP.. 5......, . _.. ... Notice to Contractors. 1110 AND PENNSYLVANIA RALL YF.OAD--Sealed proposals . will be received at the rifler m Ohio and Penuaylvanla Battened toropany In Pitts. burgh, until Thuraday, the 20th day of !dumb. next for laying the rack from Pithhurah to 111notilion, a distance of 101 mil . Siwcifleationa and forms of proposals may be obtain...l a the office in Pittsburgh, for two weeks pre‘lo.ll , Oa ".1.07 to the letti .on application to holomon W. Roberts. Chief The A., ts of tier Compt.ne am at follow. . Engineer. The pmpoetal. Must be In seraTd.rn with the Bonds. Mortgagee. and tin , un.l Kerne_ - SIL7 11 -71 printed fo tea, and addreesed to the Preildent of the I.)D[ri- 5r2,9 , 0 Vuitnt Suit, Sia per mut Loan PL.14,....2., Pdtsbri . Feb. oth. 10.11. 1 . • WM. ROBIN SUN. de, Pro:went. t...),,,, ,, h.,,„„1,„„1„ - - ;XL:2 , W 12-Mt.7 5 North American. New York Tribune. American Itailhed 5 . 3d.r0d Ithllstieraeity Six - .. 3iat4t.. Journal, r übllFh four times, 0.1.7,11,1 a, - ,....1 Snnog gallon Six ' w .. 4.7,...,1 lix , Fhar... Pennsylvania Ilail r.a c0m1.., •... , s l .Oti - PROPOSALS for Erecting a Wire Silepen- . ..0 - Cnoei'llank or Tenne.o.e. 1.11,11. I. don Bridge Over the Allegheny Illter. open.... 51.. ' S. " Mendointe and 31auint....torem Bank. , 22. „ 0.0 , ilnalle streog.in lite Fifth Ward of the city of Pettsburgli. ' „, .• yillsloirgh.. In place o the structum treently deattoyed by fin, , • I bthwhdP.te.mat fine , det , .."'"enot ~ 00 sealed temocal• will he received Id the oLln. of Jacob 7..... Bod t00th..., Pahater a ‘a, Liberty tnd Until the Vat J.' nr M. - rib . 2 ' . Ph.k , liqrhi , E , .•--1..,...0.5., ,,,,, , - ..... .. :%.,.... next. for he erection of the abare dew-riled endue,. the . t.ertp ...d rtes.% ot Fund, 31olual Insuran, pattern reof to be the razor as the Monongahela liridm, t , mitaniea - 115"V:73 with such alterations as bidders may suggest tors , the di. ' , Pll,t twn ii i 11 ........... • • ... •-• ... " ..,'..... rectors ap rerre. By order of the Ikeard of Directors , 1..... "tt hattd fehlultf F. LOKENZ. Pres't Pro. • Int. red doe • . -801 an... in the hands of Agent.. and Premiums Marine Pollen... emend, is....nd . .... ... i 7.e.14.t.1 NOPOSAIS FOR STAMPS. ,- "" . • ~,,.,„„„, .., , t oberriphou Note. \ Pon OTIILLPZ:PIit.TYL7FT. . Jammu lei, laid. , . . 1.4,1.74.1 UK - PROPOSALS will be receive , ' at tins Do:- 1 'Not - micro ill,. 1a.,. _IL Onrtment until the tar - Zara( thiteb next. ,, ,,t ,ruled „_, 1 - Th.. Beard .. - .0 Direetont hare this dal .I.viand . dividend mg shunt. for the ow . of the Peal maces o' , "'e U n i te d 'of Six pail et:Nr. in ...oh, on the eapind :4.1,10. and t-IA etaice for four meant,. We tint day of April next. when , PEI: CENT on the Sco of the rhenium t. pa.a1.1.. ..0 and , ordered 1,, `y the Department. of the fit 01 10 . 1 . dewrinttoo , i atter lacember let. 10:0. A 1.... 0 divtdend Ur TEN PKIt CENT in Scrip. 01 the Capital t Icel. amt I:arnt.l Pr. n. The n. . of the office and State In rircillar fona. rut from a w4iti block of hardened Reef . and made In such ' ' um.. CerUtirdew ad. which will be t...ned au als-ve peia,,,,,,,,• .. ... wet. tw'tc..l.‘a of h•Uwlw noel figur e w 1° d e Wtt rt ”' th e .1 William larttn, William Folwell, .1 0 Johneen. month and day. with a thumb Knew to keep such tette., ,r....,,d, ,e 1, J„,,, I N e wlin, mmo. i E. stokes. and figures in Once. Such attnith.... l the bd.. , t'ot.'W 1 E. A. Snider. Dr It. SI. 110.0 m. drones Traquair. 0 1.1 the smut , lo be of the am.. ' , ire ea Mote now me.. i John C Dart., - . Paella C . . 11,1.1. S M'llresu factored and in tine. A turned mahogany handle of the i R. im,...,„ T p ae i L n e .„. ta...., KAI, , same like rite , to be eccurely W5...n.1 to said sump. The ..t o bn it Peon... 11 J.... Itn,r•te, .1 T I..cati. P.neg, month. of the year abbreviated ea IR to tnn3.113 but the. ... 1...1,ar, IL sham. 0 7 Merge. - letters each. of the Name ear now In we, nod to be cut tram .U. ti 1.,.... t . Wm h. e. Jr • Hoch Cralg - solid block, of hardened steel. Fignres.ror the Jo, .if th e Isaac if. r Durts month, front 1 to 31 • inclusive • to he made of lire lured... ' WILLIANICI ARM:. Pre.iltne. undid. and of the size lout aforesaid. THOMAS C lIAND, 1 lm Preedent AllO, edalinn with the wood. - Paid" and "fn ., " of the .14.1.F1i W Con 4, SNII tnry form of 11....0 now in UM. - Also. steatite with Arum , denoting the mtrs.of 1 - ww lo l l, B. the Oct ine,rwratina iht.Ordnpany. the p 3114, In.o attl similar t.. those now iu R.., ring propwrll heron are ,rallind to a .hare of the petits MI of the abor....tan.h. 1., h.. u.sde of hardened ..leel , ~. 1„,„..,,,.,„ a ~,,,,,, ...1 . ,,,,,, e , ~,,,,,...I,t p, ..., The proiseal. mud. al. en, tun mpande bids far the cit.. Imbtlity Iwtond the I.rennuttbirud. color :tamp, with the mrattloOload A,Tume. . .The Caudal .hoe r and mth...lipthm Not, are 1. 1 .d.ed I.> Also. 5.r each Feparate piec.....onnuning the mouth mu- the Charter tor th pat Men! of Ite.t. MO the prE.M, .1 Finn. of ttuvr letier.. the Chnipant an- C u e 4. he intrwea ad remain .0 tn. AL., fur each res.-ate pin» for the dons GI th e month. i „,.....1,,.. of the C,,rporation. , . fund t...r the further ... Alw, for cn,tnyletn vi, of months eal.l Itgieno. , I curiti ...1 the ...med. 71.10 fut. 16111 In repre.....ond Wes) Alen, for each separate pie.a. with the •..rtie - Paid and , :‘, rip. lmaring ith inn re , t of .... ~.r ....tit.thipl...l nue ~.., .. the Insund t0..1 St..khoLlor., pne rat., ug.nu the amount AL•si, foe each ~c , . , ,,. . a ,,, e . -11, , ll , e.f..,unse.detiwtoa„l of earned Premium. and Ceptial St,: - the ntlew of pada,. The molten( or the dtbetent w,. s a l Puto.ur-h Agent,, A.. It seer 'h.., not. ho t, ,eii en to diff , rent ...nsraetars. hut th e ~,,...,,f„. 1'..0. N 1,01.1110 inethreal for the wh...le which is .1...1 enno ta.orable h. ---- - - -•• • - the Department will Le areelded. The Department re ...re. to lowlf the right ta ,teed all prop,...sh. If the price State Mutual Fire Insurance Company, isleymed extravagant. Harrisburg, Pa. Spectmen. of lb.. •artou. kinds of 4 1.131, ~, , M l ,l ~.. b.. ' Well at the aptudinnient other of this Department. T HE very fiheral patronage extend , ' to mt.t.2allaW:t N. K. 11A1.1.1touxoseter ....rat this 0,10,0,. 1111 V ing 1. ,Ntlifirit art I . boruanmsll . ut 11,-ar In, and . 11.1 f alillo.n. of Dollar, derma the la., i Proposals for Chain Cable Iron. u.,-.........th.....,5,.....:, a...1 . ..tab00 ..f the ...Innateo aud eochden..e .:r the puido .ii Ili. .y.n. of ma...4 , 1 , n , ••"-' - . • - ' , .. ..... sa r Aaias . l . - Ot rlcr., on -..- .41, it. t....,,:....... 1.......1...u.1 W...n ,, n , J.ntn., _•. 1,1 Ta all, arr.,,,,, cuertl...ak• ,a.I aut.,: of dwelling, 62 EA LED PROPOS A LS. In niur.lieate. en- ind i,ui,..i ~.1...,v,,, • ..- 4-6. n ~. I-...'. , tb , ~...; i, - ) ,fin-...d - Pr..polan for ahem old,. iron.' alt' 1... ~.. I , J, ....al' ~ ,l al.l.la, • •• •ra J • lat , I ....ann. -, lalal! ....., reheal -4 :hlauflino Ell' noon af Maaale, :Le Ila, iel ra - , ..a1a11 , 11' ,,,,, I.• ~•• I a ,,,,,,, La I ••lali•aa , , In lla , • "...111 ctr, 10.x.t ;or funnel/me naul daliTersnyt ta (he A., 3 1,..,,, . Caml,,ual , a fla. aqta , .1... , azel amal.l: 111, na...1, anew et W,,...t,1,,,,,e. , th e t. a .,,,,a, of Colomtly WI the et.,,, n i.l.. I or 111,a:teat:la • a 11,ak., a sallanna fall ntrartal Al,asnla. LI, Iran meta:nen' In Oa ll,llown. table. III: II ...in: .... i , .. n 1.n.:i:.-1 .1...., In 11, ..E...loralit,. Ital. I'll . . _ ...... aluillng tle- fr...tnenry ~sa.l acaurn,ne.- `lra' tar, terra. sml --...,, I t C7;...;.e, a a • - . alto an bath tm. &tack lull Ilattual plan. It ma cull' {.,r• 5... , the al,earala., and neaaarnant.latluu a' bath m•Ata•ata. bUt runtla• the beam.' to a ,ntrairlttallou In the prat.. -.. it Is under thr rantaal al dm fallowing Ihrart , a-a—Jobn :, P. R , ltherlunl. A. J tllllell. John B. 1'm..1., , t., T Jam, g j.-..-....: . 1 ~- 7 1., . Mama A Csr.-1,. Philo C. N•nlortr l / 4 .11 ,, hert It lots. J I' Ill."llll , .ithalhta. Pre.Lleut. A.. 1 GILLETT. earrat.irl A. A. Coma., ',two, . Mlliffl !Nu r.f cam, := MENNE === , Of Oohs. , * ZVV.ln>c of Flott mr el. ic 7 All the aforuald chain able It= nat.. I. f th;,ty bon Quality . of American tot nal fe•ture., free fUn, tut.. of foreinn Iron: It muttbe hanunrnd trona blot., In to rouah tars. That• Inc the links mutt Wen he cut, Piled , end rolled to shunt an Inch in thiranc, then arena cut, IW. and toe rut We L'o"lues7danilupft'isr(l[l7l.:.ii unchr ' rhe I..;as ' lLA ` .; The nhule mart be all have, nutted end, or estaes. or other .I..f..cte, manors to • such Proofs and teeter the Ifun.an of Coortructlou.Equil^ j tornt. and , insir mar 2ireet. a i n o d i ts , nz.vt , s . the e i ;Itg r ,....j•Warogatj. tarq " .rlll not We r=redn4 any part of the said Iron be sub,lcd to tr. and ;mad' an ant nekttut, productd in the rant rumnatard- I ant that It heennt.tufactured herentbefore red. The quantity required to make cm-third of the lit (rent rival cabbn must hr delivered an cr before the • east day of Jittle rooti for another thirdof all mid him cm or beam the ten day of October next end the nonsider un or Lone, the thirty... am et of lmber next Persons elesiruna. Of offering to forni.dt the mid Iron- Sthcruhlay ford:Lei information tie Moulted to enable them to mate their offers) n femol Ow v....dant or enmenendion °Lame of the Navy Yard et Washinnoin. ; District of Colunthnt. To the persoos whom miler may Os comprof particulsr schedule, of . gl. models descriptive or the parts and is.rtione of Moth kind, of Iron reltdred will to furnish. N. when the fontruct prepnred for execution. and to which mist iron must conform. omen mutt brae the quantity fondled. end th.. prim Anted sad pt,..td, and the aggregate amount of the offer given and caned out. 4S. Approved sureties equal to the estimate,' alrlftunt Icier contest, will he required In Wm mann, vot forth In that instromont., nod Mute,. ecnturn in addition will he wit hheti fen o the a mount of each payment all collaterarnmurity for the feltlifol torforoaalim do. contra., Minty pe rent. f each delivery will be paid to the Nary .Age r nt at Washington within thirty dal. alter the pet --rotation of haat,. rripbads, approved hi the commandant the mid • Neer Tan,. Every teller must be evecatspouled hawrinen gnarantY. ((the ri mporenbility of the guarantor - orguarantors to be certified to vet to Ewan other mat twrmu. or by some ktn to th of Construction tit. ; If the oiler accepted, the 'bidder orbaiden, will, within ten days after the receipt of the contract et the prat preen dmlgnstod, Tie-t Ute the pat.. with gned and the famish the said chain attle lien. agreeably to the terms spereffiilin thls advertisement.... which may Lo I enstmlied la lire contrail- The low of the Intl. of August, 1846, forbkle the musukmation of All prapoals not panted by such guaranty. Ithlders are partieularly cautioned to nytorse. their offset stave rquired, that they luny ter distinguished from other heirloom letters, in order to prevent their being °TroitTbeTronth:2l.! tr=eimfortnlty with this ad. reraisement, In every particular, will be considered or no if , c , toil, at filregitrloci.itherlr:a g i vrruvEl, ett p lt s tr d .11f I and tt , TWA.] and a ext7trarttbrertinled without untie,. vary delay, Prevails offering are directed to designate the port atm Ithrough which they desire to Le address.' mil the navy Ogrtit to whom thr metres' shall to nowt for execution.— And also requinvi to Ltitta•thtid , emending to the f , to hereto utnexed. J. ILLATIIIDOP, Noel Agent. 1110-PARTNEILSIIII t —We have this day I,_/... - i.ncinteel with ni. it. upiroin i ilnuhison The lar:1- m." 'i" t.' n'n"'"'"d " 1 .1 . .W. 1. 7 . . raWrit:,;:t '6, - Plit.imr,rh. Janiviry '2lnt 1001 —p . n. - Min - °OLDIt YE IV 'TISK EY. 40 Old,ltyr WhiA rr.r.ery old .0.1 choice" an bLI, Old Monungatnilei Wbkite,. in i.tor. lio.l for lid. In ( niutil .1011 N liAliK YU a CO ill 1 . 001) CANTON FLANNEL--A farther 1," ..upply of •1 r,r, -4...r.,rwr. article ut 1 . 2!.., iit. li , yLrii. rii.eiveil at .can' ~t Plie. tiUlti'llY 6 RU Reim i:i.t. 11 EST IiLACII. TEA —Sarno 'lint' an in RIP- in "irlairs r i 7 - 1 ,i 1; l 111.i.f" iin.n l g ' ut 'On7, IPlen,n'ntT I V;7.IiiLV3( .e;ltVall 'n tl,7:l.n:, s J ,- vrti,n, e 1 ,.... ill Yllt , ilnirgil Jai! .14NLAXSEED--,1 , iall Ind for sale by .1 'sit a I: 121%).101.0 ISilEkl . 11.:1.1'S I bob. fir sale by not a a CANgliali . (g ALI:IC[IIS. -5 tons Saleratus. in lois and 1.. j iiv.. for Mb- by )s9 Itollt.liT DALY.EI.I. a CO. 1 EAF LAIIII —Leaf Lard in !iris atuf kegs , 14 owl for raL. Li iiiiiiiiitT ',AI:ZELL *CO. To J. 11. LillraP, FA, ha.erty nes' , Navy Agent. WpatanYii , .. R. C . /n 9. or IV — ", '?h,,,,.."1,r,,.."."Zdy',1,',..a,r.--,,.... ‘ ' h i :?,, th ,,....t ' i n t : 441:47, , i.it. -- d l l s h1i ,. 415 ,, pr i i , l . l: . e , ti ar .l i t , r , l;: z ii. i. n i s A . , 6:u a gnr, Lid of—Lt 1•11•411) i lil i t/ i i- Olt/ the l i tlilillt of the- rraitraet at the past oftico ile.olgusit. I 4 . 9 ,e 'll i 6 t l : bl'7" ;• thi. tenn 'i" e nr' n " t ' t: " ll ""m verti g S 4 l.7 l.. et...l '4 ?er 4l r7 l l 4 .l7 ‘ ll %" th i r i l t iii i" II c I.S UI ti S rLi ii iro 3 } N ' l i cie rt' k . r e r ' .l; tai rir lrt " No l l . i.n ß it: Yi t , -. o " .. 'lli lu ',l :r : tid iraimn.l... C. D. Lt. , No. I Neutral. it/ SM ., . and ka• ntil..by , , - I.:. Y. jail JOIE% WATT .I' .1 bl l'hf. 711.7 .721' ' :.... . "1 '5 .1. I n n • r th n n 'A i nr m . ll ' nn.nrur.:447,17,,i).-3,,,7„,,...,„, , (l i_ L E d - E r ,.. ,- 5,g_4 .4 , 1 :5,, , i I•xs Cred A ti , n it sh D eli L e zi. i .i n .L. stare Et , t^ , or^ to r.• ...ton." - I , igicaL, fur chain enhie iron" ! 101 l . ..__ _ N't '''' " °6 '''''''''' . Arvg htttbY AP! to furl of and nelirer at the Nary art at Washington. 1/iPtriet of Co NUN. ttnaOrttati With' the terms of t h e attrertlee f t iteuL from the Non' 7%1,1 '41 " ffe " . rcrarn . atop of lbe err hot of Amerieta .mattoracturc, at t Itrate ---- mato ter amoutaliti to t-. • If tar offer be oceeptail, derthet be tollrearni through the poet ottleo -, and the contract to Le tent to the he , / aceut at -- fur extvulkak.. Very reaueettully. your otietiout Permit. A. 11. I. • - - ----_-_—„ _ i'''"'"T i 1 itOcERIEs. NEW, STOCK OF PIANos. , . ; ILI CA 111.11 rbrlrs. Young WA , . " ni ' " T'" .1 , at, . a. , ratty bore , " do. do.. Imp. Awl Ulm Olt . t .,,_ , u,, r,.., J0b , :t . 11 . ....)1;11 . 0r .a , 11 . 1 s Lot .. strq t. t, ba5 ,,,,,, ,` ,- Li re do Y. Haines. 0 Cu.. Vratt,l A. do. o , 4 P I7i.E.N "' I * DI7D ' mi,;''rovasi.'3'. - - I r ..rt . :h05e.,.0bi!r.:72,.T.7- 4— ' , ...... F.ao. . i% mar I•ArAJ•turr Mnty.. Ir. Gold. 1....1:s Lesaets of Memory. tCents of llrauty. : 10 ' 0,, 1.n0,,Y, lo ;tore .on 1.. r As!. by Coldort of MAJ... Art. Attiansoth. jut., .1011 V PARKER & CO. Friondalilys 011otina- Winter woo.. . - . . P... 11 "2.: i...sbik4 " 14.1. .., nflan lax.fa, .11 ICE- -20 tem for *ale ir,', • irsokostioir 0000.. Lit ) eV. AU. salami E a INGlllikll._ • I Eplooopal l•rayor Bon . lco, Aplenally hound. Jof...k PT... 41 k 4.. k. 0 4k... sr. .( 4 COA.R. & MOLASSES-3 6 MAN Sugar; For *ala at the I.DUCATI NAL 11006 tiTURft. d,o, od, Mutat at our. of *north '..,f' I:3ol.arrelaMoloors fur IlUallalla3t: a Vilalltail 1 IRUGS—In store and for sale by the 9nl, - tylNli - OW 0 LASS---2000 las oss'd sizes, Ay **Tibor. all of the ba‘f '1.. 1 14 , Balphato and Bootalo o llorldila. .. El.thratt's 1.r.0,1. f,,r Aar y 1 • • Illlalslillaillir 1 NGIIRAII unto Obeli.: .____. . -- - 1 I----,L,,UE—Tw,dry barrl.4 just received, and, "nom sans, . rfg - Attr • ' LA fo r -,. ~.. ~, ...,-,..,.. ON. WICK NREIIA3I . 9 , ,al:, eroani Tartan 1;or.of Wood 0 Allah mt.s , 1 -1 4 EAT IlliqtS--.4 1 I , aelca prime, for sale by „,... non nraurtaat, - 'Mar ntdanur , - „Ig - ra.ratt, IDALIU FLOUR..: - . .' i- fl ' i.. le rl K sC:tr ?e a, A f N o j ; L a l ale - t.Ty i .1. hi 7.7 tidoluirlsaninia num Caandarr. *46 •nd all-th ata 1: ,a, WICK a IIoCLNDOISS INSURANCE Tenn Mutual Life Insurance Co.: Plulad. — a. S,GENT IN PITTSBURGH, W:II. DAVIS, ,„,„ J. Flonoy,jr.. demamod.) No. ZollJhorty street; Ur the Letter anamiwnce of Pen... a'aidlne in. tha haver part of Co. city'. the Juant nay alao ho found daily, from 11 to 12 and 2 to n o'clock. at the mounting roost of J. hohannuaker Leo- No 24 Word stmt, where near. I y 'r ltr e tl7l ' :l l . ‘ . ' 7 U" plljr:•ftlirTit7rte ' rr2 hT m .,an p li I bwoMu. nt hourance. an y Llano fornta r turr. " alar% on appliction. capital 4tt,k roor $240.000 and ow:Mantis' Incnagng Pronto divided annually otoonaat tlono lunirai for life.. gltaburgh. Jou. 31. IF:A.—Jo:A Marine, Fire, and Inland Transportation Insurance. TILE Insurance Coot puny of North America. l'hihuh.lphin—Churtervd 1734: 'enoital SLOthu(o. Anartt inounr, So. Will tura, luxuraure on buildlog, nod their chotent+ in thim rity nod vleitoty; 1 ,1 •9 o i•roporty of P pt twr t n , nsto sod other fel...C/A. rii d hrr L ) ) toland trotuphrteitioou the 1.1111-LCIVP.M. Arthur II came. 1.r..1. Thomas I'. en, tallith.' W. J4ll, John It. Nu, l'ilirail Funtli. t! • Richard D. Wro.l. John A. Drum. William Weld, ennitiel F. Smith, Friniri.. limklnii. Samuel P.r/ak... S. Austin Allihoini, Cluirles, 'Sailor. Wu.. K. Bogen, Aube., Whit.. I hs.rge Arolontill. . Ja.n.li N. Tholln, 1an.... N. Dickson. ii.?lore. Wahl, 11. D. Sborrenl, Sec'''. ' This ix thoi oldest Insurance Cornmiu, intle thill....lStateli and fri.m Its high standing. long rapoirtuti.y., =Jolt. mi.aus i and Bedding all ride. of nn extra Inuardnus chamfer. It '" 6..."'''''" ''' 'frr t ' ll.r.P.lti . 7 , 73,V1ET. Tio .. . r a h"' Ine-' 4 No. 111 Venni strret. _ . . .. American Life and Health Insurance Co. for Pitixburyh Fifth &WI , . Smith lirl4. Pwmytth.t. conthinln, all nt...l%ary infuthlation r. Iw tho far AO Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Co., OFFICE, IN NORTII ROOM OF TIIE EX CHANGE, Third Philadelphia_ f Statont.nt of the Allaa. of Ow Company. it . ix ii!iticti In n - .nt.:rtult with provi.lon of ita Charter. dneino .. ,ar Ovuther ii Ft. On Marin.. and !a1.:1,11E3.4, r?Y2. , 06.2.4 Fxrneil Fir. Iti.ks Fr to th• yen, en•loy Or. ,thome and Inland ' On 01"11!=!I Sr., Attrina t ILaturand Inland N•rwatiott Una,. $ll7 7 a. lire GSM= 11,1n.urhnn, A.reue, wsue, Rov.. Snlarit, S.tionrt, - .ffr orb tfillne hennerlvenhh vothhel etre.h. hirt-hur,b Prrem,w Ituarwuee will be ft, ot.lhel with le.te of the Cutuieefll by • Western Ituntrance Company of Pittsburgh. A I'IrAL $300,000. MILLER. Jll.. tll enstnet Lnele ewe,. Fl, end All leen, will he Ilhennt/ wilnnwl tw011h ,, , , lend A A be Inetitatlen—lnanx. , l lenwrtore who Ix, well . known Ito de. ...nova) hnn are pron3PlLle/e and tuelntun the cheroot, wtoeix the) Inter tweunted. often.; C-r men erwteetieu to Owe, I ' who glee., tot 'lleum, Stiller. Jr.. clen. Meek. J. IV Butler. N • 11,nee.e. Jr.. IVrn. 11 H01m.... C Ilion.en. nee It' Jleck_w.n. Writ. 31 1., en. Jame, Unpin/eel. ueerge Gene. Jenne. it• , Attlee. Alex. Nitolek. Thee nentt intim. No. /. ' Wt, Amer. Cenrehouwe •••l • ellenht ent,ll y Cw. lln 'helm tyltibursh. Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comp'y tiFFICIi, NORM 1101.1.N1 OF TILE EN• CH, i F.. Thad , Ire.,! En. i c.c,,,,,,J...—nu11.11rF,... 11rrrl,mulLw, and t.tber S7lZlr, ud Tuh.unn,. Intund ir -I naras tlN.'l n Nf 4.—ow o ot ml . pnaduu. r Co. nm, i 0p04.. and Frrlght.. forrtgu or enn...l.wion "Inn Monism diono Th,-rourntox elo. insurn Ilerobandio ttmo.pornd I.r Itaillrond ram I.lnnal end nver and tato.. on must Illon.l Dnurror....--Jarpli u. ,011., Mun.' .1. Sander, John IL IZolon't Dorton, John n. INnroe, Earoncl I.4lwnnlN lien,go !'dwarf Dninn6nno. Ifaao••It Jola, Hrnliu. 'Ur. JP. , . L. lam!. Tho.oph:lon l'Auldoo4. Jon,. :Wan. 11,1:1, Cram . neon, rrlii. ,poprer 51,11,nn. Chnrlo.., J Jnlmo,n. Sin:. In JO. 1.3 - te..lr I Nlor,n. flugh John T A1nt.,04 nre.l:lcnt. Tnry r l:nw AN. Secrotnry 04.4 nrvt cl 71, Cormna,,.. Nn 3^ Wet., I I. A )lADIOIIIA. Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Ethilad'a. (:Irles W. Ilaneker, Geo. If 1) Itoi.nla. Th...711nr, Mgr...cal D. r. Adnlidn. Rnrio . tn,nt, inr.nly II Small, Pale, kn. lIANCR. ER, 1•71,,,d,n1. u". it ll,Erto rretnre Thie Compete! ,t1131:M! tt, make I en^aM-et. t.ernerelst hteiteel. ...mph°. a I,pertv In tee - n thl eantntrt at mtee e: we ere rethoetent erlth wennt, The Crthpatty Lnt• h rteree , l n .e.tungeh , funl. tehleh, with Ole t'nhit.3l end I•n.minm•. emfi.t heettel. afford mph. pretrehon h• the u•nnd. The oseette nt the i'ettitette,, nn Jtnunry O. 11111, llth.4lagrernh), to the 4, a A. ethhly, ,terr ru.k.4j,••• Mere_.... Rtal Y.A.at• .... . Lc.r.% ir.•••• ia,rpmratir.n. 1,-nol tiltp•teeti they Fare paid tirerani% ••:llur• IlitE•rlr•4lll••ii.and Irollan 1.•••••• • •7y Ow. by stfonling em, of th, I n.nnov - e. v well • Ur' ability and dig• n "' PrT.llrNtilltilt=ng..lll. . . . mat corm r of Wontl and MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE I:S.SUiI. ANC': COMPANY, ?to Market etreeto Newark. T. and No. II Wall ?tn.. N. V. ArrUMUlatell Imoette 51.(41/.».).dmding Win) 30 to M pro. ern) milt 1) , )).)))).) The rulmoo1), will meeire ornheallona Inamotnee »» Ike) lu the ab , r , e »»e.o.),(»I I nauranerCompouv; the who)) ''"Vl l l b .l7q ' .17): 1 :1 0 N • • )14 No. 111 Fmnt L -- ‘! ~ t w& .u... 1.~+~"~'i MISCELLANEOUS TAP. --' O brie. N. C. Tar fur sale b Y uag 'Hainn - DUE INtUTE.LII ) LACK TABBTVELVtiff,d a very su- P"i" pa 11 . 4RV1 N. E. nor. Fourth and Market sto EINE GAUZE FLANNELS--3lurphy Inrchlield hate on bander. nmmtment abut, ;cod, 1. Saxony, lceleh, and M.melrtie don alAo, Vide Flannel, for Shrouding. lads (T'I'ER FRENCH BLACK C.LOT 11S--- - 1 Morph) Ilurchteld bestow erten-lad Attention on the above department uf their huAinem, und 'write per.. 101011 nu cluthe of any dmA•ription tn doe them a rail before pureharing. jail • • - ITERMIFUGE. Dn. CLUAINATED. y oth, g Rw fur rale 11 J. 111 - VD it 3a1.1 11 gal 0 • II N' E 1"1 LLS, I4t , N.I.EBRATED, 3110 gcmle for eat , . by 1•11 KIDD k • IT IA LA CORKS-150U gross f, by V min 1,11,10 it CO . - - Q - POStIE-2 eases fine, an,; I bale extra I. mar.. for .Ale by pas J. 1:1111; aCO - _ 1.4 1 I'SONI SALTS-15 heals tor sale by A' jack J. Ii 1115 0 Co hl ` ' Nllll.l ES—Fifty barrels Family Flour: AuiA,llne Clone . .}1,10.1A fi ne dm Jr Imehelr Br; Apple, I brl ug, lust renal red and 1., rnlr la, 1.1113. It xtr Co & Co 1 IIIRY ' S'i'RIWPIIEIIOL 'SIbrsnIe by 11, 1.. rout* per inatle. trill . _ 11 ANCY sATixrrs FOR BOYS' WEAR. Murphy ItunMPAMI Inch, , the attention of than Mann goals for 1.0 re wear. to their a.....rtiurnt of View I mid other At) les of goiodr Adapted GT thin par t .... Jain - VIVO( /L---.1211..411 paid for 'Wool I,y k V 31,10 3111111.11 Y A I.IIE. ru.., Liberty 0 just re- Ilia,. FLANNEL— eOn 0-nor on band and r.r .ale I.y ..16 NICIII.III s LEE. D LAN K Rl's--Sin leamd double bed, steam plont, crib, and coatiniblatakete bi nut, bv into , 11:1:1`nY it LKE. FrWEEDS —Three eases assorted 'tweeds ) lo.t nvelred fn. menutbeturcrs, BLe Axle by Juin Allllll l lll LEE I , MAC—Two tons Sumacfolr sale by irr3 J no“ MIIRPIII . 0 LEY. ( . I ,.. l..tSS , : . . l S— ,,,,n. Fifly ,: tivr r ~.t h w lsinew crop. per 1,11.7.F11.1.. 00 Ater At • ri n i P (IIIACCO-8 bus No Imo, t ktriAt, received 11. rye .termer Brilliant. and for sale min JAMES DA bZE L. AS Water rt. lIRAN DIES. WINES, GINS. AC. 31 , VW( pipe. tfmmlar Brandy, `Tale And Park." 11.mlo de. do do 9.4 r.. various rind's. 111 110 do. and mrod erIekATMAI brand.. i i pipe. tiin. - Bohlin• Anchor' and . 110 i punch.- u. Irish and Or e Nun WhiAkey. • JArnaltAt Boon. • 11; 10.1.. S. K. de .10. r. do Madeira Wine • di. Saret Mmlara W... I . ..I in , lir, o. de. I 11/ rite,' t in.., .Z.1.1.11....11ert.emx Clan, in Atore and for rase h, .1011 N iant SAM- 1). TO la g, AR D.—'rwentv brls and I;ft..en keg: , b,r .ale Fr ,CS. ,I111111:11 R 11110:ES TOLD PENS. We hare nnhand a Q la., Mark ni the Pen, It'll th.l.Lultug nnoularL•ne. Srlw an.l to nnl.r. ‘ , 01 6:01,1 Cr.,.. and Jiver In a.v., ani•t, I,mtirtne I`entl All r‘r male arbol,tal, atrl n•Lall at Nea York a 11.1 st N fSON IILAMS.—_ bozos revived and V aal.• I , A F. DOWIIEK lANtiANESE. tir •ale 41...A1 J. KIDD A• \ ST E ICS d O ' , NT M A E k N i T n — , :i. (~r oss RD OIL-4 bbli for gale v • 0.1, J 1.:111n A CO Dili IRON —Fifty ton., BrusliCreeiFurnane • 1.1., br L i itoltI,LIN.1.11T11.1: S CL/. s U N DR I Ei 11 R Rutter; fre. Roll Buer; Inl.l aelle , rvo.inL.l Ly R 0111,• . Su, • L LOW . Fifty fort' receik-.1 and for sale I . by L'.lt A BAIINI:S • Illolll`s. •—fine thowand tuts just ree,ived 1 ., r 1.00, Lad. and f,r•ide -111111,1 R 11 , 11tNK: IV IZAITINI; AND ritiNinsi; PA PER • f.kr •11,• in •Lao. mc.ll quint 30 0. 11 It AIt:HALL I I lOTTON.N i I es 5 1,4 lauding front the , ...It,. r I,AIAII II A. 111.. .t.. r and !runt AliD AND STERINE. 14 t; Ltd. N,, 1.4a.1. ,rrar. !Amboy fr.iu .4,amer ISAIAH Int% /.11 • nas, . 11 1, 1 ,. ;:rt, ; ‘ NI ., f1y i ‘ , T ., 111i1L1) , 1:: ,, 1 , : 4 „ ... II . I / F EATa:s. 16 sackg uoir 1,0" tiliAtk.l aoi. I 101. D. SILVER. ItANK NOTES. SIGIFF 131 rt.., Tim- loan , Lot adia Etor .l / 4 , • Ar,.1.1t1 Vo•••,o olMann.. 1.1. c riara•O fal•cnal•lo t•01t.... Li, Wotan.; 61,8.1E1: ARNOLD 1 CO. _ _ So 74 Fourlß•trusL 1 . 'Li BSC It 1111: IL IN T E sf Barry hauls sul sYtyyry I. Ly G., t, ay .y.Y . I n. yyt Iy.s. LLylyr sysl Brasers I, AL syls ItyXl4. 51.•.1. %Gus.. tysyl U. ssl. Ly I G.VION ENECA —Five brl. re,elvetl, for sule AI yleL, 3L GIC Ell A BA 11N42. 13 I , TTI:II. Five brl, mud b.n jur, prin.. roll Luger. S"` t"`"1, u.taNrso.. . . X:. O. MOLASSES. Fifty brls, k 1 zirri,e, fsr Yale by A BA n\l o . ) L10 k 1 ., 1 E 1 ,1 1 1 1 N k - l h t: T. A supply nolo II GILA:I:TUN I lIHN hundred bur ju,ot 2 Naml lor Yaly. IIT VER A BARNES vorrux FLANNELS—A further ,upply • ‘",.'l"ls`h.- LEA F—Fiftv ltufldleo Frpnelt, Florrnco. Dutch. (fold and Sifror Loaf. for ',lle Or J Elf1100:.:11.AKEIS A f'o. W40..1 of. COLOIIS-5 brls Itnse axonolods 10 Clare. 1 cih c eni Droo'n: .alp try i.. 1 J SCHOONM AK El: k C” \EII3IILLION —TriPgte, Chincw, Ameri honcrisd I'on:WM.ll. for oat, by .1 g . 110DN:\11.11i1:n A CD 1, 1 SSENT IA L 011,S-1 can Oil of S:a...fro , : of Laorndro., I earl 1)11 I,rrnar,-. 1 can of of ///:19 : / , 311 Oil of Bernamot 11m OD of Cloy., and I 6... a OD of Drotoo Jog) r00 .0 . ,1 Kr Y. 1.. by J f.CIWONMAk.r.V. A CO lIRUSSIAN }SLUE Tenboxes No. 1. for ) , T Jail/ .1 , 1 1 - 1101)SMAKEI: h. CO. I ABU OIL.-:::Lard Oil of a w.uporior quality, You•tualy E.n hand 1.4- yalt. by jOl. l 1,01011 1 , 1 , K1-11 a ay.. Wm., l F, a , a , „ ta , ( .2 0 10 ul I. SlArt:1101.0 a St/NI. filUTTELL—Thirty kegs and six brls fresh butter ynyt rmy•l‘Y.l .Klll4. nay by yalo .1, N. 1/11 . .L0C11117.11 a CO. Ul: A It—'2l hilds N. O. Sugar for sale by -- nw..,; 1111. W N a IiII:KVATRICK. 141 Übe., (1. EIV RAISINS on consignment for sale../ty 1 1110WN KIIII.II I ATIIIIII. Fl El/ WIIISREV. I 111 1101A1110 Whirl...y.ln 00re and for fair hr 18101 JilllN PAIIKEII 4 INI. OLASSES.-25 tals Sugar House, St. bow. Itennempirt rrerivrri. Plla for re b J. 11.1 11011Ein I/AU-ELL GO.. I.lbe al y rly rtrret. I ItEASE LARD—Twenty brie Grease Lard Rale 1., Mkk • • 1) ItIED I'EACILES—Threc hundred bar n. in atorii, •atid hof nal,. br .11 $. it W. fiAltriAttill.• tEAF I,Alt1)--I'rime Cincinnati Leal Lard / ixat at in knot rot family w i •i i. in a nt . riIIIREE PLY AND INGICAIN CARPETS. W 31Kilintoca Invitro pun.hwrii to the large., sal Wortmvot Tbrce• 1 . 10 and Ingrain I.:ary..h. ro ever bunht to thin market• and rbwiirr than an) of tin• rastern ritkii. We Intl., all to :all and examine en, at No II Fourth sitrevi and TO W.'s) Anat. . . . .. . . ... .10 W. ItIrCI.INTOCIa. 81 - rlNnols - lIANGINGS.—W. 111cClintork , offer, to thaw w Adaig, lo I! o rI Iln" , a , a , 1.. 4 .Am' - atownt of :ann. Ilehon. Datua,l,, of the new .al and heat rail.... at radne..l orl/..a. fall at the Cariwt 'Warr! i hot,. \n ~ f,,ortli .I.i ..d. Jan., i . The Old Printing Establishment, ATE Johnston and Stockuln's, and Blank 1 e.,!,,,, :: .::: '1 ,.:Pe7. ' ' ' ' ' ,. r iTii . .- ' 7. 15' ii . 7i,'" .. 11‘,..: 'hn 7.1 . ...17171 r ei7j,';',.11.81:ei ilk Idatn and foroo,h 1 . N..1, article. in the Wank ika.t. 1,.., an,d mationer, Ilne, et tar fltorteat untie, and on - the Incrat ren.onable ter., Blank 11f.d.: and ntationery ITarelontne. corner of IlarLet I nod Swevu,l otavela prlntina °Mee said Itook Ifindery, No 113Thinl LL. jag 1 Li TRAW GOODS.—ii. M. Greene & Co., • i Alaintfaaturera of korelou and omealle Gooda, ~.1 the attention of buyer,. to then. D aunt, for t ladles and I aub.ara. They 'will f der Italurelnenta In a great varlet, of at, le, ke., to purettnaerg also buy tot the Manufactures,' 1 packatEr. Saanl,ley aslnblhal at thelr gore, No. Ma Pt-arl ' !Areal... lup rtafra I Na'. York • dt.r . 21,40 . . 1.1 11 ASKING, COLLEC'fIN(I AS I 1 BX- : .Cat ANIIE ItiT111: --N. 1101.11-Ez 0 af ff!, , . No 1,7 S art...t aina.t. Pllnd.or,4ll. Kaeltange on all the .t.a..tern 1•11.1 W ...tern ellien for .I*. Oolleetlont made In all the prinelnal pla.,. in the Union. Notna umnitadv.,t flanks od , dialoontwl. N..!!! and Time 1,1110 negodlated. 1.1 1 . . .. .. . IIC I.IIA B URGER PASTE. 4 gross 01 that • i tuner?, article for teat.. and shoe, rrnderini! then , ..r`r ha.tly Ter pnruf. and pliable aa, a Owe, f Cloth. Tina ; article la warvantad to /maw., llw purnoaeo r,re....nted. or '!_the money refunded Vor rate• w hulealle anit retail, at 7 and V Wood rarwat. - I .41 .1. a If. PIIILLIPS. I , . --: . . ry}..A Ve Altls—Lnglish di American Britan nia Tea S.l.t.r. Platni do,: Plated Waken.. Candleathdta. I . nufferantal Tray, Plated Cr.. twat quality Ivory Md. ! arra Handle 'labia Cutlery. Fllfel . Veal, Spoura, and Hut ! ter Knivew Plated anf Garman! littver Porka nod If ram:: Tablr alata: Tea Tr.,. of flue r , :1. manufacture. highly ornamented!. Plaled Trava of beautiful paten.. I a vary allperlor Powder for Cl. , and pallid Ida.] • wart, Brush... for eleatilna. Maw& attn.,. Feather Dotter, Fr. , , . • .. • . litciincata—goyer . • 'n•lrbratell Manic. Kitrhon, about the elan hat. width .1111 unto mßrr, molt. beef pfrak. ulster., or an' thing ..In4j n ten minute*.• For b, . W. W. %V I I.SON. ha t Locket end Fourth al • 10 CASKS MALAGA WINE; • w b se ' Amo n, In ',viral, rd., on ,raorimnomt LO bete Clover e.-exl. hbda 'NOMolara.u. pr Into coop r; ir, 39 haw liroo.rd Oh • • 114 . f:boll &Mon 100 ban Clair. LO Lrlf Timothy .!!erd: on band and for sal. pr BROirti FaIIKPATRCEL. la3l I. • Ufa Llbrrbr =met -:~.. L;-.z:,. BOOKS. MUSIC &1.. NEW BOOKS AND MAGAZINE... Graham's Man-sine or 310.1141. with 1,41 Payee: Ilurticultrb , t, for February: Cultivator,' 4.4 Mlikt'fe cbx Lawlitiha: a. tale, 3(ethanies Icomeuuf 'lame'. by Gran. :kind r. Dome Inlinsore:lrk fur naoJtherm daughtern Mother's Reerauta.m... bt Grace Aguilar. telf.bart•plimv or the bi.tor, the humor lfrart. by Mn. Mira a aural: Hear, ....meatuv. by it. James. E fur rele el HOLMES' Literu'y DeMt. lb f o f Of febll Q. - PLE,NDID .NEWtake PIANOS -1,1 it. ti li KB Eli ke.. plem.tire In an- - i.:=:• ... " 1 ununnut that he Inc. tu ce .l "pencil •" • 1 . , y / ! Owlet. lhauto tit the lebratedmake i d N wow I flans awl Di %Ilan. New lurk. which. ith thaw iin im0d.,...v. the moot elegant. I rated, and este. • re shark I ever offeted in tin. till • 1 A inapt littler, iine culcudid 7°l s,. double ea nd Marto. I.nult XIV et, le. with the new lm 11144 elawla 11f the wit.. rtrinvi. the latest and nine! Important luilitnrciietihi to ta' timid ouir on Na m. a Clark, Plano*. Alma. Iwo ouperb .E.ilian A11.11111,1l l'uwit LIS. IL—Au exteuilve lin or New 71Incir.o:inlinicing Jenne Cud'.. and the clinic...l new .I F ., Polka., Wat 0.... A, 4 ,ItiN OF Tilt: thiLliLN 11.1111 i, 101 Thiel Ph. - 1/AI4 R. :It—Foil, l'aeket, l'oniniereial and 4.lllSrto Nu( and mid Cap Pew,. a Inriie ',uppity& all ilaa line, tilled and plain, I. i ... • a In., tie . ale nu Ilberal .at wilt W. th I A VMS'S v oTEs A NI) ORA El'S.—Engrnved and il titercutraph Note. awl limit, of wcet Ichautiful ilw r' int In 'h.'''. "r \ l ' ' '' i , + "l LP. , tl ' 7. 'r ri " lllit ' nll=ltirt . i . re, )."r lan3i (Nw Market aud th. tal Ala . ( Atnetinntn. intirnal. and loan cup, i I , IT 'TING I! , :li.—Arrh.ld's Writing Fluid, i ll, T Copyinglmi ILd Ink. hl. Wm Chihli:nil Fluid awl Red Ink. Harr min'et•iluinltau Ink —rinl .101 black. Ilciwn a Thiimpcou'e 11.UP.1,641 ink -black, mearlth and F red renoh Camilla+ lot. For fah. lit IV • lIA V I:N. NEW NOOKS CLASSICAL DICTIONARY; 1:7 A new rhood,aldletlonary rf Orel.k and !Inman bin trrli,hPrT'b'fbUk'git brat ull ley Malin :ait!) 1.1.. 1.1....1it0r0f Ihrllonarlea r G(01.4'. and Roman A at and ..1 and Roman Jlio,..tpb) and Mott,: with outuen.u. romellona and addltion, Ii i n Anlbon. LI.. 1' far of the 4.1r00k and Latin Latn.uage. , tidunitda The Lib. and Correapus.d..um. llob..rt ; edited by ILL! .on, the 11.. b. Cherie. Cutnbort .... , outhey. M. Cu rate Of l'lumblaud; Cutularland full bound cloth, nub po `tiff of 1.11.• LK , and 1 - .. , ,rfrep , ndcnre of Itnbert F4u. Litt, of the tttirt , to of t+or.thtul. ttrid En glith trltrlth thr regal murt.t.mfinn oftirrat Thltsitt. ..ttowtt Striektarkl.autht.rpf the •• I.lvre of tho of Ettoltml. •ni I . Peehtst...f Popery an.l it. Cnorc oAdAnxs &HT n.I in the linnt.lna, I.l.ernnen.nn rvening J. 13. ual. Lr Iter. N. Morn, P. P . . . Thealxnel4,ka 7tset rerem‘l, and Inr 1ni117 , 1 17.1 - .74114711N, No. 47 Market 4. plAso FORTII on:, 11. NUL,- 7 .1 nienl stNet, an 4 nt.w Oen for 7ale. a !strap tml pelected etork 1. 1 -1 1. 1 ,3 4 e l ny , ' II nno , rte., :him the tuanurnet.,..(l l lllelertn. It‘ettnn. In .4nels he 'mite. 111.• attenlem nt pun-ha...or, Throe Ina. n. 4 aro Int,ria44) onld II priers, ved,4ll on,o ,Orn J. 01 1, 1 I, teen prrltt 7 e,n risk, Orld In all en-. trarrantnl. 01,11.1• am. take. nart 44,141 , n 1 ,11 11 e , fpli . 0 11 11 Attll.l.lllt. A .ent for the wale or Clalekerinas 1 1 sa:e. lt ...I. Pa.. • 1 ”../•1 A NEW CLASSICAL DICTIONARY r: , ..k r at;.l ... l:otn . un m i n lierphy, NI) tlmlnc.y. anti an. tr. V.2A4.11 r ' l 4 .l ' l ' , Ihn:4 l ,,,! 'r rlzz -r , ' „;;;;;, k ut.",7 1., I. It quo,. of S,llAnd an .1 Endinh PrinAn.m. Its - .ntrirkland 'rtt.. Lire awl roynn.prallenn. of Snutbey. by the U. C. 50nt1...,. NI A. 1 mu, The Ihvitur of. Pein.ry. trni It. Cow., An Adam... dr 11,etn.1 the 110.0.1.ny Intemmein. mt lArdnemlny ,ren. I. 4 ..lAnnnm lb. 1001. by 11/, N. Murray. I/ 11. nnvive.l and nal.. 1., It. 1191•KINIt. 74 Ago.11olIn1),Innn, Fourth rt. 11C 311'SIC— tVt•IAHtl 1z...e1l 31aLltm... mlehrat...l Juru trcto 0r..r.. t ,,, u , nda. k ' 2i, ° ,„ " ,1 " ..4V.g Alley r isfr. C, r.~lr. . . W{, .2V Imm the thl.aglit, r.',l St 7 , ltth- Oman htnial, a fat..rtto and Innehing halitzt M. La.( youn.l..l.the narm [tam lotest lb., hen 8011. sr &tit WA moschit...r.uett Alin! KAt..I. 15.. C. ;1151. , ..1..14.1,11,111a Dann, .I..nwAt 4ml.l..annit—,otopkte I h ;1 1 " . '" lA cl;N1. In. I,lk, 11.. ,1,• PALA lAII, AAvlri—Aerea , I•nA goadrills. ItAfflp.A3cA PARA 4 Co1,11,n• A Lev Eslitl.ti r.f Ilaut..o I.l.trucno, Atth ...3Annmul pAg, 4:wt. Cso...hlqn ta. the Hsu. Furl, Prtmer t-44y Lr JOIEN It ,t 11 —1 Tel, 1 . An - % .4 Nu./ Ham, weok lit kt WS AT fIULNI i NI It.rar T le.y.t. JA,74pito ,Ivry of the El,rl I It, It J0t..., E., M,[iati • I.n. tinl oiusti • Ilate—a reutt-1 ,hata,undal , Ily Nlrt II Inttu n rz Inr tlr.. Mar,kurJahnlnn 11~.Al/yarn , . for 1,1 MSgiNEI=M New Books, just received. TUE 11.1,1..1 tlti• e Golrr lovasuu.sr. ar. , 40a./11 la.,,mtwr. au t.r..1...41.4, sobAtrulte. awl...Ur,. It ANtIIrIC 11. 11.41.4. I 0.4. =to. Causo,l 11ann...,111..;rar °wild I Sol s.° kI/.1 Cout,t, cbann• U. Ilarla', J. flrlluunL. 122=122: 1:411Sr ; •Ileoml.tts.: a ••••ssuvl t•• - llutar Intluents " 1.1. oral, "s o -tiller. • IluFtalse ssslScasrual. Pll., st )Is•rtss,saut rnsperrs:lg . •• Just rs•r sale- 1:, II 111111%1N, ua • '1 7 1 . Ass•ls. P.4lrth st NEW BOOKS! , st , RElVii . LA S TIN, ECLISII A t ent....1 14.1, Er, ha, IVIIII,un • ttb avrtrction• (~.m ILe 1. nO.u., a 11,..t.et, F. L I, 41. •Nr.. tvor twit,,, tr. pr'r.torrl oar rrftorr of tra,'l ti,m,rat, the f•andr, kb no IlArt , fort ralarr Arm.* of Tioirtteiris. BY Itr. T Ch ,, rer, f•• tn. Whale and hsr Captor' , " With 1[11,1111 1 , 1 . ro e • c a 114mr influenr.— 13, Advt.cf. r.,,:ert-,a.- 1 , 4 .1, , to.. rorU Ir. C Srocl.'llPN:7: ITrf. , ,t,J A lair rir.. IJIA l'E li,lll, AIC BOOKSL,STA`'I'IONEKY P.ver ,•( •11 r 131.4 0,1 0.113.1,1ur RIO u hit , . • . . txon , r, Fron...ft aWI Atnerwxn. fan,. and ftanle. for tt . ILAN I.:!.....Statfonvr. Stu-kr, at.